#mineral water benefits
Natural Mineral Water vs Packaged Drinking Water: What You Need to Know
Water is life. You've heard it a thousand times, but do you really know what it means? Do you know what kind of water you are drinking every day, and how it affects your health and well-being?
Did you know that not all bottled water is the same? In fact, there are two major types of bottled water in India: natural mineral water and packaged drinking water. And they have very different qualities, benefits and impacts on your health and the environment. If you are a high net worth, health-conscious individual, an athlete or a housewife, you should be aware of the difference between these two types of water and choose wisely. In this article, we will explain what natural mineral water and packaged drinking water are, how they are sourced, processed and delivered, and why natural mineral water is superior in minerality, alkalinity and sustainability.
What is natural mineral water?
Natural mineral water is water that is obtained directly from subterranean water-bearing strata through a spring, well, bore or other exit. The source must be approved and licensed by the Ministry of Health. The water is rich in minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, silica, etc., that it collects naturally as it passes through the rocks and soil. The water is not subjected to any chemical treatment or reverse osmosis (RO) purification, as it does not have high total dissolved solids (TDS) levels. The water is only filtered through natural materials, such as clay and alluvium, to remove any impurities and preserve its natural mineral composition and pH value. The water is then bottled and delivered for human consumption.
What is packaged drinking water?
Now imagine you are in a busy city, with traffic, noise and pollution. You feel thirsty and you buy a bottle of water from a nearby shop. You take a sip of the water and feel nothing. You wonder what makes this water so bland and boring. The answer is simple: it is packaged drinking water.
Packaged drinking water is water that is obtained from any source, such as tap water, surface water or underground water, and subjected to RO and other water purification methods to make it pure and fit for human consumption. The source does not need to be approved or licensed by the Ministry of Health. The water is stripped of its minerals and other beneficial substances, as the RO process removes everything along with the TDS. The water is then artificially replenished with essential minerals or salts to make it palatable and meet the standards specified by the authorities. The water is then bottled and delivered for human consumption.
As you can see, there is a clear difference between natural mineral water and packaged drinking water. But why does it matter? It matters because water is essential for your health and well-being, and the quality and quantity of water you drink can have a significant impact on your physical and mental performance.
Benefits of Natural Mineral Water
Natural mineral water has many benefits for your health and well-being, especially if you are a high net worth, health-conscious individual, an athlete or a housewife. Here are some of the benefits of natural mineral water:
- It helps boost your immunity, as it has antioxidant properties, reduces inflammation and prevents chronic diseases. The naturally alkaline pH of the water, which ranges from 7.8 to 8.5, helps balance the acidity in your body and neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and toxins.
- It fortifies your bones, teeth and nervous system, as it contains calcium, which is a vital macro mineral necessary for healthy bone, brain and heart functions. It also prevents deficiencies that cause osteoporosis and arthritis.
- It revitalizes your skin, hair, nails and teeth, as it contains silica, which is an essential trace mineral known for its beauty benefits. It aids collagen formation and improves the elasticity and texture of your skin, hair, nails and teeth.
- It regulates your fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals, as it contains sodium and potassium, which are important electrolytes that control the movement of water and nutrients in and out of your cells. They also reduce blood pressure, prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones, and improve brain function and memory.
- It provides you with bioavailable natural minerals, which are easily absorbed and utilized by your body, unlike the synthetic or artificial minerals added to packaged drinking water, which may not have the same bioavailability or efficacy.
Which is the best mineral water in India?
If you are looking for a natural mineral water that offers all the benefits mentioned above, and more, then you should try Aava. Aava is India's only naturally alkaline mineral water with a pH of 8+, which makes it extremely beneficial for health-conscious individuals who eat organic or even athletes. Aava originates from the Aravallis, one of the world's oldest mountain ranges, and is naturally enriched with alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, silica, etc. Aava is not subjected to any chemical treatment or RO purification, and is only filtered through layers of clay and alluvium that act as natural filters. Aava is then bottled and delivered for human consumption, with zero water rejection and without any chemical disinfection, which makes it a sustainable choice for the planet too.
Aava is different from other bottled water brands in India, as 90% of them are packaged drinking water brands that use RO purification and artificial mineralization. There are approximately 7000 licenses of RO purified packaged drinking water in India, as compared to only 15 licenses of natural mineral water like Aava. Aava is also different from other natural mineral water brands in India, as it has a higher pH value and a lower TDS level, which makes it more alkaline and more palatable.
Natural Mineral Water is not just healthy for you but for the planet too
Water is essential for life, and the quality and quantity of water you drink can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. Natural mineral water is water that is obtained directly from subterranean water-bearing strata and is rich in minerals that it collects naturally. Packaged drinking water is water that is obtained from any source and is subjected to RO and other water purification methods and is artificially replenished with minerals.
So, the next time you feel thirsty, choose wisely. Choose natural mineral water. And enjoy the difference.
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naturalmineralwater01 · 7 months
Top Five Benefits of Drinking  Mineral Water
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Water is essential for life, but not all water is the same. While regular drinking water may quench your thirst, natural mineral water can offer you much more. Natural mineral water comes from natural underground sources and contains various minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for your health. In this article, we will explore five benefits of drinking natural mineral water every day and how it can improve your well-being.
What is natural mineral water?
Natural mineral water is water that comes from natural springs or wells and has a high content of minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, and fluoride. These minerals and trace elements are naturally present in the water and are not added artificially. Natural mineral water is also different from purified or filtered water, which is processed using reverse osmosis (RO) or other methods that remove most of the minerals and trace elements from the water. Natural mineral water is bottled at the source and does not undergo any chemical processing.
Why is natural mineral water better than regular water?
Natural mineral water has several advantages over regular water, such as:
- It has a better taste and aroma, as the minerals and trace elements enhance the flavor and smell of the water.
- It has a balanced pH level, which is usually slightly alkaline and helps neutralize the acidity in the body and prevent diseases.
- It has antioxidant properties, as some minerals and trace elements, such as magnesium and bicarbonate, can scavenge free radicals and protect the cells from oxidative damage.
- It has a hydrating effect, as the minerals and trace elements help retain water in the body and prevent dehydration.
- It has a therapeutic effect, as the minerals and trace elements can help prevent or treat various health conditions, such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, constipation, kidney stones, and more.
What are the benefits of drinking natural mineral water every day?
Drinking natural mineral water every day can provide you with the following benefits:
1. It can promote bone health
One of the most important minerals for bone health is calcium, which is essential for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. Calcium also plays a role in muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. Natural mineral water can be a good source of calcium, as it can contain up to 23 mg of calcium per liter, which is about 2% of the recommended daily intake. Moreover, studies have shown that the body can absorb calcium from natural mineral water as well as or better than calcium from dairy products. Drinking natural mineral water can also provide you with other minerals that support bone health, such as magnesium, which is involved in bone metabolism and regulates calcium balance, and silica, which is a trace element that stimulates collagen production and strengthens the connective tissue of the bones.
