#more like just kinda side eyes him a lot LMAOOO
majormeilani · 2 years
i need to draw how the other birds would interact with cassidy because i'm thinking a lot about it..... oc moment
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Why the TF2 Defense Trio deserve more recognition
The people have spoken, I have decided to create an essay disguised as a post on this godforsaken website because it's a free country goddammit! (I would have done it either way lmaooo, I have a lot of shit to say about these maniacs) To start this formal essay glorified very serious shitpost, why should you as a tf2 fan care about these 3 men? They're so "boring" and there's not much going on with them. If ya took a second, let's pause with what was being said. YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND to think such thoughts, we must shake you out of cuckoo land by giving you an in-depth look into these three so that you understand where I'm coming from. Let's start in order:
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After being in the fandom since 2019, there's always one character I always thought wasn't given much anything in the fandom at all. Even taking ships out of the equation, there's barely any fics I've that focus on Tavish Finneagan Degroot specifically that I've seen that isn't a compilation fic (I read a lot of x readers, don't judge me). Believe me, I checked ao3. I went through Demoman's tags and I tried very hard to filter a lot of the crossover and relationship tags, yet there's less of Demoman himself, than there's him just existing as a side character of a story. Which is honestly sad, I honestly think Demo is one of the more kinder mercs compared to a lot of the team. This man made friends with the BLU soldier, despite knowing that they were supposed to be killing each other. Sure, it's unclear whether or not Demo did actually go through with it and it's just a ruse, because the voicelines in WAR! don't have a set timeline. But I do think that Demo would have tried to keep his friendship with BLU soldier. He's very chill. I've never actually seen him get violent against his friends and family, despite being a drunkard. I honestly think he's one of the sweetest people in TF2, he takes good care of his mom and haunted sword lmaoooo. Jokes aside, he seems like a genuinely good man and I barely see anything that suggests he's sadistic. He's a chaotic and loud, but not bad. Not bad at all. The fact he can still do his job well, even after drinking so much that his body created a whole distillery, is even more impressive. He is damn good at what he does and works very hard. He's had multiple jobs, even as wee little lad. Despite what people think of him, the fact he's getting paid 5 million dollars a year, is proof he knows what he's doing. He loves his job and couldn't bear the thought of not working. I feel like his backstory isn't talked about enough in the fandom either. When you think about it, it's kinda fucked up that he was put in an orphanage by his biological parents until he was in the right age to be blowing people up. Not only that, his eye socket was haunted by the Bombinomicon so that every halloween a giant eye would manifest, attacking him and his friends. Even Medic couldn't help him and instead resorting to scooping the part of Demo's brain where he remembered so he would stop asking. He most likely has a lot of stories for you, I see him as the type that has a lot to say. His past is the most fleshed out and complete out of all the mercs, which I really appreciate, you can do a lot more with him. Also another thing, during Unhappy Returns, he took the time to reassure Soldier that he wouldn't think he's a civilian. He didn't brush Soldier's worries aside and instead comforted him. I wish I had a lot more to say about Demo because I am baffled that he isn't being gushed about as a potential partner. He has the excitement and like zero baggage. A thing I also wanna point out is that he seems to be insecure of the fact he's a black scottish man with only one eye during Meet The Demoman. I may be reading into things a bit too much, but it makes me wanna be like "NOOOO don't talk about yourself like that, bro. You're so cute UGHHH" Also also he's handsome. Sure looks can be subjective, but I still think Demo has a face I would kiss hehe. He looks great with his beard and his cheeky ass smile. GOD I could gush about him all day, but I have to move on rip.
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Honestly, I'm having a hard time just finding the words to describe this amazing man without giving him the respect he deserves. But I'll sure try. Heavy has had a difficult life and I've always admired how strong he was. Not just of his muscles, but he endured one of the toughest situations and still kept moving forward with his life even though it was traumatizing. You see why I'm even having a hard time talking about him? I can't really get down into the weeds, without getting serious for a min. I feel like the fandom doesn't give him much credit for being able to deal with so much. He's the rock for his family after his father disappeared (atp I think he's dead, which is the cherry on top this depressing sundae) and I wouldn't doubt that he would be the same for his team. He's a man of few words, but that makes him all the more intriguing. Just because this man has a lot of brawn does not mean he's dumb at all. Despite how he acts in the battlefield, Heavy is observant and clever. Although, it's implied that Spy being Scout's dad is an open secret between the mercs and Miss Pauling, the fact he figured it out without saying it directly must mean he has a lot more going on. He's also educated, getting a phD in Russian Literature. It's not a STEM program, but he actually got a doctorate and went to college, that's a lot more than half of what the mercs did lmaooo. Also he has a bit of a softie side, not just for his mom and sisters, but also other creatures as well. I respect him so much for avoiding violence against those dogs during the Showdown comic. Not only shows what an absolute sweetheart he is, but also how much he's able to think quickly on his feet. Heavy is very direct and blunt, I don't see him as the type to lie about his feelings. I appreciate that he doesn't feel the need to sugarcoat anything, he'll get the job done and he ain't playing. There's no fluff, he knows what he wants and that's to rev up Sasha and ram through sons of bitches without any worries.
I feel like I wanna point out, his story seems the most unexplored in the fandom, even though it has a lot of potential for ANGST factor. I already broke down how sad it is, but I just feel like it isn't said enough. Can I just say how cuddly he looks?! GAH, I feel like he would give the warmest hugs! The way he smiled in Unhappy Returns when he finds out his family doesn't need to live in fear anymore, just melts my heart! He's so protective over his family and friends! I wish I had a lot more to say about this guy because I just can't stop finding more things about him that go unappreciated. I had to literally edit this part so many times before moving on, he just has those little details you don't notice until you take a second and have that OH MY GOD moment
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I was getting so hyped, when it was finally our resident southern nerd's time to shine. GOD I have so much to say about this man. It's been over 5 fucking years and I have never stopped simping for this man since 2019, I think I'm gonna go insane from how much I've been repressing, I go feral when he's around. Anyways enough stalling. I don't ever think a fictional character has ever made me swoon quite like Engineer, I really mean that. I have ask and pleaded to whatever god was listening to give me a man like Engie. To me, he is everything I ever wanted and more.
First, I wanna talk about what makes him attractive to me. His accent. His southern charm, UGH he's killing me with that smooth voice and chivalry! I swear this man could make me faint just from existing. The way he smiles is so warm, his insults are so corny I love them. That five o clock shadow GAHH! I'm getting butterflies all over again. I swear I love all three of the defense bois, but Dell Conagher has my heart wrapped around his gunslinger metal finger. All those personal reasons aside, I've always thought Dell Conagher was a very interesting character in the world of TF2. He might not have much screen time or goofy shenanigans like the other mercs, but that doesn't mean you can ignore him oh no no no. This man is important within the whole story of Mann Co and TF industries, his grandfather being the catalyst of the game's events and the comics going forward. The Conaghers are the SOLE REASON why Team Fortress 2's story exists. I find it strange that the fandom hasn't done much with this fact because you can do a lot with this idea. Engineer knows a lot of shit and would be the biggest threat to Helen, if not for the fact that his family has been helping her for years.
Like his backstory, he's not seen much in the battlefield, but he has a lot more going on behind the scenes. Imagine the possibilities. He is damn intelligent and he knows it. While Dell is very sweet and has a southern charm, this is a facade to hide his God complex and sadistic tendencies. If you think this man is just your boring gentle engineer, you've got a big storm coming. It's heavily implied that he sawed off his own arm so that he could use the gunslinger. This man works on projects with Medic and doesn't question the moral implications of putting a human brain in a pumpkin. Hell, he threatened his own employer, even if he was an old man (Granted, Blutarch dug up his grandpa's grave, so he probably should have gotten something a lot worse than just Dell telling him to fuck off). Engineer is more than the texan egghead sweetie pie, he is a mercenary for a reason and I would argue that he might be as insane, if not more than, the rest of the team. No sane man would willingly work with a bunch of war criminals if he wasn't also crazy. That's the thing I really like about him. I love playing as him in the game because it represents his character very well. He technically serves a supportive role to the team with his buildings, but he is a killer with a lot of tools in his disposal, With the right amount of training, he can absolutely dominate in the battlefield.
I feel like he's one of the people that underestimate and assume that he's an easy target, but he's a lot more than that. He has a lot of layers that makes me want to learn more about him and what he has to offer.
In Conclusion:
These guys are cool. Lmaooo okay I won't just end it there. I genuinely believe that they're not getting the recognition that they deserve, they've got a lot more going for them if you pay attention. Sure they might not always be the loudest or most prominant character in the story, but what they lack in quantity, they make up for in quality TEN FOLD. They don't have to be your favourite, but you should at least give them a chance. You never know, they may surprise you.
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Okay so thats enough of that, I couldn't find a divider above this message, so you're getting this grainy ass gif. Honestly, I put way too much effort on this shitpost lmaooo, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out in a more concise manner. If you want to add more stuff about these three that I didn't mention, feel free to do so. Anyways thanks for reading
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beautifulpersonpeach · 2 months
Not gonna lie, this whole thing really sucks. I think I wrote a message awhile back about the very cool feminist angle of the Plus Global Auditions Invitation video, I'm an SNL Army and was new to watching kpop very closely and was so sold by that video. I thought - 'this company is really different.' Going public with a company f*cks a lot of things up, it happens all so often, and often it's the people and the ethos that gets messed up the most. It's frustrating to see this devolution. Because I was really excited by what MHJ was being given space to do at BH/Hybe. Though, as a fellow art school student, I am shaking my head and serious side-eyes at how she says things like 'I'm an artist, I don't know how to read contracts' (obviously I'm paraphrasing) - it's clear Hybe knows she's got the goods but she's not playing by their game anymore. The response and flood of crazy comments and hate at BTS is frustrating but expected, but just such a waste of time all the same. I've also never thought BH and then Hybe were super super smart and long-gaming everything (don't come for me Bangtan U fans) I think they were lucky and scrappy and skillful and making cool things happen moment to moment. Later on they got better at the strategic planning, sure. I don't know. They may need a good kick in the pants to remember that's what makes them great at what they do. But still, I hate the idea of MHJ being cooked even if she seems like a real pain in the tush to work with. Because technically, she's what got me to really buy-in to what BTS & BH were doing in the first place.
Yeah, it's a shitty situation.
To be fair, I think at the start, Bang PD was trying to do something different and 'forward-thinking' with HYBE. He sought out good talent going by the hires he did in 2019/2020, managing to onboard creatives like Min Heejin and Zico. Zico already incorporated his company to manage himself before Bang PD approached him, which is probably why he owns ~24.5% of KOZ - his sub-label in HYBE.
But with Min Heejin...
She had partnered with 250 - a popular DJ in Korea and NewJeans' main producer, since she left SM in 2018. He runs BANA (a creative collective) but she'd wanted her own label since the start.
Bang PD knew this, and wanted her for HYBE, so it's likely he made all sorts of promises to get her on board without awarding her a single share. Almost as soon as key creative decisions had to be made post-Global Plus audition, they both clashed, but HYBE as a company was less than 1 year old and it appears Bang PD and MHJ still had good relations... which was kinda easy since he still needed her creative output and wanted to see what she could do. So they let her make her own label: ADOR, and keep NewJeans even though according to Min Heejin, HYBE executives and Bang PD thought her concept and style of music for them would be impossible to sell to k-pop stans.
They expected NewJeans to fail or flounder. Instead, by 2023 NewJeans had become one of the top 5 most valuable k-pop IPs in Korea. If my guess is right, by that point she had no shares in ADOR, no agreement with HYBE's indefinite non-compete clause. She could walk anytime and I'm sure a lot of people wanted her.
Then HYBE approached Min Heejin with the shareholder contract to give her 20% of the company. It's a classic 'carrot and stick'. The carrot was easy to see. Apparently offered her the shares at a very low price, apparently Bang PD even lent her the money to buy it, for a valuation that HYBE considered more than generous, he was in her KakaoTalk chats buttering her up with those godawful emojis lmaooo. He was selling that shit hard. The stick in the contract was the poison pill which essentially tied her to HYBE for as long as they want her.
Perhaps she was aware of the pill and signed any way because at that point they still had good relations with Bang PD and HYBE in general. But according to her, Bang PD kept wanting more control over NewJeans the more successful the group became. Realizing she had to do something about the poison pill, she sought to negotiate, and as is typical in these sort of situations, you fight greed with more greed.
Asking to bump up the multiple on the options from 13x to 30x is frankly ridiculous. For a male CEO I can see it being considered... maybe, but for a woman? In Korea?
