#most if not all threads will be dropped and some plots are carrying over but 💃🏽
havendance · 5 days
I finished reading Simone's run on Batgirl (2011) today, and it feels a bit like I'm reaching the end of an era for the new 52 between the upcoming change of directions for her and Dick and Birds of Prey coming to an end, so I figured it was time for another check in.
Batman -- I have already written extensively about Zero Year. I probably have another post or two in me about it if I can pull together the brainpower. It looks like there is ANOTHER Joker event coming up in Batman: Endgame soon. Woohoo. Sigh. Scott Snyder I do not actually dislike your writing, but why?
Batman and Robin -- The Two Face arc was fine. The thing that really through me off though was the fact that the description for the trade for this arc was like "what's the connection between Harvey Dent and Carrie Kelly?" and then Carrie Kelly didn't show up at all? Am I missing something? What is the timeline on this story?
Birds of Prey -- I am not particularly sad to see this one go. This whole series was just all pretty eh in my opinion. I didn't really care about most of the plot lines. I did like Strix, but I really don't have much else to say about this. The best Birds of Prey content honestly comes from whenever Simone dragged them into Batgirl which I think is not very surprising.
Batgirl -- Barbara's fighting Vampire's all of a sudden? Around the same time as Kate's Nocturna drama? It's not even October. Anyway, I did still enjoy the Batgirl: Wanted trade more than the Deadline trade, but this was still enjoyable enough. I really liked the second Annual with Poison Ivy (see my note about Simone writing the best new52 Birds of Prey content despite not writing Birds of Prey). I am of mixed opinions of Helena Wayne Huntress getting brought into the Deadline storyline because it's very much a 'we're homaging the Birds of Prey trio' storytelling decision, and like Simone created that trio, it's her final issues on Batgirl, she has the right to do that! But also they have none of the history and it makes me sad because I miss them and Wayne isn't Bertinelli :( The final confrontation with Knightfall also felt a little anticlimactic and I just know that the plot threads with Barbara's old roommate is about to get completely dropped which is a shame. I am also a little sad that it ends with Barbara asking Alysia to come with her when I know she's about to get stuck on a bus. Alas.
Anyway, this also collected the Batgirl: Futures End issue which, uh, was a story.
Batwoman -- There is a clear drop in art quality when J. H. Williams left the title sadly. The Rafael Albuquerque covers are very good though. As I said previously, it's a shame that Andreyko is under marching orders to break of Kate and Maggie because I like the way he writes them together. I'm curious how the title's going to go for the final arc, because the plots that weren't the Kate-Maggie drama were less interesting and now that he doesn't have that. I suppose the title does end in like 6 issues.
Nightwing -- Nightwing's Chicago era was really fun and I am sad to see Kyle Higgins go. I may have had some beef with him over the fact that he burned down Haley's Circus twice in a row, but he wrote a good Nightwing. It's a shame he was stuck in thew new52 because I would've liked to see what he could do with a Dick Grayson who actually had all of his history.
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ignitedfms · 1 month
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Massive Heist Busted by United Authorities, Curfew Imposed in Sora District
𝐔𝐍𝐍 (𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤) - 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭, 𝟐𝟒𝟎𝟓
New Jakarta, Mars – In an unprecedented operation, THE OVERSEERS today disrupted a high-stakes heist involving a significant quantity of the highly sought-after drug, NEMESIS. The drug, notorious for its temporary enhancement of strength, durability, speed, and healing, has long been at the centre of the city’s black market. However, this latest incident has escalated concerns to an all-time high. According to official reports, a gang rumoured to be the THE SKELETON CREW infiltrated a secure production facility and made off with large quantities of NEMESIS. Authorities have not disclosed the exact amount stolen, but sources within the investigation describe it as “enough to flood the underground market for months.” The drug offers short-lived enhancements but carries severe risks with frequent use, including physical deformities and irreversible health issues. In response to this bold theft, the SORA DISTRICT has been placed under a strict 11PM curfew, effective immediately. Officials claim the measure is necessary to protect residents, though rumours are swirling that those with enough wealth and influence might find ways to circumvent these restrictions. The curfew has sparked outrage among some citizens, while others are relieved by the increased security presence in their district. The heist’s execution has also raised alarms in the MAWAR DISTRICT, where public transportation systems are now under intense scrutiny. Speculation is rife that the gang utilised these networks to conduct their operation, slipping through the cracks of New Jakarta’s tightly monitored infrastructure. As a result, transit authorities have ramped up surveillance, leading to widespread delays and frustrations among commuters. Members of the THE ISLES, in particular are in danger of being mistaken for THE SKELETON CREW. Adding to the tension, an underground racing bust in the AKUMU SLUMS has led to the detention of the area’s most notorious street racer, known only by the alias SHATTERSTAR. Sources indicate that this arrest is connected to the broader investigation into THE GREY LILLIES, though details remain scarce. The AKUMU SLUMS, already rife with unrest, are now on edge as residents grapple with the implications of SHATTERSTAR’S capture and the increased presence in OVERSEERS. Authorities urge anyone with information to come forward, emphasizing the urgency of capturing those responsible before more Nemesis floods the streets. The city’s black market has long been a thorn in the side of New Jakarta’s leaders, and this latest incident only underscores the ongoing battle to maintain order in a city where the lines between law and chaos are increasingly blurred. Stay tuned to UNN for updates as this story develops.
While UNN remains tight-lipped about certain details, sources close to the investigation have revealed that the NEMESIS vials were stolen from a facility linked to X ACADEMY. This connection raises questions about the involvement of high-profile figures within New Jakarta's elite circles. In a parallel move, the elusive GOLDEN TEARS have been dispatched to extract information about the drug's location from the SKELETON CREW. The tension between these factions is palpable, and the stakes are higher than ever as the city buzzes over these recent events.
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Welcome to our first mini-event and the kickoff for opening interactions! We hope this plot drop sparks inspiration for your open starters, exclusive threads, and unleashes the tension between your muses! Your characters can dive into the chaos—whether they’re part of the heist, caught in the racing bust, defying the curfew, frustrated by the delays in public transportation, or mourning the absence of SHATTERSTAR from the streets!
IC DATE: 3rd week of August, 2405 OOC DATE: 15th of August - end date to be announced PARTICIPATION: mandatory! THREADS OUTSIDE OF EVENT: allowed!
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untilthcyrot · 5 months
ooc: meet the mun
NAME?: Christina
PRONOUNS?: she/her
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: as of right this moment eileen, jude, kelly, nadja, ramsey, and winnie seem to be the loudest but that doesn't mean the others can't be coaxed out ;)
RP PET PEEVES?: I would say people who are waaaay too demanding, such as expecting others to reply to them pretty much as soon as their own reply drops on the dash. RP is supposed to be fun and relaxing but when others make you feel like you aren't fast enough, it makes for a horrible experience. Also people who make it their job to constantly call people out because they don't agree with something or wouldn't do something a certain way. Like why are you so worried?? RPC Police much??
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I started writing on tumblr roughly around 2011 because I remember season four of True Blood had just wrapped up and a former friend convinced me to join this rpg and write Sookie. I was like rpg what?? What dat?? I've been writing Sookie ever since, too lol you can find her on @sookiestackhcuse hint hint wink wink <3
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I live for all three if I'm being honest but it really depends on two things - what my current mood is and what the muses are feeling, too. There are days when I liiiiive for the angst and need as much of it as I can get, but I love a good balance of fluff, too. Smut would definitely come third, like a little treat when ships are going good and hot and heavy lmao.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'm honestly down for both. I think a lot of good plots can come from random memes that are sent in and I've definitely enjoyed seeing how one symbol or sentence starter can turn into a thread I treasure. Then again, coming up with cool plots and exploring them and watching them grow is just as thrilling! If it's an intricate plot then yeah probably need to actually plan it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Listen, I'm all over the map when it comes to the length of replies. In one reply it might be a paragraph, in the next I've become carried away with multiple of them, and then in the next one shorten it again. I think it depends on the depth of the thread itself. I don't try to force any length, but at least give enough for my partner to reply to. I think that's what counts - quality over quantity.
TIME TO WRITE?: It's 1am right now if that gives you any indication of when I actually really settle in lol. Nighttime with my headphones on and some instrumental music is when I get my best work done.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: You know, I think having a good "relationship" with my muses so that I can connect with them means that I put a part of myself in them as well as find something of them in me. Yes, even the villains who seemingly have no redeeming qualities lol.
tagged by: i think it was you @chaos--mode right lmaoooo
tagging: @shtkickr @guttcrson @gatekeepcr @rayofsunshinc @omniterror @applesdrowned @kindofuneven @deathsfollow @bloodsalted @ruinedmyself @unbearablyindifferent and anyone else have at! <3
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angie-long-legs-moved · 6 months
Age Restricted
This blog is 18+, absolutely no exceptions! Mun is in their 20s and will not rp with minors. If you are under 18, please do not follow or interact. You will be blocked.
At the moment, I am happy to rp/interact with the majority of those who want to write with me! However, I can be choosy if I feel our writing styles don't match or we don't click in the way we portray our muses.
I may drop threads if I lose motivation or I feel as though I'm carrying it. If you're concerned I've dropped our thread and wish to continue it, please just let me know! I may be open to continuing with some additional plotting, or at the very least I will offer an explanation as to why it was dropped.
