#mind you he also had a pirate hat that he lost when he stormed off from the dinner table he’s so annoying
quibvsposts · 1 year
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another panel redraw! i really can’t get enough of them i do not apologize
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cozage · 1 year
Hi. How are you? Can I put in a request for Law x Corazon’s daughter? Corazon asks Law to take care of his wife and daughter (she is his age) if anything were to happen to him. After Corazon dies, Law finds them and stays with them before becoming a pirate and promises to visit. As the years go by, he falls for her and vice versa. Then after Dressrosa (which she helps them with), he asks her to join the crew.
A/N: Im great! anyway…Uhhhh yeah this got way long. I’m not mad about it. I hope it was worth the wait for you :) (you can also read it on AO3 if you dont like the tumblr format for long posts)
Characters: female reader x Law
Cw: sadness, abandonment, parent death
Total word count: 5.2k
A Lifetime Promise
You pout at the boy standing in front of you. “Who are you?” 
Your mom squeezed your hand to silence you. “You must be Trafalgar Law,” She said, smiling at the boy. She seemed tense, like she’s scared of something.
“You have a funny hat,” you remark, looking at the spots. They matched his skin, which was patch-worked like the cows you had at home. 
“You have a funny face,” he spits back, scowling at you. 
You stick your tongue out at him, and your mother picks you up and holds you on her hip. 
“Well, Law. Let’s get you settled into your new home.”
“What?!” you shriek, looking at your mother. “I don’t want him to live with us! He’s mean! And scary looking!”
“Quiet, Y/N!” Your mother hissed at you, squeezing you tighter to her. You could tell she was upset, but you weren’t entirely sure what you had done to make her so sad. So you kept quiet and let your mother lead the strange boy back to your house.
He stayed with you for a few years, and in that time you learned to coexist. You helped him study, and you were there when he got the last drop of lead poisoning out of his system. Both of you cried for the things you had lost and the things you had gained, and you learned to actually enjoy being around him and his friends. 
You spent the summers roaming the forests with Law, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo, and you spent the winter huddled together in front of a lowly lit fireplace, your mother serving you all hot chocolate. It was heaven in the North Blue Sea, and you never wanted it to end. You all would be together forever, you were certain.
“One week from now, we’re setting out.” He had acquired a small boat, big enough for four people. “We’re going to take on the Grand Line and I’m going to be King of the Pirates.”
“It’ll be a tight fit, but we can all fit I think,” you said, examining the boat. One more person wouldn’t be that much weight.
Law shot you a look, and the other members exchanged looks nervously. They had been anticipating an argument, but they weren’t expecting it to be in front of them. 
“You’re not coming, Y/N-ya.”
You looked at him, trying to understand. Your goals have always been aligned. Go to the Grand Line and take down the Donquixote family. To take revenge for your father and for Law. 
“A pirate's life is a man’s life. You wouldn’t fit in. We all talked about it, and you’re better off staying here. Where you’re safe.” 
“I don’t want to be safe, Law,” you cried, your eyes filling with tears. “I want to be with you! We had plans!”
“Plans change.”
“You’re really going to leave me behind?” Your broken voice and bleary eyes were almost enough to change his mind. 
“I never promised to take you with me,” he snapped. He tried to ignore the pain in his chest when you ran away crying, but the dull ache didn’t go away.
The coldness between the two of you was worse than any winter storm you had ever encountered. He said goodbye when he thought you were asleep, and you laid there silently without responding. It was easier for you both that way. 
He didn’t return for another year, and when you saw the pirate flag the four of you had created now painted on a submarine, your heart soared. 
“Law!” You screamed, jumping onto the deck as if it were second nature. 
You leaped into his arms for a hug and he caught you, spinning you around with the momentum you both had gathered. 
“I missed you,” he whispered, clutching you close to him. 
Your heart skipped a beat. “Let me come with you this time!” 
His hands gripped tighter against your back, grabbing fists of fabric from your cloth dress. 
“Just kidding!” You say quickly, not wanting to pick up a year old fight. You scrunch your nose at him and your other three friends. “I bet you guys smell. So. Bad.”
Everyone laughs at that, and you pull away from Law nervously, hugging your other friends who you’ve missed just as much. 
Their visit was short, but you made the most out of the two days they stayed in port. You showed them new restaurants, and revisited some of your old adventures, and explored the marketplace with Law to make dinner for your mom one night. 
And when they left, you stood at the cliffside and waved until they were out of sight, praying their telescope wasn’t good enough to see the tears in your eyes.
It was three and a half years until Trafalgar Law came back to you, but it felt like a lifetime. You had learned to live with the pain of his absence, and tried your best to move on. But every time the light glimmered on the ocean, you could feel your heart calling out to him. 
Law came quietly that time. He was surprised when he looked for you at your usual spots and you weren’t anywhere to be found. He wandered the streets with his crew - now 7 strong - searching for you. 
“She’s down in the Trademark Hotel. She works the front desk now, dear,” an elderly woman at a stall said. 
He tried not to quicken his pace, but everyone could feel his speed increase, and worked to match it. His new crew was desperate to see the girl he returned home to, and his old crew members missed your face. 
He rushed in to see you standing at the desk, talking to a man who was dressed in a fancy suit. You laughed, and Law could feel his heart clench with joy at the sound of your voice. He couldn’t help but see a piece of Corazon in your smile now.
Your eyes slid over to the door to greet the new customers, and you screamed out upon realization of his identity, startling the man beside you. 
“Law!” You jumped over the desk and he opened his arms for an embrace as you ran to him. He held you in his arms for just a moment before you pulled away, and he reluctantly let you go. 
“Oh my god, this is perfect timing!” you squealed, running back to grab the man’s hand. “Jami, this is Law. You remember me talking about him, right?”
“Yeah…” the man eyed Law and his crew. “The pirate crew?”
You laughed. “And my best friend!”
“He’s more like your brother, isn’t he?” He smirked. “Since you were raised together.”
“We’re not siblings,” both you and Law said at the same time, and you laughed at your synchronicity, but Law’s eyes stayed fixed on the man.
Law frowned, looking between you and this stranger. He had his arm wrapped around your waist, and he was standing extremely close to you. It was clear you all were close, but Law had never seen him before. He was glaring at Law, as if he expected some sort of challenge from the pirate.  
You took a deep breath, and then broke the news. “Law, this is my boyfriend, Jamison.”
Law’s eyes widened at the news. You were too preoccupied waving to Shachi and the others, but it was enough for Jamison to see his visible reaction. 
“The three of us should have dinner tonight,” Jamison said, looking at Law with a smirk. “If you can leave your crew for that long.”
“No way! Everyone needs to come.” You pressed your hand against Jamison’s chest playfully, and Law felt something twist inside of him. “You have new people in your life too, Law. Introduce us!”
Law finally breaks his gaze from Jamison and looks at you, his jealousy melting away when he sees your smile. Things felt more normal when he looked at you and heard your voice.
“I’ll set up a reservation at the hotel restaurant for ten. Oh, and mom. So eleven. Does five o’clock sound okay?”
“Perfect.” He smiled back at you, and for a moment you were alone together in a crowded room. 
Jamison cleared his throat, bringing you both back to the group. He looked at Law and his crew. “The dress code is a bit more…” he paused to scan the pirates. “...Formal. I hope you have nicer clothes available than those.”
Law frowns, and he sees you mimic his own facial expression in response to Jamison’s words. “I think the Trademark can make exceptions for distinguished guests.” you said sweetly. 
“Darling,” the man hissed, squeezing your side causing you to flinch. “The Trademark has a reputation to uphold, don’t you think?”
Law resisted the urge to punch the man right then and there. If he stepped in now, you would only be angry about his interference. He knew he had to grit his teeth and let you handle it. He fully expected you to give some snarky remark back to Jamison and stand up for yourself and his crew. But the spunk he remembered you having seemed to have dissipated over the years, and your rebelling heart was more soft spoken than he remembered. 
You offered a compromise instead of a fight. “Then we’ll go to Cordelia’s.” 
“I don’t think Cordelia’s is the proper place for this occasion,” Jamison retaliated.
“Then don’t come.” Your voice was short and to the point, and Law could see the fire of defiance begin to relight in your eyes. 
“Cordelia’s sounds lovely,” Law interjected quickly before the fight escalated too much. “Still five?”
You gave him a tight smile and a quick nod, and then broke from Jamiston’s hold to run and wrap your arms around Law’s neck again. 
“It really is so good to see you again, Law.”
He held you tight for a moment, trying to remember the feeling of your body against his before he let go. “You too. See you at five,” he said, walking out the door. 
When Law arrived at Cordelia’s, he noticed the table was only set for ten, but nobody in his crew commented on it. Law kept the seat next to him open, in hopes that you would take it rather than your snotty boyfriend. But as it turned out, he didn’t need to worry about it. Only you and your mother showed. 
“Sorry I’m late!” you say, taking the seat beside Law without a second thought. 
“You’re always late,” Law teased. 
You waved him off, rolling your eyes at him. You leaned over so you could see his three new crew members. “I’m Y/N,” you said. “I’m so sorry I didn’t officially introduce myself earlier! I was just so overwhelmed with seeing Law and Shachi and Penguin and Bepo!”
“She didn’t even acknowledge us earlier,” Penguin said under his breath, causing Law to shoot him a glare. 
The rest of Law’s crew introduced themselves, and you spent a lot of time asking about them and their lives. Law could feel your nervous energy, like you were interviewing celebrities or famous royalty. You wanted to know everything about their lives and how they became a pirate, and by the time dessert rolled around, there was no time left to talk about yourself. 
“Can I walk you back to your place?” Law asked as you got up from the table after the meal. 
“Such a gentleman!” you gasped, feigning surprise. “Heart Pirate crew, it was lovely to meet you. Please come back anytime! You’re always welcome here.”
Law held out his arm and you grinned as you took it, overly dramatic in your actions. You walked down the cobblestoned streets in the moonlight, quiet for a while until Law broke the silence. 
“No Jamison for dinner?” he questioned innocently. 
You scowled. “I don’t want to talk about him,” you replied. “Jami always says Cordelia’s is our spot. He doesn’t like to share with other people.”
“He doesn’t seem like-”
“Law,” you warn, irritation creeping into your voice. “I really don’t want to talk about him right now.”
“Okay, fine.” He eyed you, but your face was completely unreadable. He wasn’t sure when he had lost the ability to read your emotions, but it saddened him now. 
“Can we go to the harbor before you take me home?”
“Of course, Milady,” he said, ushering you towards the sea wall at the bottom of the hill. 
You all sat on the wall, staring at the moon and its reflection against the ocean. 
“Tell me a story, Law.” It was something you used to say when you were kids. On the nights one of you had such terrible nightmares that you woke up crying, and the other would crawl into bed with the other. You always begged him to make up some kind of story to get your mind off of things. He was a good storyteller. 
He chuckled. “We’re a bit old for that, don’t you think?” He looked over at you, but your eyes were on the sea, deep in thought. 
“Tell me a real story, then.”
He obliged, of course. He’d do anything for you. Keep her happy and keep her safe. That’s what Corazon had asked of Law when he was a child. A lifelong promise for the man who gave him a life worth living. 
He told you the story of giant bees who hated humans, but loved Bepo’s fur. The crew had to make trades of honey for Bepos fur, and how it saved them from starvation and left Bepo half bald. 
“That can’t be true!” you giggled, pushing him away from you. “Tell me a true story!”
“It’s true! I swear!” He said, smirking at you. 
“Promise?” you looked up at him with wide eyes, desperately wanting to believe him.
He was about to respond, but your gaze distracted him. You all stared at each other for a few moments, hovering close to each other. Not touching, just out of reach.
“Take me to sail with you, Trafalgar Law,” you begged. “I won’t ask for anything ever again. Just take me with you.”
He desperately wanted to take you away from this island, from the man who claimed to love you and the mediocre job you worked. But he made a promise. 
“I can’t,” he whispers, and you can hear the pain he's causing himself in rejecting you. 
You pull away, breaking your eye contact with him to stare out into the sea. You want to cry, but no tears would come. You were expecting this response from him. You were expecting rejection from him. It still stung, but not as much as you were anticipating. 
“Okay,” you say with a nod, pushing down your sadness. “I won’t ask you again.”
You rise to your feet, and turn your back to the ocean and your best friend, and walk into your house on the dock. Law didn’t even have time to beg you to stay before you had vanished into the night. 
Law found your house the next morning with the help of a friend of yours. Of course, Jamison answered the door with that signature cocky sneer on his face. 
“She’s not feeling well,” he said, glancing at the back room. “How about you try again tomorrow?”
“We’re leaving tomorrow,” Law says, trying to push past the man. “I need to see her before we go.”
“I’ll send her your way if she’s feeling up to it, okay?” He starts to shut the door, but Law jams his foot into the opening to prevent it from closing completely. 
“I need to see her.”
“No, you don’t,” Jamison said, kicking Law’s foot out of the doorway. “I don’t need my future wife being influenced by a bunch of pirates. Your presence is bad for her. You make her rude and disobedient.” He pauses to look out to the harbor, and his smirk returns. “You might want to hurry, it looks like some Navy ships got a tip about a notorious pirate crew on this island. Wouldn’t want you to get caught.”
Law looks to the harbor and finds 10 marine ships on the horizon, and he takes off towards his crew, cursing the coward you’re with. 
“I’ll be back,” Law whispers into the air as he runs for his ship. “I promise.”
Law finally made it back to you two years later, praying that you wouldn’t be giving him another major life update when he found you again. He was terrified that he’d come back to you and you’d be engaged to that pompous ass - or even worse, married. He wanted you to be happy, but he knew you weren’t happy with that man.
The crew could sense his tenseness in the days leading up to the arrival on their home island. But nobody talked about it, until Shachi finally went into his office as they docked.
“Are you going to ask her this time?” He demanded. “You know she’ll say yes.”
“I don’t want her on the ship,” Law said. He didn’t even bother to look up from his book. 
“Bullshit,” Shachi replied. “You have Ikkaku here now too. You can’t even use that stupid “No Girls Allowed” rule.”
Law didn’t respond. It had been what he told you years ago, and he had to admit he was a little nervous to see how you’d respond to seeing a woman on his crew. 
“Captain,” Shachi said, walking over to his desk. “Ask her.”
Law finally looked up from his book. “I’ll consider it.”
When they docked, Law was the first off the ship. The others didn’t bother to follow him, they knew they’d see you soon enough. 
He made a beeline for the Trademark, and was surprised to find that there had been a name change in the past year and a half. 
It was now the Heart Hotel.
He walked into the lobby, but your smiling face wasn’t the one to greet him, and his heart sunk. A young woman sat at the front desk, but it wasn’t you.
“Hello, how can I help you today sir?” Her voice was high pitched and overenthusiastic, but Law couldn’t tell if she was genuine or not. 
“I’m looking for Y/N.” Law said, looking around. “Does she still work here?”
The girl at the front desk laughed at his question, but Law didn’t understand why. 
“Let me go get her. Please wait right here. What business do you have with her today?”
Law frowned, unsure how to answer the question. “Personal, I guess?”
The girl nodded and receded into a back room. A moment later he heard your voice cry out, and he relaxed a little bit. 
“WHAT?!” He could hear quickened footsteps, and the door to the back rooms opened, revealing your frame. 
He smiled when he saw you, but it was quickly erased when he saw your downward knitted brows and angry look on your face. 
“Trafalgar Law!” you screeched, storming out to where he was standing. You pulled your hand back and swung it around, your palm hitting his cheek full force. Before Law had time to react, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to you, so your face was only centimeters away. You were shorter than him, but with this amount of rage, he couldn’t help but feel intimidated by you.
“Don’t you ever leave me without saying goodbye again!” You said, and he could see tears in your eyes. Your glare breaks, and you crumple into his chest and let out a sob. 
“Why did you do that?” you cried. He wrapped his arms around you, and held you tight against him. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, holding you tight. He didn’t make excuses or try to explain. It didn’t matter now. “I’m here now. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
You nod into his chest and pull away from him, viciously wiping the tears away with your hands. 
“God look at me, I’m such a mess.” Your voice is still thick from crying. “Amanda, I’m going on break. If anyone needs me-”
“They won’t,” Amanda finishes, and you laugh at her response. Then she corrects herself with, “I know, I’ll call you on the transponder snail.”
“Looks like you’ve moved up a bit in the hotel,” Law states as you take his arm and lead him out the door. 
Your laugh rings out, and Law feels his heart flutter in his chest. “I’m the owner now, thank you very much!”
“The owner?” he gasped, looking at you. Your chest is puffed out proudly and you’re carrying yourself with more confidence than the last time he saw you. 
“Yep! You like the name?”
“I was wondering about that,” he mumbled, looking up at the top of the hotel, where name was proudly displayed. 
You giggled again and bumped into him as you walked. “I missed you, Law.”
“I missed you too,” he said, bumping back into you. “You seem to be doing good for yourself.”
“Oh, I love running the hotel!” He can feel your excitement. “It’s something I didn’t even know I was good at, but it’s so fun! And the restaurant is interesting to work in too! It keeps me busy, but me and mom run it together and we work with local farmers and suppliers for everything in the restaurant and for the hotel.”
He listens to you ramble on about the intricacies of the business, and he feels his heart sink. He was going to ask you to come with him, to join him in his adventure. But he can’t pull you away from this life. He can’t pull you away from this happiness. He’s not so selfish that he would do that to you or your mother. He made a promise, and he would be breaking it by asking you to leave now. 
When you finish talking about your new business, you both find yourselves at the door of your house on the dock. 
“Would you like to come in?” You ask, pulling out your key. “I can make dinner for-your crew! How many are there now? I can make a reservation at the restaurant if you want!”
“There’s thirteen of us in total, but we still don’t have any fancy outfits, I’m afraid.”
You roll your eyes and open the door, trying to usher Law into the house. “The Heart Hotel isn’t as snobby under my new management. Table for 15, got it. Come on in.”
But Law kept standing outside. “Are you sure it’s okay with Jamison that I come in?”
You scowl, and you realize that he’s waiting for some kind of update on more than your professional life. He glances down at your hands, but there’s no sign of commitment around your fingers. 
“That kind of crashed and burned.” Your tone indicates that you won’t be going into any further detail, but Law isn’t quite done with his questions. 
“It looks like you came out on top, at least.” He walks into the house, looking around. It’s decorated similarly to the house you all grew up in, evident that only you and your mother were living in the space. “The hotel, the house…”
“Law.” Your voice told him he was getting into dangerous territory. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, flopping on the couch. He didn’t want to drop the conversation, but he could tell that he wouldn’t be getting any more information out of you at the moment. 
You put out a snack tray, and called Amanda on the snail transponder. “Hey dear, could you put in a reservation for 15 please? 6 pm should be good, but we might be a little late.”
Amanda and you chatted briefly, and then you came back to the living room to sit across from Law. 
“So, how’s the sea life treating you?” 
He talked about his adventures, telling you about his three new members on the crew. He saw you tense at the mention of a female joining the crew, but you didn’t say anything. You just snacked on the cheese and crackers and listened to his stories quietly. 
You desperately wanted to ask him to take you with him again, but you refrained. After the last time, where you begged him to go and then he left without saying goodbye, you promised not to ask anymore. And you would hold true to your promise, no matter how much it hurt to let him leave again. 
Law left you to round up his crew, and you all met up again outside of the Heart Hotel. You could tell his crew adored their captain, and it was good to see your old friends and meet your new ones. 
Dinner was delightful, and you could tell the chefs had put their entire soul into creating the meal for you all. 
“It looks like you’ve got the best of the best working for you,” the crew complimented. 
“Oh, they are! I love the creative liberty they take in each meal.” The more you talked, the more apparent it was that you loved the life you had built. 
Shachi and Law exchanged a look, a sense of understanding passing through them. 
“How long are you here for?” You finally asked after dessert was served. 
“We’re actually pulling out tomorrow morning,” Law said, ignoring the look of shock from his crew. They had anticipated being in port for at least a few days. 
“What?” Your spoon dropped out of your hand from the surprise. “So soon? I can put you up in-”
“That’s not necessary,” Law said, cutting you off. “I just wanted to stop by and say hello as we passed through.”
“I see,” you said carefully, trying to beat around the bush of the question you wanted to ask. “Are you heading to the Grand Line?”
“Not yet,” Law admitted. “We should be ready soon.”
“You’ll visit before you go for good, right?”
He came back to find you a year and a half later. He had his mind set for the Grand Line, and he was finally going to ask you to come with him. You had to be by his side if he was going to succeed in being the King of the Pirates. 
When he walked into the Heart Hotel, he saw Amanda, who didn’t seem surprised to see him at all.
“Trafalgar Law,” Amanda said with a sad smile on her face. “She said you’d come back.”
Her words raised the hair on his neck. They were ominous and foreboding, and she spoke as if she knew something he didn’t. She walked to the back and came out with a envelope, which she handed off to him. 
“This was what she left you.”
“Where is she?” he demanded. His name was on the front of the envelope, the handwriting in your style. He felt sick to his stomach.
“I’m not sure,” Amanda said. “Off on some great adventure. There’s more in the note. You should read it.”
He walked down to the sea wall and sat, opening the letter to find out what happened to you. The date was marked 10 months after he had last visited.
Mom died this morning. She got sick a few weeks ago, and it all happened pretty fast. The doctors said she didn’t suffer much, and she passed peacefully in her sleep. So I guess there’s some comfort in that. I wish I could’ve told you another way. Maybe I’ll find you and we can talk about it face to face before you’re reading this. 
I can’t stay here. Everywhere I look reminds me of you or her. This place I loved just feels dead now. Maybe I’ve outgrown it. Maybe I need something more. 
The last time you were here, I was hoping you would ask me to join you. But I see now that you don’t want me to be a part of your crew for whatever reason. Don’t worry, I’m not angry about it. I understand that you want to live your own life, and I don’t hold that against you. 
But I can’t wait around for you to brighten up my life every few years. I have to make my own adventure. So I’m heading off to be my own captain, going straight for the Grand Line. I’m going to do what we promised we’d do all those years ago. I’m going to go find my uncle and take revenge on my father. Some way or another. 
I hope I’ll see you on the Grand Line. We’ll meet as Pirate Captains, but don’t take too long, or I’ll beat you to the One Piece. 
See you soon.
Law shoved your note into his pocket and took off towards his crew. He wasn’t even sure if you had made it to the Grand Line, or how you would survive it long enough to get to Dressrosa. 
“We need to go,” he yelled at the crew. “The Grand Line! Now!”
Shachi looked behind the captain, waiting to see you tagging along. But you didn’t appear. “Captain, where-”
“She left!” He yelled. “She went to the Grand Line already!” 
“What?!” The crew yelled in unison. 
He heard rumors of a one-woman ship in Alabasta, but there wasn’t much information besides that. And then, on Kite Rose Island, he heard that you had disappeared. People speculated if you had been killed by an enemy ship, or sold into slavery, or sunk into the ocean. Law got sick to his stomach whenever he thought about it. 
But he still had a promise to fulfill. To take down Doflamingo. For you and for Corazon. 
And he did. With the help of the Strawhat Pirates and some luck, he finally succeeded. And as he sat with Sengoku, he couldn’t help but bring up your name. 
“Did you know he had a daughter?”
Sengoku raised his brow and smiled. “I kept tabs on her,” he said. “She came to Dressrosa about two years ago, and has been operating under the Donquixote family. I’m surprised you didn’t know.”
“She made it?” Law breathed out, unable to believe you had been here the whole time. 
Sengoku laughed. “How do you think your friends were able to navigate the colosseum so easily to escape? Or that the Tontattas made it to Dressrosa so quickly? How do you think Princess Viola avoided detection of her betrayal for so long? She may not have been an inner family of Doflamingo, but she was high on his rank and extremely trusted. Any time you thought luck was on your side, I assure you it was her.”
Law struggled to stand, looking around for you over the cliffside. 
“If I remember correctly, she was heading for the castle the last I saw her.”
He ran as fast as his feet would carry him. Even in his weakened state, he willed his body to stay upright to find you. His eyes desperately searched every face he saw, looking for your eyes, your smile. He had tried to abandon the hope that you were alive over the past three years since he found your letter, but it had never truly died. 
Finally, he found you laughing with the purple-haired princess of Dressrosa. He called your name, and he saw you turn to him, scanning the faces until you met his eyes.
“Law!” You screamed. You abandoned Viola and took off towards him at full speed, tears streaming down your face. 
He tried to brace himself for the impact he knew was coming, but it wasn’t enough, and the two of you tumbled onto the floor. He pulled you into his chest and refused to let you go, and you laid against him, sobbing. 
“You did it,” you cried, getting tears and snot all over his coat. 
“We did it,” he corrected. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
You cried harder into his chest at his praise, and he stroked your hair gently. He didn’t care that the two of you were causing a giant scene in front of everyone. He blinked back tears of his own, relieved to know you were finally back in his arms and you were safe. 
“Sail with me. Join my crew.” It wasn’t a question, but you nodded in response. 
“I’ll follow you anywhere captain,” you sobbed. “I promise.”
He pulled you closer to him, never wanting to let you go. “And I’ll never leave you alone. I promise.”
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
Hello Dove! I hope your day is going well!
I would like to request a Zoro scenario please 😊
The Straw-hats dock at a new island and Zoro and his crush happen to go off exploring the island together. They get 'lost' and end up getting caught in a storm and share a few kisses in the rain, but once they get back to the ship, it's a whole different story 😏
You can make it as spicy as you want to! I just wanna get caught in the rain with my favorite swordsman 💚💚
Thank you so much!! 💗💗💗
Hi honey I’m doing well I hope you are too. I decided to do a little self insert here for a bit and make the f reader very sarcastic and witty as I think that would drive Zoro nuts but also he would secretly love it since she doesn’t put up with his shit.
Warning: shower sex, rough sex, f orgasm, m orgasm, cream pie
Summary: after docking at an island you and Zoro go off in search for a bar but end up lost in the middle of a storm.
Word Count: 2,300
The Thousand Sunny docked after what seemed like weeks of pure peril. You had all tackled through weeks of horrid attacks; passing through the monster belt of the sea. You had put up with sea and land monsters and a number of attack pirates but the worst of them all; a very hungry Luffy. You had to start rationing a few days ago to survive the last leg of the belt and Luffy was barely hanging on.
Once you had docked, Luffy was the first to spring overboard; attempting to track down some more food. Nami, Sanji and Usopp trailed after him while the rest of you stayed on the ship. After a while Robin and Chopper headed off to find a book store; Franky and Brook encouraging everyone to go so they could mind the ship. That just left you and Zoro. You approached him as he was resting under the tangerine tree; one eye opening upon your footsteps. “Hey” you looked down at him, blocking the sun from his view “Franky and Brook are happy to mind the ship if you wanted to go explore for a while”. “And why would I want to do that?” He shut his eye again. Truth be told he wanted to. He loved nothing more than spending time with you; especially when it was alone time. But he also knew how peaceful the ship would be for a few hours and didn’t want to miss out on a wasted opportunity. “Oh?” his answer took you by surprise “I just thought maybe they might have some kind of bar around here or somethi-“ your words were cut off as he jumped up from his spot, now suddenly with a burst of newfound energy. He decided being in a bar with you outnumbered some peace on the ship for a few hours. He quickly jumped over the side of the ship, to which you followed, running after him to catch up.
