#might do drac tomorrow
0nelittlebirdtoldme · 10 months
Encouraged by @argyleheir @fangirl-saya and @monsieur-de-challant: Chibi Jonathan. Someone bit him 🥺
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pascaloverx · 3 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic. So, dear readers, just as in this fanfic it's meant to imagine Remus Lupin as being Andrew Garfield and Sirius Black as being Ben Barnes, now I present to you the fancast of Severus Snape as being actor Enzo Vogrincic. Imagine him as Snape if you can.
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Draco is a bit nervous when he enters your room, as if he wants to say something but doesn't have the courage. You gesture towards a chair near the bed. Your room is very large and spacious, with two chairs near the bed. You sit down next to Draco.
"Do you want to tell me something?" you ask Draco, who still seems to be thinking about what he wants to say; he nods affirmatively.
"I want to be better, but I don't know how. I thought you might be able to help me," Malfoy says, catching you by surprise. You have no idea what to say, contemplating the fact that he thinks you have a good enough relationship for him to ask you for advice.
"I'm honored that you think I can help you. But tell me, what made you think you need to change?" you ask him gently. You want to help your student, but the truth is, you don't feel qualified to tell anyone how to be better.
"I think the consecutive punishments and hitting someone who didn't deserve it. To be honest, Potter got hurt trying to stop his best friend from hitting me. Granger has a bruised face, and I can't stop feeling guilty," Draco says shyly, seeming embarrassed to admit he's feeling guilty.
"Your sense of guilt is essentially correct. But the blame isn't entirely yours; after all, you weren't the only one punished. You're old enough, so I'll be honest. If you don't start apologizing for your rude or disrespectful actions, you'll end up becoming someone impossible to live with. And apologizing is useless if you don't commit to not repeating the mistake. That said, I'm proud of you for coming here. Admitting to yourself that you're wrong is a noble act. But if you don't change your lovely habit of getting into trouble, you'll end up lonely and resentful." You decide to give Draco some tough love, hoping that he'll listen and make progress.
"Do you think I can get better?" Draco processes what you said and speaks softly, not looking at you.
"The answer lies within you. If starting tomorrow, you commit to staying out of trouble and make an effort to apologize to those you believe deserve your apology," you say, hoping he understands your guidance. Maybe he can become a better person in his own way.
"You were unexpectedly helpful, professor. I'll ask my father to get you a new outfit as a way of thanking you. Your wardrobe could use some… repair. No offense," Draco says, smiling a bit too mischievously for someone who wants to be a good boy.
"Insulting my wardrobe is not your best move as someone trying to be better, Mr. Malfoy. Now go to your room and get some sleep, because I need to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day for both of us." You say, opening the door and waiting for him to leave. He does so, looking as confident as ever.
You close the door once Draco leaves. When your body falls under the bed, you feel an avalanche take over you. It's like you're reliving the night you became a werewolf. The feeling of Remus's sharp teeth tearing through his skin. The heat that took over your body as soon as you felt your body change The rhythm your heart beat when you woke up hours later, naked and with no idea what will happen to you. All this can't get out of your head, you toss and turn in bed trying to fall asleep. Nothing seems to work, until you get up to go get some air. There is no one in the corridor, you confess that you thought about knocking on Sirius' door but thought it would be very rude to interrupt him. You then decide to go to the infirmary to see if there is any medicine that will help you fall asleep. But getting closer to the infirmary you notice that there are two people talking. You sneak up on the two people, realizing they are Lupin and Black. Remus is sitting on the hospital bed while Sirius is crouched in front of him, the two of them staring at each other. From a distance, it looks like Lupin is a god and Sirius is worshiping him.
"You look like crap, Moony. And to think you assured me you were invincible," Sirius says to Remus, smiling. He seems to be trying to cheer Lupin up.
"I'm alive, you idiot. For your information, that makes me invincible enough. How's Y/N? I don't remember how things happened, but lately, she's always around," Remus comments, and you feel a bit offended. It's not like you want to always be around them when things go wrong. It's just that you're a damned unlucky person.
"So, you're not going to like this, but she now has something in common with you. Looks like you'll have a full moon companion. She seemed fine the last time I saw her. I mean, as fine as you can be when you transform into a werewolf for the first time," Sirius responds, holding Lupin's hands tightly. You almost lose your breath as your mind forces you to relive your first transformation.
"She must hate me. I can't believe I…" Remus seems disturbed by the idea of having turned you. His hands slip from Sirius's and he starts frantically running his hands over his face and head. You can't see clearly, but it almost looks like he's hurting himself. You even have the impression that he's crying. Then Sirius grabs his hands. Without saying a word, Black kisses Lupin. The kiss starts gently, with little reaction from Remus, who seems to be calming down. But over time, Remus responds better to Sirius's kiss. Sirius caresses Lupin's face while Lupin holds Sirius' hands with lightness.
"No one would dare or be able to hate you, my love. " Those are the words you hear Sirius say to Remus between their kiss. Sirius sits on the edge of the bed to kiss Remus better and you feel wrong for watching them. Then you walk silently but in a hurry to your room.
Unfortunately, with so much on your mind, you couldn't sleep for a second. You don't know how you're able to stand, maybe it's a new werewolf ability of yours. But luckily, your lack of sleep paid off. You were the first to get up to clean the Hogwarts ballroom. As soon as the sun rose, you made the mop your best friend.
"You know we should be doing this together, right?" you hear Sirius say as he enters the ballroom. Your gaze remains fixed on the cleaning, avoiding distractions. The truth is, you're feeling bad. Hours before Sirius had his romantic moment with his love, he was almost hooking up with you. What you thought was casual ended up not being so casual for you.
"Fortunately, this place is huge and there's plenty more to do. The dining area has trash to take out, someone broke a lightbulb near the exit of the hall, and I left the entire bathroom for you. Not to mention, Draco, Harry, and Ron should be able to help with the rest," you say, continuing to clean the floor. In truth, most of the work had been done by you, but it's not your fault. Your mind and body don't seem to want to rest, and every time you close your eyes, it's as if everything happens all over again.
"What did I do this time?" Sirius says, coming towards you. You finally look him in the eye. His hair is slightly damp, and he's wearing a gray sweatshirt that's a bit too big for him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you reply, looking at him with feigned ignorance. He steps closer to you, and you immediately back away. He narrows his eyes as if he's just realized that something is wrong.
"How about being honest now? What did I do that made you like this?" Sirius asks quietly, but with a hint of impatience. You're at a loss because you know that if you tell him the truth, you'll come off as a nosy, rude person.
"Last night, she felt immense pain. It had to do with her transformation. Before that pain and torment, there was a moment of heated passion; I imagine with you, Sirius. And at the end of the night, amidst the torment and exhaustion, she felt a lot of guilt. At the same time, she felt like something didn't belong to her. Or rather, someone. Or someones." Remus says, entering the hall with the upper part of his body covered in bandages. His hair is also wet. You don't need to be a seer to know you're the odd one out here. But the fact that he knows what you felt is crazy.
"How the hell do you know that?" you and Sirius say at the same time, looking at each other, but in the next moment, you avert your gaze.
"I can't explain it exactly. Maybe a bonus for being your creator. Something I will regret for the rest of my existence. I would never dream of hurting you. You need to know that." Remus says, approaching you, extending his hand to offer some comfort with a touch on your arm, but you push him away. Looking into his eyes, you feel a shiver down your spine. You look at Lupin with a certain fear, once again overwhelmed by the sensation of dying in that forest.
"There's a lot going on here. All of this is already confusing enough as it is. So you both listen carefully. I need some time, without being in the middle of your relationship, without being a werewolf, and especially without someone knowing how I feel. I hate being so radical, but I'd like some distance from both of you. I'm going to ask McGonagall to change rooms and I'll try my best to avoid you. I suggest you do the same." You speak amid your mental confusion, lack of sleep, and all the drama surrounding your life at the moment, driving you crazy. As soon as you finish speaking, you feel a tightness in your chest, as if someone had just hurt you emotionally. Damn, this thing of feeling what the other feels is a mutual situation.
"You don't have to do this. We can figure this out together," Sirius says, gently holding your arm. You take his hand and push it away from you.
"You didn't understand me. It's settled. You both go on with your lives as if I'm not here, and I'll go on with mine. If we had done this before, maybe things wouldn't be so messed up." You say, looking at him and then at Lupin. Both of them look upset, and deep down, so are you. But it's for the best. You then leave the ballroom and head to your room.
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ru5t · 5 months
@lcfthaunted //> requested.
  He's left their guest no further than just inside the door: the office directly off of the entryway at the front of the building. Di hovers near the office door, the image of her standing guard puts a strange chill in his stomach. It lingers as he puts himself to his task, going through whatever's left in the catchall - they'll need to go trading again, soon. That task sorts itself into the ever-growing list of things he has to do in the next week while his searching goes on autopilot and Jack wonders if this woman from the center of the city sees an ally or a threat in the young ex-drac standing at attention in the mouth of the warehouse. Honestly, he's not sure what he sees, there. Only that he knows the office is the best place for her for now. Too much that is precious resides in the units to play loose with strangers, and too many of his crew are too nosy for their own good to let them go stampeding in to peer and poke and probably insult. ... He allows himself a deep sigh, a soft curse aimed at the empty air over his head, then he gathers what he came for and returns to the entry. Jack dismisses Di with a casual nod over his shoulder, get outta here, and she scowls at him, but sets off for the garden anyway. She'll be back.
  He gives a light knock before pushing through the office door, announcing himself.
  The office was a nightmare when they first began settling into the haven, full of dust and who knew what else. Since then, they'd pulled up the carpet entirely, and someone -best guess said Dawn and Lith, though jack didn't know for sure- had painted a mural in its place. Bright orange and purple wildflowers in a sea of scrub grass, like what bloomed in the ridges to the north. The shelves had been pushed into a neat configuration, some covering the widows like blinds to cut the heat, and that old couch Weasel had rolled up with weeks ago finally had a place that wasn't the middle of the entryway. Even the old business counter was painted, and a few battery operated lights sat waiting there for nightfall like end table lamps. The result was a strange, colorful thing, but nice as far as ruins this far out into the desert went.
  Jack lays the bundle of clothes he'd gone digging for on the old counter. It's mostly out layers, any jackets he could find, and shirts that could go overtop of something thin and almost sheer that is decidedly not designed for the desert-- though a few genuine articles are in the mix as well. Anything he thought might fit, though he expects she's not likely to go trading anything out. Not right away. Thus, the jackets. It's always easier to borrow a jacket than lose whatever you've got, at first.
  “You'll burn if you don't cover,” he advises, and that's all he says of the state of her. But he keeps looking. Brow lightly furrowed, something reluctant stuck in the back of his teeth. He crosses his arms and leans against the counter. “I can't get you back through the wall.” Blunt, in terms of opening, but it's important there are no illusions. He can't, and his sister doesn't deal in smuggling people, and he won't suggest she start (or even bring her smuggling up at all. Not until she gets back and decides on that for herself - if this was still the situation when she did get back.) So as far as he's concerned, it's impossible. “You can stay here,” a nod at the couch, “or if you'd rather take your chances, I'm riding back to three tomorrow. There are neutral settlements, there, and maybe someone who can do what I can't. But I expect y- .. the crew from the market will be watching for that. Watching for you. I'd give it time.”
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vwritesawholelothm · 11 months
Here’s a totally random prompt I’m sending because I know I’m gonna get my cycle soon and I’ve never been a fan of cycle fics but I’m oddly interested in seeing Toradeen deal with them.
You can totally say no to this one if you don’t want to. Id get it. I mean dysphoria hell am I right.
