#mod rat when you see this i really fucking hope you know like. your the reason why i like kinger more/gen like my friends helped with that-
merwynsartblog · 11 months
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cat like man giving comfort to a chess piece be like:
ok but fr uh fanart for this blog @kingofthefortress
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neat blog 10/10
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cripplecharacters · 14 days
Hello! I have a question about characters with a facial difference and animal attributes (like, Kemonos).
A story I'm planning has the protagonists coming from our world to one with magic, where the magic usually shows on your body, like someone with light magic having glowing hair and stuff like that.
One of the characters has strabismus. In my original idea, she was going to be an animal shapeshifter, since she studies zoology and likes improv theater; her visual cue would be being a mix and match kemono (like, a rabbit ear, a dog ear, and a lion tail, or something like that). She'd keep the strabismus in all forms.
But I think while scrolling the blog I saw something about disabled people/people with FDs often being likened to animals, so now I'm worried that it might fall into that trope, though it wasn't intended. There will be other characters with FDs who aren't Kemonos (including another main character), and there's other kemonos and characters with animal-based magic who don't have a FD, but if it falls into an uncomfortable trope, I can come up with another magic for her and give the shapeshifting to someone else.
Thank you all so much for all the hard work you're doing on this blog, by the way!
This sounds fine to me! Mostly because of a few things:
she isn't originally an animal, and even then only has animalistic attributes;
she chooses to transform into an animal, and the decision is related to her passion rather than “all characters get innate magic and the visibly disabled one just 'happens' to be the sole animalistic one”;
ears and tails are almost* always fair game IMO;
there are other characters with facial differences who aren't associated with animals;
there are other characters without facial differences who are associated with animals!
*- things that are exceptions to that, in my opinion, for future reference if anyone wants it: - rabbits features + cleft lip; - cow features + vitiligo; - rat anything + anything, I actually like rats a lot, but as an animal they gotta stay away from being associated from like 99% of minorities' representation; - “funny animal” + strabismus/drooling/skull conditions, as a rule of thumb: if the character looks like a wojak it's time to stop.
So yeah, I don't see anything wrong with it! It sounds pretty cool.
I'm usually not a fan of animalistic characters with facial differences (unless we are talking about a story where everyone is an animal, that's a completely different thing) because I, and quite a lot of people I know, have been compared to them as part of bullying or a microaggression. For me personally, it was both by people who were intentionally trying to harass me, as well as genuinely well-meaning people who just didn't consider that maybe telling someone his face reminds them of a dog's one is kinda fucked up.
The reason I don't think that's what's going on here is that you seem to be aware of the trope's existence and try to avoid it, along with giving your character actual agency. The magic giving her animal features isn't because of her disability (which is clear based on the fact that there are other characters with one but not the other trait), it's because she as a character likes animals!
I will also say that I'm not really against all kinds of animal-related magic when it comes to characters with facial differences. If there was a Disney princess with septicemia scarring on her whole body who talks with deer, it would go hard as hell. But the 99.9% of animal-related characters with FD I see are more akin to “scary scarred man is likened to a [predatory animal] because he's so scary and has scars, also he's drawn in a collar and half his dialogue tags are animalistic”, thus the blanket “no animal people with FDs please” statement you saw on some of my previous posts.
Hope this helps and explains my reasoning! Good luck with your writing :-)
mod Sasza
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Dangonronpa korekiyo, nekomaru, nagito, kokichii, and gundam, and fuyuhiko with someone who reads erotic books like at first they try and hide it like throwing the book under their bed or hiding it and they have A LOT of those kinds of books but they have a lock on their closet but when they find out they dont care anymore and just bring it everywhere and sometimes read out loud on accident and detail?
Better late than never I hope?
Anyways, this one just cracked me up!! I uh. Let's say I relate-
I only did Nagito, Kokichi, Gundham and Fuyuhiko for now! Perhaps I'll do more soon.
Mod Usami/Bunny
Rating: Mature
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-Honestly, he's curious when he sees or finds out about the locks and mega privacy you have!
-He doesn't push your boundaries at all, or try to snoop, but he's always wondering what secrets he has left to uncover about you...
-Maybe it's his luck or your forgetfulness that leads him to finding out, but sooner or later he's holding one of your books and flipping through it
-He doesn't look surprised or disgusted or even confused, he just turns kind of red
-'Oh, is... this the kind of stuff you're into?' He'd laugh awkwardly. 'You've no need to be embarrassed! It's really only natural-'
-You, uh, might wanna shut him up before he says something that really embarrasses you. If you're having sex he definitely offers to perform an act he read about
-He doesn't really feel a ton of shame about this sort of thing, so when you bring it out in public, he only laughs and humors you
-He would even voice act if you'd goaded him into, but I don't think he'd do it well, or without laughing a bit and feeling bad about it
-He's glad his luck has brought you two closer!
-He's not the type to be opposed to keeping secrets... He knows well that some can be good in a relationship.
-Even if your everything is locked he doesn't really bat an eye. He's definitely interested but he's of the mind that if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to know, and if he needs to know, he'll find out eventually anyways
-When he finds out, hes more flustered than he'd like to admit. Sure, he's been exposed to violence for a while but not a ton of sex!
-'What the hell?! You're into those dirty mags the old guys I work with are?!'
-He doesn't think its that big a deal once he gets over the initial shock about the size of the collection and does his best to forget until you bring it in up or into public
-It definitely embarrasses him and he might walk away the first couple of times if he knew you wouldn't take it too hard-
-At the end of the day though he's extremely loyal and puts up with it very begrudgingly and he might even get used to it if you didn't budge
-Well. he gets used to it until you start throwing in moans and then he's right back to square one of embarrassment
-Seems decently... sheltered
-When he sees the locks he's like that old meme. 'Alright then, keep your secrets'
-"Ah, my dark liege has a chest full of ritual objects! I mustn't disturb it." He never mentions it again.
-You'd have to be the one to slip up or show him on purpose
-He blushes REALLY hard when he finally realizes what they are. If he was holding them he probably drops them
-"What kind of sorcery-"
-If he found it he'd probably assume someone put it with your stuff as 'a twisted sort of deceptive revenge... be careful my dark liege!'
-if you started reading it in public he'd probably begin to speak very loudly about his magic or animals so that no one would hear you to cover you
-if you were doing it to tease him he wouldn't realize. He just thinks you have your interests and they're... strange to him
-if you admitted you were doing it to tease him he would probably be so flustered he would just hide in his scarf
-oh this fucking rat
-Locked closet? He's doing everything in his little rat bastard power to get in. lockpics. bribery. pleading. the silent treatment. breaking it. asking your friends where the key is. searching your room for it. at one point you swear you left him for a second in your room and he was gnawing at it-
-Kokichi's quite upset you'd keep this from your leader!
-When he inevitably gets his terrible hands on them he's DELIGHTED
-he'd HOPED it be something as embarrassing as this and maybe for a second you ARE super duper embarrassed
-"So this is the perverted stuff you're into? Maybe I should have pegged you for it a long time ago-"
-He absolutely makes fun of you ruthlessly for it. Even in public. Especially in public.
-He loves the game where he runs around and you try to fucking tackle him to keep his damn mouth shut-
-Eventually when you start carrying them around, he just gets worse
-But its only for a little bit- you start having less and less reaction and soon you even read them out loud to him to get his reaction
-kokichi's never one to turn down a bluffing competition
-soon you're reading them together everywhere- on the train, at lunch if you're in school, on dates sometimes, anywhere to try to get the other one to back down. If you're the type, you absolutely both throw moans into it
-he still teases you for being a 'perv', but he's the one who got you two kicked out for public indecency about it-
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
hello :) could u recommend any fics with ineffable husbands and animals? Preferably human aus but im open to anything
Hi! There are some ineffable husbands and animal fic recs here, and here are some more for you...
When Harry Met Bentley by doomed_spectacles (T)
Sparks fly when the black sheep of the dog park is caught in a sudden storm with a stubborn bookseller and his basset hound. Or, Harry, a sleepy basset hound who loves pets and sunbeams, meets Bentley, a former racing greyhound who struggles to put the days of zooming (and anxiety) behind her.
the devil and the deep blue sea by Waywarder (M)
Look, Crowley didn’t have anything really against Pride Night. For starters, he was gay. Flaming like anything, even. But big, happy, in-your-face parties celebrating love and togetherness…
Yeah, not as much his thing. Doesn’t really matter why.
“And what the fuck does being gay have to do with fish?” Crowley demanded, a bit quieter this time, as a new, already-wasted guest stumbled up to the bar and ordered two tequila shots.
While tending bar for Pride Night at the aquarium (fuck his life), Crowley wanders off in the hopes of seeing some actual fish. What he finds is altogether more wonderful.
All Bentleys, Great and Small by JoyAndOtherStories (G)
A gift fic for the IneffableExchange2021 for Pati!
A meet-cute of softness! My original version of this was a short flash fiction on Twitter; I converted it to full fic form for this exchange!
Aziraphale owns Great and Small Pet Supplies; Crowley is an accidental puppy parent who visits in a panic late one evening. You know how this goes!
just in time by vtforpedro (G)
In which Aziraphale meets his new neighbor.
Demonic Pet Rescue by Caedmon (G)
When Aziraphale finds a litter of stray kittens in the alley behind his shop, he needs to take them somewhere safe. He takes them to the nearest shelter, where he meets a handsome man taking care of all the cats...
Can You Hear Me, Major Tom? by CopperBeech (T)
Armageddidn't has brought a rewarding end to the long, difficult dance between Crowley and his Angel.
But Crowley's got another important relationship. And that's a problem.
The lobby presented them with the peculiar tableau of the day concierge, a woman normally of grey-coiffed, formidable severity, hunkered on her stylish heels atop the reception desk while she spoke into a telephone handset.
“No, I need someone right away. Tuesday won’t do. I tell you he was right up next to my keyboard, eating my Hob Nobs… Well, if you can’t, then I’ll just have to call another exterminator. This is an exclusive building, we can’t have giant rats sauntering round bold as brass  –– Oh, Mister Crowley. Ah – I –– you’ve got a bit of mail – “ She looked nervously down at the floor, peered under the desk, tucking her knees together in a gymnastic agony of propriety.
“It can wait, Amelia.”
- Mod D
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uponrightful · 4 years
Second Chance Ch. 6
Read Chapter Five Here
Warnings: Injury, Angry/Sad/Confused/Depressed? Din, Cursing, Bad Guys Die in canonical ways & as always my terrible editing.)
Authors Note: I have no idea what possessed me have such a fucking sad chapter. (Insert Fair Warning Here) But not only did I personally need this, the plot needed this. 
Word Count: 11.5K
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Mando woke up to the low ambient noise of his quarters funneling through the amplified speakers in his helmet pressing up against his ears. His body felt stiff, and his mind felt fuzzy from the unusual amount of sleep he’d somehow allowed himself to have. The windowless hull afforded him the luxury of not being able to discern daylight from dark and the deflector mods for some reason had darkened his HUD. With a low grunt he reached for his vambrace with his opposite hand and adjusted the brightness on his display before hauling himself back to his feet with another defeated sigh. His swim with the girl still weighed heavily on his mind despite his long sleep and as he walked into the empty hull the silence surrounding him only made his conscience weigh heavier. The door to the girl’s room was swung wide open with no sign of her boots, or her anywhere to be seen. Only an empty can of soup sitting next to her bed gave Mando any sign that she’d been on the ship any time in the last couple hours.
He knew better than to think she wasn’t confused with him, but that didn’t help his own confusion when it came to how easily she affected him. With an empty ship he took the opportunity to find some food for himself and quickly get it down his throat ignoring the opportunity to fully remove his helmet in the chance that she did come back soon. Glancing over the ration stock he took note of its reorganization, the corners of his mouth twitching up in appreciativeness of the unnecessary job she’d completed. After a couple checks of the Slave, he made his way to the cockpit in a habitual routine of checking fuel and water levels before noticing the bright light flashing on the comm link. He felt the hair on his neck raise as he stood looking at the anomalous sight of a missed comm.      
As unusual as it was he pressed the strobing light, bracing himself for what was to come. His stiff muscles stayed bunched in anticipation until he saw a familiar green and red Mando helmet staring back at him through the blue tint of the HUD. Boba Fett and a his gruff tone urged him to respond at his soonest -convenient or otherwise- opportunity, letting Mando know just how irritated he was in the strict posture he held.
Begrudgingly, he turned to look towards the ladder to the hull and listened for any sign of the girl’s approach before connecting to Fett’s last link. Glancing back towards the ladder again, hoping that she wouldn’t walk in right in the middle of this unexpected conversation and get caught in the middle of Fett’s -admittedly- unavoidable charm.
“Find someone better to talk to last night?” Mando could sense Fett’s irriation and mocking in the strict sound of his tone. “Maybe you’ve found someone to warm up that bed you’re not doubt not sleeping in.”  
“Why complain if you’re the one wasting time?” he barked back with impatience.
“A group of Hothian’s came looking for you, asking questions about a beskar Mando and a little slip of a girl he was keeping hostage.” Fett almost chuckled after mentioning the girl, finding humor in the terrible reasoning for the girl being with him. “Of course there was no one with any helpful information or a sighing… but that didn’t keep them from upsetting a few of my contacts.” He tone settled back down, lulling back into a more business-like tone that unsettled Mando more than his typical grumbling.
“Did they talk to you?” Another bad feeling crept up Mando’s back and settled at the nape of his neck, biting hard into his conscious.
“I hardly blend in.” he remarked, tilting his head down to motion towards the helmet. “I said there was no Mandalorian for parsecs. They were more than ready to leave with a unfriendly warning.”
“Combative?” he questioned, watching as Fett’s shoulders sagged as he blew out a breath.
“Approaching anyone with blasters on a foreign planet is kriffing unusual… but that didn’t keep them from shoving them in anyone’s face that looked suspicious enough.”
“You didn’t lie. We’re perfectly safe here.” Telling Fett their exact location wasn’t necessary, even if the other Mando was simply trying to warn them.
“That’s bantha shit. And from the way you keep looking over your shoulder I expect you know it to.” He pointed into the holocall transponder, straightening his posture with a satisfied smirk perceivable on his shielded face. “You’ll receive encoded coordinates in the next minutes. I expect you can read Mando’a.”
“I’m not leaving without kriffing good reason for it.” Mando was aware of how his pride was getting the best of him. Fett wasn’t overacting, but it wasn’t sitting right with him that Boba was keeping such close tabs on him and the girl for no good reason other than personal intrest.
“My offer stands. I expect you’re in an uncharted sector, but that only deters the Imperials. Anyone after you certainly knows their way around all of the little hiding places you’ve found rat hunting.”
Mando and Fett stood silent in a battle of wills, completely content to wait one another out until the other conceded. However Fett was the first to break this time, growling impatiently when the familiar sound of Cleeah’s voice echoed from in the distance. Mando couldn’t make out the entire sentence, but she sounded like she was in a hurry. No doubt Fett was leaving Coruscant before the Hothian’s came knocking for a follow-up interrogation. Even in the best of circumstances Fett wasn’t willing to risk his posh hideaway under any conditions. He surmised that Fett was inviting them to a secondary location; One where Mando was unhappily admitting to being safer than anywhere he’d taken the girl up to this point.
“Mando’a.” It was all Fett said before the holo disappeared and Mando was left to decide on whether or not to leave.
A walk would clear her mind. After all, it was too pretty of a morning to waste it sitting on the ship.
Mando weighed heavily on the her mind, more so than she’d ever anticipated. He was the embodiment of emotional whiplash, steeled over from any real infiltration by the thick glittering beskar jacketing him. She tried her best to gauge his moods and respond accordingly but the more she thought she understood, the Mandalorian seemed more than happy to prove otherwise. Mando had a knack for using her lack of control against her in the worst moments, leaving her with more than a knotted up stomach and tangible mortification. The waterfall hadn’t been an accident, he was the one who said he would teach her… but after he’d shown interest it immediately dissolved like sugar in a hot cup of tea. It wasn’t like she could see through that kriffing visor of his; something kept her from acting on the obvious -yet confusing-  ways he acted around her.
He must believe that she wasn’t good enough.
The girl’s stomach dropped at the thought of him preferring someone else to her even though it was a ridiculous idea in the first place. She didn’t belong to him, or vice versa so it shouldn’t really matter anyways. Mando was a man with undeniable magnetism no matter if you hated him -or had began to develop a certain liking- for the bounty hunter. She wasn’t jealous, but after hours of imagining the woman she believed to match Mando, it was like shooting herself in the foot with a blaster… nothing but pain and no benefit to herself. All of the imaginary women were like Cleeah, exotically unattainable with beautiful clothes and lifestyles that exposed them to all of the things she lacked. The longer she compared herself to these illusory women it became apparent that as long as they weren’t her nothing else really mattered. She was too small, and couldn’t defend herself like Cleeah. The names of changing seasons were still new to her, along with the idea of swimming in water that wasn’t cold enough to freeze a person in minutes. She could shoot a blaster, but that didn’t mean anything to a trained bounty hunter… nothing she did made a difference
Maybe learning a few things would impress him? Then he might not think so lowly of her.
Despite her perpetually adverse sentiments towards herself, there was one thing she knew she was lucky to experience… Mando. Living on the ship gave her more than enough time to soak in his small idiosyncrasies - when he wasn’t paying enough attention to mask them – and without anyone to discourage her, she paid painstakingly close attention to them. It wasn’t smart, and she knew that doing so wasn’t helping her growing infatuation towards the Mandalorian; pouring fuel onto the fire that licked at her core when he was around. Every day she found more and more parallels between him and the many suns they’d passed travelling through the galaxy.
Domestic things that Mando did made the biggest impressions. Seeing him rinse out a cloak in a stream and hang it to dry, or mindlessly rubbing his gloved fingers rubbing at the dirty spots on his thigh plates to clean them was radically opposite to his typically statuesque personality. He liked to cook, or at least when it was available for him to, and for a man who lived on the edge of certain death laying low on this moon suited him right down to the ground.
Every living thing gravitated towards him, from the tall waving grass to the low hanging tree branches that skimmed his pauldrons and helmet. Inherently he looked more machine than biological, but every movement was fluid and effortless like there wasn’t anything unnatural about him. Mando blended into his environment, letting the mirror-polished shine on his beskar envelop him until he was almost a shadow against his surroundings; Like he was the perfect hunter with the entire moon assisting in his hunts. The girl couldn’t be sure if Mando knew how well he blended in or if it just naturally happened; Either way it was always something she had begun to love about him.
Quietly she slipped out of the ship, hoping not to disturb Mando as he slept through the morning. Hopefully until after she got back… There was nothing worse than the feeling of his hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her back again him after she’d wandered too far from his eyesight. It had nothing to do with  the thought of him tracking her down, but more so with the way he did it. Feeling the icy surprise of his steel curiass against her back and the slow rise and fall of his chest made more than her chest clench. It was hard to think straight with Mando so close, and the idea of him chasing her down was more than enough to have her trembling.  
She neglected her boots, opting for the soft padding of the grass under her feet. Saying this moon was anything less than divine was a discredit to just how beautiful it was. She couldn’t imagine a prettier color than the deep browns of the soil sticking to her toes and the hundreds of shades of green covering every inch of the valley. Of course, Ashas Ree had been beautiful but not a single drop of rain had fallen since they landed and it was nice to explore without getting wet. After deciding on a heading, she made out towards the waterfall hoping one last visit would get it off her mind before Mando woke up. A clear head would make talking to him much more approachable when she returned back to the ship.
It wasn’t long before the familiar sound of the water reached her ears, and an even more familiar feeling of dread filled her stomach when the sizeable resonances of voices layered over the spray of the water. The girl stopped in her tracks and dropped down to the ground behind a tree placing a hand over her chest; Trying desperately to calm the thumping feeling in her heart that racked against her sternum. There were at least six different voices she could differentiate, but from instinct she estimated there to have been more than ten people rummaging about at the base of the cliff and waterfall.  
Get yourself together, and find out what’s going on before you lose your kriffing mind.
Her next exhale was shaky, but not as bad as her knees when she peeked around the thick tree trunk to look between the thick trunks towards the sounds. One ship sat at the top of the cliff, it’s durasteel paneling just barely peeking through the canopy of densely needle-covered branches. Less than a hundred feet or so, stood a group of men preoccupied with setting up tents and another group sitting around a stump with playing cards in their hands. Immediately she recognized them playing Sabacc and slowly came up to her feet, taking two careful steps backwards. All of them were covered in grease, and filthy beyond any real recognition of who they might’ve been. That didn’t keep the girl from identifying that they were smugglers, just getting ready to settle in for the day.  
She needed to get back to Mando before they noticed the Slave sitting in the middle of the valley… or her spying on them.
The girl didn’t have enough time to realize anything but the dull throb of a fist swiping across her cheek. Her whimper covered the sound of her body slamming back down to the ground from the heavy assault. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the tall figure towering above her who presently stood resting his hands on his hips, laughing darkly at her.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing way out here?” his scratchy voice rumbled as he roughly yanked her to her feet, sneering with blackened teeth. The girl winced away from him, still feeling the awful pain in her face and fearing another blow. His awful breath blew in her face leaving her feeling doubly sick in her current situation.
“Please, don’t hurt me.” She cried out unable to resist the need to let her tears flow. The man laughed aloud this time, shoving her in the direction of the camp she’d desperately been trying to  hide from.
“Oh I expect we’ll have some fun first.” He laughed again, calling out to the men nearest to them. “Look what I found boys!” Her gut churned as she struggled against the man dragging her, violently kicking and jerking her arms in attempt to get away before someone else could come to help her attacker.
“Please let me go!” she screamed, praying that somehow Mando might hear her before anything happened to her. It was all in vain for the quick reflexes of her captor who clamped a hand over her mouth, pressing down hard against her already aching face. Her ability to breathe slowly worsened as they got closer to the camp, multiple voices coming closer and almost echoing in her pulsing ears.
A black rim started closing in on her vision, collecting at the corners of her sight and slowly dotting closer to the center of her field of view. The girl couldn’t fight much longer, and the outlook of her situation ending positively made resisting feel that much more unreasonable. Maybe it was the overwhelming helplessness that enveloped her right as she was passed through the flaps of one of the many tents that she’d been observing Or it might’ve been her body’s lack of oxygen mixed with her quick hyperventilation that caused her to pass out. Either way she wasn’t awake to feel the second blow to her face, or hear the way her body hit the ground after being tossed carelessly to the floor by her attacker.
Mando was growing more impatient by the second as he waited for the girl to return. The girl had never been away from the ship this long, especially without giving him some type of idea as to what she was doing before she left. He tapped his heels impatiently on the floor, watching the valley in front of him, as if his thoughts alone were going to be enough to make her appear from thin air. It wasn’t the first time he’d went out searching for her, and he was sure this time wouldn’t be the last either. His mind raced with instinctual thoughts, running through scenario after scenario until he’d worked himself just short of full-blown fury before he collected his blasters and set out to find her.
There was a certain coldness in the air around him as the sound of distant voices were picked up by his helmet, chilling past his weighted armor and icing over any of the emotional turmoil that the girl had created in her absence. The sun still shown bright but Mando couldn’t feel anything other than that prickling sense of death creeping up on him. A slight breeze rustled the trees but for Mando it sounded like millions of whispers all crowding out any thought that didn’t have to do with his girl. Even death seemed quite willing to agree with Mando in the moment and he was certain that even if death wasn’t willing it wouldn’t have mattered anyways.
Laughter and the unawareness of the smugglers were telling. All of their tents were set up, and sabacc decks were huddled around by a few groups of men, all of them either yelling or doing their best to keep their tell from showing. Baudy jokes and drunken howling set the background of a hellish encampment of men who most likely wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to steal away a stranded pretty girl. Mando bristled at the sight before him, instinctually targeting the tents in search of any movement that might mark if she’d been taken by them. He could see multiple heat signatures, but at this distance there was no definition to the blurry red blobs in his HUD. She was here… he knew it.
If the smugglers hadn’t been engrossed in their petty gambling they would’ve been shocked to see the imposing figure lurking right out of eyesight. It would’ve looked like the gods had created the image of hell right in front of them. The shadows of the trees clung to Mando, radiating outwards like an ominous haze of black unfurling like heavy wings around his statuesque frame. A reaper had taken form in the shape of a bounty hunter, more destructive than any known to walk the galaxy. Mando knew that death clung to him but he didn’t know that this was what set him apart from all others. Others didn’t see him as a purveyor of death’s wishes, what others saw was the incarnate of revenge and prowess. Power and menace fearfully evident on the slate black visor of The Mandalorian. This was what the girl hadn’t seen of him. Nothing she’d heard or ever would hear about Mando would compare to the malevolence displayed before these smugglers. The sunlight that she saw, swallowed whole by the all-encompassing rage that flowed through Mando as he paced imposingly towards the center of the camp. His calmness only proved the efficiency of his body and the instinctual way he was able to concentrate his intensity for the most lethal means.
Only after a dried branch that had been carelessly tossed to the edge of one of the groups snapped under the weight of his boot did one of the men look to meet Mando’s emotionless stare. The man’s eyes widened in panic just long enough for him to remember that he wasn’t the only man there. He collected his fear long enough to nudge the man sitting next to him who still sat focused on his hand of cards, unaware of the mental battle Mando was waging on the now standing smuggler. The Mandalorian couldn’t help but smile, wickedly content with the silent terror he was providing.
