#milo's stories
azural83 · 1 year
The way these would've slayed the box office if they were released today...
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misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere omega x reader. Pt 2
TW: baby-trapping, non-con
Pt. 1
Yandere omega who freaks out at the news of your recent engagement. This wasn’t supposed to happen! The stress keeps him from sleeping at night and makes him unfocused at work, so much that the boss has no other choice but to send him home to rest. They can’t have their most valuable asset either away, can they?
Yandere omega that believes that if he could rekindle your passion for him, maybe you’d break off the betrothal and come back to him. So he decides to rush to your home and ring the doorbell until you finally open.
Yandere omega who begs to let him in. It won’t be more than five minutes, he promises. He just needs to get some of his clothes that he forgot last time. Albeit reluctantly, you accept his excuse and allow him to wander inside, as you had done so many times before. But those were under different circumstances.
Previous to your arranged marriage, you were free to some degree. With a large amount of wealth and charm, you were able to get anyone you wanted. There were hardly someone who would pass the opportunity to spend some good time with you.
To maintain this life, the only thing you had to do was work and that you did. You had to say you did a great job in your family’s company, creating hit business deals and increasing the finances.
But it appeared your family would not be satisfied solely with that. That was why you have to marry some guy; to secure an heir to the corporation, as your parents would put it. Your mother was also rather intrigued by the idea of grandchildren as well.
Yandere omega sneaks into the bathroom to prepare by switching his casual outfit to a more eye-catching one. He even styled his hair slightly, hoping you’d pull on it like before.
Yandere omega who thought he could win back your affection, however, it appeared fate had other plans. The second you see him walking out the restroom wearing what he knew you’d have like him in had it been the past, you growled.
“Fuck, I should’ve known you’d pull shit like this.” You had to admit he did look very appetising. Though you were engaged now, which meant you couldn’t immerse in such activities anymore.
“Why the long face? You didn’t object before?” The beautiful omega whispered seductively.
“Yeah but- ugh- look, just go.” Pointing at the entrance, you ushered him to leave.
“I’d rather stay here though, with you.” He ignored your warning and continued advancing forwards into your arms, then he laid his head against your chest and dragged his nimble fingers across it.
“Milo, I said!-aah!” Quickly you slapped a hand over your mouth and nose, for something sickenly sweet and familiar filled your senses. “N-no stop…”
Milo smiled, showing delight at your troubled expression. “Ah, I knew you couldn’t resist me. No need to hold back.”
You wanted to push him back and create as much distance between you as possible, but it was getting hard when the young man in front of you looked so enticing. No, you must not give in.
“I- ahh~“you were forced to stop in your tracks because his hands had started wandering lower and lower, teasing you. “Shit…”
Yandere omega who had decided to use his trump card. No one could refuse his pheromones and that includes you. Milo hadn’t used that trick to intentionally seduce anyone before, so he wasn’t actually sure if it would work. Turns out luck was in his favour, even he was a bit surprised at how fast you yielded.
Yandere omega who is sooo happy he can be together with you again, and he is not meaning only for one last time until you finalise your vows or anything. Why is he so confident? Well, let’s just say he has a plan B to make you unable to leave.
Yandere omega that wonders how you would feel about having that son you always dreamed of.
