#might add more headcanons later i dunno
angelthird · 1 year
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"––I've accepted that the world's going to go to hell. I just never thought... we'd be the ones holding the pitchforks.”
FULL NAME & ALIAS: warren kenneth worthington iii / angel CURRENT TEAM(S): x-men: blue PREVIOUS ALIASES: none AGE: 20 SPECIES: mutant MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: earth-931 GENDER IDENTITY: cisgendered male SEXUALITY: unlabeled NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white
FACE CLAIM: patrick gibson SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: has massive white, feathered wings HAIR COLOR: blonde EYE COLOR: green ACCENT: none CURRENT COSTUME: couldn’t find a good image so here’s the reference sketch from the artist who designed it, jamie mckelvie !
CURRENT HOME: xavier’s school PAST OCCUPATION: student at xavier’s school CURRENT OCCUPATION: member of x-men: blue SNAP STATUS: survived in a different reality
SIBLING(S): none PARTNER(S): none CHILDREN: none PARENT(S): warren k. worthington jr. & kathryn worthington ( both deceased )
his older counterpart has dated wanda maximoff, laura kinney, candy southern, betsy braddock, and paige guthrie. little warren just has the stupidest most embarassing crush on jean ( and maybe a little bit on scott ).
he’s very much into podcasts ( specifically movie review podcasts as he doesn’t have time to watch many ) and listens to them while he works out. 
when he’s not walking around shirtless, he finds cutoffs the most convenient to wear.
contrary to what everyone might think, his favorite color is green.
any and all x-men are great, but specifically (931) hank and bobby !
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wanderingpen · 2 years
Do y'all think Dabi gets heatstroke easily?
Like, yeah, he burns himself when he uses his quirk and everything, but it never seems to slow him down or bother him too much post-dead nerves.
I'm imagining a scenario post-battle where the League is checking on each other, except for Dabi who won't let them near him because 'I'm Dabi and I'm a lone wolf etc etc", but after they start walking away from the scene, he's dragging behind the group a little.
Mister notices first, of course, because he seems to have taken up the role of group mother, but it only becomes a concern when Dabi trips and takes a moment to get up. At that point, everyone's around him and freaking out because Dabi you idiot why didn't you tell us you got hurt and he's trying to explain that this is normal and none of it means anything, and the rest of the League are not having it.
I feel like Tomura would know the most first-aid because he grew up with Kurogiri and also was trained for villainy since he was five, so he recognizes the symptoms first and insists that he takes off his black coat and that they figure out how to cool him down.
Dabi, who's been going through this since he was a kid is super confused and isn't sure what everyone is worried about because it's fine, he's fine, they don't need to be freaking out like this.
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
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My brain is dead. My hand is dead. I finished Hinata but still have to do Naruto, ahahhahahaha 🤪 maybe tmw. ughhhh I need a more efficient style. 😫 And I'm stuck with these washed out colors because it's supposed to look like a dim kitchen during a house party. Maybe the final piece will look better. There's also always gradient maps and color balancing too. Editing in post type stuff.
Ah yes, so my Witchcraft AU is going to be Los Angeles-coded. Everyone is Japanese-American-coded, LA Asian Community proxy, etc. Not gonna take place in RL. Not gonna reference actual nations/races, etc. But LA food culture will be there. Other aspects of LA culture will be there, or so I'll try.
I automatically headcanoned this Naruto to be into Mexican Punk/Skacore, so it's just gonna be Skacore in writing, but maybe I'll create his personal playlist or something and share it here later.
He's a jock but he's also really punk at heart, gets hotheaded, gets into trouble but not in a delinquent way. So we got a jock that grew up next to 'Cholos', puts elote in his cup ramen or something like that. Maybe has a weird personal recipe for ramen tamales, idk, I'm throwing spaghetti at the wall here. 😂 Cultural fusion, go!
Hinata is a bi witch, soft goft girl. Big tiddy goth girlfriend. Nuff said.
I'm thinking Ino and Sakura could be witches too. Ino is a herbalist and Sakura is too focused on studying theory to actually practice or something. Ino and Sakura are together, but sometimes the witches have lesbian orgies because... occultic reasons. Just kidding. Actually, I did have a concept in mind, of course the reason is semi-ritualistic, or like, it's just normal for the girls to need to comfort each other. 🤔
I'll drop the official summary for the whole story sometime this week, just been obsessing over this art. Which I really should have just flat colored or something. Maybe I'll scrap all the coloring on Hinata that I already did and focus on a simpler coloring style. It'll be more cohesive looking anyways. 😫
I might add a drabble to the final piece, too. That'll be fun. 🥰
Hmmm... maybe Naruto's traps don't look big enough. 🤔 Maybe Hinata's boobs don't look big enough either. 😂 Oh, I still dunno what type of athlete he is. I wanna shop around before settling for football player. 😂
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doodle-stroodle · 2 months
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Updated ToH!Mike
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Plus, an alt ver with dyed hair bc I didn’t know what ppl would like more 😭
Backstory: Mike is the middle child out of two sisters, Nancy and Holly. His parents run whatever the equivalent to an accounting firm in the Boiling Isles is. Karen is the face of that business due to her nature, while Ted is more working on the behind the scenes aspects. Ted doesn’t know much about his kids (except Holly) and Karen is so obsessed with appearing as a perfect family, she tends to forget her kids wants and needs in the process. Also, wouldn’t be complete without complete without child labor!! Mike writes and did enjoy it, until his parents saw it and figured out how to use it to their advantage. He writes letters, reports, and whatever else they can find for him to do.
Explanation for Mike’s hair (Pasted from another post of mine): I like to think Karen is forcing him to dye his hair like this because neither she or Ted have black hair and it throws people off. She believes it’s bad for the business they’re running or whatever, idk.
I would like to expand more on that, Mike is 100% Ted’s child (no scandals here, lol). But Karen is so worried about judgment from others, that it forces her to take these drastic steps. That’s probably apart of her offscreen arc or something because I like to think that she’d eventually grow as a person.
Mike’s relationship with Lucas: They were best friends until they were 10. Karen realized that Mike was getting bullied and basically made him change everything about himself, including his friends. Weak people have weak friends, strong people surround themselves with strong connections. They really stopped talking to each other when Mike stopped saying anything against Lucas’s bullies. He became a bystander.
I know he’s supposed to be the Amity of this au, but I really can’t see him bullying anyone. I think what’s more accurate is him repressing his true self and feelings, then meeting Will and essentially becoming himself again.
Relationship with his family: Mike is just a kid so he does love his parents. However, sometimes he wonders if they actually love him, or what he can do for them. At times, he feels like more of a prop than their child.
He loves his sisters as well, but isn’t close to Nancy. He tries to make sure to be the best brother to Holly that he can be.
I’ll tell more about his relationship with Will in another post but I might add onto this later!! I dunno yet 😭
I might make the other sheets differently, again I’m not sure yet
Also, feel free to add your own thoughts and headcanons!! I love hearing new ideas!
Since you requested to be tagged <3 @jainasolo1233
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sa1808fi · 9 months
Okay, so here's the thing
A headcanon of mine is that Emmet has brown eyes.
Emmet is described throughout the first movie as extremely generic, and because of this he was continuously demeaned and insulted because of his 'generic' nature. He was so generic and hard to distinguish from the crowd to the point that even Lord Businesses systems had trouble finding him because of his generic features. Now, this could be easily translated to him having brown eyes, as that is a very 'generic' eye color.
I think that after he finds the Piece of Resistance, and gets his visions, he starts to develop a more reddish tinge to his eyes, as a small side effect of the magic, and being able to see into the realm of the man upstairs.
Now other than this, I also happen to headcanon Rex having green eyes, like a bright green that's similar to the color of the R on his vest.
I want that to be his actual eye color, not him using contacts, no no no. and you may think 'Oh well Emmet has brown eyes, how would Rex have green??'
I have ideas
Uh, I have seen some art in which people draw Emmet with green eyes, and while that would be a cool thing to relate him with Rex, I think that it really would not work for the 'generic' appearance that revolves around him for the first movie.
But yeah, my headcanon is that the change in his eye color was half intentional, half unintentional.
I think that with all of the time travel he's been doing, and the new exposure to master breaking, these things did affect him physically, but edging more on the unintentional side.
Like, you're bending space and time, you're bound to change a little bit.
For the intentional part, I'm still not entirely sure how he would go about doing it, but I think he would do it purely as a way to further set himself apart from his past self. Maybe using weird science and all to do it.
Actually, there's this one post that I think matches pretty well with what I'm going for
I think that the idea of red and green being complementary colors, with the red representing Emmets naivety to some things in the world (The red being him looking at the world with rose-tinted glasses), and Rex (The green being completely opposite to red) being hyperaware of the things that happen around him, and thinking the worst of things first compared to Emmet.
I mean this headcanon mostly started out as a design choice, and then it turned it this.
Might add more later I dunno
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Headcanons about the Cainhurst portraits
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@heraldofcrow wanted me to share some of my thoughts on it (but I will only talk about 3-4 of them because I have no idea who are this other people...and we will never know... it's making me crazy at times) So, here's all the ideas/theory about the potato baby especially 👀
First, we need to establish that is painting below, represents Annalise. Ok? I'm not gonna explained it but if you lore dig + look at the concept arts I add. I really think it's her. (Short ver : She lost her melanine like Arianna (yep her hair turned white not blonde after the birth of the celestial larvae. Probably because of the failed birth of the child of Blood).
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Now, about this one there's 2 possibilities for the woman.
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it's an older/more recent Annalise painting.
It's Annalise's mother, the precedent Queen of Cainhurst.
I tend more on the mother idea but I need to take into account it could still be Annalise. The big problem is that we don't know if all the painting have been made around the same time or not... so who knows...And I'm really bad at telling if it's the same person or not... But anyway I'm here to discuss more about the infant in her arms (so I will take into account both possibilities + The woman might/ might not be the mother of the child too);
If the Queen holding the child is Annalise :
The Child of Blood : I heard this idea on one on Sinclair lore podcast. (I don't remember which one). They said it could be a representation of the child of blood of the Vileblood before it's birth (the one Annalise tried to have and highly didn't make it). They explained that at the time, people didn't do painting everyday and sometimes children were painted to look older than what they actually looked like.
