#more heritage posts r coming!!
frost-queen · 5 months
The fall of a knight (Reader!Targaryen x Sir Criston Cole)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve  , @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly   @denkisclown, @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23  , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampthing07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat   , @rosecentury  ,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn  , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Summary: Reader dislikes Criston from how he acts towards your sister Rhaenyra. Constantly fighting with him and being sassy, till it starts attracting him. Years pass as Criston's attraction for you only grows. You still act the same towards him, not much changed over the years. When another starts flirting with you, it brings a bad jealousy over to Criston, taking you as his even though he can't have you. [R! has purple eyes just like in the books]
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It was way too late when you got a sudden idea. The scenery taunting your dreams as it woke you up. Your thirst for knowledge needing to be lessened. Throwing the covers off you, you got out of bed, putting on your slippers. Your heritage of the Targaryen bloodline interesting you so much. Surely since you were the only Targaryen with lavender eyes. You had always wondered how it came.
Slightly opening the door to your chamber, you stuck your head out and peeked around. Seeing if there was anyone in the corridor.  Not being able to wait till morning, you just needed to get to the family library that withheld all of the Targaryen history. Perhaps there you might find answers to your questions. Perhaps there had been another with lavender eyes? Taking your chance, you ran out of your room, running through the corridors.
Sir Criston Cole was standing guard before your sister’s room. Making sure no one would disturb her sleep or come and harm her. Sir Criston furrowed his brows hearing rushed footsteps. Turning his head he saw you ran around the corner fast, making him tilt his head. It took him a few seconds before placing his hand on the top of his sword, coming to run after you. – “Princess!” – he said in a hushed tone to not alarm any others.
Clenching his jaw, he quickened up his pace. Sir Criston caught up with you, grabbing you to a stop. – “What are you doing out of bed?” – he questioned with a scolding voice. You were panting a bit, catching your breath. – “I need…I need to go to the library.” – you told him seeing his face change to anger. – “It’s the middle of the night!” – he shout-whispered to you.
“It can’t wait.” – you replied brushing his hand off you. Sir Criston took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. You crossed your arms, quirking your eyebrow up. – “Shouldn’t you be protecting my sister?” – you asked him. – “You need to be in bed!” – he countered crossing his arms as well.
 “Have you left her unattended?” – quirking your brow even more, just to taunt him. – “No.” – he groaned out. – “I don’t need saving. I’ll be quick.” – you said already turning round to head to the library as Sir Criston kept you in place by holding your wrist. Turning you back to him. – “Bed is where you are heading!” – he made clear, pulling you along with him.
You tried to pull your wrist out of his grip, but it was no use. Sir Criston led you back to your room, shoving you inside. – “Don’t get any funny idea’s princess!” – he scolded closing the door before him. You groaned annoyed. You hated that he had seen you. The thirst for knowledge still vivid. Unlike your sister, who was rather carefree, you were not.
You found her ignorant of her surroundings. She couldn’t even name any battle formations right. Rather spend her time with Alicent than prepare herself properly for her future on the iron throne. Kneeling down, you tried to look through the keyhole. You couldn’t see clearly, so you hoped Sir Criston Cole had left to guard your sister’s door once more. Taking the handle in your hand, you slowly opened the door, still crouched down. – “Going somewhere?” – Sir Criston commented, looking over his shoulder down to you.
A smirk on his lips. – “I hate you.” – you breathed out. Sir Criston positioned himself better in your view taking a dramatic bow at you. – “I’ll be here all night.” – he mocked just to taunt you more. Annoyed you shut the door again. He surely wasn’t going to let you pass now with him guarding your door. Pacing around, you hoped perhaps he’d fall asleep. Which was unlikely. The hours past as you felt yourself get exhausted. Eventually falling asleep sitting down, with your head down on the table.
The next day, your sister, Alicent and you were at the white tree. Rhaenyra and Alicent sitting down and gossiping. You sitting at the other end, as far away from them. You lifted your head up from your book, feeling a presence come from behind you. – “Had a good night rest?” – looking up, you saw Sir Criston Cole standing behind you. Making you roll your eyes at him. – “Should you not be watching my sister.” – you let out, focusing on your book once more. – “I am.” – he answered, still looking back at your sister.
“That the book you so desperately needed to read in the middle of the night?” – he teased with a smirk. His comment made you shut your book tight. – “Mockery, how elegant.” – you responded with a sneer while getting up. Giving him a sarcastic smile. Sir Criston Cole gave you a sarcastic smile back. – “Sir Criston!” – Rhaenyra called out to him. He lifted his head up to her, seeing her wave him over. Sir Criston jogged over to your sister to answer her plead. – “Jaos” dog you mumbled under your breath.
Sitting annoyed down, you watched how Rhaenyra wrapped him around her finger. Him doing all her bidding. Having enough, you got up, taking your leave. There was no room for you anyways. The three of them so caught up with each other, they hardly noticed you taking your leave. You made your way around the castle, ending up at the fighting court.
Soldiers practising as you stopped and stared. Observed their movement. Watched it with the upmost attention. Taking notice of their footwork. The way their muscles worked whilst handling the sword. It made you move your own foot to match their stand. Trying to get the right distance between your feet for a steady stand. Sir Criston found his way on the fighting court, seeing you watch the soldiers practise.
He got in motion heading over to you. Pausing briefly he noticed you swiping your feet over the ground setting it in a position. Making him furrow his brows. He then eyed the soldiers, making a link with what you were doing. Sir Criston made his way across towards you.
 “Found you!” – he said coming to be at your side. – “I didn’t need finding.” – you replied stoking some folds off your skirt. – “You left unattended.” – he answered making it clear to you. It made you scoff loud. – “You must’ve gotten an honour for observance.” – you mocked turning your head away from you. Criston grabbed you by your elbow a bit rudely. Turning you back to him.
“You do not leave unattended!” – he made clear, raising his voice a bit. – “Scared I’ll run?” – you replied with a teasing smile. – “Did I make myself clear?” – Criston called out pulling at your arm once more. You stared right back at him with your intriguing lavender eyes.
“Sir Criston, am I royalty?” – you asked him. – “Of course.” – he answered mesmerized by your gaze. – “Then stop bossing me around.” – you made clear giving him a little shove. Walking off, Criston kept staring at you. As you slowly started to attract him. Making him curl up a shy smile.
Sir Criston Cole entered the room, having searched everywhere for you. With a sigh of relief, he was glad to finally have found you. Asleep that was. With your head down on the table, a book underneath it. He approached you, nudging your shoulder to wake you. – “Princess.” – he said. – “Princess… Y/n wake up.” – he started to nudge you harder. – “Wake up Y/n.” – he said a bit louder.
You shot awake, hand shooting out as it him right in his nose. Criston groaned in pain, stumbling back. You got up apologizing. – “Oh sorry I thought you were someone else.” – you said until you could clearly see it was Criston. – “Oh it’s you, well that’s alright than.” – you continued with sass. Criston glared at you for the perhaps deliberate punch to the nose. Stretching out, you got up.
You saw him still cover up his nose, recovering from your little stomp. – “Oh please.” – you called out with a roll of your eyes. – “You hit me in the nose!” – Criston answered loudly. – “You’re a knight.” – you mocked that he should be used to it. Criston glared your way, as your attitude hadn’t changed over the years. – “The tournament, Y/n.” – Criston said changing the subject.
“Right.” – you answered with a sigh. Criston came by your side, walking out with you. – “Aren’t you participating this year Criston?” – you asked not with the intention to be curious. – “Yes.” – he answered. – “Then you’ll get used being hit in the nose.” – you teased with a laugh. Criston laughed mockingly loud to make clear your joke wasn’t even funny.
Getting outside, you let Criston guide you to the box. Rhaenyra already sitting down. – “Criston!” – she called out, waving her handkerchief around. She threw it at him as it fell down in the dirt at his feet. He bend down to pick it up as you left his side, coming to sit by your sister.
When Criston looked back up, he was surprised to see you gone. Looking up at the seats, he saw you sit by your sister. Criston took his leave to prepare. Rhaenyra and you were chatting a bit till the tournament began. You watched several men joist. Not nearly as amusing as you liked it to be.
Then came the one on one combat. There were two men fighting as Sir Criston and another were up next. – “Criston!” – Rhaenyra called out to him. Criston neared the box you sat, looking up as his gaze fixated on you. The other contender joined his side, looking over at you as well. – “Y/n Targaryen!” – he called out making Criston look at him. – “May I receive your blessings? A kiss from you will still my beating heart and give me strength enough to win this tournament for you.” – he said moving his hand out to you.
Rhaenyra tapped your knee enthusiastically at the attention you were getting. Criston clenched his jaw with tension. Clenching his hand into a fist. – “Fairest Targaryen, may I drown in your lavender eyes and hold your tender hands in his. This battle shall be in devotion to you.” – he continued as you stared in shock at him. – “Go on give him a kiss.” – Rhaenyra teased, pushing you to do so.
She practically shoved you out of your seat. Sighing loud, you knew she wouldn’t stop pestering you about it. You got up, making your way down to the edge of the box. Sir Criston staring hard at you, eyes widening at what you were about to do.
You tapped your finger against your cheek to let the knight know what to do. The knight turned his cheek towards you. You grabbed a hold of the frame in front of you, leaning closer to give the knight a kiss on the cheek. Sir Criston staring at it with disgust and jealousy. Rhaenyra cheered loudly from her seat, getting up to clap. You felt a bit foolish as the knight pressed his hand against his cheek.
Your gaze fell upon Criston, seeing how angered he was. Clearly fighting off demons inside of him. A battle you weren’t sure which side would win. A horn got blown as it announced the start of the next battle. You returned to your seat watching the next round. Sir Criston and the other knight you had given a kiss on the cheek.
Sir Criston sniffed loud, looking up to the seating where you sat. Smiling a bit that you dared to taunt him so much with this. With showing affection to anyone. The knight readied himself as Criston drew his sword. He called it out, running up to the man to let out all his anger and jealousy out. He was brutal and hard. Hardly leaving the knight room to breathe.
Rhaenyra stared in shock at him. Criston kept slashing his sword down on the knight’s shield. He lost balance, falling down as Criston got on him. Punching him a few times, making sure to hit the cheek you kissed. Wanting to wipe your sweet lips off him. Criston was a savage, rampaging. He wasn’t going to stop till there was death. – “Criston!” – you shouted loud, seeing that the knight below was barely giving any reaction.
“Enough!” – you made clear wanting him to stop. Criston stopped, his knuckles full with blood as it hovered over the knight’s face. The knight sputtered out some blood as Criston got off him. Claiming his victory. Having enough of this manly show-off, you got up, leaving the seats. Criston cleaned his hand, noticing you take your leave.
Without another thought, he went after you, going away from the tournament. – “Y/n!” – he called out catching up with you. He grabbed you by your shoulder, turning you to him to push you up against a tree. When your back hit the bark, you let out a gasp.
“Don’t do this to me Y/n.” – he spoke keeping his hands on your waist. – “Do what.” – you teased him making him smirk. – “Kiss another man in front of me.” – he replied grabbing you forcefully by your chin. Tilting your head a bit back as he stared firm at your eyes. It made you weak on your knees by the way he was staring hungrily at you. Criston took a step closer to you, nearing you more.
