#multipart: to get and keep her attention
staticbleeding · 22 days
⛧°。 ⋆Waiting on the Stars ⋆°⛧
+:。.。 teen Stanford Pines x gn reader 。.。:+
I really want to turn this into a multipart story if this gets good enough reception so let me know what yall think! warnings : strong language, suggestive language, the usual teen shit pt.1 pt.2
1972 Moving to the small town of Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey was not how you expected to start your senior year. Not long into your stay however, a certain twin catches your attention, or maybe you caught his. Will this be a journey among the stars? Or another tale lost to time?
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Your shoes squeak quietly against the vinyl floors of the halls as you walk to the office. Glass Shard Beach High School is painted on big letters against the walls. Eyes bare down on you as if you had a third arm. No one moves to this town. Let alone a new student in their last year of highschool. The walk to the office was filled with whispers and stares. You do your best to keep quiet and ignore the anxiety boiling up inside you. "It's only one year. Just survive one year here then you are gone from here", you mentally console yourself. You stop yourself in front of a door with big letters saying 'Office'. Opening the door, you are met with a dingy room that smells of old paper and sweat. Off to the side of the room is a big desk that sits an older lady with curly grey hair and thick glasses that looks like they can fall off at any movement. She types away at a typewriter that looks older than herself, "Um excuse me? Am I supposed to get my schedule here?", you speak for the first time since entering this dull building. The lady looks up at you with a sweet smile forming on her aged face. "Yes! What's your name dear?" she says in a sweet voice. You smile at her, "(Y/N)(L/N)". She opens a big filing cabinet that looks like it hasn't been dusted in centuries. She pulls out a beige file that has your name on it, a thin piece of paper falls out as she opens it. Handing you the paper along with a map, she welcomes you to Glass Shard. Bidding the woman goodbye, you walk out into the hall and navigate yourself to your first class.
Physics is written in big bold letters "You gotta be fucking me" you groan out. Opening the door you are met with eyes immediately on your form. Despite the eyes watching every move you walk up to the teacher sitting down at his desk at the front of the class. "You must be the new student. My name is Mr. Barron and I will be your teacher for this year. What's your name?" the balding man takes your hand to shake. As you shake the sweaty hand of the older man, your name falls from your lips. "Everyone this is your new classmate (Y/N)! Be nice for once please", turning his attention back to you, "go ahead and take a seat next to Stanford". His hand directs you to an empty seat next to the said kid. You sit down and look over at Stanford. Thick glasses sit on the strong nose of the man. A white button up is adorned by a red bow tie is tied perfectly against his neck. His hands are busy drawing in a notebook that looks to be filled with art and many ramblings. "Hi Stanford" your voice whispers out to the man that hasn't looked at you since you sat down "Please call me Ford" Stanford says in a quiet voice trying to ignore your gaze on him "Oh okay Ford" You smile at the nerdy looking man You gaze at his artwork, "You are really good at that", pointing at his current drawing of some sort of creature. A light red dusts the mans face. You start to notice more features of Ford's. His square jaw, the little indent on his chin, his glasses that he keeps pressed close to his face. He clears his throat and whispers a small thank you. Nodding your head, you turn your attention back to your books in front of you. His gaze strays to you throughout the class. Stealing glances at you as your focus is elsewhere. Taking in every detail of your face and mannerisms. The way your hair falls, your little laughs at the teacher's jokes, and the way you looked so focused on your notes. Who are you? What led you to this town? Questions circle his head as he watches you gather your books and backpack as the bell rings. That night he went home and sat awake, drawing in his notebook wondering what made you so interesting to him. Weeks go by as you get into a rhythm of going to classes and trying to get used to your new home in Glass Shard. Becoming more and more accustomed to the new town and starting to make more friends as the days come and go. The words shared between you and Ford slowly become more and more. Your first block interactions with the man becomes some sort of normality to you. A part of your everyday routine. He starts to get more accustomed to your presence, wanting more of your presence near him. He can't help but take note of the small quirks of yours. The way you lay your head down during the morning announcements trying to get one more minute of sleep, or how quickly you gather your things as the bell rings to rush and meet with your friends before your next class, or the way you look down when the teacher asks for an answer to a question. He finds himself waiting for the next moment he can get with you. But that's all he gets with you.
Walking along the boardwalk of the town you've started to get accustomed to, you look up and see a dingy looking sign. Pines Pawns Without thinking, your hands push against the creaky door. A bell rings above your head signaling your presence in the space. Your eyes meet the wide eye look of your classmate Ford sitting behind the counter. His gaze looks over you. Seeing you outside of the classroom wracked his nerves instantly. His palms begin to sweat and stick to the pages of the magazine in his hand. "Oh Ford! Hi". You smile towards the man you grew to know in your brief interactions. "(Y/n)?? W-what are you doing here?" He stutters out, quickly clearing his assortment of Cryptid Weekly magazines that are spread out in front of him.
"Thought I would finally pop my head in here after walking by it for awhile." You smile at the blushing man "Oh um...well this is it. My family store.." He scratches the back of his neck and looks away from your prying eyes. "Weird seeing you outside of school. I started to think you lived there." You joke with the blushing mess in front of you. A part of you weren't joking. You swear you have only seen the man walking in the halls with his twin and back to class. Never outside. You see the man tighten up and look down at the ground with embarrassment filling his body. "So what kinda cool stuff do you guys sell?" Sensing the incoming awkward silence, you fill it in. Looking around you spot gold chains, fur coats, and various diamond rings you for sure knew were fake. "Just..stuff. What would you call 'cool stuff'?" Ford says with a small smile. "Like dinosaur shit, shrunken heads, fairy dust? I ran out of all of my fairy dust last night. Need a refill man." You joke as your fingers graze against a fur coat that was definitely needing a wash. "None of that here unfortunately. We do have crystals however. Fake of course, but pretty nonetheless." the man looks towards you at that last part. Leading you to the back of the shop, he shows you a small crystal that definitely is plastic. You gently grab it from his hand. Your fingers graze over his. The thought that this is the first time you two have ever touched crosses his mind and he immediately looks down and tries to focus on anything else. You soon find a couple of crystals that would look nice in your room. Buying them and leaving the store left a silence Ford wishes would swallow him whole. He watches as you leave the shop with a little jump in your walk. The first time he has seen you outside of school and he spends the entire time a stuttering mess. "Nice going Ford." He mutters to himself and waits for the time the store closes. He doesn't hear his Ma scamming another person with her phony 'readings'
He doesn't hear Stan call dibs on the shower first
He walks to his shared room like a zombie and lays on his bunk. Looking up at the posters that are stuck to the bottom of the top bunk, Ford thinks about how you laughed and joked with him, how your fingers felt grazing his, how your eyes looked when you smiled. Slowly his eyes close and he drifts to his now usual nighttime routine of seeing your face smiling. Not cause of some stupid joke someone made but cause of him. He can't help but wish he had more confidence to talk to you. Ask if you want to go to the beach sometime. Maybe this is more than just a simple curiosity. He groans and hides his blushing face against the pillow. Silently wishing you would leave his mind. But you don't.
Little did he know, that you were thinking of the interaction yourself. Wondering why he stood out to you so hard.
Shit this was the first full story I have written in like 3 years?? I hope y'all enjoy and if it's liked, I will love to have more parts. Baii <3
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firerose18991 · 10 months
Prince! Yuji Itadori x Black fem reader
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A/N: Written in the dead of night while watching early 2000’s era fantasy movies(ella enchanted, twitches, shrek lol 0
Fluff, adventure, JJK AU, multipart fic
Written with black curvy/chubby readers in mind but all can enjoy
Honestly this is too cute to be on my page of filth but here we are🤷🏿
Wrd cnt: 2k
Prt 2
Prince Yuji rode across the battlefield on his jet black steed sukuna. His clan had been dominating the war waged by a neighboring kingdom, in a fierce effort to maintain their country’s border. He had been eager to strike up negotiations with them regarding the land dispute but when they had attacked he had no choice but to fight against them.
“Soldiers, we fight to subdue our neighbors, not kill them, remember this! Today will be the last ride!” Yuji shouted over the hoards of men lined in front of him.
He wanted to settle the matter quickly by breaking the spirit of his enemies, not their bodies. But the enemy was relentless even with their lesser numbers. The charge commenced and he flanked one side of the enemies while the commander Kugisaki led the other to surround them and push them out. But the battle was a fierce one. As Yuji charged he displayed incredible feats on the battlefield. They hadn’t been as successful as they had hoped to be but the enemy called a short retreat and fell further back, almost to the border. He turned back to his men looking over the gained land and beaming with pride.
And as he took in the sight his vision faded. His grip was lost on Sukuna and he fell to the ground.
He woke up to the muffled voice around his body.
“He sustained many lacerations, not to mention falling from that tall steed of his. His head is in bad shape.” He opened his eyes to a woman waving an enchanted hand over his body.
She spoke to an empty room (apart from himself), he couldn’t speak to respond to her. The waves of pain from exertion swept over his body as he gained consciousness.
A loud voice from outside the door caught his attention.
“Let me through!” they shouted.
Yuji could never forget the shout of his comrade, Nobara burst through the wooden door.
“Commander I’m sorry but you can’t burst in here.” Another younger nurse cut her off before she could stomp deeper into the room.
“Get out of my way! This is the prince of the kingdom, he's not going to be treated in some scruffy war shack!” She berated the nurse and attempted to push her aside.
“He cannot be moved.” She fought to keep her spot in front of the commander. Impressive considering the commander's strength. “He needs to rest and heal first.” She insisted.
“You will obey my orders as commander of the kingdom.” Nobara barked.
“We are not of your kingdom, we travel treating those stupid enough to start a war!” The nurse yelled back. “Get out, you're disturbing my patients.” The commander relented and the young nurse pushed her out of the room.
“Ahem, my apologies my lady. You requested me?” The young nurse turned to the woman at Yuji’s bedside.
“Hello (Y/N)” She smiled. “Thankyou for dealing with our company. Though maybe next time a bit more tact would be in order.” She rose from her place at Yuji’s bedside.
“This young man is a special task. One I am entrusting to my finest student, see to it he is fully healed and on his way back to his kingdom. So his dreadful guards will leave my encampment.” She sighed and exited the room
“Yes ma’am” You spoke as the door closed behind the head nurse.
After a pause you slowly turned toward the patient in question. His torso was black and blue and his head was already bandaged up. You moved closer to examine and finally noticed the open eyes slightly obscured by the bandaging.
“Oh my.” you gasped and hopped back a bit from the bed. “um I’m sorry I wasn’t aware you were awake. You must be in a lot of pain, this should help.” You pulled a balm from your robe pocket and a spatula to apply to the swollen bumps of skin.
Your touch was like a whisper to the skin and Yuji hardly noticed the application but felt the relief of his muscles as the balm took effect.
“Thank..You.” he struggled out, finally being able to communicate without suffering.
“Don’t speak just yet.” You said softly.
You ran the balm along his neck next to allow him to rest comfortably for the day.
“Now all you need is some rest.” Your words fell on deaf ears as he had already passed out,having exhausted himself.
The next day Yuji had woken up to you buzzing around his room moving around soiled bandaging from his bedside.
“He-Hello.” He stuttered abit taking due to his dehydration.
“Hello.” You turned around with a bright smile.
The sun flooded the room around you, bouncing off your brown skin like a blanket of light. Had he seen it yesterday he wouldve mistaken you for a angel. He stared for a bit, forgetting his pain and absentmindedly moving to leave the bed.
“Oh no please...Don’t move yet. You must take the time to heal.” You rushed over and moved his arm back into bed. Taking into account how defined his muscles were.
“Heh, can I trouble you for some water.” He smiled slightly then wincing at the pain.
“Yes, of course.” You swayed out of the room and returned with a pitcher.
You sat on the side of his bed.
“I’m going to use some more healing ointment on you before I give you the water. It’ll make it easier to drink” You said to Yuji.
Again your feather light touches graced his skin. This time his nerves were not overcome by pain and he felt the true skill through your application. You then reacched for the pitcher and held it to his mouth slowly tipping water for him to drink. You focused on making sure the water didn't spill onto his bandaged body.
“Is that enough?” you said pulling the pitcher from his lips.
“Yes.” Yuji said, the ghost of a smile could be seen on his face.
“Now bare with me, I need to make sure your airway is clear at all times.” You said
Your fingers pressed to his neck with more pressure than before earning a flinch from the prince.
“I’m sorry.” you pulled your fingers back a bit. “I’ll put less pressure.”
“No, I’m just not used to feeling this weak. I’ve never been this heavily wounded.”
“Well I heard you fought off 100 soldiers at once, all by yourself. Surely you’d expect some injury.” You jest.
“It was more like 80 men.” Yuji played off your compliments.
Your shared eye contact lingered until you reminded yourself to check his airway. His pulse was strong and breathing with no obstructions.
“I bet you’ll get back to your fight in no time.” You began to get up from the bed.
"The stupid fight?" He questioned your earlier statements.
You turned around with a shocked and embarrassed look.
"I didn't mean-uh- there is nothing trivial about your fight." You stammered over your words hoping to not have offended the prince.
"It's alright. I agree it's a stupid war." Yuji's face fell serious. "I hope to end it as fast as possible."
You continued spending your time solely focusing on the prince and in two weeks time he had made remarkable progress.
Today you swished through the encampment to deliver food to him.
"Good morn- Yuji, you can't be out of bed!” You came into the room to see the prince standing by the back curtain looking over the bustling camp.
“Well obviously I can.” He flashed the devilish teeth you'd come to love. “And it's all thanks to you.”
You braced yourself for his charm, squaring your shoulders you ventured over to him. “I'm not a miracle worker, you still need rest.”
You guided him back to his bed, not daring to look up at the light brown pools fixed atop your head. Every morning since he could speak the two of you sat together and chatted as there wasn't much for either of you to do.
The two of you had gotten to know each other well. You learned that Yuji was born outside the palace and had only learned he was in the line of succession a few years prior. As such he wasn't used to people calling him prince and insisted on his friends not using his title of prince. He was interested in your travels as your clan had provided aid to many wars across the land and you had been to many different parts of the country. You informed him of your favorite stops and places that were now at peace and free to visit if he wished to.
"What else do you enjoy?" Yuji asked you.
His hands rested on your hips as they had found a familiar home there whenever the two of you had your talks. You laid right next to him and against your wishes he would always roll over to face you while you talked.
"I love music. You don't hear it a lot when you're always near wars but sometimes if you stay long enough, till the end of the conflict, you'll hear music from celebrations."
"Do you dance?" He perked up his head excitedly only to be met by your gentle hand placing him back down on the pillow.
"Of course,whenever I can." You laughed
"Then one day we'll dance together, yes?" He looked up at you
"I'd like that." You sighed.
After a month of caring for Yuji, the time was coming for him to travel back to his kingdom. His recovery time astonished all the nurses from your clan but he always played it off saying he just got the best nurse for the job. As the time grew closer for him to leave you began to feel less happy about him returning to his home, without you. It also filled you with a bit of shame as a healer, your job was to get people home safely from battle, but here you were wishing for a few more weeks spent with Yuji.
“(Y/N)?” Yuji called out to you. You had been checking up on the status of the wounds he received. All were almost completely healed and scarred or faded.
“Hm” You hummed in response.
“You seem distracted today. Are you tired?” Yuji had a face of concern. He hoped that the constant care he required this past month hadn’t caught up to you.
“No, no. I am distracted but not tired.” You continued to place the light bandages around nim.
“What are you thinking about?” He pulled your hands from his bandages and let them pool around his torso.
“It seems the conflict between your clan and the other has calmed down a lot. We see less soldiers being hurt each day. It means we’ll be moving on soon.” You looked away from Yuji as you informed him of your inevitable departure.
You didn’t see the expression on Yuji's face as you told him the news. He wasn't sad or even overly worried but he was determined to stay with you. It felt like a battle almost, the same determination that saved his clan’s land would keep you in his life for as long as the two of you wished.
"Would you also like to move on to the next land's war?"
"Well if I'm quite honest I've had my fill of wars witnessed. But there will be people who need us" The reason you had left your clan's home lands to help in these wars was to be able to help people with the medical abilities you inherited.
"Your clan's work is truly miraculous. We haven't known a decent healer in years on this half of the continent. It's selfish of me but I would have asked you to become the royal physician." His gaze held focus on you.
"I would have to earn status before I could accept an offer like that."
"How would you do that?"
"My teacher, the head nurse…she would have to approve a promotion for me. I don't know if I've impressed her enough to get that."
"Well maybe I should steal you away" he gathered you up I'm his strong arms and pulled you to his chest.
You sighed, if you weren't so prideful you'd let him. But you had your own goal of being a healer and you couldn't abandon that, not even for your favorite patient
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rinwritesfics · 6 months
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Hi, I'm Rin! Welcome to my masterlist! Here, you can find many stories about clones. A few of them are suggestive, and can even be more. 18+ only, please!
If you don't see a clone you're looking for, pop by my inbox!
This masterlist is intended to be accessible to all above 18, please let me know how I can improve my accessibility on this post, including for screen readers.
Last Updated: 3/28/2024
Blind Date
Kenobi has set you and the Marshal Commander up on a blind date – but Cody doesn’t know it.
How Not to Heal (Multipart Fic)
After being rescued from Mount Tantiss, Crosshair has to figure out how to work with the Batch again - and their new medic. It would be fine if he didn’t start to fall in love with her.
Omega convinces Crosshair he is coming down ill because he’s falling for you.
No Problem
Echo's feelings for you surface at an unexpected moment.
Please (NSFW)
When a vendor at a market blows a mysterious powder in Echo’s face, a series of events happens – and not all unwelcome between the two of you.
The Popsicle
Fives and reader share a popsicle in a bit of an unconventional way.
The Wedding - Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4
You’ve been invited to the wedding of the millennia, but as a senator it is determined that you need an escort. Fox offers to be your plus-one to keep you safe.
Your leave was cancelled, so Hawk improvises.
Four Hours
You meet Hound while awaiting jury duty and hit it off.
My Best Friend
When Grizzer gets injured on a patrol, Hound has no idea he would end up falling for someone in the same night.
Fix It
Hunter comforts the reader after difficult news is received.
Something to Say
Jesse is your most frequent visitor to the medbay, and for good reason.
Kix panics when he hears you've gotten hurt.
Hunt You Down
Kix swears up and down if you avoid medical attention again, he will come after you.
The Speederbike - Part 1 / Part 2
Rex develops a massive crush on the new mechanic, but is extremely awkward about it.
What Are You Waiting For?
Sparring with Tup leads to something unexpected.
Wolffe makes your life quite difficult sometimes.
The Cabin
The day before Life Day, you and Wolffe are sent to a safehouse as you harbor feelings for each other.
The Picnic
Wrecker's plans fall through - but in the best way.
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autocon23 · 1 year
I’m Literally In Hell
I have so many goddamn work in progress fics that I have quite a bit of work done already (though, I’m not ready to post any of them, other than the multipart series that many of you already know about). So, you know what? You all get to know what I’m doing and can tell me I’m a psychopath bc I think I need to be put in the incomplete fanfic shame corner or something.
So, here we go….
Boondock Saints/The Walking Dead crossover: I’m not even going to attempt to explain this bullshit. If you’re curious, feel free to head to my AO3 to read it and tell me that I have no life (I will agree 100% bc I almost NEVER go out and socialize). It’s a Darly/Connor/OC/Murphy series that I’ve been writing since the end of 2020. I’m actually really happy how the series has turned out and I still have so much planned that I can hardly wait for you to read. And the fact that all you awesome people have consistently given it such an amazing amount of love for it that I hope that I will always continue to make you all excited everytime I post a new chapter.