“Who the fuck are you?” the man finally spat out, masking his voice well enough that his partners wouldn’t notice what Mando was privy to. All eyes in the camp looked up from their cards to stare at the beskar-clad reaper. Mando’s silence unsettled the entire clan and the unanswered question rang true in the minds of all the grease-stained men. After a long moment, one of the larger men singled himself out and approached Mando with an obvious false-confidence that screamed out for attention. His long blonde hair was coated in filth and ratted into knots that collected mud; freshly dried blood coating the knuckles on his right hand.  
“We were under the impression this moon was deserted.” The man smiled, unable to help himself from smiling at the inside joke Mando was also privy to. “My men and I just settled in for the evening… I expect you’re coming to say hello?” The man reached out his blood-stained hand to Mando, who momentarily thought about shooting it clean off.
“I came to get what’s mine.” He growled lowly, lowering his visor to meet the eyes of the man speaking.
“I have nothing of yours.” The man responded casually, settling his tightly clenched fists on his hips. He even took a glance down at the blaster strapped to Mando’s hip. “We just dropped our shipment, so there’s nothing for you to take anyways.” It wasn’t a convincing bluff, but the other members of the crew were obviously certain that it would deter the man in front of them into leaving. Their visible relief diminished once Mando rested his palm over the handle of his blaster, slowly resting his fingers over the well-worn finish of the weapon.
“You’ll die in five seconds.” He pointed to the tents gathered behind all of the men with his free hand. “If you don’t return what you’ve taken.” Mando’s mind wasn’t allowing him to speak of her, despite his honest attempt in saying that she was his. His anger blocked any real thought of sentiment, protecting himself in the chance that they would try and use it against him, or worse realize that she meant something important to him.
“We don’t have what you’re after.” The man sneered quickly drawing out his own blaster. The action end trained itself right at the center of Mando’s chest, gently wavering in the anxious hands of its owner. Mando sneered under his helmet at the pitiful challenge in front of him, feeling just how threatened the man felt under his unhuman stare.
Everything happened quickly. The first shot between the two men were almost in sync, Mando’s dropping the man to the ground in a fit of screams. The first blast Mando took was to the chest, knocking him off balance long enough for others in the encampment to pick up arms against him. Only a couple others picked up blasters, issuing three more inaccurate shots to his beskar; These men were the next to fall. The rest preferred hand to hand combat, assuming that Mando couldn’t fight off more than a couple men at once. His Whistling Birds allowed him the space to fight off the remaining stragglers that didn’t catch the attention of his heat seeking projectiles. In his haste, he checked the tents and found that one tent still carried the signature of three bodies huddled in a corner. Before he could move close enough to see inside a booming voice echoed over the rocks of the cliff surrounding them.
“Get any closer and she dies!”
Mando moved to stand in the opening, allowing himself to wince at the sight before him. Two men -bigger than any he’d seen- crouched over the still form of the girl, one pointing a blaster at Mando while the other held a knife to her throat. He was in terrible position and any wrong move would result in a stray blast hitting her, or a knife wound that couldn’t be healed on the ship. There had to be some way to get them away from her.
“What do you want with her?” he asked coolly, letting his modulator mask the infinite levels of fear and rage mixing with his tone.
“A fuck.” The knife wielding one spat, touching the edge of the blade to the girls throat with a an evil snarl.
“She’s a criminal.” -he lied- “Wanted for murder on Hoth. I hunted her to this moon, so she could stand trial.” It was his only chance. Even horny smugglers didn’t like the idea of fraternizing with well-known criminals.
“You’re a bounty hunter.” The second man surmised, “Then you’ll pay to get her back.” He smiled, glancing down at the multiple satchels attached to Mando’s belt, his eyes widening at the thought of making even a few extra credits.
“I wasn’t given an advance. Instead you’ll split the bounty head.” He quickly thought on his feet, watching as the gravity of the situation began to lift, if only by a minuscule amount.
“How much?” The first man asked, glancing down at the girl who was still breathing evenly despite how weak she looked.
“I take half. You split the other.” They would be insane to not take an offer like that from any bounty hunter… especially from a man like Mando.
The two men shared a glance, and nodded before removing themselves from overtop of the girl, and tucking away their weapons. It was foolish of the two smugglers, but Mando already knew how much power money held over every sentient being in the galaxy. The two men followed a silent Mando as he brought them back towards the center of the camp, and turned around to face them, mimicking the actions of finding something in his belt. He listened as the two men talked, mentioning how simple of a fight the girl had been.
“She’d gone down in two punches. Kriff, I can’t imagine how she’d killed anyone bigger than a child.” It was the man who held the knife who laughed as he imagined the false scenario of the girl.
“You think that’s the best part? I’m guessing you didn’t get the chance to smell her did you?” The second man emphasized his addition to the conversation with an exaggerated inhale. “Sweeter than any candy I’ve ever tasted.” He chuckled, turning to Mando who’d finally had enough of the charade he was orchestrating.
“Did you get more than a smell?” Mando prodded with a low growl, watching as a grin crept across the man’s face.
“I may have sampled the goods.” He chuckled before leaning in just far enough that he could reach Mando’s implied ear. “That little curve at the top of her tits… well, let’s just say it couldn’t resi-.” The register of Mando’s blaster echoed in the trees, barely muffled by the point blank contact with the man’s chest. It was followed by confused shouts and a loud groan, but it all fell on Mando’s deaf ears. There was nothing stopping him from finishing this, these men had been dangerous; Now that they were away from the girl Mando could fully punish the bastards for what they’d done to her.
Those horrific thoughts kept replaying in his mind long after he’d dispatched of the other man who’d been to startled to even make a reach for his knife. Mando’s entire body was trembling with emotion as he lifted the opening of the tent to face his failure to protect her. She was still out-cold, and a deep blue bruise was already forming on her face as Mando gently collected her in his arms to abandon the now silent camp. She didn’t move a muscle the entire walk to the ship, and Mando did his best to keep her close to his chest in case she was more injured than was visual. He could feel that shadow of darkness trailing behind him, it’s draw to seek out any of the men left alive dissipating with every step closer to the ship. He looked back down at her and set his jaw, doing his best not to scream out in frustration at the pain he’d allowed to fall on her. The outline of knuckles were already imprinting themselves onto her face, with a gut wrenching trail of blood running from her nose.
“I’m so sorry little one.” Mando’s broken gasp spoke louder than any apology he could ever verbalize. “I need to clean you up.” He murmured as he shut the hatch door behind him, feeling the need to separate her from the world outside the ship.
He laid her in his bed, cradling her head down into the pillow as he checked for any other outward signs of injury. His shaking body jerked even harder the longer he stood over her, waiting for her to open her eyes. He smoothed her hair back out of her face, and let his fingers lace through the strands for a few minutes, in his own mind thinking it might soothe her knitted brows and tightly shut eyes.
“Please wake up little one.” He begged quietly, “I need to know you’re okay.” If he’d not been paying attention Mando might’ve missed the slight twitch of her fingers followed by a quick  reaction of pulling her knees to her chest, and wrapping her arms over her face. His heart clenched with helplessness as she opened her eyes and peeked through the space in her arms to face him kneeling down at her side.  
“You found me.” She whimpered still protecting her face. He nodded silently, losing all of the words he’d been speaking before she’d had the ability to look back at him. Her shaky inhale was followed by another whimper as she touched for fingertips to her bruising cheek; Wincing, she lowered her arms back down and slowly scooted herself closer to the edge of the bed, judging Mando’s reactions closely.
“I didn’t protect you.” His sadness was pitifully evident as he lowered his eyes down to the floor in front of him. Nothing he could do would make up for the hurt that she’d displayed after touching her cheek. He felt her hand rest on the crown of his helmet, pushing gently as to ask him to raise his head back up. At first, he protested unwilling to face her after such a breach of trust.  
“Look at me Mando.” Her voice was raspy, no doubt from screams that he hadn’t heard. It was another blow to his gut as he relented and met her soft gaze. “You found me. Saved me.” It was her acceptance of his apology, however he was almost sick to accept it. Nothing he’d done deserved such an honor as her acceptance of his failure, and it was enough to drop him to both knees under the weight of her hand on his helm.
“I don’t understand you.” He murmured, the weight of her hand traveling over the back of his helmet towards the sides and back up to the top where she seemed content to hold it. “I almost lost you.” He admitted, finally able to allow some of the weight of his emotions to strip away.
“You didn’t, and you won’t.” she assured. Mando was astonished at her bravery after what she’d endured, and he found it hard to believe that she was the one reassuring him as he shook with adrenaline release on the floor next to her. She let out another whimper, this time letting her arm fall back down across her eyes, biting her quivering bottom lip. Even in his wrecked state, he could tell she was trying to be much stronger than she needed to be.
“Where does it hurt?” he questioned her gently, making sure not to touch her as he repositioned himself to stand up.
“My head.” she whispered. “They hit me… and other things.” Her whisper broke into small sobs as she began to remember the encounter much quicker than he’d hoped she would. Mando didn’t know what to do this time as he watched her rub small circles at her temples.
“What can I do little one?” His voice broke again.
“I want it all off me.” She whined. “ ’Fresher…” she mumbled, pulling at the hem of her dirt and blood stained shirt in attempt to pull it off. “Help me… please?” Her tears welled in the corners of her eyes, as she looked up at him.
“Can you stand up?” He asked, keeping himself from touching her. Nothing would be worse than another man touching her without making it clear first. She tried, but didn’t get further than sitting at the edge of the bed before she looked back up at him, pleading eyes and a wobbling bottom lip.
Mando broke, and nodded gently before setting to his armor slowly removing it piece by piece until only the much preferable fabric of his shirt flight suit remained. Nothing could be worse than having her feel the cold beskar, he’d always noticed her gasps when the cold steel made contact with her skin. She reached up to grip ahold of his shoulders, defiantly wanting to do as much as she could independently while Mando supported her at her hips, keeping an arm secured around her as they slowly made progress towards the ‘Fresher. The girl did her best to hide the pain but Mando knew it was making this easy walk virtually impossible.
“Sit down here.” He whispered, sensing how easily it affected her to hear loud noises. Tired and frustrated at her lack of independence, she let Mando ease her down without even trying to do it herself anymore. He opened the water valve and let the heat rise until it was comfortable enough on the back of his bare hand before turning back to see her staring in the mirror in front of her.  
“I look hideous.” She furrowed her brows and frowned, upsetting the sore muscles in her face again. She moaned at the frustration situation and looked back up to Mando who was already crouching down next to her again, tilting his head as he searched her face for any signs of sever injury.
“Can I check something?” he lifted a bare hand up towards her face, watching as her eyes widened at the sight of his scarred skin in the light for the first time. “I won’t hurt you.” It was a weighted statement; One that the both of them understood to mean more than the current circumstance at hand. She hummed a quiet okay as he touched the edge of her cheekbone, just underneath of her eye feeling along the edge until an abnormal angle caught his attention.
“What is it?” her brows pulled together for a moment before forcibly relaxing again.
“Let me look at the other side.” He removed his other glove and mirrored the same path he’d followed on the bruised side hoping that the edge he’d felt was just unique to her bone structure. Mando let out a deep sigh when he didn’t palpate that landmark on her other side. “You’ll need bacta… more than a patch.” His hands dropped away from her face. “You’ve got a fracture… that’s part of why the bruising is so bad.” There was a certain softness in his voice, only attributable to his need to soften the edge of hearing that her wounds looked awful.
“I just want to get clean.”
Mando helped by pulling the narrow legs of her pants from around her ankles, not allowing her to reach any further than necessary; Also by cutting the side out of her shirt so she didn’t have to reach above her head to remove it.
“You’re always cutting my clothes off.” She remarked with the slightest intonation of humor, and Mando couldn’t help but stifle a chuffed laugh. It wasn’t the most endearing thing to be known for, but it did seem to interest him that she didn’t seem the least bit upset by his newfound propensity for ruining her clothes.
“You can have something of mine when you get out.” He offered turning his eyes towards the floor as she reached around to unwrap her breast band. Mando worked at his own boots, sitting them out of the way as he waited for her to make the next move. Her hand rested gently on his shoulder and gripped tightly onto the fabric as she tried to push up onto her feet.
“Give me a second...” She sighed before once again attempting to get to her feet.
“Take your time. I’m right here little one.” His endearment plus the small support of his words seemed to give her enough stamina to get onto her feet, and remain there long enough that she felt confident to let Mando get her the rest of the way into the ‘Fresher.
It wasn’t comfortable in the small stall, and the sopping wet feeling of Mando’s flight suit didn’t bode well under the hard water pressure either. The girl rested against Mando as she slowly worked soap over her face, cleansing off the dirt and blood while Mando took the liberty of washing out her hair. It didn’t take long for her to get so tired that she couldn’t continue, and simply let Mando finish what she couldn’t. All of the necessary places she’d done herself, and he couldn’t have been more grateful that she’d spared him from the experience. Even if the situation was ideal, he wouldn’t have had any way of knowing just how she did things, and he didn’t want to get it wrong.
“I’m cold.” She murmured against his chest, nuzzling her unscathed cheek into him a little more as he ran his hands down her soapy back to remove the excess lather.
“You’ve been in the water too long.” She only nodded in response, and relaxed further into him as he turned off the water and reached outside of the door for a towel to wrap around her. “Here. Take this.” He wrapped it around her back, handing both ends to her with his head turned to the side.
She was about to lean away, but Mando had already decided that she wasn’t walking back. Without much effort he pulled her off the floor and kept her tight against him as he brought her back into his quarters. The room was already darkening due to night approaching, and it made transferring her onto the bed a much simpler process without the impropriety of seeing her without the towel. Mando himself reached under the bed and blindly pulled out a dry set of underclothes for himself and retreated into the girl’s room for the old shirt of his that she’d taken to wearing to bed. He changed before returning, running a towel over the wet strands of hair that strayed from underneath his helmet and donning a pair of socks and his gloves. After he'd hung his flight suit over an active draft grate and returned to his dark bedroom with the shirt and the highest strength bacta patch he could find in his supply stores.
“This should keep you warm.” He held the shirt out blindly, hoping that he was close enough that she could take it.
“Thank you.” The sound of the fabric rustling gave Mando a sense of calm and he was prepare to leave her in peace when she hesitantly mumbled something. It wasn’t loud enough to hear, but he knew it was directed at him off instinct. Patiently, he waited for her to repeat herself, either her courage or energy needed the chance to catch up.
“Say it again.” He prodded gently, taking a step towards the bed.
“Would you stay?” Her voice sounded much like normal with that sweet intonation that reminded Mando just how innocent she really was. He went cold then hot in a matter of seconds, feeling the pull of fear and desire pulling at his conscience. He stood in silence, weighing his thoughts until he just couldn’t stand the idea of needing to rationalize every decision he made when it came to her.
In two strides his knees his the edge of the bed, and he felt his way up towards the head where he nervously sat down, and brought his legs up beside hers. He crossed his arms over his chest, and took a deep breath to calm himself down. The girl made her own small adjustment and settled down closer to his side, intent on seeking out the warmth that she apparently wasn’t getting from the shirt or sheets. Quietly, he placed a hand on her face turning it so that he could apply the patch. She hissed under the cold contact, but stilled after a few minutes of letting the analgesic treatment work into her damaged muscles and bone. The girl rested an appreciative hand on top of his arm and gave a gentle, sleepy squeeze.
“Are you still cold?” He asked through a tight jaw, still feeling the radical effects of her gentle touch vibrating though his arm. She gave another light squeeze, and nodded a little before tilting her chin upwards to look at him though the dark room.
“A little.”
Responding quickly, he turned onto his side and laid still as she turned onto her side to fit herself right against his chest. Even her legs fell flush against his thighs as Mando lifted the blankets over her. The girl let out a warm sigh of approval and Mando released his own withheld breath, only his held the strain of her bare legs entangling with his own. For someone that felt like they were running a fever, Mando couldn’t understand why she’d become so cold all of a sudden. Her light snores lifted into the bedroom within minutes; Already sleeping by the time he’d found the mental capacity to think about something other than the way her skin scorched though his compression pants and shirt. Under his unnecessary justification that she might still be cold he draped an arm over her waist, and gently pulled her closer watching to make sure he didn’t move her head more than necessary.
The steady rhythm of her breathing gave him time to think for the first time since he’d went searching for her. It pained him to think that he’d been so close to losing her… a group of smugglers who hadn’t had any idea of who she was or that there were men after her. Even worse, she was seriously hurting and the only thing that was keeping her from feeling it was the adrenaline still slowly passing through her system, drip feeding protection from the fracture in her cheek. He looked down at the bacta patch, studying the dimly lit lights glowing on the surface, lighting up her face just enough that Mando could trace her features. Mando couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen such a pretty face, and he was even more certain that he wouldn’t find someone that beautiful for the rest of his life. Freckles had begun to appear on her skin after being in the sunlight, darkening the smattering of color that collected on her nose and on the apples of her high cheekbones.
All of the darkness that he’d felt when walking into the camp had faded into grey, mimicking the steel tone of the beskar that lay abandoned in the floor of the ‘Fresher. It felt like he was finally able to escape the draw of battle for once in his life. Simply laying with her was enough to keep that biting instinct to hunt and fight away, even if just while he held her. He tightened his grip on her waist further, dreading the moment that he’d need to leave, and pilot them away from the maker-forsaken place forever. There was one person he needed to tell before they left.
Inside the safety and sound-proofing of his helmet he comm’ed Fett, letting his hand trace along the curve of the girl’s hip as he waited for an answer. He toyed with the frayed hem of his old shirt, feeling how low it rode on the girl’s thigh and silently admiring the drastic incongruity in their sizes.
“Mando.” Fett sounded quite tired, and for a moment he wondered just why he hadn’t comm’ed early in the morning instead of in the dead of night. He didn’t dwell on it for much longer than it took to register the thought.
“She was attacked.” He admitted, watching the miniscule reaction in Fett’s shoulders as he took in the information. Mando recounted details of the smugglers and their assault, leaving out nothing as he made certain to reassure Fett that none of the men had gone unpunished for the attack and that the girl was still unlocated by anyone other than the two of them.  
“She’ll need healed.” He growled back to Mando, emphasizing the glaring issue at hand.
He had failed…
“They shouldn’t have died so easily.” He added with a sinister tone that Mando wasn’t very accustomed to hearing.
“I didn’t think… It was all I could do to get her out of there.” His voice broke under the pressure of his admission. “You’re offer still stands?” Mando asked quietly, glancing down to look at the girl who’d nestled herself tight against him, resting peacefully under the physiological sedative she’d been fighting against in the shower, mixed with bacta.
“Bring her here, she’ll be safe.” Fett’s typical tone of flattery and undercurrent of sexual tension was absent as he resent the coordinates to Mando even after he’d denied needing them a second time. Fett asked more questions about the girl, more so about her condition than anything. Repeating himself when Mando couldn’t keep his train of thought in one coherent strand as he delved deeper into the missing minutes of her rescue that had gone blurry in the midst of the blaster fire.
“She’s sleeping. It was kriffing impossible to help her do anything… Her way only.” He murmured, more to himself than Fett with a slightly frustrated sigh. Fett grunted in appreciation of her determination, although the mood wasn’t light enough for any real laughter. Boba took the lull in conversation to discuss the security procedures that he preferred -more so demanded- Mando take when approaching his landing on arrival.
“Drop straight in on the location. Don’t waste time. There aren’t inhabitants close, but if you come in at cruising altitude I’ll shoot you out of the sky myself.” Fett threatened, altogether serious in his attempt to covey the strict measures he necessitated.
“Fine.” Mando nodded, though Fett couldn’t see the physical acknowledgement.
“Make sure she doesn’t wake up to an empty bed… She’ll be feeling the full force of this tomorrow… bacta patch or not.” Fett added, dropping his visor with an lowly with a disheartened sigh. Of course he couldn’t fault Fett’s reaction, if anything he wasn’t surprised at how seriously he took the care of the women in his life when it came to safety and being overly protected when the situation called for it. Boba Fett might’ve been the most irritating man Mando had ever met, but he was still respectable in Mando’s visor. More than ever he was beginning to think that getting the girl her own comm link was one of the best decisions he’d made since bringing her aboard.
The comm ended, and Mando returned his full attention to the girl, didn’t move an inch the entire night and neither did Mando; He didn’t sleep, but that wasn’t anything new. She had lulled him into a state of complete resignation when it came to thinking about getting up. He couldn’t bring himself to disturb her obviously comfortable position. It would be the best sleep she’d get for at least a couple days, and Mando was set in the idea that he wasn’t going to be the one to ruin her opportunity. He spent the hours rubbing her back, and smoothing her hair back out of her face until he was certain she’d need a shower to clean the smell of his blaster residue- covered gloves.
She wouldn’t wake up until late morning, with a low groan and a deep stretch that made her muscles quiver. Mando watched as her grogginess wore off and the gravity of the situation fell onto her face. He was fully prepared to answer any questions she had, practicing his responses throughout the night in the idea that he would be more than competent to provide any information she wanted.
His work went completely untested.
The girl took a moment to reach up for the patch covering her cheek, letting out a whimper when the light pressure she applied intensified her pain. When she recovered, her sleepy eyes fell on Mando who still had his arm possessively tucked around her middle. No amount of preparation prepared him for what she finally asked him;
“Did you sleep well?”
Awestruck by her comically causal statement he gave a swift nod, feeling the edge of his helmet gently bump against the crown of her head. He touched the spot with his free hand, hoping that it hadn’t hit her hard enough to cause any discomfort. When she happily sighed, and relaxed back into his palm heat spread through his chest, warming the cold anxiety he’d been harboring throughout the night. They laid in comfortable silence for what felt like an eternity to Mando, as she let him continue running his fingers through her hair without any complaint to the way it gleamed with oil from his gloves or the tell-tale smell of a freshly fired amban rifle. It was enough to have Mando feeling like he was back in the water, toeing the edge of an endless cavern, dangerously warm and inviting.
“I’m taking you somewhere safe. Where I can be sure that you’ll be safe even if I leave.” His voice rumbled with the lazy intonation that could be felt in every inch of the rest of his body.
“I shouldn’t have gone so far from the ship.” The girl shifted onto her back, looking up at him with an apologetic look that fired his fury towards her attackers all over again. He didn’t know how else to tell her otherwise, feeling contrary to her point of view and blaming himself for the attack.
With a deep breath he lowered his helmet to rest his forehead against hers, closing his eyes and hoping that she understood what he was incapable of telling her. It was an unfamiliar intimacy that Mando was already impatient to get more of. Nothing compared to the subtle way her presence cleared away his anger, and effortless ability to blind the dark shadows he could feel lurking patiently just outside the door to the bedroom. The girl was the first to break away, only to press another kiss to his visor and settle her forehead back against his. She was the one hurting but found the necessity to calm his unspoken distress.
“When are we leaving?” Her hot breath fogging up his display.
“It’s up to you little one.”
With a fresh bacta patch and some soup Mando was thankful that she slept through the entire flight. It wasn’t a long journey -no more than five standard hours- but by the time Mando’s landing gear hit the ground it was night on Aeos Prime. Nothing but the sound of water could be heard over the Slave Two’s engines as Mando piloted the ship above what looked to be a bombed out shelter of some kind as he took note of  the jagged edges of durasteel, melted and bent from the long-past impact. Endless ocean surround him and for a moment he was unable to register just how much reach Fett had across the galaxy.
“Kriffing impossible.” He breathed out, watching as a shield rose up from beneath the thrashing waves to push away the water that covered a ship-sized lock gate nestled into the sand at the sea floor. Hesitant to push through the blue forcefield, he slowly pushed though watching as the penetrable shield bent around the ship until he was fully within it’s protection. The angry water raged against the power shield, trying it’s best to thrash at the charged wall separating Mando from the risk of losing another ship.
The lock gate below him opened with a metallic thud, allowing access so the slave could descend into the cavern below. Once his revelation faded, Mando was left to observe a single ship sitting in the underground loading bay… the sister to his own ship, the Slave One. Old cargo crates sat at the wayside, along with old land speeders retrofitted to haul the same crates that sat strewn about the ground. The grey duracrete walls and steel support beams looked almost untouched compared to the reinforcements above ground. Although everything was well preserved, abandonment was obvious. Dust covered the once striped floors, and deactivated droids sat at the edges of the bay, rusting from the lack of maintenance. All of it screamed military property or something of the like, what exactly he wasn’t sure of… but it reminded him of the Imperial Base on Nevarro that they’d blown sky high. That didn’t keep him from opening the hatch and stepping out into the recycled air of the underground world he’d been so hesitant to enter.
“I told you to haul ass, di’kut.” Fett’s booming voice echoed through the empty loading bay as he appeared from one of the long tunnels that connected to the giant room.
“Don’t act like that’s normal…” Mando challenged, feeling the slightest bit embarrassed that he hadn’t ever experienced something quite as unreal as disappearing underneath the ocean. Fett approached with a somewhat friendly smile, and clapped a hard smack over Mando’s pauldron before turning his attention towards the ships.
“What a pair.” His voice beamed with pride as he looked at the sister ships. “I haven’t seen them together like this in longer than I’d care to admit.” His slight chuckle eased Mando’s taught nerves.