Arianna / Alfred ? : If the cainhurst massacre happened a few decades ago + Arianna age that could fit. Same with Alfred if you believe in the Alfred=Vileblood theory. But why would Annalise hold them in there ?? I don't know
Others : I can only think of 2 others (3 with the next speculation below) on who that could represents. I don't think it's him but Vileblood hunter Leo (a cut npc? chalice dungeon enemy) have white/blond hair so.... and an idea of mine is that it would be another known character from the game linked with Cainhurst you might have seen pass... and fight.... Yes, I have HUGE thoughts about Baby Crow !!!!! but I don't want to develop it too much because it's for a fic idea!!!!
If it's the late Queen
I can only see one character in that case... but who know maybe the baby is really someone we don't know... (I mean it's a baby it's complicated to figured who it would look like later) So... in that case I wouldn't be surprised if this is in fact Lady Maria. That would be the most hilarious and angsty thing ever. If Mr Miyazaki came to tell us that, I would believe him in one instant.
Now 2 more possibilities if it's Maria, because why would she have the Queen hold her as a baby in an official portrait ??
We know Maria is a "collateral" relative of Annalise (closer and correct translation from the Japanese). A collateral relative means there's no descendance link between the two (not parent/child/grandparent links) so it could be : cousins (of different degrees, could be 1st, 2nd...) uncle/aunt & nephew or... siblings... yep. wouldn't that be fun ?! extremely drama if her and Annalise are actually freaking sisters (or half sisters I dunno). And maybe it's just me but I feel the clothes the woman wear are more practical to nurse too.
In that interpretation pretty sure this is the the dad then XD I mean come on they're both blond and have the same red clothes. Don't they share a similar vibes ? (there's lot of interpretations/theories on this guy too but I won't dig into that today).
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Personal headcanon of mine : her and Annalise are just cousins or smt but Maria is like really not far behind in line of succession/ or well a human pyromancer (like the pthumerians) (if she could really do her fire blade before dying and getting trap in the nightmare) and it could have been seen as a sort of miracle. So she's special.
Bonus :
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I believed that guy is the cut king of Cainhurst / Annalise's husband too (I have some headcanaons about him but it will be for another day. Mr royal guard too + maybe a few other paintings as well...)
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Born of Loss
Sad, kinda angsty headcanon… I have no clue if anyone has ever come up with this before but I thought of this, like, a year ago and was just reminded so I’m going to post it now that I have Tumblr.  (To be clear, I’m sure someone has absolutely come up with this somewhere, sometime, but I’m new and I don’t know for sure; so, for the record, I do not claim originality on this idea.  Then again, is any idea ever really original anymore?)
Milah was pregnant when she died.
This idea was initiated by the random piece of rope that Belle finds and uses to track Hook down to the docks after he attacks her in the library (I don’t recall the episode).  To be fair, it is an actual sailing knot called a Monkey’s Fist, and this is a kind of knot with practical uses even off the ship; sailors took to using them as weapons called “slungshots”... but I still feel as though it has a more sentimental value on top of that.  We never see him use it or anything like it as a weapon, and he’s only very rarely (if ever) shown needing a weapon other than a gun/cutlass/hook.  (Also, speaking strategically, I wouldn’t think it wise for him to use a slungshot if he had any of his usual weapons on hand… those are far more effective than the rope equivalent — as I understand it — of brass knuckles.)
So, I posit that it’s far more likely that the fact that the writers chose a knot that looked like a rattle was important.  I mean, we saw the significance of rattles to the storyline with Maleficent, who carried her daughter’s baby rattle around because the baby was killed and it served as a simultaneous memory and revenge-inspiration.  Add that to the fact that we know Killian is sentimental — what with his sketching out Milah’s portrait, his keeping Liam’s satchel, his giving Henry lessons with Bae’s sextant, etc — and the rattle shape seems even more important/intentional.
Then I got thinking about the scenes in “The Crocodile,” where Milah is inexplicably not at the tavern with them?  Like, we’ve seen them interact earlier in the episode and no one has any problem with Milah going to drink and play dice with the pirates.  We also see them, later, interacting with her on the ship, and they treat her like, essentially, a second captain.  Also, Killian and his crew seem to be in especially high spirits, judging by how they show him entering the scene/catching Rumple’s attention.  (We see him in various taverns over the show and he’s not usually quite so energetic.)  It almost comes across as though they’re celebrating… and, if it’s a celebration, why wouldn’t Milah be there?  It’s not like they’d known they’d run into Dark One Rumple there or anything.  (I recognize that the idea of alcohol being bad for pregnancy wasn’t discovered until far more recently than the show seems to be set, but it’s something I noticed… and she could just have felt sick and stayed home.  Or maybe it’s a perk of living in a magical world.  Or maybe it’s coincidence and I bend it as I please :)))  One of them.)
Also, since she chose the outfit she wore to confront Rumple with full knowledge that she was going to interact with her ex-husband, I would assume it was an intentional choice… Which means she intentionally chose a corset that laced tightly around the stomach and would effectively hide any possible pregnancy from him.
I don’t know that this is actually true or anything — I might be wildly off-base — but it strikes me as an interesting headcanon.  It would definitely explain Hook’s kinda-desperate affection for Baelfire over the years, and give Hook even more reason — as if he needs it, tbh, since he had plenty already — for his centuries-long revenge mission against Rumple… I dunno how likely this headcanon is, but it’s stuck with me ever since I came up with it, and even writing a fic with that premise didn’t get it out of my head, so now y’all are blessed/cursed with it!
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heckinhacker · 2 years
Since dimension traveling is canon in genshin
Could you please do headcanons of a league of legends character of your choice landing in a teyvat region of your choice? their reaction, who they'd get along with best, their vision, how the natives of this region might preceive them, ect.
I loooove doing these, but instead of dimension traveling, how about AU where league characters were born in Teyvat? I think it will be easier for my brain and artblocked soul~ I hope you don't mind 💜
Characters of my choice...hohohoooo Edit: I forgot to add types of post, it's mostly: ❥ , ☃kinda?? ,
JINX!!! Jinxie my beloved
Jinx would be Pyro vision bearer, and here... I imagine her being part of fatui, as a pyro gunner role. It just fits her so much, she would cause so much mayhemmmm I love her-
Ahem. Anyway. Jinx as a Pyro Gunner from Fatui. Where is she from? Mystery, but in between us, she might be from Shneznaya as well, or from Fontaine? More like Fontaine kind of gal because of her gadgets ideology and great designing progress. Give her some time and she might be considered next Harbringer >:)) Would get along best with Childe, and if she's around Inazuma, with Yoimiya~
Obviously I'd pick Taric. I miss him so much...
Have taric as a Hydro vision bearer, and let him fight with Claymore. I see him most fitting with it, since Catalyst miiight be good but yk. Taric healing his allies while he hits enemies to quicken his healing skill, and then burst giving immunity,,, frothing at the mouth- First 10 star character >:) Taric is from Mondstadt, I dunno why, my gut feeling just says so. Maybe my sentiment to the place. Gets along significantly with Lisa and Jean, shots some flirteous remarks back and forth with Kaeya, and you could say EVERYONE in this town loves Taric. Your family loves Taric, your friends love Taric, your DOG loves Taric. Everyone.
You know Heizou's style? Just...imagine Sett, but with pyro catalyst, that he doesn't really have to use but it busts his element on his fists and he's ROCKING it. Boss of a illegal fighting pit in Sumeru. He fleds from Natlan, maybe?? Not sure, but his pit in Sumeru, I think maybe somewhere in a desert? I 'unno, did not play the archon quest yet... sorry ^^ Doesn't really get along with anyone, but has silent agreement with Cyno on not mingling with each other's buisness. Unless otherwise stated~
Geo vision bearer, from Inazuma, or eventually yields from Liyue but resides in Inazuma?? Idek-- uses sword, and his kit is pretty similiar to his league one, he uses dash to collect enemies on himself, you stack deff on him, and gives shields to his allies. Maybe 4 star? Hides his face and is also a ninja, similiarly to Sayu,
At first wanted to give him from Liyue, but decided against it because of ninja stuff being more fitting in Inazuma. Let's make him Sayu's master maybe? That would be SO cool!!
Obviously gets along GREAT with Sayu, and actually is greatly close with Ayato as his subortinate. Mister Kamisato tried to befriend him, possibly, but Shen respects boundaries soooo hard man... Even Thoma has hard time befriending him. I imagine him later on in story of Inazuma get along with Sara, anyhow.
Too great opportunity to miss. Not GREATEST fan of her, but she's so obviously fitting as Inazumian kitsune, isn't she? Similiar to Yae Miko, but she's not around Shrine, she's actually in the woods, doing...Ahri things.
Her vision is Anemo, actually, her dashes and her "q" being anemo attacks. She's a catalyst user.~
Gets along somehow with Yae Miko, but Miko never mentions Ahri, at all- once Traveler stumbled upon Ahri, they (idk, I have Lumine as Traveler but you can also insert Aether here) were sure she's anyhow related to Miko. They're not a family, at all~
I simp this man...
Also Anemo user after Yone- :))) Sword, but looks more like Katana, he's swift, mysterious... He yields from Inazuma, but is, just like Yasuo self, he's a wanderer,
Obvious friends with Kazuha LMFAOOO, also is a friend with Beidou (drinking buddies), and whole Crux, I think. Refuses to join them though--
Would love to add more but idk what I : (((
Bonus thought: please let Neeko and Razor be friends I'm gonna sob
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mmikmmik2 · 3 years
If you were to sort the Infinity Train cast(s) into the Major Arcana a la the Persona games, which Arcana would you give everyone?
anon I had SOOOOO much fun thinking about this, thank you so much for sending me this. I sorted all the major characters, plus a few other entries, based on a mix of Arcana symbolism, Persona series character archetypes, and general vibes. I came up with answers I feel pretty good about for all but four of the Arcana. (Was really tempted to say Strength is every human character who doesn't board the train because they can handle their problems on their own lol.) This is going to be a long-winded post, so I thought I’d post just the list as an image (which hopefully won’t be too blurry!) rather than wrestle with Tumblr formatting trying to make a short list, and put a big text wall under the readmore talking more about my picks.