Naruto: So, I actually have two fics being written for it. Both I really like and wrote quite a bit for them. Still working on it as I keep bouncing around to different areas of the timeline.
A. I Will Carry This Burden So You Don’t Have To: this is actually the second Naruto fic that I’m writing. It’s an Uchiha OC who’s Sasuke/Itachi’s older cousin and had been the next head of the Uchiha clan. Her father was the head, but died either before or during the Third Ninja War (still trying to figure out timeline stuff for that area) so after her father’s death, Fugaku (her uncle) takes over as temporary head of the clan until OC is ready. She even ends up as the 4th Hokage’s personal assistant for a short time period. Of course we all know how things actually happen. OC ends up adopting Naruto (despite the 3rd’s and Danzo’s attempts to prevent her). She’s close with Itachi and Sasuke and when the Uchiha clan is massacred, she adopts Sasuke as well. It’s lots of angst in this fic specifically at how helpless and furious OC is about what happens during the story. I’m still debating on a ship. I’m stuck between Kakashi/OC, Gai/OC, or Kakashi/OC/Gai.
B. Kitsune Uzumaki: this is the first one and I’ve got lots of fun stuff for this one. OC is the twin sister to Naruto and is a jinchuuriki as well. They both have the nine tails sealed in them. I changed some parts of the timeline here as well, but it’s mostly just lengthening the time between the Chuunin exams and when Sasuke left the village to join Orochimaru. Basically aging all the characters up a little by a couple years before Shippuden. This is an OC/Kakashi/Yamato fic.
3. Supernatural: I’ve got two fics for this one as well.
A. RW: this is a sister!Winchester fic. Got lots of fun stuff going on with this one.
B. Fuck You, Chuck: this one I recently came up with a couple months back. OC is a girl from our world in the year 2023 to SPN in 2005. She knows everything that’s going to happen in the show. At first she plays along, but then she starts trying to figure out ways to change things.
4. Mass Effect: oh, I had so many goddamn ideas popping up into my head every time I pull up the game to play. It’s a fucking menace, but I love this series greatly.
A. The Saviors of The Galaxy Were Raised By A Krogan (Fuck The Council): I got three Shepard OCs (male twins and their adopted younger sister) who are all working together to save this shit galaxy from the Reapers. As the title suggests, they were adopted by a Krogan. Wrex specifically bc he’s the best and deserves all the love. It mostly follows the fem!shep OC of the story, but I do try to give the older brothers plenty of attention in the story.
B. Haley’s Comet: this takes place in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Alec Ryder actually has three kids in this story. First is Sara and Scott Ryder, the original protagonists of the game that the audience usually follows. Then, there’s OC, who’s the younger sister of the twins that I named Haley. She’s 15 when she’s put in cryo to head to Andromeda and is the one who ends up the new Pathfinder. I’m debating on whether to keep Alec dead like he is in the game or maybe change it up and have him survive Habitat 7 and just give him hell since he can’t be Pathfinder anymore due to the injuries he’d received during the mission on Habitat 7. Really heavy on the found family trope and quite a bit of angst as it follows Haley who struggles to be Pathfinder while trying to not have some kind of resentment or anger towards her father and even her older siblings due to how they all ended up in the Andromeda program.
5. DC Universe: I’ve got two fics for this one. Both with the same OC, Amelia Ryder, and ship, OC/John Constantine. This is mostly because I ended up getting really attached to freaking John Constantine. I apparently have a weakness for accents and blue eyes (kill me please). She’s also a badass sorceress (well, she becomes one eventually) and can use magic.
A. Legends of Tomorrow: Amelia becomes a member of the Legends. She’s picked up at the start by Captain Hunter with the rest of the crew in Season 1. There’s mention of her past in season 1, but after the Time Masters are dealt with, her past is left exactly where she wants it: in the past. So, it’s really more of Amelia ending up finding the family that she’s truly yearned for while also getting confidence in herself and her own agency/independence. Of course, lots of drama between her and Constantine when he finally pokes his head up. Lots of fun moments and angst. Smut too.
B. DC Animated Universe: this uses Amelia as well, because I really had a lot of fun coming up with her character background. Except instead of being a time traveling badass, she ends up becoming the Justice League’s secretary. It mostly follows the animated movies, but I’ll follow certain arcs. This actually delves more into Amelia’s history and she does a lot of healing once her past catches up with her.
6. Haikyuu: I’m working on only one for now, but I have a couple that I want to do. Only one is probably going to be a bit on the long side while the others will probably be a bit shorter, but follows the main story quite a bit. The one I’m working on is called “Our Coach is a High School Student”. Lots of fun stuff planned for that one. I had to change my OC’s name bc a Haikyuu fic that I read god knows how long ago had updated and it turns out that that they used the same name as me. So that was fun.
7. My Hero Academia: I got two fics for this one too (geez almost every fandom I’m doing as two fics I think I need help)
A. Sakura Midoriya: sister!Midoriya fic. She’s Deku’s twin sister and quirkless as well. That’s currently what I’m working on bc I recently binged MHA and have been rabid with my writing. I’m stuck between a couple ships to do, but I’m leaning towards OC/Todoroki or maybe OC/Todoroki/Bakugo. Though, I do really like KiriBaku, but I also really like KiriMina.
B. Untitled: I haven’t started actually writing this yet. Mostly bc I haven’t gotten around to it again. It’s another sister!Midoriya fic, but it falls under the Inko Midoriya Adopts Everybody. I even have a general timeline. The biggest thing I’m struggling to figure out is how to continue the OFA/AFO stuff. Who will be AFO’s successor? Do I keep Izuku as the OFA successor? I def have a few things planned, but main storyline from MHA is what I need to figure out.
8. Marvel: I had an idea for a MCU fic. It’s similar to the DCAU where the Avengers get a secretary. Though, I had thought of having them get a therapist, but I don’t know if I can write therapists/therapy sessions very well. So, it might lean towards secretary. Though, this is still benched for now.
Please for the love of god or whatever put me out of my misery lol
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pennywaltzy · 6 years
To Get (And Keep) Her Attention (COMPLETE)
So this was a birthday present I had started for @sincerelydayyy last year and is now done (almost close to another birthday, it seems). I had a lot of fun with this particular Sherlolly unilock AU, and I hope all of you enjoy it as well.
To Get (And Keep) Her Attention - Sherlock will, grudgingly, admit he has a crush on his friend Molly. But how does he get her attention away from that wanker Tom? And more importantly, how does he keep her attention?
He hated studying. It was as though if the information wasn’t instantly absorbed during the lecture or, at the very least, during the group discussions that most of the professors held then it was worthless. He’d always felt that way, but the exams he was presented with here at Cambridge were a bit more difficult than he was used to.
A bit.
Fortunately, he had a secret weapon that made studying much easier to stomach. And tonight they were in the uni library, sharing their regular table.
Molly Hooper didn’t appear to be as brilliant as she was, but as he had found time and again, looks could be deceiving. She had an aptitude for absorbing knowledge, and a thirst for it as well, and the things he often considered too frivolous she knew more about and would patiently discuss them with him until he saw the merit in knowing that information. He’d had to admit, his marks had gotten better since the day she’d snapped at him to stop his incessant humming in the library so she could concentrate. What should have become a huge and very public row, knowing him, had become an invitation for coffee and a better understanding of biology.
He could not have been more grateful.
But he could be better at showing it.
“So he’s a shite physics professor,” he was saying to her. “Please tell me that’s a subject you understand?”
She smiled at him. Literally, her smile was one of the few things that could stop a full-on tirade and cause abrupt speechlessness in him. Otherwise, he would ramble on and on with increasing vehemence. “I’m sure I can get you through it. It’s basically a combination of upper-level math and science, isn’t it?”
“I suppose,” he said with a frown.
“Then we’ll muddle along just fine,” she said, reaching over to squeeze his hand. His mind blanked on him and he looked down at their joined hands, which much to his dismay were unjoined rather quickly. “Do you have any new compositions?”
Sherlock shook his head. “I haven’t had time to play the violin lately. But I should work on something, shouldn’t I?”
“Yes!” Molly said with an enthusiastic nod of her head. “You play the most brilliant things, Sherlock.”
A flush hit his cheeks and he looked down. “Thank you,” he said, damn near mumbling. Her encouragement to continue the violin was one of the few reasons he kept the blasted instrument around. The remembrance of his parents' insistence he master the instrument had led to some dark times, the times he preferred to never think about, let alone speak of.
Times Molly knew nothing about.
As close as they were, he kept things to the vest, even as she was open fully with him. Sometimes he wondered if he deserved her friendship. And other times, he sometimes wondered if she might be open to more if he were honest with himself. He was smitten and that, it seemed, could pose a problem.
But his mind was jolted out of its thoughts by the soft press of her lips against his cheek, and she saw she was gathering her things. “Where are you going?”
“Tom wanted to have a cuppa with me today, so our session for today is over, I’m afraid.”
“But why…?”
“To get your attention.” She smiled at him as she put her books in her messenger bag. “See you in two days?”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, bringing his fingers to where she had kissed his cheek. What did it all mean?
This was something he needed to ponder more...
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thikkiesixx · 2 years
Eddie Munson Fic Recommendations
I have so many fics in my likes and i really just wanna share my favorite ones with you guys.
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** means smut, if it doesnt have ** before the summary, theres no smut.
Multipart Fics~ most are still ongoing
junie baby ~ summary:  you’re a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors. written by @luveline (i am so obsessed with this one it hurts, everything by this writer is so good.)
tear you apart ~ **summary: He knew every single button to push to piss you off. He was arrogant, obnoxious, and impossible. You were cold, unavailable - a nightmare. So why couldn’t you keep your hands off each other? written by @idiot-parade
seeing stars ~ **summary: A new girl with a mysterious air to her and a questionable past comes to Hawkins. She’s armed with a gauntlet of jewelry and the sharpest wit Eddie’s ever come across. After a chance encounter at a party, Eddie becomes a bit smitten with her. The problem is, she’s an unreadable brick wall when she’s sober. Will Eddie’s attentive persistence help him break down the walls she’s put up to protect herself from not getting hurt? Or will Eddie be the one who ends up with wounds to hide? A story about learning lessons the hard way when it comes to letting people in. Vulnerability and honesty will always be rewarded. Even if it doesn’t feel that way at first. written by @boogiewrites (personal fav, the smut is so good, and its so well written.)
take me on ~ summary: Your first day at Hawkins High sees you paired up on an English assignment with the apparently infamous Eddie Munson. With a heart still aching from the circumstances of your move, you eventually come to find that this unexpected partner of yours might be exactly what you’d been needing. written by @softmetalhead
move me, baby ~ **summary: Cheer tryouts are right around the corner. A wrench in his plans makes Eddie see you in a new light. He just hopes others haven’t noticed too. 6.7k words. written by @cryptidcasanova
do it yourself ~ ** summary: about how fucking sexy mechanic!eddie is and how he’d be a greasy mess and would either not want to get you dirty and have you do everything or he wouldn’t care and get you so so messy. 2.4k words. written by @maladaptive-day-dreams (im a whore for mechanic!eddie)
dumplin' ~ summary: : the stress of a new baby has your relationship at the worst it’s ever been, and eddie’s past childhood is worrying him sick about becoming a father. written by @rainylana
"looks like im going to prom" ~ **summary: he doesn’t want to go. he thinks you don’t either, until he catches you staring off into the distance with that look in your eye. written by @rainylana
"do you want to have sex" ~ **summary: after a long day of pointless arguments and a game of who has the biggest balls?, you find yourself face first into pillows and hands tied to a headboard. written by @rainylana (obviously i like this writer, good shit there)
so what is wrong with another sin ~ **summary: a random hookup at a bar that you haven’t been able to stop thinking about makes another appearance in your life in the most unexpected way. 6.4k. written by @augustslippedavvay
baby, when i think about you, i think about love ~ summary: you surprise eddie with tickets to see his favorite band live. 2.5k words. written by @augustslippedavvay
not alone tonight ~ summary: Life's weighing down on you more than it ever has before, but it's the middle of the night and there's only one person and revelation capable of easing your mind. 3.5k. written by @majestyeverlasting
downpour ~ summary: Eddie had been in love with you since the summer before freshman and came up with a perfect way to confess to you the summer after graduation. Too bad there's a rain storm coming. 3.5k words. written by @siempre-bucky
menace ~ summary: Telling a guy at a party that you have a boyfriend doesn't seem to deter him. Probably because that guy is your boyfriend and you're too drunk to realize. 4k words. written by @retrobutterflies
velvet kisses ~ summary: Your shitty job has you turning to your almost-boyfriend for help, making both of you admit the full extent of your feelings. 4k words. written by@ retrobutterflies
dead channels ~ summary:  Eddie finds dead channels on a walkie-talkie to vent about his feelings and everything he goes through. One day, you happen to stumble upon his frequency. 11k words. written by @robiin-buckley
outloud ~ summary: When you and Robin pass notes in class about Eddie Munson, the teacher calls you both out for it, confiscating the notes. To make matters worse, she reads the notes out loud catching the attention of the very special freak. written by@ iheartyouyou
good boy ~ **summary: good boy: she’s the girl next door. eddie is the metalhead freak who’s just barely clearing his name after a whole town fiasco. opposites attract but certainly not like this, and certainly not in the back of eddie’s van. 7k words. written by @peterthepark
insatiable girl (pt 2 of good boy) ~ **summary: following the events of good boy, eddie finds himself conflicted about your relationship. when he catches a case of the jealousy bug, eddie just has to show you how much you actually mean to him. written by @peterthepark
wrapped around your finger ~ **summary: when you see something you weren’t supposed to jealously pays you a visit. eddie can’t believe what’s gotten into his usually quiet girlfriend, but he has no problem reminding you that he’s yours. 7k words. written by @lilacletter
new sensation ~ summary: The flirty friendship you’ve always had with roommate!Eddie is threatened when a game of spin the bottle gets a little out of hand. Bed sharing, mutual pining, light angst, fluff, everyone is 21+. 8.4k words. written by @darkdarkroom (roommate!eddie is my FAVORITE trope, hits every single time.)
thick with desire ~ **summary: When your boyfriend Eddie’s shirt doesn’t fit, you start to feel like you don’t deserve him. But Eddie is having none of it, not when he finally gets to see how beautiful you are. 7k words. written by @gothbitchshit
i have so many more if anyone would be interested in another post like this, like i said, ive read HUNDREDS of them LMAO.
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needleandhammer · 3 years
Dark! Mob!Ari x WOC!Reader
Summary: Your summer fling turns out to be mob leader Ari Levinson. He wants you for keeps. He's also looking for revenge against your family.
Warnings: 18+ only, dub con, explicit sexual content, blackmail, threats of harm and violence, dark, soft!dark, fingering, conservative references
Notes: This multipart fic will not be told in chronological order. It's also set in 1950ish era mostly for the aesthetics in my mind so you'll see some traditional gender role/family dynamic references.
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Part 1
You took a seat on the bedside, fingers weaving your hair into a braid for the night as your mind wandered.
Dinner had been an exhausting affair. It had taken all your mental energy to bite your tongue as your family fawned all over the dinner guest. In fact, you had known no peace all day. As soon as your sister Maria informed you of the dinner guest’s menu request, all of your day had been dictated by preparing to welcome him into your home. Your begrudging walk to the market and bakery for fresh ingredients. Your mother’s comments on the dinnerware. Your sister’s voice echoing through the corridor as she tossed dresses aside to find the perfect outfit to greet him. Your supervision of the silver being polished for the special meal. All the prep in the kitchen all in order to please your family who wished so much to please your guest.
He arrived early bearing a gift of fresh roses for your mother and a dark liquor for your father.
You had learned that Ari Levinson did not do things by halves.
Ari had sat next to Maria and showered her with attention throughout dinner. When he was not talking shop with your step-father, he was quietly flirting with Maria, or dazzling your mother with his dashing charms and impeccable manners. All the while, you did not miss the self-satisfied gleam in his eyes that he reserved only for you.
You had tried so hard. For weeks you had tried explaining what you knew to your step-father – of Ari’s duplicitous persona, his deceitful intentions for your step-father’s business. You had begged Maria to stay away from Ari, but insisted you were paranoid. She even went so far as to imply you were jealous, and that was when you knew she could not be reasoned with.
When none of it worked, you spoke up to your mother. She could offer no support in your quest to rid Ari’s presence from your lives. Your mother fully backed her husband on his business endeavors, and that currently included Ari.
A cool night breeze reached you from the open window. You secured your braid, tossed it over your shoulder, and stood to turn out the overhead light.
You were all washed, eyes heavy with the need for rest after enduring the irksome company of Ari Levinson.
With only a dim bedside lamp, you moved to close the windows. You shut the first window and drew the curtains. Padding over to the other window, your eyes flickered at the dark shadow before you. Before you knew it, a hand clasped over your mouth.
Barely swallowing a screech, you were swept forward into the arms of the very man who had arduously occupied your mind the entire day.
Ari eyed you, his large hand flexing against your skin in a silent query. Glaring back at him, you breathed deeply, waiting until he removed his hand before you tried to extricate yourself.
You hissed, “Let go! How did you get in here?”
He shushed you. “Keep it down, sugar. You don’t want the whole household to come through that door, do you?” He took in your adorable scowl, knowing you would not dare do anything to alert someone to his presence. The shame of being caught with a man in your bedroom would pale in comparison to the outrage of your jealous sister.
Ari leaned back just enough to take in the rest of you – soft and clean before bed, dressed in a thin night gown that allowed his palms to press into your curves without resistance, your hair pulled from your face for his pleasure.
“What are you doing here?” you demanded.
“I had to thank you specially for the delicious dinner.”
You huffed and brought your foot down on his. It probably hurt you more than it did him, but it surprised him enough to loosen his grip. You fled for the doors but were immediately recaptured. His arms wound around your torso, lifting you back towards your bed.
“Stop! Let me go!”
“Keep it up. I have no problem giving your family a show.” He chuckled darkly. Part of him wanted you to shout, to call for help until the maid burst in and then went running in panic for your mother – until your family arrived to see the evidence of you belonging to him and he could give up one charade.
Heaving a deep breath of frustration, you squirmed while he brought you face to face again.
“Get out. I don’t want to spend another second with you. Get out!” You do your best to shout in a whisper.
He didn’t plan on leaving until he was good and ready. “Now, I know you don’t mean that. We used to have such a lovely time together. I’ve missed you.”
You sneered. “Save your lies. You were never the person I thought you were.”
“And your dear father is such an angel?” he jeered right back. “Your step-sister? Don’t pretend you don’t see how much of a snake she is. Leaving her husband high and dry once she drained him of his wealth. Bounding back under her father’s roof to trap another stupid bastard.”
“Don’t talk about her like that! You’re despicable trying to seduce a woman you don’t care for. I won’t let you make a fool of her.”
“She does that all on her own,” he scoffed. “What’s the difference if I help speed things along?”
“You disgusting, arrogant, ass” –
His mouth on yours cuts off your rant. Trapped in his embrace, you’re breathless as his lips mold to yours, the same lips that once kindled soft desire in you.
You worked your mouth open and bite his lip. You continued your futile attempts to push him away. He towered over you, his arms flexing to easily keep you right where he wanted you.
He pressed his forehead to yours, not happy that you resisted him.
“Doll face, you’re fighting a losing battle.”
