#much less like. danganronpa fans. sorry.
moonsidesong · 6 months
nobody will answer me as to where danganronpa fans got the name Syo from. like i understand completely that it's a perfectly valid reading of ショウ but , like, the psp fantrans says Shou, the anime says Shou, every official material that DOESNT use the stupid jack/jill localization (that i've personally seen) says Shou, not Syo. but almost everyone seems to call her syo?????? where does this Come From what am i missing
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detectivenyx · 3 months
being in a fandom where the gender ratio of characters is actually pretty even between the common binary really puts into perspective how much attention people give male characters vs female ones.
bg3 has 5 male and 5 female companions, and while you could probably find a fucking 5 page thinkpiece on astarion or gale's semen and how the exact shape of the fucking splooge on the walls shows how they're reacting to their trauma at the hands of their all-powerful authority figure after 20 minutes of browsing their tags, people wouldn't dedicate that kind of attention to even like. the whole of lae'zel, even if they were Insane about her. or jaheira, an older woman who not only has baldur's gate 3, but two more games to characterize her.
danganronpa's fandom is even worse; each game has around 8 guys and 8 girls, again, a perfect balance between the common binary, but the guys inevitably get more attention, and more nuanced attention at that. when it comes to talking about the ladies in any nuanced fashion - like, i'm the only one fucking doing it on any major scale.
'oh it's because they don't flesh out the girls!' in bg3 the only ones currently lacking in content are minthara and wyll. minthara's a marginalised fantasy race and wyll is Black. it isn't an issue with the ladies not having as much content. and as for danganronpa multiple guys weren't fleshed out well (kiyotaka and gundam for instance), some fleshed out less than the girls you keep shunning. somehow, however, danganronpa fans are always able to invent extensive fanon that ascribes to canon characterisation for male characters but struggle to come up with anything that isn't #Girlboss #Failwife #MommySorryMommy or shit along those lines for female characters, even when it goes straight-up against canon characterisation (looking at everyone who calls Kirumi, a woman 20 at the oldest, a Mom Friend, which she herself outright states she hates).
for men, fandoms always manage to dig deeper into them and flesh them out further (unless they're Black) but are content to just go 'aaaagh sorry uwu your writers were trash and cowards!!!' and leave it at that (or if she's lucky, 2 pictures or one single sentence post about how she's dating/married to another female character) to the women. do you like. think you're immune to misogyny in ways that the writers you criticise are not? do you only ever talk about the women as characters and people when a tumblr post like this or the one that prompted it demand it of you or the Saw Trap Goes Off? do you have to be stuck in a saw trap to pay female characters their dues?
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ultimateask · 4 months
Dear Blog Owner,
I just wanted to say thank you and let you know how much I look forward to reading your posts.
Despite the large number of characters, you've captured each personality incredibly well, and I find every answer very convincing. I love UTDP, but I feel like there aren't many people creating content based on it (at least less than I'd like to see!), so your posts are very valuable to me, like an oasis in the desert 🥺.
Also, your blog gives me with a lot of inspiration. To be honest, I had never shipped Mondo and Mikan before I discovered your blog, but now I'm a big fan of owamiki :D
Attached is an owamiki piece I drew, inspired by your blog:
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I'm sorry if it's against the rules of your blog to send this kind of asks! If so, please just ignore this one.
I'll keep looking forward to your blog updates and rooting for you! <3
I don't even know where to begin. I genuinely teared up reading this. I am so, so, so happy that you enjoy my blog this much. Not just you, everyone who enjoys it. Never in a trillion years did I imagine that my silly little danganronpa comics would ever make this many people happy. I am honored and humbled for your, and all you guys' love and support. Now, outside the words of appreciation: First of, it is absolutely not against the rules to send these kinds of asks! I welcome any and all (non offensive) asks! Especially such amazing kind words, and such amazing art! Speaking of which, I love it! You may have noticed I followed you, because your art is really really cute! And of course, seeing Owamiki is always a treat! I am glad I was able to introduce you, and others to this (in my eyes) great ship. I am also glad that a lot of other people love the UTDP as much as I do! Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, and this lovely piece of art! I will keep doing my best to be deserving of you guys, and to keep making content! Thank you, thank you!
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silent-partner-412 · 8 months
I came to the realization that I don’t have a pinned post, and I also don’t want to put a laundry list of interests in my bio. So here’s everything I’ve ever been into (more or less) in alphabetical order that you could reasonably expect to see on this blog. Note that not everything here is something I’m currently obsessed with, but rather something I’d consider myself a decent fan of and would likely post about at some point or another. I'll embolden/italicize the stuff I've posted about especially often, but honestly check the tags to see how much I actually post about any of these.
- 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
- Ace Attorney
- AI: The Somnium Files
- Celeste
- Danganronpa
- Deltarune
- Fire Emblem
- The Legend Of Zelda
- Metroid
- Omori
- Paper Mario
- Persona
- Pikmin
- Pokémon (+ Mystery Dungeon)
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Sonic The Hedgehog
- Stardew Valley
- Undertale
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Zero Escape
For the most part, I use this blog to talk about video games, but I'll also probably post about music stuff here from time to time, most often about Taylor Swift since she's so big and relevant but I might post about other artists I love too, or anything that I have an opinion on that I couldn't post about in a Tweet. Almost everything I post is pretty text heavy and verbose, which I'm sorry about in advance.
