#montacrew memes
rorygilmoreh4ter · 11 months
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i’ve been thinking a lot about montacrew this week…
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tybaltstan · 2 years
Benvolio: So when are we gonna tell them? Mercutio: Just give them a minute. Romeo: *Pulling on a door that clearly says push.*
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alleyskywalker · 9 months
2023 Fanfic Year Wrap-Up Meme
Number of Fics: 53 Number of Unique Fandoms: 6* (ASOIAF, GoT, HOTD, Harry Potter, War and Peace,  Romeo and Juliet) Number of Unique Pairings: 35 (repeat ships: Throbb [6], Alicole [3], Tristheon, Theonsa, Patheon, Tris/Sansa, Montacrew OT3, Romercutio, Regulus/Evan, Dransy [2 each])** Total Number of Words: 104,970
*Counting ASOIAF, GoT and HOTD as different fandoms because that’s kind of how I’ve been doing it when tagging and stuff.   **Only counting ships which were primarily featured as a focus of the story. Often times ships would hover in the background but weren’t counted. # Gen: 21 # Het: 24 # Slash: 20 # Fem: 3 *Some stories fall into more than one category.
# PG: 33 # PG-13: 17 # R: 3 # NC-17/Explicit: 0
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?. I’d say more. I actually beat what I wrote last year, despite writing less (if my calculations are/were correct) for Battleship than I did last year (in 2022).
Where did you publish/archive your stories? AO3 with some cross-posting to Tumblr. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I accidentally fell in love with Tris/Sansa this year… Did you take any writing risks this year? Not as many as last year I think, but Battleship always inspires weird shit. *gestures at space selkies* Do you have any writing goals for the new year? I always do and then I never accomplish them. But no ok…I WILL finish that throbb WIP I started posting, good lord. What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Always hard to choose but either This Love Feel I (That Feel No Love In This) or Tore My Heart In Sunder. Okay, NOW your most popular story? Going by kudos, Sweet Misery. Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion? The Tris/Sansa fics, though I get it lol. Mm also Adjust For The Wind, maybe, bur it does have like 5 lovely comments which is pretty good for a niche gen fic. Story that could have been better?
There’s always a few, especially with Battleship. Most fun story to write? Mmm several were in their own ways, but like....Tore My Heart In Sunder was super cathartic in a way so lets go with that. Story with single sweetest moment? The Sweetest Marriage is, as the title suggests, pure domestic fluff.
The story that made you cry? If any did, it was probably Tore My Heart In Sunder.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story? Hmm I don’t think there was one this year? Sexiest story? This year was really not about that lmao (like even for me). Hardest story to write I kind of want to say Homeward Bound (the space selkies ones) but idk. I wrote it super fast lbr and just kind of let it do its thing. There’s always several fics that are difficult in different ways/different types of painful and it’s hard to compare sometimes.
Easiest story to write? Mm this isn't saying much, really, especially that it being super short is part of it, but probably In Robb's Dreams. Most unintentionally telling story Ok, so actually…A Soft Epilogue probably because I think it Says things about me as a throbb shipper at least. Story you haven’t yet written, but intend to Still hoping for to materialize the throbb/reyne longfic AU somehow…
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wheretobuygoodurl · 2 years
Mercutio: Well boys, looks like we can't mansplain, manipulate, or manwhore our way out of this one.
Benvolio: Maybe we try the girl version.
Romeo: I was thinking malewife it.
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barricadebops · 4 years
Mercutio: You fainted, do you remember anything?
Benvolio: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital
Mercutio: There wasn't an ambulance, I carried you there
Benvolio: ...but I heard a siren
Mercutio: Yes...that was Romeo
Romeo: I'm sorry! I got nervous...
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celestialsky198 · 2 years
it seems i have rather unexpectedly stumbled on to the Shakespeare side of tumblr, a surprise that, while not what i originally intended for my dashboard, is nonetheless absolutely delightful. a particularly popular play appears to be romeo and juliet. however, i have (regrettably) not read or seen a production of romeo and juliet. thus, my good gentlefolk, i am here today to present, for your viewing pleasure, what i think mercutio, romeo and benvolio are like, as informed by tumblr memes. i hope you enjoy my fever dream of a presentation on the gloriously nicknamed montacrew.
