#stray cat Danny
evandarya · 2 years
Prompt fill from the Discord server. This one is courtesy of @tourettesdog
Prompt where Danny keeps showing up like a stray cat at various hero's houses. He just comes and goes and they never know when he'll show up next. He's just this like pseudo-adopted child who will come over for dinner, crash on the couch, and he's gone by morning. No amount of research will tell them who he is past the limited information he's given them
The various heroes are unaware that his stray cat range wanders so far until someone mentions him at a JL meeting and all hell breaks loose.
There's eventually an intervention
Stray Cat Danny
Clark had just got home when he noticed the heartbeat on the fire escape two floors above him. As far as he knew, that apartment was empty, so it couldn't be the residents going out for a smoke. It was weird, very strange, and not his business.
He tried to leave it alone, but the heartbeat stayed on the fire escape for a few hours. Every now and again Clark would hear whoever it was shift, but other than that they stayed quiet. Again, weird, but not his business.
Until it started to snow right when Clark was about to start dinner.
He was just going to make sure whoever it was had somewhere warm to stay. Maybe direct them to a shelter. Clark opened the window and looked up, there was a dark bundle, worryingly still, on the fire escape.
"Excuse me?" Clark called. The bundle shifted but whoever it is didn't respond. Clark grumbled and made his way up to them, squatting down a few feet away.
"Are you alright?"
The bundle shifted, revealing one blue eye and a tuft of back hair.
"''m fine" a young male voice answered. The blue eye closed.
"You know it's going to snow tonight. I'm sure you'd be more comfortable in a shelter than on a fire escape."
"They're full." The boy answered. "All both of them."
Only two shelters for all of Metropolis? That can't be right. Clark looked up to the sky, the snow was starting to come down and he could swear it had gotten colder since he'd been out here. He couldn't leave the kid out here to freeze.
"How about you stay the night at my place? My couch is pretty comfortable, and I'm making beef stew for dinner, Ma's recipe." He let a bit of his Kansas accent show through. Hoping the country accent would put the boy more at ease. He was watching him now with both eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Did your Ma ever teach you about stranger danger?" The kid asked.
"Not exactly. She taught me to help people out if they need it. Did your Ma teach you stranger danger?"
"No," the boy said, "my mom taught me to put a full-grown man on the ground if I needed to."
That surprised Clark into laughing. "Well, you won't need to with me. What do you say you come inside?"
The boy watched him for another second before shivering violently and glaring at the sky.
"Yeah, alright. Just one night."
"I'm Clark, by the way," Clark said as he closed the window behind the kid.
"Danny." The kid said. He was rooted to the spot just a few steps into the apartment, eyes scanning the room.
"It's nice to meet you, Danny." Clark held out his hand to shake, but Danny didn't take it. After an awkward second Clark cleared his throat. "Uh. The stew is going to be a little while. You're welcome to the laundry and shower if you need it." Danny was pretty clean, but there was visible dirt on his face and clothes. "I might have some clothes my nephew forgot that you're welcome to." Dick was bigger than Danny for sure, but he was closer to Danny's size than Clark was.
Danny gave him a long look, before shrugging off his backpack. "Sure. Might as well."
Clark left to go get the clothes while Danny loaded some of his clothes and blankets in the washer. Once he presented the tee shirt and sweatpants Danny disappeared into the bathroom. When he reappeared he was scrubbed clean, his cheeks rosy either from the hot water or scrubbing.
Danny was even smaller than Clark was expecting. He was downright scrawny. Dick's shirt hung off Danny's shoulders, and Clark could clearly see his collarbones. This kid was not getting nearly enough to eat. Well, he was going to tonight if Clark had anything to say about it.
"The stew should be ready in about half an hour. Feel free to make yourself at home." Clark said. He expected Danny to sit on the couch and watch TV, but instead, Danny found his home office. it wasn't more than a desk with his work laptop on it and some of Clark's better pieces and awards framed and tacked to the wall above it.
"You're Clark Kent, the reporter?" Danny asked, eyes switching between the wall and Clark.
"That's me," Clark said. "You know my work?"
"I read your piece on metahuman and alien rights last year. It was good."
"Thanks. I really liked working on that piece."
"Did you always want to be a writer?"
"uh. No. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut." Clark said, stirring the stew. Danny snorted. "What's funny?"
"Nothing," Danny said, taking a seat at the little kitchen table. "I wanted to be an astronaut, too."
"Yeah? You still could." Clark said.
"Nah. It's hard to be an astronaut without a high school diploma. What made you change to writing?"
"I went through a few different career paths before I landed on journalism."
"Do you like it?"
"I do. I like uncovering the truths people try to hide." Clark said. "You'd make a decent journalist, I'd think. Half of it is just asking the right questions."
Clark served up the stew into two bowls and brought them over to the table with some rolls and butter. "I don't have much in the way of drinks, is water okay?"
"Water would be great, thanks."
They ate in relative silence, Danny was too focused on his food to ask more questions. After they ate Danny nodded off on the couch almost as soon as he sat down. Clark couldn't bring himself to wake him up, so he just covered him with a blanket from the linen closet and headed to his own room.
Maybe in the morning he could make Danny pancakes or waffles and get him some new gloves and a jacket. The question was what to do after that? He didn't want to drop Danny off at a shelter, and taking him to the police would only destroy whatever trust he had gained with the boy. At the same time, he only had a one-bedroom apartment. He couldn't keep Danny here. Clark sighed. He'd have to talk to Danny in the morning and see what he wanted to do.
When Clark woke up he was greeted by the silence of the apartment and it took him a few minutes to figure out why that was wrong. There should be another heartbeat. Fearing the worst, Clark rushed into the living room to find it empty.
The blanket and clothes Danny had used had been neatly folded and placed on the back of the couch, along with a handwritten thank you note.
How did Danny leave without him hearing? Moreover, how'd he leave with the doors and windows still locked?
