#merry arm mas
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Just in case my feelings weren't clear ⭐👄⭐
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smiledotdeer · 2 years
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(( I didn’t get a present yet (my family one is late) so I decided to give myself a gift. I did That Thing people in this fandom like to do where they take official art and plaster their own glow-ups over it!
I admit, I'm phoning this in a LITTLE bit. I definitely could've done better with Chester and I could've done more with the chair and desk, but I'm tired and impatient and gonna post this as is for now.
I DID make it move, though, so that’s a fair trade! ))
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amoodybun · 2 years
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 I hope you all get some time to unwind and chill with family after another wild year. I am very tired so have this holiday T-rex.
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teastainedprose · 4 months
Too Sweet - Ch. 1 (Cooper Howard x Reader)
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A settler selling wares in Filly catches The Ghoul's eye. Inspired by a Tumblr post asking for an angst fic to Hozier's Too Sweet. 1,753 words | [AO3] No warnings yet, only innocent flirting. Banner from @eupheme
The first time he spots you, Cooper thinks nothing of it. Sure, you look a little less worn down compared to the usual rabble roaming Filly. Certainly scrubbed a little cleaner than most but so were the rest of your companions. The lot of you are a curiosity for sure, but he's seen plenty of attractive women over the ages and known a handful carnally. He's not the sort of man to let a pretty face distract him. No, you don't get a second glance from the ghoul as he goes about his business. 
It's not until your laughter catches Cooper by the ear that he starts paying attention. Jerks his head right round at the sunny sound, attention diverting from the bounty board as he watches you engage with a customer. You laugh again, a merry delight that lights your face right up while the elderly woman you're chatting with laughs along. She's made brighter for being so close to you while you've suddenly become the sun in Cooper's eyes. A brightness he has to squint at when he looks over again to drink you in. His long-dead heart decides that it's about time to do a little flip.
That's a sensation he's not keen on feeling. Cooper hums under his breath, frown settling on his worn lips. He tugs the brim of his hat lower, turning away as he tries to focus on the task at hand. No good can come of fancying any sort of infatuation on a smoothie like you. You're not the sort of creature deserving of the trouble he could bring.
Yet Cooper finds he can't quite help himself. Wasteland life is full of little pleasures and looking at you sure counts as a bit of pleasure. Why not indulge?
The rest of the day as he sits waiting for a client to show, his eyes flicker over you. Wherever you're from, it's certainly kinder to you than what most folks in the Wasteland see. You almost look as soft as some fresh-faced Vaultie, but he can see that your hands are well-worn as you exchange produce for caps. A farmer of sorts. Homesteader.
He listens with a keener ear to the gossip swirling about you and those in your group. A little settler band situated out east, closer to the mountains and closer to what manages to grow green. He picks up that your lot wanders in every few weeks with produce to sell, or trade to stock up the settlement the collective group runs. 
Idly, he wonders what horseshit sort of ideology your commune might be sunk into, but if you're looking to spread a new sort of gospel none of your ilk seem keen on sharing it here. You're a welcome addition to the economy of Filly and it's clear that many enjoy the taste of hope this band of settlers bring in with their harvest. Cooper figures that's indoctrination enough from the harsh reality the Wasteland offers up.
Cooper finds himself wandering over to Ma June's place under the pretense of stocking up on supplies. There's suspicion in her eyes as he drops his intended purchases onto the counter but that's not out of the ordinary. There's always suspicion in the looks Ma June gives him, but she'll take his caps all the same.
"Say, now what's with that group of lil' farmers hauling in their produce like that? Can't imagine those soft-lookin' sorts making their way all the way here unmolested," he drawls out. His smile is crooked as Cooper counts through his caps to pay.
"Settlers, but the well-armed sort. No point in trifling with them. Too well-liked here for their fresh food supply they haul in," Ma June pulls the caps towards her, gaze fixed on the ghoul as she mutters. "They'll trade with ya, but keep out of their business. Ya hear?"
A hum escapes Cooper as he considers this, leaning onto the counter while glancing out the dusty window towards where you stand at the stall. He casually stashes his purchases into his saddlebag while going on conversationally.  "Well- Is that so? They a regular sort of fixture here in Filly now?"
"Have been setting up that stall going on half a year now. Surprised you've yet to come across 'em. Best cherry tomatoes you'll find in the Wasteland." Ma June eases back, arms crossing over her chest as a sour look settles in place on her worn face.
Another speculative hum escapes Cooper as he digests this information before he tips his hat to Ma June and goes on his way. Which happens to lead him straight to your stall.
Once there, Cooper casually plucks up potatoes, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and okra. All of it looks as vegetables should, the sort he would have found at the grocery store before everything went to shit. 
"How much for this lot?" He sets the small bounty atop the open space on the stall. Cooper gives you his Hollywood smile that would charm the pants off of any woman in bygone days, except now his face is a leathery wreck and his teeth are yellowed with age. Most people instantly flinch away in disgust.
Not you.
You smile like the morning sun towards him as you step closer while dusting your hands off on your pants. The bit of dirt smeared on your face only seems to enhance your features in Cooper's eyes. The look you give him is almost shy once you meet his gaze, smiling warmly up to him. 
Cooper finds that curious. He's familiar with a scowl or grimace of disgust when anyone looks him in the face, but here you are gracing him with an easy smile. A customer is a customer, he figures, and he'll do well enough. Yet, your friendliness doesn't feel like an act. Even after all these years, Cooper Howard still can clock other actors.
"Fifteen caps for the whole lot, but I'll throw in an extra sweet potato for the smile." You wink. Wink right at him as your smile grows. "They're good for ya, handsome." You add casually, the smile tugging up further into a cheeky grin. Your expression shifts. Playful. Coy. Interested.
Ain't that something? Cooper doesn't falter at the full force of your attention. He's too old and worn for that, but he sure does grin right back with a twinkle in his eye. Even an old ghoul like him can enjoy a pretty thing like you openly flirting with him.
Now that he’s heard it, Cooper decides your voice is sweet as a silver bell. The sort of soothing tone that reminds him of rain softly pelting a windowpane. It's the sort of sound that makes him wish to stay and listen for a while, tucked into the warmth that he suddenly wants you to offer up. He wants to get you talking to hear more. Wonders how he can coax you into a conversation.
That’s a fucking stupid idea. Cooper mentally shakes himself free of the passing fancy, head tilting ever so slightly as he peers down at you from the shadow of his hat. "Mhm. Ain't trying to get me hooked now are you, sweetheart?
"Something like that." 
“Well now, reckon vegetables ain’t the worst sort of vice a man can get lost in.” Cooper still can’t help himself. He lets his eyes wander right down your body before flicking back up to your face, what sort of vice he’s pondering made clear.
That flush on your cheeks blooms all the hotter as you laugh for him, the sound an utter delight when directed his way. You smile, sweet and shy now as you pluck up a hefty sweet potato to set beside the rest of his purchases. 
“Oh, well-” You start, stop with a small shake of your head as you smile all the wider. Utterly disarmed.
Cooper counts out the requested coin with a speculative hum, mirth sparking in his eyes as it seems he’s rendered you speechless. It’s down-right adorable if he’s being honest with himself. You’re a right little temptation he’d like to play with further. A dangerous thought.
Setting the coins onto the counter, he's swift in sweeping up his new bounty and stowing it all away into a pouch within his saddle bag. This close you're too bright and Cooper knows he's in trouble. Best to break away before you pull him into your orbit in full.
“You take care of yourself now, sweetheart,” Cooper drawls. He tips his hat towards you and turns away with spurs clicking. You watch him go, cheeks still flaming.
You know who he is. The Ghoul, the most famous Bounty Hunter the radiated Wastelands has to offer. You've heard all the rumors and truer tales about him all your life but nothing could prepare you for seeing him in the flesh. A dangerous sort of creature. A man who always brings his bounty in. 
You'd been watching him all day, stealing glances as you work. Now that you've seen him up close and personal? You're down-right fascinated. He’s nothing like the monster the stories painted him out to be. At least, he certainly wasn’t monstrous to you. There’s something captivating about him. Charming, even. 
You’ve seen ghouls before, of course. You know their kind as some live on the settlement with you. The majority end up shambling and ungainly, limbs no longer listening as the radiation rot wars with their regeneration abilities. A confusion that makes most of them uncoordinated and awkward in their transformed bodies, but The Ghoul? He’s got a swagger to his step that reminds you of those cowboys you’ve seen on ancient holotapes. 
He’s been lurking at the edge of your awareness all day, your head cocking in his direction to listen to the cadence of his voice as he bartered for bullets and talked business outside of the bar over yonder.
A thrill had jolted through you the moment he started to move towards your stall. The nervous energy thrumming through you had been made all the worse when you met The Ghoul’s gaze for the first time. A woman could find herself lost in such eyes and you’d certainly tripped right into them. Boldly meeting this stranger’s gaze and enjoying every second his attention was on you.
Shame he left so quickly. You sigh, turning back to count out bottlecaps he’d left as you turn your attention back to work. Best not to think about it. You’re unlikely to see that legend ever again.
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multifandomgirl08 · 9 months
Nikita's First Christmas [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: Nico's first Christmas with his baby brother
Warning(s): Google Translated Dutch
A/N: This was supposed to be something a little short for the Holidays but I got a little carried away.
Max's gift idea to the reader is taken from @xhopelesslyromanticx's Lando imagine; A Birkin Bag for Y/N. I mean the idea of Max buying the reader a Birkin, I kind of couldn't help myself. This isn't beta read.
Words: 1.8k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max was happy to be home in Belgium for the holidays. After a long season, and Nikita coming into the world a few weeks before Christmas and the New Year, he was happy that his second son would experience the holidays with them even if he didn't remember it.
In the fog after Nikita's birth, neither you nor Max had the time to wrap Nico's presents. Sophie had come over to "help" with Nikita, while Max and Nico went to pick out a tree for the house so all of you could decorate it together. Sophie had helped wrap presents and even fed Nikita while you took a nap. Sylvie (the nanny) would be spending her holidays back in Monaco with her family.
Max didn't have the best memories of Christmas as he grew up. It was mostly spent with his dad, and the few times it was with his mom, it seemed like the time had passed too fast for him to be able to savor the feeling of being with her and Victoria.
You had all spent Christmas Eve together having dinner before Victoria and Tom took Luka and Lio home to get some rest. They would be back for lunch after opening gifts in the morning.
Sophie had stayed a little longer helping Max with the dishes while you put Nikita to bed. You had come back downstairs holding the baby monitor to Max lying back on the couch with Nico in his arms. Sophie was still in the kitchen insisting that you stay off your feet. She took her bag ready to head home.
"I want to stay up to see De Kerstman," Nico whined from Max's arms.
"De Kerstman won't come unless you are asleep Nico," Max said. Nico reached over giving Sophie a hug and then gave him back to Max so Nico could get ready for bed.
You always found it cute when Nico would slip into Dutch without knowing it. It didn't happen as often as when he was really little, but when Max and Sophie heard it you could tell how fond they were of Nico still talking in Dutch even though he mostly spoke English now.
"You know you can stay here." You offered to Sophie. You assumed that she would refuse, wanting to go home.
Sophie already had her purse packed, but you could turn down the sheets in the guest room and give her something to sleep in for the night. She was supposed to be back here at 10 am and you saw no real reason as to why she should drive home in the snow.
"Are you sure?" She asked. You nodded before Max offered to walk her to the guest room after Nico had brushed his teeth and was in bed.
You had woken up the next morning with Nico jumping on your and Max's bed still in his pajamas. Max had no doubt woken up before you and had gone to check on Nikita after you had woken up to feed him around 5 in the morning.
"Mama," He said out of breath sitting on Max's side of the bed. "When can I open presents?"
"After breakfast." You kissed Nico on his forehead before he ran down the hallway. You were able to get dressed without any interruptions, slipping on a pair of shorts and one of Max's shirts. Just as you came out of the bathroom, you saw Max standing in the doorway holding Nikita.
"Merry Christmas Max." You said packing him in the lips.
"Merry Christmas mijn leeuwin," Max leaned down and kissed your cheek before you opened your arms to take Nikita from him. Max made a slight move as if he didn't want to give Nikita to you before you both started laughing.
You lightly brush past Max just enough for him to move but not enough to move Nikita from his place in Max's arms. Max gave you Nikita after making it downstairs into the kitchen to see Sophie standing in front of the stove making breakfast.
You offered to take over but she shooed you away from the stove. Max placed a cup of decaf coffee in front of you and you placed a kiss on the back of his hand in thanks.
"Mama, De Kerstman came!" Nico yelled looking at all of the boxes of presents for everyone.
"Yes, he did." You drank from your cup while Nico bounced in his seat. After you eat, you went to sit on the couch and fed Nikita before Max took him from you to burp him before Victoria and Tom showed up.
You had all finished eating breakfast just before Victoria had shown up. Everyone was quick to pile into the living room. You had let Nico, Luka, and Lio open their presents first. Nico had gotten a new Charizard plush, he was quick to hug it to his chest before giving it to Max.
"Safekeeping." He muttered placing a finger over his lips as if it was a secret. Max gave him a small nod back.
Luka and Lio had opened their presents from you and Max, all approved by Victoria and Tom beforehand. They were smaller things, building blocks, and a few Lego sets that were for ages 3-5.
As Nico opened his next present from you and Max, he got distracted ripping the paper around the box instead of focusing on the present underneath. Eventually, Nico got to the box taking out a few coloring books and a 150 set of colored pencils. Nico's big present was waiting for him back in Monaco, it was a new bike that he had asked Max for after his birthday had come and gone.
After another hour all of the presents had been exchanged, except for the ones from Max to you and you to him. You would exchange those after everyone left, per the tradition that started after you had moved in with him and Nico.
Nikita had gotten baby clothes that he would grow out of just after he could wear them. Sophie, Victoria, and Tom had collectively bought you the stroller that you had been looking at getting just after everyone had found out about Nikita. You hugged all of them, thanking them for the gift.
Everyone had stayed until three. Sophie had dinner plans with friends, and Tom and Victoria were supposed to head out to a Christmas party.
Max had put on a Christmas movie off Disney+ while the three of you camped out on the couch, and Nikita lay in his swing. After finishing the second movie, Nico fell asleep at Max's side, and you fed Nikita again. Max carefully moved Nico to lie against one of the throw pillows before disappearing to get you a burp rag to clean Nikita up a little.
You could hear Max walking close to the garage but thought nothing of it while you cradled Nikita in your arms. You thought it was a pretty successful Christmas, no tears or tantrums, and Nikita didn't seem fussy while he was being past around today.
"Max did you-" You turned to ask him if he found the rag in the laundry room when he came into the room holding a big orange box with a black bow on it.
Max placed the box on the coffee table before sliding the white rag out from the back of his jeans. He laid it over his shoulder before opening his arms to take Nikita.
"Open it," Max stroked your cheek with his thumb. You looked at Max, and him holding Nikita.
You slowly reached for the box undoing the bow and pulled the orange lid off. Taking all of the paper off before reaching the dust bag inside. You already knew that when it came to Max he didn't shy away from going all out on gifts. You just never thought he would do this.
You pulled open the dust bag before putting your hand in to pull out a black bag with red stripes on the side. It was a Birkin 25, in black Epsom leather with two red stripes of leather and with palladium hardware. Max must have seen you looking at pictures on your computer late one night. He knew you so well.
