#mox was great too
milady-mothman · 1 year
helluva boss s2 ep5 spoliers
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bitterscampi · 1 year
rewatching final battle 2022 for a wip and oh my god the pop for claudio made me smile so hard :’)
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itsmarsss · 3 months
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 7 - Ozzie's
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
It's a date! (But is it really?)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus | pt. 6 | pt. 8 | pt. 9
Word count: 5,212
Warnings: you ask blitz to not be a dick and what does he do? yeah he's a bit of a dick. a big reveal abt reader's past (will be explored more in depth later), terrible just awful communication skills.
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Alright, however much blood you got on yourself, business today was kind of pretty fucking awesome. 
The four of you walk through the portal, all still riding high on the adrenaline rush the day’s kills provided you. Blitzø’s the first to set foot back into the office, throwing his head back and brandishing his new axe around. “Woo! That was a fuckton of lumberjacks!” 
There were eleven of them, to be exact.
Moxxie walks in right after him, looking a little too excited as he held up a chainsaw, still on and rumbling.
Millie’s next, covered in more blood than anyone else, as usual- clearly in a great mood, going as far as biting the wood handle of the axe she was holding in half.  “Ahh! I’m still so jazzed up!” 
You walk in last, examining the huge new knife you got for yourself, pleased. Nothing like putting down five huge-ass dudes on your own and getting a cool new knife for your collection to get you in a good mood. 
Moxxie discards the chainsaw into the portal, and Loona closes it off. “Well, you better stay jazzed up, babe,” he tells Millie, shooting finger guns at her. “‘Cause guess where I’m taking you tonight?”
“Don’t you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence, Moxxie! Besides, drinks are on me tonight! Let’s hit up the new drive down the street,” Blitzø suggests, excited.
Moxxie looks down to the floor, then back at him. “Actually, sir, it’s our one year marriage anniversary, so I’m taking Millie to Ozzie’s, all the way down in the Lust Ring!” He announces, proud of himself. 
Millie’s eyes immediately light up, and she gasps in excitement at the revelation. “Ozzie’s? No way! That place is always booked.”
Yeah, you should know that. In fact, you already knew Moxxie was taking her there, too- he’d approached you the previous week, asking if you could do him a ‘big favor’. You didn’t know what to expect of this supposed big favor, but when he asked if you could maybe call Ozzie personally and arrange him and Millie a reservation for their anniversary, you let out a laugh.
“Oh, that’s it?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Of course I can, Mox, are you kidding?”
“That’s awesome!” He’d hugged you tight. “Thank you so, so much, y/n!”
You smile, pleased with Millie’s reaction. You knew she’d love it. Moxxie had mentioned he’d tell her you’d helped, but you’d told him not to, leaving all the credit for him. He deserved it. 
He sends you a thankful glance when Millie squeaks out his name and quite literally jumps on him, kissing him all over. The scene is so sweet it’s almost gross. 
“Ugh, can you two not?” Blitzø complains.
Moxxie’s out of breath when he pulls away, looking a little high-headed after the distraction. “I’m sorry, sir. Maybe another time!” 
“Oh, it’s fine! I- I can come with the two of  you, help you celebrate your boring-as-fuck-monogamy.”
There’s no way he just seriously suggested that. “What? Dude. No.”
Moxxie matches your tone. “Yeah. No.The reservation is for us.”
“Uh-huh,” Blitzø agrees, nodding, as if that changes absolutely nothing to him. Did he genuinely not get the hint or is he playing dumb at this point?
“Just. Us. Millie and I.”
“Uh-huh,” he repeats, still nodding as if he doesn’t see the issue. 
“Without you there. Explicitly without you there.”
He completely disregards Moxxie’s words. “I’ll wear something nice. It’s a big deal after all.” Ah, got it. Playing dumb.
Moxxie’s left eye twitches at his attitude, but, in turn, he just turns around, walking towards the door. “You want a ride or not?” He turns back around to ask you, and you try to shoot Moxxie a reassuring look that’s meant to say you’ll get some sense through his skull before you follow him out. “See you lovebugs later!”
You start scolding him as soon as you get to the parking lot. “Could you be any more inconvenient?”
“The fuck do you mean?” 
“The fuck do I mean? They don’t want you there, Blitz. It’s their anniversary. Whatever fantasies you have about them don’t make you a part of their relationship, you realize that, don’t you?” The two of you get to the van, and he unlocks the doors so you can get in before he says anything in return.
“Fuck you, I made that couple happen, bitch. I deserve to be part of this ‘anniversary dinner’. And you do too, I know there ain’t no way Moxxie got that reservation without your help.”
“Yeah and that one-hundred percent does not give me any right to crash their date. Don’t you fucking go to Ozzie’s tonight. You hear me?”
“Ohh keep talking dirty.”
“I’m so serious right now.”
Blitzø scoffs at your threatening tone. “Don’t remember you being the boss of me.”
“I am telling you, as a friend, that you’re being inconvenient. They’ll get pissed at you and they’ll be right to.”
“Yeah well I don’t fucking care.”
“Come on Blitz, just give them a break. I’ll even go with you to that place you wanted to go!” You try. 
“Yeah! It’ll be fun. And very far from Millie and Mox so they can enjoy their night out alone,” you make sure to point out.
“Fine. Whatever.”
Blitzø drops you off at your apartment so you can get ready with a yell of ‘be quick we don’t have all night!’ as he drives off, going home himself to shower and change too before he’s back to pick you up. 
“If I didn’t know you I’d think you’re dressing to impress me here,” he raises an eyebrow suggestively as he gives you a very exaggerated once-over.
“Yeah in your dreams maybe,” you retort immediately, used to his comments by now, as you get into the passenger seat.
“Oh my dreams about you don’t have any clothes involved.”
He shrugs. “Ready?”
“Sure. What’s the place called again?”
“Uuuuhh, don’t worry about it. We’re going somewhere new.”
You notice he’s extra chatty during the ride, talking your ear off and turning up the radio so the two of you can sing the songs out. You realize why he was going out of his way to distract you when suddenly you take a look out the window and recognize the neighborhood. 
He’s taken you to the Lust Ring, and it’s not very hard to imagine why when he parks just a couple blocks from Ozzie’s. You feel disappointed, and honestly a little naive, to have thought he’d take you to a fun night out instead of just doing whatever he wanted to do. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? This is the one place I said, repeatedly, that we couldn’t go!”
“Oh, boo-hoo, so I’m taking you out on a nice fucking fancy-ass dinner, what a terrible fucking thing to do!”
“Except you’re not taking me out, you just don’t know your fucking boundaries and you wanna spend your sorry-ass night spying on Millie and Moxxie.”
“Eh. Potato, potato.”
“You pronounced it the exact same.”
He shrugs. 
“We’re leaving.”
“What? No!”
“Well I am. And you don’t have a reservation,” you point out, trying to make it clear he’s not getting in. Did he only bring you out with him in the hopes you’d manage to get him a table by pulling some strings? “And you can’t get in without a partner so sucks to be you.”
“Well I’m not taking you anywhere,” he crosses his arms over his chest, matter-of-factly.
“‘Course you’re fucking not. We were supposed to just have some fun tonight. I can’t believe this. You’re a fucking prick, you know that, right?” You let your frustration spill out in your words, and you pull your phone out to see if you can find a ride on Reaper, not in the mood to be out anymore and desperately wanting to get back home at this point.
“Yeah, yeah, and you’re a whiny bitch but I don’t keep telling you that, do I?”
You send him a dirty look, sitting on the curb as you wait for the app to find you a car, and he fucks off to the alleyway behind you to do Satan-knows-what. After a while, still down on your luck with the ride, you’re startled when a portal is opened only a couple feet in front of you, and it takes you a couple seconds to register the fact that it’s Stolas who walks out of it. 
“Stolaaass!” Blitzø calls out, as if already expecting him. Was he already expecting him? Is this what you thought it was- you telling him you wouldn’t get into Ozzie’s with him and him just calling Stolas up, simple as ever, to fulfill that role instead?
“What are you doing here?” You ask the prince, not really meaning to sound rude, but it comes out demanding of an answer regardless, and he tilts his head to the side, as if confused by the fact that you apparently didn’t know he’d be coming.
“Wow. Outfit’s a little overkill, don’t ya think?” Blitzø tells him, and you resist the urge to pettily flick at his forehead at the lack of common sense. Why the fuck would you say that?
Stolas looks down to the floor, embarrassed. “Did you… not know I was coming, y/n?”
“No. Did Blitzø call you here?”
“Yes, I- I assumed-” He looks at Blitzø, now referring to the comment about his outfit as well. “I wanted to look nicer for you. This is our first real date, after all… right?” he explains himself, motioning between the three of you.
“A date?” You whip your head around to look at Blitzø. That’s what he told Stolas this was?
“Surprise! We’re having a date!”
“Blitz I swear to Satan, this is so out of pocket-”
“Is something not right, y/n?” Stolas asks, and it completely disarms you. He seems so genuinely excited about this ‘date’that you can’t get yourself to ruin it for him by revealing what only you knew- that what he thought was a date was just a selfish ploy for Blitzø to spy on Millie and Moxxie for whatever fucking reason he had.
And so you find yourself reassuring him. “No. Not at all.”
“Ya still wanna leave now?” Blitzø whispers, all cocky and annoying and- fuck, he can just be so stubborn it’s insufferable sometimes.You grit your teeth but say nothing in return, and the three of you walk up to the stairs by the entrance. 
You don’t recognize the incubus who greets you. Must be new. He eyes the three of you up and down, as if trying to gather how the fuck this whole thing happened. “Y’all three together?” He asks, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes,” Stolas tells him. 
“Alrightt, that’s fucking hot! Y’all got a reservation?”
Before you can even think of telling him to talk to Ozzie, Stolas speaks up again. “Do we need one?” He asks, glaring at the man, as if challenging him to say no. The man gulps before opening a smile and bowing at him. “No! Uh, shit, my apologies, Your Highness. Right this way.”
You feel the ever-growing urge to facepalm as hard as you possibly can the very second you enter the lounge, because Blitzø immediately starts sneaking around the place like he’s a character in some low-budget spy movie. 
Stolas looks around the place, mesmerized. “Oh, my! Oh, no! No, but also yes!” He’s been there countless times (you should know), but only then do you realize he’s never stayed or even visited for matters that weren’t aligned with his royal duties. He’s stupid rich and he’s never dined at Ozzie’s?
He’s only ever been with that wife of his before you and Blitzø happened. And his own marriage was merely another one of his royal duties. And- oh, fuck. Was this his first ever date? Shit.
You pull Blitzø down to whisper to him as you walk to your table. “Blitz, you’re gonna be fucking nice tonight, alright?”
“Hey I’m always a fucking delight!”
“I’m serious. I think he’s never been on a date before.”
“What? That’s not true.”
“Look he’s clearly excited to be here, please don’t be a dick, okay?”
“You calling me that for free?”
“The outfit comment was not cool.”
“Oh you guys are so fucking sensitive.” He dismisses your words, sitting down on the chair that had been arranged for him, a couple books placed on the seat so his height could be aligned properly with the round table’s.
Stolas is beaming as soon as the three of you sit down. “Oh, how romantic is this? I have never stayed here longer than I needed to. It’s so charming!”
