#michael lock shin
agentnico · 6 months
Master and Margarita (2024) review
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Oh when in Soviet Russia…
Plot: Based on Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita". 1930's, Moscow. A famous writer is censored by the Soviet state: his novel is banned, and the theatrical premier of his new play about Pontius Pilate - canceled. In just a few days he becomes an outcast. Inspired by these misfortunes the writer conceives a new novel in which the devil, named Woland, satirically revenges all those responsible for the writer's downfall. He knows this novel can never be published in the USSR, but Margarita - his muse pushes him to write it no matter what.
I truly believe Master and Margarita is one of the most powerful pieces of literature to come out from Russia. Yes I am aware War & Peace is more talked about, but look, I read all of its 1000+ pages and though it is an epic in every sense of the word, it does drag quite about. As for Master and Margarita, Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov created a satirical, quasi-biblical allegory that represents themes that are crucial to the human experience, such as struggle between good and evil, corruption in government and high society, human fragility, religion and prophecy, and the endurance of love over all. It’s a masterfully written piece of work, and one that is truly hard to adapt to screen, due to how much happens through its pages. However I’m all for directors giving it a go, with Michael Lockshin taking the challenge with a motion picture that was originally a co-production between Russian studios and Universal Pictures, though the latter pulled out following the Russo-Ukrainian War, even though most of the filming was already complete. Nevertheless after multiple delays the final product is here, so let’s digest.
Let’s talk through the positives first. It’s nice to see a Russian production of such grand scale, that even gives Hollywood a run for its money. There are some truly spectacular set pieces, and also interesting visuals, especially of a futuristic post-modern take of the Soviet Union, that reminded me a little of the recent Atomic Heart video game. Also the inclusion of August Diehl who plays the central Satanic figure Voland. This casting choice was a truly inspired one, as Diehl both looks and feels as if he came out straight from the pages of Bulgakov’s novel. There’s just this presence to him, as you can tell the power behind his eyes, yet he can also be really charming and witty. Whenever he was on-screen, the movie fully came to life, as he managed to perfectly balance the damning mocking tone with a deep inner understanding of things beyond the human mind. Look, there’s a great reason why they casted an actor outside of Russia for this part, as Diehl honestly was incredible. Funny how this is the same guy who got his testicles shot off in that WW2 Tarantino flick. Evgeniy Tsyganov as the titular Master too felt perfectly apt for the role, in some ways personifying Mikhail Bulgakov himself. The Master is a character that can so easily come off as dull, as he’s generally very stoic and constantly deep in his own thoughts, so it was a nice interpretation with Tsyganov breathing more life into him.
Unfortunately this is where the positives end. Look, I think it is truly impressive for the entire novel to be transferred into a 2hr 30min film, and of course I expected certain parts to be rushed. However the movie shoots itself in the foot by trying to approach the source material in a different way. Messing with various realities and reorganising the events of the novel in a completely different order, the result is messy and all over the place. I can say with full certainty that if I haven’t read the book before that I’d be so confused as to what the hell was going on in this movie. From the way it jumps from one place to the other in non linear fashion made it so difficult to be engaged and feel connected with the characters. There was a lot of extra narrative elements added to an already overstuffed plot (with a lot of creative choices being outright baffling) as such causing the movie to need to rush even more certain other key plot points that again, it was really disorganised and jarring.
Also, I know that ever since Batman it’s now cool to go dark with everything, but The Master and Margarita is a novel that doesn’t shy away from raising a few eyebrows. In fact it goes out of its way to be as weird and ridiculous as possible, with the inherent horror and tragedy that befalls each of its characters being felt only later, after the laughs have died down. The humour in the book, especially the dark stuff - that’s sort of famously the Russian novelists’ coping mechanism against, uh, being a Russian novelist. Yet this new 2024 film hardly allows a single joke, and instead tries to cover everything with a dark dramatic tone, and I feel that really takes away from the charm of Master and Margarita. Heck there are even sequences in the film that are supposed to be played for laughs, like the Behemoth cat’s shootout with the KGB cops that screams for physical comedy potential, yet the movie kind of glosses over it in a very monotonous way.
Aside from August Diehl and Evgeniy Tsyganov, the casting left a lot to be desired. Yulia Snigir made for a really bland Margarita. Voland’s entourage of demons, who in the book are a cause for some truly entertaining if silly shenanigans, here are completely wasted, and in fact are borderline annoying. Yuri Kolokolnikov as Korovev, the main member of his entourage, was actually horrendous. In the source material Korovev is a trickster, yet there was still wiseness within his madness. Here however Kolokolnikov plays him as if he were some kind of deranged clown, screaming every single line and maniacally laughing for absolutely no reason. The talking cat, who is one of the book’s best characters, in here is just a CGI cat who says maybe only two lines of dialogue in the whole film, and even then it’s a lazy mumble courtesy of actor Yura Borisov. Claes Bang as Pontius Pilate looked bored out of his mind. To be fair, the whole biblical side plot of Pilot and Jesus suffers the most here by being downgraded to maybe 5 minutes, which at this rate I feel like they should have cut the whole thing out entirely as the 5 minutes added nothing to the overall film. But yes, Claes Bang was evidently there to collect a pay check, and part of me wishes that instead we just had James McAvoy reprise his comedic take of Pilate from The Book of Clarence that came out earlier in the year.
It was never going to be an easy feat adapting Bulgakov’s epic into a movie. The narrative lends itself so much better to a TV series format, and in fact there is a wonderful 2005 limited series adaptation from Vladimir Bortko, and now that right there is how you make Master and Margarita work! That series featured great music, amazing performances, and plenty of breathing room to give every nook and cranny detail of the book its proper time. 2024’s Master and Margarita doesn’t come anywhere close to it, and though I do admire Lockshin’s ambitions, in the end it all falls flat on its face. August Diehl however is truly phenomenal in this, and honestly I really need to watch more of his acting work. I hear A Hidden Life with him is supposed to be good. Adding that to my watchlist as we speak.
Overall score: 4/10
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fruchtchen · 1 year
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지저스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (2023) - "시몬" - 신은총 (시몬), 마이클리 (지저스)
Jesus Christ Superstar (2023) - "Simon Zealotes" - Shin Eun-chong (Simon), Michael K. Lee (Jesus)
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One silently(non verbally) taking care of the other, who is probably sick? GerryMichael? Please? (If you got the time :3)
Gerry knew it was bad when Gertrude called him directly.
Her voice gave nothing away over the phone, but the fact that she was calling him, and was even shrewder with details than usual, nearly sent him in a panic. Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong with Michael, and he nearly lost his mind during his frantic race the Institute. He charged in to find Gertrude and Elias in the main room of the Archives, but no sign of Michael.
"What happened? Where is he?!" Gerry gasped, hair clinging to his sweaty face and heart pounding painfully hard in his chest. His attention was torn between finding answers and finding Michael, and he didn't know where to start. Elias merely smirked at him, but Gertrude at least made an attempt at an explanation.
"Michael is sequestered in Document Storage right now," she told him. "We're not quite certain what he encountered-" here she sent a withering look towards Elias, and Gerry wondered what the fuck he was even doing there "-but it seems he had a brush with something Corruption-based."
"Fuck," Gerry breathed, a hole opening in his stomach. The Corruption was fucking nasty, and one of the worst to fight off unscathed. And Michael, his Michael, was sick with it. "What can we do?"
"Keep him here, under Watch," Elias suggested authoritatively. "The Crawling Rot does not like to be observed, which may stop its spread, if we're lucky. Mister Shelley's own alignment with the Beholding may do the rest."
Gerry stared at him, not unlike how Gertrude was. He had the feeling, without actually knowing, that she was thinking the exact same thing that he was. Which was what the fuck was Elias doing offering advice like that? Like he actually gave a shit about any of them? He didn't like it, but he couldn't see any other option besides that.
"Fine," Gerry grunted, shedding his jacket. It was cold in the basement, but more of his eyes were exposed without it. He'd take off more once he was in Document Storage, so he could focus as many eyes as he could on Michael, as if that could possibly help. He'd tear his own damn skin off if he thought it would make any difference.
Gertrude stopped him at the door, catching him by the arm and giving him an intense look. "It's dangerous," she warned.
"It's Michael," Gerry shot back. That was all he had to say to make his point. Gertrude nodded and let him go, and Gerry stepped through the doors into Document Storage.
Despite the freezing temperature, Michael was sweating on Gertrude's cot, face flushed and feverish, eyes screwed painfully shut. Gerry could see the point of infection- it was only a papercut on his palm, but the skin around it was shiny and discolored, and his fingers were locked in a painful rictus around it. Internally, Gerry wanted to sob at the sight of him, his heart aching seeing the love of his life in pain and danger. He desperately wanted to crawl onto the cot with him, wrap him in his arms to soothe his pain, but that wasn't the right move. He knew what he had to do.
He shed his long-sleeved shirt, exposing even more of his tattooed eyes. There was a permanent marker in his pocket, and he used it to add even more to his chest and arms, until his upper body was covered in eyes. His scarred skin was difficult to draw on, but that didn't deter him. After some internal debate, Gerry shed his trousers as well, decorating his thighs and shins with still more eyes. Even more carefully he drew them on his cheeks and forehead, the sharp smell of the marker strong in his nose. He didn't let that deter him. He'd put up with it for Michael.
Moving with absolute care and gentleness, Gerry took Michael's infected hand and drew an eye on the back of it, large and obvious. Michael seemed to flinch slightly, the pained look on his face not budging as Gerry added more smaller ones up his arm. He did the same with Michael's other arm, taking a moment to press a kiss to his un-hurt palm, and took off his socks to draw more on his feet. That was the most he felt comfortable doing while Michael was out cold- they may be together, but there was a line he didn't want to cross.
Maybe that was enough. Gerry couldn't feel a difference, but Michael seemed to be breathing easier, his expression less tight and painful. Gerry brushed his damp curls aside and pressed a kiss to his burning forehead, the deep aching worry returning now that he didn't have something to do. It was like torture, not being able to do any more to help Michael, unable to heal him or fight for him. It was all so clear, everything he was so close to losing, all that he cared about about to fall away out of his hands and there was nothing he could do. Michael, his love, the brightest sunshine of his life. He didn't know what he would do without him.
The hours dragged on. Gerry drew eyes onto every cardboard box that surrounded the cot, staring down at Michael's prone body. Gertrude passed food and water through the cracked door of Document Storage, but he couldn't bring himself to eat. The room was absolutely freezing, and so was he, only in his pants, but he had no call to complain when Michael was possibly dying right before his eyes. He kept up his silent vigil over Michael, not looking away from him even for a moment. Finally, Michael stirred, turning onto his side and blinking watery eyes at him. "Gerry?" he rasped.
"Oh, god, Michael," Gerry gasped in relief, falling to his knees next to the cot. He hunched over Michael and pressed their foreheads together, the tears he had been holding back for so long finally leaking out. "Are you okay? How do you feel?"
"Hot. Thirsty." Michael weakly nudged him back, studying the drawn eyes on his face with bleary confusion. "What-?"
"Using the Eye to fight the Corruption," Gerry explained, snatching up a bottle of water that Gertrude had given him earlier. He carefully propped Michael up for him to drink, watching him closely. He still looked sick and feverish, but the normal sort of sick, not the awful illness of the Corruption. "Is it working?"
"My head hurts," Michael complained, rubbing his forehead with his injured hand. "It's...different, but I can't figure out how." His fingers flexed, and he turned his hand to study the back and the eye drawn upon it. He took the water bottle and tipped the last few drops of water onto the marked skin, rubbing at it with his thumb. The ink didn't fade or smear like it should. "Well..."
"Fuck," Gerry breathed. It seemed that his drawn eye was more permanent than intended, more permanent than a permanent marker should be. "Fuck, I'm so sorry." That was all his fault, he'd been trying to help and instead had marked Michael more closer to the Eye than before. That had to be better than rotting away to the Corruption, but not by much. It was still an Entity, awful and monstrous, and he'd been the one to do that to Michael. His heart sunk somewhere to his knees, and he wanted to curl up in a hole and die. How could Michael forgive him for such a thing?
Michael shrugged, obviously too ill to consider the implications. "It's not what I wanted my first tattoo to be, but its not bad," he joked weakly. "You still owe me some lilies." He laid back down, settling his head in Gerry's lap. "You'll stay, right? Keep watch over me?"
"Of course." As if he could go anywhere else. Michael smiled, raising his newly marked hand to stroke Gerry's cheek.