You pulled the dust bag closed after hearing a little burp come out, Max's navy blue shirt now had a white spit-up stain on it. You quickly covered your mouth to stifle a laugh.
"You find it funny that I have baby vomit on me?" Max asked. You shook your head no but couldn't help but smile.
“Liar,” He said, moving Nikita on his shoulder. You let out a laugh before Max smiled back at you. Max cleared the spit up off Nikita’s chin before giving him to you.
You watched as Max pulled his shirt off, folding it over on itself so none of Nikita’s spit-up would get onto the fabric of the couch. You gave Nikita back, watching as Nikita curled into Max, getting skin-to-skin contact with him, before quickly disappearing into the house's entryway, to collect the white cardboard Rolex box out of your purse.
You had splurged a little on Max's Christmas gift this year. It had been a good year for you at work even though you were technically on maternity leave the last two months.
You were back on the couch quickly, giving Max the box before he placed Nikita in your arms. He undid the packaging before getting to the green box, opening it to see a Yacht-Master 42 Falcon’s Eye Oyster Rolex in white gold. Max didn't own one like it.
He slowly pulled it out from the box before taking off the Tag-Hauer he wore during the day. You held Max's watch, seeing him hold the new one in his hands.
"Check the underside." You told him. Max turned it around to see the engraving on the back.
**-**-**** 10-17-2020 12-03-2025
Three dates, your, Nico's, and Nikita's birthdays on the back, with room if you and Max had more kids. You were lucky that the watch was still being made when Nikita was born. They added the last engraving the week after Nikita was born.
"So we're always with you."
Max moved his hand up to cover his eyes. You moved Nikita into his swing so you could focus on Max.
"I love it," He said before laying his head against your shoulder a few tears escaping down his cheeks. "Thank you, Y/N."
“You’re welcome, Maxy.” You said back watching as he slid the watch onto his wrist. Adjusting the face so it would sit right on his wrist.
You had ended up putting both of your and Max's Christmas gifts into the master closet. Everything could be properly put away after the boys went to bed.
Max woke Nico up from his nap while you started a late dinner, for all of you. Nikita was by you while you were cooking, you saw Max playing with the dials of his watch, Nico looking over at it a bit before asking Max to open up his new box of colored pencils.
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de kerstman - Santa Clause
Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun
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smooth-perceval · 9 months
“Merry Christmas wherever you are.”
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Reader attempts at soothing their child- and when all fails she calls the one man they both need.
Warnings: Self-Doubt, fluff, Google translate, Charles being cute, not every Christmassy… NO PROOF READ!!
Key: Y/N (your name) Y/L/N (your last name) Juliette (Yours and Charles kids name) Jules (her nickname)
Word count: 744
A/N: I’m sorry… I didn’t stick to my schedule I really have a bad timing issue- infact schedule issue. Sorryyyy! But to make up for it I got some good fics coming 👀
Or so I think are good. Also sorry this isn’t as Christmassy…
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I wanted to cry, I was on the verge of tears and crawling into a corner… Juliette had no way of settling- in fact she was practically screaming the house down.
The one thing I didn’t want to do was call for help- because I’m her mother I can do this… but yet I still found myself picking the phone up and dialling the one man I need right now.
“mon chéri? You okay?” (My darling) A panicked Charles picked up the line before the first ring, and if Juliette wasn’t screaming so loud I probably would’ve sat and twirled my hair at how cute he is.
As soon as I heard the words ‘you okay’ I bursted into tears along with our baby. “Charles I don’t know what to do… she won’t stop crying!” Taking heavy breaths I gently placed my hand onto of Juliette’s tummy trying to soothe her.
“Chérie… breathe- take some deep- just one minute.” (Darling) I heard him rustling around and a door click shut on the other end of the call, he must’ve had to run away from the team for my breakdown… gosh do I feel like the worst mother and partner…
“Let me FaceTime you-” sniffling I moved the phone away answering Charles FaceTime call.
“hé ma jolie fille…” (hey, my pretty girl), even though he was across the waters- seeing his face washed a sense of relief over me… and oddly enough Juliette’s cries got quieter slowly- crazy huh, her fathers voice is the answer to both our prayers.
“I’m so sorry… I know your busy- I just I don’t know what to do…” sniffling once again I looked down at Juliette who was also sniffling… eyes opening and closing slowly proving to me she is tired yet has been fighting it this whole time. “Family always comes first how many times do I tell you this.”
“I know I just feel like a terrible mother I can’t soothe my own child…” and now I’m setting off again, tears rolling down my cheeks- lip quivering. Which also to my expense set Juliette back off.
“Y/N you’re the most perfect mother- Our Juliette is so lucky to have such a perfect woman in her life. Now stop doubting yourself, okay?” Nodding slowly I wiped away my tears taking another deep breath. “show me our gorgeous girl.” Smiling a little I turned the camera so they can both see each other.
“Hé mon bébé!” (Hey my baby!)
And just like that she calmed back down again, her dad has that effect on us both I guess. “I’ll be home soon princesse.” (Princess)
The most adorable yawn escaped her tiny body, legs and arms both kicking up and down and the smile back on her face. “Now’s time for you to sleep Jules… no more crying. Go to sleep princesse.” (Princess)
My finger danced over her face delicately, and soon she was falling asleep. “bébé?” (Baby?)
Humming I turned the camera back around, relief washed all over my face. “I’ve got to go now mon amour… are you going to be okay?” (My love) Looking down at Jules who was practically in a slumber, eyes opening every now and then. I paused for a moment, before taking a deep breath and nodding at Charles. I’ve got this- I’m her Mother, I’ve got this.
“I’ll be okay… thank you.” Lying back on the bed I looked at the FaceTime, hand resting on Juliette’s belly once again. “Don’t thank me… I’m sorry I’m not home for Christmas, especially the first as a family.” Sighing he moved the screen closer to himself. “Just means we get two huh?” Smiling a little I leaned forward kissing the camera of my phone. “I love you Charles Leclerc, come home to us soon.” Smiling a little at him, his eyes seemed to well just a little, a small sight of tears. “As soon as I can mon chéri… I love you more.” (My darling)
Then the screen went off, and silence engulfed the room… Juliette’s soft snores were the only thing heard.
And when the silence becomes a soothing lullaby, and the twinkling of the Christmas decorations become a trace, I placed a gentle kiss to my fingers- waving it off into the air. “Merry Christmas, wherever you are.”
Little did me and Jules know- our favourite person was waiting on a flight home and would be here when we wake, our Christmas miracle.
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goosita · 9 months
Do you have any headcanons or blurb thoughts about if Secretary!reader got him a Christmas present? I feel like would be so cute. Happy Holidays if you celebrate!!❤️
oh i’m so soft ❄️
(this takes place between parts 3 and 4)
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what do you get for a man who could buy anything he wants?
you’d been thinking all week about what to get for coriolanus for christmas. you’re sure that he’s used to expensive gifts and presents from all sorts of people. but you weren’t particularly wealthy, even for a capitol citizen.
you remembered once that he had a sweet tooth, and you smiled to yourself as you realized what you could do for him.
you spend all evening before your last day at the office for the break rolling out dough, covered in flour and sticky sugar. you used a little cutter to punch out the shape, baking them to a perfect golden brown and then icing them neatly with a piping bag. then, you packaged them up in a nice little red box with a big silver bow atop of it.
two dozen homemade sugar cookies in the shape of snowflakes, for coriolanus snow.
you hoped he would like them, biting your lip as you stepped into the building��s entry hall with a small smile.
“mr. snow?” you called softly, looking around. coriolanus stepped out of his office and smiled softly.
“yes, miss y/n?”
you fidgeted with the bow for a moment, grinning sheepishly. “merry christmas,” you said, handing the box to him.
coriolanus lifted his brow curiously, taking it from you and lifting the lid open. he blinked down at the neatly packaged cookies, his mouth open in a small little “o” shape.
“sweet snow for a sweet snow,” you joked, knowing it was a cheesy remark. coriolanus eyes lifted to you, tears just barely brimming at his lash line.
oh. had you upset him?
“coryo…?” you tried softly, taking a step forward towards him. you wondered if you’d overstepped somehow. if you’d read this little thing between you two wrong.
instead of opening his mouth to shout at you, perhaps tell you this was ridiculous, coriolanus set the box aside as gingerly as possible. then his arms were suddenly wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight hug. you were startled for a moment before completely melting into his embrace, your own arms fitting easily around his middle.
“thank you,” he breathed softly. “you don’t know what it means to me. that you took time to make these for me.”
of course you’d never know how deeply the gesture struck his heart. he’d never told a soul about his childhood and teenage years, not since his first year at the Capitol University. there was no way you could know that the sweet treats would take him back to a time when his stomach lurched painfully at all hours of the night, a time when he would have openly weeped at the gift of any sort of food.
it had been so long since someone had baked something just for him. ma plinth had passed some years ago, the last person to choose to spend her time making treats for coriolanus. it was more than the memory of the years he spent starving that moved him. to know that you had thought of him, had spent your own free time to do something kind like this for him, had his heart softening more than you’d ever realize.
“you’re welcome,” you whispered back, tentatively stroking his back with your fingertips. after a long moment, coriolanus seemed to gather himself and let you go with a small grin.
his hand gently held your chin for just a moment. “merry christmas, miss y/n.”
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bowieandqueen11 · 10 months
Strawberry and Black Tea / Sanji Imagine
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Request: for the fluffy sanji request-- maybe sanji and the reader end up sleeping in each other's rooms one night because its hard for them to sleep apart. reader gives sanji a good night kiss and he just falls into a lovesick puddle on the floor.
Something short and sweet because this idea is so so lovely, thank you anon!! :)
Warning: mentions of child abuse!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes @suuho.)
It was the Iron Mask that had left Sanji with such a distaste for the dark.
Even now, lying tossing and turning in his bunk on the Going Merry, the dark starlight that creeped through the lone porthole seemed to do nothing but shroud his eyes in a long-suppressed misery. It reminded him far too much of home. Of his father. Of nights spent trembling in dank corners: nothing but the touch of flimsy cobwebs against his outreached hands, and the ratchet of his own voice cawing off the empty stone chamber to ease the frightened child.
Until his paranoid eyes couldn’t tell of the receding monstrous shadow shrivelling up the tower was the receding form of his father, or the unyielding loosening of shrill’s death fingers rasping uneasily across the stone wall by his cage, finally come to fulfil her promise to take him away.
She grew closer and closer, until her liripipe seemed to crow through the bars as she leant down through the shadows to kiss his forehead.
He started scrambling back desperately along the dirty dust, still too young and inexperienced with the true hardships of his life to try and face them head on. Instead he buried his head into his crossed arms, tried his hardest to calm his panting breath, closed his eyes and squeezed. It was the only way, he thought in that tumultuous moment, it was the only at he would be able to hold onto his sanity. To pretend it was you. To pretend it was you. To believe it was you.
A rat scurried out of a hole between cracked shackles, sniffing the air as it noticed Sanji cowering in the corner: the same boy who had showed the rodent such kindness only e weeks before, feeding it leftover scraps of his mother’s favourite crumble, trying his best to clear the dish before his father realised it was missing. The poor thing ran over to Sanji’s shoe, it’s tiny claws pinching into the forgotten prince’s skin as it raised its little body up closer to him. But to that child - oh, that poor child - it was like bony fingernails biting into his bone and extruding coarse chills straight to the bone.
She had come. The wrong person had come. So he did what any young child would do. He started screaming.
He screamed your name. He screamed for his ma, until the screams died, choked by the wails sticking in his throat. Then he whimpered, clawing at the metal screwed against his cheeks until his fingernails were left stunted, jagged, bloodied.
He thought about how alone he was, but realised quickly that wasn’t what made him so sad. He thought about you: how you would react, how heartbroken you would be when his father announced to the world that the young Prince has perished in a terrible accident. He imagined your tear streaked face as you would watch the faux funeral procession parade in a cheerful solemnity down past the main market and into the sea, stealing away into the alleyway and seeing how alone you were.
Most of all, he felt guilty. Guilty that this was all his fault. That he had proved his brothers right. He was weak. He had destroyed his mother. He had ruined you. He was weak. And so he crumpled into a ball, falling onto his side and allowing the sweet embrace of the shadows to lap over him.
His cries had quickly fallen into pitiful whimpers. Then quiet sobs, jolting his body forward in convulsions that had left him gasping for breath every few minutes or so, only broken by the almost angelic sound of the iron wrought door being shoved unsteadily open, and the pained whisper from the top of the stairs. ’Sanji? Sanji! Where the- ow- are you?!’
'Y/-Y/n?' He clambered to his knees, and shoved his arms desperately through the bars, as if he could levitate you down towards him. 'I'm here! I'm here - please! Y/n!' His little fists began to bang on the bars as he scraped up to lean on his knees. 'Help me - get me out, please! She's going to kill me!'
It took you less than thirty seconds to scale down the remaining steps, nearly flying chin first down into the dirt. You didn't care though: not when Sanji's fingernails sliced desperately into your skin and burrowed into the meat of your arm, tugging your forehead against the cool metal of his own. You did your best to cup his face between the clunky mask, pressing your fingers down to his neck and pulling him even closer to you. 'It's alright - it's alright. I'm here. I'm going to get you out of here, Sanj. We're going to run, we're going to get away.'
He refused to let you go, even as you bit your lower lip in concentration and wiggled into your pocket to pull out a stash of bobby pins you had pilfered from Vinsmoke Reiju when you had slipped into the castle. Poor Sanji nearly flies backwards onto his behind when you finally manage to click the locked gate open, yet the realisation hardly seems to dawn on him; he's leapt on you in a second flat, knees knocking the wind out of your stomach as he tumbles his torso against your awaiting hug.
'You came', he heaved out between sobs, shoving his grimacing face into the throbbing pulse point on your neck, 'you came back for me... why would you come back for me.'
The absolute dejection in the final warble of his desperate plea made you bite down on your tongue so harshly, you had to shove it against the roof of your mouth for a moment to stop yourself from spluttering on blood. 'Because, Sanj... because you're my best friend. And I love you. And we made a promise, didn't we? We're going to go find the All Blue, but we're only going to do it together. Not one without the other, right?'
He head bobs quickly, desperately. Shaking fingers latch tighter into your back, and although he wants nothing more than to grab onto your fingers and fly to freedom up that winding staircase, he slides his legs to the side and comes to sit awkwardly on your lap like a frail bird. The soft tip of his nose tickles the shell of your ear as he whispers: 'like black tea and strawberry?'
You snort, but nod your head against the side of his curls, tightening your grip around the shaking expanse of his spine. 'Yes chef, like black tea and strawberry. Even though that sounds absolutely disgusting.' His laugh- god, his laugh was so warming, even if the sound cracks, hoarse and low as his face balls up. What was less welcome, though, were the few pearly tears that slipped past the cracks slats covering his eyes and began to trace down an old bruised hollow that lay sharp and gaunt on his neck.
'I'm sorry- I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry-', he starts to panic again, one eye blinking open as he stares into the inky depths of the umbral shade gathering over your heads. 'This is my fault. It's my fault we have to leave.'
'No.' You grab onto his shirt, nearly making him wince, but both of you refuse to unlatch from the other. 'No. This is not your fault. This will never be your fault, and I don't want you to think that for a second.'
The authoritativeness behind your shaking words was almost enough to make him believe you.
