#must lean java
lostlibrariangirl · 1 year
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19 July 2023
I am trying my best to drink more water, and this big water bottle with motivational quotes is helping me a lot! Is strange, but to look at it, and know the pacing is great.
About programming, as I have to hurry up with my studies in order to keep up with the new architecture squad, I am trying to figure out the best notebook to write, as I learn better by writing.
I am using the purple one to Java, programming logic, SQL and GIT-Github; the colorful to Typescript and Angular, and I am thinking of using the brown to Spring Framework (as it is a huge topic).
Yes, for whom was working with JSF, JSP, JQuery (it is better to say that I was struggling with JQuery... hated it), it is a big change to turn my mindset to this modern stack - I will deal less with legacy code.
I am accepting all possible tips regarding Angular and Spring Framework, if is there anyone working with it here ❤️
That's it! Have you all a great Wednesday 😘
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Yandere Theo & Enzo x male muggle reader
Where they both go out one night to see what the outside of the wizarding world is like and bump into a muggle (the reader) who lets them stay at his house and shows them around, thinking they’re tourists.
But they fall madly in love with him and now when they have to go back to hogwarts they kidnap him and take him with them.
The reader is stuck in their room, a spell cast where he can’t leave and he’s freaking out.
+ can they be like super touchy with him and affectionate and possessive and he’s just thinking that it’s like a normal thing from “whatever country they’re from”
T h a n k s (:
OH i wish i had a tenth of the imagination y’all have i mean cmon y’all be out here bringing the most well thought out ideas and my fics are all just like “l i ght hu ose 👍🥰👍”
oh also i don’t speak italian so if i fucked up that’s why lmfao i took fucking latin in high school, not anything actually useful 🥲
requests open!
BIC — yandere! enzo berkshire x male! muggle! reader x yandere! theodore nott
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warnings: kidnapping/abduction, infatuation (?), implied tobacco use
(also ik they wouldn’t be using US dollars but shhhh)
“Oh, Merlin, my father is going to kill me-”
“Relax,” Theo rolled his eyes, a bit winded from Apparating. “Think of it as just a… fifteen minute excursion. Tops.”
“Right, tops,” Enzo mumbled anxiously, rubbing his freezing hands together as another gust of snow blew past.
As he stamped his feet in an attempt to get feeling back into his frigid lower limbs, Enzo looked through the windows of the damned store Theo just had to show him. (There’s this one boy there, Enz, and he’s just gorgeous. You gotta see him.)
Large posters dominated most of the windows, advertising things Enzo had never heard of before, like whatever a ‘Monster Java’ and ‘Geekvape’ was. Stacked outside the store was an entire shelving unit of something called ‘propane’.
Through the windows, Enz could see rows upon rows of candy, chips, snacks, sodas, all in obnoxiously saturated colored packaging. A buzzing neon sign that hurt to look at flashed the word OPEN in blue and red.
This store was awesome.
Lorenzo looked up at the half burnt-out sign above the door that proclaimed this magically wonderful place to be the shop of ‘Jacksons’.
A small bell chimed when Theo pulled open the door, startling Enzo. He followed his much more confident friend inside the store, looking around with wide eyes.
Theodore stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
“Okay, the guy I was telling you about? He’s kind of under the impression that I’m like, a tourist from out of the country, and that’s why we’re so unfamiliar with their wares. If he asks, we’re Italian exchange students and only speak shitty English, got it?”
Enzo nodded. As if on cue, a ‘Jacksons’ employee popped up out of seemingly nowhere, startling the fuck out of him.
“Hiya, Theodore!”
The employee—a boy around their age, maybe seventeen at the most—was unusually chipper for 10PM on a Sunday.
This must be the guy.
“Who’s your friend here, Theodore?” You asked, smiling.
“Hello, Y/N! This is Lorenzo.”
“Hello,” Enzo greeted softly, his cheeks flushed pink from the snowstorm outside (and that’s the only reason, Theo, stop laughing.)
“Can I help you boys find anything or’re y’all just looking around?”
Enzo couldn’t look away from you. How small you seemed in comparison to his awkwardly lanky height, the way the harsh fluorescents cast dramatic shadows of your eyelashes across your cheekbones, the light blush on the tips of your ears as you looked at Theodore.
He’d said your name. You’d said his name. You knew each other?
How often does he fucking come here? Enzo wondered, a sharp stab of jealousy running through him.
“Cigarettes,” Theo said immediately, exaggerating his usually undetectable accent to an honestly ridiculous amount. Enzo bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at his friend’s ridiculousness.
You just smiled and ducked behind the counter. “Same as last time, or’re you trying something new?”
“Same, please. And un accendino, please,” Theo made a clicking motion with his thumb, indicating a lighter.
You nod, easily pulling down a pack of Marlboro Red without a second thought.
How often does he come here? Enzo wondered for a second time. Enough that you know his favorite kind of cigarette.
“Cheap lighter or d’you wanna go fancy?”
“Cheap, please.”
“Alrighty, one BIC lighter coming up for ya,” you grabbed a lighter off the back wall behind the counter, setting it down by the cash register.
Enzo couldn’t help himself as he stared at the bright blue chunk of… what did Muggles call it again? Plastic.
You glanced up at his timid voice, shooting him a grin that was just a bit friendlier than the classic customer-service smile. “BIC. It’s just the brand. They make cheap lighters and also pens, for some reason.”
Enzo wanted to ask what a ‘pen’ was, but he had a feeling that that was a terrible idea.
“$7.98. Cash, I assume?”
Theo, for the first time, genuinely faltered, cringing apologetically as he laid down the mess of all-identical green papers on the countertop.
You smiled patiently, plucking one paper out of the spread and pushing a few buttons on the cash register, then returning two papers and a handful of coins to a baffled Theo.
Fucking Muggles, with their impossible-to-memorize currency.
“Damn. It’s really coming down out there,” you shook your head as you peered out the front window of the store, waiting for the long white piece of paper to stop moving from the odd humming machine that sat next to the cash register. “Where’re y’all staying? I don’t think you guys should try to drive home in this.”
They follow your gaze, eyes widening when they see how high the snow has risen. The storm had gotten much, much worse.
“Hey- where is your car, anyway? The parking lot’s empty,” your eyebrows furrowed as you turned back to them with a quizzical face.
Enzo mentally panicked. He knew the word ‘car’—he probably heard it while only half-paying attention in Muggle Studies—but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what a ‘car’ was.
“We walked,” Theo said quickly, jumping in and taking hold of the conversation.
“You walked?” You asked, clearly horrified. “No, no. I can’t in good conscience let you two walk back in this. Haven’t you seen the weather? It’s supposed to be like, nearly a blizzard! Worst snowstorm of the decade!”
Lorenzo’s eyes widened.
Muggles could predict the weather? Holy Salazar, his parents might’ve been wrong about Muggles’ intelligence.
You misinterpreted the way his eyes widened. “Listen, this sounds crazy, but would you guys like, consider crashing at my apartment? Just for the night? Maybe the snow’ll clear up overnight.”
Theo opened his mouth to protest, no, really, we couldn’t take advantage of such hospitality, Y/N, but Lorenzo interrupted.
“We would much like that,” he said firmly. “If it is no problem for you.”
Staying at this hot guy’s apartment for the night? Duh, that’s an obvious yes.
“It’s no problem,” you wave off his concern. “‘sides, wouldn’t want a pair of pretty boys such as yourselves to freeze to death, now would I?”
Theo stiffened and blushed bright red at that, a dopey smile spreading across his face.
Oh Merlin, were you two flirting with each other? Enzo felt that sharp spark of jealousy flare up again in his chest, dampered only by the fact that it was Theo, and not anyone else.
“It’s just right across the street. Lemme close up shop for the night, and we can make a run for it,” you say with finality, ignore Theo’s weak protests.
They watched as you lock the cash register and counter with the practiced ease of someone who had done so many, many times.
You pulled the grate down over the cigarette shelves on the back wall, flicking off the overhead lights and tugging a tiny metal string that made the painfully bright OPEN sign go dark.
“Alright, let’s go,” you said, shooing them out onto the sidewalk, buttoning up your heavy winter coat, and locking the front door.
As you stuffed the keys back into your jeans pocket, Theodore rested his hand on the small of your back.
“Lead the way, bello,” he said with a charming grin. You nodded, smiling at the difference in cultures, wow! and motioning for them to follow you.
The boys followed you in a comfortable silence, shoulders hunched up as they braced themselves against the furiously icy wind.