"I think I knew, somehow," he slurred, eyes drifting shut. "In my fever dreams. I knew you were here watching me. And I wasn't afraid. I knew. I knew you'd keep me safe. I knew I'd come back to you."
The tears overflowed again, dripping down into Michael's hand. "I love you," Gerry breathed raggedly, feeling like his heart would break with so much feeling. "I'll always be here for you. I swear it."
Michael blinked his eyes open again, and they glowed slightly in the low light. "I know you will, love," he whispered. "You always will."
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Catholic Character Tournament
Current Bracket
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All polls here (tagged #cct polls)
Round 5 (16 nominees) is Wednesday July 5 12 PST
Character Submission List:
(Note, not in the order in the bracket. They were randomized for the bracket) (crossed out means dead-dead)
*707/Luciel Choi (Mystic Messenger)
*Abuela Alma Madrigal (Encanto)
*Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
*Amon from (Tokyo Ghoul)
*Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series)
*Asia Argento (High School DxD)
Aslan from (Chronicles of Narnia)
*Aymeric de Borel (Final Fantasy 14)
*Aziraphale (Good Omens) (Disqualified) The Volturi
*Belizabeth Brassica (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (Dimension 20 - the Ravening War)
*Blake Langermann (Outlast 2)
*Brother Cellanus (The Completely Unerotic Adventures of Brother Cellanus)
*Caesar Zeppeli (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
*Carlos Reyes (911 Lone Star)
*Carrie White (Carrie)
*Catherine of Aragon (SIX: the Musical)
*CC (Code Geass)
*Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
*Chuck E. Cheese
*Claude Frollo(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
*Crowley (Good Omens) (Disqualified) Vanessa Ives replacement (Penny Dreadful)
Dana Scully (the X files)
Doomguy  (Doom)
*Double (Skullgirls)
Doug Jones (The VelociPastor)
*Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
*Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
*Eddie Brock (Venom)
*Emilio Santoz from The Sparrow
Enrico Pucci (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Farnese de Vandimion (Berserk)
*Father Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
*Father Brown (Father Brown)
Father John Mulcahy (MASH)
Father Paul (Midnight Mass)
*Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Spiderman)
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
*Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
*Frank Castle (Marvel)
Friar Tuck (Robin Hood)
*Gabriel (Ultrakill)
*Galahad (The Mechanisms)
*Gerard (Unholyverse)
Gloria Maria Ramirez Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
*Helena Bertinlli (DC comics)
Hell boy (HellBoy)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
*Hot Pants (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia)
*Inori Yamabuki/Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
*Javert (Les Miserables)
Jean Valjean (Les Misérables)
*Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
*Jesus (Jesus Christ Superstar) 
*John "Soap" MacTavish (Call of Duty)
*John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
*John Ward (FAITH)
*Johnathan (Shin Megami Tensei IV)
*Junk Rat (Overwatch)
*Justin Law (Soul eater)
*Kawabuchi Sentarou (Kids on the Slope)
Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
*Kirei Kotomine (Fate franchise)
Knuckes the Echidna (Sonic)
*Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20's Fantasy High)
*Kuroe (Magia Record)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-Men)
*Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
*Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
*Lady Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Leliana (Dragon Age)
*Leon (8:11)
*Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
*Libra (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
*Link (The Legend of Zelda)
*Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire/The Vampire Chronicles)
*Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil)
Mac McDonald (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
Maddie Fitzpatrick (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
*Marcy Park (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
*Mark Heathcliff (The Mandela Catalogue)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
*Mello (Death Note)
*Mercedes (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
*Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
*Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Miles Morales/Spider-Man
*Nate Ford (Leverage)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
*Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
*Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
*Pastry Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
*Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides (Web Series))
Pope Pinion IV (Cars)
Puss in Boots (Shrek)
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (X-Men)
*Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
*RoboCop (RoboCop)
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle)
*Ryker (Roleslaying With Roman)
*Saint Citrina Rocks (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sasuke (Naruto)
*SCP-166 (Just a Teenage Gaia) 
*Seeley Booth (Bones)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
*Shiro Fujimoto (Blue Exorcist)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
*Sir Keradin Deeproot (Dimension 20's A Crown of Candy)
*Sister Mary (The Young Pope)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
*Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
*Tammy Edwards (Legoland by Jacob Richmond) 
*Tatsumi Kazehaya (Ensemble Stars)
*Temenos Mistral (Octopath Traveler 2)
The Derry Girls (Derry Girls)
*The Penitent One (Blasphemous)
*Tobias Schneien (Ghost Eyes)
*Valeria Garaz (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 reboot)
*Valery Michailov (Goncharov - 1973)
*Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
*Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
*Wesley Hailoh (Rhyme and Reason)
*William Murdoch (Murdoch Mysteries)
*Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
179 notes · View notes
shinyasahalo · 5 months
Top 50 AO3 Space Fem Ships (May 4, 2024)
(FGQ/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who TV) 4,386 fics
(F/F) Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) 2,496 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect) 2,252 fics
(F/F) Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager TV) 1,673 fics
(F/F) Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Picard TV) 1,193 fics
(F/F) Suletta Mercury/Miorine Rembran (Gundam Wing Witch From Mercury) 1,122 fics
(F&F) Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who TV) 960 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/River Song (Doctor Who TV) 906 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Tali Zorah nor Rayya (Mass Effect) 811 fics
(F/F) Allura/Romelle (Voltron) 783 fics
(F/F) Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra (Doctor Who TV) 739 fics
(F/F) Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 677 fics
(F/F) Bronya/Seele (Honkai Star Rail) 654 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who TV) 627 fics
(F/F) Samantha "Sam" Carter/Janet Fraiser (Stargate SG-1 TV) 617 fics
(F/F) Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys (Star Trek Deep Space Nine TV) 583 fics
(F/F) Shin Hati/Sabine Wren (Star Wars Ahsoka TV) 525 fics
(F/F) Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair (Doctor Who Big Finish Audio) 498 fics
(F/F) Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood (Doctor Who Big Finish Audio) 496 fics
(F/F) Himiko/Kafka (Honkai Star Rail) 496 fics
(F&F) Padme Amidala & Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 482 fics
(F/F) Jack | Subject Zero/Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect) 479 fics
(F/F) Allura/Pidge | Katie Holt (Voltron) 472 fics
(F/P) Miranda Lawson/Shepard (Mass Effect) 452 fics
(F/F) Jessika Pava/Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 446 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Ashley Williams (Mass Effect) 441 fics
(F/F) Rey/Rose Tico (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 430 fics
(F&F) Leia Organa & Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 418 fics
(F/P) March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) 417 fics
(F/R) Thirteenth Doctor/Reader (Doctor Who TV) 411 fics
(F/F) Acxa/Veronica (Voltron) 408 fics
(F/F) Padme Amidala/Sabe (Queen's Shadow Series/Star Wars) 389 fics
(F&F) Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb Series) 383 fics
(F/P) Revan/Bastila Shan (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic) 356 fics
(F/F) Ayanami Rei/Souryou Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 333 fics
(F/P) Kafka/Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) 330 fics
(F/P) Vetra Nyx/Ryder (Mass Effect) 321 fics
(F/F) Christine Chapel/Nyoto Uhura (Orignal Series/Star Trek) 320 fics
(F&F) Hera Syndulla & Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels) 307 fics
(F/F) Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb Series) 304 fics
(F/F) Phasma/Rey (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 303 fics
(F/F) Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek Voyager TV) 303 fics
(F/P) Jack | Subject Zero/Shepard (Mass Effect) 302 fics
(F/F) Michael Burnham/Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek Discovery TV) 302 fics
(F&F) Rey & Rose Tico (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 300 fics
(F/F) Thirteenth Doctor/Missy (Doctor Who TV) 294 fics
(F&F) Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 291 fics
(F/F) Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi (Star Trek TNG TV) 287 fics
(F&F) Bo-Katan Kryze & Satine Kryze (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 283 fics
(F/F) Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken (Doctor Who TV) 282 fics
(F/F) Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 281 fics
(F&F) Padme Amidala & Leia Organa (Star Wars) 280 fics
(F/F) Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters (Babylon 5 TV) 268 fics
(F/P) Shepard/Samantha Traynor (Mass Effect) 263 fics
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The Round 1 Matchups are below the cut! The first half are scheduled to go live at 8:00 PM PST! Hold on to your barf bags and let's do this thing!
Mae Borowski  (Night in the Woods) vs Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die)
Okuyasu Nijimura (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable) vs Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lev Haiba (Haikyuu!!) vs Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!)
Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu!!) vs Knov (Hunter x Hunter)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants) vs Light Yagami (Death Note)
Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) vs Petey Piranha (Super Mario Sunshine)
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs Dr. Gregory House (House, M.D.)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) vs Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location)
Lord Jabu-Jabu (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs Raji Shenazard (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Guzma (Pokémon Sun/Moon) vs Aubrey Posen (Pitch Perfect)
Alciel (The Devil is a Part-Timer) vs Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants) vs L Lawliet (Death Note)
Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It) vs Ryouta Kawara (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby-Doo) vs Doug Dorsey (The Cutting Edge)
Armitage Hux (Star Wars) vs Sunny (Omori)
Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Philly the Kid (Cannon Busters)
Johnny Sasaki (Metal Gear) vs Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
The Mystery Flesh Pit (Trevor Roberts) vs Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Miles Vorkosigan (The Vorkosigan Saga) vs Walter (Walter the Farting Dog)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia) vs Chest-burster Xenomorph(s) (Alien)
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Asahi Azumane (Haikyuu!!)
Blue Zircon (Steven Universe) vs Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Crying Child (Five Nights at Freddy’s 4)
Louie (Pikmin) vs Harrier du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Isuzu “Rin” Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Keith Kogane (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Kobeni Higashiyama (Chainsaw Man) vs Hitoka Yachi (Haikyuu!!)
Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Chip (Just Roll With It) vs Stahl (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Virgil Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Kiyoomi Sakusa (Haikyuu!!)
Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock) vs Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
The following characters (listed in no particular order) are SEEDED and their first matchups will be determined by the results of ROUND 1:
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)
Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
Henry (Thomas the Tank Engine/Thomas and Friends/The Railway Series)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death)
Magellan (One Piece)
Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover)
Marta Cabrera (Knives Out)
Deandra (The Most Popular Girls in School)
Yuuga Aoyama (My Hero Academia)
Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy)
Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Nekomaru Nidai (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Shouyou Hinata (Haikyuu!!)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Dr. Heywood Floyd (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Scary Marlowe (Dungeons and Daddies)
Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
This is a story that straddled two homes on opposite ends of the country on Israel’s most gruesome day. One of the houses is situated in the new part of Kfar Azah, right along the kibbutz’s fence about three miles east of the Gaza Strip.
The Idan family lived in that house: Roi Idan was a well-known photographer for Ynet, and Smadar, whose life was much more private, was an employee of the Shin Bet. This is the home they lived in with their three children — Michael, nine; Amelia, six; and Avigayil, then three — until the parents were gunned down in front of their children on October 7.
The other house is located in Rosh Pinah all the way up north. This is the home of a social worker named Dr. Tamar Schlezinger. In the agonizing hours of Simchas Torah, their lives would soon converge.
ITwas Michael Idan, all of nine years old, who was suddenly and unwittingly thrust into a position of leadership. Terrorists had infiltrated their home and murdered Smadar, who was lying in a pool of blood on the floor. Roi had left the house a few minutes before the invasion, and Michael called him to come home immediately. He quickly returned home, having managed to film the start of the Hamas invasion and sent the first pictures of terrorists paragliding across the border to the news site before grabbing the children and leaving the house to try and make a run for safety.
He was holding three-year-old Avigayil in his arms when terrorists shot and mortally wounded him. Avigayil, covered in her father’s blood, fell to the ground and managed to run to their neighbors, the Brodutch family. Avichai Brodutch brought her into their safe room so she could be with his wife and three children and then went out with the town’s emergency squad to fight the terrorists; ten minutes later, when he came back to check on his family, he discovered that his wife, children, and Avigayil had been kidnapped and dragged off to Gaza.
Meanwhile, for some reason, the terrorist who shot Roi waved his hand at Michael and Amelia, shooing them away.
Not knowing what else to do, Michael took Amelia’s hand, ran back inside, called his mother’s name, but when she didn’t answer, called Roi’s mother. He told his grandmother that he thought his father, mother, and sister Avigayil had all been killed (he didn’t know that Avigayil had escaped). Michael’s grandmother had no idea what they were talking about.
“I’m going to call Smadar,” she said, “and we’ll figure out what’s going on.”
