#milos movie reviews
punkkboyyluvrr · 8 months
just watched - destroy all neighbors (2024)
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holy shit. this movie is so fucking good. i dont even know what to say.
listen. ill admit im probably more than a little biased, as someone with a heavy alex winter special interest and a long-time obsession with schlocky horror, but fucking trust me when i say that if youre into horror at all, you have to drop EVERYTHING and watch this movie right fucking now, especially if any of the following sentences intrigue you:
the worlds saddest autistic man having the worst few days of his entire life
alex winters decapitated head saying "i am now living in your head rent free"
jonah ray rodrigues going on an in-depth emotional monologue about prog rock to two undead corpses
zombie rock sesh. thats it thats the sentence
ok. now i will say that this movie has its fair share of gross-out humor and horror (which is probably to be expected for many horror-comedies), and i understand that a lot of people arent into that. i get it; i typically try to avoid that kind of stuff too. however, if youre one of the people more willing to sit through gross practical effects and such, i really do think its worth it, especially since the movie doesnt rely on gross-outs alone for comedic effect: it also has some really great surreal and physical comedy, and if youre at all familiar with some of jonah rays and alex winters past acting work, youd know theyre both great at comedy acting, and they pull off their respective roles SUPER well. also, some of the gross-outs are actually pretty creative, and i thought they were done very well!
i also really like how this movie feels like a solid mix of both horror and comedy: i feel like ive seen too many horror-comedies that sacrifice a lot of the humor for more horror, or horror for more humor, but this movie has a perfect equal match on both sides of the equation. for every totally disgusting blood-fest in a scene, that same scene will have a really funny joke, like, immediately after. the switching between horror and humor doesnt feel too jarring either, it really just feels like a natural reaction to the situation happening around them. like, yeah, if i was in that universe and that shit happened to me id sit in the hallway of my apartment floor dejectedly and scream at the top of my lungs too. good for you, will brown.
a short review, but i honestly think its kind of hard to talk about this movie without accidentally ruining one of the many amazingly crafted and hilariously creative scenes throughout it. seriously, if youre into weird, gross horror, i highly recommend checking it out so you can experience it for yourself.
(slight disclaimer: as of right now, the movie is only available on shudder and amc+, so if youre like me and dont have either of those, and/or dont feel like starting a trial for them on amazon and giving bezos more money than he already has, you may need to... sail the deep blue sea, so to speak. but if you can, try supporting this movie and the people behind it as much as you can, because they all did some seriously incredible work on it!)
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pricelesscinemas · 7 months
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adamwatchesmovies · 17 days
Anatomy of a Fall (2023)
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Of all the legal thrillers I’ve seen, Anatomy of a Fall feels the most genuine and relatable. While there are big revelations about the people involved and technically, they come suddenly, this isn’t a story of accidental confessions, surprise witnesses, or even earth-shattering pieces of evidence. Something happened while there were no witnesses present. The court must decide whether a crime was committed or not based on the evidence. That's it. In the process, the film peels back layers to reveal the truth and half-truths that comprise relationships.
Sandra Voyter (Sandra Hüller) is woken from a nap by her son, Daniel (Milo Machado-Graner). Her husband (his father), Samuel Maleski (Samuel Theis), has fallen from their roof and died. She insists it must have been an accident - he was working on the roof when she went to sleep. The authorities are not convinced and she is indicted on charges of murder.
There’s a particular line in the film that summarizes what a nightmare this situation is. It's something like “What you hear, it’s just a small part of the whole”. As we're presented with testimonies from experts and people who knew Samuel, as more evidence is brought forth, we're given a version of Sandra and Samuel's relationship. In a way, it’s not even Sandra who’s on trial; it’s her marriage. If she and her husband fought a lot, if someone was unfaithful, if someone was planning on leaving, then it probably means Sandra killed him. It’s not even if the whole relationship was bad; it’s if it was bad recently. We're not talking about "a rough patch" or something they could've overcome. This fragment is now the whole.