“Are you sure you know the way?” You questioned, taking a quick spin to check your surroundings. “No, but surely it can’t be that hard” Zoro insisted, pushing a branch out of the way. “Yeah that’s what you said during the Davy Back Fight, remember?” You retorted “and ended up getting lost in a straight line…” “that wasn’t my fault” he stopped, turning to look down at you “if that damn ero-cook didn’t get in the damn way-“ “yeah, yeah” you waved him off “blame Sanji if that makes you feel better”. You looked up towards the sun to determine your direction; to which there was none. “Huh?” You cocked your head “that’s funny I remember the sun being out a while ago…”. “Maybe it’s night time?” Zoro shrugged. “Then where is the moon?” You pointed up, giving him a sarcastically confused glare. “Shut up” he huffed, annoyed at your wit. You laughed to yourself, looking back up at the now grey sky above, swearing it was blue moments ago. You shrugged it off, not too worries about the fate of the sky and walked after Zoro; making sure he wouldn’t get you more lost.
“How did you not guess it was going to rain?” Zoro yelled over the downpour, holding his hand over his eyes to see you better. You had trailed around the island for what felt like hours trying to find a bar but were out of luck. The only thing you both found was endless canopies of large trees, stretching past what the eye could see. A small rumble of thunder should’ve been your first warning but you were too caught up in blaming each other for your lack of directions. When the first spit of rain fell you had eaten your words, cut off from the downpour that soon came after. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise I was the weatherman of the ship. Let me just get out my weather tempo and check again shall I?” You stuck your finger out towards the sky, your face screwed up like you were concentrating. “Yep” you nodded, happy with your decision “feels like it’s going to rain to me”. Zoro rolled his eyes “god you can be so annoying sometimes…”. “Oh yeah?” You scoffed, getting up close to his face “what about you Mr. I Never Broke Your Hammock?“. “Will you ever get over that?” He yelled, his voice carried by the loud crack of thunder behind him. “No, actually. I don’t think I will” you snapped, silencing him. Zoro stared down at you, his hands shaking by his sides; balled into fists. He was angry.
He hated your attitude.
He hated how he knew you were right.
He hated how even when you were yelling back at him you looked so beautiful.
He hated how your eyes glistened as the rain encapsulated you.
He hated how perfect you were.
He hated how much he liked you.
He hated how much he wanted to kiss you.
His hands gripped at your face, slipping from the rain that engulfed you. His lips pressed heavily against yours, making you moan, stray raindrops mixed in with his delicious taste. His hands shook with adrenaline as he pressed himself closer to you, shielding you from the rain as much as he could. Your body, what seemed so cold and dire moments before, now radiated a delightful warmth. Your arms unconsciously wrapped around his neck, slipping slightly from the wet, attempting to pull him down to you. His hands moved to your lower back, pulling you into his strong chest, almost embracing you; keeping you safe and warm. Your kisses grew sloppy with need; loud wet sounds drowned out by the intense shower that surrounded you both. Your tongues leapt out to each other, desperate to feel more of one another; dancing passionately. You fisted your hand in his hair, tugging at the moss coloured strands webbed through your fingers. His fingers traced over your back delicately, sending a shiver up your spine; not realising how gentle he could be.
“Oi, Zoro? Is that you?”
You both froze, pulling back instantly from each other; looking in the direction of the voice. Through the trees, Luffy came darting towards you both, laughing as he slipped through the rain. “I told them I spotted your green hair!” He shouted, loud enough to be heard over the thunder above. He continued to run straight through you both, darting to the canopy on the other side “cmon, we gotta get back to the ship, I heard Sanji found a big stack of meat!”
You closed your eyes, letting the warm water of the shower run over your body; shaking off the coolness from the rain before. A long sigh left your lips, thinking about how Zoro’s lips felt against you; wishing you could feel him against you once more. The way he fit against you made you crave him more; his soft lips brushing delicately against you. The way he gripped you made you feel his imprints hours later; your body tingling at the memory of him. It was almost indescribable kissing him; not knowing the right word to explain how he felt. It was euphoric being with him like that.
The shower curtain scattered open, jolting you from your thoughts of Zoro. You whipped your head over, shielding your body from the sudden gust of cold air from outside. “What the hell are you doing?” You barked, looking up at the person on the other side of the shower. Your heart pounded at the sudden break-in, not understanding how you didn’t hear the bathroom door open. When you looked up, meeting a pair of strong grey eyes, your body eased. Zoro looked down at you, naked, stalking close to you as he shut the curtain behind him. His movements were determined and strong; like a predator catching its prey. He corner you in, his arms either side of you, sandwiching you in the corner of the shower; the water falling over you both. You looked up at him, confused but excited, your heartbeat ringing through your ears. The last thing you expected was for him to make such a bold move. You thought he wouldn’t be able to even look at you again after the kisses you shared earlier. You thought he would label it as a mistake. But boy were you wrong.
His eyes were hungry; full of lust. He needed you. He needed to have you. He already made his mind up about that and knowing how feverishly you kissed him back earlier he saw no obstacle in his way to get you. He missed the way you tasted against him creating the most delicious flavour; and he was addicted. He missed how delicate your body was against him, almost like glass, as he moved against you. He missed the sounds that came from you; the most beautiful song against his lips. You were a drug to him and he couldn’t stop himself from wanting more.
His lips crashed against your harshly, his hands falling to your waist pulling him close to you. He tasted like alcohol, to which you weren’t overly surprised about, his lips created an incredibly intoxicating mixture than before. You stood there, shocked at first, still taking in everything that was happening. His tongue licked at your bottom lip, your stomach growing butterflies as you eased up, kissing him back. Your hand gripped into his hair, pulling his lips closer to you; your teeth clashing against each other. His hardened cock pressed up against you, rubbing against your stomach; twitching. You moaned feeling his muscle against you; wishing to have it buried inside you. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking harshly against your skin leaving dark bruises. Your hands moved to his arms, holding up your shaking body as he marked himself against your neck. His hands spread your legs apart abruptly, his fingers trailing delicately along your wet folds; preparing you. He mumbled something up you; drowned out by the shower. You nodded, hoping whatever he said was an appropriate response. He smiled into your neck, kissing it passionate before removing his hand from you. With a few eager pumps from his hand, he lined himself up against you. Naturally, you opened your legs wider, your entrance already attempting to suck him in. His let out a shaky breath as he entered you, your walls clamping down tight as he struggled to inch himself deeper. You groaned, gripping into his back as he thrusted you against the wall, your grip easing around him, slapping you into the cold tiles. His lips returned back to yours, one of his hands adjusting your leg up; your foot resting against the shower temperature handle. This new angle created your core to tighten around him like a vessel; making him hiss out. Your body felt numb against the heat of his; your legs tingling as he pounded against you. You lifted your head up; your moans drowned out by the running water. You wanted him to hear you. You wanted him to know how desperate you were for him in that moment; how badly you needed him to fuck into you like this. You could have never imagined how feverish he could fuck into you like this; acting out as though he would die if he stopped. His jaw swung open, bottoming out inside you, gripping into your leg as he moaned.
You both stayed like this, needy for each other; your mouths hung open calling lewd sounds to each other. His eyes shut tight concentrating on how good you felt around him; how much he thought about this with you. His whole body felt numb, tingling with each movement as he rocked into you. The heat from the shower caged you in a cocoon, fogging up the space around you both. Your legs shook; a mix of overwhelming heat and your pending orgasm. Zoro noticed your weakening movements; not ready to lose to your yet. In one swift move, he gripped into you, spinning you around, pressing you up against the cold tiles. The mixture of cold and hot against you felt wonderful against your skin; sending your rising orgasm closer to the surface. Zoro sandwiched you in closer, feeling your legs so tight, clamping your pussy. His lips met the back of your neck, calling lewd groans as he continued to fuck into you at a brutal pace. Each thrust was sending you closer over the edge and he could tell; clamping down harder with every movement. His lips moved to your ear, finally being able to hear his deliciously low voice “cum for me”. On his command, his cock pressed deep into your g spot; sending you over the edge. You struggled to keep yourself up; your body shaking with tremendous force as your rode out your high. A string of inaudible words came from Zoro, grunting them in your ear as you pressed down around him. “So good” was all he was able to audibly mumble before he reached his peak; spraying himself inside you. His body wrapped around yours, guarding your shaking one as he thrusted the rest of himself inside you. He held you up as you began to collapse; the sudden temperature of your surrounds making you faint. He quickly turned off the tap, gently resting your body to the floor, cradling you in his large lap. “So” you finally mumbled, looking up at him “your never did answer my question”. He cocked an eyebrow at you, confused. You plastered on a sly grin, sitting up to face him properly “What the hell are you doing?”
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Hello Liv!
I love your headcanon about (Name) wandering off on purpose to freak out Usopp. And also them having no problem approaching strangers haha. Do you have any shenanigans in mind that would/could occur because of those things?
So maybe (Name) a tiny asshole, it's fine cause they're adorable.
-Usopp hated babysitting (Name) and damn near refused to after one specific incident that is joked about when (Name) is older.
-It was a good day. The sun was shining, the crew found a new place to explore, and the seven-year-old (Name) was excited. They wanted to go with Uncle Usopp to buy paints, which he was more than happy to bring them along.
-Before leaving, Aunt Robin reminded (Name) to stay close to Usopp and not wander off too far. The streets were busy, and (Name) could get hurt.
-Everything had been just fine on the way to market. (Name) was enchanted by Usopp's story about the mermaids the crew had met years ago. On the busier streets, Usopp held (Name)'s hand to avoid getting lost in the crowds.
-At the market stall, (Name) was too small to see all the art supplies. So being the best uncle alive, Usopp hoisted them onto his hip, so they could see. (Name) picked out a few colors they liked before getting distracted by the commotion all around them.
-And then (Name) saw them. Oversized long white coats. Then (Name) got an idea. An awful idea. A wonderful, awful idea.
-At (Name)'s request, Usopp put them down, too wrapped up in haggling with the stall owner to think about the consequences that would quickly follow.
-Seeing that their uncle was preoccupied, (Name) slipped away into the crowd. Putting on their best crocodile tears, (Name) tugged on the long white Marine coat.
-The two Marines were quick to help a scruffy-looking kid who was blubbering about being nabbed by a pirate. When they asked for more details, (Name) simply said, "He's got a big nose. His captain has a stupid hat."
-It took the Marines no time to put two and two together, but they were appalled that Straw Hat Luffy was kidnapping little kids. Finding Usopp was also not that difficult either.
-Long story short, Usopp was briefly arrested, then rescued by Nami and Robin, who just happen to be nearby. (Name) gave the Marines the slip and showed up at the Sunny rather pleased with themselves.
-Their dads were really amused until Aunt Robin and Aunt Nami stormed the ship, pissing mad. Then the guys got a little more serious. That's when the crew had to explain to (Name) that the Marines are dangerous. (Name) felt pretty bad for like ten minutes because they were seven.
-That's also the first confirmed report the Marines have of a child on the Thousand Sunny.
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
so I was doing some research after watching movie 6...
...and apparently it was originally written as a comedy
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Yeah, I was surprised, too
Baron Omatsuri is not my favorite One Piece movie—Film Z has too many of my favorite tropes to be usurped from that position—but I do think it is the most daring. Of all the supplemental material I’ve seen and read, it feels the least...One Piece-ish. 
Yes, that includes the noodle commercials. 
If you haven’t seen the movie and can stomach a little spookiness, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. Unlike movies like Strong World or Z that have the look and feel of a manga arc, Movie 6 transplants the Straw Hat Pirates into a world that doesn’t feel like a One Piece story, taking risks and exploring themes that would never fit in the manga proper. 
In addition to the obvious changes in art and animation style, there are supernatural elements that don’t make sense within the One Piece world. None of the Straw Hats win a fight—Luffy included, although he is heavily implied to have killed the big bad at the end. The moral of the movie, if it can be said to have a moral, is if you lose the people closest to you, the answer is to forget about them and make new friends. The story ends with many questions left unanswered and the main drama between the crew unresolved.
And, if you allow me to get philosophical for a moment, I wish there were more movies like it. As I wrote in my review of Novel A, I don’t go to supplemental material or side stories looking for a repeat of what’s in the manga. Oda has written 1000 chapters of One Piece—why not spice things up a little and try something different for a change?
I know the answer isn’t that simple, and by their very nature not all risks will pan out. There will be people who don’t like this movie because it’s different, both in look and tone. But there’s something to be said about a creator putting their heart and soul into a work and having it show in the final product. 
Which brings us back to the original premise. How does a movie go from a light-hearted comedy based on a variety show theme to...this
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Baron Omatsuri was directed by Mamoru Hosoda and came out in 2005. To put that into perspective, the movie was in production when the Luffy vs Usopp fight was first seen in the manga. Manga!Luffy had not yet faced the challenge of an inter-crew disputes when the story was being written and boarded, nor did the creative team have the events of Sabaody and Marineford to see how Luffy would react to the loss of his loved ones. They were working without a full understanding of Luffy’s character, and to a lessor extent the character of the Straw Hat Pirates, and it seems like Oda was much less involved In production than has been in movies since Strong World and beyond. 
Likewise, Hosoda had just left a tumultuous situation at Studio Ghibli while working on Howl’s Moving Castle, and if this interview is anything to go by (https://instrangeaeonsblog.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/mamoru-hosoda-on-omatsuri-danshaku-animestyle-interview-part-1/) was going through a lot of personal shit when he was brought on as director. The script he was given was originally written like a variety show—something that was carried over into the various trials seen in the final movie—and meant to be a lighthearted affair after the relatively serious Movie 5 (which I have not seen am thus unable to compare tone). 
With that backstory in mind, it’s easy to see how the bickering and backbiting between the Straw Hats early in the movie is a metaphor for Hosoda’s time at Ghibli, which is something he admits to in the interview. Movie 6 feels different than any other One Piece movie because it’s the project of a man who has had to endure the loss of those who he was close with, at least in a professional capacity. 
There are moments in Movie 6 where Luffy doesn’t feel like Luffy. More than once a member of the Straw Hats ask him to intervene during arguments, moments Luffy either ignores or doesn’t notice. It’s a version of Water 7 where instead of fighting Usopp, Luffy ignores the underlying differences within his crew, and as a result loses everybody. 
The structure of the three trials follows a clear path of deterioration within the crew, the initial goldfish scooping game showing the Straw Hats at their best and inciting the jealousy of the Baron, the ring toss sowing discord among the crew even as they snatch a narrow victory, only for them to be utterly crushed in the third and final challenge as they’re unable help one another survive. 
It is somewhat implied that the Breaking of the Fellowship(TM) is magical in nature—that like the One Ring, the Lily Carnation was able to influence the Straw Hat’s thoughts and actions, but this is never stated outright and I prefer the more mundane interpretation: That without strong leadership the Straw Hats fell victim to the manipulative machinations of the Baron, and simply self-destructed as a result.  In the end, it’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. 
And speaking of things up to interpretation, I love how the Lily Carnation isn’t explained in the slightest. The plant that initially absorbs the Straw Hats looks more like the stem of a devil fruit than a flower, it for some reason rings like a gong when hit, and somehow is able to turn pieces of itself into facsimile of the Baron’s old crew who can somehow move around despite being plans. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, and the element of the unknown works so well in the horror-lite setting. 
My personal theory is the island somehow managed to eat a devil fruit which manifests itself as the Lily Carnation (which due to the L/R conflation in Japanese, is pronounced ‘reincarnation’, which I think is a nice touch of foreshadowing that may or may not have been intentional).
(Also, I can’t decide if little chewing animation it makes when it’s eating people or the weird bullseyes it makes when shit gets real are the most terrifying thing in the movie.)
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Hmmm, tasty.
Anyway, this is getting long, so here are some final thoughts:
1) This movie has some low key fantastic outfits. The Straw Hats all look very cool without being over designed like a lot of recent movies. Big hat Robin is of course a fave, and makes me really want to see her in a Carmen Sandiego getup.
2) Screenshots do not do the animation of the movie justice. It’s very fluid and has a lot of excellent expressions/poses, although I admit the 3D is jarring at times. Do not let the art put you off if you haven’t seen it 
3) Also, I don’t think there’s any shading? Like at all? The movie does a lot of cool stuff with color instead. For example, the scene where Luffy initially loses to the Baron his skin goes all grey, and I thought it was because he was fighting at night, but it stays grey even in the better lighting of the underground tunnels and stays that way until he finds out the Straw Hats are still alive, where it returns to his normal color
4) There’s an extended Benny Hill-type gag when Luffy first chases after the little mustache pirate that’s perfectly timed to the music, and ends when Luffy just uses his power to grab him. The comedic timing is amazing and it’s probably my favorite funny moment in the movie, of which there are several despite the overall darker tone
5) The extended jungle shot from Nami’s POV? Very cool
6) I love how from the earliest scenes nothing is as it seems. The opening text is Robin reading the map, but the storm that’s seen on screen is the one that sank the Baron’s crew. Likewise the whole fancy city is shown to be fake panels early on, the goldfish catching game is a trap, etc., etc. It does a good job clueing the viewer in early that’s something’s very wrong on the island, even if they don’t realize it at first
7) I don’t think this type of movie would work in modern One Piece without somehow nerfing Luffy. Horror works best when the protagonist is weak and vulnerable, and that fits best with a pre-Gear 2/3 Luffy (same with the rest of the crew, tbh. I was waiting for Nami to use her lightning stick during the games, forgetting it hadn’t been boosted yet). 
8) I like how there are four captains on the island representing different levels of loss—the Baron has lost his crew and wants to destroy all others because of it, mustache pirate lost his crew and is willing to put it behind him to make new friends, Luffy has freshly lost his crew and hasn’t decided what path he will go, and coward dad hasn’t lost his crew yet but is at risk if he doesn’t change his cowardly ways
9) I think the reason why Chopper was the first Straw Hat to disappear is he’s the most likely to play the part of peacemaker. He’s also the only crew member needing rescuing at the end of the goldfish scoop game, when Luffy foolishly puts his life at risk trying to save him from drowning, just like he recklessly charges the Baron at the end of the movie. Except that time there was no Sanji to save him, leaving Luffy to get his ass thoroughly kicked
10) This is a very good Halloween movie, and I’m glad I watched it in October
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 24
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: This can be a companion story to Calm Before the Storm. I rarely write one-shots with an ongoing arc timeline but the story’s much better in Wano set-up. I originally tried a different setting but it didn’t work out.
Title is borrowed from the song Easy, Love by Tom West. It has nothing to do with the story plot but when I came across it, I immediately thought it suits this one-shot best.
Summary: Since when did falling for someone been so easy?
Nami silently observed from the upper deck of the Sunny as the samurais of Wano Kuni arrived from their journey from the Ringo region.
If the merrymaking at Kuri beach—where a barbecue celebration (one of the many they had for the last few days)—was already loud and boisterous before… it turned to a total pandemonium once the group dismounted their horses to join the party.
Luffy was hollering from too much excitement; yelling Zoro’s name as he bounded towards the swordsman—who was getting off his own horse—so he could glomp him.
Her lips quirked in amusement. Idiots. Look how happy they both are to see each other.
It’s been days since the green-haired man traveled to the northern region to pay his respects to the samurai Ryuma who gave him Shusui. Few of the red scabbards went with him…
…along with Momo’s sister, Hiyori.
Nami pursed her lips at that. And it immediately turned into a frown when she noticed Zoro assisting the beautiful woman down from her own horse. Even with Luffy still entangled around him, his rubbery arms encircling the taller man’s torso, Zoro was still able to effortlessly lift Hiyori and set her down carefully on the ground.
Hiyori looked absolutely pleased. Her hands lingered on Zoro’s shoulders as Luffy continued cheering right at his ear.
Then Sanji decided to enter the scene to gripe and swear at his rival before taking the now-surprised Hiyori’s hands off Zoro to lead her towards the feasting table in a frenzy of popping hearts, nose bleed and drool.
Nami would’ve blown him some kisses for that. The look Hiyori threw on Zoro’s way didn’t escape her eyes yet the dense man was expectedly was oblivious to it; his attention was completely on his captain as he tried to pry him off his person.
She studied Zoro for a few seconds. He was being unusually nice… if not extra nice to the former oiran. Well… Hiyori was, after all, the reason why he got his hands on a new and more powerful sword.
And apparently, as Brook had gossiped to her and Usopp one drunken evening, it wasn’t just the sword. The musician had caught them in a rather… compromising position when he happened upon them in the hideaway hut back in Ringo.
Her frown deepened. The familiar sensation of something weighing down her chest came back again. Just like that night when she first heard the story.
Her hands twitched involuntarily and she didn’t notice that she was clutching the railing quite hard.
“Nami? Are you alright?”
The navigator whipped her head sharply towards the voice.
Robin was standing a few feet away from her with a questioning look on her face. She just emerge from the library and was holding a book in her hand when she spotted the younger woman so deep in her thoughts as she gaze at party below.
“Sorry,” Nami said in a sheepish tone, feeling weirdly guilty at being caught spacing out. “Got distracted for a second. What was that again Robin?”
The archaeologist smiled as she approached her, not bothering to repeat her question. She peered down below. “Ara, they’re finally back.”
“Yeah…” Nami followed her gaze. “We can now set sail… that is if our captain is finally done with all these feasts.”
Robin giggled. “I doubt that. Now that Zoro’s here, he’ll probably want to celebrate again.”
“Hmmm…” Nami smiled at her. “I don’t know why I bother with that thought when I already know what’s gonna happen.”
“Fufufu… shall we join them?” Robin asked.
Nami brushed back a stray tendril of hair that escaped her pony tail and shook her head. “You go ahead first.”
Robin nodded. She patted Nami’s shoulder lightly before heading down the galley. From the looks of it something was bothering the navigator.
But for now it’s much better to leave Nami to her thoughts. She’ll eventually share whatever was on her mind when she’s ready.
“Oiiii Nami! Namiiiii!” Luffy was shouting from the shore, waving his rubbery arms enthusiastically to get her attention. “Look! Look! Zoro’s finally back!” He started tapping Zoro’s back with enough force to earn a death glare from the surly man as he growled for him to stop.
Nami rolled her eyes at their antics.
Zoro tilted his head to her direction and their eyes met.
They held each other’s gazes. Nami willed her face to remain expressionless as they continued their stare off.
The katana wielder raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why her reception was as cold as the northern region he had just recently came from.
And just like that, Nami tore her gaze away from him and turned on her heel disappearing from his sight.
Zoro was left confused. What just happened? She didn’t even bother to greet him and just stared straight at him like he was someone she didn’t know.
Did he owe her something?
Beside him Luffy stopped his antics and blinked, also baffled by Nami’s odd behavior.
“Ne, Zoro. Did you do something?”
“So did you do something?” Usopp queried, raising both eyebrows as he regarded the swordsman beside him suspiciously.
They were sitting on one of the feasting tables, eating and drinking. The former pirate hunter just told him about what happened earlier.
“I just got back!” Zoro hissed at him, slamming the tankard he was holding down the table. “How can I do something when I’m not even here these past few days?!”
Usopp shrugged. “Maybe you did something before you left.” He suggested, stabbing another slab of meat with his fork and taking a hefty bite from it.
“Like what?!”
The sniper shrugged his shoulders again unable to give an answer. He had long ago learned that Nami’s temperament is as unpredictable as the New World weather. Sunny with a high chance of thunderbolts. No use trying to figure it out.
“Oi Robin,” Zoro then turned towards the older woman who was sitting beside him. He nudged his head towards the Sunny’s direction. “What’s with her?”
Robin shifted her eyes towards the empty upper deck. Nami still hasn’t come down to join them and had probably barricaded herself inside the library. She shook her head apologetically. “I honestly do not know Zoro.”
“What did I do now?” Zoro grouchily asked no one in particular and Robin’s lips quirked up at his predictable reaction.
“Ara… Are you saying you did something?”
“No.” Zoro snarled as he eyed her indignantly. “I didn’t!”
“Maybe she’s just in one of her moods?” Usopp interjected. “You know how she is.”
“She probably is.” Robin agreed. “Best to stay clear for now Zoro.”
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth irritably, Zoro reached for a bottle of sake.
They were ok before he left. More than ok to be honest as he recalled their drinking session days before the raid in Onigashima.
So what happened?
The sound of the revelry was beginning to increase in volume indicating that it was starting to shift into full swing as cheers and singing filled the air.
Yet everything was lost on the orange-haired woman who was sitting by herself in the ship’s library. Her pretty brown eyes were fixed intently on the window just behind her mapping desk.
Oh she is in a mood alright. Ever since she realized what the heavy feeling that was settling inside her was.
By Kami, she’s jealous.
Yes indeed, she is.
She tipped her head back and groaned. What a nasty feeling.
And to think this was all because of that moronic, directionless swordsman.
She likes him. That she was sure now. That’s the reason why she was so down when she heard Brook’s story about him and Hiyori. And when he set off to Ringo with said woman in tow, not even bothering to ask if any of the Straw Hats wants to go with them.
And she’s not gonna even touch the scene she witnessed earlier when he assisted her down from her horse like he had been a gentleman all his life.
What else could have possibly happened to them? They’ve spent a lot of time together after all.
Zoro never mentioned anything about her that night she was drinking with him. And it’s not like she should be privy to it. What Zoro do or does is his own business.
She banged a fist on her mapping desk to stop the thoughts and winced when she realized that it was a damn rash action.
But the pain in her hand was nothing like the one wrenching her heart.
She smiled wistfully. And here she honestly thought there was something… between them.
Foolish, foolish thought! She chastised herself. How can she let herself be pulled in that moment with him!
And now… here she is.
Never mind that that was not the first time it happened and she realized it will not be the last.
She bit the insides of her cheeks. Now is not the time for this. She better straighten her thoughts and get a hold of herself. Some of her friends are pretty intuitive, they’d know at a glance that something’s up with her. She’s pretty sure Robin’s brilliant mind has already put two and two together.
Squaring her shoulders, she decided she’d come down to join the merriment after five more minutes.
Taking a deep breath to settle her nerves, she closed her eyes and…
The library door suddenly swung open; the heavy foot falls that followed it gave away who just entered.
Damn it! She’s not ready to face him yet!
She steeled herself when he crossed the room. She heard him grab a chair and set it down just beside her with a ‘thud’.
She didn’t even flinched at the sound. Normally she would be bitching about it. Complaining on how crass he is.
Instead she just kept quiet.
“What is it?” Zoro grunted; a bit peeved that she ignored his presence knowing full well why he was there.
“Nothing,” she answered after a few seconds, still not looking at him.
Zoro made a disapproving sound. He knows something is up. Nami cannot lie to him. He knows her too well.
She remained quiet. And it was so unnerving to him. Whatever it was, he was getting the idea that it was serious. She was usually upfront with whatever she was thinking.
The silence that hovered between them was intolerable. It was pushing him over the edge.
Then Nami turned her head towards him. A determined look was all over her face.
And her lovely, brown eyes.
“I’m jealous.”
Zoro blanked at that. He heard what she just said—loud and clear.
And yet his mind cannot process what she finally decided to divulge.
He opened his mouth to say something… to blurt out an expletive, a retort.
But nothing came out.
Nami was looking at him intently, watching him. She watched as his usually nonchalant expression cracked, his cool composure completely obliterated by that phrase.
His face slowly colored.
There was no other way than to hit him with the truth. She readied herself for his outburst.
Instead he surprised her by stammering and turning into a deeper shade of red.
A chuckle escaped her.
What an adorable idiot he is.
She riveted her gaze back to the window. This is more than what she expected.
Amusing as it may seem, the heavy feeling from earlier still hadn’t left her.
Beside her Zoro continued spluttering.
That should be enough to keep him at bay. Nami thought amusedly.
She heard him took a deep breath before finally muttering a ‘damn it’.
And he suddenly leaned towards her, reaching out to grasp her hand roughly in his.
It drew her attention back to him.
He was grumbling something under his breath. She couldn’t quite catch what it was because her heart was thumping wildly inside her chest and blood was rushing to her head.
Zoro held her hand in his even as he refused to look at her. His face was so red now that steam would probably come out of his ears in a matter of seconds.
