#multiple sclerosis warrior
kindajd · 2 years
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mings · 1 year
MS Society: Lucas's page
My future son-in-law is running the 2024 London Marathon in aid of the MS Society.
This explains why. I can't read it without disintegrating into a mess. It's eloquent and passionate.
Please take the time to read it and donate if you can. I know that's tough in today's economic climate, so even if you can't donate, please share far and wide.
Let's see if we can help him smash that target.
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The Pressure To Be Brave
"You Are So Brave!" How often have we heard this said to us? Most times, people truly mean well when they say this. They are doing their best to be encouraging from their perspective of things. However, for many of us who are surviving cancer daily, those four words are filled with so much pressure and expectation.
When people see us maintaining our lives, managing families, enduring all the craziness that comes with living with this disease, they see bravery! Well, there is truth to that. But the real truth is we are just giving our all to live every day and live our best! It takes a lot of work just to maintain our "normal" lives.
Am I a superhero?
Indeed, we are strong and courageous. We fight uncommon battles for our lives absolutely every day. However, knowing that people can see you as this 'cancer superhero' and being given this subconscious permission to be brave, #BeatCancer, #KickCancersButt, #FightLikeAGirl, and all the other awesome hashtags can be overwhelming!
We didn't choose this fight
We definitely appreciate the love and encouragement! But the reality is that some days we are just SICK! There is nothing we can do about it and to be honest, we don't even have the energy to do anything. We get weak. Not tired but fatigued; downright exhausted! We have mood swings. We battle depression and sometimes it actually fights back...and wins! LOL!!!!
We deal with feeling isolated and alone. We are oftentimes in pain. We are in agony, and it doesn't always go away. Some of us live in pain. We lose weight and we gain weight! We lose our hair, our precious hair! Until you have experienced this, you just have no idea what this does to someone. We think about our mortality more times than the average person does.
Tell me it's going to be okay!
So, it's not that we don't want to be told we are brave. Here is the thing, we know living with cancer requires a special measure of bravery. We know we are brave. But it would mean so much more if we heard, "It's going to be okay", "it's ok to feel how you are feeling", or "no matter how you feel today, I will be here to help and support you!"
Our loved ones believe they keep us strong by coaching us through this and pushing us. If they just speak positively and keep us thinking about how we "should" think then we will feel and live how we are supposed to. Please remember we are human beings with real feelings, who happen to be surviving cancer daily. Just let us be that that's how we are Brave!
Leya R. Elijah
This Is What a Fighter Looks Like
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zdravljeirecepti · 16 days
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ms-shermyboo · 5 months
Stephen Krieger, the originator of “The Leaky Pool Theory” for MS, explains it and tweaks it a little
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mswarriorbabe80 · 1 year
I love her. Tripping on Air is a great blog. And this article describes me to a T.
Fangry is now part of my dialog.
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beesmakesthings · 2 years
Well today was really weird.
I really love what I do. I love being able to advocate for people and help them get what they need. (Shopping, the right show on the telly, a clean bed. Bills in an accessible format, special services account with the bank. New socks. Emergency lighting. Grip tape. Whatever.) But today I had to make the call. The one to adult social care for a full care needs assessment, full OT assessment. Because things have changed so much that things can’t be managed any more without a lot of help of various forms.
If I work with you, I will advocate for you. I’ll tell people without shame what you don’t want to say because it’s too hard, but you need them to know. I’ll work for your best. For you to have your rights and preferences and choices respected. I will complain loudly to anyone we come across about the stuff that’s really crappy or unacceptable or illegal. I will always do my utmost to stand for you and fight for you. Every. Single. Inch.
But damn……it’s so hard. To have to tell someone how much you have degraded, how you cannot feed yourself, how watching you try to get out of bed makes me cry. How determined you are. How exhausted you are. How sometimes advocacy feels like handing people over to….like tigers or something. My client will not see this nor will they truly understand, that even though this day was always coming, it sucks that it was today. And that I am so so sorry I had to be the one. And that I am so proud to know the absolute fuxking WARRIOR QUEEN that they are.
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thornfield987-blog · 7 months
I know this has been done before but here’s my headcanons for LU Chronic illness/Disability boys:
Legend(he/they): Hypermobile type Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Frequently dislocates joints and doesn’t see why the others make such a big deal about it, it happens all the time! Primarily suffers from widespread join pain, instability and chronic fatigue. Has as many different mobility aids as they have magical artifacts.
Time(he/him?): Early onset osteoarthritis and partially blind. All of the time travel and shifting forms was not kind to his joints, so the connective tissue was damaged and BOOM. Arthritis. The old man jokes are becoming less and less of a joke every day. Also experiences debilitating migraines.