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phantatrix · 10 months
My preconceptions of Ace Attorney before actually playing the games
[Based on the whole franchise rather than any individual games since I don't know what happens in what game specifically]
I only remember like 3 character names but it seems like everyone has the weirdest sounding names imaginable
Before checking if The Great Ace Attorney was on the switch, I thought it was a sequel series to Ace Attorney and that Apollo Justice was the protagonist but it turns out it takes place in the late 19th century so never mind on that
There’s something heartbreaking that happens just before Christmas even though this is meme by the fandom every year. I think someone important to the main cast dies or something
Refining my new take on Apollo Justice (since I was wrong about what The Great Ace Attorney was) is that he’s actually in the first series and he’s Phoenix Wright’s nephew (either biological, adopted, or a found family situation)
The magician girl is Phoenix’s adopted daughter and she’s bffs with Apollo Justice
There’s a racist vampire. I think he’s in TGAA but either this series is an urban fantasy or there just happens to be one vampire who’s there for some unknown reason and everyone rolls with it
Phoenix went to art school but discovered that his childhood friend Miles Edgeworth (whom he hasn’t seen in years) had enrolled in law school so he also goes to law school so he can catch up with him
There’s this one guy who has a huge mental breakdown from law school and he goes through major depression but his friends try to help him through it (I’m sorry I can’t be more specific I really don’t know any of these characters names, I just recognize him from angsty fan art my friend has drawn before)
This Tumblr post does a great job summarizing how I imagine Phoenix and Miles to be like during the trials https://pauladrawsnstuff.tumblr.com/post/720025716031356928/audio-from-themornal
This is less of a preconception and more of a wish. But, like in danganronpa v3, I really hope that there’s an option to lie in court cause that’d be so funny. Let phoenix have a little perjury as a treat
There’s straight up a dude named Herlock Sholmes. I really wish he was the protagonist of one of the games but I know he's a side character more than anything
It turns out that there is a trilogy for Apollo Justice so I was super wrong about him showing up in the ace attorney trilogy (I guess I have no idea who Apollo is in this franchise)
Apollo is somehow going to be the most normal protagonist not because he's actually normal but because everyone else is so much more ridiculously eccentric and weird
Oh my God is there a sentient magical hat named Mr hat??? Out of everything I most want this to be true. I'm begging (but for real is ace attorney an urban fantasy?? I thought this was about a normal ass lawyer??)
Omg one of the characters does the ghost trick death pose and I can't wait to learn these characters names cause I super don't know
There's some sort of martial artist who's part of the cast and I think hes quick to square up with people, like he has a super short temper except around his friends
Ace Attorney games 5 and 6 are straight up bad it turns out (I'm hoping these aren't part of the Apollo justice trilogy cause he looks like such a neat guy and he deserves everything good in the world)
Phoenix canonically calls Edgeworth "daddy" (this isn't a preconception, my friend straight up told me and this convinced me even more to play the games)
I know ace attorney predates ghost trick and danganronpa but I bet there's gonna be some of the most complex murder schemes known to mankind that'll be uncovered in the trials like the two games I mentioned (I have heard danganronpa described as ace attorney meets battle royale so I'm super stoked about the mystery investigation sections of aa)
I don't know how much later the Apollo justice trilogy takes place from the aa trilogy but phoenix is gonna pretend that he's not really phoenix and there's gonna be some big plot twist where reveals himself and he tells Apollo how proud he is of him to solve a near impossible case
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Finally someone who gets the symbolism in him, he is very greatly crafted and very symbolical one and it hurts to see people just care about Inori's death and reduced him just Inori's murderer.
Gosh I love him.
And I believe he and Taka can actually tolerate eachother, it is fun to Imagine my favourite characters interaction.
Well I would agree Kanade being a victim in some degree, her parents really bad parents and it did not help she was bullied too, there is no positive figure for her but still she is very bad about finding coping mechanisms!
And which character dynamics would great to see other than Byakuya and Taka?
I'm gonna write the last part of this first because I have a list!
Mondo and Junko are perfect foils, but he has to go and die before they can interact. They literally committed the same crime, but one of them regrets it an aaa. I am actively resisting the urge to write a fic about those two due to scheduling.
I know we get an entire set of FTEs, but I'd really like more interactions between Makoto and Mukuro in the main storyline. I love Sayaka, but can Muku have like, 20% of that screentime. If I were in charge of writing the series, I'd have her actually develop her crush on Makoto here and get cold feet about this whole plan, and then have her defy Junko for real. We can still get her dying lines, but in a "how did you know I was going to betray you before even I did" way.
Speaking of Mukuro, can I drag you down into rarepair hell with Mukuro and Celeste? There's so much potential there for drama. Celeste is an Ult. Gambler, she is the most likely to catch onto the fact some shady shits going on. Celeste wants to be served and Mukuro has served others her whole life. Its such an interesting concept that we never got to see.
Taka and Toko are also an interesting one. I imagine that the possibility of Toko being locked up for a crime Syo committed would challenge his already shaky sense of justice. I also think he'd be torn about her self loathing. On one hand, she's a genius. On the other hand, anyone can work hard enough to overcome their flaws. Also, Toko is a romance novelist, so if anyone can convince Taka to snap out of it and keep living, its probably her.
There are more I could talk about (like Byakuya and Sayaka) but this is getting to be long! The epic version of THH that exists only in my head is a wonderful thing.
A Byakuya fan? Excellent taste! I'm so sorry the fandom did him dirty by either erasing his flaws or demonizing him for his treatment of Toko. (which was scummy, but she was equally if not more toxic.)
I could see him and Taka getting along in chapter two, after Taka has learned to be slightly less judgmental of others. Taka did not care about his negative comments, which bodes well!
Nah, if I ever met Kanade in real life, I would run like hell! But since she's fictional, I can enjoy her depravity! (though I would prefer if she never made that face again. You know the one) Same holds true for most of my faves. I just really dislike the "she was born evil" take. I mean, from canon I think she shows signs of being a psychopath, but not all psychopaths end up becoming mass murderers! I think it'd be like, especially fucked up if during that scene of her killing her parents, she gets called Hibiki. Ouch.
Yessssss the symbolism in Danganronpa is so fun, and nobody overanalyzes it enough. One of my favorite gems of symbolism in the series is Gonta getting killed by mechanical wasps, aka technology. Because he was a victim of the virtual world just as much as Miu. and Kokichi too in a sense. I could write a whole essay about stylistic choices such as these, but people'd probably think I've gone batshit. (Anyways, the Sword not being very practical represents Sayaka. Despite everything, she's not really made for combat and leaves residue (clues.) wherever she goes)
(Tangent, the more an execution tries to teach a fucked up lesson to the killer, the better it is. You can't change my mind.)