2. It can help lower blood pressure
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. High blood pressure can be caused by various factors, such as stress, obesity, smoking, alcohol, salt intake, and genetic predisposition. However, one of the main causes of high blood pressure is low intake of minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are involved in regulating blood pressure and vascular tone. Natural mineral water can help lower blood pressure by providing these minerals in adequate amounts. For example, natural mineral water can contain up to 15 mg of magnesium per liter, which is about 4% of the recommended daily intake, and up to 3 mg of potassium per liter, which is about 0.1% of the recommended daily intake. Studies have shown that drinking natural mineral water can significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension or borderline hypertension, as well as improve their blood lipid profile and insulin sensitivity.
3. It can benefit heart health
Besides lowering blood pressure, natural mineral water can also benefit heart health by providing other minerals and trace elements that are important for cardiovascular function, such as sodium, bicarbonate, and sulfate. Sodium is an electrolyte that maintains fluid balance and nerve impulses in the body. Bicarbonate is a buffer that regulates the pH level and acid-base balance in the body. Sulfate is a compound that helps detoxify the body and prevent oxidative stress. Natural mineral water can contain up to 60 mg of sodium per liter, which is about 2.6% of the recommended daily intake, up to 250 mg of bicarbonate per liter, which is within the optimal range of 70-400 mg per liter. Drinking natural mineral water can help maintain the electrolyte balance, pH level, and antioxidant status in the body, which are essential for heart health.
4. It can help with constipation
Constipation is a common digestive problem that affects many people, especially the elderly, pregnant women, and people with low-fiber diets. Constipation can cause discomfort, pain, bloating, and other complications, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and fecal impaction. One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration, as the lack of water in the body makes the stool hard and difficult to pass. Another cause of constipation is low intake of minerals, especially magnesium, which is a natural laxative that stimulates bowel movements and relaxes the intestinal muscles. Natural mineral water can help with constipation by providing both water and magnesium in sufficient amounts. For example, natural mineral water can contain up to 15 mg of magnesium per liter, which is about 4% of the recommended daily intake. Drinking natural mineral water can increase the water content and the magnesium level in the stool, which can soften the stool and ease the passage.
5. It can improve skin health
The skin is the largest organ of the body and the first line of defense against external aggressors, such as bacteria, viruses, pollutants, and UV rays. The skin also plays a role in regulating body temperature, preventing water loss, and synthesizing vitamin D. The skin needs water and minerals to function properly and maintain its structure and appearance. Natural mineral water can improve skin health by providing water and minerals that are essential for skin hydration, elasticity, and regeneration. For example, natural mineral water can contain up to 23 mg of calcium per liter, which is about 2% of the recommended daily intake, and up to 14 mg of silica per liter, which is about 40% of the recommended daily intake. Calcium and silica are important for the production and maintenance of collagen, which is the main protein of the skin and gives it strength and firmness. Drinking natural mineral water can also provide other minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for skin health, such as sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, and fluoride, which can help balance the skin pH, prevent inflammation, fight infections, and protect the enamel of the teeth.
How to choose the best natural mineral water?
Not all natural mineral water is the same, as the mineral composition and the taste can vary depending on the source and the bottling process. Therefore, it is important to choose the best natural mineral water that suits your needs and preferences. Here are some tips to help you choose the best natural mineral water:
- Check the label and look for the mineral content, the pH level, and the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the water. The mineral content should be high enough to provide you with the health benefits, but not too high to cause any adverse effects. The pH level should be slightly alkaline, between 7.5 and 8.5, to balance the acidity in the body. The TDS should be between 250 and 500 ppm, to ensure the optimal taste and quality of the water.
- Choose a natural mineral water that comes from a protected and certified source, such as a natural spring or a well, and that is bottled at the source without any chemical treatment or filtration. This way, you can ensure the purity and the naturalness of the water, as well as the preservation of the minerals and the trace elements.
- Choose a natural mineral water that has a good reputation and a positive feedback from the consumers, as well as a transparent and ethical business practice. You can check the reviews and the ratings of the natural mineral water brands online or ask for recommendations from your friends and family.
- Choose a natural mineral water that is affordable and accessible, as well as environmentally friendly and socially responsible. You can compare the prices and the availability of the natural mineral water brands in your area or online, and look for the ones that offer the best value for money. You can also check the environmental impact and the social contribution of the natural mineral water brands, and look for the ones that use recyclable or biodegradable packaging, support local communities, and promote sustainability.
If you are looking for the best natural mineral water that can provide you with the health benefits, the taste, and the quality that you deserve, then Aava natural mineral water is the best choice for you. Aava natural mineral water is a uniquely sourced natural and alkaline mineral water that originates from the Aravallis, one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. For 20 years, each drop of Aava trickles down through layers of clay and alluvium that naturally enrich it with alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium before it reaches the protected underground aquifer. Aava natural mineral water is bottled at the source with zero water rejection and without any RO or chemical treatment, ensuring the purity and the natural mineral composition of the water. Aava natural mineral water is also a socially and environmentally conscious brand that uses 100% recyclable PET bottles, supports local  communities, and promotes water conservation and education. Aava natural mineral water is the perfect choice for health-conscious individuals, foodies, athletes, and housewives who want to enjoy tasty water that is healthy for them and the planet.
Drinking natural mineral water every day can offer you many benefits for your health and well-being. Natural mineral water can provide you with minerals and trace elements that are essential for your bone health, blood pressure, heart health, digestion, and skin health. Natural mineral water can also hydrate you, balance your pH level, and protect you from oxidative stress. However, not all natural mineral water is the same, and you should choose the best one that suits your needs and preferences. Aava natural mineral water is the best choice for you if you want to enjoy tasty water that is healthy for you and the planet. Do you agree with us? Let us know in the comments below.
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 The Benefits of Mineral Water - Aava Water
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"Experience the refreshing taste and health benefits of the best mineral water in India from Aava Water. As trusted mineral water distributors, we offer the highest quality drinking water for optimal hydration and wellness. Shop now at Aava Water for your daily dose of natural minerals."
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pureverwatertanks · 7 months
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Add alkaline water to your daily hydration routine and feel revitalized with every sip. Experience the difference of balanced pH levels and stay refreshed all day long. Embrace the power of OSG Alkaline Water for a rejuvenated you!
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bibakartbeautycare · 1 year
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hollytanaka · 3 months
📌 Mutual Aid, Fundraisers, and Actions
a white heart "🤍" denotes GFM campaigns who have reached out to me via in my inbox
I will be updating this as frequently as possible with new information, campaigns, and forms of supporting displaced and vulnerable folks in Palestine, Sudan, DRC, Ukraine, and elsewhere.
