#i adore genderbending just for fun
milady-mothman · 1 year
helluva boss s2 ep5 spoliers
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barblaz-arts · 3 months
What do you think Charlie would look like with short hair?
YAnd what do you think of Charlie and Vaggie's rule 63?
I think she'd look adorably handsome with a short hair cut! It'd be nice if it were a pixie cut, but ultimately I prefer that she has long hair because I love that her hair flows all over the place when in demon mode.
I have a very personal, very biased ick towards rule 63 of sapphic couples because of how underappreciated they already are compared to male gay ships. I won't discourage those who like it for their own reasons ofc. Your own fun and all. I really dont like those who only genderbend one of the couples just to make it het tho
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joydoesathing · 3 months
hello!! so i followed you on twitter because i LOVE your nu:car genderbend designs AND your art is just so beautiful and creative. i love how expressive and fun it is!! and now, you recently got me into tnmn 😭 i started playing it and now i’m having brainrot over it, but specifically more on your genderbend au!! (i’ve been gushing about your designs and au to my friend who is also getting into tnmn with me, lmaoo)
and i want to say that i LOVE your design for steph and mckendra. i’ve been simping so hardcore for steph, i was lowkey disappointed when i saw what steven actually looked like in game 😭
so on that note, do you have any headcanons for the rudboys?
i'm glad that you like both my nukani ladies art and my current art in tnmn too, anon❤️❤️
anyway, without further a do, here my hcs for the rudboys girlies
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The Rudboys
The cool, tomboyish ladies™️
Definitely speak with a Southern accent (though Steph has been used to speaking with the standard American accent as well, especially when talking with others in her workplace. The Southern accent becomes prominent when she's around her mom or when she's emotional)
Mr. Rudboys (Steph's dad and Kendra's husband) got killed by a doppel around the late 40s, being one of the earliest cases of doppel attack casualties. Almost immediately after that incident, the two were relocated into the apartment.
She's quite serious, especially in her workplace where she does not tolerate nonsense from her colleagues, but does have a sense of humor (though it's mostly of the snarky variant)
Not really used to letting loose in front of others, so when she actually does try, she can be quite awkward (in an adorable way)
Secretly fond of cute animals
She cut her hair short only recently within a decade. After her dad untimely passing and seeing that her mother was clearly shaken up from that incident, she took it upon her self to act as man of the house and toughen up. She then cut her hair the way she did as some kind of mark of her commitment to her decision.
At first, her mom was horrified and thought Steph got mugged but eventually got used to it. She didn't tell her reason for cutting her hair to her mom, until much later on in the 50s, and her mom reacted this way:
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She does gets relentlessly teased and doted on by her mom, but she mostly let it slide, even if it does cause her really bad embarrassment.
A lively and outgoing person with a strong sense of humor
Old lady with a young person's soul
In her younger days, she was barnstormer but later on worked as a flight instructor for a little while, then settled down and retiring in the early 40s.
The hat that she wears belonged to her late husband and she gets quite fussy if people try to touch it or take it off from her head
One night in the late 40s, while at home with her husband, a doppel broke into the house planning to kill and eat them both. The two did put up a fight with the doppel , but it ended up with Mr. Rudboys brutally dying in the end.
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Months after the incident, she developed serious separation anxiety and would obsessively coddle Steph. Although, most of it has died down now and she's fine with Steph going out, she still does dote a lot on Steph and is quite protective of her.
She also prefers not to openly talk about her husband with others. She often tends to dissociate when the talk is about spouses.
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blazingstaro · 7 months
Here's my little side AU!
It's not a serious story like Dreams of the Stars, and just something of my own for funsies! I don't intend to make a series of this, more-so just little drawings or mini comics every now and then. DotS is my main AU and comic series still!
This is my SkyCotL Mago AU, and it's a mix of different types of AUs in one. Genderbend? You got it. Roleswap? Absolutely! There's also a personality swap between characters, and what-if scenarios all jammed into one Kirby AU set in a noir/spacepunk + 30s-60s swing era
It's a lot of what-ifs put into fruition while having SkyCotL on the side! It's wholesome, adorable, and really sweet! No serious angst in this (for now), but some heartfelt troubles and such. Absolutely a comfort AU LOL
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So here's the whole gang together! Not everyone's roles are swapped, I'll say— it's a mixed bag of this that and whatever because whoever said you had to stick to one particular thing in a swap-type AU HEHEHE
Quick look lore/info on each individual below:
Allow me to tell you a bit about each individual here, starting with our lead, Skye:
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The Magolor of this Magoverse flavored AU, this is Magoloria— a rising star from Floralia. She sings, she dances, she's quite the hit for tons of musical shows across the galaxy! Fashionable, fun, and cute as a button, Skye is a pure-hearted and humble gal. She's a young adult for her species!