He nods slowly, but you can tell he's doing it just to placate you. 'I love you too, by the way', he sniffles, finally leaning back enough so he could wipe what he deemed as an unsightly amount of snot away from his nose. More than you know. More than he could even put into words. More than his young, frightful heart could even yet understand. He's too bashful to look you in the eye, instead skimming his eyes quickly over the torn threads of his kneecap, but finally allowing himself a respite of calm in the knowledge that the love he had been so desperately begging for hadn't abandoned him.
Before the adrenaline could rush out of his body, he leant forward with his head still bowed, and kissed your cheek as best he could in the darkness.
You hadn't left him. You hadn't: you never would. The revelation seems to shift the world around him, coaxing him into believing the sweet twilight sleeting across his eyes was sunlight instead; even though he still felt like his life was spent as a coin flipping through the air, so unsure of where it will land - of where it belongs - of the choices it will wrought, it felt a little easier afterwards, knowing he would eventually land. That it was your hand that would catch him.
He still hated the dark. And he still loved you more than life itself. Which is why you weren't surprised to find yourself running around your room at nearly one in the morning, trying your best to discreetly gather your bed sheets and sneak off towards the boy's cabin.
Before you could even finish gathering your pillow into your arms, the melodic rapt of Sanji's knuckles had rung out through the door. It took you less than thirty seconds to slide across the planks and fling it open, but it took the poor chef a lot longer to catch his breath and try to look more put together; he was doing his best to look suave by the way he was leaning his elbow against the doorframe, but the wind swept hair gave away the fact that he had come running over the side of the ship to get to you. The soft pant of his breath, the ruddy cheeks, the slight spasm of his abdominal muscles through his half-unbuttoned dress shirt, the scratch of his teeth against his inner lip line: you knew his tell-tale sings, his idiosyncrasies far too well. The man was flustered beyond belief, even if he did his best to cock his head and beam down at you.
What really gave it away - what really, really gave it away, though, was the fact that he literally had to clasp his hands together in front of his chest and wring them to stop them launching forward and grabbing onto you with the cloying, overwhelming power of eight octopus tentacles.
You almost have to shove your hand against your mouth to stifle your laugh at the way he flicked his head back to move the hair away from his eye: to anyone else, it would have seemed like an innocent tick. But he knew, and more importantly you knew too, that it was just so his glistening eyes could wander across your face, as if the lines and marks of your face mapped out the most beautiful treasure in all the seas.
'Well, my strawberry, I hope I didn't wake you from your beauty sleep. Not that you need it! But I, I was hoping, if you were to grace me with such luck, that I may come in-'
Before he can even finish, you've grabbed the knot of his tie and have hauled him across the door line like a fisherman reeling in his hook. Sanji goes flying, landing safely in your open arms, and flopping his back down pleasantly into your hammock. Sanji's eyes widen as he comes sliding down the material towards you, headfirst, stopped only when his chest does the job for him. His arms thump clumsily around your back, using his fall as an excuse to pull you as physically close to him as he can. He huddles up against you, his hand spreading across your shoulder blade and guiding your ear down to rest comfortably just above his right pec. You flush, pretending you don't feel the firm ripple of his tense muscle: don't hear the pounding shudder of his tell-tale heart.
'I'll take that as a yes, ma chérie.'
Distracted by the way your arm falls around his stomach, idly reaching up to curl back the stray edges of his fringe behind the corner of his eye again, his legs inch closer... and closer... and closer... until his left one has plunked down above your own. You have to bury your head into his neck to stop yourself from laughing at how incarnadine his face spreads, warm pink waves radiating off his cheeks as you lift up your knees and slide your free leg in between the heavy weight of his thighs. Bless his heart, it must have taken some exertion to hold it the way he did, making sure not to place his full weight on you, but just enough that the contact was physically there.
'You know', Sanji starts, once he has calmed his heart from beating so rapidly he feared it may have flopped out through his throat, 'Zeff used to give me a kiss goodnight.'
You lift your head to stare at him incredulously. 'No he didn't. I was there for only... uh...', you lift the arm hanging over the soft skin of his bellybutton to ostentatiously count on your fingers, waving them in front of his face. 'Hm, look at that - fifteen years!?'
He leans his head down until his chin is tucked into his neck, and does his best to try and hide the way his lips are warbling into a grin; he tries to play it off as him finding your antics amusing, as he strokes his fingers tenderly over the warm cotton on your shoulder, but inside he's just so beyond giddy to know that you remembered. To know that you had been together so long. To know that after all this time, after all the two of you had been through, he would gladly dredge through the unspeakable caliginosity again, if it meant he could always arrive at this moment. If it meant, no matter what his life threw at him, he could spend every moment of it by your side.
Even if the shadows are juddering up the walls of the girl's cabin too: even if your stroking fingers can't mask the memories of death's sharp knuckles stretching out across the walls. Even if he were to land, right now, in the waves: if he were to capsize and drown, he would be happy. He would be happy, because it was your hand instead. Your hand.
Too timid still, too apprehensive to admit that which had been a heavy weight holding down the flight of his sweet heart, he hides his love behind canorous tease.
'Yeah, well, Zeff did it when he could be arsed. Which I’m pretty sure was never.'
You snort, and he delights at the sound that he had drawn out. His vice like grip on your side tightens, but you decide better than to tease him for the way he begins squirming himself against you. He finally settles properly on his side, the bridge of his nose so dangerously close to yours that you can feel the shallow warmth of his breath brush over your bottom lip.
'Well-', he starts, trying to distract himself from your proximity. He was failing horribly, of course, because his eyes kept falling down to stare blankly at the seam of your lips. 'This does sure beat sleeping on the dungeon floor, even if we do have to put up with Luffy's snoring.'
'Hm, the dungeon wasn't too bad. Cosy', you say teasingly, letting your finger dance down the shell of his ear, pointing the tip against the jut of his chin and lifting his gaze with a smirk.
'How'd you figure that, sweetheart?' The feel of your finger against his skin, no matter how miniscule the touch, was enough to make the fibres of his body burn with such a want that it almost scared him.
'Because... it was the first place you ever kissed me.'
Sanji starts, eyes widening as he feels his limbs turn to stone.
He can't hide in the shadows anymore. Now, he has to come into the light. Has to let himself be free.
'Yeah, well strawberry', he wets his bottom lip with a dart of his tongue, and folds himself further down the hammock so his knees are drawn warmly up against your own. The shaking of his torso is only overshadowed by the widening of his eyes, so full of deep wonder the dams might have burst and drowned you if he hadn't spent so years cautiously restraining himself. You draw a finger down the pulse point of his neck, and he feels that resolve weaken.
He feels like that frightened boy again, but he knows it has to be now. He knows he's been lucky to have had the luxury of borrowed time, but the bell has tolled: the bill has come due, and now he must admit the truth of his life - of his soul - of his heart, for he doesn't know when it will become too late.
He wanted to kiss you. God, he had wanted to kiss you so badly for fifteen years it hurt. Now, now he was going to create his own light: he was going to thrive, in spite of it all. He was going to allow that child to live. The cage was open. He was free. His choices were decided by nobody now but by his own ruling, his own compassion, and he had wasted far too many years training himself to be sceptical, precise, composed.
'... If you may be so kind as to permit it... I think this beautiful ship might end up being the second.' He leans his torso forward, and after a bashful burn flickers over his cheeks, he squeezes his eyes shut and plants a wet kiss against your cheek, just like he had done all those years before.
He suddenly becomes hyperaware of it all: of the closeness of your thigh against his own: slick, naked, vulnerable below your pyjama shorts. Your warm breath, inching closer and closer to his trembling mouth as he juts his head back to look warily at you, so afraid he's messed everything up.
But then you surprise him; you rush forward, overwhelming and crushing in the way your lips pliantly slide over his own, licking against the inside of his bottom lip as it drops open, breathlessly.
He had been waiting for this - over and over since the two of you were children. This thought - the idea that he would finally get here was the only thing that had kept him grounded. Kept him sane. And so he kissed you back: heartily, heavily, with a slipping mouth awaiting your tongue, and clawing fingers coming up to rapt into your cheeks as if you were something fleeting: as if he were still spinning in mid-air, waiting for the shadows to snuff the light out again.
When you finally find the strength, the resilience to pull away, neither of you seem to be able to muster the courage to just finally admit the truth you had both always known. Sanji, instead, looks youthfully shy as he tries to hide his wanting - god, so longing gaze behind his fringe once more, although his tongue can't help but prod against his bottom lip as if in disbelief.
'Like strawberry and black tea, right?', he finally asks against the side of your mouth, nudging his nose against your own and smiling fondly.
'Like strawberry and black tea.'
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piplup335 · 3 months
Subspace x reader! (angst lmao)
I know I said I’d work on requests, but I HAD to finish this up 😭
mainly because SOMEONE (I’M LOOKING AT YA, @sourle) decided to write Valk angst and I decided I’d probably hop on the bandwagon and write Subspace angst :D
this is my first time writing angst, so idk if it’s good ;-; ehhh, I did what I could LMAO
anyway, enjoy :D
honourable mentions here!
The crackling of the flames in the fireplace soothed your mind as you snuggled up to Subspace.
"Long day today, Subspace? How's work at the lab?"
The masked scientist glanced up at you with a groggy expression.
"Hm?? Oh...not too bad..."
He yawned.
"...just the usual lab stuff. There was also this chemical that somehow melted through the vial today...just a poison I'm working on currently. Reacted with another reagent and nearly burnt down the lab. It smelt funny too...but hey, the Biografts helped me clean it up!!"
You couldn't see it through his mask, but judging by his one visible eye closing and his cheekbones raising, you could tell he was smiling.
"I love you, (Y/n)...I feel so tired right now..."
"Awww...I love you too, Subspace...tomorrow's Christmas...wanna go to that one cat cafe? So you can catch a break?"
Subspace nuzzled into the crook of your neck. his warm breath lightly tickling your collarbone.
"I'd love that, dear..."
Subspace fell asleep in your arms as you lay on the couch, watching the flames dance around the firewood, the bright, formless shapes slowly reducing the wooden sticks to nothing but ashes.
The crackling of the flames and their mesmerising movements distracted you from the fact that your boyfriend was barely breathing.
The following morning, you woke up to your boyfriend still lying beside you.
He looked so damn adorable to you. His one visible eye was closed, and a few strands of his soft hair fell over his face. Sometimes you wished you could remove his gas mask just to caress his cheek…but he told you before not to do it, and you wanted to respect his wishes.
You gave your boyfriend a loving kiss on the forehead as you slowly slid off the couch, careful not to wake him up.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
You walked into the kitchen so that you could start preparing breakfast for the two of you.
Subspace couldn’t taste anything and always insisted on eating whatever was available, but you decided to change that today. You woke up earlier than him, and this time you'd get a say as to what he would eat.
And this time, you were determined to make him something a little more filling instead of just a slice of bread or two. You wanted to make him eggs and bacon- a dish he absolutely loved eating before the entire lab incident.
During those days, when you were cooking breakfast, Subspace would look at you with those pleading puppy eyes to make him bacon and eggs, completely disregarding and ignoring whatever alternatives you offered.
And you being you, you couldn’t resist his cute expression.
It was unlike him to enjoy such a simple dish, but hey- you still loved him.
As you were cooking in the kitchen, you felt a tug on your sleeve.
You turned to your left and was met with the sight of your beloved boyfriend standing next to you.
“Darling? Can we not have pancakes today? Do we have any more eggs left?”
You laughed, amused at his groggy, half-asleep expression.
“Subspace, you’ve been eating that same old thing for a week now. When will you ever get sick of it?”
“…never…so are there any eggs left?”
“Probably. But could you try something else for a change?"
Subspace hugged your side, his actions sluggish in his given state.
"I don't wanna...please, babe?"
He looked at you with those loving eyes...that loving expression on his face you could never resist.
You sighed, admitting defeat.
"Fine, fine, I’ll go prepare it for you later…I love you, Subspace. I always will.”
You couldn't say no to his request. To others, Subspace was a renowned scientist who made multiple contributions to Blackrock. They saw him as someone who had helped Blackrock advance their military, someone who had helped multiple residents improve their lives for the better. He was a hardened scientist who pushed through many sleepless nights to make Blackrock a slightly better place than the day before.
To you, Subspace was just an adorable bean you would not hesitate to kill for.
Your boyfriend was too adorable, too precious for this world...and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his figure in a hug.
"I love you, Subspace..."
Subspace didn't reply, but his actions said it all. You felt his arms slowly move from his side to wrap around your waist.
“…I love you too, babe…what’s that smell?”
A glance at the stove and the steady flow of smoke was all it took for you to get your answer.
“NO- my pancakes!”
You recalled the memory with such fondness. Even after the laboratory disaster your boyfriend went through, he was still the same loving demon you knew. Sure, he acted like a crazed scientist sometimes, but you knew your boyfriend was still the same sweetheart you knew all those years ago.
You spent more than an hour trying to make breakfast...because you spent 45 minutes looking back on and reminiscing about the past.
As you set the last piece of bacon on the plate, you smiled to yourself.
"Honey? Breakfast's ready!"
Usually, when you made breakfast for him, he'd immediately come rushing to the kitchen just to scarf down whatever you prepared for him with his signature grin on his face.
But just like you had different plans for Subspace, fate had different plans for the two of you.
This time, there wasn't a single sound coming from the living room. The fire was extinguished right before you fell asleep, but you wished the therapeutic crackling of the flames followed you into the early hours of the morning for a bit of comfort.
Still no response. Now you were concerned.
Was he okay?
You, being the concerned girlfriend you were, went outside to check on him.
You shook him.
"Subspace? Please...wake up!"
You half-expected him to jump at you with that big, goofy grin on his face that you loved seeing so much. You expected to jump backwards in fright from the scare, only for Subspace to catch you in his arms as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss.
But that moment never came. Upon further inspection, you mentally facepalmed at your ignorance, cursing at yourself for not seeing the signs that something was wrong.
The once hot pink crystal floating above Subspace was nothing more but a dull pink, most of the colour gone. The once gleaming radiance of the crystal was now nothing but a dull glow.
You immediately checked his pulse. It was there...but barely. You sprinted to your phone, nearly tripping over your own feet in a frenzied panic. A quick dial later, you were arranging for an ambulance to the nearest hospital.
All you could do then was simply cradle your boyfriend's near-lifeless body in your arms and pray to whichever deity would listen.
The steady sound of the hospital monitors filled the room. It had been like that for the past few hours or so.
When the doctors in the ambulance did a more thorough check on him, they determined that Subspace needed emergency surgery. You were not sure why, but they said that it was due to "severe poisoning".
Now, here you were, seated on a chair next to your still-unconscious boyfriend, waiting for the doctors to return with whatever results they had to offer. You sat in your chair, glancing at your boyfriend from time to time, hoping that the crystal between his horns would shine bright like it once did.
The sound of the door opening pulled you out of your thoughts. One of the doctors walked into the room...and he had a grim expression on his face.
"Doctor! How is he?"
The doctor let out a sigh. One that carried not hopes for the future, but carried acceptance- a sign that they had tried everything, and yet...
"I'm sorry. Your beloved will not make it."
And that was the nail in the coffin for you- the statement that confirmed your worst fears.
"Can I say goodbye to him, at least? Will he wake up?"