“You want to hurt my family,” you bit out.
“I do,” he confirmed. “And I can make it quick. Is that what you want? I can make them hurt this very night.”
You felt your breath catch. You knew he could follow through with his words. If not for his twisted plan of vengeance to drag out the humiliation of your family for all of the city to witness, Ari could take your family from you with the snap of his fingers.
“I can make it so they take their last breaths peacefully in their beds tonight. Though that’s much too merciful for your scumbag of a step-father.”
“Stop,” you pleaded.
Ari felt a gentle ache in his chest at the sight of your tears. He gulped back the flicker of discomfort so that you mistook it for anger.
“Please. Leave them. Don’t touch them.”
Working his jaw, Ari watched you try to blink your tears away, distress marring your beautiful features. His mouth curved smugly.
“I’ve waited a long time.”
You felt his nose skim along your jaw. A soft press of his lips to your neck drew a shiver down your spine.
“I can be patient, though I don’t have to be.”
“Please, Ari.”
Heat built upon his skin as he heard the gentle plea of your voice. “I can be patient – if you can be good for me.”
The low growl in his words froze you. Ari was unpredictable. The only thing certain about him was his wicked desire to torture you, it seemed. You could not bear for anyone to discover the two of you like this in your room. You could not have your family know of the intimate encounters you had with him – before you had discovered his deceit.
Your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip, forcing back any sounds derived from the way his large hands trailed hot along your body. Briefly, you recalled the image of seeing him for the first time on the beach, his wide grin taking your breath away. You could almost smell the tang of sea salt in the air as he lowered you onto your bed now, his weight settling over you in a way that should feel stifling, but instead promised you pleasure.
You bit down harder on your lip. Don’t fall under his spell.
Surrounded by your scent that clung to the bed linens, to your gown, to your soft hair, Ari sank onto you. Unable to resist the call of your warm curves, his mouth kissed down your neck, skimmed along your collarbone to scratch his beard upon you. Many restless nights he had dreamed of you in his bed, furious that you were kept from him.
He blamed your bastard of a step-father. Your gentle heart could not fathom that your own family member could mete out blatant cruelty to those without power. Knowing of your softness spurred Ari deeper into your orbit and motivated him to ensnare you completely.
Your night gown rode up high on your thighs. Ari inserted himself into the cradle of your legs, spreading them further. Your helpless hard breaths drove Ari wild. His hand slid up one fleshy thigh, pushing your gown up, determined to reacquaint himself with your soft planes.
He hovered over you, kissed your chin before growling low, “Look at me.”
You opened your eyes, releasing your swollen lip which he swooped in to claim. His tongue pressed hard into your mouth to invade your senses and steal your breath. When he drew away, you couldn’t stop watching him as he lowered his head; his teeth caught the ribbon on your gown to tug it slowly and loosen the collar, exposing more skin. He lapped at the tops of your breast, humming quietly.
He could almost feel your heart thrumming rapidly against your chest. Just like that first time in the little beach side inn, when your racing heart drowned out the rushing tide, anchoring Ari completely to your sweet embrace.
Ari dipped lower until a pointed nipple appeared. His lips closed around the sensitive nub, and you gasped, biting at your lip again in time to stop yourself from moaning.
You jolted - his calloused thumb swiped up your slit to dip through your folds. He pinpointed your clitoris, running over it again and again. It had your legs drawing tense around Ari. His flicking thumb over that little bundle of nerves sent delicious shudders across your body. That Ari could elicit such a response from you chafed at your pride. You opened your mouth but instead of cursing him you exhaled a whimper. He had nudged at your entrance with a finger and pushed into the wet warmth of you.
“Christ,” he swore, adding another finger. He was so hard, barely restraining himself from taking you right then. But the way you arched against him, the sweet mewls you were suppressing behind your hand inspired him to focus, to seek out that hidden spot with his fingers. He wrested your hand away to press against the mattress. His mouth took its place, swallowing your choked gasp. You were overcome with the sound of blood rushing through your veins at the well-placed rubs of his fingers. From teasing to firm, precise pumps of his long fingers, Ari hurled you over the precipice into that electric bliss.
He felt you tremble. A third finger filled you, stretching you and amplifying the searing pleasure.
“That’s it. Oh, sweetheart.” Fuck. Ari nearly came from witnessing you fall apart. His thumb swirled gently around your clit, feeling you slowly relax beneath him.
He brought his fingers up, moaning low while sucking your release, licking around his knuckle.
The pulsing in your ear started to fade so that you could hear him clearly.
“Beautiful. God, you were so good,” he whispered before he pressed the taste of you into your mouth in a heated kiss.
You feel his firm grip at the side of your neck and blink your eyes open. Finally just aware that your hands clung to him at his shoulders, his solid presence like a sinful salvation as you surfaced from his overwhelming ministrations. It’s too dark to see the blue in his eyes, but he had you pinned in body and spirit already.
“Never forget.” Ari rocked his pelvis against you. “You’re mine.”
You made sure to have the maid close and lock your windows every following evening.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: I'm currently going through a Harry Potter fever ('tis the damn season), so I thought I'll write something. I might write more of this story, (maybe turn it into a multipart) we'll see. If you'd like to be tagged in this, let me know.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I had always supposed that reaching the sixth year at Hogwarts meant subjects would get way more demanding and complex, and I to be proven right, only two weeks in were needed.
Added to the usual difficulties, we would be hosting The Triwizard Tournament. Having the castle be almost twice as crowded as the other years, when all you crave is a quiet spot to study, wasn't ideal.
As I said, the first two weeks were already hard enough.
During the third week though, believe it or not, things got even worse —and our guests hadn't even arrived yet.
The Slytherin common room was quieter than the library these days, that's the sole reason why, at 3:35 pm, my best friend and I were already making our way there.
To our luck, we arrived just in time to see the two redheaded troublemakers par excellence high-fiving each other besides my common room's entrance.
"What on Merlin's beard are you two doing here?!" Both of them jumped at the sight of two Slytherins.
"The question is what are YOU doing here?" One of them questioned back, probably attempting to distract us. "You two should be in the library."
"What did you do?" I squinted my eyes at them and, while one raised his hands in surrender, the other just shrugged.
"Nothing." He motioned at our door nonchalantly. "If you don't believe me, check it yourself."
My friend and I shared a reluctant look, and before I could say anything, she was heading to the door.
"Mathilda wait—" I gasped when she sunk into what appeared to be the stone floor.
"Okay now, I wasn't expecting her to actually do it." When I attempted to step forward, a hand on my forearm prevented me from it.
"Don't step further." He warned. "Just in case."
"I'm not stupid." I hissed before grabbing my wand, which made the tall redhead back off. "Revelio." Slowly, a swamp was revealed to be where the entrance hall to the Slytherin common room was supposed to.
Now that it was visible, both twins hurried to get my friend out of their giant prank.
"Get rid of this." I ordered as they pulled her up, her bottom half covered in mud.
"Pffft... no?" One of them scoffed, walking away from Mathilda and stepping closer to me. "It's a masterpiece. It stays."
"If it stays, I will throw you into your masterpiece." I threatened, putting my wand back in my pocket.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try."
I glared at him, partially because I hated that cocky attitude these two —specially him— always exhibited, but also because I had to look up in order to make eye contact.
"Listen Weasley,"
"It's Fred." Oh what would I give to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
"I don't care." Refusing to step back as he clearly wanted to achieve by towering me, I stepped forward, lightly pushing him back with one hand. "You will remove this from here or I will walk right now to the Potions Classroom and split on you."
The twins seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes only. After a moment of silence, the one with my friend spoke. "We'll get rid of it right now and you won't say anything." I nodded, my eyes still fixed on Fred's. "Just so we're clear, this was not set up for you."
"The next one will be, though." Fred assured me with an almost wicked smile. "I'll make sure you can't use the revelio on it."
"Is that a promise, Weasley?" I asked in an unconsciously defying tone.
"You can be sure of it, Y/l/n."
"It's Y/n." I retorted, mocking him.
"I don't care." I rolled my eyes when he did the same, finally breaking eye contact with him.
"C'mon Thilda," I held out my hand to her "let's see if someone can sneak us into the Ravenclaw common room."
"You think Fred meant it?" Mathilda inquired, the worry slipping through her words as she played with her breakfast.
"I doubt so." Angelina, who was sitting in front of us, replied without even looking up from her quidditch history book. "They seem more trouble than they are, really." I scoffed; it was easier for her to say that; she was a Griffindor after all. "Deep down they're nice sort, Y/n. They won't pick up on you for ruining a prank."
"I don't trust them."
"I'm not saying you have to—" Angelina jumped slightly when a wad of paper hit my face.
"You were saying?" I grunted, making eye contact with the red haired boy waving at me from the Griffindor table.
When I opened the wad, it read:
'miss me? —Fred ;)'.
"Look at his smug face." I hissed. "I'm gonna-"
"Ignore him. You're gonna ignore him." Angelina finished, fairly unconcerned. "I assure you he'll get bored in less then two days if he can't get a reaction out of you."
For the sake of having breakfast in peace, I only dedicated him a fake smile and did as my friend said. It seemed to work, until it was time to leave for class.
"We should get moving." Mathilda spoke, putting her plate aside and picking up her things as I did the same.
"I have a free period now." Angelina informed us. "Or as free as it can be. You?"
"Divination. Y/n?"
"Charms— Fuck." I whined as something dawned on me. "Those gits are in my class." I spared them a glare. "If they ruin my favorite subject I'm gonna—" a sudden splash of water on my face left my shirt soaked for at least the next hour. "You got the nerve—!" I yelled at the guy who was already making eye contact with me.
"I do, indeed!" He cut me off, winking at me from across the table, his chin resting on the palm of his hand with a teasing grin dancing on his lips as he asked, "what are you gonna do now, Y/l/n?" His twin brother, though I could only see his back, was clearly not enjoying this behavior.
Mathilda checked my gaze, dreading the worst. "Y/n, don't. You're gonna make Slytherin lose points." She knew the warning wouldn't do much, but at least she had tried.
Angelina, instead of backing our friend and try to calm me down, got up and walked to the table where the Weasleys sat.
"I hope you know you're dead." Angie stood in front of me, before using her book to tap my brother's arm. "George, move."
The three of us spared a look at Y/n, who had, ignoring McGonagall yells, stepped over her table to get to us.
"Move. Now."
"Ssshit." My brother moved just in time for Y/n to repeat the same forward move on our table.
It's not as if I didn't have the time to move and run away, she hadn't rushed; on the contrary, she walked calmed and composed, and still I did not move an inch.
I guess a part of me wanted to know what she'd do to me.
"Look at you." I began to wind her up again when she climbed off the table on my side, sitting down on its surface with her shoes over the bench. "Doing the impossible to be near me, how romant—"
My sentence died off abruptly as a handful of scrambled eggs was mashed against my face.
I heard a burst of laughs around me. "Blimey! I'm sorry, Fred," she feigned worry, smearing what I assumed were the remaining rests of my breakfast all over my chest. "I hope you're not late to Charms because of this." She whispered near my ear, making a shiver go down my spine when her breath hit my neck. "See you there, yeah?"
Her hand squeezed my shoulder and her fingers ran over my shoulder blades as she walked away.
I felt a napkin placed in my hand and I was quick to remove as much scrambled eggs as possible from my face, just in time to see Y/n exiting the Great Hall with McGonagall jogging after her.
"You know?" Lee asked, drawing my attention. "Picking up on the girl you fancy is kind of a toddler strategy."
"Yeah, Fred," my brother agreed. "you're not an eighth year-old anymore."
"And you chose the wrong girl to nag" Angie added," if you keep it up, she will surely kill you." She held back a teasing smile. "And you should be careful" she nudged George. "I don't think she can tell you both apart, you can end up as collateral damage."
"But you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" I rolled my eyes when George scooted closer to our quidditch chaser.
"Depends on how annoying you are." She faked indifference as my brother searched for her eyes.
"I don't fancy her." I not-so-randomly stated. "But I can't stop pranking her now that she ruined my breakfast."
"You can and you will, Weasley." I jolted at McGonagall's voice behind me. "Twenty points from Gryffindor." At least I'm not grounded, I thought. "And you're grounded for the rest of the week."
"But Y/n— Ouch!" my brother kicked me under the table so I would shut it.
"Y/l/n has received her fair share of punishment, too, Weasley." The professor gave me a poorly masked, disgusted look. "Go and..." She waved her hand "Clean yourself up, Y/l/n will inform professor Flitwick about this incident. And Weasley," She stared at my brother. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to Charms too?"
"Yes ma'am." He replied, throwing everything into his bag, getting up and rushing out of there, not before grabbing his robe.
"The day's promising." I groaned, handing my things over to Angelina so I could go to the bathroom.
"You made the day promising by messing with a Slytherin, you twit." She pointed out, putting my things over hers. "Now go clean those eggs from your shirt."
"Aye, mother!" I headed off before Angie could add anything else to the conversation, loosening my tie as I moved forward.
As I cleaned off everything I could in the nearest bathroom, a random thought slipped into my mind.
Had Y/n been punished too? And if so, would we fullfil the punishment together? It seemed logical that if one of us got grounded, the other one would get grounded too; consequently, it would only make sense for us to—
Shut it. I mumbled to my own mind.
I didn't care. I did not care if she was punished or not. It was none of my business.
I don't fancy her, I thought to myself once again.
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amjustagirl · 4 years
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Word Count: 2.3k 
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm. 
Notes: Multipart fic, slow burn. Updates to come soon (and dw, fic’s completed, so you won’t be left hanging ^^)
Masterlist here
AO3 Link here
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‘You sure you want the job?’ Miya Osamu asks her when she turns up at his shop, application in hand, responding to the advertisement in Onigiri Miya’s window for part time staff -  general help needed, ability to ride a scooter a plus point - it had read. 
There are only fifteen seats in Onigiri Miya, and hardly any space for her to fit her backpack between her knees, but sunlight streams in invitingly from the glass shop front and there is a faint smell of grilled rice and fried fish that reminds her of weekly lunches at her grandparents’ home.  
‘Yes’, she answers, gesturing with her thumb at her scooter parked outside the shop. ‘I think I’m a good fit for this job’. The corner of Miya Osamu’s mouth lifts ever so slightly, and he leans forward in his seat, hand extended to her.  
‘Welcome to Onigiri Miya then’, he says before proceeding to brisk walk her through the ins and outs of the shop, the scope of her responsibilities, work schedule and (most importantly) her wage, leaving her head spinning at the end of the impromptu briefing. Miya Osamu seems passionate about his craft, his face brightening up with enthusiasm when he talks her through the various onigiris he sells, the type of rice he buys (from a boutique rice farmer in Hyogo, apparently), and he’s generous enough to offer her a decent wage, more than what she could be making working in a combini. 
She stands by her bike on the roadside, tilting her face to the setting sun. There is the faintest smell of rain in the air. 
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She soon falls into the rhythm of Onigiri Miya. 
Osamu is strangely territorial over food preparation, so her tasks in the kitchen are mainly limited to washing rice (thrice in clean water, drained thoroughly) and doling out cups of tea and bowls of soup. When he finds out that she’s studying accountancy at Osaka University, he immediately places her in charge of the cash register (and later, in charge of their books). Her scooter comes in handy when he needs her to do urgent stock runs or deliveries to customers. 
She learns the name of their regular customers - Abe-san, who only ever orders salmon onigiris with a side of pork bone soup. Kawasaki-san, who spends half her meal complaining about her aches and pains to a sympathetic Osamu. Mina-san, who turns up every day for breakfast after Osamu includes spam onigiri on his menu after he overhears that she misses her hometown of Okinawa.  
Osamu calls her over at the end of her shift on a busy Saturday night. ‘I’ve a large order for an old customer of mine. D’you think you could help deliver it?’ 
There is a gleam in his eye that she does not quite like.  
‘You sound like you’re sending me out to slaughter’ she comments half-jokingly, to which he responds with an amused shrug of his shoulder. She considers whether it’s bad form to throw her shoe at her boss’s head, but decides not to waste her time. So she shoulders the large sack of food, heading off on her scooter to a neat apartment building in a quiet neighbourhood.
Well – it would have been a quiet neighbourhood but for the music blasted from the top floor of her destination. She has to cover her ears the minute the elevator opens and wonders if their neighbours are deaf or dead because there is no way otherwise the apartment wouldn’t have copped a noise complaint. Grimacing at the tape over the doorbell, she knocks politely on the door. 
There is no response. 
She knocks once more, less politely this time, but still the door does not open. ‘Hello, your delivery is here!’ she calls firmly, slamming her fist down on the sturdy wooden door. 
There is still no response.  
She’s about to turn around when the door crashes open and a blonde head pops out. Her jaw falls open because standing before her is the spitting image of her boss that just sent her out with this order, albeit blonde and ever so slightly broader.  
‘You’re not ‘Samu, but you’re pretty’, he leers, leaning against the doorway. 
She’s tempted to deck him but she’s pretty sure that would mean losing her job. So reminding herself that all that’s standing between her and her bed is this delivery, she bites her tongue and extends the bag of food to him. ‘Your order, sir. Payment please.’ 
‘Didn’t ‘Samu mention that I don’t need to pay?’ The blonde Osamu replica tugs the bag of food towards him, frowning when she refuses to let go. 
‘Not that I know of - and I can’t let you have your order unless you pay for it’, she answers firmly, foot against the door. 
He straightens into his height in a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate her - and while he’s at least six foot of solid muscle from what she can see, it’s thanks to years of working in her father’s shop with men at least a full head taller and broader than her that she’s not afraid to tip her chin up at him with her widest, sharpest grin until he looks away to draw out a couple of thousand yen bills from his pocket, enough to cover the bill. 
‘Fine, fine - tell ‘Samu he wins’, he grumbles, slamming the door in her face. 
She waits until she’s back at her scooter and a good distance away from the apartment before she dials Osamu’s number. 
‘What was that?’ she asks without preamble when he picks up.  
‘What was what?’ Osamu answers, sounding uncharacteristically amused. 
‘Don’t play cute with me! Did you just make me deliver food to your brother?’ 
‘My twin actually’, and he ignores her squawk of indignation. ’Did he pay up?’
‘What do you take me for - of course! I didn’t let go of the food until he did.’
‘Huh’, Osamu responds, sounding surprised. ‘That’s the first time he actually gave in’. And with that, he laughs merrily and hangs up on her. 
She shrugs it off as one of her boss’s weird quirks. 
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Except it doesn’t stop as being a weird quirk but turns into an annoying habit. 
Atsumu quickly becomes a regular customer (she learns during one of the twins’ many bickering sessions that he’s back in Osaka after several competitions), and Osamu latches on pretty fast that she’s far better than he is at forcing Atsumu to pay for the food he eats, so he sics her on Atsumu every time the blonde setter shows up at the shop for a meal. 
‘Pay up’ she orders Atsumu for the fourth time this week. Her tone gives no berth for refusal so Atsumu reaches for his pockets even as he grumbles his complaints about ‘cowardly scrubs’ and ‘ crazy bitches’ at a grinning Osamu. 
‘You should give me a raise for managing your brother’, she complains to Osamu later, and though he raises an eyebrow at her, to her surprise, he does exactly that. 
Osamu proceeds to take advantage of said raise to send her to man their stand at MSBY’s first match of the season, armed with a few hundred onigiris. Business is brisk, but she finds her attention diverted by the sheer speed of the plays and the way the players all seem to have wings in their feet. 