In a way, the trial is a matter of life and death. The jury is deliberating whether Sandra killed her husband. It’s also about an intimate subject you could call mundane in the grand scheme of things: two people’s marriage. Drawing a conclusion from the snippets presented is an unfair way to judge their relationship but it’s also the best way to see what it was like because you get the “highlight reel”. By the time this film is over, you feel like you know these people so well that they're no longer characters in a film. Then, you remember that quote from earlier and you second-guess everything. Do you really know? That sentiment is amplified by the revelations that come up during the trial. They’re not the sort of bombshells you’re used to seeing in these legal dramas, but they’re just as earth-shattering and revelatory.
The film is as absorbing as it is because of the excellent script by Justine Triet (who also directs) and Arthur Harari and the performances. There are so many character moments in Anatomy of a Fall that I see it as the kind of film you would come back to in the future, despite so much of the suspense coming from the uncertainty of the final verdict. Even some of the minor characters I keep thinking back to, like the two forensic analysts who bring to the stand completely different interpretations of three drops of blood found outside. It makes you wonder if they - despite having no investment in this narrative whatsoever - somehow made up their minds about the case anyway and brought in their biases. Why else would they be so combative? Many characters are deliberately unlikable, but not in a way that makes them villains. Wait. Did I dislike them because of who they really are, or because of the way I perceived them based on the evidence presented? hmm.
Anatomy of a Fall is a film of complex emotions. There are so many details in the case, the way the characters behave or relate to each other that you forget everything else around you. The performances are excellent, as is the script. You've never been put on trial for murder before but you'll know what it must feel like once the end credits roll. (March 27, 2024)
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My Atlantis The Lost Empire Review!🗺️🪖💎🏺💣🛞🧭⚓🛟
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I finally got the courage to do it! Yay!
Okay, stimming done! I should note, I don't hold back in my reviews. I see something wrong? I can and WILL say it! Luckily, there's like, nothing wrong with this movie, so you won't hear much of that from me! Lol!🤣 This is first time doing this kinda thing. So I apologize for any errors or incorrect formatting.
Now, without further adu, the review! (Hey that rhymes!) Below the cut cus it's LOOOOOOOOOONG!!!! It's literally the longest post I've made. And there's SPOILERS! So beware!
Okay, I'm not even sure where to start cus this is one INSANE ride of a movie! I mean HOLY COW!!! IF ALL OF DISNEY'S MOVIES WERE THIS GOOD, I'D WATCH
I'm not even kidding. I don't know what I'm doing, so let's just start with the World building.
This movie ROCKS in the world building department. Everything is well rounded out and looks stunning. One of the things that I found most exciting was the fact that they made a WHOLE FRICKEN USEABLE LANGUAGE FOR THIS MOVIE!!!!!! They actually brought in a linguist to make it!!!! That's how committed they were!!! Do you hear about Disney doing this nowadays? NOOOOOOOOOOO!
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It's so detailed and cool looking!!!! If I saw this in love action, I think I'd freak! How can steam powered vessel go below the crush depth?
I DON'T CARE!!! IT'S AWESOME!!! (I especially like that bubble in the front. How fun! I'd definitely be looking out of that thing all the time!) I heard people say that watched the scene with the Leviathan attacking the sub thought it looked so real, that some people who worked on army subs got FLASHBACKS!!! I'm not even kidding! Everything during those scenes felt so real and immersive! You can tell Disney did their home work!
Okay now Atlantis itself!
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It feels like it's own culture. It's feels real. It doesn't feel or look like a lazy combination of two cultures. It's distinct and interesting looking. And the people are very unique in appearance too. With their blue eyes, white hair, and coppery brown skin. It's a beautiful combination. And their clothes are nice as well. Lots of bright colors. Mostly blues, purples, magentas, etc. Very beautiful.❤️
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OH! OH! AND THEIR TECHNOLOGY!!!! Oh my gosh!!! That leviathan and those fish shaped flying machines?!! HECKIN RAD!!!! How are they made?!?? What are they made out of?!??? So many QUESTIONS!!!!!!
