#mummy maternity bag
littilefarmmercantile · 4 months
What Should You Look For in a Multi-Functional Diaper Bag?
Being a parent is a whirlwind of responsibilities, and having the right tools can make all the difference. It's no secret that your baby needs a lot of stuff, and carrying multiple bags to accommodate everything feels like a hassle. That's where a multi-functional diaper bag comes to your rescue – a necessary item for on-the-go parents.
Modern diaper bags are designed to simplify life by offering enough storage, durability, comfort, and a touch of style and fashion. They come in various forms such as totes, backpacks, and convertible bags, making it easy for moms to carry them.
With so many options available in the market, choosing the right one could get tougher than it has to be. So in this guide, we'll break down the key features to look for when choosing the perfect baby diaper bag. 
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Bump P3
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Requested: Please do a part 3 Part 3 please 🙏🙏🥺
I woke with a yawn, given how utterly exhausted I had been the last few days. Still not convinced I had caught up on sleep. I pushed myself up slowly trying not to make too much noise. But My heart sank as I saw the little bassinet at the foot of our bed was empty! Panic Immediately set in but It quickly ended as I saw the most beautiful sight. 
Y/n sat up in the bed with a cushion between her and the headboard, her hair pinned up where she had been sleeping, her little nightie around her sweetly, one strap pulled down and her breast revealed with Sebastian cuddled in her arms, Him slowly feeding from her breast. she smiled down at him gently stroking his sweet little head. 
I smiled leaning on the headboard, unable to look away from her as she worked. 
"Good Morning," She smiled, 
"Good Morning," I smiled closing the gap between us and gave her lips a sweet kiss, "and good morning to you too" I smiled giving his head a little kiss "You having a nice time with mummy?"
"He's enjoying his morning drink," She giggled 
"I bet he is, as much as I long to stay, I need to get to work,"
"Of course, We will be here waiting for you."
"I know you will, have a nice day darling"
"You too."
"And You. Be good to your mummy" I told him, 
I quickly got out of bed and got dressed for the day ahead giving them both as many kisses and cuddles as I could manage before heading downstairs and grabbing some toast and marmalade "Thanks Elis," I told her as I took my breakfast she simply nodded working on y/n's breakfast, so I took my bag and headed to work. 
It had been a fairly usual day, checkups, appointments, Sneed pouting like a child where I bruised his nose. I was on fairly minimal hours now only coming in a few hours a day to do my most urgent work, at least for a while. I was concerned given my walk that... I wouldn't have a job to return to and I almost didn't. Snivelling Sneed had gone to Prof to tattle on me, and of course, Prof was going to fire me for insubordination, arrogance, leaving my post, and so on but the moment Sneed mentioned WHY I left unexpectantly, even Prof in his newly sober state almost kicked him up the arse for trying to stop me. When I returned to work Prof even apologized for Sneed and he had sent a few maternity items to the house as an apology and a gift for y/n. In fact many around town had sent things to us in the days since Sebastian was born, which was incredibly kind of them, Even if the nurses had been pestering me, well everyone had really about when they all were to see him, as we had yet to take him out in public or even reveal his name. I had told her it was up to her but I think she just wanted to keep him all to ourselves a little while longer. I had surgery this afternoon nothing major my last job of the day, was just an arm amputation so I was in the room with Sneed as we got prepared, hetty rushing around with another couple of nurses in order to get things prepped and ready. 
When suddenly I spotted a sight indeed, She arrived to the prep room. 
Dressed in her little black boots, usual stockings and other such dress elements, her beautiful little grey dress, her hair pinned up, with her little hat on, as well as her little gloves which she just slipped off as she entered. I smiled so widely almost crying, that she had come to visit me at work, and given I hadn't seen her in anything but her nightie in about two months, she looked so mesmerizingly beautiful. But then I noticed she wasn't alone as with her she tugged with her a little wicker carriage closed up to hide him from the heat. 
"Good Afternoon," She smiled of course immediately getting everyone's attention 
But I couldn't hold back any longer I rushed over and gave her a cuddle and a kiss "Awww Hello darling, you came to visit?"
"Of course I did," She smiled
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you, I thought perhaps everyone could meet him?" she smiled 
"I think that's a wonderful idea." I smiled and honestly as if the hospital was psychic. Honestly, I think one nurse may have just seen her coming in with the pram and thus told everyone else! almost all the nurses, Jim, and even prof all lingered outside the door. So we let everyone in much to Sneed's annoyance and I gave her a kiss letting her take charge of this moment. 
She giggled a little to see how everyone was so excited, and she pulled back the cover slowly pulling him up into her arms so everyone could see him. "Ladies and gentlemen I proudly introduce. Sebastian William Dawkins." She smiled, 
And Immediately there was CHAOS! 
All the nurses wanted to see him and coo over him, they all got their chance to hold him, I was congratulated by everyone in the room! which is strange I really didn't do much, he got a million compliments from everyone saying how cute he was, how sweet he was, how well-behaved he was being, Hell Even SNEED! cracked a smile when he got a turn to hold Sebastian. Until at last he found his way back to me so I could have a cuddle again.
"yes Hello, Hi little guy" I smiled giving him a cuddle 
"Congrats. Really." Sneed said a moment of peace between us
"Thank you, Now everyone out we have a surgery to do." I told them and everyone begrudgingly left but Hetty, and sneed. "Ohh I know I know I want to cuddle you a little longer but Daddy has work to do. Go on then back to your mummy" I smiled giving his head a little kiss and handing him back to Y/n, but the moment I did I noticed his little hand, in it he held the short chain from Sneed's Waistcoat clearing having stolen it without him noticing, Y/n and I looked at each other rather sheepishly but all we could do was laugh "That's my boy." 
"Slippy little devil" She giggled putting him back in his pram with his blanket "So? can we stay?"
"to watch, I figured Sebastian could watch his daddy work." 
"You are too sweet, of course, but just remember everyone is going to make a fuss of you,"
"I know, It's okay. I'm sure he's excited to get such fuss"
"I'm sure of it." I smiled "Alright as soon as I'm done with the surgery we'll head home" 
She nodded and took the pram with her to the viewing area so she and Sebastian could watch, I continued to sort out and organize I offered my coin to do the flip as usual but he handed it back 
"You do it."
"Thanks," I smirked a little, So we headed out and of course, did the surgery, it wasn't all that exciting but I often glanced up to Y/n seeing her holding Sebastian so he could watch until finally It was over so I cleaned up and met y/n in the entryway "Hello, daddy do good?" I asked as I pulled Sebastian into  a cuddle 
"Aww he loved it, he adored watching his daddy work. A future little surgeon I'm sure of it." 
"Absolutely, future Dr Dawkins right here." I smiled "Shall we head home then?"
"Of course, dinner's waiting" She smiled putting Sebastian back in his pram, so we headed home together, we sat down to dinner and then sat by the fire having a drink each while she fed Sebastian.
"You are the best mother you know that?"
"Awww thank you Jack, you are an excellent father" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss, 
I heard the front door but didn't think much of it. 
Until Elis spoke up. "Uhhh Ma'am." 
we both perked up and immediately I had a heart attack! 
Y/n quickly handed Sebastian to me and fixed her dress as she stood up and turned to see the man in the doorway in his naval uniform, So I quickly put Sebastian in his crib and stood too. 
"Hello, Father," She smiled 
"y/n! sweetheart!" He gleamed so eager to see her but he then looked at me and Sebastian confused about who I was and why I was here. "Wha-"
"I...I Have some new father." She said "I uhh i-" She began nervously but I took her hand standing with her to keep her close "I got married father, while you were gone."
"I did, This is my husband Dr Jack Dawkins. We fell in love Father and I know we should have waited but we wanted to be together so badly, I do hope you're not angry."
"Y/n, my sweet daughter, I'm not angry" he reassured and she ran giving him a tight hug "I'm so happy you found who makes you happy," He smiled pushing her back gently and turning his attention to me "Please to meet you Son." He said offering his hand 
"Sir." I smiled shaking his hand 
"Surgeon sir. Surgeon Leftiant actually, New to Port Victoria" 
"Ahh good man" He saluted "Captian myself."
"Ohh sir." I saluted back "I'm sorry she never said-"
"I wasn't when I left" he winked "You take care of my daughter?"
"Yes sir, I have a job at the royal Hosptial."
"Well I am sorry I missed it all you two, But I look forward to getting to know my son in law" He smiled bringing her hand and giving it to me 
"I look forward to getting to know you too sir."
"Thank you Father" She smiled 
"Anything else I've missed?" He laughed
"Well..." She blushed going to fetch Sebastian and he looked shocked but very happy "You're a grandfather too."
"A-A Grandfather!" He smiled overjoyed "May I?"
"Of course" she smiled handing Sebastian over to her father he held him gently in his arms sweetly crying at the sight of his grandson 
"His name?"
"Sebastian" She smiled 
"Oh?" He asked curiously
"Captain Sebastian Grimm, Got me my job in the navy without him I'd never be here, or with y/n."
"Understandable" He nods 
"Sebastian William Dawkins" She smiled telling him Sebastian's full name "After your father."
He wiped away his tears, "My grandson, I cannot think of a better sight to return home to" He smiled before he handed Sebastian back to us and then hugged all three of us tightly. "I am so happy to be home."
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raindancer2004 · 6 months
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 4,410 Demetri x OC Swan. Final Part. Warnings: Fluff,
Danni excelled at being a mother to Nicolai, her maternal instincts stronger and running deeper than she ever thought possible, but then everything vampires feel is on a much deeper level compared to their human counterparts. Danni would bake cakes and cookies with Nicolai, something that he loved as he got to eat their creations. Demetri would often watch his mate and son baking together, painting together and playing games together. Danni even taught him how play the different card and board games that she played as a child so he could join in with them. Nicolai liked to call this family game time and Demetri couldn’t help smiling as he got to experience the family life he never thought he would once he became immortal.
Caius and Athenodora were pleased to hear that Danni and Demetri agreed to nurture both his human and vampire sides as this meant he got to experience the best of both worlds. Athenodora offered to bake with Nicolai one cloudy Wednesday afternoon “Can you bake Nana?” “Not really sweetie but I can read and therefore can follow the recipes from your cookbooks” She replied smiling down at him “Ok, we’ll start with a simple Chocolate cake recipe” Nicolai responded with a smile of his own as he took his Nana’s hand and walked beside her to the kitchen.
Caius decided to see how his wife and grandson were getting on in the kitchen and walked in to find her blue dress covered in flour and a streak of flour on her cheek. Nicolai had some chocolate around his lips but they both looked happy as they decorated the cake. Caius chuckled low to himself but due to their vampire hearing Athenodora and Nicolai heard him and looked up. “Look Grandpa, we’re nearly finished with our cake” “I can see, it looks delicious” He replied “It’s a shame Nana and I can’t help you eat it” “I’ve told him he has to share the cake with the new Secretary Lori especially as we have some Chocolate chunk cookies in the oven” “Sounds like a good idea darling” Caius replied smiling and Nicolai nodded in agreement.
Around the end of July Aro received a wedding invitation from Alice Cullen announcing that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen were to be married on August 13th although Caius was not happy to hear the news as he knew this was the Cullen’s way of delaying Bella’s transformation further by having a wedding first. Aro on the other hand was excited to hear of the nuptials even if this was the Cullen’s way of announcing that Bella was to become one of them. “I’m going to guess that Danni hasn’t received an invitation or even been notified of the upcoming wedding” Marcus mused aloud “Seeing as they cut her out of their lives months ago, I doubt it” Caius replied “I think we should be the ones tell her” Aro said and his brothers nodded in agreement “I agree. I won’t have secrets kept from her” Caius replied, his protectiveness coming to the surface, knowing that the news would likely upset her.  “Can I be there when you tell her please?” Demetri asked as he and Felix were the only other vampires in the room “Of course my dear boy” Marcus replied “Thank you master. This news is likely to upset her, especially after being cut out of her family’s lives” Demetri replied.
Danni was quiet over the next few days and everyone knew why and didn’t question her about it, they just let her be. Danni kept Nicolai close during these few days too, choosing to spend time with him alone. During one their shopping trips, Nicolai finds a ‘World’s Best Daddy’ mug “Mummy can I get this for Daddy please?” He asked pointing to the mug. Danni smiled before answering “Of course you can sweetie, He’ll love it” “Thank you Mummy” Nicolai replied and hugged her legs.
Later that night after his shift ended, Demetri returned to his room and saw Danni and Nicolai waiting for him, a blue and silver gift bag sitting on the coffee table. “Hello mi amore…” He kissed Danni’s cheek “…Hi buddy” He kissed his son’s hair before taking a seat beside them on the sofa. “Hi Daddy, this is for you” Nicolai said with a big grin on his face, pointing to the gift bag. “Hi babe” Danni replied smiling as Demetri reached over and opened the gift bag to reveal the mug inside. Danni and Nicolai watched as a big smile appeared on Demetri’s face, his eyes becoming glassy with unshed tears “Thank you so much buddy. I love it and you very much” He lifted his son onto his lap and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his hair.
Danni and Demetri started making plans for their wedding as Danni wanted a Winter wedding at the castle. Aro offered to officiate at the ceremony and Danni and Demetri agreed, both surprised and pleased that he wanted to participate in their wedding this way. “It would be an honour Aro, thank you” Danni said as Caius rolled his eyes dramatically from his throne, Demetri tried not to laugh at Caius’ reaction.
Heidi, Chelsea, Jane were asked to be Danni’s Bridesmaids, Gianna taking on the role of Maid of Honour. Felix was chosen as Best Man with Alec and Santiago being groomsmen and Nicolai was given the role of Ring Bearer, something he was very excited about.
Danni asked Caius to accompany her on a walk of the North facing garden and he agreed as he enjoyed spending time with his adopted daughter. They took a seat on the bench in front of the fountain and Danni took an unneeded breath before speaking. “Caius, I have something important I would like to ask you…” Caius took her hand in his and nodded for her to continue “…I wondered if you would give me away at the wedding?” Caius’ face lit up “Of course I would my child. I’m honoured that you asked” He wrapped his arms around her in hug “Thank you, not just for agreeing to give me away but for making me feel like part of the family” “You are most welcome Danni. As far as I am concerned you are my daughter and I would do anything and everything to ensure you are happy and safe always” He pulled her in for another hug, Danni resting her head on his shoulder, feeling tears fill her eyes that will go unshed.
Athenodora told Demetri that she and Caius would pay for Danni’s bridal gown along with the Bridesmaid and Maid of Honour dresses. “You don’t need to do that Mi’ lady” He replied “I know we don’t have to but we want to. As you know we see Danni as our daughter and this is our gift to you both” Demetri nodded “Thank you very much for your offer. It’s greatly appreciated” “You are most welcome my dear” She replied before giving him a quick hug. Demetri has always been Athenodora’s favourite guard and she was very happy he would become her official son-in-law soon.
Danni and Demetri had decided on a Red and White colour scheme for their Winter wedding, deciding on having Poinsettias as the centre pieces as they are a Winter flower. Red and White Roses would make up the bridal bouquets.
Caius had the guards freshen up the ballroom’s décor as it was looking a little dull after years of not being used. The cream-coloured walls looked bright and fresh against the polished real wood flooring once finished.
Marcus arranged for ‘Midnight Fangs’ a vampire quartet to play at the wedding, having had them perform at the castle during previous balls and galas.
If only they knew that all of these plans were going to be put on hold…
It is early December when Irina enters Castillo Volterra and makes her way to the throne room. Santiago opens the doors and she enters, Demetri and Felix walking towards her, curious as to what she wants. “What a pleasant surprise” Aro says as Irina enters the throne room, Marcus looks fed up and closed his book softly. “What do you want?” Caius asks sounding a little irritated turning around to face her “Hmm” She pauses a moment before replying “I have to report a crime…the Cullens…they have done something…terrible.” A smirk appears on Caius’ face and Aro closes his book and flashes over to Irina “Allow me my dear” Aro says taking her hand in his and looking at her thoughts and memories regarding the Cullen’s ‘crime’ “Oh my” He says once he’s finished. “Brother what have they have done now?” Caius asks as he walks towards them “It would appear dear brother they have created an immortal child” Aro replies “WHAT?!!” Caius shouts “ARE YOU SURE?” “Irina saw the child herself, she was jumping in the air catching snowflakes” Aro replied “Then we send the guards now! They can destroy the child and the Cullens” Caius responds “No brother. I think we will take our time, gather some witnesses and pay them a visit ourselves along with the guards” Aro replies calmly, despite the anger simmering inside. “A public trial?” Caius smirks “Yes brother. A public trial…this way we can be sure that our kind are reminded that creating immortal children is still illegal” Aro replies “Thank you for letting us know my dear” Marcus said smiling “Santiago please show Irina to one of our guest rooms” Marcus says looking at the guard “Yes master” Santiago bows his head and leads her to a guest room on the second floor.
