#Liminal Batfam
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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inkandarsenic · 1 year
My new favorite HC is that the Infinite Realms is Faerie. Danny died and is brought back by the magic of Faerie, making him more half Fae than he is half ghost. He’s been raised by the Fentons, though, who believe that Faerie is the Ghost Zone and that they’re ghost hunters, and so Danny, Sam and Tucker all just assume that he’s half ghost.
The Infinite Realms, however, are in fact infinite, and most of the ghosts Danny fights are in fact the spirits of humans who died in a place where the barrier between worlds was exceptionally thin, like ley line intersections or natural portals. They don’t realize that Danny isn’t actually half ghost because halfas are so rare. When Danny defeats Pariah Dark, he becomes King of the Infinite Realms (King of Faerie) after which his Fae qualities begin bleeding into his human half too. (Liminal Sam, Tucker and Jazz meaning they also start having Fae qualities? Team Phantom making everyone just slightly uncomfortable because they’re just a little too inhuman. Like uncanny valley vibes, they’re all just a bit off, but they’re just vibing completely oblivious to it. Ellie is like Puck from midsummer nights dream. Team Phantom eventually all becoming more Faerie than human through exposure and connection to Danny.)
If we go DPxDC on this, the liminal Batfam being just slightly off the way Sam Tucker and Jazz are, something people chalk up to them being bats, but Jason coming back more like Danny, a little more unsettling than the others.
The Speedforce being another corner of the Infinite Realms, and the Flash Family sometimes smile just a bit too wide, sometimes laugh just a bit too brightly, sometimes when people are around them as they run, they get the inexplicable urge to join in and never stop. (Flash Family being like the Wild Hunt or like the dancing until you die thing.)
The first time Team Phantom meets the Justice League + Constantine, everything in Constantine is screaming to stay as far away as possible from them, but the Flashes and Bats just completely disregard his warnings. The Kents and Diana also ignoring him because their nonhuman physiology means they don’t have that instinct to run. Damian thinks being around Team Phantom feels like being around the League.
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geraldmariaivo · 9 months
concept based on the idea that both the Gotham Rogues are some degree of liminal due to all the death they’re around: they love Damian.
whether he’s a halfa or not, they think he’s absolutely hysterical because he pings as at minimum another liminal to them, and fighting and threats like “I’m going to lodge your teeth into your femur” are such a casual part of Ghost Socialization 101, that the liminal part of them immediately pings this kid as playing. He’s very clearly *not* playing, but for some reason it feels like he is??? It’s weird and very few of them know what to do with.
i feel like the three most ready to indulge in their “play with the child” impulses would be Harley and Ivy, and Riddler. The main reason that I add the Riddler here is because he would probably interpret the urge to “play” with the child as giving him mental stimulation (harder, more complex puzzles and riddles), rather than a casual brawl. Especially since he kinda looks for any and every reason to prove he’s smarter than everyone else anyway.
Joker’s reaction to this is an entirely different can of worms that I don’t want to touch right now.
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daydreaming-bee · 2 years
If kryptonite is rock candy ectoplasm…
Does that mean Danny and Superman can’t be near each other? Especially if Danny is the ghost king, wouldn’t he basically radiate ectoplasm? In this case it would be like a huge aura of kryptonite to Superman?
Or would it not be a huge affect because the ectoplasm isn’t solid; like no one would even think that the reason Superman has been having these constant headaches were because of their new teammate. (Danny wouldn’t know he’s doing this either)
On another note sometimes people like to make the whole batfam liminal, in that case would spending too much time with Batman make him a little uncomfortable, even without knowing.
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writerfromthestars · 1 month
so i've seen a bunch of things where jason, or damian, or tim, or dick adopt danny. hear me out. Cass does.
Cass adopts Danny.
Danny gets de-aged, and dumped in Gotham to keep him safe from the GIW and Vlad and his parents. Cass is very liminal because of her time in the league, with a mainly empathy-based power set, and during one patrol, she feels something weird coming from an alley. 
