#multiple channels strategy
mrhairybrit · 3 months
How To Have Multiple Livestreams on One YouTube Channel
How To Have Multiple Livestreams on One YouTube Channel
Having multiple livestreams running simultaneously on one YouTube channel is a bit complex due to the platform’s limitations and how livestreaming generally works. Can you have multiple live streams on one YouTube channel? – No, YouTube doesn’t support multiple simultaneous live streams on a single channel. You can only stream one live video at a time per channel. For multiple streams, creators…
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true-blue-sonic · 5 months
How would you describe Silver's personality?
Let's see... There's a few aspects of Silver's personality that I think strongly characterise who he is as a person.
Silver is determined. He has a strong desire to protect the future, to the point where he's made multiple trips to the past to stop disasters from occurring there and ensure the safety of his own time in turn. Related to this, Silver has an optimistic attitude and generally doesn't lose hope easily, as conveyed in multiple bios such as his one from Generations. Notably, he shoots down Infinite's statements about how he'll show the rabble that "there is no hope" immediately, asking "Does anyone but you believe your lies?!". However, this is not infallible: in both Rivals 1 and 2 there's moments wherein Silver loses his hope ("No! I'm too late!" in Rivals 1 when Eggman Nega goes to space to take a picture of the whole planet; "It's too late. I knew there was way for me to change the future…" in Rivals 2 when the portal to the Ifrit's dimension opens despite his efforts). However, it also takes little for him to get this hope back again: the very instance there's the slightest indication things can turn around, he's back on it again. This is seen in both Rivals games and also '06, where Elise pointing out she feels Sonic's presence in the wind makes Silver give her a rousing speech with the idea she can use the Emeralds to bring Sonic back again.
Silver is sassy, rude, and blunt. In Colours DS, he's got a clear opinion on Eggman's Experience the Future ride that is conveyed in quite a sarcastic manner ("They think THAT is what the future is like? Please." and saying Sonic should give it a pass), and he similarly expresses rather abrasive statements about people who are not his allies. Notably, even Sonic remarked once that Silver is getting on his nerves (in Rivals 1). He mocks Sonic in '06 after their first battle ("Hmpf! Is this a joke? How could someone like you cause the destruction of our world?"), and immediately rudely regards Knuckles after getting the information he wants out of him in Rivals 1 ("Got no time to explain it to someone like you… See ya!" followed by "Like I said before, I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya!"). In Forces, he bluntly tells Knuckles "Who cares what it's called?" about Operation Big Wave, stressing the fact that a good strategy is more important than a good name. Overall, Silver also has a temper: especially in the Rivals games, he quickly goes to throwing hands when someone expresses scepticism about his mission or makes fun of him as a person. It certainly doesn't seem like he is okay with letting people walk over him!
In an interesting contrast to the above point, Silver is also kind and cherishes his friends dearly. In '06, he puts his entire mission to defeat the Iblis Trigger on hold when deciding to help Amy find her person she was looking for first. I am not actually sure why he does so: I think the fact the past is so beautiful and the people are happy there helped inspire him to spread that kindness to the girl who's been kind to him in turn so far? But Silver clearly cares for his friends and allies: in '06, he is distraught by the fact he'll lose Blaze to save the world, he is similarly seen with a hurt expression when Sonic's alleged death is brought up in Forces, and in Rivals 2, he is genuinely grateful to Espio for the help Espio gave him in stopping the Ifrit from destroying the world.
Silver is honest, to the point of being blunt also... and this thus means that he is not always taken seriously. In a Sonic Channel story, he tells a group of Soleannan officials that he is from the future and gives that as reason why he knows calamity will befall a specific place in Soleanna; this is precisely why he is not believed. In Rivals 2, he is very clear about needing the Chao to save the world: Knuckles and Rouge promptly determine that this is something highly unlikely and that his psychic powers must have made Silver "a bit goofy", despite the fact Silver is entirely correct.
Silver is not always correct in his thinking, but it is difficult to change his mind. It also seems that once he gets encouragement that he is perchance doing the right thing, he goes right back to his earlier ideas: seen in '06 with Blaze's statements about what must be done to change the future, where it took an intervention by Shadow and a trip to the past to change Silver's mind about Sonic in full. However, Silver does show the ability to be introspective. After his fallout with Amy in '06, he is sitting quietly by himself, entirely unengaged with his mission to destroy the Iblis Trigger and instead wondering if hurting one person to help many others is "right". In Rivals 2 he is the one who figures that just endlessly fighting is actually against his goal of collecting Chao, and thus he turns that very goal around into a battle with Sonic wherein the victory conditions are to collect the most Chao. And in Colours DS, he is the one taking note of the fact it feels like he and Blaze have fought together before, after Sonic points out they were in perfect sync.
Silver seems to like fighting and has a bit of a Blood Knight mentality. In Generations, he expresses happiness at brawling with Sonic again in a rematch (stating that it should be fun), and in Colours DS he is intrigued to find out what the robots in Sonic's era can do (but unfortunately has to face Orbot and Cubot, making him lament that there was no challenge). Similarly, in the Triumph cutscene of mission 2-3 in Colours DS, he almost begins one-upping Blaze about how he could easily have handled the likes of Orbot and Cubot by himself, to Blaze's displeasure. He thus also seems confident in his own abilities, helped by the fact his powers are tremendously strong and can do amazing feats.
Silver is sharp and takes note of small, almost insignificant details to come to correct conclusions. In Rivals 1, he notices "Eggman" is actually Eggman Nega due to his speech and mannerisms, as well as a small slip of Nega about how there'd be nobody to stand in his way in the past and future. He is also only shown as gullible in '06: in Generations, he originally fights Sonic because he's not sure if the real deal is asking him for the Chaos Emerald (thus not blindly trusting that someone who looks like Sonic actually is Sonic), and in Team Sonic Racing he is right on top of Eggman's plans with the Ultimate Energy Engine. In Rivals 2, he immediately determines at the first appearance of "Eggman" that it is actually Eggman Nega trying to pull the same trick as before, where he is shown to be correct as well.
This got very long, and I am certain I am missing some (or perhaps even many) things. I've written multiple posts about parts of Silver's personality before, but leave it to Tumblr to not return those to me, haha. But I think these are some of the most important aspects of Silver's personality! Lastly, there's also some things that are not explicitly stated but that I think do fit his personality well:
Silver appreciates the small things, things that other people might not notice so easily. His favourite thing is noted to be the blue sky in the Mario & Sonic games which is also shown with him stating that "the sky [of the past] is gorgeous" in '06, he marvels at the desert area of that game (that Amy notably shows more disregard for, asking him "What? You mean this desert?"), and he is multiple times noted to have awareness of the happiness of a whole world: the above quote is followed with "and everyone's happy", and in Colours DS he says "The sky is blue, and everyone's got a smile". A blue sky and the fact the people of the world all have a smile are not extremely noteworthy things, but they're clearly important enough for Silver to mention them both in two games.
Silver doesn't care much about what others think of him. The only time I can recall wherein he reacted crabby to someone poking fun at him is in Rivals 2, where Knuckles calls him crazy for thinking the Chao will be necessary to stop the world from being destroyed (here Silver's response is "I'll show you how crazy I am"). What he is doing furthermore also directly relates to him wanting to save the world, which could explain his annoyance at Knuckles not believing him. The only time wherein Silver has gotten anything akin to flustered in the games is, at the top of my head, '06 wherein Amy gets the jump on him and doesn't let him get a word inbetween her spiel before she drags him off to go find Sonic.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 6 months
Alfea's Curriculum
Department of Alchemy and Potionology
Beginning Level:
Introduction to Potion Brewing: A foundational course covering basic potion crafting techniques, understanding ingredients, and the fundamental principles of potion making.
Botanical Studies for Alchemists: This class introduces students to enchanted botanical studies, focusing on identifying and understanding the magical properties of plants used in potion-making.
Essentials of Healing Magic: An introduction to healing and restorative magic, emphasizing the ethical use of magic for healing purposes and the basic principles of channeling energy.
Intermediate Level (Prerequisites: Beginning Level Classes):
Intermediate Potion Crafting: Building upon the introductory class, this course explores more complex brewing techniques, potion stability, and the interaction between different ingredients.