Atsumu in particular catches her eye. Osamu explained to her over a slow day at work about volleyball positions and basic plays, and he boasted about Atsumu’s talent as a setter, how ‘he always takes the best care of his spikers’. Watching him now, even to her untrained eye, she can see how much thought he puts into each of his plays - the way he tricks the blockers to let his spikers fly high above them, the quick side stepping of increasingly frustrated attackers, the dump shots at the most unexpected of times. 
She’s impressed, though she doesn’t want to admit it - because Atsumu has the personality of a puddle of muddy rainwater, and she's fairly sure he'd never let her hear the end of it if he ever finds out. 
So it isn’t surprising when she spots him being hassled by a large gaggle of his fan girls outside the sports hall. They’re hanging off his arms begging him for autographs - and probably something much less innocent from the way his eyes are bugging out of his head. It’s tempting to walk away from him – it’s not as if he’s been particularly nice to her after all, but a few of the more rabid fan girls seem to get a little  too  close for comfort and she figures even he doesn’t deserve that . Plus he probably can’t just shove them off because that might cause yet another PR debacle that she and Osamu have become accustomed seeing in the news, so she breathes a sigh through her nose, cursing her conscience.   
‘Oi asshat, your ride’s here’, she shouts as loudly as she can, shouldering her way to the center of the crowd. His fan girls stare in stunned silence, but Atsumu catches on after she shoves her spare helmet into his chest, and grabbing her wrist for dear life, they sprint all the way to her scooter.  
‘Don’t tell me you’ve never ridden before’, she snaps as he fiddles helplessly at his helmet. 
‘Of course, I have, what d’you take me for, some scrub?’ he retorts when he manages to strap his it on to his head. Her scooter groans under his weight. 
Yes - she itches to retort, because he’s clearly lying. He fights to keep upright as she loops her way through bends on the road and maintains a white knuckled grip on the back of his seat until she comes to a stop two streets away where his fan girls are unlikely to see him. 
‘So, where to?’ she asks him as he wheezes, trying to catch his breath. ‘I could let you off here, or we could grab some food - your choice.’ 
‘Eh… Could we drop by 7-11?’ he chuckles sheepishly. 
‘Really? You want me to take you to a  combini  when your brother literally owns a restaurant?’ 
‘I’m cravin’ an egg mayo sandwich, what’s wrong with that?!’ he yells as she revs off, and she laughs when he squeaks and clings on to her waist. 
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They end up at a combini anyway. Atsumu buys his egg mayo sandwich. And a bucket load of oden. And a bagful of karaage. And two pudding cups (singly packed, none of the triple cup kind for him  thank you very much). At least he steers clear of the onigiri section, because Osamu might explode otherwise if he ever finds out. 
‘You’re paying the fine if my bike gets impounded’ she tells him sourly.
‘Relax - it’ll be fine’, he waves his hand airily at her. ‘’Sides, what’s a girl like you doing with a bike?’
‘A girl like me?’ she echoes, tilting her head in confusion. 
‘Y’know - kinda square and all? I assumed so, since ‘Samu mentioned you’re studying to be an accountant’, he clarifies through a mouthful of food. 
‘Square?! ’ she mouths at him, outraged, and he grins unrepentantly back at her, crunching on karaage. She abandons her annoyance to scoot back to avoid the ensuing spray of crumbs. 
‘Do you want me to answer seriously, or was that a rhetorical question, gross pig?’ 
 ‘Please, I’m always serious, darlin’, he drawls. 
She steals a fishcake from him in retaliation and he tries to rap her knuckles with his sandwich. They only settle down when the combini staff glare at them mildly in reproof. 
‘I’ve always wanted to ride a bike ‘cos it seemed like it allowed its rider to be free’, she says, shooting a fond look through the window at her own scooter, rusty and old it may be. 
‘I mean it allows you to get from one place to another, what’s so special about that?’ he asks, cocking his head in confusion.  
‘Mm…well, not just that. You see, when I was younger, I used to be so jealous of my older brothers getting to ride their motorbikes. They refused to let me borrow it, so I stole it one day when they weren’t looking and took off - but because I was so excited, I hit the thrusters so hard on the way up a hill that I ended up crashing on the way down. But right before I crashed, there was a moment when I was on the top of the world with the wind in my face - it was the first time I truly felt  alive .’ 
 She closes her eyes at the memory, her mouth lifting into a smile. ‘And that’s what I become addicted to - chasing that feeling of being completely unfettered from the world, like a bird in the sky. 
He stares at her meditatively, as though she’s a puzzle he can’t quite solve.
‘What!’ she exclaims, the tips of her ears flushing pink, suddenly self-conscious. 
‘Nothin’, darlin’. Just thought that you’re more interesting than I thought’. Ignoring her indignant ‘ what?!’ , he stands up, brushing the crumbs off his lap. ‘Shall we get goin’? It’s about to rain.’ 
 The ride back to his apartment passes in a blur of streetlights and gathering rain clouds, but thankfully it’s not as unpleasant as it was before as Atsumu eases into his seat, moving with her when she drops into a bend, loosening his hands on her waist. Still, she suspects it’s all bravado, as he stumbles stiff legged off the bike when they reach his apartment. 
But as to be expected from a seasoned athlete used to the spotlight, he manages to plaster on a grin, cocky and charming enough to make her blush. 
‘Thanks for the ride’, he says. ‘I wouldn’t mind coming out again with you for a ride sometime’. 
Then he smiles at her, and it’s soft, shorn of the sharp edges she’s used to seeing. It plants an unfamiliar seed of warmth in her core that survives her race home against the storm.
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stuckyxren · 3 years
Stucky and I / Part 1
Summary: The reader is an enhanced. She doesn’t know where her powers came from, but she knows that Hydra wants her. After an unfortunate Hydra incident, Steve and Bucky come to her rescue. Hella fluff ensues. This is basically a fluffy sickfic of sorts. (Part one of a multipart series)
Warnings: Decriptions of blood, panic attack, vomiting.
Authors note: Please know that I do not have a lot of medical knowledge. I do suffer with anxiety issues. Information may be slightly inaccurate to some, but makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for reading!
After finishing my daily workout, I jogged back to my house.
As I approached, I could see that the door was slightly ajar and all the lights were off in the house, which was very odd.
Looking around, I cautiously stepped toward the door, staying low and as quiet as possible. Once I reached the door, I slowly pushed it open to see that the living room had been tossed. The couch was ripped open and turned over, papers were everywhere, tv smashed, and the coffee table turned over with a burned Hydra marking on the bottom. I’ve seen them on tv fighting the Avengers so many times that it’s an easy symbol to recognize.
Slowing my approach and reaching for the baseball bat by the front door, I continued into the house. Walking slowly toward the kitchen, I could see the flickering of the stove light and something smeared on the floor. Upon turning on the light, I see that it’s blood and there is a lot more of it. My breathing gets faster and my legs grow weak knowing that this is too much blood for anyone to survive.
As I start to fall toward the floor, an arm catches me by the chest and a hand covers my mouth to hold my screams in. “Miss, please calm down. I won’t hurt you. My name is Sergeant Bucky Barnes with Shield. We had some intel on Hydra for this residence and we tried to get here as soon as we could.” He said in a calm voice. “If I let go of your mouth, can I trust you to stay quiet? We don’t want them to know we are here.” He asked.
I nodded my consent, still breathing too fast. Bucky let go of my mouth and slowly turned me to face him. As I looked around, I saw Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and some other shield agents behind Bucky. All of the Avengers, that were at my entrance, and Shield agents were all giving me sympathetic glances while Bucky held me in his arms.
“Hey Buck, get her out of here and in the Quinjet. Start checking her vitals and get her warm before the shock wears off.” Captain America said, seeming to take control of the situation. “The rest of you follow me. Quietly.”
Bucky gave his nod of consent with the rest of the team before looking down at me once more. “Ma’am, may I carry you?” I nodded again before he lifted me in his arms bridal style and maneuvered through the rest of the team toward my door and out to the quinjet. I resigned to laying my face in the crook of Bucky’s neck and clutching to the material of his Tac gear while trying to calm the anxiety attack that was building up, but I think we both knew it wasn’t working.
“Hey. Hey. It’s gonna be alright. I’ve got you. Can you tell me your name?” Bucky asked me in a hushed tone as he started walking up the ramp of the jet.
Shakily, I pulled my face out of his neck and looked at him as I spoke, “My name is Y/N.” I spoke in a hushed tone since I couldn’t seem to get enough air in my lungs.
Bucky gave me a small smile as he put me down on a table. I tried to clutch to him, afraid of letting go, but the super solider slowly peeled my hands away, whisper to me all the while, “Hey, Hey, Hey. Y/N, Doll, I need you to let go. I can’t help you if you are stuck to me. I’m just going right here to get the medical bag and a blanket. Okay?” He asked.
I nodded and let go of the tight grip I had on him. “There you go beautiful. Now, I want you to keep your eyes focused on me. Okay? Focus all of your attention on me and my voice. We will get through this. Together.” Bucky said in a soft, but authoritative tone.
Again, I nodded and watched Bucky, never taking my eyes off of his. He knew where everything was without having to look and soon, he was right back in front of me, wrapping me in the blanket.
Grabbing my hand, Bucky kneeled down to my level and brushed the hair out of my face. “Okay Doll, now I need you to slow down for me. Take some deep breaths and look into my eyes. I’m gonna ask you a few questions and I need you to nod yes or no for me. No talking. Just focusing on your breathing. Can you do that for me love?” He asked ever so gently. I nodded, remembering his request to me.
“Good. Now, were you at home when this happened?” I shook my head no.
“Okay. I’m glad. Now, do you know why Hydra went to your house?” Again, a shake no.
“Okay. That’s fine. Do you know how many people were in the house.” I nodded my head yes and showed Bucky two fingers. He nodded and spoke into his ear piece, “Cap, we have two civilians inside. I repeat, two civilians.”
We never got a reply back so Bucky continued his questioning. “Do you have anxiety normally Y/N?” I nodded my head yes.
“Okay. Do you want me to give you something for it? You don’t seem to be calming down.” I began to shake even harder and frantically shook my head as I pushed back toward the wall. Bucky got up slowly with open hands, and spoke to me in a soft tone, “Hey. Doll. Look at me. I asked because I’m worried about you. I will not give you anything if you don’t want me to. Let’s relax, okay? I promise I won’t hurt you or do anything you don’t want me to.”
With all of Bucky’s reassurances, I slowly scooted back toward him and leaned my head down into my palms, trying to quell the growing nausea from the anxiety attack. Suddenly I started swaying. The feeling of being light headed increased the nausea and I reached for Bucky, who was standing a few feet away from me, quietly watching my every move.
“Woah. Easy there. I got you. Give me a second.” With that, Bucky got back on the com and called for back up, “Um Cap, we have a situation on the jet. I’m gonna need you in here ASAP. We may need to take off sooner than we hoped.” Bucky said in an urgent tone as he rubbed my back while I supported my head on his torso.
I groaned as I felt bile rising in my throat. I pushed it back down and went to try to stand. “Hey. No way. You are way too unsteady. Cap will be here in a moment. He’ll know what to do and I’ll be here the whole time, okay?”
I gripped on tighter and obviously started hurting him. He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he was noting my every move in his head. Seconds later, while my head was resting on Bucky’s torso again, I heard foot steps on the ramp and almost freaked out, but I could tell Bucky knew the person since he was so at ease, so I slightly calmed down.
“Hey Cap. This is Y/N. Would you mind grabbing that for us?” He asked. I didn’t know what it was or what was really going on at this point. “Preparing for the worst. The shock is wearing off and I think we both know what could come next. Do you have any updates?”
At that, I looked up and saw Captain America , mask off, shield on his back, and trash can in hand. There was blood on his gloves and a sad look on his face. My stomach finally gave out, as dread dropped to the bottom of it, and I lunged for the trash can. Cap and Bucky were quick as Bucky grabbed hold of me before I could fall over and Cap had the trash bin under my chin while pushing my hair back to Bucky, who gathered it in his hand.
“Alright Y/N. Get it out. It’s okay. We’ve got you. Your safe. I promise.” Captain America said as he and Bucky kept whispering reassuring words to me as I continued to get sick. Once I was finished, I went to go sit back and went right back into Bucky’s chest. Captain America put the trash down, in reach, before kneeling at my height. Bucky slowly wrapped his arms around me and started attempting to warm me up again. “Y/N, I’m Steve Rogers. I was the team lead for this mission and on my sweep, I’m sorry to say that I found both of your parents dead.”
My eyes welled with tears and I threw my hands up to my mouth as another gag escaped. Knowing that I was empty, the boys put a towel under my mouth as Bucky turned me into him and started rocking me, shushing me, and making promises that we both hoped he could keep since he discovered my abilities. Once the gags stopped, Steve placed an oxygen mask on my face, helped Bucky situate me, and laid us both down on the stretcher that we were sitting on. Steve sat at the head of the bed holding one of Bucky’s hands and smoothing my hair back.
“Rest Y/N. The rest of the team will be back soon and then we will take you back to the tower with us. I think you’ll fit in quite well.” Bucky said. I felt Steve stop his notions, but quickly resume when Bucky turned his head toward him and mouthed something over my head.
With that in mind, and the exhaustion of my emotions weighing me down, I fell asleep in Bucky’s arms for the first time.
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forzalando · 4 years
The Perfect Arrangement | George Weasley | Pt. 1
Pairing: George Weasley x F!Reader AU: Bridgerton!AU Word Count: 2.1k Warnings: Bridgerton spoilers, mentions of alcohol
Summary: As a woman in the early 19th century, you’ve been told all your life that marriage should be your ultimate goal, however, you do not share that sentiment. When the insufferable George Weasley devises a plan that may solve your problems, how can you say no?
A/N: hi friends! this will be a multipart (probably 3-4 parts) George fic inspired by Bridgerton. i’m so excited for it and i hope you all are too :) thank you for reading!
The start of the social season had been, as you had expected, the topic of conversation around the ton for the past few weeks. It was impossible to go anywhere without hearing whispers of who would snag an engagement in the next few months.
Particularly, people had been interested in who the Queen would declare the “diamond of the season”. Your mother was positively convinced it would be you, but you had other plans in mind for your life other than parties and dresses and loveless marriage. However, when the Queen took one look upon your face, she quickly declared you incomparable, as she had done the same for Daphne Bridgerton, now the Duchess, a few years prior, and your fate was sealed.
As a member of the distinguished and esteemed Y/L/N family, and as the eldest daughter, you had a trivial, yet necessary and important role to play, even if you longed to free yourself from it. Your mother and father, as wonderful as they might be, had high expectations for you, and you would not and could not let them down.
Your mother fluffed your hair and primped your dress in preparation of the Danbury Ball, admiring you fondly and gushing about how beautiful you looked.
“Maybe your luck will be as wonderful as the Duchess, her love match was indeed unprecedented but oh so joyous. Do you think your fortune might align with hers, dear?”
“Mama,” you sighed. “I have no interest in a life like the Duchess’s. All the parties, teas, and properness. Besides, there isn’t another Duke for me to marry.”
“I did not mean that you would have to marry a Duke to share her fate; only that you may marry for love.”
You huffed as you turned away from the mirror. In truth, you had no interest in marrying for love, or marrying at all for that matter, but the duty of an eldest daughter was set in stone.
All too soon, you arrived at the Lady Danbury’s spectacular first ball of the season; the sea of gowns and tailored coats causing a queasy feeling to settle in your stomach, and you wished with all your might that anything at all would ruin the festivities.
A glass of champagne was placed in your grasp and you let your eyes wander around the room; Lady Eloise Bridgerton, a close friend of yours, donned a similar look on her face though her mother enthusiastically tried to get her to waltz across the dance floor.
Glancing to your left, you noticed Lord Farley, a rather grotesque older man, eyeing you up and down; his beady eyes causing the queasy feeling to return and for your feet to take off in what could almost be considered a sprint.
When he was no longer in your line of sight, you began to slow down your gait, but a shoulder roughly bumped into yours and an unattractive yelp escaped your lips.
The unmistakable chuckle that followed your outburst made you groan due to your detestation of the man you knew you had bumped into.
Lord George Weasley; a man, nay, a boy, with hair of fire and a wit to match. You had known him for years as you were the same age and his sister Ginevra was the best of friends with your younger sister.
“I want to believe, Miss Y/L/N, that you would not take such drastic measures to capture my attention, but I must say I am flattered nonetheless,” George teased, his hand reaching out to steady you as you recovered from the collision.
“Mr. Weasley, I believe you to know me better than that,” you spoke with gritted teeth as you swatted his hand away. “Besides, there are plenty of young women here that would kiss the ground you walk on. Might you bother them instead?”
“Ah, but where is the fun in that? I’ve noticed that you still have room on your dance card?”
“I always have room left on my dance card.”
You tried to step around George and escape his company, but his impossible height made it so easy for him to evade your attempts.
“Is that by choice or because you’re just so pleasant to spend time with?” he inquired with a smirk.
“Suppose a bit of both. Now, if you would be so kind, I’m quite parched and would love another glass of champagne.”
“Perfect, I shall accompany you.”
George Weasley, you surmised very early on, was nothing but a flirt. You wouldn’t go so far as to call him a rake, because as far as you knew he was an honorable man, but he was also most intolerable with his boyish charm, sense of humor, beautiful eyes…
Yes, you were quite sure that he was entirely intolerable.
“Have you told your mother you have no interest in procuring a husband, yet?” he mused, breaking you out of your trance as he carefully handed you a glass of champagne.
“Don’t call it procuring as if it’s a transaction. And no, I haven’t. Do you think I’d be standing here alive if I had?”
“Good point,” George hummed as his eyes surveyed the room, no doubt searching for the next woman so unlucky enough to be graced with his presence.
“How is your family?” you asked as you sipped on your flute of bubbling liquid.
“They’re doing well, thank you for asking. Work has been a bit hard on Dad but – ”
Before George could finish, a man approached you and bowed; taking the hand not holding the champagne flute and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“Miss Y/L/N, would you like to join me for a dance?”
You noticed George looking on angrily at the sight before him, probably because his ego couldn’t take the interruption.
“I’m flattered, Lord Rainier? I believe?” When you received no objections, you continued. “As I was saying, I’m flattered by your offer but I simply must decline. I am feeling a bit ill and all that spinning might make me sick.”
“Yes, yes, of course, Miss Y/L/N. Perhaps another time?”
You gave him a small, soft smile and let out a sigh of relief when he walked away. Turning back to George, you urged him to continue. While you held him in contempt, or so you told yourself, you did enjoy his family as they were all simply lovely.
“You were saying, George?”
“Right, work has been a bit hard on Dad, after his accident a few months ago. He’s been doing better but Charlie had to take a break from his travels to come home and help out since he’s the eldest. Fred and Angelina are expecting again, if you haven’t heard. They’re hoping for a girl this time.”
“Maybe if you were more like your brother you’d be married and having children by now,” you teased.
He gasped and clutched his hand over his heart, drawing the attention of anyone near.
“You wound me, Y/N.”
Much to your dismay, you laughed at his actions, devastated that you gave him the satisfaction of knowing he was entertaining you. However, the moment was short lived as another man interrupted your conversation.
“Miss Y/N, I must say you are looking exquisite this evening. It would be a shame for your dress not to take a twirl on the dance floor. Might I accompany you?”
You tried not to groan when you noticed a line forming behind the man currently asking for a dance.
“Actually, Lord Beverly, I’m feeling a bit warm. I was just about to go outside for some fresh air.”
“I shall accompany you, then.”
