#most people make oc's to ship with canon characters but I'm out here making oc's to get obliterated by them
torra-and-the-toons · 9 months
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onepiece-polls · 3 months
One Piece Crack Ship War - Submission post!
Welcome to the One Piece Ship War - crack edition!
What is a crack ship?
A crack ship is a (in this case romantic/sexual) ship that has little to no basis in canon.
When will my ship qualify for this tournament?
They will automatically qualify (after having been submitted) when:
The characters involved have NO canon interaction*, and are not part of the same crew (no matter how popular the ship is).
The characters involved have 1 short canon interaction and less than 10 fics for them on AO3 (as a side pairing counts too)
They might qualify if:**
They have no canon interaction but are part of the same crew or organisation.
They have 1 short canon interaction but more than 10 fics on AO3
They have 1 long canon interactions or 2/3 short ones and less than 10 fics on AO3
They have multiple canon interactions but NO fics on AO3
It's an incredibly funny ship (but you gotta convince me it's crack!)
These ships will not qualify on principal:
ANY ship between Strawhats (honorary Strawhats don't count if they haven't met a certain Strawhat - examples: BrookNami does not qualify, SanjiVivi does not qualify, but BrookVivi would qualify)
The top 25 ships (or something, be sensible) on AO3.
*canon interactions include fillers, cover stories, specials, and movies (though I haven't seen the last 2 yet and I don't remember much of the other ones, so these might slip through, but I'm counting on you to honor this rule). Also, I won't know nor check interactions in the manga (that haven't been animated yet), so something might slip through there as well. Just honor the rules, please.
**Any ships in the 'might qualify' category will be judged on crackyness by me first, and when I'm in doubt, I will put them up for a vote - so expect a few polls for this.
All characters must be from One Piece (no OCs).
Must be a crack ship according to above guidelines.
Ships that were in the previous shipping war tournament are allowed in this one too, as long as they follow the previous rule.
No moral limitations. These are fictional characters, not real people. Go wild. (But be prepared for 'problematic' ships to be voted out in round 1 or 2.) I will not start discourse/moral discussions about any ships! (messages about morally questionable ship are likely to be ignored and deleted)
Poly ships are allowed! I will cap them at 5 characters, however, and at least 1 character should follow the interaction rules stated above. (examples: JinbeRobinBrook or KidLawLu are not allowed. RobinNamiKiller would be allowed, on grounds of Killer having no interactions with the other 2 (I think? 😂)) Again, be sensible here.
All characters involved have to be humanoid. No concepts, objects, or full animals (fishmen/merfolk, minks, and Chopper are allowed).
You can submit multiple ships, but use a new form for each ship.
Do not hate on other ships, just support your own.
You are allowed and encouraged to submit fanart! As a lot of these ship won't have official art with all characters in it, it will come down to fanart for the most of it ((bad) edits are also very much allowed). However, it needs to be your own or you need permission from the artist before submitting it! However, if you haven't gotten permission yet when submitting, you can always send me a link to the fanart later. Without picture submitted, there might be a chance your ship will have to compete without a picture.
Keep the main images SFW and spoiler free. Propaganda can contain nsfw stuff and manga spoilers, as long as it's announced up front (eg: [Spoilers ahead]/[nsfw ahead])
Submit only through the google form below. Submisions through asks or reblogs will not be accepted.
Read the rules? Go ahead and submit those ships! (<you can click on that)
Oh yeah, and in case you're wondering... All submitted ships that pass the crack ship bar will make it into the tournament! No limitation on how many contestants there will be or how many submissions a ship needs. I want this to be an opportunity for all to discover new fun and silly ships!
Closing date is april 8 at 10AM CET.
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romanarose · 3 months
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Graphic by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog 🥰🥰
Wow, I'm in tears y'all I can't believe I'm at 2k!!!!!
I'll be straight up, the 1k celebration was a lot ;-;
And with school, I can't commit to a whole lot especially writing things for people who don't interact with my shit at all. So, I decided to do something specific
My talent lies in series more than one shots. It's where I shine. So I think the celebration will be centered more around my different universes! Acceptable universes will be listened an linked at the bottom.
Here's how to participate!
Fuck Marry Kiss
Pic 3 canon characters or OC's from any universes. If you say "Marc Spector" Specify if its from Seattle or Sunshine. Make sure I know which series bc there slightly different characterizations sometimes. Same with reader. MOST of my readers have a nickname like Little One or Madonna. Example: FMK: IYWBW Santi, Lorenzo, and Puppy Girl reader
2. Bonus chapter or thoughts (or thots)
Ever wanted to know how Zach and Lorenzo fell in love? Ever wondered what Jana and Will's friendship is like? Wanted to see what Guard Dog! Joel and Reader do for fun? Now is your chance! Please be clear if you're looking for thoughts or an organized chapter. Example: Can I please request a scene with how Santi calms down Laci when she has PTSD now that's she's a few years into healing? Example 2: Was wondering if you had some random thoughts of what shows Jake and Sam have watched together over the years?
3. Crossovers!
Want two characters from different universes to meet? Have a cross story ship? Think two readers or OC's would be besties? Think a pair of characters would be fun in a different AU? Come on over!
Example (From Fen): Leather and Lace Santi and Laci meet The Wrong Way Joel and Little one
Example 2 (Also from Fen): What if Sam met Becca.
Example 3: I think Angela from Blessed be the Fruit would absolutely love Candy and they should date.
Acceptable universes to ask for fics or crossovers from:
If You Wanna Be Wild (Santiago Garcia x Latina!Reader/OC x Javier Pena) with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside (Steven Grant x OC x Marc Spector) Seattle (Marc Spector x Jewish!OC) Leather and Lace Universe (Santiago Garcia x OC, Frankie Morales x AfroLatina!OC, William Miller x Vietnamese!OC, Ben Miller x M!OC) Awakening (Reader x all 4, IronPope, FishBen) Darkness on the Edge of Town (Joel Miller x reader, no age gap) DBF!Joel Miller Holiday Fucks (Joel Miller x reader, large age gap) Pieces from my dark side blog @romana-after-dark are allowed too. I have 2k followers here but Ill want to open the worlds in here to the event.
The Wrong Way (Dark!Joel Miller x reader, Dark!Tommy Miller x reader DDDNE) Guard Dog (Dark!Joel Miller x Dark!reader) Blessed Be the Fruit (Dark!Joel Miller x darkish!reader) Puppy Girl (dark!Joel Miller x reader, pet play) Room's on Fire (Reader x Santiago, Francisco, Will, Ben, FishBen, FishPope)
If you have other ideas, just ask!!!
Spring Break is coming up so im excited to do some of these and my commissions!
I CANNOT thank my lovely followers enough for all this!!! I love writing so fucking much and many have reached out to me about fics being healing for them
so, thank you. I mean it. Man of these stories, like LaL universe or TWW have been healing for me, processing a lot of feelings through them and i pu tmy heart and soul into my stories, so it makes me so happy and proud yall want to read.
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pansear-doodles · 10 months
I gotta get this out of my chest (and i might get hate for this but whatever)
I feel like the rain world fandom as a whole is painted in a one-sided lens- thats not true because if you really take a step back and look at the entire picture of it all there are circles and subcircles of certain populations who are into specific parts of the game and its much more nuanced than what most people complain about.
You have of course people who care about the gameplay. Not all of them are into lore stuff but when it comes to fandom stuff they tend to be mixed. They are the closest to being in line with canon. They are a mostly neutral party but they have their own can of worms to feed when it comes to new players, but I'm not here to talk about that relatively speaking.
