#mulit chapter
roosterr · 7 months
grasping at straws rn how do people stay motivated. sigh.
I feel this in my soul anon. I lose motivation for things so quickly is depressing lol
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idkbishsss · 1 year
I know I should finish my WIPs, but I just want to write PunkFlower😔
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preciouslandmermaid · 8 months
of songbirds, swords, and spice masterpost
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tags: slow burn, slow build, friends-to-lovers, trauma, eventual sexual content, angst, humor, canon-typical violence, found family, polyamory, falling in love, POV multiple, reader-insert, action/adventure, past abuse mentioned, eventual romance, touch starved, battle couple, devil fruit reader, hurt/comfort, mulit-chapter fic, no use of Y/N (future chapters will include tws + additional tags)
rating: mature/explicit
🏴‍☠️ read on AO3 🏴‍☠️
summary: You've performed at Le Cupidon Doré, your "grandmother" Estella's business, for the past four years. Every full moon, you step onto stage and enchant the patrons and collect their hard earned berry. Tonight is no different. It isn't.
Until you realize another devil-fruit eater is in the crowd. Fate, as you've learned, has a bad habit of mucking things up just when you were starting to get comfortable.
🌙 chapter one: Nightingale Island! Performance of the singing moon! 🌙 chapter two: Performance cut short! Arrival of the Bloody Bandits! 🌙 chapter three: Estella's Dream! The Straw Hats Look for Pandora's Box! 🌙 chapter four: Journey into Raven's Crag! The Puzzle Box's Deadly Protector! 🌙 chapter five: Celebration Aboard The Going Merry! 🌙 chapter six: An Unwelcome Guest! What is Estella's story? 🌙 chapter seven: 🌙 chapter eight: 🌙 chapter nine: (other chapters/titles to be added)
extras: moodboard //
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erisweekofficial · 1 month
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Tonight we're SO excited to celebrate @littlest-w01f! 👀
🔥 Are you a fan of OCs? Want to read about multiple OCs? Anna's got you covered! Her Eris masterlist has several fics you can check out, but we recommend checking out Flames and Darkness, a mulit-chapter story that has us sitting at the edge of our seats.
We dare you to read her Eris Omegaverse week fic ft. Eris getting pegged 🤭
Read more to learn about @littlest-w01f 's thoughts on Eris and what she's getting him for secret santa!
What inspired you to start writing for Eris? And especially for Eris x OC instead of any other ship? I feel like there is so much to Eris that we don't know yet, we've barely begun to scratch the surface of his character. And honestly, from everything we do know about him, he has the makings of an amazing character if he's done justice (And I really hope I do). I feel like Eris is the kind of a character that if you try hard enough, you can ship him with anyone, and it will always make perfect sense. While I was reading Acowar I already was in love with what he could be so I built onto that and started getting fic ideas, some might think that he's lightly OOC in my fics, but he's perfect to me. I ship him with multiple of my OCs, I look at his character and decide what type of person would suit him best and build my character off of that till they are their own person whose sole purpose isn't being shipped with Eris, and sometimes the original reason I shipped them changes and I can see for myself that these OCs I have created always end up being more intimately attached to the character I pair them with as time goes by. I love my pairings cause they are special to me. I put him with many different types of characters and I love writing how he reacts differently to them, he's more cold to some he's a puddle of fluff with some.
What are some of Eris's most misunderstood qualities?
 I feel like we don't really know the real canon Eris at all, because we're seeing things from the pov of the Night Court so there is no reason for him to be his true self with them and it's easy for him to be lumped with "people who don't like/care for the IC" and some people hate him for that while the others love it when there is so much more to him. Obviously many people have pointed out the similarities between Eris and Rhys, but the main difference between them is that we see Rhys from the eyes of someone he loves and cares for that's why we see him giving reasons to his actions, while with Eris we haven't got that yet. Even still, it is clear to see that Eris has a close relationship with his guards and was genuinely worried for them when they were taken. Just because he doesn't care enough for one set of characters, doesn't mean he doesn't care at all. I doubt anyone knows the complete true Eris as of now but I hope we get to.
Can you give me a name for one of Eris's brothers? And also for one of his dogs?
