#missing plane nepal
mariacallous · 10 months
A Nepalese historian once told me a story. On a plane to Kathmandu, he was sitting next to an American legal expert who had been called in to help design Nepal’s first-ever republican constitution. But after sparking a conversation about Nepal’s history and its diverse peoples, the historian was shocked at the expert’s lack of knowledge about the country. The American was quick to explain that this ignorance was deliberate, and that he had no desire to learn about Nepal. “You see, good constitutional law is good regardless of the context,” the expert said. “I make a point of not learning details about a country, because they are irrelevant to constitutional design.”
This case might be extreme, or perhaps embellished in the retelling, but something about it feels terribly familiar in regard to the Middle East. Americans debating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict often resort to simple categories and narratives, seeking to impose them without regard to context. One such narrative ignores the history of nationalism and the national right to self-determination. Israel, by this account, is uniquely evil because it is an ethno-nationalist state, and thus the only acceptable solution is for all the land between the (Jordan) river and the (Mediterranean) sea to be part of “one secular democratic state,” presumably without an ethno-national reference, similar to the United States.
I’ll say at the outset that many reasonable debates can be had about the nature of both Israel as a Jewish state and any possible solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Israelis, both Jewish and Arab, have long contested what exactly it means for a state to be Jewish, or for Israel to be “a state of all its citizens.” Many Israelis and Palestinians have made eloquent cases for various forms of a one-state solution, as is their prerogative.
My problem isn’t with raising these questions, but with having prepackaged answers to them based on facile categories. In a view common on the American left, ethno-nationalism is no different from racism, and for Israel to be a Jewish state is comparable to the United States wanting to be a white state. Many American proponents of the one-state solution use a similar logic. When he abandoned his long-held liberal Zionism in 2020, the journalist Peter Beinart claimed that he had embraced a vision of one state for all in the name of opposing “Jewish-Palestinian separation” and condoning “equality.” The strong implication is that a two-state solution would not bring genuine equality.
Many in this crowd take support for what liberal proponents of Israel have long called a “Jewish and democratic state” to be a demand for ethno-supremacy. A recent letter that calls for “Palestinian liberation,” signed by a number of eminent scholars, such as Étienne Balibar, Judith Butler, and Angela Davis, condemns Israel for having been “an ethno-supremacist state” since its foundation in 1948. By this logic, anyone who supports a two-state solution, which stipulates that a state of Israel exist alongside a state of Palestine, must be racist and ethno-supremacist. For this reason, even Representative Ilhan Omar, of Minnesota, was once attacked as defending “pure racism” due to her support for the two-state solution.
Progressives have many good reasons for treating nationalism with skepticism. But proponents of Palestine seem to miss the irony that, even as they disavow any idea of Jewish nationalism as verboten ethno-supremacy, they are asserting a rival form of nationalism—Palestinian nationalism, which comes with its own rich traditions and history. The Palestinian flag they wave at demonstrations isn’t a random symbol of liberal secular democracy but one based on pan-Arab national colors. In other words, it is very much an ethno-nationalist flag.
Does that mean the Palestinian flag is one of Arab supremacy? Of course not. Like other nationalisms, Palestinian nationalism can have many variants with different degrees of inclusivity. The Palestinian National Charter, written in the 1960s, called Palestine “an indivisible part of the Arab homeland,” entitled to all the land between the river and the sea, and asserted that the majority of Israeli Jews had no place in a liberated Palestine. The charter also asserted that Jews were not “one people with an independent personality” (in the 1964 version) or “a single nation with an identity of its own” (in the 1968 version). But many Palestinians have long contested this exclusionary version of nationalism. Palestinian thinkers and scholars, such as Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, and Mahmoud Darwish, came to recognize the reality of Israeli nationhood. So did the leadership of the Palestinian national movement, which, in 1996, amended the charter to make recognition of the state of Israel possible.
Jewish nationalism, or Zionism, also has many variants. Under its right-wing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has become more and more discriminatory toward its non-Jewish citizens, as evidenced by the 2018 passage of the Nation-State Law, which demoted the status of the Arabic language. Things got much worse last year, when Netanyahu invited outright anti-Arab and Jewish-supremacist fascists into his government. But many in Israeli society and politics, including many Zionists in the political class, heavily oppose this government and its discriminatory legislation. Millions of citizens fight for a more equal vision of Israel even as they defend its existence as a national state.
These values are reconcilable because the core idea of nationalism is not the supremacy of one ethnic group over the other, but the right of a nation to self-determination. The right to self-determination has long been central to progressive politics, among both liberals and socialists. The world of empires crumbled in the First World War, and in its aftermath, postwar leaders, including Woodrow Wilson and Vladimir Lenin, championed this right (at least in rhetoric, if not always in practice), as did their ideological descendants. The world of empires was thus turned into a world of nations, with nationalism a cornerstone of the modern global order (it’s called the United Nations for a reason).
Of course, like all political movements, nationalism has its share of contradictions, not to mention a gory track record. The demographic and geographic boundaries of nations, and the status of minorities within them, have occasioned no end of contestation and conflict. Zionism, in fact, was born from this contestation, as Jews found themselves excluded from most forms of nationalism in the places where they lived. Additionally, as the political scientist Joseph Huddleston has argued, international law has long struggled to find a balance between the national right to self-determination and the right of states to their territorial integrity.
National boundaries are everywhere soaked in blood. Ultranationalist governments have helped kill millions of people, in atrocities such as the Holocaust in the 20th century, and in campaigns of ethnic cleansing in both the last century and the present one. The creation of Israel was followed by a war that displaced an estimated 750,000 Palestinians; Arab states subsequently drove out hundreds of thousands of their own Jewish citizens. India and Pakistan were co-created in an orgy of violence that killed up to 2 million people. Millions of ethnic Turks, Greeks, Germans, Poles, Hungarians, and Russians were driven out of their ancestral lands.
Yet, terrible as nationalist history is, national identities can’t be reduced to exclusion and bloodshed. These identities have endured precisely because they have demonstrated the power to connect millions of people together into meaningful communities. The historian Benedict Anderson is known for his critical take on nationalism. But he also appreciated its integrative qualities and noted that “regardless of the actual inequality and exploitation that may prevail in each, the nation is always conceived as a deep, horizontal comradeship.”
Both Israelis and Palestinians have shown deep attachments not just to their shared homeland but to their own nations, in precisely this form of “horizontal comradeship.” Edward Said, who remained devoted to his Palestinian identity through long years of exile, is known today for advocating a one-state solution. What’s often missed is that he believed in a binational version of such a state that would recognize the national rights of both communities in Israel/Palestine: Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. He also acknowledged the necessity of starting with a two-state solution before such state unity could take place.
This strong sense of national belonging explains why the idea of sharing one united and democratic state usually doesn’t poll very well among either Israelis or Palestinians. Not a single political force in either Israel or Palestine supports it. This despite the fact that Israel’s intransigent and brutal occupation of Palestinian territories and its expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank have made many lose hope in the feasibility of a Palestinian state. Whenever such feasibility improves, so too might enthusiasm for a two-state solution, which even now enjoys a plurality of support in both communities in most polls.
The idea that Palestinians and Israelis can simply give up their respective national identities and merge into one peaceful democratic nation-state doesn’t seem to have much basis in history. Nations in the modern era have almost never decided to willingly dissolve themselves into a single state, and even confederations are quite rare, although laudable when they do happen.
The hubris of outsiders in ignoring the national realities of Israel/Palestine resonates eerily with American attitudes of an earlier era. After 9/11, many liberals and neoconservatives seemed to bank on fantasy visions of the Middle East, thinking that the region could be forcibly rightsized to match such projections. Then as now, many didn’t take the Middle East and its actually existing nations seriously, even as they cheered on the disastrous invasion of Iraq.
Beinart was one such liberal. He realized his mistake, writing a few years later that he was wrong to be “willing to gamble,” because, as he wrote, “I wasn’t gambling with my own life.” Yet a similar attitude underlies his endorsement of turning Israel/Palestine into a federation like Belgium without following the lead of people who actually live there and have no lives to gamble with but their own. Last year, hundreds of thousands of Israelis came out to protest Netanyahu’s government, and Beinart dismissed them as offering merely “a polite brand of ethnonationalism.” They received a similarly cold shoulder from most of the American left. The attitude of Palestinian citizens of Israel could hardly be more different. Ayman Odeh, a popular left-wing member of the Knesset in Israel, greeted the demonstrators as “my future partners in creating a better life for this country.”