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I especially love the use of crystals in the Atlantian technology. I actually studied stuff like that and from what I've found in my research, it was actually entirely possible that ancient civilizations, like Atlantis used Crystals in somes ways of energy. Which is amazing! I don't know if that's where they got inspiration. But I found it intriguing none the less!
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And the Creatures were also cool! They felt almost alien or prehistoric in appearance! It was really cool. Some of the creatures looked like they came straight from Pandora from the movie Avatar! I'm a sucker for fantasy creatures and speculative biology. So I'd love to see If I could figure out everything about the ecosystem of Atlantis! To bad they didn't go into more detail about it, but the movie wasn't about the critters. Still, hats of to the crew for giving them such interesting designs!
Okay, Onto more stuff!
Milo. He's adorkable.
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That's it. He's perfect. I love him.
Okay, lol. Actually I have a lot to say. They gave him SOOOOOOOOO much personality! He's dynamic and easy to read! He's allowed to push his expressions and be exaggerated! He's just so fun to watch! Big thumbs up to his animator(s). And look at those glasses! And that hair! Such a good character design! He's just so fun and loveable looking!❤️
And he's allowed to show a full range of emotions! I know this one sounds weird. But it drive me crazy when a character is only allowed to show one emotion and by completely defined by it. Like being sickingly happy go lucky, or dark and moody. It's like, that's all you're going to do with them? But Milo, goes through the full range of emotions in the movie. He's got excitement from going into the unknown. Sadness and grief from the loss of his grandpa and parents. Anger at Commander Rourke's betrayal and utter disregard for the Atlantian people's lives. He experiences everything and it all feels so relatable. He's just the best. I also love how enthusiastic and kind hearted he is. He has the heart of a hero despite his first impressions. And his cute crush on Kida is the best. He's such a goober. He needs to be considered a Disney Prince. He deserves it more than most.
✨KIDA.✨ Just KIDA.🤩
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Kida is GORGEOUS. 🤩🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ LOOK AT HER DESIGN! IT ROCKS!!!! WHY THE HECK IS SHE NOT AN OFFICIAL DISNEY PRINCESS!?!??!? SHAME ON YOU DISNEY!!!! She has ALL the qualifications!!!!
She's strong! Mentally, emotionally, AND fricken physically!!! She cares deeply about her people and her culture!!!! She is ROYALTY. She is a WARRIOR!!! She is a QUEEN!!! If any of the "forgotten Disney Princesses" deserved the title of official princess, it HER! FORGET RAYA!!! You're telling me that the Disney heroin that taught people to trust their abusers, EVEN AFTER THEY'VE HURT THEM MULTIPLE TIMES and then GUILT TRIPS THEM, deserved the title of Disney Princess more than THIS WOMAN?!??! BULL! ABSOLUTE BULL! (Sorry for the rant. I have to refrain myself for going on a lecture about how Raya never deserved that title. She is my least favorite Disney princess. 😖👎 KIDA ALL THE WAY!!!!😄👍💕)
Oh, and her and Milo are the cutest couple. I heard people were upset because they didn't get a big kiss at the end. NO! They didn't kiss at the end of the movie! They didn't need to! They just FLIPPEN met!!! I wouldn't either! We're they still an adorable couple? HECK YES!!! They cared about each other and learned from each other and UGH! They so CUTE!!!!! And Milo gets to be King Consort of the Kingdom he spent his entire life searching for alongside his Queen who is also the woman he loves! How great an ending is that?! He knows they were both great rulers. You know it.
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Commander Rourke. I hate this man.
I can't even find any good gifs of him. THAT'S HOW MUCH PEOPLE DESPISE HIM! Rourke is the DEVIL! Hidden under the guise of a good old American Army Commander! Which is why he is one of the BEST if not THE BEST Disney villains! He was about to let an entire lost civilization of people die, just because he wanted their LIFE FORCE!!! He definitely deserved to be transformed into a crystal creature then shattered. What a complete MONSTER!!!
