#mushitaro fluff
stinkyme · 1 year
I need recovery after angsty Mushitaro🥲
Can I please request Fluffy fic with Mushitaro, with an almost-a-toddler son who loves to pull and messed up his neat glossy hair? But throws a tiny tantrum if anyone ruffles/messed up the kid's hair.
Mainly likes to mess with Mushi especially when s/o's not looking, often like a little heart attack(ex: him trying to push down a glass of water from the table to break it, pulling hard on his bow tie, etc)
Hello dear anon! I hope your day is going well and of course you can :D
I hope I understood well because I am not sure do you mean Mushitaro likes to mess up kid's hair but gets annoyed when someone else do it, however I will write multiple things about it hoping I get the one you meant, I apologize if I misunderstood :")
Thank you for your request and I hope I will do it justice :)
CW/TW: none, kid being a little sweet asshole <3, GN!Reader, it's fluffy
I also apologize for any mistakes in advance :)
Mushitaro Oguri as stressed dad || GN!Reader as S/O
Mushitaro and you were enjoying your family life, with an almost toddler son, constantly having new adventures and raising him to be a good person. However, your little angel was often little heart attack for Mushitaro.
As you would do something, shower or prepare a meal and left two of them to entertain each other and spend time together, your little boy would use an opportunity to stress out Oguri as much as he could.
He would ask to be on his lap, all innocent and angelic, looking for cuddles. Mushitaro was smiling, picking up his beloved son and placing him on his lap to earn flushed cheeks and beloved giggles from the boy. He would be calm for a little while, truly an angel. But as soon as Oguri would pay slightly more attention to TV or something else, boy would suddenly grab his bow harshly, pulling it towards, almost breaking Mushi's neck. They said don't doubt a child's strenght for a good reason.
Mushitaro choked out, shocked at sudden pain and force.
"Hey, hey! No pulling! Do you want to break my neck?" he said a bit shocked and boy looked at him, eyes wide and started to giggle out.
"Hm, you want to see it, huh?" Mushitaro asked and took off his bow to give a curious little one so he can inspect it.
His small hands took it, turning it around, mouth slightly open and he had no thoughts behind those eyes. But, he did have that usual baby mischief. Boy started stretching out his little arm towards the glass on the table that contained orange juice. He tried to dip it inside and Mushitaro saw just in the right moment, his heart racing, quickly pulling the boy away and taking bow out of his hand.
"No, no, we can't do that." he sighed out. Boy looked disappointed, but quickly found a new way to stress his dad out. He leaned forward, trying to grab the glass, resulting in glass moving around and almost falling off of the table. Once again, Mushi quickly saved something from getting ruined. He was sweating at this point. How something so small can stress him out so much? Boy looked at saved glass giggling, dipping his small fingers inside and slapping Mushitaro over the face with sticky fingers. Mushitaro blinked, it wasn't a weak slap mind you and he yelled out.
"Ouch! Hey!" his face was serious, he was offended by his own child slapping him.
Right after little boy decided to put his small hands on Mushitaro's face earning a warm smile from him.
"What are you scheming now?" Mushi said through small laugh, closing his eyes, boy pulling his hair suddenly, trying to get up.
"OUCH! OUCH! STOP IT!" Mushitaro yelled out in pain.
Boy clapped his hands, entertained and bumped his head into Mushitaro's chest, deciding to bite him. His teeth were small, but sharp. Mushitaro screamed out, moving away from child's bite. Boy kept giggling and moving his head around.
"Just you wait until Y/N comes! Mhm! You will see." he sighed out, keeping an eye on little boy who gave him innocent, puppy eyes and a wide smile.
"Hmph! Don't look at me like that, just you wait!" Mushitaro was "threating" him earning more giggles from the boy.
You came in the room and your kid quickly got off Mushi's lap messily rushing towards you. You bowed down, stretching your arms to meet him in a big hug. You picked him up, turning your back to Mushitaro, meanwhile little boy was looking over your shoulder. You swayed left and right, while boy was hugging you, his arms around your neck and he looked at Mushitaro, his tongue out, with a little smile. Boy was mocking him.
Mushitaro was shocked, once again. He raised an eyebrow at the boy.
"Oooo who is my little angel? You are, yes, you are!" you were singing to your baby boy, earning his giggles and little claps.
Mushitaro thought it would be funny if he did same thing back to him so he stick his tongue out. It resulted in a boy crying. Well, more like forcing it out to be as dramatic as his father was to earn more attention from you. As you turned around, you were dumbfounded at your husband "mocking" the baby. You consoled your boy, stroking his little head, giving warning look to Mushitaro.
"He did it first!" Oguri said in high pitched voice, trying to defend himself.
"Mushitaro Oguri! He is a baby, barely 2 years old! You are an adult. Behave yourself. There, there angel, was daddy mean towards you? I know." you scolded your husband in sharp voice, meanwhile comforting your child in soft, loving voice stroking his head and boy smiling back at you, happy with attention.
"You weren't here! He tried to knock off the glass, almost drowned my bow, pulled my hair AND BIT ME!" he said dramatically.
"Oh, poor you! He is a baby, of course he is going to explore stuff around him." you said, making sarcastic remark.
"More like destroy, hmph!" Mushitaro said, crossing his arms, scoffing.
"One more word and I will destroy you, you hear me?" you said in joking tone, child giggling in your arms.
"Maybe two of you need fresh air, how about you take him for a walk while I finish up what I started?" you looked at Mushitaro who was behaving like a bigger kid than your own.
"Fine. But if I don't come home, you know what happened to me!" he said as he got up, getting ready for a walk.
"Don't be so dramatic, it's a walk, not war. We took him on walks before and it was completely fine, he is just an energetic kid." you said through laughter and slowly put your baby boy down. He hugged Mushitaro's legs, looking up with a huge smile.
"But that was with you, he loves you more and listens to you. With me, he is different! It's like Jekyll and Hide! I am telling you Y/N!" he said, stroking his baby boy's hair. He really got Mushitaro's genes and soft, beautiful hair. Mushi loved playing with it, styling it and taking care of it.
"You did not just compare our child to that!" you laughed out.
"Also, it's not true, he adores you Mushitaro, look at him!" you said looking at your kid closing his eyes at Mushitaro's touch and hugging him thighter. Your kid adored both of you, he just enjoyed Mushitaro's dramatic, over the edge responses and expressions, you were more collected, calm one.
Mushitaro smiled softly at your child, messing his hair up to earn few giggles and kneeled down to pick him up and take him to the bathroom, taking good 20 minutes to style and brush boy's hair.
"You are almost as handsome as I am! Look how pretty your hair is." Mushitaro said jokingly, but second part was genuine. Boy was smiling to himself and Mushitaro in the mirror. They left the bathroom and Mushitaro put their shoes on.
Maybe walk will be good for both of them. You kissed them both goodbye on the cheek and returned to do things you had to do.
Mushitaro put boy down, taking his hand and going to a local park. He really loved this park, he loved you and your family. Boy also enjoyed the park, new faces, few animals, smell of flowers, birds singing, his dad holding his hand and talking about stuff he couldn't really understand yet, but loved sound of his voice, expressions and new things Mushitaro would show him.
Kid got distracted by a swing and as Mushitaro kept on and on about how they added new cherry tree and he can't wait until it blossoms so he can bring his boy here to experience such beauty, kid started running towards the swing, pulling away from Mushitaro's grip. Mushitaro stopped for a second, processing what happened and looking at his boy running towards the swing. He quickly ran after his kid, praying he won't fall down before he reaches him.
A kid bumped into stranger's legs, taking few small, messy steps back and looking up to meet some middle aged man gaze.
"Ah sorry sir! I got distracted for a second and he ran away, I am truly sorry." Mushitaro came up to them, apologizing to a man and looking at his boy. He kneeled down and started adjusting boy's shirt.
"You can't run off like that, you got me scared." Mushitaro said in serious tone.
"No! No! Please, I know what is like having kids, hahah! Minds of their own, it's okay! Good thing boy didn't get hurt, my knees will be fine!" man said laughing and went down to mess up boy's hair Mushitaro worked hard on. His gaze got serious, but he didn't say anything, boy's face confused. Man didn't seem to know his limit, at this point completely ruining his hair.
Mushitaro pulled away his boy gently.
"That will be enough from you! Thank you and sorry once again, we have to go!" Mushitaro said offended and serious, just who this man thought he was messing his boy's hair like that?
They came home.
"No Y/N! You don't understand, the audacity he had to ruin my boy's hair like that! People are truly a scum, jeez." he said as he was combing through boy's locks, annoyance all over his face.
"A crime, indeed! Next time sue him!" you said giggling at his story.
"Next time I will cut his fing.."
"Hey!" you yelled out.
"Fine, fine..you know what I mean, love." Mushitaro said calming down, you and your little boy giggling together.
The End :)
I hope you enjoyed this and had fun! I tried doing it justice, so hopefully I did. :D
Thank you for love and your request dear anon, it means a lot! :) <3
Kissing everyone on the forehead hehe
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hyaha-ha-ha · 10 months
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Ranpoe Week 2023 - Day 4 - Style Swap !
Expect the clothes don't fit (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
So so so remember the "types of hugs they would give" that can also be seen platonic ? Could you do something like it with headpats please ? Any characters but could you include Ranpo, Poe, Mushitarou and Yokomizo please ?
also yokomizo might be a lil ooc since i like barely understand his chara and i had to reread those chapters to try to BUT I TRIED MY BEST 😭
chara list: mushitarou (mushytaro), ranpo, poe, yokomizo, dazai, and chuuya
these are all completely platonic!!!
also im really sick so im really sorry if it seems lazy!!
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-secretly he likes it tho but HE cant admit that!!11!1
-also it would be kinda funny if u tried to give one of his ghosts a headpat and then ur hand just fucking phased through 💀
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-whenever yall are leaving after hanging out yalls goodbye is giving each other head pats <333
-he gets actually so happy omg
-i can see it where he likes both headpats and praise, they pretty much go hand in hand <33
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-he enjoys head pats but is a bit shy to give them back bc he doesn't know if you're comfortable for not
-if you ask him to tho, he def will
-his smile would be so adorable if u gave him some omg
-pls give my man some headpats bc while he might not show his happiness externally he is so happy on the inside <333
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-I LITERALLY THOUGHT HE WAS A GILR WHEN I FIRST READ THE MANGA BYE (i haven't watched the anime so i didn't get the voice cue)
-i didnt think venti was a girl but then i somehow think he's a girl bye
-he seems like a nice chad so he will probably thank u and pat u back <33
-he just seems nice and calm so he wouldn't freak out about it and hell probably just smile and maybe tease you a bit about it
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-dazai would give u them back but like in the most chaotic way possible
-he would probably attempt to tackle you like a football player and just keep on patting your head like 298874932 times
-youll probably scream ad try to get away from his grip
-never make the same mistake again because it will only get worse
-or do it again and be prepared to be literally murdered by him
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-like bro will jump and then turn around and almost punch you if you try to do it behind him
-it will be so SO hard to get him to pat u back
-hes too prideful tbh
THANK YOU FOR READING!!! sorry this is so short im sick so i had to take a lot of breaks in between and i had to work a lot even tho im sick which made me a lot more tired lmaiujkahbsjkm
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i4fyodor · 2 years
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note : unproofread shitpost, grammar errors, completely self indulgent, heavily inspired by @lacry (ceo of pathetic woman fyodor)
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fyodor ‘im gods messenger’ dostoyevsky who faints after running 2 laps, who has eyebags that look more like eye luggages, who recites the bible in the middle of a conversation, who reads classical literature in a bar, who makes out with her gf in the bathroom then tells everyone how disgraceful and inappropriate hand holding before marriage is (shes trying to make herself feel better)
ango. god shes so pathetic. she works 24/7 until she passes out then as soon as she gets up she continues working. not even because she has such overwhelming workload or because she enjoys it, just because she has nothing better to do. she lives on instant noodles and microwave mac n cheese. she drinks sm coffee that she has become immune to caffeine at this point. however on her rare day offs she searches through her closet and tries on the prettiest dresses she has (being in work uniform everyday can be awfully boring) twirling in front of the mirror in them. bonus: once her landlord caught her in the prettiest dress ever. she has never been paler or shakier than she was in that moment
sigma, the most transgender character known to existence. shes trying her best i swear! its just that .. shes still kind of pathetic but its alright, who isnt ?? she might win in card games against every single customer she has but she trembles while ordering in mcdonalds. she always takes the stairs no matter which floor she is heading to because shes worried she will mess up the buttons and get stuck (not to mention the possibility of being stuck with another person!) fyodor often lends her some books to educate her but poor sigma has such a hard time understanding all those big words. she gets anxious so easily its kind of adorable. and if you praise her? you call her gorgeous? you gently touch her hair? she absolutely loses it, my sweet beloved <3
mushitaro, oh dear mushitaro. shes DEFINITELY not pathetic, shes The Perfect Criminal right? she is mhm. .. its okay shes a bit delusional but shes got the spirit! well what if i tell you that this perfect criminal is actually the most average girl you can find. she works at a small bakery or maybe a café. she serves the customers with a slight smile on her face (her boss told her that if she looks grumpy all the time, they will lose customers, so shes trying her best) right until the person leaves the store. her smile broadens into a huge smirk while shes thinking about how she gave 50 cents less change back! how evil and villainous is she! truly a perfect criminal!
katai. just katai.