Advanced Botanical Studies: Delving deeper into enchanted plants, this class explores rare and powerful botanicals, their cultivation, and their specific applications in potion-making.
Healing Elixirs and Remedies: Focused on practical applications, this class teaches students how to create specific potions and elixirs for various healing purposes, including physical and emotional ailments.
Advanced Level (Prerequisites: Intermediate Level Classes):
Mastery in Potionology: A comprehensive study integrating advanced potion crafting techniques, potion artistry, and experimentation with rare and volatile ingredients.
Enchanted Gardens and Sustainable Magic: This class explores the creation and maintenance of enchanted gardens, emphasizing sustainable practices and the ethical use of magical resources.
Advanced Healing Arts: Mastery-level training in healing magic, focusing on complex healing spells, energy manipulation, and the integration of potions with magical healing.
Overlapping Classes:
Alchemy Lab Practicum: This practical class runs parallel to different levels, allowing hands-on experimentation and application of theoretical knowledge in a controlled environment.
Ethical Practices in Potion Making: An ethics course required at each level, focusing on responsible use of magic, moral considerations in potion making, and the consequences of misuse.
Department of Elemental Arts
Beginning Level:
Introduction to Elemental Arts: A foundational class introducing students to the basics of elemental forces (earth, air, fire, water), their manipulation, and the ethical use of elemental magic.
Defensive Magic Fundamentals: This course covers the basics of defensive spells and shields, teaching students how to protect themselves using elemental magic.
Arcane Foundations: An introductory class exploring basic arcane arts, including rune crafting, spell formulation, and magical incantations.
Intermediate Level (Prerequisites: Beginning Level Classes):
Elemental Control and Channeling: Building upon the basics, this class focuses on honing the control and manipulation of specific elemental forces, teaching students to wield them with precision.
Combat Magic Techniques: This class delves into combat-oriented elemental magic, teaching offensive and defensive combat spells tailored to different elemental affinities.
Advanced Arcane Studies: Expanding upon arcane foundations, this course explores complex spellcraft, advanced rune work, and the creation of personalized spells.
Advanced Level (Prerequisites: Intermediate Level Classes):
Mastery in Elemental Manipulation: A comprehensive study focusing on mastering the fusion and synergy of multiple elemental forces, enabling students to create powerful elemental effects.
Advanced Defensive Tactics: Specialized training in advanced defensive spells and strategies against various magical and physical attacks.
Mystical Combat Mastery: An advanced combat-focused class, teaching students to seamlessly blend elemental forces into offensive spells and maneuvers.
Overlapping Classes:
Elemental Combat Practicum: Practical training sessions running parallel to different levels, allowing students to practice combat techniques under controlled conditions.
Ethics in Elemental Magic: A mandatory ethics course at each level, emphasizing responsible and ethical use of elemental and arcane magic.
Department of Magical Studies
Beginning Level:
Introduction to Magical Studies: A foundational course providing an overview of the magical world, including an introduction to mythical creatures, historical contexts, and the basics of artisanal magic.
Mythical Creature Identification: This class focuses on identifying, studying, and understanding various mythical creatures, their behaviors, habitats, and magical properties.
Historical Foundations of Magic: An introductory class exploring the history and evolution of magic, tracing its origins through ancient civilizations and significant magical events.
Intermediate Level (Prerequisites: Beginning Level Classes):
Advanced Mythical Creature Research: Building upon the basics, this course involves in-depth research projects on specific mythical creatures, their impact on Fae realms, and their cultural significance.
Legends and Lore: An exploration of mythical tales, legends, and folklore, dissecting their symbolic meanings and their influence on magical practices.
Artisanal Magic Techniques: This class focuses on the practical side of artisanal magic, teaching students the creation of magical artifacts, wand-making, and enchanted objects.
Advanced Level (Prerequisites: Intermediate Level Classes):
Mystical Anthropology: A comprehensive study of the relationship between Fae and mythical creatures, exploring their interaction, cultural exchanges, and historical significance.
Advanced Magical Historiography: This course delves into the analysis and interpretation of magical historical texts, deciphering ancient scripts and understanding magical artifacts' historical contexts.
Mastering Artisanal Magic: Advanced training in crafting powerful magical artifacts, imbuing them with specific abilities, and understanding the intricacies of enchanted object creation.
Overlapping Classes:
Mythical Expedition Practicum: Hands-on fieldwork that runs parallel to different levels, allowing students to conduct research on mythical creatures in their natural habitats.
Ethics in Magical Studies: A mandatory ethics course at each level, emphasizing responsible research and ethical practices in dealing with magical creatures and historical artifacts.
Department of Diplomacy and Leadership
Beginning Level:
Foundations of Diplomacy: A foundational course introducing students to the principles and practices of diplomacy, including negotiation techniques, diplomatic etiquette, and conflict resolution basics.
Leadership Essentials: An introductory class covering the fundamentals of effective leadership, emphasizing communication skills, decision-making, and team management.
Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication: This class explores the diverse cultures within the Fae realms, teaching students how to navigate cultural differences and communicate effectively across different lineages.
Intermediate Level (Prerequisites: Beginning Level Classes):
Advanced Diplomatic Negotiation: Building upon foundational skills, this course delves deeper into negotiation strategies, scenario simulations, and diplomatic problem-solving.
Strategic Leadership: An intermediate-level class focusing on strategic planning, visionary leadership, and fostering innovation within Fae communities.
Diplomatic History and Case Studies: An exploration of historical diplomatic events within the Fae realms, analyzing case studies and learning from past diplomatic successes and failures.
Advanced Level (Prerequisites: Intermediate Level Classes):
Masterclass in Diplomatic Relations: A comprehensive study of diplomatic relations between Fae kingdoms, advanced negotiation techniques, and the art of maintaining alliances.
Leadership in Governance: Advanced training in governance principles, focusing on leadership in politics, law, and decision-making processes within Fae societies.
Crisis Management and Diplomatic Crisis Resolution: Specialized training in handling diplomatic crises, conflict resolution, and mediation techniques in high-stakes situations.
Overlapping Classes:
Diplomatic Simulation Practicum: Practical simulations running parallel to different levels, allowing students to apply their diplomatic and leadership skills in realistic scenarios.
Ethics in Diplomacy and Leadership: A mandatory ethics course at each level, emphasizing ethical leadership, integrity, and responsibility in diplomatic engagements and governance.
Department of Mystic Arts and Expression
Beginning Level:
Introduction to Enchanted Artistry: A foundational course introducing students to magical expressions through visual arts, covering basic techniques and introducing mystical elements into artistic creations.
Fundamentals of Musical Enchantment: An introductory class exploring the fusion of magic with music, teaching basic musical theory and introducing enchantments into compositions.
Introduction to Mystical Movement: This class introduces students to magical dance forms, focusing on basic movements infused with Fae essence.
Magical Drama Basics: Exploring the use of magic in theatrical arts, covering basic acting techniques infused with mystical elements.
Intermediate Level (Prerequisites: Beginning Level Classes):
Advanced Enchanted Artistry Techniques: Building upon foundational skills, this course dives deeper into magical art forms, teaching advanced techniques and experimenting with diverse mystical mediums.
Harmonizing Magic in Music: An intermediate course focusing on refining enchantments in music, exploring composition, and blending different magical elements in musical pieces.
Mastering Mystical Movement: Advancing dance techniques with a deeper understanding of Fae essence, intricate choreography, and the fusion of magic into movement.
Enchanting Theatrical Performances: This class delves further into the use of magic in theater, focusing on advanced stagecraft and mystical storytelling techniques.
Advanced Level (Prerequisites: Intermediate Level Classes):
Artisanal Magic in Visual Arts: Mastery-level training in creating magical artifacts through visual arts, integrating functionality with artistic expression.
Mystical Performance Showcase: A capstone course where students showcase their mastery in their chosen discipline, presenting a culmination of their artistic and magical journey.
Required Classes for All Students
Foundations of Magical Theory: An introductory course covering the fundamental principles of magic, its history, and its significance in the Fae realms.
Ethics in Magic and Society: A course focusing on the ethical use of magic, moral considerations, and the societal impact of magical practices.
