#mizu answers
giyuu-no-tsuma · 2 years
hi!! can i please get a matchup? im bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, im fairly bubbly and energetic (my mbti is esfp & zodiac is cancer!), and i always try to look in an upbeat light, even if i don’t always feel that way. i love most things, and i tend to keep my heart on my sleeve, even if it does me wrong sometimes. im also fairly hopeful and a bit too lenient with second chances, but ya know i like people and i want everyone to be good and happy but… yeah sometimes that ends badly. im also fairly affectionate and touchy with the people i care about, like, i love little acts of physical intimacy, whether it be hand holding, kisses, headpats— literally everything, drown me in affection pls. i also really like really naps (especially when you have a bunch of plushies— amazing!!) and can tend to be a bit of a homebody aajdkene. im also a tremendous animal lover, and lover of anything that’s soft or cute if we’re being honest andjksjs. i really like gardening and baking, too!
my friends say i’m fairly pretty, and im doing my best to believe them (i’ve been compared to so many things in the pixie-fairy department, if that gives you a general idea or overview of my aesthetic ahdheje). im 5’2, have long light brown hair, almond brown eyes, moles across my face, a fading summer tan, and perpetually rosy cheeks!
please and thank you!! hope you have a nice day :)
Hello there, thank you for coming to my humble little imagines blog! I have read your description and you sound absolutely very, very nice and kind!
And now, the one I will be matching you to is:
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Kanroji Mitsuri!!
*For one she's the Love Hashira and of course she will shower you in her love, she likes hugs so much and is always wanting to dump her love on someone, no doubt she's for you!
*Plushies you say? She adores them! She will sew you a lot of plushies. Are you a cat person? Expect many cat plushies from Mitsuri's part, she loves cats and owns one too.
*Mitsuri loves baking too!! The both of you will bake to your hearts content, she lives lonely in her Love Estate, you could fill in the emptiness if you decide to move with her, and help her pull all the overflowing love that she has in her on you.
*Will sing to you her lullabies if you ever can't fall asleep, cradling you in her loving arms, as if you were just a mere baby. But she likes being the big spoon and be the one to hold you, even kissing your forehead as she lulls you to sleep.
*A fan of holding hands? Mitsuri loves it too, you two will hold hands as you have strolls through the flowery meadows, and even she will also create a flower crown to place on your hair saying how cute you look in flowers.
*Don't about Obanai, let's say he's not in love with Mitsuri in this. You two are for each other, meant to be together. The power of Love is stronger than anything, so the both of you are very loving people who rejoice in the love that you radiate with one another.
*She might even braid your hair like hers, the braid buddies! How cute is that?! She'll do it all the time, because she simply adores braided hair, her hair has three braids, yours will have four.
*Overall Kanroji Mitsuri is just for you, the perfect description of hers goes with your own description. You and Mitsuri are like soulmates, like two drops of water, love each other to infinity!
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the-dragon-mizu · 2 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
nahhhhhh buba really be exposing my whacked out music taste.
im honestly surprised there’s no sleep token
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sophswritingthings · 7 months
what if a mizu x fem reader who’s her childhood crush? fem reader is like master eiji’s granddaughter or a child who was raised by him/visits him often. mizu sees her around often as a child and falls for her. years later, reader saves mizu and is like “miss me?” and Mizu’s first instinct is to tackle them into a tight hug
pairing: mixu x fem!childhoodcrush!reader
warning(s): the usual, y'know, swearing
a/n: I know I have others who put in a request before this, but I HAVE TO INDULGE RQ THEN I'LL GET BACK TO IT. this is so cute anon
summary: mizu hadn't grown up around people; she wasn't ever allowed outside. that was until she found the sword father, and stayed with him. she meets you, a pretty young girl her age, who happens to be his granddaughter. she falls for you--and years later--when she sees you again.. all of those feelings begin to resurface.
word count: 950 words / 5,010 characters
mizu stopped in her tracks, holding a large pair of long iron tongs in her small hands. she saw you, her heart beginning to pound in her chest. a pretty young lady, about her age.
what would a girl such as yourself want to do with sword father?
she cleared her throat.