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I have to admit, I was actually already spoiled by the twist ending. I already knew about it from multiple sources. But somehow, that didn't matter! I watched it and I still felt connected to Rourke, even though I knew what was coming! It was so good! Rourke was written as the stereotypical brave army commander. Down to the last detail. Making a memorial for the lost crew mates. Being friendly with the main cast. Acting like a true gentleman. This is why he makes such a good villain. Nobody expects someone like him to be in league with the NAZIS of all things! Ultimately, he was an absolutely cruel and insane man, that nobody saw coming. It is probably the BEST twist villain I have EVER seen. Incredible writing. Wow.
Now, I'm not sure If I want to go through every single character. But I loved the all and definitely have thoughts on them, so I'm gonna speed run this.
Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair. MA'AM??? Just what do you think you're doing in a kids movie?!!??
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🤣 Okay, in all seriousness. She was actually a cool character. She was tough as nails, beautiful, confident. To bad she was that jerk Rourke's head lackey. I mean, she sort redeemed herself toward the end. But it was mostly because she was mad at Rourke for betraying her. Not because she cared about the Atlantis or Kida. Soooooooo... I don't know.🤔
Audrey Rocio Ramirez. LOVE HER!!!!
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Her backstory his incredible. Her dad wanted sons. He got two daughters. Audrey and her sister. But you know what? That didn't stop them! He wanted someone to run the garage with him? HE GOT IT! And she's good too! I also love the little detail in her backstory that says her sister is a literal heavy weight boxing champion. You go girl! Show'm what's up! I wish they had given her a name. (I'm gonna give her the name Rosa. That feels right.)
Wilhelmina Bertha Packard. Honestly the most relatable character in the movie.😂 This one gif pretty much sums it up for me.
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Somehow, I feel like me and old Mrs. Packard would get along just fine.🤣
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Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini. I'm not sure whether he's crazy or just like explosives a whole lot. Lol.
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I actually thought he was Russian the first time I saw him. It wasn't until I found out he was Italian that I realized I made a horrible mistake in identifying his accent. 😂 His almost always neutral expression is helirious. I guess once you've blow up a lot of stuff, nothing phases you. Haha!
Dr. Joshua Strongbear Sweet. *Squeees*
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As someone who has Native American ancestry, (my grandfather is Apache,) I was SO excited to see a someone who is half Native American in this film! I mean, half Black and half Native American?! That's INCREDIBLE! I can safely say I've never seen that type of representation in a film before. And he's also one of my favorite characters.
Gaetan "Mole" Molière. This dude is WEIRD... And of course I love him. Haha!
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"You have disturbed the dirt." - Mole
I was laughing so hard when I first saw this guy come on screen. He's so dramatic! But he's french, so I guess that fits.
Jebidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth. He said this.👇
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That's one of the best lines in the film. ☝️😂 But seriously, what can I say? Crazy southern chuckwagon cook with as many unhinged stories as he has pounds of bacon grease. How could I not love him? 😂❤️ One thing I wondered was if this was such a high budget expedition, why couldn't they get like a five star chef instead? NOT THAT I'D WANT THAT BESIDES COOKIE!!! I'd be so mad if they replaced him. I was just curious. But I'm not gonna question it. He's the best and I love him. No five star chef could ever top Cookie.
Kashekim Nedakh i.e The King of Atlantis! WOW.
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LEONARD NIMOY?!!?!?? That was pretty much my reaction when I found out who played Kida's father. Who would have guessed that Spock would end up playing a king from a lost empire?! The crew that worked on this movie said that while he was in the recording both, they were stunned. He put his whole heart into the role. They felt like the king was standing there in the room with them! And I FELT that. He sounded just so real! It actually sounded like I was listening to a real ancient king speaking. He was amazing for the role. I'm floored.