Ancient Fae Studies: Exploring the ancient civilizations and cultures of the Fae realms, delving into their traditions, rituals, and historical significance.
Mystical Arts Practicum: A practical course allowing students to experiment with various forms of magical expression, encouraging creativity and practical application of learned theories.
Fae Lore and Legends: An in-depth study of mythical tales, legends, and folklore within the Fae realms, providing cultural context and understanding of significant narratives.
Introduction to Elemental Forces: A foundational class introducing students to the basics of elemental forces (earth, air, fire, water), their symbolism, and their relevance in magic.
History of Diplomatic Relations: An overview of diplomatic events, alliances, and conflicts between Fae kingdoms, providing insights into the dynamics of Fae diplomacy.
Leadership Skills and Team Dynamics: An introductory course focusing on essential leadership qualities, communication skills, and collaborative teamwork within magical communities.
Introduction to Potion Brewing: A foundational course from the Alchemy and Potionology department, introducing students to basic potion crafting techniques, understanding ingredients, and the fundamental principles of potion making.
Mythical Creature Studies: A course exploring the diverse and mystical creatures within the Fae realms, focusing on identification, behavior, habitats, and their significance in Fae lore and culture.
Introduction to Enchanted Artistry: A foundational course introducing students to magical expressions through the arts, covering basic techniques and introducing mystical elements into artistic creations.
Only 2 more posts to go and I'll be done with Alfea's section. I wanted to know what classes/study would you follow at Alfea?
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
from this article released 12/8 about wyb’s effect on YAYA after being their spokesperson. Their brand director Suki, was interviewed and they gave some insight on WYB being the face of the brand.
“Wang Yibo has led YAYA to become a "super dark horse". Is spokesperson marketing okay again?”
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Wang Yibo ’s three-wear goose down jacket with a removable inner lining sold out 120,000 pieces during Double 11 . Suki said, "We have deep stockings of styles for artists' upper body in advance, but the final total sales volume is really surprising. We all joked that the specially opened " Yibo dedicated production line " was so busy that it was smoking. For this reason, we have Hundreds of production lines that have been put into production to meet consumer demand."
On the day it was officially announced that Wang Yibo became the chief spokesperson for YaYa down jackets, the total online transactions in all channels reached 200 million+; Douyin single-day women's clothing top 1; Tmall clothing live broadcast TOP 1, Tmall men's clothing TOP 1, Tmall women's down jackets TOP 1 , Tmall men’s down jacket TOP1.
Q: How did you come up with the idea of ​​asking Wang Yibo to be your spokesperson?
Suki : Yaya has a brand development history of more than 50 years. After the share reorganization in 2020, we vigorously promoted the rejuvenation strategy. The spokesperson is our effective contact point with consumers.
Wang Yibo is a new generation artist born after 1995. He has multiple identities such as actor, singer, race car driver, and dancer. He has both national and commercial influence.
Q: Are there any challenges in this collaboration?
Suki : Yes, the cooperation with Wang Yibo itself is also a process of testing the strength of the brand . We noticed that Wang Yibo has many endorsements, including endorsements for high-end luxury brands and TOP endorsements in various sub-categories. As a brand in the down jacket subcategory, YaYa has experienced relatively rapid growth in market performance after the share reorganization in recent years. Combined with the brand's accumulation and renewal of brand assets over more than 50 years, it finally successfully passed the layer-by-layer review of the artist team and the demands of both parties. And the fit is very high.
Of course, cooperation with top-notch artists does not happen overnight. It ends with a Weibo post on the day of the official announcement. The core test is the brand's ability to undertake, whether it is your products, operations or brand marketing, the ability to undertake will be tens of millions of times. Magnify infinitely with the attention.
Q: How do you feel about working with Wang Yibo’s team overall?
Suki : Professional . They already have a very mature and standardized cooperation process through many cooperations with high-end luxury brands and top brands in various sub-categories, and the docking team has high business literacy. Our overall communication with the artist team is very efficient.
Q: What is the logic behind choosing these celebrities to sign?
Suki : 1 (top) + N (artists of multiple styles) diversified spokesperson matrix system.
The existence of male spokespersons is to increase the proportion of Yaya men's clothing . YaYa's current market sales situation shows that the proportion of women's clothing is higher than that of men's clothing. In addition to Wang Yibo, we also cooperate with male artists such as Chen Zheyuan, Cheng Lei, and Zhou Yiran . They are all niche actors who have produced hit dramas in recent years and have their own loyal fan groups. In addition, when it comes to the choice of upper body styles, we will also select some unisex styles for female fans to choose from.
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gghalcyon · 7 months
Call of Duty Headcanon : Felix "König" Oravec
Disclaimer: This is my personal head cannon for König, who I named Felix Oravec. Most are different from standard head cannon, including how he looks.
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Call Sign: König
Name : Felix Oravec
Alias(es) : König, Felix
Gender : Male
Birthday : August 15
Nationality : Austrian
Place of Birth : Vienna, Austria
Spoken Language(s): Austrian, German, English
Sexuality: Heterosexual
6'6" with an athletic and muscular build
Has short brown hair and blue eyes.
Blue-gray eyes and tanned complexion, with multiple scars from his missions all over his body
Visible facial scar under his left eye, reddish scar.
Typically wears tactical gear and a menacing sniper mask that covers his face. 
König was born to a middle-class family in Austria and raised in a household dominated by his mother, a tough-minded and driven woman who worked hard to provide for them ever since the sudden death of his father in a freak car accident. She had worked hard to make ends meet, often leaving König to his own devices as she worked late nights to provide for their small family.
König's father was originally from Slovakia, and upon marriage, his mother decided to take on his last name which was "Ovarek."
König had grown up feeling like an outsider, always on the fringes of the activities that seemed to fill the days of the other children. Growing up, he was an anxious child who was bullied both at home and in school. He was often the target of ridicule and mockery, and he never felt like he belonged anywhere.
For years, König kept this sense of isolation buried deep within him, only occasionally manifesting in moments of intense fear or sadness. But when he became a teenager, his feelings of abandonment and displacement began to take on a more aggressive form. He lashed out at his teachers and classmates, retreating further into himself in the process.
König's mother, sensing the growing darkness in her son, urged him to take up a hobby to help him channel his emotions. He chose rugby, a sport that he found to be both physically and mentally demanding. He trained diligently, pushing himself to be the best he could be. Eventually, his dedication paid off, and he rose to become one of the top rugby players in the region.
The sport gave König a sense of purpose, but it also led him to contemplate his place in the world. He finally comprehended what it meant to stand out from the crowd, and wanted to make use of this new insight to shape the world around him.
Early Military
At age seventeen, König made up his mind to join the military in an effort to start anew. König's journey in the military was a transformational one. Although physical training and discipline were of utmost importance, it was the mental journey that truly shaped him as an individual. He found himself becoming increasingly aware of his environment and the people around him, honing his ability to see things from different perspectives. At last, he felt like he belonged somewhere.
He was driven by a new sense of purpose, determined to use his newfound understanding of the world to make a difference in it. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming known for his bravery on the battlefield and his commitment to protecting the lives of those around him.
However, König soon realized that the battlefield could not be won with only physical strength—it took intelligence and persuasion as well. As he progressed further up through the ranks, König began to incorporate strategies such as diplomacy and negotiation into his combat strategies, allowing him to accomplish objectives without resorting to violence when possible.
His leadership style had earned him a great deal of respect from both superiors and comrades alike, and he was recommended to join the Austrian Jagdkommando.
Austrian Jagdkommando to KorTac
After 5 years as a soldier, he took his commanders recommendation and made the decision to join the Austrian Jagdkommando. The Austrian Jagdkommando - "JaKdo" for short - drew him in because of their motto "Never Retreat" and notorious vigor.
He was one of the youngest individuals to pass the Physical Fitness Test of the Austrian Jagdkommando after completing The Pre-Selection process called AU Testung. He was one of 15% of the candidates to make it through the selection and training phase.
He served with the Jagdkommando for several years until he was honorably discharged after a pivotal mission, the same mission where he received his call name “König.”
Reputation: Known for his fearlessness. Willing to charge into any situation, guns blazing. Earned the nickname "The Battering Ram" for busting down doors and being great as an insertion and breaching operative.