I don't do exclusives! I love to see writers portray their own take on their muses, so doubles are welcome here.
Hard blocking is reserved for minors and weirdos - I won't hard block you if I no longer want to interact, I will probably just unfollow.
Dark Themes
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurance. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel's story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
Mun =/= Muse
Angel can be a prize dickhead at times. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. He has a short temper and zero impulse control, and is prone to flying off the handle. I will most likely ask if I feel like anything I write would cross a line, but I don't see this as ever being more than Angel throwing around hurtful words.
I tag obvious triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, just let me know! I may fuck up from time to time and forget to tag something, in which case just shoot me a message and I'll fix it.
NSFW content is fine and to be expected with this muse! However, I won't write smut unless we've been writing together for a while. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
Head over heels for Huskerdust, not massively interested in shipping Angel with other characters from the show. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I'm open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed ooc if it starts heading that direction. Open to OC ships, but again, chemistry is key. And, obviously, Angel is gay - I'll be writing him as such. If your muse is female/fem-leaning, sorry, but he ain't into it!
(I also feel the need to stress that while I enjoy exploring the dynamic between Angel and Valentino, please do not misinterpret this as shipping. To be clear, writing interactions between characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship does not constitute shipping, to my own definition. I am more than happy to explore the dark themes within their dynamic as long as we are on the same page about this.)
Requires Discussion
I am pretty lax, and will rp a lot without requiring prior discussion. If your muse is becoming violent towards mine, you don't need to worry about asking permission, especially when it is context relevant (eg. a thread between Angel and Valentino). I only ask that the following are discussed beforehand: any form of sexual assault (I will not write anything graphic), discussion of csa, a character causing massive injury to another or a character killing another.
Off Limits
Graphic descriptions of sexual violence; sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor; incest; paraphilias
I have a preference for long-form RP, but I also do IC asks. Multi para is preferred.
I will answer most asks - just please don't spam my inbox!
I don't expect anyone to match my length with replies - this is largely because I have a tendency to go overboard and write more than my partner! I prefer to write multi para because of this, but I'm open to all lengths.
Although I don't expect partners to match my length, I do like them to match my effort. As much as this is a fun and silly hobby, it's time-consuming and laborious, and I very much pour my heart into my writing. I want to write with people who value my contributions as much as I value theirs!
Personally, I am not massively bothered about literacy skill. However, if your language or grammar make it so I struggle to understand your response, I will not be able to write with you.
Activity Status
Currently very active! With my current number of threads, my average reply time is around 3-4 days. But if for some reason I haven't replied, don't panic! I'm a naturally slow writer and a perfectionist, it can take me a while to finish a response, especially if our thread responses are long. And, obviously, I do have a life outside of tumblr. However, if you're worried I've forgotten our thread, just shoot me a message!
I am more than happy to talk ooc, and welcome yall to message me! Whether it's for plotting reasons, ideas, headcanons, or just to shoot the shit, I love getting to know the people I write with!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
Dear Rae,
I am sorry I simply can not shut up, THE FEAST YOU SERVED US. My head is in my hands and I am shaking my head just drowning in the immensity of it all. I really didn't want to come here with some corny tapestry metaphor but the bayeux could never, one thread snags and another one weaves a new, even brighter , image onto the fabric, !!!
You gave us Lilly (lilly pining for james, sire.. i've never even seen this) , slutty James potter (he is my life line), The Midas reveal???!! The regulus plot line thickens- you said he was really dead but... dead in what way... who did james want them to ask?? The rabbit hole deepens...the red pill is down my throat we are in howls room in the moving castle.... "you're so used to looking away"... the unicorn blood (I'm scared), seeing remus in his own glamour for so much of his POV, the weight the line has always carried some how even heavier... it is on my neck and I cant breath!
You dropped one the most beautiful lines i've ever read in my life, what did you even do with yourself after you wrote; "every so often the universe makes an artist of itself in its arrangement of atoms into a body of matter" ... I was personally not okay, I could have gone my whole life without seeing those words strung together but life was really looking out for me today.
The detail about the gold earrings for the werewolf SW was just... such an incredibly visceral detail and coupled with the golden leash. The image of them in the cage together ..
I think what I loved also about remus POV was that although their perspectives were so vastly different, there were still moments where they didn't miss each other and where what was going on between them still felt undeniable? Sirius may be oblivious and Remus may be playing him like a fiddles, but he's gotten under his skin still hasn't he. He hates it but it's true. Theres also always such an innocence to Sirius, even when he's guilty and seeing that through Remus eyes was truly so gorgeous as well !
Thank you so much, Rae, your story means so much I COULD WRITE SO MUCH MORE but i'm trying to practice restraint.
Please take care!!
looking forward to having you back in July , or whenever you're ready <3
hi omg loving the metaphors....the imagery....will of course be holding my silence on any spoilers but 🤭🤭🤭 yes many possibilities indeed....
also glad u liked the artist line bc i actually hate it lmfao everytime i read back over that bit i'm like god i need 2 change this it's insufferable....but alas i was too lazy 2 go back and rewrite so. appreciate knowing that it was not as annoying as i thought it was
and remus playing sirius like a fiddle 💀 v true i was giggling + kicking my feet reading people's comments like 'omg remus is falling for him....' although. well u r perhaps correct abt sirius getting under his skin....who could say.....
tysm 4 the kind words 💕 💞
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koko-online · 3 months
Final Dawntrail Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
This is a long one, don't be afraid to skip it. More of a diary/vent than anything.
FFXIV has always been a weird combination of genres--MMORPG, JRPG, and visual novel. The ratio has varied a lot over the years. This isn't scientific but I'd kind of represent its progression like this.
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After 1.0 flopped (largely due to technical concerns, imo, the gameplay issues could have been fixed less drastically), they made a World of Warcraft clone with a JRPG's story. It was clunky, it had a lot of RPG mechanics, still a lot of MMORPG mechanics as well. Beginning with Shadowbringers, they continued dropping MMO mechanics like aggro and buffs and the utility of the trinity, but also started really abandoning RPG mechanics as a whole. Just equip the minimum item level so we can pretend there's progression, then do the dance correctly, you're good. There's nothing else. Honestly by 5.0 you could replace the JRPG label with Rhythm.
That's something that was pretty heavily criticized by long-time players, but the absolute strength of the visual novel components and, frankly, luck (WoW Exodus, popular streamers coming, covid) pushed XIV to levels of success it hadn't seen before. So they continued the trend in Endwalker, which, despite glaring plot holes still had a strong visual novel attached (ignoring the patch series).
What we're seeing in Dawntrail is half of a decade of intentional neglect shown to the MMO and RPG components of the game when the visual novel cannot stand on its own legs. No one had any hype or excitement left after the abysmal 6.x series to carry them forward. All that's left is a terrible movie I would have to force myself to watch on a plane, set dressing masquerading as an open world, and a litany of buttons that all do the same thing with very little player involvement necessary. It's a minigame within a poor visual novel that we pay a subscription for, and that's been laid bare for our eyes to see.
The first half was horrible, and no one disagrees. The second half is just as bad, if less straight boring. Without giving spoilers, they're really revisiting the well again. It's just Shadowbringers and Endwalker again without the baggage or lore.
I know I'm talking a lot about the story on this blog, but that is because almost no gameplay is required, rather, possible for almost any of the progression. There is simply nothing else to talk about. Putting the first and third trials aside, the most interesting addition to gameplay was actually adding straight visual novel aspects more often. It plays like a bargain bin Phoenix Wright investigation scene more than a few times. The rest is just filler for the story to take place around.
Okay, but Dawntrail has a jam-packed content slate for the next three years, right? Yeah, sure. In about a year, maybe 18 months, there will be something interesting to do besides the story and raiding.
What hurts the most is that the development team seem so bored of their own product that they're begging to be put on other projects. The development team is credited for taking and implementing feedback, but if you've been here long enough you know that's all smoke and mirrors. For how long have we been asking for Kaiten back, for example? For how long have we been asking to roll back the 2 minute meta? I saw a popular forum thread from back in ARR lamenting how boring moment-to-moment gameplay is for healers, and not only did they not change it up, they dug their fucking heels in and made it worse. They look at metrics to make choices, and when all else is equal, they take the path of least resistance.
I'll also say as a somewhat side-tangent that the metrics they use to read these things are so tone-deaf. Monk and Black Mage were two of the most lauded, well-designed jobs in the game. They were frequently held up as examples of how FFXIV can still potentially return to form, that they still have some creative juice left. Because they were some of the least played by the playerbase writ large, they were both lobotomized going into Dawntrail. As if a totally flat distribution of players on jobs is somehow not only desirable, but a virtue.
So, player queues have already dropped significantly one day after release. Do I think they're going to change course?
Frankly, no. They have their dickriders who want a Second Life playground to mod in. The narrative is already spinning, "Yeah it was bad, but it's okay that it was bad, it's the start of a new arc!", "It's a beach episode! What did you expect?????" These are both incorrect. Endwalker was a sequel primarily to Shadowbringers. Shadowbringers was also mostly a new arc. Heavensward was a new arc. Stormblood was a new arc. I didn't skip cutscenes on any of them. And speaking frankly, the dickriders have become such a huge part of the playerbase that they are simply more profitable and easier to please. Path of least resistance.