"No. He won't wake up. We've done a thorough and complete checkup on him. His given condition- his rot, that is, somehow reacted with more fumes inside his body. We've investigated them, and it seems that these fumes were inhaled quite recently. Regardless, it has worsened his state, causing the majority of his body to either shut down or stop working entirely. You have two choices. He does not have any known family members, so we'll leave this decision to you."
At the doctor's next words, you did not want to say anything. You did not want to accept that this was your reality- these were two decisions that you could not choose between. You knew that none of these choices would be a correct decision...they would all have harsh downsides.
"Either we pull the plug now and he dies a peaceful death, or we can give him further treatment to try and save him. The chances of his survival from this point on are low, and even if he does survive and wake up, the rest of his life will likely be painful for him to endure."
You loved Subspace...you loved him so much, and you didn't want to let him go just yet. There was so much you wanted to do with him. You wanted to finally stay with him instead of one of you just staying over at the other’s house for sleepovers now and then. You wanted to travel the Inpherno with him, just to see all the marvels the world had to offer. You wanted to be by his side for the rest of your life and wake up by his side just to hug him close to you, praising the gods for such a wonderful spouse.
And now you couldn't. Not with Subspace's condition.
You didn't want to let him go just yet.
But then again, you loved him. You wanted the best for him.
And the best route for him to go down wasn’t one where he’d be suffering for the rest of his life.
You wanted him to live happily, not live in constant pain.
You knew your decision.
December 31. Almost a week after you made your decision.
Snowflakes fell from the sky outside, coating the ground in a layer of snow.
Within the comfort of your house, the flames crackled in the fireplace, consuming everything it touched.
But even the mesmerising movements of the flames couldn’t distract you from your thoughts. Not after what happened.
That final, high-pitched sound. That damn, cursed sound. You knew that single beep would haunt you for years to come. What you did was for your boyfriend’s sake, but at what cost?
“5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”
You could hear the cheers of Blackrock’s residents from your home as fireworks were launched into the air, painting the black canvas of the sky with bursts of vibrant colour.
“Happy New Year, Subspace…”
A tear trickled down your cheek as you hugged a small photo frame to your chest.
It was the last photo you had of Subspace. A photo you took with him one day before his death.
“…I’ll always love you.”
aaaaand that’s another story down! hope u guys enjoyed! :D
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sanjis-moulinrouge · 1 year
Sanji x f!reader | +18 | Smut
Summary: Sanji and Reader don't waste time when they are all alone at the Going Merry.
a/n: I tried to keep the romantic vibes <3 Also, I got inspired by a song called Sapphire, so… that’s the primary source for this fiction. Hope you enjoy and comments are welcome.
English is not my first language, so my apologies if something sounds unnatural.
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Moonlight bathing him, turning his back to the satellite, the outline of his figure hypnotizes you. His golden hair shines with grace and his sparkling eyes are fixed on you, you can't escape from the intense desire they emanate. Kneeling on the floor with the chin held on the surface of the bed, he is contemplating your entire self while your body is comfortably lying on bed facing up the moon. In his hand, a cigarette. The chef is so enthralled by you that the smoke is leaking through the window.
The sky is starry, the silence is broken at times by the waves. 
“We're all alone… together here dear” he whispers “completely alone… finally.” 
The fragrance of love in the room got you already craving for him. Sanji never gets tired of romance, you both enjoy the preamble and can be in that game for hours. 
Once the cigarette is out, he begins to crawl into bed, the prince of the night making the first moves. The atmosphere provided by the moonlight highlights parts of his body, his rolled-up shirt makes the veins in his arms stand out as he gets closer.
Gently he uncovers your legs and begins to caress them as if they were the most sacred thing before his eyes. 
“My queen,” he purrs as he slides his fingers in your thighs. The tension grows.
“I've waited for time alone for weeks. I think I'll die,” he confesses, frowning as he takes a long sigh.
He spreads his long legs to sit on top of you, placing your legs between his. Sliding both hands along your legs, massaging your calves and thighs, he squeezes them cautiously. His splendid hands made you feel a fervent need to place his fingers on your spot, but you wanted this moment to endure a bit longer.
“A-ah Sanji” you gasp “more, please.” As he pays attention to your call he smiles effusively.
His hands move to your lower stomach and pubis in circular motions. He loves to feel you getting ready, moistened.
He went slowly because he didn’t want to take your panties and shirt off yet. He wanted to touch your body first, every inch of it. That was a huge turn on for him, watching your body burst with desire. 
As you moan, he blushes and his shirt starts to get damp. His hands go up to hold your breasts, as he strokes them your pulse speeds up. “Oh darling, please” you beg. 
“You seem to be in a hurry, sweetheart,” he replies. “Let me… taste those curves with my hands first, precious.”
You could feel how hard he was and your eagerness to caress his crotch was tantalizing.
“Oh, honey” he groans while noticing your excitement.
He gets closer to give you soft kisses, first on your forehead and nose until finally your lips meet. “The night is young, you have to be patient. Remember who’s the one dying for this?”
You couldn’t contain a giggle… “We’re both craving for this, sweet prince.” 
For Sanji it's still hard to believe how you desire him. He is always worshiping you, day and night, no matter the context. But when you expose your yearning with your body language and words, it is the end for him. Acknowledging that the devotion is mutual is like bringing heaven down to earth.
“Ma chérie,” his trembling voice exposed his hunger. Unable to contain himself anymore, he sinks his face into your neck, slightly biting your earlobe, tracing a path with kisses to your shoulder.
As you weave your lips together, you unbutton his shirt and brush his chest softly. Undressing him while watching his muscles contract always makes you go mad.
“Touch me, please” he whines, pulling aside his pants alongside his boxers.
You have the most privileged view, now he moves his body closer, your hips are between his legs, having full access to his erection. Stroking his solid thighs, you bring your hands closer to his member, rubbing his head.
Sanji took his time to observe your motions for a while, your hands move delicately as the pace starts to accelerate, it is an exquisite torture. Breathless and feverish, he holds your hands to speed up the rhythm, he convulses and moans, before he could reach his climax, you set him free, releasing small precum drops.
“We are not done yet, my love,” you murmur.
Moving aside, he doesn’t give you time to take control of the situation, throwing himself next to you, he starts to tap your spot passionately. “You're so wet, y/n,” he utters fondly in your ear.
Removing your panties, his fingers move between the damp lips of your pussy, rubbing your swollen clit. As he plays with the pace, you feel his hard cock pressed near your hips. You love when he spoons you, so you push and squeeze his waist towards you. The circular motions on your clit make your back arch and whine, he adores to observe your reactions, shockwaves down your spine, your body bursts into an orgasm.
“Let me get inside,” his fingers move to your entrance, putting them slowly inside you until he comfortably reaches your sweet spot. Your body was still shaking with the first orgasm. “A-ah,” you grunt. Raising his fingers, thrusting them up, you start feeling his fingertips rubbing inside and staying consistent.
“Please…” you whisper. “Please go faster.” Sanji’s pulse quickens. His fingers go faster than before and you moan while breathing heavily. Sounds echo in the room, and now the extreme thrusts and sounds of your luscious insides bring on another orgasm quickly.
“Oh my…” you say as your body releases its tension. Sanji could feel the heat and moisture coming off from your spot as he pulled out his fingers slowly.
Your body pulses, going numb with pleasure as tiny moans escape your vocal cords, he hold them back as if they are the most precious sound.
“Are you ok, y/n.” he asks. You look for his face quickly to capture his lips, biting and sucking them, flicking your tongues against each other, groaning. Your bodies tangle, seeking and stealing all the desire.
In a frantic impulse, you switch position, sitting on his lap. “My love, let me watch you move on me…” he gasps. You wanted to give him back all the love and pleasure he previously offered you. 
Looking down at him with a lustful stare, you start to adjust yourself into his erection. As he gets fully into yourself, you start to ride him at a slow pace. His hands grip your hips, the warmth inside your walls gives you goosebumps.
“Shit”, Sanji babbles as you bounce continuously. “My love” you cry when he grips even harder and sinks you down on his cock again and again. 
Holding hands, you start to swing faster, creating an electric friction. “So good, y/n” he mumbles. Scattering sweat, sparkling, you lean down to kiss him, your tongues clash. 
“A-ah” wrapping his hands around your waist, moaning loudly, you feel his orgasm forming.
Piercing himself deeply into you, making the last motions, you climax together. 
Ecstatic, you kiss and taste each other as you find a comfortable place next to him. 
Resting your head on the pillow and facing his lovely profile, you see him trying to catch his breath.
“You make my heart go crazy… I feel so alive, dear” his sapphire eyes gleamed with the moonlight while raising his neck slightly to meet your gaze, pouring his exhausted body onto you, he embraces you to warmly say good night.
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chishiyaisasnack · 9 months
Merry XXX-mas
I bet you thought I was gone. You were kinda right. But I got inspired by @chishiyasleftnut and wrote this little christmas gift for all of you in one sitting. I hope you all are having a good holiday and that you can get plenty of rest and relaxation.
Disclaimer! This is Chishiya x fem!reader smut. Don’t read if you are underaged or uncomfortable with the topic.
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Chishiya didn’t want any Christmas gifts. He always answered with ”If I want something I can buy it for myself”. You however weren’t a quitter and took on the challenge. This was your first Christmas together and you decided to do something special for it - just because you could.
You had booked a hotel room for the two of you to enjoy over the holiday weekend. Chishiya was working until the evening and would arrive later than you, so you had plenty of time to prepare your gift to him.
Your gift was simple - you. He liked you a lot so why not give him something that you knew he’d like? Also, you really wanted to see what face he’d make when he saw you. After trying out different outifts in your imagination you came to the conclusion that you wanted to keep it simple. A pair of red lace panties, a matching red garterbelt and thigh high sheer black stockings were decorating your lower half while your upper half was covered by a red satin ribbon. Covered was not the right word for it. It went over your torso, just about covering your nipples and then tied into a bow in the middle of your breats. That was it. You had laughed at your reflection in the mirror when you were done tying the ribbon, flexing around to see if it looked good. It didn’t but that was beside the point. It was supposed to come off anyway.
When Chishiya finally stepped through the door later on in the evening, a greeting leaving his lips, you were ready. You could hear his confusion when he called for you, wondering why you didn’t come to greet him like you used to.
”I’m in here.” you answered, trying to sound seductive. Every sound of the step of his feet on the carpeted floor made your heart race. You were so nervous. So hopeful that you actually got this right. What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought it was stupid? What if…?
Chishiya gasped when he saw you. Laying down on your back, body draped over white sheets and your head on a pillow, hair splayed out underneath. You had placed your hands above your head and laid a thin, red satin ribbon - a smaller version of the one covering your chest - over your wrists. An invitation for him to tie you up if he wanted to.
It took approximately five seconds for Chishiya to discover you, to him standing next to you, smoothing his hand up your leg, admiring your body under his touch. He hummed as he drew a line on your naked thigh, right above where the stockings ended.
”You did all this for me?” he asked, eyes still wandering upwards, taking in the sight.
”I wanted to give you something that I knew you’d appreciate” you hummed back, very pleased with his response.
”You know me so well.”
His hands worked all over your body, touching every piece of skin it could reach. You were trembling by the time he put one leg on each side of your hips and leaned down over you. A finger brushed over your open palm and your breath hitched at the sensation.
”And what’s this?” His voice was smug, knowing exactly why you placed the ribbon over your wrists.
”I couldn’t wrap that part myself” you answered, faking the apologetic tone in your voice. ”I hoped that you could help me.”
”What if I want you unwrapped?” Chishiya continued the teasing, this time by taking the ribbon in his hand and starting to slowly run it up your arms, all the way until it reached your shoulder. Your eyes fluttered closed as the trail of the ribbon left a electrifying sensation behind.
”You can have me any way you want. I’m all yours tonight.”
Chishiya liked that answer. So much that he let the ribbon drape over your eyes, technically blindfolding you, before starting the descend of his warm hands down your body. The loss of sight hightened the sensation of his caresses, making that burning pit in your stomach grow with every part that he touched.
He eventually stopped at the bow on your torso. His fingers stroked under it, teasing and enjoying the impatient sounds leaving your mouth. Finally, you felt him unwrap the bow and reveal your naked chest, soon to be covered by his hands - feeling, cupping and gripping just the way he wanted to. You wished that you could see his face as he adored you. You would never get tired of seeing the soft look in his eyes when he got emotional about you.
You jumped when you felt warm lips placed against your neck. Chishiya chuckled as a response, voice low and husky under your ear.
”You look so pretty Y/N.”
You felt goosebumps forming from his words, wanting nothing more than for him to keep speaking to you.
His lips left your neck and you felt him rise back up again. Confused, you waited for his next touch, but it never came. Instead, the ribbon draped over your eyes were pulled off and the dim hotel room light greeted your eyes as you tried to focus them on Chishiyas figure, still straddeling you. He looked so handsome in his black button up shirt and matching dress pants, a dark contrast to his light hair and skin.
You felt another tug in the pit on your stomach and you got ready to reach out of him and pull him back down when-
”You told me that I could do anything I want with you tonight…” Chishiya interrupted, making his way off you and sat down next to you instead. Confused you turned your head to look at him while he got comfortable, sitting against the headboard with his head turned towards you.
”Touch yourself for me.”
You had hoped that what he wanted would involve him touching you, at least a little, but the smirk growing on his lips told you that that wasn’t going to happend. Slightly mad at yourself for not being more specific you followed his wish and reached a hand down between your legs.
You didn’t know how long you were going. The time had blurred four denied orgasms ago. Every time your fingers were rubbing exactly right, Chishiya stopped you.
”Not yet,” was the only words he whispered to you, knowing full well that you understood what he meant.
After the sixth time you were panting, whining and begging for release. Maybe you could just ignore him, make yourself come and deal with the consequenses later - but every time you met his gaze you instantly obeyed him. His eyes were dark and full of lust, watching you writhe on the bed with laser focus. He enjoyed it, it was clear from how his own breathing had sped up and how his fists were clenched by his side - also from the bulge straining against his pants.
Your hand flew out of your underwear from his command, like a dog obeying it’s human. You barely had time to see the grin on his face before he was between your legs, sliding your panties to the side and burying his cock inside you.
The moan coming out of your mouth was disrupted by the way his hips slammed into you, your voice no longer working properly due to the immense pleasure that you were finally getting. Chishiya was going fast and hard, thrusting in and out at the exact angle you wanted him. His eyes still never left your face, observing every small movement it made from how his cock was hitting the right spot, how your mouth was forming his name over and over again, and how your eyes squeezed shut when your orgasm finally arrived. You came undone while he kept fucking into you, pulsing around his cock over and over again until your vision went blurry from tears staining the corners of your eyes from the overwhelming stimulation.
”Good girl, fuck, keep coming for me” was breathed into your mouth before it was silenced by Chishiyas lips, and you had no choice but to obey. Everytime you though the orgasm was over, you were overstimulated into another wave crashing through you, leaving you shaking underneath Chishiyas still clothed body.
His lips left yours with a moan, his hips moving more and more erratically as he was getting closer to his own climax.
”Fuck, I’m gonna come inside you” he panted, not really looking for approval since he knew that he already had it, instead just letting you know since he knew how it turned you on.
