#mile high club or this
ecstarry · 3 months
imagine regulus’ bachelor trip were he made pandora best woman and she makes everyone wear pink team groom shirts and pink cowboy hats with sparkles and honestly reg doesn’t mind because the sight of all of them with matching shirts in the airport is fucking hilarious they are in the american express lounge waiting for their flight and parents are keeping their children close and covering their ears because barty ‘bad mouth’ crouch can’t stop talking about all the absolutely not family friendly activities they will be doing that weekend
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thisapplepielife · 20 days
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Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember.
Ready For It?
Week #1 Prompt: Mile High Club | Word Count: 2589 | Rating: E | POV: Steve | CW: Sex Acts, Risk of Being Heard, Alcohol Consumption | Tags: Famous Corroded Coffin, Road Manager Steve, Established Relationship, Steve Will Make Good on an Old Promise, But The Guys of Corroded Coffin Don't Wish to Hear It
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"Are you ready for it?" Eddie asks, standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Steve hears it creak, and rattle, under his weight. It's a door that's not made to be touched or used, only looked at, Steve's pretty sure.
"Don't lean on that. What's it?" Steve asks, not looking up from the binder that's on the desk in front of him. He has a thousand things to look over before they land, and he really doesn't have time for whatever nonsense Eddie's proposing. 
And Steve knows Eddie well enough to know it really could be anything that he's trying to break Steve's concentration with. A tray of shots. A racoon he smuggled on board the plane. Or just his finger sticking out of the fly of his jeans, so he can pretend it's his dick. 
Nothing would surprise him at this point. Between the four of them, he's seen everything twice at this point. Okay, maybe not the raccoon. But Eddie would, if he could just get one caught.
"It," Eddie stresses again, but not elaborating any further. 
Steve finally looks up, "It, like, the clown? What do you mean, it? You love to talk, use your words."
Steve's sure he sounds snappish, and short-tempered. But he's always this way before a show, and Eddie knows it. He entered at his own risk. There's too much to do, and never enough time.
That's why Steve gets this back section of the plane, the only bit of privacy on board, unless he wants to hang out in the john. So, he squirrels away back here so he can work while they're flying from show to show. It's technically a bedroom, and there is a bed that any of them are welcome to use to sleep while Steve works, as long as they are fucking quiet about it. 
Eddie's never quiet, though. 
And today surely won't be the moment that changes. 
Eddie laughs, amused and delighted, and it's a good sound, so Steve relaxes against his will, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Spit it out," Steve says, raising an eyebrow, then watches as Eddie pulls the flimsy accordion door closed behind him. It's not much of a door, more of a paper-thin screen, and Steve hopes whatever Eddie's about to say is something he's fine with the rest of the band hearing, because. Well. Door basically made of tissue paper and paper clips.
Lean on it, and you're definitely crashing through, as if you're the Kool-Aid Man, and that's why Steve just leaves it pushed open all the time. He's scared if any of them touch it, they'll destroy it and then they'll have to pay some ungodly amount of money to replace a shitty excuse for a fucking door.
Eddie flops on the bed, or what passes for one at the back of a small, private plane. For as much as this costs to lease, Steve really thinks it should be a little more sturdy in the furniture department. 
Steve watches as Eddie then runs his hands over his body, down his chest, finally settling on framing his crotch with his hands. 
"That's it?" Steve questions, trying not to laugh, but he's smiling. He can't not. Eddie's ridiculous. But he loves him. 
"C'mon, you promised we'd join the mile high club. Let's do it now."
Steve had promised that, a long time ago, when it seemed highly unlikely that he'd ever have to make good on the deal. Eddie wanted to do it on a commercial flight once upon a time, and Steve preferred to not have an audience of three-hundred and an indecent exposure arrest on his record when the plane touched down.
So, he'd promised that when Eddie made it big, and had his own private plane, they'd do it then.
Fucker probably went and did it just to spite Steve. 
But Steve smiles, "You can't be serious. They are right out there. They can hear every word we're saying-"
"We can!" Gareth yells from the other side of the sad excuse for a door, "And we are formally requesting that this not happen. We voted."
Eddie laughs, and shouts back, "You don't get to vote on whether I have sex or not! This is not a fucking democracy!"
"We do. We did. It is," Goodie says back, interjecting, not even raising his voice. He doesn't need to, nothing is blocking the sound, and Steve can hear all three of them cackling. He's sure they're each three drinks into the mini bar by now. 
He really should go take it away. They've got a show tonight, and he needs everybody to be able to stand on their own two feet. Well, Gareth just has to be able to sit. But Steve's not gonna remind him of that. Give him an inch, he'll take a mile.
Eddie sticks out his bottom lip. 
"You'll trip on that lip, if you keep it up," Steve says, looking back down at his tour bible. 
"Steve," Eddie whines. 
Steve closes his binder, and crawls up on the bed, until he's hovering over Eddie's face, whispering, "We will. I don't renegade on my deals, you know that. But not right now. Wait until we're at least halfway alone."
Eddie's about to argue, Steve can tell, he always can, when they hear an acoustic guitar plucking out the melody to Let's Get It On. Then it's followed by laughing, and Gareth drumming on something with his hands, and Goodie making bass noises with his mouth. 
Eddie laughs, "Okay. Point taken."
And Steve's fucking thrilled, because those three already know more about their sex life than Steve would ever prefer. 
"Alright, alright!" Eddie shouts, and they howl as they stop. 
Eddie's big eyes are still pouting, but he nods, ever so slightly.
"Nap with me at least?" Eddie asks.
Steve looks at his watch, figures out the remaining duration of the flight plan, and decides he probably has enough time for a short nap.
"That I can do," Steve says, and crawls on the bed, curling against Eddie's side. 
"I really wanted to join that club," Eddie says. "I wanna get my wings."