He let his thumb go down your lip, parting your lips by pressing on your under lip. Your heart was pounding loudly in your chest as your cheeks flushed with heat. – “Criston…” – you whispered as he tilted your chin aside, kissing your jawline. His touch send a warmth over you like a tidal wave. He went down, kissing you in your neck. 
It made you wrap your arms around him, scratching faintly his back. He knew he shouldn’t, but he wanted anyways. He wanted you to be his. So he simply claimed you as his even though he wasn’t allowed. Criston’s gaze met up with yours, staring fiercely back at you.
Then he smacked his lips on yours. Kissing you roughly. He immediately felt you kiss him back, diving with him into the intimacy. Criston started kissing you harder, quicker. Panting with each grasp for breath between kisses. For you were his, and his alone.
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Star crossed
Aeron Bracken x Blackwood!OC
𝔖𝔬 ℑ 𝔰𝔫𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔢𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲. 𝔚𝔢 𝔨𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔮𝔲𝔦𝔢𝔱, '𝔠𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔴𝔢'𝔯𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔴. ~ 𝔗𝔞𝔶𝔩𝔬𝔯 𝔖𝔴𝔦𝔣𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶
Description: At a masked Harvest Banquet held by Lord Tully at Riverrun, Aeron Bracken falls in love with a beautiful girl with golden hair. With nothing but the broken ruby necklace she left behind as a clue to her identity, Aeron searches for the girl only to find she is a Blackwood. Can true love triumph over the mutual enmity between their houses?
Disclaimer: I wrote this as a sort of companion to the Beauty and the Beast inspired Benji oneshot I did. It's based on a mix of Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet instead. Not that happy with how it turned out but decided to post it anyway. Fair warning it's very lengthy, I accidentally went quite plot heavy and this writer can never just get to the point your honour. This has no connection with my Aeron x Reader series Jump then Fall.
Warnings: Violence, Blood, swearing, negative associations with bastards (OC has dubious heritage), Black Aly's daughter, female OC, angst, fluff. Love at first sight vibes based on R+J and Cinderella. Incredibly self-indulgent, I just love Romeo and Juliet as a concept.
Once a year the liege lords of the seven kingdoms would host a Harvest Banquet to bring their vassals together. For most noble houses it was one of the most anticipated events in the year, an evening of festivities and an opportunity to gain favour with their liege Lord. In the Riverlands, it was a different story altogether and Aeron was dreading it. Every Harvest Banquet held at Riverrun inevitably descended into chaos, perilous as it was to have Blackwoods and Brackens in such close proximity. Lord Tully had ever been weak and unable to control the two warring houses, and the tensions between them would often dissolve into violence. Aeron was already filled with trepidation as he stepped into the carriage that would take him and his uncle, Lord Amos Bracken, to Riverrun. His uncle's next words only solved to bolster his feeling of unease.
"Nephew, I have never denied you your more scholarly interests, never reproached you although I would have preferred you to have taken an equal interest in your sworsdsmanship."
Aeron blanched at that. He had been recently knighted by his Lord Uncle and yet had only begun to take a true interest in swordplay. He spent much of his time in the expansive library at Stone Hedge, enraptured by the histories of the Targaryen dynasty. His uncle had never understood Aeron's interest in the House of the Dragon, he could surely spend his time concerned with his own House and lands instead?
"Nonetheless, I should like to see you take a wife who will fill the place of Lady Bracken once you come into your inheritance."
Aeron's mouth fell open, speechless, and he was sure he resembled the fish head sigil of House Tully.
"Uncle, I hardly think..."
Lord Bracken interrupted him before he could protest. "There will be many ladies at the banquet, from across the Riverlands and the Seven Kingdoms. It is a great chance for you to find a lady that should suit you. You may make your choice yourself, but grant me this: that you will concede to your uncle to try."
Aeron found the very real possibility of a brawl with Blackwood kinsmen far more appealing and much less frightening than what his uncle was suggesting. He had only a little experience talking with the ladies who would attend his uncle's feasts at Stone Hedge and up until now he'd spent most of Lord Tully's banquets making merry with his friends.
Nonetheless, his uncle had indeed never denied Aeron his interests and had enough faith in him to knight him. He found he could not deny his request outright.
"I will try."
Amos smiled in response and affectionately patted Aeron's shoulder at his acquiescence. A jolt from the carriage as it ran over uneven ground had Aeron's head snapping up to see they were almost at the moat of Rivverun Castle. Aeron adjusted his mask to get a better look at the castle, Lord Tully having decided to hold a masked banquet in accordance with the customs of Kings Landing this year. It was like something out of a folk tale, ensconced as it was on all sides by the Red Fork. Even set in darkness by the cloak of night, lit only by the glow of the moon and torchlight, he could not help but marvel at it as if he were seeing it for the first time.
Upon entering the Great Hall, Aeron took little time in finding his friends, and fellow knights, by the long banquet table which stretched the length of the room.
Quickly pulled into their conversation, he found himself forgetting his Lord Uncle's request entirely. Minstrels soon took up their instruments, and lords and ladies took to the centre of the hall to dance.
Aeron had only cast his eyes ascance over the dancing couples for a moment, but instantly found his eyes drawn to a girl with golden hair that seemed to glitter under the soft glow of the candle light, as if she were herself made from burnished gold. The sound of the minstrels' song, the chattering of lords and ladies, all seemed to fade into the background as Aeron observed the lady's graceful movements, her burgundy dress fanning around her as she twirled.
"Who is the lady whose gentle touch does grace the hand of that knight yonder?"
Jon and Samwell turned to look in the direction of his gaze. "I could not say, even without the mask I have never seen a girl with hair that shade at one of these banquets. Perhaps she hails from another kingdom entirely" Samwell shrugged. Aeron barely heard him.
"Any intimations I have had of beauty, forswear them all. She does teach the stars to shine in their celestial abode above the starry Sept. No, fire to burn and consume for starlight is too cold a light for her. She is golden sunlight that scorches."
Jon snorted. "My good man, what has come over you?  I fear you've spent too much time reading poetry. If you think her so fair why not approach her for a dance?"
As the dance came to an end and he watched the golden lady curtsy to her partner, Jon pushed Aeron forward. His eyes subconsciously widened in alarm.
"No, I cannot. I'll only make a fool of myself." Aeron wanted more than anything to approach the lady, but felt certain there were other lords she would prefer than he.
Jon signed, exasperated. "If you will not, then I shall dance with her myself."
Aeron felt a wave of jealousy surge within his, his fists clenched slightly in anger at his friend as he watched him approach the lady, as he himself wished to. As the lady accepted Jon's hand to dance, his heart tightened in his chest and a sudden boldness came over him that had him handing Samwell his goblet and striding towards where they danced. When the golden lady turned away from Jon, as the danced required, Aeron took his chance before he could talk himself out it. Roughly pushing Jon aside, Aeron quickly took his place. This only seemed to amuse Jon, whose knowing smile as he exited the dance floor suggested he'd been hoping to spur his friend to action all along.
As the lady turned back to face him, he watched her eyes, a curious shade of blue that veered on violet, widen in surprise underneath her mask, which resembled a tawny owl.
"I am certain you are not the man I was just dancing with my lord."
Her voice was sweeter than any music Aeron had ever heard and he wanted nothing more than to hear her speak again.
"I apologise my lady, Ser Jon was...indisposed. I wish to take his place, if you will allow."
Swallowing down his nerves he offered her his hand to her palm up. The lady tentatively placed her hand upon his, palm to palm as they began to turn in a circle and resume the steps of the dance.
"I am most grateful for your chivalry, my Lord. I should have been mortified to find myself jilted in the middle of the dance." The lady's tone was teasing, her eyes glittering under the torch light, and Aeron felt his lips upturn in a smile, as he grew in confidence.
"It is no great act of chivalry on my part. I must confess that I am bidden here by your beauty, I could not but notice you from afar and wished to speak with you, if only to express this to you"
Aeron's confidence diminished as he watched the lady's mouth part and heard her small intake of breath. Fearful that he had made the lady uncomfortable, Aeron quickly stuttered out an apology
"Forgive me my brashness, my Lady, I fear the wine has gone to my head and I have spoken out of turn."
They briefly broke apart to weave between the adjacent couple, Aeron's mind racing until they came back together.
"There is nothing to forgive, I take no offence in the compliment. I am gladdened you think me beautiful." Aeron released the breath he'd been holding to know he had not offended the lady but felt his eyes widening in shock at her shy response and the delicate blush upon her cheeks. Did she not think herself beautiful?
"O you are fairer than fair and lovelier still." The words came unbidden from his lips before he could stop them. He had not meant to be so forward, but he found himself wanting to sing the lady's praises, should it please her. The teasing strain that had marked their conversation up until this point left her voice entirely as she looked up at him beneath her lashes, uttering a soft "Thank you", in earnest.
Aeron cleared his throat slightly, trying to diffuse his nerves. "Are you enjoying your evening, my Lady?"
"In truth I do not much enjoy banquets, I had much rather be reading or riding my horse Estella. Although I am happy to have finally seen Riverrun, it is a most impressive structure." she responded, almost sheepishly, to Aeron's surprise.
"I feel much the same, my Lady. May I ask what you most enjoy to read?"
Y/N's eyes lit up at his question, "I enjoy the histories the most, particularly those of the Targaryen dynasty."
Aeron grew more confident in the knowledge of their shared interest.
"I too have a particular interest in the Targaryens, my uncle does not understand it at all and I know he wishes me to remove my nose from my books. But is it not thrilling to read of dragon riders, to know that we walk amongst such God-like beings?"
As their dance came to an end, the golden lady grabbed Aeron's hand and started to pull him towards an inconspicuous door towards the other end of the hall. "Come with me." She said simply and he wordlessly followed, content at the feel of her smaller hand in his. He allowed himself to be pulled by the lady out of the door and along a series of corrdidors until they reached a long hallway, its walls covered in paintings.
Aeron had never ventured this far into Riverrun's halls before. "How did you come to find this, my Lady?"
The golden lady dropped his hand and Aeron flexed his slightly at the loss of contact, already missing the feeling of her hand in his. "My mother had Oscar Tully show it to me before the banquet started, she knew I'd like to see it and I believe you might too."
Taking hold of his hand again, she pulled him towards the third painting on the Eastern side of the hall. Aeron found himself gazing at the girl next to him instead of the painting, as if he were trying to memorise her features and she were the painting, but quickly averted his eyes when he caught her gaze. The painting in front of him was of a knight bending the knee in obeisance to a kingly figure with pale blonde hair.
"They depict the histories of House Tully. This one shows Aegon the Conqueror naming Edmyn Tully Lord paramount of the Red Fork." Aeron did not know such objects, filled with precious knowledge, existed at Rivverun.
"I am gladdened you thought to show this to me, my Lady, I am yours to command. Direct me forthwith." The golden lady grinned up at him beneath her mask and pulled him from one painting to another, explaining little details on each. Aeron could not help but smile at her excitement all the while. Finally, she pulled him towards a painting he could not decipher as the lady next to to him began point out details to him. "It depicts the women's court held at Riverrun on behalf of Queen Alysanne Targaryen by her lady's maid, Jennis Templeton. Queen Alysanne herself was presiding over the Iron Throne in the King's absence. A true Queen."
