#music hc
tamelee · 1 year
Hi Tamelee!! 💕
You know, I really love your headcanons about Naruto and Sasuke. So I wanted to ask, what kind of music would they listen to, in your opinion? Do they play any instrument themselves? Are they even interested in music?
Anyway, I hope you’re doing good and that you’re taking care of yourself! Your art is amazing, and it’s great to see how your drawing style is evolving. I send you a lot of love (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Hi @fille-de-skroa dear!! 💕 Oh I love this so much!! 🥹
LONG(!) AU!HEADCANON POST! 🎶 (With pics & music)
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So, in a Naruto&Sasuke-are-into-music!AU, I've always kinda headcanon'd Naruto as a singer. As a young, neglected boy he loved grabbing people's attention by joining rock/punk-bands and talent shows as much as possible as he wanted people to hear him. And nothing is as loud as his voice. (Or the orange in his clothing..)
It became a way for him to scream out his dissatisfaction toward that very same audience, people who criticized him, but because he did it in such a rebellious way he wasn't very liked nor very good yet either. Despite him feeling it was an unfair assessment back then and having the need to scream even louder, he understood that he needed practice. Never mind the annoying black-haired bassist he shared a stage with, that constantly egged him on about how much of a dumbass Naruto was while he played his instrument flawlessly. Oh, that did it! He was going to show him regardless of the situation!! But.. he tripped over a cable while he went to kick his ass DURING a performance and accidentally kissed the dude.. of course everyone saw and people were filming... The bassists' fans made Naruto's life a living hell. It seemed like he was loved by everyone, so Naruto made him a rival out of envy (and not because the kiss got him curious, shh!) instead of befriending him as he actually wanted to.. and improved ever since because secretly he wanted to impress this guy the most for some reason.
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He did find himself enjoying the punk/rock scene and the lyrics from the music as well as writing his own helped him get through tough times tremendously. Because of it Naruto journals through voice recordings.
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Naruto, as much as he can and as often as he can makes noises. Whether it is by tapping his foot, utensils, humming a tune or even talking to himself- anything to overcompensate the fact that he grew up in an environment where he felt much too lonely. No noise scares him, solitude does too and even this weird thought of him abandoning himself as many have done to him and his vision for the future- so he talks.. and talks.. and talks, then hopes one day someone will listen.
After this phase he toned it down a little because he found a mentor who was a master of 'Kabuki'. (Traditional Japanese theatre.) He never would've thought to do this on his own, yet practiced this for 2.5 years which helped him a lot to calm down, put his energy into practicing his dancing skills, social developments, musical instruments, but most of all his voice!
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As someone who can't stand being alone, doesn't like quiet places, he'd listen to a lot of music. He most definitely has a premium Spotify account and makes all sorts of playlists for himself but also for Sasuke whom he later gets in a relationship with, trips, certain travels together, places-
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they all get their own playlists because it is sorta nostalgic when those songs remind him of that time.
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He loves to "set moods" whatever that means, in an extra effort to enhance him being romantic or help Sasuke relax whenever he's stressed about something. It often earns him an eye-roll but when he doesn't look, Sasuke smiles softly about it anyway because he does appreciate it. In that sense, Naruto's efforts, although sometimes a lot to take when you're not good at accepting your own vulnerability- it's helpful. It feels warm. Especially when Naruto is experimenting with new tracks or ballads he's writing through his laptop and small keyboard which is attached to it. He doesn't play any other instruments otherwise even though he did play the Taiko drums during his 'Kabuki'-years-
- he creates his music digitally now, writes songs and charmed his way through the industry with both his friendly, easy-going nature and his talents. Artists/musicians love to work together with him. Despite his energetic nature, I can see his music being surprisingly mellow and full with emotion. He's musically gifted but had to work extremely hard in order to get where he's at especially because of people's initial presumptions. His skill required much effort.
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Sasuke notices that he's often the topic of Naruto's songs and that his music is an outlet for perhaps frustration/conflict, things Naruto finds hard to say to him directly. Sometimes it is difficult for him to be honest with himself or uses vague analogies, gets too embarrassed or brushes it off before it is fully resolved, but with music he can't hide how he feels and it is something they both came to accept. Admittedly it took them a while.