But like. Idk. Just was thinking of a thing where Toraleis in class and she suddenly gets her period (fuck would Werecats get that? 99% of me is writing no in any other fics I write cause I don’t think cats get periods? Idk anyway). But like. She runs to the bathroom but like. She’s kinda stranded like she doesn’t have any supplies and she gets super overwhelmed cause she’s missing class and she can’t really go anywhere without like a pad or something. And she’s probably super mega embarrassed as well. So she like. Through tears, texts Clawdeen that she needs her help and where she is.
you better BELIEVE Clawdeen enters that bathroom like a lady night in shining armor. I swear I could see her in like. A full out tactical vest filled to the brim with different pads and tampons. She also brought a pair of underwear and a skirt Toralei low key left in her room. (Doesn’t have to be smexy. Just could be they keep some spare clothes in each others dorms cause of a lot of sleepovers)
She also brings Advil. A blanket. A mug of Vanilla chai tea with cinnamon. A menstrual cup in case she didn’t want pads or tampons. And like. Three more extra boxes of different brands of pads and tampons cause she didn’t know which brand she wants.
Toralei is of course embarrassed and low key crying a little but Clawdeen is the sweetest little wolfie girlfriend and wipes her tears and and tells her it is NOT embarrassing and helps her change into clean clothes and puts the ruined clothes into a plastic bag wish the promise they will be returned stain free by tomorrow. (Draculaura has magic sksks and she’ll obviously lie and say it was her. Drac might be a little suspicious cause the skirt had like cat scratch marks. But she won’t comment).
She gives Tora a moment of privacy to get things in order with the mountain of cycle supplies she brought. And then after she immediately wraps her in a blanket. Shoves the mug of tea into her hands. Hands her a tuna cookie. Then hands her the advil. She then reveals a whole ass wagon she managed to get from somewhere. Which is layered with blankets and pillows. And she pulls Toralei in the comfy wagon all the way to Clawdeens room where she gives her all the snuggles in the world. (She also tells her she was excused from the rest of her classes that day. She had mentioned a little emergency to Bloodgood aka Toraleis mommy and she had given the A ok)
Toralei is so greatful and honestly a little overwhelmed and confused. Cause she knows that if she had to or ever had to text her mom for help like this it would have been met with a lot of anger on her moms part. Like. She would have come. But would have made her wait hours and then humiliate her on the way back saying she shouldn’t get accidents like that. (Cause she’s a total bitch and clearly ignoring how cycles could come at literally any time sometimes without notice).
Clawdeen first curses Catarina out. Then states that there is nothing embarrassing with what happened. And that she is always more than welcome to help her with whatever cycle problems she has. (As toralei would do for her). And idk. Then they just snuggle a shit ton.
Fandom: Monster High (Cartoon 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Toralei Stripe/Clawdeen Wolf Characters: Toralei Stripe, Clawdeen Wolf, Meowlody (Monster High), Purrsephone (Monster High) Additional Tags: Menstruation, Comfort, First Crush, Sickfic, of a sort, Fluff, Domestic Fluff Summary: Toralei accidentally texts Clawdeen for help, even though she would've preferred (almost) anyone else.
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
I have a 💦 promt: it's simple really, anything having to do with those black stormtrooper suits you and Drac have been writing about lately. All of that was just so 🔥🔥🔥🤯🥵
I have also started working on a little Thranto something for this one in preparation for tomorrow... 👀😏
And @diamonddove - I tweaked your frankly excellent fic-opener prompt just a tiny bit to use as well 🤤 (but I thought you might prefer me just tagging you like this instead of posting the whole ask, I hope that's okay! 💙)
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“Last time I ask you for a favor!” with some venom sibs! :^)
It 'tis done! 3k worth of venom siblings and some lovely StarParty for ya. Hope you like it!
(appologies if the read more doesn't work smh)
"Order up! Can we get two blue plates and a Destroya special, hold the cactus!" Party called from the booth they're waiting to Ghoul and Kobra in the kitchen.
"On it!" Ghoul called back.
"Hey," a voice said from behind them, tapping them on the shoulder. Poison turned around to see Jet Star and their cheeks flush.
"Did you um need something Star?" They asked
"It's noon so Venom's are off, I can take it from here."
"Right" They hand him their notepad and pen, "Oh the girls over there want just one milkshake to share so make sure Ghoul puts extra in it."
"Got it, have a nice break." Jet smiled and they try not to beam right back, a small wave and they are hanging up their apron and heading outside.
"Heyy, Party Poison." A killjoy was at their heels as soon as they exit the swinging doors.
"And who might you be?" They pause and lean on one leg as the 'joy caught up to them.
"The name's Band Saw, and well- you don't happen to like roller skating do you?" It took Party a moment to hide their curiosity. They didn't care for tricks or anything but you could find them rolling around. Not like Show Pony who was on quads 24/7. But they did know a certain blue haired someone who was dying to learn to skate.
"Say I did,"
"Well would'jya maybe want to come with me to the rink party Pony's holding this weekend?" Party Poison looked up with intrigue but quickly hid it with a long eyeroll, "I would sooner go with you than get my finger stuck in a band saw." The joy recoiled and took a deep sigh, "Oh ok um, nevermind then." they scurried off. Poison felt a twinge of regret but then happily didn't as they looked up to see Kobra Kid leaning on the back wall smirking.
"Don't they know the first rule of The Diner is no flirting with the waitstaff." He chuckled, "I made the rule to get rid of goonies like that."
"Eh, they technically weren't in The Diner when they asked." They noted as the two walked out to the fields.
"I guess. Here, slap up the sun's nice today." Kobra handed them some sunscreen and went to find a spot in the dry grasses to lie down. "Ghoul said Helibomb is going to come by on Sunday to see about the warm water not working."
"Oh the gal who wears heelys everywhere? I didn't realize she did more than just well work."
"Yep, they say she can even roll on her heelys up hill."
"Seems like just a frequency static rumor to me."
"If it's true then I'm taking one from her book for my bike. I don't care if it's magic or what, I want a piece."
"I'm sure you do. Hey Kobra, could you do me a favor?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"Did you hear about Show Pony's gig this weekend?"
"The partner skate? Sure I have, but I'm not planning on going on account of too many love birds in one flock."
Party swallowed and went red even though they knew better.
"Well duh, I know you're not going. That'd be like me walking into the bathrooms at Hyperthrust during a party." They both laughed and fake gagged.
"But man, for all that I'm supposedly talk of the town, apparently I'm also the last to hear about major events." They threw up their hands. "Anyways, think you could be a messenger pigeon?"
Kobra grinned, "Party,"
"Look- I can't go asking myself, I have an image to uphold!"
"A damn bitchy one" Kobra quipped, chewing his lip. "But no, I get it. Who's the lucky 'joy?" he looked sharply into Party's eyes and they quickly looked down.
"You're going to hate me for this." They said with a flush creeping onto their cheeks.
"I'm not gonna be mad Pois, you know that." he said, hugging his knees and looking at them.
"It's Jet Star." They say with a gulp.
"Party fuckin Poison, what to say." Kobra was grinning and shaking his head as he spoke in a sing song drawl, "You pick good ones. Aesthetics? Top game."
"Shut up!" Poison giggles
"And yes, of course I can do the honors for you- but it better be at The Nest because we all remember the last time drama happened while at work."
"Yeah, bacon and avocado do not belong on the ceiling." Party shook their head and smiled. Their face is still hot but they stand up and shake twigs from their jacket. "Thank you for this, Kid, really."
"Oh I wasn't done-" Kobra said, standing up and pointing a finger at them. "Because I want a favor in return."
"Alright shoot,"
"I don't know what it is yet," he said as they began "It all depends how much of a chaotic disaster the ask winds up being." He laughed and the sun glinted on his braces.
"Of course," Party said with a chuckle but they can't help their mind racing with every dismal possibly that could happen.
"So we only sold five milkshakes today on account of the machine breaking, big deal! Helibomb is coming Sunday afternoon, don't stress it Ghoul." Jet was leaning on the table and poking through music to put on.
"You know they're are biggest seller when it's hot out." Ghoul reasoned as he reached for a brush from the couch and worked on undoing his braids.
"Pst, Poison get over here." Kobra tapped his sibling on the shoulder. "I'm not being your wingman if you're just going to hide in the kitchen." Poison gulped and reluctantly drifted into the living room and stuck to the side of the wall. Kobra looked back at them and smiled and then walked over to Jet who was putting Earthling into the cassette player.
"Hey Jet, I've got a proposition for ya." Kobra grins as Little Wonder came on intermixed with static.
"Oh yeah?" Jet tucked a curl behind his ear. Party cringed at The Kid being so formal but couldn't look away.
"Party Poison here wants to go to the skate party at Pony's rink tomorrow night. And they want to know, if you'd do them the honors of being their date." Kobra put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and rests a contented look on his face. Jet for his part looked astonished.
"Really?" He asked, with a smile creeping over his face, looking from Kobra to Party and back.
"Yeah- but like, only if you want." Party said. They got themself off the wall and managed to stay standing despite harboring no trust in their legs to function.
"No I'd like that, sound's rad. It's just- man I don't even know how to roller skate."
"But I'd love it if you showed me how." Jet finished and Party beamed
"Hey you should pick some skates from the shoe pile, I think TCM dropped off some that might fit you."
"Oh yeah!" Jet bobbed his head and smiled.
He left to the nest and Party followed after him but not before siding up next to Kobra to mutter, "Thank you," with a breathy sigh.
"'Course" The Kid chuckled, "But remember, you owe me."
"Yeah yeah." Poison smiled as they exchanged their secret hand shake. Poison bounded down the hallway after Jet.
"Hi." Star said, quickly turning around. He brushed his hair back for like the fifth time that day and Poison couldn't help but notice all the freckles that had come out from being in the sun on the walk home from The Diner where Kobra's whispered heckling and teasing just made Party more giddy than they already were.
"Hi" They repeated. They knew enough to not think that something like What's your shoe size? was a deemable conversation but were lost of what to say instead.
"Did you really mean me?" Jet was asking.
"What?" Poison looks at him with concern as they pull out the pile of shoes and start handing skates to Jet.
"I mean like, you really want to go on a date date with me, not just like as friends?"
"I- yes." they swallow and look away, "Jet if you don't want to go that's fine. Just tell me now so I can sort out my feelings in peace."
"What? No no I'm not breaking up with you- I mean I'm not- I'm pastel for you too, Party." It's Jet's turn to look away but Poison drops a skate in their lap to stare at him. "I didn't think you felt any way for me, I mean you're Party 'I insult everyone' Poison, I never thought you'd like someone like-"
"I don't insult every one." They interject with a sigh. "You and Kobra both on top of me over this." They shake their head, Ghoul understood the need to cover everything up and keep things safe with a shell of spite but Kobra and Jet would just zip shut over anything touchy. Well, or punch your lights out if it was Jet.
"Wait a minute, what were you going to say?"
Jet turned  slightly towards them, "I didn't think you'd like someone all well, quiet n' stuff. Man, I come home from work and then just work on my bots whiles you off partying the lights away."
"Pff Star, you think I go to parties to pick up 'joys to date?"
"I mean, yeah?" Jet looks at them confused as he puts on another skate, "Think these fit." he said absent mindedly, still looking intently at Party.
"Star, I go to parties for the music, for the friends, and yeah maybe sometimes to blow off some adrenaline without a raygun, but I-" they stuck out their tongue slightly as they slipped the lace into an eyelet, I don't take people home from parties and I'd never fuck anyone, ever they want to say but instead just mutter, "I don't go to the club for crushes. And besides, I didn't think you liked me. Whyd'ja think I sent The Kid to ask for me."