“What is this?” Mando took his own glance around the bay, trying to find some marker of property or ownership.
“It was a city… at one point. But now it’s almost a dead planet.” Fett explained, wandering towards the Slave Two’s open hatch. “Only beings are on the opposite side of the planet, and they keep to themselves… all twenty of them. But I don’t like giving them the opportunity to do so anyways.”
Mando could only silently agree. Not just for the consistency in Fett’s operational standards, but for the safety of the girl who still lay asleep in his bed.
“How is she?” he asked, lowering his voice when he came into the hull of the ship.
“Sleeping for now. But I’m afraid she’s got a fracture, or maybe more than one.” Mando hated saying it, but there was nothing he could do but help her heal at this point. If that meant telling Boba, then so be it; It wouldn’t’ve been the first time he’d swallowed his pride in the presence of the green Mando.
“I’ve got everything she’ll need.” Fett nodded back in the direction of the way he’d come, before turning his attention back to the ship’s ration supply crates. “Bring these along… and anything else you can think of needing. If we are caught, there’s nothing worse than being without everything.” It was directed at The Crest, and no matter how badly Mando wanted to defend himself he could tell that Fett was simply being rational. Within the hour, Mando and Fett had loaded one of the speeders with rations, a third of Mando’s weapons closet and the two small boxes that the girl kept her belongings in.
Lastly, Mando made one last trip to get the girl. She was still dead asleep when he lifted her off the bed, bringing along the blankets she’d wrapped herself in to keep her bare legs from being exposed to the cold air and Fett’s possible wandering eyes. In her dream-filled slumber she nuzzled her face under the edge of his helmet, breathing steadily against his neck. Boba gave Mando a nod of approval, ignoring the opportunity to make a comment about her unconscious desire to seek him out; Instead he opted to settle behind the controls of the speeder, and pilot them down the long tunnel. Mando shielded her from the wind, keeping his back towards Fett as they traveled the long distance deeper into the darkness until the arcing floor grew tall enough to block the view of any light from the loading bay.
Further underground… He thought, instinctually wrapping the girl tighter in the blankets to keep the cold from getting through. Even the duracrete walls seemed to get darker the further they traveled below the surface of the planet. Fett slowed the speeder outside of a sealed door at the end of the hall, taking a look at his own vambrace before unlocking the thick security doors. He pulled though, and resealed them before turning to face Mando.
“Take this hallway,” -he pointed down the one to his left- “And you’ll see the common area. From there, pick a door and that’s where the two of you will stay. Full accommodations.” He gave a curt nod, and began unloading the supply crates without giving Mando any further instruction.
The room he found himself in was similar to the loading bay, but not available for any ship to enter. Most likely a docking station for speeders. He examined the room another time before following the general direction that Fett had given. Once down the hall he came into the ‘common room’ as Fett had called it, seeing the generic markers of a kitchen and dining table with a large portion of the room being occupied by a wall of instrument panels, communication equipment and radar monitors encompassing a remarkable distance around the central location of this base. Mando found the furthest door from the entry hall, shouldering through the door to find what he could only describe as the most domestic place he’d ever seen.
A bed was centered at the back of the room, with a full ‘Fresher off to the side through another side door, accompanied by three geometrically designed shelfs molded from duracrete in the walls of the room. Left untouched, the room looked empty despite its somewhat lavish accommodations. Even simulated moonlight peered from behind a thick curtain that hung over the false window in the wall.
Kriffing impossible. He repeated to himself, feeling the girl stirring in his arms. She let out a tiny whimper, sleepily brushing her hand against her face. The girl opened her eyes and looked around for a moment before resting her head back against Mando fully contented to stay right where she was as long as he would let her.  
“Are we safe?” Her voice coming much clearer than her physical reaction to waking up.
“Yes. How do you feel?” He strode over to the bed and regrettably sat her down so she could gather herself without the struggle of being bunched up against him. He saw how difficult it was for her to move her mouth without the pressure being too overwhelming and quickly changed his tactics. “Are you hungry?”
She nodded quite quickly, her eyes widening at the thought of getting something to eat. Mando was more than pleased, feeling much better knowing that it wasn’t deterring her from wanting something to eat. He studied the way she looked about the room, bringing her palm up to her cheek and a small wince forming on her brow.
“Do you feel like walking?” It was a test question. Of course he wasn’t surprised when she shook her head ‘no’. Quietly he thanked whoever was listening that she didn’t say yes.
He wanted to prolong her interaction with Boba as long as he could without drawing attention to how miserably obvious it affected him. He bowed out of the room, leaving her to fully wake up and take some time alone while he went to check with Fett who’d made himself busy settling the final two crates in the common room. His own stock was nothing compared to Fett’s towering collection of non-perishables and water supply that looked just re-stocked. In silence the two men worked to collect everything into designated shelves before either of them felt the need to speak to each other.
“You don’t trust me around her.” Fett stated with a somewhat smug tone, sharply snapping his gaze toward Mando who was still sitting the final few cans of soup on the shelf.  The tone in the air was charged at the quick bite Fett hadn’t been able to hold back any longer.
Mando swiftly turned to meet the hard stare in the man’s eyes, scanning the almost black rims of his eyes. Their silent battle seemed endless as both fought under the pretense that they were the clear dominant. Both had a damn good reason to stand their ground no matter who’s floor it belonged to, or what physical prowess the other possessed. Mando didn’t understand what he’d done to Fett, or why it mattered if Mando trusted the girl’s life in his hands. He hardly trusted himself with her…
“I don’t.” He finally growled out straightening his posture so Fett would have to look up at him.
“You’re foolish to think you deserve any part of her when you can see past your fucking helmet boy.” The venom of the truth dripping from the Mandalorian’s words poisoned any calmness that Mando had been carrying. The space between the two stayed out of arms reach, but that didn’t keep them from slowly walking a dangerous dance around the common room.
“I’m nothing to her. Therefore what I think has no importance.” Mando couldn’t argue against Fett, but he wasn’t willing to abdicate the challenge from a man who had no reason for desiring the fight in the first place. “I am not your son.” Mando’s words gritted under the his tight throat and the urge to show Fett just how much he was willing to prove his blood superseded Boba’s. His chest swelled with the pressure of a tightly wound coil, slowly twisting tighter with every second that Fett didn’t leave the subject alone.  
“You’ll do well to keep her alive.”
It was the last straw.
Both men lunged at each other, in a clash of armor and wordless communication verbalized in low growls and grunts as they wrestled each other back and forth. Both men pinned the other to the walls of the room, struggling when the other gained the upper hand with a swift punch or a well-placed grapple that caught the other off guard. By the time each man hand found a hand on their blaster each had their sights set on the weakest target on each man. Mando found the center of Fett’s forehead most preferable, while Fett had chosen dead center on Mando’s hips with a more than deadly look filling those dark eyes.
“Mando!” The girl’s scream brought him out of the haze he’d fell into but he couldn’t drop his sights from Fett, who was fully focused on the girl who no doubt had a horrified expression. The full weight of her crashing into his exposed side rocketed him the rest of the way from his stiff posture towards Fett.
“Please don’t hurt him Mando.” She pleaded with a wobbly voice, as she gripped tightly to his cloak and the edge of his chest plate. Her hard tugs at his armor finally unwound the bunched coil around his focus. Finally realizing what the girl had said, his entire body burned to hear her say it again. Mando relished in the knowledge that Fett would have to live with the idea that she thought him superior. It stroked his flaring -and bruised- ego long after the tension in the room faded through the floor both men still stood bonded to. Again she tugged on his chest plate, pulling him to break the hard stare that as still fixed to Fett’s profile. Her whispered pleads, mixing with fear brought him to look down at her shielding his weaker side as she stared up at him with expectant eyes, looking at his outstretched blaster, then back to him.
“You don’t have to prove anything.” She quietly soothed, reaching a hand out to palm the cold metal of his barrel and assist his frozen muscles in lowering it. “I’m not going anywhere.” She seethed, taking a hard glance towards Fett who had replaced his hard stare with a somewhat amused smile in her direction; Obviously finding her irritation with him humorous. With one final pull on him, she broke his feet from their holds finally letting herself grimace from the overuse in her mouth.
Mando could see fresh blood soaking into the backing of her bacta patch, and he was quick to exit the room away from the both of them towards the Slave 2. Fett was right. No matter how much he wanted to ignore the truth, he’d only proved Fett’s accuracy within three minutes of him speaking. The girl called out for him to come back, and she followed for a short while down the tunnel before she realized that he wasn’t interested in listening to what she had to say. He needed distance from her, more than ever before. A burn in his chest only accentuated the pain that floated through his mind as he replayed the times he’d let himself fall into her lull of security, thinking that maybe the old woman had been right. That even a damn soul could find some solace in the arms of a sweet girl who didn’t see his blood-stained hands, or ink-black soul.
He shut the hatch to the Slave and ripped his helmet away from his head, throwing it into the wall with a loud cry of desperation. In a fit of rage he balled his fist and slammed it into the durasteel wall, frantic for some release in the constant war he’d internalized. Mando wanted to go back to her, and ask for the relief that was unique to her. Let go in the heat of her arms and feel that acceptance he was finally able to admit he desired more than anything. Another loud scream scraped though his vocal chords, irritating his throat from the demanding use he’d suddenly used. It rattled the ship, an empty canister suddenly being filled with the bottled up anger of a man who’d suffered more loss than he could bear the weight of.
His rage continued on throughout the night crashing down on Mando like the thrashing waves of Aeos Prime hundreds of feet above him churning like an monster with an endless instinct to devour or demolish anything in it’s path. He wallowed in the loss of control that Fett had placed upon him, and there was only one way he knew he could solve it. It only made the blow worse, when he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Sealed in his quarters with his armor strewn about the hull along with his helmet and flight suit he finally collapsed onto the bed with a singular need to seek out any traces of the girl on his sheets. Even in the solitude he’d chosen over the presence of the girl, Mando found himself burying his bare face in the pillow searching for her comfort in the only way he knew how. Underneath the heavy scent of leather and metal he could finally smell that sweet mix of her sweat and something else foreign to anything he could ever guess to describe.
He found what he needed.
It smelled like her.
After all this time of keeping his distance he’d never allowed himself the purely selfish indulgence of knowing what she smelled like, and now he laid writhing like he was in pain to get just another hint of her. It was unlike him to be so unhinged; Only after Grogu had been kidnapped had anything ever felt so severe to him. Now nothing but his own guilt and fear stood guard over the one and only thing he’d ever realized he wanted. He stayed wrapped in the subtle reminder of the girl in his sheets, battling with the shadows of his training and the creed just hiding in the corners of his room and doing everything he could to fight them away just for a little while longer. Those dark figures and the evil laugh of death in the hull echoed for hours into an undetectable Aeos Prime daylight.
@spacedaddydinn​ @absurdthirst​ @crazybirb​ @hornystarwarsbisexual​ @roxypeanut​ 
@bookloverkat​ @kat-r-in​ @clairobeatmeup​ @auty-ren​ @justbecausewecan​ @roseallisonparker​
@peterztinglez @theamuz​ 
@hoodedbirdie​ @strawberryperegrine @panndastasia​ 
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baconsoupforthesoul · 4 years
The Ink Demonth - Day 21 - Money
No Refunds, No Returns!~
A/N: This is a fic idea I have had bouncing around in my head for a long time. And luckily, the theme for the day lets me combine the prompt with celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the amazing Bioshock au! If you haven't had a chance to check out this incredible au, do yourself a favor and go see all the great fanart and fics for it, it’s well worth your time. And as always, in this au Henry belongs to @inkspottie, and Delta belongs to @trashboatprince, and Ross belongs to @doberart. And the song referenced in here is the Circus of Value Song by JT Music which you can find here. Oh, and a big thanks to Mod Dead for helping me get the humor just right for this fic. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
“Can’t you hack it any faster, Henry?”
The sweater-clad man shot an annoyed look up at Delta before turning back to the vending machine in front of him.
“I’m going as fast as I can, Delta,” Henry grumbled as he fiddled with the Circus of Values vendor. “This hacking business is harder than it looks, okay?”
“Alright, alright,” the big daddy held up his hands in surrender as he leaned back against the wall.
“Take your time, Henry,” Ross said gently as he sat down next to the machine with a grunt, adjusting his bad leg. “I don’t hear any splicers around so we should be safe for now.”
The older man had a point, as Henry couldn’t hear the normally never-ending chatter of the spliced up Rapture citizens. However, he could hear the growling of his stomach, and his friends’ as well. While they were actually surprisingly well-stocked on ammo, they hadn’t been able to find a vending machine that sold food for ages, and after fighting through hoards of splicers, all three of them were practically starving.
If only they weren't so low on cash, they’d be able to get some snacks from the machine no problem.
“Come back when ya get some money, buddy!” The machine chortled at Henry mockingly.
“Oh shut it,” Henry growled, whacking the machine in the side, causing Delta to chuckle.
As Henry fiddled with it some more, Ross turned to look over at him. “What kind of food does the vending machine have anyway?” He asked, his hand involuntarily going over his empty stomach.
“Hmmm,” Henry glanced at the menu. “Looks like chips, creme-filled cake, and pep bars.”
Ross made a face at that. “Damn, was kinda hoping for some real food. Getting sick of all this junk food.”
“I don’t think it’s so bad,” Delta argued. “I could do with a pep bar right about now.”
“Says you,” Henry huffed. “You’ve just never had anything different.”
“When we make it to the surface, we’ll get you some real food, Delta,” Ross said. “Trust me, anything that Linda makes is better than anything you could find down here.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Delta shot Ross a grin and a thumbs up.
“I wanna try the surface food too! Can I? Can I?” Bendy chirped from Delta’s shoulder.
“Of course you can bud,” Delta reached his hand back and rubbed the little devil between his horns. “All the food you can eat!”
“Woo hoo!” Bendy cheered, hugging his daddy around the neck.
Henry smiled at the two of them before turning back to his work. Hopefully, they could enjoy a nice big meal together up on the surface after this whole nightmare was over. Hopefully, they all survived to see the sun again. It had felt hopeless when he had been stuck down here on his own… but now that he’d found allies… it started to seem just a little more possible.
The sweater-clad man narrowed his eyes at the vending machine. He was so close now. He just had to move this bit here…
Henry’s head suddenly shot up when the lights from the vending machine brightened up, shielding his eyes for a second. Then, the ever-annoying laugh from the vending machine started playing, only it was much louder than before. All three of them covered their ears, Bendy even wincing at the loud noise as a deafening jingle started to play.
“Welcome to the Circus of Values
You’ll find no better vending service around you
We’ve got everything that you’ll ever need
Don’t be shy! Come on by! You’ve got a craving to feed~”
“AHHHH!” Henry fell backward onto his backside, hands conversing the sides of his head as the sheer volume made his ears ring.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” Delta jumped back from the machine. “What in the world did ya do, Henry?!”
“I-I-I don’t know,” he cried, seeing Ross scramble to his feet, almost losing his balance and needing the wall to steady himself. “This has never happened before!”
“You can never be too prepared
We’ve got plenty of supplies to spare~”
“Ohhhh! Music!” Bendy beamed, jumping down off Delta’s shoulder, looking over at the machine with stars in his eyes.
“Shut that damn thing off, Henry!” Delta tried to yell over the song. “Everyone in this whole city is gonna hear that thing! We’re gonna be drowning in splicers!”
“Oh shit!” Henry rushed back to the machine, trying his best to endure the loud music as he fiddled with it some more. “Oh shit, oh shit, ohshitohshit,OHSHIT!”
“Without your wallet it’s gonna cost ya
But if you’ve got the capital
We got the product!~”
“I think we’re too late for that,” Ross paled as he looked up to see a splicer screeching at them from a nearby balcony.
Henry gulped, as even with the blaring music, he could hear the sounds of voices all around them.
"I don't like the sound of that!"
"H-hello? Is there someone in the hall?"
“You don't come to my town, kid!"
"A rat! It's a rat!"
Henry spared a single glance behind him, seeing the oncoming hoard approaching. They were in deep shit.
“Damn!” Ross readied his pistol. “They’re coming guys, get ready!”
“This ain’t no charity
Come back when you get some money, buddy~”
The splicers descended upon them. Delta rushed forward, slamming one into the wall with his drill while Ross sent out crows to slow them down.
“Where the hell did they all come from?!” Delta yelled, knocking down splicers left and right. “There was nobody around before, so what gives?!?”
“You think I know that?” Ross retorted, shooting a splicer down before they got too close to Henry.
“Grab snacks and drinks and first aid
For when you get bloody, uh oh!~”
“Dammit! That stupid song is mocking us!” Delta complained, feeling his stomach rumble at the mention of food. “Hey Henry! What’s taking you so damn-”
The big daddy stopped as he turned around to see his little devil just dancing along to the song. Bendy had the biggest grin on his feet as he tapped his feet to the beat, completely lost in the music.
“Bendy,” Delta called out to the little devil, his voice a little strained. “You’re real adorable, but now really isn’t the time, okay buddy?” 
Bendy just looked up at his dad in confusion
“Huh? Why’s that?” He tilted his head up at him.
Just as Bendy asked the question, a splicer came jumping down from a balcony, screaming bloody murder as it charged at Delta. Bendy yelped as he scrambled up Delta’s back, the big daddy sending a blast of Old Man Winter to freeze the splicer in place. He then rushed forward and smashed them to bits.
“That’s why,” Delta pointed out, reaching up to rub Bendy’s head. “Just stick close to me, alright bud?”
“Ain’t life in Rapture grand?
Come on and give us a hand
We’ll build a paradise~”
“There’s no end to them!” Ross cried, sending splicers hurtling into the air with Newton’s Law.
“We just wanted some fucking food,” Henry grumbled under his breath as he worked. “We didn’t ask for this. Didn’t ask to be at the bottom of the goddamn ocean dealing with psychopaths. Didn’t ask for all this BULLSHIT! WHY WON’T YOU SHUT UP YOU DAMN MACHINE?!”
“Henry!” Ross kicked a splicer in the chest before turning to face Henry. “You have to calm down! You’re not thinking straight right now. Now isn’t the time to panic!”
“Calm down, yeah, I’ll get right to that shall I?” Henry grumbled under his breath. “I’m sorry Ross, but now seems like the PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!”
“Don’t tamper with the hardware
Unless you’re a parasite~”
“COME ON!” Delta roared, smashing splicer after splicer in the face with his drill. “I DON’T,” he whacked another one. “HAVE,” Whack! “ANY TIME,” Whack! “FOR THIS!” Whack! “HENRY SHUT THAT DAMN THING OFF ALREADY!”
“I AM T R Y I N G!” Henry screamed back, hitting the machine desperately. “This should go here, and that there, and WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING???” he cried, feeling tears of panic prick at his eyes.
“You’re not a man if you’re demanding handouts
Come back when you get some money, buddy~”
“Any time now, Henry!” Ross yelled, elbowing a splicer in the face, shooting another point blank with his pistol. 
“I know! I knowwwww,” Henry whined, shocking the machine with his shock jockey again and again in the vain hope that it would help. The shocks did nothing though, other than somehow make the music louder. Henry could hardly hear himself think over the noise.
“Our prices are the best
We drive the competition nutty~”
“SHUT UP” Henry screamed at the machine, whacking it as hard as he could. "WHY CAN'T YOU SHUT UPPPPPP PLEASEEEE,” Henry cried desperately, tears streaming down his face. “I’M BEGGING YOU, CIRCUS OF VALUES CLOWN, JUST SHUT UPPPPPPP!"
The sweater-clad man let out a scream of frustration as he stood up and began repeatedly kicking the machine. “SHUT UP! SHUTUP! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!” He screamed, kicking the machine again with each word.
“Welcome to the Circus of Values
You’ll find no better vending service around you
We’ve got everything that you’ll ever need
Don’t be shy! Come on by! You’ve got a craving to feed~”
“THAT’S IT!” Delta yelled, storming towards the machine. “I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH THIS DAMN THING!”
The big daddy pushed Henry aside, grabbed the machine by both sides and lifted the whole thing up.
“Go home if you can’t afford to buy it~”
“TAKE THIS YOU STUPID VENDING MACHINE!” He hollered, throwing the thing with all his might and managing to take out the last few splicers with it. The thing burst, raining bullets, snacks and drinks all over the place. Henry even felt a pep bar hit him on the head before tumbling to the ground.
The song stopped, the sound from the machine sputtering. The last noise it made was a feeble “No refunds, no returnssssssss-,” before it went silent. The three of them just stood there for a moment, catching their breath. A second later though, alarms started blaring, the security system alerted that the vending machine had been vandalized.
“Why did you do that, Delta?!” Henry cried, pointing an accusing finger at Delta. “Now we’re going to be swarmed by security bots!”
“If I had to listen to any more of that annoying song, I was gonna lose my mind!” Delta shot back. “There’s no time to argue, grab the food and run!”
The big daddy rushed forward, grabbing as many bags of chips and creme-filled cakes as his arms could carry. Henry and Ross quickly rushed forward too, Ross making sure to grab a coffee thermos as Henry snagged some pep bars.
“Here they come!” Ross yelled as the whirling sound of security bots got closer.
“Run for it!” Delta tried to scream through a mouthful of chips he had cramped in his mouth.
“Shit!” Henry yelped around a pep bar he had hanging out of his mouth, trying his best to run with his arms full of food.
“Save some food for me, Daddy!” Bendy whined as they all booked it out of there, security bots right on their heels. They were certainly having a grand old time in Rapture.
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emiisanxious · 4 years
Rainy Day
Archive of Our Own Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Additional Tags:
Sympathetic Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Sympathetic Deceit | Janus Sanders
a LOT of rain
Light Angst
Anxiety | Virgil Sanders-centric
Summary: “On a storm day, Virgil was feeling so good that he decided to go for a walk, of course, he didn't say anything to anyone, since he wasn't expecting to be a problem.
Or: Virgil spaces outs, goes for a walk, Roman, Logan, and Patton get sick worried because they can't find him. Remus doesn't care as far he is back, and Janus just wants him to come back or use a dammit umbrella.”
Note: On a rainy day I had this idea, and won't leave me out so... I thought why not? Although this fic isn't perfect in my eyes, it does have a big warm spot in my heart. It can be a messy and unclear text in some parts, but... It truly was warm for me... Really I liked to type this one.
He could hear, other than his music blasting through his headphones, the sound of cars passing in water puddles, the water descending by a pipe, he could hear the small droplets against his window, the wind making the window cause noises because of the speed. Weird enough those were calming sounds.
Obviously, he didn't like the thunder when he wasn't looking, but he could appreciate it if he is sitting at the window looking at the rain. After all, the light of thunder is quicker than the sound, so he won't feel scared when he is watching. A calming feeling, a sense of cold but not the bad one, he could just stay under his blankets hearing those sounds and... Appreciate it.
As he put down his phone and headphone on his bed table. Curling in a small ball under the pile of blankets, maybe he should just go outside? Cold weather isn't something he often can appreciate, and it would be nicer to have rain falling over his body. A small smile, as he got up from his bed; the others were all busy so it's not they would miss him right now. He just needs to make sure to be back before dinner is ready, right?
With that in mind, he put on his boots, skinny distressed jeans, his old black and grey jacket mostly because he didn't want to attract attention, but at the same time, he does worry about the weather damaging his purple patched one. Pulling up his hoodie, he got his phone and went outside. Because of the rain, no one would notice him walking around, heck! If they didn't recognize Remy, why should he care about him?!
The feel of the droplets touching his face, the droplets slowly wetting his clothes, he didn't mind it. He was happy with the overwhelming feeling of the calm and solitude that the rains bring him. The slowly building up weigh as his clothes start to get wet. Looking at the gray sky, the street lights turned on a bit more early so it wouldn't be dark.
Like anytime that it's raining, Virgil felt so... Good. His thoughts for once far back in his mind, nothing to worry about, nothing to be cautious about. He knows that it's his work been anxious about everything, self-aware of everything but... Once in a while... It was good to feel the opposite.
Sadly, his thoughts were back to reality as he picks up his phone. It was vibrating a few minutes ago, but now it was getting more insistent. Insistent from Janus and the same type of messages.
Deceit: Virgil. GET. OUT. OF. THE. RAIN!
"Fuck" He murmured before laughing, he found it funny, how now that Deceit was better accepted between the traits, he was back in mamma mod with him.
Daddy: Virge, I tried to knock on your door? Are you okay? Daddy: Virge, please answer me! Daddy: Oh... You're not in your room... Daddy: Sorry for getting inside your room without consent. Daddy: Wait... Daddy: WHERE ARE YOU?! Daddy: ARE YOU OKAY?! Daddy: VIRGIL WHERE ARE YOU?!
"Why he needed me?" He thought as he sighed at that as he looked at the rest of the messages, it seems he was wrong when he thought that he would just be called at dinner.
Logic: Patton is really worried about you. Where are you? He is yelling and asking everyone. Can you answer me at least? Prince: Hey hot topic, where are you? Padre is yelling and is freaking out... Prince: That is it! We are going to ask De--- Janus. Rat: You know, mama is really worried, can you get out of the fucking rain?! Also, the light trio is here asking where the fucking you're. Dee is lying, although I don't understand why. Rat: Can you just get the fuck back home bitch?
