#milk shake records
dialoogid · 1 year
Ventre - Maria / L'alcoel (1987)
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 days
The King
Patri Guijarro x Putellas!Reader
Summary: Patri think you're the king of Barcelona
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There was barely a few minutes between you and Alexia.
You were older by five minutes but Alexia was taller and the one that everyone assumed was older.
She was La Reina and you were La Princessa, at least to the fans.
She was midfield. You were leftback. She weaved through opposition lines, scoring goals and securing assists while you were a rock at the back, part of Barcelona’s brick wall.
You and your sister practically did everything together regardless of whether or not the two of you were having another one of your petty arguments.
“La Reina!” Patri cheers as Alexia’s corner ball comes in and is neatly turned into the net by you,” La Reina and…”
You turn to look at her, jogging backwards on your way to celebrate with your sister.
“And…” Her throat is suddenly dry as you grin at her.
You look glorious in that moment, jogging backwards, so self-assured as Alexia jumps onto your back.
“And El Rey!” Patri finishes off and somehow your smile widens.
“No more La Princessa?” You tease and Patri just nods.
“Er…yeah,” She says lamely,” La Reina and El Rey. The Putellas sisters.”
“I like it,” Alexia says, still on your back as she ruffles your hair,” My little sister, El Rey.”
“I’m older than you!”
“But I’m taller!”
Alexia laughs as she slides off your back, a kiss pressed atop your head before she moves back to her position.
You shake your head fondly at her before turning to Patri.
“It’s nice for you to upgrade me,” You tease as the match ends,” El Rey. I like that.”
“I..er…” Patri doesn’t want to admit to making a mistake, to being so overtaken by your beauty that she’d gotten tongue-tied. “I thought it was time.”
“Well thanks,” You say, bumping her hip with yours,” I’m going be milk this so much.”
And milk it you did.
So did the club.
La Reina and El Rey.
The superstar sisters of Barcelona.
People called out ‘El Rey’ just as much as ‘La Reina’ and you’d taken your new moniker better than when Alexia first took hers.
You sister was also taking your new nickname better than when she first took hers.
“Ale,” You groan as she tugs you away,” They were fans!”
“They were trying to get in your pants!” Alexia shoots back and Patri’s glad, for once, about how protective your sister is over you. “I won’t let them!”
“Let them. Ale, I’m-“
“They only want to sleep with the famous El Rey! They don’t want you for you! I won’t let you sleep with someone who doesn’t want you for you!”
“As nice as that is, Ale-“
“No! I won’t! Don’t argue with me!”
“I’m not going to argue,” You say, meeting Patri’s eyes,” Trust me. I’ll only sleep and date people who want me for me. Not El Rey.”
You watch your sister flounce away.
“So, how long are we going to wait?” Patri asks,” To tell her, I mean?”
You grin, sidling up closer to Patri so you can speak directly in her ear over the roar of the crowd. “I was waiting for her to catch on. She seems to be fighting invisible suitors though, can’t see what’s directly in front of her.”
You lace your fingers with Patri’s and you know all of the fans recording this will just write it off as being close friends. You’d always been the more physically affectionate of the Putellas sisters. Alexia showed her affection through slight violence, she always had. When you were younger, she used to tug on your pigtails and squeeze your face or give you a swift little tap on the head.
It wasn’t to be mean and it was never true aggression. It was just Alexia’s way of expressing her love for you.
In contrast, you were full of affection. You gave out hugs liberally as a child and loved holding hands. Kisses were a bit more withheld but only slightly. Family got your kisses and close friends.
It was probably why Alexia hadn’t noticed you and Patri yet.
That evening when she’d bestowed your new nickname, you’d asked her out, suddenly emboldened by the way she got so flustered around you. Despite the way that she’d tried to hide it, you’d noticed it immediately.
Noticed Patri immediately.
Nearly four months later and you were still going strong and Alexia still refused to see what was right in front of her.
You’d like to say it was because you were hiding it, that you and Patri were being so secretive and sneaky. But you weren’t.
Everyone else had caught on from practically the moment you’d gotten together.
Already, you’d been on four separate double dates with Mapi and Ingrid, a further two with Marta and Caro and one with Alexia and Olga, though your sister had thought it was just you and Patri tagging along. Olga had gotten the message loud and clear though and congratulated you in the toilets.
“Yeah, well Alexia’s always thought that you had a stream of potential girlfriends following after you,” Patri says as your sister signs one of your shirts for the fans with narrowed eyes,” But then again, everyone wants to date El Rey.”
You bump your hip against hers. “But only one person gets to.”
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Could you please do it for Sylus too? Please https://www.tumblr.com/strwberri-milk/753546840195186688/hi-good-morning-afternoon-evening-ive?source=share
ive got a very loose idea of who he is right now so it might not be the most accurate - might be a little too cold, abrasive? but hopefully i adjust as we slowly learn more about him uwu
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He keeps track of everything relevant to you. He doesn't necessarily check obsessively, but if something's happening in Linkon he expects to be alerted fairly quickly. Ever since the two of you became official you began to tolerate Mephisto's presence a lot better than before. Sylus won't tell you but he's glad you do, able to let his mind rest in ease that there's a quick way to get at you.
When Mephisto returns to his home worse for wear Sylus immediately knows something's wrong. He retrieves the recording device from the bird, quickly scouring the footage for the last time the crow saw you. He's met with your face, blood that he hopes isn't yours as you try to tell Mephisto to go. At this point the little robotic bird is too compromised for the recording software to do an effective job but that's all he needs to see.
He heads into the city, seeing all of the recovery efforts. He was under the impression that the crisis was ongoing, neglecting to actually check the date that the recording software recorded of the video he was watching. He pulls out his phone as he makes his way around the city, trying to get in touch with you.
When hours start to go by with not even a peep from you he feels equal parts fury and desperation mix inside of him. On the outside he just looks incredibly pissed, nobody able to figure out why this man looks so angry but it's just the way he looks when he's worried about you.
He doesn't want to contact anybody else in your life, respecting your wish to keep him as separate from your coworkers as much as possible. That doesn't stop him from hacking into phones and computers, trying to figure out if any of them have eyes or ears on you. He finally manages to find a promising text thread sent by one of the officers you work with, finally making it to your hospital.
Surprisingly, he's patient with the staff at the front, waiting for them to go through procedure before finally coming into your hospital room. You look perfectly fine, him breathing a sigh of relief that you don't see.
"You're alright," he says at the sight of you, standing next to your bed.
"Sylus? I didn't call you, did I? I mean - my phone's been out for days at this point."
His brows furrow at the mention. Days? He didn't realise he'd drop the ball that badly.
"You should have known I would have found you no matter what. Even without tracking your phone."
"Oh - Mephisto! How is he?" you ask quickly, sitting up in the bed.
Sylus immediately reaches out to grab your hand, scowling at you in a way that's not exactly unkind but you still don't like it. You shy away from his touch just the slightest bit, feeling bad for worrying him so much. He sees the way you flinch, taking your hand in his a little more forcibly as his other hand comes to support your back.
"He'll be fine. Just some repairs - nothing worse than what he might sustain at the N109 zone. Focus on yourself."
"I don't need to. The doctors said I'm fine, really. I got there after the worst of it."
He looks at you skeptically, shaking his head.
"I don't care what they said. Rest until you're well enough for me to check you out. Then I'm taking you home. With me. You're going to get yourself into more danger if I'm not watching you."
You sigh to yourself, knowing there was no way of you arguing your way out of this. Despite his cold demeanour you know he's just looking for a reason to spoil you and you might just have to milk it a bit.
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | now you got me
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ix. now you got me by inhaler
series masterlist | previous | next
the happy little bubble you and luke made for yourselves inevitably bursted a few days after you made it official– though if you asked luke, you rejected his advances, which always earned an eye roll from you followed by a long kiss to his lips that had him silent for the next five minutes. you knew he was milking the hell out of you saying no to his question until he let you listen to the song, but you were his and he was yours regardless of the title. 
you stared at yourself in the mirror, blushing as you ran your fingers down the marks on your neck. you added a turtleneck under your chb shirt, not having enough energy to cover up the marks on your neck with makeup, and you definitely didn’t have the energy to explain to people how you got them. thankfully, the weather cooperated with you today. it was unusually cold for the summer, a slight breeze entering your room from your opened window. as you continued to get ready for the day, your phone buzzed with a text from your dad. 
‘hey kid, can you come to my office real quick?’
you hadn’t spoken to your dad in weeks, not since he stormed out of the cabin after finding out what started the fight with your teammate. this was the longest you’d gone without speaking to him. you texted a thumbs up and made your way out of your room. 
luke was sitting on the coffee table in the middle of everyone, looking at you with wondering eyes, “where are you going?” 
“my dad wants to talk.” 
“do you want me to come with you?” luke got up from where he sat. you told him last night that you’d been avoiding your dad as much as possible, and he did the same with you. as much as you guys butted heads, luke knew that it was taking a toll on you. you shared that you were scared about what would become of your relationship with your dad. luke, being as close to his mom as you were with your dad, understood. he knew what it was like to feel like your biggest supporter was giving up on you. it wasn’t a feeling he’d wish on his worst enemy, and definitely not a feeling he’d ever wish on you. 
“no, it’s fine,” you clenched your jaw, shaking your head. 
luke’s shoulders slumped over as he stuttered in his actions to sit back down, “oh, okay–uh, let me know if you need anything.” 
you nodded and waved a small goodbye before exiting the cabin. your heart was pounding the entire time you made your way to your dad’s office. a lot of things had been weighing on you this summer– your probation, a possible dent on your record, your estrangement from your parents, luke– and it was a lot to handle. camp half blood was supposed to keep you away from the problems that existed in your day-to-day life, but it seemed to follow you. 
you entered your dad’s office to see him typing away on his laptop. his eyebrows raised when you walked in, motioning for you to shut the door. he closed his laptop and placed it in one of the drawers of his desk. he took a deep breath, “hey, kid.” 
“hi, dad,” you replied, suddenly feeling like a little kid again. you sat on the usual chair in front of his desk and leaned back, “what’s up?” 
“i, uh,” he cleared his throat, “i just wanted to say i’m sorry for how we left things. i shouldn’t have stormed out like that. i was just angry. but not at you, at myself for making you feel like you had to fight these battles for me.” 
he leaned across his desk to hold your hands, “you’re my kid, y’know. my job is to protect you, not the other way around. so i apologize if i ever made you feel like you had to come to my defense.” 
“and i’m sorry for being mia the last few weeks,” he chuckled, squeezing your hands, “i’ve been in contact with my lawyers and they’re working on making sure the charges against you don’t stick so i’ve been pretty busy with that.” 
“you think it’ll get sorted out?” you asked. 
“yeah, don’t worry about it. it’s finishing up and i think you might even be able to play this season,” your dad smiled. “but i have to deal with a pr crisis right now that sprung up on me this morning.” 
your shoulders relaxed at your dad’s words. at least your probation was getting sorted out. that was one less thing to worry about. you tugged on the sleeves of your turtleneck as you got comfortable on your chair, “what’s the pr crisis?” 
he sighed, pulling out his laptop, “something with the band.” 
you hoped your dad didn’t notice the slight widening of your eyes. because you hadn’t been talking to your dad, he didn’t know about the recent developments between you and luke. you two didn’t show much pda outside of the cabin, scared that one of the campers would break their nda and post a picture of the two of you. neither of you were ready to tell the world about you two yet. it’s too soon. you didn’t even have the “what’s going to happen to us after summer?” conversation yet. 
“what happened?” 
“some pap pictures leaked. it’s of this new actress in hollywood and a guy leaving her hotel room. the press is reporting that the guy is luke. it looks a lot like him and you know the media– they run any story that’ll get them clicks even if it’s not fully fact-checked as long as they add the word ‘allegedly’ to the article,” he rolled his eyes, turning his computer to face you. “nobody knows where the pictures came from, so we don’t know if it’s actually luke or not, but i’ve been on the phone with may and their team all morning trying to do damage control. she’s telling the guys about the pictures right now.” 
at first glance, your heart dropped to your stomach. the guy did look an awful lot like luke. the rational part of you knew that this was probably taken before the two of you met because you’ve seen him every day since and he was practically imprisoned at chb all summer, but then you thought of your impromptu trip to achilles’ arcade and it made you want to throw up. if luke could sneak away with you like that, it would’ve been easy for him to do the same when he was alone. 
were the nights he didn’t spend in your bed because he was “writing” just an excuse to sneak off to meet up with the girl in the picture? she was gorgeous, after all. blonde, tall, the perfect new hollywood star. they’d make such a great power couple. the two rising stars in their respective industries, the perfect pair. 
the boy’s face, who may or may not be luke, was covered by his hood, but you can clearly see that he was kissing the girl deeply, with his hand placed on the curve of her back. the next picture was them with their fingers laced together as she led him into the hotel, giggling at something he said. the guy had a similar build as luke and dressed the same way as he did when he was having a lazy day– sweatpants, hoodie, and converses. 
bile made its way up your throat as you continued to scroll through the pictures. you looked at the time stamp of the photos and closed your eyes, wincing, when you saw that they were taken two days ago. luke didn’t sleep in your room two days ago, nor was he in the cabin. he showed up the next day saying that he was in the studio, trying to finish up the song so you would officially accept being his girlfriend. 
you squinted at a close-up picture of the pair, zoning in on the guy's hand. you breathed out a sigh of relief, fingers immediately clutching the ring that rested on your index finger. you turned the laptop back to your dad, “that’s not luke.” 
his eyebrows shot up, looking between you and his laptop screen, “how do you know?” 
“look at his rings,” you pointed at the bands around the guy’s fingers, “luke doesn’t wear a ring on his ring finger anymore. and look, the guy has a ring there and it’s gold.” 
“how are you so sure? what if he just decided to wear it that day?” 
“trust me,” you waved off, “he’s particular about his jewelry. he stopped wearing one on his ring finger a while ago. and luke doesn’t wear gold jewelry.” 
your dad narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously, shutting his laptop, “i didn’t realize you were that close to luke that you had his accessories memorized.” 
“ah– well,” you cleared your throat, looking down at your feet. you felt caught. “s’your fault, really. you made us live together.” 
“is there something you need to tell me, kid?” 
you got up from your seat, quickly making your way to the door, “geez, dad, i didn’t realize the time! i promised clar that i’d help her with camp duties, so i gotta go. thanks for all your help on the probation and permanent record thing. you’re the best!” 
you didn’t bother to turn around to see your dad’s reaction to your excuse. you knew that he could see right through you. 
you dad called from behind you, his joking tone camouflaged by his “dad” voice, “tell castellan that if he does anything wrong, i’ll kill him and his career!” 
“love you!” 
your dad shook his head, biting back the smile on his face, “love you too, kid.” 
as you were rushing back to your cabin, you ran smack dab into luke who was frantic, worry evident on his features. his eyes widened when he saw you and he placed his hands on your shoulders, steadying you so you didn’t fall at the impact. 
“five star,” he sighed out, out of breath, “i don’t know if mr. d told you but those pictures aren’t me, i swear!” 
you had two options– you could one, tell him that you knew it wasn’t him and put him out of his misery or two, you could pretend to not believe him and make him sweat. luke looked like he was about to get on his knees and beg you to believe him. you wouldn’t be surprised if he made a powerpoint presentation listing the reasons why it wasn’t him in those pictures. 
you pursed your lips, “i saw the pictures luke.” 
“and they weren’t me!” he said, exasperated. his eyebrows knitted in anxiety, as he chewed on the nail of his thumb, “you gotta believe me, babe. i don’t know who that guy is but i can promise you it’s not me.” 
you tried not to swoon at the pet name that left his lips. “how do i know that? you weren’t home the night those pictures were taken.” 
“i know it looks bad, but look,” he ran a hand through his curls. “i finished the song the boys wrote and you can go listen to it right now, but then that night, i got caught up with a song idea about you and i stayed up all night to write it. you can listen to the demo right now if you want. you can listen to all the demos you want if that gets you to believe me. i think the recordings have timestamps too, so you’ll see i was in there all nigh–”
“down, pretty boy,” you couldn’t keep it up any longer. luke looked like he was two seconds away from bursting into tears and as much as you wanted to hear him yap, you didn’t have it in your heart to drag it on. you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. you pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he instantly relaxed at the feeling. 
your lips moved in sync as his hands found your waist, pressing you closer to him. his tongue licked your bottom lip, asking for permission, which you gladly granted. it was the sound of clarisse and chris inside the cabin, tapping against the windows that pulled you and luke apart. you both turned to look at your friends who all had shit-eating grins on their faces. 
travis and connor were behind the couple, shaking their heads, “get a fucking room, you heathens.” 
luke flipped them off and pressed a softer, more innocent kiss on your lips before you spoke. “i knew it wasn’t you. just wanted to see you sweat a little bit.” 
“that was mean,” he pouted, but he couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. he always seemed to smile after he kissed you. it made you want to kiss him again, starting a never-ending chain of kisses that would surely lead the two of you to be unproductive for the rest of the day. “i was so scared, five star, you have no idea. the fucker looked so much like me.” 
you laughed, playing with the curls on the nape of his neck, “trust me, i know. my heart dropped to my ass when i first saw them, but i knew it wasn’t you.” 
“how’d you know?” 
“the rings,” you flushed, thinking about how crazy you must sound knowing these small details about him.
“shit, five star,” he whistled, surprised. there was a warmth in his chest that spread throughout the rest of his body at the idea of you paying attention to these things about him. “nothing can get past you, huh? i didn’t even notice that.”
