#moira delilah
pyxinavis · 4 months
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I don't have much but character doodles of my dnd ocs, except for Ild. Ild is my bf's npc for a campaign I'm playing in; she's pink and cute.
I have a ton of profiles on my Toyhouse account.
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So obviously we all appreciate Patrick's glorious thighs. Can you please point me in the direction of some fics where David is appreciating Patrick's thighs? Ta
Every day is Patrick's Thighs Appreciation Day on the farm!
5 senses, or an ode to Patrick's thighs - Poutini (@cheesecurdsgravyandfries)
Canadian Roads - @shimmies
Denim Distraction - iola17 (@beaiola)
Do you wanna fuck a snowman? - @ships-to-sail, @yourbuttervoicedbeau
I See You - @im-televisions-moira-rose
if i survive, i'll dive back in - dameofpowellestate (@mymariahcarey)
Just a Couple of Needy Grapes - @delilah-mcmuffin
Letters to my Lover - railmedaddy (@rmd-writes)
Piledrive my Heart - @lisamc-21
These are my Compressions - @simplymarleycat
The truest thing he knows - @smallumbrella369
Thigh love you. - Poutini (@cheesecurdsgravyandfries) Two Months - orphan_account
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Snippet Sunday
I was tagged by @lizzie-bennetdarcy. Thank you!
Please enjoy this snippet of my desert island AU.
They land together in a heap, with Patrick pinned beneath him. David has both legs hitched around Patrick’s waist and he’s leaning so far forward that their noses are touching. Patrick has the wind knocked out of him because a full-grown man has just jumped on top of him, so that explains why he’s breathing as heavily as he is. David, on the other hand, has no excuse. The coconut and the knife lay nearby, a still life gone terribly wrong.
“I actually didn’t want you to hurt it,” David says, rolling off of Patrick’s lap and smoothing at his sweater as if his reaction was perfectly reasonable. My name is David Rose; you touched my coconut; prepare to die. “It’s been with me since the beginning.”
Patrick watches him carefully, the way you watch someone who has just shaken their fist at the sky, or yelled at a passing cloud, chest still heaving. There’s dirt by his eye and David thinks he might have accidentally scratched a mark across Patrick’s chest. Patrick shouldn’t leave so many buttons undone, though. That’s on him. “Okay,” he responds, slowly.
“I didn’t realize how important it was to me, until…”
“Hey no, I get it,” Patrick says, holding up both hands as if to prove he’s no longer armed. “We all need an emotional support coconut sometimes.”
Tagging @jamilas-pen @weathereyehorizon @this-is-bwr @mostlyinthemorning @delilah-mcmuffin @wordthieve @im-televisions-moira-rose @mildly-hebraic-looking-elf and @rmd-writes.
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weathereyehorizon · 2 years
Inspiration Saturday
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Thanks for the tags @mostlyinthemorning and @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 !
I'm editing and getting ready to post something new soon. These are the photos I've been playing with for my cover art.
Tagging @noahreids @dinnfameron @delilah-mcmuffin @im-televisions-moira-rose @treluna4 @hippolotamus @smallumbrella369 to share a photo or image that is inspiring their writing today. 💛
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Asheville Water Crisis and New Years Eve Bail Out
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This week on the show, we’re sharing two local conversations with community organizers providing mutual aid in Asheville, NC.
2022 NYE Noise Demo & Bailout
First up, we’re sharing a short interview with Beck of Pansy Collective, a queer DIY benefit booking collective responsible for Pansy Fest. Beck talks about the 2022 New Years Eve noise demonstration and bailout that Pansy helped to fundraise for (alongside the Asheville Community Bail Fund), as well as the Buncombe County Jail being reported by the Citizen Times newspaper as the deadliest jail in North Carolina as of January 2021.
Asheville Water Crisis
Then, we you’ll hear Elliot of Asheville Survival Program (Instagram or FB), M of Asheville for Justice and Moira talk about the water crisis that started on December 24th, the city’s response, how mutual aid stepped up to distribute water and more. To read statements by the 16th people facing felony littering and other charges for mutual work and solidarity here in Asheville, check out AVLSolidarity.NoBlogs.Org, or check out our transcripts or episodes from (10/31/21, 12-26-21, 5-15-22) for more words from the groups involved. You can also check our show notes for links to other projects mentioned here and if you listen to the podcast or stream on our website or various platforms, you can hear Sean Swain’s segment.
