#most ambitious crossover of 2022
basement-buddy · 2 years
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itshype · 10 months
Ao3 WIP Tag Game!
I was tagged by @nonamemanga a while ago but I didn't have time to do this until now! Thank you for thinking of me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Thirty Eight! (37 on my account and 1 that is currently anonymous!)
2. What's your AO3 word count? 170,914 (oooh!)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Netflix's Wednesday (2022), DC Comics (Mostly Batman), Danny Phantom. Other fandoms I have written for but I wouldn't consider myself as currently writing for are; Disney's Descendants first film, Teen Wolf, Fantastic Beasts and where to find them the first film and Netflix's The Witcher. If we're counting my long-abandoned fanfiction account I have also written Dr Who fic, I think maybe a Sherlock one and Without a Trace (2002-2009)
4. What are your Top 5 Fics by Kudos?
In ascending order:
5) Hang On, I Still Need You (Descendants)
4) The Captivating Case of Percy’s Imaginary Date (Fantastic Beasts)
3) Bad Boys, not Bad News (Teen Wolf)
2) Espy Me, While I Watch You (Teen Wolf)
1) a language they cannot understand (Teen Wolf)
5. Do you respond to comments? If I can think of something to say! I can't always though unfortunately.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I generally write the most unrepentant fluff so I think Once Bitten, Never Shy? But I still wouldn't classify that as angst.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, most of them are pretty happy! I'm not going to reread 38 fics to check but the overall fluffiest, happiest AU I've written that comes to mind is The Only Garden My Heart Will Ever Grow In.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't think I've gotten hate in my comments but I did get an unkind comment on Tumblr fairly recently saying I needed to get a lot more feedback before publishing (I do have betas) - amongst other less friendly suggestions.
9. Do you write smut? No sorry. When reading fics I'll be like "Hmm this unsafe-kink, publicly-set, PWP is a little too vanilla." But when writing I'm like, "They kiss...with the tongue....I guess."
10. Do you write cross-overs? Yep! A bunch! I haven't always loved crossovers but over the last few years I've really come to enjoy them. On my account is a few DC x DP fics (Danny Phantom and DC Comics) and one, very poorly written Batman and The Witcher I never want to think about again.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Niet.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yes! Not all of them are published and I don't think I currently have a cowritten fic on my ao3 account but yes, as a process. I enjoy it but also find it challenging to blend writing approaches and deal with time zones.
13. What is a WIP you would like to finish but doubt you ever will? All my fics are completed. However I just begun a new AU (Wyler) that's VERY ambitious so we'll see how that goes.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Malec. Have I ever written a Malec fic? No. Will I? Probably not. The fandom is low key intimidating. But in my heart I have so many AUs.
15. What are you writing strengths? I think my comedy and worldbuilding?? Maybe? I'd feel more confident if a reader of mine weighed in on this.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Length. It took me almost the whole year to get to the end of A Standing Reservation in the Eye of the Storm. I'll never be one of those people who can smash out 30k in a few days.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm not 1000% sure what this question refers to. I think it's important to check that any real-world language is written correctly. But with real-world languages AND conlangs, ensuring readability is so important. My preference is probably the sentence in English with the dialogue tags something like "he said in flawless Mando'a" but an immediate translation in parentheses at the end of the paragraph (hover text is good but doesn't work on mobile) is decent OR have the in-text reply make the dialogue fully evident:
"3456 234567 2345?"
"Oh, I love this song too, I'd love to dance with you!"
Encoded footnotes are alright, and my detested option is full separated out glossaries that give the meaning of each word used for me to string into correct order for each sentence. A headache.
18. First fandom you wrote for? Can't be sure...I think I was involved in a Five Find-Outers and Dog fanfic (not that I used that word) as a child that never made it near a computer, let alone the internet.
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? OH easily A million years ago, last night & at the end of all things (also known as AMYAL). The words flowed and I loved every moment. However, I did also love writing Espy Me, While I Watch You back in 2017. I wish the third story in the AMYAL verse came 1/3rd as easy.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day? None! Often after a fic is fully published I never think about it aga...That's all a total lie and I feel sad DAILY over the complete hash I made of Pry This Home From My Cold, Dead Mountain because I loved my au so much and I failed to show anyone why. It was just NOT good.
Tagging: @suchaladyy, @cosmic-lullaby, @katwitchwriting, & @writerrose1998 + @ohnomybreadsticks (If you'd like to be tagged please lmk and I'll add you ASAP!)
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laiqualaurelote · 5 months
Three-Legged Puppy Fics
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them.
we don't print retractions: Hamilton (Angelica Schuyler/John Barker Church, Alexander Hamilton/Eliza Schuyler, 2021)
This is a Hamilton AU where everyone works in journalism (except Peggy. Peggy works in marketing). It came to me because of the line from Washington On My Side - "we smack each other in the press and we don't print retractions" - and then I thought, what if they were the press? and also there really isn't enough good Angelica POV in this fandom when she is competent and ambitious and yes she and Hamilton have chemistry but what if they were also colleagues on the same footing, competing for the same front page? and so is Burr, while dying slowly of FOMO? Thomas Jefferson as the news editor from hell who probably once was a very good reporter but should absolutely not have been allowed to supervise other people? Eliza as the world's sweetest copyed? You just know Alexander would go ham if he got his own podcast. I have thought of journalism AUs for every fandom I have been in, it's just a question of fruition.
ain't practical, a world you can't touch: The English (Cornelia/Eli, 2022)
This was a Pushing Daisies AU prompted by a throwaway line in @sagiow's fic about Cornelia baking pies with her son. Many of my fic premises also come from taking things people say in shows literally and so when Eli said, "Ain't practical, a world you can't touch," a lightbulb went off in my head and then it became a way of giving them something better while taking away something else, an exchange that for me is necessary in any attempted fix-it for The English.
