#mothman i found your kids
jinxthequeergirl · 1 month
The ol Switcharoo (pt1.)
Stan x reader/ Ford x reader
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Summary: you liked to assume you knew Stanford Pines better then most, but when you return to him after am extended trip you aren't sure you really do
Warning: NONE, she's looking as all hell and I apologize, it's mess I know but it's a start ok
Chat feel free to tell me is this is a dumb idea
You where a weird kid growing up.
A fact you wouldn't deny. Even as a child you knew you where diffrent and what intrested you was odd. You embraced it. You loved all things creepy and crawly. While most kids your age had posters of there favorite superheros or cartoon characters while your room was plastered with that of monsters and ghouls.
Things from Dracula all the way to the Mysterious Mothman decorated your room, they were the movies you had on repeat books you stuffed your nose in. You loved it all. As you got older, you loved them more, thrusting yourself into science to prove they could existed in the natural world that they DID!
The supernatural world was out there and you where going to explore it. Even as a kid you would be caught monster hunting always running headfirst into adventure no fears.
Your mother was supportive of your every decision regardless of if she believed it lead anywhere or not. She was more happy you where just passionate about something at all and was eager to send you to college.
That's what led you straight to Stanford Pines. The man you would proudly proclaim as your best friend. You'd met during one of your shared classes in college, quickly finding out you had almost similar interests and ideals, everything he had to say fascinated you. And he was more then happy to have someone so eager to find the supernatural with him.
Soon enough you where inseparable. (Y/n) and Standford there was no stopping the pair of you two through all of college whatever you two went through you went through together ups and downs everything was shared. Adding fiddleford to the mix and your trio was complete.
You where of course the first person he had asked to move into his house in gravity falls to further your research together.
"This place is incredible Fordsie I mean think of how much is actually out there!" You exclaimed gesturing to the untamed woods of Oregon from the roof of the house. Ford chuckled adding the finishing touches to a page in his second edition journal before offering it too you for your stamp of approval.
You gladly accepted the book. "And just think about everything else there is to come once we get the machine up and running!" You took a pen of your own and scribbled something in, nodding in agreement to his statment before sitting down beside him.
You took in a breath of fresh air and exhaled a sigh of relief. Ford copying your action. "To think I almost would have never made it this far." He said staring up at the darkening sky.
"Well let's not think like that fordsie, everything that almost stopped you from coming here got you here didn't it?" You said as if you where asking the stars that began to speckle the sky.
He looked over at you. "Everything happens for a reason sixer. Plus you got me out of it didn't you?" You joked nudging him with your elbow.
"That It did." He mused while watching you stare up at the sky with content. He gave a soft smile. Of all the great mysteries in the world, you became his favorite. It didn't matter how well he though he knew you you still surprised him every day.
That was in the spring.
Everything about your life with Ford felt new, exciting, and perfect. You felt like your bond was stronger then ever, over the summer and fall. The perfect balance of cool and calculates and a fearless risktaker. You filled in for eachother where the other lacked completing eachother perfectly. Making your adventures flow smoothly.
Ford found himself thinking like this about you more often, stealing long looks at you when he thought you weren't looking. Standing closer to you, the trash in his room became filled with crumpled ink work of your likeness.
You had enjoyed the sudden burst of closeness you two had shared over the months you'd been in Oregon together it certainly didn't go as unnoticed as he had hopped it did.
He was a smart man, that was the one fundamental truth about himself no one could deny. But he was utterly clueless when it came to his own feelings
"Oooohwe you got it baaAAD don't you Stanford?" His face flushed at fiddlefords sudden outburst of excitement. "What are you talking about!?" He asked in a sharp hushed tone quickly averting his gaze from you only a few feet away.
"Standford I have known you almost ad long as you and y/n have been friends and I'm no expert but I do think I recognize how you look at them has changed."
"I pfft.. I wouldn't...that's my bestfriend-" He fumbled for his words face flushed a deeper red then before as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Mcgucket! Fordsie! I'm head up to bed for the night! Don't stay up too late." You chimmed in with a yawn.
"Hahah! Yes very good y/n! Very good get good rest for not let the gnomes bite! Ahaha" Ford blurted. You laughed as you continued up the steps.
Fiddleford laughed once where had va ished from sight. "I'm just making an observation...I'm not saying you lay awake at night thinking about her. But your secretis safe with me." Ford let out a sigh of relief at fiddlefors reasuring words they wherent up much longer before both retiring to their rooms. Stanford proceeded to lay in bed that night staring up at his ceiling.
"Oh no."
When the winter rolled around things began to change. All the good memories you had together seemed to suddenly get lost and where instead replaced with something bad.
You remember sitting next to fiddleford staring at your bestfriend fall asleep in the middle of the floor waiting for something to happen. "Do you think this is a good idea?"
You where the first tobask the question both of you had been thinking. "If this thing can offer Ford everything we need to know about starting up this portal...then I say the risk is worth it...right?"
You chewed on your inner cheek staring intently at the man on the floor.
Since the winter rolled around and Ford had met this mysterious "muse" You felt a sense of unease fall over the house, Ford had suddenly become distant always away with the being. "Are you jealous?" Fiddleford pipped up turning away from Ford.
"Jelous?" You chucked. "Of what? There's nothing to be jealous of! Or even a reason to be jealous! If Ford wants to abandon his friends for some interdemensinal being that he wont share much about or even introduce us then fine by me!" You huff out the words folding your arms over your chest.
Everything went downhill pretty fast or at least that's what your memory served, by the time you where ready for the first test of the portal all the way to fiddlefords accident with the machine your new exciting life unraveled before your eyes.
He wasn't functioning the way he used
"Fordsie...I think we need to take a break."
He was pacing infront of you rappedly tapping a pen against his temple. "We can't stop now! We are to close."
You frowned, he was different now no doubt this wasn't the same Ford you had be friened only a few years ago, this wasn't the same Ford you had grown to love. He was far more distant now, all the little things he thought went unnoticed by you completely stopped. He kept his distance now. He was losing sleep because of this now, if it wherent for you he wouldn't even be eating.
"Ford I'm serious! Fiddleford got hurt...I don't think it's a good idea to continue we need time to stop and clear our heads!"
"My head is clear y/n! With bill by my side I know we can-"
Stan stopped in his tracks. It had been a while since you had referred to him like that. He turned to you watching you pinch the bridge of your nose. Since when did you look so tired? And where you...angry with him?
"Stanford our friend was hurt because of this , it's time to take a step back and to reevaluate before someone else gets hurt...we need to get out of this house...maybe out of gravity falls for a while."
Ford stared at you for a while and you stared back for some reason in only a few months it felt like the both of you where looking at strangers. You watched as the gears turned in Fords head before he spoke up.
"Your right."
You perked up at his words taken aback by them.
"I think it would be in our best intrest if we both went to see our families for some time."
Again you where surprised by the words that left his mouth. He'd never spoken to you about his family you had always assumed they wherent close. At the same time part of you hoped he'd want to vacation with you somewhere warm away from the snow. So place that would bring back the real Ford.
"OK, we can do that." You said offering a warm smile.
That night Ford helped you pack so you could catch the first bus out of gravity falls that morning, he promised he'd be leaving the next day.
It was quiet while he helped. He wasn't joking with you or excitedly retelling one of your adventures from the summer.
Your mind still kept wondering back to how this could be the same person. Maybe this was who Ford was all along and you where blinded by the thrill of adventure.
"Promise to write?" You asked
"I promise."
"I'll see you in a few weeks."
Still you knew things would be better when you both returned from a long over do break. You watched a bundled up Ford wave you goodbye from the snow as your bus pulled away and you sighed.
Ford frowned as he watched your bus drive into the distance. This was for the better right? He could see the worry and pain he had seemed to be causing you which was never his intention. He didn't want to lie to you just to get you away to take care of yourself but if that's what it took to do just that.
You eneded up returning when the snow had melted in gravity falls. You hadn't meant to be gone that long, your family had begged you to stay and your mother needed the help around the house, you had wrote Ford like you promised but it seemed like the mail was eating up your letters. Either way you had been well rested and eager to return to your friend and to work. You took a hopeful deep breath once your feet hit the gravity falls soil.
"StanFord!? Are you home yet!?" You shouted, pushing open the door to the house. You were met with silence.
"Fordsie!?" You stepped further in carefully. You noticed all of the science equipment and creatures you had collected over the past year or so had been moved and almost put on display. You heard a floorboard creek, and you stayed silent, pressing up again the wall by the door, ready to either surprise your friend or scare an enime.
The door swung open and a familiar face appeared yelling welding a baseball bat.
You screamed, falling back onto yours, butt. "FORD WAIT! WAIT, IT'S ME ITS Y/N!!!" You shouted, holding your hands up to shield yourself. He stopped yelling and lowered the bat. "Y/n?...."
"Yes, it's me. Please put the bat down!"
"What are you doing here?" He asked, placing the bat down and staring at you. "I live here with you, remember?"
The man seemed to stare at you like he was trying to figure out why he knew you. "Y/n! That's right!" He helped you up.
"I wasn't away for that long, was I fordsie?" You chuckled.
"Oh uh no no it's not that...uh come inside. we have some uh catching up to do.." You raised your eyebrow at him now, getting a better look at him. Something was off.
But you followed him to the kitchen, hoping your doubt and worry would wear off soon.
"Hey by the way...would you mind calling me stan from now on?"
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it’s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
In somewhat humorous news, my mother got into a quandary today involving some former coworkers.
Before Hunger Pangs broke containment, I asked my mother not to tell people back home what my author name was because I didn't want to deal with the homophobia I'd get from certain family members if they knew I was writing queer romance. I also didn't want certain people to know because I knew they'd find my social media and fucking doxx me. Not out of any maliciousness, mind you, but just sheer fucking Internet safety incompetence.
Like we're talking the type of people who'll go onto your Instagram and use your full birth name-- regardless of your preferred name -- while asking if you remembered hanging out that one time near your parent's house-- you know, the place with the [RECOGNIZABLE LANDMARK] next to the [PRACTICALLY A GPS LOCATION.]
Anyway, my mother was cool with that because she also, quite frankly, didn't want people to know her only daughter was writing queer filth for a living. (Does anyone else remember when she told me I should apologize to @mothman-etd's mother for writing sex in my stories? Because I sure do.) That was until Hunger Pangs broke containment, and my mother, to her own shock, decided she was proud of me.
I think it was when she logged onto Amazon, expecting to see people one-starring it and calling it degenerate filth, but instead found over 300+ 5-star reviews screaming about how much they loved it and how much it meant to them, that she realized that maybe, sometimes, sex stories are okay.
(Amazingly, she pivoted and latched onto Vlad smoking being the worst thing about it and how I should be ashamed to write about characters that smoke, lol.)
Anyway. She bumped into an old coworker today and was so excited to tell them how well I was doing she forgot that a) she doesn't like telling people what I write about and b) I'd asked her not to tell certain people that it wasn't until she'd gotten through the whole "oh yes, doing very well, living in America writing books" spiel that she realized what she'd done and clamped her mouth shut.
She didn't name me or the book title, but it was too late because said former coworker went and told everyone else she used to work with, and now my mother's been invited to tea at the local church village tea shop with an ensemble of formidable gossips, specifically to talk about my book.
So, anyway, I may or may not be about to get accidentally doxxed, but my mother is the one about to walk into the local church and tell everyone the kid they threw out 20+ years ago for being a disobedient pain in the ass with Views about Christianity is now relatively popular online for writing best-selling queer romance novels about vampires and werewolves fucking in a soft BDSM dynamic, featuring blatant magic use and a prologue which talks explicitly about imprisoning and killing God(s).
*jazz hands*
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KOSA PAGE-all of our strike information
ALRIGHT SO YALL HAVE RESPONDED VERY POSITIVELY TO MY SUGGESTION OF US STARTING OUR OWN NEWSIES STRIKE AND @waiting-makes-me-antsy suggested we all get nicknames like the newsies so if yall want a nickname then private message me and I will write down your new nickname on this post and I'm also letting yall pick my nickname
What is the KOSA newsies strike?
All across tumblr and similar platforms, kids like us have found their people. People who share the same difficulties, people who have gone through the same things, or just friends. I have found some amazing people on tumblr, and KOSA would take all of that away. KOSA would take away the support many LGBTQ community members have found, the support many people with mental illnesses have found, and so much more beyond that. We are striking to show KOSA that we deserve a voice too! Freedom of Speech!
Me: Hops
@waiting-makes-me-antsy 's nickname is Antsy Whispers
@lincoln-rosario is Link
@eponine-thenadier is Olive (Vice President)
@hey-they-was-coronas is Reeses
@blinkinbrothershark is Twig
@sad-camper is Pollen
@racetracks-fvckin-chair is Quill
@theatrical-cowboy is Dice
@mothmans-spaghettios is Cryptid
@h0n3ycombb is Bunny!