“Yeah, it sounded like- I just thought we’d have a blast here,” Blitzø tells him, barely present in the conversation as he pulls out his goddamn fucking binoculars out of his pocket, surely trying to find out where Millie and Moxxie were seated. 
“Uh, yeah. It’s lovely, right? And it’s where I met both of you! Isn’t that so nice, Blitz?” You kick him under the table, and he shoots you a dirty glare before turning back around. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a real romantic- oh gotcha!”
Stolas tilts his head to the side, trying to figure out what is happening. “Uh, Blitz, what are you looking at?”
“I’m looking at nothing. How about that?” So much for not being a dick. Luckily, a server approaches the table just then, averting Stolas’ attention from Blitzø. 
“So, can I get you three off?” She takes a long pause before ‘correcting’ herself. “I mean, start you three off with some drinks?” It actually was normal taught practice for the ‘slip-ups’ to happen- you should know, you trained countless servers during your time there. It still makes Stolas blush out of embarrassment, caught off-guard by it.
“Yes! Um, perhaps some… wine, to share?” He glances at you, and you smile at him, nodding in agreement. “Blitz?” 
“Would you like some wine, too?”
“Yeah why not?”
“Do you prefer red or white? Or perhaps some champagne?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Blitzø replies dryly, very clearly barely paying any attention to what was said to him as he didn’t even bother turning around to face the two of you.
“Uh- I- uh-”
“What if we-” you begin, trying to help Stolas not freak out.
“Perhaps we should order all three! Ha! Why not?” He suggests, and it sort of sounds like he is sort of freaking out, but you don’t argue. 
“Yeah that sounds good.”
“So! How was the day at I.M.P.?” Stolas tries. 
“Oh? Uh, it was good, I guess. We killed a bunch of weirdos. She can tell you about it,” Blitzø tells him, this time sparing one single glance back and pointing vaguely at you. How thoughtful.
“Uh, business was pretty good today. What he meant with killing a bunch of weirdos is that we had more targets than usual, which is good. But I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about us killing people, right?”
“No! It sounds like fun!” It definitely didn’t look like he thought so, but rather that he was desperately trying to build a connection. One that Blitzø currently didn’t seem to give a flying fuck about. “Uh, how did you kill them?”
The question at least seemed to pique Blitzø’s interest, as he actually turns around and puts down the binoculars to answer it. “How? I mean, there was a lot of ‘em, so… bullets?”
“Right! Right. So… what made you decide to plan a date after all this time?”
Shit. “Uuuuuuhhh…” Blitzø scratches the back of his head, trying to think of what to say. Fuck, don’t be a dick, don’t be a dick, don’t-
Thankfully, for all of you, you’re sure, he doesn’t get to finish whatever he was about to try and say, as the lights dim and Fizzarolli’s voice sounds through the lounge. “Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight.” He descends down the pole right in the middle of the stage, and you notice his greeting routine sounds different. It’s a weird feeling to see so much change since you left. “Welcome, welcome to Ozzie’s, Lust Ring’s number one place for all kinds of sick, twisted fantasies, put on display for all you sleaze and sleazettes, the gem joint of Asmodeus himself. Come on, give him some love!”
“Did he just say Asmodeus?” Stolas questions out loud.
“He likes to make an appearance sometimes,” you explain, but, internally, it made you nervous. You did not need Ozzie to see you on a date tonight.
Stolas nods, and Blitzø lets out a groan. “Oh, no fucking way. Not him!” He hides his face behind the menu that had been placed in front of him, and he’s still never told you what happened between him and Fizz, but that has to be a bit dramatic, doesn't it? 
“I am the one and only Fizzarolli.” The clown continues, pulling up a Loo Loo Land flyer with his robotic version, ‘Robo Fizz’, on it. “Some of you might recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous replicas across the rings of Hell, gloriously designed by the big man himself, and uh,” he traces his hand up his own robotic arm in a rather suggestive way, “ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight: Verosika Mayday, Wet Dream, and The Squirters!” 
The lights shine on them, and suddenly you understand Blitzø’s need to hide. “Shit, she’s here?”
“Do you know her?” Stolas asks you, and you don’t reply.
“But as everyone’s warming up, I got a funny one for y’all!” Fizz keeps on. “Did any of you hear about the batshittery that happened at Loo Loo Land?” He laughs. “Oh yeah, I’ll tell you what, I’d sure love to shake the hand of the crazy son of a bitch who decided to burn down that off-brand shithole, and then slap a fat subpoena in it, ‘cause I’m very much looking to sue. That robo-me made us more money entertaining those kids than the ones we sell to get you freaks off, if you know what I mean.”
Someone in the lounge stands up from their seat, waving their hand around. “I know! I know what you mean! I have four of ‘em!” They announce, loud and proud, and you realize their date is one of those. It’s freaky enough for you to know security’s sure to keep an eye on them for the rest of the night to make sure they stay far away from Fizzarolli.
“So! Without wasting more time! Our little opening act is a fresh one, coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath Ring. Give it up for… Moxxie! With no creative stage name whatsoever.”
Moxxie stands up, taking his guitar with him, and kisses Millie before taking Fizzarolli’s place on the stage. That he hadn’t told you about, and knowing it was probably because he wanted to keep that moment to themselves makes you feel shitty about being there. He taps the mic before speaking. “Hello, everyone. Um. Hi. Thank you for letting me be here. It’s an honor to play.” Someone yells at him to hurry up, and he looks a bit nervous at it before he keeps on. “This song is for my beautiful wife, a surprise for our first anniversary. I love you, Millie.”
I love you More than the brimstone loves the fire, more than beelze loves her bub, more than a maggot loves gangrenous stubs You make my spirit sing Yeah, you make me glad I live in Hell Our love is a story sweet to tell Yeah, you cast a special Satanic spell over my heart Love is a journey we decided to start Yeah, I hope we’ll never, ever be apart I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I-
Shit, Moxxie. If he had told you about this, you would have warned him Ozzie’s was not the right place to perform a love song. But he didn’t, and so… “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,”, Ozzie and Fizz sang along, making their way onto the stage, very clearly mocking and laughing at him. 
Who’s singing love songs in my lustful lounge?
So Ozzie was performing tonight, huh? Must be in a good mood. 
Ozzie’s ain’t the place for sentimental sounds!
What’d you expect from a proprietor like us?
Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust…
Give me a thrust! Show me some lust! From the groin to the bust, in desire we trust, in the House of Asmodeus
Trumpet! Gah!
Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings in the velvety stage Well, we got a saying that’s popular in these parts
‘Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts’
You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around
How hypocritical.
In here we sing about wants and desires
Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire!
So give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the House of Asmodeus Come on, sing us a song! Make sure the subject is getting it on Make it graphic and tactfully long
Make sure to rhyme ‘thong’ and ‘schlong’!
Go ahead, the mic’s on!
After a good while of tossing Moxxie around as Ozzie and Fizz sang, they set the mic in front of him once again. He takes a deep breath before strumming his guitar and giving it a try.
I want to 
Yeah, what do you want? Butt stuff? Piss play? Bondage?
Make gentle love to you
Oh, Moxxie. 
Ugh, what a limp-dick imp, you’re really killing the vibe Get a load of this dweeb and his unsatisfied bride!
Blitzø stands up from his seat. Why the fuck is he standing up from his seat? 
“Hey now, I’ve watched those two pork many times, and, honestly, they make missionary look relatively exciting!” 
You should have known he’d feel the need to try and defend them in some way, but this was really, really not a good idea. If you didn’t want any of your friends to see you there up until then, now he’d managed to basically call out for their attention. 
“What? Blitz!” Moxxie yells out, as if he can’t believe he’s actually there. His eyes find you too, and he furrows his eyebrows together. You feel ashamed that you ended up there, and even more so that his moment was getting ruined in so many ways.
Fizzarolli opens a grin. “Is that Blitzo? So you’re showing your face?”
Hey, everybody!  This guy’s a total disgrace Some nerve you got to comment on a relationship Last I checked, your love life is a pile of shit!
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Verosika stands up, the lights immediately panning to her, and she joins in. 
Oh, Blitzo? I used to date him 
“Oh, Verosika, you’re here.”
I’d stroke him, I’d fellate him But when it was my turn He did no reciprocating  A selfish imp in the sheets  And just as bad on the streets A reckless, heart-breaking freak
You silently pray to Lucifer for her to not see you, or just not mention you, or-
“Oh am I interrupting your date, y/n?” She spits out. 
I should have known it I should have guessed you’re not above it  How long left till they’re abandoned? Do they know they’re not your standard?  The prince would better watch out Just get too close and he’s out Give it some time, she’ll flake out
You look down at your hands over your lap and you wish the ground would just swallow you whole. Stolas looks between you and Blitzø, trying to assimilate what just happened. “Did the both of you date her?”
Who’s that at your table? Is your date a demon prince? Stolas, is that you?
Are you sleeping with an imp?
My dark lord, how the mighty do fall! You used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! I hope you didn’t give it up so they could help you get it up…
Stolas hides his face behind the menu, not unlike Blitzø had done earlier, like he’s… embarrassed to be called out for being on a date with the two of you. It feels like a gut punch, to come down to the realization that, yeah, of course he’s embarrassed, he’s a prince, for Lucifer’s sake. 
Your eyes feel like they’re burning, and you have to hold back tears from streaming down your face. 
You sold your life for a thrust! Now that’s the spirit of Lust Grab your groin or a bust You better get your hair mussed Pretend you don’t see that crust Hump ‘till your junk turns to dust In the House of Asmode-
You stand up in preoccupation for Millie when she simply knocks Fizzarolli down to the ground. 
“Hey!” Ozzie exclaims, helping Fizz get up. You see the rage in his eyes- Millie was crazy to have done that- and he looks back at you. The worry in your expression and the furious shaking of your head, wordlessly asking him not to do anything, are accepted, and Millie is left unharmed purely for the sake of you. 
“I think you were tryin’ to sing somethin’ for me, Mox.”
“Yeah, I was.”
I love us I love us just the way we are Don’t have to pretend to like to do things we don’t I’ve always got you around to laugh at my stupid jokes I’ll never take you for granted I’ll always give you my best If you can offer the same thing we’ll handle the rest ‘Cause I love you ‘Cause I love you
Blitzø looks undoubtedly hurt and undeniably uncomfortable and, shit, it was very much warranted. You felt the exact same, ashamed of getting called out by Verosika, hurt by having Ozzie of all people put you all on blast, feeling stupid for feeling hurt by Stolas so very clearly looking embarrassed to be seen on a date with you. 
Stolas looks worried, but doesn’t get to form any words before Blitzø speaks up. “You know what, this was a mistake, alright? Let’s just- let’s just leave.”
For the first time the entire night, you agree with him. “Yeah. We should go.”
“Oh. Right. Of course,” Stolas agrees, and the three of you get up, making your way to the exit. You didn’t even get to try the fucking wine. 
You glance back at Ozzie on your way out, and he raises his eyebrows in concern when his eyes meet yours. You know that face. He only just realized he hurt you with what he did, and you know he’ll let you be for the rest of the night, but you’re sure to expect him to show up at your place tomorrow to apologize. 
