silvertsundere · 1 year
I had been saying for a while they had to make a tier 0 section for tear in master duel but I guess they were waiting for it to hit the fateful 60% metagame share tear has been tier 0 in all 3 formats now baby let's go!!
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
Callie how do you get the very exact scenarios to describe the marquez's. It was the baseball bat comment that got me. Because stiles-alex are smart enough to NOT do obviously stupid things but throw their hands up and get into the absurd clown show just because scott-marc just run into stupid situations (pining away after vale and trying to get his attention) with eyes wide open.
Now I've just got a reel of all scott-stiles extreme fail situations playing in my head ( when scott tries to learn how to roar and squeaks into the school mic 🫣). It was a funny little show for a while.
i DO think there is a chronic misevaluation of how crazy alex is purely because marc is louder and more famous about it. like when people start talking about on track criminals the convo doesn’t end with marc ! there isn’t a disclaimer about marc’s sweeter, innocent baby brother ! oh no !! it’s BOTH of them… it’s ‘the marquez BROTHERS are criminals that we hate,’ alex included. and i think (especially given the peccoalex and frankyalex clashes earlier in the year) that we need to remember that ! a lot of them have been racing alex longer than they have marc they literally know exactly how the marquez family racing philosophy can wreck their entire afternoon
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flightfoot · 10 months
Ngl it's become harder and harder for me to think of Marinette as a hero when she act more like antihero than a hero, and also there's a fact how odd it is for her to emphasize more with Gabriel than she ever did to Adrien which further more her similarity with Gabriel which is sad.
"I do this for Adrien, but who care about what he actually think or want." Said Gabriel, Marinette and Felix.
I wouldn't say she sympathized with Gabriel more than Adrien, it's just that the need to reach out to him was more urgent than when she's reaching out to Adrien, since you know, she was trying to end the fight.
I do agree that Gabriel, Marinette, and Felix all have an issue with doing things supposedly for Adrien's sake, but without actually consulting Adrien on what he wants, and often deliberately hiding what they're doing from him, keeping him in the dark in the belief that the truth will hurt him more than it's worth. Which I mean... the truth would definitely hurt, but that doesn't mean keeping it from him and making decisions for him is a good idea.
Marinette's better than Gabriel and Felix at least, in that she's never done anything to intentionally harm Adrien, so she has the best claim to genuinely meaning it when she hides things from him or makes decisions for him because she believes it's less likely to hurt him than letting him know everything and letting him make his own decisions on how to proceed based on that. Still doesn't make it right, of course, but I'm more inclined to consider it an ongoing error in judgement for Marinette, that she's misevaluating how much Adrien values knowing things concerning him and having the agency to make decisions based on that versus how much knowing some awful truths will harm him, rather than it being more of an excuse to control him like with Gabriel. Felix is somewhere between the two of those, kinda depends on what point in the series you're pulling him from.
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triviallytrue · 2 years
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@snazzyjazzsounds actually gonna flesh this one out a little more since it's an interesting question.
So the way historical chess engines work in simplest terms is an evaluation-based system - they would be given some hardcoded set of rules to assign a point value to a given position representing which side was winning. They would pick moves by brute forcing a ton of moves and evaluating the position at the end, using a minimax algorithm to find the moves that lead to the best position.
This can be optimized by pruning branches, ie if a move tanks the evaluation, don't bother calculating a ton more moves further down the line, just assume it's a bad move and ignore it.
The fundamental weakness of these engines was their evaluation function, which of course must be imperfect. Back in the day, before they became too strong for humans to play against, human players would often adopt "anti-computer tactics".
Computers were flawless when there weren't many pieces on the board - endgames were nightmares. But they often misevaluated closed positions with lots of pieces on the board. Human players would attempt to steer the game into such a position, at which point they would stall until the computer made a fatal error.
This isn't the same as playing randomly or suboptimally, but it is an unusual strategy. Random/suboptimal play would backfire, since the computer doesn't "know" anything - it's viewing every position for the first time, effectively, so it has no sense of what is "common."*
Computers improved in many ways - better evaluation functions, better pruning, and most crucially, a shitload more compute power. These tactics haven't worked in decades.
