#msm fanfiction
Through Another World- Prologue
I've decided to start posting this series on tumblr as well as the sites where I already do saw. BirbMonster side blog.
The first few chapters will be posted rather quickly since I've already done them.
This is not an AU. Any lore (such as every monster being a species expect for celestials and legendaries) is my actual headcanon material.
The dry grass gently tickled Hermit's claws. Finally, he'd arrived at Shugabush island.
The young Strombonin looked around at the unusual landscape, tightly clutching his Strombone. The plants were tinted in unique autumn-esque colors, and oddly enough every part of the landscape was decorated in these weird human-world devices. They called them "shouters". A familiar lavender Bowgart brushed against him.
"We're finally both 18, huh?" Hermit nodded at Harebell in excitement. "Yeah. I can't believe it," "There's so much ahead of us!" Harebell half-shouted in excitement. "We could travel the world as much as we please," "True. Come on though, Bell. No time to lose!" I'll finally get to meet the Shugafam face-to face, he thought as the two made their way along the wooden path. I've wanted to do this for more than 10 years, huh. But mom and dad were always too scared of the Seam. I don't even believe in the human world. Don't think it would be a problem.
"Alright, here's the plan," Hermit announced. "We go to the town and explore outside the castle. The song will happen when the sun sets, so in around 2 hours. Then we can meet the Shugafam, and that's it for the day," Harebell smiled and grabbed onto Hermit's hand. "You're a great planner,"
As he walked, Hermit admired the unusual environment more and more, watching the orange critters scuttle and flap between the trees. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a flash of white. He stopped to turn and see what it was. But there was nothing there. "Hermit? What-" "No, no. It's nothing," Hermit said, shaking his head and trotting back over to him. "I thought I saw something. It's probably a trick of the light," "Oh, what was it?" "This weird white flash. Like I said, it's nothing?" "Sure it isn't..." Harebell turned and spun pointlessly and dramatically, spreading all four of his fluffy arms. "Seam magic?" Hermit chuckled. "We both don't believe in it," he said. "Unless you're as superstitious as my parents," "Hah! Never! Your mother probably believes every single myth someone's ever told her!" "Remember when she got me those crystals for my 13th birthday? Said it was because my Celestial was Loodvigg!" Both monsters chuckled happily, reminiscing on childhood memories. "That reminds me, I'm getting you something for today," "Wow, what is it?" "It's a surprise! Come on now, I can see the town!"
Hermit tried to take off running in excitement, but something was pulling him back by the tail. He looked behind himself, suddenly horrified. There was another white light, this time definitely real. It was right above him, dragging him as he floated off the ground. "HAREBELL!" The Bowgart snapped right around, shocked, and immediately ran to drag Hermit away from whatever that was. "WHAT. THE. FURNOSS!" Harebell shouted as he desperately grappled at Hermit's claws, already just out of reach. Oh no oh no oh no, he thought, feeling his tail and hind legs fall into the light. "NO!" Harebell yelled, jumping desperately only to slip on a patch of leaves.
"HAREBELL!" Hermit shouted as he disappeared into the portal. The last thing he saw was a desperate pile of lavender fur, screaming and calling his name.
A few minutes later, he opened his eyes, splayed out on the grass with the Strombone a few inches in front of his snout. The world around was something he'd only heard of and seen made-up-looking sketches of. It couldn't be... ————-—————-
15 years later, in a different place... "Bye," Gwen said in a monotone voice at the Oaktopus leaving the store. "Have a wonderful day," Day can't be wonderful if it's so lame and boring and exactly the same every time, she thought with a grimmance plastered across her beak.
"Well, Gwendolyn, it's 5:00 pm," said an authorarive voice from behind her. She turned to see Frazil, the Deedge who managed the store. "That's Gwen for you, fool," she muttered angrily, saying the last word under her breath. "Well, bye," Frazil's face contorted into an expression of anger. "Gwendolyn, keep having the attitude of a grouchy teenager and you'll be fired, understood?"
Gwen simply muttered a few horrible curse words under her breath as she left the store, talons immediately sinking into the thick snow as it aggressively batted at her sides.
Lucky me walking out into a BLIZZARD, she thought, shaking the snow out of her frizzy green feathers. Funny. Even after a few years back from the Collosingum, she was still re-adjusting. But then again, almost 7 years there really changed her life. It was GOOD there, though. They were the greatest champion there until that stupid T-Rox came.
Too bad she got kicked out. In fact, if anyone on Cold Island knew the reason she was kicked out, they'd probably get thrown in jail. The image was still in her mind. The vines she was controlling, growing through the T-Rox's skull, wrapping around his body as he collapsed to the ground, dead. They shuddered at the memory, but a high-pitched voice coming from just below. "Hey Gwen!" She looked down to see her sister, Pandora, a brightly-coloured Tweedle with abnormally long head and tail feathers that had to be tied back in braids. Well, techically this was her cousin. But adoptiveley, and in her heart, their sister.
You see, as a Dandidoo, with a Tweedle and a Potbelly for parents, she couldn't really have a Tweedle sister. But her aunt and uncle passed away, her parents adopted her cousin- Pandora. "Good evening," they smiled happily. Though they were embarrassed to admit it, the sweet little Tweedle was a soft spot of hers.
"How was work today?" she asked politely. "Same as always," Gwen responded, looking up at the already ink-dark sky. "And you said that's bad?" "Yeah, it sucks," "Think positive!" Pandora exclaimed, flapping up a few meters into the air before landing again at Gwen's other side. "It isn't as bad is it could be. Love life and be grateful for what you have," You tell me that so often, they thought. But I don't think it ever really gets to me, not with a job that sucks like a black hole of boredom.
"Come on," she said, taking long strides along the street. "Let's get back to the castle. We could talk and have fun there as much as we want, sis," As she walked, Gwen noticed a T-Rox clomping along the streets in a fluffy winter coat.