"hello," you murmur to her. you'd never seen her before; and those eyes... blue as the water. "who is this.. grandfather?"
you turn to your grandfather. he holds up a hand, gesturing for you to silence. he than gestures for mizu to hand him the tongs, in which, she does.
your grandfather doesn't answer you, so you take to a different approach. just ask her directly.
"who are you?" you murmur, "and what is your name?"
she clears her throat again, coughing a little before she spoke. so awkward, and for what?
"mizu," she replied rather quietly. “I-I’m.. staying here. with your um, grandfather.”
you chuckle at her awkward tone. you smile at her, offering your hand for her to shake. you were a little taller than her.
she grabbed your hand, shaking it softly.
from then on; you had visited every so often, when your mother would allow it. you two got along like two peas in a pod; you were best friends.
and every time mizu saw you, she swore you got more beautiful.
that was until she had gone. one day when you had come to visit; the girl had disappeared into the wind. your grandfather had told you that she had disappeared on a quest.
and you never saw her again.
that was until now.
you were settled outside your home, knitting and watching the people go by along the cobbled streets.
someone of… interest, caught your eye.
the minute you saw them; you knew exactly who it was.
your first instinct was to call out to her; but it seemed that wasn’t exactly possible right now. she was being chased, a sword attached to her hip.
you couldn’t just sit here, right? no, you couldn’t. you leapt to your feet, throwing yourself between the now seemingly samurai mizu, and the one chasing her.
“leave them go,” you hiss.
“move, girl,” he grumbles back, looking up at mizu than down at you. “he’s killed half my men!”
“and I’m sure he had a good reason to,” you glance at mizu over your shoulder, smiling softly. “head off and leave us be now. whatever business you have to settle with him, you can settle in a honorable matter like men.”
the man groaned, glaring at mizu as he stomped off.
you turned to mizu with a bright, bright smile.
“miss me?”
you giggle, gazing up at her. god she'd gotten tall; you used to be taller than her, now she was probably a foot taller than you!
she says nothing.
a gentle smile spreads across her lips, and she tackles you into a tight hug.
you laugh, rolling onto the snowy cobblestone ground with the woman. your blushing a little, seeing as she’s now sitting on top of you, gazing up at her.
“I suppose you did, than!” you laugh.
she sits you up, nuzzling into your neck.
“I did. I really did.”
you were beautiful as ever. maybe even more beautiful than the last she had seen of you. a proper woman, one of she was not, but that didn’t matter. she was happy to see you after all this time. and you had saved her, no less.
“so.. what are you up to, now?” you gesture her up and down, “a samurai, are you? I thought you would be married by now..”
that made her flinch, seeing as she was once married, and the son of a bitch turned her in. and she may or may not have killed him.
she wasn’t going to tell you that, though, because you'd certainly call her stupid if she did.
her sights had changed, certainly.
“I am a samurai, yes,” she replied, glancing away.
“and what brings you back around here, hm?” you annunciate the hm, smiling as she helps you to your feet, holding her hat under her arm.
“a quest. my vow.”
her vow. yes, you thought she'd told you about that.
“I didn’t think you would still live here.” she replies. a woman as beautiful as you had to be married off, right?
“I am waiting for my father to find me a match,” you roll your eyes. “not that I want him to.”
she cocked her head. so you weren’t married. and for some reason, now she was blushing, thoughts swarming her mind.
maybe she could be that match—
no. mizu, no.
you wouldn’t think of it. you looked at her as a friend, a childhood friend you hadn’t seen in years.
“under.. understood,” she whispers.
if you were being honest with yourself, you'd always had a little crush on mizu. and looking at her now, the strength she simply admitted from her, those good looks. those eyes.
your father would never allow it. but who cared what he wanted?
“are you going to visit? eiji, I mean.” you murmur. “I-I could accompany you, if you are.”
“ah, right—“ she stops herself as she hears you offer to come with her, “you could if you want to.”
“yes. yes, I’d like that.” you nod, beginning to walk side by side with her. you gently brushed her hand, giving her a small smile.
it made her heart pound in her damn chest. it told her something, maybe you wanted to explore this. you had obviously noticed it on her face.
she clasped your hand as you walked.
she wanted to explore it, too.
a/n: mizu and a childhood crush is always my favorite <333
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hastyprovocateur · 4 months
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"... you got a girl"
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"a preetty girl!"