Today Odeh calls for a cease-fire in Gaza but remains clear-eyed about what will be necessary to secure a future of peace and coexistence: “The only way we can fulfill our responsibility to the nation of our youngest ones—and to ourselves—is to recognize the nation of Palestine and the nation of Israel, and to establish a state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel,” he wrote in The New York Times.
Neither Israelis nor Palestinians are going anywhere, and neither will give up their national identity. Those who truly want peace and justice in the Holy Land should start by recognizing this reality. Israel can and must be pushed to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories and stop the obstruction of Palestinian sovereignty. But neither it nor Palestine can be pushed to commit ethno-national suicide.
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p-redux · 10 months
I say he is in Nepal, either at base camp, or less likely, scaling Everest. Your opinion on this theory?
Hi, Anon, as I said in a previous post, I have a slight obsession with all things Mount Everest, have read the books, watched the movies, the TV series, and every year when it's the push for the summit in May, I follow climbers on Instagram, and watch their treks up to the highest mountain on Earth. Soooo, I do have some knowledge on this subject. Here's my take...
I know Sam has said in interviews that one of his bucket list items is climbing Mount Everest. And he was supposed to star in that Everest movie. The thing is, climbing to the SUMMIT of Mount Everest is only done in May, usually mid May due to weather constraints. And the prep dictates you have to start 2 months before to acclimate to the high altitude. I'll talk more about that down below. IF you are able to spend the two months in either Nepal for climbing from the South side of Everest, or Tibet (controlled by China) for climbing from the North side of Everest, you will be climbing to almost 29,032 feet, 8,849 meters. This is literally the altitude that jet planes fly once they reach cruising altitude. Sam has this pesky thing called a contract to finish out the remaining seasons of Outlander. I highly doubt his Outlander contract, and the insurance company associated with it, would allow him to take such a risk. Every year, people DIE climbing up or on the way back down from the summit. And some people don't die, but they get severe frostbite and lose fingers, toes, tips of noses. It's not for the faint of heart, and it's not for handsome actors who need to keep their beautiful appendages intact for filming Outlander. Unless the writers can work on a storyline involving Jamie Fraser missing a few, um, things.
Having said that, it IS possible Sam could trek to Mount Everest BASE CAMP. This is the area at the base of the mountain that all climbers go to to prepare to climb higher up, and eventually to the summit. BUT, some people who aren't making summit bids, simply make Base Camp their one and only destination. And that may be a compromise Sam makes with Outlander producers. Base Camp is still REALLY, REALLY high. It's at 17,598 feet, 5,364 meters. Sam isn't putting himself in too much risk at Base Camp...unless there's an avalanche. Sadly, there have been avalanches there and many people have died, as a result, the last one being in 2015.
Everest Base Camp in Nepal is trekked either for the Summit bid season February to May, with all summit bids happening in May. OR, it is trekked JUST for the Base Camp in late September to November. We are now in November, so it IS possible. 👇
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BUT, you don't simply hop on a plane and get plopped down at Base Camp's 17,000 feet altitude. You could quite literally die from High Altitude Cerebral Edema and or High Altitude Pulmonary Edema due to the low oxygen levels. Soooo, IF Sam wanted to trek to Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal, he would have to start acclimating at least two weeks before. All travelers going from Nepal's capital, Kathmandu at an elevation of 4,344 feet stay there for a few days, and then they do a 14 day trek up the mountains, to allow their bodies to acclimate to the altitude and the lower oxygen levels. 👇
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Sam would have to allow himself at LEAST 3 WEEKS to make the Everest Base Camp trek. 2 weeks to climb there and acclimate, and then you want to spend at least a week there camping and just being there. Then you have to allow time for the return climb back down. This isn't a weekend excursion.
As for whether Sam is actually trying to climb to Mount Everest SUMMIT. That would be a definite NO. Not only from an Outlander insurance and contract issue, but also because it's not summit climbing season. 👇
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And for people who want to climb to the Summit, they have to make a 2 MONTH commitment. The summit climb entails the two weeks to climb to Base Camp. And then at least 6 weeks, climbing up and down from each of the higher camps. I think there are at least 4 camps that climbers stay at, higher and higher on the mountain, until they reach the Summit. 👇
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So, if a climber wants to go for a Summit bid, which is always in mid-May, they would have to start in mid-March and literally be on Mount Everest at the various camps the whole two months. It's a huge commitment. Most companies charge around $40,000 for the whole expedition. The reputable ones assign each climber a Sherpa to guide you. The Sherpas are natives to the area and they are expert climbers who are born in the area, therefore their bodies are completely acclimated to the high altitude. The expedition companies hire them to help climbers up the mountain. They set all the safety ropes, set up the camps, make the meals, and deal with the inevitable emergencies along the way. No one should climb without a Sherpa. Also, most companies will only take on a climber for a Summit bid if they can show previous experience in climbing at high altitude and have summitted a few of the highest peaks on Earth. That's not Sam. So, if anything, Sam would probably only be allowed to climb to Base Camp.
As you can see, I'm really, really into all things Everest and could keep writing all day hahaha. But, I'll stop here. I hope that was helpful info, Anon.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Turtle doves; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay in light of the fact that Christmas is just one week away (and that I missed both Halloween and thanksgiving fic ideas I could’ve done), I figured now was the time to do a Christmas theme fic for this beloved metalhead who stole my heart this year. At first I was gonna do a mistletoe one but I’ve been seeing a lot of them lately but after re-watching Home alone 2 and I saw the turtledoves I thought BINGO DING DING DING DING!
Not much warning except maybe some swearing, insecure Eddie and TONS AND TONS of fluff!!! 
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Up in Indianapolis, the city was bustling with excitement but also chaos because it was that time of the year again, Christmas time.  Hundreds among hundreds of people crammed into the stores to not only get the best deals, but also get the gift before their fellow man can.  The airports packed with families waiting for the arrival of extended family or friends.
“Eddie? Oi Eddie!” Dustin snapped Eddie out of his trance.  Eddie shook his head and looked down at his favorite (even if he thinks he’s a little shit at times) freshman member of his Hellfire club.
“You were miles away. Thinking about (Y/n) again?” Dustin teased.  Eddie smacked the boy in the back of his head and said.
“You wish Henderson.”
“You are like bright red in the face right now.” Laughed Dustin.
“Shut your mouth Dustin. That’s your final warning.” But Dustin wasn’t wrong.  He was thinking about said girl, in fact he’s thought about her all year.
Ever since she took that study abroad program for her Animal Biology major in college, she hasn’t had much time to talk with Eddie. Letters were scarce and phone calls were even rarer.  And even though he was happy for her going all around the world studying wild animals, he wished that she wouldn’t be so far away from him all the time.
Eddie Munson and (Y/n) (L/n) had been friends since they met in the 6th grade when Eddie had his bike stolen by some asshole 8th grade jocks and (Y/n) threw sticks at them to get them to retreat. There she shared his first animal facts that chimps in the wild would throw sticks and stones at pythons to dive them away from their territory.
(Y/n) had always loved reading and learning about animals and she dreamed of one day venturing out into the world to study them and see how they behave up close.  That’s why Eddie always called her his venturous She-elf.
When she got to graduate in 84 and he didn’t, it didn’t deter their friendship.  Every weekend and holiday she visited him and would tell him all about how college has been treating her and what she’s learned that she hadn’t before.  But Eddie had been harboring a secret that not even she knew of.
Since the start of their high school years, Eddie had fallen in love with his adventurous Elf.  Not only for her looks but for her passion for what she wanted in life. Like him, she had a goal and she was reaching it, achieving it, and trying to own it.  She was indeed a darer but he feared that if he ever told her how he truly felt, he’d be holding her back.
Hell he couldn’t even graduate from High school, twice! What could he ever offer her?
“Eddie?” Dustin said trying to get his attention.  “You okay?”
“I’m fine. Just wondering what stories she has for us this year.”
“Oh yeah. I hope she brought home some cool souvenirs. Like this one time when her and her family went vacationing in Nepal and she got me this really cool face mask of an elephant. I still wear it to scare Lucas every now and then.”