He stared right back at her with piercing, electric-blue eyes, looking directly forwards. Something about him looked familiar. No. Storm is dead. Besides, this one doesn't look like he was ravaged by a pickaxe. But still, creepy. "Pandora?" She whispered. "What is it?" "That T-Rox. Doesn't he look like..." "The one you... you know the one..." "Exactly like Storm. But without the scars," "Stay calm, Gwen," Pandora advised. "It's probably just a coincidence,"
*exits through window*
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stickymolasses · 10 months
hello! your harry osborn works are so wonderful!! i really enjoyed them!! do you think you could do some fluff (or any. whatsoever) harry headcanons? thank you so so much!! you're amazing 💓
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an: hi anon! thank you for being my first ask, i appreciate it! i've never written any headcanons before so i'm super excited to try this.
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summary: fluffy headcanons pairing: harry osborn x reader
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Harry probably fell for you first and didn't notice it; he's completely oblivious.
You could tell him you love him, and he would say, "Aw, me too, buddy!"
Once you both realize you have feelings for each other, Harry doesn’t know what to do with himself.
 He's been in isolation for so long that he almost forgot how to be with someone else.
But you'll help him remember how amazing it is to love someone.
Harry is the best date planner (just look at how he planned the Peter bicycle/high school mission!).
Harry is very sentimental and will never forget an anniversary.
When you two attend benefits or parties together, he spends the majority of his time introducing you to all the people he knows.
“Have you met my partner yet?���
Harry does not hold back on affection.
He worries that his sickness will return, so he makes the most of his time while he has it.
Because of this, he doesn’t care about PDA.
He’ll hold your waist, kiss you in front of fifty people, and all the yucky (endearing!) PDA fix-ins.
He might not always feel his best, but you’ll always be there to make him smile.
He’ll flash a crooked smile at you so enticing that you’ll be on him in under a second.
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anxiety-lol27arts · 4 months
I've decided to start posting it since my outline is almost complete! This will be awesome!!!
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asterthought · 9 months
[Posting this twice because I accidentally tapped on "post" without adding tags or any more context 😭]
I've got this ask:
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This AU is my baby and I'm so sorry but I couldn't help myself and added color to this thing that turned into more than just a doodle 😭💖 + some info from my AU (and some spoilers I guess)
Harry smokes AND drinks even when he's barely 18/19, partially because he kinda has to appear older now that he's the CEO of Oscorp and the other reason being that he's looking for a way to blur his feelings.
Peter goes back to wearing his glasses, but without the crystals because now "for some weird and mysterious reason" he can see without them.
Harry has mixed feelings about this whole ordeal. Now that Peter is technically out of his life (in a sense, because Peter is still there, but he's not exactly his Peter) and Norman is back in it after years of being completely absent.
"When was the last time you ate something?" — Peter to Harry 24/7
Harry Sleep? What's sleep? Osborn.
Peter is constantly confused. Harry is astronomically anxious.
They still share Peter's hoodies and Harry's sweaters.
If you're wondering why haven't I posted the fic, it's because I'm originally writing it in Spanish (my native language) and it takes time to do so and then edit it so it's also enjoyable in English. Once I have it finished I'll post it chapter by chapter! (I'm almost halfway there!)
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This is also sort of a redraw of this thing I made on february 2023 but posted in June
Under the cut there's a little (unedited) fragment of this chapter!
He [Peter] expected to see Harry growling in annoyance, kicking some poor little pebble that crossed his path. To his surprise, he found him smoking calmly and quietly on the porch of the house, his gaze lost in the horizon.
- I didn't know you smoked.
Harry was startled, but regained his composure almost immediately and didn't answer. He then let out a puff of smoke as he continued to stare at the midday sky.
- Or rather... - Peter continued speaking and took another couple of steps forward. - I didn't remember you smoking.
- You didn't really know. I started doing it behind your back a couple of weeks before... You know what.
- Why?! Harry, you're eighteen. It's still illegal. Not to mention, it's horribly damaging to your respiratory, circulatory, and.... - The sound of the other boy stomping on his cigarette interrupted him.
- Out. Are you happy? - He leaned against the white wooden railing, turning his back on Peter.
- You didn't answer my question. Why? - He asked as he settled in next to his friend.
- It's too easy to go with the flow. The other businessmen don't take you seriously if you refuse to smoke and drink in society.
- So you drink too...
- There's nothing wrong with that, really. You and I used to drink together from time to time.
It was impossible for Peter to ignore the melancholy in that sentence.
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jjdogasaur · 5 months
Prismatic War Chapter 2 - Periled Plants
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Guess what, I'm back, now it is time for suffering again
Ashlyn walked down the untouched road outside the Safe Sound Shelter, admiring the lovely sights. She admired the butterflies, the beautiful flowers, and not a single Prismatic in sight! However, she still held onto the teleportation ray Dr. Grooph handed her just in case any Prismatic happened to attack her, but that idea was just an afterthought in her mind. Suddenly, she had stopped upon a small home inside a hill. She found it strange, as while the windows were boarded up, and the door seemed to not budge, the adjacent garden had shown attempts of growing crops, but appeared to have been stomped, devoured, and poisoned. Was someone inside? She approached and knocked on the door, calling for the resident.
“Hello? Is anyone here? You don’t need to worry, I’m a nice monster, I won’t hurt you!” A deep, but soft and weakened voice replied shakily. “S-S-Spiky, darling, H-Have you returned?! Wait… Are you one of those Prismatics playing a trick on me…? DON’T COME IN!! YOU’VE TORN MY FAMILY APART ALREADY!!! Please…”
Ashlyn was confused. She knew she would have to go in through somewhere else, but where? But then, an idea sprang into her mind.
“I know, I’ll enter through the chimney!” Ashlyn chirped up.
She made her ascent up the hill towards where the chimney was set, moved the guard preventing possible intruders… and down she went into the home. Ashlyn explored the quaint, but almost abandoned looking house. Every place that could be used to store food was nearly empty, and everything was covered in dust and cobwebs. Ashlyn entered a bedroom, and there, she had discovered the origin of the voice. A Flowah, who appeared to be on his knees, was keeled over and gripping his stomach in hunger. Three baby Barrbs, who appeared to still be in a larval stage surrounded the poor monster, attempting to comfort him. Ashlyn attempted to question the Flowah..