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If this list does end up illegible, the same info is under the readmore as text! Plus some characters for Magician, Strength, Justice, and Death that I didn’t want to add to the “official” list because they’re more based on headcanon. (Although my reasoning for some of the “official” picks is pretty weak lol.)
One-One as 0. The Fool
Oh my gosh, what am I?
IT is great at fleshing out character backstories and families, so One-One at the beginning of S1 is one of the few characters who really feels like a blank slate. He's got a lot of his baggage back by the end of the season, and I think One and One-One are more similar than they seem at first glance, but S1 does seem to have been very formative for One-One and how he thinks about what he's supposed to be doing and how he relates to other people. So it does kind of feel like his fool's journey.
Alrick Timmens as I. The Magician
The magician begins the journey... by beefing it on a dirt bike, dying, and sending his wife flying off the deep end. Rip.
Alrick was an engineer like Amelia, so I could see him suiting some of the themes of the Magician, like conscious thought and manifesting ideas. His apparent playfulness and insecurity are similar to the Magician characters in Persona.
Kez as II. The High Priestess
“We can’t make this decision for you, Kez.” “You know what to do.”
I thought really hard about making Kez the Magician because just like every Magician since Persona 3, she's dumb, horny, and insecure dlkjasfdkl
(and also her showing up at the start of the story arc and being helpful but also super needy is very Magician)
But the idea of "intuition" really does suit Kez. Sometimes her intuition is as bad as her conscious reasoning, but I think that's a lot because she's so confused about what happened with Jeremy, and Morgan making Kez feel like she did a bad thing by helping him.
Tuba as III. The Empress
She made me feel like I was warm all the time.
Tuba's a mom. Sorry, this one's not that deep, haha.
Simon Laurent as IV. The Emperor
Highest number! I'm the leader now.
Simon has a lot of issues, but the one that felt the most prominent to me was his unhealthy relationship with power, authority, dominance, and rules. Another quote I considered using here was what he said in Grace's memory of meeting Amelia: "I never thought I'd get to see the Conductor with my own eyes. He's perfect! Everything finally makes sense again." In his emotional crisis, he thought everything could be fixed just by the existence of a huge, scary, powerful, male authority figure, even if they weren't doing anything helpful or informative.
Atticus as V. The Hierophant
I like to think that our stones are sturdy and handsome, like the Corgis that crafted them.
Atticus is a figure of traditional authority who deeply loves the history, society, and culture of his people. He often provides spiritual wisdom and encourages Tulip to get out of her own head and engage with the world around her. Also in Persona, Hiero is the Dad Arcana so it's very funny to me (a) to make the little dog be Hiero and (b) that the little dog really does have the strongest Wholesome Dad Energy of the whole cast.
Jesse Cosay as VI. The Lovers
Don't tell me what to do. I'm not going to be a part of anything like this, on or off the train.
This was my first and easiest pick lol, Jesse is sooooo Lovers. Like, the focus on choice and personal values and relationships? Yep, that's Jesse. It works on an "actual meaning of the Arcana" level and a "vibes with the Persona characters" level lol... popular, upbeat, and having such an identity crisis.
Lake as VII. The Chariot
I'm my own person, who is getting off this train!
I don't know if Chariot captures all the ways Lake grew over the course of S2, but I feel like they had the most externally focused conflict of all the IT characters, which suits Chariot. They've been fighting to stake out their personhood from start to finish, and they took action and used their willpower to achieve that goal. Also they have at least a little jock energy which is a prereq for Chariot tbh.
Frank as VIII. Strength
I dunno, I kinda imagine him as a simple man and easily underestimated, but with a lot of heart. The Cat may say they're keeping things casual but I don't think she'd take him with her on her private vacation unless he had some kind of inner toughness that would let him stand toe-to-toe with her.
Morgan as IX. The Hermit
I need to be alone right now. Kez... maybe... we can talk later.
I like that Morgan embodies toxic self-isolation and stonewalling and rejection, but that she seems to be moving towards the positive aspects of Hermit and taking some time to calm down and process and think. I like it when characters can embody the best and worst of their Arcana.
Tulip Olsen as X. The Wheel of Fortune
We have to adapt to the changes in our lives. It's the only way things can get better.
Tulip has a lot of themes and conflicts, but this one is a clear standout as the most important. I also like it for Tulip because, while she has to handle a lot of difficult and even traumatic situations, some of the change that challenges her isn't as unambiguously bad as e.g. the death of a loved one. It really is just change itself she's struggling with, and that's Fortune babey. Also, from the perspective of the train itself and lots of other characters, by reversing Amelia and One-One's positions again and changing how One-One administrates the train, Tulip is the one giving the wheel a spin. That's fun.
Lucy as XI. Justice
One of my friends once described the Justice characters in Persona as "the ones the player character is ultimately accountable towards", and I like to think of Lucy as kind of being that for Grace (...since Hazel has excused herself). Lucy is the Apex kid we see Grace interact with the most, the first Apex kid Grace admitted to herself that she had harmed (see Grace very briefly showing distress and then regret when Jesse points the harpoons at his face and she stops him), and the first person to confront Grace when she came home in The New Apex.
Min-Gi Park as XII. The Hanged Man
I don't know if we'll sell a single album, but we'll figure that out as we go.
Min-Gi sacrifices his "realistic", "sensible" goals for a more personally (spiritually, even?) enriching life that's beyond his control and outside of the expected norm. Like the Hanged Man, who dangles foolishly upside-down, but as a deliberate choice and in a state of serenity and enlightenment. I also think this arcana suits a reading of Min-Gi's character development as starting off going slower as a way to stall and live in denial, but then going slower with deliberation. Compare his arrogant insistence on refusing to act in The Astro Queue Car to his patience and care in The Castle Car and The Train to Nowhere.
Jeremy as XIII. Death
This isn't about the death of his family - I'm thinking of his reluctance to admit his number was going down. He cared about Morgan and Kez, and it's possible both that he may have really wanted to stay with them despite his exit and that that might even have been a healthy choice - they're real ass people with feelings and everything, not holodeck characters. But I also think Jeremy was using his life with them to avoid moving on out of that fog (because it was hard and it hurt and he didn't want to think about what that would mean for him and Morgan) and Morgan was enabling him.
Ryan Akagi as XIV. Temperance
Maybe the experience is the point. I wasn't just rushing you. I was rushing myself.
I think this one speaks for itself. Also, the other quote I considered putting here, from The Art Gallery Car: "You told me I can't appreciate the song without taking in the rest of the album. I need the whole package."
The Cat as XV. The Devil
I always do the right thing.
Honestly, this is one I really wasn't sure about. The Cat isn't a great pick for a lot of the meanings of Devil. She is definitely consumed by material comforts, and the short-term rewards of ignoring her issues at a long-term cost, though. This is more of a "vibes with Persona characters with this arcana" pick... Devil characters tend to start off being somewhat exploitative or even antagonistic towards the player character, and gradually showing a more conflicted and genuine side.
Amelia Hughes as XVI. The Tower
There's a hole in the universe where Alrick used to be.
Amelia's life is defined by catastrophe and upheaval - both those she's suffered and those she's inflicted on others.
Hazel as XVII. The Star
I'm going to keep loving you like you're still here.
When I think of "The Star" as a small but inextinguishable light in the darkness, Hazel seems like the obvious choice. Although we left her deeply wounded, I think she still has a flicker of her hope, faith, and purpose.
Grace Monroe as XVIII. The Moon
But it's unfair for me to tell you how to understand yourself. I mean, I don't even fully understand me.
Grace is probably the most complex and dynamic character on the show and hence one of the most difficult to place. I considered Empress, Strength, Devil, and Judgement for her... I think ultimately, lies and illusions are the most unifying theme of her character arc. Also, from a Persona angle, her pursuit of status out of a lack of true self-worth reminds me of Ai and Mishima.
Alan Dracula as XIX. The Sun
Brought together by the majesty of a superpowered deer!
I'm sorry dkjasfklads this is largely because I thought it was funny to have this completely inexpressive dead-eyed deer as Sun akfk but also... like... it kind of works okay!!! Think about the genuine joy and comfort and positivity he brings to Lake and Jesse (and me)!
The New Apex as XX. Judgement
"Then what are we gonna be?" "Guess we'll have to figure it out?"
This is kind of a Persona mythology gag again because of Judgement being a group social link near the end of the narratives of P3 and P4, when the protagonists have pierced through the lies and actually figured out who the villain of their game is and are ready to really start making progress.
0 as XI. The World
Ah, train does it again!
It's an ending and the completion of a journey, but also the beginning of a new one. And the world is literally what the passengers receive at the end of their train journey. Welcome home.
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yeselbeethings · 4 years
konoha’s sublime green beast
10 relationship headcanons for Might Guy
pairing: might guy x reader
a/n: similar vibe to the last relationship headcanons - any suggestions for who to do next would be appreciated. 
synopsis: a few tender moments, scenes from your relationship with Guy
warnings: nsfw content for the last few: general sex, fingering, oral.. the standard
The first time you meet Might Guy, you are stunned to silence. He sits with you and the other jōnin at the local bar and shares stories and you are completely hooked. Everything about him entrances you; his vibrancy, the way he speaks, the jumpsuit, the body, the size of his hands... he's so bright and youthful? Anko is the first to spot you staring, and when she drags you to help her at the bar with drinks, she says "oh yeah, Guy is a bit weird, we should have warned you", and in your tipsy state you remember replying "I dunno, he seems kind of cool?" You spend the rest of the night trying to catch his eye and striking up conversations. A few weeks later, he asks you on your first date, and your shoulders shake with laughter when you accept and he cheers something about youth.
Guy goes through his signature jumpsuits at an alarming pace. Sometimes they rip straight through the middle of the crotch, other times they wear through at the thighs, more often than not they simply succumb to the general wear and tear of being a ninja. You take lurid green jumpsuits that develop rips on the arms from being snagged on trees, and thus are no use to Guy anymore, and repurpose them. You cut the top section off and cut the leg just above the knees and wear them around the house with oversized t-shirts and sweatshirts. The upcycled shorts become part of your casual day off outfit, and you take to wearing them when you need to run errands around the village. It’s only right to carry on the Might family tradition in your own way.