With a string of yes’s falling from your mouth, your legs closing around his waist and your pussy clenching down on him he came with a guttural groan, pushing as far into you as he could while riding out his own orgasm. It wasn’t until his cock had stopped twitching and his breath had stabilized a little that he pulled out of you, making you wince from the empty feeling he left behind. Instead of laying down, he stayed on his knees and looked down at your fucked out appearance - chest heaving, eyes closed and a soft smile on your lips when you listened as he spoke.
”Thank you for the gift”
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘
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part 1
Incubus! San x Fem! Reader x Boyfriend! Wooyoung
Genre: never-ending smut 🖤
Summary: All you wanted to do was go to bed so that you could have a nice Christmas morning with your boyfriend the following day. Unfortunately, you would have a late night visitor, and it wasn’t Santa Claus delivering presents. 
W.C: 7.8k
Warnings: *possibly triggering content* mind control/manipulation, some initial resistance, dom! san, sub! reader, sub! wooyoung, mxm, brief (non sexy) choking, sacrilegious vibes, use of a crucifix (i said what i said 👀), use of a collar/leash, jealousy, pet names, name calling, degradation, praise, dirty talk, humiliation, manhandling, spit play, mutual masterbation, mutual cuckholding, oral (giving), cum swapping, wax play, nipple play, thigh riding, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, size kink, bulge kink, brief blood play, squirting, multiple orgasms, creampie 
A/N: 🚂 choo choo🚂 next stop: smut city ✨ also shoutout to @cherryxsang for giving me the wonderful idea to make it christmas-themed, as well as the idea to include a collar and leash 🫶🏼 thank you, bestie!! merry xxx-mas, everyone! and i hope you all enjoy this naughty christmas present 🖤🖤🖤
Song Recs: none this time 😭 listen i was very tempted to just put carol of the bells as a joke but i had to restrain myself 😔✊🏼
“Remind me why all you bought for your friend’s dog was a collar and leash?” you questioned, inspecting said gift and setting it down neatly inside the empty gift box on your lap. 
Wooyoung, who was standing by the Christmas tree and admiring the way the twinkling lights routinely switched off from red and blue to an eye-catching shade of gold, craned his neck back to look at you with a scowl. “First of all, it was on sale.”
You bit back a laugh, amused with your boyfriend’s immediate attitude, quietly closing the box and taping down the sides. 
“And, second of all,” he began, taking a few steps over to the couch and plopping down onto it, leaning his body against yours. “My friend had put it on his wishlist, so there.” 
Slapping a pretty red bow on the top of the plain box and calling it a day, you gave Wooyoung a small nudge with your elbow. “But, you could’ve gotten it custom-done at least, you know? Get their dog’s name engraved into it or something. Just getting a basic one seems a bit lazy to me.” 
Once Wooyoung grabbed the present from your hands and tossed it down onto the floor near the tree, he took a hold of your shoulders. “ ‘Seems a bit lazy to me,’ ” he said mockingly, as he eased you down onto the couch cushion below, climbing over you and leaning down near your face. “You better be careful before I put that collar on you myself.” 
“Mm…” You reached your arms out to wrap around his neck and bring him in closer. “But you better be careful before I pull the lights off of the tree and wrap them around your cock so you can’t cum until I say so.” 
“Is that a promise?” he asked softly, pressing his lips into the side of your jaw, slowly moving down to pepper kisses along the curve of your neck. 
“Don’t tempt me, Woo. I’ll tie you up right now.” You held him close, moaning a bit when you felt him grow hard against your lower abdomen, immediately taking the opportunity to reach down and grip him through his boxers. “You’re so hard for me already…” 
“It’s your fault, Y/N. Take some responsibility,” Wooyoung returned in a low voice, his fingers slipping into the neckline of your tank top and yanking it down so that your tits popped out of it. Hearing your gasp fueled him to suck one of them into his mouth and roll his tongue around it. 
“Fuck…keep going…” 
Wooyoung obliged, only stopping when you both heard the unmistakable sound of an ornament falling off of the tree and hitting the wood floor with a crunch. He sat up, watching as another, more sturdy one, dropped off of the branch it was on and rolled across the floor towards the couch where the two of you were tangled up. 
“What the fuck…” you mumbled, exchanging glances with Wooyoung, before sitting up when he got off of you and went to grab the broom and dustpan. 
Wooyoung came back and swept up the broken pieces of the ornament, chuckling at your frightened reaction. “I’m sure it was just some air blowing or something.” 
“From where?” You pulled your top back up and scanned the corner of the living room near the tree, a strangely unsettling feeling developing in the pit of your stomach. 
“From the heater, you know.” Wooyoung tossed the remaining fragments into the trash and came back to put the other bulb back onto the tree, making sure it was stable. 
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense…” You stood up and rubbed your forearm, wondering why you felt so uncomfortable in that moment, like another pair of eyes were on you. 
Wooyoung took notice of this and pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Don’t be so scared, baby. I’m here…”
“Mm…okay,” you nodded, feeling a little better now that you were in Wooyoung’s warm embrace. 
“We should probably get to bed…It’s getting late.” 
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” 
Giving you a soft smile, Wooyoung slung an arm around your shoulders and guided you up the stairs into your bedroom. 
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the both of you, a shadowy figure emerged from behind the tree. The demon’s tattooed fingers clasped around the bulb Wooyoung had returned to the branch. He leaned in to look at his devilish reflection in it, a deep-sounding chuckle erupting from his throat. 
“Rest while you can, you two…before all the fun begins.”
Waking up in a cold sweat, you swallowed dryly and looked over at your alarm clock, your eyes slowly focusing on the bright red numbers: 3:01 am. Groaning, you sat up and pushed yourself out of bed, figuring that you might as well get some water to satiate your parched throat. 
Once downstairs, you shuffled into the kitchen and filled up a glass of water, chugging it down as soon as possible. “Ahh…” you sighed, wiping your mouth and setting down the empty cup inside the sink.
Hearing the unmistakable sound of another bulb falling to the ground nearby, you gripped the edge of your nonexistent sleep shorts and gingerly made your way over to the living room. Once you rounded the corner and noticed a dark figure near the Christmas tree, you mumbled, “Santa…?” You desperately hoped that you were right, despite the odds being stacked heavily against you. 
The demon that you had crossed paths with only months ago was standing there, in all his naked glory, poking at another glittery bulb like an amused cat. “Did you mean San, sweetheart?” he questioned in a  velvety voice, his striking cherry-red eyes locking with your wide ones. 
“No! You are not ruining Christmas for me!” you cried, quickly making your way over to the ledge above the fireplace and picking up the crucifix that you and Wooyoung had purchased a while ago. 
San scoffed, taking a few quick steps in your direction, his length swaying a bit between his thighs. “That’s rude. Ruin is a pretty strong word.”
Once the demon got too close for comfort, you held up the crucifix in front of you and gritted your teeth. “S-stay back!” 
San took a step back and held his arms up defensively, an unexpected look of fear taking over his usually confident appearance. “Fuck, put that shit away!” 
Gaining a bit of courage, you pushed towards him, stating, “I’ll put it away when you get the hell out of here!” You held the crucifix closer to his arms, hearing him hiss as if it was burning him. 
Once you got incredibly close to him, San looked at you, his fear melting away into an eerily neutral expression. He lowered his hands and stood up straight, leaning his head back so that he could burst out in a self-satisfied fit of laughter. “You really thought you were doing something there! Holy shit, that’s gold.” 
“Huh…?” You looked up at the demon in shock, slowly starting to realize that you never had any control in the situation. 
Towering over you, San reached down to run a warm finger along your jawline, giving you a grin, his shiny white fangs glinting with the aid of the few burning candles that were sitting atop the ledge. “You know all that stuff is fake, right?” 
“But…” You pouted, your arm slowly lowering to your side in defeat, wondering why every form of media had lied about how to get rid of unwanted demonic spirits. 
San placed a hand against his lower abdomen, unable to keep himself from letting out another laugh, this one more arrogant sounding than the last. “You humans really just believe anything you’re told, huh? How pathetic.” He cracked his knuckles and moved his neck around, loosening the tension. “Now, come here, darling.” 
“No!” you argued, taking a few small steps backwards.  
Before you could defend yourself, the eager demon grabbed a hold of your neck and brought you down onto the floor, pinning you down with ease.
He chuckled, taking the crucifix from your hand and studying the fake jewels adorning the gold ridges around the top of it. “Humans were blessed with free will and yet some of them actively choose to deny themselves pleasure. What purpose does that serve? Especially when there’s so much debauchery to be a part of?” 
You weren’t really paying attention to his words, too busy trying to pull his fingers away from your neck and hitting them with your closed fist when you couldn’t peel any of them off. 
“Are you listening to me, sweetheart?” He leaned in towards your face to appreciate the anger etched into your features, his toothy, cheshire-like grin initially pissing you off a bit more than it turned you on.
Acting without thinking, you pursed your lips and sent a wad of spit in his direction, watching it land on his cheek and drip down along his sharp jaw. 
“Oh, you’ve done it now,” he muttered, a deep growl reverberating from his ink-covered throat. He dropped the crucifix onto the floor with a low, resounding clang so that he could reach over and grab the nearest present, ripping it open and taking out the collar. “You want to act like a disobedient pet, huh? You don’t want to be good for me?”
Once he loosened his grip on you, you could finally take in a steady breath, but were unable to wiggle yourself out from under him, his body weight keeping you pinned to the floor. “I’m not your pet!”
San shook his head, his shaggy black hair swaying slightly along with his movements. “Stupid girl.” Undoing the strap of the leash, he reached down and put it on you, making sure it was tight enough to push into your skin, but not enough to fully choke you. “You say you’re not my pet, but yet here you are, wearing a collar, with your pretty little cunt soaked for me like a bitch in heat.” 
San sure had a way with words, you would have to admit. Were you actually into this as much as he was?
Judging by the way your body was already screaming for the demon to touch you, the signs were pointing to a definite yes. 
“Get this fucking thing off of me,” you protested half-heartedly, encouraging him to tug on the edge of the leash near the collar itself and force you to look up into his spellbinding irises, keeping you still with his inhuman strength. 
“Now why would I do something like that? I’m having so much fun. Aren’t you having fun?” 
“No,” you lied through your teeth, secretly wishing that he would shove his tongue inside your mouth so that you could experience the aphrodisiac-like effects of his saliva. 
“You will soon, darling.” He leaned in close, his forked tongue slipping out past his lips to run along your jaw, tasting you. It burned your skin like last time, but you couldn’t deny that it felt incredibly good this time around.
He let go of your collar, your head lowering back down onto the cool floor beneath you. “But, why now?”
Almost annoyed, San answered matter-of-factly, “I wanted to give myself a nice present this year. So I decided I would spend another night with you and your boyfriend.” Seeing the way you were starting to look at him with less malice and more interest, he purred lovingly, “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you the most, my pretty little toy.”
Swallowing harshly, you relaxed your previously tense body, opening your mouth without his explicit order to do so. “Aah…” 
San grew incredibly hard from this, not wasting a single second to grab your jaw and keep it open, his face now inches away from yours. “Oh, I see. You’ll only be obedient if you’re feeling good, hmm? You want your body to feel so hot…” he began, running a thumb over your bottom lip, “…so sensitive, that you can’t even think straight?”
With your heart pounding away in your chest, you nodded slightly, your squished cheeks feeling warm to the touch. “Uh-huh…” 
San’s pupils formed into small slits, just as he slipped his tongue past your parted lips, using it to coil around yours, his abundant saliva filling your mouth. He broke the kiss once you swallowed it down, your own pupils resembling saucers once you had. 
“Good girl.” The demon climbed off of you and picked up the crucifix, licking his lips. “Now, since you weren’t listening to me earlier, I’m going to have to demonstrate just how passionate I am about sin.” 
You sat up and looked at him curiously, not entirely sure where he was going with this. Regardless, you were ready for anything, the arousal surging throughout your body causing your lower half to ache almost painfully in anticipation. 
San flipped the crucifix upside down, pursing his lips and letting some spit drip down the thick, long rod. “Go on and get yourself comfortable, sweetheart.” 
You slid yourself over to the cold brick wall of the fireplace and pressed your back against it. Biting into your bottom lip, you gingerly spread your legs apart, your tiny shorts giving San an eyeful of your bare cunt, your wetness already dripping down onto the floor from the fast-acting effects of his saliva. 
“Mm, look at you. All nice and wet for me, just like I knew you’d be.” He moved in your direction, settling next to you and lowering his hand down so that he could rub the polished end of the crucifix up and down your pussy, just barely teasing your hole with it. 
“Shit…” you whispered, jolting abruptly when the tip of it rubbed into your sensitive clit. 
“Hey, do you think God is watching us right now? Or a few nosy angels?” Different sounding voices, some deeper and some higher, came out as San spoke, the other beings channeling him making an early appearance. “You think they’re aroused? Or disgusted? Maybe both? Fuck, I’m so hard just thinking about it.”
“San…” You whined a bit, equally disturbed and turned on by his preferred kink, almost unable to believe that you were so eager to be involved in such perversion, especially with your boyfriend still sleeping peacefully just a floor above you. Did it count as cheating if you were messing around with a supernatural being? Who knows. 
“What’s wrong, love? You want it inside already, don’t you?” He chuckled into your ear, his tongue sliding out to lick along the shell of it, angling his hand down slightly and pushing the cold metal rod up into your entrance as deep as it would go. “Take it all for me…”
You responded with a sharp inhale, leaning your head back into the brick behind you, your eyes shifting to look into the demon’s glowing ones when he had begun to move it in and out of you. The rod was surprisingly thick and heavy, making you feel pleasantly full inside. “Oh my god…!” 
When he witnessed the ‘o’ shape your mouth made and the moans that began to slip out, he mirrored it, his cock throbbing at the sight of the intrepid lust that had seemed to completely take over you. “Yeah? You like having a cross inside your cunt, baby? It feels good, huh? Does it make you want to worship God or me?” 
“You, San…If you make me cum, I’ll worship you in any way you want…” You reached down to wrap your fingers around his wrist, moving it in a faster motion when you felt like he wasn't pleasuring you to the extent you truly needed.  
“Fuuuck, you’re such a dirty little slut,” he groaned, gripping the edge of the cross and shoving it in and out of you, using his free hand to rub your clit in circles. 
You couldn’t help but reach your arms out past San’s broad shoulders, your fingertips clutching his muscular back for support. “Don’t stop…” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Looking at you like you were his next meal, he slowly dragged his heavy tongue up the side of your flushed cheek, emitting a small ‘aah’ sound. 
“Sounds…good…” you exhaled shakily, shivering from the tingling sensation on your skin where he left his saliva. 
San continued to fuck you with the cross, his fingers moving rapidly across your clit, making sure to speed up his movements when your arousal began to squirt out of you and drip down the rod onto his hand. “Oh, baby, look at you…It feels so good, you’re already squirting for me?” 
“Yesyesyesyes…Fuck, San…!” A ragged, desperate cry erupted from your throat, your nails dragging down the demon’s back and giving him fresh cuts, much to his delight. 
After you came back down from your intense high, you didn’t feel fully satisfied and a little tired like you usually did with Wooyoung. Instead, you felt invigorated, your body almost vibrating at the thought of going another round with the demon sitting beside you. 
“You’re drooling, my love,” he mused, wiping some of your spit away with the pad of his thumb and swiping at it with the very tip of his tongue. When you just sat there with your lips still parted and your eyes just as dilated as before, San felt the need to inform you of some new information. “Also, we seem to have a guest.” 