“Thanks for the leverage Henderson to use against him next time he ditches us for his laundry baskets game.”
“You know I still can’t believe that you and (Y/n) know each other.”
“We do have lives outside of you Henderson, the world doesn’t always revolve around you yah know.” Soon their eyes caught sight of her plane landing and Eddie’s heart started to beat a little faster than normal. As quietly as he could, he took a deep breath before exhaling and they waited a few minutes as the passengers all began to depart the terminal gate.
Soon they spotted a young woman with (h/c) hair and prescription glasses on the bridge of her nose.  She rolled out with her carryon to see two boys holding up a sign that was decorated and spelled out: WELCOME HOME LADY TAURIEL, her D&D’s character name. She smiled and came up to them and first embraced Eddie.
“Well this is a surprise, I thought I’d have to get a cab to your trailer.”
“What and leave you in this craziness by yourself? Absolutely not.” Eddie said as they parted but they both kept their arms around each other just a little bit longer.  Dustin began to notice not only the lingering embrace they were doing, but also the look in both their eyes as they looked at each other.
“So what am I (Y/n)? Chopped liver?” asked Dustin.  The two young adults separated from each other and (Y/n) shook her head.
“You would think all the times I spent babysitting you would mellow you out Henderson, but you’ve gotten an even bigger ego than when I left.” She said.
“It’s his tone right?” Eddie asked her.  Dustin grumbled as he crossed his arms.  (Y/n) shook her head laughing as she walked over to Dustin and embraced him before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Eww! You know I hate it when you do that!”
“Whatever you little shit. Now let’s get the rest of my bags and back home. Being on a plane for over 24hrs is not as enjoyable as it sounds.”
“Right this way then, Lady Tauriel.” Eddie said with a gracious bow.  They went over to the baggage claim, gathered up all her bags and then headed on out to Eddie’s van to drive back to Hawkins.
It was a bit of a drive thanks to the traffic and the snow starting to fall, but they managed to reach Hawkins safe and sound.  After dropping Dustin back at his place, Eddie and (Y/n) finally arrived at his place.
“You sure it’s okay for me to stay here? Mrs. Henderson offered me one of the spare rooms over at their place.”
“As sweet as the old lady is, how could I live with myself knowing you’d be stuck with Henderson 24/7. Plus I know you do have something for him that he says he’s been dying to see.”
“True. It’s just….I don’t want to run you out of house and home.”
“You aren’t. Besides Wayne’s been asking about you, I swear he loves you more than he does me.”
“Shut up Munson, Wayne loves you with all his heart.”
“Yeah I know. Well let’s get inside before the snow really starts piling up. Weather man’s been saying it’ll be the heaviest snowfall in 10 years.”
“Even though I’ve grown up with Indiana weather, it’s nothing compared to Nepal, or Tibet, or even Antarctica ugh. Never will I go down there again, even if I wanna see the cute penguins. I’ll take the ones in South Africa.”
“There aren’t any penguins in Africa!” Eddie objected as he grabbed one of her suitcases as they both exited the car.
“There are too and I’ve got the pictures to prove it.”
“You do not.”
“I do so!” the two of them continued their playful banter as they unloaded the van and placed all her things in Eddie’s room.  “I’ve noticed you guys decided to do some indoor decorating this year.”
“Yeah. Wayne’s come into some really good money lately, and with some of the paid gigs the band and I have done, we decided why the hell not?”
“So it would seem my own personal Grinch finally found the Christmas spirit again ehh?” she teased as she poked his belly making him curl inward.
“I never lost it!”
“Mm-hmm.” She hummed skeptically.
“That’s it! C’mere!” he lunged at her, the two of them falling onto his bed and he proceeded to tickle her sides making her thrash around in laughter.  “You know I think I finally know where Henderson got his sass from. After all, you’ve known him longer than either Harrington or me. We have you to blame for his behavior.”
“Nohohoht mehehehe!”
“Yes you! Now admit it or the tickling continues.”
“I don’t…..stohahap! Please!”
“Nope. The begging and puppy dog eyes won’t work on me this time.” As (Y/n) continued laughing, a voice soon called out.
“Eddie? You better not be killing someone in there boy.” Eddie was forced to stop as his uncle had arrived home earlier than normal.  He got off of (Y/n) and said in a low, menacing yet playful tone,
“Saved by the old man. But don’t think you’re getting out of this just yet missy.” (Y/n) shoved him back to the bed and Eddie let her do it as she went out and said.
“Sorry Wayne. But if I had to be killed, death by tickles wouldn’t be too bad of a way to go.”
“Well as I live and breathe. Ms. (Y/n) (l/n) back from her time around the world.” (Y/n) smiled and walked over and asked Wayne.
“Permission to hug?”
“Permission granted ma’am.” The two of them embraced each other and after awhile he let her go.  “Bout time you got here, Eddie wouldn’t shut up about how many days left till you arrived.”
“Wayne!” Eddie groaned from his bedroom door. “Why are you home so early? Usually you don’t get off this early unless it’s a holiday and Christmas eve is 2 days away.”
“The weather son. Boss decided it’d be best for us to all head home so that we wouldn’t get snowed in.”
“Well that was nice of him. Oh speaking of which, I have a surprise for you Wayne.” (Y/n) said as she raced back into the bedroom and grabbed both her scrapbook and a neatly wrapped present.  “I was almost worried I wouldn’t be able to give this to you, or see your reaction when you’d open it.”
“Ain’t we supposed to open presents on Christmas though?” he asked her.
“Normally yes but this really isn’t a Christmas present. I saw it when I was in Tanzania and I thought one person had to have it.” Wayne took the box and unwrapped it before opening it up to reveal a beautifully hand-crafted and painted bowl.
The background was painted like the African sunrise with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background and up front and center was a large African rhino (his favorite animal).
“I know it’s not a mug but it was the closest thing I could find to a cup.”
“Don’t go saying things like that, I love it. Thank you sweetie belle.” He wrapped an arm around her bringing her in for a one armed hug.
“Don’t I get a present too (Y/n)?” asked Eddie.
“Yes but you have to wait until the Christmas eve party at Steve’s. It is still happening there, right?”
“Yeah. You know Harrington.”
“Now go easy on that boy Eddie, sure he may have started off as a jerk to yah but you two really have become good friends thanks to that kid of yours.” Eddie waved it off before going to the kitchen to find himself something to eat.  “So darling, what do you think of the decorations we got up?”
“I love it. I especially like the light up penguins over there by the tree.” She said pointing to the small decorated Christmas tree and by the nightstand stood a lit up penguin lamp.
“Eddie said you’d like it. In fact this was all his idea to begin with that we’d decorate the place special for you.”
“Oi Wayne! Since you’re here how’s about you cook dinner for once instead of having to do fend for yourself night!?” Eddie shouted trying to change the topic.  Wayne rolled his eyes getting the hint of what his nephew’s behavior meant while (Y/n) was left perplexed.
Did—did Eddie feel the same way as she did? Did she hear that right? Or is this just Eddie being Eddie? One thing’s for sure, she was gonna try and tough it out and admit her feelings for her best friend at the Christmas eve party and hope she doesn’t humiliate herself doing it.
Two days later and after clearing up the roads after the snow storm they had when she first arrived, the gang was all gathered at Steve’s place for the party.  Now this party was extra special to the group because throughout the entire party, each guest would present a tradition that was done with their families on Christmas day.
As per Robin’s family tradition, everyone had to come in wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater they could find.  And the first activity was Christmas musical chairs as per Wheeler tradition.  Mike decided to be the DJ and as Chuck Berry’s ‘Run Rudolph Run’ played over the speakers the rest of the gang began to circle around the chairs, and the first one to be out was Steve.
“Wait hold on that’s not fair! Munson kept stopping!”
“Just take the loss with pride Harrington.” Eddie told him. Steve rolled his eyes but took one of the chairs after everyone stood back up and the game resumed.  One by one the rest soon began to fall until the final three came down to Dustin, Eddie and (Y/n).
“Remember, third place gets this giant Hershey’s bar.” Nancy said holding out the fairly large chocolate bar.  A decent prize but it’s nothing compared to the giant family/party size M&M bag that was up for first prize.
The music started up and all three of the remaining players began to fake the other out by either pausing in front of the chairs before moving again, or trying to sit in the chairs while the music was still playing before moving on again.  The song stopped and Eddie and (Y/n) ended up being the final two.