Guy loves poetry, so much so it has seeped into his general way of speaking - most people just think it’s his odd turn of phrase, but you know it’s from years and years of devouring any poetry he can get his hands on - especially after Duy’s death. Your tiny shared apartment is filled with poetry books, from every village and spanning centuries. Guy needs reading glasses and has done since his teen years - he can read mission scrolls etc. with little trouble but if he needs or wants to read for more than a few minutes he takes out the gold-rimmed round glasses that live in a basket full of odd bits and pieces that don’t have a true home in the apartment and slips them on. He pushes his hair from his forehead slightly and lies down on the floor to settle into the latest thing he’s picked to read. He keeps a small battered red leather-bound book on his nightstand; it’s a second-hand copy of a collection of Warring States era poetry. Guy scribbles in the margins of all his books, but this one is littered with annotations and underlinings. On rainy nights, while you rest your head on his broad bare chest, Guy will hold you close and read a poem or two from this book to you. Uncharacteristically quiet, measured, and serious, his voice is like honey. When he goes away on long missions, you’ll often find a note resting on top of the book with a page number and line number written on it, you know to save peaking at that passage for a particularly hard moment, when you wish his gentle voice and inspiring words were there to comfort you.
One of the major challenges of being in a relationship with Might Guy is the sheer volume of food he consumes. His strict training regime and huge energy output mean that Guy eats up to 14 meals a day; all carefully nutritionally balanced. So much of both of your free time is dedicated to bulk cooking, preparing bento boxes, dehydrating fruit and vegetables, boiling eggs, steaming fish... Guy appreciates every second you put into helping him with his training and diet. Whenever you both have a free day in the village he hand writes you a note and leaves it in the kitchen with a cup of fresh coffee resting on top inviting you to dinner. Guy always chooses the most comfortable places, with home-style food and free-flowing sake and beers. He insists you order anything and everything you want, reminding you to leave room for dessert. He holds your hand over sticky tables, wearing a T-shirt and standard-issue jōnin trousers, smiling at you widely as you share dumplings and scallion pancakes dripping with black vinegar and chili oil. When you leave the restaurant, completely full, he pulls you into his arms and kisses you deeply, a large tanned hand on the back of your head and his other pulling you into him by the small of your back. You don’t know what makes you feel drunker; the sake, the food, or the depth of his kiss.
After your first few dates, you promised to cook for Guy at your apartment. Already knowing his love of curry, you silently vowed to yourself that you would wean him off that S&B curry roux blocks he always seemed to be purchasing when you ran into him in the village. The first time you cooked him a curry, he leant his hip against your kitchen cabinet, sipping a jasmine tea, and with rapt attention listened to you explain which different spices you'd be using for the curry paste. Guy would explain the medicinal uses for each one as you measured them out, all of them known to him already due to his extensive herbal medicine knowledge. This is the moment you knew that you'd fallen in love, listening to Guy explain to you that to activate the medicinal properties of turmeric, you'd need some fresh black pepper, with Guy showing you the best time to add garlic to preserve the allicin to ward off colds. While he explained to you all the properties, you told him what would work together and what wouldn't, to ensure that the finished curry paste would actually taste delicious and not just be a mash of flavours and chili. When your relationship deepened and you eventually came to share an apartment, a weekly curry night for Team 10 emerged, with Neji, Tenten and Lee sat around your large dining table, eating whatever curry you'd made that week. You sit there, smiling, as Guy explains how each component in the curry will help them become even more splendid shinobi.
At some point, you acquired a small turtle-shaped chalkboard, that hangs from a red ribbon on the handle of one of the kitchen cabinets. In the back of your mind, you think it was originally for reminders, but somewhere along the way, it got commandeered to record the results of Kakashi and Guy's challenges. You remember searching the rubble after Pain's attack to find it, sifting through tattered pages and broken ceramics in the vague hopes that it would be intact enough to save.
It is Hana Inuzuka who holds you tight around the stomach when you see the sky fill red during the 4th Shinobi War. Years ago, Guy had told you that he believed the time would come when he would eventually open the eight gate and that he would become Konoha’s red beast. he told you what would happen, from what he had gathered from the limited research on the topic. That he would burn hot as the sun and his body would disintegrate and he would fill the atmosphere as hot ash. You had sat in stunned silence at the man’s resolve and acceptance. Hana’s firm grip was suffocating around your stomach, and you could feel the eyes of members of the allied forces staring at you as you struggled, screaming. When the Infinite Tsukuyomi takes hold of you, you dream of chubby babies wearing green with pitch-black hair and iron grips, and a sweet uncle with white eyes and flowing clothes.
After the war and Guy’s discharge from the hospital, you find yourselves lost in your relationship. Guy becomes a shadow of himself, constantly encouraging you to leave, to let him wallow in peace, and for a brief few moments, you let yourself think that you could. The strain is unbearable at times, Guy considering himself unable to be your partner and you unable to reach the lightest parts of him. It is the 6th Hokage, Kakashi Hatake’s arrival on your doorstep, a new turtle chalkboard in hand that begins to turn the tide of Guy’s grief, and the pain in your relationship. Each week, Kakashi arrives for tea, and each week he issues a new challenge. It takes 6 months until Guy caves and agrees to go along with the rock paper scissors battle. He wins, 50-47. You mark the turtle chalkboard. Guy: 1, Lord 6th: 0. It hangs in your bedroom, and slowly the board becomes a mottled grey, with old chalk stains and the ghost of numbers. Guy begins training with Rock Lee again. He begins reading poetry again. His appetite climbs and climbs, and in the darkness of the night, he holds your hands and tells you he’s so so grateful you stayed - you are too.
Guy loves giving you head. He licks short wide tongued across your clit repeatedly and waits to hear your breath hitch and feel your hips twitching before he switches his tactic, enveloping your whole clit into his mouth and humming deeply as he licks and sucks, his bottom jaw rhythmically moving until your moans become deeper and longer, his hands pressing your hips into the bed. He loves it when you card your hands through his hair and grind into him. Sometimes he lets you cum like this, hips rising to meet his mouth and your fingers grasping at the sheets crying out his name, other times he edges you by drawing you closer and closer to your climax and allowing two fingers to slowly stretch you out in time with the licks of his tongue. He stops when you’re beginning to feel the pleasurable heat build and build and throws your legs up, moving quickly and lining himself up with your entrance and thrusting into you before your pleasure completely dissipates. He fucks you, giving himself a moment of relief before stopping to continue where he had stopped moments before, head between your legs and eyes looking up at you, dark and heavy, watching your chest brace and your muscles tense, pushing you over the edge in a few minutes, switching back to being inside you before the waves of pleasure have subsided so he can feel the clenching of your muscles around him and bring you quickly over the edge for a second time.
Even within your relationship, Guy has set himself personal challenges. When he is thrusting into you, or his fingers are deep inside you while his thumb rubs circles over your clit and your mouth hangs open, gasping and your hair is sticking to your face as you groan underneath him, overstimulated and hazy, he leans down and whispers into your ear - one more, okay? give me one more.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Hello there m'aedy (is that what's used? I dunno) thoughts on polyamorous bisexual Biana?
You used ae’em before but M’AEDY I love these the only honorifics I will now accept are the ae/aer versions
Anyway thoughts on polyamorous bisexual Biana: I love her
Just... everyone is hot. She wants to date everyone.
Okay so her crush on Keefe in the earlier books seemed really forced and probably comphet-ish yeah?
But consider this:
She liked Keefe at first, because there was a cute boy coming over to her house a lot, but then she also started noticing feelings for Maruca?
And she thought that have feelings for Maruca meant she didn’t really like Keefe, so she forced herself to like him more as overcompensation
Did other polyam people do this or am I the only one?
Does anyone else remember that scene in the first book when Alvar says he has three girlfriends?
And Della assumes he’s cheating on them because ✨mononormativity✨ so she says “tHaT’s BaD!!!” or something
Don’t think about young Biana knowing she wants to date Maruca, Keefe, and Sophie and then hearing her mom say that
Seriously don’t think about it
And don’t think about that moment haunting her every time she wants multiple partners
Shit now I’m thinking about it
She starts dating Sophie first and tries to push down any feelings she has for anyone else (mostly Marella at that point, Marella’s a pyrokinetic and she’s hot)
But eventually she can’t stop liking Marella and explains to Sophie that she still loves Sophie, but she also likes Marella, so they can break up if Sophie isn’t okay with that
Spoiler alert: Sophie is okay with that
She kind of has a thing for Stina so they both start dating their respective other crushes separately
I normally headcanon Biana as lesbian so I don’t 100% know which boys I’d ship her with, but she might be kinda cute with Dex idk
So she adds him to her polycule
Later, she explains consensual/ethical non-monogamy to Della
Della doesn’t quite get how it works but she understands that everyone is okay with it and it’s not cheating
So she supports Biana and tries to grow as a person
Have a moderately legible drawing of the polycule that I doodled on the back of my math homework
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simply-yelly2 · 3 years
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Maybe it was just me, but I felt my Hai needed a glow up, and...well I kind of hope this one works better. So one thing that bothered me was the eyes and I think the placement of them got me confused. But on the cover of Wyvernhail, Hai has her eyes partially closed? like she is looking down at Salem who is in her arms and her eyes are kind of half-lidded for lack of a better term. I decided to see if that could work and it did. Since some eye makeup did exist back then, I went with the old Egyptian favorite of using malachite for eye shadow. Yeah, it is poisonous but maybe Hai's falcon magic neutralizes the poison? Falcon perks, they also make being a falcon worth the other stuff. It kind of does make her pop and adds a bit of color that compliments the rest of her.
Another thing that bothered me about the previous version is the hair. Hai's hair on the cover was wild and all over the place (the result of her vision?) and trying to solve that mess was hard...Amelia once said that Hai has somebody to her hair which is kind of surprising since I always saw it as being straight. But while looking for colors for Darien yesterday, I stumbled upon a picture of a model whose hair was quite nice. Very long and straight with a bit of poof at the bother...it just screamed Hai and so I used that for my base for her hairdo now. Then just because, I added the armband that she is shown wearing on the cover. Silver because...I dunno, that or iron maybe or even platinum? depends on how healthy Wyvern's Court is.