“yeah, at least you know not to sneak around behind me because i’ll find out,” you teased, lacing your fingers together as you slowly made your way up the steps of the cabin. luke stood in his spot, pulling on your hand to get you to to turn around. you walked over to him, confused, “what’s up?” 
“y’know i wouldn’t think of doing that, right?” he asked, voice suddenly serious. “i would never do that to you.” 
your eyes softened as a wistful look appeared on your face. you kissed his cheeks, relishing in the feeling of luke wrapping his arms around your torso in a tight hug. you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, placing a feather-light kiss on his jugular, “yeah, yeah.” 
“‘m serious,” he pulled away, holding your face in his hands. he was staring at you intently, making sure that you were hearing his words. you never gave him an indication that you didn’t trust him, but luke knew that it was better to tell you these things straight up if he wanted to have a real relationship with you. he knew it takes a toll on the people he dates (not that he’s had any relationships like what he has with you) to see these bullshit stories online. if he was in your position, he knew the reassurance would help. luke placed a kiss on your forehead, “i wouldn’t do anything to mess this up if i can help it, five star.”
you let out a forced laugh, awkwardly shifting in his grasp, “yeah, given that my dad controls your contract, i know you wouldn’t.” 
luke frowned, “not because of that.” 
“uh huh,” you said, feeling too vulnerable right now. you didn’t know how to handle this situation, so you coped with humor, “he likes you so don’t worry, your contract extension is practically in the bag.” 
you tensed at luke’s use of your real name. he never called you by your name. he always called you by the nickname he gave you when he first met you. five star. you knew luke wasn’t in the mood to joke around. “luke, it’s fine.” 
“i don’t want to pick a fight,” he sighed, playing with the hem of your shirt, “but i just need to hear you say that you believe me when i say that. i wouldn’t cheat on you or do anything to make you feel like i ever would.” 
your voice shook as you spoke, “what if you’re just saying that because it’s still summer and we see each other every day? what’s gonna happen when i’m back in school and you’re out in the world traveling and living your rockstar life?” 
luke’s heart broke at your words. did you really think that he would forget about all of this once september rolled around? as if you didn’t consume his thoughts every day since he met you, as if he didn’t count down the minutes until he got to see you again when he was forced to be away from you because he had things to do, as if he didn’t have a sinking feeling in his stomach when you weren’t next to him. he was starting to think you didn’t understand just how deeply he felt about you even when you assured him that you did understand. 
“i’m not gonna lie, long distance is gonna be hard,” he said, “but we can figure it out. i know it.” 
“i never knew you were such an optimist, castellan.” 
luke laughed at that. if only you knew how many times he psyched himself out of making a move on you because of his own pessimism. it only changed recently, when he finally decided to say fuck it and go for it. “for you? always. i’d be stupid not to be. you’re a good thing, five star.” 
luke fucking castellan. you pressed your head into his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat against your face. he gave you a tight squeeze, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. he loved having you like this, all soft and cuddly with him like you didn’t want to let him go. he should be scared at how quickly he was falling for you, how attached he already felt. 
you kissed his lips again, pulling away with a smile, “so babe huh?” 
“babe, baby, sweetheart,” he mumbled, leaning over to kiss you again. “anythin’ you want.”
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ningvory · 9 months
Can I ask teacher reader x g!p student Kazuha?
ofc anonie <33
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parings: student!g!p kazuha x teacher!reader
synopsis: kazuha has a crush on her teacher and decides to fuck her full of her seed!
warnings: mentions of impregnating, cumming inside, fingering, scissoring, bondage, zuha calls reader unnie, recording, i didn’t poofread so pls ignore any mistakes you see <33
zuha has managed to start crushing on her teacher that happens to be 4 years older than her, she thinks you’re so cute teaching the class about stuff she could care less about. after class she would always ask for extra help but even then she wouldn’t pay attention! too focused on your tits popping out of your blouse thinking abt how big they would be filled with milk! she would keep this up, creating a friendship with you until she decided it was time to fuck you!
you were teaching class until the bell rang, everyone packing up and going to lunch but kazuha was slowly packing up, waiting for everyone to leave out of the room so it was just the two of you. you thought no one was left in the room until you turned your phone off, realizing she was still there you asked her if she needed help with todays lesson, but she cut you off by forcefully grabbing your head with one hand and using the other to hold your arms together, pushing you down on your teacher podium.
“kazuha, what are you doing!? let go of me now!” you asked anxiously, trying to get the girl to let you go. you quieted down when you felt something hard press against your ass.
kazuha used her school uniform tie to tie your arms together and used her now free arm to pull your panties down and began to finger you, making you moan out loud until your moans were muffled by her hand.
“yea you like that, unnie?” kazuha asked you, pumping her fingers into your cunt making you let out more muffled squeaks and whimpers.
she began to scissor you making your legs quiver, “kazu- kazuha! i’m gonna cum!” you said but was muffled from her hand still on your mouth but she understood all that you said, making her move her hands quicker as you came on her fingers.
she raised her fingers with your cum on it to her mouth, groaning at your taste, she could’ve came right there. kazuha finally raised her skirt up to pull down her boxers, dick slapping against her abs from how hard she was. she grabbed your hips and began to pound into your tight cunt, making the podium shake. kazuha, so drunken on the feeling of your cunt hugging her dick thew her head back, releasing her seed into you. she didn’t stop tho, she kept going as she pulled her phone out to record.
kazuha felt your cunt squeeze her dick even more, causing her to grunt as she pounded harder into you, ass smacking against her pelvis.
“i can’t take it!” you whimpered feeling your high coming again.
“you’re gonna take it.” kazuha growled, phone still in her hand recording.
this kept going until the sound of your whines became high pitched, legs shaking and your cunt squeezing zuha for all she’s worth as you came again, kazuha following right behind you cumming inside you again.
kazuha slowly pulled out, watching a mixture of hers and your cum spilling out. she put her boxers back on and pulled the baby pink plug she bought for you out of her purse.
“can’t have you leaking, can we?” kazuha asked with a smile, pushing the plug into you. plugging you up with her seed watching you jerked from the overstimulation, causing her to giggle.
even if she didn’t knock you up this time, she’ll be sure to keep on stuffing you full of her cum until she does. and if you told anyone, she’ll be sure to send the video everywhere. but she really was just bluffing, she had no intention to share this moment of you two. ♡
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kittysarchive · 4 months
MESSY. SEX. WITH. JUNGWON. I always say he looks like he's into that messy shi so just walk with me! Imagine like ur laid up against jungwon and he's thrusting up into you like literally pounding you and then you cum and some falls down but then JUNGWON CUMS...and his cum is literally leaking out and is spreading on the bed and it feels so sticky and hot but yet and still he's STILL pounding you. only stopping when your basically thrashing out of his arms. And he would def record the whole thing cuz he's a perv...sometimes using that to mock how u sounded that night. I rest my case!😊
I hear you...
Jungwon who doesn't care how stimulated he is, he keeps fucking your pussy. If you try to get away he'll beg you to stay over and over again. Jungwon's own legs will be cramping and shaking but god, your pussy is addicting
Jungwon won't stop until you milk him dry
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hunnylagoon · 8 months
When I Was Your Girl
Stage Fright
Rockstar! Ellie Williams x pop star! Reader
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‘Fame is a poison most would drink happily despite the warning of a slow and painful death’
Premise: You and fell in love as nobodies and fell out of love in the limelight. Now you are forced to deal with ghosts who haunt you like a melody.
Warnings: small mentions of drinking and drugs / wee bit of violence / Ellie is a dick
Fake albums mentioned: Solstice / Smokey Eyes
I've never been anything more than a joke.
I'm so childish they took it for maturity, and I'm so serious they took it for silly.
Even since I began my career, I was spotted at eighteen by a skeezy producer when I sold myself at a strip club to make ends meet, because dreaming never paid the bills. I wish that I had been found somewhere else, maybe one of the restaurants I sang at on karaoke nights or the park where I poured my soul into art through my uncle’s old acoustic guitar. 
"How are you feeling right now?" A tanned woman with slick back hair shoves a microphone into my face while an emotionless man holds the camera. "I mean, seven years in the industry and you've just received your first Grammy nominations."
"I'm feeling kind of freaked out, to be honest," I face the woman with a sheepish smile on my face, trying the best I can not to look at the large camera lurking beside me.
"Rightfully," Her teeth are so white that they almost blind me and I get distracted by myself as I try to figure out whether they are veneers or not. "Do you think you'll be bringing any hardware home tonight?"
She moves the microphone back to my face and I flinch out of instinct, we both laugh for the camera but I can tell she's annoyed "Honestly, I'm just happy to be here, as corny as it sounds it is such an honour to be around so many incredible artists."
"So humble," She smiles then turns to the camera to address the viewers "I think we all know she's gonna be sleeping tonight with a golden gramophone under her pillow," She forces a laugh, trying to capture the raw essence of this overly manufactured moment. The interviewer turns back to me "Now, I know this isn't your first rodeo, is there anyone here you aren't looking forward to seeing, you don't have to name any names."
Fuck I hate these bloodsuckers. She is so obviously trying to milk my broken engagement which was still very much fresh. I uphold my false smile though and shake my head "Nope, if anything I think I'm looking forward to some mingling,"
She looks irritated, covering it up only by a close-lipped smile. "Well, then I'll let you get on with that."
I give her a curt wave and continue my way down the red carpet, maneuvering through other celebrities, we all have common ground, we are blinded by the flashing lights. I try my best to avoid any more journalists but I see Abby Anderson speaking to one and sneak up behind her, tapping her on the shoulder.
She turns around and greets me with a huge smile "I was wondering when I was gonna see you," Abby smiles and slings an arm around my shoulders looking to the journalist while I glance at the camera "I'm telling you, this girl needs to clear some space out on her trophy shelf."
I grin at her, genuinely. Abby had always been kind to me, we first met when I was nineteen and the both of us signed up for Atlantic Records. "She's just being nice," I say.
"And she's just being humble!" Abby squeezes me, it's a simple gesture but it means the world to me, it's her way of saying 'I got you'.
I shake my head "Abby is gonna be the real winner tonight."
The man holding a microphone in front of us smiles "We'll see who's right, my bet is both of you," He turns his attention to me directly "So I understand that you took a bit of a break after releasing your album, Solstice, is this considered your comeback?"
"Nope," I smile despite wanting to snatch the microphone from his hand and beat the camera with it until it shatters "There isn't anything to come back from."
He tilts his head giving the over-animated 'Are you serious?' look for whoever is watching. Every journalist was like a vampire trying to bleed me dry. The journalist, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that exudes both sophistication and confidence searches his mind for another question "Well your album honestly was such a work of art and there has been talk that you are working on another one, is there anyone here that inspired any of those songs?"
"I think we should ask Ellie the same question," He laughs at his joke like it was funny. 
"And I think we should be heading off now," Abby answers for me and guides me away from the barricade of reporters and journalists, away from the cameras prying into my soul.
As I walk along the red carpet, I don't bother to stop and pose for any more pictures, I pick up the long skirts of my dress and usher myself to weave between the other celebrities. I nearly turn my ankle and take a tumble, wow, sure glad that 30 photographers caught that moment.
I was drenched in a deep, enchanting shade of midnight blue, the gown captivated with its sleek silhouette. The magic shows in the intricate details that adorn the fabric, reminiscent of the cosmos itself. Delicate embroidery of constellations graces the entire dress, forming a celestial tapestry that seems to come alive under the harsh shine of lights. The celestial patterns are meticulously sewn into the fabric, resembling a night sky filled with stars and constellations, creating an ethereal and otherworldly charm. Paired with the constellation dress, I wear a diamond choker and matching teardrop earrings.
I had lost Abby at some point in my little runaway leaving me to get into the auditorium where the award ceremony is to take place. 
Nearly the very second I walk in I hear a man yell my name, he is seated in the second row and it takes an awkwardly long amount of time for him to jog over to me. "Hey, kid!" He grins, hugging me, I don't hug him in return, I just freeze. It was Graham Wilson, I could smell the liquor on his breath.
Graham Wilson was a man who used to write very successful rock songs in his twenties with his band (the majority now deceased), he was nearing his sixties and was the definition of a has-been. I remember when I was a kid and I would listen to him on my iPod; though in recent days he's become known for ridiculous stunts, DUIs and homophobic tweets, even better known for how he found out I was gay and announced that he was no longer homophobic because, in his words 'Those gays can sure write good music' and then thanked me in his tweet, even tagging my account.
His frame carries the weight of a bygone era, specifically his beer belly. His once-lustrous, shoulder-length hair has succumbed to streaks of gray, hanging limply around his face like faded echoes of a rebellious past. Despite the passage of time, a few remnants of the rockstar allure linger - a faint scar above his right eyebrow, a reminder of a wild night in an underground club, and the subtle tattoos peeking out from under the sleeves of his wrinkled suit jacket.
"Hey, Graham," I give him a tight-lipped smile out of courtesy, in no means do I wish to talk to him. 
"You better win best album tonight," He gives me a hard slap on the back. Every time I see him he acts like we're friends just because he was a judge on a singing reality show that I was on seven years prior.
"I'll try my best," I try to excuse myself but he speaks again.
"I said seven years ago when I saw you on that stage that you were gonna be a star so don't let me down," He points a finger at me and gives me a weird smirk. When he smirks I almost think he's having a stroke until he starts to laugh and reveals his rows of teeth that are beginning to rot from his not-so-subtle drug abuse.
"Okay," I give him a nod and a quick wave goodbye to sneak away and pretend that I didn't converse with him. It seems like I'm early to take my seat, people are still piling in and being ushered to their spots, and seat fillers are standing around sheepishly while they try to take discreet photos of celebrities.
My seat is on the end of row two, right on the aisle, I feel myself split into a grin. If you weren't aware, Who sits where is a major status symbol. And though awards show organizers may deny it, it's awfully convenient to be sitting in the front row or on the aisle if you're about to accept a ton of trophies.
I was shaking with nerves, I got nominated three times and maybe there was hope that I would win at least one category.
When I saw Ellie I almost wanted to hide my face, she walked in with a new girl she slung her arm around, Jesse, Dina, and Cat in tow. I'm thankful to see that they're sitting front row of the opposite section of me and have yet to notice me.
I'm not sure if you have ever fallen in love, dated, gone on tour, moved in together, adopted a dog, written a couple of songs, got engaged, then broken up with someone and had the entire thing be documented publically but it's not the best feeling when you have to be in the same room as them again.
Everything with Ellie used to be so perfect.
The first thing I ever noticed about her were her eyes, her sad eyes. She looked like a puppy that had been kicked around for far too long; neglected and mistreated by whoever was cruel enough to show her such torment. Her eyebrows furrowed like each thought running through her head was a worry.
It's hard to look at her now, I know this girl inside out but we are strangers. 
I liked to pretend that the beautiful girl she was with was just there for show but I knew it was untrue when I saw her snake her hand around her waist just like she did to me. She runs through girls like they're cigarettes, she uses them until they burn out or she grows sick of them.
Two years ago at this very same award show, Ellie accepted Song of the Year for the song she wrote about me, 'Everlong'. She had even invited me on stage during her speech and announced to the world how in love she was with me.
If only I knew I could come to hate someone I used to love to death.
My hate was only solidified when Ellie and the Ashmen dropped their most recent album titled 'Smokey Eyes' just three months after our broken engagement. The entire album was about me and dear god it almost ruined my career.
Ellie had managed to paint me in a horrible light that made me seem like the scum of the earth. She wrote about me having substance issues and overall just sang happily about how much she despised me. Her song 'Me vs Your Friends' wrecked me. After speculation began over that song online, her fans decided that they loathed me just the same as Ellie did; this meant that I was doxxed, sent death threats, had my home broken into, and forced to move.
She wasn't the slightest bit sorry.
I spent the award ceremony dazed out, to be truthful, these types of events were boring. They dragged on for ages and you had to sit through the same generic speeches over and over again of people thanking their parents and producers, I hated both of those.
I watched as Amelia Swan walked on stage, she was a nepotism baby, the daughter of some big-shot director and beautiful all the same. In the glittering spotlight of the grand award show stage, a vision of elegance takes center stage as the next announcer for the evening. A beautiful woman, her porcelain skin seemingly kissed by moonlight, graces the audience with a timeless allure. Her dark, cascading hair frames her face in a sleek, sophisticated manner, accentuating the delicate features that radiate a captivating charm.
Draped in a resplendent pink gown, the fabric sits tight against her slim body. The gown is a masterpiece of design. Its silhouette accentuates her figure with tasteful precision, while the soft hue of pink complements her fair complexion.
"Hello!" She smiles and the crowd begins to cheer "I'm going to cut to the chase because I know all of you are as excited to find out the winner as I am."
Amelia begins to go through the nominees, my breath hitches in my throat when she says my name, though I play it cool the best I can and smile softly when the camera zooms in on me in the crowd.
Her eyes, framed by carefully styled lashes and a hint of rosy eyeshadow, exude warmth and confidence. Lips adorned with a subtle shade of pink curve into a welcoming smile, inviting the audience to share in the excitement of the announcement. 
"The winner of Album of the Year is..." I could've sworn I nearly passed out when Amelia said my name.
Nothing felt real, it was like I was living the dreams that I made up when I was a little girl staying up late in my uncles back yard, talking to the indigo sky and speaking to it with delusions of security and stardom.
I shake when I stand up from my chair. The person next to me hugs me and I don't even know who she is but I hug her in return.
Amelia gestures for me to join her on stage with a huge smile on her face. I make my way down the aisle and up the steps leading to the stage. Amelia handed the statue of the golden gramophone to me along with the microphone to give my speech.