“Without a chaperone? Goodness, no, please find another young lady to dance with. There are certainly many that would be delighted at the chance.”
You looked around Lord Beverly to see at least four other men waiting for their chance to ask you for a dance, and the thought of making up more excuses made your head spin. You graciously bid Lord Beverly a good evening, and turned on your heel towards the nearest exit.
In your haste, you did not notice George following you into the gardens.
“Well, you sure like to let them down easy,” he joked.
“George!” you cried. “We can’t be seen alone, are you daft? Trying to ruin me and my family?”
“Calm yourself, my Mother is just right there.”
You looked a bit to George’s left and saw his wonderful mother keeping a careful eye on the two of you, graciously leaving the attention of her husband to ensure that none would suspect foolery between you and George.
“As I was saying, it’s awfully obvious that you do not want any man to court you. Your mother will realize well and soon enough of your…aversion to marriage.”
“The only reason you know that is because you eavesdropped on a conversation I had with Eloise. But yes, I have no desire to marry, and I’m quite certain I never will. I’ll have to fight off suitors and think of a million excuses until I’m considered a spinster and men no longer want me.”
Silence enveloped you both as a tear slid down your cheek. You hastily wiped it away, hoping that George hadn’t seen, but of course, you were not so lucky.
“Is the idea of marriage really that upsetting to you, Y/N?”
“All those men, all they want is a woman to wear on their arm and to give them children. That’s what a woman’s life is in marriage. A husband doesn’t care about his wife’s passions, desires, intellect, among other things, and I can’t bring myself to entertain the idea of a life that has no room for my happiness.”
George was quiet; pondering your response and your feelings, when he was suddenly struck with the most brilliant of ideas.
You see, Mr. George Weasley was in love with Miss Y/N Y/L/N, has been for several years in fact. He couldn’t tell you exactly when or why, but he knew that the fluttering in his chest and the way his whole world became brighter when she entered a room meant that Y/N was more than just someone to engage in friendly banter with.
“I’ve thought of an idea,” George muttered, piquing your interest.
“Whatever might it be, Mr. Weasley?”
“Your…situation, can only go away if men were to believe you were taken, correct?”
“Yes, I suppose, only I can’t fool them into thinking that. It would become quite suspicious when I’m seen alone everywhere. And, there’s no way I could ever fool my parents.”
“Except you wouldn’t be alone, you’d have me!”
“I don’t believe I’m following your idea, George.”
“Marry me.”
You choked and sputtered on your own spit, unable to take a breath through your coughs and gasps. George’s hands flew to your shoulders to steady you, helping you to breathe easier and calm yourself down.
“George, you must be joking,” you said quietly.
“I am as deadly serious as I could ever be. Not a real marriage, of course. Real in every sense of the word in terms of legality, but not real as in, well, us together. I’ll spend this social season courting you, and at the end of the season I’ll propose. We’ll get married in a few months’ time, and then we can travel the world, doing whatever our hearts desire.”
“Why on earth would you want to marry me?”
“It’s quite simple. You need to get the eligible bachelors of the ton to leave you alone and you never want to marry because your husband would restrict your freedoms. I, as your husband, wouldn’t dare. You’re not entirely awful, I suppose there are far worse people to spend my life with, even if you utterly despise me, and marriage, real marriage, isn’t something I want either.”
You looked at him quizzically, searching for signs that he’d had far too much champagne or had gone completely mad in the head, but he looked right as rain, and your mind was spinning.
“I find it hard to believe you do not want to marry, after all the times you’ve said you cannot wait to marry the woman you love.”
“Honestly, the woman I love is….unattainable, I’ll put it that way. I won’t ever love anyone but her. I’m also waiting for an answer, it’s not every day you have to have a discussion after a proposal.”
“You’re sure this will work, Mr. Weasley?”
“How hard can it be to pretend to be in love with a woman as beautiful as you?”
“I always knew you were a flirt, but God, do you lay it on thick.”
George looked at you expectantly, almost a glimmer of hope is his eye, but as quickly as you thought you’d noticed it, he looked away.
“My answer is yes, George. Let’s fool the ton, our families, court, get married, and then travel the world platonically.”
“That sounds like the perfect arrangement, darling.”
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spideeysense · 4 years
The cat sitter falls in love with it's owner. A Bucky Barnes/Reader fic! Chapter 1.
A/N: Hey y'all!! I'm back with a brand NEW fic for y'all! This will be a multipart series. Obviously, for fic reason, it will not follow the TFATWS plot to a T. There will most likely be plot points taken from it however. With that being said, each chapter will have a varying degree of spoilers (I'm so sorry!!), but I hope you all enjoy it! (P.S This fic will be a SLOOW BURN!) Please let me know if you'd like me to start a taglist for this series! Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Don't be afraid to request! Edit: this is will not be released following every TFATWS episode.
This first chapter centers around James (Bucky), the start of his friendship.
Word Count: 1520
Warnings: None!
“Hand me your phone James.” The therapist says, rather sternly. Bucky pauses as if to speak. But decides against it, and defeatedly hands her his phone.
He watches her scroll through his minimal contact and text messages and sighs when her eyebrows shoot upwards.
“Well, this is new. Who’s Y/N?”
Bucky fumbles for a bit before speaking, ”She’s my neighbor, moved in right after the Blip.” He murmurs. The therapist scrolls through the messages between Bucky and you.
“You-“ The therapist pauses “watch her cat?”
Bucky nods. “Yeah, when she’s out of town, she visits her sister, cause she’s pregnant with her second kid.” The therapist purses her lips together and smiles. “Well this is progress, James. This is good”. James shakes his head. “I barely know her, I just watch her cat!” The therapist narrows her eyes as she scans the text. A few pictures of a fluffy gray cat appear the cat by the door, by the window, sleeping on a couch. All of these Bucky had sent.
[Bucky]: Sardine misses you. He keeps asking me when you’re coming home.
[Y/N]: Aw. Since when can you talk to my cat?
[Bucky]: We can speak through our eyes, he’s a kindred spirit you know.
[Y/N]: Good, Sardine needs some friends other than me.
[Bucky]: I think I’m his new favorite person.
[Y/N]: Shut up
He catches his phone with ease when the therapist tosses it back. “From what you just told me, and from what I just saw, you know her pretty well.” Bucky avoids her knowing stare and instead fixates on his leather gloves.
“Is she pretty?” He groans, and sinks into the couch.
“I-,yeah I guess she’s really pretty.” He mumbles, flexing his hands. “I���m not gonna say she’s ugly.” The therapist smiles at him and puts her small notebook to the side.
“You should a-” She starts.
“Can we go back to talking about making amends?” Bucky interrupts, knowing where this conversation was headed.
The therapist sighs and leans back into her chair. Defeated.
Later, while Bucky is walking home, his phone chimes. He fumbles with it in his pocket, before pulling it out.
[Y/N]: How did your thing go?
Bucky feels himself smiling as he types out a short message.
[Bucky]: Good.
At his apartment, he takes off his jacket and cleans up the few things he has. The TV is still on from when he left this morning, but he doesn’t mind. The sound is welcome in the neverending silence. He grabs a plastic water bottle from the fridge, and then leaves his apartment. He arrives in front of your door and fishes your key from out of his pocket. It takes a few tries to get the door open, and for a second he’s worried someone is going to think he is breaking in, but he sighs of relief when it swings open.
MroOOAAAAOOOOW. Bucky cringes at the long, angry, meowl of Sardine.
“Look buddy, I’m sorry I’m late.” He closes the door behind him and crouches down to pet Sardine. The cat walked in between his legs and rubs his head against Bucky’s outstretched hand. Mroooow. Sardine says, hungrily. “Ok, ok, I’ll feed you right away.” Bucky turns on the light in your apartment, and once again is taken aback. Your apartment is lively compared to his. There are plants by the window, on the coffee table, and on the counter. There are a few boxes still lying around from when you had moved in. The couch is a bit old but has a few knitted blankets strewn across it. Not much has changed since the first time he took care of Sardine.
It was already dark outside, and Bucky internally punched himself from arriving so late. He flicks on a light switch, and the kitchen lightens up. It’s quaint, and he can tell not everything is unpacked and put into place yet. He feels movement against his legs and looks down to find, a fluffy grey cat, circling around his legs calmly.
“Hey Buddy.” He whispers.
Soon, he’s rereading your texts to make sure he’s doing everything right. He feeds Sardine, gives him water, and rubs his head a little bit. Tentatively, he sits on the couch, careful not to disturb anything. Sardine hops onto his lap, and settles, purring softly. Smiling to himself, Bucky opts to use his flesh hand and strokes Sardine’s back. He stares around your apartment some more, but careful not to look too much, he didn’t want to pry. Bucky studies the few photos you have strung up, but in the mess of things, he spots a partially wrapped wedding photo. He assumes it’s yours, but secretly hopes it’s your sisters. He goes back to staring at the empty, black void of the television. Not really sure what to do next. He just sits and waits. He didn’t really want to cross some imaginary boundary and touch your stuff.
And as if she can sense his uncomfortableness from miles and miles away, his phone alerts him of a text message.
[Y/N]: Feel free to watch TV, I have Netflix set up. No cable. Sorry :(
Bucky smiles again.
[Bucky]: Ok, thanks.
He fumbles with the sleek remote control but figures it out eventually. He ends up putting on some random show he had found earlier. Bucky doesn’t really pay attention and instead relaxes a bit more into the couch. Sardine gingerly hops onto his lap and settles.
Bucky wanders around your apartment, before settling himself on the couch, like he always does. And as if on cue, Sardine hops into his lap. The two settle comfortably. Bucky turns on the TV, and shoes some random show. It’s alright. Sardine purrs softly on his lap.
You had told him that he didn’t need to spend hours with Sardine, but he had chose to (with your permission of course). He liked his mostly quiet companion. Sardine never judged, and sometimes he would find himself mumbling stories of his past to the cat, and Sardine never hissed, or scratched, or ran away. It’s almost as if Sardine could understand the guilt Bucky felt, the sadness, and sometimes the utter emptiness.
Hours later, a soft knock at your door pulled Bucky down from the dark expanse of his head and back down to earth.
He peered through the peep hole, and opened the door.
“Hey Y/N” The way your name fell off his tongue made your heart palpitate.
“Hi,” You breathed, and for a moment you and Bucky stayed in each others trance The color of his eyes always seemed to steal your breath away. “Thank you for taking care of Sardine, you didn’t have to stay up.” You finally spoke.
“No it’s fine, I wanted to.” Bucky said softly with a smile, “I mean- I wanted to make sure you got home safe. You know, long drive and all.” Bucky turned around and quickly grabbed his coat and pulled it on.
“You need any help with your luggage?” He asked kindly, and you politely declined. “No it’s alright, thank you though.” Bucky responded with a curt nod and a soft smile. “Here I got these for you!” You push a box into his hands enthusiastically. Bucky looks down, and finds a box labeled ‘Vermont Maple Syrup Cookies’. You look up at him expanctantly.
Bucky’s a bit shocked by the sudden gift, not many people have gifted him things. “Thank you.” He murmurs softly, his thumb tracing the lettering on the box.
“Now, if you excuse me, I probably need to see my son.” You chuckle and push past him. “Sardineeee! My baby!” You dote, rubbing your cat’s head with your cheek, and cradling him in your arms. Bucky smiles and gently shuts your apartment door.
Once inside his own apartment, Bucky can feel his heart beating out of his chest. He never feels this way. This isn’t normal for him. It has his head reeling, and for a moment he needs to lean against the counter and gather his thoughts. And his heart.
He stares down at the box of cookies in his hand, and puts the box on the counter. Gently opening the top, he pulls out the plastic cookie tray. The cookies are beige, and shaped like maple leaves, and the scent of maple syrup is heavy and sweet. He gingerly takes a bite, and chews slowly. Unlike the scent, the taste of maple syrup isn’t overpowering, it’s soft. The icing sandwiched between two cookies coats his tongue.
“Damn, these are good.” He says to nobody.
Deep down inside his stomach, a feeling is scartching at his insides. Is it jealousy? No. It’s a wanting. It’s a wanting for the warmth your apartment offers, the quiet and amicable peace. He sadly looks around his dim, grey apartment. It is definetly lacking.
But like he’s done most of his life. Bucky packs those feelings inside a brain box, and locks it. Tossing it into the void of his brain. Never to be opened again. At least, that’s what he tells himself.
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
What Happens Next?
A/N: Y'ALL I FUCKIN DID IT I FINISHED THE DAMN FIC. So I definitely bit off more than I could chew by making my first fic a multipart with so much fucking emotion and such a busy plot but lol we did it! Thank you to everyone who has read the story and asked to be tagged and sent me kind words I love y'all so damn much.
Warnings/Rating: 18+ explicit content, very soft romantic smut, unprotected sex, almost a blowjob, James finishes inside the reader. A lot of fluffy love making petty much a great time.
Summary: In the sixth and final chapter of this series, James and you finally figure your shit out. You have to stop running from each other, what you have is far too brilliant...
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Annie's Diner
"I'm a nurse! I'm a nurse, let me see him!" A soft voice calls out over your shoulder. James' head turns towards the voice, his eyes fluttering back open.
"James?" You ask urgently.
"Relax doll, I was just restin' my eyes for a second. Fightin' off assholes is hard work."
He slowly raises to brace himself on his elbows, wincing a little while he does.
The nurse comes around and drops to her knees on the other side of him. She's a pretty little thing with honey colored hair and bright brown eyes.
"Just give us one second dear, I'm certain he's alright I just need to check for a concussion."
You don't answer, you just nod and get up to turn to the small crowd that's begun to disperse, seemingly disappointed with the lack of action.
This is an opportunity for you to finally take a deep breath and process everything that's happene. Air fills your lungs, shoulders rising and tensing for a moment. You release and let your posture fall back down, letting yourself portray outwardly how drained you feel inside. You've gone from hating James and being terrified of him, to being saved by him, to understanding him to… what now? If everything he's said is true, then everything that happened between you two is just as meaningful as it was before prom. Although, misunderstanding or not, it still hurt like hell. You should be more cautious, right? You shouldn't just run back into his arms like everything's fine, even though it is.
You turn to look back at him, long legs sprawled on the pavement while the alleged nurse checks his pulse and his pupils. He's joking about something, you can tell by the way his eyebrows are sitting higher and the lopsided smile on his face. He's propped up on his elbows, strong arms straining against his shirt. The image sends you back to the afternoon that changed it all, you remember his solid body collapsing onto your lap in a dramatic display of feigned illness. Your lips twitch into a small smile at the thought. You shake your head and walk back towards them.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you look worried about me doll." He jests, the nurse turns to glance at you and smiles fondly.
"Your fella is just fine dear, try and keep him on a shorter leash next time." She chuckles as she stands and dusts off her pretty green skirt, James follows, wincing as he stands.
You feel your cheeks heat up at the implication that James is yours, while he wears a very satisfied smirk at the idea. You swallow thickly and give her a silent nod. James thanks her sweetly for checking him, she says something back to him but you've completely zoned out. Her comment has senr you into a state of utter confusion. Is he your fella? No, you never established that. He did call you his girl though, so that would make him your fella. On top of that, what happened on the roof after Coney Island doesn't just happen between friends, not even friends with benefits. The way he held you so tightly, the way he littered kisses down your spine. Those aren't things you share with someone that doesn't belong to you.
The nurse politely ducks away to go back into the diner with the rest of the onlookers. Leaving you and James to stand alone in the dimly lit parking lot. His jaw looks much worse for wear, the skin is so angry and red. He'll definitely have a bruise, an ugly one at that. James lets out a long sigh, staring down at you with those big blue eyes. Despite it all, the idiot is still smiling. You scowl up at him, you cross your arms and lean to one side, refusing to let him crack you.
"You mad at me?" He asks timidly, he gives you an exaggerated pout while he lifts a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear.
You don't say a word. Of course you're mad at him. He scared you half to death, all for what? Just so he could feel like the tough guy? To prove a point to you? To prove a point to himself? He must have known the fight would end with him beat or worse and he has gall to ask if you're mad?
"Hey." He breathes, his hand comes to rest under your chin so he can tilt your face up with his knuckles. The gesture makes your heart flutter wildly.
"I get it, that was stupid, could've gotten hurt much worse and all that." He says, his eyes are gentle and attentive.
You huff and blink up at him, waiting for the rest of his explanation.
"He just- he came in there talkin' all that shit about you bein' his. It pissed me off is all, you're not his. You're not really anybody's- I mean, I'd like to make you mine- but not in the way he meant. I don't want to own you, I wanna love you, doll. I wanna keep you safe and make you laugh and get my ass beat in skee ball and do all that other cheesy crap. I know I fucked up so badly, but baby please-"
He doesn't get a chance to finish his little rant, the second he calls you baby your hands fly to the sides of his face. As it always does with him, your body moves separate from your mind. You smash your lips into his and you feel his hands settle on your waist, clutching you like you're going to float away at any second. That same baffling electricity thrums through your body as your lips move against each other. The rhythm of the kiss is like an echo of the one you shared on the roof. It has the same tide like push and pull, each of you giving and taking from each other in perfect unison. His lips are soft and urgent against yours, his grip solid and grounding. His hands slide towards each other behind you so his arms can find their home around your waist. The feeling makes you sigh against his lips. After months of being without this feeling, after only having it once, all you've done is want it back and now you have it again.
The kiss only breaks so you can both breathe, foreheads still pressed together, wanting to stay as connected as possible. He smiles down at you, it's a beautiful dopey grin. The look he's giving you makes a shiver run up your spine.
"You wanna go skinny dipping?" You ask, absolutely shocked at your own words.
What the hell? Did Molly fucking possess you? He scoffs and ducks down so his eyes are level with yours.
"Do I wanna what?!" He starts cracking up, and you can't help but join him, the absurdity of it all getting to you.
You can't help but think why the hell not. After all of this, all the confusion and the hurt, you two deserve a night like you shared months ago. Maybe you're an idiot, maybe you're only acting based on an emotional response to what James has done for you tonight. But fucking hell, why not just put it all behind you and live a little? James wants to be yours, he wants you to be his. You need to just let it be and stop fighting the way you both keep hurtling towards each other. So yeah, you want to go skinny dipping. It's the most impulsive, idiotic thing you can think of, and you've always wanted to try it.
"I think you know my answer." He chuckles.
"Let go then." You say quickly, turning on your heels so you can head to the truck before you change your mind.
"Woah kid wait up." He calls out to you while he laughs as he follows.
You reach the truck and swing the door open so you can hop in, he scrambles in as you frantically shove the keys in and crank it into gear.
"Hey." His soft voice snaps you out of your manic state. Your eyes dark to his and you feel your breathing slow down some.
"How 'bout we save the skinny dipping for another time?" He asks, voice soft and steady.
You just nod, becoming aware of how hard you were trying to be light-hearted and fun to mask how overwhelmed you're feeling.
"We don't have to move so fast, doll. We did last time and it didn't go so well, I don't wanna mess up this time." He says, his silvery eyes don't leave yours for a second.
Your head moves up and down silently again, you pull some air into your lungs slowly. He's right. You're trying too hard to make everything ok again. You just want to feel like you did on the roof, you want to be free of all the shit that's happened. James has a point though, you've both learned what happens when things move too quick for you both to keep track of it all. You have to be careful with it this time. Careful and boring are often mistakingly paired together, but not with James. It's undeniable that what you have with him is irreplaceable, which makes it all the more critical that you both handle this like it's made of glass.
"So, what do you want to do?" Your voice is so small, almost unrecognizable.
"I want to dance with you." He states, making your heart soar.