You also take a glance at Millie and Moxxie, still on the stage, and mouth an ‘I’m sorry’ to them before exiting the place. 
The drive to Stolas’ place is quiet and uncomfortable and it makes holding yourself back from crying much, much harder. You’re not even sure why Stolas is getting a ride, as he’d portaled himself to Ozzie’s and could very much just portal himself back home, but it’s not like you’re gonna bring that up. 
Much too tall for the I.M.P. van, he’s crammed in the backseat, and struggles a little before managing to get himself out of the car. 
Before leaving, he leans on the passenger’s window, facing you and Blitzø and nervously trying to get himself to say something. “Thank you, for… inviting me out tonight.” Blitzø turns away to face his other side and you keep your eyes glued to the windshield, both unable to look him in the eye. “Despite everything that’s happened, I… I enjoyed spending time with you.”
“Yeah,” is all Blitzø says, and you simply nod.
“You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia’s with her mother this weekend, so we could…”
“I’m not fucking you tonight, okay? I’m really just… I’m really not in the mood, alright?” He nudges you with his elbow, and you swear you see him wipe down a tear. “If you wanna take this one go ahead.”
“We could just… talk. Or… watch a movie? Or maybe… cuddle?”
For the first time since leaving Ozzie’s, you manage to properly look at Stolas. Was he serious? Would he genuinely be okay with that after what just happened? Could he genuinely be okay to be in your presence without sex involved? 
“Stolas, don’t act like what we have is anything but you wanting us to fuck you, okay?” 
“No. You too. Are you actually falling for the shit he says? Fucking watch a movie and cuddle? You know exactly what he wants from us. He just says what he thinks he has to to get in our pants. I thought you weren’t that stupid.” 
You scoff at his words and get out of his car silently, as you can’t believe he just said that to you.
“What, you’re not coming?” 
Tears are threatening to roll down your face again, and it makes you angry. “Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own?”
“Fine. Stay with him then. Congrats to the fucking happy couple!” 
With that lovely yell, he takes off. 
“Are you alright, dearest? You can come in if you-“ Stolas reaches for you, but you can’t help but back off, not allowing him to touch you. He lets his hand fall back to his side. 
“Could you just send me back to Ozzie’s? Looks like I don’t have a ride anymore.”
“Are you sure you want to be there? What he did was-“
“I- I’ll talk to him. They won’t poke fun at you because of us again, Your Highness. No need to worry.”
He grimaces at your words, and you’re fully aware why.  You haven’t called him that in a long time. In fact, you realize you did it to be cruel. To hurt him. 
To hurt yourself into remembering your place in relation to him. You almost want him to argue with you. To understand what you meant and tell you he doesn’t look down on you, that he doesn’t feel ashamed. 
And yet he only accepts what you say with a nod.  “Good night, y/n.” 
Maybe Blitzø isn’t wrong.
You nod once instead of saying it back- you don't trust your voice to come out.
He seems to want to say something else but refrains from doing so, only waving his hand to cast the spell you requested him to. In a mere second you materialize back at Ozzie’s, but not in the lounge, thankfully- in the waiting room in front of his office. 
You break down crying the very moment you gain bearing of your surroundings. 
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A/N sorry for the shitty lyrics i added to house of asmodeus it was sadly necessary lmaoooo
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clu-ven · 6 months
Better than Meditation
soooo I haven't posted in a very long time but I'm trying to get back into writing!!! (so pls bear with me xoxoxoxoxo)
Summary: you come up with an alternative (smutty) way for Crosshair to gain some control over his hand - based off S3 E08
Tags: SMUT, vaginal fingering, semi public fingering?? (technically it’s done in an isolated but public place), lil bit of plot + smut, smut, smut
Word Count: 2.8k
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“He’s still down there, y’know” Omega’s voice brings you out of your thoughts as she slumps down beside you.
You keep your eyes closed, letting the rays of the afternoon sun wash over you. Pabu’s climate is one you could most definitely get used to. It’s inviting and comforting atmosphere makes you feel at ease, a sensation that has become rare since the rise of the Empire.
“Well, you know how stubborn he is,” you reply casually. 
While Hunter and Wrecker are gone to meet some bounty hunter they know, Crosshair has spent most of his time on a secluded part of the beach, focused on correcting his aim.  Everyone has tried to talk to him about it but unfortunately, that only made things worse.
Now Crosshair is more defensive than ever, determined to prove that he is perfectly capable of correcting his shaky hand by himself. 
“Yeah but AZI said it might be some kind of mental block,” Omega sighs, subtly copying you as she closes her eyes too “if he doesn’t open up and let us help him, then how is he supposed to get better?”.
Her concern for Crosshair makes you smile, impressed by how she’s able to delicately balance trying to help her brother without being too overbearing.
The question lingers for a few moments before you open your eyes and glance down at her “And he’s already shot down your meditation idea?”.
Omega briefly mentioned the idea to you that morning and although you were sceptical, you encouraged her determination to help anyway. 
“Of course he did,” she lets out a heavy sigh “saying he didn’t like it is an understatement”. 
A comfortable silence grows between you both as you consider the situation. But before you can speak, Omega quickly becomes restless and blurts out “Can’t you try speaking with him? He’ll listen to you, I just know it!”. 
It’s no secret that you and Crosshair were once close and you can only presume Omega has heard about this from the likes of Wrecker, who wouldn’t give a second thought about mentioning it.
"I can try but..." you trail off, hesitating to make a decision. Doubt clouds your judgement, stopping you from promising anything. After all, you know how stubborn and closed-minded Crosshair can be at times, especially when it comes to being vulnerable.
Omega's face lights up at your hesitant help. "Great! Sometimes trying is all it takes". She seems upbeat and enthusiastic as she stands “I was gonna go introduce Batcher to Mox, Stak and Deek anyways so it’s good to know Crosshair won’t be alone”.
Giving the girl a tight-lipped smile in response, Omega whistles for Batcher. With one last goodbye, she hurries off happily.
You wait until she’s gone before you sigh and slump down again. Although Crosshair has been back for a while now, the two of you have yet to have a proper reunion, leaving you both unsure of how to approach the situation. 
Knowing you can’t put this off for forever, you begrudgingly get up and start the long descent down to the secluded beach. 
The subtle change in weather appears to align with your mood, as the sun dips behind the clouds and a warm breeze begins to pick up. It causes the light fabric of your skirt to dance in the wind as if it has a mind of its own. But it’s only a momentary distraction as your thoughts swiftly return to Crosshair, focusing fully on him and the impending catch-up. 
You and Crosshair were always close during the Clone Wars, constantly laughing at each other’s snide remarks, bickering simply for the sake of it and always trying to get a rise out of the other. Even back then, you knew where the constant teasing would eventually lead to… but then it didn’t. 
Instead, the war came to an end and before you even got the opportunity to speak with Crosshair, the rest of the Batch had turned up at your door and told you that he had already picked his side.
Since then, you have been travelling with the batch. It took a long time to accept that whatever was between you and Crosshair was gone, whether that be a friendship or something more. That died the day the Republic did. 
But in a strange twist of faith, Crosshair is back and so are your lingering feelings. Although, if it was difficult to confront this emotion before everything happened, it’s become utterly impossible now. Neither of you have mentioned it and yet you still catch his longing gaze whenever he thinks you’re not paying attention.
When you reach the beach, it’s exactly how you pictured; Crosshair is alone, his sniper positioned steadily on a rock as he tries to shoot the far off target. A blaster bolt sprints across the water as he fires, missing his target by a few inches. You hear him mutter something under his breath as he tries again.
Flicking his chewed up toothpick to the ground, Crosshair notices you. “Yes?” He asks impatiently, lining up another shot.
“You’ve been out here all day,” you state the obvious “Omega’s worried about you”.
Crosshair doesn’t reply immediately, first firing (and missing) again before he turns around just to make sure you see his eye roll. “Oh, is she?” His tone is underlined with sarcasm. 
A huff falls from your lips and suddenly you know all too well why Omega was so irked after trying to help the man in front of you. Despite the scowl on your face, you refuse to fall into the usual bickering you once had with him. 
“You know she is,” you sigh “maybe you should take a break, come have some lunch and forget about target practice for a while”.
He watches you for a moment, studying you the same way you’ve seen from the corner of your eye “And when did you become mother hen?”.
Scoffing, you walk closer, hugging yourself with your arms “Don’t act like that, you know you’re overworking yourself… Crosshair, please, you need to take care of yourself”. 
The concern in your voice takes him by surprise but Crosshair quickly recovers as he mutters “Oh, so you’re worried about me now?”.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You bat back at him.
“You’ve hardly looked at me, nevermind speak to me since I’ve gotten back” he practically spits the words out. 
You no longer hold back your glare “Like you’ve made any effort to talk to me!”.
“How can I when you don’t even look at me?” Crosshair challenges, his gaze unyielding as your annoyance fades as quick as it came. 
Coming up to the rock he’s based at, you slide down against it to shield yourself from the wind. Crosshair follows suit and kneels beside you, waiting cautiously for your response. 
Your tone holds a sense of sincerity as you speak, your words now free of any reservations. "I do look at you… of course I do," you confess with genuine intent, all annoyance and restraint vanishing within you. 
“Then you must see me staring,” he almost whispers the words, watching you carefully “I thought you would have gotten the hint by now that I’m still interested”.
A soft smile graces your lips and as if taming a wild animal, you slowly reach out for his hand. Crosshair makes no attempt to stop you and you gently slip your hand into his before you tug him closer. 
Settling his hand on to your lap, you begin to trace your finger up and down his palm until finally resting your hand delicately on his wrist. “Let me help,” you offer “seriously, Crosshair”.
“And how would you help?” Though the question almost seems backhanded, you know that’s just Crosshair being Crosshair.
The mischievous glint in your eye paired with the suggestive smirk plastered across your face doesn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“How do you think?” you question. 
He holds your gaze as if to challenge you to make the first move but you hold strong. This is your moment and you both know it.
A secluded beach? A chance for you both to finally reunite in a way you could only imagine? Both of your minds go to the same place.
You give his wrist a small yet reassuring squeeze and before you can make another comment, his lips are on yours. 
With an intensity fuelled by pure need, he slams his lips against yours in a heated display of passion. This isn’t just a build up of years worth of longing for Crosshair. No, it’s much more than that. It’s an act of rebellion against the time he lost with you because of the Empire, both in spite of his own misplaced loyalty to them as well as his time on Tantiss. 
The fiery kiss goes on for what feels like an eternity and yet the time seems far too brief when it finally comes to an end. The passion flaring between the two of you is intoxicating, causing you to crave more.
His fingers twitch on your lap, eager to do more for you. As if on cue, you both look down at his hand, your soft grasp still around his wrist.
“You have to be calm, be able to stay consistent with your shots if you want to hit the target, right?” you ask, trying not to smirk when you see his sudden confusion. 
In a moment like this, you seriously decide to give him some advice on shooting? Crosshair nods, silently waiting to see where this is going.
“Maybe you’re approaching this from the wrong perspective,” you suggest, noticing how his attention shifts to your lips “you’re focusing on your sniper abilities, looking to re-learn your techniques… but you need to re-learn how to use your fingers in order to effectively use your sniper”.
“And how do you propose I do that?” his voice is low, causing the skin on your arms to prickle with goosebumps. You can feel the effect of his voice in your panties.