“Excuse me…”
“N-N-No… NO! Please, only take me, *sniff* don’t hurt my children, they’ve been through enough already…”
“Hey, I’m not going to take you! And who’s Spiky?” “My partner. They said that they would be going into the forest to gather more food, but it’s been weeks, and we’re almost out. I would go out for myself, but I’m so scared… What will happen to my children? I’m so hungry, I might not make it back in time, what if a Prismatic finds me?”
Ashlyn replied, “What about the monsters running the Safe Sound Shelter? They would have given you something to keep your family fed, wouldn’t they?” Flowah sighed deeply as he fell to the floor.
“I tried convincing them all I could, but General Entman and Sir Conberg told me that there ‘wasn’t any room in the nursery’, and that my scent could attract my partner, who they believed had become a Prismatic at this point. Boskdrool! They have so many monsterlings in that thing, they could afford to hold 3 more, and if the SSS is so safe, then why should those buffoons be so concerned about one prismatic being lured in by my scent?!”
Ashlyn exclaimed, “But, that couldn’t be true! Maybe there was a misunderstanding, General Entman wouldn’t abandon a fellow monster, would he?”
“I can tell you have too much faith in Entman to make everything right, all that monster is going to do is abandon those who need him most, that will have severe consequences one day,” Flowah said, as Ashlyn looked on, pondering on his words. Could Entman really be that bad? No! He couldn’t, maybe it was just a misunderstanding. But she still felt a resounding pity for Flowah.
“Well, maybe I can help! I can get you and your kids food and find Spiky, does that sound warming?” Ashlyn piped up happily. Flowah looked up with concern and hope.
“Oh, that would warm my heart and my stomach indeed… but don’t you seem a little young to-” He was immediately cut off by Ashlyn, who was somewhat appalled by the insinuation that she was too young to help. 
“Where did Spiky last go? I’ll keep my eyes sharper than a wide-awake Glowl!” 
Flowah looked down at the ground, feeling as if he was at fault for Spiky’s disappearance.
“They said that they were going to collect fruit in the Razzli Forest, and haven't returned since. I had originally thought they were just lost, but now, I think it might be worse…” 
“Don’t worry, Mr. Flowah!” Ashlyn said confidently. “I think Spiky will be okay, the worst that could happen is maybe they just got stuck inside some bushes, or fell asleep inside a Sweetstreamz tree!” She was doing her best to calm down Flowah, but as she began to leave for the Razzli Forest, she could hear Flowah break out in tears, sobbing louder than a Yelmut could yell. And off she went, to the Razzli Forest…
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misty-zzz · 8 months
Chapter 9
Finally writing block had let me go, off to its next victim 🤷
It’s a tad bit of a shorter chapter, but I think it’s a nice one :)
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The Wubbox offered its gifts. Shiney clear stones, filled with potential. Dragong steals them right as he lays eyes on the valuables. He shut his eyes, but his concentration was halted by Auglur. They motioned some towards Dragong, he immediately remembers what he’s supposed to do. Not for the gems. He places the three gems on the goopy ground, and clears his throat.
“Thank you… for these supplies…” his eyes scatter around, avoiding any sort of eye contact. Auglur pushes him foward. “And, uhm- these will be a great help for me, and… I am appreciative of it.” He smiles quite awkwardly. Auglur eyes hint in a faint smile. Can’t tell too much of emotion in a floating eyeball flower. Tootoo smiles back, “It’s our pleasure!” She says.
“Anyways, back to this, I’ve finally remembered what I had to do.” Dragong crushes the crystals under his weight. He continued until it was fine dust — but it was just what he needed. He gathers the pile of dust up, and spits right into his palm. This is what magic is like for the monsters. A tad bit strange, but what’s needed.
Fiddlement seemed a tad bit disgusting by the now ball of spit and fine dust. Dragong carefully shapes the mixture into a round fire emblem, somehow able to with his cymbal hands. “Magic for us is weird. I’m not sure how our ancestors found out about this.” Dragong finished the reshaping of the mixture. So he does as he remembers, and places it on top of his forehead.
The orange sludge seeps into his skin and scales, his eyes are shut, and there was a faint glow of red radiating from him. His eyes peel back open. His magic was back, at least for fire balls.
“Did it work?! Fiddlement eagerly tilted forward. Dragong moves over to an area with no one. He draws out the same symbol mid air.
The symbol makes a light carve in the air, quickly becoming a cloud of fire. It shoots out, blasting the wall of the workshop. Gunks of the wall goop fly in every direction. “I did it!” Dragong’s wings burst up. “Oh how I missed magic!” He grins with his sharp teeth.
There were a couple of more explosions from Dragong. Eventually they decided the time had to come. Dragong was going to leave the hole. He’ll miss the triple element ethereals, sadly they aren’t able to join along.
“Don’t tell them about us.” Auglur plead the four. “I don’t want us to be found out by the mythicals. Especially after all I’ve heard from Dragong.” She sighs. “I promise, only we will know.” Tootoo assured her.
“Maybe I’ll come back here every once in a while.” Dragong thought out loud.
They headed off to the outside. Finally Dragong will smell some fresh air. For someone who had been trapped in a cave for so long, he really was a bundle of energy. He bounces on the walls, exploding everything in his path. The only area Wubbox forced Dragong to stop was the areas with the cave paintings.
Along this area, Dragong had a moment to slow down. “Sorry about that, way earlier.” He starts apologizing for seemingly nothing. “For what?” Fiddlement questioned. “That thing with auglur, how she made me say thank you and that stuff.” Dragong grumbled. “We’ve been working on our manners, I guess.” He went on “We knew that eventually we would have to see other monsters eventually. And we didn’t want them to see us as rude or anything.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with that!” Tootoo exclaimed. “I’d rather have someone be kind than to be mean when I first meet them!”
“I guess I just kinda saw it as awkward.” Dragong drags along the dirt path.