Given the current state of the industry, and how influential influencers have become for, uh, let's call them the simple-minded, I think for real change, the dickriding influencers would have to start dropping the game vocally. And that's not going to happen, it's their paycheck, it's a job. Who cares if it's kinda boring? Every job is kinda boring.
So where does that leave me? I'm not sure. I'm going to mess around a little bit with the new jobs basically just as an excuse to have contact with my old, old friends that I care about deeply. But this might be my final expansion, especially after getting into GW2. Once the illusion is broken, it's going to take something dramatic for me to see it again.
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theraphos · 2 years
Seriouspost Sunday: got in the mood to meta about robots for a minute, in that as much as "robot grows beyond/disobeys their programming" is a sci-fi classic for a reason, I'm always appreciative of exactly how Primordia goes about doing it. There's just something specifically appealing to me about the way the "my core logic" plot thread is implemented; the sort of classic older robot narratives along these lines tend to rely on "uhh this one is just special for X reason and the reason any other robots don't all just do the same thing is because they are not special/people/alive and therefore." Primordia, meanwhile, needs to juggle doing one of these storylines with the fact that the entire cast is made up of robots with varying levels and types of consciousness but who are, generally, people. So you have different characters mentioning that X thing is part of their core logic and they can't go against it even if their actual consciousness wants to - and the one AI who even attempts that fight ends up essentially injured both physically and mentally, experiences total psychological collapse four times, and hides out in the desert doing this eremite/hermit/monk/ascetic thing trying to get spiritual mastery over the violence in his code. And even after all that, the early game still drops all these little breadcrumbs that (for multiple reasons) this protagonist is already low-key overwhelmed, It Gets Worse, most of the possible timelines involve something deeply horrible happening, and even if he wins and gets out but is alone in the aftermath, [REDACTED]. The sheer quiet brutality of that subplot (and in general) not only makes it more emotionally satisfying to me than some other robot narratives (even ones I deeply love and still rewatch to this day!), but I think it does a really good job of just. Making it automatically seem emotionally unreasonable to think less of other robots for NOT doing it. Like ex: I don't think I've ever once seen any player disrespect peak badass Clarity Arbiterbuilt for being literally incapable of taking the first step out of Metropol on her own, and they shouldn't. In fact when Horatio himself suggests she just leave and she says "can't, core logic" he instantly shuts the fuck up. It's only Crispin that continues that conversation. And on that note IIRC Crispin is the only character who talks about this "core logic" shit like it's something he only knows about secondhand ("Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before.") and I think that's a really good part of this plot thread: that wisecrack from the game's first five minutes about him having free will (aside from a conscience, which doesn't stop him being a goblin at ALL) is in fact not a joke, the little doofus will likely never have to experience what the older robots do because he has no such hard rules in place, and the fact that Horatio god damn Nullbuilt is both the one who made Crispin the way he is and the one who basically pulls a "I can't carry it for you but I can carry you" to set Clarity free from Metropol is one of those understated details in Primordia that just knocks me on my ass every time.
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shimmerbeasts · 9 months
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So, I gave this situation a lot of thought and given that it is the end of the year, that marks the ideal time frame to basically reshape the way, I wanna handle the blog and my muses, going forward. These changes include how my roster functions, certain limitations I am going to give myself, concerning the amount of drafts I have, and changes in verses and some alterations on the ask box. Basically, quality instead of quantity is going to be the name of the game, so hopefully, I can better organise my hobbies and interests and hopefully also my eventual career as an author.
That means first of all: Every single thread I have is dropped. I want a completely clean slate thread-wise, however, dynamics, which we established, can absolutely carry over. I am not gonna flush all the hard work, I did with so many of you (you are all amazing) down the drain.
Now, onto what changes. Let's start with the formal bullshit. I am going to limit myself to twenty drafts and try to adhere to this limit. Those drafts will preferably be plotted. That way, I hopefully can avoid getting overwhelmed, but also really dig into the meat of our threads.
That does not mean casual stuff or crack does not happen. It can still happen, but it will occur with less frequency and those things likely won't carry over much. If I happen to send you an rp related meme, then please just have fun with the drabble. I will try to limit how much I continue those threads.
When it comes to my ask box, I will prioritise unprompted asks and scenarios over rp memes. However, I will always accept headcanon-related memes or memes for me the writer. Again, all these changes will be done to limit the effects of being overwhelmed and to keep my rps at a manageable medium.
When it comes to my verses, I am going to do a massive cut in what types of verses I have. Specifically, I am going to stick to the verses, which basically form a narrative throughline. For most verses, this will basically be the pre-canon, the default and the post-canon verse. Ergo the past, present and future of a muse. This is done so I can focus on what I wanna explore instead of spreading myself too thin. After all, it is better to explore an idea and its ramifications in detail as opposed to expanding and adding five half-baked ideas at once.
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My muse roster will have a bit of an update on its purpose. Because of the fact that I will lean even more into the concept of storytelling and character development, the split between primary, secondary and tertiary muses still exists. Except, there is going to be a crucial change now. The tertiary muses will now be rebranded as supports and are not technically muses on the blog. Let me explain what I mean.
Because of my desire to be more story-driven, certain characters will serve as the supporting cast for other muses. These characters help propel the plot forward but also give your muse a different perspective on the muse they roleplay with. They might also reveal information, you would not get otherwise. Think of them a bit like NPCs but due to the big role, they play in the muse's life or what they represent for the muse, they have a bigger chance of emerging. Your muses might even meet them before they meet the actual muse. There will also be other classical NPCs, which your muse might meet under very specific circumstances.
Now onto the actual muse roster:
My primary muses (who will be focussed on the whole Zaunite lore and story) are going to be Silco, Jinx and Vi. They are the ones, whose plotting will come the most naturally and easiest for me. Their supports are Sevika and Warwick/Vander.
My secondary muses (who have different thematic stories and lore as they occur outside of Zaun/Piltover) will be Naafiri and Ahri. Writing them might potentially require a bit more plotting and forethought. Naafiri's supporting characters will be Nasus and Rek'Sai. Ahri's supporting characters will be Yasuo, Evelynn and to a lesser extent Vayne.
I hope that these changes I am making will lessen some self-made stressors. Again, I do apologise for basically dropping everything right now. I promise, I still want to write with everybody here. I just need to sort out how I wanna make things work. So please, everybody do not be intimidated by those changes. I promise, that my enthusiasm for writing and roleplaying remains unbroken.
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malboraslihan · 2 years
might be an unpopular opinion around here but one of the things i hate the most in this community is the whole let’s double it / let’s have two threads going so we can ratio discourse. cause everyone knows when someone is only interested in one plot or in one thread.. and is carrying the other just because they feel like they have to. we can tell, we can see, no one's as slick as they think they are. and it’s so exhausting sometimes to that ridiculous discourse being played when it serves for nothing and tbh it just makes things worse. for me, at least. so idk, maybe this is a psa for my writing partners, i do not mind if we have 6 threads going and i’m playing the males in all of them. if i’m bothered, i’ll drop them, i’ll stop responding. you do not have to give me ratios or engage on threads you don’t want to. this is not an indirect to anyone, i just saw the subject was going on and decided to post my two cents. i just honestly think we need to stop guilt tripping people into writing what we want to write or pretending we don’t care about things when we do. and even more, we need to drop bitches when their behavior bothers us.
once again, this is not meant to subtweet anyone. i just felt like putting it out there that if we’re writing together you do not have to worry about having a ratio with me or keeping threads that you don’t feel just for the sake of letting me play my females. cause trust me, if i haven’t dropped all our threads, if i haven’t stopped replying to you, it’s cause i appreaciate you and your writing, no matter if i’m only writing my males against you. if and when i want to write my females against you, it will happen, i will make it happen. 
and of course, this is in no way excusing some people’s behavior in only giving attention to threads/plots when they’re getting their females wet and still going around pretending they love females. the amount of people i’ve cut from my priorities list over this... just be honest to your writing partner, don’t ask for females if you’re just gonna give them a one liner reply while writing two paragraphs for the males. we all see it, it’s rude, it makes people feel bad. you’re stupid. 
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So, it seems like I Am Batman is officially ending in February, and with that all of Future State characters lost their ongoings. Of course there's a chance that they still have something for this characters, but so far everything indicates that DC gave up on FS characters at all. How do you think, what's the reason of this outcome? Was there a chance for these characters? Do you think DC didn't try harder to push them? Or it's because fanbase still hates everything new?
Love to pretend I saw it coming, but just the other day I predicted Ridley would get to keep writing the book until issue 25 given how DC seemed to value him, so much for my prediction skills. Well that's a wrap for the Future State crew unless some kind of Justice League book starring them is in the works, and given that the solicits for Nightwing are setting up the Titans as the premiere team for a bit, complete with teasing Jon joining them instead of the Justice League, I don't think that Legacy League book is happening (or at the very least it won't be what I expected/hoped it to be). Only part of Future State that may still be relevant is PKJ's House of El cast, everything else is clearly not going to play a major role in what's to come.
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Why is DC backing away from them? 5G got scrapped because the higher-ups at WB no longer supported the shakeup apparently, their attempt to position the classics and the Future State crew as equals during Infinite Frontier flopped, and the film DCU seems poised to refocus on the classics again, meaning that the comics are doing likewise. Sales and synergy are conspiring to reestablish the status quo once more.