The Seven People You Meet In Mexico: The Sandman/Once Upon A Time In Mexico crossover (AO3 timestamp for this is 2013, which is when I got my account, but I'm gonna say 2007? 2008?)
When I was a teenager I had a Robert Rodriguez phase and a Johnny Depp phase (the latter has aged poorly) and the two dovetailed spectacularly in Once Upon A Time In Mexico. I honestly can't remember how this fic came about - maybe because it occurred to me that Sands probably was already acquainted with Delirium, and then it was just a question of him and El Mariachi meeting all the other Endless. It's been really strange revisiting this bit of juvenilia, especially after the Sandman Netflix.
Solving Your Life One Problem At A Time: Inglourious Basterds (Donny Donowitz/Smithson Utivich, 2010)
I also had a Tarantino phase as a teenager, and spent a heady few months in the Inglourious Basterds LiveJournal community (never been in a fandom with so much Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, ground was positively littered with them). This is a canon-divergent AU in which Operation Kino does not happen and nearly all the Basterds survive WWII; what would these completely deranged people do after the war in a civilian context? I have been thinking about Inglourious Basterds again recently because I am trying to learn Italian but I feel like Brad Pitt saying "Buongiorno" in the most godawful accent.
The Happiness Of Having Her With Me Unto Death: Great Expectations (one-sided Pip/Estella Havisham, 2009)
As part of my A-level revision I decided to write zombie apocalypse AUs for all of my literature texts. I managed Great Expectations and Proof (the David Auburn play about mathematics) but could not make zombie!Hamlet work.
I have always been obsessed with Estella Havisham. Someday I will write the AU where she arranges the "accidental" death of her abusive husband and teams up with Éponine Thénardier from Les Misérables and Maggie Tulliver from The Mill on the Floss, who have both survived their respective novels, to run a criminal empire. Estella is the Face, Maggie is the Brains and 'Ponine, she knows her way around. They blackmail Jaggers into helping them dodge the law. By the time Estella meets Pip again she is queen of the London underworld. She has finally, truly become her father's daughter.
Thank you @leupagus for the tag forever ago! Tagging - anyone who would like to give their rare fics some love. While we are at it I should add that @leupagus is one of the loveliest people I've had the good fortune to meet through fandom, she has been so kind to me even though she has no idea who I am, I could be a mermaid in a cistern for all she knows.
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phatburd · 6 months
([Yet Another] 'Questions for Fic Writers') Multiples of 9!
9. Have you ever collaborated with someone else on a fic?
I was in The Old Guard Reverse Bang 2022, and you can see the original post here.
I've never collaborated on a mutual writing project however, but maybe the current spate of Napoleonic roleplaying blogs qualifies. I didn't expect to hit angst with Murat so soon, but he'll be back to his glittery self soon at some point.
18. Are there any fics or authors that have been particularly influential or inspiring to you?
There's a number of authors who've influenced my fics, including Octavia Butler, Robert J. Sawyer, Marko Kloos, and John Scalzi. But the biggest influence by far is James S.A. Corey.
JSAC is actually two people -- Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. Everything about The Expanse (books and show) has been a huge inspiration in my fics. It's the incredibly detailed world building, it's the story pacing and structure, how to create memorable characters that leave an impression even if it's only for one scene. It's the brutal cold opens and even more vicious cliffhangers.
Andy Weir is another huge influence. He makes hard science easily accessible to audiences who might not be so knowledgeable. However, the way he influences my work the most is his humor. That scene in The Martian with pirate ninjas? Fucking genius.
Humor, when sprinkled in at the right moments, keeps the audience's attention and keeps them engaged and immersed. Yeah, Weir could have used "kilowatt hours per sol" but that's a mouthful and, as a reader, doesn't that make your eyes just glaze over? So, instead of "kilowatt hours per sol" he named the unit "pirate ninjas."
This is why in "Once All There Was" I was inspired to let Ney name the Russian forest "Those Fucking Trees" and let him keep calling it that. It's a moment of gallows humor in a desperate situation, but also doesn't grind the audience down in the horrible situation Third Corps is in.
27. What two (or more) fandoms would you like to see a crossover for? Would you ever write it?
I have this slightly insane fusion/crossover I want to do but it may be too ambitious for me to tackle.
It's a period-accurate War of the Worlds, but instead of Edwardian England, it's in contemporaneous La Belle Epoque France instead, specifically in Paris.
Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Sarah Bernhardt, and Oscar Wilde go set out to save the world from the Martians. There's also a lot of absinthe and cigar smoking in-between dodging Martian tripods. Yeah.
