#mischief and magic
night-lie · 1 year
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cianmars · 2 years
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PC Brennan is one of my favourite types, he truly just chomps
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leonabrook · 1 month
Evan Kelmp may just be SnowBaz in disguise
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My favorite PCs from every Dimension 20 Campaign I’ve watched:
Fantasy High (both seasons): Gorgug Thistlespring
Mice and Murder: Detective Sylvester
Mischief and Magic: Evan Kelmp
The Seven: Ostentatia Wallace
Starstruck Odyssey: Skip
A Court of Fey and Flowers: Captain Knickolas Pnackless Hob
Neverafter: Prince Gerard of Greenleigh
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Sam Black from Dimension 20’s Misfits and Magic campaign as a web avatar
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Mod: Sunny ✨
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icyzoie · 4 months
I played so much Mischief & Magic, that I started getting kills as a prop
I watched the replay, and it seemed like they couldn't see me from their pov. In other words, they had to jump off the ledge to see me.
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avocadocremee · 10 months
Another mischief and magic clip :p so happy me and my friends got to try this before it was taken out.
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kyolud · 4 months
Took me 3 rounds of the new prop-hunt to realize I didn't lose life when dashing on Genji, only melee attack 🤣 it improved my games a lot!
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angelaf1978 · 11 months
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Loki 💚🖤
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b1gwings · 2 years
insane how after i finish a dimension 20 series i go straight to tumblr to follow all the art tags
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fensherohair · 2 years
Hogwarts Bane (Sirius Black X Fem Reader) - Marauder Era
Word Count: 1.7K Warning: None (unless you count mischief)
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(Y/N) had always been mischievous, it was a trait often associated with her. That was just whom she was. Her first year at Hogwarts had been almost boring, nothing out of the ordinary happened. She'd been sorted into Gryffindor by the sorting house, and quickly become friends with Melene McKinnon and Lily Evans. Just as she'd become the bane of James Potter's existence and that of several professors. The years following, a prank war of sorts had broken out between (Y/N) and the Marauders, although for the most part, it had been against James, Peter and Sirius would also join in from time to time. Remus often being the voice of reason, although he'd given (Y/N) some pointers on the odd occasion or purposely not warned James, Peter and Sirius when they walked into one of her traps. 
"What do you mean you gave me the map? I have seen you since breakfast" stated James, suddenly concerned about the whereabouts of the map and whom could have hold of it. His voice just above a whisper, as he shouted. Attempting to keep his voice down so fellow students wouldn't hear what they were on about. Remus and Sirius nowhere to be found, likely still serving detention or in the library looking for the books needed to study. Although their sixth year, some were getting a head start for the NEWT's next year. Some just wanted to prepare themselves for future possibilities. 
"I gave it to on the way to Defense against the Dark Arts" muttered Peter, as if suddenly realizing someone else had the map. The scrawny teenager suddenly began hoping, Sniverllus hadn't gotten it via polyjuice potion. It wasn't worth thinking about, what the Slytherin could do with the map. Not only would it help him immensely with whatever he did in his free time, but it would also allow him to see where they were at all times, thrust none of them would be able to get the jump on him. That being if he knew the password to it. "You asked what the password was to open and close it. Said it was to make sure it was me because someone was impersonating students and staff again" as the words left Peter's lips, James turned to him quickly, as if his worst fears had been realized. 
"Wormtail you idiot" almost yelled James, before he could calm himself again. The situation was dire and far more important than studying or continuing on the prank war with (Y/N). At that moment Remus and Sirius entered the common room, Remus chuckling about something and Sirius' hair smoking slightly, his face also slightly blackened, as if something had blown up in his face. Yet none the less, the pure-blood wizard seemed cheery none the less, a grin on his lips as he continued his conversation with Remus. "You two wouldn't believe what's happened. Someone impersonated me and got the map from Peter. He gave them the passwords and all" angrily whispered yelled James, when the duo sat down at the open chairs. Remus placing the books down carefully, while Sirius attempted to put the blue flames smoking in his hair out. 