You all crossed the street, Theodore and Enzo both baffled when a tiny light that looked like a person indicated it was safe to cross.
Your boots clanged on the shaky metal stairs up to the third floor of your apartment building, and your boys followed resolutely.
When they reached the landing, they were met by the image of your rather quaint front door, a tiny, clearly homemade wreath hanging on the center.
“This is it. Not much, I’m afraid,” you sighed, your freezing fingers fumbling with the key as you twisted it in the lock, opening the door for them. You flicked on the lights, illuminating the interior of the small apartment. “Do you guys want tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee, if y’all are psychopaths?”
“Perhaps it is a bit late for coffee,” Theo snickered at your dry humor as he stepped inside. “Tea, if it is not a hassle?”
“‘Course not. Make yourselves at home. My mother won’t be back for hours,” you chatted happily, setting a kettle of water on the stove to boil.
Theodore tentatively sat down at one of the kitchen chairs, looking around the small apartment in surprise. At your reassuring smile, Enzo sat down too, drumming his fingers against the table anxiously.
The kettle whistled after a few minutes, and you poured three mugs of tea, setting them on the table and settling down in one of the empty seats.
Theo reached for one, purposefully brushing his fingers against yours.
After that, it all goes blank.
Your eyes slowly cracked open, your head pounding and your stomach twisting and turning. You blinked away sleep, rubbing your eyes and yawning as you sat up in bed.
What happened last night?
You startled when your brain finally registers that you’re not in your apartment.
You sat up in a panic, looking around horrified when you don’t recognize your surroundings. The room itself was decorated with an honestly abhorrent amount of green and shiny silver. There were three other beds, identical to the one you were laying in, set up intermittently around the room.
A dorm? You wondered.
A huge window dominated the wall adjacent to the bed you were in, the view on the other side of it oddly distorted and warped.
You leaned in closer, confused, when a tiny yellow fish swam by.
You gasped, and put your hand on the glass to peer out even further.
Were you underwater?
Your amazement was interrupted by a large unidentifiable shadow filling the window. You frowned, your hand drawing back from the glass, when the shadowy shape moved, opening.
A giant fucking eye.
“Jesus fucking-”
You scrambled backwards, falling off of the bed with a yelp. While you fought with the blankets that seemed hell-bent on getting tangled around your legs, the giant eye slowly blinked before the shadowy form started moving again.
A giant squid, you thought with astonishment. There was a giant fucking squid outside of this dorm room’s window.
Finally wrenching yourself free of your blanket prison, you scrambled to your feet and sprinted towards the only door in the room. You jiggled the handle, cursing when it didn’t open.
There wasn’t even a lock, a keyhole, nothing.
How the hell was this door so firmly locked shut then?
Something tacked to the door- actually, there wasn’t a tack either. How was it stuck there?
But what caught your eye was a small scrap of… paper? Parchment? It looked like the paper your art teacher once showed you how to stain with tea.
Who the fuck still writes on parchment? You wondered, scrunching your eyebrows up in confusion as you examined the perfect swoops of calligraphy on the page.
Darling – We’re really sorry for taking you with us (please don’t hate us) and we'll be back here around noon Xoxo, Theo & Enzo (those actually are our real names we promise!!)
((we also might’ve made your mother forget about your existence so she doesn’t try to find you. you’re safe though, don’t worry!))
wow! people actually like my stuff enough that i now have a taglist??? (some of y’all weren’t showing up, so lmk if i need to troubleshoot 😭)
@gayaristocrat @slytherinboysappreciation @lemonaderiddle @h-------n @yournogoodalone @knave-hearts @schaebickel @lexacantsleep @big-brother-problems @darkcharmx @cyberbl4de @amandajonhsson @megannxn @catz-80 @ghostiesen @fruityfrog505 @coysa @fruitypebblesstuff @mildlyuninformative @glittervame @cayaevans1 @lizeylavender @cloudydaysinmydreams @ironickarkatlover @ahead-fullofdreams @tachyon-girl @jaythes1mp @lovelyfandomqueen @ashisgreedy
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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► "Shuji, don't tell me you didn't know! Java finches are meant to be housed with a companion bird! Bunta must be awfully lonely on his own…"
• rating: G • wordcount: 700 • masterlist • Written for mine and @voltage-vixen’s ‘Tis The Season For Love challenge PROMPT: Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
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"You know, MC…" Dazai says in his calm tone, despite being made to practically run down the halls, hand clasped tightly by MC as she leads the way. "I would've appreciated my Christmas morning starting with cuddles in bed."
"I want to give you your gift now! The cuddles can wait!"
Dazai hums, taking a mental note to remind her of her promise later. He also now takes notice of the way MC seemed a little cool to the touch when he attempted to pull her into his embrace earlier, as if she hasn't been under the warm covers up until a few minutes ago… Whatever the cause, Dazai gives himself to the anticipation of receiving her Christmas gift, and quietly waits to see what the hustle is about.
The mansion's big Christmas tree is shining its brightest this morning, and luckily they're first here and can enjoy this moment uninterrupted. There a lot of boxes wrapped in colorful paper under the tree, but the one MC stops and crouches down in front of, is not a box at all. Dazai follows suit, then watches MC take off the veil, uncovering a cage beneath. And in the cage…
"Oh, my." Dazai's chartreuse yellow eyes widen to show their pretty color, even if he's not aware of MC savoring the sight that very second. "Hello there, little buddy. You look just like Bunta."
MC giggles meekly, nervous about his reaction, even if he seems pleasantly surprised by what was presented to him. She clears her throat and hurries to add something very important that is going to end up sounding like a scolding, but rightfully so.
"Shuji, don't tell me you didn't know! Java finches are meant to be housed with a companion bird! Bunta must be awfully lonely on his own…"
Much like MC, even in the seriousness of their talk, Dazai can't take his eyes off the cage and the little finch hopping inside and greeting them with its melodic chirping.
"Let's introduce them to each other, then."
The pair watches with interest as Bunta shares his water dish with his new female friend to bath into. Either because the water drops are flying to all directions beyond the metal bars of the aviary, or because he wants to give the birds some space without staring at them up close, Dazai walks to the window. But to MC, it feels like he wants to talk, so she follows there.
"Soo," She starts, giving Dazai a hug, meaning for it to be short and sweet, but giving in the way Dazai rests his arms comfortably on her sides, reluctant to let her go. "Did you like your gift?"
"I did." He smiles widely at her, eyes closing in apparent content. There is something melancholic in his smile the very second he picks up his speech again.
"Thank you for bringing him a friend. Some birds truly cannot survive without a companion, but I think it's the same for some humans, as well."
Still in his embrace, MC gazes somewhere beyond the window pane, at nothing in particular. Now, what would've happened if she didn't come in Dazai's life, given that as much of a strange bird he is, he could as well be one of those who are unable to survive without their other half? She doesn't want to think about it, nor is the time suitable for such gloomy talk. Gazing away from the window and noticing that Dazai never took off his little smile, she just leans in and kisses it off from him. Their kiss begins gentle, as if it's her way of saying 'I understand', yet finishes off playful, with a lip bite from one and giggle from the other. Now that's better.
"Oh, Bunta is singing a song I haven't heard before…"
MC giggles, turning in Dazai's arms so that they're both throwing a secret look at the couple. She's familiarized herself with the usual chirping of Bunta, so it's easy to note that the new clicking-like sounds he produces might be his way of courting the new female bird.
"I think we're going to be hearing that a lot from now on."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @cilokgoang @atelieredux let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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priyanshu098 · 10 days
How to Achieve Lasting Weight Loss: An In-Depth Approach to Sustainable Health
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In today’s fast-paced world, millions of people are actively searching for ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. While there are countless methods and products claiming to deliver rapid results, the key to sustainable weight loss lies in understanding the science behind it, developing healthy habits, and implementing a balanced plan. This article will guide you through the essential components of long-term weight loss, helping you make informed decisions that benefit your overall well-being.
Click here to visit official "java burn" websites.
Understanding Weight Loss: The Science Behind It
At the heart of weight loss is a simple concept: calories in versus calories out. When you consume more calories than your body burns, you gain weight. Conversely, when you create a caloric deficit, your body turns to stored fat for energy, leading to fat loss.