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zhezhy · 5 months
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Milo from one AU
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diegoldfisch · 3 months
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Storia dell'umanità, Milo Manara
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alethianightsong · 8 months
Atlantis: the Lost Empire subverts the "White Savior" trope so well and here's my Ted talk tangent
Atlantis: the Lost Empire is just Avatar but with a smarter story. Both films feature a young white man discovering a foreign culture, falling for the culture's princess, and saving the natives' way of life. Both films commentate on the exploitation of indigenous people for their resources. The biggest fundamental difference between Avatar and Atlantis is how the white male leads approach their scenarios. Milo Thatch is a wide-eyed scholar who just wants to learn; Jake Sullivan is a soldier infiltrating the culture so he can exploit them. Milo never had any intention of hurting/exploiting the natives but the people around him did; Jake knew the end goal was exploitation and only changed his alliance when he fell in love. Kida comes to Milo for help and he approaches her with respect not condescension; Jake has to learn the planet and its people are worthy of respect. Milo is attracted to Kida but he doesn't save her so he can get the girl; he saves her to save her people (getting the girl was a luxury and even then, it's obvious they'll take things slow cuz there's more important things than romance like reconnecting the Atlanteans with the lost parts of their culture). The Atlanteans are also not harmless, primitive natives. They had super-advanced technology ie the Leviathan that took out a modern submarine in like 2 minutes while the Navi are overtly primitive, their simplicity treated as a virtue. The Atlanteans were so advanced that they sent themselves back to the Stone Age with their war tech. This little detail keeps the Atlanteans from being hippie-dippie natives who need rescuing and make them a cautionary tale; they used to be greedy, hyper-advanced warmongers and that hubris leaves their race and culture on the verge of extinction. Both the Navi and Atlanteans have spiritual, mystical aspects to them, but the Navi are anti-tech while it's only the rediscovery of their tech that allows the Atlanteans to save themselves. The primitive life we see the Atlanteans lead is not presented as ideal; it is the death throes of a culture, a fatal stagnation at the bottom of the world. When Kida and Milo meet, it's not the typical "more advanced culture taking from the weaker culture" that has come to define first contact between societies. It's quid pro quo: we both answer, we both listen, we both come away with more not one party coming away with less. No one is humbled or talked down to. As for the antagonists of both films (Avatar and Atlantis) the antagonists of Avatar are just cardboard cutouts. The antagonists of Atlantis are just disinherited individuals coming together for a treasure hunt. There's a gag where Milo asks what each character seeks and they all say "Money" but that's not it. They each want to pursue goals unique to them and they need money to do it. When the chips are down and it's either money or NOT dooming an entire lost tribe to death, they choose saving the tribe. The main big bads, Rourke and Helga, have just spent a day walking through a ruined city where people live in the remains of their greatness and think, "Yeah, we are so stealing their technology so we can reenact the fall of their civilization on our OWN civilization. Why? Cuz capitalism." Why am I talking so much about Atlantis but not Avatar? Because Avatar lacks depth. I've watched Atlantis a thousand times on my cheap 2000s-era TV and get pulled in each time but Avatar's just a pretty screensaver playing in the background.
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cozylattesims · 2 months
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Zoe loves living in her grandparents' farm. She loves playing with all the animals in the farm, but her favourite has always been Milo the dog.🐶🐕
Beginning I Previous I Next
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soup-scope · 1 year
i have a super specific headcanon
that when darlin’s family first moved to dahlia and joined up with the pack, the teens of the pack thought it’d be funny to do a lil “prank” on darlin for an ‘initiation’ or smth of the sort
darlin was told to go into the woods while shifted, hunt something bigger than their wolf form, and then bring it back to eat. they made it sound so legit that darlin thought they were being serious
few hours later darlin shows up at the den, covered in blood (their own mainly💀💀) and just tosses a bear at the foot of the den like “did it. now what”
that’s why there’s so many jokes of darlin going off on their own fighting bears. because they did. and won.
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rheya28 · 10 months
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To have love like this....
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perfectlovevn · 3 months
Helloooo!! I hope you're well!! I have a new question to ask!! :D
It's about Violence Milo, if you scratch his chin like you would a cat or a dog, while saying "good boy", how would he react? A bit of the same question also for Manipulation Milo. (idk why i ask this, this was funnier in my head AHAHHA)
And another but this time about pre Milo, is he as innocent as people think?
These were my little questions for the day, I'm going back to draw Yuka and Milo, have a good day!! <33
hello from Yuka
Hellloo! How are you doing!! I hope Yuka is doing well.
Violence being chin scratched? And being called a good boy? He would probably freeze for a bit since he's surprised and then turn really red. I think if you called him good boy, he'd want to hear it more, but he would never ask. You can kind of tell though considering he has kind of a pleading face whenever he does something he thinks would make you happy (like getting rid of your enemies).