"Thaaaaaaaaaaat is weird." He thought again as he looks at the sky, it has been a lovely walk around, he was feeling a bit cold from his wet clothes, but he didn't mind, not at all. Closing his eyes as he let the rain pour over him before his anxiety kicked in and wash over that feeling of calm he opened his eyes to send a message again.
Emo: hey rat, can you tell Jan that I will be back in like... 1 hour or so? Rat: WHAT?! NO! Those three are annoying as hell right now! Emo: well... can't care less. im okay. just tell them im okay Rat: They don't believe it. Emo: sucks for them and you. ill be back in 1 hour or so. Emo: oh, says that im fine and when im back i will explain Rat: Uuuuuuurgh... Fine! Only because it's been years since you were this careless. Don't make it a habit! Emo: okay Rat: Enjoy.
With that, he pockets his phone again, starting to walking aimlessly around the street, it's been so long since the last rain, sure it does rain sometimes, but it does need specific things happening to mess with him like that.
Mess up his senses and mind, although he felt angst, sad and even depressed, it did him feel calm, relief and hopeful, he wasn't sure about what or why, but he could care less about it. Also, that was something he doesn't understand, he could care less about everything in that mood.
Like whenever is raining, in that specific mood set, he felt free, free of his anxiety, free of whatever paranoia, free of his thoughts. Just the sound of the rain, the cars passing over the water puddles, the steps on the water, the droplets on the umbrella, the smell of rain. Three of his senses were all around the rain, but it was marvelous and messed up more with him, when his last two senses were as well, sights and hearing since it started thundering around.
He couldn't help, he felt relaxed and he wanted to enjoy it as much as possible, and like all the times that he was that messed up, we went to a park, sitting on a swing, he did lose the passage of time. Although his phone soon was going to start vibrating again.
He let out a long laugh, he was alone in the park so he didn't care about it, Janus was back in full mama mod, and honestly? He was going to get scolded a lot about it. But he couldn't seem to care right now.
Prince: Virge, padre is really worried. Can you return? Prince: Like, Remus told us you would be back in 1 hour or so, but it is already dinner. Emo: you can say to Patton, to join with Janus Prince: YOU'RE ALIVE! Prince: What that even mean? Emo sent a picture. Emo: dont tell Janus tho Prince: Okay... WOW! He is like padre! Emo: yeah... he is been sending messages since i left Prince: But really Virge. Come back. Emo: fine... im on my way back... Emo: the catch is... it will take more... 30 minutes or 1 hour Prince: WHAT?!?! Emo: im really... far away right now Prince: Just make your way back! Emo: okay okay... your brother is texting wait a minute
Rat: Mama is mad and angry and worried, you're fucked up if you get sick. Emo: say for him to join with Patton Rat: Oh yeah, that daddy is also worried sick, although less angry and mad. Emo: yeap. im on my home. 30 minutes or 1 hour Rat: Fuck! You got really far, huh? Emo: i would be even far if it wasn't Dee sending so many messages and calling me my full name Rat: Stormcloud, better you hurry up. I can hear Dee and Patton saying they are going to the real world to find you. Emo: okay okay... now NERD is texting... wait a minute
Logic: I presume that Roman, Remus, Janus, and Patton already did their worried text? Emo: yes...? Logic: So I should be more direct. Why are you out in the rain? Emo: rain numbs my anxiety... Logic: That... Doesn't make sense. Emo: no logic can explain it. Emo: just... it numbs, totally, i don't feel anxious, i don't feel bad, i don't care... i feel calm... Logic: Huh. That is curious. Emo: so... i just enjoy it... i thought that you guys won't call me till dinner. Logic: Well... You see Patton went to check on Thomas. And Thomas was really... Really... Calm. Patton panicked and thought you had ducked out, although it was weird because Thomas wasn't like with the symptoms of you disappearing. Logic: The reason for worry was because Thomas was lazy all the time today, to a point where Patton was checking for him to eat and things like that. So Patton called me, to figure out if something was wrong. We couldn't find why. So we tried to summon you but you didn't show up, we went to your room, but you weren't there and it just... Emo: you all jumped to a conclusion Emo: come on... a little faith?! Logic: I apologize. Emo: im on my way back, i will be in 30 minutes or 1 hour Logic: You were far away huh? Emo: yes, please when im back i want you all to be in the real-world okay? Emo: even Janus and Remus Logic: For what? Emo: because i want to discuss this "jumped conclusion" and explain a few things Logic: Sure. I will tell them. Emo: thanks, now im going back.
He took a deep breath, passing his hand over his face, he didn't wear makeup, since he knew it would be pointless, as he gets ups and returns to his home. In the middle of his walk, he got lost in thought and feelings again, to a point that when he got home he had glassy purple eyes, getting inside he could see the six already there, where he just looked to himself, he was wet and dripping from all his time on the rain.
He was also wearing his old jacket, something he didn't do since he was accepted, and that probably freaked out them more than anything as he looks at them. But that was enough to snap him back from his dazed mind.
"Thanks for been here." He said sarcastic, he changed his clothes with a snap, so it wasn't dripping or wet anymore, it was more like his normal clothes for now. His purple patched jacket, his sneakers instead of boots, and now he picked up things to do his make up, while he sat on the stairs as normal. "Let's get over it shall we?" He said while applying his makeup.
"Virgil, why..." Thomas tried to say something but he was lost.
He was totally back in been anxiety when he applied his makeup. "Why you're so calm?" A nod as he looks to his host. "I'm calm now. Normally when it rains my anxiety gets numb when things are like today, that is more a storm with thunder, wind, and the heavy rain I just get... More numb."
"That is true, but since normally doesn't rain that much it is rare for him to do that." Remus said as he looked at Janus who was storming.
"Told you for fucking sake at least use a dammit umbrella!" Janus was angry and mad. "Also you should get a warm bath, take some soup or drink something warm!"
"Why is Janus so...?" Thomas didn't know how to vocalize those thoughts as he looks to the yellow side.
"Janus was and is, the mother figure for most of The Others? Well not all of them, because a few are jerks, the ones who weren't, Dee was the mother. Like Patton is the Daddy for Roman and Logan" Virgil shrugged as he looked between Thomas and Deceit. "Relax, I will do it soon. Also, umbrellas take half of the purpose!"
"Please don't start arguing you both... Jan I know you're worried, but Vee doesn't give you a shit when it's storming. Vee, I know that okay? Just focus on explaining the things?" Remus put his hand between the two sides who were nearly starting to argue.
"Okay." "Fine." Both pouted but did stop as Logan and Patton were still impressed, not used to this new... Thing. Roman on the other hand was the first one to ask. "So... When it's raining your anxiety gets numbs, storms make you more numb if that is possible, and you just... Fall in a sense of calm?"
"Yeah, something like that... I just feel free and can't care about anything... I fell calm, extremely relaxed, and self-aware, but needed to say, Thomas can't have anything on the day that happens. After all, taking care of Thomas is a top priority and thus I won't be able to relax. On that note, since the day Logan calmed me and Thomas with those five sensory exercises, I realized, that in the rain it's like... A real version of that?" Virgil answered while looking at Logan.
"Oh... I guess since you're the mental representation of anxiety, you need something more grounding than just breathing exercises, or other ground exercises to fully calm down and relax. Like the full five senses working on something instead of just exercises. Oh... That is interesting." Logan was truly surprised about it.
"So... Why I never noticed it?" Thomas asked curiously as he looks around.
"Because... I'm normally back in a spawn of time, like 1 hour or 30 minutes. I don't always go that far, like today. But... Today my mind got really blank and numb, and I didn't notice my phone at all. That is why everyone texted me and was worried. Also, when I go for a walk, I normally end up noticing how long I'm out but today was... Off." He felt bad for worrying them but at the same time, he was feeling calm and relaxed, which was really weird for him. "What I'm mean is... I'm sorry for worrying you guys... I will not do that again..."
"No!" Patton surprised everyone when he exclaimed. "No! You don't need to stop doing it! If it's something that does you well then you shouldn't stop it! You were so happy and calm when you got here, that I was surprised. But I can see it does you very well."
"I have to agree. It's not something bad or some type of disease, it does seem that it's good for you to relax and for Thomas to have a nice and relaxed day to self-care. I can rearrange his schedule when it's raining so you both can enjoy it. I also, find it quite enjoyable to read while raining so it can be a day for all of us doing some relaxing. Instead of working." Logan was next in change that. "I apologize for us jumping in a conclusion."
"The reason for us been worried is just because we didn't understand what was happening or where you went. Now that we know, and the effects of it we can work with it. If you want, I can let you know whenever is raining in my side of imagination, so you can go there. Not sure if have the same effect, but we can work on something for at least have half of the effect?" Roman was really happy to know that something other than just breath and grounding exercises could help Virgil to feel calmer, so he was the first to jump thinking of ways to help.
Janus and Remus were quiet while looking at Virgil. "I'm sorry Virgil. I shouldn't let my job interfere and be so... Demanding with you. I knew you felt calm and good, but I really worry when you got outside without an umbrella, or just doesn't pick up messages. If you could just work on one of those?" Janus tried as he wasn't sure. "So at least I could worry a bit lest."
"Hm... Why don't Remus come out with me when it happens? He is someone you can rely on texting you back, he can also stalk me without triggering too much, and he sometimes even let me enjoy my solitude although most of the time he will talk a lot. It would be a win-win for everyone. Although I hate the idea of been stalked..." Anxiety let out a small sigh. "But I can't really do any of those Jan... The feeling of rain falling on me is what makes it special. And I get really distracted so I can't really answer a text."
Everyone fell in silence, they didn't know how to deal with that, but surprisingly it was Remus who spoke. "So, how about it, I don't need to stalk you or whatever. I can configure a GPS thing on your phone, you just click a button when you go out, and it will go to Dee and Patton, and they will know your location. And we will just need to rely on that. It's not too invasive, neither is repressing you or creeping you. I won't need to follow you and all."
"Oooh... That sounds like a nice idea." Thomas said while yawning. "Can I nap... The rain really is making me sleep..."
Virgil looked at them and they nodded. "I need to shower and put on some more... Comfortable clothes. So I will go." Without waiting he was back at commons, and soon he was heading to his room, soon he was in the shower, taking a lot of time on there. Even wishing he had a bathtub like Roman or Patton, but he didn't.
After half an hour he was back at the commons, now using pants and still on his hoodie, more relaxed and calm as he goes to the kitchen, finding Patton and Janus. "Kiddo!" As morality noticed him, he saluted with two fingers before sitting down. "Thought in eat and drink something before going back to bed."
"Good, I did some soup and Patton did the food, and we have hot choco. Is that good?" Deceit asked although he was already separating things for Virgil.
"It's fine. Again, sorry for worrying you, mama." As now Virgil wasn't around Remus and Roman he didn't mind in be a bit more... Open. "And daddy."
Both of them got surprised as he looked at Virgil, who was now fidgeting with his jacket's sleeves and looking down. "It's okay Kiddo. We understand and as we said, it isn't something bad." Patton was the first to answer as he heats the meal in the microwave.
"I thought... I would never hear you call me that again..." Janus was shocked as he looked at the anxious side. "But Patton is right, everything will be alright now and apologizes accepted."
"I told you... I was a jerk because I was scared... And I'm sorry about that, but... I'm trying okay? It's not perfect, I sure will close up if my anxiety gets worse but... I'm trying..." He trails off as he looks anywhere but for them.
"It's fine, we know that, I know that, and Remus, well he is just Remus so... I bet he is happy to have his brother back, just, please... Stop him, instead of helping him." Janus smiled as he teases.
"I can't promise anything... Some of Remus's ideas are too good to just... Stop him." He teased back but soon turned in a more serious. "Thank you, you two. I'm not sure what I would be if I didn't have both of you." He smiled softly at that.
"Well, we still have a lot to work on, arguments will happen but... this can be a good family. We will work together instead of separated." Patton smiled as he places the meal in front of Virgil.
"We are all trying Virgil, and that is what matters. Now eat. Before Remus and Roman find you and want to drag you." Janus pointed as he knows one of the twins, and sure enough that could happen.
"Just to ask... Why were you in your old jacket? That kinda bothered me, Logan and Roman..." Patton asked a bit embarrassed.
"Well... I don't like to wash this jacket too much, I get scared it will be torn out. Purple does get too much attention when you're walking around the city. And last old habits, it's just... Normal for me use that jacket when walking outside in the rain. I did that a lot when I was with The Others. So habits."
"Oh... That is not a problem, I can explain that to them later." Morality was thoughtful for a few minutes before he answered. "Oh, do you like the taste of the rain?"
"Yes. Although I don't walk with my mouth open to get it." Chuckles filled the kitchen as Virgil started to eat, the vague sound of rain, the vague sound of droplets on windows. The weather slowly clearing up, but he was still calm, relaxed, and comfortable. Maybe it does have other things that can calm him down like rain, he just needs to find out, although he has a small suspect that a warm meal done by his two "parents" was one small way of getting that feeling.
Maybe... If he can find more small ways of getting that feeling, he could feel like that more times, but for now? He would just enjoy this little warmth.
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
The Chemicals between us ~Ch.8
 The Orca landed with a bump on the outskirts of a dense forest not far from Bryansk. The landing jerked Junkrat awake and his nose wrinkled from the strong smell of coffee brewing.
 ‘Fuck is that?’ He asked groggily, using Roadhogs frame as leverage to sit up straighter, his long limbs cracked as he stretched.
 ‘That's the smell of four o’clock in the morning princess.’ McCree replied. ‘Want some? Might not get another chance for a while.’
 ‘Ta.’ Junkrat stood up and gave Roadhog a slight kick awake and got a curse for doing so. McCree handed him a mug as Morrison came down from the cockpit. ‘I want everyone prepared to move out soon, make sure you all have your communicators on and make sure they work. If they don't and you get caught out you’ll be on your own. Everyone move your own weapons from the cargo hold, once done we head to the compound. Genji and Zarya will meet us outside the perimeter.’
 Ana placed her empty teacup down. ‘I will scout ahead and keep watch for signs of danger. Plans can go wrong and I want to see trouble before it happens.’
 Morrison nodded in agreement. ‘Go ahead, be careful and contact when you reach the meeting point.’ Ana gave him a quick salute and headed down to the cargo hold.
 ‘Is Athena good to go?’ Morrison asked Winston.
 The large Gorilla looked up from his computer and adjusted his glasses. ‘As well as can be but we won't know for certain until we hit Talons cyber defences.’ Morrison grunted and looked towards the Junkers. ‘Are you ready for this?’
 Junkrat giggled ‘Fucking born ready mate.’ as Roadhog gave a slight nod of his head. Morrison frowned ‘Final warning Fawkes..if you do anything to jeopardize-’
 ‘Yeah I know, I’m dead and there's plenty here to do the deed. Just fucking chill alrite mate? Me n Hog will play our part no worries.’ Morrison narrowed his eyes and studied the junkers before placing the mask of Soldier 76 upon his face, the red visor shone a sinister red. From one of the windows he glanced Ana heading into the forest. ‘Everyone get ready’ He said ‘We move out in 10 minutes.’
  The walk through the forest was slow going and none too easy with the dim light and dense trees making it difficult for Hana to maneuver her Mech, often resorting to taking a longer path to find a clearing big enough. The suggestion of demolishing a path or shooting through the trees was quickly shut down. Junkrat tread carefully over thick roots protruding from the ground and lightly jumped in the tracks made by the large Mech as Hana was once again forced to find an alternate route, he took a deep breath in and revelled in the new smells and freshness of the air. Fuck it felt good to be in the open. Hana grinned at him from her Mech.
 ‘Hey having fun?’
 ‘Too right! Forgot what trees look like.’
 Hana rolled her eyes and laughed ‘You can see trees from the cliff at base.’
 ‘Yeah but not these..’ Junkrat gestured vaguely ‘Spiky ones? Got a funny smell.’
 They continued walking and trudging through the forest, Junkrat glancing so often towards the group and particularly Roadhog just to make sure he was still there. He got a pang of anxiety when a dense group of trees blocked his view and he lost sight of him. What in that time Morrison shot him? Or Talon where secretly following them? The sudden thought made him glance behind him and scan his surroundings..really should of left some traps. He breathed a sigh of relief when the trees cleared slightly and he found Roadhog, he had barely heard Hana speaking to him.
 ‘I asked if you are okay?’
 ‘Err..yeah. Yeah im great! Why wouldn't I be! Not long till I get to blow shit up!’ He gave her grin to reassure her and himself. Hana gave him a sceptical look, yet to her credit and his relief she let it slide and returned the smile. ‘Thanks for keeping me company.’
 ‘No worries, gives me more time to be out here before we go back to the lock up!’
 ‘Theres gotta be something you like there.’
 ‘Oh sure, regular grub, running water annnd now I get me own workshop!’
 ‘ Ahem!’  
 ‘ Yeah sure you and Lu are alright I guess.’
 Hana giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. ‘You're a jerk but youre alright, hey look! There's a clearing, lets catch up!’
 Roadhog watched as Junkrat and Dva approached them, not speaking until Junkrat was once at his side. ‘All good?’
 ‘Yep, all good.’
 ‘Not gonna do anything stupid I hope.’
 ‘If I do its by accident.’
 Roadhog grunted ‘Don't be impulsive.’
 Junkrat laughed ‘When have you known me to have any control over that.’
 ‘Mean it Rat..be smart about this.’
 Junkrat scoffed at him and rolled his eyes as Morrison signalled that they were close to the first point. Sure enough in the distance stood Ana, Zayra and Genji waiting on them.
 ‘Are we clear?’ Morrison asked on approach.
 ‘As Well as can be, time is now against us though. The first patrol is in less than thirty minutes.’ Said Genji, glancing towards the large Mech.
 ‘Hey its not my fault the stupid trees were so close together!’ snapped Hana, rather defensively.
 ‘Still think its bad idea to have those two here.’ Grunted Zarya nodding towards the Junkers.
 Junkrat scoffed ‘Really? Pick your fucking time to have a moan ya fucking pink Juggernaut!’
 Zarya laughed ‘Oh ho! Those brave words from someone I can snap in two with my little finger.’
 Roadhog stepped forward ‘Try it.’
   Morrison jumped in as Zarya stepped forward to the challenge. ‘Back down!’ Morrison barked at Roadhog and turned to face Zarya, ‘This is neither the time or place. That goes for everyone. I will not have childish bickering when we need to depend on each other in the field. Am I clear?’
 Zarya's lip curled in contempt but she nodded in agreement then Morrison looked to the Junkers. ‘Oi I didnt fucking start it!’ Junkrat protested looking offended. Roadhog gave him a shove and muttered something, ‘Fine fucking crystal alright!?’
 Convinced the matter was at rest for now Morrison continued. ‘Team A get ready, once our target hits our marker we strike. Winston, Torbjorn, prepare your equipment, once that patrol is eliminated we advance on the gate then it's down to you to get us in. Everyone else know their positions and objectives?’ There was a collective murmur of confirmation ‘Good, then let's begin.’
 Dimitri Ivanov took the last drag of his cigarette and tossed it, the smoke drifting lazily into the early morning air. He heard the command to move and he snorted and spat on the ground. He fucking hated mornings. He was a military man during the Omnic crisis and fought in many battles, a well seasoned soldier with a large count of dead omnics to his name just like his comrades. Dead and alive. He had new comrades now, him and four other surviving men and women from his old unit. After the war their government had hardly given them anything to live off, their homes had been destroyed and like thousands upon thousands of others they had nowhere to go, no living to make. Until one day he was approached by a man, a man with an opportunity which promised work and security. An opportunity that promised a better world for everyone. A world built for the strong by the strong and he was proud to serve, proud to serve Talon.
 The patrols around the compound was easy work if but boring. He had been stationed here for a month now and the most exciting thing to happen was a stray dog getting too close to the fence. At Least it confirmed the turrets worked. The only people they saw where the trucks entering and leaving and the drop ship that came last week. He trudged along with his patrol and slung his gun back over his shoulder, reached into his pocket pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, his nearest comrade nudging him as he did so. Dimitri shrugged his arm away and took a large inhale of smoke.
 ‘What problem?’ He said, smoke exhaling through his nose. ‘Nothing out here but us and birds. Relax Anatoly my friend..nothing to shoot at us out here-’
 He turned in confusion as his comrade suddenly disappeared from his side and slumped to the ground. The rest of the patrol stopped and came to his aid. ‘He sick?’ One asked. They took his dark balaclava off his face, only then realising that his throat had been sliced open.
 The patrol leader shouted orders as Dimitri struggled to reach for the gun across his back and frantically scanned the dense forest, he felt a rush of wind behind him and heard the thud of another body falling, someone fired wildly at nothing. He barely lifted his gun as he felt a hard slap to his chest, followed by another, the cigarete dropped from his mouth, smoke and blood trailing past his lips. He fell hard to the ground and the last thing he heard was the sound of bullets hitting their targets. The patrol was dead before they even realised what was happening.
 Morrison surveyed the surrounding area waiting for a sign of the compound being alerted to the attack, a moment passed with only the sound of birds in the trees, convinced the first wave was successful he signalled for Team B to advance to their position. Winston and Torbjorn led the way and found a vantage point just below the crest of a hill overlooking the compound giving them high ground and cover. They both quickly got to work setting up a field computer as Ana scoped out the area with her Rifle. ‘Four turret droids on the gate’ She relayed back to Winston. He nodded and quickly typed on a small keyboard, lines of code flashed across the monitor in front of him as Torbjorn adjusted a signal booster. ‘If Athena can’t get in I modded this enough to send a pulse through every droid in this place..will only last a minute or so but may give us a much needed window.’ He said as he worked.
 ‘We might not need to use it..      hmm    that's odd.’ Said Winston, his brow frowning at the screen.
 ‘Is there a problem?’ Asked Jack, coming to inspect the monitor.
 ‘I'm not sure Commander, I’m in their system but..’
 ‘What is it?’
 ‘It was too easy, almost like I was let in. I’m familiar with Talons cyber security but this is..well a child could have accessed it.’ Winston gave a slight cough ‘A..er..very smart one atleast.’
 Torbjorn laughed ‘Well surely that's half our job done?’
 ‘Maybe what they have inside is not worth the protection?’ Offered McCree.
 ‘It’s enough to have guards, turrets and officials. It's important.’ Stated Ana ‘But Winston is right Jack, this could be a trap.’
 ‘If it was a trap the perimeter guard would have been prepared for us. Talon are arrogant, they don't expect an assault. Winston, shut down those turrets.’
 Winston looked toward Ana who gave a slight nod despite the frown on her face, sighing he continued typing on the keyboard as Ana looked through her scope. ‘And..that should do it’ He said looking up.
 Everyone waited and looked to Ana as she surveyed the gate, she smirked slightly as sure enough one turret slowly stopped moving, followed by another and another until each one had stopped.
 ‘Have they noticed?’ Asked Genji.
 Ana looked back and smiled, ‘None the wiser.’
 ‘Accessing perimeter turrets now.’ Said Winston, tapping further instructions to Athena ‘And..we are in! Perimeter and gate security disabled Commander, Captain.’
 Jack cocked his weapon and turnt to his team ‘Everyone in position and remember your roles! Advance!’
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erintoknow · 5 years
the glass labyrinth
fallen hero fanfiction time; i think this clocks in at the second longest singular fanfic i’ve written oof. ~7.1k words [ao3]
this might be easier to read on AO3 where it’s broken into chapters. :v
Take a breath, hold it, let it out. You are not Ariadne Becker. Not here. Not now. You are Adrestia, your suit the color of empty void reflecting no light, cape drawn tight around your shoulders further obscuring your form. Only the mirrored treatment of your helmet betrays you as still human. Still needing to see, still needing to be seen.
Your first goal is to secure the regenerator of course. The miracle device that could be your best ticket out of the mess you’ve dug yourself into. There it is, behind glass, under watchful eye. So close. Two parts to contend with. A central core housing the experimental technology and on a  pedestal beside in a too-plain looking briefcase. The schematics to assemble the rest of the unit.
What will the finished product look like? Baptismal font or casket?
“Adrestia. Imagine, meeting you here.”
You turn and there’s a moment of disorientation. Since when are you as tall as Dr. Mortum? – You aren’t Jane. Mortum’s expression is cold but polite. You have to assume she knows that you know about her attempts to get Jane to quit. Her plans to do the same. What’s her play here?
You give a slight bow, and mimic the cold curtesy in her voice. “Dr. Mortum.”
“It occurs to me that this is the first we have met in person.”
You spread your arms wide, twirling your fingers. “And now we have. Am I everyth–thing you hoped for, doctor?”
There’s a brief flash of annoyance and then Mortum regains control of her poker face. “You’ve been taking good care of the armor, I see.”
“You did good w–work.”
“I… you’re welcome?” She hadn’t expected that.
Maybe you can still salvage this. Get her back on your side. You let your arms drop to your sides. “Look, I’m… sorry.”
“Sorry?” The confusion is plain in her voice. “For what?”
“I…” You laugh, then cut yourself off with a wince. The voice filter warps everything. “I th–think we got off on the wrong foot.”
Dr. Mortum’s expression hardens, her eyes narrowing. “If you’ve hurt her–”
“Her? Oh.” Shit. This might have backfired. “Doctor, I would never hurt her.”
Does she believe you? You wouldn’t, coming from someone that looks and sounds like you do. This was a mistake. Reaching out is always a mistake. When will you learn?