Omg thank you for asking me this, I love names and their meanings, Eris is the damn lady of strife and I think it's all pretty cool. I named the second Vanserra son "Arlin" in one of my fics and will carry it forward for the rest of the fics which means "Warrior", which makes sense to me as after the Heir comes the Warrior. For the puppies, well smoke hounds, the youngest is "Ivy" in my eyes cause she always loves getting tangled up in vines and Eris has to free her every two seconds before she rushes off again to tackle vegetation, and that image in my head is too cute.
You have to get Eris a gift for secret santa - What are you getting him?
A. New. Father! With a ribbon and everything. Talking seriously, I feel like he's never had something cute before so a soft little fox stuffie or something along those lines I HC that Beron threw away any toys Eris had when he deemed Eris too old to play/have fun... That b*tch 😒
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Caitlyn Kiramman
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Source: survivorkidz
(X) = Smut
lace panties @mizukiramman (X) Summary: it's been two years since you were hired as the maid of the kiramman household. it's also been two years since you've had a crush on their only daughter. what could ever happen if she found you playing with her favorite lace panties? Warnings: None Specials Tags: None
wet n' wild @andikenpachi (X) Summary: Your a maid in Kiramman house hold. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None
overly sweet tea @andikenpachi Summary: You enjoyed some sweet tea with your girlfriend. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None
Prisoner's help @reaper2187 Summary: You help a enforcer solve a case Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mulit-Chapter
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paperuniverse · 2 months
I've finally posted the first chapter to my new mulit-chapter fic! It's about Gilbert deciding to take care of Ludwig, his younger brother by 20ish years, after his mother grows bored of him and starts neglecting him.
Here's a little peak of it under the cut.
No one’s life was straightforward, but there were usually things you expected to never happen to you. One of those things was becoming a sibling at the age of 21.
About four or five years ago, Gilbert’s mother and father had messed up and forgotten to use protection, and his mother had gotten pregnant. But she had decided to keep the baby, despite the fact that she was in her late forties. She saw it as a gift. Her last chance to be a mother again.
His father didn’t share the same view.
Dad didn’t want another baby; he’d had enough of changing diapers and waking up in the middle of the night to crying enough times. He especially didn’t want to do it all again at this age.
So, he left. Gilbert didn’t really blame him. His mother wasn’t exactly the best person, the best parent, and his dad knew he’d be doing the majority of the hard work. But he had still left his son to fend for himself. How selfish.
How selfish of them both really.
Because of his parents’ action now he felt he needed to pick up the slack. Not as much as he should, as he’d like. He was trying to focus on his job, on saving for the future, on making his own life. Things someone in their twenties should be doing.
He was visiting today though. He had called his mother yesterday and told her he was coming. So, he was.
Gilbert sighed as he went to knock on the door to his childhood home. Memories tugging at his mind as he looked up at it. Coloured with strange emotions now that he was older, and his younger brother had taken over his spot in this place.
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adamsappleweek · 4 months
Question for the Adamsapple week ! some week invents only want oneshots, does this week also only want oneshots or can I do fanfic with mulit chapters ?
Also if I posted one fanfic, can I post an other one ? Just in case if I have no inspiration to mix these aus, or have more ideas then one .
You can do any type of work of whatever length you desire! If you're gonna do a multi-chapter though, make sure to have at least one chapter ready so we can add it to the collection (with your permission, of course)
And yes, you can do as many works you want for as many prompts as you like. Just make sure to submit it/tag it and mention what day and prompt you wrote it for
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the-flaming-nightmare · 8 months
Okay, so a couple days ago I rewatched the S3 episode of Lone Star where TK is in his hypothermia induced coma and we get to see what's going on in his head, and oh my GOD did it give me SUCH an amazing idea for an agere mulit-chapter fic!!!
Remember how in TK's coma dream he's back in his dad's house but with his mom and they bake cookies? And how TK tells Gwyn he'll always be her little boy, that he still is? Well Goddamn did all that get my writer brain going!
So, what if both Owen and Gwyn were there in TK's dream, and they were treating him like he was still a little boy? The way I'm picturing it is kind of like that episode of SPN when Sam and Dean go to heaven together and see each other's versions of it, and Dean has that one memory of Mary from when he was 3 or 4–dressed the part and being treated like a little boy despite him still looking and acting like his adult self to Sam and the viewers. That's how I imagine this going with TK.
He still looks like an adult and feels like one, and is incredibly confused by what's happening at first, but quickly begins to enjoy all their attention and babying. And soon, begins to feel like the little boy their treating him as. Like in the episode tho, it's Carlos speaking to him that still inevitably brings him back to waking reality.
