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it turns out the internet no easily googlable image of the demisexual+gayromantic flag. even when i made my own shitty photoshop, i couldn't reverse image search it :(
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salubri-outcast · 9 months
Microlables are like taxonomy. Useful for people who want to really get into it. But you don't need to know the subspecies of tiger to know that it is a large striped cat.
They are neither good nor evil. And imposing them on people or decrying them as bad are both very much shit takes. Just because it's a stressful experience for one person doesn't mean it's not a source of joy and wonderment for another.
Oh by the way. You are a fish.
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theomnicat · 2 years
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Alefaungender is a microlable under the Genderfluid umbrella. To alefaungender individuals gender is fluid, but cannot fully understand what gender they are feeling. They could understand if the gender is masculine, neutral or androgynous, but they never feel the specific gender aligning to these. However alefaungender identifiers never encompass feminine aligned genders. Creds to my friend tobi for helping with the description The flag consists of 5 colours Magenta- Gender Fluidity Teal- Connection to androgynous genders White- Connection to neutral genders Blue- Connection to masculine genders Dark Blue- Haziness and confusion to gender
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bored-coiner · 6 months
"there's this video essay called Millions of dead genders-" LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER oh my godddd shut upppp
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introductionpresence · 6 months
i really can't find one anywhere but. is there a label for being both cupioromantic & recipromantic at the same time?
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jojou2 · 9 months
شاشة ضخمة مطوية
حجمها 144 بوصة. فكرتها رائعة. تنزلها تحت الأرض إذا لم تحتج لها
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Proposing a new, Aromantic targeted food, similar to the ace addiction of garlic bread. Wait for it
Cauliflower Cheese
Boom. If no one else wants it I’ll have it for my own Aro micro label and sucks for you
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vampire-fanboy · 6 months
the experience of following me who changes fandoms is you'll always see me be like "dang you hot af i wanna [redacted]" over some bitches like its a guarantee if they got some hot ass men i am ALL OVER THEM
i wish there was more women in media that caters towards my tastes though hmpf i love every and all ladies in media but none are ever like "wow fictional crush material" for me sadly and that makes me NOOOO!!!!!!
me when everyone is hot and i want to see the hot womfs
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semercury · 1 year
Screaming along to songs in my car can unfortunately only do so much
#stuff sarah says#the world is so scary and im so scared like i dont think you get it#i am frozen with so much fear at the thought of everything and how unbearably complicated life has become#and everything is micro and idk how else to put it? just. microlables microtransactions micromanaging#i hate it all so much#and theres so many boxes? and they keep getting smaller and i just? maybe i dont want people to put me in a box#maybe i dont want to check a box maybe i dont want to round up my transaction maybe i dont want#microplastics. thats another one. theres fucking microplastics. in my teabags.#but maybe i want people to stop looking at me and assuming they know me bc i barely know me#i would like to just exist. i hate taxes. i hate wanting to throw up when thinking about talking to people about things#i hate hate hate worrying about every word that comes out of my mouth#i want people to stop using therapy lingo in daily conversations and also everyone needs to stop fucking yelling#i havent been taking my thyroid medicine and im so cold and i wonder if thats affecting my mood too#anyway what do you think happens when we die? like i know what a lot of people think happens but what actually happens? you know?#is any of it...? like? you know?#im going to start crying ha ha ha#i watched some sad episodes of a show. also i maybe started my period#i never fully know anymore when it starts. my body is fucked lmao#why am i typing all of this? i dont think anyone should actually care about any of this#idk i just want things to be simple again
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coconut-window · 11 months
the worst part about trying to find a good tv/monitor is that the perfect display is always 5-10 years away
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alto-tenure · 1 year
Your pride or place quizzes would be better if you didnt use fake shit like [q slur]het and shit
man I just took flags from the lgbtqia+ wiki idk what to tell you I didn't vet the flags for "validness of identity" the lines were "could this conceivably be confused with a place, however briefly"
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ramicorn · 1 year
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new pfp (yes thats all my lables in the background)
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the-painting-pug · 2 years
Gonna be honest
Micro-Lables are good and fine, they helped me to find myself but it's exhausting to explain them all the time so you stick to the "overall" names which are wider known
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angelsaxis · 1 year
witnessing a make up a guy situation in real time
n word in the tags nonblack people dont even look at this post
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milesfagworth · 1 year
i hope my liberal use of slurs these days has been sufficient in warding off miserable weirdos who think there are rules to being lgbt+/queer but if you buy into identity politics, think you can tell someone what they "really" are, dont support people reclaiming slurs (or think personal identity has anything to do with what slurs can be reclaimed), dont support neo pronouns, think dysphoria is the start and end of transness or otherwise spend any amount of time discoursing wanking online about who "real" lgbt people are and what we can and cannot do, THIS tranny fag wants nothing to do with you
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
a topic being brought up is not an invitation for your opinion especially if the discussion is positive and your opinion is negative
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