#michael carr
dndhistory · 11 months
278. Michael Carr - Fantasy Forest #4: Keep of the Ancient King (January 1984)
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Finally caught up on the Fantasy Forest series, so it will stop messing with my lovingly curated chronological order, and here we are in 1984 with its fourth volume. There will be more Fantasy Forest books, all of them coming out later in the year, so we'll cover them then.
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Michael Carr is back to the series, this time with a cover by Keith Parkinson and interior illustrations by Michael Fishel, who I quite like even if his illustrations are pretty weird. They feel a bit reminiscent of medieval woodblock prints which work with the fairy tale elements on here. 
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In terms of story we again get a girl protagonist, Amy, who goes out of her way to help returning character Sir Gregor in his fight against the skeleton "lich" (the word is never used, but we all know that's what he is) Nightshade. We help Sir Gregor out with the use of our family heirloom invisibility ring, but I'm sure Nightshade will come back again. It's quite novel that these books seem to have a common universe between them with characters moving from book to book, which is very much not the case with the other TSR gamebooks.
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campaaronapollo · 9 months
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Press Day Photoshot, 10 July: Michael Sheen (Aziraphale), David Tennant (Crowley), Quelin Sepulveda (Muriel), Maggie Service (Maggie), Liz Carr (Saraqael), Shelley Conn (Beelzebub) and Nina Sosanya (Nina) :)
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clairedelune-13 · 3 months
Are people forgetting that GO is not written by ONE PERSON BUT TWO. It’s mostly Terry Pratchett’s work. If you want to keep investing in GO, do it in support of him, who’s literal dying wish was to see it made into cinema.
Keep loving Good Omens for those like Terry, Michael Sheen, David Tennant, Jon Hamm, Douglas Mackinnon, and everyone else who helped bring it to life.
The show is a COLLABORATIVE effort. If you no longer feel you can support Gaiman, that’s valid. But don’t disregard the others in the production who did nothing wrong.
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undoubtfulhamster · 10 months
It's David vs Michael tiiiiime
I think it's hilarious that Michael started with David's name, but it would've been hilarious just the same if he totally ignored him ahah
P.S. Alan and his list cracked me up
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kitmarlowe · 1 year
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Yeah, we did a...thing. Hiding miracle. Apparently, if we do a miracle together, it works a bit too well.
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Describing Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship
Bonus: Crowley and Aziraphale describing their relationship
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justarocknrollclownxd · 4 months
Sum more mental support rockstar pics
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procrastiel · 5 months
Don’t mind me, just thinking about David Tennant kissing men
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miss-lauryn-hill · 11 months
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@pscentral event 20: antagonists in/sp
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kuri-crocus · 9 months
Results: Good Omens season 3 wish polls
I collected some wishes I've seen fans have for season 3 and made polls out of it. Thanks to everyone for voting diligently! Making the (33!) polls, reading comments were a lot of fun to me! Here is my summary of the results. The bold answer is the most voted one. We will wait and see if some wishes come true ... As soon as season 3 is out I plan to come back for a check! I leave it to future me to make what actually happens in season 3 italic!
Prepare for a long post under the cut!
