#yeah i give the blorbos so many problems
meimeikyu · 5 months
cross 🤝 dust
horrible gasters
bcs xgaster is well. xgaster. and handplates dust is my fav hc forever
i like to think he only remembers the handplates events after he becomes dust and it. does not make things better for him!!!
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One of the really amusing things about college is that if you pay attention you sometimes can discern some of your professor's favorite pet concepts.
For instance, in my Topology course this semester, the Zariski topology has come up at least once in every single homework set so far, and in multiple lectures.
And okay, that's not that weird. The Zariski topology is a really important object in a LOT of fields, especially algebraic geometry. And discussing it at length is a really pedagogically sound move because the Zariski topology is a good example of a topology with a very well motivated structure (the closed sets are the algebraic sets!) that still very naturally gives rise to a lot of strange features, like the way all open sets in the standard topology are Zariski-dense. It was quite effective at startling me out of the complacency of unconsciously basing my intuition of how topologies behave entirely on the standard topology on the reals. So my professor bringing up Zariski so often doesn't necessarily mean he has any special affection for it.
My professor writes many of the homework problems himself. Not all of them - the less interesting ones he lifts from the textbook- but some. Well, every single Zariski topology question I've encountered so far is an original from this guy. I know because the all the questions he writes personally have paragraphs of commentary contextualizing why he thinks the problem is interesting and where the ideas in the problem are going later in the course. And well- let's just say the asides on the Zariski topology have been copious indeed
AND THEN there's the way he talks about the Zariski topology in class! It's with this blend of enthusiasm and fascination only comparable to the way I've seen tumblrites talk about their blorbos. Like hey! Come behold this sgrungy little guy! Isn't he fucked up? Isn't he marvelous? And I look and I can only conclude YEAH that is indeed a spectacular specimen, he's so strange, I want to put him in a terrarium and study him (and then I get to! In my homeworks!)
Anyways. It makes me really happy picking up on how excited my professor is to share this topology with us. I'm kind of baffled that people assume math is a boring field full of boring people when there exist folks like my professor who get this passionate about a topology!
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luna-rainbow · 2 days
Like your posts especially your Bucky posts. He is my precious cinnamon roll, and a character whose popularity makes sense.
Can you explain to me why T*ny Stark though is so popular? I just... cannot see the appeal of him. He's self-righteous, self-centred, reckless, irresponsible and very likely narcissistic.
Also, for all his fans go on about how "sacrificial" he is I do not see it. Or rather, its not actually that admirable to have to sacrifce yourself to solve the problems you created in the first place! That's just... being a decent human.
Now Cap, there's a guy. Resisting authortarinism and fighting for freedom all his life. T*ny though? He's like "yeah kill myself to kill he villain my father/me created". Nope. Not a hero.
Even in Endgame, he's selfish because he's not willing to even give his backing to the Time Heist if it might negatively impact him/his family.
Why do people see him as such again?
Thanks for the ask!
I think most people like characters for a few reasons: a) they think they are their blorbo, b) they want to be like their blorbo, and c) they want to have sex with their blorbo.
Tony, especially with RDJ's portrayal, is exactly the kind of guy that appeals to the intended audience of the comics-loving (mostly male) fanbase: who identify with Tony's "intellectual and pragmatic" over sentimental (ala Pepper) or moralistic (ala Steve), and who wishes they could be the playboy billionaire who has all the sex and buys all the toys and shrugs off all the accountability. Tony is 40 but RDJ plays him like he's 14, he's misogynist and self-centered, cocky and reckless, who won't listen to anyone else's advice because he genuinely believes he knows better until real life proves him wrong (...so many socialised males are like this...)
To be honest, on the one hand, I can see why Tony appeals to the audience. He's at once a a reassurance and a fantasy. If you take away his billionaire status, he's an extremely flawed (all the ones you've listed and more) middle-aged guy who struggles to maintain human relations and makes frequent mistakes but does strive, at least in the earlier movies, to try and do the right thing. I think a lot of people relate to that, because most of us are lonely and messed up and likely misunderstood to some degree. But he's also very much a power fantasy -- he's swimming in money (if you forget where it comes from), surrounded by fawning hot women, he has fast cars and a man cave to tinker with his hobby while his girlfriend/secretary does the real work of running the company. He then gets the ideal redemption story where he proves all the accusations of immorality wrong by doing A Good Deed, and all the fame and glory that comes with it. Yeah, some fans like to lean into how he's still ""misunderstood", but his critics in universe are the minority, and his new hero status has enabled him greater access to what is essentially political power and intelligence networks.
To me, Tony's appeal lies in his struggles and the redemption. He is a morally grey character just learning to look beyond his own needs and still occasionally relapsing into self-centered recklessness. His story was never one about sacrifice - because as you say, doing the bare minimum of fixing your own mistakes isn't sacrifice, it's being a grown up.
And I ignore Endgame XD
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broadwaybalogna · 4 months
send prompts it is!!
because I just finished a math test and need my blorbos to suffer with me, let's have zutara in a modern au where they take a math test together! 😊
one of them would have a pretty low score and fluff and comfort ensues
(i hope I pass)
I’ve literally been waiting all night for another prompt to pop into my inbox and this is so cute omg!!!
Have I ever said how much I love modern Zutara? Because I LOVE modern Zutara.
Also- I hope you pass your test! Sending all luck your way~
Oh yeah, before I start this. I would like to reiterate that I am an American. Apparently different counties have different ways of grading but for me an A is a 90-100, a B is an 80-90 and a C is around a 70-80. D is 64 up and F is anything below. Just thought I should point that out before I begin.
Zuko moved out of his dad’s house when he was fifteen. Well, more like he was kicked out and he displayed little to no reluctance to leave. After his mother had left, he had little hope of seeing his father redeem himself.
But Zuko found that old habits died hard. Because even though his uncle was one of the most caring people he had ever met, there was still this overwhelming anxiety Zuko felt when he did something wrong. Especially in school.
In Zuko’s experience, school was the easiest way for Ozai to control Zuko. He spent most of his nights either studying or hiding, only ever leaving his room for dinner. His father checked his grades twice a day (he had figured out Zuko’s school username and password) to make sure Zuko was on top of everything. So when Zuko moved, his mentality regarding school didn’t change, even if his environment had.
He found himself still cooped up in his room reading through books, skipping meals, and solving equations well into the night.
That changed when he met Katara.
