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Since We’re Alone (11/?) Celebrity Fake Dating AU 
Summary: Killian Jones punched another bouncer in the face and Emma Swan threatened the paparazzi who got too close to her. With both their reputations at risk their managers pull together a deal that sure to gain them better press coverage. Who can resist watching two attractive people fall in love?
Notes: Hi there, guys. Hope everyone has had a good week. This chapter is a little bit longer than usual just because you guys waited so patiently! Hope you like it. Also just a disclaimer I have no idea how the legal system works, so just bare with me for the next couple chapters and remember this is a work of fiction. Thanks for reading! 
FF           Ao3 
Chapter 11: The Son 
“Henry’s adoptive parents just died in a car crash and they had no other living relatives that can take care of him. He’s about to go into the foster system,” Regina tells her.
“What? Excuse me?” Emma asks, shocked. She blinks at Regina a few times, not really sure what is happening right now.
“Henry, he’s going into the foster system,” Regina says rather expectantly.
“Regina, you’re looking at me like I can do something about it!” Emma raises her voice.
“You’re his mo-” Regina starts and Emma stops her right there.
“No, I’m not. I gave up that right the moment his parents took him home,” Emma snaps.
“That was true then, but now he has no one and is about to go into a system that is less than perfect,” Regina snaps back. Emma throws her hands in the air.
“What can I even do?”  
“I’m working with a family lawyer right now to see what can be done, but you could go meet him. I talked to the temporary foster home he’s in and the foster mom there said you could visit if he’s okay with it,” Regina suggests and Emma’s heart is hammering in her chest. She never thought she would be able to meet him. Emma had closed off that part of her heart years ago. She did it to protect herself. Now this boy, her little boy needs her. It’s overwhelming and her head is spinning. She feels a hand on her shoulder and jumps at the contact. Killian is staring at her, concern in his gaze.
“Swan?” he asks her quietly. Now not only her head is spinning, but the room is spinning too. Emma grabs Killian’s arm as her knees buckle beneath her, everything going black.
Panic raises through Killian as he takes Emma into his arms, not letting her fall to the ground.
“Regina, call a damn doctor and David too,” Killian shouts over his shoulder. He carries Emma up to his room and lies her on his bed. He sits on the edge and kisses her head.
“Emma, my love,” he whispers before pressing a kiss into her hand. After a few panic filled minutes (for Killian) Emma wakes up. She finds a concerned Killian sitting on the edge of the bed. Emma reaches up and touches his face.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” she whispers. Emma tries to lift her head, but finds the room spins once again. Emma lies back down.
“Yeah I’m not sure that’s entirely true, my love. Especially when you fainted and I had to carry you upstairs,” Killian tells her, clutching to her hand. Regina knocks on the door, but stay in the doorway.
“I called Whale, he can be here in a few minutes. The foster mom called back, Henry agreed to meet you,” she tells them, looking between the two of them.
“Oh okay that’s good. You called a doctor?” Emma sighs, looking to Killian.
“Thanks, Regina,” Killian says. Regina nods and leaves them be.
“Of course I called a doctor you collapsed in my arms! Of course I called a doctor,” a tone of desperation in his voice. She brings his hand to her lips and kisses it softly.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Emma squeezes her eyes shut.
“You scared me there for a second, Emma. What happened?” He asks her, his hand still gripping hers tightly. Her eyelids flutter open and sighs.
“I got overwhelmed. Regina told me Henry’s adoptive parents died and she thinks I should go meet him,” Emma says nervously.
“Do you want to meet him?” Killian asks her, unsure.
“Of course I do. I just never thought I would be able to… what if he doesn’t like me?” she asks him tearing up. Killian embraces her.
“Oh he’ll love you. He might have a lot of questions at first, but he’ll love you,” He says softly. One of her tears spills down onto his shoulder.
“Jones, away from my patient. I need to examine her,” Doctor Whale says from the doorway. The doctor is tall and thin with blond hair. He’s wearing a nice suit and carrying a black leather bag. Killian kisses Emma’s forehead and releases her.
“Still an ass I see, Whale,” Killian mumbles as he moves aside.
“You pulled me away from dinner with a stunning redhead, what did you expect?” Whale says playfully, “Now, are you going to leave or what?” Whale raises an eyebrow.
“I’m staying,” Killian says harshly.
“He can stay. It’s fine,” Emma says and tries to give him a reassuring smile.
“Alright, I’m going to take your vitals and then I’ll have a few questions for you alright?” She nods. After completing his physical exam Whale perches himself on the edge of the bed while Killian paces behind him.
“It’s Emma, right?” She nods, “We’ll get the awkward ones out of the way first, when was your last menstrual cycle?” Killian’s head snaps up and he looks to her with wide eyes. Emma just shakes her head.
“A week ago,” she states.
“Alright, not pregnant. Any underlying medical conditions?” She shakes her head and he moves on.
“When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” He asks her. Her shoulders slump at this question.
“What would you consider a full night’s sleep?” she asks.
“Minimum eight hours,” Whale answers quickly and Emma winces.
“Then it’s been a couple of weeks,” she admits. Whale sighs and she can feel Killian’s glare without even looking at him.
“Then this all probably happened because of exhaustion and slight dehydration. Get some much needed rest and drink more water,” Whale says as he gathers all his instruments back into his black bag, “Don’t hesitate to call if anything else happens.” He shakes Emma’s hand and nods toward Killian before walking out.
“Emma,” Killian starts.
“Killian,” she says back.
“You need to take care of yourself,” he says sitting back down on the bed.
“I know. We’re just trying to finish filming and there were a lot of weird hours. I’ll be fine,” She says and tries to get up out of the bed. Killian places a hand on her shoulder.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“The whole thing with Henry. I should drive down to San Diego. Regina says she’s working on the legality of this. I should be there,” she explains.
“What good are you going to be to Henry if you can’t even take care of yourself?” Killian snaps and she winces at this.
“He’s right you know,” David calls from the doorway with a worried Mary Margaret at his side. Emma’s gaze finds them. David comes into the room and hugs her tightly. Mary Margaret practically shoves David out of the way to hug her.
“Also I don’t want anymore phone calls saying you’ve collapsed. I have a kid on the way I don’t need to be worried about my other kid too,” he jokes, but holds her tightly.
“Ah well what are friends for,” she chuckles as David finally releases her. David finally spots Killian there and gives him a nod.
“Not funny, Emma. We were seriously worried,” Mary Margaret scolds her.
“I’ll give you guys a minute,” Killian kisses her forehead, “I’ll grab you some water as well.”
“Thanks,” she smiles. David and Mary Margaret wait for him to leave before saying anything.
“Emma, what the hell?” he asks her. Mary Margaret places her hands on her hips.
“I just went through this with Killian, now I have to do it with you guys too?” she says throwing her head back.
“He’s right you have to take care of yourself. Regina told us about Henry… what do you want to do?” Mary Margaret asks her.
“I have no clue what I can do. I just know I don’t want him in foster care. I don’t want him to end up like me. I don’t want him to be alone,” she admits.
“Maybe we should work on you getting him then,” David says cautiously.
“But….” she shakes her head.
“But what?”
“What if he doesn’t want me or he hates me?” she asks the question that’s been eating away at her.
“Oh Emma no. You’ll be a great mom. He’ll love you, I promise. Right now he’s alone and with you he won’t be. This will be hard, but I believe in you,” David says and a tear streaks down Emma’s cheek.
“Thanks David.” Emma wipes away the tear.
“Anytime. Now are you going to tell me what the doctor said?” Mary Margaret pesters her. Emma rolls her eyes.
“Exhaustion and dehydration,” Killian says as he walks back into the room handing Emma a glass of water.
“You’re drinking all of that,” Mary Margaret tells her. Emma just grumbles cursing all of them before taking a sip.
“You’re not driving to San Diego tonight either,” Killian says with a warning tone.
“Oh so you’re in charge of me now?” Emma snaps.
“Of course not, but you’re in no shape to drive and if you’re going to insist on making dumb decisions then yes I am going to stop you,” Killian points out and Emma just rolls her eyes and drinks some more water.
“Ems, you know he’s right,” David says with a raised eyebrow.
“Fine, but I’m going first thing tomorrow.”
“I expected nothing less from you. Look, I’ll take you in the morning. Don’t argue I don’t want to worry about you on the road,” David tells her and Emma nods. Mary Margaret hugs her tight then they say their goodbyes and the married couple leaves.
“Is everyone still downstairs?” Emma asks.
“Regina and obviously Liam are still here. Do you want to talk to Regina about Henry?” he asks and she nods. He kisses her head before going downstairs. A couple minutes later Killian reappears with Regina at his side.
“You’re looking better Miss Swan,” Regina says.
