#most beloved and most photogenic!
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"Never been much interested in Ayleids myself. They have a handful of ruins in Black Marsh, but rarely ever did I visit them."
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colferpics · 10 months
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chriscolfer: Our beautiful and beloved Cooper has crossed the rainbow bridge. He was the most loving dog I’ve ever known, always the life of the party, a natural ladies man, an obsessive athlete, the warmest snuggle-bug, and sometimes a total diva. Cooper cast a spell on everyone he met. On the day we adopted him from the @/SCGRR, the whole neighborhood came to his foster home to wish him farewell. On the the day we lost him, the entire staff of the veterinarian hospital came to his room to say goodbye. The hardest part of being his dad was knowing I’d never be as attractive, charismatic, or photogenic as him. The rest was heaven. Your daddies love you so much, Scoop-Scoop. Thanks for being our bubba. We will miss you forever. ❤️ [posted Nov 18, 2023]
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hannahbarberra162 · 2 months
Struck Twice By Lightning, Chapter 12
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18+ MDNI on Ao3
Shanks would be annoyingly photogenic.
You’d eventually gotten Shanks to sleep by the usual method. Namely, scratching his back and ignoring him until he passed out. He kept sighing at you and trying to extol your virtues and beauty. You didn’t take it too seriously - Shanks had always been emotional when drunk. You tried to shush him and get him to sleep -you had enough to think about without Shanks’s drunk ramblings getting in your head as well. Finally, his light snores told you he was snoozing and you could relax. You laid on your back, thinking about the night and some of the changes you’d seen in Shanks. He’d never left a party before for you, but was that really all you needed from a partner? To want to spend time with you over drinking? Then again, it was Shanks, so it was actually kind of a big deal for him. You dozed off listening to the sounds of the party continuing in the distance.
You woke up in the early morning and were unable to go back to sleep. Restless, you left the cabin and went to get a cup of tea from the kitchen. You brought it to the deck and leaned against the railing, enjoying the early morning gray skies. It was a cool morning, the sun still below the horizon, the sea wind chilling your bare arms. You were zoning out, enjoying yourself when the door to Benn’s cabin opened. You glanced over to see how many of the ladies had made it onto the ship. Benn was a popular ladies man, you’d seen countless partners come out of his cabin after a night on the town. You didn’t slut shame, either Benn or his partners, it was just curiosity.
Benn came out of the cabin alone, scanning the deck. His eyes landed on you and he lit a cigarette. Uh oh. That was not a good sign. Lighting up before he talked to you meant something was on the horizon. You gave him a nervous smile and a thumbs up. Benn sighed. He walked up to you and handed you a cigarette, which you accepted. Oh fuck, what was going on?
“Bad news, kid. Look.” Benn handed you a newspaper. You unfolded it and glanced at the cover story. There was a picture of Shanks carrying you back to the ship when you were drunk, you looking up at him starry-eyed. Below that, there was a blown up picture of you and Shanks on your wedding day - the one that you kept in your bottom desk drawer at your house.  It showed you and Shanks kissing and holding up your rings to the snail, taken moments after the one Shanks had kept. Your mouth dropped open as you continued to read the article below.
Red Haired Shanks, all-powerful Emperor of the Sea, is no longer the New World’s most eligible bachelor! It seems Shanks is off the market, married to a gorgeous gal. Spotted at a bar together, this rambunctious beauty can hold her own against our favorite Yonko. Just who is this mysterious woman? Come find out with our exclusive interview with a beloved friend to the Emperor and his wife...
You couldn’t read any more. You’d broken into a cold sweat. Your life was ruined. Benn gave you a light for your cigarette. Mechanically, you accepted and put the butt into your mouth.
“One of the dames from last night mentioned it to me. I got a copy to see for myself. Tough break.” You didn’t answer, your mind was whirling. You couldn’t go home, you couldn’t continue your business, the photo meant someone had gone through your house, everything had likely been looted, all your hard work over the past decade was down the drain because stupid fucking Shanks had opened his goddamned mouth at one island. That was all it took for your life to go up in flames. That idiotic old man Archie must have sold the story to Big News Morgan - he’s the only person outside the crew who knew your connection to Shanks. Because Shanks point blank told him.
Benn watched you but didn’t say anything further. You didn’t have anything you wanted to say at the moment. You were so angry. You were livid. You wanted to burn the ship down and everything in it. You wanted to go to Buggy and cry on his shoulder. You wanted to start running and run and run and run until your legs and lungs gave out. But most of all, you were angry. 
“Can I have the rest of the pack?” you asked Benn with restrained calm. Benn handed it over without hesitation. You thanked him and climbed up the nearest unoccupied crow’s nest, taking the ladder with you when you got to the top. You sat there in your anger, chain smoking the remaining cigarettes until you ran out. Your fury hadn’t abated, if anything you became increasingly angrier the longer you sat there, stewing on the loss of your life. You couldn’t go back to your life of anonymity - you’d been publicly identified to the world as Shanks’s wife. Even if you divorced him, there’d still be a target on your back. Some shitty upstart pirate or Marine would try to use you as a hostage or bargaining chip against Shanks. You might even get a bounty on your head, just for being married to Shanks. You couldn’t have an independent life - you now needed to stay where Shanks and the crew could protect you. 
You kept reading the article over and over, the words blurring together into one big mess in your brain. You should have known that asking Shanks to help you in any way would backfire. He had the unerring capability to have things work out the way he wanted, and this was no exception. You assumed Benn said something to the crew because no one bothered you or asked to come up with you. A couple hours later, you wanted to get a drink to soothe your now scorched throat, and you came down from the crow’s nest.
Shanks was up by now, sitting and chatting with some of his crew in the galley when you came down. You knew logically that it wasn’t entirely his fault, he hadn’t meant for this to happen. But you couldn’t contain your anger towards him. You stomped up to him and the conversation went silent, the men looking at one another with nervous glances. Shanks didn’t seem to notice.
“Good morning sunshine! How did you sleep last -” You didn’t allow him to finish before you threw the newspaper at his face.
“This is why I didn’t want to come here! Everything I’ve worked for is gone! My whole life is gone!” You hadn’t meant to start by yelling at him but you couldn’t stop yourself. Shanks didn’t react at first, just opened the newspaper and saw the front page.
“Well, that’s not great,” he replied calmly, “I wasn’t the most eligible bachelor anyway, that’s Beckma-”
“Shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear any of your fucking jokes! Now I’m stuck on this ship, I can’t go home, I can’t have my business license, I can’t do anything except stay here with you!” The other crew had begun slinking away. You balled your hands at your sides, your head starting to ache.
“I didn’t think -”
“ Of course you didn’t think! You only think about how things affect you !” you hissed at Shanks. He wasn’t get riled which only made you angrier. Why did he get to be calm when he’d destroyed your world with one off hand sentence?
“How did they get this picture?” Shanks asked, looking at the paper with a frown.
“By going through my house, how else? I’m sure everything I owned is gone or destroyed.” Thinking about your house being ransacked made you want to cry - you’d spent so long finding just the right decorations and making the space your own. You had loved coming home to your cozy little abode. Even if you went back, someone else would have been there touching all your things, taking what they wanted. All your sake was probably taken, your investment in equipment now worthless.
“How did you already know Archie when we went to that bar?” you asked Shanks. It had been bugging you since you read the article. Shanks hadn’t visited your island or the one next to it before, but had been to another worthless island nearby. You never told him where you lived and the big island you met him at the first night was known for its parties - something Shanks would have sought out.
“It’s my territory.” Shanks stiffened and crossed his arm across his chest but didn’t elaborate. 
“So you’ve been to that shitty island near me but didn’t stop by mine? Please, I know what that means. How long have you been keeping tabs on me?”
“Just to keep you safe,” Shanks replied testily.
“Is that how Marco found me? And why he visited me all those times?” You were on the verge of hysteria, breathing fast. You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry. All these years you thought you were free and living your own life, but really it was only under Shanks’s supervision. 
“What do you mean ‘all those times’?! I only asked that asshole to visit once , when you were really sick. How often did he come see you?” Shanks’s jealousy was rearing its head and you wanted to scream. Now was not the time to deal with his insecurity. You actually hadn’t slept with Marco, but you had become friends with him. He visited you two to three times a year and was pleasant company. Apparently Whitebeard liked your Moby sake, so you brewed a huge container once for his birthday. Not that Shanks needed to know that.