*This isn't exactly true. Some engines come with tablebases. Chess is currently completely solved with seven pieces or fewer on the board - any legal position with <=7 pieces has a forced win or draw for one side, provably.
And, well, neural nets. In the last few years, top engines have incorporated machine learning strategies into their evaluation of positions, instead of making them fully static. I don't know exactly how this works, but the results speak for themselves - engines have gotten noticeably stronger (to the human eye, as well as when competing against other engines) and have especially improved on those closed positions they used to struggle with.
This could only be an exploitable weakness if you could insert your own training set, but that would kind of defeat the point, like creating a flashing red weak point on a mech you built.
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torschlusspanikattack · 7 months
minor misplay, killed a convo before getting to the interesting part by using the wrong turn of phrase
hate this places bc some places you expect to be careful bc one word choice wrong ruins everything and some places you expect to be able to just say things and see how it turns out and misevaluated and I hate losing
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aoifereal · 1 month
I 6-3d with this:
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I had a game where my opponent wasn't winning on board but they thought they could deck me out until I played barkform harvester and put 3 cards on the bottom of my deck which prompted a concession
So you might be misevaluating that card it's actual a modal 3 mana 2/3 reach or 9 mana sorcery win the game.
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perplexedflower · 1 year
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [S]upport
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
S) Support: How he helps you achieve your goals/how much he believes in you.
Debito is quite a supportive man by nature; although he may not always show it to everyone, as his degree of support increases or decreases depending on the person concerned and his own mindset at that moment, he will always support and encourage those he loves. This can sometimes even apply to somewhat negative circumstances, such as when he instigates others into crossing some lines or going too far; this is something he himself doesn't fully acknowledge. But as a supportive individual who cares for those around him, you, his partner, are one of the people Debito supports the most, and he's always willing to do whatever is needed to help you achieve your dreams. If your goal is financial, he won't hesitate to lend you a hand using all the knowledge he possesses in economics and by giving you all the handy tips and tricks he knows; if your goal is artistic, he'll be ready to assist you in your creations, whatever they may be, and will help you find all the inspiration you need, when you need it; if your goal is social, he will aid you using his extraverted personality and by teaching you the ropes of whatever it is you need to learn; if your goal is physical, he won't ever doubt your abilities and will be at your disposal if you ever need him to train you and help you practice certain combat techniques, regardless of their specificity, but especially if it relates marksmanship. Debito believes in you very much, he knows you're a capable woman who can achieve whatever it is you wish to achieve, as long as you put your mind to it; nevertheless, he doesn't want your ego to grow too big and wouldn't want you to misevaluate your own true worth, so he never overestimates you, never pushing the encouragement too far. You're very grateful for how much Debito believes in you and of how much he helps you progress toward your goal, so you always try your best to do the same in return.
Mini Scene
"Pace, you were right... This lasagna is excellent!"
"I know, right?!" He exclaimed with a bright smile.
"I can't believe it's the first time I'm tasting it..." I said as I looked down at my plate. "All the delicious lasagna I've missed..."
Pace chuckled as Debito smiled at us, after which he brought his glass of wine to his lips and took a sip.
"Yeah, it's true it's really good." He said with a nod.
As he finished his sip, his expression changed slightly and he put his glass back down before he stood up from his chair.
"Not to be rude and leave you two alone, but I have to swing by the restroom." He announced as he made his way to me. "I'll be right back, Bambina, so don't miss me too much, okay?"
He kissed my forehead then left us with a charming smile, leaving me with rosy cheeks.
"I'm sure you're glad Debito brought you here." Pace addressed me in a gentle tone.
"I am, it was a wonderful idea." I replied as I grabbed my fork and knife again. "The atmosphere in this restaurant is pleasant, the lasagna and wine are both of high quality, the prices are... well, pricey, but I've seen worse in other establishments. And it's always nice to spend some time with you, too, Pace."