“Aww nice try Dustin but you still get the chocolate bar.” Nancy said.
“That’s fine.” Dustin said taking (Y/n)’s chair away and as Eddie and (Y/n) stood over the final chair, they stared each other down.
“That bag of M&M’s is mine Munson.” Boasted (Y/n).
“Don’t make me laugh (L/n). You know I kill for m&m’s. The only thing you’ll be getting is the three musketeers packet.”
“Alright enough flirting you two, get to walking!” Mike groaned as he started the music back up and the two friends began to battle it out for the chair.  Once again the pair would stop in front of the chair trying to delay the other before racing around it, taunting the other to distract them from the song, until finally the song stopped and after a squabble that lasted for what felt like a minute, (Y/n) won the pot!
“Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Ha! In your face Munson I won the pot haha!” (Y/n) rejoiced as she claimed her prize, a full year supply of M&M’s while Eddie was given the three musketeers bag. Even with his wounded pride, he accepted the prize and was happy that his girl got the big prize.
The traditions continued with watching ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ and ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ (Sinclair tradition), playing a few Christmas songs (the Munson tradition), and acting out a chapter or two from ‘A Christmas Carol’ (a Henderson tradition).  Next up was (Y/n)’s family tradition, ‘Santa Exchange’ as the gift opening was about to happen.
“Okay let’s see. This here is for Robin.” She said holding up a beautifully wrapped gold and red box with a red bow.  Robin took her present as (Y/n) grabbed the next one when another hand reached up and grabbed a snowman packaged present bag.  She looked up to see Eddie and he said,
“Figure Santa needs a little helper?”
“Santa appreciates it, thank you.” Soon the two of them worked together passing out all the presents to everyone until they were all set up in their own areas throughout the living room.  “Okay so every year my family mixes up the order in how we each open up our presents so this year I say we go from oldest to youngest. Sound good with everyone?”
“Yep. Yeah.” Everyone answered.
“Alright, but before we start that, I want everyone to take my gift to you and open it. It’s all the same thing that I had done when I was in Japan.” Everyone went through their gifts until they found (Y/n)’s gifts and they all began opening them.
When everyone opened their gifts, it was revealed to be a traditional, authentic Japanese painting of her friends.  Not only were they in the picture, but next to them was an animal she felt like was their spirit animal.
Nancy had an crane on her picture, Steve had a dog specifically the Japanese breed Akita, Dustin had a tiger, Robin had a white cat, Lucas had a phoenix, Mike was a koi fish, and Eddie had the traditional Japanese dragon.
“I found a traditional Japanese artist and in the span of the 4 months I was there with my team filming the Japanese Alps, I asked him to do this for you guys.”
“Wow (Y/n) this is—incredible.” Robin said admiring her painting.
“Easy for you to say, I’ll bet none of you are a fish.” Mike whined to which Nancy hit her brother in the arm making him exclaim in pain.
“It’s wonderful (Y/n), thank you.” Everyone else soon thanked her for her gift and she smiled as she sat back down at her area next to Eddie.
“Now that that’s out of the way, Eddie why don’t you start us off?”
“Yes!” Eddie softly cheered as he grabbed the first gift he spotted which was from Dustin.  He opened it to reveal the new Led Zeppelin cassette.  “Ha-ha! I knew you’d come through for me Henderson!”
“You’ve only been talking about it since Halloween. But I knew you’d like it, Merry Christmas Eddie.” Eddie continued to open up his gifts and he got some more cassette tapes, some new pins for his jacket, a new red flannel, and the new D&D manual book that had recently came out.
Up next was (Y/n).  She opened the first gift that was from Steve and Robin.  She unwrapped the paper before looking at the box to reveal what exactly it was before opening it.
“Oh my god, you guys.” It was the new Panasonic VHS camcorder.
“We figure you might wanna record some of your trips instead of just taking pictures. 3 hours of film this thing can do.” Steve said.
“This must’ve costed you guys a fortune. And I knew Keith don’t pay you much.”
“Worth every penny. Besides I expect some videos of tigers with that camera next time you go to India.” Robin said pointing at her.
“Alright, it’s a deal. Thanks you guys.” Seeing that camcorder made Eddie sick to his stomach.  He wasn’t rich nor did he have enough money to buy her expensive gifts, all he had was his small little surprise that he had made for her.  But he began to second guess himself, would she even like it? His stomach continued to turn in knots as she grabbed the next gift which was a new scrapbook from Nancy.
“Figured your old one was getting full so I figured it’s time for a new one. There’s also some little stencils in there so you can decorate it as you wish.” She told her.
“Aww I love it, thanks Nancy. Okay whose next?” she hovered her hand around the remaining gifts until she picked up Dustin’s.  “Henderson’s next.” She unstapled the bag and pulled out the green paper stuffed inside and pulled out a journal that read across the cover (Y/N)’s ENCYCLOPEDIA.
“My encyclopedia?” she asked him.
“Thought it would be cool to get real animal biology from a real animal biologist. Someone who actually knows the facts and doesn’t keep editing it, I swear you’re smarter than any science book that talks about animals and how they behave and operate.”
“Is this some excuse to help you with future science homework?” she teased.
“What? No, no! No way! I just wish for you to write down what all you know and what you didn’t know before about all the animals you help document and study.”
“Well that’s sweet of you Dustin, thank you. Okay Michael, you’re up next.”
“Why must you insist on calling me that?”
“Cause I know it embarrasses you. And as your former babysitter it’s my job to embarrass you.” She opened up his gift and it was a small animal calendar.  “Alright! Now I’ll be able to see what day it is. I swear those guys don’t carry calendars with them like at all. They tally the days like cavemen in their journals. Thanks Mike, really I appreciate it.”
She then went for Lucas’ present and he got her a mini-figurine that his sister made of her character Lady Tauriel.
“Now Erica would claim she made it all herself but I was the one that bought the figurine in the first place and I told her your description of her. She painted it and that’s all.”
“It’s a team Sinclair effort and I love it. Tell your sister when you see her thank you too.” She placed her D&D character back in the container before saying. “And last but not least, Eddie—” but as she reached out for it, Eddie snatched his gift back and pocketed into his leather jacket.
“Dude what the hell? You can’t just take back your gift.” Steve said.
“Shut up Harrington!”
“Eddie what’s wrong? I want to see what you got me.” She asked him.
“No you don’t. it’s not even ready.”
“Why would you give her an incomplete gift?” Mike asked.
“Hey Mike cool it, I’m sure Eddie has a good reason. Final exams were a bitch this year so I can see why he wouldn’t have time to finish his gift.” Dustin said trying to get Mike off Eddie’s back.
“It’s nothing like that Henderson, and I can defend myself thank you very much!” but his tone was harsh.
“Geez Eddie no need to snap. I know Dustin can be a bit much but there’s no need to go that far.” Said Robin.
“Will you guys just leave me alone alright!? God this is why I hate Christmas! Everyone making a deal about presents that just end up in the trash a couple weeks if not the day after Christmas!” he soon stormed out of the room and the house echoed a loud slam from the front door.
“I’ll go talk to him.” (Y/n) said as she got up and followed after him.  After putting on her coat, boots and gloves, she followed Eddie who was leaning against his van smoking with a furrowed brow.  “You’ll catch your death of cold if you stay out here like that.”
“I’m fine. Never bothered me anyway.”
“You may have everyone convinced that you’re this stone, cold metalhead but not to me. Sure you’re a metalhead but you’re not stone cold.”
“Well you wouldn’t know considering you haven’t even been here for over a year and a half!” he snapped.  It shocked (Y/n) to hear Eddie snap at her like that but as soon as he looked at her shocked expression, he sighed heavily and stomped out his cigarette.  “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have shouted.”
“I know.” She walked up to him and took his hand between hers, not only in comfort but to warm them up.  “You wanna tell me what’s really going on in that squirrel brain of yours?”
“I don’t have a squirrel brain.”
“Yes you do. You always have a million things going through your head, and its twice as intense when you’re stressed or upset about something. So c’mon tell me. We’ve always been able to tell each other everything.” Eddie looked into her soft, gentle (e/c) and he felt his heart melt but also grow heavy into his stomach.