I'm sure when the other suits at HYBE heard that's what she was asking, at least one of them almost had a stroke. The logic is simple though: start crazy high and end.. just high. If HYBE was looking to exert more control over NewJeans (for example, every sub-label and group in HYBE changed to using 'bio-paper and ink' for their albums starting in 2023, to help HYBE meet their ESG targets. The only company that's not made the switch yet, is ADOR. Given how carefully MHJ controls branding and album design for NewJeans, I can see this minute detail being a massive thorn lol)... anyway, if HYBE was indeed looking to gain more control, the fact that they'd have to pay 30x if MHJ exercised her options on a whim, would serve as a very strong deterrent.
Given what I understand Korean corporate culture to be like, I doubt she had any friends in upper management to start, but with a demand like that, practically all of them would turn enemies in a heartbeat. It's the sheer audacity lmao. My guess is she would've eventually negotiated down, at least once she was assured real creative independence from Bang PD. But at some point, rather, quite predictably given this is corporate Korea, the need for control and the egos involved decided she had to be cut loose now and perhaps taught to not bite the hand that feeds her.
It's not a sentiment limited to the suits at HYBE. It's followed her since SM and the general public would hate it too, which is one reason I think it's only a matter of time before the narrative switches again to HYBE's favour. I promise you, most regular men in Korea would go red in the face, eyes bulging out their heads, drool and spit shooting out like projectiles, at the thought she would dare to demand such a thing. And in a way they'd be right. It's an insane amount of money for female creative in Korea, but I think given everything else, it also seems like a gamble she was taking as a means to an end. A simple negotiating tactic, given what she keeps highlighting as her main goal - unimpeded and full creative and managerial control.
Bang PD wants to build a 'forward-thinking' company comparable to Western conglomerate juggernauts like SONY and Warner Music, but I don't think these Korean men have the chops to do it right, just yet. I've had that impression of Bang PD for a few years now. He's been getting results, but they are inconsistent and he's got the biggest 'surety' in a sense with BTS, so he's been fine, and will continue to be fine for a few more years at least. But if they are messing up this spectacularly with their first female executive and one of their most valuable IPs, over... an options price negotiation?
And they want to pretend to be better than any other corp in Korea?
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I sympathize a bit with how you feel, but as a Korean woman, I guess I'm numb to it. There's a reason I've never chosen to work in that country, there's a reason why the birth rate is nearing the negatives. It's really unfortunate, and I'm sorry you're seeing a prior expectation you had getting blown up this way. And this latest hatefest on BTS has been quite ugly and isn't near done yet. This whole situation is gross, and even more so when the motivations behind it are so... banal and backwards.
But these are undercurrents that are too simple and boring for the average stan. Burning the witch who is responsible for masterminding the demise of a virtuous group is far more exciting. And so that's how the story will go.
I just hope that by some miracle, NewJeans turns out okay and manages to thrive after this. Because in all of this mess, they will deal with the implications the most and for the longest time.
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chaoticklesblog · 6 months
Helluva Boss Tickle Headcannons:
Super ticklish despite not being tickled very much in his younger days, (Blitzo is definitely the first one to discover this weakness when they were kids and never really forgot how ticklish Stolas was, or is, for that matter.)
Is a switch, but is definitely is more lee leaning! He enjoys the bondage aspect of it and definitely experiences the most anticipatory giggles.
Has one of the most adorable laughs ever. It doesn't take much to get him laughing. He has such a high-pitched laugh that gets squeaky if you get the right spots.
Worst spots are wings and beneath his feathers.
As a ler, my goodness is this guy fucking RUTHLESS.
Is a demon, so expect to receive whatever tickling is dished out tenfold in return.
His feathers and claws are horrendously evil tickle tools and the mothefucker KNOWS it.
Uses tickling as a torture method for those who most deserve it (cough cough, Blitzo).
Regularly involved in childhood tickle fights with Fizz. Used to win most of the tickle fights until the accident happened.
So playful and silly, he was the first to initiate a tickle fight with Stolas and the first to realize what a ruthless tickler Stolas is.
Also a switch, very needy as a lee and super teasy as a ler.
Surprisingly a very gentle ler unless otherwise provoked.
Definitely tickles Stolas the most of anyone because Stolas absolutely loves it. Also frequently tickles Millie and Moxxie but mostly Moxxie because he deserves it. Doesn't DARE tickle Luna (he doesn't have
Most ticklish spots include ribs, tummy and underarms.
Super silly laugh, loves provoking others to tickle him, and is so shameless about it, the little shit.
Is ticklish but is much more of a ruthless ler. Mostly tickles Moxxie to get him to relax or not be so uptight.
Absolutely ruthless. RUTHLESS.
Not only does she know Moxxie enjoys being tickled, but she encourages the other IMP's to tickle him.
Doesn't mind being tickled by Moxxie but will destroy anyone else who tries.
The worst spots are her hips, thighs, and knees.
Has a bright, carefree laugh.
Will 10/10 dish out absolutely unholy revenge to those who dare to tickle her.
Is such a lee! 100% lee. Is baby.
It doesn't take much to get him all flustered, just a few well placed pokes, a wink, or teasy voice.
Prefers to be tickled by Millie but is the frequent victim of gang tickles. Not that he minds.
Is wayyyy more susceptible to gentle and teasy tickles.
His back is an absolute death zone. Absolutely cannot handle back massages AT ALL.
Screechy and screamy laughter. AHAHAH.
Hides his face a lot, or at least he tries when tickled. Lol. He can't even help it.
Will literally beg to not be tickled.
Deserves to get his shit WRECKED!
WE AREN'T gonna pretend this man isn't ticklish.
I mean, he is. Has a super boisterous laugh.
I mean, if this anyone has a tickle kink, it's him lol.
I feel like he's got tons of ler energy. He tickles Fizz so much, lmao. Surprise tickles, tickle games, tickle hugs, teases, etc. ASDFGHJKL. Fizz eats it up, of course.
Is kinda ticklish in a couple secret places only Fizz knows about. I mean, I don't even know, and Fizz didn't tell me lmaooo. It's a secret, do with that info what you wish.
Is actually the tickle monster. Hehehe.
Is such an adorably ticklish imp.
Arguably, the most ticklish character.
Literally used to be nearly tickled to death by Blitzo as kids. And ganged up on by the other imps. Was pretty much defenseless lol.
Blitzo used to knock him down a few pegs for getting all the attention by tickling the everloving snot out of him.
Literally never won tickle fights until after the accident. The robot arms improved his tickle fight game tenfold.
His robot arms are indeed also ticklish but offer an advantage in tickle fights by being able to stretch or tickling people far away.
Bottom ribs, hips and sides are his worst spots.
Cannot handle his ribs being counted. (Ozzie found this out, and the poor guy can't rest ahah).
Wheezy laughter that eventually goes silent, and he also thrashes a lot.
Uses his robot arms for tickling and bondage purposes with Ozzie and to also get well deserved revenge on Blitzo, haha.
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mercyedes · 2 months
What caught your eye about hambone? First I thought he was silly bc of the gold teeth but I learned more about the real hambone and I love him sm!! <3 the actor is so beautiful
my first watch of mota when he showed up in ep 1 & the end of ep 2, i recognized him as "wtf this dude has gold teeth oh he's defo a fuck boy" but didn't think much of ham LMAOOO i was still madlyyyy obsessed w/ buck and crosby i didn't have time for my eyes to wander <3
wait hold on i wrote way more than i thought i would lemme read more. i love hambone. he is everything to me
and then like episode 5 came around and i kept rewatching the first couple of episodes and i should've known better because i KNEW he was (is) fine as fuck i simply could not ignore it any longer. i always love the off-putting pretty bitches and hambone is exactly that, an off-putting pretty bitch. i was endeared by his bright ass blonde hair because it reminds me A LOT of an f1/f2 driver i love (liam lawson) so i feel like i kinda was set up from the beginning to be partial to this tall blonde pretty boy 😩💜
AND JUST LIKE YOU when i decided i was way too curious and enamored to ignore hammy's existence any longer, i just started researching more about real ham and just fell in love with brady's crew in general and found hammy so interesting and cool -- there is a part in a wing and a prayer where crosby writes about how hambone (unlike harry) genuinely wanted to get to the war and during training he was worried the war would already be won and over before he got the chance to go fight in it. and another member of brady's crew wrote in a journal he kept about how, while they were still in the U.S., all of brady's crew agreed with one another that they didn't wish to fight for the honor and medals of it all, they just wanted to go do their jobs, help return the world to something peaceful, and then go home. we love humble kings. anyway this is a side note but i'm ngl i feel like sometimes people in the fandom kinda mischaracterize/"Fanon"-ize hambone a lot and it sometimes rubs me the wrong way. but that's just me
obviously he probably still counts as a minor character in MOTA, but idk i love the character jordan still portrayed, he's a lil weirdo and a little silly with his gold teeth of course, but i fully love the bits of personality we got from him <33 he's a funny, witty boy with pride and confidence about his job (bombardiers r so hot it's just true. they are sexy af being competent) but also stubborn and a little aloof and easily irritable, doesn't seem to be all too bothered by being overly kind to people he doesn't know/we often only see him socializing with people from brady, crank, or blakely's crews (all men who irl hambone shared barracks with and had close ties to !) ... i love a dude who keeps to himself / doesn't feel the desire to step too far outside of his close social circle, it makes him even more intimidating imo and i love it. he's so hot. he's like a cryptid to me and i find his freaky vibes insanely alluring. like even the cat killing CANNOT put me off, if anything it made him sexier idk why .... like he's a lil vicious yes but he's also a resourceful bastard like that, like brady said protein is protein & hambone was very kind to his buddies to make them cat soup <3
ALSO he's just very very fun to write. i adore writing him he's so interesting.
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
could you do the gang at school please? (including the ones who graduated or dropped out haha)
yessss!! i did one similar to this already…
BUT I WILL ADD ON cause there have been some newer hcs i would give the greasers🫶🫶
probably unironically eats lunch in the english teachers classroom or smth
but don’t get me wrong he isn’t a teachers pet by any means
considering how he mentioned how he’s like one of the only greasers in his classes cause my guy is an honor student🫶🤌, i think he feels left out a good amount
like he dreads group projects cause either there’s no friends in his class to choose to be on his group
or he hates it whenever the teacher picks groups themself and throws pony in a really awkward situation with a bunch of socs
gives middle to front row student
WILL HIT THE DEEPEST SIGH when the teacher says there’s homework
he’s so put out lmaooo🫶
just there for the giggles
honestly there’s a good amt of kids in my classes that come to mind for this
its just hard to describe like similar to two bit he genuinely likes school cause friends yk
but some days for him just feel like they go on for YEARS AND YEARS
gets the most bored when it’s finals week and there’s like zero talking during classes
i think just cause he’s the quietest of the group we forget he’s still like a 16 year old boy??
like he’s still a menace sorry
but he’s more aware of his actions compared to dally or two but definitely
he still a part of the rowdy group of greasers who yell when they pull up to rumbles and stuff
hes just a lot quieter in comparison to someone like two or steve
just the type to not talk to you unless you talk to him first but once you kinda get that friendship going in class it’s a bunch of fun
other than that just chills ngl
idk why it’s so hard to picture my guy in school like what is this😭😭
i think it’s just cause se hinton really set in stone how darry truly is young, like 20 YEAR OLDS ARE NOT SUPER MATURE GUYS THEY ARE NOT OLDIES
they probably make some of the dumbest decisions
but darry can’t afford to make those carefree mistakes cause he doesn’t have people to scold him about it but then help him get back up
dally acts more like a 20 year old than darry does and the only reason dally can make those decisions is cause he doesn’t think there’s people depending on him like there are for darry
anyways rant👹🤷‍♂️😐
whenever he sees his ex sylvia walking in the halls holding hands with another guy he gives them the worst side eye glare dirty look IMAGINABLE
either that or he totally avoids eye contact like just tryna act like people don’t get to him
i feel like he genuinely wouldn’t be popular
like yes matt dillon is FIIIIIINEEEE but looks arent everything to popularity
you gotta be willing to actually talk to people you think are cool
and when it takes short of a world war to get dallas to let his guard down, his circle is small
he def does have a reputation but i wouldn’t think he’s walking different friends to class every passing period
he just sticks to the same people cause that’s comfortable and he thinks that’s the only thing in his life that is stable🫡
i think we underestimate how much of A SUPER DUPER SENIOR TWO IS
so when i tell you teachers either love him cause he been on campus for FOREVER now
or they absolutely despise him
i think in general teachers do like him cause he the typa guy that teachers use as an example of what not to do😟😭
definitely would eat lunch in his favorite teachers classroom and write the goofiest stuff on the chalkboards
it is so hard to hc steve omg
like i know my guy has nuances we don’t know about
but considering pony’s a little bitch and only rats on him for like half his description in the book
i think he just chills w soda yk
like they are suchhh a package deal
and it’s mutual
but steve’s the loudest of the gang, apart from two
whenever there’s like a get to know you thing in class he just says he likes cars like no other fact abt him is shared in front of the class LMAO
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rinayeas · 2 years
im tired of this sickness called 'i dont know how to art very well but i still want to share my headcanons' so im overcoming it by,,, just sharing my headcanons via writing,,,,,
So yeah the demon brothers are too bishonen for me so here's a kinda monsterf*cker rendition of them. Im also a horror fan so i wanted to make em scary hee hee
At first sight, he has a crown of sorts, made from black glass, protruding from his head, where cherry red blood is always dripping, the wound never closing down
When you get a little closer though, you figure out that the sharp shards of glass have a slight round edge to the ends, it's his halo, he tells you one day, when he fell it broke in pieces and stuck to his head. He could've easily taken it out, but he decided against it, this was who he was now, and he wanted everyone to know. His brothers couldnt look at his face for weeks, too shaken up by the gory display on his head, but they got used to it over the years.