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"How does that work?"
Blue Eye Samurai (2023)
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missviviii · 6 months
screaming over the idea of mizu with a reader who's super into mizu and often gets flustered around her, becoming stuttery and flushed, and just kinda sucks at hiding it... I feel like she might allow herself to be a bit of a tease then
a/n: y e s. 🫶
“Your face is adorable.”
warning(s): swearing and a little suggestive
summary: you suck ass at hiding the fact you get flustered easily and the fact that you are into a certain blue eyed samurai. mizu finds it adorable, amusing even. so much that she’ll even be a bit of a tease just for you.
A terrific healer, you ended up joining Mizu on her journey after you found her in the woods on one snowy day, badly injured yet somehow still walking fine and even holding her blade. You were a litttle reluctant on joining because A, She was awfully hot and you could barely hold a conversation, and B, you could not focus for the love of god.
Only reason Mizu finally gave in after Ringo tried to convinced her to was because “you actually had some usefulness to you and could defend yourself.” Ringo was ecstatic, finally having someone kind and patient on board with them.
Mizu could easily tell you were into her, hell everyone could. Besides Ringo, of course, he’s a little clueless. The samurai found it amusing, often purposefully trying to fluster you as a little joke. You knew you sucked at hiding it, and Mizu certainly loved it.
After Mizu had busted open her stitches again by another petty spar between her and Taigen, you were left with the task of mending her ripped up cloak. Of course you didn’t mind, it’s the least you could do while Ringo patched Mizu back up again. And you would get some peace while doing so alone.
Or..perhaps that wasn’t the case.
You were stitching up her clothes again peacefully, humming by the fire while you worked. You didn’t notice that door sliding open and someone entering. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t catch Mizu creeping up upon you and leaning close to your ear. “Hm, what are you doing?” She murmured, causing you to immediately stop and swing your head around.
“Gah! Mizu!- shit, you sca-scared me,” you said as you took a sharp breath and put down the needle on the table. Mizu smirked, tilting her head to the side, amused, before sitting beside you.
“I scared you? Is that why your face is red?” You immediately closed your mouth, hands covering up your face and looking away while puffing out your lips. Yes she did scare you, a bit, but it was the fact her warm breath was on your ears, which were particularly sensitive—
“Or is it because I was close to you?” Mizu’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, now she was leaning in very close and her rough hands were on your thigh. You felt your face burn even hotter. Why was she so close? And touchy?!
“You..you—wha-what do you need?” You managed to utter out. Mizu smirked before she yanked you over onto her lap so quickly you had no time to react or resist. You let out a squeak, embarrassed at the position you were in. Yes you were severely down bad for her but what is this?!?
Mizu’s lips ghosted down your neck, her warm breath trickling against your flushed skin and sending shivers down your spine. “I thought you liked me, no?” Well that managed to shut you up, and Mizu knew that as well. She began to leave kisses along your neck, and had decided to leave a few marks along the way.
You squirmed in her lap, softly moaning and also embarrassed at how easily you react. Your entire body was hot and your face was on fire. Mizu held you in place, one arm tightly around your waist to keep you still. She hummed, her blue eyes looking at the purple marks and the soft bite marks all over your neck. Pretty, right? Why not mark the entire body now?
“I think I might want something more..active. Up for it, Princess?”
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14dayswithyou · 16 days
Everything he does is for their approval, so they'd have no idea that his yandere side even exists unless it was something they were into.
Me: -purposefully searches up yandere x reader and yandere x me, writes yandere x oc stories, makes memes about yandere guys being hot- oh no, it'll be such a shame if I get a yandere husband
I've said this a few times in the past, but if Angel was genuinely attracted to yanderes, he'd definitely show that side of him!! It's more so his real side that he won't ever show (willingly).