“Everyone else got you such amazing gifts. Gifts that’ll either help your future career or that you can personalize. Hell the Sinclair’s made your D&D character come to life, and all I got you was……this.” He took out his gift which was just a plain old small white box with a golden ribbon tied to it.
He couldn’t even look her in the eyes as he held it out to her. Once he felt her take it from his hand, he crossed his arms over his chest as his breathing grew sharper and heavier and she could see just how fast it was from the cold breath that escaped his lips and danced into the air.
She looked down at the plain white box and untied the ribbon before opening it to reveal inside two chain necklaces and attached to them were what appeared to be hand-carved wooden turtle doves.  Or that’s what they seemed to be, it was a bit mish-mashed but even with the faults in the sculpting, she knew it must’ve taken Eddie a long time to do these twice.
“They’re supposed to be turtle doves. I know they look shitty, the woodshop instructor couldn’t teach me for shit and the chain is nothing special. Just from some old chain necklaces Wayne doesn’t wear anymore so I got rid of what was on those and he helped me attach the birds to the chain.”
Tears formed in her eyes as she pulled the necklaces out of the box and held them in her palm.  She looked up at Eddie and immediately embraced him tightly, burying her face into his shoulder blades.
“Eddie,” she released him so she could come around and cup his face which was already turning red from the cold, and even his nose was starting to go a bit red.  “This, this is the sweetest, most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.”
“Really?” he asked insecurely.
“Really, really. And knowing that you did your best, I don’t care if the turtledoves look perfectly hand sculpted or like a woodchipper went to town on them.” They both softly laughed.  “But there is something that is wrong with this gift.” At hearing that statement, Eddie’s brief moment of happiness once again turned back to fear. He felt her take his left hand and she placed one of the turtle dove necklaces into his palm before closing it up. “You need to keep one, so that way we each have one, and that we’ll always come back to each other.”
“Each other?” he asked her.  She nodded as she slowly got closer to him whispering.
“Together forever, meleth nin.” She then took her chance and kissed her best friend/secret crush.  When she felt him tense, she feared that maybe the kiss was too much and began to pull away but it wasn’t until she felt Eddie’s arms wrap around her waist pulling her close and even lifting her up.
She was stunned but wrapped her arms tighter around Eddie’s shoulders as their kiss slowly deepened until he set her down and they separated for air.
“My Christmas wish came true this year.” She whispered lovingly.
“Agreed. I’ve only dreamed of this a thousand times since middle school. Merry Christmas Lady Tauriel.”
“Merry Christmas Lord Beren.” They smiled at each other lovingly before they hugged each other so tightly it was like their bones would pop, before they looked at each other with their noses brushing against each other’s and their lips met in another sweet kiss.
“ABOUT DAMN TIME!! I’VE BEEN SEEING YOU MAKE GOO-GOO EYES AT EACH OTHER SINCE SHE GOT HERE!!” Dustin’s voice exclaimed in the night air. Eddie rolled his eyes before bending down and grabbed a big chunk of snow and quickly raced towards Dustin.
He let out a scream before racing back inside with Eddie at his heels holding the snow patch in his hands.
“No! NO don’t you dare stuff that down my back!”
“Get over here Henderson!”
“HEY NO SNOW TRAILS IN MY HOUSE GUYS!!” (Y/n) shook her head as she went back inside and closed the door as the chaos continued with Dustin exclaiming and trying to get the snow out of his back, Steve trying to mop up the wet patch of water from said snow that had been dropped on his good carpet, and Eddie and (Y/n) sitting close to each other exchanging kisses every now and again.
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10 Best Skydiving Places in the World
Planning to tick off skydiving off your bucketlist? It’s time you get out and muster the courage to experience the adrenaline rush and sensation of flying in the air at or beyond 13000 feet above the ground. Check out our list of the most fascinating places to skydive if you are looking for the ideal drop zone with unique scenery to make this adventure experience the most memorable experience of your life.
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
If you crave an extreme adventure on a Middle Eastern holiday, Dubai is the spot to visit. Plunging above the Palm Jumeirah - the stellar sprawling palm tree-shaped artificial islands encircled by the azure Persian Gulf- is an experience you will remember forever. One can also go skydiving in Dubai amid the Arabian deserts, and visitors in UAE spending time in the capital emirate can also experience Skydiving in Abu Dhabi. The Skydive Abu Dhabi tickets are less expensive than those for Skydive Dubai. Still, if scenery is truly important to you, you should unquestionably go to the Palm Jumeirah drop zone.
Franz Josef and Fox Glacier, New Zealand
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The natural beauty of New Zealand and its reputation as the "Adventure destination of the world" place it among the top destinations for those seeking an adrenaline rush. The Franz Josef and Fox Glacier in New Zealand's South Island are where you can experience gusty, chilly winds whipping your face as you float above breath-taking glacial vistas. According to surveys, the Skydive Franz Josef and Fox Glacier are presently the most picturesque drop zone in the world.
Sydney Wollongong, Australia
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Australia is one of the most well-known skydiving destinations in the world, and there are many drop zones to choose from. Among them, Sydney Wollongong has received positive feedback from skydiving enthusiasts. It is one of the world's most famous places for skydiving and lets you experience a thrilling rush of adrenaline while admiring Sydney’s harbour, city, and skyline. Take to the skies and fly instead of going to the Sydney beaches on your next visit!
Le Marche, Italy
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Le Marche is a spectacular spot to get high on adrenaline and enjoy a freefall amid Italy’s Toscana scenery. Get the vantage point to tumble down and soar on top of the Adriatic Sea’s azure waters and cliffs of Apennine mountains.
Pattaya, Thailand
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Thailand's tropical landscape attracts beachgoers and water sport enthusiasts to its regions; however, Pattaya, one of Thailand's most popular tourist spots, welcomes you to gear up for a skydiving experience. The Skydive Pattaya offers a tandem skydiving experience over the beautiful Nong Kho Reservoir in Chonburi.
Grand Canyon, United States of America
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The Grand Canyon is a famous natural wonder, but getting a bird's eye view of its stunning splendour is an unrivaled experience. Head for the adventure of a lifetime when you sign up for a skydiving experience at this gorgeous, red, rocky canyon.
Interlaken, Switzerland
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Nothing compares to Interlaken's high-definition hues of Swiss alpine panoramas. This region of Switzerland, well-known for its ski resorts, gondola rides, and scenic funiculars, also provides an unconventional way to take in its breathtaking scenery by skydiving in the Swiss Alps. If you are an adrenaline junkie and are off to Switzerland, don't miss the chance to skydive in Swiss!
Mount Everest, Nepal
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There is another way to see the summit of Mount Everest that does not include difficult treks. All you need is the courage to jump out of a plane, and you can fly above the highest mountain in the world! Yes! Mount Everest is also a drop zone for skydiving and is one of the most dizzying, thrilling adventures to witness in your lifetime!
Seville, Spain
Fly high leisurely above Seville, then prepare for a freefall while taking in the incredible views of southern Spain! Seville is among the best places to visit if you like extreme adventures. Skydiving here is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience you should enjoy if you love outdoor adventures!
You can explore the underwater realm while on a leisurely Maldives holiday. How about extending the adventure by having an over-the-water, airborne adventure? Sign up with SkyDive Maldives to enjoy this exhilarating experience. As you fly above its pristine isles, the aerial views of Maldives is a moment you will cherish for a long time. 
Skydiving is the ultimate experience for those seeking an amalgam of the euphoria of soaring in the air and amazing panoramas from above. The abovementioned ten skydiving destinations take you on an extraordinary journey if you seek the ultimate adrenaline rush. From the world-famous Grand Canyon and the exquisite Swiss Alps to the pristine Maldives and the magnificent terrain of New Zealand, these drop zones let you conquer fear, take a step ahead, and feel the thrill of falling amid some of the world's most diverse and fascinating panoramas. So, for those who dare to take the plunge, the world's best skydiving places await, eager to offer an unforgettable and life-changing experience. If you still want to soar but don't want to jump out of a plane, there are plenty of hot air balloon rides around the world to check out, offering a mild thrill of gliding above exquisite panoramas.
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romerona · 2 years
Chapter 7: Strawberry mission.
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-In which the daughter of the Lord of Darkness who was born with the sole purpose of destroying the universe falls in love with Peter Parker.-
Carina had designated rooms in each of the sanctuaries, Hong Kong, New York, Nepal and London, rooms made for the Agamotto lineage only.