Thanks for the ask!
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somefandomquote · 2 years
can we please please talk about the most ambitious crossover of all time between fall out boy and nope (2022) in heartbreak feels so good
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kpopmylive · 2 years
Kpop Boy Groups:
1/N (Rock band)
2Z (Rock band)
3RACHA (Stray Kids sub-unit)
828 (Rock band)
9 and the Numbers (Rock band)
9001 (Ninety O One) (Rock band)
About U (Rock band)
Achtung (Rock band)
AfterMoon (Rock band)
Alary Kansion (Rock band)
Aliven (Producers group)
ALLART BOYZ * pre-debut
AMBITION * pre-debut
ambitious ambition (Crew)
Ants (One-man band)
APR PROJECT * pre-debut
B3o1z (formerly known as 1st Aimers) * pre-debut
BADCUPID (Rock band)
Band Nah (Rock band)
Bandage (Rock band)
BeaverTown (Rock band)
BenchWeLeo (Rock band)
BF (Formerly known as BOYFRIEND)
Big Bang
Big Dipper * pre-debut
Bigflo *currently on hiatus
Black A * pre-debut
Black Level
Block B
Block B Bastarz (Block B sub-unit)
BOM * pre-debut
Brown Eyed Soul
BSS (Seventeen sub-unit)
BTOB 4U (BTOB sub-unit)
BTOB Blue (BTOB sub-unit)
BTS (Bangtan Boys)
BUZZ (Rock band)
Bye my mood
C on H * pre-debut
Catch The Young (Rock band)
Cheek Touch Boys *(Stray Kids X NCT Dream Collab)
Click B
CNBLUE (Rock band)
CNEMA (Rock band)
Confined White (Rock band)
Cotoba (Rock band)
Crack Shot (Rock band)
Cross Gene
Crying Nut (Rock band)
D82 (Rock band)
Daily Note * pre-debut
Dance Racha (Stray Kids sub-unit)
Dandelion (Rock band)
Dasutt (Rock band)
Day6 (Rock band)
Day6 (Even of Day) (Day6 sub-unit/ Rock band)
Dayangsung (Rock band)
Daybreak (Rock band)
Daydream (2022 group) * pre-debut
Danggisio (Rock band)
DICKPUNKS (Rock band)
DIOS * pre-debut
DMTN *currently on hiatus
Dreamer * pre-debut
E’LAST U (E’LAST sub-unit)
East Shine * pre-debut
EASTONE (inactive)
Epik High
EXO-CBX (EXO sub-unit)
EXO Main Vocal Line (EXO sub-unit)
FISTBUMP (Rock band)
FLAG (Rock band)
FT Island (Rock band)
Fool in the Pool (Rock band)
Forestella (Crossover group)
G-EGG * pre-debut Japan-Korea joint boys group
G-EGG Team A (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team B (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team C (G-EGG sub-unit)
G-EGG Team D (G-EGG sub-unit)
GIFT (Rock band)
Golden Child
GOMAK BOYS * pre-debut
Ggumnamu (WM Boys) * pre-debut (WM male trainees)
Guckkasten (Rock band)
H Boyz (Formerly known as Ex9) * pre-debut
HAWW * pre-debut
Hey Men (Rock band)
HippoPotamic (Rock band)
HOA (Rock band)
Hoppipolla (Rock band)
HÜ (Rock band)
Hyukoh (Rock band)
I1IT (Korean-Japanese boy group)
IDIOTAPE (Rock band)
Infinite F (Infinite sub-unit)
JaeHyun’s (NCT x N.Flying x The Boyz x Golden Child collab)
Jang Deokcheol (Ballad group)
Just B
JYP Loud * pre-debut
Kisnue (Rock band)
KKD * pre-debut
Lanalogue (Rock band)
LA POEM (Crossover group)
LETTEAMOR (Crossover group)
Like A Movie
Lose My Memory (Emo and Post-Hardcore band)
Loude (Rock band)
LUCY (Rock band)
LUAMEL (Rock band)
Lunch (Rock band)
MAXIMUM * pre-debut
M.C the Max (Rock band)
M.I.C * pre-debut
Monday Off With Bluesy (Rock band)
M.O.N.T Arena
M.O.N.T Original (M.O.N.T Arena sub-unit)
Mountain * pre-debut in Korea
Mr. T (Trot group)
MSG Wannabe (Rock band)
N.Flying (Rock band)
N.ssign * pre-debut
NCT 127 (NCT sub-unit)
NCT Dream (NCT sub-unit)
NCT U (NCT sub-unit)
NELL (Rock band)
Nerd Connection (Rock band)
New Kidd
New Town Boyz
NIK (Japanese-Korean group)
Nokdu Team (Rock band)
N.O.M (Nature of Man)
OFF Team (ONF sub-unit)
OG School Project
ON Team (ONF sub-unit)
ONEWE (Rock band)
O.O.O (Rock band)
Owalloil (Rock band)
PATZ (Rock band)
PossibleDong Band/GaneungDong Band (Rock band)
RabidAnce (Crossover group)
Re:Kids Dream (Kid group)
Re:Kids Glory (Kid group)
Re:Kids Hero (Kid group)
Rhythm Power (Hip-hop group)
rooftop patio (Band)
Royal Rirates (Rock band)
SANGJARU (Traditional music group)
Sea Park
SEMA (Rock band)
Hip-Hop Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
Vocal Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
Performance Team (Seventeen sub-unit)
SEVEN STARS * pre-debut
SG Wannabe
SHAX (Drama)
Shooter-X * pre-debut
SILICA GEL (Rock band)
SIGMA (South Korean-Japanese boy group)
SIDECAR (Rock band)
SMNBG (SM Trainees) * pre-debut
SNUPER*currently on hiatus
SoonSoonHee (Ballad trio)
SORAN (Rock band)
South Club (Rock band)
SS501 *currently on hiatus
Standing Egg (Rock band)
Stray Kids
Sultan of the Disco (Rock band)
Super Five (Trot project group)
Super Junior
Super Junior-H (Super Junior sub-unit)
Super Junior-K.R.Y. (Super Junior sub-unit)
Super Junior-T (Super Junior sub-unit; Trot group)