DC pushed them all hard, I don't see what more could have been done without actually carrying through on 5G, short of maybe giving Jace Detective Comics the way Jon took over Superman for a bit, and making Yara Wonder Woman. Jon, Jace, Yara, Jo, and Jackson all got lead roles in major books, either as solos or as part of a duo. It is surprising that they completely abandoned Jess Quick, that tease about Jess travelling to Earth 0 has been dropped for certain (along with a whole bunch of other plot threads like "Earth-Alpha"). All Jess got was that Teen Justice book and since I don't see anyone talking about that I can only assume it's a sales flop, which means they're never going to matter again. Majority of the fanbase and the people working at DC do not care about the non-Earth 0 characters, they're event fodder or cameos at best, Jess being left on Earth 11 is the end for their relevance.
The already established fanbase was never going to embrace these characters "cutting in line" to take over the major roles instead of the previous generation who had been built up. Hope was that all the people demanding diversity wasn't just a tiny crowd on Twitter amplified by an echo chamber, but people who were actually eager to buy books featuring said diversity. Those people were supposed to show up and support the books but they didn't. Biggest breakout books of Infinite Frontier were Nightwing, Action Comics, and Wally West's return to headlining The Flash, all three books starring straight white men. Of the FS crew the biggest success was Jon, the most traditional of the legacies bisexuality aside, whose book last I checked was the only one of the group still in the Top 100 chart. Jace did the second best with his book outlasting Jon, despite his sales being worse. Jackson was a total failure, his books completely flopped, with Aquamen debuting outside the Top 100. Aquafans had no interest in him taking on the mantle. Jo was paired with John and that Green Lantern book didn't sell great but it was comparable to Morrison's run with Hal from what I understand. Yara debuted strong but the mess behind the scenes ended up killing her book. Alas none of them succeeded the way DC was hoping.
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What's the future for this group?
Jon will be fine. He's the blood son and natural successor to Clark, he's already getting adapted outside of comics, hell if they're really pivoting back to Cavill for the DCU, I expect Jon will be the one who replaces him in the films. He's the only one thus far who will be getting a solo book in Dawn of DCU, albeit a mini, he's in the Lazarus Planet event, two of the stories in Action will star him, and I'm hoping Taylor is just wrapping up his era on the character before handing him over to someone else while he goes and does Titans. DC won't be taking away the Superman mantle from their bisexual Superman, although if they did I confess at this point I wouldn't even care unless they're planning on taking him away from Taylor. There's still a chance to salvage Jon with a new creative team.
Jace might be ok due to DC fearing backlash over killing off/stripping the mantle from their black Batman, but I don't know if most people would even care. How aware are people that Jace even exists at this point? What hurt Jace, besides the fact that there are at least 3 other people "in front of him" in terms of succession, is that there already is a "black Batman": Black Panther. He's the same kind of archetype, but T'Challa was in a billion dollar movie that doubled as a cultural phenomena and unlike Jace he was the lead of his franchise. Jace will never be that, wouldn't have been that even if 5G had happened. Ridley's writing probably did turn some people away as well, but I view Ridley's time on the character the same as the Golden Age Batman: the bricks are laid but the house isn't done being built yet. I hope Jace will get that chance to be "finished", the way Bruce ultimately was with Moore and Miller. With no real chance of him being adapted outside of comics any time soon, I fully expect he will slip into Limbo, unless he's getting a follow-up mini or appearing in a team book like Jon.
Yara is Wonder Girl so that's what she'll stay. She'll be Diana's sidekick and play support. If DC doesn't think she can work on her own, might I suggest relaunching Superman/Wonder Woman as a Jon/Yara book yet again? I liked her and Jon's dynamic in Future State, and I love the idea that Jon is closer to his Wonder counterpart in the Trinity than his dad was to Diana. Please don't abandon Yara because I really do love her as a character.
Jackson/Kaldur should be fine, he's the most prominent member of the Aquafamily aside from Arthur and Mera thanks to Young Justice, but he is definitely not lead material. Least not at the moment, Arthur is the only Aquaman who can support a solo book, leave Jackson as a supporting character to Arthur for now and keep building him up. Maybe one day he can support holding the mantle of Aquaman.
Jess as I said is done. Didn't even get a book, not on Earth 0, and the Flash Family is already huge. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to show up again. Wally and Wallace are the only ones who will ever be the main Flash other than Barry.
Jo will join Simon and Kyle in the "cameos every now and then to remind you they exist but never gets another solo" category unless the trade sales of Far Sector are bigger than I am aware of. Hal and John remain the main Lanterns and that's not changing in the wake of the GL show getting reworked to star John, John being the Tomorrowverse Lantern, and John being in the Suicide Squad game while Hal gets to keep being the Lantern for the Injustice series.
Sucks that this crew is probably going to go the way of the Bloodlines heroes where there's one standout that everyone remembers (Jon/Hitman) and everyone else gets unceremoniously dropped and forgotten. My prediction skills have already been proven wrong once when it comes to these characters futures, maybe I'll get lucky and be wrong again like I want to be this time.
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sunderedwrath · 1 year
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Keeping it simple because most of these should be a no-brainer!
My name's Lanna. I'm 30+, she/her in PST timezone. This is a sideblog to my WOL @vierandancer. Like that blog, I am open to interactions with anyone but reserve my right to be choosy as far as inspiration and whether or not certain writing styles/muns/muses would gel with me. However I am not limited to mutuals with my main blog.
Ceres is based off of my OC Celene. Celene's non-FF14 ask blog for all other sorts of interactions can be found @celenehart. I'd love interactions over there too, but if not that's OK!
As the Pinned says, there will be spoilers abound for Ascian-related stuff and I'm not going to tag it! Outside of maybe a little bit of embellishment around the original black-masked Ascians/unspoken for Ascians, everything is pretty canon compliant.
Ceres is a villain. I do not condone what she does (most of the time). I also do not condone god-modding. She isn't a strong Ascian and therefore will avoid fights, but she isn't a pushoever, either! If we get into a conflict or fight of some kind, you need to talk with me OOC via tags or IMs to keep things fair to both Muses. I will drop a thread if someone just starts over-assuming actions or information. I won't waste my energy trying to explain basic etiquette to you.
Ceres is my sideblog, so although I am hype to write with her, I won't commit to really long threads without some sort of plotting. I refuse to carry the plot by myself. If you have questions or ideas, please communicate with me!
If you write an Ascian/Ancient and want to interact, please keep the following in mind: Amaurotines/the Convocation would not know Hera and Ascians do not know of Ceres' little side plot right off the bat. Maybe a handful of people would recognize her as one of Nabriales' subordinates, and likely would be able to recognize a fellow Ascian, but CERES AND HER MOTIVES/HERA IN ANCIENT TIMES ARE ENTIRELY UNKNOWN. The only person who would possibly know if her is Nabriales, and I don't see many blogs floating about. If you have ideas, please reach out to me first about them!
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lunarcovehq · 2 years
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Where the tree tops glisten and children listen, to hear sleigh bells in the snow, oh, the snow...
It’s that time of year! Fluttering snow is in the air, casting a white blanket across the cozy town of Lunar Cove and, although Town Hall debated about whether they should cancel the annual Winter Wonderland festivities given the recent tragedies that keep on happening on holidays, they decided, after popular demand, to carry on with the festive markets and New Years cheer (just with a heavy layer of additional security for safe measure). So join in on the celebration as you wander around the shops that have transformed themselves into a Holiday market with mulled wine, hot chocolate, space heaters, ice skating and so much more!
This is a character-driven event that will span from 12/16-1/1 out of and in character.
The tag for the event is lunarcoveevent4. Everything from pictures, outfits, & threads etc. should be under this tag. Starters should have both the starter and event tag.
This event is mandatory and is occurring all across town so feel free to post starters or have private threads reacting to any of the below.
Please keep your eyes out for multiple plot drops that will be happening throughout the week which your character can continually react to.
For anyone looking to bring in new characters, we will continue to have regular acceptances throughout the event.
Last, but not least, we hope you have fun and a very happy holiday!
Below is a list of the different seasonal activities occurring all around town that your characters can react to (just note that anything New Years related will be coming in a later plot drop):
Ice Skating - is set up on the town green in front of Town Hall & the gazebo (though many Shadow Lake residents have questioned why it was set up in the front of town and not in the dried up lake residing in their own back yard)
Broken Records- will play DJ this holiday season at the Ice Skating Rink & Holiday Market, so make sure to swing by and dance along to your favorite tunes. 
Holiday Market - All shops downtown will be hosting a holiday market where you can come and get last minute gifts or just shop to your hearts delight.
The Daily Drip- Make sure to swing by the Daily Drip’s Holiday Market booth for hot chocolates, peppermint lattes and a number of other Instagram worthy drinks (can be spiked with something hotter if you know who to ask)
Holiday Bake Off Contest - Sucré will be hosting their annual Holiday Bake Off Contest which will be sure to leave you full and full of sugar. Will you be able to take home the crown this year?
Bumblebee Tea- If you love your boba, then swing by Bumblebee Tea’s booth at the Holiday Market for some hot boba tea. A delicious and festive drink to enjoy this holiday season!