"You mean this right?" came the voice of (Y/N) from behind James, the four turning their attention to her. Only to see her holding the blank parchment up, a wicked grin upon her lips as her eyes lit up with mischief again. She just managed to stifle her laugh upon seeing Sirius, it being clear he'd be hit with her antics on the grand staircase again. Just as James' reddened noses suggested he'd found the nose biting tea pot and matching cups, she'd left out to catch someone. "Quite the peace of magic you boys have there. Although you missed a few spots around the school" complimented the young Gryffindor student, her grin remained unmoved as James reached up to snatch the blank parchment from her. 
"How did you brew the potion so fast?" asked James, not noticing the look Sirius and Remus shared. "Polyjuice potion take a month to brew, not even you could get everything and brew it without being detected" added Prongs, automatically assuming she had used the polyjuice potion, as if any other possibility was yet to enter his mind. "Wait, what do you mean we missed some places?" asked the teenager, as if it suddenly hit him what she said, which also confirmed she'd taken a peak at the map or at least used it for something. 
"She didn't brew a potion mate. She's metamorphic" corrected Sirius, suddenly curious how James had missed the obvious signs, the mischief, clumsiness and her hair randomly changing colors at a moments notice. James looked up quickly, as if it all suddenly made sense. How she got away so quickly when he'd chased her down corridors, he'd be seconds behind her and find nothing when rounding corners. Even why Melene and Lily so often chuckled at him when he insisted one day he'd catch her. "Mind putting the flames out?" asked Sirius, stilling trying to figure out what powder she'd used for it, he'd yet to see anything like it and none of the spell or potion books had anything remotely similar. (Y/N) simply nodded before pulling out her wand, quietly waving it towards Sirius before putting it away again. "What did you use anyway?" continued Padfoot, noticing the fire didn't do any damage, it just smoked a little and never seemed to dire down no matter what he did. All he and Remus succeeded in doing was changing the color from purple to blue. 
"A little concoction of mine" admitted (Y/N) revealing it wasn't a potion or spell to be found in a book, but instead something she had created herself. Putting the time she spent in detention to good use. "And yes James you missed some spots around the school. Couple of great hiding places and a hidden passage or two" elaborated (Y/N), a grin on her lips, although she didn't give any specifics. Peter merely looked on confused, as if he didn't really know what was going on, or had lost track of the conversation at some point. 
"Of all the people to date Sirius, you had to pick the bane of my existence" spoke James, putting his head down on the table. Remus just laughed again, knowing (Y/N) was the bane of a lot of people's existence, mainly Slytherin students and professors. (Y/N) made a comment to correct something. Sirius rubbed James' hair to offer comfort, but a chuckle escaped him none the less. "Why did you impersonate me? Why not the others?" asked Prongs, suddenly curious why she had chosen him to impersonate rather than one of the others. 
"Peter's too easy to impersonate. Remus was in plain sight so it would be easy for someone to notice. Sirius was with McGonagall. So that left you. Plus I like a challenge" commented (Y/N), seeing how Peter look to her, as if to protest about being easy to impersonate. He'd always prided himself on being a Marauder. Remus and Sirius simply nodded, as if seeing the logical reasoning behind them not being chosen, where as James simply smirked at the idea of challenging (Y/N). "Might want to watch for Snape. He thinks your up to something, hasn't quite dawned on him the second version of you, was actually me. Directed him towards a fire popper, same one Lily walked into" quickly added (Y/N) revealing one person had noticed something was up but not quite catching what. The half blood witch merely grinning mischievously as she skipped off towards the dorm stairs. 
"How did your parents react?" asked Remus, recalling Sirius sending a letter home to inform his parents of his dating life. It was no secret Sirius would do anything to go against his family's traditions. This time it being whom one associated with and was in a relationship with. It was no secret (Y/N) was a half blood, something she was actually rather proud of. That and she wasn't known to care about another's blood status, instead she went by the person as a whole. 