“I don’t want to talk about your fucking jealousy! You and I weren’t together! I didn’t ask you what you did for all those years - because I don’t care! ” Shanks had no leg to stand on, so he backtracked.
“Listen, it’s not that bad, you can go back -” 
“You know I can’t! It doesn’t - it doesn’t work like that.” In the middle of your last sentence, you deflated like a balloon rapidly losing air. You didn’t feel like yelling at Shanks or arguing anymore, it wouldn’t help anything. It wasn’t satisfying, and you didn’t have anything more to say to him. You were suddenly exhausted but knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep. “I just…you won.” You walked away defeated, back to the cabin, leaving Shanks sitting with the newspaper. 
You laid down in the bed, curled on your side. You watched the sea out of the porthole window endlessly. Tears occasionally tracked down your face and you didn’t bother to wipe them away. You laid in the bed for hours, watching the light change on the water. Nothing really mattered, you were going to have to stay with Shanks on the Red Force. Sailing around to nowhere, doing nothing, wasting your life. Your snail had rang a few times but you didn’t answer. You didn’t want to hear Buggy telling you that he told you so, that he was right, that things never worked the way you thought they would with Shanks. You’d talk to him later but you didn’t have it in you right now.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, you heard the door to the cabin open and shut. The bed dipped behind you. You didn’t turn around.
“If you want to go back home, I can make that happen,” Shanks said softly.
“No, it wouldn’t work.” You had gone over every scenario in your head, but you hadn’t come up with a way for you to go back permanently. You’d always be vulnerable without Shanks around.
“I’m sorry,” Shanks said while putting his hand on your shoulder. A tear slid down your cheek. Sorry or not, your life was tied to his once more. You didn’t reply. After a few minutes the bed dipped again and Shanks left the cabin. Your eyes blurred with tears now making their way to the pillow below you. 
A few days later, you still hadn’t left the cabin. You knew you were sulking but you were too sad to care. Shanks came and went, bringing you food and drinks. You didn’t say much to him, and he left you alone for the most part. By the third night, you felt ready to face the world again. Or at least leave the cabin for some fresh air. You left the cabin quietly, trying to make as little noise as possible. You hadn’t spoken to anyone besides Shanks since the news dropped and you didn’t want to hear anyone’s pity or concern. You went to your favorite spot by the bow and watched the ship slice through the choppy waters. You wondered where you were sailing to - not that it really mattered anymore. Lost in thought, you didn’t realize how chilly it was outside, you were rubbing your arms to keep them warm. You felt a warm cloak settle on your shoulders, engulfing you in a familiar scent of pine-sap. You wrapped it around yourself, enjoying the comfort.
“Thanks,” you said to Shanks, who was standing behind you. The two of you stood there, watching the water. Shanks put his arm on the railing and leaned in, bringing the heat of his body closer to you. You didn’t object.
“If you still want to, I’ll divorce you.” Shanks was speaking close to your ear. You leaned your head back on him for emotional and physical support. 
“There’s no point in getting divorced now.” There really wasn’t. You weren’t getting a business license. 
“I didn’t want the month to end this way.”
“I know.” Shanks was a lot of things, but you knew he regarded freedom as the highest priority in life. He wouldn’t have forced your hand intentionally. 
“We don’t have to be together. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything.” You hummed. You hadn’t thought about what you staying would mean for your relationship with Shanks. You’d been too focused on yourself and your loss of identity. You’d enjoyed your recent time with Shanks but it had been tempered by the fact that it felt like a vacation, a break from reality. You didn’t expect for the entire course of your life to change, it just felt like having fun. The two of you stood together silently as the stars began to twinkle in the sky.
“Where are we sailing to?” you asked out of curiosity.
“Back to your island. We’re going to get whatever’s left at your house. It’s the least I can do.” You were surprised - you hadn’t expected to see your place so soon. You were unsure how to feel about seeing your old life but it was thoughtful of Shanks.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what’s there. If you’re worried, your vivre card is here on the ship. I brought it with me.” You had intended to give it back to Shanks at the end of the month, freeing you of the burden. It could be a powerful tool in the wrong hands, especially for an Emperor like Shanks. 
“I wasn’t worried. I saw it already.” 
“Such a snoop,” you said easily. You hadn’t hidden it, it was in one of his desk drawers. “Sorry for yelling at you,” you murmured. You’d felt bad about yelling at him and taking some low shots. 
“It’s ok, I deserved it.” 
“I never slept with Marco.” You knew he was still thinking about it, even after all these days. Shanks had some kind of childhood rivalry with The Phoenix - he loved and loathed the man in equal measure.
“I had completely forgotten,” Shanks said, a bit too quickly. You hummed a laugh.
“Liar.”  You lapsed into comfortable silence together, your head still leaning against his strong body.
“Let’s go back to the cabin, I drew you a bath.” Your eyes opened wide, and you spun around to face him.
“Why didn’t you start with that!? If it gets cold I’m making you reheat the water.” Taking a bath on a ship was an incredibly rare treat, something that you missed dearly from island living. Shanks kissed the top of your head. There could be worse places to be forced to stay, you supposed. 
The copper tub had been hauled into Shanks’s cabin and filled with luxuriously hot water. You added a few drops of lavender oil and bubble bath in the hope that it would relax you. You hadn’t been sleeping well, only a few hours here and there, so maybe the water would help lull you to sleep. You started taking off your dirty clothes when you realized Shanks was still in the cabin, watching you.
“What? Nothing you haven’t seen before.” 
“No, but something I thought I’d never see again. I’ll go,” Shanks said with a smile. His tenderness must have melted your brain because you hesitated. Normally, you’d sit in the bath alone until the water was ice cold. But maybe it was his sappy words, your exhaustion, or your emotional weakness, but you wanted Shanks to stay with you.
“If you want, you could…join me?” you said shyly. You had been trying to hide your need for Shanks, to protect yourself. But you just wanted - needed - him with you. For familiarity, for comfort, for stability, for affection, for tenderness, for love.
Shanks’s expression showed his mild surprise but he wasn’t one to turn down a good time. 
“Of course,” he said magnanimously. You fought the urge to roll your eyes - you’d walked right into that one. Dropping your towel, you dipped your toe into the hot water. Perfect. You gingerly got into the water, sighing happily as you submerged your body. Shanks wasn’t far behind you, getting in with less caution, causing some of the water to spill out. He sat in the far back of the tub, settling you between his legs.
“Oi, watch it. Or you’ll have to clean it up,” you said mildly. You leaned back against his muscled chest, eyes closed, arms drifting in the scented water. 
“Do you want some?” Shanks asked, causing you to open your eyes. He was offering you some sake in a small ochoko.
“Sure, why not. You must be feeling really guilty.” 
“Mmm, I am. I’m hoping between the bath and washing your hair, you’ll forgive me.” You snorted and accepted the porcelain cup.
“What do you mean ‘washing my hair?’ You don’t know anything about hair care. And how did you know I’d invite you to join?” 
“Benn and Yasopp taught me. And as you know, hope springs eternal.” You smiled, Shanks had always been good at anticipating your needs. He grabbed some bottles from the floor and handed them to you. He slowly poured water over your scalp using a small bowl, and asked for some shampoo. After you squirted it in his hand, he started massaging your scalp. You couldn’t help it - you moaned. You’d always loved having your scalp massaged and hair played with, and after a hard few days it felt like heaven. It must have been difficult to maneuver with one hand, but you appreciated his effort. 
You could feel Shanks getting hard behind you, and you were feeling a little turned on yourself. You “accidentally” rubbed your ass against him while shifting in the tub. 
“I thought you wanted to relax,” Shanks said sensually. He knew what you were after. He continued scratching and massaging your head.
“There are many ways to relax,” you answered, rubbing him again. Shanks dipped his hand in the water to stroke the inside of your thigh. 
“Would you like to try something new to decompress?” You nodded. You had an inkling of what Shanks was thinking and you were interested. Shanks picked you up in the water and angled you so his cock was nudging your opening. He started creeping upwards while pushing you down onto his length. You moved your legs so you’d be able to stay in place and take what Shanks was giving you. You groaned as Shanks bottomed out within you, stretching you over his cock. No matter how many times you took him, his girth was always something you needed to get used to. You got ready to ride him, but Shanks merely picked up the bowl he had been using before and started to rinse your hair. Oh.