For a moment, Nami honestly thought he would combust.
But he still didn’t release her hand. Instead he held it tighter.
Nami chewed on her lower lip fighting the smile that wanted to grace her lips.
Just like that… everything felt better now.
Drat. She’s so screwed.
Nobody said a word. They remained quiet with their hands linked.
“So…” Nami began, deciding to break the silence. “Is this your way of—”
“You didn’t evenlet me finished!”
“Just shut up.”
A hush fell between them again.
“So… you’re jealous?”
“Ugh. Shut up Zoro!”
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sailtoafarawayland · 4 years
Oh, Captain!
Summary - Emma think’s she’s hurt Killian and deals with the consequences, saving him from himself just might be the one she didn’t see coming. 
Rated for all, no warnings. 
Tumblr Exclusive for now- will be posted over at AO3 and FF (Farawayland) when life allows. I just needed to write some happy what with all this not happy I’m watching on the news. Most likely a one-shot. 
Chapter 1
Emma’s heart was in her throat.
He knew.
He knew, and she hadn’t even been the one to tell him.
“Don’t!” she pleaded, catching up to him and snatching at his sleeve, her fingers seizing the thin, black fabric and wrapping around his forearm. “Killian, please…”
The warmth of her hand, the chill of her fingertips—they were always so cold, despite his many attempts to warm them—stopped him in his tracks, the tension between them slackening as he allowed himself to be swayed back toward her, but she held on tightly, too afraid to let him go.
Afraid of what he would do.
“Am I supposed to simply let it go, Emma?”
She could hear the outrage, low and dangerous, in his voice—and it hurt, because she knew it was her fault.
“Belle shouldn’t have said anything—I told her not to, that I would handle it. I just wanted to wait until after tonight. I was afraid if you knew he’d kissed—”
“He kissed you?” Killian growled, his features darkening as he yanked his arm from her grasp, the prop hook clattering to the floor between them as he stormed toward center stage where Neal was mid-scene with Tinkerbell.
“Shit,” Emma groaned.
Belle probably hadn’t mentioned that, had probably only implied she’d seen Neal hitting on her and refusing to take no for an answer, but had left out the part where he’d tried to steal a kiss.
Emma didn’t know why she had so much trouble with words—why the things in her head couldn’t just exit her mouth in the right way, or at least in a way that didn’t always make things worse. It should have been so easy to explain—that the minute Neal leaned in, she’d shoved him halfway across the library, and if that hadn’t left an impression, she had a right hook ready. That in that moment, she’d been so sorry that she’d insisted on keeping her relationship with Killian a secret. That she wanted nothing more than to have been sitting there with his hand wrapped in hers, for everyone to see—no one else trying to take what wasn’t theirs.
Emma wavered where she stood, not sure how to process the shit show everything had become in such a small space of time. Killian was seething, his black leather coat flaring behind him as he stalked across the stage—much to the surprise of the cast performing. Ashley stumbled over her line and twisted her hands in the lime green tutu she wore as Killian reached them, his long fingers wrapping around Neal’s shoulder and jerking him into an about-face.
The gasps of confusion from the opposite wing were audible as everyone tried to figure out why Killian was on stage when he shouldn’t be, and the murmurs from the audience were no better. She was sure they were all wondering why Captain Hook was confronting Peter Pan out of nowhere. Time slowed as she watched Neal’s features twist from surprised to nervous, her eyes snapping down to Killian’s hand as he clenched it into a tight fist. She couldn’t take her eyes off the chunky, heavy jewelry from the prop department adorning his knuckles.
Props that she knew he was about to drive into Neal Cassidy’s face.
Principal Gold’s son.
The man who always had it out for Killian.
Her boyfriend was about to get expelled, and it was all her fault. She should have told him earlier, but she couldn’t fix that now. She had to do something—anything—now.
Trying not to think about how far from normal this opening night was turning out to be, or how Wendy had no place in this scene, she rushed after him, doing the only thing she could think of to keep him from getting thrown out of his senior year.
“Oh, Captain!” she cried, feigning exhaustion and leaning heavily against the backdrop of painted, wooden jungle. She paused for a moment, catching her breath and glancing warily behind her, as if she were afraid at any minute something dangerous was going to pounce from the bushes.
Three sets of eyes from center stage turned to her, along with every head in the packed auditorium.
She caught her breath and tidied the blue bow perched on top of her perfect curls. “You found me! I thought I would be trapped here forever—”
Killian’s grip was still white-knuckled on Neal, who was starting to squirm uncomfortably, and Ashley looked like she wished she could actually turn into a ball of light and fly away, but she could see the curious sparkle in Killian’s eye beneath a cheekily arched brow, and it gave her the bravado she needed to keep going. She had no idea where this scene was headed with her at the helm, but it didn’t really matter.
Saving the play wasn’t the point.
Saving Killian was—the rest would just be a bonus if she could pull it off, so she continued.
“—stuck caring for Pan’s lost boys, washing their socks, cooking their meals, and do I ever get a thank you, Wendy—what delicious coconut salad, Wendy? No, never!” Righteous indignation flooded her face and she straightened her dress brusquely, angling toward the audience as she arched an eyebrow and rested her hands on her hips. “And let me tell you, not a single washing machine or microwave on the whole island.”
Not waiting for the reaction, but smiling inwardly as the wave of laughter rippled through the crowd, she turned her attention back to the strange trio that was a squeamish looking Peter Pan, a very nervous fairy, and an inscrutable Captain Hook. Relief washed over her as she saw Killian’s face losing that dark edge as she approached, her breath catching in her throat as they locked eyes. It may have been a cliché, but he’d always been able to do that to her, to just steal her breath away. It didn’t help that he looked sinful as anything in that pirate get-up. She thanked her lucky stars that he’d tossed that ridiculous wig and hat in the trash and decided to give Captain Hook his own spin.
He met her halfway between the wing and centerstage, letting go of Neal’s arm without a backward glance. To her surprise, the spotlight followed him, bathing them both in its glare as they came together. Her hand brushed along the rough stubble of his jaw before settling on the back of his neck, his arms circling her, and though he was dressed as a pirate, the possessive squeeze of his hand at her waist was all him.
There was anger and regret simmering, she could see it in the way he held his jaw, but there was also happiness, and laughter, and something more in the warmth of his eyes—something she would catch glimpses of sometimes when he thought she wasn’t paying attention, but she knew what it was, and that he held back for her—because she’d been so insistent about keeping everything between them a secret, because for some reason she was terrified if she admitted what she felt, and what she wanted, that she would lose it. It was a silly thing, and now it had hurt them.
“I never thought I’d fall in love with a pirate—” and it was not how she thought she’d tell him she loved him, so it was probably good that technically it was Wendy telling Captain Hook—“but you see me when no one else really does—made me realize that I have dreams, Captain. I can do anything I set my mind to. I can be anything—a lawyer, a sheriff, a high-end fashion designer specializing in faux-crocodile-vegan-leather accessories…”
She had no idea where that came from, but the raucous laughter from the audience made her feel a little better—at least they were having a good night. Then her gaze slipped to the side and she finally saw all of the horrified faces of the cast and crew watching the debacle from backstage. Well, maybe there was no way she was going to save the show, but even if Gold let loose, he couldn’t put the blame solely on Killian now. She was in the thick of it too, and she doubted he’d go so far as to expel Sheriff Nolan’s daughter.
“I’ve yet to see you fail, Wendy,” Killian asserted, and though the name was wrong and he was projecting enough to reach the back of the auditorium, she knew the words were meant for her, because he’d always believed in her, always believed in them.
She hated that she had been so afraid of what this could be, that she hid it away, worried if she put her heart out there, it would all fall apart.
“While I used to think that catching that crocodile was my happy ending,” Killian continued, grinding his jaw at the thought of the sneaky reptile, “I know now that it’s you, it’s always been you, so tell me, love,” and he dipped his lips closer to hers, teasing a kiss before turning his gaze on the audience, a rakish grin spreading across his face as he gestured broadly over the crowd, “will you sail away with me?”
“Always,” she breathed, “to the end of the world, and time!”
There was a roar of noise from the audience—laughter, clapping, whooping, whistling—and while she had no idea where the words had come from, what came next, well, that was no mystery. She grabbed her pirate, hands fisted in his jacket as she rocked into him, bodies swaying as their lips clashed. It didn’t matter that they were standing in front of the entire school, every detail illuminated by the hot spotlight—in that moment, there was nothing but the two of them.
It wasn’t until they broke apart—and if people hadn’t known about them before, they sure did now—that Emma heard anything outside their bubble, but then it hit—the crowd was clapping and laughing, perhaps at the insanity of it all, but who cared. Gold’s voice was cutting through the chaos backstage, reaching that thin, forced pitch that meant he was furious, and Belle was already picking up the pieces. Neal was grumbling and nursing his arm—maybe the best acting he’d ever done—beating a retreat from the stage, and the rest of the cast and crew couldn’t take their eyes off of her and Killian as they scrambled to close the curtains and help Belle figure out what came next.
Emma tugged Killian into the wing and back through the stacks of equipment and props to a quiet corner, wanting to find a place they could speak, but also to remove him from Gold’s eyesight as quickly as possible.
“I’m so sorry. I should have—”
“Emma,” he murmured, tilting her chin up so she could see the truth in his words. “I’m not upset with you. How could I be?”
“It was my fault. If I hadn’t insisted that we keep our relationship a secret, then he…”
“Oh, Swan. It is not your fault that Neal assaulted you.”
“Assault is a little…look, if he had known we were together, he wouldn’t have tried to kiss me.”
“He shouldn’t have tried to force a kiss on you, regardless. You’ve been more than clear, for years, that you have no interest in him. Though, maybe I shouldn’t have lost my temper and stormed the stage,” Killian admitted, ducking his head and scratching his ear in that way that always made her heart flutter. “Thanks for saving me from myself, lass.”
“I meant what I said, Killian,” she whispered, her voice dropping as she pushed the words out before they could crawl back in. “I think…I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
“Are you sure it’s not just the hook, Swan?” he teased, giving her the out, because he just understood her that well, but she could see the hope in his eyes, and suddenly all of that old trepidation was gone.    
“You’re not even wearing the hook,” she pointed out. “I’m sure, Killian Jones. I love you, whether you’re a smoldering-eyed pirate, or not.”
“You think my eyes smolder?”
“Stop it!” she laughed, shaking his shoulders gently as he waggled his brows at her, the both of them enjoying the smile of the other before he grew serious once more.
“And I love you, Emma—so much.”
“Yeah, I know.”
 *     *     *
Gold’s fury had tapered down to mild annoyance by the next morning, no small thanks to Sydney Glass and his cover story on their humble production. He’d praised the comical genius of their work, calling it far from ‘just another retelling of the same old story’. He highlighted the unexpected romance and praised the heartfelt acting of the two leads, whose whirlwind chemistry swept the audience away. He even went so far as to paint the play as a tongue-in-cheek examination of eternal youth versus personal growth, and while Emma thought that the whole piece was a little lofty, she was more than happy that there hadn’t been any blowback on Killian for his stage-crashing.
Overall, opening night hadn’t been a total failure, and Belle had been more than capable of a hasty rewrite for their follow-up performances. While Neal wasn’t thrilled with his sudden decrease in lines, Emma was hardly going to complain that she got to kiss her smoldering-eyed Killian Jones on stage each night—and if the hook and pirate costume went missing from the prop department for some reason, she doubted anyone would notice.
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concealeddarkness13 · 3 years
WHG 15 Post-Games Imposter Syndrome Part 23
The day after part 22! Tagging: @sparkles-and-hens, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @thoughts-of-nora, and @ratracechronicler (also thanks for Hugo!)!
The next day, I snuck out after Hugo and the dumb Peacekeepers taking him. I didn’t show myself until the Peacekeepers had already dropped him off. I just slid in next to him and grinned and winked.
He stared at me for a few seconds before he just looked away, as if he was completely unsurprised. When we walked up to the captain, she frowned at us. “Another one?”
I nodded. “Yes, ma’am! They wanted to see how well I was, working on a ship.”
She just beckoned for us to follow her, and I followed with a grin. I already loved her. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to punch her. The crew had gathered for a meal, and we went there. She looked back at me. “You got a name, swab?”
It couldn’t hurt to say my full name. I smiled. “Triel Reeves.”
She paused for a second with a frown, but then she just shrugged. Perfect! “Fresh blood, everyone.” I grinned wider. I hadn’t been just a crew member on a ship for a year. She lowered her voice and turned back to me, pointing out the cook and the quartermaster. “And that over there’s the other greenhorn we can’t get a name out of. You two’ll be working together tarring the ratlines.” Oh boy! “Hope you like heights. First things first, though.” She walked over to the quartermaster and talked with him for a second.
He yelled for everyone to get ready to set sail. And called for us to haul lines to help unfurl the sails. Perfect! I grinned as we climbed and got started. This was so familiar!
“Fancy meeting you here,” Hugo said quietly. Oh yeah. There was a reason I was here.
I shrugged and kept my voice too lighthearted. “Well, I guess the Capitol decided this would be good for me.” I paused and grinned again. “Anyway, I haven’t done this kind of work for a while. I love heights.”
He rolled his eyes at my first comment. Good. He got the lie. As we switched new lines to haul, he spoke up. “And how do you feel about tar?”
“Hey, I love everything to do with ships. And I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.”
He didn’t respond. We finished up with our task and started with tarring the lines shortly after. We climbed up with brushes as the bosun hauled the tar bucket up with a pulley.
I just kept grinning. This was amazing! But the air felt hard to breathe. It wasn’t affecting my memory, like it did with Hugo, but something was going on. I felt a little more peaceful. Less willing to fight. As I started working, I nodded. “I can see what you mean about the air. It’s affecting my thoughts a little.”
“I try to breathe through my shirt sometimes, although I can’t say the smell is preferable.” He smirked, but it didn’t last. “Yeah. Just…try and remind yourself of things. Y’know, in the past. Hold onto memories you don’t want to lose. You shouldn’t’ve come out here and risked…I don’t know why you did this.”
Because you’re my friend, and I won’t let you be alone. I tried for humor first. “Like I could ever forget you.” But then I became serious again. “And I wasn’t going to leave you to suffer alone. I probably won’t be able to come every day, and the Capitol might realize what I did and not let me come at all after this. But I’m not going to leave you alone. It’s just an added bonus that I might be able to punch some bastards today.”
He perked up at the last sentence. “Well, I’m obligated to admit some of these salts’re okay, but the bastards’re fair game for punching. I will emphatically do nothing to stop you should you feel punchy.”
“Noted.” I looked around as I kept tarring. The question was: who were the salts and who were the bastards? “I must admit, they’ve done their homework. This is remarkably like the real thing.”
He nodded, and he sounded spiteful. “Yeah. But I bet it’s just like an old arena or—I think I already said that. Never mind. So, uh, you…but you have been with the real thing, though. The real ocean and everything. It’s…what’s different? Does the ship still pitch like this? And the jobs—do you…Do you think maybe I’d do good out there, with the real thing?” He sounded more hopeful now.
I watched him with a smile before I said anything. He was doing very well. He seemed to be at home here. “It pitches worse, sometimes. I’ve been through a couple of storms, and it’s an adventure. The air is saltier than this, and the wind blows a lot more most of the time. There are times when it’s completely still, and we have to row to move the ship. And you’re certainly promising. I’ll make sure you get your sea legs yet.”
He looked so excited, but before he could say anything else, the bosun yelled up at us. “HEY! WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS JUST GOT TAR ON MY FUCKING UNIFORM?! These things don’t grow on trees, you know! Do I look like a ratline to you?”
I rolled my eyes. “Like hell we did,” I muttered. While Hugo mimed dumping the rest of the bucket on the bosun’s head.
We climbed down, and the stupid bosun was stomping around, muttering under his breath. But of course he made his words loud enough for us to hear when we got down. “Arena-saboteurs like that good-fer-nothing Carolee.”
Oh boy. So, he was certainly one of the bastards. He glanced over at us and threw the tar bucket at Hugo, who caught it, but the tar still got all over him. Shit. I whirled on the bosun and punched him straight in the face.
He fell down way too easily. Weak. I spit at his feet and stood over him crossing my arms. “You piece of shit. You’d already have been thrown overboard if you were on my ship.”
He lunged for me, but it was so weak, he just brushed past me. But Hugo lunged for the bosun and punched him in the gut. “Not to my friend, you don’t!”
I felt a twinge of happiness, and I grinned as bastards jumped from the quarterdeck or burst through a door. Perfect. I started grinning. This was going to be fun!
Okay, most of it was a blur, but I totally punched the woman with the bucket so that the bucket flew and hit one of the two people trying to corner Hugo. Someone decided to bring a mop, but I just ripped it out of his hands and snapped it, but I lost it when someone got a punch in. There were too many, and I kept getting hit, but when I stumbled Hugo was there, and he helped me out of the way of the bosun trying to get a good kick in. Loser.
When the quartermaster finally broke it up, Hugo was on the ground, and I helped him up with a grin. I bowed my head at the quartermaster. “I’m sorry about that fuss. I just had to defend my friend’s honor.” I gestured at Hugo, and he still had tar on him. And now blood. Nice.
“I don’t care about anyone’s honor—I care about who’s starting stupid fights on this ship. You’re lucky I saw it wasn’t you two.” He hauled the bosun to his feet and pointed at one of the others who had been part of the fight. “Help that one to the infirmary, and you don’t get to see the galley until tomorrow. I’ll see you all get double duty for this, and you’ll thank me to not break out the cat o’ nine.” He hesitated. “We don’t…actually have one, but still. Behave your damn selves. We’re not pirates, for heaven’s sake.” I made a face at him after he pointed us to a new task. Cleaning the toilets, of course.
Hugo smirked over at me at the pirates comment, and I shot him a middle finger back. I was still angry over the stupid bosun. I couldn’t believe he actually did that. “No, you are worse than pirates. We would never turn on one of our own like that. And if someone did, I would have gotten rid of them immediately.”
We started working, and Hugo glanced over at me. “So, are you not allowed to mess with each other? Well, I know that guy wasn’t just messing around…I think he knows something about what we did. I don’t think anyone else does. And now we pissed him off…” He frowned but shrugged. “Heh. He knows what’s coming to him if he tries crossing us, eh, hat lady?” He grinned.
I grinned back. “Yeah, if he even looks at us funny, I’m going to deck him again.” I paused. “And we do a lot of stupid shit to each other. One time, Tess put two-sided stickers on the way up to the crow’s nest, and it took ages for Lily to even notice she had stickers that said ‘fuck you’ on her palms. And Shine—” Shit. Not again. I forced myself to continue. “They always threw machine parts at everyone. I think they secretly had a stash of parts just for throwing.” I paused, swallowing hard and pushing the thoughts away. “And Nesri likes sparring, so we have fight nights, especially between her and Tauren.”
“Secret stash.” Hugo snickered to himself. But he didn’t say anything else.
I just kept working, trying to figure out what the air was doing. It wasn’t affecting my memory, so what else? Either way, it was starting to feel suffocating. I snarled. “I can’t believe you have to deal with this shit every day. This air is suffocating.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it too. You shouldn’t have come here.” He bristled, but then he calmed down again. “…But I’m kinda glad you did. But don’t come back.”
I scoffed. “I’ll decide if I come back or not.” I paused. It would be good to distract him. “So, you’ve heard all about my friends. Would you like to talk about yours?”
He nodded wearily to my first sentence, and then he coughed. “What? Why?” A little defensive, but understandable. “Uh. Well, I guess if we’re ever gonna be all on a ship together…”He mouthed something to himself before he started. “There’s Alex. He’s the popular one. Our resident hero.” He snickered. “Wants to be the guy with the sword, taking on demon pirates robbing us, i.e. normal pirates. Good guy. Mean cook too, though—galley’s probably where he’s headed, to be honest. And there’s Luc, stands for Lucifer, but they’ve got him cleaning up at the church! Met him out thieving, which should tell you how much of a saint he is. You’d like him. Always spoiling for a fight. He’ll be a gunner for sure. Wonder if he’s caught the guy he’s trying to reap vengeance on by now…Anyway, then there’s Tally. Do not pick on him. I will kick your ass. He’s a quiet kid, but he’s alright. Shy around people, but he can play a sharp guitar and spin a tale that’ll singe the hair off your brow. Big on animals and nature and stuff, good at building…okay, traps for hunters, so maybe he’ll be okay as a carpenter? I dunno what good’s a carpenter gonna do on a ship like yours. But we’ll be useful.”
I nodded. They sounded wonderful. “They’ll do very well on my ship. As will you.” I smiled over at him. “They sound like wonderful people. I’ll be happy to meet them. And what job would you like to do on my ship?” I cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Oh, I’ll be happy just to be there.” But it looked like he had something in mind.
I grinned. “Well, then I’ll make a new job: The Person Who’s Just Happy To Be Here. And you can walk around grinning the whole time.”
“We all know that’s exactly what sullen teenagers are for.” He gave me his best scowl.
I grinned back at him. And we kept working, until the ship landed back at the harbor. The Peacekeepers came and took Hugo, and I followed. They finally noticed me a little bit later and stopped and stared at me for a few seconds.
One of them pointed at me. “You! You’re not supposed—”
And I punched her too. Enough to make her fall unconscious, and then I whirled on the other Peacekeeper and did the same. I called for Hugo to run, and we both ran together.
When we got to the entrance, Hugo copied my bow with a grin, and he ran off. I grinned after him and ran off, back toward my prison.
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kmomof4 · 4 years
Of Darkness, Vampires, and Soulmates Ch.5 Ingrid
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*rubs furiously at my ear* Wow, y’all!!! Y'all had a lot to say about that last chapter, didn’t you? Well, most of the pain is now firmly in the rearview. There will still be a bit of pain in the coming chapters, but not like we’ve had. Today’s chapter brings us to the halfway point in the fic as well as the turning point, the modern era and putting our favorite couple on the final road to their Happily Ever After. We still have a lot of story to tell and I so hope you enjoy what’s coming! Thank you all so much for the trust you’ve placed in me by coming along on this journey! Y'all are the BEST!!!!
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All of the love, thanks, and socially distant internet tackle hugs to @profdanglaisstuff for her outstanding beta services and being a fount of information and encouragement when I wanted to either throw my laptop, pull my hair out, or give up completely. Also to @hollyethecurious for her encouragement and help in brainstorming. The ladies of the CSSNS and CSMM discords for their encouragement, sprinting, and help with a title, and finally to @spartanguard for making such GORGEOUS and PERFECT art for EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER!!! I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so grateful that I got paired with you!!!
Chapter Summary: We are now in the modern era, and we meet a new family that has become a major part of Killian’s life.
Rating: M (Violence and smut)
Words: Almost 8800 of 41K total
Tags: Vampires, Soulmates, Reincarnation, Prophecy, Black Death, French Revolution, Magic, True Loves Kiss
Prologue | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ao3 chapter link | Ao3 fic link
Tag list: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite @branlovestowrite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree​ @lfh1226-linda​ @nikkiemms​ @xsajx​ @klynn-stormz​
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Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, October 1995
Killian Jones brought the Jolly Roger into his personal dock on his estate greatly anticipating a warm meal and long hot shower after being away for so many months. Of course he ate on the Jolly and she had been outfitted with modern plumbing that he kept most of the passengers away from, but nothing beat a homemade meal from his own kitchen. He had donned many hats over the centuries in terms of occupations, pirate captain, smuggler, whaler, blockade runner, a brief stint as a doctor in Chicago, and now pleasure cruise captain, and now that the long summer season was over, he could return to his home for a few months of rest and relaxation. The weather was just starting to turn cooler overall, but the sharp bite of the wind and clouds rolling in told him that a storm was right on his heels. He made his way up to the back door of the manor as his scarf was blown about his face and raindrops just started to fall.
“Thank you, Mr. Starkey,” he addressed the older man that had immediately appeared when he entered as he handed him his scarf and leather greatcoat.
“Your supper will be ready in about an hour, sir,” the man admitted, chagrined. “I wasn’t expecting you quite this early.”
“No worries, Starkey,” he replied, “we had favorable winds, and with the expected storm, I wanted to make it home before it hit. This will give me time to get the sea salt off me before I sit down to your excellent meal.”
The man before him smiled. “It’s your favorite, sir. I wanted to welcome you home properly. My lobster chowder with Red Lobster’s cheddar bay biscuits.”
Killian threw his head back and groaned in delight. “I can taste it already. Thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome, sir.”
Killian departed the lower story, and headed for his chambers on the other side of his home trying to bring his salivating under control. He may have problems with fresh, raw garlic, but who could resist those biscuits?
Much later that night, Killian was pulled from his slumber by a crack of lightning that shook the windows and lit up his chambers as if it was noon. The rain against the windows beat a staccato rhythm that matched his breathing and heart rate. Once he got his breathing back under control and his pulse back down where it normally was, much, much less than a resting heart rate for a human, he became aware of a pull. A tugging sensation over his heart that almost felt like something was trying to rip it out his chest. Laying back down on his bed, the sensation lessened but didn’t go away entirely. As he lay there rubbing at the area, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest with a pressure, that if he didn’t know any better, he would have said resembled a heart attack. It was exactly the same sensation that he felt over 200 years ago when Emma had been born in France and when she had been born in the late 19th century.
Killian would never forget the day that he lost his Swan yet again. He recognized the soulmate connection and arrived in Chicago a few years later in 1896. He took a position with St. Luke's Hospital near the industrial center of the city where he knew his Swan was employed. One of the unfortunate victims of the lack of child labor laws and the Industrial Revolution. Close enough to feel her daily presence, but apparently not close enough to protect her. Rumplestiltskin, owner of the factory where she worked, brought her in covered in blood from where she had lost most of her left arm in an accident at the factory. Although his cruel designs were cleverly hidden behind his mask of feigned concern for the little girl in his arms, Killian could see the delight dancing in his enemy’s eyes as he lay Emma, only about six years old, even younger than he had known her at first in France, on the table in front of him. She had lost so much blood and was so nearly gone, that he was completely taken aback when her green eyes opened briefly, landing on him, and whispered, “It’s you.” before breathing her last. It was all he could do to remain upright. Did she somehow recognize him? Recognize their connection? No one questioned the blood tears that streaked his face, just assuming it was hers, as he ran from the room, Rumplestiltskin’s laughter echoing in his ears.
She had been reborn again. There was no doubt in his mind. But where? When she had been reborn in France, he had felt the pull toward Paris. In the 1890’s, Chicago. This time though, he wasn’t feeling any particular pull toward anywhere. Could it be too soon? Had she literally just been born? Was it possible that she could have been born somewhere nearby? He didn’t dare hope. Hopefully the morning light would bring some answers. Hopefully, he’d be able to get back to sleep before then.
He was awakened the next morning by Starkey knocking lightly on his chamber door. Killian awoke rather disconcerted that he had slept as late as the angle of the sun in his room told him it was, plus the fact that anyone approaching his chambers normally would have put his senses on full alert. Being caught unawares by Rumplestiltskin, even in the privacy of his own home, was not something he wanted happening.
“Enter,” he called, standing and wrapping himself in the robe from the bottom of the bed.
Starkey stuck his head through the door with mirth dancing in his eyes and a smile on his face. “The ladies Elsa and Anna Fisher are downstairs for you, sir. On the back patio. They are quite excited and impatient to see you.”
An affectionate grin broke over his face. “I’ll be down momentarily, Starkey.”
“Very good, sir,” he replied. “I’ll let them know.”
Killian entered the patio area just a few minutes later to the barely contained enthusiasm of two little girls that he had been blessed to know these last few years when they came into the care of their aunt, Ingrid Fisher, a very close personal friend of his for many, many years. The girls had been so young when they entered her charge, nearly one and just turned three, that they both knew her as Mama.