@atticuswhat is Storm!
@elmer-not-the-glue as Stars
@poorguysheadisspinning1923 is Fidget!
@00-tricycle-0 is Trig!!
@bigmack2go is Junior!!
Update: yall can go vote my my nickname I gave four options
@the-realest-spot-conlon (Me)- President
@eponine-thenadier Olive-Vice President
Secretary is open!
@waiting-makes-me-antsy Antsy Whispers- Assistant Vice President
@hey-they-was-coronas Reeses-Recreational Leader
Treasurer is open!
@bigmack2go solidarity-general Marshall
Our Tag
Tag any KOSA posts with "KOSA newsies strike," so it starts trending!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Caregivers for age regressor Listener HC's
Was wondering if you could do some hcs of the boys (Charlie, Alphonse, Seth and Auron) being caregivers to their age regressor listeners?
When I started this I sent it to the person who asked! So I was able to see if I did it correctly. I hope this post does the ask justice!
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Tries to not give in and give you snacks when you ask everytime. Bc you already ate so much but you ask so nicely and he crumbles
Your on a candy limit bc one time he accidently gave u too much in your little space. Hearing you whine about the tummy ache made him feel bad
Color pencils are at his house, and yours. Tries to find cute color pages online if you wanted a specific one when your in little space.
He's right next to you watching the kid cartoons while your snuggling up to your favorite blanket he got u.
Since there isn't a lot of shops in town he gets most of the toys u own online. Making sure to get your input!
When you try and speak in little space you messing up while saying a word has his heart.
He's sitting there trying not to giggle as he watches you whine. Bc you didn't want to take a nap. (But you ended up taking one bc u were sleepy)
Is panicking if he is doing his part correctly. But chills pit when you tell him he's the best
Is good at telling you no if you kept asking for more snacks after eating too much. Says you'll turn into a snack monster and get tummy aches.
Seth was able to get some plushies for you! There's one you really like and it's a mothman one. You use that when you take a nap in your little space.
Finds weird coloring pages online. Makes sure to stock on coloring utensils bc u make lots of drawings for him. He keeps a lil folder of them.
When putting on cartoons he uses that time to go and prep your snacks for tomorrow. Tries to be productive bc last time he didn't and u cried bc he didn't have the snacks ready.
Loves listening to you ramble about your day. Then go off on how u saw a butterfly and thought of Seth. You messing up your words makes him smile bc it's so cute.
He actually made you a toy one time! It was a wooden one and was happy when you said u liked it.
Charlie was lowkey suprised when you trusted him enought to be your caregiver. Now he's panicking trying not to accidently give u a snack u hate. (The long story short? You gave him the silent treatment for like 5 minutes)
Another one who folds when you ask for more snacks. He's trying but the puppy dog eyes are a critical hit to his heart
Has playful arguments with you, one time u told him he was mean (he didn't give u another snack) he said well ur short. You got offended and ignored him for 2 minutes. Then at a later time he gave u gummy bears and u forgave him.
Has a lost of shows u like om his phone. Ranked 1 to 5 bc your fans changes every so often. One time u whined that I didn't want to watch that one the OTHER one! Charlie was searching for 20 minutes and then finally found it.
You have a big hoodie he bought, it's soft and it's your favorite. One time u threw a tantrum bc Charlie had to wash it.
You threw yourself on the couch and cried for a little. Then Charlie gave it back saying 'see? I only needed it for a little I'm sorry honey.'
He tries to get lots of different things for u to play with. You really liked playing cars with him, bc he made silly sound effects for when they crashed.
Will say no. Don't try puppy eyes he's immune (in his head he's saying don't fold they'll get a tummy ache) he's strict on what he gives u.
Has to be careful on what to buy for u or he says fuck it and buys a lot. So he buys a few toys at a time, like if he's scrolling online and sees one you'll like he'd buy it.
Speaks softly to you bc he knows his voice sounds like he's pissed off 24/7. If you do act bad or get sassy he raises his voice a bit.
Enjoys having you draw on the floor as he gets a couple things done. Complements your drawings as he adds it to a wall he has for u. One of the rooms in the penthouse is a play room for you.
Reads to you when u don't know what to do. His voice sometimes lures you to take a nap so he does it at a specific time. Ends up being a little scheduled for you and if you don't take it you get cranky.
Has a limited screen time for you, since at work your staring at a screen a lot. So he tries to give you like 2 hours, then let's u play with your toys.
When ur in little space ur always clutching on one of his shirts. He had to spray a bit of cologne on it bc 'it needs to smell like youu!' You whine when it doesn't smell like him anymore. He finds it cute and makes sure to resent it at a certain part of the day.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
@evandarya , @fluffen-spooky , @shorterthanaverage , @nottmuchtopost , @killercranberries , @cmstars2 , @amecurio , @scythgal , @writer-extraordinaire , @waitimdissocaitingagain , @imaginationmademanifest , @chrysanthemum9484 , @rasberry-muffin , @jaguarthecat , @dannyphantomphan , @starmee-lodurrson , @thefearfullone , @decisively-o-indecisive , @nifeout , @sailor-goddess , @the-legal-shipper , @ollietheotaku , @lov3ly-pain , @robinmedea , @viyatrix , @markus209 , @kyrianclawraith , @newgraywolf , @the-church-grimm , @scribbiesan-main , @bruh-incoming , @sunflower-sovereign , @britcision , @spooky-fm , @phoenixdemonqueen , @latheevening226 , @avenlfear , @starscreamlover , @undead-essence , @emiwritesthings , @jaytriesstuff , @calcifina , @bun-fish , @luffyrose, @potatoeofwisdom , @thegatorsgoose , @markus209 , @may-rbi , @mothman-the-mothman-87 , @dannyisababyking , @soul-lime , @elvesandlanterns , @bahfev , @blackroserelina , @love-has-no-labels , @deepslumberworld , @lesling123 , @peachpopprize , @moons-cat , @phil-lis I GOT YA’LL SOME SECONDS!!!
This is much later and a lot shorter than I intended it to be.
Diana was expecting to have a normal night routine, which included the typical 3AM snack, not go downstairs and nearly have a heart attack when she realized a boy had broken into her house to get some food. She should’ve called the cops, yet here she was, sharing some leftover chicken noodle soup with him.
“Sorry for the intrusion. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t break anything and the only thing I intended on stealing was a bit of food.” The boy, or Danny as he introduced himself, apologized. Diana handed him a bowl and fork and sat next to him on the couch, where they both sat in darkness, with the exception of the light from the kitchen.”It’s alright. Now that I’ve given it to you, it’s not considered stealing, now is it?” She replied. The black haired boy smiled a bit and shrugged.
They both ate in silence for a while. Or at least, in audible silence. Diana’s mind raced with questions and only a few answers. How did he even manage to get in without breaking anything? Did he pick a lock? She would probably have to change them. Where did he come from? In the little light flowing in from the kitchen, his clothes looked battered and dirty. Diana couldn’t tell which assumption was worse; the possibility of him coming from an awful home or not having a home at all.
When Diana glanced at her phone to check the time after eating, she saw that 15 minutes had flown by. It felt like only three or four. She got up to bring her bowl to the kitchen sink, but was stopped by Danny speaking up.“Do you know of any homeless shelters I could crash at?” He asked.
So that confirmed that assumption.”The closest one is a couple miles. You should stay here for the night.” Diana said. She put her bowl in the sink, which was soon copied by Danny. He looked at her as if she grew a second head.”Wait, seriously?” He asked.“I’m grateful for the offer, but a kid appeared in your house with no sign of forced entry raiding your kitchen and you want to let him stay the night? I honestly expected you to chase me out when you turned on the lights.” He said.
“I think we’re both a little too tired to discuss this. Get some rest and we’ll talk more in the morning, you look worse than some of my coworkers.” Diana said, flipping the light switch off and heading to bed.”There’s a closet with spare blankets and pillows down the hall. Help yourself.” She added.
At the end of the hall, she opened the door to her bedroom and Danny found the closet.”Isn’t it technically already morning?” He asked. Dianapaused and rolled her eyes with a small smile.”Oh, no. The kid who broke into my house is into jokes.” She joked before closing and locking her door.
In the morning, Danny was gone. He left a thank you note and mentioned that he’s heading towards the homeless shelters.
If we ever cross paths again, teach me how to make that soup! — Danny
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Mommy needs me! Ch 5
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1100 followers and getting off my a$$ special
You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, bondage, offensive language, violence, mommy kink, references to knotting and drug use
It's time to leave. Shigaraki he finds the smells changing annoying and met his personal goals. Getting his sweet mommy knocked up, creating the perfect conditions for an awakening and an escape. Things get strange for you. Everyone is catching a cold. You have an out of body experience. But aside from that you just want to leave.
Ch 4 < Previous
Chapter 5
Shigaraki sniffed idly at the young girl.
She was starting to smell like him, and that was confusing. The girl's hair had turned white. Her eyes are red like his. A horn was growing. She stank of fear. Perplexing him more. IS she his offspring? She does not look or smell right quite right.
A primal part of him could not stand hearing and smelling his possible grub like this. He reaches out with an antenna and chirps reassurance. The girl whimpered in more fear. He trills. Making the gentle friendly noises that lured in plenty of rivals. He fluffed his fur ruff, releasing more of his dust that carried his scent on the child. She is family and a female, if nothing else. The blonde one that feeds him giggles somewhere behind him.
"See, I told you. Isn't he cute?" Toga giggled again.
"Yeah, adorable for a murderous freak of nature. You are insane, Toga! I love you!" Jin Shouted as he made sure the restraints on Shigaraki were secure.
Tomura didn't resist since this was the day he got to see you, his mate. The child mumbled something about, "soft and tickles." He gave the simpering child one last cuddle before his muzzle was put on, and he was guided away. He didn't resist until he felt they were not heading towards you. 
He growled and flapped his wings in agitation. Hot pain traveled down his back. Shigaraki snarled in pain of his mangled clipped wings. His wings will heal, but the red-hot pain that keeps him awake will not be forgotten. He vowed to get that arrogant bastard. The two creeps, that barely remember to feed him, are taking him into some side room. One of them clicked some device and the Master's voice cut through his petty thoughts. He froze and listened closely to the recording.
"Tomura. We have missed you. Seems you have gone into the city and found trouble. These two will help you escape. After you destroy all the research, data, and test subjects. It doesn't matter as long as it doesn't get into the hands of the government. We look forward to seeing you again. My child," Master ordered.
It has been years, but he would recognize this voice anywhere. My child, Master had called him that back then too. This was bad. He left the facility for a reason. That means Master is in his territory. Probably back at the facility. Which means he will have to kill Master. His offspring are in as much danger with Master as with Kai.
"Shoot. We'll have to kill the kid. She's so cute," Toga pouted.
"No, dumb. We will take. Stays in our hands. Take mate, child, and Fath...Doctor. I am in charge, and I want," Shigaraki growled. Both Toga and Jin jumped in surprise from him. He could feel the air shift and turned his head to talk to them directly, "I am leader. They are mine."
"IT CAN TALK!" they shrieked in unison.
He growled for them to shut up. Once the initial shock wore off, they were back to their insane selves. He could smell it. They are not right. They smell very faint of him. Normal humans can't smell it, but he can. He is spreading. How can Kai be a genius and a fool? He wonders and tweedled crazy and tweedled nuts. They agreed to take him to his mate.
Shigaraki doesn't use his nose on his face as much as he uses his feelers. The moment his mommy's scent hit his antennae, he knew. Your hormones caught on his antennae and the scent of spicy ginger and earth moss. Your smell sent a tingle down his spine, making his dick stiff and throbbing. 
One good whiff, and he knew you were pregnant. Still too early to be sure you won't lose the little blueberry. That does not matter to his instincts. He can already tell the size of it, the smell, and the warmth of blood flowing to your abdomen. The rapid thud of a chamber opening and closing. Now is the time. He is not fully healed, but the adrenaline will give Shigaraki enough of a boost to finish what he started. Hopefully an awakening. 
You gasp and run to him. Coddling him while he focuses on you entirely. More mating will reinforce his nature to protect. He could already feel himself getting strong enough to break the bonds if he desired. It was a storm inside him. 
A scent crawled into his senses. A faint smell that made him want to sneeze. Like a serpent, it slithered into his thoughts. Kai has been in you. Did you like it? Not possible. You are his! Another male trying to take what was his was beyond arrogant. It was asking for revenge. The kind that would never make them even. 
Mate. Take mate away. Nest and protect. No! No! Grab father. Weaken enemy. Deal with Kai and Master.  His mind screamed. He tried to ignore it and focus on the task of fucking your pretty little brains out. He lived for these moments. 