The most human looking out of his brothers, except for the wounds and scars of course. Silently wonders if his curse is to be permanently reminded of the creature he used to be, and the fact that he will never quite look like he belongs in the devildom.
His demon form is something else entirely, gone is the charming gentleman with salt and pepper hair and blood dripping down the side of his face, replaced by something much, much more incomprehensive
Think of a biblically accurate angel mixed w a lovecraftian monster, big and impressive and quite honestly, terrifying
Thought very long and hard abt how to incorporate the peacock aspects in his design but i didnt come up w anything besides his clothes lmaooo
I thought of a lot of renassaince depictions of lucifer, always the most beautiful angel, even as he falls, so i think it makes sense that he's the most human looking and tries to resemble a demon as much as he can, he Is in a position of power after all, he needs all the respect he can get.
i KNOW mammon is supposed to be a crow, but his demon form resembles a dragon too much for me to think of him as anything else
Sharp, SHARP teeth, but next to Levi he looks like the nicest dog in the block
His ears are also sharp, almost everything about him is sharp (his nails are also sharp 😰 but he clips them dont worry 😚)
His sclera is yellow and his pupils are slit-like, he never really liked his eyes so he uses his tinted yellow sunglasses to kinda, play it off. Since they're tinted it looks like his sclera is just white hehe
Can't breathe fire but he does blow steam from his mouth, so, uh, careful if you get him too angry or too... excited?
These are just assorted headcanons but mammon has a lot of piercings, especially on his ears (they're pretty long so he has space to spare), i also see him having snake bites below his mouth he just looks really good with those
He has a smaller scar on his right eyebrow from the war, he does like the look though, makes him look 'tough' in his words
His hair is super fluffy though, no one knows how
He fits th dragon fursona (lol) bc dragons are stereotypically associated with gold, and idk i think hes just cool. I would have made him a bird boy but dragon mammon was calling to me
Has a lot of hidden surprises, at first sight he's just an incel with a serpent tail and even that is hidden from plain sight.
As he starts getting more comfortable around you you see him talk more and you notice stuff about his mouth. Namely, his forked tongue, his full set of extremely sharp, shark-like teeth, and, you know, the fact that he has at least fifty something in there
Due to this his mouth is wider and bigger so he's not very fond of smiling for pictures or just laughing in public in general :(
Has fins instead of ears but most of the time theyre covered up by his mullet. Also has gills
Has several scales/markings on his body that glow in the dark, this is based on some deep sea fish that need to have these type of things to survive on the depths! He has some on his forehead and thats another reason he has longer hair lol
Yeah his d*cks glow too im sorry
Cuter headcanon but he likes being in his room with no lights on bc of this, he's his own gamer lights
Also has slit pupils and blinks vertically. Actually thinks this one is cool because he freaks mammon out when he blinks
He can stay very, very still for a moment and then move extremely fast. He usually does this to scare you but also just does it in general
It's worse in the water. He is literally made to be in it, so just pray he never plays marco polo with you.
His tail is out 24/7 but he usually curls it up on his torso or his leg when he's out in public, has a lot of scales leading up to it along his back
His form is pretty high maintenance, his skin gets dry quickly and his tail sheds once a month and he has way more teeth he needs to wash and its not fair-
Spent a century in the sea so when he finally reunited with his brothers and finally saw what he looked like he just kinda freaked out about his appeareance and never got used to it, he feels like a monster.
General headcanon but levi is chubby and you can pry this one out of my cold dead hands
He's a gamer boy (tm) and a literal shut in and also he needs it to survive colder temperatures in water so yeah levi is chubby he told me himself
The least human looking brother, since he was born from Lucifer's pure hatred, he is the closest thing resembling a demon
He has black ram horns and a segmented, bone like tail out at all times.
His eyes resemble goat eyes and theyre bright green, very noticeable
HAS NO NOSE, he just has that upside down heart thing like a skull. Hes real life sans (jk)
The tips of his fingers are black, mammon teases him and asks him if he enjoyed erasing the board with his fingers lol
When he takes out his shirt, you can see his ribs, and not in a 'skinny' type of way, you can literally see his ribs like his torso is a damn xray, thankfully he becomes more corporeal as you go down so you dont see a lot of organs but its still freaky
Mammon is sharp but satan is boney AND sharp, he's scary ngl
Has satyr legs. Like straight up those goat like mfs with hooves and everything, not gonna lie he pulls them off.
He's scary which is so much more jarring when you realize that he's the more civilized brother next to his siblings
When you see him the first time you think he's a human. But when you get closer you immediately figure out that something is wrong.
You dont know what it is though, he doesnt have bleeding wounds like Luci, or yellow eyes like Mammon, or shark teeth like Levi, so what's up?
As you start to interact with him more you notice certain things, like the way his whole body seems to tremble when it's getting late, or how he seems like a blur when he moves too quick, or how his height changes nearly everyday
Asmo shapeshifts, it's one of the reasons he's so popular, he's very confident in all of his forms and likes to experiment with them, but his favorite is the one he uses most often, the strawberry blonde with the dreamy eyes. The way he looked back at the heavenly realm
It isnt a perfect form though, none of them are, all of them are too perfect to resemble a human, think of the uncanny valley when you imagine them. Like a living doll or some kind of android, its popular in the devildom but you dont quite get it.
It does however take a lot from him, he NEEDS his beauty sleep at the end of the day, maintaning a form throught the whole day is exhausting
In reality, he's quite literally a shapeless mass. A pink blob that sometimes tries to shape itself into its old form, but never finishes materalizing. He can keep a basic human silhouette in this form but dont expect a lot of details except for his eyes, which are unchangeable.
If you get to see him in this state then consider yourself someone he trusts, not everyone is allowed to see behind all the glam and glitz
Looks like a rotting corpse, a chunk of his cheek is missing so you can see his teeth and constantly has bugs surrounding him
Normally it's flies but once in a while he finds a maggot somewhere and you almost faint
Has lots of bandages covering his body because his skin is very prone to opening up
It doesn't hurt him or faze him but it heals very slowly and it is annoying, especially when he works out
He doesn't smell as bad as he looks though, it's mostly cosmetic.
His wings are always out, the other brothers have to go on demon form to use them (if they even have them lmao, levi is still salty about that)
One of his eyes is like a fly's eye. Its completely orange and segmented, idk if im explaining myself well but u get it
His hands are sticky, kinda like spiderman, he didnt know how to control them very well at the beggining but now he's a pro. His hand does stick to your hair exactly one (1) time and he feels terrible afterwards
Think of cronenberg's The Fly for his demon form, full body horror
cow boy 🙄
Youre not as taken aback when you meet him because he just looks like a furry, his lil nose, his cow ears, his tail.
Honestly looks more cute than scary but he doesnt need to look scary to be so
Is impossibly strong, so when he chokes you you put up little fight, you're literally helpless
The heavy eyebags, the sickly paleness of his skin, his dilated pupils and bloodshot eyes. No matter how much he sleeps, he still looks on the brink of fainting
Has a lot of memory problems, especially short term, so dont get offended if he forgets something you told him lol
Looks generally unkept but thats more on him than anything lol. He really does appreciate when someone forces him to take care of his appearence so, be on the lookout for that
His changes are more apparent on his demeanor rather than his physique, but no one really knows how much is just his sin taking over and how much are his regret and bitterness talking.
Also no, you cant milk him.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hi ma’am 😁🧡 May I get a BoB or TP ship please? Here’s my description:
she/her, 5'5 so average height, kinda skinny, very pale and freckly, reddish brown hair, i have to wear glasses sometimes bc i have grandma vision :'), i have hazel eyes with long eyelashes so they look like doe eyes, but out of all my friends i'm the most baby-faced so i get carded a lot when i go drinking rip.
I'm an ENFP 7w8, and my love language is quality time followed by acts of service. Like, i just love to go on mini road trips with friends and having a super playlist to listen to while we go somewhere together. My mom says that my spirit animal is either a badger or a raccoon lmaooo. and i'm a hufflepuff if that matters lol.
i would say that i'm a social butterfly who doesn't shy away from leadership positions. My roommate says i have Main Character Energy lol. i can also be generous, creative, brainy, thoughtful, energetic and witty, but with my own brand of integrity. on a bad day, i can be filled with self-doubt and overthinking and i tend to self-blame a lot. i struggle with ptsd because my dad is a recovering alcoholic and i had to deal with a lot of shit as a kid.
i love doing archery, making music, going to concerts, working with my hands, archaeology or psychology facts, i am really into photography lately and i love going to concerts and taking band pictures. i also love fashion!! especially punk fashion! i either want to work for a big fashion house one day, be an archaeologist, or work with veterans in counseling. idk lol there's too many options!
fun fact! i also volunteer with my cousin at camp toccoa in georgia on the weekends and i run their social media pages :) i also love to volunteer at the humane society with my friends and walk the dogs <3 i also have my own dog whom i adore <3
Yesss thank you sm for your request <3 That is also soooo cool that you volunteer there!! (i’m jelly jkjk) You sound so cool though and such an fun friend!! I hope you love it!!
Also reminder that requests are open for Kpop, BoB, and TP for anyone who wants one!!
I ship you with…
Bob Leckie!!
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Ok so here me out now…
- But you and Bob would be so cute together and if feel like you guys would compliment eachother so well!
- When he first met you, he would find you absolutely adorable.
- When you tell him a little bit about yourself he would find you so interesting and would immediately want to learn more about you.
- and by the end of the night he would just straight out tell you he wanted to take you out and he REALLY liked you
- You guys are such a fun and social couple that everyone wants to be around!
- After the war, he realizes that not everyday is guaranteed, so he loves spending quality time with you and also values his time with you so much (for bob it’s really the little things that makes your guys’ relationship special.)
- You know how every couple has that “one song?” Well instead, you guys have one big playlist together.
- Which you guys love to sing to during long road trips
- and whenever y’all have freetime or time during the weekend you guys love to go on mini adventures together! (only if you bring your dog too!)
- He usually lets you pick out where you guys are going as long as he’s with you ( he’s just happy to be there LOLL)
- He honestly also admires your integrity and he loves when he sees you take initiative into WHATEVER it is. (it lowkey turns him on too.. )
- This man is one with words and when you are having one of your bad days he will be by your side 100% to talk and listen to you.
- He usually can tell when you start to overthink and he will offer for you guys to go out and try to get your mind off of it, or if you want to stay inside he will be there with a blanket and some popcorn for a movie marathon lol.
- You and him have both been through a lot of shit and that’s something that you guys both can relate to.
- He can definitely understand you when it comes to ptsd and some of the feelings that come along with it.
- And even tho both of your experiences are a bit different, he is always there with open arms for you. (And you to him too!)
- You guys have learned to lean on eachother during days like those, and long deep talks with eachother are always so important . (free therapy sessions are a necessity)
- He is also so blessed to be able to freely express his emotions and to have someone that understands him and his feelings.
- Concerts are definitely a must! And I could definitely see y’all being fun ppl to party with
- he also loves when you take pictures of him 🤭 (but he would never tell you that)
- He admires your open mind that is so full with ideas! He is so supportive in whatever you aspire to be and just wants to see you happy!!
- Overall he is so thankful to be with you and loves you so much!! He is definitely very ‘leckie’ (see what i did there 😏)
Hope you love it and thank you again for requesting!! 💞
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leftovergarlicbread · 2 years
i know ur a cain fan. how about cain for the ask game?
putting this under a cut because unsurprisingly this got LOOONG. I have A Lot to say about him lmaooo
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual. That's cannon, and. Yeag. :]
Gender Headcanon: Trans man. This is a hill i will fucking die on, the amount of tboy swag that radiates off him is SO INTENSE. Also im transmasc and hes my favorite character so he gets hit with transgenderfication beam and also his gender is so fire and i love it sm theres no way a cis man can have that much gender
A ship i have with this character: I don't really ship too much, but I've always seen Cain as being like ~20 so i've kinda lowkey shipped him with Cal? It completely came from nothing tho lmaoo I just imagined an interaction between them and went "hang on. in this made up scenario of them they actually kind of have some chemistry. hmmmm."