- extremely dramatic, to the point of sacrificing his own safety for the aesthetic
- possesses little to no sense of danger
- gayyyy
- sticking around for the DramaTM
- prankster
- would speak purely in memes if social media existed when the play was set and would have held a funeral complete with an elaborate mourners procession and a gravestone for vine when it eventually lost relevance
- is one of the main sources of comedy - minute he dies the whole show hurtles way way faster to the train wreck of a tragedy it will eventually become
- no braincells. there’s nothing but dust and a few pebbles rattling around in his head
- tipsy half the time, however it’s almost impossible to tell the times when he is and the times when he isn’t apart because he’s just Like That normally
- bad at expressing his emotions but genuinely quite sweet when he can get his words out properly
- theatre kid but cannot sing for the life of him
- this doesn’t stop him tho
- feral
- if he has a problem it is not his for very long as it very quickly becomes EVERYONE’S problem
- the biggest flirt you’ve ever seen in your life
- very excitable, sort of like caffeine if it were a person and made poor life decisions
- poofy sleeves
- petty crime
- level head (kinda)
- he has more than one brain cell which admittedly isn’t a lot but it’s millions better than the other two
- so so tired
- tries to keep the other two in check and out of trouble but is becoming slowly more feral due to exposure
- dumbass in training if you will
- also a silly and a prankster but feigns reluctance bc he (sort of) has a reputation to think of
- mercutio on the other hand has no reputation other than being ridiculous and thus has nothing to lose
- deathly loyal and very supportive of his friends even if it’s kinda their fault that they’re in trouble
- boy has been through some next level suffering, he is not okay, someone get him some therapy and maybe a hug
- lots of deadpan humour
- dating mercutio
- probably deserves better he’s seen some stuff
- gays are never happy :(
- confident, fairly easygoing but has limits you don’t cross
- with him you joke until he gives you The Look and then you shut up quick
- dog person
- possible clairvoyance?? i don’t make the rules
- feelings!!!
- will cry. just in general. about anything.
- impulsive as heck
- big romantic, the ‘sighs dreamily’ type
- simply does not Think, at anytime
- this means he can screw up sometimes and be a bit of a jerk but he means well
- he does not jump to conclusions he hurtles towards them at 200mph
- sad often
- anytime he appears on the scene things escalate
- *slight air of tension but generally quiet* *romeo appears* *all hell breaks loose*
- optimist but easily disappointed
- prankster also
- they all joke around to be honest
- unearned confidence
- refuses to listen to any and all authority
- a little gullible but we don’t hold that against him
- just an ongoing, never ending crisis as opposed to a midlife crisis
- a hot mess
- doesn’t really comprehend such fabled things as Consequences or Repercussions and his primary motivation for things is almost always ‘it looked like a fun time’
- he’s a laugh and fun to be around but don’t trust him with anything
- kinda like a golden retriever but somehow more reckless
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hell-heron · 4 years
For the pros/cons meme - Romercutio, Tycutio, Bencutio, Tyvolio, Romtycutio, Romvolio, Rombalt (basically all of them lol except Montacrew OT3 cause we know that one has no cons 😉) I wanna hear all your opinions ❤️
Jesus Christ ahfjksdl
ok here come the Opinions
Pros: - I stoically acknowledge it’s the only one here with any canon basis whatsoever
- Gave us the extremely important Italian kiss! And the Mab speech snuggles! And the potential for death snuggles! I can respect it on this standpoint
- the banter is top notch. Romeo up and answering “in bed, asleep, where they do dream things true :D” is straight up one of the highlights for me. Baby boy babies
- can’t believe them being willing to die AND kill for each other is canon and absolutely no other possible interpretations of that scene exist-
Cons: -  they sort of seem types of people who get on great as friends but may be a lil idealistically incompatible for long term romance, which tbf applies to like everyone else here but they’re the only ones who are friends to lovers
- while I love your fic and some other I read the characterization is sometimes sort of unrecognizable to me, at least in the unrequited/more canon compliant ones? Mercutio is so joyless and humiliated a character and Romeo this pretty frat boy constantly getting into girls’ skirts (he wishes) that exists to be unattainable and pined for. A lot of these people tbh don’t sound like they like Romeo
- I just have a bit of a squick for unrequited love where the subject of it is both the protagonist and the only one getting a het love interest bc idk it feels sort of meanspirited for the other character? Just like from a narrative standpoint bc actually nothing from actual characterization suggests Mercutio gets significantly less laid than Romeo lol. And while I have much less trouble with requited stuff, fucking Romeo and Juliet is not a canon where I’m hugely tempted to subvert the canon het you know
Pros - Mercutio does get a very gay monologue about the whole Prince of Cats thing
- Enemies to lovers! Banter! Sparring! Every version of the duel is so sexy!