Steve laughs, "That's not how you get wings"
"It could be," Eddie stresses. And yeah, Steve supposes it could.
"Okay. You will," Steve promises. Just, hopefully when everybody else is knocked the fuck out. 
They have almost no privacy from each other, as is, but doing that with them right there would be ridiculous. They'd never hear the end of it. 
Eddie rolls off the bed, standing up, and starts removing his jeans. Steve's seen this move before. He knows the ending, and waggles his finger, shutting that shit down. 
Eddie doesn't listen. He never does. And the jeans hit the ground, the heavy belt buckle reverberating as it lands. 
Then he's standing there in his boxer briefs. Hand fondling his dick. 
Steve shakes his head. 
Eddie pantomimes jacking himself off, then points at his eyes, then at Steve, then at his own eyes again. 
Steve rolls his eyes. There's no way in hell Eddie can stand there and jerk off with Steve watching, and stay completely quiet. 
But if Eddie wants to embarrass himself, which probably isn't even possible, then he can go right ahead. As long as Steve doesn't have to be involved in any compromising ways.
So, Steve folds his hands behind his head, propping himself up, and crosses his legs at the ankle, getting comfortable. 
Then raises his eyebrows, like, I'm waiting. 
Eddie wastes no time, he steps out of his underwear, and strokes himself one, twice, then holds up a finger. Telling Steve to wait. Steve waits as Eddie bends over, bare ass mooning him, and Steve smiles. 
He's never prepared for anything. 
He finally digs around in his duffle until he comes up with the lube and raises his eyebrows, slicking up his hand, and going back to stroking. 
He tilts his head back, exposing his throat, and Steve looks between that length of pale skin and his hard cock sliding in and out of his fist. The soft sound of his strokes, the sight of the head of his cock appearing and disappearing, his other hand on his chest, playing with the ring through his nipple.
It's working on Steve, of course it is, even if he's not gonna cave and get fucked right now. But he'll enjoy the show, and has to force himself to not give in and join in. He won't give Eddie the satisfaction.
Eddie adjusts his head back upright, and catches Steve's eyes. Then he looks down at his slick cock, gazing at his own hand as if he isn't the one doing it to himself.
And they both watch. The slide, the firm grip of his talented, calloused fingers, and Steve lets out a small involuntary noise.
That's all it takes. Eddie's gonna come. Steve can see it in the shudder that rolls through his body, can see it in the tension in his stomach, his forearm, as he slows his stroke as he looks around for something to come in, to not make a fucking mess. Unprepared, as always.
Steve takes pity on him, and sits up, scooting towards the edge of the bed, letting Eddie slot between his thighs. 
Then he lowers his head, and opens his mouth. 
Eddie keeps stroking, and then slips the head of his cock past Steve's lips, the underside of his length rubbing against Steve's tongue, as he thrusts in once, twice, shudders and bites back a whine as he pushes all the way in, coming.
Steve closes around him, bobbing slightly, and swallowing as Eddie chuckles. Steve lets go, and licks his lips. 
Eddie bends down, slick hand finding Steve's cheek, and Steve can't even complain as he kisses him. Then Eddie's crawling onto the bed and falling face first into his pillow, sure to be asleep in a minute or less. 
Steve slides back off the bed, wipes his face with Eddie's shirt, and goes back to work at the desk. 
The show is textbook, running smooth and on schedule, and then they are wheels up again just a couple hours after. Off to the next one. The pace of this tour is faster than any other they've been on before. 
Steve's balancing the books from the night, when Eddie very carefully slides through the flimsy door, slotting the accordion door into place behind him. Turning the lock that can only be decorative. Steve had heard them out there doing shots and playing cards, the noise slowly dwindling as they wound down, the adrenaline finally fading.
"Everyone's asleep," Eddie whispers, "Now? Can it be now?"
"Didn't we already check that off the list?" Steve teases him. 
"That didn't count," Eddie hisses, eyes pleading. 
Eddie had somehow conned the band into playing a metal version of Learning to Fly during their encore earlier, really stressing the "I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings" portion of the song. Steve had heard him loud and clear.
Steve looks at him, standing there looking so hopeful, and laughs, "Okay. It can be now."
Eddie smiles so fucking wide. He's adored by fans worldwide, he just stood in front of a roaring stadium crowd a few hours ago, for god's sake, but Steve knows it's somehow still him that Eddie most wants attention from.
And he'll damn well give it to him.
Steve's facedown on the bed, and Eddie's grinding into him so slowly, trying to not make any noise. Not that he thinks anything would wake the rest of them up at this point in the night, but still.
Eddie's doing such good fucking work that Steve wants to moan. To whine. To scream. He doesn't know how Eddie has the drive, the stamina, after a whole night on stage. He just never stops, and right now, Steve is the lucky beneficiary of all that boundless energy.
And he can't help it, Steve lets out a muffled whine and Eddie covers his whole back, pressing into him, "Be quiet, sweetheart." 
Steve nods. He can be quiet. He can. 
Eddie doesn't move, just stays laying on top of him, his full weight pressing Steve down into the mattress as he slowly grinds his dick right into Steve's prostate.
It's torture.
It's hell.
It's fucking goddamn perfect.
Just a slow, firm roll of his hips, pushing up into him, over and over, and Steve is gonna come. 
The moan starts to escape his lips, and Eddie's hand is suddenly over his mouth, meant to silence him, but all it does is push him right over the edge. Body spasming as he comes into the sheets of the leased plane bed. 
Eddie chuckles, thrusting another half a dozen times, before coming inside him. He releases Steve's mouth, and Steve sighs, Eddie collapsing on top of him. Still deep inside. Right where he belongs.
"Fuck," Eddie whispers, and Steve laughs.
Fuck indeed.
"Oh, gross," Steve hears, and opens one eye. Gareth is standing in the doorway of the bedroom, looking at them laying on the stripped bed, the dirty sheets balled up in the corner, on the floor.