"Party what do you mean! How could I not be pastel for your smiles and when you wear tank tops while tagging up the radio station, or skirts out to parties, and the way you get all nervous before reading."
"Okay now that's just not fair. You're so cute when you're covered in motor oil and showing me your bots, not to mention how sharp of a shot you are both at darts and dracs. But also you know you make the best milkshakes this side of the radiation pools."
"Stoop now you makin me all melted." Star shoves them and laughs,
"Not before you did!" Party retorts and they dissolve into a fit of laughter.
The following night Party and Jet rode down to the rink. The lights were bright and the pizza was pretty shitty but it was ok. Jet told them about his plans to try to make a drone while Party tied his skates for him. They stepped out on the rink and skated in a small circle then rolled back to the edge where Jet was still standing on the carpet. On other days they would stare at the black and bright colored carpet wanting to look like it but they knew Jet was just scared.
"If you fall, I've got you." They whispered in his ear and he looked up. Poison hadn't seen Star actually scared, not since ray blasts streaked the sky. He stepped onto the rink and diligently kept his feet exactly parallel.
"Here see, you skate like this." Party kicked off and skated a few feet, then turned and slid back to Jet.
"Here goes nothing." Star said and tried to put his feet into a V like theirs. He started to pick up his foot but fell off-balanced onto Party who hit the rink on their wrist guard. Star was mortified but his body was so close, Party reminded themself to breathe. They ran their hand along his arm.
"Hi" they breathed
"I suck at this for real." Jet groaned and then took their hand. Party got onto their feet and pulled Jet up to standing.
They spent most of the night very close to the nice friendly padded wall. Party showed Jet how to get comfortable on his skates and every once in a while left him on the shore of the rink to practice a spin or skating backwards.
"Now you're just showing off." Jet laughed as Party vogued to the song playing.
"C'mon you can at least do this." They insisted and rolled their wrist against their neck. Jet was much better at voguing than skating, shaping his face square and sweeping circles in the air. Party watched with a quiet smile intently trained on Jet, watching him slowly get more confident until the fear from the beginning of the night melted away.
Eventually Jet did manage to skate without holding onto anything, only to realize he didn't know how to stop. Veering towards Party, he pressed them up to the wall. Poison just laughed.
"Can I kiss you Star?" Party asked
"Only if you show me how to stop after." Jet smiled and Party pressed a kiss to his cheek. Jet held onto the wall as Party kicked off into a simple forwards skate.
"Point your toes and bring your legs together." Party half shouts over the music. Jet takes a couple of tries but eventually gets the hang of it. He skates up to Party and stops right in front of them. They hold his hands and he kisses them. Poison flips up to stand on their heel stops and leans into him. When they finish skating Jet's legs are shaking. He thinks it's on account of it being his first time skating. Party can't tell if it's from skating or being on a date with Jet. But really it's all three mixed into a wavering walk home bubbling with laughter and then dying down to quiet murmurs on the wind.
"So, what's your revenge against my innocent little ask?" Party said with their hand on their hips and a sarcastic lilt in their voice.
"You know how little Mr. Tommy Chow Mein's got that one spot on the back shelf that damn no body supposed to touch?"
"Oh noo, what about it."
"Well, I've been peeping this helmet he's got up there, right? And I think it'd be perfect to go with my wheels now that I have some races under my belt as Lucky No. 27 this dinky BLI helmet got nothing on the other guys. I want you, with all that charisma you got packed away in there, to get it in my hands."
"Oh come on Kid, it's TCM! I can't just walk up to our used-to-be-dad and ask him to sell me contra!"
"It's not actually contraband though, red." Jet Star chimes in from where he's listening bemusedly to the venom siblings. "Hand me a hair tie would you Ghoul?" he asks Ghoul, who's patiently getting his hair braided by Jet.
"I got 50 carbons you can use for bartering."
"Oh sure that'll help but it's still the no sells shelf. And TCM isn't pastel for you like Mx. Propulsion here." Ghoul said with a smirk and Jet flicks hair in his face.
"Alright alright, I'll try but no promises alright Kobra."
"What? Just try, that's BS."
"Hey I didn't know if I'd be getting a joyfriend or not out of your favor, I don't know if you'll be off with a helmet or not."
"Fine." Kobra said in a drawn out whine.
Poison grabbed the ring of carbons and Ghoul tossed Jet the keys to the Trans Am.
"You're coming too?" Party asks as Jet leaves with them
"You know I want to see how this plays out." He said with a laugh and Party rolls their eyes.
"Make sure they're putting in effort, I want that helmet next sunrise race!" Kobra called as they left.
"Heyy Tommy C! How's it hanging?" Party said
"It's hanging like a plastic bag in a 'crow's nest- what do you want Party?" Tommy shuts off whatever audio drama he'd been listening to and leaned on the counter looking down at Party.
"Jus' wanna talk, that so bad?" Tommy just rolled his eyes.
"Look are you buying something or just here to make me change the station. I've heard enough of your rants, I'm not turning on the radio my books are just fine."
"So listen, I was just wondering about that helmet you got over there. It's pretty bonus track and a uh, associate of mine was looking into it."
"This is not the helmet you're looking for." TCM said and a wave of calm washed over Party. They were immediately confused, they were never this calm. There was something they needed but it wasn't here. Wait of course it was. Jet wouldn't be standing in the corner watching the whole scene amused if it hadn't been for Kobra. What was it about Kobra? He wanted the helmet right. It took half of Party's effort just to remember this but then he was at it again.
"Where'd you get it anyways?"
"A long time ago. It's very old, your sibling doesn't want it."
"Oh yeah?" That pang hit their thoughts again but they kept going. "Where'd you get it?"
"No where near here, a galaxy far far away, you could say."
"Well look, since you already know it's The Kid who's trying to get his hands on it what do you even have against him?'
"Yeah, Jet pipes up- me and Ghoul were the ones always pulling pranks on you. He didn't do nothing to you."
"Let me do this, it's not your trade." Party said, putting their hand on Jet's chest.
"Fine." Jet sighed and went back to browsing the zine rack.
"The Kobra Kid can't have my helmet, and no one else can either."
"Ok but what if I gave you 50 Cs?" Party asked, stifling the blow to their train of thought.
"Agh! Why don't these work on you rascal?" Tommy threw down his sunglasses in annoyance. "Fine you want to know about this helmet. I got this helmet pod racing until my rival decided to blow out my hyperdrive frequency and led me to crash land by ship on this measly planet. And then what? Jammed radios from a certain somebody meant I couldn't fly anymore. Set up shop instead, an the rest's history.
"But you know what? If it's useless to me, it's just as useless to you and yours." Tommy sighed and took the carabiners of 25 carbons each and slid them onto the rods in his cash register and begrudgingly passed the helmet down to Party.
"Kobra! We're home!"
"Did they get my helmet?" Kobra asks as he runs into the nest.
"Sure did! Diligently and without help from yours truly." Jet reported back and kissed Party quickly on the cheek to the return of a grin on their face.
Kobra ran over and took the helmet from Poison and immediately put it on.
"Uh Party?" He waved his arms around
"Do you like it?"
"Pois, I can't see a thing." Kobra took the helmet back off and examined the front, realizing that not only was GOOD LUCK painted across the entire screen but the inside was also painted black.
"What the-" Party grabbed it from him and put it on, only to find completely darkness and if they crossed their eyes, a bit of shine to the paint.
"Man you get a joyfriend and I get a fuckin useless helmet!? Last time I ask you for a favor!" He pouces onto Poison and they topple onto the couch, wrestling each other until it dissolves into a pillow fight.
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luckycharmdust · 4 years
Get Me, FunPoison
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29127885/chapters/71564064
Warnings for injury, major character death, and grief
I don’t know if i like this one or not, but thanks for the ask!
writing below the cut:
“You good, Pois?” Jet asked as Poison climbed in the passenger’s seat of the ‘Am. They took the driver’s seat and started the engine, feeling a bump as the car ran over the body of one of the dracs they and Poison had just ghosted. Jet thought they saw Poison wince at the movement. A glance to the right and they were even more concerned. “Dude, you’re covered in blood.”
“It’s just drac blood, don’ worry. Not mine,” they said, but they held themself too carefully and spoke through gritted teeth, and Jet didn’t buy it for a second.
“Can you make it to the diner?”
“I told you, Jet, nothin’s wrong. ‘M all good.”
“Motherfucker,” Jet cursed as they stopped the ‘Am as gently as they could. Poison was a pain in the ass when they weren’t hurt badly - Jet had heard enough of their complaining about skinned knees to know that much - but they always tried to hide serious injuries. Something about not wanting to worry the crew or waste supplies.
“Show me where you’re hurt,” they said as they got out of the car and circled around to Poison’s side.
“‘M not!” they protested.
“Don’t pull this shit. Not like Ghoul did.”
Jet helped Poison out of the car and their words hit them late. “Ghoul?” they asked, confused, before their legs gave out and they fell to the sand. Jet dropped to their knees beside them and leaned them against the side of the ‘Am.
“Tell me where you’re hurt, Pois,” they ordered, but figured it out pretty quickly from the growing bloodstain on Poison’s thigh.
Poison let out a small shout as Jet pulled the fabric of their pants up off the wound so they could cut it off without accidentally cutting Poison’s skin. Their knife, freshly sharpened, cut through the fabric in one stroke and exposed Poison’s wound.
“Destroya,” they cursed. A raygun blast has hit Poison’s thigh straight on. The area around it had a bad flashrash that Jet knew had to be cleaned lest an infection set in. It might be too late for that, though, considering Poison had hidden the injury and Jet could spot grains of sand mixed in with the ripped flesh and blood. They were lucky they had a strong stomach.
“I’ll be right back, got it Pois? Don’t move.” Jet grabbed the first aid kit from the back of the car and was back at Poison’s side faster than you could say ‘Sub-atomic never get the best of me’.
Jet narrated their movements as they tried to clean the wound. “I’m gonna pour some alcohol over your blast wound, alright? It’ll hurt but I have to do it, you know that.”
Poison let out an agonizing scream as Jet started cleaning the wound. “Go away!” they shouted, voice laced with pain. “Get away from me!”
“I’ve got to fix you up, Pois,” they said, ignoring their words. People didn’t mean when they said when they were in pain, right?
Poison had resorted to trying to push Jet away from them but they didn’t have the strength to do so. Their screams turned to tortured sobs. “Please, just get Ghoul.”
Jet froze, halfway through dabbing the blood away with a towel. Their voice was quiet as they replayed what Poison had asked for and whispered, “What?”
“Go get Ghoul!” they repeated, hysterical. “Please, Jet. He’s the only one who can patch me up without it hurting like hell.”
“Poison,” Jet started oddly. “Where do you think Ghoul is?”
“I don’t know, back at the diner or somethin’. Just radio him and he can be out here in- ah!” they cut out with a strangled scream as Jet touched the area around the wound.
“You need stitches,” they decided. “I need you to try and stay still as I do them.”
Poison tried to pull back. “No! Why can’t Ghoul do it?”
Jet weighed the pros and cons in their head, before deciding honesty was the safest choice here. Poison may not let Jet do the stitches if they thought Ghoul was alive to do them.
“Ghoul was ghosted six months ago.” Even after all this time, it hurt to say it aloud, especially so bluntly. Speaking it like it was a fact made it all too real.
“What? No, he’s just at the diner. Radio him here!”
Jet sat back on their heels and looked Poison in the eye with a stern, cold gaze. “Poison, listen to me. Ghoul was shot in the gut six months ago, and because he hid the wound and refused medical attention, it killed him. Do you want to end up with the Witch?”
The pain at the edge of Poison’s vision became fuzzy and they would’ve recoiled backward if they weren’t propped against the ‘Am. They remembered. Fuck, they remembered it like it was yesterday.