Super Kids (Kid group)
SUPERKIND (Formerly known as YOURS)
SVT Leaders (Seventeen sub-unit)
Sweaters (Rock band)
Teen Top
TENOCLK (Rock band)
TFN (Formerly T1419)
The Boss (DGNA)
The Boyz
The Credit
The King
The Man BLK
The Poles (Rock band)
The Rose
The Solutions (Rock band)
The T-Bird
The Vipers (Rock band)
The Vish (Rock band)
The Whales (Rock band)
THORNAPPLE (Rock band)
TimeZ (Chinese-Korean boy group)
Trainee A * pre-debut
UpStar (Rock band)
VALO (Rock band)
Viral Affair (Rock Band)
VL Boys * pre-debut
Vocal Racha (Stray Kids sub-unit)
Volkno (Treasure Sub-unit)
W24 (Rock Band)
Wave To Earth (Rock band)
We Are The Night (Rock band)
WE:A * pre-debut
WETTER (Rock band) *currently on hiatus
WEUS (Unofficial project group)
woogotsa (Rock band)
Xdinary Heroes (Rock band)
Xodiac * pre-debut
Yo:zum (Rock band)
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ivyprism · 2 years
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I posted 11,888 times in 2022
9,555 posts created (80%)
2,333 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11,560 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#anon asks - 8,805 posts
#my precious mutuals - 7,426 posts
#magical girl au - 3,816 posts
#the masquerade pirate mermaid au: rewritten - 2,121 posts
#the ambitious crossover again - 2,104 posts
#skelesona - 1,943 posts
#romance anime au - 1,592 posts
#ghost hunting romance anime au - 1,197 posts
#angels fall au - 1,190 posts
#beautiful art - 1,183 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#me realizing that none of the aus have an actual timeline so halloween could be coming up.
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pyre: Where are those two? Hana only mentioned that her sister and twin brother are around.
Hydra: *She pauses. Anyone who pays close attention can see a slight sadness, but it's well hidden.* They're with their parents in England. Did she not tell you?
48 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Hydrangea existing:
Honor existing:
Me and @kiokooo + various characters: She deserves the world.
50 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Me, everyday, usually brainstorming or writing:
Me when my Mutuals like my things:
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @the1920sisntaphasemom @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @miscneilleaneous @ratsoh-writes @vrnicky @avtfol @bombshellbummer @fruitsnackart @mochamashi and many others!
52 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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See the full post
60 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
87 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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metalhead-brainrot · 6 months
[Album of the day] Kobold - Technofascism
Belgrade, Serbia // 2022
[Genres] avant-garde thrash, speed metal, crossover
[Thoughts] Had to get a new phone, setting it up is maddening. I've selected this album as a meditation on spending all day uninstalling bloatware. Who decided it was kosher for tech companies to keep databases of everyone's fingerprints and faces?
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
[From the band/label]
"The Balkan country of Serbia has been described as bedraggled yet thriving… a place of much beauty that is also war-torn and toxic. Such a perfectly poetic breeding ground for thrash and speed metal, wielded by the landlocked nation’s strongest, KOBOLD.
The band is set to release their third full-length album “Technofascism” on Jackhammer Music and it promises to be their heaviest and most ambitious. No small feat for this trio that has developed a new vicious approach to the metal they love. It is a fresh take on speed and thrash that draws from the elders (Exodus, Mercyful Fate, Anthrax) but forces the music to evolve.
Fans will also hear a heavy German influence (Living Death, Kreator). The riffs are fast and brutal, heavy and technical that can at times amaze! Killer drumming, and shredding riffs and bass. On top of that... real live solos that would make Kirk Hammett and Gary Holt proud. Guitars are handled expertly by Elio Rigonat, who also sings with amazing ferocity. He has an uncanny ability to utilize almost three different voices to terrorize the listener, including a higher range John Connelly (Nuclear Assault) attack that really sets him apart.
Why do we keep naming all these bands?!?!? Because KOBOLD is difficult to acutely describe, and that’s what makes them great! They’re truly unique and in the ranks of Arch Enemy and Toxic Holocaust. Hellishly great!