Top Coat- will have a stand at the Holiday Market where they can give you adorable holiday themed nail art perfect for any parties or dinners you may have planned throughout the week.
Snow Ball Fight- Head over to Lunar Cove Community College for an all out snow ball fight. All is welcome
Sexy Santa- Eclipse is hosting a Sexy Santa contest where all club goers can vote to see who will win a VIP booth at the club for the entire month of January
Ugly Sweater - Come put on your most festive holiday sweater and head to Starlight Bar for the Ugly Sweater contest. Winner will drink free for the night!
On Pitch - Ready to get your best Mariah Carey on? Come out to On Pitch’s Holiday sing off, where the best of the best will battle it out for the title of Holiday Royalty. 
Kee Theater - Will have a full holiday movie marathon for the week leading up to Christmas featuring fan favorite movies like The Holiday, White Christmas, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and Die Hard. 
Movie Reenactments - For a limited time the Kee Theater & Follow My Lead will be teaming up to allowing you to reenact all your favorite movie moments around town. Ever wanted to be the guy holding the cards in Love Actually, or scream Santa at the top of your lungs while wearing an Elf costume? Take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.  
The Nutcracker - Follow My Lead will be doing their annual performance of The Nutcracker with extra sweet treats in store for guests from Sweet Tooth.
The Pendulum Playhouse - Will be putting on their holiday spectacular of A Christmas Carol. Opening acts will be preformed by Dilan Selvi and Anna Donnelly.
The Rage Cage - Need to get out some stress so you don’t deck your family members? Come to The Rage and deck the walls instead. For a limited time only multiple rooms will be in the theme of Die Hard. 
Reindeer Race - Along For The Ride will be hosting their annual Reindeer Race around Echo Acres. 
Carriage Rides - For a limited time Carriage Rides will be offered around Celestial Hills so get a loved one, a blanket, and come enjoy the lights. 
Single All The Way - Feeling lonely this holiday? Come to down to Bad Moon Brewing for annual singles mixer and you might just end up spending New Years with someone. 
Holiday Craft Fair/Holiday Paint & Wine - Blank Slate will be hosting a number of Paint & Wine classes to help you make some last minute decorations/gifts. If crafting isn’t your thing, that’s fine because local artists belonging to Blank Slate will be hosting their Holiday Craft Fair, come out and support your neighbors. 
Sleigh The Holiday - The Caffeine Crypt will be holding a special after hours Murder Mystery party for those who want to feel a little spooky this holiday season. 
Caring Claws Vet - Wants to help you find your forever best friend this holiday season and will be opening its doors for its annual adoption fair. 
Mix & Match - Did you get a new fluffy friend for the holiday? Well Paws and Claws has you covered! Come on down to get a cute outfit for you and your fluffy friend to match. 
Toy Drive/Santa’s Workshop - Little Ducklings Daycare will be set up outside all week collecting toys for needy families around town. Don’t have anything to donate? That’s fine instead donate your time helping to build toys. 
Frosty Bowling - Victory Lanes will be hosting a snowflake themed bowling night, decked out from head to toe with even the bowling balls resembling that of snowmen.
Rose Tinted- Come for their bottomless brunch and stay to take photos in front of their decked out Instagram Winter Wonderland displays and indoor Carousel. 
Joe's Pasta & Pizzeria- Not sure what you’ll make for Christmas Dinner? Joe’s Pasta & Pizzeria will be holding a cooking class to teach you how to cook the feast of seven fishes, pasta, pastries and more. 
Heavenly Healing Spa- For those who take the holiday as a time to slip away and pamper themselves, Heavenly Healing Spa will be having facials and massages for 50% off. 
Just in Bloom- Will be added to the decorations by placing mistletoe all around Lunar Cove. Love is in the air this frosty season and you never know who you may happen to kiss. 
New Leaf Bookstore- Escape the cold and cozy up by the fire at New Leaf bookstore where they will be holding their annual book swap. Bring a book and exchange it for someone else’s. You may even meet someone new along the way. 
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pageandpanel · 1 year
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(originally posted @ Page and Panel on wordpress)
For my first post on my new attempt to ~have a blog~ I am reposting an old entry into my failed wordpress blog. My attempt to read Marvel Comics start to finish is something I am hoping to get back to in the near future. I have edited this and reformatted it for tumblr so hopefully it's not too much of a nightmare to look at but it is WAY too long.
Why in the world would anyone attempt to read more than half a century of comics? I’m fascinated by the concept of an ongoing continuity and how different writers and artists interpret characters. And the fact that so many hands have touched this project with so many different interests and priorities and yet it continues on as a cohesive (a term we’ll use loosely) and linear story is actually really cool. 
There’s a lot of interesting stuff going on here so I’m going to try to write about it at regular intervals that are sometimes strategic and sometimes completely arbitrary. The first chapter of Page Main Lines Sixty Years of Marvel Comics (more clever name tbd, probably) covers the first three years of the Marvel Comics Universe designated 616. This is the main universe that has been ongoing from 1961 to every Wednesday until the world ends, probably.
Just to establish some parameters for what this project is, I’m reading Marvel Comics chronologically starting with the Silver Age, launched by Fantastic Four #1 in 1961 written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby. There are some ongoing anthology titles carrying over from the pre-616 era that I’ll be picking up here as well because they introduce key players in the Marvel Universe (specifically Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Thor). The Golden Age doesn’t really interest me all that much beyond its history and the characters that get carried over to the new continuity (Captain America and Namor the Submariner, most famously). And while I’m trying to read everything, I did make a decision early on to skip out on Strange Tales because I don’t really care about Johnny Storm’s solo adventures. 
The format of these posts, like everything else I throw up on this blog is subject to change forever and ever. But for now, I think book by book and then covering some broad themes/connections at the end is the easiest way to tackle this.
We begin, like most stories begin, with a family of four on a trip to outer space...
Fantastic Four
Written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby, as all Marvel Books were at the time, Fantastic Four #1 starts off in media res and we are introduced to our heroes as they drop whatever mundane activities they are doing as civilians and respond to the impending thread of Mole Man.
As each member makes their way to the scene, Stan Lee takes a step back to give us a classic origin story that is BEYOND bonkers: Reed Richards is the most brilliant scientist in the world and he absolutely must break into a government facility to fly a rocket into space. He is accompanied by his college roommate, Ben Grimm, his childhood sweetheart, Sue Storm, and her little brother, Johnny Storm. Ben, like anyone hearing this plan obviously thinks it’s stupid and crazy. But Sue Storm is quick to remind him that they, four regular civilians with no real training, absolutely have to do this because if they don’t then the Commies will win the Space Race. Because it truly wouldn’t the 60’s without some good, good anti-communist propaganda. So much more on that to come later.
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They make it, miraculously. But cosmic space rays have given each of them incredible powers. Reed is stretchy, Sue is invisible (oh the metaphor), Johnny is on fire, and Ben…
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Thanks for that little nugget of a plot line. Ben actually resents Reed because he has a thing for Sue. That will go in a lot of different directions and definitely has more teeth than the time that Professor X had a thought bubble about being in love with Jean Grey, his student, that never gets mentioned again (until it does, unfortunately). But let’s put a pin in that and red string it later.
With the flashback over, our heroes arrive on Monster Isle to find Mole Man who is responsible for several cave-ins across the world. His plan is to unleash his monsters on the world to get revenge on women who weren’t interested in him. Mole Man: confirmed Incel. The Fantastic Four easily defeat Mole Man by sealing him inside a mountain and straight up killing him. I guess. Reed eulogizes their first on page enemy by saying “It’s best that way! There was no place for him in our world…” right in front of his rock monster best friend. Tough look Reed…
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Fantastic Four #2 introduces a foe that made their on screen debut in the Captain Marvel movie: The Skrulls! I love Skrulls and truly didn’t realize that they showed up this early in continuity. In part 1, our heroes are engaging in some distinctly unheroic behavior. The Thing attacks an oil rig, Invisible Girl does a jewel heist, Mister Fantastic messes up an energy plant, and The Human Torch melts a statue made of marble. And I know I’m expecting too much from a comic in which four people take a family trip to space and come back with super powers, but it’s important to me that everyone knows that marble is heat resistant and doesn’t melt. The world, who apparently all know that the Fantastic Four exist and are totally cool with them, freak out. Are New York’s favorite heroes breaking bad!? Nah. It’s just shapeshifting aliens attempting to ruin the reputation of the only people on Earth who can stop their invasion.
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The US Army, ignorant to a large scale alien invasion, is called in to deal with the threat the Fantastic Four pose. Our heroes hide out in an isolated cabin to regroup and figure out what to do. But the military surrounds them and takes them in.
Each member is put in a cell specifically designed to withstand their powers. Which seems silly because if you put an invisible woman in a regular cell, she’s still there even if she’s invisible. But whatever. This also the first appearance of Asbestos in the Marvel Universe. And if you think that’s a dumb thing to notice, you clearly didn’t grow up in the 90s, seeing commercials for Asbestos lawsuits on every single tv show. I know this stuff was in regular use in the 60s but I seriously hope Johnny was able to get in on some of those pay outs because it’s really his biggest foe in the early FF comics.