However, the science of weight loss goes beyond this basic principle. Your body’s metabolism, the amount of physical activity you engage in, your hormonal balance, and your overall lifestyle choices play critical roles in determining how effectively you can lose weight. To truly understand weight loss, one must consider these factors:
Metabolism and Its Role
Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the number of calories your body needs to perform basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and cell production. This rate varies based on several factors such as age, gender, and genetics. A higher BMR means your body burns more calories at rest, making it easier to create a caloric deficit. To increase your BMR, strength training and high-intensity workouts can be particularly effective. Building lean muscle mass raises your BMR, as muscles require more energy to maintain than fat.
Hormones and Weight Regulation
Hormones play a pivotal role in how your body stores and burns fat. For example, insulin, produced by the pancreas, helps regulate blood sugar levels. When insulin levels are too high, the body tends to store fat rather than burn it. High cortisol levels, often caused by stress, can also lead to fat storage, particularly around the abdominal area.
Leptin and ghrelin are two additional hormones that influence your hunger and satiety. Leptin, produced by fat cells, signals to your brain that you’re full, while ghrelin, often referred to as the “hunger hormone,” increases appetite. When these hormones are imbalanced, weight management becomes significantly more difficult.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet
No weight loss plan is complete without addressing the critical role of nutrition. A balanced diet doesn’t mean deprivation or overly restrictive eating patterns. Instead, it focuses on consuming the right nutrients in appropriate amounts to fuel your body and support overall health.
Macronutrients: The Building Blocks of Your Diet
A successful weight loss diet should include the right balance of macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Protein: Adequate protein intake is essential for preserving lean muscle mass while losing fat. Foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and legumes provide a high-quality source of protein that helps keep you full and reduces cravings.
Carbohydrates: While low-carb diets have gained popularity, it’s important to distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbs, like sugary snacks and processed foods, spike blood sugar levels and promote fat storage. On the other hand, complex carbs, found in whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, provide sustained energy and keep blood sugar levels stable.
Fats: Contrary to popular belief, fats are not the enemy. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, play an important role in hormone regulation, brain function, and overall satiety.
The Role of Micronutrients
In addition to macronutrients, micronutrients—vitamins and minerals—are crucial for supporting various bodily functions, from immune health to energy production. Ensuring that your diet is rich in vitamins like B12, vitamin D, and magnesium will not only support weight loss efforts but also enhance your overall health.
Exercise: A Key Component to Effective Weight Loss
While nutrition is the foundation of any weight loss journey, exercise is the tool that accelerates progress and helps maintain weight loss over time. The most effective exercise routines combine both cardiovascular workouts and strength training, ensuring that you burn calories and build muscle simultaneously.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardio exercises like running, cycling, swimming, and walking help burn calories and improve heart health. For effective weight loss, a combination of moderate and high-intensity cardio is recommended. Activities like interval training (HIIT) are particularly beneficial for boosting metabolism and burning fat more efficiently.
Strength Training
While cardio burns calories during the workout, strength training builds muscle, which increases your metabolic rate and ensures that your body continues to burn calories even at rest. Incorporating exercises such as weightlifting, resistance band workouts, and bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and lunges, will help tone and sculpt your body while promoting fat loss.
Flexibility and Balance Exercises
Yoga and Pilates are often overlooked but play an important role in a well-rounded exercise routine. These practices improve flexibility, balance, and core strength, which are essential for preventing injury and maintaining mobility as you lose weight.
Lifestyle Changes That Support Weight Loss
Successful weight loss requires more than just diet and exercise. The following lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on your ability to shed pounds and keep them off:
Sleep and Weight Loss
Poor sleep has been linked to weight gain, particularly because lack of sleep can affect your body’s ability to regulate hunger hormones. When you don’t get enough rest, ghrelin levels increase, making you feel hungrier, while leptin levels decrease, reducing feelings of fullness.
Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support your weight loss efforts. Not only does sleep help regulate hunger, but it also allows your body to recover from workouts and boosts mental clarity, which is essential for sticking to your goals.
Managing Stress Levels
Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol, which not only promotes fat storage but can also lead to emotional eating. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies, will make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Hydration: The Overlooked Key to Weight Loss
Staying hydrated is often overlooked, but it’s an essential part of weight loss. Drinking enough water aids digestion, helps curb hunger, and supports your body’s ability to burn fat. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and more if you are physically active.
Setting Realistic Goals and Tracking Progress
One of the most important aspects of a successful weight loss journey is setting realistic, achievable goals. Instead of focusing solely on the number on the scale, aim to improve other aspects of your health, such as energy levels, muscle tone, and overall fitness.
Use tools like food diaries, fitness trackers, or health apps to track your progress. This helps keep you accountable and allows you to see improvements over time, even when the scale isn’t moving as quickly as you’d like.
The Importance of Support and Accountability
Weight loss can be a challenging and often isolating process. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or even an online community can help keep you motivated and on track. Consider working with a health coach, nutritionist, or personal trainer for added guidance and support.
Why Fad Diets and Quick Fixes Don’t Work
It’s tempting to turn to fad diets or quick fixes that promise rapid results. However, these approaches often lead to short-term weight loss followed by weight regain. They can also be harmful to your health, as they often deprive your body of essential nutrients and promote unhealthy eating habits.
Sustainable weight loss requires patience, consistency, and a holistic approach that focuses on building healthy habits rather than relying on temporary fixes. By prioritizing balanced eating, regular exercise, and positive lifestyle changes, you can achieve lasting results.
Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss
Achieving long-term weight loss isn’t about following a restrictive diet or exhausting yourself with endless workouts. Instead, it’s about embracing a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes healthy eating, consistent exercise, and positive habits that support your overall well-being.
When you focus on nourishing your body with the right foods, staying active in a way that you enjoy, and making sustainable lifestyle changes, you’ll not only lose weight but also improve your health for the long term.
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pandeypankaj · 16 days
Is python necessary to learn machine learning?
No, it is not a must to learn Python prior to learning machine learning, but it is highly advisable.
Even though there are languages like R, Julia, and even Java that can be used for machine learning, Python has become the de facto language since there are many good reasons for this, some of which are the following: 
Ease and Readability: The syntax of Python is lean and readable, hence accessible for beginners and experienced programmers.
Rich Ecosystem: Python has an enormous ecosystem of libraries and tools intended for machine learning. The most important among these are NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. They are really capable of saving one much time and effort by means of in-built functions and algorithms.
 Community and Support: Python hosts a large and active developer community; this automatically translates into easily finding help, resources, and tutorials online.
Versatility: Besides machine learning, Python is a multi-face language that finds its application in web development, data analysis, and automation. Thus, it's a quite useful skill to have in your armamentarium.
However, you can certainly learn machine learning in any other language, provided you already know that language and, equally importantly, the underlying mathematics. The most important thing is choosing a language that you feel most comfortable with and that can provide most of the needed libraries and tools for your particular needs.
In the end, besides others, Python is a really practical and effective way to learn and put machine learning into practice due to the simplicity, a really rich ecosystem, and a great community behind this language.
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yemimahari · 3 months
hai, bagaimana kabarnya. ada banyak sekali hal yang mau aku bagikan.
beberapa hari yang lalu aku ujian tes sim, lucunya bareng sama java. dan dalam percakapan ringan waktu itu, aku sadar kalau, he took my opportunity that i can't take anymore too much. Yang seharusnya aku ambil. tapi dia sedikit banyak menyelesaikan buat aku. not me actually. Buat organisasi ini. Karena yah, dia merasa itu tanggung jawab dia. aku merasa bahagia sebenernya. I am not anymore. And I afraid i am losing him (like how i am losing it times ago.)
Dan uhm, aku mendapati bonding yang lumayan baik dengan temen" yang engga aku tahu sebelumnya.
Desti said, fuck them all, take what you want. soal cowo. Tapi yah, ga segitunya juga.
Dan uhm, hari ini Ela ulang tahun. Happy Birthday sayang.
Tadi aku ke gereja. Luar biasanya yang giving speech Pak Obaja lagi. Belau bilang, depresi itu ada biasanya karena kamu kehilangan sesuatu yang berharga. Aku rasa harga teman baik ku itu terlalu berharga buat aku dan kehidupanku dalam berbagai aspek sampai rasanya kehilangan jadi terlalu sakit.
Tuhan bilang, relakan. Artinya aku harus tetap jalan kedepan dan menghapus dia dari hidupku? I wish aku dapat hikmat sebesar itu buat paham dan buat melakukan hal yang benar di hidupku selanjutnya. I can't explain it because it did and do, giving me heartache most of all time I think about it. Jadi yah, kita eventually must grow meninggalkan jejak di belakang. Bukan berarti kita harus membawa tapak itu di tangan kita kan. Maybe di kakimu masih ada sisa tanah yang terinjak. Tumbuhan yang mati ataupun lama kelaman mati. Atau kasar kakimu karena menginjak aspal, mungkin beton. Tapi yah, jejak tidak ada yang didepan. Kecuali kamu berjalan mundur.