“Thank you. I don’t want Henry in the system. I did that and I don’t want that for him, I never did. That’s why we arranged a private adoption. I want him with me. He shouldn’t be alone out there. Do you think you and your family lawyer can help me do that?” she asks carefully, not wanting to get her hopes up.
“We can try our best. Get some rest and we’ll make a plan in the morning,” Regina tells her.
“Thank you,” Emma says and Regina nods before leaving. Killian stares at Emma in awe.
“Do you think I am crazy for trying to get him back?” Emma asks and Killian climbs into bed with her.  
“No, not at all. He deserves to have a family, someone who cares for him. He deserves you,” Killian says while bringing her into his arms. Emma buries her head into his chest and it doesn’t take long for sleep to overcome her.
Despite all the sleep she got last night Emma falls asleep in the car too. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes sitting up in the passenger seat.
“Shit, are we there yet?” Emma asks David.
“No, about an hour out. You slept for a while there. Ems, why didn’t you tell me things were so bad with Zelena?” David says flipping on the turn signal on before merging.
“Hell cause I barely noticed it was bad. I was either on set or in my hotel room asleep then back to set. I didn’t have many days off or down time, which I didn’t mind. I wanted to get back here, back to Killian,” she shakes her head.
“I didn’t realize things with him were so serious. I knew both of you had developed feelings, but I didn’t think it was anything like this,” he says, carefully.
“Is that a bad thing?” Emma asks starting to get defensive.
“No, of course not. You’re happy and that’s all I want for you. It was just an observation,” he shrugs. For the first time in a while she was happy and it was different for her. It was wonderful to spend the night in Killian’s arms, to be with him when she woke up. It hurt to leave him this morning.
“Emma, I’ll take you down there you shouldn’t do this alone,” Killian tells her at breakfast. Regina scoffs.
“You can’t, you have rehearsal and with the tour around the corner you cannot miss any rehearsals,” Regina said with a point look before her gaze returns to her phone.
“Regina’s right. Besides you should be spending time with Liam anyway. David called and he’s offered to drive me there,” she pulls him away from Regina, “I love how supportive you are, but I think this is just something I need to do on my own.” Her eyes searching his for disappointment, she never finds it.
“I understand completely. I just want you know I’m here,” he whispers before pressing a kiss into her forehead.
“I know you are. I love you,” she whispers.
“I love you too,” he says with a smile on his face. Emma didn’t want to leave him this morning. She has to do this, but she just got back. Emma didn’t want to leave him again.
“Have you figured out what to say to Henry?” David asks her, breaking her train of thought.
“Not really. I thought I would just say what felt right in the moment,” Emma shrugs. David just gives her a look that can only be understood as you-cannot-possibly-be-this-stupid.
“What?” she asks.
“Emma, no you need to come up with something, hell anything,” David says with a stern look.
“That I’m his mother and I don’t want him in the foster system,” she sighs. David can be an ass sometimes.
“What about when he asks why you haven’t been around,” David says and Emma winces at this.
“David, do you have a problem with all of this because now would be the time to say something,” Emma says clenching her fists.
“No, but perhaps you haven’t exactly thought this through,” he points out.
“No, I have. He will not be subjected to hells of the foster system like I was. It may seem rushed, but goddamn if I can help his pain be a little bit less than so be it,” she snaps at him. Knowing he’s crossed a line David simply nods and shuts his mouth. The car ride from there is mostly silent.
The house mother at the foster home is waiting for Emma when she gets there. David stays in the car waiting for her.
“You must be Miss Swan. I’m Mrs. Scott,” the elderly woman with gray hair greets her.
“Nice to meet you,” Emma nods as the woman lets her into the house.
“You as well dear. Henry is in through the living room here,” She says as she guides Emma into the living room. Henry has brown shaggy hair, brown eyes, and a round face. Emma’s heart skips a beat, he’s absolutely perfect. He is patiently waiting on an old brown couch, the room smelling musty with a bookshelf against one wall. Emma’s left speechless at the sight of him.
“I’ll give you two some time,” Mrs. Scott says before leaving the room. Emma turns back to Henry who she finds is taking her in.
“You’re my biological mom?” he asks her.
“Yes, I am,” she says moving closer and sitting on the opposite end of couch.
“I mean I knew it was you before you know…” Henry trails off, his gaze unfocused, “They told me and Dad actually really liked your movies.” He says tearing up a bit.
“That’s pretty cool, did you watch them with your dad?” she asks, unsure of what else to say. He shakes his head quickly.
“No, Mom said I wasn’t old enough, but one time Dad let me watch one. You were really good in it,” Henry tells her.
“Thanks, kid. What do you like to do outside school?” she asks, wanting to know more about him.
“I really like comic books and soccer. Are you really dating Killian Jones?!?” He asks excitedly.
“What- how do you?” she asks surprised, a smile spreading across her face.
“It’s been all over the tabloids and stuff. Mom always pretended she didn’t read that stuff, but I always caught her looking in line at the grocery store,” he shrugs. When she looks at him she can see the hurt in his eyes, the pain of losing someone. How it can tear you apart from the inside. Emma wishes he never had to know that pain.
“Killian and I are dating,” she nods and Henry smiles, which might be the best thing in the world.
“That’s so cool! Dad and I liked to listen to Black Sails together. He was starting to show me bands he liked,” Henry says sadly. This time the tears fall freely down his cheeks. Without even thinking about it Emma pulls him into a hug, letting her thin sweater soak up the tears. She rubs his back.
“I know it hurts, kid. It’s okay to cry,” she whispers to him. Henry cries for a few minutes before the tears stop and his breathing slows down. Emma finds some tissues on the coffee table and hands him some. Henry dries his face and blows his nose.
“When Mrs. Scott asked me if I wanted to meet you she mentioned that you want me to live with you… Is that true?” he asks unsure.
“I would like to, but only if that’s what you want,” she tells him.
“I-” he starts, but then Mrs. Scott walks back in.
“I’m sorry to interrupt Miss Swan, but dinner is starting here shortly and I have other kids to feed besides Henry here. You’re more than welcome to come back tomorrow,” the elderly lady says curtly. Emma looks to Henry and sees the disappointed look on his face. She wants to stay and finish their conversation.
“Hey kid, I’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll talk some more. When do you get out of school?” she asks him.
“Three o’clock,” he tells her. Henry’s face lighting up with a smile. She wants that smile to always be there.
“Then I’ll be here,” she smiles back.
“Go wash up, Henry. Dinner will be ready shortly,” Mrs. Scott orders him. He frowns, but waves goodbye to Emma before running off.
“Miss Swan,” Mrs. Scott prompts her. Emma stands and Mrs. Scott escorts her out of the house. Once the door shuts and the lock slides into place Emma stops holding back her tears. They flow freely down her face. Emma walks quickly over towards where David parked the car and slides into the passenger seat.
“Drive,” Emma says through her tears. David hurriedly starts the car and drives off.
After a couple minutes of silence David speaks, “Did it not go well?” The concern apparent in his voice.
“No it did. I just didn’t want him to see me crying through the window or something,” she says while drying her eyes, “David, I have to get him out of there. He’s a sweet, kind kid. He needs a parent. Not a house where he’s just another kid there,” She takes a deep breath in order to calm herself.
“Ems, we are doing everything we can in order for you to be his parent,” David reassures her.
“I know,” she nods, looking at the scenery pass them by as they pass through the streets of San Diego.
“I thought you’d stay longer,” he comments.
“They were about to have dinner. I’m going back tomorrow when he gets out of school,” she tells him.
“That will be really good. I know I didn’t seem supportive earlier, but I do think this is a good thing,” she smiles appreciatively, “I got us a couple of hotel rooms for a few nights. I think you should go get some rest and I’ll find out what progress Regina has made,” David informs her. Emma nods. She could definitely use a nap right about now, despite having a full nights sleep.
After crawling into bed at the hotel Emma can’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. She pulls out her phone and calls Killian. After a few rings in he picks up, “Hello, my love,” his voice fills her ear causing her to smile.
“Hi there,” she says, her voice a little nasally from crying.
“How did it go?” he asks, concerned.
“Killian, he’s a great kid. He shouldn’t be there. He deserves a good home,” she sighs.
“Of course he does. I have no doubt he’ll get that with you,” Killian reassures her. Emma hears some shouting in the background.
“Did I interrupt rehearsal? Do you need to go?” she asks.
“No, they knew I was waiting for your call. It’s just Will being his usual charming self. We have a few minutes,” he tells her. She shifts her phone to her other ear.
“No, I should let you go,” she says, feeling guilty.
“Definitely not. Don’t tell Regina, but I don’t give a damn about rehearsal. You’re more important,” he tells her. A slight blush creeps into her cheeks.