A BROTP i have with this character: I've always gotten the vibes that Cain and Arclight are besties of all time. I don't know why. The vibes are just there. But also, CAIN AND HARDY!!!!!! They 1000% became besties while up in Calcenon and you CAN NOT convince me otherwise. They bonded over emo music at first and Hardy definately had a guitar on him when they got stuck in Calcenon (he's 100% one of those guys that just always carries a guitar with him) so he started teaching Cain how to play!! I also hc that he teaches Aya how to play too :] Also their dynamic is so funny lmaooo Cain chaos goblin plus Hardy Literally Just Doing His Best. I basically just expanded on their dialouge on Route 3 where Cain's like "man we're getting beaten up here and not in the good way ;;;)" and hardy's just like "there's a good way??????" just. that dynamic. Kind of feral and unhinged plus guy who's kind of confused but totally chill and just enjoying the ride. Anyways. I care them <3
A NOTP i have with this character: Again, I don't really ship much/have many strong opinions on ships so obviously excluding all the gross ones there isn't really any? I guess CainxHardy just because I like them as besties more?
A random headcannon: You're getting several. I have too many.
Cain has a few tattoos and when Anna and Noel first saw them it took him like. Two weeks to convince them that they really were permanent and Actually In His Skin and that he wasn't drawing them on every morning lmaooo
As for what the tattoos are, I imagine he has a small Jolteon on his ribcage on his side because it's his favorite eeveeloution and also the person he was dating at the time had a Jolteon. He was 16 and an unsupervised teenager, be nice >:( He will lie about the origins of this one tho he'll tell people that it's of Arc's jolteon and it was a best friends tattoo lmaoo. It also was his first tattoo!
He also has a purely aesthetic one on the top of his left forearm that's of a purple eye crying like, blobby space goop tears. It looks cool and is ourple. Next Question.
He has some random stick-and-poke flowers and other small designs on his shoulders that he got from friends and other random impulse nights.
His favorite and the biggest one is on the outside of his right calf and goes from ankle to knee. It's also the most personal one to him. It's a burned apple tree with various symbols formed in the patterns of the wood grain on the tree of things important to him. Some of them being the trans symbol, the posion type symbol and a flying bird (representing freedom) The overall meaning of it is based off the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and is symbolizing him doing what he can to fall as far away from his "tree" (family) as he can, doing what he can to break that cycle of abuse and not become like his parents.
He also has a few piercings!! He's got multiple ear piercings throughout his ears, an eyebrow piercing and a tounge piercing.
Kind of related to what I said about his last tattoo, it hit me one day that despite how innuendo-filled his talk can be, Cain is one of the few characters who never swears, even cleary going out of his way to use more tame language. I hc that when he was younger and still lived at home, (i hc that he ran away from home when he was like 15 and just struggled throuhg life best he could until he was able to collect himself) he did swear and yell a lot because. It seems like yelling and loud arguments and cussing people out was kind of the norm, but once he got away and was able to get to a point in his life where it wasn't jsut Survival Mode doing what he could to keep going forwards, he kind of took a step back and realized that he could distance himself from being like his mother by not swearing and yelling all the time like she did. I don't exactly have the best words to describe it but that's like. the basic idea of it.
I have Many More headcannons but I will stop there for now lmaoo this has already gotten rather long sidohfnwiokfh
General Opinion over said character: Absolute love. Blorbo of all time. Such a skrinkly i've rotated him almost nonstop in my brain since i first met him, literally Such A Character. But also more seriously, I do also realte to him on a pretty personal level, with his anxiety about how he doesn't have a clear plan for himself and feeling alienated from his peers because of it how he's never really had grand plans for himself or known what he's wanted to do, like. I'm literally the EXACT same boat there so that part especially of his character, it just HITS. I also think A LOT about his dynamic with Aya, and just the whole thing of how they very clearly have hurt eachother A LOT unintentionally just tying to survive their own home, and that idea of yeah they both fucked up to different degrees, but how do you Not fuck something up in a situation like that and then them working on healing and trying to become siblings again and i just- FFFUCK its Good. and i haven't finished the maingame yet (though im working on victory road so im close!!!) so it's still a lot of just speculation for me, but GOD i just. Them. Dude, I could write literal essays about the LaRue siblings. But Cain has easily become one of my top blorbos ever and probably will for a long long time, like this funky little purple guy just holds such a special place in my heart and makes me so happy and, just, yeah <3 <3 <3 <3
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miekasa · 3 years
mie.. i’m going into another eren phase.. so can you pls tell me your fav boyfie eren hcs…
Yeah, why not. I have so many random ones because he is my boyfriend <333 so here you gp
Eren doesn't actually work out all that often. He’s always been athletic, so his exercise comes in the form of playing sports, but he doesn’t really go to the gym outside of playing/practice.
Loves cake pops, more often than not “treats himself” to one after an exam or assignment, or whenever he feels like it lmfao. He basically eats it all in one bite, keeps the stick in his mouth to fidget with until he finds a trashcan. 
Likes seeing you in his hoodies because, well, it’s his hoodie on you; but mostly because of the size of the actual hood on you. He thinks it’s so funny but also pretty cute how the hood alone swallows you up. 
Grocery shopping with you is one of his favorite activities. He rarely goes by himself—if not with you, then with Mikasa or Armin—and all he really does is follow you around the store and occasionally put some stuff in the cart, but he still loves it. He likes running and then jumping on the cart like it’s a scooter. 
No matter how many makeup tutorials he watches, or how many times he watches you do your own makeup, he doesn’t really understand how it works lmfao. He likes watching it, and he thinks you look pretty if wearing makeup is your thing, but he baffles him how a little tube of concealer brightens your under eye.
Speaking of which, he sits criss cross applesauce either on your bed or on the toilet if you’re in the bathroom, while he watches you do your makeup. Counts the steps in his head, always confuses the contour and bronzer. It’s okay, he’s learning. 
He both likes and dislikes FaceTime. He likes the convenience of it (and will abuse it by calling you even tho you’ve just barely left his house), but he would much rather just go and see you; so he does. Unless there’s something keeping you apart, Eren will make the effort and the trip to go and see you, even if it’s late at night. 
He gets warm very easily, but always has some sort of coat/outerwear on him, even if it’s just a light windbreaker. He usually ends up hanging it over your shoulders or telling you to wear it because you “look cold” when he wants to take it off. 
He walks just like a half step behind you; technically still by your side, but trailing you by the tiniest amount. That way he gets to be with you and watch you, and also steer you away from anything/anyone else he sees ahead while you’re walking. 
If he notices your shoelaces are untied, he gently pokes your shoulder to get you to stop, then bends down and ties them for you. 
His phone case is brown leather, and has your initials engraved at the very bottom in a very tiny, dark green font. 
Likes walking around with you at night so congrats on having your own personal guard dog for Safety lmfaoo. Sometimes you guys don’t even talk; he just wants to hold your hand and wander around, and just be with you for a little bit. 
He is the one putting hair ties on YOUR gear shift and around YOUR wrist. Marking his territory lmfaooo
Learns to like coffee in college, and learns your Starbucks order pretty quickly. He’s got a very small addiction, but he always buys you a cup when he gets his own, so at least it’s beneficial for you. He doesn’t usually have much an extreme sweet tooth, but he takes his coffee with quite a few pumps of syrup and/or sweetener. 
Eren loves hugs, and once he starts getting them, he refuses to go with out them. Back hugs are his favorite, whether it be you hugging him from behind, or him doing it to you; either works for him, both feel like heaven. 
You know when it’s time to head home after a party/hanging with your friends because Eren will drape himself over you and gradually apply more of his body weight the more tired/drunk he gets. Regardless of whether or not he’s sloshed, he’ll still press very light and innocent kisses onto your neck and ears. 
Turns out he really likes getting kisses on his cheeks. It always takes him by surprise; his eyes widen and his eyebrows raise just a bit, but he usually evens out his expression before you pull back, so you don’t see. What you do see is the sorta glazed over, happy look in his eyes, and if you look closely, you might see his pupils dilate, too. 
He actually doesn’t mind reading, he just never thinks to read in his free time. When he does remember, and what he’s reading is interesting to him, he finishes the book pretty quickly—a few days, maybe a week at most—it’s kind of impressive. Then he goes on to not look at another book for a good five months lmfao. 
Asked you what detergent and fabric softener you used on your sheets, then bought the exact same products to do his laundry with. 
He picks you up pretty often. It’s not always tossing you over his shoulder, or carrying you bridal style, but if he needs to get to something behind you in the kitchen he’ll just. Just pick you up, turn, plop you down, get what he needs, pick you up, turn around again, and plop you right back into place. Like a doll. 
Actually very good and very meticulous when it comes to cleaning. Not a single hard water stain in sight on your dishes. Sparkling countertops and tables, your oven has never looked shinier than when he’s done with it. 
Doodles on his notes when he’s bored in class. Doodles on your notes if he’s bored in class and you’re there, too. 
He claims to not get jealous easily, but he definitely does. His methods of dealing with it are either to (a) pout (usually only happens when he gets jealous of someone you’re telling him about), (b) find an excuse to pull you away from this other person, (c) be extremely cold to this other person, (d) pretend to be sick/tired/hungry as an excuse for you to be concerned about him/dote on him in front of this other person (this is his favorite method). 
Will push your phone down/into your face if you’re laying down using it or just scrolling through your feeds. Thinks it’s peak comedy, always runs away with a little shit grin on his mouth. 
He’s always tuned into you, and sometimes physically turned to you, even in a larger conversation with other people around. Finds a way to pull you into the convo if you’ve been on the quieter side, nudges at your side under the table to bother you when you’re distracted, frequently looks at you even if someone else is talking. 
Eren really likes lazy sex, and it’s arguably one of his favorites; and for someone who’s not a morning person, he sure does like morning sex. He does this thing where he wakes up at like eight in the morning, starts feeling up on you, and eventually very lazily fucks you before you even have the chance to say good morning, then crashes and sleeps for another two hours. Sometimes he doesn’t pull out. 
Always gets hard when you do try on hauls of the new clothes you’ve bought; whether it be via FaceTime or in person. You could be showing him your new sweatpants, and he’ll still find it sexy. 
Can and will find time to grope you whenever possible. Getting water from the kitchen means you’re getting your ass smacked while you open the fridge. Putting on your shoes also means you’re getting your ass smacked when you bend over. Standing around debating on what to wear for the day means he’s coming up behind you to put his hands on your boobs. Doing your skincare routine in the bathroom means he’s got his hands on your hips squeezing at your skin. 
Likes being bitten. Will tell you to bite him; he’ll lean down while he’s fucking you, smile wickedly when you grab and claw at his back, and you’re gasping against his shoulder, “Wanna hurt me? Go ahead, baby, do your worst.” 
He loves making out with you, even if it doesn’t lead to sex; actually, sometimes, he prefers it that way. You make his head spin just by kissing him, and there’s a special kind of bliss of just rutting against each other without fucking that he loves. 
Lovesssss taking mirror selfie’s with you on his lap and your back to the mirror, especially right after sex. Your head resting on his shoulder and he just barely murmurs, “Stay right there, don’t move.” Might start a collection of pics like that.
Tugging on his ear acts as encouragement, but somewhat surprisingly, that sole action doesn’t necessarily turn him on; it doesn’t turn him off, and he likes it, but it’s more... soothing? than sexual to him. What you should do instead is put your hand on the back of his neck/touch the hair near his nape. 
He could have done all the work, but will still wrap you in his arms and kiss your head and tell you how good you are, how good you were to him. He really does think you fucked him 9/10 times and takes pride in it too lmaooo
Holds your jaw open with one hand, presses the index and middle fingers of his other hand against your tongue, and watches your spit pool around him. He exhales slowly at the sight, moving his fingers around to coat them evenly before pulling them out of your mouth and separating them; watches a thin line of spit connect them and groans. 
Holds you jaw a lot, actually: when you’re kissing, when you’re blowing him, when he’s on top and fucking you, when he’s fucking you from behind, he’ll pull you up with one hand, use two fingers and turn your head to the side so he can kiss you. 
It’s him that kinda loses it first most of the time; that gets that fucked out, hazy look in his eyes, that makes everything feel like too much so his head drops to your shoulder and he resorts to biting at your neck to further stimulate you. 
Likes sucking on your tongue when you kiss. Falls in love with you all over again on the spot when you do it back to him. 
You could just barely put your hands on him and Eren will groan, mutter about how you’re so sexy and how badly he wants to fuck you. Could just lay back with your chest heaving from kissing him and he’s got hearts in his eyes and his dick is hard. 