With a few back rides on Dragong, and a whole lot of walking. They had done it. Now Dragong will reintroduce himself. A new era for him!
He takes his last breath of cave air, and his first in a while of ethereal air. But everything besides the air was ethereal. A group of monsters stood a couple of feet away.
“A little tweedle told me that someone was going inside that cave.” Laughed the small, stout, orange monster. “Is that-”
“The mythicals!” Dragong cuts off Tootoo. “Why in the name of galvana are you here?” Dragong snapped. He hated that Buzzinga. “For you, of course. Eventually you would wake up, we knew it wasn’t permanent.” The edges of his mouth curl. Something bad was about to happen.
Some silly notes::::
I’m SO excited to write the next chapter, FIGHTING AND ARGUING, LETSSS GOOOO!!!!
Also I kinda want to write a part 2 to fate of the stars, but then there’s another one shot in my mind too. Augahagah. I think I’ll write part 2 when all the adult celestials are released. Okay I think I’m going to go insane. 💃🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼💃🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
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animation0idk · 10 months
Hello this is part 1 of my au for msm I actually made this like at least like two months ago but I forgot to post it properly and I get distracted very easily and I so I keep thinking that this isn't as good and people weren't see it but I digress enjoy and I use said alot so ya
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By A day on an island an island far far away from any other monster an Island that no monster knows about. in the fog where these monsters can't be seen.
Torrt Give it back!!
Yelled the air celestial .not going to give it you back you have to come and get it said the young earth monster for being a tortoise he is quite fast faster than Attmoz.
While the young earth monster was running he was looking back not to looking where he was going suddenly he ran into one of the older monsters of the group loodvigg. Oh I'm sorry loodvigg.
Loodvigg snatched the toy out of torrt's hands and scuttled over to attmoz and handed it over. Thank you loodvigg. Loodvigg suddenly looking over to torrt loodvigg doing a gesture to torrt to come over I want you to apologise to Attmoz said the shadow monster I'm sorry Attmoz said torrt good don't want you to be do it again said loodvigg.
Then torrt scampered away thanks again loodvigg I know I'm one of the oldest but I don't know how to run fast and he's pretty fast so I can't always catch him said Attmoz. it was a pleasure I hate to say but the young ones are always annoying but I guess understandable he isn't much to do on this island. Have you seen blasoom? I have not seen her all day said loodvigg oh I saw her last around the side of the island why do you need to know. I just want to make sure that she is not hurt or getting into trouble I'm gonna go and see her. Ok have fun loody said Attmoz don't call me that said loodvigg.
Then loodvigg snatched away. Meanwhile on another part of the island a young water celestial and a fire celestial we're talking. You know sometimes I wonder what is out there said the fire celestial I don't really know said hornacle. I'm gonna go and play with plixie said the water celestial. Ok said furnoss and so the young water celestial left and furnoss was on his own then
he noticed a water puddle and look in it... And saw himself... But he looked older he had a mustache and had a longer neck. I'm I doing good? Said furnoss. yes you said the reflection are you sure older me? Yes your doing good but you shouldn't be talking to me.why said furnoss because you should be playing with your friends little one. Ok I will bye older me. then the fire celestial scampered away. Be safe please said the reflection.
Furnoss wondered over to his friends they were playing tag so furnoss join them . Vhamp Was it so the others ran away vhamp was running after galvana wall galvana was making squeaking
With happiness and all the others giggling. As the young galvana was rolling around on the core that they had . they were getting close to the edge of the island they looked behind them and vhamp was getting closer. But out of nowhere the young plixie swooped in and grabbed galvana.
Hey no fair yelled the young mech celestial well plixie and galvana we're giggling with excitement gavana even making little shocks with their hands. In the Distance a young air celestial was watching the others running around and giggling having fun. Attmoz!! Yelled a monster from the distance Attmoz turned around to see who it was. It was glashuir and blasoom glashuir it's you where were you said Attmoz what are you guys doing said the cold celestial. Oh we playing tag said Attmoz
can we join said glashuir of course you can buddy . As the two monsters were talking the young mech celestial Rand directly at them Attmoz look out yelled glashuir the young air monster grabbed glashuir and blasoom and floated up on a cloud . Hay no fair said vhamp hey you never said we couldn't use our powers. but it's not fair if you use them said vhamp okay okay I'll let you talk tag me said Attmoz then Attmoz floated down and let vhamp tag him glashuir and blasoom ran off so they wouldn't get tagged after a while it started to get dark loodvigg and scaratar gathered everyone together. Ok ok that's enough we've had our fun but it's getting like we should all head to bed said loodvigg . Attmoz and glashuir helped scaratar and loodvigg to get the young monsters to the only form of shelter they had what was the debris at the edge of the island
Every monster said they're good night goodnight loody said Attmoz
You to moz said loodvigg.
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sillyseaveerablogs · 8 months
Comforting Souls Part 2 of Chapter 3
Oh, what da frick?!!
In his house where he and his siblings are staying, Humbert wrote his postcard to Wilbur when he started to rub his right eye. It was a dead night. A few monsters are asleep and some are and still doing their job. Humbert felt a little bit tired after taking care of his siblings when they got home. But his gut just told him to visit Berlioz and another Wubbox Xe knew.
Wait! I have to check my siblings tho, thought Hum. Stood up from his office chair and scrambled to his siblings’ rooms, Xe peered into Xe's triplets’ room. It was a mess! Toys and books and stationery are scattered everywhere. The clothes next to the wall are piling up. It looks like a montain. Hum then skulked to Skia, who is the youngest out of her two other brothers. She has brown hair like her mother with a pink-tinted red on one of her strands. She is sleeping soundly, with a Furcorn plush, made of dyed Woolabee fur and a twig they found at Plantera as a visit. He planted a kiss on Ski’s cheek and said goodnight to the triplets before going out to visit the Rare Wubbox and Berlioz.