She turns off her comms, then goes to investigate and finds smol Danny in a dumpster, trying to find food. He immediately clocks her as liminal so he trusts her purely because he knows she won’t turn him in to the government. Cass, meanwhile, is drawn to the small child, and turns her comms back on long enough to say “Babs, Bat-doption papers,” before scooping up the toddler and bringing him back to the cave. 
Danny is strongly reminded of Jazz, and he is completely fine with whatever is happening, because this liminal woman dressed as a bat found him, and then used empathy and a little ghostspeak to communicate what is happening, so he just relaxes into Cass’s arms.
Cass returns to the cave, and when asked why she has a child, she simply takes the stack of adoption papers Babs has set up, along with a tablet, puts her new kid to bed and falsifies some records to make him her legal son. Any attempts at questioning where she got Danny result in neutrally blank looks and Cass’s insistence that he is, and has always been, her son.
Bruce had been forced to bed early by Alfred for this patrol, and by the time he wakes up, eight hours of much-needed rest later, his children have come to the agreement that it’ll be really fun to fuck with his head, so he wakes up to a small child jumping on him, and, wondering whether he sleep-adopted another child, inquires as to Danny’s origins during breakfast. When he does, Tim looks shocked, Damian’s eyes widen as if he can’t believe his eyes, Cass looks betrayed, and the rest of the table just freezes. 
Hurriedly trying to fix his misstep, he asks what he said wrong, and Steph wraps her arm around Cass, picking Danny up, all while looking disappointed. 
Alfred finally breaks the silence by asking “Master Bruce, have you forgotten your grandson?” 
Bruce bluescreens. He figures out six hours later that while the kid is legally his grandson, he wasn’t present until last night, and he goes through the same process of questioning Cass and Steph about where they got the baby. The two women refuse to give any answer other than “he’s ours”.
Danny has now been adopted by a whole family of Liminals. There’s even a halfa, who reminds him a little of Dan, and he is very happy.
Duke absolutely adores his nephew. He quickly becomes Danny's favorite person outside of Cass, Steph, and Alfred.
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You know how a lot of people use Vix-Vaporub a lot and just slather it on everywhere when you are sick or hurt, to the point it kinda became a meme?
Oh, you have anxiety? Here put on some Vix-Vaporub!
You broke a bone? Have some Vix-Vaporub!
Have stage 4 cancer? Vix-vaporub!
That!, but what if it was ecto?
The Fenton's invented it and it actually works! A little too well to be honest.
The memes? To Amity Parker's, not memes totally legit.
Suddenly they have the cure for everything with just this 'simple' cream
Now imagine Danny goes to Gotham for University or an internship, and the people around just witnessed him getting Jocker Gassed, totally freaking out right?
and Danny?
He just casually takes out this bright somehow green glowing cream from his pocket and starts rubbing it on his nose and chest, and is somehow fine!?
What the hell?!
Just an Idea
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runfromthemedic · 2 years
Danny Phantom adopts more kids than Bruce Wayne
I’ve seen a lot of fics going around about how Danny will get summoned as the Ghost King via cultist and dpxdc fics going around and I had an idea.
So Danny (ages 14-16 ish depending) gets summoned a lot, and in those summoning's there is usually a sacrifice. Normally, if the sacrifices are kidnapped adults and the like Danny beats up the cultist and just lets the sacrifices go.
But what happens when the sacrifices are younger?
A literal child gets offered up, a soul contract binding them to Danny (probably as a slave or food or whatever, I just think like John Constantine’s contracts but without the con). Danny still beats up the cultist but now he has a kid with a soul contract that he can’t break without severe backlash happening to the kid and there already pretty hurt form the cultist.
Panicking and worried about the kid, Danny seals the contract but with some adjustments, so now for all intent and purposes he now has a kid. 
Danny takes the kid back to the Far Frozen for Frostbite to heal, constantly sending calming emotions to his new kid while panic texting Sam and Tucker they had a kid now and spamming Jazz with questions on how to parent.