"I thought I locked that," Eddie says, not even opening his eyes.
At least they aren't naked. It could be worse. It really is a fucking worthless door, though.
"Twenty minutes to landing," Gareth says, "You need to get your asses in seats."
"Says who?" Eddie mutters.
"The pilot, asshole," Gareth answers.
Eddie groans, not moving, but Steve rolls out of the bed. Cars should be waiting at the airport to take them to a hotel so they can get some actual rest, and showers, before the show tonight. He definitely needs one.
"Eddie," Steve says, "get up."
"No," Eddie says, and Steve laughs. Now he's suddenly too tired to do anything. His motivation clearly all dried up since he got what he wanted.
"Yes," Steve says, pulling his shirt over his head.
Eddie mutters and grumbles, but flings himself off of the mattress, falling to his knees on the floor of the plane, crawling around, grabbing at his clothes. Eyes still closed. Hands reaching out, patting around, like he's a little raccoon looking for food.
It's a method of getting dressed, Steve supposes. Not a good one. But a method, nonetheless.
Eventually, they slide into their seats and buckle up, just in time to feel the decent starting, and Steve looks at Eddie. Eyes closed again, already falling back asleep. He reaches over, and slides the needle of the pin through Eddie's shirt.
Eddie opens his eyes, and looks down to see what Steve's doing.
They are a pair of golden wings, like children get to celebrate their first flight. Steve had asked their private pilot if he had any when they landed earlier, but he hadn't. However, when they reboarded after the gig, Steve climbing the portable steps, the pilot had handed over a pair he'd scrounged up at the airport while they were gone to the gig.
Now, Steve has gotten to give them to Eddie.
"Your wings," Steve explains.
And Eddie just grins, covering the pin with his hand.
Steve shakes his head, and looks down at his binder, going over the schedule for the coming day, and the days after.
He smiles to himself, happy that Eddie's happy, and decides that maybe he needs to pencil a few more of these mile high sessions into the official itinerary, after all.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiesmuttyseptember and follow along with the filthy fun! 💦
Notes: Song from the encore is Tom Petty's Learning to Fly.
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auspicioustidings · 1 month
141 and friends undercover, going to take out this oligarch in the air on a private flight. It's been planned meticulously, his private jet compromised so he has to rent one instead and that plane comes with a crew (the crew of course is them right down to the pilot, the bartender and the private fucking chef). You were not part of the plan.
Unfortunately you are on that plane for entirely stupid reasons. You are a nobody really, but you have been put on this flight last minute with a potential investor for your company as a gesture of goodwill because even though you are a nobody, you are very good at fixing watches. Not even your job, but your parents ran a shop their whole life and you grew up learning watches in and out. The CEO remembered that was the fun fact about you at the company Christmas party so here you are, dropped off at an airport last minute because rich people are fucking crazy and think 'here is someone to fix that issue you were having with your watch that costs more than their yearly salary' is an acceptable party favour.
You've never flown anything above cattle class in your life and you are intensely uncomfortable and out of place. The potential investor is creepy and rude and you are terrified being stuck up here with him given that he keeps mentioning the king sized bed and the full luxury bath tub. Who the hell is going to save you up here if he decides to have you? Was this the CEOs actual offering?
...and why does the beefed up Scottish attendant keep flirting with you so hard?
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acrosstobear · 1 year
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lando.jpg Back again
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chrisgetsmewetter · 5 months
Mile high club
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Pairing: Bratty!Black!fem x Dom!chris
Summary: you and chris are in a private plane section together, what’s gonna happen when everyone on the plane is sleeping and it’s just you two?
Warnings: Dirty talk, Overstimulation, sex obvi, oral, p in v, pet names (mama, ma, baby)
word count: 5.6k
authors note: i hope u guys like this one😝 i had a fun time writing it and i think y’all will like it toooo. enjoy you lil freaky frogs
you and Chris have been together for over a year, which is crazy because of how much commitment issues he said he had.
you’ve gone public recently and most people have given you a ton of loves so now your youtube channel of 7.3mil has went up to 9mil.
because of this you and the triplets had the idea to go on a combined tour which sold out immediately. now you guys are in the airport going to the next city.
“okay ma’am step here” the security guard gets the metal detector and goes down my body slowly. then you look at chris nervously as they get down to my boobs
“BEEP BEEP BEEP!!” chris bursts out laughing and can’t even stand up straight so he leans on matt who chuckles but hides it
“um ma’am..” the security guard looks at me awkwardly
“oh sorry i have piercings..” the security guard widens his eyes and nods then continues scanning my body.
you notice chris staring at your ass as you impatiently wait for the security guard to be done
just when he finishes scanning the triplets you push chris by his arm “chris why’d you laugh at me” you pout as he laughed even harder.
“passengers on private flight 2834 to Chicago start boarding now” you and nick start jumping up and down excited to get on the plane “i can’t believe we got a private planeee i’m so excitedddd”
“I CALL SHARING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND” chris yells. you slap his arm for being so loud since it’s nighttime.
nick rolls his eyes and groans already walking towards the plane then matt grabs your small suitcase that chris nor you couldn’t carry
he looks at nick and frowns jokingly “so u don’t wanna sit with me nick” matt says in his baby voice
“no actually. i want to sit by my best friend but chris’ crusty bitchass won’t let me, i know it”
you see chris stick his tongue out at nick while smacking your ass “chris stop acting like a child” you say
“your ass just looks so good in those shorts ma i can’t help it” chris whispers in your ear and you can’t help to smile but also low key squeeze your thighs together
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- heyy bae how’s the flighttt?
little troll😻🧌- hii madii the pilot said we just took off and aren’t expected any turbulence, so me and chris are abt to watch a movie
little troll😻🧌- nick n matt are already sleep even tho we jus got on😔🤦🏾‍♀️
Madi w that fattyyy- i wish i could’ve cameee, what time is it where u are??
little troll😻🧌- it’s 11:25 at night girl we’re still in LA😭
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- oh..