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
Hi! I saw that your requests were open! So could I request character headcanons (with Asahi, Kuroo, and Ushijima) Where the reader is on a date with her boyfriend, but since she’s a bit short they think she’s being blackmailed or kidnapped? Like the people think the Haikyuu boy is from the mafia or something, and how each of the boys will react. Tysm, plz take your time :)
Totally bud! Very interesting concept, so it kinda got away from me lol
🌄Asahi, Kuroo, & Ushijima + A BIG Misunderstanding🌌
Summary: These boys never seem to make the best first impressions. So, what happens when their S/O, a generally unassuming figure, hangs around them in a situation a little too suspicious for anyone’s comfort?
A/N: Kuroo is now my favorite character to talk about lmaooo
🐻Asahi Azumane🐻
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I’m gonna preface this by saying: With time, most people realize that you’re the most likely one to be part of some dangerous gang or mafia
This is for two reasons:
1) You had an almost concerning protective streak over your boyfriend (Which, can people really blame you?)
2) Said boyfriend would cry over a mosquito he accidentally killed
But, the reason you guys worked was because you both had qualities the other person could use a little more of
Asahi was sweet, gentle, and a little glass-hearted. He took a lot of consideration for the people around him, and hated when he accidentally made others uncomfortable
You did try to bring out his more assertive side! But, until then, you were perfectly fine with compensating for his timid nature
And that’s actually what you were doing now!
You and Asahi were trying to get to an apparel shop you both liked for a quiet date
Emphasis on trying
The mistake you both ended up making was going out on the busiest, most crowded day in Miyagi
You were convinced that half the people on the streets didn’t even live here
But, the amount of people crowding the area wasn’t necessarily what pissed you off. You could handle yourself perfectly fine for how unassuming you looked
No, it was the fact that the sea of people around you and your boyfriend insisted on pushing Asahi around, indiscriminately bumping into him and making him even more anxious in the crowd
You decided to forgo reprimanding the rude people in favor of comforting your boyfriend and getting him away from the situation. He was starting to shake while his breathing got shallow and his footsteps stuttered
You squeezed Asahi’s hand and put his arm around your shoulders, bringing his full attention to you
“I think there’s a cafe in that alleyway over there! We can go there and ride things out if you want?”
“Hm? Oh- yeah, we can do that!”
Asahi leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead before whispering: “Thank you…”
Just for good measure, you gripped the back of Asahi’s jacket so you could effectively lead him to the alleyway you spotted
Though…the position you were in did look a little awkward, especially with the occasional stumbles you both made
From the outside looking in, it kind of looked like Asahi was manhandling you. A bit roughly at that
It wasn’t exactly clear whether or not you were okay. You were just so small compared to that guy, anything could be going on right now. And the guy with the goatee did look kinda shady from the beginning
Before you made it to your destination, you felt a sharp tug on your arm. You were pulled about six feet away from Asahi to face a middle aged woman, concern etched all over her face
You kept from lashing out right away, asking questions felt like the better first action
“Ma’am, what are you-“
“Hon, are you alright?? Is that man bothering you?”
The woman’s voice came out in a harsh, frantic whisper, eyes darting from you to Asahi, who had just found out where you had gone
You stood confused for no less than ten seconds before excusing Asahi to wait for you at the cafe
“I- Why-…I’m sorry, but what are you talking about??”
“If you need help, just tell me. There’s a police station nearby! Wherever he’s taking you, you don’t have to go with him.”
Your exact facial progression as you realized what the woman was talking about: 🤨😯😨😓
You had forgotten that so many people saw Asahi as a threat. Sure, he was a big guy, but his demeanor was so small? Were you just too used to being around Asahi? How many people thought what the woman in front of you did and were just too scared to say anything?
“Ah…yeah, no. That’s my boyfriend. He gets really disoriented in crowds, so he latches onto me when he gets too anxious.”
After multiple “Are you sure?”s from the woman, she finally dropped the issue, wishing you a good afternoon
When you finally made it back to Asahi, you pressed your nose to his and gave him a short, soft kiss while he was hunched over
Flustered and confused, Asahi looked at you with big, worried eyes
“Hi…what was that back there? Was there something wrong?”
You thought for no more than two seconds. It would be best not to ruin his mood for now.
“Nah, someone just wanted to sell me something.”
“Oh, okay! Should…we go now?”
“Yeah! I heard there’s some good pastries at this place too.”
🐈‍⬛Tetsurou Kuroo🐈‍⬛
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Let’s not kid ourselves here, Kuroo has always been a shifty-looking person
The height, the slinky figure, the eyes, the smirk that showed itself far too often for anyone’s comfort
The man is already a capitalist for christ’s sake, just make his work illegal and you’ve got the calculating right hand of a mafia boss 😐
Perception is not always reality. We know that. Kuroo knew that. But, despite everything. Despite the preaching of way too many fictional coming of age stories, first impressions matter
First impressions were how Kuroo miraculously ended up with two separate inaccurate reputations from high school:
“Nekoma’s #1 Garden Tool”
And “Mega-Douche-3000”
How you and Kuroo ended up in each other’s lives is nothing to brag about, but you both found it interesting enough to chuckle when either of you randomly recalled it
You and Kuroo were promoted to equal positions in different departments around the same time. You knew of Kuroo. You knew of his mixed bag of relationships with his coworkers. Some found him suave, some found him smarmy
But, upon seeing his style of communication and efficient work pace, you found it hard to care about secondhand rumors. He was intelligent, ambitious, and a very good code-switcher (he could adapt to almost every person in the room in a conversation)
But, Kuroo’s relationship with you was always a bit different. Neither of you had anything to gain or lose from each other, but you kept ending up in the same board room. With no appearances to keep up around someone who can neither help nor hurt you, there was nothing left to do but vibe when you happened to sit next to each other and converse
Kuroo quickly found out why you were promoted to a similar position as him. You didn’t always know everything, but you never had a problem finding information. You were personable in the smooth, witty sense, keeping up a chill front until you could drown your anxieties in coffee. And you had little to no problems managing your employees like a well-oiled machine
You matched Kuroo’s wit shot-for-shot, and you soon revealed to each other what dorks you both were. Your banter was that of twelve-year-old boys
But, having this special relationship apart from your coworkers quickly turned into tension. Thick, hot, and noticeable enough for the people around you to start talking
They would see you and Kuroo on your coffee breaks, talking alarmingly close to each other as Kuroo stood over you, a hand on the wall above your head
They would notice when you made visits to each other’s cubicles, whispering something unintelligible into the other person’s ear before earning a flick on the forehead or a jab in the side from the latter
OooOOH you wanna kiss each other SO BAD just DO IT
Unfortunately, here’s where a third, more serious rumor comes in
See, there’s this bar that Kuroo goes to that’s closer to the outskirts of the city, where the crime rate is just a bit higher than the rest on the area
Organized crime, to be exact
And Kuroo does go to that bar an awful lot…
Your coworkers think Kuroo is part of the mafia is what I’m saying.
And when Kuroo finally invites you for a date at a bar (not even the one Kuroo usually goes to), that’s when they start getting worried about you
You were almost hyper-competent in the workplace, and intelligent enough to know when people were trying to take advantage of you. But…Kuroo was just so shady and imposing. And you were so small and easily targeted
Was agreeing to this date even of your own volition?? Did he have something on you? It’d be a shame if something awful happened to you if it were completely preventable
The day before the date, Kuroo had to leave the office early to help a friend whose name you’ve heard before
Something, something, “Kenma tried cooking for Chibi-chan”, something
This left you open to be confronted by your coworkers
Random people around the office, coworkers and employees alike, began dropping by your cubicle uncharacteristically frequently. And every single one of them asked about the same thing: You and Kuroo’s relationship
They asked what you thought about Kuroo, if you actually wanted to go on that date with him. They kept urging you to be “honest” with them, and that “if anything is going on, you can tell them. Kuroo-san isn’t here right now!”
You didn’t understand why they were using such a tone of voice with you, nor what they were talking about. They spoke to you like you were a suspected victim of blackmail or ab-
That’s what they think is going on between you and Tetsurou??? They think he’s forcing you into this?
You quickly cleared up the situation:
“Look, I’ve worked with most of you for long enough to know that you were hired for a reason. You’re smart people. A lot of you are smarter than me. But, the collective lack of critical thinking in the room is giving me a migraine, so let’s get two things straight.”
“One: Kuroo is quite literally the most simple person I’ve ever met. The man’s got cunning while he works. But g u y s, he takes pleasure in showing off his new kitty-cat socks under board meeting tables. Do you really think he has the desire to do whatever illegal shit you think he’s doing??”
“Two: I swear on my nonexistent firstborn, my life isn’t interesting enough for someone to find blackmail I haven’t already reconciled with. Besides, I like Kuroo! He’s cool and he just happened to ask me out! I’m fine. So, you can stop wearing my voice out visiting my section every three minutes.”
You texted Kuroo right after you dismissed everyone to firm up your plans 👍🏽
😑Wakatoshi Ushijima😑
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Your boyfriend is a big dude. I know that. You’ve known that. And you wouldn’t be dating Ushijima if you were uncomfortable with that
But, your boyfriend is also a socially stunted dude
His large stature + his low, imposingly proper speech pattern + his prominent RBF = An unnatural amount of people going out of their way to avoid crossing Ushijima’s path
But, Ushijima himself could never seem to figure out why people actively avoided him
It wasn’t like it hurt his feelings or anything. He had better things to focus on. But, it was more the why of the behavior that kept Ushijima’s curiosity
You had actually met Ushiwaka himself at a national middle school tournament. And you both were from different prefectures
But, despite such polarizing situations, Ushijima managed to catch you playing as the captain of your team
“Small, but mighty. Respectable.” He noted to himself after watching for a minute. You weren’t exactly the star of the court, but it was clear that you played a vital role in holding things together
Ushijima managed to catch you right after your team won the match. Nothing important, just congratulating you and commending your skills
Now, admittedly, you were off put by how much older Ushijima looked at the time. At least, compared to you. But, that initial shock faded into amusement once you realized the guy in front of you was bluntly, yet clumsily complimenting you
You found Ushijima interesting, especially for a supposed top spiker. So, you kept talking to him. Asking questions, laughing at his blank (Which you later found to just be subtle) expressions, and being endeared by his perfect honesty
To be honest, it was a joke at first. But, you ended up writing your phone number on a pamphlet for the convention center you played at, giving it to Ushijima before going back to meet your team
Imagine your surprise when he actually ended up texting you 🤩🤩🤩
“This is Ushijima Wakatoshi, from nationals. You gave me your phone number?”
The rest is history! You and Wakatoshi ended up getting together in a cozy long-distance relationship, with you both finding comfort in having someone to talk to at any time with just a text or call
But, here’s the gag:
None of your high school teammates even know you’re in a relationship
They know that you’re always getting notifications on your phone during practice. But, you’ve always been conservative about your life outside of volleyball. Those texts could be anything!
But, in the interest of respecting their captain, they left any suspicions or questions they had alone
So, your third year rolls around and your team makes it to nationals again. And you find out that your boyfriend has made it too! 🥳
At that point, you actually hadn’t considered the fact that your team had no concept of your relationship with Ushijima. It just didn’t seem important or pressing. Especially with third year responsibilities weighing heavily on your schedule
So, when you snuck off to another part of the convention center after your team’s first victory, worries concerning you and your safety were raised alarmingly high among your teammates
Where’s Cap going???
With enough deliberation, your team appoints your poor little first year manager to follow your trail and find out why you ran off and where to
Eventually, he finds you near a Miyagi team by the name of “Shiratorizawa”, and they didn’t look very concerned about you hanging around as closely as you were. Did you know them? It seemed like you were waiting for someone though-
Oh Jesus-Fuck-Nuggets what is that
Titan Alert! TITAN ALERT !!!
Your manager almost pissed himself at the sight of a stone-faced, 6’2” behemoth approaching you from the direction of the bathrooms. You glanced at him, seemingly surprised (???) at the guy’s continental strides towards you
You said something to the man, too far for the shaky, shitty mess of a first year watching you to hear. And he seemed to say something back before quickly moving his hand to your face, caressing your cheek with his big-ass thumb
You looked shocked before coming to your senses and lightly swatting the man’s hand away, your expression similar to when you reprimanded your kouhai with a softer edge
Is this guy harassing you?? Who is he?? Is he Shiratorizawa’s coach or something?? Are you okay???
You perked up at the familiar voice coming in your direction, pulling your attention away from getting Ushijima to stop fretting over the floor burn on your cheek
“Huh? Mikami? What are you doing so far from the team?”
“You know him?”
Mikami frantically cut off your coming response to your boyfriend, sweating like a sinner in church:
“(Y/n), are you okay?! I can go get security if something’s wrong?? O-or not!! I…I can fight I think…?”