Katara was what many people called a “nerd”. But she still looked pretty so she didn’t get teased nearly as much as she would’ve had she not been. Katara, like Zuko, aced tests and projects. However, Katara, unlike Zuko, was an enthusiastic learner. She would raise her hand every chance she got in class to answer a question or ask for clarification. She even sometimes corrected their teachers on their mistakes. Needless to say, Zuko gave her a lot of side eyes.
They didn’t have very many classes together, especially since she was a grade below his, but she had been moved up to Zuko’s Math, English, and Physics classes. She apparently also took on level Biology which made Zuko’s head spiral.
At first, they barely spoke a word to one another. But once acknowledging each others academic achievements, they began so talk every so often during free time in classes. Katara would often be working on something for another class while they talked, though. Zuko still found it relaxing. Although she enjoyed it more, she still understood the pressures of school and the mental spirals it would put people through.
One thing led to another and they began studying together as well. Zuko couldn’t really help her with Biology (it was an elective. Seriously, who takes a core class as an elective??) but they exchanged notes and shortcuts for other classes. Zuko was able to give her a lot of tips on writing papers for English since he had a politician for a father (finally, Ozai was good for something).
Katara was a beast at math, though. She tackled each problem like it was common sense. Since it was a higher level, she was still challenged, but not nearly as much as other kids in their class were. It was no wonder Katara also took physics, the science that revolves around math.
The one thing she struggled with was history. Zuko learned very early into their friendship that Katara was absolute ass at memorizing anything. The only way she was able to memorize formula’s was because she would repeat them over and over throughout study sessions until it drove them both insane. So Zuko found himself helping her most with that subject.
One night, when a study session ran much longer than it should’ve, Iroh suggested she stay with the two of them for the night. That was her first and most notably, not last, sleepover at Zuko’s. Actually, it was the furthest thing from her last. It became part of their routine for her to stay over once or twice a week to keep studying. Iroh tried to get them to relax and take breaks every so often, which they did, but most of their time was spent either studying or talking.
Then even more of their time was spent talking.
Then a really good portion of their time was spent going on walks midday and talking.
And Zuko enjoyed it so much. He seriously enjoyed just being able to breathe. He felt genuenly free when he was with Katara, studying or not.
But both Zuko and Katara soon realized that prioritizing their mental health over school had consequences.
It had been time for their unit test in math, a test both of them had forgotten to study for the night before. Zuko mentally beat himself up over and he could see Katara out of the corner of his eye drop her head onto her desk.
They were so screwed.
Or, well, just Zuko was screwed. Turned out that Katara’s ‘mathematical Common sense formulas’ came in handy and get her an 79% on the test. Although she had never gotten a grade below an 85 in the class, she still let out a sigh when she checked her grade in her phone.
“Are they out?” Zuko asked, already pulling out his phone to check his own grade.
“Yeah. Ugh, I’m so screwed. Sit brought down my semester grade to a 89.”
“That big of a jump? I thought you had a 96 earlier?”
“This was worth a lot of points. I feel so stupid.”
Katara continued to ramble but Zuko tuned her out as he looked at his grade from the light below him.
He pursed his lips and closed his eyes, convinced that it was all a hallucination.
“Nine was a hellscape and- hey, are you okay?” He heard Katara say as he looked back down to his phone.
It was still there, staring at him, no, laughing at him from the grade-book. Zuko felt like he could hear his father’s voice yelling at him, lecturing him over the horrifying careers that lie ahead of him based on this one mistake.
“Zuko? Can you hear me?”
Could he hear her? For some reason, he didn’t know how to answer.
“Iroh! Something’s going on with Zuko!” That was the last thing Zuko registered before he felt his chest heave and his mind race.
When Zuko could finally register the things around him again, he was in his bed laying down. He turned to his side and saw Katara pacing in his bedroom.
“Zuko! Oh my god, toh scared the bejesus out of me! Are you okay? Do you need me to get you a water?”
“That would be nice.”
“Good, because I already got you one.” Katara tached over to Zuko’s bedside table and passed him a cup of water. Classic Katara, always being one step ahead. “Iroh said you had a panic attack. I assume it was over- um…” Zuko thought back to what had happened. Right.
“Yeah, my bad.”
“Oh no! Not your bad! In no way is this your bad, Zuko! This is your shitty father’s bad- no- your shitty father’s worst,” she corrected herself.
“Hmm,” he hummed.
“Zuko,” Katara finally said, lowering her voice and finally becoming more calm, “I don’t really know much about your relationship with your dad- or school. But it was so nice seeing you actually happy and talking these past few days. It really put things into perspective for me. I realize that I’ve been studying so much all the time, that I never thought about how it affected you. I’m sorry.”
“What? No, don’t be sorry. My relationship with school is.. complicated at best, but in no way is any of it your fault,” he sat up to face Katara, “but I have realized how much more I like being free. I just need to find a balance.”
“Could I- could I help you find it?” Katara asked after a short moment has passed.
“I’d love that.”
They both smiled and Katara engulfed Zuko in a soul-crushing hug. Zuko’s heart did a little flip and he let out a sigh.
He liked this.
He also might like Katara.
He was happy with those conclusions.
It’s 1am and I have state testing tomorrow (today??) so GOODNIGHT!
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mishacakes · 7 months
Genuine question! Not sure if it’s been asked before or what. But I know there’s a lot of people who don’t like ocs and some who do, esp ones usually pairs with the main characters, I’m new to the tmnt fandom and I’m just wondering how yours became so popular,
I’ve been in other fandoms where ocs pairs with mains are usually met with eye rolls. Then again some a like mary sues so maybe that’s why. As tomiko (sorry if I’ve spelt that wrong) doesn’t seem to be from what I’ve seen, she doesn’t seem to rely on the mains to, and I like that, I love how she looks and the way you draw
Not hating! And I hope I don’t come across like that, I am just genuinely curious and wonders if you had any tips on making successful ocs thanks 🙏
ok here's the thing, tomiko being "a successful oc" was never important to me in the first place. I just loved drawing her, and people also liking her was a sweet little bonus that kept me motivated, but it was NEVER the goal. She's my little baby blorbo that I deliberately stuffed as many design and story tropes that I like into one cute package and I love her and now it's everyone's problem cause I won't shut the hell up lol
yknow how one solid piece of art advice is "get really obsessed with something and you'll improve"? yeah. that's what happened here.
and really there's nothing wrong with mary sues! a mary sue is a general term people tend to give to girl characters they hate so i hate it on principle :> literally if you're having fun who gives a shit!!