With your free hand, you begin to bunch up your skirt, first revealing your thighs and then a glimpse of your underwear. Crosshair can’t help it as a groan escapes from his throat.
You guide his hand closer to your clothed core before Crosshair takes initiative and brushes his fingers teasingly against you. 
He can feel the warmth beneath your underwear, feeling more assured in his movements when he hears you take in a sharp breath. But even with the small boost in confidence, Crosshair can’t help it as a small tremor courses through his hand. 
“Take your time,” your voice is soft but firm in your reassurance “and if this is too much then we can stop”. Fearful that you’ve pushed him too far, you slowly begin to close your legs as you nervously fiddle with your skirt “I didn’t mean to push you so-”.
You stop your apologetic remark when his firm grip stops your legs from meeting. A brief look of disbelief flicks across your face as he spreads your legs to his liking.
“No,” there is no hesitancy in Crosshair’s voice as he takes control of the situation “you started this, don’t go shy on me now”. This time it’s your turn to nod silently.
His fingers glide down to caress you again, this time feeling the dampness from beneath your underwear. Each reaction you give, whether a sharp intake of breath or a slight quiver up your spine, only serves to fuel Crosshair’s determination. He savors these small responses, revelling in how you leave each reaction so bare for him to see.
Crosshair smirks “If this is how you react to such simple touches, do you think you could handle me touching you without anything between us?”. 
“You’d be surprised with how much I can handle” you taunt.
Oh how he has missed how you challenge him. Your snarky response is rewarded with a kiss but before you can melt into it, Crosshair brings both of his hands to your hips and swiftly pulls your panties down. 
The eager sight that greets him brings a smile to his face. Crosshair can feel his excitement growing but before he can get ahead of himself, he’s committed to take care of you first. 
Crosshair teasingly brings just one finger down to your core. A slight tremor causes his finger to waver but after a second, it stops as desire overtakes him. His finger teases you, feeling just how much you want him. Before he can make another teasing comment, you pull him in for another kiss, unable to help yourself.
Crosshair is quick to take control of the kiss, simultaneously pushing his tongue into your mouth as he sinks his long finger into you. You welcome all of him, moaning into his mouth. Taking your sounds as encouragement, Crosshair adds a second digit to your core. 
He pushes in until he’s knuckle deep, successfully finding that spot within you. Crosshair takes your advice to heart. He keeps a consistent rhythm, thrusting his fingers inside of you. He listens to each involuntary squeak and moan, adjusting his speed and pressure of each pump of his fingers to whichever makes you react the most. 
There’s not a slight tremble in his entire hand, his attention solely on you. There is no room for nerves or doubt to creep in and cause his hand to shake. That seems almost impossible now, especially with you like this in front of him.
There is nothing but you and him in this moment, the rhythmic movement of his fingers serving as proof that he has full control.
He buries his fingers into you, pressing the palm of his hand against your clit and delivering powerful jolts of pleasure into your body.
“That’s it,” he coos at your moans “you’re nearly there, aren’t you?”.
A flutter fills your chest as your breathing becomes more rapid. "Y-yes,” you manage with a strained voice, your mind becoming overwhelmed with arousal “keep doing that”. 
You squeeze around his fingers, feeling the tight coil in your lower stomach getting closer and closer to finally snapping.
Your body responds to his touch in the most natural of ways, your back arching and head bowing in a display of utter pleasure. Your hand instinctively searches for contact, grabbing hold of his knee as the overwhelming sensation begins to consume you.
Your legs twitch, eyes rolling back in your head and a rather loud moan escapes your lips as the satisfaction you feel begins to peak. 
Bliss floods your entire being and the mixture of your moans and whimpers blend together in a melodic harmony. Every movement of his hand guides you through the waves of ecstasy, sending shivers through your body. 
Crosshair hums approvingly as you come down from your sigh. Almost reluctantly, he takes his hand away from you and examines his sticky but steady fingers. “My hand hasn’t been able to do so much and remain so still since… well, ever since Tantiss” he comments.
Trying to give your shaky legs more time to recover, you fix your panties before you reposition your skirt. Stealing a glance at Crosshair, you’re glad to see you’re not the only one with flushed cheeks. You smile almost bashfully as you lean on the rock to stand. 
Crosshair is there to help, gently holding your upper arm as you steady yourself. Despite the sass you gave him earlier and the bliss he just brought you now, you find it hard to maintain eye contact. 
Clearing your throat, you try to regain some of that boldness from before “Well then… good luck with your target practice, I’ll go see if the others have made contact yet”.
“What?!” the sound is almost foreign to you; the sound of an utterly bamboozled Crosshair. 
Pushing yourself off the rock, you feel his grasp slip away from your arm. You continue to walk as you turn around to savor his shocked expression.
“What about me?” he asks, trying to be inconspicuous as he gestures to the tent in his pants “I thought this was about helping me?”.
“Yeah, I know,” you reply with a smirk “you’ll get your reward when you hit the target”. With a wink, you turn your back to him and begin the ascent back. 
Crosshair’s jaw hangs open as he watches you go, and he can’t help but laugh at your audacity.
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roeiswriting · 16 days
I want Yuta to be angry, I want this to elevate him.
I want that fire lit inside of him, the two sides of not only how dare you do what you did to Bryan, but how dare you go behind my back and completely blindside me.
I need him to channel that grit, that frustration, that fight that encompasses the energy of what the bcc was meant to be.
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Despite the probable belief that Yuta wouldn’t turn his back on Bryan the notion of leaving him out of a plan is another layer to all of this. The idea of “why was I not good enough, not trusted enough, to stand alongside the men who told me I will be great.”
I want him to be outraged, not only to seek vengeance for Bryan but I need him prove that he IS great. I want him to be as dangerous as the men who have taught him for all these years, I want him to show to this audience that Mox, Claudio and Bryan took a chance on him for good reason and he can bleed just as hard for what he loves as we know the rest of them can.
Everyone else in that ring was emotionless, like it was a necessity to get a job done. Yet Yuta was distraught beyond belief, Bryan was in total shock after a possibly foolish moment of bliss upon seeing the people he thought he could rely on, and well emotions can be the most powerful thing.
I need this air of, You seem so nonchalant, you act like you do not care, like this isn’t personal, like you had to do what you did. But the reality is you’ve cared so much for all this time and it is a disservice to yourselves to act like this isn’t world shattering.
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I want him to have this frustration stemming from not wanting to be selfish. Wanting to do right by Bryan, being devastated at what unfolded and knowing that he escaped physically unharmed but having, at his core, this nagging feeling of being a kid who’s simply been left behind.
They know Yuta to be great, I want the world to see it too.
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ataraxianne · 30 days
In my feefees again today thinking about Moxxie and Blitzø and their friendship and how Mox needed exactly someone like Blitzø in his life precisely in that moment
Like, Moxxie was brought up in a cold mansion with a man that sucked as a father, that killed his mother when he was little, mistreated him, abused him and neglected him, pushing him to act in a certain way and never appreciating his true self and not even his sexuality and boyfriend. Boyfriend who is actually a whole lot questionable, but hey you have fun, he is (sort of) nice, and you're great partners even on the field, doing heists together and so. Except like wait hold on he just ran away? You got trapped during the job the police arrived and he left with the stolen goods leaving you there? And like hell your father will come to the rescue and deal with the cops because that would mean risking his own mafia empire, so I guess this is it? You're alone now?
Except the weird guy you share your cell with has a plan to evade and even tho you haven't spoken to him not even once since you've been there he's already so willing to make you part of it so you two can escape together?? He doesn't even know you?? And, let's be real, knowing Moxxie he probably panicked and/or fainted once or twice while trying to run away from the prison, questioning some things perhaps slowing them down and getting caught but this weirdo still didn't leave him behind?? Even though he most likely cussed him out half of the time, questioned his brain and body faculties and had to forcibly move him around because he couldn't run fast enough at the right moments but still he never dumped him?? They successfully got out of prison together?? This complete stranger offered him a helping hand ad despite everything he never let go?? And the main reason he did this was actually because he had to come home to his daughter because he cares for her and doesn't want to be too late???
No wonder Moxxie never looked back
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Can you do it with other characters as well? Preferably blitzø, moxie, millie, loona, octavia, and stolas?
It can be romantic or platonic, whichever you're more comfortable with or which suits the character more.
Thank you again babes <3333
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(A/N) I love me some Striker, but I need to write some different characters LMAO! DW HE’S STILL IN HERE- I gotcha covered, I only write Via platonically however just as a heads up for anyone who wants more content of her specifically!
Helluva Characters with S/O giving them a bracelet!
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Blitzo 🐎
You were crafting a little bracelet for Blitzø, as a thank you for bringing you into this family- IMP, was like a newfound home for you.
Even if it was a business, the co-workers were great- (even Loona- at times)
You even started a relationship with Blitzø, there’s a lot of hard moments with it sometimes but you still loved him and he still loved you.
Even if the idea of love scared him.
Hell, it did to you too sometimes- but you wanted to show him, regardless you’d be there for him thick and thin.
You crafted this bracelet that had charms of things that reminded you of him.
From Blitzø’s love of horses, to the IMP crew itself- plus that fancy revolver he carries around.
You thought of charms that represented little inside jokes you two had. The whole sha’ bang.
It was great! You thought before slowly getting a tad bit anxious, you know it’s unlikely but maybe would he turn it down if it seemed too unprofessional even for him?
Would people not take him seriously if he had this on? Or? Maybe he just- wouldn’t like it?
Your thoughts weren’t allowed to fester too much as you were startled at the sound of a door bursting open.
It was the one and only, Blitzø coming in with a smile on his face and sparkles in his eye.
“You’ll never believe what just happened- I got to pet- a pony! There was one outside, just chillin’ about and I got my chance to pet it- it ran away, but still got the chance too!” He rambled on, “I even drew it.”
He showed you a picture of a pony, you chuckled and smiled before you were able to say a word he slid over to you.
“Oh whatcha doing?” He looked over your shoulder and you tried hiding the bracelet.
“Making a bracelet-“ you said, testing the waters to see how he’d react.
“What type of bracelet? If it’s a friendship bracelet- I’ll be offended if there’s not one for me- just sayin’ no pressure of course.” He jest, you think.
You took that as the A-okay to hand him the bracelet you were crafting for him, rocking back and fourth with a grin on your face.
He took the bracelet as his smile got smaller, with a soft genuine grin.
“I- Wow- this- really was for me-“ he turned the bracelet to see the charms and his tail gave a small wag,
“Heh it even has the horses I showed you.. “ he scratched his neck, then he perked up with an ever larger grin.
“I’m gonna show this to Mox and Mills, they’re gonna be jealous I bet you right now-!”
He grabbed your hand and rushed out of the room with you, you smiled that he enjoyed it so much and you saw how he kept it on him at all times.
Even in fights- that made you the happiest demon in hell…
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Millie 🪓
You thought about making something for Mills for a while kle now, but one of the main thing you thought of was- the main thing you knew how to do well for others.
Bracelets! You went out to get some charms, even made a few to fit her.
Getting one that was her iconic axe, a few things that reminded her of home and a black heart charm like the one on her shoulder.
You tried to make it a sweet as she was, yet fiery too because she was.