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1. Do you want Aziraphale to perform the apology dance (in present day)? -765 votes-
52.5% Yes
31.6% No
15.8 % Neutral
2. Do you want Aziraphale and Crowley to end up mortal? -1046 votes-
87.7% No
9.8% Neutral
2.5% Yes
3. Do you want that Aziraphale saves Crowley at some point in season 3? -598 votes-
78.4% Yes
1.1% Neutral
4.5% No
4. Do you like God to narrate season 3 again? -529 votes-
50.3% Yes
35% Neutral
14.7% No
5. Do you like the Ineffable husbands to take custody of a (human) child? -553 votes-
54.4% No
26.9% Neutral
18.6% Yes
6. Do you want Crowley's angel name to be revealed? -1729 votes-
48.7% No
26.2% Yes
25.1% Neutral
7. What do you prefer to be Crowley's initial situation at the beginning of season 3? -432 votes-
77.3% Crowley is on his own
12.7% new leader of hell
7.2% something else. (I've read him beeing on vaction or hanging out with Nina, Maggie and Muriel)
2.8% works for hell again
8. Who makes the first step for a second kiss? -877 votes-
64.4% initiated by Aziraphale
30.9% initiated by both
2.5% no more kissing
2.2% initiated by Crowley
9. More of Angel!Crowley (without fall story) -406 votes-
51.5% Yes
26.1% Neutral
22.4% No
10. Where should the final scence with Aziraphale and Crowley take place? -527 votes-
77.4% South Down Cottage
7% The Ritz
5.1 % The Bookshop
3.4% St. James Park
3.2% Alpha Centauri
3.2 % Another location (rooftop was mentioned at least twice)
0.6% The Bentley
11. Should Aziraphale's diary have a bigger part in the plot? -307 votes-
53.1% Yes
34.2% Neutral
12.7% No
12. Would you like to see a conversation between Crowley and God? -602 votes-
49.3% Yes
27.6% No
23.1% Neutral
13. Would you like to see new angel and demon characters in season 3? -260 votes-
47.3% Yes
38.1% Neutral
14.6% No
14. Would you like it if there are more Angel x Demon couples? -359 votes-
44% Yes
28.4% Neutral
27.6% No
15. Would you like to see Crowley with long hair (present day)? -910 votes-
77% Yes
12.7% Neutral
10.2% No
16. Would you like to see Aziraphale with a beard? -359 votes-
49% No
32.6% Yes
18.4% Neutral
17. Would you like to have cameos of David's and/or Michael's family members? -318 votes-
39% Yes
34% Neutral
27% No
18. Should the historical scenes have a bigger or rather small part in the plot? -275 votes-
38.2% Neutral/anything is ok
37.1% Bigger/more like season 2
24.7% Rather small/more like season 1
19. Do you want to see the story of the great war and the fall? -287 votes-
69% Yes
17.8% No
13.2% Neutral
20. Do you want Saraquel to be an ally to Aziraphale and Crowley? -408 votes -
53.9% Yes
40.2% Neutral
5.9% No
21. Are you ready for 1941 Part 3? -713 votes-
80.8% Yes! All good things come in threes!
9.7% No, I don't need this scence to continue
9.5% Neutral
22. What is your opinion on the Ineffable Wives? -595 votes-
64.7 % Give me Fem!Azi and Fem!Crowley
25% Neutral
10.3% I don't want female presenting Azi and Crowley
23. More Bildad the Shuhite? -788 votes-
45.9% Yes
28.8% Neutral
25.3% No
24. Aziraphale takes off Crowley's sun glasses? -203 votes-
80.3% Yes
11.8% Neutral
7.9% No
25. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "my demon" -291 votes-
43.6% Yes
30.9% No
25.4% Neutral
26. Muriel should be... -135 votes-
52.6% more prominent as in s2
43.7% as prominent as in s2
3% less prominent as in s2
0.7 % not appearing at all
27. In season 3 Muriel will wear... -151 votes-
90.1% a new earth outfit
5.3% the clothes they wear in heaven
4.6% the inspector constable costume
28. Do you want Muriel to take over the bookshop permanently? -153 votes- 
51% No
30.7% Neutral
18.3% Yes
29. More wall slamming in season 3? -190 votes-
62.6% Yes AND Aziraphale also slamming Crowley against a wall
25.3% Yes! Slam that angel against the wall!
6.3% Neutral
5.8% No more wall slamming
30. Would you like to see Aziraphale with purple eyes? -547 votes-
39.7% No
34.4% Yes
26% Neutral
31. Would you like it if Crowley calls Aziraphale "my angel"? -310 votes-
83.2% Yes
10.3% Neutral
6.5% No
32. I'd like Anathema Device and Newt Pulsifer to... -182 votes-
30.8% Every option is fine by me
29.7% only have a cameo
28.6% appear again
11% not appear at all
33. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "Anthony"? -408 votes-
38.7% No
31.1% Neutral
30.1% Yes
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Steve Contorno at CNN:
Donald Trump has lately made clear he wants little to do with Project 2025, the conservative blueprint for the next Republican president that has attracted considerable blowback in his race for the White House. “I have no idea who is behind it,” the former president recently claimed on social media. Many people Trump knows quite well are behind it. Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff. In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.
Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman. To quantify the scope of the involvement from Trump’s orbit, CNN reviewed online biographies, LinkedIn profiles and news clippings for more than 1,000 people listed on published directories for the 110 organizations on Project 2025’s advisory board, as well as the 200-plus names credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership.”