Specialties: CQB breaching, close quarters combat, weapons proficiency. CQB combat, breaching doors, insertion tactics, close-quarters weapons like shotguns and SMGs. Surprisingly agile for his size.
Weapon of Choice: Jagdkommando knife, SCAR assault rifle kitted for aggressive pushing. Also carries a sidearm. Armsel Striker semi-auto 12-gauge shotgun loaded with breaching rounds. Also carries a .45 ACP SMG.
Callsign Backstory: König earned his call sign “König” meaning “King” during his time in the Austrian military. During one pivotal mission, König's unit was tasked with raiding a human trafficking ring operating out of an old warehouse. 
The traffickers were heavily armed and used civilians as human shields. König's commanding officer ordered the unit to stand down, fearing civilian casualties, and requesting additional backup.
But König disobeyed orders, charging into the warehouse alone. He moved with ruthless efficiency, gunning down 12 enemy combatants in close quarters without harming any hostages. When the dust settled, the hostages surrounded König, calling him their savior. One little girl looked up at the imposing soldier in his black mask and said "You're like a king, sent to rescue us." 
From that day on, König was bestowed the call sign König - the German word for "King." It signifies his bravery in combat and willingness to put his life on the line to protect the innocent. The call sign stuck with him into his mercenary days, a reminder of how one man's valor can make a difference.
While he went against orders, the fact he saved so many civilians and also protected his commanding officer during battle earned him an honorable discharge.
Looks intimidating but has a big heart. He wants to use his skills to save lives and fight evil.
Wears his signature black mask during missions to keep anonymity. Contrary to rumors, he does remove his black mask when outside of missions, and when out and about with teammates and when in civilian settings. 
Prefers to let his actions speak for themselves. However, can also clearly articulate himself when necessary in a direct way.
Though he's normally reserved, he opens up over drinks with his teammates, or in 1:1 chats, revealing more of his dark humor. 
He is not a big fan of drinking, and often limits himself to one beer and/or a shot during the rare occasions he is hanging out with others. He prefers to remain sober as much as he could, not wanting to ever be like his mother who had been an abusive alcoholic. In addition, his training in Jagdkommando has taught him the importance of having his wits about him as much as possible just in case.
He is not close to his mother whom he hasn’t spoken to since he left the home at 17 years old. His mother assumes he is dead, something he wants to keep that way, as they’ve been estranged and she had been an abusive and alcoholic to him growing up.
Though he has had romantic trysts in the past, he tends to avoid them or any serious relationships that may compromise him. His first loyalty is to his mission and team. Deep down though–although he tries to deny it–he does have a wish to one day meet someone who’d accept him wholeheartedly and who he can open up to.
Love is not something that comes easily to König. His traumatic upbringing and focus on his duties have made it difficult for him to open up emotionally. He has had a few fleeting romantic encounters over the years, but nothing meaningful. 
König had a brief romance with someone during his early military service in Austria. They parted ways when König decided to join Jagdkommando, but he still fondly remembers their time together as one of the few times he was able to be vulnerable with someone. 
Now in his early 30s, König leads an isolated life, pouring all his energy into the mission at hand. While some may desire a family or relationship, he does not feel he could balance the life of a soldier with deeper personal connections. 
Though seen as cold and intimidating by many, there are rare glimpses of warmth and humanity in König when he bonds with his fellow operatives. He remains fiercely devoted to his makeshift family within KorTac, willing to lay down his life for them if needed. 
For now, the team and pursuit of the greater good is König's reason for being. He finds satisfaction in serving a purpose higher than himself. Any thoughts of romance will have to wait until he fulfills his personal unfinished mission. Underneath the mask lies a heart that, while wary, still hopes to find connection one day.
König spends time at the shooting range honing his marksmanship and speed drills to stay sharp with firearms and tactical weapons. He also has an impressive collection of guns stashed in his apartment.
König is particularly keen on hand-to-hand combat training, such as Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, and Muay Thai, and spends a large portion of his days practicing these martial arts at an MMA gym to strengthen his agility.
When he's not on a mission, König likes to go backpacking with full gear and trek into the wilderness for days; this helps him hone his survival skills and provides peace from busy city life. Being close to nature also allows him to indulge in his childhood passion: drawing and sketching landscapes and people in his pocket sketchbook.
König prefers listening to all varieties of rock music and enjoys watching live bands perform. He favors watching bands at smaller, more intimate gigs over larger festivals or arena shows. When not working out or on a mission, he generally listens to calmer sounds instead of aggressive music.
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dearwriters · 9 months
Hi there.
I was wondering if you have any advice on balancing an ensemble cast? As in, how do you manage having, say, 6 pov characters without the reader getting bored, impatient, or forgetting a character until it's a chapter of theirs again?
Thank you for the work you do :)
How to Balance an Ensemble Cast
Hey, thank you for your question! While I personally do not have a lot of experience writing ensemble casts, I think the following points would be helpful to consider when planning/writing one:
Getting into the characters Point of View: Lenses and Distinct Voices
One of the most important things about Multi-POV-narratives is to give each character a distinct voice so they don't just bleed into each other. This concerns:
a) the content of their narration: Ask yourself: What is this characters "lense", their specific frame of reference through which they see the events? This can depend on their background, their interests, knowledge, viewpoint etc. How do they see the world differently than the others? Try to imprint the narration of the POVs with the characters personality, especially if you are writing in first person. A very sarcastic character would view the same events quite differently as a very optimistic, bubbly character. Different characters would notice different things. This can be established by something as simple as focus points: maybe an artistic character narrates a lot about the colours around them and a detective character is very perceptive about peoples body language or stuff like that. Maybe the soldier is focused on battle strategies and the details of their surroundings, all while their love-interest is focused on them.
b) the form of their narration: Best case szenario, you would be able to identify who is talking, just based on their voice. This should be noticable in dialouge but also in narration. A very academic character would maybe use a slightly different vocabulary than a character who's more about street smarts. How do their speech patterns correlate to their person and background? Another example: In the popular contemporary novel "The Flatshare" one of the POV characters isn't really talkative. The author chose to reflect that in their narration via a fragmented narration style, using as little adjectives and full sentences as possible, while still keeping things readable. You can find more information about Character Voice in this post.
Overall, when it comes to differentiating between POVs, ask yourself: How can the personality, believes and expertise of a character affect the way they see the world and thus the way they narrate?
Anchoring your Scene
This is a little tip I picked up from the YouTube channel of author Sacha Black (great writing advice, check her out!). Multiple POVs can be quite challenging, especially if there are time/place jumps between the POVS. Thus, to not confuse your reader, it is important to quickly establish who is talking, where they are and when they are. Person, place, time. This needs to be clear so the reader isn't lost (unless it's your goal to confuse your reader, which would certainly be a valid goal). In some books the chapter header indicates POV, which is a very quick and easy way to establish at least one of those factors, but there are other ways to do this.
Making every POV count
If you want to avoid your readers being bored or even skipping POVs it's important to actually have a distinct reason of evers POV to exist. Thus, everybody needs a piece of the puzzle for the plot. Just like in the point about lenses and voices, you can use the differnt personalities, backgrounds and knowledges of your characters to let them uncover and drive different pieces of the story. Every POV character needs a reason to be here and a way to contribute.
Having multiple POVs is actually a great way to create tension, because the reader will know a lot of information not every character knows. It's the old Hitchcock-principle of letting the reader know about a bomb under the table the characters don't know anything about. Use the distribution and retention of information to your advantage.
Furthermore, everyone needs their own character arcs. A compelling character is all abouts goals, motivations and conflicts (more about the whole "GMC"-concept in this post) that tie them to the bigger story as well as having their own wants and needs (check out this post if you like) plus having flaws and the corresponding concequences (more about that in this post).
Those are just some of the big things I'd recommend you to think about. I hope this helped!
Have fun writing!
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Kaiju Week in Review (February 11-17, 2024)
Warner Bros. unfurled the second trailer for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, which seems to be going over much better than the first. There are multiple glimpses of the ice Titan Shimo throughout, and an even briefer look at Mothra reflected in Jia's eye. (My favorite shot, of course, is Kong decking Skar King as he's holding out Suko like a wriggling shield.) The rough shots from trailer #1 still look rough, but at least the new footage is more impressive.