“It can be difficult to unwind after bad news, but I’m here to help. Tilt your head back.” You did as he asked and Shanks rinsed the shampoo carefully, avoiding your eyes. He was incredibly hard within you but wasn’t acting like he was affected. You were aching, filled to the brim but unwilling to break the little game the two of you had going. Shanks’s deliberate attention to your hair along with his disregard of your pussy was increasing your desire, quickly. He was saying something but you weren’t listening, just focusing on the hard length of him in your throbbing cunt.
“I need some conditioner, please,” Shanks said, kissing your cheek. It broke you out of your trance, remembering the bottles in your hands. His leaning forward moved his cock within you, causing you to shift as well. 
“S-sure, here.” You squirted some into Shanks’s open palm, hoping he’d move again.
“So distracted while I work hard for you.” Shanks coated your strands with conditioner and piled your hair on top of your head. “Now we need to wait for ten to fifteen minutes. It’s really more of a mask. I’m sure we can find something to fill our time,” Shanks said, lazily rubbing your shoulder. He handed you another drink, which you took. You poured it into your mouth, then reached behind you, turning your face to the side. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him, allowing the drink to flow between your mouths. Shanks groaned, and his hand started to wander down to your breasts, taking his time in rubbing some of the soapy bubbles onto you. 
“Maybe I should wash your whole body,” Shanks rasped.
“M-maybe another time,” you said with a shudder. You wanted his hand to keep roving and make its way down but were enjoying the tease. He walked his fingers across your collarbones, causing you to lean your head over to grant him more access. He used it to kiss up your neck, bringing his hand down to your stomach, pulling you back into him. You started faintly panting with the movement.
“Mmm, so sensitive. Am I that good of a masseuse?” he said while trailing his hands to the apex of your thighs. You parted them, hoping he’d continue his journey. He was still kissing your neck, making small love bites into your skin. It’d leave marks for tomorrow, but what was the difference? The whole world knew you were married, might as well look like it. Shanks took mercy on you and gently rubbed the pads of his first two fingers right above your clit. It gave you some stimulation but not enough. You arched into his hand, seeking more.
“Oh please Shanks, please,” you whined at him, spreading your legs further. 
“How could I say no to such a polite request?” Shanks rubbed his fingers around your clit, circling it, continuing to tease you. You were panting in earnest now, feeling hazy between the water of the bath, the warm chest behind you, the sake in your system and the orgasm starting to build between your legs. You felt your legs starting to shake on top of Shanks’s strong thighs, he was stroking you quickly. After so many times together, Shanks had a wealth of knowledge on how to get you to come, at any pace he so chose. You could feel yourself pulsing on his still hard cock and hungered for more.
“C-can I - can you -” Shanks kissed the back of your neck and laughed lightly. 
“I know what you want, baby,” Shanks rumbled. “I’ll get you there.” He pushed you forward so you were leaning against the rim of the tub. With a strong thrust he surged forward, pressing himself even deeper within you. You’d already been close but the added movement had you tightening against him. He kept his hand nestled between your thighs, his attention causing the water to ripple with every movement. Shanks moved his hips in a measured rhythm, sloshing the water out of the tub. You moaned louder, pushing back against him. Finally, he set a faster pace, both with his hand and his cock, tightening the coil of pleasure you felt. Shanks leaned forward and bit where your neck met you shoulder and the coil finally snapped. You felt time slow as Shanks bucked within you, stretching out the intoxicating feeling. He was going for his own release, pumping hard within you. As you rode out your orgasm, you as he went tense and pulsed within you. You sagged against the tub as he finished his high.
“Shanks, I can’t - enough, please,” you mewled at him, almost reaching overstimulation. He removed his hand from between your legs and sat down once again. He pulled you back into his lap. You wanted to fall asleep immediately, water or not.
“Perfect timing, we can wash the mask off now.” You were enjoying the afterglow, and didn’t remark on his comment. Shanks washed your hair delicately and brushed it afterwards while you dozed off. When he was done, he got out of the bath and got a towel for the two of you, humming to himself. He wrapped you up and carried you to the bed, drying you off quickly. You got under the covers, warm, pampered, tired, and feeling a little better. You reached up and touched your hair - it did feel remarkably soft. He’d done a good job.
“Thank you, Shanks. That was really nice. Could get used to it.” 
“I hope you do.” He climbed into the bed next to you, pulled your back to his chest. Your life might be in shambles, but at least you had someone who cared. 
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politemagic · 5 months
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Not nearly enough people on this site are talking about Alpha Wolf. So, if you don't mind, I'd like to give you a little background to help make my case as to why YOU should be listening to Alpha Wolf! (buckle in, gang. this is gonna be a little long)
For my fellow Sleep Token fans, you've likely seen these photos, right?
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Vessel was photographed in an Alpha Wolf hoodie a while ago, and then Alpha Wolf dressed as Sleep Token for Halloween last year!
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but you should really check out the full video on their youtube!
But who are those guys?
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Alpha Wolf is an Australian metalcore band comprised of five members! They've toured with the likes of The Amity Affliction, Motionless in White, and Polaris. They have three full length studio albums Mono (2017) (quick side note that they DID have a different lead vocalist for this album), A Quiet Place to Die (2020), and newly released Half Living Things (2024). Now, let introduce you to the band real quick.
Lochie Keogh - Lead Vocals
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he has some of my favorite aggressive scream vox, his voice can really pack a punch. also my babygirl, my beloved🖤 | instagram
John Arnold - Bass, Backing Vocals
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get yourself a man who can do both, we love our resident cool bassist. (they're staring at you intimidatingly to convince you to listen to their music) | instagram
Scottie Simpson - Lead Guitar
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my certified cool guy™ in my book and honestly incredibly photogenic look at that man | instagram
Sabian Lynch - Rhythm Guitar
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his tour vlogs are so fun to watch!! he's always having a good time, wonderful fun and cool guy | instagram | youtube
Mitch Fogarty - Drums
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a sweet happy lovely goofball. man fills my heart with so much joy you don't even know | instagram
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They are always performing with passion & energy. They're one of those bands that you can tell enjoy their concerts, because they're always having a great time on stage. I dare you to scroll through their instagram for five minutes and then try to tell me that they don't look like a fun bunch o' fellas!
Here I present five songs for your consideration.
(thank you to my beloved alpha wolf mutual @simpleapparition for helping me to make this list)
Their most popular track, if you're going to check them out, Akudama is a great place to start. It's their most popular for a reason!
I consider 60cm Of Steel to be another essential Alpha Wolf track. This one is also a collaboration with Holding Absence (another one of my favorite bands, but that's beside the point).
Acid Romance is another song from the same album as Akudama (A Quiet Place to Die). If you're in the market for some angsty lyrics, this bad boy's for you.
For the final two recommendations, I shall present two of our own personal favorites off of their new album, Half Living Things!
Garden of Eyes comes recommended by @simpleapparition
Mangekyō comes recommended by yours truly, @politemagic
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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femaletwstsupremacy · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫…
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐅𝐞𝐦! 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐮𝐥
Sypnosis: Small little stories from the Heartslabyul cast with their S/O on Christmas.
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HEARTSLABYUL...A dorm based on the Queen of Hearts’ spirit of strictness…
To you and everyone else's surprise Riddle decided to stay on campus for winter break. When asked about the matter she stutters in her speech with her face turning into a brilliant red, a reason? Does she need a reason to stay in NRC for winter break? Out of character!? Off with your head-! Trey only managed to save the poor Heartslabyul student by a slim chance. Since then, no one dares to question her decision lest they face the wrath of their dorm leader and get their precious heads cut off. But truthfully, the reason why she wanted to stay on campus was because you were here. Not only that it was Christmas, a holiday that wasn't all that celebrated in her household. And she's sure she won't be feeling any form of happiness if she were to go home, since all she would be doing is staring longingly at the window. Watching her neighbors enjoy themselves in a celebration she can't join. So she wishes to experience the Christmas festivities with you, even if it is just the both of you huddling next to the fire together for warmth. She could even be playing in the snow with you, a childish display, she knows. But she can't help but enjoy it. Maybe you two could bake some Christmas cookies, while she isn't confident with her skills she will still help you out as much as she can. Her face turning red when you lick the cream that got on her cheek....Or would you perhaps like a kiss under the mistletoe?