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Stray Cat Danny (Flash)
@evandarya , @fluffen-spooky , @shorterthanaverage , @nottmuchtopost , @killercranberries , @cmstars2 , @amecurio , @scythgal , @writer-extraordinaire , @waitimdissocaitingagain , @imaginationmademanifest , @chrysanthemum9484 , @rasberry-muffin , @jaguarthecat , @dannyphantomphan , @starmee-lodurrson , @thefearfullone , @decisively-o-indecisive , @nifeout , @sailor-goddess , @the-legal-shipper , @ollietheotaku , @lov3ly-pain , @robinmedea , @viyatrix , @markus209 , @kyrianclawraith , @newgraywolf , @the-church-grimm , @scribbiesan-main , @bruh-incoming , @sunflower-sovereign , @britcision , @spooky-fm , @phoenixdemonqueen , @latheevening226 , @avenlfear , @starscreamlover , @undead-essence , @emiwritesthings , @jaytriesstuff , @calcifina , @bun-fish , @luffyrose , @potatoeofwisdom , @thegatorsgoose , @markus209 , @may-rbi , @mothman-the-mothman-87 , @dannyisababyking , @soul-lime , @elvesandlanterns , @bahfev , @blackroserelina , @love-has-no-labels , @deepslumberworld , @lesling123 , @peachpopprize , @moons-cat , COME GET YA’LL’S DINNER!!!
Phew, that’s a lotta tagging! Did I miss anyone? https://www.tumblr.com/evandarya/704385509175312384/stray-cat-danny
Link to the original
Iris picked up the phone from her pocket soon after she heard the cheerful ringtone. She only needed to look at it for less than a second to know that it was Barry and pressed the green button to answer. To make sure it stayed up while she typed away on her laptop, Iris placed the phone between her head and shoulders.”Hey, Barry.” She greeted.”You coming back soon?” She asked. Allen was out a bit later than usual tonight, which isn’t common enough for her to worry too much -- especially since he’s also a young adult like herself --, but definitely not often enough for her to not worry at all. His breathing was labored and pretty tired.”Hey, Iris, you mind making a bit of room on the living room couch?” He asked.
That was a bit odd.”Uh, sure, just let me finish up my writing. Why? Does a friend need to come over or something?” She asked. She heard another voice yawning, which was even weirder.”Uh, not exactly. We kinda have an emergency guest.” He replied.
Barry carried the exhausted boy on his back as he walked down the rather empty sidewalk. He wasn’t all that heavy, Barry was just pretty tired himself. The boy’s head rested on his shoulders, making his dark hair brush against the side of Barry’s head a bit every time he took a step, and despite his best attempts to stay awake, he was quickly falling asleep.
His grip was slipping and growing weak, but every few seconds or so, he’d suddenly regain his grip a little or try to mumble another “thank you” or “just one” to the older man, the second indicating he only intended to accept his offer for only one night. Barry lowered his phone a little and slightly turned to glance at the kid’s head.”No problem, kid. Just get some rest now.” He said. He heard a grumble, but couldn’t understand what Danny said. Judging by the tone, though, it was probably a pouty “No!” meant to be a joke.”Barry? Who is that? Is someone with you?” Iris asked through the phone. Barry brought it back up and put his focus back on the path ahead of him and in his mind.”A kid named Danny, he was looking for a place to sleep in the alleys. He’s not in too much trouble, just really tired from what he’s told me.” He replied. Probably not the best way to explain it, but it could be worse.
Iris was now closing her laptop and heading towards the living room couch.“Why won’t he go to a shelter?” She asked. The couch wasn’t dirty or littered, but a quick brush wouldn’t hurt, and neither would a blanket. She already knew what he was going to ask if the answer to her question was no.“Too far, apparently. Is it okay with you and Joe if he stays the night, and I try to help him out in the morning?”
That was something I had no issue with, but Joe might. She also knew he would welcome it if he had no choice, though. He did the same with Barry, after all.”Sure, let me ask dad.“ She said, wiping a few stray crumbs off the couch. She put her phone on the small nightstand next to the couch and rushed upstairs. Iris went to her dad’s door, which was the second door down the hall on the right, and knocked. She didn’t even have to wait ten seconds for it to open and her father, who had been allowed (ordered) to go home early, to open the door.
“Iris? You need something?” Joe asked. Iris cut straight to the chase.
“Long story short, Barry found a kid looking for a place to stay and the shelters are full. He wants to know if he can stay here for the night.” She somewhat explained. Joe reared his head back a little bit in surprise and blinked. He was obviously as taken aback as she expected, telling her dad that her brother was bringing back a homeless kid to sleep on their couch.
“This is all of a sudden,” he started with a small step back, ”but if there’s not a lot of other options, then sure.” He shrugged. A small smile formed on his face, as if asking “how could I say no?”. Iris sighed in relief and soon found her own smile. Joe walked past her.”Thank you so much, dad.” She said. Joe glanced back at her, still smiling a bit.”Helping kids is part of my job, as an officer and a father.” He stated as they both descended downstairs.
Iris picked up her phone, hoping Allan was still on the line, and held it to her ear as Joe opened a closet to grab a spare blanket.”He said yes.” She said. She put him on speaker, just in case Joe wanted to talk as well.
“Thank goodness.” Barry breathed out.”I’m really sorry to spring this on you guys.” He apologized. He rounded the corner, ignoring the double glances people took before they kept walking. They were most likely assuming that he had somehow gained a little brother or son.
“It’s alright, Barry. Do you know if he’s had anything to eat or drink?” Joe’s voice asked on the other side of the line. That caught him off guard, but only for a millisecond, maybe even faster since his brain barely registered it.“Yeah, he told me he’s not hungry.” He glanced over at Danny’s head on his shoulder, noticing his eyes are closed and his breathing was slower.”I think he’s asleep.” He said. The lack of grumbling or some quiet form of arguing proved his theory.