The diner bell rang out as Ghoul pushed the door open aggressively and yelled a warning to the rest of his crew. “Scarecrows on my tail!
“Shit,” Poison cursed as they tossed Ghoul his raygun and grabbed their own. “Ghoul, you take the right side of the door and I’ve got the left. Shoot ‘em as they come it. Jet and Kobra, you two go out back and circle around. Let’s dust these fuckers.”
The four fell into formation like they were born to do it, and maybe they were. This wasn’t their first firefight and it certainly wasn’t their last; well, for Ghoul it was. But he didn’t know it yet. None of them did.
“Down!” Poison shouted as a command to Ghoul and he complied, shooting the first ‘Crow in the leg as Poison hit their mark on its head. The two were a well-oiled machine together; always anticipating the other’s movements a few steps ahead and working with it. Through the window, Poison could see the ‘Crows in the back of the patrol realize that they were walking straight into an ambush, only to turn around and find themselves at the barrels of Jet and Kobra’s guns.
Ghoul kicked the corpse of the last ‘Crow on the floor of the diner, spitting blood into its face. “Fuckin’ hate ‘Crows,” they mumbled. “I’d take two clovers of Dracs over them any day.”
“Couldn’t agree more. You good, Ghoulie?”
“Mhm,” he hummed in response to Poison’s question.
“You better be, used up the last of our supplies on Kobra’s track burn last week. Stop by Tommy’s with me to buy more?”
Ghoul hesitated. “Tomorrow? I’m fuckin’ tired from running that patrol all the way here.”
“I’m surprised they didn’t land a shot,” Poison said, waving at Kobra and Jet as the two came back inside the diner and confirmed they were okay. “Get some rest, Ghoulie.”
“Join me?” he asked, his voice quiet and timid and a stark contrast to how it usually was.
They smiled at their boyfriend. “I’d love nothing more.”
Poison wished they could say that Ghoul made it through the night. They wished they could say that they didn’t wake up the next morning in a pool of his blood, seeping out from a raygun blast in his back.
The memory had hit Poison like a train. “Ghoulie,” they let out in a choked sob.
“Almost done, Pois. Just hang in there.” Jet pulled the last of the stitches tight and tied it off. Poison didn’t know if the pain was from their wound or the memory. “I may not be as gentle as Ghoul was, but I get the job done.”
Poison let a wrecked noise escape their throat at the past tense. “I miss him, Jet.”
They focused on bandaging Poison’s wound, but Poison didn’t miss how they faltered. “Yeah,” they said, simply. “So do I.”
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chelsfic · 5 years
Dracula takes care of you when you’re sick - Drabble - Dracula x Reader (Total Fluff)
For @lost-girl-inc. Hope you feel better! This is complete goofy fluff
You wake to your phone vibrating with a text notification. Your eyes are blurry with sleep and you groan at being so rudely ripped from the deep cough syrup-induced slumber you’ve been enjoying. 
The phone’s harsh screen nearly blinds you as you clumsily unlock it. Ugh, it’s only 5:40 PM. You’d gone to bed absurdly early and were hoping to sleep away the sickness and wake up tomorrow morning feeling renewed. Everything aches and a painful cough has settled in your chest. It’s the same thing every cold and flu season. No matter how much hand washing, echinacea and Vitamin C, you always end up with this lingering chest cold that completely saps your energy. It doesn’t help that this year you have a new boyfriend who occasionally likes to make a meal of you.
You roll your eyes when you see the text:
Are you up for dinner? ;-)
You glance out your bedroom window. Yup, sunset. You should have realized he’d be expecting to come by for an...appetizer. You’re dating a vampire, after all. When had those words ceased to inspire awe and disbelief? Over the several months that you’ve been seeing each other you’ve gradually become accustomed to Dracula’s nature. At first you were drawn to his predatory sexuality and the danger that surrounds him. But now it’s more than that. He makes you laugh, he’s affection and attentive, old fashioned in all the right ways...and he makes you feel like you’re irresistible.  The way he lusts for your body and your blood...well, it sends a quiver through you even now when all you care about is hacking up some phlegm and finding someone to make you some soup.
Sorry...I can’t tonight. I’m sick. Love you.
You put down the phone and reach for the TV remote, turning on Netflix and picking something to binge. You don’t feel like you’re going to be able to fall back to sleep now that you’re awake. You start getting sucked into the show and you’re so engaged you don’t even notice that Dracula never responded to your text until his smiling face appears in the window next to your bed and you shriek in alarm. 
“Jesus! Drac, why don’t you ever knock?!” you demand. You don’t sound nearly as admonishing as you intend, though, because your voice is weak and it cracks. You end up choking over a coughing fit, burying your face in your elbow and reaching for your box of tissues. 
Dracula takes the opportunity to simply climb through your unlocked window. What’s the matter with the front door? you wonder, although you’re kind of grateful that you don’t need to get up to let him in.
“Really, y/n...why do you always have to bring him into it?” he’s smiling to indicate he’s only teasing. Even after centuries of immortal life, Dracula still harbors a superstitious dislike for anything Christ-related. 
“What are you doing here? Did you get my text?” you look up at him and fidget with the crumpled tissue in your hands. You’re sure you look like hell and you’re suddenly self-conscious. 
As if he can read your thoughts--which, what the hell, who knows? maybe he can--he tilts his head and gives you a gentle smile as he replies, “I like to think I’ve learned a lot about relationships since waking up in this century and according to one of my last meals it’s considered appropriate to take care of one’s lover when they’re unwell.”
You’re a little flabbergasted. It’s not that Dracula is a bad boyfriend but...you kind of assumed he’d be repulsed by your mortal weakness. Especially given the heated discussions you’ve had recently about him wanting to change you. You know that the idea of your human fragility is frightening to him but...you just aren’t ready. You might not ever be ready.
You blink and try to clear your head enough to respond, “Uhhh...oh! That’s very nice. But you don’t have to, really, I’ll be okay...”
Dracula rolls his eyes at you, “You know...one of the many advantages to dating an immortal vampire is that you can’t give me any of your germs when you’re sick. So just let me take care of you.”
He leans down and places a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. As always his touch sends an electric thrill through you but you pull away before it can become more heated. You feel gross. Dracula doesn’t mind. He starts puttering around the room, picking up your discarded tissues and half-empty mugs of tea. He’s tidying and it’s absolutely adorable. You love this man.
“You know you didn’t have to wait for me to be sick to help clean up the apartment...god knows I’ve cleaned enough blood off my sheets since meeting you.”
“Ha. Ha,” he replies sarcastically. “Tell me what you need, darling. I confess...I don’t have a lot of experience with nursing the sick.”
You look up at him from your nest of pillows and blankets and can’t help but smile, “Soup? I would love some soup. There are cans in the kitchen, I can show you--”
He stops you from getting up with a hand to your chest, “I’ll take care of it. Just relax.”
There is a worrying amount of noise coming from your kitchen. Pots and pans clanging together, cabinet doors slamming and the unmistakable hiss of a pot boiling over. You’re sitting there trying to hold back laughter because it hurts to laugh. 
Dracula finally returns from the kitchen holding a tray with a steaming bowl of perfectly edible looking soup. His sleeves are rolled up and there are multiple stains on his pristine white shirt. His hair sticks up at odd angles as if he’s been running his fingers through it in frustration. You finally can’t take it anymore and let out a horrendous guffaw, nearly toppling the tray over with your mirth. 
“Hey!” he says with mock outrage. “You know I haven’t actually eaten food in about five hundred years...I think I did pretty good.”
You wipe tears from your eyes and try to smother the smile on your lips, “I know, you’re right. Thank you, baby. Really!”
He looks pacified and he settles down next to you as you eat, rubbing soothing circles into your back and watching the crime drama you’ve selected on Netflix. He takes the tray back to the kitchen when you’ve finished and there’s another cacophony of sounds that must mean he’s attempting to load your dishwasher.
You’re laying down with your legs tucked up close to your body when he returns. He lays down behind you and spoons up against you, wrapping you in his strong arms and burying his face into the nape of your neck. He breathes in your scent and hums with appreciation. He always says your blood is particularly fragrant...whatever that entails. Is that why mosquitoes seem so enchanted by you in the summer?
“Sorry...,” you mumble into the pillow, “About dinner.”
Dracula wraps his arms tighter around you and shushes you, “Shhh. You’re more than just a meal to me, y/n. I love you.”
You smile at his words and nestle more snugly against him. He holds you like that, whispering soft nothings into your ear and soothing you with long strokes of his hand along your side until your breath evens out and you drift off to sleep. 
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Halloween Special: S/O who is a fanatic for Halloween
Happy Halloween, followers! It’s the most spooky time of the year, so let’s get this orgy party started!
If you weren't such an obvious Halloween lover he might have tried to pretend he grew out of it. 
But since he's got no reason to hide, BIG SPOOKY ENERGY.
His family always made it a whole neighborhood affair, safer for kids to visit houses they knew, so you guys are doing all but a haunted house in your front yard.
Full sized candy bars for the kids cause mama didn't raise a sadist.
Has spooky movies on tv all day and through the evening. 
Gets so into the decorating, kinda forgot to actually make a costume. 
That's fine, he has a few ugly Halloween sweaters stashed for when this (usually) happens. 
Your house started smelling like cinnamon since October first. 
She's been saving so many recipes to try out for the month because no we can't make pumpkin flavored things in April we are civilized. 
She is almost the person to suggest making homemade candy to give out.
But after she gets sick of hearing stories of people getting in trouble over it she concedes to a handful of fun size per kid.
Goes for the less spooky decorations,  but things like black cats and animated spell books are in all of the windows.
Much conflict over picking a cute Halloween costume or one that she can most definitely not answer the door in. 
So you get both and go to a few parties so she can get full use of them. 
She surprises you by inviting the whole family over to spend Halloween night. 
What? You two couldn't possibly finish all of the goodies she made. 
He grew up feeling like Halloween was always a bit… commercial. 
Sure his parents would give out candy but would never waste money on cheap decorations that would fall apart in a year.
His family tradition was to cuddle up with spiced drinks, sweets, and spooky books around the fire. Maybe a movie night, if one caught his dad's interest. 
But with some gentle coaxing you can show him the more eccentric side. 
He is delighted when you suggest couple costumes,  but draws the line at some of the raunchier suggestions. 
He is well enough endowed he is not wearing an inflatable penis costume how dare.
When he buys some bat cufflinks on his own volition consider him hooked.
Bastard sneaks his favorite candies from the bowl and hides them in the pantry, for later of course. 
You might have to beat this guy away from the candy stash with a broom. 
He'll bitch about the sudden yard work that comes with raking leaves but oh man when you give him permission to spookify the yard?
Some of his decorations were a little too realistic and you two got a few concerned parents knocking at your door. 
Godbrand thinks more candy for him if kids don't show, but you convince him to tone it down enough to make the doorbell stop.
Loves to get overdetailed with his costume. 
He once figured out a way to hide a small smoke machine under a coat to make his ghost pirate more convincing. 
And you bet your ass he's making as amazing a costume for you as well. 
Now you might just need to negotiate with him about how much skin it's going to be showing. 
It really shouldn't surprise you that he goes on a haul of undead animal statues, being a vet and all. 
He likes to go to city events, like haunted mazes and autumn markets. Something about seeing people just having shameless fun and death not being such a taboo topic for once. 
He gets a little bashful about dressing up, thinking he's too old, but he could never say no to you. 
He doesn't really want to answer the door every five minutes to give out candy, so he's much more in favor of putting out a bowl and a sign. 
Of course he's not stupid, never completely fills it in case some rude kids take it all, so he will refill it a few times. 