As he grinned at me, my expression shifted emotions as I stared in front of me.
"Debito's been doing so much for me these days..."
"Well, he's very proud of how far you've come since you first joined the Family."
"Yeah, I'm not the girl I was when I was 18..." I said with a scoff. "But again, that's thanks to Debito, I wouldn't be where I am today without him."
"Don't undervalue yourself so much, [Y/N]." Pace said in a comforting tone. "Debito may have helped you along the way, but you're here today thanks to yourself, to your own efforts and hard work."
"Pace's right, amore." Debito suddenly spoke behind me, his hands on my shoulders and his lips against my cheek. "I'll always be here to help you, but know that I believe in you and your abilities wholly, and you should too."
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nami-writes · 1 year
Seek, And Ye Shall Find - Harry Potter
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 ]
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Quidditch season starts and finally, Harry has real practices. Not just himself, the Snitch, and whatever random underclassman leaps at the chance after recognizing his scar. A real game with a real team. It’s a breath of fresh air to show up to a busy field blanketed in red.
Especially knowing Malfoy won’t be there.
At tryouts, he scans the field for no reason, searching for the tired eyes and platinum hair he knows he won’t find. Malfoy is too much of a coward. His love for Quidditch would never take priority over his fear of being known. Still, he keeps in touch with the Captain— they offered him the position at first but he refused, muttering something about university and studies— and can finally relax when the final roster comes out without a Malfoy on the list.
Their winter game is coming up and Harry trains tirelessly, more so than anyone else does. He doesn’t need to; it’s Hufflepuff and nobody else on the team has high expectations except maybe their transfer players, but he doesn’t care. He isn’t playing for Hufflepuff or for the glory. He’s playing for the wind in his robes, the adrenaline in his veins, the satisfying ache in his bones. He’s playing for that feeling of freedom he’s never found anywhere else.
Every game leaves him breathless and nothing matters but the Snitch. Not the eyes on his scar in the hallway, not the House points he loses for being late to class, not even Malfoy’s quiet avoidance that buzzes in his head. On the pitch, all he hears is the whistling of the wind and his own victorious whoops.
Gryffindor, as expected, wins.
Two of their Chasers are Ravenclaw transfers, re-sorted at the start of the year, and their strategizing and practices with Harry for the weeks leading up to the big game pays off better than any of them could’ve expected. Their formerly-Hufflepuff Keeper defends the goalpost valiantly as if fire blasts from her broom and having her on Gryffindor’s team instead is a relief. The Hufflepuff Chasers are skilled but their Beaters falter and when a Bludger flies past right at their Seeker, Harry secures the win.
Ron and Hermione scream from the bleachers and when he flies down to them, crush him between their arms. “Yes, Harry!” Hermione cries. “You did it! 180 to 130!”
“I thought for sure that Bludger had you, mate,” Ron laughs and claps him on the back. “You’ve still got it in you, though! All that practice over break paid off.”
“‘Course,” Harry grins wide. “Never a day off the field.”
Harry double-high-fives them both, then turns for another high-five from someone who isn’t there. But he plays it off and throws his hands in the air with a whoop and then wraps his arms around both their shoulders. “Butterbeer on me, yeah?”
“Always, as long as it’s after the game and not before,” Hermione chuckles. “Never drink and fly, Harry.”
“Wasn’t in the plan.”
“Oh, relax,” Ron says and cheekily elbows him. “Butterbeer’s barely booze at all anyway.”
Hermione smacks his arm.
“Joking! Joking.”
“Potter,” he hears behind him, then more softly, “Harry.”
He stills and he hates it. He hates how his heart still leaps, even slightly. “Malfoy.” For the first time all year, his voice is unwelcome.
“Draco,” he corrects almost pleadingly. Like he’s asking for it back. “That… was an alright game.”
Harry scoffs dryly. “What a compliment.”
He pauses as if he's misevaluated the situation. Because he has. Harry didn’t expect him to show.
“I’m not up here for you, Malfoy.”