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Love by Nathan Wagner
Most of the time though, Naruto hums out happy tunes. And when I say "most of time" I mean, most of the time, you can't miss him when he's around as there is always some sort of noise coming out of his mouth, hence why Naruto and Sasuke luckily live in an apartment where Sasuke created his own space in a separate room where he can have time for himself when needed. You can have a healthy relationship all you want, but some people need time for themselves to harvest energy. Naruto harvests a few small plants/herbs and enjoys to be outdoors most of the time anyway so when they don't spend time together, through the balcony- nature and the people below enjoy the tunes he's humming or as he's showering he'll belt out songs as loud as he can. Often, Sasuke joins him to shut him up if it's too early, though, that doesn't necessarily work, iykwim. Then, Sasuke doesn't mind. The neighbors do. They move to a bigger house where land surrounds them, Naruto can have a real garden and Sasuke has more peace. It's a win-win for everyone until Naruto decides to learn to play the Taiko drums again and insists on playing together because he created a song about 9 different beasts- or something?
Sasuke suggested a different place to practice instead of 'home' and Naruto understood luckily. After a few weeks, as Naruto was shirtless, humming happy tunes to his herbs under the scorching sun, Sasuke couldn't help but appreciate the extra defined muscles that formed because of the Taiko drums.
Naruto at some point has a successful singing career, a few hit singles, 7 albums, did tours, but ultimately decided to become and stay a songwriter who easily gets inspired from his environment, the people he meets and his lover, his most important person:
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The Uchiha family would be well-known in the music-industry and the pressure of doing/performing well was a lot of responsibility for Sasuke even at a young age. It resulted in his father scolding him for the tiniest mistakes and errors that not even teachers could pick up on. Worse, his brother in his parent's eyes was perfect, seen as a prodigy and could not just play one instrument at a professional level at the age of 13, but three.
When Sasuke reached that age he was able to play two. The Shinobue Flute for which he often played impressive solo's during high-class performances-
-and the bass guitar. The latter he always kept a secret from his family as it was an instrument associated with music and lyricism that wasn't very appreciated by the rest of the members as it lacked tradition and manners (according to them), although he suspected that his brother knew. Of course he did. And so, his parents, although loving and supportive at the time, held an aura of disappointment surrounding them as they thought Sasuke could only play the Shinobue Flute while at night he was absolutely killing it on stage in front of many people and a crowd of his own fans- uh, screaming fan-girls, with his self-made band called: Taka.
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(Yes I just Headcanon'd Band Taka as TFK 😆 let me live please, cuz lyrics..! No? Okay, well-) When Suigetsu got over-hydrated which resulted in water intoxication and was hospitalized for it, Taka was in desperate need for a new singer as they needed to perform in a few days. Naruto, a foul-mouthed kid around Sasuke's age whom already had some experience was available. (See previous TFK song in Naruto's part.) He didn't think Naruto was bad nor very good, but he had potential with some practice, however, no way he was going to tell him that. His behavior at the time was a little off-putting, let alone having the dumbass stumble over cables during the performance and land on his face which resulted in... a kiss... what was that all about anyway!? Naturally, Taka didn't ask Naruto to perform with them anymore.
Sasuke started to miss him somewhat although he didn't really understand why. Maybe Naruto's goofy behavior and indirect warmth lingered a bit too long, bickering with the guy strangely was.. fun. It was almost too easy, unique even, but regardless, Sasuke had goals on his own and needed to focus.
Taka disbands. Eventually I can see Sasuke start to associate trauma with his instruments. He enjoyed playing the Shinobue Flute and genuinely wanted to get better and better at it, surpassing his brother, but didn't see a point now that he's missing and his parents passed away. The soft melodies of the flute don't sound peaceful at all, it somehow screeches through his ears like nails on a chalkboard and there is a false sense of guilt surrounding his bass guitar that he always hid from his family. Logically he knows that whatever happened to them isn't his fault, but he can't play without feeling bad. He can't shake it off no matter what he tells himself.
Contrasting Naruto, Sasuke's world goes quiet.
I can actually see Sasuke enjoy silence more than him putting on music like Naruto who'd be walking around with headphones or EarPods. It is possible that there is more reason to it, perhaps lyrics, instead of it being a source of distraction/entertainment- can be more often than not- triggering. As Sasuke ventures out into new interests I can imagine him at times listening to instrumental pieces that feel like he's going on a new journey, someplace else. Either Lo-Fi like JazzyCal, piano/violin (Dark Academia style) or something with a foreign language that he doesn't understand so the lyrics won't affect him but sounds nice anyway.