Later that day Aro calls Danni to the throne room and asks the guards to leave except for Demetri. “Thank you for coming Danni…we have something we need to discuss with you” Aro starts “Ok. Have I done something wrong?” She asks looking between the Kings and Demetri “No, Danni you have done nothing wrong” Aro replies with a warm smile and Danni instantly relaxes “However, someone you know well has done something wrong, illegal even…” He pauses for a moment “…It would seem that the Cullens have created an immortal child…” “You have to got to be kidding me? Like seriously? What the hell?” Danni cuts Aro off. The Kings and Demetri cannot help laughing a little at her reaction. “Well I hope you plan to deal with them accordingly Caius” She adds looking at him “Yes child we do. There will be a public trial in Forks with witnesses” He replies and she nods “You don’t object to that?” Marcus asks curiously “No, I don’t. Caius gave me a history lesson once whilst Demi was away and informed me of your laws and how you dealt with the immortal children problem when it arose centuries ago” “But Bella’s your sister” Marcus adds, his head tilted to the side slightly “Don’t remind me!...” Danni bites back and Demetri intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing them gently “…She left me here nine months ago and hasn’t looked back, remember” The Kings all nod at her, sympathy shining in their ruby eyes at the memory of that day.
A moment of silence passed before Danni spoke again “Can I ask how you know about this?” “We had a visitor this afternoon and she told us about the child. In fact, the child was seen with your sister” Aro replied “Bella may not have been aware of immortal children and the law surrounding them but Carlisle would have known and I’m sure Edward would also have been aware. They have broken a law and need to face the consequences and let’s face it you’ve been lenient in the past with Bella and Edward and look how they’ve repaid you” She responds back “That was not the reaction I was expecting from you my dear but I will say I am impressed with the way you have handled the news” Aro tells her honestly “Thank you Aro. I do, however, have a request…regarding the trial and any subsequent punishment” “We’re listening my dear” Caius replies this time and steps closer to her “I do not want Demetri to have any involvement in the punishment of the Cullens, especially Bella and Edward. I am not sure if you are aware but last summer Edward and his brothers killed a vampire who tried to kill Bella and as a result the vampire’s mate sought revenge…she even tried to kill Bella. This took place after Edward left her…before we came here…” She paused to see the Kings reactions, they nodded for her to continue “…As selfish as this may seem I am asking that Demetri is not involved as I do not want any of the Cullens to come after me or him as revenge. I do not want to be looking over my shoulder or worrying about him when he is on missions, more than I do already. Also, I do not want our son to grow up with only one parent” She added looking up at Demetri to see that he was looking down at her lovingly. “I think we can all agree with that request my dear, after all you haven’t asked for anything since you arrived and you understand the situation we are in and have handled it better than we expected. I also have no desire to risk anything happening to my grandson or his parents” Caius answered her “Thank you Caius” She replied and gave him a quick hug “Yes thank you master for agreeing to Danni’s request” “You are both welcome. We do, however, ask that you both accompany us when we go to Forks” He replies “Of course master” Demetri replies and Danni nods in agreement.
The following day Irina was in the library reading along with Alec when Danni entered with Nicolai “What the...?” Irina says shocked when she notices the little boy who resembles Demetri but who clearly has a heartbeat “Irina this Danni, Demetri’s mate and their son Nicolai” Alec introduces them “It’s nice to meet you Irina” Danni smiles at her “Nice to meet you too” Irina replies “Nicolai…he has a-a heartbeat…but how?” Irina asks “I’m half-human, half-vampire” He replies “I had him whilst I was still human, Demetri changed me after he was born…about six months ago” Danni adds “But he-he looks like...” Irina trails off “His vampire side means he grows faster than his human counterparts and is quite smart for his age too” Danni tells her as she takes a seat on the sofa opposite her and Nicolai sits beside his mum. “I didn’t know that vampires could have children” Irina says looking at the boy “Neither did we. It was a surprise to us all to discover that male vampires can father children with human females” Alec responds. “I’m gifted too like mummy and daddy” Nicolai says proudly “Really? May I ask what your gift is Nicolai?” Irina asks, curiosity shining in her amber coloured eyes “I’m a shield like mummy and I am able to track people like daddy, but only those with shields. I fill in the gaps of daddy’s gift” He replies proudly “Wow” Irina breathed out, “I can’t believe how much he looks like Demetri” Irina says looking between Nicolai and Danni “I know, me too. He’s a mini version of his dad” Danni replies and Nicolai just smiles back at Irina.
A few days later Nicolai and Irina were walking in the South facing garden when he stopped walking and gently tugged on her hand to get her attention. “Irina, can I ask why you have amber coloured eyes seeing as you are a vampire?” Nicolai asked curiosity shining in his blue eyes “I have amber eyes because I am a vegetarian vampire…” “What’s a vegetarian vampire?” He asked, cutting her off “A vegetarian vampire survives on animal blood instead of human blood” She responded and watched as Nicolai tried to process this information and knew he would have more questions for her. “What animals do you eat and how do you find them?” “Where I live in Alaska, there is a very big forest surrounding our house and my family and I hunt the animals there. In the forest there are different animals, Bears, Moose, Wolves and Caribou to name a few” “Oh, that’s different. Why don’t you hunt humans like other vampires?” “My family and I used to hunt humans but after many years we decided to try surviving on animal blood and found that we could survive that way, although there are not many vegetarian vampires” “You are the first vegetarian vampire I have met” He said with a smile “You are the first vampire / human hybrid that I’ve met” She replied with a smile of her own. They resumed their walk around the garden and continued to talk about different topics. Irina was surprised at how ‘grown-up’ Nicolai was and sounded despite how young he was.
Whilst the Kings and the four Elite guards were away from the castle to gather some witnesses of their own for the upcoming Cullen trial, Danni found that Nicolai’s shielding ability had developed. “Look Mummy…” Danni looked up from her book to see a faint shimmering glow circling her son, giving him the appearance of being inside a protective bubble. Danni smiled, feeling proud of her son and his growing ability. “That’s amazing sweetie” She praised him and he smiled back at her. She wondered if she could get her shield do the same or something similar at the very least. ‘It’d be nice to be able to protect the ones I love, as well as myself’ She thought to herself and decided to ask Santiago and Heidi for their help in Demetri’s absence.
Danni and Nicolai met with Santiago and Heidi the following morning in the south-facing garden as they had agreed to help them develop their shielding abilities. Nicolai asked to train with Santiago as he knew that Demetri had trained Santiago when he joined the guard and still spars with him regularly. Danni and Heidi worked together to see how her shield worked and if she could shield someone other than herself.
With a lot of hard work, Danni was able to shield multiple people as she had practised constantly, pushing her shield to its max. Her shield looked different to her son’s as hers looked almost like it was an extension of her, a faint shimmering was the only hint that her shield was in use to protect the ones she loved.
Upon Demetri’s return to the castle Danni and Nicolai updated him on the development of their gifts. Nicolai was able to shield not only himself but one other person easily. “I hope I can shield more people when I’m older” He said looking up at his dad “You’re doing just fine as you are buddy” Demetri replied proudly, as he looked down at his son as they both stood inside Nicolai’s ‘protective bubble.’
Caius, Aro and Marcus stood watching Danni and Nicolai with proud smiles on their faces. “At least we can keep Edward from reading our thoughts now” Caius said proudly and nudged Aro slightly “Yes, and it’ll be a good surprise for the damned law breaker too” Aro replied with a smile.
December 31st – Confrontation –
Once it had been declared that Renesmee was not an immortal child, Irina was ripped apart and burned for providing a false allegation against the Cullens. “That’s a shame mummy, I liked her” Nicolai said low so only his parents heard him and she nodded in response.
Alice and Jasper made their way back to the Cullens and their witnesses but before anyone could leave Vladimir shouts out “TRAITOR” and looks directly at Danni “Excuse me?” She asks “You are on the wrong side my dear, should you not be over here supporting your sister?” He replies “Supporting my sister, why would I want to do that after what she and her precious Edward did?” “You mean have a child together?” Stefan replies “No. I’m talking about the fact that they left me in Volterra nine months ago and haven’t been in touch since. In fact, I received one letter from Esme telling me that once Edward and Bella landed back here, they told my dad I had died in an accident and that a memorial was held for me. Edward made that decision on the flight back from Volterra thus, ensuring I could never come home to see my dad, never have the chance to introduce him to my mate. They took away my chance to say goodbye” She replied and noticed the shocked looks on the faces of the Cullen’s witnesses “Oh…you all look surprised. Did they not tell you that part? Did they also tell you that they never invited me to their wedding? I only found out about the wedding from Aro after they sent an invitation to him to let him know it was taking place. It was their way of announcing Bella’s transformation.” She added and Demetri squeezed her hand gently. Caius moved closer to Danni, a scowl settling on his face.
“I notice you have a child of your own” Tanya says looking at Nicolai “Yes, I do. My son was born six months ago and my fiancée changed me after he was delivered, we didn’t want to risk another pregnancy as there was no guarantee I would handle another one so well” She responded and noticed Carlisle looked a little confused. “Danni drank human blood regularly once we discovered she was pregnant, this allowed her to meet the baby’s needs and she was able to keep certain foods down too” Caius advised him proudly and Carlisle nodded, clearly impressed as it sounded like Danni had an easier pregnancy than her sister.
“Why did you not tell me I had a nephew?” Bella asked “Why would I? You cut me out of your life, cut me out of my own family. I have a new family now and I couldn’t be happier” Danni replies smiling.
“You have a chance to reconnect with one another, especially as you both have children now” Esme replies softly “Esme as much as I like you and Carlisle, we’re all aware that if it wasn’t for this ‘situation’ we wouldn’t even be talking. I mean none of you got in touch to advise me of the wedding or that my niece was born three months ago” Danni replied. “You can’t take the high ground Danni, your mate would have killed us if there had been a fight today” Edward called out “That is where you are wrong Eddie. The Kings agreed to my request of keeping Demetri out of any executions involving you Cullens as I didn’t want any of you coming after me or my mate as revenge. I protected my family unlike you. I mean look what happened after you killed James, his mate went after Bella to avenge him and you weren’t even here to protect her. So, I have every reason to take the high ground as you put it as I have done nothing to any of you” She replied. Edward went to speak but Caius cut him off “I would consider your next words to Danni very carefully Cullen or you’ll find yourself joining Irina in becoming a pile of ash” “Why do you care what he says to her?” Bella asked “I care because Danni is my daughter and no one, and I do mean no one will disrespect a member of my family” Caius replies and Demetri smirks at the Cullens as surprise registers on their faces.
“What?…how…?” Bella struggled to speak, too shocked at Caius’ news. “My wife and I always wanted to have a daughter and once we met and got to know Danni, things fell into place and we came to care for her as though she was our daughter…” Caius spoke looking directly at Bella “And I came to care about Caius and Dora as my parents in return” Danni finished Caius’ sentence with a warm smile. Everyone watched as Athenodora stepped forward and slipped her hand into her husband’s as she spoke “We were there for Danni when she needed love and support as she navigated her way through a new relationship, whilst she settled into her new life and her new home...” Bella looked as though she wanted to say something but Athenodora didn’t give her chance. “…You abandoned your sister without a second thought when she needed you, needed your support to navigate her way through a new relationship, a relationship with a vampire no less and everything that came with that, seeing as you had experience with this but you chose Edward instead.” Danni nodded and felt so loved in that moment hearing her adoptive parents speak this way about her.
“Just so we are clear Bella, you will not be receiving an invitation to our wedding as it’s for our family and friends only” Demetri adds and Danni nods in agreement before adding “We had to postpone our special day because of you and your ‘antics.’”
Silence filled the air as no one spoke, as they tried to process everything they’ve just heard. “Danni and the Volturi are telling the truth about everything…” Maggie says looking around at the Cullen’s witnesses “…And Bella and Edward haven’t even bothered to apologise or make amends for their actions” Maggie continued, distaste clear in her voice.
“Our apologies Danni for calling you a traitor. It appears we were not told the truth regarding yours and Demetri’s situation” Vladimir called out and she and Demetri nodded. “That’s quite alright. I don’t blame Demetri for keeping me by his side that day. If I’m being honest, I’m glad he did as our relationship developed naturally and I got to have a son with the man I love. I am looking forward to spending an eternity with my family and that doesn’t include any of you” She replied looking at Bella and the Cullens, before turning to face her mate. “Let’s go home mi amore” Demetri smiled down at her and looked at Marcus who just smiled and nodded. The Cullens and their witnesses watched as Demetri and Danni left the field with their son and didn’t look back.
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Skin to skin (George Russell)
George and Y/N go through the challenge of the first night back home from the hospital as a family of three (and Olivia Russell mostly does take after her daddy)
Note: english is not my first language, here is some dad!George I hope you enjoy, I never had a baby this young on my care (my sister is younger than me by 6 years but honestly I have always been a heavy sleeper) so yeah, take it with a pinch of salt because this may all be a bit incorrect
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so but know that I'm not certain when I'll be able to tend to them!
Tw: childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding
The moment Olivia was placed in her daddy's arms and chest, George promised that he would do anything in the world that he needed to do to make sure his family was safe and happy. He vowed to always be there whenever you needed, to support you everytime even if he wasn't physically close and to always love you both.
When the midwife left the room after George reassured her that he could help you, you went to the bathroom to freshen up a little before heading home while your husband put your things back in the bags, "George? I need help, please", you called as you exited the bathroom, your body still recovering from birthing your baby girl as you asked him to help you put a dress on, prompting your husband to help you right away, "Thank you, my love", you said as you pressed a kiss to his lips before going to check on your daughter as he placing the car seat on the bed so he was able to transfer her, "we're going home, little one, you're finally going to see our home", you heard George say to her gently as he buckled her in. Wheeling your bag out of the room, you looked around to make sure you hadn't left anything behind, following George outside, only stopping when he saw a familiar face that had somehow helped in your stay at the hospital, saying a last thank you and a last goodbye to them before heading to the car.
With everyone and everything inside the car, the three of you made your way home, excited to introduced Olivia to it, "Mum and dad said that they wanted us to tell them when we felt ready for visitors", George said as he remembered the text he got earlier, his family knowing how sometimes, despite the help coming from a nice intention, it was better to let new parents settle in first, earning a nod from you as you watched the gate open to your house, "we're home, little bug", you cooed as you watched her sleep.
While George took the carseat out and told you to go inside since he would come to get the rest, you and Olivia were having snuggles in the living room sofa.
When you made your way to your bedroom after filling your water bottle a grabbing some something to snack on during the night, Olivia was in George's arms while you got ready for sleep in the bathroom, coming out of the ensuite to see your husband doing some skin to skin with his little girl, "mummy says you look a lot like me but I actually think you have her nose, and her cheeks too, so soft, little one", he said before pressing a kiss on each of her cheeks, only then noticing you admiring them, "I already changed her nappy and put her pyjamas on, she's just hungry and there's not much I can do", he chuckled as he watched you unbuckle the strap of your maternity bra, sitting next to him on your side of the bed while he placed the baby in your arms, your back laying against the big pillows while he arranged the pillows under your arms for support so she could feed on your boobs, "I actually pumped a bit after she was done with the last feed, but we'll save that for another time", you smiled, puckering your lips so he could come and kiss them as a form of thanking him. Olivia seemed to have a harder time settling in as opposed to the previous nights in hospital, George walking around the room with her swaddled in his chest in an attempt to soothe her and bring her to sleep, "I think that is it", he whispered, laying his daughter on the bassinet attached to your side of the bed, then tiptoeing so he could join you in bed, his arms bringing you in for a cuddle, "Is this okay?", he asked, "I don't want to do anything that hurts you", and you looked lovingly at him, appreciating his concern while you moved his arm to an area slightly lower that he originally had out them, "here feels better, boobs are a bit sensitive now", you explained, enjoying how his scent immediately comforted you.
