#more like beach babe am i right—
fatecantstopme · 10 months
This Isn't Real
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Summary: When you get kidnapped by a Djinn, Dean and Sam risk everything to save you.
Warnings: canon violence, talk of death, cursing. Shit ton of angst. Some fluff. SMUT, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V).
You woke up in an unfamiliar room as the sun began to peek through the curtains. Your eyes took a moment to adjust as you glanced around the room, desperately trying to remember where you were and how you got there.
Your mind flashed to a dark warehouse and vague memories of searching for something there, but the harder you tried to remember, the farther away those memories became.
You sat up with a groan and began to rub your temples. Where the hell am I?
You felt someone stir in the bed beside you and realized you weren't alone. You turned to look at the person, but you heard his voice before your brain could process what you were seeing.
"Hey baby, you okay?" he asked groggily.
"What?" you managed to croak out--shock settling into your bones as you stared at the man beside you.
He sat up, revealing his bare, toned, muscular chest. You looked away quickly, not wanting to be caught staring. Why the fuck am I in bed with Dean Winchester?
He touched your cheek and turned your head towards him. "You okay? I heard you groan."
"I--um...I'm fine," you stuttered. "What, uh--what happened last night?"
He raised his eyebrows as he regarded you. "We came home from the party early because you were feeling a little...frisky."
"Party?" you asked in confusion.
"Damn, baby, how much did you have to drink?" he asked with a chuckle.
Your face must have show how deeply confused you were, because he seemed to take pity on you.
"It was Sam's birthday party, babe. Remember? We came home, had some damn incredible sex, and fell asleep. Any of this ringing a bell?"
"Sam's birthday?" you muttered, then belatedly yelled, "WE HAD SEX?"
Dean laughed. "Girl, you gotta lay off the whiskey sours. They're messing with your memory." He kissed you on your forehead before dragging himself out of bed.
You were now faced with a very naked Dean Winchester and you averted your gaze out of habit.
"I'm gonna take a shower. Wanna join me?" he asked with a smirk.
"I...uh--I...not right now."
He looked a little crestfallen, but he simply shrugged. "Suit yourself."
As soon as he'd entered the bathroom, you jumped out of bed and looked around the room. Something had to be going on. Something insane. This wasn't real life--it couldn't be.
You glanced down at yourself and realized you were completely naked. You quickly threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before continuing your search around the room.
You saw a couple framed pictures sitting on the bureau near the bathroom door. You picked one up and felt your jaw drop. It was you and Dean on a beach. You grabbed the second one and found it was also of you and Dean, only this time you were apparently in Paris. The third and final picture was, of course, of you and Dean. It looked like some kind of park and he was on his knee in front of you, holding a small blue box in his hand.
You glanced at your left hand in disbelief, but there it was--a very large, very beautiful diamond ring. "We're engaged?" you mumbled in shock.
You set the picture down and collapsed onto the bed. Your mind was reeling and you had absolutely no memory of any of this.
You knew Dean--you'd known him for years--but you were just friends. You hunted together. That was all. Sure, you'd always liked him more than you should have, but he didn't reciprocate it. You certainly didn't wake up in the same bed, and you definitely weren't engaged to him.
When you woke up yesterday, you'd been in a motel room with Sam and Dean...you were hunting something. You closed your eyes and desperately tried to remember what it was. It was almost as if something was blocking that specific memory--no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't grasp it.
Dean appeared from the bathroom, clad in nothing but a towel around his waist. He saw you sitting on the edge of the bed with your head in your hands. Concern knotted his eyebrows together and he immediately crossed the short distance between you.
"(Y/N/N)?" he asked softly when he reached your side.
You looked up at him and felt your heart skip a beat. He was beautiful and perfect...and it was downright offensive. How anyone could look that good was a mystery. An even bigger mystery was why in the hell he was engaged to you.
He knelt down in front of you and took your hands into his. You stared at them, feeling the warmth spread throughout your body.
"What's going on with you?" he asked gently.
Tears filled your eyes as you looked into his beautiful green ones. "I don't know where I am," you whispered. "I don't...I don't remember any of this. I--I don't think it's real."
Dean's face lit up in surprise. "What do you mean? Of course it's real." He squeezed your hands comfortingly. "Do you feel that, baby? I'm real and so are you."
"Then why can't I remember?"
He looked sad. "I don't know, sweetheart. Maybe you just need to give it a little time and then your memories will come back."
You shook your head. "I was in a motel yesterday. A motel with you and Sam. We were going hunting."
Dean looked confused. "Hunting? I've never been hunting and I'm pretty sure you haven't either. Are you sure that wasn't a dream?"
"It felt--real. It was real," you insisted.
"Okay," he said soothingly. "What makes you think that was real and this isn't?"
"I remember it," you whispered.
"And you don't remember our lives together," he finished softly.
You nodded.
He reached up and tucked a hair behind your ear. "I don't know why you can't remember, but I'll be damned if I don't help you figure it out."
He stood up. "Why don't we go see Sam? Maybe going to his house will jog your memory of last night?"
He grabbed your hand and helped you to your feet. "Let's get dressed, pretty girl. Everything's gonna be okay."
You nodded, feeling a little more confident that everything might really be okay.
When Dean pulled up in front of Sam's house, you looked out the window, but didn't have any rush of memories. Nothing about it looked familiar.
Dean came around and opened the car door for you and took your hand as you stepped out. He watched your face for any sign of recognition, but he saw none.
"Come on, beautiful," he said gently, leading you to the front door.
A few moments after Dean rang the doorbell, Sam appeared at the door with a warm smile. "Hey guys! Come on in."
Dean led the way and you followed gratefully.
"So, uh...Dean mentioned you're having some memory problems?" Sam asked gently.
You nodded. "I--uh--I don't really remember much of anything really."
"Hmm," Sam hummed. "Sit. Let's talk."
You and Dean sat on the couch and Sam sat across from you on a chair. Dean explained the morning's events to his brother, while you sat quietly. There wasn't much more to say.
"So what do you remember?" Sam asked you.
"Hunting," you answered honestly. "I remember hunting with you and Dean. We've been doing it for years together."
"Hunting?" Sam asked in surprise. "We've never been hunting in our lives--and certainly not all together."
"Do you believe in ghosts?" you blurted.
Both men looked shocked. "I'm sorry, what?" Sam asked.
"Ghosts, goblins, ghouls, vampires, werewolves...all the things that go bump in the night. Do you believe in them?"
Sam and Dean exchanged worried looks. "No, (Y/N)...those are just stories," Dean said gently.
You sighed sadly. "That's what we hunt," you whispered so softly they almost didn't hear you.
"We hunt monsters?" Sam asked incredulously.
You just nodded, not trusting yourself to say anything else.
"Baby, that really does sound like a dream. An intense dream, perhaps, but a dream nonetheless," Dean said calmly.
"Then why does it feel so real?" you asked softly.
He looked sad. "I don't know, sweetheart. I really don't."
"What about right now?" Sam asked. "Does this feel real?"
You nodded.
"As real as hunting monsters?" he prodded.
You nodded again.
"Then why would you think this isn't real?"
"I guess I don't have a good answer for that," you admitted. "Hunting monsters does sound kinda crazy, doesn't it?"
Dean offered you a soft smile. "A little bit, baby. Especially for a lawyer, a mechanic, and a veterinarian."
Hearing the careers the three of you apparently had sparked another question in your mind. "Dean, how did we meet?"
"What?" he asked in surprise.
"How did we meet?"
"We met when Sam found that stray dog with the broken leg. He asked me to drive him to the nearest vet office...you happened to be the vet on duty that day."
You closed your eyes and tried desperately to remember meeting him, to no avail. You also couldn't remember veterinary school or even having a job at all.
"Hey, it's okay," Dean said sweetly, upon noticing your distress. "You don't have to remember right now."
Tears filled your eyes again, upset and ashamed at your inability to remember your life.
Dean wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. He kissed the top of your head and whispered, "Everything's okay, baby. I love you. You're safe."
You knew without a shadow of a doubt he was right about one thing--you were safe. You had never felt safer with anyone in your life than Dean Winchester and it didn't matter that you couldn't remember this reality...you still knew he would protect you with his life.
Dean's POV:
It had been three hours since (Y/N) went missing and I was losing my mind. Sam and I had looked everywhere...we should have never let her wander off on her own.
My brother was clearly having similar thoughts as he said, "You shouldn't have let her go out there alone."
"Let her?" I asked in annoyance. "I didn't let her do anything. She got mad at me and stormed off. That's not my fault."
Sam glared at me. "You're the one who pissed her off and you didn't go after her."
I kicked a rock that was at my feet as hard as I could. I hated that he was right and I hated myself for upsetting her. I was terrified of what would happen if we didn't find her in time. "I know," I admitted softly.
Sam's expression softened. "We're gonna find her, Dean."
I looked up at him and sighed. "We've looked everywhere. It's like she just disappeared."
"She didn't just disappear. Something or someone took her."
"We've been in this town for 6 hours. It's not like we've pissed anyone off yet," I grumbled.
"Yeah, I know. Besides, (Y/N) could fight off most humans she came across..."
"She went looking for the Djinn, Sam. I just know it."
"Why would she do that on her own? She's not stupid."
I groaned loudly. "Because she had something to prove!"
"What are you talking about?"
"I was mad at her, okay? I was mad she was so reckless during our last hunt and I lashed out at her. I told her there was no way she could do this job without us, but we were perfectly capable of handling it on our own. I wanted her to stay at the motel while we took care of the Djinn."
"Dean, she saved your life!"
"I know!" I yelled. "I didn't ask her to do that! She could have died."
"That's the life, Dean. We all could die at any time."
I glared at him. "If she died saving me, I would never forgive myself. Never."
Sam sighed. He knew what I was trying to say without me having to say it. I wouldn't admit the truth and he knew it. "You should've known telling her she couldn't do something would make her want to do it."
I closed my eyes. "I'll regret it for the rest of my life, Sam."
Sam shook his head and opened the passenger door of the Impala. "You won't have to because we're going to find her."
I watched my brother get in the car and I took a deep breath. "I hope you're right," I whispered before getting into the car myself.
It had been a couple days since you'd woken up in a strange place. You weren't sure why your memories were gone, but you'd started to feel comfortable. You'd settled easily into a routine, and those memories you'd had of hunting had begun to fade.
Dean had suggested you take some time off of work until you felt more comfortable...and perhaps your memories would return during that time. You'd taken his advice since you had zero memory of college and you didn't feel comfortable having animals' lives in your hands.
Dean had been the perfect boyfriend--fiancé. He was incredibly patient and sweet and it warmed your heart to know just how much he cared. Any time you forgot something that had happened, he would gently remind you about it without making you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.
It surprised you to realize how deeply you cared for him--how much you truly loved him. He loved you, that much was clear, but you had yet to share those feelings with him. At least, not in your recollection.
You'd spent the day relaxing on your back deck with a good book. You couldn't remember the last time you'd felt this happy. An hour before Dean would be home from work, you went inside and began preparing dinner. You wanted to make him something special as a thank you for being such a good partner.
You were standing in the kitchen finishing up dinner when Dean got home. He came into the room and inhaled deeply. "Smells amazing, babe. Whatcha making?"
You turned to him with a smile. "Lasagna."
He grinned. "I freaking love lasagna." He came over and kissed you softly. "And I love you."
You smiled warmly. "I love you too, Dean."
His beautiful green eyes lit up at your words. He stepped forward and pressed you up against the counter. His arms snaked around your waist and he kissed you deeply.
You squirmed a little when it became hard to breathe. Dean chuckled as he broke the kiss, allowing you to inhale rapidly.
"You're covered in grease and you're getting it on me," you teased. "Go shower and dinner will be ready by the time you're done."
He smiled and kissed you again. "Fine, fine. I'll shower." He stepped away from you and turned to go towards the bedroom.
"Oh, and Dean?"
"I've got a surprise for dessert. I think you're gonna like it."
He grinned ear to ear. "Is it you?" he teased.
"Dean Winchester!" you yelled with a laugh. You threw a hand towel at him and he ran from the room to escape, laughing all the way to the bathroom.
You rolled your eyes and went back to finishing dinner. You also pulled a pie out of the fridge and set it on the counter to finish defrosting. You'd gone to the store earlier that day and picked up an apple pie--Dean's favorite.
15 minutes later, Dean came into the kitchen looking refreshed and clean. You were setting the table, so you told him to have a seat and you'd bring out the lasagna.
"Do you want a beer?" you called from the kitchen.
"Water's fine, babe," he called back.
You froze for a moment. In all the time you'd known Dean, he had never turned down a beer...certainly not in favor of water. A voice in your head was screaming that something wasn't right, but you ignored it. You shook your head to clear your mind and quickly poured him a glass of water instead.
The two of you ate dinner, enjoying each other's company. You listened to Dean talk about his day and he asked about yours. It all felt very mundane...very domesticated.
You kept a smile on your face throughout dinner, even though something was bothering you. You couldn't help but feel like you were meant for something more--like your life had a different purpose. Maybe you were just in your head too much since you weren't working at the moment. That had to be it...
"Sweetheart?" Dean asked, interrupting your thoughts.
"Hmm?" you hummed in response.
"You okay?"
You smiled. "I'm fine, Dean. I was just lost in thought."
His eyes scanned your face for a few moments, but he eventually smiled. You were doing a good job of hiding your thoughts from him, but you weren't sure if that was a good thing.
Once dinner was done, you began to clean up. Dean insisted on helping, which you appreciated. You kept him busy with packing the lasagna away in leftover containers so he wouldn't notice the pie on the other counter.
"Ready for dessert?" you asked sweetly.
He smiled. "Sure, baby. What'd you make?"
"I bought it, but I think you'll still like it. Go sit back down and I'll bring it out."
He nodded and went back to the dining room.
You cut a generous slice of the pie for him and a much smaller piece for yourself. Pie had never been your favorite dessert, but Dean loved pie more than he loved anything in this world. You didn't mind having something that wasn't your first choice because you knew it would make him happy.
You came into the dining room and placed the large slice in front of him before sitting down with your own.
He was quiet for a moment and you felt that same voice creeping into your head again. "Dean? It's apple pie..."
"Yeah, thanks (Y/N/N). Kind of a big piece though, don't you think?"
The voice in your head got a little louder. "Sure, but you never turn down a big piece of pie. I've seen you eat an entire pie before." You chuckled at the memory...except Dean looked different in your mind. Rougher, but somehow happier.
"I suppose you're right. I can make some room in my stomach for it. I guess I'm just not the biggest fan of apple pie."
You froze and the voice began screaming at you. SOMETHING IS WRONG! "Apple pie is your favorite," you said quietly.
His face changed as he looked at you. He smiled warmly and said, "You're right. It is my favorite. Thank you for thinking of me."
Your heart was beating so quickly you thought it might actually explode. The man in front of you had gone from 'not the biggest fan of apple pie' to 'apple pie is my favorite' in the span of 30 seconds.
In that moment everything changed. It was no longer just a voice inside your head screaming at you to leave...you realized it was your voice.
"This isn't real," you whispered.
"What'd you say, sweetheart?"
You looked up at Dean--the man wearing Dean's face. "None of this is real." You stood up. "I'm sorry, but I have to go."
He sat there in shock as you rushed towards the door. You weren't exactly sure where you needed to go, but you had a feeling you would find it. You were out the door and running down the street before he even realized what had happened.
Dean's POV:
"This is the last vacant warehouse in this godforsaken city and I swear to God if she's not here, I'm going to kill someone."
"Since I'm the only person here, maybe you don't kill anyone," Sam said calmly.
I glared at him, but didn't say anything. We'd been searching for hours and we hadn't found a damn thing. Not even a clue. This was a last ditch effort to find (Y/N) and I didn't know how I would handle it if she wasn't there. I wasn't sure I could handle it.
I parked the Impala a little ways away from the entrance to the warehouse, just in case the Djinn was there. I didn't want to tip it off. We grabbed our weapons from the trunk and headed inside.
We'd only been inside the building for a few minutes when I heard a sound that sent chills down my spine. It sounded like blood dripping and my only thought was of her before I took off running.
Had I been thinking rationally, I would have realized it was just the sound of water dripping onto the floor, but I was far past rational. There aren't many people in this world that I would die for, but (Y/N) was second on that list right after my brother. She didn't know it, but she meant the world to me. I had to find her--alive.
Sam grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. He gave me a look like I was being reckless, which I suppose I was. He pointed to a room up ahead that appeared to be dimly lit. He started walking towards it and gestured for me to follow.
The moment we turned that corner, my worst fears came to life. The only thing I saw was the woman I loved strung up from the ceiling by her wrists, feet barely touching the floor. She was extremely pale and I could see blood slowly draining from her body into an IV bag.
I moved towards her with a speed I didn't know I had. Terror filled my lungs as I reached for her, worried that I was too late. There was a lot of blood in that bag and I had no way of knowing how many had been filled already.