"Like, back at the dance hall?" You ask, the stress evident in your voice.
"God no, we can go to my house." He says it like it's obvious.
"Won't your family mind?" The idea of meeting them now makes you extremely anxious. It would be rather awkward to show up to meet his mother for the first time while he's wearing a shiner you half gave him.
"My Ma and my sister are at my aunt's house." He explains, his voice is laced with a tentative tone.
"Oh…" You exhale gently, understanding the situation.
"Only if you want to, I promise I'll behave." His tone shifts to something slightly taunting.
You can't help but smile, he's always quite the charmer.
"What fun would that be?" You chuckle, "Take me home, Bucky."
The nickname makes him smile in the most dazzling way, it stays glued to his face almost the whole way to his house.
James' House
You pull up to the front of an adorable little white house. It's very sweet looking, very simple and quaint. As the engine dies you glance over at James, he's looking at the house with a very solemn, spaced out gaze. Instinctively, you reach out and grab his hand, sliding your fingers between his own.
"I know…" You say as gently as you can. It's his dad, you know because you wear that look far too often. James just nods slowly, closing his eyes for a moment. You don't dare speak again, you just hold his hand. You don't need to say anything, you don't ever want people to say anything when you have the same feeling. All you can do is sit and understand him. Your chest fills with a horrible ache at the sight, but you're also filled with a strange relief. You aren't alone, and he isn't either. You have each other, you know each other, you get to love each other.
He lets the air fall out of his chest, face softening as he does.
"Thank you, doll." His eyes meet yours and he offers you a weak smile.
"Let's go inside." He says. He walks around to help you out of the truck, offering his hand like a gentleman. You want to slap it away out of instinct, but tonight is different.
He helps you down then wraps his hand around yours as he leads you up the sidewalk.
Before he opens the door he presses a kiss on the side of your head. It's quick and soft, and very different from the way he's kissed you before. Every other time it's felt like he prepared for it, and you had time to brace for it. This time it feels like he's used to doing it, like it's a natural thing.
The house is exactly what you would anticipate the home of a widow to look like. Decorated with lace doilies, soft blankets draped on the couch, and delicate lamps that cast a fuzzy yellow haze over the room. The living room is right off of the front door, and the kitchen is just an extension of it. A cute little staircase is on the left wall leading up to what you can only imagine is an equally quaint upstairs.
James walks confidently into his home, straight for the record player. As he fiddles with it you wander over to the fireplace. The mantle is littered in beautiful family photos, just like at your house. His father is in many of them, kissing his mom, holding a young James on his shoulder, cradling a baby you assume must be James' sister. He was handsome like James, but their faces aren't identical, you can see where his face is a balance of the two individuals. Your chest burns with remorse, knowing that these pictures serve as the only thing they have left of the man they all loved so well.
You startle just a little when James wraps his arms around your waist from behind, but relax when he presses a kiss into the side of your neck.
"It's alright, doll." He mumbles. You don't know if he says it for you or for him, but it doesn't matter. You let yourself sink further into the comfort of being known so well by James.
The music pops into existence, a gentle rhythm fills the room. The song is made of soft trumpets and strings, it's a beautiful, romantic melody. Something you would expect old lovers to sway to in their living room. You and James have the lovers part down, you just need to grow old and have your own living room. Is that even in the cards for you two? You sure as hell hope it is. You remember your realization on the roof that night, thinking about how if love isn't like what you two have, you don't want to love at all.
The feeling suffocates you as he spins you around in his arms. His eyes see right through you as his hands find their home on your waist while your arms slide around his neck.
"I love you doll, I never stopped." He breathes with an urgent look in his eyes.
He starts to sway with you around the living room as you gaze up at him completely dumbfounded. Of course he loves you, and you love him. Yes, you have so much left to learn about each other, but my God has James stolen your heart. Ever since you two left that classroom, you've been consuming each other's thoughts. You've been willing yourselves to try and understand the electricity that sparks between you. It's been so fucking messy, but now that you're in his arms again, dancing like an old married couple, you finally understand it all.
"I love you too…" You say it so softly it's almost not heard, but James catches it.
That dazzling smile spreads across his face, it's contagious nature making your own lips split into a grin.
"Would my outstanding skills in the bedroom have anything to do with that?" He says with a sickly sweet voice.
"James!" You laugh and slap his arm. He throws his head back to let out a playful laugh, the sound sets off a swarm of butterflies in your stomach.
"I wouldn't know what your skills are like in the bedroom anyway, I only know what they're like on a roof." You joke.
"We could change that." He says, his voice taking on a much lower tone.
You both freeze and stare into each other's eyes. The air around you feels so thick and the room starts to blur a little, everything except James.
Then you're on each other. Your lips crash together and your hands snag whatever they can. You let out a whiney noise from the back of your throat, which only spurs James on more. His hand grabs at your waist and he licks at your bottom lip. His actions inspire a wonderful heat to settle in your stomach, the feeling gives you confidence you've never felt before. You slide your hands up his chest to grasp his collar, silently begging him to come closer. The two of you break for air for only a second, eyes glued to each other as you pant and try to comprehend the fire growing between you.
"What are you waiting for, Bucky?" You tease.
A wild look spreads in his eyes and a wide grin overtakes his handsome face. Before you can make another witty comment, James brings his strong hands to the backs of your thighs and hoists you up so you can wrap your legs around him. You let out a shocked giggle but gladly welcome his choice to hold you like this. Now level with his face, you throw your arms around his shoulders and place a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose. He wrinkles his face dramatically and let's out a low chuckle.
"I'm gonna drive you wild, doll." He responds with all the confidence in the world.
Of course, his words make your chest ache with desire, your thighs involuntarily squeeze him a little tighter. With the natural push and pull that you two have, his body responds to your actions without thought. He lets his hands slide up to hold your thighs dangerously close to the swell of your ass, fire spreading to your center as he does.
"That's some big talk." You mumble, blinking at him slowly.
"It sure is." His eyes wander down to your lips, not even a second passes before you're on each other again. He damn near kisses the breath out of your lungs this time, his soft, skilled lips make you head spin and all you can do is hold on tight.
"Can I take you to my room?" He asks against your lips. His voice has a gentle, begging tone to it that makes you shiver.
"Please." You sigh as you let your hands slide into the soft hair on the back of his head. He kisses you hard and walks blindly up the stairs, then he's kicking the door open to what you can only assume is his room. You feel your body falling then feel your back meet a soft mattress. Bucky settles easily between your legs and your heart races when you feel how hard he is already. His hot mouth is on your neck instantly, painting your skin with needy kisses.
"Can I take this off of you?" He mumbles while he pulls at the fabric of your dress.
You can't help but giggle at his enthusiasm.
"Gettin' right into it, huh?" You say.
He brings his hand up so he can hold your face and run his thumb across your cheek bone. His eyes are soft but determined as he studies your face.
"I don't wanna waste any more time." He says simply, the phrase is loaded with months of longing. His confession dazzles you, leaving you laying there with no idea how to breathe. All you can do is nod in understanding and revel in the feeling of his wet kisses against your neck again. He gently hikes your dress up to your waist, then quickly brings his hands back down so he can run them up your thighs. His hands settle on your hips, thumbs pressing on the bones so he can pin you down slightly as he rolls his hips against your center.
Your hands instinctively claw at his broad back as a hiss leaves your lips.
"Let me get on top." You sigh, completely shocking yourself with your boldness.
You feel him smile against your collar bone before his hands glide up to hold your waist. He flips you both over with ease, granting you your wish without argument. You catch your breath as you settle on his lap, hands splayed across his chest.
"I'm all yours, doll." His eyes fall down your body sinfully, making your chest seize up and your legs squeeze around him.
You lean down to capture his lips in yours again, sighing contentedly when he moves against you like he did when you kissed for the first time on the roof.
"I missed you." You mutter against his mouth.
"Let's make up for that, yeah?" He replies quickly as he moves to pull your dress over your head. You lift your arms and let him undress you as you sit back. Soon the dress is out of the way and his warm hands are holding your waist again, thumbs brushing up and down against your skin. You become suddenly ashamed of your lackluster underwear and you feel your cheeks heat up as you watch James' eyes skate down your figure. As if he senses you unease, he sits up and snakes his arms around your waist. He presses a delicate kiss into the swell of each of your breasts as you card your fingers through his hair.
"You're so perfect." He whispers against your skin.
"Can I take this off?" He asks, bringing his thumbs up to hook his fingers around your bra straps.
Somehow, everything about this feels even more innocent than the first time you two made love. Maybe it's the knowledge that you don't have to show off, talk dirty, or have all the hot moves in order to impress each other. You're both just enchanted by the presence of one another. Finally, you're both able to just be together. There's no fear of what people will say about you in school tomorrow, no terrifying rumor hanging over your head. Just you and James, able to lose yourselves completely in this wonderful moment you've found.
You carefully undress each other, leaving tender kisses on any newly exposed skin, whispering sweet nothings as well as declarations of devotion. You cherish every second that passes as you explore each other's bodies again. Soon you're both fully exposed to each other, your hands grasp desperately at his shoulder as soon as you feel his erect length graze your core. You think back to how his lips felt between your legs, and you immediately want to repay the favor. You slink down his body until you settle between his legs. His abs tense as you slide your palms up his muscular thighs.
You know Bucky is big, especially after last time, but being face to face with his dick makes you realize his size is genuinely intimidating. He looks beautiful like this, all flushed and hard. His tip is a pretty shade of dark pink, similar to his lips, and there's a small bead of precum leaking out of his slit. The sight makes you clench your thighs and lick your lips.
"See somethin' you like?" He teases.
"I sure do." You flirt back, wasting no time in wrapping your hand around his length to give him one slow pump. He throws his head back with as you bring your lips to his tip and give it a chaste kiss.
"Tell me if I do something wrong, please." You say, the tremble in your voice revealing just how nervous you really are.
James shoots up instantly, grabbing the wrist of the hand that's around his dick while the other comes up to cup your face. His thumb slides across your cheek bone affectionately as he stares at you with his kind blue eyes.
"Doll, if you're not ready for that, don't do it." His voice is like rich hot chocolate, spreading through your body and warming every nerve.
"But, last time you- I figure I owed you…" It makes sense in your head, but by the look he gives you it doesn't make any sense to him.
"Baby," He breathes out, leaning in to kiss your forehead, "Come here."
With gentle hands he pulls you into his lap so you can straddle him while he takes your face in his hands, gazing up at you with intensity.
"Anything I do for you, is because I want to. You don't owe me a damn thing. If you're ever not ready for something you tell me, and we can talk about it, ok?" His voice has a hint of urgency to it, like he can't stress the words enough.
You nod silently as you try to understand the man beneath you. Your brain desperately claws through your vocabulary to find the words to best describe the beautiful human being you've fallen for. All you can come up with is something terribly insufficient, but incredibly accurate. He's kind. He's a "heart if gold" kind of guy. Under the charm, the handsome face, the quick witted humor, James Barnes is the kindest person you've ever met.
Your lips are on his before he can say anything else, following that involuntary reaction you've developed whenever you're around him. He kisses you back as fiercely as you kiss him, heavy breaths falling from his mouth as you work against one another. You can't help but whimper when you feel the hot skin of his dick slide along your drenched core.
"Make love to me, James, please-" You beg against his lips.
All he can manage is a moan against your mouth as he reaches down between you to grab himself so he can get lined up at your entrance. He opens his mouth to say something, but it's stolen from him as you inch down to slide the tip in. A beautiful, lustful sigh leaves his puffy lips as you do. It's still a harsh stretch for your walls, but this time you can anticipate it and welcome it. Slowly, you descend until he's in you completely. As soon as he's bottomed out you lean your forehead on his shoulder and let out a pitiful whine.
"You ok, doll?" He asks, nudging his nose against your jaw.
"I'm good, you're just so big…" You sigh. His grip on your waist tightens and you feel him twitch inside you.
"Careful sweetheart, don't want this ego getting any bigger." He teases, earning an airy giggle from you.
You brace yourself by holding his shoulders, rolling your hips tentatively. He kisses your neck when you do so and slides his arms around your waist, so you must be doing something right. You mimic the movement with a little more confidence this time. You can't help but bring your head up and send James a nervous glance, and he's more than willing to reassure you.
"That's good baby, that feels good." He says with a voice like honey as he skates his lips across your neck.
His praising words make your insides melt, spurring you on as you keep rolling against him. The way the soft skin of his dick moves against your soaked walls in euphoric. Your hands cling to each other, lips kiss where the can, short breaths fall from your mouth. All of it creates a truly beautiful atmosphere. It's nothing like the urgent, frantic mood you had last time. This doesn't feel like two teenagers who can't wait to see somebody naked for the first time. This feels like two people who want to be uncovered by each other.
His hands slide so he can spread his palms across your damp back and you shiver from the feather soft intimacy of the motion. Your forehead falls against his and your eyes lock.
"You're incredible." You sigh as brilliant sparks of pleasure start to build in your core.
You slowly build the pace of your hips until you're rocking against him with a rhythm that makes his nails claw at your back as he groans and pants. He's so deep inside you, reaching and rubbing against every sweet spot you have.
"Fuck- that's perfect doll- so fucking perfect." His voice has climbed in pitch slightly, he sounds almost whiney.
Your head falls to his shoulder, you shove your mouth against his collarbone in an attempt to muffle a pitiful sob as it shakes your abdomen. The feelings are all so fucking intense, your eyes screw shut as your walls start to flutter. Your chest aches as your head spins, completely incapable of comprehending all of the sensations drowning you in this moment.
"James- James I'm gonna-" Your words are cut off completely as one of his strong arms easily cradles you so he can flip you onto your back. You hit the mattress and he doesn't give you a single second to catch your breath before he's rocking his hips against yours.
"Fucking hell." You huff out as he plants his hands on either side of your head so he can bare down even more when he thrusts.
"I wanna see you, wanna see that pretty face." Both of you moan uncontrollably when you spread your legs even more to give him better access. Soon he's hitting some rapturous spot deep within you, setting off every nerve in your body.
Tears gather in your eyes and it takes every ounce of self control you have to not succumb to the desire to start crying beneath him. His body is moving so beautifully above you, every muscle working to give you everything he has. Your eyes burn with the tears you refuse to let fall as you pull your bottom lip into your mouth to keep another sob caged inside you.
"Baby, don't hide anything." He says with a broken voice as he drops to his elbows so he can bring his face closer to your own.
"Cry if you need to, I got you." He punctuates his sentence with a stunning moan, and it absolutely breaks you. Your body trembles as you finally release all the emotion you've been suppressing. Your back arches and you finally let the tears cascade down the sides of your face. The sight of you falling apart beneath him, so fragile and overstimulated, it motivates him even more. His pace increases as he chants nonsense phrases of adoration to you.
He tells you how beautiful you are, how tight you feel, how good you are for him. All while your entire body quakes for him and his magnificent pace. You don't want to say his thrusts are hard, that word seems so utterly insufficient for how he's making love to you right now. His movements are committed, he fills you up with every push in and leaves you wanting so much more every time he draws back out.
"Baby you feel so good- fuck- please don't stop." You beg him as your cunt starts to pulse around him again, body edging towards that blinding release.
"No fuckin' way, I'm never gonna stop." He pants while his thick eyebrows push towards each other as his face crumples into a look of intense focus.
He braces himself on one arm so he can snake a skilled hand between your bodies, thumb finding your swollen clit almost immediately. It hits you immediately, almost before he even touches your sensitive bud. Your body anticipates his touch and sends itself over the edge, and my God it's fucking brilliant. Your pussy grips onto his cock as it slides in and out, your hands claw at his hot skin as his name falls from your lips. You sing him a pitiful song, made of incoherent swearing and plenty of crying.
"That's it sweet girl, give it to me- shit you're squeezin' the life outta me." You barely retain the words as he spits them out between frantic breaths as he chases his own high.
In one fluent motion, James flips your legs over each of his shoulders. He grabs the meat of your hips and lifts your pelvis off the bed as he brings his torso upright so he can settle back on his knees. If you thought you were crying before, you were fucking wrong. You scream out as tears flood your face, you can't tell if you're hurtling into another orgasm before your first has even finished, or if it's all just one long, mind numbing climax. Regardless, it's too good to be true. Every inch of you tingles and clenches as James snaps his hips into you, the angle sends fluorescent jolts of pleasure into your cunt and up your abs.
"Yeah doll, keep cumming for me, you feel so fuckin' perfect." He tosses his head back as he nearly shouts your name.
Your body starts to cool down just enough to provide some clarity. You're still twitching and tears are still rolling, but you at least have the wits to throw some praises at him. It's the least you can do when he's working so hard to make you fall apart.
"Fuck James, you made me cum so hard." Your words have an affect on him instantly, his fingertips bite at your flesh as hips tense and you feel his cock twitch inside you.
"You make me feel so good baby, you drive me fuckin' crazy." He lets go of your hips and throws your legs apart so he can fall on top of you again. He presses his forehead against yours before his lips meet your own so he can kiss you like it's the last time he'll ever have the chance.
"Let me feel you cum James- fuck- do it inside me, I want you to cum inside me." Your hands are at the sides of his face, thumbs rubbing his temples affectionately as you lose your mind.
"Oh baby- shit doll- I'm gonna- oh my God- Fuck!" With that final exclamation he buries himself inside you, enchanting moans fall from his full lips as he tenses and fills you. You hold still and focus on the feeling of his cock pulsing inside you as he moans above you. His sounds are so full of relief and what must be exhaustion. Your eyes flutter open to observe him while he finishes. His eyebrows are high with his eyes shut and his lips parted as he tries to catch his breath while his orgasm fizzles out. His eyelids slowly peel apart and soon you're both watching each other. You're completely enthralled by the work of art above you, and he is entirely captured by the muse below him.
Slowly, like he doesn't want to ever leave, he inches his softening length out of you. You hate the feeling of him leaving your body, you hate how empty you feel. He presses a fond kiss to your forehead while he smooths some of your sweaty hair down.
"Don't move." He whispers. Then he's off of the bed and through his bedroom door, you assume to find something to get you both cleaned up.
Your body is still buzzing from every moment you've just shared with him, you gingerly roll to your side and pull the sheets up against your naked form. You pay little mind the mess spilling from your core, ignorant to the possible consequences it might have. You glance around his room, taking note of all the baseball cards, the toy cars, and the dirty sneakers. The room is bathed in the dull yellow streetlights, giving it a glow that seems otherworldly. It all does. Especially James.
He reappears with a washcloth and a glass of water. The sight makes your heart swell immeasurably, he's still naked but it doesn't strike you as anything to be bashful about. It's all of him, all of James and his unmatched beauty. It feels natural to be this exposed with each other, it feels right.
"Such a gentleman." You tease as he walks towards the bed so he can sit on the edge.
"For you? Of course." His smile is as dazzling as always while he hands you the glass of water. You prop yourself up on your elbows so you can take the glass and sip it slowly. Thankful for the relief the cold liquid brings your exhausted throat.
"Spread those gorgeous legs." He says as he takes the glass back from you so he can set it on the nightstand.
"Round two already?" You joke.
His laugh is full and rich, it spreads through your veins and makes adoration bubble in your chest.
"Not yet, doll." He presses the cloth between your folds to clean up his mess, the sensation makes you jump a little, but he's done as quickly as he's started. The cloth joins a pile of dirty clothes in the corner after he tosses over his shoulder, then he's climbing back into bed with you. He opens his arms once he's on his back beside you. Naturally, you settle into his side and lay your head on his chest. His fingers trace along your spine as he kisses the crown of your head.