Aeron smiled softly at her. "Queen Alysanne was a wise and capable consort. By the grace of the Seven, we should see such a partnership grace the Iron Throne again."
To his dismay, the lady's face fell and she gripped the gold chain of her Ruby necklace, her knuckles turning white. He could not think what in his words had offended her but before he could offer her his apologies for any misunderstanding, a horn sounded faintly in the distance. The noble families must have been preparing to leave, the light of the moon suggesting that it was the hour of the eel. Time had slipped away from Aeron. With a look of alarm, the lady took hold of her skirts and, with parting "farewell my lord", she rushed down the hall whence they'd come. The chain of her necklace broke and as it fell to the floor she briefly looked back at it with a mixture of sadness and indecision, before abandoning it entirely.
Frozen to the spot in shock at the suddenness of her departure, it was only upon spotting the glittering of her ruby necklace on the floor that Aeron could force himself to move. Kneeling to collect the broken remnants, he quickly leapt up and broke into a run. He was determined to return her necklace to her, to make amends for any offence he might have caused, and to learn the name of the lady who'd ensnared his heart so quickly.
By the time he reached the Great Hall, she had disappeared entirely into the throng of lords and ladies now departing to return to their own hall He cursed himself for tarrying so long, for being such a floundering fool that he had not even asked the name of the lady. Wrenching his mask from his face in frustration, he looked down upon the broken necklace in his palm. Closing his palm over the cold surface of the ruby, a feeling of resolve came over him. Someone at the banquet would be able to identify the jewel or the lady herself. He would find the girl of burnished gold again.
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Aeron searched far and wide for the mysterious lady, sending missives by raven to each House that had been in attendance at the Harvest Banquet, excluding the Blackwoods. But none could lay claim to the necklace he described or identify the Lady with the golden hair. It was as if she had never existed. Aeron was weary with frustration, leaning his cheek against the cold surface of his desk. A knock at the door of his chambers had him straightening up just in time for a herald to announce Ser Samwell and Ser Jon. He bolted out of his seat to greet them.
"Any news of my lady?" His hopeful expression fell as they both shook their heads. "I fear she cannot or does not want to be found. What does your uncle say of this...obsession of yours Aeron?"
Aeron rolled his eyes, "I think he finds the whole affair amusing. He told me he was intrigued to see how it would play out."
Samwell snorted and Jon discretely elbowed him in the ribs. Aeron ignored their antics and tried to think of what else he could do when an idea came to him. Returning to his desk, he pulled the ruby necklace from a drawer and presented it to his friends. "I will bring the lady's necklace to all the jewellers in the Riverlands, one of them must be able to identify the owner. Failing that, I will extend my search to the Seven Kingdoms."
Eyes widening at the lengths Aeron was willing to go to find his golden lady, Jon nodded and turned to leave. "As you will it." Aeron quickly set to his task, making plans for when he would visit each jeweller. He would ride out from Stone Hedge on the morrow.
Aeron had already tried four other jewellers before he came to the one at Fairmarket, entering the establishment with no small amount of anxiety, aware it was frequented by both House Blackwood and House Bracken. "I wish to enquire as to the providence of this necklace. Do you recognise it?" Aeron could not help the hope that surged in him, even as it had been dashed at every turn. His heart began beating wildly as the jeweller began to nod with clear recognition upon his face. "I know it, it was my hands that crafted it. The necklace belongs to the Lady Daenara Blackwood, daughter of Lady Alysanne." Aeron felt as if the ground was collapsing out from under him. He had not even considered the possibility of his lady belonging to the House of his greatest enemies. Her features were not those associated with House Blackwood, not possessing the raven hair and dark eyes of her kinsmen. His mind spun, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions warring with each other until he came to the realisation that it did not matter. He had never met a lady like Daenara Blackwood, never found a person that felt so familiar and comfortable to him even upon first meeting, none so intelligent, none so beautiful. He found he could not extend his inherited hatred of her House to her, and came to a decision.
"How long would it take you to mend it?"
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Three days later, the now mended ruby necklace in his tunic, Aeron reviewed the course of events that had led him to his current precarious position. A bead of sweat trailed down his brow as he heaved himself up by the vines on the lowest wall he could find as he had circled Raventree Hall. Swinging himself over the top of the wall he found that he was in a lush garden, likely no where near the household chambers and he began to think he'd been truly stupid in not thinking up a clearer plan. Would he now have to throw stones at every window and pray he found that of his Lady's instead of her cousin Benjicot's?
A glimmer of gold caught his eye between the arches of a wall that seemed to lead to a smaller, private garden and he thanked the Seven for bringing him to exactly where he needed to be, as if by fate. Beginning to climb down into the grounds, he lost his footing and unceremoniously fell to the ground, letting out a low grunt of pain. His Lady must have heard the kerfuffle, for she appeared between one of the arches of the wall separating them to see him sprawled in front of her.
Quickly jumping to his feet, he halted his movements as she took some hurried steps back, eager not to scare her away. He held his hands out placatingly.
"Please, I did not mean to frighten you, my Lady. Will you not stay a moment?"
Daenara's eyes fell upon his golden tunic and the red stallion blazing across it, the sigil of his House.
"You are a Bracken, how can I be sure you do not intend to harm me."
He took several tentative steps forward, prompting Daenera to move further into the garden, dissapearing behind the wall before reappearing in an arch further away from the door which must lead to her private garden.
"I assure you I have no ill intent and would never harm a lady." He followed her as she moved down the length of the wall, shooting him furtive glances. He thought desperately of how he could convey to her that he meant her no harm.
"It is death should they find you here." She had stopped moving away from him at least, enabling him to step right up to the arch she now peered at him through.
"I do not wish to quarrel with your kin, only to return what belongs to you and to speak with you. If it is your wish to bid me go once I have done so, then I shall leave at your will, I assure you." When Daenara gave no response, only looking up at him quizzically with furrowed brows, he continued.
"I came to return your necklace, I hope you will not take offence at my presumption but I had it mended. You looked saddened to see it break so I could not but guess at its significance for you."
He held the necklace out to her across the ledge of the arch, and she slowly raised her hand to take it, brushing her hand against his.
"I am most grateful to you, my Lord. This necklace is, indeed, of special importance to me. A gift from my mother and a symbol of my House, though I know that will not hold much import for you."
Ignoring the door he'd seen entirely, Aeron climbed through the arch, leaping over the wall, as Daenara stepped back to allow him entrance. He was relieved that she now seemed to understand he would not harm her. It pained him to think of it.
"I would not reproach you for loyalty to your House, which is most admirable."
Looking into his eyes with a startling focus as if trying to assess his sincerity, she seemed to find what she was looking for.
"May I request your assistance?"
She pulled her hair back from her neck and turned her back to allow him access. Hands trembling slightly with his nervousness at their proximity, he wrapped the necklace around her neck and closed the clasp of the necklace. His fingers lightly brushed against the graceful slope of her neck, her skin soft and delicate to the touch.
A blanket of golden hair brushed against his shoulders with their closeness as Daenara turned back round to face him, hand clasped around her necklace.
"You have divested yourself of your purpose for coming here, what will you do now?" A glimmer of something he could not place lit her eyes, and Aeron had to forcibly pull his eyes away from them to answer coherently.
"It is only half true that I have fulfilled my purpose in coming to you, my Lady. I wish to speak my intentions, should you permit it."
"What intentions could you have? Have you yourself not borne witness to the chasm that separates our Houses, the danger you now place yourself in just by being here?"
Taking a careful step toward her, their chests almost touching, Aeron lowered his head reverentially and spoke softly.
"The only danger I fear is that which lies within your power. It is you fair lady whose weapons I fear.
Daenara looked surprised at his answer but stepped closer still, having to crane her neck up to look into his eyes.
"I am not so dangerous as that. And to what weapons do you speak of?"
"I speak of your power to grant or deny me your favour. One word from you could dash all of my hopes and tear my heart asunder quicker and with greater pain than any dagger of your kinsmen."
A look of realisation began to dawn on her features, a blush to tint her cheeks before Aeron spoke again.
"Your wit, your warmth, and your beauty ensnared me from the first. I tried to remove you from my thoughts, I admit, upon learning you were a Blackwood, but it was as if I were tearing a constituent element from myself. Do I dare to hope you have thought of me also?"
"I have thought of you many times since that night. I thought you must be a Bracken when you spoke of the Seven and it frightened me, yet I could not bar my heart to you even as I fled from you."
Aeron place a hand lightly on her elbow, his head spinning at the thought of Daenara returning his feelings for her.
"I have searched for you since, my only clue your necklace, so auspiciously dropped. For without it I could not have found my way to you again."
Taking a few steps back from him, Daenera stopped Aeron from following with a hand to his chest.
"I fear I cannot grant you what you seek. My affections as a Blackwood are not meant for a Bracken to possess." 
"Your caution is wise, fairest of ladies, but you'll find that a match between our Houses is not without precedent. Queen Visenya Targaryen herself arranged for two matches between our houses to great success. And was not King Benedict Blackwood himself born of both our Houses?"
Daenara's eyes shot up to meet his, her face contorted in anger. "Do you draw the comparison purposefully, for none could be deceived or blinded by my appearance? I know I do not bear the features of my House."
Quickly realising his blunder, King Benedict famously being a bastard, he took hold of her hand in both of his, his expression penitent.
"Sweet Lady, I assure you I meant no offence, it was not my intent and I beg your forgiveness for my careless blunder. I will speak plainly to avoid any misunderstandings between us. I wish to court you and devote myself to winning your heart for mine own."
"You speak such pretty words, I can scarcely believe them to be in earnest."
"Forgive me if my tongue does run away with itself, I will desist should my words displease you. Only do not send me from your sight entirely. My admiration for you is true, my Lady."
"Daenara, you may call me Daenara."
Aeron's lips quirked up in a smile.
"Daenara. And you must call me Aeron." Daenara offered him a tentative smile that instilled him with the confidence to make his next request.
"Will you meet me on the border between our lands tomorrow? I only wish to talk with you and learn more about you, Daenara." That was an understatement. He wanted to know everything about her, her likes and dislikes, what hopes she held for the future.
"I will endeavour to meet you, though I cannot promise. It will not be easy to slip past Benjicot. My cousin is rather protective of me."
He gently took hold of her hand, his moments slow to allow Daenara time to reject his advance. When she did not, he grazed his lips across her knuckles, maintaining eye contact with her "I will wait for you."
Aeron could not repress his joy as he climbed back over the garden wall of Raventree Hall, barely paying any mind to the danger as he snuck back into Bracken lands. His heart soared at the thought of seeing Daenara again on the morrow.
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The next day Aeron waited at the border between Bracken and Blackwood lands until he began to think Daenera would not come. The light tread of footsteps and the sound of satin shifting signalled her arrival and he beamed at her. "You came, my Lady." She smiled shyly back a him, "I promised I would try."
As Aeron took a step towards her, she raised a palm up to stop him. "I would not have you risk crossing into our lands again, it is a miracle you managed it unharmed last night. And I really ought not to cross into Bracken lands."