I touched her cheek with shaking hands and I whispered her name. My voice sounded foreign to my own ears as I begged her to wake up. I tried to feel for a pulse, but my hands were shaking too much to tell.
Sam came up beside me and pressed his fingers to her neck. I watched him in terrified silence, waiting for him to shatter my heart into a million pieces.
"She's alive," he whispered in relief.
My eyes widened in surprise and my heart practically flew out of my chest with joy. "We need to get her out of here," I whispered back as I unhooked the IV to stop the blood flow.
Suddenly, Sam went flying across the room and I turned around in surprise. I came face to face with the Djinn, who was reaching for me with blue electricity crackling from his fingertips. I ducked to avoid his hand and the fight began.
You had no idea where you were going, but your feet were on a mission. You felt like you'd been walking for days, but in reality it had only been an hour or so. You belatedly realized you could have just stolen a car, but on the off chance you were wrong about all of this, you didn't want to commit a crime.
After almost two hours of walking, you found yourself standing in front of an old abandoned warehouse. Something about the imposing building felt strangely familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on why.
You entered the building cautiously, silently cursing yourself for not bringing anything that could be used as a weapon. You'd been so focused on getting away, that you hadn't done much--any--planning.
The building was dark and you didn't have a flashlight, but thankfully you'd had your phone in your pocket when you left the house, so you pulled it out to use the built in flashlight.
When you looked at the screen, you saw you had several missed calls and texts, mostly from Dean, but several from Sam as well. You ignored them both and turned on the flashlight.
You began to wander through the giant space, looking for something--anything--that felt out of place. It was a lot harder to find something when you had no idea what you were looking for.
After several minutes of wandering aimlessly, you noticed a room up ahead that appeared to be dimly lit. Well that's weird. You slowly made your way closer, trying to be as quiet as possible.
As you rounded the corner, everything changed. You nearly dropped your phone at the sight before you. You were hanging from the ceiling by your wrists, feet barely touching the ground, blood slowly filling an IV bag to your left.
In an instant, everything fell into place. Your memories--your real memories--flooded your mind. You remembered your argument with Dean and your foolish arrogance as you sought out the Djinn on your own. Clearly you'd been unsuccessful in your attempt to kill it--so here you were, trapped in a dream in your own mind while your body slowly died in the real world.
"(Y/N), stay," you heard Dean's voice say from behind you.
You turned to face him, knowing he wasn't real--he wasn't your Dean. "I can't...this isn't real."
"You're right. It's not. But it will feel real. You'll live out your whole life with me. We'll be happy and normal. Isn't that what you want?"
You thought about it for a moment. "No," you answered honestly. "I wasn't meant to be normal, to live a normal life. I'm a hunter...I save people. If that means I'll never be truly happy, if it means I'll die alone, then so be it. I can't stay here no matter how badly I want to...my real life is out there. The real you is out there."
"The real Dean doesn't love you the way I do."
Tears filled your eyes and you nodded. "I know...but at least he's real."
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, desperately trying to wake up.
In the distance, you heard a voice yell your name. You focused on the voice, but you couldn't figure out whose it was. The voice begged you to wake up, to fight..."come back to me," it pleaded.
You began to sink into darkness, unsure of whether you were about to wake up or die. In the moments before the darkness overtook you, you realized who the voice belonged to. "Dean..." you whispered.
Then, blackness.
Dean's POV:
"Sam!" I yelled as my brother was once again tossed across the room. This Djinn was seriously starting to piss me off.
I knew I needed to get (Y/N) out of here, but I was a little preoccupied trying not to end up strung up beside her. I'd managed to disconnect the IV, so at least she wasn't losing blood anymore.
"Shit!" I yelled as I once again dodged the Djinn's hands.
Son of a bitch! I saw Sam's silver knife lying on the floor, a short distance away from me. I moved towards it quickly, grabbing it before the Djinn noticed.
The creature approached Sam, clearly about to zap his ass into dreamland. I rushed up behind it and stabbed it in the back, bringing it to its knees.
The Djinn seemed surprised and I smiled ruefully. "Lamb's blood and silver--lethal combination, you son of a bitch."
Sam started to pull himself off the floor, retrieving his knife from the dead Djinn's back. One glance at my brother told me he was fine, so my focus turned back to (Y/N).
I rushed over to her and held her up while Sam started to work on the chains tying her to the ceiling. "(Y/N)? Can you hear me?"
She didn't respond, not that I expected her to, but that didn't deter me. "Come on, (Y/N). I need you to wake up."
Sam finally got the chains removed from her wrists and she slumped into my arms. I sunk to the ground, holding her close, and continued to beg her to wake up. I knew I sounded pathetic, but I didn't give a damn.
"(Y/N), please. I know you're mad at me, but I need you to wake up. I need you to fight. Please." I laid my head against her forehead and I whispered so softly only she could hear, "Come back to me."
To my surprise, I heard her whisper, "Dean..."
My head shot up and Sam's eyes widened. (Y/N) didn't say another word, but I knew she was alive. I picked her up and carried her to the car, gently placing her in the backseat before speeding off like a bat out of hell.
I pulled into the nearest hospital in record time, throwing the car into park without a thought. I carefully pulled (Y/N) from the backseat and carried her into the ER.
Sam had gone ahead and gotten a nurse to get a gurney, which I placed her on gently. I watched as the nurses took her back to an exam room and I sent up a silent prayer that she would be okay.
You awoke to the sound of beeping and it didn't take you long to realize you were in a hospital. With that realization came a flood of memories. You had no way of knowing how long had passed here in the real world, but for you it had been days.
You began to stir and you let out a groan as your eyes started to adjust to the brightness in the room.
You turned your head towards the source of the voice, but you couldn't quite make out the person's face.
"Hey," the voice said again. "You're okay. It's me."
Your eyes were still struggling to focus, but you recognized the voice. "Dean," you mumbled.
You didn't see it, but he smiled warmly. "I'm right here, sweetheart. You're okay."
Your body tensed slightly, unsure of how to feel. He didn't normally call you by any pet names and you suddenly feared you were back in the dream. "What happened?"
"You were captured by the Djinn. Sammy and I found you."
Your whole body relaxed and you let out a relieved sigh. Dean didn't understand why that would calm you, but he didn't question it.
"Thanks for saving me," you whispered. Your eyes finally focused on his face and you knew in your heart this was your Dean. He just looked different and your heart tightened at the sight of him.
"You don't have to thank me. It was my fault you ran off in the first place."
You shook your head. "I was an idiot."
"No you weren't. You could have taken him if you weren't distracted by my asshole comments."
Surprise lit up your face. "So you're admitting you were an asshole?"
He chuckled grimly. "It's a one-time deal, so don't get used to it."
You smiled. "I expect nothing less."
Dean shifted slightly, clearly wanting to say something, but he remained silent.
He seemed to debate for a moment, but finally asked, "What did you dream about?"
You sighed. "It doesn't matter."
"Of course it does," he insisted. "The Djinn lets you live out your dream life...so what's your dream life, (Y/N)?"
"Technically, the Djinn grants you a wish and the life you see is based around that wish."
Dean rolled his eyes. "You're avoiding the question."
"It was my dream, Dean. You don't need to know about it." You spoke a little more harshly than you'd intended and you hated yourself a little for it. Especially when you saw Dean wince.
He quickly recovered and threw his hands in the air in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. I won't press, I promise."
"Let me go talk to the doctor and see when we can get you outta here, okay?"
It was like he knew exactly what you needed. It warmed your heart and broke it all at once. "Thanks, Dean."
"Sure, (Y/N/N)."
"Will I ever not be tired?" you complained grumpily two days later.
Sam laughed from the small table across the room from the bed you were currently curled up in. "It'll just take a little time. You lost a lot of blood, so your iron levels are low. Be patient."
"I hate being patient," you grumbled.
Sam chuckled again. "You sound like Dean."
As if he'd been summoned, Dean himself walked through the motel room door. "Dinner is served!" he announced happily.
You sat up and started to get out of the bed, but Dean ran over to you. "You can eat in bed, (Y/N). You need your rest."
"I appreciate that, Dean, but you're smothering me. I'm tired of laying in this bed."
Sam laughed and Dean just shook his head. "Alright fine."
He helped you to the table and you sat down across from Sam. You were grateful for his help, even if you didn't want to admit it.
"I got you a burger," Dean began. "I wasn't sure if you'd be feeling up to eating one, but you could really use the energy."
You smiled warmly. "A burger sounds amazing, Dean."
He handed you your food and gave Sam his. He pulled out his own, then reached into the bag and pulled out a small item, which he handed to you. "They, uh...they had freshly baked brownies, so I got you one."
Your eyes lit up as you took the neatly wrapped brownie from him. "Thanks," you said softly.
"They're your favorite, right?" he asked.
He remembered. "Yeah. Especially with the--"
"--little chocolate chips," he finished for you.
You stared at him for a moment, a soft smile gracing your features. Your eyes began to water, so you looked down at your food to keep from embarrassing yourself. "This looks delicious."
The three of you ate your dinners in companionable silence. When you were finished, you got out of your chair and started to make your way back to the bed. You were still tired, but you felt stronger than you had in a few days.
Dean immediately jumped out of his seat to help you, but you gently told him you were okay. "I'm alright, Dean."
His hands seemed to twitch as he watched you walk away, clearly wanting to make sure you were okay. He didn't relax until you sat down on the bed and started to unwrap your brownie.
"She's strong," Sam said lowly.
Dean turned his attention to his brother. "I know. I just worry about her."
"You know I can hear you both, right?" you said from your bed.
Both men chuckled lightly.
"The room's small and voices carry," you teased.
"You're not wrong," Sam said as he got up with a stretch. "I actually think I'm gonna hit the bar. I could use a drink after the week we've had."
Sam looked pointedly at his brother, which didn't go unnoticed by you. You watched as some sort of nonverbal exchange happened between the two men.
"I'll be back later," Sam said, getting what appeared to be the final word in whatever discussion they had been having. He walked out the door with his jacket and Dean locked it behind him.
"Since when does Sam go to bars by himself?" you asked.
Dean shrugged, but didn't meet your gaze. "Guess he really needed that drink."
"Or he wants to get laid," you mumbled.
Dean groaned. "Gross."
You laughed. "He's not a monk, Dean."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to think about him getting jiggy with it."
"Did you just say 'getting jiggy with it'?"
"I was trying it out."
"Maybe don't," you said with a laugh.
He grinned and flopped down on the other bed. "I'll make a note of it."
The two of you fell into silence, but unlike during dinner, this one felt uncomfortable. The tension hung in the air and there was so much you wanted to say to him...and so much he wanted to say to you.
"Do you wanna watch TV?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"Not really."
The silence continued to drag on until Dean finally couldn't take it anymore. He sat up and looked at you, gaze seeming to bore into your soul. "Can I tell you something?"
"When you saved my life, I was pissed. Beyond pissed. I haven't been that angry in a long time. But it wasn't because I wanted to die or anything like that...I just didn't want you to. When that vampire sent you flying and I heard you hit the wall, I was terrified. More terrified than I've ever been before."
He took a slow breath before continuing. "Once the vampires were all dead and you started to get up, I felt relieved--you were okay. But then all I felt was rage. I was so angry with you for putting yourself in harm's way like that...for risking yourself to save me. I'm not entirely sure I deserve saving, but I do know if you had died to save me, I would have never forgiven myself."
You stared at him in silence, lips parted, eyes full of emotion. "Dean..."
He held his hand up to stop you. "That's why I yelled at you...that's why I said everything I said. I didn't--I didn't know how to explain what I was feeling, so I lashed out at you. You didn't deserve it and I'm sorry. I'm so damn sorry, (Y/N)."
"I appreciate your apology," you said softly. "But I won't apologize for saving your life. If I'd let you die? I wouldn't have forgiven myself."
He looked a little surprised. "I didn't think about that."
"You never think you deserve saving. You don't think you deserve happiness or peace, a normal life--god forbid love... You think you're some kind of monster, but you're not, Dean. You're the best person I know. You're loyal to a fault, strong and brave, but also kind and gentle. No one hates you the way you hate yourself, Dean Winchester, and I'm tired of you projecting those feelings onto other people."
This was absolutely not the direction he'd imagined this conversation going...but here they were. "I don't know why you think that...you've seen me at my worst."
Your expression softened. "You're right. I have. But I've also seen you at your best--and that is a sight to behold. You're incredible, Dean...in all the ways that matter."
His eyes roamed your face searching for any sign of deception. When he saw none, he decided to seize the opportunity to ask you the only question he was dying to know the answer to..."What did you dream about?"
"What did you dream about?" he asked again.
You inhaled sharply. It wasn't that you didn't want to tell him about the dream...about the life the two of you had shared...it was just that you were afraid. Afraid of how he would react, what he would think, what he would say...you weren't sure if you wanted to risk it.
You looked into his eyes for what felt like eternity. They seemed to swirl with emotion while silently begging you to tell him the truth.
You sighed. "I dreamed of a normal life...nice house, good job, friends, a fiancé...the whole nine yards."
His lips parted in surprise. He wasn't sure he wanted to ask, but he needed to know. "Fiancé?"
You nodded. "Yeah...I, uh--I was as surprised as you are."
"Is that what you want? A normal life with some random guy who doesn't really know you?"
"He wasn't some random guy," you admitted quietly.
"In my dream...my fiancé was someone I know."
"Like in the real world?"
You nodded.
"Who?" Please don't be Sam. Please don't be Sam. Please don't be Sam.
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters to you or you wouldn't have dreamed it...the Djinn wouldn't have chosen him."
You hated that he was right and you didn't want to tell him. You were afraid it would ruin your relationship...you loved hunting with Sam and Dean. You loved traveling the country with them, hunting monsters, saving people, living in shitty motels...you loved it all, but most of all you loved Dean...and that was something you had never shared with anyone.
"It wasn't real," you whispered. "It was just a fantasy."
Dean decided to take a risk and he prayed he wouldn't regret it. "It doesn't have to be a fantasy."
"What?" you asked in surprise.
"If you tell him...maybe it can be real."
There was something in his eyes that gave you pause. After a few seconds, you realized it was fear. He was afraid of what you were going to say...and it gave you hope. Why would he be afraid of what you were going to say if he wasn't hoping it was him?
"It was you," you admitted quietly.
His lips parted and he inhaled deeply. "Me?"
You nodded slowly, suddenly unable to speak.
He stood up and crossed the short distance between you. He very gently pushed you back against the pillows and crawled on top of you, hovering mere inches from your face. "Do you love me?"
Your eyes widened in surprise. This was not at all how you imagined telling Dean how you feel, but you found yourself incapable of lying to him. "Yes," you breathed out.
"Say it," he whispered.
"I love you, Dean," you said softly.
He closed his eyes and laid his forehead against yours, his breathing labored and his hands shaking slightly. "(Y/N)..."
He stopped thinking then and let his body guide him. He'd loved you for so long--wanted you for even longer--and now he was finally going to have you. He pressed his lips against yours and kissed you like he was trying to memorize the shape of your lips.
The kisses you'd shared with the fake Dean in your dreams were nothing compared to the real thing. Actual sparks flew, igniting a need for him deep within you. Your hands clung to his flannel shirt, pulling him even closer to you.
He moaned softly against your lips and you parted them to allow him entry. His tongue dominated yours in a passionate fight for power. His hands began to roam the soft curves of your body, eliciting low moans of desire from you.
"I don't remember a time when I didn't love you," he admitted against your lips. "I don't want to remember before."
Your heart seemed to sing at his words. Dean had always been a deeply emotional man--he felt things more strongly than anyone you'd ever known, but he bottled up his emotions and hid them from the rest of the world. Hearing him finally confess his deepest secret made you feel incredibly special.
"I love you so much, Dean Winchester. So, so much."
He smiled. "I love you more, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
He kissed you again and you melted into him. His hands continued to roam your body, and yours did the same to his. A passionate need for one another had been ignited within each of you and neither of you could deny it.
You began to peel off his clothing and he did the same to you. The idea of being completely naked with Dean would have normally terrified you, but you could feel the waves of love oozing from the man above you. You knew you weren't the kind of girl Dean normally brought home, but none of that mattered--not when you could feel the love he had for you.
By the time you were both naked, you were overwhelmed with the desire to feel him inside you. He, however, had other plans. He began to slowly work his way down your body, stopping to show your breasts some attention.
"You know, I always loved these," he mumbled as he nipped and sucked at your breasts, earning sweet moans from you.
He continued his journey down your stomach, placing kisses to the scars and stretch marks littering your skin. You felt worshipped in a way you'd never experienced before.
Finally, Dean landed right where you wanted him, but he didn't give into you easily. His lips kissed along your inner thighs, appreciating the soft skin, biting gently to see your reaction.
Your breathing was ragged and you began to beg him to do something, anything. "Dean please," you murmured. "Stop teasing."
He chuckled lightly, but he didn't deny your request. His lips pressed against your core and he pushed your legs as far apart as he could without hurting you. His tongue darted out and licked a stripe up your pussy.