You stared incredulously at your manager before you put the pieces of his misunderstanding together in your head. You chuckled:
“Oh man, I thought you went crazy for a second, kid…”
You amusedly cleared up the situation, explaining your relationship to Mikami. Whom of which, was getting more and more ashamed as he realized his mistake
Once everything was properly explained, you sent Mikami off so everyone else wouldn’t get worried about you or him. And you were about to cut your meeting with Wakatoshi short too, until he delicately grabbed your hand before you walked away
His eyes were unsure, the first sign of such an emotion that you’ve ever seen in him
“(Y/n). You know that I would…never try to hurt you. Right?”
You looked back at Wakatoshi, endeared by his carefulness. You kissed the tip of his nose:
“Of course. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one set of headcanons for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ scenario: you meet roy harper for the first time
♡ pairing: roy harper ( arsenal ) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / look, finally a fic that doesn't have anything to do with the Super family LMAOOO. i was listening to fun by coldplay and tove lo while writing this fic so it kinda goes based off that song in a way.
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you were a successful adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne. you went to college, graduated, got a job in your fathers company, and helped with vigilante work on the side. not to toot your own horn but although you had the privilege of your dad being the Bruce Wayne, you were living a lot more comfortably than people your age.
"coming down to the manor for brunch tomorrow? your brothers are attending it," Bruce asked he put a few things away into his bag. you nodded excitedly, "I'm actually crashing at your place tonight. don't really feel like going home and having to drive all the back up to uptown Gotham tomorrow in the morning," you explained. Bruce shook his head before murmuring that he was heading home.
you still had a few things to put back in files before going back to the manor. you really didn't want to have to do it first thing Monday morning so you walked back to your office, blaring some music in your headphones while you got the filing done. this was the first weekend in what felt like years that all of your siblings were attending brunch. someone was always missing and that usually happened to be Jason. your favorite brother.
"what're we doing here again?" Roy asked Jason as the two of them walked inside of Wayne Enterprises. Jason rolled his eyes, "I have to talk to the bat about something and I don't wanna wait till tomorrow."
Jason walked right in, not bothering to even get an ID checked as the front workers knew all of the Wayne kids by heart. he and Roy made their way to the top floor, passing yours in the process before barging inside. the office was dead silent as the only noise coming in was from the clocks in the hallways. Jason rolled his eyes before going down the hall and reaching your office.
your front door had your name on a gold plate. he always felt a bit envious that you, Tim, and even Damian already had their foot inside of the WE business. he didn't want to work a regular nine to five like all of you did but he did envy that small bit of normalcy you had. outside of the vigilante business, you were a normal person with their life together. he just always wondered why you hadn't brought anyone home yet. you did have your few share of high school boyfriends but nothing that screamed marriage or settling down.
Jason opened the door to see you singing into your phone as you put files into a manila folder. Roy had never met his best friends sister. sure he had heard stories about you from Jason but there was no face to the stories. the two of them chuckled at the way you were dancing as you still hadn't realized that you were being watched.
"ahem!" Jason practically screamed. you felt yourself jump at least fifty feet in the air as you heard the clearing of someones throat. you whipped your head around and nearly felt yourself want to punch Jason for scaring you that way, "fuck you, Todd. at least knock before scaring the shit out of me," you yelled, a few of your coworkers pulling their head inside of your office to make sure their bosses daughter was okay.
you turned to Roy and smiled, "oh, nice to meet you Roy," you said, pulling your hand out for him to shake. Roy's eyebrows fluttered in confusion as he wondered how you knew him, "it's my job to know who my brothers are friends with plus, my dad doesn't really know how to keep his computers closed," you added on.
"speaking of your dad, where's Bruce?" he asked. you jiggled your car keys, "on his way home. I had to stay back to put back a few files but he should be home by now if you wanted to talk to him," you explained. Jason nodded as Roy pulled his head out of the clouds, "so, why is it that this is the first time I'm meeting you?" Roy asked, placing himself in front of your brother.
you giggled, "I work in the vigilante business but I don't actually fight. why? do you think I'm cute or something?" you asked, not really caring that you were full on flirting with Roy. Jason stared at you and Roy with absolute disgust, "if you're going to flirt with my sister and vice versa, at least have the common decency to do it while I'm not here," he said through fake gags.
Jason grabbed Roy by the hair and dragged him out of the office, "see you tomorrow at brunch," you waved bye to Roy who tried to pull himself back to the office to say goodbye but Jason quickly pulled him away from the door again to make sure that he didn't have to hear your flirting with Roy.
the night crawled in as you had made it inside of the manor and up to your childhood bedroom. you were a bit disappointed to see that Roy hadn't shown up with Jason when he finally arrived. you had heard of his past from Bruce. his fight with addiction and the situation with his daughter Lian. you knew Roy had it rough but that didn't take away from his looks or his seemingly funny personality.
you were playing on your phone, scrolling through Jason's social media to see if maybe Roy had some kind of account somewhere but much to your dismay, you couldn't find any trace of Roy on any app. that was until you heard a tapping of rocks at your door. you grabbed one of Damian's katanas's and braced yourself to fight.
"Roy?" you whisper-yelled as you saw the familiar red hair. he gave you the shit eating grin as he motioned you to come down, "are you insane? I'll kill myself if I jump," you exclaimed. he waved you off, "not if I catch you! I felt like your brother was cock blocking us today," he replied. you couldn't help but laugh. it had been years since you've snuck away but thankfully, Alfred had kept the small ladder next to your room so you could crawl back inside when you were done talking with Roy.
you pulled yourself onto the ledge of the window before jumping down. you felt the embrace of Roy's arms on your upper body as he laughed, "told ya I'd catch you!" he said as he placed you back on the ground. you shook your head dismissively, "well, you got me down so what're your plans with me?" you asked, realizing that it was colder than you had expected.
"Wayne Manor has a Burger King near here so I'm figuring like midnight food run?" he asked, shaking his wallet. you agreed as the two of you walked away and jumping the Wayne Manor fence. "Jason would kill you if he knew you snuck me out of my house," you laughed as Roy shrugged, "Jason wants to kill me for something every week, what else is new."
you knew the Burger King was a bit farther down the road but with Roy keeping the conversation light hearted and playful, it felt like only a few mere minutes. "so, what did you mean by you working in the vigilante business but not actually fighting?" Roy asked. "I help Bruce and Damian locations and coordinates when they're on patrol. I'll even help Dick and Tim when they need it," you explained.
Roy nodded, a bit disappointed that you hardly worked with Jason. he could get used to seeing you around. maybe even settling his crazy ass down if you could. "do you think you'd ever work with the Outlaws?" he asked, playing with his fingers. you shrugged, "Jason never asks for my help. he claims he doesn't want his favorite sister being tainted with the gruesome work y'all do," Roy couldn't help but agree. the work Jason and the Outlaws did was a lot different compared to what Batman and his Gotham family did and he doubted that you have seen any kind of bloodshed the way they have.
"I guess your brother maybe has a point," Roy responded as the two of you saw the huge Burger King sign coming your way. for knowing Roy for only a few hours, the two of you got along great, "not really. it's not like I haven't seen bloodshed before. seeing your parents getting shot in the head really traumatizes someone," you half joked. Roy stared at you, mortified, "okay...maybe Jaybird doesn't haven't a point," he tried to say without sounding insensitive.
you both entered the building and quickly ordered piles of food, much to the dismay of the workers. you figured since no one was inside of the building, you could eat inside rather than on the sidewalk. after you got handed the food, you and Roy sat at the table farthest from the workers and dug into it, "if I had known Jay had a very cute sister, I would have stopped by a long time ago," Roy joked.
"I mean, what's stopping you now?" you playfully said, giving the red head a wink.
the following morning, you had the pleasure of being waken up to Damian and Tim arguing from his bedroom as you tried to catch even a few more minutes of sleep. you didn't get back inside of your room until the crack of dawn and had told Roy to crash in your room for the night but he ultimately refused, saying he'd try to catch you tomorrow or even Monday after your shift ended.
Roy hadn't had a night like that in what felt like forever. he had constant karma with bullshit hitting him left and right and for the first time, being with you felt like nothing was wrong. the last time he had felt true happiness like this was when he finally had Lian. his only problem was that he felt like he didn't deserve you.
you had your life together, you weren't constantly running from the police, and that was something Roy wasn't but he couldn't shake you off.
"why the fuck did you get in so late?" Jason asked Roy as he could see the small under bags beneath his eyes. Roy bit his lip, not replying as he texted you back, "on a date," was all he managed to murmur before going back to his room. Jason gave his friend a look, shrugging him off before going to his cycle.
by the time he arrived, you were dragging yourself down the stairs, your eyes locked on your phone as Alfred set everything down on the table. "what's so entertaining?" Dick asked, peering over your phone to see who it was you were texting. before you could even try and cover it, Dick stared at you, surprised, "really? HIM?" he exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.
"wait, who?" Tim asked, suddenly interested. you instantly tackled Dick down as Cass took the chance to grab your phone. you pushed Dick off and ran towards Cass who then handed the phone to Damian, "don't you dare say a word you gremlin," you threatened, trying to snatch your phone. Damian gave you a smirk as he cleared his throat, "it's the one and only Roy Harper!" he yelled.
Cass and Steph stared at you, shock written across their face as Dick, Tim, and even Bruce stared at Jason right away. if you were properly trained enough, you would have grabbed Damian by his stubby legs and dragged him away but much to your dismay, you weren't, "no wonder Roy wouldn't stop looking at his phone this morning," Jason replied. you tried to hide your face as they all questioned you over brunch but nothing stopped them. even Alfred tried wrangling them in a few times but they couldn't fathom that the token Wayne sister was dating someone far out his league.
Roy on the other hand shrugged in relief. at least that beat having to tell Jason later on. all he feared was having to face Jason later today but you had messaged him, telling him you were heading back to your apartment after brunch if he wanted to stop by for dinner.
as you were getting ready to leave, Jason saw the way you were constantly laughing down at your phone. he had no idea that Roy had that much of an affect in such a little time that the two of you were together but maybe it was a good thing that Jason didn't know about the little hangout you and Roy went on last night. it would save you a lot of time than having to explain it to them.
you got out of your dads house, screaming to him that you'd see him on Monday as Jason followed behind you, "were you ever going to tell me?" he asked as he watched you get into your car. you smiled, a bit nervously, "I wasn't but Roy was," with that, you quickly started your car as you left a very uninterested Jason in the parking lot. you figured that if you and Roy got farther into a friendship that turned into a relationship, you'd make him do the talking to everyone.
Roy was waiting outside of your apartment building, in absolute awe of the place that you called home. he was holding a few grocery bags, claiming he wanted to help you out with making food but you knew that Roy did not look like the type to know how to cook...at all. it made you wonder how he even did it with Lian when she got hungry or if they just constantly went out to eat.
"so was your brother mad?" Roy asked, as he stared at your very lavish apartment. you shrugged, "not really? he was just surprised that we got along so well for the few minutes we were around each other," Roy laughed, "so you didn't tell him about last night?" he asked, playing with your hand softly.
"he'd murder you then me if he found out you snuck me out last night," he agreed knowing that Kori would probably have to be the one to break up the fight if Jason found out his favorite sister snuck out to meet his best friend, "well, what he won't know won't kill him," you winked as you headed towards the kitchen to start on a few preparations for dinner.
Jason had the gut feeling that since Roy wasn't home, he had probably snuck away early enough to make it to your place before he got home. Jason didn't mind the fact that you were seeing Roy, a part of him was glad that he met someone that could keep him grounded but that didn't mean that he was going to let Roy go off easy. hell, you were still his little sister.
"really? you snuck all of us out to see if Roy was with ( your name )," Damian asked as Dick agreed. Jason shushed them as he took out his binoculars. he just wanted to confirm his feeling before leaving, "he's with her," Jason murmured, seeing the way you and Roy were sitting down on your couch, laughing about something as Roy was holding you onto his side.
Dick and Damian stayed quiet as they watched Jason continue to peek into your apartment. they had no idea what he was thinking but they knew he wasn't as mad as they thought he would've been. maybe this wasn't a bad thing after all?
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marcnutz · 3 years
hii can i be 🌙 anon??
also req for george messaging sapnap a picture of dreams hands that he posted and being like “holy shit he’s so hot i wish he liked me back” then sapnap replies with “DUDE HES LITERALLY RIGHT BESIDE ME” then dream messages him and makes him aware that it is very much not one sided and things go down from there 👁 you can make it nsfw if you’d like!
hi yes you can! welcome 🌙 anon! :) i used some colors for texts here dream george sapnap. I based some of these lines off of porn I've seen so they're kinda weird LMAOOO
Masterlist and Info
Tags: George x Dream, ~950 words, Facetime sex, Praise, Daddy Kink
Dream's latest Instagram post had sent not only Twitter into a frenzy, but George as well. It was a simple post of him showing off his newest setup. It wasn't the cool new keyboard that had caught the Brit's attention, it was Dream's large hands that were sprawled out on it.