By the time Christmas rolls around, Trey's family bakery is packed with orders. She remembers it all too well, those times when she would bake, bake, bake, till her hands got sore. Her siblings weren't exempted from this either, all of them running to Trey to cry and complain about how tiring it is. But even with all the complaints and exhaustion they always end up finishing all the orders right before Christmas eve. Now that she's in NRC and most definitely far from home she makes sure to have a piece of her family with her. That being said every time December rolls in she starts making an extensive amount of Christmas themed pastries. But now you're here! And more than willing to give her a lending hand. Baking treats just seem much more fun with you, the jokes, the laughter, hell even the impromptu flour fight. Though you both had to clean it up quick before it was off with your heads. By the time she has to leave for the winter break, she makes sure to gift you a bag of sweets before she goes. When she hands you the bag, your confusion is evident from your expression. She chuckles a bit, you're so endearing sometimes. Think of it as something to remind you of her while she's gone.
Cater is always on top when it comes to anything trendy, and every year Magicam blows up with Christmas posts. The theme for this year specifically being couple photos. She'd most definitely be missing out if she didn't take a few festive pics with you no? As most know, Cater is extremely picky with angles. That fact being obvious with the very nice looking photos in her profile. But all those troubles are completely gone since her beloved S/O is here! Every pic she takes of you is perfect in her eyes, she won't let you say otherwise. Seriously, she took pictures of you from every angle and she swears you look so attractive. Just how did she end up with such a photogenic partner? She takes a lot of pics, and I mean a lot. All of them having you as one of the primary subjects, you're practically running away from your girlfriend with the amount of pictures she takes. She begs you for one last selfie together, although you refused, Cater was persistent. Eventually giving up you let her take a supposed 'last' selfie, but unfortunately for poor unsuspecting you Cater sneaked a kiss on your lips while taking the photo. You look so cuteee, and your expression was priceless! She might as well keep this one to herself <3.
Deuce's eyes shone like a child while she told you how excited she is for the Christmas season. Ace teased her relentlessly for her excitement, with Deuce's cheeks flushing a bright red in embarrassment. But you thought her excitement was cute, it's not everyday you find someone her age so excited for Christmas. So for the holidays Deuce plans to spend it all with you (and her mom), as such she rooms with you and grim in the ramshackle dorm. Of course as payment for letting her stay she makes sure to give you a gift of her appreciation which also just so happens to be her Christmas present for you. When she hands it to you her expression was one of determination and embarrassment, she looked at you with barely hidden back excitement when you took the gift in your hands and start to unwrap it. Inside was...a photo album? Seeing your confusion Deuce's shoulders slumped a bit and her determined expression faltering, not wanting your girlfriend to be more upset than she already is you opened the album on a random page and the sight was something you least expected. It was a photo of you and Deuce, you remembered taking it with her at the VDC. You flipped through the pages and found more photos of you and Deuce, you raised your head and fixed your eyes on the girl in front of you. Your expression questioning "Well...It's been a long time since we dated and...I wanted to give you something that will remind you of the time we spent together" You swear to the seven you have the sweetest girlfriend in the world.
In NRC, there were plenty of students who pretended to not like Christmas. Saying that it's childish and they're far to old for it, but in truth they appreciate the holiday way more than they let on. Unfortunately for you, Ace was one of those types. When Deuce excitedly brought it up once Ace was quick to tease the hell out of her. Earning her an embarrassed Deuce shooting back at her teasing remarks. You had asked her about it when you two were finally alone and she went on and on about how dumb and childish it is, I mean who get excited over pretty lights and presents under a tree? Apparently her, though she tried really hard to hide her giddiness with off handed remarks on how boring it is you still managed to read her like an open book. As the days pass by with the 25th getting closer and closer, Ace's excitement got more and more obvious. She looks just as excited as Deuce was when she ranted about the holiday. And your theory was right, she was excited, almost wishing you'd give her a gift. Maybe take her out on a Christmas date..? Catching herself, Ace immediately discarded her previous thoughts. Why would she even be thinking about that? She's not excited, she doesn't want those things to happen. Well, that's what she tells herself. But somehow, you made those exact thoughts come true. Can you read her mind or something??? She didn't have time to ponder over it any longer when you dragged her by the hand into the bustling town. Maybe...just maybe she likes Christmas...
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scientific-dog · 5 months
Yes, hi, hello, I recently got into Nope (2022) and I've been looking far and wide for JJ humanizations and may I just say yours is the best one yet? Like the design, the colors, the personality AFSGHGSDJKSA I love him
So I hope you don't mind a few questions? Like, just how big is he? Can he change sizes? Does him being able to talk and communicate with the humans change the story of the movie? Does the SLE scene still happen? Even if differently?
I just think he's neat, I wanna know more about him :3
Anyways your drawings are really cool, I'll be keeping an EYE out
(I am forcibly removed from the Star Lasso Experience)
Wow! Thank you for a question! That’s one of my favorite films, so I plan to draw a lot of things for this fandom, as soon as I finish with my bachelor degree at university xd
Human JJ is a tall and lean man, he’s like 10 ft (or 3 meters), but he mostly like a regular human. My goal was to achieve the most resembling to canon monster image in human disguise.
So, this humanoid can’t change his size. But it may be peculiar, that he has a very long hair, which he combs under the hat with bends and hairpins, so his haircut looks “short”, but if he unbends it, his hairstyle makes him look “angelic” (and bigger I would say xd) like JJ has in the end of the movie.
Generally, JJ is not aggressive to people, he has no special interest towards them, he is just an introvert, who doesn’t like to be seen by others. I have been thinking how to transfer his behaviour in the movie, so the best idea was that JJ as a human is probably very photogenic, and he faced a lot of agencies, photographers and journalists that would like to film and pic him. He’s some kind of a “star”, but doesn’t like this attention and sick of people hanging around. So, my human just moved to this side to hide from all these popularity.
In this AU Jean Jacket (which is truly his full name) is a real “extraterrestrial glamour”, a “Hollywood star which chew and split you out”, an embodiment of carnivorous showbusiness. His predatory explains like toxic and wild attitude. And Jupe saw him like “omg I want him to stole my show and bring me some money”
Yes, definitely this AU is can be different, I used the subtext as a basis:>
About SLE incident, I’m stilll thinking actually. This is kinda hard to transfer in my story, but I think I have to do it :o I had some drawings which I hadn’t post with JJ giving a wild show during the SLE, it gonna be the thing lol
Fun fact, I didn’t stayed the point was JJ alien or not, but he definitely has relatives who I haven’t drawn, but they exist! Let it be some kind of secret, was he alien who got human form or just a common man^^
Another fact: me and my beloved friend @shapter-draws have a small funny shipping au with Jupe/hum!JJ (we call it “spaceship” lol)
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dorothy16 · 10 months
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chriscolfer Our beautiful and beloved Cooper has crossed the rainbow bridge. He was the most loving dog I’ve ever known, always the life of the party, a natural ladies man, an obsessive athlete, the warmest snuggle-bug, and sometimes a total diva.
Cooper cast a spell on everyone he met. On the day we adopted him from the @SCGRR, the whole neighborhood came to his foster home to wish him farewell. On the the day we lost him, the entire staff of the veterinarian hospital came to his room to say goodbye.
The hardest part of being his dad was knowing I’d never be as attractive, charismatic, or photogenic as him. The rest was heaven.
Your daddies love you so much, Scoop-Scoop. Thanks for being our bubba. We will miss you forever. ❤️
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Would terry have more trouble taking beloved who is famous/ a celebrity?
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-"In 1983,"- Demetri holds up the old, tattered gossip periodical they've fished out of Mrs. Moskowitz's attic stash of dusty trinkets and forgotten keepsakes, reading carefully, wide eyes following every line, every word like it was lifechanging --- like they could find the Yeti or the Sasquatch hidden somewhere among the many columns, Hawk perched up beside him on the squeaky floorboard surrounded by boxes, scoffing, clearly not appreciating the great mystery they were so close to uncovering together. -"After their subsequent movie one hit wonder one the Red Carpet, the dazzling career of one of Hollywood's and LA"s aspiring sweethearts takes a sudden nosedive nobody foresaw coming."-
He acutely feels Hawk's amused eyeroll burning a hole in the back of his head.
How was this not exciting for him!?
Binary Bros, uncovering the puzzle behind a 80's mega-star slipping into obscurity?
Practicality overnight!?