After a few minutes or so, Humbert finally arrived at the apartment where they live. He knocked on the door and asked,” Hey, it’s me, Humbert. Can I come in please?”. The door creaked, and with a blink, a rare Wubbox appeared from the inside. They’re a guy who has messy flaming red hair and the eyebags have come to make his appearance look a bit sad. “Oh, it’s you, come in, Berli wants you to comfort him,” Like the triplets’ room, it was messy, but it was just a tiny tad. Humbert felt something and skulked to Berli’s room. And there he was, sitting at the edge of his bed.
His appearance looks like his father’s (Lucazia “Luca” the Galvana), with a sunset orange hair and horns that bent downwards. However, he still has his other father (Vincent) looks, as a teal wavy strand made its appearance. His right arm and right leg are rusting, causing him to cough and clench his chest hard. Very hard. “...Hey,” he greeted with his clenched teeth. His mouth has retainer bars on his teeth. Braces. His gentle golden eyes meet Humbert’s lime green eyes. He smiled, but it was a sad, soft smile that made Humbert almost have a breakdown.
Xe sat with Berlioz with a smile that made him assured. “Hey,” xe greeted back.
“Waltz called you here?” Questioned Berli.
“What brings you here?”
“Well, I was writing a letter to Wilbur, your brother, about how I was feeling. But then I thought about you so,” he paused to sniffle his runny nose.
“I-I-I visit you to know how you feel about it.”
Sadness has clouded his face. He put his palm onto his sadden face. Shivering. Quivering.
Berli patted his back. Pat-pat.
“Hey stop crying, it’s not your fault that your best friend slapped his sister and ran away,”
Berli flinched. He never saw a Humbug lashing out his angriness before, but they did.
More will come when Hum is growling his madness towards Wilbur.
“Hum, calm down!” quipped Walter, nervously. “They got killed by our guardians so it’s fine,”
“FINE?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN FINE?! THEY JUST AN ASSHOLE WHO WANTS REVENGE!” Screamed Humbert. They are tears streaming down to their cheeks.
“Well, they got defeated, so just breathe,”
Realising that he’s been yelling at both of them, Hum slowly inhales and exhales. Feeling calm right now, Xe asked,”Are there any chocolates in here?” ───※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※───.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
Back at their house, Humbert was lying down to his bed. He finally wrote down the letter and let the Meeb send it to Wilbur just for a reply. Lying on his side, he admired Gossamery at the window. It was night here, but to Gossamery, no matter what day it is, it’s always night, even in dark, calm nights. The moonlight shone to the crystals, causing Hum to block the bright light by squinting his eyes.
What is wrong with me? Why out of all the responses I could give to him, I yelled at Berli? Question swirling his head like a tornado.
God, what is happening?
Please, colossals, answer my questions.
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Through Another World- Chapter 2
Yay. Please read the prologue and chapter 1 first, they’re on my blog! I will probably make a pinned post linking to all the chapters soon. Like I said everything up to Chapter 3 has been done, but not posted on tumblr specifically until now.
This is a side blog owned by @birbmonster
This is not an AU! All lore is my headcanon and ocs, and a plot within that setting.
Hermit huffed, spread out along the ground. The only sound was the rhythmic tap of his thin tail each time it hit the ground, and his own hoarse breaths.
He looked up at one of the walls of his bunker, the one covered in scratches. Each one represented a day trapped here, and there were far too many to count. They were even beginning to unevenly spread across the ceiling and floor, winding out onto other walls between his strange collections.
Had gazed thoughtfully at his hands, unrecognisable from his years trapped in the Human World. His scales were rougher and dirtier, streaked through with the deep scars of constant fighting for his life.
He let out a deep, lonesome sigh, slowly rising to his rough, dusty feet, boredly running his cut-covered claws along the dusty walls of his bunker.
Hermit slithered out of the small hole in the wall that led to the outside world, pushing through the dense bushes that hid his hideout from the humansd.
The Strombonin stared at his reflection in a puddle, formed from recently fallen rain, looking at the scars across his eyes and muzzle, and his cracked horn and armour plates.
Then he glanced back up at the stars and the shimmering full moon, breathing in cool nighttime air.
He remembered his days living on cold island- the snow beneath his feet all year long, his family surrounding him, the Werdos that he admired visiting every few weeks. What was it that they sang?
Look at the stars in the big black ink....
Tell me what you feel and tell me what you think...
Is it cold outside?
Is it cold out...?
He paused, trailing one foot-claw through the puddle, sending gentle ripples dancing across it's sleek surface. He felt lonely. And bored. And it was, indeed, cold outside.
Hermit perked up as he heard a rustle in the bushes. Humans? His faint thoughts whispered to him. He dashed silently across the moist grasses, diving swiftly into his bunker and nearly slamming into the wall as he skilfully skidded across the ground, grabbing one of the weapons in his collection of human stuff.
He held the gun tightly in shaking hands, peering out of the bushes in a stealthy crouch. An owl hooted in the distance. The human-world critter flapped off at the sight of him.
He waited with his gun lifted and one claw on the trigger for what seemed like forever, silencing his breathing.
Then he heard a louder rustle and saw a shape move. With a loud bang, he winced and pulled the trigger, hoping he hadn't hit an innocent critter.
But instead, the bullet whisked at breakneck speed just over the feathers of... a Tweedle. The stranger yelped as she was almost hit, falling back as a loudly screaming Dandidoo followed her.
He gasped as a blast of sudden wind knocked him over and vines grew around his feet. His breath was knocked out of him from the impact. He'd never seen someone actually use Collosingum magic, but that was not the thing to mention right now.
"Wait! Stop!" He shouted hoarsely, his voice damaged from years of little speech. "I haven't seen other monsters in forever!"
"Gwen!" The Tweedle shouted at the same time, pulling the intimidating Dandidoo away. "Be nice!" 
"Yes! Now let me go!" The Strombonin gasped.
The vines released Hermit's legs, allowing him to jump to his feet.
"Thank Galvana you're here! I've been alone for so long!"
"Not to be rude, but how long?" The Tweedle asked politely. She was brightly coloured, with feathers so long and thick they were tied back in braids. A necklace of wooden rainbow beads hung around her neck, clicking each time she took a step. 