Manipulation being chin scratched? And being called a good boy? He'd probably lean into it immediately and purr. Like actually purr, it's weird because you've never seen a person do it before, but apparently it is possible. He'd probably ask you again and again to scratch his chin. Being called a good boy would probably make him sweat a lot and he'd probably go something like "Right? I am a good boy~ Praise me more~" Interesting calling him a bad boy has a chance of either him freaking out and begging you to call him a good boy, or him getting mischievous and teasing about what you mean by that and what would happen if he continued being bad. Flip a coin.
As for PreMilo...
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...Nah, I think he's pretty innocent.
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jacks347 · 2 months
I feel like hurting people so let's talk about Redacted characters fatal flaws.
David - Obligation
I was originally going to say David's flaw was loyalty but I thought that was too surface level so I dug a little deeper and found something a bit more important. David carries a heavy weight of obligation on his shoulders. He runs the pack and the security company because it's what his dad would've wanted, he works to keep the pack going because people depend on him, he only met Angel cause Caelum made him. Everything in his life is because of feels obligated to keep said things going. He didn't want to be in this situation, he doesn't want to have to work as hard as he does but he knows he has to in order to maintain everything his father left him. David takes on so much because he thinks he has to and that kind of weight will crush him eventually. He's pulling himself in so many directions, something has to give. To put it in his own words, one of these times when he throws himself at the wall it won't be the thing that breaks.
Asher - Optimism
Asher, you sweet sweet bean, your joy will be the thing that destroys you. Asher has the Polites problem (see, I know Greek characters) in where his optimism is the thing that drives the group into a far more dangerous situation. Asher's hopeful belief that they could get through the Inversion almost got him killed. He is the sunshine character, he's the one that everyone expects to be happy, he holds the morale of the pack on his shoulders and that kind of pressure would be enough to make anyone crack. How long will it be until the happy-go-lucky attitude snaps under the weight?
Milo - Dedication
It's easy to say Milo is loyal to a fault. It's hard to say he has a gravely misplaced sense of dedication. Milo feels he has something to prove, he always has. Prove to himself and the rest of the pack that he's useful, he has a place, he has a purpose in this pack. Milo has dedicated his life to proving his worth and that dedication to a harmful cause will be the thing that kills him. Hell, it already almost did. If another event like the Inversion happens, he might not make it out.
Sam - Independence
Sam is an interesting case because his need to be independent won't kill him physically as much as it will mentally. He has worked so hard to make sure other people's actions don't define him that he instinctively isolates himself. He keeps everyone at arm's length so that if and when they do something that hurts the people around them, he won't be caught in the blast radius. But that changes when he meets Darlin, someone who also keeps people at arm's length and doesn't let anyone get close. There's an argument to be made in how Sam seems himself in Darlin and that's why he felt so inclined to help them (beyond just hating Quinn) but not the point I'm making. Sam runs from problems before they can affect him and when the pack dies, he'll be stuck in a problem he can't run from. Sam may not die after the pack is gone but he will fade into the background. Sam will be lost in time, clinging to memories of a time that he let people in as those too eventually fade into the aether of history.
Vincent - Naivety
I heavily considered giving Vincent independence as his fatal flaw too cause it very well could be but we don't do doubles in this house and there is a far more deadly flaw in him and that's his naivety. Vincent is blind to his situation, he doesn't understand most of it because he's been shielded from it. He lacks understanding of what it really means to be a vampire, let alone one in such a well known house. And it's in that where we see his mistake with Lovely. Vincent turned Lovely without fully understanding his own place and therefore doesn't understand the responsibilities he's putting onto Lovely by bringing them into it. It's the blind leading the blind. This lack of real understanding I think will be what tears him apart.