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nataliewritez · 1 year
Mushi-Madness || BSD Tk Fic
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Summary: Mushitarou finds out that his beloved reader is ticklish.
A/N: Hello!! This fic was created after sharing some idea's (and teasing huhu) with my friend's @stopiteatpopcorn and @ticklish-n-stuff go check them out!!
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There on the ground sat you and your lover, Mushitaro. The two of you just recently started dating, but that didn't stop Mushitaro from trying to learn more about you, especially if it mesnt he had to lay hands on you. He was rather affectionate - and of course funny, so the two of you got along rather smoothly.
However, the moment he decided to offer you a massage for your 'hard work'? That's when you wished to have denied his generous offer.
"Darling, you look rather tired as of lately, if I may be so inclined.. perhaps I could offer you a massage?" He said, puppy dog eye's practically begging you not to refuse. And who would dare to refuse such a generous offer from their own lover? Not you, that's who.
"I mean, if you don't mind!" You said with a gentle smile, as the man sitting beside you made a cheshire grin, yet you shrugged it off. As he got you down on his bed, sitting confortably on your lower back, he crackled his knuckles, ready to begin.
And that's how you got into this situation, biting back a smile as his smooth hands gently rubbed up and down your side's, creating smooth circles over your side's, his smile grew into a wide grin as he noticed how you jolted and gasped at his touch.
"Oh? So you're ticklish but you never thought about telling me about this? I thought we were partner's.." *He acted upset, pouting as he then started to purposely tickle you now, nails just barely grazing above your hip's and gliding up and down your side's in a repetitive cycle, keeping you on edge. "C'mon boo, just let it out, I don't want that pretty little face of your's to explode now, hm?~" He whispered into your ear.
You could only whine in response, suppressing the giggly eruption that threatened to spill out your throat, as he laughed in response, now squeezing and prodding at your hips in vigor. "Come on now, don't keep me waiting, you know how much I hate waiting!" He said, now laughing more as you finally crackled, hands attempting to pry him off to no avail, he was simply too strong, not too mention how much tickling drained your own strength.
"Oh what a pretty smile you have, oh, what a nice laugh you have aswell! You know, I'd love to hear more~" He looked at you with lovesick eye's, as he rested his chin again your shoulder, a teasing yet loving smile glued to his face.
With that, you then threw your own head back with gleeful delight, as his once prodding hands made their way towards your tummy, clawing gently at the sensitive flesh as you flailed and spluttered out helpless remarks, making him only laugh at you more.
"Oh my, does that tickle? Oh sorry, I didn't seem to have noticed, silly ol' me!" He chortled, as he kneaded at your stomach, making you stay hysterical. "M-Muhushi! Wahait! Yohour crahazy! G-Gone mad!" You remarked, yelping slightly as he accidentally poked a digit into your belly button, elicting a loud shriek from you.
Mushitaro had stopped, the two of you stared at eachother at a state of shock, before he grinned at you with pure mischief. "Oh boy! I certainly have! Mushi-madness is what I've got, nehehe~ Unfortunately for you, you'll be laughing madness!" He spoke in a teasing tone, making your cheeks flush, before you grinned back. "Y-Yehet I'm not the one who gets fluhustered tickling their own love, hm?~" You teased back, a wide smirk taking over you, giggling as you saw his face tint a gentle shade of red, before you threw your head back once more, with new rage filling him as he dug a single finger in your navel.
"Let's see how long you'll last, hm?" He remarked, leaving you too your ticklish demise, as you began to go breathless, he then stopped, pulling you into his lap and rubbing your back, careful not to tickle you any further.
"Sorry if I went too far, honey." He mumbled, face flushing as he turned his head away, yet you grasped his chin gently and turned it to look into your very own eye's, kissing his forehead, as he almost malfunctioned. "You're so adorable when you mean your apologies, Mushi~" You cooed, making him puff his cheeks as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. "Screw you.." He said.
"You think they noticed we were here?" Poe asked, looking as Rampo had recorded the entire scene, ready to send it too Dazai, "Not at all."
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stopiteatpopcorn · 1 year
May I humbly request comfort tks with ler Mushitaro? Today has been ROUGH. Feel free to decline and take your time. Love you~ 💖
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Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Ler!Mushitarō x Lee!Reader (Romantic)
Today was not your day, and you felt terrible about it all. So here you were, cooped up under your blankets, trying to keep yourself together. You lay there for a while, before going to text your boyfriend. He’d been out all day, but you needed his comfort now. Though he’d never admit it in front of others, Mushitarō had a soft spot for you so you knew he’d answer right away. You slowly pulled your phone from the coffee table at your bedside and typed. But you stopped for a moment. What if he was busy? Or what if his phone was dead? Or worse, what if he stopped caring? Your negative thoughts were clouding, but as if on cue, Mushitarō had returned home and was calling out your name. When you didn’t answer he eventually walked into the room. “Darling? There you are- How was your day?” You didn’t answer, simply further covered yourself in the blankets. He looked at you with slight worry in his eyes. “Hey…Is everything alright..?” He asked you, sitting beside you and slowly pulling the blankets back down from your face.
“Well…Everything’s been so stressful recently and just…I don’t know- don’t worry about it…” You said. He couldn’t bear to see you so down in the dumps, you were his partner after all. He was quick to cup your face in his hands, looking at you with a caring smile as he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
“But I do worry for you…You don’t have to hide your feelings from me. So please, let me listen. I’m sure it would help to get it off your chest..” He says comfortingly, opening his arms, waiting to see if you’d accept a hug. You were quick to lean into his arms, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you as tears began to fall down your cheeks.
“I- I’m sorry- I just- So much is going on…” You sobbed quietly. He simply held you close, running his fingers through your hair comfortingly.
“It’s okay…Let it all out…Don’t be sorry for feeling like this…” He whispered, letting you cry into his shoulder. It was times like this that he didn’t mind his perfect suit getting dirty or damp. Heck- He’d be happy to stay like this for hours even. “We can stay like this as long as you like. Though I won’t force you to talk…” He reassured you comfortingly. You stayed like this for a while and eventually, you began to calm down, sniffling silently, before explaining everything.
“So…That’s it…It’s just, a lot to take at once I guess…” You choked out through quieter sobs. He was quick to wipe away your extra tears, and now he looked even more worried, but he tried to keep the feeling down at least a little, after all, he didn’t wanna make you feel like a burden. He was your boyfriend, and you were his partner in crime, he’d do anything to keep you smiling. He let out a deep sigh, before nodding along.
“Oh my- That is indeed a lot…I’m so sorry that all this has happened. Is there anything I could do for you, to at least provide more comfort? You know I hate to see you so blue…” He asked softly, now that you had let your feelings out, you were beginning to think straight again. You knew what you needed, but it was embarrassing to ask for it! Wanting tickles? Sure, a nice shameless thing, but asking? A whole other story- even though he knew about it, and even so that he’d be happy to indulge you. But you just couldn’t do it, the words caught in your throat. However you did still opt to poke his side, trying to provoke him. “H-Hehey-!” He yelps in surprise as you do so, before realizing what you were hinting at, a soft yet playful smile on his face. ‘Oh~ So that’s what they want, hmmm?’ He thought to himself, deciding to be a little playful with it, as he slowly began to bring his hands to your sides, making you shiver with anticipation.
“Now dear, that was quite uncalled for, a little unfair even~ But, I think someone could use a little laughter now, especially after letting out all that sad air…And that person isn’t me~” He teased quietly, and you couldn’t help the blush that rose to your cheeks, burying your face into his chest. “You know who else in in the room though? You~” He concluded in a sing song voice, making you blush even further. He began to trace his manicured nails over your sides softly, enough to tickle, but not too overwhelming. You could feel the giggles that began to bubble in your throat as you pursed your lips together to try keep them in. But he knew you’d crack eventually. Thankfully this time, he wasn’t aiming to turn you into a heap of cackles and squeals, keeping it light. He knew how much you enjoyed this, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to indulge you.
“M-Mushitaha-!” You protested half heartedly, accidentally letting out a giggle when he hit a sensitive spot on your waist. He was quick to notice this, as he continued the light traces there, making more steady giggles pour out through your lips.
“Yes, my love~? What is it?” He asked, as if he wasn’t doing anything at all. You groaned through your giggling, but it was clear you weren’t really mad, just flustered. And you both knew it all too well!
“Youhuhehe- Ihit tihihickles-!” You giggled softly into his shoulder, but you showed no signs nor efforts of wanting it to stop. He smiled at this, glad that you were enjoying yourself.
“Well, I sure hope it does, that is the point is it not~?” He asked with mock innocence, before scribbling across your back and ribs lightly, while a squeak and even more giggles burst out from your lips once more.
“Hehehey-! Nahahaha-“ You giggled half hearted protests, tightening your grip on him to prevent yourself from stopping his hands and lost in happy giggles as he continued. He eventually switched to tracing shapes into your sides lightly, your giggles beginning to steady again. But he’d switch up continuously, going from your sides, to your stomach, then to your ribs and repeat, before suddenly scribbling across your back and neck. This made you unable to get used to the feelings, which somehow made them even more ticklish! How unfair!…..Is what you would say if you weren’t giggling your cares away freely.
“Awwww, your smile is such a precious sight~! I’m truly lucky to have someone like you in my life you know?” He complimented, as he eventually began to slow his fingers to a stop, resting his hands at your sides. “And I mean that, so don’t forget it.” He reassured, placing a soft kiss atop your head and pulling you in for a hug.
“I won’t…Thank you love..” You whispered, a content smile on your face. He nodded in acknowledgment, and for a moment, you both sat in silence, before he got up, getting you some warm tea, sitting beside you. The rest of the night was spent with the two of you in eachothers arms, and you couldn’t shake the warmth in your heart when you were together. Sure, he could be stubborn or annoying at times, and he’d most likely say the same for you on rare occasions. But who cares, neither of you would have it any other way.
A/N: Hi Sakura! I’m so sorry this took so long I’ve been kinda busy, and I’m sorry if it’s a little short, as I wanted to try get this to you as quick as I could when I had the chance! But, I hope this helps at least a little, and I hope you’re doing okay currently! Just like Mushitarō wants for you, don’t forget to smile! And take a hug too!
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Hey mfs I’m making my character x reader blog finally!:pp
You may call me Spiral🌀
Here is my bsd masterlist
This was a Bungo stray dogs blog but I want to write from other fandoms like fire emblem, jujutsu Kaisen, baldur’s gate 3(once I learn more about it), the case study of vanitas, Arcane and Spiderverse (mainly for hobie brown and Jessica drew) cuz I definitely get the sudden urge to write for other fandoms :ppp
so just ask me if I write for a specific character from those series! If I don’t know the character well I will just research.
You can request anything within the rules but please request smut on this blog from now on!
The most characters you can request in a single request is currently 3,(maybe 4) I’ll only do headcanons and sometimes short scenarios if it’s two or more characters requested
I don’t write for OCs
You can request any character(s) but I’m best at writing the following:
Kunikida Doppo
Nakajima Atsushi
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Dazai Osamu
Yosano Akiko
Edogawa Ranpo
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Higuchi Ichiyō
Oguri Mushitarō
Izumi Kyouka
I can write reader x Kyouka, Kenji, or Q but it will always be platonic if the reader is older!! No exceptions!