You hadn’t noticed in the slightest, but Wooyoung had gotten up to investigate when he heard the muffled sounds of your blatant ecstasy coming from downstairs. He had just barely made it into the living room, standing incredibly still near the wall, not prepared to deal with this situation in the slightest. 
“Woo!” you said excitedly, about to get up when San grabbed your chin and coaxed it open. 
“Don’t swallow this time, okay? I want you to hold it in your mouth and let your cute little boyfriend have a taste.” As soon as he spoke, long strings of saliva began to drip down from his tongue down onto yours, causing you to moan in approval. Once San was done, he tugged a bit on the leash and gave you an eerie smile, whispering near your ear, “Go get ‘em.” 
Once San let go of the leash, you sprung up onto your feet and sprinted towards Wooyoung, causing him to back up into the wall and hold his hands up defensively. “Oh, god, baby, no! Just stay right there! Don’t–”
Cutting your boyfriend off when your body collided with his, you didn’t waste any time forcing his jaw open and holding his face still. “Come on, have a taste...” You eased your combined spit into his mouth, your chest pressing against his bare one. 
“M-mmn,” he mumbled, his knees almost buckling from the way your tongue lapped languidly at his. His cock instantly began to strain against the confines of his boxers from the relentless waves of arousal that were rushing through him. You opened your eyes slightly, wanting to see his next reaction.
Wooyoung groaned against your lips when your hand tugged his boxers down and off of his body, your fingers wrapping around the base of his cock. 
Breaking the kiss, but staying in close proximity to his face, you purred, “God, you’re so hard and I’ve barely touched you, Woo.” 
“You act like this doesn’t happen every time…” 
Delighted by his response, you bit his bottom lip and gently tugged at it with your teeth, earning a moan from him. “Mmm, your cock won’t stop throbbing either.” You began eagerly pumping your hand and drinking in the sight of your boyfriend’s flushed face and drawn eyebrows. 
“I…ahhh…can’t help it…” 
In the middle of all this, San had made himself comfortable on the couch, watching you both in silence, not even bothered that his untouched length kept twitching periodically. 
Wanting to make you feel just as good, Wooyoung slid his own hand past your shorts and rubbed two fingers into your sensitive clit, asking, when he heard you moan, “Yeah, baby? Does that feel good?” 
“Really good…” 
“You want my fingers inside you?” 
“Please, Woo…”
Wooyoung let out a soft chuckle, dropping your shorts to the floor and sliding two digits into you so that he could eagerly shove them in and out, already knowing how to find your g-spot right away.
 “Oh, fuck…Right there…!” 
“I hear you, baby. I’ll take care of you.” Wooyoung’s tongue poked out of his mouth to wet his lips, grunting as he sped up his movements, encouraging you to do the same with him. 
With your foreheads pressed together and hastily breathing in the same air, your eyes locked on one another’s, neither of you wanting to focus on anything else except for each other at that moment. 
“Baby, I’m gonna…” Wooyoung announced, just barely loud enough for you to hear, his fingers curling a bit more inside your slick hole, leading you to feel like you were about to cum as well. 
“Me too…I–…fuck…” Just as you felt the intensely warm build up inside you begin to overwhelm your senses, you slotted your lips onto Wooyoung’s, the both of you moaning into each other’s open mouths as you reached the height of your shared pleasure. 
With his chest heaving, Wooyoung pulled his wet digits out and broke the kiss so that he could push them onto your tongue, letting you savor what had just poured out of you. “Does my baby like tasting herself?” he asked breathlessly, finding it incredibly arousing how you were sucking on his fingers and nodding your head in such an adamant way. 
San brought a fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat loudly. “I hate to interrupt something this hot, but I think it’s about time you both got your asses over here.” 
You and Wooyoung exchanged glances, almost forgetting about the supposed high-tension situation you were in. “Sorry,” was all you could come up with, unconsciously pulling at the tight collar San had put on you, waiting with baited breath to see how he would respond. 
“You’re lucky I’m in the Christmas spirit.” San spread his legs open and pointed downward with one tattooed finger. “I want you both on your knees in front of me. Now.” 
Without any hesitation, you both scrambled to the floor before San, sitting on your knees and looking up at him expectantly, completely at his mercy. The demon’s eyes glowed temporarily, the tip of his spiked tail flicking around in the air. “So obedient.” 
You couldn’t even register San’s praise, too distracted by his stiff cock, the tip of it red, angry, and dripping with clear liquid. You swallowed your spit, but you couldn’t prevent a bit of drool from leaking out past your lips. 
Noticing how hungry you looked, San took a hold of the leash in one hand and pulled it, yanking you closer to him so that you came face to face with his weapon of choice. “Mm, you haven’t gotten the chance to suck my cock yet, huh? I can see why you’re so eager.” 
Wooyoung scooted closer to you, the side of his body pressing into yours, his fingers finding their way to your pussy and idly rubbing it up and down. “Go on, baby…”
Just as you lunged forward to devour San, he grabbed you by the chin and held it still. “Here’s your present,” he informed sweetly, slapping his heavy cock across your face and rubbing the tip of it over your lips, allowing you to taste his slightly salty pre-cum. 
Despite being a little dizzy from the impact, you felt a major spike of pleasure shoot through you from this particular display of dominance, as well as from the way Wooyoung’s fingers kept gliding over your dripping cunt.
“Now, suck,” San ordered, pressing his cockhead to your mouth. 
You took the initiative, dragging your tongue from the tip down to the base and sucking the side of it, cupping his balls in your warm palm and gently massaging them. “Mmm…” 
“Gooood girl.” San slid down slightly against the plush couch behind him, moving a few strands of loose hair out of your face and behind your ear. 
You teased him for an unspecified amount of time, until you suddenly felt the intense urge to feel him inside your mouth. When Wooyoung slipped a finger inside your cunt, you leaned in and allowed San’s length into your throat, your mouth stretching around it, diligently sucking him off for a while and using one hand to reach the rest of it. 
Feeling like he would cum too soon, San groaned out, running his fingers through your hair. “Slow down, darling…slow down…” When you didn’t listen, he gripped the leash and tugged in the opposite direction. “I forgot how much of a greedy whore you are,” he mused, yanking you backwards off of his cock with a lewd ‘pop’, choking you temporarily. 
You whimpered, leaning against one of San’s spread thighs, whining, “But, I wanted to make you cum.”
“You need to share. Look at your poor little boyfriend. Look at his face.”
You rubbed your throat just underneath the leather material so that you could soothe the irritated skin, looking over at Wooyoung who was drooling as well, his eyes focused solely on the demon’s curved length. 
“Think he can handle this?” San asked you, prompting you to shrug your shoulders.
“Maybe, I don’t know.” 
Retracting his hand from you, Wooyoung took major offense to your reaction and huffed, wrapping one hand around San’s cock, pumping it lightly. “I’ll show you. I’ll show you both.” 
Wooyoung took in a fair amount of San’s cock, the sides of his mouth stinging from the sheer girth of it, but pressing on and bobbing his head. “M-mmm…”
“Fuck, that’s a good boy…” the demon sighed, watching him for a while until he suddenly gripped the back of Wooyoung’s head and fucked his mouth somewhat quickly, too consumed with lust to care if he was able to breathe or not. “Mm, take it, baby…” 
Wooyoung took it the best he could, gagging profusely, with tears falling from his cloudy eyes. Due to never experiencing something so pleasurable before, his cock began dripping a large amount of pre-cum until he eventually came untouched, his load shooting out onto his chest. “Mmmnn…!” 
You swallowed hard, your heart racing inside your ribcage, never realizing how incredibly turned on you could feel just from witnessing someone face-fucking your boyfriend in front of you. You couldn’t even be jealous. At least, not yet, anyways. 
“Who knew your boyfriend was such a cockslut?” San exhaled in your direction, his dark eyes focusing solely on yours, even when he stopped thrusting and held Wooyoung still, his cock deep inside his throat. Hearing the young man gagging noisily around him, he groaned in ecstasy. “Hey, darling, you want to taste my cum too, don’t you?” 
“Yes, please…” you whined softly, prompting San to yank Wooyoung off him, causing thick strings of saliva to leave his mouth and drip down his chin. 
San slid his fingers around the back of your neck and held you in place on one side of his cockhead, grabbing the back of Wooyoung’s head, so that his mouth was positioned on the other side. “Let me see how bad you both want it…”
Exchanging a lustful gaze with Wooyoung, the two of you slurped on the tip, your lips and tongues occasionally meeting in the middle until San let out a loud strangled cry of pleasure. He pushed Wooyoung’s face away for a moment, wanting to see his favorite toy painted with his seed. 
“Here you go, baby…” San gripped the back of your head with both hands and held you still, his load gushing out in long spurts, most of it landing on your face. You made sure to catch some of his cum inside your open mouth, about to swallow it, but stopping when you heard San whisper, “Share it with him…” 
Obeying his request, you pulled your boyfriend into a sloppy kiss, his fingers interlocking with yours as you both swapped the milky liquid back and forth, the both of you moaning periodically. 
Wooyoung pulled away so that he could wipe off the remaining cum from your face, then held his coated fingers up in between your mouths, allowing you both to lick and suck them clean. 
If San had a soul, it would’ve left his body by now. Thankfully, he didn’t, so he was still good to go. However, he couldn’t help but feel a little bothered. There was so much pleasure to take part in, but so little time. He would have to make the most of it, knowing that he couldn’t truly use the two of you to the extent that he wanted, or else he risked the chance of completely draining your life sources. 
Letting the two of you recover from the overload of endorphins that were plaguing your minds, San pointed to the ledge above the fireplace, ordering, “Grab one of those candles and bring it over here. Then, the both of you can make yourselves comfortable on my lap.” 
Before you could move, Wooyoung had already jumped up and grabbed one of the melting candles, bringing it over to San and propping himself up on one of the demon’s large, muscular thighs. You got up and sat down on San’s opposite thigh, biting your bottom lip in anticipation. 
The demon took the candle from your boyfriend and tilted it sideways, dripping some of the hot liquid along Wooyoung’s collarbones, as well as down his chest. “You like that?” 
Wooyoung gasped in response, nodding his head, his cock growing hard once again from the pleasantly warm feeling of hot liquid running down his melanin skin. 
“How about this?” San questioned in a low voice, holding the candle closer to Wooyoung’s chest so that some of the candle wax poured down over one of his nipples, making sure to do the same to the other one. 
“Feels…so good…” Wooyoung arched his back, reaching up the play with one of his sensitive buds, squeezing it and pulling at it. “Play with me too, San…” 
San ran his thumb over Wooyoung’s other pert bud, rolling it around in tight, small circles. “Such a mindless little whore.” He carefully set the candle down on the couch so that he could grip one of Wooyoung’s hips, bringing his mouth down near his chest so that he could lap at one of his buds with his forked tongue. 
This, of course, drove your boyfriend crazy, leading him to begin mewling and grinding his cock into him. “It’s so good…so good…” he repeated, shuddering from how the demon’s drool began to drip down along his body. 
“I bet, baby,” San returned in a raspy voice, completely entranced by how needy he was being, pulling Wooyoung’s body against his own, who whined almost immediately.
“I’m gonna cum again…” Wooyoung moaned, his brown eyes blown out with desire, slowly rubbing his bare chest onto the demon’s muscular one, unable to handle how sensitive his body was feeling. 
“Uh-uh, you can’t be cumming so soon. At least, not until I’ve made your girlfriend squirt again.” 
You let out a small whimper, leaning your head into the crook of San’s neck, feeling ignored but not voicing it. You felt his hand move up your lower back and caress it, but he didn’t pay attention to you quite yet. 
“Want it on your cock?” Amused by Wooyoung’s eager nodding, San lowered the candle and slowly poured the warm liquid in a line across the young man’s throbbing erection.
“Fuuuck, San…!” Feeling the candle wax drip down the sides of his length, Wooyoung whined louder and continued rubbing himself into San’s lower abdomen in an unapologetic way until he cried out in ecstasy, cumming once again. 
“Didn’t I just tell you not to cum? So selfish…” San muttered under his breath, his fingers gripping into the sides of the candle, glaring daggers at Wooyoung, who was too busy milking the last few drops of cum from his softening length. “Darling, pull some of the lights off of the tree for me, will you? And wrap them around this disobedient whore’s cock while you’re at it.” 
Hearing San finally address you directly, you pulled yourself up from the couch and headed over to the tree, following his directions. 
Wooyoung gulped nervously, before gasping when San suddenly shoved him to the ground below him. San then set the candle down onto the floor, his lips forming a lewd smile. “Guess what? You’re going to sit there and watch me pleasure your girlfriend for the rest of the night. I’ll make sure to take care of her in ways that you can’t. Does that sound good?” 
“Very.” Wooyoung returned the smile and sat on his knees, shivering a bit when you began to wrap the Christmas lights around his body, binding his arms behind his back and making sure to coil the wire around his already stiffening cock. He looked up at you and frowned. “Hey, I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hog all of the attention earlier…”
“It’s okay, Woo, but it’s my turn now,” you returned, running your thumb over the slit of his cockhead just to tease him. “Enjoy the show~” 
Wooyoung groaned softly, knowing he most definitely would enjoy every single second of it. It didn’t matter who was touching you, as long as you were feeling good.
“Come here, my love.” San beckoned you with his index finger, leading you to drop the rest of the lights so that you could lower yourself into his lap and straddle one of his thighs. Seeing the pout on your face, he settled his hands on your hips and pulled your body closer, tilting his head to the side. “You didn’t like being ignored, did you?” 
“You want my attention that bad, huh?” 
“Yes, please…I need it…” You ran your hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck, feeling San squeeze his hands into the supple flesh of your hips and begin to grind himself into you. 
“My darling little toy…you should’ve told me how desperate you were for my attention earlier,” he murmured into your ear, lifting his thigh up slightly while he continued to drag you along it, allowing it to press harder into your clit, making you moan. 
“I didn’t want you to punish me…” You began to breathe somewhat heavily, due to San dragging your lower half back and forth at an even faster rate, your insides feeling like they were on fire. 
“I thought you liked it when I punished you.” 
“I do, but,” you started, unable to hold back a choked moan from the way San continued to control your body movements, his fingers digging deeper into your flesh and feeling the inner ridges of your hip bones. “I like it more when you’re like this…” 
“Like what?”
“Sweet to me…” you replied in a soft voice, a light blush forming on your cheeks.
San didn’t know it was possible for him to feel such a pleasant warmth inside his chest. It almost made him sick, but he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed such a gentle sensation. “My love…” he whispered, pulling you into a surprisingly heartfelt kiss, still encouraging you to grind on his thigh, eventually driving you over the edge. 
You cried out into his mouth, your arousal gushing out onto his lower half and dripping onto the couch cushion below. When he pulled away, you simply gazed into his hypnotic eyes, panting heavily.
“Did that feel good?” 
“Mm-hmm…” You pressed yourself up against the demon, your fingers slipping into his raven hair. “Am I your favorite pet to play with?”
“Of course you are, darling.” Bringing one of his hands up to your neck and running a finger over the collar you had on, San asked, “Do you want me to give you a collar that has your name on it? One that I’ll put on you whenever I come by to fuck your brains out?”
You hugged San close to you, nodding your head so quickly, you didn’t even register Wooyoung’s obvious jealousy — but not the kind that you expected. 