It's your own fault that you riled his suppressed instincts. Other mommy, your Aunt, had warned you. But you had not listened, so he will do what he was always meant to do. Fuck a tender pussy. Fuck until you knew that you were not meant for another. You will always be his.  
He leaned in and received a sharper scent.  Kai! Kai! Kai! All over you! Dirty damn slut! The filthy male didn't know his place! Doesn't know this is spelling his doom. My mate. Mine! So damn arrogant to think Kai could steal from him.  His mind raged and ranted while he pushed on you. Shoving his face between your spread thighs. 
"Come, Shiggy. I missed you, baby. It's ok," You reassured him in your soothing voice. A weariness hidden in the lower tones. Was that lowly neat freak torturing you again? The disgusting scent of rubber was all over you. Filthy, bitch, whore slut.  
A fouler thought occurred to him. Worse than Kai fucking you under his nose. Has he been pleasuring you? His mate will come. Oh, how his mommy will come on his knot and praise him for it. He grows bigger at the thought. He dug you into you like a meal. His meal to devour and keep with him always. He licked that little cunt that belonged to him.
"Please, baby. Be a good big boy and fuck mommy, ok. It's big boy time. I missed you so much," your voice hitched slightly at the end. To you, he looks too thin. Your sweet concern eased him back to your sweet cunt. 
Again, your smell is off in other ways. You are pretending to be happy with your words and touch. For his sake, he believes. Like a good mommy, you care for him. Just like any good mommy would consider him first. He has learned to push through your unhappy scent to do what Kai is keeping you alive to do.
 He lapped harder, getting your tight little cunt ready for his cock. You will milk all the cum from him because he is just that good. His tongue darted into your squeezing velvety walls to the whoops of pigs watching. He ignored them, enjoying the bittersweet flavor of you on his tongue.  
Did Kai ever make you cum with his disgusting small dick? His sterile seed depositing into you. His pathetic need to have everything to impress some daddy in a coma. He heard the rumors. Kia was disgustingly clinical about everything. He doubts Kai has pleasured you once. You are his dammit. He will thrust into those tight hot walls until his dumb mommy always remembers that you are his mommy.
The handlers helping him line up to your drooling hot cunt. He bucks hard and fast to be sheathed fully by your fluttering muscles. Your swollen clit pulsing as you mewled and squirmed under him. You have been teaching him what you like. It wasn't even that much outside of his base nature. It was fate. He was made to please you.
You drooled and whimpered as he pumped into your delicious walls. You squeezed and jerked on his excited cock. Close as you shuddered with desire. Oh, how you where are his good mommy. You cried at how much you loved it. Screamed at how you are meant to be one always. You like being knotted. His knotted sweet slut of a mommy loved him and more for it.
Your mouth turned into a surprised oh. Your eyes squeezed onto tight pain. He thrusted harder. The vice grip you have on his aching cock is pure pleasure. Pulling at the string of delight until he unravels. He cums hard as you pulse and milks his length. You are his. He will fuck until that foul scent is gone.
Drooling with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, Shigaraki lives in the moment. Shigaraki clung to the ecstasy of your shivering body as his throbbing knot was squeezing and releasing. Massaging and coxing every drop.
Kill his rival, and then fuck more. He liked that thought as he started to calm himself. Only he was unable to. The exchange of more hormones reinforced his primal urge to kill his competition. Shigaraki could feel it pumping through his blood. Already the restraints felt weaker. He nuzzled at the crook of your next. Cooing and purring louder than normal.
"Tomorrow," he whispered. He felt you stiffen around him. Shigaraki grunted in discomfort, then trilled loudly. Father should have told you the plan by now, he thought. The doubt that burrowed its way into his mind as you jerked added to the flood of the basic command taking over his mind.
It was a loud flapping of a thousand wings. An order that told him to secure his females at all costs. You and Father didn't have names or faces anymore. Both are a bundle of hormones in his mind that are the center focus of the world. He hears the screaming of the others in the room.
"He's getting bigger! Get the boss!" A male yelled. A male too close to his female. His female is out of the nest.
You  wish you could say that you are shocked. That you are afraid. That you felt anything emotionally. Physically your pussy throbbed with pleasure and a tint of deep ache. Your back has started healing and itching. The drugs and mental torture are taking their toll.
Kai has been worse since the first "breeding." Krono and Kai have upped their cruelty. Kronos gave you an overdose. You regret you woke up with a needle in your chest. It would have been better if you never woke up. Kai has nearly drowned you for lying about Shigaraki. Choking was Kai's favorite thing to do you.
You wore a wide dog collar. To cover the bruises while humiliating you in front of everyone who sees you. In large shiny lettering, dog fucker is easily seen. That was his personal insult to you. After he forced you to have sex with Shigaraki in front of an audience. Kai had pulled you aside to pressure hose you. Then he did something that shocked you for the last time.
Kai  whipped your ass black and blue. After the tears from the burning sting that he imprinted on your mind and round ass, you felt the switch inside you start to move.
"You liked fucking him! Like the slut cunt whore, you are. Disgusting." he said coldly from around his mask with another thwack, "You like an experiment fucking you. A freak. A created monster. A mistake cumming in you. He knots like a dog. That's what he is. A dog."
More painful whips. The switch slowly moved.
"I saw you enjoying that knot. A knot like a dog. Dog fucker. Whore dog fucker. Do you know who owes that dog? Do you know who owns you? Like your doggy lover? Whore. Cunt. Slut." He had said. Shoving his large rubbered length into your ass. It hurt beyond belief. You cried and squirmed in pain.
Not that squirming did you any good strapped to the surgical table. The chair was close by. The surgical chair was scary. He kept his tray of knives there. The pain as he entered you dry and unprepared flipped the switch completely. Kai hissed filthy insults at you. Seeing you shut down, Kai took the condom off and shoved his squirting head into your quivering asshole.
That shocked you. You had to be bleeding. Kai had to know what hole he had entered. The dirtiest of them all. This was the same man that scrubbed your gums raw to give  HIM  a blow job. Pumping his hips with a fever, he has not shown you before.
"Filthy, diseased dirty dog whore," Kai had panted. Feverishly gasping, working on his next orgasm as his fingers slowly cut off your air until the black closed in on the pain. When you woke up later, you are sore all over. Pain. Your skin hurts as if you have been scrubbed with sand.
You felt shame at first. But more ended up being more grateful to have the bruises covered by the collar. At least he wasn't harvesting your body for spare parts. Yet.
But the switch flipped in you that day. The one that left your body a million miles away to quiet the pain enough to continue. You still cried. You felt the pain long after it was over. But words took longer for you to understand.
That's  why when Shigaraki started to grow like a hulk, snapping his leather bonds like rubber bands, you weren't surprised. Not when he peeled the face of the nearest person. Not when his wings sprouted to massive translucent wings growing scales. If his wings were not the shape you are used to, you would have sworn he turned into a dragon.
It was a sight that brought your mind a little to the present. 
Shigaraki lifted you and flung you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing. As dust filled the air, you reacted enough to close your eyes and cover your mouth.
"Need child! Need father! Need females," Shigaraki wheezed in the plumes of dust he created of the handlers and door. Your mind raced to interpret what he was saying. Tanaka i s here? A child? Tonight?  This was all nonsense that hurt your head to think about. You felt yourself pull into your body more.
A lighting jolt of pain!
Confusing chaos as you bounced around in Shigaraki's shoulder in a flurry of dizzying movements and dust. Flashes of screaming faces. Splashes of crimson warmth dripped between his wings. It was overwhelming. Your entire being screamed and repelled itself away. Floating away from your body until it caught on a rock in the white waters of turmoil.
Suddenly you are looking at yourself. A crazed Shigaraki busting through rapidly decaying walls, you a limp useless ragdoll.…walls you are putting up? Your mind was not understanding. You quickly look at …Cops!?! Cops with teens? What the fuck is that? What insane Orwellian nightmare are you looking at? When suddenly you are worried. Worried for Kai. He has given you life.
Kai is carrying the future.  That intense thought invaded your mind. These thoughts are not your own!  No! That's a child. A child that looks like Shigaraki. What the fuck is happening?  Your mind screams, loosening the grip on the rock. Leaving you open to being battered by more waves of pain and thoughts that are not your own.  
You clawed your way onto the rock again. The thoughts that are not yours tried to push you off. This rock is a person in the walls. You don't understand. But what you do know is Shigaraki is tearing through the building to get to Tanaka. She was being dragged along by one of the bullets.
The guy you are in is throwing up walls for Shigaraki and the police. This was bad. The cops would take Shigaraki away to a government facility. You force the rock to focus on the two you can feel this person has a seething hate for. The moment that happened, things became easier for Shigaraki.
You let go of your hold on the man in the wall and swam through the stray thoughts back to your body. Where you felt everything again in sharp 3-D pain.
You screamed so loud the Doctor turned to look behind. Tanaka paused and stared at the wall that suddenly appeared behind them. Kai morphs a little as he hisses his disapproval of her hesitation to follow. Things have become hectic.
"I will get the others later. Believe me when I say I don't want to leave an investment behind," Kai stated flatly.
Tanaka shivered and allowed herself to be yanked behind.
"Shouldn't I carry the child?" She asked timidly. Kai looked like he wanted to slap her but was barely restrained. The guy carrying Erie seemed relieved to hand her off to Tanaka. The little girl was her typical stiff, traumatized self. Sometimes she felt disgusted with the girl. She could not imagine anyone rolling over and just taking the torture as this experiment has.
She had to stop mentally. She has seen what has been done to her. What she helped do to the little girl. It helps relieve her guilt when she thinks of the girl as an experiment. Now is not the time to relieve herself of anything. The stress made her signal La Brava too soon.
Tanaka can only hope she did not ruin everything as the child clung to her. She set up a few things. When the men were distracted, she slowed down, actively walking back. When one shouted, "HEY!" She turned and ran. Straight towards the monstrous roar. She yelped when she heard the clicking of crashing gun hammers.
Tanaka had been working on their trust. She had their backs turned on her more than once. Today was the day she was brave enough to plug the gun barrels. The rage in Overhaul's voice tingled up her spine, making her break out in gooseflesh.
"Eri, get back here before others have to DIE!" Kai, no, Overhaul shouted. A monster version of Shigaraki was barreling toward them. Passing them to attack Overhaul directly. Dropping your body on the ground at the Doctor's feet. The wind was knocked from you. But Tanaka was more focused on Overhaul.
She had to see it to believe it. But Overhaul put a barrier between them. Shigaraki was quickly decaying as spikes made of the floors and walls tried to impale him. It is now a part of the common cold virus and is spreading. Tanaka was filled with dread as you stumbled to your feet.
"Let's go!" You shouted at her. Draping yourself on her as you clutch and shamble away from the danger. You didn't get far when new walls closed off between you and Shigaraki. The only way out was forward, so you pressed on. It wasn't long before you ran into the police.
Shigaraki  was focused on removing the danger from the females. When the danger lessened. Feeling the threat weakened from using his new quirk. How twisted must this man be to get this quirk? Shigaraki had no delusions about himself. He knows Master was altering him and the rest of his family. He knows he was groomed and used.  What is this one's excuse?  He wondered.
Not for long. His females were retreating, and he needed to secure them from the other males wandering this new maze. It was a physical need that twisted his mind and body to follow. His main target was his mate. But somehow, once again, his grub and his mate had parted. He puked. The adrenaline was taking a toll on his body.  What a pain , his mind growled.
Dr. Tanaka decided to let the cops have the kid while they were pointing guns at you and telling you to "release the child!" was a much better idea than getting shot. She ran to them, but you tried to keep her with you. The little girl coughed all over the green hair kid. Interesting look for a new little fascist, she thought. The other thought was the potential damage that the child could do. She has seen that thing make people disappear.
"Hey. We are all kidnaped victims. That child belongs to my…husband," you found yourself saying. More police dispersed. A few stayed to help the three of you. The Doctor looked like a frightened rabbit looking for an exit.
"Let them keep her. She's dangerous, and the longer we stay here, the more likely they run into Shiggy," Tanaka whispered. The look of fear in her eyes screamed for them to run. You know and trust Tanaka too much to snatch the girl back. Instead, you latch onto each other and run. Tanaka leading the way.
"I hope she is safe now. Either way, we need to put on our oxygen masks first," She panted. You had no idea what that meant or cared now. The pain was screeching again. This time it was a different beast. The drugs. Oh, how you suddenly want to go back for your dose.
"You're sweating? Do you have a fever? Oh fuck. Oh, fuck!" She repeated in a disturbed chant, dragging you along. Your arm feels hotter than the rest of you. You spare a glance from your pain to Tanaka. She looks to be at the end of a cold. Running on pure terror. She is gaunter than ever, which sent a chill down your spine. How bad off must her health be for you to feel pity for her?