However, almost as soon as they get the tube out of him, he's still panicking and begins to tearfully call for his mama and daddy. Carlos is freaking out but doing his best to calm him down before the nurses have to give him a sedative, reassuring him that he'll call and get his dad here as soon as possible, but in the end TK is too disoriented and scared, and at the doctor's order one of the nurses has to give him a mild sedative.
Carlos calls Owen as soon as TK is fully under the drugs affects and tells him he needs to get to the hospital quick, that TK woke up and was asking for him. By the time Owen arrives, TK is beginning to fight his way out of the sedative's clutches. As soon as he lays his eyes on Owen the waterworks start up all over again and he desperately reaches for him. Owen, while bewildered and worried, just rolls with it and does what any good father would: give his kid as much comfort as he needs.
Owen ends up climbing nto bed with TK (cautious of the cords and tubes still attached to him, of course), and TK eventually cries himself into an exhausted sleep in his arms. The doctor ends up making a return not long after that (Owen still in the bed, not daring to move and disturb his son's rest), and Owen immediately asks the burning question on both his and Carlos' mind; did TK suffer brain damage? The doctor tells the two of them that they can't know for certain until they run some tests on him, leaving Owen and Carlos to stress over the potential answer they'll receive in the next few hours.
As they'll soon find out, however, this has nothing to do with any physical damage to TK's brain, but instead has everything to do with his psyche.
I'm thinking that TK would probably stay regressed for most of the duration of the fic, but that even once he does start to come back to himself, he'll realize that while everything that's happened during that time feels embarrassing as all hell, it also feels right. Like something he's needed for a very long time, but just hadn't known until he got it.
Wow, hyperfixation really said, "Bitch you will write this shit. You may not know when, but you will."
Yet another idea saved in the backlog I keep in both my phone and brain lmaoooo. 😅🥲
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summercourtship · 2 days
How do you write your fics? Do you write out scenes as soon as you think of them or do you only write in order? I feel like I have so many ideas, but I’m never able to get them from my head to the screen. And I’m really struggling with how to write the first sentence to start the story
Make an outline! Even if it's just a few basic bullet points, it's good to have a plan and idea of how the chapter will progress. If you're planning a multi-chapter fic, try to have a general idea of the fics plot before you start writing, though individual scenes can be fleshed out when you get to it later. I normally have my outline document also serve as a scrap paper for planning titles, other scenes, jotting down inspiration, etc. It's good to have a dedicated space to just write random lines as they come to me.
I do not write the scenes in order, I tend to jump around and write where I feel inspired (which is why I will sometimes have sentences that just aren't finished because I forgot I was didn't finish a thought! Typically I try to highlight where I've stopped so it's easier to find it). With mulit-chapter fics, if I have an idea for a chapter I'm not working on yet, I will write bits of it on the aforementioned scrap paper. These scenes don't always make it into the fic, but a lot of them do!
I often will have scenes that weren't planned on the outline fall into my head and make perfect sense, so don't necessarily feel glued to your outline. I use them as guidelines and a way to organize my thoughts and make sure I can put in any foreshadowing if I want.
Don't worry too much about the opening lines- you can skip it and go to the second paragraph and come back to the opening later. If not being able to come up with a line or paragraph is keeping you from writing what you want to write, skip it and come back to it. Look up different hook styles for fiction, or think about how your favorite book or fic opened the story for ideas/inspiration. But focus on writing the story before worrying about how you're going to open it if it isn't coming naturally.
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wetcatspellcaster · 7 months
hi! i just wanted to say that I absolutely love Pieces and I greatly admire your work and also how you write dialogue? Writing witty and interesting dialogue can be a bit of a struggle for me but you write the banter between Rosalie and Astarion so well, it's truly incredibly delightful.
I had a question about something in chapter 20 of Pieces. Specifically, when Rosalie asks Astarion if he likes her fancy glow in the dark bed. This may be a misinterpretation of her character but I never got the impression, based on your other works with Rosalie, that she was the type to really gravitate towards expensive or lavish things but as Rosalie herself has stated her house is atrociously fancy now.
I was wondering if this was a "i'm an extremely powerful archmage and have the money so, might as well" type thing. OR if she made those choices for herself with the, maybe subconcious, thought of "these are things astarion would have liked/appreciated/wanted." Maybe as a way to unintentionally bridge the gap between the life with astarion that she actually wants and the life that she had no choice but to have.