- There is somewhat of an healthy foil situation that isn’t on characterization or values as they both are abjected disasters but like... on the axis of Mercutio’s chaotic neutral-ness and ability to question everything and see behind people’s bullshit VS Tybalt need to be aligned with a cause and self-righteousness. It feels like it has actually redemptive potential for them while all other enemies to lovers I acknowledge to be a wretched trash fire
- It’s really fun to rewrite versions of C’est le jour so they’re Tycutio instead of incesty
- potential for being a foil to r&j actually, like in the sense of another similar love story that was attempted but couldn’t withstand the hate and pressure like... internally rather than externally
- A Tender Thing
Cons: - I’m told the murder thing is a con to some people
- It gave us the Austrian kiss
- *gestures at the entirety of the revival*
- the fic is all so sexual agh which totally makes sense and I do imagine them to have some odd kink but I want to imagine it and not read it
Pros: - it’s just very cute and ends in abject angst and “this is the truth or let Benvolio die”
- it seems like really wholesome and healthy and shit, like, there’s a lot of them having fun together and bickering and worrying about Romeo together because it doesn’t preclude them all being friends as a trio 
- the “thou art as hot a Jack as any in Italy” speech is so hot like. The level of “I see you beyond the stoic responsible exterior you’re projecting and the person you think you are and that’s okay and also you have really pretty eyes” and meanwhile it’s also trolling the whole time
- I totally imagine Benvolio’s interventions in the prince of Cats speech to be like “oh Jesus Christ and who is this Tybalt now .-.” all jealous
- I really love the Toho setup of them being the Montague leaders together and the potential for like mutual support and happiness through the fighting ok
Cons: - I’m gonna admit I’m invested in like multiple version of these guys but that you only get to with multiple layers of AU made up by myself or others
-  objectively Any Two Guys
- the fandom is composed of criminals obviously very averse to Romeo which is annoying as the trio friendship is a main part of both characters and also there’s no reason to be meanspirited, also I really disagree on the characterization on Benvolio as everyone seems to ignore 1) the aforementioned “thou art as hot” speech and 2) that he’s the one who has the idea to go the party
- it doesn’t add anything at all to the play 
Pros: - I think it brings some spicy angst to the duel and also like, somewhat justifies Tybalt only wanting vengeance on Romeo for the ball despite him being there too
- really interesting potential for foils if you assume they have a similar situation within their families which is decently supported by the play and Very by the musical (I’m currently Stewing with thoughts about this re the Italian Jesus Christ this is the last time I write subs) , but tbh even without that you can do lots of different things with the way people cope with high stress situation and what personalities they make for themselves also in light of both of them getting a “my God you’re so full of bullshit” speech from Mercutio
- GeR
Cons: - they absolutely wouldn’t get along ever and you have to really contrive a premise for them to meet and don’t immediately ditch each other
Pros: - Wretched boy <3 
- The only thing nicer than a ship where two people murdered each other is a ship where all three murdered each other
Cons: I literally never thought about this ship before we talked about it
Pros: - they’re so unfairly pitted against each other shipping is cathartic tbh
- they’re sweet babies and I love them
- their first dialogue in the play is so tender, they’re so obviously emotionally close (or at least expect themselves to be emotionally close even if that is changing a bit as they Become Men with different priorities and all) and Romeo being all alarmed at Benvolio saying he weeps for him ad calling him “good soul” is just so sweet
- agh all the potential for baby fic and codependency and snuggles 
Cons: - I just see them more as brothers, and like I imagine a bit more of a age difference between them than I would normally ship tho that’s like most items on this list entirely my opinion
Pros: - I’ve become ridiculously attached to the Tybalt is Rosaline AU
- Apparently it’s a kink for me *sideyes* 
- I find it quite poetic Romeo takes time to talk to Tybalt’s corpse in the cript and tell him that now he can have revenge and so. Very much fucked up shit potential
Cons:  - Doesn’t seem very long term healthy for Romeo aghdjs unlike Romtycutio that like has a buffer
- It’s a bit arbitrary for me to like as enemies to lovers? Like I get the feeling of why Tybalt dislikes Mercutio and Benvolio but Romeo is literally target with murder for going to a party so it’s just sad 
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goose-books · 4 years
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i got tagged in a WIP Meme Monday post by @chalkflint like... a month ago? weeks ago? i don’t have any concept of time. anyway i present to you: AMT’s montacrew. just a little trio of fools. (vine)
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vierschanzentournee · 5 years
Montacrew OT3 for the ship meme?