You have people who enjoy the ideas of the characters and create transformative stuff out of it. This is where most circles of fanon, headcanons and aus reside, the """fandomification""" side of rain world if you will. This is relatively new in the fandom and most new fans(post dp) reside here, and because of that factor they're always given the most flak and attention by veterans who reside in other circles. (Even though these circles can coexist)
Many veterans (though not all of them are veterans) reside in circles that are described as the more canonical and spiritual side- because of the focus of the game. They tend to be more focused on the consistency for what the game offers- making theories and discussing certain aspects and making content that most consider isnt """fandomification""" or woobifying/blorbo-ing characters. Of course, this circle has subcircles of their own
I'm not trying to antagonize people who say that they miss when the fandom was in a relatively calmer and ""non-fandomy"" state. What bothers me is that the newer fans and the ones who enjoy focusing on "the idea of the characters" and talk about it more than the spiritual complex side of the game, are the ones being antagonized usually by these circles. I have not once seen a headcanony person complain about people talking about canon (unless you count me, an individual who is always subject to these discourses albeit unwillingly but whatever)
There is an underlying reality that as a fandom grows larger, so would these circles and some would birth new subcircles (and one of which is rw shipping, which is always the subject of antagonization in fandom discourse. Funnily enough, not within the shipping subcommunity but by people who dislike and or against shipping, especially with slugcats- yes i still cant believe the shipping community is one of the most peaceful communities in all of ship communities ever and that's very telling).
Then there are the subcircles that have always existed. There are people who care more about the slugcats more than the iterators. There are people who care about the iterators more than the slugcats. There are people who care about creating oc content rather than canon content. It goes on.
Im not saying that if you dislike how rivulet for example is often portrayed as "the adhd energetic roundhouse of wawa" that you are invalid. You absolutely have the right to dislike certain aspects the fandom has.
What I don't like is that some of these circles are antagonized and treated as if they were headless chickens pushing the affinity for liking the characters in their own ways. I don't like that they often assume that we can't like or be engaged with canon and discussions surrounding the spiritual and technical aspects of the game because we were more fond of something else. I really don't like that these types of fans are seen as parasites and that they're portrayed as people who are out to ruin the fandom when in reality they're there to enjoy it in their own way. I dont like that we are being assumed that we hate rain world, the game itself.
We have our very own reasons and our very own ways to enjoy this special piece of media. You have the ability to curate your experiences in the fandom- you have the ability to create your own circles and come with your own ideas for how you feel about the game. The fandom is an entire ecosystem composed of unique individuals and fans with their own unique individual takes. That's really not that hard to fathom.
But nah clearly gay slugcat talk and "edgy aus" will turn the rain world fandom into that similar to undertale and steven universe's fandom.
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riddlebot · 1 year
Welcome Home - Beginner's Guide!
Want to get into Welcome Home but overwhelmed and not sure where to start? This post is for you!!
I've seen a lot of people who are interested but aren't sure where to begin, or even how to begin! Lucky for you, we are currently in the prologue, so it'll be easy to get caught up!
I'm gonna put this under a read more because it's quite a big chunk of text.
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For starters, I'm going to post some of Clown's (the creator of WH, @partycoffin) wishes as far as fandom and engaging with content:
No publicly posted NSFW (as of right now) of the characters! Clown has stated they aren't sure how they feel about this just yet, and so have asked people to not do this. Do not sell merchandise or art with WH characters! This is Clown's intellectual property and he is just one person! The only person that should be making money from WH is Clown! Please don't repost people's art, including Clown's! It's really sad this has to be stated at all - everything on the website is free to use and spread around, but don't repost Clown's art from his blog or twitter! Not everything is canon and reposting old art confuses newcomers and is also just rude. Shipping is fine, as is fan works, making OC's for WH, and cosplay! Do not send Clown theories, fanscripts, comics, ect. They are still working on the story and do not want to accidentally use someone else's idea.
CONTENT WARNINGS! This is directly from Clown's website.
Common attributes in Welcome Home that may not be suitable for all audiences are listed below!
Eyes, eye contact, or staring.
Unreality or derealization.
Puppets or mannequins.
Exploration of heavy topics, like death, isolation, and mental health.
Auditory unease, such as unpleasant sounds.
Its also important to note that this is currently the prologue and the story itself will not actually start for quite some time. Also, the only things that are currently canon are things that are found on the website. Any of Clown's concept art or art found not on the website is not canon within the story at this time.
Now, with that out of the way - here is where I would recommend getting started! Like a lot of other current WH fans, watching NightMind's video introducing the ARG is a great start! He also has a second video outlining some of the clues he and his audience found.
The second video isn't a necessary watch as I will be going over all the clues here, but it's there if you want it! (Note, the second video is a stream VOD of his and his stream alerts can be quite jarring and loud so just be warned.)
There is also this google document with an outline of clues, but I'm going to list most of them in this post as well in a more cohesive way.
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HARD EVIDENCE - I'll be outlining them page by page, and only listing things that are not speculative evidence.
Intro Page (/welcomehomeyou) - Scroll down to the blurb at the bottom of the page titled Website Updates. In the first paragraph you should notice the letter Y in the word "your" is offset from the rest of the text.
Welcome Home (/whats-welcome-home) - Underneath the black and white drawing of Howdy there are 2 paragraphs of text. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the W of Wally's name is offset from the rest of the text.
About Us (/about-us) - In the FAQ there are several things of note. - First, in the answer to "How did you begin you research into WH? There is hidden text visible when you highlight over it that reads "But it hurts." Seemingly in response to them being thankful to be the first to start this journey. - There is text laid over (or under?) the answer to "Why did you make this website?" It reads: "When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open. Open. Open. I want it out. I’m going to get it out." At the end of this answer, the apparent restoration team says "It mean it is inside of you too, then," in relation to other people having said they remember the show. There is also more hidden text that seems to follow this, asking: "Does it hurt?" - Further down, after the end of the answer about episode numbers, there is more hidden text that reads: "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can’t see them."
The Neighborhood (/your-neighborhood) I will be listing every individual's introduction page here despite them all having their own site pages just for simplicity. There are several things to note here as well- starting off with another offset letter. In the blurb at the bottom of the page, the X in expand is offset. - If you click and drag the picture of Home (mobile users can sometimes see this right away, or see it if you zoom in/out on the page) you will see that behind Home is a dark abyss with a spiral in the center of it. In front of Home there is an invisible link, if you click it, you are taken to So Below (/so-below) which shows a gif of Wally on his knees in front of one of Home's windows/eyes, which is shaking rapidly. - Clicking on the you in "you're" directly above Home in the blurb at the top of the page takes you to the secret page, You. (/you) This page resembles the neighborhood introductions pages, but the blurb is blank. There are dancing letters at the top that say You, and a white paint stroke appears and then text slowly types "Wally is your best friend." - Every resident's page says "go back" in colorful letters underneath them, aside from Wally, who has black lettering that says "good bye!" - Every character is presented in past tense in their bios aside from Wally. - Every neighbor's bio mentions them being a puppet aside from Wally, Eddie, and Julie.
News (/welcome-home-news-page) - The letter E in the gif that says News is out of sync with/below the other letters.
Links (/welcome-home-links) - Two things of note: the only gif on this site that is clickable is Barnaby's, and the WH gif that cycles through every character's eyes always pauses for a beat on Wally's.
Guestbook (/our-guestbook) - The guestbook is a beast in itself so I've left it for last because there is a lot to cover. - First: We find out last offset letter in the guestbook, on page 5. There is an entry that reads "I love you ♡" from Silly mc Billy, that has a crayon doodle repeating the words back. The V in love is offset. - On page 8, in 2 of the blank entry places, are hidden text notes. One is from Wally that reads "You're looking for me. Silly. Silly." The other is from W a L L y that reads "You won't write back." - Almost every crayon doodle over the guestbook entries are hidden messages from who we are assuming is Wally. If you open the images in a new tab, the end of the url (aka the name of the pictures) will have a message in response to the entry he's doodled over. I won't outline them all because there are a lot but definitely take a look at them!