“Technofascism” also promises numerous special guests from the Serbian metal, punk and hardcore scene."
Elio Rigonat - Vocals, Guitar, Synths, Violin & E-Drums Stefan Stanojević, aka "Edwin Pickett" – Bass
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writerben01 · 9 months
Writing round-up 2023
This year I started keeping track of the words I write, including for which project. Which means I have all kinds of fun graphs =D
Writing per month:
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The effects of NanoWrimo are clearly visible. But also the stress that started around Juni and has been hampering writing productivity.
Words written by fandom confirms what everybody knows. I'm a Naruto fanboy.
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And then more details under the cut.
I've imported most of my projects I work on, but I also have a catalogue of WIPs that aren't in here yet and only get added when I do work on them. 46 new writing projects started this year. I'm afraid to add a colum for Progress/Complete for this one.
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This is also in contrast to where the written words go. Recent projects get the most attention, with the only exception being Sundial in the Shade that was started in 2019.
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Below are all projects that got at least 5000 words progress in 2023. It's a nice mix of different projects, while clearly showing bias to the stories I'm most enjoying writing.
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Sundial in the Shade: My main project that I'm writing and updating monthly on AO3. A retelling of Naruto with more emphasis on hard work and introduction of much alternative worldbuilding. Words written include the editing of what I've already written and the entirety of Nanowrimo 2023. Part of Nanowrimo 2022 (that I finished in January) also counts for this, but was registered differently for reasons.
Konoha Celestial Forge: New story that I started writing this year about a Konoha civilian getting super powers... and being depressed and secrative about it. Little planning, much improvisation, which makes it fun to write. And a bit more relaxing without my usual standards.
To Those Who Don't Fear Death: Jumpchain story that's very ambitious and fun to work on because it's basically 10 WIPs strung together with twine. Massive crossover, written completely out of order, and I keep getting lost reading the parts I've already written and cursing myself for not finishing.
Nowhere to go but up: a plot idea for a NaruSasu story that I ended up writing up extensively. One of those 14 page outlines that I may have to publish as-is because I don't think I'll have time to actually write it. Naruto gets kicked out of his apartment and Sasuke takes him in. And they fall in love from there.
Haruno Sakura and the other members of Team 7: another outline, this one written out of spite, in which Sakura is completely overpowered and the whole of Konoha has to learn the lesson that women can have power, actually, without having to fear them.
Just a taste/Caught in the Rain: stories I was commissioned to write and not public.
Life is a frolic rump old chum: The story that is in desperate need of a better name. It's Gamer!Naruto, which I only want to start publishing if I can finish it. There are too many Gamer fanfics that are published incomplete. An incredible joy to write and I have Excel spreadsheets to track experience points and all the stats.
Queen Hayate: Writing prompt that was super fun to do! I'll have to add it to my Tumblr collection this week. Girl was stolen as a toddler and became basically a goddess in a different universe, now finally back in her normal body and dealing with the PTSD (and realising this reality has some evil that needs war declared on them too). I should do more writing prompts again. They are super fun, when I have the time and energy for them.
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I've added slicers to my graphs so I can only look at the 2024 data, and have another round-up next year. Curious how it'll compare!
If there are any titles that you have questions about, don't hesitate to ask =D best way to motivate me to write something is to get me talking about it.
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justinmoviereviews · 2 years
The best movies of 2022
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I made a list of every movie I watched in 2022, ranked from least favorite to favorite. With the exception of the last three of four on this list, I basically liked every one of these. A pretty good film year, I’d say.
I’m gonna add little sentence punctuations to some of these, wherever it’s fun to do so.
67. Blonde
Oh buddy did this movie suck.
66. Elvis 65. The Batman 64. Black Adam 63. Emily the Criminal
Weird to me that everyone liked this so much. It was a B action movie with a couple lines about student debt, and that’s apparently all it took for people to call it timely.
62. The Good Nurse 61. The Wonder 60. The Invitation
The worst thing I can say about this year is that the streamers started to feel produced by technology, but this one will stand out for me for being a great example of when the algorithm breaks. The program said people like vampires and British royalty, so let’s mash them up.  
59. Smile 58. We’re All Going to the World’s Fair
A very good movie I did not like at all.
57. Sick 56. Watcher 55. Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 54. Confess, Fletch 53. Argentina, 1985 52. Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 51. Vengeance 50. Prey 49. Bodies Bodies Bodies 48. The Fabelmans 47. Father of the Bride 46. Top Gun: Maverick 45. Hustle 44. Benediction 43. Dog 42. Nanny 41. Empire of Light 40. Causeway 39. Bros 38. White Noise 37. Living 36. Petit Maman 35. Ambulance 34. The Cathedral 33. Pleasure 32. Amsterdam 31. Spiderhead 30. KIMI 29. To Leslie 28. The Northman 27. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 26. Happening 25. The Whale 24. Women Talking 23. Saint Omer 22. Crimes of the Future
I might rank this higher on a future rewatch.
21. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 20. Bullet Train
Just so fucking fun.
19. Stars at Noon
The most curious film of the year.
18. Nope
This still feels like a throat cleanser to me, but I imagine that’s good for his career in the long term. He’s easily the most exciting director currently working.