Overall, CNN found nearly 240 people with ties to both Project 2025 and to Trump, covering nearly every aspect of his time in politics and the White House – from day-to-day foot soldiers in Washington to the highest levels of his government. The number is likely higher because many individuals’ online résumés were not available. In addition to people who worked directly for Trump, others who participated in Project 2025 were appointed by the former president to independent positions. For instance, Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr authored an entire chapter of proposed changes to his agency, and Lisa Correnti, an anti-abortion advocate Trump appointed as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, is among the contributors. Several people involved in Project 2025 didn’t serve in the Trump administration but were influential in shaping his first term. One example is former US Attorney Brett Tolman, a leading force behind the former president’s criminal justice reform law who later helped arrange a pardon for Charles Kushner, the father of Trump’s son-in-law. Tolman is listed as a contributor to “Mandate for Leadership.”
The extensive overlap between Project 2025 and Trump’s universe of allies, advisers and former staff complicates his efforts to distance himself from the work. Trump’s campaign has sought for months to make clear that Project 2025 doesn’t speak for them amid an intensifying push by President Joe Biden and Democrats to tie the Republican standard bearer to the playbook’s more controversial policies.
Heritage plan becomes a political headache
Behind Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation, a 51-year-old conservative organization that aligned itself with Trump not long after his 2016 victory. Heritage is led by Kevin Roberts, a Trump ally whom the former president praised as “doing an unbelievable job” on a February night when they shared the same stage. Heritage conceived Project 2025 to begin planning so a Republican president could hit the ground running after the election. One of its priorities is creating a roadmap for the first 180 days of the new administration to quickly reorient every federal agency around its conservative vision. Described on its website as “a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state,” Project 2025 also aims to recruit and train thousands of people loyal to the conservative movement to fill federal government positions.
Vast network of Trump allies
However, Trump’s attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 have already encountered credibility challenges. The person overseeing Project 2025, Paul Dans, was a top official in Trump’s White House who has previously said he hopes to work for his former boss again. Shortly after Trump’s Truth Social post last week, Democrats noted a recruitment video for Project 2025 features a Trump campaign spokeswoman. On Tuesday, the Biden campaign posted dozens of examples of connections between Trump and Project 2025. CNN’s review of Project 2025’s contributors also demonstrated the breadth of Trump’s reach through the upper ranks of the vast network of organizations working to move the country in a conservative direction – from women’s groups and Christian colleges to conservative think tanks in Texas, Alabama and Mississippi. New organizations centered around Trump’s political movement, his conspiracy theories around his electoral defeats and his first-term policies are deeply involved in Project 2025 as well. One of the advisory groups, America First Legal, was started by Miller, a key player in forming Trump’s immigration agenda. Another is the Center for Renewing America, founded by Russ Vought, former acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, who wrote for Project 2025 a detailed blueprint for consolidating executive power. Vought recently oversaw the Republican Party committee that drafted the new platform heavily influenced by Trump.
In addition to Vought, two other former Trump Cabinet secretaries wrote chapters for “Mandate for Leadership”: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. Three more former department heads – National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe, acting Transportation Secretary Steven Bradbury and acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella – are listed as contributors.
CNN reports that at least 140 people who worked for Donald Trump’s administration are involved in The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. This should put an end to the nonsensical lie that Trump “know[s] nothing about Project 2025.”
See Also:
MMFA: Trump and his allies are denying any association to Project 2025 and its architects. History speaks for itself.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
I'm binge watching Good Omens 2 at work and I burst into laughter when Gabriel said "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times."
Why? Because I was reminded of Greg Davies' absolute masterpiece of an impression of Chris Eubank 😭😭😭😭
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goth-maudra · 1 year
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What the heck is being realized by Saraqael in this scene? I've written here that Saraqael's a badass, greeting Crowley almost fondly in Heaven, while he's in his ridiculous angel disguise, accessing very classified records. Y'know, average weekday.
But this gif, she's clearly affected by SOMETHING about the Metatron. She's looking about like "...guys?" Michael's doing her Angelic T-Pose™️, Uriel's looking snooty, and Muriel's still GLOWING like a tiny sun. Once Michael's asking "aNd WhO aRe YoU," look at Saraqael. She's in shadow, practically saying "don't see me" out loud.
Why would a BOSS like her look upward/towards Heaven, looking/reacting fearfully, with a smidge of looking to see if anyone else sees what she (Heaven's Seer of multi-Lazerii energy fluxes and such) sees?
And Muriel is still glowing like a lighthouse, BTW. I think it may just be that she's still the purest of all the heavenly lot.
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