"Did the howler not give it away?" responded Sirius, chuckling as he held up the pink/red envelope, the one which had been whistling and almost growling, since receiving it that morning. He refused to open it, intending on seeing how long it took it to explode. Plus he knew what it would say anyway. Demands for him to break up with (Y/N), and a bunch of slurs and other insults thrown in her direction. A few other things about being disappointed in him and so on. "Planning to see how long it takes to explode" announced Padfoot, looking up just in time to see (Y/N) at the top on the balcony overlooking the common area. Lily and Melene coincidentally disappearing mere seconds later. (Y/N) simply winked in Sirius's direction before throwing the Fanged Frisbee over the balcony, it clearly been bewitched to follow people. 
"Going old school now" commented Remus as he ducked, Peter having disappeared under the table, almost in hopes of it to protect him from the chaos. A hope that was soon destroyed by the ever bashing boomerang. As well as a few others things. "Bane of your existence James. She's the bane of Hogwarts at the moment" spoke Moony, once again ducking and making a b-line for the stairs. Just spotting Sirius catch the boomerang, before throwing it again with a smirk. Almost as if the whole thing was planned. 
"Sirius" called James, finding cover behind one of the chairs. The eldest Black brother, soon looked over to his best friend, a smirk on his lips as he did so. "We should seriously consider recruiting (Y/N) rather than continuing the war. Seems we need to think of new tricks" commented James as one of the teacup latched on to his fingers, causing him to curse and yell out. Sirius seemingly agreed, suspecting the creative ideas (Y/N) often using them to cause mischief, and put others who prided themselves on being mischievous to shame. "Give her a kiss for me" commented Prongs, seeing Sirius's confusion, he stood confused for some minutes before being brought back to reality when the boomerang hit the back of his head. 
Fens Masterlist
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night-lie · 1 year
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“I can’t wait to meet Queen Emily!”
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imagine-loki · 2 years
Mischief and Magic
TITLE: Mischief and Magic CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 12/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are a descendant from a kitsune, a fox demon. You have a mischievous streak a mile long. One day, after Thor gets tired of your antics, he throws you at Loki demanding that you annoy Loki for awhile. RATING: T (for now) NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Morgan took Loki’s hand and dragged him out of the tower, treating him more like a favorite stuffed animal than a terrifying powerful god. Clearly, Loki had lost his touch, at least when it came to this little mortal Starklet, but somehow he couldn’t find it in himself to mind.  She was treating him like her best friend, like potentially more than that when she was of age to consent to such things, and Loki found that he liked it.  He’d never had a friend like her before, or friends at all.  Thor’s friends were idiots and Loki was too different on Asgard to be accepted.  Somehow… somehow Morgan didn’t mind that he was different and dark.  She kept finding and pulling out the light in him.
Loki flinched when they left the tower, expecting some alarm to go off, some weapon to attack him for daring to leave without an approved guard or babysitter.  For daring to leave without permission.  He was astonished when no attack came and when Morgan just kept dragging him along like nothing strange occurred with him. She led him out onto the street, chatting with him as they strolled along.  Loki listened intently as she told him about the city and the shops, as she told him about Midgardian life. It grounded him, seeing how similar and different this realm was to his home. 
People stared at them as they walked.  Morgan ignored them, used to being in the spotlight, used to all the attention.  Her father was famous and her looks made her distinctive, especially with her arc reactor glowing through her shirt.  Loki noted with satisfaction that she wore a repulsor, hidden as a watch, and was proud of her for not going unarmed, even if he was perfectly capable of protecting her.  
Loki also knew that some of the stares from the people on the street were for him.  Even without his distinctive helmet, it was common knowledge that he was back on the realm and living at the tower.  Seeing him with Morgan wasn’t terribly unexpected.  Though he heard some mentions about some mortal named ‘Tom Hiddleston’.  He made a note to himself to ask Morgan about that when they were safely in private again.  
As they made their way to more densely populated shops, Loki felt the need to speak up, to spill a secret before it blew up the hard way.  It took more courage than he wanted to admit, afraid of being rejected like he had been all his life, but he finally got the words out: “I should warn you that cold things turn me blue." He said the words in a rush.  It was the only way to get them out.  Did she know what he was?  Did she understand what the cold would do to him?  Would she see him as a monster?