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- wait. so u and chris in a private plane at night with evb sleep😧
little troll😻🧌- yes..🌚
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- y’all r abt to join the mile high club😰
little troll😻🧌- no.. we’re not madi😡
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- yea okay..
read 11:28
“what movie mama” chris takes your phone and throws it on the other side of him
“ooo let’s watch adventures in babysitting” you start to get excited and pull the blanket over yourself
“newer or older?” chris says smirking already putting on the older one
“noo the newer one is better why are we watching the old one”
“because we’re not gonna watch the movie” chris turns the volume up a little and takes his shirt off
“chris not in the plane !!” you whisper yell then look to see if anybody might’ve woke up
he takes advantage of you not paying attention and slowly slips your shorts off
“my god chris calm down” u see him slide under the blanket and pull your panties off
“we won’t have a lot of time to do this on tour so let’s take advantage of it.“ he looks up at you with low eyes “can i?”
as soon as you nod your head he slowly puts his long finger in your pussy.
“fuck mama ur so wet for me” he twists his finger and spits on your pussy and starts slurping it
“fuck chris oh my god” you whisper yell then chris slaps his hand over your mouth “we can’t do this on a plane !!” you squirm
“be quiet or i’m gonna stop” chris sternly looks at you and continues doing the fingering/eating combo.
he starts licking it and fingering you at an unbelievable pace then as he’s doing that chris licks up from your stomach then stops at your lips to kiss you
he starts to suck on your sweet spot right under your ear and then he feels your breathing slowly speed up and he fingers you even faster
your confused on how he’s doing it this fast but you enjoy it
“chris i’m gonna cum” you say as you feel your high coming up “yea baby cum for me” right as he said that you cum hard right on his fingers
then without giving you time to recover chris pulls his sweats taking his boxers off with them and strokes his dick and pushes it in your pussy without any hesitation
“fuck~ chris wait a sec- oh my god” you try to push his arms away but he grabs your wrists and pins them above your head
“you thought you were going a slut and wear those shorts then walk in front of me the whole day huh mama?”
you moan when you hear this, remembering that u indeed did intend to tease chris when you put them on
he smirks as he pounds into you not making as much noise as one would think “are you gonna be a good girl and give me words?”
you shake your head knowing exactly what you’re doing and what’s gonna happen. chris bites his lip and nods “well i guess i’m gonna have to treat you like the slut you are”
“turn around” his eyes are darker then ever so you comply. chris lays down, put props himself up and forcefully grabs your hair and shoved his dick down your throat
you started to lick his tip then spit on his dick making it easier to get in your mouth. you took his full length but gagged a bit.
you hear chris moan a bit as you felt his cock hit the back of your throat.
you loved every second of seeing his groan and shake because you usually have to force his submissive side to come out.
"Fuck I'm going to cum mama" chris said as he grabbed your hair. you felt his dick twitch a bit and his cum shot into the back of your throat as you swallowed it all
“fuck baby you’re such a good girl” chris wipes some saliva off of your lips and kisses you “you want me to get you some water?”
“yes please” you nod and chris helps you slide your shorts and t-shirt on.
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- y’all are nasty i just know it
little troll😻🧌- uhh🌚
Madi w that fattyyy😝🍑- disgusting🤦🏻‍♀️
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Mile high club
80 notes · View notes
grilledcheezy92 · 7 days
Avior creating a swimable pool of liquid gold with a black sand beach is one of the top 3 sexiest things in the Redacted verse.
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ithurtswhennn · 1 year
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Riley Reid 🔥🔥
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marvelnatswhore · 1 year
Hey I’m stuck in an airport for who knows how long, alone! 😭 could you write something with Wanda and reader joining the mile high club?
Above the clouds
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Wanda maximoff x reader ~smut
Warnings: semi public sex -fingering, (R receiving) mile high club, dirty talk
WC: 1.3k
A/n: So sorry i haven’t had much time on here lately xx I changed half of this before posting :')
hope your flight went well xx
“Wanda?” You muttered, squinting your eyes as you were greeted by the bright screen emanating from her seat. You rubbed your eyes realising the light was a film playing and you nudged Wanda’s arm softly as she realised you were finally awake. 
“How’d you sleep, baby?” She asked, turning off the screen.
“Good.” You said through a small yawn, still feeling drowsy from the sleeping pills you took.
It was night, at least you could tell from the surplus of other passengers surrounding you sleeping. Closed off in their first class nooks with silk eye masks and headphones that did little to cancel the noise. 
You muttered to Wanda about the dream you had as your hands fiddled along the seam of your shared complementary blanket, Wanda had tucked it around you whilst you were sleeping. It was surprisingly large and you nestled against Wanda’s side, hoping you could sleep for a while longer and wake up as you landed. 
The bad thing about flying on a plane is how hard it is to sleep. You closed your eyes and tried to ignore the wiring sound that resonated through your cabin and the low whispers between couples further down the aisle.
You huffed in frustration, squeezing your eyes shut again and nuzzling your face further into Wanda, wanting to pretend you’re back at home, wrapped in your own warm bed with Wanda, where you could sleep in peace, without the smell of empty coffee cups and other people. 
“Need a distraction?” Wanda asked quietly, combing her hand through your sleep tangled hair.
You nodded your head against her, humming something about missing home when you felt Wanda’s hand slip under the blanket and rest on your thigh. You could feel her offering soft strokes over your warm skin and you knew almost instantly what she meant now and her eyes confirmed it, staring down at you with that look you knew almost too well. 
“Wanda-” You whispered in a warning tone, “Wanda.. we’re in public.” 