“How far away are you? Do you need me to pick you up?” Joe asked. Barry, out of instinct, quickly surveyed his surroundings. Though he already knew where he was, which was kind of stupid or weird.“No. We’re about two minutes away, walking distance.” He replied.
“Alright. We’ll get the couch ready.” Joe said. Barry heard the phone beeping from his adopted dad hanging up and promptly put it in his pocket so he could use that hand to make sure Danny was being carried properly.
When Barry arrived back, Iris had opened the door for him since she saw him coming up and quickly guessed he’d struggle a bit to get his keys without dropping the kid. Once he managed to get through the door, Joe came over and carefully helped him get Danny off of his back and onto the couch, both trying to make it so they didn’t wake him up. He stirred a bit from the movement, but his eyes barely cracked open before he fell right back asleep. Danny simply laid there, and Iris quickly tucked his unconscious body under a blanket as the other two began a quiet conversation.
“Anything about his family? Friends?” Joe asked in a hushed tone. Barry shook his head.”No, he just said he’s not sure where he is or how he got there, and he can’t remember his address or any phone numbers either.” He whispered back. The two turned their heads when they noticed the light being turned off and saw Iris next to the light switch. She used the light on her phone to light up the floor and walk up to them.”We should let him sleep.” She piped in quietly.
“Yeah. I say we ask him about his situation in the morning, when we’re all well rested.” Barry agreed.
“Sounds like a plan.” Joe nodded. And with that, they went upstairs, but not before Barry gave their guest a confused glance. Something was just odd about him. He brushed it off as the sudden turn in events that had happened in the last hour confusing him and carried on upstairs.
In the morning, Danny was gone.
The blanket that had been draped over him the night before was stacked neatly and placed on the opposite end of the couch as the pillow, which was also slightly fixed so it’d appear nice for decoration.
The windows and doors were still locked from when Joe remembered to take care of that before bed, and the alarm hadn’t gone off at all throughout the night. Nothing was taken, everything was tidied up.
Except for a single sticky note placed on the wall.
Thank you so much for letting me stay the night. Hopefully, we don’t meet again under those same circumstances. — Danny
BTW, I did a load of dishes, woke up feeling productive and wanted another way of saying thanks :D
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 112
Once again, you know who is underutilized in DCxDP crossovers? Battinson. Skrunkly shivering boi. Who we should definitely give children to care for. 
 Did you know that Jason canonically had a brother named Danny? Well you do now, and it should also be used more. 
 We all want to give Battinson a robin, so why not give him four for the price of two. He of course gets Dick from the circus- he’s never going to go into public again, this was the first time he’d gone to do something out of his comfort zone for a while and look how that turned out. 
 And on one of the nights that Dick has to stay home (Alfred insists he must finish his homework if he wants to go out on patrol) Bruce returns to the batmobile to find not one child, but two. Is Danny reincarnated? Just appeared one day? Who knows, but he’s here now and going to protect his little brother. 
 Bruce might have tears in his eyes when they both hit him in the kneecaps and bolt because even with the armor it still hurts. How he manages to grab both kids he’s not too sure, but he ends up getting them food after they put the tires back. He also doesn’t understand how he’s convinced them into the car but they’ve both conked out and maybe he’s panicking and needs Alfred- 
 D-Dick why is there another child here? He’s the neighbor, cool cool. W-what do you mean he’s home alone, he’s like, 4?? What do you mean he’s been alone for a week now???
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As it turns out, Danny makes a pretty good leader. His little gang of homeless children has grown immensely, both from picking up strays and from assimilating other gangs into his group.
Danny might only be 10 and still figuring out his powers but dang, intangibility and flight are over powered even before you add invisibility and laser blasts. At first he regretted sneaking into the lab alone to check out the portal his parents made in this basement. Waking up in a cold alley in a city you've never heard of is a terrifying experience even without the corrupt cops trying to sell you into human trafficking, but finding out he had powers and could do whatever he wanted? That was great. It no longer mattered that adults didn't listen to him or chased him around. He could do anything now. Be anything. Take anything.
He and the people under his protection often robbed places, never banks or anything but high class restaurants and stores that usually wouldn't even let them in through the front doors. Yeah, Danny can admit most of thier robberies were because of grudges the other kids had because of how they were treated but Danny being ten thought this was fine.
The real issue was Gothams Paw Patrol (who absolutely hate being called that :3 ) they were always on thier case, Dannys especially. They kept insisting that the system could help them -Danny called bull. No one helped him or Jazz back in Amity and it was waaaay nicer that Gotham- and kept getting him and his fellow kids arrested. That didn't really matter. Anti-meta stuff never worked on him so getting himself the other kids out was no big deal.
After overhearing a conversation between Nightwing and one of the other bats a kid came into thier current secret base announcing that Nightwing was poor and the other bats weren't. This caught everyone attention. Appearently Nightwing was trying to establish himself outside of the colony cause he didn't get along great with whoever the bats super daddy was, which was fair. A lot of them were runaways for one reason or another and knew a bunch of reasons why you wouldn't want to except "free" money.
This led to them fetching Nightwings "wingdings" and batarangs instead of keeping them/selling them like they do with the others, sharing some of thier spoils with him like the groceries, jewelry, fancy clothes, ect that they stole.
Dick even catches one of the kids in his apartment in Bludhaven filling up his fridge which has him panicking about his secret id being compromised. Luckly the kids had only followed him there and didn't think to check who was on the lease or anything cause they assumed it would be a fake name or something.
Just Dick getting forcibly adopted by a child gang.
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emacrow · 4 months
Selina adopt a new stray.. well almost ghostly cat like stray.
Selina had just finished her heist to steal some valuables cat related jewelry, even though their weren't very high in valuable, she just wanted them as a decoration.
Only to hear the most desperate yowl of a cat above between the alley that she was about to leap over.
Only to see a tiny meta cat like toddler all caught and tangled up in a gothams clotheslines screaming bloody murder was happening upon him. His desperate yowling and frantic moving getting more tangled up then isn't helping was going to alert either batman or his robin spawns any minute if she didn't do something.