Fire Emblem
I’ve played fe awakening, fe echoes shadows of Valentia, fe three houses and fe three hopes, So I know to write for most characters of those games.
Most characters
Vanitas no carte/The case study of vanitas
Noe Archiviste
Dominique De Sade
Amelia Ruth
Jujutsu Kaisen
Most characters from jjk I don’t feel like typing them all out man😭
Rules for requesting:
These rules don’t necessarily apply to just bsd characters but they apply to all requests! And these rules apply to requests, not fics I make for myself!
If you don’t specify the gender than I’ll mostly go with GN! Or Fem, I also write for Male!Reader. That being said, I always automatically try to omit the gender of the reader
Specify if you want the relationship to be romantic or platonic example: “dazai pranking reader hcs (platonic)”
AND PLEASE! When requesting two or more characters specify if you want them together or separate! Example: “can I get kunikida and dazai dating hcs?(separate)” or (can I get kunikida x reader x dazai?”
When requesting please provide as much information as you can! Example: “Can I get a ranpo x fem!reader Where they go on a date to the amusement park?(romantic)” “can I get a kunikida comforting reader after a panic attack?(platonic)”
If you don’t specify any of this it’ll take me more time to think of a scenario, and I’ll end up going with my own ideas.
I will write: fluff, angst (I’ll try), crack, relationship hcs, gore(as in fight scenes and injuries, ik this isn’t exactly sfw but yk, I’ll just put a warning)general headcanons
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BSD Mystery trio/Perfect crime trio headcanons pt.2
Tws: Mentions of Panic and anxiety attacks, mentions of murdering someone with choking, mentions of depressive episodes
They consume a concerning amount of coffee. It's likely that they have to buy new coffee more often than a new bread
Yosano accepted Mushitaro after they told her about him joining thier relationship but she treatened him that if he would ever hurt or betray Ranpo or Poe she would cut off his limbs
Ranpo likes to mess with Mushitaros hair to annoy him
Karl is like thier adopted child
Ranpo can often be seen walking around thier home, wearing one of Poe's or Mushitaro's shirts or sweaters which are very oversized on him on free days
They live in Poe's mansion
In the first time Mushitaro was pretty overwhelmed with suddenly recriving so much geniue affection and love but by now he also loved getting kissed and cuddled
Yosano often comes over when Mushitaro is bedridden again due to his trauma or after a horrid breakdown to see how he's doing
If they solve cases together they work together truly amazing and the case is solved in a very short time
After all Ranpo and Poe are both detectives, Ranpo has his ultra deduction and Mushitaro knows some important things about the underground world
One time they watched a movie and Poe and Ranpo both forgot that there was a scene where someone gets choked to death so when the scene happened, it sended Mushitaro straight into a panic attack and Poe and Ranpo were not only shocked that they seriously forgot that scene but also felt very guilty
After they managed to calm down Mushitaro they both (yes even Ranpo) apologized over and over again and Mushitaro quickly forgave them
After this accident, Poe and Ranpo always skip through any movie they want to watch together or read a whole detailed summary before they watch it together to make sure that there aren't any scenes like this to prevent sending Mushitaro into a trauma related panic attack again
The first time in which Mushitaro moved into the mansion, Karl proceeded to chase him away from Poe, through the whole mansion and tried to bite his ankles because he didn't wanted to share Poe with yet another person
Ranpo thinks that Mushitaro looks a lot better without the tons of hair gel slicking his hair back
Poe and Ranpo are ones of the few persons who saw Mushitaro with messy fluffy hair, sleepy and also genuinely laughing
They both fell even more in love with him (of that is even possible) when they saw him laughing genuinely and loudly because of something Ranpo did
Ranpo and Mushitaro are the only ones who know about Poe's thousands of freckles which are all over his cheeks and even tho Poe himself hates them and usually covers them up, they love them
Mushitaro speaks a bit german and when he's pissed with them he proceededs to speak in german with them
Poe writes novels specifically for the both of them. They can request about what they want to read something and he will try his best to write something like that
Ranpo sometimes want to get carried around
When they go out, Ranpo walks between them while they both hold him on his hands to prevent him getting lost somewhere.
Mushitaro suggested buying a children leash for Ranpo
When Poe has a anxiety attack in public, they both do thier best to get him out of the crowded place and then will calm him down, hugging him, holding his hands and calming him down
They are also always there for Ranpo when he's feeling depressed again. They let him sulk for a day, bringing him a ton of his favorite sweets and cuddling him, praising him for continuing to push through and reassuring that it's okay to stay in bed for one day but after that one day they the urge him to get out of bed, get dressed and start solving cases with them again
Mushitaro can be really sassy and they both love it
Ranpo can be fucking sarcastic
When Mushitaro found out that Poe was rather muscular instead of boney and weak he expirenced a whole bunch of gay panic once again
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kyojimi · 9 months
This was a little bit rushed due to my interesting ‘writing timetable’ which is whenever I feel like writing brainrot and random things even if it may not make sense but that's the fun of it right?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅──
Nope. Nah ah, he refused to leave the comfort of his bed. Something about today already felt off, he had the annoying constant itch that is telling him to change to a cat. But whenever he's on his daily catwalks something usually goes wrong! He wanted to live peacefully not be thrown around by strangers and other cats that dislike him! Like come on, he's one of them but they– they disowned him like he was nothing! No, he isn't upset about cats disliking him. Why would he? That would just be so silly right? Yeah, yeah... Oh, who is he kidding? He wants cat friends too.
“Moomoo?” Poe calls out from the other side of the door. He used that ridiculous nickname that Ranpo came up with because apparently saying his name was too much effort, too much of a mouth full. Mushitaro almost strangled him for that one but the little shit got away with a smug grin. Ugh, he's going to grow grey hair due to his partner's shenanigans.
“Moo, are you awake?” He called once more. Mushitaro had almost forgotten to respond to him, “Yeah, I suppose so.” He replied as clearly as possible since the blankets and pillows surrounding him would make his voice appear more muffled. “Do you want something?“
The door creeks open enough for Poe to poke his head in. Scanning the room, “Uhm... N-Not really but.. You've been locking yourself away in your room. Don't you... Do you think it's come to come out now? I made some muffins. Ranpo didn't eat all of them either- this time.” Well isn't that a surprise? Ranpo, the sweet addicted detective left muffins? He could just imagine Poe shooing the small man out of the house to go to work. Of course, the detective would never go down without a fight. It's always quite entertaining to watch.
The cat-shifter sighed, he really didn't want to get up but he was hungry at the mention of food. He also wants to have some fun and get rid of the annoying trapped feeling that claws at him, begging for him to change to his other form. He lifts his head from the pile he's tangled in, locking eyes with Poe. He wouldn't have this issue if it weren't for the author but can he really blame Poe? He could never, it was an accident, something that went wrong causing him to become a cat-shifter. "If I asked to eat them in here would you say no?"
"W-Well I would prefer for you to eat with me. But I would never force you..." The man trailed off with a nervous tone. It's clear that Poe wants him to join, to leave the room. How could he deny that? He doesn't like the sad expressions Poe would make, it made him feel upset. He pushes the covers back, covering his mouth as he yawned. "Fine, Fine. You win, let's eat some muffins together okay?" His heart melted at the sight of Poe's eyes brightening up and a soft smile appearing on his face. That made agreeing completely worth it.
Getting out of bed, the man dressed in his sleepwear stumbles over to the tall, anxious male. Wrapping his arms around his torso with a soft sigh, feeling comforted by the gentle, physical contact. Poe seemed happy with it too, seeing as the author returned the embrace, resting his head against Mushitaro’s. Well isn't he a lucky man? He’s got two wonderful partners that he managed to snatch. He never thought he would, the two (Ranpo & Mushitaro) were already together when he came into the picture. Then he ended up moving into Poe’s house due to needing a place to stay, Ranpo comes over often too. That lead to all three of them spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other and slowly morphing into a relationship between all three of them. Mushitaro isn't complaining either, he loves them both and that won't change.
“You know, I thought of a better idea. I suppose it doesn't remove me from my bedroom but it's something I may need as of right now. Or well, for a while.” Mushitaro spoke up, the author perked up and tilted his head with a curious expression. Urging him to continue speaking, “Can we cuddle? Together, Ranpo can join us once he's home but we haven't cuddled much have we? I know I'm not the cuddling type– I just get nervous. I don't want to be judged but then again why would you guys ever–” Poe planted a kiss on his cheek, distracting him immediately. It shut down his thoughts too as he short-circuits.
The author grinned, “We really don't mind. Both me and Ranpo, we can wait. Whenever you are ready, you can cuddle. Ranpo will always jump at the chance for cuddles. However, I will remind you, we will never, ever judge you for who you are or your habits. It's okay to be nervous,“ He explained and lord did Mushitaro become red in the cheeks, he's so embarrassed! But melting at the same time. Turning away from Poe, he pouted. “Can, Can we hurry up and cuddle? But.. Thanks.”
The two hopped into the bed, Mushitaro walking like a robot due to being flustered while Poe plopped down onto the bed, glancing around curiously. Noticing that a few new art works were displayed on the other man's walls. “Did you make those?” He asked while laying down next to the other.
“Mhm. I've taken interest in art besides writing of course. Art helps me take my mind off things, it's also very stress reliving.” The cat-shifter commented back, curling up against Poe's side, it's funny how Mushitaro was supposed to be going downstairs with him to have some muffins because he needed to leave his room. He will tomorrow, or whenever they decide to get up but he wished to lay like this with Poe for much longer. “You certainly have talent my dear Mushie.” He hummed as he felt the author's fingers brushing through his hair, his eyes fluttering shut at such relaxing sensations.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hi! I’m wondering about what bsd characters would sacrifice the world for their s/o and who would sacrifice their s/o for the world. What’s your opinions on it?? You can choose the characters!!
I have no idea if you meant it as a question or a request but I'm writing it as one because the concept interests me. Thank you for the question tho :)
'•.¸♡ sacrifice ♡¸.•'
Feat. Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, Katai, Mori, Chuuya, Kōyō, Akutagawa, Higuchi, Oda, Ango, Francis, Poe, Nathaniel, Fyodor, Mushitaro, Nikolai, Sigma, Tetchō
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They have gone through so much, the only thing they want is to just settle down with their loved one and have nothing bother them. They sacrifice the world to just be able to spend the day with their s/o not having to bother with the world around them.
Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Katai, Chuuya, Higuchi, Oda, Ango, Francis, Nathaniel, Mushitaro, Sigma, Tetchō.
They love you, yes they love you very much but given the opportunity to potentially have a grasp at the world or at reality, they would do anything even if it means letting you go, it pains them to do so but what are they supposed to do? It is their only chance of gaining what they have so longed after for such a long time.
Dazai, Mori, Kōyō, Akutagawa, Fyodor, Nikolai.
Whether they choose you or the world the outcome will be the same either way. For them you are their world. They have nothing else going for them, they love you and wouldn't trade you for the world, letting you go feels like letting go of a part of themselves.
Atsushi, Ranpo, Higuchi, Ango, Francis, Poe, Sigma.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Have a wonderful day/night and sleep tight :)
-love, Az
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queer-n-here · 3 months
u already kno wassup !!!!
eldritch abomination reader who has come to originally destroy the world, but was enchanted by their 'one', ( aka sigma, atsushi, and mushitaro or someone of ur choice ) and instead devotes their entire time stalking and invading their lovers mind, pulling them into the readers all devouring aura.
( ur honor they are madly in love ) they dont quite have a proper form but has slowly been constructing one bc their lovers coworkers/friends don't believe they exist "you always go out on dates with this mysterious person and you always rant and rave about them, but not once have we seen them. are you just making them up or something?"
so eventually reader finally constructs the perfect form and comes to their workplace to get them for their date ( that involves tentacles, mind fucks, and breeding ) . Reader basically envokes primal fear in everyone and will kill anyone who hurts what is theirs ♡. major weird ask but it is a random and specific Need i have
~ 🕸
Long time no see 🕸️ bro! Btw, thank you, this just made my writer's block evaporate.