He falters, quiet. “I didn’t think you were.”
He’s lying. They both are. The walls have been erected again and Harry doesn’t know if it’s worth it to knock them back down.
“That’s it, then?” Malfoy asks. He steps out on the observation deck where Harry stands and enters Harry’s field of view just barely. “You’re running away?”
“You ran away,” he says, sour with resentment. “That was all you, Malfoy. You don’t get to blame me for the problems you caused.”
Harry turns and walks briskly towards the stairwell, ignoring the footsteps that follow his. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. He’s sick and tired of dealing with Malfoys.
There's only one place that he's sure will deter Malfoy and it's where he beelines, flying through the empty halls with Malfoy on his tail. Forget Hermione’s warnings about mixing butterbeer and flying. He felt fine until Malfoy showed up.
Swiftly, he dismounts in front of the Fat Lady and rushes through the password to stumble through her portrait and into the Gryffindor common room.
“Potter!” Malfoy calls after him but when Harry turns around, he's stopped at the doorway, glaring inside. “You’re a fucking tosser, you know that?”
Harry keeps walking.
“Now you’re the one running,” Malfoy scowls, and the portrait swings closed.
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mitchbeck · 1 year
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The rampant rumors of the return of the Hartford Whalers following the defeat of the arena proposal in Tempe, Arizona has just one salient point, money exists in Connecticut, primarily in Greenwich, the home of high finance. After that, there is nothing to suggest that there is even the faintest hope that NHL hockey is returning to Hartford. Listen to our long-time source, who wishes to remain anonymous. "While I think the fans, and the media, get suckered into this every time it surfaces, the only reality is the hedge fund money in the Greenwich area. They have the sort of money it would take to bring hockey to Connecticut. Still, Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, has shown zero interest that he wants to vacate Arizona, no matter how obvious it may seem. "Once you get past that, there are too many other negatives. There's no regional TV network, no new building in sight, the Boston Bruins, and the player pool is diluted now, are four I can name off the top of my head, and there are more. It's a pipe dream and fantasy. The politicians are looking to get their 15 minutes of fame." Outgoing Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin and Governor Ned Lamont did themselves no favors by violating Bettman's primary rule of no public pronouncements. He dislikes owners-in-waiting, who are too loquacious. Former Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume (2007-2021) blew it by going public. They're still waiting to hear from the NHL. Relocation is a possibility, not a certainty, and given the owners and potential suitors who have tried to outwit the Commissioner are gone from the scene, i.e., original Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes and Jim Balisilie, the Blackberry founder who's bankrupt and gone. Yet Bettman is still here and in the NHL Hall of Fame. So if you're betting on this one, put all your chips on Bettman and no team in Hartford. PLAYER MOVEMENT Ex-Hartford Wolf Pack, Vitali Kravtsov, has left the Vancouver Canucks, where the New York Rangers sent the Russian after they traded him at the trade deadline for Will Lockwood. Kravtsov departed Vancouver and is headed back to Russia again after signing a deal with Traktor Chelyabinsk (Russia-KHL) for a third time. Jonathan Marchessault, the ex-Connecticut Whale, who the Rangers misevaluated the undrafted QMJHL free agent product they had signed. He scored 32 goals and led the team in his rookie pro year in Hart City. The thought was that he would only be an AHL player. Whoops? After scoring in a 6-0 series clincher Monday night, he is now heading to his second Stanley Cup final appearance and just completed his second conference final to play the Florida Panthers for the Stanley Cup. Marchessault is making $30 million with the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Vegas also has as