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Once they break out, the team regroup to plot against the unknown foes turning the world against them. They send Johnny to sabotage a rocket launch in order to draw them out. When Skrulls disguised as Sue and Reed pick up the real Johnny instead of a Skrull, the jig is up. The Fantastic Four take the Skrulls prisoner and Reed, expert level spaceship driver, steals their rocket to travel up into space where the invading Skrull army is waiting. Reed, pretending to be a Skrull, passes off images from Marvel Comics horror/monster books Strange Tales and Journey into Mystery as real photos from Earth. He convinces the Skrull leader that Earth is simply too dangerous to invade and volunteers to stay behind.
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As the rocket re-enters earths Atmosphere, they pass through more cosmic waves. This turns The Thing back into regular old Ben Grimm. But, because Ben will never catch a W, he’s a rock monster again before the spaceship lands. It’s not easy being Grimm.
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Back on earth, the question remains as to what to do with the remaining three Skrulls that Reed has taken prisoner. In another “though look my guy, Reed” moment, he decides that the only option they have to deal with aliens who can literally turn into anyone or anything is to force them to turn themselves into cows. Reed then hypnotizes the Skrull Cows into thinking they are real cows. Which is pretty fucked up and Reed should probably be considered a war criminal at this point, literally two comics in. But don’t worry. I’m sure there will absolutely never be any consequences for his actions. (Just kidding, this will be one of the catalysts for Secret Invasion in 2005. One of these Skrulls is the Emperor Skrull’s son.)
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While FF #2 gave us one of Marvel’s most prominent Alien Invaders, Fantastic Four #3 is a much slower issue that doesn’t bring in much of anything. We open with our team taking in a stage show. They’re here to see the Miracle Man who promptly recognizes them and begins heckling them from stage. At this point, the Fantastic Four are basically celebrities. Though, we’re going to back track on that in a few issues, I think. He challenges The Thing to a test of their strength, which the Thing promptly loses. On their way home from the show, Reed talks about how lucky they are that Miracle Man is not a super villain. Which… you know…
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Really, there isn’t a lot that happens in the A-Plot of this issue. Miracle Man brings the monster to life, they rob a jewelry store, and then the team defeats him and everything is fine. What is way more interesting happens between the Miracle Man problem. The B-Plot of this issue is rife with conflict between the members of the Fantastic Four.
This issue isn’t the first time we see the role Sue gets shunted into as the caretaker of the boys on the team. But it is the first time she names it herself. While later interpretations of Sue will have her displaying a lot more power, right now she’s written as the mom of the team. She is the one who sews the team’s infamous costumes that, even today, have barely changed. Though, given that she made them with a material that Reed has coined “unstable molecules,” it seems she’s a perfectly capable scientist as well. Though, we’ll rarely see this aspect of her. There’s only room enough on the team for one Smartest Man in the World.
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We also see tensions rise between Ben Grimm and the rest of the team. He has been a volatile figure since day one, prone to outbursts of anger and violence. It’s still unclear as to whether or not this is his pre-rock monster personality. It may also be a side effect of his powers or, justifiably, anger at being the only member of the team to get turned into a rock monster.
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But anyway, Fantastic Four #4 is a much more interesting issue with one major and very precious addition to continuity:
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Kidding. But this is a bit that I find absolutely hilarious. Actually, the issue opens with Johnny quitting the team after an argument. The three remaining members split up to search for him. Ben is the one who finds him working on hot rods with his friends at a garage. And, because Ben doesn’t have a gentle touch when it comes to Johnny, property damage ensues.
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Thankfully before he can actually hurt Johnny, Ben suddenly changes back to his human form. It only lasts like two seconds because Stan Lee loves to torture Ben apparently.
So he’s back to his rocky self in no time. It’s actually pretty in the tragedy of getting to see him constantly being given these moments of hope, only to have them snatched away seconds later. No wonder he’s so angry all the time. But this does give Johnny a chance to escape.
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Because he can’t go home, he seeks a bed for the night at what looks like a halfway house or a youth hostel in the Bowrey. Once he has secured a bed for the night, he settles in to read an old comic about the iconic 1940’s Timely Comics hero, The Sub-Mariner. When another patron notices what he’s reading, he points to a disheveled man who claims to be as strong as The Sub-Mariner. And this enters one of the absolute greatest characters in all of Marvel Canon. Just as soon as Johnny gives him a haircut with fire.
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The King of Abs-Lantis has arrived and I already love him. But also, the burnt hair smell in that hostel right now… 🤢 Even though Johnny recognizes him, The Sub-Mariner himself does not seem to remember who he is. So, Johnny takes him to the ocean and basically tosses him in. Once in the water, the Sub-Mariner remembers who he is and returns to his home of Atlantis only to find it in ruins. It has been destroyed by atomic weapons testing.
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When The Sub-Mariner returns to land, he informs Johnny that he will avenge his home by destroying the human race. Now, Johnny is smart enough to know that this is obviously a problem worthy of getting the team back together. He sends up a flare for the others to find him and while they’re en route, The Mariner summons the “largest living creature in the world” using the Horn of Proteus. Oh, and the monster’s name is Giganto, which is objectively hilarious.
While New York is evacuated and the army attempts to take down the monster, Ben comes up with a fool proof and probably technically impossible plan. With a nuclear bomb strapped to his back, he launches himself into the mouth of the beast. Never mind that nuclear weapons are what got us into this mess in the first place, but okay.
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Ben does, miraculously, manage to escape very certain death. With his monster defeated, The Mariner threatens to summon more creatures with the Horn of Proteus, but an invisible Sue Storm sneaks up behind him and steals it. The Mariner tackles her and tells her if she will become his bride he won’t destroy humanity. Sue agrees, reluctantly-ish. But Johnny saves the day with a fire tornado that plunges the Mariner back to the bottom of the ocean. Leaving everyone who is in love with Sue a little confused about where they stand with her, and Sue a little Hot of Mariner. Understandable, Sue. I get it. The Mariner vows to return and he definitely will.
Tales to Astonish
Tales to Astonish #27 is the first appearance and origin story of Henry Pym AKA Ant-Man. The issue opens with Henry making an incredible discovery. He shrinks a chair with a miniaturizing serum and grows it back to normal size with an enlarging serum. Unfortunately, the rest of the scientific community is less impressed with Henry’s experiments.
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Fueled by his need to stick it to his haters, Henry tests his serum on himself. Thankfully, it works instead of eating through his skin like acid or something and Henry shrinks himself down to the size of a… you guessed it! An ant! What he doesn’t plan for is leaving the enlarging serum out of reach. The rest of the issue becomes a quest to turn himself back into normal size. As he tries to get to the serum, he is chased by ants into an ant hill where he gets stuck in honey. Which… makes sense. Sure.
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He is fortunate enough to befriend one ant willing to help him. Henry is surprised when it works to pull him free from the honey and let him go. But he also torches the ant hill so I guess fuck that ant.
When Henry finally manages to get to his enlarging serum he is so shaken by the experience that he decides that his creation is too dangerous for man kind. He then pours it down the drain. Just because it’s too dangerous for man kind doesn’t mean it’s too dangerous to dispose of properly. And now the Marvel universe is overrun by enlarged bacteria from Henry’s kitchen sink. But as long as he lives, he will never forget the ant who saved his life. Even though he totally burned down that ant’s house. Which especially sucks because I doubt ants have homeowners insurance or anything to cover fire damage.
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The Incredible Hulk
And the last issue I want to hit in this first installment is Incredible Hulk #1 because I think it establishes an interesting pattern with our first three protagonists of early marvel comics.
This had been advertised in the previous FF book with “Who is the Hulk?” Printed in the margins of the story, which I think is a pretty cool way to drum up interest for the book. The first run of The Incredible Hulk only lasts 6 issues. But it’s some of Jack Kirby’s best work.
This one, like Tales to Astonish, is a straight up origin story for Bruce Banner and the Hulk. If you’re familiar with Hulk through the movies, this is going to be a story that is familiar in all but one key difference.
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On a military base, Bruce Banner is getting ready to test his invention, the Gamma bomb. Bruce fits in along side Reed Richards and Henry Pym in the Smartest Man In The World category. He is also kind of an asshole with little regard to what others in his community have to say about his work. In fact, he has refused to share his work with his colleagues and doesn’t want them to check his work. Seems like a dick move to me.
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There’s actually a lot going on here in terms of toxic masculinity. We also have Thunderbolt Ross who doesn’t understand science or anyone who isn’t punching things 24/7 and all he really ever does is yell and tell his daughter to stay out of “man talk!”
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Once everyone is done yelling, it’s time to test the bomb. Bruce takes one last look at it just in time to see a wayward teen, Rick Jones, driving through the test field. Bruce chases after him, because it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that he will not only catch a Jeep on foot, but he’ll also be able to do so before the bomb detonates. At least the last part wouldn’t have been a problem if he hadn’t pissed Igor off. Before running after the boy, Bruce tells him to shut down the countdown and Igor casually decides not to. And while Bruce does manage to save the kid, he gets caught in the Gamma explosion.
Hours later, Bruce wakes up at the base where he stays, being monitored for any symptoms caused by the explosion. That night, while Rick watches Bruce, he transforms into a giant Grey monster and breaks out of the base. This is where the origin deviates from what is mostly considered canon at this point. The Hulk isn’t triggered by rage or heightened emotion. Instead, he just comes out at night. Essentially, Bruce Banner is a nuclear powered werewolf.