So she caught the clotheslines string and caught the kid whom immediately froze upon being held. The toddler look like a batman's adopt-bait except for the white cat ears, glowing cat-like eyes, whiskers and white two tail?
Yea.. she keeping him after she untangled him.
By the time she got him with her newest stray without actually alerting any bats was surprising. She have to come up with a name after she bathe him and feed him because he is much lighter then a normal toddler should be..
Once he was clean (ignoring the multiple scars, precision cuts and v line on his tiny chest until she get her phone for photo evidences later), and clothed, she temporarily put him in a box for just 5 minutes so she can fixed him up a temporarily bed next to her bed using the numerous amount of soft pillows she have.
Only for the blood curdling scream to be heard a she panicking ran back to the living room only to see the kid stop when she noticed she was in his sight.
OH, oh no, his isn't orange cat dumb..
She decided to do a little test which was pull up the a random spare blanket from her living room, lift it up to not show her body and drop it as she seemingly disappeared.
Blood curding yowling began once more.
Yep. He is dumber then orange cat dumb..
She brought the box in her room as she fixed him up a nice temporarily bed. She brought him to her kitchen for meal time. Checking his mouth to see those pearly white teeths and fangs.
Damn she didn't had much groceries beside a couple eggs, a soda can, red strawberry wine for girls night, salmon dish she was planning to eat later, and the half eaten bread loaf she brought 3 days ago..
Selina smiled a bit as she sip her soda watching her new kid nommed the pieces of salmon that she cut up into bit size pieces. Listening to softest loud purr coming from him was music to her ears..
Part 2
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Jack and Maddie Fenton attend tons of ghost and supernatural conferences across the midwest, occasionally spreading out to the coasts or neighboring countries.
One of these times is a supernatural conference on the east coast, Gotham, New Jersey to be specific. Some of their ghost tech reacts prompting them to go hunt the ghost down.
Only to find a boy no older than their own son wandering the streets catatonic in a dirt covered suit.
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halfdeadfullgay · 6 months
DPxDC idea
This started as just an idea but I couldn’t stop writing
Edit: Now officially called The Adventures of a Cat and Her Stray and being post on Ao3 soon
Hear me out, the same basic gotham/batfam just replace Catwoman with the Catwoman from Batman Returns(the Tim Burton version) because she is semi ghostly/liminal with her whole nine lives thing. I personally think this version of Catwoman should be included more in DPxDC.
Like the tropes of Danny running away to Gotham, running into [insert dc character], living on the streets(optional), and ClockWork telling him that something needs to be returned to the dead(optional) would work perfectly. Idk if the last one is actually a trope but it’s in a lot of fics.
Basically Catwoman has a little unmarked grave where she got pushed out the window with a small cat statuette, someone steals. ClockWork wanting to make sure his son figure the prince of the dead is safe and maybe an excuse to see how he would do with a common royal task. Catwoman gets word it’s stole and goes to steal back.
It’s kinda like that one Spider-man meme where they’re pointing at each other.
putting the read more cause this got longer than intended
Like obviously Danny can sense/knows of the death around the batfam(and gotham in general) and how none/only one of them talk about it. So he just leaves it, that’s the family’s own issue, maybe he’ll get back into the hero thing later but he needs to focus on staying off the GIW’s radar.
As he’s still settling in, ClockWork sends him on a small errand. Just steal back something(a little cat statuette) that was taken from an unmarked grave, should be easy and simple but his ghost sense as he finally finds what CW sent him for.
At first he thinks it’s one of the batfam but remembers that the only one who actually makes his ghost sense go off is Red Hood but Danny is far from Crime Alley. That’s when something, someone moves out of the shadows. It’s Catwoman and to him, she reeks of death. He stands there for a second, Catwoman was going for the same thing he was stealing. Was she just going for it just because it was a cat or was it connected more?
On Catwoman’s side, she’s had to do a double when she realized that this was a teenager, a child. She hadn’t accounted for someone else wanting to steal the statuette but then again it’s hers. The statuette was left in the alley where she had lost her first life. She had gotten word that it was taken. Why would someone else want it?
She didn’t let her guard down, even though it was just a teen, there was something off about him. Mainly the way his eyes reflected like a cat’s when light hit them and how he seemed to notice her before she showed herself. She was about to speak when the kid opened his mouth.
“I’m gonna assume this is yours?”
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kitty-av · 16 days
Hello, today I finally decided to do digital art again. I drew Danny with a cat. That's pretty much it really. •^•
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I also have pictures I took of the layers, just because
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All that being said, I was surprised by how calming it was to do digital again. I still probably have a while to go towards doing more complex pieces, because I kinda forget my processes and need to ease myself in with portraits and easier stuff, but I wanted to share this one •^•
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (IV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here and this is part four 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Our boy is recovering from Bad Stuff in the Watchtower (involuntarily). Danny gets a bandaid for a variety of wounds that definitely are not covered by a little adhesive bandaid, but hey! Bart’s trying.
Trigger warnings for this story: body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) | my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Batman clicks on the projector screen. Everyone in the room has access to the slides and note-taking abilities on their tablets. The assembled heroes quietly select their app of choice, sit back in their chairs, and ready themselves for the meeting.
“Good afternoon. For everyone in alternate time zones, good morning or good evening as they apply. Before I begin the approved agenda for this meeting, there are developments on the base that everyone ought to be aware of.”
Click. The slide changes to a fuzzy image of an unusually dense collection of shadows in a typical medical-wing setup. The specific location isn’t clear, but the phenomenon itself is stark against the white walls and flooring. The static on the cameras is atypical for the quality of equipment used on the base.