a backup goalie Jonathan Quick (Hamden/AOF), and their coaches are ex-Whalers assistant John Stevens Sr. and goalie Sean Burke. CONNECTICUT CONNECTIONS Scouts are ex-Whalers Jim McKenzie (Pro Scout), Connor Jones (Amateur scout), the former Quinnipiac University/Sound Tiger, and ex-Whaler, Alex Godynyuk (European scout). The Florida Panthers have ex-Yale goalie, Alex Lyon, ex-Hartford Wolf Pack/Ranger Marc Staal, former Sound Tiger Carter Verhaeghe, and former Whaler coach Paul Maurice, ex-Pack Sylvain Lefebvre is the Panthers' assistant coach. Pro Scouts Sean Backman (Cos Cob/Yale/AOF) and P.J. Fenton. Ex-Pack Yevgeni Grachev was the first mercurial Russian in Hartford before Kravtsov. He had a short stay. He switches Russian KHL teams from HC Vladivostock to Amur Khabarovsk. In the IIHF World Championships, Canada won the gold medal. Ex-Pack Sammy Blais scored twice, including the first goal in a 5-2 win over a pesky German squad. In the semifinal, Blais scored a perfect top-shelf goal from the right wing that helped Canada to a 4-2 come-from-behind win over Latvia. The US bid to play Canada for the gold medal was derailed by Germany in a 4-3 overtime win in the other semifinal by Frederik Tiffels, ending captain Nick Bonino's (Unionville via Farmington/AOF) journey as they went home without a medal losing to tourney co-host Latvia 4-3 in the bronze medal game. EX WOLF PACK Ex-Pack Andres Ambühl, 39, and his Swiss teammates lost in the quarterfinals, and has played in a record 131 WC games for the Swiss. The Quebec Remparts opened the Memorial Cup in fine fashion with an impressive 8-3 win over host Kamloops Blazers, who the Pack's Dylan Garand played for last year. The Pack's Matt Rempe's former junior team, the Seattle Thunderbirds (WHL), took on future possible Wolf Pack teammate Brennan Othmann and the Peterborough Petes in their first games for each team and won 6-3. Othmann had one assist and was a minus-two. The Petes also feature Devils draft pick Chase Stillman, Kamloops came back in their next game, wiping out Peterborough 10-2. Then Monday, Quebec beat Kamloops 3-1. MORE EX-PACK Ex-Pack Ty Ronning and Stefan Matteau Jr., a Wolf Pack training camp invitee several years ago and son of the former Ranger, Stefan Sr., who was a Wolf Pack promotional guest earlier this year, were both released by ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL). Ronning signed with Eisbären Berlin (Germany-DEL). Ex-Pack Jake Elmer leaves HK Nitra (Slovakia-SLEL) for Odense (Denmark-DHL). Cédric Lacroix, an ex-Sound Tiger, and late Wolf Pack training camp cut two years ago, who played this year at Grand Rapids (AHL), Toledo (ECHL), and Trois-Rivières (ECHL), signs with Vorarlberg (Austria-IceHL) next year. Cole Maier (Taft School) heads from Manitoba to Nuremberg (Germany-DEL) next year; Sampo Ranta, after one year and a minus-11, leaves the Colorado Eagles and heads to MODO (Sweden-SHL) as he joins the large AHL contingent to Sweden. Ben Tardif, who played with Hartford for 15 effective games mid-season before being sent to the Jacksonville Icemen after playing out West for the Colorado Eagles (AHL) and for their Double AA affiliate in Utah Grizzlies (ECHL), is heading to Europe and KooKoo (Finland-FEL). Tardif, Ranta, and Maier make 23 AHL'ers heading to Europe. PLAYERS MOVING AROUND The Islanders sign for next season Kyle MacLean to a one-year, two-way deal for $825,000K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL and Daylan Kuefler completing his junior career playing for Kamloops in the aforementioned Memorial Cup to a three-year ELC deal at $925K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL.Both players will likely be in Bridgeport in the fall. Roman Kinal, the former UCONN Captain, signs an extension with the AHL San Jose Barracuda. Alex Gagnon of Division III independent Albertus Magnus College (New Haven) becomes the 26th Division I or III player to head to Europe. He joins teammate Charlie Risk in going to Mont-Blance (France-FFHG Division-1). The Division I player conference pro signings breakdown is as follows; Hockey East-37, NCHC-36, CCHA-31, Big Ten-29, ECACHL-24, and AHA-20, NCAA Independent schools-13, and just one is transferring to the Canadian college school