You woke up from your daughter's cries, rolling to the side as you lifted your torso up with the help of your arms, flickering on the soft nighlight before grabbing your daughter to your chest, "Are you hungry, little bug? You seem like you are...! Let's take this dirty nappy off first and then you can eat", you pressed a kiss to her forehead as you grabbed what you needed from your bedside table, felling George's hand on your shoulder, "I can do that too, if you want", he said while you fastened the new nappy, "There, all done! Now for some food", you said as you repeated your earlier movements, this time laying your back on George's naked chest, he warmth and warm caresses still not easing you as much as they used to as Olivia wailed, "C'mon baby girl, just open your mouth for mummy's nipple, I promise that that is where the good stuff is", you said as you moved your boob around, trying the technique one of the nurses explained to you. A few minutes passed, your's and George's heart squeezing as your little girl hadn't stopped crying and was not feeding from your nipple, "Can you go downstairs and heat up the milk I pumped earlier, she's hungry and my boob is not doing it for her", you asked your husband and while he went to the kitchen to do so, you got up and walked around the room like he had done, the cries softening a little bit as you tried your best to comfort her, "is it your tummy? Was the massage daddy gave you not enough to soothe your tummy?", you ran through the possibilities in your head, turning your head to the bedroom door when you heard your husband's footsteps, "here's the bottle. She could just be trying to get adjusted to the new environment, darling, let's not worry too much about it", George said despite feeling a tightening in his chest, his little girl was obviously not happy from how she kept crying, handing the bottle to you with your hand immediately bringing it to Olivia's mouth in an attempt to help her hunger, the little girl finding it okay for a bit before, like she had with your boob, not wanting it anymore and bursting out on wails again, "Oh, my little bug", you said as you walked around a little bit more, not noticing how the bottle's teat had leaked a little bit on the pyjamas she was wearing, "shoot, love, hold her for a bit while I go and get a new one", you said, thinking that maybe he could summon his capacities earlier that night and manage to soothe her.
Coming back with a clean and dry vest, you held the unsettled baby on your chest and laid the open piece of clothing on the mattress so it would be easier to get her in it, George helping by taking the wet vest out of her, "it's okay, you're going to be warm soon", you said, already trying to soothe her from the cold chill that was about to overcome, but instead found her recoiling closer to your chest, snuggling her skin on the skin of your neckline that the piece of clothing you were wearing left out, prompting you to take the rest of your top off and just enjoying how fhe room quieted down after what felt like forever, your little girl happily snuggled in your skin in all places besides the area her nappy covered, "So we're staying like this for the foreseeable, hm little bug?", you asked as you noticed her cheeks drying from the tears as she got comfier on your chest, "It appears so. She was so close to you for all of those months that she must have missed it", George said, relief coming over him as he could finally relax as he watched how you and Olivia were also doing much better, the confusion, stress and fuss from just a few minutes ago forgotten. Settling down on the bed, George patted his chest for you to cuddle into him whilst keeping Olivia close to your chest, her mouth opening and closing prompting you to try again and feed her, this time working well as she suckled on your nipple, "Well, at least now we know you like to be shirtless I guess, just another thing you got from your daddy", you teased, George shaking his head as he kissed your shoulder, lovingly looking at his two girls.
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umitastore · 2 years
Insular USB Diaper Bag for Baby Care Fashion Mummy Maternity Nursing Travel Backpack Designer Stroller Baby Bag Nappy Backpacks
Insular USB Diaper Bag for Baby Care Fashion Mummy Maternity Nursing Travel Backpack Designer Stroller Baby Bag Nappy Backpacks
  Insular USB Diaper Bag for Baby Care Fashion Mummy Maternity Nursing Travel Backpack Designer Stroller Baby Bag Nappy Backpacks  
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sweetminibee · 2 years
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How about daisy is in kindergarten and some kid is making fun of her cause her dad is a plastic surgeon which technically doesn’t count as a real doctor (his words)
pairing: steve kemp x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ topics (under 18 year olds do NOT interact/reader)
part of toxic
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Y/N was laid in bed, sick with a cold she had gotten from her one year old daughter who had seemingly gotten better the second she passed it on. She was in their shared bedroom, covered with all the fleece blankets she could find, with a hot water bottle near her head. Steve had been taking care of her, taking some time off work to ensure she wouldn't attempt to do things by herself. Last time, she had fainted in the kitchen after continuing to work while sick with the flu; so this time, Steve was home.
     - You won't forget to pick Daisy from daycare?
     - No, my love. - he kissed her forehead. - I'll pick up Daisy and we'll bring some takeout.
     - Can I go?
     - No. You'll stay here so you can go better and we can get to our romantic weekend away. - he caressed her cheek. - It'll be okay. You'll see your baby in a bit.
She cuddled against him until he had to go and pick up Daisy. None of them were really happy with her getting into daycare this early but after Y/N's maternity leave, the two couldn't spend enough time to look after her full time. She liked daycare, but the two of them were still suspicious of it. He drove down to the incredibly expensive daycare, getting out of his car to wait for the doors to open. Once it did, most kids came out running, some of them barely knowing how to walk but still running towards their parents. However, Daisy was nowhere to be found. Instead, her head teacher walked out, Daisy holding her hand and looking down. Steve frowned, squatting down to her height and opening his arms. She ran into his hug, her head burying in his jumper.
    - What's wrong, Daisy bun? - he cooed, kissing the top of her head.
    - Daisy had a tough day. - the headteacher said. - One of the boys was being mean to her but she took it like a big girl. Just needs some cuddles from mummy and daddy.
    - Come here, my perfect girl. - Steve kissed her cheek. - We’re gonna go home now, okay? You’re safe. Can you repeat that?
     - I’m safe. - she babbled, hugging her dad once more. 
Of course Steve was upset. He hated when any of his girls were sad and he specially hated when his Daisy was upset over things he couldn’t immediately solve. He strapped her on her car seat, brushing her hair aside to kiss her forehead again before moving to the driver’s seat. 
     - Why was he being mean to you, Daisy love? 
     - He was being mean to you, daddy. - she played with the toy Y/N had wrapped around her seat belt, a little yellow duck which matched the one plushie she had in her bed. 
     - How so?
     - He said you’re not a real doctor. -  maybe the kid was learning from his wife who too liked to say he wasn’t a real doctor. - I said that’s not true. 
     - Aw, baby, who cares what they think.
     - He said his mummy said plastic surgeons aren’t doctors. 
     - Maybe his mummy needs a plastic surgeon. - he mumbled more to himself than to his daughter. - He’s wrong, Daisy love. I don’t want you getting upset over daddy. 
     - But I wanna protect daddy. 
     - I know, bun and daddy is really happy that you wanna protect him. 
They drove down to their favourite takeout place and Steve even let her pick those awfully sugary bunny cookies that she liked. Usually he wouldn’t tempt the wrath of Y/N with sweets before bedtime, but he wanted to pamper his little girl. She walked back to the car with the bag of cookies happily and even made a little song for them during the ride back home. Once back home, she put her cookies down and ran towards her mother’s bedroom. Steve followed with a silly smile on his face, leaning by the door frame to see Daisy struggle yet achieve to get on top of her bed and hugging her mum. Y/N mumbling something, followed by a little smile before filling her cheeks with kisses. He could almost melt, seeing the two girls of his life cuddling one another. 
     - We got your favourite food, mummy and daddy let me get bunny cookies.
     - Did he now? - she looked up at Steve who shrugged.
     - She was a very brave girl today. - he walked up to them, sitting on his side of the bed. 
     - I was, I defended daddy. Jeremy said daddy wasn’t a doctor but I said he was. 
     - Daddy is a doctor. - Y/N replied. 
     - Just like you mummy!
     - No, not just like me. - she caressed her cheek. - You see, baby, when someone becomes really really good at something, they can study and become doctors. Daddy is a doctor which takes care of something while mummy is a doctor of science.
      - I wanna take care of people and science!
      - You can do whatever you want, Daisy bun.
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haemilkis · 3 years
grocery shopping date
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Pairing: husband!haechanxreader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1172 words (im sorry—it was supposed to be a drabble adjskl)
Warnings: none
Summary: You and your husband Haechan decided to go grocery shopping together and stumbled upon someone that made you want to ask whether you were ready to build a family.
It was a Sunday morning and both you and your husband Haechan were beat from last night’s impromptu karaoke session that went on till 4am since your husband just can’t stop serenading you his favourite Micheal Jacksons’ songs. It was definitely sweet of him to share his Spotify playlist(S) with you back when you were still his girlfriend. But not when you’re now his wife and would have to listen to his anthem Smooth Criminal at least thrice a day — but you also fell in love with him because of that. He really proposed to you to be his girlfriend through his Spotify playlist! 
As of right now, you’re just too madly in love with this man to deny anything from him. “hey, morning”, he muffles his words under the blanket and slowly stretches his arms around your waist. “so, what are you doing today?”, you said as you positioned your face in front of him and tugged the blanket he used to hide his face in. Haechan was smiling through the blanket as he playfully peeps at you through the blanket and stared at you face for a bit before answering you, “maybe we should go grocery shopping together today, what do you think, hm?”, you smiled playfully and nodded through the blanket that was once on Haechan’s head. You both knew that it was still a tad bit early to go now so you just cuddled together for another 10 mins or so you thought—it was actually an hour later when you both got up and got ready to go to the nearby supermarket to buy your groceries. 
As soon as you and your husband arrived at the supermarket it was packed with people and you were already thinking whether you should just go home—but you husband was adamant to still pick up the necessary items like milk, bread and chocoballs (Maltesers to be exact, his absolute favourite). So you just went in the automated glass door entrance of the Groceria whilst Haechan grabbed the trolley. Once you found the perishable food aisle you asked your husband if he wanted some more tofu and kimchi since he loved to cook kimchijiggae at least twice a week. “of course! yes yes” he cheered to you and with a smile he winked and you were a bit flustered because you can never get used to your husband’s love language (flirting with you 24/7 at the most random times). “alrighty haechan i get you now turn down a notch... there are people staring at us” haechan smirked and strolled the trolley to the bread section that was a few steps away.
Unbeknown to you, suddenly you felt someone tugging your maxi dress from behind. You were about to scream your husband’s name aloud because you were already internally screaming for a split second. You quickly turned around to see a very small figure with a height just above your knees tugging your dress tightly. The tiny baby girl had long hair in a ponytail and eyes were wet with tears. “Are you okay sweetheart? Where are your parents? Are you alright? don’t cry, okay let’s find mummy and daddy”, you bombarded her with questions since you were feeling flustered as the small figure’s crying didn’t stop.
Haechan saw you and was about to approach you but stopped his tracks as he saw your maternal side when you started to hug the child’s small figure to calm her. He felt weird. Not the bad kind of weird — rather, something in him was infatuated by the sight of you and him having a child together. To have his very own small family. He was lost in his own thoughts but quickly brought back to reality as the mother of the child in your hands scurried through the crowd to reach her crying baby girl. “I'm so sorry! Eun Hae tends to run off on her own sometimes whenever she gets a little too giddy but would also then cry when she loses her way to me” the mother rambles and sighs at the end as she tells you about her daughter. By this time your husband was beside you and also trying to entertain the small girl to ease her cries whilst the mother was explaining to you. Shortly after, the mother then thanked you again and left the both of you again now walking towards the freshly baked bread section of the Groceria.
You noticed that haechan was stealing looks at you. “um, is there something on my face?”, you quickly brushed your face with your fingers. He smiled  “no, you don’t” and briefly chuckled. Both of you went back to shopping for the groceries together speedily since the supermarket was now very packed. The queues were long and you both kept things minimal and bought only the absolute necessities ( yes, Maltesers included) and went to the self checkout counter to make your payment.
As soon as you were in the car and loaded the shopping bags in, haechan was still stealing looks at you. “Ok haechan tell me...what is on your mind?” You just knew that at this point he wasn’t trying to get your attention to flirt with you or any of his mischievous acts since he had “I have something to tell you” written all over his face. Haechan quickly adjusted his body to face you from the driver’s seat. “Okay so actually just now when you were calming the little girl from crying... i was— well I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now... do you think we should... you know... have our own little family?”, he said as he looked into your eyes earnestly. “I saw how you looked at the little girl and how you calmed her down...I just know that you will be able to be the best mother for our children” he continued. You, on the other hand, were feeling relieved and over the moon when your husband finally asked you this. You’ve always felt unsure on how to bring up this topic with him to discuss because it was always either you were both too busy with work or just unsure how to word it to you husband—mostly due to the latter.
You positioned yourself upright as you face your husband in the car with just the white noise of the wind blasting through the car’s air-conditioning chambers. “I- thank you haechan. Thank you and yes! yes I would love too”, you mumbled to him as you looked back at him at the verge of tears streaming down your peach tint cheeks.
You both hugged each other and savoured the moment into the embrace. “okay but let's go home first okay? or else your maltesers’ going to melt”, you said with a chuckle.
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blairsanne · 2 years
Uncle Bragi
Almighty Johnsons - Anders, Dawn x Ty 1,347 words
Summary: Dawn is home alone with her and Ty's new baby, Zinnia, and can't get her to stop crying. She turns to Anders for help.
Dedicated to @laurfilijames, after a wild conversation we had back in February about this idea, lmfao. Sorry it took so long to finish this little piece.
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Dawn looked up at the ceiling, biting her lower lip as she tried to stop the tears falling over her cheeks.
Her daughter Zinnia, just seven weeks old, would not stop crying. Dawn had tried everything; feeding, nappy change, skin to skin, that very specific bouncing hold- nothing was working to calm her. It was a Saturday, and Ty wouldn’t be home from his refrigerator repair jobs for at least a few hours.
She cradled Zinnia close despite the volume of her hoarse cries. She wondered how someone so small could make such a loud noise. Eternally tired since the baby’s birth, Dawn shut her eyes. “Please, Zinny, stop crying. Mummy doesn’t know what to do.”
Times like this she wondered if she’d made the right choice to start a family. Maybe she wasn’t suited for motherhood after all. Maybe she should be back at JPR with her brother in law, convincing clients that Anders would handle whatever scandal they’d gotten themselves into.
Anders. Dawn winced. She didn’t want to trouble him. But he had said that if she ever needed help…
She pulled her phone from the pocket of her sweatpants and pulled up his contact record.
Anders straightened out his jacket as he left the washroom he’d just rooted a waitress in. He flashed his card at the bar to pay his bill, frowning when he felt his phone going off in his pocket. He had half a mind not to check it, figuring it was Mike calling about some god business or another. 
He tapped his card to the sales machine and waved off the offer of a receipt as he pulled his phone out finally.
“Hello?” “Anders!”
He could hear the relief in Dawn’s voice and a stone of guilt settled in his stomach for having made her wait. Then he realized what the other sound coming through the line was; his niece crying.
“I’m sure you’re probably busy right now, but…” “Always free for you, Dawnsie,” he said seriously. “What do you need? Pick something up at the shop? Nag my darling brother about something?” “No, I was- I was just thinking…” She let out a groan, rubbing her forehead. Maybe she shouldn’t ask. “Anything within my power, Dawn.”
Anders missed Dawn terribly, though he wouldn’t say so. She was the closest thing he’d ever had to a friend, and while he’d been thrilled when she and Ty had worked out, it was hard not having her at the office with him. Her maternity leave replacement was competent, but she wasn’t the kind-hearted, stubbornly ethical woman on the other end of the line.
“Within your power, eh?” She sighed. “It’s just that Zinnia won’t stop crying, and I know that’s normal for this age, but I can’t even hear myself think and I just-”
Anders nearly dropped his phone in alarm when she dissolved into sobbing, her cries and the baby’s now mixing together. “-I know I shouldn’t ask you to use your mumbling thing on her, but it worked so well the last time you were here, and-” “I’m on my way.”
Anders hesitated on the front porch, about to knock, but already hearing Zinnia’s cries from inside. He tried the door and found it unlocked. “I’m here-!” he called out, closing the door behind him before finding them in the living room.
Dawn looked exhausted, sitting glumly on the couch with Zinnia pressed against her chest. Her usually-pristine bob was unbrushed, and he’d never seen the bags under her eyes so pronounced. 
“What are you, murdering her?” he quipped, the desperate cries of the baby seeming completely unwarranted given how sweetly it was being held.
Dawn shot him a glare that made him swallow and put his hands up defensively as he approached. As close to an apology as she could expect, she was sure.
“Give her here.”
Dawn was once again in disbelief at how carefully Anders cradled the infant. He was never one to attend their clients’ events if they involved kids, so she’d just assumed he didn’t like being around them. But he looked at Zinnia with an expression of deep love that nearly matched how Ty looked at her.
Truthfully, Anders really wasn’t big on kids. He just wasn’t generally a G-rated guy, and having to restrain his particular sense of humor was usually more work than it was worth to be around loud, dirty children. But he’d had two younger brothers, and the feeling he got when he looked at his niece reminded him so much of his childhood awe at baby Axl, that it awoke a sort of nostalgic familial instinct in him. She was the child of two of his favourite people, and at times he could see flashes of their features in her.
“Hey Zinny,” he cooed. “You giving Dawnsie a hard time?” When she didn’t stop screaming, he dropped into his Bragi tones. “Shhh, shh shh. That’s enough now, little one. Let’s calm down, eh? Wouldn’t you feel a lot better if you stopped crying?”
To Dawn’s astonishment, Zinnia did slowly calm down, no longer screaming, blinking slowly and staring at nothing in particular.
Dawn let out a relieved laugh, putting her hands to her forehead. “Oh, thank goodness! I thought I’d never hear quiet again.”
She reached her hands out to take Zinnia back, but Anders didn’t move, giving Dawn a frowning once-over.