And then, I found out i really" be gratefull karena aku menemukan Kuroo dari berbagai macam masalah yang engga ada habisnya dari pandemi hingga detik ini. Dan walaupun audio yagami yato yang menemaniku separah itu, tapi yah word of affirmation rendah yang kuterima setelah aku kehilangan Tara kembali dibangun perlahan. (aku harap.)
Dan ada sebuah ayat, "Aku telah mengasihi kalian, demikianlah kamu juga saling mengasihi." dari penggalan Yohanes.
Aku tiba-tiba membayangkan kalau ada yang bertanya "Emangnya kasihnya Tuhan apa aja?" Aku benar-benar engga bisa jawab. Karena, uh. Harus disebutkan semuanya? Atau perlu dijabarkan juga? Yang hari ini, kemarin, atau kapan? Itu terlalu banyak.
Dan, Tuhan sedikit mengerikan. Reminder saja kalau, hidupku di SMA ini kayak- roller coaster. Kapan naik kapan turun kapan menagis kapan tertawa itu waktu yang sangat singkat sangat mendadak dan luar biasa lucunya. Aku ingat aku suka menulis kehidupan manusia yang indah. Indah itu bukan berarti selalu baik. Taman penuh bunga itu tidak bisa jadi indah kalau tidak ada tanah yang kotor, cacing yang jadi dekomposer atau lebah menyakitkan yang menyerbuk ke bunga-bunga. Dua tahun ini, semuanya begitu indah. Jujur aku, aku mengharap kehidupan yang baik, yang 'bagus'. it turned out indah.
Bless Our Lord.
Aku mau nonton aftersun. Aku engga mau nonton sendirian. Aku mau nonton with a warm hug, tight cuddle, ac yang dingin, hati yang nyaman. With someone i felt protected so i can leans my back and giving my lungs to her/him.
Aku menemukan kata platonic dalam relationship yang San-Wooyoung buat. Aku rasa selama ini aku juga nyaman dalam hal itu.
Ughh. Bet, i would found someone like Kuroo Tetsurou or Choi San or Park Jong Seong and marrying him, and having two kids, and living happily until our hair getting white, and our grandchild get their parther of life.
Minggu 07/07/24
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deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Cross-platform vs Native Mobile Development
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In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the choice between cross-platform and native mobile development is a critical decision that enterprises must make when creating mobile applications. Both approaches have their own merits and drawbacks, catering to different needs and goals. This article delves into the differences, benefits, and considerations of each approach, helping enterprises make an informed decision that aligns with their requirements. The realm of mobile application development has expanded significantly, presenting enterprises with choices that can profoundly impact their mobile presence. One pivotal decision is whether to pursue cross-platform development or opt for a native approach. Each path carries distinct advantages and challenges, and understanding these intricacies is crucial for making the right choice. Understanding Cross-Platform Development Cross-platform development entails creating apps that can run on multiple operating systems using a single codebase. This approach leverages frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin to streamline development and maintenance across various platforms. By sharing code between iOS and Android versions, enterprises can save time and resources. Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Development Advantages of Cross-Platform Development Cross-platform development offers several compelling advantages. First, it accelerates the development process by allowing code reuse. This means quicker time-to-market and reduced development costs. Second, maintaining a single codebase simplifies updates and bug fixes, ensuring consistency across platforms. Lastly, it enables a broader audience reach, as the app caters to both iOS and Android users. Challenges of Cross-Platform Development However, challenges exist with cross-platform development. Achieving the same level of performance as native apps can be complex. Additionally, access to certain device-specific features might be limited. The dependence on third-party frameworks also introduces the risk of compatibility issues with future platform updates. Embracing Native Mobile Development Native mobile development involves crafting separate versions of an app for each platform, utilizing platform-specific languages and tools (Swift/Objective-C for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android). This approach maximizes performance and offers deep integration with the respective operating system. Pros and Cons of Native Mobile Development Advantages of Native Mobile Development Native development boasts unparalleled performance, providing a smooth and responsive user experience. It also grants full access to device features, allowing for innovative functionalities. Moreover, native apps tend to enjoy better security and stability due to their adherence to platform guidelines. Drawbacks of Native Mobile Development However, native development comes with drawbacks. It requires separate development efforts for each platform, leading to higher costs and longer development timelines. Maintenance also becomes more complex as updates must be implemented independently on both versions. Factors Influencing the Decision The choice between cross-platform and native development hinges on various factors: - App Complexity and Features: Simple apps with basic features might benefit from cross-platform development, whereas complex apps requiring high performance and custom features might lean towards native development. - Performance and User Experience: If performance is critical, native development is superior. Native apps can exploit platform-specific optimizations, leading to faster load times and smoother interactions. - Development Time and Cost: Cross-platform development is generally faster and more cost-effective due to code sharing. However, native development offers long-term savings by reducing maintenance efforts. - Long-Term Maintenance: Native apps often require more maintenance, as platform updates necessitate updates to both versions. Cross-platform apps have the advantage of simplified maintenance through shared code. Making the Right Choice for Your Enterprise Choosing between cross-platform and native development hinges on the specific needs and goals of your enterprise. While cross-platform development offers efficiency and wider reach, native development excels in performance and user experience. Assess your app's complexity, desired features, and long-term outlook to make an informed decision. Conclusion In the dynamic landscape of mobile app development, the decision between cross-platform and native development is pivotal. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, catering to different enterprise requirements. By understanding the nuances and considering factors like app complexity, performance, and cost, enterprises can confidently choose the development path that aligns with their goals. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What is cross-platform development? Cross-platform development involves creating mobile apps that can run on multiple operating systems, utilizing a single codebase. This approach simplifies development and maintenance across different platforms. 2. What are the primary advantages of native development? Native development offers unparalleled performance, access to device-specific features, and better security. It results in a seamless and high-quality user experience. 3. How does app complexity impact the choice between cross-platform and native development? For simple apps with basic features, cross-platform development might be more efficient. Complex apps requiring high performance and custom features often benefit from native development. 4. Can an app developed using cross-platform tools achieve the same performance as a native app? While cross-platform apps have made great strides in performance, native apps still hold the edge in terms of performance due to their ability to leverage platform-specific optimizations. 5. What factors should enterprises consider when making a decision between the two approaches? Enterprises should consider factors like app complexity, desired performance levels, development time and cost, and long-term maintenance efforts to make an informed decision between cross-platform and native development. Read the full article
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Spring: a summary
You know life must be grim when you wake up in the middle of the night with visions of your undergraduate compiler textbook at top of mind. I suppose it was inevitable. I've been re-reading The Dragon Book and what a pleasing surprise to find the entire presentation so readily comprehensible. These hidden gems from Yale more than once now have reared up their heads into my life. I pick them up in wonder. What was once so arcane, seen now through the lens of 30 years of professional life, is eminently clear. How did I ever get through this stuff as a young, unseasoned undergraduate?
Spring and Java are older technologies relative to some of the newer languages and frameworks that have emerged in recent years. Nevertheless, I selected Spring and Java for a web service I needed to scratch up recently. The service runs 24x7 and as they say: "It just works." I sum up below some of the pros and cons of using the Spring framework.
Project Setup
I am convinced that one of the biggest deterrents to Spring/Java adoption is the difficulty in setting up new projects. Perhaps that is why Spring Boot is so popular -- which is to say that Boot provides an opinionated implementation of Spring. As well, there are starter projects that address the setup issue -- but I didn't want to use any of those. I literally started from line 1. And here are some of the setup issues I had to contend with:
Configure logging. This is tricky, as the Java ecosystem supports different logging mechanisms, and doing this in a general way means using slf4j to shield your application from nuances of whatever logger you decide to use.
Configure the webapp. In the modern setup, you no longer need web.xml; instead, you can encode all of the setup in Java. I actually enjoyed doing this, but it was tricky sorting through the relevant logic. As well, you have to acquaint yourself with numerous annotations that configure certain software features into your webapp.
Setting up the pom.xml file, with dependencies and compiler versioning that work in harmony.
With all these pain points so prominent early on the dev effort, you might ask yourself: then why choose Spring at all? Read on.