Vetted GFM Campaigns 🤝
🤍 Donate to Khader and Ragheb - [€708 raised of €55,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Amira - [€5,118 raised of €20,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Fadi Ayyad - [$9,530 raised of $35,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Hani Al-Sharif [$445 raised of $50,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Mohammed Alanqer [€18,196 raised of €38,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Ahmed Alanqer [€16,338 raised of €35,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Kareem and Carmen [$6,971 raised of $50,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Walaa & her family [$3,405CAD raised of $50,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to the Shamaly family [$23,910CAD raised of $90,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Basel Ayyad [CHF1,828 raised of CHF60,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Ashraf Alanqar [€1,463 raised of €30,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Musab [€705 raised of €7,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Ahmed and his family [£5,253 raised of £30,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Alaa and her children [€2,995 raised of €20,000 goal]
🤍 Donate to Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb [€23,929 raised of his €30,000 goal]
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Palestine 🇵🇸
Donate to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society - humanitarian org serving the health and welfare of the Palestinian people
Donate an eSIM for Gaza - helps Palestinians to connect to the outside world
Donate to Gaza Direct Aid - small volunteer-run program funding humanitarian aid in Gaza
Donate to Care for Gaza - supporting displaced families in Gaza
Donate to GazaFunds - find a struggling fundraiser to support
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Sudan 🇸🇩
Donate to the Sudanese American Physicians Association - provides critical medical aid, food, and water
Donate to Sudan Solidarity Collective - provides direct financial assistance to civilian-led groups
Sudan Diaspora Network's Sudan Benefit Fundraiser - supports displaced Sudanese by providing medical equipment and food
Fight Hunger in Sudan: The Khartoum Kitchen appeal - feeds the hungry, up to 1,250 people daily, in the greater Khartoum area
Help Sudan- Sudan Relief Fund - helps people on the ground with immediate needs such as food, water, shelter and medication
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Congo 🇨🇩
Donate to Focus Congo - partnerships with local grassroots organizations and access to resources necessary for survival
Support Friends of the Congo & the Basandja Coalition - provides food, delivers reporting, rescues children from the cobalt mines and supports diggers and miners demanding accountability, combats sexual violence and provides care for women’s health
Action Kivu - dedicated to repairing the harm done by years of violence and neglect in this region with focus on women and children.
Mutual Aim team fundraiser for Congo, Sudan, and Tigray - campaign collecting money that will be will be divided between the DRC, Sudan, and Tigray
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Ukraine 🇺🇦
United 24 – main venue for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine
Come Back Alive – provides support to service members in Ukraine
Prytula foundation – provides support to Ukrainian Defense Forces and affected civilians
Dzyga’s Paw – provides Ukrainian Defenders with high-tech equipment
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
Best foods for beauty:
Celery juice: Contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Hot water and turmeric with lemon: Anti-inflammatory properties & vitamin c promoting glowing and youthful skin.
Salmon: Prevents inflammation that leads to acne.
Sweet potatoes: Contain retinol vitamin A.
Macadamia nuts: Prevent insulin driven acne.
Green tea: Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Oranges: Vitamin c helps prevent wrinkles and aging skin.
Bone broth: Collagen booster.
Berries: Packed with antioxidants.
Leafy greens: Rich in vitamins A and C.
Avocado: Provides healthy fats for hydration.
Nuts and seeds: Offer vitamins and minerals.
Oily fish: Omega-3s for inflammation control.
Probiotic foods: Promote gut health indirectly benefiting the skin.
Water: Essential for skin hydration.
Collagen-rich foods: Support skin elasticity.
Whole grains: Provide nutrients and fiber.
Limit sugar and processed foods: Reduces inflammation.
Moderate alcohol and caffeine: Helps maintain skin hydration.
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colebabey888 · 4 months
Things I did that helped me become "That IT Girl" and could help you too! | IT GIRL DIARIES 🎀🩷
Physical Health + Skincare🎀 🩷
- cleared my gut ( very crucial )
- worked my lazy ass off ( walking, cycling skipping just for 15 min everyday does more than you can imagine )
- became besties with green juices and smoothies ( it doesn't have to be nasty, just healthy )
- included leafy greens in every meal
- LEMON WATER ( hot water with lemon in every morning on an empty stomach and you can add honey if you don't enjoy sour things, trust me on this one !!! )
- limit processed artificial sugar ( honey and sugar in fruits are natural aka glucose and actually a good energy source )
- stopped eating junk food ( occasionally is fine but constantly, will cause your body to have issues digesting = bad gut health )
- lost 25 kg ( it's not necessary to lose weight because we're all perfect as we are, but I was at an unhealthy weight for my age + height which affected me physically and mentally )
- ate more protein and fats over carbs ( this works for me but may not for many. ps. fats = healthy fats meaning avocado, nuts, egg yolks ect. )
- BONE BROTH !!!! ( it's packed with all the minerals your body needs and has mega benefits for your skin, it helped clear my acne so well )
- prioritized zinc supplements in my everyday life for hairgrowth and to promote healthy skin ( it has tons of other benefits too, these were just my main focus points )
- remained consistent with my skincare routine ( advice : less = more )
- started doing coconut oil pulling ( 5 min is all you need )
Mental Health + Lifestyle🎀 🩷
- began journaling negative thoughts that lingered in my mind ( leave it on paper instead of projecting it into your reality )
- i drew up a vision board and lived my life according to it ( this is very beneficial if you're a procrastinator like me and can't find direction. it's similar to having a to do list )
- very important! cut off toxic friends ( you don't need an indepth of what toxic is, you'll know! )
- i began to read more often ( choose your favorite genre but I chose spirituality as it helped me gain mental stability )
- be selfish ( don't actually be rude for no reason ) be selfish with your time, your space, your energy. reciprocation is key, if you are not receiving what you're giving, you're wasting yourself.
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this is your daily talk with @colebabey888 🎀 🩷
The Digital Dollar ✨👛
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horseimagebarn · 2 months
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horse standing in an outdoor wash stall though it wears some tack it might be about to receive some type of hygienic work the horse however seems less excited about the benefits of cleanliness and more interested in the green plastic bottle of perrier mineral water it holds in its mouth the implication of a love for french mineral waters is strong here as the horse calmly drinks from its beloved beverage ready to face anything that may come to it in this stall as long as it is able to indulge in such a treat
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"When Francois Beyers first pitched the concept of 3D ocean farming to the Welsh regulators, he had to sketch it on napkins. 
Today the seafood farm is much more than a drawing, but if you walked along the Welsh coastal path near St David’s, all you’d see is a line of buoys. As Beyers puts it: “It’s what’s below that’s important.”
Thick tussles of lustrous seaweed suspend from the buoys, mussels cling to its furry connective ropes and dangling Chinese lantern-esque nets are filled with oysters and scallops. 
“It’s like an underwater garden,” says Beyers, co-founder of the community-owned regenerative ocean farm, Câr-y-Môr. The 3-hectare site is part of a fledgling sector, one of 12 farms in the UK, which key players believe could boost ocean biodiversity, produce sustainable agricultural fertiliser and provide year-round employment in areas that have traditionally been dependent on tourism. 
Created in 2020 by Beyers and six family members, including his father-in-law – an ex-shellfish farmer – the motivation is apparent in the name, which is Welsh for “for the love of the sea”. ...