-"Reports on retiring from public life took the jet-set of Hollywood by storm."- He narrates on, the article, admittedly, being incredibly and annoyingly vague. Offering no real intel. Only suspicious amounts of formality. Followed by pictures of aggrieved fans circling the streets of LA in front of MGM studios strewn all over the glossy page. Maybe it was easier to disappear back then. No Internet. No Instagram. Nobody slipping into a celebrity's DMs. Just speculations and handwritten fanmail. Landline phones at best? He continues, practically out of breath, finding a quote. -"'Our goal is privacy and civilian integrity. Just that. We ask to be respected in our decision.' Beloved, as affectionately nicknamed by their fanbase, not wanting to give any statements had their acting manager explaining, having no further comments."-
Beloved? He supposed that was a stage name of sorts? Like Cardi B? Weird.
But that bit of dialogue by their manager ---
If that didn't stink, Demetri didn't know what did.
Not even extensive True Crime Google searches or sifting through Missing Person reports gave him more clarity than what they right right in this celebrity gossip magazine from, like...what? Thirty years ago? Forty? Man, his parents haven't even met back then. They were both still kids!
-"C'mon. It's just some ancient, unconfirmed conspiracy theory from back when the dinosaurs were still roaming the planet."- Hawk shrugs and Demetri turns the page, finding sudden epiphany. -"No, no! Listen to this, though!"- He perks up, tugging at Hawk's forearm, nearly jumping on the attic floorboard with the flashlight he was holding in his hand. Wasn't even dark. He was just doing it for the spooky vibes, to be honest. He found it! Found what he was looking for! Photographic evidence, receipts and all! -"Pictured with Corporate Business Moghul, Charity Entrepreneur and one of LA's most eligible Billionaire bachelors, Terrence Silver."- The description under an image says and how did he not find this online? Was this just conveniently fine-combed off of the web? -"The young starlet's colorful choice of date, deemed controversial by some still declared the most photogenic Red Carpet couple of '83."- There he was, Ponytail Sensei --- Sensei Targaryen --- eons younger, dark haired for contrast, looking like one of those shiny, perfect Ken dolls, hand in hand with the object of their research. They were a thing! Like, together-together. -"I knew it!"-
He holds up the tabloid, pointing at it vigorously, feeling victorious.
Gloating just a teeny, tiny bit.
It was The Valley's very own unsolved urban mystery!
-"You nerd."- Hawk laughs from where he was sitting, knees bent under him, chilling on the busted parquet that has definitely seen better days, still skeptical. Okay, alright. Demetri saw how it was. His amazing talents and privately investigative research in tandem were clearly not appreciated around here. That was his thanks then? -"Yeah, some asshole from the newspapers retiring like a million years ago and dating some Bond Villain who hasn't changed his hairstyle in decades. Spooky."- He shakes his head, wiggling around his fingers and pursing his lips for emphasis, clearly unimpressed, taunting him, making fun of the whole concept, about to get up and climb down from the attic and just about ditch him. Call quits on this whole project. -"You and your head in the clouds, I swear."-
A realization hits Demetri like a train at full speed.
-"What if he like, you know, went all Fatal Attraction?"- He grabs Hawk by the elbow, stopping him in his tracks, whispering like the walls suddenly grew ears. -"What if, there was a kidnapping involved and he scooped them up, got his Doctor Evil scheming and Scrooge McDuck connections to erase all traces of them and has been keeping them in some crazy mastermind lair all these years? You know, like a hostage? Made it seem like it was just some out of the blue retirement?"- Demetri lets it all pour out, without filter, saying exactly what he was thinking no matter how insane it sounded and it kind of did sound insane, admittedly; feeling himself fall into a frenzy of rambling regardless, all his long weeks of thinking and thinking, trying to figure the mystery out and it all so suddenly made sense. Cobra Kai's current new Sensei, no matter how surface level nice he seemed, had more than one skeleton in the closet and this was one of them. But, if that was the case, just how powerful was this guy? The frozen intensity in Hawk's eyes matches his in the darkness of the attic illuminated only by their flashlight and for a second, Demetri thinks he's believed and then --- Hawk snorts loudly. Then he chortles to top it all off, grabbing him by the shoulder, startling him. Very funny. Hilarious.
-"Yeah, wow, okay, I don't believe that. Nobody can pull that off."-
He pats him on the back, leading him downstairs.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
The Gogo Girls [Redux]
The Gogo Girls are a group of Idol Heroes who serve as both Superstar and Sirenia's sidekicks as well as a legitimate girl group. Because of their status, the girls rarely see combat instead taking on more espionage missions. Much like Superstar, they have a 70s theme to them.
The members consist of:
Enbi Aimoto | Playgirl
Koneko Shizumiya | Kitty
Nayla Pryor | Hot Stuff
Inoka Amai | Sweetie Pie
Theresa "Rhea" Fox | Dancing Queen
Brandy St. Croix | Love Hangover
Milicent Mikako Ningyo | Barbie
Enbi Aimoto | Playgirl
Playgirl, later the Love & Kisses Hero: Lady Cupid, is the leader of the Gogo Girls as well as the lead singer. Enbi had dreams of being a hero, but was forced to drop out of college to care for her sick mother. She eventually got a job at the Music Divas Agency as a secretary for Superstar.
With enough encouragement from her boss, Enbi reapplied for college and graduated. Superstar selected her as the leader of a new group she was forming shortly after.
Quirk/Gift: Cupid's Arrow - Enbi can turn the hearts that float around her into a bow and arrows that she can fire at a target's heart. When the arrow hits their heart, the target falls madly in love with her.
Koneko Shizumiya | Kitty
The shy, somewhat reclusive second-in-command of the group, Kitty is not the most photogenic person. Much like her cousin Black Cat (Kuroneko Kinzan), Koneko was poor and homeless for a majority of her life until her senior year of high school. Because of her past living situation, Koneko has become very money conscious. When an opportunity to earn money presented itself in the Gogo Girls, Koneko took it.
Primary Quirk/Gift: Kitten - Koneko has the features and abilities of a cat.
Secondary Quirk/Gift: Teleconnection - Koneko can establish a psychic link with a person or object. Establishing a link with a person/people allows her to read minds while establishing a link with an object gives her telekinesis.
Nayla Pryor | Hot Stuff
Nayla is someone who already has her future set out for herself: be a sidekick for a few years, graduate to pro, and enter the greater entertainment industry. Hailing from Spain, her biggest dream-- and ultimate end goal-- is to be on the red carpet and become an international megastar. Her cousin is Firedancer (Esmeralda Domínguez).
Quirk/Gift: Fire Wisps - Nayla's fingertips contain kerosene that can be used to create small or medium sized wisps of fire.
Inoka Amai | Sweetie Pie
Inoka is the team big sister. A country bumpkin in mind, body, and soul, she prefers the simple things in life. Inoka joined the Gogo Girls because her younger half sister Ayame was going to school in the city and she wanted to live with her. Inoka doesn't care for the fame and fortune that comes with her job, she just wants to go back to the farm.
Quirk: Sweetheart - Inoka can blow out a heart shaped bubble that can be consumed. When eaten, it'll send whoever ate it into a sugar rush.
Theresa "Rhea" Fox | Dancing Queen
Another Hollywood hopeful, Rhea has big dreams of her own-- to become a supermodel. Rhea is a skilled dancer and the main choreographer for the Gogo Girls. Her hope is that both her skills and her status as an Idol Hero will attract modeling agencies. Being a hero is not something she finds long-term.
Quirk: Bust A Move - Whenever Rhea sings, it compels the people around her to dance. The closer they are, the stronger the compulsion.
Brandy St. Croix | Love Hangover
Brandy is the peacemaker and probably the most sought after member. Much like the others, she has plans for when she eventually goes solo but is comfortable with where she is at the moment. Brandy's in no rush to leave the nest. She has been told by many people she'd make a killing in jazz due to her deep but feminine voice.
Quirk/Gift: Beloved - Brandy can take on the appearance of a person her target(s) has a romantic, platonic, or familial bond with.
Milicent Mikako Ningyo | Barbie
Perhaps the most cryptic and mysterious member, Milicent is someone a lot of people want to know about. Whenever she's asked questions about her life, she avoids them or changes the topic. Not even Superstar or Sirenia knows about her past, and Milicent wants to keep it that way.