Both a genderbend and a personality swap! Her personality is swapped with Joronia's (pre-Sectonia). She's as sweet as can be, and enjoys making herself feel pretty with a vast wardrobe of outfits and costumes. Her taste in fashion is impeccable.
The events of Return to Dreamland occur quite a bit differently for Skye, but I'll save that for another post! But the main premise is that following a decisive battle, hopelessly possessed by the Master Crown's evil, Skye and the shattered Master Crown are spirited away to the decaying Kingdom of Sky (hence her nickname), a land time forgot. The power-drained mage must travel across the realms to reclaim her lost powers, which fell into the hands of the sleeping Elder spirits.
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Here's Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee! Their roles remain unchanged, but their personalities have swapped! Bandee is confident and outgoing, whereas Kirby's a bit less confident, but aspires to be great— despite the fact that he's the most powerful of the group and constantly Popstar's savior. He and Bandee are besties, like brothers!
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King Malcom "Meta" Knytte, the presiding king of Dream Land! He's both role-swapped with Dedede, and his personality is swapped with Taranza. He's got the personality of a sopping wet kitten, but is low-key one of the most devastating warriors Dream Land has to offer. His Galaxia's design is more of the anime's than the games because good god I am not drawing the same Galaxia for two different AUs
King Malcolm is a great whistler and plays the piano, but has crippling stage fright. He owns a venue within his kingdom, which has been host to Skye's shows in recent years. He secretly mans backstage in disguise, so commoners won't recognize him (but it's somewhat obvious who he is). Rumor has it, he has an eye for one of the performers, and is secretly in love...
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Sir Dedede of Dream Land! He serves the Kingdom of Dream Land. As it's quite obvious, he's role-swapped and personality swapped with Meta Knight, though there's still a sliver of King Dedede's original ego/pride in this guy. He's aloof, something of a loner, and doesn't talk much, but he has a tendency to take aspiring warriors under his wing. His latest apprentice is Bandana Waddle Dee, who serves under King Malcolm too!
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And finally, the lovely couple— King Taranza and Queen Joronia! This is half a role-swap and a whole personality swap. Taranza's personality is swapped with Magolor, and Joronia has a partial of Dedede's personality, but stands alone on her own as well. Taranza also takes on Magolor's role as Manager of a theme park.
Though married for centuries, Taranza and Joronia are still in their honeymoon phase, madly in love and have profound crushes on each other!
The two have made their kingdom into an entertainment capital this side of the galaxy, bringing all walks of life onto Popstar to see a wide variety of shows! From circus acts, to live musical performances, and thrilling carnival rides and games, you name it, they got it!
This spicy pair act as parental figures for Skye, and took her under their wing when she was a lone, young girl selling papers to make do
AND THAT IS ALL FOR NOW! Just a basic look at everyone! I'll do more thorough info-posts later on 'em throughout the week 💜
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I know that Genderbending isn't a real thing anymore, but I thought it would be fun!
Tim is my favorite batbro, so I started with him.
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I chose the name Dorothy since it has the same ending as Timothy and a similar meaning. Other favorites were Tiffany and Theodora.
(Timothy: Gods Honor
Dorothy: God's Gift
Tiffany: Manifestation of God
Theodora: God's Gift)
As for her story/Timeline, I decided to throw a few things from Canon and Fanon together.
Her first memory was of her going to the circus when she was 4. Her parents had just come home from a business trip and wanted to spend some quality time with her. There she met Fanny (Female Dick) and saw the incident that killed Fanny's Parents.
She spent a few years in therapy after that.
Her hyper fixation with Batman and Robin when she was 6 after one of her live-in Nanny told her about them saving her from a robbery.
She just wanted to thank them.
At 9 years old she realized that Batman and Robin were her neighbors Bruce Wayne and Franziska Grayson.
This realization also started her career as a Baby stalker.
(The only reason why she was able to sneak out every night was because she played the role of the good and gentle rule-following Daughter to her Caretakers.)
She was 13 when she blackmailed Bruce into taking her as Robin after Jennifer (female Jason) died and Fanny wouldn't come back to Gotham.
Their relationship was rocky and cold in the beginning till Live decided to fuck her over.
At age 14 she had been captured and tortured by the Joker for a few weeks, resulting in her becoming Joker jr for months.
She only snapped out of it after her mother died and her dad went into a coma.
Despite popular belief and the fact that they spent most of their time aboard, she was close to them.
Daily phone calls and the writing of letters were their way of communication.
The Titans Tower incident happened when she was 15. (Her time as Titan started with her time as Robin)
At age 16 Lilith (female Damian) appeared and Bruce died. She became Red Robin and went on a wild goose chase to bring him back.