The evening itself is spent cuddled up, spooky old movies and popcorn. 
And a subtle hint about how tomorrow Christmas decorations are allowed to be put up. 
Never quite got the whole thing to be honest, but he tries to make you happy. 
He might roll his eyes a bit about the yet another corny decoration you bring home, but he helps you hang it up anyway. 
Once he realizes that a few terrifying decorations decreases the chances of EVERY kid coming to your house he'll lean into it. 
He has to give away candy for free? Only the brave shall claim their prize. 
Is reluctant to dress up in anything that is gaudy or store bought. 
His hard limit about costumes is that they actually have to be dark in theme. If he's being asked to do this, he's doing it right. 
Despite all the heel digging you can tell he's enjoying himself, smiling when people compliment your outfits and taking part in more than enough pieces of candy when they are left out. 
BONUS! DracuLisa
Drac is actually the one who needs to convince Lisa that letting the kids have a night of enough candy to kill a man is a thing they can endorse. 
Her doctorate might disagree, but oh well.
They both hadn't actually celebrated in years before getting together, but that made finding their own little traditions more fun.
Vlad pretending to be very offended when Lisa suggests he can dress up as a vampire because he already has the wardrobe for it. 
Lisa does up the interior of the home with lots of autumn decor, complete with dried sprigs if spices from her garden before the frost destroys them. Vlad gets the responsibility of decorating the front.
Lisa is semi surprised by how detailed Vlad gets, adding ghosts in the trees and carving a few pumpkins to lead up to their door. 
Everything handmade, even if it means some of the carved faces look a bit derpy instead of scary. 
There's a few kitchen accidents when Lisa tries to make healthy options for cooler weather treats, most involving exploding pumpkin seeds.
Vlad comforts her behind suppressed chuckles when she caves in and goes back to the sugar and butter originals. 
Once they have a son they have a little more fun with it, but still mostly at home. 
Vlad tells Adrian spooky stories that get him in trouble later when Lisa has to comfort their now terrified child in the wee hours of the morning. 
They dress him up for school, and tolerate trick or treating for a few years until they decide it's safer to just stay in and buy him all the candy he wants.
-Mod Soviet
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garroth-babygirl · 4 years
dd marriage hcs masterlist
i! am! a! sap! and i will also update this as i find them! these are all zone based, no batt city hcs here if you go to my #marriage hcs tag you’ll find all individual posts
(all sources linked! and if you see your hc on here you want removed, please let me know asap, anything in italics are my own additions)
instead of exchanging rings at the desert version of a wedding, some killjoys will exchange jackets. x
nobody really gets officially married in the desert; a toast beside a late-night campfire is enough. x
killjoys who already have a crew don’t leave the rest of the gang behind after getting married, their spouse’s crew would merge into theirs to form one big crew? the only problem is that that could result in a mega crew, in the event of that it’s up to the crew what they do, sometimes they split. x
as for ceremonies, the gestures of proposing and being fiancés are the same, though i assume a wedding would take place pretty soon after the proposal. x
the guests throw carbons at the couple as they walk down the aisle (because rice is hard to come by) which can also serve as wedding gifts. x
rings are for couples; each new one marks a significant event or anniversary they’ve had together. x
ceremonies are hard to do in the zones, it could be from an announcement to your crew (toast by the fire) but also sometimes a full blown party x
some DJs announce newly weds on the airwaves. x
rings are hard to come by so sometimes things like rocks or shiny trinkets are used instead, (”here’s a pretty rock, please marry me”). x
honey moons do exist but are bound to be disturbed by firefights, so you have to travel with your crew, you just get more alone time with your SO. x
a lot of newly wed couples, if they’re planning on having kids, head to zone two as it has a lower radiation level and less dracs than zone one, but the safety in numbers balances it out. x
aaah that’s all i have right now but i might try and write some of my own tomorrow and i’ll update it then!
last updated: 16/08/20 1:30 BST :p
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
The Fantastic Adventures of Glitter Ghost and Killer Lux - Chapter 5
Co-Written with @mariawritesfanfic​
Tumblr media
As Glitter sat in the back of Youngbloods' Impala, she was staring out of the window not speaking to anyone, not paying attention to the others trying to figure out the next best course of action. She wasn't sure what she would do with herself. She always made sure that every 'joy that they ran across was with a group of people who would be suitable for them and take care of them. Deep down, Glitter knew that Lux would be taken care of, but she also felt like a failure for having to leave her.
"Glitter, did you hear us?" Sandman placed a hand on her leg to get her attention.
"Not a word," she shook her head and wiped away tears before turning to face the others.
"We were talking about how we were going to set up the sleeping arrangements at our place," Novocaine said from the passenger seat. 
"I don't want you guys to do anything special for me," Glitter sighed. "I would be willing to sleep wherever."
"That's the issue," Novocaine replied. "Even though BLI isn't specifically looking for you, we want to make sure you are safe. So, we will be doing some rearranging when we get back to the hideout - one of us will always be with you." Novocaine turned to look in the backseat, "Now that we know about you and Sand, he'll take most of the shifts, but we'll make sure that you are never alone," Novocaine gave her a small smile.
"Thanks, but you don't need to do this," Glitter sighed.
"We know we don't have to do this, but we want to," Punk said, leaning around Sandman to look at Glitter. "Even though we don't have intel that BLI is looking for you, it's better to be safe than sorry."
"We do know that we have to keep up the appearance of like nothing has happened and that you aren't with us, so we'll go on our normal patrols to gather supplies and information," Novocaine explained. 
Phoenix chuckled and pointed to Sandman, "Which means that menace will be staying at the hideout." 
Sandman just shrugged in response.
"And just so we are clear, no one is mad at you," Phoenix said from the driver's seat. "We're all just on edge right now."
That night, Lux lay alone on her cot in the back office of the diner which had been modified into sleeping quarters. In an attempt to give Lux some privacy, the Killjoys had pulled out their cots and moved them into the kitchen of the diner, but as much as she hated the situation she was in, she didn't want to be alone. She could not think of the last time she was alone, and she was growing more uncomfortable by the second.
She got out of bed and quietly padded into the kitchen and began to evaluate where she should lay down so she wouldn't get stepped on if they were to wake up. As she looked around, she heard a shifting to her left and Kobra sat up, blinking at her.
"Lux, wha-" he started, but she put her finger to her lips to shush him before he woke up the others. Ghoul stirred in the cot next to her as she crept back out of the room. 
"What's wrong?" Kobra asked her once they were further out of earshot of the others.
"I was just gonna lay down on the floor, I can't stand being alone in there. I don't want privacy, I want security."
"I'll come in there with you, and I'll talk to the guys tomorrow about going back to how it was." He placed his hand on Lux's back to guide her back to the room, certain she was about to argue with him.
"I'm good on the floor, you know I barely sleep anyway," Lux protested, but allowed him to guide her back. She appreciated the feeling on his hand on her back. It was comforting, more so than when any of the other guys touched her.
He pulled over one of the remaining cots that was in the corner and set it up just across from Lux's. "Just try to get some rest. You'll be okay," he said, reaching out and giving her hand a squeeze.
As he started to pull his hand back, Lux quickly grabbed it again. "Thank you. For everything."
He smiled at her sleepily. "No problem Lux." He couldn't stand the worry and sadness on her face and didn't try to pull his hand away again. All he wanted was to provide a bit of comfort to her.
It had been a few days since Glitter had arrived at the Youngblood's hideout. Glitter rolled over in her cot and opened her eyes but was still half asleep she reached over to Sandman's cot and realized it was empty. The realization caused her to she shoot up and look around.
She slowly made her way up the stairs from the basement of the old record store, as she didn't still didn't know her way around quite yet. Glitter just hoped that everything was okay as she made her way towards the makeshift kitchen and dining area. Just beyond the door, she could hear movement, so she took a deep breath and slowly opened it, not knowing what to expect. 
"San?" She whispered when she saw that it was just Sandman sitting at the table writing.
"GG, you startled me," he jumped, turning around to face her. "Is everything okay?" He looked around nervously.
Glitter came over and sat down next to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just noticed that you weren't sleeping next to me, so I wanted to see if everything was okay."
Sandman closed the notebook, "I just couldn't sleep."
"What are you always writing?" 
Glitter could see that Sandman started to blush. "Well, you know how Punk sing songs and can disable Dracs?" Glitter nodded. "I'm the one that writes most of the songs that he sings."
"Oh my gosh, that's so cool!" 
"It also helps me to keep my thoughts straight and to be able to focus."
Glitter scooted her chair closer to Sandman. "Well, I would love to read some of them at some point, if you'd let me." Glitter laid her head on his shoulder. "But for now, either I need something to perk me up, or we should go back to bed."
Sandman leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Let's go back to bed."
"Hey, can we push the cots closer together? I mean the others know about us, so it wouldn't be weird," Glitter whispered as they made their way back downstairs.
Sandman smiled at her. "Sure, and I would feel even better if your cot was against the wall as well."
As quietly as they could, Glitter and Sandman moved their cots and crawled into them. They lay on their sides facing each other, Sandman with his hand on her waist. "Goodnight GG."
"Night San."
A few days had passed since Glitter left with the Youngbloods. As Lux was staring out the window of the diner, she was regretting almost every decision which lead to her being trapped in this diner.  She was feeling like they were all waiting for BLI to find her and her friends and exterminate all of them. 
Lux had settled into a cold silence toward the other Killjoys, even Kobra, which was hard to maintain because she did still find him to be really cute, and she liked spending time with him, but she was bitter. Each day the ringing in her ears faded more, but it was still a constant reminder of what got her into this mess in the first place.
That evening as she sulked, Party and Ghoul had shot her pitiful looks at her before speeding off in the Trans Am. Jet was in the backroom, snoring softly as he had gotten up early to patrol for Dracs before dawn. All of the Killjoys were taking on extra patrol efforts, and it was wearing them down. Lux could see it on their faces, and it made her feel worse.
"Hey," Kobra said as he approached, snapping her from her thoughts. She nodded as he sat down across from her. "Gone stir crazy yet?"
"I'm just mad at myself. I fucked this all up for everyone and am making life so much harder than it has to be."
"You did something crazy and brave and helped take down a portion of BLI. It was worth it," he said, reaching across the table and giving her hand a squeeze. 
"I'd rather be out there dusting Dracs with Glitter, like normal."
"You wanna get out of here?" Kobra asked, getting up and grabbing his motorcycle helmet off the counter. 
Lux looked up. "Seriously?"
Kobra nodded as he held out the helmet, which Lux took tentatively. She followed him out of the diner and pulled on the helmet. He got on his bike, and Lux slipped on behind him. Her body pressed close to Kobra's as she wrapped her arms around him, and the bike roared to life.
He took off up the road, and like the first time he sprang her free from the diner, Lux was filled with a sense of freedom and relief as the desert flew past them.
Kobra drove westward toward the setting sun, then turned up a road that looked like nothing more than a glorified hiking trail, but he navigated it expertly. Soon he stopped on top of a wide, flat cliff that overlooked the expansive desert, the glow of Battery City beyond that. 
Lux pulled off the helmet and pulled her bandana up over her face before walking to the edge of the cliff and sitting down. "Thanks for bringing me here," Lux murmured, taking in the scenery. 
"I know you feel trapped, and that you miss Glitter, but I thought this might make it a little better," he said as he sat down next to her. 
"I 'preciate it," she smiled, even though he couldn't see it for her bandana.
They both sat quietly as the air around them cooled with the setting sun. Lux shivered involuntarily, and Kobra glanced over at her, now realizing that she had failed to grab her jacket before they left.
"Here," he said, taking off his jacket and putting it around her shoulders.