Easy API implementation
With Spring MVC, controllers (with API endpoint handlers) are straightforward. And plus, there is a lot of support baked into Spring that facilitates better APIs: support for (un)marshalling POJOs into (from) JSON; endpoint handler validations; convenient access to HTTP headers; and clean definitions and access mechanisms for URL query and path parameters.
No doubt, there is a lot of boilerplate to sift through with Spring MVC, but once you get stuff working, you end up with a reliable, robust platform to build on.
JPA repositories
Spring provides CRUD methods for entities (ie, data store tables) out-of-the-box with JPA repositories. This really helps erecting a new webapp in which you don't initially want to be bogged down with query issues. On the other hand, I have found that for significant business-related scenarios, you can't really avoid native data store queries.
XML versus configuration through Java annotations
A lot of the Spring software modules can be configured into your application either through XML declarations or Java annotations. This dual approach to feature configuration can be confusing at first. Each approach has its virtues. With XML, often you can configure into your app quite powerful features -- and this with relatively little extra code. By contrast, Java annotations, along with relevant bean instantiations, give you full programming controls over the components in question. In theory, XML would let you do whatever you might want to do in Java; in practice, that's not generally true.
I lean both ways -- relying on XML configuration here, and adopting Java annotations there. So far, this has worked out.
By the way, if you rely on XML configurations to bring up your Spring app, note that you will at some point have to find and parse through the relevant DTDs that characterize the XML for some particular feature of interest. The DTDs often are not that easy to parse, so often you need to locate solid documentation for whatever Spring feature you are onboarding, and then try to reconcile those docs with the DTD specification. Suffice it to say that XML configuration -- despite its convenience -- does have its pitfalls.
Spring / Java remains a solid if somewhat challenging platform for evolving webapps. If your team goes down this road, make sure you know what you're getting into. Spring / Java is a beast, but once you tame it, you'll be rewarded with a robust, reliable system to build on.
December 16, 2022
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rithangowda29 · 2 years
Data Science and Application of Python
Data Science and Application of Python
This post on data science with Python will help you grasp the principles of Python and numerous data science approaches, such as data preparation, data visualization, statistics, developing machine learning models, and much more, by using extensive and well-explained examples. Newcomers and experienced experts may benefit from this tutorial's guidance in becoming Python data scientists.
In a world of data space where organizations deal with petabytes and exabytes of data, the era of Big Data emerged, and the essence of its storage also grew. Until 2010, data storage was a significant difficulty and worry for companies. When storage problems are solved by frameworks like Hadoop and others, the attention switches to data processing. Data science plays a big role here. All those fancy Sci-fi movies you love to watch can become a reality through data science. Nowadays, its growth has increased in multiple ways, and thus one should be ready for our future by learning what it is and how we can add value to it. 
Data Science Definition
A variety of tools, algorithms, and machine learning concepts are combined in data science. In its most basic form, it extracts valuable information or insights from organized or unstructured data using business, programming, and analysis abilities. It is a discipline with many different components, including arithmetic, statistics, computer science, etc. Data scientists excel in their respective disciplines and thoroughly understand the industry they wish to work in. 
Data science is not a one-step procedure that can be learned quickly; we can call ourselves data scientists. It goes through several stages, and each component is crucial. To climb the ladder, one must always follow the right procedures when climbing the ladder. Every action has value and is taken into account in your model. Prepare to learn about those processes by fastening your seat belts.
Data Collection
Data Statement
Data Mining
Data Modeling
Optimization and Deployment
Refer to the top notch data science certification course in Delhi to obtain a thorough understanding of each data science step.
Python for Data Science
An excellent approach to object-oriented programming is provided by Python, a high-level, open-source, interpreted language. It is one of the best languages for a variety of projects and applications. Python is a breeze working with mathematical, statistical, and scientific functions is a breeze. It provides top-notch libraries for working with data science applications.
Due to its simplicity and use, Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the fields of science and research. This means that even somebody with no technological knowledge might quickly learn how to utilize it. Furthermore, it works better for quick prototyping.
Deep learning frameworks available with Python APIs, in addition to scientific packages, have made Python extremely productive and versatile, according to engineers from academia and industry. Deep learning Python frameworks have evolved significantly, and they are rapidly improving.
Python is also preferred by ML scientists in terms of application areas. When it comes to areas such as building fraud detection algorithms and network security, developers leaned toward Java, whereas for applications such as natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis, developers leaned toward Python, because it provides a large collection of libraries that help to solve complex business problems easily, as well as build strong system and data applications.
The most well-liked data science libraries are:
One of the most widely used Python libraries for data analysis and manipulation is called Pandas. Pandas offer practical tools for working with vast amounts of structured data. Pandas offer the simplest way to do analysis. It offers extensive data structures and allows for the manipulation of time series data and numerical tables. Pandas are the ideal tool for handling data. Pandas are made to make data processing, aggregation, and visualization rapid and simple.
A Python package called Numpy offers mathematical operations to manage big-size arrays. It offers several metric and linear algebra methods and functions.
Numerical Python is referred to as NumPy. It offers many practical features for n-array and matrix operations in Python. The vectorization of mathematical operations on the NumPy array type provided by the library improves efficiency and accelerates execution. NumPy makes it simple to manipulate big multidimensional arrays and matrices.
Scikit – learn:
Python's Sklearn package is used for machine learning. Sklearn provides machine learning-related algorithms and functions. Sklearn is based on Matplotlib, SciPy, and NumPy. Sklearn offers straightforward tools for data mining and analysis. It offers consumers a collection of standard machine-learning algorithms via a dependable user interface. Scikit-Learn This facilitates the rapid application of well-liked algorithms to datasets and the resolution of practical issues.
Another well-liked Python package for scientific computing and data science is Scipy. Scipy offers excellent capabilities for computer programming and scientific mathematics. SciPy has sub-modules for typical tasks in science and engineering, such as optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, FFT, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and Statmodel.
Another helpful Python library for data visualization is Matplotlib. Any company should place a high priority on descriptive analysis and data visualization. Matplotlib offers a number of ways to visualize data more successfully. Matplotlib simplifies the creation of line graphs, pie charts, histograms, and other expert-level visuals. With Matplotlib, a figure's components may all be altered. The interactive tools in Matplotlib include zooming, planning, and storing the graph in a graphical format.
Sign up for an industry-accredited Data science course in Delhi to master Python for a data science career. Work on 15+ domain-specific projects and get interview calls from MAANG companies.  
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Lighting Bug - Chapter 1
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Master Post // AO3 
Warnings: homelessness, scar, mention of physical abuse 
Word Count: 3.8k
Natasha Romanoff was a woman of routine. She liked it, it gave her control. She woke up early in the morning to go out for a run, even though her girlfriend fought for her to stay in bed. But she needed to run. It cleared her mind, shook off any nightmares she had the night before, and it started her day off right. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she would be at Java House and get her and Wanda breakfast. On every other day of the week, she would return from her run to Wanda cooking. After breakfast was training, mission debriefings, and writing reports. Routine was important.
So today was Thursday, the chime of the bell and the smell of freshly ground coffee welcomed her as she opened the door to Java House. Thursday’s weren’t busy. She received a small wave from the owner, Annie, as she attended to the small line. Natasha was stepping forward to take her spot when her eyes found a young girl no more than 16. She was wearing a long sleeve white shirt, it was dirty, and black sweatpants. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Natasha didn’t know how she was surviving in the New York City heat. But the oddest thing about her appearance was the yellow rubber gloves she wore. Natasha had never seen her before. She must have felt a pair of eyes on her because she looked around the café until her eyes locked onto Natasha’s. She fought back a gasp. Her eyes were mesmerizing. They were light blue, almost clear. She had a scar that ran across her left eye, it started at her hairline and down to her chin. It was in the shape of a lightning bolt. Her cheeks turned bright red and she looked away from the Black Widow, staring back into her drink.
‘Natasha!’ Her name called out, forcing her to look away. Annie was waving her over. Her words were laced with a Louisiana accent. She embodied home for Natasha and a few other Avengers that ventured into her café. ‘Are you getting your usual? Or do you want to spice things up?’ Natasha thought for a second. Her normal order was the safest option, it followed her routine. But her day already felt off.
‘Surprise us, you know what we like.’ Annie nodded, wrote down an order Natasha couldn’t see, and handed it to her husband.
‘That will be $10.’ Natasha gave her $30 as she endured a glare from the older woman as she refused change. ‘When are you bringing that pretty little girlfriend around?’ Natasha blushed.
‘She’s still sleeping at this time.’
‘Well bring her in for lunch. We’ll stay open for you two.’ The problem was Natasha knew they would. But putting Wanda and Annie together was trouble mostly for her.