Many freak-outs and logistic family meetings later and they’ve worked out a relatively (more like half-way) decent plan for parenting. The kid is very happy with the new and loving parents and auntie and things calm down as much as things can with three liminal teenagers, a half-dead one, and a elementary schooler can between parenting, going to school, ghost king duties, and hiding all of this from Jack and Maddie. 
Danny cries the first time the tot called him Dad. Sam and Tucker record this for blackmail. Danny gets even when Sam and Tucker breakout the waterworks when they get called Mom and Pops.
And then a few months later another summoning happens, this time with a 17 year old. They get adopted.
Five months after that, another summoning, this time with two 12 year old's. They get adopted.
Thirteen months after that, another summoning. The kids 15. Adopted.
Two months after that, summoning and there’s three of them. All adopted.
By the time Danny, Sam, and Tucker are about to hit college age they have thirteen kids give or take.  All of them call the Trio Dad, Mom, and Pops. Doesn’t matter if some of the kids are older. Team Phantom are the best parents most of them have ever had. Age is blatantly ignored in most situations. Dani is considered the oldest. The first adopted kid is considered the second oldest, etc.
Danny’s castle in the Infinite Realms has a room for all of this kids and portals going out into different dimensions depending on where the summoning happened. The Trio didn’t want to completely uproot any of their kids lives so they make sure all of the kids have the right records, access to schooling, etc. 
Cue two of the kids (maybe three if you want John Constantine drunkenly auctioning off his at the time non-existent first born, accidents happen, the whole hodgepodge family has a understanding to punch Constantine on sight if they ever see him on their siblings/sons behalf) being from the DC universe.
Older of the two goes to Gotham U (I think studying communications, politics, philosophy etc to be able to help Danny with his Ghost Kind Duties) and the younger getting a scholarship to the fancy rich kid school Damian attends. 
Danny’s kids are about as liminal as they can get between the adoption contract, all of the ectoplasm exposure, and the kids all living in the Infinite Realms the majority of the time. Damian and the younger get along like a house on fire be cause they have similar interest based on life. I think the older sibling somehow befriends Tim Drake, Tim possible develops a crush.
Batman is very paranoid about the two possibly metas around his kids
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we-ezer · 3 months
Danny is Tim’s Bio Dad 2
Tim’s canines fall out and he gets adult fangs while living with Danny in the Zone.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Mermay Special Prompt 4
Go on vacation, they said. We can watch Gotham, they said. Just go hang with and adjust to caring for kids, they said. Yeah, well no one said anything about getting cursed while at the vacation lake house, which okay, fine. But did it have to affect the kids too? 
Bruce pressed his head in his hands, groaning in dismay as the children practically zoomed around the surrounding water with enthusiastic trills and squeals he could somehow understand. And through the air, to their increasing delight. Okay. Okay this is fine. 
It wasn’t like he also somehow now had an extra child who looked like one at most that he had no clue as to where they came from. Said child wasn’t squirming in his arms, black scales and tiny fins akin to the setting of a sun twisting as they chirped. Definitely not. 
Okay. Alright. He could figure this out. Probably…. hopefully…
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nelkcats · 2 years
Yetis to the rescue
After becoming a halfa Danny didn't realize how much he needed a medical checkup until he went to see Frostbite. It turns out that being a hybrid of two species leaves you vulnerable to both types of diseases.
Frostbite was shocked when Danny commented that he didn't have any of the ghost vaccines, but in his defense how was he supposed know that it was a necessity and that ghosts could get sick? Nobody informed him!
Despite following all medical advice and undergoing the process of multiple vaccinations in the same day; months later Danny was infected by a case of Ghost flu, this kind of flu was a little different: in ghosts it just destabilized their ectoplasm, but in his half normal human body it was causing a severe pulmonary obstructive reaction, he was just lucky he didn't need to breath.
Danny was severely ill for a couple of days, and without noticing it, the Ghost flu mutated inside his body; when he finally recovered by becoming immune, the entire city was infected with a severe case of flu, a very intense flu that sent people to the hospital and was extremely difficult to detect.
