#minecraft dreams
fandomandangstlover · 6 months
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dreams!Box causally unintentionally traumatizing Balance by Just Existing. (he's slowly losing his grip on Reality. Balance is also kinda slowly going into a coma in this too soo take that what u will lmao.)
lotb × mc dreams content!! because i am trying to write ch.2 and it is Taking Awhile. also this might be foreshadowin'? this is more of a concept then anything but it might become reality. who knows :>
mc dreams my beloved. please let there be more episodes of it please please pleas
no overlay under cut because can't choose which ah like better. yeehaw.
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minecraftdreamer · 7 months
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The morning sun spills over the hills, kissing the tranquil village awake. The houses stand sturdy and bright, with gabled roofs and wooden walls. Each structure is an island upon the calm water, reflections watching below like silent twins. The world is fresh and smells of blooming life. It is a simple place, untouched by the problematic complexities of the world beyond the mountains. Here, there is a rhythm, steady as the water that flows softly under bridges, connecting homes and lives.
Amidst these houses, one senses stories unfolding within. In the smallest cottage near the water's edge, the bread bakes with the promise of warmth and sustenance. A fisherman mends his net, weaving threads with the same patience as he casts lines into the depths, hoping for the embrace of a catch. Children's laughter weaves through the air, as fleeting and precious as the morning mist that rolls over the surface, whispering adventure.
Here, the world is reduced to what one can touch, see, smell, and love. The simplicity of life bears a weight of truth untarnished by deceit or fear. In this place, a day is measured not by hours but by the sun's arc, the growth of a sprout, or the water's rhythmic lapping against the pillars of a home. Here, we are reminded of what is essential – the art of living, the pursuit of pure joy in the dappled light that dances over the village green.
In a world that races by, this tiny hamlet cradled by nature is a fortress of tranquility. It pulses to the beat of the earth's heart – a beat that says home, safety, existence. And so, the village stands, both a testament and invitation to a life beautifully led, surrounded by the arms of the natural world, as enduring as the hills that rise to meet the sky.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 15 days
Minecraft had to pull the Minecraft movie and fully animate it and they deleted the trailer and shii. They also send the producers to jail for like 6 months for making a bad movie so far. I fear.
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craftycalico · 1 month
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anyone remember when he stole all of those bookshelves
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ladyhatty · 8 months
I dreamed I wrote a minecraft TTRPG and there was this huge argument in the fandom of whether the GM should just assume you put down a workbench and chest whenever players stop for more than 2 minutes. Later in the dream my friend was running the game and just got so mad at everyone constantly updating him on things like sticks and dirt and just threw up his hands like "I don't care about your sticks! I don't care if you cheat about your number of sticks! Just tell me like your diamonds and shit" then put someone in minecraft ttrpg timeout for forgetting to mention they broke a glass pane conclusion, this game would be a terrible idea
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morrowart · 3 months
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I feel so free when I draw dsmp fanarts
I'm so glad to come back here sometimes
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capsyst · 10 months
And here it is! My first fully completed Procreate Dreams animation. I used audio from one of Technoblade’s more famous rants during his Potato War series. I love Technoblade and miss him every day, so I hope that I was able to capture the magic of his energy in my animation.
I animated the roughs and drew the backgrounds in Procreate, but then I imported that into Dreams to do all the cleanup. It runs at 24 fps, but there’s a lot of variations to spice it up in there.
I wanted to really challenge myself so there’s a LOT going on in this short 9 second clip. There’s a camera move with multiple layers to achieve a subtle parallax scroll, there’s two lighting changes with one being a completely animated shadow layer, and there’s a warp effect on the curtains for when it opens and closes.
There’s still a lot that could be cleaned up. Some of the linework is a little more jittery than I would prefer, and the coloring process was awful. Every color was its own separate layer, which was exhausting to do. I really hope i can figure out a faster and easier way to do the coloring process because that took me over a week to complete! Yikes!
Overall I’m extremely proud of my work here. I’ve been working on this 9 second clip since Dreams released and I really wanted to showcase to everyone just how powerful Dreams is. I know a lot of people were complaining about it when it released and I wanted to do something to help reorient people’s expectations. I genuinely cannot believe that I did all of this on my iPad!