Is it weird that I totally loved every single part of this?
Also, I had no fucking idea what an eldritch abomination is, so I did some research bout them!
This ended up becoming 100% fluff, hope you like it!
Contents: Eldritch abomination reader who sees Atsushi and goes heart eyes
Warnings: Fluff, powerful reader, mind manipulation, shit ton of stuff that doesn't fully make sense but whatever, it's Atsushi even if I haven't mentioned his name (because I felt like the Eldritch would be like 'that's too simple a name for me to address my love with')
EDIT: Soooo, I may have confused myself on what an Eldritch horror is 😅 I kind of imagine smth like Dormamu from Dr. Strange tbh hehehe
You had arrived at that small universe to satisfy your thirst of destruction, to watch it crumble under your power as faces of fear and misery looked up at you, their lives at your mercy. And yet, you found yourself thinking of that vision less and less.
It was not going as you had expected.
Nowadays, you were focused more on that boy that you had started watching. His house was located quite close to the woods you had chosen as your home.
You were everywhere, and always watching everything, but you needed a headquarters of sorts to concentrate your power for it to be more effective, and that was why you had chosen the woods.
You had expected him to be the first of your victims, yet now you found yourself growing less and less fond of that idea. He was not meant to be killed. He was meant to be taken care of.
Not only was he so incredibly small and three-dimensional (like most of these 'humans') he was also wonderfully precious, like a small-sized treasure that slowly began meaning everything to you.
So after months of watching him, you finally gave into your desire of meeting him in person. You changed your form to the one with the simplest dimensions, not wanting to make him lose his mind the way you did others.
He had stepped out of his house to gather firewood, that little thing. When he saw you, he dropped it all, stumbling backwards and attempting to run.
You were not pleased.
You guided the trees of the forest to block his way, and when he had no way left to escape, you spoke to him in the language he would comprehend.
"Do not be afraid." You said, your voice low and guttural. "I do not stand before you with intentions to harm."
He had fallen to the floor in his attempt to scramble away from you, and now he looked up at you with fear in his eyes.
It was not an expression you wanted to see on him.
So you eased into his mind, calming his small brain with the likeness of a sedative. His breath grew steadier, and his eyes returned to their normal size. His instincts were clouded now, and he could not help but be drawn to you, standing up and stepping closer.
"Closer," You told him, and he obeyed. He did not need your words, you could control him fully if you wanted.
But some part of you was reluctant to do it. You wanted him to... Like you? Perhaps, you yourself were not entirely sure yet.
You moved closer, wrapping your form around him, encasing him into yourself, away from the rest of his world, where he would be the safest.
You let him be curious, freeing the part of his mind that you knew would ask questions... You wanted him to know you.
"What are you?" He asked, his eyes wide again as he turned to look at all of you.
"I have many names," You said. "But you will be able to use none of them; they are too powerful."
His wide eyes reflected the kaleidoscope of colours of your form, and you felt his brain grow appreciative of your form.
Pride. It was an emotion beneath you, and yet you could not help the swelling of colours in your form when you saw that he liked it.
"Then... What should I call you?" He asked, looking as though he was still unsure who he was talking to.
"Anything," You presented before him a makeshift form. It was a mirror image of his own, something he could look at while talking and not feel awkward.
He gasped. His fear had long since been subdued by your charm, and he did not hesitate to reach forward and his doppelgänger's shoulder.
"Wow," He whispered, and your colours became brighter again.
Later, when returned back to his house, his senses finally returned to him, and he realised the danger he was stepping into.
And yet, could he resist the urge to go back to you? Not when you had so easily planted it in his head. Hence, after resisting for a whole day, he returned to you the very next.
You let him look for you in the forest, hiding in a dimension his eyes could not perceive. You let him run around, growing more and more desperate when you wouldn't show yourself, calling out to you, but unsure of how to do so since you hadn't told him what to call you.
When he collapsed, tired, on the bank of a small lake in the woods, tears dripping from his eyes as he sobbed, you decided that your game had lasted long enough.
And so you showed yourself, making it look as if you had emerged from the lake itself. He looked up with a gasp, eyes wide and wet as an ecstatic expression broke through his face. His arms rose, reaching for your form.
You let him touch you; today you had taken a four dimensional form, and it was way easier for him to get wrapped up between your colours.
"I thought... I thought you l-left," He said, sniffing.
"I would never," Was all you said, and yet his face lit up. It was not your doing, you had already relaxed your control of his mind when he had entered the forest.
Weeks passed, and his human mind slowly developed romantic feelings for you. You perceived them, and yet never expressed it. He would be the one to tell you, and on his own accord.
You waited, but not for long. Soon, he brought you flowers, handing them to you as his cheeks flushed, looking away and shivering slightly. You wrapped around him; humans got cold painfully easily.
He froze in your embrace, he had learnt some of your ways to show affection. His blush spread gradually, and his muttered confession felt like something with even more power than you.
Joy. Yet another emotion beneath you, but when it came to him, you were reduced to a mere human teenager. You cared not of status or immortality anymore. Destruction of his world? You had long since abandoned that plan. This was his home, and you'd protect it with your life.
You would protect him with your life.
A month passed, and he visited you everyday, bringing with him small presents of the like you knew humans appreciated. You took them all, preserving them with your power so they would never spoil and hide them away in the most complex dimension you could find.
And every time he visited, you gave him the thing you thought was best: a little bit of your own immortality. He did not know yet; you did it without his knowledge. But you did not think he would mind if he found out.
Now he sat on a tree branch as you watched him, leaning against the trunk for balance. You had lifted him up there, and he was speaking of the view. You could not help but move upwards, closer to him.
He watched you, a smile on his face as you changed forms again.
Being three-dimensional was difficult for you. Not only did it weaken your power incredibly, it also could not store your abilities. The closest you could reach was four-dimensional, and that itself took its toll on you.
And yet you were always four-dimensional with him, knowing that this was how he could see and touch you best.
You sat on the branch next to him, wrapping around his small frame.
There was a comfortable silence, and you slowly lulled his brain, sending him to sleep.
You loved it when he was defenseless, when all his safety was you, when the only one that he trusted was you, and not his human friends.
It was another one of those days where you were watching him as he went about his day, keeping him safe from any danger that might come his way.
He was talking with his friends, and they appeared to be teasing him.
"Come on, you've never even shown us a picture..." One of them said, sitting so close to your human that you had the urge to crush her insides. "Or even told us their name!"
He flushed slightly, not knowing how to respond. "W-well, their name is... Very complex."
"A nickname, then," Another said, wrapped in bandages and leaning back casually against the couch. "Or what? You just call them 'honey bun sweety pie'?
They laughed, and you bristled. Your human was getting flustered, and no one but you was allowed to see that expression on his face.
You took shape immediately, condensing your power so much you felt its strain. To make it three-dimensional was like trying to contain the ocean in a glass jar, and yet you attempted your fullest, anger fueling your movements.
You appeared on the doorstep of the building, your speed phenomenal as you climbed its small staircase and appeared at the door of the room your human and his friends sat in.
You pushed open the door, and stepped in. They all looked up, and his eyes widened.
Your power needed your three-dimensional vessel to be big, and you were as tall as 6'8", your shoulders wide and arms thick with what looked like muscle but was actually energy. Your hair was a light brown, and covering your body was what seemed to their eyes a suit.
He recognised you immediately; one glance at your multi-coloured eyes and he knew. This was you, the one he loved.
You walked up to him, throwing him a well-practiced wink as you greeted him the way you had seen lovers greet each other, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek.
"I came to pick you up," You said to him, your voice low as you ignored everyone else in the room. "Your work has almost ended now, right?"
A long-haired man lowered his glasses to look at you. "And who are you?"
You could not help but grow irritated, and you triggered fear in the minds of everyone in the room but the one who was yours.
"He's..." Your human seemed breathless. "He's my b-boyfriend."
One of the humans, the insignificant ones, whistled as he stood up. He was scared, you had made sure of it, but was putting up a front.
"Damn, Atsushi," He said, taking in your carefully constructed human form. "He's biiiig."
Your human blushed, his cheeks reddening in that way you did not want them to see.
"I don't see why you didn't show us his picture before," A female said, her house quivering slightly. "He's not bad looking at all. Not that I thought you were, just so you know."
You looked at her, sending her your appreciation for praising you in front of your human by tickling the part of her brain responsible for pleasure.
She squirmed in her seat, her eyes slightly wide.
You turned back to what was yours, holding out your hand. "Shall we head home?"
His blush spread; he still hadn't managed to take his eyes off you. "O-okay..."
He let you take him away, his cold hand clasped in yours. You put on a burst of speed, and the two of you were back in your forest.
The moment you two were alone, he took your face in his hands, his eyes shining.
"You look..." He could not go on, but you knew what he meant.
Another burst of pride. He made you feel things you had never thought significant before.
You leaned down and kissed him, pressing his plump red lips against yours and, unknown to him, transferring more immortality to him.
He responded in the affirmative, letting you wrap your arms around his waist and bring him closer.
You opened up dimensionally, creating a fourteen-dimensional barrier around you two, freeing your power and protecting him at the same time. A part of you still remained three-dimensional before him, embracing him and kissing his lips.
When you pulled away, his eyes were slightly moist.
"I love you," He whispered, and you smiled.
Your love was such that it could not be put into words he would comprehend, and yet you did not want him to think that you did not reciprocate his feelings.
"I love you, too," You put energy into the phrase, making sure he felt the intensity of your feelings.
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stinkyme · 1 year
Hello! This is my first fic so please be gentle with me, I am not sure if I will make more since I have no idea how will this one do, but I hope you will like it :)
It's Mushitaro fic, I wanna give special thanks to my friend for complimenting it and giving me confidence :)
I apologize for any mistakes, english is my second language
CW/TW: maid!reader, however it's not typical dynamic, bear with me, for most part it's gn!reader but when smut scene comes it's fem!reader, NSFW obviously, slight edging, Mushitaro is needy, it's a bit of slowburn, Mushitaro is a bit OOC at the times, tying up, reader is dominant, overall switch dynamic from both Mushitaro and reader, reader is Poe's friend, a bit of angst, fluff, cursing, please let me know if I forgot to mention anything! :)
I listened to The Zone - The Weeknd, if anyone is interested :)
N/N stands for nickname, I wasn't sure how to tag it
Sentimental || Mushitaro Oguri x Reader
It was during the time Mushitaro spent time in Poe's mansion.
You were working for Poe as a maid even though your relationship with him was very friendly and he didn't look down on you whatsoever because you were taking care of him and Karl. You would clean, prepare food, feed and play with Karl when Poe was too busy with writing or bickering with Ranpo while solving cases.
One day, he suddenly showed up with a man unknown to you, he was tall, slim and from what you could tell, very fashionable and took care of himself and his looks which sparked your interest aside from Poe suddenly bringing someone in since you knew he doesn't really have friends beside yourself, Ranpo and Karl.
"I'm pleasantly surprised to see a new face here Poe, is this your new friend?" you asked while adjusting your skirt and getting ready to put some new works Poe has written on the shelf. You were thinking how Poe wrote a lot lately and he was clearly stressed rather than inspired since what you were getting your hands on are around 20ish books and as you started packing them in your hands in order to move them, a man suddenly interfered taking books out of your hands.
"I am Mushitaro Oguri and by no means I am this man's friend, however I am grateful for his assisstance and help." he said rather dramatic and then he continued his speech "I also understand you are his maid by what he has told me and it's a pleasure to meet you, it must be pain in the ass to deal with him, so let me help you with those books at least."
You didn't expect from him to be so...initiative with his help. He gave you an idea of a man who has others do things for him, you would even assume he was demanding in nature. It made you think a bit and then you introduced yourself "Pleasure is all mine sir, my name is Y/N L/N and I am glad you understand my struggles with Poe, I have no one to complain to, he might seem shy and anxious but he can be really hard to please sometimes." you said in joking manner.
Mushitaro took look at you and chuckled while putting one of the books down.
"You won't have that issue with me. I know exactly what I want and I am straight forward with my demands unlike some of us." he glanced at Poe who was standing next to you slightly uncomfortable.
