#more like killer x killer
radiance1 · 9 months
Killer Croc's little bro was apparently in Gotham.
How did everyone know? Because he was seen physically dragging said older brother out of the sewers and into the nearest cafe.
And Killer Croc was just. So docile??? He was shy, a bit nervous, amused, and was practically harmless. Which wasn't something anyone would have associated with Killer Croc.
And the fact that said little bro can lift him up easily too? What kind of parents did they have for their son to be able to lift up the Killer Croc so easily?
Meanwhile, Jack just doesn't get why everyone reacts negatively to his big brother, it's not like he was a ghost for goodness sake and yea he's working on not being like he was before his son revealed himself to be part ghost, but still.
His brother was still human, just extra.
Why did Jack come to Gotham? He was kinda maybe forced out the house to go and find his brother because he liked talking about him but never actually went out to find him.
Jack and Croc may be half-brothers, yes, but he's still family.
Jack strongarms Killer Croc into not living in, well, the sewers and at his house he bought when he came to Gotham and they both caught up with each other's lives. Jack told Croc about his family, and by extension the shit views he's had on ghost because it was a major part in their family dynamics, and Croc told him about his own life in Gotham.
Minus the more gruesome, parts.
Killer Croc lives with him for a while and notices that he didn't really seem to care for his life. Which is a major no to Croc, who tries to get him to gain some amount of self-preservation, yes he knows that his little bro is more durable than the average human has any right to be but please for the sake of your big bro's heart, please take care of yourself.
Jack is a bit floored by this, and tries to wave it off as a non-issue. But if Jack can strongarm Croc into living with him, then Croc can definitely strongarm Jack into things as well.
Busting through walls is fine, alright. He gets it, it's very fun. But please don't stick random things into your mouth that can kill you, nor follow strangers down an alleyway and shrug off a stabbing (Killer Croc had some choice words and actions for the person who did such a thing.), and please, please practice stranger danger, little bro. Please.
No, he doesn't give two, three, four, five or ten fucking shits if you have microsurgeons in your blood that gives you a superhuman healing factor, you can still feel pain little bro, and stop skipping meals and sleep to work on your inventions! No, you cannot substitute either for energy drinks!
The batfam keep an eye on the two brothers and find it to just be the both of them strongarming the other into healthy behaviors basically. (With a lot of verbal and physical "I love you"'s, the Batfam could NEVER. slash joke teehee.)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 4 months
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A short two-part comic (total of 20 pages + 8 extras) by me! (for me lol)
Fandoms: Ninja Showdown (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja x Xiaolin Showdown)
Ship: My Immortal Soul (First Ninja x Chase Young)
A comic where nothing really happens! But it contains a lot of half-naked men. So like, kids avert your eyes and adults don’t open it at work or whatever. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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thanks for checking it out <3
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
I love masquerade ball trope, specially when you have anonymity when comes to romance.
Can I have number 6?
For Deuce, Malleus and Silver. I would like to know about theirs.
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
My favorite part of romance anything is the pining and masquerade's are great for that (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I guess they could be good for drama too but eh I am not a huge fan of miscommunication related angst. Unless it's that one route in Tailor Tales... and even then not by much.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, you have to be a special kind of stupid to "hurt" Yuu in front of Malleus, the rest of the event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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This is bad. Bad with a capital B- during finals week, House Warden Riddle finds out about. And now that he has thought up his angry House Warden, he can add fear to the list of emotions he's feeling, right underneath self-doubt and hatred of whoever decided to pick Yuu off first.
"Wait seriously, you're the detective?" Ace looks as oddly panicked as Deuce feels, their attention firmly on the playing card tight in Deuce's shaking hands.
"I just don't know where I should start." Deuce says nervously, but it is clear he has determination if nothing else. "But you're way better at reading people and I need to know if you saw anyone acting weird." Ace makes a show of looking around the ballroom, the other students are more or less just mingling as they had before. It makes Deuce angry, he settles into himself in a manner that suggests he is about to flip.