Aeron frowned then held out his hand to her, palm outstretched. "I will not cross the boundary line if it displease you. But we may walk along it side by side if we stay within our own lands may we not?" Taking his outstretched hand, Aeron quickly interlocked their fingers, his own cheeks surely blazing with heat at her acceptance as they began to walk alongside one another, a curious sight. Aeron found he did not care how unusual a pairing they made, simply content to speak with her again, to laugh with her, all the while feeling the comforting weight of her smaller hand in his, as she playfully began to swing their arms.
A sudden movement caught Aeron's eyes and he panicked at seeing Benjicot Blackwood, who would surely kill him should he find him so close with his cousin, at a distance. Realising he'd not yet spotted them he quickly pushed Daenara into a nearby bush on the Bracken side of the border. Swiftly bracing his hands on either side of her head to avoid crushing her under his weight he swept one hand over her head, tucking various strands of hair away from her face, looking over her frantically to determine if the fall had hurt her. "Aeron!" Daenara scolded him, unaware of what could have prompted his strange actions "My Lady, I apologise profusely. Are you hurt anywhere? I saw your cousin approaching overhill and panicked" the last he spoke sheepishly, waiting with baited breath for her to scold him.
To his surprise she smiled up at him affectionately and tangled her hand in his hair, laughing up at him. "It looks like I've crossed into Bracken lands after all, despite my best intentions." Aeron looked at her seriously, their faces so close his nose was almost brushing hers. "You will not come to any harm on my lands, not when I'm with you." Daenara made no answer, but when her eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips he boldly claimed hers with his own. Her hand tightened its hold on his hair to pull him closer to her and he moved his hand to cup her face. When they broke away for air he placed his forehead on hers before placing a tender kiss upon her head and standing, reaching down to pull her up with him and help her out of the bush. "I believe your cousin must have departed by now."
Aeron and Daenara continued to meet at the border, walking hand in hand along the boundary stones which divided their Houses, exchanging kisses and leaving letters for one another in secret, a bond of love growing between them each day.
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Daenera stomped towards her meeting spot with Aeron, furiously brushing away tears of bitter betrayal from her eyes. Her mother, the Lady Alysanne Blackwood, had summoned her to her Chambers that morning, and by the time she'd left it felt like her entire reality had been pulled out from beneath her. Daenera was not naiive, she'd always known she was a bastard. She looked nothing like her kin, the only thing making it at all clear she was related to her cousin Benjicot was their shared loyalty and that they were quick to anger. But she had never pushed her mother for the truth of her parentage, thinking it must be a source of pain to her. But now, to find that after she had expressed her affinity with the House of the Dragon for so long, her mother had kept from her that she herself was forged in fire and blood, it was almost too much to bear. Her mother had explained that her father was the Prince Daemon Targaryen, making Daenera herself a Targaryen. It did explain her strangely coloured eyes and golden hair, surely the outcome of the Blackwood influence darkening the pale blonde hair of the Targaryens. But it hurt to hear her mother finally explain why she'd kept her from public festivities such as the Harvest Banquet, or any banquets outside of Raventree Hall for so long, for fear that her Targaryen ancestry should be discovered and make her a target. A fear Alysanne felt all the more keenly as the House of the Dragon had fallen into all out warfare, her own House and that of her love's declaring for different sides.
To make matters worse, her mother had made the truly aberrant suggestion to her to take a husband from their bannerman to further cement her place as a Blackwood, to give her hand to Ser Rickard of all people. He was brutish and vulgar, no matter how loyal he was to their House. But it was the suggestion she should continue to hide such an essential part of herself to avoid getting caught up in the Dance of the Dragons that cut her most deeply.
Aeron smiled upon spotting her but his face quickly fell as he rushed towards her, crossing into Blackwood territory to gently take hold of her elbows and search her face. "What has happened, my Love?"
She felt her throat close up with tears and let her head fall onto Aeron's chest, as he encircled one arm around her waist and one held her head against his chest to comfort her. After a while she pulled away from him, prepared to tell him all that had passed between her and her mother, all the while praying to her gods that it would not change his feelings towards her.
"My mother has informed me of my true parentage. She says that I was born of a brief affair with the Prince Daemon Targaryen, of all the possibilities. That I, myself, am a Targaryen. Worse, he does not know I was even born. I know my mother intended to protect me but it does not make her deception sting any less. To make matters worse, she wishes me to marry one of our bannermen and I don't know how to tell her my heart already belongs to another." Aeron had frozen in shock at her first admission, before realising that he must have known this truth about his lady somehow all along based on his first impression of her. And there were more pressing matters than gawping at her, she was looking to him for comfort, to help her fix this. And he'd be damned if any other man but him would marry the woman he loved, knowing she loved him too.
"My Love, I think I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were made of fire and I have ever been drawn to it. I do believe that fate brought us together in that knowledge. As to your betrothal, I will go to Raventree hence and plead for your hand if you should allow."
Daenara brought her hands to cup Aeron's face. Aeron hated seeing the sorrow adorning her pretty features. "My mother would never allow it, my kinsmen will surely kill you for even attempting it." Aeron took hold of Daenara's hands and pulled them to his heart, looking into her eyes. "I Love you, and I will risk a thousand swords to make you my wife if that is also your wish." In response, Daenara pulled Aeron down towards her by his tunic, molding her lips with his. They broke apart, both turning towards the sound of shouting "Get away from her Bracken."
"Gods, that's Ser Rickard, the man my mother wishes to marry me off to." If looks could kill, Aeron would be in his grave. But he steeled his courage, prepared to defend his lady and his love for her from Ser Rickard and the two other Blackwood Knights trailing him. He pulled Daenara behind him and sent a glare the knight's way, which only seemed to incense him further. "You dare to cross the border and accost a Blackwood, you craven bastard!"
Aeron bristled at his insinuation. "I would never impose myself on a lady without her consent, Ser."
"She belongs to House Blackwood and is to be my wife, I have her mother's permission. Remove your hands from her person."
Aeron took a step towards the knight, speaking through gritted teeth. "From what I hear you do not have the lady's consent, and that is all that matters to me."
"You speak for her do you?"
"I would not dare. But I will not stand by idly as you lay claim to the lady as if she were some common cattle."
Not a moment after Aeron had spoken, Ser Rickard had forcefully shoved Aeron in the chest, pushing both Aeron and Daenara backwards. Shoving him again, Aeron just barely managed to stay standing, looking behind him to check Daenara was unharmed as she'd been holding onto his arm. But she had placed herself between the two in an attempt to stop any further violence from ensuing and time seemed to slow as Aeron watched in horror as a blow meant for him connected with Daenara's face, sending her falling to the ground.
Aeron immediately went to her, brushing hair away from her face, tenderly holding a hand to the side of her head to assess the damage. He felt his heart drop upon seeing a trickle of blood coming from a split in her lip. Her eyes were wide in shock as if she had not yet fully registered what had happened. Aeron had never had a proclivity for violence, but seeing Daenara harmed when he should of prevented it sent a surge of anger through him he had never felt before. He launched himself at Ser Rickard before the other Blackwood Knights could stop him, bringing him to the ground with the force of his assault. The brief moment of confusion lost, the Blackwood Knights forcibly pulled Aeron from Ser Rickard and he shrugged off their arms before kneeling back down next to Daenara, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright, my Love, are you in a great deal of pain?" Daenara held her jaw in one hand, clearly pained by it, and raised her hand to Aeron's face. "I am alright, it is not so awful."
A shout interrupted them as Benjicot appeared a few yards away, his face filled with rage. "Bracken!"
Aeron stood up to face him. Benjicot had briefly surveyed the situation and come to the conclusion that the brazen Bracken knight had laid hands upon his clearly injured cousin. "Did you strike my cousin? I'll kill you if you've harmed her."
Daenera rose from her position on the rough ground, dusting her skirts down, and placed a hand on Benjicot's chest. "He did not harm me cousin, but rather protected me from the one who did. You can take my injuries up with Ser Rickard once he picks himself up from the ground." She gestured briefly in the direction of the knight who was coughing and trying to recover his composure after Aeron's assault. Benjicot's breathing began to calm as he realised the truth of the situation, but he glared at Aeron nonetheless. "Benjicot please stop glaring at Aeron. You should know that I love him and intend to marry him." Benjicot took a sharp intake of breath, anger taking over his expression before he seemed to calm himself with a concerted effort, saying simply "I'll take you home cousin." Daenara nodded and took Benjicot's proferred arm, shooting Aeron an apologetic glance. But Aeron had already grabbed onto Benjicot's other arm to stop his movements. "I do not wish for the lady to be in any trouble because of her association with me."
Benjicot shrugged Aeron's hand off. "I care deeply for my cousin and I would not take issue with her even if she does have poor taste in men." With that Aeron watched Daenara and Benjicot walk the way of Raventree Hall before making his way back to Stone Hedge to speak with his Uncle.
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Aeron was equal parts surprised and relieved that it took very little convincing on his part for his uncle to sanction his marriage to the Lady Daenera.
Aeron had anticipated an argument, reminding his uncle of the previous terms he'd set for Aeron securing a betrothal. "You told me I could make my own choice. I choose Daenera. I love her Uncle, and I have the good fortune that she loves me in turn." Lord Amos had only let out a short laugh at his nephew's insistence, never expecting him to make such an unexpected match but nevertheless offered him his support in securing Lady Alysanne's consent for the marriage at Raventree Hall the next day.
More curious still was Lady Alysanne's acceptance of the match on the basis that Benjicot Blackwood of all people had spoken up in his favour. Aeron decided to dispense with his confusion in favour of embracing his lady and capturing her lips with his, in the knowledge that they would soon be wed, despite all the odds set against them.
Lady Alysanne sent a raven to Dragonstone shortly after Aeron and Lord Bracken left Raventree, deciding that it was time for Daenara to have the chance to know her father. It took less than the turn of one moon for Daemon to arrive on dragonback, landing Caraxes not far from her halls, eager to meet with the daughter whose existence he'd had no idea of. Daenera had hardly known what to say or do and had curtsied tentatively towards him, addressing him in a timid voice "My Prince." Daemon wasted no time in embracing her, speaking into her hair "My daughter."
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Daenera had never felt more sure of who she was, having spent so much of her life in the dark about her true heritage and always feeling a sense of loss she could never fully comprehend. The knowledge that Targaryen blood ran through her veins had enabled her to finally accept the fire that had always burned within her. She had been concerned as to how she would be received by Queen Rhaenyra as Daemon's bastard but the Queen had been unexpectedly welcoming and kind towards her, requesting that she come to Dragonstone along with her husband. Aeron's ready acceptance of her Targaryen parentage had only made her love him all the more. Daenera tried to channel her feelings of contentment into the Valyrian instructions her father had taught her, as she cautiously approached the dragon in front of her. "Lykiri Silverwing. Lykiri, dohaeris Silverwing" she repeated, one hand outstretched to the silver dragon's snout.