She hardly used them though, as she spent most of her time in the Kamar Taj but from time to time she liked to stay there, whenever she needed to be alone. It was a little of a safe space for her, in there she wasn't bothered nor did she had to meet anyone's expectations, nor did she feel judged with every step she took.
All her rooms except for the one in Kamar Taj have a considerable large space, every aspect within the bedrooms is wonderfully crafted, and her room in London was no different. High ceilings, long walls, and large windows with a wonderful view of the city.
Her bedroom has modern vintage furniture from the bed set, the seating set, the wooden desks and the beautiful library that was below a chandelier. The furniture is said to be made from the finest material and fabric, aside from that, the bedroom contains decorations that look beautiful.
Sitting on a comfortable chair with books covering the old mahogany colour of the wooden table and a cup of Ginseng tea was one of the few pleasures life has to offer, at least from Carina's perspective, the only thing that could make it better was if she had a bowl of strawberries but alas nothing in life is ever perfect.
Her pencil traced words over the white paper. She was doing her homework. It was due for the upcoming week but Carina liked having things from school done so she could have free time.
Mathematics, unfortunately, was what the homework was about.
They were learning about The Pythagorean Theorem, and for the most part, she didn't understand it; why does she need to learn the fundamental relation between the three sides of a right triangle? Oh, and don't let her get started in the hypotenuse.
Regardless, she does her best to have every answer correct, uses every formula and double-checks the results, because as much as she doesn't like it, she was still learning, and most importantly finishing her assignments.
It took her a few hours to finish not just her mathematics assignments but all the others. They weren't much but they were extensive, sort of answering questions 3 to 5 but each question had an a-b-c derivative.
Once her assignments were done she made her way back to the Kamar Taj.
"Good day, Miss Agamotto." Said a voice, making her halt her steps.
Carina turns to the source of the voice and politely smiles at the master. "Good day, Master Rama."
Master Rama was one of the few people who treated her semi-nicely, although most of her interactions usually were short and quick.
"Were you here for a while?" He asked, eyeing the books in her hands. "I didn't see you enter, does the supreme knows you're here?"
Carina nodded, holding the books to her chest. "Yes, she does, I told her I'll be here to do my Homework."
"And are you finished with it?" He asked, an eyebrow shooting to his hairline, quizzically.
"Of course."
"Well, go on then." He held out his hand to motion the way she was just walking. "Don't let me hold you any longer."
"Have a great day, Master Rama." She smiled at him politely once again before continuing her walk.
He sent her a nod of appreciation."You as well, Miss Agamotto."
Coming back to the Kamar Taj, she made it her mission to get a bowl of Strawberries from the kitchens without the cook knowing.
But unfortunately, her planes were interrupted by Eloise Colombo when she used her white cane to trip her.
Carina hissed when she hit the ground, her hand breaking her hand, making her drop all the books in her hand.
"Always at the bottom, aren't you, Carina?"Laughs Eloise, making Hanna chuckle oo.
"Leave me alone." Carina rolled her eyes while looking at the scrape on her scar hand.
"And why would we do that?" Eloise asked with snobbishnesses and sarcasm. "We're just fans, not many people get to know the powerful Miss Agamotto."
"I think you mean the helpless Miss Agamotto, Eloise." Hanna huffed out a laugh.
Carina ignore them, and began to pick up her scrambled books, she went to pick up the last one but Hanna hold it out of her reach.
"What's this?" She asked, looking at it when her eyes lit up in realisation. "Oh, it's the math assignment, I thought it was meant for next week."
"It is, but of course, little miss perfect over here has done it already." Eloise scoffs, crossing her arms vexingly.
"Just give it back." Carina sighs, tiredly.
Hanna turns to look at Eloise while she hums in thought, "No, I don't think we will. This will save us time, Hanna ripped the pages off."
"No, wait—"
Just before Hanna could tear the page a voice cut through, making all of them freeze.
"What is going on?" Said Stephen, walking towards them, a couple of familiar books in his hands.
"Nothing," Hanna said quickly, nervous.
Eloise's head turned to where Stephen has now stopped. "We were just leaving."
Hanna nodded hastily. "Yeah, yeah we were."
"Then give her the book back before you do, it doesn't belong to you," Stephen said, frowning at the girls. "Didn't your parents teach you to not take things that weren't yours?"
Eloise nodded, head down in shame. "They did."
"Who are your parents again? I'm sure they'll love to hear about this." Stephen tilts his head up in challenge.
Eloise nudged Hanna, who was quick to throw the book at Carina, before bolting away, leaving Carina to grab her books and scramble to her feet.
"Kids these days..." Stephen scoffs, shaking his head before looking over at Carina. "You alright?"
Carina nodded while dusting the dirt off her robes. "I'm fine."
"You know, a little gratitude would be nice," Stephen said.
"Sorry," Carina mumbles not meeting his eyes whilst fidgeting with the star stone, she was embarrassed to be caught in a position like that and slightly irritated. "Thank you but I didn't need your help."
Stephan scoffs, eyebrows shooting up unconvinced. "Oh really? Because it didn't seem to me like you wanted them to trash your book apart."
Carina didn't say anything, she just sighed not feeling like bantering with him because she know she didn't have anything under control. "Yeah, I'm sorry, you're right."
"Nothing broken?" He asked after a pause.
"No, just a scrape." Carina shook her head, finally looking at him and giving him a small smile, holding her hand up.
He gazed at her hand. "Just make sure to wash it, otherwise it'll get infected and you'll lose your hand."
"Why thank you, Doctor, what would it be of me without your help." Carina mocks, sending him a teasing smile and making him roll his eyes.
"Where are you going anyway?" She asked, looking at the pile of books in his hand.
"The library." He said, straightening up as if he had remembered what he was doing before coming across her. "I finish the books you gave me and want to start with the next ones."
Carina's eyes went wide. "Oh, already?"
Stephen nodded, slightly petulantly. "I told you I had a photographic memory."
"Geez, what a show-off you are, Stephen." Carina teases with an eye roll as he glared at her.
"Jealousy is not a good look, kid." He turns on his heel and begins to make his way to the library once again.
Carina giggled, scrambling to follow him. "I'll admit, I am a little jealous. I think photographic memory is pretty cool."
"I know it is." He said, glancing down at her with a small grin. "Now leave, go wash your hand."
"I'll do that later, I want to go to the library too now that I know you're going to take the books back."
"Don't." He sighs.
"Too late, come on."
After a few minutes of silence, Stephen asked. "You know, I found it odd that you and your outgoing little spirit didn't defend yourself from those girls, or at least said something back at them."
Carina purses her lips and looked down at her books, feeling a little embarrassed and shy. "I'm not a fan of violence or confrontation so..."
"So, you're just going to let them walk all over you?" Stephen asked frowning down at her, lips falling into a thin line.
"I don't know..." she shrugged hopelessly. "I just don't like it, confrontation makes me uncomfortable, I'll rather just leave the problem for the peace."
"How hippyish of you." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I'm going to give you some advice, a rather good one too so listen up."
"What?" Carina looked up at him in expectation.
"When people hit you or say mean things to you they don't know how much it hurts, they only know who they are aiming at, so you have to learn to hit back," Stephen said, a cold remak in his tone.
Carina purses her lips in thought, what Stephen said did have some reasons but then again, learning how to hit back it'll only become a cycle.
"Easier said than done."
Thankfully, they were quick to arrive at the library, where Wong was sitting at his desk, reading his time away.
"Wong," Carina called placing her books on the nearest table, grinning at him when he looked up. "Look what I brought you. This is Stephen Strange."
"Hey." Stephen gave him a tight smile nodding in acknowledgement, whilst Wong stood up from his chair to greet him.
"Mr Strange."
"Uh... Stephen, please." Stephen said, placing the books on Wong's desk. "And you are Wong, right?" He said, sending Carina a quick quizzical look.
Wong nodded in confirmation as well as Carina.
"So, it's just Wong? Like... Adele?" He asks, amusingly. "Or... Aristotle. Drake. Bono." He glanced at Carina who was looking just like Wong was, unamused. "Eminem."
"Good thing you're a Doctor, 'cause you wouldn't have made it as a comedian, Stephen," Carina said, giggling at her joke, earning an annoyed look from Stephen.