He let out a deep growling sound and dove into you like a man starved. He dug his fingers into your hips as he tugged you closer to him, feasting on you like you were the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted.
Your moans spurred him on, the sweet sounds like music to his ears. He could have happily stayed here between your legs until the end of time, but he had a feeling you would make him stop eventually.
Your fingers were interlaced in his hair and you were begging him not to stop. Not that he would have, but you didn't know that. "Dean...I'm so close."
He moaned in response, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine. His tongue focused its assault directly on your clit and you cried out. Your legs began to shake and he could feel you nearing the edge.
He sped up his ministrations, earning another cry from your lips. Your hips bucked slightly and he shifted his arm to hold you in place. "Oh god!" you yelled.
You tightened your grip on his hair as you felt the impact slam into you, orgasming with a cry of his name. He worked you through your high, only stopping when you squirmed out of his grasp.
"Dean," you murmured as he crawled back up towards your face.
He kissed you softly. "I wanna be inside you so badly, baby," he whispered into your ear.
"I don't have a condom," he said softly.
"I don't care. I want you, Dean. Please."
He could never deny you, especially when you begged him so prettily. He lined himself up with your entrance and sheathed himself inside you with one quick thrust.
You gasped his name and dug your fingers into his shoulder blades. The feeling of him filling you up was enough to push you closer to a second orgasm.
Your pussy gripped him like an iron vice and he had to take a deep breath to control himself. He hadn't felt like this since he was a teenager. He needed to get a grip or he was going to cum embarrassingly early.
Your hips shifted beneath him and he hissed softly. "Dean," you begged. "Move."
He started to move and the sounds of wet skin against skin began to fill the room. Those were soon overpowered by your moans and his low groans.
"Fuck, baby...feels so good," he whispered. "Such a sweet, tight, little pussy."
You moaned and your pussy clenched even tighter around him.
He groaned and his hips stuttered to a stop. "You gotta stop doing that baby, or I'm gonna cum."
You grinned wickedly. "Isn't that the point?"
He nipped at your neck playfully. "Not until I get another one from you."
He started to move again, which wiped the smirk from your face in an instant. You wrapped your legs tightly around him, effectively locking him into place inside you.
"Normally I'd have you in a hundred different positions," he muttered, "but I wanna see your face when you cum. I wanna watch my pretty girl fall apart because of me."
Your pussy clenched and you moaned softly in response.
"Yeah? You like that? You like that I wanna watch you?"
You nodded.
"Words, baby."
"Yes, Dean," you gasped.
"That's my good girl."
You practically preened at the praise and Dean made a mental note of it for later. For now, he was focusing on drawing another orgasm from you and staving off his own.
"You're so tight, sweet girl. Feels so good."
Your moans spurred him on, forcing him to keep up his pace. He pulled himself up slightly, tugging your hips with him, allowing him to reach your g-spot with each thrust.
You let out a cry a pleasure that he knew he would die to hear again. He closed his eyes for a moment as he sped up, desperately trying to keep himself from cumming before you did.
"That's it baby, I know you're close," he murmured.
"So close," you cried out.
"I know," he whispered. "I want you to cum for me, baby. Cover my cock with your sweet juices."
Your legs tightened around his hips and your nails dug deeper into his back. He watched your face as you began to shake--orgasm mere seconds away.
"Eyes on me, baby," he demanded.
Your eyes flew open and met his gaze. You gasped--the intensity of it all pushing you over the edge. You yelled his name as you came, explosions of light flashing behind your eyelids as they fluttered closed.
He watched your beautiful face as you rode out your high with him. He shifted focus to his own quickly impending orgasm. His breathing became more ragged and you opened your eyes to find his again.
"Feels so good, baby," you murmured.
His eyes locked onto yours and he panted heavily.
"I know you're close, handsome. I want you to fill me up."
His green eyes widened. "You sure?"
You nodded. "I need it, Dean. Please." You clenched down on his cock to emphasize your words.
That was all he needed in order to reach his peak. He moaned your name as he started to cum, whispering it into your skin like a chant as he emptied inside of you.
You held onto him tightly as he came down, his body shaking slightly from the intensity of his orgasm. He finally collapsed on top of you, unable to hold up his own weight.
You placed a soft kiss to his head and listened to his breathing begin to regulate.
Eventually, he rolled off of you, leaving you feeling strangely empty. He managed to drag himself off the bed with a murmured "I'll be right back."
You watched him walk to the bathroom, and for a moment you worried he'd regret it, but your fears were assuaged by his reappearance with a wet washcloth.
Your face must have betrayed your thoughts because he knelt before you and said, "I love you, (Y/N), with everything I have."
You smiled. "I love you too, Dean."
He returned your smile and began to carefully and gently clean you up with the washcloth. It was warm and it felt nice to be cared for like that.
Once he was finished, he threw the washcloth into the bathroom and crawled back onto the bed. He tugged you close to him and pulled the covers up over you when you started to shiver.
"Anyone ever tell you you're beautiful when you cum?" he asked softly.
You laughed lightly. "You would be the first."
He kissed your hair and tightened his grip on you. "I intend on being the last."
You turned your head to look at him and felt your heart melt a little. You didn't have a good response for that, so you simply kissed him, hoping your emotions were conveyed in the action.
He leaned into the kiss and whimpered slightly when your lips left his. You kissed him one more time and he let you pull away after several seconds.
"You should get some sleep," he murmured. "I'll keep you safe."
You knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would die to keep his word. You settled back against him, a silent response of trust and gratitude. He gave you a soft squeeze as you began to drift off to sleep.
This life might be hard...it might be full of pain and loss, but it was real. The man holding you in his arms was real. The love you felt for each other was real...and you wouldn't change any of it.
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rageserenity · 6 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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fart9992828282i2 · 4 months
beach date 🌞
joost klein x reader
warnings: smut
authors note: hello people i hope u enjoyed my last fic, here’s another one!
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joost and you were on the beach today, as you both had the day off. the beach you were out was far away from town and you could barely see anyone around, not only because it was hidden, but because it was late evening. you had just gotten out of the sea, both wet and sunburned. he laid down on his towel, asking you to put some sunscreen on.
you got on top of him, spreading sunscreen on his bare back, slowly massaging his shoulders. he groaned at the pressure you applied to his back.
“babe” he moaned.
“yes joost” you replied.
“can I eat you out?” he politely asked.
as soon as you heard this, you felt butterflies on your lower belly. “please” you said.
he quickly got up, kissing you gently and passionately. not wasting any time, he took your top off, exposing your breasts. he started kissing and sucking on the one, and he was rubbing circles on the other. he kept eye contact to make sure you enjoyed it, you moaned at the sight.
kissing all the way down to your thighs, he took your swimsuit off, exposing you to the sunlight of the sunset.
“open up please” he said.
he kissed your inner thigh and your belly. you were so needy for him, so you gently pushed his head where you needed it. he started rubbing circles around your clit with his tongue, and took a lick from your entrance to the top, to spread your wetness. you begged him to go faster.
he was slowly licking your folds, your entrance, your clit. you were about to ask him for more when he burried his face between your legs and started eating you out passionately.
his tongue worked as a vibrator. it moved so fast, sending shivers down your spine. when he saw that you were close, he stopped.
he gently rubbed circles on your clit with his hand, going down your entrance, pushing a finger in carefully not to hurt you. he then gently spit on your clit and started licking you again. you could hear the sounds his tongue and hand made as he was finger fucking you.
he then replaced his finger with his tongue. he started teasing and licking your entrance, slowly getting inside you.
“joost keep going please” you moaned.
he was now playing with your clit with his hand, and gently face fucking you. you felt your release coming close, feeling his warm tongue inside you. you knew you were close, but you also felt like you were going to explode. you had squirted before, not with somebody but by yourself.
“joost I think im squirting” you didn’t know if joost was familiar with it so you decided to warn him. he got so excited about what was about to happen.
“fuck yes babe, cum on my face please” you had never heard joost being so horny, but you were here for it.
“am I doing it right?” he asked. he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you.
“yes babe just a little faster please” you begged.
he went faster and applied more pressure. he was moaning too.
you felt your climax come as your legs shook. you screamed as you squirted all over his face, and basically everywhere else. as you squirted he was rubbing your clit licking your wetness from your liquids. “fuck” he moaned, while licking you, and also slowly stroking himself with the other hand.
it was your turn to return the favor.
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angelicblondie · 28 days
high infidelity (pt 2)
enemy!luke x princess!reader (MDNI) warning: cheating (not ok at all), smut note: finaly done! thank you for the patience on this! it took me soooo long for some reason so im so sorry! but with that being said, i really hope you all enjoy 🤍 ⋆⑅ೀpart oneೀ⋆⑅
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you hadn't properly spoken to luke in exactly 2 weeks. 2 weeks since you threw your coffee all over him at breakfast, 2 weeks since you spent the whole day cleaning camp with him, 2 weeks since you kissed him, and 2 weeks since you slept with him.
eventful day, huh?
after luke had cleaned the two of you up, you had promptly (and awkwardly) showed yourself out, sliding back on your underwear and running back to the beach for your clothes. you thanked the gods that everyone was at the campfire and no where near you and luke, otherwise they would have caught you in a very compromising position.
after redressing, you rushed to the rest of the campers, taking a seat next to alex. your boyfriend.
wow, what a good girlfriend I am, you thought sarcastically.
alex turned towards you, placing a firm kiss on your cheek. "hey babe, where were you?"
you loosened up your limbs trying to appear casual. "I had to finish off some cleaning with luke." you stated, forcing your voice to sound a bit annoyed at the mention of the raven haired boy.
alex sighs. "i know you don't like him babe, but what happened at breakfast was....a bit much, no?"
you bite your lip. "i know, i know, trust me."
his fingers twirl a bit of your hair, and his eyes narrow. "why is your hair wet?"
you blink, thoughts running wild to formulate an answer.
"i think im done cleaning," luke stated, tossing his shirt to the sand and unbuttoning his shorts. you turned to look away, fearing a blush would coat your cheeks at seeing his near-naked form.
you could hear the smirk in lukes voice as he talked, and you turned back to see him just in boxers, walking backwards towards the water.
"gonna take a dip, if you wanna join."
his words were enticing, and you still couldn't figure out why. despite yourself, you slowly peel of you clothes, curious as to where this was going. with a new found sense of confidence, you walked towards the water, locking eyes with luke, who was eyeing your body, and the thin, lacy garments covering you privates.
you held back a shudder of the memory from before, and forced a annoyed look on your face.
"luke threw water on me at the beach." you lied.
alex scoffed. "what a dick, huh?"
you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder. "yeah, a huge dick."
you winced at your words, because they were true in all senses. you almost laughed at the irony - you had just slept with him and were now talking to your boyfriend about how he's a huge dick. beautiful.
in truth, you felt beyond guilty. here alex was, so sweet and caring, and you had just cheated on him. it was so out of character, especially given your hatred for luke - it was out of the blue.
you regretted it. bad.
but why did that idea fill you with even more guilt?
not long after you arrived, luke had showed up, going over to sit with his siblings.
he glanced in your direction, noticing that you were next to alex. feeling his gaze on you, a part of you wanted to detach from your boyfriend - a small part, but still a part.
and besides, even if that part of you was bigger - that part that quite enjoyed your time with luke over the past hour - it would never work. odds are, you were just a one and done for him. he messes around with girls all the time, its wasn't worth loosing your relationship with alex over.
so at that moment, especially when you saw luke begin to flirt with a girl from demeter cabin, you decided you would forget you and luke castellan ever happened, and you would devote your time into making your relationship with alex work.
because it was the right thing to do.
like stated, it had been 2 weeks since your...encounter, with luke, and safe to say things have gone mostly back to normal.
the days were mostly the same. you spent time with your siblings and friends, and of course, your boyfriend. you trained the younger campers, you dueled with your peers, and you lead your cabin in all duties, being the head councilor alongside your sister silena.
you relationship with alex felt as if it had only strengthened in the couple of weeks - you had been pouring so much more energy into the the two of you, and if felt good to be investing into something that was good for you.
and besides, you were filled with immense guilt for what happened with luke - the least you could do was spend a little extra time with alex.
so yeah. the days were mostly back to normal.
the nights, however, had changed.
instead of being plagued by usual demigod nightmares, you had been burdened with far worse - dreams of luke.
you were angry, internally blaming it on him, even though you knew rationally, he couldnt have anything to do with it.
you were the issue.
whether you were trying to or not, you were the one dreaming of him. you were the one that as soon as you closed your eyes, you were back in cabin one, underneath him, writhing in pleasure.
you wished there was some sort of therapy at camp, so someone could tell you what the hell was going on.
you knew you didn't like luke - since the moment you met him, in fact, you hated him. the two of you never got along, always competing to be best, always finding ways to get under the others skin. you didn't like him, and he didn't like you.
so it was attraction - simple as that. just because you hated him with your gut, doesn't mean you couldn't find him hot. because he's objectively hot. it would be suspicious if you said he wasn't hot, because everyone knew he was.
so, you could admit that to yourself - that you found him very attractive, but you could never see anything with him. thats why it didn't matter - because theres nothing of substance. with alex - he genuinely cares about you, and you feel safe with him. luke would only ever disappoint you.
but you couldn't deny that lukes surprising warmth was unforgettable. that his lips and skin were shockingly soft, that his voice when quiet and breathless was enough to send shivers down you spine even now, that when you were with him in that state he was all consuming...
you couldn't deny that his touch was electric, lighting a spark in you that you didn't know was there. that his teases weren't aggravating that one late afternoon when he had you, in fact, they only spurred on your need for him. you couldn't deny that despite yourself, the intimacy of the moment you had wasn't lost on you - the way he demanded you look in his eyes the whole time, the way he joked with you and cleaned you up after, even his dirty teases about what your boyfriend would think if he found out - you remembered it, no matter how much you wish you didn't.
you cringed when you remember your own words from that night.
"bet he could never make you feel this good, could he?" luke had asked, his voice teasing and of course, knowing.
you repeatedly shake your head, your words coming out all jumbled together. "no, never, only you, luke," you cried.
"s'that right, princess? only me?" you almost regretted your words, seeing how much it seemed to have grown his ego, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care all that much when he was making you feel so good.
you nod, whimpering as your cunt clenched around him, biting your lip to hold back any more sounds.
you had essentially told him that it was only luke who could make you feel that good, that he was better than your boyfriend.
yikes. it wasn't a good look, especially since you were still with said boyfriend.
you could excuse it, say it was heat in the moment, but in truth, in that moment you meant it. you rarely say things you don't mean, and even if you tried to lie, you knew the truth - you knew that it wasn't a fabricated statement.
you also couldn't pretend that you hadn't seen him looking at you, very often as of late. you'd be at the volleyball court, messing around with your siblings, when you felt his hot gaze on you. you turn to look, seeing him with his own siblings from afar, staring heatedly at you. you would swallow nervously, you body feeling hot, before returning your attention back into the game.
you werent sure why he was pressed - you had assumed he would've been fine with it - getting it out of your system once and then going back to normal.
but nothing between you two in the past couple of weeks was your normal.
you and luke, as always, taught the younger campers a sword fighting class. you had been teaching this together for years, chirons reasoning that you two were the strongest sword fighters in camp, and it would be a shame not to utilize that. the two of your egos had been too stroked to disagree, despite your dislike for the other.
but now, after what happened between you two, you regretted that design greatly.
things were beyond different between you two now. instead of teases and jabs, from luke you were given intense glares and knowing smirks. when the two of you were demonstrating, it was impossible to focus, having to look luke in the eye after what happened between the two of you felt like hell. your cheeks grew rosier the more his lips tilted up into a simper, and your body felt hotter whenever his fingers grazed on you waist to show "correct stances" to the kids.
you felt so angry with yourslef for letting him have this effect on you - you had promised yourself to forget what happened between the two of you, but it was hard when he made you feel so helpless.
it was even worse when you got caught staring at him instead of the other way around - humiliating, even. he would meet your intense gaze, his eyes filled with a rare sense of seriousness. you would look away, embarrassed to be caught, but you would feel his gaze on you for a long time after.
you remembered one night when his stare was far too compromising.
it was about a week ago, aka, a week after the two of you slept together, and alex was walking you back to your cabin after a long day.