‘Annie,’ Natasha whispered, moving the topic of conversation to something besides her. ‘Who is that girl sitting over there? I’ve never seen her before.’ Annie sighed.
‘That’s because she’s usually here before we open. That poor girl has been through a lot.’
‘How old is she?’
‘14, maybe 15. She’s been living on the streets since she was 9 years old. Poor thing.’ Annie leaned closer to Natasha. ‘Between me and you, I think she’s like your girlfriend.’
‘Like Wanda?’ Natasha questioned, slowly. Wanda was a lot of things that didn’t make the list small. Annie nodded and mimicked Wanda’s finger movements when she did her magic.
‘Not exactly like her but you know.’ Natasha nodded. She understood what Annie was saying. The young girl was enhanced. ‘She’s been hurt.’ Annie said, looking in her direction. ‘You can see it in her eyes. At her age, there should be light but there is none.’ Natasha wanted to ask about the foster care system or what happened to her parents but the questions died on her lips. As she looked at the young girl she saw Yelena, she saw Wanda, she saw hundreds of little girls that had been hurt by hands that should have saved them. She saw herself.
‘What’s her favorite thing to eat here?’ Natasha asked. Annie smiled and pulled out a blueberry muffin from the counter.
‘Don’t even think about handing me money or I will slap you silly.’ Natasha put her hands up in surrender. She took the blueberry muffin and walked over to the table. She jumped slightly when Natasha placed the plate on the table.
‘Sorry,’ Natasha said. ‘Mind if I join you?’ She asked. Blue eyes looked at Natasha and slowly shook her head, in a no. She sat down, noticing how the teen in front of her moved her hands down onto her lap. ‘My name is Natasha, you can call me Nat.’
‘I didn’t do anything bad. I was late because I overslept. I promise Mrs. Annie I’d do extra chores.’
‘Hey, hey,’ Natasha said, putting her hand up. She flinched. Natasha put her hand down just as fast. She was not good at this. She really wished Wanda was here. ‘You aren’t in trouble and I’m not gonna hurt you, okay?’ She looked at Natasha, looking for any sign of a lie. Annie was right, your eyes had no light in them. Dark bags were underneath her eyes. When was the last time she slept? She slowly nodded, lowering her head. ‘What’s your name?’
‘Y/n, ma’am.’ Natasha cringed. That made her feel old but she let it go. She knew correcting the behavior could cause her to shut down. She desperately wanted to hurt whoever hurt her.
‘Mrs. Annie is worried about you.’ Natasha said slowly. ‘She thinks you're a little young to be living on your own.’
‘I’m 15.’ Y/n defended.
‘And how long have you been on your own?’ Natasha asked. She sank into herself more.
‘6 years.’ She mumbled, looking at the blueberry muffin. Natasha pushed it closer to her. She slowly brought her hands from underneath the table and began to eat it, not taking the gloves off.
‘I don’t know your story.’ Natasha began. ‘But you know mine.’ She nodded. ‘I think the Avengers can help you. We have the space in the tower.’ Her blue eyes went wide.
‘You want me to move into the tower?’ Y/n questioned. She nodded. ‘You don't even know me or what I’ve done.’
‘That’s true. But I still think it’s true.’ She had to think before she spoke the next part. ‘Your like Wanda.’ She whispered. ‘Like Kamala and America.’ Natasha went to touch her gloves but she pulled them back.
‘Don’t touch me.’ She said, ‘Don’t ever touch me.’ Natasha nodded.
‘Okay, no touching.’ A beat of silence based through the pair. ‘The choice is yours. I’m not gonna force you to do anything. I bet you’ve had your right to choose taken away from you.’ She slowly nodded.
‘Natasha, your food is ready.’ Annie said. She looked towards Annie and held up one finger.
‘How about this,’ She said, turning back to face the young girl. ‘I’ll let you think about it.’ Natasha stood up. ‘I’ll come back here around 5 and if you are here I’ll take you back to the tower with me and if you aren’t then I know your answer.’
‘Thank you…Nat.’ She smiled, and turned to walk to the counter to grab her food.
‘I think you did it.’ Annie smiled. Natasha turned her head to the side. ‘You brought some light back into her eyes. I don’t know what you said but it changed her.’  
You watched the Black Widow leave the café with a brown paper bag. She waved to you as she went out the door. You found yourself waving back. This weird feeling bubbled inside your chest, it was the same feeling you got when Annie found you going through their garbage. Instead of chasing you off like so many shop owners did, she offered you a warm meal and a job. For helping open and close the café, Annie and her husband, Paul, gave you food and some money. You pushed the feeling down and finished the muffin she got you. Bad things followed you, you were cursed. Your parents abused you, called you a freak, an abomination all because you were different. You were born with the ability to control and conduct electricity. All your life you believed it would be controlled by your parents- by their words and hands. But one day when your brother was at school, a fire claimed your childhood home. Everyone thought you were dead and you kept it that way.
You survived on the streets, picking pocketing strangers and living off of food thrown away in the garbage. You bounced between homeless communities.
Life was hard, summer and spring was easier than winter and fall was your favorite.
Life was hard but you were okay with it.
Until..you didn’t want to think about that right now. You cleaned up your dishes and brought them to the sink in the kitchen. You put on an apron and began to wash the dishes. It wasn’t the normal work you did for the Breaux. You hated the water but you overslept this morning and guilt kept you from saying anything when Annie asked you to do the dishes.
‘What did she talk to you about?’ Annie asked, slipping a coffee mug into your pile.
‘She said you are worried about me.’ She huffed.
‘That is news to no one. What else?’ You sighed.
‘She offered me a room at the Avenger’s tower.’ Annie gasped. ‘I don’t know if I’m going to take her offer.’ You added quickly.
‘Now why the hell not?’
‘Because I don’t want to hurt them.’ It was the same answer you gave to Annie and Paul when they offered their extra room. Their son moved out to LA to go to college, they had the space. But bad things followed you. Annie’s face softened.
‘They are Earth’s Mightiest heroes.’ Annie said. ‘I think they can take whatever you throw at them.’ You didn’t respond as you scrubbed a plate. ‘You deserve to have a home.’
Home, you thought. It was a concept that you never experienced. You read about homes and found families. How people deemed as outcasts or different found a home among those like them, that understood them. You sighed, looking up at the ceiling of the café. What was a home? Was it just the building? A roof over your head and a floor underneath your feet, walls that kept the elements out. Or was home a feeling? It didn’t have to be a building but a place where you felt safe, loved, and cared for. You stared back at the pile of dishes and watched the water fall over them. You remembered nights when your brother snuck into your room and you would be up for hours, dreaming of a mother and father that loved you. You dreamt of a home where you could eat all the sugary snacks you wanted and the TV was playing colorful cartoons but life dealt you a different hand and you played your hand well. But maybe Annie was right. Maybe you deserved to have a home. Peace. Love. But you shook your head and went back to cleaning the dishes, that was wishful thinking. You were damaged goods, not even your own mother wanted you. Earth’s Mightiest heroes were probably the same.  
Natasha opened the door to her shared bedroom with Wanda. A majority of the team were on missions so the tower was quiet. Natasha preferred it especially in the mornings so no one hounded her for breakfast. She found her girlfriend still in bed, wearing one of her sweatshirts and curled up with a book. ‘Morning, moya lyubov’ (my love).’ Natasha said. Wanda put the book on the nightstand. ‘Breakfast in bed or the living room?’
‘Bed, you're lucky I’m awake.’ Natasha rolled her eyes, kissing Wanda on her head.  
‘Start without me I’m going to take a shower.’ Wanda grabbed Natasha’s shirt and pulled her into a kiss. Kissing Wanda was Natasha’s favorite thing. It was a simple, physical reminder of the love they shared. Natasha knew she was not an easy person to date. She had to rebuild everything that the Red Room broke. But the Sokovian was patient, far more patient then Natasha thought she deserved. But she did deserve it and Wanda told her that. The younger woman broke the kiss, scrunching her nose.
‘You stink.’ Wanda laughed.
‘Declare your love for me.’ She said, stealing another kiss before heading to the shower. She stripped out of her work out clothes and threw them in the hamper. Natasha turned on the water, waited for it to get hot enough before stepping under the showerhead. Her muscles welcomed the feeling of the hot water mixed with the intense water pressure. Tony Stark was a lot of things but he did not cheap out on certain aspects of the building and good water pressure was something Natasha was grateful for. She cupped some of the water and splashed it against her face. She repeated the action and on the third pass she stopped. Her mind traveled to the young girl she met. The complete stranger that she offered a place to stay. It was crazy and very much out of character for the Black Widow to show such motherly instincts but one look at her and something snapped within Natasha. It had to be her eyes , Natasha thought as she grabbed the shampoo and started her hair routine. Her eyes were such a unique color that they cemented Natasha right to the floor of Annie’s café.