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newobsessioneveryweek · 3 months
IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIPPP I always saw potential for it ever since their friendship was shown in ToA and i was so surprised when I saw there was barely any content of them lol!! Keep making ur art and hcs i will absolutely be lining up to read a fic if u ever publish one!! <3333
Thank you for enabling me 😈 I shall do my best to deliver 🫶🏻
In fact I'll give you an hc right now for the price of free! It's been in my head since I started down this rabbit hole and shows no sign of relenting until I write it down :']
So I headcanon all of my blorbos as left-handed because I am left-handed and it's just fun to project :]] so in my WIP fic Sherman trains Connor in their spare time and notices that he's left-handed. The following interaction occurs:
Sherman: You're left-handed?
Connor: Yeah... Is that bad?
Sherman: No, it's good. It's a competitive advantage
Connor, skeptical: How so?
Sherman: Most people who are trained to fight are given right-handed opponents. So to them, naturally, you'd be an anomaly, trickier to beat because you're coming at them from an angle they don't expect. You, however, have been fighting normal people your whole life.
Connor: Hey!
Sherman: You have the advantage.
Connor, considering this: What if my opponent is also left-handed?
Sherman, swaps his sword to his left hand: Let's find out.
Connor: You're left-handed?
Sherman: Ambidextrous.
Connor scoffs: You're even less normal than me.
Sherman: Shut up.
BONUS HC! It shall definitely be in A fic if not THE fic so stay tuned :3 I'll bullet point this one.
This happens when the relationship is pretty much established. So let's say Pre TOA, post HOO? Around there
Sherman wants to take Connor on a date. Like a proper date because let's face it, there aren't many options within their environment and circumstances. War after war, confined to the borders of camp? Nah, there's no romance to be had there.
So Sherman asks Katie and Travis for ideas since they are the happiest couple he knows other than Percy and Annabeth. And Travis is his brother and knows him best.
Katie suggests he take him on a picnic.
Sherman thinks that's a rad idea!
Now he just has to find out what Connor likes to eat
So he asks Travis
Big mistake
Travis snickers (first clue. Goes right over his head)
He looks Sherman in the eye and says Connor just loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He insists upon this.
Strawberry jelly in particular. "And remember, it MUST be strawberry jelly."
Sherman loves peanut butter and jelly! He thinks "wow, this is so easy!" Thinks nothing of Travis's devious look and the fact that Katie is shooting him weird glances.
He thanks the couple and leaves
Fast forward to the date
Sherman presents the sandwiches which he lovingly made with his own two hands. This much he tells Connor
Connor looks at the sandwiches with real fear in his eyes (clue number 2!)
Connor asks "so this is a peanut butter sandwich?"
Sherman nods
"with strawberry jelly?"
Sherman nods again, his excitement waning a little at the line of questioning
"Mhm. And did Travis happen to tell you that I like peanut butter and strawberry jelly?" (Clue number 3)
"Yes? Is there a problem?" Sherman's disappointed look makes Connor reconsider what he's about to say so he just says "no, of course there's no problem" followed by nervous laughter. (Clue number 4)
Connor takes his sweet time biting into the thing but once he does shit goes down.
It is here we find out Connor is allergic to peanuts AND strawberries.
Sherman fireman carries him to the infirmary. Will supplies an EpiPen. Crisis averted. Travis arrives having seen Sherman's frantic rush.
Sherman yells at him. "Why didn't you tell me he was allergic!"
Travis has the decency to look at least a little guilty. "Okay, but in my defence, I didn't think he would actually eat it."
Later Connor tells him that it was the most delicious poison he's ever eaten
This will find a way into a fic at some point. I just wanted to get it off my chest though.
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emblemxeno · 9 months
I've been playing Fates again (thanks gay fates mod ily kiss kiss) and after (re)reading through counter-critiques of its story and generally thinking about it again I'm kinda left with the following thoughts and wanted to share as you're our resident Fates Was Good, Actually blogger.
a) so much of Fates critique falls into cinemasins-level "this isn't explicitly stated therefore BAD" territory (or otherwise stuff that shouldn't be, and often isn't, a problem in other games in the series)
b) we wouldn't need to bring up the Japanese script in contrast with the localization in the first place if the fandom hadn't completely poisoned the well in regards to talking about Fates' story. I had no idea about any of the localization changes my first play-through and I still thought Fates' plot was fine. Good, even!
The fatescourse is what made me leave the fandom around the time 3H came out, and every time I take a peek back in the subreddit or other fandom spaces it still seems to be just as much of a toxic cesspool as ever. Which sucks because I want to talk about Blorbo from my Emblems again, but I really don't want to have to deal with The Discourse & general toxicity
Hope you don't mind me posting this!
I feel you 100% and the sentiments are very appreciated, thanks!
For your first point, yeah, that's what it feels like. Saying it's CinemaSins-esque feels like a low blow, but it honestly does remind me of those videos. And they aren't meant to be actual critique! They're sarcastic entertainment and little else! But so much of Fates criticism is "why doesn't X just do Y? never explained by in-game text, so therefore story bad" or "why isn't Z plot point expanded upon? game never tells me so story bad." It's cheap and shallow, above all else. It's reminiscent of the Blue Curtains literary discourse, in that people only go with what's written explicitly rather than connect the dots from plot point to plot point. You're supposed to connect Azura's pacifying song to Mikoto's pacifying magic to Valla's history of magical development due to being directly blessed by Anankos; same with the crystal ball, water motifs, and future sight, those are all Valla-centered traits. But because the game never says "oh this is because of Valla", people think the place is just a nameless evil nation with no history or unique aspects.
For your second point, god, yes. Soooo many take any localization criticism as either a) alignment with unsavory anti-censorship anti-sjw chuds who are mostly complaining about not getting to boink lolis or b) not worth the time because "it wasn't gonna make a bad story any better anyway" which is such a gutter thing to say because localizations have literally changed things and removed crucial information in the series before Fates. The big examples being stuff with the Black Knight in the Tellius games, the long script removal in Radiant Dawn, and lines relating to Nergal's backstory in FE7 being mistranslated. Awakening had its share of localization discourse and criticism due to characters like Henry being changed, as well.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a little resentful that 3H of all games is when people started giving a shit, cuz now that a "good game with a good story is being affected, it's now worth our time."
Plus this shit is still happening, considering that FEH consistently gets stuff wrong or mistranslated to this day.
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nyanashima · 2 years
The Brothers with an MC who has OCD
INCREDIBLY self-indulgent as I haven't seen many OCD MC posts, and I needed some blorbo comfort.