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SECRET PAGES - The result of finding all the offset letters! There are 720 combinations of the letters but not to worry, there are only a handful of pages to see! The letters are YWXVE.
try again (/yxwvoe) - Leads to a bugged version of the 404 page. Instead of Home, it shows (assumedly) Wally's telephone, and the text reads "Uh Oh!  Uh Oh Loooks like you Wandered wandered wandered tooooooooo far away from Home! Head back." The ck of the word back is in a different font. - If you click on the gif of the phone, it leads to the page duet (/singingmp4) - there is a playable file here of Wally singing the song Beautiful Dreamer. After he is done singing, he says that those are all the words he knows as that is all Barnaby taught him. He asks "Do you like it?" Home answers in a series of bangs and Wally replies, "That's good, I think."
answer (/eovwxy) - a video of a static filled television. there is a lot of brown noise here, nothing can be clearly made out though. a pair of eyes flash in the video at one point as well, seeming to be Wally's eyes. they flash on the screen and roll upward.
try again (/wyxoev) - a gif of home with various cropped eyes cycling quickly over where home's eyes are, before freezing on a single pair. The word "OPEN" slowly is spelled under the gif.
try again (/voywex) - The word "Hello." is slowly typed out and a cropped gif of Wally's eyes suddenly appears. The eyes shake rapidly. More text follows, reading, "You’re there. I can't see you. Do you see me?" And then much more rapidly appearing text, "Then stay quiet."
try again (/woxyve) - This page is covered in various images. Multiple cropped images of a script for an episode of Welcome Home. A gif cycling through the resident's eyes, much like the one on the Links page, but each time it gets to Wally it pauses longer and longer - His pupils also dilate more each time and he gets closer and closer. The gif ends on Wally's red background but he is no longer there.
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IMAGES - outside of the guestbook, a lot of the images on the website have interesting details of note.
At the bottom of the What's Welcome Home page, there are several images in a gallery. Several of these have interesting details. I do want to say though that several of the images in this gallery come from art Clown did in response to asks, ect. So I am not sure how much of this weirdness can be chalked up to inconsistencies and how much of it is genuine hints or clues. - Image 1: A page out of a magazine or catalog showing off some Welcome Home merchandise. The merchandise in the picture all have lettering, A-C, and the corresponding description of said merch at the bottom of the page. But there is also a letter D in the image next to a blank space, with no description. The D is crossed out. - Image 3 + 4: A We'll Be Right Back screen featuring Frank and Julie cooking. If you mess with the exposure of the B/W version of this image, it reveals faint white text over the "We'll Be Right Back!" that reads "May Your Home Be" - Image 5: At the bottom right, the text along the side of the image reads "Hello you" - Image 12: Wally's Halloween costume is a red devil. - Image 13: Wally creepily looking outside of a pitch black Home, with text that reads "There he is!" - Image 26: The book Wally is reading shows the same scene he and Barnaby are portraying in this image.
About Us has 2 interesting images: - the original version of the Julie and her siblings is covered in paint and very wrinkled, as well as the picture taken of it being very dark. The bottom of the image depicts a human hand in a blue latex glove holding the page. - in the gif of Frank's head spinning, the titles of the books next to him read (from top to bottom) Hello / It’s You Know Who / I'm your neighbor / Do you think about me? You do / I’ve felt you.
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If you read this whole post, wowza! I hope you enjoy getting into WH! Despite laying out most of the hints and clues in this post, I still very much recommend going to the site yourself and poking around. There are a lot of little things I didn't cover here as they aren't concrete, so there is still plenty to discover!
Also, if you haven't already, you should go follow Clown, and consider supporting him on ko-fi so he can continue to work on this project, as well as continue their education and hopefully move into a safer home!
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Hey star! Me again! How does your starstruck shipganza work? Do we just submit an OC to ship with Starstruck? I'm very much a dumb dumb so I don't know lel
hello boa!! great to hear from you!!
and omg nonono you're not being dumb or anything, i was pretty vague about this previously and only kinda mentioned it off-hand in tags. the idea behind the shipaganza is to help me explore some different dynamics (more or less romantic) with starstruck to see how i feel about shipping her as a whole, and so i was admittedly pretty nervous and wiffle-waffley about it overall.
but if it helps, i am allowing both canon suggestions and OC suggestions for the starstruck dee shipaganza! now that it's a full 'event' i should be more transparent, so here's a few rules!
🎀 any suggested characters must be adults in a suitable age bracket. this goes for OCs and canon characters. consider starstruck dee to be in the 25-35 age range; i think she could smooch into an older bracket, but i would not go younger than this. 🎀 when suggesting OCs, only the creator/owner of the oc can suggest that oc, unless you get clear permission from the creator. if an artist suggests a sona in particular, then for the same reasons as above, i explicitly need the artist to be an adult. 🎀 no nsfw at all. flirty characters are great. bullies are fun (something tonally similar to the marx prompt, for instance). but i have a hard enough time even making the orbs smooch non-platonically; anything else is clearly going to be out of my ballpark. 🎀 very very few of these prompts are going to be considered canon to starstruck's storyline, and i'll specify any that are (such as bandee's). this is even less likely with OCs, though i might be open to that in the future after the event. this event is just for fun and silliness! 🎀 when suggesting OCs, especially if i don't know you or your oc well, please please give me some info about your oc and why you think they'd work. like, would your oc make a move that starstruck fails to notice? are they accidentally dating? do they share an interest? is your oc a hopeless pining romantic, are they a charmer, are they a bully, so on and so fourth! a link to a reference is also good! try to remember starstruck's characterisation when suggesting as well; remember that it's very important that she doesn't get along great with most waddle dees. otherwise i might have a hard time responding to you! 🎀 also... please don't suggest your ocs just because you want me to draw them. i'll likely take more general/platonic oc interaction prompts in the future. please only suggest an oc for this event if you genuinely think you have a fun potential ship dynamic to explore. i am much more likely to draw canon character prompts and ocs from folks who have interacted with me regularly (such as yourself, boa). i'm fairly aware of my regular interactors and of course my mutuals, so i'll be able to tell if people are just popping up out of the woodwork trying to get free art out of me.
i hope this helps a little and i appreciate your interest!
this sounds like a lot of rules, but it's mostly just things to keep in mind. i'm more flexible with canon character recommendations because there's a bit more to navigate and get right when it comes to OCs, but i'm none the less willing to ty it out! hopefully it's just something fun and silly i can share with folks to celebrate the month!
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castaway-achlys · 2 months
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Welcome to the Blog!
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Color Key!
Who is who?
Admin will speak in red, and posts will be tagged as "admin speaks."
Castor will speak in blue, and posts will be tagged as "castor speaks."
Pollux will speak in pink, and posts will be tagged as "pollux speaks."
If two of us are speaking at once, the colors will be split on the text, and the two people tagged! For example: "Hello to everyone!"
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Important things to read in this section are purple and bold.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning that any of my characters can (and likely will) date multiple people. That being said, those relationships will not intersect with each other.
Admin and their characters are 18+, and this blog can contain mentions of alcohol, drugs, NSFW, and other adult type content. Posts that do will be tagged accordingly as "tw (insert thing)". For example, "tw drugs". The exception to this rule is NSFW, which will be tagged as "castaway from public." I follow the 18 and over rule regarding my characters and substances, but you do you!
Pollux is not the main character on the blog. The blog will focus on Castor.
Almost all posts will be in lowercase, which is intentional.
Almost all tags will contain a period/full-stop, which is also intentional.
Posts may contain swear words. These will not be tagged. I am not your parent.
Follows, asks, and likes will not come from here, as it is a side blog. If I reply to something on the wrong account, please let me know before I make a fool of myself.
Asks will always be colored to match the color key, and signed as "— (insert person) (@castaway-achlys)"
Private messages will be out of character unless otherwise discussed.
Actions can be done as short form or as full sentences, and will always appear within asterisks.