She glanced at the stack of books then at Wong. "There is Astronomia Nova and now that my debt is paid, I'm going down."
She grabbed her books and rounded Wong's desk, and walked down the lower part of the library, where supposedly only masters are allowed but she was an exception, the only rule was that she was not allowed to read the supreme's book collection.
She was fine with it, although she had to admit she was intrigued about those books she'll never dare to read them, not unless she's allowed to.
Sitting down at one of the many tables, Carina pulled out a Magazine she had brought back from England, The Cosmopolitan, not her favourite but it's definitely on the top five.
She hadn't had time to read magazines in a while, too busy with homework and other things, like getting the newcomers to settle in.
Taylor Swift was on the cover, she's a famous singer. Carina knew that because she had seen her on several covers now, she hardly listened to music or knew much about pop culture, but she knew enough to know who the Kardashians are, Kim's her favourite, she knew about Beyoncé, Timothée Chalamet, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Emma Stone, Kanye West, Tony Stark— but she supposed he is a whole category of his own— and a few more.
The pop culture wasn't something she usually looks forward to when she reads a magazine but rather the fashion section. Because fashion magazines show that style is about individuality, it is a way to display people's personalities but it also displays the feelings and mood of a person and reflects on who they are.
Living in Kamar-Taj, where everyone wears the same robes and individuality only exists in the people's hearts, she was allured to learn about it, she found her individuality in fashion, although she doesn't own clothing other than the robes she likes to add her touches from time to time.
"This section is for Masters only." The voice of Wong echoed through the walls, making Carina look up from the magazine at the two men entering the section.
"Then why is she here?" Stephen asked and Carina pulled her tongue out.
"Because at my discretion, others may use it." Wong glanced at her before walking further into the library, in between the shelves whilst Stephen observed the area. "We should start with Maxim's Primer. How is your Sanskrit?"
"Awful." Mutters Carina, eyes back on the magazine on new designs from Versace.
Stephen spared her a glance. "I'm fluent in Google Translate."
"Vedic," Wong told him, handing him the books. "Classical Sanskrit."
"What are those?" Asked Strange, causing Carina to be distracted one more time.
"The Ancient One's private collection." She told him before Wong could.
Stephen frowns, looking between her and Wong. "So, they're forbidden?"
"No knowledge in Kamar-Taj is forbidden. Only certain practices."
"Only for me." Carina huffs, crossing her arms.
Wong sent her a look. "Because those books are far too advanced for anyone other than the Sorcerer Supreme, let alone children."
"Yeah yeah." Carina rolled her eyes, feeling slightly annoyed so she decided to go back to her magazine.
"This one's got pages missing," Stephen said.
"That's the book of Cagliostro," Wong explained while looking for another book at the bottom of a shelf. "The study of time. One of the rituals was stolen by a former Master. A zealot called Kaecilius. Just after he strung up the former librarian, and relieved him of his head."
Carina shudders, fleetingly remembering that night, her hands subconsciously closing at the memories as her stomach did weird twists.
"I'm now the guardian of these books. So if a volume from this collection should be stolen again, I'd know it. And you'd be dead before you ever left the compound." He snaps the book of Cagliostro shut and took it out of Stephen's hands.
"What if it's just overdue?" Asks Stephen, huffing an awkward laugh yet Wong doesn't seem to be impressed. "You know? Any... late fees I should know about? Maiming perhaps?"
"No, just constant scolding," Carina said, smiling at Wong who ignore her and gave Stephen the last of his books. "But I wouldn't push it."
"You know, people used to think that I was funny," Stephen mumbles, taking the books from the librarian.
"Did they work for you?" Wong asks a heartbeat later and Carina couldn't help but chuckle. "Probably, I reckon that memory of his didn't retain any good jokes, if we're leading by previous examples."
"Alright." Stephen huffed and began to make his way out of the section. "Well, it's been lovely talking to you two, thank you, Wong for the books and the horrifying story and the threat upon my life."
"I better see you at dinner." Called Carina as he walked out.
Stephen scoffs, shaking his head, sending her a side glance. "Worry about rinsing your hand, or it'll get her infected."
"What happened to your hand?" Asks Wong once Stephen left.
Carina shook her head and waved her hand dismissively. "Nothing, just a scratch."
He held his hand out, and Carina gave it to him. "I fell earlier today, nothing to worry about."
Wong hums, letting go of it. "Listen to Strange and go wash it."
"Fine." Carina sighs tiredly but stands up nonetheless.
Gathering her things, she bit Wong her goodbyes before going to her room reluctantly, she was craving strawberries.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please, if you want to get tagged tell me.
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whattheabcxyz · 1 year
High-rise litter bombardment at Bukit Panjang narrowly misses injuring people down below
Police reports lodged against Genius League enrichment centre after sudden closure
LKY’s lawyer fined $13K for breaching confidentiality & misleading executors
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine approved for those aged 12-17 - the pandemic’s supposed to be over, idiots
Skies Miltonia condo residents upset over adjacent BTO project’s bin placement - Maybe they should move to an estate with no HDB flats then?! But oh, they probably can’t afford to do so! LOL!
All HDB & private homes required to have circuit breaker installed by 1 Jul 2025 - only affects older homes built before Jul 1985
Temperature soars to 36.2°C in Choa Chu Kang - record high for this year so far
Singapore researchers identify possible link between mRNA vaccines & heart issues - “those with high baseline levels of RNASE2, an enzyme produced in the body that processes RNA, may be more prone to heart issues following a jab of an mRNA vaccine” ...so the issue was indeed to do with the fact that the vaccines used RNA!
Finally, someone is asking the pertinent questions: “If Google's AI is going to mulch up original work & provide a distilled version of it to users at scale, without ever connecting them to the original work, how will publishers continue to monetise their work?” - in other words, content generators will no longer find any incentive to continue producing useful material
Pancreatic cancer mRNA vaccine shows promise in small initial trial - Whatever credibility this article had dissipated when I read the line, “mRNA vaccines — famous for their ability to prevent Covid”... This is absolutely FALSE, from what we have witnessed 1st-hand in the pandemic, with numerous vaccinated people still getting infected with the virus!!! (Learn about leaky vaccines here.) Up till now, the only thing mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been “famous for”, is their ability to cause potentially fatal clots & myocarditis!!!
4 foreign women aged 30-34 arrested for begging at Genting Highlands - how shameful... I thought this was something only Westerners did
US & China pledge to maintain communication as 2 top officials meet
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^ Now “quiet luxury” is a thing, apparently
Damage to SIA plane in Nepal in May last year due to incorrect take-off angle & possible tailwind
Singapore-based graphic designer wins $13K from MrBeast
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Saanvi Sita Mylavarapu - Her Quest for Adventure and Conservation, From Half Dome to Everest Base Camp. Empowering Youth Through Outdoor Education and Exploration.
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Saanvi Sita Mylavarapu, a seasoned hiker, backpacker, rock climber, and youth advocate for the great outdoors. Since the age of six, Saanvi has been exploring the stunning landscapes of the United States, and has completed some of the most challenging hikes in the country, including Kala Pathar, Half Dome, and Mt. Whitney. She recently accomplished the feat of reaching the Everest Base Camp, and is now gearing up for a 120-mile trek across the Tour du Mont Blanc in Europe this summer.
Saanvi has hiked over 800 miles and has visited more than 25 National Parks, making her a true champion of nature conservation. Her passion for the environment has been recognized by national media outlets, who have featured her on the front page of newspapers and in articles in major magazines.
As a National Park Trust Ambassador, Saanvi has been supported by the National Park Service, renowned conservationists, mountaineers, and wildlife photographers. She is also the founder of 'Young Roots', an environmental and ecology club at Frisco ISD, and runs 'Nature Worthy', a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness of the benefits of connecting with nature. 
Join us as Saanvi shares her insights on the transformative power of nature, and her vision for a more sustainable future.
  New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday at 7am UK time - Subscribe so you don’t miss out. 
You can support the Tough Girl mission to increase the amount of female role models in the media - especially in relation to adventure and physical challenge by signing up as a patron. www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast. Thank you. 