At first Danny was confused when Frostbite told him that the signs the Amity Parkers were showing was a Ghost flu infection because, wasn't it supposed to be a ghost disease? Frostbite explained worriedly that sometimes virus could evolve to infect other organisms if they have the chance.
At the end Danny and Frostbite had to do an emergency quarantine in Amity before the virus mutated from affecting liminals to becoming compatible with humans, while the Amity Parkers were reluctant to accept help at first, they realized their liminal status along with the small amount of ectoplasm they hold inside their body could save them with the help of a Yeti from Far Frozen.
When Danny heard reports of a concerned Amity Parker about an infection starting in Gotham he realized it might be too late, maybe it was time to unleash the Ghost yetis medic squad.
On the other side, Red Hood had been sick for a couple of days with an extremely persistent flu, to the point where he swore to hallucinate a Yeti outside his door.
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spacedace · 1 year
Dannys graduation class is especially liminal thanks to the portal and frequent ghost encounters/ Their overshadowing. Which means, that they subconsciously prefer places with high ecto ambience.
Gotham University already had their fair share of students from amity park, one of the only people outside from Gotham who would actually stay for the duration of their studies (thanks to them being used to ghost shenanigans). But this year its more than usual + even for Gothamites these Amity Parkers seem to be rather unhinged.
(I just need more liminal!Amity Parker shenanigans :D and thanks to WE Gotham has great scholarships available)
I had a lot of fun with this one! Thank you for the prompt!
Robert’s hands shook as he brought the chalk to the blackboard, letter’s jagged and words illegible as he attempted to write the day’s lesson down.
Behind him was a silence beyond what the human mind was ready to comprehend. A room full of people, the sense of others in the room, and yet utter stillness. No soft scratch of pencils on paper, gentle taps of nails upon keyboards, no shifting of bodies or crinkling of snacks or soft murmur of voices of those at the back of the lecture hall whispering to each other.
It was something Professor Robert Herne hadn’t truly noticed before this semester. How much noise humans made even when they were sitting very quietly. Little things the brain filtered out so terribly noticeable until it was gone. The almost imperceptible hush of breaths. The absent hum of a chorus of heartbeats. Things you didn’t realize you were used to hearing until they were suddenly, horribly gone.
The chalk broke beneath his hand.
The students sat in impossible, unbearable stillness, watching him.
They were always watching him.
Unblinking eyes, fathomless and deep and knowing knowing knowing. They looked at him and saw. Empty voids that threatened to swallow him whole if he made the mistake of meeting their terrible, all consuming gazes.
His hand shook harder, the broken chalk in his hold crumbling to fine dust. His breathing came harder, heart pounding. Behind him figures stretched long, twisting and unnatural, more and more unblinking eyes opening to stare at him, mouths stretching, faces warping, skin mottling to impossible shades, sharp teeth and pointed ears. Still as death, unmoving, he could feel the weight of them pressing down upon him from all sides and, and, and -
He screamed.
Miriam Schuster, Dean of Gotham University, sat with her head in her hands at her desk. Outside on the quad yet another of the school’s professors was being carried away on a stretcher, screaming and frantic as his class of students all milled about worried for him at a distance.
Herne was the third one in the past month.
Amity kids, she swore, they got weirder and weirder every year. And unlike some members of the University staff, she was qualified to say that. She was an Amity Park kid once upon a time, she knew her home town was weird. Even before the ghost stuff started happening they had a reputation for being odd. She’d certainly creeped out more than a few of her own professors over the years as a student, and still put some people on edge whenever she forgot to make an active effort to appear more…for lack of a better word, normal.
This year’s batch was weird even by her standards though. Far more ecto-contaminated than the students that had joined the university in previous years and it showed. The entire non-Amity half of several courses had dropped in the first week of the semester. They’d had more dorm-room transfer requests than they’d ever seen before. TAs were refusing to work in classes that had Amity Parkers in them. And the professors…
Herne gave another scream of terror outside, shrieking about silence and eyes and being watched. Miriam sighed again.