If anyone has any questions or would like to see a breakdown of this animation, please feel free to contact me!
And remember… Technoblade never dies!
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camenxi · 3 months
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bedrock bros
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outtox1cated · 20 days
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How to kill an iterator- summon the spooky white eye guy from the funny block game and watch your world burn i guess
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How do I Name This One? - 7/28/23
I had a lot of dreams last night that I remember small fragments of.
1. I was in the lobby of a Great Wolf Lodge (which was very spacious and had a high ceiling). The place was super empty, one on desk worker and a group of about 6 people (all one family) who were checking in. Someone was with me. I commented on how empty the place was, to which they said it wasn't. We debated a bit, before we both gave up and the other person began to tell me about stories when they worked at a hotel. I began to eat some fries from a cardboard container. I held the container sideways and had put some ketchup on the top part of the opening, which made it kind of hard to get a fry without touching the ketchup with my fingers.
Notes 1: - That was not what a real Great Wolf Lodge lobby looks like. - The fries were crinkle-cut and could have used more salt.
2. I can barely remember this one, but I'm pretty sure I had a dream where Doodlebob was learning how to drive a car. Patrick and Plankton were there, as well as Spongebob, but I can't remember much of it. At one point when Doodle was parking the car, it rolled back a couple of feel. Spongebob drew a line behind the back wheels with red paint.
Notes 2: - I believe this dream took place after the next one (3).
3. I had a dream were me and some friends went to a McDonald's. One of them was going to pay for our meals. I just wanted some fries, but it turns out they were all out. I was then debating getting ice cream, but they had a TON of flavors with enticing names that didn't describe the flavors. We ended up getting to the front of the line (where we were to pick up our order) and they also had different colored cones. I decided not to get any ice cream.
Notes 3: - Some of the ice cream names were day/night themed. - All of the ice cream looked to be berry/fruit flavored. - Only one or two of the friends were people I know irl.
4. I was in some gymnasium type place with I believe padded flooring? The lights were dim and there was a video being projected on one of the walls. There were other people in there, all of which were either laying down, doing their own thing, or watching the video. No one was talking. I decided to experiment with how flexible I am. I ended up being able to curl my back in a way that let me put my feet on the floor in front of my shoulders as I laid down on my stomach. I also did something with my arm, but I don't remember what, and even had trouble remembering in the dream.
Notes 4: - I have no idea if I can do that in real life or not. My guess is no since I've had no flexibility training.
5. I was in some building that was possibly a school? I was looking around and ended up opening a door that lead to a hallway, as well as some other buildings (more like an alleyway, I guess?). Some of these buildings were dark and kind of drawn-looking. Outside were a few creatures, some shadow beings, some just off-looking. All were humanoid. I talked to them a bit, and one tried to attack me. I yoinked their weapon and threw it inside the building I came from. I continued to explore the alley after, going into some buildings here and there. Most of them seemed to be abandoned/in a state of disrepair.
I wound up leaving that area, and ended up finding some aura nodes (from the Minecraft mod Thaumcraft 4) as well as a vortex which appeared to be stable. I had a staff with me now, which I was about to charge when the vortex began to show some signs of instability. I used warded glass to protect the nearby nodes, and flew off to look through my book to figure out what I needed to stabilize the vortex. Some eldritch guardians began to spawn close to the vortex, which alarmed me a bit. I ended up rearranging my inventory to make sure I had the necessities in my hotbar. Before I could do anything about what was happening, the ground suddenly began to be covered in lava. Luckily for me I was in creative mode, and had been hanging out in a tree. The eldritch guardians died and I ended up winging it when it came to making sure the vortex was stable. I places the blocks that I (hopefully) needed to in the right spots, and it seemed to work fine. I then flew off to try and get back home.
I landed in a place I thought was close to my home, but it turns out it wasn't. I began to look at some spots around the area, and marked one for me to come back to an forage. A few other people showed up and one guy began to tell me about some of these plants and fruits that were around. One was a large yellow fruit that grew in clusters. The outer texture of it was bumpy in a lined kind of way (like the outside of a pumpkin, but even thinner segments). I forget the name, but it had "sour" in it. I planned to get some seeds from it and grow a few in the future. There was also a plant that grew black-colored berries, which looked like a combination of elderberries and wild grapes. I never figured out if they were edible or not.