“There is an extraterrestrial lifeform that has made Medical Wing C their territory. Yes, we know they are there. No, they cannot be moved at this time. Please do not try to take initiative in doing so. Please do not enter the aforementioned medical wing. If you see this entity outside of the medical wing, please leave, ignore them, or otherwise make your presence known. They are generally in search of isolation and seek to remain unseen. All known attempts at self-defense by this entity have been largely non-hostile so far, but we do not know how or if that behavior will change as they heal.”
Batman…takes a breath. Not sighs. The vigilante has more control than that.
“They are severely injured. The exact nature of their injuries are still unknown, based on their—unique physiology—“
Barry squints at the screen. Nope. The cloud still looks like a cloud.
“—But the identified fluids they secrete have been recognized as at least partially composed of red blood platelets and a modified plasma. Based on their aggressive self-defense, the persistent seclusion behavior, and their general lack of responsiveness, the injuries are considered deeply severe and require rest to treat. It is imperative that non-medical staff and on-base heroes maintain as little contact with the entity as possible. We are attempting both delicate medical treatment and non-verbal communication, which have both failed thus far. We have reason to believe that the extraterrestrial is sentient and capable of communication based on—“
Click. The next slide is an image of a nearly-obliterated craft of some kind—tinted glass, wings, debris everywhere, twisted shards of metal that look like they scrape like teeth. Charred black everywhere. Barely visible is a torn–through upholstered seat ten yards away.
A hiss breaks the silence in the back of the room. That’s nasty-looking wreck.
“—This craft. It is relatively rudimentary in its design, and would not have held up to prolonged space travel, but would have required complex intelligence to start and maintain transport. Basic testing has proven that its energy readings, while not precisely contiguous with the Speed Force, show that it has been in contact with extradimensional phenomena. A non-sentient life would not have been able to pilot it successfully enough to crash it—much less to avoid the farmhouse in its path. The result is that we have an extremely wounded entity with no shared form of communication. There have been worrying observations by their medical team, however.”
This slide is blank.
“We are now pursuing the possibility that the entity has been attacked or otherwise held captive by human organizations here on Earth. There are persistent triggers of aggression brought on by medical settings, adults, and more specifically, any present medical personnel and equipment.”
Batman pauses.
“Their medical team has informed me that their persistent fear has made treatment…difficult.”
There’s a snort from somewhere in the room.
“If you discover any evidence of possible extraterrestrial captivity or torture or experimentation among your usual cast of rogues, please forward everything you are able to base for further investigation. In this time period where the Lanterns are unavailable to return to Earth, Martian Manhunter has been notified of the need of his presence on the base, and will hopefully help settle this matter. In the meantime, as a reminder: do not enter Medical Wing C, do not engage with the entity in any way. Simply make your presence known, and they will flee.
“Now. Onto our agenda. First article: whoever has been taking the toilet paper from the supply closet, stop it. The league is not here to fund your lifestyle habit of two-ply toilet paper.”
There’s more food available more often.
It just appears at the foot of his bed. Like magic. Or, like…like a really, really fast human child.
Some of the packaged foods Danny can’t eat without swallowing them whole, wrapper and all. They’re just too fiddly to get with his claws—the solution is to just swallow it and let the whole thing dissolve in whatever weird ecto-acid is churning in his stomach at the moment.
The rest is fresh from the bakery—or, well the base, anyway, however this moon base gets their fresh foods. Muffins and croissants and sausage rolls and other things he would expect to see on a coffee tray or something.
…Danny prods his stomach.
He’s been too sore to notice, but this half-state of being a somewhat-physical half-ghost is super, super weird. He can eat, but it’s not processed like food is in his living body. Everything he can digest just gets incorporated. Everything he can’t just gets…
He looks down at the slowly growing puddle in his bed.
…Maybe ‘spit out’ is too generous a phrase. Expelled? Excreted?
Ew. Okay that thought is kind of gross and he doesn’t want to think about that while he can’t move away maybe.
He knows, instinctually, that he’s wounded, but this half-and-half state stops him from feeling the specifics. Knowing how, exactly, he’s hurt. Experiencing the majority of the pain and distress.
He curls up on his bed.
Danny hates it here. Not because it’s bad (it is) but because he wants to be home. He selfishly, desperately wants to be home. He wants his rocket sheets. He wants his room with its glow in the dark stars.
…He wants his dad to heat up soup and sit with him, like when he was little and had nightmares. He wants Jazz to sit on the edge of his bed and read to him.
Danny wants Mom.
 …There is some other company here, though.
Sometimes, if Danny is mostly sated and kind of sleepy, the quick human buzzes in with a few of its age-mates. The two don’t get as close as the buzzing human can, because Danny can at least read the Excited!! or Nervous!! or Booored! energy on the human, which makes him more comfortable with letting it in close. Its friends seem to respect his space, though. They don’t go past his curtain, even if it’s open. They talk, but they don’t yell.
Danny thinks he’s getting the soft little bones back in one of his ears, but he can’t fully tell. He can hear that they’re chattering and he can hear which sounds they’re making, but he can’t understand any of them.
Auuuuughhhhh. He pushes the pillow more underneath himself. Does he have brain damage?? Is he…is he missing pieces of his brain??
There won’t be a concrete way to tell until he solidifies again. Gross. He doesn’t want to do that yet.
Or soon.
…Or at all, maybe.
Mom was so mad at him. Maybe he’ll be safe and he can come home if she…if he can’t be touched…?
…No. He remembers. Mom makes things for ghosts.
Danny looks up. Oh. He made the human vibrate all nervously. Danny’s fine. Well—he’s not fine but he’s not hurting more than usual or hungry.
The human is careful not to touch him when he doesn’t want to be touched, but Danny’s feeling generous. When the human puts its hands on the bed, Danny willingly brushes his knuckles up against it.
No claws. A peace offering.
The human goes suuuuper still.
…Uh. Did he break it?
And then it zoooooooms away faster than Danny can comprehend (he jolts) and sprints back with a whole lot of stuff in its hands, and a few things thumpthumpthump ono his bed. And.