“When was the last time you slept properly?” “About three months into my pregnancy?” She smiled sardonically, stepping closer.
Anders turned, looking at Dawn over his shoulder while he shielded Zinnia from her grasp. “Go take a nap. I’ve got this.”
“Anders, you don’t have to-” “I love you heaps, but you look like shit.” She gaped in offense. “I just had a baby screaming in my ear for over an hour.” “Right, so go take a nap until you’re properly rested.”
He took another step away from her, as though to make the point that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Before I Bragi you into it.”
Dawn’s shoulders lowered, and Anders could read the relief on her face. “You’re sure you can handle her?” Anders nodded, voice slipping into the - mundane - reassuring tones he used on his clients. “Ty showed me the bottle thing, I know how to change a nappy. I’ll come wake you if there’s any issue.”
She pressed her hands together to point at him. “You are a life saver.”
A couple hours - and a bottle and nappy change - later, Anders heard the front door, and the sound of Ty placing his toolbag down in the hallway.
“Ah, Daddy’s finally home,” remarked to the sleeping baby in his arms.
“Anders.” Ty cocked his head in confusion as he entered the room, though he said his brother’s name gently enough that he didn’t seem bothered to see him. 
“Where’s Dawn?” “Dawnsie is taking a much deserved nap.” Ty nodded. “Right. So you’re babysitting?”
Anders raised his brows. “You would have preferred Axl?” Ty let out a soft laugh, lowering his head. “It’s not that- I just- figured you’d be busy doing something else on a Saturday afternoon.”
“Dawn called me in her time of need. Uncle Bragi to the rescue.” “Aww, the voice thing?” Ty winced. “You really shouldn’t do that to her, she’s just a baby.” “A baby who screamed for so long your wife was at her wit’s end.”
Ty shrugged, nodding as he looked down at his daughter. “She does have quite the set of lungs.” Ty caught the proud grin Anders was giving Zinnia and motioned to the kitchen with his head. “Beer?” “Ta.” 
Anders stood and followed his younger brother, passing the baby off once Ty set the beers out on the island counter.
“You may want to change her nappy.” “Aw,” Ty grimaced. “Some babysitter you are,” he teased. “I was just about to,” he argued defensively. “But you’re here now, and she’s your baby.”
“Yeah.” Ty’s face lit into a wide grin as Zinny started to wake up in his arms. “She is.”
TAJ Tags: @laurfilijames @midearthwritings @i-did-not-mean-to @the-butterfly-blues @the-poldarkian
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sleephyjhs · 3 years
When You’re Expecting (Taehyung Headcanon)
pairing: taehyung x pregnant!reader
warnings: mention of fertility & pregnancy complications
note: i’ve been craving to write a bts x pregnancy series for a while so here we go !! if there’s a specific member you’d like to see next, shoot me an ask :)
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even before finding out you were pregnant, you both had so much love for your child
there was nothing either of you could have wanted more than a baby
it was always at the forefront of your mind how much you wanted a little human of your own
it was approaching a year since you began trying seriously
a few false hopes and two miscarriages later, fertility drugs were looking to improve the chances of conceiving
the raging hormones which came with the drugs were all worth the positive test
early september - sickness had hung around your throat for days
headaches lasted longer than usual, and crying at the most mundane things had become an unwelcome habit
in the bathroom cabinet, you’d collected a small stockpile of electronic and stick pregnancy tests
one of them would eventually show positive, right?
taehyung sat on the bathroom tiles with you
waiting two minutes felt closer to waiting two months
he crossed his legs, bouncing his knees impatiently
your knees came to your chin; high hopes weighed heavily on your heart
the alarm set on his phone beeped quietly
your heartbeat rose suddenly to your throat
taehyung reached out for your hand as you turned to read the results
two blue lines - as clear as day
they became less clear as your eyes coated with thick, salty tears
he began to chuckle as his happiness trickled down his cheeks
“we did it baby! we’re gonna have a baby!” he whispered, choked up by his own anticipation
no words were left swirling in your mind
your jaw hung open as though the hinges were faulty
shakily, you lifted the electronic test to triple check
as you crashed into taehyung’s open arms, memories of the past loomed in your mind
it was only inevitable
a positive test was a familiar joy to you both
however this familiar joy had only ever been followed by crippling devastation
as much as you tried not to think about it, you couldn’t help but retain maternal caution
however, this time also felt different
taehyung’s spirit, your spirit - it was as though fate didn’t want to disappoint you any more
someone out there decided it was finally your time to grow a mini human to bring into the world
of course, no time was wasted in contacting the maternity clinic
seeing your baby on a screen was now a top priority
just to see their little head, maybe even hear their heartbeat
just to know they were okay
just to know you were keeping them cosy and safe, that’s all you needed
taehyung couldn’t hold his excitement
from leaving the house to reaching the hospital, his toothy grin never wiped from his cheeks
he never said anything at the time since his main focus was always on comforting you
but losing his babies near enough tore him apart
even when you tried to comfort him, taehyung restricted himself just to protect your wellbeing
of course, the worse had already crossed his mind
but it wouldn’t get the better of him
it couldn’t.
you soon learned you were already 6 weeks pregnant
the midwife had to point out where your little baby was hanging out; they were such a tiny thing after all
briefly, you took the opportunity to hear their heartbeat
it was faint over the machine, but fast
there really was a life within you.
“there’s something else, if you just look over here...” the midwife prompted, turning the monitor so you could grasp a better view
taehyung leaned slightly over your chest to peer closely at the smaller monochrome screen
with the mouse, she circled a second bean shaped figure
“the fertility drugs increase the chance of twins. looks like you guys got lucky!”
twins. you were having twins.
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like with most pregnancies, you were advised to wait until the 12 week milestone to begin announcing your impending delivery
and even though he understood the importance of patience right now, taehyung could hardly contain his excitement
it didn’t help that a little bump had already begun to grow
keeping a secret was much more difficult when the evidence was near impossible to hide
already, taehyung spent early mornings talking to his little angels
telling them stories he seemingly made up on the spot
or even borrowing some from his own childhood
“you know they can’t hear you yet? it’s about 7 weeks until they’ll be able to, honey.”
“i know, i’m just practising for when they can.”
of course, you wouldn’t admit that you did the same when you were alone
you attended more midwife appointments than other expectant mothers might
the pair of you much preferred being on the safer side
in the car, when on a quieter, less congested road, taehyung often reached over to cradle your still-growing bump with a free hand
you slotted your fingertips between his for additional sappiness
“you two have so many people waiting for you here, hmm? many people are already so in love with you both. me and mummy included.”
on a sleepless night, you’d made a small pact with tae
it was a rash decision, but sincere nonetheless
“no matter what, they are always going to know how wanted they were. always.”
taehyung hardly needed reminding of this, but it was still a weight off your shoulders
as you tried to conceive, the pregnancy diet had already been implemented into your daily routines
however now that you were carrying two precious babies, there really would be no more ‘cheat’ days for you
no more extra half cups of coffee on slower mornings
although you usually took over the role of head chef in the house, taehyung dedicated extra effort into preparing you both healthy and yummy foods
sautéd rice with green vegetables and lean meat/tofu appeared to be his go-to
but you still opted to supervise just in case
finally being able to announce your pregnancy was another heavy weight lifted from your mind
the other members were over the moon for you both
particularly when they reminded themselves of the struggles you had experienced previously
and also remembering the utter devastation of their taehyung when he had to break it to them
all of them kept their eye out for little gifts and outfits
each week, taehyung came home with a new stack of pale rompers or neutral-tones teething toys
these babies would have the best uncles; at least that much you could be certain of
announcing your pregnancy on social media was a looming task, but one he was determined to pull off perfectly
for filler content between schedules, the members had been asked to film a 5 minute vlog of their daily life
well, what a perfect opportunity!
towards the end, taehyung made sure to include some shots of your now protruding bump overlaid with some more vintage camera settings
safe to say, that day you had broken the internet
love, congratulations and blessings poured in from every corner of the earth
a few comments complimenting how much pregnancy suited you touched you especially
self image is commonly effected by the progression of pregnancy, and you were no exception to that
although it was amazing how your body grew and made a little home for your tiny babies, it was still quite strange to see yourself changing so quickly
your favourite clothes didn’t fit around your doubled bump anymore
and your skin seemed to hate sharing nutrients with two extra people
but for the days where you struggled to love yourself, taehyung easily filled in the gaps for you
sneaking up behind you in the bathroom
(although the mirror kinda gave him away)
he’d wrap his arms around your just-moisturised bump and carefully rest his chin on your shoulder
“tell me all your worries honey.”
you gushed over how much you missed wearing your favourite jackets
and how strange it was to look at yourself in such a new and confusing way
“i know it’s normal, and i know i have to do it for them. but i guess it’s just weird - i don’t look like myself anymore”
he sighed and planted a kiss on a spot of bare skin
those small kisses still tickled you like they always had
“well, you definitely look different,”
you really hoped there was a second part to that sentence, mostly for tae’s own good
“but why does that have to be bad? not gonna lie, it actually kinda makes you hotter. maybe we should make babies more often!”
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originally, you had wanted to try and stick to the natural route for as long as you could
but after a few contractions, that idea was immediately out of the window
to help steady yourself and wait out the pain, you held onto the kitchen island and swayed to your own pace
eventually, taehyung joined you
copying the same movements while timing your contractions
“they really must be desperate to come out, huh?”
“well do you think they could hurry it up a bit?!”
the pair of you had been prepared for this for over a month
the hospital bag was ready by the door with all of your essentials packed tightly inside
not forgetting the pots of instant ramen taehyung insisted he must bring in case of an emergency
just as he was readying to back out of the driveway, taehyung took a mental stock check of everything packed in the back
“do you think we have everything?”
“i love you but stop talking please.”
thankfully, he understood well that the sheer pain made you cranky
so long as he assured himself that it was ‘just the contractions’, he’d be just fine
as much as he couldn’t wait to announce he was about to become a father to everyone, he kept himself grounded when walking you to the maternity ward
one corridor in and you’d suggested that a wheelchair might be a better mode of transport
breathlessness and contractions didn’t sound like a favourable mix to you
the assessment of your fast dilation granted you an immediate spot in the labour ward
you’d picked this suite specially due to its expansive space
the option of a birthing pool was still available if you so needed it, but the mood lighting and access to aromatherapy was what attracted you to the room in the first place
a serene paradise for your angels to be born into
it was perfect
taehyung explored while you adjusted to your new surroundings
of course, it didn’t take him long to find the birthing ball
“what’s the difference between a yoga ball and a birthing ball?”
there obviously was none, but you took a few seconds to try and be smart with him
“well, sit on that and you might have a baby the size of a watermelon come out of you soon.”
taehyung cradled his torso and pulled a shocked expression, which was enough to make you giggle and cause another contraction
less than a few hours passed, and you had already attempted to scream the building down once or twice
“get these babies out of me. no i’m serious, i need them out.”
realising your deadpan expression, taehyung soon attended to you at the head of your bed
stroking your slightly sweaty head and patting a ice cold flannel on your clammy forehead
he braced himself for a crushing hand grip which came about sooner than he’d prepared for
you weren’t the biggest fan of commotion, and so being surrounded by nurses and doctors was close to being your worst nightmare
taehyung focused his voice into your ear, trying to minimise the tension coming from below your pelvis
his motivational words were broken up by short bursts of pushes
many of which were followed by a string of curse words which just slipped out
and then, there it was.
the first piercing cry belted across the room
a tear or two may have happened to slip from your eyes
finally the moment you’d waited for, nearly two years in the making, was here
the first of two, a little girl who already had a head full of the most luscious black hair
taehyung wanted to hold back his happy tears in order to show some kind of strength
but you and him both knew he’d never hold it back for long
within the space of 4 minutes, the second baby was born into the world.
but this time, there was no immediate cry
the whole world seemed to slow down in that moment as you waited
and waited
midwifes gathered around the new infant, looking for any kind of obstruction
but, soon enough, your son said his first hello to the world
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neverinadream · 3 years
ok but like part 2 of the second baby would be everything
Poppy Chilwell
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Summary: Lachlan's first time meeting Poppy
Song: Be Still - The Fray
Poppy Alexandra Chilwell was born two weeks late, at the very early time of 03:56, screaming her little lungs off loud enough for the whole maternity ward to hear. She didn't stop crying until she was in Ben's arms, her daddy looking down at her with all the love possible to be found on earth. He cradled her against his chest with his right arm, his left hand coming over to stroke the back of her finger down her cheek. Y/n noticed he wore the same expression he had shown when he held Lachlan in his arms for the first time; it was a mixture of love for his child and a little bit of fear that he could break them if he made one wrong move.
"She's not made of glass," y/n croaks, tired from labor. Ben moves closer to the bed, perching himself on the edge. "She's beautiful," she whispers, peering over her husband's arm.
"She's perfect," Ben corrects her, sniffling as he fights back more tears. Y/n doesn't know who cried more, him or her. "You did amazing," he praises y/n, kissing the top of her head as she lays it against his arm, "I love you."
"I love you more," she quipped, kissing his arm.
"I love you most."
The midwife came in to check on the baby, suggesting both parents should try to get some rest. Ben didn't want to leave, insisting he was going to sleep in the chair, even if it did give him a bad back. The midwife just laughed it off, admiring his dedication. And he did, he sat and watched y/n fall asleep before drifting off to sleep himself.
Y/n was discharged the next day, with there been no complications with either herself or Poppy, and since this wasn't her first time at the rodeo, the midwives were happy to let her go. They pulled into the driveway, Ben once more checking the backseat before getting out of the car.
"You know, you did the exact same thing when Lucky was born," y/n tells him, softly closing the door and helping to take her bags out of the car. She grumbles as Ben quickly takes them off of her, insisting she isn't allowed to do any heavy lifting. "She's fragile, but she's not made of glass, and she certainly won't disappear in a cloud of smoke," she assures him, kissing him on the cheek.
"This world is a weird and very dangerous place for a baby," Ben quips, lifting her car seat out of the car, "especially for my daughter." Y/n shakes her head, only able to smile at him; Poppy hadn't been in the world for twenty four hours and Ben was already her number one protector. "Shall we?" She nods her head, already knowing that Lachlan would've talked his granny and grandpa's ears off asking them to show him the baby.
They quietly entered the house as to not disturb Poppy but also to not make themselves known to others just yet. Y/n opened the living room door, walking in first; Lachlan spotted her from his spot on his aunt's knee, jumping down to his feet as he ran to her.
"Mummy!" He shouted, wrapping his arms around her thighs. She had sworn her had grown in the few days they had been gone. "Where's my baby brother?" He asks, tilting his head back to look up at her.
Ben had carefully taken Poppy out of the car seat, leaving it beside the door and carried her in behind y/n. His parents and his sister both rushed to their feet, just as excited to meet the latest addition to the Chilwell family tree. "Sorry, bubs, but you've got a baby sister," he tells Lachlan.
He looks up at them both with a pout, dropping his arms from around y/n's legs. "I wanted a baby brother," he grumbles, turning his head away from Ben as he carefully knelt down in front of him.
"Lucky, don't you want to have a look?" Y/n asks, finding his strop a little adorable. He shook his head, turning his back to them. "Not even one little look at her?" She asks, sitting herself down on the edge of the sofa. Her hand reaches out to touch his curls, their son ducking out of the way of her hand. "She has the same nose as you," y/n tells him, "and ears too."
This piques his interest, taking a look over his shoulder. His shoulders relax and his arms drop from across his chest as he spins around to face her. All of that disappointment disappears as he lays his eyes on Poppy for the first time. "She's so small," Lachlan says, wrapping one of his arms around Ben's shoulders as he leans over her.
"So were you once," his grandpa quips, standing on the other side of Ben. He looks over at y/n. "Did you decide on a name?"
"Poppy Alexandra," Ben and y/n say together, both grinning as they look at each other.
"Yes!" His sister quietly cheers, pumping her fist in the air. She had been attempting to persuade them throughout the pregnancy that her name should somehow be included in the naming of their second child. "I knew they would do it," she rushes over to give y/n a peck on the cheek, "thank you!"
"I thought you were going to go with Nellie, after your grandma?" Ben's mum asks, returning to her seat.
"We were," she nods her head, "but poppies were her favourite flowers."
Y/n shifts her focus back to Lachlan, who was stroking his finger delicately down Poppy's nose. She was a carbon copy of him, right down to the pout she had when she slept. "I guess you're cool enough to play with me," she heard him whisper, "but I'm older so that means I get to win."
"That's not how it works," Ben chuckles, glancing at his son.
Lachlan nodded his head, disagreeing with him. "I'm bigger so that means I'm better which means I get to win." He leans over, placing a soft kiss on her forehead, warming everyone's heart with the simplest form of affection. "I'll be the best big brother ever. No monsters, ghouls or bullies will ever hurt you, not whilst I'm around."