The man quickly screenshotted the picture and cropped it so just Dream's large hands were visible. He quickly sent the photo as well as a quick text to one of his best friends.
Holy fuck Sapnap, he's so hot. I wished he liked me back...
Little did George know, Sapnap was currently watching whatever basketball game was on with the object of his affections sitting right next to him.
"Yo Sap, your phone went off," Dream said, handing Sapnap his phone. As he handed over the phone, he caught a quick glance at the message. It was the picture he had posted, and something about liking 'me' back. Who was me? Dream was dying to know.
Sapnap took his phone and immediately turned the screen away from his roommate once he saw the contents.
George's heart sank to his stomach, did Dream see? Would he hate him if he did?
Did he see?
That was not helpful.
George didn't know what to do. His life would be over if Dream ever felt out about his feelings. He ran over to his bed and threw himself over it dramatically. He was content to just lay here and die knowing his best friend was now aware he had a raging crush on him.
George was ripped from his thoughts by his phone going off, another text. George's stomach sunk as he saw who it was from.
So you think I'm hot?
George didn't know what to do. He had made the mistake of opening it, so he knew Dream knew he saw it. He just stared at the grey bubble until three dots appeared.
You're not so bad yourself, to be honest I often find myself thinking about you
Can I call?
George didn't want to call if he was being honest, but his front camera opened up with an incoming facetime call, and he was forced to face the object of his affections.
He pressed the green button and was met by Dream's handsome face, who had on a smug smirk and a large blush that went down his neck to his chest that looked... exposed? Oh no, Dream was not wearing a shirt, and why was his arm moving like that?
"H-hey..." George stuttered out.
"Hey yourself," Dream replied cooly, voice a little raspy. His voice and appearance did nothing to help his hard-on. "Sapnap tells me you have a little cruuuush~. I must say the things you say about me were quite shocking. More specifically, the things you want me to do to you."
Fear and anger bubbled in George's chest. Did Sapnap show Dream their private messages? His friendship with both of them was over. He could never leave his house again.
Dream sensed his friend's mood shift and quickly reassured him. "No no! Good shocking! I-I meant I feel the same! Even about the things you want to do together..."
George's eyes snapped back to his phone, did Dream just say what he thought he said?
"George. Can I be forward with you?" George could only nod. "The things I read... Turned me on... A lot..." Dream slowly moved his phone down to show his hard cock, on full display for George to see. His tip was already red and dripping pre-cum, and he was slowly stroking the base with his right hand. "In those messages, you said you wanted to do this... So let's do it. Go on, be a good boy and show me your pretty dick."
George threw his phone on the bed and wrestled out of his clothes. He threw his boxers into some forgotten corner of the room before turning his camera around and showing off his own cock to Dream.
"Wow! So pretty for me..." Dream's movements over his own dick sped up slightly. "What's my name?"
"D-Dream..." George moaned quietly, a little embarrassed that this was happening so fast.
"No, baby. Remember what you wanted to call me?"
George did remember, but was a little embarrassed to say it. Oh well, no going back now. "Daddy!" He yelled giving his best porn-star-style moan.
"Good boy! You learn so fast. Now stroke yourself for Daddy, I wanna see how good I make you feel."
George was quick to follow directions, thrusting up into his fist. It felt a thousand times better knowing Dream could see him. He was constantly throwing praise his way, telling him he was a good boy and that his cock was pretty.
"Why don't you spread yourself and show Daddy your pretty hole."
George laughed at that one but was quick to follow directions. He was happy he shaved the other day.
"God damn it. I'd do anything to be inside of you right now. Your tight hole would take me so damn good. Go touch yourself some more. You're close, I can tell."
George rubbed his thumb over his leaking tip, smearing the pre-cum down his shaft.
"D-Daddy, I'm so close. Can I please cum?" George moaned.
"Yes, baby, cum for Daddy."
That was all it took for George to spill all over his hand and chest. His eyes rolled back into his head and Dream praised him through his high.
As George came down he noticed that Dream had also reached his peak, and was staring at him lovingly.
"W-Well..." George stuttered. "Now what?"
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babymilkawa · 3 years
Sorry if this has already been rone but- could I get Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki and Izuku (separately) with a non-binary s/o who’s quirk is based off of a hyena? They have splotches of lighter skintone on them, freckles, laugh like a hyena, have sharp teeth and eyes like them? And a tail + ears? S/o is really chaotic, they live by the motto “I’ll try anything once,” and are overall very likable yet funky? Extra points if the boys see them in their hero outfit (which is something a little showey💕
this is rly interesting anon!!
hyena quirk headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku, kaminari denki
gn!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
so at first he was definitely ticked off by how different u were
tbh u kinda reminded him of Mina with ur personality
But he thought ur appearance was very cool
later on in ur relationship, you’d always feel him tracing the shapes of the splotches on ur skin, or softly scratching the space behind ur ears
he thought u looked so badass with those teeth though
u were wild but you weren’t careless
your attacks were precise and carefully planned during practice and he definitely noticed
even before u guys started dating, bakugou had already known almost everything about you just by observing
he noticed how your ears perked up easily
whether it’s excitement or during training
he loved watching how your pupils would dilate and how completely focused you’d look when on the battle field but if you’re just chilling?
your whole body is relaxed
oh and his favorite, favorite part is that if he teases you about things and you deny it, your tail will give it away
like your first kiss for example
he pulled away and with the smuggest grin he said, “not bad, right?”
you had rolled your eyes and looked away, unaware that the tip of your tail was rapidly moving side to side
Usually he’ll point you out
but after that kiss, he was dazed himself, so caught up on the feeling of ur lips, he didn’t even bother telling u that ur tail was betraying its owner
and the first time he saw ur hero costume? oh my g a w d man had to look away
cos damn what r u looking so good for 
literally has to slap himself when no one’s watching so he can focus on the task
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todoroki shoto
so your personality is very different than his
knowing this, you sometimes try to catch him off guard by like fake pouncing on him 
but he never flinches or anything
never does
he prolly already knows ur planning this on the other side of the room smh
todoroki generally doesn’t have a playful side to him but when he’s noticing that you’re being more jumpy than usual he’ll join you cuz why not
but ofc it’s awkward at first
he doesn’t know how to have fun fun
he doesn’t understand ur impulsive decisions which happens a lot
for example, if you’ve accidentally had one sip of caffeine at 6 in the evening, you’re wide awake at 2 am and preparing to rearrange the furniture in ur dorm
he’s right below you, luckily, so he’ll hear all the noise and show up to ur dorm like “why?”
and you’ve got the same answer each time, “why not?”
he figures that he won’t be able to go back to sleep anyways so he helps you move the furniture
one thing that’s great is that he can instantly read your emotion or energy level from your tail
like if you’ve still got to move your night stand, but your tail is starting to droop, he’ll just drag you to bed
he’s tired too and he loves your cuddles even if ur ears tickle his chin a little excuse to be little spoon? I think yes
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midoriya Izuku
your energy s c a r e s him sometimes
being ur partner during training will literally keep him fully alert, for you
but you’re a great partner, you can just be a little reckless sometimes
he soon learns that even if you dive right into the action, you don’t act without thinking
before you guys are even together, he’s already got your whole quirk analysis down in his notebook 
he’ll ask you questions about whether your tail gets in the way or whether your ears help during training and all
sometimes if you guys are just chilling, you’ll catch him staring at you
one day you ask him and he just goes like “no you just look really cool. I hope I'm not being weird though! I don’t mean to!”
“you’re my bf you can stare at me all you want Izuku”
one time, you were sitting down with your friends playing a card game and he was walking by behind you
but suddenly your tail just unconsciously swept the floor and he stepped on it, making you cry out in pain
he felt soooo bad
doesn’t know how to help make it better so he just keeps on apologizing
if it was anybody else, you would’ve pounced on them but he looks genuinely guilty
so lets not make it worse :)
at first, seeing you smile would give him mixed emotions
like you’d go up to his face and flash your teeth and he’d start sweating buckets
you looked adorable don’t get me wrong
but you also looked a little...menacing
kinda like himiko
after a while he got used to it, knowing that you were a really kind person at heart
but since you can be a little wild and you like to have fun, you'll just graze his shoulder or neck with your skin to feel him shiver
you won’t put any pressure that’ll draw blood but it’s fun to hear him whimper 👀
the first time he saw ur hero costume, he start stuttering random nonsense lmAo
“y-y-y/n, wow, uhhh” sweat sweat sweat
yea he’s prolly not gonna get used to that hahHha
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kaminari denki
this boy matches your energy
your always paired up with him during training cos you guys make the best team
like you’re there to keep him from making irrational decisions but you also ignite the fire and make sure the two of you make the most out of the time
even if you guys fail the mission sometime, you always come out laughing and developing new inside jokes
sometimes if you’re laughing, he’ll just turn to look at you with the biggest smile
and admires your tail wagging like a little pup and your teeth glistening under the ceiling lights
he is all up for your impulsive decision making
your #1 supporter
“oh? you wanna have fireworks in the field? me too! let’s go!”
pulls out 20 packs from under his bed
you two hold the best parties ever
and sometimes Iida gets on ur nerves but denki’s there to politely ask him to not be a party pooper and that the door is wide open 👀🚪
y’all get in trouble with Aizawa all the time 
like by now, he’s sick of y'all LMAOOO
someone told him that there’s a hole in the vending machine?
“y/n, Kaminari, come here”
but they weren’t even snitching on you two but it’s sooo obvious who did it hahaha
a lot of running around in the hallways and chasing each other
your so much faster than he is but he loves hearing your laugh echo the place
he clings on to you a lot cos ur soft
he’s usually the little spoon change my mind no u can't but when ur exhausted and all out of energy, he’s there to scratch your back or behind your ears, loving the way your tail wags in your sleep
you guys growl at each other
like playfully but it happens a lot
Midoriya walked in one time and lowk thought a fight was about to break down, tryna separate the two of you
you have an actual growl and a fake cute one, guess which one he likes ;))
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a/n: aaah this was so fun to write!! thank you for requesting <33
bnha masterlist
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shoichee · 3 years
is it alright if i request hcs for midorima introducing his shy g/n s/o to the team (maybe they’re his lucky item for the day? i cant see his tsundere self introducing them volutarily) and midorima is being soft with them cause they’re a bit scared of the team??
Midorima x shy!Reader
as a reserved individual himself, Midorima is not one to broadcast his relationship out to everyone, and this sentiment is only stronger when he knows that you’re even more introverted than himself
even so, after dating for a substantial amount of time, he wants to include you into his life and potential dream career in basketball… and that would entail bringing you to meet his inner circle of his friends teammates
the only problem (and the reason why he’s held off in introducing you to them for so long) is that his teammates can be quite rowdy (and have some… unique quirks? but Midorima isn’t really one to talk)… especially that Takao Kazunari
still, he never felt like he had to introduce you to them right away… when the right opportunity will present himself, he’ll do it
besides, you don’t seem in any rush to meet them anytime soon from the way you’d rather prefer spending your time with Midorima alone
well, until one day, the Oha Asa predictions presented that opportunity:
“Today, Cancers are in a unique situation from the rest! It seems like their luck can be quite stagnant or off the charts depending if they have their lucky item for today! Ready to hear it, everyone?! Today’s lucky item for Cancers isn’t a standard one! It may differ for every Cancer, and that’s the beauty of fate!~ Cancers should bring along with them something that they cherish the most! But be careful…! Cancers should also take care in making sure nothing happens to their lucky item today!”
Midorima, in hearing the prediction from his TV, flinches out of surprise, mostly because the first thing that came to his mind after hearing “most cherished” was you
but alas, he’s going to follow fate down to a T, with no exceptions
when he approaches you early morning, he tells you with the straightest face:
“(y/n)-san, according to the Oha Asa, you’re my lucky item today.”
“U-U-Uh… um, is… is that a pick-up line?”
“Hmph! As if I would stoop myself down to Takao’s level. The Oha Asa predicted it so, and I will not take any chances today.”
“Um… what do I have to do then?”
Midorima softens his gaze at you and mumbles, “Nothing really. Just stay by my side for the entirety of today.”
thankfully, today was a Saturday, so at least school wouldn’t be an obstacle between the two of you being separated
so here you are, tagging along with Midorima to do some mundane trips around the neighborhood
Midorima please… this is literally just a date but he refuses to acknowledge it as such
he still had basketball practice that evening though, so by then, it was time for him to go to the gym to start warmups
… but wait, that would mean he’d have to bring you there too…
“Ahem… you…” Midorima clears his throat. “Do you mind just sitting on the benches inside? There’s no need for you to make conversation if you do not wish to do so.”
“O-Of course!” you exclaim. “I… I wanna see you play too… even if it’s just practice, I-I hope your teammates won’t mind?”
“Well I’ll make sure they’ll mind their own business.”