The story was amazing. I got a lot of Jules Vern Journey to The Center of The Earth vibes. It was clearly inspired by it.
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Milo felt very much like the Axel of the story. Despite being much braver then him. The whole thing felt so cinematic and thrilling! Me and my family were either screaming with excitement or laughing super hard the whole way though.
As the for the moral? Well, it's actually kinda hard to pinpoint exactly. But I think that because unlike other movies, it lets the story show the moral instead of the characters telling us directly.
I would say it shows what happens when people value money and power over human life. Which is important in the time we live in. And that people's culture should be respected.
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In all. A very good movie and I highly recommend it. It's a fun, bold, thrilling adventure that you will love.
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✨Thanks for reading my review! Bye!✨
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randomalistic · 6 months
Ok i just watched Atlantis it was bad 💙
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Underwater white savior movie + wow magical indigenous people + white guy gets with the chief’s daughter trope. EWWW !
The Atlanteans were like. We need YOU (SPECIAL WHITE GUY) to translate our own language because we don’t knowwwwwww 💔💔
The original ‘explorers’ actually intending to exploit the shit out of Atlantis was like. Well yeah. Is that really surprising. There is no complex moral ambiguity here.
It Had Good Animation 👍 and the characters were semi likable. The main cast did have people of color but idk if it was good representation or not and I’ll have to look into it . but like. Yeah…. This movie would’ve been good if it was about literally anything else
I was originally gonna watch this with my friend last night but we ended up watching treasure planet instead and I’m so glad we did that first LOL
Best part was this thing⬇️💥💥🫡 It knew what was up trying to kill everyone
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OH ALSO OVER 200 PEOPLE DIED AND THE MAIN CAST IS LIKE. LOL OKAY LETS KEEP GOING. I mean I didn’t care either because they were all incidental background characters. You could tell when someone was about to die when their design was generic and didn’t stand out at all LOL
Also kid Milo looks like this( sorry for the quality I got it from an amv)
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freudianblunders · 1 month
Amadeus, 1984
The man, the music, the madness.
Amadeus is one of those films that leaves you in a profound, meditative state for a day or two. I don’t think I will ever be able to fully articulate the kind of impact it had on me or do proper justice to its review.
Miloš Forman’s widely celebrated masterpiece details the rivalry between composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. Every moment of this film deserves praise. It is not intended to be a biopic, as it’s based on the play Amadeus by Peter Shaffer, which in turn was inspired by the 1830 play Mozart and Salieri by Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Shaffer even called it "a fantasia on the life of Mozart and Salieri." The play uses a rumor to explore the nature of providence and the tragedy of being consumed by envy.
Amadeus is a three-hour-long odyssey that seems to fly by, made all the more remarkable by the fact that the camera rarely moves. Forman has crafted a magnetic film, with soaring music (by Mozart, of course) placed immaculately, matched only by impeccable performances from Tom Hulce and Elizabeth Berridge, with F. Murray Abraham shining the brightest. The film serves as a cautionary tale and an incredible dialectic on envy, faith, power, and finding joy in life by not raging against things you cannot truly change.
Mozart's nickname, "Amadeus," in Latin means "God's beloved." This is the central theme of the film, as Salieri believes Mozart's music is so perfect that the only explanation is that Mozart is merely a vessel for God, who is truly composing the music, or that God bestowed this ultimate talent upon Mozart. Finally, the most incredible and mind-boggling thing about Mozart is that he was even better than what is portrayed in the film.
The film earned 11 Academy Award nominations, winning 8 Oscars, including Best Picture, Art Direction, Costume Design, Directing, Makeup, Sound, Shaffer’s Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actor for F. Murray Abraham.