But as Naruto and Sasuke find each other, slowly Sasuke starts to warm up again to a world that holds all sorts of melodies and is a lot more colorful. This doesn't come without fear or insecurities as one day Sasuke holds the obnoxious brightly colored hoodie which somehow smells like safety, comfort... and grass, that Naruto left in his bedroom after a stupid argument that frankly was just a misunderstanding rooted from both their trauma.
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In fact, he wants nothing to do with his own instruments until the day Naruto and Sasuke start moving to a bigger home and he finds them stuffed away. He thinks about his family, as he often did and although he tried to ignore all the talk in the media surrounding them it was futile. The name 'Uchiha' followed him around anywhere and him being quiet about the situation only resulted in people making up strange stories on their own, ridiculous reasons as to why Sasuke wasn't playing anymore. To be honest, he did miss the feeling of getting lost in the music while playing his instruments.
When Naruto suggested he'd wanted to play the Taiko drums again and almost ordered one that most certainly wouldn't fit through any of their doors, not even in their new home, Sasuke called Juugo. He prepared a place for them both which surprised Naruto at first, but when he arrived and saw Sasuke already standing next to his drums with his Shinobue Flute.. he couldn't possibly look any happier. Even more so because after playing together for a few times and having the time of their lives, Sasuke told him that it would be good to have a goal to challenge themselves and so, they were going to perform at a festival.
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Drums, singing, flute-
It was just so fun to do what you love with the one you love. And as Sasuke glanced over at Naruto who was enjoying himself so much as he was flexing his whole body to hit the drums, smiling and singing- then suddenly making eye-contact with Sasuke- he couldn't help but think something within was overflowing.
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Sasuke would always listen to Naruto who in turn would always have his melodies be about Sasuke or them together, proudly shouting it from every mountain if he'd have to.
Yeah, I Headcanon Naruto and Sasuke with music.
Thankyou for this wonderful ask, this was a lot of fun @fille-de-skroa !! 🥰 I hope you're doing well too, please take care of yourself as well, and I'm very happy to know about my art ;-; ily
I hope this is somewhat what you expected? (And not too long >.<! Sorry about that!)
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blxck-parade · 1 year
anyway here are my hcs for the gangs music taste bc its been plaguing my mind for months now:
erica is still in her emo phase (emo quartet stan) and listens to a lot of screamo/alt rock with some pop-punk
benny listens to a lot of indie pop (fitz and the tantrums, vundabar, a little maneskin) and he and ericas music tastes sometimes cross over near the pop-punk zone. he also listens to a lot of 50s-70s stuff bc of his grandma (i cant listen to my girlfriend is a witch by october country without thinking of him)
this is absolutely NO HATE to sarah i love her but she has the most boring music taste. girlie is listening to top 50 billboard hits from six years ago. her headphones sound like a justice store circa 2016. she just listens to 'girlboss' pop (alessia cara)
ethan listens to soft pop (clairo, beach bunny, mxmtoon, wallows). not much to be seen there.
rory listens to hyperpop/dubstep/edm. autistic mfer
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ashironie · 9 months
Music hc for traffic light trio
Before Red Son became friends with Mei he would just do work in complete silence (or as much as you could have making things explode) and after she made him listen to music (that she perfectly curated for him) he can’t do anything without listening to music.
Mei has a public Spotify account that has like a thousand followers, she’s the god of making playlists and also her twitch followers follower her there too.
Red Son also has Spotify but only listens to the playlist Mei makes, has none of his own, has no favorited songs, and also doesn’t know he has a public account (Mei has had to retrain herself MANY times from revealing this to him by asking why the fuck he’s played Nobody By Mitski for five hours straight)
Also the playlist Mei made for Red Son is just a bunch of songs she thought he would like in no particular order and so Red Son will just listen to the most gut wrenching song imaginable and then something like Drink it, Smoke it, Snort it, Shoot it by sailor@ßmel.
Mk has Apple Music just because Pigsy use to use it and Mk has never gone back, make constantly makes fun of him for this.
Mei’s music taste is basically everything, though she mostly listens to pop, indie alt, and folk.