Next Week...
We announced that we’d be airing Rhiannon Firth talking with Scott about her recent book, Disaster Anarchy, but we’re putting that off until next week. Patreon supporters can find it released a tiny bit early.
20th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair
If you’re in southern Europe, the 20th annual Balkan Anarchist bookfair is coming up from the 7th to 9th of July in Ljubljana, Slovenia. If you want to table or present, submissions are still open and more info can be found at their website, bab2023.EspivBlogs.Net
Fundraising for JJ Ayer Eagle Bear
In prior weeks, listeners heard updates from the struggle against evictions at Winnemucca Indian Colony. Jimmy J, who spoke in the December 25th episode has set up fundraising to help him overwinter via the venmo: @lunaleve
Comrades Conspiracy
There is a fundraiser online to support four anarchists accused by the Greek state of participation in a terrorist group the state is calling “comrades”, a case which has stretched out for nearly 3 years now, and their trial is slated to take place on February 6th of 2023. Learn more at FireFund.Net/Solidarity4Comrades
Leon Benson Fundraiser
We’re happy to announce a re-entry fundraiser for Leon Benson (aka EL Bently 448), a wrongly convicted man in Indiana being organized by IDOC Watch, out of Indiana. Leon was the subject of a chat with his daughter, Koby Blutt, in our May 30th, 2021 episode (audio and transcript available at our website). You can find it at GoFundMe.com by searching Leon Benson.
Eric King Release Fundraiser
There is also a fundraiser going for post-release support for anarchist prisoner Eric King that you can find at GoFundMe.Com
. … . ..
Featured Tracks:
Dead Men Don’t Rape by Delilah Bon
Check out this episode!
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saessenach · 1 year
3 and 12 for the end-of-year book ask!
hiiiiiiiii, here goes:
3. What were your top five books of the year?
(Queen of Attolia and other rereads notwithstanding) in no particular order:
Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson,
The Violence by Delilah S Dawson,
Moira's Pen by Megan Whalen Turner,
A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft
and a tie between The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran and Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz
12. Any books that disappointed you?
A fair amount haha! My first read of the year was A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier and that one disappointed me so much it singlehandedly made me want to read more, just to get that story out of my system. Other notable mentions are The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley and The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty (which had me in a chokehold for 450 pages, but then the ending just didn't land with me)
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freak60000 · 3 years
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gaslight gatekeep girlboss (in that order) @citsuac
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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#3 for your whole squad 👀👀👀 - @xynchronicity​  3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? the whole squad WHICH I DESERVE
Abril: She is incredibly extroverted in person and speaks to herself when she’s alone. Sometimes doesn’t know how to be quite. [ “It’ll be fun they said, fly to Rialto they said” ]
Akande: Incredibly intimidating and professional among watching eyes. You have to be in this business everyone is looking to cut their strings [ or get thrown over a waterfall ] so it isn’t good to let his guard down. On his own time he’s rather somber. A man that likes to read and sit by the fire for some peace.
Angela: She is incredibly professional and rigid with nearly everyone having been in the medical field in most of her developmental years she’s got some emotional dissonance and struggles maintaining and keeping relationships. Which ironically is no different than she is on her own. Which is the MAIN problem.
Widowmaker: Widow is almost a ghost of  Amélie when she’s alone. She talks to herself in French, like she’s speaking to an entirely different part of her psyche sometimes. She says and does things she cannot explain, which are muscle memories from her past life. She is mostly silent and resolved when among others. Doesn’t speak unless spoken to.
Delilah: All my muses are so professional, they have an image to protect. Delilah is no different, she is trying to bridge the gap between humans and omics. Though it’s not going so well. Despite her peppy attitude, in her solitude she feels incredibly alone and sometimes seems to droop and sag when she’s on her own.
Delaware: Barz is the grumpiest old man to ever exist. He speaks his mind when around others. He doesn’t hesitate to give Ashe a piece of his mind because he’s been around long enough he feels comfortable doing that. You’ll often hear him grumbling like the old cod he is when he’s on his own.