Castor and Pollux are based off Greek mythology, but are not 100% true to the tales. They are based mostly around the mythical creature Orthrus, and the Dioscuri, Pollux and Castor.
Their last name, Achlys, can be pronounced as ack-liss or ack-lees.
If you're an anonymous frequenter of the blog, please sign off as something, a name or emoji or anything you'd like, so that we can keep track of you! The boys and I do enjoy making friends!
For both our mental health, mine and yours, if we do something to offend you, please let us know so that we can have a mature conversation about it. Admin and you, not the characters, lol.
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Rules and regulations to abide by!
First and foremost, don't be fucking weird (in a bad way).
Pro-shippers, MAPs, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. Do not interact.
If you're a minor, don't interact with anything NSFW that I post. Doing so will result in you being blocked or having me barge into your messages to scold you. Or both. You have been warned.
Other OCs, canon characters, etc, are absolutely welcome, please feel free to interact with me! I don't bite.
You can spam my messages if we're friends or mutuals, even if we're just acquainted. I don't really care, just try not to spam my inbox or vent without asking me if I'm okay with such things. I'm usually fine with vents, but I really can't always handle someone else's mental health as well as my own.
Please be respectful to everyone!
Please use tone tags if asked, and don't be alarmed if I message you for any clarification on things. Tone is hard to read on the internet.
Please do not involve any of us in drama, plotted or not, without notifying us or asking if it's okay first.
These rules can be added to at any time, but I'll try to announce if I make any edits!
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About Admin!
Important things about the Admin!
Admin is 22 years old.
Admin is non-binary, pansexual, and polyamorous.
Admin uses they/he pronouns, and would appreciate if you used them when appropriate.
Admin has diagnosed ADHD, and most likely, undiagnosed autism.
Admin is an omnipotent being of sorts. They can interact with Castor and Pollux, as well as other people/characters within Twisted Wonderland.
Admin does not have a physical form that is visible to Twisted Wonderland inhabitants, he appears as a voice that just occasionally interacts and comments on things.
Admin can't be killed or harmed by anyone in Twisted Wonderland, and yes, this means you, Malleus Draconia.
Admin simply just is, and will occasionally pop in, most commonly in the tags.
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About Castor Achlys!
Important things about Castor!
Castor is 18 years old, and born on May 22 under the star sign of Gemini.
Castor is the older twin out of him and Pollux.
Castor is transgender, female to male.
Castor uses he/him pronouns, but tolerates they/them if the person is a stranger.
Castor is pansexual, but if you ask him about his sexuality, he has no idea. He is able to love anyone, regardless of gender, genitalia, etc, if given the chance.
Castor is from the Ignihyde dorm and specializes in technology.
Castor is a first year, chosen by the mirror at 18.
Castor is a genius and extremely fast learner.
Castor's main focus and hobby is gaming, where his username is Castaway, hence the blog name.
Castor is extremely fond of animals, especially cats.
Castor has an immense amount of strength, an inhuman sense of smell and hearing, and is very fast.
Castor is only 5 feet, or 152cm, tall.
Castor has bright pink eyes and dark blue hair.
Posts will be made containing his appearance and more, which will be linked here as soon as they are up!
Castor's backstory.
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Castor's Partners!
Suitors? Pspspsps.
♡ Archie — @nightonthemountain — June 2, 2024 — castor's north star. 🧭
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About Pollux Achlys!
Important things about Pollux!
Pollux is 18 years old, and born on May 22 under the star sign of Gemini.
Pollux is the younger twin out of him and Castor.
Pollux is a cisgender male.
Pollux uses he/him mostly, but any pronouns are fine with him. Call him whatever you'd like! He is comfortable in his gender identity and doesn't believe that pronouns are indicative or equal to one's gender.
Pollux is bisexual, but has a preference for men (transgender inclusive-- transgender males are males too!)
Pollux doesn't attend Night Raven College, but if he did, he would want to be in Pomefiore.
Pollux, unlike his brother, learns things at a much slower and normal speed, and does not excel at most academics. He does enjoy learning, though, and is intelligent in his own right. (School and standardized testing is not a good measure of intelligence.)
Pollux is the one who introduced Castor to games, and plays them a lot with him. It is also his main hobby. At this time, Admin has not given him a clever username.
Pollux doesn't have a favorite animal, but enjoys bees a lot.
Pollux is also strong, but has a normal sense of smell and hearing, and isn't the fastest due to his size. He is not overweight, just a bit lanky and very tall.
Pollux is 6 feet and 1 inch, or 185cm, tall.
Pollux has features opposite to Castor-- in that he has dark blue eyes and light pink hair.
Pollux does involve himself with weed frequently, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please block the tag "tw drugs" for us! Don't worry, he's responsible! Mostly.
Posts will be made containing his backstory, appearance, and more, which will be linked here as soon as they are up!
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Pollux's Partners!
Who is Pollux involved with? Hehe.
♡ Umbrance — @nightonthemountain — May 28, 2024 — pollux's moon. 🏔️
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Other Information!
Important things that don't fit anywhere else!
Ask games will be available sometimes! They will be tagged as "ask game — (insert title)."
Castor, Pollux, and I's first ask game (still ongoing) is here!
Admin hasn't had Castor and Pollux officially commissioned for a reference of their looks yet, so picrews are available for you to get an idea of what they look like! They are tagged as "castor picrew." and "pollux picrew." and will always have a link to the picrew and any other ocs included so you can check them out!
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Anon List!
Anonymous blog frequenters will be tagged as "(insert something here) anon."
None at this time!
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Thank you to cafekitsune for the free use dividers!
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acewitch-writes · 6 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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zepskies · 4 months
Writer Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me @venus-haze! As always, your responses on this were really interesting and got me thinking about my answers. (Here's the original post.)
So these first questions are geared toward Ao3 stories.
How many works do you have on AO3? 48 and counting.
What's your total AO3 word count? Aw geez. According to the statistics page, 1,022,400.
(But I have more fics listed in Tumblr thanks to headcanons and things not yet posted in Ao3.)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Every Loyalty - (Jon Snow x OC)
And So It Goes - (Butcher x OC)
Never Say Goodbye - (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Break Me Down - (OC Version | Soldier Boy x OC)
Checkerboard - (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Always. I love getting feedback and engaging with the people who take the time to read my work. 💜
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Ooh, it's gotta be this imagine in SPN fandom: "Sam crosses the line." In which he's in love with Dean's girlfriend.
(Sequel to "You are Dean's one exception.")
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Well, most of my stories have happy endings. But probably Never Say Goodbye (Dean W. x Reader). It's a soulmate AU, so very rom-com and fluffy, despite all the drama they went through.
Though I could also say the same of the last story in the Midnight Espresso-verse: In Bad Weather.
Do you write crossovers? No, I don't. I've enjoyed reading a few though.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, unfortunately lol. It's inevitable for as long as I've been writing though.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes lol. I'm a romantic though, so it's often a mix of fluff, straight up romance, occasionally dashed with angst and/or hurt/comfort.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge. (I hope not!)
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I've received solicitations lol.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah, when I was a teenager just starting out writing, I used to write with one of my best friends growing up. (We're still good friends to this day.)
What's your all-time favorite ship? That's pretty much impossible. 🤣 It depends on the fandom! Nowadays I tend to write for OCs or reader inserts though.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? Ooof, nothing recent. But I finally finished And So It Goes, which took me 3 years for some reason. 🙃
Though I do have both a Jason Teague x OC series and a Smallville Clark Kent x OC series outlined that realistically, I probably won't get to. 💔
What are your writing strengths? I've been told I'm good at dialogue and keeping canon characters in character, which is always amazing to hear! I try my best.