But Smadar didn’t answer. Amelia answered instead, innocently reassuring her grandmother that the army would be there soon to rescue them.
Then nine-year-old Michael called the police.
He was connected to a young MDA dispatcher named Linoy Al-Ezra. Linoy asked Michael a series of questions to try to understand the situation in his home. He told her that his mother was bleeding from gunshot wounds and was unresponsive. Linoy, immediately understanding the danger, instructed them on how to stay safe: She told Michael to lock their home’s front door and remove the key, take Amelia’s hand, go to their safe room, and close the door. Michael told her that the safe room door was too heavy, so she suggested that they hide in the safe room closet, close the door, and not open it unless there was someone they knew there.
She told them to keep on calling if no one came to help, which they did — until the MDA switchboard was overwhelmed by the thousands of calls pouring in. Still, Linoy knew she had to do something to keep those children safe, and a call was put in to United Hatzalah’s “Chosen” Psychotrauma and Crisis Response unit.
ONthe other side of the country from where people were being gunned down in their living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms, Dr. Tamar Schlezinger, a crisis response specialist, had gotten up early in her home in Rosh Pinah. Tamar had already milked the sheep and gone for a walk in the nearby wadi. A volunteer for United Hatzalah, Tamar knew that there had been a lot of sirens in the Gaza area — and when she arrived home, the first call of the day came in on Chosen’s dispatch, who asked if anyone was available to accept the call.
“I told dispatch that I could take the call,” Tamar said.
A social worker by profession, Tamar was also a longtime member of United Hatzalah’s team of crisis response volunteers, well-trained in helping people deal with emergencies and trauma of all kinds. While she’d dealt with all kinds of people and situations over the years, nothing could have prepared her for the conversation that lay ahead.
Tamar asked dispatch what to expect on the other end of the line. They only knew the basic details. A boy had seen his parents murdered and needed help.
“I called Michael,” she said. “I didn’t know how old he was and what condition he was in, especially if he was in the proximity of terrorists who’d just killed his parents.”
He answered the phone. What follows is Tamar’s account of their conversation.
“Hi,” I said. “I’m Dr. Tamar and I’m calling from United Hatzalah.”
Very quickly I understood that I was speaking with a young child.
“I’m with you now, and I will stay on the line until a responsible Israeli adult comes to take you out of the safe room. Okay?… Is there a closet in the room? Yes? Is it a closet with shelves or a walk-in closet?”
“It’s a clothing closet and we’re lying on the shelves, hiding.”
I told Michael that they were doing great and praised him for showing such wonderful initiative. Soon his sister Amelia wanted to join the conversation.
“This is Amelia. I’m afraid! Nobody is here with us. Can you come save us?”
I told Amelia that there were good people who were on their way to help.
“I’ll stay on the phone with you until they arrive to save you, okay?”
“ATthis point,” Tamar recounted, “I needed to know the situation on the ground in Kfar Azah. I also needed to know how much battery was left in the phone the kids were using. I had no idea how long the attack was going to last — but I understood that there was a good chance that we were going to have to stay on the phone for a long time. In my mind, I figured our conversation would probably last ten minutes, maybe half an hour. I mean, how long could it take to rescue two kids from a closet?”
In her wildest dreams, she never imagined how long their conversation would actually last. Because Tamar Schlezinger ended up staying on the phone with Michael and Amelia for the next 12 hours.
That phone call meant 12 hours of extreme bravery by two children, and 12 hours of extreme resourcefulness and composure by a woman on the other side of the country.
“The first thing I did,” Tamar said, “was ask them to please put both of the phones that they had on silent mode.
“Can you do that for me?”
“Are the windows in the safe room closed?”
I asked them if they hear any voices nearby.
I asked them a bunch of questions.
“I hear that Amelia is being very quiet, right?”
“Michael, do you have any other brothers or sisters?”
“Are they in a different room?”
“Until then,” Tamar said, “I had only known that the parents had been killed. Now I learned that they thought another sibling had been killed as well. At the time, they had no idea that Avigayil had run away. All they knew was that she fell to the ground, covered in blood.
“I asked if their parents were in the room. They said that their mother was on the floor on the other side of a curtain partition but she wasn’t answering. Smadar, it turned out, was lying dead a few feet away from them.”
As they were speaking, Tamar heard the sound of voices.
“Are the people nearby talking Ivrit or Arabic?”
“Who is it? Who’s talking?”
“It’s Amelia. She’s speaking to my aunt on the other phone.”
“Where does your aunt live?”
“In the Golan.”
“Is there anyone closer to you that I can call? Do you have a number for one of your neighbors or your aunt?”
“I know my aunt’s number.”
While all this was happening, the terrorists were still going on a rampage in Kfar Azah. It sounded like the shooting from outside was never going to stop.
“I smell smoke,” one of the kids said to Tamar. “Maybe it’s from an explosion or from one of the fires outside? Do you think the smoke is outside the house or inside the house?”
Tamar sent a text to one of their uncles, Zolli, who also lived on the kibbutz — his house was surrounded by terrorists and he himself was hoping for a miracle. If he left to try and rescue his niece and nephew, he’d be shot on the spot.
Zolli. Michael and Amelia are smelling smoke.
He wrote back. Everything here smells like smoke.
Another time she wrote to him, The children are hearing gunshots.
His response: There’s an endless stream of gunshots here.
Tamar got back to the children: “Your uncle told me that you’re not the only ones who are smelling smoke right now. The entire kibbutz smells like smoke.”
ASthe hours ticked by, the country began to learn that more and more people had been kidnapped and taken to Gaza. Mothers and children. Fathers and sons. Grandparents. Babies. Nobody was safe from the murderous hordes. This made Tamar even more afraid for the children on the other end of the line.
“Kids, if you hear anyone speaking in Arabic, you need to be completely silent. You can’t even say one word. Do you understand me?”
They understood.
“I’m going to stay on the line with you the entire time,” she said. “I’ll talk to you. I’ll stay with you until you get out of there. But if you hear anything that you think might be dangerous, you need to be completely and absolutely silent. Okay?”
By now it was afternoon. The massacre at Kfar Azah had been going on for hours.
Tamar’s conversation with Michael and Amelia had begun at 9:30 in the morning. They had been on the phone for hours already and she still didn’t know if there was anyone on their way to save them, to release them from those closet shelves they’d managed to squish themselves into.
“Michael, do you want me to call you back in ten minutes, or do you want me to stay on the line and continue talking?”
“We want to stay on the line the whole time.”
“Okay, we’ll stay on the line. You don’t have to talk to me the whole time. You can also talk to each other and I’ll just listen. But I’ll be here and I won’t go away. Meanwhile I want you to continue hiding on the shelves, like you’ve been doing the whole time.”
Suddenly —
“Tamar, someone is outside. We hear them knocking on the door. Do you think they came to get us?”
The terrorists had been prowling around the kibbutz, knocking on doors and trying to convince hopeful residents that their salvation had come. Now Tamar was really frightened, but she mustered the calmest voice she could.
“Do not open the door. Do you understand? Stay where you are in complete silence. I am with you. You are not alone. Okay?”
They didn’t answer.
“It’s good that you’re not answering me. You are doing the right thing. I know that you can hear me. Is the knocking still going on? Answer me with one word, yes or no.”
“Okay. It’s very important that your cellphone has enough battery so that we will be able to continue speaking for as long as we need. Is your mother in the same room with you?”
“Yes, she’s in the room. She’s lying on the floor. Abba and Avigayil are outside.”
“Does that mean that if you leave the closet to go get a charger, you’re going to see her?”
“How much battery is left on the phone right now?”
“It’s at 57%.”
Iwas faced with a dilemma. I needed Michael to be able to charge the phone. But if I sent him to get a charger, he would see his mother lying on the floor.
He’d also have to leave the safety of the closest, and leave Amelia alone for a minute or two. I asked him if he would be able to deal with a very challenging and scary mission. To leave the safety of the closet and to go out of the safe room and find a charger. I was also really scared by the enormity of the mission — I can only imagine what he felt like. I decided to conference my superior, Einat, and to bring her into the call. Meanwhile I asked Michael if he knew where the charger was.
“What room is it in?”
“It’s right next to the kitchen.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to go and get it even if that means you’ll have to see Mommy?”
“When you go, make sure that nobody sees you through any of the windows, okay?”
“Amelia doesn’t want me to go and get the charger.”
“Is she afraid that you will be too far away from her?”
“I want you to promise Amelia that you’ll go quickly and come right back. Are you able to run fast?”
I was able to hear him running. Seconds later, Michael was back with the charger.
“I got it!”
“You are the biggest hero in the world!”
I told the kids that our conversation would be featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest conversation ever held. We spoke about many different things. I asked Amelia to tell me about her friends. I asked the kids to tell me what they did on Succot. We didn’t speak about their father or mother, but we spoke about where they might end up living after this was all over. When they asked me where they would go, I told them that their family was going to fight over who would get to have them. The truth is, they are truly amazing children. Anyone would want them.
By eight o’clock that night, they had run into a serious communication issue. The children’s phone was losing service and their mother’s phone was locked with a password, which they didn’t know. I called their grandmother and asked her if, by a longshot, she knew the code. She told me no one knew it, because Smadar worked at a job that was extremely classified. That’s when I learned that Smadar worked for the Shin Beit.”
At the same time, Roi’s brother Amit Idan made contact with the Yahalom unit who’d gotten into Kfar Azah. He directed them to the house where the children were hiding, but the door was locked.
The soldiers knocked on the door but there was no answer. They tried again and again, and even shouted, “Michael, Amelia, we’ve come to rescue you!” Silence.
Amit told them, “Shout my name! Amit! Maybe they’re afraid to go out. Then they’ll know I’ve sent you.”
The forces shouted to them: “It’s Amit!”
Michael asked permission to leave his hiding place. I told them, “Go to the soldiers right now! Leave the hiding place right now and go to them!”
Seconds later Michael hung up the phone and the longest phone conversation ever came to an end.
Four-year-old Avigayil was released from Gaza with Hagar Broduch and her children at the end of November. Roi was considered unaccounted for until ten days later when his body was finally identified. The children’s uncle and aunt, Amit and Tal Idan, have been caring for them since the massacre.
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awkwardcourage · 2 months
get to know the mun
What's your phone wallpaper? Lock screen & Background (second image) Last song listened to: We're Going to Be Friends by the White Stripes Currently reading: The Siege by Clara Claiborne Park Last movie: Uhhhhhhhh... The Hard Way? The 90s one with Michael J Fox Last show: The Boys What are you wearing right now? black tank top and pink/purple shorts and orange cat socks How tall are you? 5 foot 6 inches Piercings/Tattoos: Piercings: Left nostril, double pierced both lobes and my helix. Tattoos: Left bicep: Princess Mononoke tattoo (coloured). Left outer forearm: Chihiro from Spirited Away running through the flowers (coloured). Left inner Forearm: Totoro shouting surrounded by blossoms and dustbunnies (coloured). Left shin: the tarot card of death with Death as a pale horse (black and white). Right shin: a snail with a yellow buttercup on its head, a frog with a pink daisy on his head, a polaroid of a mountain, forest and the moon (all black and white save for the flowers). Right calf: a lady bird with her wings out (coloured. Glasses/Contacts? I wear both, annoyingly Last thing you ate? pizza Favorite Color: blue Current obsession: Vampire Hughie in case that wasn't obvious to everyone here Do you have a crush right now? yes, on literally everybody lmao, it's my bisexual curse. but on a serious note yes and i'm dating him :3 Favorite fictional character: Hughie Campbell, naturally. honourable mentions: member of the fellowship of the ring, Marty McFly, Arthur Morgan, Luffy and every female Ghibli protagonist, especially San, Kiki and Ponyo Last place you traveled: Preston, UK
tagged by: @untilthcyrot thank you <3 tagging: @hauntsect, @aerospectrum, @homelander-rp-blog, @hom3land3r, @ashortdropandasuddenstop, @qapsiel, @bloodsalted, @vitalphenomena, @corsey, @asoulofstars
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deanwax · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Cheers for the tag, @ahordeofwasps! My words are mend, metal, mere, and manage.