She laid down the mantle of the red robin and became crow after accepting Lilith as her family member/as robin.
Now to her relationship with the batfam:
Alfred: doting grandad vs granddaughter who has no sense of time and keeps on forgetting to visit.
Bruce: she still sees him as her boss, whilst he is the most parental girl dad to her.
Fanny: still looks up to her despite the feeling of hurt she still feels about her actions. Fanny just loves her little sister a lot but doesn't know how to apologize.
Barbara; she was her first celebrity crush and still adores her. Barbara enjoys spending time with her and they bonded over the whole "Joker ruined my life" thing.
Jennifer: they are surprisingly good. Dorothy used to look up at her and saw her as "her Robin". Jennifer apologized and all but begged for forgiveness after she broke out of the Pit madness.
Stephanie: Exes turned best friends. Their dating was just a try to name the close relationship that they had.
Cass: they are platonic soulmates. Twins from different parents.
Dara (female Duke): She sees her as the little sister that she always wanted. Dara wants to study her /jk. They often talk about comics and video games.
Lilith: She pittys her after having to deal with the league herself and tries to help her. Lilith hates that but has some respect for her after she brought her father home.
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whatvioletdoes-blog · 3 months
Did a little doodle yesterday for a sprint prompt over on the LU discord server and wanted to share it bc it was fun and I think it's cute!
The prompt was to genderbend a Link, and while I think Wind would absolutely play the princess for Aryll regardless of gender, I think they're adorable as sisters
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(I am also just a huge fan of trans girl Wind, so while that's not exactly what this is about, it was still great)
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leoruby-draws · 8 months
hi!! first i wanted to say how much i adore your art! especially the training wheels au! it’s my favorite to follow on your page along with your other works! i would love and would be very interested to see an earth 11 version of rose, eddie, and jason ( if you can, ofc )! again, i love the art work! can’t wait to see more! 🫶🫶🫶
Thanks, I appreciate it! I do have a bunch more drawings (like way more), I'm just being lazy in posting it lol.
Also it should be noted this is a genderbend version of my Training Wheels au, so its not technically earth-11. Since earth-11 is a genderbend of the canon comic world. Maybe this should be called TrWh-11? Or am I being too pedantic over this lol?
This was such an interesting request that I immediately went to work on it, very fun to draw! I'm not always this fast but inspiration struck me, here it is:
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Two pages for you anon! Once I started trying to figure out how to design them I just couldn't stop.
Jason and Eddie were given mostly a mild change in facial features, only their hair is longer, tho not by much. Rose I basically just cut off her pigtails, you'll see much more obvious change in their adult selves. Female Jason is very gorgeous, though she still seems like the dangerous anti-hero as in canon. I wonder if Rose would resemble Deathstroke more as an adult male, she'd probably hate that lol.
For Rose, Jay and Eddie their clothing styles aren't too drastically different I don't think. Rose (Roosevelt?) still goes for baggy street clothing, Jason (Jessie, Jaye?) mostly goes for prep, and Eddie (Edith?) goes for more kiddie styles. And their hero costumes are mostly unaltered.
I also put in a few of their other team members, Vanessa, Koryak, Lori and Owen (Vander? Kirima? Larry? Odette?). Just wanted to play around in designing other characters. Also female Robin and Bluejay! I also thought my sisters were the cutest ever!
This was a fun exercise to draw, hope you got what you like it anon! Have a good day!
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firespirited · 3 months
Hackers 1995:
The computer nerdery is terrible (do watch Halt and Catch Fire if you want a history of computers) however the film does start out with social engineering and blind folder browsing using common passwords before it devolves into throwing viruses at a private server to 'overload' it.
The costuming is impeccable early 90s : well-off rebellious girl in rip curl, genderbending grunge, stretch tees for your futuristic cool guys.
Missing the heap of badly rigged computer junk that makes the room overheat and puts wires everywhere. Also missing in action : scraggly facial hair, terrible posture, the huge levels of racism and homophobia (yep, even coded into the programs).
You all were wrong about Matthew Lilliard as Cereal Killer being transfem... that was gangly white boy with postpunk swag in the 90s. There's a cartoon-cat-girl wearing phone hacker in high-waisted-trousers, leopard print and dancer's body language right there. Wild how the codes changed in the mid 90s, like how Barbie's Ken was sporty and bold then seemingly overnight he was gay if he wore a dash of colour with his suit.
The story and pacing weren't bad, the bad guy had period accurate pickup artist clothes and general vibe. The stakes weren't too silly.
It definitely has the pre-2001 optimism that permeated the web before the patriot act and y2k bug conspiracies. I miss that, a sweet spot between cyberpunk, cheap geek jokes and the hackers-as-villains trend.