I dedicate this piece to my dear friend @opal-tea who is an avid Hai fan and this is the star of my show. I will admit that I do not care about her in the original canon. I do think she is interesting, but I just can’t relate to her and I do prefer Oliza more (and Nicias x Oliza too). However, my Rewrite is making me a bit more fond of her and if I ever do write something down for it, then I will be happy to explore and share her new development. So I did use her depiction on the cover of Wyvernhail for a reference, although I think there may have been a miscommunication in regards to the hair. Amelia herself said that Hai has hair that goes well past her shoulders and it does have enough body to make it somewhat wavy. Maybe she cut it at some point, but then I must question that because a lot of people in Wyvern’s Court has long hair, A’isha’s goes nearly to her knees, so why would she feel inclined to cut her hair? Unless being comatose for years without access to a bath might lead to your hair is a mess and not sure how much work would be required to bring it back. Maybe cutting it would be justified then? I was going to go ahead and give her short hair, but I am going to try to be canon conscious and so she has long hair that has a slight wave to it. For the hair color, I chose to remove the highlights in favor of having her hair be a reddish-black color instead. I hope that I did a good job as I wanted her hair to obviously look back but have that slight touch of a red hue. Her nap feathers are those of a peregrine and the bands of crimson are...well basically, she looks like a weird peregrine and is a weird peregrine. What more can you say? So one of my big Kiesha’ra headcanons is that Hai is named after Sisal’s baby. Maybe Anjay told Darien this and when they both died, Darien decided to give that name to her daughter instead. Zane probably told Oliza this and the wyvern decided to name her daughter this instead of Keyi (which will later be used for Hai’s own child).
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
enemy of my enemy is my lover
summary: you planned on just going to a meeting with an adversary, hoping to gain more territory in the process. you left with something much, much better. 
pairing: mobster!bucky barnes x mobster!reader
words: 3,226
trigger warnings: smut (oral - f recieving and vaginal sex), mob dynamics
notes/other: this was inspired by ask received by @bucky-plums-barnes a long, long time ago about a mobster!bucky headcanon that describes the plot to this fic. while i could not find the exact ask (trust me, i tried), i credit the anonymous genius & gen heavily for inspiring this. thank you both!
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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Each step you make is loud, sharp; the sound of heels clicking against the cold, cracked cement of New York City. It’s something, one of the things, that makes you powerful – sends this thick feeling of invulnerability through your veins, as if you’re some deity returning to her alter.
That feeling – one of untouchable power – has always been…sort of…hard for you to conjure. It’s not like you’re not not powerful in this world absent your fantasies. You run the second most powerful mob in the country! You’ve got a large pull in international trade! You’ve got major influence in congress and almost every state senate! You’ve got money, a smoking hot and super amazing boyfriend, and loyal coworkers. What else do you need?
Regardless of all that, roaming the streets at night never fails to send a special kind of shiver crawling across your skin. It’s a particular type of fear, one that makes you pull your steel grey coat closer to you as you roam the street, makes your hand cling tighter to the .45 in your deep, righthand pocket.
As you reach the alley where the deal you’re brokering is supposed to take place, your phone buzzes a few times in a row. You have an urge to check it, to make sure the man you love is okay, but letting your guard down now wouldn’t be wise. You’ve got to keep a keen mental sharpness about you to make sure no one kidnaps you (or worse) or fucks you over at your own deal, but still, the only person who would be texting you at this godforsaken hour is the man you left at home, and in this business you can never be too careful about the ones you care deeply about…
Your thoughts are interrupted (quite rudely, you might add), by the sound of a thick winter coat shuffling – as if someone were to be rolling their sleeves up. The noise of the fabric gets louder as the person – a man, you soon realize – steps closer. A man with sharp cheekbones and a dark beard and beautiful, pillowy lips.
His gaze, even under the dark baseball cap that lacks insignia, seems hauntingly familiar. You can’t place it, and it seems rude to ask if you’ve met before, given the circumstances. Still…something seems…recognizable about this mystery man.
You don’t realize it, though, until the man opens his mouth and asks about the new baby seal in the San Francisco zoo. It’s the right code, that’s not what throws you. Rather, it’s the gravely voice of the man you’ve been dating for years that stops you in your tracks.
“Bucky!?” you call out, completely confused and abandoning the correct coded response. “Why are you out here?”
Bucky, now meeting your eyes, seems just as bewildered as you are. “I, uh…I’m….what, what are you doing here?”
You have no idea how to respond, mind too baffled to form words. “Wh…what…”
You step closer, carefully – as if he was some rabid cat you found behind your apartment building. His beautiful baby blues are wide, eyes narrowed – you gasp when you get close enough to smell the cologne, his cologne, the exact scent you bought him for Christmas the year previous. “Are…are you…you’re…are you the White Wolf?”
Bucky visibly steps back at the mention of the street name – the street name of the guy who runs the mob that (similar to yours) is based in New York and works in black market goods. He tries to hide his shock, just in case what he thinks is happening definitely isn’t happening. In all honesty, Bucky can’t tell which one would be worse. “And, you’re uh. You’re…um…are you….are you She-Devil?”
If you were disoriented before, you have no word to describe how much your brain is short-circuiting at the thought that this man – the man you love, has secretly been running not only a mob, but a rival mob, this entire time.
“Do…wait,” you shake your head to try and collect your exceptionally scattered thoughts. “Are you the guy who wanted to negotiate territory with me?”
Bucky hesitates for a second, body tense and reluctant to say anything. You’re both still, not daring move a muscle and the both of you stare each other down. It feels like an eternity before he does anything, your surprise only growing as a massive, shit-eating grin spreads across his gorgeous, scruffy face.
It’s a look you know well, one you’ve come to both love and despise. It’s the same look he gave you when he told you he wanted to build (not pay someone else to build, build himself) a deck in a house you moved out of two months later, when he almost got a face tattoo, when he sold your house (you know, the one he wanted to build a deck for) to buy one three streets away. That’s the look he get when some grand idea that will probably turn out to be a disaster – the look that says “this may be a disaster, but the only way to see if it is will be to try it.”
In an instant, Bucky closes the gap between you and presses his lips to yours. As he arms wrap around you, you can feel him rub at the small of your back, just as he always does when he’s trying to keep you calm. “Yeah, babygirl. That’s me. I’m the White Wolf.”
You press your face in the warm embrace of his coat, muffling your speech. “But why didn’t you tell me?”
Bucky shrugs as he answers. “Didn’t want you to feel unsafe, I guess. Didn’t want you to worry about me.” He presses a kid to the top of your head. “Better question, why didn’t you tell me?”
You sigh, your small voice becoming even tinier. “I dunno…same reasons as you, I guess. Felt like I’d be dragging you into something you wouldn’t want to deal with.”
Bucky barks a laugh into the night, the sound reverberating off the tall buildings. “Seems reasonable.”
You pull away but refuse to make eye contact as tears well in your eyes and cloud your vision. For a mob leader, you’re very emotional. “Baby, are you sure? Like, are you sure this is okay? I mean, we kept this major part of our lives from each for literal years…like, does that say something about us as a couple? And we’re, like, rivals, we’re supposed to be competing against each other for money and goods and ports and clients and-“
Bucky cuts into your anxious ramblings by pulling you back into a tight bug. “Hey, hey! Baby, listen. This is a good thing! A great one, if you want it to be!”
You wipe at your nose with your hand. “Are you…what do you, are you sure? What do you mean?”
Bucky nods, eyes ablaze with excitement for the future. “Of course, baby, listen. Separate, our mobs are both powerful, right? We can agree on that. But together? With the territory, the influence, us...together, we could rule the fucking world.”
Technically, he isn’t wrong; with your strategy and Bucky’s brutal execution, your combined business could easily become the apex predator of the mob scene within the Western hemisphere. What Bucky had, you lacked, and vice versa. You’d studied his…business…for years (before you knew it was Bucky who ran the Pack, of course) as you climbed the ranks of your own mob. You know they have hands in several international black markets, have relationships with lots of lots of rich people who do lots and lots of bad things and pay lots and lots of money for those bad things.
Oh God, you’d never think being power-hungry and love drunk could feel so good. Your mind fogs over with all the things you could do if you had Bucky and his gang by your side, you could do anything. Simply by territory you’d be outgunning Hydra, let alone the combined wealth and human capital. You’ve never felt this exhilarated before in your life, the freezing night air electrifying your rib cage and-
Bucky and you grin madly. Wordlessly, you clasp hands and walk back to your shared apartment halfway across town. Both of you are silent until you’re safely inside your secured home. As you pull your hair up into a messy ponytail, Bucky began grabbing bowls for dinner.
“You know-” he said as he ladled soup out of the deep red Crock Pot. “Now that we aren’t desperately trying to hide our occupations from each other, we can move into a bigger house?’ Bucky says it like a question, but you know better.
Normally you’d tell him “no, of course we can’t do that, we can’t afford it.” But now that you both know that you’re each hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in offshore accounts, slush funds, and dummy corporations throughout the world…
“Sure,” you shrug. “Why not.”
Bucky grins like a child on Christmas. “If we’re gonna rule, we need the proper palace.”
You forego giving into Bucky’s terrible, awful joke to hang up your studded coat, to take off your business casual navy-blue pants and black button-up in, and change into a pair of workout shorts and some tie-dye hoodie you thrifted about ten years ago. Bucky calls them your “thinking clothes,” attire you wear specifically to center yourself, to clear your mind of everything except the task at hand.
During dinner, you and Bucky begin to plan how you can consolidate assets, personnel, jobs, and everything that comes with heading mobs. It’s a long talk, one that lasts long into the night and ends with hastily-drawn diagrams and maps strewn around your living room.
It takes hours and way too many pots of coffee, but eventually the plan for the merger is laid out in front of you – all the graphs and math and official language handwritten in your neat cursive (along with a few notes scrawled by Bucky) on over twenty sheets of pristine printer paper.
Bucky sighs happily when he sees it all finished. He’s standing, desperate for a bird’s eye view of the entire thing.
You, on the other hand, are much too tired to stand. You settle for, “How does it look, babe?” as you draw two lines for each of your signatures below both of your full names.
When you look up, you see Bucky – eyes twinkling with joy. “It looks…,” he sighs, happily. “Amazing. I love you so much.”