"Oh? I am glad to hear that, I am sure we will get along just fine.", you elbowed Poe, "Cheer up sad face, it's a joke, I honestly couldn't ask for a better person to work for and work with." you have Poe warm smile and he relaxed a bit and while smiling added "I am glad to hear, Mushitaro please go easy on her and treat her with care."
"Hmph, who do you think I am? I will treat her properly, I don't need you to tell me that." Mushitaro said with slight annoyance in his tone.
"Good to hear. But, I must take my leave now, there are plenty of things we need to get done." and with that Poe explained full situation to you and how this it to keep Mushitaro protected and safe because of everything that happened with DoA.
You understood everything and you were a bit scared for what your friend has gotten himself into, however you knew your priority was to make Mushitaro comfortable and satisfied, more importantly safe.
You were slightly nervous about it since he made very clear he *is* a demanding guest to have, however you knew you won't fail and you will keep him here whatever it takes. It's least you can do.
Although you could see how Mushitaro was combing his hair almost asking to be watched while doing it because he was so theatral about it so you chuckled to yourself and thought how this might not be too bad after all.
You were wrong. You were so wrong that you wanted to find Poe and strangle him for leaving you with this man. After his little help with books, which you highly appreciated, he was insufferable.
Demanding certain procelan, certain clutchery, he wouldn't eat food that wasn't 'satisfying his taste buds' even though you knew your cooking skills were perfect, certain way to clean, dry and iron his suit he wants to wear for a day (as if he was going anywhere aside from mansion and as if he was seeing anyone aside you) and when you brang his attention to that he would shut you up by saying how style is style, no matter where you are or who will see you, he even went so far to making you move all furniture in a room he was staying in because it wasn't satisfying his eyes, nor complimenting his style and class.
It was almost like he was tormenting you on purpose as if he noticed and deeply enjoyed every time he could see your eyebrow twitch on one of his demands. You tried to keep yourself professional because you are a professional, you might be a maid but you are very intelligent, strong willed, patient, you helped ADA and Guild more times than you can count and this man won't break you. That was your resolve, no matter what happens or what he asks for you will go through it and your pride and mental state might suffer a bit because of it, but you will stand your ground because last thing you want to do is fail your promise made to Poe.
This was your resolve but it seemed like Mushitaro had resolve of his own and that was to make you completely miserable.
"Hmm, I need a new tie. I grew tired of all old ones I have." it was almost like he was singing just for your ears to hear and bleed out from annoyance. You ignored him, hoping it will just pass as soon as he notices something else he isn't satisfied with.
"Do you hear me? I said I need a new tie so you will go with me to buy it and you are awfully quiet today Y/N, you seem even...annoyed? Why would that be?" you had your back turned on him because you were ironing his suits and tried your best not to snap and potentially kill him, but you could feel amusement that was tangled with his voice and his low gaze that was burning on your back. You took a small breath and turned around with the most relaxed, professional and kind expression you could do.
"I am by no means annoyed, I am simply focused on my work. As for your tie, I am truly sorry, however we can't go out and risk you getting caught so you will have to find a new way to amuse yourself or pick a tie you already have and make it fitting for today, sir." you were proud of yourself for being collected, you spoke calmly, maybe even too calmly for your liking, but none of that matters now. What matters is you won. He stood silently, observing you for a few seconds and as much as you hated to admit to yourself now, he was a pretty handsome man. More importantly, it got you thinking a bit, the days you spent together, when he wasn't annoying he was actually sweet and interesting man. You knew he helped Ranpo, so with that knowledge you could conclude he was just a show off and usually people with grandé self expression through mannerism and clothing just dislike being looked into due to insecurities or secrets we all have more or less, so they do their best to make people focus on their outside persona. It still didn't make you miss out on that when he wasn't being pain in the ass that he complimented your work, your knowledge, saying how lucky Poe is to have you as a friend and as a caretaker in a sense, when he shared his stories and experiences even though they were sometimes mostly focused on him being 'King of crime' how he liked to call himself and you would let him have it even though you knew he didn't have that inside himself. He wasn't a murderer, he was just granted an insanely powerful ability and he had a right to claim it however he wanted because it was his after all, but it wasn't him as a person. He loved dicussions and often times when he would discuss something with you he had some sort of sadness to him, gloomy expression with a bit of choking some words out or not fully focused, almost as he was reminiscing some past events that were bringing sadness to him, but you were never foolish or rather intrusive enough to ask, so you would listen. He loved being listened to as well as he loved to listen to you. He would disagree with some things you would say, but he would never belittle you which did make you feel warm around your heart. It was a long time since you were able to discuss something or just talk with someone since Poe was often busy and when he wasn't busy, he would speak about Ranpo or new novel he has in mind. You never minded that, you loved seeing Poe being out of his shell with you, but you also deeply missed being listened to and sharing your own thoughts, worries and philosophy with someone. That is until he showed up. He also seemed awfully lonely and people in solitude often have certain aura to them, you were also convinced Mushitaro sensed that in you as well, that's why when he wasn't annoying you, he made you feel comfortable and heard. Your laughs echoing, Mushitaro being loud while trying to explain why mystery novels are stupid, how math is even more fun, how style of a person says a lot about them, how he listened to your adventures with Guild, ADA, Poe, Karl and memories from your childhood. He was there and made you feel less of a forgotten mansion's ghost. Which meant a lot.
Yes, he was also awfully handsome and had beautiful complexion and your heart would flatter anytime he would compliment you in his unique way or when he would give you a gentle smile of appreciation anytime you did something he demanded the way he demanded or when he would slightly touch your hand your body would have weird sense of familiarity, of belonging, of feeling real and appreciated even if that maybe wasn't his intention at all.
However, he was still painfully annoying.
"Ahh, you still call me sir, I think after all this time and into the late night discussions we got over that, don't you think? Plus when you look at me, I don't look a year over 21, wouldn't you agree?" he was shook his head and then proceeded to look and admire himself in the mirror.
"It is true that it's not safe, however I do need a new tie, so my today's demands, aside from established ones.." he said this in very obvious, yet very teasing voice. You knew that he knew he was annoying you and enjoyed every second of it.
"...are for you to call me Mushitaro and to go out with me for my new tie and keep me safe, sounds good Y/N?" he ended his question with your name that he put a lot of accent to as if it was the main point of whole sentence. You knew his point was to make sure you understand he wants you to use his name even you didn't even know why would you call him sir after all. You did spend a lot of time together obviously, but you never wanted to cross professional boundary so 'sir' would slip out here and there.
It got you thinking, was that even the most unprofessional thing you are worrying about? This is a man that for some reason made you feel like all annoyance was worth it once your head hits your pillow because of the way he spent time with you. Sometimes, for unknown reason to you, when he would get too out of it you wished you could just kiss him to shut him up and take all your inner irritation out on him. It was a funny thought, harmless one too, right?
Wrong. Your so called professionalism ended the moment you started treating him more as a friend, as a part of your daily routine that was needed, that was out of all work you do for him, the moment your thoughts were focused on his shoulders, hands, neck, lips or the way he says your name like he was always there. You tried to supress it, after all, even with your job you were still friends with Poe, right? But you never had such thoughts about him, maybe because he wasn't demanding or testing your limits, that might be it. But you also never found yourself wondering how would his lips taste like or how certain suit covers his shoulders and brings out his figure.
Your professionalism ended when you stopped treating him like a guest, like part of your job for the sake of mission, when you started feeling tingly inside your stomach and chest while thinking of him or simply observing him while he wrote something Poe told him to write.
It ended the moment you started seeing him as annoyance, as pain in the ass, not because of his demands, partly yes, but moreover because he was making your lose your usually calm, collected, professional self you cherished. Because you had feelings for him. Because he brought something new in your routine, he brought new light and new experience you didn't expect. Now, this isn't time to think about silly things like this, you must do something for him to give up stupid tie. Fucking stupid tie.
You looked at him, composed, you thought about what will you say.
"This is how we will do, today I can only fullfill one demand or rather request from you which is unfortunate for me, since I do love doing my job, but it will probably be more unfortunate for you. I believe you know which one is it, Mushitaro?" you did same thing he did, you've put an accent on his name as if it was main point of your sentence, hopefully he will recognize you do see and recognize him as more than you are able to show and with that you smiled softly, hoping that as well as that, he will also realize that fucking tie hunting won't happen.
"You made it fairly clear I believe." he closed his eyes before answering as he was thinking about something unclear to you, softly smiled as well and continued.
"I need a new tie. It's something I desire and as far as I am concerned, based on our conversations and knowing you by now, you value your job and you have to fullfill that desire, no? To you it might be foolish, but I am very serious about this, it's something I am passionate about and you said you will do *anything* to make me feel comfortable. So, there's that for today. Let me know when you're ready to leave." he turned around and you could feel your blood boil, but what's even worse you could hear Poe's anxious and panicked voice asking how could you let this happen over a dumb tie. You knew you were better than this, you knew how nasty you can get once your patience is crossed and this man wouldn't live to tell the tale. So you did the most reasonable thing you could.
"Don't you turn your back on me Mushitaro. You will come back this second and sit your ass down while I sew you a new tie. Did you hear me?"
it was maybe foolish, you knew how to do it, however he had delicate taste as he liked to call it, so this was a gamble.
"Hm? To sew me a tie? You?" he was a bit stunned and you knew you got him intrigued so now all you have to do is convince him.
"Yes, me. As far as you know before anything, I am a maid, am I not? Of course I can do that. I can also make you a tie you desire, so tell me your likings and I will make it, but you won't step a foot outside or I will strangle you with those tacky ties you own. Clear?"
you were actually honest, you were ready to do anything for this to go your way. You disliked a title of 'maid' itself, but you truly did love what you do because it was stress relieving for you and it was always a positive experience being appreciated and a way for you to appreciate people by doing things for them. Well, Poe, Karl and as in now Mushitaro too.
"I also designed my outfit for this work, and out of all your complaints I haven't heard one about my outfit, so my guess is you like it or at least can stand it, right Mushitaro?" you said teasingly, now it was time for a payback.
You knew you were good in a lot of things and handling work no one would do, handling people no one would and putting your hands to use for anything, within that, crafting and making outfits and clothing were only few of them. But most important ones right now.
Mushitaro seemed to get...shy? He looked away from you but quickly found his composure to bring his usual self out.
"Very well then! I shall let you do what you are good at. I, king of crime, know better than anyone what it is like to appreciate your own craft beyond anyone else's. Also, I, as probably the most fashionable person one has a pleasure of meeting told you already. People's style says a lot about them and based on yours I could tell you are creative, quick witted, sentimental and kind which was also confirmed in our time spent together after all work is done. I do admire your work but don't get ahead of yourself with my compliments, I only say this to encourage you doing a good work for me. Mhm! That's all!!" he was so dramatic you had to think, is it really? He sounded like he tried to convince himself into something rather than you, however his compliments did make you feel seen and appreciated once again.
You blushed a bit thinking about his words about yourself and your outfit.
"Excellent then. What are your demands this time, king of crime?" you said while laughing softly.
"Hah! That's exactly who I am. I also knew you were a fast learner. Hmm..for my tie, you see, I desire a teal one, preferably made out silk or maybe wool to match a suit I wear the most so it can fully compliment my style and my persona. Will that be okay Y/N?"
Of course it will be. Ties were easy to make. You could do it blind.
"No problem at all, I will get right to it. See how easy this was Mushitaro? If only you weren't so whiny and dramatic about it I would've finished it 3 hours ago, jeez."
"Hey! That's not it. It's passion, I already explained. But I won't be whiny and dramatic anymore so you can get some work done since I have mine to do. I shall leave now."
"How kind of you, truly. If you didn't have your own work you would annoy me until this whole mission is over." shit. You shouldn't have said that.
"Annoy you? Well, I might come off as demanding, however I made that clear already, I believe. Also, didn't you say you enjoy doing this kind of things?
If it annoys you, well, there might be something else, something inside you that you need to pay attention to. But, that also means you lied to me in the beginning of our conversation, I asked were you annoyed and you said no, why is that?" he was as sharp minded as he could be, his tone sounded a bit offensed, but more curious and teasing.
Did he figure it out? No way, this man seems like he doesn't have awarness of other people's emotional state usually since he is so focused on himself. Usually. Crap. Time to think of something.