"You're a beautiful little thing." He mumbles, voice heavy with a sleepy tone.
"You're perfect, just perfect." It almost sounds like he's talking in his sleep, so you glance up to check.
He's wide awake, glacial eyes piercing your own as he gazes down at you.
"Thank you, for all of this." You say. By all of it, you mean for the love, for the spark of life, for the precious bond you've found. Somehow without saying all of it, you know he knows exactly what you mean.
"Thank you for loving an idiot like me." He says softly.
"It couldn't be anybody else." You say, completely resolute in your admittance.
You lay there like that for God knows how long, just drinking each other in. Mumbling words of praise, astounded by each other's existence. You exchange sweet little jokes, press priceless kisses into every inch of skin you can reach, and make beautiful promises.
"James?" You say as you draw figure eights on his chest with your finger tip.
"What happens next?" You question.
He takes a deep breath in as he twirls your hair between his fingers.
"Well-" He's cut off by the sound of the front door opening. You both bolt upright off the bed, clinging to the sheets. The sounds of lovely, soft laughter fills the house. One is the laugh of a woman, full and warm, the other is bright and twinkly, obviously belonging to a younger girl.
"Shit." You whisper simultaneously as you glance at each other with pounding hearts.
"James?" The woman's voice calls.
"Yeah ma?" James hollers back, hand coming to hold yours as he tries to keep his mouth straight, obviously entertained by the misfortune of the situation.
"Whose truck is that out front?" She asks, then footsteps start to echo as she climbs the stairs.
"Oh my God." You whisper.
"I guess you're meeting my mom, that's what happens next." He says quietly. Your eyes are on his immediately, every reasonable part of you says to panic, but the look on James' face is absolutely priceless. His cheeks are pink as he pulls his lips over his teeth to keep from busting out in laughter. It's ok though, you do it for him. Soon you're both doubling over with laughter, embracing the inevitable awkward encounter that you're about to have with his poor mother. It'll be ok, it'll be wonderful, anything will as long as you two stick together.
@b-o-n-e-daddy @lillsrecs @all-art-is-quite-useless @brownlee-22 @peace-love-hobbitness @pinknerdpanda @supernaturalwintersoldier @can-i-sin-right-now @pennyroyalcreep @jessyballet @calwitch @aurora-sweet @learisa
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mytheoristavenue · 3 years
Peonies (Neville Longbottom) - Chapter 2
This is the third part to a multipart Neville x OC story.
Summary: Marina meets a very annoying boy named Neville at Flourish and Blott’s.
Arriving at the nearest fireplace to the book store, Marina stepped onto the street, swatting away the excess dust from her sweater. She never liked travelling via the Floo Network, but living so far from the school, it was a necissary evil. Stepping to the side she awaited her father's arrival behind her. Once he too had stepping onto the cobblestone streets, the pair made their way to Flourish and Blotts to find her books for the next year.
Marina rolled her eyes at the at sheer amount of bustle in the store, she never was fond of crowds. Pushing passed anxious parents and eager students, she made her way to the back wall where the clearence table stood. Thankfully, she was able to a find a good percentage of her textbooks at a heavy discount, which lifted a bit of weight off of her shoulders. Checking what she'd found off of her list, and then finding the few full priced books she still needed, she made her way to the clerk's desk to purchase her supplies.
On her way, she stared intently at her list, attempting to determine what all she'd still need, and where she needed to go next. Suddenly, she hit a heavy mass, falling abruptly to her backside. Once she gathered her concentration back, she glared up at the immovable object with puffed cheeks. "Hey, you should watch where you're going!"
Staring back at her was a wide eyed, snaggle toothed boy with shaggy brown hair. He frantically pulled her from the floor by her arm, ensuring her safety. "Oh my gosh, are you alright? I was just standing in line and, well you just ran into me! But, by all means it was my fault-"
"You talk too much, save your breath." Marina huffed, crossing her arms and taking a place in line behind him. "Longbottom, is it?"
The boy frantically nodded, still embarrassed form the encounter. "Neville Longbottom, actually, sorry, I do tend to talk too much."
"You're fine, I appreiciate the concern, but you really should save your breath. There's a lot of people in here, and the doors are closed. The air's getting stale."
Neville smiled gently at her lack of communication skills, finding them a bit charming. "I'm not too worried, we'll be out of here soon. So, what's your name? I don't think I've seen you around school."
"Marina Rafferty. I didn't suppose you had, I actually prefer it that way."
"O-Oh," the boy began, embarrased again. "I can leave you be, if you'd like."
"I don't mind a conversation. I just don't care to keep close friends is all."
"So....What year are you in?" He asked, hoping to shift the tension a bit.
"Fourth, same as you."
"How'd you know that?" He asked, a bit bewildered.
"We've had Potions together since first year." she explained, uninterested.
Neville blushed a bit, feeling slightly guilty for not even noticing her after three years. "Well, since you already know about me, what house are you in?"
"Hufflepuff, unfortunately." Marina replied flatly, punctuating her boredom with a small yawn.
"Why's that so unfortunate? A lot of really great people are in Hufflepuff."
"I had hoped for Ravenclaw. I take my studies very seriously, and to be quite honest, I think I might be the only Hufflepuff that does." She rolled her eyes, stepping up as the line progressed to a shorter length.
"That's not true, Cedric Diggory's in your house and he's a star student." Neville protested, not hoping to argue, but to shfit her opinions of her house, at the very least.
"Cedric Diggory is an air head. He skates by on pretty boy looks, popularity, and athletic prowess."
Neville sighed at Marina's pessimism and turned his attention back to the desk, setting his books down with a heavy thud. During the break in conversation, Marina couldn't help but smile a bit. It had been a good while since another student had taken interest in what she had to say, not that it bothered her, but it was nice to share a moment with someone. As Neville stepped out of the way, giving her room to step to the counter herself, he gave her a lazy wave as he departed.
"Well, Marina, good luck with the rest of your shopping. I've got to go but I'll see you on the train, hopefully?"
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mercurygray · 4 years
The Big BOB OFC Data Dive
When I first joined this fandom in April, it was the middle of a pandemic and all I wanted was a big wish-fulfillment project to work on - and I was surprised to find that, for a 20 year old fandom, Band of Brothers is still going strong, and, perhaps more surprisingly, is representing very well for one of my favorite fandom tropes - the original female character.
After several discussions about overused tropes and pet peeves, and because I am simply odd like this, I wanted to go back through fic to see if there were any patterns over time over a) what professions OFCs are placed in in fic and b) which BoB guys get more OFC attention.
In order to answer this question, I went to two major, cross-fandom archives (AO3 and FF.net) manually scraped data, stuck it in a spreadsheet and played with it a little bit. (Pivot tables; they’re great.) I was going to try and make a graph, but this was already starting to take a little longer than I had anticipated, so I’m going to summarize in words for brevity.
I recognize this is a very small subset of a small fandom. I acknowledge my research method is faulty and would not hold up to peer review. I know that there is a lot more of what I would call 'ephemeral' on platforms like Tumblr that's been excluded from the basis of this survey.
Why not Wattpad, Merc? I chose not to survey Wattpad only because I'm unfamiliar with the platform, and because its search and indexing features make it unfriendly to the manual data collection I was using. Furthermore, as a mixed-use space, I feel the conventions vary strongly from the other two archive spaces represented in the data.
Owing to changes in tagging systems, system purges, and fandom migrations to other platforms, this may be an incomplete dataset, but  still serves to take a look at trends over time. I joked to a friend that this project started feeling a little bit like fandom archeology, going through strata of accepted norms.
AO3 Data:
2020 was the BoB Year of the OFC. In 2020 alone, 35 separate authors updated OFC fics on AO3, compared with 9 the year previous.
I trust myself to have pretty good OFCdar - as in, to be able to watch a show and know who's more likely to show up in these types of fics. When I first watched BoB ten years ago, my money was on Joe Liebgott and Lewis Nixon - and I wasn't wrong. These two have a very strong presence in the AO3 data, followed very quickly by Ron Speirs and Eugene Roe, although Don Malarkey also makes a very strong showing as well.
Lewis Nixon fans are in for the long haul. Nixon was more likely to have multi-part collections or multichapter fics dedicated to him.
There was a strong lull in OFC fandom activity in 2018 - prior to this, many OFC fics were routinely pulling 18-20 kudos. After 2018, the average drops to 10, with some outliers.
I was surprised to find that FF.net is still a going concern for a subset of BoB fans; 17 OFC stories were published to the platform in 2020, with minimal duplication in the AO3 set. 
The oldest fic in this set is from 2005, compared with 2011 in the AO3 data. The FF.net stories have a tendency to be longer, multipart fics, written over much longer periods of time. Their summaries tend to fit the legacy format for describing OCs - "[Name] is a [occupation] whose [reason for joining up] will [change her life/finally let her fall in love.]" 
These stories ALSO have a tendency towards what I would call 'heritage tropes' - story ideas that I read a lot of in my early days as a fanfiction author but which I don't see too often in fics now.  There are 5 OCs in this dataset in time-travel fics, but there's also a couple that are magically related to a canon character, and, very interesting to me, there are also three stories where the character joins the company as a DISGUISED woman, a heritage trope if ever there was one. (Thank you, Mr. Shakespeare.)
FF.net OCs are much more likely to fit expected fandom norms in terms of their occupations; the majority are female paratroopers, nurses, or medics. The top romantic interests in this dataset? Richard Winters, Joe Liebgott, and Ronald Speirs, with Don Malarkey and Doc Roe rounding out the top five. BUT I noticed another pattern; when sorted over time, there are bands where multiple authors in the fandom are all writing for the same paraguy - and that that guy changes over time, while the authors remain the same. (You’re writing about Luz? We’re ALL writing about Luz.)
Another interesting trend in this data is the appearance of several authors who are writing what appear to be the forerunners of the now-ubiquitous tumblr reader-insert fic. These are stories in shorter, 1000-2000 word formats, unconnected to other works in a series with an unnamed protagonist whose occupation isn't mentioned in the story description.  They occur in the dataset in blocks by the same author, with three or four stories clumped around the same publish date, and their sole reason for existing seems to be to express or receive romantic interest from/in a paraguy, not tell a particular woman's story.
Named But Not Appearing In Canon characters, Reader Inserts, and Original Characters are three distinct categories of fic with different target audiences. None of them are 'wrong' in any way, but I feel each should be tagged differently. Kitty Grogan, for instance, is named in the show but never appears, and while we have to speculate on what she's actually like, she's different than the characters we created out of thin air and should be tagged accordingly.
I know several fics being written by acquaintances of mine don't appear in this survey because, while the ship is tagged, they're not tagged as 'Original Female Character (s)' and several Reader Inserts found their way into the dataset because they're tagged incorrectly. (You all should FIX THIS.)
On AO3, fics with more comments were also more likely to have more bookmarks. Since comments are an entry point to beginning a relationship with the work's author, authors who engage in the comments seem to be more likely to have the type of followers who bookmark and return to a work. These works also tend to be longer, supporting the idea that continued engagement with authors over time is a good way to encourage them to keep creating.
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bangingoutthetunes · 4 years
Sickeningly Sweet: Grovel.
Hi hi! This is a *very* long multipart Tendou x AFAB Reader fic. I’ll post it as different parts, and then I’ll  post the entire ~20k words as one giant wall of text so you don’t have to worry your pretty head about clicking a link and going to the next one. I feel like having both formats ready lets readers pick what they like the most! This fic explores *many* different kinks, so I really hope it is to  your liking. Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated!
The parts in this fic can also be read independently of each other! 
NOTE: this fic was co-written with my great friend Jojo from @/bnhavibes (link to her writing tumblr here) all the way through. Please, check out her work on there and on her ao3 too! This fic will also be posted to her tumblr and ao3.
Part 1 Part 2 Whole Fic
Part 3: Grovel
Word Count: 6.1k
Kinks/tags: blowjob, throatfucking, edging, overstimulation, knifeplay, marking, blindfolding, humiliation kink, corruption kink, mirror kink, smut to fluff 
“Are you gonna say something or just stare at my cock like a starving stray kitten?”
You purse your lips before pinching his nipple, earning a small yelp and hands at your wrist. “Shut up and let me suck your cock.”
Hands in the air as if to show he meant no harm, Satori backed up until he could stand on the floor. You scooted over to the edge and arched your back so he got a nice view in the reflection behind you as you pumped at his sticky shaft. Coated in precum mixed with your arousal, his cock was harder than you’d ever seen it before. The usually thin veins along the side and the larger one on the underside were all thickened and pulsating roughly as your hand squeezed his cock. The traction was annoying, however, so you dug your tongue into your saliva glands to produce more of your spit before taking the head of his cock against your lips and letting the drool drizzle out over it.
Tendou moaned softly at the feeling of your warm spit kissing the head of his cock like that, and your hand was quick to capture the liquid before it dripped off; pumping his shaft made the saliva spread faster and you got him nice and prepped before your lolled your tongue out and swirled it around the first few inches of his dick. The sound of his shuddering breaths and sinful hissing combined with the sparse sucking and wet sounds of your mouth taking his length in and out drove Satori crazy.
“Look at you,” He muttered under his breath, “Sucking my cock so earnestly.”
You looked up at him as you brought your second hand to help, taking what you could of his cock into your mouth and hollowing your cheeks out as you bobbed your head up and down in time with your squeezing fingers.
“Haaah!~ Fuck, who’s my greedy little cocksucker? A-Ahhhh, yeah, that’s you doll, mmmnnn, you really suck my cock like you mean it, huh, (name)?” His dirty hissing nestled itself behind your ears and drizzled into them like sweet confection; you began to release the subconscious tension in your jaw, letting him dip further into your throat until you gagged slightly with each bob, saliva dripped down your chin and onto his fingers in your hair as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Fuuuuuuck~, baby, that’s s-soooo fucking good, ughhh~, God, good girl.~”
You moaned on his shaft, his praise feeding your desire and you sucked hard as you removed yourself to breathe, pumping his cock with the perfect amount of twist to your wrist and squeeze to your fingers that always made him go wild.
“Haaah! Uuhhhnnn, fuck, sugar, you’re gonna kill me.” Satori’s chest rose erratically as you collected the spit in your mouth again and you made him open his eyes as your hand focused on the slit at the tip of his cock, cupping and twisting your hand around the tip had him teetering on the edge and then…. you spit on his cock.
The change in his lustful facial expression was prominent, and a feral haze took over as he looked down at you with a dominance that brought the fire in your belly back to life. He smirked darkly, taking his fingers out of your hair to pull it into a ponytail in one hand as the other came to rest on your jaw. You settled onto your knees, already drooling more as you slid his cock past your lips. Holding your head in place helped you, but you knew better than to assume he was trying to make things easier on you. The amount of times you’ve gone down on him scoffed at the idea of receiving kindness from the man whose cock was nothing but greedy.
Several times over the past year he’s been the cause of a sore throat outside of flu season. You let him go wild on you because you’d never slept together. It was only fair in your mind, but you’ve only seen him get this riled up one other time—You knew you were in for it when his fingertips gave a teasing slap to your jawline.
Your head is dragged up his shaft by the ponytail, and you close your eyes in preparation of monitoring your breathing and he cooed about how pretty you look with his dick lodged down your throat. Then it happens; in a blink of an eye, you feel lightheaded and disoriented as Tendou’s hands grip the sides of your face and shove you into his crotch ferociously.
Gagging had your eyes shooting open with tears spilling out of the sides as he grunts heavily with his jaw clenched.
“You like to spit on cocks now, you filthy slut?” He growled, “Who’s been teaching you these naughty fucking tricks, doll? God, you’re so fucking lucky I love you, d’you know that!?” The aggressive side of Satori only made your pussy quiver and eyes flutter shut as he fucked your throat. “Uuughhhhggh, fuck, choke on my cock, doll, take it in your throat like a good girl.” The absurdity of the situation and how quickly he changed from being the attentive and doting best friend to Daddy Dom tryhard made you laugh on his dick, and the vibrations of your mouth against his hard cock sent shivers up his spine. Breathing out through your nose, you looked up at him and smiled with your eyes. You were clearly enjoying yourself. Your tongue instinctively flattened against the underside of his dick, and in a shaky motion you grabbed his hip with your hand to steady yourself against his unrelenting rhythm. His pace fluttered at the unexpected touch to his side, and you took this as an opportunity to gain the upper hand and snaked your other hand to his asscheek, toying it in your grasp and massaging it like putty. 
Looking up at him between fluttered eyelashes, you saw his head thrown back as his chest heaved erratically.  His lips were parted in a silent stutter, but in spite of this he panted like a dog. With every thrust into your mouth he reached deeper and deeper still into the back of your throat. You were sure your uvula would fall off at the unrelenting thrusts. In spite of seeming in control, you knew that he was nothing more than a puppet; seizing the opportunity and knowing his eyes were screwed shut as he focused on keeping his impending orgasm at bay, you pulled yourself in, hands squeezing at his ass, and buried your nose above his dick. His whole body shook with a wave of pleasure.  “Sugar, pleas-ughhhhhhhhhh oh GOD.” He began to tremor in your grasp, and as you further nuzzled your nose into his crotch you began to feel the back of your throat tighten around his cock as you forcefully swallow, desperate to milk it dry. 
Satori gasped and involuntarily rolled his hips into your mouth, hissing at the feeling. “(name)-chan, I’ll be all fucked out if you continue at this pace--please.” You replied with a soft hum against his dick, sending vibrations up to the shaft that prickled pins and needles on his skin. With no warning, you teased your right hand closer to his asshole, spreading his cheeks as your left hand lightly traced your fingernails from his tailbone down. He was your prisoner, he became your bitch, if only for these sweet moments while he clasped his hand over his mouth to stifle a cry as his pull on a makeshift ponytail grew tighter by the second. The fingers feathering over his ass, your nose buried in his crotch, your throat spasming around his twitching dick and the look of I’ve won that you gave him through narrowed and greedy eyes was going to send him over the edge. “I’m about to come, (name)-”, he warned, but as soon as you heard those words whispered your grip on his ass tightened and a loud SLAP echoed throughout the room. You pulled off of his twitching dick, cheshire grin etched onto your face as a string of saliva mixed with bittersweet precum connected your lips to the throbbing head of his cock. He stared at you, hand still clamped over his mouth, as he registered what just happened. You just stopped him from cumming inside your throat, and to add insult to injury you slapped his ass. 
“Don’t tire out on me just yet~” you cooed at him as a bittersweet reminder of how he edged you so cruelly before. He let out a muffled sob and he pulled you to sit up from the makeshift ponytail to glare at you. He looked like he was planning your murder. Pushing you back onto the mattress, he straddled your thighs and eyed you like a hawk ready to swoop in and pounce on its prey. You could feel his dick twitch against your right thigh, prompting you to buck into the ghostly touch. 
He leaned down to whisper into your ear, hot breath fanning onto the side of your face, “You’ve really done it now, haven’t you?” He traced his left fingers from your shoulder down your arm, leading to rest his thumb and pointer finger on either side of your wrist. Then, in a swift motion, he locked the rest of his fingers around it and pulled your hand to lay flat on the mattress above your head. 