Quirk/Gift: Doll - Milicent is a living, breathing doll and as such has the power to shapeshift and turn her limbs into weapons. She's also much more flexible than the average person, as shown in her being able to turn her head 360.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @beyonettta @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @spoilercreati
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JOB HUNTING (a continuation of Sirius)
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(Max belongs to @devil-doll13)
She didn't really need a job.
She had plenty of money to get her through the time she would spend here in Downings while her van got fixed up. Had been told it would be quite a while to get the parts so "best get cozy, Miss Mayson."
That had been over a week ago....
Izzy hovered over her phone, having just exchanged numbers with Debby and explaining she just needed to do some research. It wasn't a COMPLETE lie, she just didn't want to expose herself as an extraterrestrial too soon, people weren't too keen on beings they didn't understand being outside their mortal comprehension.
She had wandered back to Kenny's like she had been everyday even after staying with Debbie for a week it had become a routine: working on her laptop and looking outside the window in the diner.
Downings was a gorgeous place. Like a town straight out of an RPG. Healthy green trees created large photogenic walls practically hiding the small town from the rest of the world. She has remembered the natural tree-like man made tunnel she and Max had rode through just to get into town. She could only imagine what this place looked like during the other seasons. She planned on staying for a while, so she would eventually find out.
"Staring at the sky again are we?"
An eye popped up on her phone screen, a cheeky British accent to go with it.
"Hey Archie, yeah, you caught me."
This was Project: Archimedes. Short name, Archie. An AI that her father had constructed a long time ago, during his old Organization days.
It was an odd companionship. But this homemade artificial intelligence had watched over the star girl from the moment she had taken her first breaths in the world. He had to keep his eye and ears out for any talks anywhere on the Internet if anyone shady had gotten wind of his beloved redhead. Especially if those talks were coming from the Organization. It had been his prime directive: Keep Izzy safe, By any means necessary.
Archie had been propped up against a ketchup bottle and sugar shaker, the eye quietly watching his redheaded charge as her own emerald green eyes darted from her now set down plate of pancakes to her laptop, ceasing her typing every so often to take a few bites of pancake and a sip of coffee and continue working. His artificial blue eye, dimmed to a half lid. He adored watching her plug away at her newest celestial findings. Watching her chest rise and fall at a calmed pace, fingers tapping away in a gorgeous dexterous dance on her keyboard. She is what he admired about humans. How most ai would find them repulsive, bags of fat and flesh, Archie had lived among them all of his life. Watching them, and the ones he had interacted with, while only a handful were goldmines of happy moments. He had been able to watch Izzy take her first steps, speak her first words and even ride a bike. He had been able to watch her grow into a mature young woman. And while her celestial powers and abilities were new, he couldn't wait to watch those develop too. As much as he couldn't admit to himself, Archie loved Izzy. In the most passionate way. Had he a body himself, he would be happy to sweep her off her feet and go discovering the cosmos together.
The Eyes train of thought was rudely disrupted when the bell to the dinner clanged noisily against the metal door and Debby's voice greeted the guest. An artificial grunt came from his speaker as soon as he saw: it was Max. If the Ai had eyebrows they'd be knit into an annoyed expression, had he lips, they would have pursed sourly.
It was no secret that ever since arriving in town a week ago and meeting a now much older Max, Archie did not like the blonde hanging around Izzy. But anyone around could tell that it was pure jealousy. If he had willed to give away his true feelings to the outside world, his artificial iris would have turned as green as Izzy’s own eyes. Archie stayed quiet, watching the tall mechanic sit down at the booth across from her.
“So, heard you finally got your van back…when you heading’ back out?” Max asked, his blue eyes twinkling with hope that the childhood friend he had just connected with wouldn't disappear on him again.
“Oh, I’m not leaving so soon. I’ve gotten so much work done while I’ve been here, I’m possibly thinking of staying.”
Archie couldn't believe what he was hearing. Possibly staying???
“Izzy if I could interject-” Archie quickly piped up. “Aren't there other places we wanted to visit? Staying here would only serve to-”
“Archie, those places will still be there should we decide to go traveling again. Besides, I'm honestly getting tired of living out of my van. Sleeping in an actual bed for the past few nights has been wonderful.”
Max’s grin widened. “It’d be nice to have you around a lot more. It’s been a while since I've seen you and Archie. It’s just nice to see some old friends again.”
Izzy’s green eyes met Max’s blue ones. Archie inwardly grimaced at seeing her cheeks go a couple shades darker in a blush. That should be him making her blush. Archie could feel his code squirming in response to his annoyance.
It was obvious that the Ai was not fond at all of the overgrown mutt and his boyish charms hogging all of Izzy’s attention. It wasn't his fault he was only made of code. That he had no arms to shoo the blonde away, to lead Izzy away from this place and keep her safe. Archie had many whyreasons he wanted to leave Downings. Max’s appearance had been added to the top of that list. Another was that staying in one place was dangerous for beings like them. Special interest groups were out there, the kind who shot first and asked questions never. The kind who didnt care what your moral alignment was if you looked otherworldly.
“You okay over there, Archie?” Max asked, gently picking Izzy’s phone up, the boys making eye contact.
“Just dandy, mate. So Izzy, what have you been working on?” Archie was already too close to Max’s face to see his perfect teeth in the phone's reflection and quickly wanted to change the subject. It had worked and Max had set the phone down again but, face down this time. The eye turned from blue to green to red and back to blue in rapid succession while not being seen. He had been picked back up and set right where he had been between the ketchup and sugar.
Izzy had put him back in his temporary rightful place, The ai making sounds like a sigh of relief even though he had no lungs. “Thank you, Luv.” Archie chuckled, smiling.
She smiled at him and turned her attention back to Max.
After Max had left to head back to work, Kenny, the owner of Kenny’s diner walked in. He walked over to Debby who was busy washing the coffee pots to refill with fresh coffee. It wasn't much of a conversation and Debby had pointed to the booth in Izzy’s direction. It was a short interaction but Izzy had been offered a job as a waitress in town. It was officially time to put down roots. As much as Archie didn't like the idea.
Tags: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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knittsknotts1 · 3 months
Elevate Your Wedding Aesthetics with a Large Macrame Backdrop
In the realm of wedding decor, where personalization and uniqueness reign supreme, macrame has emerged as a beloved trend. The timeless art of knotting cords to create intricate patterns offers a blend of elegance and bohemian charm that perfectly complements modern weddings. Among the various applications of macrame in weddings, a large macrame backdrop stands out as a stunning centerpiece that can transform any Wedding Backdrop macrame wedding venue into a dreamy, ethereal space.
The Allure of Macrame in Wedding Decor
Macrame, a craft with roots that trace back to ancient times, has experienced a resurgence in recent years, particularly in the world of interior design and event decor. Its intricate patterns and handcrafted nature exude a sense of artistry and authenticity that resonates with couples looking to add a personal touch to their wedding day.
A large macrame backdrop is not just a decorative piece; it’s a statement. It’s a way to frame one of the most significant moments of your life with beauty and intention. The versatility of macrame allows it to seamlessly fit into various wedding themes, from rustic and bohemian to elegant and minimalist.
Why Choose a Large Macrame Backdrop for Your Wedding?
Aesthetic Appeal: The intricate knots and patterns of a large macrame backdrop create a visually captivating scene. Whether placed behind the altar, at the reception, or as a photo booth backdrop, it draws attention and serves as a focal point that enhances the overall aesthetic of the wedding.
Versatility: Macrame backdrops can be customized to suit any wedding theme or color palette. Whether you prefer a natural, off-white macrame for a bohemian vibe or a colored one to match a specific theme, the possibilities are endless. You can also incorporate additional elements like flowers, greenery, or fairy lights to add an extra layer of charm.
Eco-Friendly Option: In an era where sustainability is a priority for many couples, macrame offers an eco-friendly decor option. Made from natural materials such as cotton or jute, macrame is biodegradable and reusable. After the wedding, the backdrop can be repurposed as a decorative piece in your home, serving as a beautiful reminder of your special day.
Handcrafted Beauty: Each macrame piece is unique, often handcrafted by skilled artisans. Choosing a large macrame backdrop for your wedding supports these artisans and adds a touch of handmade beauty to your decor. The time and effort invested in creating these pieces make them special and one-of-a-kind.
How to Incorporate a Large Macrame Backdrop in Your Wedding
Ceremony Backdrop: One of the most popular uses of a large macrame backdrop is at the wedding ceremony. Positioned behind the couple as they exchange vows, it provides a beautiful, textured background that enhances the emotional and visual impact of the moment. It creates a picturesque setting for photographs and videos, making every captured moment look like a piece of art.