"Uh..well, I admit, sometimes your demands do annoy me with how ridicilous they can get, you are the first person that has such a specific taste which is challenging at the times, however, I end up fullfilling them, don't I?" you said the with best voice you could squeeze out of your throat. You knew you would fullfill anything for him at this point because of how fond you are of him and reason for your annoyance is because you wanted to spend time with him...a bit differently, but you knew that won't happen as much as he opens up to you and as much attention he gives you, it's his politeness and who he is as a person, not voice of his feelings whatsoever.
"You are not the first one to tell me that! I had a friend, you see, he also sort of hinted how I barely have any friends due to my persona, but for different reasons. He didn't have any either so it was ironic coming from him.
Yes, you do fullfill my demands and I am grateful for that, I am grateful for you. I will let you do your work now and try not to annoy you too much Y/N." he had some sadness in his voice which made your heart drop in tightness of your chest because not only did he say he was grateful for you, you could also recognize that he liked connection you had and maybe, just maybe, he felt comfortable enough to act that way around you because, as much as he was hiding something by his huge demenor (as we all do), he felt comfortable enough to take up space with you in it. You allowed him that. To be loud, demanding, talkative. He was in general expressive person, but with you, he didn't think about it as in trying to hide something, he was genuine, he enjoyed time spent together, he also knew you loved your job so why not be demanding in order for you to do what you enjoy, he wanted to make that happen. Even though he was naturally demanding, most of the time with you he was just looking for something to demand in order to make you happy.
Because you loved it, right?
You were happy. But not specifically because of what you did, but because you did it for him and with him and you knew once you finish it, it's time for two of you to play games, talk, drink tea or wine, light heartedly bicker sometimes, listen to each other. It was because you loved your heart racing with him, you loved being near him. You were in love and now you maybe ruined it all because your tongue was quicker than your thoughts. You will fix this, hopefully. No, you will fix this for sure. That's your job, you always fix stuff and take care of them. Only, this time, it's your feelings that are involved too. You are doing this for yourself and because even if you felt like solitude was meant for you most of the time, he changed that and you won't lose it.
As he left you in silence, you sat down with your emotions and new discovery or rather new acceptance and started working what you are best in, putting so much thought, love and hope for forgivness and new chance in every move you made with the teal silk. It is beautiful color and it would suit Mushitaro really well, make him even more handsome to you. You were delicate and gentle, focused and determined, trying your best to somehow wield in all emotions you had and hopefully, somehow he might feel them too through your craft.
It was almost done when your attention got caught by shiny, deep dark purple silk in the box and you realized you can maybe make one more. You giggled to yourself because of the idea you got, Mushitaro showed you his ability one time and it was the most unique and beautiful one you've seen truly, not once you've seen an ability being so special and expressive, but it did suit his character when you think about it.
So you decided to make him a purple tie too and on the back sew in a little creature that shows up during his ability so when he turns it around he can be reminded how that's his ability and give his (not so small) ego a boost because it reminds him he is 'king of crime'.
You were hoping he will like it so you got to work as quickly as possible because you were actually excited about this one.
Once you were done, you couldn't wait to show Mushitaro what you made so you quickly went to his room and knocked rather impatiently for him to open doors so you can show him ties you made.
He opened the door looking you up and down, questioning why were you suddenly so excited and jumpy. This was maybe the first time you weren't able to hide your expression from him and you didn't care.
"So will you let me in or what?" you asked impatiently.
He moved from door frame and gestured you to come in.
You came in and his room was really nice and clean, thanks to you of course, so you admired your good work a bit before bringing your attention back to Mushitaro.
"So, I know you asked for teal one and here it is, I hope you like it." you said a bit shyly because next thing was to admit you made a tie special for him, with only him in your thoughts and put your heart in it.
"Now it's not the time to become a coward, Y/N" you thought.
Mushitaro examined the tie between his fingers, he was looking with a deep thought but your gaze was focused on how long, delicate and gentle his fingers are.
"It's really nice, actually. Not like I doubted you for a second, but you truly know your work. I wouldn't find better one in any expensive, tasteful store. So thank you, truly, Y/N. So I don't have any other demands or rather annoyance to offer, so you might want to leave now." he said, he was unusually cold in last part of his sentence which made you a bit discouraged, but you believed it will be okay. You just have to be honest.
"Uh..okay Mushi, look, I am sorry for saying it like that. I know it wasn't nice and truly, it's not the way I meant it.
Um, aside from teal, I made you this purple tie, I know you only have one purple suit and purple tie to match it already, but it has a little surprise behind, so here you go, just turn it upside." you said but you couldn't look at him, somehow it was too much, everything came out pouring out of you and you were emotionally desperate not to lose him over dumb thing you've said.
Mushitaro was shocked. He didn't speak, his eyes were wide and it was the first time he didn't have any funny, quick witted, self praise remarks to make. He just slowly took purple tie you handed out, you could feel his cold fingers brushing lightly over yours which helped your whole body that was burning.
He turned end of the tie upside and saw little creature smiling at him. He immediately knew it was his ability and he was speechless. He felt so seen, so listened to, so warm, appreciated, melted, you name it. He felt it all. But above all he was in shock. He swore he could even tear up if he wasn't so shocked. It was such a small gesture, a detail some would say, but it was from you. From you to him. It was like you gave him a love letter and little creature were your lips that kissed envelope to seal it. Or to be as a signature he would recognize without name. Something inside him in that moment broke, not in a bad way at all, in a way where he couldn't describe and thought how his old friend is probably laughing at him right now. Look at him, you opened and made him experience something inside himself he didn't know was possible. He obviously fallen for you, but this was like his love was sealed with your gesture. Like envelope sealed with a kiss. Like his tie sealed with tiny creature.
He came to his senses and saw you looking around weirdly, waiting for reaction of him.
"So, not only did I get a tie I desired, I got a tie made just for me and a new nickname too? Mushi, huh?"
You didn't even realize. Oops. Well it's fine, it's not like there is going back from this point.
He continued.
"You missed my demanding, ah pardon me, annoyance so much you gave yourself work to do for me. How splendid, I knew you were insanely creative, see N/N?"
he smiled proudly but that didn't change the fact his heart, just like yours, was beating so fast in his chest and all he actually desired was to kiss you and show you what he feels for you.
You were as shocked as he was just a minute ago by your doing. Did he just give you a nickname? I mean, naturally so, you called him Mushi...it's only natural to happen, right?
"I already said I am sorry for calling it annoying and maybe, yeah, maybe lack of your insert made me a bit...sad, I think. Now, stop with the teasing and can we forget that happened?" you asked him.
"I mean...what kind of man would I be if I let something like that stop a lady like yourself taking care of me. Maybe I can rephrase it in my mind and think how my annoying attitude and your creative mind must coexist in order for true style, true fashion to happen and me to be taken care of so delicately. I will settle like that, I am fine with it. I think I can find small part in my heart and forgive you." he said all of this jokingly, theatral, even though he did want for your creative mind and in general, all of you to coexist with him as much as possible. More importantly, he noticed more and more of your kind heart, your loving soul and he wanted to share everything with you.
"It's settled then, we have a deal my new found inspiration." you said jokingly.
"Now, let me put your tie on so you can see how it looks with your suit." you came closer and went to grab teal one because of the color of his suit, but he moved his hand and gave you purple one. You were confused as in why a man who puts fashion over everything would make such a tasteless decision.
It's almost like he sensed question you had and said in soft, low voice
"Sure, teal one would be "right" decision, tasteful one, obvious one. This one has sentimental worth. I might come off as narrow minded or even dull minded to some people due to my appreciation for fashion, but I truly believe meaning and impact behind something holds more importance than some convenient details. You know what I mean?"
You nodded, but chuckled a bit because you knew it will look funny, but also because it made you feel nice. You knew he liked it and that's all it matters now. He took his green tuxedo off and left it on his chair to give you space to work.
You were adjusting tie around collar of his shirt gently, you were so close to him and you were a bit nervous to feel him so close like this but you held it together, it's a fucking tie. All mess happened because of a tie, but it also brought you together like this so it might not be all bad, right?
He was looking gently, lovingly at you, you were much shorter than him, your head could pleasantly rest on his chest, oh how he wished for that.
You were making finishing tucks to make it straight and neat and then gently put your hands on his chest.
"All done! Take a look to see if you like it."
He took a glance in the mirror, it made him proud to wear a tie made specifically by you for him, it was absolutely beautiful, but he couldn't focus on that in the moment you two were in.
"It's truly an honor to wear it and as much as I like it, I think you tied it pretty tight around my neck, was this just a manipulation for you to slowly strangle annoyance from your life?"
You laughed.
"Ah, I am standing next to king of crime after all, how could I be so foolish and think my little plan will work? Come, let me fix it."
You were readjusting the thightness and you couldn't stop your gaze from being shamelessly focused on his neck and not even a bit after, his lips.
He caught that and as you were doing your thing he slowly grabbed your wrists to move them down to stay next to your body and you looked at him in confusion.
His right hand slowly started caressing and making it's way up your arm.
"I think it was enough of this, no?"
He gently moved your hair from your neck and cupped your cheek brushing his thumb over it.
"If this is your way of showing gratitude...simple thank you would be enough Mushi." you said rather nervous, voice low and shaky, your heart was beating so fast you swore he could see it between your chest and you thought this was some teasing game of his.
"Ahh yeah, indeed, it is a way of showing my gratitude, but it's also a way for me to show you my feelings. So thank you for ties, but more importantly for being you, N/N."
You were burning. Was this a joke? There is no way a man like him can get this bold. You didn't care though. You had enough of hiding your feelings and if it was truthful from his side too, you couldn't be more grateful.
He slowly leaned down, his thumb still caressing your cheek meanwhile letting your other hand free and slowly placing his left hand on your waist meanwhile you gently put your hand on top of his, signaling him it's okay to grab it tighter and your other hand cupping his jaw.
His lips finally meet yours and you could feel his warm, wet tongue on yours, he was gentle, slow kisser, pulling you closer by your waist trying to put all of his feelings and admiration for you into that kiss. You pulled away to bite and suck on his bottom lip while looking at him in the eyes then your tongue met his once again, this time more demanding, more aggresively and you slowly put his hand that was carressing your waist and back, on your ass grabbing it with him.
He was a bit nervous, but he didn't stop, you were still making out almost out of breath when he pulled you a bit harshly on top of him while sitting himself on the bed next to you. You pulled away to catch a breath and he started kissing your neck gently, teasingly, he gave it a cat lick and then started sucking on it while his hands were making his way under your skirt. You whined a bit from his work on your neck. He pulled away and started kissing your jaw and under your ear, only to gently bite it. You could feel him get hard under you, he was moving your ass cheeks up and down almost begging you to move.
You removed his tie and undid first few buttons of his shirt and you got a great look of his pale complexion as well as his prominent collarbones you started covering in slow paced kisses moving up to his neck and slowly breathing in his ear because of how hard he was getting, you started licking his neck from the bottom to back part of his ear going back down following wet trace you left with kisses only to start sucking in the middle, wanting to leave a hickey just like he did to you.
He was making small, low groans alongisde with tiny whines.
With your long nails you brushed over other side of his neck and you could feel him trembling, getting harder and harder, basically desperate for your hips to move.
"You are not so demanding now, what's wrong Mushi?" you asked innocently looking at his face, his eyes burning with need and desire.
"Please...please, Y/N."
"Now you learned how to say please, I am surprised. What do you need from me, darling?" you were amused.
You were wet yourself from his sounds, kisses, his gentle, cold hands tracing over your ass, thighs, his desperation.
"Please, move your hips, please do something more to me, I need it." he sounded desperate, his voice was whiny, he could barely look at you.
"All you had to do is simply politely ask Mushi, I am right here, I will make you feel good, it's what I do the best after all, right?" you were whispering in his ear while slowly rubbing yourself on the buldge in his pants, it felt so good, he was so hard and satisfying your throbbing clit.
He moved his hands from your ass to your hips and you started making out again, this time both of you desperate and wanting to relief yourselves.
He put his hands under your skirt, grabbing your thighs, moving his hand up and down making you shiver from how soft his touch was even when he was somewhat rough.