“I definitely won’t tell Regina. She’ll have your head for that,” she chuckles softly.
“What’s he like?” Killian asks.
“He’s kind and curious. He likes comics, soccer, and you,” Emma says, waiting for his reaction.
“Apparently his dad introduced him to Black Sails,” she says, sadness creeping into her voice.
“Oh gods, Emma,” Killian says, his voice cracking.
“I know. He cried and I couldn’t help, but to pull him into my arms. I don’t know how to help him exactly, but I can’t stand the thought of him alone in the world,” she explains tears welling in her eyes again.
“He’s not alone. The lad has you,” he says, his voice wavering slightly. There’s another shout in the background.
“I’m afraid I have to go now, my love,” he sighs.
“I understand.”
“I’ll call you tonight. I love you,” he says, sweetly.
“I love you too. We’ll talk later,” she smiles. They exchange goodbyes and hang up. Emma drifts off to sleep shortly after.
After being able to sleep for a few hours calls Mary Margaret.
“Oh Emma, I wish I was there,” Mary Margaret says the moment she picks up the phone.
“I know you would be, if you could. You’ve got to be on set. Although I thought David said you were quitting or something,” Emma says sitting up in bed.
“I’m not, David wants me to quit. I’m not an invalid, I’m pregnant. Anyway I’d get bored all day at home,” she scoffs.
“You do what you think is best. David just worries about you,” Emma reminds her.
“I know, but this is the twenty first century rest isn’t necessary and children are expensive. Don’t get me wrong I am so excited to meet this little boy or girl, but they are going to be expensive. Also I like my job,” Mary Margaret rants on. Emma lets her go on sensing her friend needs to get this out.
“I can’t imagine not working and you like to keep busy,” Emma adds on.
“Exactly, see you get it. Anyway, this is not why you called. You called to talk about Henry,” Mary Margaret says waiting expectantly. She’s done this before she will wait all day for Emma to say what’s on her mind. Mary Margaret is fully aware that Emma hates when she does this. Emma sighs knowing she should just spit it out.
“What if I’m not a good mother? I mean I gave him up,” Emma says rather quickly. Mary Margaret scoffs.
“Oh Emma. No, you’re going to be a great mother. You’ve already made sacrifices for him,” Mary Margaret reminds her.
“Emma, you gave him up for a better life. You had no idea you’d have money and fame when you were a scared eighteen year old. You put aside your feelings for his well being. You did what was best for him, not you. I don’t know what else could make you a better mother. This will be a huge adjustment, but I know you’ll be able to do it,” Mary Margaret says, full of hope. Speeches like this are her speciality.
“Thank you. Seeing him, god it brought up all the fears I had when I was pregnant with him,” she whispers.
“I have no doubt it did. Emma, he needs someone in his corner and right now it’s you. We will be there with you every step of the way,” Mary Margaret tells her.
“Thank you,” Emma mumbles.
“Of course, that’s what family is for,” Mary Margaret tells her. Soon after Mary Margaret is called back to set and has to go. They exchange goodbyes and hang up. Emma lies back in bed, thinking over what Mary Margaret said to her.
Emma waits for Henry on the porch of the foster home after school the next day. David was dealing with some legalities for her so she could spend time with Henry.
When Henry spots her he runs up the porch and crashes into her with a hug. She releases a grunt at the impact.
“Hey there, kid. How was school?” she asks him as he pulls back.
“Pretty much the same, nothing great,” he shrugs, before plopping into the porch swing. She joins him, the swing swaying softly.
“What about your friends?” she asks, curious. Henry’s smile fades and his head drops.
“I don’t have a lot of those,” he mumbles. Emma bumps her shoulder with his.
“I never did either. I just didn’t quite fit in anywhere I went,” she tells him.
“They think I’m weird, I think it’s cause I’m adopted,” he tells her, a certain understanding in his eyes.
“Kids aren’t always nice about things like that,” she shrugs, “I know we didn’t get to finish our talk yesterday, did you have any questions for me?” Emma asks her green eyes searching his brown ones.
“Do you really want me to live with you?” he asks her.
“Yeah I really do,” she nods.
“Then why did you give me up for adoption in the first place?” he asks and it definitely takes her by surprise. She sucks in a deep breath before answering. She knew this would come up at one point, she just didn’t think it would come up now.
“When I was pregnant with you I was beyond broke and hadn’t starred in a single movie. I was about to stop trying to be an actor. As much as I wanted to keep you I knew that I couldn’t give you everything you deserved in this world, but I found your parents and they could do that for you. I didn’t want to do it, but it was what was best for you,” she says, honestly.
“It’s not because you didn’t love me?” Henry asks her.
“Oh no, Henry not at all. I love you so much and I knew I couldn’t care for you like you needed,” she says bringing him into her arms. Henry stayed there for a long time and cried.
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Anya Taylor-Joy
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lovesomehate · 2 years
MovieStar-Laura & Bodyguard Travis pt2
✨They're officially a month or so into this relationship. Laura has sort of warmed up to Travis, but she wants him to relax and talk normally to her more. He's still calling her Mrs. KearneyTravis is still very formal and straightforward with his job. Though they still have moments where he will sit down and have an actual meal with her. Including not only take out, but one of them cooking.
"I'm surprised that you actually know how to cook," Travis said waiting at the countertop while Laura is putting food on the plate.
It was the first time she had cooked since Travis moved in. Just before her new roommate she had been mostly trying to clear out leftovers.
"You're just easy to surprise." She turns and sets down a plate of spaghetti and a beer. She was excited to see that he would drink more than coffee and water.
✨She needles him into an agreement of 21 10 questions at least every other day or else Travis' patience tanks significantly.
"I thought bodyguards were supposed to have better people skills?" She starts the game at random once more.
"I thought young movie stars are supposed to be pleasant most of the time?" He shoots back looking at her in the rear view mirror.
"I'm very pleasant thank you very much." She gives a small and wink, and Travis actually finds it cute. "Did you do anything before being a bodyguard?"
"I was a cop for a while, but a few things happened back at home so I had to quit and move. Trying to transfer to a new department just sort of rubbed me the wrong way. A friend I had joked about me being a bodyguard at some point, but honestly, it sounded solid enough." He finished and Laura was caught off guard. That's the most she ever got out of him during a single question. "And you? Did you always want to be an actress?"
"No," She looks a little upset. "I actually wanted to be a vet for a while." She caught Travis' clear confusion in the mirror. "I was having some money trouble and I had this friend named Emma, who was actually in acting school. She told me about some commercials, people, where filming. She pulled some strings and asked some favors to get me into a few. Some industry people liked the way I looked and acted so I got pulled into more commercials, then into little background roles in shows, bigger roles in the shows, a lead role, and then into movies. I sort of got swept up and away from my goal."
"Oh, so that explains the donations to all the animal organizations." Laura smiled and nodded her head in response. "I'm surprised you don't have a pet."
"I did, but they passed away almost half a year ago. I'm still not really over it."
"Sorry." Travis said softly feeling bad for bringing the mood down. "So..." He struggled for a question, he'd normally just mirror the question she asked. "When's your birthday?"
"January 10, long past. Yours?"
"July 7th."
"July...Shit Travis that's passed already."
He merely shrugs.
Laura peers out the window at where they are and the various stores.
"Travis pull over there." She pulls herself between the front and back row to point, though Travis pushes her back some.
"Why? What happened to getting to the premiere as soon as possible?"
"It can wait for a little just pull over."
Thankfully the parking lot for the building is huge enough for him to not need to pull a u-turn. The building, a shopping center was even bigger. He helps her out of the car.
"What are we doing here?" He asks as they enter the doors.
"What do you like?" Using her question as an answer.
"What do you like?" Laura repeated slowly."
It took a moment for Travis to understand.
"You're not getting me a gift."
"Yes, I am."
"The days come and gone."
"Only by like for days. I thought that stick was at least partially out of your ass. Let me buy you a gift."
It's more back and forth, passing by the storefronts, and stopping for a snack before finally a gift was decided. A simple bottle of cologne and Laura got him a birthday card.
✨The premiere goes well. Travis hasn't protected someone this publicly high profile, its his first time so the constant flushing cameras and voices and people meshing close to the guard ropes makes him on edge. He has to stand by the wall in the auditorium away from Laura. She looks over and waves once or twice to him.
✨Travis starts to know Laura's friends more as he takes her to several get-togethers, to their houses or they come to their house. They joke about having to be checked every time he sees them and others that they are with.
One of them once again makes a comment on his looks saying he looks and behaves all creepy. Laura is a bit miffed by that.
"He's just doing his job. And he doesn't even look creepy. Just a bit unconventionally attractive. You can at least give him that he's kind of cute."