"you tired?" he had asked warmly, hodling both your hands as you stood in front of you cabin.
you nodded, a small smile on your lips. "yeah, long day."
he nodded in agreement, before stepping close to you, his lips tilting up. "can i give you a kiss?" he asked.
you internally winced. why did he ask? he was your boyfriend, he shouldnt have to ask to kiss you!
luke certainly didn't.
you shook that thought away before forcing a smile on your lips, nodding softly before leaning in to meet his lips.
kisses with alex were always slow - not that you didn't like slow kisses, but it was all the time - there had to be some sort of diversity.
with luke, there were moments where your lips moved sensually, before speeding up to be more intense. there was moments where he kissed you passionately and deeply, before pulling his lips away, teasing you, leaving you wanting more. it was electric, addictive, even.
luke-why were you thinking about luke right now? you were kissing your boyfriend, and you should be thinking about him, alex, not luke. you felt a prickle on your arms, goosebumps rising, as you flutters your eyes opened slightly.
from afar, you could see luke, leaned out front of his own cabin, watching you guys.
you wondered if you should've felt disgusted, annoyed even - but you were filled with shock.
alexs' lips trailed down to your neck and you gasped, him smiling into your skin. he thought you were gasping for him, he thought you were pleased with his lips.
when in reality, you were reacting to a whole different man.
staring at luke from across the way, your mind could trick you into thinking it was him doing this to you - him holding your waist tightly, lips sloppily trailing kisses along your neck. even though alexs' lips felt much different, you could pretend.
luke watched, his arms crossed, serious gaze softening into a smug expression. he knew. he knew you were thinking about him, he knew you couldn't stop thinking about him - he knew. somehow, he knew.
so anywayse, to summarize the past 2 weeks:
hell. absolute hell.
"alice, make sure to keep your feet planted, its easy for your opponent to knock you down if your balance is unsteady"
you heard lukes instructions from afar as your bent in front of layla, a young athena camper, putting a bandaid on her knee.
"why do you and luke not fight anymore?" layla asks innocently.
you look up to here, surprised by her question. you laugh breathily. "um, i dunno, layls. we just don't."
she huffs, wincing when you place the bandain on her cut. "yeah, but you guys barely talk, as well."
you blow out a breath of air, ignoiring her interrogation. "all done. why dont you go join the others?"
she pouts, but does as you say, running back over to her sparing partner as you stay where you stand, overseeing the practice.
you feel the space fill up next to you and you don't have to look to know its luke.
"ben is getting better," he comments, referring to your younger brother. you hum in agreement. "yeah, he just need to be more confident in his moves and then he'll be on a good path."
he hums, and its silent for a moment as you two watch your students.
"listen, i have some changes i want to make to next classes schedule," luke says, breaking the silence. his voice was casual, yet his lips were tilted up in a faint smirk.
you turn to look at him, furrowing your brows. "ok..." when he doesn't say anything, you huff. "go ahead."
he chuckles. "nah, i mean, its too long of a conversation, and class is almost over."
you purse your lips. "ok, fine, then after class."
he hisses in a breath of air. "i'm busy all afternoon," he excuses, faux apologetic. you narrow your eyes. what is he playing at ?
you let out a scoffed laugh. "ok, so when?"
he shrugs. "does after dinner work?"
you fold your lips inwards. you weren't so sure about that. alone, when its dark, with luke? cant be a good idea. but there was no other time to do it, and you knew he wouln't take no for an answer.
"fine," you say curtly after a moment.
he grins. "perfect. meet at the dock, then."
and thats exactly what you did. after finishing up your dinner, making sure all your sibling got ready for bed, you snuck out to the dock.
you saw luke already seated there, and when he heard your footsteps, he whipped his head around, his lips tilting up. "ah, there you are. almost thought you werent coming."
you walk over to sit next to him, yet far enough away. "so, what did you want to talk about?"
he chuckles, leaning back on his hands. "oh, theres tons i want to talk to you about, princess."
you clench your jaw, your cheeks getting a bit rosy. "i meant about the schedule for next lesson."
"oh, right," he sits up a bit, "i think we should change the demonstration to before they start practicing instead of after."
you blink. seriously? couldnt he have just said that earlier? "is that all?"
lukes eyes grow mischievous. "no, actually. i think you should bring your little boyfriend - think it would be fun for him to watch us spar, no?"
you purse your lips, immidiately filled with anger. "stop that."
he throws his hands up in faux defense. "woah, calm down princess. was just an idea."
you roll you eyes, scoffing. "i knew it was a bad idea to come here."
you begin to stand up, but he grabs your wrist. "no. c'mon, stop that," he snickers a bit. "i was just messin with you."
his voice came across a bit soft, and you couldnt ignore the fluttering in your stomach. you stay seated, looking over at him. "whats the real reason you asked me to come out here?"
lukes jaw clenched, and he looked out into the dark water of the lake. the vibe between you two darkened, as did his expression. "you cant just pretend it didn't happen. thats not how it works."
you face fills with shock, his switch in demeanor catching you off guard. he seemed...frustrated, frustrated that you hadn't acknowledged what happened between the two of you.
you swallow nervously. "it was a mistake," you say, but your voice betrays you, coming out quiet and unsure.
luke scoffs. "nothing you do is a mistake, princess. you always know what your doing."
"yeah, well, i didn't in that moment, obviously," you bite your lip. this didn't feel like you and luke - the two of you were being oddly vulnerable, you weren't necessarily fighting - sure you were frustrated, but it wasn't like you were throwing petty insults at the other.
"i..." you start, but have trouble finding you words. "look, i had a good time with you" you admit, your voice quiet. you don't dare to look at luke. "and it was all...really good. but it cant happen again. i've already done enough to betray alex, when he's been nothing but good to me. and-and im a relationship girl, luke. thats something you could never give me."
lukes jaw clenches. alex? nothing but good to you? so you dont know about how he bragged to a bunch of the guys about your body, about how you had given into him? so you dont know that alex had said disgusting things about you, vulgar things?
instead of saying this, he turns to you. "who says i couldn't give you that?" he asks, his voice quiet and low.
you blink, turning to him. you checked his eyes for the truth, and saw nothing but sincerity in his words. shock ran through you. you had no idea he was actually interested in you - you had just assumed he was purely attracted to you, and that was it.
it was like a gate you had forced yourself so seal shut had been cracked open. you had made yourself not even entertain the idea of more with luke, assuming that he would never even think of it. but knowing that he had - that changed everything.
you allowed yourself to consider it, truly consider it. the idea of being with luke. you didn't push it away.
you were brought back to the soft but firm touches, the intimate eye contact, the way he made you feel so special that night 2 weeks ago. you enjoyed it, you know you did, even if you tried to pretend it didn't happen.
but then you remembered alex - sweet alex, who was waiting at the campfire for you after you had fucked luke. gentle alex, who never rushed you, and was respectful.
alex always felt safe.
but what if you didn't want safe?
the silence had consumed the two of you - the only sound that could be heard was the chirping of crickets and the gentle summer breeze. the eye contact you two held was intense - your eyes were glazed over in thought - you both were thinking hard in that moment.
you don't know what possessed you to do it. the moment felt so intimate and private, and he was right there, in your grasp. your hand went out to delicately cup his face. his brows furrowed a bit, confused and a bit surprised by your touch.
you bite your lip. "do you mean it? that you could give me that?" you asked, you voice the softest it had probably ever been with him.
you words were so vulnerable, it caused his heart to clench. after a moment he nods. "i want to. i want to give that to you."
before you knew it, your lips were crashing into his. luke reacted instantly, one hand holding the back of your head and the other cupping your cheek.
you were brought back to the moment where you two kissed at the beach, but this felt a lot different. there was hint of desperation then - you two weren't sure how long it would last, what it meant, even how you were feeling - now, everything was more sure.
you had him now, and he had you.
he pulls you close, and you swing your legs around him, straddling his waist. his hands slide down your waist, squeezing a bit to pull you closer to his chest. you arch into his touch, pressing your chest against his and your hands slide into his hair.
once you start getting breathless you pull apart, panting against his lips.
luke grinned tiredly, and it was so contagious you smiled back.
"let me sneak you into my cabin," his swollen lips practically whisper.
you bite your lip unsurely. "i dunno...what about your siblings?"
he scoffs a bit, as if you said something funny. "they'll be out by now. besides, we'll be quiet"
that was enough to convince you, and before you knew it, his hand in yours, he dragged you over to his cabin, opening and shutting the door quietly, tiptoeing to his bed.
luke sits down first, opening his legs and looking up at you, signaling you to sit down on them. you straddle his lap, cautiously looking around the cabin as luke began to nip at your neck, forcing quiet, breathy hum out of your lips.
he pulls you down, covering you both in blankets, as his lips attack yours. you fall into a steady rhythm, hands exploring each others bodies, breathing heavily into each others mouths. you pawed at his chest. "more," you whisper pleadingly.
"more?" he asks tauntingly. "y'want more? more of what, princess?"
you whine quetly. "of you, luke, please?"
without another words he pecks you chin with a mischievous smile, disappearing under the covers. your filled with anticipation before you feel him lift your shirt up, placing kisses all along your torso.
you bite you lip, holding back the noises that you desperately wanted to release, as you felt his lips move lower and lower.
you wished you could see him, so you ducked under the covers, the duvet just thin enough that moonlight was able to peak in. you could see the shadows of his face, and he looked devastatingly handsome.
he smiled against the skin of your inner thigh, his lips peppering a few kisses there. he moved up, right against your denim shorts, playing with the button and zipper. after a bit of teasing, he slid the down, collecting them in his hands to climb up over you, sliding them under his pillows. he placed a delicate kiss on your lips, before whispering, "is this ok?" against them. you nod feverishly, and he smiles so soft you wonder why you've yet to see this side of him.
he moves back down, his lips against the cotton of your panties, hands holding you hips. just his breath against you was enough to make you feel light, and pool wetness. he place a sweet kiss directly over you clit and you shivered, hands moving to his hair.
"j'wanna make you feel good, princess." he says so quietly you almost miss it. your heart thunders in your chest as he presses more kisses over your panties, his hands sliding down to toy with fabric on yours hips.
"please, luke." you whisper pleadingly, and he gently shushes. "shhhh, its ok, let me handle it. just lay back and take it, hm?"
you nod, your face twisted in want as you relax you head, letting it rest on the pillow.
luke gently tore your panties off, letting them pool at your ankles as his middle finger slows runs down your center. you shiver, and he places a disciplinary hand on your hips. "stay still," he instructs, his finger still gathering your wetness.
his digit pushes into your tight entrance, causing you to swallow a whimper. you shut your eyes, hands gripping his hair.
he places a soft kiss on you thigh, mumbling incoherent praises against your skin.
he slowly moves in and out of you, before his lips press a kiss on your clit again. you jump, gasping quietly as he begins gently sucking.
with his digit fingering your fluttering walls, and his lips slobbering over you pussy, you swear you've never felt such pleasure. its hard to keep quiet, and your surprised you do (not counting the occasional gasp or quiet hums of pleasure).
luke is having way to much fun. you can feel him smirk against you when you let a little noise slip, and you can feel him silently laughing when his tongue flicks over your bud, knowing you would go crazy.
he adds a second finger, and before you know it, a third. every second your coaxed further into your orgasm, and you know he can tell, by the way your pulling his hair to push him closer to your core, and the way your back arches off the bed.
when he does finally bring you too your peak, you bite your lips so hard your surprised it doesn't bleed. your hips stutter against his hand, and his digits inside you slow down, moving you through your high. once you catch you breath, he gently brings your panties back up, placing a kiss over the fabric, before climbing back up.
he kisses you softly, and you can taste yourself on his tongue. he breaks away, the two of your heads peaking out of the blankets.
"good?" he asks quietly and softly, lips red and swollen.
you giggle a bit. "more than good." your hand runs down his chest. "want me to return the favor?"
he shakes his head. "another time, princess."
you pout. "are you sure? i dont mind."
he shakes his head again. "nah. tonight was about you. we have all the time in the world for that."
and it was true, you did. that night 2 weeks ago was the start to something beautiful, and tonight was the real start of you - you and luke.
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kjupchurch-xx · 11 days
12 Years In The Making - Tumblr Request
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"Love, remember, we're having dinner tonight, don't make plans." Hugh yelled from the bathroom as he was shaving his face. 
I smiled, "I know, babe. I haven't forgotten. I'll make sure I'm free and finished up with my interview before 7." I said as I re-checked my dress. 
Tonight, was Hugh and I's tenth wedding anniversary. Normally, we'd be on a trip like we did every year for our anniversary, but I had just celebrated the premiere of a movie I'd been filming for the last year, so that halted our anniversary vacation plans. Our kids were visiting with Hugh's mother, Grace while she was in town, so we had the house to ourselves for the night. Hugh's older kids, Oscar and Ava were going to be joining us for dinner tonight. 
In 2012, Hugh and I met whilst working on a movie set together and immediately began dating. I was 22 and he was going on 44 years old. He'd been divorced from his ex-wife for about 9 months at that time. His kids were around 7 and 12 at the time. We married in 2014 with a quiet beachfront ceremony in Australia, surrounded by our immediate families, his children and a few of our closest friends. Our ceremony was more intimate than anything, with Hugh tearing up seeing me accompanied down the beach by my father. 
In 2015, we found out we were expecting our first child, Hugh's first biological child. Our daughter was born in early 2016. Our second daughter was born in 2019, with our son being born in 2022, just two years ago. Our kids were now 8, 5 and 2. Despite being a huge blended family, he knows I would never be caught dead driving a mini van or a "mom car". While he drives the luxury SUVs, mom still drives the Audi RX8 and occasionally a Dodge Charger if I have the babies in the backseat. 
I was shaken from my thoughts by a kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful, baby." He said softly in my ear as he smiled at me. 
I blushed, "Thank you. Where are we going tonight?" I asked, knowing he would never tell me, but always hopeful that he'd slip up one day and spoil a surprise. 
He smirked at me as he shook his head, "Now Darling, you know if I told you where we were going, it would spoil the surprise." 
I playfully rolled my eyes, "How am I supposed to know where to meet you after my interview if I don't know where you're taking me to dinner?" I asked, trying to catch him up once more. 
He chuckled as he pressed a kiss on the top of my head, "You're meeting me at the first place I took you when you moved to New York. That is the only hint I'm giving you." 
Stefanos. Stefanos was the first place Hugh took me for dinner once I'd officially moved in with him, in 2013. It was a beautiful, high-end Italian restaurant. He'd picked it because he knew Italian was my favorite type of cuisine. 
I smiled as I pulled him in for a kiss, "I've gotta go or else I'm gonna be late." I mumbled against his lips.
He smirked against my lips, mumbling back, "You can be fashionably late, love. I would love to ravage you right here." 
I giggled, "As much as I want to, and you know I have a hard time turning you down, I have to go... but, later tonight, I promise I'll make it up to you." I said seductively while slowly grazing my hand over the crotch of his pants. 
He laughed, almost shivering at my touch, "This is why we have three kids." He said nonchalantly. 
I laughed as I grabbed my keys to head towards the door of our home, "Alright, I'll see you at 7." I said, smiling as I walked out of the house. 
I quickly finished up my interview, noticing it was now 6:30, which meant I had to haul literal ass to Stefano's to get there by 7 to meet Hugh for our anniversary dinner. I grabbed my keys and wallet and began sprinting towards the elevator, then towards the parking garage where my car was parked. 
I managed to make it to Stefano's right at 6:59 on the dot to see Hugh standing outside of his SUV, looking at me. I quickly shut the engine off and jumped out, "I am so sorry I'm almost late. The interview finished at 6:30, traffic downtown was a nightmare." I said almost anxiety ridden from the traffic. 
He giggled, "It's okay, love... But I lied to you. We're not eating at Stefano's." He smirked, trying to keep a straight face. 
I looked at him almost wide eyed, "Why did you make me rush to Stefano's then?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed. 
Traffic and anxiety were not my friend, clearly. Luckily, my husband knew this and never took it personally. 
He chuckled at me as he walked up to me and kissed me, "Because you kept insisting that I tell you where I was taking you." He said cockily. 
I sighed, chuckling as I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Okay, I learned my lesson. Now seriously, what are we doing?" 
He pulled away from me and walked towards his SUV, "Get in and I'll take you to the actual place we're going." 
I shrugged my shoulders, "Okay." I said as I grabbed my wallet out of my Audi, locking the car and getting into his SUV. 
Hugh drove for another 10 minutes, while his free hand interlocked its fingers with mine. The ride was filled with him happily singing along to songs on the radio. I noticed we were pulling up at an event venue and looked over at him. 
He knew I was going to, considering he was smiling at me as he parked the car. "What are we doing, Jackman?" I asked, almost suspiciously, raising one brow at him. 
He chuckled cheekily, "We're doing another press interview." He said casually. 
I squinted my eyes, "This is not a very good surprise." I said sarcastically. 
He rolled his eyes, shutting the car off and getting out, "Just come on." He said, mocking annoyance. 
I got out of the SUV as he came over and linked his arm with mine as we began walking towards the entrance of the venue. 
"Is this seriously a press interview?" I asked, noticing all of the cars in the parking lot. 
He nodded, "Okay, it's not a press interview. We're going to Ryan and Blake's wrap party, but I promise, I am taking you to dinner afterwards." He said as we continued walking. 
I sighed. It was our tenth wedding anniversary. As much as I loved and adored Ryan and Blake, I wanted to celebrate my anniversary. I didn't care to be celebrating everyone else tonight. This was out of the ordinary for Hugh, but with how busy he'd been with the press for Deadpool & Wolverine, I'm not too surprised our anniversary had slipped to the back burner. 