At this moment, the stage is my kingdom "I didn't prepare anything because I honestly didn't think I would win but I'd like to thank my little sister, Marceline, and my late uncle, Richie, god rest his soul. Everything I've done leading me to this moment has been for them, every lyric, every night I'm up till dawn writing. Even though Richie can't be here in person, I carry a little piece of him with me everywhere I go, he's all around me, I see him in the songs I write, in the melody of an acoustic guitar, and in the faces of those gentle enough to show me kindness."
The audience applauds for me, even Ellie who stares me down bitterly. I had sung in front of thousands of people but it would never compare to this moment.
I wipe a tear away from my eye "I would also like to thank all of my fans, you guys are just the fucking best," I giggle through my crying "I feel like you've been sent down by Richie and Marceline I know you're watching me right now, please give my dog some love for me. Please know that I don't come from anything, I was born from dirt and dreams for something more than a ratty town in Canada."
I lived for the applause.
"I mean, I've always been good and never great so this means a lot to me-
Ameilia places a hand on my shoulder to stop me "There was a bit of a mix-up," She announces "I'm sorry, love, you didn't win," She says just to me, dark eyes full of remorse.
"What?" I almost think it's a sick joke.
Amelia holds the microphone to her face to be heard by the audience "I'm not joking," She shows the contents of a card to the crowd "The real winners for album of the year are Ellie and the Ashmen for their album Smokey Eyes." Gasps sound from the audience and I can only imagine what those watching from home are doing
The camera pans to where Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and Cat sit, Ellie is laughing; not laughing, cackling, it only grows and now she's laughing so hard she can barely breathe. Suddenly I didn't feel like I was king of the world, it felt like the desolation of a hangover had hit me in the span of 90 seconds.
Dina gives Ellie a harsh elbow to her bicep, telling her to be respectful. The four of them rise from their chairs and make their way up to the stage, where I stand, paralyzed.
"Congratulations," I give Ellie a tight-lipped smile and hand the award off to her.
She smiled smugly at me and took it "Thanks, smokey eyes," Ellie held the statue up to display it. Smokey eyes was a nickname she had given me when we first met since I always had dark circles she said they looked like smoke from a forest fire. I told you that album was about me. What made me more mad is that it was such a stupid fucking nickname.
My mouth goes dry, it tastes like salt and failure.
I take many steps back, trying to hide myself at the back of the stage while I watch the Ashmen bathe in the glory I thought was mine.
"I didn't prepare anything because I honestly didn't think I would win," Ellie begins to mock me "But I'd like to thank my best friends, Dina, Jesse, and Cat, I couldn't have done it without you," She motions at her band members beside her "But I also couldn't have done it without my dad, thank you, Joel, you're out there in the cheap seats but I fucking love you," She waves out into the crowds somewhere before handing the microphone off to Dina.
"I am so beyond grateful-
"No!" Someone yells from the ground and all attention turns to him "This is not fair!" Graham shouts, walking up the stairs. Everyone in the room looks at one another trying to figure out what is going on. Graham snatches the microphone from Dina "I'm proud of you four but listen."
Everyone is silent completely, no one is sure what to do so we let Graham continue.
"I met everyone on this stage seven years ago," He throws one arm out for dramatics "Except for Amelia, I don't know you," Graham is more dishevelled than he was when I saw him earlier that night "Let me tell all of you that Ellie was in love with this girl since the day they met!" Graham points at me, now things are getting weird, well weirder. “I know because I was there and you all saw it on TV!”
It was no secret that Ellie and I were together since we met on Road to Stardom, a singing reality show where people compete for-well, stardom. Every step of our relationship had been very public, not by choice but by unfortunate circumstances. It is for this reason I was afraid of what Graham would spout next.
"Without her, Smokey Eyes wouldn't have ever been written, Ellie would've had no inspiration for it," He babbles "But more so my point is, Solstice deserved to win, Smokey Eyes is mediocre at best!"
People in the audience look genuinely concerned, I spot Abby in the third row. She has one hand covering her mouth from pure shock, her eyebrows are furrowed and she almost looks like she's going to throw up.
 "Solstice is the best album to listen to when you're high off salvia on your bathroom floor!" Graham points back at me.
I see Cat mutter something to Jesse along the lines of "He's not wrong."
"Smokey Eyes has three good songs and Solstice has thirteen!" Graham suddenly stops to turn and look at me, he grabs my wrist "Come up here and finish your speech," I shake my head no but he pulls me up anyway.
I freeze, petrified. My eyes are wide and my lips are pressed together in a thin line. I didn't know what to do. Why wasn't anyone doing anything?
Graham's head suddenly snaps from me to Ellie where he takes an intoxicated step closer to her "Give me that damn award, you don't deserve it, especially not after mocking the woman who inspired it!" He lunges for the statue, at first Ellie is stubborn and holds onto it tight.
After 30 seconds of Graham trying to pry the stature away, Ellie gives up and releases it, figuring it best not to fight with a drunk man; in doing so Graham's elbow flies back from sudden loss of resistance and hits me dead in my nose. I yelp out in pain bending over into a crouch and clutching my nose. Graham stumbles back and trips over me, though he is still holding on tight to the statue.
Jesse approaches him slowly. "Hey, man, It's me, I think we should all just settle down and talk this through," He tries to act cool but his eyes are full of worry "I agree, I think Solstice is a great album and it really deserved to win."
Graham clumsily rolled onto his stomach and then stumbled back onto his feet. He was staring Jesse down like this was the Wild West.
Dina rushed over to me to make sure I was okay "Let me see," She gingerly moved my hands away from my nose, it had been knocked crooked and blood was pouring down to my chest where it pooled at the neckline of my dark dress.
Graham chucked the golden gramophone at Cat who jumped back when he did so and took a swing at Jesse who didn't move an inch or even shudder from his drunken punch. It also didn't help Graham that he was a solid four inches shorter than Jesse. Just as Graham was hyping himself up to send another hit, two bulky men grabbed either of Graham's arms and dragged him off the stage and out of sight.
I went home that night with nothing more than a broken nose, and no award but I could rest knowing that night went down infamously in history. My blood dripped onto the stage of the Grammys.
That was the night I truly became famous.
Grade eight- Age thirteen 
Middle school is hard.
Even harder when you have two friends, one of them is a guy who is obsessed with Star Wars and is hardly at school because he's always having an allergic reaction, and the other friend is my English teacher. I ate lunch in her class while he graded schoolwork on days that Milo was too sick to show up for school.
I never understood why kids are so fucking mean. Like sometimes I'm having a good day and then I remember when I sang at the middle school talent show.
Some kid who was destined to have a blunt in his hand finished doing tricks on his skateboard rolled off stage and it was my turn.
In the dimly lit auditorium, adorned with colourful decorations for the annual school talent show, I took center stage with my guitar, a blend of excitement and nervousness etched across my face. The hushed whispers of the audience faded as I strummed the first chords, the notes carrying the beginning to the first of many performances in my life
"If you gave me only one wish,
I wouldn't want to feel this way.
They told me I'd have your memory
But all I want is you to stay
And I can't stop my mind from haunting me,
It's like a scar on a butterfly's wing,
I wanted you to know."
I had worked tirelessly to perfect the lyrics to my first ever song, begging my uncle who was far more practiced for his input. This was way back when I still lived in fuck ass nowhere Alberta, I had that country twang in my high voice though it carried a specific tenderness.
"This beautiful pain that I feel is all because of you
And one day these bones will heal
And they'll leave me with the truth
And I'll give you everything if it's the last thing that I do.
This beautiful pain, this beautiful pain
This beautiful pain for you."
However, as I sang my little heart out, a different melody began to play in the background - the snickers and hushed comments of some classmates who couldn't appreciate the vulnerability I laid bare on the stage. Their laughter, like discordant notes in a once-harmonious piece, reverberated through the auditorium.
"If I sailed the world on stormy seas
Chasing sunlight that I can't see.
I was a dreamer here before,
Before I woke up and fell to the floor
And I'd climb to heaven if I could find you,
Even with a scar this butterfly flew.
I wanted you to know."
I spotted one group in particular, they hated me already and this would give them all the more reason to bully me.
"This beautiful pain that I feel is all because of you
And one day, these bones will heal
And they'll leave me with the truth
And I'll give you everything if it's the last thing that I do
This beautiful pain, this beautiful pain, this beautiful pain."
Maybe the lyrics were the slightest bit corny but I was thirteen and these girls were being little cunts. I bit back the tears I so clearly wanted to release when I saw a teacher had to walk over to the group of girls to stop their laughing. It wasn't just that one group though, kids scattered all over were fighting back giggles and that made it hurt all the worse.
"And all I'll ever need
And all I'll ever be,
Within every part of me is this,
This beautiful pain that I feel is all because of you
And one day these bones will heal
And leave me with the truth
And I'll give you everything 'cause it was all I ever knew.
This beautiful pain,
This beautiful pain,
This beautiful pain,
For you."
As the last note hung in the air, the room was divided. Some applauded, recognizing the authenticity of my performance, while others continued their derisive comments. So the majority who liked my singing were teachers, but that didn't matter, at least my music got through to someone.
The rest of the day was even more difficult than my three-minute performance, at least that was over quickly but the comments from Kennedy and her friends left me leaving school in tears.
I didn't go home that day, I walked the extra ten minutes to get to my uncle's house. Lugging my guitar and newfound hate for music with me. The façade, adorned with a mismatched collection of potted plants and a welcoming, hand-painted sign that read ‘Home Sweet Home’ hinted at my uncle's efforts to infuse joy into his surroundings. The paint on the wooden shutters might have faded, but they held stories of many seasons gone by. The roof, patched with a variety of materials, showed the resourcefulness of my uncle in their attempt to shield the interior from the whims of weather. 
He tried to make the house look nice for me and my little sister. He was by no means rich in money but rich in what mattered, the love he had for me was overflowing.
It wasn't a particularly nice neighbourhood either, his house was small, with two bedrooms and a basement I wasn't allowed in. But every time I think of the chipped blue walls, I feel a warm sense of nostalgia run down my spine.
"Who's there?" I hear Uncle Richie call from the kitchen where he is cooking something.
"Just me," I yell back, dropping my guitar case on the ground and belly-flopping onto his old brown leather couch that had more tears in it than I could count; he had tried to stich some of them up with embroidery floss but ultimately gave up, deciding to let it be since he couldn't afford to replace it.
"Why aren't you at your mom's, Chickadee?"
"I don't wanna see Mom right now, she's gonna put me in an even worse mood," I call back grabbing the TV remote off of the water-damaged coffee table.
"What happened?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
Minutes later Richie walks into the living room to join me, he carries a bowl of Kraft Mac and cheese with two forks shoved in it, he taps the bottom of my socked feet, signalling for me to move them so he can fit on the couch with me. Uncle Richie has a buzz cut and beard stubble that I have never seen him without, he has never been seen without a flannel on, not as long as I've been alive. What I remember the clearest about him though was the scar beneath his right eye, when I was younger he would tell me that he got it from a pirate though I stopped believing that. "So are you going to tell me why you're sulking?"
I ignore him and he reaches for the remote to turn the TV off "Hey, I watching that," I mutter.
"Well I'm waiting for you to answer me, Chickadee," He tilts his head "Or you won't get any kraft dinner."
"I sang at the talent show today."
"Everyone made fun of me."
He furrows his eyebrows "Why would they do that?"
"Why do you think?" I snark "Because I'm not good enough and I'm a bad singer and I have a shit guitar." I immediately regret my words. Uncle Richie was the one who gave me that guitar, it was all he could manage with his income, it was his back when he had dreams of his own but he fixed it up so I could pick up where he left off. The guitar itself had a cracking between the face and the side that was being held together with duct tape, not to mention the whole thing was basically reinforced with superglue and there were Sharpie drabbles on it of poems and potential songs Richie started that I will be sure to finish.
"This is the best guitar in the world," He reaches behind the couch where I left it slugs the case onto his lap and opens it to showcase the guitar "Because it's full of something money can’t buy, there is love built into this guitar and every time you play it you feel that love."
"I don't feel love when I play," I say, eyes brimming with tears.
"Then you're not playing right," He smiles, discarding the case on the floor "Did you play the song I helped you write?"
I nod "Kennedy said it was worse than shoving nails into her ears and that my guitar was decrepit and even more fugly than I am."
"Well Kennedy is a little cunt," He answers "Don't tell anyone I said that." His words make me giggle. I watch him intently as he begins to strum some chords on the guitar, the beginning of Beautiful Pain, he stops when I don't sing the lyrics, glancing at me until the words finally fall from my lips.
After the first two Stanzas, he hands the guitar off to me, nodding his head along to my gentle strums.
When I finish the song and strike the last chord, Richie claps a huge smile on his face "Do you feel the love yet?"
"I dunno."
"Then play again," He says "Don't think about those bitchy little girls," His tone is dead serious "You just gave all of those people a free performance, in ten years they are going to be paying hundreds just to get a bad seat at one of your shows and they will buried so far in the back of your mind that you won't even remember their names or all of those awful words they say to you, the only words that will matter are the ones you sing."
"So what do I do?"
"Play music because you love it, it doesn't matter if it takes you anywhere or if it makes you any money. That's why you should play, play for love not greed."
Wordlessly I begin the song over again, blocking out the rest of the world while I softly sing the lyrics. I strum each cord perfectly, my singing to match. I will forever think back to this moment, this is where I can pinpoint the exact second I fell in love with music.
I wrap up the song and Richie speaks up "Do you still want to watch TV?"
I shake my head "Can you help me write another song?" 
Sinjinisoverboard: I love love love the new single but does anyone else miss her debut era?????? I feel like she's sold out
     woodmonkey92: Reply to Sinjinisoverboard╰┈➤ this is so true, I remember when she would sing in parks and she was actually happy just being herself
     theend_is_n3ar: Reply to woodmonkey92╰┈➤ bruh you don't remember that, she was a nobody when she sang in parks plus she literally got heckled and ridiculed by her classmates so bad that she gave up on singing in public and almost gave up on music as a whole
     user37768638493: Reply to sinjinisoverboard╰┈➤ as much as I love her it really seems like she's fallen off the rails
conner_stoll_it: She's not even the same person anymore. I fell in love her original music and who she was when she wrote it, then she signed with a record label now she's an in-genuine copy of every pop star.
     Alina_b12: Reply to conner_stoll_it╰┈➤ you fell in love with her old music?? 💀💀💀 she wasn't even past 100 subscribers when she released her debut album and after she released she literally gained 11 listeners on Spotify to get a total of 24 so don't lie and say that you heard it before hearing her mainstream music
     Luciaisdonewithlife: Reply to conner_stoll_it╰┈➤ Her old music was so relatable, she got famous and it’s kind of hard to relate to someone who's net worth is more money then I can even fathom
     hazeinmorningcraze: Reply to Luciaisdonewithlife╰┈➤I think that's why it was so easy for everybody to side with Ellie during the breakup, Ellie kept true to who she is, her girlfriend however did not.
     Luciaisdonewithlife: Reply to hazeinthemorningcraze╰┈➤*fiancé
     hazeinthemorningcraze: Reply to Luciaisdonewithlife╰┈➤ ew don't remind me
     maiya_onthec0ast: Reply to conner_stoll_it╰┈➤ We should remember that no one listened to her when she released her debut music. She said in an interview that before she signed with Atlantic Records she had 24 listeners and 76 subscribers. We only know who she is because of her mainstream music, you aren't better than anyone for needlessly hating on her.
stargirlthesequel: God who else misses the southern twang she used to have in her voice?