No presh tag 2 @bones-and-rainbows @joeys-piano @dyrewrites @andromeda-grace and @wmlittlemore-is-writing
Your words are: fire, water, earth and wind.
let's goo
His eyes snap open on the third step. I can see the whites of his sclera gleaming in the dim light. My lips twitch as I look back at him. “I appear to have lost my footing,” I whisper, chuckling at my own wordplay. The relief it brings me is fleeting. My smirk already begins to sour as I crawl the rest of the way to Shins’ bedside. The way I kneel before him is almost beseeching. He can’t speak to me, of course. But I can speak to him, words to be locked away in the void of his non-communication. Like whispering sweet nothings into the abyss. “I never cared for my feet,” I confess. “Not in the emotional sense.” My eyes dart away briefly. The tar of puns is sticky. “I suppose I appreciated the practice of mending their wounds, but the pain was… unpleasant.” And the memories of ballet practice were… something else entirely. I look back into his eyes with renewed exhilaration, high on the thrill of confession. “And they were so ugly. Hideous. You never saw them, but if you had, you’d agree.”
The doors are very loud when they open: the warehouse is an echoing concrete space, the kind of dusty that has a grit to it, suggesting manufacturing. The only furnishings, however, pillars and rafters excluded, are a few husks of crates and buckets, two portable lamps on metal tripods, and one large pane of mirror propped up on an X frame. Strung up before this mirror, surrounded by a handful of Michaels Boys ranging in demeanor from disgruntled to harried, is one disgraced Caporegime. His hands are tied behind his back and there is a black cloth bag over his head. They have already removed his shirt.
Back in our bedroom, we have the door closed. I do not read aloud for fear of surveillance, but Shins has not asked me to, anyway. He seems interested merely in closeness, his head laying in the cradle of my crossed legs as I read above him. I removed my prostheses so the plastic would not jam into his shoulders.
"Ready!" Alistair's sing-song charges through my reverie as he returns to the room. My eyes widen when I see him. I knew that Rigo had taken him to the tailor, but I had not known that Alistair had taken liberties with the order. He's wearing a suit, yes - but in powder blue. "Isn't it darling?" He asks, fixing the peak on an apricot pocket square.  I do not know what constitutes as 'darling' when it comes to apparel. "It is something," I remark dryly, still reeling from the sight of it. I manage to drag my eyes to Rigo. "Perhaps the familia will not notice my height after all." "I doubt that."
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silvergolddraco28 · 5 months
Variation- Hazbin Hotel Open rp part 2
Looking for Rp partners!
He quickly got into a rhythm as he worked from top down humming to himself until a precariously balanced book tipped over and smacked him on the head. “Father damn it! What the fucking hell?!” the blond cursed rubbing his head while glaring at the book now open on the floor. Red eyes glanced at the text before twisting up in confusion. “Mirriors and opposites…?”
The blond picked up the open book actually looking at the spell and reading it with a frown before the sprawling letters on the page began to glow a bright white. “SHIT!” the male cursed trying to force the book closed with no luck even as he slipped into his demonic form as the bright light reached a fever pitch consuming the entire room. The book snapped shut falling to the ground a twisted red energy leaving it with no sign of the blond except for a scorched piece of cloth that fluttered to the ground.
Yellow and red eyes cracked open staring up at the familiar red sky of Hell but the owner of those eyes could feel the fundamental difference even as the wild energy of Hell latched onto him anchoring to his very soul just as it had done when he had Fallen only this time it was far more potent instead of being split between two vessels. ‘Alright get a hold of yourself Lucifer, time to see where in Hell you ended up and start looking for a way back home to Charlie.’ Lucifer thought to Himself as he pushed himself from the ground grimacing when he saw his clothes were basically destroyed by the effects of the spell That had been in that book. ‘For now i think it would be a good idea to take an imp or a sinner like form. Just until i can find out what's different about this Hell other then it having not had a proper connection to its ruler.’ Lucifer determined as he took a breath and changed his form shifting To look more feminine making his white skin take a grey tone, the spots on his cheeks a more pale pink, his blond hair turning black with apple-red streaks, and finally pulling two sets of wings into his back and shifting the angelic white to black. Finally, he pulled his horns back before snapping a simple shin-length black dress with an open back over his form not bothering To make shoes for his hoofed feet. ‘This will do for now…’ Lucifer thought knowing he now looked similar to a winged sinner. With a thought he added a thin well hidden slit in the back of the dress and slipped his tail through it. With a flap of his wings he rose into the air reminding himself that with only on pair of wings he had to flap like a normal bird.
He soon landed on the outskirts of what looked like the Pentagram City he knew but just slightly different, the borders between Overlord territories weren't in ruins and instead five large stadiums were built in them with flourishing neighborhoods. Lucifer felt a twist in his gut as he entered The city feeling a lot less destruction but there was still some sin as the souls Of the sinners walked about. He stopped by a shop displaying the local news.
*”This just in folks our resident Princess of Hell, Emily Starsword, has taken up a pet project of making a redemption hotel!”*
“Michael’s brat is at it again.” a nearby sinner scoffed as the dread in Lucifer’s stomach grew heavier.
‘I didn't fall… Michael did… Fuck!’ Lucifer thought turning away from the tv and making his was though the city to an all-too-familiar hotel with a sign saying ‘Happy Hotel’ from its roof.
He stilled before instinct made him shift towards his left missing the strike of a blade before forming his own blade of pure light burning away his ‘sinner form’ as his horns returned along with his hidden wings as he blocked the next hit locking eyes with black and red eyes set in a face like his own just older and with gold marks on the cheeks instead of red while the natural eye shadow was more of a greyish blue than the purple he had. “Michael,” Lucifer stated in shock.
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uzurakis · 5 months
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hi! this is a blog dedicated for jujutsu kaisen, blue lock, & sakamoto days! i will often ramble about other series too, but it’s still a writing-centric blog.
please do filter the tag #jjk spoilers #jjk leaks #jujutsu kaisen leaks #jjk (chapter) if you don’t want to see any jjk spoilers here.
as for blue lock, i haven’t read the ongoing bastard munchen vs pxg match and refrain myself from any of the series’s spoilers. so please do not come at my inbox and talk about the recent bllk chapters.
DNI. basic dni criteria. zionists. do not bring any discourse/hateful asks to my blog.
asks are always open for interacting and brainrots. don’t be afraid to send them in, i won’t bite! quite the contrary, i love to interact here :]
i use endearments, like, a lot (baby, babes, sweetie, etc). lmk if you feel annoyed by me referring you with those :)
if you want to become an anon, just drop at my inbox and say what anon you want to be.
ANONS. 🎲 ; 🙂‍↕️ ; 🪼 (my lovelies <3)
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i write both SFW and NSFW. with that being said, minors please do not interact with my explicit contents. also, i age up characters when writing them; if it’s not your cup of tea, then feel free to get off my page, mind your goddamn business, that fucking easy. no need to tell me and send me asks especially on anon, that’s soo lame. it’s just a piece of fiction so don’t take it seriously. thanks!
do i have an update schedule? reqs are running on queue and i post my own drabbles sporadically. i may have finished your writing loong before it’s posted because of my queuing system.
ONLY OPEN TO DRABBLE/HEADCANON SUGGESTIONS! your thoughts or thirsts. I WILL NOT write any full fic requests or oneshots.
keep in mind that i use feminine reader and pronouns. DON’T BE TOO SPECIFIC AND KEEP IT BRIEF; example: your oc reader, certain traits or attributes reader, you literally explaining the whole plot. trust me, i won’t write yours. just let me be free with my creative space ;)
-> i beg not to ask me for a part 2 of my writings anymore 😓
keep in mind that i have ALL THE RIGHTS to NOT write your suggestions. either i don’t know how to write it or it doesn’t pique my interest that much. my apologies.
drabbles: one character with your prompt
headcanons: a maximum of 3 characters for each promt
or just your brainrots or entries and we’ll talk about it!
my writing is only limited to some of the characters from the whole series. the ones that aren’t listed, i might have a hard time to nail the characterization and a BIG POSSIBILITY i won’t write for them even though you asked for it :)
JUJUTSU KAISEN: fushiguro megumi. itadori yuuji. gojo satoru. geto suguru. yuuta okkotsu. nanami kento. choso kamo. (i don’t write for toge)
BLUE LOCK: itoshi rin. yoichi isagi. meguru bachira. hyoma chigiri. seishiro nagi. reo mikage. michael kaiser. shidou ryusei. itoshi sae.
SAKADAYS: yoichi nagumo. natsuki seba. gaku. shin.
i would really appreciate if you reblog instead of spam likings if you enjoy my works, one, i can get shadowbanned, not funny guys. two, i may consider you as a bot and block you on sight. three, i enjoy seeing reblogs especially with your comments, it makes my day.
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all rights reserved. @uzurakis
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teddyniffler · 6 months
Chapter 3
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The first time Adam looked upon Michael’s true form, he couldn’t look away because he had never seen anything so beautiful. He had been terrified, locked in the room on his own. Dean on the other side, shouting that he’ll get him out. He could hear Dean pulling at the door, trying to open it. Adam was trapped. ‘Adam’ The Archangel called his name. He turned and there was Michael before him. His hair was brown which threw Adam, in paintings he seen, Michael was always blonde. His eyes were brown too, but light, always bright, as if the sun was forever shinning in his eyes. Like liquid gold behind chocolate. Adam had so many ways of describing Michael. He was simply beautiful. In the early days, Michael was aloof with Adam, discarding him as nothing more than a tool he had to use. Never the true vessel, but the spare. All those hours, days, weeks, months and years in the cage stretched on even longer. Michael had warmed to Adam. They had become something like brothers. Adam’s soul along with Michael’s Grace. Forever together.
Once outside the cage, Michael came alive in ways Adam had never seen before. He was smelling the air. The wind blew Adam’s hair and made Michael rub his forehead as the hair tickled him. Raindrops hit his eyes as they flew. Michael’s wings stretched far and wide. He flapped them through the air. Adam could see Michael next to him whenever he was in control of his body. When Michael was in control, Adam could see everything from inside of his eyes. Even though when Michael was beside him, he looked like Adam, but sometimes Adam could almost see him beneath. His curly hair coming through Adam’s. His brown eyes showing behind the blue. Adam would watch him closely, until Michael raised his eyebrows, making Adam laugh.
“Michael” Adam whispered as he regained consciousness He was laying on his back. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He closed his eyes again and dosed back off to sleep, only to hear noises around him. Footsteps, a door opening somewhere. Somebody shouting. He could feel himself falling asleep again, then there came a knock at his door, and it opened.
“Adam, its time to get up” Came a voice he didn’t know. He opened his eyes again. His head was off the pillow and he felt sluggish. “Its best to sit up, we have breakfast on soon” “Uh” Adam moaned. He was worn out. He pulled himself up without thinking, placing his weight on his left arm. He almost cried out. He had fallen asleep without redressing the wound. It had been bleeding into the sheets. “I will get somebody to dress that for you. You will have to leave it alone or else it will get infected” Adam had managed to sit up. He sat with his legs crossed. Head in his arms. His head pounded. “When you are ready” The nurse said.
He got up and stood up, it felt like the room was titling to the side. He blinked hard and breathed in, moving his feet. She led him to a bathroom near his room and stayed with him while he brushed his teeth. Looking in the mirror, Adam knew something was wrong. He was so pale. His hair stuck up in odd places, as dishevelled like never before. His eyes looked strange, still half closed. He splashed water on himself again, trying to wake up. Back inside his room, he got his wound dressed. “Self-harming on the ward will only make things harder for you Adam” Another nurse, this one young, maybe in his twenties said to him. Adam didn’t even remember him walking in. “Mm?” Adam mumbled, sure he had fallen asleep sat up “We know you may have difficulties, but this is impairing your recovery. I want you to try not to pick at these bandages. Do you understand what I am saying? We know it may be hard, but we’ll take it one day at a time. However, there will be consequences if you carry on harming” He didn’t say what they were. Adam closed his eyes. He just wanted to eat something. He felt a small wet cloth gently dabbing at his wound, before tape and dressing were applied again to his arm. This time however, the tape was rather tight.
The facility, as Adam was soon to find out, was for young adults who had moderate to severe mental health problems. Their ages ranged between 18 to 25 and Adam happened to be the youngest there. It was also a private hospital, which surprised Adam. It seemed God wanted Adam to have private healthcare for a condition he didn’t even have.