Porter - Peace
Now, this one is hard to explain. How is peace a fatal flaw? Rather simply, actually. You find peace in a situation that you choose not to change. Porter is William's guard dog because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be anything more. He does as asked because he thinks it's all he good for. He had made his peace with the fact that he believes he's not worth anything more than the blood he can spill. Which is wrong and flawed. And it's in that peace in the situation he doesn't believe he deserves to change that will get him killed. If he doesn't convince himself he's worth more than this, it'll be the thing that does him in.
Gavin - Humanity
Gavin's sense of humanity may not necessarily kill him but it will cause an untold amount of pain. Gavin has distanced himself so far from the world of demons in order to choose his own path and be who he is that he's forgotten this world isn't his. Elegy owes him nothing and it'll give him as much. It's the immortal lover problem, he will survive long after Freelancer and the others are gone and it will break him. I've mentioned before that Gavin and Porter are two sides of the same character but what's interesting is how their stories seem to be going in opposite directions until they eventually switch places. When Gavin loses the people that give him a sense of humanity, he will fall to what he believes he has to be in order to survive while Porter is learning that he can be more than what's expected of him and will hold that sense of pride I believe long after Treasure is gone.
Escaped, you're next. Prepare.
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all-yn-oween · 10 months
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Some more fanarts, all various characters!
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annahxredaxted · 4 months
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My snap stories but it’s sweetheart and angel
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
Australian Rituals / Teeth of God Tour Bingo
Alroighte gwois, let's hear your predictions for the upcoming rituals. I *might* make another bingo (like on Wembley) - even if I don't, let's get them all in one place cus I think it's funny.
If you have something specifically for the Teeth of God Tour (because they are headliners and can do Cooler™ Fancier™ stuff) do specify. Same for strictly Australian Rituals. Some stuff may happen earlier (like when they debuted TMBTE and the new Espera masks), others may only happen on the Tour, so let's just put them all here and see what happens 😗✌️
Please reblog/put on the replies your predictions!! Whether serious or silly, please share!
Mine are:
One of the Vessels (Vessel or ivy OR Espera!!!!) singing onstage with Oli
Kangaroo/koala headbands / Aussie Explorer hat
EUCLID (more for Teeth of God but wouldn't be surprised if earlier)
The Apparition (PLEASE)
The Summoning pushups will return
Older song throwback (please please Sugar or Jaws. TNDNBTG for ToG)
Outfit change for the Vessels (only cus i think Australia is quite hot now innit? poor iv will MELT in that jacket)
This one I'm not super confident/keen on BUT new Vessel mask with Antlers (more likely on ToG but who knows)
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disneyllect · 19 days
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night-market-if · 5 months
Meet the Parents
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This month on Patreon, we are focusing on AU situations where the MC has to meet the RO's parents for the first time. In this story, go with Milo to a home he was never able to see, and meet the one that should have raised him.
Join at the Courtesan tier of Patreon to read.
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In this story, meet Lucinda for the first time. As an MC dating Hazel, have dinner with Lucinda Albright and have a few moments to see just how Hazel and her mother interact.
Join at the Courtesan tier of Patreon to read
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namyuum · 6 months
I’m so in love with the angst haha.
So I drew a lot of Future!Lita lol.
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I wanted to draw just Lita, by herself, just for practice purposes to learn the character, but then my mind was like, “Nah, imma do my own thing”, and draw a bunch of angst of her HAHA. To kinda explain, when Casey was born, (where he is holding him), she lost his sister Venus weeks later, then when the two are crying it is because Cassandra died, and his d*ath consecutively.
By the way!, I forgot to mention that both, the sisters, are kemp sea turtles, only that Lita is an albino to follow the canon. I’m so looking forward to make a comic to explain my own version of all of them haha.
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(I have been having a lot this kinda side story of the comic where Yuichi also sings, (besides being a battle nexus champion), and is trying to become a musician, and mets Leonardo when he was trying to sing for Hueso’s restaurant when the musician didn’t show up, (he was singing “Fantasmas" of Humbe, in Spanish of course haha), and I just can’t leave that thought ahhhh).
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