‘Her scar,’ Natasha mumbled, tracing the path of Y/n’s scar on her own face. Was she born with it or was it inflicted on her? The second option made Natasha’s blood boil. As an Avenger, past SHIELD Agent, and an ex-Red Room assassin, she has seen evil in the world. Her own hands have engaged in adding some darkness into the world. But each day she was trying to clear the red from her ledger but more good back into the world. The one evil she could never understand was hurting a child. How could someone do that? Her stomach reminded her of the need for food so she paused her million questions for the universe for the next shower and finished. Natasha stepped out of the shower and dried off quickly. A new pair of clothes were already sitting on the sink, a simple long sleeve and athletic shorts. Her heart fluttered at the simple act her girlfriend did for her. Once she was dried to the best of her ability, she changed into the clothes. The smelt of Wanda’s preferred laundry detergent. She threw her red hair into a ponytail and walked back into her bedroom.
The food was laid out and a tall glass of water was on her nightstand. Natasha smiled, sitting on her side of the bed, and kissed Wanda quickly on the cheek. ‘How’s Annie?’ Wanda asked, as she opened the container. ‘This isn't our normal order.’ Natasha shrugged.
‘I was feeling adventurous.’ Wanda raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend. ‘Annie is good.’ She quickly said, diverting the question she knew Wanda wanted to ask. ‘She was asking when you are going to visit.’
‘Wake me up on Tuesday morning.’ Natasha gave her a look. A look that said, are you serious? ‘I’m serious!’ Wanda pouted, using a napkin to attack the Black Widow. She chuckled.
‘Okay, okay. But don’t wiggly woo me off the bed if you don’t want to wake up.’ Wanda giggled. They sat in silence as they ate their food.
‘Dorogoy (sweetheart), you know I don’t use my powers intentionally.’ Wanda said, slowly. ‘But your thoughts are really loud.’ Natasha sighed. ‘What’s going on?’ The Black Widow took a minute to collect her thoughts before answering her girlfriend. She moved her fork around her food.
‘When I was at Annie’s, there was this homeless teen. She’s been homeless since she was 9, she’s 15 now.’ Natasha explained. ‘She’s like you, and America, and Kamala. She’s been hurt too.’ She shook her head, cutting up her food. ‘I don’t know, Wands. I looked at this girl and I saw you, Yelena, and hundreds of other girls who needed someone and no one was there.’
‘You saw yourself too.’ Wanda guessed. The small comment caused Natasha to stop cutting her food. It was different than just thinking of the small similarity between the blue eyed teen and herself but hearing it out loud made Natasha’s heart skip. A brief moment, she saw a younger version of herself sitting at Annie’s café. Faded blue hair and red hot top converses eating away at a blueberry muffin, wondering when her next meal would be. Natasha nodded.
‘Yeah,’ she went back to cutting her food. ‘There was so much pain in her eyes. I raised my hand to try to calm her down because she thought she was in trouble and she flinched.’ Wanda frowned. ‘So without thinking I offered her a place at the tower.’ She said slowly, looking at her girlfriend. If the situation was so crazy, Natasha would have laughed at Wanda’s confused expression. She mirrored Lucky or Fanny when they hear a sound they don’t fully understand.
‘I’m sorry, what?’ Wanda questioned.
‘I know it’s crazy. But we have the space, especially on our floor. Thor is off-world with the Guardians. Val, Kamala, and Carol are who knows where. Clint is retired. I-’ Natasha was rambling. She knew this as she desperately tried to explain herself. Wanda placed her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Her touch calmed her down.
‘You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I think it’s a great idea.’
‘You do?’ Natasha wasn’t expecting Wanda to agree so easily. But the younger woman had so much love in her heart that it shouldn’t have surprised Natasha. She had to drag Wanda away from stray animals that they passed on their walk. The witch nodded but sighed.
‘The problem is you are going to have to convince the others.’ Yeah , Natasha thought, that was going to be a lot harder.  
After your shift at Annie’s you walked the streets of the city pondering the Black Widow’s offer. You had to maneuver around people because you went invisible to those around you. If you didn’t you risked running into someone and causing a scene. You tried to avoid drawing attention to yourself. The next destination was a small bookstore run by Lucia called Turn the Page or Voltea la pagina as Lucia liked to call it. Her family immigrated from Mexico and as a young girl she dreamed of having her own bookstore. You listened to Lucia tell her family story hundreds of times in both English and Spanish. And every time you discovered something new.
You opened the door to the bookstore and waved at Lucia, who was sitting at the front door, speaking in rapid Spanish on the phone. You grabbed your backpack from behind the desk and sat down at a group of tables near the front. Lucia had a soft spot for you. In exchange for leaving your backpack in a safe place and reading all the books you wanted, you helped Lucia take inventory and unload the truck when it came every Monday. Reading became a safe-haven for you. Instead of a 15 year old homeless teen living on the streets of New York, you were a witch, an adventurer, a daughter to one of the Greek Gods. Worlds that were created by stringing a couple of sentences together became your home. The world around you got a lot easier as you slipped into a new reality every time you opened a new book.
You unzipped your backpack and pulled out your most recent read, Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan. You took the bookmark out and began to read where you left off. But it was hard to focus on the world Natasha Ngan was building with her words. You felt stuck, unable to make a decision. If you didn’t take the Black Widow’s offer, it would make you seem ungrateful. Then Annie may be disappointed in you, that is the last thing you wanted. But if you moved into the Avengers Tower and lost control and hurt them, what would happen to you then?
‘Mija (darling),’ Lucia said, from the front desk. You looked over your book to the desk. Lucia was off the phone and looking in your direction. ‘You’ve been reading the same page for the past 10 minutes. A book that small you would be done with by now. What’s wrong?’ She asked.
‘I-’ You stopped and rubbed your fingers along the spine of the book. ‘I got offered a place to live. But I’m having second thoughts if I should accept it.’ You kept it vague. The less people who knew that an Avenger offered you housing the better.
‘Why?’ It was such a simple question but it made your chest feel tight.
‘Because I am damaged goods.’ You felt your palm tingly, the tale sign of your powers. You drew energy from the objects and people around you. Being calm helped your chances of not setting off a spark. You drank tea instead of coffee and meditated every day. You let out a few breaths until the feeling went away. ‘I don’t want to hurt anyone.’
‘Maybe it’s time you stop hurting yourself. Maybe you can help them just as much.’ The door of the library opened, stopping the conversation. You shook your head and continued to read. Please, how could you help them? You were no one compared to those who lived in that tower. You didn’t fight androids or save people as aliens attacked the city.
But this is how the earth and heaven works , you read, How they have always worked. All that is needed for anything to happen is for someone - god or mortal, demon or man, to see that slim chance, and take it . You closed the book, forgetting to put the bookmark back in, and sighed. Maybe that is what the red head was doing, taking a chance on you. If she could take a chance on you, then what was stopping you from taking a chance on them. Fear. The feeling is a powerful motivator but how long can you be living your life in fear? You pinched the bridge of your nose with your fingers as a headache began to form. All you wanted was a simple Thursday but the complicated deck of cards that you were dealt had other plans for you. You stared at the cover of the book, tracing the way the girl’s hair was drawn on the page. Take it. Take the chance. You could almost hear the book scream at you.
‘Fine.’ You mumbled, reopening the book as you tried to find the page you left off on. You’ll take the chance.  
Let me know how you are liking it so far!
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
※nuits d’ été※
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pairing: megumi fushiguro x gn!reader
genre: fluff (?) is coffee shop au it’s own genre?
word count: 2.2k
content warning + tags: mutual pinning, one mention of toxic relationship, drinking, smoking
playlist: spotify link
a/n: i present my piece for @titan-fodder ’s java shop collab ! find the og post here <3
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You had been watching him for days. No, not in a weird way. You were just curious, really. The young man has been visiting your café for weeks, always sitting at the front to have the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, order a cappuccino and a butter croissant; he proceeds to open a book and read for a couple of hours. Another cappuccino, please. Then he opens a leather journal, scribbles passionately for a while before paying for his order. His eyes linger on you as you give him his change and you smile politely, thanking him for his visit.