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Pictured: Drone shot of Câr-y-Môr, which is on the site of abandoned mussel farms. Image: Scott Chalmers
Ocean farming comes from the technical term ‘integrated multi-trophic aquaculture’, which means a mixture of different seaweed and shellfish species growing together to mutually benefit each other. But it’s not just a way of growing food with little human input, it also creates ocean habitat. 
“You’re creating a breeding ground for marine animals,” explains Beyers who adds that the site has seen more gannets diving, porpoises and seals – to name a few – since before the farm was established.
Ocean farms like Câr-y-Môr, notes Ross Brown – environmental research fellow at the University of Exeter – have substantial conservation benefits.
“Setting up a seaweed farm creates an exclusion zone so fishermen can’t trawl it,” explains Brown, who has been conducting experiments on the impacts of seaweed and shellfish farms across the UK. 
Brown believes a thriving ocean farming industry could provide solutions to the UK’s fish stock, which is in “a deeply troubling state” according to a report that found half of the key populations to be overfished. “It would create stepping stones where we have safe havens for fish and other organisms,” he adds. 
But UK regulators have adopted a cautious approach, note Brown and Beyers, making it difficult for businesses like Câr-y-Môr to obtain licenses. “It’s been a tough old slog,” says Beyers, whose aim is to change the legislation to make it easier for others to start ocean farms. 
Despite navigating uncharted territories, the business now has 14 full-time employees, and 300 community members, of which nearly 100 have invested in the community-benefit society. For member and funding manager Tracey Gilbert-Falconer, the model brings expertise but most importantly, buy-in from the tight-knit local community. 
“You need to work with the community than forcing yourself in,” she observes. 
And Câr-y-Môr is poised to double its workforce in 2024 thanks to a Defra grant of £1.1 million to promote and develop the Welsh seafood industry as part of the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme. This will go towards building a processing hub, set to be operational in April, to produce agricultural fertiliser from seaweed. 
Full of mineral nutrients and phosphorous from the ocean, seaweed use in farming is nothing new, as Gilbert-Falconer notes: “Farmers in Pembrokeshire talk about their grandad going down to the sea and throwing [seaweed] on their farms.” 
But as the war in Ukraine has caused the price of chemical fertiliser to soar, and the sector tries to reduce its environmental impact – of which synthetic fertiliser contributes 5% of total UK emissions – farmers and government are increasingly looking to seaweed. 
The new hub will have capacity to make 65,000 litres of sustainable fertiliser annually with the potential to cover 13,000 acres of farmland. 
But to feed the processing hub, generate profit and reduce their dependency on grants, the co-op needs to increase the ocean farm size from three to 13 hectares. If they obtain licences, Beyers says they should break even in 18 months. 
For now, Beyers reflects on a “humbling” three years but revels in the potential uses of seaweed, from construction material to clothing.  
“I haven’t seen the limit yet,” he smiles."
-via Positive.News, February 19, 2024
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naturalmineralwater01 · 6 months
Benefits of Super Alkaline Water -Aava Water
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"Find and eco-friendly Aava Glass at Aava Water. Experience the goodness of our limited edition love potion infusion with black tea, dried plum, rose, and cinnamon. As trusted mineral water suppliers in Mumbai, we offer convenient online water delivery to keep you hydrated and healthy. Order now and feel the difference!"
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Thirsty for Health? Discover India’s Best Alkaline Water Brand
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In the heart of a bustling Indian kitchen, where the aroma of spices meets the warmth of tradition, a housewife carefully selects ingredients for her family’s meal. Her choices are deliberate, a blend of taste and health. Similarly, when it comes to quenching thirst, she seeks more than just refreshment; she seeks nourishment. Amidst the myriad of options, one stands out for its purity and mineral-rich composition—natural alkaline mineral water.
For athletes sprinting on tracks and lifting in gyms, hydration is the silent coach. It’s not just about replacing lost fluids but replenishing the body’s minerals and electrolytes. Health-conscious individuals and those with discerning palates, including high net worth individuals, understand this well. They know that not all waters are created equal, and the choice of water can be as crucial as the choice of food.
The Superiority of Natural Alkaline Mineral Water
As summer unfurls its heat across India, the human body engages in a silent battle against dehydration. It’s not just water that we lose through sweat but a cocktail of essential minerals and electrolytes. This loss can lead to a decline in physical performance and cognitive function. Herein lies the significance of natural alkaline mineral water. Unlike demineralized RO water, which quenches thirst, natural alkaline mineral water like Aava, with its optimal pH level of 8, replenishes the body, restoring the balance of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, silica, and bicarbonates.
The Bioavailability Factor
Bioavailability is a term that often echoes in the corridors of nutrition science. It refers to the proportion of nutrients that are effectively absorbed and utilized by the body. Natural alkaline mineral water boasts a high bioavailability of essential minerals and electrolytes. These are not just present in the water; they are in a form that the body can easily absorb. This is in stark contrast to ionized alkaline water, which may contain artificially added minerals with questionable absorption rates.
The Aava Advantage
In the landscape of Indian mineral waters, Aava naturally alkaline mineral water emerges as a beacon of wellness. It’s not just alkaline; it’s naturally and originally so, with a unique mineral profile that includes bioavailable calcium for bones, magnesium for muscle function, sodium for fluid balance, silica for skin health, and bicarbonates for digestive well-being.
The Verdict on RO and Ionized Water
While RO water has its place in providing clean drinking water, it falls short in the summer’s mineral marathon. Ionized water, often marketed with promises of health, cannot compete with the natural synergy of minerals found in natural alkaline mineral water. The latter offers a holistic approach to hydration, one that understands the body’s summer needs.
Conclusion: The Choice for Wellness
As we navigate through the scorching Indian summers, our choice of water becomes a testament to our understanding of wellness. It’s a choice that goes beyond quenching thirst to embracing a lifestyle of health and vitality. So, as you reach for your next glass of water, ask yourself: Are you merely drinking, or are you nourishing?
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pureverwatertanks · 7 months
Boost Your Immunity with Alkaline Hydrogen Water Benefits
Have you ever felt that even after drinking water, your skin feels dry? Do you think you cannot quench your thirst after drinking water all day? This is caused by less pH in your regular water. With innovations going on all around, there are solutions to your dehydration issue, too. This is the use of alkaline water instead of tap water. Surprised? Never heard of alkaline water? Don't worry; we will help you understand alkaline hydrogen water's benefits in detail.
What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water has a higher pH level than normal tap water. It typically ranges from 8 to 9 on the pH scale. This higher pH level is believed to offer various health benefits. Alkaline water cleanses the body and helps in the improvement of your gut health. Studies have proved that this water offers excellent support to the immune system and helps in eradicating germs from the body.