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I normally don't do this type of post because it wasn't my intention when I created this blog, however as it is related to danganronpa especialy shipping( of course it is ,well lets say this fandom is quite intense in the subject of ships to say the least) i feel this whas a nice space to this kind of vent.
I quite loyal to my ships but i like to belive im pretty open to hear people out on their, to try to understand what is the apeal even if dont work for me, i just whant to see the positivy side of things however this day something happen that made me notice something about myself, idk if can explain correctly but when someone is so agresive with their shiping put other ship down to compare to their own i feel like any type of interest  that i had before in trying to like them myself get lost,especially if the shipp or ship fans in questions they  are puting down is one i like our im a part of, it make me feel so akward.
 Of course, this dont apply to criticism , everyone has the right of expressing their opinion and hearing where people are coming from overall enrich your visions make less one side even if you disagree with the persons take, im talking about the ones that are just hate like ''this ship suck'' , ''this ship i have is so much better than the other one''  our ‘’the fans of this ships are stupid’’ this just blatantly unnecessary mean. One argument i see being toss alot when people trying to justify this behavior is ''oh the fans of this ship were bad to me’’ with i  can see some point of it,i allways gona be agaist any type of toxic ship plus ‘’pettyness’’ is normal to have in time to time,yet  fogiveness if sound to harsh, but if act like they acted toward you repeating the circle you are not becoming the same level as they? Like you not doing any better being this whay generalizing a group of people and being nasty with them just becausa you had bad experiences in the past? Why compare to their ship in the firt place? why not focous on doing you own and the the positivy things than weaponize your anger?
I consider myself a pessimistic person, i allways think of the worst so i can just only hope for the best , however when i see any hate toward something i like i just whant to make more things of it to combat the negativity, i think if people did the same could be best for them mentally but made they and their ship become more approachable to people like me who whanted to give a shot, well as a friend of me sayed to me ‘’is their loss’’ so is better not cry over spilled milk ,is just quite disapointed is okay to have you taste though, if you dont like something i like is totaly valid just being so agresive about it is what feel weird, i just dont like this type of mentalitys. 
sorry for the long rant is definly not the normal type of post on this blog, but i dont know i feel quite relife in saying out lound  in a space that make me feel safe, maybe i can use this blog to tell things are on my mind related to danganronpa  the blog focous is not gona change stil i feel is a nice change of passing and maybe give people glimpse of the type of belifes and opinions i hold.
if you read this far, thank you for give me your time and stay safe <3 .
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Noelle is just gay as hell for lumine its a fact. You are correct both her hangouts are just them on dates. I always forget people use aether too & then see like. Hangout scenes with him or ayaka's forest scene with him in the inazuma story & go who tf is that oh yeah people pick aether & miss the gay shit. Abyss queen lumine supremacy real i know her jp voice doing abyss lumine is real good. I only know something about faruzan being in a cave for a long time. No context just that. They should give us a fish hangout i want my favorite weirdo to have one. Her & mona have been having real good interactions when they show up together. I read that comic in real time & it was a special kind of hell. I am also a dr fan but talk about it less. Ooooh nice! Ruin serpent isnt the worst honestly but it is slightly annoying. Cryo hypo was my beloathed now its rifthound boss. Had to fight it so much for yun jin & im still not done. Ahh thats entirely fair. I will look forward to your updates! Oh wait do you mean uh. Average avery on here when you mention avery? I dont think i saw a trailerbfor genshin but i did see ganyu & keqing & went alright ill play. & they keep adding hot women so here i am. Rpg style grinding is hard to focus on for me when i could simply not but i do it for my faves. Oh. Also glad to see you are a fellow rangers apprentice enjoyer
HI IM OFFICIALLY BACK FROM THE NORWAY TRIP SO UH. no more waiting 18395092895 years for a response. sorry about that. anyway rigghhhtttt??? its so funny that mhy by making the "canon" traveler male and trying to make his playthrough fanservicey to please That part of the fanbase they also made lumine playthroughs just. lesbian impact. THE AYAKA QUEST IS SUCH A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THIS YEAH. and SO true, gaslight gatekeep girlboss and yeah the jp va's are generally really good. yeah me too tbh??? and that she always calls herself "madam faruzan" and insists shes everyones superior??? no idea what thats about but she seems interesting. YES itd be so fun i can already tell. fish hangout when. SO TRUE i LIVE for the monafischl friendship. the way mona just. accepted that shes gonna get a Lot of weird nicknames. yeahhhh i uh. heard a lot about it. never had the motivation to venture in myself asjdkkgkjjskf. danganronpa rewrote my mind permanently tho. dark times. but i got a lot of friends from that fandom and even keep in touch with some of them. yeah ruin serpent is just kinda annoying, but i have personal beef with cryo hypostasis. the message ab the area round the ch being extremely cold is kind of a meme to me. OUUGH NOT THE RIFTHOUND...... RIP......... hate that one. tho i fortunately didnt have to grind it. and coming back to the trip, it was great! fed some reindeer. ate some reindeer. their meat is SO good btw. saw the northern lights. drove a dog sled. life is good. and yes i do mean average avery!!!!! shes my best friend 4 life. and fairrrrr tho for me it was uh. that one eula ad from a long time ago that got me into genshin? and now i main her so. lmao. i started grinding because of my everlasting love for bianka but now i have no life. rangers apprentice was my LIFE when i was younger omg. pretty sure it was one of my first ever special interests and GOD was it long. still love these books tho i havent read them in a While.