      Vampire_empire2: Reply to stargirlthesequel╰┈➤LMAO acting like you know her is crazy
      Aline_b12: Reply to stargirlthesequel╰┈➤parasocial relationships are really becoming apparent rn
thismightbeskylarwwhiteyo: It's soooooo annoying when people hate on Solstice for being mainstream like all Ashmen discography isn't top on charters since they dropped their first album
     dancedancerev0lution: Reply to thismightbeskylarwwhiteyo╰┈➤I've been saying this! Ellie has been in the industry way longer, she's always had a big fan base, even when she was still a solo artist!
    elliespurplemonster: Reply to thismightbeskylaarwwhiteyo╰┈➤ Ellie Williams on 🔝
    call_urm0ther: Reply to elliespurplemonster╰┈➤ kys she treated her fiancé horribly
    elliespurplemonster: Reply to call_urm0ther╰┈➤ how would you know that????? Were you there??????
    follow_kendra88: Reply to call_urm0ther╰┈➤Ellie was the one who was treated horribly in that relationship, have you even listened to Smokey Eyes?
    ellies_no2girl: Reply to call_urm0ther╰┈➤Ellie was so in love and just got used for fame 🥺💔
     call_urm0ther: Reply to ellies_no2girl╰┈➤fuck off with your cringe ass emojis
sorryyileft___:You guys are so weird for saying Ellie was used by her ex for fame, they literally were on the same show at the same age at the same time and got thrown into the limelight at the same time, Ellie and the Ashmen just got more popular.
   mybodyisacage: Reply to sorryyileft___╰┈➤Ellie had a bit of a YouTube presence before she was on Stardom, it wasn't a crazy number but it was a cult following and that's why she won Stardom, bc she had fans to begin with then gained even more after being on national television
    elliespurplemonster: Reply to mybodyisacage╰┈➤She didn't win bc of following she won bc she's a good artist
    mybodyisacage: Reply to elliespurplemonster╰┈➤I never said she wasn't
bodhi_van34: I thought the whole thing at the Grammy's was an act until I saw all those news articles about Graham Wilson getting arrested
  carlyswarly: Reply to bodhi_van34╰┈➤They did a drug test when he got arrested and found coke in his system
    may0mayyyo: Reply to carlyswarly╰┈➤A busboy who worked the event said that Graham was doing cocaine in the bathroom
   body_van34: Reply to may0mayyyo╰┈➤ LMAO WTF 
juliaa__stirling: The way Ellie was laughing when Amelia said she messed up the cards was so rude and immature. Her fans are insane for defending her. All of that just because her ex fiancé gave a speech about working hard, imagine how she felt after being so honest with everyone just for her to not actually win and think about how she feels now reading all of these posts.
botoxangel: Celebrities have feelings too, Amelia made a mistake she's probably embarrassed but not as embarrassed as that poor woman is for putting her soul into a speech just for her ex and all of her fan girls to ridicule her for a mistake that wasn't even hers.
    karaleaah778: Reply to botoxangel╰┈➤exactly! And why are people blaming Amelia??? She was given the envelope by someone else, she genuinely thought her friend won.
carlosislost: Why is Graham even invited to these events?????????
katie_katelynsm1th: Reply to carlosislost╰┈➤Bc it's funny when he causes a scene
howto_nevrst0ppbeingsad: I know you guys think this Grammy situation is so funny but it's really not. Graham is clearly mentally ill, this is a cry for help.
   elleryc3llery: Reply to howto_nevrst0ppbeingsad╰┈➤Dude it's hilarious
  3emmettttt: Reply to howto_nevrst0ppbeing sad╰┈➤The way you're worried about the has been and not the girl whose nose he broke
jessicadacoolest: Ellie is so real for laughing bc I would've done the same tbh
hennyrumwine: Dumb bitch deserved to be hit lollllllll
4444carmencarmen4444: I love the Ashmen's music but I hate Ellie sm, I just feel like she's a fuck girl and she gives me very rude vibes. Like laughing at her ex and then mocking her heartfelt speech is INSANE anyways stream Solstice
sittingwaiting_wishing: I honestly have hated Ellie since the breakup, she's changed so much since then. She used to be funny now she's just mean.
carissaandher_h0ttakes: I still think it's kind of crazy that Dina and Jesse followed through with Ellie on Smokey Eyes because they were really close to her when she was engaged to Ellie, can't imagine how many ties that album severed
    elliessmokeyeye: Reply to carissaandher_h0ttakes╰┈➤I think about this all the time! She was literally the god mother for Dina and Jesses kid
     carissaandher_h0ttakes: Reply to elliessmokeyeye╰┈➤it make me think that she might've done something to them to make them hate her the way Ellie does, Ellie did say that she didn't write all of the songs for Smokey Eyes 🤔🤔🤔
"Do you see how this backlash doesn't look good for anyone?" My agent, Caroline asks after showing me several Twitter posts that are under the trending tag.
"Well, it's not really my fault."
"Nonetheless, I think It's time for a rebrand." She sets her phone face down and looks at me from across her desk "Do you remember when you went on tour with the Ashmen when you were around twenty-one?"
My eyes go wide, I'm already shaking my head "Please-
"This is an awful event that you can turn into an amazing opportunity and capitalize on it," The backdrop behind Caroline is almost blinding, it's an annoyingly hot LA day and I want nothing more than to be back in Canada and swimming in lakes with my little sister.
"Caroline, mentally I can't handle a tour with Ellie."
"Mentally, you're gonna have to," She says, getting stern "Your fans either hate each other or they love both of you and feel like their parents have divorced."
I know that I will argue with Caroline for the next hour and threaten to fire her but eventually, she will win, so until then I am preoccupied with thoughts of everything but Ellie, soaking in the last moments I will have until she envelopes my brain and suffocates me from the inside out.
I am sure that with Ellie, I will die before winter comes and I am doubtful that I will ever bloom again.
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shadesslut · 10 months
pretty little thing
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Pairing: (Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Hand-job, masturbation, phone sex, exhibitionism?)
Summary: Ethan can't help himself when his pretty little thing sends a nude while he's in public
Ethan Landry Masterlist
Ethan was the type to immediately go somewhere private to jerk off after receiving a nude. His phone brightness was up, and a bright picture of her made him spit out his drink as he clumsily rushed to lower his brightness. He was with Chad and the others in public, at some store Tara and Anika loved shopping at. She was naked in the photo, with an arm covering over her nipples. Her skin looked smooth like silk, and she angled the camera to look down her body. Ethan’s cheeks became a dark shade of scarlet as he stared. His lips slightly parted, and anything and everything Chad was saying was ignored by Ethan. He rudely left Chad and the others, not saying anything as he walked to the nearest fitting room. 
“You have to try on clothes to use the fitting rooms, sir.” The older woman sitting at the help desk told Ethan as he walked towards the entrance of the fitting rooms. 
“W-What? Oh, sorry,” He stammered nervously, holding his phone tightly in his hands. His head looked both ways before randomly grabbing a handful of clothes from a rack. He heard the woman sigh heavily as he locked himself in a fitting room, and he knew if he could hear her, she probably could hear him. So he had to be quiet.
He unzipped his jeans, continually examining the photo. He kicked off his jeans to the floor as he discarded his boxers after, letting his already hard cock bounce against the skin under his belly button. He exited the picture to send her a text.
Fucking brat you know im in public
3:42 pm
just thinkin ab you baby<3
3:42 pm
Ethan went back to the picture, and his hand delicately wrapped around the shaft of his cock. He quietly whimpered at the relief of pressure being added. He slowly dragged his fisted hand up to his tip, catching the precum into the crook of his thumb. “F-Fuck,” He whined. He sped up his pace before closing his eyes in bliss, before his phone dinged at another new message. 
let me see you
3:44 pm
He moaned her name softly, followed by a curse. His hand shook as he went to his camera app, instantly pressing record. He angled his phone to his face, letting the camera capture the amount of pleasure he was in. His eyebrows creased, his mouth opened widely, and his curls bouncing as he stroked himself would most definitely turn her on, and he knew that. He kept the angle on his face for a few seconds, and he moaned her name, eyes fixating on the camera as if he was looking into her eyes. He flipped the phone down to his cock, which was being milked by the rough palm of his hand. His wrist twisted as he slid up and down, and he bent lower to whisper to the camera.
“You wish this was you baby? You wish you were stroking my cock right now?”
His hand moved faster.
“Well it’s all yours, my body is all yours baby. It’ll be all yours tonight.” 
His legs started to shake, and he involuntarily thrusted into his hand. As he fucked himself, he thought of her, he thought of sliding into her wet pussy, ramming into her as if she was just a pretty little thing for him to ruin. He panted, moaning like a mess, and came into his hand, groaning as the white streaks of cum painted his skin. Drops of cum dripped onto the floor, and he flipped the camera back to his face. He had a fucked out, loving smile on his face, and he kissed the camera before ending and sending the video.
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mi-olaaa · 2 months
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I’m thinking about.. Nanami Kento. (18+)
Fem!reader, softishdom!kento, reader is his wife pookie + plussize too 🤭 enjoy the drabble!
(First post in monthssss 🤭 finally got un-busy so I can finally start posting, but anyways..)
☆ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ☆
Don’t mind me, I’m—
Just thinking about.. Nanami and his way with words, whispering sweet nothings and praises in your ears, “You’re taking me so well, love.”, “Showing out, all f’me?”. All the while he has your legs over his shoulders, head in the crook of your soft and tender neck, kissing and biting what’s his.
Just thinking about.. How your soft gasps and moans, echo off the walls of your shared bedroom, accompanied by the slick, squelching noises of your cunt spasming around Kento’s cock, make for a downright sinful combo. Nanami feeling up and down his lover’s body, massaging your thighs, hips, even your love handles, enjoying how you squirm under his touch.
Just thinking about.. His grunts as he angles his hips forwards, slowing his pace, deepening his thrusts, all to just see his pretty little wife’s face contort, eyebrows scrunched, glossy lips parted, moans and short pants of his name.“Ken’— Kento.. Please baby, fuck.” His face lifting from your neck, those graceful brown eyes of his, looking at you lustily. “Yes? Use your words love, I’m not fucking you that hard, am I?” He murmurs, and you don’t answer, too busy focusing on his dick filling you up, a little too good.
Just thinking about.. How Nanami gets your attention again, cause clearly you have lost your senses, but it’s okay, he’ll help you find them. With a particularly rough thrust accompanied by a groan from him when your velvety walls grip his cock as if they want to milk him dry, he stops his thrusts, gripping your chin gently, making you look right at him. “Answer me love, I asked a question.” Kento quips, and can’t help but lower his eyes at you when you pout, pussy aching for friction, for him to move, anything.
Just thinking about.. When you finally open those glossy lips of yours to say something other than a moan, you finally pay attention to him. “Yes baby, you are..” You finally say, a slight grin on your lips, “But it feels so good Ken’, keep going.” And it takes nothing more than a nod from him for him to pick up the pace, fucking into you with reckless abandon.
Just thinking about.. Poor you, not even noticing how he shifts positions, flipping you around so quick, and putting an arch in your back so nasty, it has you seeing stars. In record timing, you’re squirting, coating those thick, pretty thighs he loves so much, in your own arousal. “Hmm..” is all Kento says, but by the tone, you know he’s thinking something devious. While he’s busy letting out his own groans and grunts: “So good doll, you look fucking gorgeous.” Or something of the sort, he snakes a hand under you, pressing against your lower abdomen, and if you couldn’t already feel him thrusting in and out of you sloppily, you can fucking feel him now.
Just thinking about.. The strangled gasp you let out, swearing you can feel him rearranging your guts as he so pleases, “Kentoo.. How—“ You pause, hiccuping. “How much longer? I’can’t take it!” And your sugary, sweet whine, the way you draw out his name on your tongue while burying your face in your pillow, has him folding. He didn’t even have time to warn you, before he cums, his hot seed dripping into you, so much so that it leaks out, making a sticky mess of your thighs, that he massages so sweetly, peppering kisses down you back, and one on your ass too, just before pulling out, such a sweetheart.
Just thinking about.. How you immediately slump down on the bed, tummy full of your husband’s cum, and the ache for him inside you satisfied, turning your head and closing your eyes for a moment as you hear Kento shuffling around, but paying no mind. After some time, you fall asleep, but he gently shakes you, waking you up. “C’mon love, I’ve got a nice and warm bath waiting for you.” And holds out his hand, waiting for you to take it, and you do, walking with him to the master bath.
Just thinking about.. When you finally sit in the bath, leaning your head against his chest, how you mutter under your breath, still panting softly while coming down from your high, “Thank you Ken’.” How he’s quick to press a kiss to your head, answering your praise. “You don’t have to thank me, I’m just making sure my lovely wife is taken care of and happy.” And how you two spend the rest of the night after the bath, and after Nanami changed the sheets, happily cuddled up to each other in bed.
☆ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ☆
Author’s note: YALLL 🤭🤭 I’m sorry it’s so long but I HAD to fully flesh out my lil thoughts a lil bit, give them justice ykyk 😭
Anyways.. how was it? I hope y’all like it and I did good— LOVE PEACE AND HAIRGREASE MOTHERFUCKERS 🫶🏾
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whitehotwild · 3 months
took a peek at amazon music’s The Boys character playlists (really just Butcher’s and Hughie’s… womp womp)… ohhhh old man Butcher my beloved.
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all i can imagine is being at Butcher’s apartment for one reason or another.
☆ maybe the team went out to a bar together, and as everyone turned in for the night, saying their goodbyes, you and butcher were the last ones there. For whatever reason, he refuses to send you off by yourself to your own apartment this late at night and tells you to just come over and spend the night at his, that it’s closer anyway.
you try to ignore the zip up your spine when he leads you into his apartment with a hand on the small of your back. you try to ignore the soft flush of your cheeks when he teases you about snooping while you look through his one (barely filled) bookcase.
“what? you scared I’m gonna find your fuzzy pink handcuffs?” you tease right back, squatting down to flip through the vinyl records he has sitting in a milk crate next to the bookcase.
butcher rolls his eyes with a smirk, “mine ain’t fuzzy… d’you even know what those things are?”
you don’t react, but you do store that in the folder labeled ‘Useful Butcher Information’ that lives in your brain. ignoring his teasing, you let out a soft huff of laughter when you see a record you’ve only seen at your grandparent's house and in the back of a shitty thrift shop uptown.
“exactly how old are you?” you ask, pulling it out and showing him the record in question: Roy Orbison Sings Lonely and Blue (1961).
butcher walks over and takes the record from your hand, switching it for his beer. he had asked you if you wanted one when you two walked through his door, you had declined before, but have taken to stealing sips of his. it’s probably the closest you’ll get to kissing him tonight.
“old enough to know this is real music… not that Taylor Swift shite you force me to listen to in the car.” he snarks, slipping the record out of the sleeve, setting it on his cheap turntable.
you stand back up straight with a scoff, “you can make fun of my ‘brat summer’, but Miss Swift is where I draw the line.” the beginning of the record starts to ring softly through the room…
‘Only the lonely… (dum-dum-dum-dumby-doo-wah)’
“oh… you can’t be serious,” you smile softly and he holds a hand up as if telling you to ‘wait for it’. “…so corny,” you mutter shaking your head, still with that same smile.
butcher takes the beer bottle out of your hand, taking a sip before setting it on one of the shelves, “nope… classic.”
he lets himself be a bit softer around you, even if only for a moment. it’s only when you two are alone, usually late at night, usually after a few drinks that he lets the walls drop… only just a bit.
like now, when he pulls you into the empty space of his living room, placing your hand, the one that isn’t wrapped in his, on his shoulder, his free hand goes to the small of your back.
“so now you wanna dance?” you ask with a bit of snark.
butcher lets out a soft huff of amusement as you two start swaying, “what you lot was doin’ at the bar wasn’t dancin’… you was flailing about.”
“hm… whatever. least we were having fun, i mean… even M.M. got up!”
“‘cause he’s a sucker for ‘Earth, Wind & Fire’.”
“well yeah… who isn’t?”
you roll your eyes with a soft sigh, “suuure… stick in the mud.”
you’re both quiet after that, only the sound of old music coming through shitty speakers and gentle steps against his floor fill the room. he dances you through the whole a-side of the album, the hand on your back has snaked around your waist, your head rests against his shoulder, and he holds your intertwined hands closer to his chest.
you take as much of this as you can get from him, knowing these moments are fleeting. there are so many unspoken words between the two of you, you’re too stubborn to make a move, and well… butcher’s too… butcher. he thinks he’s much too undeserving of something as precious as you.
and maybe he’s right. maybe he doesn’t deserve you, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting you, it doesn’t stop you wanting him. so for now… the soft, fleeting, moments are enough.
it’s always strange when those moments end, though. the way you can see his demeanor shift in an instant.
like now, the music stops and he looks away from you when you look up at him. you can see the way his face changes, like he’s snapping out of a trance or he’s caught himself doing something he knows shouldn’t.
butcher pulls away from you, wiping his hands on his pants as if the feeling of you lingering on his skin has to go. he turns to put the record away and turn off the turntable.
the silence lingers for a minute before he speaks up, “think we should turn in. you take my bed.”
you try to protest, “the couch-“
“don’t fight me on it.” the command isn’t harsh, it’s not mean, it’s only a bit stern, but he just wants you to listen to him.
he just wants to do something nice for you.
you nod with a quiet sigh and thank him with a soft smile. you both retire for the night and you both know you’ll be gone in the morning before he wakes up. you both know you won’t make any mention of it when you're both in the office tomorrow.
but you both know that for now, the fact that it happened at all is enough.
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(divider by @/plutism)
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chiquititaosita · 4 months
girl dad! geto x mom! reader
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-literally cannot I MEAN CANNOT!!! Mimiko and Nanako LOVE THE BABY! Like not even joking they think of her as a baby doll.
- geto puts his little princess in braids and cute hairstyles because of post partum depression. He takes charge sometimes
-“what do I do? Why is it crying?” He asked a little worried. While baby girl yuikiko is throwing herself back and closing her fists as a newborn. She’s so hungry. The nurse explains everything to him. He takes it with a grain of salt.
-takes care of you during pregnancy and your postpartum journey
-the first diaper change is hilarious. “Oh my god!-“ hello covers his mouth gagging looking away as the baby laughs. Because she has a full poopy diaper.
-the twins just laugh, when geto struggles changing yukikos diaper. “Ah little flower is going to give me a hard time.” He mumbles.
-he doesn’t understand what breast milk is until you were legit breastfeeding. “Wait can I try some?” Mother fucker inhaled that shit because it was pleasing to the tongue. puts it in his protein shake 😭
-if you feel insecure about your new mom body he’s not going to be the type of husband that says “fuck get over it.”
-he keeps on admiring your body, like when y’all had y’all’s first time together. “I have so much more respect for you now [y/n]..” he’ll whisper
-one time you came home from work watching the twins, the baby and Suguru all fall asleep, luckily the baby was alive and breathing well. Even sleeping in the portable bassinet around the house.
-is so proud that yukikos first word is mama but when he hears dada he goes feral crying. It’s giving “I’m not crying you are!”
- he is willing to teach his girls his techniques in order to defend themselves when geto is not present.
- now he calls y’all’s daughter a monkey “y/n! this damn monkey baby is putting things it’s in mouth!”
-(when the baby learns to pull hair he regrets it) “okay okay I’m sorry it’s a her my bad!!” 💀
- like fr though he loves your daughter even when she eats her food in nothing but a diaper and strapped in a high chair because she’s exploring taste and texture
-“I’m gonna protect you from everything that’ll potentially and will put you in danger on your mama.”