Silverwing huffed out fumes of smoke that warmed Daenera's hand, but the dragon did not stir as Daenera made her way along its length to the ladder which would allow Daenera to mount her. Looking back briefly at Aeron, who was gazing at her with a mixture of concern and awe, she turned back to the dragon with steely determination and began to climb up to the saddle, trying to focus on appearing fearless before the dragon she wished to claim. As she reached the top of the dragon's back and settled herself into the saddle she felt the bond between them fall into place, a bond so pure and so absolute she was sure it could never be broken. Taking hold of the reigns she spoke softly, knowing that Silverwing would obey her order now. "Soves."
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉
Writer's note: if you made it this far you are an actual soldier, thank you so much for continuing till the end :) I've tagged everyone who liked my initial post introing this story, I hope that's OK.
@ithilwen-blackwood @twistytimesandthoughts @im-gonna-love-you-forever @momoko-world @houseofthedragonluver-blog @grandoli14 @bryandechartisasmolbean @theswreties
@thornew @jessie123878 @jinx53 @vanityphantomofhearts @shadowwolf202101blog @hanahb333 @cat0803 @dosx @potato1d-blog1 @shemisseshome @queenhelaenatargaryen1
@courtney0-0 @rvllybllply2014 @atrocic @jacobsmemesibling
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56 notes · View notes
casscainmainly · 10 days
Have you read the recent chapter of boy wonder? I feel like it ties nicely with what you were talking about recently like robin, the mantles relationship with poc and batman
Adding your second ask here: "And also robin as being able to be a symbol for the collective and community. Sorry for being so scatter brained I sent the other ask without completing my thoughts😭 I was really interested in how you'll react to the recent chapter and hearing your thoughts on it. I'm not really good at analysis but reading yours are always fun"
I'm really happy you sent this ask because I've been meaning to read The Boy Wonder for ages and I never got around to it, so this was the push I needed!
You're spot on that so much of issue #5 connects to what I was discussing in my Duke Thomas and the Robin Mantle post. In fact, Damian giving the R symbol to the would-be robber directly parallels Duke giving the symbol to Daryl:
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The Boy Wonder #5 / Batman (2011) #45
In both, they view Robin as a connection to their families and to the wider Gotham community, as the grounds for both individual and societal change. And honestly this makes sense, given that Damian is the predecessor, both chronologically and spiritually, to Duke's Robin.
Damian as a character of color is fraught with difficulty. The set-up of his story invites a dichotomy between the evil, Asian, brown-skinned Talia and Ra's, and the kind and caring White Wayne family. Morrison's demonisation of Talia is symptomatic of this issue. This is something The Boy Wonder mentions, too; Ra's is aggrieved not only at Damian betraying him, but at Damian siding with a rich White man, the opposite of every ideal he was raised with.
But in The Boy Wonder and in canon, the dichotomy is not so simple. Boy Wonder has Damian acknowledge both his 'demon' and Bat sides, with the social movement aspect coming from his mother, not from Bruce. It's also important to anti-racist readings of his character, as well as a general understanding of Damian, that he did not need to learn compassion. He already had it - one of his earliest moments in Morrison's run is feeling devastated at failing to save Sasha. People saying Dick taught Damian to feel things are missing the point: Damian already felt things, and what he learned from Dick was how to process and use those feelings.
(It's also important that Damian's first Batman was Dick, the first Robin, and retroactively the first Robin of Colour.)
Damian as a character moves from the restricting, White-centric legacy of the Batman into the freeing, colourful legacy of Robin. Another parallel to Duke and We Are Robin:
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The Boy Wonder #5 / We Are Robin #1
Robin has always stood for youth, but this notion of the future starts with Damian (as Bruce's heir) and flourishes in Duke (as one of Gotham's many heirs). They are the future, which means the future is a place of colour.
One thing I liked more in Boy Wonder than We Are Robin is that Damian starts the movement, whereas WAR has... Alfred (this is a bad move for many reasons but this post is too long already). Damian credits the core moral principle - wanting to change the world in a communal way - to Ra's and Talia, which shows that Damian's morals do not come from the Batfam. Once again, the Robin mantle is not only a connection to the Bat, but a connection to the wearer's original/other family, as it was for Dick and Duke.
In all three cases, the other family is a family of colour. This is why I think Dick works better when his Romani heritage is acknowledged; the Dick-Damian-Duke lineage is a nuanced exploration of the ways kids of Colour navigate the White world, in which Robin functions as a celebration of difference and a rebellion against assimilation. It's a progressive journey: Dick is White-passing and has mostly lost touch with his roots, Damian (ideally, when Talia is written right) equally loves both sides of his family, and Duke is unapologetically, unequivocally Black.
Which is why, though I enjoyed Boy Wonder overall, I'm extremely puzzled why Duke wasn't in it. Like, Damian just started We Are Robin!!! Why would you do WAR and not include WAR characters? Merle could've easily been Duke, and the comic would've been richer for it. (Also why is Babs here?? She says like two lines and is not part of the Robin legacy. Steph being Batgirl or Robin would've made more sense).
I can kind of understand Duke's omission (though this comic pulls so much from We Are Robin it feels like it owes Duke a cameo), but Dick's role was strangely small. It seems like Damian didn't start as Dick's Robin here, but that point is so essential to his character that once again I'm puzzled. There is so much more to be done with Dick, especially with the last issue being a meditation on the Robin legacy.
But it was still a fun read, and Damian is so adorable throughout I can't be mad at it. I hope this post makes up for how long it took me to get to this ask!!
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hi! do you have serennedy headcanons about luis and leon being parents?
Hello!! Of course I do omg are you kidding me!!!!!!! I have a whole tag on my main @wisecrackingeric-2 titled ‘DadSerennedyAU’ if you wanna see my own spin on the idea!!!!! ORRRR if you wanna read something from yet another incredibly talented artist and author I CANNOT recommend @mooseonahunt ‘s AU enough!!!! And I know the lovely @geddy-leesbian has made some posts on this subject also!!!!!!!
But in terms of Headcannons I have plenty!! I’ll put them below the cut to avoid clogging anyone’s dashes!!
• First and foremost they are t4t. Sorry I don’t make the rules (also. Look at my blog name HQNAHWNEHDNDUDJ /lh)
• I imagine it was probably Luis who wanted a kid- we don’t know much about Leon’s childhood other than the fact that his parents died (the very wonderful @highball66 has some more information on the backstory we DO have for him!!) and thus we don’t really have a good idea of what his relationship with his parents might’ve been- but Luis is the TOTAL opposite. We know from context clues that he had a really strong relationship with his Grandfather, who went as far as to encourage his love for science and the unorthodox in an incredibly strict Catholic environment, and it’s implied on some level that Bitores Mendez had some hand in helping raise him, so I can imagine that Luis is very attached to the idea of parenthood and would probably wanna be the same kind of man his Grandfather was to him!!!
• Leon???? Realistically???? Probably a whole lot more hesitant- like he almost dies on the job everyday there’s no way he’d feel fit enough to raise a kid. But also,,,,, this is resident evil and also fiction where we can do whatever the hell we want so hell yeah he comes around to the idea eventually!!!!!!
• Luis is probably accidentally VERY clingy with their kid/a lil overbearing during the toddler age. Everything he’s ever contributed to in his life has either hurt others or he’s destroyed it one way or another- and everyone he’s held closest to him dies in some way. And going off of the first point, he’s probably put a LOT of pressure on himself to be a good Dad like his Grandfather was, so that usually ends up with him hogging the baby HCNNSSNSJSNIS
• Leon, again similar to my last point, would probably have the opposite reaction where he has this gut instinct to keep his distance- like he’s worried if he gets too attached it’s all gonna be ripped away from him just like Sherry was all of those years ago. But I highly doubt either of their qualms last for very long- they’d talk things out and figure out something that works for the both of them <3
• They’d probably go with the same middle and last name as Luis- ‘Serra’ and ‘Navarro’. I know I keep repeating myself but Luis had a really good relationship with his Grandfather and his culture/heritage clearly means a lot to him (ie; the intro to Seperate Ways), so being able to keep that little piece of his history alive would probably mean the world to him <<33
• And going off of that, Luis is ALWAYS trying to encourage their kid to learn more about their culture and heritage- teaching them Spanish, cooking them traditional foods, etc etc etc and when Luis isn’t there to do it, Leon is always more than happy to do so <<<<<<33333
• Let’s be real,,,,,,, Leon is coming up with the cringiest baby names ever HXNEHENDUXNXU CMOOOOOON LOOK AT MR. WHERES EVERYONE GOING BINGO!!!!! But Luis probably isn’t much better BCNENWEJSJ I can easily picture him convincing Leon that noooooo Alonso or Miguel aren’t references to Don Quixote hahahahahaha omg what’re you taaaalking abooout. So anyways if it were a girl what about Dulcinea-
• I’m picturing them choosing to have a kid a lil bit later than most people (like,, late 30’s-early 40’s??? So not like they’re old or anything but it’s not like they’re having kids in their early 20’s yk HNCSHDNSJ) so for that reason in my mind they’d probably only want one kid
• Very predictable but they both read Don Quixote to their kid when putting them to sleep and/or they sing them lullabies in Spanish. Who here is surprised for that one certainly not me
• And once again WHO IS SURPRISED, the kid’s room is very subtly Don Quixote themed. Lil stuffed donkeys and windmill motifs everywhere you get it (<- normalest guy alive)
• Leon’s probably the one who does more physical activities with their kid- realistically, Luis is N O T surviving that knife to the back without some major lifelong injuries, so Leon’s the one who always carry’s their kid on his shoulders or swings him around when they’re playing etc etc
• I think Luis would be a lil sad that he isn’t able to join in on those kinds of physical activities, but he’d absolutely make up for it by taking their kid to work or teaching them general hands-on skills n stuff!!
• Leon ABSOLUTELY would wanna teach their kid self-defence as early as possible. He obviously mellows out and realises hey maybe teaching a 10 year old how to wield a knife is a Bad Idea, but with everything he’s seen in his life there’s no way he wouldn’t want his kid to know how to defend themselves at LEAST
• Wild-card one here but the three of them ABSOLUTELY take family trips to Madrid or other cities in Spain during the summer
• Last wild-card one but sometimes Luis will look at their kid and see his Grandfather so clearly he just starts fuckim bawlimg. Same with Leon. He sees the childhood he could’ve had and sometimes he’s gotta excuse himself to cry. Love these beautiful idiots
Tl;dr they would be very very wonderful parents who would love their kid with all of their heart and soul and you can put that headcannon from my COLD DEAD HANDS!!!!!!
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Madeline Peltz at MMFA:
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, recently named as Donald Trump’s running mate, wrote the foreword to Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’ forthcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, the proceeds for which will partly benefit Heritage. The Heritage Foundation is leading Project 2025, a far-right staffing and policy initiative backed by more than 100 conservative groups that seeks to remake the federal government into a vehicle for Trumpism and would severely inhibit protections around reproductive rights, LGBTQ and civil rights, and immigration, as well as climate change efforts.