The way she asks Astarion if he likes it, and her reaction to his response, to me made it feel like these choices for her living space weren't just for her own enjoyment but also because she wanted to create a house Astarion would want to live in and his opinion on it matters to her not just because he's now living there but because Rosalie always wanted him to.
I just reread the chapter with the fancy garden and the maze and thought that Rosalie, subconciously creating a fancy house with the idea of Astarion one day living in it, AND the Ascendant, conciously creating this whole fancy ostentatious garden with the idea of one day seducing Rosalie in it, both as ways to make up for the one thing both of them want but don't, and can't, have would be an interesting parallel.
If i'm completely off-base and Rosalie just bought herself a fuck off fancy wizard tower complete with heated floors and glow in the dark canopy beds just becasue she could and wanted to than that's cool too. She deserves it honestly.
Also this ask is so long I am so sorry. Your work has given me brain worms like nothing else and I am forever and always an english major at heart, if I had the time and drive I'd write you a whole mulit-paged essay in which I analyzed each house in Pieces, their significance in the narrative, and what they tell us about each character. I am sosososooo normal about you, I promise.
hi lovely. never apologise for writing something at length, I'm very touched that you thought this much about the story and that you took the time to send me this message! :) i love a little bit of literary analysis!
As an English major, you know that any and all interpretations and reader responses to a text are valid, so if this is how you want to read these moments, please go ahead and read it this way!!! There are some things that you say that touch upon future storybeats I've already drafted, so when we get to those chapters hopefully you'll feel rewarded
But in response to your question, yes, the house *is* out of character :) there's a reason why, in my two timeskips, one Rosalie ends up with a cute little flat and a vault worth of diamonds she bought for Astarion, and the other in a massive fuck-off wizard's tower that is, as we'll find out in future chapters, fancy as fuck. But the logic behind it at my end was slightly different than yours, although yours isn't exactly wrong and as I say, I think you'll find stuff in future chapters that makes you happy!
For me, I see Rosalie's wealth in this timeline as an extreme symptom of how lonely and unhappy she is. As the fic has established, Rosalie felt the need to isolate herself, and also buried herself in overwork to both fund her research into Astarion's cure and distract herself from the realities of her life. So the more and more unhappy/workaholic/lonely Rosalie gets, the richer she becomes - for in this timeline, she has nothing other than work, and no one else she wants to spend all that money on. And so she has this massive house bc she needs to spend that money she's accumulated on something, and if that makes her look happy or comfortable from the outside then that's good because then she's not burdening anyone - exactly the same way that the Ascendent's mansion looks decadent and debauched from the outside, to compensate for his true feelings as well.
One really interesting thing about drafting Act 3 currently, is how much Rosalie's issues are now coming to the fore because Astarion, unlike all her friends, hasn't seen a gradual decline in her character/mental health and happiness. For him, it is sudden and abrupt: he has the bubbly hero from the game timeline, and then this strange reclusive hermit ten years later who, to him, is clearly unhappy. And the tower and the way she lives is one way that becomes clear to him.
I hope that makes sense! :)
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thesarge · 16 days
Chapter 10 of my mulit-chapter Davron fic is now posted!
Sorry it took me so long to link it here, I've been quite busy!
We'll never be that us again
Davos Blackwood/Aeron Bracken
Whilst sneaking out from his mothers watchful eye, Davos meets a boy between the Blackwood and Bracken boundary. Unaware of who the other is, the two become fast friends, until one day Aeron never returns.
After years apart, the two meet again and the true light of who the other is comes out at full force. The lines between hate, rivalry and attraction begin to blur, the two caught up in the dance of a bitter feud. But one question still remains. Can you truly hate the one person who perhaps knows you better than anyone else?
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hell-much · 2 months
My Stories
You can find my stories under the Pseud MsCFH on AO3. Below a full listing, including an Angst Scale for each story.
Risen From The Ashes Canon-Divergence / Rating E / 477k words
The ultimate Margaery-survived story. It has it all really. Intrigue, war against the dead, slow-burn, smut, gut-wrenching angst, family fluff and much, much more.
Angst Factor: 7/10 (in specific chapters more a 24/10 but the length of it waters it down)
you always smile (but in your eyes your sorrow shows) Modern AU / Rating M / 18k words
There was only one bed. I'll let you figure out the rest yourself. Also part of Winter Writing Prompts series but deserved a own spot in the multi-chapters due to length and complexity.