- one time he let gojo babysit it did not end well (he lost her by almost sealing her with another curse because he wasn’t watching her while she was crawling around) 😭😭
- the baby is very much a daddy’s girl so whatever baby girl wants baby girl gets
-also he holds your hand while holding the baby when she gets her ears pierced. (He shedded more tears than the baby) then the baby was fine after she was given a bottle of milk.
-“she’s fine?”
-the baby tries to hit Suguru for no damn reason ON PURPOSE (when she’s a bit older and can move her arms during that development)
-“OW SHE BIT ME!” the twins will laugh
-the twins will try to feed the baby baby food but wanna watch the baby feed herself.
-“ why is yukiko eating her foot?”
-“ask y/n”
-“why is yukiko eating her foot?”
-“I think she discovered it”
-he’s there for every milestone and trying to record it.
-lots of pictures and videos of the baby with the girls and you.
-when the baby is tired and screaming crying, and you’re not there singing to her. Suguru discovered his singing soothes the baby (regardless if it sounds bad on purpose or not) or if he sings bad lmao
-and geto would never want anything to change because he loves his little family
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mamirhodessxox · 5 months
😭😭 need a fic of him just in interrupting reader while baking ( reader could be a baker and trying new recipes to add to their menu )
Cherries On Top
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Cody Rhodes x Baker Fem!Reader
Desc: Y/N is trying to focus on adding new sweet treats to her bakery’s menu but her husband tends to be a distraction.
Contents: Fluff, Cody being a little annoying but in a tolerable way, SMALL indications of smut, Y/N being a lil cutie Patootie!
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @jeysbvck
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Before Y/N & Cody established a relationship between them Y/N had a small little bakery filled with alll sorts of sweets & treats! Once a month she would spend an entire day whipping up pies & cakes and many other scones & sweets to add on the menu at her little bakery & do cooking youtube videos & Today was that day.
Y/N was in the middle of recording in the kitchen, Cody would walk by every now and then or stand behind her and watch over her shoulder to see what she was doing. But then he became more vocal.
She was currently working on a bourbon pound cake. “Don’t you need measuring cups for this part?” He questioned while his hand ran up and down her back while his wife shrugged “I’m just gonna add like a few shot glasses worth of bourbon.” He shot open his eyes and looked over at her camera set up and shook his head dramatically “She’s gonna get me drunk with a cake.” Since he was video bombing Y/N she decided that she would put him to a little work and start stirring the cake mix while she poured bourbon into the mix very carefully & poured him a small shot as a reward which he pridefully took
Y/N was instructing her future viewers how to carefully put the mixture into the pan & how long to leave it in the oven but Cody randomly popped back into the kitchen “Check out my gun.” She looked up as he interrupted her speech & smiled “It’s a salt shooter my dad got it for him.” “Maybe next time I make steak I can season salt onto it with my cool gun yeah?” She shook her head “No because you’re gonna break something. Just use your hands.” He glared for a second and sassily shook his head “I won’t break anything.”
6 minutes later Y/N worked on another small pastry while the cake was in the oven & suddenly the lights started flickering & she laughed a little before he walked back into camera frame “What are you whipping up now?” “Blueberry crois-“ “Hold on wait I have a quick question what did 50 cent do when he was hungry? 58.” “Your not funny.” He shrugged with a smug smile “I’m actually very funny.” She hummed nodding slowly “whatever helps you sleep at night my love.” He raised an eyebrow and looked at a bowl full of flour.
What if he just….
“CODY GARRET RUNNELS GODDAMNIT I’M GOING TO KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!” Y/N stood there frozen as he actively poured flour over her head while letting out a mischievous laugh “uh ohh she said the full na-“ she splashed him in the face with water “well deserved.” She glared up at him & picked up her bowl filled with yet to be stirred eggs while grinning to herself as her husband backed up and raised his hands in defense “No…Y/N….” She squinted and nodded “your right that would be to messy.” She sighed while he let out a chuckle of relief but she caved & poured the eggs all over him making him gasp and look at her while she giggled & grabbed the flour bag before shaking what remained inside all over him before he turned starring at a glass of milk that sat on the counter next to one of the bowls it was supposed to be inside of.
Eventually she gave up on the video she tried making & giggled while playfully kissing her lover while he grinned biting her lip a little & grip at her waist “You sure you don’t wanna take it any furth-“ she nodded immediately and pulled away before prancing up the stairs to get clean “C’mon Codes your filthy.”
This was just the Cherry On Top for Cody, he immediately tossed away the kitchen towel & followed behind her before giving Y/N a light smack on the butt chuckling
“The shower is your best idea yet sweetheart.”
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mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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superblysubpar · 7 months
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The Boy Is Mine (Taylor's Version Edition):
eddie munson x fem reader
summary: a romantic night in at your trailer full of fluff, a dash of spice, and an..."Alien invasion"? | main menu | this is fairly SFW, but my blog is 18+
the song: The Boy Is Mine by Brandy & Monica
1675 words
This is my submission for @carolmunson The Boy Is Mine Challenge! The scene, props to include, and dialogue to use as well as all the details on how to participate can be found here - come join in and write your version of Eddie and celebrate everyone else's. 💛
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“Son of a-” Your shoulders tense beneath palms that soothe. The chuckle beneath your ear rumbles deep in the chest your cheek is pressed to when you whine, “Gets me every fucking time.”
Despite the eerie music and the jump scare on the glowing screen, you dare someone to tell you this isn’t the most perfect night, the most perfect life. 
A pizza box with a few slices left sits on your new - well new to you - coffee table next to shitty horror and gore VHS tap - wait, doll, how’d Pretty in Pink get in the stack? There’s a candle burning, its warm orange glow competes for a chance to light up the space with the small flickering TV. 
Activities from earlier in the day litter the room that’s meant for living, but barely able to be made out in the growing darkness. His acoustic guitar next to loose pages of doodles and lyrics, dragons and elves and stories and songs about fighting and finding love erratic and unorganized next to your small notebook, a stack of books and several applications. 
There isn’t much else, not yet anyways. A collection of records and a stereo, cassettes un-alphabetized strewn about the wobbly bookshelf and milk crates. A few boxes with labels for unimportant things that haven’t found their new home yet. The rain that falls outside the open window above the couch and onto the roof of the metal trailer pings and echoes in the sparse room, making you snuggle deeper into the black cotton beneath you, squishing your cheek to a firm, but comfortable chest. 
The most perfect night, the most perfect life.
The most perfect guy. 
“Do you think,” he starts softly, his fingers running down your spine and back up before he asks, “I’m as much of a badass as Ellen Ripley?”
The noise of protest he makes beneath you at your immediate and confident response has your lips twisting, fighting a smile as his legs close around you tighter. Bunched tube socks brush your calves, thighs and hips covered in soft gray sweats shift beneath you as he grumbles something about showing you just how wrong you are. 
One arm stays relaxed behind his head against throw pillows propping him up, the other restless but content to fiddle with and roam over your body that’s draped across him. 
The rhythm of his heartbeat beneath you and the scent of old spice around you, everything Eddie, has you humming at his “threat”, eyelashes fluttering from the peace. His fingers massage over the back of your neck, lighting up the skin beneath it and you huff out of your nose, upset about the bubble that’s about to break. Your whine lost in his worn band t-shirt. 
“I have to pee.”
“So go pee.”
Your head shakes, chin resting on his chest so you can look up at him with narrowed eyes. 
“If I get up and go pee, you’re gonna do something stupid when I come back out.”
Eddie looks down at you, innocent doe eyes blinking as his hands rub over your shoulders. 
“I’m always gonna do something stupid, so enlighten me, what is it you think I’m gonna do this time?”
Your hand reaches up and pulls at a dark brown curl that frames the cheeks his dimples are trying not to show in. 
“Oh, I don’t know, turn off all of the lights, jump out from around the corner, attack me from behind…”
“Baby, I always wanna attack you from behind.”
That earns him a fake stern look and a smack to his chest with the back of your hand. 
Pink lips pout and twist in the fight of a mischievous smirk, his eyebrows bunch together and wrinkle his forehead as he tries to scoff around a laugh.
“Aw, don’t be like that. I would never scare you.”
“That’s not even remotely true,” you counter. 
“Sweetheart,” he catches your chin with thick fingers, cradling your jaw as he vows, dramatically, “I promise I would never, ever let the aliens get-”
You catch his other wrist before fingers could find their target just below your ribs. Raised eyebrows to his big, brown eyes that glint with trouble, not even pretending to be ashamed he was caught. 
The eye contact you’re sharing pulses, accompanied by the musical score of the thriller on screen. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip as his tongue licks over his own. The seconds of time slowly ticking by aren’t a luxury, but big, pounding, booms of your imminent fate right on your tail. 
“Eddie,” you warn, lips fighting a smile. “Don-”
He screeches like the aliens, fingers digging into your sides and legs, grabbing at your thighs and pulling you closer so his mouth can pretend to bite at you as you give a shriek worthy of a Ridley Scott flick. 
You can’t help but laugh though, as explosions happen on screen and Eddie gets louder, yelling your name dramatically like he’s fighting off the aliens, trying to save you despite it being his own fingers that have you wheezing and gasping for air. 
“Eddie! If you don’t stop, we’re gonna have a real problem!”
“Oh honey, I know! This thing means business! But don’t worry! I’ll save you, Ellen Ripley’s got nothing on me!”
He doubles down his tickling efforts, screeching and grunting out a “Not my girlfriend you monster!” dramatically into your neck before he nips at it. Quick bites and kisses mingled with alien noises until you’re swatting at his chest and wiggling off of him, shouting about how he’s the monster on your way to the bathroom. 
It’s suspiciously quiet while you're gone. And when you open the bathroom door, you take a timid step out into the dark hallway and call out, “Eddie?”
“Baby,” he laughs from the living room, “I swear on Jonesy that I’m sitting on the couch, and I’ll keep my hands to myself for the rest of the movie.”
And well, swearing on Jonesy’s life is like swearing on Henderson’s mom, so you’re satisfied and confident enough to travel through the dark to return to the menace you call your boyfriend. 
He sits, cross legged on the couch now, smiling. You kind of can’t believe this boy exists, that he’s yours. 
Eddie gestures to the bottle of wine that’s replaced the pizza box, the large Garfield and Snoopy mugs joined by a bag of pretzels and a tub of vanilla frosting. “We don’t really have like, nice cups, this okay?”
Is it okay? Is this guy real? He’s straight out of a TV show, a favorite movie, the thing all the songs are trying to tell you about but just don’t seem possible. 
He blinks at you, cheeks growing pink as you continue to stand at the edge of the living room and stare at him. His smile relaxes down to a shy, tight lipped thing as the silver metal on fingers that tap on his knees glints in the TV’s glow. 
“Doll?” Eddie coughs, eyebrows raised at you when you still don’t say anything. 
“Sorry,” you make your way to the couch finally, “Yeah. Really okay.”
“Cool,” he says quietly as you sit, ears peeking out through thick waves turning as pink as his cheeks. 
He grabs the pretzels and you grab the frosting, popping open the lid with a grunt, and managing to get a decent amount of it in the curve of your thumb and forefinger. 
Before you can scoop it up with a pretzel, Eddie’s fingers are tugging on yours, bringing your hand up to his mouth. His lips mold around the space, sucking before his tongue traces it and the room turns unberably hot despite the cool breeze and rain drifting in. 
Eddie clocks the way your hips shift and thighs press together, the way your mouth parts and head tilts. The way your eyes turn a little glassy when he looks up at you. 
He removes his mouth from your hand slowly, grinning and absolutely pleased with himself as he murmurs, “Oh, we like that, huh?”
Words escape your clutches just as Ripley does the Alien’s, and Eddie drops the bag of pretzels back onto the coffee table. He keeps eye contact as he grabs the tub of frosting from you, and dips his finger into it, slowly. 
“Eddie, I-”
He’s smearing it on your collarbone and up your neck, your jaw and cheek as your fingers grip the couch cushion. Your chest heaves with quick breaths, a gasp slipping past your lips as he leans forward, tongue sweeping over your throat. 
Eddie licks over your skin, slow, patiently, weight falling over you as you fall backwards on the couch and arch underneath him. The way his mouth travels over you is nothing like the quick nips and fast kisses from earlier. It’s slow licks, soft presses of his mouth, open and wet and breathy and dirty as he travels higher and higher. 
His path leads him over your jaw and cheek now, both of you gasping for air as his fingers dig into your hips that roll against him and yours curl in the soft material on his shoulders. 
He pulls away when he reaches the corner of your lips, smiling at the whine that leaves them when you don’t get the kiss you’re aching for. 
“Guess you were right afterall,” he whispers, the tip of his nose tracing up yours as he does. 
Eddie grins, his mouth hovers over yours, sweet and sticky vanilla flavored lips just close enough to almost taste. 
“That I was gonna do something stupid.”
“The only thing that’s stupid is that you haven’t kissed me yet, Munson.” Your eyes roll as his grin grows even wider. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he laughs, reaching for the frosting again. “I’m just getting started.”
Rain falls, and Aliens are killed and the candle flickers on a perfect night. Your new favorite flavor of anything is vanilla because of the perfect guy. 
Eddie Munson gets you every fucking time. 
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Annoying Customer
Wally West x M!Reader
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Warnings: Crack, swearing, platonic relationship (but it could be romantic if you want🤷‍♂️)
Summary: The same guy always pulls up to the reader’s work place, order’s the same thing, and says the same thing each time he pulls, to the point where the reader immediately knows who it’s is, and his name was Wally West
A/n: This is also based off of something I found off of TikTok😭
F/f/n: Fast Food Name
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Welcome to f/f/n how may I help you” you asked.
“YERRR” the customer yelled out.
You immediately knew who this was, Wally fucking West. He always came to the same place, same time, said the same thing, and ordered the same thing every single day.
“Oh my gosh..” you sighed.
“It’s gonna be 12.78” you stated.
“Wait what happened” Wally said confusingly.
“12.78” you replied.
“I didn’t even order yet” Wally said.
“12.78 pull. To. The. Window” you said, making sure to punctuate out each and every word.
“Well- um! Lemme get uh- a double western bacon chee-”
“Well damn baby, how did you know it was me?” Wally asked.
Wally started cracking up a bit, but then he got a bright idea.
“I’m sorry, you need a raise, but yeah, let me get that and uh… and a chocolate shake! Yeah! Let me get a chocolate shake! Did you know I wanted a chocolate shake since you know everything? And add a-”
Wally had secretly recorded the whole thing and showed Dick while laughing his ass off.
“Was that really necessary Wally? That guy seems stressed out, and how does he know that you’re lactose intolerant?” Dick asked.
“Don’t worry about that! Just watch the video! It gets better!” Wally laughed.
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gojo-mochi · 6 months
My Babysitter turned into a Dog?!
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 You were supposed to babysit Yuuji today but instead you found a stranger in Choso's house...Dilf!Kenjaku 
CW: Dubcon/Noncon (Usage of Hypnosis), Manipulation, P/V, Creampie, Oral (M & F-Receiving), Fingering, Overstimulation, Light Choking. Dom Kenjaku. Puppy Play. Nonconsensual Recording. Breeding kink. Belt Collar. Bit of blood play.
A/N: Manga Spoilers! I wanted to do this back in Dec… but events happened…. But hey Alexa plays “Daddy’s Home” by Usher . Papa is back with the milk, choban^i oat milk to be exact (it really good you should try the creamer). Blah Blah Blah not gonna dump my feelings here just go on and read the smut you wild animals. 
PS: I don't know what happened to the smut part, another part of me took over and went wild so it might be different from my other pieces, be warned
Part of this event!
Word Count: 11k 
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You carefully stomped your way over to Choso’s place, pulling up your scarf over your nose as another blast of winter frost came your way. You promised Yuuji that you would make snowmen with him today, but it doesn’t seem like the weather is going to die down anytime soon. You hummed to yourself as you made your usual trek to the quiet and grand house where Choso and Yuuji lived. You first met Yuuji when he got lost and ended up wandering around in front of your apartment. He was the sweetest little boy you ever met, albeit a bit hyper at times. 
His round and chubby cheeks were stained with tears, calling out for “Big bro Choso!” You crouched down near him and soothed him enough to get some information; he instantly took a liking to you, clutching onto your hand as you walked him back to his house. Halfway through, he started babbling about everything and anything—his friends at school, his big brother, his family, the cereal he likes. All sense of panic and fear quickly vanished with you by his side. As you stepped onto the driveway of Yuuji’s house, a disheveled-looking man with twin hair buns came running out of the house, diving straight for Yuuji. Holding him in a tight bear hug for a quick minute, then letting go so he could check over for any injuries as words spilled out from his lips. 
He didn’t even notice you were there until Yuuji wiggled out of his grasp and went back to hug your leg. You looked down at this “Big bro” as his mouth dropped in shock seeing his sweet little brother leave him for someone else. You took this chance to study his face a bit, noticing dark eyes covered in heavy purple shadow, multiple piercings, and a sad-kicked puppy looking pout adorning his lips as he called for Yuuji again. You had to stifle a laugh as Yuuji shuffled behind your leg even more. Yuuji’s older brother finally got back on his feet and introduced himself to you as ‘Choso’.
He told you that he was playing ‘hide and seek’ with Yuuji and was almost about to call the police when you rolled up. “I was tearing up the house looking for him.” Choso sighs out, looking at Yuuji, who now has a pout on his face as well, clutching at his shirt as his cheeks start to redden up again. He stepped out from behind you and ran to Choso, who quickly scooped him up in his arms. Holding him close as Yuuji gives out muffled apologies in between his sobs. Choso’s smooth baritone voice lulls both Yuuji and you somehow, as Yuuji’s sobs quiet down soon after.