As always, Christmas requests are open for Ben, Mason and Kepa!!
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neondiamond · 2 years
Sunday Snippet 📝
It’s been a little while since I’ve shared a snippet. Thanks to @larrydoinglaundry @princelyharry and @chloehl10 for tagging me somewhat recently. This is from my fic for the @momrryfest22.
Harry curses under his breath as he uses one hand to rummage through his bag in search of his keys. “Come on, I know you’re in there.”
In the crook of his left arm, his three week old son Rowan starts fussing impatiently, his little face turning red and angry as he wails loudly, the shrill noise filling the otherwise silent and dark hallway of the old apartment complex.
“I know, I know,” Harry whispers to the infant, bouncing on his heels in an effort to soothe him. “Mummy will get you a bottle as soon as he finds his damn keys.”
“Do you need a hand?” He hears someone say from behind him, and he starts answering before he even turns around to see who the voice belongs to.
“We’re fine, thanks.”
Harry quickly rotates his upper body to flash a tight-lipped smile to the man behind him before returning to his task. His son chooses the same moment to somehow cry even harder, and Harry drops his forehead against the heavy wooden door in front of him with a defeated sigh.
The stranger steps closer to him, and Harry turns his head to the side to get a proper look at the other man.
He looks to be about his age, with the kindest blue eyes Harry has ever seen and soft tousled brown hair. He soon notices the man isn’t alone, but accompanied by a little girl Harry estimates is about three years old, with the same piercing blue eyes as the man; this must be his daughter then.
“I can hold him while you look for your keys, if you want,” the stranger offers with a reassuring smile.
Harry’s maternal instincts immediately kick in. He certainly isn’t about to hand off his precious baby to some random stranger, no matter how desperate he is getting.
Tagging @disgruntledkittenface @brightgolden @teamlouis2022 @parmahamlarrie @littleroverlouis @beelou and whoever has anything they feel like sharing!
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weelittleweasley · 3 years
growing pains (d.m.)
prompt as requested by anon: after the war and settling down with draco, the time comes for your children to attend hogwarts.
pairing: draco malfoy x fem! reader
warnings: recollection of pregnancy, recollection of the war, crying, lots of cute fluff though :)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: i cried writing this. have fun.
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Never did you think that you would have a normal life with Draco after everything that happened. The war took so much life away from you both; it showed you how truly ugly and vile the world could be. Especially Draco.
After the war, Draco refused to allow himself and his future family live in a world that was so cruel and unforgiving. Draco wanted to undo all of the wrongdoings he had done and work harder for a better future for himself, for you, and your family; it’s what you deserved, he told you. Draco wanted to give you the world and he would rest at nothing to do so.
Draco left his past behind him and moved from Malfoy Manor to settle somewhere new. A new start, a new life. You two were married immediately after the dust had settled from the war. The ceremony was very private just the two of you, professing your undying love for each other, Draco promising profusely that he would do anything and everything to keep you happy.
Life, for the first time, felt ordinary. And you thanked Godric for that. The two of you worked your jobs, supported yourselves, and were happy. And that’s all you could really ask for. You had everything you needed, a job, a roof over your head, and Draco by your side.
Although life was ordinary for the first time in years, Draco would do special things for you here and there to show you just how much he loved you and adore having you as his wife. During work, he’d send you three dozen roses to your desk, earning you strange glances as you just sat there, smiling like a school girl. Or when he knew you had an awfully long day, he’d draw you a bath and pour you a glass of wine and let you be for a few hours, letting you decompress. Or it could be something as simple as leaving you a love note on your pillow when he woke up before you. Draco was so thoughtful when it came to taking the time to appreciate all that he had. He had taken it for granted so many times in the past and with the war, it was all threatened. Draco learned quickly that he needed to recognize his blessings and take a moment each day to really show you how much he cared.
This was more than enough for you, just you and Draco living your lives together, relishing in this new life you created together. 
But soon enough, Draco started casually tossing around the idea of having children. You had been married for a year when it he started toying with the idea of having your own kids. You were in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes from that night’s dinner, Draco wiping down the table.
“(Y/N)?” he spoke from the dining room.
“Yes, my love?” you called back.
Draco walked into the kitchen, leaning on the door frame his arms folded across his chest. “Do you think we should move?” he asked, searching your face for a reaction.
Your eyes furrowed. You had been living in this house for a little over a year and you loved it. It was a symbol of your freedom away from the mess of your pasts and your renewed love and dedication to each other. Why would Draco want to leave this place you so fondly called home? You spoke your thoughts that swirled around your head, “Move? Why would we move?”
He peeled himself off the door frame and took a few steps towards you as you shut off the water and turned towards him to give him your full attention. “I think we’ve out grown this home,” he speaks. “Think about it. With my new business starting and with your promotions at work, we’ll both need a home our own offices. Not to mention, we’ll need a nursery soon and that means we’d have to covert the guest room into one, but where would your parents stay when they visit us. Besides, I want to move somewhere were my commute is shorter to work,” Draco shurgs, dancing around the fact that he just mentioned having a nursery in your home.
You stop him in his tracks, “Hold on there, lover boy,” you tease him with the nickname you’d given him back in your sixth year at Hogwarts. He smiles at the name, lightly laughing. “A nursery? Why would we need one of those?”
Draco inhales a deep breath and takes a step closer to you, placing a hand on your hip, pulling you close to him. “I love you, (Y/N). I always have. You are and will always be the most important thing to me,” he tells you as you smile, him kissing the tip of your nose. “I want to start a family together. We have more than enough money to move into a bigger house,” he refers to his hearty inheritance along with the money he’s made from his booming company, “we are both mature and ready, and don’t try to tell me you wouldn’t want a little Malfoy running around,” he teases.
You hated to admit when Draco was right. He saw the way you watched children play in the park around the corner from your home. How children giggled and played, their small feet running around, tiny voices speaking childish phrases, getting excited over new discoveries. Having a child with Draco would be a blessing. But you didn’t know if you were ready to be a mother yet. It was a large step, and one you wanted to take, it was just a matter of if you were ready for it.
Sighing, you brush your fingers through Draco’s blonde hair, a familiar feeling to the both of you. Draco lets his eyes flutter closed as he hums as you do so. “You’re right, Dray,” you admit as he smiles widely. A child. For the both of you. “But,” you interrupt, “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mother just yet. I’m doing so well in my job and I love working. I’m not ready to give it up. This is only the beginning for me. And it’s not fair to ask you to leave your job to raise a child.”
Draco lets out a breathy laugh as he cups your cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb as you lean into his touch. “I’m not asking you to drop everything for our child, sunshine,” he tells you. “Besides, we can always take leave from our jobs temporarily on maternity and paternity leave. When you’re ready, you go back. I run my own company, darling. My own. I call the shots. If I need to work from home to raise the child we created, so be it. I’ll enjoy every moment.”
Your heart flutters as Draco speaks. He really was perfect.
And in nine months time, you had created the most perfect thing you could have ever imagined. Celeste Frances Malfoy. Celeste...your star. A gift from the heavens. Your family was as complete as the sky; Draco, the moon, you, the sun, Celeste, your star.
Watching Celeste grow up was like watching a movie unfold before your eyes. Your beautiful baby girl held the universe in her eyes. And boy, oh boy, was she her father’s child. Identical grey eyes and silver hair, but she had your smile and laugh that made Draco’s heart swell with so much love. She had Draco’s love of mischief and often found herself in sticky situations.
Once you had found Celeste sitting quite literally in the toilet, red lipstick from your make up bag smeared across her face and chest, along with the toilet brush. You gasped as you found her and stared in shock. “Cel, what did you do?” you laughed.
She simply smiled, that mischievous smile at the age of two, and spoke, “It’s my wand! Just like mummy and daddy!” She waved the toilet brush around, making small mouth sounds that replicated those of magic and your wand. 
You laughed at the antics of your toddler. Instead of getting her out of the toilet bowl, you called out for your husband and called that he get the camera. This would be a memory you would love to keep. 
Draco ran in and saw his baby girl in this predicament and burst out laughing. “What mess did you get into, my star!” he laughed as Celeste giggled along with him. “Merlin, I need to tell your Uncle Blaise about this!” he wiped his eyes from laugher. 
The years past and Celeste grew and grew before your eyes. The more she grew up, the more she grew into her features. Her long blonde hair grew out and her eyes only grew to look more like Draco’s. But it became evident that your daughter possessed the same ruthless nature as you did. Celeste was bold and clever and wise beyond her years. She really was a perfect blend of you and Draco. 
Knowing that you could make such perfect children, that only encouraged Draco and you to have more children. Draco insisted that he wanted five children, but you stared at him with wide eyes. “Do I look like Molly Weasley?” you laughed as he chuckled to himself. “How about three?” you suggested as Draco rolled his eyes.
“I don’t like odd numbers. What if two are very close and the third one feels left out. I can’t do that to our children,” Draco pleaded as you groaned. “Four? Four and I’ll never ask for anything else!” he begs as you roll your eyes, knowing damn well that him not asking for anything else was the biggest lie. “Okay, maybe not that, but four! Four is a great number!”
And in typical Draco fashion, he got what he wanted. Four children. Celeste, your oldest, your leader, your star. Xander, your second, the jokester, the pot-stirrer, but also the empath of the family. Sage, your third, the free spirit, the humble one, Miss Independent. And last, Nicolas, your last, the baby, the soft-spoken one, but incredibly defensive of your family and its honor. Your perfect family. 
Each of your children all bore that same striking Malfoy hair, warning children to know who they were messing with. The girls looked much like their father, same hair and eyes, making your heart swell as you looked into their eyes. The boy, on the other hand, had Draco’s platinum hair, but your eyes and smile. The perfect combination.
Having such a large family meant chaos in the house. Celeste would often squeal about how Xander was bothering her while Xander tried to blame Nicolas for his pranks. Sage would quietly sit and observe before telling you the truth about what happened before going back to coloring. You laughed as Xander yelled at Sage for throwing him under the bus, but she just shrugged. The house never being silent always brought you a comfort that you never thought imaginable. The blabbering mouths of your children, the laughter, the fatherly voice of Draco booming over it all, catching your children’s attention. 
Draco was a phenomenal father. You didn’t think he could love anything as much as he loved you, but you stood corrected. Draco loved you fiercely, but Draco poured his heart and soul into the needs of his children. Each child had a different relationship with Draco but each so beautiful and lovely. Celeste, being the oldest, idolized her father and how he treated you with such love and compassion. Xander insisted he wanted to be just like his father, smart, funny, and successful. “What more do you need?” Xander would shrug as you laughed. Sage loved Draco something wild, she would draw him little pictures that he’d tape to the walls of his office, she slept with his old quidditch jumper as if it were a blanket. The sight was heart warming. And Nicolas was the baby, Draco’s baby. Nicolas was Draco’s shadow, following him room through room, staring up at him with wide eyes. Your children loved each other and that was all thanks to how you raised them.
From a young age, you told your children that family was everything. You needed to protect and love each other because if you didn’t, who else would. From then on, your children were fiercely close and loyal to each other. You remember clear as day when Xander got into a fight on the playground and word got to Celeste. Celeste then gathered the other siblings and walked up to the child and scared the living shit out of the poor kid who thought to lay a finger on Xander Malfoy.
As your children grew up, you and Draco knew very well that a Hogwarts letter would arrive in the mail soon for Celeste as she approached her eleventh birthday. Your children knew of magic and magical abilities; you wanted them to know the powers that they would posses rather than shield them so they grew to fear it. Each child had a different reaction when they found out about magic, but all fears dissipated when you showed them each your wands and old robes. (Of course, Draco revering his time as a quidditch team member, Xander immediately yelling that he would also be a Seeker like his father.)
Soon enough, the eve of Celeste’s eleventh birthday rolled around and like you expected a letter dashed through the front mailbox and landed perfectly on the breakfast table as you sat down to drink your morning coffee. The pale beige envelope was addressed to Miss Celeste Frances Malfoy. A small smile grew on  your lips as you sighed and looked towards your husband. Draco’s eyes laced together in confusion, but soon recognized the slip of paper you had in your hands. The two of you smiled at each other before Draco called out, “Cel! You have an early birthday present!”
Almost immediately footsteps sounded down the staircase before Celeste arrived in the kitchen. “What is it?” the almost eleven year old asked excitedly. You handed her the envelope with a beaming smile as she looked at you quizzically. She tore into the envelope and unfolded it to read the words scribbled onto the parchment. Soon, joy and excitement filled her eyes as she squealed out in excitement. “I’m going to Hogwarts?!” she yelled as you and Draco laughed. 
You engulfed your eldest child in a tight hug as happy tears flooded your vision. She was growing up far too fast for your liking.
The start of school eventually rolled around the corner as Celeste happily pushed all of her luggage through the train stations, veering around different platforms. Draco carried Nicolas in his arms as you held Sage’s hand in yours as Celeste walked ahead with Xander, blabbing about Hogwarts, smiles on both you and Draco’s faces.
Your eldest child was about to embark on the greatest journey of her young adult life and you couldn’t be more excited for her. You had no doubt that Celeste would excel at Hogwarts, taking after both you and Draco. 
“Mum,” Celeste calls from ahead, “What house do you reckon I’ll be sorted into?” she asks.
You smile and look at your husband speaks before you, “I have my guesses, but I don’t want to influence you in any way, my star.”
Cel groans and speaks, “Come on! You reckon I’ll be a Slytherin like you?”
Draco laughs and tells his oldest child, “It doesn’t matter to me or your mother what house you’ll be sorted into. We know whatever house you are in, you’ll make us proud.”
Celeste smiles wide before looking at her surroundings realizing its come to the part she’s heard so much about. You look to Draco who nods as you sigh. Walking to Celeste, you place your hands on her shoulders. “You ready, star shine?” you ask, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Celeste gulps and looks at you, excitement and fear laced in her eyes. “We’re gonna run through together,” you aim the luggage cart at that all too familiar wall. “On the count of three,” you tell her.
Your daughter takes a deep breath in and huffs, “On three.”
“1, 2, 3,” the two of you speak before running directly at the wall, passing through with ease as another world appears before your eyes.
Multiple wizard families bustle through Platform 9 3/4, mothers calling to their children as fathers carry bags here and there. A smile forms on your face as Draco slides his hand in yours. “Looks familiar, doesn’t it?” he laughs as you roll your eyes teasingly.
You grab Celeste’s hand, “Come on, darling. Xander, push the cart for your sister. Sage, hold Daddy’s hand. She’s got a train to catch!” 
Your family starts walking to the platform where the train awaited the loading of multiple new and returning students. Draco loads Celeste’s luggage onto the train with the help of Xander as Nicolas holds onto your leg and sucks on his thumb in wonder at the scene before him.
Turning to Celeste, you see watch her anxiously bite on her lower lip as you did when you were nervous. You place a hand on your daughter’s shoulder. “Cel,” you speak as she turns towards you. “This is going to be the greatest journey ever. Enjoy every minute of it because it goes by in the blink of an eye,” you comfort her as you see tears well up in her eyes. “Oh, sweetheart,” you pull her into a hug, tears forming in your eyes. You hold onto your eldest daughter, pressing kisses onto the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you, star shine. You are going to be incredible. I have no doubt about that.”
Draco places a hand on Celeste’s back and rubs gently. “Your mother is right. When is she ever wrong?” he teases as Cel laughs and hugs Draco’s torso tight. “My star...” he gets choked up before breathing in. He squats to her level and speaks, “Have fun. Make friends. And don’t forget to write us.” Cel giggles as Draco smiles widely at his daughter. “My first born...go kick some ass.”
Cel laughs and hugs you and Draco tightly. You wished you could stay in this moment forever. It was so bittersweet. Watching your baby grow up before your own eyes, but doing everything you’ve ever wanted for her. “Okay, my star,” you pull away, letting her know it was time. “Kids, give Cel a hug goodbye.”
You smile, wiping your tears away as Draco wraps an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. Your kids embrace in a tight group hug, telling each other how much they will love and miss Celeste. “I’ll be home for Christmas! I love you guys and I’ll see you soon!” Celeste waves as she climbs onto the train. 
“Come on, Cel!” a voice calls out that you recognize as Tanner, Pansy Parkinson’s eldest daughter.
She’ll be just fine. 
Celeste looks at you and Draco as you both send her a wink, letting her know she’ll be just fine. And there she goes, disappearing into the train car.
Slowly, you watch the train pull away from the station, waving at it, watching Celeste embark on the journey of her life. You turn to Draco, watching him gently wipe away the tears that escape his eyes. “Where did time go?” you whisper to him. “I remember being on that train.”
Draco smiles and looks at you, “I remember flirting with you on that train. And then you stomped on my foot and told me to piss off. Didn’t expect to be by my side years later with four children, did you?”