“I know that, honey.” She whispered back, moving her hand further up to your skirt. You didn’t make a move to stop her. Instead you found yourself sucking in a shallow breath, holding it as her warm hand slid under the fabric and into your panties.
“Oh?” Wanda whispered, cupping your heat. You felt her breath on your neck and your thighs instinctively wrapped around her hand buried in your panties.
“Don’t get shy now, sweetheart.” Wanda taunted, purposefully less quietly than she could. Her fingertips traced along your slit, softly rubbing your arousal along your folds, as you did your best to stay calm, whining as she brushed your clit with her palm. You were grateful for the blanket covering you at least, looking around to make sure no one was watching you.
“Like that, baby?”
It was a simple question but you couldn’t think, you looked up at Wanda with pleading eyes and wet lips, nodding at her as she chuckled.
“Of course you do.”
Her finger dipped into your entrance, almost embarrassingly easy and you pressed your head against her arm to muffle the sounds escaping your mouth as Wanda pumped a long digit into you with ease, before slipping another in and curling them against your sweet spot.
She found a pace that had you groaning against her skin, squeezing her arm and muttering things you couldn’t process between each strangled breath. 
A moan caught in the back of your throat as Wanda stopped suddenly, and you almost whimpered at the lack of contact. 
A flight attendant was approaching you both with a small silver cart and Wanda greeted the woman with a nonchalant smile, as if her hand wasn’t currently between your legs.
You could almost groan when Wanda removed her fingers from you and the lady obviously began asking if you’d need anything to sleep; offering you both refreshments, green tea and something else your mind couldn’t process. All you could think about was Wanda, and her hand..
“I think you will want something soon right, baby?” Wanda said, turning to you with a grin behind soft red lips. You nodded, without thinking, biting your tongue as you felt an impending need to moan and fuck yourself against Wanda’s hand, that she was now ghosing over your slit in tentative strokes.
The flight attendant agreed to check in later and Wanda thanked her as she left you both a sealed paper cup of what you assumed was tea. 
The moment she disappeared further down the aisle your urgency returned and your hands dug into the sleeve of Wanda’s shirt, your breathing became quicker and your hips were beginning to grind against her hand. 
“Please -Wanda.” You whispered, she almost felt bad hearing the desperation in your voice.
“What baby? Is it this?” Wanda took her palm, pressing it softly to your entrance as you moaned, you could still feel your half ruined orgasm and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you came if Wanda kept touching you. 
You nodded and your hips began grinding on her hand, in your desperation the people surrounding you were nearly forgotten and Wanda was the only thing you could process. You needed the release and your hips moved impatiently, grinding yourself into her hand and silently begging her for more.
Wanda leaned down to your face, using her spare hand to nudge you to meet her gaze, your eyes were pleading with Wanda to let you come and to your relief you felt her pressing two fingers inside your entrance. She pumped them quickly, not caring if someone heard you or the sounds her skin against yours made.
You closed your eyes immersed in the sensation, biting your lip not to moan at the pleasure surging through you.
"Does this turn you on, sweetheart?" Wanda whispered and you looked up at her through lidded eyes. "Being around all these people while I fuck you?"
You couldn't answer her before she leaned in, kissing your neck and sucking the skin, forming a purple mark you knew you wouldn't be able to cover.
She muttered something in a growl and you could nearly groan as her palm pressed against your clit, rubbing it each time her fingers filled you.
"Wanda-" You said in a hushed breath, "please- I'm gonna cum."
You could feel the grin Wanda had against your neck and her fingers curled into your sweet spot.
Watching you so desperate for release was almost too good, Wanda could feel you tightening around her digits and you gasped softly, letting your head fall against her chest.
She thrust into you quicker, and you couldn't contain yourself as you came, moaning into Wanda's shirt.
She pumped into you a few more times before slowing and removing her fingers. You eventually calmed, feeling your breathing return to a subtle pace.
"That's it, sweet thing." Wanda hums, brushing your hair out of your eyes, and kissing the crown of your head.
You looked around from your seat, slightly fearing the whole plane had heard you, thankfully no one seemed to notice a thing and you sighed in relief.
"Such a shame we're stuck here." Wanda whispered in a low tone, "I'd love to clean you up."
You nearly groaned at the thought and Wanda smiled, she rubbed your cheek and kissed you again before she stood up, going to go clean herself in the bathroom. Before disappearing down the dimly lit aisle, she muttered something to you in a voice you were almost sure people overheard.
“When we land, I'll show you all the toys I packed.”
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mggsv · 1 year
The Window Seat
dancer!gn reader x mgg (18+)
summary: reader has an 7 hour flight next to a familiar face they just can’t stop eyeing every minute or so..
Warnings : smut, somnophilia, reader is afab
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It was 6:45 am, your flight was an early one- you’d be asleep right now, but it was time to go. New York had been fun, you’d been there on a dancer exchange with your dance company. You surely left an impact on them as well, dancing for Julliard was a task off your bucket list. It was amazing, but London was your home. However, being able to go see Harry Styles live in concert the very next day made your week even better. You got to your room very late that night and barely had time for a shower the very morning- this morning. Not only that, your shirt got caught up in your labret piercing which cause a slight set back into your morning. You were upset, and refused to eat something until you made it to the airport.
As your stomach growled slightly, you loaded the flight with your one suit case, still suited in your pajama shorts and Def Leopard tshirt. Your curly fiery red colored hair was tucked into a ponytail with the acception of a few strands fanning along your face like bangs. You grabbed a cozy blanket you brought along , as well as your headphones (with your offline music ready to play) and your laptop. You had the window seat, your favorite. Being by the window was comforting since you hated being close to the isle, people touching you every so often was not something you liked. As more people boarded the flight you eyed the group ever so often, you were a very cautious person, your anxiety spiked at random times.