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lillymakesart · 4 months
I am so sorry, this is the last headcanon I have for Spoiled brat Mizu > She never gets Taigen's name right. She calls him Tekken, Tenig, Taiku, Tango, Tenku, Trigun and Baku (don't know where this came from but it means Dream Eater)
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Was that first glance truly a gay little moment between Mizu and Akemi, or was she actually surprised (maybe even a little jealous?) that femininity could even look like that? Lavish, spoiled, seemingly loved or at least, something to be desired. I think it's pretty sure that she does not grasp how Akemi's life is a prison just as much as hers. That much is clear in their dialogues and her behavior towards her.
What if that dialogue (you, magical forest creature spoiling your good chances at a good life etc etc) was actually lowkey jealousy? of a life she herself would never get to experience as a woman? of being allowed to be a woman AND have a chance at happiness?
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mizu0xox0 · 21 days
i love self aware aventurine so much, but in my case, it would mean he’d be:
- listening to me sing the same song over and over and over again (most likely his boss theme while taking on SU)
- listening to my near hysteric sobs and trying to joke through the pain during that one part of the quest before fighting him
- so tired of me calling him princess and babygirl every three minutes
- and much more
Aventurine is definitely dying on the inside when he heads you call him princess or bbg and yes he will also die on the inside when he hears you singing his boss theme whenever but he's happy to say the least out of all the other characters themes you could've choose you choose he's plus his boss theme. When he hears your hysterical sobbing he doesn't know if he should be concerned or not considering it is during his boss fight. Overall self aware Aventurine is definitely dying on the inside but is proud? Or happy to say the least.
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galamalion · 3 months
Girl I found and absolutely loved your Mizu x Reader story!!!! I saw that you plan on making it into a series and I can’t waaaiiittt to read the next parts! I’m excited to see how Mizu and the reader’s relationship progresses (I’m such a slut for slowburn) and for when Mizu finally has the courage to tell reader how she feels or at the very least a kissing scene 😭
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aah thank you so much!! chapter 2 is still in the works since i've been completely focused on college, but i'm hoping to get it out during my spring break! believe me, you'll be getting a confession scene (maybe even a kissing scene...) but i think i've decided on no smut, only because it's <10 episodes and i think it would be odd to include it. but mizu is definitely gonna fall head over heels for reader!! <333
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wondipity · 2 months
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giyuu-no-tsuma · 1 year
Agreed with you and AkaRen and DouShino/DouKoto! Those ships are weird and totally terrible ships. I don't even get why people ship them, I hate those ships and wish I could make them fade forever! Akaza killed Kyojuro and shipping him with his murderer... Douma killed both Kotoha and Shinobu and they still ship those stupid, toxic ships that make me want to slap those shippers in the face with a cactus so I knock down sense on them!!
You and me both, Anon-san. You and me both. I don't get why those ships exist, but that's beyond my business. I don't give a hoot if the shippers like them or not. I've blocked those ships and the taglist, so I don't get bothered with those.
It's no secret of mine that I hate Akaza, Douma and the rest of the demons with all of my being. So, I have my blog speak hate of those, because I don't have to like them like the rest, I'm my own person and so my preferences differ.
Now I wouldn't go that far to harass shippers in anon asks that ship those things, I'm an adult and I don't have time for that. I work now and my blog is just for a hobby and fun when I need to escape a little bit from reality to the amazing world of fantasy and fiction.
Ship and let ship, I guess.
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slytherinshua · 5 months
Where's my Minhyun girls at 🥲
Calling for axe , sky and zanna for our Minhyun meeting
Thank you.
@blue-jisungs,, @weird-bookworm,, might i even add... @amara-mars hehehe skdjfk
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
Can you please write about earlier morning with mizu like she doesn't want to get up from her lovers hold 😭 my heart...this is all I'm thinking I swear
pairing: mizu x fem!reader
warning(s): ummmm you and mizu r naked in bed, but it’s not nsfw <3
a/n: early morning mizu voice…….
summary: you have to get up and get to town; but mizu doesn’t want to let go just yet.
word count: 303 words / 1,663 characters 
you hands are making circles on mizu’s back, drawing little hearts, circles and other shapes along your lovers skin.
her skin was so smooth, despite how rough her job was.
she was so nice to hold.. to love; but you needed to get out of bed and get into town.
you needed to make sure you were stocked on food and medicine, if you were going to journey together.
but it wasn’t like you could get up; mizu had you in her grip, her arms tight around your waist and her head in your neck.