Making a little special thing for her made you happy, but it started feeling childish in some ways.
Dear Satan, when did anyone do this- outside of childhood? Y’all were adults now and, it felt kiddish to do this.
You debated on keeping it to yourself to save away from the embarrassment of giving it to her.
You scratched your head and sighed, looking around before putting away in a drawer.
Eventually you went off to do something else forgetting about for a while.
Till one day, you asked Millie to grab something for you out of your little work-station / desk, while you were distracted with what you were currently doing, you heard the pause of the searching of drawers.
Before you heard a gasp and her walking towards you-
“Did ya’… make this for me?” She looked at you with a large grin,
You blushed looking at the bracelet before nervously nodding.
“Y-yeah- it was supposed to be for you- I didn’t think you’d like it so I left it in ther-“
“Don’t like? Shug’ I love it! Anythin’ from ya’ I like? Ain’t cha’ realize that by now-!” she kissed your cheek with a smile before putting it on, doing a twirl while looking at her wrist.
“It’s so cute,” her tail wagged and she hugged you joyfully.
“I’m glad you like it!”
“I love it!” She peppered your face with kisses as she kept looking at it.
She loved it and you, to you- you wished you had given it earlier!
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Moxxie 🎭
Moxxie’s a sweetheart, and a passionate fella everyone knew that- especially you.
He made you smile, you to him and you loved hearing his voice as he passionately talked about the things he loved.
From theater to weaponry, anything really.
He liked that you listened to him, and didn’t tell him to be quiet on the things he liked as other demons did.
You two got together, and it couldn’t be better!
But one day you decided to put that all together and put into a bracelet as appreciation for him.
Using charms on the bracelets, from theaters he personally liked the most- one of his favorites being Phantom of the Opera.
You used the mask of that as a little charm, then you put a few sniper model charms on it too.
Making it a little themed one of him! For extra measure, you added a cute small bowtie charm as well.
Putting in love and adoration into the bracelet.
You got picky with it however, and personally kept readjusted things to make it better.
Before having a frustrated sigh and breathing out a whisper to yourself saying, “how could he like this?”
Moxxie heard you as he passed by you-
“Not like what?” He said with a curious yet comforting tone, he walked over to you and pur a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey if- anyone doesn’t like what you do for them- that’s on them, okay? It’s on them, I like what you do- I like anything you do.” He smiled at you and you looked at his smile, his contagious grin that made you even smile a bit.
You nodded,
“Thanks Mox, it’s just- I made this for you and-“ you handed the bracelet off to him.
He looked at it and a wide grin came on his face,
“This is incredible- the detail on this! The little- the little- is that the mask from, oh my- this is amazing!” He put it on still looking at it.
“Thank you-!” he gave you a sugar sweet hug and his tail wagged as his leg bounced up and down.
You hugged back and smiled, holding him tight as you were happy this happened.
How just a little mutter he paid attention to, and how he proved to you regardless he’ll like anything and be there through anything with you. 💕
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Loona 🐺
Loona you’ve always known to have a soft side underneath that aggressive and mean exterior, because she’s opened to you like that
She also can be an adorable dork, at times. It’s cute you’ve always liked that.
When you two got into a relationship, she was over the moon and happy about it- it wouldn’t be uncommon for her to even wag her tail when looking at you.
She’s even tried her best during arguments to calm down and not be mean, which is for her a lot of effort.
Albeit, today when you tried making her a bracelet you got a bit anxious she wouldn’t like it. Although you put as much love you had into it, putting all the things she liked into it.
Things you picked up with her, her enjoyments, her likings, plus all of the sweet things you two shared all into one as charms.
You had the beads be based on her eyes and fur, the colors of the moon.
You liked it and smiled at it, unfortunately you got a bit timid with showing her- you’ve seen how much she can dislike something.
Remembering that few times she’s smashed items she disliked because it pissed her off.
Even though she’s never expressed or acted like that to you, you fear if there ever is a day where that happens to you.
You looked at the bracelet and then looked at the reference image you used for the beads of you and Loona, you smiled at it then looked away.
Sighing you got up, with Loona you always have to try, in relationships in general you always have to try- she always tried, she did and you loved her for trying.
So, you got your courage and gave her the bracelet when you two met on your next date.
She looked at it, her tail started wagging erratically and her eyes widened with adoring shock.
She smiled, with her puppy eyes- she hugged you while trying to find the words to say.
“You know how much I love these little things! It has oh- you remembered that?” She chuckled, patting your back having her tail wag still.
“I look terrible for not giving you a gift this time, ugh- next date you’ll see-“
You smiled and hugged her, she perked up her body and her ears did.
She hugged back and her tail wrapped around you, the date went off to a great start- and if you wanna know it went great even till the end~ 💕
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Octavia 🦉 🪄
You were friends with Via for a long time now, pretty much being buds for life.
You two shared everything together, whenever Stolas got on her nerves or Stella- even just them together in general she was able to vent her frustrations to you then you the same to her.
You the same to her, she may have been pessimistic in situations but you brought out a certain optimism in her that she thought she couldn’t really bring back up since her situation with her parents.
You two were close, like two peas in a pod, and you honestly- forgot you two didn’t have anything like symbolizing that like other friends do.
Like friendship necklaces or friendships bracelets, so you made the ladder.
You bought some beads and charms, then got to work.
You made it based on astrology. One thing you knew she adored was the stars, always the stars, both her and her father had in common was that.
You even remember talking to her dad about them at one point with Via.
You finished the bracelet and smiled, before running off to hand it to Octavia whenever you had the chance to.
You made one of your own too, to match with her.
You feared a bit not from what Octavia thought but what Stella would think, because from what you know she’s picky on appearances and might pick at the bracelet and get her daughter in trouble.
So when you gave it to Via you reassured her you didn’t have to wear it all the time, maybe not even at all but just know that you’ll always be her friend.
She let out a happy hoot when she saw it and shook her head no
“Are you crazy? I’m literally gonna wear this- all the time! I love this, it’s amazing! I think my dad would like this too-“ She looked over it and put it on.
She hugged you, then took a photo of you two wearing them in a selfie.
Then posting it to her Voxstagram, smiling at this.
“Literally do not care if anyone- even my mum talks about it, I’m wearing this. It matches with my favorite shirt too!”
She hooted again and smiled, you were thrilled when she said that and happy about it- scared she’d get in trouble but regardless you two just knew you’d be there for her even if something like that happened. ✨
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Stolas 🦉 ✨
The way Stolas was, he honestly was appreciative of really- any nice thing that came to him.
His plants, his daughter, not his wife, and well- you.
He smiled at when you told him lovely things and he didn’t know how to respond, like how handsome he looked that day or how sweet he was.
His feathers puffed up- plus his heart skipped many beats, smiling at you with stars in his eyes. A faint blush over his face.
He was a passionate person with a loving heart that was just- something he wasn’t able to use, especially with his wife happening.
A relationship with you was controversial with the Goetia family, but he could care less as there wasn’t love in his ‘relationship’ with his wife anyway.
He smiled at the happiness he had with you.
You did too, it made you happy to see him happy and having instead of yearning for something positive.
You decided at one day, something small to give him would make him thrilled.
You made a bracelet that used a makeshift fake vine tying the bracelet together, with purple and blue beads.
Whilst using star-like charms on it to add to it altogether.
You spent a while on it, trying to make it look as fancy as possible to fit with his starry theme.
You got unsure if it would suit him or- if- if he would get in more trouble with Stella because of this.
It was lingering in the back of your head, but you wanted to give it to him because you know on weekends he’s lonely.
As weekends, Via is taken by Stella to her home.
So, during that time you visited him and as he welcomed you in with a smile. He was in his robe and you can tell he was- not doing the best that day.
You decided this was the best- you gave him the bracelet and he gave a loud hoot.
He took it and put it on without hesitation.
“You… made this… for me? Oh my, this is lovely- thank you, I’m cherishing this for the rest of eternity I swear-“
He smiled,
“You truly brighten my days even on the worst ones- i swear…”
He kneeled down (or just didn’t) to kiss you passionately and hug you tight spinning you around.
Stolas did NOT care if his wife got angered by it, he was getting a divorce anyway- let her be mad.
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Striker 🐍
The gunslinging cowboy of the wild Wrath, you were surprised that you were able to date him.
With how prideful he was, and how confident he was- plus he was wanted (legally) and by other demons. So him looking at you, made your heart flutter.
He liked you, hell- he loved you, found you different and unique to other demons.
When you let him into your life and you into his, he gave you a wild ride. From his job, to at home, anytime was a fun time with him. He let you know how much you loved him.
You smiled at him whenever you’ve seen him.
But this day, he was at work- off killing someone you luckily did not know.
You decided to make him a bracelet, something that was reminiscent of his cowboy and western loving style.
Having it be less- fancy, and more down-to-hell.
You added the snake theme to it with the bracelet itself, then added a charm of a demon horse (more resembling Bombproof)
His hat, plus little additions of his favorite western movies you found from stores. Thankful that they had it-
You looked at it, you knew he probably wouldn’t wear it in in public all too often.
Especially on the job, because looking intimidating and seeming so, was important- you didn’t mind that. What you did fear was if it- wasn’t good enough for him.
You knew how much his appearance meant to him, how much he avoided the idea of being soft or vulnerable.
So maybe that this bracelet would refuse that for you, you sighed when you realized that.
Little did you know- because you were so focused- he came home early and surprised you, by kissing you on the cheek and holding you from behind.
“Heya’ darlin’-“ he grinned, resting himself in your neck and having his tail rattle with a low hiss of satisfaction.
“I missed ya’ all damn day, fuck ya’ got no idea- this bitch refused to fuckin’ die-“
You chuckled a bit,
“Wouldn’t anyone?”
“Well ya’ but- it would’ve been less painful if they did-“ his tail lowered down.
You looked up at him, then the bracelet, and he looked down at you.
“Whatcha’ got there?”
You smiled nervously, then showed him the bracelet.
Looking at his face for his reaction.
He smiled and took the bracelet.
“I wanted to make you something, since I had the time to-“ he cut you off with a kiss and lifted you up, his tail wagged and rattled.
“Darlin’ I fuckin’ love you,” he peppered your face in kisses with a grin on his face.
“I knew you’d love those movies!” He cackled which brought a smile to your flustered face.
“I can’t wear it all the time but… do me a favor and wear it for me when I’m not around, ya’ got piece of me nailed down into a band,” he smiled a bit before pulling you to him.
You know he loved you and you him, this just made it even better for both of you 💕
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This episode holy hell is it just so mixed to me.
On the one hand, the concept of Verosika having a party to comfort others hurt by Blitz is whacky in that fun Helluva S1 way but also is really sweet. She is such a fun cool likable character, her little tail waggle while cutting the cake and her expressions all of it kills me. I love her so bad shes excellent. I'm so glad she wasn't just a bitch and is shown to have a caring side in such a unique way; shes vindictive but not only for her own sake. Thats so fun and cool!
Blitz apologizing to the exes hes genuinely wronged is great too, even if the amount of people at the party feels a bit crazy/OTT, I liked that his "We're all shit we're in hell who cares how I act!" stuff was shut down. Pushing others away all the time and constantly justifying shitty behaviors is shown as no way to live, as harmful to both others and oneself, and its shown in a fun way.