or university system. Division III is 31. Undergrads leaving school early are 37. In-school transfers, 47, and grad transfers, 38. Ex-CT Whale Kelsey Tessier retires from hockey as a champion after two years with the HC Rouen Dragons (France-FREL). The team won their 17th Magnus League title in the 100th year of French hockey. Sam Bitten, the younger brother of Will Bitten, will join his older brother in Springfield next year. He played with HC Plzeň (Pilsner)  this last season. He has played all of his pro career so far in Europe. CT HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY NEWS The CT high school hockey landscape was changed dramatically with the announcement that two of the Big Four, West Haven and Hamden, have downgraded their programs to Division-2 after 75 years as Division I powerhouses. West Haven went co-op last year with Seymour, Oxford, and Shelton and finished 3-17 with their only D1 win of the three they had was against an out-of-state opponent, St. Domenic (Auburn, Maine). The Hamden High Green Dragons, another part of the long-time unique high school hockey clique along with West Haven, Notre Dame-West Haven, and Fairfield Prep, were the Montreal Canadiens of high school hockey in the late 1960s through the 1970s into the late 1980s. Much like West Haven, they have had dwindling numbers after a sub-par season of their own with its three wins-two over West Haven and the other against Sheehan of Wallingford, have had just six coaches in the program's history. The local involvement in hockey, trying out for their teams, has not been good, and both towns' youth programs have begun admitting kids from neighboring towns over the last several years to pump up the numbers. So Hamden could be next in line in a few years. West Haven AD Joe Morrell Jr., who was the head coach for 21 years of the Blue Devils (one of six coaches in the program's history) after being an assistant coach at cross-town rival ND-WH for six years was matter-of-fact regarding this momentous decision. "It was a tough decision to make, a very tough pill to swallow. Put a lot of time coaching and playing for this program, we were in agreement-to be able to compete we had go to Division II. Some day we will be back at Division I." The current WH coach is Steve Harris, who played four years at ND-WH and a PG year at Gunnery (Prep) School (now Frederick Gunn School) (Washington) before playing Division III at Johnson and Wales (Rhode Island) and is set to remain was all in with the tough decision. MORE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS A far cry from 30 years ago, when Connecticut held the Connecticut Classic at Ingalls Rink at Yale against Massachusetts schools. The West Haven Blue Devils won its last title in 1994, and then WH head coach Art DeLucia forecasted the program's decline when he saw the youth numbers then and stepped aside. He told this reporter then, 'We graduated the smartest championship team academically ever and likely the last WH school championship.' It led to the West Haven AD, the late Tom Hunt, with DeLucia's resignation letter in his back pocket trying to back door in, now out of high school hockey Steve McCarty, then the WH assistant coach, to become the head coach. Hunt ran afoul of the WH Board of Education, who requested an open process in the coach selection. That led to the three-year tenure of former New Haven Blades and Nighthawk player plus former NHL defenseman Gordie's Smith's tumultuous reign and conflicts with Hunt. Smith's brother is Billy Smith, the great Islanders goalie who won four Stanley Cups. Morrell followed Smith. A sad day indeed. HOME HARTFORD WOLF PACK Read the full article
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missimmie-blog · 6 years
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true beauty is a sight to behold
AKA Dina Caliente can’t help but try to be the center of attention and flirt with any man.
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abirdsfreedom · 3 years
So I told my spouse that "all these autism quizzes say I should get evaluated" (plus my entire history and pediatrician suspecting it in 4/5th grade)
He said, "it's too late for that now"
Me, "what, it's not too late what do you mean?"