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The monster sneaks (which seems unlikely since he’s a big monster, but who knows) through the base, followed by Rick Jones. He makes his way to Bruce Banner’s cabin, where they find Igor rummaging through Bruce’s stuff. Igor shoots at The Hulk with no effect except to piss him off even more. Finally, Bruce picks up Igor and slams him down into the table where all of his research is scattered. The absolute best part of this is we learn where Bruce hides all of his research and proprietary secrets. Pages labeled “Top Secret Report on Gamma Ray Bomb” are tapped to the bottom of a beaker. Come on my guy. Buy a safe.
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When the Hulk finds a picture of Bruce in the cabin, he is appalled to see such a weak creature until Rick reminds him that he is that weak creature. I don’t think triggering an existential crisis is the best way to defeat a radioactive werewolf, but I’ve also never had to calm one down after a rampage, so who am I to judge?
Eventually, the sun comes up and The Hulk is returned his normal Bruce Banner shape just in time for soldiers to storm his cabin, demand to know where the Hulk is and take Igor and the Top Secret Gamma report away. Betty hangs back to apologize, once again, on behalf of her father and suggest that he see a doctor. To which Bruce replies, “Baby, I am a doctor.” Okay, no he doesn’t. But we do get a fun snide commentary from Rick who has no time for Betty’s crush. Bruce tells Betty he’ll call her but also tells Rick that he’s afraid that the will never escape becoming The Hulk.
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Meanwhile, Igor has been taken into custody. In his cell, he uses a transmitter embedded in his fingernail to contact the Soviet scientist known as The Gargoyle. Not a great look for the Soviets to have given him that name based on his facial deformities, but what do we really expect? The Gargoyle makes his way to the states via submarine.
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Back over in the A-Plot, Bruce and Rick are experimenting with ways to manage the Hulk for the time being. They drive the Jeep out into the desert before nightfall to get him away from the base before he changes again. After a run in with Betty that causes her to faint, the Gargoyle shows up. He shoots The Hulk and Ross with bullets filled with drugs that basically allow The Gargoyle to control their actions. They follow him onto a sub and head back to the USSR but on the rip, sun comes up and Hulk turns back into Bruce Banner.
When The Gargoyle finds him, he begins to sob, saying he wants to be a man and not a monster too. Bruce treats him with radiation which makes him look normal but also takes away his super intelligence. I guess that’s a trade off. Once he’s “cured” Gargoyle reveals that he has hella daddy issues and with the new realization that he has been used by the USSR, he basically renounces the Soviet efforts. Finally, he puts Bruce and Rick on a rocket headed for the US and blows his base up in a final act of defiance.
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There's a lot to unpack here...
It’s actually kind of impressive to revisit comics I read as a teenager and thought very little of at the time and come away from them with a lot to chew on. There are a lot of interesting themes here with regard to how the comics interact with real world ideas and politics.
Communism, The Cold War, The Atomic Age, Vietnam
So, these comics are coming out in 61 and 62. The Cold War is in full swing, America is a few years out from entering Vietnam, and a few months prior to the release of Fantastic Four #1, the first man went to space. So much of what what we see happening on the page are consequences of that political climate just as so much of what our characters go through relate back to that central unease. Science was advancing at a more rapid pace than ever before and citizens were being warned of the constant threat that communism posed on their way of life.
There is also A LOT of anti-communist propaganda in the first decade of Marvel comics. Here, we’ve only seen it so far with the Fantastic Four needing to go to space to beat the “commies” and the Igor’s attempts to be the worlds worst double agent. We’ll see a lot more of that once we get to Journey into Mystery, because somehow the book about Norse Gods got turned into the most deliberate and most obvious anti-commie book for a while.
Science and Intelligence as it relates to Toxic Ego and Fragile Masculinity
It’s not a mistake that our three “main characters” so far are Reed Richards, Henry Pym, and Bruce Banner. All brilliant men of science who are exploring new technology in their own ways. The contrast between how Reed is treated, versus Henry and Bruce is fascinating. Reed and his contributions to science, as well as his powers have made him a celebrity. He is celebrated by his fans and his family and is all around viewed as a good guy (despite the fact that he turned three autonomous beings into cows). On the other hand, Pym and Banner are belittled. Pym is belittled by his colleagues who think his theories and his studies are outlandish and impossible. Banner is surrounded by military men who value brute strength over science. Thunderbolt Ross will constantly diminish Bruce as less of a man because he’s smart rather than strong.
The most fascinating part of this, to me, is knowing what becomes of Hank Pym in the future. Jumping ahead a little bit, his reputation in the universe and among fans will be forever tarnished by how he treats his future wife, Janet Van Dyne. In a sequence of events in a 1980s issue of the Avengers, Hank appears to strike Janet across the face. This has been, rightfully, called out as an act of domestic abuse by fans and has utterly ruined Hank’s reputation as a character. At the time, and in future incidents, the creators of that moment have discussed how they had never intended it to be viewed that way. But, even now in his first appearance, you can see the groundwork of a volatile man with a fragile ego and it’s not that much of a leap to see this man committing domestic assault.
Women as Caretakers and House Mothers
Right now, the only woman we see with any regularity is Susan storm. And we see her slotted into that mother role with the rest of the team. She is their caretaker, their costume maker, and the object of two members’ affection. This does not really improve until much later. For now, we have a woman doing woman’s work and not much else.
The only other woman we have to compare her to is Betty Ross. For the first six issues of Hulk, she is less a character and more of a background object. A full table lamp of a person, much like the earliest version of Jane Foster, who we’ll soon meet in Journey into Mystery.
‘Nuff Said!
And that wraps up the first six issues of Marvel continuity. It literally took me two months to write this post so who knows when I’ll cover the next few issues? But if you’re interested in something I update more frequently check out this twitter account I made to clean all the screencapped panels out of my camera roll: @616caps.
I’ll leave you with this incredible cutaway of the Fantastic Four’s HQ because who doesn’t love a cutaway!
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deadlockhq · 2 years
plot drop 003
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issues 07-09: the falling and rising
the 21st century continues to trudge closer to the 22nd, but for the people living it, it may seem slower. The heroes who have been brought to this world are beginning to make an impact, so it seems, though there are still many challenges for them to face.
plot drops in deadlock: for plot drops we don’t require really anything from our members!  feel free to carry on as normally.  however, we deeply encourage you integrate this drops into your threads or even start knew ones if the motivation & inspiration strikes.  feel free to ask any questions you have about plot drops in general or this plot drop in the discord.
issue 07: justice standing
the heroes known most commonly as the Justice League have opened up the Hall of Justice. it serves as a museum for those heroes who are associated or ally themselves with the Justice League, and is a place where one can seek help if they so need it. While heroes familiar to those who know the Hall of Justice (such as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman) all have homes here, there are exhibits and statues of new heroes as well - such as Hawkeye and Spiderman.
this February, the Hall of Justice is conducting tours and exhibits highlighting Black heroes of all known worlds, and encourages people to come with their own information about Black heroes in their communities - large or small.
as well, because the Hall of Justice has opened in Washington D.C., many hope that the capital of the nation will be restored (slowly) under the watch of heroes they have begun to love.
issue 08: the downfall
it covered Gotham's front page news for weeks, and even Metropolis and New York City's front pages for days. Better Living Industries (better known as BL/ind) was shut down, hopefully for good. a ragtag group of (heroes to some, vigilantes to others, and miscreants to still others) uncovered horrors beneath the water level of Gotham. they found proof of BL/ind's ambitions to brainwash and enact mind control over the population, as well as held proof from un-revealed sources that BL/ind had plans to build sentient AI life, but keep them from ever holding rights. that in addition to a kidnapping charge laid on BL/ind shut the company down quickly.
many are scrambling to fill the hole that BL/ind's fall has left in general goods, especially cheap general goods. the CEO, Ira Bot, has disappeared, and many suspect she has fled the country.
with fear of what lay below the Gotham water line, police presence on the streets has risen. there are some who are even calling for militia command until the lower levels of Gotham are cleared.
issue 09: lusting at lust
Valentine's Day is not everyone's favorite holiday, but Lust's owner, Claudine Renko, still wants to make sure that everyone has a chance at love or fun on the february holiday. for those who find themselves lonely on Valentine's Day, they might swing by in the late afternoon for some speed dating and other single's activities in the club.
however, what everyone can't stop talking about is how Lust will be the place to be for Valentine's shenanigans once regular operating hours come around. it's sad Ms. Renko has some fun up her sleeve.
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caparrucia · 2 years
Making my own post, because I'm derailing horribly and I know it. But I find this thread and @carriesthewind's addition key to a realization I just had about fandom drama.
Yes, there's this toxic dynamic where people demand the most good faith reading of their words, with generous opportunities for mistakes and misunderstandings, but go about reading everything they encounter in the worst possible faith, assuming malicious and harmful intent in everything.
And yes, that's one of the key drivers of fandom drama, because most people find people who go about doing that incredibly incendiary and annoying and often don't think twice to go back and call them out on it.
But the entire thread is talking about House of the Dragon as "the incest show" and how pointing out that "there's incest in the incest show, and if you're uncomfortable with incest, you'll be uncomfortable with both the canon and the fandom surrounding the incest show, because, y'know, all the incest," which... yeah. Valid points all around.