The new issue of Empire (how fitting) has a short article on GxK—the big revelation there is that Godzilla Evolved is pink simply because that's director Adam Wingard's favorite color. Collaborations are also popping up. Circle K is offering a movie-branded sandwich, chocolate bar, and Froster drinks/cups. Godzilla and a seriously wizened Kong are also entering the mobile game Lords Mobile.
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I don't know much about Oscar politicking, but Takashi Yamazaki's strategy of bringing a model Godzilla with him everywhere he goes seems like a winner. Both appear in the "class photo" taken of all the nominees at the Oscar Nominees Luncheon. At the same event, Yamazaki and Godzilla met with Steven Spielberg, who told Yamazaki he had seen Godzilla Minus One three times. Posting their photo together on Twitter, Yamazaki said he had "met God."
Toho's English Godzilla YouTube channel also uploaded a six-minute video on Minus One's VFX, with a focus on the various ways the production was able to shave off costs. Officially translated behind-the-scenes featurettes for Toho Godzilla films are a rarity, a sign of how badly they want that little gold statue. It's worth watching just for Yamazaki scooting his chair around the office.
Shout! Factory's onslaught of old Toei tokusatsu films on its streaming service turned out to be a prelude to offering them all on disc. The Classic Tokusatsu Collection Blu-ray set includes Planet Prince (1959; called Prince of Space), Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961), Watari the Ninja Boy (1966), The Golden Bat (1966; called Golden Ninja), Magic Serpent (1966; called Dragon Showdown) , Ninja Scope (1969), and Terror Beneath the Sea (1966). None have ever been released on English-friendly Blu-ray before; some haven't even made it to DVD. The set is $70 and limited to 2,500 copies.
Major caveats seem to accompany every English-language release of vintage tokusatsu these days, and unfortunately this set's no exception. Despite the existence of English dubs for at least some of these films (two of them riffed on Mystery Science Theater 3000), only Terror Beneath the Sea is dubbed; the rest are Japanese-only. And the dubbed Prince of Space well-known to MiSTies was actually an amalgamation of Toei's two Planet Prince films, only the first of which is present here. (Even the first film seems like it's going to be in upscaled standard-def, going off the streaming version.) No special features in the production description either, although one person who got the set early reports that at least one trailer is included (for Invasion of the Neptune Men).
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IDW has announced still another Godzilla miniseries, Godzilla: Skate or Die. First-issue description:
It's Australian skater punks versus Varan and the King of the Monsters in this thrilling debut issue by writer/artist Louie Joyce (A Fistful of Pain)! Four years ago, four best friends and die-hard skaters found the perfect location for a DIY skatepark. After months of hard work, they created the world’s sickest spot that they could enjoy for the rest of their lives… That is, until the ferocious Varan appeared in the middle of central Australia and started making a beeline for their beloved park. Why is Varan on a rampage? Why did Godzilla just appear off the coast? What does their beloved skate spot have to do with this? And most importantly…what are these punks willing to do to save it?
Sounds like there's a lot of author appeal here, as Joyce is Australian and calls the tale "inspired by all the amazing DIY spots I've had the privilege of skating[.]" And a meaty role for Varan is a pleasant surprise.
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Perhaps inspired by the success of Troll on Netflix, we've got another Scandinavia giant monster movie on the way. Kraken will be directed by Pal Oie (Dark Woods) from a script by Vilde Eide. No cast yet, but here are the plot details divulged by The Hollywood Reporter:
[T]he thriller will follow Johanne, a marine biologist who encounters several strange occurrences while researching a fjord, including the brutal deaths of two local teenagers. “At the bottom of Norway’s deepest fjord rests a mythical monster as large as a mountain, with a myriad of arms ready to crush and devour anything they can grab,” the film’s synopsis reads.
Krakens are certainly having a moment in giant monster stories right now, between Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken and the three that somehow wound up connected to the Monsterverse. (To wit: Na Kika was originally called Kraken, the unnamed antagonist of Skull Island bore the same name internally, and the guardian of Atlantis in the Justice League crossover comic is a Kraken as well.) This seems like a more back-to-basics approach.
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le-brave-des-braves · 4 months
you have reached my communication channel. I shall read through the letters as soon as one of my ADCs brings them to me, which might depend on the situation in the field.
You are welcome to submit any question, please be brief and go straight to the point. The love letters will be rejected.
If anyone has seen my family, please let me know.
Prince de la Moskowa, Duc d’Elchingen, Maréchal d’Empire
The marshal is a busy man, and some inquiries might be answered by us, his staff:
General Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini, chief of staff of Marshal Ney and the strategy expert. and a traitor who should not even be here Author of multiple best-selling books on the matter.
Captain Octave Levavasseur, the most heroic aide-de-camp of Marshal Ney and author of the bestselling book of simping about Ney Memoir!
Colonel Pierre-Agathe Heymes, the adult one
Les proclamations du Maréchal: announcements and official letter responses
Communication personnelle du Maréchal: Private communication
Les portraits du Maréchal: related art done either by @neylo or associates
Meine Adjutanten sind Idioten: The Aides-de-camp are responsible and upstanding officers except for the time when they aren’t
Disclaimer: This is rp/ask blog created for fun by @neylo. Please note that I am no Napoleonic historian and my only qualification might be that I also happen to be a redhead disaster with no concept of patience.
Didn't you have enough? Time to get to know the rest of the dead French squad!
@armagnac-army - Jean Lannes (he still didn't learn to spell)
@askgeneralduroc - Geraud Duroc and family (although he might be very busy since he is apparently a proud dad now)
@murillo-enthusiast - Jean de Dieu Soult (That loser who thinks he should be the king of Portugal. He should not.)
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat (and his terrible taste) - the KING OF ITALY
@chicksncash - André Masséna (you might miss your wallet after the conversation)
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot (not even a marshal. He needs a therapist)
@trauma-and-truffles - Dominique Jean Larrey - Medical attention (More like amputation station)
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier - The Prince of Paperwork
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clowngames · 4 months
Do you feel like talking about game development?
I can't speak on Palworld as a game because I haven't played it, watched any footage of gameplay, or seen any trailers, but I can aggregate some commentary by gamedevs I've talked to along with some research I've done to confirm we're not all just making shit up.
Palworld is Pocket Pair Inc.'s second major release, and it's an Early Access game while their first game is still, also, in Early Access.
The banner from their other Early Access game, Craftopia, is this:
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This doesn't bode well for Palworld's future. Note that it is February at time of the screenshot taken, and more distressingly a "bugfixing update" is worth celebrating 4 years into Craftopia's development.
They have two previous releases which are an AI-art-based social deduction game and a gacha card game. There's no nice way to say this, but the types of games in their portfolio bring to mind an amount of startup capital that makes the Early Access model unnecessary. In particular, there's no circumstance in which a game dev company simultaneously needs the early return of the EA model and also has the resources to split their studio off to make a second one. The reason they're using this model is as a metric of gauging interest to figure out how to divide their resources according to demand and to show to their investors that they're doing well.
Finally, they're working on another game at the same time as Palworld and Craftopia: Never Grave - a metroidvania roguelike with visuals similar to Hollow Knight and the capture mechanic of Super Mario Odyssey (complete with throwing your hat at enemies to possess them).
All of this paints a pretty clear, if cynical, picture of their business strategy. Pocket Pair is simply making other people's video games, but faster.
To be clear, I'm not accusing them of plagiarizing. I think Palworld is pretty distinct from Pokemon in fairly obvious ways, in the same way that Craftopia is distinct from Breath of the Wild. In addition, both games are borrowing game mechanics and ideas from more than one game each.
But at the same time, the vibe I get is less "taking inspiration from multiple sources" and more "seeing what is successful about multiple sources and combining them with the goal of making something appealing." Gamers like farming, so we added crops. Gamers like third person shooters, so we added that to Pokemon. There's no consideration for thematic cohesion or vision. I think the reason there was a controversy involving the suspected use of AI in Palworld is because there's an evident absence of artistic intent which mirrors the way AI generates images or text.
Pocket Pair Inc. is the cover band of game developers. And with Palworld they happen to have learned the crowd pleasers.