Red Son is anything fast and heavy/anything gut wrenching and yearning (Mitski and The Crane Wives).
MK’s music taste is mostly Disney songs, popular animatic songs, artsy indie songs, and pop songs.
Sometimes Mk and Red Son will just sit in MK’s apartment and listen to music, not doing anything just zoning out. Or they will do things with background music, mostly listening to MK’s music since last time Red Son played his music Mk stood shocked because Red Son could sing the entirety of Our Love is God from the heathers.
Mk is the kind of person to say “I listen to anything but country” but is actually really picky with music it’s just kinda hard to explain the music he likes.
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thetismcave · 11 months
Personal headcanon, I think chayanne (from the qsmp) would like music by puppet, specifically killing giants and songs from that ‘era’ of sorts :)
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hawkssucks · 8 months
ok i just listened to your jin song reccs and you are now CEO of Jin Playlists!!!🎶i loved the whiplash between sadness runs thru him and then eminem. jin listening to eminem is canon to me now! i put some random songs from the offspring into the rotation (kids aren’t alright, bad times roll, you’re gonna go far kid, gotta get away) and the lyrics were saur accurate esp: “Now dance, fucker, dance, man, I never had a chance” like yeowchh
YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS TO ME… the highest honour I could receive is my music HCs being liked. I take this stuff too seriously. Also CHOICE Offspring takes, those are the exact songs, Self Esteem is also a really good one. Maybe once I clean up my Jin playlist I’ll share the link, I have a tendency to add songs on a whim and it gets kinda bloated.
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lightlykos · 1 year
mixed nuts = p4(souyo)
souvenir = p5 (akeshu)
does this make sense to anyone do yall know what i mean
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northernfireart · 7 months
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my most recent random thing ive been thinking about is the idea that Doctor flirts with Rose in gallifreyan the way some people flirt with their partners in their home language even though their partner doesn't speak it and i have been obsessed with this thought ever since
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flyingbunniesart · 2 months
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Ummmm i was supposed to draw a klapollo thing but i saw an awesome fit while searching for refs and all thoughts left my brain 👍
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noctude · 5 months
this idea has been in my brain for over 2 months and I finally had time to make it. is this too earnestly cringe to upload? i am beyond the capacity to care. enjoy
now on youtube!
[link to drive folder w/ downloads including instrumental]
Everything was chill back in Hermitcraft 6 (lying)
Then Grian got up to his usual tricks 
The name of the game is kill or be killed
No swords no bows no PVP skills
First Rendog found his inner fish
But he couldn’t stick the landing and his bones went squish
Stress flew through the dares with talent and grace
But she didn’t catch the totem and she fell on her face
Then Ren came back with a sinister vice
Tricked X with a race and blew him up twice
Looks like steel beams can’t be melted by slime
‘Cause Jevin didn’t see Mumbo’s tower in time
Stress set a trap at the shopping district
And dropped Scar right into a pufferfish pit
Cub’s stunt got stuck and X felt robbed
So he got a skeleton to finish the job
This is the Hermitcraft showdown of Hermitcraft destiny
Players, mobs, and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Hermitcraft showdown of Hermitcraft destiny
Tango and Impulse were shopping at the mall
But the store detonated and it killed them all
Grian had a no-good-very-bad-day 
And when he made it back home he got blown away
Then False broke a block and before she could speak
A giant underground explosion sent her into next week 
Cleo signed up for a warehouse tour
But she didn’t read the waiver and she fell through the floor
And TinFoilChef went laughing to the grave
Then without another word went back into his caves
Tango’s game was a race against the clock
And Keralis threw an egg at the most explosive block  
Now revenge is a dish that’s best served cold 
But Bdubs got it boiling as Cleo foretold
And when Joe got the rug pulled from under his feet
He tried to play it cool but he couldn’t take the heat 
This is the Hermitcraft showdown of Hermitcraft destiny
It’s 90% explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Hermitcraft showdown….