“That’s not fair,” Wooyoung pouted, his fingers twitching slightly behind his back. “I want one too…”
San looked past your shoulder down at Wooyoung, his once crimson eyes appearing to be completely black at this point. “Sorry, pretty boy. Maybe if you didn’t cum every five seconds, I would consider giving you one too.” 
Trying to reclaim San’s focus, you hooked your fingers into the hem of your tank top and lifted it up and over your head, tossing it behind you, not noticing or caring that it landed on your boyfriend’s head. He shook it off, emitting a small whimper, but not exactly bothered by the position he was in. 
“I’ll take care of you, my love. I’ll make you feel so good, you’ll never be able to think about anything else, except for me.” San reached for the candle and held it above your breasts, dripping some of it across your soft flesh, using his thumbs to rub the warm candle wax across your nipples. 
“Fuck, San…” you gasped, arching your back when he poured a larger amount down the valley of your breasts, feeling it drip down your abdomen and onto your aching sex. “Please, I can’t take it anymore…” 
“Yeah?” He blew the candle out and tossed it onto the floor, not caring that it rolled into Wooyoung’s leg, who was trapped between a state of immense pleasure and agony, his cock straining against the wire to the point that the tip of it was an angry shade of red. “Is there something you want, pretty girl?” 
Feeling San’s large hands roam up your body and onto your tits so that he could grope and knead them to his heart’s content, you nodded, exhaling, “Your cock.” 
“My cock?” 
“I need it in me…” 
“In your pretty little cunt?” 
You blushed, your heart skipping a few beats inside your chest. “In my pretty little cunt…” 
“As you wish, darling.” San let out a pleased huff of air, lifting your hips up and pushing the tip of his cock against your entrance, stretching you out so that he could slide you down onto it. “Jesus fucking Christ, you’re so tight.” 
You let out a small cry, your fingernails digging into San’s back, trying to get accustomed to his unusually large size. 
Glancing at Wooyoung over your shoulder, San gave the suffering young man a crooked smile. “You must not be hitting it right, huh? Your girlfriend’s tighter than those lights wrapped around your cock.” 
Wooyoung bit his bottom lip, feeling humiliated, but still relishing the way San talked down to him, his tethered length twitching slightly as a response. “You should…show me how it’s done…”
San exhaled something in Latin, gripping either side of your ass and plunging himself deep inside you so that he could begin his pursuit of pleasure. 
“It’s so big, San…” you moaned out, feeling like you were already descending into madness from the way he was pounding into you at such a brutal speed, the couch creaking so loudly underneath you that the springs could snap at any given moment. “So fucking big, I can barely take it!” 
“You’re just tiny…” San squeezed his fingers into your ass and kneaded it, bringing you to let out a whine. “You think you’ll be able to go back to your boyfriend’s cock after this? Or will you be dreaming about mine?” 
“Look at him and say it,” he chuckled darkly, prompting you to turn your head back and look down at Wooyoung, who was gazing up at you with stars in his eyes. 
“I’ll be dreaming about San’s cock the next time you–aah–fuck me, Woo…” 
Wooyoung groaned, heavy amounts of pre-cum dripping down the head of his dick and onto the floor below. “I can’t blame you, baby…” 
San was only able to take so much satisfaction at once, suddenly holding you down so that he was fully inside you. “Are you ready for me to fill her up with my cum, pretty boy?” 
Wooyoung nodded his head, his dick aching so much that his eyes started to water. “Yes, fuck–fill her up for me, San! Please!” 
San obliged, holding you completely still as he unloaded into your cunt, the gushing warmth of his cum so pleasurable that you came on the spot. 
“I need more, San…” you whispered shakily, encouraging the demon to lift you up and guide your body so that you were facing the other way, your back against his heated chest. 
“You read my mind, darling.” He shoved himself back into you, forcing some of the sticky liquid to drip down to the base of his length and pool around his inner thighs. “You’re still so fucking tight…I might actually lose it…” 
“Then you better fuck me until I get used to your size,” you exhaled lovingly, reaching a hand back so that you could slip your fingers into his damp hair, leaning your head back as well so that yours was near his. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he whispered gruffly into your ear, his hands running down your lower abdomen and feeling his heavy cock protruding through your skin. “I bet you’d want me to fuck you day in and day out until you break for me.” 
Tears formed in your eyes due to the immense stimulation, unable to see Wooyoung clearly anymore from how blurry your vision was becoming. “You can break me as many times as you want, as long as I’m yours,” you replied in a shaky voice, turning your head to face San.
San began to drool from your words, answering confidently, “You were mine the moment I first saw you, darling. Now…let me have a little bite, okay?” He suddenly ripped off your collar and tossed the remains onto the floor, baring his sharpened teeth. He plunged them into your neck without a second of hesitation, biting down and drawing out your coursing blood. 
“Drink up…” you moaned weakly, blinking your tears away and gripping the ends of his hair, your lower half pulsing so intensely that you knew you were going to reach your mind-melting high again. 
San noisily slurped the hot liquid up into his mouth, moaning and breathing heavily against your skin, his cock throbbing inside you. “Mmmn…’M….going to…cum…” 
“Pleasepleaseplease…fill me up…” you chanted, your heart racing inside your chest, not even bothered how San gulped down your precious life source. 
The demon suddenly pulled his mouth away and brought you all the way down on his length again, cementing you in place. “Stand up, pretty boy! Now!” 
Wooyoung got up onto his feet so quickly he felt dizzy, about to sob from how insanely good it felt when San’s tail whipped down and sliced the wire off of his cock, finally allowing him to cum. “Oh my fucking god, yes!” he shouted out in ecstasy, his load shooting out all over your chest and lower abdomen. 
“Here it comes, darling!” Almost simultaneously, San groaned incredibly loud, tossing his head back onto the couch and pumping you full of his seed for the second time, leading you to your own pinnacle of pure bliss, your mind and body feeling almost completely numbed out. 
You couldn’t really acknowledge it when San slipped out from underneath you and stood up, your exhausted body simply falling down onto the couch so that you could get some rest. Wooyoung joined you as well, knocking out almost as soon as he landed next to you. 
His own brain and body tingling pleasantly around the edges, San reached down to pet both of your heads, sighing softly. “Merry Christmas, my lovely playthings. Take care, until we meet again.” 
He walked over to the tree so that he could take one of the bulbs as a souvenir, looking at his satisfied, flushed reflection inside it. “Merry Christmas to me…” And with that, he vanished into thin air. 
When noontime rolled around the next day, the both of you slowly sat up and rested against the couch, looking at each other, studying the various marks, chipped candle wax, and dried remnants of cum that littered your aching bodies. 
You cleared your sore throat, leaning into Wooyoung and sighing. “So…he was kind of sweet this time around…Is that crazy to say?”
“Not crazy, no.” Wooyoung wrapped his arms securely around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I mean, I got bullied towards the end there, but honestly, I was really into it.” 
You let out a soft chuckle, melting into Wooyoung’s embrace. “I could tell.” 
“But, honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that good before. I almost lost my mind.” 
“Me too,” you nodded, pulling away and leaning back against the couch again, your boyfriend’s arm slipping around your shoulders and hanging off of it. “I’d say it was a night well spent.”
You both fell into a comfortable silence, simply holding each other and admiring the snow that was falling gently outside the frosted windows of your living room. You sighed to yourself, content with how you were filled up with more than just Christmas spirit, idly running your fingers along the deep bite marks on your neck. 
Noticing the Santa hat that was sitting near the top of the couch, Wooyoung grabbed it and put it on your head, giving you a smile. “Merry Christmas, baby.” 
You kissed his cheek, a wide smile forming on your face. “More like Merry Dickmas. Get it? Cuz San’s got a huge c–”
“No, I get it,” Wooyoung cut you off, giving you a blank stare, before erupting in a fit of giggles that you joined in on as well, the both of you hugging and falling back down onto the couch to get some more rest. Once you both quieted down, Wooyoung informed, “It’s my turn to get fucked next time though.”
You turned your head to look at him, gently running your fingers along his chest. “Sure, but he might not want to, since I’m his favorite, after all.” 
Wooyoung tsked, hugging you closer to him and nuzzling your cheek. “Are you the main character all of a sudden, or what?”
You nuzzled him back, basking in his comforting warmth and giving him a gentle kiss. “Duh.” 
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© toxicccred, 2022.
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sturnioloshacker · 8 months
christmas morning surprise - a chris sturniolo short
a/n: not requested; lowercase intended
a/n: this is my present to you all for getting me to 1500 followers! thank you all so much, you deserve this fic 🩷 (keep in mind that this fic was written in november hence the xmas theme)
summary: your bf chris surprises you on christmas morning
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as snowflakes gently blanketed the city on christmas morning, i awoke to the sweet smell of cinnamon and the sound of soft carols playing. removing the blankets, I sit up and slip on my cozy slippers and make my way to the living area of the triplets’ house. as i walk, i notice a trail of twinkling fairy lights leading towards the living room. how strange, those weren’t there when we hung up the christmas decorations! I finally enter the living room to find my boyfriend of 2 years, chris, stood in the middle with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.
“merry christmas mamas, breakfast is ready.”
“aww chris! thank y- ooh cinnamon scrolls!”
i rush to the dining table and start violently tearing the warm fluffy bundle of joy apart. i sigh in content as the cinnamony goodness makes my tastebuds tingle in delight. after breakfast, the triplets and i sit around the christmas tree to unwrap our gifts from each other. once i open a tigger plush toy from matt to match with his eeyore plush and a giant bucket of my favourite candy from nick, i grab my present from chris. i undo the ribbon from the box and lift the lid off to find a scrapbook inside. 
“a scrapbook?”
“open it, ma. trust me.”
i take the book out and open it to find cherished memories of our relationship from the past 2 years. each page contained many polaroids and notes from every milestone we shared together. as i look through the book, my eyes well up with tears. chris is always so thoughtful when it comes to presents and this was next level. i can’t help but let a few tears run down my cheeks, the happiness in me taking over. 
“oh my gosh, chris! thank you for this, i love it so much.”
“i’m glad you love it, it took me so long and to keep it a secret from you was so difficult.”
i get to the page that says christmas 2023 and notice it’s blank. realising that it needs to be filled today, i squeal in excitement, knowing that i’ll be taking so many photos to stick into the scrapbook. i look up to find chris holding mistletoe in one hand and my polaroid camera in the other. i squeal again and crash into his open arms. he holds the mistletoe over our heads before leaning in to capture my lips in a sweet kiss and taking the photo. 
best christmas morning ever!
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jerzwriter · 1 month
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This story takes place on the night of All is Merry & Bright. Grandma Vivian is staying over to watch baby Samantha, so Casey has some time to think. Wrapped up in the warmth of family love & the Christmas spirit, she starts to think maybe Tobias is right about adding to the Carrick brood.
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Mini-Series: Round Two Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 792 Summary: See Above A/N: This little series will be a few (?) short stories leading up to Brooke Carrick's birth on August 30th.
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Casey was curled up in bed, a book resting in her hands, though she couldn’t seem to focus on the words. Soft Christmas music piped through the air, blending with the hum of the holiday lights that twinkled outside, casting a festive glow throughout their bedroom. The house smelled like Christmastime  - sugar cookies fresh out of the oven, and the aroma of pine created a comforting, nostalgic mix that filled her with warmth.
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and smiled. Sometimes, it was still hard for her to believe that this was their life. She and Tobias had just celebrated their second wedding anniversary, and this would be little Sammy’s second Christmas, too. If someone had told her five years before that this was where they'd be, she would have thought them crazy—but oh, how thrilled she was that they would have been right!
Tobias stepped into the room, a playful smile toying on his lips. “Ma’s got Sammy down for the night."
“Already?” Casey gasped.
“She’s out like a light,” he replied, settling in next to his wife. “She really does have the magic touch.”
“Well, she has had plenty of practice,” Casey grinned, wrapping her arms around him.
“Speaking of practice…” he smirked, pushing Casey on her back.
“Is that all you think about?” She laughed.
“When it comes to you? Pretty much,” he teased, running his hands through her hair.
She gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. “So. What would you say if I told you that I might be ready to start practicing for real?”
“For real?” he laughed. “What have all the other times been for? Were they just...” Tobias’s eyes widened as realization set in, a look of shock settling on his face. “Wait... do you mean? Are you serious?”
Casey nodded, her smile growing as she watched his excitement build. “I’ve been thinking about it… and you’re right; maybe Sammy does need a sibling sooner rather than later. And I know how much you want to build that softball team of yours.”
“But you said... you wanted to... You’re serious?” He asked, his voice filling with hope. “You’re not just teasing me, right?”
“I’m not teasing,” she assured him, her hand gently playing with the stubble of his beard.
“Oh, my God, Casey,” he beamed, grasping the back of her head and pulling her into a passionate kiss. “This... this is incredible! This is the best Christmas gift you could ever give me!"
She could see the wheels spinning in his mind. “All right,” he grinned, slipping out of his pajama bottoms. “If we get started right now, our second little girl could be with us next Christmas.”
“Tobias!” She laughed. “Calm down! I’m more than happy to, uh - practice, but it's not like you're going to hit a home run tonight. These things can take time."
“Time,” he scoffed. “Please! Sammy didn’t take any time at all.”
“Sammy was unplanned, remember?”
“Exactly!”  Tobias exclaimed. “And it still happened. I’ve got Carrick magic on my side, baby. When I say this is happening... it's happening.”
Casey laughed, her heart swelling with love for this man who never failed to make her smile. “Okay, Mr. Magic, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Tobias rolled over, pinning his giggling wife gently beneath him, his eyes locking with hers with that look she once named "the panty drop."
“I’m not getting ahead of anything,” he purred. “I’m just being proactive.”
“Proactive, huh?” her voice a teasing whisper as she wrapped her arms behind his neck.
“Absolutely,” he murmured, kissing that sweet spot that always made her shiver, and it proved successful once again. “There’s no time like the present.”
Casey’s breath hitched as his hands began to wander, exploring every curve and dip of her body with a tenderness that still made her pulse race. Whoever said the honeymoon would end with these two just didn't know them at all.
“Maybe… maybe you’re right,” she breathed, her nails digging into his back.
Tobias smiled down at her, his eyes filled with love and desire, unlike anything he had known before. “I know I’m right. Next year, we’ll be taking our Christmas card photo with two little girls.”
“You don’t know that we’ll have another girl,” Casey cooed.
“Yes, I do,” he winked, dipping under the covers to do things that would never make it to the pages of their future child's baby book.
Casey laughed for a moment, but as passion burned between them, her laughter was cut short, and the rest of the world faded away as they set out on their shared mission; they were well-practiced for this one and oh so eager to begin.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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gingernut1314 · 9 months
'Tis the Season
Straw Hat Crew x GN!Reader
Summary: You share your holiday celebrations with your crew aboard the Going Merry.
Warnings: fluffffffff, some (very little) mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Soooo I've gotten into the holiday spirit and needed to write this, so I hope you all don't mind too much! @fanaticsnail thank you for contributing to my holiday cheer with your wonderful x-mas works! (go check them out if you haven't already! Very good!!) I hope everyone has an amazing holiday or can find joy in something that brings you happiness this month!!! 🩷
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Luffy: 🍖
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As soon as you tell him anything about the holiday you celebrated back on your home island, he would insist on doing it right then and there
Festive and colorful decorations? He’s stopping at the nearest island to gather supplies and doctorate the Merry to your liking
Hot chocolate and food? Yes please.