As we approached the entrance, his grip on my arm tightened as he pulled me closer, wrapping one arm around my waist. As we entered the venue, I immediately spotted Blake and Ryan, and a group of people I hadn't yet recognized or paid much attention to. There were pictures of Blake's new film, It Ends With Us plastered near the stage area. 
Blake and Ryan approached us, "About time you two made it. We were getting ready to post your numbers on a billboard." Ryan joked. 
Hugh and I laughed, "Thanks for coming, you too. I know it's your anniversary, you can blame him for the poor planning." Blake said sympathetically as she shot Ryan a glare. 
I smiled as I hugged her, "It's okay. Thank you for having us." I said, hiding my disappointment. 
"Mommy!" I heard yell as I felt two small arms wrap around my waist. 
I chuckled as I looked down to see our middle daughter hugging my waist, "Hey boo, where's grandma Grace?" I asked her as I rubbed her hair. 
She shrugged, "She's talking to uncle Shawn." Our daughter said as she pointed over to Shawn Levy, who was in fact chatting it up with my mother-in-law, as she held our two year old son on her hip. 
I giggled, as Hugh asked her, "What about daddy? You didn't miss me?" He playfully pouted. 
She giggled as she playfully shook her head no, still holding onto my waist. 
Our 5-year-old was a bit...scared of daddy after seeing him on the set for Deadpool and Wolverine. She truly believed daddy had claws that come out of his hands when he's upset, which has been hilarious and a bit aggravating convincing her that Daddy indeed does not have claws that come out of his knuckles. 
I stooped down to look at her, "You better give daddy a hug." I said playfully, trying to sound firm. 
She shook her head no, "Mommy, daddy has claws that come out of him hands." She said as matter of factly. 
Hugh tried hard to not show his laughter as he watched our interaction. 
I shrugged, "I know he does." I nodded, "If you don't hug him, I think they might come out. Quick, hurry!" I said dramatically to her, lightly pushing her towards Hugh. 
Ryan was having a hard time holding his laughter back as he watched me interact with my daughter, while Hugh shot me a glare, trying also to not laugh as our daughter nervously walked over and hugged her dad. 
Hugh shook his head at me as he picked her up, "Baby, daddy does not have claws. Your mommy just says that because she's got them and doesn't want you to know the truth." He said sarcastically as he stuck his tongue out at me. 
As we walked further into the venue, I began noticing the people in the crowd. I saw my family, Hugh's siblings, his mother of course, a bunch of our friends, my step children, etc. 
I looked towards Hugh, "Did you fly my family here for Ryan and Blake's wrap party?" I asked almost in disbelief. 
He smirked, "I flew your family here for your gift, baby." 
I looked at him, puzzled. "I'm so confused right now." 
He chuckled as he sat our daughter down, "I've got to go give a speech for Blake. I'll be back." He said quickly as he walked over towards the stage, grabbing a microphone, tapping it to make sure it's on.
Our daughter ran to play with the other kids as my family approached me, showering me in hugs. My family did not live in New York, they lived further down south. Hugh always made sure to fly them up for any special occasion. He knew it meant the world to me whenever he'd include them in anything we did. 
Hugh began speaking into the microphone, "Hello everyone. " He said with a smile, "Tonight, we're here to celebrate the premiere of Blake's new film." He continued as he smiled towards Blake and Ryan. "I just want to say, I appreciate each and every one of you for coming tonight. Planning this event has been stressful because I did not want to risk my wife finding out." He smirked towards me, laughing nervously. 
I looked up at him, shooting him a glare. So he couldn't plan something for our anniversary, but he could take the time to plan something for our friend's movie release. I noticed Ryan and Blake looking over at me, snickering. Hugh noticed my glare as he continued giggling nervously. 
"My wife thinks she's here to celebrate Blake's movie." He said as he smiled cheekily at me, "But actually baby, we're here to celebrate our anniversary." He said sweetly as my glare faded into an over-emotional expression. "Ten years ago, I married this beautiful, sexy, gorgeous woman. I met her twelve years ago to this very day, and I fell madly in love with her." He paused as I began to tear up. Our oldest daughter, who was 8 walked over and held my hand. 
I shook my head in disbelief that I'd actually thought he'd forgotten to plan something special. "Baby, this party is for you. You are an incredible mother to our children. You are an incredible wife. I am so blessed to be married to you and to share this life with you, even if you are difficult to deal with sometimes." He joked, causing me to chuckle while everyone began laughing. 
He smiled at me, "Come here, baby." He said as he motioned his hand for me to come up on the stage. 
I blushed shyly as I walked up towards the stage, taking his hand. "I love you. Happy 10 years, baby." he said sweetly as he pulled me into his arms, smiling at me. 
I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too. Happy 10 years...and to many, many more..." I said as I pulled him in for a kiss.
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bengals-ix · 1 year
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Ted’s pool party turned out to be a lot more fun than you thought it would be…👀
Warnings: Joe looking like a beach babe, emphasize the BABE; smut; fingering if you squint; that freaking chain; etc.
Also this is like probs my first official time writing smut so hopefully it doesn’t bore you or make you cringe, if it does, I am so sorry :*)
Also, thanks to @balanceingrace for the encouragement❤️
Part Two is Here!
You and Joe arrive at Ted’s house for the pool party he was having for Memorial Day weekend. A lot of Joe’s teammates and their girlfriends and wives were going to be there as well, so you talked Joe into going so he could be social for once.
You sit down in-between Joe Bachie’s girlfriend, Holly and Sam’s girlfriend, Jess on the edge of the pool along with a couple of the other girls.
“That hair driving Joe nuts yet?” Holly asks and you giggle.
“Not yet anyway. He does mess with it constantly but I honestly think he likes it. We’ll see how he feels about it in July and August when its borderline 100 degrees during practice” you give her a smug look and she laughs.
“What do you think about it?” Jess smirks.
“I like it. It’s different. We were together for almost a year when he grew it out super long the first time and I didn’t mind it then but I’m curious to see what he’d look like with it now. That man has aged like fine wine so I’m excited to see some flow” you bite your lip and the girls giggle.
“You talkin’ shit?” Joe asks from behind you, standing over you.
“About you? Of course” you smile back at him and he just shakes his head as he hands you a cold bottle of water.
When you looks back at your man, you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander.
Joe had come back from playing basketball with some of the guys, his button up shirt all the way unbuttoned, showing his tan, sweaty, toned chest and torso. His chest being your weakness. His hair that has gotten longer over the past couple months and you were becoming feral over this new style he was trying. His hair was more blonde than usual, all thanks to the sun. The dirty blonde becoming low lights while the blonde really shown through. His Cartier sunglasses sitting nicely on his nose and cheekbones along with his chain around his neck that glittered in the sun, the rays bring out the jewels perfectly. Good God, you thought, if he just bent me over right now-.
“Damn, when did you turn into a slut?” You dip down your sunglasses at him, trying to joke with him instead of pouncing on him like a freaking tiger.
“A long time ago. When I started dating you” he dips his sunglasses down, copying you and shooting you a wink, which just made you even more hot. He’s such a jerk.
“Jesus” you mutter under your breath. This was too much stimulation for you, and you was afraid that if you looked at him any longer that you would
1) do or say something that no one else around should experience in public or 2) melt; which you were already doing.
“Well you need to quit because all of your ‘girlies’ can’t handle all of this” you motions to the heavenly being that was him. You couldn’t even handle all of that.
“Oh this is just for you, pretty girl. No one else to impress but you” he looks smugly at you, that famous smirk making its way onto his perfect lips.
And…it was done. That did you in.
You turn back around, facing the pool. You look over at Holly who knew what you were thinking.
“I’ll cover for you, get ya some” she smirks and nods her head towards the house.
“Thank you” you whisper to her before climbing out of the pool and facing back towards Joe. He chuckles lowly and you place your hand on his lower back, turning him around and pushing him nonchalantly into the house.
“Something wrong?” Joe asks you sarcastically, knowing the effect he has on you. Knowing your weaknesses that easily make you all hot and bothered for him.
You push him down the hallway and into the guest room and shutting the door behind you, locking it without even looking, just watching your man stare at you with eyes that were once bright blue, now dark as the depths of the ocean. And you were about to go for a dive.
“You” you tell him plainly. You make your way toward him, your hands finding their way to his bare, broad chest and your eyes looking up at him through your lashes.
“You are what’s wrong…but so right” you whisper.
In seconds, his strong hands grab your cheeks and his lips are on yours. Hard, unyielding, but loving and passionate. He couldn’t get enough of you and that damn berry chapstick you wore all the time. Your lips have never tasted any different.
His hands slide into your hair, gripping onto your long locks, slightly tugging which makes you moan against his mouth, causing his lips to curve up into a small smile.
Joe wasn’t one for PDA, but you get him in a room by yourselves, he was on you in less than a minute. Believe it or not, the man was handsy. But you didn’t mind the feeling of his strong, veiny hands on you, touching you, holding you. It was ecstasy.
His hands grip your hips as yours slide up his chest, to his shoulders, around his neck and into his dirty blonde hair that was now longer, easier to pull. He moans against your lips, spinning you around and letting you fall against the mattress, him going to pull his shirt off but you stop him.
“No. You better leave that on or so help me god-“
“Okay then” he chuckles, “can I take my shorts off or do I have to leave those on too?”
“Off, smart ass” you roll your eyes as you reach for his shorts, unbuttoning them and shoving them down his legs.
“These too?” He asks smugly, snapping the band of his boxer briefs against this skin.
“Joseph, I swear to god-“
“Okay, I’m done” he laughs, leaning down to reattach his lips to yours.
He quickly rids himself of his underwear, also quickly pulling your shorts and your blue bikini bottoms down all in one go and throwing them on the floor. He reaches behind your neck, his fingers sending chills down your spine as he pulls one the strings to your top loose, causing the tie to come undone.
He kisses down your neck, latching onto the place under your ear that makes you weak. He’s careful to not leave a mark, knowing you’d have his ass for having to walk back out to his teammates and their girls with a bright purple and red mark on your neck.
He makes his way down the column of your neck, you becoming a moaning mess, wanting him to be inside you already. He eventually arrives to your chest where he grabs onto the cloth of your matching blue bikini top with his teeth and pulling it down to expose your “perfect” breasts; his words.
“I’m obsessed with you” he says lowly, looking up at you through those blonde lashes and instantly latches onto your right nipple.
“Mmm” you moan, holding onto the back of his head, your fingers tangling into his hair as he swirls his incredible tongue around the bud.
He knew the other one was getting jealous so he moved over to your left breast, giving it the same amount of attention as the right. Joe was neither a boob or a butt guy; he was both. If he had to choose between your boobs or your butt, he would surely die.
Joe pulls away from your chest and looks into your eyes. He takes his index and middle finger and brings it to his mouth, licking them and bring them down to your core. You gasp as they brush your clit, him slowly circling it just to get you more worked up than you already were.
He drags them down to your entrance, teasing you as he feels the mess you’ve already made of yourself.
“Just wanted to make sure you were ready for me” he smirks.
“Always ready for you” you whine as he pulls his fingers away and brings them back up to his mouth, sucking your juices off of them.
“I know” he smiles.
He spits into his hand and brings it down to his dick who was also always ready for you.
You reach down and wrap your hand around him, slowly pumping him.
“O-oh shit” he groans, dropping his head to your shoulder.
You pick up the pace, a bead of precum appearing on his tip, he was starting to become a moaning mess. You take your thumb and slide it over his tip and let go of him to bring your thumb to your mouth. Slipping it into your mouth, you swirl around it, tasting him to which he watches you intently.
“I need to feel you, now” he says, his voice low and raspy. He lines himself up with your entrance before slowly, almost painfully pushing himself in.
“God” you moan out, your breath hitching in your throat as he hit your cervix. You’ll never get used to him, it’s always a pleasant surprise.
“You feel insane, baby” he groans, his head dipping down to your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. Your hands still in his hair, obsessed with gripping onto and pulling on his now longer blonde curls.
He pulls out and pushes all the way back in again, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Joe starts to pick up the pace, the sound of skin smacking skin making the experience oh-so-much better and intense.
“Look at me” he breathes out, his face hovering over yours, that chain gently hitting your chin as he continues to thrust into you. Oh, that could make you come undone right then and there. God bless that freaking chain.
“You are so pretty, Jesus-“ he hisses, starting to fully pound into you, repeatedly hitting that soft spot inside of you, making your eyes roll back once again.
“Joe, I’m gonna-“ your eyes screwing shut as your hands go under the back of his shirt, gripping onto his muscular back.
“Let go, baby, let go” he grunts, his dick spasming against your walls as they clinch around him. He brings his lips back down to yours as you come undone, whimpering into his mouth as he continues to thrust into you, the oversensitivity starting to kick in.
With a couple more sporadic thrusts, moaning your name against your lips, he lets go, coating your walls.
He pulls out of you gently, both of you whimpering at the sensitive feeling. He lies down next to you, both of you trying to catch your breath.
“So the unbuttoned shirt is officially approved?” Joe asks, looking over at you and you giggle.
“10 stamps of approval” you smile at him and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Cool” he smiles back at you before leaning over to you and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“We should probably go back out there before they start to get suspicious” Joe sits up and pulls his underwear and shorts up his long legs and sets your bikini bottoms and shorts on the bed next to you.
“Joe, they’re not stupid, they know damn well what we came in here to do” you scoff and he laughs.
“Well, I’m going to blame it on you if they ask” He helps you stand up.
“Go right ahead and see what happens, you jerk” you narrow your eyes at him as you tie your bikini top strings back.
“Go pee. You can threaten me later, pretty girl” he winks and gives your ass a healthy smack as you make your way to the bathroom.
“It’s not threatening, it’s promising, JB” you tell him, patting his chest.
“Also,” you stop in the doorway, “you should wear that all of the time”
You smirk at him as he smiles at you.
“Oh I will wear it everyday if I get the exact same reaction I did today” he nods.
“Good” you wink and shut the door behind you.
After getting yourself cleaned up and fixing your sex hair, you walk back outside to where Joe was already sitting with the guys, chatting away.
You walk over to Joe and sit yourself on his thick thighs, your favorite seat to sit on, other than his face. Joe presses a kiss to the back of your shoulder, once again, sending a chill down your back. You shoot him a loaded look over your shoulder and he smiles up at you, those blue eyes glistening behind his sunglasses.
“Love you” he mouths to you and you blush.
“Love you” you mouth back and turn your attention back to the guys.
One of these days, he will be the death you. But hey, that would be a great way to go out.
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: what should you put on your bucket list for the summer?
hello beautiful people! i am starting my summer 2024 series right now and i am so excited!!!! i wanted to bring something new to everyone so i am creating specialized playlists for each group. they consist of six songs i’ve channeled during your reading. i hope that the group you chose resonates. i also hope that you all book a reading with me! :)
without further ado, please select your pile.
top left-to-bottom right: (1-4)
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this pile may be newly single or fresh to the dating scene as a whole. you seem introverted, maybe covid messed up your social skills? it’s time to bring some life back into you! i think the main message here is to be more open to exploration.
cards used: the tower, 10 of discs, king of swords, the star, queen of wands, the hanged man, princess of cups.
learn how to swim
flirt with a stranger at a festival/concert
ride as many amusement park rides as you can
go on a picnic date
join some type of organization, or maybe even create one!
be as comfortable in your skin as you can; even go skinny dipping or to a new beach (only if you’re of age though!!)
go to a metaphysical shop
go on a group/double date with your friends
i feel like you’re insecure and you’re trying to work on that. this is the best summer to do so. i feel like this pile gets easily embarrassed. spirit wants you to stop that lmao. i take it that you’re someone who’s probably a loner.
cards used: 9 of cups, queen of discs, ace of wands, 3 of cups, 8 of swords, 5 of wands
do as much shadow work as you can
take up a self-defense class/boxing class
jump off the diving board
conquer your fear of heights by bungee jumping or rock climbing
hypnosis therapy
wear your natural hair in different styles each day for a week (maybe longer 🙈)
embrace family traditions
spa day!
have/go to a bonfire
these are my r&b loversss. i feel like you guys have some pipes on you lol. this pile is kind of goofy too. this pile has to be as free as possible. no relationships, no commitments of any kind (minus a job cause y’know the economy rn is 😔). but anyway, the point is to just relax.
cards used: 6 of discs, the devil, the magician, 2 of cups, wheel of fortune, the sun, princess of cups.
go to a skate park
host an event
meet a special someone at the bar
connect with an old friend
adopt a pet
create an alter ego for yourself and show up as that person
do a good deed for someone, pay it forward.
have a dance battle in public
obtain a FWB (be smart & use protection of course 🤫)
post on social media as much as possible
i can tell this is the pile that likes to be organized. you like to have plans made out before the summer. that might not be the case this summer. focus on being a little more free and spontaneous. flexibility is key, babe. get out of freezeeeee mode.
cards used: 3 of cups, the hanged man, 5 of wands, queen of wands, king of swords, the star, knight of cups, ace of discs.
dye your hair red!
pass the bar exam (for those of you who are future lawyers)
receive a tarot reading from an in-person psychic
flirt a little at the grocery store
get dressed up to go to a department store/chain store
have a girls night in with ur girls!
build a fort!
change up your day-to-day makeup routine
record a song with your friends
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humblequestvinyl · 5 months
i'm not pretty
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SUMMARY: while dating one of the hottest boys on cousin’s beach, and an accidental like on an old instagram post, singer y/n l/n realizes exactly what her relationship with the entails, and past girls she might have pissed off.
inspired by i’m not pretty by megan moroney
◀ ⏸ ▶
lowercase is intentional! wc: 0.7k
warnings: reader is blonde today (i promise this will make sense), belly being kinda a bitch!! (peace and love), use of nickname/relationship nicknames (babe)
a/n: guys this is not my best work but thats what i get for not writing since november
y/n called out as she sat in the kitchen of the susannah fisher’s beach house, and the boy turned the corner, giving the girl he loved a wide smile.