17. Triangle of Sadness
I think time will vindicate this one, which is more a farce about society than a farce about wealth.
16. Armageddon Time
I wasn’t prepared for this to be as sharp or well-observed or frankly dark as it was.
15. Don’t Worry Darling
This movie rocked. Maybe one day people will give it a second chance.
14. Decision to Leave
No question the best made film of the year.
13. Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths
A disaster, but a gorgeous and ambitious disaster. The antidote to the Invitation problem described above.
12. Tar
Sort of the opposite of Bardo. A tight and exquisitely made film.
11. The Eternal Daughter
A really cool idea. I liked this one a lot.
10. X
2022 was a great year for horror.
9. RRR
It’s so cool to me that this ended up being a crossover hit.
8. Babylon
I’m honestly not sure why I rate this one as high as I do.
7. The Menu
2022 was a really great year for horror.
6. Aftersun
The one emotionally devastating movie I allow on a list like this of the year.
5. All Quiet on the Western Front
The best war movie since Dunkirk.
4. The Banshees of Inisherin
Great film.
3. Everything Everywhere All at Once
I suspect this will be the movie we associate with this year forever, and its worthy, though it is not my favorite.
2. Barbarian
Holy shit 2022 was a good year for horror.
1. Men
What an insane masterpiece. This is the one I want to hang on my wall.
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Attempts To Plan 2023
In case you haven't caught on yet, I make posts like this more to plan out what I want to do for myself, as a fanfiction writer, than spoil what's next in the ol' pipeline. I'm discovering what comes next for this year at approximately the same rate you are.
And... look. I think I'm going to be much busier than I was in 2022. This year is going to be a part of my life where I undergo a lot of big changes, make a lot of big moves, and hopefully don't fuck up too badly in between all of that. Bearing that in mind, my new year's resolution was simply to write less fanfiction and write more real fiction for real people. And given circumstances, I'll probably end up fulfilling that imperative.
But I'll still produce content. It will be smaller, less ambitious, but it'll still be there. I'll still be here. So let's go over what I could work on:
Anatomy Of A Lovedoll: Ha. Could work on? Oh, STMPD, you silly goose. I need to finish this goddamn thing. I have one big epic fight scene to hack out, goodness only knows how long that will take, then one super-short epilogue and I'll have a really good Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction actually finished! Of course, I have to get that fight scene finished first, and that's tricky right now for some reason. I don't know why, but the blow-by-blow just isn't coming to me organically. I'm not giving up on it, but I could stand to work harder on this piece. It's worth finishing, it really is. It's one of the things I'm unironically glad I wrote. I just got to give it one final push.
Divine Patronage: I used to think this was a fic with a lot of views: then I saw how many views Edgerunners fics can get, and realized that I don't know what I'm talking about. Ranma is an old fandom, certainly not a dead one but not a big one by any means. But I haven't stopped having ideas for adventures Urd and Ranma could go on together. Urusei Yatsura, Tenchi Muyo, Patlabor, Dominon... all these 80's and 90's anime that just call out for silly crossovers where Ranma and some cute girl can save the day together. So I need to get back to this one, but is that what I really want to do after Anatomy? Or do I want to try something else? Such as:
Witch of Tranquility: This, actually, was my original plan for a sequel to Anatomy, one which looks like it'll take awhile to really get going. I'm less enthusiastic about it compared to when I first drew up the concept, mostly because in my head it leads into several more fics involving more Edgerunners characters doing stuff. In other words, it's a commitment bigger than I'm willing to commit to, at least in my head. Maybe I could write it as a standalone fic, but it's the kind of fic that doesn't end happily, it has a big ol' world-shaking alteration to the state of the world in the 2060's. I was designing it almost predicated on the promise of there being more adventures after it, but who's to say there will be? And even then, the question of whether I should focus on Edgerunners characters or BGC characters looms its head. I had one idea for a Reika Chang-centric fic in the 2060's continuity, and another involving Celia / Sylia's mother coming back from the dead in a manner akin to Prospera Mercury in Gundam, but I don't know if either of those would really work.
As-of-yet-unproduced Fate / Edgerunners crossover fic: A relatively simple idea: David and the Edgerunners crew end up in a Holy Grail War in Night City. David's Sandevistan is magical, has a catalyst and artificial magic circuits implanted in it, etc etc. I came up with this idea in an Edgerunners fanfiction discord, only for the author of motherfucking Group Chat, one of the most popular Edgerunners fanfics out there, to turn out to be a huge Fate-head as well. I said I probably didn't have it in me to write it, and Arrow said he's interested in writing the fanfic. So I could theoretically just act as a creative consultant. Only... several people on forums think the idea is a bad one, and that it should be inspired by Fate/Extra instead, perhaps even eliminating David from the fic entirely. Which, since I know next to nothing about Extra's sub-canon, I don't really want to do. Well, we'll see if anything comes of the project. I'm excited for it, especially since I think David's drives are similar to Shirou's in crucial and interesting ways.