You roll your eyes, “You really know how to ruin a moment, don’t you, Malfoy?” you laugh. “Alright, my lovelies,” you call to your children. “Reckon we should get some ice cream to celebrate, shouldn’t we?”
Your children all cheer at the prospect of a treat as you scoop Nicolas into your arms, kissing his plump cheeks as he giggles. Sage jumps into Draco’s arms and Xander leads the way out.
With one final look back, you sigh out. This wouldn’t be the last time you did that. You still had three more children. But part of you wished it wouldn’t come as quickly as that just did. “One down, three to go, eh?” you tease Draco who laughs.
“Yeah! I’m next! One more year!” Xander exclaims as Draco tickles his sides.
“Yeah, a whole year! Don’t try and leave us too quickly,” Draco laughs as you join in. 
It was almost surreal. The life you and Draco had built with each other. A life of love and beauty; beautiful and healthy children, successful jobs, a beautiful home to call your own, and all your loved ones safe and sound. You thanked your lucky stars that you had this life and that Draco was so adamant on giving it to you.
Draco looked back at you and noticed how deep in thought you were. As you walked through the train station, Draco took one of your hands in his. “I wouldn’t want to go through any of this with anyone else. I love you,” Draco squeezes your hand.
You smile fondly at your husband, brushing his cheek with your thumb. “I love you. Forever and always, my dear,” you whisper before giving him a sweet kiss in the middle of Platform 9 3/4 just like you had done so many times before.
Times flies when you’re having fun.
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
first hero (one shot)
AN: Snippets of Draco as a father, and one as a grandfather. :)
Before Scorpius was born, Draco had no experience with babies or small children. He was raised an only child, and had no knowledge of what to do. His own father was never one for comforting hugs or piggy back rides or teaching him how to properly play Quidditch without falling off his broom. He wasn't a terrible father, but he was definitely not a doting one.
He would do better. Draco vowed the second he discovered Astoria was expecting, that he would. He would do everything he could for this child. Resting his hand to her ever growing bump, whispering 'I love yous' and soft French lullabies.
"Is that-?" Draco uttered, eyes sparkling with wonder.
She laughed. "A little kick, yes."
"Does it hurt?"
"No, silly. Like a baby bird fluttering about."
Astoria's health was declining. Her body was already weakening from her curse and the pregnancy seemed to exhaust her further, day by day.
"If I don't see them grow," She whispered one night, caressing his cheek. "Please watch out for them, Draco. Promise me, you will."
His heart ached at her painfully true words. "I don't want to make that promise. Maybe there's some hope...some positivity?"
"It's the truth." She shrugged. "I can't change that, Draco. You know it, even if you won't say. Promise me?"
"...I promise."
Their son was born just a few days before Christmas. He had been intended to be born after the New Year, but his early arrival was welcomed nevertheless.
"He's...so tiny." Draco whispered, staring at the swaddled infant laying against his mother's chest. He didn't dare touch the blond fuzz, like dandelion fluff on their little one's head. He was so premature, so fragile.
"Hello Scorpius," Astoria murmured, exhausted and blotchy from childbirth, but still had a twinkle in her eyes. The tiny boy yawned, nestling closer to her. "Would you like to hold him?"
Draco nodded firmly, though he was positively terrified of dropping the boy. Astoria placed him gently in his arms, and he melted as the infant squirmed and squeaked.
"Hello, little fellow." He said, careful not to shift too much. "I'm your papa, Scorpius. Scorpius..." He thought for a moment. "Have we decided on a middle name?"
Astoria shook her head. "Are you sure you don't want to do Lucius?"
"Positive." He said, watching as their son's eyes fluttered open. They were bright and blue, like his mother's. Then, it dawned on him. "Hyperion."
"Like my father?"
Draco sat beside her, kissing Scorpius' head, then Astoria's rosy cheeks. "A man worthy of his name being carried on by our boy."
"Scorpius Hyperion," She repeated, smiling. "I like it."
Scorpius proved to be a shy, but precocious child, always fascinated in anything and everything. Though he had little contact with any other children his own age, he was best friends with his parents, and even occasionally visited his maternal cousins- though by visiting really he sat in the corner, staring at a picture book instead of interacting with them. He was quiet, remarkably quiet with his cousins.
Not that they didn't encourage him to talk to them.
"How about you join them, Scorpius?" Astoria asked, laying on the picnic blanket beside her husband and son. Her nieces, Constance and Cordelia were loudly playing gobstones while Daphne supervised them. "Gobstones is fun, I'm sure they'll teach you."
Scorpius simply shook his head, pointing at his book.
"Alright." She kissed his head fondly. "What would you like to do pumpkin?"
"Braid your hair, mummy." He whispered, giggling.
"My hair's already braided, silly. But...daddy's isn't." She smirked.
"Yeah!' Scorpius chirped, popping his thumb out of his mouth. "Flowers too?"
"Ooh that's a brilliant idea!"
Draco raised an eyebrow. "What are you suggesting?"
"Your hair is so long and pretty. Perfect for braiding." Astoria said, eyes crinkling as she laughed.
So Draco stood as still as he possibly could as his son and wife braided daisies and other flowers in his platinum hair, all while holding back chuckles as Scorpius stumbled around looking for various flowers to put in his hair.
"No, no Scorpius' that's a weed-" He started, but Scorpius didn't hear him, and continued braiding, singing a made up song to himself as he worked.
"Dad?" Scorpius asked one afternoon, while Draco was brooding by the fireplace. Astoria was resting upstairs after a particularly bad morning of sickness.
"Yes, son?"
"I um," He stared at his shoes, growing anxious. "I finished all the books in mum's library."
"Reading them?" Draco asked, puzzled, though not surprised. Though he was only nine, he devoured books like sweets. Instead of playing, he would read in a cushy armchair, reading books bigger than his head. Fantasy books, muggle literature, textbooks, non fiction, spell books- anything he could get his hands on. He especially loved ones with facts.
"Almost all of them." He corrected softly. "There's the ones you have locked up."
"Ah." Draco hummed. "You wouldn't be interested in that...it's all very grim. They're all about the War."
"Please, can I?" Scorpius begged. "I barely know anything about that and I'm so curious."
"How about we read it together? There are some things you need to know that ...you won't be happy to hear."
They read the old book together, and Scorpius was silent the entire time. When they finished a chapter about the list of Death Eaters, he looked distraught.
"I'm sorry, son." He murmured, but Scorpius didn't answer. Instead, he curled up beside his dad.
"Do you still have it?" He asked finally. "The mark?"
"So we were evil?" The question was so innocent, but it still hurt.
"It's ...complicated. This mark serves as a constant reminder of my wrongdoings. With your mother's help, I became a better man. At least, I think so."
Scorpius dimpled. "You are." He yawned sleepily, resting his head on Draco. "I love you."
"I love you too, Scorpius."
"Ready?" Astoria asked, fixing Scorpius' black tie. "Oh, you look so grown up." She cooed.
"Mum!" Scorpius whined. "The train is going to leave soon!"
"I know, I know. One more hug and a kiss?" She asked, and he happily obliged. Thankfully at the age of eleven, he was still young enough to not be embarrassed by hugs. Especially Astoria hugs. She kissed the top of his hair.
"I'll miss you." He whimpered.
"Be good." Draco added, patting his shoulder. "Don't cause too much trouble."
"I won't, dad. I'll miss you too." He said glumly. "Suppose I don't make any friends?"
"You will."
"Don't forget your sweets." Astoria passed the bag to her son. "To help you make friends. Remember?" She winked. "Everyone will want to be your friend if you share."
"Friendly bribery." Draco joked. "But also because of your charming personality."
Scorpius laughed nervously as the train whistled. "I should go then."
"Write to us as soon as you can," Astoria said. "We love you, sweet boy."
"I love you too." He gave them a watery smile. "Bye then." He reluctantly walked towards the train, the trunk already put away so he only had his cat carrier to hold.
Watching him slip away made Astoria's lip quiver.
"He'll be alright, Toria." Draco assured her.
"I hope the other children will be nice." She said. "I don't want his light to dim."
Draco said nothing. It was true, Scorpius was the embodiment of sunshine and love, the idea of putting him with other children who most likely knew of the rumor was not comforting. He had wanted to homeschool Scorpius, but Astoria had insisted he needed to interact with others his age. Sending him to Hogwarts still felt like bringing a unicorn foal to a Chimera den.
"He will be alright." He repeated to himself.
School was harder than they had predicted. Scorpius had made one friend, Albus Potter of all people, who was sorted in Slytherin with him. Still, judging by his letters, he was happy. The other students teased them, but they had each other.
Which was enough.
It was a grey, cold summer's day. Scorpius curled up by the windowsill, silently watching the raindrops drip down the window. Everything felt bleak and dim. Not even the birds nearby chirped their beautiful songs.
"Be brave, Scorpius." His mum smiled, her strength weakening. "I love you."
"I love you too, mum."
He had held her hand as she passed away into the night.
"Scorpius..." Draco said, voice shaky. "Please let me in."
Scorpius hadn't heard him. He continued to watch the rain fall.
They were drifting apart. Draco could sense it. He had tried desperately to reach out to his son, but nothing worked.
Astoria would have known what to do. And now...well it was up to Draco to help his deeply distraught son.
After Scorpius' reappearance, he had hoped their relationship would rekindle somehow. It hadn't, despite his stress over losing him and the brief reunion that they shared was awkward. His son was back at school and that was that. Draco wished they could have spent a longer time together, especially after he had been missing for some time.
He stirred his tea thoughtfully. At least Scorpius was at Hogwarts with Albus and his professors. Still, the idea of /why/ he ran away was perplexing.
The manor chimney moved slightly. Placing his tea down, he watched as his lanky son tumbled out in a puff of soot and floo powder.
"Scorpius?" Draco asked, rushing to his side. "What are you doing here?"
Scorpius lifted his head, collapsing into his father's arms. "I came to see you."
It had been a while since they had hugged, but Draco didn't reject it. He held onto his son, his sweet son and let him weep into his chest like he was a little boy again.
"It's Albus." He gulped, voice cracking. "He won't speak to me. Dad, everything is wrong- he avoids me, all of our classes have been changed so we aren't in anything together." His eyes were glassy with tears. "I know for some reason he's in Gryffindor now, but he doesn't even ...acknowledge I exist. It's like he hates me."
"No...no...he doesn't hate you. We'll sort this all out." He paused. "And the other kids, have they been unkind?"
Scorpius stared at him in disbelief. "They've always been unkind, Dad! I'm the son of Voldemort, remember?" He snapped, tears rolling down his cheeks. "You don't know half of the things they do. Every day. Every day they hex me, belittle me, tease me. They make me feel...worthless."
Draco felt his heart break as Scorpius' face crumpled.
"School was fine with classes and such and when I had Al with me to make everything bearable. Now I don't even have him. I'm all alone. I don't want to be alone, Dad. I don't want to go back to school. I hate it there." He took a shaky breath. "I hate it so, so much."
"Scorpius I..."
"I miss mum."
"I know."
He had to make things right.
His son had come out as bisexual the following year after his little 'adventure' with Albus. Draco hadn't understood the term at first. He had to do extensive research to fully comprehend the meanings, alongside other sexualities that were included. Sexualities and gender were confusing, even Scorpius admitted it.
He didn't understand at first. But he listened to Scorpius explain tearfully, and hugged him as tight as possible when he mentioned he was dating Albus Potter.
"I love him." Scorpius said quietly. "That's what matters the most. Not my labels...nor his."
"I'm so proud of you."
His son was married.
His son was married, and he couldn't be happier.
Watching Scorpius embrace Albus at their wedding was everything Draco could have wanted. Seeing his son love someone, and look at him with such adoration made his heart soar.
He could see Astoria's bright smile in Scorpius' eyes as he laughed, leaning against his new husband. They were both glowing with genuine happiness. 
‘All was well.’ He thought, wondering if Astoria was proud of him too. 
Draco was much more confident holding his newborn granddaughter. At least, more confident than when he held Scorpius for the first time. She too, was early and had the same expression of curiosity in her eyes. He chuckled fondly as she reached her tiny hand to grab a hold of his pinky finger. She was precious as a doll, with fuzzy blonde hair and curious turquoise eyes. What a wonder, being that small and innocent. 
“She’s beautiful.” He murmured. “What is her name?” 
Albus grinned, pride evident in his voice. “Astoria Ginevra.”
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
Happy Fathers Day Part 2
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Summary: 2/3 Y/n and Harry make up, kind of. He gets to be a part of their baby's life.
Warnings: Fluff, Kinda Cute
Word Count: 1443
I cannot believe my little miracle is so big now. You can obviously tell I'm pregnant now and the media hasn't been pleasant. The constant harassment, rumors, and to top it off they're already hating on my baby- who is still in utero.
Today is the five-month ultrasound, I've been contemplating on getting the gender, but I think I want to know so I can decorate the nursery in the new apartment or at least add to what I've done. So far it hasn't been bad. I stayed at a hotel for two weeks until I secured a decent place to raise this baby. Meanwhile, Harry keeps trying to contact me, but I ignore him. He cheated and that's that. I do miss him a lot though. It isn't the same and this sure as hell isn't how I imagined being pregnant.
Ding Dong
I make my way to the front door not bothering to look through the peephole. My smile fades when I look at the person standing in front of me. Should have looked through the peep. When I go to shut the door, he presses it open. Allowing him in to not cause a scene he gladly slides past me.
"What do you want?" I ask softly moving to pack my purse.
"I needed to see you," he speaks, his voice low and raspy. Looking at him for the first time in a while, he looks hurt. His eyes have bags, he looks like he hasn't slept in forever.
"Sit. Do you want something, water, tea?"
"Shouldn't I be doing that for you?" He smiles slightly sitting on the couch.
"I'm pregnant, not immobile" He frowns and looks down at my swollen stomach. These stupid hormones are making me feel bad for leaving him. His gaze remains constant on my stomach I as I watch his features carefully. "Do you want to? "
He looks up at me with a confused expression, "Do I want to what?"
Standing in front of him I grab his hands and gently caress them. Placing one on each side of my extended tummy, tears brim at his eyes. He rubs gently trying to feel the little human inside of me. Suddenly a sharp pain is felt, then again where Harry's hands are. He grins up at me.
"Hey there little one," he croaks, more kicks are felt when he speaks "Daddy's here." Between the physical and emotional pain, I want to cry. "Be nice to mummy, she's treating you well" he then begins to place light kisses on the surface of my stomach. "I love you both so much," he says as I wipe under my eye to remove any trace of the silent tears I let fall.
"I miss you y/n" he whispers standing up. He holds me close to his chest. "I fucked up and I won't ever hurt you like that again just please, come back to me. " he rasps.
"Harry, I told you-" my phone interrupts my sentence.
"Hello... yes this is she... oh hi Dr. Walters... that works perfectly I was running late anyway... okay see you at 3:30"
Harry just looks at me questioningly, "What's that about?"
"Ultrasound appointment," I say rubbing my bump.
"What time was it before?"
"8:15 am well and you know traffic and whatnot it would've taken some time" he chuckles at me "So you woke up at 5:30?"
"Well yeah, and I enrolled in Lamaze classes which start at 1, I had stuff to do. Plus, the nursery, and buying baby clo-" his lips gently touch mine. Shocked at first but soon giving into his touch, I wrap my hands around his neck. "I love you so much y/n" he mumbles against my lips.
"I love you too Harry" he smiles. I'm weak for him. I also want my- our child to have two parents involved. He loves children too much to tear his own away from him, but all is not forgiven. Looking at the clock I sigh. He laughs "Me too," He knows me too well.
Grabbing his hand and guiding him upstairs to my bedroom. Lying in bed, fuzzy socks and all, I pat the spot next to me. He pulls shirt over his head and tugs his pants off for a good 10 minutes before they gave in to the constant harassment. I told him to stop wearing skinny jeans. He carefully climbs into bed with me. It hurts to lay on my back, all the weight is shifted towards my spine. Harry notices my discomfort and faces me towards him on my side. "I haven't been able to sleep," he says kissing my temple. I nod silently admiring his beauty. I've missed him, looking at him, he truly is beautiful. I hope our baby looks more like him.
"Me either"
"Do you know what we're having?" I shake my head no. "I was going to find out today, " he touches my belly again, looking as if he wants to say something but his lips just press into a line. "Go with me."
"What?" he grins, placing his hand on my stomach with so much care.
"Go with me Harry, I want you to be there." He smiles at me showing me those dimples I've fallen for countless times. Placing my hand over his. "I'd love to."
I grab his hand and kiss the back of it. Turning so my back faces him, he carefully pulls me into him. My eyes feeling heavy and soon fade to black. "I promise I'm going to take care of you both."