Since OCD is often misrepresented in media, feel free to write in with other obsessions/etc if you feel so inclined. I'll try my best to write about them in another post :)
Content warnings: contamination triggers, symmetry/perfection obsessions, self-destructive compulsions. Stay safe y'all &lt;3
Please let me know if I missed any triggers in the tags!
He already knows.
Lucifer read up on you before you came. He knows what you struggle with and how it affects you, at least to some degree. He has to do Diavolo proud, and that includes staying on top of the exchange student’s wellbeing.
It's through living with you that really helps Lucifer get a better understanding of your triggers. After all, you can only get so much from reading the DSM-5
He sees you erase and rewrite your notes in class, over and over, until you’re completely behind on the lecture. He hovers silently in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you arrange the dishes symmetrically in the cupboard
He notices your hands, dry and cracked and sometimes bleeding from washing and sanitizing. He sees your midnight laundry runs after Mammon makes himself at home in your room, and how the bleach wipes disappear much faster than they did before. Lucifer watches your breathing quicken for all the wrong reasons when Asmo hangs off your arm.
He feels bad. It’s not like he can comfort you, with him being emotionally constipated and all. So he does the next best thing: problem solve.
Lucifer calls you to his study one night. You poke your head in, anticipating some sort of punishment— instead, he invites you to sit down for an honest conversation.
He doesn’t pry. As a private person, he understands keeping your emotions guarded. He does, however, make it clear he sees the toll they're taking on you.
He offers treatment— if you’re unmedicated, would you like to see someone for the anxiety? Would you benefit from therapy? He’d be happy to accompany you to the human world for your appointments, if that’s what you need.
Of course, lecturing his brothers about their behaviour is always on the table.
If none of those sound right, he finds himself staring at his gloves. He offers to update your wardrobe to something that better suits your needs— your jacket buttoning in the middle rather than off to one side, gloves to avoid direct touch, you name it. It’s yours.
“I want to help you, MC. Not out of pity, I simply don’t want to see a loved one in pain. Tell me what you need, and you’ll get it— you have my word.”
Hoo boy.
Yeah, you’re gonna have to tell him, or ask Lucifer to tell him for you.
He’s a tactile guy. He’s always dragging you by the arm, yanking your jacket, ruffling your hair, and Devil knows what else.
Once you tell him, you’re probably gonna have to explain it a bit. It’s been a while since he’s paid attention to human emotions lol.
After that, he’s fantastic– well, he tries. Old habits die hard.
He recoils like he just touched a hot stove the second his fingers brush your skin. He always follows it up with a “Shit– sorry.”
If you’re particular about how you keep your room, again, he tries not to touch anything impulse control strikes again.
He will get it eventually, but for the first little while it’s probably best to hang out in his room.
If you don’t want the others to know, he’ll be even more protective than before when they get touchy. It’s hard to bite his tongue, but he’ll play it off like his usual possessiveness. He’s surprisingly good at keeping it a secret.
If you’re fine with them knowing, he will NOT hesitate to give them an earful. You’re his human, and nobody touches you unless you say it’s okay!
Doesn’t really understand the symmetry or perfection stuff, but hey, everyone’s different. He’ll wait for you if you have to bump your other shoulder against the doorframe until it’s even.
Overall very supportive. A little confused, but he’s got the spirit.
“…Huh. Well, as yer first, it’s still my job to take care of ya. That means this, too– so don’t think The Great Mammon’s gonna let it bother ya again, y’hear?”
Picks up on it a little, but doesn’t quite connect the dots
Not super familiar with human mental illnesses… He’d notice some of your unusual behaviours, but assume they’re just quirks.
Somehow fails to realize some of his quirks are because he’s neurodivergent too (it’s okay buddy we’ve all been there)
TOTALLY understands when you tell him. Well, kind of. At first he thinks you just don’t want him touching you, but after you explain it he’ll rant with you for hours. It’s not the same as the existential dread that comes from lending someone a pencil, but he gets being particular and nervous about your stuff.
He’ll get a special blanket for you to sit on while gaming in his room, only for your ass and therefore your germs. Will get you your own controller for the same reason (and maybe a matching one for himself teehee). No one else is allowed to touch your stuff, not even him— he’ll pick them up with gloves or a Kleenex if he needs to move them, even when you’re not around.
I don’t really have much more to say about him? Just tell him what you need him to do and he’ll do it without hesitation. Super respectful and understanding.
“Y’know… You don’t have to feel bad about it, okay? You’ll always be my Henry, so as long as we can still play games and stuff, I’m happy. And even if we can’t! I’ll do what I can to make you more comfortable, so you can always hide out in here if outside becomes too much… AARAARRUGHGHHUG DSJVNALVBSLKJN WHAT AM I SAYING that was so cringe forget I said anything ok bye”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t diagnose you the second you fall through the portal.
Instead, he watches you go about your day, and notices something’s off. Then he researches.
And then he does tests.
Not exactly the most empathetic guy, considering the fact that he, y’know, tortured people. So at first he’s not opposed to giving you a spit wash. He wants to see how you’ll react, and how much you can take.
Once you get closer, he catches on and starts acting according to what he thinks you need.
He’ll set cutlery aside for you when he does the dishes, he’ll leave your laundry alone when you forget it in the dryer (but nag you to come get it so he can swap out his clothes), et cetera.
If you open up to him about it, his curious nature takes hold. Hope you’re ready for an interrogation interview, because he’s got LOTS of questions.
Lets you vent to him and will bitch in return. He’s neurodivergent as fuck so likelihood is he gets irked by the same stuff
“MC, I’ve lived with my brothers for millennia. If you think some odd habits are going to bother me, you’re sorely mistaken. All that matters is that you’re happy. If you ever need anything, please come to me first. I’ll do everything in my power to help.”
Doesn’t really get it, but he’ll go along and be respectful.
He’ll have a hard time not getting touchy at first, but like Mammon, he jerks away and apologizes once he catches himself.
Kicks himself every time because consent is suuuuper important to him (same with the other bros but. Y’know). Learns to keep his hands to himself pretty quick
Gives you tons of lotions, salves, and moisturizers to keep your hands in good shape if they get dry from washing
Will modify your spa days to make them more comfortable for you
Interrogates you about your clothing needs.
What textures work best for you?
Are there any patterns or cuts you can’t wear, or any you prefer?
Tell him everything. He’ll keep it in mind when dressing you up
Will not hesitate to tear someone to shreds if they say anything rude to you. He can pinpoint someone’s biggest insecurities in two seconds flat, and he will.
He might not understand, but that doesn’t stop him from loving and protecting you fiercely and unconditionally.