Him "no one is gonna treat you like you're autistic"
Like bro, how have people been treating me my whole life? It wouldn't change because I've always been like this. The only difference would be now we know why, why I am like this, why I've been misdiagnosed with a bunch of different things, why mood stabilizers and therapy and 3 hospitalizations (misevaluations while there too) for 8 years didn't help me, just helped me get resources I didnt need and learn to hide myself better, why I get so irritable and exhausted after socializing, why people yelling and touching me make me hit things, why when I cant get my hands to move correctly to use something I get angry, why I dont think about doing household chores without reminders, why I dont understand so much about people that I research and search and search? Maybe it would change, the way people treat me or act around me, maybe they would help me prevent uncomfortableness or help me process, instead of getting overstimulated at everything, people might help me prevent things, or help me work through them! Like, what's so bad, or according to my husband, what's so pointless or "too late" about putting a label on my problems and experiences if it's accurate?
Why do people say things like that to make me question if my experiences are worthy enough? Why is looking so bad?
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I recently had a neuropsych interview for an evaluation, the psychologist that did it said she thinks I am autistic and have ADHD and cPTSD... anyway, my question is: how can I get a correct diagnosis if I struggle with articulating my thoughts verbally? I've been misdiagnosed (medicated for it too) and misevaluated before...The interview was over a video call and I had my notes with me but she asked if I always need my notes to know the answers to her questions and when she asked me questions that I didnt have something written down for, I got anxious... it felt like she was belittling me for needing my notes...
But how do I communicate better without needing to write it?
Do you have someone that could be there for you to help answer whenever you feel too anxious? Having someone to back you up could help a lot
To my followers, what would you suggest?
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like. i think one of the things that's easy to misevaluate in comics is just treating comics as a pure extension of illustration or literature, when really so much of what makes good comics is the interplay of those things, having art and narrative interact in a way that elevates both. i think being able to use panels to create an engaging page is much more important to comics than being able to draw really well is
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mlwritingprompts · 4 years
Submitted Prompt: Unleashing Him Was a Mistake
Fu knew that giving away Plagg was a mistake. But he might have misevaluated why.
After the multiple Stonehearts have been defeated, Fu became more certain in his choice. His chosen holders had showed their capabilities, and he was proud of them.
He was beginning to relax.
Not for long.
After Adrien fell asleep, And Plagg eating plenty of Cammambert, Plagg easily ran away towards Master Fu. When he saw him asleep, he rejoiced. He flew above him, and did his best to focus as much as he could. He let out the faintest breath towards him... And he destroyed the entire house.
Drawing unnecessary attention to himself was not part of the plan. Oh well. If he'll act fast, he can still get away with it. He quickly Destroyed the Miracle Box and the Miraculi inside, freeing all the Kwamies.
With Fluff, and using a time loop, he also managed to destroy his own Miraculous. And with Wayzz, he found and freed Tikki.
How will the Kwamies deal with Hawkmoth? How will Adrien and Marinette react to their Kwamies disappearing over night?
Rules for the blog - send a prompt
oh hey I just realized that since Sass’ ability lets you universe hop, Plagg could hop to another universe and free those kwami, and have that Plagg hop back here to destroy his Miraculous, and they could just keep hopping from universe to universe, freeing everyone :)
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mindblindbard · 4 years
Rosy Zingers
I’m editing Chapter 3, and it makes me regret that most you guys will probably never read the majority of Rosy’s berating dialogues. It’s one thing if you don’t win Assignment 1. But if you majorly screw up, you get Rosy at their finest.
My current favorite put-downs include:
“Your AMO didn’t fail, Wiseman. You did.”
“I rarely misevaluate students. My estimation of your talents, however, was overoptimistic.”
“You would never deliberately hurt her. Inadvertently, you already did.”
"Right now, I’m tempted to recommend your expulsion.”
“Your strategy was a joke.” 
“Your strategy was asinine.”
“Your strategy was nonexistent.”
“Next time, think less literally and more critically.”
“Someday, your AMO’s life will depend on your orders. I doubt her family will be satisfied with the excuse 'but it wasn’t my fault' when you explain how you let her die.”
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17th of Hearthfire, Fredas
Today I had rather a surprise visit.
I had expected that Nowa would not be returning since I had already gone for my first lessons at Shad Astula. And while I had not exactly mastered the spell, it is enough that I can succeed after one or two tries.