In another dimension
With danger abound
Mumbo threw his ender-pearl
But missed solid ground
And Doc had played smart
But Grian played mean
He was dead on arrival,
The trap unforeseen
Then one player remained,
One Dragon Head left-
For the ride of his life, 
Iskall auctioned his death
He beat Joe Hills And ZombieCle-o
And every other member of the Dragon Bros:
FalseSymmetry and BDoubleO
And Grian and Mumbo Jumbolio 
Also Rendog, Jevin, TangoTek and Cubfan, 
Stress, Scar, and X just couldn’t beat the Iskallman
TinFoilChef or ImpulseSV
Doc can rock with blocks but can’t flee
So Grian and Impulse forged a team
And together they built a death machine
With a narrative arc from beginning to end
And a wild surprise around every bend
When the show and the ride were finally done
Our champion knew that his course had run
All that remains from the end of this fight 
Is a piece of bloodstained diorite 
This is the hermitcraft showdown of hermitcraft destiny
Just way too many explosions - where do they get all that TNT???
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Hermitcraft showdown
(this is the Hermitcraft showdown)
This is the Hermitcraft showdown  
(this is the Hermitcraft showdown)
This is the Hermitcraft showdown 
(this is the Hermitcraft showdown)
Of Hermitcraft destiny
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forestmossling · 29 days
just imagine rockstar! eddie releasing a new album, where one of the songs is called “a voice from above”. in it, he sings about a heavenly voice coming to him in the hardest, darkest hour of his life, when he was ready to give up and stopped seeing a future for himself, and calling him towards the light, coaxing the best out of him and pulling him up from the pit of despair eddie was slowly drowning in.
and it’s a rock ballad, so it differs quite a bit from cc’s usual style, is more “palatable” to the general public with it’s slower tempo, gentler melody and hauntingly beautiful vocals, with addition of a choir in the climax. and because of that, christians start claiming it (basically what happened with “take me to church”), newspapers and magazines wonder at eddie munson, the man a large part of whose aesthetic was so often referred to as “satanic” by the general public, with seemingly no denial from cc, who seemingly has finally found his way to religion.
and when cc comes to their next interview, the question of whether the great non-conformist eddie munson, who on multiple occasions dragged the christian church through the mud with accusations of hypocrisy and fostering bigotry in its midst in his songs and public speeches, has finally found god, inevitably comes up. the moment cc hear it they burst out laughing. after a while, eddie finally responds.
“this song is full of religious motifs, but not nearly for the same reasons you guys seem to think it is. it’s just that the experience the song is dedicated to was the closest i think i ever came to understanding what makes people come to real, genuine faith, the one that fills you with clarity, love and acceptance for the world around you, makes you feel like a part of something so much larger and greater than a mortal human being can possibly comprehend or reach on their own. that experience being the voice of the man that i came to love reaching me while i was in coma and reminding me of all the reasons life was worth fighting for, and then keeping inspiring me to be the best version of myself throughout my whole life.
and that, folks, is how being incredibly gay can save your life! i also don’t mind christians blasting “a voice from above” on their little church parties: my husband, after all, is definitely an angel on earth and absolutely deserves to be worshipped. but don’t you worry, i’m handling that pretty well on my own” and he winks at the camera.
and that’s how the world finds out that eddie munson is married.
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woe. jon character lineup be upon ye
individual sillies under the cut
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rockrosethistle · 5 months
I love that in npmd Grace is just not threatened by Max whatsoever.
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That is the face of someone with no natural predators. Like I understand that he doesn't give her a hard time but you'd think at least a rumor would make it her way. But no, the way she acts around him implies that she has no idea he is a person other people are scared of.
And I know it's probably because she doesn't have a lot of friends and therefore has none to tell her, but I like to think it's actually because Max has gone to extreme lengths to protect his image around her.
I can just imagine him punching someone in the face and ends the interaction with "and if you tell Grace Chasity about this I will fucking find you."
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lilacthebooklover · 8 months
i love the idea of hatchetfield being such an accepting town when it comes to gender and sexual identity. minus the occasional grace, you've got all these cultists and corrupted businesses and evil eldritch gods but they're still gonna insult or accuse you with the correct pronouns. i respect that.
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cheesecake801 · 5 months
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They're dancing ! 🕺 (close up and alt expression below cut)
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Aren't they the cutest ?? ✨️✨️ I used to find Eelektross scary but it's impossible to see him as scary anymore after looking at these two having fun together !
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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i thought about giving him longer hair and then
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wynnyfryd · 3 months
mama’s boy Steve Harrington singing along to his mom’s 50s doo-wop while she was getting ready. making up little dance routines and using her hairbrush as a microphone
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