“mmm.. mizu, my darling..” you whisper, your voice tired—your eyes haven’t even opened yet.
“hmmm..?” she hums, her voice tired. her fingers were caressing your waist under the blanket.
“hi there,” you chuckle.
“hi,” her voice was raspier than usual; tired and still not fully awake.
“I need to get up, darling…” you murmur, kissing the top of her head.
“mm—no,” she mumbled.
you laugh, running your hand through her hair—to which—she was wearing down right now.
“mizu!” you smile softly, “I need to get up and go shop.”
“shop? you’d rather shop than cuddle with me?” she scoffs, “wow.”
“don’t try and guilt trip me,” you gently separate your body from hers, prying her hands off your waist. 
you slip to your feet, wrapping the sheet around your body. you turn around to look at her, seeing the pouty expression across her face.
“don’t give me that look.”
you tossed off the sheet, throwing it onto her head. you giggle, slipping out of the room and into the bathroom.
you heard her footsteps following you into the bathroom, slipping into the warm water with you.
she gently massaged your shoulders; kissing your neck every so often. 
maybe skipping the shopping for today would be your best idea.
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yandere-flower · 9 months
Hi! Long time fan of yours and I absolutely love reading about your oc's! I wanted to ask: Say Darling is playing a videogame that the yanderes thought was just an action RPG that they've been playing for a while now. Darling has gushed about the cool story and the fleshed out characters that they grew to love, which they think is nice; Darling's having fun and this is a good distraction away from interacting with people. One day, they grew curious enough to watch you play for a bit. 1/3
It starts off like they expected, a lot of fighting and magic, doing quests, yada yada yada. They're about to leave until you reach camp and start talking with some of the characters and suddenly they hear you gasp as one of the NPC's starts talking all sweet to you? As they watch the scene unfold, they are shocked to find out that THIS GAME HAS ROMANCE OPTIONS?! And are you squealing and giggling over what they're saying?! (cough- Baldur's gate COUGH) 2/3
How would they react/feel about this revelation? I doubt any of them is going to be happy about it but would some be petty about it? Would some try to understand why Darling likes that character so much? Would they act differently if Darling was IN a relationship with the yanderes? I personally gush over some of the romantic scenes in games, and Baldur's Gate 3 has such great character interactions that I can't help but love all of them. I hope this isn't too much to ask, thank you! 3/3"
I knew this was about Baldurs Gate immediately cause same...only doing the boys here since it'll get long but let me know if you want the girls version!
Sawyer- He plays video games but isn't quite into the culture as isn't into turn based as much so he's like "sure whatever can we play together". Very slow at learning and will cast fireball on you and kill you constantly because he doesn't understand. But has so much fun being a nuance to the NPCs, and the moment he accidentally flirts with someone he goes full panic mode and starts apologizing, refuses to romance anyone. Is a bit peeved why you romance, but won't stop you. He does try to understand why however, and gets a little huffy at each romance scene. Also slightly makes fun of your choices. Will try and shove them off the edge when you're not looking.
Desmond - This man has not touched a game....ever, but he's happy to see you're happy and actually a little glad you're so engrossed in some that keeps you indoors and away from people. I actually thing that Desmond wouldn't care? He knows it's fictional, it'll hopefully get you in the mood, and he likes how if he asks you some thing about the game, you'll gush to him for hours. He still has you. But depending on your romance choice he might get curious why you chose that
Mizu - This fucker has already completely a playthough, bought you a custom cosplay of Shadowhearts camp clothes, and constantly wants to roleplay with you. But also gets insanely upset if you so much as mention your romance option and will make fun of all the characters you like. Makes you stop your own playthough so you two can play co-op and he can "watch you".
Cliff - Has no interest in playing, but is familiar with DND back when it was popular when he was a child. Still not super interested, but he likes hearing you be passionate about something. If you mention your romance option he'll perk up a bit, get cheeky, and start to mimic the things you like if it aligns with him. Obviously expects you to romance Halsin though because he likes to imagine there are similarities....