Angst Factor: 7/10
More Than Friends Modern AU / Rating T / 128k words
The Friends AU -written together with the wonderful @cerseiwondered (princessofthorns on AO3) that turned out a good deal angstier than we originally thought it would be.
Angst Factor: 6/10
Once In A Lifetime Modern AU / Rating E / 184k words
A Bridges of Madison County AU that plays in the 1970s Westeros and my personal favourite among the mulit-chapters.
Angst Factor: 7/10
Insidious Intent Modern AU / Rating E / WIP (211k words to date)
The prompt fill that reelly got out of hand. We have charming murderess Sansa, pushy journalist Margaery and my first attempt at fictional journalism.
Angst Factor: 7/10
Corporate AU Modern AU / Different Ratings /  183k words
The story of Margaery and Sansa, their ambitious careers in the corporate word, and their all-consuming love for each other. Full disclosure: This series starts out as a collection of smutty one-shots and about halfway through will rip out your heart and piece it back together.
Fun fact about this one. It is now set in chronological order on AO3, but my writing it was anything but that. Original order if you want to torture yourself with some ambigituities is the following:
Kind Regards / Get Together / Rainy Days / Old Acquaintances / A Vision In White / A Year Ago Today / Meet The Starks / Hope This Finds You Well / Postscript / Recreational Holiday
Angst Factor: 5/10 (Again: A good deal higher in specific parts but the smutty PWP parts water it down.)
Covid AU Modern AU / Rating M / 40k words
Going from fluffy one shot in the first part to majorly angsty medical drama in the second part.
An Appropriate Distance / Here With Me
Angst Factor: 6/10
Parent Trap AU Modern AU / Different Ratings / 37k words
The story of a blended family falling apart, finding their way back together and expanding. Mostly very fluffy family fluff.
My Love, My Life / I've Been Waiting For You
Angst Factor: 3/10
Winter Writing Prompts Modern AU / Different Ratings / 52k words
A collection of winter-themed one-shot prompt fills.
"Your car slid into a snowbank and I’m the mechanic that comes to tow you." / "We just had a one-night-stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward."
"I’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and I hit you instead."
"the b&b we’re staying at asked if we wouldn’t mind sharing a room since we know each other and this snow storm has brought in some unexpected guests … one bed … three nights"
"You jokingly suggest we send out holiday cards together as friends so we do, and now everyone is congratulating us for finally getting together."
"You knock on my door at 2 in the morning because your very white cat got out and you need help trying to find them in the three feet of snow we have."
"I get your name during Secret Santa at work and use the same wrapping paper for my gift to my friend, so...sorry about all the sex toys."
"Sansa tells Margaery's child Santa isn't real and then has to make amends before Christmas."
Angst Factor: 2/10
Over The Edge Modern AU / Rating M / 4k words
PWP. My first Sansaery attempt at smut.
Angst Factor: 1/10
we make your dreams come true Modern AU / Rating E / 11k words
PWP. Snarky Olenna, hot flight attendant Sansa, and Margaery about to join the mile high club.
Angst Factor: 1/10
Satisfaction Modern AU / Rating E / 9k words
This was supposed to be PWP but ended up with more of a backstory than some of my other multi-chapters. Weak spot for this one because of the sheer messiness of it.
Angst Factor: 8/10
Winter Hat Canon-Divergence / Rating G / 343 words
That winter outfit from the Tudors and Sansa has comments.
Angst Factor: 1/10
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preciouslandmermaid · 8 months
of songbirds, swords, and spice
pairing: Opla!Zoro x Opla!Sanji x Fem! Reader (no use of Y/N or L/N)
tags: slow burn, friends-to-lovers, trauma, eventual smut, angst, humor, canon-typical violence, found family, polyamory, falling in love, POV multiple, reader-insert, action/adventure, past abuse, eventual romance, touch starved, PTSD, mentions of slavery/forced labor, battle couple, devil fruit user reader, hurt/comfort, mulit-chapter fic (other tags to be added)
🏴‍☠️ read on AO3 🏴‍☠️ Masterpost
summary: You've performed at Le Cupidon Doré, your "grandmother" Estella's business, for the past four years. Every full moon, you step onto stage and enchant the patrons and collect their hard earned berry. Tonight is no different. It isn't.
Until you realize another devil-fruit eater is in the crowd. Fate, as you've learned, has a bad habit of mucking things up just when you were starting to get comfortable.