Hyrule(they/he): Sensory Processing Disorder (often associated with autism but can be caused by other conditions). Their magic sensitivity can often cause overstimulation in their other senses, and they are very sensitive to light, sound, smell and touch. They are semi-verbal because even his own voice can overstimulate him sometimes, but they don’t know sign very well. Also has anemia.
Wild(genderfluid he/she/they): hypertrophic contractural scarring, partially deaf, semi-verbal because of vocal cord scarring. Also prosthetic arm(set after TOTK). She switches between sign and speaking, whichever is easiest for him that day. They have to perform daily stretches and apply scar lotion to be functional, but they aren’t very good at remembering to do so. Often blows out his voice because he gets excited, but can’t tell how loud he is speaking.
Four(plural they/them): Dissociative Identity Disorder(but not really because of magical reasons), damaged growth plates because of Minish magic. They have very similar symptoms to DID, but there are slight differences because it was caused magically and traumatically, not like in the real world. They sometimes struggle to walk correctly because their growth plates are damaged, causing their legs to be slightly different lengths. They wear adaptive shoes to correct this.
Sky(he/him): POTS(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), chronic fatigue. He struggles to breathe the denser air on the Surface, but he struggled with it on Skyloft as well. He has a chronically higher heart rate that causes dizziness and (rarely) passing out when moving from sitting to standing, after eating, and after adrenaline rushes. This causes his stamina to be fairly low, and also causes chronic fatigue.
Twilight(he/him): RRMS(Relapse/Remission Multiple Sclerosis). This is caused magically by the Twilight curse eating away at his body’s nerves, but is kept mostly under control by his shadow crystal. Occasionally, he goes through relapses and experiences anything from tingling and numbness in a limb to temporary loss of vision in one or both eyes, balance issues, vertigo and slurred speech. These flares are almost always debilitating, but thankfully they only happen every couple of months and last from a few days to about a week.
Wind(he/him?): A little cliche, but he has a peg leg. He likes to tell outlandish stories about it getting bit off by a kraken or eaten by a cannibal, but the truth is that he got an infection, couldn’t treat it in time and had to amputate. This happened sometime after his quests had finished, and he’s still a little ashamed of the actual circumstances, so he doesn’t open up often.
Warriors(he/him): Speaking Disfluency (Stutter). Often repeats sounds, such as “G-g-g-guys”, or extends sounds; “Llllllll-Iove you”. He grew up poor, so he was never able to get treatment for it, so he communicates using sign while Proxi translates verbally, though this isn’t as necessary with the Chain since most of them know sign.
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Hi! I'm Angie, and this is me! <3
I am 33, and I live in PA. I am married to a coal miner and I'm a mother of two beautiful children. My son is high-functioning autistic, and my daughter is just a spicy little meatball. I practice witchcraft, and I am a very open and accepting person. Even though I am all of these things, I am also sick, and right now, there are no hopes for cures.
It all started with asthma at the age of 4, which went away at the age of 13. Since then, I have been sick with auto-immune issues for most of my life. It started with thyroid problems when I was 14, type one diabetes when I was 16, and then I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 28.
I am a warrior. I fight every day to be a wife, mother, and daughter to my family and to try to just "keep on keeping on." Life is hard; it has its ups and downs, just like my health. Some days, I'm doing just fine, while other times I need to rest.
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kindajd · 2 years
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zarvasace · 2 years
Disability AU Summary!
Let's go in alphabetical order just because. This isn't really a "masterpost" but these should be in one place.
To reiterate, this AU is avoiding cure plots and excess angst related to the disability. I've done research and put in my own experiences but obviously not everything is going to be perfect.
Four—paraparesis, also called partial paralysis, due to a spinal cord injury inflicted between his first and second adventures. He can't walk without support, which usually comes in the form of a wheelchair he modified, or crutches. The colors experience different intensities, from Vio with near-full paraplegia, to Red who uses crutches, to Green who does as well, to Blue who can walk without support. Four will stab anyone who tries to move his chair without asking.
Hyrule—retinopathy of prematurity, and mild cataracts. He's functionally blind, though he can make out shapes of light and dark with a few shades in between. He has a favorite carved-down stick he uses as a white cane, and his magic can act a little like a radar that blips on good magic (like fairy fountains and Hero Spirits and Zeldas) and bad magic (like corruption and monsters.) He has deep-seated reflexes to stab anything that touches him unexpectedly so please, everyone, advertise your presences.