Morgan paused in her stride and looked up at him, giving him her full attention with a small adorable frown.  She resembled a kitten trying to figure out how to properly pounce on a hoppy bug.  “Oh… do you want to go somewhere else?" she didn't want to make him uncomfortable and clearly didn’t quite see what the problem was or how to fix it. 
Loki shook his head firmly. He really did want to try the treat.  “Not at all. There are ways to avoid it being an issue. For example, simply taking the treat to the tower and eating it there." It wasn’t the ideal solution when the god wanted to spend time outside of the tower, but would be less traumatizing for all involved. 
Morgan considered that and Loki could practically see the gears in her head spin as she recalculated her plans for their day out. "Then we'll head to the bookstore first and get ice cream on our way back,” she suggested easily.  She was planning on surprising Loki with a trip to the bookstore.  Now, they would just do it in a different order.  
Loki lit up in absolute delight; he was always in the mood to adopt some books!  Books needed homes and he was glad to give them all a loving home.  Morgan giggled and led him down a few shops to a little bookstore crammed full of book-friends to adopt. Loki seemed to be in his element the moment he inhaled the scent of the books. "I thought you would like it here,” Morgan said at his reaction.  
Loki nodded and beamed and went to prowl along the shelves, hunting for new books to adopt. He soon returned with a massive stack of books and puppy eyes, begging for his new friends to come home with him. Morgan had wandered off to her favorite section of the store and had her own stack of books when they met up again at the register. Loki set his books on the counter, surprising the clerk with the size of the stack.  The clerk was just as surprised at the stack Morgan sat next to it.  Loki was just glad Morgan wasn’t telling him that he couldn’t adopt all his new friends.  
Loki looked between Morgan and the books on the counter and realized he didn’t really know how money worked on Midgard.  As she was digging in her wallet, he produced a wad of cash that he'd transfigured from some slips of paper.  That was legitimate currency, right? He tried so hard to do things the right way.  It was adorable.  Even if it was completely wrong.  Morgan shook her head. “I’ve got it" she reassured him and handed over her dad’s credit card to the clerk. It wasn't like her dad couldn't afford it.
Loki nodded. "Alright,” he relented easily, watching the transaction with interest.  It was all new to him and Loki loved learning new things.
Morgan bought all the books and smirked at Loki. "Can you put the bags in one of those fancy dimensional pockets?" Carrying heavy books around didn't sound appealing.  She didn’t abuse Loki’s magic, but trading favors with a friend was totally acceptable.  Loki nodded and vanished the books with seemingly no effort.
Morgan grinned and took his hand to lead him to the ice cream shop. She got distracted on the way, though, and dragged him into a stuffed animal store. "They have a new plushie in the Avengers collection!" she told him excitedly.  Loki had been surprised at the sudden stop, but relaxed when he found himself surrounded by plushies.  Jotuns loved cuddly toys.  He still didn’t know all that much about his culture, but he’d learned that much from what research he’d been able to do and from his own experiences.  
Morgan went to the Avengers display and beamed at the Loki plushies. They were clearly new and the store had quite a few of them. She picked out the best looking one and cuddled it close. "I doubt you want a plushie of yourself…” she gestured around the store in invitation for him to pick out a plush friend to adopt.  
Loki looked at the plushie cuddled to her chest (and tried to convince himself that he wasn’t jealous).  "They made one in my image??" He demanded incredulously.  He was a villain! Why would they make a plushie of him??
Morgan nodded and grinned up at him, clearly amused by how incredulous he was.  There was mischief and fun in her eyes, which Loki definitely respected, being the god of mischief. "When your brother announced that you'd be joining the team, the company decided to make one. I've been waiting for them to come out. I have the rest of the collection,” she told him.  It was no surprise that she had the collection.  The Avengers were her family and it was comforting to have plushes of them around.  Clearly the one of Loki was the best, though.  Especially in Loki’s opinion. 