Turkey, roast beef, or ham for dinner? Why not all of it?
The food is the most important part of this new holiday, he thinks
He’s getting Sanji to whip up every delicacy you can possibly think of
Fun holiday activities? The crew will be dragged along and they will have fun
He’ll want to double--no triple check that Santa is going to visit the Merry because he sounds super cool and he wants to recruit him onto the crew 
I mean, come on! The guy loves cookies and milk and those are some of Luffy's favorite things!
…and he will be very skeptical of you telling him Santa is, unfortunately, not real 
Luffy is dead broke so he goes to Nami to beg for berry so that he can get you a gift
Nami, of course, refuses to give him a single coin and tells him to make you something
So he would spend hours making you a gift
He would hand you a drawing of him hugging the life out of you on the Merry
And you would have to have him explain to you what is happening in his creation because all you can make out is the colors red and blue and what looks to be his signature straw hat
You love it regardless and hang it on the wall next to your hammock
Luffy will want to recreate the picture of course, and you’ll be more than happy to hug your captain back
Will leave cookies and milk out for Santa (and will eventually devour what he left out) and will try (and fail) to stay up all night to see Santa
You would find him dead asleep half an hour later and would be sure to leave a few gifts under the too-large tree he had Zoro set up on the deck for him
Luffy will get that guy next year, just you wait and see
Zoro: 🗡️🥦 ⚔️
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He is uninterested
None of it is his style
Too flashy and too loud
He’s good to take a nap during the festivities
You will be able to entice him to come and eat the food Sanji was kind enough to prepare
And you’ll entice him further with some spiked holiday drinks
Luffy is all over the holiday, so it won’t take much convincing to sail back to your home island for the day
And while the rest of the crew is partaking in the festivities your home village is throwing in the snow-covered street, you’ll slip away with Zoro’s hand in your own
You will tell him how this holiday isn’t just about joy, food, and festive songs, but about life and death
You showed him back to the ruins of your childhood home, which he had been in mere moments before the villain you had been helping them fight set fire to it
The scorched front lawn was covered in clumps of candles, garland wreaths, rocks, and food, just as you knew it would be
You explained that your village had done this in celebration of the life your family had lived--to remember them and keep their souls filled with joy in whatever afterlife they might have entered
He would watch you light a candle and pull a small trinket from your pocket, placing them both on the blackened steps of your home
Zoro would light a candle and place it next to yours, sitting there with you for as long as you needed
He would even wrap you up in one of his strong arms, holding you tight
Later, you would gift him a bottle of sake 
He had no clue gift-giving had anything to do with your holiday, so he would insist you share the bottle with him
He will be sure to get you a gift next year
Nami: 🍊
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She would be a little on the uninterested side at first
But after watching how excited you got as you explained to the rest of the crew about the holiday you celebrated, she would warm up to it
She would even warm up enough to allow you to doctorate her tangerine trees with lights and tinsel
The lights were pretty enough, she supposed. The tinsel shiny
And she does love shiny things
Once in the holiday spirit, she would let it fully take her over
Nami would dock the Merry on the closest island and go searching for the best gift she could find you
When it came to you, she hardly thought much about how much berry she was spending
You and your joy were more important to her than a number
You had commented on needing a new pair of shoes a week ago? Bought.
Commented on wanting something so offhandedly you had forgotten the moment you stepped away? Bought and wrapped in whatever wrapping paper she could find that screamed your holiday in its bright colors
She would be very excited to watch you unwrap everything she had gotten you (which you had been very shocked at, but had been told strictly to just unwrap everything and not worry so much)
You would feel a bit embarrassed at how little you had gotten her, but she wouldn’t care because your gift was thoughtful
So thoughtful it nearly brought her to tears
After everyone else had gone to bed, she would take you back up onto the deck and hand you a cup of hot chocolate she had attempted to make (which she had done a pretty good job at creating without the help of Sanji)
The two of you would sit, snuggled up next to each other under a heavy blanket and watch the dancing, multicolored lights adorning her trees late into the night
Usopp: 🤥
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Will get into it right away
He loves any excuse to celebrate, so your holiday is already perfect
Usopp is quick to make colored lights to hang up around the ship
And he’ll want to make everyone a stocking, which will be color coordinating and have some sort of special technique that didn’t need to be added in the first place
He loves all the different holiday-themed stories and songs 
Throughout the day, he’ll randomly burst into horribly off-tune song and you will be expected to join in
The traditional stories you tell him get the typical Captain Usopp spin to them
But it just makes them that much better in your opinion
They become your crew's stories, making them so special
While the crew eats and drinks holiday drinks, he’ll tell the stories and have everyone, even Zoro, entranced by their colorfulness
You made the big mistake of telling him about Krampus
And now he is utterly terrified of getting kidnapped and beaten by the goat-demon
Though he won’t say he’s scared
He'll be very admit that he isn't
But a loud stomp of the foot against the deck floor from Zoro has the poor storyteller jumping out of his skin and using you as a shield
Usopp is a very good gift-giver
Not only is it handmade, but it is also functional (for once) and it will help you out loads
You give him his gift and he bursts into tears, thanking you and hugging you profusely
Everyone will go to bed, the lights hanging up everywhere only adding to the cozy, homeyness of the Going Merry
And you’ll just be nodding off when Usopp comes crawling into your hammock, begging you with tears in his eyes to keep Krampus away from him
You’ll laugh at him at first, but end up promising to keep him safe while you hold him tight
And he’ll hold you back just as, if not more, tight
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳
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Of course, Sanji gets into the holiday spirit 
It's a holiday you celebrate and one that makes you happy
And all he ever wants to do is make you happy
You’ll sheepishly bring him your family's old cookbook full of recipes passed down from generation to generation
And he’ll be more than happy to cook you whatever your heart desires
Nothing is too much in his eyes when it comes to you
He’ll insist you help him cook everything, seeing as you are the expert when it comes to these recipes
And you two will share bits and pieces of everything before it all disappears into the void that is your captain’s stomach
He will also be very interested in this mistletoe tradition
He makes it his mission to not only hang the green sprigs everywhere around the ship
But to get you under as many of them as he possibly can, for as long as he possibly can
You find yourself purposely wondering under the mistletoe and lingering there until Sanji notices and rushes over
Though Sanji wants to get you the best gift he can possibly buy, he’s not the best when it comes to gift-giving
Food and physical touch are his love language after all
So he bakes you a sweet treat you had once told him about, one you hadn’t had since your childhood
And it’s the best gift you could have ever wished for because he made it just like how you remembered it
He loves whatever you give him
It could be a stick you say reminds you of him and he would be over the moon, mounting it and hanging it up in the kitchen
Though you are sure to get him a very nice gift, one you had spent weeks thinking over so it was just right
He doesn’t need the mistletoe to show you just how much he appreciates the gift
Sanji makes you both hot chocolate and holds you tight as you two talk in the abandoned and cleaned kitchen
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ladamedusoif · 10 months
Starry Night (Joel Miller x Stargazer f!reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 1
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist.
Pairing: Jackson!Joel Miller x Stargazer F!Reader
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~1500
Warnings: Strong language (Ellie is involved); canon doesn’t go here; alcohol references; fluff; almost certainly some stargazing errors please forgive me
Summary: There are a lot of wonderful things about making it to the safety of Jackson, but the darkness of the night sky makes it a perfect home for a stargazer like you - and you’re only too happy to share your knowledge with a space-mad teenager. Oh, and her grumpy dad.
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Every time you set up your telescope, you remembered the look Maria had given you the day you returned from a scavenging mission with it strapped to your back, still in its packaging.
You shrugged as you got off your horse. “Seriously. Got plenty of other stuff too, so let me have this, please?”
She looked dubious, but threw up her arms in resignation. “If we need it for lookout - it’s ours, okay?”
You nodded, hugging the telescope close to your chest, and raced home to set it up. 
Space was your dad’s thing, and he’d made it yours, too. Nights in the backyard with his very basic kit trained on the skies, stargazing maps in front of you, climbing on his lap to look through the viewfinder.
He taught you the major constellations, how to find planets visible in the night sky, explained how stars helped people navigate, long ago. 
Little did you know then how that information would come in handy years later, finding your way to the safety of the Jackson settlement with nothing else to guide you. 
Stargazing in the suburbs wasn’t ideal. Too much light pollution. In Jackson, though? Wide, open dark skies, far as the eye could see. 
Every time you watched the night sky, you looked out for your dad.
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Cold, crisp, clear winter nights were your favourite time for stargazing. Bundled up in your warmest coat, hat, and blankets, you sat on your porch, telescope in front of you and an old Atlas of the Night Sky on your lap. Out of the corner of your eye, you became conscious of two people walking along the sidewalk past your home. Recent arrivals, you guessed, seeing as they weren’t familiar; a young girl, an older man. Father and daughter, probably.
“Whoa, dude. She’s got a fuckin’ real telescope!”
The girl had stopped to stare at you, eyes wide in astonishment. You offered a shy smile and a little wave, and were about to speak when the man interjected, beckoning the girl on with a frustrated tilt of his head.
“Mind your manners, Ellie. Sorry, ma’am. Didn’t mean to disturb you. You have a good night.” He nods and you return the gesture, touched by his somewhat old-fashioned manners, and they walk on as you go back to seeking out Castor and Pollux.
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Over the next couple of weeks, you learned that the man was Tommy’s older brother, Joel. His exact relationship to Ellie, the teenage girl, was not clear: she wasn’t his biological daughter, you suspected but Tommy tended to refer to her as “Joel’s kid”.
They tended to keep to themselves, for the most part. But she would peek in your direction if she spotted you at social events in the community, as if she was weighing up whether she should go and talk to you. No amount of friendly waves and smiles from you could ever convince her, it seemed.
You took matters into your own hands at the holiday tree lighting ceremony. You picked them out easily: Joel, big and broad in a sheepskin-lined winter coat, greying hair curling over the collar; Ellie, ponytail bobbing from side to side as she looked at the illuminated tree in absolute awe and wonder. 
“Joel and Ellie, right?” 
They turned to appraise you, still wary of new people. You held out the mugs of eggnog you’d grabbed for them on your way across the room. 
“Thought you might like some eggnog, and I wanted to introduce myself. I’m the telescope lady.”
Ellie’s eyes widened. “So cool,” she murmured, as if to herself.
Joel nodded and accepted the eggnog gratefully, the mug suddenly appearing doll-sized in his large hands. “Ellie’s got a thing for space, don’t you? Loves hearing about the space programs, the astronauts, all that.”
The teenager looked down at her shoes and blushed a little as she nodded. Apocalypse or not, teenage girls will always be embarrassed by their dads. 
Ellie took a sip of her eggnog. “How’d you get a fuckin’ telescope, anyway?” 
Joel scolded her, but you chuckled. “I found it in an old hobby store on a scavenging mission one time. I wasn’t gonna leave that behind, now was I?” She grinned at your conspiratorial wink, and Joel seemed to relax a little.
“Come over whenever you want, and I’ll give you a guided tour of the sky. We’ve got perfect conditions here for it.”
She beamed and turned to Joel, who shook his head softly. “We don’t want to be disturbing you, ma’am.” You corrected him with your name, and he repeated it, low and slow, in that warm, dark voice of his.
“I mean it, Joel. You are both very welcome to do some stargazing with me, whenever you’d like.”
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“No fuckin’ WAY!”
Ellie tears into the kitchen on the morning of December 21, excitedly brandishing a piece of paper under Joel’s nose as he sips - or tries to sip - his morning coffee.
“Whatever it is, El, it’s far too early for this kind of excitement.”
“Look at it, dude!”
He rolls his eyes, puts down his mug, and looks at the piece of paper. It’s a handwritten invitation, decorated with drawings of celestial bodies and, at the bottom, a bright red telescope. He can’t help but chuckle as he reads the words aloud.
“Ellie (and Joel) are invited to a special winter solstice stargazing party tonight, December 21, at 6pm. Wrap up warm and be ready to see stars.” Underneath, you’ve carefully written your name and address in neat print.
By now, Ellie is positively bouncing with excitement. “The fuckin’ telescope! I’m gonna look through a fuckin’ telescope! At fuckin' SPACE!”
Joel’s heart swells as he takes in her sheer joy at the prospect of looking up into the heavens, knowing how hard everything has been for her, how much he has wanted to make her smile again. 
“Alright, but there’ll be no telescope if you don’t eat and get dressed for school. Go on, now.”
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The telescope is already set up on your porch when they arrive later that evening, Joel carrying a flask of hot coffee and Ellie a tin with a few cookies - the best they could rustle up at short notice. 
“I’m so glad you came!” You beam at them as you open your front door, beckoning them inside. “I’ve got some snacks ready, and some hot punch.”
A smile creeps over Joel’s face as he realises you’re somehow playing a compilation of holiday music. Brenda Lee is singing about rocking around the Christmas tree, Ellie is nodding her head in time to the song as she makes a beeline for the bowls of snacks you’d set out, and he is struck by just how long it’s been since he’s experienced anything akin to “holiday cheer”.
“What the fuck does ‘rockin’ around a Christmas tree’ mean, anyways?”
Joel tuts and rolls his eyes. “Ellie. Language.”
You giggle as you hand Ellie a cup of non-alcoholic hot punch. “It’s fine, Joel. I think she means people are dancing around a Christmas tree, Ellie.”
Ellie looks sceptical. “Fuckin’ weird. Hey, when can we look at the stars?”
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Joel lets you take the lead, as Jackson’s resident stargazer. He sits on one of your kitchen chairs, sipping from a mug of punch, watching you show Ellie how to navigate the night sky. 
The punch is warming in more ways than one. As Ellie bounded out to the porch earlier, you’d subtly held up a bottle of liquor at him and raised your eyebrows in a silent question, before adding a little to your and his mugs of punch once he’d nodded his assent. 
“See that really bright, orangey one there? That’s Betelgeuse. It’s a red supergiant.”
Ellie’s mouth hangs open as she squints through the telescope’s eyepiece. “Red supergiant,” she repeats. 
“See if you can find Orion’s Belt for yourself. It’s not too far away.”
You turn to Joel, checked blanket wrapped around your shoulders, and raise your mug towards him with a warm smile. “Happy holidays, Joel.”
He reciprocates the gesture, dark, warm eyes crinkling as a gentle, genuine smile spreads across his face. It might be the first time you’ve ever really seen him smile.
He looks to the heavens, taking in the perfect, pitch-dark blue-black carpet of a night sky embroidered with millions of twinkling stars. For an instant, he finds comfort in remembering that we all - everyone who is, who has ever been, and who will ever be - gaze up at the same firmament. 
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General fic taglist: @agentjackdaniels, @julesonrecord , @tessa-quayle, @vermillionwinter , @iamskyereads , @tieronecrush , @perennialdoll247 , @love-the-abyss , @imaswellkid , @intheorangebedroom , @fuckyeahdindjarin , @littlemisspascal , @khindahra , @pedrostories , @readingiskeepingmegoing , @rhoorl , @red-red-rogue , @princessanglophile , @katareyoudrilling @survivingandenduring , @trulybetty @fictionismyreality @sunnywithachanceofjavi , @joeldjarin , @lahoozaherr, @s-u-t, @its-nebuleuse, @veryprairieberry (let me know if you'd rather not be tagged!)
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