"Thanks," Lux replied, pulling the jacket on and zipped it up. Her stomach started to do flips when she glanced over and saw the soft smile on his face. She was tempted to do like Glitter suggested and grab him and kiss him, but she didn't want to force the moment. "We can go so you don't get cold," she instead offered.
"Sure," he replied. They climbed back on the motorcycle and sped back to the diner. When they arrived, Lux peeled off the jacket and handed it back to Kobra with his helmet.
"Thanks again for going out of your way for me again, and everything else," Lux said with a sad smile. "I wish I could repay you somehow."
"Don't worry, I'm happy to do it," he replied. He opened his mouth to say something else but hesitated. Suddenly the headlights of the Trans Am lit them up.
"What's going on?" Party asked, seeming concerned to find them outside the diner.
"Nothing, just getting some fresh air," Lux replied curtly, before heading inside.
"That's the first thing I've heard her say since Glitter left," Ghoul said surprised.
"Yea, what did you say to her?" Party asked Kobra. All he got was a shrug in reply as they all went inside.
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killjoytigermom · 5 years
Chapter 5 - Pillars Of Sand
“A musical one, huh?” "Apparently," I replied to Jet's grinning stature at my wit's end as I shuffled through the now quickly cooling diner. The sun had set and the incoming darkness quickly covered the desert with a chilly wind. As the five of us began to hermetically close up the building, I started to realize how weird, hectic, and utterly tiring this day had been, with the Battery City trip and everything else.
Eventually I grabbed one of the blankets we had and walked around the bar of the diner, retreating into the old fashioned kitchen where I opened a few aligned cupboards, revealing the insides that I'd made into a makeshift bedroom over the past couple of years. I always kept the doors open, but liked the reclusiveness of it. I crawled in, on top of the few blankets that already laid there, and curled up underneath the one I'd just grabbed, sighing again and looking at the bread basket I'd put right next to the cupboards- there hadn't been any space left inside next to me. The nameless girl was still vast asleep after my karaoke session, and I was glad of it as I looked at her.
Before I could try and fall asleep myself however, one of the guys walked into the now quickly darkening kitchen. "Ty?," Party questioned quietly. I scoffed; "Yeah, what's up?" "I think we should go to Dr. D tomorrow, tell him the good news." "You think he'd be invested?" "Well, for one, he's a firm believer in the Phoenix Witch, so there's a start," the redhead said as he quietly slid down the drawer section I slept next to, before plopping down onto the tiled floor next to the basket with the girl. He stared at her solemnly before he spoke again. "If there's anyone who might maybe have some answers," he mumbled," it's him."
"I suppose you're right," I sighted, really not wanting to have this conversation at this time. "But I'm sleeping in tomorrow." "You're going to sleep through the morning cold?," Party chuckled, legitimately surprised. "Not just wait for the afternoon slur? Have a little siesta?" "Nope," I said, before shuffling myself further down my cupboard, hoping he'd pick up on my hints. “Not today.”
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“You think they’ll be okay out there?” I snorted as the guys walked out of Dr. Death’s radio station, laughing at something one of them had muttered on their way out. “Ah, they’ll be fine,” Death chuckled amusedly. “Show Pony knows how to keep people entertained alright,” he continued, turning his wheelchair to me and leaning back with a deep sigh. His build was reminiscent of my dad’s, whom I hadn’t been able to contact since the Analog Wars, and I wasn’t sure if I found it comforting or distressing.
His smile faded as his glare went down to the girl in my arms, sleeping soundly. “What to do with you…,” he said quietly, dragging out each word as if questioning himself. He quickly gathered himself however and faced me again. “Party said you wanted to talk to me specifically?” “Oh, uh, yeah,” I stumbled over my words awkwardly. “I always knew you were a spiritual one,” I continued, “but when Party mentioned you were invested in my suicide mission of getting her out of Battery City I was a bit surprised.”
“Well it’s not every day a Killjoy puts their life on the line by walking down Battery City’s streets,” the large man chuckled. “Party told me you had some vision or something, said that he thought it would be good if you and I sat down and had a talk.” “Oh, well…” I thought for a bit. “Then he and I had the same idea. ‘Cuz that’s why I wanted to talk to you alone.” He hummed and adjusted himself in his seat. When he didn’t speak up after that I decided to just rant and get it over with.
“You know how her mum and I were friends, right? Me and Bandit’s Grace? I mean I didn’t see her that much ‘cuz she operated in a different part of the Zones but when she got pregnant I was so ready to become the ‘aunt’ of this kid… And then our two groups met up and they had that ambush lying there, those Scarecrows? She was mere weeks away from delivery so when they’d shot her down instead of dusting her they put one of their Drac masks on her, and I saw them do that and as that happened, everything around me just sorta seemed to slow down, you know how they used to do that in movies? Like the sounds would be like you’re underwater and everything becomes slow motion? It was kinda like that and as they put that mask on her I feel these long, sharp nails in my shoulders, pinching, and I smelled birds - I know that sounds weird but birds DO have a smell, it’s kinda muffy and dusty? - anyway this raspy voice whispered in my ear and I knew I shouldn’t turn around to see who it was and I really didn’t need to ‘cuz when they started talking I knew who she was, and she goes and calls me by my real name and goes ‘you see what’s happening there’ as she points at Grace and as she’s pointing, Grace’s chest starts glowing but like, from the inside? It looked like when you take an old flashlight that had those yellow light bulbs and hold them against the palm of your hand and this little orb became smaller and smaller and moved from her chest to her stomach and the Witch just went ‘that’s what you’ve got to protect. At all costs. Tell them. There won’t be a next time’, and then everything just went back to normal.”
I was quiet for a moment and looked up at Dr. Death, who didn’t seem to have moved a muscle. “After that I got the worst headache and felt my knees shake and before I knew it I was lying in the dirt, limp.” Death remained silent. I waited for a bit but then plainly said: “That’s it, I’m done now.” Still nothing. He almost seemed lost in thought but the direct eye contact he was making suggested otherwise. “I don’t know why she chose me, honestly. Probably because she wanted someone to stand in for her mom, and she wanted to give me some good motivation for it instead of being all cryptic about it? I don’t know Doc., I truly don’t.” “And you didn’t tell anyone else besides the rest of the Fab Five,” Dr. Death suddenly asked. I shook my head, still holding the tiny human in my arms as it slept. “I didn’t feel comfortable telling anyone else.”
Death sighed once more and leaned back in his chair again. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “Y’know kid, I hate to admit this but even I don’t know all about the Phoenix Witch. I do know what she does: she helps those who got dusted in the fight to find some peace, and for that we should be thankful, but stuff like this?” He gestured with his hand and made a face. “This is beyond me too kiddo.” I sighed. “I know, and I don’t blame you, I just wish I could know why me? Or maybe there even isn’t a why, maybe it was just a roll of the dice….”
When we both remained silent I continued rambling. “And next to that it’s like, why is she being so cryptid about this kid,” I said while nodding at the baby in my arms. “I mean I’m not against getting as many people out of BL/ind.’s clutches as possible but why is THIS ONE so special? ‘Cuz she’s making it sound like this one is going to wake Destroya one day or something!” “Isn’t that android belief?” Death asked, an eyebrow raised. I shrugged annoyedly. “I don’t know what to believe at this point anymore man, but the Witch is sure making it sound like this is the new Messiah or something like that.”
Dr. Death chuckled at that. “Wouldn’t that be somethin’... then again, a Killjoy, born from someone who’s turned into a Draculoid? You never know,” he winked. I blinked a couple of times, registering what he’d said. “I mean yeah, when you put it like that…”
Then suddenly, Death briskly turned his wheelchair around and made his way to the minifridge across the room. “I’m sure the Phoenix Witch knows what she’s doing, I have faith in that. All advice I can give is follow her instructions,” he said as he opened the door and the blue light illuminated his face. “Soda?” “Sure.” He grabbed two brightly colored cans from the fridge and closed the door. “Well, either way, whatever happens, you know me and my crew are on your side. That includes Cherri and Pony,” he assured me as he handed me the can.
“If there’s ever something you need that you can’t get at Tommy’s, or just need someone to help out, you know where to find us,” he said with a smile before opening the sizzling can in his hands. “Which reminds me,” he said after taking a big swig, “how did you guys even manage to get that deep into Battery City? The place is sprawling with BL/ind. forces, they should’ve spotted you immediately!”
I opened my own can and took a small swig as well before explaining. “There’s a group called The Undead, they operate from within Battery City, even before it was called ‘Battery City’. While they’re not the biggest believers, they’ll support anything that can possibly help them bring back the city that they lost. Ghoul once got in touch when them when he needed materials for his explosives, that’s how we were able to get their help - Party probably mentioned it would help their cause if they helped us. They mainly operate from The Lobby, but have mastered making their way through town unnoticed.”
Dr. Death hummed approvingly. “Maybe Battery City’s built on more pillars of sand than we thought,” he mumbled with a small smile.
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dracdad-a · 6 years
New Beginnings.
something cute i wrote at like 3 am because my mind was yelling at me to do it lmao
  The quiet atmosphere unnerves her -- she's gotten used to sleeping during the day like every other monster, of course -- carefully training herself for the time when all those disgusting and annoying creatures got on board the Legacy.
  But even then, she'd still had the company of the soothing sounds of velvety waves crashing against the side of the ship, and the occasional creaking noises all plastic, wood, and metal made whenever the large vessel gently rocked from one side to the other, and slowly back again.
  However, now, alone in an empty enough room in the famous Hotel Transylvania, a slight sense of panic and loneliness starts to wash over her as she lay awake. Though her mattress is comfortable, and the sheets wrapping her body are warm and very cosy, the stillness of the place make her inwardly feel rather twitchy as well. Ericka has never been on land for too long. This place is unfamiliar, and although it had been warm and welcoming, she is still surrounded by both humans and the very monsters she'd been taught all her life to hate and hunt.
  Dracula had been kind; he'd given her space, and her very own room to settle in for now, which she had been endlessly thankful for. They hadn't wanted to rush things, and inviting her to share a room with him just as they'd arrived would have been too much, too quickly. But now, she finds she can't sleep at all, in spite of all of this. The hotel is beautiful and huge -- providing her with a warmth she hadn't known she needed -- but now the emptiness of the room seems to be asphyxiating her.
  A heavy sigh escapes from between her lips and she sits up on her bed, glancing around to subconsciously ground herself to the here and now. Well. Perhaps... she should make herself some tea.
  Her fingers move one piece of clothing aside from inside her neatly organised suitcase, and then another, trying to find something comfortable and appropriate to wear around the building instead of just her white pyjamas. She is a stranger to most, and making bad first impressions is something she definitely wants to avoid. Finally, upon finding something to put on over her top, she stands up and slides the piece of clothing over her head, and her arms through the loose sleeves. This should be okay, for now.
  The old door loudly creaks open a minute later and she peeks into the empty hallway to make sure she hadn't bothered anyone with all the noise. "Can't sleep?" A voice startles her; she glances down to find the shrunken head hanging from her doorknob.
  "Oh, I -- not really. But it's fine! I was just... going to get some fresh air." She offers the other a smile, which is kind of pointless considering the monster had its eyes sewn shut a long time ago. She steps outside and closes the door behind her, informing the door-knocker that she'd probably be back soon. The human feels awkward and really out of place, in spite of everyone's kindness and reassurances, and she's not sure what to do or who to talk to about that.
  She could try talking to Drac but... she has a strong feeling she knows what he'd say anyway.
  Now, what had Mavis told her? Where is the kitchen, again? Thank God for her good sense of orientation, for she doesn't have to ponder too long on which way to go this time around. The hotel is gigantic, and she is pretty certain more than one guest has lost their way more than once before. Endless hallways and rooms make up the majority of the stone-walled building, and it is quite easy not to know where one is or where they are actually headed to, but she thankfully finds the elevators relatively quickly.