That's not to say there's no artistic value to Palworld, or even that the game isn't worth playing, or fun, or "good," whatever that means. Objectively speaking, making a game that appeals to so many people it breaks records is an accomplishment worth paying attention to, and quite frankly if that were me I'd be pretty proud of myself. But I can't help but think about that post about AAA games all being the same because studios are afraid to take risks without risking capital and then think, Palworld is a manifestation of the same problem.
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
* These are just predictions and observations I’m not a professional*
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Aries MC -
A leader or a huge inspiration at the height of your career, a trail blazer in your industry, passionate leader/business person, will be known for inspiring large groups of people in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Michael Jackson
Taurus MC
A head strong artistic inspiration at the hight of your career, a wealthy/stable income, luxurious living, a stable grounded business person, will be known for being a glamorous hard worker in their career field
Celebrity Ex - Naomi Campbell
Gemini MC
A great communicator and great verbal expression at the hight of your career, multiple careers or business endeavors, calculated business person, will be known for your intelligence and keen strategy in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Jay -Z
Cancer MC
Seen as passionate and an “ American sweetheart” at the hight of your career, gives a comfort to the media, emotional/ passionate opinions, a maternal vibe, a reliable business person, will be known for being beloved and trusted in your career field.
Celebrity Ex - Chris Evans
Leo MC
Alluring, magnetic and popular at the hight of your career, very noticeable to the public, a very creative and prideful business person, will be known for immense creativity and dazzling projects in your career field.
Celebrity Ex - Dua Lipa
Virgo MC
A successful routine and a hard worker at the hight of your career, booked and busy, a disciplined business person, detailed and  meticulous, will be known for being intelligent and methodical in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Margot Robbie
Libra MC
A muse and beauty standard at the hight of your career, exuding balance in your career, a fair and just business person, will be known for beauty and finding a healthy balance in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Marylin Monroe
Scorpio MC
Seen as a mysterious and alluring at the hight of your career, keeping secrets or being secretive to the public, might be a taboo topic, an intuitive and emotional business person, will be known for being powerful and an enigma in your career
Celebrity Ex - Alexa Demie
Sagittarius MC
Professional freedom at the hight of your career, lots of travel, may have multiple projects/goals going on, will be known for being opinionated, passionate and carefree in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Doja Cat
Capricorn MC
Ultimately powerful at the hight of your career, seen as a teacher or the best in their field, very experienced business person, protective of your work, will be remembered as a hard ass worker and a boss in your career field
Celebrity Ex - Nicki Minaj
Aquarius MC -
Independence at the height of your career, unique ways of working, innovator, trend setter, a out of the box business person, will be known for changing or impacting your career field in some way
Celebrity Ex - Beyoncé
Pisces MC
Channeling spirituality and being very in touch with your emotions at the hight of your career, could be seen as unstable, an intuitively creative business person, could be seen as a fantasy or romanticized, will be known for bringing a type of spiritual/healing awareness in your career
Celebrity Ex - Amy Winehouse
* OMG this took me FOREVER! But I did it 😅 do you resonate with your MC? What do you think about this theory? Do you have anything to add? What’s your Persona MC MC? Mines LEO.
And remember it’s just a theory… A ZODIAC THEORY! And cut 🎬
( I’m sorry I had to do that)
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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nogitsune-is-a-simp · 9 months
sharing behaviours
I'm pissed off at multiple things rn so lets goooo
Stiles goes really still when he's angry. like completely still. unnaturally so, especially since he's constantly moving about, whether it be slightly shifting, or full-on bouncing around.
but when he gets pissed, really truly angry, he is like a statue. every single one of his movements becomes completely measured and controlled, each breath he takes completely even. and to his pack members who have enhanced senses, even his heart rate completely evens out.
naturally, this worries (and, to be honest, scares) the rest of the pack and the people who interact with him daily, seeing as he's Stiles, and known for moving constantly. after they witness his eyes sharpen in a way they have never seen them do before, almost taking on a silver sheen, they grow worried. they worry that there are remnants of the nogitsune in Stiles. they even worry that he carried the nogitsune's mannerisms as a last "mark" and taunt from the fox demon. a last spiteful "fuck you".
they don't know that the scent of cold, static and silver clinging to Stiles is not a remnant. they don't know that Stiles' mannerisms are all his own. well, kind of. the point is, the pack doesn't know that the nogitsune is alive and well, chilling in Stiles' room, cuddling him every night.
the eerie stillness that Stiles now carries when angry is simply a result of Void's own tendency to do the same. (though Void has always been controlled in his movements) after all, couples did tend to share mannerisms.
Stiles' jitters vanish when he's angry because Void has taught him the merits of channelling the rage into control, into cunning and strategy.
and so Stiles' already devastatingly brilliant mind is sharpened and honed into a diamond-tipped dagger under the careful guidance of Void. he has learnt how to wield rage like a lethal weapon, and woe be the day he is forced to make use of it.
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imsadstuff · 1 year
Loving You Is Red - A Jeon Jungkook Fic, teaser 3
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Link to fic: here
Jeon Jungkook's name was unheard on the Formula 1 paddock till he got a chance to drive a Mercedes car as a reserve driver. His 2020 starts looking brighter as he signs with Ferrari and meets you, his teammates little sister. So many cliched tropes, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, dating brother's best friend, and most importantly Jeon Jungkook looks smoking hot in a Ferrari!
Author's Note:
So, this has been collecting dust in my drafts since I watched Drive to Survive last year, watched the new season, and got motivated to write this fic.
The fic is going to be released on 17th March 2023, mark your calendars!!
Please comment under if you want to be added to the reading list for this fic! ❤ Also, if you have any thoughts or ideas, please feel free to comment or message me and for the love of Jungkook, don't be a ghost reader!
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Race 8 Austrian Grand Prix 2020
“Why?” Jungkook asks as he’s walking to the Ferrari office. It’s a meeting and photoshoot heavy day for him.
“Because I have a job now, even if it’s sorting my father’s emails and arranging his meetings, I can’t be there every weekend” you explain calmly as you swivel around in your office chair.
“What’s your day like today?” he asks as a fan stops him for a picture, he’s becoming better at being popular as every race happens.
“We have a few apartment showings, so I’ll be shadowing him, start to figure out if I want to do this or not” you say sipping on your coffee, you’d been arriving early at the office to have some moments of peace before the chaos starts.
“What is your day like?” you ask him and he just grunts, knowing how bad it is to sit through meetings.
“I have a strategy meeting, another meeting with the communications team, lunch with a bunch of promoters and in the evening we’re shooting a bunch of videos for ferrari’s youtube channel” Jungkook reiterates his schedule for the day, and he’s already starting to feel tired.
“Press has just been awful since the last race, no wonder we’re having comms meeting two days in a row” Jungkook had been trying to stay away from the negative headlines but everyone was absolutely shitting on Phillip this week.
“They like pitting you and Phillip against each other, last week was all the ammunition they needed” you had been screening all the click baity articles, they were absolutely making Phillip lose his mind.
“Do you think he hit me on purpose or was I really in his blind spot?” Jungkook asks opening the door to the conference room, most people are already here. Phillip is already slouched against a chair, looking defeated already.
“No comment” “Boo Freaking Hoo!!” he says and you can’t help but smile like a stupid idiot.
“Call me later if you can” you say and Jungkook hums a goodbye as he takes a seat opposite Phillip. 
“So, lots of bad press, people are divided” Claudia says, placing down multiple article print outs and newspapers on the table. 
“And thank you Phillip for snapping at the sky sports reporter, just handing them their headlines” this hasn’t been Phillip’s week, and he’s done with cameras and reporters.
“We need to take hold of the narrative or at least change it because the sponsors aren’t happy with the two drivers seemingly fighting each other. How about you go golfing or something this tuesday” Claudia suggests and Phillip immediately nods his head no. 
“He can’t golf to save his life and I have my sister’s birthday party that day-”
“So, just invite Jungkook, because I really need the news narrative to change” Claudia says with an authoritative tone, the two of them can’t even think about going against her. 
“I don’t want to intrude on a family thing-” Jungkook sounds a little offended by the whole situation, mostly he’s a little ticked off about you not telling him about your coming birthday.