You giggle, drawing lines for a few witnesses (you’ll make a few of your associates sign tomorrow). “I love you, too, babe. Now, you still got that champagne from our visit to France?”
Somewhere between the front room and the wine fridge, Bucky had you pinned against the wall and was cupping your clothed pussy.
“While I think you look great,” Bucky murmurs against the hot skin of your neck. “You’re wearing just a little too much for me.”
In an instant he tears the skimpy shorts from your body, the sound of ripping fabric making you moan;
“Fuck,” you gasp as one digit, then another enters you. “Holy shit that feels good.”
Bucky pulls away enough to look you in the eyes, smiling as he watches your jaw slacken from the pleasure. “Yeah? You like that?”
If you could speak you would, but each word just comes out as a breathy moans. Your first orgasm hits you like a wave, Bucky pulling it from you with crooked fingers and his lips on yours.
When you come down Bucky carries you to the bed, undressing himself as you do the same.
He pulls you to the end of the bed by your ankles, pushing your legs up to your chest. He enters you easily – bottoming out within a few thrusts.
You and Bucky moan into each other’s mouths as he fucks into you.
“Oh God,” he groans, moving to kiss at your neck. “Holy shit!”
He rubs at your clit with the thumb of one hand as he bites bruises in your collarbones, desperate to hear the symphony of sweet sighs and deep moans as you near another peak.
“Come on baby,” Bucky murmurs into your lips. “Come on, cum around my cock for me.”
It doesn’t take much after that – a few more circles around your clit in time with his thrusts and soon you’re scream and nearly tears the sheets from how tight you’re gripping them and your whole body convulses from pleasure.
Bucky finishes himself onto your stomach, head thrown back in pleasure as he does so.
He takes a minute to collect himself, still panting as he grabs a tissue to clean you off.
After water and a snack (two granola bars you had stuffed into your bedside drawer an unknowable amount of months ago), you curl into Bucky’s chest, tracing the litany of tattoos there. “Weren’t we supposed to drink to celebrate?”
Bucky lets out a full belly laugh. “Probably. But the alcohol is all the way downstairs. Plus, I know something else I can drink to celebrate?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Only you? Why don’t I get to get drunk?”
Bucky just smirks, moving you off of him. You’re about to protest but begin to understand once he pushes the covers off the both you to make room for himself between your legs.
“Trust me,” he tells you, leaving kisses on your skin between every few words. “You’ll love this a lot more than any old champagne.”
And, of course, he was right.
The next day, you meet with your closest adversaries. While you two wait in the conference room in the building Bucky took over after it was condemned a couple years back, you can feel your heart ram into your ribcage. It’s less from anxiety and more from anticipation, knowing you might face major backlash from the people you trust the most.
The first to arrive is the woman you trust the most in this world: Natasha. She doesn’t move towards the table, simply stands just inside the doorway while staring you down. She doesn’t recognize Bucky, but doesn’t enjoy being below the eyeline of a man she’s never seen before.
“Natasha,” you say, desperate to remain calm. “This is Bucky. We’ve been together for five years. And he’s the leader of the Pack.”
In a fashion much atypical for Natasha Romanoff, her eyes widen slightly. “Oh…” she says after a long while. “Okay then.”
She promptly sits down with no further questions.
As with many business, heads and second-in-commands of mobs rarely come face to face. They have goons, messengers that do their footwork. Descriptions of the faces belonging those in charge pass around akin to rumors, only whispered quieter.
Which is why, when Steve comes in, he has no idea what to think until Bucky introduces you and Natasha.
By the time Bucky’s finished talking, Steve’s beat red. “Buck, what the fuck is this.”
“Just,” Bucky sighs, worried about his phrasing and angering his best friend on the face of the planet (whether that be Steve, for reasons that feel obvious, or you, for reasons that feel even more obvious). “Sit down. We’ll explain-“
“’We’ll!’” Steve nearly screams.
Bucky is the only one who flinches at the sudden loud noise. You finish his sentence for him. “Yes. Bucky and I will explain.”
Steve doesn’t like it, doesn’t like taking orders from a rival. Still, he sits at the large, oval conference table opposite Natasha.
The last two people to come in are the head of you and Bucky’s legal departments. Wanda gives you a single nod before sitting next to Natasha, a man Bucky addresses as “Tony” sits next to Steve.
You exhale deeply once the metaphorical dust settles, encouraging Bucky to begin the spiel he had prepared last night been orgasms four and five.
“Alright. We have,” he sighs. “We have decided to combine our two…”  Bucky struggles to find the right word. He worries for bugs and secret agents and misunderstandings, brain always struggling to remember that this is sacred, secret business. Any crack in any of the numerous protective facades could mean its downfall, along with the loss of billions of dollars and his life.
“Entrepreneurial endeavors,” you finish for him.
You hear Natasha snort, amused by the avoidance of saying gang and mob and illegal distributor of goods. The rest of your cohort are silent, unsure of what to say next.
Each beat of verbal inaction leaves you more fearful than the last, your heart getting louder and louder in your ears.
For what feels like forever, no one says anything.
Though, with the pounding of blood in your ears, they could be screaming obscenities at you and you wouldn’t be able to hear them.
The only thing that seems able to quiet the noise is Bucky’s fingers intertwining with yours.
Only then do you hear Wanda speak, her accent tinging each word. It’s comforting, to hear something so familiar.
“I assume you both have drawn up something that,” she eyes the man across from her with a look dusted with disdain. “Tony and I can look at.”
Bucky slides the thick document, held together in a beat-up binder you found under a bookshelf, across the table. Wanda is the one who stops it and looks into it first.
She says nothing, holding her tongue as she allows Tony to eye the document. He’s wearing dark sunglasses and pushes them to the corner of his nose as thumbs through it, looking bored and tired.
“Yeah, this shit looks good,” Tony says quickly, shoving the dark glasses back over his eyes. “Can we leave now?”
The resounding silence continues until you break it yourself, attempting to detail for Steve and Natasha what it all means. They listen diligently and sign where needed, Natasha being decided on as the most likely to type it up into an official document and send it to the necessary parties.
Once it’s all over, you and Bucky ride down in the big, glass elevator together – excitement electric in the air.
“How’re you feeling?” Bucky asks. It doesn’t seem to be out of concern, even if tears of happiness are pricking at your eyes.
“God,” you tell him, voice breathy and ecstatic. “I don’t even know how to describe it. I just, I don’t know. I’ve been so terrified I’d have to hide this forever – or that you’d find out, or that someone would figure out who you were. And now…I just,” you wipe at your eyes, and Bucky pulls you into his chest. “I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I know you’re protected. And I don’t have to hide this from you. And I’m so fucking happy about it.”
Bucky kisses the top of your head, tucking you under his chin. “Oh, baby. Darling I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.”
The two of you stand in silence, holding each other until you have to exit. Neither of you say anything until you’re both in the car, safely on your way back to your shared home.
“We’re in this together right?” you ask, looking at Bucky as he keeps his dark eyes on the road.
Regardless he smiles, moving his right hand from the wheel to rest on your knee. “Always, baby. Always.”
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snarkwrites · 4 years
"I learned so much more just being out in the world, you know, and a little bit in jail." This quote made me laugh, and now I wonder what kind of headcanons you'd come up with on that theme. (Maybe something with Rick & Shane?) 🌻
I had so much time to think about this whilst sick, my darling sunflower anon and... This is what I came up with. No real appearances of my original character Evie here, btw, so I’m sorry in advance if you were hoping for that? Anyway... This is merely a what if... What if Shane hadn’t gone into law enforcement? What if he’d given into the dark side much much earlier?
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering that, by all means, keep reading.
Is it wrong that I’m tempted to write an AU of walking dead where like... it starts out like this? Maaybe.. But I doubt I do it, lmao.
Heavy on the angst. Mentions of Rick being shot, a bank robbery, several wrong choices in life made by Shane.. Possibly OOC, idk though.. ANGSTY AF.
@rampagewriting - I guess maybe you’d wanna see this idk? @chasingeverybreakingwave - bc I know you like Shane so I thought maybe this would be of interest... @missjennferb - i thought you might like this idk... 
If anyone wants to be tagged, add yourself to my multifandom doc, otherwise I don’t tag.
[ masterlist - about - tag list doc ] 
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Everyone always told them both “You’re going places, kid.” For Rick, it was surprisingly simple. The world, for whatever reason, deemed him as someone who had great things ahead in life. Rick seemed to rise above and beyond everyone’s expectations. Even those of his father, which were astronomical because the old man was nothing if not a perfectionist. A trait which was definitely passed down to Rick in spades...
-- Shane, not so much. Having a rough around the edges drunk burn out former football star for a daddy only means one thing... Either you get out of his footsteps and you do better, you go farther than the old man, or you succumb to all the pressure and the negativity the old man feeds you and you wind up crushed under it’s weight. 
-- At first, it certainly seemed as if Shane Walsh were destined for great things like Rick, his chosen ‘brother’ from another mother. All-Star on their high school’s football team, took them all the way to state two or three years on the team... But even having that damn State Championship ring wasn’t enough. The harder Shane Walsh pushed the world, the harder the world pushed back until that fateful game day senior year when Shane Walsh finally pushed too fucking hard. The end result was an injury that left his football aspirations shattered on the ground. 
-- Rick did everything he could to keep his best friend uplifted. He was at every single procedure and every single therapy session but Shane was really starting to give up. To lose any shred of hope that he ever held. As a result, he started to resent Rick’s success (and the fact that Rick was the one that their coach chose to fill Shane’s spot didn’t help matters any)... Shane’s father didn’t help either, what with the constant remarks about Shane having never been anything but trash, destined for the same life he lead.
-- Rick went on to the police academy after his own injuries put a stop to his dream of playing college ball. His father was more encouraging. Caring... Despite neither man being able to show emotions all that well. Rick knew he had the love and support of his family, this is something that Shane probably never knew the feeling of.
-- I firmly believe that if Evie were an actual character during this whole universe, she would’ve TRIED and fought like hell for Shane but ultimately, Shane would’ve pushed her away just as he did Rick. I know, I know... This is the only mention I intend of putting about Evie in here though. Anyway, yeah...