"I don't know for sure," he responded with a slight stutter, his head down. "But... it was the thirteenth of September, in the year 11985 when I came," My birthday, he thought with a frown. "Must've been... five years or so?"
"I don't think so, sir. You see..."
The Dandidoo (who seemed to be named Gwen) interrupted. "It's the first of September, 12000,"
Hermit felt like someone had just torn a hole through his chest. That was far longer than he'd expected. 
I missed the new millennium. I'm in my 30s.
Am I still alive...?
"Sir..." The Tweedle whispered calmly, placing a wing on his shoulder to comfort him. "Deep breaths,”
Hermit just stayed silent. After all these years he didn't realise he'd forgotten how to communicate.
"Come in," he said, awkwardly leading the newly-met monsters into his bunker. His mind was a tornado of thoughts and emotions, of excitement, confusion, worry. 
He curled up on a beanbag in the corner, staring nervously as the two sat on the carpet in front. I never expected visitors.
"Uhhh... I'm Hermit,"
"I'm Pandora, and this is my sister, Gwen," the Tweedle responded. For the first time he noticed that Gwen had a crack running along her beak. He didn't even wince. He'd seen much worse wounds on himself. 
The silence was broken suddenly by Gwen. "So. Are we going to be trapped here for... that long?"
Hermit sighed. Was he doing it too much? Was he being normal right now? "I've seen portals, but I can't leave without my Strombone. I'm convinced it's alive. I saw the humans taking it somewhere. But it's too dangerous,"
"So you've been moping around here for this long?!" Gwen shouted, her painted talons scraping the ground. "And not even trying?"
"Gwen!" Pandora yelped, turning to her sister. "Do you need help, sir?"
Hermit just nodded in silence.
"Here's a deal," Gwen snapped. "We help you find that Strombone of yours, and you help us ALL GET THE HECK HOME,"
Hermit perked up in excitement. He'd get his Strombone back. He'd go back to Cold Island... back home.
And see Harebell again.
He nodded and awkwardly shook Gwen's talon, meeting her eyes with a mutual serious gaze.
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stellarbat · 1 year
The Messenger restores their own rip in reality as they enter the barely familiar world. Remembering why they're here in the first place, they begin to murmur to themselves. "Dimension MON-12. It's been a long time..." The messenger flew through the clouds as they searched for their target: a lone island that housed the remains of the Celestial's former home.
"Hopefully they're eager to rejoin us, regardless of what form they're in.
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anxiety-lol27arts · 1 year
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Dumbass thing I did instead of doing homework.
(Done on a mousepad and a sleep deprived will)
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asterthought · 1 year
I haven't posted Parksborn stuff in a while, so here's a little thingamabob I wrote. It's from the same AU as this one I posted before!
This whole AU was supposed to be a comic, but here we are, writing snippets. Photo of my ugly and very rough sketches of it to catch your attention <3
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The lab was a complete mess the moment Peter walked in. Papers on the floor, test tubes crashed on top of them, chemicals strewn about in a way that would surely have to be shut down for safety. In the middle of it all, his fiancé, Harold Theopolis Osborn. He was leaning on his desk, pulling his hair in frustration.
Obviously his beloved was refusing to look at him, there was no way he hadn't picked up on his presence. The crutches were making too much noise for Harry not to notice.
"Theo, what's wrong?" Peter decided to call him by the other nickname he had for him, hoping he'd turn around.
"Nothing's working!" Harry exploded in response. His voice shook and Peter could tell he'd been crying.
"Are you still at it? I told you..."
The sound of another test tube shattering on the floor interrupted him.
"I don't care what you said! I have to do this, Pete! I HAVE TO SAVE YOU!"
Peter felt the anger growing in his own chest, he dropped the crutches and though he staggered, he walked towards Harry and pointed his finger in his face.
It was then that he got a good look at what Harry had on his desk. All the research, data and analysis.
"Spiders? Are you serious? Cross-species genetics?!"
"THAT WAS THE MOST VIABLE OPTION!" Harry fought back, watching out of the corner of his eye as Peter had to lean against the piece of furniture to keep himself upright.
This was what Harry wanted to avoid, that Peter's illness would reach such a point, that it would weaken him as much as he was now.
"Here, let me help you. Come on."
"If that's how you're going to get away from this stupid experiment..." Peter stretched out his arm to lean on Harry, who almost knocked him over with the snort he let out.
"Forgive me for wanting to save your life, Parker."
Peter decided to take it with humor and smiled.
"Forgiven, future Parker."
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jjdogasaur · 5 months
Ok Prismatic War update: To hopefully garner more attention for the chapters, I might post art at the top so people can have something to look at
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After the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man’s finale, Harry feels out of sorts when it comes to his place in Peter’s friend group. Gwen Stacy comes to his rescue, helping him realize he’s not as alone as he thinks.
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yo part 1 of musical mages au??? :0 no way!!!!
Also ima just have this on my main- it's easier than way XD
A cool, calm, ocean breeze. Grass swaying in the valleys. Snow glistening atop the peak of the Horizon Mountains. Cacti soaking up the beaming sun. A fish swims along the coast of the Rocky Plain. A light grey plume of smoke and volcanic gas seeping upwards into the clear blue sky, bright and cheery.
This was Jasper's home. At least, the Valley was.
Starwell was busy, as it always was. Monsters walking down the cobblestone roads, quickly passing by the shabbily put up stalls on the sides of the roads. Carts and carriages rolled along in the thun thun of wheels and clip clop of the maorse (mantis horse) buggies. Shouts of the newsboys waving paper pamphlets could be heard, as well as conversations in outdoor cafés and trading stalls that were aforementioned on the sides of the roads.
All of this could be faintly heard in Jasper's dark, cool bedroom.
It was a neat, organized bedroom; papers stacked and clipped neatly on a desk, pens and pencils in a opaque black tin, little wooden carvings and photos lined neatly atop a shelf above a clothes dresser, books tucked away in a bookshelf, and clothes hung up neatly on a rack in a shallow walk-in closet, with small boxes tucked neatly into corners inside that closet.