“So you say,” Dr Mortum confirms your fear. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.” She turns away from you, slips past the gawkers come to check out the auction items ahead of time. You move to follow after her but the crowd doesn’t exactly leap out of your way.
You haven’t exactly been making friends either within Los Diablos’s self-proclaimed ‘villain’ community. Just because you’re all on the wrong side of law now… it doesn’t make you allies. And how many remember Sidestep? You’d swear you recognize a few faces, a few suits. Is that Sharkinator at the bar? You’d recognize the sharkhands anywhere. There’s a blast from the past. When did he get out of Prison?
Are you imagining the eyes burning a hole in the back of your head or are you really being watched? The Boulevard Casino is coated in the hum of telepathic dampeners, a hissing static beyond hearing. If it wasn’t for the physical proximity of the Rat-King, slipping it’s telepathic presence between you and the hum like a shield you’d already be clutching your head in a migraine by now.
Would sneaking in have been better? There’s no point wondering now. You don’t need to worry about evading cameras and security this way. Dampeners, radio jammers, cameras, good old fashioned armed men in fancy suits. Hollow Ground’s security is not messing around.
That’s fine, neither are you.
There’s a pressure on your attention, an urging from the Rat-King. You let it turn you, guide your sight. A woman moving through the crowd, tall, taller still by the antlers spiraling up from a helmet in the shape of an antelope skull. She’s armored, head to foot. Brown faux-leather, almost certainly masking proper armor underneath by the bulk of the thing. Gloved hands hide her skin. Her boots are made up to look like cloven hooves that add to her stature. 
Not exactly a practical outfit.
Why is the Rat-King pushing you towards her? The dampeners prevent that. Wait, is that.. Oryx? Small time hitman. Or… hitwoman, you suppose. Was supposed to have fled town awhile ago after a job turned bad. Not that you would have had anything to do with that, of course. You don’t have the time in the day to personally meddle in everyone’s illegal business.
Something… isn’t right with her though. Her movement is… too smooth? Or not smooth enough. Like she doesn’t belong here. Is she going to be trouble? You need this to go off perfectly, you can’t afford any potential complications.
It’s not hard to pick out her path. She’s sticking to the walls, you could intercept her, pull her into an empty side-room before she reaches the auction hall.
No one even bats an eye as you step out from behind the curtain and grab Oryx by the shoulders, pull her backwards into the room. She grunts, elbows you in the stomach to get free and drops into a combat stance as you step backwards.
You raise your arms, try to control your heart rate. That snarl, the way she balances herself, positions her arms. Jesus christ, it’s Argent behind that mask isn’t it? Just your fucking luck. If she has any sanity she won’t risk a fight here. Not under Hollow Ground’s nose. “I d–don’t want a fight.”
“Funny way of showing it.”
“It’s– it’s easier to to talk in private, w–wouldn’t you say…” You incline your head, exaggerating to make the gesture visible through your helmet, “Argent?” Fuck, you need to get it under the control. Adrestia can’t stutter.
There’s silence, and then Argent crosses her arms with a small laugh. “You’re always the worst.”
You put your arms down, “I’d say the same about you.”
“Well? What do you want?”
“I hope you’re not here for my sake.” What on earth is Argent doing here? Are the Rangers involved? They’re hardly at full strength, would they seriously try to bust something this big? It would be a disaster.
“What is this? Fishing for compliments?” She leans in, “You aren’t nearly that important.”
You put a hand to your chest and laugh, “You wound me.”
“Easy to do.”
You elect to ignore that, “You’re hardly the type for fancy parties. Though…” You tap the chin of your helmet, “I suppose you are better d–dressed this time?”
“Excuse me?”
“It suits you.”
Argent’s voice goes low and cold. “What does that mean.”
Shit, what do you mean? You wave a hand, “Never mind, it’s not important.” You can feel her eyes on you under the mask. “W–w–why are you here?”
Argent doesn’t move, unnaturally still. “Personal business.”
“That business is…?”
“Not yours.”
You huff. It’s an active effort to maintain eye contact even shield as you are. But you don’t dare look away. “So, then who else of your little friends are lurking around here? Who can I expect to find Ortega dressing up as?”
“I don’t need them.” Evasive, obviously, but what kind of evasive?
“Or…” You cross your arms, drum your fingers against your arm. “You don’t want them to know…?”
She shrugs, breaks eye contact. Damn, got it in one. “If you say so. What, you think you can blackmail me about it?”
“Oh, please,” You laugh, “They’d never believe me.” Argent’s already a known loose cannon. And there’s too many ‘heroic’ reasons you could trot out to excuse it. It wouldn’t even be hard.
“That’s true,” Argent shifts position, “Ortega has a lot of faith in her friends.”
You find yourself agreeing. “Too much.” Why can’t she see you for what you are? How can she want that? Care about –that–?
“Hrmm…” Argent steps closer, “must be lonely, not having a team.”
You stay put, ready for any sudden movement. “I’m better off alone.”
“Is that so?” She tilts her head down towards you.
“Other people always let you d–down,” you don’t bother trying to filtering the bitterness out of your voice. Let the distortion do that. “Even if they don’t– don’t want to.” The only person you can trust in the end is yourself. If even that.
“I’m not talking about forever,” she snorts, “just tonight. To stay out of each other’s business.”
“A t–truce?” you ask, incredulous. She seriously doesn’t want a fight then. Just what is Lady Argent doing sneaking into a black market auction hosted by the city’s criminal kingpin? What could any Ranger want here?
And how can you use this to your advantage?
“You’re seriously suggesting a truce?” You repeat.
“For now.”
Like hell are you going to let her escape your sight. “Oh r–really now?” You offer her a arm, “then let me be your escort f–for the evening.”
“That isn’t funny.”
“It’s… n–not a joke.” Your let your arm awkwardly drop.
“You’re serious.”
“Easier to–” might as well try honesty, “–to keep an eye on each other that way.”
“S–so you accept?” You offer your arm again.
“Don’t make me regret this.” Argent sighs, and takes your arm. “Where are we going?”
You laugh, sharp and nervous. No idea what that sounds like on other end of the distorters. Hopefully something more confident than what you’re feeling right now. “W–w–where else would we go? The auction.”
Will you ever escape the path that was laid out for you? When you were Sidestep you fought against boosts and mods that stepped outside the law. Fought to uphold the very system that had enabled your creation and mistreatment.
Now you’re on the other side of the coin and you’re still pulling on what they taught you. Spying, lying… You let your gaze dance across the room take-in and evaluate. Who might cause trouble? Who can you push? Who to avoid? Thirteen years on and what has really changed for you?
You can never get out. Not really. 
Argent stands at your side, dressed as a two-bit murder. It doesn’t seem right. You were wrong, it doesn’t suit her at all. What does she want here so badly she’d lower herself like this? The worry is wriggling like a leech at the back of your mind. At this point there’s not a lot more you can do. Either it becomes clear and you deal with it, or it doesn’t and it never matters.
What does matter is making sure no other surprises catch you unawares. Surprises like–
“Shit.” You whisper.
Argent jerks her head in your direction, shoulders tense. “What?”
No point playing this close to your chest. You had done some research via Jane and Dr. Mortum after your first encounter. Mortum had promised to look into it further once the auction was over but… This isn’t something Argent deserves to run into un-forewarned. “Over there, against the wall.” You quickly gesture with an arm, trying not to look like you’re pointing. “The woman in white and red?”
Argent shifts around to hide looking. “Yeah?”
“Ember’s enforcer from San Francisco.”
“Ember…” She growls. Not the reaction you had expected. You have to grab her arm to keep her still. “Stay clear of her. She touches someone, they die. Apparently.”
“Oh.” She steps back into place, looks back at you. “Thank… you…?”
What does Lord Ember want so bad he’d send risk sending one of his scariest agents away to collect it? You really hope it’s not what you’re thinking. 
Who are you kidding, you’re not that lucky.
“Why warn me?” Argent stands a little too close for comfort.
“Uh…” Why did you? “Just– just because we’re enemies, it d–doesn’t mean I want you dead.”
“Hrm.” You’re not sure what to make of that, and Argent doesn’t elaborate.
“This is… awkward, r–really.” You confess.
“Trading quips in a fight w–was easier than this.” You don’t look at her, watch the crowd, the stage. The auction is well under way at this point. Nothing particular amazing just yet. You keep an eye on the countdown timer ticking away at the corner of your Heads-Up Display. Not much longer until showtime.
She keeps shifting her weight back and forth. That’s why you don’t wear high heels to a standing event, honey. You learned that the hard way as Jane. “It’s easier to judge someone in a fight.”
You glance over at her and she freezes up. Huh. That’s a switch. “And so what’s your judgement on me, then?”
“Jury’s out.” She raises a hand as if to fling back her hair and then stops, tries to turn it into a dismissive hand gesture but there’s no saving that one. “But… I haven’t killed you yet.”
“Not for lack of trying.” You’ve had some close calls those last few fights before you buckled down on this project. God knows you’ve done enough to her, if anyone deserves first shot at taking you out, it’s Lady Argent.
“Oh please. I have been playing.”
Argent sighs, turns her head to focus on the stage instead of you. “I have fun, I guess.” She shrugs. “Fighting you, I mean.”
“I… huh.” If things weren’t awkward before, they are now. Hasn’t she figured it out yet? Who really possessed her? Well, you’re not about to come clean now. Not here, not when you’re so close.
Dr. Mortum’s ‘disintegration’ ray comes up on the stage next, packed into a very fancy clear case. Jane had put in some overtime helping Mortum raise money, liquidate assets, finding buyers… but did the doctor have enough? Even if she does… even at the starting bid, that’s going to hurt her.
You could – you could bid against her, drive the price up even higher. You know more or less what her limit is and you’ve got way more than that to play with. You only needed the money to get inside, she needs it to stay in business. And to potentially turn against you.
Or… or you could try to buy it for her, as a gift? The gun clearly has some sentimental value to her beyond the scientific, she’s said as much. Would gifting it help change her mind? Or would she view it as a bribe? See it for what it was: you trying to buy her respect?
The bidding slowly climbs, and Mortum stays in the game as it goes. Maybe… you should stay out of this one. There’s too many variables. Too many risks. 
You’ll only step in if Mortum gets outbid. There. That’s as good a compromise as any.
The bidding ends up in a war between Mortum and woman in a business suite far in the back. You tense up, but no, the woman ultimately folds. Dr. Mortum wins her gun back at a very pretty penny. Good for her. Hopefully this won’t come back to bite you in the ass.
The countdown on your HUD chimes. Getting into the final moments now. You glance to your side to check on Argent and – she’s gone. Fuck! When did that happen? While you were focused on Mortum’s lot? Damn it. There’s no time to track her down now.
As soon as time hits zero, the bomb you rigged on the power substation for the block will go off. Power to the whole block of the city will go down. The casino is bound to have back-up generators but enough to power the whole security system? Dampeners are not energy efficient. 
Looks like they’re putting the Regenerator up on stage next. Well, that’s handy. You won’t have to dig around backstage to find it then.
The Regenerator… One-of-a-kind prototype. The company responsible immediately shut-down and all their equipment confiscated. And what can it do? Perfect regeneration. The only way to remove your tattoos is to cut deep enough into the skin, practically flay yourself alive. Even if you lived, you’d be crippled, horrifically scared at best.
But with the regenerator in your hands and fully functioning…
Well, it’d be a whole lot easier than trying to overturn the United States Government.
Final count down now. Then showtime. Breath in, hold, exhale.
You’re not scared. You’re Adrestia.
It’s like leaning out of a window, watching the street below.
A bright flash and a piercing boom rock the auction hall and the crowd cries out in a panic. Your helmet visor dims but not quick enough and the eyes hurt like hell, after images swimming across your vision. Shit! Fuck! You stumble into someone in front of you and they shove you back.
Someone else is robbing the Auction Hall?
The lights flicker overhead before staying dark, and the weight of the dampeners pressing in on you vanishes. There we go, there’s your cue. You hum a few notes under your breath as let you mind unfold, track every panicked presence huddling together. Too much light, now not enough. People are scared. Hollow Ground’s supposed to ensure a neutral territory, and yet here’s trouble.
With the Rat-King backing you up, you reach out and wrap your song around the crowd. A jangle of discordant thoughts. The Rat-King buffers you from the worst of it as you smooth out the edges, point them towards the exit. You don’t need to nudge everyone. Just the key parts and the rest will follow or be swept along.
Everyone here is a criminal, be they boost, mod, or norm. It won’t be the end of the world if it breaks down into a mass panic. But trying to keep them calm is good practice for the next time you’re faced with civilians. There’s no need to fill up any more hospitals.
Back in the physical world you slowly push your way against the flow of the crowd. Up to the stage. The emergency lighting comes on, casting the room in grim shadows. You brace yourself for any hint of the dampeners but it doesn’t come. Good, you guessed right then. Even with back-up generators, cut off from the main grid the Boulevard Casino doesn’t have enough power to handle everything.
There’s still too many people. Hardened villains thinking about how to turn the chaos to their own advantage. Is it an attack? Earthquake? Is Hollow Ground losing their touch? How can this benefit me?
You can’t risk any interference. Reach out again, second chorus, worst than the first. Reach in deeper, into the darker spaces. It’s an incoherent barrage from a dozen different traumas and the Rat–King has to pull tight around your mind to keep you from collapsing, from reeling back in shock and snapping the connection.
You can do this. Raise the conductor’s baton, pull it all forward.
Pull them out.
Get out.
Someone screams and the rest of the crowd starts to move. No calm to it now. Well, you tried. Someone shoves you aside, and oh yeah, physical bodies are still a thing. Switch to low-light vision and the visor tints everything green as you make the rest of the way to the stage. Get back in the game Chickadee.
As you’re about to climb onto the stage, the Rat King pings your attention.
“Dr. Mortum?” You move over to her, and she takes a step back, hand falls on something on her hip. Shouldn’t be surprised the doctor would have hi-tech glasses. Try to get a read on her thoughts and it’s like grasping at a nest of eels. Multiple tracks going a mile a minute. Maybe in another setting you could pry them apart, but you can’t spare the focus now.
“Adrestia.” Her voice is cold, but shaky. Putting on a mask. “This is your doing, isn’t it?”
“Goodness. Y–you think highly of me, don’t you?” You hold out your arms to the side, no hidden tricks up your sleeves. “What are you still d–doing here?”
She doesn’t relax. “Your little light show went off right when I was collecting my gun. I need to find it.”
“You’re serious.” 
“I’m not leaving without it.” She sounds serious. Must be to have resisted your mental push both times.
You shrug, try to play off your concern. “I’ve got my own business, but if I find it… I’ll keep it safe. But it won’t be any good if its owner gets herself killed tonight.”
“What are you planning?”
“Nothing.” You turn away from her. “I can’t speak for anyone else though.” You can already sense them, multiple people are on the stage. Prelude to a fight. What are the odds you can grab the regenerator and slip out while they’re busy killing each other?
Ignore the eyes staring daggers into your back as you clamber onto the stage. “Ah, fuck.” There’s a stare-down going alright. Lady Argent, still in Oryx costume is standing between Shroud and… fuck, that’s one of Hollow Ground’s men. Jake Manalo? Jane’s only encountered him briefly. He’s some kind of boost but hell if anyone can give a straight answer as to what. His thoughts are fuzzy, out of focus. Shroud’s are walled, a barrier with the sensation of metal to touch. Only Argent is readable to any extent. Damn.
Try to skirt around the edge, circle back to the regenerator. Wait. Is that Mortum’s gun on the ground? Can you you grab it without being noticed… No luck. Jake spots you, hunches his shoulders. “Adrestia, come join the party. And step away from the merchandise.”
Argent glances back towards you and everything goes to hell.
Shroud makes her move, going after Argent. Argent dodges the outstretched hand, claws slicing through her gloves as she twists to strike back. 
Dash across the stage, to grab Mortum’s gun, tossing the case aside like a candy wrapper. Mortum’s gun doesn’t actually kill people does it? It just… stores them for… later. That’s too handy an ace to ignore right now
Jake has left the two women to duel it out in order to chase after you. But whatever Jake’s got, he doesn’t have a powered suit with booster jets. You dash past him, dropping into a slide under his outstretched arm. You come to a stop by the Regenerator, spin on your heel and drop a knee. If you can take out Jake now, maybe you can abscond with the prize while the other two are duking it out.
How does this damn thing work? Hell, when was the last time you used any gun? There’s a light blinking on the side. Battery? As long as there’s enough charge for one shot. You’ll work out the rest later.
Someone off stage yells as you line up your shot. Hold your breath, sight, finger on the trigger… there’s a loud bang and every nerve in your body lights up in terror.
The gun drops out of your hands, clattering on the stage. How? Why? What is that thing doing here? Taller then any one else here, stretching its multiple arms, both organic and metallic up in the air. In the green haze of your low-light vision it could have stepped directly out of one of your nightmares, but no. Very much real. Very much alive. But… something isn’t right. The Catastrofiend’s movements are sluggish and while her skin was in never in great condition to begin with, it looks… wrong? Melted? Skin or clothing? There’s no seam.
Is… this where the Catastrofiend been all this time? Trapped in Dr. Mortum’s teleportation gun? Did she know that when she asked Jane for help in getting it back?
In the back of your mind the Rat-King screams at you to move.
Dive to the left and a blade stabs the ground where you were kneeling. Mortum’s gun rattles on the floor and you manage the presence of mind to grab hold of it again, clipping it back of your belt. In front of you, the Catastrofiend groans, a sickly bubbling sound as she clutches her vestigal human arms to her chest, her other 4 arms unfold and stretch out. Exposed muscle twining into metal, each limb ending in a long razor sharp blade. Like the rest of her, the blades are warped, discolored, wrong.
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
“What the fuck is this!?” Shroud yells. The Catastrofiend gurgles and turns to swipe at her. She leaps backwards, almost toppling over. 
You need to get out of here.
“It’s the goddamn Catastrofiend.” Jake snarls. At the sound of his voice, the monster turns and swipes at him too. Something… happens, Jake goes blurry and the blade passes through him like air. No time to think about what that could mean.
Argent snarls, razor claws at the ready. “How the hell did it get in here?” When the Catastrofiend turns to swipe at her, she’s ready, stepping in under the arm, slashing at the skin. Something oozes out, but it doesn’t look like blood. 
Is it responding to sound? Can she still see? How the hell long was it in there for? Mortum mentioned something about… quantum degradations right…? Your stomach twists. And you were seriously thinking of using it on someone?
With the Catastrofiend taking precedence, a truce seems to settle out. Jake, Argent, and Shroud triangulating. around her. You’ve seen the monster nearly come out on top against the entire Rangers team at their height before. It’s only a matter of time before they break ranks and run. You’ve seen the Catastrofiend survive being shot in the head, even as… wrong as it is, there’s no way the three of them are beating this.
This is your chance.
Two parts to the device, don’t forget. The briefcase gets attached to your suit’s utility belt next to Mortum’s gun. The prototype itself… it’s bulky, you’ll have to carry it with two hands. You wrap your song tight around yourself, willing the chaos to let you pass by unnoticed. In the back of your mind, you can feel the Rat-King echo you back, magnify the sentiment.
You get your hands under the rough metal edges and heave it into the air. Don’t look. Nothing to see here. Don’t look this way. The battle with the Catatstrofiend is way more pressing, isn’t it? Absolutely.
You don’t breath again until you’re well behind stage. A scattering of items that still haven’t been sold off remain, abandoned in the chaos. They’ll notice you’re gone eventually. But will they have the luxury to chase after you? Banking on your luck doesn’t seem like a smart move.
This part of the Casino is well beyond anything you got to scout in-person as Jane. You’ve spent plenty of time studying the schematics however. You can imagine the red line guiding you alone. Into the backstage hallway, hang a right, there’s a room here. Storage closet. Crouch down just outside and put the prototype aside.
Time to put the Nanovores to work, outstretching your hand against the floor, eating through metal supports and vinyl tiles until the indigestible remains of floor begin to fracture and give way. Slap the floor hard with your hand and it drops into something deeper below.
This part of town is shot through with old smuggling tunnels from the Prohibition era. Illegally dug little boltholes, cramped but big enough to fit crates of alcohol. Earthquake country means they’re near suicide to use. Which is why you spent over a week a making sure this tunnel would be usable.
Never let the enemy set the field if you can help it.
At the end of this tunnel is Rosie and the get-away truck. You’re almost there. you can do this.
Once the hole is sufficiently wide, you pick up the prototype. There’s noise coming from down the hallway. Pursuers or just echoing from the fight? You can’t tell. Doesn’t matter, it’s time to jump. A hole this time, not a window, but your heart leaps into your throat all the same.
Your booster jets dampen the fall, but the shock rattles up every joint along your legs regardless. The cart you had prepared ahead of time is right where you left it, save for a scattering of debris. You put the prototype down on the cart and sweep it clean in one motion.
Take a breath. Home stretch. Next step is to get to the first support joist and start the process of collapsing the tunnel behind you.
The tunnel is damp, and crowded, and dark dark dark. You tap on the clip-on flashlight on your utility belt, a tiny narrow cone cutting into the void. It’s not much but it gives your low-light vision something more to work with. 
The floor is lumpy, uneven. It makes pushing the cart painfully slow and uncomfortably noisy. With more time you could have smoothed out the floor, but the time constraint on planning this operation had been absurdly tight as it was. Once your far enough away you can start collapsing the tunnel behind you and it won’t–
Scratches against stone echo behind you and the Rat-king screams for you to move. Only to flinch and clutch your head under the weight of the dampeners pressing back down on you. Something runs across your back and you stagger forwards against the handle of the cart as you cry out. Turn and catch the silhouette of Oryx’s horned mask.
“Are you k–k–kidding me–” You suck in your breath as she swipes at you again, press yourself against the wall as silver claws rend the air where you had just been. Did she cut through your suit? Everything still reads green.
There’s a snarl and you throw your heads up, “Wait, wait, hold on–” If Argent could track you down here, the rest of them can’t be too far behind. “L–let’s talk?”
Argent stares you down, your flashlight bouncing off her silver frame. Shoulders hunched, hands ready to swipe.
“We had a truce.”
She doesn’t relax, but doesn’t attack either. “Only as long as it was convenient.”
“You know w–what’s inconvenient? Getting caught.” The return of the dampeners is a significant problem as well, but Argent doesn’t need to know that one. How did they get them back on so quickly? 
The tension drags out entirely too long before Argent drops her hands to her sides. “Then what are you saying?”
“If we fight here we risk them finding us, or worse, damaging this thing.” You gesture behind you. “Let’s… get out of here, then w–we can decide if we’re going to k–kill each other or whatever.”
Argent narrows her eyes, flexing her fingers. Quickest of glances behind her, an opening you don’t take. “Fine.” She sighs, “No tricks, I’ve got your number.”
Oh thank god she can be reasoned with. “Come on, help me push, it’ll go f–faster with both of us.” You move to one side, making space for Argent. She scrunches her nose up, giving you a once over and then steps up beside you, grabbing the handle. Together you trundle through the dark.
“How far?”
“A distance but–” you watch her from the side, “we’re close to a checkpoint I set up to–to–to collapse the tunnel behind me.”
She snorts. “Dangerous.”
“Y–yeah well…” try to keep the emotion out of your voice, “it’d be a bother if someone chased after.”
“Too bad for you.”
“Too bad for me.”
The two of you continue along in silence. Pushing the cart is much easier now with Argent’s help. Silence is dangerous however. Too many unanswered questions, such as: “What uh– what happened with the Catastrofiend?”
“Ran. Chased it, found you instead.”
“W–well… fuck.”
“How did that thing get in there?”
“N–n–no idea.” You lie, more than a little anxious that you can’t pick up whether she bought it or not. You still have Mortum’s gun. Should you– no, no, who knows what else might come flying out. And suppose it did work, what would you even…? No. It’s not an option.
The dampeners begin to lighten as you continue further down, gone by the time you reach a split in the passage, joists in holding up the ceiling. Small miracles. “Hold on.” You brush your head over the frame, nanovores reducing it to dust under your hand. The ceiling begins to shift and you grab the cart with Argent again. “Come on, let’s move.”
“Cute trick.”
Would it be gauche to thank her for? Does she know? This isn’t the time to risk it. You can’t bring Argent straight to Rosie. Too dangerous. No, instead, take the other path as the ceiling collapses behind you. This path ends in a brick wall, easily kicked down. 
The room on the other side is pitch black as the two of you clamber through. A basement. Old, abandoned. No sense of any other minds nearby. Once you’re above ground you can just radio Rosie. But first you have someone to deal with.
Argent lets go of the cart, turning to face you. “So we both wanted the same thing. Lucky us.” You can feel it now, without the dampeners to mask everything. She’s desperate for this.
“So…” You stall for time as you try to get a read on her thoughts. “You know what this is, w–what it can do.”
Argent hunches her shoulders, reading to move. “So do you.”
“It needs to–to be assembled.” You reach back to pat the briefcase hanging from your belt. “What, are you planning to set it up at the Rangers?”
“Don’t be absurd. This is black tech.” Argent huffs. “Even my leash has limits.”
“Leash?” You shake your head. No time to unpack that one. “W–well, I’ve got a place to assemble it safely.”
“And you know how to do that?”
“Do you?”