The empty feeling of the bed is what stirs me awake. Feeling around Harry's nowhere to be found, in arms reach at least. The sheets smell like him though, God I've missed this smell. If heaven had a sent it would be Harry in a bottle. Gotta pee. Fucking hell dude. Who put the bathroom 10 feet away? Sighing in relief when I got to the toilet I because my bladder was going to explode.
After washing my hands, I look at the clock, I could've slept for another 40 minutes. Oh well.
"Harry?" I call out padding through the silent hallway. I see the nursery door open and peek inside and see him staring of the maternity photos I put inside of .
"I feel like I've missed so much." He states as he grazes over some of the earlier ultrasounds.
"Not too much," I say rubbing his shoulder, "We can make up the next four months together." he gives me a small smile and brings me around to his front kissing the side of my neck. "Y/n?"
"Yeah Harry?"
"Can I stay here for a while, I want to help and be here for you and for them. I understand if you say no but I really wanna show you how sorry I am, and I just feel like yo-" I stop his blabbering by kissing him passionately. After a few moments, I pull away keeping our foreheads together. "You can stay for a while, Harry. We can work something out." I smile at him softly. He just nods in response.
"Y/n so glad to see you again! And you brought a guest." Dr. Walters says reaching out to shake Harry's hand.
"I'm Harry, the father."
"Well, it's mighty fine of you to join us today," he says putting gloves on.
"Here comes the cold," he warns me before placing the jelly on my abdomen. "Have you decided on wanting to know the gender?" he asks looking between Harry and I as he smears the jelly with the ultrasound probe.
"I want to know, no clue about him." I laugh Dr. Walters joins me.
" Well first let's see how we're doing," he says bringing the baby into view. "Alright dad, first time here so you hear the faster beat?" he asks Harry turning the volume up on the monitor. Harry nods in response, "That's your baby's heartbeat, and looks like they're in good shape." I smile as Harry leans down and grabs my hand. The black and white image on the screen is truly breathtaking.
"... and this is the head," Dr. Walters explains while pointing to help Harry find everything he identifies. Harry squeezes my hand gently as he admires our little miracle. "So, mom, we want to know right?"
"Yes!" Harry blurts out excitedly. "It's okay he calls me Daddy." which causes Dr. Walters to laugh. "Alright well let's see." He says pressing some buttons to change the view of my uterus.
"And it's a girl!"
A/n: Some of y'all are not going to like me and that is okay, good luck with part 3. LMAO funny story, I submitted this piece for my creative writing class my freshman year. The second-hand embarrassment I have LOL.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Seventeen
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff and angst. TW: mentions of past abuse!
Words: 6.7K
a/n: This part is a little more serious, with some fun things sprinkled in between. 
Many things were the same with this pregnancy as they were with Jack. Harry took a picture of you every week to watch your tummy grow, and he also insisted on doing a maternity shoot. You thought it could be even more fun to have Jack involved too. Harry had set up a nice space in your bedroom. You had a robe on and did your hair and makeup nicely. Jack was coloring on the floor sitting next to Buster.
“Ready babe? Drop the robe.” Harry smiles as he finishes getting his setting on the camera just right.
You take a deep breath and let your robe fall. Harry’s eyes grow wide and he clears his throat as he blushes. If Jack wasn’t in the room he probably would have fucked you before taking the pictures.
“How were you able to shave?”
“I didn’t…um…remember when I was with the girls the other day?”
“Well…Rachel bought a home wax kit and she waxed me.”
“The three of you…are a little too close.” Harry chuckles.
“Well at least it looks pretty now!”
“It always looks pretty, hairy or not.”
Harry positions you how he looks, getting a nice side profile. He always took really tasteful photos of you. Jack wasn’t paying much attention until Harry took out some paint. You put on a nude bra and underwear set.
“Jack, wanna come be in the pictures with Mummy?”
“Yeah!” He gets up and gives you a hug.
“Alright, I want you to stick your hands in the paint, and press them gently on Mummy’s tummy, yeah?”
Jack was really excited, he loved paint, and he loved when you and Harry allowed him to be a little messy. Harry lifts him up and helps him press his hands on your stomach, around your belly button. You hold onto Jack so Harry can snap some photos. The hand prints looked really cool, and Harry was able to get a candid shot of you and Jack giggling.
“Were you able to find that crop top for the family photo? I’ll get this on a timer so I can do the paint too.”
“Mhm, let me go put it on.”
You come back out in a black short sleeve crop top and black joggers. Harry dips his hand on the paint and presses them to the sides of where Jack’s hand prints were.
“There, see Jack, it took all of our love to make this baby.”
Jack beams up at his father. Harry scoops him up and they position themselves to take some family photos. You put your hands in the paint and press one hand on Jack’s stomach, and one Harry’s back, making for a very cool shot. Harry had too many tattoos on his stomach for the hand print to be prominent. You get a shot with Buster too, and you all smile as they look them over.
“Pretty, Mumma.” Jack says.
“You think so? I’d say we’re a pretty good looking family.” You look at Harry lovingly. “Thank you so much for convincing me to do this again, it’s so special.”
“Of course, honey.” He kisses your cheek. “You just look so good, it would be a crime not to document it.”
Time was going by way too fast. You were due soon, and you were freaking out because it was only the middle of April. Someone would have to take over your classes for the rest of the semester. You were hoping to hold on for a couple more weeks, but Jessica Rose had other plans for you. You were in the middle of one of your lectures when you felt something.
“Oh my god.” You gasp, and squat. The whole class gasps. Your water had broken and it was seeping down your pant legs. “I’m fine, everyone!”
“Did your water just break?!” One of them shouts.
“Yes.” You breathe and reach for your cell phone. “I need, shit, to call my husband.” You press your phone to your ear. “Class dismissed, uh, Kelly, can you let the admin know what’s going on?”
“Sure thing!”
A few students hang back to make sure you’re okay.
“Hi! Aren’t yeh teachin’? Do yeh miss me?” He chuckles.
“My water just broke in front of my class.”
“Can you get over here? My go bag is in my trunk already, so you just need to, fucking hell, get here.”
“I’m gonna take a cab, I’ll be there in ten minutes. I’ll snatch Jack from day care, just get to your car.”
A couple of your students help you outside to your car. Before you know it you see Harry running towards you with Jack in his arms. He grabs you by the back of your neck to kiss you.
“Okay, uh, I’ll get him strapped in, get in the car, babe.” He says excitedly.
Harry speeds to the hospital. Jack got a little frightened once you were inside and getting wheeled away. Harry called your mom and had her come pick him up.
“Where’s Mumma!?” He sobs.
“She’s…gone to pick up baby Jessica, Jack. And Daddy needs to go help her. But you’re really lucky, you get to spend time with Mimi. I need yeh to be a big boy f’me, can yeh do that?”
“I’ll try.” He sniffles.
Harry gives him a kiss and a hug before handing him off to your mom. He sprints down to your hospital room where you were chewing on ice chips.
“Is he alright?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. You know how he is when he first leaves us. I think he was just scared from all the commotion. I’m sure your mum will calm him down.” Harry takes your hand and kisses it. “How are you feelin’ this time around?”
“Remember when I told you what it was like when I got my nipples pierced? The first one didn’t hurt because of the adrenaline, but the second one hurt because I knew what to expect?”
“Welp.” You burst into tears. “I suddenly remembered what it was like to push a giant head out of my vagina, and I’m probably gonna tear open again, and…” You look up at him. “Tell me again, why I wanted to do this?”
“Because you wanted to have another baby around.” He smooths some hair away from your forehead. “And we really like makin’ babies.”
“We do, we really do.”
“It’s gonna be alright, love. I’ve got way more time off from work this go around, and you have the entire summer.”
“What if Jack doesn’t like her? He used to getting all of the attention. He’s only going to be three next month, he won’t understand.”
“Well, he took a liking to those dolls we gave him. Remember how good and gentle he was with the baby? I think he’s excited. He may not like it all the time, but like everything else he’ll get used to it.”
“I can’t wait for them to drug me up soon. I read that sometimes the second kid can come a lot faster.”
“Let’s hope.” He leans in and kisses your forehead.
Thirty-six hours in labor. You had no idea what was going on. Your water had broken, what was the hold up? You were uncomfortable and in pain and you just wanted this baby out.
Dr. Johnson comes in to check on you.
“So…I’d like to talk to you both about a cesarean.”
“You want to cut me open?!” You look at Harry, frightened.
“It’s much less invasive than it used to be, and you’d be in really good hands.”
“I don’t want to have a giant scar across my stomach!”
“You won’t, like I said, it’s not like how it used to be. The recovery time takes a little longer, but your vagina won’t tare open.” She tries to make a joke, but right now you weren’t sure what to say. “It’s up to you, but you’ve been in this hospital for two days.”
“Would I still be able to go in with her?”
“Oh sure! We’ll numb her up, you won’t even feel a thing.”
“What do you wanna do, Y/N?”
“I think I’m ready to meet our daughter.”
“Great, we’ll get everything prepped.”
They let you hold Jessica skin to skin, but Harry wasn’t able to until you were back in the actual hospital room. You felt disgusting. They had to give you a bed pan. You never thought you’d miss the mesh underwear so much. You found yourself crying every few minutes from the pain that was creeping into your body, but Harry would call a nurse and she’d give you some medicine.
You breast fed Jessica just as you did Jack. She was gorgeous. Harry couldn’t stop crying either.
“I just love her so much.” He sobbed as he held her close to him.
Eventually you felt strong enough to use the bathroom, and a nurse helped you through it. After another night of rest you told your mom she could bring Jack in to see you.
“Mumma!” He exclaims as he comes into the room. “Missed you!”
“I missed you too.” You say, tiredly.
“What about me?” Harry pouts at him.
“Missed you too, Daddy.”
Harry scoops him up.
“Come on, we gotta wash your hands. How was he, Lynn?”
“Very good, we had a nice few days together.” She comes over and kisses you on the forehead. “A c-section, huh? Had four of them myself, you know?”
“It’s much different now. I need to stay here a couple extra days, but at least it doesn’t burn when I pee.” You laugh.
“Where’s little Jessica?”
“Down at the nursery. A nurse is going to bring her in soon. We were exhausted.”
A nurse comes in shortly and you take your daughter from her.
“Harry, put Jack on the bed with me.” He does as you say. Jack’s eyes grew wide as he looked at the baby in your arms. “Now, Jack, this is much different than your baby doll. You need to be even more gentle, okay?”
“Meet your baby sister, Jessica Rose.”
You tilt her towards Jack so he can see her face. He gives a gentle stroke on her cheek.
“Baby.” He whispers.
“God, look at them.” Harry blubbers while he takes his phone out. He takes a picture of the three of you.
“Here, let me get one of the four of you.” Your mom says.
Harry picks up Jack and sits on the bed with you. The four of you snuggle up close. It’s a great picture.
“Once you feel up to it, we can get a real portrait done.” He tells you. “What do you think, Jack? Ready to be a big brother?”
“Yeah, she smells good.”
You laugh as you hand Jessica over to your mom.
“That’s that new baby smell, buddy.” Harry says to him.
You had to spend a couple days extra in the hospital to make sure you were healed up properly. Harry was a saint. You were too weak to do much other than feed Jessica when you got back home. You didn’t breast feed much. You just pumped and put everything into the fridge. It allowed harry to feed Jessica much easier.
Jack soon discovered he didn’t like the sound of the baby crying. He also didn’t like how much attention the baby got over him, especially from you.
“Put baby down, Mumma.” He would whine.
“I can’t right now, honey, I’m giving her a bath.” You were bathing her in the sink.
“Jack, I think Jessica has the right idea. Let’s go give you a tubby.” Harry says.
“No, I want Mumma.”
“You can’t fit in the sink anymore, Jack.” You giggle. “You’re gonna be three years old very soon.” You pick Jessica up and boop her nose. You wrap her in a towel and hold her close. “I’ll put her down and then we can give him a tubby together.”
“You heard her.” Harry says to his son. “I’ll get the water started.”
“Why don’t you lull her to sleep? I think Jack needs some alone time with me.”
“Alright.” He kisses your cheek and goes into the baby’s room.
“Okay, baby boy, let’s get you clean.”
You and Jack play with his water toys, and then you scrub his head. Just like Harry, he loved the way your nails felt while you washed his hair.
“Daddy and I have a big surprise for your birthday.”
“Mhm, it’s coming in a couple of weeks.”
“What is it?”
“Can’t say.” You smirk.
“No fair.” He pouts.
“Just know, it’s going to make summers even more fun.”
You wrap him in a towel and lift him out. You get Jack in jammies and get him tucked into bed. You read him one of his favorite stories until he falls asleep. You kiss his forehead before leaving his room. You let out a tired sigh after you close his door.
You go down the stairs to see Harry making dinner. Just a simple salad. He hands you a bowl.
“Thanks, honey.” You yawn.
“Sorry he’s been so clingy lately. I try to keep him busy most of the day. Buster helps tire him out, but it’s like the second he sees you…”
“He wants his, Mumma, I get it. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like spending so much time with you though.”
“I know.” He sighs. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. The extra rest you gave me was much appreciated.”
“Well, you needed it.” He sets his bowl down and wraps his arms around you. You rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m tired.” You groan.
“Wanna turn in early?”
“It’s only seven.”
“So? I’m happy to go crawl into bed if you are.” He chuckles.
“Alright, yeah. Oh! We could watch something on TV and just relax.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“A pool!” Jack squeals when you let him outside.
You and Harry had saved up for over a year to get an above ground pool built in the back yard. You wanted to give Jack a pool party for his third birthday.
“We’re gonna have a big party here next weekend just for you, honey.”
“Just for me?!”
“That’s right.”
“Thank you, Mumma.” He hugs your legs.
“Go thank Daddy too.”
Jack runs over to Harry who was finishing getting the pool filled. He hugs his legs too.
“When can we go in?” Harry scoops Jack up so he can see into the water.
“Not for another few days. Gotta test it and make sure it’s safe.” Harry comes over to you. You were feeding Jessica. “I picked up a heating pad too, you can lay it across the water to make the water warm, just in case it’s too cold.”
“Good thinking, babe.” You hold your daughter up and pat her back to help her burp. “Jack, would you like Daddy to take you to the store so you can pick out some pool toys and floaties?”
“Yeah! Can we, Daddy?”
“Of course. We can head out soon. We can pick out something Mumma would like too.” He winks at you.
You needed a nap. You were exhausted. Even though Harry was more than willing and able to do the night feedings, you found yourself beating him to it. You bring Jessica up to her room and get her settled into her crib. You crawl onto your bed and close your eyes. Your body was still doing a lot of healing. You had started going for walks on the treadmill in the basement. You wouldn’t be able to go for neighborhood walks with Sarah until June when her school year ended. You’d be back in shape in no time.
You woke up about twenty minutes later to the sound of your phone going off. You wondered if Harry had a question about the pool toys. When you see Dr. Mara’s name pop up, you’re slightly confused. She still prescribed you your medication, but you hadn’t had an actual visit with her in quite some time.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Dr. Mara.”
“Hi, yeah, um, is everything okay?”
“Yes, well, there’s an article I saw online today…I think you should see it, but I wanted to call first before just texting it to you.”
“What does it entail?”
“Jake…” Your eyes grow wide. It was a name you hadn’t even thought about in years. “He’s been arrested recently. I know you never came forward with anything, but sometimes…well, sometimes when more people step forward on these things, it helps. Everything is up to you, of course. I’m going to send you the article. Do with the information what you will.”
“Okay, um, thank you for letting me know.”
You hang up and she sends you the article. He had been arrested on domestic violence charges. Apparently he had been divorced, and he had attacked his ex-wife. She was pressing charges, but the article didn’t get into it.
“Oh my god.” You feel tears prick at the back of your eyes. You lose all control and start sobbing.
Jack couldn’t wait to show you the things him and Harry got at the store. He races upstairs to your bedroom.
“Jack, mummy could be sleeping, hold on.” Harry whispers and picks him up. He opens the door to your room quietly. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking, eyes red and puffy. “Y/N?”
“Mumma! We got so many toys.”
“That’s, that’s great, honey.” Your voice was hoarse and just as shaky as your body.
“Um, Jack, could you go color in your room for a bit?”
“But you said we could show Mumma.” He pouts.
“We will, I just need to talk with mummy alone quick.”
He sets Jack down. He grumbles as he leaves the room. Harry sits down next to you. You flinch when he tries to put his hand on you. You hand him your phone to show him the article. He gasps when he reads it.
“How did you even come across this?”
“Dr. Mara called me.” You say quietly. “She said…if I were to come forward…it could help this woman’s case. Get him locked up.” You sigh. “It’s weird, it’s like, I almost forgot I had been through anything.” You start crying again. “If I had just pressed charges back then this poor woman he married wouldn’t be dealing with this.”