Loki smiled in return.  He couldn’t help it when she was beaming so brightly.  She was like a little sunshine.  But unlike Thor’s light that he kept for himself and kept Loki in the shadows, she shared her light with everyone around her. "Do they have a Lady Morgan?"
Morgan shook her head, surprised by the question.  She was just Tony’s daughter, a no one, not compared to the team. “I’m not an Avenger..." she said softly.  There was no reason for her to be represented.
Loki tilted his head and considered. "Well then, we’ll just have to find something that represents you."
Morgan relaxed and her sunshine returned as the pair hunted through the store until they found a suitable plushie. It was a fox instead of a bear like most of the stuffed animals.  It was the same color as her hair, and just seemed to fit.  They dressed it up to look like Morgan, including a little arc reactor from the Iron Man section. Loki smiled. "Perfect." It reminded him so much of her, though he hadn’t quite placed exactly why.  
Morgan grinned “You think so?" she liked that he wanted a plushie of her, liked that she meant enough to him for it. 
Loki nodded and thought through his words before he explained further. Morgan had noticed that he always tended to think before he spoke, unlike his oafish brother. “You're clever, like a fox. The red color matches your hair and the arc reactor matches the one you have."
Morgan beamed at all the praise "Perfect indeed,” she agreed and paid for their new plush friends.  
Once that was done, they finally they made their way to the ice cream shop. Loki looked at her as they walked. "Thank you for taking me with you on your outing," he said warmly. He'd needed the fresh air and break from the team and the tower.  He tended to get stabby when he was cooped up too long.
Morgan grinned up at him. "Thought you could use some time out of the tower. And ice cream,”
Loki chuckled, though there was worry and concern in his words. "Hopefully, my Jotun form won't be too frightening."
"It won't be,” Morgan replied and led him into the shop properly. She showed him all the different flavors of ice cream on the menu board. “You seem like you'd like mint chocolate chip,” she said after he’d had a minute to look over all the choices.  He’d seemed overwhelmed, so she offered him an opinion. 
Loki nodded. "It's in my colors," he observed.  Mint sounded pleasant and he loved chocolate, so it seemed a good fit.  
"That's true,” Morgan agreed and ordered their ice cream for them. She got the chocolateist thing they had and ordered the mint for him. Loki carried the tubs of ice cream in a bag so they wouldn't turn him blue in public.
Morgan led him back to the tower, holding his hand the entire way.  She was closer to him physically than she had been, walking next to him instead of dragging him like a plushie. She’d taken his hand automatically, hers warm and soft in his.  
He’d allowed her taking his hand without question, without thinking about it, and that realization warmed his heart.  It just felt so natural and perfect.  Fresh air, sunshine, and the little sunshine walking next to him, showing him such natural affection.  He’d only experienced unforced affection, physical affection, from one other person in his life: his beloved mama.
And this experience, this feeling, was so very different from the one he shared with Mama Frigga.
And wasn’t that interesting?
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puppetmaster13u · 8 days
Mermay Special Prompt 4
Go on vacation, they said. We can watch Gotham, they said. Just go hang with and adjust to caring for kids, they said. Yeah, well no one said anything about getting cursed while at the vacation lake house, which okay, fine. But did it have to affect the kids too? 
Bruce pressed his head in his hands, groaning in dismay as the children practically zoomed around the surrounding water with enthusiastic trills and squeals he could somehow understand. And through the air, to their increasing delight. Okay. Okay this is fine. 
It wasn’t like he also somehow now had an extra child who looked like one at most that he had no clue as to where they came from. Said child wasn’t squirming in his arms, black scales and tiny fins akin to the setting of a sun twisting as they chirped. Definitely not. 
Okay. Alright. He could figure this out. Probably…. hopefully…
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bluberryfields · 8 months
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Turns out watching tall, lanky supernatural entities dramatically open up suit jackets is my kink
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villainboygirl · 7 months
Why didn't anyone notice that, in season 2, Loki doesn't use his knives or his sword? He finally uses his magic to 100% of his potential.
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