“Uncle Killian,” little Anna cried, “guess what?” She had very nearly flown from her place on the chaise lounge where she had been bouncing in her exuberance. She now stood before him nearly vibrating with excitement trying to contain the torrent of words that it was nearly killing her to hold back right now.
Killian knelt down before her and lifted her into his arms as he continued to where a much more sedate Elsa waited patiently for them on one of the other lounges. “What is it, my lamb?” He settled down next to Elsa and gave his full attention to the elated little girl in his arms.
“We have a new baby,” she very nearly squealed.
“AnewsisterMamacalledfromthehospitalthismorningtotellusthatababygirlhadbeenbornlastnightintheEmergencyRoombutthemamaleftsothebabyhasnoonetotakecareofhersowe’regonnatakecareofhershe’llbeoursister.” Anna’s words tumbled out of her so quickly that Killian had trouble keeping up. He looked toward Elsa with barely disguised confusion on his face.
Elsa released a long suffering sigh, as only a six year old could. “You have to slow down, Anna,” she exasperated. “Mama will be bringing home a new sister for us. She was born last night.” Killian couldn’t help the chill that ran down his spine at that information. “But the mama left before morning. Since Mama is already approved to be a foster parent, we get to have her.” At this, some of the excitement that Elsa usually kept inside, leaked through. Her blue eyes sparkled and the smile that broke over her face rivaled the sun at noon. “Mama said that we’ll adopt her and she’ll be our sister. She’ll have the same last name and everything!”
“Oh, my darlings,” he exulted, “that is indeed wonderful news!” He reached over and pulled Elsa to him in a side hug as Anna was doing her best to strangle him with the force of her embrace. “When will Ingrid be bringing her home and when may I come see the new addition to the family?”
“Mama said it would be a few days before she could bring her home,” Elsa volunteered, “so maybe this weekend.” She shrugged.
“Alright then,” he replied. “I will call this evening after your mama gets home and get some more details.” He stood back up with Anna still in his arms and started toward the kitchen. “And now, my lambs, have you had breakfast? Would you like some French toast? I know how you love Mr. Starkey’s French toast.”
The girl's squeals had nearly the same effect on the windows that the lightning had the night before. Killian laughed as he led them from the patio to the kitchen.
“Good evening, Ingrid,” he replied, settling down in his favorite armchair, “I hear congratulations are in order.”
His friend’s delighted laugh made a grin break out on his own face. “I knew the girls wouldn’t be able to wait to tell you.”
“So, tell me everything.”
“A teenager, a girl really,” she corrected herself, “came in last night in the last stages of labor. Her daughter was born about three this morning. Right at the height of the storm, from what I understand.” Killian hummed and tried, without much success, to suppress the shiver that ran through him. “But by the time I got in this morning, she was gone. I don’t know how she was able to walk out of the ER so soon after giving birth. So there’s essentially no record of her whatsoever. She was too close to delivery to get any kind of information about her, and when one of the other nurses came in to get the information and move her and the baby to the maternity ward, she was gone. Leaving that poor baby girl behind.” She sighed.
“By the time I got there at 7, the whole place was in an uproar. I went up to the nursery to see her and just fell in love. With the mother gone and no idea of where to begin looking for her, that poor baby would go straight into the system. And I just couldn’t allow that. Not when I had the power to stop it.”
Killian hummed in agreement. ��I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, lass. Tell me, this baby...” he hesitated. Ingrid was the closest friend he had ever had. She was one of two, in all his centuries of life, that ever knew exactly what he was. But she didn’t know about this. “This baby, have you decided on a name for her yet? She doesn’t by any chance have a birthmark on her neck, does she?” It was all he could do to keep his breathing steady as he awaited her answer.
“The girls and I discussed it and we decided she looks like an Emma. And yes, she does have a birthmark actually,” she exclaimed. Killian’s breath hitched. “How could you have possibly guessed that? It’s a swan that looks like it’s taking off. I’ve never seen anything like it. Anna thought ‘Swan’ should be her middle name. For the birthmark.”
Killian’s head spun. He gripped the sides of the chair, trying to regain some equilibrium. It was her. It was his Swan. How…? He couldn’t believe that it had happened again. He had, of course, been waiting for it, hoping, continuing on in the long lonely years of his life, praying, ever hopeful that this day would come. But now that it was here, it was all he could do to contain himself. He cleared his throat. “Emma Swan Fisher,” he whispered. “Uh, Ingrid? When will you be bringing her home?” he asked.
“Wednesday morning, barring any unforeseen complications, I should be able to bring her home,” Ingrid replied. “Killian, what’s going on?” Her concern for him was plain over the line. Killian scrubbed his face in his agitation.
“Ingrid, I promise,” he beseeched her, “I’ll explain everything. I’ll see you Wednesday. Give me a call when you get home.” He hung up and scrubbed his hand down his face again.
He made his way to the adjoining bath and splashed cold water on his face, trying to bring himself under control. He looked back up in the mirror. Haunted eyes in a pale face looked back out at him. Purple bruises under his eyes told him that he’d gone too long without the sustenance that his physical body still needed, even if he could still eat and drink. He was going to have to hunt tonight. Getting his hands on a rabbit or even a larger animal like a deer wasn’t going to cut it. Not after a shock like that rocked him to his very core.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to do it very often, he normally partook of animal blood to meet his body’s needs. And even that, he only had to do once, maybe twice a month. But when he was so obviously drained, as this bombshell had quite effectively accomplished, he was going to need human blood. Fortunately, the island had no shortage of scoundrels, villians, the bottom dwellers of humanity on which to feed, people that no one would miss, and in fact, their disappearance may very well free others on whom they preyed.
Donning black from head to toe, the vampire disappeared into the night.
Killian was unsurprised when he could see Anna’s red braids flying behind her as she ran to answer the door. Ingrid had brought baby Emma home that morning and he had told Ingrid to expect him around noon.
“Uncle Killian,” she cried, grabbing his hand and dragging him along behind her. “Come see my baby,” she exclaimed.
Killian chuckled as he picked her up and strode toward where he could hear the cries of an infant. “Where are they, my lamb?”
“In the breakfast room. Baby Emma doesn’t like the bottle Mama is trying to feed her,” she chattered on about how cute and how loud her baby was. Killian couldn’t help the delighted grin that stretched his lips as he came into the room. Ingrid sat at the table with the newborn in her arms, holding a small bottle to her mouth. Elsa stood by her side cooing to the baby and gently stroking her head trying to get her to take the bottle.
Ingrid lifted her face toward Killian as he set Anna down so that the little whirlwind could join her Mama and sisters. “Oh, Killian! Thank God, you’re here,” she exclaimed. “Could you take her for just a minute? I’m not ready for the girls to hold her by themselves yet and my bladder is about to bust.”
Killian was taken aback briefly, but made his way over to them and sat down. “Of course, Ingrid,” he assented, holding out his arms for the infant. As soon as Ingrid transferred the precious bundle into his own arms and handed him the bottle, she all but ran out of the room.
The girls gathered around him as he looked down at the baby. Wide light gray eyes stared, unblinking at him. He took in every detail he could. The way her little cheeks had yet to fill out to the pleasing plumpness that most associated with babies. The thin, whispy, light colored peach fuzz that covered the crown of her head. The scrunches around her eyes when she closed them as she opened her rosebud lips on a wide yawn. With her mouth as wide as that, he thought he might attempt to get her to take the bottle in his hand. Placing it in her mouth, she closed it again and began to drink from the instrument of nourishment. Her eyes opened again and she continued to stare at him as she drank from the bottle.
A smile broke his face as a profound sense of destiny swept over him. This was his Swan. Beyond any doubt. He could see the birthmark on her neck. He could feel the connection between them buzzing under his skin and with every beat of his heart as he held her close. Perhaps that was why she was taking the bottle from him so easily when she didn’t want to take it from Ingrid. Love like he had never known filled him near to overflowing. A love that he had harbored for over 300 years. Holding his soulmate in his arms like this, made him realize one thing. He would do anything to protect her. And since he found her so early in her life this time, he’d be able to protect her the way he wanted to. The way he should have done all those times before. He would do anything to make sure that she had the chance to grow up and fulfill her destiny. Her prophesied destiny to join him in the destruction of the Darkness and the final downfall of Rumplestiltskin. This time, he would succeed. This time, she would be his. He couldn’t lose her again. And then, a small smile broke over his face, they’d live happily ever after.
He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Rumplestiltskin in a century. Not since the last time that Emma had lived, in the late nineteenth century. As much as he rejoiced that the demon had left him alone for so long, it was rather disconcerting. Before Emma died in France, he would make his presence known about every decade or so. Since then, it had been spaced out further, finally terminating when Killian had lost Emma back in Chicago. Again at the hands of his sire. This was by far however, the longest that he had gone without being aware of his presence. Now that Emma had come into his life again, he would doubtless make an appearance. He’d have to be doubly vigilant in keeping her safe from the monster if he hoped to bring his dream to fruition. And now, he was going to have to tell Ingrid everything.
All three of the girls were finally down for naps when Killian and Ingrid settled down in the living room with some hot tea. Ingrid leveled a hard stare at him sending him scratching at the area behind his ear.
“Ok, Killian. What’s going on here?” The love and concern were written all over her face.
Killian couldn’t meet her eyes as he began. “There is only one person that I’ve spoken to about this, Ingrid,” he sighed. “And I honestly never expected to have to do this with you.” He raised his head until his eyes met hers. “You are the closest friend I’ve ever had. You know what I am. You know what I care about, my values, and my convictions. How I live this cursed life.”
“And it’s because I know you so well,” she interrupted, leaning over to him and placing her hand on his arm, “that I’ve never been afraid of you. Both to have you in my life for all of these years and the lives of the girls.”
“And I can’t thank you enough for that, lass.” He looked down at where she was touching him with a soft smile.
“Pfft,” she snorted, leaning back in her chair and waving away his sentiment, “Don’t call me lass. I’m a little too old for that these days.”
He smirked at her. “You’ll always be a lass, compared to me, love,” he teased her, earning him a mighty eye roll.
Twenty-seven years ago, he met Ingrid, quite literally by accident. An accident that had claimed both her parents, and nearly claimed herself as well. When Killian got himself out of his car, with his broken bones and cuts quickly healing, he could plainly see that there was nothing he could do to help the two adults in the front of the Oldsmobile that had broadsided him. The two girls in the back however, were both still alive, although the older one was in immediate need of medical attention. As he moved closer to her, he could hear the rush of her blood within her, not in its appointed channels. She was bleeding internally and would almost surely die before she could be transported to a hospital. The other girl, probably about five years her junior, was only unconscious. He moved to the side of the gravely injured child, and sneaking a glance around to be sure that no one in the gathering crowd was paying attention to him, bit into his wrist and held it up to the girl’s lips, letting just a few drops of his blood land on her tongue. The coppery taste was enough to rouse her. Unfortunately, sharing his blood with her would not only heal her, but also expose him for what he truly was. Her eyes widened in her shock.
“Who are you?” she asked, obviously fearful that a strange man with red eyes and fangs was standing over her.
“A friend,” he answered, as his wound healed and his eyes resumed their blue hue and his fangs retracted. Listening carefully, he could hear not only the sirens of ambulances in the distance, but he could also hear the healing going on in her body. “You’ve been in an accident.” He didn’t think it wise to tell her about her parents.
Her eyes widened even more. “What about Mama, Papa, Gerta?” she cried, looking toward her sister.
“Your sister is going to be fine, lass,” he said, comfortingly. “What’s your name?”
“Ingrid,” she replied. “Ingrid Fisher.”
“Your sister is going to be fine, Ingrid. And so will you.” He moved away from her side as the paramedics arrived. He waved them off from attending to him, as only a few scratches were now visible. The girls needed their attention much more than he did.
He had been able to keep in contact with her, and because she quite vividly remembered his healing of her, he wasn't terribly surprised when the, by then, young teen, figured out his secret.
Killian returned to the present and to the amused concern still flooding Ingrid’s eyes. He gave her a small smile before taking a deep breath and beginning his story, from the beginning.
Ingrid’s mouth hung open as she leaned back on the sofa. “Soooo, let me get this straight,” she mused, “Rumplestiltskin, as in the fairy tale Rumplestiltskin, was real. Is real,” she corrected herself, shaking her head. “And that baby, from the fairy tale, was your brother. Fast forward, he kills Liam and changes you, and since then he’s come back every so often and has been responsible for at least two of…” here she trailed away momentarily, obviously trying to get her mind around all he had revealed to her, “my Emma’s past deaths. Ok.” She nodded decisively. “I can handle this.” She turned her pale blue eyes to his. “But she is your soulmate. And the two of you are prophesied to destroy the Darkness? The Darkness that makes you a vampire? But what will happen to you?”
Killian shrugged his shoulders. “If it’s the Darkness that makes me a vampire, as I believe it is, I’m hopeful that I’ll no longer be a vampire and that I’ll be able to live out my life with Emma at my side.”
“Oh, Killian,” she breathed, “That would be wonderful, indeed.”
“So you raise her,” Killian asserted, looking at her again. “You adopt her and raise her as your own. As long as that monster stays away, you will all be safe. But when he comes, and I say when because it’s only a matter of time, you will have to leave.” He looked down at the clasped hands in his lap. “And you won’t be able to tell me where you go. He would be able to find you through my knowledge. And he won’t hesitate to kill you all to prevent my happy ending with Emma. When the time is right, you’ll come back, and I’ll be able to court her and protect you all myself. This time,” his voice shook in his conviction, “we will succeed.”
She covered his hands with her own. “You will, Killian. I have no doubt.”
Three and a half years later, Boston
Rumplestiltskin stood on the quay looking up at the ship that he hadn’t seen with his own eyes in over four hundred years. It looked exactly the same from where he stood. The wood of the hull was in pristine condition, freshly painted, nearly ageless. If he didn’t know for sure that it was the same ship, he’d have trouble believing it himself. Still as majestic as I remember.
Rumple ducked his head into his shoulder as the captain appeared at the gunwale of the ship. He wasn’t yet ready to reveal his presence to his progeny.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses,” the captain called out. “Welcome to Jolly Roger Tours! I am your captain, Killian Jones. Today we will be sailing into the waters of the Atlantic, hearing tales of Blackbeard and Captain Kidd, and visiting several barrier islands where they and several other of the most notorious pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy lurked before striking the merchant ships coming into Boston Harbor. We will end our tour in Salem with a visit to the New England Pirate Museum where you will see actual pirate treasure and be able to tour a Colonial seaport before returning home. Now once you are aboard, everyone under the age of twelve will become junior crew members. They will be outfitted in pirate gear and will be in the charge of one of my crew for the duration of the tour.”
The captain then turned a stern eye on the very excited children of the group. “Now let me tell you how it works on my ship. I give the orders and you follow them. Is that clear?” The children let out a collective YESSS, that was so loud, he was sure he wasn't the only adult with the beginnings of a headache. “Then welcome aboard, me hearties!”
The children climbing the gangplank resembled a flock of birds, moving as one, with the combined weight of a small elephant, which did nothing to make the headache dissipate. Perhaps it was a mistake to make his appearance here and now.  But the time had come again. Time to remind Killian Jones who had the power in their centuries-long dance.
He hung back until he was at the end of the queue ascending the gangplank. As he neared the captain, who was personally welcoming each passenger aboard, he decided to go ahead and make his presence known to his host.
Killian was nearly to the end of the queue when a depraved giggle reached his ears and a bolt of fear traveled down his spine. Looking toward the last person in the line, his eyes widened as he took in the distinctive profile of his sire. Thankfully, his eyes were averted, so he was in no danger of revealing anything to the demon, but he could see the curve of a sinister grin sliding onto his features.
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“What are you doing here,” he hissed.
“Why, Captain Jones,” he gasped, in mock outrage, placing his hand on his heart “no joyous welcome? No, ‘It’s good to see you, mate.’”
“No,” he deadpanned, crossing his arms across his chest. “As Captain of this ship, I have the right to refuse to let anyone on board. For any reason.”
“Oh, really?” he drawled, feigning surprise. “Are you going to let me board, Captain?”
“No, I am not,” he replied. “Get off of my ship. And don’t let me see your face anywhere near her again.”
Rumplestiltskin giggled again. “Oh, don’t you worry, Dearie,” he crooned, before his voice took on an edge of malice, and was that anticipation that he could detect in his words? “Showing my face near your ship will be the least of your worries in the near future.”
Dear God in heaven, Killian thought, he knows where Emma is. “Get off of my ship.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” he murmured, with a mocking bow, sarcasm oozing from his words. “Until we meet again.”
Killian watched as Rumplestiltskin meandered down the gangplank, his gold tipped cane clicking on the boards, before he disappeared into the crowds.
Killian brought the Jolly in to dock behind his estate, his shoulders dropping in relief when he saw the four people he loved most in this world waiting for him. He’d been acutely aware, all day long, that if his sire knew about the family and where to find them, he could have already struck.
Anna, predictably, bounced on the balls of her feet, all ready for her adventure. Ingrid and Elsa were doing an admirable job keeping their countenance free of the fear he could plainly see in their eyes. Little Emma dozed on her mother’s shoulder. It was past her bedtime.
He descended the gangplank and grabbed their various suitcases and baby paraphernalia before he started hauling them aboard as Anna peppered him with questions. “Where are we going, Uncle Killian? Is it a pirate adventure? Is that why we’re leaving at night? Are we gonna spend the night in a pirate cave? Do we get to hunt for buried treasure?” Killian chuckled at her enthusiasm as he deposited their luggage on the deck .
“No, my lamb,” he sighed, “You’ll be going on an adventure with your mother and sisters this time. I’m not coming. I’m simply taking you there.”
“But, why aren’t you coming?” she whined, looking up at him with her big blue eyes.
Killian knelt down in front of her. From Elsa’s expression, Ingrid had either told her what was going on, or she picked up on her mother’s apprehension. Elsa stepped forward next to her sister, fixing him with her stare.
“Where are we going, Uncle Killian?” she asked. “All Mama told us was that we needed to pack our suitcases and that we could bring only two favorite toys and two books.”
“I didn’t know what to tell them, Killian,” Ingrid lamented. Killian smiled gently at her, struggling to swallow the lump in his throat. He knew this day would come, but that didn’t make it any easier to deal with now that it was here.
Before the ship had even cast off for the Pirate Tour that morning from Boston harbor, he had texted Ingrid to tell her that it was go time. He’d told her when he’d be home that evening and that she and the girls were to meet him at the dock. He would take them to Boston, and they could disappear to anywhere in the world, ensuring their safety from Rumplestiltskin. Shortly after he had revealed everything to her when Emma was just a newborn, he had made financial arrangements for the family in anticipation of this day. A secure offshore bank account in Ingrid’s name would meet all their needs for many, many years to come.
“I’m taking you to Boston, my lambs,” Killian began. “And from there your Mama will be your captain. She’ll be telling you where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.” He smiled at them. “You might be getting on another ship, you might be getting on an airplane, you might be getting on a train or a bus. This is going to be a most excellent adventure. But for now, we must cast off. We’ll be in Boston in no time.” He rose from before them as Ingrid returned from his quarters after settling Emma in bed down below. “Ingrid, take the helm while I weigh anchor,” he ordered. “Girls, go below with Emma.”
Everyone scrambled to obey his orders as he moved to the capstan. The enchantment that the Blue Fairy had placed on the wood of the Jolly all those years ago, still held and enabled him to lift the 112lb anchor himself. Once finished, he joined Ingrid at the helm.
He placed his arm around her shoulders as she finally lost the battle with the tears she’d been holding back. He murmured comfort into the crown of her head as she sobbed into his chest.
“How am I supposed to leave you, Killian?” she cried. “You’ve been with me for most of my life! I’ve always been able to count on you!”
“And you will again, love,” he cajoled. “This is only temporary. As soon as Emma is old enough for me to court, you’ll come back and we’ll be together again.”
She raised her tear stained face up to his. “But, Killian,” she protested, “that’s fifteen years away! How am I supposed to not contact you for that long?”
He turned to her and held her gaze with his own. “Ingrid, I have never met, in all my years of life, a woman as strong as you. Losing your parents when you did, fighting for Gerta not to be separated from you while you were growing up in the system, losing her and Agnar so soon after Anna was born, raising these three girls all by yourself, accepting me into your lives so easily, Ingrid, that takes a tremendous amount of bravery and fortitude,” he asserted. “You will be fine. And so will those girls. Rumplestiltskin will not be able to find you and they will grow up safe, happy, and together. That is all that matters right now.”
Ingrid sniffled again. “I know,” she sighed, “I’m just gonna miss you so much.”
“And I’ll miss you all, too. So much,” he murmured, placing a kiss to her brow.  “Now you go below and be with your girls. We’ll be to Boston in about an hour.” He released her and she made her way below.
Killian entered his quarters after docking in Boston. On his bed, Emma was sound asleep, while at the foot, Ingrid read quietly to Anna and Elsa on either side of her. His heart nearly broke at the sight. He had to be strong for them. This was for their safety. This is what was best, for all of them.
Ingrid looked up at him as he drew near the little family. “We’re here, my lambs,” he choked out. Anna and Elsa looked up at him. Anna jumped to her feet on top of the bed and placed both her hands on his cheeks.
“Don’t be sad, Uncle Killian,” she said, “I’ll write letters to you every week telling you all about our adventures.”
Killian shook his head as he took her little hands in his own. “No, my darling,” he insisted, “You will not be able to write letters to me. You mustn’t contact me at all. Not until Emma is all grown up. When she is, you’ll all be able to come back to me and we can be together again. Is that okay?” He cocked his head toward her as he awaited her answer. When her brow furrowed without one, he continued. “I have to keep you safe, my lamb. And this is the only way to do it. That’s why we have to do this. Why we have to be apart for a little while. When the danger is past, we can be together again.”
The furrow remained on her brow as she raised her eyes to his. “Okay, Uncle Killian.” She nodded decisively. “But I’ll miss you.”
“And I will miss you, my lamb,” he promised, gathering her in his arms. He held his other arm out for Elsa as she launched herself toward him, sobs choking her. Killian closed his eyes as he held these little girls that he loved so much in his arms. After a few minutes, he carried them to the hatch and placed them on the ladder to the deck. They scrambled up as Ingrid came toward him, carrying Emma, still sound asleep.
Killian took her precious cargo so she could climb the ladder then followed along behind her. Reaching the deck, he saw that Ingrid already had Emma’s stroller opened up and he could lay her right down in it. He turned and pressed a kiss into her brow. “I love you, my Swan. I will see you again,” he murmured, setting her down and arranging her so that she could sleep peacefully until she had to awaken. He picked up his end of the stroller as Ingrid grabbed the handle and her own suitcase and carried the stroller containing the sleeping toddler across the deck and down the gangplank. Anna and Elsa followed behind with their own suitcases. Finally depositing the stroller on the quay, he turned back toward them. Kneeling down and opening his arms to them, they ran and nearly knocked him over with the force of their hugs.
“We love you, Uncle Killian,” they cried.
“And I love you, my lambs,” he replied. “Never forget that. We’ll be together again soon. I promise.” He disentangled himself and turned to Ingrid once more.
He gathered her in his arms, whispering endearments into her hair. “It’s okay, Ingrid,” he murmured, “I love you. You can do this. I’ll see you again.”
“I love you too, Killian,” she echoed. “And yes, we’ll see you again.” She pulled back, out of his arms and turned to the girls. “Make sure you have everything. Anna, hand on the stroller.” The tears were gone from her voice, her head held high and her back straight as her brood gathered their suitcases. There was his strong lass. Pride and love for her filled his heart to overflowing. She grabbed her own suitcase and pushing the stroller before her, made her way toward the street without looking back.
“Until we meet again, my loves,” Killian murmured before ascending the gangplank once more to make the journey home.
It was nearly midnight when Killian arrived home that evening. He didn’t expect Starkey to meet him at the door at this hour, but he also didn’t expect to find him being held by Rumplestiltskin in the middle of the morning room, much like the monster had held his brother four hundred years before.
The terror in Starkey’s eyes brought him to a halt. “Welcome home,” the demon singsonged, eyes seeking his own from over his captive’s shoulder, not loosening his grip a single iota.
“What are you doing here,” he growled, anger flowing through him as he advanced on the imp. He wasn’t frozen this time and he wondered if it was possible that the devil had forgotten to do it, or if he had some other plan for him.
“Why must you always insist on asking questions that you already know the answer to,” the monster demanded, giggling. The giggle was suddenly cut off as if with a knife. “I want to know where she is.” His words were slow, deliberate. Carefully enunciated so that Killian knew exactly to whom he was referring.
Righteous anger at this breach of his sanctuary and threatened murder of someone under his protection flooded him. Killian met the eyes of his sire with his own, knowing that Rumple would see nothing of value when their gazes locked. “Who?” he asked.
“Do you really think that now is a good time to antagonize me,” the creature hissed. Killian couldn’t help the little thrill of triumph that skittered across his skin at his opponent’s obvious anger. Looking more closely at his nemesis, his eyes widened as he became aware of something that, he was sure, the imp intended to keep hidden.
Rumplestiltskin was nervous. All of these centuries, he had always held the upper hand. It was why he would always come back. Taunting him, manipulating him, reminding him who held the power. Until now. It hadn’t occurred to his sire that he’d be able to throw off the yoke of oppression that had kept him exactly where the devil had wanted him all these years. The plans and provisions that had been made, long before they were needed, had finally given Killian the upper hand, and the beast was thoroughly rattled by that.
As this realization came over him, pictures that he knew came from his enemy flooded his mind. A wicked looking dagger with Rumplestiltskin’s name on the blade held in the hand of the Blue Fairy. Knowledge that it had the power to kill the monster before him and of where to find it. Killian’s eyes skittered to where his sire’s gold tipped cane lay forgotten on the floor.
With an inhuman howl of rage, Rumplestiltskin threw Starkey to the side like a rag doll. The sickening crack of his skull on the marble floor echoed through the room, but Killian couldn’t do anything about that now. Not with this animal racing to attack.
Killian met this scourge on his entire existence halfway. Blood red eyes shone, exposed fangs glinted in the bright artificial light coming from the kitchen, as Killian crouched and drove his shoulder directly into the rabid creature's abdomen. He flipped over Killian’s shoulder and crashed through the floor to ceiling window behind him, landing flat on his back, briefly knocking the breath out of him.
As Killian came to stand over him, he could see Rumplestiltskin’s face twist in pure malevolence as he struggled to catch his breath. He placed his boot right over his solar plexus and ground down. Only his age as a vampire could explain how quickly he was able to overcome his vulnerability. He screamed in malice, the pitch of his voice rising to the point where Killian nearly stepped away in order to cover his ears. “HOW CAN YOU SEE THAT? NO ONE KNOWS THAT! I WANT HER! WHY CAN’T I SEE HER? TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!”
Killian lifted his enemy from the ground, grabbing the top of his head. He pulled as hard as he could, forcing his head back as he hissed in the cursed creature's ear. “I don’t know where she is and you are never going to find her. We are going to defeat you, Rumplestiltskin. I swore that I would destroy you, and when my love comes back to me, we will find you and fulfill that oath.” Holding the monster tightly in his arms, Killian dove in, piercing his sire’s flesh with his fangs. Blood flooded his mouth as he drank deeply. This time, he was able to shield his mind so that all his attention, all his concentration was focused on the blood. There was nothing else. Nothing to fear giving away and nothing to fear receiving from the evil creature. Rumplestiltskin continued to scream and struggle against him, but it was no use. He grew weaker and weaker as Killian continued to feed.