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
what are your favourite pokemon fan games and why should i play them i have already downloaded reborn but gush abt them
oh my goodness most ask of all time. but uhhh fun fact! i have played 3 pokemon games to completion ever. pokemon emerald, pokemon reborn, and pmd: explorers of sky ^_^''!!! i found out about reborn because my friends played it, and now here i am. i have barely played any pokemon games and much less pokemon fangames!!!! unless you count rejuvenation which i've got like 5 hours of gametime in. but i don't. ive got nothing to say about the game. i've got like 5 hours of gametime in it
pokemon REBORN THOUGH. i blow up. i fucking adore pokemon reborn. it's so fun. as a residential fall asleep in english classer i'm not confident enough in my abilities to call any media Good as fact. but. i had so much fun with the game and plot. the characters are charming and appealing and the ones that aren't are done so intentionally so they are still interesting anyways!!!!!!!! theres a reason why i constantly draw them hanging out- because they are fun to think about!!!! it has it's moments where you lean back and go "ah right this is a self proclaimed darker grittier pokemon game with more mature themes" and have to take a big drag of your cigar because of it but it has so many moments that are just GOOD and ENJOYABLE that it is VERY EASY TO LOOK PAST!!!
also i appreciate the idea that lingers in reborn of like. things can get better and things will get better. the world is dark and gritty but throughout the entire game people still find happiness and peace and work to make things better wahhhh!!!! the main antagonists whole catchphrase is how friends dont matter, love doesn't matter, and nothing matters in the end because they can't be stopped no matter what and you are powerless. but they are WRONG and everyone without fail goes NO thats FUCKED UP and a BAD THING TO THINK. i fall for the power of friendship every single time dog its so real...
gah. i like pokemon reborn. im bad at putting into concise comprehensible words why,but know that i think it is so very awesome and if you are still here from my dream smp art or danganronpa art or miscellaneous pokemon art GO PLAY POKEMON REBORN i need more people to talk about it with.
sorry if you were expecting me to have played more pokemon fangames but i definitely uhh. have not! i've heard from friends that desolation is really good though; but to wait for the next update because the dev team is changing the early portions of the game & quality of life stuff!!!! i plan to play it too once it updates, so keep that one on your bucket list
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requlemaeternamdeo · 2 years
𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸-𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲,
𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 !
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻 𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘂𝗽,
𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁...
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Hiya !
My name is Violet . You can also call me Charlotte ! This is my personal blog.
I'm 23 as of 11/19/22, use any pronouns, and am genderfluid. Please use she/her pronouns if we are not particularly close. Please respect that !
I'm VERY new to Tumblr as of making this post . Sorry if this all comes out looking like shit !
My personal favorite games are Hello Charlotte, Final Fantasy 14, Persona (Specifically 3), Genshin Impact, and Fire Emblem. I'm also a fan of the Danganronpa series, gacha games, Pokémon, JRPGs, Monster Hunter, R6S, Roguelikes, Digimon, and SMITE! I enjoy these less than I do the other games.
My personal favorite anime and manga are Chainsaw Man, Mob Psycho 100, 86, Jujutsu Kaisen, Berserk, and Tokyo Ghoul!
I'm a big fan of J-Rock, Vocaloid, Indie Rock, Alt Rock, Rap, and video game OST. My personal favorite artist is Miyashita Yuu!
I smoke a little weed here and there. Not a lot. Just a wee bit.
My personal triggers are child abuse, serious drug use, pedophilia, and incest. Jokes are fine, but serious discussion is very difficult for me to handle.
I may make nsfw jokes or occasionally like just straight up porn.
I write as a hobby! I might try rping on here soon once I get a little more comfy with the site.
art sources! pfp is by the lovely MichelleAllind6 on twitter! the image used in this pinned is by the wonder lxlsuki, once again on Twitter!
thanks so much for popping by!
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Wow, thank you. This type of "critique" on insufferable queer personality always means so much coming from yet another trans with a manga icon and "catgirl" themed url who has that type of shit in their bio, despite only being allowed to legally drink with women in gay bars for less than two years now on top of having visible danganronpa fans in your notes because you know the only girls you want sending you ~"unsolicited dick pics"~ are the ones who look like this and have no boundaries:
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Yeah, so sorry the Mutilating Myrtle Anime is the only thing that does it for you, and you find it so annoying that we have real woman like Morgana Ignis, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kesha, and eventually Lady Gaga in our Gay Yiff in Hell corner so it's funny that you're literally just jealous that you'll only ever be a cat girl that can't go the full monty, now go back to playing this little twitty pigtailed loser in Mortal Combat or whatever, lol! ^_^
Oh, and like, of course this specific type of Gay Girl just needs to have a theme with the term "inquiries" for her ask title preset instead of just "Ask" like, of course you do!
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austajunk · 3 years
Please PLEASE go into detail about how protective he is over Chiaki!! I literally am begging to finally hear someone else actually acknowledge their friendship/relationship especially after having to deal with a pretty toxic anti-bi/pan Nagito rper I was on a server with for a good part of a year! (Sorry went kinda ranty but hopefully my anguish is understandable!)
Oh my lord, you’re giving me a chance to shine with my fixations?! I can’t thank you enough! Now, please understand that this is based on my perception of the series as I’ve played through the second game twice. I’m pretty good when it comes to being the person who has unpopular opinions and ships and I know claiming that Nagito is bi/pan/Demi is probably one of them. But honestly, it comes from the desire to see this boy get as much love as possible. Because he sure needs it.
Ultimately, Nagito’s sexuality is never canonly specified, so I think whether gay, bisexual, Pansexual, or what have you, we’re all well within our rights to just have fun and see what we want to in a really flawed and relatable character. And that’s what makes it interesting.
That being said, let’s talk about Nagito and Chiaki. Friendship or romantic, I don’t think you can deny that Chiaki is at least special to Nagito in some way.
Upon replaying the second game, I’ve realized how protective Nagito actually is towards Chiaki interestingly enough.