“It’s not, it’s a surprise party with a few friends, I was going to invite you anyway” Phillip says and Claudia smiles widely.
“This is sorted then, I need at least a story with the birthday girl on the two of your instagram’s” The two of them are left alone as Claudia leaves, there’s still this animosity in the air.
“Just so we’re clear, I didn’t hit your car on purpose,” Phillip says, looking Jungkook square in his eyes.
“I know that,” Jungkook replies, a little too confidently.
“How can you be so sure?” Phillip asks as he sits up straight.
“You’re competitive, not petty” Jungkook leaves with a big smirk on his face, he’s been enjoying the season so far a little too much.
@blancflms @nadzzzblog @kookiewhtaee @jksoftii @oiseul @elisaaru @coralmusicblaze @tearyjjeon
(comment under if you want to be added to the tag list)
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
Credits scene
It's been multiple months since the mansion incident
The legal case lasted a good while, but no evidence was found against any of the survivors, so they are okay now.
The blood did not leave their clothes. They got new ones.
Oliver Beebo wakes up another day in his apartment. While a lot of his nights have bizarre nightmares, this one was calm.
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Even though they are no longer on vacation, Ángel still stayed on Oliver's apartment, but they plan on staying some time in the capital, just to see what it's like.
He uses all types of products he can find to heal his scar. Beebo doesn't mind much. it's part of the job, he says.
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They've been living a calm and domestic day to day life, with ups and down.
The downs are, very down indeed
But the ups are more often.
They got matching tattoos of a sunrise, it makes them feel better.
Oliver has started taking cases again, but he's going for simpler ones.
He has told his fellow detectives to keep an eye out for seemingly supernatural cases.
Ángel has declared that he will invite himself to any case that involves a haunted house. Oliver doesn't fight him on it
They both have gained new fears
Ángel gets very anxious when they're separated for too long. He's also terrible at guessing what time it is
Oliver makes a great effort in overcoming his fear of heights. It's a work on progress.
He's also afraid of developing any kind of memory affecting disease. He keeps an incredibly detailed diary
They are getting help. It's slow and nonlinear, but they can always go to a warm home with a cuddly cat and a tight hug.
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Vivi invites Oliver for an exclusive 2-player session with Ángel, as a test for his dnd abilities, she says.
While he's not that good at the role playing, he's very good at strategy. He really enjoys lawful characters.
They have fun.
Marigold and Nina were also invited. It made for a very chaotic group.
Ángel wants to start a new game so he can upload it to his newly made youtube channel
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He wasn't satisfied with a normal 9 to 5, so he decided for a more creative job.
He's slowly rising, with titles such as "Doing the 100 babies challenge in The sims 4," "RLcraft hardcore for 100 days", "Top 10 facts about Dominion the jewel thief", "Finishing Overcooked with all stars ft. Vivi", and his personal favorite, "Speedrunning Escape rooms with my bf ❤️"
He claims to be Dominion's number one fan and sells plushies of him. Oliver will never admit he bought one.
Apparently, he is considered a cryptid in Ángel's channel, which he appreciates.
The now officially named Iraola family invites them to events quite often, it's very nice to have a friend group
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Game nights are... quite extreme
Turns out teenagers can be very competitive and capable
Nadia and Ángel have a scoreboard set up. The winner gets decided at New years.
Oliver has managed to keep his throne as the master of any and all card games, but for how long?
He can't wait for Christmas, he plans on giving Simon a cool anti-eye contact hat.
Even though he's still terrified of the concept of fatherhood, he really enjoys being an uncle.
Speaking of such, Ángel had to meet his parents. It was awkward at first, but he managed to win them over with his knowledge of old cinema and pretty boy charm.
Oliver met the Ronald Mcdonald statue by Ángel's childhood house. He has a picture with it.
Ángel's mother was sweet, hardworking, and strict. She was not afraid of telling her son how he should be a better gentleman towards Oliver. It was... an eventful night. It's a good thing the lady enjoys mystery novels.
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They celebrated Nadia's birthday in spring, cordially invited.
Everyone was sure Ángel would give her a gag gift, like a cd to a boy band she doesn't like or an ugly shirt.
He gave her a key code to an expensive editing software.
She was grateful but refused to say so. She plans on retaliating with an equally thoughtful gift.
They are slowly learning to get along, like a pair of cats that need to be separated by a door when they first meet.
In other news, Oliver recently received an autism diagnosis. He was very surprised. Ángel wasn't. He baked him a cake for the occasion.
The biggest event had to be the wedding
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On a warm spring day, in the middle of a flower field, Marigold Iraola and Nina Coli got married.
There was some bad press about it, but a certain reporter was very enthusiastic about how beautiful of an union this was, unlike the previous one.
Marigold decided to disband Coli's company, making a new one herself.
It specializes in medical equipment.
They saw the newlyweds say their vows, Oliver couldn't help but yearn for a moment like that.
He and Ángel danced the evening away
Between the multiple friends of the wives waiting for the bouquet toss, there was a determined man in white
And like a cat to a shiny object
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He jumped and got it
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They decide spring is a great season for a wedding.
They don't decide which spring though
That's for the future to know.
In a non-specific urban city like any other, an office awakes
Oliver Beebo is ready to start another day on his detective business
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doodle-do-wop · 4 months
I am asking abt the other cabins, I totally have not been hypnotized to ask
so this is gonna be one long ass post (possibly) and it's going to be formatted weird because I rambled about this on discord ages ago
Sophie Foster: Daughter of Zeus
girly can fly, shoot lightning, and is mega powerful with enough low self esteem to match
as stated in a different channel she's picture perfect to be a demigod with her origin story
fatal flaw: ambition (reasoning being she tends to do things on a whim a lot and that can also be chalked up to hubris but let's not forget Sophie is a genius by all definition of the word. She was going to go to college based off of pure intelligence alone but there's a certain type of bite that comes with power and it's the realization you can do more)
Keefe Sencen: Son of Aphrodite
literally the goddess of love and beauty, emotions are her forte and thus the best godly parent for Keefe's powers to fit into
he can still be the funny sarcasm guy, kids can have more than one personality trait
also beauty and love don't just apply outwardly and only romantically. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, self love and platonic included
fatal flaw: low self esteem (literally look at that sad wet noodle of a boy and tell me he thinks he's worthy of anything)
Biana Vacker: Daughter of Athena
vanisher fits Athena to a T and yet even with a cool ability she's overshadowed by Fitz still
smart girl, was a brat in the beginning but grows into one of the most capable fighters around while keeping a caring side to her
once again, kids can have more than one trait and girls in STEM can like make-up and sparkles. It's usually the girls that have a cute blouse and know what they're doing that are the most lethal (mostly because the blouse might have a knife)
fatal flaw: Loyalty (sure she kinda abandoned Maruca but this is a new universe and look at how much she's gone through with Sophie and been a consistent and stable rock for her best friend. Girly has tackled multiple murders for her friends, she is insane)
Fitz Vacker: Son of Athena
while not a total perfect fit Athena has always focus on the mind, strategy, and being ahead of the game. What better way to do that than to make a son with the power of the mind itself, a telepath
a shining rebound ability that gives him enough pizzazz to overshadow Biana (not on purpose) but also keep him from being super socially gracious (because he ain't)
smart boy but can get a little too ahead of himself in things and send focus in the wrong direction
fatal flaw: Wrath (the boy's got a fighting temper and it's caused rifts in his relationships and even extreme pain for himself. If anything would take him down it would be his own anger)
Dex Dizznee: Son of Hermes
"doodle he's the technopath" Dex is also expecting things often only to get something else completely out of left field
the trickster god of travelers and roads ain't limited to putting a bucket over a cracked door, technological pranks work in his domain and let's not forget Dex did spike Stina's drink and make bombs
what better way to set your expectations high and get them destroyed than to expect Hephaestus or some minor god only to get the dude with wing shoes
fatal flaw: Grudges (we've seen I in action before, Dex can let a grudge like jealousy or his general dislike of the Vackers blind him out of many things including being a good friend at times, sure this was more prominent when he was younger but he still has a lot to hold against Stina even after she's shown herself to be a friend)
Marella Redek: Daughter of Ares
"but Leo is a fire powers" Marella? A daughter of Hephaestus??? Besides I doubt someone with Ares' rep can't spawn a child with fire powers
Marella's whole main goal, the very core of her motivation is her mom, she'd do anything for her and even if it meant being claimed by Aphrodite or Athena (evidence her father was unfaithful to her mother) Marella would've given anything to do something to help her mom