It's just fun. Lilliard gets the best comedic lines, Miller is doe eyed and baby faced, Jolie gets to kick off her streak of strong female leads with an adorable pixie cut and lots of sporty ocean blues. Nikon appears late, Phreak and Joey are in jail half the movie so they get less attention which is a shame, I really liked their characters.
Highly recommend watching with the pause and rewind button to look at background costume and set designs for the club. Pretty camp, getting camper with time. The type of film to rewatch with company and quote at eachother.
This film was tailor-made for teen me: it would have landed perfectly: the music is spot on, the tech, the fashion, the sense of community and fun.
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corndog-patrol · 2 years
Very random question, but do you have any good bagginshield fic recs or author recs?? I love the ship but I've read all the shorter ones and starting long ones without a rec is daunting. XD
A related question, do you like genderbend bagginshield? I love it because I'm always down for more badass ladies in fic, but I know some people prefer to aviod it. Both opinions are valid, imho, I'm just curious as to your preference. :D
OMG!!! Okay, I've read a lot of great bagginshield so far but I haven't delved that deep in the fandom yet! (i read a lot of barduil with bagginshield in it too which is nice)
Some of my personal bagginshield favs are (in no particular order)
Truth, Honesty, and None of the Above- by ias (who also has some good barduil- i'm going to keep talking about barduil LMAO)
a tale of ivory table cloth and ruined weddings- by Imagined, rottingflower, Scarlet_Ribbons
A Shelter On Saturday by Tawabids (super cool to see a modern au with the tolkein races still present!!!!)
I've Grown a Hedge Around My Heart by pibroch (littleblackdog) (HOBBIT THORIN!!! I REPEAT: ADORABLE HOBBIT THORIN!!!!)
Wasteful by northerntrash (sooo cute- i love modern aus with baker bilbo <3 northerntrash has some great barduil fics too 😂)
You Got Me by drunkonwriting
Oak and Mistletoe by HildyJ (oh im absolutely UNHINGED FOR THIS FIC)
hopefully there's something on this lost that piques your interest and is new to you! if you want some more recs I can throw that together too haha
as for genderbends- i haven't posted any myself because i used to see a lot of people saying they're transphobic and i didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone's feelings- but i haven't seen anyone say that in a while so I'm not sure how to feel anymore. i think (from my admittedly cis perspective) that they can be fun- it gives me a weird feeling when people genderbend to make a gay couple straight (by only changing the gender of one of them) but other than that they're cute LOL
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broomsticks · 2 years
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@lumosatnight OMG LANIIII not enough thank yous in the world for setting up this fantastic femslash community ❤️❤️❤️ it’s been so great for this really-shouldn’t-be-as-niche-as-it-is, but-ah-well corner of fandom to just, have a home, yk? and you’ve truly done so much for it. <3
actually NO LITERALLY is there anything at all you haven’t done yet in fandom? these podfics are so lovely and gosh, these reclists.
the CHAOS. Scalene • 11k, M. the pansy/luna/ginny was absolutely stellar, but there’s so much else to love in this postwar co-living slice of life fun times.
oh what GENIUS. Sirius Rising • 5k, M, it’s wolfstar and it’s jeddy and just how did you pull off this ambiguity??? the brilliance, i’ve read this so many times and i’m still in awe.
let the lesbians have some vore and cannibalism! Maraschino Red • 1k, E • hermione/luna. yk, as a treat
twincest! disinterment! necromancy! necrophilia! ritual human sacrifice! Death and Undeath • 3k, E, George digs up Fred's body because he just can't let him go. thank you for writing!! and for Showing your Research, lmfao
such a special fic written by/for such special people!! Rosmerta’s Special Brew • 6k, T. rosmerta as hogwarts’ queer crisis counselor!! such a travesty that this is still the only rosmerta/andromeda tonks fanwork on ao3.
gave me a toothache it was so so so adorable. You Lucky Cat • 6k, M • ginny/pansy and the usual suspects, and so much chinatown magic and fooood.
the fic that made me fall in love with genderbending: Wicked Hearts and Calculating Minds • 5k, T • fem!riddledore. ZANIEST thing i’ve EVER read. robyn scrimingeur, amanda dippet, colleen creevey, daenerys malfoy -- oh, laughing forever at this one.