"Hey hey look," Ace has both his hands out like he's trying to soothe one of the flamingos, which grounds Deuce only slightly as the back of his brain begins to turn towards an idea without his notice "I would totally love to help you out. No really! It's just don't you think you actually want me to-"
"Of course I do!" Someone shushes Deuce to his right and he glares in way of an apology. No one else has died yet which is a relief, he has to be doing something right. "Aren't you upset that someone decided to pick Yuu off first?" For some reason Ace doesn't respond, if anything he looks a bit crestfallen but Deuce is too caught up in his mixed bubble of emotions to fully notice. "They're already singled out so much, and you know how they always say it doesn't bother them but I know better. I mean not to say you don't- I just. I worry about them so much already and now they can't even enjoy a school dance without someone trying to pick on them-"
"I think you miiiight be reading too much into it Juice." Ace has begun to back away from him now. "And while I would like to help, isn't that against the rules? Wouldn't want to be you when Riddle finds out you didn't win us the game in a card soldier like wa-"
"It was you." Ace stops. Deuce stops to drop into a stance that has Ace really wishing he was not such a slacker on track days.
"If I had known it was you I would have knocked off Jack or something first!" He yells over his shoulder as both boys ignore the established rules of the game in favor of sprinting through the ballroom, a determined officer in pursuit of an only slightly embarrassed knave. "I just thought it would be funny! And jeeze why are you acting like this over a little crush!"
"See I told you." A wise little grey sage nods next to you as you survey the scene. "It's a total race to the bottom between those two.
It was not a dark and stormy night until Crowley announced you were the first one out. You don't remember anything in the forecast calling for rain, or NRC students being so afraid of it. The green lightning flickering across the sky suggests a... degree of magic might be involved in this particular turn of events and you do your best to stamp down the tension headache that causes.
"Perhaps it would best if we take a brief recess to let the weather clear up before we continue with our game?" Crowley doesn't wait for anyone to agree with him before leaving, maybe never to be seen again, forcing you to contend with the looming shadow peering over your shoulder.
"You do know I'm not actually hurt, right?" You try to bring Malleus back down to earth, you swear you see smoke curling from his exhaled breath as beady green eyes look you over.
"Of course." He almost sounds like he's pouting, the longer you stare the more his lips purse and cheeks puff, you are surprised he doesn't break eye contact or cross his arms. "But threatening to hurt you in my presence is an insult."
"It was not an actual threat," you carefully take his hand in yours, guiding it to your neck so he can feel the steady thrumming of your heart, politely ignoring the way even more people scramble away from the ballroom. No doubt intimidated by the touching display of intimacy and not the way Malleus's eyes flutter like a blushing maiden as the storm slows to a drizzle. "Crowley just thought it would be a fun game for everyone to play, and since we are all wearing masks there's a good chance the killer-" Another lightening bolt splits the sky with a crack and Mallues's arm tenses. You gently kiss his knuckles and try another approach. "The person pretending to be the killer picked me at random. They don't want to hurt me, I'm not going anywhere." The rain ceases for now, the outburst seems to have rendered the game largely forgotten, with Crowley pointedly refusing to return to start it up and Malleus refusing to move. The band, at least, seems to take the que and starts up the music and Malleus moves to dance with you, making sure to keep you extra close in case anyone gets any ideas of really hurting you.
"I did understand that it was a game." He tells Lilia, even as the old fae shakes his head clearly unbelieving. "But human life is so fragile, theirs more so than most. I can't risk anyone getting any ideas." He won't loose them, not to anything other than time, and even then, if Malleus finds it within his power he will defy fate itself.
"And now that our first victim for the night has been announced, you may return to your mingling until our killer selects his next prey." Crewel is having way too much fun laying out the dramatic scene before him, even if he is disappointed with the first choice of victim. Silver appreciates his dedication if nothing else, it is always impressive how much attention to detail the Professors at this school put into the small things in events like this.