No one expected Travis, especially so as he looks at Laura like she's joking, but she gives him a small, but genuine smile.
✨Almost towards the end of the year is when two developments happen. First is the fact that Laura starts receiving letters and signs of someone threatening her. She doesn't want to let on that it scares her as much as she does.
When she goes out to a club with her friends she ends up getting plastered and tried leaving to go somewhere despite Travis trying to get her home.
✨The second development is a result of the former. When trying to get away and arguing the whole time, Laura falls and hurts her ankle. Travis gets on the ground to examine her. Despite being so intoxicated she's able to fully take note of how large his hands are and that they're callused, but also how gently he's handling her and that this is the first time he's directly touched her skin.
Her ankle isn't too bad. He picks her up and she's surprised by how strong he is, despite how he looks. He carries her to the car and when they get home he carries her into her apartment.
"Look at you carrying me into my home like I'm a bride." She slurs.
And then he carries her into his room. He sort of hovers around to make sure she doesn't vomit, he gets her some water and eventually, she falls asleep.
She apologizes for her behavior the next day.
She suffered a slight sprain so he helps her out a bit more for the week.
✨One day Laura has spent a significant amount of time in her room and Travis assumes she's asleep and he goes to grab someone on the counter he forgot.
Laura exits her room intending to get a snack when he spots Travis, shirtless with his pants (sans belt) catching just on his hips and she has a little brain-to-mouth failure.
"Fuck me." It's a comment of amazement that slips out and when it does she covers her mouth and Travis whips around looking like a deer in the headlights.
It's pretty funny the way he zips past to get back to the room, allowing Laura to admire his back as well.
"Sorry about that Ms. Kearney." He comes back out of the room with a simple gray shirt.
She's a little disappointed on two fronts. One of the now she can't admire her body more. The other is that she knows its pretty much one of his sleep shirts and he'll be back in his white shirt and jacket soon enough.
"No big deal." She waves it off and trying her best not to smile so hard. "Explains how strong you are."
"Thank you." Travis says it uneasily not sure what he was supposed to say.
Its awkward. Travis is just refusing to make contact.
"7 questions." Laura starts.
"7 questions. That's about how many scars I saw. What's it from? That's the question for all 7. I'll ask the last 3 later."
Travis stands a bit more relaxed and follows Laura over to her couch and chair set up. For the next several minutes he indicates each scar and gives the story about them. Larua spends the time feeling awed, sad, and a bit angry. It really sinks in what he completely does.
There will be more. Will be getting into the real meat next post
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Thank you 😭💙💙💙
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mari-lair · 5 years
I need a story to write once I finish This Song Is For You but I have no particular preference. So if any of these ideas catch your attention do tell me!
Checkmate (NorRay) - The White Kingdom and the Black Kingdom have been at war for years. The white King suspect one of his new Pawns is a spy and the black Pawn is trying hard not to fall for his target. By the end of the game, a Queen will rise, but no one knows if the piece will be black or white. Literally a Chess AU.
Drunk on Cliché (NorRayEmma) - Ray is a dragon shapeshifter that mostly just do what he wants, Emma is a warrior, the hero of the town, and Norman is a lonely prince. Ray can’t resist kidnapping the beautiful prince. Emma is chosen to go on a quest to save him. Once she finds the dragon’s lair she is surprised to find the monster cuddling up to a joyful prince. It doesn’t take long for her to join in the cuddle pile. Fantasy AU
Camera Man (NorRayEmma) - Emma wants to be an actress, Norman wants to write and direct a movie and Ray just likes to mess around with his camera. High School/Pré-MovieStar AU
To Die For (NorRay) - Ray works with his mom on a family bakery, their food is amazing! Truly to die for! Norman is one of his best customers, always buying a lot, being patient and unbelievably charming, to the point Ray suspects he is either royalty, half-fairy, a thief or a murderer. Unfortunately, his latter guess might prove to be more spot-on than he hoped. Baker/Murderer AU
Edit: To Die For won
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brwc · 4 years
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Emma Watson and Emma Stone. • • • • • #movie #cinema #film #movies #films #actor #filmphotography #cinematography #filmisnotdead #flick #filmmaking #EmmaWatson #actress #dvd #ishootfilm #moviestar #hollywood #instamovies #filmmaker #director #filmcamera #cinephile #filme #goodmovie #believeinfilm #filmcommunity #theatre #brwc #star #EmmaStone https://instagr.am/p/CE04ybmlQUD/
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
Do you have any recommendations for wlw dramas?? P. S. I love your blog! C:
aww, you are too cute! also: perfect timing, I was just ranting with @earthpodd​ about having no wlw shows to watch.
i’ll just give you the shows I’ve watched and would recommend, just note that there sadly is a lack of well-written and interesting wlw shows in general, even more so if I am solely considering the main characters or the main storyline. i don’t include fetishizing content, shows that bury their gays and those that have incest storylines (side-eyes Japan hard).
the sad reality is that most wlw content can only be found in super dramatic or artistic movies, often made by men. there are some wonderful exceptions (listed below) and there are promising things announced for after 2019, but not as many series.
i usually prefer asian series because they feel like elaborate movies (not a fan of too many seasons) and i am always on the look out for wlw content that’s not only “just” a romcom, but alas, there’s not much to choose from. (give me space lesbians with a solid adventure storyline! give me bi women as main characters in fantasy epics!)
(i also haven’t watched some popular shows like “The L Word” so they are missing from this list -> if anyone has further suggestions feel free to add to this list in the comments!)
going to sort them after my sapphic meter: the more wlw romance and the more important the sexuality of the main character for the story, the higher it is on this list!
Gentleman Jack (2019, HBO, USA/GB)  - Historical Dramaperiod drama based on the real life of Anne Lister, lesbian and industrialist. I haven’t finished this yet but I live for the main character, she is a badass and she and her love interest are everything together. this show is also super intense, with all the conflicts that arise when male landowners and other industrialists want to get a piece of her land.
EDIT: finished it and it is brilliant!!
Sense8 (2015-2018, Netflix, USA) - Sci-Fii think most people have heard of this so i don’t think i need to write much about the plot. finally some sci-fi content with an unusual amount of queer main characters. netflix was a dick to this series but it was great and something different.
Skam España (2018 -, Moviestar+, Spain) - Teen Dramathis is the spanish adaptation of the norwegian tv series skam. innovative in its format it tells the daily life of teenagers in short clips and on social media accounts. the third season’s main story focuses on two girls falling in love and it is a GOOD. they tackle some serious issues but overall this is more of a school/coming of age romance. (note that the other adaptations and the og don’t feature a wlw couple in the main story)
Killing Eve (2018 -, BBC America, UK) - Spy Thrillerdespite horrifying killings that need investigating this series, genre typically, focusses on the relationship of its two main characters. we follow MI6 agent eve polastri (sandra oh) on her hunt for assassin villanelle (jodie comer), who takes an unsettling liking to her. we don’t know their sexualities but villanelle is canonically not straight and for eve, we have to wait and see. they do have insane chemistry and sexual tension which is also very important for the plot. and fiona shaw (actual lesbian) is in this so win-win for representation. the acting is superb.
Fleabag (2016 - 2019, Amazon, UK) - Drama Comedythe stories centers around fleabag, an angry, unstable, and sexually insatiable woman. great use of the fourth wall. even though the main love interests are male, fleabag is bi and it plays an important role in the story. the writing is so on point this series is pure perfection. phoebe waller-bridge is super attractive and a scarily relatable mess as fleabag. fantastic depiction of trauma and how people deal with it while being funny af. has fiona shaw (actual lesbian) and andrew scott (actual gay) in it, so win-win-win for representation. also: olivia colman is in it. 
Brooklyn 99  (2013 -, NBC, USA) - Sit Commost people are aware of this brilliant sit com which features an amazing bi main character. it’s an ensemble cast so it counts.
Derry Girls (2018 -, Channel 4, UK) - Sit Comset during the Troubles in northern ireland the series follows a group of catholic school girls (plus their lovely male english rose) on their adventures. there’s a wee lesbian in the ensemble cast and she’s great and important.
Diary of Tootsies (2016-2017, GMM 25, Thailand) - Comedythe show follows 4 friends, 3 gay drag queens and a lesbian with terrible taste in women, on their search for love. this show is bonkers but has a super satisfying lesbian storyline
The Good Place (2016 -, NBC, USA) - Sit Com -> disclaimer: I haven’t seen the newest season so idk how heavily the bisexual part features in itthis show has a super interesting premise and focuses more on philosophical questions. nevertheless it has a bi main character and some wlw content.
honorary mentions (under the cut)
these are not ranked, just in the order they popped into my mind
Legend of Korra (2012-2014, Nickelodeon, USA)animated series so i didn’t include it on the main list but still a good story with a wlw storyline that took everyone by surprise. 