“Would I really bring good luck to you by just sitting and watching you, Shintarou…? It’s hard to believe that the Oha Asa said that I’m… supposedly lucky?”
“The Oha Asa is never wrong,” he says confidently. “Besides, I don’t see it anything but an advantage when I know you’ll be here to provide support in your own way. After all, you do make the most out of your capabilities and do your best, nanodayo…”
Midorima makes sure to enter the gym first, with you tailing behind and taking shelter behind his broad back
even despite that, nothing could prepare you for the chaos inside
a basketball FLEW to you and nearly killed you if it wasn’t for the fact that Midorima easily stopped the ball in its projection
“Fools! Are you ever careful in shooting?!”
“Ah shut it! Not everyone’s like you, Midorima!”
“If you have that much energy complaining, then you have the energy to start warming up, rookie.”
Midorima sighs in response to their comments, but you’re behind him peeking out a bit and then ducking behind his back again when you saw how intimidating they were
“Wh-Whoa!! Shin-chan brought someone over?!”
“The brat brought someone over?!”
Takao immediately skips over to him and you, curiously peeking to see who Midorima, the ever-so serious and hardworking dude, brought to practice; it’s very rare that he’d bring his own Teiko ex-teammates along, let alone anyone unrelated to basketball
“Oh! Aren’t you (y/n)-chan?” Takao asks, tilting his head with a childish wonder
“O-Oh, um…” you reply, darting your eyes to Midorima before continuing. “It’s nice to meet you… I’ve heard a lot about you from Shintarou, Takao-kun.”
Midorima turns red and denies it to his breath as he hounds on Takao as an outlet for his embarrassment
Miyaji and Ōtsubo are peeved but lowkey curious about why Midorima brought you here, so they ask… to which Midorima replies:
“(y/n)-san is my lucky item for today, nanodayo.”
“Captain, can I throw my family’s pineapples at him??”
“Shin-chan, I’d normally laugh, but did you just label a person as an object?” (to which Midorima immediately interjects, “A-Absolutely not!!”)
“Alright, you little shit, you 1st-years are really getting on my nerves right now…”
“W-W-Wait…!” you exclaim, slightly stepping out from behind Midorima’s back. “Please don’t be mad at him… I wanted to watch too…” but when everyone’s attention immediately shoots to you, you squeak and hide behind his back again
from the way you clutch onto Midorima’s shirt from behind, Midorima immediately turns around to you with a soft tone of voice
“Hey, come on now… they’re not bad people, nanodayo. You know I’ll be there by your side if anything happens, (y/n)...”
everyone’s REALLY quiet hearing how Midorima talks to you, and they’re like WTF???? WHERE DID THIS SIDE EVEN COME FROM….?
only when Takao blows a slow whistle to break the silence does everyone break into quiet snickers, ready to make fun of Midorima to death about it
as Midorima gives you a short pat on the head and turns to walk to put down his duffel, all of his teammates follow him to give him those “playful” hits and slaps on the back and arms LMAOO some may have actually knocked his spine out of his body though ngl
you’re just standing there timidly, not knowing what to exactly do next, and Miyaji notices you and approaches you
“Oy,” he says with his usual rough tone of voice. “If you really wanna watch, you can sit over there. Don’t be in the way though.” He points to the specific bench, but softens his usual Spartan-like, harsh frown just a tad bit when he sees you cowering a bit
“Sorry… uh, (l/n)-san, right? Take care of the idiot for us.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” Midorima immediately stalks over to the two of you, knowing full well how… scary Miyaji can be, and Miyaji’s frown comes back
“Huh? Nothing for you to be concerned about, rookie.” Miyaji KICKS Midorima to the court to start doing shooting drills and then turns to you like nothing happened
“W-Wait, Shintarou…?”
“He’ll be fine,” he sighs, ruffling his hair. “If he does anything stupid, let one of us know, alright?”
“He’s been, um, good to me.”
and Miyaji gives a little smile for the first time as a stamp of approval, and then he goes back to practice while you lightly skip to the bench… that smile MAY have convinced you that Midorima’s team wasn’t so scary after all
“Sooooo....” Takao says, jabbing Midorima’s ribs. “Your lucky item, eh?”
irk marks appear on Midorima’s head as he prepares to strangle Takao, only to remember you were watching him
“Ahem… (y/n) is my lucky item, regardless of what day or prediction.”
“Eurghh, that’s so sappy, what the fuck—”
“Shut up if you know what’s good for you, Takao.”
the entire team = your personal bodyguards for REAL, and it’s almost scary how every single teammate uses their own “softer” side when talking to you directly like… Midorima is now kinda regretting that he introduced you to them so late? he didn’t know that his teammates would be THAT considerate to you
especially Takao… he’d say a bunch of jokes to get you to laugh but he’d know EXACTLY when to back off and let you chill out??
the upperclassmen would be very polite and soft spoken with you?? like they all have their own respective younger siblings, so they’d definitely treat you like one
Kimura always offers you to taste-test his family’s produce for free, free of charge, zilch, nada
Midorima wonders if they like you better than him (spoiler alert: of course they do)
to get under Midorima’s nerves while you aren’t around, they’d always go, “Bro, where’s your lucky item???” in referring to you LMAOOO (Takao is ESPECIALLY guilty of this)
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
My bad, I’m just now seeing the rules😭 I’ll choose shiguraki, dabi, and Hawks for the time traveling kids reaction
A/N: You’re all good baby! I kept looking at this trying to come up with a fitting situation for them and then I dreamt about being in all three situations last night??? lmaooo it was both terrifying and lucky hehe~ Hopefully, it’s as good as I’m imagining it
Side Note: I’m writing this with a baby (thankfully, but unfortunately, not mine!) on my chest. Get on my level. Jk, but everyone say hi <3
Warnings: Cursing 
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Shigaraki Tomura:
you and shigaraki came back from your daily walks 
aka, people watching
and you two planned to play on the PS4 later
whiles you’re setting up the TV in the living room, he goes to his room to get the console and remotes
he opens the door, sees a baby on his bed, then immediately shuts the door
goes to you and kurogiri
him: “any of you know why there’s a baby on my bed?”
kurogiri: a baby? 😐
you: a BABY!!!?? 😍💞💞
you rush in there and to your amazement, there is a baby no more than six or seven months, gurgling on the bed
kurogiri is giving tomura the most judgemental look and shigaraki kinda feels embarrassed even though he swears he didn’t do anything
“please don't tell me it’s yours”
“i can assure you, y/n and i use prot--”
“oh my gosh, shiggy, she looks just like you with my hair and nose!”
kurogiri is over it 
tomura is malfunctioning
you’re gushing over the baby girl, totally ignoring the fact that a literal child, who just so happened to look like a perfect mix between you and tomura, just appeared like a sick magic trick
was it a quirk?
was it time travel??
did tomura knock you up and everybody just somehow forgot???
so many questions, so little answers
in order to keep from getting a migraine, everybody followed your train of thought and just went along with it for now
shigaraki was less than pleased that his plans with you had been scrapped
he spent the day going shopping (stealing) for diapers, getting formula, buying clothes, and buying toys
feeding the baby was annoying
changing her was a nightmare
shigaraki threatened to disintegrate the child if she puked on him one more time
but everyone just adores her
she’s such a cutie
her toothless smile just warms up everybody’s hearts
even kurogiri is smitten
the day ends with you, the baby, and shigaraki in his room, getting ready for bed
he’s grumbling bc “can’t we just leave her on the couch or something”
you ignore him and he’s forced to get in bed bc no matter what, he’d never give up the chance to cuddle with you...even if it is with some stupid baby
after she falls asleep, you sigh and lean on his shoulder
“you really think she’s ours?” you ask
he wants to say i hope not, but the way you look at him with all the hope in the world makes his heart tingle 
instead of answering, he softly kisses your lips and tucks the both of you in
when you both wake up, the baby is gone--probably back to her timeline
you're a little sad and shigaraki only says what he says NOT BC HE THINKS IT’S TRUE OR SOMETHING but bc your misery makes him itch
“don’t worry. i’m sure we’ll see the brat again someday”
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when you came back to your apartment, holding a load of groceries, you were quite surprised to see the situation at hand 
in the middle of your living room was dabi, at his big ass age, wrestling with a kid that couldn't be older than 12 
least to say, you were pissed 
“come on, fess up you little runt. did my old man have another kid”
“for the last time, NO! i’m yours!!”
“stop lying! my pull out game is too strong for that”
“EW! get off of me you staple-faced, burnt chicken nugget lookin’ fu--”
that’s when you intervened
“chicken nugget lookin’ what?” you questioned, looking at the boy with the look™️  
 the boy’s expression went from angry to scared in 0.2 seconds
dabi’s kind of impressed
“father. i-i was gonna say father”
“oh, that’s what i thought bc if you were gonna say what i thought your were gonna say, then i’d have to whoop your ass. but you weren’t, correct?”
“no ma’am”
“so we’re good?”
“yes ma’am”
“perfect. now what’s this about him being your father?”
dabi is taking out of his smugness and flinches under the heat of your glare
you ask him one time who he slept with and when he tells you you're crazy, you lunge at him
your kid lets you get a couple of good hits in before he decides to drop the news that he’s you two’s son of three from the future
you pause, his hand on your face and your fist in his hair
“deadass?” dabi says 
the boy nods his head and you two take the time to look at him
his features are undeniably yours and dabi’s; he was one of those kids that if you sat them next to one or the other, they could look like both parents
you two take it better than he thought you would 
“i always knew you wanted kids with me. simp”
dabi can’t even deny it. he just rolls his eyes and acts all tough 
then he asks, “you sure you’re not gonna get erased from the time continuum by telling us?”
the boy shrugs “i mean...i hope not”
it’s beyond y’all at this point
so you spend the day with the kid, who was named after Dabi (Touya Jr.), and it’s so obvious he’s a momma’s boy 
he helps you cook, set the table, and wash the dishes 
smiles at you like you’re the entire world
dabi is kind of jealous from all the attention you’re giving him 
fumes at the middle finger junior sneakily flips at him 
does it back 
claims to hate the kid but wipes the crumbs off his lip without hesitation
junior got the itis and is down for a nap
calls you two mom and dad before falling asleep 
you get all 🥺 and even dabi is a little nostalgic when junior disappears 
it’s quiet for a moment and then he says, 
“wanna do a practice round in baby-making. yknow? for the future”
you roll your eyes but you aint say no! 
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Takami Keigo (Hawks):
hawks didn't expect to see a tiny kid on the edge of a building on his day off
there wasn't a lot that scared him, but he couldn't deny the fear hammering against his ribcage as he saw the child look around before jumping
thank goodness his speed wasn’t just talk
he caught the girl who didn't look a day past six 
he’s in the middle of giving her a huge lecture about safety and mental health, she just giggles and gives him the biggest kiss on the cheek 
“haha! i knew you’d catch me if i fall, papa~”
he’s too angry to even register what she called him
“that was totally dangerous, kid! what if i hadn't seen you? then what?”
“then i would fly” she said like it was the most obvious thing
he’s dumbstruck as two beautiful white wings sprout out of thin air and allow her to float next to the hero with ease 
hawks blinks bc yeah anyone could have wings, but he could tell that feather pattern from anywhere
it was his 
it was like his own fingerprint was staring at him 
did he accidentally knock someone up bc that would be a big uh-oh
y/n wouldn't like that at all
he asks the child who he is to her and she repeats, “papa~”
he then asks who the mother was and she goes, “mommy~”
she’s not the brightest crayon in the box, that’s for sure 
“what’s mommy’s name, kid,” he asks with the patience of a saint
“Takami Y/N~”
“you’re coming with me”
flys across the city with conviction
you’re lying on your bed, face mask on and reading a book in peace before your oh so wonderful boyfriend comes crashing through your open window
you don’t even flinch. so used to his surprise visits, you close the book and sigh
“to what do i owe the great pleasure of having you break into my house? again”
hawks holds the cute girl up, squishing her cheek as she laughs from the adventure they just went on
this time, you drop the book
eventually, with some cupcakes and chicken, the little girl tells you two about how she went to play with some kid and got zapped by a quirk and ended up here 
you also find out she’s the youngest of four
you look a little sick but keigo gives you a shit-eating grin
he’s so excited about having a family with you
you can’t deny the tingle in your heart
parades the girl around the house and they’re both laughing the same laugh, eyes bright with joy
it makes your heart hurt and now you have to join into the shenanigans 
you spend the day playing games, doing face masks, and reading books to fall asleep to
when you wake up, she’s gone but keigo’s arms are still firmly wrapped around your waist
“so now that you know i’m gonna trap you with four kids, when are you gonna pop the question?”  you joke 
but hawks isn’t laughing. instead, he’s smiling at you in a way that makes your eyes widen
he digs in his coat and pulls out the ring
“i was gonna try and make it a little more romantic. but why wait? so, what do ya say to taking my last name?”
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