Notes 5: -I think this dream took place after the previous dream (4). - Eldritch Guardians in Thaumcraft scare me even in creative mode. - I almost always play Minecraft in creative. - I had found a knife at some point but forget when. It was during the search of those buildings. I didn't have it afterwards.
6. I was at school. Turns out the school was a mix of humans as well as some of the animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's (though they looked like cartoons). I talked to a few of them for a moment (I believe Bonnie and Chica) before me and a friend left the classroom and headed outside. Despite it being a highschool setting, it was apparently recess time (though in the dream, I felt unsure when calling it that). Me and the friend walked and talked a bit. I believe we were on a paved area that turned into a grassy one. At one point someone somehow managed to put a mask on my face. I took it off after a moment and looked around for who did it, but didn't find anyone else close enough. It was a Sun mask. My friend ended up trying it on as well.
Notes 6: - In the dream I was wearing fuzzy pajama pants as well as a hoodie. My hood was up outside. - I do own that pair of pants in real life. They're black with white stars on them. Very comfy. - The "friend" of mine is someone I don't really know. They were tall and kinda lanky. I think they had a dull green jacket on and had dark hair.
7. Bug death mention. I was in my room. I had woken up at night and there were some bugs that had gotten in. One was a large moth that I was able to catch inside to small plastic boxes. I also caught a Japanese beetle, which I crushed by accident when I caught the moth. When I went to put the moth outside, it had become a butterfly with black wings that had yellow spots. I released it, only to find out I had accidentally decapitated it when I caught it. I felt bad about it, but decided I could keep the wings. The body had landed on the porch outside, which now had some ice and snow on it. I carefully picked up the body, but the legs and wings still twitched and moved every now and then. This freaked me out a little since the butterfly should have been dead by this point. I returned to my room and found a large wasp-beetle like bug on a wall as well as a smaller brown/tan/beige butterfly, which seemed to still be inflating its wings.
Notes 7: - The type of butterfly I had caught was one I've seen in real life. - Before I fell asleep I remembered a fly I had killed by accident. I think this may have been a guilt dream.
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spase2axolotl · 1 month
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How they met :]
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fandomandangstlover · 6 months
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i was in a mood today. lineless art go brrrr
oceaan.. ocean. like design. very fun
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minecraftdreamer · 6 months
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The fortress stood like an old sentinel guarding the secrets of a bygone era, its stone walls weathered but unyielding under the relentless siege of rain. The waters lapped at its foundations with the indifference of time itself, teasing at the thought of erosion—the final surrender of man's creation to the whims of nature.
It was a gray morning, the sky and the lake one continuous canvas of melancholic hues. The rain fell in steady, vertical lines, as if trying to stitch the fortress back to the earth from which it had once defiantly risen. Within this curtain of rain, not a soul stirred. It was as though life had forsaken this place, leaving it to its silent vigil.
No flags adorned the battlements, no sentries peered into the gloomy distance. The only movement came from the wind's whisper through the crenellated towers, an eerie mimicry of hushed conversations long since faded into the mists of time. This stronghold, once resonant with the clamor of armored feet and the ring of steel, now hosted only the soft symphony of raindrops against stone.
In moments like these, the fortress did not seem real, more a rendering from a poet's dream than a relic of the physical world. It begged for tales of gallant knights and lost loves, of epic battles and sacred oaths sworn upon its now silent halls. The rain, indifferent to human sentiment, continued to fall, painting everything with the sheen of forgotten days.
As morning bled into afternoon and the rain subsided to a drizzle, the fortress seemed almost to sigh, a release of its breath held through the centuries. And still, it stood, watching over waters unmoved—a perennial testament to the ephemeral glory of empires past.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan was teaching me math in college. I wasn't exactly paying attention, because I was playing Minecraft. He said, "This is where you'll be, but you'll need to have all this." And it was just a studying PSA.
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hellothereimaloser · 1 year
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Yeahhh 😭 can u guess why i love these dragon kids so much?
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killin-kel · 6 months
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oh god I forgot to post The Emerald Duo portraits. here they are for you all
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