On the other hand, Shitlas fucking ruins it all and taints it. You have this funny premise and Verosika being cool but then Shitlas is portrayed as just another ex hurt by Blitz, which would be fine if he was. But he's not. He's a sexually extorting, sexually harassing, child neglecting asshole who was MORE in the wrong than Blitz ever fucking was by a landslide. The whole episode is just us the audience being lied to about S1 and Blitz being gaslit about his past treatment at the hands of Shitlas. It takes a premise that was good and turns it into twisted Blitz torture porn; him feeling fucked in the head and behaving weirdly after developing an unhealthy relationship towards sex and what he has with Shitlas after being sexually extorted for months = him being an asshole. Him not sweeping Shitlas off his feet and coddling his need for a romantic partner after Shitlas has harassed the everloving fuck out of him and set up a sexual exchange he didn't want is "another example of Blitz fucking a relationship up". Just WTH.
This episode should have been just about Verosika and Blitz. NOT that owl. Can you imagine how much more meaningful it would be if Blitz had found out about the party and decided to go on his own to make things right with her?
This episode also proves the whole "They BOTH fucked up!" thing was a fat fucking lie. Because this episode puts it all on ONLY Blitz to apologize for everything. Shitlas' wrongs and need to also apologize be damned I guess! Every day he is portrayed more and more like a sad little wooby baby, a teen, and not a grown man and father. And he is a weak, boring, nasty feeling character because of it. I'm tired of being lied to about what he really is, it feels so gross.
I am just so tired of this show only calling out Blitz, and never really its other main characters (since Stolas is arguably now a side protag even higher than Loon Mox and Mil which is ridiculous). Its now the Blitz torture porn show and I'm so sick of it. Blitz can be in the wrong because his angst is delicious, while every other main character must be woobied and coddled, and anyone who opposes them is a stinky mean.
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bleucaesura · 5 months
“Everything packed?” Loona tossed a duffel bag on the bed and looked over at Blitzø.
He took a quick glance around the room and nodded. “Yup. That’s everything. Thanks sweetie.”
He smiled lovingly up at her.
Loona rolled her eyes. A smile curled on her lips as she zipped the bag and threw it over her shoulder.
What a great girl.
Blitzø beamed.
“So glad you’re finally outta here!” Millie bounced in place and clapped her hands.
Blitzø laughed.
“And you guys are still ok taking care of stuff at the office for a while longer?” He patted Millie on the shoulder.
Millie swooped him up in a big hug, pinning his arms. He was very appreciative that she wasn’t crushing him like he definitely knew she could.
“Yes, Sir. Of course.” Moxxie stood tall and puffed out his chest.
Blitzø snirked a little laugh.
Thinks he’s the big man now.
“I’m trusting you, Mox.” Blitzø gave him a serious look and a supportive nod.
Moxxie beamed and nodded enthusiastically.
“But seriously. I’m trusting you, Millie.” Blitzø leaned close to Millie and whispered. “Don’t let Moxxie touch ANYTHING. Don’t let your husband f*ck up my business.”
Millie released Blitzø from their hug, smiled mischievously and gave him a wink. Moxxie was too busy riding his imaginary praise high to notice.
“Come on, hun.” Millie grabbed Moxxie by the hand. “Let’s get goin. Places to be!”
“Oh. Yes. Right!” Moxxie shook off his stupor, clasped his wife’s hand and followed her to the door.
“Bye, Sir!” Moxxie waved. “See you soon!”
“Not if I see you first!” Blitzø called after him, waggling his eyebrows, and winking.
Millie giggled and pulled Moxxie out the door. But not before Moxxie flipped Blitzø off.
Blitzø laughed and smiled to himself. Things were feeling normal again. Better than normal.
He heard a portal open and close and shortly afterwards Octavia came into the room.
“Via!” Stolas walked over and gave her a big hug.
“Hey, dad.” She smiled and hugged him back. “Just got here and sent Millie and Moxxie on their way.”
“I’m so proud of you.” Stolas beamed with pride. “You’ve gotten so good with your portals in such a short time.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Yeah, kiddo.” Blitzø came over and pulled her tuque down a little over her eyes, and ruffled her head feathers with it. “You’re getting really good.”
Octavia swatted Blitzø away and fixed her hair. She turned away to put her hat back on, and Blitzø was sure he could see a little blush on her cheeks.
“Yeah… Whatever…” She muttered.
“Ok, dad. Enough of that.” Loona gave Blitzø a little shove to move him away from Octavia.
“I’ve got everything.” She shook the bag on her shoulder. “Remember! No heavy lifting. Don’t physically over-exert yourself - you’re still healing.” She glared at him.
“I know, Loony.”
“I know you’re stronger now and everything.” She looked at her feet. “But no running a marathon or a bullsh*t equivalent.” She shunted a glare at Stolas.
Stolas shot up straight and flushed.
“I promise, sweetie.” Blitzø put a hand on her arm. “No race running or whatever for me. Just kicking back on the couch and laying in bed for me.”
Loona squinted at him, then at Stolas. She huffed.
Octavia stifled a laugh.
“Ok. Fine.” Loona nodded at Octavia and she began to form a portal. “You and Stolas go ahead and I’ll meet you at home.”
Stolas beamed. “As long as you’re ok to have me over, Blitzø?”
Blitzø winked and took his hand. Stolas blushed.
“Ok sweetie!” He pulled Stolas over to the portal and turned to wave at the girls. “I love you, Loony! Bye, Via!”
Octavia and Loona looked at each other and grinned.
Wait… I’m not sure I like those smiles… The f*ck?
Octavia finished the portal and the girls shoved their fathers through.
Stolas and Blitzø landed on their asses in the front hall of Stolas’s manor.
“Don’t you DARE go anywhere until you’ve sorted all your sh*t out!” Loona yelled from the other side of the portal.
“Toodles!” Octavia waved teasingly.
Like that the portal was gone. And they were left there on the cold floor, stunned and confused.
“I’m not sure if I should be more proud…” Blitzø turned to look at Stolas. “Or afraid…”
“Hmm.” Stolas responded.
They looked at each other. Blitzø got up and went to the front door. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, since he didn’t plan on leaving anyway, but when he opened it, he certainly didn’t expect to see what he did.
Millie and Moxxie. They smiled mischievously and waved from across the courtyard. Millie was holding a bat with nails, Moxxie a crossbow.
Stolas poked his head over Blitzø, they looked at each other and slowly backed into the manor and closed the door.
“Guess they mean business, huh?” Blitzø looked up at Stolas.
Just then Blitzø got a text on the spare phone Loona had activated for him while he was in the hospital.
‘Just here to make sure you don’t try and run again!’ Millie wrote.
Cute. Real f*cking cute guys.
Blitzø glared at his phone, tilting the screen so Stolas could read it from behind him.
He sent her back a middle finger.
‘Just want what’s best for y’all’ followed by many hearts and kissy faces.
“It’s kind of your family to care.” Stolas placed his hands on Blitzø’s shoulders and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.
Blitzø grumbled, tossed the phone on the nearest side table and stomped away, no clear destination in mind.
Stolas easily caught up.
“What’s the matter, darling?”
“I don’t want to be the guy who runs away anymore.” He hunched his shoulders, clenched his fists at his sides and picked up his pace. “I don’t want to be seen as that guy anymore either.”
Stolas caught one of his hands and stopped him.
“Then… Perhaps.” He bent down until their faces were side by side. “You could stop running?”
Blitzø jolted and looked at Stolas.
“I’m…I’m not..” His voice wavered, tears choking in this throat.
Stolas smiled sadly.
“Not very well, I grant you. Your legs ARE very short and you weren’t going very fast...” He trailed off.
Blitzø glared at him.
“But you left me behind, darling.” Stolas squeezed his hand. “I had to follow if I wanted to be a part of whatever you’re going through.”
Blitzø staggered back in horror.
“I’ve been… I can’t believe I…” He looked down at his shaking hands. He started to hyperventilate. “I’ve been running from everything…”
“Darling.” Stolas clasped his hands in his own and knelt before him. “My precious, Blitzø. You don’t need to run. But know that, as long as you want me, I’ll always follow.”
Tears streamed down Blitzø’s face.
I can’t believe it took me so long to let myself love this idiot….
He threw his arms around Stolas’s neck and hugged him tightly.
Stolas held him and whispered little ‘there, there’ s. He quietly cooed deep in his chest, helping to calm Blitzø immensely.
Stolas let Blitzø cry for as long as he needed; ever patient, always kind. He never wanted to let go.
“I don’t want to keep running.” Blitzø sniffled. “I don’t want to be alone anymore… I want to stay… Stay here with you.” He buried his face in Stolas’s feathers, breathing in the familiar smell.
“Then stay.” Stolas held him close. “And I’ll never let you feel alone again.”
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Star Trek series rated by horniness (as rated by me, an asexual, so you know its objective):
Star Trek: The Original Series - what is there to say for the series that invented slashfic, fuck-or-die, and Thiess's theory of titillation in costuming? The universe is full of greased-up pecs and scantily clad women wondering what is this thing you call...love? It's easier to mention the episodes that *aren't* horny. 10/10, for how could it be otherwise?
Star Trek: The Animated Series - It's a Saturday morning cartoon series from the 70s, and yet... 3/10, for the surprising number of scantily clad muscular guys
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Oh, we *start* quite horny; Roddenberry is keen to let us know that the android has a penis in the second episode; but then Roddenberry dies, and by the final season even Troi is wearing a sensible duty uniform. 6/10 for Will Riker, though
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - We've got Quark's, where the women are scantily clad, the holosuites are for fucking, and the waiters give themselves ear infections from doing too much oo-mox on themselves. We've got Jadzia Dax, who has three hundred years worth of sexcapades in two genders and will tell you about them at the drop of a hat. We've got Bashir and his sad blue balls for the first two seasons. We've got Klingons breaking each other's clavicles to initiate coitus. And we've got an enemy power led by the perpetual mind-melting gangbang that canonically is the Great Link. 9/10
Star Trek: Voyager - Weirdly conservative in its sexual politics. I mean, it goes out of its way to stick poor Jeri Ryan in that body condom, and there's a whole episode about space whales wanting to fuck the ship, and another one about Janeway wanting to fuck an Irishman, and *two* episodes about Pon Farr...actually, you know what? 6/10.
Star Trek: Enterprise - You know what, let me tell you about this series; this series is like a 14-year-old asexual boy boasting about his supposed sexual conquests in the hopes that it will endear him to the cool kids. It doesn't work; there's nothing genuine about it and everyone knows it; no matter how many innuendos he throws in, it's clear that there's no joy in it for him and he'd be happier if he could just go off and read comic books. Secretly, he wishes his friends still wanted to play with action figures. -1/10
Star Trek: Discovery - The show presents us with wall-to-wall gays who just...never seem to shtup each other. Like, I of all people know that sex doesn't define queerness, but...really? I guess maybe they're afraid of being less than wholesome? Anyways, 2/10 for that time that the Emperor went off to fuck a couple of Orions in the middle of a dangerous secret mission on the Klingon homeworld.