Antonio - I'm torn, cause I do think he'll like the game but I also think he's a bit jealous of your time and will only let you play it with him "so I can share your hobby and see you get excited is all!" Will try and argue that you shouldn't have that character cause it's not good for your party comp, or try and disrupt your romance scenes. He wants to appear like a good sport, but very obviously isn't
Ezra- He hates it. He doesn't understand video games, but he likes seeing you happy. You should be hanging out with him though, and he knows there is co op but he's terrible at it and clearly isn't having fun. He seethes and mopes the entire time you play, and almost cries if you talk about your romance option. Why aren't any of them sweet or kind or like him?? Do you not like him??
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missviviii · 6 months
Hi!! Can I ask for a Mizu x female reader who is also a samurai but mostly uses a bow? Tytyty💗💗
a/n: of course!! your wish is my command 🫶
“Always in the Shadows”
warning(s): Swearing
summary: there’s someone in the shadows behind her, protecting her back and saving her at the very last moment. you took it upon yourself to save mizu’s ass and watch over her just in case anything goes wrong.
You’ve grown fond of the samurai, watching her back just in case anything happens when she’s not aware. Mizu knows you are there, she can sense it and you never leave without leaving her a little something. Maybe it’s a charm that you tied around her sword, or some money to buy food, but you’ve got her interested.
So why is it that you don’t show your face, but help out either way? You were a samurai, just like her. You’ve watched her long enough to understand that her path is one not to be messed with, and you rather not have dangerous cutthroats being thrown your way by a certain white man because Mizu always has a backup—which was you. Besides, it much more amusing to watch the amused look on her face when she wakes up to find herself bandaged up and left with money or a charm by you after nearly dying. She’d always regain her consciousness to find an arrow beside whatever gift you left her.
Mizu was running through the snowy woods of Japan, grunting as she tightly held her blade beside her. The sound of loud, heavy footsteps were behind her, and the sound of men yelling to find this blue-eyed samurai grew louder. You followed after her in the trees, hopping branch to branch to watch the entire thing.
“You know, this would be a great fucking time to give up, you samurai! Give it up, you’re going to bleed yourself out!” One of the men loudly yelled, to which you shot an arrow at and it hit his neck. He shrieked out, blood rushing out of his neck and covering the white snow in red. Mizu smirked as she looked up at the trees, only to see an outline of your figure among the snowy branches.
You kept a watchful eye, not revealing your location or letting any of the men out of your gaze. You could’ve just swooped in and just took them all out, but where’s the fun in that?
The sound of blades clinking against each other, swooshing through the air, and the sound of the men yelling as Mizu killed them off filled the empty woods. Impressive You thought. Even injured, she’s still fighting like a pro. You thought she was in the clear until she grunted, falling down onto her knees as the large gash on her side began to pour at blood.
And just to her luck, not of all of them were dead.
Immediately, you picked up your bow and aimed at each one of them, taking out them one by one and using their cluelessness to where the arrows were coming from to your advantage. “Finally,” you murmured as you hopped down the tree branch and rushed over to Mizu’s side.
Mizu, who was only closing her eyes in hopes she can catch a glimpse of you distracted, was bleeding out. “Well fucking hell, I’m going to have to get you somewhere so I can clean up your wounds," you say to yourself as you lifted her up onto your back and looked around for a brief moment for an abandoned temple that you can stay at. While you were carrying her, Mizu opened one eye just to see your hair. Pretty. Then she closed her eyes.
With the fire crackling in the background, you patched Mizu up and took care of her. You hadn’t suspected that she saw a part of you. You brewed medicine, fed her, tucked her into bed—made sure she was safe and well.
Per usual, you took out a pouch of money and dropped it beside the bed roll. Just as you were about to leave, an arm reached out and pulled your arm. It was Mizu. “You..are the archer that has been following me, huh?” She whispered, her hand still holding onto your hand while she sat up. You turned around, surprised that she was already awake. Usually she was knocked out for a good hour or two, but she’s up early.
“You’re awake early.” You sat down beside Mizu while she scooted over to make room for you. Mizu’s silent, her blue eyes staring at your face intently, then to your bow, then to the arrows you carried with you. She said nothing, only tackling you down with a hug. She’s in love already.
“Thank you,” she murmured, face buried in the crook of your neck.
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