Well. None of it smells like food? When he bites it, it doesn’t taste like food either. In fact the texture is…
Danny frowns. Turns over the object so he can see it better. (It doesn’t help.) Is that plastic?
Wait. Danny twists it in half. His wrists ache but the pieces rotate.
…It’s a rubric’s cube.
There are other puzzles too—things that taste like plastic and one that tastes like wood, which he might have dented with his teeth by accident. Whoops. Danny puts that one farthest away, in the hopes that he doesn’t accidentally damage it a second time.
…Huh. That’s. That’s nice.
Danny surprises himself and the surprised!surprised! human with a purr.
It’s not a lot. Not even monetarily is this little offering a lot.
But it’s more than Danny’s had in a long time.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
@evandarya , @fluffen-spooky , @shorterthanaverage , @nottmuchtopost , @killercranberries , @cmstars2 , @amecurio , @scythgal , @writer-extraordinaire , @waitimdissocaitingagain , @imaginationmademanifest , @chrysanthemum9484 , @rasberry-muffin , @jaguarthecat , @dannyphantomphan , @starmee-lodurrson , @thefearfullone , @decisively-o-indecisive , @nifeout , @sailor-goddess , @the-legal-shipper , @ollietheotaku , @lov3ly-pain , @robinmedea , @viyatrix , @markus209 , @kyrianclawraith , @newgraywolf , @the-church-grimm , @scribbiesan-main , @bruh-incoming , @sunflower-sovereign , @britcision , @spooky-fm , @phoenixdemonqueen , @latheevening226 , @avenlfear , @starscreamlover , @undead-essence , @emiwritesthings , @jaytriesstuff , @calcifina , @bun-fish , @luffyrose, @potatoeofwisdom , @thegatorsgoose , @markus209 , @may-rbi , @mothman-the-mothman-87 , @dannyisababyking , @soul-lime , @elvesandlanterns , @bahfev , @blackroserelina , @love-has-no-labels , @deepslumberworld , @lesling123 , @peachpopprize , @moons-cat , @phil-lis I GOT YA’LL SOME SECONDS!!!
This is much later and a lot shorter than I intended it to be.
Diana was expecting to have a normal night routine, which included the typical 3AM snack, not go downstairs and nearly have a heart attack when she realized a boy had broken into her house to get some food. She should’ve called the cops, yet here she was, sharing some leftover chicken noodle soup with him.
“Sorry for the intrusion. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t break anything and the only thing I intended on stealing was a bit of food.” The boy, or Danny as he introduced himself, apologized. Diana handed him a bowl and fork and sat next to him on the couch, where they both sat in darkness, with the exception of the light from the kitchen.”It’s alright. Now that I’ve given it to you, it’s not considered stealing, now is it?” She replied. The black haired boy smiled a bit and shrugged.
They both ate in silence for a while. Or at least, in audible silence. Diana’s mind raced with questions and only a few answers. How did he even manage to get in without breaking anything? Did he pick a lock? She would probably have to change them. Where did he come from? In the little light flowing in from the kitchen, his clothes looked battered and dirty. Diana couldn’t tell which assumption was worse; the possibility of him coming from an awful home or not having a home at all.
When Diana glanced at her phone to check the time after eating, she saw that 15 minutes had flown by. It felt like only three or four. She got up to bring her bowl to the kitchen sink, but was stopped by Danny speaking up.“Do you know of any homeless shelters I could crash at?” He asked.
So that confirmed that assumption.”The closest one is a couple miles. You should stay here for the night.” Diana said. She put her bowl in the sink, which was soon copied by Danny. He looked at her as if she grew a second head.”Wait, seriously?” He asked.“I’m grateful for the offer, but a kid appeared in your house with no sign of forced entry raiding your kitchen and you want to let him stay the night? I honestly expected you to chase me out when you turned on the lights.” He said.
“I think we’re both a little too tired to discuss this. Get some rest and we’ll talk more in the morning, you look worse than some of my coworkers.” Diana said, flipping the light switch off and heading to bed.”There’s a closet with spare blankets and pillows down the hall. Help yourself.” She added.
At the end of the hall, she opened the door to her bedroom and Danny found the closet.”Isn’t it technically already morning?” He asked. Dianapaused and rolled her eyes with a small smile.”Oh, no. The kid who broke into my house is into jokes.” She joked before closing and locking her door.
In the morning, Danny was gone. He left a thank you note and mentioned that he’s heading towards the homeless shelters.
If we ever cross paths again, teach me how to make that soup! — Danny
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 319
Ghosts can retreat to their core when they’re hurt enough. Really, when they’re close to a second death, or in such distress that they risk shattering themselves. They, for lack of better term, hibernate until it’s safe for them reform, and continue on their way. 
Halfas are a little… different. 
See, technically, they can’t die. One half will end up healing or reviving the other. But, they can still retreat to their core. The issue comes from well, the living half, that is, the half still made of flesh and bone. Which unlike ectoplasm, cannot shift and meld at will, and in fact? Most if not all of it is, once more for lack of better term, shed. 
Meaning that halfas, should they retreat to their core emerges with the body noticeably… smaller. 
Now of course they keep their memories, their core would never forget after all, unlike the brain which relied on more… fleshy means. Not that the current halfas were exactly aware of that fact when they instinctively did so in self preservation. They are… not pleased upon their emergence. 
The woman who stole their cores- which were apparently sold as gemstones what the fuck- is… definitely not happy either. And- okay that is not their english, where the fuck did they end up- 
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months
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Danyal Al Ghul doodle dumps from my Danyal Al Ghul Au. I was thinking about Him earlier today, and thus decided to draw him. Tis good headshape practice, and just drawing practice in general. You can spot the time difference not by the lighting but by the fact Danny suddenly has curls. Plus an honorary colored version because it twas one of my favorites
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emacrow · 4 months
Robin met Nekomata
Previous original plot
Batman have been getting heist reports committed for the past 3 months all jewelry related along with cat themes ones.