But he is stalling focusing on that, his purple eyes move to scan the perimeters, Idia is lingering in a corner too focused on his phone to really be playing, besides his first pick would probably have been Azul to save himself the headache. Satisfied he walks (though the people around him part as if he is stalking) away from his position at the entrance to survey the other guests. His hand twitches close to his baton when he senses someone coming up behind him, but relaxes once he notes his father.
"My, my, just what has my sweet boy so worked up?" Lilia seems to be in a very good mood, which relives Silver even if he had expected him to enjoy this game a lot more than he was. "I almost mistook you for Malleus with how severe your face looks." He pauses, gently touching his face as if he will be able to tell just what's so strange about it without a mirror and Lilia's conspiratorial grin grows wider. "Look, even our dear prefect is concerned." Silver's eyes snatch up to the balcony where Yuu sits, leaning on the railing to look at the guests below, mask set to the side lazily as they relive some of his stress with the clear boredom on their face.
The sight catches with the breath in his throat, confusion wrapping him in it's familiar embrace with a strange twinge to it he wants to say he is unaware of but knows he has been feeling more and more in your presence lately.
"I am trying to win the game." He tries, unable to look back at his father not out of fear of his judgement but desire for you to look his way just once. "I don't want this to reflect poorly on Malleus." Lilia laughs, forcing Silver to look at him empty handed with a look of disappointment his father knows he also is completely unaware of.
"Are you sure you aren't worried it will reflect poorly on you?" He watches as his son shifts, torn between wanting to spend time with him and return to his task. "After all, it isn't Malleus who is auditioning right now, is he?" And Lilia spares him the choice, flying off to said Lord as Crewel once again brings the band to a pause to name a student Silver is not sure he knows, and is surprised he does not care nearly as much about.
"Watch me." He silently promises you, bowing towards you just stealthily enough it is barely noticeable. "I will keep you safe prefect, I promise."
"You should give him a kiss when he wins." Lilia whispers into your ear and you nearly fall over the railing with how badly you start.
"L-lilia! I am not sure what you-"
"Or maybe a handkerchief with some perfume?" He is having too much fun at your expense to stop now. "That would suit the aesthetics much better don't you agree?"
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 3 months
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More art of my girlfriend Eustass Kid (I hate him 💖)
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sunnymainecoonx · 4 months
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Killermare: chocolate covered strawberries edition🍓🍫
Be honest with me, how many of you know a chocolate version of Killer existed?
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yudidoodles · 5 months
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Look at the bois, headin on a mission to kill some people Horror brought everyone cookies and Nightmare is gonna kill one of them if they don't act like scary killers instead of dumbasses
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didderd · 7 months
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me and @skelekins have been tossing Snaps and sea bunny Kelek back and forth on our rb blogs, so here's a doodle of one of the scenes from it! :3
(here is a link to the thread so far)
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the-writing-mobster · 7 months
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| TMDG | Detective Dreemurr| Chapter 8 is out! | 💔
His daughter was gone.
Gone into thin air. 
He would never be able to give out blessings to fiances, or walk her down the aisle. All of that, robbed from him… 
And looking at Frisk… looking at her, in all her physicalities and potential, knowing what he'd lost and what he could never have again lest he over step their delicate boundaries… It only made that aching envy grow more destitute than ever… 
But who was he to rain on the young couple’s joy with his heartache? 
Intrigued? Read the rest of Goat Dad's POV! Link below:
Chapter Theme:
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analogwriting · 2 months
Chapter 20: Kardiá
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3k first|next a/n: whoops didn't mean for this to take so long but thus is the price of me working every single day for two weeks straight ayeo.
You woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up quickly and falling into a coughing fit as the tubes in your throat moved around from your sudden intake of air. You felt a hand begin to rub your back and a voice followed by footsteps running into the room and yet another voice, but it was far away and you couldn’t understand what they were saying. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes and your already raw throat began to hurt even more.
A glass of water was held in front of you and you took it, giving yourself a moment before trying to swallow some of it down. It helped a bit, your coughing subsiding. Everything still hurt, your head absolutely pounding from the suddenness of everything; consciousness, the coughing, your body moving, etc.