“what’s up sunshine?”he questioned, resting his head on the shoulder of the blonde, and he could see instagram open on the girl’s phone, “who’s this?”
y/n pulled up a profile, with her face filled with confusion, and she heard conrad groan as soon as he saw it, “is it someone bad?”
“my ex girlfriend.”conrad told her, and the girls lips shaped into an ‘oh’, before tilting her head slightly.
“but i thought you and nicole were just a fling?”she questioned before conrad went back and tapped on the profile once more, “sunshine that isn’t nicole.”
“that’s belly.”
isabel conklin. the girl that had always loved conrad, and could never move past the breakup between the two. even now when she was interested in his brother, and conrad was dating y/n, the girl couldn’t move past the boy that should have been hers.
“yeah, that explains a bit of it.”y/n shifted back in her seat as conrad walked across the island, and raised an eyebrow at her, “what! you and i both know she wasn’t exactly nice to me the last time i was here while she was.”
y/n was right, belly wasn’t nice to her the last time the two were both at the beach house together. in the blonde’s words, the girl was a bitch. but she tried to be as nice as she could for conrad’s sake, knowing how much the conklins meant to his family.
“did she comment anything?”conrad questioned, and y/n shook her head no, “maybe she heard one of the songs you wrote and accidentally liked the post.”
the blonde gave the boy a look, knowing how wrong he was, “i love how naive you are.”
“i am not naive!”conrad argued as the blonde walked away, up towards the guest bedroom she had been staying in at the fisher’s beach house.
“keep telling yourself that babe!”y/n shouted before she climbed up the stairs, and into the room where her guitar sat, just screaming at her to write a song for her upcoming EP.
the girl had recently been signed to a record label, and while the inspiration had been there, the words wanting to be sung had disappeared from thin air. until now it was almost like a fire had been lit under her as soon as she got the instagram notification, all the words wanted to spill out of her.
it was almost hours before conrad finally peaked into the room, to see his girlfriend hovering over her song book, with her guitar playing and he could see himself in the background of her video.
“somewhere out there, my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is scrolling through my instagram.”she sang, and a small smile crept up onto conrad’s face knowing this would make her ep.
“tearing me down, passing the phone around like there’s nothing better to talk about.”the blonde went on, playing what conrad would call a beautiful cord progression on her guitar, “zoomin out, zoomin in, overanalysing.”
“head queen of the mean girl’s committee.”
“but whatever helps, keep telling yourself i’m not that pretty.”she finished, before turning off her video, finally noticing conrad standing in the doorway.
“that’s going on the EP isn’t it?”he questioned as y/n stood up, wrapping her arms around the boy she adored.
she looked up at him with a wide smile, before nodding slightly,
“you know me so well, lover boy.”
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hvaneyflowers · 10 months
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 3
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, f1news, f1wags, and 890.670 more.
tagged: ferandoalo_oficial
yourusername: Matías wanted to know how his mommy and daddy met. So I took out our photo album. What an incredible journey this 12 years! I knew you were the one when I first saw you in that restaurant. Love you forever and looking forward to more years together! ❤️
view all 500 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: Te amo mi amor! Gracias por todo. Eres el amor de mi vida ❤️ / I love you, my love! Thanks for everything. You're the love of my life!
yourusername: ❤️
username01: My favorite couple!!!
username54: Wow, 12 years together! Time passed so fast!
username67: I love you both so much!! Please never split up!
username2: If they do that, I won't believe in love again 😭 username9: Me neither!! They're so perfect together!
fernandoalonsofans: POWER COUPLE!! For more years to come!!!
username56: Love your wedding dress!!! It's beautiful!
f1wags: The original wag! Love both of you! ❤️
carmenmmundt: I really admire you! You were through hard things in life and still kill it like a queen! Love you, baby! ❤️
yourusername: Love you, too!
charles_leclerc: wait a minute! Did Fernando propose to you in a church? 🤨
fernandoalo_oficial: it wasn't a church, it was a museum! carlossainz55: I thought you were more romantic... lewishamilton: A museum isn't exactly the romantic type, ya know? charles_leclerc: if I were you, I would have asked her in a romantic dinner under the bright stars at the beach! yourusername: awww, Charles, that sounds so romantic! danielricciardo: That sounds really romantic, mate! I would have taken her ice skating and, in the middle of the rink, I would have gotten down on one knee! yourusername: R-O-M-A-N-T-I-C! Dani, you're always so cute! Love you! fernandoalo_oficial: 😒
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liked by yourusername, kimimatiasraikkonen, and 900.456 more
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: What a beautiful change you brought to our lives, my son! So grateful to have you!
view all 1000 comments.
yourusername: My little angel! Can't be more in love than I am right now! Love you, babe!
fernandoalo_oficial: Couldn't agree more! Love you, nena! ❤️❤️
alex_albon: so little Alonso is a mini chef! So cute!
charles_leclerc: Is he driving a Ferrari?
fernandoalo_oficial: no. It's an Aston Martin. carlossainz55: Doesn't seem like that. yourusername: believe it or not, it is an Aston Martin. charles_leclerc: mmm... I'm not so sure. carlossainz55: me neither. sebastianvettel: me neither. kimimatiasraikkonen: bwoah. fernandoalo_oficial: shut up!
username7: so cute!!!
username12: little Matias is so cute!!
username18: Fernando is training him to be the next World Champion in the Alonso family!
fernandoalonsofans: Baby Matias is so cute! Hoping to see him at the next race!
lilymhe: I want a baby ASAP!
landonorris: @.alex_albon carlossainz55: @.alex_albon danielricciardo: @.alexalbon georgerussell63: @.alex_albon lewishamilton: @.alex_albon pierregasly: @.alex_albon yukitsunoda0511: @.alex_albon alex_albon: 😮
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lewishamilton, and 500.790 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername: First vacations as a family of 3! Greece was amazing and Matias had the best time of his life learning how to swim with his daddy! Hoping to come back any time!
view all 400 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: Best vacations ever! Now I want it to happen again but as a family of 4!
yourusername: Wishing for it too!
usernamme19: WAIT! WHAT?! A FAMILY OF 4?!
username12: Are you telling me they're planning to adopt again?! I HOPE IT IS A GIRL THIS TIME!
lance_stroll: are we having a new addition to the family? Can I be the godfather? 🥺
charles_leclerc: NOOOO! I want to be the godfather! I mean, Kimi is Matias' godfather, so is a Ferrari line! carlossainz55: In that case, I should be the godfather! yourusername: Yes, Lance, if we're having another baby, you can be the godfather, my love! ❣️ charles_leclerc: 💔 carlossainz55: 💔🥺
username2: What?! Kimi is Matias's godfather?! OMG, I'M DYING!
username4: Kimi Matias is the godfather of Matias Fernando. Facts!
kimimatiasraikkonen: loads of love to my godson!
yourusername: ❤️
lewishamilton: Roscoe wants to play with his new friend any time soon!
yourusername: Omg, Matias, too! He loved Roscoe and he asks about him a lot, almost every day! roscoelovescoco: love him!
lilymhe: are having a little girl any time soon?
yourusername: not soon, but in the future! 😉 carmenmmundt: hoping for it to happen! kellypiquet: P would love a little friend! the_crochet_girl: my baby girl, too! logjorup: my baby, too! yourusername: I WANT ONE NOW! I'M CRYING! @.fernandoalo_oficial can we have a baby girl, please?! fernandoalo_oficial: of course, my love! I want to be a girl dad ❤️❤️ yourusername: ❤️
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torialefay · 4 months
I love the way you write about Channie so here i come with a request!
Could you maybe write something, like a one shot idk, about how chan would propose to you?
I feel like it would be so perfect and im on my period so i really need a good romantic thing to cry on (maybe a bit smutty on the end cause…yk…👀👀👀)
Chris hid his hands behind his back as he realized they were a shaking mess. He was hoping you hadn't noticed... As if his voice hadn't been pitchy the entire night and he hadn't been acting totally bizzare for the past two weeks. To be honest, you weren't sure what was up with him, and you were slightly worried that it was because he'd regretted bringing you back home to Australia with him.
Considering the amazing (and very expensive) restaurant he'd just taken you to, you tried pushing those thoughts aside to just enjoy the relaxing evening with your boyfriend.
On the drive home, Chan had suggested taking a detour to have a walk on the beach.
"You're really pulling out all the stops tonight, aren't you baby?" you had teased, leaning in to peck him on the cheek as he kept his eyes on the road.
He'd let out a strained laugh followed up by suggesting a short drive to the first beach he'd taken you to when you'd come for your first visit. It was a place that had a lot of sentimental meaning to him as he used to come a lot with his family and friends.
You'd happily said yes, which led you to your current situation- trying to make small talk with your boyfriend who was a trembling, slightly sweaty mess.
"Babe, is everything okay?" you finally asked as your feet muddled through the water, one step at a time. The tides gently washed away each mark as you went.
"Of course... why?" he tried to cover up nonchalantly, but sounded more grand than he'd meant to.
"You just don't seem yourself... The past couple of weeks, you've seemed a bit... off," you looked away from him and out towards the sea, calming yourself a bit. "It's not because of me, is it? You're not regretting bringing me?"
"Oh god no, y/n, no," Chris said, scatter-brained now as he moved his body to stand right in front of you, forcing your eyes back on him. The crashing waves washed up against his legs, leaving the bottoms of his pants sopping wet.
"It's not that at all," he continued, reaching his hands for yours to hold you steady. "I just- jeez, I wanted to do this a different way," he nervously laughed at himself, looking off for a split second in his usual Channie embarrassment.
Your heart began to speed up at the sudden realization. Was he about to do what you thought he was about to do?
"But umm, here goes nothing," he bashfully smiled before clearing his throat and fixating his eyes back on you. "Y/n, every day I spend with you, I fall more and more in love." His ears turned the brightest shade of pink. "And I've known from the very moment I met you that you would be special, but I never realized-" his voice broke. You thought you could make out the tiniest glimmer of water in his eyes, which became more evident as his eyes and nose were slowly overcome with a slight red hue.
He shook his head slightly as if to shake it off while you felt tears start to well up in your own eyes. Your heart felt like it was swelling until it would bust.
"I never realized just how amazing life would be once you came into it. You truly make me a better man," his voice carried up, batting away tears. "And I, I just wanted you to know that I would move the heavens and earth for you. I am 100% certain that you are the love of my life," he sniffled, his eyes sparkling.
"Which is why-" he strained out, removing his hands from yours to reach into his pocket. He swiftly removed a small black box. "I have to ask you," he continued, slowly kneeling himself down onto one knee in front of you. The waves crashed behind him as they ran up along the shore, washing through his legs. His expression softened, admiring the way you looked in this moment with a single tear falling down your face.
"Y/full/name, will you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the honor of marrying me?"
edited to add: i'm so sorry anon for the lack of smut (and missing your period 😭), but maybe a pt 2? if you'd like?
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨
✯ social media au
✯daniel ricciardo x female reader
✯you and daniel are inseparable, plain and simple.
✯not requested just a cute little idea i had:)
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liked by lilyhme, danielricciardo, scottyjames31 and 424,000 others
wedding season is upon us, too bad it’s not my own yet👀
see 45,000 comments
username oh she’s giving danny the hints
landonorris yeah wonder when that’s gonna happen
>yninstagram hopefully soon😢
>danielricciardo you know, eventually 😁
username please daniel is not giving in to lando or y/n
lilyhme only the most gorgeous girl i know😍
>yninstagram says you!!!! 🤭
danielricciardo beautiful as always baby, next one will be ours i promise 🩷
>yninstagram holding you to that mister, love you😚
alexandrasaintmleux that dress is to die for!!
>yninstagram i’ll text you the link babe!🩷
yninstagram added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by yninstagram, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 867,000 others
vacationing the right way😁
tagged yninstagram
see 78,000 comments
username y/n is so beautiful IT HURTS!!
username daniel is babygirl idc
landonorris entering your beach girl era?
>danielricciardo you know it girl😙
yninstagram aww that photo is cute!!!
ynisnstagram love vacationing with you baby❤️
liked by danielricciardo
username they are everything to me
username the world can keep on spinning knowing daniel and y/n are a forever thing, i said what i said
danielricciardo added to their instagram story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by danielricciardo, wagsoff1, alexandrasaintmleux and 675,000 others
life with you is endless sunshine💛
tagged danielricciardo
see 67,000 comments
username endless sunshine😭😭
username might go jump off a cliff for fun tonight
danielricciardo i love you my sun🩷
>yninstagram i love you more!!
username they are my everything
landonorris i thought i was your sun danny🥲
>danielricciardo don’t worry babe you still are 😙
username y/n is the third wheel between her, lando and daniel 💀
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liked by yninstagram, redbullracing, vogueaustralia and 765,000 others
happy birthday to my sun, i’m happy i get to spend another birthday with you and another year watching you chase your dreams and live all your fantasies while getting to love you at the same time. happy birthday baby🩷
tagged yninstagram
see 89,000 comments
username happy birthday mother!!!
username happy birthday y/n!!
username he’s so sappy for y/n i love it
redbullracing happy birthday y/n!❤️
liked by yninstagram
yninstagram thank you baby, i love you endlessly and am so grateful i get to spend my time with you🩷🩷
liked by danielricciardo
landonorris happy birthday third wheel!!!
username lando’s getting uninvited from the party 🤣
yninstagram added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by danielricciardo, francisca.cgomes, landonorris and 789,000 others
it’s a forever kind of love❤️
tagged danielricciardo
see 102,000 comments
username YES I KNEW IT!!!
landonorris congrats you two, i guess i’m okay w being third wheel😁🧡
>yninstagram oh thank you for demoting yourself 😁
danielricciardo forever and always baby❤️
liked by yninstagram
username i could cry rn
francisca.cgomes congrats lovely!!🩷
>yninstagram thank you baby!!!🩷
username my parents 4 life!!!!!
830 notes · View notes
thecuriousbeauty · 2 days
You apply sunscreen on each other- Harry Styles Blurb
Word count: 640
Warnings: Nothing, just pure fluff!
"Who goes to the beach on a cold day?", you asked Harry as he swung your linked hands down the boardwalk before making your way down to the beach. You were quite grumpy because he had woken you up early, saying it was a beautiful day to enjoy the beach.
"It's a normal day in the UK, you just haven't adapted yet.", Harry said and tsked, making you slap his arm. "I am not getting in the water today.", you decided.
"And I will get you in the water today.", he said.
"You're annoying." You scrunched up your nose, looking at him. He chuckled and kissed your nose. "I like annoying you."
"Of course you do.”
“Ah. Look at that and tell me it wasn’t worth getting out of bed for.”, Harry says as you both stop to overlook the beach. The water seemed to glimmer with endless shades of blue and the sound that the waves made always relaxed you.
You smiled. “Fine, you were right. Now, let’s find a good spot.”
You set up your foldable chair and things beside it. 
“Where'd you keep the sunscreen?"Harry asked you as he searched your bag. You took it out and gave it to him. "Sunscreen me, baby.", he said, wiggling his eyebrows and turning around, making you roll your eyes. 
You applied the sunscreen on Harry's back, shoulders, neck till his legs. Harry gets sunburned pretty easily. "You?", he asked.
"I don't want it, I’m an LA girl, I can-"
"Yeah, yeah, so you said once before. Remember how red and itchy you got for not listening to me?", he said. You narrowed your eyes and he smiled innocently. He was right. So you took off your sundress, making Harry suck in a breath.
His eyes traveled from your head to your toes. “New bikini?”
You nod, smiling at him. “You like it?”
He grins, tugging you to his body. “I love it. You look great in anything you wear. Even better if you’re not wearing anything.”
“I see.”, you say, giggling as you stand on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek, making him blush for some reason.”I love you.”
"I love you too." You smiled and turned around for him to apply the sunscreen.
He rubbed the cold sunscreen all over your back. He took extra time getting your bikini lines and lightly squeezed your butt cheeks.
He then squatted down and rubbed it all over your legs. You turned to thank him, but he continued. You laughed as he rubbed the white sunscreen all over the front of you.. Starting at your shoulders, moving down to your chest, down your stomach, and down your legs. He ended with a dot on your nose. He pulled you into his chest and kissed you.