“Oh, hon, why didn’t you say so before! I’ll try to keep my hands to myself from now on. It’ll be hard, though, considering just how cute you are~!”
This boy…
He loves his family. We know this.
Beel’s devoted quite a bit of time to learning about how his brothers’ brains work. He’s probably one of the most prepared and mindful of the bunch.
When you tell him, he accepts it without question.
He’ll prod for more information, if you’re willing to share, but gets it if you don’t wanna talk about it. If you do, he’ll listen for hours.
Loves to learn about you, period. OCD can be such a complex and significant piece of someone’s feelings and behaviour, so while he doesn’t like the parts that upset you, he’ll take in any information you give. He remembers every single word and puts it all to use. Just wants you to feel more at ease
Examples of things I think he’d do:
Put the dishes away symmetrically when it’s his turn to wash them, and push them into place if he notices they’ve shifted
Put takeout onto a clean plate for you so you don’t have to touch the container
If he sees any of your things laying about the house, he’ll use the dog poop maneuver to pick it up with a plastic bag and stick it in your room so no one else touches it
He’s just. Really thoughtful. And he loves you so much
“Alright, I think I get it. That must be hard. I’m here if you need to talk, okay?”
Doesn’t really notice lol. Unless you’re recoiling every time he goes to touch you, he’s clueless
Familiar with human mental illness, but may need a refresher. It’s been a while since he’s seen a human, or, y’know, been allowed outside
Will IMMEDIATELY stop touching you as soon as you set your boundaries. Belphie is very good at breaking habits and doesn’t really rely on one specific way of showing affection, so it is what it is
He’s bummed if you can’t nap with him, of course. It doesn’t take him long to find a workaround, though— he gives you two stuffed animals. You cuddle one until it smells like you, then give it to him and take the other one. He snuggles the first until it loses its “MC smell,” washes it, and gives it back to you. You give him the second one, and the cycle continues
Can’t really empathize, but he can offer a shoulder to cry on and a “that sucks” when you need it. Great listener until he falls asleep lmao
Belphie isn’t considerate in the way Beel is, but he’s still considerate. The difference is energy, really— he can’t really put in much effort, but he does remember what your triggers are and to be respectful. So while he won’t reorganize any shelves for you, he’ll remind his brothers of little things to make your life easier.
“Damn that’s crazy. Anyway”
“Oh, okay. That kind of makes sense. Is there… anything you want me to do?”
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I'd be interested in those writing shortcuts 👀 (don't feel pressured though)
Yeah sure! This is in reference to this and this posts.
These are all pretty 'fic style' stories, because they scaffold off pre-existing canon. It's like you're walking inside of a pre-built house and you're putting up new wallpaper and designing the rooms. Novel style is like if you're building the entire house. So these are really great for fun and if you have writer's block or have problems starting a story. They're also really good if you're practicing your dialogue, scene composition, characterization, etc - they are not good for developing skills on how to build the house, but if you're trying to work on actually making a readable story they're great methods to practice. They're also a lot easier to make good lol.
While writing these out I realized that they're almost entirely AUs. This is because I like AUs. You don't have to do AUs, you can adapt these however you want if you just like writing canon. Loser. Anyway, these are my low-effort stories:
A series of disconnected scenes that take place over a long period of time. If you have an idea in mind (or you just want to use the OG work's timeline), then you can show scenes or moments over a long period in time. For example, ages ago I wrote an AU story following the life of one character. One scene for 2008, one for 2010, one for 2012 etc.
Rewriting canon. If you have an AU idea or have a way in mind to change canon to something you think fucks harder, then you can use pre-existing episodes or season plotlines and just add your own flavor to what already exists. If you write for BNHA you aren't allowed to do this. That's the rule. How is all BNHA fic 600k AUs where one extremely minor detail is changed. God they're boring.
Alternate viewpoint/missing scene of a story you have. Like you can do this for canon too but that sounds super boring. This is actually something I do in order to help the quality of the main story - if I'm finding myself writing a super complicated character, I write another story about him from his POV to help give me a handle on him. Or write her parts of the story from her perspective. It's a writing exercise to help me figure out the character and it is also easy and fun.
"X Meets Y". Do you really like Legally Blonde? Do you think your favorite character being Elle Woods would be really funny? Stuff like that. Would it be really funny if your blorbo was Sharpay Evans? Yes it would be. Yeah I DID write a story many years ago that was "X meets Teen Beach Movie", why?
I don't know how many other people out there have extremely convoluted entire AU ideas, but if you have the whole AU in your mind then it is incredibly easy to write little stories or snippets from the AU. Like, so easy. A stand-out scene in your mind, the life of one supporting character, an alternate POV, whatever. Literally whenever I want to write something absolutely 0 effort whatsoever I go back to one of my 3 bugfuck stupid AUs and write something for them again.
This is actually something I think everybody should do, because it is basically how I learned story structure: find the trashiest, most formulaic genre you can. Watch or read something from that genre, or just collect genre conventions. Use the pre-packaged and pre-written formula to structure your own story and fill in the blanks.
(Also, these aren't very tropey or reliant on shipping/romance beats, which is nice if you want to get away from that stuff)
Nowadays, I find all of that helpful when I feel like doing something 0 effort. When I was a less experienced writer and I deadass did not know how to build a house, then these were really helpful for learning what wallpaper looks good and what arrangement of furniture creates good fung shui and what couches go best with that coffee table. They're also good passing. Seriously, these are like the most popular stories on my AO3. People eat this shit up. Why. They're so lazy.
IDK, these are what I do because they're the kinds of stories I like to write! What you find easy to write will be different. This is all a very personal list. I can see my personal thumbprint (no romance, AU central) really clearly. I'm kind of curious now: what are y'all's favorite low-effort, easy, fun stories to write?
Also as a heads up if your story doesn't have any sort of conflict in it, then it will actually very difficult to write. Trust me. Conflict makes you voom. Do it. Please. Love of god.
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miya-twins · 5 months
the twins, aran, yachi, and ushijima? 👀
thanks for the ask!! I shall copy you and give the bingo and my opinions because the bingo doesn't always encapsulate my feelings,,,
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literally he is the Blorbo. the main obsession. my little guy. I'm thinking about him practically 24/7. I care so much about his chracter arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I want him to suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. ahem. anyway. no surprises. you've seen the blog's name and its content.
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obviously he is Blorbo Number 2. you can't have one twin without the other. I love thinking about his character arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I wanna see him suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. yes I said this before but it's just as true for osamu. also yeah the only difference in the bingo is people are less mean to osamu and I can't fool myself into thinking atsumu wouldn't be too annoying for me to kiss. I can fool myself for osamu tho even tho realistically he's probably just as annoying but that's not my problem.