At breakfast, he took some oatmeal and sat down at a table. A young woman mumbled about him being too close to her and she moved away. A young guy was staring at Adam, almost without blinking. Another woman was twitching, playing with her fingers over and over. There was a noise and two men went running as a fight broke out between one patient and another. Adam looked down and ate without drawing attention to himself. Time to plan! He looked around. In the day light he could see the layout better. Kitchen area where he was now, this area contained tables to sit at. All edges were rounded, the tables themselves heavy and fixed to the flood, the chairs were blocky cubes, light enough to pick up, not any damage done if thrown, and the utensils were plastic and colourful, kind of what he used as a child. So far, nothing he could use here. There was a fridge and a few cupboards, but the kitchen appliances where behind locked doors. No kettle. Adam sighed. Not that he could use one to break out anyway. The seating area was on the other side of the room. A couple of comfortable sofas and armchairs in various bright colours were scattered around. Could he hide behind one of them during the night? Pretend to have gone to bed early yet hide until the night staff came on, knock one out, steal their pass and escape? Adam didn’t know, it was too James Bond to actually work.
He scanned the windows, of course they were not windows that opened. The rooms had aircon.
There were doors around the room. He could see at least 3 that led to patient rooms. From the numbers on the doors, he suspected 5 rooms to each corridor. Another door was labelled therapy, there was a counselling room and a treatment room. There was a door behind him that he recognized as coming through last night ‘So, that’s the doctors office’s that way’ Adam thought, making a mental map in his mind. But where was the exit?
As Adam was looking at the door, it opened and doctor Theos came in. He found Adam and came over to him “Good morning Adam, the psychiatrist is here this morning. You will see her this morning. It’s nothing to worry about, she will prescribe you some medication which will begin to make you feel better and this afternoon you will start group therapy. It’s a great way to really open up and make some friends while you are here.”
Adam put his spoon down. “I don’t need meds” He tried “This is all a misunderstanding. Please just phone my brothers and you’ll see. Check my medical files. If I am who you say I am, then you’ll have my records!”
The doctor put his hands on his lips “Indoor voices only” That just frustrated Adam more. “I’m not crazy, listen to me” The doctor just smiled. It occurred to Adam he smiled a lot. Possible to keep appearing friendly. “We don’t use words like crazy or insane here, Adam.” Adam took a deep breath to calm himself. Others were looking at him. “So” The doctor went on “When you’ve finished, we shall see the psychiatrist and get the ball rolling on your treatment.” Adam went back to eating. He couldn’t despair. He needed to keep strong. As he ate, he tried to reach Michael. He tried to clear his head and make his thoughts loud in his head
‘Michael. Can you hear me? I’m safe I think, are you okay? Please be ok. I’m going to get out of here and come find you. If you can, get to my brothers, please tell them where I am’ Adam finished praying.
He stood up. Maybe he could get the psychiatrist to listen to him. Doctor Theos was waiting by the treatment room. He knocked on the door and opened it for Adam. Adam walked in. It was a small room, a woman with dark hair was at a desk, typing away on a PC. There was a bed in the corner, medical supplies along the wall. Similar to the room he woke up in yesterday. “It’s Adam” the doctor said to her. “Adam. Take a seat. Let’s see what we can do for you today” As she spoke, the doctor passed a file to her, inside were papers “There’s all his patient records” Adam looked up “Wait. Can I see my file?” He looked at the woman “It’s my right isn’t it? I can see my file if I want?” The psychiatrist looked a little surprised at that request. Adam give a sideways glance at the doctor. “Certainly Adam” She said, “What would you like to see?” “My details” He reached for it and she handed it over. At last! He would prove he was who he said he was “See. Look. My parents are Kate Milligan and John Winchester” He pulled out his details and scanned the document. Then he felt his hope die in seconds.
The file was all wrong. Date of birth: September 29, 2000. Parents: Mary and Zachariah Milligan “No, this is wrong. Mary is Sam and Dean’s mother and Zachariah, That son of a - he’s one of Chuck’s angels! He was the one who tricked me into thinking Michael wanted me and not Dean. He was the one who brought me back to life. Chuck has done this! Nothing on there is real!” The doctor and the psychiatrist appeared to share a look. Adam realized only a second later what he had said. “I-I” he stuttered. “It’s ok Adam” Doctor Theos smiled again. Adam was getting annoyed at his smile now. “We have your test results back Adam; it seems you have an extreme excess of dopamine in your blood. This is what is causing your psychotic episode.” Adam shook his head “It’s Chuck. He’s altered the results”
The woman looked at Adam “I’m going to recommend a treatment of Risperidone. We’ll start with 2mg today and move it up to 4mg tomorrow. We’ll keep it at that dosage and see how you go. The side effects include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhoea, constipation, and you may gain weight” Adam rubbed his face “I don’t need this” “A nurse will bring you your meds tonight, best take them at night to avoid the side effects as best as possible” After that, Adam left the room and was allowed free time until after lunch. It was as he was walking out into the sitting area he noticed the TV was turned on. It was showing the news. “…Vatican Police continue their investigation into the break in at St Peter's Basilica, where criminals broke in and caused millions in damage to an ancient altar. Condemnation has poured in from across the globe, with the Pope making a speech later this afternoon…”
Adam moved closer. The report flashed to inside the church. The alter was destroyed, in most places it was dust and rumble where Michael had hit it. “It was real” He mumbled. The report switched to interviews with people around the city, an olden woman saying what a disgrace it all was.
“Terrible isn’t it” Came the voice of doctor Theos behind him. Adam turned “I was there with Michael. God attacked us” Somebody nearby sniggered at Adam’s words, Adam ignored them “God threw Michael into that arc” The doctor, like normal, just smiled. “Be sure to go to group therapy this afternoon, you may find it really helps you” Adam sat down on one of the armchairs and watched everybody. Everybody was wearing the same clothing. The patients all had the same clothing, and the orderlies all wore the same similar lose pants with plant t-shirts with the hospital logo on it. They were almost too similar. Adam swallowed. He could steal a uniform and get out that way. He watched as other people went into the treatment room. Somebody else started screaming and they were taken away by an orderly. Doctor Theos walked past and Adam got an idea, jumping up he walked over to him “Hi” Adam said. If the doctor thought Adam was crazy, best use it to his advantage.
“I am worried about something, about my safety if God were to attack me again” He began The doctor looked at him in concern “Yes?” He asked “What if God starts a fire here and we can’t get out? He’s been known to burn places down. Those cities from the bible…He burned everybody alive…I don’t wanna burn alive” Doctor Theos give Adam a look for a second “Don’t worry Adam, we have a plan in place should there ever be a fire, but God wont burn you alive. God is not out to get you remember” Adam pushed on “But if he does burn the building down, there is a fire escape right? All buildings have to have them” The man nodded “We have a fire escape” Adam nodded too “Where? I would feel better if I knew where” The doctor smiled again, of course he did “If there is ever a fire, we’ll all leave the facility together. You don’t have to worry about a fire” He walked off, leaving Adam more frustrated. However at least now he knew there was an escape, somewhere. The afternoon only got worse for Adam. It was time for Group Therapy. There were 7 of them. One of the nurses from the team led the group and they all sat in a circle on those plastic seats.
“Welcome to group therapy. Today Adam has joined us for his first session. Today we are going to talk about a past event that may have scared us, as normally an event in our past can still be effecting us negatively, even if we are not aware of it”
She held a soft cat plush in her hand and passed it around to people. They were just normal stories. Getting lost and not finding their way home, being at a party and feeling out of place. Then the woman handed the cat to Adam. “How about you Adam. When in your past have you been scared?”
Adam took a deep breath. He should just make something up. Something boring. “Well, there was a time when my dad came to visit my mom the first time. I was 12 at the time. That isn’t what is scary though. Its what came after he visited. You see, he’s a Hunter. I don’t mean he hunts bambi in the woods, I mean he hunts monsters. Monsters that can kill you and your loved ones. So one day, I was at Collage and my mom rang me. Or at least I thought it was my mom. She told me to come home, she needed to see me. I left class early, went home and there was my mom. I asked her what was wrong, and something hit my from behind.”
Adam swallowed.
“Next thing I was laying on the kitchen table and my mother and somebody else started cutting my wrists, arms, my legs. It was agony. I remember crying, asking my mom why she was doing this. I started screaming. I begged her to stop, but she didn’t. It was then I realized it wasn’t my mom. It looked just like her, but wasn’t her. Then she bent down and bit into my arm. The other one with her bit into my shoulder. They were ripping chunks out of my body. I was screaming so loud. Nobody came to help me. I think one of them bit my throat. I remember my head was pulled back and there was this terrible pain in my neck, near my shoulder, and then there was a pulling feeling, and it felt all wet. I could feel my blood gusting out and then I blacked out. I died there. I was eaten. When I came back to life, I found out it was two ghouls. They ate me and my mom alive, as revenge for what my father did to theirs. If that’s not a scary past event, I don’t know what is. I thought it was scary when an Archangel entered me, but the Ghouls were definitely the worse” He stopped speaking and rubbed his eyes. He felt drained.
The room was in deadly silence. One boy was teary eyed, and another girl looked at him in pure horror. The woman just smiled at him, then quietly got up and spoke in the orderly by the door. She returned and took the cat from Adam. “Thank you for sharing Adam” One of the boys were watching Adam. His mouth open in shock. Adam blinked. He did not mean to say that at all. It’s almost as if he had no control. “Come with me please” A voice said behind him. Adam looked up to see an orderly standing behind him. Everybody was watching. Adam stood up. And attacked the man.
Adam grabbed him around his throat, pulling down. His leg came up and kicked the man’s. There was an alarm as the man tried to wrestling Adam off him. Adam sunk his nails into the man. He then bit the man’s arm as he tried to pull Adam off. Other hands grabbed him. He was pulled to the ground, his arms held behind him, his legs held. The man Adam attacked was taken away as Adam was pinned to the floor. Somebody came in and he felt a sharp pain in his thigh. “Oww” Adam gasped. He tried to get up, tried kicking. He still wanted to attack these people. What was wrong with him? All the fight was going out of Adam now. The men let go of him and his arms fell to his side. He tried to look up but instead passed out.
His eyes flicked open “That wasn’t good Adam. Now they really do think you are crazy” Chuck leaned against the wall, bending over Adam, looking down at him. Adam tried to move away, but his arms wouldn’t move, he looked down to find his wrists were tied in fabric cuffs. He couldn’t move. His eyes flicked up at Chuck “What do you want?” He asked “I want you to rot here, like I already told you. I’m making sure you never get out. Maybe I’ll kill you myself. It couldn’t be hard to make your death look like a suicide. They already have you down for self-harm” Chuck reached to Adam’s left arm. Adam tried to move it away but couldn’t. Chuck squeezed Adam’s arm and Adam roared in pain. “I took a note out of my grandson’s book” Chuck went on. He pored water out of the jug and drank it. “Your whole new spilling out the truth? Well my grandson once stopped people from lying. Caused all sorts of trouble he did. So you Adam, will tell them the truth, no matter how hard you try to lie. I must admit it, the looks on those kids faces when you told them the story of the Ghouls! Priceless.”
Adam twisted his wrists, trying to get them free “Don’t bother” Chuck told him, putting the cup down “You aren’t going anywhere. How did you like your fight today? That was me! Yeah I know. Surprise! I can make you do anything I want you to do. I did create you and all the other Adams out there after all, so make yourself at home, because you aren’t ever leaving here. By the way. Michael says hello. He’s not doing too good”
Adam’s eyes snapped open. He was laying on the bed. He had been placed on his side. His arms weren’t tied down, but he felt exhausted. His leg was throbbing. His head was hurting. He had bitten his lip. Outside in the corridor, a nurse kept checking up on him every half an hour, but otherwise, nobody came in. He dosed on and off, his sleeping fitful. He was given food. They came with his medication. They somehow got the pills in his mouth and washed them down with water. He went back to sleep.
This carried on for 3 more days.
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newagesispage · 2 years
                                                                              MARCH 2023
The word is that Paul and Ringo are playing on the new Stones album. Paul has reportedly recorded his bass bits and Ringo will soon do his drumming.
The new Rock and Roll Hall of fame nominees are: A tribe called Quest, Late Bush, Sheryl Crow, Missy Elliott, Iron Maiden, Joy Division/ New Order, Cyndi Lauper, Willie Nelson, George Michael, Rage against the Machine, Soundgarden, The Spinners, The White Stripes and Warren Zevon.  
Days alert: I knew the ladies were alive. ** Please let Johnny and Chanel find their way to each other as well as Wendy and Tripp. I hope Stephen Nichols gets an Emmy for his heartache at losing his Kayla.** Love it when Nick gets to come back. Hooray for the characters on Days, death cannot stop them!! I think the senior Mr. Shin needs a bigger part. ** How wonderful is it that Anna and Roman have been showing up more often??  