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lserver362reviews · 9 months
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I too would kill for Gina Gershon. This gave me such I Know What You Did Last Summer vibes. When hot old Patrick Dempsey said "dinnah" I laughed. A lot of the heavy accents made me laugh, really. I was surprised there was no casual use of the R-word, that really would've sent it over the top Masshole-wise. Some of the editing felt sloppy at first, but for the most part it was well paced and kept me in the story. The sound editing really shined for me in places, like when a scream turned into car tires screeching. Also I must must say that I thought Nell Verlaque was excellent. Bring her into the Scream franchise please. Speaking of which, was the cat, Dewey, a shout-out? I feel like this is how you balance anti-consumerist messaging into a slasher, and can we just point out how the men in this movie exhibit a lot of healthy conversation skills? These were good characters! For what it is, I really enjoyed it, even though I did convince myself that Milo Manheim was a son of Ray Romano. Makes me wish Barbarian (2022) was written by Jeff Rendell.
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rickchung · 11 months
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Anatomy of a Fall (Anatomie d'une chute, dir. Justine Triet) x VIFF 2023.
Its preciseness and whipsmart construction makes Anatomy of a Fall such a thrilling experience. We are left to out own opinions and interpretations of the protagonist's guilt or innocence. Triet and Hüller craft an unnerving film firmly calibrated to generate cinematic anxiety.
Screened at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival as part of the Special Presentations program.
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toomuchlovereviews · 10 months
Deathgasm (2015)
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A+ on dialogue and bloody puns. Hilarious characters that accidentally stumble upon a demon summoning spell and must take you through the wonderful world of metal music to defeat it. I picture this movie being so fun to take part of.
Watch this film if:
you like hot people covered in blood
you like a kiwi accent
Similar titles:
Blood Quantum (2019) (Canadian horror-drama, also very bloody and cool)
The Babysitter franchise (more stupid horror with satanic cult elements)
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kacic1 · 8 months
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A todos, boa noite!
Hoje convido vocês a visitarem Os Filmes do Kacic, para conferir minha crítica sobre este empolgante thriller de ação estrelado por Liam Hemsworth, Milo Ventimiglia e Russell Crowe, e que estreia nos cinemas brasileiros no dia 22 de fevereiro. Texto imperdível e sem spoilers!
Crítica: ZONA DE RISCO (LAND OF BAD) | 2024
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punkkboyyluvrr · 8 months
just watched - fool's paradise (2023)
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i honestly REALLY loved this movie. i was nervous going in due to a lot of poor reviews i had heard about when it came out, but im honestly super glad i didnt listen to those. charlie days acting and humor was, of course, amazing, and i felt that the cinematography was pretty beautiful. plus, a lot of iasip cast members show up as side characters throughout the movie, so, if nothing else, you can at least go all monkey brain from seeing glenn howerton and co. for about 2 seconds in a few scenes like i did. also, i feel that i should mention that, my god, charlie days skills in showing emotion purely through facial expressions is fucking astounding. i dont think i ever truly appreciated that while watching him perform in its always sunny, considering hes usually just doing some crazy off-the-walls shit in that show rather than showing a wide range of human emotion.
more in depth review + spoilers under cut!
i honestly didnt expect something with so much heart coming from charlie day, mainly because i only really know him from its always sunny, which, obviously, is riddled with tons of cruel and offensive jokes, but i was very pleasantly surprised. right off the bat, the coloring choices show just how aesthetically pleasing it is already. and then, we get introduced to latte, who immediately feels so human and so easy to connect to (although that could just be from my perspective as a neurodivergent person).
ken jeong is another excellent actor, and his portrayal of lenny was surprisingly endearing. his relationship with latte going from a purely business one to that of genuine friendship was a character arc i thoroughly enjoyed watching.
speaking of their relationship arc, the ending... honestly got me pretty fuckin good, i wont lie. while im not a huge fan of the misunderstanding trope in media (and this is no exception), i think the ending made up for it, at least a little bit. first of all, latte carrying around the urn of what he believes to be his best friends ashes felt very sweet, and showed how much he cared about lenny. and then the ending, where the first words he says are "i love you, too"... god. i did expect that the ending would reveal latte speaking for the first time, but i really expected it to be some shitty one-liner or something like that, and im so glad that they didnt go that route. lattes first words being that of affection towards lenny just even further shows how much the two care for each other, both going from being lost and hopeless in the world, in their own ways, to finally having just one person that understands and who actually cares about them. it was a very sweet moment.
while some of the humor can be predictable, and that part near the end about the whole electing for president thing was a bit... eh...? all in all, i think it has too much love and creativity put into it for it to be considered a purely "bad" movie. plus, who doesnt love charlie day?