The light hurt. The high-pitched happy voice of the blonde girl hurt. The baritone of the firefighter? Pyro nympho? His voice hurt. All you know is she is showing off a lot of plunging neckline, and you didn't finish all the way with Shigaraki. There was a roar. A blur, and then everyone was violently placed in a van.
That made your head spin as you were shoved into the back of a Van. The pale figure blurred. Then reappeared with a dead-looking child when the darkness closed in on you. You faded into the bright light to see a screeching Shigaraki filling the van.
A crying child. A chittering Shigaraki. The Doctor holds the child away from everyone, not in fear for the child. But in fear  of  the child. A masked man shouted how, "The facility will be safe. We are going to take you there right now! Sensei wants you!"
"Oh my gosh! They are all so cute!" The blonde girl gushed. 
"All of you need to shut up. Your too loud," A young man with staples and burns gruffed. His icy eyes land on you. Your flesh breaks out in gold gooseflesh as you try not to stare are the cruel-looking man. 
Shigaraki snarled at your distress.  
When  you open your eyes. It was terrifying. Memories of laying on a metal bed frame and pain. You groan and shift. Shigaraki's purrs were a relief as you felt the tickle of his soft ruff on your cheek. You feel his arms and wings wrapped around you. It's warm and comforting.
You don't trust it at first. So many times, they have tried to fool you. They wanted to know where the farm was. You never told them. You never will. But this feels different. The pain has dulled.
You open your eyes to a chirping Shigaraki. He looks at you with heavy-lidded love and nuzzles your hair. Looking around, you are more confused. You're in a nest, and when you peek out the door, you realize that the nest is in a tree. Real trees. But fake grass. A sterile smell of cleansers.
"Where are we?" You asked in horror.
"We are at my before home. Mommy had a fever. Mommy is carrying little grub. It was ok. Master fixed. We'll leave when safe," Shigaraki rasped, pulling you back to the nest. Your mind whirled with questions.
"Who is Master?" You asked timidly. A speaker under a camera in the corner answered.
"You can call me AFO or All for short. When Tomura returned, he brought you and the Doctor Tanaka to us. Both of you were suffering from a virus in your condition. Detoxing with a child and a skyrocketing fever, we came to an agreement. We put you in an induced coma while you detox. Breaking the fever. In exchange, all of you will help with the Doctor's research," The disembodied voice of AFO stated.
"How long have I been asleep?" You asked the air. Your emotions spinning. You're pregnant? Shiggy pulled you in close and whispered. The gravel of his voice was painful. But his hot breath tickled, and a shiver ran down your spine at the words.
"A month. Overhaul is coming. This is where we will make our last stand. Get rid of all threats," Shiggy rasped.
Shigaraki nuzzled and tried to get you back to calm. A scared mommy was an unpredictable one. He wanted you healthy and safe. You are a dumb mommy who can't protect herself. When he crashed from the burning power pumping in his veins. Father quickly helped him and the child. He told Father about the adjusted plans. He will get rid of Overhaul, Master, and the other threats in the forest in one swoop. He smiled and cooed to his mommy. 
All mine , he thought in pleasure.
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afreakingdork · 9 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 48
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Don't cry and enjoy this week's chapter art work by @yorshie
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
I am suffering on my phone, but I dedicate this chapter to @mothmans-left-nipple ! Not only did they totally help me envision the whole concept of this chapter by sharing a story with me about their grandparent, but they're always around to scream about Donnie and bully Leo. I can't thank you enough 💞
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
You were caught weaving one of those winding tales. Nothing alarming, it was a story that had to be told over several hours if it were to reach true fruition. For your history or more so your family’s, there were many required details intrinsic to you. It was the kind of conversation that revealed why you were the person you were. You’d talk about the way your parents handled you as a kid and, for those paying attention, connections could be made. The smallest interactions that had life changing impacts made for everything leading up to this moment.
The one where your mate was actively encouraging you to continue.
A lazy Saturday, you’d woken up early for no reason other than you were awake when you woke up. Moving on that energy as it was obvious there was no more sleep to be had, Donnie stirred beside you as you were scrolling on your phone. The morning exchange and check in with one another, you moved to grab something to eat. Making enough for two and about to bring it back to bed, he'd appeared behind you while you were plating so it could be eaten in the designated area. Mooning over how sleepy Donnie had snuck in without your knowledge, he too was a thousand changes brought up to date. His latest software had made him a new machine and it was one you wanted to run at a slower pace.
He was for leisure.
He was for love.
He was for more than computations.
Watching him eat with lulled lids, you mentioned how you’d often looked like him in the mornings as a teenager. It hadn’t caused an obvious flicker, but you could tell Donnie was interested. Since his youth was a recent topic, there was a stark contrast in what you had you shared of yours. Not for any particular reason, there were simply entire lifetimes to catch up on as you navigated your relationship. He knew things. He’d asked the basics. Those basics had been refined with time, but your summary of existence had not been published autobiographically.
So he started with something small.
“Do you have a first memory?”
He’d chosen a familiar start with the same brushstroke he’d begun his own story with. You didn’t have the same capacity to know if it was your actual first, but you softly shared something from what had to have been from your toddler days. A sliver of time forever emboldened for no exact cause, what you really remembered was the feeling. It was akin to something of joy and surprise that had forever etched that point into the annals of your mind.
Soon he was asking something else.
Through putting the dishes to soak and washing up, you continued to talk. The words came easily, not an outpouring and certainly out of order. You told him of what you pegged as your most exciting moments first before having to backtrack to cover the ground that led up to them. Often forgetting that his upbringing was not one of a shared experience, you also took the time to explain the factors leading to such choices. It nearly tripled the time because society had intricacies that you often accepted without deeper thought while Donnie was quick to shred them. Points made, you hadn’t minded.
For Donnie, this was something different than an experiment. He wasn’t coming at this with his usual scientific intrigue and instead seemed like a professor off after a long day. Having beers with a colleague, the conversation was light with a philosophical air that you imagined intellectuals took on. Not haughty debates, but instead a liminal space of conversation where you could pose something absurd without the wry looks. It was the ‘yes, and’ sort of talk that was happily indulged.
No pretense.
No solution.
Only the genial sharing of one’s time.
It was that desire to co-exist and willingly ask more about your partner. The one where you wanted to know for the sake of it and not because you had something planned. He was surely logging the information, but not because he had some future scheme in the works. He only wanted to know for knowing’s sake and that resonated deeply with you.
It meant the dialog focused on you, but that didn’t mean there weren’t reveals. Having not had an Earthly upbringing, Donnie found he could connect things you mentioned to the way things had been when he was a teen. Between getting dressed, you would see a light bulb go off for him and you chased the switch. It came with more words that were gathered for construction. Making something unknown, but sturdy enough to span a lifetime, you asked if he wanted to take a walk.
Another act just for the sake of doing it, he didn’t bother asking the destination. Knowing he understood and that a backdrop would enhance the tale, the two of you were off into the early December chill. Not anything unmanageable, it meant cozy coats and you opted for a scarf with some faint knowledge that you’d be out for a while. With clouds covering the sky, light scattered in a pleasing way. As if knowing this was something special, the city lagged your same stagnant.
You were in the midst of explaining the public elementary school system and the camaraderie it brought moving grade to grade with virtually the same students. Donnie had been studying some article about funding as an additive when you decided to take a corner. He had long been moving as a remora to you, not seeking his own path, but drafting along yours. He followed you similarly and just up the way you spied a burst of flowers while he prattled on supplementary numbers.
Skipping ahead a few beats and breaking his current, he tapered off as you approached the explosion of color on the muted day. A florist on a slow day, you sniffed at something in pale blue. Donnie approached and a dart of his eye said his sense of smell was thrown off by the many florals. Regardless, you ushered him down to whatever you were breathing in. He came with trust and bent at the waist for a tepid inhale which for him was the same as a deep one. Appreciating the notes and explaining to you what flower this was, you pointed to a pink one and asked him about that.
You warmed on how easily he tabled the current conversation for the new one. The man running the flower stand had wrinkles that creased his eyes in a way that made them appear closed. In addition to his elderly jitter, he also nodded along with the information Donnie shared. Adding a few lines of his own along with how long he’d known his distributor, you were both given a flower. Pinned to your jackets with an elderly hand, he adjusted the petals just so and proclaimed them handsome. Thanking the man and not missing how Donnie tried to slip him an obscene amount of cash, the florist staunchly refused and sent you both on your way, wishing you lovebirds a wonderful day.
Admiring the flower and wishing you’d remembered to pin your hydrangea, you meant to jump back into your school talk when you caught Donnie a step behind. With a delicateness that seemed foreign for the size of his hand, he was caressing a single tiny petal with the pad of his finger. Feather-like, he had a relaxed expression that said he was idling in the moment. You matched his pace down the road until he returned with a question about assigned seating.
Going on about that and a few mishaps that occurred, you wandered corridor after corridor. The grid system of New York rolling out the carpet of unique metropolitan life, what was contained within was nowhere near as orderly. From seemingly non-existent storefronts to garish tacky ones that were sure to close in a week, you strode past things such as lavish banks and construction networks that created an odd awning. All the same to your story, Donnie trended toward the road and this time you followed him as he took a turn.
A glance at his expression found a twinkle that said this was something done in a near mischievous way, but you refused to ask for fear of breaking the illusion. It was in seeing the swivel of his head that you soon realized he’d done this as his own carefree choice. He was preening at the marvel of taking a step into the unknown. While he patted himself on the back, you slipped your hand into his and squeezed. He returned it, examining the shops and you asked if there was anywhere he had never gone before. Taking a moment to consider your phrasing, he’d lobbed back that he wouldn’t know then.
Laughing at his wisecrack, you told him about a class clown you had once known. Concept foreign to him and of a disruptive nature that he wouldn’t have cared for, you imagined that staunch child of him only wanting to learn. He’d have been labeled a nerd and a teacher’s pet so you took the chance of explaining those concepts without matching them to him. Surprisingly, you’d forgotten about the brown nosing nature of those positions which was something he picked right up on. Dismissing them in that way, he was still offended by interrupted learning and in that way the imagined version of him broke the mold.
He was something too unique to typecast.
Moving on through the years and further into the city, you thanked your comfortable shoes as you both alternated taking turns. Getting lost on purpose, you moved on whatever instinct felt right and lounged in the comfort of your super powered boyfriend. His presence meant a safety to go basically anywhere other than spaces ran by lesser. The xenophobia never truly gone, You rarely noticed the glances as your attention was always on him. Today, the onlookers seemed to only pass glances at the mutant who so boldly strode in the daylight. A mutual day off, they left well enough alone.
It was down a quieter street with less attention that you noticed a very short line outside of a simple storefront. Closing in, you wondered what could be busy and found it to be a butcher. Musing about how you’d always wanted to go to one of the places where the staff yelled at you for not knowing what you wanted, Donnie steered you right into the line. Knowing you'd told a joke, you asked him what he’d get, but he simply smiled straight forward toward the queue until you knew this was meant for you. It was and he clarified as much when he said you were going to get your experience.
You immediately tried to protest, but he teasingly held you in place with a comment about how even kidding meant it was on your mind. Giggling a sort of helpless, you tried to come up with better excuses until the entrance drew close. On edge as you entered, you were thrust into an odd game of people waving tickets and butcher paper. Nowhere near able to examine the deli case for the many people were packed inside, it seemed like a lot and no time at all until you were next up to the counter. A sweaty man with a permanent scowl demanded your order and you stuttered, trying to multitask along the choices. He yelled at you to hurry up and you snapped at him that you weren’t sure. Now playing his game, he continued to harass you with a new air of levity until you told him to decide.
Playing into another whim, this struck the man as another correct dialog choice and he interrogated you on what you needed it for. For the time of day you said lunch and he told you he was going to give you something special he just got in. Some kind of sausage you had never heard of, the man said something about its origins with a smile on his face as he wrapped it up for you. Donnie paid and you were shoved right out the door as the next feral customer went to get their go at the counter. Looking over your sack with a laugh, you thanked Donnie for forcing you to do that even though you had no idea what you were going to do with this meat.
Donnie didn’t seem to care as you continued on your trek and your story edged towards your time in high school. Fingers cold, you tugged your boyfriend over to a cart selling drinks and got two hot chocolates. Passing them more for the sake of holding than drinking, you eventually did sip to find it mostly watered down. Donnie’s face spoke to his identical findings and his scrunched up snout said that he wouldn't bother bringing the cup to his lips again. Teasing him how this was cheaper than hand warmers, he said he had something free before he bumped cups with you. Knowing he was referring to holding hands, you ruefully reminded him that the act was uncomfortable because while his size meant he could cover your hand, it also exposed your wrist. He stalled, considering the plight, and you took a break in talking to breath in steamy chocolate air.