What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes and smut scenes are my biggest writing challenges, though I've been told I do a decent job at them. I know I tend to use adverbs a lot lol (I'm trying to curb that).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? So I try to minimize use of this, but, I've gotten critiqued (putting it mildly) on this before for two reasons. Admittedly, I've had to revise myself in certain use cases, but also, there are slang words and phrases in certain Spanish cultures that wouldn't make sense to another Hispanic/Latino culture that doesn't use the word/phrase. So sometimes, it's not that it's wrong grammatically, but that it's slang.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Oh jeezus, probably Chronicles of Narnia fandom when I was like, 10 and brand new to writing. 😂
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? Ooh a tough one. I feel like there are so many! I do have a story I had outline years ago now for Steve Rogers/Captain America back in the MCU fandom (which I've written in before). But that fandom is a bit intimidating. 😂
What's your favorite fic you've written? Also really tough for me. I think it's a tie between two series:
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Midnight Espresso (Dean W. x Plus-Sized Latina!Reader)
One totally took me by surprise by how much I enjoyed writing the series and the characters (and figuring out how to write Soldier Boy/Ben 😂).
While the other allowed me to be a little more indulgent with myself, writing from my personal experience and my culture.
The responses on both stories have been amazing and incredibly heartwarming. 💗
No pressure tags:
@thatonewriter15 @waywardxwords @impala-dreamer @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deanwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @deanbrainrotwritings @kaleldobrev -- and whoever else wants to join! 💜
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guess-that-ship · 10 months
Guess That Ship Tournament S6: Submission Closed
The concept: You describe your ship* to me, I pick out the submissions which I find most compelling and pit them against each other without revealing who they are, people vote on them, and their identities gets revealed once they're eliminated.
Submission Guidelines
*For the purpose of this tournament, relationships do not have to be romantic in nature. I'm sometimes going to use "ship" as a shorthand, just know I mean "relationships" in general.
Relationship can be between any number of characters.
Real people are accepted if they've been dead for more than 100 years.
Roleplay characters are accepted as long as the description only pertains to the characters and not the players.
OCs are accepted.
One submission per person. (I cannot enforce this on google form without forcing you to log in. So just be champs and respect this rule.)
Summary Guidelines
Here's the selection process: Me or another judge is going to read through the list of descriptions submitted without looking at their names, we're gonna pick the most compelling submissions, then we check the name to make sure there's no repeats.
Keep it concise. Some preference will be given to shorter entries during this round of selection.
Previous submissions for reference.
Descriptions should be based on canon, not headcanon. (Eg. You can say "they love each other" instead of "they're lovers" if their romantic nature is debatable.)
Use canonical pronouns.
Avoid identifying information or setting specific giveaways. (ie. Ninja village, space necromancers.)
The more popular your ship is the more vague the description should be.
Ships which were previously selected will no longer be accepted. You don't have to go through the whole list, just hit ctrl+f and search for your characters' names before you write a submission.
I will also not be including any submission from Harry Potter, sorry.
I will not vet the ships/pairings for problematic content.
If you participate in this tournament, know that you run the risk of unintentionally voting for your nOTP. The mod does not take any responsibility for any distress that may cause you.
I'm currently running @bestadaptationtournament, I believe I should be able to manage 2 at the same time... Buuuut it might mean this tournament will start a bit later and there might be some gaps between rounds.
Submit your nominations here. Submission will open for 48 hours, until September 3rd, 7PM EST.
I'd appreciate it if you can reblog this post, especially if you've never done so in the past. I'm hoping to get some new eyes for this round.
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ofblackskies · 7 months
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So this blog has hit 1'000 followers recently, and that gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies about all the people I've met along the way. The ones I talk to every day, the ones I've fallen out of touch with or who are no longer a part of the community, and the ones I keep on my dash even though we never speak. This blog is one of my safe spaces and that's primarily because of all the amazing people I keep around. So I figured this was the perfect time to give all y'all a little extra love.
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My ride or dies here, my hoes before bros, the loves of my life, these are the people who make every day on here worth it. These are the people I hope I never ever lose contact with - and if I do it's their fault and they deserve to be punished for it tbh.
@devilsanddarlings - Chrissy and I have been friends for 12 years both on and off of tumblr, but more importantly before tumblr and after tumblr. I have no doubt in my mind that we'll be friends until the end of time. I would trust you with my passwords, but I would also trust you with my life, and I do trust you with all my secrets. You've been with me through the epic highs and lows of high school football everything, and if we ever lose touch it'll be because I'm dead. And even then? I'mma haunt your ass. So be ready.
@acourtcfmuses - Alana! You and I are going on 8 years knowing each other, and you're so awesome. You're one of my oldest friends from this hellsite, and the only one who's really active anymore. And when I say active, I mean active. Nobody has more characters than you. I've finally broken 100 and I'm still nowhere near being able to be in the same race! Not only that, but you do so well with all your canons, and your ocs are all so well put together. Thank you for always being around when I need you - even if we are on completely different time lines, you always reply when you can and that means a lot.
@hellgiven - Charli, you're one of the few people that I would follow to any blog they made. I don't care what the fandom is, I don't care who the character is, so long as it's you writing them, I know it will be good and I know that we'll find a fun pairing to write! I tell you things I don't tell hardly anyone, and you let me bitch when I need to but you don't ever take it to heart, and I love that. I love you &lt;3
@snnydcys - Lumi, I know I give most of my attention when it comes to our friendship to Channy, and I know I'm terrible at getting to replies in a timely manner - but Channy deserves the attention, and you never bully me about how slow I can be. You've adapted Sonny into this multi-fandom baddie, and you did it in such an organic way that I could never have imagined could be done with a Disney character. I'm always so impressed by the way you've made her fit everywhere. And I promise I will get to doing other things with your other characters. I promise.
@carp3diems - Bluejayyyyy! First of all, obligatory mention of the soulmates: Cal and Del are everything and I swear any time I go to write a reply for him that isn't for her, he's in my head whinging and asking where she is. The fact that I have an oc who's so obsessed with yours is honestly such a vibe because I too, am obsessed with you. You're a great friend, and you only pressure me to write when I explicitly ask you to - which is exactly what I need sometimes. I'm a sucker for all of our little ships and plots and dynamics, even the ones that we're just getting started, and I adore youuuu.
@unitcd - Fabian, we share a love of Jeremiah and a hatred on Conrad, and them there could be fighting words to a lot of people, but we get along so well! Even without that basis, I think we would have become friends eventually, and I'm really glad we did! Even if I'm terrible and don't reply fast enough.
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These are the blogs I follow that either I don't write with much, or just haven't had the chance to get out of that 'new follower' stalking vibe with yet! This is also where I'm sticking those people I just don't talk with much ooc (at least not on a daily basis) but I still love so much! I adore you all, and thank you for making my experience on the dash so awesome, it wouldn't be this good without being able to read your threads
@unbearablyindifferent / @tobeblamed / @seesgood / @klaeus / @salvatoraes / @stanfordprepped / @tvintedspvrk / @fcntasyadvcnturc / @localsalt / @takeflight / @lcvelj / @lcveblossomed / @fuckedprophet / @inspotlight / @gunchamber / @benbraeden / @sunsymbols / @malka-lisitsa / @rhaegore / @stcllla / @shesdaylight / @cruelprincae / @sarcasticsnackpack / @saltzitivo (!!! I would say a lot more about you but you know. We don't do a lot here on tumblr anymore, but Hallie is one of my absolute favorite people on the planet alwaysss, my aussie sister <3)
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@thcdarlingboy - Blair isn't active right now, but she will forever be one of my favorite people I've ever met on this hellsite. Every day I hope she comes back to throw her characters at me, and because I think of her on such a frequent basis, she deserved an honorable mention on this list despite the fact that her blog hasn't been active since 2020. Blairbear, if you do pop on at any point in time and see this, I want you to know that I love you and I miss you &lt;3
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Now, if you've gotten through all of that and made it all the way down here, you deserve something special. So anyone who reblogs either this post or my promo by this time next week will get entered to win some sort of graphics prize. We can chat about what you want if you win, but the realm of options is anything from base icons, to a promo or blog graphics. I'll be picking two randomly generated people, and one person by hand. The only rules are that you have to be following me (this is a follow forever giveaway, after all), and you have to reblog either this post or my promo. Reblogging this post will gain you two entries, because I really want to give the loves of my life some love and get their names out there a little more! But I know it's long as hell, so no pressure! And good luck! May the odds be ever in your favor.