  Some humans were up and about -- creatures used to sleeping at night instead of during the day -- and she greets them with a smile, a little salute, and a polite, "good morning!" of hers. It feels somewhat comforting to be around some of her kind, though Ericka has never really had true friends to begin with.
  She'd grown up with her great-grandfather on board the ship and socialising with other humans isn't something she has too much experience with when her primary goal was an entirely different one. But then again, monsters and human beings aren't as unalike as she'd always thought they were, aren't they? People are people, she'd come to understand recently, no matter the species they belong to, and whatever differences she might find are mostly simply general cultural ones; ones anyone would even find between humans themselves.
  She slips into the kitchen with ease, finding that some of the staff members are already up and working this early -- or is it late for them? -- but soon finds herself being ushered out of the room by a short pointy-nosed gargoyle who gently insists on preparing the soothing beverage for her in her place. They all know perfectly well who she is -- news had spread rather quickly about all that had happened in the city of Atlantis, and yet no one here has so far brought it up or even looked at her badly for being a raised monster hunter.
  And... now she's back to square one, she notes, sitting down at one of the tables of the large dinning room. Feeling useless, alone and uncomfortable yet again, her long fingers impatiently drum against the flat surface of the wooden table.
  "... Miss Ericka?"
  Ah. She recognises that voice. Blue eyes find the boy's wide curious ones staring up at her. His red curly hair is as messy as it always is, but some warmth spreads through the Van Helsing's chest then, and the woman smiles. She's never seen herself much as a family person, but she can't help but care about the Dracula family very deeply already. "Dennis? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?" A quirked brow from her part makes the child fumble awkwardly with the rolled up piece of paper he's apparently holding in his little hands.
  "Uh... I was just getting a snack. I know I should be in bed, but I... got hungry and I didn't wanna' wake up mommy."
  "Well, shouldn't you go back to bed now? I'm sure she's going to worry if she happens to wake up, and finds out you're not in your room, honey."
"I guess." He seems to momentarily hesitate before speaking again, "and why are you up?"
  "I..." What should she say? She has so very little experience with children, it actually makes her frown to herself, albeit slightly. "... I couldn't sleep. So I decided to come down here and get something nice to drink."
  "But why not?"
  A pause. Oh, darn. She shrugs; briefly looks away. "I don't know. Maybe it's the whole time-zones change." The kid nods, but she isn't sure if he understands what it means. Perhaps he does, but she doesn't truly know how clever children are these days anymore. "What's that?" she asks in spite of herself, trying to change the subject and get the boy to go sleep after this little chat.
  "Nothing!" He quickly hides the paper behind his back.
  "Uhm..." he shrinks a little, slowly pulling the rolled up paper from behind his back. "... It's a surprise."
  "A surprise? For whom?"
  "My dad."
  "Can I see it?" she inquires.
  "You won't tell him, will you?"
  "Of course not. I promise."
  "Stake your heart?"
  "Stake my -- ? Sure." She closes her hand into a fist and places it over her chest in what she hopes is the correct gesture. Dennis' smile is a big one as he cheerfully hands her the paper.
  "He said something really cool before, and I wanted to make him a drawing."
  Her eyes carefully scan the colourful drawing, and her lips curve upwards before she can help it. Ericka glances down at him. "This looks really good. When were you planning on giving it to him?"
  "Jus' tomorrow. I finished it before you walked in here."
  Her smile turns into a little knowing smirk. "So you weren't here just to get a snack, then?"   "I uhm..."   The doors behind her opens, and the gargoyle steps into the room with a tray resting on his dark grey hooves.   "Oh, ah -- thank you." She gives the piece of paper back to the boy and gently takes the offered tray with the tea and sugar.   "No need to thank me, Miss." A brief but toothy smile shows the monster's pointy set of teeth before he leaves, and her stomach immediately drops. Does she really deserve all the good treatment she'd been getting?   "Are you okay?" Hearing such a sweet voice is apparently a good way to snap her from her troubling thoughts.   "Oh. Yes, I'm fine. I'm just tired, I think."   "Why don't you go sleep?"   "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"   She receives a sheepish look from him. "Yeah, I know. I think I'll go back to bed then."   "Okay. And be careful."   "Sure!"   It's after Dennis is gone that she's free to swim in the depths of her own mind again. The warm liquid she drinks soothes her nerves right away, but she notices she's not as gloomy as she was before. Ericka is part of a warm, open and beautiful family now, and she notes she can't stop smiling upon coming to that nice realisation on her own. Her great grand-father, though he'd taken care of her and raised her had never really done anything for her out of the kindness of his heart like this new family of hers has.   Sure, she might still feel lonely at times, for the adaptation process will not be brief, but she does have a lot of people around her who truly care about her. And more importantly, Ericka finally knows she's not alone anymore, and she can't wait to start making new amazing memories with all of them.   She might just be able to properly get some shut-eye tonight after all.
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axelsagewrites · 6 years
Draco Malfoy*Library
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“Watch where your going, (Y/L/N)” Malfoy sneered.
“Oops. I was blinded by your bad dye job.” I fake smiled, turning back to my friends. “What a twat.” I hate that Malfoy. All Malfoy’s, to be honest.
I'm a Muggle-born who stands up for themselves and takes no crap. Basically, everything he hated. And he’s a cocky, blood elitist who needs to be taken down a peg or two. Aka what I hated.
Luckily we only share transfigurations, astronomy and muggle studies. My three best subjects, and two of his worst. Its always fun getting better than him.
“He might be an arrogant toerag,” Ginny, my friend since her 1st and my 2nd year said, “But you have to admit he’s kinda hot.” I shot her a look “I know, I know. He is a twat. But the hot kind. The worst kind.”
I sigh “Unfortunately your right.”
“I normally am.” I roll my eyes. I refuse to admit but in first year I fancied him. disgusting, I know. But once I talked to him for more than a second the crush disappeared.
 Astronomy was a hellish subject since it was at night. After a long day of potions, idiots and tedious work the last thing I wanted to do was walk up the astronomy tower. Sure I like astronomy but that doesn’t mean I like the timing.
Professor Sinstra said a quick hello as I was setting up my station. Soon the rest of the class was there. I was in the middle of looking through my telescope when a hand covered the lens. I huffed “Look who we have here. Little (Y/L/N)” Malfoy sneered.
“Malfoy, please and kindly bugger off you insufferable bigot.”
“Ouch,” he held a hand to his heart if he has one “That hurt.”
“Everyone take your seat,” Professor called.
Malfoy smirked as he went back to his cronies. The class went by as normal but before we packed up she said the dreaded words “Okay class I'm going to partner you up for your assignment.” Damn it.
Everyone groaned as she started listing off names. “Abbot and Parkinson, Goyle and Smith, Malfoy and (Y/L/N)…” She kept going and I groaned, holding my head in my hands. Why? Of all people? Malfoy?
She dismissed us after she told us our assignment. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk down the huge amount of stairs. “(Y/L/N), wait.” I heard a bored voice. I sped up.
I heard people complain and someone rush down the stairs to catch up. Malfoy grabbed my arm and I ripped it away. “What?”
“I'm not getting a bad mark because I don’t like you.”
“How sweet.” I roll my eyes “Look, you suck at Astronomy. I’ll do the work, you show up. Win-win, right?”
“How is that a win?”
I groan “Because you’d mess up the project and this way we don’t need to talk.”
“No.” I sigh “Theirs no way I'm leaving my mark in your hands. Meet me at the library tomorrow at 7.”
I had no time to complain as he fell back to talk to his friends. Great, I need to try work with that. I think my eyes might roll out my head.
 When someone says to meet at 7 you’d assume they'd be there at 7. And I got here 5 minutes late. I had already got all the books I thought we’d need for the project. Sitting at the table, tapping my pencil, head in hand, it was already 7:15. We’ve only got 45 minutes before the library shuts.
Eventually, his majesty walks in. “Sorry, I'm late I didn’t want to be here.”
“Me neither.” I glare “I've got the books.”
“Whatever,” He doesn’t even look at me. He grabs a couple of the books “Let's work at the back. I don’t want people thinking I like you.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
 I don’t even know how long we’ve been doing this project for since theirs no clock back here. Suddenly we hear a loud thud and some rustling. I look at Dra-Malfoy but he’s already looking at me. “What time is it?”
He looks at his watch “8:15. Why?” I'm already rushing out my seat and running to the library door. It's shut. I try the handle and the huge doors don’t budge. I bang on the door but after a couple tries I give up.
“Whats up?” I turn on my heels to face Draco.
“We’ve been locked in.”
“What?” Now he rushes to the door.
I sigh and sit on a desk “That’s what the thud was the doors. Madam Pince must have locked it.”
“Didn’t she know we were in here?”
I shook my head “Must've not realised. Plus we were in the very back of the library. She probably wanted to get to bed.”
He turned to me “Well what are we meant to do?”
“How should I know?” I throw my hands in the air “It's not like-do you have your wand?”
His hands go to his pockets. He shakes his head “I left it in the dorms, I think.”
“Think?” He shrugged “I'm going to check the table.” I quickly rush over. I look on, under and all around the desk. “Nope.” I sigh defeated.
“I'm guessing you don’t have yours?”
I run my hand through my hair “Nope. Fred and George hexed it.” He raised an eyebrow “Were in a prank war.” He nodded.
We stood in silence. “Do you think anyone might have left their wand?”
“Might as well check.” I sigh
 After searching the library for 20 minutes we turn up nothing. “Maybe Filch will catch us?” He suggests.
I shrug, defeated and walk to Madam Pinch desk. “Who knows.” I start rummaging through her desk. “I'm going to make the best of this though.” I pull a large tin out one of the drawers and place it on the desk. “Secret Stash.” I grin as I open it.
It was full of sweets and snacks. “How did you know?”
“I'm in here every other day. We’re on a first name basis.”
He nods and grabs a chocolate frog. “To making the best out of the worst situation.” He holds his frog up.
 After about 5 minutes of snacking we agree to preserve our only food and went our separate ways. This was hard in a library. I try reading a couple books but I can't be bothered. Deciding to look for something else I realise the library only really has books. Shocker.
On my walk around the shelves, I bump into Drac-Malfoy building something out of the books. “What the hell are you doing?”
He glanced at me “Building. I'm bored, ok?” I lean against the shelves, watching him build. “Are you gonna help or what?”
I huff but I grab a couple books. It was a tower of books, 3 books by 4 and getting taller by the minute. As we built we actually started talking. We kept butting heads so he said “Look, neither of us like each other but were stuck here. Can we just not fight? I've already got a headache as it is.”
“What are we meant to talk about?” He shrugs, grabbing more books. “How about this, no talking about grades, houses, blood, or any other of your disgusting believes. No talk of war or Potter either.”
Surprisingly with all the topics off the table we got on well. as the tower got higher it got harder to build. It passed my height so I just passed Draco books. Once it passed his height he seemed to give up. Instead, I ran and grabbed a chair.
“Steady me,” I told him as I grabbed some books and stood on the chair.
Draco hesitantly held my legs to stop me falling. “This ok?”
“Yeah.” I place more books on. “Pass me some books.”
Eventually, we physically couldn’t get the tower any higher. We sat at the end of the aisle looking at our masterpiece. “What time is it?”
“10 to 10. What do you wanna do now?”
 We started searching the library again, this time together and chatting, to find something, anything. Eventually, we found some exploding snaps madam Pince had confiscated.
Neither of us said it but we had a great time. Since there was no beds or anything we had to get creative. We found the smallest window in the library, which was still pretty big, and stole its curtains.