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You closed your eyes as Kinari brushed makeup across your face in delicate, teasing strokes that threatened to illicit an ill-timed sneeze. Backstage was a mess of feathers, and perfumes, and cluttered vanity tables, shining bulbs of light to illuminate every stroke, every line, every dust of color. The other performers moved like fish swimming through the iridescent streams of fabric. The chaotic, yet organized energy was familiar. Almost comforting. Everyone gets like this before a show, your lips twisted wryly, it’s as if we don’t do this night after night! There were a few amateurs backstage, but Estella wouldn’t let them perform because the full moon show was reserved for the best of the best.
“Still….” Kinari drawled the word out and her pink box-braids fell across her smiling face. “I think you’re brave.”
Brave. Right. You stopped using words like ‘bravery’ and ‘chivalry’ years ago. You and Estella’s long-running arrangement wasn’t brave, but it was clever and you’d rather be smart than brave. Madam Estella said brave people were fools half the time and the rest were martyrs. Instead of saying this to the young artist, you replied--
“You’re too kind, Kinari.” You reached for the earplugs on your vanity and pass them to her. “Don’t forget to wear these tonight.”
“I won’t,” she replied, sing-song and light. She selected two outfits from the rack and held them aloft for you.
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“Whoo-hoo! Look at this place!” Luffy threw his arms into the air, “it’s got a buffet!”
There’s nothing Zoro could say to stop his captain from barreling toward the buffet and heaping food onto his plate. He glanced around the finely decorated establishment. Nightingale Island wasn’t much to look at, but the locals talked highly of ‘Le Cupidon Doré’. When Luffy heard ‘all you can eat’, well – there wasn’t much argument to be had about where the crew was going next since they were officially resupplied.
“Tacky,” Nami said, pointing her fork at the smiling cherubs decorating the pillars, “and probably not real gold.”
Zoro rested his elbow on the back of booth and ordered a drink. The booze was cheap here and that’s decent enough for him.
“It’s no Baratie, but it has its charms…” Sanji said.
His blue eyes scanned the guests and staff. The waiters and waitresses were dressed in gold and white and wore elaborate headpieces that ranged from spokes covering half their heads to intricate swooping designs that appeared like twisted halos. Their cheeks shone with glitter. They bobbed and weaved, a practiced ease and gracefulness to their movements that reminded Zoro of sword fighting.
The tables created a half-moon around the circular stage. But two rows of chairs clustered next to the stage were without tables and labeled ‘VIP’. They were completely packed and he doubted even Luffy could fit between the bodies.
“Your drink, sir.” The waiter dropped his head low and Zoro noticed something inside the waiter’s ear. Why are they wearing earplugs? He frowned, brought his glass to his lips, and abruptly stood.
Luffy dropped his stacked plate onto the table and its’ weight upset their drinks. “Where are you going?”
“Gotta check something.”
He circuited the dining room, dodging Usopp carrying his full-plate, and confirmed his suspicions. All the waiters are wearing earplugs. Weird. Why would a place that caters to nightly performances have staff wearing earplugs? The establishment wasn’t large so it’s easy to find their table again.
Luffy tore into a drumstick and looked up at Zoro. “Find anything cool?” He asked, chewing.
“Something’s weird,” he said, “all the waiters are wearing earplugs.”
Luffy shrugged, unconcerned. “Maybe this place gets really crazy!” His dark eyes brightened.
But Zoro wasn’t mollified by Luffy’s response. Their luck fluctuated from bad, to shitty, to worse with a few good days peppered in. They were on a winning streak with the grand line map in their possession and a functioning ship, but how long would that last?
“Maybe all the singers suck and we wasted berry by paying the door fee,” said Nami and Zoro tilted his chin in consideration.
“Aw, come on!” Usopp wiped grease from his mouth. “Look at this place. It’s packed. There’s no way the show is bad. It’ll be fun.”
The lights flashed, signaling the start of the show, and Zoro leaned into the cushions. He hoped Nami was right. He hoped this was a terrible show and that was why the waiters wore earplugs. Maybe he could rip pieces of the tablecloth and stuff his ears too.
An elderly woman rolled her wheelchair onto the stage.
“Tonight is the full moon,” she said, her voice as clear and bright as icicles, “and as our regulars know, we have a special performer on nights such as these.” The crowd muttered in agreement and clapped. Luffy joined them, hollering alongside the eager guests, although Zoro couldn’t understand why he bothered. This show wasn’t going to be anymore special because it was performed on the full moon.