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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raewritesf1 · 9 months
congrats on finishing finals!
gax highschool genderbend au. have you seen '10 things i hate about you' like that is the dynamic i envision for them (sorry max pookie is no where near as suave as the male lead in that but). they house party scene omg.
the lando and oscar relationship in this au is so compelling like yeah he's a loser and so down bad but oscar thinks he's just so cool and how will he ever like lil ole her *sigh*. georgie patiently listens to oscar shyly talking about this guy in her math class who is super funny and so sweet to her with the prettiest ocean eyes without georgie telling her that's her gremlin brother who wasn't tall enough for roller coasters till like last year lmao.
at the same time georgie peeks at lando's diary (lewis makes them both keep one for emotional regulation and both siblings are assholes who don't understand the concept of privacy) and figures out that oohh this isn't one sided. (when the writing starts getting horny because hello lando is totally the type georgie throws up in her mouth a little but honestly deserved for snooping)
georgie and max are already together at this point (secret relationship ahem) and max loves indulging her and her schemes. they plot to get landoscar together and when they finally do georgie brings out the baby pictures. siblings who love making each other's lives hard. - xoxo angst anon
wait why would a gax “10 things i hate don’t you” fic actually work 🤔 (no one will ever be close to as suave as heath ledgar in that film)
Okay but Georgie would be so encouraging of Oscar’s crush when she’s unaware of who the guy is because Oscars so sweet and grew on her immediately and this guy obviously makes her really happy and Oscar deserve a good guy. and then Fred shows her a picture of the guy and she’s completely dumbfounded going through every conversation they’ve ever had cause there’s no way in hell Oscar was talking like that about her idiot little brother. Lando who one nearly got them banned from a country club after he drove a golf cart into a lake is the cool popular guy that she likes??? Like Oscars who’s so adorable and smart and extremely talented and could realistically have anyone and has fallen for her dumbass of a brother who spent the last week eating curry he’d left in the freezer for six months and one struggled to get on a ski lift for nearly 10 minutes. (she doesn’t say anything to Oscar though cause obviously Lando makes Oscar really happy and she’s not going to ruin that even if she doesn’t understand it)
But she ofc start brining up Oscar to Lando more trying to gauge his reaction and kind of pick up on the fact that Lando is interested in Lando but because she more than knows about her brothers fuck boy tendencies and she is not going to let him hurt Oscar she starts poking around his diary (Alternate both sibling fully understand privacy they just don’t care when it comes to each other cause where’s the fun in that) it really only takes one page for her to immediately clock the fact that Lando is down horrendously. It’s just pages of him rambling about how pretty and smart and adorable Oscar is (George ofc takes many photos because blackmail is an essential resource in sibling relationships)
She immediately starts scheming about how to get them together and ofc drag Maxy into it (he already knew about Lando’s crush because they are actually friends and Lando is not aware of the whole dating my older sister thing) and he fully indulges her (he cant say no to her) and they do successfully get them together, but their relationship is definitely revealed
both siblings immediately start using this against the other. just Georgie “if you don’t i’ll tell dad about what actually happened to his McLaren.” and Lando immediately shooting back “do that and i’ll tell him about where exactly you were last Saturday and who exactly you were with. “
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kandisheek · 2 months
Spin My Head Right 'Round by LadyShadowphyre
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony Rating: E Words: 773 Tags: Cunnilingus, Super Soldier Serum, Public Sex
Summary: Anastasia Stark can't quite remember how she ended up hoisted into the air with Steve Rogers's tongue making her scream, but she wasn't about to complain!
Reasons why I love it: Okay, every word of this fic is pure, sensual gold. Not only is the mental image of what's going on just about the hottest thing I've ever read, but the commentary from the rest of the Avengers as it's happening is fucking hilarious. I hope you give this one a shot, because it's amazing, and I love it a disproportionate amount.
red, red, gold by pprfaith
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony, Clint/Natasha Rating: NR Words: 4,159 Tags: Symbolism, PTSD, Self-Destructive Behavior
Summary: Her name is Tasha Stark, and you won't break her.
Reasons why I love it: This fic just reads like poetry to me. It feels like a character study, the way it explores the life and psyche of Natasha Stark and everything that comes with her legacy. The depth of this fic is really all in the details, and there are so many one-liners that made me stop and think, 'holy shit, that's genius'. I love this fic so much, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself, because it deserves all the love it can get!
Take My Breath Away by pensversusswords
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony Rating: T Words: 3,140 Tags: Earth-3490, Getting Together, Mutual Pining
Summary: In which Steve Rogers has been in love with Natasha Stark for years, and managed to keep it a secret for almost just as long. Almost.
Reasons why I love it: Oh Clint, you and your blabbering mouth. I love the way the 'dreaded conversation' between Steve and Tasha flows, how they come to the worst possible conclusions before finally arriving at the realization that their feelings are returned. It's lovely stuff, and I bet you'll enjoy it just as much as I did, so go ahead and read it!
Dreamland by cagestark
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: M Words: 1,700 Tags: Somnophilia, Wet Dreams, Accidental Stimulation
Summary: After her longest episode of insomnia yet, Toni falls asleep draped against Steve and has a dirty dream that her boyfriend Bucky is all too happy to take advantage of.