Convincing yourself it’ll be alright, you settled in comfortably. It was now 6:55, the flight was leaving in a bit. The seat next to you dipped in slightly, letting you know that your buddy for the next 7 hours had arrived. You glanced over slightly, pausing from searching your netflix downloads for Supernatural. You were positive it was a guy- judging by the veiny hands. You took your headphones off as the door to the plane finally shut, and with a sighing breath you listened to the captain speak.
“Nervous?” A voice spoke lowly. You glance over to the man- very gorgeous man- who stared at you with a slight look of concern all the while sporting a smile.
“ mm..no not really. I’d just like to get this over with so i can get back to my bed.” your honey colored eyes stared at the man intently. he looked vaguely familiar- too familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on the matter at all. What you said had made him chuckle out a laugh. His disheveled hair shook just slightly, perfectly, your brain screamed. “I’m guessing you’re from London? I noticed your accent- it’s quite thick.”
“Yes.” you hummed, reaching down in between your lap to pull out the vending machine pack of fruit snacks you’d brought. Your stomach growled hungrily at the bag as it opened. You popped one into your mouth before turning back to the man- who was watching you with amusement. You could see the way his eyes moved around your face, possibly on your septum and labest piercings. They fit your face almost perfectly.
“I was on a dancer exchange trip for Julliard. I do ballet and other forms of dance in london”
“Ahh..” he nodded.
“I’m sorry- have we met somewhere perhaps? You look extremely familiar and it’s bothering me.” You grown up at him, and that only made him laugh.
“I’m quite serious, we’ve met haven’t we? Are you an investor by chance?”
“No- this is my first time seeing you-
“but it’s not my first time seeing you. I’m sorry I cut you off that was very rude of me.” you were stuffing your mouth with the strawberry flavored gummies by now. You had a knack for doing so when you were nervous.
“It’s okay! Don’t worry. I’m an actor, Matthew Gray Gubler? Does that ring a bell?”
“Not at all.”
“Really? You’ve never seen Criminal Minds?”
that made you smile a bit. You’ve heard of the show but you never got around for it.
“I’m more of an SVU kind of person.” Matthew nodded as he popped out another smile. The plane began taking off, and the book- which you’ve just realized he held- opened to a page he supposedly stopped on. You guessed it was the end of your conversation.
Turning away from him you glanced at the city on water getting smaller and smaller. You put your headphones back on and began scrolling back on your laptop for the unwatched episodes of Supernatural.
an hour and a half into your flight had been comfortable. with your snacks and your headphones you were able to have an easy going ride so far. not knowing where you’d seen matthew still bothered you however. You snuck a glance ever so often.
He read, he listened to music, and he slept. right now he was in a somewhat deep sleep from your view. He had a neck pillow and headphones in his ears. You snorted softly, admiring how cute he looked when he slept. How his hands relaxed yet the veins were still noticeable. You but your lips slightly..he was attractive, and on top of that- apparently famous. You’d have to look him up when you land.
You couldn’t stop staring. He looked so perfect. and he was quiet and still, you could get a perfect look at him. And his hair..you swallowed a moan. pausing the episode on your laptop, you take off your headphones and stand up, suddenly you had to use the bathroom. As you scooted pass Matthew, it didn’t help that your mind was screaming at you to ride him. Your bodies were close, he was warm..sleeping softly. Your shorts felt warm against your sex.
The trip to the bathroom helped however. It made you come to reality: you didn’t know this guy, you think, and the trip wasn’t some wattpad story plot. When you were done, the curtain that covered your seats were down. You move it to the side cautiously to see Matthew wide awake and reading. He looks up and you and smiles,
“Hi there.”
“Hello..” you blink, turning your body at an angle so you could walk back through. “excuse me..” you had muttered, but you were so nervous your legs got a weak feeling in them. You tripped just a bit onto him, your ass landing right in his lap. Gasping you quickly try to move, and also be quiet considering the people on the plane.
“I’m so sorry Matthew- I’m sorry” you whisper out harshly as you scoot over to the window seat. your hands were shaking as you stared down at them nervously. “I’m sorry-
“It’s okay- really. I do have fairly long legs” he patted your shoulder. You felt hot in the face. His hand didn’t move. It rubbed circles and onward to your back in an attempt to soothe you. You breathed shakily. “Is..this okay? Is this working for you?” his hand stopped and you wish it hadn’t. You liked the feeling of his hands on you.
“It’s..alright.” you look over at him only to be met with a slightly red face. He cleared his throat and turned away to go back to his book, his hand still on your back. You couldn’t look away. You’ve seen him somewhere…and now you’ve feel into his lap. His legs..he was so pretty.
4 hours in drove you mad. You decided to nap, your head lying on the window. You weren’t asleep entirely, just dozing. You and Matthew had a few word exchanges here and there- his hand moving to new spots ever so often. “That feels good.” you had told him when it moved from your back to your thigh. Your position shifted, it made you sleepy, yet the thick pool of arousal never left from between your legs.
As you drifted off into sleep, you felt his hand stop abruptly. “It was 5 years ago..you were just starting out at the dance academy. Fresh out of college.” he spoke, lowly. What..you had thought. His hand trailed higher and your breath quickened. He played with the hem of your shorts. “We were shooting an episode, it never made the cut- scrapped. And you..well, you were just perfect. You moved so beautifully i knew that the next time I’d see you, you’d be a star. I was right.” his hand slipped underneath. You reacted with movement, adjusting your position..spreading your leg just a little.
“I remember saying to myself, “Man, they’re so gorgeous.” and these legs..” He breathed slowly, fingers treading up the side of your underwear, teasing at the hem. “I wanted you- badly. But you were already fucking the director for that solo.” You gasped loudly, feeling his fingers dip into your sex.
his hand came up to cover your mouth.