Fanfic Reviews: Sometime in the later months of 2022, I became convinced that I had run out of reviewable Bubblegum Crisis fanfic that I could recall without having to read too much of something I hated. But that's a falsehood. The number of review drafts I've got on tumblr speaks to that. Now, as tempting as it is to try to review a behemoth like YT2032 or something like that, I don't really feel ready to do that right now. Instead, what I really ought to do is start moving more reviews from drafts to complete posts, finish up what I can easily review and then go there. I reviewed a lot of fanfics over the past year, and it was a fun pastime, helped me get a better sense of what I want out of BGC fan content. So yeah, I need to get back to doing some more fluffy fic reviews.
Silly Miscellanea: Omakes, short stories - anything to get the ol' creative juices flowing. I have this fragment of a thing where Priss, Linna, and Nene talk about 3D printing as it might exist in the 2060's and how technology rarely disrupts the fundamental foundations of society anymore, this whole sci-fi philosophy discharge that could work as a short bit. I had this idea for a story in the vein of early 2010's battle harem high school light novels where Sho from OVA 3 grows up and leads the next generation of Sabers. I keep thinking it might be cool to explore the friendship between Reika and Linna once or twice. Stuff like that.
So: Will I end up writing any of these potential projects? Well, Anatomy's a given, the fanfic reviews are a given, but after that I honestly don't know. We'll see how the year shakes out, and if I find that I have the time to do more than just those projects - if I get to help write a fate fanfic, if I continue Divine Patronage, if I do anything else at all - then so much the better, right?
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andypartridges · 3 years
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Elvis Costello, Glenn Tilbrook, Chris Difford & Nick Lowe performing a cover of Manfred Mann's 'Pretty Flamingo', 1989. [x]
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staarshines · 4 years
the entire “most ambitious crossover in the mcu” with the next spider-man movie
taylor is releasing another surprise album + a music video for one of the songs tonight
harry styles performs tonight
shawn mendes performs tonight
disney+ will become home to at least: 10 marvel series, 10 star wars series, and 15 live-action/disney animation/pixar series
more mature pieces of media such as modern family, logan, and atlanta will be coming to disney+ via an opt-in to mature content
official name and logo for the cassian series
official name and logo for the kenobi series
official name and logo for the ahsoka series
official name and logo for the lando series
a new series, the acolyte, will show the shadowy secrets of the final days of the high republic era
a new series based off of the henson film “willow” has been confirmed
a new series called the rangers of the new republic has been confirmed to debut
raya and the last dragon is set to come to disney+ march 2021
taika waititi is confirmed to be directing a star wars movie
a star wars movie called rogue squadron will be hitting theatres christmas 2023
the final indiana jones movie will hit screens 2022
hayden is confirmed to come back as darth vader in the kenobi series
new grey’s anatomy episode today
new mandalorian episode tomorrow
i think it’s safe to say that “freaking out” isn’t an understatement anymore?
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confetti-cupcake · 3 years
2021 Fic Year In Review
Aw, thanks for the tag @reallysmartladymariecurie! ❤️
Okay, this might be a little difficult to do because I haven't technically published anything yet 😅 But I did do a lot of writing this year, so I'm just going to talk about my two main WIPs here!
Total Number Of Completed Works: 0 (My goal is for this to change in 2022!)
Total Word Count: I started writing The Perfect Match (my Buddie Are You The One? AU) in mid-July and my current word count is 45,677 and climbing! I probably wrote a similar amount for Thirty-Nine Days (my Survivor AU) this year but I did a terrible job of keeping track of exactly how much I added.
Fandoms I’ve Written In: 9-1-1, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: Definitely more. I didn't expect to write any fic this year after deciding to stop writing Thirty-Nine Days. The idea for The Perfect Match had kind of always been percolating in my mind, but I was having trouble fleshing out a cast for it, since it's a dating show and everyone needed to be age-appropriate for Buck and Eddie. Thankfully 2021 introduced a lot of characters that fit the bill for that story and I got re-inspired to write Survivor!
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?: Oh man, I'm really really excited for everyone to read The Perfect Match. It's been so much fun to write and I've put so much time and planning into making readers able to "play along". It's quickly becoming my pride and joy 😊
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?: I don't know if this counts as a risk, but I went into writing Thirty-Nine Days in 2020 with a certain winner in mind. This year I decided to completely scrap it in favor of another winner, which required a lot of re-tooling of the finale chapter. But I'm much happier with the new ending and feels much more natural for the story I'm trying to tell.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?: Yes! To finally publish something. My loose goals are to complete The Perfect Match by about mid-Season 5B, and then to complete Thirty-Nine Days by the time Season 6 begins. Those deadlines might be a little ambitious, but I'm going to try my best to hold myself to them.
Most Popular Story Of The Year?: N/A
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: N/A
Most Fun Story To Write: I've had a lot of fun writing both of my WIPs, but The Perfect Match definitely takes the cake. I love mysteries, and it's been so fun sprinkling little hints and red herrings about who the perfect matches are. It took literally a month to plan the logic out in a way that would fall in line with the story I was angling for so I really hope that people like and play along with the logic puzzle aspect!
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: N/A
Biggest Disappointment: The fact that it's been more than a year and a half of writing 9-1-1 fic and I still haven't published anything 😓 lol. But I'm a perfectionist to my core, and I refuse to publish anything until it's fully complete. And since I'm physically incapable of not writing longfics, completing something is naturally going to take a while.