In chapter 2, she leaves to go question Fuyuhiko but Nagito stops her and tells her not to let Fuyuhiko get rough with her. Every time Chiaki’s skills help them advance, he deeply praises her. Even after he’s stopped praising all the others (which he does mostly after Chapter one, hinting he does not like some of them as actual people). But for some reason, especially during the trials, Nagito is quick to jump in and mention how wonderful Chiaki is and compliment her (only to be usually cut off by someone when he starts to ramble).
It should also be noted that Chiaki and Nagito both share an appreciation for games. Nagito seems to like more luck-based games for obvious reasons, but he also mentions that like Chiaki, he likes the Twilight Syndrome series. Both of them similarly state that they felt Monokuma was butchering a favorite game of theirs.
They also both have an odd way of trying to cheer Hajime up and joke with him, the examples shown coincidentally beside one another. Chiaki says she’s gonna look for a dirty book, throwing Hajime off and Nagito “jokingly” tells Hajime to lick his boots and now to him, but Hajime is extremely put off when he claims it was a joke. These oddballs get each other in the weirdest of ways is what I’m saying. They’re both incredibly antisocial, but their hearts are reaching the same place too when they try to make an effort.
In chapter 4, when Chiaki teams up with Nagito and Kazuichi, then leaves because they’re both being clingy, Nagito quickly follows and chases after her to make sure she’s okay. Then he chastised her for running off, looking deeply concerned. Even after his attitude change, he will answer her more directly and not ignore her. When she tells him to be quiet, he politely obeys... or maybe it’s because he’s deep in thought about her motives as he mentions he was watching the trial carefully to decide on who the traitor is.
I may just be mentioning this because they’re my OTP, but if you know about their school time together and pay attention to Nagito’s Hope versus Chiaki’s Hope, I think it’s fascinating.
Okay, now let’s head into Danganronpa 3 territory. Now this is the part where I am the most shaky as I’m still trying to determine what I take canon from this series. The thing is, a friend who got me into the series informed me that the production was way rushed and that Kodaka never wanted to do the anime in the first place. But! That being said, Chiaki and Nagito have some great moments in this and the anthology comics along with it, so let’s get into some stuff.
First of all, Nagito warmly mentions that Chiaki being their class rep makes her the true Hope of their class. And you can tell he’s serious because as he’s saying it, he’s doing that thing where he’s staring at his hand desperately like he wants eat it. You know the look.
Moving on, it’s clear that aside from Chisa, Chiaki is the only one to value and treasure Nagito. And this makes sense. In her own dying words, she loves her classmates. They are the world to her. All of them. And of course, she loves Nagito too with all her heart. As evidenced as she cradled him protectively in her arms while he’s injured. At first when Chiaki and the others are determined to stand up to Junko and get their teacher back, Nagito pleads with Chiaki not to. That his luck could not overcome them. He knows they can’t win in this situation and I do think he was actually trying to talk Chiaki out of it. But of course, when Chiaki pushes back and says she wants to go anyways, he literally can’t help himself when it comes to wanting to see Hope shine. So he agrees and praises her again because of course he does.
Until it all leads to the Pain Train with Despair coming out on top. Chiaki is brutally slaughtered and we see something new from Nagito. He breaks down crying. Tears are streaming madly down his face as a forced and twisted smile appears on his lips. He even beseeches Chiaki’s name. “You understand right? You know you’re a stepping stone for Hope!” “What has been done to Nanami is unforgivable...” Nagito’s already trying to cope. To rationalize something horrible that he just witnessed in his mind. He’s trying to protect himself as he’s utterly being destroyed and breaking down like all of his classmates. Chiaki’s death literally shatters his mind. It’s a pretty well done scene even if I’m not a big fan of the brainwashing stuff. Not to mention, the way he says “You understand right, Nanami?” As if he’s begging for her forgiveness as he falls apart. It’s so very very tragic. And of course, when being made apart of the Neo World Program, his desire to see Chiaki once more, just one more time like his classmates, brings her back to him(and the other classmates) in AI form.
Honestly... it’s pretty beautiful. Chiaki is apart of Nagito in some way and is imprinted into his mind and heart. He longed to see her as much as everyone else. This person, who doesn’t seek out relationships because his luck either gets them killed or he finds their Hope to be too weak, has a connection with Chiaki like that. This is literally a person who believes his life is just a stepping stone for better and more worthy people, someone who knows their existence is a formality at this point. And still, he does have connections. There are people capable of caring about him and loving him and Chiaki was one of those people. And he wanted to see her again in the Neo World Program. Like Chiaki said, it’s no less than miracle.
But alas, this is getting rather long, isn’t it? Well in the D3 anthology, Nagito also is concerned when Chiaki avoids eating because of her hyperfixation on gaming. Chiaki skipping out on self care?! Not cool, Chiaki. And so he challenges her to a game to make sure she’ll eat lunch. Fucking protective as hell. And yes yes, the anthology isn’t canon... but that’s the thing about Danganronpa. The series is over. Any additional info and stuff added to it is meant to enrich the experience for the fandom, so it’s canon to me. What’s the fandom gonna do? Whine at me and tell me it isn’t? That Nagito wouldn’t do these things when official anthologies and content that’s sold for Danganronpa tells me he would? So... yeah.
Ultimately, whether you ship them or not, I think this fandom is missing out on the Komanami side of things and how good their relationship is when you really observe it. :3
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keylimeimagines · 2 years
hii! this is for your genshin matchups ⸜(>ᴗ<)⸝ <3 (also love your blog!! it look so nice)
- my mbti is istp + type 4 ennegram
- she/them but I prefer they/them more + bisexual
I am a ambivert. I'm introverted more when I am in public or around others who I don't know, I actually can be really shy and start hiding. I start awkwardly smiling every time I am feeling awkward or embarrassed, but I am polite if I am at someone's house or anything.(l have crackhead energy) v extroverted around my family + friends, loud and talkative lol. I rant- and I will go on for hours about anime/manga (my theories and random talk about it.). I laugh all the time, I can be funny at times,also a clutz- never trust me with anything!! oblivious and kind of dense. I have a v caring side to me, I am the therapist/mom/fun friend with others (I'm not a fan of physical touch sometimes, but if someone needs a hug, I give them one). I would say negatives is that I am not so very vocal person, I just prefer keeping my emotions inside (trust isses). + very blunt, It can come off as harsh so i say sorry a lot. I am really moody- mostly I get irritated but I don't lash out I just shut down (which happens if I don't like what someone says/does or I am being ignored.). If it helps I have been described as bakugou katsuki (when I am mad), and atsushi kinugawa, + sara chidouin + ranmaru kageyama.
my hobbies are watching anime, writing,reading, collecting old barbie dolls (not in a creepy way lol I always get them for christmas), singing , sometimes random dancing,playin games
my interests are anime/manga, makeup, fashion, true crime , photography (sort of fell off doing it), writing/editing
small facts! ★
- i love chocolate milk!