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what can I say y'all are sleeping on him. he's such an interesting guy and every time someone gives the twins another childhood/best friend I'm internally like hello? they already have one of those? his name is aran???? why are you putting other characters where he belongs? anyway I love how silly he is and how easily he gets swept up by the twins' antics and I'm so proud of him for how far he's come. 10/10 would go on boba date with.
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god I love her like that's my girl!!! she's so cute and relatable and funny and her story in s2 was one of the best in the whole series. literally every time she smiles it's like the sun rises. would vote best girl in any poll. genuinely think about her a lot even though she doesn't have much relation to my main guys which tells you how serious I am about her
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I'm sorry the board looks so empty but frankly none of these options accurately describe my thoughts on him. because I do have a lot of thoughts. genuinely he's such a well-written character, and I love all the relationships he has in the series, with tendou, with his dad, with sakusa, with oikawa!!! but even with all these thoughts and genuine appreciation I don't have that many actual feelings in regards to him... at least not unprompted. I like seeing him around and maybe I'll put him somewhere as a cool side character in my thoughts but I'm just not obsessed with him. but his story is good and he's so important to hq overall... maybe if we'd gotten that shiratorizawa/inarizaki match I'd be frothing at the mouth thinking about him... but alas I just quietly appreciate him
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garthofshayeris · 9 months
OKAY. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. It was very fun and it did not have the problem of too many villains that I was expecting based on everything I read. If that was the result of the rewrites and reshoots, I am happy for them.
A lot of the visuals and smaller adventures felt very Silver Age! There were certain creatures that were directly from the 60s, which I appreciated. Topo was lovely. If you know me, you know one of my major gripes with some of the recent Aquaman comics is that they do not lean into the animal sidekick thing anymore. And the group of whales straight up killing all those people? THAT is the Aquaman content I like to see.
The horror elements were just enough to balance out the sillier parts. Although I knew Arthur Jr was never in any actual danger, this is the closest DC has come since the 70s to making it even somewhat realistic that they would kill a baby. Like, I knew they wouldn't. But for once I said to myself, "they've established this enough that I believe this threat." You know my stance on DC trying to bait another Death of a Prince...
The cursed Trident possessing Manta was giving such Preboot Orm vibes. I liked it, I appreciate a slow possession arc. Manta was scary and felt like a real threat, which is difficult to achieve when he's a human and he's fighting people so much stronger than him. Shin was also SO good, you knew he was going to redeem himself but it still felt very natural for him to do so. Idk why Manta trusted him with the baby duffel bag tho, after all the times Shin clearly was snooping and giving Manta disapproving looks. Also why did they put that baby in a duffel bag lmao
Overall, it was a pretty straightforward story that felt easy to follow. This isn't always the case for superhero films, so it was refreshing. And a good end to the franchise. This actually felt like it would have been a great end to a TRILOGY, and that we were missing a middle story...
Not to make this about me and my blorbo but.......this would have made a lot more sense as a story about Arthur and Garth. I'm sorry, but it's true. Every time I saw a Silver Age reference, I just said to myself "oh yeah, that's a story with Aqualad in it, but now it's Orm." I KNOW that Orm needed his lil redemption arc, but if Patrick Wilson was not besties with James Wan, I don't think he would have gotten one.
Because Kordax was Slizzath. He just was. They took Slizzath's story and renamed him Kordax. So many parts of the movie I was like "this is adapted from Tempest (1996)" BUT IF THEY HAD USED SLIZZATH WITHOUT GARTH I WOULD HAVE BEEN PISSED so I get it but I don't get it, you know? But Kordax was just Slizzath.
I posted a few years ago about my ideal Aquaman trilogy, and tbh this felt like my ideal third movie, plot-wise and tone-wise......except my vision was about Garth, not Orm. Orm could be there, I guess, but imo he should have had a sequel redemption and then the third movie should have introduced the evil sorcerer thing. It would have made perfect sense to need Atlan's blood, thinking they're fine because they saved the baby but then Garth accidentally bleeds on the altar and unlocking his powers, and releasing Slizzath. PLUS then he could freeze the ice caps again with his new found powers lmao I'm worried about the implications.........nobody in this universe has ice powers.....
I get that it would have been hard to introduce a new character for a sequel with absolutely no chance at a third movie, so I do understand that Garth was never an option....but holy shit, Garth would have been a perfect fit for this movie.
AGAIN, not to make it about my blorbo .......
also I cannot believe they killed Vulko via plague?? I almost laughed out loud. It's absolutely because they could not reconcile that if Vulko was alive, Arthur would not need Orm's help lmao RIP Vulko I choose to believe you were hanging around as a ghost like in Vol 5
One last gripe but omg Atlan's trident looked so BAD in some scenes??? It looked very prop-like, and not metal at all??? did anyone else notice it? It's really bad on the iceberg scene. The costumes were actually great but omg that trident prop lmao
OVERALL, it was a really fun movie. I'm happy to say that I liked it. I think it will get bad critic reviews and really good audience reviews. It just felt very fun and heartfelt. The action scenes were also well lit and easy to follow, and that alone should convince people to see it
I'm going to see it again tomorrow and I want to make a list of the other random things that I noticed. I know I'm missing a lot. How did ya'll feel about it??
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max-nico · 11 months
I just wanna let you know that your writing is living rent free in my mind and is actively fueling my sonic obsession ♥️♥️♥️/pos
If you're still doing them do you have any headcanons for Knuckles Sonic and Shadow? (the blorbos)
AHHHHH thank you sm sm !!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾
I'm unsure if you mean separate or as a team/working together so I'll try to squirrel in a little of both. I hope this is to your liking 🔥
As a team
I'm pretty sure any team with Sonic on it is just referred to as team Sonic ngl, I don't know what they would be called anyway? Just bc they have so many conflicting traits
They'd probably end up with something generic like team Force or smthn
They all have a music preference but don't mind the music the others listen to
They bond mostly by beating each other up. It's all in good fun. Kinda.
All three of them are quiet one on one but are nothing except overstimulating when together
Sharing Tails is actually the worst thing to ever happen to them, as well as Tails. They fight constantly. All the time.