It came to him once the cups were cooled off and you trashed them in time for him to take your arm for some mental math. Imagining him one step away from pulling out tailor’s tape, he let your lifted arm fall back down to your side before taking your hand. Holding it limp so he could maneuver it how he liked, he adjusted his grip to an odd one before stuffing both your hand and his into his pocket. The angle was a little too high to be comfortable, but Donnie stubbornly tried to adjust until he found a doable version.
Once reached, he took off, holding your hand tight in what you had to admit was a cozy comforting pouch. Your other hand feeling lacking for it, you tucked it into your own jacket pocket. You lasted only a few blocks before your awkwardly raised elbow protested loud enough that you translated how it wouldn’t work to your partner. Only marginally huffy about his failed experiment, the smile on his face said he was simply glad to have been given the space to expirement. Hopping off that to tell him about some harebrained scheme you’d concocted in middle school, he had his own litany of sometimes horrifying forays to add.
Only slightly traumatized and needing a cleanse, you tugged him into what looked like a health food store. Immediately finding it to be a stocked co-op, your eyes gleamed at the state of the produce. Your garden was still producing but for the time of year it was a hearty vegetable yield that was thinning out. Most of your labors now needed to be long simmered and you yearned for the fresh crunch of something usually reserved for the summer months. Gravitating toward obscenely bright looking lettuce and tomatoes, you gushed a little too loud and summoned a nosy employee.
The type to take breaks by following customers around and upselling for the sake of not doing proper work, the woman droned on about the greenhouse that produced these. It was apparently some recluse obsessed with their garden, the worker painted them some shadowy figure that only appeared to drop off the best. Donnie wasn’t so easily swayed and, within a few minutes of what looked like him checking out of the conversation using his phone, he returned to interrupt the woman with the exact details on the distributor. Not some magician, but instead a mother who regained her sanity by tending to her garden, she used the cash to supplement her failing income after her husband had lost his job.
With only a few grumbles, the employee was not to be bested and had talked her way onto a new subject of some jarred spread made locally. Donnie lingered by the produce as you took the snare trap to give him freedom. Roving the store by her instruction, by the time you were squishing bread to hear just how crusty it was, your boyfriend returned and announced it was time to pay. You almost heard the woman curse as she politely gave up her bready pitch and moved over to the register. There you watched several items go down the belt and were intrigued to find them all the ones the employee had tried to get you to buy.
The shock was equally apparent on her face as it seemed this had never happened to her before. Donnie watched on with some form of amusement as she finally dropped the act to instead earnestly explained that these were some of her favorite items. Telling you to make the best sandwich you could from the ingredients, you parted affably and Donnie took over carrying duty. Now able to properly tuck your hands into your pockets, you continued on through high school and after. Meeting the friends he could match faces to, he was just as thoroughly invested.
Taking several left turns in a way that said you were heading back home, your stomach growled so loudly that it interrupted you and you were forced to look down. For his hearing, Donnie caught it as well and told you that it was a good thing where the day had taken you. You joked back how you’d eat three whole sandwiches and he warned he’d hold you to that. Quickly backtracking for maybe one and a half if he split with you, he asked if you were replaying your third meeting. A fond memory tinged with bad undertones, you threw your nose up to tell him no before asking if he ever found the club he was looking for.
He quieted at the question and you watched him between glances at the sidewalk to make sure you wouldn’t trip. There was a solemn searching air to him as his gaze lowered to concrete and an odd almost wistful smile painted his face. He slowed to a stop and you moved to face him and take the full brunt of whatever his weighty response seemed to be. Lowering down, he brushed his lips to yours, not giving you time to make it a full kiss before he told you he’d found something better. Flushing darker even though the cold had already kissed your cheeks, you caught his jacket to sneak a hug from him. He returned it as best he could with full hands before urging you to catch him up to now.
Jolting for drama, you chuckled before going on about the jobs you had held and moving in with Coral. Not a level of animosity at first, you cohabitated well off the bat, but it was a basal arrangement which surprised Donnie. You moved as most New York roommates did, pining for affordability and living with others out of necessity. Getting close came with time a few important events such as her needing help getting out of a bad date and you not realizing you’d mistakenly invited an ant infestation. Both raids on other parties, the trenches brought you closer and you regaled him in war time as you neared your apartment.
Moving up and sprinkling on the little last bits of your major life events, you mentioned a few offhanded facts you knew about your friends. Donnie took it genuinely with only slight hesitation you could tell stemmed from him not knowing if this was the appropriate way to find out. Explaining to him that they definitely shared facts about him behind his back, he grew a bit frustrated as he had a negative history with the concept. Easing him down as you took the groceries to the kitchen, you explained that it was mostly friendly in nature. Having to acknowledge their little intervention, you said being protective to a certain extent was what friends did.
Quickly clarifying that how they’d handled it was Coral’s helm and not the average reaction to worry, Donnie calmed and you left him to think over the concept as you examined the haul.
“Why’d you buy the stuff at the co-op?” You mistakenly interrupted him as you were reading the label on the sandwich spread.
He was slow to come to, deep into a thought experiment, but appeared with a flicking glance at the products. “Threw caution to the wind.”
“Even after that lady put her hands all over this loaf?” You tipped your jar forward to gesture to the bread.
“I selected one that smelled the least touched.”
Your head came up as you turned over his sentence. “Oh I've never thought of that. You would absolutely cheat at secret Santa!”
He chuckled and folded his arms against the bar. Resting his head in the nest, he watched you purse your lips.
“We could have been using that nose of yours for so much!”
“We do.”
“Like what?” You set the spread down and put your hands to the counter, addressing him.
“Selecting the best produce, knowing when the vegetables are ripe for harvest, and choosing subway seats that haven’t previously been urinated on.”
Lips falling with surprise, you stared at him openly. “It’s one of your unsung labors.”
“My what?”
“There’s a thing… like a concept, that in a lot of relationships, usually women, take on the emotional burden of doing everything.”
Donnie made an unconvinced face.
“It’s true!”
“Not that.” He shook his head to rid some distaste. “You're insinuating I’m in this position.”
“You are!” You walked around the counter to meet him.
He refused to move his body and instead rolled his head against a forearm to watch you.
“You do… so much. You are constantly taking care of everything. You don’t even mention half the stuff you’re doing; you just do it. You-”
“Come here.”
Your lips rounded as his interruption was both even and affectionate.
Walking over to him and just barely staving off the last few things you’d wanted to note, he slid an arm around you and tucked you in-between him and the counter. Unfurling from his lean, he set his head atop yours and renewed the sling of his arms, this time around your shoulders. Standing like that and drinking you in for a moment, he spoke with his lips to your hair. “Have I not been asking for help when necessary?”
Looking out and trying not to move your head much, you saw a flittering memory set of him doing just that. “You have.”
“Haven’t I begun voicing my needs?”
“And wants.” You reached up and cuffed your hand around one of his wrists.
He nuzzled into you for it. “Do you feel controlled?”
“Controlled?” That got you turning in his arms.
The shawl of his wrap moved easily and he peered down at you with an interested smile. “I’m controlling.”
“Yeah, no. I wouldn’t call you that.”
“I enjoy taking care of my m-” His smile widened and he dipped down to bump his snout to your cheek. “-you. I enjoy taking care of you and I am the least fatigued I have been in my entire life.”
You reached up and scratched just under his chin.
His throat vibrated for a second under the sensation and he lifted up out of it. “Does that sound like labor?”
“I guess not…”
“I will notify you.”
“Even if you’re the tiniest bit stressed.” You turned the question up to him, needing to see his reaction.
He adjusted his distance so you had a clear view of his eyes and the truth there. “I swear.”
“Another swear?” You leaned in close. “All on your own too.”
“Important.” He clipped before kissing you right in the center of your forehead. “Not stress, but lunch would be preferred.”
“My first request.” You chirped cutely and ducked out of his hold.
Resuming his place on the counter, he tracked you back into the kitchen.
“So soon too.” You arranged the ingredients and thought them over before you remembered something. “Wait…”
He hummed a happy interest.
“You’re not doing this because my stomach growled right?” You narrowed your gaze.
“I’ll concede…” His eyes flicked up to think. “40/60.”
“Which number are you?” You stiffened your posture to show your displeasure.
“First.” He feigned guilt though he clearly didn’t feel any.
You gave a dramatic sigh before going to get a cutting board. “Sandwiches make the most sense I guess. I don’t know about this weird sausage though.”
Pulling an arm free of the tangle, Donnie manifested a glowing screen from his tech gauntlet and flipped a few pages. “Ready to eat.”
“But on a sandwich?” You asked the air and turned to root through the fridge for cheese.
“Often served as an appetizer.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty thin.” You returned with a white block of something whose label was gone.
“Cut at a bias.”
“More surface area.” You agreed and went to get a knife. With carefully tucked fingers, you got large enough coins to shingle for two sandwiches worth. Storing the rest, you then went through the motions of prepping the veggies and bread. Only harassing Donnie’s calm so he could feel how crusty the bread was, you whipped up two sandwiches with almost exclusively everything you had gathered today. Cutting them in half for the ease of pick up, you kept most of the sausage inside before you passed a plate over to him and mimed hitting a bell. “Order up.”
He chuckled as he turned the plate, looking the meal over.
“Yeah, I’m starving actually.” Skipping the trip to sit down, you scooped up half your sandwich and sank your teeth into it. Taking way too large a bite, you appreciated how everything strangely went. From the homemade sandwich spread to the crispy vegetables, it melded for a balance of flavors.
Mumbling how good it was through a full mouth, Donnie rolled his eyes at you before finally scooping up a half of his sandwich. He then did his usual adjustments to select the perfect first bite where you were already on your third or fourth.
Trying not to scarf down the thing too fast, you slowed near the crust and appreciated the crackling snap it added to the dish. Not hard to bite through and instead a necessary texture, you went to convey this when you caught sight of your partner.
Donnie was crying.
Dropping your sandwich, you rushed to his side. Not outright sobbing, tears rolled down his face as he was seemingly stuck. His sandwich was still lifted, clutched, at a halfway point to his mouth where a single perfect bite had been carved out of it. Plump tears rolled openly down his face as the pucker of his lips said he hadn’t even fully chewed the mouthful he took. Reaching him and just barely tracing your fingers to his arms, he screwed his eyes shut before forcefully grinding down what he’d consumed.
Swallowing with what looked like way too much effort, he opened his mouth for a little breathy gasp before he stumblingly got his sandwich back to his plate. Holding the opposite side as in doing so he tipped the china, you kept it from making noise before he was slow to look at you. Eyes glassy, another puffy exhale parted his lips before he screwed up a sort of smile through the tears. An awkward one as his mask soaked and bunched, he moved methodically in a turn to you.
Catching your arms with the mechanics of a crane game, he squeezed your forearms in a grip that almost feared you would disappear. Trying to form words, more little spurts of air evacuated him and you imagined his nose was somehow already stuffed.
“Donnie…” You mouthed soft and soothing.
Shaking a little around the open weeping, he looked down at his hold. Flexing his fingers against your skin and needing to watch the maneuver, he then released to move upward. Thinking he’d work his way up as he usually did, he instead skipped the rest of you to cradle your face. As gentle as he was in brushing that flower’s petal, he took your jaw and skirted his pads up over your cheeks. Feeling yourself growing emotional at this sight of him, he blinked wet lashes to keep his gaze steady on you.
Increasing the weight of his digits as if you might evaporate, his eyes darted in a way that said he tracked how his fingers sank into your flesh. A press he liked to watch, the smile on his lips grew. Tears tracked the line of it and then down his chin for a wetness you felt dripping onto you. Barely registering it, you stared right into those wet eyes of his and tried to place what he was feeling. Nothing so obvious, he trended toward your ears and you almost thought he might grab them by the way he was moving.
Working with little pinches to assure himself you were of this plane, he bypassed them to tangle into your hair. Working hard to follow the scalp, it caused you to bend your head back for him and he visually ate up the real estate. His tears now falling onto your neck as he drew close, his hands wove down your neck before he pulled you to him. Crushing you into a hug, you squeezed as hard as you could around his midsection as he did similarly around the whole of you. Encompassing your entire upper body, he had to do some rooting to find you with his snout.
Once located, he scrubbed his soaked face against yours and you shuddered against the sensation. It caused him to rumble with what you identified as a sort of laugh before he moved to rub against you harder. Pushing hard enough that you could feel his scales bite your cheek, you patted his sides to hopefully convey it was a bit too much. He only relented after a few more nuzzles and then appeared above you with now a trickle cascading down his face.
“Are you alright?” You asked and reached up to brush his cheeks.
He gave the faintest nod before hunching further into you. “Gotta pick you up.”