Legend—RRMS, relapse/remission multiple sclerosis. Translates mostly into stiffness in his legs that gets worse with heat and humidity, and annoying fatigue. Relapse periods for him are characterized by a lot of joint pain and temporary periods of partial blindness. Relapses last days to weeks, remissions last weeks to months. He has an enchanted cane that he will hit your shins with.
Sky—moderate to severe deafness from birth. He can hear low, loud sounds the best. He speaks very clearly (and maybe a bit loudly) due to speech therapy. He gets magic hearing aids in Wild's world because I want him to, and he can now mostly hear voices when they speak up. He can read lips when people are facing him, but even at the best, that only gives him a quarter of what they're saying. Immune to mean taunts and jabs, partly because he can't hear most of them and partly because he's just like that.
Time—that eye he always has closed? It's missing now. He has a cool eye patch. Don't throw things at him.
Twilight—transverse deficiency. He's been missing his right arm between shoulder and bicep since birth. Wolfie is conspicuously three-legged, not that anyone notices the connection sooner. He either needs his modified clothing (thanks Uli) or help getting things on (thanks for nothing Warriors's world with its fancy balls.) He is the definition of "improvise, adapt, overcome." Still a beast on the battlefield. Ba-dum tish.
Warriors—adductor/tremor SD. His vocal cords don't work correctly. He can talk, but it's gotten worse over the years. His voice is quiet and very rough, and shakes almost too much to understand. He prefers signing as his main method of communication. He gets sore throats a lot, and makes a lot of good tea. His laughs are unaffected, and on occasion, he can yell just fine across the battlefield.
Wild—worse burn scars, hypertrophic and contractual. He has spotty hearing on the left, and his shoulder gets stiff a lot. He has a variety of potions and lotions to loosen up and stop the itching that pops up a lot. The shrine did some skin grafts (or whatever the magical equivalent is) and fixed most interior organ issues. The scar is deep but doesn't interfere with those.
EDIT to add—Wild also has atherosclerosis, a heart condition where plaque builds up and heart attacks become a more serious concern. He just needs to stay active and pay attention to his breathing and chest pain. It's not a huge issue, but it could be if he was negligent. The Link he doesn't remember being had more of a difficult time with the condition, and ended up getting heart surgery for it (something like an angioplasty, where they went in to physically unblock the arteries that had gotten buildup.)
Wind—peg leg pirate! Lost his left leg a few inches past the knee to infection. After getting treasure from his adventure, he got a nice, foot-shaped wood and leather prosthetic. It's starting to get a little small.
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marinelp · 2 years
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Nail art warriors for Maria 🧡 • 🇫🇷 Ce post spécial est dédié à notre Nail Art Warrior aka Maria de @so_nailicious 🧡💙 Comme certaines d'entre vous le savent peut-être, Maria est atteinte de la SEP (sclérose en plaques) et la maladie lui a, entre autres, fait perdre sa capacité à réaliser de magnifiques manucures. Maria, avec cette collab, nous tenons à te dire de continuer à te battre telle la véritable guerrière que tu es ! • 🇬🇧 This special post is dedicated to our Nail Art Warrior aka Maria from @so_nailicious 🧡💙 As some of you may know, Maria has been diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) and the disease took away her ability to paint beautiful nail art designs, among others. Maria, with this collab, we want to tell you to keep fighting like the warrior you are! • Thank you Magda @redheadnails for organizing this collaboration. All of our creations can be found under #nailartwarriorsforMaria 💪 • Girls involved in this collage: @aleksandras_bunte_welt @geolena_koski @gotnail @jemima.nails @lochnailsmonster @kathagraphie @nailistayco @marinelp91 @lacktraviata @mission_polishable @paulinaspassions @hefersanja @zephyronica @nailart.by.nici @bentesorberg @nailartfan95 @coffeeandnailpolish @mettedamgaardpedersen @rums2016 @dc_nailsart @katieabheda @barbouilleuse @crenailit @megans_manicures @ledanails82 • #ms #msawareness #mswarrior #mswarriors #spreadingorange #invisibledisease #endms #multiplesclerosis #thisisms #spreadingorange #msawareness #nailsforthecause #nailscommunity #nailart #stampingnailart https://www.instagram.com/p/CoK0k9Mtf6i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Support multiple sclerosis awareness with our Faith Love Cure Sunflower Spare Tire Cover. A meaningful gift that spreads hope on every journey! Protect Your Spare Tire with a Meaningful Design Support Multiple Sclerosis Awareness with Style Show your commitment to multiple sclerosis awareness with the Faith Love Cure Sunflower Orange Ribbon Spare Tire Cover. This vibrant design features cheerful sunflowers alongside a bold orange ribbon, symbolizing hope and strength in the fight against multiple sclerosis. Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, this tire cover not only protects your spare tire but also serves as a powerful statement of solidarity for those affected by this condition. Perfect for advocates, patients, and their families, this accessory allows you to spread awareness and inspire conversations wherever your journey takes you. A Meaningful Gift for MS Warriors Searching for a thoughtful gift for someone impacted by multiple sclerosis? This spare tire cover is an ideal choice! Its unique design and uplifting message make it a wonderful present for birthdays, awareness events, or simply to show you care. Help your loved ones express their dedication to fighting multiple sclerosis and promoting understanding with this eye-catching tire cover that encourages dialogue and inspires hope. Effortless Installation and Universal Fit Installation is quick and easy with the Faith Love Cure Sunflower Orange Ribbon Multiple Sclerosis Spare Tire Cover, designed to fit most standard spare tires. Featuring an elasticized back for a secure fit, you can have it installed in just minutes. Lightweight yet durable, this tire cover is perfect for everyday use, ensuring your spare tire remains protected while showcasing your dedication to multiple sclerosis awareness. Let your vehicle reflect your values and inspire others on the road. Product Detail For Faith Love Cure Sunflower Orange Ribbon Multiple Sclerosis Spare Tire Cover rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices.
Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve. *IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND* There may be a slight variation in the hues you see on your screen and the actual colors of the product, due to the discrepancy between digital and printed color tones. This product is custom-made, so we kindly ask you to verify the size, color, and other specific requirements to ensure your utmost satisfaction with your purchase! You are given a 12-hour window for any cancellations post-purchase. Beyond this period, our production process commences, and it becomes impractical to halt once initiated. Ensure your SPARETIREDEPOT address is accurate and comprehensive. Once the order processing begins, we might not be able to accommodate changes to the shipping address. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries! [thien_display_attachment_images] Care instructions: Machine washable. Better wash with cold water. Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/ Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/
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ms-shermyboo · 2 years
Sign petition!!!
EDSS is a terrible way to evaluate MS progression
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
The Meaning Behind the Orange Ribbon Butterfly for Warriors
The Orange Ribbon Butterfly Support Warrior embodies hope, resilience, and transformation in the face of adversity. This powerful symbol combines the vibrant orange ribbon, representing various causes like leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and self-harm awareness, with the delicate yet strong image of a butterfly.
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Warriors adorned with this emblem stand united in their support for those affected by these challenging conditions. The orange hue signifies warmth, energy, and enthusiasm, inspiring positivity and courage in both survivors and their loved ones. Meanwhile, the butterfly represents the beautiful metamorphosis that occurs through the journey of healing and recovery.
These Support Warriors form a compassionate community, offering understanding, resources, and encouragement to those in need. They organize awareness campaigns, fundraising events, and support groups, creating a network of strength and solidarity. Their efforts help break down stigmas, promote early detection, and advocate for improved treatments and research funding.
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The Orange Ribbon Butterfly serves as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is potential for growth and renewal. It encourages individuals to embrace their struggles, spread their wings, and soar beyond limitations. By wearing or displaying this symbol, Support Warriors send a powerful message of hope and unity, reminding everyone that no one fights alone in their battle against these formidable challenges.
ADHD Awareness aims to educate the public about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, a neurodevelopmental condition affecting both children and adults. This initiative seeks to dispel myths, reduce stigma, and promote understanding of ADHD's impact on daily life.
Key aspects of ADHD Awareness include:
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Recognizing symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Understanding that ADHD is a real, medical condition
Highlighting the diverse ways ADHD manifests across age groups and genders
Promoting early diagnosis and effective treatment options
Advocating for support in educational and workplace settings
Sharing stories of individuals thriving with ADHD
ADHD Awareness emphasizes that with proper support and management, those with ADHD can lead successful, fulfilling lives. It encourages empathy and accommodation in society, fostering an environment where neurodiversity is embraced.
By increasing knowledge and acceptance, ADHD Awareness strives to improve the lives of millions affected by this condition worldwide.
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Butterfly Remembrance Gifts offer a poignant way to honor and memorialize loved ones who have passed. These thoughtful items often feature delicate butterfly designs, symbolizing transformation, hope, and the enduring beauty of the soul. The collection may include jewelry, garden stones, wind chimes, or ornaments, each serving as a tender reminder of cherished memories.
These gifts provide comfort to those grieving, offering a tangible connection to their departed loved ones. Whether displayed at home or in a memorial garden, Butterfly Remembrance Gifts create a serene space for reflection and healing, allowing the bereaved to celebrate the life and legacy of those they've lost.
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