The Pro Football Hall of fame inductees are: Ronde Barber, Darrelle Revis, Joe Thomas, Zach Thomas, DeMarcus Ware, Don Coryell, Chuck Howley, Ken Riley and Joe Klecko.
3.4% unemployment is the lowest since 1969!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Our legislature has only about 9%approval. We vote them in so why would we keep voting in people we don’t approve of??
Spy balloons? Aliens? If the media and politicians paid as much attention to all the injustices in the world as they did the big balloon, we’d be ok.** What about the train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio?? Vinyl chloride and who knows what else?  I mean 3.2 billion in earnings? I think we should listen to the rail company employees when it comes to safety issues. Trump peeled back so many regulations and Biden hasn’t fixed that situation yet so I guess we can look forward to more crashes. By the end of the month, this train story finally has some traction and is all over the news. The Biden administration sent people on the ground within 2 hours. It is unfortunate that the face of the department of transportation waited a couple of weeks to go. Trump used it as an opportunity to visit the site. Some of the local press called it returning to the scene of the crime.  ** After a private briefing about the things in our air space, Sen. Kennedy said, “Lock your doors.”** A sphere showed up on the shores of Japan.
Canada has super pigs, the result of breeding wild boar and pig. They are headed for America.
So, I never really watch the View anymore but happened by it the other day and they were discussing how the Bidens ordered the same meal in a restaurant. They said that they heard people were bitching about it. They were all putting in their two cents worth. Why would people care and whose business is it what someone orders when they are dining? I do not get this world sometime and I can’t believe they are wasting ABC airtime with this.
The U.S. is quadrupling troops in Taiwan.
I can’t believe I got so excited that Micky Dolenz was on the Tonight Show and he only got a few minutes to talk and a few lines from Last Train to Clarksville. It is like Fallon is putting on a show in his basement where he gets to tell the first story and then go sing with the guest. What?
In Florida, a Spectrum 13 news reporter and photographer were shot as they were at a homicide scene. The reporter, Dylan Lyons died and the shooter also made their way to a nearby home and killed a woman and her 9 year old daughter.
Kyle Bush was busted in Mexico for firearm possession. He got 3.5 years and fined $1,100. He is still racing. Will he ever pay the consequences? It is doubtful because he is winning right now.
George Santos told Piers Morgan that he told all his lies on an earlier campaign too, so he didn’t think he would get caught. Some republicans think that is an acceptable excuse.
The latest Sexual misconduct news: R. Kelly and Harvey Weinstein just got more prison time.** Ashley Morgan Smithline who had accused Marilyn Manson of rape has recanted. Her case had been previously dismissed.
We are evolving nicely. Studies show that penis size is up 24% from 3 decades ago.
A woman named Emily that was part of the Georgia trial looking into election fraud is talking everywhere. Technically she has done nothing wrong. She isn’t revealing info she should not but she seemed way too excited about shaking Rudy’s hand. Yuk!!
Male Giraffe’s test the female’s pee by sticking their tongue in the urine stream. This tells them if they are ready to mate.
Did ya see Colbert joking with Hank Azaria about having a lot of $. Of course we know that but why does he think we want to hear about it? People are suffering dude, c’mon!
The Neo Nazi’s had a National Day of Hate on the 25th. ** Portsmouth, NH saw swastikas on Jewish and black owned business on the lead up.
Season 4 of Succession will be the last.
I can’t wait to read Caste by Isabel Wilkerson.
Barbra Streisand will get the 2023 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Woman of leadership award. The previous recipients are Agnes Gund, Queen Elizabeth II and Diane Von Furstenberg.
The Bafta award picked best actor and actress as Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett. My best dressed were Hoyeon Jung, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Anya Taylor-Joy, Michelle Yeow, Florence Pugh and Cynthia Erivo.
We are going to be so sick of seeing soapbox shyster characters ala Trump in the future of film and television.** So, Trump tried to get Disney to calm down Jimmy Kimmel?
Biden got a clean bill of health.
Fox news was caught with their pants down in the Dominion trial. Behind the scenes back and forth between the Fox pundits shows just how they spoon fed their audience. They believed none of the conspiracies they spouted right up to the insurrection. ** A court filing shows that Rupert Murdoch gave Jared Kushner advance copies of Biden’s ads before they were made public.
Gov. Of Virginia Glenn Youngkin has blocked the ban on menstrual cycle tracking.
Bishop David O’Connell was killed. A Carlos Medina was arrested after an hour long stand- off.
Is it true that no musicians seem to want to play for King Charles coronation?
Illeana Douglas has a new book, Connecticut in the movies.
Looks like Kushner and Trump took a huge chunk of change from the Saudi’s the day after they left office.
Bed Bath and Beyond is closing some stores and may file for bankruptcy.
So.. Florida is talking about giving tax breaks to those that use gas stoves. Studies have just shown the dangers of gas stoves and 92% of stoves in Florida are electric. The powers that be seem to like the elderly to live on the edge.
Toronto Mayor John Tory is resigning after a relationship with an employee.
So, millions were spent on Superbowl ads for Jesus. I think Jesus may have spent the money on the homeless or medicine for the poor but what do I know?** Did anyone think they would see the day that a show about crystal would sell chips?
Biden fired J. Brett Blanton, architect of the Capitol. An investigation claimed that he abused his authority, misused Government property and wasted taxpayer $.
New Mexico State has cancelled the rest of the men’s basketball season due to hazing allegations.
27 counties in Illinois are talking about seceding.
The Grammy’s came and went again. The best dressed to me were Shania Twain, Sam Smith, Cardi B. and Harry Styles. This was the first time a grammy went to a video game soundtrack.
The Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.** Musk and Murdoch were a filthy rich but sorry looking pair.
Let’s never forget Brooklyn, Il., the first town founded by blacks.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are going on tour.
Is this true? Do guys hang boots on erections? Is that a thing?
How did the health departments ever approve restaurants with peanut shells on the floor? That can’t be a good thing.
Former Governor and U N ambassador Nikki Haley has announced her Presidential run. First, she was a never Trumper then worked for him then bitched about him. She is just the first to line up to run against Trump for the Republican nom. Will he ever accept the results anyway??
R.I.P. Melinda Dillon, Paco Rabanne, Bob Born. Earthquake victims, Lisa Loring, Barris Strong, Charles Silverstein, Eugene Lee, Burt Bacharach, Cody Longo, Bob Pook, Michigan State victims, Gerald Fried, Stella Stevens and Richard Belzer.
0 notes
magentamedicines · 2 years
What's in the Dark (Pt.2)
"Your brother's such a loser Mike, I'm surprised your dad hasn't returned him yet," It was four days until Evan's birthday, and he was spending it at the diner cowering away from his brother.
Evan hated the diner, he was fairly certain he always had, the animatronics were big and scary and he had nowhere to hide when his brother decided to make him miserable, which was of course, all the time.
This issue was only made worse by the existence of Michael's "friends", Jenny Harper, Owen Maverick, and Trixie Gallagher. No one else in the family liked them, not even social butterfly Elizabeth, they were nothing but a bunch of bullies who really shouldn't have been hanging out with Michael anyway. They were older than he was, which Uncle Henry always said meant that they should know better, but no one was scared enough of Uncle Henry to listen to him.
"I wish he would, and Lizzie too. I'd be better off as an only child." Michael sneered, recounting Evan's meltdown the previous day at being locked in his room.
Evan remembered it vividly too, it wasn't exactly easy to forget when his hands were still bruised from pounding his fists against the door, eyes still bloodshot from tears.
"For someone who doesn't like his siblings it sure seems like thats the only thing you ever talk about," Evan glanced out from under his hiding spot when he heard Charlie's voice, the girl was standing with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed, glasses pushed up on her nose and hair braided into pigtails that fell across either of her shoulders.
Charlotte Emily took after her father in kindness and her mother in wit, she was Lizzie's best friend because they were the same age, but she was the only person who seemed to willingly defend her younger cousin.
"No one asked you four-eyes," Trixie said, adjusting her own fake glasses and turning toward Michael, "Is everyone in your family this intolerable?"
"Charlie's barely family anyway- she's only our cousin because father knew Henry in college." Michael shot back. He didn't have much time to react before a sharp kick was aimed at his shins by the girl, who made her way swiftly over to Evan's hiding spot soon after.
"You ok Ev?" she asked, holding her hand out to help him up, he hesitated for a moment before accepting, but he didn't answer the question.
"Figures you have to have a girl fight for you," Mike, still looking vaguely in pain.
"Keep talking and next time I'll aim for your stomach you big bully." Charlie said, sticking her tongue out and dragging Evan off to where she'd been sitting with Elizabeth.
"Oh c'mon Charlie, no boys allowed! Especially not my stinky crybaby brother." Elizabeth said, glaring up from the mirror she was using to help apply lipstick.
"He's not going to interrupt anything, Mike's the only stinky brother here, that's why Sammy's still allowed in meetings," Charlie said, nodding toward where her brother stood watching the stage.
"Ugh- fine- but he's not allowed to say anything about our plans!" Elizabeth said, rolling her eyes.
"I promise I won't," Evan said quietly, sitting down and placing Fredbear Jr. in his lap.
What felt like days seemed to pass in the diner, Evan was all to aware of the sounds and smells and lights of the performances by the end of the day, were it not for Michael he probably would've fallen asleep in the car from the sheer exhaustion of it all.
"It's not my fault he's such a baby he can't even handle a few jokes," Michael said, arms crossed in the passengers seat.
"If you're going to make jokes make sure Henry's br- your cousins. Can't hear you- do you know how it makes me look when Henry hears he can't even crawl out from under a table without bursting into tears? Are you trying to embarrass me Michael?" William didn't look up from the road as he spoke, hands at either side of the wheel, knuckles white.
"No father. . ." Michael said quietly, staring down at his hands.
Evan fled to his room as soon as the car pulled into the driveway, closing the door behind him before Mike could even step out of the car.
"four days, I'm gonna be seven in four days and then maybe he'll leave me alone. . ." Evan muttered, walking over to his stuffed animals. They always smelled strange these days, but he could never really place the smell. Foxy didn't have a head, Evan had ripped it off himself, he didn't remember when, but he knew it had to have been because of Michael, everything he did was in reaction to his brother at this point.
"Dinner!" Evan flinched at his father's voice, he wished he could grow out of that at some point, but he wasn't really sure he would.
Evan dusted himself off as he stood up and walked toward the door, listening closely for the sound of Michael's footsteps. When he determined the coast was clear he turned the knob to leave, taking cautious footsteps toward the dining room.
He stopped short in front of the television, distracted for a moment by the sounds until. . .
"Boo!" Evan let out a choked scream before falling back on the floor, only able to prop himself up on one elbow, covering his face as tears ran down his cheeks.
Tomorrow is another day. . .
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Eyes in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere). Trilogy - part one. Next part.
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, sugestive content, threats, blood, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade was watching Y/N for some time, trying to stay in the shadows. Unfortunately voices and thoughts won against the logic and he want her now on his side forever.
Author's note: Inspiration from a lot of things, but especially: Hades and Persephone, Beauty and the Beast. This used to be oneshot, but I changed my mind, ut will be trilogy. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colour are Y/N thoughts.
Y/N didn’t know when was the last time she ran for her life. Probably during one of the pillagers attack on the village or maybe in the Nether. But none of them was that type. Now she was being chased by something way much more dangerous than besties. At the moment, she’s being followed by the Blood God himself. Despite the aching and pain of her muscles and her throat feeling dry from gasping for air, Y/N was still asking herself how did on earth this happen?
Y/N always loved books and reading, she came to Smp two weeks after Foolish arrival. Actually her friendship with him leaded her here. They exchanged the letters and she was interested in staying somewhere for a while. After some time, she decided to come. Her divine friend already started to build his summer home and had few buildings done. She stayed there for few couple of days, they decided to build something for herself. She already have met most of Smp members including Dream Team, Bench Trio and rest, but owning home, place for stay was good idea. Sometimes Y/N liked to be alone. Eret allowed her to build something behind his castle, it was always nice to have someone close.
It took time before she ended house, it was cozy one with big field in front, farms, cellars and most important - library with enchanting place. It was huge, biggest part of the house with plenty of regals and reading spots. Y/N loved to spend there time and collectin more books or texts. Foolish had a lot of ancient scrolls or manuscripts and liked to share them with her. They could spend hours discussing about their favourite ones.