“Shh..sleep darling.” he whispered, his index finger rubbing your sensitive bud. You wanted to moan, you throbbed for him, and yet you still couldn’t place him there that day- 5 years ago. “It was truly an amazing dance, i know you practiced hard on it. You’d just had surgery too..i know you were in pain, and yet you still pushed.” He spoke in a whisper, his fingers sinking deeper into your heat, your slick pooling around his long fingers. You moaned softly into your blanket, hips beginning to rock slowly with the rhythm he produced. “F..Fuck..Oh-God” you babbled quietly behind his hand, whimpering softly when the fingers sunk deeper into you. You felt him press and prod at places you’ve never reached before. “I wonder if the director felt that way about you? Did he really want you as badly as I?” he huffed. “Truly, everyone there was red to fuck the next best thing walking through the door- but who was I? Just an actor there on business.” He scoffed.
he worked slow. fingers toying with you, you were panting heavily. You could feel that oh so familiar pool warming in your stomach, and with an aching moan your hips twitched. So close…“please-
your voice called out to him, draped in sleep.
“Please what?” you could hear the smirk on his face. “You still don’t remember..” he mutters. the heat between your legs suddenly cooled, Matthew withdrew his fingers. You could hear a slight sucking noise as he leaned in closer to your neck. his breath fanned over your ear as he bit down gently. “My little ballerina.”
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athenabloome · 1 year
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I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club…
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emilysholster · 10 months
Mile High Club (David Rossi x Reader)
Summary: you and David can’t control yourselves on your way to your vacation
Tags: NSFW, teasing, semi-public sex, plane sex/mile high club, [unprotected] PinV sex, assumed birth control, (fem!reader)
Translations: amore (love), dolcezza (honey), gattina (kitten), tesoro (treasure)
A/N: inspired by a suggestion from anon, ty!
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“You? Going on vacation? Yeah right,” Morgan laughed in Rossi’s face. The two of them sat across from each other on the BAU jet. The team was flying back to Quantico after successfully closing another case.
“Yes, me. Why is this so hard to believe?” Rossi asked incredulously.
Reid chimed in from where he was seated across the aisle. “Probably because you’ve told us multiple times that you don’t ‘do’ vacations.”
Rossi rolled his eyes. “Well, this is more for Y/N than it is for me. I’d like to do something nice for her.”
“Breaking one of your truths is more than doing ‘something nice’, Rossi,” Morgan chuckled. “Y/N has you head over heels.”
The older agent said nothing and turned to face the window, but not before the team caught a glimpse of the smile that adorned his lips.
You grinned in excitement as you walked down your driveway to David, who waited expectantly outside the taxi. “I can’t believe we’re actually going,” you exclaimed, embracing him. You hadn’t seen him in the past few days, both of you busy sorting the logistics and packing before your trip.
Much to your surprise, David had been the one to suggest the idea of a vacation. You’d been together for a few years now, and always figured with the nature of his work and his known disinterest in vacations that it wasn’t necessarily something you’d together. But he’d planned all the details and now the two of you were going to spend two (two!) weeks in Portugal, exploring the country’s coast and its famous wine region.
David pressed a kiss into your temple before taking your bags from you to put them in the trunk. “You and everyone else,” he chuckled.
Once the both of you were inside the taxi, the driver began the trip to the airport. You turned to David, a pressing question in your mind. “Are you sure you won’t go crazy being away from the BAU for two weeks?” You asked. David’s dedication to his job was something you really admired, but you worried it would get in the way of him enjoying the trip.
David intertwined his fingers with yours and pressed a kiss against your hand. “Trust me, amore. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than in Portugal with you for the next two weeks.”
You smiled contentedly and squeezed his hand. “Besides,” he continued, a devilish smirk on his face. “I can think of a few ways we’ll be spending our time.” David began pressing kisses into your hair and face, making you giggle.
“And by that I’m sure you mean spending our days enjoying the sun and the culture of a beautiful country,” you teased. David’s hand was making it’s way up your thigh, getting dangerously close to your center.
“Well there’s that,” he said lowly in your ear. “Among other things.” His lips captured yours in a deep kiss as his hand cupped your sex over your clothes.
You gasped, grabbing his wrist to stop him from going further. “Dave,” you hissed, surprised by his brashness. There was warmth spreading under your skin, especially with the driver being right there. You spared a glance towards the front seat, but he thankfully seemed to be none the wiser.
You turned your attention back to David, who seemed delighted that you were now hot and bothered. Before you could say anything further, you felt the taxi slow to a stop and looked out the window to see that you’d arrived at the airport. “Looks like we’re here,” David winked at you before opening the door.
You were just about home free, having gone through check in and most of security seamlessly, when the TSA agent seemed to find an issue with your luggage.
“What do you have in there?” David leaned in and asked you quietly as the agent put your suitcase through the scanner again.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back. You were wracking your brain trying to think of what could be setting off their system. You hated this part of flying - so many rules; it was easy to forget something and cause a whole issue at security.
“Sir, ma’am, can you step this way please?” The two of you followed the agent to a table next to the security check, where she put your suitcase down and began unzipping it.
You felt your cheeks flame when you saw that you’d packed your suitcase in a way that meant the new lingerie you’d bought for the trip was the first thing visible. You’d spared no expense - you had two new matching sets, a dainty slip, and a very revealing teddy - all of which were clearly on display for you, David, and the agent. Remaining professional, the agent politely maneuvered around your garments to find the offending item.
You heard David clear is throat and shuffle next to you. You glanced over at him and saw that he was now standing with his arms clasped in front of him, almost as if he was trying to…oh. You returned your attention to the agent, trying to stifle the smile making its way onto your face. You’d wanted the new lingerie to be a surprise for him, but upon seeing his reaction, maybe this was even better.
“Here we go,” the agent interrupted your thoughts, holding up a bottle of body oil. Oops. You’d meant to pack that in the suitcase you’d checked in, not this one. “A reminder ma’am that liquids in carry-on baggage must be less than 100mL. We’ll be tossing this.”