Satori reached over to the nightstand and yanked the sheathed knife and a long piece of silk fabric. Letting go of your wrist, he toyed with the silk and twirled it in between his fingers while eyeing you with a cocked eyebrow.  “Are you ready, (name)?” His lips were parted and curled into a smile. “Y-yeah…” Your eyes shone like stars in anticipation for what was to come. Cradling your head at the back of his hands, he set the fabric below your eyebrows. Once,  twice, he folded the fabric back to ensure it was snug against your lashes so you couldn’t see anything. He tied the silk against the side of your head. It felt so soft against your skin, and your legs twitched in anticipation to what he would do. “Steady your breathing and relax, it will help you feel more, okay?” He ran his palm across the left side of your cheekbone all the way down to  your jaw, tilting it upwards. Although you couldn’t see his eyes, glued to your face to look for any  signs of discomfort, you could make out the faintest of shadows and you hear him stir. “Yeah, give me a minute to calm down and then, whenever you’re ready…” He hummed happily in reply.  
The cool air of the room filled your lungs and slowly, but surely, you began to feel your jaw unclench and your lips part open. Your steadied breathing spread from your chest down your arms, rested at your side, and legs, still warm from Satori’s perch on your body. You heard him unsheath the knife and a cold sensation licked up your spine to rest at the base of your neck. It felt like forever had passed until he finally pressed the cold metal to the right side of your neck. 
“You had been such a good girl for me all night, (name)-chan.” The knife pricked your skin like ice-cold nails were being lightly grazed on the flesh. “Then, you decided to pull a fast one on me and wound me. Good girls don’t wound and break their men’s hearts, now don’t they?” You felt the knife drag past your collarbone and rest on the indentation below it. He applied more pressure on the area, and with a quick swipe you felt the cold metal cut into your skin.  A shaky cry left your lips from the initial sensation, but a swipe of his tongue on the afflicted area led to a suck up of cold air from the pressure. The sweetness of his tongue lapping at the skin pooled in between your thighs, and you could feel the goosebumps prickle on your underarms. “I think I have no choice but to teach you a lesson~” His voice rung at the bottom of your ear and he lightly nibbled on your earlobe. “I think I’ll go ahead and carve my name into your body so everyone that comes too close for comfort will  know you’re my little slut.” He peppered the back of your jaw with air-light kisses, trailing his lips down your neck to where it met your shoulder. He took a bite out of the flesh, rolling it in between his teeth  and smirking into your skin at the agitated cry you let out from the stimulation. All the while, he lightly drug the knife down to  rock the sharp side up  and down your sternum into the flush skin in between your breasts. When satisfied from feasting on  your shoulders, you felt his chin  lift off of you. He traced the knife up from your chest and began to cut his name in kanji into your flush and angry skin. He continued this pattern of carve, cry and lick until his name was freshly wounded. He licked up the drops of blood that would spill. “Mmmm, buttercup, your blood tastes as sweet as your pussy does.” He sunk his teeth into his kanji and laughed when you stifled a cry with your hand cupped over the bottom half of your face. 
He lifted his weight off of your body and lifted the blindfold from your eyes, tears brimming at the corners of your eyes and nose wrinkled in anticipation. He sneered down at you, wickedly, and placed the tip of the knife below your jaw. “Are you enjoying this, doll?” You nodded and leaned into his touch.  Eager to prove his point, you tilted your jaw to the side, leaving the edge of the knife in midair, and you leaned up to take it into your mouth to suck your blood off of it. It didn’t taste bitter, as you would’ve expected, but you were unsure of whether this was due to the blood itself or the sweet feeling of chocolate that lingered in your mouth from his kisses. 
Satori seemed to keen over at the sight of you. The edge of your knife was half falling  out of your mouth, the blindfold was nestled onto your forehead, and you fluttered your eyes at him behind a curtain of lashes and a heavily flushed face. In this vulnerable of a position, looking up at him so eagerly, you were begging for nothing more than to be fucked senseless by him. And what choice did he have but to oblige for his princess? He rutted his hips forward, but not close enough to aid your ache and discomfort, and he pushed his hips upwards to rest the angry tip  of his cock, desperate for release,  in between your labia. 
You gasped, heart thumping out of your chest at the overwhelming sensations of his cock nestled in between your folds and the dull side of the knife tracing loops from your neck down to your collarbone. Your cunt clenched around nothing and you choked on a sob; you didn't know how much more you could possibly take of this before release. 
“S-satori…” your hips rolled into the friction from his gentle thrusts between your labia. “Satori…”
He loomed over you, the sharp tip of his nose nuzzling against yours. His breath, smell reminiscent of dark chocolate, fanned over your face. “The way you coo my name is going to be what ruins you, sugar.” The edge of the knife pricked your shoulder and ran along your neck to rest underneath your jaw, causing you to yelp due to the contrast of cold metal against flushed skin. “Now, tell me what it is you want me to do.”
“I...I…” the verbiage latched to the inside your throat and you felt like you couldn't speak. You felt the cold metal make contact with the bottom of your chin, so your eyes tilted upwards to make contact with the redhead. 
“Spit it out. “ He thrusted upwards, the precum that shone on his dick coating your clitoris. 
“Just fuck me already, please,” you whined, breath staggered and pleading for any friction you could take. 
“You're going to watch me ruin you, sugar.” He placed a hand on the left side of your jaw, coaxing you to watch from the mirror. He leers over you, gargantuan in size, and the hilt of the knife glistened in the lamplight like morning dew. You were both bathed in sweat and you shone, like brilliant stars in the stead of dawn, blanketed under the room’s sultry ambiance. Your eyes locked, eye contact made in the mirror. His eyes were a mix of emotions; they were lust-filled, sadistic, gentle, analytical. 
A pull of his right cheek revealed that shit-eating, devilish grin that first sparked your attraction for him all those years ago in high school. Your body twitched as his free hand moved to grasp his shaft from between your labia, getting his fingers messy once more in the process, and slide the tip so painfully slow down your slit. His eyes met yours in the reflection as he brought his cock to your entrance, and you could feel your hole clench over the appendage as he just barely dipped into your walls.
“You’re so perfect,” He moaned, “Clutching to me like that, ‘M gonna think you’re in love with me, too.”
Before you could realize what he’d said, he thrusted his hips roughly into the underside of your thighs. Immediately, your skin felt like melting off and the cry you let out had your back arching up from the mattress as you stretched out your neck.
“Fucking beautiful.” He muttered, continuing to fuck into you at an even pace.
From this angle above you, he got to see you in your entirety. He got to see how moonlight pooled above your collarbones and shed shadow to the skin below and how it tainted the side of your neck and upper shoulders in its pallidity; he could see every time you bit your lip, every time you squeezed your eyes shut at the foreign feelings now flooding your senses, every blush that painted your beautiful face. And for a forever stuck in time, he let you get comfortable as your walls fluttered around his twitching dick.
It was almost artistic, the way your breasts bounced with every snap of his hips, the pebbles of drying blood on your clavicle marking you as his, and the high pitched cries of his given name raising an octave as he pursued your orgasm in its finality. You were so warm inside, just as he’d always imagined.
Steadying his weight on his left hand, he ran his other up your chest, shakily, and locked his thumb and forefinger behind the back of your jaw. The pressure was imperceptible at first, but when he shifted his hand to lay flat against your trachea your vision went black. There was nothing to see with your eyes; your body was set on fire and your senses were flooded with unnamed prickles and drops of sweat. Inner walls of your cervix fluttering against his thrusts, you sobbed and tears spilled, painting constellations behind your lashes. Your head snapped back into the mattress, tears staining the once-had-been-crisp-white sheets.
“Auughh, fuck, (Firstname), you’re so f-f-ucking tight”, he hissed.  He removed the hand at your throat and grasped onto your hip with the knife pressing into his own hand. His pace increased as your walls trembled around his shaft, begging him for more. “Haaaah~ Oh fuck, oh fuckohfuckohfuck, fuck yeah, baby~!”
Your tears were constant then, fingers digging into the sheets and his shoulder as you fucked yourself into his lap, eager to give him everything, every part of you so long as you finally felt that sweet release you had been craving for so long. “Satori-kun!~ Huuunnnnnnnhhh~, fuck, me, oh godddd, fuck me please, Satori, fuck, fuck, fucking hell~”
The quiver in your tone sent shivers down Tendou’s spine, and he, too, began to spasm. “Fuck, yeah, you’re so-- perfect~!”
Your hands found their way to his back and you dug your nails in to keep yourself in place.  The way Satori bit his lip while he steadied his weight on his arms to fuck your brains out looked hot as fuck in the mirror. With heavy eyes, you almost felt your consciousness slipping away, and you were so tempted to succumb to the rhythmic snapping of his hips into your own. Every thrust became more frantic and needy; every buck of your hips into his ministrations brought him closer and closer to that unreachable precipice. His name, coaxed out of you like a sweet melody, steadily crescendoed until your throat felt hoarse. You could feel yourself begin to involuntarily spasm and clench around his dick, greedy for more than you could take. 
“Won’t you come for me, baby?” 
You clawed at his shoulder blades and buried your face in his neck, nipping against his skin to keep the sobs at bay as the knot in your abdomen grew uncomfortably tight. He removed you from his chokehold to steady himself on the mattress once again, rhythm growing erratic and his breathing became shallow; he, too, would be nearing his end.
You felt Tendou’s arm pull you close to his chest until the two of you molded together as one. You were both sheened in a slick pane of sweat, and the moonlight floating in through the window made it look like two of you were glowing. He ran his hands up and down your back and sides in a soothing motion, and when he felt you tremble under his touch he placed his hands at the small of your waist.  
What Tendou saw right before his impending climax was your eyes fluttering shut and your head lifting slightly to kiss him as gently as you could. The tenderness of your fingers, lightly tugging his hair from how weak you had become, of your warm mouth and half-parted, swollen, silky lips, of you, so pliant and destroyed underneath him; it was all such a stark contrast to the harshness of his thrusts and his unrelenting rhythm. “Mhmm, that’s it, you're doing amazing, sugar,” he whispers, more tenderly than you’d ever heard him speak, as he accompanied you through your orgasm, slowing down, gradually, allowing you to ride it out on him.  
And then, as if out of thin air, the knot expands and snaps at the behest of the stimulation to your g-spot. 
The coils in your abdomen were white-hot as your far too delayed orgasm finally returned, drowning you underneath its cold, cold merciless waves. You let go of everything tethering you to that plane of existence and arched out of the mattress, too far gone to register anything with your senses. The wind was knocked out of you in a loud and final cry, and your pussy clamped down the hardest it ever had on any dick you'd taken before. It milked his cock in a greedy manner; warmth flooded your womb, your cervix now marked with his milky white cum.
The intensity of the feelings was akin to one of those life changing, world stopping, earth stops spinning, time freezing orgasms that very few experience in their whole entire lifetime, and the two of you felt like the stars had aligned for this to happen as it did that night.
“Sator-hnnngn!” You cried out, and all you knew is that this is what people covet so desperately, this is what people chase after and kill for when having their guts rearranged. Your nails lose their grip on his neck and his hands only clench more tightly against your back and waist, but it was fine, because he finished because of you, groaning and nestling his head in between the space your neck and shoulder provides. There was a deep whine hidden behind each heave of breath he huffed out against your skin, and you’re almost sure he came just as hard as you.
He pulled himself out from your core and collapsed his weight on top of you from the exhaustion. His breathing was shaky against your collarbone, and his hands wandered up your sides until they found your own. He laced his fingers into yours and guided the front of your hand up to his mouth, peppering soft and ghostly kisses up the palm along your knuckles, nuzzling his nose into the crooks and nibbling so lightly on your skin that it felt more like gentle breaths if anything. He was right there, above you, eyes soft and tender, looking at you with the most dumb expression painted onto his face. He looked as if he could break out into a lazy, high grin at any second. 
“I'm giving you kisses for every time I've wanted to make you cum, by the way.” He pressed your palm into his lips and smiled. 
“God, you weirdo!” You laughed at this, throwing your head back a little bit and the sound was like music to his ears. “Did you count?”
“No, you really think I can do math? I can’t even spell guarantee. I'm just guessing, and to be fair you did sing for me plenty, so...so I want to give you a lot of kisses too. Thank you... for all of this, sugar.” He dripped his words in an ocean’s worth of sincerity, and the gesture made your heart skip a beat.
“I should be the one thanking you, Satori. You're always so sweet, and considerate, and such a fucking goofball. You always make me laugh, even with your dick lodged in my throat.” he peered up at you, torso now shifted in between your thighs and you could tell from your vantage point that he was dangling his feet off of the mattress, kicking them in contentedness. 
“Well, honey, that’s the plan! Is there anything I can get you? Would like some water or an extra blanket? Are you hungry?” 
“If you try and wiggle away from me I'll have your head. Don't move away, you're too warm~,” locking your elbow into his armpit, you pulled him up to face you and buried yourself to whine into his neck. 
He shifted his hands to below your back and rolled over so you were resting on him instead. He was hot to the touch, and his neck was a bit sweaty, but you couldn't be bothered to care. You hummed into his chest and listened to the gentle lull of his stilling heart.  He gave a heady laugh and wrapped his arms around your waist, lightly tracing what you didn't know were I love yous into the backs of your hips.
Everything was still, everything was perfect. You peered out the window to your left and appreciated that Tendou’s apartment was far removed from the city; the street lights were shut off, so you could see the glimmer of stars millions of light-years away adorning the inky black and cloudless sky. Your eyes widened in surprise at the revelation, and a smile couldn't help but make itself onto your lips. It seemed fitting to stare up at such a beautiful sky with such a beautiful man, both inside and out, resting beneath you. 
But god fucking damn it, you really had to use the bathroom. 
He stirred awake at the sudden absence of your touch. “Actually, give me a sec- I'm gonna get up to go pee.” Sitting up and resting your hands onto his chest for support, you began to shake yourself off of him when he wordlessly sat up, cracked his neck from side to side, and tilted you with his right arm against the small of your back so that your legs dangled off of his left. With a quick hmmphm, he got up with you in tow and made his way towards the door. 
“H-hey! What do you think you're doing?”
“I'm bringing you to the bathroom, idiot. There’s no way I'll let you walk there to just wobble on the floor and collapse from exhaustion.”
“But, Satori,” you pleaded, the worry clear in your voice, “You're probably more tired than I am. With all you’d been doing, you'll collapse!” 
He huffed, “No, I won't, I wouldn't ever dream of falling if it meant dropping you and risking getting you hurt, angel.” He continued to make his way to the bathroom as he ghosted kisses along your forehead. Laughs echoed in the halls of his apartment at far too ungodly an hour, but neither one of you could be bothered to care. It was only you, him, and the unexpected comfort brought by the vulnerability you were both practicing. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling into his kisses, welcoming them with your hands pressed to his chest. Your eyes shone brighter than stars and your face lit up the room, as if adorned with fairy lights, when you made contact with those beautiful eyes of cognac whiskey and scarlet peering down at you from his vantage point. To him, you were glowing. 
He bumped the bathroom door open with his hip and kicked the seat up with his foot, because he did not want to lose his hold on you for any reason. If that meant using his foot as a hand, then so be it. “Be careful, princess,” he murmured as he shifted you to sit on the porcelain throne. You burst out in laughter once again at the ridiculousness of this all, and he couldn't help following suit. He sat down on the floor and rested his head against your knee, staring into the wall in front of him.
“So...how was it?” 
You raked your fingers into his hair and scratched his head. “It was nothing short of the best sex I've ever had.”
The room was dark, as any moonlight streaming in through the window was blocked by the shower curtain, but you knew Tendou’s lips were curled into a smile. 
“See? Now I can say I told you so. I never dissapoint, (name).” 
“Seriously, you blew away any expectations and anxieties I had. You were so attentive and careful and always prioritized my pleasure... If I didn't know any better, I would've thought you were in love with me.” You half-hoped his mid-coitus confession was just your imagination, but with the high you were feeling right about now, you were confident enough to take a jab at him for it anyways. Tendou let out a dry laugh. Would confessing in the bathroom post-sex be a romantic or embarassing answer to “when did you find out you loved each other? 
“What’s the matter?” You asked him, and you spoke to him so softly, so sweetly and gently in tone of voice, that his heart would burst out of his chest, and he couldn't possibly bear it any longer. God fucking damn it, perhaps you’d resent him and hate his guts for ruining your easy relationship with his complicated feelings, but it had been too long and...he just couldn't stay quiet and still about the screaming in his chest any more.
He let go of his embrace of your calf to sit up straight on his knees. When he sat up to rest his elbows on your thighs, he was almost at eye level with you. “Well, (name), I had told you that I had been waiting for a really long time to do this with you. Nothing, no one else, really caught my attention since that first time we kissed all those months ago. This was the buildup of all that anticipation.” 
You smiled at him, trying to assume that he wasn't being romantic, and told him: “I'd been wanting this for forever, Satori. I'm really glad it happened with you.”
“For forever, you say? That’s an awfully long time. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re in love with me,” He smirked at you with a knowing grin, clearly proud of himself for his word play, “Because if that were the case then I would feel the same. I've been in love with you this entire time, (name).”
“So have I.”
A comfortable silence followed shortly after as you peed (no UTIs here, thank u), and when you were done Satori shifted so he could rest his head on your shoulder. His messy ginger hair was slick on his forehead, eyelids fluttered shut and lips half-parted. He looked like a baby, more at peace with himself and where he was than anyone else in the world. His eyes opened, smiling, and he began to speak:
“If it were up to me, I could really stay like this forever.”
“Yeah, imagine how nice it would be to, like, die and have your final moments be something so blissful, with your final memory made being nothing short of perfect.” 
“Are you saying you feel so happy you could die?”
“I s’pose so, Satori.”
For the nth time that night, the space between the two of you seemed to disappear as he tilted his head up to capture your smiling lips in a kiss. He was surprisingly gentle in a way he hadn't been before; what had been apprehension and anxiety melted away into newfound confidence and ebullience that seeped through his smile and into your own. 
The kiss was soft for the first second, but then all those pent up feelings he’d kept buried under lock and key for too many years to count took control of him and he kissed you with an insurmountable fervor that caught you off guard. When he finally stopped to bask in your expression, ladden in wide-eyed wonder, he wore this gigantic smile on his face that invited you to beam at him in return.
“Should we re-confess tomorrow when we're, you know, not ass naked in a bathroom?”
“I think this has its charm, but I will gladly confess to you as many times as I need to. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.” You retort as he lifts you to your feet from your throne.
“No, duh, I mean, of course I'll never get tired of that, but I am pretty tired now.” He says while you wash your hands.
“Well, I can guarantee that you’ll be the first one up and walking tomorrow.” The opening was there, you just couldn’t resist, “That’s g-U-a-ran-t-e-e.” Your pointer finger boops the middle of his chest as you emphasize the “U” for dramatic effect.
“Or my money back?” Satori knocks his first two knuckles against the center of your forehead as he shakes his head and lifts you back up into his arms, “You better keep your end of the deal, honeypot, don’t go breaking my heart.”
“I could never!” You say as he walks you back to his bed, “Shattering your spirit is enough.”
The two of you laugh as he tosses you in bed under the duvet. Your eyes start to feel heavy as you hear Tendou humming that silly old Baki Baki song he made up in high school, the dirty top sheets being removed and when you blink, you’re somehow laid up against his chest, arms curled up and head nestled on them as his hands tressed through your hair.
Slightly delirious from the sleepiness, you wondered aloud: “Did you really want to try all of this with me?”
“I would’ve died if I had to go  another day without this,  (firstname). You saved me just in time.”
His voice sounded peaceful, and sleepy, and it was so new to see this gentle side of him. It felt strange in the best way possible.”
“I’ve been in love with you for what feels like forever, Satori.”
He smiled into a kiss on your forehead, “I know.”
Part 1 Part 2 Whole Fic
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