They rarely ever actually say things that would cause emotional damage, and they're all horrible at apologizing, but they're all learning together. Since everyone understands hating emotional vulnerability so well they cut each other some slack
Normally only two people are fighting at the same time, allowing the other one to act as a mediator. Though, three-way fights aren't unheard-of, and they usually get over it after punching each other a bunch instead of talking through it
Shadow and Knuckles take great joy in teaming up against Sonic when he gets too cocky
Group costume except they all showed up as the same thing on accident and started brawling because of it
Argue like brothers. Everyone is tired of them. Everyone. However, when it comes down to it if you upset one of them you upset all of them. Especially if you upset Sonic, the other two have way less restraint than him. You will get jumped I fear
None of them keep track of anything. They lose things constantly. Important documents? Yeah they're gone. Why'd you even give them those? At this point it's your fault you know how they are. Shadow is the only one with an excuse (I headcanon Shadow still suffers from short term memory problems many years after his not-really death)
None of their sleep schedules line up. Ever. Someone is always running on empty and is cranky all day.
Sonic is an early bird and takes naps throughout the day. Shadow is a night owl and doesn't really need to sleep as much as the average person. Knuckles goes to sleep super super early and has the sleep schedule of an old man
Shadow spends a lot of time trying to figure out newer technology. Despite being the ultimate lifeform it just really doesn't come naturally to him
Knuckles is the same way except he doesn't care, and only really tries when Tails asks him to
Sonic ends up being shorter than most if not all his friends and is very salty about it
Sonic and Knuckles are audhd
Shadow is autistic OCD <- projecting
Shadow's house is covered in incense. Every room has one. They're all lavender scented.
Shadow hates change, Sonic has mixed feelings
Knuckles is a chronic headache haver. Like no wonder he's always in a bad mood, do you know how hard it is to get Advil when you live on a floating rock
It's okay, Knuckles has tons of natural/organic remedies for most sickness anyway
Sonic is really good at charades
Shadow is super sentimental and refuses to admit it, he has lots of old mementos that he simply refuses to acknowledge but can't bring himself to throw away
Knuckles is fluent in multiple dead languages
Sonic and Knuckles are both super into geography, one is way better than the other one at it but you can choose which is which lol
Knuckles likes grapes but can't stand any of the faux grape flavors of processed foods. He wants grape flavor not purple flavor.
On the same wavelength, he doesn't really f/w processed food in general. He spends most of his time foraging and making his own foods from scratch, most processed foods make him sick
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sunriseverse · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
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@strandedchesspiece @commandersya @lucientelrunya @killerandhealerqueen thank you all for the asks!!! so sorry it took forever TT^TT anyway here's my current favourite five fics (this ranking changes constantly based on my mood).
1. the sun telling the same lies about how beautiful the world is
MY BELOVED SUNRISE FIC!!!! sha hai parallel............except i am also changing some things because i love canon enough to know that sometimes it's kind of shit. arguably just an excuse for me to do more worldbuilding, but hey! gen, for now.
2. something in the way you're looking through my eyes
my zmyx/swwht chapterfic............which i swear i'm going to update. SOON!!!!! soon. as soon as i can put one word after another and make a plot. this is a psych au with the caveat that it's........also kind of canon-based? as in, the doors are there. sort of? it's complicated. it's not the type of fic i usually write because i have. complicated emotions about psych institutions but i am trying to push myself artistically this year!!!!!! so here it is. with a good dose of "i WILL give my blorbos problems". nanqiu endgame of course.
3. this wild, beautiful thing
my agenda to make every male character i come into contact with and even vaguely like a lesbian. plus, kind of a character study, because i can't shut up. heihua, with so many feels.
4. best laid plans
honestly i think this fic is the origin point for me doing whatever insane concept i want to at the moment in the past year and a half. tiesanjiao (romantic). my favourite tags i've ever used are on this fic: "the ethics of this situation take inspiration from novel!wu xie, by which i mean ethics? she’s barely met her!"
5. haunted love
hualesbians.....................putting this one on here because someone left me a comment on it early this morning and i was like "oh yeah i wrote that!" anyway it's a mixture of lore and absurd tenderness. there is an intimate bath scene. there is protectiveness and possessiveness. there is even, in fact, tentacles. hualian, of course.
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tizzyizzy · 2 years
When Izzy Enthusiasts argue with Izzy Misunderstanders, I can almost see the IMs shaking their heads in disbelief. How, they wonder, can IEs refuse to see what is in front of their faces?
What Izzy Misunderstanders don't understand is that the vast majority of Izzy Enthusiasts know Izzy is a dick.
We disagree on two points.
Izzy's level of dickishness relative to other characters in the show and the specific ways in which he is a dick.
For example, an IM might come out of ep4 thinking Ed is charming and fun, while Izzy is a mean jerk who is always yelling at people. Said IM might say Izzy is a worse person than Ed, morally speaking. But doing that means ignoring that...
Ed ordered this attack which benefited none of the crew, only himself. Three men died for a whim.
Despite being friendly with the crew, Ed was down for murdering them just like Izzy.
Ed intentionally keeps information from Izzy, a crew member, causing him emotional distress and preventing Ed's mistake from being caught.
Izzy is the one who brings up the dead men as a point of concern.
Izzy ends up doing extra work, whether that's asking for a plan or managing the crew, because Ed is with Bonnet.
Now, does Izzy act like an asshole in general in the episode? Absolutely. But so does Ed, and a real argument can be made that Ed's recklessness and lack of care had much greater consequences than Izzy's yelling.
Then there is the matter of the ways Izzy is a dick. IMs see Izzy yelling and causing problems and say, "This is because he wants to hurt others for no reason."
But effect and motivation are not the same. Izzy almost always has some greater goal in mind when he behaves badly, sometimes even a positive one. There's a difference between yelling at people to do stuff because you're a pirate and first mate and this is your job, and doing so because you want to hurt someone's feelings. There's a difference between killing your captain's boyfriend because you're afraid he's being seduced into a relationship that will ultimately hurt and weaken him and doing so because you just want him to be unhappy.
"But," IMs say, "the consequences are the same!"
Yeah? No one said Izzy wasn't an asshole who never does shitty things, at least not unironically. And let's not pretend that this argument isn't applied selectively. Many IMs who condemn Izzy will give every justification imaginable for why circumstances made their blorbo's bad choice forgiveable.
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semi-sketchy · 8 months
I guess I'll give my Sonic Prime thoughts now.
Yeah the show is pretty ehh and honestly I don't feel like trying to write a deep dive into why right now, so this is just my ramblings.
Many people have already criticized how poorly paced season 3 was, how bad Thorn's episodes are, what that ending even was (seriously, where did Shadow even take the Prism...? Did everyone else make it back to their worlds okay...? WTF was the outcome with Nine?) I agree with that so I'm not gonna repeat it all.