- when I am ranting I pace around back and fourth , it helps me think and my words come out better instead of stuttering over them (because I tend to talk fast lol)
- it's stupid but i think it's funny lol I call soda "sodies" or "sodie pop" and it confuses people around me
- sort of a habit but when I see somethings, like a bow,hat or anything I will put it on top of my head and wear it around until it falls off or I take it out
- I am a night owl ( I rarely sleep unless it's in the day but usually get around 3hrs or 4)
- I love crime, anything really related with it I get interested! i start getting into "L MODE" and when I am trying to theorize something I act like I'm in danganronpa and just accuse people (jokingly)
hope this was good take your time!! ~ ₍^ >ヮ<^₎
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Anyways, Thoma is much more sociable, so he would help you when you are more timid and shy!
When you do hide away, he'll find and try to comfort you (if you want him too)! He's very good at comforting people, and he's generally very nice to be around <33
He thinks your awkward little smile when embarrassed is really cute! He isn't the type to go out and embarrass you, be he does think it's cute anyways (i awkwardly laugh and giggle when i'm embarrassed as well)!
He thinks your awkward little smile when embarrassed is really cute! He isn't the type to go out and embarrass you, be he does think it's cute anyways (i awkwardly laugh and giggle when i'm embarrassed as well)!
Thoma is very polite as well! If he were to ever visit your house, he would offer to help you with any chores you have available (bc he loves you and he wants to help out just in case)!
Thoma is also a very good listener! He would love to listen to you talk about your interests, no matter how strange (he's also the type to ask questions about it as well)
He wouldn't mind being the one to talk for the both of you, since you aren't very vocal <33 he'd appreciate it if you were to open up to him when you're ready and comfortable, but he's not going to force you! he's very patient with people <33
he's more of someone who would "sugar-coat" things to make it seem less harsh, but I'd imagine that he wouldn't be the biggest fan of your boldness, but it would make it easier for him to tell the harsh truth to someone
overall, best man 100/10 bc i said so >:)
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Danganronpa Characters Seeing you in a Cute Outfit (no despair AU)
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~~this is NOT a request. For these headcanons I picked Makoto, Aoi, Nagito, Sonia, Kiibo and Tenko. (I'm on phone, so I'm sorry for the bad layout)I hope you enjoy! ~mod fuyuhiko~~
-As soon as he looked at you, he looked away. This worried you.
-When you wandered into his vision the second time, you noticed his beet red face. And then it all clicked.
-You began teasing him, poking his cheek and messing up his hair. Makoto puffed his cheeks out in response, albeit still flustered.
-"(y/n), stopppp...y-you look really pretty/handsome...t-today.."
-Makoto stumbled over his words so much you could hardly tell what he was saying. Soon, you deciphered it.
-"Aww, thanks Makoto! You're so sweet." You tackle him down onto the bed he was sitting on. Although you were on top of him, he was still looking everywhere but at you.
-"Makotoooooo, look at meee," you pouted, and he instantly looked over to you, face redder than ever. You chuckled.
-You lept up from the bed, grabbing Makoto's hand and dragging him out the door. "Let's go!"
-Aoi was waiting for you in the kitchen, as per usual. You stumbled into the kitchen, wearing a new outfit you bought recently that you fell in love with.
-Aoi heard you open the door, and turned over to you, a donut in her mouth and a paper plate in her hand. Her jaw went slack. The donut fell onto the plate.
-As a red pigment coated her cheeks, she yelled, "(y/n)!!!! You're so beautiful/handsome!!" As she placed her plate onto the counter, she stormed over to you encasing you in a bear hug.
-You could hardly breathe by how tight she was hugging you, and you poked her back to tell her that. With Aoi being an athlete worthy of the title of 'Ultra', she easily managed to lift you up and cuddle you.
-You got flustered "Aoi....We're gonna be l-late.." Aoi remembered your date and let go, placing you on the ground delicately before trying to wrap up a donut and hide in her bag before you could see.
-You quickly caught her and reprimanded her, "Aoi, you're not gonna eat all the food you order at the restaurant if you eat all the donuts!" "The restaurant...oh! Right! Our date!"
-She ran to you so fast you could hardly see her and she grabbed your hand and sprinted to the door so fast you had just about enough time to grab your wallet.
-Even at the end of your date, she still begged for donuts (she made you take the route that has a Dunkin'Donuts along the way.)
-Nagito always worshipped your fashion choices. He always thought you were so attractive and gorgeous, and he took any chance he could get to tell you that.
-You had put on an outfit that you were sure Nagito had never seen before. It was a Saturday, and in a self indulging mood, you decided to feel good about yourself. Nagito was sitting on the (favourite dark colour) couch in your living room.
-You walked over and sat next to him, a cup of (favourite drink) in one hand, a cup of Nagito's preferred drink in the other. "Hi, Nagito. How've you been, babe?"
-Nagito didn't look at you as you sat down, only turning to grab his drink. He reached out for it, but he froze as soon as he locked his eyes onto you. You silently cheered in celebration, happy that your new look really was quite jaw dropping.