The only unorganized item in the room was the bed - roughly queen sized, maybe a bit larger. The blankets were sideways and hanging off the bed, and underneath those blankets was a slumbering, snoring Jasper.
A fist from downstairs banged on the wall.
"Jasper! Wake up, it's breakfast!" A female voice called.
"Hnnnnmmh... five more minutes..." he turned over.
A few moments of silence. A fist banged on the wall again, with more assertiveness this time.
"I'm coming!"
With some reluctance, Jasper turned back over to roll out of bed, his feet hitting the floor with a thump. He wasn't exactly graceful, you see, being the giant he is.
He opened the window and light flooded the room. A brilliant blue-violet, with remnants of pink-orange along the horizon. It was early morning, sure, but monsters were walking about. He definitely had slept in a little too much, he was usually up at sunrise.
Maybe it had to do with some late night wood carving the previous night.
Jasper got day clothes, now with a small sense of urgency, and got himself together.
His routine was usually something like this: wake up, get clothes. Brush hair and teeth, get dressed, head downstairs. From then, eat breakfast and help open shop.
He did just that, just with more urgency.
Jasper was a big and handsome guy- he had a broad chest, like a barrel, and was tall. His arms and legs were thick all the way around, and his hands about the size of small melons. And, of course, he had small green horns protruding from the top of his head, with even more vibrant green curling around his horns and face. A goatee of the same shade of green provided the only pop of color on his grey-hued skin, aside from his brilliant violet-grey eyes.
Jasper hurried down the stairs, buttoning the last few buttons on his white shirt, turning the corner to see his family in the middle of eating breakfast.
"Ah, there you are!" A slightly tall female smiled at him, welcoming him to the room. "I was starting to worry you fell back asleep."
The female was his mother, Carlee Rhondischite. She was smaller in build, but still tall. Her light green hair was pulled tightly back in a knot. Her small gemstone green horns glittered a little bit as she moved her head and they caught the light.
She sat at the far side of the table, right next to Jasper's father, Falspar, who was sitting at the head of the table. His food was mostly eaten, and he was reading the day's paper. On the other side of Carlee was Jasper's brother Howie. Howie was a year younger than Jasper, and they too were so similar in appearance, one could've mistaken them for twins. They even had similar personalities (Howie was more bold and outspoken than Jasper, somewhat rebellious too. But they got along perfectly).
Next to Howie (on his right) was Peridot, one of Jasper's sisters. She was 2 years younger than Howie, making her three years younger than Jasper. Peri was a quiet, reserved monster, not really talking much. Her hair was long and silky, similar in color to her dad's deep emerald hair.
On Peri's right was the next sister Juliette, 2 years younger than Peri (5 years younger than Jasper). Juli was the complete opposite of Peri; talkative, social, and bubbly. When Jasper was coming down the stairs, he could hear Juli talking about something that she did in school a few days prior with friends. And Juli being Juli, she had a lot of friends.
Across from Juli was the youngest brother, Rudy (a year younger than Juli, 6 years from Jasper). He's always getting in trouble, and he's broken horn proves it. Rudy's right horn was snapped clean in half during some stunt that involved a maorse cart, some pumpkin puree, and a soapy water puddle. Rudy turned out fine, but that horn isn't gonna grow much more when he turns 18 (He's 15 currently).
Next to her, on her right, was an empty seat- Jasper's seat. And a plate of warm breakfast was awaiting Jasper's arrival.
"How come you didn't wake me sooner?" Jasper asked as he took a seat.
"Figured you needed the sleep," his dad answered. "I mean, between all the work you put in-" Falspar stares at Jasper in the eyes "and all that late night carving you do."
Jasper exhaled a laugh out of his nose, blushing a little at the comment. How embarrassing! He was supposed to be the example for his siblings, and staying up late is not great exemplary action.
"He's just trying to impress that one chick that comes by every now and then," Howie chimed, giving a mischievous grin. "What was her name again? Valeria?"
"Minevera," Jasper answered, "and were just acquaintances. Not even friends. Acquaintances."
"And? Doesn't mean that you don't want to pull her."
"Howie!" Their mother hissed. Jasper flushed with embarrassment and some frustration. He bent his head down and shoveled his food in.
"Whaaat? I was joking! It was a joke," Howie turned back to Jasper, hiding his somewhat obvious pink face. "I know you two only mean business."
Without a comment, Jasper stood and left the table, his plate empty.
The younger siblings were busy chatting away about whatever they chatted about nowadays. Jasper and his dad left to open shop.
The Rhondischite house was a three story home. The shop was the first floor, the main floor. The second floor was the kitchen, the living room, the primary bedroom where the parents slept, and a secondary bedroom where Juliette and Amethyst slept. A bathroom was also on the second floor. The third floor consisted of three rooms (which are bedrooms- Jasper's, Peri's and Howie and Rudy's shared bedroom). Another bathroom was on the third floor, along with a study room.
It wasn't really huge, but only seemed so because of its three floors.
So Jasper and Falspar headed downstairs, prepping the wares for the day's customers. For the most part, everything was in place. It was just dusting everything off, getting the old register a check for functionality, and setting put any new wares that needed a display... such as the wooden carvings that Jasper had spent the last couple of nights doing.
The Rhondischite General Store was just another practical wares store. They sold all sorts of home practical equipment and furnishes, from furniture frames to thread. It was, in the most basic sense, a home crafts store (although Falspar didn't particularly liked that term).
Jasper was nearly done with his wooden arts display when Falspar unlocked the front door and flipped the sign hanging on said door from "Sorry! We're CLOSED" to "Welcome! We're OPEN"
"Ready for another day?" Falspar asked his eldest son enthusiastically, rubbing his melon-sized hands together.
"Always," Jasper responded, stepping away from the display he was attending to, giving it a satisfied nod.
"Perfect!" Falspar headed back upstairs. "I left some paperwork upstairs, I'll be right back.
"Alright," Jasper headed to the register, sorting through drawers filled with already unorganized paperwork. It needed to be organized, and the first customers usually didn't walk in til 20 minutes after the shop opens.