After a few more moments, you were able to settle yourself back down. You were concentrating on regulating your breathing and making the room stop spinning. “Are you feeling better?” You blinked, honestly forgetting where you were at the moment. Right - the hospital. You looked over, seeing Corazon sitting there with concern sketched all over his face. 
Everything seemed to hit you all at once. What your father did, the heist, the dream - and tears began to roll down your face. The concern only grew on Corazon’s face. “Y/n?” 
“I’m sorry,” you rasped out, your voice completely gone from not using it for so long. You felt terrible for everything you had put everyone through. For all the worry and stress, just all of it. 
Corazon said nothing, pulling you into his arms. Being surrounded by such warmth and love, it reminded you of what you once felt all those years ago with your parents, bringing forth the dream or whatever it was that you had while you were out. Emotions began to run absolutely wild and you buried your face in his shoulder as you cried, clutching on to him for dear life. 
You were worried that if you let go, he’d disappear. That this was the dream and you’d actually chosen death somehow. You knew that wasn’t the case logically, but your mental fortitude wasn’t exactly rock solid at the moment. 
It was even a while after that before you finally calmed down again. Your body hurt, heavy from the sudden activity it was experiencing. You’d lied as a vegetable for the past month and now you were exerting yourself, overly so. As you slowly calmed down, you felt your body slowly becoming heavier and heavier.
Fuck. You didn’t want to fall asleep. You’d just woken up, after all. You wanted to be able to see and converse with everyone. You wanted to get out of this room. Sure, you were a doctor and you loved your hospital, but you sure as shit hated being a patient. You hated being sick - even if you technically weren’t. You hated being the patient.  Besides, what if you went to sleep and then didn’t wake back up? Or what if everyone was gone somehow? What if the hospital was overrun again? Not that you could even do anything in this state.
You pulled away from Corazon, barely able to keep your eyes open, but determined to stay awake. He could see this, trying to get you to lie down. “Get some sleep, you need it.” His voice was soft, soothing. Ugh, you wanted nothing more than to curl up with him and do just that.
You shook your head. “No. I’ve been out long enough. I…” You trailed off, your train of thought becoming lost. You knew that was due to being tired. You knew how the human body worked, that was your livelihood.
“See? You need to rest. I know you’ve been out, but it’s okay this time. I’m sure you’ll wake back up in a few hours.” 
You shook your head again. “No,” you mumbled, pinching yourself to keep from falling asleep. This made him hiss softly as if he’d been the one you did it to. “Stop.” His voice was still gentle, but firm as he took your hands in his.
You looked at him, frowning as fear started bubbling up. “What if I don’t wake back up, though? What if this is the last time I see you? The last time I’m alive? There’s so much I need to do. To say. I-” 
“You don’t need to worry. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.” Corazon offered a warm smile, trying to keep you calm. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you felt a wave of calm wash over your body.
You didn’t even know what you were saying. Logically, you knew this wasn’t true. You knew the human body well enough to know what state you were in. You’d sleep and wake up in a few hours feeling a whole lot better. Then you could eat a proper meal and get some more rest in. Recover was going to be a piece of cake from here since your bullet wounds were already mostly healed.
So, why couldn’t you just let yourself sleep? Why were you still scared? Why were you saying these things? It didn’t make any sense. You weren’t making any sense.
Suddenly, you felt a wave of something wash over your entire body and you weren’t able to fight anymore. You looked behind you, spotting Marco. “Oh, you fucking bastard,” you mumbled, feeling yourself slowly sink into the bed. 
Marco sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. It’s for the best. You need to rest.” 
You didn’t say anything else as the sleeping agent he’d put into your IV took over and the world around you went black.
When you came to, your entire body felt sluggish - must’ve been due to whatever Marco drugged you with. You were still slightly salty, but from a doctor standpoint, you understood. Technically, if he’d done that to a patient it was a pretty big no no since you weren’t exactly a danger to yourself or others other than making yourself sleep deprived, but it was you. 
You would’ve done the same thing to him if roles were reversed.