-"(y/n), you're...you're perfect! Trash like myself doesn't deserve you... why'd you decide to dress up today?"
-You explained why you felt so confident today and he placed his cup down to embrace you tightly, one hand moving from your spine to your side, the other playing with your hair. (If you are uncomfortable with that, imagine him doing something else that calms you down)
-You immediately returned the embrace and soaked in the sweet whispers and compliments Nagito gave you, until he broke the hug and stood up. Having already being dressed, he grabbed his phone and your hand and led you outside.
-You two bought bagels at the end of your sudden date.
-Sonia was attracted to you from day one. You were the only one she actually spoke to for the first few months of Hope's Peak Academy. You were a huge fan of Sparking Justice, just like her, so you two instantly clicked.
-Sonia asked you out after some time. You were over the moon! She got you treats and little trinkets all the time, which you told her was a bit too much. She didn't listen, and she showered you with expensive gifts 24/7.
-On a certain day, you and Sonia had a date you had never been on before; an anime binge date. Sonia invited you over to her... house? mansion? palace? as per usual, and as soon as she opened the door she froze like a deer in the headlights.
-You were dressed in a simple but comfortable outfit, perfect for cuddling and staying home. Sonia threw her arms around you, squealing adorably over you.
-"(y/n)! You're so pretty/handsome! I am absolutely in love with your style! Come in, come in!" She ushered you in after she was done ogling you.
-You two binge watched plenty of original anime, and before you knew it the sun was setting and you were falling asleep, head on Sonia's lap.
-She snapped countless pictures of you on her pretty dark purple phone, all at different angles. You would soon wake up to her adorable giggling, peeking over to see your sleeping face.
-"S-Sonia!" "I'm sorry, my beloved! I could not hold back!" As much as you wanted the pictures deleted, you couldn't help but melt at her cute giggles and smile.
-Well, you guessed it; he overheated as soon as he laid his eyes on your form. How could he not? You were so handsome/beautiful to him, his servos starting freezing up.
-You got scared as he began to scream in a low monotone voice, falling in the process. You grabbed the boy before he could hit the ground, his eyes locked on yours the whole time.
-You took him to Miu, who lived in the apartment down the hall. Even she commented on your appearance! "Hell yeah, (y/n)! You look sexy as hell!"
-You set out as soon as Kiibo woke up, and he almost overheated when he saw you once again. Miu smacked him out of it.
-Kiibo, trying not to overheat, lead you to an adorable picnic he had set up. You got so impressed; you hugged him tight and he could feel his servos jitter as he hugged you back.
-As clichè as it was, you loved it to bits. Kiibo tried his best. Kiibo, who struggled to talk most the time, complimented you as much as he possibly could. When it got too cold to stay out for longer, you both went home.
-You passed out on his shoulder as soon as you got through the door. Kiibo almost overheated for the nth time that night, but he dragged you over to your bed as he tried ignoring it.
-He was probably going to overheat seeing you in the same outfit tomorrow, but oh well.
-Tenko was always going around insulting the men around her; you could hear her from miles away. She was quite easy to track down.
-That said, you were determined to show her your new outfit that you based around her own. It took a while, but you managed to find her in the hallway, pointing and aggressively raising her voice at poor Shuichi.
-You walked over to the bow haired girl, sliding your arms over her neck and embracing her in a hug. She got scared, but she noticed your head on her shoulder. "Ah! (Y/n), you're here! I'm happy to se-"
-It was then that she noticed your outfit. It didn't take long for her face to turn a rich red. She covered her face with her arms and pointed to you.
-"(y/n), w-what are you w-w-wearing!?" She stuttered and stumbled, her voice breaking quite often. "I was planning outfits, and I wanted to match with you, babe!"
-You knew exactly how to get her into a flustered and jumbled mess. Although she was quite tough, you were the only one who was able to break through that and always managed to make her a shy girl around you.
-"H-hey! We should go out somewhere...like, like right now!" "Tenko, it's almost time for class-" "Doesn't matter! We're leaving, now!" She sped through the exit with you in tow.
-While you two enjoyed your very unexpected date, Shuichi stood there shortly after you left, more or less confused on what he had witnessed.
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julia-bunncat · 2 years
Additional information about me and my blog 📝
Hi! 🤗 I could have written this post earlier, but I thought that there is no better time than now! After all, people began to be interested in me and they may not have enough information from the main block (and I don’t want to overload it)… So, let's get acquainted!
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Based on my nickname, you are free to call me Ju or Julie! ^-^
Being a "fan of many fandoms, especially Danganronpa", I'm going to dedicate this blog mostly to posts about this series of visual novel… But I also like anime and (obviosly) some games, namely:
Shaman King Fruits Basket (Furuba) Sasaki and Miyano (new yaoi anime) Cookie Run MazM: The Phantom of the Opera
Most likely, I will mention them according to my mood or as crossovers. And also, I'm not sure if I'll be posting anything about my personal life… Unless, images of my rabbit xD Everyone loves fluffies, right? 🐰
Another info: from this day on, I plan to open the ask function! You can ask me questions of any nature and about all the above fandoms! In fact, I love answering questions and seeing that people are interested in any kind of my works! ~
I'm not an artist or video-maker – just can write fanfics in my native language (and sometimes use photoshop, photo editors or different templates)… But you have to start somewhere!
The only thing, is let's respect each other and be at least polite! I really dislike conflicts, shaming, accusations, and I myself will try to respect your opinion and tastes, even if everything inside me boils and rages. There will definitely be ⚠ disclaimers ⚠ under each of my posts, and I will try to inform you about topics that are unpleasant to me in advance (like, for example, politiсs)!