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ghoulsbian · 4 months
introduction post!! ♥️💫
my name is valentine, i am twenty-one years old. the purpose of this blog is to air out my tokyo-ghoul-centric thoughts. i have been apart of the tokyo ghoul fandom for almost ten years! i had some presence on the wattpad and instagram branches of the fandom back in the day, but those days are long behind me now. i have interests in other animes & mangas, but most likely will not be posting about them here. feel free to ask me about them, though!!
i live in the united states northeast, but i have internet friendships with people all over the world!! some longer than others, but all very valuable to me. any friendships i make here on tumblr will be of great value too!! i'm hoping to meet and befriend lots of other tokyo ghoul fans here! i would prefer than any friends i make on here be eighteen and older, please!!
i have several tokyo ghoul ocs, who i plan to share here when i feel less shy about them ><!! some of them are connected to preexisting canon characters, and some are not! i hope that you all will be excited for them either way!! there are also some tokyo ghoul characters i am particularly fond of, including:
• kishou arima (my most favorite character ever!)
• tatara (my second most favorite character ever!)
• rize kamishiro
• haise sasaki
• the entire quinx squad (old gen & new gen!)
• karren von rosewald
• shuu tsukiyama
• matsumae
• take hirako
• nutcracker
i am very fond of everyone else too, but to a lesser extent. i also have fondness that fluctuates in intensity for different characters at different times. i'm more than happy to talk about pretty much anyone in the series!! all tg characters have each taken up some space in my brain at some point in time.
i am the coiner of rizemayu (rize x nutcracker) and i encourage you all to join me in shipping it!!
thanks for reading ♥️💫
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 20 days
(Heads up and to warn for most people that this post may be long due to rambling).
As someone who is into a lot of fandoms, I have witnessed the WHOLE trifecta--the doxxing, toxic fans, and the arguments over the most ridiculous and stupid stuff. One thing that sticks out to me for the most part is the fighting and unnecessary targeting towards people over one thing: character shipping. But not JUST regular character shipping--but I noticed and hate how most ships I've seen were hated on because they were either crackship, rarepair, oc x canon, and multi/polyship.
Being into a lot of fandoms; I, myself, also have various ships of my own that are oc x canon, crackship, rarepair AND mostly multi/polyshipping. I've spotted the ABSOLUTE worst hate I've ever seen towards one ship or two or many more that immature people get mad about and like to talk shit about it towards people who LOVE the ship and get hated on it JUST for liking it in general. And most of these complaints I've seen towards couple shipping are absolutely dumb, infuriating, or just outright "what the fuck?"
Here are most of what I've seen and my argument about it:
1)"*comments on a fanart or fanfic that involves shipping a main character with another character that isn't with a canon spouse or partner or love interest* NOOOOOOOO why would you DO that to (inserted canon ship name)😭😭😭?!?! That is so messed up and wrong!!!" "(canon ship name) forever yall 👇🙌🙏" and "*basically making fun or downright hating on the ship*"
First off, you are being downright rude to op(s) who just wanna make harmless content on a main character that is preferred to be shipped with either a side character or another main character that isn't a spouse or love interest. Not EVERYONE likes to ship a movie or TV show ship that the creators and producers made to the audience--everyone has the right and free-will to ship the main character(s) with someone else. It's literally NOT okay nor is it right to hate on people who ship those types of things and yet you act as if it's the end of the world. Grow the fuck up.
2)"*sees a canon ship they hate* OMFG!!! I hate this ship! (Character A) deserves/is better off with (another name of a character) because (Character B) is *goes on a long, wild ramble that makes Character B a bad person even though they are not)"
Oh, my God--I have seen this argument ONE TOO MANY TIMES on canon ships that creators made that people are against because of dumb fucking reasons. Most of which are because the main reason is "the ship isn't perfect and I want it as perfect as possible or else I'm gonna abuse the living shit out of it", you need to calm down and rethink that mindset of yours because not ONLY is it unrealistic but it is also toxic and harmful. A lot of relationships I've seen whether in fiction or real-life ALWAYS have struggles and problems and complications and THAT IS COMPLETELY OKAY AND NORMAL!!! That only means they are still working being better to each other and themselves as well.
Not to mention that another reason I've seen people hate on canon ships is because they believe that a non-abusive character IS abusive or horrible to the other character and therefore find it excusable to ship the "abused" character with someone who will treat them better. That is literally disgusting you think that way. I've seen fictional characters who are sweet, bubbly, supportive and try their best to help and understand their partners/spouses getting viewed as toxic, abusive, and being downright HORRIBLE when THEY ARE NOT!!! I've seen haters of the same people who hate the ship because of Character B go and ship Character A with someone who is a canon horrible person and say "Since in MY view, Character B deserves no bitches cuz they abused Character A so I'm shipping them with Character C because Character C will treat them better like a god". Are you fucking serious right now????
3)"*sees main popular ship(s) that is viewed to be in a polyamorous relationship with another character as a triad, or that Character A or B is holding hands with both a love interest and another character, along with other non-monogamous ships that involves three or more characters in a polycule in general; also seeing fanart of a main character being shipped with multiple other characters lovingly* OMG they're cheating 😭😡!! How dare you make my ship unfaithful and so full of sin!! How disgusting--my ship would NEVER add in another person in there!"
Uhhhh, WOW. I felt like I was slapped in the face--because you LITERALLY sound SUPER offended by the fact that more than TWO people can be in a relationship. Not to mention just how "monogamous-normative" you are, smh.
As someone who is polyamorous with a partner who isn't, my lesson to YOU about polyamory is that "polyamory =/= cheating." It is about being fully communicated and listening to each other--some people are okay with being in a polyamorous or open relationship and some are not because that's their personal preference and that's totally fine.
Edit (5/29/2024): I accidentally posted this while it was still in the drafts and it was unfinished. So I am gonna be showing some more examples:
4) *sees someone making shipping content with one or more canon characters with an oc or self-insert* "OMG, CRIIIIIIINGE 😤😭!!"
OML, are you seriously mad that someone wanted to ship their persona/insert/original character with a favorite character(s) because they love that said character?? Let that person wanna kiss their fictional other or marry them or fuck them or however they wanna be connected to their favorite character, dumbass. Not to mention how hypocritical these people are because they'll go "omg you SHIP yourself with *name of character(s)?? loser!!! simp!!! XD" and at the same time they'll be like "omg I wanna fuck this character SOOOOOOOOOO bad". Like......what???
5) *fanart or fan-fiction that depicts aro/ace characters being in romantic and/or sexual relationships; allosexual and/or alloromantic characters being headcanoned as aro/ace* "bro why would you ship *character's name* with *another character's name*, they're aro/ace!!" "why would you hc this character as aro/ace?!, they have sex like crazy/have a romantic interest! They cannot be aro/ace!!"
I CANNOT stress this enough already as someone who is also on the aroace spectrum--you can still have sex and/or romance AND still be fucking aro/ace!!! I one time showed a canon allosexual woman being depicted as asexual because it was my headcanon, and I was bashed by someone who claimed that she cannot be asexual because she canonically has sex with her husband. Same goes for alloromantic characters being depicted and headcanoned as aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum.
Not to mention that relationships with aro/ace characters CAN also be associated with being platonic with no romance and sex involved in it whatsoever. Or that they can still have sex and romance and still be platonic--libido, sex, and romance are all different things and are not the same thing.