The room was darker. The curtains drawn, but no light peeked through so you assumed it was nighttime. The tubes that had been lodged up your nose and down your throat to help you breathe were no longer there. Since you were conscious again, you didn’t exactly need them. You were glad too, you hated that shit. Most of the IVs you were hooked up to were gone as well. You only had your heart monitor on now, probably to make sure you didn’t freak out or at least they’d know if you did.
 You heard someone mutter something next to you, noticing Corazon sleeping at your side once more. A small smile stretched across your face. You weren’t sure what you did to end up with someone like him at your side, but you were grateful and hoped he stuck around.
Though, if he was still around after all of this, you supposed he might keep at it. And you were thankful for that.
You slowly sat up, trying not to disturb the sleeping man next to you. You knew he needed his sleep just as much as you had. He had looked absolutely exhausted. Whenever he woke up, you were going to make him go home and get some real rest. 
“You’re awake.” You looked over, seeing Law standing there with a shocked look on his face. “I heard you had an episode earlier, I wasn’t expecting you to be awake already.”
He entered the room, but stayed near the door. You watched him for a moment, thinking with amusement. How the tables have turned. You had taken care of him so long ago and now he was taking care of you. You’ve come full circle. “How are you fairing, Law?” you asked, watching him.
“I should be asking you that question.” 
“Too late. I’ve already asked you.”
Law shook his head, a hint of a smile on his face. “I’m doing just fine. Now that you’re awake and fine, I can stop having to worry about Cora.” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms. You could tell he was really concerned. For you or Corazon you weren’t sure, though you assumed it was his father. 
“That’s true. When he wakes up, can you make sure he goes home and sleeps? He needs some proper rest in a proper bed.” 
“I’ve been trying for a month and he won’t listen to me.” He was pouting slightly and you couldn’t help but chuckle quietly to yourself.
“Well, now that I’m awake, he should be more willing to listen, no?” 
“Hopefully.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He walked over to you, seemingly over whatever weird spell that had been keeping him from coming close to you. He began a standard check up. “Now you answer the question. How are you feeling?”
You let him do his check up, shrugging. “As good as I can after waking up from a coma and having my entire life turned upside down.” 
That made the corner of his mouth turn up a little. “I suppose I can relate to that a bit myself.” 
You didn’t know Law’s backstory. You didn’t know what he went through before Corazon had found him and you didn’t exactly plan on asking either. It was probably a sensitive topic that you didn’t want to touch.
“Life be like that sometimes, huh?” A small smile stretched across your face and he just looked at you before nodding. He probably expected you to ask, but he also looked relieved that you didn’t. 
“It sure does.” He stood back up, writing down on his clipboard.
“You’re doing a great job, by the way. Stellar check up.” You winked at him and his cheeks tinted slightly. Technically, he was still your intern and you were still his boss. You just also now happened to be dating his dad. A little messy, but you weren’t going to let that get in the way of your job.
“You’re just saying that beca-”
You cut him off by holding up your hand. “Absolutely not. It doesn’t matter if I’m dating your dad or not. I will always judge fairly. If anyone can separate work and home - it’s me. Don’t undersell yourself - you’re shaping up to be an excellent doctor.” 
Law bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “Ah, y-yes, doctor.”
Just then, Corazon stirred a bit, grumbling slightly. You watched as his eyes cracked open slightly. They looked towards you before shooting open, sitting up as he noticed you were awake. “You’re awake!” 
You laughed softly, nodding. “I am.” You felt your heart race at his excitement. For fuck’s sake, you loved his man. 
Despite his excitement, you could see the exhaustion catching up to him. The bags under his eyes, the puffiness of them. You reached over, touching the side of his face gently. He looked caught off guard, but his features softened, only further making him look more tired.
“Go home and get some rest.” That made him perk up. He shook his head. “No! I’m fine. I’ll just-”
You shook your head. “Go home. Get some rest. Law.” You looked at your intern and he jumped. “Take him home.”
“But I work overnight tonight.”
“I know Marco is here. It’s fine. Take Corazon home. If he gives you trouble, send him my way.” You looked back at your boyfriend. “Go home and get some real sleep or we’re going to have an issue.”