hmmm! as a romantic ship?? idk like C- for the fact that romeo and benvolio are cousins and also just that i find it quite hard to imagine? but as a friendship?? A+, absolute lads, dumb and reckless and silly and lovely and i love them!!!!
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wheretobuygoodurl · 2 years
Benvolio: Aren't you lactose intolerant?
Romeo: This isn't lactose- it's milk.
Mercutio: You're a fucking idiot
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alleyskywalker · 3 years
Tagged by @selkiewife - thank you so much, it’s so sweet of you to tag me!!
Rules: It’s time to love yourself. Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
For Whatever It's Worth (Theon/Robb, 5k)  
After receiving news of his father's execution, Robb is a mess. Theon does his best to comfort him.
Prelude  (Theon/Robb; 450)
Robb is anxious before battle. Theon is adjusting to the recent changes in Robb. (Was supposed be set the night before the Whispering Wood but then I screwed up the timeline lol. But honestly, this is probably the fic this year that does the best with my “artsy” style.)
Carry Me Home  (Theon-centric, Theon&Robb gen, 13.5k)
Theon has been plotting and daydreaming about his escape from Winterfell and return home for nearly a year. But when he finally gets the perfect opportunity to make a run for it, a chance meeting in the wolfswood, and his developing affection for Robb, complicate matters and threaten to upend all his careful plans.
When You Know (You Love Him)  (Benvolio/Mercutio/Romeo; 12.5k)
Or how three become one, in snapshots. (Based on the Toho production of the Romeo et Juliette musical. Not an instinctive fave like the above three fics, but I do like how the worldbuilding came out and I was def trying something new here wrt the setting.)
Going to also promote this angsty Throbb gifset. Which no one reblogged, understandably since the text is in Russian. So.....I’m gonna translate here :D
Overlays: Angel eyes / but a fist in your pocket / a [crash] warning sign at your back / tears / into letters / and letters into poppies*
Caption: And there’s just no way / everything was wrong with us / even though I loved you, fool / but the battle is over - here’s my white flag
*for some perspective/context, the poppy has a symbolic relation to sleep and death in Slavic mythology
Tagging: @team-mom-wannabe @mildredmost @seeker-in-the-shade @vera-dauriac or anyone else who wants to!