Vance’s foreward for Dawn’s Early Light, set to be released in September, will also financially benefit the Heritage Foundation directly, according to the Publishers Marketplace deal report that Roberts posted on X (formerly Twitter) in March 2023. The report states that the book sold “in a six-figure deal, with proceeds benefiting Heritage Foundation and aligned non-profits.” The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from Project 2025, despite numerous well-documented ties.  [...] Vance has his own ties to Project 2025 and Heritage. Reuters reporter Gram Slattery noted that “Vance is very close to Heritage,” and Politico described Project 2025 author Russ Vought as a “close ally” of his. On Newsmax, Vance told host Rob Schmitt that “there are some good ideas” in Project 2025, and he has previously praised Heritage for its “incredible” policy work.
Ohio Senator and Trump VP pick J.D. Vance (R) wrote the foreword to Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’s soon-to-be released book Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America that will come out in September.
The Heritage Foundation, in partnership with 100+ conservative groups, is behind Project 2025.
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nzia-writes · 1 year
Senile Souls
[A b l a d e & b p c r o s s o v e r ]
I’ve took a little break but I’m back to me! Let’s get into this, now.
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Synopsis: an aged love, once crushed beneath the strain of the blood moon, will resurface on the night of the blood moon. you return to wakanda because of love but not for love. and the princess? suffice it to say that she loves you but you have not given her many reasons to.
The Dynamics: vampire!Shuri vampire!Reader black!british!Reader
Disclaimer: vivid depictions of blood, violence, angst—cause I’m an angsty ho’. I get it from my momma— heartbreak, declining mental health, grief, and loss. Calm down, I swear it ain’t as bad as you think it is.
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The tags:
@cuddl3s4shur1 @itsophiebby @rxcently @slytherin-34 @shinsousliya @donewit51life @mysticalmarss @mlmilani @doms-fav @verachii @zayswriting
Honorable mentions:
@inmyheadimobsessed @izrinmabel1 @iinkonde -Love y’all work downnn!! I can only hope y’all think the same of this right here. -Everybody check out their workshops if you haven’t already. They are some beasts at this shyt, okayy?
This is my first supernatural piece ever. I think I did myself justice. Enjoy her!
[The Golden City, Wakanda]
Harm goes to those who trespass your path of demolition. The wasted soldiers scattered before you now know this more than anyone. They’ve committed their life to bulking strength only for it to kiss a sweet goodbye at its moment of use. But of course you omitted death, sweeping their minds inside a wicked slumber, served with a side of fractured arms and twisted noses. Mercy, oh, mercy. How distasteful.
The spilling of blood has never been an intimidating act to the commander of death. It is the spilling of blood inside an alpha-level nation—capable of deflating an ego with the tap of a button—that is more… low-grade in taste.
I mean, look at them. Their scars and jade embroidery is of the River Tribe. That is the Queen’s heritage, her home, and her heart. She would bring the world to ash if she were to find them here unconscious in this lowly lit palace room—-all the more vengeful to know it occurred by your hand. It’s best to move out before she can find out.
You seal the highly-risen chamber doors shut to crouch behind pillars as the guards and palace workers stride ahead of you, gossiping in their native tongue. The pungency of their blood is so noxious, so ripe with loyalty that your nose scrunches in disdain. If loyalty is what they practice, then sacrificing their blood for the princess’s consumption would be no trouble would it?
Of course it would. Shuri nurses a heart too pure to allow it. She’d certainly rack her own brain for a solution before devouring another. And for that fact alone, you tighten your hold on your tool bag, huffing out. I’m almost there, Shuri.
( I didn’t mean to post this so early, my mf finger slipped but hey it’s out now.)
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ausetkmt · 2 months
'White supremacist manifesto': Report unmasks 'history of racist writing' by Project 2025 architects
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Former President Donald Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's far-right 900-page blueprint for a second Trump presidency.
Yet many of its proposals have come from Trump allies. And Heritage had a strong presence at the 2024 Republican National Convention.
Moreover, Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), wrote the forward for a forthcoming book by Heritage President Kevin Roberts — who, critics say, threatened violence against Project 2025's opponents when he told Real America's Voice, "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."
READ MORE: 'Now we crush Trump': Michael Moore unveils 2024 battle plan
In an article published on July 29, USA Today's Will Carless reports that according to some critics, Project 2025 has ties to white nationalists and white supremacists.
Carless notes that author Michael Harriot has attacked Project 2025 as a "white supremacist manifesto."
"A closer look at the named contributors to Project 2025 adds to the concern," Carless explains. "A USA Today analysis found at least five of them have a history of racist writing or statements, or white supremacist activity. They include Richard Hanania, who for years, wrote racist essays for white supremacist publications under a pseudonym until he was unmasked by a Huffington Post investigation last year."
Carless adds, "Failed Virginia GOP Senate candidate Corey Stewart, another named contributor, has long associated with white supremacists and calls himself a protector of America's Confederate history tasked with 'taking back our heritage.' One Project 2025 contributor wrote, in his PhD dissertation, that immigrants have lower IQs than white native citizens, leading to 'underclass behavior.' Another dropped out of contention for a prestigious role at the Federal Reserve amid controversy over a racist joke about the Obamas."
READ MORE: Trump's dark mental state is growing even 'worse' as election draws closer: historian
Civil rights attorney Arjun Sethi argues that Project 2025's proposals would, if implemented, be highly detrimental to non-white Americans.
Sethi told USA Today, "Project 2025 is a plan about how to regulate and control people of color, including how they organize, work, play and live. It seeks to regulate what they do with their bodies, how they advocate for their rights, and how they build family and community — all while disregarding the historical injustices and contemporary persecution they have experienced."
Harriot argues that Project 2025 is full of ideas that have been promoted by white supremacists and white nationalists.
Harriot told USA Today, "One of the things that you see when you read Project 2025 is not just the racist dog whistles, but some ideas that were exactly lifted from some of the most extreme white supremacists ever."
Although Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, Harriott describes it as an "employee manual" for a second Trump Administration.
Harriot told USA Today, "There's some cognitive dissonance. Trump doesn't get elected by people who are just outwardly racist, and being associated with Project 2025 would dismantle his plausible deniability, because it's so blatantly racist."
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
@healerqueen replied to your post: ooooh!! book titles!! The Goblin Emperor?
Can you tell me more about The Goblin Emperor, maybe pitch it to me? I don't know whether I would personally like it, but I'm VERY intrigued by it.
The Goblin Emperor is about Maia, a prince who unexpectedly becomes emperor (in a world populated by elves and goblins--he has heritage from both) when his father and older brothers all abruptly are killed in an accident. Maia is estranged from his family and the court and has grown up neglected and abused; he does not feel ready at all for the position and finds himself caught up in political intrigue pretty much immediately. But Maia, though he is not without his faults, is steadfastly principled and kind, and the story is about how he adjusts to his new role while retaining his integrity and how he comes to be loved and valued by others in ways that he could never have imagined. It's a lot more heartfelt than the average political intrigue story, which I think is why I enjoyed it so much. Maia is a very endearing character.
I did struggle a lot with the fictional world's names and system of titles. There's explanatory material and an index of characters in the back of the book, but it might be helpful to look at that first if, like me, you have a hard time keeping complicated unusual names straight.
If I recall correctly, content-wise there's nothing R-rated. No sex, no swearing (I think? sometimes I blank these things out mentally), no graphic violence (but there is some violence). The fictional culture has its own religious system, and there are those who have the ability to communicate with the recently dead.
I can't say for sure whether or not you will like it, and I'm hesitant to do that around here because sometimes I recommend things and people find them offensive or emphatically don't care for them and then I feel horrible. But I can say that I personally did enjoy it and that it had themes that I personally felt were resonant. It might not be everyone's cup of tea though, and that's fine!
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bitter-abt-bruno · 2 years
Bruno and Mista with a S/O that's African American!
Hi guys, I'm african american and as a thing for BHM why not post a draft I've written????? anyways hopefully you guys like lol
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Bruno Bucciarati:
Well, while he never really saw a black person in Italy before, he obviously knows about them.
So when he lays his eyes on you, OOOOOH BOY he was starstruck. 
He didn’t know they could look so… gorgeous??? Plus you definitely stood out from the crowd.
He finds a way to converse with you and woah, you guys have so much in common!! You guys both agree to talk more.
At the start of your relationship, he didn’t really question much but it wasn’t because he didn’t have any interest in your culture, but because he didn’t want to come off as forthright and rude.
As you guys get to a comfortable part of your relationship to ask. more personal details, well, yeah he’s not pushy but if it pops up, it pops up.
You both learn from each other-- you with Neapolitan cuisine and you with soul food.
If you’re natural, then he’s going to ask a lot about how you care for your hair, not to be weird but because he finds it very interesting!!
Also, boy oh boy, this guy is completely infatuated with jazz (His favorite musician is Miles Davis) so please for the love of god, if you know anything about jazz tell him immediately.
He may or may not ask you a fuck ton of questions about jazz anyways, be prepared.
Besides asking about black culture, he’s gonna ask about American culture as well.
“Do you really drink out of red cups?”
Yes Bucciarati, we do indeed drink from solo cups.
All and All, he’s very supportive of your heritage and while he loves to know more about your culture, he loves you for the person you are, not just for the melanin you rock on the outside.
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Guido Mista:
While he’s not like Narancia type of obsessed, he does like American pop culture, (You know, the one that African Americans contribute to immensely).
So when he sees you, he could tell you were an American and so he approached you.
He talks about how much he likes some R&B artists and if you listen to R&B, then you guys probably talk about the variety inside that genre, probably teaching him some things he didn’t know.
You guys hit it off anyways so you guys go on dates next.
Though he isn’t an asshole or anything, he doesn’t really care about sounding forthright so almost immediately he asks a shit ton about black culture.
At first it’s a little endearing, but as the night progress you’re gonna have to tell him to stop.
He sheepishly apologizes and the rest of the date goes without a hitch.
He slowly gets to know more and more about you as a person and stops seeing the labels that comes with.
One day, while you were home he comes over just to say hi and...
Yo, his sex pistols are fucking hungry.
If you cook soul food then yeah, they’re drawn to that.
He feeds them some and yo they’re crying from pure bliss.
He also tries some and they’re fucking right, shit’s bomb.
Then on, if Mista is in your house and they get hungry, he’s gonna ask for some either just to eat now or some for the road.
He stops asking for Libeccio's now!! Congrats!!
This man loves you to d e a t h, especially if you’re good at cooking.
He showers in love, like, all the time btw.
Like, a call everyday or whenever he gets the time.
Texts throughout the day.
If he’s free and not resting, he’s up for anything.
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blackautmedia · 11 months
So I found your post on ToTK insightful, but one thing I didn’t see you cover is how according to the narrative, when Zelda went back 10,000 years she went to her distant relatives. It was still her kingdom, just very early. What do you think of how this ties in to the themes you were talking about?
Sure thing! Hope I can address this well.
For those not in the know, this is the post we're discussing--the Orientalism of the Mummy in Dehydrated Ganon.
I also want to qualify this with two things:
I'm not Native. I'm a Black person speaking as someone who also has a heritage closely related to colonial violence and white supremacy, but not someone who can speak for Native people. I can only go by what more experienced people have said and books and readings from them.
I'm using the word "Native" which itself encompasses several different people. I don't use this to imply they are the same or interchangeable with the cultural practices and ideas the Zelda franchise is drawing from.