Batman had check and rechecked 17 times in the vide surveillance camera and only see a glitchy mesh of some glowing green cat slits eyes before statics and then the jewelries goes missing without triggering any alarms in seconds..
Batman had Robin after they searched through most of Catwomens hideouts, only getting lucky on the 9th one ironically.
Selina was viewing a beautiful ancient vase of a cat made with pure Green Jade with a glee in her eyes before Batman and Robin smashed down from the glass ceiling of the warehouse.
"Catwomen." Bruce said looming menacing in his batsuit. Robin on guard in the back taking in the sight before him.
"Aw, Batman~ what a purrrrrrfect surprise to see you again~." Selina said smiling with her black lipstick gleaming a bit, gently putting down the jade vase back into the comfy cushioned containment wooden box.
Robin could see a numerous of cat related jewelry was almost overwhelming behind selina, but then something didn't seem right before Robin noticed a tiny bundle of blankets and a NASA rocket ship.
Before he could tell batman about what he observed, he was suddenly slammed into the blind side on the left, before he could wack whoever slammed into with his boa, it was missing from his hands..
And the culprit was zooming at top speed in front of Selina.
It was a meta toddler holding his Boa with two tails .., with the most excited face as if he was about to bounce off the walls.
"I see you met my newest stray, Nekomata~. You did a great job hun." Selina said petting the little cat like boy who was purring louder then motor.
Robin has several questions as he trying not to mentally adopt the cat like meta child. (But it a cat, and cats are animals and he wanna know badly where he can get one of those or somehow steal Bruce adoption forms to bribe selina into keeping that precious kitty right there)
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scrivvle74 · 2 months
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I’m interested in way more stuff but these are the big ones and what fit the best. Sonic and LMK switch places a lot tbh
Blank template under the cut if you wanna reblog with your own :)
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halfdeadfullgay · 4 months
The Adventures of a Cat and Her Stray
Summary: Selina wants to make sure that the world doesn’t fail the stray as it had failed her. She hopes she can do better for the stray.
Danny wants a family again after having to leave amity but he is too scared of what could help to those he gets close to.
They both must learn how to accept that someone genuinely cares for them and eventually relearn how to be a part of a family again.
AN: This is inspired by a dpxdc idea/prompt that I posted on Tumblr. It came from rewatching Batman Returns and thinking that Selina Kyle is slightly ghostly it in. None of the other Tim Burton interpretations of Batman characters will be in the fic, just his version of Catwoman.
Catwoman didn’t have a grave. Even if she did, there was nothing to bury and no one would visit. However she did have the spot in the alley where she had fell. It was an unmarked grave like most of the ones in gotham.
It was a simple little thing. A small cat statuette stood along the wall, occasionally a flower was left with and always some food for the alley cats. No one really messed with it, some even left little trinkets. She had no clue, the theory she thought of was that it was a way to avoid getting robbed, like an offering.
She let be it, mainly cause it was people who the world had also failed that were leaving the “offerings”. The people seemed to respect it and she quickly became as cryptic as the Bat. Speaking of the Bat, he didn’t seem to like it as much as she did but they never really did see eye to eye much.
Catwoman listened to the paranoia that ever so slightly slipped through his voice and rolled her eyes. She paid it no mind, she knew that he wouldn’t mess with it unless something actually did call for it. She just continued life as much as she could otherwise.
Selina got a new job under a somewhat better boss along with a new apartment. Robbery and knowing Bruce helped a lot when it came to money but even so, she still wanted to support herself. Life was good for a while or as well as it could be for a woman who had died multiple times.
That was until Selina had started to hear rumors that someone had stolen from Catwoman, someone had stolen from her grave. Someone had stolen her grave marker.
Catwoman had a new item to go after.
Danny needed to run and run he did. It would’ve been easier to fly but he needed to stay under the radar. He fled where Clockwork instructed him to. A cursed city that had ecto, not as much as Amity but just enough. Clockwork helped a bit, mainly slowing down time for just a minute, it wasn’t much but that was all he could do.
He had to say bye to his friends and sister. He couldn’t contact them, too paranoid about them being caught talking to a ghost. Danny didn’t want any of this. He only wanted to be a normal kid but he died and came back. He became his town’s hero although most just saw him as a villain because of the GIW.
Danny was now in Gotham where he didn’t know anyone and had no clue where to go from there. So he stayed in his ghost form for the most part. It was a easy way of avoiding the need to eat, the same with feeling the cold but he could only stay in that form for so long before it started to affect his human one.
Nails got a bit shaper, the same with teeth but that was less noticeable compared to how his eyes began to reflect like a cats. That was less easy to hide but everyone in Gotham seemed to have bigger problems and didn’t really do a second take when his eyes would reflect.
He kept his head down and tried to survive the streets. That’s when he started to get sent on errands for Clock Work, being told that it was just to keep him busy and said errands usually helped others as well. Danny couldn’t really argue against that plus it was an excuse to explore Gotham more.
Most errands just consisted of returning stolen things to the dead, occasionally passing on messages and once in a while; helping a newly formed ghost.
This was like any other errand. Someone stole from an unmarked grave and he was set to return what had been stolen. In this case, it was a cat statuette. Simple enough compared to others. He went out and started looking. Hopefully he could find the statuette before whoever the unmarked gave belonged to would notice.
The statuette was easy to find. The thief had the audacity to pawn it. Catwoman quietly entered the pawn shop. It seemed like a small business, so she planned only getting what was hers back. There were minimal security measures, just an alarm that she was able to disarm quickly.
She was in the shadows, about to pounce and take what’s hers but that was stopped when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Not in fear but surprise. A wisp of blue breath broke through the air near where her statuette was. A pair of eyes snapped at her direction, reflecting in the slight light like a cat.
Slowly, she watched as a young teen moved close to the statuette. She stepped out of the shadows, quietly watching the teenager as they watched her back. A stray probably. They held up the statuette in her direction and tilted their head slightly.
“Gonna assume this belongs to you?”