Colette (2018, USA / UK) - Historical Dramabased on the life of the french novelist of the same name it is a great movie about feminism and emancipation. keira knightly is pure bisexual perfection in this and has multiple romances with women, including a fabulous butch lesbian.
Queer as Folk (2000-2005, Showtime, USA / Canada) - Dramaputting this here because the lesbian couple was more of a side couple. still a good series this somehow manages to be bold in 2019, even though it’s old. the lesbian couple get a tad more disappointing over the seasons.
Atomic Blonde (2017, USA) - Action Spy Thrillerthe plot is absolute nonsense and the production value is sometimes questionable. but it has charlize theron beating up people with great fight choreography and she makes out with female french spies. charlize theron puts the wlw in every scene of this movie.
The Handmaiden (2016, South Korea) - Period Dramasuper interesting plot, very enjoyable overall, i had some problems with the male gaze in this though
In Between (2016, Israel / France)  - Dramavery moving film about three Palestinian women sharing a flat in tel aviv. the desire for personal and sexual freedom is the center piece of this movie and allows an unusual insight into the progressive Palestinian underground scene.
Cloudburst (2011, Canada / USA) - Comedy Dramaabout a senior lesbian couple that decides to elope to Canada to get married, after one of them gets put into a nursing home by her granddaughter. the last 12 minutes are horrible (mostly the writing) but everything before that is absolutely great. i live for badass grandmothers in love. 
Boss in Love (2018, South Korea) - RomComsuper cute short movie with some great sex positivity.
Don’t Say Sorry (2018, South Korea) - Romancevery beautiful short movie about discovering one’s sexuality and first love.
The Favourite (2018, UK / Ireland / USA) - Black Comedyolivia colman as pitiful queen anne and rachel weisz and emma stone playing two cousins competing for her favour. absolutely hysterical, wonderfully shot and very gay. rachel weisz is so attractive in male clothes i don’t know what to do with myself. 
iStories L (2018, Thailand)actually filmed as a commercial this lesbian short film is wonderful and has a great aesthetic. its about an assistant producer helping the main actress with her lines and developing feelings for her in the process.
last but not least: there’s some movies that I know are good & important but haven’t watched yet such as Rafiki (Kenya), Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga (India) etc.
the Korean short movies are on vimeo, the Thai stuff has official uploads on youtube, and with the rest google should help. didn’t include any german wlw even though there is a bunch, because I have yet to find something that really satisfies me (don’t get me started on tv series).
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Bold all the trends that you’ve participated in
2010 (I was 6 lmao)
xD | vans shoes | Poptropica | Baby by Justin Bieber | Dynamite by Taio Cruz | Tangled | iPhone 4 | Poking people on Facebook | Kesha | Angry Birds | Omegle | Facebook | Jones Brothers | Skype | Teenage dream by Katy Perry | old Instagram logo | :D | :P | Minecraft | silly bandz bracelets
iPhone 4s | Monster energy drink | LMFAO by Electronic Duo | “normal people scare me” | DC shoes | rawr | Cher Lloyd | Friday by Rebecca Black | glasses without lenses | Call of Duty | Lady Gaga | Mean Girls 2 | Hollister | slap bracelets | silicone bracelets
Gangnam Style by PSY | Barack Obama re-elected | Windows 8 | Obey cap | Moviestar Planet | Avengers | Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen | Stop Kony 2012 | “keep calm and carry on” | Pink High Gloss | Born to die by Lana Del Rey | Lip smacker chapstick | Mabel and Dipper (Gravity falls) | plastic shutter glasses | December 21 end of the world | Abercrombie
Clash of Clans | Rainbow loom | “do the Harlem Shake” | Frozen | Happy by Pharrel Williams | One Direction | ombre hair | Subway surf | Wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus | xBox One | Ty plush | What does the fox say by Ylvis | swag | Candy Crush Saga
Patterned leggings | Cheetos | Divergent | Patterned backpacks | Converse | Tumblr | half arm covered with bracelets | selfie stick | GTA online | lip balm | Shake it off by Taylor Swift | clothes with emojis on them | skinny jeans with fishnets | Justin Bieber mugshots | messy buns
Monkey emojis | #yolo | Apple logo | galaxy patterned leggings | Star Wars the force awakens | macaroons | rainbow hair | sharpies | gold or blue dress | <3 | Crybaby by Melanie Martinez | Arizona tea | Hello by Adele | iPhone 6s | BaBy Lips | Dork dairies | Marry Who You Love | rainbow llama plush
Uggs | Musically | bitmojis | Dangerous woman by Ariana Grande | Adidas superstar | Danielle Bregoli | Cake By The Ocean by DNCE | Pokemon GO | clowns outside | Harambe | Donald Trump | Sour Patch Kids | Mannequin challenge | iPhone 7 | Hollister | Black Beatles by Rae Sremmurd | dog filter | bottle flip challenge
fidget spinners | dab | crop top with a planet on it | It’s Everyday Bro by Jake Paul | Sweatshirt by Jacob Sartorius | Despactio Remix by Luis Fonsi | Jacob Sartorius | Agar.io | bath bombs | Rick and Morty | Paul brothers | Riverdale | Squidward dabbing | iPhone 8/iPhone 8 pls
Fortnite | Finesse by Bruno Mars | iPhone XS | God’s Plan by Drake | Avengers Infinity War | Thank u, next by Ariana Grande | tide pods | “hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh” | yanny or Laurel | Kylie lip kit | Cardi B | To All The Boys I’ve Loved movie | in my feelings challenge | bruh | Gucci | yeet | Supreme | soundcloud | 420 | Emma Chamberlain
Avengers End Game | crocs | Pokémon Detective Pikachu | mom jeans | eyelashes | Stranger Things | trasher | Bad guy by Billie Eilish | Kylie skin | and i opp | baby yoda | polaroid cameras | Peppa pig Youtube edits | Old town road by Lil Nas X | Shane Dawson and Jeffree collab | the ugly Sonic | Jonas Brothers return | led lights | airpods | Nike air force | any item that considered VSCO
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uncomicmas · 5 years
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Reseña #Oscars2020 5/6: #Mujercitas de @cineblancica. . Este año la novela Mujercitas de Louisa May Alcott vuelve a tomar relevancia con esta nueva versión de #GretaGerwig (Lady Bird), que trae consigo 6 nominaciones a los premios Oscars 2020 aparte de muchos otros galardones que ya ha recibido en esta temporada de premios 2019-2020. . Mujercitas narra la historia de cuatro hermanas con personalidades muy marcadas y diferentes, entre ellas destaca Jo March, que quiere ser una escritora y valerse por sí misma en un mundo llenos de machismo donde las mujeres no le dejan más opciones que dedicarse al hogar. . El largometraje narra la vida de esta familia, amores y desamores, e incluye algunas vivencias de Louisa May Alcott, haciéndonos saber qué es realidad y qué es ficción. La narrativa la hace mediante flashbacks (escena retrospectiva) o flashfowards (escenas a futuro), es decir, mediante diferentes líneas temporales, sin embargo esto causa confusión porque es difícil saber en qué momento están, por eso es necesario estar muy atentos a todos los detalles. . El vestuario y la cinematografía logran capturar con éxito la esencia de esa época, aparte de tener un elenco impresionante. . Resumen Esta nueva versión de Mujercitas mantiene esa atmósfera romántica que a caracterizado el libro y todas sus versiones anteriores (cine y TV), claro está apoyada por mejores proezas técnicas. . Calificación 3.5 de 5 . Información General . Fecha de Estreno :24 de enero Clasificación: para todas las edades Duración: 2 horas 15 minutos Dirección y Guion: Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird) Reparto: Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern y Meryl Streep. Nominaciones Oscars 2020 (6): Mejor película, Mejor actriz, Mejor actriz de reparto, Mejor guion adaptado, Mejor diseño de vestuario, Mejor banda sonora. . . Fuente de imagen @cineblancica . . . #movies #women #films #men #cinema #movie #woman #ladies #womensfashion #dvd #film #instamovies #lady #moviestar #man #actor #hollywood #goodmovie #cinephile #actress #theatre #bluray #instaflick #flicks https://www.instagram.com/p/B8W2pzVHE2c/?igshid=18ht6hxokdwby
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luisbond · 5 years
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¡Ya pueden leer mi crítica de #ZombielandDoubleTap ( #ZombielandTiroDeGracia ) en @asimplevistacom . . Por acá les dejo un extracto: “Zombieland: Double Tap es todo lo que podemos esperar de una secuela: mantiene el espíritu de su predecesora, es políticamente hablando incorrecta, sus escenas gore son ridículamente graciosas y los nuevos personajes que presenta engranan a la perfección con el team original. Además, expande el universo que construyó su precuela y nos lo retrata luego de una década (en el que descubrimos que los humanos se acostumbraron a vivir entre ruinas y los zombies también evolucionaron). Las situaciones absurdas que plantea nos mantienen entretenidos y el carisma que derrochan sus protagonistas nos hace amarla. No obstante, el largometraje adolece de los principales problemas de las segundas partes: algunos gags repetidos, de una forma u otra apela a la nostalgia y se desarrolla en una suerte de lugar seguro pero funcional. A pesar de esto, el saldo es positivo y se agradece ver en pantalla una vez más a Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone y Abigail Breslin pasándola de lo lindo aniquilando muertos vivientes. Zombieland: Double Tap conserva la magia de su precuela, pero sin estar a la vanguardia, como un cantante que vuelve a un escenario en el que tiene una década sin montarse y decide cantar sus hits de siempre, pero con arreglos nuevos. Así, Fleischer logra su cometido: desconectarnos del mundo para reírnos de él y hacer de “la misma canción” algo que queramos corear mientras nos divertimos hasta el final de la proyección.” . . . Si la quieren leer completa, la conseguirán en el link de mi perfil de Instagram :) . . . ¡Muchas gracias a @cineblancica por la invitación al early screening en @cinesunidos ! Cc: @zombieland @criticoscaracas . . . . . #Movie #MovieReview #Zombieland #Zombie #EmmaStone #cinema #film #movies #films #moviestar #instamovies #goodmovie #cinephile #filmmaking #cinematography #filme #movienight #JesseEisenberg #AbigailBreslin #RosarioDawson #ZoeyDeutch #Columbus #Tallahassee #Wichita #LittleRock #Nevada #Madison (at Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YePsxndiA/?igshid=1cg8kacntw98y
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Since We’re Alone (10/?)