To your question, I feel it doesn't really change much thematically because neither Zelda nor any of the Hylians in the present day have any cultural features, practices, or attitudes that codify her as a Native person except as a costume or set of resources and knowledge associated with her.
It's not portrayed as if it's her heritage she's been disconnected with, but is effectively portrayed as a white person being introduced to an entirely new culture in how exoticized it is.
With the Zonai, their coded status comes in the form of their way of dressing, the Geoglyphs being Nazca lines, the designs of the shrines, the Zonaite outfit Link has, etc. It also narratively shows up in how it's framed as "archaic" in-game as referenced by the naming of the armor related to the Zonai versus the white rule the land has in the present day and how they're portrayed and characterized around extinction.
It's almost point for point the exact narratives and ideas about Native people colonizers use in real life. Native people imagined as a people who no longer exist but still had worthwhile resources better suited in civilized (white) hands.
A big part of why the myth of Native extinction gets pushed so hard in real life (and in turn is repeated and propagandized in media about Native or Native-coded characters) is because it reframes how we talk about recompense for them.
If you imagine a world and buy into the repeat narrative of Native people all being extinct, there's nobody left to do right by. It helps shape the conversations around policies and decisions by people in power.
Things like environmental justice, land back initiatives, reparations, healthcare access, and many other things Native people advocate for are pushed aside by erasing the people fighting for it. It's a form of colonial erasure meant to justify inaction.
So while Zelda technically is a descendant of the Zonai, the story doesn't really do anything with that to challenge the way it's recreating a colonial narrative about Native people. We've historically seen her as a pure white woman, one whose purity is contrasted with the toxicity and dangerous wickedness of Ganon.
The few times we do get characters with features or a heritage that deviate from eurocentrism (ex. Nabooru, Urbosa, Demise, Princess Hilda, Tetra, Midna, Ganon, Sonia, Telma, etc.) they're either the villain, sympathetic only in how they directly align and submit to Hyrule's power as one of the "good ones" or they're just murdered or erased from the story entirely.
The Gerudo are out looking for boyfriends, but we overwhelmingly see this in relation to white men in-game despite there being numerous dark-skinned Zelda characters in their partners and even in who is spying on them or trying to sneak into Gerudo town as a bunch of creeps.
Zelda as a franchise is very dedicated to positioning whiteness as inherently superior and more desirable.
The (white) Hylians have a god-given right to control and rule, and all of the non-white races of people are better off for it. While Zelda is technically a descendant of a Zonai, we still see her effectively as an innocent and almost holy white woman.
The franchise operates on the idea that some people are born with magic abilities and are essentially destined to rule over others and that any challenge to that superiority is inherently evil. The characters who ever challenge that are either villains or are antagonized and cut down for it.
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REVERSAL AU - Regarding Risky's Revenge
So, this is something mildly different! For anyone who's wondering, no, this won't be a full headcanon post, because I honestly don't have too much to say about the events of Risky's Revenge - or, as it'd probably be called instead, Captain's Revenge - in the Reversal AU, but there's one writing decision I made regarding those events way back when this AU was first conceived that I've had reworked for...months now, honestly, and if I keep waiting to tell you all about it, I don't know when I'm going to do it, so I figured I might as well get it out of the way now.
I've been generally holding off on writing headcanon posts for the Reversal AU recently because I've been waiting for Shantae Advance/Risky Revolution to drop and see how that plays out before anything, but since this is something that shouldn't be affected by whatever happens in Shantae Advance, and that's likely going to take a while to come out anyway, well...yeah, like I said, I might as well address this now.
Now, to get all the vagueness out of the way, I've rewritten what happens at the end of Risky's Revenge in the Reversal AU. Honestly, my initial idea for it as floated along in my original post discussing the Reversal AU (which can be read here if you're curious) is something I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with as time goes on, so I'm glad I've found a better way to address that particular issue!
To elaborate, R!Risky having her magic taken away doesn't work as well for her as it does for Shantae, because their character arcs, while similar, take on completely different trajectories. For Shantae, her personal issues that she has to grapple with for the first few games stem from her insecurities about not being good enough and living up to the legacy of the Guardian Genies, and her magic being stripped away at the end of Risky's Revenge, followed by the events of Pirate's Curse, is both the ultimate culmination of those issues and her effectively being forced to confront those issues head-on, with beating the Pirate Master allowing her to come to terms with both her genie and human heritage and doing wonders for her self-confidence.
Meanwhile, when you get to Reversal!Risky...well, she has issues regarding self-confidence too, but those issues don't quite rear their ugly heads until after Pirate's Curse, because they're completely unrelated to her own issues regarding her heritage. No, those issues come from R!Risky being more exposed to the dangers of Mimic's work during her youth combined with Rattle's curse incident that resulted in him gaining his skeletal appearance, which resulted in R!Risky initially being turned off from magic entirely and stubbornly trying to present herself as a purely human protector using the technological expertise she gained under Mimic's wing, out of fear of what might happen should she actually try to use her magic. In short, Shantae's character arc is about learning to love herself as she is and accepting that she is good enough, while R!Risky's character arc is about learning to trust herself and grappling with the fear that she might hurt her loved ones in a way that irreversibly scars them.
Which is all well and good, except it also means that R!Risky getting her magic taken away, again, doesn't work that well for her personal character arc, because while she would feel the loss, given that she does make some headway into all that "trusting yourself" jazz by the time Captain's Revenge rolls around, R!Risky would ultimately adopt to it a lot better than Shantae does, and I don't think it'd really make much of an impact on her character at all. So, naturally, I figured, "let's change it to something that would be as impactful to her character arc, then," sat down to think about it, and, well...yeah, it was difficult to come up with something, to say the least. Ultimately, the best I could come up with was "well maybe we just do a literal reversal and have Risky's conciousness come along with the magic," and I figured that was good enough...but it still didn't quite feel right
Now then! With all that context out of the way, let's get to the fun part and discuss how I've changed it to something significantly more satisfying. Ahem...
The first change is that Captain Shantae's plan in Captain's Revenge now perfectly lines up with canon Risky's plan, in that she plans on using the magic lamp to enslave R!Risky as her minion, albeit to different ends than canon Risky. Again, like canon, she manages an even better result than intended and strips R!Risky of her magic, resulting in the creation of what I'll dub Nega-Risky for convenience (I honestly think it'd have a different name here but I can't think of a good one right now), and the now magic-less Risky is forced to engage in battle against her pure magic counterpart...and it's at the end of that battle where things change.
Like I said, R!Risky can adapt much better to being without her magic than canon Shantae does, and since she has more experience with pure human combat, she manages to actually subdue her genie half rather than destroy it through a combination of efficiency and knowing juuuuust how much to pull her punches while still being effective. With a quick shot to get the magic lamp away from Captain Shantae so she can't give her genie half any more commands, R!Risky then attempts to merge with Nega-Risky...which, unfortunately, she doesn't have enough magic expertise to realize is exactly the worst move she could've made.
Because the thing is, the Magic Lamp's process of stripping away Risky's magic? Yeah, it converted all of it to dark magic, which, as I've discussed in my headcanons post regarding magic, is not inherently evil...but it's also not particularly great for genies, because they cannot handle dark magic in any capacity. So, while Risky's attempt to merge her human and genie selves back together does work, she very quickly finds that it comes with adverse effects to her body, mind, and magical ability.
The effects to Risky's body are the most negligible, mostly restrained to just gaining a few streaks in her hair matching Nega-Risky's hair color thanks to Risky's own busy schedule keeping the magic directed and fighting off any other effects, but the other side-effects...for one, Risky becomes more irritable, her temper growing hotter and more out-of-control, and she finds it notably harder to concentrate over a long period of time, getting headaches if she does so - which, of course, only serves to amplify her frustrations and make her even more irritable...but perhaps the worst thing for Risky? It's not the changes to her body, or even the changes to her own mind...it's how her magic has gone completely haywire.
While R!Risky's magic being separated from her before being converted into dark magic and then being merged back into her physical body prevents the worst of the mental effects - unlike, say, what happens to canon Shantae in HGH when she's exposed to the Dynamo - the bottom line is, her magic and her mind are at war with each other, and R!Risky doesn't even know what the problem is or how to fix it, which means that any attempts to actually use her magic go horribly, horribly wrong. Case in point, during the beginning of Pirate's Curse, when R!Risky confronts Wrecker Baron during his attempted takeover of the town, she tries to summon a golem to help her fight...only for it to grow monstrous, smack Wrecker Baron aside, and go on a rampage, forcing her to deal with that as the first boss rather than Wrecker Baron as you'd expect. It's her worst nightmare come to life, her fears made manifest...and, as a result, I think this works MUCH better for R!Risky's character arc as a whole!
So, yeah, that's the rewrite! I'd go into more detail regarding how this changes Pirate's Curse and how the issue is ultimately resolved, but Pirate's Curse in the Reversal AU deserves its own post, I think. Hopefully this is coherent; staying hydrated has been a bit of a pain since it has been VERY hot for the past week or so, but yeah! Hope you guys enjoy!
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gossipgirloff1 · 2 months
hello, mexican here. brace for a lot.
a thing many of us latino/hispanic hate is the whole nationality vs ethnicity debates. many of us are not born in our homeland so our nationality and ethnicity are not the same (unless we have dual citizenship) but we are still so proud of our ethnicity and heritage. however depending on the country we are born in, mainly in europe, we might not many acknowledge that we are in fact latino/hispanic until it benefits them. we are forced to assimilate since it’s safe for our family due to r*cism in the country, or more benefits we get if we are non-latino.
a thing i’ve noticed in alex, now this might be a bit biased since i cannot stand this, is when something goes wrong like her being called a r*cist that is when it’s release she is mexican and therefore can’t be. or when she was trying to gain fans or positive feedback since the entire time she was in the mexico grandprix was not a good for her. she was constantly criticizing for her clothes, body language and how she spoke spanish (many were saying you could tell she learned it in school with how she sounded) but after the video of her stating she was mexico that is when it turned over for her. many mexicans became her fans, idolized her, coping her clothes and makeup style.
however, many of us notice she only claimed this part of her for its benefit. since she might be born and raised in france that might have something to do with this, since many french do not like us latino, especially mexican. and while growing up it was better for her to deny and bury this part of her so she could succeed in the society but now since her being latino is very beneficial that is why she’s slowly coming out with it. like why she won’t let the man post the video of her stating where she is from BUT can comment on it. there is no prove of where she was born in or her ethnicity (it is all speculations, we know she went to school in monaco and live and visited france a lot during the time but nothing else) and since that video she’s gained more interest since “Oh alex is argentinian” or “is she mixed, is she half mexican and argentinian” this is cause more people to go to her page which it great for her influencer career.
i do not like believing this, but it’s extremely common for people to do this. but there is many people that parents or even grandparents are latino but since they are ambiguous looking, they can pass off as anything which lets them deny they are latino and are another ethnicity until it benefits them. like receiving scholarships for latino, diversity hire, deny r*cism claims, or able to be exotic.
if this is alex, i find it quite sad for her. she has been denying part of herself for who knows how long and might not know who she truly is, especially with the claims she changed herself for charles, and many won’t believe her when she comes forth as latina since she’s been essentially lying for years about it.