You removed his shirt and he was fairly muscular, he had nice, defined abs and shoulders, not too much or too little, just how you liked it. His body was so delicate, his soft almost like he was sculpted just for you. Then he removed your top and bra and stopped your hips in order to move you under him on bed. His pants had a wet spot from your wet pussy and his precum.
He looked at you with a burning, low gaze, he was silent, but his eyes told you everything.
He lightly moaned when he took a look at your body, analysing and paying attention to every curve while tracing his fingers between your breasts, then tummy, waist, hips, admiring every part of you. He removed your skirt and you were only in panties until he removed them too. He was rubbing your inner thighs, moving his hands all the way back to your ankles only to lift them and put on his shoulder and start kissing.
Your right ankle, slowly putting it down, calf, knee, inner thigh, lower tummy, hip bone, waist, all over your tummy, between your breasts and then he put your nipple in his mouth and started licking and sucking on it which made you moan a bit, meanwhile your pussy was in a need of being touched.
He moved to your left breast, playing with right one and started sucking on that one, licking it and placing a gentle kiss on your nipple once he finished.
"You truly are work of art, you know Y/N."
He then proceeded to do the same thing on your left side, starting from your neck, down to your collarbones, breasts, waist, tummy, lower tummy, inner thighs, calf, ankle tracing it all in kisses, leaving gentle bites and few hickeys on your left inner thigh.
You were trembling under him, your whole body was full of him but one place you wanted him at right now.
"Let me thank you how I am supposed to, please."
He stood up, took his pants off, now only in his boxers and lowered himself between your legs holding your thighs.
He looked your pussy and it made you a bit shy to be exposed like that and stared at, but he was so mesmerized by you that you were complimented by it at the same time.
He started kissing your inner thighs again, ghostly licking them, biting a bit and then placing a kiss as a form of apologize when you would tense up from sudden, small but sharp pain.
He started kissing your crotch and as he was moving from left to right his nose brushed over your deprived clit which made you tense up and almost beg him to eat you out.
He kissed all around it, enjoying you fully and then gave a cat lick to your clit which made you moan and almost fuck yourself on his face if he doesn't stop soon.
"Impatient, I know, I am just trying to show you how much I admire you, how much you own me."
He placed a kiss on your pussy and moved his hand near your entrance slowly putting them in which finally gave you stimulation you craved.
He curled them up perfectly reaching a spot with his long fingers you often times couldn't on your own, putting pressure and listening to your moans that were like a music to him.
He kept going in the same pace you liked and then started licking your clit which made you moan even more encouraging him to start sucking on it. You grabbed his hair a bit roughly but he didn't mind that at all, it was like a compliment.
"Yeah Mushi, just like that." you finally spoke because you were so close that if he stopped you would actually beg him.
"As you heart desires, N/N." he spoke lowly and got back to licking and sucking your clit, not changing the pace of his fingers which made you shake and tremble, then finally made you reach your orgasm.
He slowed his pace down, kissing your folds and licking the cum that was leaking out of you. You were trying to calm down and get your breathing back to somewhat normal, recovering from orgasm he just gave you.
You looked at him and he was so flushed, his face red and his boxers also covered in precum. You stood up and took his hand which fingers were just inside you and slowly brang them in your mouth and licked the cum off of them.
Mushitaro got a bit shy about this so you kissed him.
"You did so well for me Mushi. Now let me do something nice for you, okay?" you got up and took teal tie you made and came back, he looked at you with confused expression.
"Well..you said how you love sentimental things and you know, I worked really hard for this tie and kind of got an idea how we can make it sentimental, you know?" you smiled at him and made him lay down tying his hands over his head.
"Now, you are awfully quiet Mushi, what's wrong?"
"You taste..so divinely, I could eat you out all the time." he said fairly shy.
"That's not what I thought, although I am thankful and trust me, you will have plenty of chances. I meant, for your usual, demanding and desiring persona, you hardly have any demands now. Weird, you seem rather shy." you were teasing him.
He was just laying there trying to not meet your gaze.
"Hm?" you asked while slowly stroking his cock over his boxers which made him twitch.
"Don't tell me you like being ordered around Mushi, that would be so out of character for you." you were looking at his face, he still couldn't meet your gaze.
"Is that so? I mean, you did mention I own you and you were a good boy and did very well so it would only be fair for me to repay you, no?" you came close to his face kissing his cheek and whispered "You know, all you have to say is please. Can you do that for me?"
He was horny, he could basically cum in his boxers right now, his face was red and he was choking out words.
"Please...please touch me, I need you to do that." his voice was whiny.
"You are a fast learner, aren't you? As your heart desires darling." you said and started kissing his neck, moving down on his chest, he had beautiful, tender chest, you started kissing his abs and barely licking them from the bottom to top, he was twitching, melting and whining under your touch. He was under your demand, ready for you to do anything you want right now.
You removed his boxers and his dick was slightly bigger than average, clean shaved, veiny, not too thick, not too thin. You started slowly stroking it which made Mushitaro whine again and moved it to your mouth, licking top of it and going down until he was in your throat. You were making it sloppy and wet, you could taste his precum and you looked up at him, he was at your mercy, you sucked on it harder and he was whining and slowly started to tremble.
Once you thought it was wet enough you moved on top of him and started riding him, his cock filled you up perfectly, stretching you just enough that you moaned from sensation, you started bouncing up and down, not too fast, not too slow, just enough for him to groan and beg you.
"Please go faster, I am close, please." he was saying breathily, he was practically whimpering.
You smiled and started going faster which made him groan and let out slight "yeah, please, just like that" but more than anything he was whimpering and trying to untie himself in order to grab your hips.
You stopped your movement.
"Need something?" you asked knowing that he was annoyed by your sudden denial of his orgasm.
"I need you to keep going Y/N", Mushitaro said desperate for his orgasm, his face had annoyed, yet begging expression.
"Untie me and keep going, please. I want to touch you." he whimpered.
"I can tell." you placed your hands on his chest and moved your hips back and forward on his throbbing, twitching cock to get some relief your your clit.
It made him moan.
"Please, more, I need more of you Y/N." Mushitaro was desperately trying to make you untie him and you felt bad for him so you untied him.
He was quick to make you go underneath him, your legs snaking around his waist. You were a bit shocked with sudden change.
"I need you, don't deny me this now Y/N, don't tease a man desperate for you." he whispered in your ear and adjusted his cock at your entrance easily slipping in and whined once again.
"You are so wet, ugh god." he breathed out.
His pace was slow, he was savouring all sensations your pussy gave him, he felt so good inside you, he filled you up perfectly and he was looking at your eyes with low, needy eyes.
He moved your legs on top of his shoulder thursting suddenly deep inside you which made you tremble and moan.
"You are, ahh, doing so well for me." you said to Mushitaro who with small praise started going faster and faster, his whimpers merged with your moans and he started playing with your clit, rubbing his thumb in slow circles wanting for two of you to reach orgasms together.
"Is this good for you, my love?" Mushitaro asked you and all you could do is weakily nod as he kept going faster and faster whining and groaning even louder when you finally felt your second orgasm which made you moan and tremble, grabbing sheets as well as Mushitaro filling you up, feeling warmth inside of you. You stayed like that for a minute breathing loudly when Mushitaro kissed your leg, lowered to kiss you on the lips and laid next to you.
You were sweaty, trembling, recovering from your orgasms.
"Sentimental, huh? Will you make me more of them?" Mushitaro asked.
"I mean, sure, if you ask nicely." you earned chuckle from Mushitaro who pulled you closer, hugging you.
"Please my love, make more things we can make sentimental together, whether it's like this or not, as long as it's us." he said softly.
"All you had to do is ask, I will do my best, Mushi." you smiled softly and two of you fell asleep, sweaty, naked, hugged like that.
It didn't matter, because it was two of you, two souls who thought they were meant for ethernal solitude, together like this proving each other and yourselves wrong.
The End :) <3
I hope you enjoyed, feedback would be appreciated! :)
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akutasoda · 9 months
Hi. I love your blog and the way you write so I thought I should request. Could you please write scenarios with Atsushi, Akutagawa, Ranpo, kunikida and mushitaro? Reader and character “hate” each other(like enemies or rivals to lovers) and frequently argue over anything because “they just can’t stand each other” (but it’s actually so they can talk to each other cuz they’re too prideful to confess) but later either reader or character end up confessing? (All separate of course) reader is female or gender neutral you can pick.
In Atsushi’s scenario reader is part of the guild or port mafia and fought against atsushi at one point and is mean to him and that’s why they hate each other but reader ends up liking atsushi and tries to be nicer to him and they make a truce and then atsushi likes reader.
In Akutagawa’s scenario reader is part of the agency and akutagawa hates reader and tried attacking them but dazai told akutagawa not to and that’s how they end up getting close cuz they can’t fight anymore but it’s hard to confess cuz reader is too prideful and akutagawa doesn’t know how to confess and thinks reader still doesn’t like him romantically
In ranpo’s it’s a pride thing because reader is another super smart detective (obviously not as smart as Ranpo but smart enough to challenge ranpo’s ability) so her deductions often clash with ranpo’s and they somehow both end up being right? Ranpo loves how smart reader is but because he’s so prideful he thinks he’ll never confess but ends up doing it anyway
Mushitaro: another prideful thing, I’m not sure what to come up with in this one, maybe mushitaro and reader are competing on looks? Mushitaro is very vain I think, so they’re like “I look better and attract way more women than you” and then they’re both like bro you do look attractive😳idk
Kunikida: hates how reckless and sarcastic reader is and reader is nothing like his ideal woman but ends up falling so hard for her
so sorry if this is too long of a request you can cut out mushitaro’s and kunikida’s part if it’s too long and you don’t wanna do them. Have a great day and stay hydrated!❤️
i can't believe you sometimes
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synopsis - if you two hate each other so much why do you still hang around the other?
includes - atsushi, kunikida, ranpo, akutagawa, mushitaro
warnings - reader's gender is stated in each section, fluff, enemies to lovers, wc - 1.4k
a/n: ty! i hope you too have a great day and stay hydrated :)
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
- gn!reader is a guild member
when you had first been told that you would be heading to japan you weren't particularly happy. sure you understand that it was buisnees or whatever it just seemed unnecessary for all of you to go. but the plus side of that was that lucy was going with you.
lucy was one of the only people you could stand in the guild and a genuine friend. not too long after the guild had ended up in yokohama you had ended up against one of the agency members, you think his name was atsushi not that it mattered that much.
the fight was cut short as your attention was needed elsewhere so you simply bid the weretiger farewell and left abruptly. it seems if you were to re encounter the weretiger you wouldn't mind finishing the fight.
however it was under quite different circumstances. after the guild's less than desirable defeat, lucy had informed you that she was offered a job at a café by the agency and that she requested for you to have the same option. and in honesty you weren't too happy in the guild do you took it as it also meant you could still keep in frequent contact with her.
this was where you yet againmet with atsushi. if it wasn't your job to serve him you sure as hell would of not given him his order. which is when your little rivalry continued. and for some time at that. until eventually you started realising from how he talked with his fellow colleagues that he seemed to be a genuinely nice person.
maybe he deserved a second chance. and atsushi noticed you slight change in behaviour and soon realised not long after that you weren't too bad yourself and eventually a truce wad formed. only for the benefit of having to see each other often. nothing else.. right?
maybe you weren't that bad and maybe you were slightly intresting to him. this truce seemed to bring about a new found intrest in not only becoming friends but something more. but neither of you could bring yourselves to actually confess your feelings but one day maybe one of you would build up the confidence.
doppo kunikida ★↷
- fem!reader is a agency member
sometimes he thinks that there could be no-one worse than dazai during work. that was until you joined shortly after. it was like his perfectly crafted hell. you had passed the entrance exam flawlessly, your skill was admirable he would admit but your sarcasm and reckless behaviour really made his opinion on you dwindle.
he often found himself trying to lecture you on your behaviour but you simply didn't listen. he just wished that you toned down a bit a work. eventually you had decided to give him some lecturing, more like teasing. you, like dazai, found some entertainment in teasing the man with thousands of ideals.
this just made him hate you even more, not that you cared. you found his expressions quite cute it made ot all worth it. and eventually kunikida started feeling a weird sensation whenever he talked to you.