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Celebrity fake dating AU 
Summary: Killian Jones punched another bouncer in the face and Emma Swan threatened the paparazzi who got too close to her. With both their reputations at risk their managers pull together a deal that sure to gain them better press coverage. Who can resist watching two attractive people fall in love? 
Notes: Hey all! I know it's been awhile since I posted an update, but my inspiration for this story has finally returned! Hope you guys like it.
Ao3       FF 
Chapter 10: The Brother 
Killian hates the fact that he has to get on the plane, but he is cutting it close as it is and if he didn’t make this plane Regina would surely kill him. The band has more promotion for the album and rehearsals for the tour to do, which he has to absolutely be there for. He hates leaving Emma. They worked it out and are in a better place now, but it doesn’t mean he will miss her any less.
Killian sleeps for most of this flight because he has to head straight to Regina and Robin’s house once he lands. When he gets there Robin answers the door and gives him an expectant look.
“Well?” Robin asks.
“Well what?” Killian asks, egging on his friend.
“You bloody well know what! You ran off after an interview to see Emma in Paris to win her back,” Robin says raising his voice. Killian just laughs.
“My god Rob, you can’t take teasing anymore huh?” Killian says as he walks in and Robin shuts the door behind him. His friend just glares at him waiting for an answer.
“We made up. It was a big misunderstanding in which we both apologized. Everything’s good,” Killian tells him and Robin pats him on the back.
“Good, I hope you’re ready to work,” Regina says entering the room, “You’ve got a tour to rehearse for.”
“That we do. Robin, is Will here, yet?” Killian asks, ignoring Regina altogether. Robin shakes his head.
“Killian, you’re going to have to talk to me someday,” Regina says in a huff.
“Tell your wife that when she apologizes to Emma I’ll speak to her again. Now, we have work to do, I’ll be in the studio for whenever Scarlet decides to grace us with his presence,” Killian calls out as he walks away from the married couple. Regina gives Robin an exacerbated look.
“Will you please talk to him?” Regina asks.
“I have and he’s firm on this point,” Robin shakes his head, before kissing his wife on the cheek and following Killian. Regina turns on her heel stomping back into her office before slamming her office door.
“Killian,” Robin sighs when he catches up to him.
“Don’t Killian me. Look, I get she’s your wife and you’re trying to help, but she hurt the woman I love and almost wrecked our relationship. I’m asking for an apology, which you know isn’t a crazy demand.” Robin just blinks at Killian.
“Does Emma know?”
“Does she know what?” Killian asks as his temper fades and confusion takes its place.
“That you love her,” Robin says calmly. A slight blush crosses Killian’s cheeks.
“Aye, she does,” he scratches his ear and Robin just smirks.
“Good for you mate.” Not long after Will finally shows up, earning a fair amount of shit from Killian about his tardiness. Will starts to dish it back when Robin stops him.
“Don’t be too hard on Killian the woman he loves is across the ocean,” Robin teases Killian, who rolls his eyes.
“You’re a nosey lot. I never should I have told this gossip anything,” Killian grumbles, nodding towards Robin.
“Ah so you’ve admitted it then?” Will asks and Killian nods, “Good, it was getting hard to watch you try and cover up the fact you’re in love with her.”
“You knew?” Killian asks them.
“We all knew,” Robin comments and Will just rolls his eyes. Killian just shakes his head in wonder before they set off to work. Through the next two weeks the band worked hard through rehearsals. The band had finally finished up all the promotion for the album. Killian woke early and went to bed late nearly every day. Between the time change and their hectic schedules Emma and Killian had little time to talk. It seemed as though the couple was caught in a game of phone tag. They had to stay in touch primarily through text, which Emma wasn’t fond of because she missed the sound of his voice, but it was all they could seem to manage. Although Emma does get a rather exciting and seductive voicemail from Killian when she sends him some pictures of her new lingerie purchases. Emma makes sure to save that voicemail for later, much later when she’s alone in her hotel room. With a reaction like that she learned to hate texting him just a little bit less.
Zelena is pushing Emma and Graham harder than ever. Emma however, doesn’t mind because they are now ahead of schedule, almost a whole week ahead. If they finish earlier than expected Emma will get more time with Killian before the tour. Of course she hasn’t mentioned this to him yet because Emma doesn’t want to jinx it. Also a part of her wants to surprise her boyfriend. Emma just hopes it all works out in the end.
Killian gets a call from Liam later that week.
“I was waiting for you to tell me, but I guess I have to drag it out of you,” Liam huffs in frustration.
“What are you on about?” Killian asks, confused.
“It was in the tabloids that you were in Paris two weeks ago. You couldn’t pop over and visit your brother?”
“Liam, it wasn’t a vacation I was there for less than twenty four hours. If I had stayed any longer Regina would’ve been after my head if I didn’t make it back for all the promotion shit she booked for the band,” Killian explains.
“It’s cause I’m not a leggy blonde movie star isn’t it?” Liam teases him. Killian just rolls his eyes. Of course the prat called just to be an ass.
“Only you would call to give me a hard time. Were you even mad?”
“No, I know you’re busy. I just wanted to see how to react.”
“Prat,” Killian mumbles.
“That’s what big brothers are for,” Killian chuckles and they chat about Liam’s upcoming trip.
“When does your flight land?”
“I believe around three next Wednesday.”
“Alright, I’ll be there to pick up your sorry ass.”
“Good, see you then little brother,” Liam teases him once again.
“Younger, but yeah see you then.” Killian corrects him before they exchange their goodbyes. The brothers like to tease each other, but it’s been a long time since they have seen each other and they are both looking forward to this trip. Killian is excited for his brother’s trip, but he wishes that Liam could meet Emma. Unfortunately she’ll still be in Paris. They’ll have to make some time to visit Liam after the tour.
Despite his fame and popularity Killian always insists on picking his brother up from the airport. It seems ridiculous to pay someone to drive to LAX when he has a extremely nice car that he can drive himself. This frustrates Regina to no end. The day of his brother’s arrival the band ends rehearsal early so Killian can make it out there on time.
The moment Liam spots Killian he can see something weighing on his little brother’s shoulders. Liam immediately brings his brother in close, patting Killian’s back. When they break apart Killian gives him an odd look.  Liam shakes his head and slings his arm over Killian’s shoulders. The brothers both know by this point someone has recognized Killian, so they quickly walk to the car. As soon as the car door shuts Liam turns on Killian.
“Now, do you care to tell me what’s going on or do I have to drag it out of you?” Liam says, cutting to the chase.
“Am I that obvious?” Killian asks scratching his ear.