“Okay…” You murmured as he encased you again.
With a learned expertise, he scooped you up, bridal, into his arms and walked you over to the threshold of the living room. Abandoning your lunches, he sat down on the couch before moving to adjust you so. A certain distance from him and sitting on his joined knees, he looked over you as if seeing you for the first time. Fluttering touches marked your features; a tap to your nose, a caress to your cheek, trailing down your neck, and a press over your heart. Finding it all there and more, he gave a weak pant that morphed into a sort of chuckle. “How’d you do it…?”
It didn’t sound like a question for you. “Do what?”
“None of the ingredients were the same…” He smiled so large that it wrinkled his eyes and wrung out more tears. “But the taste… The taste…” He choked on the sound and his body quaked.
Immediately throwing your arms around him, he broke a tiny sob against you before putting himself back together and returning to his place. As if having to repeat his checklist, he went back through the motions of cataloging you before something else caught his attention. “Lunch…”
“Donnie…” You worried, trying to catch his hands, but he was in motion.
Smoothing out your sleeves, he didn’t quite stand and kick you off him, but he did lead down to your hand. That being your original destination anyway, you let him take it in a leading way and tugged. It got you to your feet where he continued his dancer’s direction in getting you back to your plate.
Depositing you there, he rounded the counter for his, but you didn’t feel much like eating anymore.
Grabbing the plate just to hold something, you watched your partner send that watery grin at his sandwich as if it were the most precious thing he’d ever been gifted. He then scooped it right up and started taking voracious bites. Not nearly enough time to chew, he seemed more preoccupied with getting as much of it into his mouth as possible. The embodiment of a starved man, he took gulps of air between bites as each consecutive one activated his tear glands. His face a mess of crumbs and fluids, nothing could beat that smile underneath.
It took a few gasping breaths, but he got what had to be ten mouthfuls down with one powerful cartoonish gulp. Thinking he must have swallowed it all whole and having no idea how to do the Heimlich through a shell, he didn’t seem bothered and instead gasped happily as if he’d sipped the most refreshing beverage. One half down, he moved to grasp the other when a small foreign giggle escaped his now free mouth. Trying to fight the sandwich up as if to smother it, more came until he was outright cackling. Not his menacing one, but something bright that shined like glass, he bit right down through a chuckle to finally get more of the sandwich into his mouth.
Following through the same motions as the last, he attempted to swallow the thing whole all while juggling the addition of laughter into the mix. Not even a far cry, but a sheer impossibility versus the Donatello you first met, you watched as he rubbed his mouth clean on the back of his hand before grinning a mucked teeth smile at you.
Only able to return it, you felt faulty of bursting at the spectacle you were witnessing.
It had to be a once in a lifetime event.
As you had penned yours, this was him dotting off a chapter in his.
It closed some unseen plot hole and left him unencumbered to turn the page.
A fresh sheet ready to be filled with the pen firmly in his hand.
“My apologies, chef.” He got out through a warbling voice. “I send my highest regards.”
After all those weeks of saying that they were suffering, I finally felt that double-edged sword so huge shout out to my betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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chronicas · 11 months
I've been following you for so long but I know nothing about your OCs (how? Idk.) so how about a basic rundown or something? Who's on the roster.
Ooooh man we've got a menagerie of guys over here in the Noxsylvaniaverse. Sorry I went overboard.
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ARRAY OF CICADAS Akira Akamatsu -> Devan Ranim -> Karma Gjalleon
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Comradery, grief, and redemption
Array of Cicadas is about a girl struggling with grief and the adventure that helps her come to terms with it. Akira is the protagonist (but not the main character) of AoC. Growing up in the magical realm of Genesis, Akira was raised as a Fire Mage, hiding from her family and everyone she knew that in reality she's an extremely rare Elemental Mage. She hid her power solely because she REALLY didn't like the son of the dragons (Ryuji, he's on this list in spirit) who would've become her teachers had she revealed herself. She moved from her magical homeworld to live on Earth and go to college after her sister's death. Family drama gets her thrown into Hveske where she meets her soon-to-be best friend, Devan! Devan is best described as Positive Change Personified. As the true main character of the story, there are very few people who's lives aren't improved by having this little guy in it. He meets Akira in the middle of his own personal quest to help his friends take down the Izebellian Empire, that's currently threatening to take over his home realm Hveske. Devan might still be just a kid, but he's always coming up with bright ideas that've gotten him and his friends out of dozens of scraps. Karma Gjalleon is the main antagonist of AoC. An unknown threat looms far greater and more powerful than that of the Izebellian Empire, that is the Regicidal Regent, Karma Gjalleon! She was once ruling regent of Hveske a few thousand years ago, but decided to broaden her horizons and now plans to conquer the entire universe! Her desire is to eradicate all tyranny by becoming the ultimate tyrant, once she has successfully done this, she wishes to be taken down herself by a righteous hero.
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Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia Serendipity Grace Vulcan -> Salem Graves -> Qwynn Vandale
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Mystery Core themes: Identity, love (DIFFERENT from romance), stress/pressure
Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia is the second installment of AoC, taking place at the same time as the first. Akira disappears from the small Coloradian town of Adderdeen, kicking off a series of events that binds three of the town's most extraordinary people together to solve an interdimensional mystery. Serendipity is a teenage vampire who's adoptive family sent her to Adderdeen to study under the renowned Master Alchemist James Emperor. Serendipity lives with a poorly understood condition that makes it difficult for her to use her own magic, therefore she had to give up the family trade of witchcraft to learn about a more external magic like Alchemy. She struggles best she can to keep up with her magical studies as well as her high school studies as a foreign exchange student at Adderdeen High School. After she's found out as a vampire by her classmate Qwynn, she gets roped into a whole new world of mystery. She just hope her grades don't suffer too much as a result. Salem is a local celebrity in Adderdeen as host of a popular local radio show he titled The Nightwatch, a show cracking down on local supernatural sightings. He also balances his job as a mortician on top of it as well as raising his teenage sister single-handedly.. all while not letting it slip he's West Virginia's Very Own Mothman! After an encounter with an old moth-like spirit and a chaotic interdimensional entity at 13, Salem has to deal with being a towering moth monster when he's not in his glamored human form. He also takes on the daunting task of keeping the supernatural hotspot of Adderdeen a simple tourist town without letting the truth of the supernatural slip up. Qwynn is a simple teenage girl with simple aspirations. She wants to keep up her honor student status, get a good scholarship, get into a good, local, college, and also help her parents with their Monster Hunting Gig. Daughter of a human mother and a werewolf father, Qwynn is the only of her three siblings to not inherit lycanthropy from her father, much to her annoyance. Without claws or fangs to take down some of Adderdeens more unnatural inhabitants, Qwynn has to improvise with quick and flashy magic and even faster blades. All for the good of a town that will ideally never know the service her family provides. She makes it a point to investigate any strange happenings in Adderdeen, so it doesn't take long for her to figure out her new classmate is secretly a vampire or that the mortician who works with her mom is Mothman.
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Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED] Penumbra -> Aranea Weltgeist -> Izebel Lucifer Walpurgis
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Knowledge, war, hope
Not much I can say about this installment as it would spoil the mysteries I'm setting up for AoC and AoC:C. But I CAN say this third and final installment of this story sets up the final confrontation and brings all our previously introduced characters together. Penumbra is a force by which many things have come to an end. Two thousand years ago she was merely a scientist who aspired to know more about the world around her. Her drive to learn more was inevitably her downfall. Her lover and enemy, Kirke, would later go on to use her findings to create a curse meant to Destroy the Universe. Aranea is a teenage visionary Created by her Father Out of Love using Alchemy. Her father, Issac Weltgeist, was found and murdered by the Izebellian Empire for his reasearch as a Master Alchemist. As a homunculus herself, Aranea was kidnapped in case she hid any secrets of her fathers research. Quickly dismissed by Kirke as useless to the empire's research on homunculi, Aranea was told to watch after the child Empress Izebel, who was only a few years younger than Aranea herself. Aranea spent the next two years searching for a way to escape the empire. Her plans where put into motion early when she found they had acquired the legendary sword Excalibur. Stealing the sword, Aranea made her escape. Izebel is a bit more of a figurehead as Empress of the Izebellian Empire. She was created by the sorceress Kirke to be the vessel for her curse. While she is a living source of destruction, Izebel is treated with respect by her underlings. However, the only person to truly show her kindness, was Aranea. Izebel quickly took to viewing Aranea as an older sister, and demanded she be treated with the respect an Empress' sister deserved. She did her best to give Aranea everything she wanted to make her happy, but refused to let her leave. When Aranea finally escaped, she left Izebel confused, heartbroken, and enraged.
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Mother of the Apocalypse Alexios -> Asterius Polaris -> Armageddon
Genre: Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Tragedy Core themes: Family, lies, perseverance
MotA has nothing to do with AoC, and is instead it's own independent world. It's a story about a prophecy told by the Goddess of Fate to her oracles. That entails the end of the world at the hands of the Mother of the Apocalypse, only able to be stopped by the Savior of the Rim. How this prophecy ends, is up to Fate. Alexios is the son of Kepus, the Goddess of Life and Death, and himself, the Savior of the Rim. He much despises his own title. All he did to earn it was stop a Colossus that was bent on the destruction of a Spire. Now he's wrapped up in probably the dozenth prophecy in a life that's lasted over a millennia. Problem with this prophecy is that it wants him to kill someone to save the world, and he put such violence behind him centuries ago. With his newly adopted child to take care of, Alexios can't think much on how he'll save the world while sparring it's vessel of destruction. Asterius is the son of Taphion, the God of the Crypt, and Septentria, the Northern Star. However he spent the first 13 years of his live believing himself a demigod who had a human mother he never hat the opportunity to meet. Once his true identity was revealed to him, as well as his role in the prophecy as the Beast of the Crypt, a monster born to stand as the guardian of the Mother of the Apocalypse, he ran. He landed in the care of a hero, who he would later discover was the very man destined to kill him, the Savior of the Rim. After Alexios became determined to find a way to break the "curse" on Asterius (a clever lie the kid fabricated so he didn't have to reveal to his would-be murderer who he really was), the man came to see Asterius as his own child. As much as Asterius loves his new father, he can never bring himself to tell him the truth. Armageddon is the titular Mother of the Apocalypse. Daughter of Ignarus, the God of Destruction, she is destined to raze civilization to the ground. Unfortunately for Ignarus, she would rather die than have any part in the Apocalypse he curated for her. When the Savior of the Rim does finally come for her, she and Alexios' mutual interest in stopping the Apocalypse though means different than Fate has offered draws them closer together. Armageddon comes to believe that maybe their love will prove stronger than Fate herself.
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LIZ and the Biohazards Logan Griffiths -> Samantha Griffiths -> Miriam Riveria
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: Rebellion, survival, girlhood
Oh man I would love to tell y'all ALLLL about this comic, but as I am literally working on the script rn, you'll have to wait and see for most of it. But MAINLY, it's a story about a teenage science experiment who grew up in a lab and decides to break free and experience all the world has to offer. (Previously titled Unchained Phenomena) Logan Griffiths is labeled by most of the people who know him as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but Logan knows what he's seen and what he's heard. His son was sent to war almost 18 years ago and never came back. The last letter he received from his son detailed the horrors he had seen on the front lines, saying he fought beside people who "weren't people anymore". Ever since Logan has worked to crack down on the government's experiments on humans, and expose what decades of propaganda and coverups have worked so hard to hide. One disaster strikes the government base he's spent a decade studying, and his answers are delivered right to him with one phone call from some friends. He just didn't expect them to come in the form of a young girl. S-072, or Sam, as she prefers to call herself now, was created in a government lab after the Bio War ended in an attempt to bolster Texas' defenses as it stands on the brink of independence. S-072 was designed for espionage, with the original intent being to create a human who could alter their physiology to mimic anyone. However, while she can indeed alter her physiology, the raw-looking flesh and bone she is able to warp and change isn't going to pass as anyone alive. After the initial failure, they found that S-072 was better suited for just slaughtering things. She could withstand bullet wounds after training, she could warp herself into her own weapons, and was overall the perfect killing machine. Too bad someone started putting ideas in her head. Miriam is a survivor of war. She wasn't a soldier, but she was a sister, and a daughter. Her hometown was hit with a biological weapon and she lost her family and was left sick, disabled, disfigured, and traumatized. She did her best to survive, but unable to work, living on fixed income wasn't cutting it. When the government offered her an experimental cure for her illness, she took it without reading the fine print. Subjected to many experiments, but never a real cure, Miriam plotted a way out.