And since I have more or less indicated everything that I wanted, let's move on to Danganronpa again 👀 ehehe :>
For this post, I have prepared a couple of introductory tier lists so that you can find out about my tastes, and at the same time be able to ask something… But first, some important clarifications:
My favorite part of Danganronpa – it's DRV3: Killing Harmony, but as strange as it may sound, I have not yet completed this game :'D HOWEVER, I'm very calm about spoilers and, accordingly, I have already managed to find out a lot myself. All wiki info, all Free-Time events, Ultimate Development Plan, Danganronpa S, Salmon Team, Love Hotels, all fan thoughts, articles, executions, video with analysis of individual characters, some screenshots from the main game and plot twists… Seriously, I'm prepared for ALL of this. So can consider myself quite competent. And I'll start playing very soon anyway!
In DRV3 story, I prefer to ignore the pre-game ending, i.e. fake personalities. I also almost deny the Gopher project. It can be said, that I have my own Universe (really love generate various AU). I can provide an explanation if anyone needs it :^
Also, I am completely satisfied with the cast of the second Danganronpa known as Goodbye Despair, but haven't started watching anime yet (actively moving towards this goal, I want to know as much as possible)
I'm ULTIMATIVE Shipper (pairing maker ? xD). Doctor of shipping science. It affects a lot of my perception of things.
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A-a-a-and… HERE IT IS!! First Tier-List 😅
It's pretty simple, but let me clarify one (so as not to deprive you of the opportunity to ask something) thing – tier D doesn't mean that I extremely hate these characters. Rather, I just can't accept their nature and principles, can't understand; but I will NEVER judge the people that like something in them. Although Kurokuma just annoyed me, I confess.
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Second Tier-List – my favorite theme, PAIRINGS (yes, as you can see, I ship both het and femslash and just slash, and OT3)👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨
Sorry for the possible ripples in the eyes, Danganronpa is too wealthy in character combinations, phew. And before I start making clarifications on the wording, I would like to bow to the author of this tier-list 🛐
Because he seems to me to be the ONLY one who listed all the combinations, regardless of their popularity. In other variants, for example, I did not find either Shinsai or Shintojo (and as you can see, this was very important for me). There's no cross-game shipping, but I don't do it.
Now to the wording:
"Taking off my hat" means that "don't ship myself (although Ryoma/Kirumi is questionable and Mahiru/Soda isn't so clear), but I respect the fervor and dedication of people who consider them a good couple".
Some opposite of it – is "?¿ I don't understand". I mean, in this case, I'm REALLY confused. How. Why. They weren’t even close, in my opinion. But again, all without hate. Please don't hate for the pairings 🙏
And let’s wrap this up! I hope I could intrigue you 😉 There will be a new post soon!!
Link to the picrew if it's not displayed in the description under the photo: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hey !! sorry to bother you but i noticed that you like aa. im new to the series (currently playing the first game), i would like to know, which games are the best in your opinion and which are the worst? ty :)
HI OMG!! I'm flattered you asked me....
I think all the mainline games are worth playing, first of. Ace Attorney has a continuous storyline, so missing a game could cause confusion later down the line. That said, if you're asking bc you want to play some games and with others just watch a let's play/read them, then in my personal opinion,
my favorite game in the series is aa4, or Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice. The music, the characters, and the story line is all so magnificently done in my opinion, and it was sincerely such a fun game to play.
As for my least favorite, I would have to say Spirit of Justice, or aa6. I don't think any ace attorney game is bad per se or not worth playing, but aa6, in the scheme of the overall story line, made little sense. The music was great, but the new characters were overall not very interesting. Nahyuta, the game's new prosecutor, is the weakest in the series, and the final chapter is, on average, over 13 HOURS. Meanwhile, chapter 4 is my LEAST favorite case in the ENTIRITY of ace attorney.
I'd say from fave to least fave, it'd go: aa4, aa1, aa3, aa5, aa2, aa6. The only ones I harbor any dislike for are aa2 and aa6 -- aa2 has a fantastic story, but I really, really don't like the music, and the cases aren't super riveting.
aa3 and aa5 are really, really good. I think aa3 has some of my favorite music in the series overall, and it has some amazing characters. The only downside is the main prosecutor, Godot, isn't really interesting to me, but he's one of those "love him or hate him" characters. As for aa5, it has some flaws, and Apollo imo is a little ooc, but I LOVE the story and the new characters Athena and Blackquill are some of my favorite. The music isn't bad, but it is a little generic and isn't super memorable to me besides a few tunes.
If you want to factor in The Great Ace Attorney chronicles, the newest games (because while technically part of the mainline, they are considered somewhat of a spinoff because of not playing into the main storyline) are REALLY GOOD. Great music and fantastic characters. If I factored that in to my ranking:
aa4, aa1, tgaa1, aa3, aa5, tgaa2, aa2, aa6.
The reason The Great Ace Attorney 2 is much lower than its first game is for a lot of story-based reasons. It resolves with some unanswered questions, and the ""twist"" of who the big baddie is was such a huge let down as, well, it was less of a twist and more like a "no duh". The final case was decent, but left a lot to be desired in terms of the relationship between Ryuunosuke and the prosecutor of that case; I feel like a lot was left unresolved and the ending felt rushed. Plus, they reused the same music from TGAA1, which gets REALLY grating when you play them both in a row.
And finally, as for the ACTUALLY spinoffs, Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations (otherwise known as AAI) 1 & 2...my list would look like:
aa4, aa1, tgaa1, aa3, aai2, aa5, tgaa2, aai1, aa2, aa6.
The only issue is AA12 was NEVER released in English. Thankfully a fan translation and patch exists, and so you can play the rom as if it were actually a real English port. AAI suffers from running around in circles a lot and some mind-numbingly stupid moments similar to Danganronpa (where you have to confirm the same thing over and over 5 million times) but they're good games. I think the second game is superior in its story and characters, especially Sebatian Debeste. AA1 is okay. It has AMAZING music, but the story is just mediocre and it really only lives for the novelty of being able to play as Edgeworth.
And THAT'S THAT ON THAT, BABY!!! I hope you enjoy the series as much as I do!! The only game I haven't included on this list is Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton, as that is a crossover spinoff and the only game I have yet to play (but I plan to once I find somewhere I can buy it!)
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