In a last, desperate attempt to free himself from Killian’s iron embrace, the devil was actually able to free one of its arms and reach for the back of his head. Killian took the opportunity to tear open the monster’s neck, blood spraying everywhere, exposing muscle, tendon, and sinew. The arm fell lifeless to his side and the demon was finally still.
Killian held no illusions that he was actually dead. He could already see the wounds he inflicted stitching together. He knew he had only a few minutes to save Starkey, if he wasn’t already dead, and get Rumplestiltskin out of his home. He dropped the animal at his feet and made his way to where Starkey lay, motionless. He breathed a sigh of relief when he could discern a faint heartbeat and a shallow breath. Piercing his own wrist with his fangs, he held it to Starkey’s lips and let just a few drops land on his tongue. Now confident that his butler would be fine, he turned back to where he had left Rumplestiltskin.
The Blue Fairy stood over the still unconscious creature. Killian’s eyes widened in surprise, then anger.
“What are you doing here?” he shouted, advancing on her. She gave no sign that she had heard him. In the face of her silence, he couldn’t help but ask the question that had plagued him for centuries. “Where have you been all these years?”
The fairy raised her face to his, sorrow swirling in the depths of her brown eyes. “There is no time to answer the many questions and righteous anger that you have right now. They can wait until after I’ve dealt with,” a sneer crossed her features as she looked down at the imp, “this.” The fairy waved her wand over the still motionless creature. He was enveloped in a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared.
Killian was startled. “Where did he go?” he asked, “Where did you send him?”
“Somewhere far from here,” the fairy answered. “Now,” she continued, looking toward him again and squaring her shoulders, “I am at your disposal.” Killian stood staring at the fairy, stunned speechless. The stuttering inhale, determined tilt of her chin, and ramrod straight posture told him that she truly was ready to face whatever questions that he had for her. He ushered her back into the kitchen and prepared them both some tea.
“Why now?” he asked, laying out the tea and sitting next to her at the table. “Where have you been all these years?” That had to be first. He had to know why she had failed so completely in her sworn protection of his family.
The Blue Fairy bowed her head in shame. “When your father sent you and Liam to negotiate that treaty, he was acting on the information that I gave him. Rumplestiltskin was, by that time, a master at manipulating magic and he appeared to be gathering his forces in order to make good his threat upon your family. Your father wanted you both to be safe, so he sent you away. I learned too late that it was nothing more than a diversion. By that time, Liam was already dead and you had disappeared.”
She looked up at his face, obviously trying to gauge how he was taking this information. He refused to let her off the hook. He already knew all this, he wanted to know about the intervening centuries. “I, of course, knew exactly where you were and what had happened to you.” Her eyes turned pleading, filling with tears. “You have to understand. Please, I was Fairy Godmother to your family for generations. I knew your father’s great-grandfather. I have loved your family for centuries before you were even born. I… I couldn’t face your father and mother. I couldn’t be the one to tell them what had happened to you. What had happened to you both.” She bowed her head again. “I was a coward. I failed in my oath, and then I abandoned my family. My duty. Since then, I’ve tried to make it right. I have watched over you, protected and prospered you.”
Killian couldn’t help but snort. “Protected me? You call letting Rumplestiltskin nearly sink the Jolly, multiple times due to magical storms, protecting me?”
She gave him an unamused eyebrow raise. “No, I call keeping you from falling overboard during those storms protecting you. And keeping the Black Death away from you, both while you were in London, and when it was unleashed on your ship. Those are some of the ways I protected you over the years. You may be a vampire, but you are still subject to some of the frailties of your human body.”
“I see,” he replied. His fury drained away, becoming compassion. He took a deep breath and turned gentle eyes on her. “I understand. If I had been in your position…” he trailed away, “I don’t think I’d have done much differently.”
“Thank you,” she said, sincerely.
After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. “Why now?” He repeated his question from earlier. “Why show yourself now? If you’ve been watching and protecting me all these years, why are you now letting me know that?”
The Blue Fairy fixed him with a fierce stare. “Because you are correct in saying that this time, you and Emma will succeed. Rumplestiltskin and the Darkness have served their purpose in history and their time is rapidly coming to an end. It is your time now. Your’s and your soulmate’s.”
Understanding dawned on Killian. “It was you,” he breathed, “You wrote the prophecy.” The fairy nodded. “You made Emma my soulmate. You’ve brought us together all these times.”
“Yes,” she agreed, “And each time I brought you together, Rumplestiltskin has managed to work circumstances in his own favor and ensure that you and your soulmate were never able to fulfill the prophecy. This time, however, you have been able to do the same. This time is your time. Live your life in peace until Emma returns to you. Once she does, the clock will begin ticking. Rumplestiltskin will also return and you will have to face him. The visions you had revealed the way to defeat him.”
Killian startled. “What? How do you know about that?”
She laughed. “I was the one who gave them to you, Killian,” she exclaimed. “I made that dagger when Rumplestiltskin became a vampire in order to destroy him and the Darkness forever. When I was unable to accomplish that back then, he enchanted the dagger so that I can’t even touch it. But you, or your soulmate, can. Use the knowledge I’ve given you. It will serve you well.”
“Can you tell me anything about Emma,” he begged. “Why her? What makes her my soulmate? Does she know? Has she ever known? Will she know?”
“True Love’s magic,” the fairy answered, “You were both created out of True Love. True Love that has carried down through the centuries. That is what made her FOR you. To answer your question ‘has she known’, she has felt the connection with you in the past. Not as strongly as you. Your senses are enhanced because of what you are. But she has not recognized it for what it truly was. Except that time in Chicago. She was so close to death, that she did recognize your connection. This time, when she returns, she will again. The True Love that you will hold together will destroy the Darkness forever.”
Killian’s eyes widened at the revelation that he was also created out of True Love. He knew that Emma was. He had seen it first hand in David and Mary Margaret. And while he knew that his parents loved each other deeply, hearing from the fairy’s own lips that they were also True Love, made Killian’s heart soar. “What about now? Is she safe?” he worried.
“Know that Emma and her family are safe, and will continue to be. She will return and the path forward will be laid before you.” Killian sat back, lost in thought, mind swirling with all the revelations of the night. The fairy was silent for a few minutes before she cleared her throat and stood from the table. “And now, I must bid you farewell, Killian Jones.”
Killian was brought back to the kitchen and company before him. “Thank you,” he breathed, sincerely, “I won’t waste the knowledge or opportunity you’ve blessed me with.” Nodding, she waved her wand, shrinking down to the size of his hand and disappeared into the night.
Turning back toward Starkey, Killian was gratified that his heart rate and breathing were steady. He picked the man up easily and carried him toward his own apartments a little further down the wing. He knew that come morning, he was going to have a lot of explaining to do. But as he refused to exercise his powers of persuasion or compulsion on his faithful servant of many years, there was no other way around it. After making sure he was comfortable in his own bed, he climbed the stairs to his own chambers.
Laying down on his own bed, Killian finally allowed the emotion of the day to wash over him. What had started out as any other day became one of the worst and then one of the best of his long, long life. He had answers. Emma and her family were safe. He was assured that he would see her again. He’d been patient before, he could do it again.
With a smile on his lips, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
See? Happy right? Thanks for reading and sharing!
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anubislover · 5 years
Protect (Chapter 5 of “Heartstealers Can Get Jealous, Too”)
For once, Law couldn’t blame Luffy for the trouble they were in. The Marine warship stumbling upon them was just bad luck, and the reckless Straw Hat captain hadn’t even had time to provoke them before they’d decided to attack the two pirate crews. A well-placed cannonball had damaged the Polar Tang’s propeller, preventing the Heart Pirates from diving and making any escapes or sneak attacks, so they’d had no choice but to be drawn into the fray. Most of the crew was aiding the Straw Hats against the sailors swarming onto the smaller pirate ships while Law and Jean Bart had boarded the warship to assist Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
The Rear-Admiral leading the charge wasn’t exactly a powerhouse, but his Haki skills, plus the overwhelming number of fighters still on deck, had been enough to keep Law on his toes. Much as Luffy had clearly wanted to take on the bastard that had ordered the attack, he’d passed that honor onto the older captain, seeing as his was the ship that got damaged, instead taking out his aggression on the lower-ranked officers trying to interfere with the fight.
Meanwhile, Nami, Jean Bart, and Zoro were occupied with the rest of the grunts. It had infuriated Law that his woman had been brought along, but logically, he understood why; with Robin occupied with the hoard of troops attacking their ship, the navigator was the best choice for sneaking into the belly of the warship and taking down the cannons.
Out of the corner of his eye, Law saw Nami locked in combat with a Marine, frantically blocking his sword-swipes with her staff, unable to pull away long enough to use one of her weather techniques. Unfortunately, she was also so focused on her opponent that she didn’t notice the second Marine come up behind her, sword raised high to cut her down.
“Nami-ya!” he shouted in warning, desperately trying to block the Rear-Admiral’s heavy strikes while activating his Room. For a moment, all he could see was the fiery woman slumped over like Corazon had been, bloody and pale; another person he cared for dead because he couldn’t save them.
Just as the little ring formed in his hand, Nami was tackled to the floor by Zoro, confusing her opponents enough that they ended up attacking each other, swords buried deep in the flesh of their comrades.
“You ok, witch?” Zoro asked, his body poised above hers as a shield against any unexpected attacks as he briefly checked her over.
A relieved smile curved her lips. “I’m fine. Nice save.”
“Well, someone has to keep you alive,” he replied with a smirk, pulling her to her feet. “Maybe you could knock a few bellis off my debt as thanks.”
In response, she launched a gust of wind that knocked back several Marines charging them, two even falling over the railing into the sea. “Nah, I think we’re even now,” she winked.
“Greedy witch,” he grumbled before racing off to take down the remaining fighters, swords whirling about, slicing their enemies to ribbons. “Just don’t get yourself killed!” Nami stuck out her tongue in response, using her Mirage Tempo technique to render herself invisible so she could sneak inside and take down the gunners.
Seeing she was out of immediate harm’s way Law refocused his energies, levitating his opponent into the air before slamming him into the ship’s mast, gaining a hint of pleasure from the pained cry he let out. Next, a pair of cutlasses, taken from the dead men who’d attacked the beautiful navigator, were shoved through the Rear-Admiral’s shoulders to pin him to the thick wood like a frog ready for dissection. It wasn’t quite enough for him, though. Law had nearly had to watch his lover be struck down; experience the same pain he’d gone through with Cora-san. In other words, he wanted to make someone hurt.
The horrified scream as the Navy officer watched Law rip his heart from his chest gave the dark doctor some sick satisfaction. Silently, he stood there, waiting for the Marine’s cries to die down before crouching to meet his eyes. “Your men could have killed my woman,” he murmured, just loud enough for his victim to hear. “That would have broken my heart. Do you know how that feels? Let me show you.”
Blood and chunks of viscera leaked through his fingers as he slowly crushed the delicate organ in his bare hand, gold eyes locked on the agonized face of the Rear-Admiral whose men had tried to slay the most important woman in his life. Killing wasn’t usually his style, taking more pleasure in the trauma and humiliation his abilities brought to his victims, but he refused to take any chances. Mercy was far too likely to bite him in the ass, and he refused to risk Nami’s life by letting the Rear-Admiral come after them again someday.
The world was cruel and unforgiving and had already taken too much from him. Nami would not be next.
Rage slightly cooled, he turned to find Luffy, Zoro, and Jean Bart had finished off the rest of the Marines. The battle over, he started making his way towards the ship’s entrance, fully intending on catching up with the navigator and ensuring she’d be safe. He didn’t consider her helpless by any means, but she was part of “The Weakling Trio” for a reason and all he could picture was her being cut down, this time without Zoro or himself to save her. Before he even got to the door, however, the sound of cannon fire had stopped, rendering the air eerily still.
“Sounds like Miss Nami’s taken down the gunners,” Jean Bart said in relief.
Glancing over to their own ships, Zoro commented, “Those boarding parties are under control, too.” He raised an eyebrow at the state of the Rear-Admiral, eye flickering between his empty chest and the blood slowly dripping from Law’s hand. “I didn’t see much of your fight; that guy give you a lot of trouble?”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” the doctor replied tersely, staring down the swordsman. He was in his direct path to the door, and Law couldn’t help but imagine he was intentionally blocking him.
Nami had told him about the debt she held over her crewmate’s head, the interest added every day basically ensuring he’d owe her money for the rest of his life. It was a source of constant grief for the swordsman, often used to blackmail him into being her pack mule or chore boy.
Blood turning to ice, Law’s hand clenched around his nodachi as his paranoid mind whispered, What if he wants her to die?
It made a sick sort of sense. It would be incredibly easy for Zoro to escape his debt if Nami was killed in battle. He’d let her go alone into the ship, after all; was he hoping she’d be slain, allowing him to keep his hands clean and not risk the wrath of their companions?
Zoro could feel the tension radiating from the tall captain, letting his own hand rest on his katanas in preparation. Maybe it was just leftover adrenaline from the fight, but Law was looking at him like he was contemplating using his heart as a stress ball. “Might want to wash your hands before the witch sees you, then; doubt you’ll be getting a victory kiss if you’re covered in blood and guts. She’s picky like that.”
Luffy nodded his head emphatically. “Yeah, Tora-o; she won’t even hug us if we’re all sweaty!”
Gold eyes never left their target. “I’m willing to get my hands dirty if it means Nami-ya is safe. I’m going to go check on her. For all we know, she’s been ambushed because you let her go alone. Invisible or not, running into a Navy warship alone is suicidal.”
The swordsman’s eye narrowed at the accusation as his shoulders tensed. “I don’t like it, either, but she says I’m not allowed to go on stealth missions with her. Something about not wanting to get distracted because I’ve gotten myself lost; I wasn’t listening.”
“Perhaps if you did listen, you wouldn’t get lost so much, Zoro-ya. Get out of my way.”
“Watch your tone, Trafalgar; I get she’s your girlfriend, but just because Nami’s always barking orders at me doesn’t mean you can, too.”
“I’ll use whatever tone I want when someone’s preventing me from protecting my woman. Some of us have a vested interest in keeping her alive,” he countered, stalking over until there was hardly a foot of space between the two swordsmen. Looking down at the green-haired man, he growled, “Now step aside. I imagine three-sword style would be difficult to do without hands.”
The faint scrape of Zoro’s thumb flicking out a katana cut through the tension. “That a threat?”
“Why don’t you just scan the ship, Captain?” Jean Bart chimed in, glancing between the two Supernovas squaring off. “If Miss Nami’s in trouble, that’ll tell you exactly where she is and you can get her out of there, no problem. Storming down there without a plan could just get you both killed.”
“He doesn’t have to,” Luffy replied. “She’s fine. I used Haki a minute ago and she’s the only conscious person I sense on the ship.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Law growled as Zoro put away his sword, relief briefly crossing the green-haired swordsman’s face at the confirmation that he hadn’t sent his nakama off to her death.
“Because Sanji said girls find it romantic when guys fight over them or rush in to save them. I thought I was doing you a favor.” He stuck out his tongue in disgust. “Plus, I was hoping you’d get your kissing over with down there so I wouldn’t find you in the cargo hold again.”
Vein throbbing on his forehead, the slam of a door kept Law from strangling his ally as Nami returned topside, belli signs in her eyes.
“They’ve got so much treasure on board!” she cheered.
“Awesome!” Luffy shouted, toothy grin wide.
Zoro rolled his eye, but there was a hint of affection in his smirk as he relaxed his stance. “At least something good came from this fiasco.”
“You know what that means! It’s time to have a party!”
Nami chuckled at her captain’s enthusiasm before turning to Law, arms opening to embrace him before she spotted the drying blood on his hands. Plush lips turned down in concern as she studied the strain in his face. He could tell she wanted to ask if he was alright, but thought better of it, knowing she wouldn’t get a straight answer with an audience. “You need to get cleaned up. Honestly, you all do; I’m not letting any of you touch my precious treasure when you’re this gross!”
“It doesn’t matter that much,” Jean Bart joked gruffly, trying to ease the last of the tension in the air. “Why do you think gold’s called ‘filthy lucre?’”
“You take that back! I polish that lucre every day until it shines!”
“She does. It’s weird,” Luffy laughed.
“It is not!”
“Yes, it is, but it’s to be expected from a money-grubbing witch like you,” Zoro said, chuckling as she slapped his chest indignantly. He got his revenge by wrapping his sweaty arms around her, highly amused by her protests that he stank which only grew louder when Luffy shouted “Group hug!” and trapped them both in a crushing embrace.
Silent as stone, Law expanded his Room and teleported himself down onto his ship, ignoring Luffy’s questioning call. He needed to get cleaned up, but more importantly, he needed to regain his composure. After that, he could steal Nami away and hopefully get that horrible image of her pale and lifeless body out of his head. Maybe it that would dissuade him from the vivid murder fantasies he was coming up with for Zoro.
Unfortunately, the opportunity for alone time with Nami didn’t come up for the rest of the day. He’d spent nearly an hour in the shower scrubbing the blood out from under his nails, all while reminding himself that Nami was safe and Zoro didn’t deserve to be dismembered. Once he was out, he’d gone to check on the damage to his sub, which was worse than he’d assumed; the propeller was a mess and there was plenty of exterior damage, which was extremely risky when your vessel needs to withstand heavy pressure deep under the ocean. Luckily Franky was willing to help them fix it, saying he’d make them a “SUPER propeller” right away. Then he’d helped Chopper attend to the wounded. No one had died and nothing was life-threatening, but his surgical skills had been necessary for a few of his men, Bepo included. The longest he’d seen Nami was when they’d been splitting the treasure, which hadn’t taken more than an hour due to her unexpectedly softball haggling and his own terse responses.
After that had been the party preparations, and Law was forced to admit at this point he was avoiding her. It wasn’t that he wanted to, but the frustrations of the day just kept growing, and he had no wish to accidentally take it out on his lover. She seemed to understand he needed space and didn’t push it, though she’d given him a look saying she expected a full explanation later. While her consideration was appreciated, it was counteracted by Zoro’s constant presence at her side, obeying her demands without so much as a grumble, only pausing to meet Law’s heated glare.
By the time the party started, Law had exiled himself to the outskirts of the celebration, taking a seat by the deck’s railing and nursing an ale. Throughout the night, however, his eyes never left Nami. His woman was currently matching her green-haired companion drink for drink, laughing merrily as any Heart Pirate foolish enough to join them inevitably gave up or passed out. They were certainly in good spirits, Zoro pulling her into a clumsy dance as Brook began playing a lively tune on his violin, the smirk on his face showing it was mostly to annoy the fuming cook.
Though the glare Zoro shot him said Sanji wasn’t the only one he intended to piss off.
Hand gripping his tankard’s handle tightly, Law matched his scowl from where he sat, silently wondering if Nami would be all that mad if he stole the swordsman’s liver. He’d give it back eventually.
“You seem rather anti-social tonight, Law-san,” Robin said, claiming the spot next to him. She’d been tending to Bepo most of the night, the polar bear having literally taken a bullet for her. The surgery to remove it had been a success, his thick flesh and fur ensuring it hadn’t damaged any major organs, but he’d seemed to enjoy holding her attention so Penguin and Shachi couldn’t flirt with her. Had he been in a better mood, Law would have found it all highly amusing.
“Most would argue I’m normally like this,” he replied bluntly, taking another gulp of ale.
“Perhaps, but you’ve shown you can relax when the mood suits you. Particularly when our navigator is in such high spirits. I heard she even gave you a decent share of the treasure.”
“Thirty percent, plus first dibs on stripping the warship for parts to repair the damage my submarine endured. She didn’t even tell Robo-ya to charge me any installation fees.”
“Impressive. Anyone else would have been lucky to get ten percent, and by pure coincidence, that amount would be the exact cost for salvaging rights.” A secretive smile curved her lips. “Just don’t be surprised if she demands you take her shopping. Our clever girl always knows how to get her money’s worth.”
“Is that why she keeps Zoro-ya in debt?” he asked, unable to keep the hint of bitterness from his voice.
Though it didn’t show on her face past a raised eyebrow, Robin was quite surprised by his tone. “Honestly, I think she knows he’ll never be able to pay her back; it’s more like an old joke between friends.”
“Or she just wants to ensure she’ll always have a bodyguard.”
“Zoro doesn’t owe the rest of us money, yet we can always count on him to save us in a pinch. Besides, generally, one pays a person to protect them, not the other way around.” She chuckled lightly. “Nami was right; you do get jealous over silly things.”
He grunted, not bothering to argue. He didn’t use to get jealous so easily, but then again, he usually didn’t bother with long-term relationships. He cared about Nami, and thus everything and everyone had begun looking like a threat to him, just waiting to take her away. For the most part, he’d learned to get over it, or at least not be so obvious, but tonight, he couldn’t seem to get past his anger towards her first mate.
She followed his gaze to where he was glaring holes in the duo as they chinked tankards with Jean Bart. “If it helps, I doubt those two see each other as anything but brother and sister.”
“It’s not that,” he grumbled. At first, he’d wondered if the swordsman harbored feelings for Nami; objectively, he was one of the better-looking members of the crew and had known her longest after Luffy. He was apathetic and gruff but often the first one to come to her aid, even if he didn’t have hearts in his eyes like Sanji did. However, after careful observation he’d realized that Zoro definitely didn’t see her that way. Not once had Law caught him looking at her bikini-clad chest or jean-clad ass, gorgeous as they were. He never seemed to fall for her seductive manipulations, either, and Nami had told him Zoro was the only one in Alabasta that hadn’t peeked on her in the baths. If anything, Law trusted him the most.
Or at least, he had before that morning.
“If Nami-ya dies, his debt would be cleared. What real incentive does he have to protect her? I doubt he’d actively harm her, but it would be so convenient if—”
Law didn’t get the chance to finish that thought as a feminine hand blossomed from his shoulder, long fingers grabbing his ear and twisting it hard.
“Law-san, I respect that you’re worried and thus not thinking rationally, but I will not allow you to speak ill of my crew like that,” she said, eyes hard as the smile dropped from her face. “Zoro would never even consider such a thing; despite their differences, Nami is his friend and he’s far too honorable to even consider betraying her.” Releasing his ear, she gave him a stern look. “Now, why are you really mad at him?”
Cheeks flushed with pain and embarrassment, he knew she’d see through any lie he tried to spin and had no wish to test her patience further. He’d seen her snap the necks of a dozen men at once, and his powers wouldn’t be much help escaping limbs sprouting from his own body. Checking his earlobe to be sure she hadn’t ripped off his gold hoops in her aggression, he finally grumbled, “I should have been the one to save her, but he was there before I could even activate my Room.”
“Then you’d rather she be killed than rescued by someone else?”
“Of course not!” he snapped. “I’m grateful he had her back, but she’s my woman, so it’s my responsibility to keep her safe.”
Combing her fingers through her black hair, Robin regarded him thoughtfully. “Surely you’re aware that you can’t always protect her? You’re on different crews, after all.”
“You think I don’t know that?” he growled, turning to her with eyes bright with rage and fear. Again, he envisioned Nami’s mutilated corpse, her skin a sickly gray, hair mottled with blood. “You think I don’t have nightmares about finding out she’s been captured and executed, knowing there’s nothing I could have done because I was too far away? You think I don’t have a minor heart attack every time I open the paper and read about the trouble you’ve all gotten into? You think it’s a coincidence how often I run into you?”
Chin resting in an open palm, her smile was knowing yet sympathetic, almost motherly. “Of course not. I have such dreams myself, and I sleep right next to her. But we can’t protect her from everything. Quite frankly, even if you locked her up in your quarters, shackled to your bed, there’s still no guarantee that she’d be safe. You’re a pirate, too, and have more than your share of enemies. A wayward cannonball could breech the hull and drown her, or a marine could infiltrate your crew and slit her throat. Even mundane things can be deadly; a slip in the shower, a falling bookcase, or just swallowing food wrong can lead to a grizzly end.”
“I’m so glad we’ve had this talk, Nico-ya. It really put my fears to rest,” he said sarcastically.
Completely ignoring his tone, she continued, “Personally, I’ve found myself sleeping more easily since you two began your relationship. It’s quite comforting knowing that, should anything happen to us, there’s someone out there who would gladly protect our navigator. Especially a powerful captain with exemplary medical skills.”
Law sighed. He understood what she was saying; it was better to be grateful that Nami had more than one champion. Zoro had simply reacted on instinct, not willing to take the chance that the navigator’s lover would be able to remove her from harm’s way when he had his hands full with a Rear-Admiral. “And I do appreciate that she has her crew to protect her, but if Zoro’s so intent on being her knight in shining armor, why didn’t he follow her into the warship? One woman alone—”
“—Stood a far better chance at taking out those Navy gunners than if she’d had a cumbersome, perpetually lost swordsman to babysit. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, Law-san, and Nami’s lie in using her wits and wiles to take her opponents by surprise. Beyond that, in such close quarters, her lightning techniques would be just as risky to her allies as her enemies. She and Zoro have argued about this quite frequently and I can assure you, he always ends up worrying.”
Thinking it over, he supposed Robin had a point. There was no doubt Nami was better suited to sabotaging the cannons and taking down the gunners where there was little chance of friendly fire, and Zoro, for all his good intentions, would likely wander off and get himself lost, ruining any of her carefully thought-out plans. It would certainly explain why the swordsman had gotten so defensive; he’d been just as anxious and Law’s accusations had hit a nerve.
“I suppose he and I should call a truce.” There was a bottle of sake in his room he’d been saving for a special occasion, but he supposed he could use it as a peace offering instead. It was worth it if it ensured his fellow Supernova’s continued protection. “Fighting when we have the same goal will do nothing but strain the alliance.”
“I agree. I wonder if swordsmen in general just have complexes that make them incapable of addressing their emotions while perpetually feeling as if they must be everyone’s hero.”
He snorted but conceded her point. It was no wonder Nami often considered the older woman her confidant; she certainly knew how to lay on brutal truths with an almost motherly calm. He made a mental note to remain on her good side. Not only could she snap his neck at any moment, but if she decided that the Surgeon of Death was unworthy of the Cat Thief’s affections, Nami would take her opinions to heart.
The click of heels against the wooden floor broke his mind from such musings, looking up to find the beautiful cartographer purposefully making her way to her lover, the way her hips swayed both enticing and dangerous.
“I’ll give you two some time to talk,” Robin chuckled, getting to her feet and strolling over to Shachi and Penguin, both of whom immediately began fighting over who would get to dance with her first.
He didn’t get to see which one was victorious, though, as his attention was immediately diverted to the navigator straddling his lap, fingers burying themselves in his hair as she captured his lips in a fierce kiss. He welcomed her tongue into his mouth, playfully battling for dominance as he pressed her soft curves flush against his taut muscles. Sharp ale and sweet mikans lingered on her lips and he groaned as he tasted them, running his fingers along her spine in the way he knew she liked, smirking as she arched at his touch. Eventually they were forced to break for air, Law’s hands sliding to her hips to anchor her against him.
“What was that for?” he asked breathlessly.
Hand running through her copper locks in a way that never failed to set fire to his blood, she rolled her eyes. “You had that stupid look on your face that you get when you’re irrationally jealous. I figured I’d nip it in the bud before I have to deal with another dick-measuring competition.” She sighed, “Plus, Jean Bart told me you and Zoro nearly went at it. Guess that explains why he’s being so chummy; I thought he was just trying to get me to lower his debt.”
Annoyed as he was that one of his crewmembers had gone behind his back, Law couldn’t bring himself to get too mad. At least, not when it resulted in Nami shirking the swordsman’s company for his. “I’m sure he was just enjoying pissing me off.”
Her fingers trailed over his chest tattoos the way she knew he liked, smirking at his satisfied purr. “Yeah, probably, but I think he’s starting to feel a little guilty about it. You’ve been in a bad mood all day, and he knows he wasn’t helping. He insisted I come over here and wipe that frown off your face before you brought the whole mood down.”