Benefits of Alkaline Water
With the growth of health and fitness trends, the likeness towards Alkaline water has also grown. Amidst the hype, people are still not aware of its benefits. Let us have a look at the alkaline hydrogen water benefits:
Improved Hydration
The body easily absorbs alkaline water due to its smaller molecular size and enhanced solubility. It supports your overall health. A hydrated body functions properly and enjoys a long and healthy life. It also brings softness to your dull and dry skin.
Antioxidant Properties
Alkaline water exhibits antioxidant properties. This helps to neutralise harmful free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress. It makes your immune system stronger and helps in the prevention of diseases.
Alkalising Effect
Alkaline water helps balance the body's pH levels by neutralising excess acidity. This helps in relief from gastric issues. Alkaline water is good for your gut health, which promotes overall health.
Alkaline water supports detoxification processes in the body by flushing out toxins and waste products more effectively. This improves digestive health, liver function, and overall detoxification pathways.
Bone Health
Some research suggests that alkaline water helps preserve bone health by reducing the risk of osteoporosis and promoting bone mineral density. This is attributed to its alkalising effect and potential benefits for calcium absorption.
Improved Athletic Performance
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit from alkaline water's ability to enhance hydration, buffer lactic acid buildup, and support muscle recovery. This can lead to improved endurance, performance, and recovery times.
What are Alkaline Hydrogen Water Systems?
Alkaline hydrogen water systems are advanced water filtration systems. They are designed to produce alkaline water with added molecular hydrogen. These systems use a combination of filtration technologies, electrolysis, and mineralisation processes.  These methods enhance the pH and hydrogen content of the water. Uses of Alkaline Hydrogen Water Systems include-
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Alkaline hydrogen water offers a versatile and health-promoting solution for hydration and wellness. Incorporating alkaline hydrogen water into your daily routine through Purever SS water tanks can provide numerous health benefits and enhance overall well-being.
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nihongo-de-asobo · 1 month
Japanese Bathhouses Guide: Vocabulary
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銭湯 (せんとう)is a bathhouse with heated tap water. More common in big cities.
温泉(おんせん)is a bathhouse with fed by thermal springs and the mineral content of the water is usually promoted for various health benefits.
露天風呂(ろてんぶろ)are outdoor baths.
暖簾(のれん)are a type of curtain hung across entryways. At the entrance to a bathhouse, they will typically read 「ゆ」 for hot water. Bathhouses with separate baths for each gender will usually have 暖簾 that read 「男」 or 「女」.
掛け湯(かけゆ)is a smaller pool of water, usually near the bath entrance, where you splash water over yourself.
手桶(ておけ)is a small bucket with a handle, usually placed at the 掛け湯. It is used to splash water over yourself before entering the main bath area.
湯桶(ゆおけ)a wash bowl either provided at each wash station or stacked near the entrance to the bath area.
腰掛け(こしかけ)a stool provided at each wash station or stacked near the entrance to the bath area. Sometimes called a バスチェア.
備え付けの石鹸・シャンプー(そなえつけのせっけん・シャンプー)shampoo/soap provided by the bathhouse
can refer to a large towel used to dry off after the bath (also known as バスタオル)
can refer to the smaller towel taken into the baths for washing and modesty purposes. These smaller towels can also be referred to as 手拭い(てぬぐい) but this is a type of cotton hand towel which can be used in the bathhouse but is not exclusively used for this purpose.
Bathhouse Etiquette Guide
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
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Winter has started in DR Congo. With increasing cold and rain the suffering of displaced people with increase only. there is no electricity and less food and no clean water. The situation is catastrophic. Spread the world and speak up. Congolese are dying. [source: @ nyeusi_wassi on X, formerly known as Twitter. 11/27/2023.] [Video Description: In the pouring rain and cold, there is a small, pitched tent with a few children inside under the age of ten. There are a few adults standing outside the tent area, and one woman speaking is pointing towards the children and then the camera -there is no translation available at the moment, but it appears she is highlighting the horrific conditions they are in, and how the children are especially suffering.]
For those who are unaware, there are over 6 million displaced Congolese people in the DR Congo -this is a result of the violent genocide, resource exploitation in this country for hundreds of years by western/European imperial forces, and a military coup -and the one's most impacted are young children and women. This is what we all mean by none of us are free until we all are free. That the global north governments MUST be held accountable for their complicity and contributions to the horrors and hyper-exploitation going on in the global south.
The following information, for those who are able to take some time to read some of the excerpts from this article, please do, because I do believe, researching and staying informed about what is going on this this world, especially for those of us who consume and buy products that are often created through a process of immense sufferings and enslavement of human beings in the global south, SHOULD bear witness to this, because it is the bare minimum -Free Congo:
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"The bleeding of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), its people, and its natural resources didn’t just start in recent months or years, but we can go as far as during the colonization days when Congo was privately owned by King Leopold II of Belgium from 1885 to 1908. Imagine having a whole country as your personal property for that many years. Congo has never recovered or healed from the bleeding that was overseen by Leopold. After taking hold of Congo, “It quickly became a brutal, exploitative regime that relied on forced labor to cultivate and trade rubber, ivory, and minerals.” (BBC News, 2020). The history of Congo, killings, and injustice are very long and still ongoing as I write this. Congolese people everywhere continue to hope, pray, and cry for peace one day and it is time that the world finally listens." "The continuous killings and abuses of Congolese people, most of them women, and children, have been worsened by the ongoing exploitation of Congo’s natural resources." "Children work under harsh conditions often with no pay or little pay just so big companies can profit. Women continue to be raped and used as weapons so that others can profit from the natural resources. There are also cases where children are forced to take up arms for the benefit of others all because of “The lucrative nature of cobalt mining means that all efforts to ensure production can match the eternally elastic global demand are put in." "The east of the DRC, where the mines are located, is therefore home to nearly 40,000 child laborers digging for the minerals that would eventually be utilized by Apple, Google and other giant corporations.” (Ntreh, 2020). Some of the mining are even in the control areas of the rebel groups and yet the companies and foreign governments continue to operate as business as usual. How is this possible you might ask? Are Congolese lives worthless even after over 6 million deaths?"
"It is time that Congo’s natural resources start benefiting the prosperity of the Congolese people and the nation." "It is time that foreign governments and companies stop interfering in Congo’s affairs and afreedding gas to the fire." "It is time to unite and stop Congo’s bleeding once and for all. It is time to build a peaceful and prosperous Congo for the benefit of its people. Time to stop Congo’s bleeding."
[article source: "Congo is Bleeding: The Genocide & Forgotten Unrests in the Heart of Africa"]
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
The hot springs || Douma x fem!reader x Akaza
Summary: You suggested a hot spring visit to ease the tension between Akaza and Douma 😈
Warnings: none, but the reader is one of the Upper Moons
Word count: 4,5k
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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As one of the Upper Moons, you were esteemed among your fellow demons and counted Douma and Akaza as close acquaintances. Over the centuries, you had forged a relationship with both of them that was both complex and, at times, tiring.