6) *sees a gay/lesbian ship made by someone who isn't gay/lesbian or that the gay ship was made by someone who is straight person/lesbian and a lesbian ship made by a gay man/straight person; or just seeing a ship in general* "no way you made that, that is so sexualized and fetishizing/you're a gay man/lesbian/straight person, you're suppose to only like gay/lesbian/straight ships!" "bro, ur so creepy and weird for liking that, wtf?? that's *name of a disgusting crime* bait"
I...have no fucking words for this type of shit. You are SOOOO chronically-ill online that you got the nerve to point at someone and accuse them of a horrid fucking crime or say that they have a fetish like its a bad thing because of a dynamic or how some of the characters look due to their appearance.
Not to mention the amount of gatekeeping and toxicity I see whenever it comes to queer creators/fan-makers with their ships. Lesbian self-shipper who's main f/o's are men? Accused of not being a lesbian. Gay men sharing their favorite ships in which most of them are hetero couples? They'll be questioned of their sexuality and get accused of not being gay. Straight people who enjoy Yuri and Yaoi content? "OMFG, those people are disgusting fujoshis/fudanshis/himejoshis/himedanshis*!!"
*please do your research and learn that these terms were wrongfully bashed by people who wrongfully claimed that it meant sexualizing/fetishizing mlm/wlw content. It does not. The true terms mean "woman/man (rotten girl/rotten boy/princess girl/princess boy) who enjoys boys love/girls love content".
If you guys have any more to add, feel free to Reblog or put it in tags.
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sotwk · 2 months
Writers Truth or Dare Ask Game - SotWK Answers
Link to game is HERE,
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I was in 4th grade and my friends and I really wanted to date the Backstreet Boys. We discovered fanfiction was the most fun way to do it. We would write our lil’ self-insert love stories in notebooks that we would pass around and share. 
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Pumped Up Pop. I’m a 90s kid and Pop runs deep in me. 
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t think anything can be considered weird for a writer doing research anymore. But one thing I remember working extra hard on was researching how to pilot a jet for a Marvel action fic. That’s why I admire and commiserate with @scyllas-revenge for her helicopter piloting scene in BLCI. 
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Mix of both. Reader Inserts to make others happy, OC fics to make myself happy. 
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I would write an entire essay explaining this one, but in the SotWK AU, Elvenking Thranduil and Elvenqueen Maereth are metaphorical avatars for the Valar couple Oromë and Vána, and were destined to be such (as they were destined for each other). The qualities they each possess which make them similar to these Valar--Thranduil's strength and skill as a protector/warrior and Maereth's gifts for nurturing and fertility--are what safeguard and sustain Eryn Galen for thousands of years, holding their people fast even against Sauron.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis 
@talesfuzzy is constantly on my notifs since she likes so many of my posts on a daily basis. She also reblogs some of the best Tolkien content, which I often put into my own queue. We don't really talk, but she's like that friendly person you see on your daily commute whose name you might not know but you smile and nod to each other till they've become a comfortingly reliable part of daily life.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I would LOVE a thrilling action fic where Thranduil and all five Thranduilion Princes march into battle at the same time and completely crush the enemy because there is possibly no greater or more fearsome fighting team left in Middle-earth. However, such a plot would violate my own AU’s headcanon, because in Thranduil’s family, there is a hard rule that the Thranduilions can never all be fighting in the same battle at once; Thranduil simply refuses to risk his family that way. 
I would hire/nominate/beg @ass-deep-in-demons to write it. If you’ve read her fic, “Under Our Darkening Skies”, you’ll know she’s the top pick for incredible and cinematic battle scenes. 
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I find myself reusing a lot of the same lines and expressions, especially when describing character emotions and actions. Sometimes I feel my writing is pedestrian and boring, especially compared to many other writers in the Tolkien fandom who have such eloquent, sophisticated styles and brilliant, creative word choices. I'm quite soppy and sentimental too, but that's just my thing. 
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Sadly, I have not had a pet since my early 20s. I had plenty of them growing up, though, including my beloved yellow Lab. Once my kids are old enough to share in pet care duties, we are definitely getting a dog. 
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Talk to me about my Thranduilion Princes, pretty please! (There are many easy ways to be Moots with me, but this is a guarantee and the fastest way!)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I am lucky and grateful to have a solid band of supporters, but I want to grab this chance to send a special shout out to @achromaticerebus. She has been a big supporter of my Thranduilion Princes since she discovered them early on, she comments on ALL my Thranduil/Thranduilion stories, she gushes about them to me and with me, and her enthusiasm just keeps me motivated. She is not herself a writer, and it's so rare to find a friend so willing to just be a reader and supporter, when there's really no way to “pay back” her kindness.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Point out even just one specific detail or line of dialogue and tell me how it made you feel, your thoughts about it, or even ask a follow up question! I am most impressed when a Reader points out an Easter egg or interesting tidbit/headcanon/lore I included. I am over the moon when their comments show they are familiar with my other fics or my SotWK AU as a whole… it means they've really invested in my stuff.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I enjoy being wholly surprised (good surprises, of course), but I don't like being told “a surprise is coming” and having to then think about it or stress out until its arrival. 
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A work-related reminder, which is boring. So I'm gonna answer this question by sharing something I wrote in my “Scratch Dump” document that I use for my headcanon drafting: Inscribed on the blade of the sword was Mirion’s personal oath to his people, written in Silvan: “Until my last breath, I will serve.”
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
It’s probably because I’m fairly new to it (and because I enjoy the song/video), but the concept of internet friends Rickrolling each other as a prank seems so funny and wholesome to me.  
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
I made a separate post answering this HERE.
Thank you to all my awesome friends who jumped in to send me these Asks! This was fun and made me feel good about myself as a writer. Love you guys! 
@lady-of-imladris @erathene @unethicallypleistocene @fishing4stars @Hobbitwrangler @quillofspirit @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @niennawept @malzenn @melpomaenofimladris and that one Anon friend!
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fyeahnix · 11 months
So I wrote "Dogsong," my first Sevika/Reader fic and I kinda just wanted to blab about what went into it, especially since I started writing it in January.
I dunno how this came about but last November or so, I was like "man I'm bored and I need more fanfics to read. What about Arcane? Wait does anyone even ship that chick Sevika with anyone?" Found out that the most popular ship for her was Reader fics 🙃
Before this, I started seeing fanart of her and was like "hmmm....uhhh actually she's kinda hot???" And this is funny because my friend sent me a screenshot of me literally wondering how anyone even likes her ass.
Boy was I so fucking wrong.
Anyway I started reading a bunch of Sevika/Reader fics on AO3 and instantly fell in love with all the differing portrayals of her. This side character who can beat the shit out of people and barely talks had a dedicated ass following of people who loved to portray her as soft. How could I not love that? I decided I really wanted to write my own portrayal so I rewatched Arcane on New Year's Eve (while suffering through horrible caffeine withdrawal, worst headache of my life...). I took notes.
Whenever I write for a new fandom, I always wanna portray the characters as closely to canon as possible while still allowing some freedom for headcanon and extrapolation. So I study dialogue, tone of voice, body language, manner of speaking, etc. It's fun tbh.
My goal for this was to write a Sevika who is feared in the streets as she is in Arcane, but show a side of her we don't get to see. Loving, adorable with her girl, a little bit of a tease with some humor. Just a "wtf that's Sevika?!" type deal.
My main HC for her is that Sevika really is a gigantic teddy bear with her girlfriend. And I'm so fucking glad I had that exact thought because I didn't think of the pet name "bear" for her until I was literally watching The Bear almost two weeks ago. It fit perfectly 😂
Smut wise, I love sadistic Sevika but after listening to The New Bottoming Book and The New Topping Book for BDSM, it got me thinking more deeply about how to portray the dynamic. My previous thought process around sadism was flawed. And I wanted to correct it. So I had Sevika's sadism be less "mean" and brutal. Not sure what words fit here but I hope that was evident!