Biggest Surprise: To find out that there is a sizable crossover in fans of 9-1-1 and fans of Survivor. Part of the reason I shelved Thirty-Nine Days in 2020 was because I didn't think anyone would read it for the amount of time it would take to write. But my trailer for Thirty-Nine Days got way more traction and people excited for the fic than I ever thought it would get! I really hope the final product ends up being worth the wait!
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year: Honestly, just joining it in the first place! I've been watching 9-1-1 for so long and had been lurking on Tumblr almost equally as long. Finally giving into the urge to make an account of my own and being able to interact with all the lovely people on here was probably one of the best decisions I've made all year. ❤️
Tagging: @adventuresofprettyboyandthekid @ashwinmeird @strandnreyes
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bestdjkit · 3 years
Friz of Soul Launches the First NFT Project to Fund A Music Tour
Friz of Soul is an artist who has been gaining attention in the music and NFT crossover space. He is one of thirty-three featured artists on the blockchain streaming platform Audius alongside notable names such as Skrillex, Rezz, Kayzo, Zeds Dead, RAC, Mr. Carmack and Zedd to name a few. He has grown his following on the Audius platform to over 13k making him one of the most followed artists on any blockchain streaming platform currently.
Friz of Soul’s journey didn’t start in the NFT space. For the past several years this LA-based artist has been gaining traction through playing at notable clubs in Southern California such as Avalon, The Globe Theatre, and Exchange LA. Friz of Soul recently released his debut album, ‘Wide Awake’ coining house and techno-focused productions with dreamy layered vocals as his signature sound.
What is next for this artist on the rise? After selling his first NFT for $10,000 Friz of Soul is launching the Wide Awake project which will be the first NFT project to ever fully fund a music tour. The sale will be a collection of 777 NFTs centered around the art and music from his album Wide Awake. Through a self-funded tour, Friz of Soul promises consistent tour video content giving supporters an inside look at what their funding is creating. “I want to show how supportive the NFT community is and show upcoming artists that there is this new technology emerging allowing independent artists to become self-sustainable and fund ambitious projects,” says Friz of Soul. Holders of the Wide Awake NFT will also gain access to an exclusive community, airdrops, early access to his future projects, and have their names displayed on his tour visuals.
Be on the lookout for the Wide Awake public sale coming January 22nd. To gain early access and insight into the project you can join Friz of Soul’s Discord.
Thank you so much @shitfumi for buying the NFT and @crypto_raiders for hosting the sale.
This is life changing and I’m so energized to have this fuel my next wave of creation!
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#WAGMI pic.twitter.com/UFC7tWlh8G
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𝓕𝓻𝓲𝔃 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵
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(@frizofsoul) November 17, 2021
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Friz of Soul Launches the First NFT Project to Fund A Music Tour
from Best DJ Kit https://www.youredm.com/2022/01/14/friz-of-soul-launches-the-first-nft-project-to-fund-a-music-tour/
0 notes
bluebuzzmusic · 3 years
Friz of Soul Launches the First NFT Project to Fund A Music Tour
Friz of Soul is an artist who has been gaining attention in the music and NFT crossover space. He is one of thirty-three featured artists on the blockchain streaming platform Audius alongside notable names such as Skrillex, Rezz, Kayzo, Zeds Dead, RAC, Mr. Carmack and Zedd to name a few. He has grown his following on the Audius platform to over 13k making him one of the most followed artists on any blockchain streaming platform currently.
Friz of Soul’s journey didn’t start in the NFT space. For the past several years this LA-based artist has been gaining traction through playing at notable clubs in Southern California such as Avalon, The Globe Theatre, and Exchange LA. Friz of Soul recently released his debut album, ‘Wide Awake’ coining house and techno-focused productions with dreamy layered vocals as his signature sound.
What is next for this artist on the rise? After selling his first NFT for $10,000 Friz of Soul is launching the Wide Awake project which will be the first NFT project to ever fully fund a music tour. The sale will be a collection of 777 NFTs centered around the art and music from his album Wide Awake. Through a self-funded tour, Friz of Soul promises consistent tour video content giving supporters an inside look at what their funding is creating. “I want to show how supportive the NFT community is and show upcoming artists that there is this new technology emerging allowing independent artists to become self-sustainable and fund ambitious projects,” says Friz of Soul. Holders of the Wide Awake NFT will also gain access to an exclusive community, airdrops, early access to his future projects, and have their names displayed on his tour visuals.
Be on the lookout for the Wide Awake public sale coming January 22nd. To gain early access and insight into the project you can join Friz of Soul’s Discord.
Thank you so much @shitfumi for buying the NFT and @crypto_raiders for hosting the sale.
This is life changing and I’m so energized to have this fuel my next wave of creation!
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#WAGMI pic.twitter.com/UFC7tWlh8G
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𝓕𝓻𝓲𝔃 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵
Tumblr media
(@frizofsoul) November 17, 2021
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Friz of Soul Launches the First NFT Project to Fund A Music Tour
source https://www.youredm.com/2022/01/14/friz-of-soul-launches-the-first-nft-project-to-fund-a-music-tour/
0 notes