The professors were not able to cope with the freshmen class at all.
Scrubbing her face in her hands, Miriam leaned back in her seat and looked down at the papers spread out before her. Transfer paperwork to group all the new batch of Amity kids into the same classes so that they weren’t quite so spread around. Keep them contained, as much as it was possible to do so. The problem with having them all in one place though was that the effect of them being so…well, Amity, was far more intense. Which left her with the question of just who she was going to be able to get to teach these classes.
Gotham was more up to Amity Parker strangeness than just about anywhere else - outside of Amity itself of course - and even the Gothamites where having trouble keeping up. It was going to take a special kind of person to be able to handle them.
Miriam glanced out her window again to where the ambulance was trundling away with Herne aboard to Arkham. The civilian mental facilities hadn’t been up to the kind of psychosis caused by direct contact with this year’s batch of Amity Parkers.
Hmm, she considered. That might be an idea.
She’d have to make some phone calls.
“Alright settle down! I know you’re all a rowdy bunch, but I’m gonna need yous to sit pretty for me for the next hour so we can go over the new syllabus.”
To anyone else, there wouldn’t have been any kind of perceptible difference to the utter stillness of the room. The rows of seated students were as still and motionless as they’d ever been, not even their chests seeming to move as they sat and stared, unblinking.
The new professor smiled widely. “Thank you! And hear I heard yous were all a bunch of troublemakers, ha!” A deft hand snatched up a piece of chalk, drawing large looping letters on the board with plenty of flourishes. “Welcome to Psych 101! You can all call me Professor Quinzel!”
Harley spun to face her class, smiling brightly at the eager gleam in the eyes of her new students.
The class, with eyes a little too bright and teeth a little too sharp and shapes a little too wrong when viewed from the corner of the eye all smiled back brightly. It was such a relief to finally have a professor that actually had her shit together.
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daydreaming-bee · 1 year
I’ve seen people talk about a Batfam fanfic troupe where the family communicates through chirps, trills and whistles. This sounds amazing but what if this was a DP x DC crossover??
I have a feeling that since most of the Batfam has been exposed to / dunked into Lazarus pits; which is basically just corrupted ectoplasm…
Does that mean they’re technically using ghost speak without knowing, and all of a sudden Danny comes in and understand them completely
(Any Batfam character (most likely Jason)), using special chirp language: *swearing*
Danny, hearing ghost speak: “hey that’s not very nice to say to someone!”
(Jason??), muttering in English: “what the Fuck?”
Danny, looking out the windows of the Watchtower: *chirping, trilling and thrums saying ‘space! So cool! Want to go out there. Explore!!’*
Batman, keeping a straight face even though he now wants to interrogate how Phantom knows the Family’s secret language: ‘hmm’
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weirdfishy · 1 year
batfam, cleaning up a Random Disaster: w a i t a minute…who are you?
danny, who had been in gotham for three (3) minutes before something Went Wrong: i am homeless, i am gay, i have a gov’t agency hunting me, i’m new in town 😌
batfam, already calling alfred, handing over adoption papers, fighting each other for First Civie Introduction & arguing over who will be Fav Sibling to him: you’re gonna close with “new in town”? that was not the most dramatic thing that you just said—
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quadrantadvisor · 5 months
Alright new Jason Todd headcanons in a dpxdc setting:
Danny is a "liminal" ghost, rather than a "half" ghost. He's alive and dead at the same time. (He's like Jesus Christ (in the church denomination I grew up in), fully ghost and fully human.) Danny, in human form, can go through a ghost shield, because he IS a living human.
Jason, however, is a reanimated corpse. He isn't a ghost, wouldn't have a ghost core, etc, he has a normal human system that runs ON ectoplasm. Jason CANNOT go through a ghost shield, because he is always an ectoplasmic entity. Danny can go through the Fenton Ghost Catcher and be split into a ghost and a human; if Jason went through the ghost catcher, he would straight up die.