“Whatever, that isn’t even the biggest problem here.” Evading the question? Interesting. Argent pulls off her helmet, shaking out her silver hair with a grimace on her face. “This is.”
You take a step back, cross your arms. “W–what is?”
“Us.” Argent gestures between the two of you, “this is going to take time to bring online. Weeks… maybe?” She shakes her head. “I’m not letting it leave my sight.”
“Same.” Too much is riding on this.
Argent barks out a laugh. “Why? You already have secrets you can lord over me… you know what I did: the masquerade, breaking and entering–”
“Oh please, d–d–don’t be stupid.” You wave it away, “I know the Rangers. You could explain it all away in a heartbeat. Infiltrating a villain hangout? Retrieving black tech? They’ll give you a f–fucking medal.” Is she really that scared of being found out? Why?
“And you? What, am I supposed to just trust someone hiding behind a mask?” Her voice is razor sharp, “You’re a telepath.” You wince under your helmet. “you manipulate everyone and everything around and… I don’t even know what you would want it?”
Her thoughts are barbed, hard to read but… she wants to trust you. Doesn’t want to blow this chance. But why would she? Why would anyone trust you? Ever?
You can’t tell her who you are. Not here, not now. If you were lucky she’d just kill you. She’s earned it, certainly. More likely you’ll have to go into hiding, abandon any pretense of the civilian life you’ve slowly been reclaiming. And that’s… Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to do? What keeps holding you back?
Argent is getting antsy. You need to say something before she just goes for it and attacks. Maybe you’d win, but damaging the prototype is a risk you’d rather avoid. You can’t exactly come clean about why you need it either. If she treats you with any modicum of respect now, then it’s because she’s operating under the mistaken assumption that you’re human.
The very thought of risking that, of letting it go. Of never seeing Julia again, or worse– You can feel your heartbeat quicken. Fuck. God damnnit. You’re trapped.
No matter what you do, you’re going to have to trust her with something.
Your hands are shaking as you reach up, find the clasps of your helmet. Across from you, Argent tenses up but doesn’t attack. Why the hell are you doing this? Except – she deserves to know. And what do you have left of your civilian life left at this point anyway? You knew this couldn’t last forever.
The display goes dark as you pop the helmet from the seal, disconnected from the rest of the suit. Your gut twists, a sharp pain as you struggle to keep your breathing under control. You feel sick. Unreal, like you’ve stepped outside yourself. This is such a stupid idea.
You can feel the Rat-King curl around you, trying to protect you from the danger. Joke’s on it, the biggest danger to you here is yourself.
Can barely see as you pull the helmet up, over, hold it in your hands in front of you. In this dim gloom you can’t read Argent’s face, only her mind. Quiet, struggling to process what she’s seeing. She steps toward you and you step back.
“Ariadne Becker.” If there was any doubt about her being able to see in the dark, it’s gone now. All that effort into avoiding her, and you’ve blown it in one go.
“G–got it in– in one.”
Can see her cross her arms through the gloom, shift her weight. “It wasn’t Locus, was it Ariadne?” She snarls. You can feel the fury building up in her head, leaking out through her composure. Didn’t she promise to eviscerate the person responsible?
Die now or die later, might as well jump.
“Y–yes.” You can’t look at her as you say it. “I’m sorry–”
She moves on, grabbing you by the front of your armor claws digging. Panic takes over and you drop your helmet trying to get free, only for white to explode across your vision as your head is rocked hard to the left, pain searing across the right side of your face. Her hand is the only thing holding you upright.
“Don’t you dare try apologizing to me.”
“It– it was w–wrong, I–”
The second slap hits you on the left side of your face, there’s a ringing in your ears, and you can taste copper from biting your tongue. To call her ‘mad’ undersells the storm of emotion radiating off her. Is she going to kill you? Maybe. Of all the beatings you’ve taken in your life, there’s no question you deserve this one.
“I–I–I’m sorry.” You swallow hard, fighting back nausea. “I shouldn’t have– I mean I– I know what it’s– what it’s like and I…” You’re babbling now. Too many words desperate to get out at once.
Her hand comes down again, hard. You can really taste the blood now. “Don’t you fucking dare compare yourself to me.” She growls in your face, as she raises her hand, pulling it back into a fist, and you try not to flinch. Brace yourself. When the blow doesn’t come you open your eyes.
Her hand hovers an inch away from your skin. “You used me.”
“I–I–I did.”
From the corner of your eye you can see her uncurl her fist, fingers slowly elongating into claws, piercing through the glove. “I should kill you.”
“It– It would be… pretty easy right now.” Your heart is pounding, mouth tasting copper, and throat feeling sticky. The Rat–King in the back of your head is screaming at you to do something but this… You don’t fight back, don’t struggle. This is too familiar. Memories of other times, other, brighter rooms. For everything you’ve tried to change, you’re still were you started.
If she did you in now, does the thing you can’t bring yourself to go through with… then isn’t that a victory for everyone really?
“I could do it…” Her hand is shaking, doubts unraveling in her mind. “I should…”
“Then do it already!” You cough, as she lets you go and you stagger backwards, hit the brick wall and try to hold yourself up. “I thought you– why hesitate?”
“Shut up!” She hisses through clenched teeth and comes at you again. This time her hand around your throat, squeezing just enough to send alarm bells. “You really want to die that badly, Becker?” You can feel it running through her head, all the little fantasies she had constructed about this moment.
Your vision blurs as you laugh. “Y–yeah, actually.”
Can feel something sharp poke against your neck, and then just as suddenly it’s gone. Argent hisses air through clenched teeth. “Don’t be a coward.” She touches her other hand to your face, one nail scratching just under your eye.
“You don’t deserve to get off that easy.”
A line of white fire runs down your face, blinding you in your left eye. Blink, and your vision is back but bloody. You can feel the cut run from forehead to check. Hurts like hell, can already feel the blood running down your face. This is going to need stitches.
She lets go of you, pushing you back against the wall as she steps away. Licking the blood off her finger, she glares at you. “That was for using me. Don’t ever go into my head again.”
You slide to the floor. This… this really just happened. “I–I don’t do that kind of thing anymore.” There’s no way you’ll every be able to explain it, is there? But then, it’s not really about you, is it? 
“Shut up.” Argent snaps. “You said you can put it together?”
You nod your head. You hope you aren’t over-estimating your ability.
“Then put it together. Don’t even think about double-crossing me on this.” Her smile in the dim glow of your suit’s flashlight is cold and all teeth. “Don’t worry, Becker.” She puts a finger to her lips. “This’ll be our secret.”
She turns away from you and stalks up the stairs to find her way out of whatever building this is a basement of. As she turns she moves her hand from her mouth out to the side, transitioning into giving you the middle finger as she departs.
You sit there against the wall until her footsteps fade and you lose track of her mind. Gingerly you touch a hand to your face, hiss at the fresh sting of pain. Still bleeding. Will absolutely need stitches. Probably end up a scar.
Well, it’s not like you don’t have plenty of experience covering those up.
Except… maybe you’ll let this one be.
32 notes · View notes
daddyfuckinlonglegs · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
So @lookbluesoup​ tagged me to do this, and I… well I did it my own way, as ever. It’s long, so I hope you wanna stick with it. If you wanna do it, I’ll list the questions as a comment. I dunno, I don’t tag people really, do it if you want to. Particularly @bagheera-is-back​ and @wasteland-mama​, and @saltsealed, but really, I’m enjoying reading them, so do it if you haven’t already. Nate ducked through the doorway, shaking the dirt from his shoes before stepping inside. Piper grinned and gestured to the chair opposite her, and untucked a small, stubby pencil from behind her ear. “Thanks for doing this, Blue. I’m sure they’ll get sick of hearing about you soon enough, but for now, we gotta give the people what they want.”  Nate nodded, settling quietly into the chair, the leather of his jacket creaking as he lowered himself down. He hitched up his trousers at the knee, sniffed, cleared his throat. Piper smiled at him, and nodded to the table next to him. “There’s a beer, if you want it. Help you relax a little.” Nate raised an eyebrow. “You tryin’ to get me drunk, Wright? Liquor me up and hope I spill something good? Not very ethical.” He smiled, a little curl at the corner of his mouth, and Piper looked alarmed. “Oh, no! No, nothing like, that, I mean, there’s… there’s some water too, just, y'know, thought…” She cleared her throat nervously. “Shall we get started?”
She regained her composure, pulling up a chair in front of Nate, backward, and leaning her notepad on the back of it, legs straddling the seat. “So, first up, tell us some basics; what’s your full name?” “Uhm, Nathan Christopher Stahl.” “Mmhmm, and how old are you?” Nate shrugged, that little smile playing at his mouth. “Old enough to know better? I dunno, I was thirty-seven when the bombs dropped. So, give or take 200 years…” Piper flashed him a small smile. “Okay, give the readers some idea of what you look like; defining features, as you see them, what do people notice about you first?” Nate shuffled, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Uhhh, I dunno, I’m…tall, sorta gangly? Black hair, sideburns. My… my nose is kinda…” He pressed his finger to the tip, pushing it up and exaggerating his nostrils. They both laughed, and he looked away to the ceiling. “What is this, anyway, a personal ad? You tell ‘em what I look like.” “Oh don’t worry, I intend to.” She laughed. He winked at her, and she dropped her eyes to the notepad, blushing slightly. Dammit he made her nervous. “Okay, so tell us a bit about where you’re from? You a Boston native, or…” He nodded. “I was. Been here my whole life, except for, y'know, deployment. I grew up pretty near where Goodneighbor is, right by the Common. Moved over to Newton when I was about eight, nine. It was a nice place.” Piper nodded enthusiastically. “I bet it was! Things must be so different now… What was it like, growing up before the war? Can you tell us a little bit about you as a kid, what kind of things you’d get up to?” Nate sat back on the sofa, slinging his arm across the back.  “Well, my dad wasn’t around so much, he was a SEAL, so he - a SEAL was like a really, uh, highly trained soldier, best of the best – so he wasn’t around all that much, me and my mom used to spend most of our weekends with my Grandpa, over in Roslindale. He was a good guy, let me pretty much do what I wanted to do, helped me build campfires and we used to go fishing sometimes. I never had the patience for fishing, so it always turned into a sorta… life lessons in a boat. Let me have a beer, smoke a cigarette, talked to me about girls, y'know, the stuff your parents wouldn’t like. My mom found out once, when I came home with beer spilled all across my pants, and boy she was mad. He was, uh, sneakier, after that. I got a lot of good memories with him.”  “My mom, well, she had a temper, but she always did her best. I think all the time alone must have really gotten to her, especially with me, being a mischievous little bastard so much of the time. I didn’t exactly make it easy for her, but I think she was dealing with more than I really understood, at the time. My dad…” He paused, cleared his throat. “My dad and I never saw eye to eye.”  Piper let him sit a moment, just in case he’d pick up the thread, but he stayed silent, looking off into the corner of the room, over his shoulder. He turned back to face her. “What’s next?” Piper nodded, licked her thumb and flicked the pages of her notepad. “Uhm… lemme see. Why don’t you tell us a little more about your association with the Minutemen? Rumour has it you’ve been promoted.” Nate laughed.  “Nice to hear the Boston rumour mill is still in tip top condition. Yeah, I’ve been… requested to take on a more directorial role. The Minutmen are certainly growing again, there’s more and more settlements being established as a network across the commonwealth, more and more people signing up to watch each others’ backs and have more folks to rely on in a crisis. Lieutenant Garvey has been hard at work, rebuilding the Castle and the ranks are looking stronger than ever, even got a team modding power armour.” He smiled, leaning forward. “For any raiders out there reading this, that’s a real gentle way of saying don’t fuck with us.” Piper grinned. “Might have to censor that one, Blue. Don’t want to offend the delicate sensibilities of the commonwealth’s finest, y'understand. What about the Institute? There’s some, uh, talk that you’ve been inside, some questions about who you’re working with?” Nate sucked his teeth, shuffling his feet uncomfortably. “I’m not in a position to address that.” He leaned forward. “Between you and me, my Geiger counter is in the shop, and this is a bigger shit show than anyone thought. You can say I avoided the question, say I said no, whatever. I can’t talk about it.” She wriggled in her seat, flipping a fresh page, her eyes flashing inquisitively. “Okay, gotcha. So… back to Lieutenant Garvey, he’s one of the people you’re often seen travelling with, and you two seem to have a pretty good chemistry. Is he a squeeze, or is it purely professional?” Nate rolled his eyes. “Wright, this is gossip mag territory. I thought you were better than that.” She shrugged, her cheeks colouring a little. “Hey, not my fault, the people wanna know.” Nate sighed. “No, he’s not a “squeeze”. We’re close, for sure, he’s someone I trust, and we’ve saved each other’s assses plenty of times. But the same goes for Nick, and for Bobby MacCr- sorry, RJ MacCready. Honestly, Valentine is… I don’t think I’d have made it without him. He really kept me in line when I was trying to go off the rails. I owe him a lot.” Piper smiled sincerely. “Yeah, Nicky’s a real good guy. Lotta heart, for a synthetic man, huh?” He nodded. Piper took a deep breath. “So, to press the question a little, is there anyone you’re involved with, currently? Romantically involved with?” Nate chuckled under his breath. “Not exactly. There’s… I’ve got, shall we say, interests.” “C'mon Blue, spill it.” She prodded. “Give us lonely commonwealth folks some hope.” He laughed. “Well, there’s… a little guy, from out of town, he knows who he is. And, well, Diamond city certainly has it’s fair share of pretty girls. Pretty girls with plenty of attitude, girls that make the authorities a little uncomfortable. I’m a sucker for a girl who knows how to get what she wants.” He met her eyes, and Piper’s stomach leapt. He’s kidding, he’s just a goddamn flirt. “Okay, so to move on… Enemies. You gotta have a fair few of them, being in your position?” Nate nodded, drawing his lips tight. “Yeah, unfortunately. The gunners, predictably, are not exactly looking to pat me on the back. The Brotherhood, we don’t see eye to eye either, I blew them off a while back and they’re not exactly pleased that we’re establishing a force of our own with the Minutemen. I spent enough time taking orders before the bombs, I’m really not looking to join up again. I’ve seen enough combat on other people’s terms.” “Do you enjoy the fighting? What’s the wildest combat story you’ve got for us? Spin us a yarn.” Nate considered, tugging a cigarette from his pocket. “Well, there’s… Do you mind?” He gestured at the cigarette, Piper shook her head. He lit up. “There’s a few, to be honest, taking out a deathclaw inside a museum, that was a traumatising experience. That’s where, y'see the scar here?” He tapped beneath his right eye. “Those things are lethal, even when you’re out of arms reach. Threw a big fucking chunk of ceiling tile at me, busted my nose pretty good, but made it out alive.” Piper whistled. “Lucky.” Nate shook his head. “Nah, I don’t believe in luck. I’m just grateful MacCready managed to do more than just shit his pants. Can’t blame him.” He inhaled and blew the smoke away quickly. “Don’t print that, he’ll kill me. There was the Castle, too. Big bastard Mirelurk, Garvey said it was a Queen, that was a close call. If I live my whole life and never have to smell another…” He shuddered, Piper laughed. “Not a fan of the aquatic life then?” “Not particularly. Bloodbugs though, they’re the… fuck those things. Can’t stand them. Bloatflies too, disgusting.” “Any critters you don’t hate?” She smiled. “Plenty. From a distance, Yao Guai are some majestic looking things, aren’t they? And mole rats, when they’re just going about their business…” He held his hands up like paws and stuck his teeth out, imitating the rats’ snuffling sound, and Piper laughed out loud. He grinned, and took another drag. “I don’t know about you, I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for them. And, maybe this is pre-war hagover, but protectrons, y'know, I kinda love the big stupid things. I used to work for RobCo, before I was in the Navy, and I always liked 'em the best.” Piper sat forward. “Used to work for RobCo? So you’re a bit of a whizz with electronics huh?” Nate shook his head, sucking the cigarette. “Not really. I was sales, I can do a bit of maintenance, and shut things down in a pinch, but I never had the flair for that stuff. My speciality was convincing people to buy stuff.” “Ahh, more of a sweet talker, huh?” “Takes one to know one, sugar.” He winked. “Yeah, I’ve always been more a lover than a fighter, and my mouth has gotten me into, and out of, plenty of trouble. Good with my hands, too, for what it’s worth.” He flicked his eyebrows in a quick arc, a half smile curling the corner of his mouth. Piper blushed again, laughing. “I can see why. You’re a rouge, aren’t you? What other tricks have you got up your sleeve?” “Well, I’m not a bad swimmer, my aim’s pretty good, I’m pretty light on my feet, make a good steak.” he laughed. “And I might not be a brute-force kinda guy, but I can hold my own.” Piper nodded. “And how was it, adjusting to the world out here? The radiation? You must’ve been pretty shocked at the mutants, and ghouls…” Nate nodded. “For sure, it was a shock. Coming out of the vault was… I was already in a bad place, freezing and alone and… y'know, everything. When I got up to the surface, I just… my knees just went out, and honestly, I sat and cried, I don’t know how long.” He stubbed out his cigarette.  “The next… I dunno, month or two, it was hard. Even just getting up, just walking around, it felt like all my bones were made of lead, my head full of water, y'know? I made it to Goodneighbor, but I was so sick, all the food I’d been scavving was poisoning me, and I didn’t know what the hell was happening. John – Mayor Hancock – got Amari to fix me up, but we, uh… he and I had some pretty serious misunderstandings back then, so I didn’t stick around to rest like I was supposed to. Nick really looked out for me around then, but… in the midst of it all he ended up being out of action, and Mayor Hancock ended up trekking into the glowing sea with me.” Piper’s face dropped. “I know. Crazy. Trust me, it was more crazy than it sounds. But he kept me alive, and we held up pretty well considering. I’ve never seen one man soak up so many chems before, but then, I wasn’t far behind.” Piper tilted her head quizically. “Are you a fan of… recreational substances, then?” Nate looked at the ceiling and chewed his lip. “Uhhh, I dunno, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship there. I’ve… been known to enjoy myself at a party, in the past, y'know, before the bombs. Sometimes a little too much. But things are different out here, and some can really change the tide of a fight. I’m not saying you should, I’m saying it’s an option, in a pinch.” Piper nodded. “D'you ever think about life before the war?” “All the time. All the time. So many places here have bits of my life attached, sometimes it’s like a little niggle in my stomach - “gee, I could really go for an ice cream right now!” - other times it’s like the floor falling out under you.” She sidestepped the obvious sore point, instead asking; “What’s ice cream?” Nate furrowed his brow. “It was… so it’s milk, like a thick cream, and they froze it, but not like a block of ice, it was… it was more like snow, I guess, like thick, sugary snow. All different flavours, you put it on a… a kinda waffle cone, and it just melted in your mouth, or you could put it in a soda and…” He paused, laughing. “It’s a lot harder to explain than I thought. But you’d have liked it. Sometimes couples went out for ice cream, like on a date, before a movie or something. I bet you’d have liked that too. I might even have offered to take you.” She laughed, smiling wistfully, eyes bright. “Sounds… tasty. You a soda kind of guy? I can’t get enough of the stuff.” “Well, I wasn’t,” he gestured, “before the war. But the fact that Nuka Cola is practically the same as it was then… it blows my mind, and it’s a nice little slice of memory. I heard some people are trying to find the formula, want to get the bottling plant up and running again. How’s that for an achievement?” He laughed, and Piper wanted to reach out and touch him, smooth her fingers across the little lines at the corners of his eyes, put her hand on his chest and feel his voice under her palm… She smiled at him. “Speaking of achievements, what would you say is the biggest one for you?” “Uhh, not being dead yet? I dunno, helping Preston re-establish the Minutemen is… it’s a huge thing, and I wouldn’t take credit for it all, but joining them, really making things better for people and really… instigating change. That’s something I’ve always wanted. I’m glad to be a part of it.” Piper nodded, scribbling frantically. “Any regrets?” Nate swept his hand through his hair, looking away again. “I dunno, that’s a big question. Yeah. I have some. I can’t really say more. Sorry.” “That’s okay. Would… would you say you have goals?” She leaned forward. “Things you’ve learned from those regrets? What do you want, what’re you working towards for the future?” He rubbed the corners of his mouth and thought for a moment. “I… guess I want to make a home again. Not just for myself, but for… for everyone out here. Just to make people feel safe, to bring a little bit of the lightness that life used to have. To give people back that… hope.” He looked at Piper, his eyes flicking from deep thought to a mischievous gleam. “Short term, I’d like that beer, and maybe to get laid. I dunno if you want to publish that though.” She laughed, blushing, closing her notebook and hopping to her feet. “I think that’s the perfect ending; giving the people hope, just like you said.” She stepped close to him, extending her hand, and he shook it warmly. “Thanks for being such a good sport, Blue. And… if you ever want to hit the road with someone, you just remember where to find me, 'kay? I’m always on the prowl for a new story, and you seem to just… scoop 'em up, by accident. I think it’d be a lot of fun, travelling with you, and I’m not too terrible with a pistol either. You gimme a shout, y'hear?” He stood, tugging his jacket down over his stomach, and nodded, smiling. “I’ll be sure to do that.”
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Runs in the Family
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Here, have an unneeding long fic for your x/ex lore needs!
Genre: Angst (& Fluff) Characters: Xisuma, Ex, Joe Summary: Xisuma is always the one to clean up after Ex, but how far is he willing to go? Word Count: 2306 Author: Mod Al
The town was certainly quiet.
Xisuma had told him to stay put for the day so that they could “leave a good impression” in the town before they left, but was he going to listen? No. Was he going to take the risk? Hell yes. Nobody would know if he didn’t get caught, right?
As long as he didn’t get caught, it would be fine.
Evil Xisuma quietly dropped onto the railing of the window, it was the middle of the night, and the guards were sparsely placed here and there. They were nowhere near him and his place of action, thankfully. He pushed the glass lightly, it was a moderately rich appearing house--by all means, it should get him something good… And, of course, like any house, the windows were locked. Nothing a little good ol’ lockpicking wouldn’t get open.
He quickly opened the lock and dropped into the house, swift and quiet. Stealing had such a negative connotation to it, but that was nowhere near to the truth. Ex rarely stole from any market merchants, and almost exclusively stole from the richer population. It wasn’t like they’d miss a few pieces of jewelry, anyway.
His foot dropped onto the polished wooden boards, producing only a small tap of noise. Ex glanced around; his tiefling eyes could see perfectly well in the inky darkness of the room. And it appeared that he had landed in one of the guest bedrooms. If it had been the main bedroom, there would have been someone there, sleeping. But you know what? That made it a whole lot easier on his part.
Ex pushed open the door gently. The hallways were dark, and not a single creature was in sight. Good.
The pale-skinned tiefling walked down the hallway cautiously, his tail low and bent down. There were countless houses of the similar model that he had walked through, it was almost standard at this point. He’d even begun to see patterns as to where people were most likely to hide valuables.
He approached a cabinet in the kitchen area. People often overlooked the cabinets, but he didn’t. Quickly picking open the flimsy lock, Ex glanced inside. There was a ton of tableware in it, but he pushed the items aside only to find exactly what he was looking for.
A small, wooden box. He pulled it out from the covers, and quickly turned around, planning to leave the house.
But the sound of shattered ceramic, and the sight of a small figure before him, stopped him in his tracks.
It was a little dwarf girl, presumably a servant, with the shards of a broken platte scattered at her feet. They stood frozen for a moment, shocked into silence as they stared at each other, and then she began shrieking.
Ex panicked, half of him screaming at him to run while the other half told him to shut her up before anyone found out. He reacted on impulse, pushing past her with panic keeping his mind blank except for the sole thought of getting the hell out of that kitchen. He sprinted down the hall, leaving the sound of the servant girl screaming and yelling for the guards in the background.
He grasped onto the window sill and heaved himself out of the building in such a hurry that he didn’t even land properly and slammed face first into a wall. Groaning, he pushed the pain to the back of his mind and started running as fast as he could out of the alleyway he’d fallen into. The tiefling ran into the open streets. First mistake.
Second mistake? Assuming that the guards were busy.
They weren’t.
The first thing he noticed was the sudden numbness he felt in the side of his head. The guards had met him at the entrance to the alley, far too many and far too sudden for him to even hope to fight them.
Someone punched him on the side of his face, knocking him over. He was never as built as his brother and was much more agile, but that sacrificed modest defense. He fell to the ground, coughing. He opened his eyes, moonlight reflecting in his pale red irises.
Another punch fell onto his face, and just like that, he was out like a light.
Birds chirped from outside of the inn building as sunlight peaked in from the window. The paladin, having awoken before dawn, sat on his bed, sharpening his sword.
It was awfully loud for so early in the morning. He knew that this town was a trading focused town, but he didn’t expect the markets go up so soon…
He sheathed his sword, standing and moving to the door. He opened it and immediately saw a panicked bard, one hand raised to knock on the wood. Joe seemed nervous, unsettled. As if he was bearing bad news.
Xisuma could guess what it was. This always happened.
“Xisuma-- You have to come right now,” Joe spoke. His voice, though worried, was calm as it ever was. “Ex is missing.”
“And? This isn’t anything new---”
“And he got captured. By the guards.”
That was the last sentence he wanted to hear.