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alleyskywalker · 4 years
2020 Fanfic Year Wrap Up Meme
Number of Fics: 17 Number of Unique Fandoms: 6 (Emma (2020), Harry Potter, NP&GC1812,  Romeo and Juliet/Romeo et Juliette*, Star Wars, War & Peace) Number of Unique Pairings: 13 (repeat ships: Romercutio [5], Tycutio [2], Romeo/Juliet [2], Bencutio [2])** Total Number of Words: 103,258 *I’m counting Shakespeare canon and RetJ musical canon as one fandom here because I often don’t make too much of a distinction between them/borrowed aspects from both. **Only counting pairings which were primarily featured as a focus of the story. Often times parings would hover in the background but weren't counted. # Gen: 8 # Het: 2 # Slash: 13 (1 is pre-slash) # Fem: 3 *Some stories fall into more than one category. # PG: 9 # PG-13: 8 Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? More, especially re: wordcount. I expected my job to be pretty intense, which it has been and more so in the last few months than I could have ever expected, but I also wasn’t expecting COVID, which I think allowed in large part for me to write the longfic that is responsible for a good chunk of the wordcount. Where did you publish/archive your stories? AO3 with some cross-posting to Tumblr. (I’m usually too lazy to cross-post to FFN these days, though I probably should.) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Emma (2020) for fandom. Bencutio for ship (what you won’t do for friends…). Did you take any writing risks this year? Eh, IDK if I’d say “risks” but wow I never would have thought I’d have a 36k fic in me, especially for ships I don’t actually ship myself lol. Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Hopefully get to at least one or two of those plot bunnies… What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Now Art Thou What Thou Art. But I’m also really proud of A Tender Thing, all things considered. Okay, NOW your most popular story? Going by kudos, Love Cometh Softly. Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion? Any Romercutio fic, tbh, lol. But ok, In Event of Existential Dread. (The Montacrew as an OT3 is also way underappreciated.) Story that could have been better? Revelations, unfortunately. Most fun story to write? A few! In Event of Existential Dread and To Never Part were those types of fics that kinda wrote themselves, for example. Story with single sweetest moment? God idk lol. A Tender Thing has some very sweet hurt/comfort. The story that made you cry? Mmm. And Then There Were Two probably came the closest. Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story? Not this year lol. Sexiest story? Not this year either. Hardest story to write I struggled with several in different ways. Easiest story to write? See above under “most fun to write.” Most unintentionally telling story *shrug* Story you haven't yet written, but intend to I have a list. A very long one.
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alleyskywalker · 5 years
you also do romeo & mercutio for the characters meme plz:-)
favorite thing about them
I love me a boy who isn’t only emotionally available but like…expresses his feelings and will cry when he’s sad and stuff…
least favorite thing about them
The freaking One Track Mind…
favorite line
From the musical but...in ResJ when in La Vengeance he’s like “I had nothing to do with vengeance, but he [Mercutio] died in my arms and I became a mindless killer”... yea that was GOOD.
I don’t think I really have one. Like I can’t take Romeo/Juliet seriously and sometimes I really have no patience for Romeo’s infatuation with her but I wouldn’t say it’s like a NOTP.
random headcanon
Is absolutely the kind of guy to wear pink, but like totally casually, and like...in a modern ‘verse, cozy fluffy sweaters.
unpopular opinion
He’s close with his friends? I don’t think that’s necessarily unpopular per se but I’ve seen a lot of attempts at discrediting Romeo’s friendships (especially with Mercutio, especially from certain quarters) and just NO.
song i associate with them
Yea, I don’t really associate characters with songs and vice versa…but I WAS listening to “Welcome to My Life” by Sunrise Avenue and thinking it’s a pretty good fit for Romeo (tho, maybe RetJ!Romeo more than Shakespeare Romeo).
favorite picture of them
Let’s go with a happy one for once lol.
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favorite thing about them
Oh you know...the utter loyalty to his best friend/love.
least favorite thing about them
Not always the most sensitive guy, you know?
favorite line
“Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo, now art thou what thou art by art as well as by nature” because that’s still the most romantic way to say “I missed you” ever. (In RetJ - “Je meurs pour que tu vives“ because duh. You can’t get more romantic than that.)
random headcanon
Lots of bravado, not anywhere near as much actual self-confidence.
unpopular opinion
Ah….IDK if actually unpopular or not but miss me with the “Romeo had nothing to do with Mercutio deciding to fight Tybalt; he’s just fighty like that” take.
song i associate with them
Ahaha probably something that Ke$ha or Lady Gaga would sing lol. But I don’t have an actual idea right not.
favorite picture of them
Ok, this is from RetJ/ResJ, but I’m obsessed with this face Zoli makes
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alleyskywalker · 4 years
Sorry, It's a hell ton of questions, but they're all so interesting. 1-2, 4-6, 9, 12-14, 18, 24, 26 for the shipping meme, please (I hope you feel yourself better now 💙)
Thank you!
1.First ship you remember
I’m pretty sure I was shipping Charlie Conway with self-insert-y OFCs before I knew what shipping or fandom actually was. With like actual canon characters...I can’t remember exactly how old I was when I read Gone With the Wind so it might have been from that book, so in that case Ashley/Melanie and Ashley/Scarlet. If it wasn’t, then Paolo/Isabella from the Lizzie McGuire Movie. (Listen, I was like 12-13 at the time.)