Books caused that Y/N met Phil, because he was the second person on the Smp, which had great collection from centauries. Shark god took her at trip to Tundra. Y/N was excited to meet such person and nervous too. Happily, everything went all right, Technoblade wasn't that time in home, so they had chilling conversation. Winged man was very curious about her skills and enchants. Of course during his travells and lifespan he met enchanters, but didn't paid much attention to them. Now, he could meet one in chill ocassion. Their three had a lot of talking, giggling and being wholesome. Phil promised to borrow more interesting books and Y/N said, that she can give some enchantments.
When Technoblade came back he immediately felt, that Foolish was there with... someone else... someone new. It smelled like pine and old paper, very nice. Phil told him about visitors and Y/N, he ignored it a little bit, but voices... voices liked this smell a lot.
'So strange.' 'Which woman can smell like that?' 'Where is she living?'
Y/N was peaceful person with no intention to harm anybody, staying in her place. She stayed in positive relations with almost everyone, providing needed enchantments and helping caused, that a lot of members were friendly to her. Y/N liked to hanging out with Bench Trio, although they were sometimes so chaotic. Usually she went mining with Ranboo, when it was needed, cutting trees with Tommy for his buildings and staying in Snowchester with Tubbo. That is why she came with almost everyone, when Tommy and Tubbo were in Dream bunkier fighting with him. Discs were just items, but... Dream's obsession, it was dangerous and teenagers were her friends. After that a lot of things changed. Putting him into Pandora's Vault was meant to protect them, but she was getting cold shivers each time she looked at black walls of prison. Knowing that everyone could be locked there...
After Egg's influence grew stronger she tried to find some infromations about it and how could ghe possible defeat it, but that took time. Foolish and Phil were so helpful handing their ancient texts, to make research. Suddenly with crimson vines everywhere, Smp became less safer, at least she felt it that way. More members were busy with their business and stuff, they finally could do them, when Dream was locked. For example Foolish agreed to build big mansion for Tubbo and Ranboo, which got platonical marriage and Tommy started his hotel. Meeting Michael was so wholesome and funny, little zombie piglin started to like her and at each visit she read him fairy tales and stories.
Y/N decided to not think about bad sides of Smp, just being busy and tried to help, if someone needed it. Before Doomsday wandering around could be dangerous, especially for La'Manburg citizens, because Dream and Technoblade were unpleasant for them. Now she enjoyed visiting almost everyone everywhere. After a few visits, she could tell that something was wrong, Y/N couldn't tell what, but it was almost like being watched, blaming Egg and vines was her answer for that, but actually why? Why did it do that? She would never joined their side. Never ever. Sometimes she spotted the Phil's corws, but that wasn't a s surprise, birds were telling him a lot of informations around the Smp. Easy way to know almost everything.
Y/N was heading to her house, stepping at Prime Path. In opposite direction she spotted Quackity, slowly walking by from prison direction, which was surprise. She smiled softly to him and he smiled back.
"What's up?" Big Q asked when got closer to her.
"It's good I am coming back home, need to eat and get some nap, and you?"
"I... ended some buisness." His face stiffened and his look became more serious.
Y/N nodded little unsure about his changed emotions. Suddenly she spotted that his sleeve is covered in fresh blood.
"Are you hurt?" She asked worried.
Quckity looked at his shirt as surprised as she and frowned, he checked axe which hanged down from his belt.
"I guess so then, but I don't know where did that come from."
"Let me take care of this." Y/N suggested with warm smile. "My home is closer than Las Nevadas."
After a few moments he nodded in agreement. They together headed to her place. Weather started to become stormy, dark cloud covered the sun, threating to start raining.
Then went inside, but when she was closing door, feeling of being watched hit her with dubled strength. House was in the spine forest, but fenced and had a gate. In filed were some farms, trees and small garden, but everything seemed to look normal. Big Q sat on the couch in living room and Y/N brought bandages, water in bowl and even healing potion. He rose sleeve, wound wasn't long, but deep, something cut his arm, probably weapon.
"It doesn't look good, but you will be okay." She said after looking at cut.
"Good." He sighed with relief.
"What did make it? Do you have an idea?"
Big Q looked dead in her eyes and remained silence. Of course he knew what, but he didn't even noticed the wound before leaving the prison. Well, someone will pay for this.
"Maybe working at Las Nevadas, you know... I am still building there." He spoke after a while.
"Oh... ye you have right, but be careful next time." Y/N suggested and started to work on cut carefuly. Starting on cleaning, then gently bandaged it.
"Thank you." Big Q said after seeing the results.
"No problem, just don't walk around with untreated wound." Y/N giggled softly.
He stood up and moved his eyes on windows. Black clouds didn't go away, even became worse.
"I will go now, weather is getting worse, I want to be in home before storm." Big Q said with soft smile.
"Of course, see you next time."
After he left, big storm came, darkness fell upon the Smp, rain and wind were too strong, for coming outside. Y/N decieded to take a chance and nap. She baked some cookies and sit down on a couch with another book, which Phil borrowed her. Only the torches gave light, sometimes thunderbolt stroke and filled room with unatural blue light. Drops hit hardly, making loud sounds, but Y/N was too much into a book. Two hours has passed and slowly night was coming. She moved eyes to meet clock, yep that was supper time, put the book away and up, Gods thr storm didn't let go. Y/N watched for a while outside, then go to kitched. She grabbed blanket and wrapped it around her posture, damn there were cold.
Again feeling of being watched kicked in. She was alone at home, that was sure thing. Outside was deep dark and behind the windows was the wall of the water. Y/N bite her lip and shook head, it was just her imagination, a feeling which stayed for no reason after putting Dream into Pandora's Vault. She took an kettle and suddenly was seeing something in the corner of the eye, something red and unusual in the spine forest. Her figure frozen when she moved back eyes. Deep in the dark, around sprouce trees in the line of forest, Y/N spotted pair of shinning, red eyes, high above the ground. They were locked at her figure.
'This has to be spider... or something else...'
Right after this thought, ceature turned back and disappeard in the darkness, cold shiver went down at Y/N spine. What was that? And why it was here? At least she was safe in home...
'More.' 'Training is boring, let's find someone to fight.' 'We demand blood.'
Technoblade sighed and stopped, voices today were very, very loud. That was why he decided to train, but during it, they became even worse. He hid sword and walked into home. Phil wasn't here today, he had to do something, but didn't bother to tell him what it was. Blade went back to home by his old path through the forest. His training place was near the cottage, but still hidden from common people. All members of Syndicate knew where it was. First of all he need to take shower. When cold water touched his skin, he felt like even his bloodlust became less, quiet hiss left his lips. He earned some chafings this week. Next, he changed his clothes to common and made a cup of tea, then sit in the kitchen. Immediately his thoughts went to Y/N.
Somehow voices were acting diffrent around her and he even found himself acting that way. They were focused around Y/N and he was more calm, like just her pressence was comforting him. Technoblade remembered their first meeting, it was common day, when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and rose his eyebrows in surprise, outside was standing fragile woman, without any armor and only with trident on her back. They shared awkward eye contact, when suddenly she introduced herself as Y/N. Of course he saw her couple of times, but it wasn't officialy. Y/N has known who was he for sure, she swallowed hard and looked down with shyness. Phil yelled across the room, that she could come in. Ah yes... she loved to read books and his old friend was borrowing her them a lot. Technoblade again felt the spine and old papers smell, for him, it could stay here forever. After short visit, Y/N took books, gave back book of enchantment and left.
Techno's curiosity has increased, when he heard about her more. She was peaceful, friendly soul, completly opposite of him, maybe that was, why he felt so... diffrent around her and voices too. Piglin hybrid enjoyed watching her from the distance, in the shadows, but lately... lately it wasn't enough. Now he wanted to breathe at Y/N scent, holding her close and pressed soft kisses at forehead. He was under voices pressure so long and now his salvation was so close. But what would he make it? As longer he has thought of that, a diffrent ideas came to his head. She was delicate creature, he had to get plan at all. Techno knew almost everything about her: hobbies, traditions, friends and fighting skills. Phil told him a lot about enchanters, they could make enchanting books after years of studying and had magic talent sometimes. As they knew, Y/N could enchant books at any spell, so she had to studied a lot. Technoblade sighed and grabbed his cloak, time to keep an eye on few things.
'Let's not go quietly!' 'Let's go quiet as grave...' 'Blood for the Blood God!'
That was busy week, Y/N could only one time saw Foolish and Phil, but whole Smp seemed a little bit diffrent... luckily she was able to go on mining trip with Ranboo and Eret visited her with a couple of books, which were about Smp. Now was afternoon and sun slowly started to set, she was heading to her house, where waited for her snow fox, which she found in Snowchester. Cute, little ball of fur stole Y/N heart immediately. When she finally stepped inside, Snowflake - that how she named it, ran into her squeaking high.
"What happend my little one?" She knelt down and pet it's head.
Fox looked at her with big brown eyes and squeaked once more, then jump into her arms.
"Oh oh oh... are you afraid of something?" Y/N hugged Snowflake and looked around. Everything in home seemed normal, door was closed, in a field same, animals were quite nervous, but everything was good. She frowned and stepped inside, then put fox into basket with small blanket.
"I will bring you some berries, you will like it for sure." Y/N smiled gently.
Unfortunately, she didn't have any at this moment in home, Snowflake was there only for three days, so she couldn't make berries farm so fast, because she had to set up a space. Luckily, she lived around coniferous forest, so didn't even hesiatate, Y/N just grabbed backpack and went outside. Sun was lower in the sky, but still it was warm and brightly. Birds were humming quietly and around was quite quiet. Berries bush weren't so far, she founed some, but in order to make supplies, decided to find more, then plant them around the house. It would spared the time and work.
"Y/N." She heard deep, lazy voice and immediately turned at it's direction.
The Blade was standing under big sprouce tree with satisfied grinn on his lips. Eyes locked on Y/N figure, which completly froze at the sight of him. She have never been with him alone, in tundra always Phil or Ranboo were around, now it felt... strange and risky, she still remembered what happend to La'Manburg citizens.
"Technoblade." Y/N spoke softly, being careful to not crack her voice, despite building feeling of fear. She noticed, that piglin hybrid under his royal, crimson cloak was wearing armor, probably not his best one, but still enough to win fight. Part of hair made into bun, rest were freely in his back and shoulders. From his belt was hanging netherite sword and netherite axe was sticking out from behind. She spotted, that his weapons were a little covered in blood, same as his sleeves and parts of shirt. He was killing monsters right? Or just hunting? Uncomfortable, awkward silence reminded between them, only forest noises distrubed it from time to time.
Voices were too loud today, too agressive, too greedy, killing monsters and pillagers wasn't enough, Quackity has already tasted his steel, well he deserved that after showing up in Y/N home. He had so much fun with him, but after that he needed some rest, comfort and calm. That is why without even thinking too much Technoblade went straight to Y/N house. He hoped, that everything will change, that he finally will has some break from voices, violence and killing. Of course he liked his way to be... but yes sometimes, you have to make a nap.
"Are you wounded?" Y/N asked quietly breaking the silence. After all, if he needed help, she would help him, without hesitation.
Technoblade's grinn became more sinister, he put hand on sword hilt and slowly tilted his head on right side.
"This isn't my blood." He said without caring at all.
"Oh, that's good then..." Y/N whispered, but he could hear that.
Piglin hybrid studied her posture, she had only trident at her back, backpack in left hand, no armor, no more weapons. Poor little girl, that's not how you are going outside your home, she was literally unarmed in his eyes.
"So... what are you doing here? Alone? In the forest?" Technoblade asked and moved closer to her.
The way he spoke these words, made Y/N shiver inside, outside, she grabbed her backpack harder. Surely there was nothing to worry about, she has never done something wrong to him or Philza, she wasn't dangerous or wanted to has any power. Techno is probably just passing by. Suddenly he was so close, now she could for real see the height diffrence, for the gods sake, her head reached around his breastbone. Y/N looked up only to meet piglin hybrid's burning gaze.
"I... I was collecting berries for my snow fox. Something scared her, so I thought that she will calm down after getting some and I ran out of them..." she suttered and swallow hard.
"How sweet." Technoblade commented and his smile widened.
"So... you are just passing by?"
"Not really."
Sudden grip on her chin caught Y/N off guard. Technoblade forced her to look straight into his eyes. His face stiffened a little bit, she hissed quietly, when claws touched harder gentle skin. Then she realised... Blade's eyes were red and she heard, that it could glow in darkness. Her skin became pale and pupils widened. It was him, that time during a storm, he was watching her...