“You're all covered.” You laughed, “Yeah no kidding with half the bottle on me.”
“At least you won’t be sunburnt.” 
You settled on the chair with a magazine, while Harry went to the waters, letting his feet dip and going in till his waist was covered. He came back to you soon, standing in front of you.
“You're blocking the sun, babe.”, you murmured, flipping to another page.
“You don’t wanna see this view?” He flexes his muscles, dramatically shaking off water from his hair making you grin. “It’s a nice view, I must admit.” You throw sand at his feet as he laughs. He leans down to kiss you, and you hum, pulling him closer by the back of his neck. “Will you get in the water with me if I promise to go to your favorite place for breakfast?”
“Hm. Maybe.” A smile tugs at your lips as he rubs his nose with yours. “If you give me some more kisses.”
“That, I can do.” He grins and captures your lips again.
Taglist:-- @livypops12352568 @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan, @kiwitsayedsugar, @angeldavis777
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Icarus Part 16
Hello! This story is back and will be for at least the next two weeks. After that I will be taking a two week break in posting so that I can have a good backlog again. Moving and vacation absolutely destroyed the nearly 20 chapters I had waiting in the wings. I went from 18 to 8 and while I am up above 10, it's not much above 10 (as of right now? 11).
I have four stories going on right now and the goal is to get at least four chapters each so I can have 16 in my backlog. So from Aug 18th, to the 31st, I won't be posting any chapters from any of my stories. I will still post ideas, meta, headcanon et al, but no story updates.
Anyway back to your regularly scheduled metal band Steve!
In this we find out what happened to Barb and why it drove a rift between Steve and Nancy, more about how the bands formed, and Vickie gets a feel for her new clients.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Steve spent the night with Eddie after that horrible day he had. Once everyone had gone home and it was just Steve and Eddie, Steve curled up on Eddie’s chest and held on for dear life.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Eddie cooed, running his fingers through Steve’s hair, gently scratching his scalp. “When I suggested her I didn’t realize she still held a grudge against you after all these years.”
He let out a long shuddering breath. “Our breakup was entirely her fault. When Barb used my party to runaway with her boyfriend, a boyfriend no one even knew she had by the way, Nancy was so sure that she had been trafficked. That Will just wasn’t kidnapped, but there was a ring of child abductors taking anyone they could get their hands on.”
“As if that’s how that works,” Eddie said rolling his eyes.
“Right?” Steve huffed. “Anyway, she went on this one woman crusade to bring Barb Holland home. Even after Will Byers was kidnapped by a guy who thought he was his son. I tried to be supportive because Barb just up and leaving was scary for everyone. She was making me put out fliers and dragging me to dinners with Barb’s parents. They even hired a private investigator to find her. Had to sell their house to cover it all.”
“So what happened?”
“Finally the PI found her,” Steve murmured, “living in Florida on some beach somewhere, having the time of her life, not even caring about her family and friend thinking she was dead. But by the time they found her she was eighteen and they couldn’t do anything about it.”
Eddie winced and pulled Steve even closer. “What about the guy? How old was he?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Come again? Couldn’t they have gotten him for kidnapping and statutory rape?”
“They couldn’t prove he was the guy she had run off with and for all they knew they got together after she turned eighteen,” Steve explained, picking at the blanket absently.
“I guess I’m just not seeing how this was any of your fault,” Eddie admitted dryly. “It sounds like it was Barb’s fault.”
Steve let out another sigh. “It was my fault because I took Nancy’s attention away from her friend when she needed her the most and Jonathan knew what it was like, not knowing when a loved one was ever going to come home. That he was sensitive and caring. That he wouldn’t beg for one night of being a teenager and go to some Halloween party.”
“Ouch,” Eddie said with grimace. This was sounding worse and worse for Nancy. He couldn’t believe he had ever trusted her.
“She was already cheating on me before the party,” Steve said, finally looking up into Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie pulled him onto his lap and kissed the top of his head. “I’m sorry, babe.”
“Do you want to know what her excuse was?” Steve said with a scoff. “It was because I was just phoning it in and that I really didn’t care about her, about Barb, that I was just some self-centered jerk. As if that absolves her cheating.”
“You’ve never just phoned anything in in your life, sweetheart,” Eddie said fiercely. “You are always one hundred percent passionate about everything you do. Even crappy jobs like Scoops Ahoy and the coffee shop.”
Steve looked up at Eddie with a soft smile. “Those were the two best jobs I’ve ever had, because if I hadn’t done them, I wouldn’t have been able to do this one.”
“How’s that, honey?” Eddie asked after giving him a kiss on the temple.
“The first one is where I met Robin and the second is where I met Simon, Shane, and Spence.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “That’s definitely one way to pick up friends.”
“Well, we all can’t have the good fortune to have met in middle school and never break up ever,” Steve snarked.
“Wait until I tell you that Gareth isn’t our first drummer and we used to have a different bassist, too.”
Steve shot up and looked Eddie in the eye. “You’re joking, right?”
“Nope,” he said shaking his head. “Our first bassist was Doug Teague and our first drummer was a girl named Ronnie Eckers. Ronnie’s parents forced her stop the band after the middle school talent show when I threw up the devil’s horns and they thought it was a gang sign.” Steve chuckled. “And Dougie, Dougie wasn’t made for fame and fortune. He wanted a simple life with a white picket fence and 2.5 children. He sent Brian a message when we put out our first single saying that it was Brian’s addition to the band that was the reason we made it big. Brian printed it out and has it taped to the inside of his bass case.”
“Holy shit,” Steve whispered. “I never knew. I thought you guys were like The Struts or whatever and never changed band members ever.”
Eddie smiled. “I’m glad you think we have that kind of chemistry, but no. It’s been a bit trial and error before we got this far.”
Steve snuggled back into Eddie’s chest and he wrapped his arms around his waist. “I hope we never have to swap someone out,” he murmured. “Otherwise we’re going to have to hunt down someone with the same initial as the rest of us and probably even snipe the leaving member for good measure.”
Eddie burst out laughing. “That would make for some very interesting entertainment, that’s for sure.” He suddenly straightened up. “Wait. Is that why all your onstage personas begin with an A? Because your real names all begin with an S?”
He looked down at Steve, who was trying not to laugh. “Oh my god! It is! That is fucking hilarious! And no one has ever put two and two together?”
Eddie just shook his head. “I think it’s classism. The reason they haven’t put two and two together. Why would two rich pretty boys fallen on hard times form a band with two blue collar boys? They just can’t fathom the idea that people from all walks of life can be friends.”
“Simon and my families still can’t understand how we can hang out with you and Robin and the rest of our friends,” Steve agreed. “But I fear that our friends might be playing into it too. That Stupid Steve and Flighty Robin who have always had low paying jobs couldn’t possibly be an international rockstar and his fashion plate manager.”
Eddie sighed. He wanted to refute that, but just last week Steve had gotten a call from Dustin who had spent most of the call berating Steve for not having any ambition. And even some of the nicer kids had expressed concerns that their friends didn’t want to be more than peons at some fancy record label.
Never mind that Steve said he loved his job and being able to work along side his friends was the dream. Steve explained it as doing what he loved no matter how much it paid him, but they couldn’t see that.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Eddie cooed. “Let’s get a shower and then go to bed. It’s been a long day for everyone and we need the rest.”
Steve nodded and got up to pad over to the en suite bathroom. Eddie followed close behind. They merely showered, taking care of each other and then got slowly ready for bed.
Eddie slipped under the covers first and then held out his arms out for Steve. Steve wordlessly went willingly into his boyfriend’s arms, knowing that Eddie would be there for him come morning.
They snuggled under the covers and slipped silently into the warm embrace of slumber.
Vickie was working out great and had set up a meeting with Steve and Eddie to go over their relationship status.
“I understand you won’t be able to go public with your relationship for awhile is that correct?” she asked once they got settled into her office, her choosing not to do the meeting in public.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “I have a history of bad relationships and Steve can’t be out as Abbadon which would make sense public wise.”
Steve nodded.
“Would you want Abbadon and Eddie to come out as a couple at some point?” Vickie asked, shifting the papers on her desk.
Eddie and Steve shared a glance. But Steve shook his head.
“I want Eddie and Steve to be the couple that everyone knows about,” he muttered. “It’s completely selfish of me but I want to look at publications, tabloids, sound bites and all that other shit and know it’s not me they see with Eddie, but Abbadon. The much cooler one.”
Vickie nodded. “But you two were friends before the fame and during, right?”
“Yeah, we were friends in high school,” Eddie agreed, his knee beginning to bounce. “We somehow stayed friends through the first couple of years I was out in LA for that first record. And then Steve and Robin moved out to Pasadena. Which I thought was because our young friend Dustin got into school out there–”
“But it was because he got his own record contract?” Vickie supplied.
Steve nodded and rested his hand on Eddie’s knee to calm him. “Yeah. It was a great excuse, our friend’s mom has always been over protective due to a disease he has. I don’t know if people are expecting us to move out to Boston when he graduates and goes to MIT, but that was never the plan.”
“I think Steve was saying that as long as they are masked,” Eddie put his hand over Steve’s on his knee, “that he didn’t want to come out as a couple.”
Vickie leaned her elbows on her desk and clasped her hands together. “I see here that you and Shane are having your personas Abbadon and Astraeus are coming out as bisexual and gay respectively, is that correct?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, rubbing his thumb over Eddie’s hand, for his comfort or Eddie’s, he wasn’t sure. “That’s another reason for wanting to wait on coming out as a couple.”
“You’re worried about the fallout?” she probed gently. Steve nodded. “That’s fine. That’s what I’m here for. For the first twenty four hours after you’ve gone live on your coming out, I will keep track of all your phones so that you aren’t reacting to a gut punch right out of the gate.”
“But Celeste and Eddie will still have their phones?” Steve asked, rearing his head back in confusion.
Vickie cocked her head to the side. “Robin will need her phone, but I can’t take Eddie’s. Not unless he wants me to.”
Eddie grinned and stretched out, putting his hands behind his head. “I can’t promise I’ll be good, but I know how far to take things now.”
Vickie nodded. She had expected that to be his answer. And if she was honest even to herself, she wanted Eddie standing up for Abbadon. Because Eddie had already handled his coming out and would be seen as a powerful ally.
“Even if you aren’t publicly friends,” she said, “Eddie defending Abbadon is publicity money just can’t buy.”
They talked for a little while longer until they finally wrapped it all up. As they walked out of Vickie’s office to Eddie’s Jag, he got a phone call.
“‘Ello?” he greeted. “Hey Dr. Owens.”
He stopped and held up a finger to Steve as he listened. “That’s great news.”
He listened again. “Yeah, of course. Um...” he paused. “It’s not like I doubt you or anything, but after last time...”
Eddie rounded his shoulders as he repeated, “Uh-huh. Of course,” over and over.
Steve reached out and took his free hand in his. He gave it a comforting squeeze and Eddie’s shoulders got a little less rounded, now that Steve was holding him.
“Yeah, talk to you soon,” Eddie said. “Bye.” He turned to Steve. “How soon are you guys going be finished with your album?”
Steve blinked at him for a moment before he tilted his head to the side. “About a month or so, why?”
A slow small grin spread out over his features. “I think that will be perfect, actually.”
Steve just blinked at him in confusion.
“Gareth is being let out of rehab at the end of the month,” Eddie said gleefully. “So we can finally go on tour!”
Steve grabbed his arms and started squealing. Eddie jumped up and down with him.
It was finally happening. They were going on tour.
Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop @chameleonhair @clockworkballerina @garden-of-gay
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starbabyg · 10 months
Can you do a smutty jack Hughes (like juraj and arber) ??
Jack Hughes smutty thots
you don’t gotta tell me twice to write about my baby daddy!!
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Jack has such boyfriend energy when it comes to sex
Like that boyfriend you have in college that you experiment with and the two of you have a lot of firsts together
He loves having sex anywhere and anytime
He’ll drag you into the locker room before a game
“Come on y/n, no one’s in here they’re all on the ice for warm ups. It’ll be quick.”
You’re always so hesitant but somehow he always convinces you
He spends a lot of time beforehand just staring at your naked body
Hands running down your chest and stomach, “Fuck, you’re just so perfect”
Ohhhh how fine he looks as he bites his lip
Sometimes he forgets foreplay, that horny boy just wants to get straight to fucking
So you talk him through a lot
“Am I doing it right?” He’ll ask innocently as he’s going down on you
He’ll always look up at you while he gives you head, always trying to make sure you feel good
The fingering and clit sucking combo he does is immaculate
Once he gets the hang of it he’s perfect
He hits juuuust the right spot with his index and middle finger while swirling his tongue around your rose bud
When you squeal in pleasure he can’t help but laugh while still attached to you, chuckles reverberating through you
Much more of a receiver than a giver, he’s selfish with sex (he’s such a spoiled brat but I can’t help but love him)
He just lovessss how good you look while choking on his length
Holding your hair in a ponytail, he nods in approval “mmhmm just like that. Keep going and I’m gonna cum babe”
I feel like his dick is so pretty
Like it’s cut and the tip is a cute rosy pink. It has a single vein that just runs up the underside.
He either keeps is nice and trimmed or has a small bush, not too much tho cause he’s a manscaper lmfao
He has a lil happy trail that leads from his v-line downwards
It’s not a thick happy trail but it’s visible
He’s a biter
He loves to leave sloppy kisses along your tummy that end in tiny lil bites
It just leaves shivers down your spine
I feel like he loves a good hair tug
you give him the slightest bit of pressure when you tug his locks, ouuu it sets him off
He’s a freak for public sex
Has a list of places he wants to do it. This includes a beach, the movies, while he drives, and on the private plane (which are all going to be smuts soon wink wink lmk which one to do first)
He also has a voyeurism kink,,
Like he loves to fuck your loudly while his friends are over
It’s like he wants all of them to hear you screaming his name
“Mhmm, let ‘em know who’s making you feel this fucking good”
He’s just always so horny
He has to fuck you like five times a day
He wakes up, wants to fuck, before practice, wants to fuck, right before bed, wants to fuck
It’s insane that his skinny lil body has all that stamina
He loves to cuddle afterwards
He keeps a rag/baby wipes by the bed so he can clean you up as fast as possible because he just wants to lay in your arms
He honestly just loves being [half] naked with you
Little to no clothes is his favorite
He loves when you just wear one of his t shirts and your panties
It’s easier to access, just bend you over and fuck you wherever you are
Sex with him is just fun and cute
It gets hot and heavy
But it’s like young love sex
It’s romantic and silly and something you just remember forever
God I’m getting heartbroken cause I can’t fuck him rn!!!!
329 notes · View notes
rafeyscurtainbangs · 11 days
Beach Birthday - JJ Maybank One Shot
+18 Minor DNI
JJ x KookGirlfriend!Reader
⭐️ republished ⭐️
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+18 Minor DNI
🪄 warnings: Language, smut, drinking, drug usage
📖 Readers wants to try something new for her birthday 💕
*spoiler: reader can’t swim
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Reader’s POV:
You ready, baby?“ JJ smiles, looking out at the water.
“All ready, J.”
“Light winds and long breaking waves,” he hums. “A perfect day. Fitting for you, sweetness.”
“Thanks, Jayj. It’s been the perfect day.”
“That’s what I like to hear. And, it’s only gonna get better. Yeah? You ready?”
“Ready.” You look over at him and smile.
JJ takes off his shirt and strips down to his swim trunks. You can’t help but stare, his toned and tanned body.
“Alright let’s do this!” You cheer before reaching down, grabbing your board.
“Baby, you don’t just go surfing,” he chuckles.
“It can’t be that hard,” you tease and smirk.
“Really?” He narrows his blue eyes, staring into yours.
“Are you saying I can’t do it, Maybank?”
“Am I saying that you can’t learn how to surf in two hours, princess? Absolutely,” he scoffs.
“Jayj… I’m kidding.”
“You’re a piece of work, princess,” he laughs, shaking out his blonde hair as he snags a joint from behind his ear. “I’ll let it slide today. We’re just going to go out there and learn the basics… this isn’t the only time we’re gonna go. Right?” He asks hopefully.
“Of course not. I wanna do this more than just today, Jayj.”
“You’re not doin’ this just to make me happy?” He asks as he lifts the joint to his lips, taking a hit.
“Absolutely not, baby. I wanted to try something new for my birthday.” You smile as you unhook your overall shorts, dropping them onto the sand. JJ’s eyes shift to you, watching as you adjust the top and bottom of your bikini. Smoke pours from his lips, settling into a flirty smile.
“You look great, mama,” he rasps.
“Thank you, baby,” you smile as you spread some sunscreen on your skin.
“You want help?” JJ shuffles your way, passing the joint to you as you nod.
“Please.” You hand him the sunscreen, and he applies it to your back. His hands linger, rubbing circles, massaging as he goes. You roll your head to the side, eyes closed, inhaling the smoke, listening to the crashing of the waves in the distance.