Reasons why I love it: Goddamn, this fic is amazing. Steve's desperate attempts to hold out, Bucky's enthusiastic approval, Toni's oblivious participation, it's all so good. The smut is hot as hell, and the underlying relationship dynamics are so much fun to explore. I love this fic so much, and I bet you will too!
all of me wants all of you. by frostfall
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,209 Tags: Dimensional Travel, Relationship Advice, Mutual Pining
Summary: One day, a portal opens up in the middle of Toni's workshop, leaving behind two men who apparently are them, Captain America and Iron Maiden, well, Man, from another universe. But that's not the only thing that Steph finds bizarre. What's also bizarre is that Captain America and Iron Man are together. Together in a relationship. And apparently somehow, they're not the only pair. (Or the five Steves who convince Steph to confess her feelings to Toni and the one Steve she has to convince to confess to his own.)
Reasons why I love it: Multiverse shenanigans are the best. Steph helping Steve after being encouraged by all the other Steves to do the same is so sweet. And I adore the fact that Stony love is a constant across all the different universes. Love the nod to the more minor canon iterations of them too. This fic is lovely, and I highly suggest you read it!
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eirasummersart · 8 months
So I said I would offer you some of my ocs for possible ships and here I am... (haven't found sexualities on the bios so bare with me if I mess up)
For Dillon I wanted to offer Erena or Eve mainly cause Erena could go on fun adventures with him and would know well with is boundaries and Eve... is very smart and still wants to learn lots about humans...
For Dalia... either Kome or Mellow Mellow is also more art focused and gets kinda nervous around cute girls, he would be interested... while Kome has lots of stories to tell and has a love for literature which could be a nice combo.
For Domas... Carol could guide him in a better direction while giving him a good fill of praise, she is also stressed a lot so extra help be fine. Gilly might find him more entertaining than annoying... might also be pointing him in a better direction to help others
Akshaya... most of my "Strong people" might be old but... Zariyah might be a good pick... she wants to be a hero and keep people safe... and she is very patient with people so...
Lastly for Szilárd is really hard but... Dragiselle could be maybe an option.... Flynn maybe too... thoughts behind this is moreso that they are moreso been through hardships and know to deal with similar problems... and Flynn can match some drama... but this ideas are more loose
Hope you liked my little talk maybe something comes out of this.^^
Hello!! Thanks for this ask~ ❤
It's fun to find good interactions between OCs, so let's hope we can get something out of these 👀 And sorry it took me a while to get to it, I've been busy and tired lately, and I wanted to take a proper look to these and make sure I got it all right! It's long, so continues under the cut~
Also, about the sexualities, I don't have that in their info posts, my bad. I have talked about them in the past but I understand that would be hard to find just looking at the basic infos for them! A fast list would be: Dillon: some sort of demi-bi (it's hard for me to grasp his XD), Dalia, Domas, Oriol: bi, Yuuki: Ace, Szi: Gay (can be lesbian if I genderbend, I don't mind doing that, but always has to be the same gender as Szi), and Akshaya not sure 🤔 I'd go with demi-bi too.
Anyway, now for the actual answers!
Dillon: I think both could have good dynamics with him, for sure. But with Eve it might be more of a friendship 🤔 But Erena would definitely get along a lot with him. They have a bunch of similarities (actually, Luffy was one of my inspirations behind Dillon hahah just little things). Also, he's GREAT at swimming, so he could help her out if she ever had problems with that~ Idk, just the picture of them going to adventures together seems quite cute and fun 😌💕
Dalia: For her, I think the two you said could work. With Kome they'd have lots of fun playing chess or other board games (Dalia really likes games that you play with logic and strategy). They could also debate or Kome could tell her about her stories. Also, just in aesthetic, I think their colour palettes would look nice together 💕 And with Mellow, if he's all nervous and shy with girls, he'd have lots of fun teasing him. And she'd find him adorable hahah But they could also bond over art and, aside from her teasing, she'd be really nice and gentle with him, so maybe he'd feel more at ease/less insecure around her afte a while?
Domas: For Domas, I am leaning more towards Carol, to be fair. Gilly is cute and they seem like a fun combo for Domas haha But Carol being much more down to earth seems like a better fit for him, so it doesn't end in full chaos xD Also, Carol's motherly vibe can go along well with his want to help people too, so they'd get along. But she'll need… A LOT of patience xDD Also, the pixelated food part made me laugh, since he's a great cook. Maybe he can help her cook more… nice looking food? xD OH, and the part where she gets flustered and shy easily, Domas is all sweet and gentlemanly, so he might make her blush a lot, which would be cute 🤭 (Also, apparently Domas has a thing for people with glasses, it seems /hj)
Akshaya: Aww, Zariyah seems super cute and nice, I like her. If she goes on about wanting to be strong to help other and/or to be a hero, Akshaya would definitely like her and want to be her friend. If she's all friendly open, she'd make Akshaya blush for sure too, but she'd like it. I guess it turning to ship would depend on how the situation goes from that point 🤔 it could also end in platonic, but I can see some ship potential!