(For my purposes I'm gonna say that Jason became an ectoplasmic entity upon his resurrection, but wasn't very stable. Dunking in the Lazarus pit stabilized his system but also poisoned his ectoplasm.)
I do think that Jason could learn certain ghost abilities if he learned to harness his ectoplasm, especially if they detoxed him off the Lazarus waters. He's probably already enhancing his stealth and strength in ways he hasn't really noticed. I think he's held back by the amount of physical matter he's lugging around, so maybe he couldn't fly, but I'm imagining temporary invisibility, or intagibility of like, a limb at a time. Maybe he can't walk through walls, but in a fight he can dodge by instinctively making the targeted part of his body intangible.
#i saw someone call jason a 'revenant' in a fanfic once and that is juicy as hell so I'm stealing that- that's what he is in this au#Jason's ectoplasm does react to other ectoplasmic entities so they can sense eachother#but for ghosts he's fucking weird because he doesn't have a core for them to resonate with or w/e#danny would probably think that he's another halfa/liminal at first but the more time they spend together the more that doesn't add up#so I know that I'm trying to give Jason ghost powers but honestly this whole thing is kind of a bum deal for him#he gets all of a ghost's weaknesses and barely any of the benefits#honestly I'm conceptualizing this as more of a disability than a superpower#discovering that youre less alive than you thought you were and you're technically just a walking talking corpse running on supernatural goo#is fucked up and creepy and upsetting!#and it's something that he would have to come to terms with before he could start exploring what new opportunities it might give him#and i think that's really interesting#it's part of why I love messing with Jason in dpxdc stories so much#danny is fully ghost and fully human and he never feels like he fits in anywhere already#Jason is not quite human and not quite ghost so you can imagine how that would go for him#anyways i think they should be best friends and visit frostbite in the realms to make sure jason is healthy and also they should maybe kiss#and listen to the black parade together and talk about dying and stuff#danny fenton#jason todd#dp x dc#dpxdc#danny phantom#dc#batfam#my rambles
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Danny things Damian is a wrath
Do ghost king Danny has to help a heard of Wrath's cross over from the living world to the ghost zone
It's this big thing that happens every 50 years because wrath are to small to have any awareness of their surroundings they need someone to guide them to the ghost zone
Danny usually starts in the most wrath-infested place he can find, in this case, it's a city called Gotham(Danny has some comments on the name)
The weird thing is there seems to be a kinda sick wrath that just... won't follow
It keeps following him but won't join the pack, which is a very bad thing for a wrath
So Danny concerned for this wrath's health scoops it up to take to frostbite, but he still needs to herd all the healthy wraths back to the ghost zone so the little one has to join him, and Danny starting to think this one has some unfinished business because it's one fiesty little guy
On another note the batfam are losing their minds over Damian being kidnapped during a scouting mission
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Halfa Batman. 19.2.23
DP x DC. Batman, Superman, Batfam, Danny Phantom. Batman & Superman, Batman & Danny.
Batman dies. (This is not the surprising part, given his job.) He comes back. (His family’s track record also makes this less impressive than normal.) He doesn’t do either one all the way.
Some kind of fight with the League of Assassins takes place, Batman gets tossed into the Lazarus pit along with a pack of dynamite or something, and the resulting faulty natural portal to the Ghost Zone + explosion manages to do just the right amounts of kill and revive him to yeet him to half-ghost status.
He does not tell anyone, of course. Healthy communication who?
He manages to keep it from his family as he figured out invisibility, intangibility, and his transformation.
All the criminal element of Gotham knows is that Batman is somehow even more spooky now.
The first person he does tell is Superman. He panics, looses control of his powers, and calls Clark for help because he’s floating several feet in the air and can’t get down.
Eventually he meets Danny, and that’s how he finds out about the anti-ecto laws and gets the horrifying revelation that not only is it legal for the government to kidnap and dissect experiment on him now, Clark is technically breaking the law every minute he’s not turning him in.
(Danny’s logical ‘that’s Batman’ side of his brain is being drowned out by his concern for the new baby halfa.)
Day (629/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 19th of Feb
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