Shane goes career military. And at first, he’s fine with it. But he’s sent overseas and he’s exposed to nightmarish conditions, he’s forced to choose between his humanity or caving, giving into darkness and corruption even further. Doesn’t help that during this time, a high ranking officer takes the young man under his wing and basically turns him into a glorified killing machine, puts him into situations that will later spell disaster for the young man.
-- Shane goes awol after a mission goes wrong and he’s left with mild PTSD in the days and weeks following. 
-- I know this wouldn’t happen IRL, but.. for whatever reason, the government chooses not to pursue the rogue officer Shane Walsh. Shane goes back home to King County and he’s a changed man... Darker... More cynical.. Angrier. With time, this grows and festers to a point where Shane is now living an almost sub-human life, taunted by the lives he’s taken and seen taken in front of him. He turns to a life of crime.
This, of course, all comes to a head when Shane’s accepted into a group of known thieves. The bank heist nearly goes off without a hitch until Shane is face to face with his old pal Rick... He freezes, which is a stupid.. stupid.. thing to do. He has to choose between shooting a friend that he still very much cares about and losing that last shred of humanity or running for it, knowing Rick will find him and he will take him into custody. 
-- I say he has to choose but it turns out that he doesn’t. See, one of the guys, a guy named One Hand Fred... He makes the choice for SHane. Shoots Rick in the chest. Shane is then torn between leaving with their score and his ‘crew’ or staying to make sure Rick sees safety.
-- Shane chooses to stay. This is how Shane’s story ends, with him taking the fall for the entirety of the bank heist and being sentenced to prison. Rick knows the truth. Rick TRIES to fight for a better deal, a fairer sentence.. Doesn’t work. Rick asks for one last favor from his co-workers, and that’s that he gets to be the one who escorts Shane to prison... On the way in, the two have a long and deep conversation in which your quote comes into play. Rick asks Shane if he’s really learned anything at all about the path he’s taken in life and all Shane can do is throw up those walls again and shrug it off. “Dunno, Grimes. Ask me again in 15 to 25 years, man.”
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constablewrites · 4 years
In Which I Give Way Too Much Thought to the Sex Lives of Animated Characters
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I’ve fallen off the wagon on my weekly posts here, because ::gestures vaguely at 2020:: It isn’t that I haven’t had observations to make, more that I lacked the particular motivation to actually write them up. But there’s one thing that can always drive me to the keyboard: getting nice and annoyed!
Star Wars Rebels is a deeply irritating show, mainly because when it is good, it is truly excellent, but there’s a lot of meh to wade through to reach those moments. It seems to be aimed at a younger audience than Clone Wars, and lacks that show’s advantages of both the well-established characters from the films and its urgent newsreel energy (because who needs Act I when Tom Kane can just yell exposition at you). There are a lot of interesting ideas and setups in Rebels that just never get properly explored, but the one I found most disappointing was the relationship between Kanan and Hera.
(Major spoilers after the cut. Go watch the show, it’s not terribly long and, as I said, the good stuff is really good.)
I was surprised by how much Kanan’s character grabbed me. Maybe it’s because I find the concept--someone who knows he’s unfit to be a mentor but has no choice but to fake his way through--to be highly relatable as an elder millennial, or maybe it’s just that I glom onto protector characters. He has great chemistry with Hera, and I am a shipper of the highest order. So when the final season started focusing on their romance, it should have been catnip for me.
Reader, it was not.
Oh, the interrupted kiss when they’re trying to get out of the city on Lothal is solid ship-tease stuff, to be sure. But then you get to 4x7 “Kindred” (not gonna link a video because I couldn’t find a good one and the damn things always get taken down later anyway). Kanan asks if she’s ever thought about their future together, Hera demurs and says that he knows how she feels. He isn’t so sure, so after a bit of cockblocking from the A-plot, she kisses him for the first time (that we see). The exchange is brief and doesn’t quite fit the established dynamic, but it’s fine.
The problem is, immediately after that kiss, she gets on a ship and leaves for rebel command. The next time Kanan sees her is the rescue mission that kills him. So for the [Babies Ever After] epilogue to make sense, one of these things must be true:
Force ghosts can fuck
They find time during the harrowing escape to sneak away and hook up
Hera is already pregnant when she leaves Lothal
Not only do the first two seem unlikely, but the third point works with most of the rest of the series. A show with such a young audience was probably never going to state outright that two characters are doing it, so they just have to imply it in ways that older viewers will pick up on: Hera calls Kanan “dear” in the very first episode. They talk to each other about things they don’t talk about with the rest of the crew. And Kanan being squirrelly on Ryloth? That isn’t a guy meeting the father of his best friend or even his crush, that is [recognizably] a guy meeting the father of the girl he’s boinking.
I don’t have a problem with a kids’ show not getting into detail about the love lives of its parental figures, and I honestly think more media should feature healthy, established couples. But I feel like the writers realized that they couldn’t show the impact Kanan’s death has on Hera if their relationship is entirely off-screen. So they did finally make it clear that this is a romance--but they did it in a way that makes it seem like the romance started right there at the end, since Hera’s unhappy “We’ve talked about this before” gives the impression that she’s turned him down in the past. And that just doesn’t add up. (Not to mention the sudden ramp-up makes it pretty obvious that one of them is gonna die.)
But this isn’t Fandom Bitching Wednesdays. Was there a way to do it differently?
Potential fix: Cut the kid. Probably the most straightforward, since that’s what creates the out-and-out plot hole Issues: Also the most depressing option. Kanan’s son is the thing that gives him a happy(ish) ending, allowing a part of him to live on beyond just the memories of his friends. Plus, it makes their interactions in the early seasons kinda confusing if they were never supposed to be in a relationship at all.
Potential fix: They were in a relationship but were very private about it and avoided any PDA around the rest of the crew. Conversation plays out more or less the same, but Hera’s reluctance to talk is because she’s aware that the others are watching, and the kiss is significant because she’s choosing not to hide anymore. Issues: My vote for most satisfying option, but would still benefit from a scene or two earlier in the series setting it up. Also means that if you wanted to keep the bit at the fuel depot where Hera tells Kanan she loves him as a big climactic moment, you would definitely need to establish why she’s never said it before. (Especially because she calls him “love” during the evacuation of Chopper Base.) There are plenty of options for this that would fit in with her character--perhaps something about her own parents, or how they’re in a war, or how she just thinks it’s less complicated if no one knows--but you would have to pick one and show it.
Potential fix: They were in a relationship but it wasn’t “serious,” or perhaps was even a strictly friends-with-benefits arrangement. So when Kanan is asking about their future, it’s not a new thing but an escalation, and builds more naturally toward Hera saying she loves him. Issues: This is how I tried to headcanon it initially, because it’s the only thing that makes any of it make sense as-is. And it’s easy to see how Kanan would have initially been happy with that setup (more on that in a second), but less so for Hera, with her pet names and talk of how they’re a family. As above, her reason for putting up that barrier, and for keeping it up this long, would need to be clearly established.
Potential fix: FWB but reverse this scene: Hera is the one who wants more and Kanan is resisting. I mean, come on guys, the “Jedi are forbidden to form attachments” thing was right there. It’s a stupid rule, but you have the opportunity for Kanan to acknowledge it as a stupid rule and reject it. Kanan is also exactly the kind of guy who would try to ride out the loophole of “It’s okay that I’m in love with her if I never say it or call her my girlfriend.” Variant: they were in a typical relationship but Kanan pulled back when he trained with Bendu to control his emotions, so what Hera wants isn’t something new, but rather what they had before. Issues: The dynamic of “girl wants romance, boy can’t express emotions” is pretty played out. The fact that Kanan broaches the topic by asking what would end her involvement with the Rebellion further adds an interesting angle that builds on stuff that’s been brought up before--war is all she’s ever known so she doesn’t shy from it, while he feels like he’s already survived one war and wants to be done with it--and you lose that if she’s the one who raises the question. It also follows that he would then be the one to say “I love you” at the fuel depot, which somewhat dampens the power of his sacrifice to say that for him.
Perhaps the real lesson here is that sometimes there aren’t any perfect solutions to story problems, just a series of trade-offs. This is especially true in a serialized medium, where part of the story might already be out there by the time you realize you would need to make changes to it to properly set up where you want to take it. If you missed the chance to show us a very important conversation, the best you can do might just be to reference that it happened and hope (in vain) that your audience will just roll with it instead of being nitpicky bastards.
And maybe Force ghosts just fuck, I dunno.
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ddproductionsw77 · 4 years
At The Kissing Bridge
Fandom: IT (Muschietti Films)
Pairing(s): Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak)
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier and (Mentioned) the rest of the Losers
Rating: T (Strong language)
Description: Richie takes Eddie to the Kissing Bridge to show him something to ease his doubts about the future.
Author’s Note: So, this kind of just came to me while I was working on another one shot for the Losers and I just went with it. I hope you like it and I apologize to the people who’s requests I have yet to get to for my easily distracted brain. 
Oh QUICK QUESTION: Would you guys be interested in me writing up some of my headcanons for the Losers and the Next Generation Losers?
A warm summer breeze swept across the tall grasses of the Hanlon property, causing Eddie to pull the hoodie he was wearing, which did not belong to him, closer.
It felt odd, he reflected, looking over his shoulder at the barn glowing from dozens of strings of lights hung carefully across all the rafters by himself and Beverly. Mike had provided the space, Bill’s parents the decorations, he and Beverly the manual labor.
It was odd to know it was the end of something important. To feel like you were standing at a precipice, knowing the only way forward with straight down into something entirely unknown. He had to admit that, sure, high school hadn’t exactly been all rainbows and sunshine but it had been a devil that he’d grown familiar with. College... the future... that was an entirely new monster.
Biting his lip and running his thumb over the raised scar on his palm in the hoodie pocket, Eddie reminded himself that, compared to his past, the future could only get easier. Anything would be better than some of the terrors lurking in his past.
Still, he found himself, sitting alone on a log outside of the Hanlon’s barn the night of his graduation party, scared shitless. Because it was easier to fear what you’re facing rather than something you still can’t explain, perhaps. Maybe because it was just the way he was wired... to be a fucking coward.
At that moment, his friends were feet away, laughing and drinking and dancing to Janet Jackson without a care in the world, but it felt like he couldn’t join them. Like he couldn’t chance infecting them with his damned anxiety. He wanted to be like them, carefree like them, in love with life and possibility like them... it just wasn’t who he was.