Sanji sat up straighter. “Should we try to get closer? I’d hate to miss anything.”
“We’re not getting closer.” Zoro scowled.
He replied, “I wasn’t talking to you.” Sanji looked longingly at Nami. “Did you want to get closer?”
Nami gave him a thin smile. “I’m good.”
“Listen closely and open your hearts,” the elderly woman said, “and enjoy!”
Her wheelchair edged backward into the darkness and a shower of white petals fell onto the stage. A chrous of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ rose above the din of clinking plates and silverware. A woman stepped onto the stage and Zoro refilled his sake. He didn’t get why this was such a big deal. It’s stupid, he thought, scowling, all this excitement for one woman? He glanced at the stage. The performer was wearing a long, flowing dark blue robe and skirt. The details on the flowing sleeves, robe, and skirt depicted a semi-translucent white stag alongside large pale lilies, petals, and clouds of mist.
“She’s beautiful,” Sanji mutters.
The sleeves billowed and moved like the rolling ocean waves as the performer gripped the microphone. Zoro looked away, uninterested.
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You closed your eyes, preparing yourself, before the first lines of the song spilled like honey from your lips. No music accompanied your voice. There was no need for it. You opened your eyes to the dazed and captivated crowd. The VIP section was practically falling out of their seats and onto their knees before you.
You sang a beautiful and entrancing melody, a song of soft and gorgeous serenity. The lyrics weren’t as important as the rhythm and intention. A fast-paced, intense song often inspired anger or excitement. A slower, dreamier song like this one lulled the crowd into complicity and adoration. You spent nine years perfecting your craft and the last four running this business alongside Estella. You knew what worked and what didn’t.
“Sanji!” someone yelled from a table, “you’re gonna drool on my plate.”
Another devil-fruit eater. You squinted toward the table, though it was hard to see due to the spotlight blanketing everywhere, except for the VIP section, in shadow. For whatever reason your voice didn’t affect other devil-fruit eaters like yourself. Luckily, it didn’t matter for tonight. The boy in the straw hat was safe. Only the VIP section was targeted by Estella’s staff to have their pockets checked and liberate them of extra berry.
“Hey, wait a minute--” straw hat leapt to his feet. “What’re you guys doing?” The waiter holding a man’s wallet froze. Shit. He’s noticed. You stepped from the stage and your flowing robes dragged behind you like silk water. The spotlight followed you as you approached the dining table.
Your gaze slid over their astonished faces. A tangerine haired woman dropped her fork onto her plate. A well-dressed blonde man had one hand pressed to his chest – as if you struck him in the heart.
“Wow…” a lean man with a chestnut bandanna rested his chin in his hands. “You’re incredible.”
“Usopp?” Straw hat waved his hand in front of the man’s face. “Blink, Usopp! Blink!”
A moss-haired swordsman held the rim of his sake cup against his lips, but wasn’t drinking, like he’s frozen in time.
The front doors burst, “show’s over!” A pirate wearing an outfit of scarlet and dark crimson stood in the doorway with his pistols drawn. “The bloody bandits are here for their due.”
masterpost // > > next chapter
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tooti-fruiti · 4 months
THANK YOU FOR FEEDING THE SNIPER x READER BLOKES <3 your work is appreciated and loved been wanting a good mulit part one and you are a god send
I'll keep working on it to keep you guys happy, there's another eight chapters I've yet to release.
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murderandcoffee · 9 months
Writing is literally the worst. I finished a mulit chapter fic a couple weeks ago and havent been able to write since. I'm in a ditch and cannot claw my way out, creativity wise at least. To make it worse, I can't THINK of anything to write
I cant live, laugh, love in these conditions
I HATE when that happens
usually when I'm stuck in a slump I'll either switch projects (if I have multiple things in progress, which I always do. lmao) or seek out inspiration by consuming storytelling in one form or another (books, podcasts, video games)... or I just bitch and moan about it to my friends until it's over (who am I kidding I do that no matter what)
I hope you can live, laugh, love again soon, my friend
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deus-ex-humanitas · 10 months
i just did the math and at a rough estimate i have read an average of 32 ao3 works a month since 2019. keep in mind i prefer a long mulit-chapter fic over a one-shot so it’s likely i am reading like ten novels a month on this webbed site. I almost never click on art. this is Dire. lmfao.
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