2.Your newest ship
I tend to have at least one lowkey ship in like 70% of media I consume, at least for the time I’m consuming it, so this is really hard bc I can’t remember which ships was newest. I’m gonna do a copout and say that Montacrew OT3 is my newest ship because that’s def something I ship as opposed to just find interesting and it’s relatively new that I’ve started shipping it.
4.Favourite m/f ship
Peter/Liza from the Ekaterina tv show.
5.Favourite m/m ship
Mmm. Romeo/Mercutio is the one I’m most highkey about right now, but Danatole is the one that I guess I’d consider an all-time fave.
6.Favourite f/f ship
Yooo hmmm. Proooobably Alica/Tasha from The L Word.
9.Most angsty ship
Dude, given how many of my ships end in death? And a lot of them are Complicated? I really couldn’t pick...
12.Character that you can only imagine in one ship
I’m too much a multishpper at heart for this. Usually if this happens it’s due to canon limitations on characters, not because I can’t really stand to see the character in a ship other than my OTP or whatever. I guess Mercutio comes closest? Like, sure I’ve written Tycutio and I’m fine with that ship, but I don’t ship him with anyone other than Romeo. And even in the Tycutio ‘verses, he and Romeo still always have a very intense, if platonic, relationship. I guess I don’t imagine Kylo with anyone other than Hux? But this feels more like a “there isn’t another character currently I’d like to ship him with but if there was I would” type of situation. Same with like...Brockdorff.
13.Most shippable character
I have several characters I multiship happily. Dolokhov definitely, also Romeo, to the extent the cast of that canon allows.
14.Character that you can’t imagine in any ship
Can’t really think of one. At least not at the moment.
18.Guilty pleasure ship
Wouldn’t say I have one. I might, but I can’t think of it.
24.Biggest notp
Agh this is hard because usually what makes a ship a NOTP for me rather than just a ship I don’t like is the fandom dynamics around it, or otherwise the popularity of it or, basically, something to do with the fandom or the shippers. So once I’m not as into the fandom anymore, the intensity of how much I dislike it kinda dies down. No, ok, there are some NOTPs that are more canon-based than fandom-based, often because I really dislike one half of the ship (see: Sparrabeth, Mary/Mathew from DA, to an extent Carolight and Laurie/Amy.) Rival shpping often does play at least some part, I admit. But even then, distance from the fandom/less exposure makes me more whatever about the NOTP. Do I still have Carolight and Laurie/Amy blocked? Yea. But the ones that came to my mind immediately when I first saw this question were Bencutio and Braime. But that could also be a recency/current relevancy thing, so...it’s hard for me to say which ship I hate the most lol.   
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
Not sure because like...I don’t have many enemies-to-lovers ships. But maybe Kylo and Hux.
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hell-heron · 4 years
I'm not even gonna bother with anon lmao. Tycutio and Montacrew OT3 for the meme :D
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Tybalt, generally bc he gets impatient about it 
who steals the blankets: Mercutio. He’s a little shit
who leaves their stuff around: Mercutio. he’s “creative”
who remembers to buy the milk: Tybalt (he kitty)
who remembers anniversaries: Tybalt, he’s more interested in doing it
Who cooks normally? Tybalt, but he isn’t very good
How often do they fight?: not actually a lot imho? by the time they get together enough to live together they’ve got a lot of it out of ther system. they do fight very intensely
What do they do when they’re away from each other? what does this mean agdhak I regret reblogging this it’s so cheesy and clingy
Nicknames for each other? Tybalt cathegorically refuses. Mercutio has the usual cat themes ones and sexual ones and occasionally uses “Baldo” which is just to infuriate him since it’s what 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Mercutio, though Tybalt generally tries to fight him. 
Who steals the covers at night? There’s literally the same question twice...
What would they get each other for gifts? Tybalt likes doing Grand Gestures with stuff like jewelry and engraved kinves and shit, but on more normal occasions he just gets him stuff like make up or chocolates and so on. Mercutio gets Tybalt books bc he’s literally the only person who can describe what genre he likes. Also gag/sexual gifts 
Who kissed who first? Tybalt
Who made the first move? Definitely Mercutio
Who remembers things? Mercutio. It’s completely unexpected but he pays a lot of attention and it comes up randomly in ways that frankly scare Tybalt a little bc of how accurate he is
Who started the relationship? Tybalt
Who cusses more? they’re both horribly vulgar people honestly. 