Reception Decor: Macrame backdrops aren’t limited to the ceremony. They can also be used to create stunning focal points at the reception. Consider placing a macrame backdrop behind the head table, dessert table, or as a photogenic spot where guests can take pictures. It adds a cohesive element to the decor and ties different areas of the venue together.
Photo Booth: Creating a dedicated photo booth area with a large macrame backdrop allows guests to capture fun and memorable moments. Pair the backdrop with some quirky props, and you have an instant hit that will keep guests entertained throughout the evening.
Outdoor Weddings: For outdoor weddings, a macrame backdrop can blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Hang it between two trees or on a freestanding frame to create a picturesque setting that complements the beauty of the outdoors.
Choosing the Perfect Macrame Backdrop
When selecting a large macrame backdrop for your wedding, consider the following factors:
Size: Ensure that the backdrop is large enough to make a statement but not so overwhelming that it overshadows other decor elements. Measure the space where it will be placed to find the right size.
Design: Look for designs that complement your wedding theme. Whether you prefer simple geometric patterns or more elaborate designs with fringe and tassels, there’s a macrame style to suit every taste.
Customization: Many artisans offer customization options, allowing you to choose specific patterns, colors, and sizes. This ensures that your macrame backdrop is tailored to your unique vision.
Quality: Invest in a high-quality macrame backdrop made from durable materials. This ensures that it will not only look stunning on your wedding day but can also be cherished as a keepsake for years to come.
A large macrame backdrop is more than just a decoration; it’s a piece of art that adds warmth, texture, and a touch of bohemian elegance to your wedding. Its versatility and timeless appeal make it a perfect choice for couples looking to create a memorable and visually captivating wedding experience. Whether you’re planning an intimate ceremony or a grand celebration, a macrame backdrop will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on you and your guests.
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thetelephonebox · 4 months
The Timeless Appeal of the Red British Telephone Box 
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The Red British telephone box is one of the most enduring symbols of British culture and heritage. Instantly recognizable, these vibrant red kiosks have graced the streets of the UK since the 1920s, becoming as iconic as Big Ben, red double-decker buses, and the London Eye. For many, the Red British telephone box evokes a sense of nostalgia and tradition, serving as a picturesque reminder of a bygone era. 
The history of the Red British telephone box begins in 1924, when Sir Giles Gilbert Scott won a design competition held by the General Post Office. Scott's design, known as the K2, featured a domed roof, glazed windows, and a solid iron frame. A bright red color was chosen to make the boxes easily visible. This design was later refined in the K6 model, which became the most widely deployed version across the UK and even overseas in British colonies. 
Despite the advent of mobile phones and the decline in the use of public payphones, the Red British telephone box has managed to remain relevant. Many of these iconic boxes have been preserved and repurposed in creative ways. Some have been transformed into mini libraries, where passersby can borrow or exchange books. Others have been converted into art installations, defibrillator stations, or even small cafes. The adaptability of the telephone box ensures its continued presence in modern British life. 
One of the most notable examples of repurposing can be found in the efforts of organizations like us. This group is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the history and legacy of the Red British telephone box. They have spearheaded numerous projects to restore old boxes, giving them new life and a new purpose. These efforts not only honor the historical significance of the boxes but also provide practical benefits to communities. 
The Red British telephone box has also become a popular subject for tourists and photographers. Its classic design and bold color make it a favorite backdrop for photos, often capturing the essence of British charm and elegance. Souvenirs and merchandise featuring the telephone box are widely available, from keychains and postcards to T-shirts and model replicas. This widespread affection highlights the deep cultural impact of these humble structures. 
However, maintaining these historical icons is not without challenges. Vandalism, weathering, and neglect have taken their toll on many of the remaining telephone boxes. Restoration requires significant resources and dedication, which is why the work of organizations like us is so vital. Their commitment ensures that future generations will continue to enjoy and appreciate the Red British telephone box. 
In conclusion,  
The Red British telephone box is more than just a piece of street furniture; it is a cherished emblem of British history and ingenuity. Its evolution from a functional payphone to a versatile community asset demonstrates its lasting relevance. Thanks to the efforts of preservation groups and the enduring affection of the public, the Red British telephone box remains a beloved and iconic symbol of Britain. Whether as a historical artifact, a practical amenity, or a photogenic landmark, this red kiosk continues to captivate and inspire. For those interested in learning more or supporting preservation efforts, TheTelephoneBox offers a wealth of information and opportunities to get involved. 
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jandrewnelson-blr · 6 months
The Barefoot Chronicles: Strolling Through Rio's Legendary Sands
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Imagine a place where the sun kisses your skin, the sand is your throne, and the waves applaud your entrance. Welcome to Rio, where the beaches are like the city's dating profile – photogenic, fun-loving, and always ready for a good time. Whether you're here to flex your volleyball skills, perfect your tan, or simply sip caipirinhas while the ocean serenades you, Rio's beaches have got you covered. So, slap on some sunscreen, leave your worries behind, and let's dive into the sandy escapades of Brazil's most flirtatious coastlines. Who knows? You might just fall in love – or at the very least, develop a serious crush on a coconut."
Rio de Janeiro, a city where the vibrance of urban life seamlessly blends with the tranquil beauty of nature, is globally renowned for its breathtaking beaches. These stretches of sand are not just places to bask in the sun; they are the heartbeats of Rio's culture, offering a glimpse into the carioca way of life. This blog post will take you on a journey through some of Rio's most famous beaches, showcasing their unique charms and why they're a must-visit for anyone traveling to this sun-soaked paradise.
  Copacabana: The Iconic Crescent
Starting with the most iconic of them all, Copacabana Beach is a name synonymous with Rio de Janeiro. Stretching over 4 kilometers, this beach is famed for its golden sands and the promenade lined with black-and-white Portuguese pavement in a distinctive wave pattern. Copacabana is more than just a beach; it's a vibrant community where locals and tourists alike gather to play volleyball, sunbathe, and indulge in caipirinhas from the kiosks dotting the shoreline. The New Year's Eve celebration here, with its spectacular fireworks display, is a sight to behold, drawing millions from around the globe.
  Ipanema: The Trendsetter
Immortalized in the bossa nova classic "The Girl from Ipanema," this beach epitomizes Rio's chic and trendy side. Nestled between Arpoador and Leblon, Ipanema is the quintessence of Rio's beach culture, with its clear blue waters and social scene. Each section of Ipanema Beach attracts different crowds, from families to sports enthusiasts and the LGBTQ+ community, making it a melting pot of cultures and lifestyles. The setting sun behind the Two Brothers Mountain, viewed from Ipanema, offers an unforgettable spectacle, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple.
  Leblon: The Sophisticated Sibling
Just west of Ipanema lies Leblon Beach, known for its laid-back atmosphere and sophisticated flair. Preferred by families and those seeking a more tranquil beach experience, Leblon offers all the beauty of its more famous neighbors but with a quieter vibe. The beach is backed by the upscale neighborhood of Leblon, brimming with chic cafes, boutique shops, and some of Rio's finest restaurants. The Mirante do Leblon, a viewpoint at the beach's western end, provides panoramic views of the coast, making it a perfect spot for photos or a moment of reflection.
  Arpoador: The Surfer’s Haven
Arpoador Beach is famed for its excellent surfing conditions, especially during the winter months when the waves are at their best. This small strip of sand, located at the end of Ipanema and the beginning of Copacabana, is also beloved for its rock formations that offer spectacular sunset views. Surfers and non-surfers alike gather on the rocks each evening to applaud the sun as it dips below the horizon, a local tradition that captures the communal spirit of Rio's beach culture.
  Prainha: The Secluded Sanctuary
For those willing to venture a bit further, Prainha Beach is a secluded sanctuary located about an hour's drive from the city center. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush Atlantic Forest, Prainha offers a more intimate connection with nature. Its crescent-shaped beach and smaller crowds make it a favorite among surfers and anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of Rio's more popular beaches.
The Bottom Line
Rio de Janeiro's beaches are more than just picturesque landscapes; they are where the essence of carioca life unfolds. Each beach, with its unique character and charm, invites visitors to experience the joy, relaxation, and vibrancy of Rio. Whether you're soaking up the sun on the iconic sands of Copacabana, catching waves at Arpoador, or enjoying the tranquil beauty of Prainha, Rio's beaches offer something for every type of traveler. So, grab your sunscreen and prepare to immerse yourself in the famous beaches of Rio—a truly unforgettable adventure awaits.