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hqsenvs3000w24 · 7 months
"wood-wide network"
I've read some great blog posts from classmates about the coolest things they know about nature. After taking a few minutes to ponder it, I found myself looking at the trees around me and remembered learning some cool things about trees. 
The most amazing thing that I know about nature is that trees can communicate with each other. Trees in every forest are connected to each other by underground fungal networks. In the sciences, these are referred to as mycorrhizal networks.  Using these networks, trees can share water and nutrients in addition to communicating. These networks are often used to send signals regarding drought or disease. Those signals can be chemical, hormonal or slow-pulsing electrical signals (Grant, 2018). In these forested ecosystems, you will also find mother trees, which are the oldest and largest trees in the area. These trees can draw water and nutrients up from deeper soils making them available for younger, more shallow rooted seedlings (Grant, 2018). 
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The first time I heard about this was during my time at SOES. I was out on a hike with a group of students and the specialist leading us stopped at one point to discuss it. He gathered the students up and asked them to find the biggest tree in the area. Once they had located the tree, Richard started to explain how that one tree was helping all the other trees around us through this underground network. It was very interesting to hear it told as more of a story instead of just spitting out the scientific facts. I found that the students were more engaged, and they also had the opportunity to ask questions. 
Simard (2018) presents evidence that these mycorrhizal networks act in a similar way to neural networks. It is a lot easier, when learning about new topics, if you can put it into a context that is familiar. For this idea that trees communicate, it is sort of similar to a human family. Messages are sent, resources shared and the older help protect and shelter the young. This is one of the most simplest ways we can think of this topic, and yet it is also the one I connect to the most. We, as humans, have come a long way from thinking that trees and forests are simply a resource awaiting harvest. We started learning these organisms are alive, and although we are still missing much understanding of how they work, this scientific breakthrough of mycorrhizal networks is a huge step in understanding forest dynamics. 
We now know that cutting down one tree will not just affect only that tree, but all the others surrounding it. In our textbook, it is mentioned that to look at the past means people are calling for a better future (Beck & Cable, 2018), I believe that this discovery is something that will one day have been a historic event. In the future we will look back to when we first discovered that forests and trees have these connections. It is another connection between humans and nature that will one day benefit society. 
All for now :)
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
Grant, R. (2018) Do Trees Talk to Each Other? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved March 12, 2024, from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/#
Simard, S. W. (2018). Mycorrhizal Networks Facilitate Tree Communication, Learning, and Memory. 191–213. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75596-0_10
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
So I’m thinking abt watching the new td season. I’m prob gonna split it into chunks bc it’ll be my reactions to all the episodes plus pre & post thoughts of the season, so if you wanna know my thoughts, just go to the 'total drama revival episode rambles' tag
Firstly, let’s start off with some pre-watching thoughts. These are just bullet points based on the trailers and promo pics I’ve seen. (I’ve only seen part of one trailer—I forgot which one—and some of the promo pics.)
I know most of the major details of the season bc of spoilers but I’ll try to pretend like I don’t lmao though there might be some occasions when I reference smth—I’ll put those in brackets ( [ ] ).
Now onto my thoughts!!
PRIYAAA!!! [ A lot of ppl on here initially brushed her off as the Nice Girl, but I was with her from the frigging start and wanted her to go far in the season! ] As a desi female, I was so so happy to see desi rep AND her name is Priya!! It’s so pretty and ties into cultural heritage, and fgdgdgdgd I’d already hc her as bi fyi (yeah it could be me projecting on her, that’s okay. That’s f i n e. She seems like such a bisexual though)
Axel should be a lesbian. It’s what she deserves
Tbh I never rlly vibed with Ripper. Sure he seemed cool and ppl kept calling him the ‘nowen child’ but he’s pretty meh to me
I didn’t rlly try to guess who the gay couple would be ngl. But I lowkey wanted one half of it to be Chase bc it would’ve been so funny if the one person most ppl labeled as The Token Straight was n o t like imagine how many mouths that would’ve shut 😂
Chase & Zee would’ve been a v cute pair. Plus the shipname Chazee is adorable hhfgdgd if they don’t end up canon, it could be a good noncanon ship 🤷‍♀️
Chef and Chris eyeing each other in the promo pics like come on. Gimme some of that chref content
Julia and Nichelle would be so. amazing. together.
I think I’m the minority who believed that the Hockey Duo wouldn’t end up together. Idk they give off a bros/bromance vibe, and that’s it lmaooo
I’m so so interested in Scary Girl and how her character will be like!!
Bowie’s style is odd but funky—10/10, love it!! Def gives me gay vibes
Caleb seems like a Justin. Plus of c o u r s e his name is Caleb smh (no offense to ppl named Caleb)
Chase was only in the trailer for like less than five seconds but if anything happens to him, I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself. Idk man, he seems like Such A Guy, I just know he’ll be one of the ppl on the show I’ll be fixated on. Plus I love the name Chase.
[ I saw a post calling Chase a ‘boyfail’ and cryinggdgd lmao ] [ Chase overall seems to have mixed reactions among fans, so I’m gonna tread lightly around him. I just hope he doesn’t end up like Dave. I adored Dave when I started PI, but then…all that happened and he’s hated so much. Genuinely hope Chase doesn’t end up like that, pls pls pls I’m counting on you buddy. Don’t fuck it up *cue that one meme I know you guys are thinking abt* ]
Chase & Priya seems like such a popular ship. Ngl their dynamic interested me too-
I saw a post comparing Zee to Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and I’m like :0 fr though?? makes me love Zee even more!
So where exactly will this take place? Camp Wawanakwa?
Am I forgetting anything? Idk but these are my thoughts! Now onto watching the season—idk when that’ll happen but you guys will know when I post my thoughts :D
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lgcshion · 1 year
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OPEN EVENT 005 ( personality tests ) ! below the cut you’ll find the results to sakurada shion’s various personality tests ! note — this event has been completed for points ( +1 acting, +1 hosting/mcing, +5 performing, & +1 variety ) & a submission to redeem the listed amounts will be made after posting !
& M B T I
after taking the quiz, shion discovered that he’s an INFJ, otherwise known as the advocate ! in reading more about it, he discovered that the test gave him surprisingly accurate results in that he really connected to what he read. for example, he relates to how other INFJ people care more about making a difference in the world instead of focusing too much on personal success, making money, & being known for superficial means. he also vibed with the fact that INFJ individuals are dreamers, but those with drive to make their dreams come true, all while making sure those around them are taken care of, helped out, & feeling good, too. however, he also resonates with the INFJ weaknesses of being overly perfectionistic, remaining reticent, & being sensitive to the criticism others give him. he puts a lot of pressure on himself to be a “perfect” person, not only in talents, but also in friendships & other relationships, & the need to do so often causes burnout, frustration, & depressive symptoms in him. knowing this going forward will help him be more aware of his positive & negative qualities, & he hopes he can use the information to be a better person.
& G R A M
shion’s results here were enneatype 4w3, also called the aristocrat ! for the most part, it seems to align almost too well with his mbti type. type 4′s have a deep, vast “inner world” that they exist in, which is very shion, especially since it mentions that type 4′s don’t share this inner world with just anyone. though, the influence from type 3 helps them pull away the smoke & mirrors behind their inner world, & helps them feel more comfortable being “seen.” moreover, it states that a 4w3′s "basic fear” is being seen as insignificant, & this is true for shion. he’s worried that if he stays stuck in his head so often, no one will ever hear his opinions, or witness his art, & that he’ll simply fade away. it also says a 4w3′s “basic desire” is to be an individual; someone “unique.” their shyness sometimes stops them from being outwardly expressive, but luckily, they can learn to combat that. shion also relates to the fact that 4w3′s are emotionally really strong, & that they’re prone to overthinking & putting strain on themselves. knowing that many 4w3′s end up in artistic careers, shion feels like being a musician is a great choice for him.
& D A E M
not gonna lie, i had no idea what daemons were when diving into this, but having taken the test with shion in mind, his daemon is a bear, & more specifically a polar bear ! from what he ( & i ) have read, it says that those with bear daemons are emotionally strong, as well as naturally nurturing to those they love. they tend to feel a connection to their past, & even their heritage/history. polar bears often have hearty exteriors, & are opinionated people, but have a hard time opening up about their inner feelings, which as we’ve learned, is a struggle that shion deals with on a daily basis. he thinks this rings true for him, as well.
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bllsbailey · 28 days
Bongino Warns Secret Service Has Gotten 'Worse' Since Trump Assassination Attempt, More Is Coming
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Five House Republicans — Reps. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz and Cory Mills of Florida, and Chip Roy of Texas — hosted a panel discussion about the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump at the Heritage Foundation on Monday.
We wrote about how they interviewed Ben Shaffer, a local SWAT counter-sniper who had been working the Butler, PA rally. He said that an “odd” pattern of evidence-handling by the FBI had taken place following the deadly shooting, that they disposed of the body of the shooter and scrubbed the roof so quickly. 
READ MORE: Trump Assassination Attempt: SWAT Counter-Sniper Questions 'Odd' Pattern of Evidence-Handling
But there were also some fiery moments with podcaster Dan Bongino, who used to be a Secret Service agent, as he lambasted the problems of the agency. He didn't hold back on how grave he thought this was, and he made three points. 
First, he noted they had a "technology problem" — that "they rely on yesterday's technology tomorrow." He said the weaponry was old, "everything is old." 
Second, he noted problems with how they were spending money. There is no "more with less," he said. There was only "less with more." He said their budget went up, but "a 20-year-old criminal outsmarted them on a $40 drone technology piece of device... that's disgusting!"
Third, he said they should get rid of the investigative aspect of their job, such as pursuing counterfeiters, and concentrate on the main purpose of their job: protection. 
Then he answered some questions from the members of Congress, and he explained that things were now worse under Director Ronald Rowe than they were under former Director Kim Cheatle, who resigned in disgrace after the assassination attempt. 
Bongino warned that more would be coming, "[If] You think this is the last incident, you're out of your mind. We have seen these incidents over and over." He mentioned the Georgia grenade incident with President Bush that happened in May 2005, where a live grenade was thrown at Bush. He said that now, the people who had screwed up in the Trump case were still the people in charge. He ripped into Rowe, saying he'd been behind "stupid, waste of time" concerns about agents wearing red ties, thinking that somehow showed support for President Donald Trump. 
"This was what they were concerned with while withholding counter-surveillance assets and counter-snipers assets from probably the most threatened man on Earth. If you can explain it, good luck because that's not the agency I worked for," Bongino declared. 
BlackRock's Erik Prince observed that "for whatever their political reason," Trump got one-third of the people who were detailed to Jill Biden, who was in the same area that day. She got 12 post holders at an indoor event with far fewer people attending, and Trump had four post holders, according to Prince. 
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) picked up on the question of whether there was any political component to this, while the other detail was beefed up. Bongino said that when he was there, it was never political. But now he was concerned there might be a "political tinge" for the "first time in history." He raised the concern that they didn't want to accord Trump more to make him look presidential. 
Because it was such a colossal failure, it's bound to raise numerous questions. Bongino and Gaetz were hesitant to even go there. That's why they need to get answers as soon as possible to keep Trump safe and make sure this doesn't happen again. 
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