Last thing about Sevika: I personally don't like the descriptor for her being a brute. I know that's official in Arcane but ugh...
It just rubs me the wrong way as it has such a negative connotation and definition. And I especially don't like that it's tied to a woman of color in her position. Yes, she's tough and can beat your ass, but we've seen how good she is at manipulation and how she commands respect. This is a strong reason as to why I went with the softer route for her. Reader sees a side of her that literally no one else does. She was the person that stepped in and told that guy in the bar to fuck off and then walked Reader home afterwards. Like look at her 🥺
Speaking of Reader, this poor soul started off as more of a blank slate but it wasn't until I really wanted a backstory for her that she lowkey became a bit of an OC. I spoke about this before, but I typically never think of myself as the Reader when I read Canon/Reader fics. I've always seen it the same way I see the player character in RPGs—a bit of set backstory but enough characterization to make them yours. And that's how I wanted this Reader to feel. If I do add any future installments, I want that to remain the same. I'm sure there are some folks out there who like to imagine themselves in that role so I deliberately chose to leave out physical characteristics as much as possible within reason. I just hope it was enough!
Also if you're wondering why I have Sevika speaking two languages...it's more of a "if you know you know" type thing. Her VA is Afro-Latina and speaks fluent Spanish and I liked the idea of that HC being a small character thing as well as an Easter egg. I have more to add on that note but I'll save that for a potential chapter 2.....
I don't wanna concretely say I'll be making updates as I've traditionally been bad about longer fics but I do have some very solid ideas for at least two more parts. :]
Thanks to everyone who's read and supported so far.
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moodymisty · 2 years
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❗Requests are 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉! Thanks for waiting while I work on requests!❗
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𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔤 𝔒𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴:
✦ Hello! I'm Misty, or Jordan, whichever you prefer. I'm an constantly exhausted Software Engineering student and luster of men in varying types of armor, with a love for writing and drawing in my spare time. I have a deep love for video games, so many things here will be in that area.
Writing gets posted around once or twice a week, but it might be more or less depending. I also tend to post things that aren't in my main wheelhouse to Ao3, so feel free to go give that a look if you're interested in some more niche content.
[ MoodyMisty on Ao3 ] - [ MoodyMisty on Discord ] - [ Misty on Steam ]
𝕬 𝖋𝖊𝖜 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘… ✦ Please be respectful here: My goal is to keep my blog a positive place, so be polite and avoid sending in unironic character/media/fic hate, 'ship discourse'', or any other fandom wank. I don't care about any of it. Any and all material will be tagged accordingly, please exercise discretion with content you don't want to see. ✦ I cannot do/am not inspired by every request, sometimes I will take awhile, and sometimes I may not do something exactly how you want. Please remember I am a human writing for fun between work and college. ✦ BE 18+. Even if all my stuff isn't NSFW, I don't feel comfortable having underage users here, I ask you to respect that. If I catch you following, interacting with my works or trying to chat me up, you will get blocked. ✦ All in all, just behave. This is a nice little library, so I ask you to be on good behavior and not make a mess of the place. ✦ Current fandoms that are circulating around here are Darksiders and Warhammer 40K. Will there be random things? Yes, but this is what I'm into most at the moment. ✦ Common tags: [Misty's book club] For asks about various headcanons, scenarios, or just chitter chatter about characters. [mywriting] Is self explanatory. [For the Library] Writing that isn't mine that I really enjoyed. I also tend to tag any long conversations and musing between all of us with a specific tag so people can go back and read the HCs. For instance our musings about Lorgar and his beloved vs Kor Phaeron is [The Lorgar Aurelian Family Drama Plotline].
✦ Tips for sending requests
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Tech Masterlist
Echo Masterlist
Hunter Masterlist
Wrecker Masterlist
Crosshair Masterlist
The Bad Batch Masterlist
Din Djarin Masterlist
Boba Fett Masterlist
The 501st Masterlist
Paz Vizsla Masterlist
Delta Squad Masterlist
212th Masterlist
Wolfpack Masterlist
"finding out they have a momento of you somewhere on them they bring everywhere" + Tai (Homeless veteran from Kenobi and @/Imarvelatthestar's oc)
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Deciding to take Despair for a joyride
Giving War a nice massage because he deserves it
Strife fluff
Some Lewd content™ with War
Strife's chapter of the 'steal their horse' series
Strife comfort
Cute domestic moment with Death
Calling Death 'Deathy' because you have a death wish
[HCs] Horsemen reacting to you being stressed (from work/something similar)
[HCs] Samael's human getting nabbed
[HCs] Learning magic in secret then gifting them an enchanted gift
[HCs] Horsemen realizing they have a crush on the reader
Death's Reaper form meets Reader
Strife and his favorite human have a moment alone (NSFW)
[HCs] Death and male S/O
Fluff with War
Samael and his starry eyed s/o
Snuggling with Strife
Love on Death (NSFW)
Death returning to the one he abandoned post Well of Souls
-Full Fics/Oneshots
"Tree in Bloom" A Strife/Fem!Reader Series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2,) Canon typical violence, Post-apocalypse, Eventual romance, Eventual smut maybe, Friends to lovers, Strife is clingy and emotionally rockheaded
"Death's Door" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Only warning is Death is a crusty ol git
"R&R" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Canon typical violence, Light blood and injury, Absolutely tooth rotting fluff at the end
"Fiery Chains" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Fluff without plot, Toothrotting amounts of fluff, Ruin expressing the feelings that War is too grumpy to show
"Off the Beaten Path" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
NSFW, it’s like 20% porn if that, Porn with feeling, No use of y/n, Outdoor sex, Established relationship, Fluff
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Perturabo Masterlist
Guilliman Masterlist
Konrad Curze Masterlist
Sanguinius Masterlist
Lorgar Aurelian Masterlist
Angron Masterlist
Rogal Dorn Masterlist
Lion El'Jonson Masterlist
Mortarion Masterlist
Leman Russ fluff
Corvus Corax being a naughty crow (NSFW)
Vulkan with pregnant!S/O fluff
Sevatar hunting you
[HCs] The Legions reacting to their Primarch having a lover Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Jaghatai Khan realizing he's maybe falling in love
Magnus coming across his s/o trying to do sorcery
Unnamed Black Templar and his little mortal
Cuddling with your Black Templar in the freezing cold
Yandere Horus getting jealous (NSFW)
Asking Ferrus about his arms (vaguely lewd but not nsfw)
Getting cornered by 5 Luna Wolves (slightly nsfw)
Playing around with some Space Wolves
Some random Jaghatai Khan HCs (NSFW)
Ferrus Manus returning from a crusade (NSFW)
Willingly giving your blood to an unnamed Lamenter
Corvus and his very pregnant beloved
[HCs] Random Primarch courting HCs
Getting bullied by Cato Sicarius (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
AlphariusOmegon voice kink (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
Sugar daddy Horus (NSFW)
Getting taken by Tyberos (NSFW)
Comforting your Raven Guard master
Giving some blood to a hungry Blood Angel (NSFW)
Getting reassured by your Aqulian Shield protector
-Full Fics/Oneshots
"Remember Only Me" A Salamander/Fem!Reader/Night Lord series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 soon) Hints of nsfw at points, Yandere, Size differences, Very toxic suffocating relationship(s), Some knight/princess dynamics, Demeaning language, Both these guys have hero complexes, Violence blood and bruises and possibly death to say without spoilers
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Fandom: Resident Evil
"Thank you" A Merchant/Fem!Reader oneshot NSFW, Oral (male receiving), Porn without Plot, Praise Kink, A hint of deepthroating, Guess you could call it unsafe sex you barely know the man lol
Fandom: Transformers
Jealous Starscream
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