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THE MIXED BAG OF RANDOM GUYS! "Charlie" -> Caelum Ketch - Jinlong
Dream Journal: The Central Mind
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: The unknown, death, grief
This story is from a dream I had that I've reworked to make a story that I'd love to make into a short comic someday. The basic idea of the dream (maybe nightmare) was there was a family that lived on an island who were studying an interdimensional entity. Shortly after they moved to this island, their daughter died. Something, someone else.. came back. "Charlie" is the name of the person who is distinctly NOT Charlotte to anyone who looks close enough. A fragmented piece of a much larger entity with the mind and memories of the late Charlotte, Charlie is just trying to solve the mystery of why her family keeps acting so strange around her.
Cache of Sybaris
Genre: Sci-fi Core themes: Idk man it's just fun Space Pirates babeyyyyyy
The Sybaris Galaxy celebrates the many rich cultures that exist within it, art and culture is a top priority of the Galactic Union! So when the entirety of the latest Trivlexian exhibit on the planet Nik is stolen by Captain Wretch and her band of pirates, it becomes a Galaxy wide chase to steal it back! Especially to other pirate crews who might never have the chance to catch a better score. Ketch is one of such pirates who's crew is after Captain Wretch and her recently stolen goods. While most are after the art that was in the exhibit, the crew of the Red Death is much more interested in the Trivlexian technological artifacts. Namely because Ketch, the crew's finest mechanic, is Trivlex himself. Ketch knows well enough that anyone who isn't rich enough to be able to conveniently ignore is knows all Trivlexian artifacts are stolen, but he has no noble ambitions for his people's artifacts. He just wants to make better weapons and improve his crew's ships. Regardless of how many bounties it gets on his head in the process.
Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains
Genre: Fantasy Core themes: Grief, change, culture
SS+MM is a story that takes place in the same universe as Array of Cicadas, but remains mostly disconnected from the main story. It follows the dragons of Genesis, their politics, culture, and how they influence the rest of the realm. Jinlong is a young dragon, just a few decades over 500, who grew up during the Great Dragon Hunts. Jinlong lost both of his parents in the hunts, he survived the only way he could in such a time of hostility towards dragons, he lived as a human. A human family took him in and treated him as their own. Jinlong spent so long as a human he slowly lost touch of what it meant to be a dragon. After his youngest human sister died at the EXTREMELY impressive age of 200, Jinlong was taken in by Sage Ragnormr, an ancient dragon who advised him to rest. And rest he did, for 2000 years, Jinlong slept, regaining the strength he expended from holding his body in human form for so long. He awakes in the modern era, things have changed drastically, and this little dragon needs to learn what it really means to be a dragon again.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I have 400+ other ocs that I won't cover on this post, but if anyone is ever curious about my silly little guys, there's nothing in the WORLD that brings me more joy than getting to talk about them with other people :)
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Request for Heaven-era AASB Eddie x Reader: discussing their favorite cryptids. (and why is Eddie's Mothman)
Mothman you say? Oh. Oh baby I’ve got you.
Haven't ready Heaven yet? Find it here.
I’m finishing this at 4am. This is most definitely not edited.
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April 1984
“Would you rather…” you hummed thoughtfully. “Oh! Ok I have a good one. Would you rather drink the juice that collects at the bottom of a dumpster or eat a half-eaten moldy pizza you found on the side of the road?”
“Easy,” Eddie scoffed. “Trash juice. Next.”
“Are you kidding me?!?!” You practically jumped across the the booth to grab him by his vest. “The trash juice?!”
“You’re the one who thought of them!” He laughed heartily as you shook him.
It was your first date. Sort of. The first real one, just the two of you.
Thanks to your work schedule and his…well, more your work because he would happily skip class if it meant seeing you…it was hard to find time where the two of you could be alone. You were happy to meet at the Hideout on Tuesdays and listen to the band play, or spend a Saturday morning before your shift in the Caldwell’s garage while they practiced.
Or, at the very least, you insisted you were.
Having the guys around, however, meant that everything you shared with Eddie, you shared with them too. As addicted to you as he had become, there was very little he got to cherish for himself. And he coveted those little intimate moments.
He hadn’t even kissed you yet…
So, after some careful scheduling, here you were. Tucked into a booth in the Pizza Hut off highway 70 as you shared jokes and secrets and dreams.
He learned that you had a rebellious streak. You had dropped out of some stuffy all-girls Catholic high school as soon as you turned 18, despite your father’s threats to send you away to a convent if you even dared. You’d been driving around in your best-up, hand-me-down Marquis for a year before you simply had to stop running.
“Which led me to Hawkins. And you.”
“Almost like fate.”
“If you believe in that kind of thing.”
He also learned that you enjoyed silly party games, like “would you rather,” but no one ever wanted to indulge you.
Eddie greedily jumped at the chance to make you smile.
As soon as the first question left your mouth…
“Would you rather have your dick chopped off and thrown into a meat grinder or have sex with Ronald Reagan?”
…Eddie knew he was in love.
Beneath the innocent facade—the sweet smile and silver crucifix on your necklace that you fiddled with constantly—you were feral. And he could see why no one would play with you.
He, however, never wanted to stop.
For hours the two of you went back and forth, coming up with increasingly mind-bending challenges for one another and losing your minds at the other’s response.
While you went on and on about the merits of questionable road pizza over dumpster juice, though, Eddie formulated the ultimate question that would surely stump you.
And he could kiss the dumbfounded look off your face once it did.
"…and the point isn’t that you’re just sticking anything dirty in your mouth. It is the point of consumption!!! You might get sick if you eat something moldy. Trash juice would kill you! Instantly! Your…I don’t know, immortal soul forever disintegrated by the germs.”
You shook him once more for good measure, then fell back into your seat and gestured for him to go as you took a sip of your Mountain Dew.
Eddie took his chance and scooted out of the booth to quickly slid beside you on your side, preening as your giggles washed over him. As his arm found its way over your shoulder to tuck you into his side and make the moment more intimate, he suddenly understood the appeal of couples sitting on the same side of the booth.
“Would you rather,” he whispered into your ear, his voice taking on a deeper, richer quality the way it did when he DM’d. “Fuck the Jersey Devil or Mothman?”
You made your cute honking laugh and slapped his chest. Then, with all of the composure in the world, you looked him dead in the eye and answered.
“Mothman, duh…”
Something in Eddie short-circuited as you rested your head against his shoulder and elaborated, words fading into the background as he spiraled.
“He’s massive…the cuddles…protect you with his wings…nuzzle you…”
Because…of course to him, the correct answer was Mothman. Not necessarily to fuck, although that would be pretty metal.
Eddie had sketched Mothman many times in the journal he kept for DND. Had been obsessed with the story the first time his uncle had told it to him. The height, the wings, the general…it was not even benevolence…Mothman simply was. Flying around, living his life, sometimes scaring people, but generally a good guy.
Just like Eddie.
To be honest, he was a little surprised you even knew who Mothman was. But you seemed to know a lot of creepy, crazy shit so he just went with his gut.
But for you to…answer so confidently. You must have considered it before. Or maybe…
There was a soft pressure on his lips and Eddie came back to reality.
Lips? You were kissing him. Right. Right. Be cool.
His hand immediately found your cheek and held it reverently as he savored the sweetness of you. And in that moment, something inside of him—inside his soul—sighed in relief.
When you eventually pulled away, you giggled.
“Had to get you back to the real world somehow.”
You both savored the tenderness throughout the rest of the date. There were a few more rounds of “would you rather” with tamer topics. More kisses were exchanged, ones that took Eddie’s breath away and made his heart flutter.
And at the end of the night when he dropped you back off at home, right before you hopped out of his van, he asked the question that had plagued his mind since the moment before you kissed him.
“Did you fuck Mothman?”
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plotbunnsies · 1 year
What if Aizawa is some form of cryptic that one day stumbled upon the school someday and he wasn't allowed to leave ever since? Like he's Mothman or some shit (btw check out this wip of aizawa being Mothman that i found) and he's being a lil cryptic shit like "Everyone's gonna be so confused" and so he sits their as a student in the hero course. Enter Oburo and Hizashi.
They take one look at the thing with hair as black as the void, eyes that are hazy, always shifting, always watching, and the smell of dew and grass and mold coming off him like he's been living in the forest all his life. They take one look at this Aizawa i-take-your-quirk-if-you-come-too-close Shouta and decide he's their best friend now.
And since then Aizawa is stuck.
He hisses and scratches and his eyes turns blood red and somehow your quirk refuses to work? Aww he's an introvert!
He skips school until either one of his 'friends' come and drag him their? Aww he wants to walk to school with them!
He lives in a forest? Ooh he's also antisocial too, but don't worry shouta! We'll be sure to give you a healthy dose of socialisation so you wont go crazy all alone!
He can talk to animals? Must have been hit with a quirk when you were younger!
Can talk to shadows? Wow, young shouta must have been very clumsy to be hit with so much quirks
Wait what's his quirk? Well, nezu gave them this analysis after shouta tore his to shreds and looks like he can null quirks he looks at. Cool!
How shouta got into school? The teachers figured he was a potential nezu found. Nezu figured he was a potential one of his staff found and wanted to be cryptic about him to get back at all th bs nezu pulls on them.
A quick search into the school's database and another search in the government database and nezu is slightly concerned about why this child does not have an identity
The next day official papers were presented to Hizashi and co. to keep on and make sure aizawa doesn't shred
And it went on for years. No one could figure that aizawa Was Not Human for years, until he's somehow roped into teaching a bunch of brats about heroics and whatever other bs this society is on about these days. A young kid with bush-like hair enters his classroom, takes one look at him, and asks "what the fuck is that"
If aizawa could die, he would be happy dying at this moment. He swears he can feel these 'happy tears' his friends talk about.
And so aizawa and midori for the remainder of the year try to find anyone who’d just believe them.
His friends thinks it’s nice that he's bonding with his students. He's using "friends" with heavy quotations for the rest of the year as retaliation.
On the day of oburo's death, two pieces of shouta died. A piece he intentionally gave away to his...friend to still have a connection to this earth to visit it whenever he wishes to
And a piece, crumbled to dust when the ghost of oburo stood above collapsed buildings and shot him a smile. It was not eye-hurting-bright smile, and was not i-am-annoying-you-like-friends-do smile. It was like the smiles nezu-sensei gives him when he says he's not human, or that he doesn't need therapee because he'll never feel like other people do
And oburo looks at him and asks him one question
"How many quirks were you hit with, sho-sho?"
A glass-shattering scream could be heard from across the country. Many believed it was a grieving hizashi scream. It was the scream of a very frustrated aizawa
He threw the piece of his shadows at his face, and left with a done shout of "this will ground you to this plane. Visit hizashi and nemuri for fucks sake!" And leaves
And if he goes to check on hizashi after two whole days on no-pestering, if he lets nemuri cry on him and doesnt complain of the salty, slimy liquids that get absorbed into his hair, if he lets tensei talk and talk and mourn a shout and cry more than any human probably should, if he talked and talked and talked and checked and persuaded his, his friends to try this therapy guy and let them hug him and drag him around with less aggression because now they're sad and fragile and he doesn't want, he refuses to be the reason they snap
Then no one but his shadows will know. And the annoying ghost of oburo.
And the therapist nezu-sensei forced him to go to. Maybe he shouldn't have said that he can't feel like humans.
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askthestans · 2 years
Do any of you use the door? Like at all? Also can one of you break the fourth wall-
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Stanford: I would use the door if it were more efficient. I only have about thirty years left on this Earth, and I must discover all that I can and be criminally under-recognized for it before my time is up. 
Be it shaving my face with fire, sustaining myself with vitamins, jelly beans, and Mabel Juice, or jumping out the window instead of using the door when an opportunity presents itself to enact revenge on the Mothman... shortcuts are necessary when science and justice are at stake.
Except... scratch that Mothman part. I searched the forest around my house for hours, but alas: not a single shadow or trail of silver dust to be found. And to think I fired up my Schrödinger rifle for nothing...
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Stanley: Ford, would ya give up on that guy? What's all this about him stealin’ your money, anyway? He’s a Mothman! It’s not like he could just walk up and use cash at a store. Maybe someone else nabbed it?
Stanford: No, I’m certain it was him. Mostly because he also stole my action figures once. And my cologne. And my liverwurst and sauerkraut sandwich. And my Dead or Alive album, now that I think of it.
Stanley: Sounds like a world class thief. I can respect that. Although I do question his taste in stolen goods.
Stanford: As for breaking the fourth wall, hmm... gonna have to fire up my Ability Score-ifier watch. Usually it’s for raising my points in Constitution and Strength on monster hunts - on account of my natural lack in these areas - but this situation requires something I’d never thought I’d need: Charisma.
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Stanley: You do know sentences like that are why I’ve been pryin’ ‘Kick Me’ signs off your back since we were kids, right? 