Douma, with his impeccable taste and artistic flair, had always been a fascinating figure to you. He was cunning and manipulative, but also prone to bouts of whimsy and erratic behavior. Despite his charm and wit, you could not help but feel a sense of irritation at times, especially when he became overly self-indulgent or cruel to those around him.
Akaza, on the other hand, was a force of nature. His raw power and determination were awe-inspiring, and you had often marveled at his ferocity in battle. However, his uncompromising attitude and stubborn nature could also be grating, and you found yourself growing increasingly weary of his constant need for challenge and conflict.
You loathed witnessing the incessant conflicts that would ensue between Akaza and Douma, often without any clear objective or motive. The clashes were nothing more than an exercise in brutality and bloodshed, fueled by an insatiable appetite for violence that seemed to consume both demons. The ferocity of their battles was matched only by the callousness of their words, as they hurled insults and taunts at each other with the same merciless vigor as their physical assaults. Each encounter was a brutal display of power and dominance, leaving you with a sense of unease and discomfort that lingered long after the dust had settled. It seemed that their mutual animosity had no end, and no purpose beyond the perpetuation of their own pride and arrogance.
As you pondered over the problem at hand, you began to develop an idea on how to reconcile the two opposing sides. With your advanced critical thinking skills and innovative approach to problem-solving, you meticulously crafted a plan that would bridge the gap between Douma and Akaza.
The idea was a risky one, as it would involve keeping each demon unaware of the other's presence, but you felt that the potential benefits outweighed the potential drawbacks.
You spent weeks meticulously planning the excursion, choosing the perfect location and ensuring that everything was in order. You sent separate invitations to each demon, making sure to provide detailed instructions on how to reach the hot springs without crossing paths with the other.
Finally, the night of the event arrived.
Akaza was the first one to arrive at the hot springs. He held a great liking towards you, a young demon who had proven to be loyal and disciplined, traits which he deeply admired.
Although the hot springs were unconventional, Akaza was not about to decline the offer. In fact, he was surprised that you had found such a secluded location, away from humans and in the heart of nature.
As he approached you, Akaza offered a warm greeting and willingly followed your lead. However, he couldn't help but express his suspicions about the sudden invitation. "I must say, you inviting me here so abruptly... it does raise some suspicion," he remarked.
"Well, I guess I just thought it would be nice to catch up."
As you walked towards the hot springs, you couldn't help but feel a little proud of yourself. It wasn't every day that you managed to outsmart a demon like Akaza.
The warm, mineral-rich waters were known for their healing properties, and the opportunity to soak in their embrace was a rare treat. The sound of the rushing water and the lush greenery surrounding the place filled you with a sense of calm and tranquility.
"You could have just said so, and I would have come to see you earlier," he summed up. Akaza let out a contented sigh as he settled into the hot spring after taking his buggy pants off. It was the perfect place to unwind and relax. As he leaned back, he couldn't help but think that you had chosen an excellent spot. He felt grateful to have such a loyal and devoted companion like you.
You pulled off your shirt, feeling the fabric slide off your skin, revealing your naked chest. Then, you unbuttoned your pants, and let them drop to the ground. 
Despite your initial hesitation, you couldn't resist the call of the water, and soon you found yourself joining Akaza. The sensation of the water surrounding you was almost overwhelming, the weightlessness and the gentle currents carrying you along on their own journey. "Akaza?" You swam to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
His arm gently wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer to him. He hummed softly and opened his eyes to gaze at you intently. "What is it?”
"We won't be alone, handsome. I invited one more person."
Akaza's expression immediately soured. "Who else did you invite?"
"Akaza-dono! Y/N!" Douma's exuberant voice echoed across the hot springs, causing Akaza to stiffen. Of all the beings Akaza could have gone without seeing, Douma was at the top of his list. All he wanted was to spend some peaceful time with you, without any interruptions.
"Aww... did I arrive too late? I hope I didn't miss out on anything exciting," Douma grinned as he undressed and joined the two of you in the water. "Only Y/N could have come up with such a delightful plan!"
"Good evening, Douma-sama!" You greeted him, letting go of Akaza and swimming to the other demon to place a kiss to his jaw. "I was afraid you won't come."
"How could I refuse you, my dear?" Douma chuckled, nuzzling your cheek before planting a soft kiss on it. "Besides, it has been ages since I last soaked in a hot spring!"
"Guys, I brought the two of you here for a reason," you said, your eyes locking onto theirs. "I'm tired of your constant fighting and bickering. It's time to put an end to this feud. That's all I ask. I don't expect you to become best friends overnight, but I do expect you to try to get along."
Akaza let out an audible scoff, clearly not amused by the suggestion. He had no intention of following through with such a foolish idea.
"Feud?" Douma questioned, his head tilted to the side. "Don't be silly, Y/N. There's no feud between us. Where on earth did you get that idea from?"
You leaned forward, your voice gentle but firm. "I understand that, but you can't let those disagreements fester. You need to sit down and have an honest conversation about what's been bothering you. And most importantly, you need to listen to each other."
"I don't care about his reasons for being bothered. I came here to spend time with you and relax. Alone," Akaza grumbled.
Douma rested his chin on your shoulder and let out a sigh of his own. "I truly don't see what the issue is, my dear. I have no ill feelings towards Akaza-dono. We simply enjoy teasing each other, nothing more."
You slipped your sharp nails into Douma's hair, scratching his scalp lazily while giving a glance to Akaza. "Come here, handsome," you asked him, making the best doe-eyes.
Douma's smile widened as he leaned into your hand, closing his rainbow-coloured eyes, enjoying the affection.  Akaza couldn't deny the comfort of having you close, even if it meant being near Douma. He let out a deep sigh and moved closer to you after cutting the distance, his arm wrapping around your waist from behind.
"Can you at least consider my words, Akaza?" You asked, leaning into his strong hand on your waist.
"Please don't expect me to perform miracles," Akaza shook his head, trying to focus on your scent instead looking at Douma who was way too close to you, as for Akaza’s liking.
Douma let out a contented sound, his smile still intact. "See? We don't fight all the time, as you put it, darling."
"Excuse me, Douma," you began, your voice carefully measured. "I can't help but be reminded of Akaza when I saw the way he carried you with the strong blow aimed at your jaw during the last meeting we all attended.”
Douma maintained his grin, directing it towards you. "Oh, dear Y/N, don't be so dramatic. It's merely a harmless horseplay. Do I appear to be bothered by it?"
"Excuse me, but I have to say something. I understand that you two may not consider your behavior harmful, but I do. And I think it's time you changed the way you speak and act towards each other. And I won't let you go until you both apologize to each other and shake your hands," you folded your arms over your chest, tilting your head to the side. "And I have plenty of time."
"You're being dramatic, Y/N," Akaza said with an eye roll. "I won't even touch him."
Douma let out a soft whine in response. "Ah, what a shame, Akaza-dono! I was looking forward to some fun," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I suppose we have more time to relax now."
"Boys!" You whined sadly. "Please? For me?"
Douma pouted and wrapped his arms tightly around you. "But I'm a good boy, I didn't do anything wrong," he protested.