Choso gently rubs Yuuji’s back and plants a soft forehead kiss as he brushes away his tears. “It’s alright; I’m not mad at you. I was just worried, that’s all. Next time we play hide and seek, just don’t leave the house, alright?” Yuuji burbled out more “Sowwies” and wiped his snot and tears on Choso’s shirt. Choso chuckles at the action, seemingly used to his little brother’s antics at this point. He shifts Yuuji on his arm and turns to look at you. “Thank you for taking care of my brother; I wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to him..” He shakes his head, shaking off any thoughts or visions of Yuuji being harmed.
“Let me pay you for bringing him back.” He steadies Yuuji on one arm as he reaches into his pocket with his other. You quickly wave your hands in front of you, “No, no! Really, it's fine! I’m just glad the little guy’s alright.” Yuuji pops up his head and looks your way as well, his chubby little hand reaching out for yours. You reach back out and let him wrap his entire hand around your thumb. Cooing softly, Choso watches on with a small blush on his face. Clearing his throat, he addresses you again. “Ah, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I’m Choso, and you already seem to be acquainted with Yuuji here.” Said boy giggled happily, waving your hand up and down.
“Ah, right! The name’s Y/N; it’s really nice to meet you and Yuuji. I live in the apartment blocks just a couple of streets down.” Choso raised an eyebrow at that. “The student’s apartment? Are you going to Jujutsu Tech as well?” Yuuji released your thumb, giving you a chance to poke at his cheek, causing more giggles to spill out. “I do, actually! I’m studying hospitality currently; I’m guessing you go there too?” Choso nods, “Yeah, but I’m in criminal psychology. That must be why I haven’t noticed you on campus before.” Choso murmurs out the last part under his breath, hiding his blush with another cough. 
Your phone rings, reminding you that you have only two hours left before your test closes online. You silently cursed to yourself, forgetting all about it. You wave goodbye to Yuuji and Choso, “Sorry, I forgot I had a test to do online tonight! I’ll see you around campus though, later!” You start sprinting back to your apartment, leaving behind a bewildered Choso and a waving Yuuji. Yuuji tugs at Choso’s shirt, “Can we see the nice lady again, Cho-Cho?” Choso runs a hand through his hair and sighs, “I hope so, I sure hope so…”
As luck would have it, you did end up seeing them again; you don’t know how you didn’t recognize Choso before on campus. His style and fashion choices are super unique, so you were able to easily spot him. The two of you got more acquainted with each other by taking lunch breaks when you both had a free hour from classes and studying together in the library. Choso mentioned Yuuji and how he wanted to see you again and asked you, “My classes sometimes run from evening to night, and I usually leave Yuuji with a babysitter, but I think he prefers you more. Would it be alright if I asked you to babysit him sometime?” 
You readily agreed; you were also missing the little pink-haired toddler, so you didn’t mind. Choso offered to pay you the same rate as the babysitter, but you talked him down to only paying you half. Mentioning that it was no problem at all for you to babysit Yuuji. That was only a couple of months ago, and you got along so well with the two of them. Yuuji is a sweetheart and Choso, and while his outer appearance seems a bit dark and edgy, he was a huge dork and softball underneath all those layers of eyeshadow.
You finally reached the front porch of Choso’s grand house, shivering from the cold, you quickly brought out the keys that Choso gave you a while back. Turning the lock and stepping inside, “Yuuji! Choso! I’m here!” You called out, just in case they were already home. You checked your phone to see if any other text messages were sent from Choso. 
Cho-Cho: “Hey, I’m going to the Preschool soon to pick up Yuuji but I got called into work today. :c Would you mind looking after Yuuji for me when I go back home to drop him off?
You: “Course not! Tell the little guy that I’ll be waiting for him at home!”
Cho-Cho: “Alright, Thanks! ^-^”
You sent a quick message to him, stating that you had arrived at the house. Taking off your snow boots and shrugging off your jacket, you stepped further into the house. Humming to yourself as you make your way into the kitchen and pull out two mugs, some hot cocoa mix, and mini marshmallows. The mugs clink together as you start preparing your sweet treat for you and Yuuji when he gets home. You were so caught up in your little song and dance that you didn’t notice a new presence coming into the kitchen as well. “Oh my, what’s this now?” It was a deep and smooth voice, but not like Choso's, and unless Yuuji got an incredible growth spurt, you were sure that the voice belonged to someone you did not know. 
You turned around quickly and found a tall, dark-haired man leaning on the kitchen counter. His eyes close to almost slit as he tilts his head and stares down at you. He loosens his tie as he observes you. “May I get the pleasure of knowing the name of the cute little intruder in my home?” He purrs out, and you fight hard to stop a blush from creeping up. “Your home? Last time I checked, this house belonged to Choso and Yuuji.” You backed up until you hit the counter, your hands quietly moving behind you to pull out a knife. The man tilts his head the other way, sort of akin to a cat watching over his prey; he stalks forward. “Choso and Yuuji? You mean my sons?”
Your hands start to tremble a bit under his gaze. He was close enough now to trap you between his body and the counter. “You’re their dad?” You questioned warily.
 Your eyes narrow at him, and a hiss almost escapes your lips as you take in his appearance. He was wearing a sleek dark suit, with the jacket taken off and the sleeves of his white button up rolled up the way to his elbows. The hair color might be similar to Choso, and the overall dark and edgy vibes kind of fit with Choso too, but this stranger looks nothing like Yuuji. Well, to be fair, Choso doesn’t look like Yuuji either. Your eyes travel up to his face, his snake-like eyes carefully watching over your next move, his pretty jawline and cheekbones, and his bangs that softly draped over one side of his face. 
 And… stitches? Stitches that form a line going across his forehead. You stared a bit too long at it as the stranger let out a chuckle. Brushing his hair away from his forehead, “What is it, hmm? Like what you see?” You reply with a garbled noise, the hand that was on the knife jumping up in shock and making a racket in the drawer behind you. The stranger lets out a bigger laugh this time, easily moving closer in, chest to chest, as his long arms reach behind you to take the knife from your hand and put it back in the drawer, closing it. “Little girls like you shouldn’t be playing around with knives, you know; didn’t your parents ever teach you any better?”
Normally, you would have been mad at this statement and the fact that he so casually came up close to you and touched you without permission. But there was something off about him—something that made your knees weak and your mind spin. Was it the type of cologne he uses? It was dark, cool, and intoxicating. Mint, berries, and whiskey—almost an odd combination, but it works wonders for him. Maybe it was how his voice sounded—the way he spoke near your ear, sending tremors down your spine. Velvety with an odd accent you couldn’t place a finger on, almost unhuman-like, like he was an alien trying to mimic human speech or a siren trying to lure you into his trap. 
The stranger took note of the look on your face and your body language, smirking as he didn’t move away from you, getting even closer in fact. Grabbing a hold of your chin and tilting it up so you could look directly into his eyes. “What’s wrong, pup? Cat got your tongue?” He purrs out heavenly, his hand colder than you expect; maybe he just got in from the winter front outside too. You shudder out a sigh when you see him lean in, your eyes closing down as you wait for the next action to take place. Then nothing; the coldness leaves you feeling nothing but a bit of shame and heat pooling in your stomach. 
The stranger walks away with a wide, toothy grin, wagging a finger at you. “Now, what did you think I was going to do to you, hmm, pup?” Your face flushed badly, and you stood up straight, feeling your mind get out of the fog now that he was away from you. “Don’t call me that, and you’re the weird one here! Didn’t your parents ever tell you to respect people’s personal space?” You cross your arms and huff out your cheeks, walking past him and taking out your phone to text Choso. The stranger, or, you should say, Choso’s dad, watches you stomp off, his eyes never leaving your form. 
You: Hey!! Where are you?
Cho-Cho: Sorry, the storm got really bad here, so we’re hunkering down. We’re staying with the teachers now. -n-
Cho-Cho: You don’t have to come over anymore. 
You: Are Yuuji and the other kids ok? And also, I’m already here with your…. Dad :/ Hes kinda annoying tbh 
Cho-Cho: Oh right, dad's supposed to come home today. Yuuji and the kids are fine, they think it’s a sleepover. Yuuji keeps asking for you though :c
Cho-Cho: Don’t worry about dad too much, he's kinda weird but he means no harm. 
Cho-Cho: Oh, Yuuji calling for me, I gotta go help look after the kids. Call me if you need anything \o/
You frown at the last message, a part of you hoping for Choso to say that this guy wasn’t his dad so you could call the cops on him or something. You glance his way again, noticing his eyes closed in a fox-like smile. He is... oddly beautiful; you’ll give him that at least. You roll your shoulders back and make your way to the door. “Since Yuuji or Choso aren’t going to be here, I’ll just take my leave then.” You mumbled, your cheeks feeling a bit heated from being around this strange man so much. He calls after you, “I don’t think you should open that door, pup.” You roll your eyes, not wanting to fall for any more of his tricks. “And why’s that?” You sarcastically retort back as your hand twists the knob open. 
You barely opened it outward when the harsh winter wind blew the door wide open, almost throwing you to the ground as well. Snow and frost assaulted your vision. Your hands quickly tried to close the door again, to no avail, your boots slipping on the ice below you. Your eyes forced shut from the onslaught, you suddenly felt a tug on your hoodie, and you were pulled back into the house, and the door was slammed shut a few moments later. You kneeled on the ground, heaving out heavily as your body tried to regulate itself back to normal. 
A hand is placed softly on your hair, petting you, and a soothing tone comes out to try to calm you down. Another hand is placed on your cheek, the large flat of the palm covering your entire cheek as it lifts your face up.
 “There, there, you’re safe now. Hmm~, maybe next time you should listen to me?” You felt the warm breath of someone washing over your face as well, and your body reacted by leaning in closer to the source of the warmth. Sagging your head down until it reaches a comfortable place. Right in the crook of Choso’s dad's neck, his scent was comforting you, making you squish your face in closer.
His hand on top of your head continued petting you while his other traveled to your back. Rubbing up and down on your spine in a gentle manner, with enough pressure on his fingertips to make himself known there, The sound of a phone brings you out of your stupor; you lift your head sluggishly and blink at the face in front of you. The man gives you another toothy grin, pinching your cheek in a teasing manner. You scrambled back with a yelp, glaring furiously at him. He raised his hands in mock surrender. “You were the one coming on to me, pup.” He gets up and checks his phone, answering a call and giving you one last glance before walking off. 
You stood up after a while of pretending what happened just didn’t happen. Shuffling your way in the living room and flopping down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and clutching it to your chest like some sort of protection charm. You switched on the TV and tried to focus on the random Hallmark movie playing on screen. Choso’s dad soon comes to the living room and flops down right next to you. Knocking his long legs right into yours, you scrunch up your nose and scoot your legs a bit away from the man. “Come now, Y/N~ Let’s get along with each other~”
He coos at you with that sickening sweet tone of his, and you hiss at him, “I don’t recall ever telling you my name.” He raised an eyebrow back at you. “Choso and Yuuji often talk about a cute little girl with that name, and I just assumed it belonged to you, pup. And while we’re on the topic, you can call me Kenjaku or Daddy too if you prefer~” 
You almost threw your pillow at him for that last statement: “If you don’t like me calling you by your name, I’ll just stick to calling you pup then, or puppy perhaps?” He continues on, pretending not to notice how agitated you were getting. Sticking out his tongue at you childishly when you flipped him off. “Choso told me a lot about you; you know, he talks more about you than Yuuji does.” Kenjaku stares down at you with an indiscernible glint in his eyes. “I think it is only fair that I tell you a little about me, hmm?”
 He angles his legs towards you as he places an elbow on the back of the couch and leans on his hand. The realization comes over you once again of just how imposing this guy was; a simple action like that made it seem like he was still towering over you.
He taps a finger on his chin, eyes closed in thought, “Let’s see… What should I tell you about myself? Hmm, I like grilled fish and simmered vegetables, I’m a single parent to Choso and Yuuji, and…” He opens his eyes as his hand brushes away his bangs, fingers tracing along his stitches as he watches your face. Your eyes glued to the odd stitching lace on Kenjaku’s forehead. “Heh.. and I work as a hypnotherapist!” He claps his hands together loudly, making you jump back in shock. Your eyes flicker back to the stitches on his forehead. You wanted to ask him about it but that would be rude. So you just ask him the next question on your mind. 
“A hypnotherapist….?”You ask, unsure what exactly that means, Kenjaku nods, leaning in closer to you. “Just like a regular therapist, my dear. Expect I use some different techniques to get my clients to feel…. Better.” You don’t know why, but the way he said that sent a shiver down your spine. “Uh huh… so you just wave your hand around or make people look at a swinging pocket watch until they get better or something like that?” You lean back onto the couch, clutching the pillow tighter to your chest. Kenjaku smirks, “Not exactly, would you like to see my work in action?”
You raise an eyebrow at that, and Kenjaku gets up and stands in front of you. “I can see that you've been stressed lately, haven’t you? Exams, family issues, seasonal depression? Either way, I can help fix all that and make all your worries wash away~” You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “I’m not sure about th-” Kenjaku cuts you off by placing a finger on his lips in a shushing motion. “Just one try, and I promise I’ll leave you alone after. How does that sound, pup?” You pouted and thought about it for a moment. Your gut was telling you this was a bad idea, but something else inside you was curious to see how this would play out. 
“It would sound better if you stopped calling me ‘pup’, but fine, I'll try this hypnotherapy or whatever.” You cross your arms over the pillow and look up at Kenjaku, who has an extremely wide and delightful smile on his face. “Good, good. Now just sit back and relax. Close your eyes and just listen to my voice. Don’t think of anything but my voice now…” You did as you were told, sinking back into the couch and finding a comfortable position. Letting your eyes shut close and sighing out as you listen to Kenjaku’s voice guiding you.
“Breath in slowly, feel the air slowly fill your lungs…and expand in…..and….out”
You took in a couple of deep and slow breaths, feeling your chest expand with air, the rise and fall of it lulling you into a sense of calm. Kenjaku did a couple counts of breathing with you, making you hold each breath a second longer than the last. Your shoulders lowered a bit after this small exercise, but you were still wary. Your face scrunched a bit as you listened more to Kenjaku’s instructions. 
“Hold your hands out for me, palms facing upwards, please.”
You hesitated for a bit but held out your hands, facing downwards, just to spite him a little. Kenjaku said nothing about it as his larger hands placed themselves over yours and flipped your hand around so your palms were facing up like he wanted them to be. Running his thumbs up and down your wrist and circling them softly on your pulse point. His other fingers slowly trailing behind, and his nails gently scraping the inside of your palm. In a methodical, rhythmic pattern, he continued to dance his fingertips on your palm, as he spoke again.
A pleasurable shiver was coursing through your body at the feeling of his fingertips dancing along your skin. “You’re a strong girl, aren’t cha? Hmm, I can tell, shouldering so many burdens lately. You poor thing…” He sighs out, thumb-tapping on your pulse point, almost matching the way your heartbeat was thumping against your chest. “Poor little girl… suffering so quietly so you wouldn’t burden the people around you. When’s the last time you did something for yourself, hmm? When’s the last time someone did something for you..” Your mind raced to think of something to answer his question with, you barely felt it when his hand crept its way up your arm. 
His nails lightly dragging down the length of your arm in a soothing manner, “You don’t need to answer me verbally, pup. I know… I know how strong you’ve been and how much you've been holding back. You're such a strong girl, doing so good. So good… You deserve a reward, don’t you think so?” It was weird, you could hear Kenjaku perfectly fine, but after some of his sentences, it felt like a second Kenjaku was whispering right behind your ear. It was weird but also oddly comforting? You agreed with everything he was saying so far; you did deserve a reward for working so hard lately.
“I can take care of that. I can take care of you… trust me… Trust me, won’t you?” His hands circle around your wrist, and you feel his presence get closer to you. Your eyes twitch, but you keep them closed. “I know you’ll trust me, smart girl, like you understand that I would never hurt you, right? I would never…” His minty breath sweeps over you. When did he get so close…? You start to lean in unconsciously, almost bumping your head with Kenjaku’s. A chuckle slips from his lips, and he rests his forehead on yours, interlacing his fingers with yours. “Good girl… You can find comfort in me; I am here for you… I can make you feel so good…trust me…” 
It wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to trust him, right? I mean, what the worst that could happen, you deserve something good to happen to you. One of his hands leaves your arm to delicately caress your cheek, his fingers playing with the soft flesh. His thumb softly running over your bottom lips, “Trust me? You can trust me… Let me show you how good I can treat you, puppy.” You nodded dumbly, trying to lean even more forward, accidentally pushing his thumb pass inside your mouth. Kenjaku’s laugh a bit loudly at this, slipping his thumb out and licking away at the small speck of salvia that came out.
“Impatient aren’t we, pup?” 
He leans down, pressing his lips onto yours, firmly gripping on to the back of your neck. He gives you small smooches on your lips, pressing each one longer than the last. You tug on his shirt, feeling a pit of warmth start to bubble inside you. A small whine comes from you. You’re a good girl; shouldn’t you deserve more than just small kisses? Your eyes flutter open to finally take a look at him. Was he always this handsome and ravishing? The background seems a little blurry to you; the only thing that you could see clearly was Kenjaku. You kept tugging on his shirt to pull him in closer. 
“Hmm? What’s wrong, pup? Can’t use your words? Silly puppy… of course you can’t, puppies can’t speak after all. All you need to do is bark when I say so, and whine when you need something, alright?”