Corazon frowned deeply, pouting. “But I just wanna stay with you,” he mumbled with a slight whine to his voice. You shook your head, fighting the urge to giggle at his antics. “You can come back tomorrow after you’ve rested up. I won’t be going anywhere.”
There was a bit more back and forth, but eventually Corazon folded, leaving with Law. You sighed, sinking back into the bed. You stared at the ceiling, thinking.
“I hear you’re sending Law home?” You looked over, seeing Marco standing in the doorway.
“Yeah. He needs to keep an eye on Corazon. Make sure he sleeps and takes care of himself.”
“Can’t argue with that. The man’s barely left your side since you went under.” Marco sighed, walking over to your bedside.
“How ya feelin’?”
You just looked at him with an expression that could kill and he held up his hands. “Don’t hate me. Just doing my job.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Whatever.”
You were tired, but you weren’t necessarily the sleepy kind of tired. Not the kind that taking another nap would fix. Just overall body exhaustion.
“How are my charts lookin’?”
Marco pulled out his clipboard, flipping through the pages. “Everything is fine. You just need to rest and eat to regain your strength and then you’ll be good to go.” He shrugged. “The bullet wounds on your back are all healed up, but don’t overexert yourself and it should be hunkydory.” He immediately pursed his lips and cringed at his word choice.
You looked at him, a shit eating grin spread across your face. “You sound like Pops when you use words like that.”
He groaned, shaking his head. “I know. I don’t know why I said it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. He looked positively exhausted too.
“When was the last time you slept?” 
He shrugged. “I had a nap in our office earlier.” Technically, Marco didn’t have an office. You two just shared once since the two of you were always at the hospital. Eventually, he just started referring to it as the both of yours. 
“Well, you should go home and get some sleep too. I’m sure everything will be fine here.” Marco scrunched up his nose before shaking his head. “I think I’m good.” 
You rolled your eyes. Unfortunately, you knew there was no arguing or winning with Marco. At least not right now. He was the one currently in charge. You could probably convince him later. “Then could you please bring me some food? I could probably eat a horse, honestly.”
Marco snorted, nodding. “Will do. I’ll send a nurse in to bring you something shortly. I need to check on some other things.”
After he left, you sighed. Once the room fell silent, your stomach growled loudly. You were sure the sound traveled down the hallway. You groaned, holding your stomach. It hurt with how hungry you were. Sure, you’ve been hooked up to machines and fed that way, but now that you were back to running normal, you were starving. 
It wasn’t long before a nurse walked in. Lo and behold, it was another one of the interns. Shachi bounded over to you. “I heard you were awake!” He smiled widely, setting your food down on one of those lap trays and setting it on the bed over your legs. “Glad to see you’re doing better.”
“Yeah.” You looked over at him. “Thank you for the food. I trust things have been going okay? How are you adjusting to the hospital?”
He looked at you for a moment before chuckling. “Always the workaholic. You’ve barely woken up and you’re already back at it.” He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. “Things are great. I’m enjoying my time here and the people are really nice. Got pissed on the other day, but that’s whatever.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Glad it didn’t deter you, then. It’s good to have you. Hopefully you’ll be able to stick around.” Besides, after everything that happened, you thought about having all staff or at least more than what you had previously be staff that isn’t unfamiliar with the underbelly of the city.
People like you who wanted to leave that life. People like your underground staff who were looking for a way out. People who have seen the ugly and wanted to help. If you had people like that on both sides, the hospital could be more well rounded and you could probably rest a little easier.
Part of the reason you were at the hospital so much was to keep it safe guarded, but if you had more people that were aware of the stakes, it might be better.
“Oh definitely!” Shachi tore you out of your mental tangent. “I plan on staying for as long as you let me! We all do.” A lopsided grin appeared on his face. “A lot of people are fond of you, doc. And we’re all relieved to hear you’re doing well.” He nodded, his comment stunning you slightly. “Well, I’m off. Holler if you need me!” Then he sprinted off and you watched him with a fond smile. He was full of life and seemed eager to help people. That was good. You hoped he’d be able to keep that energy for a long time.