Star Trek: Picard - A series so sexless that it can't even show its main canonical couple enjoying each other's company for more than 5 seconds each season. And yet the chaste Jurati/Borg Queen pairing manages to be the hottest thing ever in the history of fiction. Anyway, I guess they technically had Agnes sleep with Rios in the first season, so 1/10.
Star Trek: Lower Decks - Oooh boy, we're at the heavy hitter now, my god. Completely, unashamedly horny. Gene Roddenberry *wishes* he could have done that orgy scene that people on Twitter were freaking out about. 11/10
Star Trek: Prodigy- They're *kids*. 0/10
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Not really a lot, surprisingly given their TOS pastiche. Still, we get some stuff with Spock. 3/10.
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heartstringsduet · 4 months
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Happy Wednesday 🥰 Been writing this fic for the last few days and trying not to THINK at all while I do...is that a good idea? idk but it makes me hate my writing less and have a little fun. can you believe I would write Michelle into a fic. thanks for the tags @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @paperstorm
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh @honeybee-taskforce
Carlos wonders what bad blood lived between them but with how defensive TK seems and how Judd has become more reactionary since the explosion, he can see how they’re matches lighting each others oils. Michelle confirms as much as she delicately picks at his focaccia with two fingers.
“I mostly keep out of firefighter business, but these two are constantly at each other’s throats," she says. "Honestly? It makes me want to shake them and tell them that there are more important things in life.”
Carlos knows not to go further into what Michelle is implying, because they will inevitably talk about Iris’ missing soon enough and the longer he can prolong that topic trying to tip the shield off what he smoothed over, the better.
“Really? Who starts these fights?”
Michelle pops an olive into her mouth and chews. “Not sure but if I were to guess, it’s the captain’s son. He’s been a bit of a seesaw.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“One day he is super open and friendly, joking with everyone, except maybe Juddie, the next he snaps at everyone and takes his lunch out to eat alone. My office is opposite his father’s and I hear him heave a sigh multiple times a day because of his son.” Michelle’s sharp eyes narrow. “Why the interest?”
Turns out, Carlos liked it better when she stuck to talking about herself. “Just asking.”
She hums and leans back into his couch. “I saw you dance with him at the honkytonk. And I’ve known you since you were still squeaky-voiced and hadn’t even reached my shoulders yet. God, your mop of curls was cute, you wear it too short now.” He moxes away before she can tug at his short strands. Her grin grows, then grows smaller. “You had your moon eyes out when you spun him around. But Carlos, he--”
“I know he has a boyfriend.” It still burns on the way up. Great.
Her mouth falls open. “You do?” OPEN TAG &
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21
@freneticfloetry @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns
@strandnreyes @reyesstrand @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@thebumblecee @goodways @carlos-in-glasses
@carlos-tk @lightningboltreader @sznofthesticks
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @decafdino
@louis-ii-reyes-strand @kiwichaeng @safeaswrites
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twinsunstars · 6 months
Behind-the-Scenes Interviews (Part 9) *Mox, Deke, and Stak sitting together* Mox: We actually came together to one of the auditions, and they had us audition individually and then together. They ended up taking all three of us for the roles. Deke: This is our first acting jobs, and it’s exciting to be a part of this show. We often ask Omega for advice since she’s been a part of the show for so long and is a child actor just like us. The other cast members support us too. It’s a fun experience, and we’re lucky that fans are enjoying our characters. Stak: Our characters have been through quite some difficulties, and when Hunter takes us in, life gets easier. Life on Pabu is great too. Mox: This season is a wild ride, we watched the previous seasons together and were shocked with this one. Deke: We’re happy to be a part of it, and hopefully our characters can get some more character expansion.
part of my Bad Batch Season 3 Actors/Behind The Scenes Incorrect Quotes series!
The Bad Batch Season 3 Actors/Behind the Scenes Incorrect Quotes Masterlist 🎬
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incorrectfizzarozzie · 11 months
What I really want though...is an episode with Blitz, Fizz and Moxxie..I mean come on! Fizz remembers Moxxie as the little imp who sang that wierd love song at the club, and then finding out he's Blitz'z employee and the son of that imp who kidnapped him? Moxxie probs isn't too keen on Fizz either after the Ozzie's incident...so at first Moxxie and Fizz disliking each other, but then....Fizz and Moxxie bonding over shitty father figures...and then Fizz seeing the treatment Mox gets from Blitz and....realizing that Blitz is not that great of a boss, and as much as he love Blitz...he helps Moxxie realize that he too can just say 'fuck you'. Or something along those lines.. Idk like the potential is there between all three of them for growth.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Can we get Platonic Headcanons for Moxxie and Millie becoming parental figures to male or gn reader? So reader is like, 18 or 19, and their parents never showed them proper affection, I think this could be fun! Thanks for your time!
Oh so essentially M&M adopt reader, okay then yeah this sounds cute. I'll go GN reader cause if that's an option or it's not specified I always do that so anyone reading can essentially choose the gender they like/identify as ^^
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Moxxie and Millie Adopting Teenage Reader who had bad parents.
Both have... not perfect parents, especially Moxxie so they more then get it and sympathize immeditately once they learn about your situation.
It start out with them offering to let you stay with them, when you just don't feel like going home to your indifferent parents. They insist on it if you try to say no. They only really have a couch to spare but they still try their best to accomadate you, blankets, pillows, even a stuffed animal if you need it.
This also leads to them bringing you to the office, mainly cause you don't want to be alone all day and the like. They don't mind bringing you, just tell you to be aware of Loona's grumpy nature and Blitz's mood swings. Though you actually hit it off with Loona, both enjoying just chilling round the office and sharing memes mostly.
It isn't until Blitz notices and goes "Mox, Mils your kid seems pretty close with Loonie it seems" and they just blank out at the idea, realizing they did kinda adopt you, heck you kinda moved in with them at this point, and they see you as their responsibility too.
There unsure if you see it the same way, just keep addressing you normally.
They, especially Millie include you in everything they can, pulling you in for team hugs and selfies, your part of family game night and stuff that Blitz does for the company.
If you decide to join the company, they'd likely try to push you into a safer manergerial part of the company, but if you insist on going out into the field with them, they will train you WELL, like weeks before they approve you to go out, but there not pushy, you learn at your own pace and they respect that.
They will also go with you on most missions to start just to keep an eye on you and to keep you safe.
Then, IT happens. After you come back from a mission or something, Moxxie asks you if you did a few things, cleaning weapons, reloading all that and you get exasperated and go "Yes Dad, I did all of those, It's fine." and Moxxie's eyes go wide before they start watering and he ducks into a hallway so you don't see him cry tears of joy at that.
Blitz sees, calling him soft jokingly before Loona calls out "Hey Dad! is Moxxie alright?" so he starts crying happily and the happy dads just hug eachother tightly as they cry
Millie is a lot more calm the first time you call her Mom, it's after a messy mission and after you finish cleaning up you hug her and say "I love you Mom" She sniffles a little but keeps her composure and hugs you back tightly "Love you too kid"
They do eventually officially adopt you, happy to have you legally and wanting to see you grow up and become the great person they know you'll be. And also have you along the ride of wacky and crazy hijinks there lives are.
Okay there you go, actually pretty proud of this one and hope I got the wholesomeness good, I really liked this. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for asking!
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theosb0rnway · 5 months
Just finished the Bad Batch finale and HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
So um.... yeah Tech's still not dead to me, CX-2 is alive, everything is fine, we'll see him soon, it's fine-
Crosshair GOT HIS HAND CUT OFFFF- Not the biggest Crosshair fan but I still feel so bad.... BYT AT LEAST HE MADE THE SHOT AND SAVED OMEGA AND HE GETS A HAPPY ENDING NOW
Emerie helped the kids escape I'm so glad they all made it too AND THE KIDS LOOKED SO CUTE ON PABU WITH MOX, DEKE, AND STAK
They rescued the clones!!!! I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY they did
Rampart was a double-crossing son of a bitch and he got what he deserved. Rest in peace, Nala Se. You may not have always been on the right side, but you died doing the right thing.
Did I mention that I don't think Tech is dead?
The CXs were SO COOL I wish we got to see more of them!!!
DID I MENTION THAT I DON'T THINK TECH IS DEAD?!? (I'm not losing hope guys, I'm not-)
The Zillo beast absolutely RIPPING UP TANTISS was fucking FANTASTIC and I love it and it was VERY VERY MUCH DESERVED
Baryn is me, I need loud destructive noises to fall asleep LOL (this is why I can only fall asleep to FNAF songs in my ears-)
Seeing grown up Omega made me cry, and I love that older Hunter looks like pretty much every older Hunter fanart ever drawn-
Wish we could have seen older Wrecker and Crosshair, and GIVE ME SCENES OF BOTH OF THEM HEALING, PLEASE- (Crosshair did not eat on screen the ENTIRE SEASON I don't like that at ALL.)
Overall, I thought the finale was a solid 9 1/2 out of 10, the only thing that could have made it better was a CX-2 is Tech reveal, but... I mean I got everything else, so I'm not entirely disappointed.
I'm still staying VERY MUCH a part of this fandom, sorry not sorry to my followers who came for the Ninja Turtles and got Star Wars copy-paste men instead-
As I mentioned, I do have a Bad Batch project coming out soon, and I guess I could call it a fix-it now... but yeah, I'm not done with Star Wars and at this point in my life, I really don't think I'm leaving this fandom any time soon. Yes, it has some issues, as all fandoms do, but it's where I fit best at the moment. I'll still be posting other stuff, but Star Wars and the Scream franchise are my main fandoms for now.
Thank you to the cast and crew of this WONDERFUL show, you did it again, Star Wars. (*puts TBB in my top 3 TV shows of all time*)
And thanks to all my friends here on Tumblr who helped me get into this show and traded theories and so much more! (Also special thanks to @atyourdinosaurs for all of your love, theories, and ideas [and for inspiring my new project], and to @casp1an-sea and @thecoffeelorian for being two amazing friends I made from this fandom!)
We had a great run, guys. It's a honor to love this show and to be here for its final moments. Here's to more Star Wars and to more Bad Batch content in the future.
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thebelovedmuse · 2 months
New Ways to Fuck Up a Meeting
A boring meeting takes a turn as Moxxie and Millie question what is really going on between you and Blitzø.
Sitting in your regular seat in this meeting room, you scroll through your phone hoping to quell the boredom with memes. The unusually calm meeting had gone on long enough in your opinion, when a sudden banging on the table attracts your attention.
Blitzø hammers the table with his fist again. "We need more clients! Sure, business has been slow and its nobodies fault...Moxxie...but-"
"No! No, not my fault!” Moxxie yelled. His face turning a bit red as he slammed his hand on the table. You look back to your phone and send Millie a meme, you hear snickering from her when she receives it. Moxxie glances over to give her a look before looking back at Blitzø with a glare.
“It’s not my fault the office has been dead for a month!” Moxxie said, crossing his arms while he leaned back in his seat.
"Its the only thing you've killed this month..." you interject with smirk.
“…Oh, very funny.” Moxxie mumbled through gritted teeth. Blitzø burst out laughing as Moxxie turned and shot him a dirty look.
"I couldn't help it, too easy," you laugh.
Moxxie rolled his eyes in response. Millie looked up from her phone and chuckled.
“Come on, hun. I thought it was funny.” She said, wrapping an arm around Moxxie to pull him closer to her.