Akaza shook his head and swam away, clearly annoyed by Douma's antics.
Meanwhile, the rainbow-eyed demon sighed and made himself comfortable, pulling you onto his lap. "Don't worry about him. He's just being moody," he said reassuringly.
"Akaza-dono!" You moaned after the other demon and rolled your eyes, rubbing your temples. "Honey, wait here a little, I need to speak with him," you kissed Douma's jaw and swam to Akaza.
Ignoring you until you sat on his lap, Akaza eventually relented and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer against his toned chest.
"You're mad at me, aren't you?"
Akaza didn't bother to look at you as he muttered, "Yes, you brought him here. I don't understand why you would want to be involved with him in any way, but I allow it nevertheless. Just you need to know that I have absolutely no plans to get near this bastard any more than necessary."
You studied Akaza's face carefully, taking in the tension in his features as he spoke of his concerns. His words were measured, but the worry in his voice was palpable. "Are you worried about leaving me by Douma's side?" You asked gently, your eyes never leaving his face. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you knew would be a difficult conversation. "I appreciate your concern, Akaza. But I need you to understand that all I want is for the two of you to get on good terms. I'm tired of the constant fighting and tension between you. And truly, it affects not only me but other Upper Moons as well."
Akaza expressed his disapproval with a sigh. "I have no intention of being on good terms with that annoying, woman-eating creature," he said. "Douma is a poor excuse for a demon, and don't try to manipulate my emotions. It only affects you, not anyone else. I'm perfectly fine with keeping my distance from him."
"For me? Pretty please?" You rested your forehead against the crook of his neck..
With a deep sigh, Akaza rolled his eyes and asked, "What do I get out of it, little one?"
You blinked; you didn't expect him to have any conditions or stuff like that. "What would you like to get?" You asked, playfully tugging on his hair.
"Well, I’m asking you about that. Since you try to force me into interacting with him," Akaza pointed at Douma who just smiled and waved at the two of you. "I am getting lonely here, Y/N-chan!” He sang, showing his perfect fangs in a wide grin.
Before you managed, you laughed involuntarily and waved back at Douma. "Well. Isn't my love enough?" You kissed Akaza’s cheek, slowly moving your hands down his nape, scratching where you knew he liked the most.
Akaza shrugged and kissed your cheek, "Sorry, but your love alone isn't enough to make me want to get closer to him."
You cupped his face in your palms and kissed him as deeply as you could, slipping your tongue past his lips. "Come on, Akaza, be a good boy. I know you are. And it would make me happy."
Akaza acquiesced with a low growl and nodded, releasing a deep sigh. "Very well. Let it be as you wish."
You let a happy squeak, tugging on his hair. "You're the best, you know?"
He pushed your hand away from his hair in annoyance. "If you stop pulling on my hair, I'll consider your pleas. So what exactly do you want me to do with him?"
"I like when you're growing angry," you told him, grasping his hand. "Since you agreed, you two will interact like the good boys you are. And you'll apologize to him, and he'll apologize to you. Come, handsome."
Akaza followed you while squeezing your hand.
Douma, who was sitting in the water looking visibly bored, immediately perked up and started beaming with happiness upon seeing the two of you approaching. "Oh Y/N, Akaza-dono! Finally! I was afraid you both forgot about me!"
"And tell me, how could I have forgotten about my charming lord?" You asked, tapping his shoulder, and giving a significant glance to Akaza.
Instead of giving in to his urge to punch Douma, Akaza took control of his emotions and forced a smile. He apologized for his previous behavior and said, "I'm sorry for being so mean to you, and for punching you, so many times."
"Please don't feel the need to apologize, Akaza-dono," Douma smirked, stretching his arms. "However, since you have, I accept your apology!"
Akaza found it difficult to control his anger and resist the urge to punch Douma's face, with that ugly smirk glued to the other demon's lips.
After their heated confrontation, it was a relief to see that Akaza was willing to swallow his pride and apologize. You knew that it wouldn't be an easy thing for him to do, but you also knew that it was the right thing.
Akaza's deliberate words caught your attention as you observed Douma's facial expressions closely. You noticed a sense of astonishment followed by a guarded sense of acceptance.
"Douma," you said softly, fixing him with a pointed look. "It's time for you, darling."
Douma blinked in surprise as he looked at you. Apologize? He, the nice one, had to say sorry? Nevertheless, he moved closer to the pink-haired demon and wrapped his arms around Akaza tightly, his voice filled with happiness as he said, glaring up at Upper Moon Three, "I'm sorry for ever annoying you! I never meant to do so. You’re my best friend in the end."
Akaza froze in place as Douma wrapped his arms around him in a tight embrace. His muscles tensed up as he fought the urge to lash out and attack the cult leader.
You smiled, seeing them interacting. You settled into the hot spring, the warm water enveloping your body and easing the tension in your muscles. You closed your eyes, letting out a contented sigh. "I'm proud of both of you, and I want us to enjoy this moment together. Now come on, join me in the water. It's so relaxing, you won't regret it."
Finally, Akaza managed to extricate himself from Douma's embrace and made his way to your side, putting some distance between himself and the other demon.
Douma simply shrugged and casually took a seat on your other side.
You let out a contented sigh as you sank into the warm water of the hot springs, feeling the tension in your muscles start to melt away. But what made this moment truly special was the company of two of your closest friends, who had taken their places on either side of you. "It's like we're in our own little world up here."
You let your head fall back and close your eyes, letting the warm water wash over you. It was moments like these that made all the stresses and worries of daily life fade away.
Douma let out a deep sigh and silently concurred with you. He then linked his arm with yours and rested his head on your shoulder.
Meanwhile, Akaza reached for your hand underwater and grasped it tightly.
You started stroking Douma's head, and could feel the softness of his hair and the coolness of his skin beneath your fingertips. 
You also felt Akaza's fingers interlock with yours as you continued to stroke Douma's head. 
The three of you sat there in silence for a while, the only sound coming from the soft rustle of Douma's hair as you continued to stroke it.
"Yeah, yeah, that was lovely, but how about some one-on-one cuddles now?" Akaza suggested, gently lifting you onto his lap and away from Douma's embrace.
Douma looked at him incredulously. "Hey, that's not fair!"
You were caught off guard as Akaza suddenly pulled you onto his lap. Your body stiffened as you felt the weight of his muscular arms around you. "Baby," you whimpered, your voice betraying your shock as you offered him a glance. 
As he held you, you couldn't help but notice the feel of his powerful arms around you, and the warmth of his breath fanning your neck. You rested your forehead against his in the end.
Douma's arms were folded over his chest, his eyes narrowed as he glared at Akaza. "That's not fair. I want a turn too," he protested.
"Douma, darling..." You whispered, trying to smile at the silver-haired demon.
"What? We were supposed to share," Douma argued loudly, attempting to take you all to himself, pulling on your waist he grasped tightly on.
"Douma!" You whimpered after being pulled on the silver-haired demon's lap. "Akaza! Can you stop arguing, guys?!"