“Y/N.” Harry gently places his hand on your back. “It’s okay.”
“I still have everything. I don’t know if the DNA would even still be on there, but I kept everything in a box just in case. I could go to the police station and give my story. I have to help.”
“You’re sure this is something you want to go through? You may end up needing to testify.”
“I made a mistake by not doing this before.” You put your hand on his knee. “We have children now. If something like this ever happened to either of them…I’d, I’d lose my goddamn mind! I can go to the police station this week. I know it’s cutting it close to Jack’s party, but I should do this sooner rather than later.”
“Do you want me to go with you? We could get a babysitter.”
“No, I should go by myself. You stay home with the kids.”
“I’m so sorry this is all being brought back up. Are you gonna be okay?”
“I don’t think I will be until I know that monster is properly put away.”
The next morning you rummaged in the basement for the box you had kept the bags of the sheets and dress in. You sighed when you found it. You weren’t sure what it would do, but you were thankful you kept it. Harry kisses you goodbye before you go. You wanted to leave before Jack woke up.
You drive out to the police department that had arrested Jake. You take a deep breath before walking in. You walk up to a woman sitting at a desk. There were a ton of people walking around, and loud phones going off. You shake all of the background noise away.
“May I help you?”
“Um, yes, I…need to report…a few years ago…you recently arrested Jake Robinson, and he raped me a few years ago.” That was the first time you ever actually said something like that out loud.
“Oh my.” The woman says. “You’re not the first person to come in about this. One moment.” She makes a call and a few minutes later a detective come out.
“Hi, I’m Detective Ruiz.” She says to you. “Would you like to come have a chat with me? I’m working the Robinson case.”
You nod and follow her back to her desk.
“These are, um, the sheets…and what I was wearing when it happened.” You place the bags on her desk. “It happened back in 2018, so I don’t know if they’ll be helpful.”
“They definitely will be. We can send everything off to the lab. They’ll be able to tell us what’s on it.”
“The woman up front said I wasn’t the only one to come in…”
“You’re not. We arrested him last week, and three other women came forward.”
“How’s his ex-wife doing?”
“She’s making it through.” She takes a note pad out. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“Of course. We had been on about four dates. He seemed like a really nice guy. We hadn’t been too intimate, mostly just kissing. On our fourth date, I invited him up to my place. We ended up on my bed. I thought we would just get into, um, some heavy petting, but before I knew it my head was being shoved into my pillows and he was just…well, you know. I didn’t feel safe enough to say no. I thought he might do something even more forceful. I certainly didn’t consent to sex. When he left I passed out from the blood on my sheets and the blood between my legs. My best friend, Niall Horan, came and helped me afterwards.”
“Did you happen to take any pictures?”
“No…the only time I used my phone…oh, wait, um…I do have a picture of Jake and I from our date that night. We had gone for a walk and taken a selfie.” You go onto your Instagram and scroll back really far. You weren’t sure why you kept this picture, but right now you were glad you did. “See.” You show her.
“Are you able to send that to me? He may claim he’s never met you before.”
“Of course. I feel terrible. I should have come forward when it happened.”
“All of the other women said the same thing, don’t worry. The others happened before you. It can be hard to talk about these things. Coming to us doesn’t exactly help make it all go away.”
“I just want to do everything I can to help now. I have a soon to be three year old, and an infant to think about.” You think for a moment. “I went to therapy for years. I know there’s doctor patient confidentiality, but I’ll sign whatever waiver that’s needed if you need more information to support the case.”
“Thank you, we really appreciate that. May I ask who you saw?”
“Dr. Pricilla Mara.”
She nods and writes the information down.
“Alright Mrs…?”
“Um, my husband’s last name is Styles, but legally I go by Y/F/N Y/L/N…I’m a PhD as well, that’s why I kept my name.”
“Kept my own name too.” She smirks. “No need to explain that. So, the lab process will take some time. We’ll be in touch, though.”
“Thank you for coming in. You’re definitely making a big difference.”
When you get home you find Harry on the couch with Jessica in the crook of his arm, and Jack nuzzled up close in his other side. He was reading one of his books to them. You giggle slightly and take your phone out to take a picture.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims and gets up to run over to you. “Where were you?” He pouts.
“I had to run an errand, my doll.” You pick him up and kiss his cheek. “But I’m home now. Can I sit there, Daddy?”
“Sure thing, Mummy.” You sit down and Harry throws his arm around you. He kisses your temple. “Jack really liked the story in this book. I pretended it was about a prince and a princess.”
“Ah, well, let’s keep reading then.”
It was a nice family day. You pushed Jack on the swing outside while Harry took Jessica for a walk in the stroller with Buster. Then he grilled up some food for dinner. Once both kids were down, you told Harry about what happened at the police station.
“So, they’ll call you if they need more from you?”
“You’re being really brave, I hope you know that.”
“Thanks. You had a nice morning with them?”
“It was great. Jack crawled into bed with me and we had a nice snuggle before I had to get Jessica. She was so good for me too. I made Jack pancakes for breakfast after I fed her. We had a nice chat. He misses his friends at day care, but he said he’s excited that we’ll both be home for a bit.”
“Aw, he’s so sweet. We had fun in the backyard earlier. I like that you’ll be home with me a little longer than last time.”
“Me too. Mum and Gem are excited to fly in for the party.”
“They come Friday, right?”
“I can’t wait for them to meet Jessica.” You wrap your arms around his neck, and his hands rest on your waist. “We have a nice life.”
“Wouldn’t trade it for anything else.” He kisses you gently.
“Okay, I’m letting go before you think this is an invitation.” You chuckle.
“What?!” He laughs. “I wasn’t even making a move!”
“I could feel your hands sliding down to my butt, I can read you like a book, Harry. I know your moves.”
“Well, as much as I’d love to get my hands all over you, I know we can’t yet.” He rolls his eyes. “Even though my little friend stayed intact this time.” He wraps his arms back around you and pulls you close.
“Yeah, well, my stomach is still healing up.”
“I’m well aware, angel.” He kisses you again. “Doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you does it?” He mumbles against your lips.
“I suppose that’s okay.”
He leads you over to the couch, and lays you down. He hovers over you and sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. You can’t remember the last time you simply just made out with your husband. After the morning you had this was everything you could have needed. He knew that. He always knew what to do.
He deepens the kiss by licking into your mouth, and you have absolutely no problem with it. Your tongue finds his and you just feel like you’re getting lost in each other like you used to. You’re taken out of your intoxicated state when you hear Jessica cry through the baby monitor. Harry sighs into your neck. He slowly lifts off of you.
“I’ll go check her, why don’t you go take a bath or something. You’ve had a long day.”
“Thanks, yeah, maybe I will.”
You both go upstairs. Harry changes Jessica and rocks her back to sleep. He checks on Jack quick to make sure the baby didn’t wake him. He was sound asleep. Harry goes into the bedroom and sees the bathroom door open a crack, you were just getting into the tub. He opens the door and leans against the frame.
“I’d ask you to join, but I’m still a little self-conscious.” You blush.
“S’alright, can I sit against the tub just to be near you?”
“Of course.”
Harry sits down on the cold tile. You drape your hand over his head and mindlessly play with his hair. Times like these you almost forgot you were a parent. When you’d be able to just sit and talk with Harry about things. He’d be home with you through the end of May and for the month of June. You decided that since Anne and Gemma were coming here, that it would be a good idea to not go to England this summer, and to just make your trip longer in January.
“Are you sure you’re okay with not being able to see your friends?”
“You know that’s not the only reason why we go there right?” He turns slightly to look at you. “I love seeing Louis and all, but we go there to see other family. I go there to get some other work done. Besides, since we’re not going we’re making more money off the flat.” He shrugs. “And traveling with Jack and Jessica right now doesn’t sound all that appealing. It would be a lot. You’re still healing too.”
“I’m just saying, if you wanted to go…”
“You’re crazy if you think I’d use the time off from work that I’m supposed to be here helping to dart off to London.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I’d never do that.”
“I’m really happy you’re taking so much time off. I appreciate it a lot.”
“And then when I go back I’m only doing half days until you go back to work.”
“Jessica won’t be able to go to daycare until she’s six months, so she’ll need to be with you.”
“That should work fine. Can you believe that Jack only has one more year of daycare until he’s at preschool? Time’s flying.”
“I know.” You sigh. “We should probably start looking at places we want to send him. Sometimes you almost have to book your spot a year in advance.”
“I wish the university had a preschool, we’ve been spoiled.”
“I’m gonna start asking around to see where other people have sent their kids. I don’t want pick up and drop off to be annoying.”
“Well, shouldn’t we look around this area? It would be better for him to meet more of the Milton kids that he’d actually end up going to school with.”
“Good point. I’ll talk to Sarah, she probably knows what preschools are good.” You look at your hands and see they’re getting pruney. “Could you hand me my towel? Think it’s time I get out.”
Harry stands up and hands you your towel. You stand and quickly cover yourself with it.
“You know, a few scars don’t scare me.”
You give him annoyed look as you step out of the tub.
“It’s not about you though. It’s about how I barely recognize my body half the time when I look into the mirror. It was easier this time around since I knew what to expect…but…still.”
You throw on a bed shirt and some shorts, hang up your towel, and crawl into bed. Harry gets in only wearing his boxers.
“I have liked just pumping instead of breastfeeding. I’m way less sore since I don’t have a little mouth nibbling on me.”
“Do you miss the bonding at all?”
“Nah, I mean, I still rub my nipple on her face to help with the acne like I did with Jack.” You giggle and roll on your side to face him. He faces you and puts his hand on your back to rub it up and down.
“I know it’s not about what I think, but you have to know I think you look incredible.”
“You also thought the same when I was as big as a house nine months pregnant.”
“I did! You were glowing, babe. You still are.” He leans in to kiss you, and gently slots a leg between yours to get comfortable.
“I haven’t been cleared by the doctor yet. It hasn’t quite been six weeks.”
“I’m not doing anything, just getting cozy. Just wanna snuggle you.” He pulls you in closer to his chest. “You have an appointment next week, right?”
“Mhm, on Wednesday. And then I’ll probably go back a month or so later for the IUD. I’m just not ready for another invasive procedure just yet.”
“We can just use condoms if you don’t feel like having it put back in.”
“But you hate using them…”
“I know, but if it makes it easier for you, I don’t mind.”
“I love you.” You snuggle into his chest and sigh.
“I love you too.”
The day of Jack’s party, you pulled out all the stops. It was dinosaur themed because he was very into dinosaurs right now. You put up decorations all throughout the house and in the back yard. The pool was ready to use as well. Harry made everyone a nice big breakfast, and once it was done you both creeped into Jack’s room to wake him up. You both sit on the edge of the bed while Gemma takes her phone out to film everything. You all had gone out the night before to eat, it was nice for Jack to be so excited about his Grammy and Auntie.
“Wake up, baby.” You coo as you stroke his cheek.
“Hm.” He mumbles.
“It’s your birthday, darling.” Harry says.
Jack shoots up in his bed and look at the two of you with a big smile on his face.
“I’m three?!”
“You’re three!” You both say at the same time and tackle him with hugs and kisses. His giggles fill the room and it makes you both so incredibly happy.
“Come on, I got you a new bathing suit.” You tell him and show him the new trunks that had dinosaurs on them.
“Oh, wow!” He gazes at them.
“Gotta go potty first though, son.” Harry picks him up and brings him to the hall bath.
You go into Jessica’s room where Anne was sitting with her in the big comfy chair.
“She’s absolutely precious.”
“She really is.”
“Harry made a nice breakfast, mum, let’s head downstairs.” Gemma says. “He’s just getting Jack washed up for the day.”
You all enjoy the breakfast Harry made. There was fresh fruit, pancakes, vegan bacon, and muffins. Something for everyone.
“When’s my party, Mumma?”
“In a few hours. Mimi and Grandpa are coming, and so are your other aunties and uncles. Some friends are coming too.” You smile as his face lights up. You had invited his best friend, Ryan, and his mother Lisa. “And your cousins of course. Michael and Melissa are very excited to see you.”
“Melissa’s party was fun.”
“You remember it, baby?” Anne asks.
“Mhm, we painted.” He points to the paper with splattered paint on the fridge. “It’s Buster.”
“So it is!” She beams. “It’s nice he has a cousin so close in age.”
“I know, they’ll be great friends I think. And Michael loves being the older cousin. I can’t believe my little man is six! He’s going to into the first grade in the fall.” You shake your head.
“He’ll be over here babysitting before we know it.” Harry chuckles.
“God, don’t even say that. You know my brother lets him text me sometimes. He sends me these funny videos of him dancing or just saying hi.”
“Clearly you’re his favorite.” Gemma says. “So, Jack, how do you like being a big brother so far?”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs.
“He think she’s loud and boring.” Harry says.
“Daddy!” He whines.
“Sorry, was that supposed to stay between the two of us?” He laughs.
“You think she’s boring?” You can’t help but laugh too. You look down at the baby in your arms. “Well, I suppose she is, isn’t she?”
“She just sleeps. She can’t even play.” Jack says.
“But she’ll be able to when she gets a little older. And then you can show her how to play nice with all your toys.” You explain. “Won’t that be nice?”
“How come you had a girl and not a boy, Mumma?”
You and Harry look at each other, then to Anne and Gemma who were cracking up, and then back to Jack.
“Well, buddy, Mummy’s and Daddy’s don’t get to decide.” Harry says.
“Why not?”
“It’s just how it works.” You say. “Are you sad you don’t have a little brother?”
“No, I like having a sister.” He gets up out of his seat and crawls up on you and into your lap. “She’s pretty, just boring.” He gives his sister a kiss on the nose and everyone at the table awes.
Your yard was full of people. Plenty of adults keeping their eyes on the kids in the pool. Jack was having a wonderful birthday. It was the first time your extended family got to meet Jessica as well. You were happy to pass her around. Anne and Gemma were big helps in keeping the food outside stocked up.
Harry tells you to sit down with Jack at the table as he comes out with the large cake. Jack blows out the candles when everyone is done singing. It was very cute. Harry cuts the cake for everyone, while you help Jack open up his various presents.
“What do we say?” You say to your son.
“Thank you everyone!”
Jack gets up and gives hugs to his family.
“I can’t believe how big he is.” Rachel says to you as she digs into her cake.
“I know! Too big if you ask me. Wouldn’t mind if he stayed like this.”
“Oh, but it’s fun to watch them grow.” Sarah says. “I love when my students come back to visit me.”
“Mumma, come swim!” Jack says to you.
“I can’t yet, honey. Why don’t you find Uncle Niall, he’ll swim with you.”
“He’s with Daddy.” He points over to Harry and Niall who were deep in conversation.
“Alright.” You squint over at the pool and see Kyle swimming with Michael. “Uncle Kyle’s in the pool with Cousin Michael, you can go in with them.”
“Okay!” He runs off.
“No jumping!” You shake your head.
“I’m glad you guys got one of your own, but you’re still welcome to come over once my school year is over.”
“Thanks, I’m sure we’ll take you up on that. He loves when Harry jumps off the diving board with him.”
“How have you been feeling?” Rachel asks. “Does it take longer to recover after a c-section.”
“Yes and no. I was in the hospital longer. I mean, it’s a major surgery. My scars are healing up nicely though. It’s just been six weeks, I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson on Wednesday. I’m hoping she’ll be able to clear me. I’m in some major need of loving with my husband.”
“I bet.” Sarah giggles. “Niall said he’ staying home the entire month of June with you?”
“Yeah, he said he wanted to be home to help more. He’s the best. He’s going to do half days after that, and then when school starts he’ll take Jessica to work with him until she can go to daycare.”
“You’re going right back in the fall?” Rachel asks.
“Yup, it’s fine though.” You shrug. “I was sort of spoiled last time. I’ve got the hang of things now.”
“Auntie Y/N.” Michael says coming up to you. “Are there any more juice boxes. There’s none in the cooler.”
“Oh! Sure, give me one second I’ll bring some out, my love.”
“Thank you.”
“Excuse me.” You say to the girls and go inside. Your phone had been sitting on the kitchen counter charging. You check and see that Detective Ruiz had called. “Shit.” You swipe your phone to call her back. “Hi Detective, I’m sorry I missed your call…my son’s having a birthday party.”
“No problem. I just wanted to let you know we got the lab results back.”
“We expedited things. His DNA was on there.” You take a deep breath as she continues to speak. “Thank you for bringing that in, it really helps with the case.”
“What are the next steps?”
“We may need you to come in and testify once the case is brought to court.”
“Will I need a lawyer?”
“You’ll want one, yes, just to help you. We’re hoping to get this moving along quickly. The other women have also agreed to testify. We have a strong case against him.”
“So…he would be there…in the courtroom?”
“I know that it won’t be an easy thing to do.”
“I said I wanted to help the best that I can, and that’s what I intend to do.”
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