You apologized, slightly embarrassed, before the two of you grabbed your things and made your way to the gate. The baggage mishap meant there was only about 30min left until your flight. As the two of you sat in the lounge waiting to board, you leaned in close to David.
“I’m sorry about the body oil, honey,” you purred into his ear. One of your hands played with his hair, which you knew drove him crazy. “I know how much you love to use it when we’re together.” Seeing the outline of his growing bulge, you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
“I won’t hold it against you, dolcezza,” David smirked, his hand lightly rubbing your thigh. “But you can make it up to me once we arrive. Maybe by putting on one of your pretty new purchases.”
You squeezed your legs together at his words. This game you two were playing was dangerous but oh so tempting, and it was unlikely either one of you would back down. But before you could stoke the fire further, the gate attendant announced your flight was boarding.
You weren’t usually the biggest fan of flying, but the two glasses of wine you’d had since getting in the air were doing a great job of taking the edge off. David had, of course, gotten the two of you seats in business class, which wasn’t too crowded. It also helped that it was a late night flight, so most of the passengers were either asleep or trying to be.
Not you and David, though. Both of you were known night owls - a fact that you’d bonded over when you first met. So while the rest of the plane was half-asleep, the two of you were tipsy on wine and giggling like teenagers in your corner of the plane.
“I can’t stop imagining you in that skimpy little set of yours.” David’s breath was hot against your ear, making you so aroused it was almost painful. “And with your teasing earlier…I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.”
“Oh really?” You hummed playfully. The dim lighting of the airplane cabin and the blankets you were provided made it easy to check for yourself. David inhaled sharply when you palmed his hardened cock over his pants. “I want this inside me,” you whispered in his ear as you teased his cock.
David suddenly grabbed your wrist, looking at you with lust-filled eyes. “Get in the bathroom,” he whispered. You nodded, feeling a thrill of excitement pass through you, all sense and reason out the window.
You quietly made your way to the bathroom. As soon as you slid the door closed, your hand was in your pants, soothing your throbbing clit. You stifled a moan, surprised by how wet you were.
The door opened, startling you into withdrawing your hand. You relaxed when David came in, grinning. He locked the door behind him before pressing up against you. “Couldn’t wait for me, hm?” He smirked before his mouth met yours in a heated kiss. His lips were demanding and his tongue slipped into your mouth, eager.
David replaced your hand with his and rubbed his fingers along your slit before dipping them into your opening, feeling the juices collected there. “I think you’re ready for me,” David whispered. Gripped your hips and turned you around to face the bathroom mirror. You heard him unzip his pants as you quickly pulled your own down, desperate to have him inside you.
David’s eyes held contact with yours in the mirror as he aligned himself with your entrance. He slowly pushed himself into you, making you moan breathily. His cock slid in easily and filled you up completely.
“Shh, gattina,” he whispered in your ear as his hand came up to cover your mouth and silence your moans. “You and this tight pussy of yours are gonna get us in trouble.”
Wasting no time, David began fucking you relentlessly. His eyes never left yours in the mirror as he licked and sucked the skin at your neck. The hand that wasn’t covering your mouth slid around to play with your clit, making your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Such a dirty girl, Y/N,” he hissed in your ear. “Getting fucked in the airplane bathroom. What would everyone think, hm?”
David moved his hand from your mouth and slowed his pace so you could switch positions, half of your ass now propped up on the sink as he positioned himself between your legs. He slide his cock through your folds, nudging your sensitive bundle of nerves. “Please,” you whispered softly, desperate for him.
His lips met yours again and he slid himself back into you, groaning into your mouth softly. You were heady with pleasure as David’s thumb circled your clit. Heat was spreading under your skin now and you felt your muscles tighten right before waves of pleasure rocked through you intensely.
You held David close against you, panting against his mouth, as you came down from your high. The squeezing of your walls was enough to bring him over the edge, and he gasped quietly as his cock pulsed, releasing his cum.
“We should probably get back,” you said, pressing a kiss against his lips. The two of you quickly cleaned up before returning to your seats. Thankfully, no one seemed to have noticed that you’d just joined the mile high club in the bathroom.
David pressed a kiss into your hair as you curled up in the blanket, ready to get some sleep. “I love you, tesoro. Sleep well.”
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leclercskiesahead · 3 months
What’s up with them and the Concorde 🚀
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drippingggforyou · 5 months
Last weekend I was on a plane to Georgia and noticed the man sitting next to me was pressing his leg against mine. I thought he was trying to manspread so I was getting annoyed and started pushing my leg back to get him to stop moving into my space. This went on for a little bit and then I felt his hand graze my knee and I realized what he was trying to do. I’ve always wanted to let a stranger have their way with me in public, so I decided to go for it. I put my jacket over my body and spread my legs open for him. I felt his hands grab my thighs and stroke them up and down. Luckily I was wearing a skirt so his hands were moving higher and higher. He kept moving around my pussy, teasing me and squeezing my legs. Finally he touched my pussy and I had soaked through my panties. I could tell he got excited when he felt it. He started rubbing my clit and I tried not to moan. He slipped my panties to the side and when I felt his fingers on my bare pussy, I moaned into his arm. He dipped his fingers in my wet cunt and rubbed my juices on my clit. It felt so fucking good. I was getting close to cumming and I held his hand to my clit so he wouldn’t stop. He rubbed me faster and faster until my body started shaking from the orgasm. It was so fucking hot. I know the woman on the other side of me knew what we were doing, but I didn’t care. It felt so good to get used by a stranger on a plane. I wanna do it again :)
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fuzzyghost · 3 months
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subpixie420 · 1 year
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Mile high club anyone?✈️
🧳my links🧳 (OF and MV on sale!!!)
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