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Thanksgiving (18): Carving up a slashing treat.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of "Thanksgiving". #ThanksgivingMovie. A fun, gory, slasher-horror that ticks all the right boxes. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Thanksgiving” (2023). There is virtually nothing novel about Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving”. We are firmly in teen-slasher territory, with a masked figure terrorising the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. But, that being said, there’s a certain exhuberant energy behind the mayhem that makes the whole thing far more entertaining than most recent horror offerings. Bob the…
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mandoreviews · 2 years
📽️ Second Act (2018)
Honestly, I didn’t even remember watching this movie even after reading the IMDb page. It took me a long time to realize what movie this was. So, obviously, it didn’t leave a lasting impression. I remember that I thought it was corny, but other than that I really don’t remember much of it. I’d say it’s an average rom com, a light watch but not much substance.
Disclaimer: all of the following ratings (except the overall rating) are from the parents guide on IMDb since I don’t really remember much of this.
Sex/nudity: 3/10 (kissing, implied sex, shirtless men, sexual dialogue throughout)
Language: 4/10 (at least one f-word, many other curse words throughout the movie)
Violence: 0/10
Overall rating: 5/10
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I think there's a distinction the needs to be made between a story being 'good' and a story being 'fun' to read/watch/listen to. Something that is 'good' generally has a compelling plot and compelling characters that will keep you invested, whereas something that is 'fun' won't nessicarily have a compelling plot or characters but is just fun to watch. This distinction of course is subjective but I think most people wouldn't consider cartoons like Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, or Jimmy Neutron to be 'good' as in having a compelling plot or characters. They are, however, fun shows to watch and you can get invested in whatever funny hijinks the characters will get into this week. And of course these are not mutually exclusive categories, at the intersection of good and fun you get things like Avatar the Last Airbender, Steven Universe, and The Owl House.
This is why I'm actually not bothered by people saying something dosent 'get good' until a few episodes or even a whole season in. If they're fun to watch in the mean time that's ok with me, but if they aren't fun to watch in the mean time I don't think you should force yourself to watch it because you've been told it will 'get good'. I think Milo murphy's law is a good example of this because it dosen't really 'get good' until you get properly introduced to Cavendish and Dakota, but before that it's just genuinely a good time to watch.
What a specific person thinks is fun or good is also totally up to them. Sort of like video games, I enjoy management and survival games and dont really like soulsborne games but my boyfriend loves soulsborne games and loves to min max. Some people think Dragonball Z or Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure is fun to watch, others don't. There are people that will say something is good but don't really mean to say it is compelling and thought provoking.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk, if I ever do movie/show/book reviews I will rate them in two seperate scales of fun and good because I feel like that's more fair than just giving something one star for not having a discernable plot, some people are into stuff that dosen't make them have to think or get morally invested.
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danobre3 · 2 years
Romeo and Juliet - 1968 - Dir: Franco Zeffirelli - CINEMIN comments
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newmovieeveryweek · 2 years
week thirty-two (missed) (28/9/22) (00:53)
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3
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woman on the football team. feminism ✊forgot that baby ariel was in it. omg it’s the guy from hsmtmts. rupaul?! no cos they’re so cute. the score is giving hsm. yo he’s so hot. i love the 4th wall breaks. the songs are bomb. holy shit so good what the hell. definitely realises that it’s ridiculous bc that script at times was everything. literally so amazing. also actual non-binary and bi/pan representation in disney from a main character. stunning. 
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