What would they do if the other was hurt? Tybalt gets CLINGY. He gets revengeful first, but really clingy then. He’s also terrible at being delicate, which means his natural instinct to hold Mercutio and snuggle with him isn’t always so well received. Mercutio tries DESPERATELY to be fun and distracting but generally tears up along the way. He also really enjoys to blame someone and scream at them 
The OT3!
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Mercutio bc the thers Don’t Like Conflict
who steals the blankets: Romeo. He’s needy
who leaves their stuff around: Mercutio. Romeo tries not to but sometimes he likes sheds his clothes all around the house when he’s distracted or coming home really tired
who remembers to buy the milk: Benvolio generally
who remembers anniversaries: their relationship history is too intricated for anniversaries tbh
Who cooks normally? they take turns
How often do they fight? Almost never tbh. They can’t stay mad at each other enough
Nicknames for each other? agdhja I feel embarrassed to say this in public. Mercutio is just Merc. Romeo is Ro normally, Benvolio calls him baby platonically and Mercutio has the Meow-Meow thing. Benvolio is Benny to Romeo and Volio to Mercutio
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Mercutio. He kinda gets off this honestly adjak
What would they get each other for gifts? Romeo gives really personalised poetry books, pressed flowers, little fairy statuines to Mercutio and guilty pleasure stuff like fancy stationery and LUSH stuff to Benvolio. Benvolio is awful and generally asks for what they want, except for occasional vynils and flowers for Romantic Occasions. Mercutio’s gifts are the emobodiement of a Flying Tiger shop
Who kissed who first? Mercutio kissed both first, but like Benvolio as kids and Mercutio in their late teens
Who made the first move? Mercutio both times I think
Who remembers things? Mercutio is, again, queerily the best at it but they’re all pretty good about it having grown up together to this extent
Who started the relationship? agh they’re too Complex for this lol
Who cusses more? Mercutio definitely
What would they do if the other was hurt? PANIC. They’re really protective and bad at handling this. 
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hell-heron · 5 years
Ila, Ila, Ila, do Montacrew OT3 with angsty, fluffy, romantic and childhood headcanons for the meme :D
angsty: They're all privately absolutely convinced they're a burden for the relationship and terrible influence on the other two for various reasons, but Romeo is the only one who voices it. Benvolio valiantly keeps up the "what would you messes be without me" charade and Mercutio just makes a lot of jokes about him being the ~reckless bad influence~ to these weirdly soft mob kids while absolutely bracing himself for when his dysfunctional ass will get dumped for good
fluffy: they have the sappiest nicknames ever. Mercutio calls Romeo "'Meow" (he's very jealous about sharing nickname theme with Tybalt), Benvolio "Volio" ("because there's nothing good about you") or "Bunny" when he really wants to annoy him. Benvolio unironically uses "honey". Romeo calls Mercutio his knight in a shining armor everytime he's remotely nice
romantic: In the ideal world where no one dies they get together officially when Romeo is 16 and Benvolio and Mercutio 18 and they were all each other's first kisses. Mercutio and Benvolio started "playfully" making out around 12 and kept doing it a few times a year until they got together officially not acknowlodgeing it at all even with each other (Mercutio played it as Fun Time With Friends and Benvolio wasn't above outright claiming Mercutio dreamed it). Mercutio kissed Romeo at ages 16-14 and then immediately got scared and told him it was so he'd stop whining and making such a big deal of his ~first~, but they were like, still constantly mistaken as boyfriends for being so touchy feely. 
childhood: They had a phase where they CONSTANTLY needed to have sleepovers so badly they had this extremely complex plan carried on with walkie talkies to sneak up and meet up at Romeo's house (bc Benvolio already refused to have him walk around alone at night, despite the fact he already did it on his own accord bc the emo started early with thst one). They would make blanket forts and mame dramatic readings of racy stuff they absolutely didn't understand and cuddle up. Its like their favorite memory 
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