Can we just appreciate the fact that Barley literally went ahead and invented the reverse Karen in the deleted scene “Mismanaged” with Clarence?
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- Wants to talk to your manager just to tell them they’re doing a great job and to have a nice day
- Will try to help you with your job even though they don’t work here
- Compliments everyone and will leave a 5 star review no matter what
- Doesn’t mind if anyone makes a small mistake or not and keeps telling them how they’re legendary
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ameliakeli · 12 days
Why Slack to Teams Migration Cost Can Go High if Mismanaged?
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peacemore-springs · 7 months
Egalitarianism Is Not Socialism
Egalitarianism promotes the right that each person living in a society should have an equal access to the wealth of the society being inhabited. Police departments and hospitals that keep people disabled do not promote this equal access to wealth. They promote a disadvantageous society where a chosen healthy few have access to the wealth a society offers.
It is egalitarianism we believe in the encouragement of.
This mismanaged socialism gives only a few managers access.
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faeriekit · 2 months
I think Alfred needs his own prompt 👻(dp x dc)
Alfred had died.
(It was a bit of a waste of time— he'd been scheduled to get the boys to and from their suit fitting at this time. Now here he was; languishing. Murdered. Sulking, even.)
(How frivolous.)
As a busy man with children (an adult child) to care for, a house to maintain, and a budget to supervise, Alfred's main goal was to return to Earth, obviously. If he left Master Bruce in charge of the dusting, the man would absolutely let the unused parts of the house go into disrepair. Too impatient, his ex-ward was.
The only problem was that in this green, nebulous, and gravity-free afterlife, there seemed to be only one way out— navigating through the individual worlds that the denizens of this world have molded around themselves, until he finds a being willing to grant his wish to return.
Alfred sighed, checked for the pistol at his hip and the rifle on his back, and marched straight upwards. Or. Well. Downwards. Actually... Never mind.
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t00thpasteface · 2 months
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(gentle, affectionate quacking) 🐤
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pucksandpower · 5 months
Yeah … I’m not sure how I feel about this.
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I know Logan is far from the best driver on the grid but the way Williams has treated him this season and actively made it hard for him to show improvement, continue to develop, or work to succeed has really just left a bad taste in my mouth. Essentially dropping Logan for lack of performance when much of that was likely due to the team itself (considering the whole chassis issue and then the fact that he was made to run an experimental setup being tested for Miami last weekend) is not it.
Kimi is a fantastic driver — one who I have no doubt will succeed in Formula 1 soon — but he has barely even had a chance to find his bearings in Formula 2. What is the purpose of further shaking up his season only to put him in a backmarker car? There is no need to rush his development and put unnecessary pressure on his shoulders.
I just don’t see how this would make any sense.
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alexalblondo · 7 months
The most fascinating thing about F1 right now is that a sport that’s THAT expensive with that much media attention right now trying to build that big a brand around it with that kind of show they are creating for it … seemingly doesn’t have a single competent media person and has employees with apparently zero media training
cause 75% of the scandals of the past 5 to 10 years could have been avoided if someone set those men down and said: look, this is what you should NOT say in public. Not when there are cameras. Ever.
(And the other 25% would have gone down way smoother if these people had any media training)
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oxavane · 4 months
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you all need to be nice to me because i forgot how to paint again and this doodle has been stuck in the ugly stage for so long and i just wanted to paint the anime man and ive legit been all too close to tears about this.
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Phil: [Titling stream] QSMP... Mi huevos... cansada, jefe.
Phil: "MY BALLS ARE TIRED, JEFE." [Laughs] My balls are tired, boss. [Cracks up] Nah, it's probably– [Laughs again] I'm just gonna– I'm just gonna title it that anyway.
Phil: Yeah, "Estoy cansado, jefe." I'll do "estoy cons–" yeah.
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asm5129 · 7 months
Holy shit. I genuinely did not think this would happen.
It’s worth noting that this does not mean the end of everything RT was making, WBD had been hoping to sell all of RT it seems but they’ve decided to just sell the shows themselves. RWBY can still continue, for example.
BUT. That doesn’t change the reality that so many people just lost their jobs, and that this is a seismic development. RT was a pioneer of online creation, much of the creator economy likely wouldn’t exist as it does without them. Rooster Teeth, for all its many many faults in recent years, was important. Mismanagement sadly robbed it of this but it had weight for creators, especially as a space that still made original and bold things in this over-saturated, brand obsessed, risk-averse media landscape.
The jobs lost, the creators hurt and the value RT had—and maybe could have had again— being scrapped are all causes for significant mourning.
I’ll talk about RWBY as news comes out, or if I see a bunch of RWBYdoomers telling everyone to give up again, but for now let’s just hold space for these losses.
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pedripics · 26 days
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Pedri, Lamine, Ferran and Dani Olmo have been called up for Spain for the upcoming Nations League fixtures 🇪🇸
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naamahdarling · 4 months
How can I get a doctor to answer a straight question over a portal message? Because I'm dealing with three who can't answer these questions (the answer they gave is in parenthesis):
1) Tell me if telehealth is acceptable for a followup on a weird thing. (I need to make an appointment to discuss the weird thing but they won't say if telehealth is okay.)
2) Tell me the size of a thing they have. (They keep saying they only have the one size but won't tell me what it is.)
3) Tell me whether or not they can refer me for testing before my appointment or if I need a separate appointment for that. (They can't review test results without an appointment, but can't tell me if I can have the testing done first or if I need two appointments.)
4) Tell me if I can get a one month extension to my scrip until I have my appointment. (I need an appointment on the books to get meds, which I already have set up.)
I have asked each of them at least twice in as direct a way as possible, and every time they answer a very similar question I did not ask.
I get they are busy, I do, but I am just going to have to keep asking. They are wasting time they could use to help someone else. They are making their own problem worse.
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ameliakeli · 27 days
Why Slack to Teams Migration Cost Can Go High if Mismanaged?
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franken-shits · 1 month
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Thinking about punk herstory again...
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tastycitrus · 11 months
thinking about how certain people at DC believed that steph and cass weren't characters who people cared about or would have long-lasting fanbases, yet when they tried to kill steph off for shock value fans were so outraged that they eventually had to walk it back and say "actually she was alive the entire time, she was just in hiding until now"
and when they tried to turn cass into a villain out of nowhere there was such an immediate backlash that they had to lie and say "we definitely have a plan here guys, don't worry" and eventually went "actually she was just brainwashed, she's back to being good now" (though cass was still hit with more bullshit afterwards)
and finally when they tried to retcon both characters out of existence with the new 52, fans complained enough that they eventually ended up writing the characters back into continuity
i dunno man, it doesn't sound like the characters had issues attracting fans. seems like the issue was something else
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elcucurucho · 4 months
making a minecraft event that’s so heavily mod reliant with players from so many different places means even with crazy amounts of playtesting and workshopping, you’re still going to run into bugs and latency issues. but when your prize pool is literally $100k glitches in pivotal game moments are completely unacceptable and it sets the event up for failure. this kind of thing happening one time would be a huge problem, but multiple times for what?? three days now?? how do you let that happen?
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