You turned to your dinner. It wasn’t much, some soup and some bread to cut up to eat with it. Since you hadn’t ate in a while, your stomach was small - it’d be a while before you’d be able to eat any big meals again. This would be more than enough for the time being.
You cut into your small loaf of bread, making bite size pieces for you to soak up the soup and pop it in your mouth. The first bite made you groan. It tasted like it was the greatest thing in the world. It probably wasn’t like a five star restaurant level good, but it tasted like it after not eating for so long.
You finished up your meal, setting the tray to the side on the table. Someone would probably come and get it later. As you set it down, you felt the air immediately shift in the room. You immediately tensed and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You looked over to the doorway and you paused, eyes widening.
There he was. Your father, Anthony.
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starship-buccaneer · 9 months
Steve: Well yeah, Eddie flirts with me constantly and touches me all the time and I do it back and everything, but we're just two guys horsin' around, y'know?
Everyone: No Steve. We do not know.
Steve: Yeah, Eddie's fruity with me, so what? Just because I'm a guy and he likes guys doesn't automatically mean he's into me. He's just comfortable being himself with me!
Everyone: Steve. He's sitting in your lap, playing with your hair. He calls you pretty boy, Steve. He's wearing your sweater, Steve. Steve, please.
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meimeikyu · 2 months
cross 🤝 dust
horrible gasters
bcs xgaster is well. xgaster. and handplates dust is my fav hc forever
i like to think he only remembers the handplates events after he becomes dust and it. does not make things better for him!!!
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libartz · 5 months
Even though this isn’t quite how it went in my playthrough, Wyll x Durge reminds me of that one DnD comic that ends up like ‘I roll to seduce the orc into changing his ways’ (nat 20) (villain falls madly in love with PC)
Mostly for the part at the end where he brings him home to his parents and says ‘Mum, dad, this is my fiancé, the former Scourge of the North…’
Ulder is going to be so concerned
I feel like with durgegale (or even just illithid tav) there’d be a similar moment with Gale’s mother, but she’d say ‘you know what, as long as my baby boy is happy, I support him’
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heartkillers · 2 years
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My idea was to draw nightkiller-
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gifti3 · 9 months
Im thinking of asmo and mc being in a horror movie situation and fufiling the couple having sex trope but somehow still surviving
And the killer is so so mad about it
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Hi, gremlin from recent coment here.
I got bit more ideas to dump in. Until they get proper name and look I will refere to them as "Cat".
-Cat being a minicon just like Ravage, but maybe without working with bigger bot. They could either be free minicon or had master that died or they run away from.
-They might be a bounty hunter, hitman or spy to hire. Maybe without faction they belong to, just who pay more.
-Alternatively, them being opposite of Ravage: Autobot security guard, responsible for keeping sensitive data from getting into Decepticon's hands.
-Since Ravage resembles black jaguar, Cat could look like other species of big cats, like lynx or caracal.
-Since I brought Kitty Softpaws, Cat having sort of disability/permanent injury. Not working T-cog, their animalistic paws replaced with clawless version or something else.
I've thought about more about this kittycon more while I was gone, and the best name I could come up with was Feliform or Felifast which is a bit ehh
May I suggest they had a host mech who died in the war (or after the war)? But they've been alone for a While since
That or maybe an assassin
Or the autobot security guard idea, maybe that'd pit the two of them against each other temporarily??
Hmm, I was tempted to either base them on a more sleek panther or even a serval cat? Honestly there's so many options, though I'm still stuck on their color palette (maybe, considering Ravage is black and whitr, Cat more brightly colored?) (I'm thinking almost white and blue or yellow with black highlights?)
I feel like we should absolutely lean into our inspiration here and suggest Cat has no claws, and it causes issues like declawing usually comes with issues.
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pieflavoredartz · 1 year
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its his freakin day ‼️n yea i had ta add a sprinkle of kiraboss, dawg. who do u think i is 🤨🤨
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