He wanted to speak, but anger was bubbling in him. Sure, his brother was a troublemaker, but he always knew how to get himself out of it. This, though…
He had a feeling that this time was different.
“What happened?” Xisuma yelled. He immediately felt sorry--what had Joe done, after all? It wasn’t Joe’s fault.
“They captured him, and now… He’s outside. They’re gonna cut his hands off for attempted robbery and for breaking in.” The human spoke softly. “’suma, I know you’re protective over him, but please just--”
“Words aren’t going to work. Joe. He’s a tiefling. They won’t listen.” Xisuma hissed.
Joe sighed, “Xisuma, please, just calm down, I’ll talk this out? Alright?”
“There is no talking it out. That’s my brother, and they’re not going to just let him go.”
“X, if it makes you happy, you can come with me ‘n’ talk it out with the guards.” The bard suggested.
Xisuma breathed out, an attempt at calming himself. And nodded, afraid that another word will snap his patience.
A certain Warforged and another paladin looked out from their rooms as Joe and X walked together out of the inn.
He’d been tapping the wooden floor for a good 10 minutes now.
Joe had been talking with the guards outside of the prison for even longer. It was less than two hours before the punishment would be delivered. They were running out of time. The guards weren’t backing down, but they were stalling. They refused to answer any of Joe’s questions and despite the man’s pleasant demeanor they weren’t even really listening to him. Xisuma watched his teammate’s face as it grew more and more worried, while his own grew even more angered.
They were all like this. Not a single one would listen.
When you’re a tiefling, even if you're not suspected of committing a crime like his dumbass brother, you’re automatically guilty.
Xisuma clenched his teeth and gripped his crossed arms, ignoring the worried glances from his other party members and focusing on his own mind.
If the guards weren’t going to let his brother go… Then he would.
Of course, it wouldn’t look good on him, not at all. Their parents would be absolutely livid when they found out. But for god’s sake, that was his brother. His baby brother. He couldn’t just let this happen. Of course not. If it was him that was in this situation, Ex would do the same for him without question, no matter how much his younger brother like to poke at him. It was the least X could do to repay Ex for always seeing him as… Him. And not the expectations everyone else gives him.
He sighed.
X looked up, locking eyes with Joe, who had returned from talking with the guards. No words needed to be exchanged. He knew the results were not in their favor.
“Come on. Let’s go.” He spoke in a low voice. He strode out of the room. Everyone else trailed behind him, exchanging uncomfortable looks with each other.
“What d’ya mean I can’t speak to him?” X shouted. He was trying his best to stay calm, really, but who could blame him for failing in that regard.
“Sorry sir, we can’t let you speak to him until we’ve confirmed that you’re one of his family members.” The guard spoke. That. Same. Damn. Line.
“WH-WH-LOOK.” He breathed in and out again, pushing his anger down. “We can solve this civilly, and no one has to get hurt. Alright?”
“Sir, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
That was it. He was done with this fucking wall.
“Listen up. That’s my fucking baby brother you are holding there. I don’t care if he did anything wrong. In fact, I will pay you to let him out. How does that sound?” X forced a smile and spoke in the sweetest voice possible. Joe immediately whipped around and stared at him in disbelief.
“Sir, you know I can’t take bribes.”
The paladin was moving before the man had finished the sentence. He grabbed the guard’s head and smashed it into the nearest wall. That might have been too much, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to let Ex stay in that holding cell a minute longer. He pressed the guard’s face against the wall and held it up to his own.
“Listen up, motherfucker. You don’t have much of a choice in this matter, do you? Before, you at least had something in return. But now? Watch this,” he whispered, watching as the fear crept into the guard’s face. He paused for a moment, let the threat sink in, and then dropped him. “Of course, I won’t actually do anything.”
He brushed off his hands and grabbed the cell keys from the guard’s pelt. “You three, run as far as possible, I’ll catch up later.” Xisuma said, turning towards his party.
Joe, Biffa, and Wels were staring at him in shock. They had never seen their leader snap quite like this before, and for a moment--for the first time that morning--Xisuma faltered. But they listened to him, nodding and offering a strange array of a soft smile, a vindicated smirk, and Biffa’s odd little half-grin he gave when there was mischief afoot before running off. It left him full of confidence. The guard at his feet scrambled away, nothing but a rat.
Ex’s cell was cold and damp. He sat on the dirty floor, moving tenderly. His pale skin was covered in purpling bruises, and his face was bloodied. He heard footsteps coming down to the basement, and he looked down--with people like these guards, it was best not to give them any reason to perceive disobedience or insult.
When the key turned in the cell door, though, and the person’s frantic fumbling was obvious, Ex looked up to find not a guard stepping in but his brother.
“’suma-- Wh-- What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here-”
“Talk later! We don’t have time!”
Xisuma grabbed ahold of Ex’s arm, and he winced slightly when the hand wrapped just a bit too tightly around one of his worst bruises. X bodily dragged him out of the cell and then, when he finally found his footing, led him upstairs and through the upper levels. Behind them, guards poured out from the back area.
“Xisuma. Answer this honestly-- Did you beat the fucking guard up?” Ex pulled his arm from X’s grasp, keeping pace.
“Well, what else was I going to do?”
 Let it happen. The words fell quiet on Ex’s tongue, unsaid as they ran through the town. The entrance approached ever closer. Honestly, he’d figured X thought he deserved whatever punishment they were planning to give him.
As they left the town, the path under them became more and more overgrown. It soon melted into grass as they ran into a forest, where they diverged completely from the path and into the cover of the trees. They were outside of the town now, and they had long lost the guards. So they stopped, catching their breath.
Ex stood awkwardly as X called Joe on his stone of farspeech, discussing where to meet up. The second those plans were made, though, Ex was launching into a reprimand.
“What was that?”
X turned to him, glaring, dropping the stone to let it hang around his neck. “I fancied myself saving you, dumbass.”
“Who even said I needed saving?” Ex stomped his foot. It was childish, perhaps, but he was beyond caring.
“They were going to cut your hands off!”
“I would have thought something up! I always do! You didn’t need to-”
“Of course I needed to!” Xisuma exclaimed. “Obviously I needed to! You’re my brother, obviously I wasn’t going to sit idly by while they cut off your damn hands!”
“Do you know how pissed our parents are going to be?” the albino tiefling bellowed.
“It doesn’t matter! All that matters is that you’re safe!” X yelled in return.
Ex’s throat suddenly tightens up. He could feel his eyes watering up, he desperately tried to hold it in. But it broke out into a sob and then suddenly he was crying.
X’s footsteps continued for a moment before stopping. Then they came back, and suddenly Xisuma’s arms were around him and his face was resting on the paladin’s hard-ass chestplate. His hand was rubbing Ex’s back, just like he used to do when they were children. “Don’t worry about it. Your safety is more important than my future, Xonet.”
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V3 Boys + Playful Wrestling
The V3 boys playfully wrestling with S/O?? :DD You can choose whoever wins uwu!!
Ohoho... hoho! Playful-Wrestling! This sounds really adorable... this entire request has been purified by the cinnamon gods!
I had a joy writing this, so I hope you have a joy reading!
-Mod Shuichi
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Did you truly think Kiibo of all people would start this battle off? Because you are sorely mistaken, you had sneaked up behind your unaware robot boyfriend who just casually sat on the bed watching some episode’s of Blue’s Clues... before you strike at him!
You tackled him down onto the bed with a playful battlecry which sounded more like a laugh.
Kiibo immediately screamed out in shock and tried wiggling out of your weak grip to no avail.
You had basically pinned him down back onto the bed, you were face-to-face and everything just waiting for him to push you off, or maybe place your master plan into action! “I’ve got the lead, eh?” Time to-
“S-S-S/O what’s going on?! W-What are you doing, I am sorely confused! D-Did Kokichi set you up for this, please let me go or I shall be forced to use my recording functions to-!”
“... Woah.” You squint at him. “Kiibo do... do you not know the difference between play-wrestling and like actual violence.... wait give me a second.”
You let go. “I’m not trying to hurt you, this is just us playing together y’know? Like... Like just messily rolling around? Actually hurting each other is a no, alright....? Um! Are you in? Or should we stop... like here’s how it works, whoever surrenders loses! Unless you want to stop playing.”
“Oh I see... ah! This seems promising so we can continue it for now... Alright then so you mean for us to... ahem... do things such as this...?” You suddenly felt Kiibo nudge you gently in the side, you smirked to yourself before you went back and gently tackled him placing your hands at his sides before...
“... You’re already dead.”
“... Eh?” You placed a light kiss against the side of his face with a giggle, before peppering the side of his face with yet another kiss.
“... A... Ahaaaah... S-S/O what are you doing...?”
You grinned, a flash of terror bounced back in Kiibo’s eye as his fate was sealed.
He never had a chance, Kiibo’s flustered gasps echoed throughout the household. You almost felt bad but his reaction was too adorable for regret, you only stopped when he said he: “surrendered.”
By the end of it he politely asked the two of you could... play-fight after he studied the topic... studied this topic so he understood it.
You swore you saw some smoke rise from the top of his head... maybe you went too far...? He seemed happy at least.
Shuichi Saihara
It had all started off with some nudging and teasing, all in good-intention of course! Shuichi had recently been in need of some fun with him getting himself mixed into some more cases his uncle needed assistance with, heavily needed assistance with...
“Shuuuiiiichi! C’mon! C’mon! Pleaaaase? I loooove yooou, it’ll be quick! Just got to see who wins?” You lightly elbowed him in the arm earning a weak sigh... he looked down tiredly at you, and pushed his hat down.
“S/O... I just don’t see the need to...-“
He was cut silent by you body slamming into him so you both fell onto the couch.
His hat fell behind in straight onto the floor, you were on top of him laughing like a madman.
“S-S/O!” You could hear a light chuckle come from out his mouth, before you gently rolled yourself away so you weren’t pushing down all of your weight onto him.
“1-2 1-2! Whose the chaaampppiiiion?! Meee! I’m the winner! Ding-Ding-Ding!” You could see him smile slightly as another weak chuckle came out of his mouth.
“S/O... Aha... I guess I... I could spare some of my time onto this, just... just...”
“This time while I’m actually ready...? And body-slams aren’t permitted... otherwise your disqualified.”
“... Of course.” You leaned down to place a loving kiss onto his cheek, before another battle commenced...!
You won each time, you were fighting the beta of betas, but each time around the hardships of his life seemed to evaporate, he looked far too happier than before...
That’s all that matters to you.
Ryoma Hoshi
It all started off with you wanting to find out if Ryoma Hoshi was ticklish, the most dastardly move of all time while the two of you were watching the news, he had no clue for what was to come.
Well that is until you got giggly about it, you put your hands over mouth to cover that far too cheeky expression on your face he just knew something was up...
So when you went in and tried to land a move, you were thwarted within a second.
He immediately threw a pillow in your direction, somehow it landed straight across your face and you almost fell back, the only thing stopping you being your own demise who took you by the hand and pulled you forward towards him.
By the time you fell back straight where you were before, Ryoma picked himself up, you could feel his hand lightly brushing against your ribcage.
You sputtered as a laugh coughed it’s way out of your system, he grinned back at you.
What have you done?
You tried to resist against fate by pulling back and retreating, but it was of no use...
Despite your best efforts throughout the battle you barely got a touch on him, he had that stupid sly smirk on his features as your stomach almost hurt from how hard you were laughing.
It only ended when you took ahold of his arm, while still laughing and managed to stutter out: “I-I surrender! I-Iiii- haha! I surrender!”
He let go of you a chuckle escaping his lips. “Heh, guess you still got a ways to go if you ever want the rise on me.”
You lost this fight... but you swear you’ll win the war.
Kaito Momota
Play-wrestling was a far too normal occurance with Kaito, just him suddenly lifting you above his shoulder before you fell straight on the bed and he began to nip at every part of skin within eyesight, just him gently rolling onto you as you wrestled away both your laughter echoing throughout the household.
So it was just another day in the morning when Kaito picked you up like you were a sack of potatoes and threw you over the bed before jumping with you himself, the widest most glorified smile on his features.
“Kaaaaito... noooo... I didn’t get breaaaakfast.” Your protests went unanswered as you could feel him place a kiss against your neck.
“C’mon babe! This is just to wake you right up alright? Kaito Momota’s daily dose of affection, heh.”
“Nooo o o o o.” Sadly nobody other than Kaito could hear your pleas as he placed the most loving kiss against your mouth which just took all those worries away, flashing off his widely-known grin across the whole universe.
holy shit what the fuck, this planet’s so good
“See? Are ya’ up?”
With a reply of kicking him off of you before pinning yourself down upon the astronaut and attacking him yourself with a barrage of kisses you felt the world was at peace...
You continue until the both of you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro would always go along whenever you would suddenly seek battle with him, like today for example when you pushed him over down onto the bed all he did was let out an “cry for help”:
“Oooh no... l’ve been attacked by S/O! Oh boy I wonder what their going to do to me, they are the Wrestler Supreme... And pretty cute on top of that, however can I get out of this mess?” Then he usually just let you do whatever you were planning to do without a second glance, you smirk to yourself.
“Mwahaha! That’s right there’s no way to escape, so surrender...!” You take out your best villain impression, you even pull out the most malicious grin you keep.
“Okay.” He responds with leaning back onto the bed, with an 👌 hand up.
God damnit.
“Rantarooooo... can’t you at least like... struggle? I feel like I’m winning a battle that I can’t lose...” You gently take both of his hands before pinning them above his head, he laughs.
“Because you can’t, I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.” He somehow manages to reply as you lean in slightly.
All he did was press a light kiss against your forehead, you jokingly punched him in the arm with a pout.
The one-sided wrestling commenced, you can guess who won.
Gonta Gokuhara
When you tried... even if you had no bad intentions or even thought behind this...
Gonta started to cry, the match was cancelled. He can’t even pretend to play-wrestle with you by the off-putting chance he accidentally breaks a bone or two, that would keep him from being a gentlemen...!
Comforting the gentle giant was easier than it seemed, you just promised you never try anything like it again.
Kokichi Ouma
There’s no way Kokichi didn’t start off this battle.
No way.
It was a day to study for the upcoming tests tomorrow, you were trying your very best to engrain each detail straight into your mind just for these exams flicking away page after page, the window had been picked at, you didn’t notice a thing.
Kokichi snuck in quiet as a rat, the only implication he was ever there the malicious aura he put off as he tip-toed ever close.
All it took was two words for you to fear your life, especially with the sensation of his hands wrapped neatly around your shoulders.
“What’cha doing?”
As soon as you turned around you fell to the floor with Kokichi above you, with the most shit-eating grin on his features.
“Heeey! Sleepy-Head! Why aren’t you picking up my texts? I was waiting so long for you...”
“Kokichi! I told you... I’m studying! You almost gave me a heart-attack- what are you doing? We can hang out later just let me finish my studying...”
You tried to pick yourself up, but his arms were currently around towards your sides. “Heeeey... S/O... you know... I don’t like you forgetting about me like that, I want you to look at only me... Just having the thought of you pay so much more attention to some dumb work, makes me angry...” His expression went somber, oddly somber.
“... Take responsibility... Apologize... I’m not letting you go that easily...”
Suddenly that smirk you too all too well was back. “That’s why I’m going to tickle you till you apologize, okay? Reminder I wuuuub-wuuub you!”
“NONONO.” You try stuggling out of his grasp, his hands already touching at your sides as you try to wrestle away from his grasp.
All you could hear was his deafening laugh as hellfire was unleashed upon your sides.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
You were rather bold this morning, finding yourself wanting to do something different with your stoic boyfriend, you wanted to see his reaction to fighting but... playfully!
It started off with you head butting him in the side which seemed more like a muzzle if anything, then came along the small jerks and teases that hadn’t even gotten a reaction out of him, it just took you pushing him down onto the couch as he was reading another story for you to get anything near emotion.
“... S/O if you wish to attempt to do the sacred act of showing our love to another? There are better ways to show your affection than pinning me down, you could have always asked.”
You felt your face flush red as your hands let go upon instinct. “What? No! It’s not like that, I just wanted to... wrestle a bit... I-I-“
His bandaged hands took ahold of your hips, you squinted at him in pure confusion, embarrassment, somewhat shame alike.
“... I do not wish to harm you, I much prefer the alternative I suggested.”
“Holy man I love you.”
Korekiyo manages to completely distract your mind from the thought of fighting, it wasn’t like he would be able to win if you did try to do so...
Harming that beauty sacredness of your body be like committing a great sin that cannot be redeemed.
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confideinmylions · 5 years
task no. 1-A :the fourth wall 
an interview with tara “terra” markov
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part one: no memories
[RIGHT BEFORE THEY WATCHED] take a look at the cover art and title. what do you think you’re about to watch? do you think you’re going to like it?
teen titans? oh! oh oh oh! this is based on a comic, right? i’ve only started to see some of their stuff recently. their, uh... dc? i don’t know, i’m a marvel girl myself. but i’m sure i’ll like it! i like superheroes and every thing. plus, this team looks like it has some sick ladies. though i hope, since like... they’re teens there isn’t some teen drama bullshit going. balancing superhero and civilian life is all fine and dandy, but i want some action!!
did you enjoy watching it? would you watch it, if more content came out?
i did! i really liked it! they really balanced like... comedy and drama? kinda? i don’t know. i weirdly liked how they have no civilian identities. they’re just... always the teen titans. even when they go out for pizza. ( she laughs. ) i don’t know if they could make more? it had like... a definitve ending? like, i don’t really get why they brought terra back for the finale, but like... i do kinda get it? like with the show ending, its sad but you gotta move on? kinda? i don’t know. i feel kinda bad that the terra chick got like... a season arc... but starfire didn’t. like we see these glimpses of her past life! and like! we could’ve had more of that!! so much more!! but whatever. it’s a good show. i’d rewatch it.
who is your favorite character? how about least favorite? who do you think is overrated and under-appreciated? who deserved better?
beast boy is the obvious fave. he’s funny. you get glimpses of, like, his duality. but he’s funny. and his friendship with cyborg, is just like... the best. i also loved starfire. her innocence and just like... genuine kindness made me really happy. but beast boy is still top.
uh... there’s like a lot of characters that come and go... recurring is slade. obviously. he’s like a typical villian. not really all that interesting. i liked the hive and even mad mod a lot more as villians. slade’s too damn serious. fuck him. if i have to choose a least favorite main titan, i don’t know. probably robin. he’s also too serious, but at least he has his moments.
overrated? uh... maybe robin... a part of me wants to say raven, but she probably had one of the best season arcs, so she get’s like major props for that. like she would’ve been my least favorite character. so! moody! smile for once! but like her season makes me... get her a lot more. like i get it. and robin is just a typical leader. he’s nothing special. also he does some shitty stuff and people seem not to care.
underrated would either be starfire or... maybe cyborg. starfire is kinda shown off as like this ditzy alien sometimes who robin kinda has a crush on, but like fuck that. her innocence and kindness isn’t a weakness and she can clearly kick anyone’s ass. and she didn’t even get her own season... cyborg is just never recognized for his sheer genius. whatever, he’s the literal cyborg thus he’s the tech genuis but like... if i were made part robot, i wouldn’t know any of that shit. give that boy some credit.
uh... starfire definitely deserves better, in terms of her use in the show. in terms of like... what happens to them... terra? maybe? she’s gets like a seaon arc but the titans go from like really pissed at her betrayal, which like, rightfully so. really rightfully so, but then try to pull the “we’re still your friends! you don’t have to be this way!” like fuck ooooofffffffffffff. everyone’s in the wrong here. if slade didn’t take control of her body slash powers, i would be surprised if she would still have sacrificed herself. also, how the hell did that turn her into a statue? like what’s up with that?
as a viewer, did the ending satisfy you? why or why not?
like i said, i don’t get the whole episode being like... beast boy stalking the terra-lookalike. that was weird. i get the message of like moving on and things changing, but... i don’t know how else you would have ended it. they didn’t like... have to use the girl beast boy had a crush on to portray the message. i’m sure there’s other ways to get the same thing across, but it kinda works, i guess. i’m a little sad it had to end in the first place.
do you have any unpopular opinions about any characters, story arcs, etc?
um... i really liked starfire. like, yeah, they could’ve given her more depth but i think that just comes from her lack of a season-long arc. like we only see glimpse of her tamaranian life, and they’re kinda far and few between. 
who are your favorite couple(s) to watch? how about least favorite?
i don’t really... like actively ship characters. i like the depth of relationships and i love love love friendships, especially complex ones but... romantic stuff can just get in the way. that being said, i’m happy like there’s not too many romantic subplot. 
my favorite is... i really liked watching the innocent relationship between beast boy and terra. do i think beast boy should have stayed, like, obsessed with her? no. of course not. but i liked their dynamic. it’s like a first real crush kind of thing. terra isn’t used to like... people actually sticking by her. like being her friend at all. and beast boy is funny! people rather thing he’s so funny! so it’s no wonder he had a little crush on her back! it’s cute, i guess.
robin and starfire! ugh! like, whatever, i get it. there has to be like one couple on the team i guess, but snoozefest. she kisses him for like knowledge. get over yourself, birdboy. and in that... movie thing... uh, whatever, i don’t care about your romance! give me action and friendship. that’s what i’m here for. thanks.
what do you think of TERRA? be honest.
i can... see myself in her a bit. she’s cool, but so so so so so so so dumb. she jumps to conclusions, doesn’t really listen to anyone. she’s super distrustful. i don’t think she like... knows... how to have any sort of relationship. it’s not super explained. it’s just like... hinted she doesn’t have a home and is like a wanderer. i don’t know. she’s cool, albeit i don’t know if they needed to keep using her for beast boy development. 
if you could give TERRA any piece of advice, what would it be?
girl needs to be more patient. like it’s so damn obvious that you don’t have control of your powers. it’s not that fucking hard for the team to see that shit. beast boy didn’t rat you out. nobody ratted you out. don’t just fucking run away, god.
part two: memories and realization
how does it feel knowing you’re a piece of entertainment for millions of people?
... shitty. i don’t need people seeing my dirty laundry.
do you still feel like your canon actions, thoughts, and feelings are your own?
i mean, yeah. i remember why i did what i did. i... didn’t think i could trust anyone. i wouldn’t even say i trusted slade. i mean, okay, yeah. i did. i’m the idiot that trusted the main villian. i’m dumb, i never denied that, but... i did what i did. i probably would’ve done that even if i wasn’t uh... a cartoon character.
if you could say anything to your fans and / or creator, what would it be?
i know i’m dumb! i get it! let it go! i didn’t want to be used to torture beast boy either! he deserved better! he didn’t deserve my bullshit! i agree! but c’mon!!! be a little nicer...
how do you feel about being a main or minor character? in your opinion, is your portrayal accurate, or were you painted to be a certain way?
i was like a main character for a season. i’d argue. i was with em for a while. a long while, but they obviously existed a long time before and after me, so that’s accurate. i’m just glad i got like... a sympathetic edit. like it showed my redemption, and i definitely didn’t deserve it. i deserved the game show backstabbing bitch edit, for sure.
what was the hardest memory of yours to watch unfold on screen?
the whole... ( she’s struggling to find the words. ) the like... date with beast boy. that whole... thing. the deed was kinda already done when bb gave me the ( she lightly chuckles ) the mirror box thing he made and asked me out. i, obviously, said yes. eventually. i just wanted to get him out of titan tower. i didn’t want him to get hurt. in hindsight, i really didn’t want anyone to get hurt. but i really didn’t want bb to get hurt. and it was a really fun night too. i was about to own up to everything i did! really! i was! but then slade just had to show up and... i wasn’t proud of what i did! but then beast boy said... “slade was right... you don’t have any friends...” and... and i didn’t really have a choice anymore? did i?
what are some things you didn’t know about yourself / your loved ones before watching this? ( like something that happened that you didn’t know about )
i, uh... i didn’t know uh... the whole little memorial the titans had for me. or like bb’s little speech. ( she can’t help but smile. ) maybe if i knew that i wouldn’t have like... straight up disappeared.
what moments do you wish were never shown to the world?
they didn’t show a lot. i probably would’ve preferred if my, uh, “date” with beast boy. like they needed to show my, like... whatever. it helped with the plot but i really wish that whole night was more private.
looking back, do you have any regrets? or decisions you really wish you hadn’t made?
uh, yeah, no shit i have regrets. beast boy didn’t tell the titans anything. i just jump to conclusions. all of my bullshit could’ve been avoided if i didn’t leave in the first place!! i’m an idiot! i own up to that. i only went down hill from there. i realized my mistake too late. i shouldn’t have listened to slade and i should have trusted the titans lot more. 
what do you think of how the other characters, your peers, saw you as a person?
they were always kind to me. i mean, until i betrayed them, but then they like kinda showed me some mercy and then after i died they were really nice about remembering me, but yeah. they definitely didn’t have to like... honor my sacrifice. i deserved to have perished after what i did to them. they needed need the whole... “a teen titan. a true friend.” thing. 
you have one chance to defend or justify any of your actions. go ahead.
i’m not defending anything i did. what i did was wrong. i eventually knew that. that’s why when i, er, woke up, i refused to face the titans again.