he ignored them for the most part, i mean you barely ticked any of his ideals for a woman so it couldn't be a crush of some sorts right? but if not, why did he sometimes blush when he watched you do something stupid or simply from seeing you?
eventually he started to realise that he did infact hold a small crush for you. and when he realised he fell even harder. maybe he should start by getting closer to you afterall maybe he wouldn't mind becoming closer to you affter all. they do say opposites attract.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
- gn!reader is a agency member
never in his entire career among the agency would he of considered someone that could actually compete with him on the same level. sure dazai had came close some times but when you came into the picture it came as a very big surprise.
somehow, in ways that baffled him, you were able to challenge his abilities as a detective. he still took pride in the fact that he was still actually smarter but this was the first time someone came to the same or similar conclusions to his and be correct. and not only did he see it as a rivalry but he saw you as someone worth talking to.
not only were you nearly as smart as him but you two had similar interests. it often became a competition between you two within case's to see who could reach the conclusion first and sometimes he would just to find out that you discovered more details that he missed.
but somewhere along the line he started feeling something more for you. everytime you rebutted against his deduction to add one of your own he couldn't help but smile and blush ever so slightly.
but his pride got the better of him. he was still the best detective, if he wanted to be with you he could wait until you confessed to him. that was if you liked him back. but eventually he realised you knew and were leading him on, waiting for him to admit it. and so he did.
ryunosuke akutagawa ★↷
- gn!reader is a agency member
he didn't really care who you were at first. just another agency member that he would eventually have to deal with. that was until you two did end up in a fight while you were out on a different mission and had ended up crossing paths with him.
seeing as this wasn't part of your mission you just wanted to defend yourself long enough to escape or until your coworker returned. you didn't know what his problem was with you as you never have encountered him before but he just seemed to really want you dead. maybe it's just because you were an agency member.
whatever the reason, not too long after your coworker showed up and stopped the fight. just akutagawa's luck for your coworker to be dazai. and of course dazai had simply teased him about being so eager to fight someone and made you two sign a truce to not fight as maybe you two would get along. you wanted to punch him.
and so everytime you ran into each other all you could do was glare at each other and ignore the other. he couldn't disregard what dazai had told him to do. but eventually you seemed to be put on missions that collided with seeing akutagawa. you were starting to think this was on purpose.
akutagawa however had started feeling something that his sister had told him was a crush. but what does he do now? gin had told him that normally crushes would confess to each other but what if you didn't like him back? even if he did how would he confess. he'd rather save himself the embarrassment.
but little did he know you had realised yourself that you had started feeling things aswell. but a slight flaw of yours was that you were quite prideful. you didn't want to be the one to confess and be rejected. maybe dazai would have to give a final push.
mushitaro oguri ★↷
- gn!reader is a friend of yokomizo
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he quite simply found you annoying to be around. the only reason he actually still hung around you was because you too were a dear friend of yokomizo. and if he held you in high regard he guess he had to tolerate you.
he simply couldn't stand how you actually could stand up to him and be somewhat nearly better than him. nearly. like what do you mean you had a better ability than him? no one could compete with him but you somehow insisted you could. he had tried to ask yokomizo what he saw in you as a friend but he just laughed at him and told him that maybe if he got to know you he would find out.
and with a slight heavy heart he took his friends words to heart and tried to talk to you to understand what made yokomizo want to be friends with you. what he didn't know was that it would leave him with the desire to be more than friends.
but for know all you two could argue about was either looks or abilities. more specifically looks as you both threw petty comments at each other he started realising that maybe you weren't that bad looking and if maybe you weren't so harsh to him you would be quite nice to be around.
and maybe to you, he wasn't that bad looking. if you looked past that stuck up attitude and got to know the real him maybe just maybe he might be quite the nice boyfriend. maybe you two would be a perfect match.
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Hey!!! How’re you? Anyways no rush on this because I know how busy you are, with school work, and the requests and I know it’s a lot so no rush on any of my requests, but here’s a new one.
Ango, Sigma, Nikolai, Lovecraft and Mushitarou with an s/o that LOVES thighs, like any kind of thighs. (Pretty sure we had a conversation about this ☠️) and they constantly hold their thighs, touch them, kiss them, bite them, MAN EVERYTHING, I LOVE THIGHS.
Anyways thanks again, and no rush, I love your writing and you should continue doing what you do. Have a good day/night bye! <3
BSD Men with an S/o who Loves Thighs
Fluff, crack
Warnings: Suggestive
Ango Sakaguchi
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Ango's more embarrassed than he's willing to let on that you take such interest in his thighs.
He doesn't see them as anything special, being on the thinner side and certainly at least average.
When you first express your love for his thighs, he's confused by it, and slow on the uptake to realize it's not specifically sexual, either. He's flustered when you shyly ask him to allow you to put a hand on one when you're sitting together; it's not something he ever thought of, but he doesn't mind it after he gets used to it.
He loves your enthusiasm about his thighs; he won't admit it but it makes him feel just a little bit more special in your eyes.
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"My... thighs? Is that a... fetish or something?"
Poor baby he's so flustered
He doesn't like his thighs; he says they look too unprofessional for a casino manager, but you beg to differ.
"They're a natural part of you, how can they be unprofessional-?"
He grows to like your fixation, however. It's endearing. He may not be one to indulge it often out of his own low self esteem, but if you're both alone and you're stressed out or overthinking, he may put your hand on his thigh and give it a little squeeze, hand-over-hand, to remind you he's here for you, whatever you need.
He blushes like mad if you ever bring it up but you do appreciate his subtle affections and gestures of love for you.
Nikolai Gogol
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He laughs like a madman when you 'confess' this to him.
"Of course you love my thighs, who doesn't? They're everyone's dream~~"
You nearly smack him when he uses his ability to rest one right on your shoulder while he cackles.
It's true, he's proud of those thighs of his. He knows their immense worth.
Now well-aware of your fascination with them, he often makes a point to plop one on you as much as possible, demanding rubs and cuddles for his 'oh-so-sore' thighs.
Something about all that weight making them ache
You start playfully biting his thighs when he gets them too close for comfort.
He doesn't seem to mind, snickering each time you do and giving you a soft kick to the chest.
"Aaaaah, my doveee--- I can't help it-- it's my reflexes!".
Nikolai's thighs are a 10/10 experience
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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His... thighs? You... like them?
What thighs--
His emaciated form is skinny and gaunt; he doesn't expect you to become enamored with the practically skin and bone thighs he bears.
He's not really surprised. He doesn't care much at all; you have free reign over touching and playing with them, he doesn't mind. So long as you're not disrupting his sleep.
Once, after a particularly long time 2 days away from him, he puts your hand lightly on his thigh, and when you hesitantly squeeze, he makes a mild noise of contentment. However, that's the most he's ever indulged you.
You like to lightly smack him on the thighs sometimes when he annoys you. It's just the best spot, in your opinion, and a great way to let him know he needs to dial down the eldritch horror again--
Overall, you can do practically anything with his thighs. He doesn't find it endearing or sweet, but he does appreciate your affections.
Mushitaro Oguri
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You never tell him; you never get a chance to. By the second month of dating, he insists on holding your hand on top of his thigh at any possible opportunity, and is more than thrilled when you show them any special attention.
You tested the waters by going in for a kiss on his lower thigh once, a sweet one that made him flustered and red, but in the best way.
You never took him for a thigh man but he very clearly loves when you play with his and enjoys playing with yours too, if you'll allow him to.
He loves how you just lock onto his thighs for cuddles, laying in his lap and resting your head between them, like your own personal body pillows. He'll rub your head and give you kisses the whole time. This is 200% your favorite way to watch movies on the couch together.
Pay attention to his thighs. It's a major center of his affections.
May 23rd, 2023
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justcallmesakira · 2 months
RULES!! (must read!)
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YOU MUST read da rules to enter my room and sleepovers (events) ! Or to atleast request! So please letme take 2 minutes of your time! Requests are closed :D
DNI if you fit the basic dni criteria like rascist, islamphobe, homophobic sexist and especially if your a isreal supporter!
DNI if your here just to send anon hate!
DNI if you are someone problematic on any sort of social media.
My blog has both sfw and nsfw so be warned
I have every right to reject a request, i am a college student and as much as i would like to spend hours on this blog i can't.
Bsd centric blog but i may write for other characters too
I get mood swings alot so my writing takes a lot of time!You can easily get hcs though! Those are much easier for me to write and drabbles.
I DO NOT WRITE LONG FICS WITH PARTS PEOPLE pls pls understand that i hate when yall come to my inbox asking for a long fic!!
I write all genres including extreme yandere themes, dark content, slight nsfw, suggestive, crack, fluff and angst
Characters i don't writer for currently... mushitaro, bram, mori, fukuchi (PLEASE DONT ), katai, guild members other than lucy,
All of my posts are fem reader unless specified in the request! No male reader
I write gore but not all the time so please dont put sth too gorey or too smutish
I write yandere and dark content too! I am perfectly okay with it (its the only nsfw u will see XD)
NO SMUT Nsfw is okay, but as long as its in my limits
Minors can interact with my nsfw content i dont really care its YOUR responsibility on what you consume on the internet,
NO DISCOURSE i want to keep my room safe from drama
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This will change from time to time,well now you can enter my room! Please go to my main pinned post for masterlist!
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nataliewritez · 1 year
Late Night Sorrows || BSD Tk Fic
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A/N: This is, once again, a late birthday gift for my wonderful friend and little brother figure, @stopiteatpopcorn !! I hope you enjoy, friend!
Summary: Your day hasn't been the best, everything that couldn't go wrong quite literally took a turn, luckily your best friend noticed this.
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You came home mopey, you were soaking yet, frustrated and just overall hated everything at this very moment. You immediately got into the shower and relaxed as the warm water dropped against your tense flesh.
As you came out, you immediately went to your bed, passing by a worried roommate as he, Mushitaro, approached you. The two of you were close, some would even mistake you as even closer, but you both just remained very close friend's, and as he walked in and noticed how upset you looked, he sighed and placed a weighted blanket over you, making you smile for a quick moment before going back to pouting.
"Y/N.." Mushitaro sighs, a hand coming up to rub against your lower back, soothing you as you leaned into his touch, now cuddling right against him, as tears fell onto his perfect pyjamas. Ususally he would complain that you were dirtying up his clothes, but seeing how sad you were, he allowed it to happen just this once. "C'mon, tell me.. What happened?" He reassures you with a soft smile, as you smile back sadly.
You continue to mope as you choke out what had been happening, and he felt even more pity for you. "Alright, shut it." He huffed, you knew he didn't mean it in a bad way, and it made you giggle, which made him smile in return. "We don't need you to become more sad, huh? That's no way to treat a birthday boy/girl." He pouted mockingly, as you playfully swat at him, as he gasps playfully.
"I'm offended! Hitting your number one best friend like they're a monster!?" He placed the back of his hand against his forehead, before a grin took place. "And I know a certain monster that just might be able to put a smile on your face, actually."
You pale, as you quickly hid under the weighted blanket, as he laughed out boisterously, energy filling him, as he gently wiggled your body from under the weighted blanket. "The tickle monster needs you out! He wants to see you smile~" He chuckled, poking over the back that curled under the blanket defensively, making you smile, giggles spilling as he went for your side's. "You're breaking!~" He cooed, as he then flopped against you, making you groan.
"Get off you big boulder!" You playfully retort, giggles spilling faster as he gasped, "I'm not fat, you big bully! Guess the tickle monster will have to teach you a lesson!"
He quickly turned you on your back and lays you in his lap, hands darting towards your tummy as you wail out in hysterics. Gaffaws that mimicked a crow making him snort and laugh along with you. "Give in, Y/N! You can't live for long~" He grinned, finger's darting all over your tummy, even poking your navel at random, as you kept thrashing.
"I GIHIVE! I GIHIHIVE!" You submit, as he hummed. "What!? I can't hear you over all this noise!" He said, laughing as you let out a whine. "YOU WIHIHIN! I'M SOHOHORRY!" You cackle, and at last, he stopped.
He gets up and comes back with some water, he even buries you in plushies that you owned, as you smile, the two of you hugging as you calmed from your giggle high.
"Thank you, Mushi."
"Of course, Y/N, anything for my birthday boy/girl." He wrapped the blanket around you two, as you both fall asleep a bit too quickly.
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