You give a smug grin as Moxxie pouts and leans into his wife, crossing his arms. Changing the subject, you remember that Millie mentioned the two of them were going out to the newest restaurant the night before.
"So how was the date last night?"
Moxxie blushed slightly at the mention of last night. Millie giggled as she placed her hand on her blushing husband’s shoulder.
“It was great! The food was good, the music was good, everything was good.” Millie said with a small smile while Moxxie blushed more. Blitzø gagged sarcastically.
You roll your eyes. You knew Blitzø's opinion on relationships but that didn't stop you from starting a secret friends-with-benefits thing with him a few months ago. "Jealous?" you say teasingly.
"FUCK no!" he says while giving you the most bombastic side-eye. "Why would I want to waste time going on a ~date~ when I could be balls-deep in-"
"SIR!" Moxxie interrupts as you playfully throw a pen at Blitzø.
"Come on, maybe you should give it a try sometime, who knows you might have fun." You say with a wink. Out of the corner of you eye you notice Millie leaning over to Moxxie, whispering something in his ear.
"Oh, y'all can't start whispering shit to each other now. What did she say, Moxxie?" You turned to him.
“None of your business.” Moxxie said in an annoyed tone, a noticeable blush on his face. Millie chuckled as she ruffled his hair.
"Was it something diiiiirty?" You grin, enjoying another chance to get on his nerves.
Moxxie grumbled loudly in annoyance and he shot you a glare as Millie chuckled again.
“Hey! Everyone call down....Was it something dirty, Mox?” Blitzø said with a devilish grin.
You continue to grin, shooting a look over to Blitzø. Millie began to smirk as she saw the look between you and Blitzø. She raised a brow, knowing something was up. Moxxie didn’t seem to notice as he was still glaring at the two of you, his blush turning a bit darker.
“It was nothing!” Moxxie shouted, his face becoming increasingly redder. Millie’s smirk grew wider as she leaned in next to Moxxie’s ear and whispered something to him again.
You groan in frustration. "Oh come on!" You look over to Blitzø. "You're the boss! Make them tell us!"
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Just fucking tell us before I fire your ass, Moxxie.” He said, looking over at the couple. They shared a look at each other before looking back at him and you.
“Well...Millie… suggested we go on a double date…” he said in an embarrassed tone, his face turning a deep red. Blitzø also seemed to turn a bit red at the suggestion while Millie was smirking.
"What." You both say flatly.
“I-I know, I-“ Moxxie stuttered.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Millie interjected, still wearing her smirk.
"Good luck getting Blitzø to agree to something like that." You pull up your phone once again, trying to hide your own blush. "We all know he's not that type of guy. And he's busy in the evenings anyways..."
You continue to ramble until you accidentally lock eyes with Millie. "What?" You say overly defensively.
Millie just continued to smirk as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms and eyeing you. Moxxie tries to suppress his smirk.
“Nothing… nothing at all…” He responded in a sarcastic tone.
"Stop smirking and say whatever you're thinking, asshole." You shoot back.
Moxxie rolled his eyes in response. He chuckled and sat up in his seat, glancing over at Millie and sharing another knowing look before speaking up.
“Fine, I’m just saying… You and Blitzø seem to be a little more than friends…”
You roll my eyes with a huff, looking to Blitzo and hoping he would respond with his usual distracting bullshit. Blitzø’s eyes widened a bit as you looked at him. He knew he had to back you both up.
“Pff, are you kidding? We’re… we’re just friends.”
He said jokingly, trying to sound as casual as possible, though there was a hint of flusteredness in his voice. You grit your teeth in frustration, realizing the lie was unraveling quickly.
Millie and Moxxie shared another knowing look, Millie’s smirk widening while Moxxie’s smirk turned into a smug grin.
“Yeah, riiiiiiight. Just friends…” Moxxie teased, obviously not believing you or Blitzø.
"Oh fuck right off Moxxie," you say defensively. You look to Blitzø, waiting for him to respond.
Blitzo’s eyes widened as he saw your expectant look, not knowing what to say.
“Ok ok, fine!” He said as he threw his hands up in a defensive motion, his face getting slightly red as he spoke. “We… We might be a bit more than friends….”
"For fuck's sake, seriously? You caved in just like that?"
Blitzø shrugged in response, a cocky expression on his face.
“What can I say? I’m easily persuaded.”
Moxxie and Millie let out a quick chuckle, not surprised by Blitzø’s statement.
"My god, just tell them everything why don't you..." you mumble sarcastically as you hide your face behind a hand
Blitzø’s smirk grew wider as he let out a chuckle. “Oh, maybe I should... tell them everything.”
You open your mouth to give a sarcastic rebuttal when you realize this could be a chance to get back at Moxxie and Millie butting in to your situationship with Blitzø. You grin.
"You know what? Go ahead. Tell them."
Blitzo chuckled before beginning his explanation. He leaned back in his chair, still wearing a smug expression while Millie and Moxxie were listening intently.
“Alright, I’ll be brief. So, me and her here-” he gestured to you. “-have a thing." Just to make sure everyone understands, he follows it up with a rather vulgar gesture. Just to make sure.
Moxxie rolled his eyes at Blitzø’s gesture, already knowing the gist of what the thing he was talking about was. Millie chuckled as she glanced between you and Blitzø. Blitzø continued to smirk, enjoying seeing your trying to hold back your laughter.
“You know, just your simple one night stands, maybe some friends with-”
Moxxie cut him off.
“Ok ok, that’s enough, we got it.”
"Oh now you don't want to know?" You interject.
Moxxie rolled his eyes again at your sarcastic remark, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“There’s only so much that I want to hear.” he said, giving Blitzø a side glance. Millie still clearly enjoying the spectacle that was unfolding in front of her.
"Well good luck holding Blitzø back on the oversharing now that its out in the open."
Moxxie groaned, knowing that you were right. He rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his seat, mentally preparing himself for Blitzø’s detailed description.
“God dammit.” he muttered under his breath.
“Oh where do I even begin-” Blitzø began, pretending to be lost in thought as he stroked his chin. "Let's start at the beginning. It was a very special day in the break room..."
You cover you mouth, trying to hold back the laughter. Millie’s own giggling grew louder upon seeing you struggle to hold back your laughter, enjoying the torment that was happening in front of her. Moxxie’s face continued to go a deep shade of red as he realized more detail was beginning to be shared.
Blitzø chuckled and continued with his story, a smug grin on his face as he spoke.
“And then there was that time in my office...you know, I don't think there's a room in here we haven't fucked in..."
Moxxie continued to cringe in his seat, knowing that the place he worked was never going to be the same again.
“Oh god, I can’t believe you two-” Moxxie moaned, face in hands. “-did it everywhere here?!”
"Oh come on, we cleaned up after! We even wiped this table down!"
Moxxie makes a face of disgust as he quickly lifts his arms from the table. “And what about the couch? You clean that, too?”
Blitzø goes silent for a moment, his head tilting to the side.
"I don't know how to clean a couch..."
Moxxie looked even more horrified upon realizing that you both had defiled more than one piece of furniture in the office. Millie cackled loudly at Moxxie’s expression and Blitzø couldn’t stop laughing as well.
“God damnit… I’m never sitting on anything here again!” Moxxie exclaimed, with his face in his hands.
"What! That couch is fabric, it absorbs fluids anyways." Blitzø says with a dismissive wave.
“Why did you have to do it in the office?!” Moxxie exclaimed, still in disbelief.
"Why not? Its pretty hot..." You suddenly chime in.
Moxxie groaned in response, cringing at the thought of you and Blitzø being together in the same place he worked. Millie laughing next to him. Blitzø smirked, he couldn’t deny that doing it in the workplace did have a certain appeal to it.
“Oh, you can’t deny it. The thrill of getting caught, the rush it gives you…”
You blush as you recall those moments and smirk. "And its not like anyone heard us anyways."
“Oh, you’re underestimating how loud you and I can be, babe. I know we were close to being heard a few times,” he said in a teasing tone. "We almost had a very close call once in the supply closet, remember?”
"Oh yeah, I definitely remember that." You say with a grin.
Moxxie groaned louder, knowing that the supply closet was yet another spot that was now “defiled” in the office. Millie was cackling uncontrollably while Blitzø burst into laughter again. “Yeahhh, it was pretty close. You were being louder than usual that time.”
"I couldn't help it! You were very...enthusiastic that day."
Blitzø smirked in response, amused with the memory that was still fresh in his mind.
“God damnit, how many times-” Moxxie started but was interrupted by Millie.
“It’s not like you’re going to be able to use any room here ever again without thinking of them together in here!”
You shrug in response. "Blitzø is a horny bastard, what can I say?"
Blitzø chuckled and responded with a sly tone. “Hey now, you’re one to talk. You’re just as bad as I am.”
"True, I definitely did start it a few times..." You say in agreement.
“Damn right you did. You’re a goddamn tease, and a feisty one at that.” Blitzø says with a devious grin.
You smirk at him and wiggle suggestively in your seat. Moxxie groaned once again in embarrassment, his face red and his hands on his face. Blitzø, on the other hand, smirked wider and leaned back in his seat, clearly amused.
“See? You’re a damn tease, you little slut. You like to get me all worked up just to leave me blue-balled, don’t ya?”
"Psh, when do I ever leave you blue-balled? I always give you what you want." You enjoy this back and forth with him, finding it both arousing and hilarious given Moxxie's horrified reactions.
Millie let out a loud cackle upon hearing your comment, while Moxxie slides lower in his seat. Blitzø chuckled and his smirk widened, his eyes full of pride and slyness.
“Damn right you do. You know exactly how to work me up, and you know how to finish what you started.”
You smirk back at him, getting more distracted in the idea of working him up.
“You getting excited there, baby?" Blitzø says, "Need to be reminded of how good I can make you feel?”
Your smirk turns into a grin as you begin to lean over the table towards him. Millie is in tears from laughing as she watches you and Blitzø continue with the conversation’s new directions. Moxxie groans and shakes his head, secretly wishing for the conversation to end. Blitzø, on the other hand, can’t keep the smirk off his face as he witnesses you slowly moving across the table towards him.
“That’s it, slut. Come here.”
You stand up from you chair and begin to slowly walk over to him before suddenly stopping. "Oh, uh...you guys might want to leave now...or not, maybe Moxxie wants to watch." You add teasingly.
Moxxie’s face is redder than it has ever been before as he processes the offer that was made to him. Millie is cackling loudly, highly amused at how flustered Moxxie is. Blitzø smirks, knowing the answer from Moxxie is going to be priceless.
“I- uh- no-” Moxxie stuttered out, his cheeks burning from embarrassment. He quickly stood up from his chair and made a beeline for the door.
“I’m gonna go- um- do inventory!”
You laugh as you watch Moxxie heading to the door, with Millie following after him. "We'll try to keep it down!"
Moxxie could barely hold back a frustrated growl upon hearing your comment. He quickly made his way out of the room, completely embarrassed and blushing a red that has never been seen before. Millie was laughing hysterically, still behind him as he quickly went out the door.
Meanwhile, Blitzø was still sitting at the table as he chuckled, clearly enjoying every second of this. His eyes were still darkened a bit from the anticipation of the situation, and his smirk hadn’t left his face...
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