“This really is amazing, J,” you breathe, blowing the smoke out with it. He pulls your hair back, kissing you softly. “This is my favorite place, baby. You’re my favorite thing. It doesn’t get better than this.”
You smile, biting your lip. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, leaning his head into your shoulder. “No it doesn’t.”
“What do you say, birthday girl?”
“Let’s do it.” JJ pushes you forward playfully, slapping your butt, pulling you out of your sticky sweet mood. “Fuck, JJ,” you whine, feeling the light sting of his hand on your ass.
You smack him back. He moans playfully, poking his tongue out between his teeth. You roll your eyes in reply kicking up a little sand as you walk with him to the water.
Standing by the boards, JJ tells you to drop to your belly. You do, staring at him, waiting for your first lesson.“We’re doing pop-ups,” he mumbles; joint dangling from his bottom lip. JJ shows you how to do it first, effortlessly of course. “Your turn.”
You pop-up slamming your feet into the sand. “Jesus, baby doll,” he chuckles as he shakes the sand out of his hair. “Chill out. Gracefully,” he adds, drawing out the word, reminding you how it’s done.
You practice a dozen more times, bringing your hands up to your waist in exhaustion. “I didn’t know we were workin’ out, J,” you pant, sweat glistening in the sun.
“Here, follow me.” JJ grabs your hand, pulling you close to the water. He sits down and pulls you between his legs, his chin on your shoulder. “Let’s find the channel.”
“What’s that, J?”
“Safer waters, babe. That’s the place you should paddle out to.” He explains the differences between the two types of channels,“ you lean against his chest, taking it all in.
“See, right there.” He points over your shoulder, “that’s a channel, you can see the section filled with whitewash… Do you see that?” You nod in reply.
“Let’s go paddle. Huh?” JJ smiles.
You run back up the beach a little to grab your boards. Copying JJ you reach down and grab your surfboard, pulling it to your side. “Why is yours shorter than mine? You’re taller than me.”
“Because I know what I’m doing, sweetness. When you get this down we’ll get you a smaller board too… You learn on a longboard.”
You walk with JJ into the water, moving deeper, feeling your anxiety rise with the water. Your jaw tightens, nervousness swirling your stomach. JJ looks over at you wide-eyed, his face full of concern.
“You good, babe?”
“Umm… Are we goin’ any deeper than this? I s-swear the channel was closer,” you say weakly as you glance over your shoulder, clocking the distance.
“Uhh… We’re like halfway out, baby girl,” he laughs lightly, sensing your unease. “Are you okay? You look scared shitless-”
“I don’t know how to swim!” You yell, clutching onto your board for dear life.
JJ narrows his gaze on yours, rolling over your words in his head. “What now?”
“I… Uh. I don’t know how to swim.”
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, giving you a playful shove, making you scream as you hug onto the board, eyes slamming shut.
“What the fuck?” he laughs in shock.
“Ugh, jayj. I dunno. I mean-”
“Your family own the yacht club, baby. You’re on the water all the time. You don’t know how to-”
“Swim?” You cut him short as well, equally as surprised with yourself. “No, baby. I don’t.”
“Okay, princess. It’s fine. It’s fine,” he soothes. “Today we paddle. Tomorrow swimming lessons. Okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, Jayj.” You sigh as you pull yourself up onto your board cheeks blushed with embarrassment.
“Copy me. Alright,” he coaches as he starts to paddle. You mimic is movements, pulling through the water.
“Look at you!” JJ yells with a big smile on his face as you follow suit. You paddle around for a while, following JJ.
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“So, why didn’t you tell me before?” JJ asks as the two of you sit on your boards, drifting through the water, your bodies rolling and rocking with the waves.
“All the girls you’ve dated before seemed to be surfers… How was I going to break it to you that I couldn’t even swim,” you sigh through a soft smile as you kick your feet through the water.
“Just like that,” he teases. “Just tell me. I love being with you… Teaching you new shit. This isn’t any different, sunshine.”
“I love bein’ with you too, Jayj.”
He smiles as he looks out at the shore, glancing back at you. “So, I guess you’re tryin’ a few new things for your birthday.”
“Mhmm… I am. Best birthday ever, Jayj.”
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JJ turns his hat backward, moving eye-level with the sand, tucking the kindling in the center. He pops a cigarette between his lips, lighting it first, taking a drag before reaching his hand inside the cone, lighting the tinder with the end. The blaze grows, fire licking the wood.
JJ crawls toward you, pressing a kiss onto your lips. He takes a seat on the blanket next to you, looking down at you with a smile. “C’mere,” he grins. JJ widens his thighs, tapping the spot in between. You take your place in his arms, leaning back against his chest.
“Do I get a short board now?” You ask, doing your best not to laugh.
”What?“ He chuckles.
“A short board, Maybank.”
“Absolutely not,” he knocks as he wraps his arm around your neck, pulling you into a headlock. “A life jacket. Maybe. How ‘bout that?”
“Rude,” you giggle, tapping out against his arm.
JJ pinches his cigarette, drawing it from his lips as he exhales through his nostrils. He snuffs it out in the sand. His rough hands follow your arms to your own, weaving his finger into yours, wrapping them around your waist. He tucks his head into your neck, breathing softly, lips, brushing your skin.
“It’s beautiful here,” you sigh.
“Just like you, baby.”
Your cheeks burn from your smile as you take in your surroundings. The cracking of the fire, ash dancing high in the sky, mixing with the stars.
“You were such a great teacher, Jayj,” you praise.
“And, you were an amazing student, babydoll.
“Feels like I owe you, handsome. You can have whatever you’d like,” you smile as you bite your lip.
“Well,” he chuckles lustily. “It’s your birthday, mama. I think I owe you.”
You dig your beer into the sand and sit up, turning around to face JJ before pressing him down onto the blanket. “This is exactly what I want.” JJ’s smile widens as you pull your shirt over her head, showing off your bikini’d breasts again, making his eyes roll back.
“You are a fucking fantasy, princess,” he praises. You bite your lip, reaching around your back to undo the bow.
JJ’s darkened eyes follow the curve of your lips, down to your tits; the small of your waist, and down to your hips. You slip a hand down slowly, touching his chest before landing on the strings of his boardshorts. You undo it with one hand as your lips move with his.
“I adore you, JJ,” you whisper.
“I adore you, baby. I really, really do.” JJ bucks up slightly for you to pull down his jeans. He laces his hands behind his head, arching his back slightly as he waits for more.
You kiss the tip of his cock, swirling around his swollen head. He moans at the feeling, melting into the sand as you catch his precum on your tongue. You wrap your hand around the base of JJ’s cock, taking him deep in your mouth.
“Oh shit,” he moans, throwing his head back. You move your hand and lips in succession. JJ grips the beach blanket tightly watching you as you go.
Popping off quickly you take your fingers, putting them in your mouth. JJ’s eyes haze as you pull your swimsuit bottoms to the side. You return your lips to his shaft as you begin to work on yourself.
“Fuckk… look at me, baby,” JJ pants. You do, moaning onto him as you twist your hand, sending JJ over the edge. You feel his leg jerking as he reaches down, placing his hands on the back of your head.
JJ spills into your mouth, a wave of curse words and praise following. You swallow and crawl slowly towards his lips. JJ kisses you passionately, pulling you closer with his hands on the back of your neck.
“That was unbelievable, baby,” he sighs. JJ moves his hands down to your warmth. “Ugh… you’re so wet f’me, mama,” he whispers breathlessly.
JJ rolls you over quickly onto the blanket, pressing his weight on top of you. “Take off your shirt,” you cry desperately. His muscular body steals your attention, focus falling to his chest and chiseled abs.
“Pay attention, sweetheart,” he taunts. You return your eyes to his with a smile, met with a sly smirk, JJ thoroughly enjoying your fixation on him again.
“I just can’t help myself, Jayj,” you sigh, biting your lip.
JJ takes his length in his hand and lines himself up with your entrance, tapping lightly. He spreads your wetness on his tip and slides in slightly, returning his lips to yours. JJ slides in slowly to the base, making you whine.
“Fuck, J,” you pant as you try your best to adjust to his size.
“Damn. You feel so good, baby,” he grunts. He begins to roll his hips into you. You widen your legs, wrapping your arms around your thighs, pulling them to your chest. JJ moves to his knees taking your breasts in his hands.
He quickens the pace, causing his body to slap against your thighs as he glides his dick in and out. “JJ,” you cry in pleasure as you feel your orgasm start to build.
“Are you going to cum, sweetheart,” he pushes out.
“Yeah,” you moan.
“Me too,” he grunts as he moves his fingers down to your clit.
“Mmm-fuck,” you cry as you feel your release radiate through your body. You feel his hips hitch as he moans in pleasure, his warmth fills you.
“Jesus Christ,” he huffs as his eye lashes flutter open. You giggle, pulling him down on top of you. Your breathing slows together.
“I love you, baby,” he pants.
“I love you too, Jayj.”
“Happy birthday, my love.”
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
So like what if Adam didn't die and lute managed to come out of the battle WITH an arm?
I want both of them to suffer a little so hear me out
What if our dear reader is an exorcist? So of course she's an angel!
What'll their reaction be if the two witnessed their dear close friend, the sweetest angel and friend they had the fortune to meet in their long lives, sacrifice herself so that the two of them would go back safely? (Forcing herself to go beyond her limits, healing all of their wounds and even opening a portal back to heaven just for the two of them.)
+ the fact that they're both horrible people and the only person who cared for both of them, tended their wounds, always there to back them both up, is now gone?
Angst is calling for me to make the two of them suffer a lil
Omg yes! This is such a good idea! I love making characters suffer! ALSO I do every request so don’t be afraid to send them! And it may take me some time to get to them, but I shall get to them. Sorry it took so long hope you enjoy! By far the favorite thing I’ve ever wrote. Like legit made me cry.
“I’m so fucking sorry!”
Part One| Part Two
Warning: death, angst, cursing
Summery: Adam and Lute watch you die, the only person they loved
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“Are you guys sure about this? I mean what if her father shows up?” You spoke to the two exterminator angels.
They both looked to you simultaneously and there eyes softened on your worried form. Lute was the first to speak up to ease your worries. “It’s gonna be okay. Lucifer was the one who let us do this yearly anyways.” You nodded your head. She was right but you still worried.
“Don’t worry about it, hot stuff. If he shows up I can handle him.” Adam spoke ever so confidently. “Promise?” You were so afraid for them. Adam walked over and gave you a hug, kissing the top of your head. “Promise.” You reached out for Lute, wanting her to join the hug as well.
As she joined the hug you spoke from between their chest. “After the battle let’s all go and have a beach day.” The two angels laughed and agreed.
You hurried to Lute as you so saw her rip her arm off. You never flew so fast in your life. When you got to her you stopped her from flying after Vaggie. “We have to help Adam!” She spoke frantically.
“And I will. You need to sit down and let me help you first.” You sat her on the ground and placed your hands over where her arm should be.
A white glowing light came from your hands as you focused on rebuilding her arm. You started to feel dizzy as blood pooled in your moth. You could see black spots but when you were down Lutes arm had been good as new. You would t even know it’s been severed if not for her uniform sleeve. You two went to stand but the ground rumbled. You looked up and saw a golden light. Adams golden light came down in the middle of the hotel.
You quickly threw Lute away from the beam and got hit instead. A cut was in your shoulder. In went clean through. Your arm was fucking toasted from the severed nerves. You finally blacked out.
“Welcome to heaven.” Saint Peter spoke as you arrived at the golden gates. Though you weren’t interested in him, more so the man beside him talking to another female. “Then when the concert was over a BUNCH of girl came to the back to meet me. It was awesome.” The man spoke. You quickly intruded the conversation. “You play in a band?”
The man is what seemed like a mask turned to look at you, while sipping his drink loudly. “Sure am babe! Your looking at the first man!” Your eyes widened, but not because he was first man. “What part in the band do you play.”
You showed no interest in him being the first man. Normally that would piss him off but this time he didn’t care. “Guitarist.” Your smile widened.
You looked to the girl, clearly wanting her to joking the conversation as well. “Are you apart of the band?!” You were so excited and nice. It felt refreshing for Lute. “No.” Her voice sounded cold, though talking to you sparked a warmth inside her. “I’m Y/N.”
Lute smiled and extended her hand. “Lute.” You started to excitedly shake her hand. Happy to make a new friend.
Adam wrapped his arm around you both. “I’m Adam.” Well two new friends.
“You guys what?!” You asked, eyes wide at what just came out of Adams mouth. It was a slip up on Adams part. They had just gotten done with the extermination and Adam was use to telling you everything. So he may have slipped up and started talking about the extermination.
“Listen babe. It has to be done.” Adam was worried. Worried that you would get kicked out of heaven if Sera found out you knew.
Lute was the one who explained the whole situation. How the sinners were up-rising. How it needed to be done to protect heaven.
To both Adam and Lutes surprise you understood. It made them happy that you were accepting of it. For the first time they truly felt like someone wouldn’t leave. Sure they had each other before this but there friendly relationship really started from you being there glue.
“Okay babe but now that you know you have to become an exterminator like us.”
That made you nervous but Adam and Lute always stayed with you during it. They also didn’t expect you to kill anyone. All you needed to do was wear the uniform one day a year.
You stared at the papers that needed to be done. Since you didn’t kill the demons you demanded to do Adams paperwork.
You slowly blinked. You were tired but you had an hour to finish this and give it to Sera.
A coffee was placed right in front of you. You looked up and saw Lute. You smiled at her and grabbed the coffee. You also grabbed her hand and gave her a friendly kiss on the lips.
It was something you two had started doing recently. A way to give each-other the attention you craved.
Just as that had happened Adam walked through the door. His eyes widened. You were quick to explain it was platonic before he could assume anything. One he understood what happened he demanded you start doing that with him. He demanded the same thing from Lute as well.
As time went on many people believed you were in a poly relationship. But y’all were platonic friends who did romantic things sometimes.
Sure y’all all had sex together quite a bit, but no one ever felt any romantic feelings. It was all friendly and it felt natural.
You groaned awake at the sound of Adam shouting. “All of man-kind came from these nuts!” You opened your eyes to see Lute staring down at you, panic in her eyes. You smiled at her. Though your moment was cut short at the sound of Adam gasping. You looked over to him and saw a little maid stabbing him. You and Lute shouted Adams name as your hurried to fly to him. Fuck.
“Adam look at me your going to be fine.” You spoke your tone in confidence despite the tears running down your face. He smiled at his two girls looking over him.
He may have lost two wives, but he gained two best friends he would never replace for a damn thing.
You started to heal his wound with your hand like you did Lutes arm. You could feel pain all throughout your body as you pushed your limits. Your eyes started bleeding as did your nose.
Lute was conflicted as she watched you. She knew you needed rest but she didn’t want Adam to die. All you had to do was save Adam she would get you to a hospital.
But you weren’t making it back.
As Adam eyes opened he felt better than the first day he was made. He looked to Y/N and she smiled at him. Happy he was okay. He went to talk but she fell to his side. Her breath shallow. He hurriedly got up and looked her up and down. At that moment the portal closed and all the angels were gone beside him, you and Lute.
“Fuck babe look at me.” Your eyes were distant but you focused back in on him. Your Adam. Your apple.
“I love you, Apple. I love you too, wild girl.” You said to them both. Making them cry harder. “I love you too. More than anything.” They both said to her simultaneously. You closed your eyes and a portal opened.
“Fuck!” Lute shouted. She knew you weren’t going to make it.
“I’m so fucking sorry!” He spoke loudly as your eyes started to flutter closed. “It’s okay. Be happy. And go have that beach day.” Lute sobbed in her hand as she fell to the ground.
Adam gripped to you harder his tears falling to your chest as he cried silently. He couldn’t shout anymore. “Come back to us.” He whispered. You didn’t complete his wish. The one time you didn’t give him what he wished for.
Your breathing stopped and your halo fell. “I’m sorry baby.” Adam cooed in your ear, as he started to rock the two of you. Begging for god to give him back the one of the two woman he ever loved. You and Lute.
He looked to the sky. “You cruel manipulative bastard! Was a good person. I thought god was supposed to be merciful.” Lucifer watched as the first man shared the same rage he once had with god. “I have never asked for anything! I didn’t ask for Lilith. I didn’t ask for Eve! All I ask is to bring Y/N back to us.” But god did not respond. Leaving Adam to turn his rage to the group watch.
“I will kill you all!” He shouted, the tears coming from his eyes seeming endless. “I will have my vengeance.”
He picked you up as Lute grabbed your halo. The two walked through the portal.
They did have that beach day, but it was your funeral. Where your body was buried where no one could find. Only him and Lute. The two hugged each other as they both lost the person they loved most.
OMG I HAVE NEVER CRIED WHILE WRITING SOMETHING UNTIL THIS DAY! But I hoped you enjoyed! And I do take requests so please send away!
- kelp 💛 (someone help I’m dying from heartache)
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