I had to go on Draco’s shoulders to reach the top. It wasn’t weird. Maybe my crush from first year wasn’t gone? I shook off the thought as the curtain fell to the ground.
Draco put me down. “I present our duvet for tonight.” He said as he picked up one end “This is heavier than I thought.”
I chuckled at the blond and grabbed the other side. We dragged it over to the middle of the library. “We either sleep on the tables or floors.”
He looked from the table to the floor “The floor probably. It's kinda softer since its carpet. But it's up to you.”
“Floor it is.”
 I don’t know what time we fell asleep at but I know we were talking right up to it. I woke up to Draco shaking me. “What the hell Malfoy?” I groan, rubbing my eyes. He nodded in front of us. I look and see Madam Pince, Dumbledore and Filch standing over us.
Madam Pince has a scowl on her face, Filch is glaring at us and Dumbledore is…smiling? “And what are you two doing in my library?!”
“Hey, you locked us in.” Draco defended us.
She looked confused “I did?”
“Yeah, we were sitting up the back and next thing you know the doors locked.”
She looks at Filch “If they’ve been in here overnight how did you not know?”
“How am I meant to know where every student is?”
“There the only 2 out of bed!”
“I think,” Dumbledore stopped their scrambling “We should let these two go to their dorms to freshen up?”
We nod and Draco stands up and holds his hand out to pull me up. We walk out the library but here a small shriek  “My books!”
“The tower.” We both say before bolting towards the dorms.
We slow down after a minute, laughing “She’s never letting us back in.” I say.
“Who cares?” We slow our pace to a walk and catch our breath, still smiling “You know, your not horrible company.”
“Oh, how flattering. Someone might think you like me.”
“I do.” I freeze “I mean after being stuck in their with you. You're not half bad. You're not bad at all.”
“Your not bad yourself, Malfoy.”
He looked at the ground for a moment “Call me Draco. You were saying it last night.”
“Ok, Draco. See you later.”
“Bye (Y/N).”
 Ever since then we hung out a couple times. Then a couple times turned into a few times, turned into every day.
I was walking to meet him at the black lake but I was running a bit late. “What took you so long?”
“Bumped into Fred.” I sat down next to him.
I turned to him “Oh, what?”
“Draco, what is it.”
“Damn it (Y/N)! you know I don’t like Fred.” He raised his voice.
It took me a moment to respond “Draco! I don’t care if you don’t like him! He’s my friend. I thought you were getting over your stupid blood thoughts.”
“It's not about that.” He mutters.
I put my hands on my hips “Do enlighten me? Whats it about?”
“He’s always flirting with you.”
I recoiled slightly. Fred, flirting? Ew, he’s basically my brother! “Even if he was whats it to you?”
“I like you!” He basically yells “Okay. Is that what you want to hear? That i-“ I cut him off by pressing my lips against his.
He shuts up immediately, his hands finding their way into my hair. I pull back slightly “Yes. That’s what I want to hear.”
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nitritehound · 3 years
Mod note:
Hey guys!! so, starting tomorrow, I’ll be moving onto the 11th grade and with it, my frequency of using tumblr will drop by a lot :”) i’ll be on between 6:30am and 7:15am-ish and after 6pm and 9pm on weekdays except thursdays, when i might be able to spend some time online in the afternoons. i will likely not be able to respond immediately, so do mind me :”) i will update on my responding times when my exams roll around!! thank you :D
Love, Agni. (dated 4/2/2022)
Name: Aziraphale Schütz
Alias: Nitrite Hound
Age: 23; 18th August
Gender: Boyflux, he/him/fae/faer
Languages: English, German.
Looks: 1.91m tall. Lightly tanned, almost never smiles. A scar on the bridge of faers nose. black eyeshadow, and has an eyebrow piercing. wears knife earrings, and a choker with a bell. he wears a white tank top, with a translucent black long-sleeved netted shirt with gold moons on it, and a black leather jacket with bi and boyflux flag buttons. Fae wears black jeans with a silver belt, and black combat boots. he has a dagger in its sheath hanging from his belt. sometimes covered in blood. his or someone else's, that's for you to decide.
General FC: Tom Webb
Backstory: Fae lived in the city with his parents, until they escaped when he was only 2 years old. After that, his mother gave birth to his younger sibling ( @showpony-kj ) in the zones. Now, he and his sibling live in zone 2 together, while their parents are elsewhere in the zones.
Likes: Knife throwing, playing the drums, driving his bike around the zones, meeting new people (albeit his appearance), helping his allies, being a menace to the city, chemistry and alcohol (runs a bar), reading, bubblegum. expert swordfighter and hand-to-hand combatant. very smart.
Dislikes: The city, drinking, being told to shut up, being told he can't do something, smiling too much, having to repeat faerself too many times.
Personality: Dead inside, monotone, smiles once in a month, short-tempered. swears, but not a lot. very smart- don't try and fool fae, you'll regret it. careful and detailed. caring, kind on the inside. doesn't know how to show any form of emotion. tries his best to show kindness and avoid coming off as rude (doesn't work).
Misc. notes: Doesn't spend much time around others as most of the time, fae is going around the zones on his bike to search for dracs, exterminators, etc. He is an assassin and is always ready to strike. this will act up if he is ever snuck up on. Fae calls people "doll" sometimes, but please tell me if this makes you uncomfortable.
Mod info:
Main: @thesamegirlunderneath
Sonar/EM/UV: @sonar-blast
Shiori Iwasaki: @iwasakishiori-kjrp
Genshin Impact: @fabulae--textile
Mod tags: agni.exe; ooc
Timezone: GMT+8
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ciestessde · 4 years
Chapter 9
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Another few months, another few eternities, and another stage that needs setting for the next phase in Xihrae’s plan.
Tess has arrived to pick up the Englishman, "Jonathan," just before midnight. He’s waiting with the villagers who’d volunteered to bring him through the valley and to the foot of the mountain. They seem to be trying to tell him about those of us in the castle without revealing our little secret, but… well, they just don’t know enough English, nor he enough of their language. The carriage comes close enough for the humans to hear, and the villagers cease their chatter to wave at and greet Tess. < Their genuine enthusiasm actually makes me smile! > Right as Tess stops next to them, her wolves begin howling, reminding me what night it is.
Tonight is a special night for vampire-kind. They’re stronger tonight, and the wolves can sense that difference. The creatures are both celebrating it and giving out a warning -- and a challenge -- to any who might oppose their masters. The villagers didn’t forget, it seems. They’re closing their eyes and enjoying the music. Jonathan, on the other hand, is looking left and right, shaking and shivering and gripping the edge of his seat. He’s a bundle of nerves, and his companions soon notice. They’re jeering at him, poking his sides and laughing.
< Now THAT makes me smile! > < No kidding. A few years ago and they would have been even more terrified of that sound than Jonathan. But now… > < Now they trust me. They trust that I control the wolves, and that I will keep them from attacking! > < Those innocent fools. >
A couple snaps of Tess’s fingers get the group’s attention, and Jonathan hops into the back of the carriage. The howling continues as she drives the horses back up the path to the castle. Jonathan, while calmer (likely reassured by the villagers’ reaction to the wolves) still jumps when the sound comes closer or gets louder.
Occasionally, Tess spots a little, mysterious blue flame in the forest and stops to investigate it as we pass. < … I'd say I appreciate the gesture, but you’re just doing this- > < -to confuse Jonathan. Yep! I won’t be able to play with him much, if I want the plan to work, so I need to have what little fun I can! >
As we near the gates, the wolves come onto the path to greet Tess -- and block any intruders. < … One last little prank couldn’t hurt, right? > Tess gets out of the carriage to pet her wolf-soldiers -- much, she notices with great pleasure, to Jonathan’s shock.
< ... EHEM! > < UGH! Alright! Time to get to business. > The wolves run next to the carriage the rest of the way to the castle gate. Once inside, Tess takes Jonathan’s luggage, leads him to the door, and knocks. When a maid allows us in, Tess hands her the luggage and tells Jonathan to follow her to the guest room he’ll be staying in.
"You’ve had a long journey. Take this time to refresh yourself. And, if you wish, you can join the Count and I for a meal?" Hesitantly he replies, "If it’s not a bother, that does sound lovely." "No bother at all, though I’m certain you would prefer to sleep, with how exhausted you must be. However… and this is a bit awkward, but…" Tess puts on her best ‘please forgive me’ act. "The Count… he has a few peculiarities. One of them being his schedule. He prefers to work at night, you see, so-"
"Quite alright. I understand that those of higher station often find themselves with a few… quirks." He strengthens his stance, shoulders back and feet square. A show of reliability and respect. "It is my job to work around my client’s needs." "... Very well. I’ll have them prepare a plate for you then." Tess nods to another servant, and they scamper away. "I hope you won’t be offended, but I must see to a few things before joining you." He nods, "Quite alright."
She hands him off to the maid, then, and goes back outside to care for the horses and carriage. By the time we make it to the dining area, Jonathan is already finishing his meal. "Ah, you’ve already met my dear Ciestess?" Drac introduces her. He’s sitting in one of the comfier chairs in front of the fire. "Indeed…" Jon replies, an unspoken question in his tone. "She is something between a sister and an advisor to me. A good friend, let’s say."
His suspicions dispelled, Jonathan smiles, stands, and holds out his hand. Tess takes it, and he gives a courteous "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Ciestess." Drac offers him a seat by the fire, and Jonathan joins him in front of it. "I would offer you a cigar, but I’m afraid the smoke does not agree with dear ‘Tess." "I see," he nods a few times, "Quite alright, quite alright." < Is that his favorite phrase or something? >
There is silence -- the kind one only encounters in the dead of night, and Tess’s wolves choose that moment to begin to howl again. She gives a contented hum, and Drac closes his eyes and rests his head against the chair in appreciation. Tess’s eyes stay open, however, and she watches Jonathan, who is clearly still uncomfortable with the sound -- shifting in his seat, crossing, uncrossing, and recrossing his legs. < So amusing! > "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!" Drac exclaims. He opens his eyes. Then, glancing at Jonathan’s discomfort, says, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."
Tess smirks. < Heh. Playing the part a little strong there, Drac. You’re not just smiling, you’re grinning. Why, ~if I didn’t know better~, I’d think you were enjoying this! > < Enjoying it a little too much. If he’s any more flamboyant, he’ll blow his cover! > < Worrywart. >
Drac rises from the chair, Jonathan following his example. "Well, I do believe we have kept you from your rest long enough. Your bedroom is all ready, and tomorrow you shall sleep as late as you will. I have to be away for a time, but Ciestess will see to you. Sleep well and dream well!" Drac leaves with a soft snap and rustle of his cloak, and Tess leads Jonathan back to the guest room. Once he’s safely inside, she checks that the servants -- at least one of them -- is staying in view of his door. < Good. We really can’t have him wandering. >
Tess spends the majority of the day after that sleeping. Come evening, we’re curled up in her reading-writing nook, engrossed in a fantasy novel, when one of the servants alerts her that Jonathan is awake.
We find him eating the breakfast that was prepared for him and Tess invites him to the library, "The Count will join us in a couple of hours, but you might find something to entertain yourself until then." He does indeed, looking through all of the information laid out on the table for him; everything Tess, Xihrae, and I had gathered about the house and the area around it. He seems impressed.
Finally, Drac joins us and they discuss the details of the sale. Tess and I don’t bother paying attention. Our goal is to keep Drac on the track Xihrae has planned for him, not assist him in buying a house. That is a detail unworthy of our attention.
So we read. And they come to some conclusion. Jonathan returns to his room to rest a bit more. And he leaves in the morning.
Unharmed. And unsuspecting.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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