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DPXDC Prompt №5
Imagine that Danny and Klarion are a couple, and what a mess it could be. And what would be the reaction of the League? God, this idea just occupied my brain.
JL has a problem that neither they, nor JLD, nor YJ can handle. They decide to use their heavy artillery - Phantom. When Danny arrives he is met by a bunch of panicked superheroes who think the world is about to end. They tell him about the problem, for example, huge monsters that cannot be damaged. Danny realizes that he has already heard something similar. After a while, he remembers.
"Hey, do these monsters have some kind of seal or symbol on their side? For example, K with a dot?"
The league doesn't understand what this is about at all, but they say, yes, there is.
"Oh, I've faced them before, but I can't handle it alone. But I know who can help." Danny sits down on a chair, takes out his phone and starts typing. It takes a long time to type.
Half an hour later, everyone was on edge, and the Phantom didn't stop typing. 
Superman couldn't stand it first: "Phantom, we appreciate your help, but please specify who we are waiting for." The boyscout is polite as always. The Batman clan looks at each other uneasily.
"My boyfriend. By the way, he's on his way," the Phantom answers nonchalantly, without looking up from the phone and continuing to type.
The League participants are close to a breakdown: not only is the threat hanging over the States, which they are not able to cope with, but the Phantom has added from above. Phantom, is an incredibly strong player by himself, their heavy artillery, the king of the fucking Endless Realms, dates someone SO powerful that this someone can help him stop a potential threat to the country.
Then something in the air changes. Magic users and the League look at Danny, who finally puts the phone in his pocket. He frowns irritably and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Finally," he muttered discontentedly and gets up.
A black-and-red portal appears in the room, from which an irritated Klarion exits. Exactly the one who was least expected to see. YJ are already ready to take up arms, but the Phantom is ahead of them.
"Did you see how much time has passed? You're late." Danny comes closer, still unhappy.
"I couldn't teleport out of YOUR fucking castle. You open portals yourself every day, why ban them in the castle at all?" Klarion goes to meet Danny. "I got lost in the corridors six times. SIX. I am 16 billion years old, I have existed since the beginning of the universe, and I could not get out of the castle!" the distance between them was rapidly shrinking until they were standing close.
In any other situation, many would have laughed at this, but not in this one. Everyone in the room felt the situation escalate. They saw the Phantom in anger, they saw the Klarion in anger, but they never saw them together, let alone together and in anger.
"So you think it's my fault?!" The windows began to be covered with frost, and circles began to appear on the coffee in the Green Arrow mug. The jar with the handles began to bounce, everyone in the room began to feel the force of their anger.
"This is your castle, your ban. Whose fault do you think it is that I'm late?" Klarion's voice dropped. The Phantom looked dumbfounded. "What… How do you even..." Phantom's incipient tirade was interrupted by Klarion's kiss. He pressed his lips to the Phantom's lips, closing his eyes. He ran one hand through the ghost's hair, and the other pulled the Phantom closer, holding on to his waist.
The Phantom relaxed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the chaos lord's shoulders. Teekl stepped onto Phantom's shoulders, settling comfortably on them.
"Ahem-ahem" someone coughed tactfully
The Phantom moved a little away from Klarion, turning sideways to the League.
"Phantom, we understand your situation, however, you must remember the original purpose of our meeting." Batman is as straightforward as ever.
"Oh, right, sorry, guys," muttered the Phantom, turning in arms, but looking into the eyes of Klarion. "Do you remember the creatures we imprisoned in the time of Egypt?"
"Mmm, before or after Cleopatra?"
"Ugh, those slimy things?"
"Yes, and these slimy things are now taking over the east coast. Why did you put your stamp on them at all?” Phantom asked, leaning back into the embrace.
"I was thinking of leaving them for a rainy day," Klarion replied, stroking Teekl, still sitting on someone else's shoulders. "They had potential. Before they went mad with anger and started consuming each other."
"Ugh, okay," the Phantom grumbled, twisting out of the embrace completely. "Let's go show class"
Having created the portal, the Phantom invited Klarion to go first, gallantly bending over and bending his arm behind his back. "After you"
Klarion grunted, took the Teekl and disappeared into his own portal. Phantom rolled his eyes. "Eccentric"
JL remained in stunned silence, watching the interaction of the two creatures and asking a lot of questions. How long have these two known each other? What is the real age of the Phantom, if it existed before Cleopatra? If the Phantom knows that Klarion is the lord of chaos, does that mean that the Phantom may be involved in Klarion's affairs?
Just a minute after the two creatures leave, JL watches as the two subdue one monster after another. In just ten minutes two of which they kissed Phantom and Klarion defeat all the creatures. Klarion reads a spell, the Phantom opens a huge purple portal, where Klarion sends the bodies of monsters with a spell. When the creatures' bodies have disappeared, the Phantom creates another portal in which they disappear.
JL has literally a few seconds before they feel the familiar chill.
"I'm sorry it took so long. Last time we did it faster," the Phantom's voice rang out at the end of the hall.
Turning around, the heroes saw Klarion supporting Phantom by the elbow. The ghost looked paler than usual, but overall not bad. On the Phantom's cloak was a black slime left over from monsters, which he looked at with undisguised disgust.
"Phe, I thought I didn't get dirty" 
"I told you not to kick them, but when you listened to me," Klarion rolled his eyes”
"Hey, ghosts don't attack Amity anymore, it's nice to remember the past sometimes" 
"You're a member of the Justice League. Isn't that enough?"
"It's not the same. Okay, guys," The Phantom looked at the League again, "I'm damn tired and I'll answer your questions another time. You've already ruined our movie night. Waiting is the least price you will pay for it. See you soon!"
They were swallowed up by the Klarion’s portal, leaving the League confused and shocked. The first, oddly enough, Constantine came to himself. 
"I need a drink"
Klarion and Danny: * kissing while monsters are raging in the background*
Literally the entire Justice League: 
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