He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice the footsteps approaching through the grass behind him until his guest spoke.
“What are you doing all by your lonesome out here, Eddie?”
Nibbling at his lip, Eddie shrugged, turning his head once again to meet the dark, warm eyes of his boyfriend, “Dunno...”
Richie rolled his eyes, not in a mean way or a teasing way, Eddie could tell, but in a bemused, endeared sort of gesture. A rare moment of genuine emotion from the boy, honestly, one of the moment generally reserved for Eddie alone. Sitting beside him, Richie nudged him with his shoulder, “You’re gonna have to do better than that to get rid of me, Eds.”
Eddie chuckled, quite humorlessly and looked back at the ground, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Richie asked and though Eddie couldn’t see him, he could see in his mind’s eye that cute eyebrow quirk that he always did. “You been steppin’ out on me, lovey dovey?”
Eddie shot Richie a look, adding monotonously, “Ha. Ha.”
“Come on,” Richie reached over, wrapping his arms around Eddie and bring him close. The chill Eddie had been feeling since leaving the barn’s warmth instantly faded away and he felt himself, despite himself, responding to Richie’s touch by snuggling closer. Richie rested his stupidly taller chin on the crown of Eddie’s head, running a hand up on of the hoodie’s sleeves. “I thought you hated this hoodie? You always lecture when I wear it.”
“Smells like you,” Eddie mumbled, slightly abashed, snuggling into the hole-y, monstrosity of a hoodie
“Goddammit,” Richie sighed, hugged his boyfriend closer, “You are so fucking cute, Eds, I can’t stand it.”
Eddie pulled away to glare at him before leaning back in to rest his head of Richie’s shoulder, “Rich?”
“Are you scared?”
“The future? Any of it... all of it?” Eddie sounded serious and unsure, leaving Richie little choice but to respond as close to in kind as possible.
“Shit, Eds, I don’t know. I don’t think like you.”
Eddie knew the remark wasn’t meant as a critique, just a simple truth. Part of his love for Richie was born from them not thinking alike, after all. He didn’t snap back, like he might have if they were having a more normal, casual conversation. Now, he didn’t need that. He needed a bit more.
“What if... what if college changes things? Changes us?” Eddie asked, quietly.
“‘Us’ like the Losers?” Richie asked, “Or ‘us’ like you and me?”
“Either... Both.”
Richie shrugged, smiling teasingly when Eddie took his head off his shoulder to shoot him a half hearted glare in response. As his boyfriend returned to his previous position, Richie sighed, “Well, then we change. Fuck, I think that’s kind of the point of college to an extent, Eds. So, sure, something things will probably change but there are somethings that never will.”
“Oh yeah?” Eddie asked, unconvinced, “Like what?”
“Like the fact that all of us belong together, like some shitty, fucked-up mosaic. No one’s ever get any of us like we get each other. It’s just never gonna happen. Losers gotta stick together.” Richie eyed Eddie’s head on his shoulder and raised it ever so slightly to gesture between them, “And as for you and me... I mean, I guess I can only speak for myself but I’m pretty fucking obsessed with you. Pretty sure that won’t burn out anytime soon.”
“You don’t know that,” Eddie quipped, sitting up and picking at a sleeve of the frayed black hoodie.
Richie cocked his head to the side, watching Eddie for a moment before jumping to his feet, “I got something to show you.”
“What?” Eddie looked at him, confusedly.
“Yup, come on and get your cute ass up, we’re going somewhere,” Richie ordered, pulling Eddie up now. “Give me your keys.”
“No! Tell me where you plan on going at one in the morning!” Eddie argued, looking over his shoulder at the barn, where Madonna was now playing, “Besides, if we’re leaving, we should go say goodbye.”
Richie followed Eddie’s gaze to the barn and shrugged, taking advantage of Eddie’s distractedness to reach into his front pocket and grab the keys to the car, “They’ll just assume we’re rolling around in the hay or something.”
“That’s disgusting, Trashmouth,” Eddie chased after his boyfriend, trying to snatch at the keys as they approached the car. “Richie, I’m serious! Fucking give me my keys! You’re not on my insurance!”
“I’ve driven your car a million times, smartass, but cute try.” Richie got into the front seat and started the engine, looking across the car to where Eddie stood stubbornly outside of the passenger’s side door, “Get in, my love.”
“Tell me where we’re going,” Eddie snapped back, arms crossed over his chest.
Richie replied easily, “The Kissing Bridge.”
“Oh, ha ha, Richard,” Eddie rolled his eyes, “When was your last drink?”
“An hour and a half ago, I’m seriously good, Eds. I wouldn’t drive you if I weren’t. Now, get in.” Richie answered, waving Eddie in.
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie muttered darkly before finally giving in and climbing into the passenger’s seat. “Where are we going? For real.”
“Told you,” Richie shot him a smirk, “Kissing Bridge.”
“And what does that have to do exactly with what we were discussing before, idiot?” Eddie asked as Richie pulled out of Mike’s long driveway.
Richie laughed and shook his head, “Can you just trust me for once, Eddie Spaghetti?”
He received another cool glare before his boyfriend answered, “I’m in the fucking car, aren’t I?”
“That you are.”
They drove through the night and Eddie tried his best to keep his mind open. He’d wanted a real conversation with his boyfriend, not some stupid goose chase or whatever it was Richie had planned. Sighing, he watched out the window and was surprised to realize that they were indeed driving toward Derry’s notorious Kissing Bridge.
“Okay, what are we doing, Richie?” Eddie asked, “Because I am not hooking up with you on the fucking Kissing Bridge, okay? And besides, that doesn’t prove anything about what will happen in the future—“
Richie pulled to the shoulder right before the bridge and reached over Eddie’s lap to grab a flashlight from the glove compartment, “Eddie, shut the fuck up and follow me, okay? We can save the hooking up for later, if you’re desperate.”
“Me, desperate? Very funny, Richie.” Eddie shot back, following Richie from the car. “You’re the one who get a boner every time I so much as yawn.”
Richie turned to point the flashlight back as him, “Okay, first of all, you know you stretch all sexily when you yawn and you do it on fucking purpose so fuck off, Eddie. And second of all, it was one time! Like right after we’d started having sex, might I add.”
Eddie slapped the flashlight away from his face and shoved Richie gently while smirking to himself. So, maybe sometimes he did stretch when he yawned of purpose... so what?
“Why the fuck are we out here, Trashmouth?”
“Well, if you’d stop distracting me, I’d show you, wouldn’t I?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll just shut up then. A lesson you could take notes on.”
Richie chuckled at his boyfriend and raised the flashlight to the wooden planks of the bridge, glancing from carving to carving. Finally the beam landed on one that caused him to pause and pull Eddie gently toward him by the wrist.
“What?” Eddie asked, turning toward where the beam of light shove of against the white, chipped paint of the bridge. He scanned the area and stopped short upon seeing a pair of initials carved into the wood. “Is that—?”
But the letters were unmistakeable.
R + E
He stepped forward, running his fingers over the clumsily engraved letters, feeling his heart beat faster and his mouth go dry. Turning his head back to Richie, who was watching him, he just barely managed to find his voice, “Did you—?”
Richie nodded, stepping forward and cocking his head to the side as he inspected the carved letters.
Looking between the letters, which appeared worn and old, and his boyfriend, who looked nearly bashful, Eddie’s eyebrows drew together, “But... when?”
Richie sighed and used his free hand to rub the back of his neck, “Uhh... Summer after seventh grade.”
Eddie whirled around time stare at him, eyes wide. “Summer after... but that’s the summer that... we were only 13 that summer.”
“I know,” Richie shrugged and chuckled a little, “I told you before, Eds, I’m kind of obsessed with you. That didn’t just start when we started dating. Look, a lot of shit went down that summer, I know, but figuring out how I felt about you... that’s always been at least one good thing to come out of all of it. I didn’t completely get it then but... Look, Eddie, what I’m saying, in a sort of fucked-up, confusing way, is that I loved you then. I love you a hundred times more now. And I’ll love you even more in the future, college can change whatever else it wants to but it won’t change that. It wouldn’t be possible. You could tell me to fuck off tomorrow and I’d still feel that way.”
Eddie swallowed hard, looking back at the initials carved by a boy he’d once known, a boy who had grown into the man standing there with him now. That boy and his Richie now were different people, just like his Richie now and the one who graduated college four years from now would be different people.
But Richie was right, he’d loved the boy who’d carved their initials into the Kissing Bridge, he loved Richie as he was now and he’d always feel that way. An unknown future couldn’t change that, at least.
Shakily, Eddie looked back at Richie, “D-do you have your pocket knife?”
Richie did that cute eyebrow quirk but reached into his pocket and retrieved the knife, holding it out to Eddie.
Taking it, Eddie carefully butterflied the knife open and delicately went about crouching down before the worn initials. Slowly and taking extreme care, he gently traced over the letters until they were once again clear and plain to read before standing back up, closing the knife and stepping closer to Richie.
“So, you see, right, Eds? We’ll be okay and—“ Richie was silenced by Eddie gripping the front of his t-shirt and tanking him down into a heated kiss.
Barely remembering to keep his grip on the flashlight, Richie wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pulled him closer, kissing him harder. Eddie, he’d long ago decided, was his favorite taste. Like spearmint toothpaste and chapstick but also so much more complex and wonderful than just that.
Pulling away for air, Richie gasped, “Fuck, I love you.”
“Shh,” Eddie rested a finger against his lips to silence him once again, leaning up on his tip toes to kiss up Richie’s jawline to his ear, “Do me a favor?”
“Hmmm?” Richie hummed, eyes drifting closed until Eddie bit lightly at his earlobe.
“Forget what I said earlier about hooking up on the Kissing Bridge,” Eddie pulled away and grabbed Richie’s arm, leading the way back to the car.
“Oh yeah?” Richie asked, half stupidly and half excitedly.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie laughed and took the flashlight from Richie, turning it off and opening the car door to the back seat to throw it and the closed pocket knife on the floor. He then climbed into the back seat and shot Richie a teasing, questioning look.
Richie did not hesitate to follow after him.
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