"Who are you to say that? You would probably just take her to your cult and imprison her," Akaza growled, forcefully pulling you back onto his lap.
"You're just jealous," Douma retorted, scowling at Akaza. "I wouldn't do that to her. She's free to make her own choices. And I know you're jealous of weaklings worshiping me."
Akaza tightened his grip around you protectively. "I don't trust you. You have a history of manipulating others for your own gain."
Douma rolled his eyes. "Oh please, don't act like you're any better. We're all demons here, remember?"
You shifted uncomfortably between them, feeling like a piece of property being fought over. "Guys, can't we just enjoy the moment and not argue?" You suggested weakly.
Douma let out a dark chuckle, his eyes glinting with malice as he gazed at Akaza. "I would love nothing more than to see you with your hands all over her though," he taunted, a twisted smirk spreading across his lips.
Akaza's grip on you tightened as he glared at Douma. "You're disgusting. Keep your twisted fantasies to yourself."
You blinked again and cleared your throat, trying to get their attention. "Boys! Stop it, like right now! I'm still here, if you didn't notice?!"
Douma's arms wrapped tightly around you, ensuring that Akaza wouldn't try to take you away again as he pulled you onto his lap. "We both know that, love, it's hard to ignore," he said with a sweet smile, causing Akaza to cringe in annoyance.
"So quit it! Right now!" You tried to wiggle yourself out of Douma's embrace.
He released you with reluctance, his hand giving your head a gentle pat before dropping back to his side.
You slowly rose from Douma's lap, not bothering to cover your nudity with your hands. You could feel both of their eyes on you, tracing every curve and contour of your body with an intensity that made your skin flush with heat.
Furthermore, you felt a surge of anger rise in your chest, and you clenched your fists at your sides. "How dare you," you seethed, your voice low and menacing. "I am not some plaything for you to ogle at! Show some respect!" 
The memories of their objectifying behavior haunted you, and before long, the brush slowed to a stop as tears began to trickle down your cheeks. As the tears continued to flow, you decided to get out of the water. 
When you were fully dressed, you simply left further in the woods.
They both observed you, taken aback by your sudden outburst. It was a rare occurrence for you to display such emotion.
As you stormed off, Akaza became concerned, but Douma simply let out a sigh and sank deeper into the water. "Women can be so dramatic, don't you think?"
Suddenly, Douma felt a sharp tug on his silver hair, pulling him underwater before being released a moment later. As he coughed out the water, Douma grinned and urged Akaza to do it harder next time.”Akaza-dono! I know you can go rougher next time!”
Akaza rolled his eyes and declared, "We're going to find her." He let go of Douma, got out of water, and began to dress himself.
Douma sighed but followed suit, carefully arranging his hair before getting dressed. "Alright, let's go find the drama queen before the sun rises," Douma said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
You sat under the shade of a large tree. The air was cool and crisp, the kind that carries the scent of autumn leaves and earth. You had found your favorite spot in the forest, a place of refuge from the demands of the world.
Sitting on your lap was a small Japanese macaque, its soft fur warm and comforting against your skin. The monkey seemed to sense your sadness and curled up closer, as if offering a soothing embrace. You stroked its fur absentmindedly, tears streaming down your cheeks.
The two male demons walked back in silence, the tension still thick in the air.
As they approached you, you turned around and gave them a cold stare. "What do you want?" You asked, your voice laced with bitterness.
Akaza took a step forward, concern etched on his face. "We want to talk to you. Please, come back with us."
Douma stepped up beside Akaza. "We're sorry for what we said earlier. We didn't mean to upset you."
"Just go away," you snapped at them, not even bothering yourself with looking at them.
The demon with rainbow eyes rolled his fan and used it to shoo away the animal from your lap. "Don't be childish, Y/N. Your sudden departure made us worry," he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Your eyes fixated on the retreating figure of the monkey as it darted through the forest. 
Normally, Akaza and Douma's presence would have caught your attention, but this time you chose to ignore them, pretending as if they weren't even there.
"Oh, don't push us away like that. It's hurtful," Douma remarked, taking a seat next to you. Akaza soon followed, sitting comfortably by your other side.
"You both had already given me a headache," you hissed, not looking at any of them. You shook your head, feeling the weight of their rivalry bearing down on you. "I don't like this, guys. It's not fair to me, and it's putting a strain on our relationships. I don't want to be the cause of this tension between you anymore. That's why I decided I won't talk to any of you ever again. I'm done with your bullshit."
"What if we promise to stop fighting?" Akaza asked, gently taking your hand. "For real this time."
"I appreciate your words, Akaza," you said, your tone neutral. "But forgive me if I don't fully believe in your promise to stay out of trouble with Douma."
"After giving it some more thought, he's right, my dear," Douma added, mimicking Akaza's action by taking your hand. "The last thing I want to do is distress the one I love."
"You both already did," your tone was nothing but a whisper carried by a cold, night wind.
"That's why we came after you, Y/N. We didn't follow you for no reason," Douma  explained.
"We're sorry for arguing and making you uncomfortable," Akaza added, his hand still holding yours.
"Do you forgive us?" Douma asked, looking at you with a hopeful expression.
You sat sandwiched between Douma and Akaza, your mind racing as you tried to process everything that had happened between the three of you. There had been a time when you trusted them implicitly, when you would have followed them anywhere. But that trust had been shattered when they had betrayed it by arguing all the time, leaving you to fend for yourself.
After a long moment of silence, you spoke, "I'm willing to trust you both again."
Both demons exchanged smiles before turning their attention back to you. 
Douma leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your cheek before trailing down to your neck. "My dear Y/N, we're so glad to hear that. We promise to make it up to you," he whispered.
Akaza hummed in agreement, nuzzling his face into your shoulder and placing a few more gentle kisses. "We'll do our best to be better, for you."
"And you really won't be fighting with each other?"
Douma chuckled. "Well, I'll behave, or at least I’ll try to."
Akaza smiled softly, brushing his thumb over the back of your hand. "As will I. And we will work on our differences for your sake."
"I am the happiest demon when you both behave. I have certain feelings for both of you, and I can't imagine losing any of you,” you explained.
They both started to place sloppy kisses on your neck.
"Now that we're all on the same page…" Douma purred. "How about we go back to your cozy little lair and..."
"... continue our little celebration," Akaza finished for him, his hand caressing the curve of your waist.
As your partners leaned in to place soft, feather-light kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck, you couldn't help but blink in surprise. It was a small, unexpected gesture, but it sent shivers down your spine nonetheless. You purred quietly, relishing in the sensations that their touch evoked. It was a rare moment of pure intimacy, and you were grateful for every second of it. But as they continued to kiss your neck, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Not for their touch, of course, but for the easy way they seemed to communicate with each other. "You two are so in sync," you murmured, your voice soft and wistful. "It's lovely how you can finish each other's sentences. I already love it. Maybe let's not waste time anymore. I'm in heat.”
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