“You needed him to tell you that?”
“No, but if even Zoro’s saying that, you know it’s bad. He said you were freaking out about me going into the warship alone,” she said with an annoyed frown.
Arms wrapping around her waist, he sighed, “I was, but Nico-ya talked some sense into me. I’m glad you have him watching your back. I just…I can’t help but be paranoid about losing you. The last person I cared about was Cora-san, and he—”
A soft fingertip against his lips halted his explanation. Law kissed it lightly before nibbling the flesh, smirking at the way she bit her own lip in response.
“I know; I worry about you, too,” she whispered, forehead pressing to his. “We’ve both had important people stolen from us, and that’s not a wound that heals easily. It makes us greedy, jealous worrywarts that assume the whole world is out to destroy what little happiness we have left. But I promise to be careful, because I refuse to die and leave you alone again. Sound good?”
In lieu of a response he pulled her in for another kiss, declaring without words that he’d do the same. He’d been too young and weak to save Corazon, but he was stronger now, and even when he wasn’t around, they both had crews looking out for them. As much as the Straw Hats drove him crazy, he was grateful for their presence in his woman’s life.
When he finally released her lips he took the time to proudly take in her flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. “It seems my mood’s drastically improved. If you want, you can go back to drinking with Zoro-ya.”
She rolled her hips against him, smirking at his heady groan. “Are you saying you don’t want me to stay and kiss you senseless?”
A pleased grin spread across his face, gold eyes darkening with lust. “I never said that.”
“Good, because now that you’re not covered in blood and guts, I’ve been aching for the chance to pin you down and ride you as thanks for helping us fight off those Marines and getting me all that treasure.”
“And convince me to spend my share on your next shopping trip?”
She smiled at him, warm and mischievous and very much alive, and Law burned it into his memory, banishing the visions of her death. “Well, I could use some new clothes.”
“I’d rather keep you naked,” he growled playfully, nipping at her throat as he summoned his Room, transporting them into his quarters. Neither cared that they’d miss the rest of the party; Nami was eager to get her money’s worth, and Law was determined to make up for the time he’d wasted that afternoon.
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Pirate Au
(Drabble 2 slides this out and hides back under my rock)
Tap, tap, tap went Demencia's fingers on the massive glass tank The Captain now had in his cabin quarters, after all this is Black Hat, he can do as he pleases.
We're not exactly going to question him are we, not when he can rip your spine out your arse and the crew have witness him doing just that when a navy officer dared to give him lip, it is safe to say no other fleet have attempted to stop him.
"You should be happy the Captain gave you an aquarium, could have been thrown back into the sea, now you have the attention of a king!"
Demencia tapped the glass again, wanting him to react or swim, something!
"Why you laying there, curled up in a corner like a shrivelled worm."
Every time she made those sounds his tail twitched, his tank was bare, made of four walls, him and salt water its only contents, a porthole that looked out on his vast home, making this imprisonment all the more cruel.
To be kept from its cooling depths and sail amongst fellow sea creatures, of course he was going to lay down if only to keep it out of sight.
Happy indeed!
They chose to be on this watery landscape, he did not choose to be in this blasted box!
He was not one of your common merfolk who lived in a glittering city of pearls and lights, the merman lived in a deeper part of the ocean where the sun barely touched him.
Of course if any of these damn morons had any idea about his kind they would have known that!
"Hey fish man, what do you call yourself?"
Hands fisted and against his head, pressing them tighter against the bag, he could understand her language, speak it even but he had no reason to oblige an answer, but damn it if she tapped that glass. One. More. Time....
He would throw himself out just to claw her to pieces with little care for consequences.
Gills at his ribs flared and relaxed, sighing, this trap was bigger than it looked, he'd tried swimming from one end to the other but an enchantment has been placed on the aquarium so that it never ended.
Something told him he that he was going to be akin to a pet until his captor grew bored and decided he would be more useful as fish fillets.
Tap. Tap. TAP.
Pupil's becoming slits he rushed her, seeing red wanting nothing more than to rip her to pieces, shoulder crashing against the glass, yes it hurt, no doubt would even bruise, but that didn't matter just as he was preparing to spring out, Black Hat walked in and grimaced at the scene before him.
"How many times have I told you, not to enter my room without permission girl."
His prize was clearly agitated, usually he could care less if Demencia vexed someone so they lost their mind, but this was one he wanted to preserve.
She had barely reacted at their guests threat display, being around her Captain had desensitised her to such things and was merely watching out of curiosity.
"What? I was just simply curious about your new pet, I bet you wonder what he looks like under that bag."
Demencia shrugged, giggling as she tapped the glass again, grinning as the merman pounded his fists against the glass in frustration, letting out another screech.
Black Hat had, had enough of this, picking up the silver serving dome on his table from last nights meal and putting it over Demencia's head, clanging a spoon on its surface until she got the bloody message.
"Owwww you know my ears are more sensitive...ohhh...I see."
Peeking out from under the dome, casting a look at the merman whose arms were folded and while his face was hidden it was clear he was thinking; See how you like it.
"Yes exactly, now I would prefer if our guest was not driven insane by your doings, we can converse later, but for now this is the company I seek."
"But sir, you have him in your room, he will always be here!"
"Hmm yes, might even stop you entering and trying to smell my clothes."
"Pffft what do you mean try?"
The pirate King inhaled deeply, no he was not going to snap, top lip rippling in a soft grow which of course it would only make her eyes light up excitedly, though out the corner of his own he noticed his treasure watching only to hastily swim back and curl up on the aquarium floor once more.
Placing a claw under the lizard girls chin he purred
"You would not want to disappoint your Captain now would you?"
"Of course not!"
"So behave, check the rounds and see where that bear of a man Fives is with my breakfast."
"Yes Captain Black Hat!"
She saluted him running off absolutely giddy, she would never wash her face again, well she would because Hat would insist but for now NEEEEVERRR.
When Demencia was out and door closed a long sigh escaped him, pinching the bridge of where a nose would be.
"You know for a mad woman, she really is the most reliable of my crew."
With hands clasped behind his back he walked forward, stopping in front of the merman, observing the creature before him, fins swaying gently, gills parting with each breath, taking in how scales met flesh.
Really quiet a fetching thing if he did say so himself.
"My name is Black Hat, though I am sure you already know that, there are few who do not."
Casually looking over his claws as he spoke, because of course everyone knew who he was right, so this creature should be impressed by his name alone.
Materialising a chair from nothing the demon sat, leaning back in that chair we all know he has in his office in cannon verse, cause come on that is a noice chair!
One leg over the other, elbows resting on its arms, steepling his fingers, odd indeed, most would be quivering now...so there must be something wrong.
In their shared silence, wood was creaking, ocean waves lapping and the chatter of men could be heard outside, he continued staring through clear water making a small hmm sound in though and suggesting
"Perhaps you are sick, I am quite knowledgeable in mermailian anatomy...though to be fair I have only used such information to kill your kind."
Oh, now that had a reaction, the creatures tail suddenly appeared to have circular patterning of bright sky blue rings, no doubt they would look marvellous in the dark.
Body tensing as he curled into himself, spines raising as a defence mechanism, which meant from what he could see this merman was both predator and prey within his own habitat, Hat could also not deny he was somewhat curious as to what this creature looked like under that bag.
So he wasn't sick...oh ho he was pissed at him!
A smirked formed on the demons features, chin on hand cooing teasingly
"Ohh is someone sulking, really you should be honoured that I am giving you so much attention."
So this land walker really was so arrogant to assume everyone needed his praise!
There he'd been swimming around , simply curious about the oddity way up high an peculiar power surge and of course being somewhat of an explorer himself had ventured to where it was coming from only to get caught in that bloody storm.
So really what it was really this Captain wanted him to acknowledge his existence, perhaps this would be amusing after all.
Unfurling himself the merman, stretched arching his back, this display might have been more pleasing without the mask but none the less this Hat fellow seemed to be showing signs of interest.
Rolling on his side head propped up with a hand, he knew body language could speak more than enough.
Inside he was feeling absolutely smug as shit as that single eye watched his other hand, claws caressing along his hip, subtlety taking up the remaining dead scales, either way Black still seemed focused.
Black Hat's mouth suddenly went dry, well that was unexpected, loosening the frills at his throat, curious as to what he'd do next, that beautiful tail, rising and falling gently much like a contented feline.
"Are you trying to entice me, you are doing a poor job of it."
The demon scoffed, despite the fact it was a blatant lie.
Pushing himself from the tank floor he swam closer so that the Captain could admire him more.
Perhaps more than this dark being expected because he could not help but chuckle, noticing how he'd tried to cover up the fact he'd looked down.
Black Hat cleared his throat, nostrils flaring just enough to actually be seen momentarily and disappearing once more, this certainly was a turn of events, also one would be blind not to notice this was one of the finer specimens of Mermailian kind, a little fun just might be in order.
Small dull thuds on the glass took him from his thoughts at first the demon wondered what on Earth he was doing before noticing there was a purpose and a pattern as it kept repeating.
Was it his name?
He flipping well hoped so!
Flug, his name was FLUG!
Right then, well if Flug wanted to play...
Standing, adjusting his coat and belt, Black Hat walked up steps that did not exist, leaning an arm over Flug's tank, voice husky and beckoning him to the surface, grinning as he seemed to have learned that it was best to be obedient to him.
Flug hesitated a moment, feigning at being coy, looking down and shyly coming up.
"Come to me my pet."
The merman paused, so his voice might have had a genuine effect on him, leaving a warmth in his belly he'd not been expecting.
Its tone making his ear fins want to spread out and take in the seductive tune all the more while damning the gentle flush of purple in his pale skin.
A long claw extended, hooking in one of the ties in the merman's mask, Flug could not deny even in all his stubbornness they were beautiful hands.
"So, we finally have a name for you, Flug."
Silence fell upon them once more, holding his hand to rest his cloth covered cheek against his palm, trilling softly, keeping a watch on Hat, moving in closer.
The Captain loosened a tie, taking in how those fine peacock coloured scales dusting along side his throat disappeared continued on under the cloth.
They had forgotten everything around them, or so at least Hat believed.
Flug felt the sharp tip of his thumb at his chin ready to lift his mask and saw his moment.
His other hand had been concealing the dead scales he'd been peeling off earlier, a concoction similar to shredded soggy snake skin, clumped and pulpy, he of course threw it straight at the demons face, making a nasty thick squelching sound.
"Why you little-"
Flug saw how quickly his eye turned from white to black, its pupil crimson and despite his fear, flicked the last little piece that remained on his finger tips at him, if he was going to die, damn the consequences, but what actually happened was far from expected.
The last piece had landed in his mouth completely throwing him off his rage to a frozen silence before he started laughing
"Well played little fish."
His captor was laughing!
That was not the reaction he'd wanted at all, huffing and tying his bag back up he went back to sulking in the corner.
"Complain all you want my little scaley beauty, you are not going any where."
Only this case if Flug was standing he would be much taller than him, not that Hat was going to admit that any time soon.
A few moments later Demencia was bringing in his breakfast, thankfully he'd cleaned off all the much his pet had thrown at him.
" So did you have an interesting conversation?"
She enquired cheerfully.
"I managed to pull a name from him."
"Oh what is it?"
"Flug, his name is Flug."
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sanjuno · 6 years
For self-indulgently tropey ideas - Time travel in either direction, big Ace meets little Ace? Could be in TWFF (in which case depending on the timeline, little Ace and Luffy might even be the same age) or in canonverse or some other happy AU. I'll be Pi Anon!
(Ideas of March Prompt Fill 10/15)
Fire burns. Fire is stubborn about clinging to life, lurking in sparks and embers until a touch of wind sends it blazing up again. There is fire in the earth, warming the roots of the trees. There is fire under the waves, escaping in bubbles of steam. There is fire in the sky, in the sun’s rays and the lightning carried by the clouds.
There is fire in a human heart.
The body of Portgas D Ace burned. Not on a pyre or a funeral barge, but on the deck beside the body of his chosen father. Marco doubled over with the force of his sobs, cursing Akainu and the Marines and understanding to the depths of his soul the rage that drove some Morganeers to inhuman malice.
Marco’s brother would never have a proper sendoff. All that was left of Ace, by the time they got the the island where fallen Whitebeard Pirates were laid to rest, was his hat and his knife. They only had even that much because Ace had been stripped of his things before the execution.
So Marco wept, and Ace burned.
Grey Terminal burned.
Ace woke up with a roar, voiceless and agonized. Explosions drove the flames higher as caches of blackpowder and oil were consumed by the blaze that covered the shanty town.
Another scream, high and thin and desperate. The air rippled, discoloured by pressure as that scream drilled rage and denial into every mind within hearing distance. The flames hung frozen as the world paused, bowing down to the Will of a Conqueror.
Ace was the fire consuming the dump where he had grown up, still reeling from the blow that had killed him. Ace was desperately fighting to keep his little brother alive as a man who was older and stronger was determined to kill them.
This nightmare again. The reason why Ace had worked so hard to master his fire powers. The day he had lost Sabo, the day he had almost lost Luffy. This nightmare that would never let Ace go. The only reason Luffy had lived back then was because Dadan…
… Where was Dadan?
The fire swirled in confusion, drawing back from the paths the people of Grey Terminal were using to try and escape. The guards waiting outside the fire to kill the fleeing ‘vermin’ raised their guns as the first figures escaped from the flames. Those guns exploded in their hands as the fire lashed out, daggers of flame cutting through the barrels and searing into their flesh.
Strangers in cloaks stepped up and started leading the escaping people away. Ace’s attention flickered over a tall man with facial tattoos who seemed to be in charge of the evacuation. Familiar not familiar who was he?
Not important. Where was Dadan?
There was fire in the trees, in the forest on the Mountains, set by more of the hired soldiers from High Town as the tried to burn out the Bandit nest. Dadan was up there with her men, frantic and fighting with a savagery Ace had only seen once before. Machete in one hand, wood axe in another, Curly Dadan killed a man with every swing. My boys where are my boys they’re supposed to be home soon no I won’t let you where are my boys I won’t let you touch them won’t let you take them no no no ACE! LUFFY!
No. Wait, that was… that was wrong! The bandit camp was safe! Dadan was supposed to be here, in Grey Terminal! Ace needed Dadan’s help to save Luffy!
Don’t touch my brother! LUFFY!
Reeling in confusion, Ace screamed, chest burning with pain and rage and heartbreak. Sabo had died in this fire. Ace refused to let it take Luffy too!
When Ace was a skinny, malnourished, touch starved ten year old, Bluejam had been a monster. As an adult with three years on the Grand Line under his belt, Bluejam was nothing.
“KEEP YOUR FLITHY HANDS OFF!” The other pirate’s face caved in with a wet crack as Ace formed out of the flames, blood sizzling as it hit the heated stone under his feet. Bluejam went down hard, and Ace stomped down hard on Bluejam’s neck to make sure he would stay down. “Don’t ever, touch my little brother.”
Chest heaving, Ace spat to the side, ignoring the way the spittle was mostly blood and sparks. He was pulling on the fire around him, drawing it into himself at the same pace he might eat after starving for awhile. It was all backwards. Ace had made flames from his body before, but he had never turned it around to make his body out of normal fire. Still, he kept doing it, because it was saving his life. The organs and bone destroyed by Akainu’s blow were being repaired, flesh and blood filling in faster than he was loosing them. Give it another five minutes and Ace would be able to live without needing a fire the size of an entire city as makeshift life support. Another ten minutes and Ace would be entirely healed.
“… brother?” The tiny voice behind him was rough from screaming and smoke inhalation. Ace spun, and stared into grey eyes that were far too familiar for comfort. Too old for the young face they were part of, tired and worn down after a too-short lifetime of being told they were a monster who deserved death. Skinny arms, scraped raw and covered in burns, winched tight around their little brother’s too-limp body.
There was blood on Luffy’s face.
Breath hitching, eyes burning with tears, Ace swallowed hard and carefully knelt down by the past versions of himself and his baby brother. “Hey. You’re Ace, right?”
“Who are you?” The smaller Ace growled, pulling Luffy closer and shoving back with his heels to try and put more space between them. “You came out of the fire! Why do you look like me? Who are you?”
“Hey… little brother, it’s okay.” The choice was an easy one to make. There was no telling how this had happened, but Ace was not going to waste his second chance. “The name’s Portgas D Riot. And I’m your big brother.”
“… what?” The boy looked shocked, but his grip on Luffy never loosened. “Why are you here now?”
“It took me this long to find you. I was only eleven when you were born.” Formerly-Ace-now-Riot shook his head and sighed, not wanting to grab Ace when he knew how badly the kid would take being touched by a stranger, but they needed to get out of the blaze. Even if Riot could keep the fire from burning them, Ace and Luffy still needed to be able to breathe, and the heat was dangerous to such small bodies. “Please, Ace, I’ll explain everything later, but we have to go. I need to get you and… and our little brother somewhere safe.”
Ace swallowed, the movement harsh and dry. Grey eyes flickered down to Luffy and then back up to Riot, clearly suspicious but also clearly desperate. “… promise you won’t hurt Luffy?”
“I swear Ace. I swear on our mother’s grave, I won’t let either of you get hurt.” Riot held out his hands, praying that it would be enough because he was not risking Haki on kids this young. “Please.”
“… okay.” Ace leaned forward, eyes closed as his exhaustion and the stress caught up to him all at once. Riot moved without hesitation, scooping the kids up into his arms in a tangle and racing for the nearest exit into the woods.
“Hang on, little brother.” Riot sucked in flame as he ran, building up his reserves in anticipation of the next few days. “Big brother’s here now. I’ve got you.”
The day after the fire was mostly taken up by arguments between Riot and Ace. Luffy just watched them go at it, head swivelling and eyes wide as he looked from his-Ace to and even bigger Ace who was actually Riot. It took some careful editing of the truth, but Ace eventually believed that Riot was his older brother. Luffy required no convincing after the first hug. Riot knew that he was going to take care of Ace and Luffy in order to give them the happy childhood Riot had always wanted more of for himself. Mostly this involved hugging Luffy whenever he did or said something cute, and making exaggerated sad faces at Ace when Riot’s miniature-dopplganger refused cuddles.
Two days after the fire, Riot allowed the kids to convince him to stay at their treehouse while they went to check on the bandits. Riot knew what was going to happen, what they were going to learn when they got there, but there was nothing kind about hiding the truth from them. Riot knew how much it hurt to lose a brother, and the age you were when it happened did nothing to soften the blow. All Riot could do was be there when the boys came back.
So he was there.
Riot was there when Luffy stumbled out of the bushes, sobbing to hard to see and clutching Ace’s hand in a death grip as the other boy pulled him forward. Riot was there when Ace never broke stride, barrelling into Riot’s chest at full speed. Riot’s arms closed around both boys, Ace’s back shaking as he ground his forehead into Riot’s collarbone. “… Ace?”
“… Sabo’s… my brother… Sabo’s dead.” Voice cracking around the truth, Ace sobbed. Once, a harsh, guttural noise, and then he howled. The same raging storm of grief and agony that Riot remembered suffering through while tied to a tree. Luffy’s tears turned into wailing, and both boys clung to Riot with all their strength.
“I’m here. Ace, Luffy, I’m here.” He could remember losing Sabo as a child, and Thatch as an adult. Riot grit his teeth against old pain, his tears silent as he held his little brothers close and let them grieve. They needed this, and they needed to feel safe enough for this. Riot could give them this much.
A week after the fire, after the worst of the storm of grief had passed, Ace looked up at Riot and asked the question that would change everything. “Do we need to stay here?”
“Eh?” Riot looked up from where he was butchering their fourth alligator of the day, to look at his little brother. “What do you mean?”
“You must’ve had a life before coming here. You know what’s out there. You said you’ve been to the Grand Line.” Ace always sounded like he was accusing Riot of something when they talked. It was one of the most adorable things Riot had even seen. Seas and shells, no wonder Pops had done nothing but laugh when he was recruited. It was the cutest fucking thing when that little freckled face scowled at him. Riot tamped down on the urge to giggle and just raised a brow at his brother. Ace huffed and crossed his arms. “You can’t really want to stay here.”
“You… want to leave Dawn Island.” Riot put down his knife and sat back on his heels to consider the new concept. It had never occurred to him that he could take Ace and Luffy away from their home island before they turned seventeen. “What about you, Luffy? What do you want?”
“… Wanna be a pirate. Wanna be free.” Luffy rocked a little on the stump he was seated on, clapping his feet together and staring at his toes. “I’ll miss Makino, but I hate bandits and Sabo…”
“Fucking Celestial Dragons.” Riot spat to one side, going back to preparing their meat with a vengeance. “Only thing on the seas worse than the shitty fucking Marines is them and their gods damned slavers…”
Ace blinked like Riot had said something new, and then grinned. Dark and sly and far too evil for his tiny body. “Shitty gramps will probably arrest you if he finds out you’re here.”
Freezing under the surge of sheer existential dread, Riot could feel every muscle in his body lock up. Oh shit no he had forgotten about Garp.
“Pack your bags!” The boys cheered and Riot knew the rictus on his face was probably communicating exactly how pants shiningly terrified he was over the idea of Garp the Fist finding out Riot was going to steal his grandsons. “We need to leave right now.”
Fuck, okay. Maybe not right now right now, since according to his memory they still had something like four weeks until Garp actually showed up to check on them, but as soon as possible was the goal.
He hated having to do it, but it was necessary. The only good news was that the scars left on his back and chest had left the Whitebeard jolly roger an unrecognizable twisted smear. Even if the likelihood of an East Blue back ally ink shop knowing Whitebeard’s flag was a slim chance, Riot knew it was a good thing that the jolly roger was gone. Riot was simply not going to risk someone noticing the wrecked tattoo and trying to puzzle it out. It would put his little brothers in danger.
So even though it broke something inside him, Riot had a new tattoo layered over the old one. It extended further than the jolly roger had, covering the scars and working with the remains of the Riot’s old allegiance. It was impossible to leave the past behind entirely though, so he picked the phoenix image knowing full well what it meant to him. The firebird covered most of his back, curling around his ribs on a field of hibiscus flowers and ocean waves to taper down his stomach.
The finished product was art and Riot cheerfully and with great relief took immense pleasure in forgoing any and all shirts for the rest of their journey.
Two years later, Riot was the Captain of a Pirate Crew again and he was still not entirely sure how. He was sure, however, that he had given Ace and Luffy some really interesting views on how to recruit their own future crews. Which Riot had decided would still happen even if he had to drop the little shits off on Dawn Island himself the day they each turned seventeen.
So there. Casualty could suck salt.
“Hi!” Pirate Bars are not usually a place where on encountered children. Pirate Bars in the New World are absolutely the last place people should allow their children to hang out. Marco blinked at his tankard and wondered if it had been spiked with seastone powder. The Phoenix looked down into wide dark eyes all but shining with excited curiosity. “You’re that bluebird Niichan has a crush on!”
Thatch spat out his drink, choking on his giggles as the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates seated nearby started hooting with amusement. Marco was going to make all of these idiots pay for witnessing this. He was the First Devision Commander, he had the power.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, yoi.” Marco told the kid, hoping he would just take the hint and go away so he could start the bar fight his brothers were sorely asking for. 
The kid blinked in innocent incomprehension, and the door to the bar crashed open. “Portgas D Luffy!”
“Oops.” The kid looked like he was contemplating hiding behind Marco’s chair when a strong hand clamped down on the back of his vest and lifted him straight off the floor without any apparent effort. “Hi Niichan!”
“Luffy, what have I told you about speaking with other pirate crews?” The long-suffering tone was at odds with the colourful body tattoo and the aggressively orange hat. Marco was still trying to find his brain, because his libido had taken one look at the artistically tattooed musculature on shameless display and punted his higher thought process out of the way to wolf whistle aggressively. Marco would break his own rule about not sleeping with fans more often if they all looked like this. Silver-grey eyes turned to Marco as the dangling boy giggled, and the man sighed. “Hey, sorry about him bothering you. The little shit’s too friendly for his own good sometimes.”
“He was no trouble, yoi.” Marco was impressed with himself, he had never dealt well with speaking to people who attracted him. As long as he kept his eyes up he should fine… oh no he had freckles they were adorable. Shifting in his chair, Marco leaned back and nodded at the kid. “Might want to keep a better eye on him though. Kids can get into bad trouble out here.”
“This little shit can take care of himself.” The man was still holding his little brother off the floor with one hand. “It’s the bar I was worried about.”
“Aw, Niichan.” The kid pouted, crossing his arms. “I just wanted to meet the bluebird! Does he really look like the one on your back.”
“How the hell should I know? Not like I’ve ever seen his zoan transformation.” Thumping the kid down the older brother shoved his head down into an approximation of an apologetic bow. “Sorry for interrupting you drink.”
“Sorry!” The kid chirped, still laughing. Man, that was one happy kid. Marco relaxed a little. No kid could be that honestly happy with someone who would hurt them.
“Luffy getting in trouble again?” The new arrival was an identical, smaller version of the man Marco was still subtly enjoying the sight of. Minus the tattoos and about ten years of age. Must be another brother.
“Ah!” The smaller kid wiggled free and bounced over to the older child. “Ace is mean!”
“Ace isn’t the one who gets kidnapped every week because he can’t stay out of other people’s business.” The preteen snorted and thumped the younger boy on the head. “Now come on, Niichan’s taking us hunting and you’re wasting daylight in this stupid bar with a bunch of has-beens.”
Thatch started choking again and Marco tried to figure out if a twelve year old had really just insulted the strongest pirate crew in the world to their faces.
“Ace, stop being an instigating little shit.” The tattooed man, who Marco still had no name for, grabbed both of his younger brothers and dragged them bodily out of the bar. Marco stared at the red and gold firebird that stretched across the man’s back and firmly reminded himself that drooling was inappropriate, even if the man was all of Marco’s private fantasies come to life and already wearing Marco’s sigil. The door was kicked open in a mirror of how the man had arrived. “I swear the two of you do this deliberately just to see me get into fights. I think we’re going to do some Gramps style training…”
The door slammed shut just as the boys started protesting the oddly labeled punishment.
Thatch finally managed to catch his breath and paused, face creasing in thought. “Aren’t the animals on this island the ones resistant to Haki?”
“You’re an interesting man, Wildfire Riot.” Whitebeard examined the young Captain glaring up at him from where he stood in front of his crew. The younger brother’s Marco had spoken about were standing just behind their older brother with bared teeth. “From an East Blue no-name to a potential Warlord in only a year.”
“If you know that much you know that I also told the Marines to fuck off.” Despite being confronted with the Strongest Man in the world, Riot was relaxed. Not insolent, simply unconcerned, as if he knew that he had nothing to fear from Whitebeard. The younger Captain grinned and tipped his hat. “Speaking of which, Whitebeard. Care to tell me why you’ve decided to ambush me?”
“Well, it’s come to my attention that you have an interest in my First Division Commander.” Whitebeard grinned as his first child whipped around to stare at him in horror. “What are you intentions towards my son, Wildfire brat?”
“Pops!” Marco’s attempt to interfere was thwarted as he was dogpiled by his siblings, who very much wanted to see this play out.
Riot blinked. Looked from Whitebeard to the scrum between Marco and the rest of the Commanders. Gave his delighted little brothers a warning look. Turned back to Whitebeard and raised his chin. “All due respect, sir, but the fact that I want to bang Marco like a screen door in a hurricane is none of your goddamned business.”
Marco wheezed, collapsing under his brothers and hiding his face in his hands. What the fuck had he done to deserve this? Who even said something like that to someone’s father.
On his part, Whitebeard’s eyes were wide with surprise.