Jerry Nelson is a seasoned travel writer and passionate storyteller, known for his vivid portrayals of global destinations. With a particular fondness for Rio de Janeiro, Jerry delves deep into the city's heart, exploring its iconic beaches, vibrant culture, and spirited locals. His work not only captures the visual splendor of Rio but also its soul, offering readers a taste of carioca life. When he's not chasing sunsets on Copacabana or dancing to samba rhythms, Jerry shares his adventures through captivating blog posts, inspiring wanderlust in his followers. Join him as he unveils the magic of Rio, one story at a time.
Ready to infuse your brand with stories that captivate, inspire, and transport your audience to the heart of your message? Let Jerry Nelson, with his keen eye for detail and passion for storytelling, craft content that resonates with your audience, whether it’s for social media, your website, or any other platform. Dive into a world where words create connection, engagement, and action. Contact Jerry today and let's embark on a journey that turns your vision into captivating narratives, making your brand unforgettable. Don't just share content; tell stories that matter. Reach out now and watch your brand's story unfold.
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horwathgolf · 10 months
The Role of a Miniature Golf Expert in Elevating Your Entertainment Business
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The Role of a Miniature Golf Expert in Elevating Your Entertainment Business
Running an entertainment business of any kind can be challenging, given the fast-paced, ever-changing whims of the consumer marketplace. One of the best ways to expand your operations and grow potential revenue is by developing and introducing a miniature golf course.
Mini golf is a beloved, time-honored pastime that families enjoy. Given the variety of themes and technology you can introduce into this pastime, it allows you to easily add a new revenue stream that attracts clients and keeps previous customers highly engaged. The best way to do this is to collaborate with a team of miniature golf experts capable of transforming your entertainment business using a modern course design.
Understanding the Role of a Miniature Golf Expert
You wouldn’t hire a baker to build your house, just like you wouldn’t try to design a miniature golf course without an expert in the field. These professionals are designers, contractors, marketers, and social engagement geniuses.
Besides having specialized knowledge in the various details of course layout or crafting a thematic environment for your customers, there is also the application of the miniature golf course in your overall entertainment business structure. They can help guide you through introducing this new feature to the community and what advantages it brings to customers.
Then, there is dealing with the actual development process. A well-constructed miniature golf course must consider things like lighting, water elements, local ordinances, business regulations, and even the sun's course across the sky to lower your electric bills.
Enhancing Course Design and Themes
An experienced miniature golf expert is your best support to cultivate an immersive golfing world. They can guide you through the difference between open IPs and securing the rights for popular properties like TV shows, cartoons, movies, music, or other storylines. 
They understand firsthand that the best miniature golf courses worldwide tell engaging stories, so players feel involved from the first time they step onto your course to sinking that final putt on the last hole. This creative approach is what you need to attract your target audience. Those themed features are what you will see on the shared social media videos and photos that bolster your organic marketability.
Incorporating Technology and Innovation
To succeed in today’s miniature golf world, you need an expert who can bring in modern technology. This could be as simple as having a photogenic spot on your course where people can share Instagram-worthy photos of their families and friends or using GPS or Bluetooth-connected water and lighting features as a customer moves through your course.
Odds are you have already seen an indoor or outdoor course using incredible technology features that are widely shared online. That could be a specialized course that looks like a pinball machine with all the lights to make it more engaging or a glow-in-the-dark course with RFID lighting features demonstrating where you should set your ball for the first putt. It all comes down to technology.
Final Thoughts
The point is there are many moving parts to adding a mini golf course to your entertainment business. Everything from terrain to how to install the water pipes so that they are most efficient for various features comes into play. 
Hiring a miniature golf expert from our team at Horwath Golf is the best decision to move forward and ensure you get the quality advice and support you need to integrate this new business feature into your growing business. Contact us today, and let's get started!
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gatasosten · 1 year
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Frida Kathlo Rivera Rosas
Beloved Pet Companion and Dedicated Feline Friend
Frida Kathlo Rivera Rosas (enslaved name: Luna), aka Purr Machine, Black and White, Number One, 5-0, Panda Bear, Fri-dudoo, Friduska, Fred, Lord of the Rings, Frida Bear was born sometime in late May, early June 2011 in the streets of Austin, Texas. She was a healer, huntress, educator, tree climber, conflict/resolution facilitator, and loyal Xicana gata luchadora. The exact date of her birth is unknown as she was a rescue who was delivered to Town Lake Animal Shelter. Her Mamá Tañia liberated her from the confines of the shelter (in other words, jail) after she summoned her telepathically via a news alert that a shelter needed help with more cat adoptions. Since Tañia had always stated she would adopt a tuxedo cat, Luna, as they called her, greeted Mamá Tañia with a scream and sneeze. She officially arrived in the home of her mothers on August 29, 2011.
Frida’s addition into the apartment on Lightsey Road began tumultuously because she contracted a feline upper respiratory infection in the shelter and nearly died. Her mothers diligently nursed her back to health by placing her in steam baths to open her lungs and showing her that she needed to eat. After a full recovery, Frida integrated into the household by even winning over the Alpha Gata Negra, Emiliana “Emi” Zapata, with her playfulness, amicability, and grace. She became Emi’s one and only cat friend, who also served as a critical teacher to the young Frida. Frida additionally participated in an accelerated Ph.D. program in history as she was an avid and attentive companion of her Mamá Lilia’s many nights of writing and revising the final stages of her dissertation. Thus, she quietly received her doctorate, along with her mother, and became that rare cat who was both formally educated and street smart. 
By the end of 2012, her devoted mentor Emi died, leaving Frida to assume her duties as the Alpha Gata and lead Calisol Xóchitl in a new direction of their existence. Frida was firm but subtle in her leadership, ushering a new era for the Casa de Gat@s, where many more cat siblings were received with kindness, love, and openness as Frida never rejected a single cat nor showed them a hint of aggression upon joining her clowder.
In the summer of 2013, Frida moved with her mothers and sister to East Austin, where she lived in serenity. She spent most of her days clearly meowing her daily needs, exploring her vast backyard (and that of her neighbors), hunting for her favorite prey (lizards and geckos), warding off cats invading the realm, and lounging in the front patio or main sun room. She enjoyed regular pets from her mothers and always insisted that she needed to be settled exactly between them to receive the most loving dosage of attention and doting. Frida, an agile and expert tree climber, was crucial in instructing the younger cat, Elena Poniatowska, how to climb down a tree in the “Great I am Stuck in A Tree Fiasco” of circa 2015. Throughout these many years on the Eastside, she also befriended Whitey, the neighborhood cat, who provided key insights into the power dynamics of the Springdale barrio that became her final home.  
Later in life, Frida knew a bit of notoriety as she became Instagram famous since she was featured in the Latino Studies (UT Austin) social media page for International Cat Day on August 8, 2022. This moment affirmed to Frida what she had known all along that she was exceedingly photogenic and a lovely subject of photography.
During her last month upon the onset of her illness, Frida enjoyed all her favorite foods, including tuna and whole shrimp-flavored Meow Mix, canned tuna fish, and salmon dry kibble. She passed much of her time relaxing with her mothers in her favorite spots in and outside the house, but especially enjoyed sitting and eating the grass while listening to the birds chirp, watching the lizards speed by, and hearing the cicadas sing.
Frida expired peacefully in the arms of her mothers on a gloriously sunny afternoon on July 5, 2023 at the veterinarian’s office. Her mothers made the most painful decision to terminate as cancer was ravaging her tiny body, moving quickly and destroying her. She will be remembered for her stellar-ness, understated handsomeness, easy formality, unrelentless dignity, fierce determination, and unconditional love. 
Frida was preceded in death by her cat sister Emiliana Zapata and cat brother Whitey. She is survived by her mothers, Tañia Michelle Rivera and Lilia Raquel Rosas; her clowder, Calisol Xóchitl, Elena Poniatowska, Assata Shakur, Lucha Luchador, and Ginger Bread; and numerous other loving humans and felines. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in memory of Frida Kathlo, to Emancipet: https://emancipet.org/donations/emancipet-donation/ OR to your own favorite local animal rescue nonprofit. 
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, P.K. Subban! (13 May 1989)
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