So imagine my surprise when not Nowa, but several of the highest ranking members of Shad Astula, from the Archmage, to administrators, arrived at my door!
Of course, I had Cheerz bade them to wait.
First while all of the Ancestor Day samples were moved out of the parlor, then in the parlor. 
Then, since Kuna was keen to entertain them, I allowed her to go in and show off her recitation of Almalexia’s defeat of Mehrunes Dagon, complete with the martial dance. Cariel played the part of Dagon, in a red dress and hat.
I can only imagine what these old, bitter mer must have been thinking, knowing they had to feign politeness and watch dutifully to the end, for there were so many servants around and they would likely not wish to be rude when it could get back to me and they had yet to state their purpose for coming.
When I had made them wait long enough, I had Cheerz invite them in to my study, making sure that I had as much correspondence and contracts and Ancestor Day agreements spread about as possible. She is so good about assisting me with placing everything in just the particular way to make it look the best combination of overwhelming busyness and meticulously ordered.
I apologized as they were welcomed in for having delayed them when they were so busy on account of my own timed affairs, but reminded them they had dropped by unannounced, or else I surely would have been able to provide better hospitality. 
They were forced to apologize for the intrusion and to say that they were not bothered by any of it and I felt that growing pleasure at knowing that I could play societal expectations to make them that much more uncomfortable. I could see them carefully eyeing all the work around me, looking for something that would point to neglect in my duties, but of course, there would be none. I was within the appropriate window for all the business I conducted.
Once the social niceties were out of the way, they each seemed unsure of whom should speak first. It was almost comical how their eyes all quickly darted back and forth in silence.
I asked them what their business would be, that could have taken them away from their own, highly busy schedules.
It was intended to show that I was perhaps not as dull as they took me for. It was a very pointed remark, which is what I wished, though I said it with the most serene look of curiosity and a soft tone. Just enough that perhaps they might question if I were actually genuinely curious.
Finally, the Archmage decided to take charge and explained that in light of my recent private lessons, the board had elected to evaluate me once more, for they thought that there may have been a clerical error in the past that led to my rejection, rather than my own performance during my earlier evaluation.
That was rich. Blame some poor mer of a lower station for the decisions of the higher ups. Typical.
I had to decide. Should I show my fangs, tell them that the comments of my evaluators made it clear their evaluation? Should repeat back to them the words I, as a child, was told?
Or should I play along? Pretend as though I were surprised by all of this news. Not aware that there were major political implications to their having misevaluated a member of a Great Family. As though it would not call into question the integrity of such a prestigious organization.
I decided to hold my tongue at the start and give a neutral response.
The upshot of the conversation was that they wished to have me submit to a second evaluation. One where I would go through all the different spells I knew. What, if any, arcane tools or implements I utilized. And then attempt a few spells from different schools of magicka.
I listened in silence to everything, letting them talk and make their excuses as they would.
When they were finished, I agreed that I would come in for their evaluation.
They looked very relieved.
I told them that, since I had many duties to House and family, I would not be able to come in right away. At least a week or two, given the amount of planning I had to do both in the city, and at the family crypt in Davon’s Watch, which I would likely be needing to travel to in the next day or so in order to oversee some of setup that was going to need to be done. Plus, I had the harvest festivities to plan.
They all looked quite nervous.
I apologized that duty compelled me away from being able to do so sooner and that I knew it must be a terrible imposition on them, but that I would do my best to send word as soon as I had some available dates, which they could respond to with their preferred times.
And then, The Three bless her, Cheerz came in, with such divine timing, to announce that a messenger had arrived from the Council with urgent news.
I apologized profusely, once more, but said that I must see to the Council matter at once. Then I had Cheerz send them off with some of the feast samples that we had from one of the bakers in the city and went to discover that it was actually a letter from Mother.
Apparently I am to head to the House Council chambers straight away.
So now I wait for the last layer of my formal House robes to be brought before I am dashed off to see what horrible reprimand lies in store for me. I knew it was too good to be true that Mother had not found reason to chastise me of late.
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