“What’s your problem now?” Riot crossed his arms with a grumpy scowl. “I answered your stupid question.”
“Maybe it’s because he’s old.” Picking at his ear, the smallest of the Portgas D brother’s offered up his explanation as the rest of the Anarchy’s crew nodded along.
“Yeah, his hearing is probably going.” The middle child added, hands laced behind his head as he smirked. “People start loosing their memory when they start loosing hair, don’t they?”
A deep, agonized sound of suffering escaped from Marco as he covered his entire head with his arms. He should never have let Thatch see him check out Wildfire’s ass. Never.
“Are we done?” Riot demanded loudly over the sound of the Whitebeard crew loosing their collective shit. “Because if your son isn’t up to dicking me down I’ve got meat to eat.”
Despite himself, Whitebeard is impressed. The brat has guts.
(Spoiler: Even after the most embarrassing confrontation of his life, Marco is totally up for dicking Riot down.)
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ombreecha · 6 years
Down Below
Series: Lifetimes Fandom: Naruto Pairing: SasuSaku Rated: T Prompt: Pirates and Mermaids
Waters down below and salt within the air. The rolling of the waves against the wood and the shift of the vessel beneath the worn and heavy boots weathered from the sea. Ghosts linger upon the crew’s tongues. Wild tall tales and masts that stand even taller all they know as they sail forward.
He’s done this a long time—long enough to have become crueler with every run in.
Sea serpents challenging within the storm. Kraken awakened and ready to drag them down below. Siren’s coaxing luring them away. Sea beasts employed when they had killed one too many of the Siren. Mermaids—they’re devilfish.
The grind of his teeth comes at such a thought, and yet here they are hunting one.
Guards of the fountain of youth. He doesn’t need more than their tears.
The call of one his crew has him turning and regarding them silently. He’s the captain of this vessel. They’re curious as to what has put them in search of something so dangerous.
This is one of selfish intent—it’s not of their business. They’re his crew. They’ll do as he says.
—Or they’ll find themselves overboard.
A wave of his hand is all he intends to give. He pays them all well enough in the spoils that have come a long the way. There’s a time limit to this journey upon the sea. They have to act quickly. They have no time to take in the feelings of such devilfish.
They’re far from home but it still feels close. His mother awaits back on shores too man miles to count. He’ll bring her the fountain of youth. He’ll help her over come her illnesses or fall into an ambiance of nothing left.
The night is dark but the stars make it easy to know where they’re heading. The city they search for is one that protects these devilfish when they deem it fit to masquerade as humans. Disgusting—they’re regarded as beauties that lure men into their arms only to drag them down below the waters surface. He’ll be damned if he falls for such trickery.
The creak beneath his books comes as he releases his hold upon the edge his ship and makes for his cabin. They’ve got more than enough nights before they’ll dock, and flood their city. Sleep is all that can be done here. The sea is calm and that means the majority of them can rest at ease.
He trusts his men to get them there safe. Under covers and under no light he settled. The map disregarded upon his desk. The shift of the boat beneath him barely felt, and that all too familiar sounds that come with living on waters. They’ve become calming over the years. He’s adjusted so much that sleeping and staying on shore feels off—oddly unsatisfying.
That won’t stop him from returning home.
His mother needs him and he’ll do whatever it takes to bring her the fountain of youth.
He can rid himself of concern once that’s done.
A wink or two is all he’s given before he’s brought about by the sound of thunder, and the light given off by lightning outside. His coat is the last thing as on his mind no less his hat as he shoves off the blankets and makes his way out upon the ship. His men are rushing and frantic to keep their ship from being over turned, and he’s right beside them pulling upon the ropes as they begin to slide back and forth.
Wet and soaked deep down to the bone. The waves come over the side of his ship spilling upon the wood. They’re being tossed so unforgiving, and the only thing they’ve got going for them is the lack of a sea monster. Their hands are tied up enough trying to keep themselves and the ship steady upon such violent waves.
Cracks of lightning don’t make it any less difficult.
One of his men is going over tripping and down below their scream a melody this late in the game. They’ll escape within the dawn—that’s the life they’ve lived.
No one can breath and it’s as the wave comes over that he’s rushing forward to stop another from falling over. He’s their captain and regardless of rumors there is honor among them. His hand’s grabbed a hold of their wrist and there’s the pull of his drenched shirt from behind—but no amount of honor or man power is stopping the wave that towards over them.
Eyes wide and a refusal to let go is what’s going to cost him dearly. His lungs are full and he feels the water rising above his head as he’s been thrown overboard. The crew member he had sought to keep from such fate can’t even be heard as he fights in vain to stay a float.
It’s like the breath before a dive—quick and gone just as fast had it had come.
That crushing sound from the sky above is the only thing he can take it as water comes within his nose. His men are seeking to retrieve them but that won’t be what happens.
There’s something twisting under his arms and around his torso—he’ll be dragged down below.
Fight or flight—he be damned before any of these creatures take him with them within the waters.
If only he could breath has he thrashes back against whatever holds him.
Fingers upon his eyes and that arm tightening around his torso. He’s whipped back and forth and his ship isn’t right before him any more it’s so much further away. It seems they won’t have to cause a ruckus within the city they had sought—a mermaids gone and come to him instead.
This is no time to see this as a victory. They have the upper hand.
He wants that quite silence from deep within his cabin. Yet, he’s twisting and pushing.
Washed away and submerged. That devilfish has lost her hold on him with such force. It’s not enough as the water over takes him and he finally finds some of that quite silence. Underneath such violent waves it’s so much calmer. All that energy, and all that strength is gone as he sinks further below. His hand reaches out as if he can just grab the surface.
Lids flutter down and an unforgivable acceptance comes over him He’s done this for such a long time—too long if he’s being honest.
This is his life though. This is the route he had taken. It’s a fitting end—but a sour one no less.
The fountain of youth wouldn’t come to his hands inside of a watery grave. There’s a terror when you go this far down. It’s dark and deep, and that light from the surface just continues to become dimmer as the body becomes heavier.
His eyes open wide and all it can take in is a bright blue. There’s something within his throat and it’s got him twisting as it constricts and expels the bitter sea water. The hack that comes has his body quaking. His limbs are exhausted and his mind fuzzy and the sea water continues to rise from his stomach.
“You wouldn’t have half of that in your system if you hadn’t fought with me so much.” a shadow follows the voice blowing the sun from him.
Fingers twist within the sand and come between his fingers. It sticks to his skin, and he’s oddly aware of his surroundings and how much him being on a shore doesn’t make sense. A look over his shoulder and all there is, is long pale rose and sea foam green. This woman—no she’s just masquerading before him.
She’ll never be a human. She’ll only be a disgusting imitation.
This creature breaths water, and air—no mere woman does that. They lure men deep into the water and drag them down below.
She will be no different.
Adrenalin has him before and dropping them to the floor. His fingers tight upon her throat, “What’s your game?”
There’s a pause from her—no, it—as if it’s contemplating the answer. They only know how to deceive and trick. Lids with lashes of pale pink dip down. It’s not even trying to fight back even as he sits atop of it aggressive and threatening.
“I’m playing at nothing, Captain.” her voice is tight with so much pressure upon it.
The flex of his fingers has him weary, and then those sea foam green emerge pointedly and unphased by this rough treatment.
“Why save me then?” he pushes down further as if to make a point before release some of the pressure upon her throat, “You obviously know who I am.”
“I’m not employed by the siren.” the response it gives makes him feel like it’s attempt casual conversation as he feels the way it’s throat moves as it swallows, “You’re but a man who had fallen overboard—title and reputation are nothing when you’re drowning.”
There’s a hiss and he’s reapplied the pressure—he would tolerate no such trickery, “Why did you save me?”
Those fingers wrap around his wrist before sliding up through the sand that covers his skin and clothes. He’s not allowing a response and there’s a mild curiosity of what kind of trickery it’ll attempt as it touches him. Those fingers press against his chest almost too comfortably making him release just a bit of the pressure upon her throat once more in wanting to know its response, “It’s better than you finding your end isn’t it?”
There’s a hesitance in what move to make next. This disgusting imitation could have dragged him deep into the water or left him as he slowly fell to the seas bottom—it didn’t.
There’s no explanation truly given with such a response. He knows there has to be some form of deception in this. It’s conjuring it up that has him hesitating. Slowly as if to make it apparent he won’t hesitate to grip her throat once more he releases her throat. Fingers float above it’s throat.
He can see why these creatures can lure men to their depths. Physically it’s ethereal and enticing with such a color palette—but it doesn’t lessen the disgust he feels for such a creature.
They’re dangerous. —but they also guard the fountain of youth.
Carefully he watches as it’s lips turn slowly, “I’m surprised you have so much energy to wrestle in the sand.”
He’s more than waterlogged, and as if because it’s spoken of the aches his muscles feel they make themselves prominent in their pulse. Knee shifting in the sand he’s rising above it. He needs away from it—the more he looks down upon it the more allure he’s finding.
He knows better.
Sitting up it raises it’s hands above their head stretching. The silence between them is thick on his end and almost airy on it’s. Eyes carefully watch as it makes it’s way to the shores edge, “There’s a town not to far from here.” it raises it’s hand within the general direction, “Be sure to be careful next time, Captain Sasuke Uchiha.”
The lowering if it’s lids comes as if to tease him, and then with a shift it’s facing the sea once more. He could stop this mermaid here and now but it would do him no good. There’s no way he could capture a tear in this scenario.
“Your name?” his voice his gruff and his throat burns at the use.
The spin upon it’s feet comes within the sand, “Sakura—safe travels.” a step within the water and then a turn back before it’s diving head first within the waters.
Irritation is bubbling within him at the antics of this mermaid. He’s lost his chance here, but there will be another mermaid after it. This is for the best. He knows what to expect with the next. It had saved him just the same, and so he wouldn’t bring further harm or threat to it.
For it’s own sake it had best never cross paths with him once again. Memaids. They’re truly devilfish.
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godseyegalaxy · 6 years
Candle and the Wax Flame- 2 - The Start
“You’re wish is futile, how hard is that to explain?” The mermaid’s silver tail kicked up water directed towards the pirate standing on the rocks. Then, she added, “Now, stop pestering me. It’s been a week, Icora, take your crew and leave this island behind.” 
The pirate, Icora, took off her hat and shook off the water droplets. The thin smile on her face never leaving. Cere pushed her tail through the water again and thought about leaving the pirate alone in the outlet, she probably would have, if the bitch wasn’t dangling her sister’s necklace just out of arms reach. With any other bastard she would have killed them and taken back what was hers, but Icora was a benefactor, and Cere had no intension of losing an asset.
Shards of red and green light bounced brightly off the neckless as it dangles casually midair. The lights flashed in her eyes and painfully reminded the mermaid how trapped she really was. Cere watched the neckless sink as the bastard woman knelt to her level.  
“Come now, Cere, ‘Futile’ is a harsh word-”
“Because you don’t know what it means?”
Icora paused mid-sentence, then started to laugh. She had a whole-hearted laugh, one of a seasoned mother or a well traversed clerk, not one typical for a pirate. Cere always hated the sound.
“No, no, my friend, oh my... Simply because I know it’s not futile. With your help and my crew, I’m sure we can find the remains of the city.”
Cere scowled, with her narrow face, it took up the majority of space. Icora always found it cute. With Cere’s big pitch-black eyes and boney features, Icora always thought the mermaid was cute. As cute as an ugly fish from the sea can be.  
“What makes you think there is anything left of Manora? Huh?”
“Oh, there is always something left.” She stood, taking the accessory with her. “If not proper things, say pieces of artwork, tools, and of course, metals… then ideas, traditions, and more.”
Cere snorted. “Since when do you deal in ideas? It’s always been about trinkets and gold with you.”
“Cus it seemed to be the only thing that kept you interested.” Icora gestured to all the gold and copper decorating the mermaid’s body. That is to say, she gestured to all of the mermaid, right down to the tail. Bangles, piercings, hair beads, rings and everything in between covered the creature, at it all was gifts from the buccaneer. Payments for previous jobs. “Life on land isn’t a concern for you, but for many of my crew, it is.” She continued. “Life on the islands is getting more difficult, and what would happen to my business if everyone on land moved or died?”
Icora rarely spoke about the troubles on the lands with Cere – as she said, why would the mermaid care?— however, when she did, the pained look in her eyes were bluntly apparent. Either she did care about the islands, or that was her puppy dog face. Still, it was off putting, just enough for her guard to be let down.  
The land dwellers were not the only ones being affected poorly, but not many land dwellers cared about the happenings under the waves outside the fishing industry. Eventually, the sea folk would have to leave the water surrounding the islands. But, that would be long after the humans, elves and whatnot left. Still, if the fearless Icora was worried, maybe there was something to the whole thing.  
Cere met Icora’s eyes to see that ugly smile spread across her face; the smile of someone who know they had won. The same smile she had seen as she captained her ship out of a harsh take over or a storm, the kind where the wind would pick up and the sun would shine in beams across the sky.  
Cere snarled at the woman. “I’ll meet you at your god damn fucking ugly ass ship.”
Icora laughed, full like the moon, or the vary waves that crashed on the rocks. “I should have never let my crew teach you curse words.”
“And you shouldn’t have fucking tracked me to a god damn random island, but here we are, Icora.” The mermaid brushed the sides of her shaved head and gathered up her hair before diving back into the turquois blue water.  
A wave of warm salty water came crashing down on the pirate captain, successfully soaking her. She wiped her face and brushed back her wild hair, turning around just in time to see Maritime break through the foliage shielding the lagoon from the rest of the island.  
“Martie, just in time, what is it?”
“Just looking for the captain, have you seen her?” She cocked her head to the side, “About this tall, old as shit, likes to wander off and leave the crew to her ship alone on a random island to find a mermaid with just a ‘gut feeling’ to guide her?”  
“Alright, Alright, Maritime.” Icora jumped to the shore, ignoring the helping hand from her apprentice. “But you’ll be happy to know that I found our guide.”
“Really?” the girl started to follow her captain back through the trees. “How’d ya convince her to help us?”
Icora had already put the neckless in her cloth belt before Cere left. “You know me, I have a way with words.”
Martie snorted and rolled her eyes. She had been recruited, or adopted as the crew put it, as Icora’s first and only apprentice when she tried to pickpocket her in the market place. She was maybe ten at the time, but, with no memories of her name, parents or her home island, that didn’t stop the captain from extending her hand. Nothing, she learned, stopped the captain.  
In the six years Martie has spent with the crew, she had learned an infinite amount of skills and tricks, not only to be a successful pirate, but also a business person, crafter, and navigator, but still she knew next to nothing about the woman who adopted her. She wasn’t cruel, wasn’t liked by those on the outside, but wasn’t hated either. She told impossible stories that happened years in the past like they were resent happenings, she spoke of gods as friends, monsters as things that really existed. Something, Martie knew, was off about her dear captain, after all it was obvious, yet that didn’t deter the crew from loyalty. They loved her just as much as Icora cared for them. Any secrets didn’t seem to matter.  
“If you say so, cap’t.” Martie shrugged. “The ships next to the beach. Brinkley went around the island like you ordered, but there’s a sand bar on this side, so we couldn’t get that close.”
Icora nodded and continued to push through island flora. “I’m glad that at least one of my subordinates can follow directions.” She said slyly, glancing behind her.
Martie groaned. “Ok fine, I got bored just waiting. I wanted to see Cere too.”
Martie and Cere had grown to be what someone might call friends. Pair a child’s persistence and open mind with a creature of superior intellect but little skill in land language and there was bound to be some sort of connection. Icora enjoyed their partnership, as before it was only she that Cere would deal with, but now Cere acknowledged the other members of the crew and even worked with some of them. It benefited everyone involved, just considering the knowledge transferred.  
“And what if you gave her an excuse to disappear huh?” Even though the captain was still smiling, Martie knew that she was legitimately annoyed with her.
“My apologies, Captian. I wasn’t thinking.” She frowned; she hatted apologizing, but knew when it was necessary.  
That was another fun thing about their friendship; they had some of the same mannerisms.
“I’m not angry.” That much was true, “But I will have you clean all the buckets before we pull of, yeah?”  
They broke through the forests into a plain of tall yellow grass and crooked palm trees. The ship could be seen a few leagues off of the shore.  
“Yes, ma’am.” Martie pulled ahead and walked to the rowboat she tied to a palm close to the beach.  
Icora took her time, gathering the odd coconut and flower, before settling down beside Martie and picking up an oar.  
Neither of them spoke on the way back to the boat. They breathed in tandem and rhythmically rowed through the midday waves. The water grew from glacier blue to black, then back to light blue as they passed over the sand bar. Sweet beaded and dripped down their faces and backs, for a few seconds Icora thought about pealing of her leather jacket, but when she looked back to check how far the ship was, she found it looming over her.  The shadow passed over the tiny boat, granting cool refuge.  
Two crew men looked over the edge of the ship and down at them, they waved and Icora waved back.  
“Welcome back captain!” Bo, one of the men, shouted down.
“Not back yet! Throw down the ropes!” Icora shouted back.
The men disappeared. Martie, who had grabbed the other oar, steered so the boat was almost flush to the barnacle crusted hull and underneath the apparatus. Immediately, ropes came down inches from landing inside and on top of the awaiting two.  
With practiced ease, Icora tied the boat up and soon after they were being lifted out of the water and up towards the deck.  
When she was finally able to see over the railing, she was met with her first mate, Brinkley. He smiled warmly and nodded. Brinkley has a colorful history as a first mate with other ships— interesting enough to catch Icora’s attention—however what really peaked her interest was the fact that all the ships under his proctor would vanish within a year or two. Crew, except for him, included. Many high-end navies lost proud vessels both as victim and while in search of the culprit. What was funny, is that Brinkley never changed his name, so it was a very easy trail to track. But of course, came the mystery of why and how? After all he was just one man.
Icora was prepared to fight him to prove that she was the captain he was looking for, however, according to legend, the moment Brinkley laid eyes on the young captain Icora, he bowed and proclaimed loyalty right then and there. Neither of them ever denied the story, but they never confirmed it either. Either way the results are the same, Icora and Brinkley have been partners in crime for years now, never been caught, and never without something to do.  
Most of the crew agreed; they were as perfect as a captain and a first mate could be.
“Welcome home, Captain Icora.” He extended his hand. “I hope your vacation was well worth it.”
Icora hopped down onto her beloved deck and scanned Brinkley. From the black braids in his hair down to his ink boots, he was soaking wet. His dark skin glistened in the sunlight, he was obviously exhausted, but his demeanor did everything it could to hid it. Icora laughed.
“It seems you already know the answer to that, Brinkley. Tell me, did she climb up and over or did she request a net.” She reached back to assist Martie.
“A net, this time, captain. She was furious that you weren’t already on board, and frankly, Icora, I am too. You know she doesn’t like me very much, and, it's not in my nature to carry sopping wet, naked women around. Tail or no tail.” He turned his attention to the young apprentice. “And you, young lady, I hope you know you will be cleaning –“
“All the buckets before we leave.” Maritime finished his sentence while rolling her eyes. “Icora already told me so buzz off.” She stuck her tongue out before leaving to go below deck.  
Brinkley’s brooding was interrupted by a strong hand landing on his shoulder, he leaned into Icora’s firm frame.
“You and I think too much alike, eh?” She smiled.
“Ey, much too alike. I don’t know what I’m going to do with her.” His eyebrows furrowed. As long as Martie has been aboard, Brinkley has tried to somewhat a role model. Icora always joked that it was the proper gentleman coming out of him, and that he wasn’t the father that Martie was looking for. He always denied his role, but it was painfully obvious that he wanted her to like him. At least a little bit.  
“Oh? I’ll tell you what you’re going to do, you’re going to do the same thing that you have been doing for the past six years. Go down to her with some treats, hoping to talk to her, and getting the door slammed in your face.” She jostled him. “Now, before you do that, where has my catch of the day flopped off to?”
Brinkley signed. “Cere’s where she always is when she waits for you, in your office with a bottle of wine and a dagger by her side.”  
The captain laughed, making the nearby crew members smile. “I guess I should give her some company then?”
“Probably, yes. Before she tears up what is left of your couch.” He looked around for a moment. “Are your orders to stay here until we know where we are going?”
“Yup. And to give Maritime the opportunity to clean.” She left Brinkley towards the bridge.  
A knife flew through the air and dug itself a few inches into the side of the door. Icora sighed, as it was both a few inches from her face, and the seventh notch in her door. She opened the door all the way, confident that Brinkley said ‘dagger’ and not ‘daggers.’ The mermaid lounged across her couch, tail lifelessly handing over the edge, almost blocking the door. A bottle of wine in one hand, while her other hand now free from the knife, fanned herself.
“You know how much I despise this room; its hot, its humid, and it smells like sex and booze. How dare you make me wait.”
“I’ll have you know that I have never had sex in here thank you very much.” She slipped off her jacket and set it on her chair on the opposite side of the room. Every time Cere was brought in here, she complained about something new. It was actually beginning to be a game. The heat and humidity were always on the high up, to remind Icora that she was dealing with a creature of the frozen deep, but the sex smell was a new one.
“I never said it was your sex. Gross.” She tugged at a clump of still dripping hair and pulled it over her body. right now, her long black hair was the only thing keeping her cool. Icora didn’t think that was the intention of mermaids having long hair, but it was a feature.
Icora ignored her guest’s comment and went through the stacks of miscellaneous things on her shelves. Mostly mapping equipment, keys, photographs, but also special items that she kept just for Cere’s visits. And by special; a fan, piece of patterned cloth, two cups and a canteen with the ocean’s water.
She wasted no time with idol chit chat this time around, which put Cere on edge. She had seen Icora in tense moments before, times where one on one became one on four or ten, times where the storms howled its loudest. This was not that close, but playtime was over. Icora carefully placed each item on the table before her and went back to her desk. Cere poured wine for the two of them and gladly helped herself to the oriental fan.  
She came back with a large scroll of paper, trading the wine cup for the map, she rolled out the map. Tons of markings cluttered the once pristine paper, red circles and tiny holes riddled the paper, marking all the old expeditions that the pirate had been on. Cere glanced over the map, the hand drawn islands and dark stains reminded her of all the time they used to spend together, and the time Icora herself tossed the mermaid over her shoulder and dove face first into an uncharted jungle. It was all ridiculous, Cere doubted the shenanigans would end soon.  
Icora placed one final pin through the map and sat down. A total of 8 pins marked places that she, personally, has not explored. If Cere was anyone else, it would have been impressive, given the thousands of archipelagos throughout the sea, but it was Cere.  
“Well.” She took a sip of wine. “These are all the places a hidden civilization could be. Not visible with regular trade routes, not in the dead zone, and were all the surrounding islands can support life. What do you think.”
Cere leaned in to study the islands closer. They did meet all of Icora’s standards. A place to hide, supported by life, not protected or colonized by other countries and, of course, not explored. However, there were a few problems.
She picked a pin out of the map and set it down. “This island is in the Witch Nagga’s territory. She would not let anyone live there.”
“What if Nagga moved there after the city was established?”
“Nagga has not moved since the beginning of the islands’ creation. Her territory has never grown nor shrunk and she has never let anyone stay more than a few passing days. She would not let people thrive.”  Annoyance shrouded her words. Every sea dwelling person knew about the great witch, telling someone was like stating the obvious.
“Aright, then. Next.”
If Cere had irises, she would have rolled her eyes. Instead she growled and returned her attention to the map.
“This one.” she grabbed another pin on the opposite side of the map. “Sirens frequent this area, it acts like a hub of sorts.”  
Sirens hated people. Hated the touch of people, and usually killed them off immediately. Much like flies or lice. They would never congregate if the island was tainted, and never let them in either.
Icora sighed. “I wish you would tell me this stuff before.”
“Not your business, Land-Lover.” She smirked. “Don’t want you messing up other people’s lives like you have mine.”  
“Oh please, your life has been enriched by me and you know it.” She took another sip of wine.
More pins were pulled out as Cere studied the map, she explained why each time and, Icora tried to remember each reason for the future. Icora knew some of the DeepSea trade route, just by Cere mentioning it in passing, but its extensions were still foreign, and truth be told, it didn’t concern Icora. It was, however, important to the merfolk and apparently, they and the members of the fae had outposts on islands far beyond the reach of others. Just that detail alone took out three from the running.  
And then there were two pins left. One in the upper left at the edge of a key, just outside the dead zone, and other one by itself in the June Sea, right outside mermaid territory.  
The captain set down her empty cup and leaned into the map.
“These are it? There are no more places that only you know of?”
“I’m done wasting time, Icora, these two places are the only ones a civilization like the stories depict could be. If it did exist at all.”  
Icora furrowed her brow, thinking hard about any other detail that could open up other areas. There was nothing.
“Alright then.” She tapped the one at the edge of the key. “This one is closer, it has islands close to it so the beings there might have had knowledge of the city. An easy supply and travel route, and as you said, benevolent beings under the waters. Shall we start here?”
Cere shrugged. “I can swim there in less than 3 days.” She started to trace her fingers on the map. “If you travel up this way, I can meet you here.” She tapped the space that was somewhat between the two pins left standing. “And let you know if there’s anything worthwhile there.”
“You and what legs?” Icora asked out of habit.
“Fuck you.”
“Promise to meet me?” She said without skipping a beat.
“You still have my neckless, I have no choice.” Then. “You’ve… Also piqued my interest with this new fascination of yours.”
“Oh?” Icora leaned in, a thin smile stretched across her sun-tanned skin. “Do tell. How does a ‘land-loving’ civilization pique the interest of a selfish mermaid such as yourself?”
Cere let her blank eyes speak for herself. Icora leaned back before deciding to stand.
“Fine fine, it’s not my ‘business,’ I understand.  I like your plan, we will set off as soon as you’re ready.” She held out a hand, adorning a few rings on her finders.  
A hand shake didn’t mean anything to those dwelling under the sea, and Cere made a point to say it every time she offered, yet Icora persisted. She was a business woman and god be damned if they didn’t seal the deal with touching skin. If someone was flaky on a deal then why would a handshake matter?
Cere took her hand anyway and, wiped her hand on the couch right after. Icora laughed, took up the map and brought it to her desk to make some more calculations. While her back was turned, Cere pored another glass and dumped a quarter of the water on her face. The surface was way too hot for any living creature. The fact that there were creatures above water proved that there were monsters out there. Worst of it all, the fan was doing next to nothing to cool her down.  
Cere sunk deep into the couch and sighed. She had to admit though, watching an experienced adventure work was mesmerizing. Icora weaved among piles on the ground to collect all the tools she needed to mark her course. A few minutes later, mostly due to double checking once or twice, she set her tools down and turned on her heels.  
Without a word she left the room, not even glancing at the mermaid that mostly blocked the doorway. In retaliation, Cere poured the rest of the canteen on her tail, letting the salt water spread on the leather.  
A few heat wreaking minuets that felt like hours later, a knock rapped on the door. The sullen face of Brinkley slowly opened the door and peered in.
“The captain has ordered me to take you to Maritime’s room.” He locked eyes with the mermaid and refused to look anywhere else. “Everything set?” He asked, out of political correctness more than anything.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Cere stared at him with equal intensity and distain.
Ever since Icora dragged him on board, Cere never spent longer than she had to with him. She hated him, hated the way the feeling of his gaze got under her skin. Only once did Cere mention it to Icora, ‘it’ being the dark aura around the first mate, but Icora simply waved her off. That was the first sign that Icora knew exactly what she was doing, and Cere hated that. Hated Icora’s confidence and hated every single thing that ‘Brinkley’ ever touched. It was annoying too, why have her around when Icora’s just going to ignore her advice?
One day Cere would find out what made Icora and Brinkly such a pair, and she would wait patiently for that day. But for now…
“Shall I?” Brinkley cleared his throat.