  Show Notes
Who is Saanvi
Moving from Dallas to Texas
Planing to complete the Tour du Mont Blanc trek in Europe 
Turning sixteen 
Reflecting on her childhood and growing up 
Her first road trip at 6 years old and visiting the National Parks
Her love for hiking and spending time outdoors
Enjoying the peace and quiet
Feeling under pressure at school 
Being self motivated and driven 
Being a National Park Student Trust Ambassador 
Going to the Junior Ranger Programs 
Climbing Mt. Whitney and why it was so strenuous 
Breaking through mental barriers 
Feeling mental drained and how to change her state
Getting into rock climbing and what she enjoys
Hiking and climbing Half Dome and why it was so tough
Being inspired by her mum
Hiking to Everest Base Camp in Nepal
Wanting to climb the mountains in the future
Dealing with cold hands and feet
Using the phrase “you can do this”
Future dreams and ambitions 
Preparing to hike Tour du Mont Blanc
Doing high altitude running
The Saanvi Speaker Series 
The importance of spending time in nature 
Founder of 'Young Roots', an environmental and ecology club
Her views on carbon footprints and climate change
The power of making little changes in their life
Being inspired by Emily Harrington 
How to connect with Saanvi
Final words of advice 
  Social Media
  Instagram: @chalkbagsntents 
    Check out this episode!
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Indian mountaineer Baljeet Kaur had gone missing from Mount Annapurna in Nepal, it was found, she survived. mountaineer baljeet kaur rescued from mount annapurna in nepal she was lifted by plane
Baljeet Kaur: Baljeet Kaur, the mountaineer of Himachal Pradesh, is still alive and rescued from Mount Annapurna in Nepal. News of his disappearance had come a day earlier when he descended from the mountain. Mountaineer Baljeet Kaur hails from Himachal Pradesh Image Credit source: @Baljeet11684140 Himachal Pradesh mountaineer Baljeet Kaur has been tracked down. Yesterday, ie April 17th, news…
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rocknews · 2 years
Nepal plane crash preliminary report: Investigators suspect human error
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KATHMANDU: The Yeti Airlines aircraft which crashed in Nepal last month killing 71 people, including five Indians, lost thrust and fell after the propellers of both engines went into a feathered position, according to a preliminary probe report which lead investigators to suspect human error behind the deadly crash.
Yeti Airlines flight 691, after taking off from Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport on January 15, crashed on the Seti River gorge between the old airport and the new airport in the resort city of Pokhara.
There were 72 people including four crew members onboard the ATR-72 aircraft when it crashed, but rescue officials have so far managed to recover only 71 bodies with the other missing passenger presumed dead.
It is rare for the propellers of both engines to come to a feathered position, said one of the members of the five-member probe committee, which is also mentioned in the 14-page preliminary report posted on the website of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation of Nepal.
“Human factor in the accident could not be disregarded. So it is an issue of investigation,” said the member on condition of anonymity.
“When both propellers were feathered, the investigation team observed that both engines of 9N-ANC were running flight idle condition during the event flight to prevent over torque,” states the preliminary report.
“As per the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) all the recorded parameters related to engines did not show any anomaly,” adds the report.
“When Air Traffic Controller (ATC) gave the clearance for landing at 10:57:07, the Pilot Flying (PF) mentioned twice that there was no power coming from the engines,” the report further says.
“During the time of the crash, the prevailing visibility was 6 km and the sky was almost clear with only a few clouds,” points out the preliminary report.
According to experts, the pilots unintentionally pulled the condition levers causing the engine to shut down and feather the propellers. Each lever starts and stops the fuel supply, and controls the idle speed for its respective engine.
One investigator said that they found the levers pulled down at the crash site.“We are waiting for a detailed report. We cannot ascertain what happened before that,” said a probe committee member. “Yes, there is also the issue of flaps. There are questions about why the pilots delayed extending the flaps. The routine checklists were not followed.
There are many factors to look at,” Joint Secretary at the Tourism Ministry Buddhi Sagar Lamichhane - a senior member of the probe committee -- was quoted as saying by The Kathmandu Post newspaper.
As per International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the state investigating an accident or incident must produce a preliminary report within 30 days of the accident.
The final report should be produced within 12 months of the accident.
According to the preliminary report, the flight crew had made two flights between Kathmandu and Pokhara earlier in the morning.
The flight that crashed was the third in a row by the same crew. There were two captains on the plane.
Captain Anju Khatiwada was in the process of obtaining aerodrome familiarisation for operating in Pokhara, and Captain Kamal KC was the instructor pilot on this training flight.
The take-off, climb, cruise, and descent to Pokhara were normal.
At 10:56:12, the pilots extended the flaps to the 15 degrees position and pushed the landing gear lever to the down position.
Khatiwada then disengaged the autopilot system at an altitude of 721 feet above the ground. Khatiwada then called for “FLAPS 30”, and Captain KC replied, “Flaps 30 and descending.” The flight data recorder (FDR) did not record any flap surface movement at that time.
Instead, the propeller rotation speed of both engines decreased simultaneously to less than 25 per cent and the torque, the force that causes an opposite rotation, started decreasing to zero per cent, which is consistent with both propellers going into the feathered condition, the report said.
When the propellers are feathered, they don't produce thrust that pushes the aircraft forward.
As per the flight data recorder, no recorded parameters related to the engines showed any anomaly.
When the air traffic controller gave the clearance for landing, Captain Khatiwada twice mentioned that there was no power in the engines.
The report said that the aircraft's airworthiness certificate was valid till April 24, 2023.
Nepal's investigators have received analytical support from Singapore's Transport Safety Investigation Bureau.
The airport, built with China's assistance, was hastily inaugurated and operated without adequate preparations to meet the January 1 project deadline.
Flight calibration, which tests all pieces of equipment at the new airport, has yet to recommend landing from the west.
The calibration report is due to be published on February 26. The flight procedure has not been published either. Airlines have very little information about airport procedures and data, according to experts.
The AAIC has stated that further investigation will focus on the circumstances under which both propellers went into the feathered condition, human factors, and visual approach procedures, including simultaneous operation of both national and international airports, according to media reports.
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breaknewsnow · 2 years
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theechudar · 2 years
Nepal plane crash: Army intensifies search for lone missing body
Nepal Army officials on Friday said that they have intensified the effort to search for the lone missing person in the Nepal plane crash. Kathmandu,UPDATED: Jan 20, 2023 23:28 IST The remaining bodies will be handed over their families once the postmortem is over, hospital sources said. By Press Trust of India: The search for the lone missing person in the Nepal plane crash intensified on…
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 2 years
Nepal Plane Crash: Grieving families of victims could miss out on millions in compensation
The air carriers’ liability and insurance draft bill has proposed a five-fold increase in compensation in case of death or injury in case of a flight crash in Nepal. source https://zeenews.india.com/aviation/nepal-plane-crash-grieving-families-of-victims-could-miss-out-on-millions-in-compensation-2563863.html
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gamegill · 2 years
No hope of any survivors in Nepal’s deadliest crash in 30 years, officials say - World
Officials in Nepal said on Wednesday there was no chance of finding any survivors of the country’s deadliest plane crash in 30 years, but workers will continue to search for the remains of the last missing passenger. Rescue teams used drones and rappelled down deep gorges on Tuesday to sift through the charred remains of the Yeti Airlines ATR 72 turboprop, which was carrying 72 people when it…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Nepal Plane Crash: No hope of any survivors in Nepal's deadliest crash in 30 years, officials say | World News
KATHMANDU: Officials in Nepal said on Wednesday there was no chance of finding any survivors of the country’s deadliest plane crash in 30 years, but workers will continue to search for the remains of the last missing passenger.Rescue teams used drones and rappelled down deep gorges on Tuesday to sift through the charred remains of the Yeti Airlines ATR 72 turboprop, which was carrying 72 people…
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insideusnet · 2 years
No Hope of Any Survivors in Nepal's Deadliest Crash in 30 Years, Officials Say : Inside US
KATHMANDU (Reuters) – Officials in Nepal said on Wednesday there was no chance of finding any survivors of the country’s deadliest plane crash in 30 years, but workers will continue to search for the remains of the last missing passenger. Rescue teams used drones and rappelled down deep gorges on Tuesday to sift through the charred remains of the Yeti Airlines ATR 72 turboprop, which was…
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watchman-today · 2 years
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Nepal finds all but one missing person following deadly plane crash http://dlvr.it/Sh171w
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