Genji: Genji has a lot of self loathing he still struggles with on his day to day for the hand he played in his own fate and how he pushed Hanzo. But does his best to be upbeat and cheerful around others so that he doesn’t worry them. He’s may have recovered from his rage but it still exists. Don’t be fooled, Genji finds ways to take out that bottled up rage in a healthier manner than lashing out at others like he used to but normally does that on his own.
Jack: Angry. He’s so angry all the time, he lashes out so easily at others now even the people he was close to or loved. He has these large stone walls that incircle him. But on his own he just sits in silence reflecting on all the mistakes he made. Trying to figure out how he got here and how he can put an end to it.
Hana: Hana’s entire life is on the grand stage and people thing she’s this KAWAII DESU sort of gamer girl, but D.Va is a persona that she puts on to keep her people at peace about the dangers beyond. On her own, she’s far more serious, a hero complex in the making. Spending 90 percent of her time perfecting combat and the MEKA. She’d rather be prepared than famous.
Hanzo: Hanzo has a very bull headed resistant attitude to anyone that approaches him. But in his private time he refuses to look in the mirror, really against his own reflection because if he stares at it for too long he’ll realize he is the monster everyone says he is.
Soyon: Soyon does not express emotion in similar ways as people, she often has a fox like curiosity when around people, often shaped by the people she spends time with. She only turns feral around the Shimada’s, but she is one of their protectors. Soyon is a woman of very few words both in her own time and among others. She is a bit more sly when on her own though, sometimes smiling for no reason.
Moira: She’s a huge nerd, which is masked by her disdain for humanity and dislike for nearly everyone she works with. Her eye rolls are hard to take seriously when you know she’s rocking out to anime openings and j-pop, to which she knows all the words to and definitely sings to herself when she things no one is around.
BONUS: Echo: Echo is curious, constantly asking questions when she’s around people, often repeating things over and over - not necessarily because she didn’t hear you but becasue she’s saving those words in her data bank. On her own she often practices her impressions where they don’t freak anyone out.
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pyxinavis · 2 years
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Some might have seen parts of the first image before, but I decided to repost it with the full thing. These are just some of the doodles I’ve been doing in Procreate in my spare time. All dnd characters, but most of them haven’t been played yet :’)
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arielovessims · 3 years
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It’s time for Margo to leave for college! It’s exciting to see what’s going to be in store for her.
Moira brought Eleanor home from school and played a very long game of chess until Delilah showed up to take Eleanor home.
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d-istyx · 7 years
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school gesture homework that turned into quick Dishonored Moircy, cause I was in NEED
ko-fi | patreon
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hi witches! i’m in an incredibly angsty mood lately, and have been struggling to find some real tear-jerker david/patrick fics… do you have any recommendations for those? thanks a lot!
warmest regards <3
Um, best wishes with this list? Grab your kleenex, friend.
An early winter - littlebebecrows
Crossing out the good years - @nontoxic-writes
Evergreen - unkindravens (@corvidapocalypse)
Fine - @walnuts-and-berries
Five ways it could have ended (and one way it still could) - @yourbuttervoicedbeau
For Certain - MoreHuman
How It Is - @im-televisions-moira-rose
let your heart be light - @blueink3
The love left behind - @delilah-mcmuffin
Meet me out at the end of my rope - @yourbuttervoicedbeau
One year - faithnomoar
sometimes good things fall apart - @blueink3
To come out the other side - @unfolded73
Where the Real Road Lies - @unfolded73
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grimlykid · 7 years
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the new overwatch character looks great
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corsairesix · 6 years
They need to make a Moira skin that’s just Delilah from Dishonored, with no changes.
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weathereyehorizon · 2 years
share the last line of your work in progress, then tag as many people as there are words in it.
Tagged by @hippolotamus , @mostlyinthemorning , @lizzie-bennetdarcy , @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 , @rmd-writes , @chelle-68 , @im-televisions-moira-rose 💛
“You’re here. You found me.”
Tagging @delilah-mcmuffin , @noahreids , @treluna4 , @nontoxic-writes , @thesleepyskipper
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dwagom · 6 years
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so what’s with all the zero-ethics david bowie look-alikes in recent games?
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