“Do I have a choice in the matter?” Cere sighed and set down her canteen.
She opened her long arms like a child wanting a hug from a pet and allowed the first mate to scoop her up. The most comfortable way to carry a larger almost 7-foot mermaid was, apparently, over the shoulder so, that’s how Cere was carried. Like a sack of rotting potatoes, she was hauled down a level and to the other side of the ship. Neither of them speaking another word. Not even an apology when Cere tripped him up with her tail or when her head hit one of the steep steps.
Maritime was one of the lucky few that got a room to herself, being the captain's first and only apprentice and, of course, being a young girl. She lived alongside the other more important crew members down a narrow hallway, being ever so grateful for one of the cartographers eloping with a cook and them willing to move into the same room together. The rooms were small, smaller than any hidey hole she had ever slept in, but it was home to Martie.  
It was also, in part, Cere’s home too. Whenever she climbed on board this deathtrap of a ship, she always found herself spending at least a few hours with Martie. Maybe it was their hatred of Brinkley that brought them together, or their willing entrapment by Icora, either way, they were friends.
Brinkley politely knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Cere might have waited except her face was against the opposite wall, and it was Brinkley.  
Cere slammed her tail against the door as hard as she could without braking the wood. A startling thump sounded down the hallway, loud enough for other sleeping members to react with a start.  
“MARTIE! OPEN UP!” If people were still sleeping, they were awake now.  
There was a loud thump before the door swung wide open. As quickly as possible, Brinkley entered the room—which was filled with grimy buckets— dropped Cere onto the bed and left, knowing he was unwanted there.
The tiny space was barely large enough to fit Cere’s silvery- opal tail, even when it folded over itself. That paired with the buckets meant that there was little room for Martie herself, so she sat on her desk with a pile of dishrags in her lap. The two looked at each other for a moment before Martie threw a rag at Cere and started scrubbing.
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eirabach · 7 years
Heathens [14/14]
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Summary: After the events of Renegades, Emma finds herself the reluctant monarch of a struggling Kingdom, her only advisors a mish mash of those who’ve betrayed her in the past, and her only comfort one very uncomfortable pirate.
Believing her long lost parents could still be alive, Emma and Killian set out to find them and reunite them with both their daughter and their throne.
(Yeah, @katie-dub here posting again, generally being irritating, earning my keep as a beta, you know. When it came to betaing @phiralovesloki did most of the real work and both Clare and I love her for it.)  The truly fantastic @seastarved also has Clare’s thanks and needs some love from admiring fans for her incredible artwork (which you should totally check out and reblog too). I know that Clare loves every one of her readers - even if she hasn’t been able to reply to your comments!
Rated: E. Warnings for violence and corporal/capital punishment in previous chapters.
This chapter 3.1k
Other Pairings: Snowing
Catch up on tumblr: Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve or here on AO3
Chapter Thirteen: Every Little Fool
Snow White, as Emma had suspected she would be, is a consummate queen. She cuts a regal figure even in her peasant’s rags as she marches through the gates of Eric's castle to thunderous applause, Ariel’s squeals of joy only brightening her husband's delighted smile.
King Eric not only offers them a ship and safe passage, but also is happy to offer David pardon on bended knee while Snow watches beatifically from the sidelines, hastily adorned in one of Ariel’s crowns. He is even willing to offer Killian a swift handshake and a gruff “Don't come back” that seems to mean as much to the pirate as any proffered jewel.
Almost as much, Swan. Gold’s gold, after all.
Snow White also cries though. A lot.
It was only to be expected, Emma supposes, immediately after the curse had broken. Snow had been understandably overwhelmed by shock, grief, horror, and the sweetest of relief. So Emma had borne it with good grace when Snow had thrown her arms around her neck and wept into her hair. She’d smiled as she'd led Killian away as her parents reconciled, even had to bite back her laughter when Snow had latched her attentions and her tears onto a thoroughly horrified looking Killian, who'd spent a good half an hour patting the rightful Queen of Misthaven’s back while Emma had wrung out her filthy shirt in the water barrel outside.
By the time they’ve returned home, though, and certainly after the weeks that pass as Queen Snow and King David reclaim their kingdom, Emma begins to concede that the tears are getting tiresome.
“You will be careful won't you?” Snow asks for the fifth time, dabbing at her cheeks with a fine linen handkerchief. “We don't know what Regina could be planning next.”
“She can plot all she likes,” Emma scoffs, “I'm not worrying about her. Not today.”
“And what about storms? And mermaids? And - ”
“We've weathered them all before, Mom, I promise you.”
Emma wraps her arms around both of them, and buries her face in the collar of her father's fur lined cloak.
She’s spent almost all her life with no one to worry about but herself, and it’s overwhelming, sometimes, to be faced with the knowledge that she has people now. People who love her. People she can lose. Killian had offered to delay the trip, offered to forget it all together if she’d rather have remained at the castle with her parents, but she’d seen the light in his eyes when she’d suggested it.
(“For how long?”
“For as long as you want.”)
Plus, although she’s learning to love her parents, learning to appreciate their gentle words and protective instincts, there’s something to be said for escaping their smothering now and then.
“You be careful, okay? I've had much better luck with curses than either of you.”
“It's not the curses I'm worried about,” grumbles her father as he glares over her shoulder towards the dock.
Emma laughs, pulling back to wriggle her fingers and allow the setting midsummer sun to send rainbows skimming across the surface of her new ring.
“It's all perfectly proper, Dad,” she says, grinning. David looks unconvinced.
“There's nothing remotely proper about that man, Emma.”
“I know,” she says, biting her lip. “That's why I like him.”
David closes his eyes and shudders lightly.
“I don't want to think about it.”
“You sound like Blue. Is this because he beat you at cards again?”
“He cheated!”
Emma sighs, kissing her father on the cheek and then rocking back on her heels.
“Alright, alright. If it helps at all, I'm pretty sure he's too busy with his other woman to bother with me.”
The three of them turn to watch the proceeds at the dock. Killian is dressed, at Snow’s insistence, in the sort of princely garb he would have set alight were Blue to have suggested it, but he’s still clearly a man in his element as he stands at the bottom of the gangplank apparently interrogating every man who steps aboard his newest beloved. The words The Lady Swan are visible above his head in smart black cursive on forget-me-not blue.
“Does he have some sort of problem with the crew?” Snow asks, her brow furrowing, “Ariel insists they are the best men they can spare and I don’t think she’d risk - ”
“Don’t worry,” Emma assures her. “I trust Ariel entirely. Killian on the other hand…” She smiles as he whips a flask out of one man’s hand and throws it overboard. “I don’t think he’ll ever trust her to anyone but himself.”
“I’m not sure it’s the ship he’s worried about,” says Snow knowingly, giving Emma a gentle push. “Off with you then, before your father changes his mind about the blessing.”
“Bit late for that,” David mutters, “unfortunately.”
“Alright, alright.” She throws her parents one last smile, the sky glowing red behind them as the sun touches the horizon. “We’ll be back before you know it.”
“Do you mean that?” asks Snow. “Or are you just trying to get rid of us?”
“Hardly,” Emma says, and it still astounds her how much she’s come to mean it. “You were hard enough to find in the first place.”
Snow smiles.
“Then go.”
She doesn’t need telling again, jogging up to the gangplank as quickly as her rather voluminous cloak will allow.
“Emma.” Killian turns to her with relief, his hair standing slightly on end from the number of times he’s run his hand through it. “Thank god. We need to set sail before I change my mind, these men are - oi! You!” he gestures furiously towards a young man carrying a coil of rope. “Put that back! You don’t bloody - not there, you idiot!”
Emma stands on her tiptoes to drop a kiss to the corner of his lips.
“I’m so glad you’re taking this whole relinquishing command thing in your stride.”
“I’m just not certain this isn’t some sort of truly convoluted revenge plan of Eric’s,” Killian grumbles. “Sending me a crew so incompetent I daren’t relax for even a moment - Hey! You! You with the chest! That’s bad form, that is, put it back where you found it!” He looks down beseechingly at Emma who’s struggling to contain her grin. “They keep touching things.”
“It’s their job,” she says, resting her palms flat against his chest. “You’re not captain on this voyage, remember?”
“Believe me, it’s painfully hard to forget.”
Emma slides her hands a little lower and tilts her head.
“Well, maybe I could help with that. That is, if we ever get out of the harbour.”
“Very good point, love,” Killian says, still frazzled, but, she hopes at least, for a slightly different reason. “Tick tock.”
He rather gallantly holds out his arm for her to take, which she does whilst pretending not to see the grin he sends over her shoulder to her watching father, and leads her aboard the newest flagship of Misthaven’s navy.
(It might also be the only ship in Misthaven’s navy, but it hardly matters. Who’s counting after all?)
He stops as they reach the deck, bowing low over her hand and then dropping a kiss to it before he rises.
“Welcome aboard, your Highness. Here’s to a better trip than the last, aye?”
“Sounds good to me,” Emma says, nodding to the vessel’s actual captain as he doffs his hat to her. “I think I’ve had enough adventure for a lifetime.”
“Now that,” Killian says with a twinkle in his eye, “is almost certainly a lie.”
“You think?” Emma asks, raising her brow. Killian grins.
“So, there’s no way in which I can… tempt you?” He leans closer and whispers in her ear. “I promise warm sands and incredible sights. And privacy. Lots of privacy.”
“Hmm,” Emma taps her chin. “How much privacy are we talking here? No fairies?”
“No fairies, no dwarves, no disapproving fathers,” he agrees, wriggling his eyebrows. “No clothes.”
“Well,” she says, sliding her hands up his chest and leaning into him. “When you put it like that…”
“Weigh anchor!” bellows the captain, and the Lady Swan rocks beneath them, Emma flinging her arms around Killian’s neck in order to keep her balance.
“I am never getting used to that.”
Killian laughs, clear and joyous, and drops a kiss to the top of her head.
“I’ll make a pirate of you yet, Swan. Only fair, since you’ve made me a prince.”
“Yeah, in name maybe,” she says, grinning, as he leads her over to the bow of the ship. “But I reckon there’s a little pirate left in you yet.”
“How dare you?” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around her as they two of them look out towards the purpling horizon. “I’m a gentleman.”
Emma hums, taking hold of his hand and sliding it between the edges of her cloak where she’s naked beneath, taking pride in the way his eyes widen.
“What a shame,” she mutters. “Cause I might have need of a pirate tonight.”
His fingers flex against the bare skin of her belly once, twice, and then he breathes out heavily, his thumb stroking gently just below her belly button.
“You will be the death of me, won’t you.”
Emma hums noncommittally as she encourages his hand higher, only stopping when his fingers brush the curve of her breast and she can feel his intake of breath.
“You did promise privacy.”
“Not here,” he mutters, and she grins to hear the scandalised note in his tone. “These are your father’s men!”
“And I’m their crown princess,” Emma counters. “What are they going to do about it?”
He groans, pressing his lower body against hers and dropping his chin to her shoulder.
“Five minutes, please, that’s all I ask and then I swear...”
“Swear what - Oh! Wow!”
The darkening sky lights up in a thousand sparks of colour, red, blue, gold falling around the bows of the ship in showers of light as Emma leans forward against the bow rail.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispers, “did you do this?”
Killian just brushes a lock of hair behind her ear, his voice a little raspy as he agrees.
Snow and David remain on the dockside to watch the fireworks reflecting off the ship’s wake.
“I’m still not sure this isn’t a horrible idea,” mutters David as Snow presses herself into his side to avoid the cool dusk breeze. “What if something goes wrong?”
“Then they’ll deal with it, David,” Snow says. “They’ve got each other, they’ll be okay.”
David sighs.
“If you say so. You seem very relaxed about all this - we only just got her back.”
“And I only just got you back too,” Snow says slyly, “or did you forget?”
“Well there are a few advantages to a bit of privacy around the place,” David concedes, “although giving the pirate nightmares was rather enjoyable.”
Snow laughs, and burrows further into the warmth of his cloak.
“I know I should be sad, watching her sail away, but I can’t be. Not really, not now. Do you know why?”
David looks down at her as she turns her face up to his, her smile as soft and as gentle as any he’d seen on her in the time before, its brightness the sweetest promise of happiness she could have offered him.
“She called me mom.”
The sailors avert their eyes as the last of the sparks settles into the ocean and the Crown Princess of Misthaven leads her lover below decks by the curve of his hook. Not that Emma cares, she has more important things on her mind. The bloody cloak for one.
She’s halfway through shrugging it off at the bottom of the ladder, fiddling with the small silver clasps that had to work to protect her modesty back on shore, when Killian clears his throat behind her.
“Not that your eagerness isn’t a delight,” he says, a touch awkwardly, “and not that I want to appear ungrateful for the surprise, but first - what do you think?”
“About what?” she asks, and looks up.
The Lady Swan isn’t much larger than the late Jolly Roger, so she’s been expecting similarly tight quarters, but clearly Killian, or whoever he’s convinced to arrange the stateroom in his absence, had had other ideas.
There’s still a desk, ink pot and quill at the ready and several rolls of parchment tucked neatly into cubby holes beside it, and a large, leaded window that casts the last rays of sunset across the cabin’s polished wood floor, but it’s far larger than the Jolly Roger’s accommodations, brighter and warmer somehow too, as though the terrible events of the Roger’s life had lingered in her boards and walls whereas here is washed clean, renewed. Ready for a new adventure.
Emma takes a deep breath, and feels much the same.
All around them are reminders of the place that they now call home. Misthaven’s standard is painted on one wall, the gold and cream filigree around the window echoing its curves and warmth. There’s a small portrait of her parents on a nightstand, a full length mirror at one wall, the barrel of honeyed mead Granny had gifted them tucked in the corner beside it and weighted with sandbags for safety.
And in the centre of it all, lit by red-gold sunlight and covered in sheets of fine white silk, is an absolutely enormous bed.
“I hope you like it,” Killian says. “It was a real bastard to get in.”
“You really went all out, huh?”
“Well,” Killian says, slipping from behind her to stand before her, his hand on hers where they’ve frozen on the clasps of her cloak. “It isn’t everyday an old pirate like me gets to bed a beautiful princess, is it?”
“It kind of is, actually,” Emma says, smiling as she moves her hands to rest on his hips and allows him to work the fastenings free. “What did you think we’ve been doing so far? Because I promise you we weren’t playing cribbage.”
“Ah,” he says, dropping a kiss to the exposed flesh of her throat as the first clasp comes undone. “But this is different.”
“Is it?”
“It is.”
He pulls back, smiling broadly, and she sees in him the same light, the same joy she’s seen that first evening on the Jolly Roger so many months ago. A man at peace. A man at home.
“Happy honeymoon,” he murmurs.
“Happy honeymoon.”
She shrieks with laughter as he pushes her back onto the bed, her cloak falling open around her as she wriggles up onto her elbows and grins up at him.
“Well?” she asks, crossing her bare legs at the ankles, “what do you think?”
Killian groans, dropping to his knees at the end of the bed, and, sliding off the silk slipper she wears, presses a kiss to the arch of her foot.
Emma snorts with laughter and jerks away reflexively before raising her other leg enough to kick the second slipper free.
“Alright there, Swan?” asks Killian, grinning as she settles back down. “Ticklish?”
“If I say yes, will you ever let me live it down?”
He tilts his head as though considering, and his grin turns sly.
“I think I could turn it to my advantage.”
“And I think I could kick you right in your pretty face,” says Emma. “Maybe let’s not test it tonight.”
“No,” agrees Killian, his expression softening. “Not tonight.”
He rises to his feet, the intensity with with he looks at her making her feel strangely self-conscious, her teeth biting into her lip as she keeps her knees together.
“I can’t believe,” he says, and she’s astounded to hear his voice crack. “That I’m your husband. That I - that you - ”
“That nothing,” she says softly, sitting up to rest her palm against his rough cheek. “I love you.”
“Aye,” he says, and smiles, a small, quiet little thing. “That you do. And I, you.”
“So enough of that, okay?” she says as she works the buttons loose on his shirt. “Enough of worrying and doubting and protocol and all that shit. You and me, okay? That’s all that matters. As long as we have each other, we’ll be just fine.”
Killian sighs, a long, satisfied sort of sound.
“Sounds perfect to me, love.”
He drops his forehead to rest against hers as she pulls his shirt free of his breeches, his breath coming in gentle puffs until she’s worked the fabric over his shoulders and onto the floor to be followed by the solid thunk of his hook and brace. Only then does he move to kiss her, his mouth warm and insistent over hers as he leans over her, the two of them falling together into the comfort of the feather bed, and all Emma can think is perfect.
Finally, everything is perfect.
So the lost princess has married her pirate prince, and is no longer lost. The girl whom nobody wanted has became the darling of a nation, the boy whom nobody cared for knows what it was to be beloved. The frightened are now fearless, the lonely safe in the bosom of family.
The kingdom rejoices as the queen regains her throne, her consort steady at her side, and many a bard sing many a song in their honour. She rules with fairness, her people’s champion, and the lands grown rich and bountiful beneath her glory. The people sing her name in the taverns and the streets, and no longer do they look for a saviour. No longer do they fear the forces of the dark.
The lands are peaceful. The seas calm. Both beautiful and bountiful.
It is noon in the realm, and the hours of darkness seem far away, the people free to love and laugh and dance through all the hours of the daylight.
But daylight never lasts forever, and darkness always must fall.
She watches them through her mirror, the warped, spotted surface twisting their faces into caricatures of themselves as the princess and her new husband move together. So sweet. So romantic. So terribly doomed.
Shame really, she thinks as she taps at the glass with a long fingernail. They’re rather pretty.
“Are you enjoying the show, dearie?”
The witch drops her mirror and turns to the figure in her fireplace with a scowl.
“Would you begrudge an old lady a little entertainment?”
The Dark One smiles with his flame-lipped mouth, sparks flaring within his fiery eyes as he peers out of the smoke.
“Later,” he says. “But first…”
“But first,” agrees the witch, picking the mirror back up and running a gnarled finger over the mottled glass, a bloody cloth tight in the fist of her hand. “There’s those what must pay, and we shall collect.”
“Yes,” agrees the Dark One, his teeth flashing red in the flames. “We shall.”
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You Talk Too Much
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*Requested*  An imagine where the Reader is starting their first day as a new member of Uma's crew. Uma has left the reader with Harry to show her the ropes of the ship but while he is rambling on about the ship, the Reader gets bored and snatches Harry's hook just to get him to shut up.
Paring: Reader x Harry Hook
Word count: 2,106
A/N: This took so long to write because I love Harry so much and I wanted to make it perfect!!!
Request | Masterlist
It was an oddly sunny day on the Isle of the Lost; it surprised many of the island dwellers as it was rare for the sun to shine through the thick dark clouds that loomed overhead. However, (Y/N) thought that it was a nice change from the constant gloomy days that plagued this godforsaken island.
You were up bright and early, on your way to the docks as you were starting your first day as a member of Uma's pirate crew. Uma was impressed by your remarkable skill with a sword and propositioned you an honorary spot amongst her ranks, and without hesitation, you took her proposition.
Being one of Smee's many grandchildren, you grew accustomed to the pirate way of life as you had a tendency to associate yourself with nobody but pirates, and that included James Bartholomew Hook a.k.a Captain Hook and his offspring.  
However, despite being popular amongst the pirates and your grandfather being Hook's first mate, the Captain wasn't very fond of you, to say the least. This was due to you accidentally dropping one of his special screw on hooks into the water and Tick-Tock the Crocodile swallowed it whole. But when it came to his children, that was a different story. You got along with them fairly well, all the while learning a thing or two about sword fighting from either Harriet or CJ, but from Harry, he taught you everything there was to know about sword fighting.
Both you and the Captain’s son were inseparable, often causing all kinds of trouble around the Isle when you were younger — sword fighting each other while swapping tips, chasing each other around the docks, terrorising and pulling pranks on the island dwellers, and making tick tock noises around Captain Hook in order to scare him — but as time went on, Harry wasn’t around much anymore ever since he became Uma’s first mate and joined her pirate crew.
You didn’t want to feel jealous of the sea witch’s daughter but you convinced yourself that you had a good reason to be; Harry up and ditched you and the friendship you had with each other for her. Despite your bitterness towards Uma, you pushed that aside and accepted to be part of her pirate crew. You figured that if you joined it would be for the opportunity to spend more time with Harry again and hopefully regain what was lost.
Stepping foot onto the docks, you sauntered your way towards the ship were you spotted Uma’s crew who were all gathered around and cheering on the handsome and muscular Gil while he was arm wrestling ferocious Jonas, with his hair in cornrows and scar on his left cheek — it wasn't a surprise to you that Gil was winning. Your eyes then shifted towards Uma, the Captain herself, who was sitting on her throne which was constructed out of different species of coral nearby — one side of her lips were tugged upwards that displayed an amused smirk as she watched her crew members battle it out with each other.
You were about to approach your newly appointed Captain when a thick Scottish accent that sounded like it was above you bellowed, "Well, well, well!"
You craned your neck up to see the one person you were hoping to see; Harry. His signature smirk was plastered on his face as he hung onto the rope ladder with one hand while his silver hook was in the other. You raised an eyebrow at the sight of his face when you noticed that he was wearing eyeliner that had been smudged around his eyes. It was rather unusual to see him with eyeliner on unless there was a special occasion or he was trying to appear intimidating on purpose.
However, you didn’t complain as you thought it made his light blue eyes look more alluring and, you would never admit it to his face, but it also made him look sexy. Yes, you were attracted to Harry as you had a hopeless crush on your best friend, and it killed you every day knowing that he would never see you as anything more than just a friend. It also irritated you that he was overly flirty with everyone — and you were no exception — because you couldn’t tell if he was serious or if he was joking with you.
"If it isn't the newest member of the Lost Revenge. I would like to be the first to say welcome aboard!” Harry jumped down from the ladder, landing a few feet away from you.
‘Outrageously dramatic,’ You thought to yourself before you gave him a smirk. "Thanks, Hooky,” You mocked a salute, “Pleasure to see you again."
“The pleasure is all mine (Y/N),” Harry insisted as he shot you a grin, “Haven't seen you for a while, how’re things?"
Awhile might have been an understatement, it had been at least a couple of months since you last saw each other. You shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh you know, same old same old — but things haven’t been the same since..."
You drifted off and avoided his intense gaze. You wanted to say that things haven’t been the same without him by your side and that it had gotten so dull at home. However, before you could finish what you had to say, your reunion was short-lived when Uma approached the both of you, as the rest of the crew gathered around behind her.
“(Y/N), ‘bout time you showed up, welcome aboard!" Uma greeted, placing her sword back into its scabbard.
The crew broke out into cheers, welcoming you with open arms and at that moment, you felt proud; you were officially a pirate and it felt good to be one, as you were expected to be a ‘sidekick' just like your grandfather was.
Uma shouted for her crew to be quiet in which they complied, not wanting to upset her. She then turned back to you, studying you up and down. “Now, first order of business,” Uma declared, eyes still trained on you for a moment before they turned to Harry, "Harry, why don't you show (Y/N) the ropes? I have something to take care of.”
Gil’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Why would you show someone ropes? I mean, they aren't that interesting.”
Uma turned to Gil and gave him a look of disapproval, for him to return it with a goofy smile. You tried to stifle a laugh behind your hand; despite Gil being the muscle, he wasn’t exactly all that sharp but he meant well.
You heard Harry curse under his breath before he made his way over towards Uma, but not before slapping Gil upside the head and pushing him away. He stood close to her, taking off his hat and held it to his chest, "It would be my pleasure, Captain.”
With a satisfied smile, Uma and the rest of her posse dispersed as they went off to do their own thing, only leaving you with Harry.
“So, shall we begin?” Harry’s question was rhetorical, however, there was an eager glint in his eyes.
“By all means,” You motioned the way with your hand, as you stepped onto the ship for the first time.
When Uma said ‘show you the ropes’ you didn’t think it would mean Harry rambling on about every single detail of the ship. He would not shut up and you knew as well as Uma that Harry could talk up a storm; he talked about everything from what kind of wood the ship was made out of or what each of the sails did.
You figured that Uma had nothing for you to do today so she had got Harry to babysit you for a while. But as much as you enjoyed Harry's company, he was boring you out of your mind as he would not stop talking about the stupid ship! Half of the stuff he was saying didn't even make sense to you as most of it was either pirate or sailor slang, you couldn't differentiate between the two.
You sighed deeply and thought to yourself, 'There has to be something to get Harry to shut up.'
As you followed close behind Harry, your eyes caught his hook which nearly blinded you when it shone in the sunlight, as it looked rather primped and polished today. He carried that thing around for as long as you could remember. He didn’t like anyone touching it other than him as it paid homage to his father. Since he couldn’t wear a real hook like his father did, Harry once tried to entice Tick-Tock to bite off his left hand, however, the crocodile didn’t even bat an eye at him. You were glad that Harry didn’t get his hand bitten off as you rather him not be a carbon copy of his father.
A sly smirk spread onto your lips as an idea crept into your head. Swiftly and silently, you snuck up behind Harry and swiped his hook from out of his hand. Before he could react to what was happening you had already climbed up a nearby rope ladder, gazing down at him, and as he whipped his head from left to right, a murderous look flashed in his eyes as he tried to spot the person who stole his precious hook.
“Looking for something?" You smirked, holding the silver hook up to inspect it.
Harry’s head turned to see you hanging onto the rope ladder with one hand while his hook was in the other. You saw that his expression had softened at the sight of you. Harry shook his head as his lips pulled into a smirk as he watched you muster up your best pirate laugh and accent you could before you roared, "Avast me 'earties!"
Another laugh escaped your throat as you jabbed and slashed at the air with the hook, pretending to gut someone as if they were a fish. Harry couldn’t help but find you attractive when you used his hook like that, it only fuelled his hostile and murderous tendencies. After a couple of minutes of watching you and your ridiculous shenanigans, Harry was already missing his hook.
“(Y/N), gimme back my hook,” Harry asked, his voice lowered in warning. He then held out his hand, expecting you to hand it over.
“Not a chance, Hooky,” Your smirk grew into a wide grin.
Harry huffed before he pointed a finger, “Don't make me —"
“If you want your hook back, you’re gonna have to catch me first!” You declared before you jumped off the ladder, dodging past Harry and ran for your life.
When Harry’s mind started to register what had happened, he began to chase you all around the ship and the docks as you skillfully dodged at his every attempt to grab you. After chasing each other around the docks for a good ten minutes, you made a shortcut through an alleyway and made your way back to the ship. You looked over your shoulder, expecting to see Harry following close behind, however, he was nowhere in sight. As you stepped foot onto the deck of the ship, you stopped in your tracks and scanned the area for the pirate.
Your brows furrowed, ‘Where has he gone?’
Abruptly, your upper arm was grabbed and you were thrown against a nearby mast; it was Harry. His body loomed over you as both of his hands rested next to your head just so you couldn’t get away. Neither of you could look away from each other, as the both of you panted from all the running around you had been doing.
“Ooh, getting a little frisky are we?“ You joked, letting out a small laugh before you moved his hook behind your back, just so that he couldn’t reach it.
“What do you think you’re playin’ at, love?” Harry asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He then lifted his hand up to push back your hair behind your ear, before he caressed your face. Your breath hitched in your throat; he’d never been this intimate with you.
You tried to regain your composure by smiling innocently. “I’m not playing at anything. You talk too much, Hooky,” You then whispered with a grin before you leaned forward slowly and was about to kiss his lips when you decided at the last second to kiss his cheek instead.
Harry froze at your bold move and tried to fight the blush that was blossoming onto his face. You managed to slip underneath his grip, shoving his hook at him and walking off with the biggest smile on your face.
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