“Just to me, brother.” Liam simply waits for Killian to tell him what is wrong with him. Killian starts the car and pulls out of the parking space. He doesn’t begin telling his story until they’ve left the parking lot. Killian tells him everything about the set up, about how things progressed with Emma, how he fell for her hard, how she ran and he went after her. Killian tells him  everything. Liam quietly listens to his brother the whole time. They are stuck in traffic on the freeway when Killian is done telling recent events. Silence fills the car for a few minutes before Liam speaks again.
“I knew something was going on with you, but I had no idea it was something like this. I was so wrapped up in work I thought you’d tell me if it was big. You were writing the album and normally when you do that you just lose yourself in the music, I thought it was that. I should’ve asked more questions. I should’ve been there for you,” Liam shakes his head.
“Don’t blame yourself. I’m sorry I should’ve been straight with you, I shouldn’t have lied, but I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.” Killian’s gaze unable to meet Liam’s.
“Killian, all I have ever wanted is for you to be happy. I might not have understood this publicity stuff, but I would have supported you. I only have two questions for you now. Do you love her?” Killian nods, “Does she love you?” Killian nods again, “That’s all that matters to me.”
“All right.”
For most of the next week after rehearsals in the morning Killian takes Liam do something around L.A., which does include DisneyLand. Emma requests all the pictures she can get her hands on she only gets one selfie of the brothers much to her dismay, but Killian promise to take her when she gets back. Emma urges Killian to make use of her beach house, insisting that someone should use it while she’s gone. Killian takes her up on the offer and she tells him where the spare key is hidden. Liam seems unsure of the trip the whole way over.
“Killian, are you sure she won’t mind?” he asks nervously wringing his hands.
“Liam, untwist your swim trunks, it was her idea. Why are you being so odd about this?” Killian asks as they let themselves in to grab some towels and a beach umbrella. Liam just shrugs, but Killian keeps an eye on him. Liam is still fidgeting when they get settled on the beach.
“What the hell is your problem?” Killian asks him, barely raising his voice.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Your fidgeting too much, just spit it out.”
“This trip it was more than just to see you. I mean it was mostly to see you, but I’m thinking of leaving the navy and I have an interview tomorrow with a private security firm,” He says quickly as if that would somehow change what he was saying. Killian looks his brother dead on with a little shock in his expression.
“I will always support you in whatever you do, but why do you want to leave?” Killian asks.
“It’s all the politics. The things people will do to get ahead, to get a promotion,” Liam shakes his head, “I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t stand by and let it happen. There is no honor, nothing is straightforward.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I had no idea it was that bad, that you were struggling.” Killian props himself up on his elbows, looking over to his brother.
“We all have our secrets,” Liam says with an all to knowing look.
“Do you think private security is where you’ll be happy?”
“That’s what I’m here to find out. If so we’ll be a lot closer. I’ll have plenty of time to annoy you even more,” Liam jokes, playfully shoving his brother. Killian rolls his eyes.
“I was going to day it’d be nice to have you around, but now I’m not so sure,” Killian teases.
“Nah, you love me,” Liam smirks. Killian nods, lying back to soak up the sun. The brothers enjoy the rest of their day on the private beach.
While Killian is at rehearsal the next day Liam has his interview. He comes to find out that he loves the company and the position they offer him. The money isn’t bad either. He accepts the position and plans to give his notice the moment he returns home.
When Liam tells Killian, he insists that Liam stay with him when he moves here. They celebrate his new job by throwing a small party with Ruby, Robin, Regina, Will, and of course little Roland. They take advantage of the nice weather and barbeque on the patio at Killian’s house.
“Ruby, what are you up to?” Killian glares playfully at his friend.
“What makes you think I’m up to anything?” She asks with a wolfish grin.
“You’re far too quiet over there,” he says before sipping his drink.
“Sounds like you’re a little paranoid over there my friend,” she teases, Killian just shakes his head.
“Are you ever goin’ to bring Dorothy around because I’m startin’ to thing you’ve made her up,” Will asks her, changing the subject.
“She’s very real and filming on location right now. Anyway you lot couldn’t handle her yet,” she smirks. Killian isn’t wrong, she up to something, but Ruby knows Killian has no idea what or should she say who is coming for him right now.
Emma may be exhausted and tired, but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t get to surprise her boyfriend like she’s been planning to for weeks now. She clued Ruby in on her surprise, so her friend could tell her what the band was up to tonight. Emma had Ruby make sure the door was unlocked, so Emma could easily slip in unnoticed. The car drops her off at the gate. Emma easily punches in her code, so it swings open to let her in.
As soon as she slips in the front door Emma can hear the laughter coming from the patio. She drops her bag and walks to the back door. Killian is standing with his back to her, next to a slightly taller man who she can only assume is Liam, who is manning the grill. Will and Robin see her and their jaws drop, she waves at them.
“Killian, your brother flies all the way here and you put him to work, I thought he was here to relax,” Emma calls out across the patio. Killian’s head snaps to her. Emma smiles and runs toward him and he does the same. Emma jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Killian holds onto her tightly. She buries her head into his neck. It feels right to be in his arms, there is nowhere else she’d rather be. When she pulls back he surges forward and kisses her intensely. When they break apart she smiles down at him.
“Did you miss me?” she chuckles and he just tightens his grip on her.
“You bloody well know I did,” he tells her. Ruby coughs and they are reminded that they have an audience, luckily Roland is in the bathroom with Regina, so they haven’t traumatized him yet. Emma and Killian disentangle themselves. Liam steps forward.
“You must be Emma, Killian never stops talking about you,” Liam sticks his hand out and Emma shakes it, “I’m Liam it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” she smiles and their hands drop. Emma knew Liam was in town she was so focused on seeing Killian she forgot that she would actually have to meet Killian’s only remaining family. Killian simply slips his arm around her waist, his comforting touch calming her nerves.
The group continues on with some small talk and Emma learns that Liam is moving here. She couldn’t be happier for Killian, she knows it’s been hard on him to be so far away from his brother. This will be good for him. Will and Killian get wrapped up in a rather passionate discussion about the tour they have coming up. Liam nods over to a spot away from the group and Emma follows his lead.
“Emma, you seem like a nice girl and good for my brother, but I’ve got to get this out,” he staring her head on, puffing out his chest.
“Is this your protective brother speech?” She asks and he nods, “Well go on I know David gave one to Killian, so this only fair.” Liam just chuckles and nods.
“I was there after Milah died and Emma it was bad. I mean I’d call to check in on him everyday bad. Now he’s back to his normal self, but I know it still haunts him so please don’t hurt him I don’t think he could make it through losing you.” Liam says quickly and quietly. Emma gives him a soft smile.
“I don’t want to hurt him and I wouldn’t make it through losing him either. I have no intention of going anywhere,” she tells him.
“Good,” he smiles. He raises his glass to hers and their glasses clink before they drink.
Ruby strolls up to interrupt the bands conversation.
“Killian, you just left poor Emma to be interrogated your brother?” She shakes her head in mock distaste. The group looks over to where Emma and Liam have moved to. Liam has a stern look on his face and Emma’s face is blank at the moment.
“Emma’s strong and she doesn’t need me to fight her battles for her, but don’t worry I will save her before Liam launches into a navy story,” he smirks. Robin chuckles. Ruby just rolls her eyes. Killian joins them a moment later slipping his hand into hers. Emma smiles at his presence.
“Your brother here was just about to tell me a story from the navy.” He chuckles knowing how hard she was trying to stay engaged in the conversation.
“Ah so I’ve rescued you just in time then,” Killian teases and Liam looks shocked. Emma tries to protest but Liam speaks before she can.
“Oi my navy stories aren’t that bad!” Killian just raises an eyebrow at this.
“Of course whatever you say brother,” Killian just shakes his head. Regina finally returns to the patio, but without little Roland. She returns to Robin’s side and he slips his arm around her waist.
“Roland was getting fussy, so I put him to bed in one of the guest rooms,” Regina answers Robin’s questioning looks. Regina’s eyes finally land on Emma and she raises an eyebrow.
“Oh Miss Swan you’ve returned. Hopefully you can talk Killian out of his childish notions of not talking to me,” she says before crossing her arms. Emma gives Killian a questioning look. He just blushes under her gaze.
“I won’t talk to her until she apologizes to you,” Killian mumbles. Emma raises her eyebrows at this.
“Well that’s a little ridiculous, but a nice sentiment. There is no need to apologize you were doing your job,” Emma tells him.
“Good, now we cleared up that mess I think it’s time for the two of us to have a talk,” Regina tells her and Emma nods. Regina walks inside away from the rest of the group and Emma kisses Killian’s cheek before following Regina inside. Emma has no clue what Regina wants to talk about away from everyone else. Once the door from the patio slides shut behind Emma, Regina turns on her heel to face Emma.