His fingers start to trail down your spine; “Very simple thing, I know that a smart puppy like you would have no problem following these simple rules, right?” Before you could answer, he pressed his lips on you again, holding his lips against yours almost suffocatingly. Still, there was no tongue in this kiss, and you were getting impatient. You paw at his shirt, unbuttoning the top two buttons sloppily. Kenjaku stops your hands and holds your chin up, a disappointed look is painted on his face. “Patient, pup. No need to act so unruly now.” Something in your chest got twisted, and you felt the air get punched out of you. You didn’t want to disappoint Kenjaku. For some reason, seeing him with that face made you instantly back down.
Kenjaku holds you in place though, a smile reappearing on his face, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “Good puppy, I know you didn’t mean to be bad… my puppy… Sweet girl, you’re still ready for more, right?” You start nodding but stop halfway as a part of your brain starts to wake up a bit, the fog clears a bit. Your mouth opens to speak but Kenjaku shushes you with his tongue this time, slipping it inside and brushing against your own tongue. The fog comes slamming back full force into you once again. Your hands clutch on to Kenjaku’s shirt once more as he leans you back onto the couch, pressing his body directly on top of you.
Kenjaku holds you in place though, a smile reappearing on his face, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “Good puppy, I know you didn’t mean to be bad… my puppy… Sweet girl, you’re still ready for more, right?” You start nodding but stop halfway as a part of your brain starts to wake up a bit, and the fog clears a bit. Your mouth opens to speak, but Kenjaku shushes you with his tongue this time, slipping it inside and brushing against your own tongue. The fog comes slamming back full force into you once again. Your hands clutch on to Kenjaku’s shirt once more as he leans you back onto the couch, pressing his body directly on top of you.
He kissed with precision and a carnal greed, his tongue overlapping over yours, coating it out and sucking on the wet muscle, making you groan with need. He grinds his hips on you, giving you that much-needed, delicious friction right on your core. He takes your hands and places them right above your head. 
“Keep 'em here, pup.” He growls out, lifting up the hem of your hoodie and pulling it up and over, doing the same to your shirt underneath until you were left bare with only a bra covering your chest. Your arms try to move down to cover yourself from his heated gaze, but Kenjaku snaps his fingers at you, “Ah, ah. I didn’t say you could move yet.” Your arms snapped back up in haste, and an embarrassed blush dusted your cheeks. Kenjaku coos at you, patting your cheek softly with the palm of his hand, “Good girl~ Keep being good for me… Now, let me start my second phase of treatment, hmm?” He trails his hand down from your cheek down onto your shoulder, playing with the strap of your bra. 
 Hooking a finger underneath it, sliding it slowly off your shoulder, and doing the same on the other side. Pushing down your bra just enough so your perky nipples could pop over the top. He lets out a content sigh upon seeing them, leaning in so his breath could tickle over your pretty little nubs. You shivered at the contact, and your arms shook a little too, starting to feel a bit tired from holding them up for so long. But you didn’t want to disappoint Kenjaku again, what if he stopped his treatment? Still,  you were getting a little impatient with how slow he was going. You wiggle a bit, and a small pout adorns your lips.
Kenjaku glances up at you, chuckling softly. “My, my. Such a needy pup, aren’t you? But I suppose that’s my fault. I did tell you that I would take care of you, didn’t I?” He guides your arms down to your side; “Keep them there, and don’t touch me until I tell you to, alright? It's for your good.” Your answer was cut short by a moan as Kenjaku’s tongue flicked out to ravish your nipple. Swirling around the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue, his hand comes up to play with the other side, groping and pinching your breast in all the right places. Your hands dig into the couch, trying to steady yourself from the onslaught. Your head tilts back as he finally puts his mouth on you.
Capturing your pretty little nub in his mouth and sucking harshly, teeth scraping over your sensitive flesh. He used his free hand to sneak down and unbutton your pants, just enough so he could fit his hand under and tease the outline of your pussy over your panties. Kenjaku was skilled at toeing the line between pain and pleasure, pinching and biting so often but not enough to make it truly hurt, always pushing you to the edge and then bringing you back down softly. Running his tongue over the bite marks, soothing the pain away, his hand on your chest gently rubbing on any red marks he left, while the other one distracts you by thumbing over the swell of your clit through your panties. 
 A delicate dance that he was the lead in, forcing you to play along to his whims. You could barely hear your own pathetic moans or feel how wet you were getting; the fog in your brain was overcome by the increasing pleasure. At some point, he pulled your pants to the side and started to rub the pad of his thumb directly on your clit, tracing nonsensical words or patterns on it to keep you on the edge. He leans up and away from your marked chest, to whisper in your ear, his husky voice giving back-handed praises that you couldn’t wrap your head around, it only made you all the wetter. 
 Your hips bucked up to get more friction for your much-needed release, if only Kenjaku wasn’t pushing you back down by the hips each time you tried. “Ken-Kenjaku, please! I deserve it, right?” You blubbered out, tears falling down your cheeks, which Kenjaku happily wiped away with his tongue. “I’m a good girl….” You whined, bucking your hips even more as Kenjaku increased the pace of his thumb. 
He only hummed in response, licking a stripe up your cheek and placing a small kiss on the corner of your eye. “I didn’t know that my sweet puppy was such a slut. Poor thing, did all of those college boys fail to give this pussy what she needs?”
He slowed his pace down but slipped a finger in your sopping wet entrance, still finding some resistance and tightness even with all the buildup. Your body moves to try to adjust to Kenjaku’s long finger, but he quickly shushes you, planting more kisses on your tear-stained face. “You do deserve it; you’re right. You are my good puppy after all… All mine now... Say that you’re my good puppy, and I’ll let you cum, hmm?” He slipped in another finger to add to the stretch as your mouth parts opened to give him his answer. A choked moan escaped your lips, and you struggled to form the words he was looking for.
“I-I’m your good puppy.”
“Again.” He starts to scissor his finger, the stretch starts to become a little painful.
“I’m your good puppy..”
“Louder.” His thumb stops its assault on your clit but his fingers keep plunging deep into your cunt.
“I’m your good puppy!” 
Your scream was mixed with the lewd, squelching sound of your wet cunt as he returned his thumb and your hips jerk up in rhythm with his fingers. Your hands left the couch to find purchase on Kenjaku’s shoulders, digging in as your body arced off the couch, an intense orgasm ripping its way through your body. Kenjaku pulls out his fingers until only one remains in your cunt, curled in a bit to still tease your g-spot. His thumb smears your slick on the area above your clit, occasionally grazing it and laughing at how your body twitches each time it does.
Pulling out his finger as whimpers formed on your lips, “Good puppy~ Since you did so well, I’ll overlook you speaking without turn this time.”  
He lifts up his soaked hand and smears his fingers on your lips, parting them open and slipping them on your awaiting tongue. Coating your wet muscle with your own sweet slick, his long fingers descend further down your mouth, almost reaching your gagging point. 
“You’re still hungry for more, aren’t you? I know that something as simple as that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy my greedy pup.. My good puppy… Just keep listening to me, and I'll treat you right.” He holds your chin in his other hand and shakes it up and down to make it seem like you were nodding. You try to gurgle out an answer with his fingers still shoved down your throat, but he laughs and kisses the bridge of your nose with a twinkle in his eye.
“No, puppy. It’s alright, no more words; just let me do all the talking until I tell you to.”   
Once his fingers left your mouth, a string of salvia connected along with it. You swallowed down the building drool in your throat and looked up at him expectantly. “Hips up now, come on.” He pats your ass, hooks his fingers in your waistband, and swiftly pulls them off of you. Your cute, soaked panties were now on display as he palmed the front a bit, making you shiver and buck up to ride the palm of his hand. He sighs mirthfully at your eager display, lifting your ass up again so he could pull these off as well, stuffing the garment in his pocket. 
He pats your cheek with a smile for listening so well and shuffles downward on his knees, lifting your own knees up and placing the flats of your foot on the couch as he settles down between them. A sudden wave of embarrassment befell you as you looked down and felt your drenched cunt start to stain the fabric of the couch. A whine emits from your throat, and you were about to speak, but a cursory glance upward from Kenjaku made you shut your mouth entirely.  
He didn’t say anything at that moment, but your mind spoke for him. “Good puppies don’t speak unless told.”  
You settled for another whine, hoping he would get your discomfort, but if he did, he didn’t do anything about it. Instead, he starts his next phase of treatment by trailing open-mouth kisses on the side of your thighs, down to your hip line, and right next to the place you want his tongue to be on the most. He left little nips and marks here and there, making you squirm and wiggle on the couch, his hands firmly grasping on the thick part of your thighs, pushing you backwards on the couch. He kissed right about your needy little clit, tongue darting out to spell his name right above it.
As he finishes tracing the outline of the "U” he leans back, admiring his handiwork so far and the way your pussy keeps clenching around nothing. Using his thumb to spread your lips even further, he descends at an agonizingly slow pace, keeping his dark hazel eyes on your face the whole way down. It felt like forever until his lips finally touched your sweet, swollen clit, sucking on the nub softly. Tongue flicking out like a devilish snake, licking up and down your cunt, mapping out the spots in his head of where you’re most sensitive. 
Your nails claw into the couch as mewls and whines pass your lips as Kenjaku works his tongue on your cunt. Nose often bumping into your clit, giving you that nice jolt of pleasure as he maneuvers your thighs over his shoulder, making you cross your legs over his neck as he pushes you back deeper on the couch. Moving forward along with you, sticking out his tongue and bobbing his head up and down as he tongue-fucked your tight little hole.
 You couldn’t buck up your hips or try to move away; his arms were coiled around your thighs, and he put all of his weight and power into it. Leaving you a helpless victim to his divine and torturous assault, your thighs squeeze around your head, but that didn’t deter Kenjaku in any way; in fact, it might even be fueling him to go in even deeper into your willing cunt. 
You vaguely wonder if he could even breathe from his position; that fleeting thought was quickly replaced by the coil in your stomach burning red hot and snapping instantly as Kenjaku moves his lips back up to suck on your clit. You lock your ankles together behind his back as your body shakes and jolts on the couch, and you feel odd vibrations as Kenjaku’s groans deeply when inhaling your sweet cream. Leaning his head back a bit to give small kitten-like licks on your trembling pussy as you ride out your orgasm. 
You pants out small burst of air, glad to have some relief, but that only lasts for a moment as Kenjaku moves one of his hands from gripping on to your thigh to gently pull up on your pussy, lifting the small hood up and showing off more of your clit. His mouth is back on you, sucking quite harshly this time. Playing with your swollen clit on his tongue, the hand on your thigh gripping dig in your soft flesh. The tension inside your belly rapidly tightens and snaps into another blinding orgasm. Your vision goes white for a bit as you scream and thrash around on the couch.
Your chest heaves up and down as you catch air back in your lungs, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you calm down. All the while, Kenjaku calmly holds your face in his hands, thumb wiping away at any fallen tears, his voice lulling out soft praises to you. 
“Good Puppy…”
“You did so well for me, you liked it, right?”
“I know you did, it was quite clear to see.” 
He leans down to press a kiss right above your forehead, patting your head and murmuring more things that flow directly in your head. 
“We’re not done yet, pet.” 
“We have so much more to do… you can handle it, can’t you?” 
“My big girl.. My precious puppy is so strong.. She can handle another session, can’t she?” 
His fingers tilted up your chin so you were trapped in his vision once more, his eyes darken as he asked you directly this time. 
“You won’t disappoint me, now, will you?” 
His tone shifted, and your senses immediately picked up on that fact. Your body stiffened up, and you nodded frantically. Shoulder straightening back, eyes wide, and your hands came put together on your lap. Kenjaku smiles at your instant obedience, giving you plenty of kisses on your face to show how much he enjoys this reaction from you. Hands squishing your cheeks together and shaking you a little, much like how someone would do the same to a cute dog. 
He takes a deep sigh and smiles wide, showing off some of his teeth. Were his teeth always this sharp…? He gives your cheeks one last pinch and stands up in front of you, his hands coming down to unbuckle his belt. Pulling the leather strap out of the loops with practiced ease, he holds the black accessory in his hands and looks down at you with an eerie grin on his face. You fidget a bit and twiddle with your thumbs, awaiting his next move. 
“Though it’s not exactly a collar… and it is not as pretty as I would like it to be. This would work for now.” He muses to himself as he grabs your face forward, and moves the belt around your neck. Your breath hitched in your throat as the cool metal of the buckles slid around your soft skin. He loops the belt in and gives it a test tug at the end to see how it fits on you. It was a loose fit, but it still felt constricting by the way Kenjaku had the hold on the end of the belt, pulling it up so you were forced to look up as well. 
“Come now, pet. We shall move this little therapy session elsewhere.”
He ushers you off the couch and as you were about to stand up fully, he stopped you; “Aht Aht, puppies don’t walk like humans, get on all fours like a good girl.” You completely froze up at this point; your brain slowly started to unravel from the spell Kenjaku put on you, and your face scrunched up in confusion. Kenjaku quickly realizes this and is quick to snuff out any flames that were lighting back up inside of you. He pats your head softly with a practiced smile on his face. 
 “Ah, sorry puppy. I forgot this was only your first day. No worries, we can work on that part next time. For now…” He bends down to scoop you up in his arms. “I’ll carry you as an apology, so don’t be too mad at me, alright?”
 He taps your nose with his pointer finger and rests his forehead against yours, whispering as he looks at you directly, eye to eye. His hazel eyes seem to get darker the more you stare into them; his words echo in your mind, lulling you back down to that pliant state.
“You’ll forgive me, right? I am so so sorry, after all…” 
His fangs stood out more at this angle, poking out when he smiled at you, one hand holding you up while the other caressed your face. You nuzzle right into the palm of his hand, forgetting all about what happened before, even though the belt was still looped around your neck. He placated you further by smothering your face in soft kisses. You giggled at the sensation, not realizing that he was already walking away from the living room with you in his arms. 
The bedroom door clicks behind you two as Kenjaku sets you down on your feet. Hand brushing against the belt on your neck. Placing one last kiss on your lips this time, letting the feeling linger, his hands gently hold on to your waist as he pushes his body against yours. Grinding his hard bulge right against your body, his hands lower down to cup at your naked ass, sneaking a hand in between and swiping at your still-slick folds, teasing you a little.
“Oh, puppy, do you feel that? Feel how hard I am for you, right now.” He grunts lowly in your ear, pressing his body onto you once more. 
“Can you help me with that, pet? You’ll be such a good puppy for me if you do…and I know how much you want to be good for me..”
He was right, he was unusually right about you most of the time, you did want to be good for him, to earn more of his sweet praise. So when he placed a hand on your shoulder and lowered you to your knees, you obeyed. 
Kneeling down in front of Kenjaku, his pants easily taken off with his belt already gone. Your mind buzzes with odd excitement upon seeing him put out his leaking and throbbing cock, like you were made for this moment. To always be kneeling in front of this man, to serve him like a dutiful servant, an obedient puppy. Kenjaku tugs upward on the end of the belt collar, cupping your chin in your hand as he angles your face towards his cock. 
“You know what to do, right, pup?”
You did; your body knew exactly what to do and how to please him, your tongue lolled out as your mouth opened up. Kenjaku keeps a hand on the belt but lets go of your chin as he slides his cock into your awaiting mouth. Letting out a low hiss at the feeling of your warm mouth greeting him, your cheeks automatically suck in as his length starts to slowly rub against the back of your mouth. You taste his precum that was leaking out—slightly salty but not overpowering. He fucks your mouth softly and sweetly, getting you accustomed to the feeling at first. His hand gently pulls on the belt around your neck, pushing and pulling you forward and backward on his cock.  
A gentle rhythm, gradually letting your mouth and throat get used to the shape of Kenjaku’s cock. After a while, his cock starts hitting deeper parts of your throat, and you gag a little when it goes a little too far. Kenjaku soothes you by petting your hair and tucking your hair behind your ear as he guides you this time. A hand weaves in your hair now, grabbing onto your locks as he slides his cock back deeper in, nail-scraping the back of your head as he shows you how to put all of him inside your mouth. Your nose is buried in the tuft of hair at the base of his thick cock. 
 “Look up at me, puppy.” You barely realized now that your eyes were closed this entire time. Blinking away some tears, you look up at Kenjaku. Only to find your reflection in the camera lens of his phone, staring right back down at you. He tugs your hair back a bit, cooing at your expression. 
He slides his cock out, and drool comes out with it—a sticky string of saliva connected from the bulbous head to the tip of your tongue. Dripping down to your chin as Kenjaku slaps the tip of his cock on your tongue, “Come on now, pup… stick your tongue out for me.” He uses his free hand to push away any strands of hair in the way.
“Good girl, fuck…. Look at you, so naughty, hmm?”
He takes a few pictures of your tongue out with his cock sliding in and out of your mouth, some with his cock pushed all the way inside your cheek, making it bulge out the side, and his other hand on your head, petting you anytime you start to get angsty. Giving you praise and soothing your worries away with his baritone and smooth voice. Pushing your mind deeper and deeper into the abyss, reinforcing how much of a good puppy you are for him and how much you wanted to please him too.
“Let's see if we can make a good video, shall we?”
He takes out his cock again, all covered in your spit. Preparing his phone in the right position as he hits the record button this time. “Alright now, puppy… Let’s show the camera your pretty face.” He pats your cheek and plants a thumb inside your mouth, lolling your tongue out along with it. He lets out a content sigh, looking at your almost fucked-out expression, his cock twitches at the sight as well. 
“I want you to speak now, puppy. Speak for me, tell me just how much you love this cock that’s right in front of you.” 