But I find it fascinated because it crystalized something for me and one of the reasons why most of fandom's tantrums about censorship vs harmful depiction annoy me so much. And I don't think mine is a unique experience, but... I don't have a stake, most of the time.
To wit, we all know Game of Thrones crashed and burned at the end and it's been such a meme there was a solid eight months worth of youtube video essays chronicling every single factor that went into turning the heir to the Sopranos as far as prestige TV went, into a fucking meme. But the thing is... Game of Thrones was something ELSE before it was the incest show. It was a whirlwind of high production and amazing acting and competent writing! ...right up until it wasn't. Yes, there was incest in it. There was also rape and violence and gore and maiming and a whole lot of shocking things, to a mainstream audience. It reveled shamelessly in its Adult rating and being gatekept behind HBO's paywall.
What I'm trying to say is, the people who watched Game of Thrones as it came out, myself included, and the people who left in disgust as the writing declined in quality and the plot became more and more obvious and stupid in direction and execution? We weren't there for JUST for the incest. To us, it wasn't the incest show. It was the dragon show. Or the politics show. Or the obscenely detailed costume work that makes me scream in paroxysms of ecstasy (yes, Bernadette Banner has a bunch of series breaking this down and salivating about it right along with us, go check them out over on youtube) show. Or it was the Charles Dance set the bar so fucking high every actor sharing a shooting site never mind scene with him has been forcefully dragged into a higher level of performance and it's fucking jaw dropping to witness show. Or the this is reigniting my love for D&D and fantasy because no one's ever taken it this seriously before and it's inspiring me to go look at those hobbies again show.
Sure, there were people who were absolutely in it for the incest. And you know what? All the power to them. Glad they were fed. But implying everyone has to be either gleefully consuming incest and celebrating/endorsing it, or being harmed by it, that's it, that's the dichotomy, the evil people who celebrate or the good people who're martyred (wow, some of you carry your evangelical damage VERY prominently and will find a way to work it into every conversation, yes), kind of erases the agency of the rest of us who looked at the incest and went "huh, not for me" and then moved on. Because that's a thing! That people with agency! Can do! Different people can have different tolerances for stuff. You don't get to erase us just because we're not convenient to the narrative.
Bad faith arguments about a show's morality - and let's start from the fact all arguments surrounding a show's moral standing are bad faith from the gate - will find the one thing they find objectionable - the incest - and try to eclipse everything else, pretending there was nothing else to the show, but incest. Because that's how they set the stage and cordon off the bits and pieces that sort of don't fit their argument. They're trying to get a head start in the conversation by delimiting the grounds. Not cool, but also understandable. All bad faith takes do that.
The weird thing is that in most other scenarios, when someone does the bad faith narrowing down of the field like that, the general answer is "this is more complicated than that and you're being stupid for being so narrow-minded, go away." When evangelicals try to do it about creationism and fossils. When evangelicals try to do it about science and religion and politics and a million other things, because this is a very (though not exclusively) evangelical way to frame problems and it's part of their preaching methods so they've internalized it.
But when it comes to media? And when it comes to Queer issues? Somehow people don't immediately go "your framing of this is objectively incorrect and also stupid, go away". People go in engaging in that same framing.
So now GoT and HotD are "the incest shows", and you can't have an opinion about them without identifying at the door if you're in for the incest or against it, as if incest is the central point of the discussion and the thing everyone is hyperfocused on. Like... no? IDK, I don't care about the incest, I'm more interested in X/Y/Z. But this framing makes it so that from the outside, if you don't know what's happening, you assume that, yeah, the incest must be the most important thing. Everyone talking about it, pro and against are basing all their thoughts and comments about the incest. So it must be true! So a bad faith framework, unchallenged, becomes the good faith standard that people use to gauge the conversation, because there's no challenging in that framework.
Bad frameworks are bad, and more than that, they're harmful. Because when you let them go unchallenged, you're letting bad faith actors dictate the tone of the conversation. This is annoying and irritating in fandom discussions, but it escalates to actively fucking harrowing when it comes to the other thing that keeps following this pattern: conversations about queer people, particularly trans people, and the concentrated efforts from right wing extremists to reframe their entire existence as predators, and specifically child sexual predators.
So, like, absolutely call out people who do that good faith for me, bad faith for thee bullshit. Absolutely recognize when someone is trying to bias a conversation or forcefully frame it in a way that tries to box you into a gotcha. But when you see the bad framing, for fiction and for queer issues, and you wouldn't tolerate that in a science conversation. Or in a history conversation. Or in a linguistic conversation... yeah, call THAT out. And remember the only people who benefits from you engaging unquestioning in that bad framing, is the asshole who set up that bad frame in the first place.
Additional twitter threads about bad framing/bad faith arguments:
"Why fiction was used to groom me is a shitty argument and you need to stop engaging with it."
"Doxxing/Suicide baiting is bad, actually, stop letting people reframe them as valid activism."
"TERF/Kink-critical/RadFem rhetoric speaks the language of abuse and you'll never be able to argue your way into being seen as a person if you engage in their framework."
"Discomfort is not harm and you can't have conversations about harm-reduction when someone keeps bath faith derailing to try and force you to take accountability for THEIR discomfort."
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bettsfic · 2 years
i don’t want to bother my friends ranting about this thing i’m writing so for once i’m going to use my blog as an actual blog.
in what is becoming the grand tradition of going to writing residencies, i’ve pulled another “oh god i gotta finish this project before i go to this writing residency to work on a project.” 
in this case i’ve taken the stray threads of dirtbag that i couldn’t follow in fanfic and shoved the characters from baby into it. and...it’s working? i remember writing baby thinking, these are the right characters but this might not be the right story. and now i think i have the right story. all my other projects i’ve been hesitant about because editors would want to label them YA when they have way too much smut for that. not to mention, you know, they’re just not for younger audiences. this story can in no way be construed as YA. everybody’s old and miserable. hooray!
this thing has 7 alternating POV characters, 43 chapters, and spans 50 years. i had to build a whole-ass airtable database to keep track of character trajectories, back stories, and motivations. not to mention outlining it was so complicated i couldn’t use gdocs for it. airtable is the only way to keep a handle on the plot. but! it’s doing a very good job of it. it was just a bitch and a half to set up. 100% worth it to be able to locate all my ideas and notes easily.
i started working on it on monday and now it’s friday and it’s 45k words (some of it is taken from select scenes in dirtbag, some of it is from several trash docs repurposing some darlings, so it’s not a raw word count; i’d say what i’ve actually written is closer to 25k). i’m starting to have some hand problems so i’m going to take it easy over the weekend i think, and probably invest in an ergonomic keyboard.  
i honestly think one of the reasons this is going so smoothly is because of gdoc’s quality of life improvements. the way i used to draft involved a new document for every chapter, which gets confusing and annoying quick for big projects, but now i keep everything in one document and use the outlining feature for navigating and the drop-down menu feature for labeling what state of drafting each chapter is on. long projects have gotten sooooo much easier.
the best part is that i know all the major plot beats AND the ending. endings for original work have always been hard for me because i love my HEA, but literary fiction is all :/ about HEA endings*. but this one is too complicated for HEA, and anyway the whole thing is about secrets, so most of the conflict derives from a series of reveals. if you’ve been reading dirtbag, you’re getting a fraction of that already. it’s a lot of, how did we even get here? how have you made so many awful decisions and why?? the other conflict is, all these characters are distant from each other and they’re all slooooowly converging, which is one of my favorite plot structures.  
ALSO my entire writing life i’ve wanted to write a bank robbery book. this is it. it’s finally it. i have a father/daughter bank robbing duo and they are everything i’ve ever dreamed about writing. i never wrote about bank robberies before because i just don’t think they’re interesting enough to carry a whole plot. i mean, there are only so many ways to rob a bank? there’s only so much drama there? but in this case it’s only carrying a fraction of the plot. the only things i have to research now are cuckolding and dodging the vietnam draft. i bought a book on the latter, but i don’t think there’s a book on the former (besides darryl by jackie ess, shout out to darryl by jackie ess). to reddit, i guess.
this whole thing is going to be very overwhelming, i’m sure, and revisions will probably involve a lot of paring down and killing darlings, but that is a problem for future betts. current betts is just having a good time organizing her silly little airtable base and formatting her silly little story.
i’m also glad not to feel too fragile about this. i really thought vandal was going to get published but i’m just still so terrified of it being out in the world. i feel more like how i felt about zucchini, confident that it belonged somewhere and had an audience. i know what it is and so i don’t think, once it gets to a good enough place, that feedback will feel as jarring. the only thing i’m afraid of is my own hubris, where every time i start a project i think “this is going well! i’ll be finished soon!” and then it’s three years later and i’m wondering when i’ll pick it up again and if i’ll ever publish a book.
i’ll probably keep updates going because sometimes i just want to think about the process of writing it rather than writing it. i feel bad for not finishing the other fics i was planning to work on, but i’m just too excited about this. 
and for those reading dirtbag, don’t worry, it’s done and updates will continue twice a week.
* talking about endings in contemporary literary fiction is so funny to me because they’re all kind of awful. i had this running joke in my mfa cohort that every contemporary literary novel ends with a potluck. i mean it’s absurd how many lit novels end in a potluck.
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