The premise itself had more potential, but it's just so...generic. I know, the idea of Sonic traveling across a multiverse of other canons was never going to happen, but the alternative of Sea World™ and Jungle World™ were so bland it hurts.
I wonder if part of the visual blandness is from the 3D. I know, as a show and not a movie, it has a very different budget, but I believe Boom had better and more lively environments. It's like the entire set modeling budget went to New Yoke while everywhere else got completely shafted.
Which...why was New Yoke the only place that got an Eggman? Er...Eggmen? Like I know the idea of there only being one Sonic is because he broke the Prism, Shadow doesn't have counterparts because he wasn't in the cave, but neither was Big? Like happy to see Big, but also I'm wondering where the consistency is.
Though all the counterparts are so stereotypical it hurts. I think Dread was the one I found the most compelling, though maybe I just like pirates. Also is it bad when Chaos Sonic showed up and even Sonic was like "do you EVER shut up?" all I could think about was IDW like that guy was ANNOYING AF
As for Sonic, he is VERY vocal in this show. If he's not talking, he's grunting or screaming. It's like the audio department didn't know what to do if a character wasn't making noise, like YouTuber who constantly uses jumpcuts to hopefully keep your attention. That's what it felt like. In a cinematic story, sometimes silence is better, but nope! Sonic is falling again! He got hit! He's running really fast! It's like they use the same 3 high energy sound clips for the whole show and I just got tired of it. It's not the VA's fault, this is entirely on the audio mixing/direction and it's only really a problem with Sonic because he's made out to be a clumsy, lovable and meme-worthy dork.
Sonic himself really is the biggest problem for me. Even putting aside how OOC he is, his shtick is just...tiresome. He's the idiotic embodiment of stereotypical ADHD. He's designed to be marketable as a silly internet blorbo rather than a compelling character. It's kind of hard to look past how the show heralds him for his emotional talks bringing everyone together when it's so...shallow.
There are some parts of the show I found compelling, like I know many disagree with this, but honestly? Shadow was the best part. Sonic and Shadow fights are cool and I liked how he had a solid reason to be angry. Not like Boom where he just shows up to kick Sonic's teeth in because he can. No, Sonic broke reality and Shadow is pissed about that! Trying to simply fix it himself when he's been watching Sonic stumble through all these Shatterspaces going "huh aren't you my friends?" eight times like an absolute buffoon tracks to me. Maybe if Sonic was written competently I would think it's silly, but if Sonic is going to be this dumb, yeah Shadow was right to try and take the reins. Although I realize the biggest reason people like him is because Sonadow, I'm just happy to see him not being a mean edgelord.
I don't really have more to say about the series than this because it's just a bowl of nothing soup. I can see an attempt to blend action and comedy, similar to Boom, but the jokes aren't funny and the action isn't exciting. Boom recognized its strong suit was comedy and focused more on that while Prime just slowly got worse.
Legit the only thing that improves over the course of the series is the overuse of flashbacks, thankfully that's relegated mostly to season 1, but everything else just goes downhill. The pacing suffers, dialogue gets repeated at agony and Prism Sonic wasn't even made interesting.
The conflicts aren't good, the slapstick is bad and honestly the best joke in the series is when they all had to keep pausing and ducking under the laser in episode 2. The whole thing is just so...forgettable.
I think at some point in a year or two, after I get through all the other Sonic cartoons, I'll rewatch Prime and see if I change my mind at all. Though for now, I'm glad it's finally over.
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Hey what if I did, like, a lets play of On Air Island but! an interactive one where we collectively choose the next option (via a poll) would anyone play with me
Um yeah to expound on that thought
What's On Air Island?
On Air Island is a game I'm currently brainrotting about.
The genre is stated as horror/thriller but even if you're not a fan of these genres id say still check it out because im not a fan either and Yet
This is perhaps because the game has a strong mystery element and encourages multiple replays/going back to try out different options (theres a really comfortable to use mechanic for that too!) so theres this drive to uncover more of the story. Which is why I'm still playing despite having finished all 40 endings already (yes, thats forty endings)
Quick plot blurb: the plot follows the cast and crew of a survival show called 'Never Stop Watching!' set up on a remote island. The show's unique setting is that every cast member streams their experience, and the winner is determined by the number of donations they receive on their stream. However, the island is not as simple as it appears, and soon enough the rankings will be the least of the cast's problems! (Que horror/thriller elements)
Why interactive Let's Play?
The thing I found the most refreshing about OAI is that you, the player, do not play as the protagonist, but rather as one of the viewers on the protagonist's stream. When the absence of 'i would not fucking say/do that' experience hits lol. Because of such setting, aside from the main cast, the presence of Observers - the fellow viewers - is strongly felt throughout the story as well. EzraHanse girlies in the chat you will always be famous. And... sometimes other Observers have completely different ideas about what's good for blorbo from your streams!
Then, since I run a poll aggregator blog and see like hundreds of polls a day, the vision of in-game choices and tumblr polls overlapped in my brain...
...and I thought, hey, wouldn't it be extremely atmospheric and true to in-game experience to have a bunch of people chipping in to determine the advice and tasks the protagonist receives from his viewers? Thus, the idea of doing an interactive lets play was born.
What are the pros of participating in the Let's Play, instead of just playing the game?
Well, first of all, this is absolutely my dastardly plan to make y'all play the game, make no mistake!
That said, if you aren't sure you are interested in playing it, you can experience the story in bite-sized chunks (i just vidded the prologue up to the first choice, and its less than 2 minutes!) on a semi-daily basis, with a little dopamine hit of clickin' the button at the end <3
Another thing is that making 'a donation' - ie, a choice in game - requires in-game currency. There are various ways to farm currency and there are almost always cheaper choices available, however! Since I already played and replayed multiple times, I have many choices unlocked, and it'll be easy for me to farm for the remaining ones. Especially now that I got all the endings and the desire to find the best one no longer plagues me so. So - you can experience the game while avoiding the grind!
And, ofc, as I've mentioned before, having many viewers/Observers would be very true to the atmosphere of the game. Ideally, I would hope for some discussion in the comments too, to parallel the in-game chat! This is also why I hope people who already played the game will participate too 👉👈 The more Observers we have the better, right? ;3
What if I don't vibe with watching videos / miss something / etc?
I'm planning to have a transcript available for each video, and something like a story-so-far post that you can check out to get up to date at any point. I also figure I'll be adjusting the format along the way, if we can get this party started at all, so feel free to suggest improvements to me at any time!
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