He removes his thumb from your tongue and grabs his cock, shaking it in front of you mockingly, like it was a special treat. You gulp down to clear your throat of leftover cum and saliva, your eyes glance from the length in front up to the phone in Kenjaku’s hand.
“Say; ‘Please Master… give me your cock, I need you so badly’ just like a good girl would.”
‘Master..? Was Kenjaku your master now? Master… Master… Master Kenjaku? Somehow the words roll off just right when you echo it back in your mind. 
You kept looking up, the phone directly in your line of vision, when you were really just trying to look at Kenjaku’s face. Your voice came out more soft-spoken than before.
"Please, Master Kenjaku, please reward me with your cock for being a good girl.” Your hands clutch on to the ends of his shirt as you keep on pitifully begging for a treat from your master. 
Kenjaku’s face slips, and he lets out a feral grin at your words, “Going off script? Hah….. I love it. Go on, keep begging me, my slutty puppy.” 
He taps his cock on your cheek and you instantly start rubbing on it, not caring about getting your face even messier by doing so. “Please, please, pleaseee! Master, I listened to you so well. I need your cock so bad. It feels so good when you touch me and let me have it. I need, need, need it!” 
You sneak in a couple of kisses and licks as you were rubbing on his cock, whining pathetically all in front of the camera. Your mind was not even comprehending the lewd and embarrassing words you were spewing out right now or the actions your body was doing, that small rational part of your brain was pushed all the way back. Locked away by Kenjaku’s voice telling you that this was the real you now, what you really craved, what you always wanted. 
To serve someone, to have someone praise you for being a good puppy, a naughty slut… 
It feels good to have Kenjaku pet your hair as he slips his cock back into your awaiting mouth, shoving it all the way in this time. Making you choke on the sheer girth of it at first before the length of it hits you in the back of your throat. Your cheeks were already feeling a little sore from how hard he was pushing, and you gagged a little when he tried to put your head down even more. He pulls your hair back away from his cock. You choke out a little bit of spit, coughing and sputtering. 
Kenjaku wipes away the spit from your chin as he looks back down at you, sighing disappointingly, “I suppose you just aren’t ready for my cock yet.” He shakes his head, but he still keeps his phone lens on your face. “Guess we just have to move on…” He moves his other hand away from your head, and your stomach drops. You clutch on to his shirt, shouting out, “Wait!” Kenjaku hides his reaction from seeing your outburst, maintaining a neutral face.
“Yes? What is it puppy?”
You whimpered and tugged at his shirt; your lips quivered as you began to beg once more. “I-I can do it! I can take it all, please let me try again!” 
Kenjaku’s lips twitch at your display, placing his hand back on your head, weaving his fingers in your locks, and tugging it back. “You sure, puppy? Are you sure you want this?” You nod your head instantly. "Speak, puppy, tell me that you want it again.” 
“I want your cock, please! I can be good this time! I-I won’t choke, I promise!” You were desperate to please Kenjaku, who just shook his head at you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and lovingly squeezing your cheeks together so your lips puckered in an ‘O’ shape. “It’s alright, my sweet girl. Choking and gagging are part of the process; I’ll just go slower this time. Let you get used to the shape of my cock, hmm?”
He pokes the head of his cock back on your puckered lips, squeezing your cheeks together one last time and placing his hand back behind your head as he pushes you down once again. Your jaw is still sore, but it helps, as you were getting numb to the feeling. You flatten down your tongue as his cock slides over. This time, Kenjaku holds your head in place, rolling his hips forward as he face-fucks you sluggishly, drool accumulating in your cheeks with each slow thrust. The lewd noises it was making were loud enough for the phone to capture. Kenjaku lets you choke on about half of his length for a while before trying to force it all the way in. 
“Now close your eyes and breathe in through your nose for me…good girl…”
You did as he commanded, still gagging when he shoves your face all the way down to the base of his cock, his pubes tickling your nose, and just before you start choking on it for real, he pulls you back. Letting you breathe for air, taking a small break before he pokes his cock head back against your lips, and you open up for it once more. Going back all the way down, staying there for a bit longer this time, and then he lets you go. Repeating this process over and over again, his cock sliding in and out of your pretty mouth.
Repeatedly hitting the back of your throat with each thrust, he had you stay down there for longer and longer until he was fully face-fucking you now. Kenjaku was letting his walls down a bit at this point as well, letting out deep groans and moans, cursing under his breath once he started to feel his balls tighten up. 
“Fuck… that’s it, puppy. Take it, take my fucking cock like the good cock-slut you are.” 
The hand holding the phone shakes a bit as he shoves his cock deep down your throat, way past your gagging point, but at this point, it doesn’t matter anymore. Not when his cock is practically about to burst, and you shouldn’t care about anything else but servicing his cock. You should be happy that Kenjaku was so willing to give you all his creamy cum directly down your gullet. With his hand gripping your hair tightly and one last groan, Kenjaku spills his cum in your slutty mouth, forcing you to drink as much of it as possible from the position you were in. 
He slid his cock out of your mouth, your messy face covered in drool and cum. The recording light on the phone went off, and Kenjaku pocketed his phone with a happy sigh. Tugging upward on your leash as he brings you back to your feet, only then did you realize how much your knees were hurting from kneeling down for so long. 
He wipes away the sticky mess on your cheeks with swipes of his fingers, praising you in a tender tone as you lean into his embrace. One arm around your waist to keep you from falling over as he finished gathering up any remaining cream.
“Say ‘Ah’, my sweet puppy.”
He smears the sticky mess on your tongue, making sure you clean up every single last bit of it from his fingers. Cooing at your obedience, once he was satisfied with your work, he rewarded you with a long and loving kiss on the lips. Tasting himself on your sweet tongue, you fully accepted it, arms thrown around his shoulders, letting your body sink into his. He chuckles at your actions, grabbing you by the waist, easily lifting you off the ground, and spinning you around. His lips never leave yours as he plops you down on the bed with him on top. 
He tugs on your leash and pulls away, looking down at you, the back of his hand caressing your cheek in a fond manner. 
“You know… It would be quite ironic if I were to fuck you in doggy style while you’re in this state...” He whispers, not talking to you, just voicing his thoughts out loud as you snuggle against his hand. Your eyes just glazed over at his words, barely listening, as you could tell this wasn't a command. His hand lowers down to grasp at your neck, barely applying enough pressure to his fingertips, so you know he has it there. 
“I think, though, since it's our first night together, one of many… I’d rather fuck you while you could look at me and remember this moment forever.” He rips open his shirt’s buttons, leaving you with a full view of his toned abs. His other hand wanders down as he positions himself in between your legs. His thighs pushing yours apart, giving him access to your still wet pussy. He snaps his fingers in front of your face and gets your attention. 
“Puppy, I want you to do something for me now. If you want your Master’s cock to fuck you..." He emphasized the word “Cock” and slapped his hard length right on your pretty clit. Making jolt up and yelp a little at the contact. “I want you to take your cute little hands and spread open your pussy for me. Can you do that for me, puppy?” He rubs the tip of his length into small circles on your clit, making you mewl and buck your hips for more friction, but he holds your hips down with his hands and makes a disapproving noise.
It quickly stops your movement, and you whimper out an apologetic noise, your hands slowly coming down your body to not accidentally anger your master once again. Stopping right on either side of your pussy. Kenjaku nods at this, “Good… Good… Now, take your thumbs and spread it out for me and watch. Watch as I fuck you and take you as mine.” Your hands shake a bit as Kenjaku starts to slide his veiny cock down from on top of your clit, sliding right down the middle of your pussy, making you feel his throbbing veins as he pokes the thick head at your entrance. Your thumbs stretch out to the edges of your drooling cunt, doing as your Master commanded and spreading it out for him.
Kenjaku rolls his hips forward, his fat cock slipping past your entrance with each roll of his hips, rutting against your clit. Making you even more riled up than before, whining for him to fuck you already. His hands dig into the plush flesh of your waist to stop you from squirming at the sensation. Only when you felt like actually using words to beg him to do something else did he stop and fully slammed his length all the way. 
You yelped and cried out at the sudden intrusion, scrambling backwards to get away from the abrupt burst of pain, only to be pulled right back in by your hips. Kenjaku’s fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass. Smacking you on his cock, your slick and drool cover his cock, making it quite easy for him to keep ramming into you. The squelching noises got louder and louder with each harsh slap against your hips. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but the pain and solely on the pleasure, but your head and body kept bouncing off the bed, making you a bit dizzy. 
Your hands search around for something to grab hold of, to steady yourself on, but even trying to clutch on the bed sheet proved futile with how hard Kenjaku was fucking you. Your legs forcefully spread around his waist, his hands cupping your ass up in the air as he rutted inside you, bucking his cock up at the same time he was holding you down. Just nonstop bouncing on his length, your poor pussy had no choice but to stretch and fit to his size. Still,  it felt like with each roll of his hips, he was reaching deeper and deeper inside your cervix.
Finally, Kenjaku seemed to take notice of your dilemma, or he just noticed how you were keeping your eyes closed and biting your lips. He let go of your ass and grabbed your wrists with one hand. Slamming them down beside your head, he kept up his rhythm, abusing your tight, needy cunt as he leaned down to face you. 
His minty breath washes over you, his lips ghosting and his tongue softly licking at your chin and cheek. Wiping away your fallen tears, “Puppy.. Puppy… Open your eyes, I want you to look at me when I fucking claim you. When I mark this pussy as mine, do you understand? I want you to be present for every single moment your Master’s cock slides into your desperate cunt.” 
He interlaced your fingers together with his tongue, lapping up the small dribble of blood leaking from the wound on your bottom lips. You were biting so hard that you didn’t even notice your wound until now. Kenjaku sucks on your bottom lips when you don’t answer fast enough for his liking, running his warm tongue over and over again on your bleeding gash. Your eyes blink away some tears before fully opening to find Kenjaku staring at you. His eyes open half-lidded, but his attention is fully focused on your cute face, your expressions, and the lost and hazy swirl of confusion in your eyes.
“Is my puppy ready to be taken? Are you gonna be my good girl and let me mark your insides?” He bit down on your lips and pulled back, making the gash even bigger, with more blood dribbling out. You whine and start to close your eyes again, but Kenjaku removes one of his hands to grab at your throat. Squeezing it enough to cause you to choke on a moan as he starts to move his hips again. Dragging his length up and down inside your walls, his hand squeezing harder each time he reaches your cervix. 
“Eyes open, puppy.”
His voice drops an octave deeper, forcing your head to tilt back, a whimper stuck in your throat. You had to obey; this was a real command, one that promised severe punishment if you did not follow. You open up your eyes as best as you can when tears are still pouring out of them, and you manage at best to force a grimace on your face. Still, seeing you try and listen to his order made Kenjaku happier, with his hand leaving your neck, roaming down your plush body, and hiking up your knees to your chest. 
Throwing your legs over his shoulders as he fully presses his weight on you, one hand pressing down lightly on the bulge in your stomach. At this angle, he was hitting your cervix even deeper than before. His thumb extended down to play with your clit as he kept pushing down on your stomach. Thrusting in and out of your wet and sensitive cunt, he lets loose freely, grunting and moaning at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in. 
Your puffy clit suffered so much abuse that, with the addition of his thumb rubbing tight little circles on it, it made you clench down tight on his hard cock. Your eyes started to roll backwards as Kenjaku sped up his pace. Your body bouncing up and down on the mattress, your tits jiggling with each pounding you take.
“That’s it, puppy. My dumb fucking puppy, don’t think anymore…fuck… don’t think, just let Master’s cock do all the work for you.” 
“You’re gonna let Master breed this tight little pussy, won’t you? Oh-hahh, I’d bet you look good with my seed spilling out of you.” 
He used his free hand to shake your head up and down, forcing you to nod. Drool seeped out the side of your open mouth, coating his fingers, but he didn’t care. 
You felt your stomach get tighter and tighter as his thumb kept on rubbing away at your clit, his cock slamming into your cervix, and your legs dangling uselessly over his shoulders. Your body just being used as a fucktoy for your master now, and you love it. 
You tried to mumble out something to let your master know you were close, but it all just came out in jumbles, whines, and whimpers. Luckily, your master knows exactly what you were trying to say, and he could feel your cunt start to clench more and more around him. 
“Yeah, puppy? Hmm? You want to cum? You want me to cum in you?” You rely with a long whine at Kenjaku’s mocking tone. 
“Yeah? Does my sweet dumb puppy want her master to cum inside her?” His hand shakes your head up and down again, whimpers, and drool coats your lips. Remembering his previous command, you struggled but managed to open your eyes back up, and that was the tipping point for Kenjaku. Seeing the fucked-out and dazed look on your pretty face made his ball tighten up and his cock twitch heavily inside you. He made sure to bury his cock deep inside your womb first before giving you the sweet treat you've been craving.
Spilling all his sticky seed inside of you, his thumb and forefinger pinched at your clit. Pushing over that edge once more, your cunt and legs are both spasming around him. With a high-pitched whine along with Kenjaku’s guttural groan, you both finished, your scent and juices mixing in with each other, becoming one. Kenjaku’s hands slither up to your face as he leans down to plant a gentle smooch on both your cheeks, letting your eyes close down softly. 
“You’re mine now… sweet puppy…”
His words echo in your ears as the last of your energy is spent barely holding on. He sets your legs down and shuffles down next to you, petting your hair and resting your head on his chest, still whispering near your ear.
“Don’t worry though, I’ll keep you around, but I won’t break you… too hard.. I know how much Yuuji and Choso like you, heh.” 
“Next time, I’ll introduce you to them as the new..family..pet ♡”
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grlpartdoll · 8 months
Little drabble for Ghostie Ghost... Being in an on and off relationship / toxic friends w benefits with him, and well. Yah! 18+ dis shit is FILTHY. Afab coded reader, and uuhm.
Thinking about having a toxic on and off relationship with Ghost. He's just so possessive but also so aloof and cocky about knowing you'll always come back to him. But he likes that he can keep you at an arm's length, too, because he's so afraid of breaking you. Of hurting you. Of leaving and never coming back home to you and that somehow destroying you. You're his sweet girl, and he can't imagine causing you harm.
It's been two months since you've broken up, a record for the both of you, when he catches you crying about your latest conquest and how he couldn't even make you cum and you had to pretend, whining and huffing to Soap about how tired you are of men talking a big game and never being able to compare when it comes time to actually do good on their words.
He walks in without any shame, and as soon as you see him, you rub your face free of tears and try to escape him, but he's following you down the hall towards your room.
You whine when he catches you halfway and tugs you back into him.
You're a bit fussy at first, and you kind of want to run from him, but it's nothing a little coaxing can't fix. You need him — and he knows it very well, the bastard.
And when he's got you under him finally, he's whispering the filthiest things, claiming you, asking you to tell him he's the only one who can actually make you cream on his cock.
You're stubborn and refuse to speak up, and he has to grab you by the jaw and shake you dumb a little to get you to babble for him.
"Y'mine, yeah? My own little fucktoy—" he grunts, slamming into you with a pace that seems almost impossible for other men to replicate. "My pretty little thing, you're mine, mmh?"
"Si—si, yes, m'yours," you have tears in your eyes, and as if on cue, you clench around him, your tight little cunt fluttering around his abnormally huge member.
He knows you like the back of his hand, and immediately starts to rut into you, hitting that sweet spot that always, always, makes you keen and come undone.
As the tale goes, you do, and it's the best damned thing in the whole world. It feels like coming home after being away for too long.
You suck him in so tightly that he has no choice but to let you milk him of his cum — a load that seems unending, as he cranes his head back and lets out a billowing of curses.
"Ghost—" you breathe, and receive a glare in response, his eyes murderous even through his lashes.
"D'i fuck you dumb already, sweet girl?" He growls. "It's Simon to you, y'know tha'."
"Mm... what about the condom? We forgot.." you blabber for a little, abashed and suddenly timid knowing you'd fallen in his arms again when you'd sworn him off just two months ago.
He shushes you softly, raking his fingers through your hair. "You don't like condoms, rem'ber?" He breathes in sections— the action cut with every small thrust he makes to ride his orgasm out, and fuck his cum far and deep into you. "I'm the only one who gets to cum in this cunt, yeah, lovie?"
"Yeah.." you mutter, dazed. You feel so good you don't care what he's saying even if normally it would make you frown. "He didn't wanna— didn't wanna use a condom."
He growls, half-heartedly letting you speak of your latest conquest even if just the thought of you having another man on your mind while his cock is still rock hard inside of you makes him want to put a bullet through that other guy's head.
"But m'.. m made him!" You jostle a little, eyes widening a little as if you're just realizing what you're saying. He chuckles a little, and kisses a line down your temple to your cheek.
"Yeah? M'the only one who can fuck you raw, aren't I? The only one who gets to breed you full of my kids?"
You want to stop and think about it — life with kids and Simon, but his cock is still moving, and you're getting high on it again.
"Mphm, Si.." you whine, clapsing his shoulders and trying to push yourself away from all the pleasure and overstimulation.
"Don' be a crybaby, now," he huffs, grabbing you at the waist and slamming you back down onto him. "C'mon, kid. You can take me. Y'the only one who can."
His moves grow sharper again, harsher. You cry against him, feeling so, so, so good. This is good. You and Simon. For a second, you forget why you insist on leaving him.
"Even my fucking hand doesn't do it anymore for me," he growls, his words a mix of anger and confusion. "Youre so good — fuck — y'cant leave me. Ever. Understood?"
You whine that, yes, yes, Si, you'll never leave him again.
But as another high hits you, and another, and another. The night eventually comes to an end, and you wake up with your bed empty, and your heart even emptier.
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