just to be claimed by the one god she never wanted to be claimed by, war and bloodshed, fear and hate are all Ares' domain, his kingdom of stacked skulls and crushed souls
fire is not easy to control and the path of 'easy' is almost never on the Ares' agenda
Fatal flaw: Loyalty (her relationship with her mom is a good point but also the fact that Marella was abandoned, essentially betrayed by someone she considered a friend and immediately turned cold and bitter for quite some time. She only came around because she knew she could do something to help the greater good)
Linh Song Wildwood: Daughter of Poseidon
hydrokinetic=ocean man
personally I have no idea where else she fits
the sea is a powerful thing that can't always be contained and controlled perfectly down to the last atom and Linh could've definitely had some trouble controlling the pull of the water causing the Songs to abound their demigod children once and for all leaving the twins to fight for themselves before a saytr could find them
fatal flaw: Ambition (the girl flooded Atlantis, the pull of the water is often too much for her to handle and that's the call of the sea challenging her and Linh giving into the temptation of more)
Tam Song Wildwood: Son of Poseidon
"dont you mean Hades" guys that's not how twins work
Poseidon isn't just about water and he's had kids that don't even possess his power over the ocean (ex. Chrysoar)
the ocean has depths, depths so dark and deep there are parts unexplored and uncharted due to the crush and pull of the water, a single sea current could blast you from here to another continent if you're not careful
the sea is dark but there's also light, balance, calm waves gently blanketing over sandy beaches, the moon waving between high and low tide. There is more to it than what's bobbing on the surface
fatal flaw: Loyalty (Tam is the most normal dude in a group of weirdos but those are his weirdos. Tam had always put Linh before himself and has even held an escape plan in his boot in case things got so bad he had to go back home. If Linh got kicked out Tam was going with her and staying by her side no matter what)
Wylie Endal, Son of Iris, goddess of the rainbow
he's a flasher this is quite literally his entire power scheme
each color of the rainbow possesses a slightly different kind of magic inside of it so Red might have a different affect than Blue or Green and its difficult to master the entire rainbow like Iris can
fatal flaw: Grudges
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unpluggedfinancial · 1 month
Do Your Own Research: Why Taking Someone’s Word Isn’t Enough Anymore
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Do Your Own Research: Why Taking Someone’s Word Isn’t Enough Anymore
In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, it’s easy to fall into the trap of taking someone’s word as fact. The pace at which information spreads across social media and news outlets can make it tempting to rely on what others say. However, this habit can often lead us down a misguided path. To protect ourselves and make informed decisions, it's more important than ever to conduct our own research and draw our own conclusions.
The Digital Age and the Spread of Misinformation In the current digital era, critical thinking and personal research are crucial. Information now moves across platforms faster than ever before, and misinformation can just as easily proliferate. While social media allows everyone to voice their opinions, the downside is that it's difficult to distinguish between well-informed perspectives and those that are biased or misinformed. This environment demands that we become vigilant researchers who verify what we hear and read.
The Dangers of Blind Trust Taking someone's word as fact without verification carries serious risks:
Bias: People may have personal or institutional agendas that influence their statements, leading to skewed information.
Inaccuracy: Misinterpretations or simple errors can result in sharing inaccurate data.
Manipulation: Some sources intentionally spread false information for personal, political, or financial gain.
These issues underline the importance of doing your own research and approaching information critically.
The Value of Personal Research Independent research gives you the power to:
Develop Critical Thinking Skills: You'll learn to question information, analyze its validity, and draw your own logical conclusions.
Make Better Decisions: With accurate, relevant knowledge in hand, you can make choices that best align with your goals.
Discern Credible Sources: Over time, you'll learn to identify trustworthy outlets and filter out unreliable ones.
Effective Research Strategies Here are a few tips to ensure you’re conducting effective research:
Diversify Sources: Relying on multiple reputable sources reduces the chance of falling into an echo chamber and gives you a broader view of the subject.
Fact-Check: Always verify the information you find against other credible outlets or primary sources.
Evaluate Source Credibility: Assess whether the author or publisher has relevant credentials, potential biases, or motivations that could affect their reporting.
Conclusion In a world where information is abundant yet sometimes deceptive, conducting your own research is essential. By practicing critical thinking and verifying what you read or hear, you can protect yourself and make well-informed decisions. Remember to always question and verify information before acting on it.
Call to Action Have you had experiences where independent research helped you make a better decision or avoid a pitfall? Share your thoughts or strategies in the comments. Follow my blog for more insights, or check out my YouTube channel for additional advice on navigating today’s complex financial landscape.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Ok I seriously hope you don’t take this as bad faith but I’d like to genuinely understand this, and I’m not even sure if I’m articulating this thought well, but I don’t understand why it’s not also considered inhumane to allow a ton more people into a system so broken that it can’t even support the poorest that are in that nation…? I understand it’s important to hella reform immigration and that’s in the works, and that these people are fleeing far worse conditions, but I also feel like the rich are just looking to make yet another slave class out of these desperate people. Is it yet again a case of multiple broken systems in a trench coat? If so, I’d like to know the most prominent areas so I can try to start fighting it (the rights abuses, not the immigration)
Okay, but I'm not entirely sure what your point here is. It sounds like "we shouldn't allow immigrants into America until we can help every American first," which is probably not what you mean, but still. Yes, America as a culture, society, and economy has many, MANY problems. Nobody is denying or disputing that. But it is also literally a nation built on immigrants, and why is it "inhumane" to let them come here when they are so desperate to reach it that they will risk their lives in any number of ways...? Is it just that you're afraid you aren't being Socially Aware Enough on any particular economic or social issue, and need to find something else to worry about?
People come to America, or want to come to America, for many reasons. They are being persecuted, or their country is politically unstable, or they have few job opportunities, or they have family here, or whatever. They are not coming here because they're being passively manipulated "by the rich to make another slave class." The way we treat them can often be disgraceful (see: Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott), but there are also many, many communities and resources for welcome and support. Immigrants can often get jobs and save money. They can build new lives. This is something we should welcome, and because the right wing in America, with all its racism and xenophobia, has so long dominated the immigration debate as "scary brown people," this is long, LONG overdue.
Any strategy that wants to reduce "illegal immigration" must offer valid and safe pathways for legal immigration. That's why the UK is in the middle of such a clusterfuck: the hardline Tories who want nobody to move to Britain ever are trying to stop the small boat crossings across the Channel by being even more cartoonishly evil and deliberately unhelpful to the poor souls who do make it. They feel that if they can make a "hostile environment" (their own words) for refugees and asylum-seekers, eventually none of those irritating brown people will ever bother to try again, problem solved. Which of course, hasn't worked, not least since Britain refuses to allow any pathways for safe and legal immigration/resettlement from unsettled and/or third world countries. Even highly skilled workers have lots of trouble getting a UK settlement visa these days, so your average refugee/economic migrant? Forget it.
Because Biden is allowing generous quotas of legal migrants, that cuts down on the chaos and brutality of people-traffickers and other criminal enterprises who make their money by extorting desperate people who have no other option. Also, lest we forget, we are less than four years removed from the Trump policy of tearing children away from their families and putting them in literal cages, under the same "make it so bad for them that they'll stop coming!" fetish for institutional cruelty that drives the Tories.
There is also an additional moral responsibility for former empires to be open to immigration, given that they built their political systems' wealth and power by moving to OTHER people's countries and invading, exploiting, and enslaving them. Now when the descendants of those people want to come to your country in turn, the racist white conservative pearl-clutching is both depressing and predictable. But yes, let's not read people making the choice to come to America, for one reason or another, as either an attempt to siphon overstretched resources from Real Americans, or as helpless dupes manipulated by the capitalist class to just live more lives of drudgery and misery. They are real people making real choices, and the fact that they're still so eager to come to America, even with all its problems, is something that should be supported, in a sustainable way, as much as possible.
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