Jasper took out the endless paper stacks from the drawers. He never really realized that there were so many- why would they have that many stacks of papers?
Probably bills and business stuff.
Jasper looked up from what he was doing and saw a petite figure walk through the door.
A regular.
She was small in stature, and a little short. Her extremely curly brown hair was kept back by a natural headband of crystal shards, like a crown almost. Similar crown-style crystals wrapped around her wrists, like natural bracelets. Said crystals were a coral pink (or orange? Jasper honestly couldn't tell), which complemented the terracotta tones of her skin. Her eyes were a dazzling green-blue, like gemstones.
She visited the shop often, and Jasper got to know her as Minevera the seamstress/tailor. No surprise she was the first customer
"Mornin' Minnie," Jasper smiled at her.
"Good morning, Jasper," She returned the smile, walking towards the sewing and fabric section of the shop.
Minnie was not just any regular customer or seamstress; she was a nobleman's daughter who got commissioned by the duchesses in the castle to craft their dresses. Her shop is small, but it works on a job-by-job basis, so often it's closed (whether she'd be at home or working in the castle). And with all the commission work she does in the castle, and with all the satisfied duchesses after the fact, her work has gotten quite reputable.
Which is a long, winded way of saying Minnie is out of place at the Rhondischite shop.
You'd expect a higher class monster to go to a high-end shop for their goods, especially if you're a seamstress looking for high quality thread and such. Yes, the wares at Rhondischite's is good, but what nobleman in their right mind would want their clothes made of "poor man's wool"?
Apparently Minnie's clients.
"How's the shop?" Japser asked, trying for a casual conversation.
"Same as always," Minnie picked out a few fabrics and plenty of thread, "on the inside its vacant, but I'm still runnin' around town. Sewing and such."
"Does it ever get tiring? Running around and making dresses?"
"Not particularly." Minnie walked over to the counter with the goods in her arms. Fabric and thread, and a whole lot of it. A couple square yards at least.
Jasper knew this routine like his own palmprint, and starting tallying the total. Somewhere around 600 gold coins.
Then Minnie noticed the display next to her.
"Ooooo, what's this?" She focused her attention on the intricate wooden carvings displayed neatly before her.
Jasper felt his face warm up at the cheeks.
"Oh, uh, those are my wood carvings," Jasper rubbed the back of his next nervously. Minnie, though familiar, was the first non-family monster to look at his carvings.
Minnie picked one up - a carving of a majestic Strombonin - and observed every last detail of it.
It was a beautiful carving, made of Everblue wood. Every last scale, every last brush of fur was included. The expression was flawlessly expressive, the proportions very close to perfect. Clearly, Jasper had spent a while carving this piece exactly right.
"You made these?" Minnie looked back at Jasper in slight disbelief. "You're VERY talented."
"Not really," Jasper gave a nervous smile. "They're kinda just what I do on the side."
"You should sell more of these, they're beautiful," Minnie went back at looking at the wooden Strombonin.
"I think I'll get one of these, too."
Jasper blushed even more. His first carving sale!
"Aw, are you embarrassed?" Minnie laughed a bit.
"Maybe," Jasper couldn't hide his happiness behind his smile. If anything, he was overjoyed. Slightly nervous, but overjoyed.
"Adorable," Minnie placed the carving on the counter. "This is all I'll get for today."
"650 coins is your total," Jasper announced, placing the items in a cloth bag.
Minnie searched her pocket for two seconds before retrieving a bag of coins. She placed it on the counter.
"Keep it. Whatever's in there, keep it," Minnie grabbed the bag, and started for the door. "Invest in some better wood. Maybe better tools, who knows."
She smiled one last time at him before leaving the store.
Jasper stared at the door for a long time, trying to remember Minnie's warm smile. Howie's words came back to him.
"He's just trying to impress that one chick that comes by every now and then..."
Jasper shook off the thought, disgusted with himself. They barely knew each other! Why would Jasper want to impress her?
"Um, excuse me sir," a voice interrupted Jasper's thought. An older gentleman, and from his snow-white curly hair and stronger build, Jasper guessed the man was a Mammott sort. He was on the other side of the room, looking at wood samples.
"How may I help you?" Jasper walked over to the man, grateful that his thought was interrupted. He couldn't be thinking like that, especially towards an upper class monster.
No matter.
"Ah, yes, I need your professional advice on these wood samples," the Mammott gave a shy smile, then looked back to the samples.
"Well, what are you looking for?"
"I just need to know the difference between this Walnut wood and the Everblue wood..."
The Mammott rambled about how he didn't know which one had better attributes to his fence project, and how he knew he wanted a dark wood, but didn't know which kind of wood to get. The usual "He's my situation, now you tell me what is best."
"Erm, let me go get my boss, he's more of an expert on these things," Jasper headed towards the stairs at the back of the shop. "I'll be right back."
"Excuse me sir!" Another customer. Younger, a female, seemed to be of a Ethereal kind. A Whisp, Jasper thought.
"One moment, please!"
He ran up the stairs, wondering why his father was taking so long. By the time he was at the top of the stairs, Falspar was about to head down, carrying a stack of papers in his arm.
"There's a customer- a Mammott- that needs some tips on which wood he needs," Jasper explained in a slight rush.
His father nodded and the two went back down the stairs. Falspar set down his papers and headed to the Mammott gentleman, while Jasper headed to the Whisp lady.
By then, the shop was busy. Jasper hoped Howie would be back soon- he was busy walking the younglings to the school. Their mother already gone to work at the bakery (she worked part time there).
"How may I help you, miss?" Jasper greeted the Whisp with a smile.
And she explained why she called Jasper over, he could already see a line forming at the register. Not a long one yet, but still. Goes to show that today's gonna be a busy day.
A very busy day.
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🤍 "Dashes to your dashboard at high speed, with blank papers in arms" "proceeds to drop them, turning the papers into a book (archive of our own fanfiction)" Puss in Boots and My Singing Monsters crossover. "Runs away on a horse into the sunset" 🖤
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