“Look, I know you’re mad about the PI, but they found out something that I think you’ll want to know,” Regina says, calmly. Emma crosses her arms. She should try and put her son out of her mind, he doesn’t need her snooping around his life. He has parents who are loving and take good care of him.
“What did they find?” Emma asks. She knows that she should leave him to live his life, but she needs to know what Regina knows. Her curiosity got the better of her.
“Henry’s adoptive parents just died in a car crash and they had no other living relatives that can take care of him. He’s about to go into the foster system,” Regina tells her.
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franciscubbins · 8 years
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Gente! Acabei de assistir La La Land e ... me desculpem ... mas já vi melhores, Across The Universe é melhor, Mamma Mia é bem melhor, em fim ... E que porra de fim foi aquele??? ... Eu vejo filmes assim pra ver finais felizes, de triste basta minha vida. Não é que o filme é ruim, eu gostei, é um filme bom mas só isso, não é tudo isso que os Críticos estão falando "pelo menos, não pra mim." Eles dançam mais do que cantam, Emma Stone é bem sem graça e a voz dela é mais sem graça ainda. Eu AMO musicais mas esse não não entra pra minha lista de filme favoritos não. Ok, fala sobre sonhos, legal a mensagem que foi passada, bela homenagem à Los Angeles, mas ... Achei que fosse melhor! #lalaland #movies #movie #film #films #videos #actor #actress #cinema #instamovies #star #moviestar #photooftheday #hollywood #goodmovie #instagood
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casssac · 7 years
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Emma Watson #sketch #drawing #emmawatson #eyebrows #moviestar #beautyandthebeast #illustration (at Stuttgart, Germany)
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villageaidsmemorial · 4 years
R.I.P. Roy Anthony Anderson (1960-1993) Thank you to Dame Emma Thompson for your decades long advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ community and those infected with HIV/AIDS 🙏🏼 Please post to your Stories and/or feed and help save the first AIDS memorial in New York City! This memorial has the names of 580 victims of the epidemic. There is power in saying the names of victims. By saying their names, we keep their memories alive, create a #livingmemorial and take steps to preserve this unique and important piece of history. Follow, like and share to help save the first AIDS Memorial in NYC and the only one in a church anywhere in the world! #queerpride #gaynyc #transrights #gaypride2020 #saytheirnames #lgbtpositivity #gayofinstagram #lovemoments #foragoodcause #loveislouder #hiv #poz #findacure #lgbt #gay #loveislove #westvillage #nyc #findacure #openingnight #gonetoosoon #moviestars #womenwriters #britishactress #oscarwinner #QueenElizabeth #DameEmmaThompson #EmmaThompson #FilmLegend #Icon (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIaXksA-Lr/?igshid=1j9xxvelsb0c8
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brwc · 6 years
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Emma Watson. • • • • • #actor #actress #movie #cinema #hollywood #acting #director #actorslife #movies #brwc #film #theatre #actors #moviestar #films #actorlife #koreanactor #flick #star #instamovies #drama #goodmovie #handsome #dvd #kdrama #tv #filmmaker #filmmaking #producer #EmmaWatson https://ift.tt/2uT9CC1
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nanalikessurveys · 4 years
Bold all the trends that you’ve participated in
xD | vans shoes | Poptropica | Baby by Justin Bieber | Dynamite by Taio Cruz | Tangled | iPhone 4 | Poking people on Facebook | Kesha | Angry Birds | Omegle | Facebook | Jones Brothers | Skype | Teenage dream by Katy Perry | old Instagram logo | :D | :P | Minecraft | silly bandz bracelets
iPhone 4s | Monster energy drink | LMFAO by Electronic Duo | “normal people scare me” | DC shoes | rawr | Cher Lloyd | Friday by Rebecca Black | glasses without lenses | Call of Duty | Lady Gaga | Mean Girls 2 | Hollister | slap bracelets | silicone bracelets
Gangnam Style by PSY | Barack Obama re-elected | Windows 8 | Obey cap | Moviestar Planet | Avengers | Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen | Stop Kony 2012 | “keep calm and carry on” | Pink High Gloss | Born to die by Lana Del Rey | Lip smacker chapstick | Mabel and Dipper (Gravity falls) | plastic shutter glasses | December 21 end of the world | Abercrombie
Clash of Clans | Rainbow loom | “do the Harlem Shake” | Frozen | Happy by Pharrel Williams | One Direction | ombre hair | Subway surf | Wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus | xBox One | Ty plush | What does the fox say by Ylvis | swag | Candy Crush Saga
Patterned leggings | Cheetos | Divergent | Patterned backpacks | Converse | Tumblr | half arm covered with bracelets | selfie stick | GTA online | lip balm | Shake it off by Taylor Swift | clothes with emojis on them | skinny jeans with fishnets | Justin Bieber mugshots | messy buns
Monkey emojis | #yolo | Apple logo | galaxy patterned leggings | Star Wars the force awakens | macaroons | rainbow hair | sharpies | gold or blue dress | <3 | Crybaby by Melanie Martinez | Arizona tea | Hello by Adele | iPhone 6s | BaBy Lips | Dork dairies | Marry Who You Love | rainbow llama plush
Uggs | Musically | bitmojis | Dangerous woman by Ariana Grande | Adidas superstar | Danielle Bregoli | Cake By The Ocean by DNCE | Pokemon GO | clowns outside | Harambe | Donald Trump | Sour Patch Kids | Mannequin challenge | iPhone 7 | Hollister | Black Beatles by Rae Sremmurd | dog filter | bottle flip challenge
fidget spinners | dab | crop top with a planet on it | It’s Everyday Bro by Jake Paul | Sweatshirt by Jacob Sartorius | Despactio Remix by Luis Fonsi | Jacob Sartorius | Agar.io | bath bombs | Rick and Morty | Paul brothers | Riverdale | Squidward dabbing | iPhone 8/iPhone 8 pls
Fortnite | Finesse by Bruno Mars | iPhone XS | God’s Plan by Drake | Avengers Infinity War | Thank u, next by Ariana Grande | tide pods | “hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh” | yanny or Laurel | Kylie lip kit | Cardi B | To All The Boys I’ve Loved movie | in my feelings challenge | bruh | Gucci | yeet | Supreme | soundcloud | 420 | Emma Chamberlain
Avengers End Game | crocs | Pokémon Detective Pikachu | mom jeans | eyelashes | Stranger Things | trasher | Bad guy by Billie Eilish | Kylie skin | and i opp | baby yoda | polaroid cameras | Peppa pig Youtube edits | Old town road by Lil Nas X | Shane Dawson and Jeffree collab | the ugly Sonic | Jonas Brothers return | led lights | airpods | Nike air force | any item that considered VSCO
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9oodshots · 6 years
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'JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN' NON-SPOILER REVIEW: 3💣 / 5 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When a cyber-attack from an unknown source reveals the identity of every active undercover British agent, the UK Prime Minister [Emma Thompson ] & [the fictional] MI7 is forced to seek help from any decommissioned &/or retired agents who are no longer in the system - leaving only Johnny English [Rowan Atkinson] & 3 older former operatives. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now working as a teacher, English is called out of retirement but he kills the 3 others in a freak accident, thereby becoming the only hope for MI7 to solve who is behind the cyber-attack. Armed with his sidekick Bough, English bungles his way through yet another spy caper, as Bough is once again the one who covers up English's ineptitude. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Somehow, English manages to charm the lovely Ophelia [actual James Bond Girl, Olga Kurylenko] as he struggles with the challenges of modern technology. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Look out for the scene where English has to sign an Occupational Health & Safety Waiver for the use of his gun, having to accept that the weapon is highly dangerous & that MI7 won't be held responsible if he or someone else is hurt by it. How the spy game has changed!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Rowan Atkinson is at his clumsiest best, but the story runs too similar to its predecessors to really stand out. Kids will love the movie as it’s nothing more than harmless fun - perfectly-timed for the school holidays. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thanks to Universal Pictures Australia, the Sydney Premiere was held the weekend before the movie's release. Thanks to my friends & social media sensations - Laura Gilbert, Jayden Rodrigues & Trent Wayne - for having a bit of fun at the media wall; Jayden did a killer air-kick that not even Johnny English, himself, could match. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 'Johnny English Strikes Again' is out in 🇦🇺 from Sept 20th, 2018. © ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #movie #movies #moviestar #movietime #movieday #moviedate #movienight #movieset #movieposter #moviemaking #movieday #movielover #moviefan #movienews #movienights #moviegeek #moviereviews #movielovers #movienite #moviestagram #movielife #movienerd #movietheatre #movie_time #moviepremiere #moviepremier #premiere #sydneypremiere #comedy #britishcomedy (at Hoyts Australia ENTERTAINMENT QUARTER) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoEHBs9F6ea/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7z1bv97ju049
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