Szilárd: First about this, don't worry, Szi is a complicated guy and it's hard for me to think of relations and frienships for him sometimes too hahah So I get it. Now, for the options you gave me, I'd say I don't see Flynn as much with him 🤔 I'm not sure how I'd approach the relationshi, Szi is just so mean, he'd just scorn him I think hahahaha I'm sorry, Flynn, it's not you, it's Szi being an asshole XDDD But with Dragiselle I can see it more! Well, in this case I'd go with fem!Szi from what I told you earlier. But she's all strong and cool. Maybe they could clash a bit at first (again, Szi's fault for being like he is XD), but I can see Szi seeing the good parts she has, her strong magic, her dedication and all, and wanting to be closer. Also, both have had isolated childhoods (for different reasons), so they can also find a common ground with that~ And since they're both "arts inclined" they might be able to bond over that as well. Idk, she's pretty too(?) that's a plus hahah
Ok, I think that's all I can comment on rn, until I hear your side of this C: Let me know what you think from this too, if any you like more in particular! :D
And of course it was fun to think all of this and try and figure out relationships <3 Thanks for the initial hard work at looking at possible maches too~
I hope you didn't mind my long answer either hahah
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I seriously cannot get this out of my head and l NEED to tell sameone ughhh ok ok
Image shinobu and mitsuri have kids and one of them looks exactly like shinobu but male, his the eldest and l just can't stop thinking of mitsuri gushing over and saying how handsome he is and how much he looks like shinobu
He wants to be a doctor too and inspires to be just like he's mom (aka shinobu) and with the lack of mitsuri features he makes up for it for he's personality. People never expect him to be so bubbly. 😭😭😭
(this is the art that started it all bwuahaha but seriously tho this art of shinobu genderbend even makes my gay heart flatter)
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That's cuuuttteeee. They'd definitely be the best parents. Shinobu would be so proud of him and a little bit smug that he'd chosen to pursue medicine. Mitsuri would definitely gush how her son and wife look so similar which makes both Shinobu and Shinobu Jr. blush in embarrassment.
While he prefers medicine, he's always helping his mom Mitsuri in the kitchen! 'It's like an introduction to chemistry' he would explain when he's asked. Shinobu just watches in amusement and adoration as she watches her family make meals and wonders how lucky she is.
His hobbies would probably include reading and painting. He also does his siblings hairstyles and would definitely be the overprotective type. He's not afraid to cry or stand up to people.
His uncles are very supportive as well. Tengen said he'd be famous with the ladies (Shinobu had chased him with a spatula after this), Renguko would commend him for choosing to help people, Gyomei would smile softly and give him pats on the head along with encouragement, Obanai would offer to teach him anything about snakes and poison (He became a close friend to the Kanroji-Kochos), Giyuu is his cool uncle, surprise surprise. Being Shinobu's (against his will lovingly) best friend, he treats him close to his own kid as well. Muichiro would be the youngest and they'd play video games until Shinobu or Mitsuri tells them to sleep. Tanjiro and Co would definitely be the fun uncles and aunts that would spoil him (and his siblings of course!) rotten with gifts.
During his first day of med school, the whole family helps him move in his dorm. Shinobu would usher him to a quiet place as Mitsuri and the others finished setting up. Shinobu pulls out a butterfly pin but it's a dark navy blue. "Here," she'd say, "something to remind you of us when everything seems too much. I'm proud of you, sweetheart." He wears it everywhere with a smile.
Thank you for the ask! I hope this wasn't too cringe or long xD
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natsmagi · 1 year
"femstars is just them with eyelashes" is such an amazing take to genderbends because there's nothing worse than seeing them but people have made them all hyper-feminine. your art is so cute and i appreciate your sentiment to maintain the core of their characters so much ;-;
OHH THANK U SO MUCH !! personally i think the most fun part about femstars is imagining the characters appearance alongside what we canonically know about them and how those would play together! for example femstars shu often having those drill curls/locks to appear similar to mademoiselle being a common one!
i know its not that deep and might sound a bit pretentious but when i try coming up with femstars appearance hcs i try taking personality and story into account.... like adonis for example having very neatly stylized hair because in canon he has sisters who are hair stylists that style his hair for him, so i thought itd be fun to incorporate that for fem!adonis too! and for chiaki i wanted to give her slightly longer hair because i kept imagining her during meteor impact having those glasses and meeker personality matched with a short messy bob, makes her appear a little more timid i think :') and now shes got a sporty ponytail to show her trying to be stronger!
its stuff like that which i have most fun with! but i also wanna say i adore the typically feminine approaches many take too! at the end of the day we are all just drawing the appearance we would most like to see on the character, so more power to u ! 💪 i just love women with all appearances!! they are all so lovely to me
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garden-bug · 9 months
ABOUT ME 🐞🦟🐛🪲🐜🪳🦋🪰🦗🐝
I am garden-bug and you can refer to me as such. I love bugs big and small but mostly big (unless I have a microscope handy which I literally don't guys I don't have a microscope). My favourite insects are praying mantids or ants and I have written too many essays that talk about ant symbolism.