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked quietly, without any clue, what was going on.
'She is so innocent.' 'We love her scent.' 'Let her know.'
"I have something to tell you." He leaned and immediately her scent hit him harder, resisting to take deep breath wasn't that easy.
"What excatly?"
"I was watching you for a while Y/N. Belive me or not I found that interesting, because your pressence is calming for me, I can fall asleep while listening your voice and push away my violence behaviour, when you are around." He stroked her cheek by his thumb and smiled haughty. "I am always getting , what I want and I want that so badly, you can't even imagine."
Y/N shook head and made few steps back, leaving his grip, couldn't belive what she just heard. That's impossible.
"I don't know what to say... I can admit, that I had strange feeling of being watching but... I blamed the Egg..." She looked deep into his eyes, trying to put everything together. "What do you mean, you are always getting, what are you want? How am I suppose to understand that?"
"Listen sweetheart, we can do this in two diffrent ways: good or bad. If you choose first one, fine politely you will go with me. Second way? Well I can be very convincing, when I want to." Technoblade frowned.
None of this options was good for her. Y/N sighed and her shoulders dropped. She couldn't do anything literally...
"Come on princess. I can take care of you, I promise, you will be happy." He gave her his hand, but gripped sword hilt harder.
Y/N always avoided the conflicts and argues, never has started any, that was easier and better way to live. She could take care of her interests, powers anf friends by being supportive or neutral. Technoblade's behaviour made her shiver and feel sick, there was no guarantee that he will keep his words, even if it were sweet and promising. Y/N knew that fighting him was pointlees, he were ten thousand better than her, she didn't even have armor or second weapon. But surrender just like that? Without any resistance? She always was determinated, miss 'you can always find a way, solution'. Not a chance.
"I think I have better option, which lay in the middle." Y/N smiled gently.
"Well, tell me then." Technoblade rose his eyebrows with curiosity.
With one smooth move, she put backpack on and immediately started to run. The Blade's pupils widened, he burst out laughing.
"It will be funny."
She has known, that she needed to lose him in forest. Going to home wouldn't help, because door or gate couldn't stop Blood God. Lost him and then ran away from Smp, at least her current living location. Y/N realized that she couldn't even ask for help anyone. Probably Technoblade would come after her friends, helpers, so that was it. Y/N versus The Blade, she was on her own.
'How did she dare to run away from us?!' 'Chase her, catch her.' 'Faster, faster, faster!'
It seemed like running away from Tommy for fun, came in handy and long trips with Ranboo caused her to move fast through forest. Y/N nimbly jumped over obstacles and avoid rocks or roots. Her pace wasn't the fastes, but she could hold it for pretty long time. She wasn't thinking a lot, just tried to run away as far as she could.
'Don't look back, don't look back, it will make you slower.'
Hiding could be good idea, but not now. As long as he was close, she couldn't stop at all. Breaking through the forest was only hearing noise, soon, she heard her heavy breathing. Heading to unknown direction wasn't so wisely, but Y/N had no choice. After a few minutes, she stopped to catch breath. Around was sudden so quiet, cold shiver went down at her spine. Too quiet.
"Already tired?" Technoblade's voice surprised her from left side.
She turned head, just to see him leaning against the tree. In his right hand he held sword, didn't even look like he was running.
"You can't outrun me little one. A lot of people tried, now they are dead." He aimed sword at her. "We can end this farce here. I am not mad, honestly, you made me smile a little bit."
"You will have to catch me, if you want me going with you." Y/N said and then continue to run away.
"Oh I will princess, that's what predator does to the prey."
Y/N started to feel really tired, muscles aching, throat dry from gasping for air, hair dispelled and cheeks red. She ran for a while, but now had to stop. Technoblade immediately appeared in her field of vision. He was walking carefuly, but still looked intimidating.
"Don't come closer!" She released a cry.
Piglin hybrid stopped about eight meters away. He leaned sword against the ground and looked at her with curious gaze.
'Here she is, our reward.' 'Let's finally take her with us.' 'We like that sound.'
"I think, I just caught you." A little grinn appeared on his lips.
She looked straight into his eyes. Her gaze full of fear met a calm and determination. Y/N didn't even want to think what would happend, if he fulfilled his desires. Gods sake, she was free human being, none could take her freedom, she didn't ask for this. In an act of desperation, with the last of her strength, she used her powers. Feeling of warm through fingers and energy drained from her veins, but then burning light. In Technoblade's towards direction flew literally fireball, but he was too skilled for this. He made a dodge and looked at Y/N with mix of proud and shock. She dropped to her knees, struggling to stay conscious, despite the pain at her whole body and tired mind and unclear vision. Technoblade immediately was with her, he knelt down and support her, by putting arm around her waist. Y/N leaned back against his chest, fatigue prevailed over reason.
"Enough for today princess. You run out, if you will keep resisting." He whispered calmly.
"Please, please... please I don't want this, I want to go home." Her voice was cracking, tears strimming down at her cheeks.
"Hush darling, everything will be all right."
Technoblade's body radiated warm, his tone suddenly was so calming and sleepy. She wanted to close eyes so badly, but still fear was too big.
"You are safe, nothing can hurt you I promise."
After this words Y/N gave up and lost consciousness. Sun went down and shadows became longer and darker.
Phil careful closed the doors, then walked quietly down. Technoblade sat in kitchen with cup of hot tea, he immediately looked at his old friend, his eyes were worrying.
"Y/N is good, she lost consciousness, because was too tired. You said that, she used her powers."
"It was literally fireball, but I dodge that easy."
"Well, now we know about her powers at least... interesting, what you are going to do, when she wake up?" Phil asked and sat in opposite site.
"I know, that you are not glad about this, but I will figure this out. She won't cause any troubles." Techno's voice became deeper.
Winged man sighed and looked at his friend. He knew what he was going through, when voices became louder and demanded blood, each moment of silence or when they were quiet, Technoblade cherished and tried to make it worth. Phil couldn't be angry or mad for his friend about that deed, but... he was torn.
"Come on spit it out. I can see that you want to tell something important." Piglin hybrid said slowly.
"We were through a lot of shit, we know each other for almost ages and we blew up the nation for gods sake, kidnapping isn't the worst thing you have done, but..." Phil started and looked at Techno. "I wish you best and everything good, but I don't know how will I act around. Y/N has come to me for books, we were talking about stuff, I gave her cookies and tea. How will I explain, that I am supporting your decision? And I am always on your side." Phil said aloud his worries.
"I will give her time to get used to. After certain amount of time Y/N will understand." The Blade was lost in his thoughts.
He was so greatful of his friend statement, but still a little bit unsure. This case shloudn't affect on their relationship or Phil's life. Honestly Technoblade belived that his pressence will comfort Y/N at least, as he said they were close and enjoyed each other company.
"Someone will notice her disappering. What then? And Ranboo is visiting us a lot." Phil sighed a little.
"I've got this, trust me."
"I trust you with my own life." Winged man nodded.
Sunlight kissed her skin gently, when it showed up on window. Y/N felt softness under herself and on her back. Quiet sigh left her lips, when she opened eyes. In the room was very bright, but for sure it wasn't her room. Immediately cold shiver went down at her spine. Still weak, she tried to lift herself, because she was lying on stomach. Bed was big, with good beddings and pillows.
"Don't move, you are still weak." Technoblade's voice was soft, but loud.
Y/N bite her lip and then lifted head. He was standing near the bed and observing curiously, looking completly diffrent. White, linen shirt and high waisted, leather trousers, hair braided tighly. In this version he was... more open and accessible, not so scary.
"Where am I?" She asked slowly and rolled at her back with quiet hiss. Muscles still hurt and throat was dry.
"In my house, in tundra safe and..." He cut off, while noticed that Y/N is trying to get up. "What did I say?" He stepped closer and sat on bed.
She sat unsure on mattress, just to met Technoblade here, he gripped again her chin, as in the forest and forced her to look at him. This time it was more gently.
"Darling please..."
"You can't take my freedom!"
His eyes darkened immediately and Y/N regreted her words. She swallowed hard, when Blade looked deep into her eyes.
"Of course I can and I will, if you don't behave good. If you didn't notice, you aren't chained or tied, but pretty comfy in my bed." He said slowly with threat in his voice. "Think about it."
Technoblade released her and got up. She looked down thinking about situation, yes he didn't tied her, but still it wasn't good case. Y/N just wanted to be free, do stuff which she want and meet friends. Maybe Smp wasn't perfect, but still now it was her home, there were a lot of wars or argues, but she still had house and persons which she cared about and this was mutual, now everything was unsure.
"I am just afraid... " Y/N whispered quietly.
"As I said earlier you are safe here, you are safe with me. Nothing can hurt you." Techno grabbed bowl with soup and came back. "Here, eat, you need to recover."
"Thanks." She smiled weakly to him, took bowl and started to eat slowly.
'Good girl.' 'She will behave for sure.' 'We can teach her a lesson.'
Y/N was napping for the rest of the day, Technoblade gave her one of their books, so she wasn't bored. Probably tomorrow or next day she will stand up.
The sound of closing doors, caused her to closed book and put it away. Piglin smiled gently and took off his shirt suddenly. Y/N eyes became big.
"Wait wait wait..."
"Calm down princess, I am just going to sleep, nothing else." Technoblade smirked for her panic.
"So... where shloud I move?" Y/N asked looking around the room.
"Nowhere. You are staying here with me."
Immediately her cheeks went slighty red. She looked at him curiously. His pink skin seemed gentle from the distance, a lot of scars marked his chest and arms. Some of them little, some of them large, the biggest one was through both sides of chest. Technoblade released his hair and came closer. Y/N moved to make him some space. He laid down, she followed his steps but remain distance.
"Goodnight." She said and turned back from him.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
He blow up torches near the bed and silence fell upon them. Not even a five minutes passed, when Y/N felt sudden grip on her waist. She froze, Technoblade hugged her and pressed kiss on her shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Quiet whisper left her lips.
"Snuggling and cuddling." He whispered softly.
Y/N couldn't help, she giggled quietly. Techno took this as premission, her back touched his chest and second hand slowly stroked her hair.
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Breaking The Cycle
Part 1 - 2
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Detective Michael Lance Allen has been on my chase for a week finally tracking me down.
He knocks on my door I sign giving up on my bad luck, take my time opening the front door.
He stares at me brushing past my body to walk in, we are in the living room when he speaks.
“Look we can do this the easy way…”
“Or hard way”
“You have been after me for a crime I did not commit racist.”
“God! I hate that”
“You hate that because it’s true”
“Fuck off! You are under arrest”
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“Put your hands up”
“Or what? You will kill me?”
“Fuck you!”
“On the floor”
“Let’s go”
“You did not read me my rights”
Part 3 - 5
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I kick him in the shin scoffing as he falls to his knees.
I reach out for a shovel smashing him hard across the head.
He goes unconscious splatting on the floor thank fully.
I strip him throwing away the clothes he was wearing previously.
Get him dress in some other duds then drag him over to the basement.
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I groan swinging him down the staircase as he falls to the bottom step.
Rolling off the step on to the ground I lock the door.
“Stupid Motherfucker”
“Why did he bring that trouble to me?”
“Racist ass”
“He will pay”
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“Wait! Where am I?”
“Let me go”
“Let me out”
“Help me”
Part 6 - 8
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The ground shakes under him knocking him back a few and he wakes up.
A lateen is lit near him one which he gladly takes and checks out the room.
He finds himself compelled in to a small room in back.
Each part of the corridor grows less and less spacious.
He enters a bathroom at the end of the hall as the corridor vanishes.
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Bellowing out a loud sigh he backs in to the wall.
He can feel fresh cuts dried up on his skin so he relents.
Removing his shirt he moves closer to the mirror checking out his reflection.
He jumps back at the sight of eyes peering through the darkness.
A ear shattering laugh emits bouncing of the wall.
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“Who? Who are you?”
“The one who you failed pig”
“No, no, stop”
“All assholes pigs or not all do you are the same.”
“Pieces of shit”
Part 9 - 10
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The wall slides open as the young man from before returns.
“Weak ass chump”
“All the same”
“Fuck Humans!”
“Why are you?”
“You know why”
“Besides it does not matter”
“It’s time to wake up”
The former officer wakes up in a new life at his feet answering calls and playing music for all who will listen.
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The end
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