[IF YOUR MUSE DIED IN CANON] what was it like to watch your death unfold?
i mean... i sacrificed myself... it was literally my own doing... i knew what was going to happen. okay, maybe i didn’t i didn’t expect to turn into a statue. i also didn’t expect to like... get turned back to normal... so did i really die?
remember the advice you gave yourself in part one. are you going to follow it?
anxiety and self-doubt are two very powerful drugs. i think i’m a little more patient now... but yeah. also i still find it hard to trust people. so who knows if i’ve actually grown. whoops?
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nln4 · 5 years
two - a sidesteps parallel universe fic
In which @ratastrofiend‘s Paris and Mikoto pair up for some wacky villain hijinks Word Count: 2442 Rating: T for team, of which there is no “eye” in. TW: eye horror, death
In the darkness of the secluded hallway, his armor glows bright enough that he has to crouch out of the way to avoid detection. He’s been relegated to look out duty (which he promptly grumbles about in his mind, loudly enough for you to hear) while you prepare your part of the plan - breaking into the security network of the tower that houses a treasure that he apparently needs.
How he ropes you into the plan is beyond you. It starts with a series of texts over a couple of weeks, which you oblige, since you were naturally curious. 
[>Can you look for security exploits in X Tower??]
[>I’ll pay you.]
It’s not like you need money. You’re not quite as obscenely rich as he is, but you live a comfortable enough life. 
[>In ice cream. Lifetime supply.]
Fuck, he’s got your number. 
But presently, the glowing gold pulsing lights in his armor are really throwing off the dark-vision of your helmet cams and you wave him further away so you can focus on the task at hand. 
“You know, we’re supposed to be sneaking in,” you think, thankful that your powers provide a built in communications system. Frequencies can be dialed in to, conversations can be heard when spoken aloud. “You’re going to draw guards to us like moths.”  
“Look at me,” he thinks, with a gesture to the gold and white armor that adorns his body, a beacon in the darkness. “Does it look like I sneak?”
“Maybe it’s something you should consider,” you retort in your mind, quickly unscrewing a metal panel. Behind it are ports, usually meant for on-site maintenance (a poor design choice that made this mission actually possible). 
This particular panel is the closest from the rooftop entrance that you two entered and so far, the plan is working well. Sneak in, shut down security systems silently, sneak out. That’s your usual MO and the only way you would agree to his plan at all. 
“You have nanovores,” he thinks viciously, pointing to the housing cage on your wrist. “Why not actually use them? And can’t you hurry it up? The second round of guards are coming soon.” 
“First of all,” you think back, plugging in an ethernet cable into the port connected to a miniature laptop. “No one is supposed to find out we’re here, so a hole in the middle of a metal panel would be out of the question. And secondly, no, I can’t, these computer systems are slow as shit, they’re probably still running on last century’s operating system.” You’ve never quite understood how some of the world’s supposedly most valuable secrets were guarded by a computer running on decades-old software. 
…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ !! Don’t rush! the Rat King squeaks. It’s a chorus of voices, both yours and his, and behind your helmet, you grin at the fact that both sets have your back. 
“You shut up,” he thinks, pointing at the containment unit on your helmet, absolutely annoyed. 
“Don’t be mean!” 
…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Yes, no mean!
He taps a booted foot impatiently, cursing up a storm in his head. But the back of his mind is running a series of numbers, almost like a clock ticking down; he must be keeping track of foot patterns, time schedules of when the next wave of guards are set to make their rounds. You have to shield to focus on the puzzle in front of you. 
Finally the command prompt opens, cursor blinking and you start typing.
“What, no ‘Virus Uploaded’ screen?” he jokes. 
“You know full well that’s not how it works, asshole,” you think, still typing. Your helmet helps you parse through lines of commands, making sure there are no mistakes as you work and you silently thank Dr. Mortum’s genius. 
“They’re coming,” he thinks and your vision splits, half focusing on the screen in front of you, the other half watching him shift his position into one ready for attack. 
“Give me two minutes,” you signal, holding two fingers up, almost a peace sign. 
“You have one,” he snarls in his mind, head looking back over his shoulder at you before turning the corner to dispatch the oncoming security guards. 
“Once again, not how it works!” 
But 120 long, long seconds later, your rootkit is installed and you quickly unplug cables, screw the metal panel back into place. A few feet away, he leaps into action, with the grace and precision of a hunting predator. He drags four unconscious bodies away and sends a mental blast through their minds so hard you can feel it almost rattling your brain in your skull. They’ll have a blinder of a headache tomorrow and you don’t envy them one bit. 
“Safe room,” he thinks and you nod. The rootkit lurks silently in the system already, and the first job was to record the last ten peaceful seconds and feed a loop to the CCTV cameras. Fortunately, the safe room is only one floor below and the two of you move silently down the stairs. You’re almost reminded of your old Farm days, back when you worked with the HIVE Squad. Certainly, your little ragtag mob don’t move in the same way as trained little soldiers do. The two of you move as one seamless unit, with him taking point and you keeping an eye (and a mental feeler) for anything following from behind. If just one of you can wreak enough havoc on Los Diablos on your own, two telepathic powered villains could dismantle entire regimes. 
He holds a fist up and you pause, the both of you waiting before rounding the corner to the safe room. You try to pick up any waves, any presence lurking nearby but there are none and it seems like he’s satisfied with the current situation as well since he starts down the hallway to the safe room without you. 
“Thanks for the heads up,” you think, walking fast to catch up to him, hoping your mental voice is tinged with enough sarcasm. Sometimes it doesn’t quite pick up; you’ve found that mental and physical inflections can vary. 
He doesn’t look back, merely shows you his middle finger over his shoulder and you stick out your tongue, grateful for your helmet. 
“I still saw it. We’re telepathic.” 
The HUD on your helmet shows that it’s been a good five minutes since your plan has started, which means that the next step should start any…
One floor down, your helmet picks up the sound of electronic distress noises, computers alerting their human handlers of a massive DDoS on the tower’s servers, but the attack is just a smokescreen to turn their eyes away from the security breach that’s about to happen. 
“875639,” you think and you watch as he takes out what appears to be an eyeball, complete with dangling optic nerve, from a compartment on his belt. 
He wiggles it teasingly at you and you grimace. “Look.” 
“It’s a Mod,” he clarifies and upon closer inspection  (the optic nerve just a connective wire), it is, and you wince at the poor sap who has lost their sight twice now. The power from his armor is enough to bring the singular Mod back to life and he holds it up to the retinal scanner. The safe door blinks green, accepting the security measures and a pneumatic hiss issues as the metal door swings open. 
For a second, your mind wavers, like a dampener being turned on too close by but you chalk it up to weird physics. Perhaps two Sidesteps are not mean to occupy the same space at the same time. You look to him to see if he notices anything but it seems like he doesn’t.
According to schematics, there should be motion detectors and alarms, but those have been turned off by the rootkit. Inside the safe is a metal briefcase and you have to wonder what it houses. Whatever it is, it’s valuable enough that he’d come all the way here to get it. 
But since he’s preoccupied with the case, you see the gun before he does and you don’t get to warn him fast enough before he lifts it. The displaced weight snaps a rope and in turn pulls the trigger, like some fucked up Rube Goldberg machine. You shove him out of the way as the bullet streaks past and bite back a curse as it pierces through the joint of where the chestplate and pauldron meet, where your suit happens to be less armored. What are the odds, you think. 
“Well, well,” a voice behind you says, with the signature click of a cocking gun. “Instead of one little mouse, I’ve caught two.” 
You recognize the slimy voice, even without seeing the person - Javier Xuan, notorious business mogul. Corrupt as they come in these parts. He has a news segment where he extols the wonders of “his” inventions that makes you turn off the television every time. 
“What do we have here?” Xuan continues. “Do you like my little trick? Old fashioned, but it works--” 
Apparently Paris is a quicker draw than you are since he yanks the gun from the rudimentary rig and fires, point blank into Xuan’s forehead. You stare in horror as the man crumples lifeless to the ground, a marionette with its strings cut. 
“Huh,” he muses coldly, staring down at Xuan’s body. “He was in his office in my world.” 
“Paris!” you think in alarm. “What have you done?” 
You look to him and his helmet may hide his face, but his thoughts are furious with rage, incoherent enough that you can’t get a handle on them. His Rat King chitters incessantly, trying to soothe him. 
Klaxons blare and lights flash red around you, and you know you’ve done your job perfectly to turn off all of the security, so there must be a separate system - sure enough, Xuan’s Modded eye pulses red in time with the flashing lights and you have to hold back a bitter laugh. A Mod with a dead man’s switch. You suppose he must have dampeners installed as well, as he escaped your mind sweep earlier. 
“You okay?” he asks, voice distorters turning it into a low growl. 
“Yeah,” you reply. There’s blood seeping into your skinsuit but you’ll live; the nanomesh weave acts like a bandage until you’ll peel it off later. You’ve had plenty worse. You’ll live to see plenty worse too. 
He crouches down and plucks out this Xuan’s modded eye as well, claws on his armor serving him well. There’s a sickening sound as he takes the trophy. 
“Sorry we didn’t see eye to eye,” Paris gloats, waving the Mods in the dead man’s face before shoving both of them into the utility compartment on his suit. 
“Paris, that’s disgusting.” 
He shoves the body further into the safe room, locking it without even a glance back, and you have to marvel at the lack of remorse at all. Just another mission complete. 
“Well then, let’s get out of here.” 
“Did you really have to kill him?” you ask, leaning back in the ragged computer chair in your warehouse hideout. “Now there’s going to be an investigation, and guess whose ass the Rangers are gonna go after? Me!”
“He was already dead in my world,” Paris says loftily, taking a strip of gauze from the first-aid kit for cleaning. “Might as well have a matching set. Now hold still.”
He daubs at the wound (not terribly deep but still left a good angry tear in your arm) and deftly applies antibiotic with a cotton swab. He has to sit close enough to you to treat your shoulder and from this distance, you can see stubble growing along his chin. Dark eyes gaze from under long lashes and you have to begrudgingly admit it’s a good look on him. And you think he hears you, since he smirks, the asshole. 
“Ow!” you yelp. His fingers move quickly against your skin but the ointment still stings like hell when it makes contact. 
“You big baby,” he says, signature sharp-tooth grin stretched across his mouth. “Get over it.” 
“Might I remind you that I took a bullet for you,” you grit out, fists clenched. 
“Please, it barely grazed your shoulder.” 
“Barely??” you say, indignant. “Look at it!” 
“I am looking. Of course, I’d rather play doctor in a different way,” he says, taping the gauze in place. “If you weren’t being so difficult.”
You flip him the bird with your good hand, remembering his gesture from earlier and he lightly bops you on the nose in return. You take back everything you thought earlier about him looking good because he’s as infuriating as he is handsome. 
“So, what’s in the case?” Although you think you might have an inkling, with Javier Xuan’s recent billion-dollar investment in GeniTech. 
“Something one of a kind,” he says, placing the final pieces of medical tape to secure the injury. “But I needed two.”
“So you decided to hop dimensions to get another one?” you ask, incredulous. “Will that even work?”
“Who knows. Only one way to find out.” His grin is brilliant as he looks at you, obviously pleased that his plan played out well. 
“I feel sorry for your Los Diablos,” you say dryly, sliding your hoodie on carefully and trying not to disturb your arm. 
His eyes study your shoulder, and there’s an odd, almost tender look in them. How is it that the both of you are telepaths yet it’s so difficult to tell what he’s thinking? 
“What?” you ask, and your tone is a little more caustic than you meant it to be. His eyes have moved from your shoulder to your face and you have to fight to keep from flushing. 
“You get a new scar now,” he says. “That one will be our story.” 
“Please go.” You pinch the bridge of your nose to stem off your headache. The entire mission has been a headache. “Back to your world. Now.” 
He leans down to draw eye level with you, hyena grin on his face. “Aw, I was going to kiss it better.”
He throws his head back with joyous laughter as he takes the suitcase and merrily walks to the doors but before exiting, he turns back. “Get some rest! I believe we have an ice cream date,” he says with a wink. 
“I fucking hate you,” you call as he vanishes, and you sink back into the chair, adrenaline finally running out and weariness hitting your bones all at once. 
But you smile anyways. 
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wesker20 · 5 years
Fallen Hero 1.5 Episode 1: I Really Hate Polymorphs
On hindsight you are starting to regret beating the Rangers so handily. In the last four months you have become the new target for most new and upcoming heroes seeking some recognition. Is not that they are any good or challenging, but you have seen bigger villains fall because they were swarmed by many weaker heroes. If you weren’t careful, one of them could get lucky and take you down. Like the one you fought last week. You beat him easily enough but he managed to sneak in a hard blow, destroying half of your mask. Mortum had a field day with that one. You killed him but still, if he had harnessed any more energy into that punch, he could have decapitated you.
So lately you have become a little paranoid; ok more than usual, keeping an eye out all around while your crew takes care of a small gang that decided to take your name as theirs. Yes, that is another problem: small time criminals taking your name to have a better reputation themselves. This latest one has taken to calling themselves the Army of Mastermind. Besides how lazy that name is, they smear your reputation by randomly killing anyone who insults them. Not that you are against killing obviously, but killing a guy in the middle of the day, on a public street because he called you “a little bitch” is stupid and in turn makes you look petty. So a message to all other gangs who have your name is in order. And so you put all of your contacts to use and one of them gave you a tip of where their hideout was.
“Boss,” you hear Pelayo’s voice in your communicator.
“Everything’s set.”
“No boosts or mods in there?” you question to make sure.
“None that we have noticed.”
“Good. Move in,” you order. Plan is simple. Get in, plant a small bomb and get out before anyone knows you are here. If anything goes wrong your crew has their orders to escape as fast as possible, no heroics or last minute attempts for success. Or at least deep down you hope it goes that way. And then you hear the explosion.
“Pelayo, what’s going on? That came out early.”
“They knew we were coming boss.” You hear shooting and screams through the communicator.
“And I remember ordering you to escape if that was the case,” you answer, frustrated.
“We tried but-“
“Nehal,” you whisper with little surprise. The girl needs to learn self-control.
“And then Zaza followed up.”
You roll your eyes at that too. Too trigger happy for his own good. Thankfully Zaza is a great shot so at least no bullet will go to waste. “Get out of there now, that’s an order. And tell Nehal that if she doesn’t follow, I’ll go there and knock her out myself,” you finish. It would not be the first time she tries to fight it out to the bitter end. You admire her determination but you have more use for a living underling than a dead one.
You quickly jump down, using your rockets to soften your landing and run through the alley towards the gang’s hideout. You begin to wonder how they could have known you were coming. Someone tipped them off obviously, but who? Only you, Rosie, and the rest of the crew knew of this. Not even Mortum knew. Ok scratch that, she most likely did, but you doubt she would care or bother to do it. And even less if it meant endangering Jane. Rosie is too loyal for that and the crew would not sabotage their own mission. So who the hell tipped them off?
And then you feel the sudden thoughts of rage and you duck, dodging what appears to be some sort of long rope. You turn around and see someone standing at least twenty feet away in the shadows. And they have an unnaturally long arm, long enough to reach you. It takes you a second to put two and two together and realize that what you thought was a long rope is actually an arm and you roll to the side dodging the incoming attack from said arm. Having failed the arm retracts back to its owner and the owner walks out of the shadows.
“Didn’t thought I would find you here. Lucky me,” says the figure in a feminine voice, a young feminine voice. As you stand up you eye her up and find a young woman, probably no older than Herald, dressed in a red and white skin tight suit and a mask that covers most of her face except for her mouth and her long black hair. She stands in front of you, fists closed and eyes staring deep into you, and you sense a deep seethed rage directed at you. What the hell did you do to her?
“If by lucky you mean you’ll end up as a bloody pulp then sure, let’s go with that,” you answer with sarcasm. It’s nothing new for you, just another rookie biting more than they can chew.
“We’ll see about that asshole.”
“You know it’s rude not to present yourself. My name’s Mastermind,” you say making an elaborated bow. Might look like you are cocky and not taking her seriously… ok the second half is true but the first half is not. You are simply trying to extend the conversation, confuse her, or piss her off. Either of those three will give you an advantage over her and see what she is about.
“And I’m about to kick your fucking ass,” she yells and both of her arms shoot forward, elongating and aiming at you. Pissed off it is. And she’s a polymorph. Shit.
You are long out of the way by the time the arms reach you. But then her arms quickly retract and she leaps forward turning into some sort of wheel and rolling at you fast enough that you need both the Rat King and your own abilities to get out of the way. Damn, she’s fast. May be a rookie but she knows how to use those powers. Shit. You really hate polymorphs.
They are arguably one of the most, if not the most, annoying enemies to fight against. They can stretch, twist and transform their body into almost anything they want. You cannot punch them or kick them unless you want to be trapped in their elastic bodies, and you can’t lock them in keys or locks as they either slip out of your grasp or turn those moves against you and lock you on one instead. Or both. And that’s just physically speaking, mentally speaking it is a whole other issue. Their minds are as chaotic and transformative as their bodies, you get in and you might never get out. You can sense some surface level thoughts but that’s it. Anything else risks getting you trapped in their minds.
“Pelayo, I’m a bit occupied. Don’t wait for me, just go. I’ll meet you all at the hide out,” you whisper into the microphone.
“Boss, are you sure?”
“Yes. Now go,” you say with authority. A quick yes sir and now you have nothing to worry about. Well except for Polygirl over there. She quickly jumps from wall to wall and jumps at you, expanding her body until it resembles a sheet; a big, big sheet that threatens to cover and trap you, a sheet that you cannot dodge. You really hate Polymorphs.
“Got you,” she yells triumphantly until you rest the palm of your hand on her and activate it. Suddenly a small shock of electricity shoots out and the girl screams in pain. She lets you go and falls back. Just a little thing you asked Mortum to add just in case you found yourself surrounded by multiple enemies. It instantly paralyzes most people and heroes. But of course, polymorphs just love to spit in the face of that.
You flex your muscles trying to look as nonchalant as possible. “Listen I got better things to do, so how about we call it quits tonight and meet another day shall we?” you say. You are sure that will not work but it doesn’t hurt to try.
“You are not getting away!” she yells and launches herself at you. Oh great. You shoot your palm forward but she twists her body around you and instead tangles herself through your entire body, tying up your arms and legs. You shoot your rockets and fly both of you against a brick wall, crashing through it and knocking her down. Instantly your mind is swallowed up by the Rat King’s own as it tries to protect you. You soothe it, letting it know you are safe and sound. For now anyway, you have to get out of here fast. This girl is determined to get you for whatever reason. Huh, what is her reason?
“Hey I’m beginning to wonder, why do you want to get me so badly?” you ask taking the direct approach while mixing in a bit of mockery. She seems a lot more determined to get you than most other rookies you have fought. Not only that but you felt her rage before you first saw her and then again when she rushed at you. She really hates you.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You don’t even know who I am?” she says as if it should be obvious.
“I have far too many other, better things to do than to search up every rookie who thinks they are good enough to fight me, so no.”
“You arrogant son of a bitch. Do you even remember the hero you killed last week?” she says more pissed off and incredulous.
“What about him? Another rookie who thought he was big shit,” you say as her eyes narrow on you. Though you asked, you are starting to put all of the pieces together. And you do not like how that looks.
“He was… he was,” she tries to say, tears in her eyes.
And you catch the stray thought “Oh, boyfriend.” Shit. Should’ve known something like this would happen. “Alright listen up, he’s the one who rushed at me first ok? Is not my fault that he…” but your words fall on deaf ears as her hands grow, pick up two dumpsters and prepares to crush you with them. I really, really hate polymorphs.
You rush out of the way but she throws one at you that catches you. You end up with a dumpster on you and through a brick wall. Thanks Mortum for her suit, you really appreciate it. You push the Dumpster out of the way to find yourself inside an abandoned building. You quickly come up with a plan, just lure her in and use the nanites to eat through a column and let the roof fall on her. It wouldn’t kill her but it will delay her for a while. Well, you hope so.
“Ok listen can we at least talk about it,” you say but she shoots another elongated arm at you and you dodge. “I guess that’s a no.” You dodge another incoming attack and position yourself just besides a column.
“You’ve caused enough pain already. There’s nothing to talk about,” she says.
Your eyes narrow on her so much you think she could see them behind your mask. “Kid, you have no idea what true pain really is,” you say and proceed to touch the column with your left hand. The nanites shoot out eagerly and devour the column. The girl gasps as she stares at the disintegrating column. You rush out of the way just in time as the roof collapses on top of her. The entire two stories building falls and you wonder if that was a bit excessive. Movement under the rocks change your mind and you decide to move. But just as you begin walking your communicator turns up and you hear Pelayo’s voice.
“What is it now? Did Zaza or Nehal do something stupid again?” you ask wondering. First Polygirl over here and now something else.
“No sir. Worst. We have a big problem.”
You hear someone scream a curse, a scream that can only belong to Nehal. “How big?” you ask.
“A big silver problem.”
Oh, Argent.
Episode 2: Three's a Crowd
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crazynekochan · 6 years
(Edit from Mod: Warning: Character Death)
It would have to be like the whole separate casts being in a game. They eventually get connected in some way but it’s different games. Monokuma is Billy the puppet and Junko is jigsaw. It is a lot like the second movie in terms of multiple people being put in one collective trap and with each basically having their own trap inside. It would be an escape room situation where they all are in one “room” being like HPA or the islands from the second game or the academy from V3. They would need all people to get through like the Exit from V3. They would get seperated from the others by the execution chains around neck where the others can see and hear but the cannot bee seen or heard by the tested person. I kinda just came up with a whole part for kazuichi randomly. The only tying I know is that Gundham and Hajime and such are alive but no real fate known of the others really. They could be alive or dead but gundham is important for kazuichi’s test.
“Hello Souda Kazuichi, the Ultimate Mechanic! It is time for your test! You have let your abusive father rule your life all these years! You have let and at times played apart in his shady repair and vehicle sales for fear of your own life, negatively affecting innocent people! You are in a chamber adjoined to two others. In one, your abusive father. In the other, a loving mother to a son whose father your father’s scams have put into the ground! Their chambers are both steadily heating up! If nothing is done, they will be ingulfed in flames. The button in your own will serve as your choice. Press it and the mother goes dies! Disable it and your father dies!But wait! It isn’t so cut and dry! Each degree both of their goes up by, yours goes down by the combined amount! That button will dictate your own survival as well! Disable it and you die with your dad! Press it and only the mom dies! By the way, if you state or otherwise imply indecision, well, that IS a decision! And that decision will kill all three of you! The clock is ticking! Chose wisely! Save yourself and the source of your despair or hope that the afterlife is kind and that the son is appreciative of your sacrifice!”
The annoying cackle faded away to grating static and the temperature in his own room was already lowering- or was that his own paranoia and anxiety already fucking him over?
He looked through the two way glass to the adjoined chambers. Two people chained to the walls and set to face him. One he unfortunately recognised and the other he didn’t. The woman looked confused yet rightfully terrified. His father, on the other hand, looked angry.
“What the fuck have you gotten us into you little rat!?”
Kazuichi flinched as the man yanked at his chains.
“What the fuck are you waiting for!? Push the fucking button and let me out of here!”
“Do not speak to him like that!”
The mother. The mother glared at his father with such sincere distaste that looked peculiar on her sweet face. She looked at Kazuichi with kindness he had only felt a few times that were far to uncommon.
“Listen Souda-kun. This is entirely your choice. Do not let him pressure you into anything you are not comfortable with. And… Do not let sympathy force you to give away your life. My husband was an awful man, ” she gave a small smile, “My son calls him a demon to this day. If anything, he deserved his death. But you do not! If you decide to live, I will not hold it against you! Just…”
She gives him a tender look, too tender and trusting and kind to someone that could very well kill her if he chose.
“Ensure that you live your life to the fullest, for both my and your own sake.”
Kazuichi stared at her in awe.
He… No matter what she said, would he really sacrifice her for his own gain? She… She didnt deserve this any more tham he did. Certainly not as much as-
“You heard her! Push the fucking button! Hurry the fuck up before I make sure your life is a living hell!”
…not as much as he did.
The cold was numbing his fingers and he could see the beads of sweat rolling down both their faces.
…He raised his hands to the button.
“… It’s hell either way, right? Might as well pull you down with me, right dad?”
“You bitc-”
His father’s chamber went up in flames. The screams are satisfying.
“Congratulations! You have saved the life of the Ultimate Breeder, Gundham Tanaka’s Mother! Well, aren’t you a good boyfriend! At least… Former boyfriend? Upupupu! Let me give you a little reward for your great morals! You get to watch your pops die THEN you die! But that’s not all! I’ll even speed up your death too! That way you won’t suffer too much! Aren’t I a good sport?”
Mrs Tanaka’s door opened and her chains opened. Her eyes never left the shivering Kazuichi.
She crawled forward.
“You… You are the one he was talking about?! I… You make him so happy!”
Her eyes welled with tears. He gave a small smile, his blue lips breaking, the blood quickly freezing in it’s place.
“Well, this is it, folks! Like father like son! Let’s see this duo out with a cold one!”
Water poured from the ceiling of his chamber. Mrs Tanaka watched in horror as it froze on contact. She banged on the glass.
“Stop! Stop this, please! You are killing him! Please!”
“That’s the point lady.”
Her banging grew more desperate.
….Well… It didn’t really matter much when the boy on the other side was already frozen.
(You love it breaking my heart, don’t you my dear? I knew quickly what was coming since I know you but it still made me sad ;-;
But otherwise great story)
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