I am a literature student and literature analysis is not my degree it is my lifestyle.
I am multi fandom. I will list fandoms I engage with, my takes and my fics below:
Star Wars
OG Trilogy: Amazing incredible
Prequels: Flawed but culturally relevant
Sequels: 💀💀
The Mandalorian: Seasons 1 & 2 changed my life but none as much as season 3 which I was so appalled by that I spent the summer of 2023 rewriting
Ahsoka: 💀💀
Thrawn 1st 2 trilogies: Literally space Sherlock Holmes I love the Thrawn trilogies (haven't read the original yet I know shock horror but idt I'd cope)
Clone Wars: Very cool, Ahsoka my beloved. Darth Maul.
Anything not mentioned I either haven't seen, abhorred, or forgot what happened in.
My other takes:
New Star Wars is kinda… trash??
I do not like Dave Filoni's writing or his mando-verse or whatever he's calling it.
Ezra and Thrawn space adventures forever in our hearts 💔
Thrawn is an anti-villain guys.
I wish I could ship Shin x Sabine but I've seen brick walls with more chemistry.
My Fics:
Mandalorian S3 (+ Ahsoka series rewrite):
Force-school crack fic:
One Piece
I am on WATER SEVEN! I love Franky with my whole life and Iceberg is a beautiful man. Finished Dressrosa for Doflamingo and Law and Corazon. I cried. I’m kind of skipping around honestly because I’ve pretty much had everything spoiled I just pick an episode and go.
Zolu and Lawlu on the aroace spectrum my beloved 💞💞
Not been convinced by Zosan...
Oh my god dofuwani
Other takes:
I LOVE OPLA! It stole my heart. OPLA cast my beloved. So good. Amazing. Even my mum loved it.
Yes it’s a little different to the manga/anime and misses some details, but I think it does a brilliant job for what it is, capturing the essence of One Piece and making it more accessible to a wider audience. You would not catch my mum watching the anime that’s all I’m saying.
Crocodad/Crocomom is real idc
The one piece is real
My fics:
This was meant to be a silly genderbend dofuwani fic but it derailed significantly. Now it’s like 30k, Croco’s got a traumatic backstory, Luffy abandonment complex origin story *spoilers: crocomom*, Doffy has some gender realisations, fem dofuwani has taken over my brain like a fungus, it’s also somehow just really really fun to write.
Death Note
I don't interact with this fandom much because my takes are shaped by my AU so I literally relate to nothing. Death Note has be in a constant choke-hold just always like it’s always there in the back of my mind. I think it made me who I am. Uhh help.
Not a lawlight shipper. Light was mean and evil and L deserved better 11yr old me was distraught and my feelings have never changed.
L x Lola (OC)
In my AU Near and Mello are raised as siblings so their ship kinda freaks me out.
Idc abt Matt I never even wrote him into my fic (rip).
Mello x Halle my beloved. I love when two bisexuals fall in love.
Other takes:
The manga is better.
The anime deserves a re-adaptation??
Near is my absolute favourite fictional character ever (genuinely do not know why huh) he is so annoying and I adore him.
Mello didn't die what L and Lola saved him.
My Fics:
I wrote this when I was 12 but it is the basis for my AU and deserves all the honorary mentions:
Jujutsu Kaisen
My fics:
Cosy one-shots basically:
Bungou Stray Dogs
Chaos shambled disarray that somehow I enjoy.
Pisses me off but it has its moments.
Sokoku is my all time absolute favourite ship ever of all time. Yeah no it still is I just checked.
My fics:
Dazai and Chuuya get hit by a tsunami oh no they have to face their tumultuous feelings for each other (spiral) and accidentally adopt/rescue a small child:
I love Ninjago. Lloyd my beloved. Zane is me fr.
Llorumi is a NO Harumi is an irredeemable monster and you cannot convince me otherwise. My sweet Lloyd deserves better.
I don't ship any of the ninja with each other ESPECIALLY not with Lloyd the age thing is a mess.
Images used in the ninjago memes are from Pinterest and saved to this board under the ‘I’m gonna make memes’ section: https://pin.it/4rN3gIj
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