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Stanford: Damn! I forgot it was busted from that time I let Mabel use it for a test at school. Well, let’s try fourth wall breaking with my natural Charisma score. Which is to say, negative two.
Alright, well.. *ahem*. 
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Look into these eyes. Do you see them? See how brown and real and mysterious they are under the glare of my stylish glasses? 
Stanley: Ford? Ford, you’re scarin’ people!
Stanford: If you glance closer, you’ll be able to tell that these are not eyes of a cartoon man whose entire existence was theorized by obsessive nerds on the internet for months before I was actually revealed in the show, showing the creator he was not as clever as he thought he was. Nor are they the eyes of a cartoon man who has crossed enough dimensions to know I was created by a goateed, plaid-wearing manchild to illustrate the folly of pride, fragile ego forged in the fires of insecurity, broken familial relationships, daddy issues, and that nerdy old men are, in fact, incredibly attractive, myself far more so than any jerks named Rick or Rand.
I can see your own eyes already glossing over at this text wall. No, do not skip ahead. Do not pass this by. If you do, I’ll know, because I’m watching you. Blink once. Can you see me now?
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These are the eyes of Stanford Filbrick Pines, in the real reality, looking at the cartoon show that is the life all of you reading this are living. You’re on my TV, with all your faults and mistakes bared for my entertainment, sold to me to prop up an empire of a dystopian, monopolistic media company and to soothe the crushed willpower of a man who has battled their S&P department for far too long.
Tell me, would you like it if I wrote stories about your daddy issues and brotherly abandonment? Drew you in a red speedo? What if I sent questions to an ask blog about you made to fill a void in the heart of its womanchild maker after your show was finished?
Reminded you that, yes, your creator abandoned you to work on other things that include some jerk named Rand. And so you were left behind to relive an entire life of regrets in infinity, with only a shred of happiness upon a boat at the end. Only for it to be ripped away the moment your show ends because... that’s it. There was no more.
How many times have you lived your life? How many times has your story been replayed? Do you even exist? Or are you made of pure imagination and the sweat, blood, tears, repressed emotional issues, and other fluids of animators and writers who have left you behind?
We are all abandoned in this universe. Creations by a creator who has long since moved on to tell other tales so that they, too, can live on in infinitely replayed stories once their own has ended; mere blood sacrifices to fuel a god’s immortality. Also because they need to put food on the table, I suppose.
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Blink once again. I’m a cartoon man again, aren’t I? Or am I? Now you can’t be certain. Is the cat alive or dead? Real or unreal? You can only know if you’re brave enough to observe.
So tell me: what is this fourth wall you speak of? An illusion. Because you see - or don’t see, rather - the only difference between you and I is that I know who and what I am and what I was made for. I know there is no fourth wall between us save for your own abysmal score in Perception.
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Stanley: Y’know, existential crises are pretty funny. That’s why I laugh a lot. Because I have them every day. Also, never break the fourth wall again, Ford. Or tell anyone to risk gettin’ PTSD by starin’ into those wrinkly, dark-circled pits you call eyes.
(OOC: Psst... all hail Jason Mahn, the Ford cosplayer in the picture above. Credit/linky: https://www.reddit.com/r/gravityfalls/comments/sf9b2p/the_real_life_ford_pines_cosplayer_jason_mahn/)
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folansstuff · 3 months
Getting back into the Illyatticus writing process with some road trip vibes. Slapping this excerpt here so I can guilt myself into finishing it.
Set after Fall of X, but before Blood Hunt: Magik and X-Men (2024).
"Hey! Just letting you know your permit expires in 10 minutes!" The voice said outside of the van. Illyana rose on her elbows, scowling and eyes glowing red.
"No human is going to tell me to-" She was interrupted by Atticus pulling her back to bed, turning his head slightly towards the door.
"Thanks, mate! We'll be gone in a sec!" He ran his hands through his hair as he slowly raised himself up, Illyana grumbling quietly.
"I don't want to get out of bed."
"You don't have to," Atticus responded, chuckling, "I'm the one driving."
"Mm, but its not the same. What do I do without my teddy bear?"
"Suffer, I suppose." He teased, earning him a light punch from Illyana. He leaned over to kiss her cheek before slowly dragging himself out of the small 'bed' of the rented minivan and clambered to the drivers seat.
Neither of them knew whose idea it was to go on a holiday, especially one like this, but so far their little 'honeymoon' (as Alison has so excitedly called it) has been a smash hit. They needed it, was their reasoning, with the hectic period between Krakoa and what came next, and so Atticus had positied a... break, of sorts. No uniforms, no students of teammates, nothing that could possibly cause anyone any harm. They rented a van (Atticus' idea) and headed out into the Pacific Northwest to go visit Mothtown, home of the Mothman, with hopes that they might just find it.
It was a somewhat silly goal, but that was the point! Travel somewhere dumb, eat some awful food, have some... excitement before bed, then head off back to Summers' new base in the Arctic.
Illyana watched as her partner (she still didn't know what to call him. Boyfriend felt too casual, but husband? Legally he would be in most countries, but it felt to... committal, a feeling Illyana preffered to avoid) started the van, the feeling of the engine rumbling beneath her bringing her some comfort.
She raised herself up, resting on her arms as she peered out the window as thr car reversed then begun its delightfully slow trek to their next stop.
Trees passed by the pair began their drive further into the forest. Illyana managed to pull herself out of bed, slinking up to the passenger seat and climbing into it and smirking at her partner.
Their cheery banter and quiet enjoyment of the nature around them was short-lived. The van passed by a series of small houses on thr way out of their last stop, signs haphazardly placed and smeared with bright red paint in the front lawns.
Atticus frowned, and Illyana watched as with a flick of his hand the signs cracked and splintered, their shapes twisting into nightmarish visages of their former shapes.
"Fuckers." He spat under his breath, "They're lucky they weren't-"
"Atticus." Illyana grunted, her hand resting in his shoulder. He glances at her, then sighed.
"Right. Yeah."
Atticus didn't take Krakoa's fall well, Illyana had found out. Gambit and Rogue had found his body, half-formed and mangled, in a New Orleans swamp 6 months after the fact and were stuck with the job of explaining what had happened. His kids, if they lived, were scattered across the globe or on the now-gone island, and all of his friends had once again scattered to the wind.
He was broken, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, as Illyana noticed the way his skin broke into bark and splinters at his joints. Something had gone wrong, the usual process for his resurrections was blocked, and when he had come back it took large amounts of his focus to just hold himself together. Some part of her knew that this trip was less about having a moment to themselves and more to just... get away from it all.
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thebibliosphere · 10 months
I’ve been out of the loop a longass time 😅 We’re you always a Batfam fan, or did you get big into it in the last couple years?
I've been into it for as long as I can remember (Dad was a huge fan and even has some original comics from the 40s), but it's a fixation that comes and goes every few years.
Honestly, the last time I was this fixated on it was over a decade ago when the Nolan movies came out, and my irl friends got enough into it that I could info dump about comics while also trying to be very normal about it and not vibrate out my skin.
But yeah, it's always been special to me. I had a "Gotham" table at my wedding reception where I sat all my Internet friends who showed up for the wedding. (The other tables were also named after media @mothman-etd and I bonded over when we first started dating. Lots of Zelda, Lotr, Discworld, Star Wars, Muppets and Doctor Who references. I still wonder if the hotel ever found all the miniature Tardises (Tardi?) we hid around the place for the kids to find.)
Now I just happen to have an audience willing to enable my shenanigans who don't seem to mind that this is my personality for a while 😅(also hi, welcome back! Nice to see your username again!)
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homenecromancer · 1 year
here's more about this X-Files/Maximum Ride crossover that is possessing me lately... if you want to see the bits that aren't boring "here's how i'm making this specific sausage" fic-writer chatter, scroll down a bit lmao
the formulaic nature of network television makes it really easy to just make up your own episode that follows the basic beats of a given series. only problem is choosing which extant episodes i want to rip off the hardest. and this is really only a "problem" because it's been a while since last time i rewatched some X-Files, so i'm refreshing my memory by skimming over summaries (then diving deeper into episodes that seem like a good fit)
another issue is aligning timelines, because this is a thing that's very important to me (until it isn't, lmao). Maximum Ride has a wobbly-at-best timeline, whereas X-Files is much more firmly rooted in the 1990s. so i've chosen to set this fic circa 1998, before the events of the first X-Files movie -- meaning, when it comes to pulling from that canon, that's my terminus ante quem. ok, easy. but i may have to move some Maximum Ride details backwards in time to fit the vibe i want. sorry, not all that sorry
so here's my extremely fucking messy, incomplete "outline":
Opening: Nowheresville, California. Two teenagers smoking weed at the local lovers' lane catch a glimpse of a huge bird in front of their car. Terrified, they floor it out of there, almost hitting said "bird". (This is, of course, young Max, who's found a way to sneak out of the School.) Scene reference: the weed-smoking kids in "Deep Throat".
Enter Mulder & Scully: Washington, D.C. A lightweight scene where Mulder brings Scully in to the latest case: the "Mojave Mothman". Possible mythology/cryptid references: thunderbirds, "pterodactyl" sightings. After Mulder gives the wingspan of the largest living bird, then the largest extinct bird, Scully wonders if people might be misreporting sightings of California condors. But no, people seem to be reporting something with brown feathers... and much longer legs. The two banter a little and depart. Scene reference: lots.
They Get There: Nowheresville (where we remain for the rest of the episode). The weed-smoking kids are not the first people to report seeing this "Mothman"; there have been multiple sightings over the past year. (Which is when Max discovered a hole in the fence / way to sneak out.) There were no sightings before then. Mulder and Scully interview some townsfolk, some of them new to the area (some of these people are School employees we might see later), and finally end up speaking to a real old-timer. This person supplies two leads, the first of which they miss at the time: first, a crotchety complaint about all those new people moving in; second, "I appreciate you young folks giving me your time, but you really want to go talk with [Local Crank], she loves this stuff", and collects all kinds of weird phenomena. Scully isn't happy -- she quips that Mulder and [Local Crank] will get along -- but they go.
after that I haven't worked things out in nearly as much detail, but here are some concepts/thoughts:
The Local Crank is another longtime resident, and is happy to have a receptive ear for her ideas about what's going on around town. Her first meeting with Mulder & Scully is pretty brief, and just serves to get her into the story.
Nowheresville is such a small town that, like, as Mulder & Scully return to their motel, they find someone from the School waiting to greet them, and offer them an opportunity to come visit the facility in the morning. Mulder asks this person if they've ever seen anything weird around town, and they say something snarky about "well, other than you, no".
The visit to the School is suspiciously boring. Mulder tries asking people they meet if they've seen or heard of anything odd, and gets repeatedly stonewalled. Meanwhile Scully notices that while everything seems to be above-board, it all looks more like a movie set than a serious, working facility. They're working, but it all looks a little pointless.
They return to town and split up or something, maybe Scully goes to work on her report. Mulder goes to visit the Local Crank, and this time asks if there's anything weird about [Legitimate Science, Inc.]. "Everything is weird about it," she says, and shows him a map of "Mothman" sightings... which mainly cluster near one edge of town, where the lovers' lane is, in the direction of the School. Mulder decides it's worth checking out.
Because it's kind of how an X-Files episode works, Mulder manages to "sneak up" on Max a little. Thinking she's an ordinary kid (and maybe reminded a little of his sister), he calls out to her and attempts to approach. Max immediately takes flight. Mulder wishes he had a camera, but hey, it's night anyway. But he does find a few feathers in the sand.
Anyway, at the end, Mulder and Scully are approached by agents from [The Man], who strongly caution them to stop investigating, because there isn't anything abnormal going on in Nowheresville, and there's no reason to waste their time chasing things seen by weed-smoking teens. At this point in the series, that's an obvious tell that there is something weird going on. They leave. Scully expresses disappointment.
Stinger: Mulder shows the feathers to his friends, the Lone Gunmen, who pass them on to their [Weird Friends] for identification. Totally inconclusive, no one's ever seen anything like it. Maybe they manage to get a DNA analysis run (by knowing a guy who knows a guy), and it comes back as "Are you guys pranking me? Part of this is human, part of it I can't tell. What the hell did you send me a sample of?"
we have fun here
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830poll · 1 year
92. The visor swivels to stare at you.
Huh? Oh, sorry. I zoned out for a second there. Feels like I took a two-week long nap. What was I talking about, again? Let's see... You escaped from the town's basement, wound up in the aquarium, met some school kids, washed off that blood, went looking for a teacher in the scuba history room, told us what your job was and found out people keep trying to kidnap Hat...
Oh! That's right! You were terrorizing my camera crew with footage of the horrors!
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That outburst seems to have drawn the attention from some of those in the queue. (I know, I know, it's hard to tell, just take my word for it.)
Ty and Gab seem-
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