"You have to talk to him." You groaned in reply to your coworker, sending a glance to the shopfront to see if the mysterious stranger had arrived.
"I do talk to him."
"To take his order and then his money. You can do better than that."
"What would I say to him? He looks so sophisticated, so smart. I'm hopeless."
"Just make small talk."
"About what?"
"The weather." She shrugged and left to tend to her tables. You sighed, leaning against the counter as you waited for him to arrive. Your prayers must have been heard, because he was finally there, sitting down at his usual spot with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Your three coworkers sent you glances, making you roll your eyes. How obvious were you really? Did he notice it too? You placed a glass of cold water on your tray and walked out, leaving a coaster and then the glass on his table.
"Good morning, sir. Are you ready to take your order?" He looked up at you with a small smile. You didn't have to ask for his order, you knew it by heart. Your coworker said it would be weird if you just brought out his coffee like that, and you would definitely lose a customer, so you refrained from doing so. But what was the problem? The old regulars didn't have to give their orders anymore, everyone would just prepare them and bring them out. Ugh, I'm overthinking again.
"Yeah, I'll have a cappuccino and a butter croissant."
"Thank you." You bowed politely and went back inside to prepare his coffee.
"Make small talk!" Your friends nudged you softly as you walked back out with the tray. You carefully placed down the mug and the plate, nodding at his thanks.
"Would you like an ashtray?" You blurted out, maybe a bit too quickly. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you mentally slapped yourself.
"Would you like an ashtray? Sir."
"Oh. Sure." Was that a smile? He definitely found it funny that you got nervous. You went back inside and rushed out for the ashtray, leaving it on the side of the table.
"Here you go, sir."
"Do you really have to call me sir? Makes me feel old."
"What?" You gaped at him, not realizing how stupid you looked.
"We're about the same age, aren't we?" He played with his coffee spoon for a while before looking up at you.
"It's just shop policy."
"You can call me Megumi, by the way."
"Oh. Well, in that case, nice to meet you." You extended your hand for a shake after offering your own name as well. As his hand met yours and you were sure you looked like you would explode right then and there, he pulled you down a bit and smiled teasingly.
"Someone had to introduce themselves first, right?" You met his gaze with wide eyes, finally seeing the pretty green colour you admired from afar. You would swear a few golden specks danced around his irises, but you didn't have the chance to see for yourself, because the door to the shop opened, startling you.
"Are you going to take those tables or what?" Your manager scolded you. You brushed down your apron and cleared your throat, apologizing before he left again.
"Sorry, I have to..." You trailed off, and he nodded knowingly before taking his book out. You could feel his eyes burning holes through your back as you went inside and out to take orders. You had never realized until now how many times you did the same thing, opening the door with your back to protect the full tray of drinks, leaving them on tables, making small talk with some regular customers before rushing back in. It was much more tiring when you knew someone paid attention to all of your moves.
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"Good day to cover shifts, huh?" One of the night shift waitresses teased you, pointing outside to a group of friends that made their way in for their reservation.
"What do you mean?"
"Look at them. Everyone's so handsome. And those girls..." She trailed off, eyeing the large group that sat down at a table for six. You would swear your heart jumped up and down your chest, threatening to rip your skin apart when you noticed your mysterious stranger between a white-haired man and a brunette. He had noticed you long before though, making a mental note to tell you you looked good in the night uniform.
Of course, when the café turned into a restaurant every night, the uniforms became elegant as well, fitting for the city of amour.
"Can you take the table that just came in? I'm full." Two waiters rushed by you, not giving you a chance to decline. You muttered something about where that table would end up under your breath and grabbed six menus.
"Welcome to 'Nuits d' Été', would you like to get started with drinks?" You offered as you passed around the menus. Megumi made sure to brush his fingertips against yours as you handed him the leather booklet.
"Absolutely. Bring us six glasses of your best aged wine, please." The white-haired man spoke, eyeing you up and down before turning to Megumi with a grin.
"Of course." You bowed your head out of politeness and went down to the cellar of the shop. Bringing back six wine glasses, you set them in front of all the customers and started filling them.
"Let me know when you're ready to order." You said, sending a smile that was more for Megumi rather than the whole group. Besides, they were all already engaged in conversations all around him; he was the only one to return a smile, though it had some playful hint in it that made your heart race.
Luckily for the shop, the group of six stayed until closing, along with another small group of friends. Luck was not on your side however, because your awkwardness around them made you want to dig a hole on the ground and hide in it. You were out front smoking when the group walked out with laughs.
"Thank you for choosing us tonight." You said when they bid their good nights to you.
"Thank you for your hospitality." A cheerful brunette said before joining hands with the other girl of the group. You couldn't help but notice Megumi and his friend arguing for a while before he stayed back, turning to look at you.
"Hey, you're closing tonight. We're going to a party, I'll text you the address!" Before you could argue with the cook about the task just thrown at you, he was gone, escaping from the back door.
"Hey there." You breathed out, smiling sheepishly.
"Can I ask you for one of those?" He pointed at the cigarette packet in your hand.
"Help yourself." You tossed it at him. He took one and softly pressed it between his parted lips, suddenly leaning closer to you. You didn't dare move as his unlit cigarette came in contact with your lit one.
"I had a lighter." You grinned.
"This is more fun." He shrugged and blew a cloud of smoke between the two of you.
"How was your food?"
"Great. I don't know about the waiting, however. The person managing our table looked a bit out of it."
"Haha. Hilarious. It's not my fault."
"Really? Did something make you nervous?" He grinned cheekily. He knew all too well how nervous he made you, but he wouldn't stop until you admitted it.
"Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, throwing your cigarette in an ashtray, him copying your actions. “Wanna come in? I bet there’s leftover tiramisu.” You gave him an excited grin, opening the door for him, letting him follow you to the kitchen.
“Won’t you get in trouble?” Megumi asked worried when you popped the cork from a wine bottle. It looked very expensive. And it was.
“They don’t pay me enough to scold me.” You shrugged and poured wine in two clean glasses. Opening the steel fridge, you let out an excited gasp as you took a container in your hands.
“I present to you, Megumi, the greatest creation of mankind.”
“You guessed it! Oh, I’m definitely taking this home...” You mumbled, ogling at the dessert lovingly before looking at him, “after I serve you of course! What kind of wait staff would I be?” you giggled, bringing two plates out and placing one square piece on each of them.
“Thank you.” He offered you a crooked smile and took a sip of his wine. “Is it a bad time to tell you I’m vegan?”
You stared at him for a moment until it registered in your brain.
“You’re messing with me. I know you ordered spaghetti carbonara, and there are eggs in that.”
“I tricked you. I just wanted to see if you remembered what I ordered.”
“Youuu...” You trailed off, patting your cheeks with your cold hands to ease your embarrassed blush down.
“A toast.” You exclaimed after your second glass, making him laugh. “To this amazing dessert, give my compliments to the chef, and to new friendships.” You clinked your glass with his and drank the rest of it.
“So, do you work all days and nights?”
“Why, are you planning on camping out here to see me?”
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The wine bottle was empty, discarded in the recycling bin. You were laughing at the driest joke you’ve ever heard and he was trying his best to stay serious and get to the punchline.
“Please. I’ve heard enough.” You breathed out between hysteric laughter, unconsciously bringing a hand to rest over his. Megumi looked down where your fingers met and his cheeks turned a crimson red colour, matching the tint of your apron.
“Ha! You look like a tomato, are you drunk?”
“You’re drunk.” He flicked your forehead when you got closer to him. “So, are you seeing anyone?”
“Nope.” You smiled, popping the ‘p’. “I haven’t for a while, actually.”
“Why not?” Was he being pushy? At the state he was in, he didn’t really think before he talked, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t overthink everything right after the words came out of his pretty pink lips.
“I came out of a very toxic relationship last year. Like, toxic to the point they even followed me to the bathroom because they didn’t trust me.”
“Damn, I’m sorry. I hope you can heal, you’re too sweet for someone like that.”
“I’m healing.” You nodded with a smile, only now noticing the thumb that caressed the back of your palm softly. You looked down, then back up at his face. He must have been a gift from above for his parents. His face was sculpted to perfection. Eyes green and gold like a lake during the sunset, lips pink and cheeks flushed just the right amount; it seemed like even his freckles were placed at the perfect spots on the tip of his nose and under his eyes.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“I mean, I’m free tomorrow night if that’s what you’re asking.” He smiled, leaning closer to you.
“It wasn’t what I was asking, but it’s good to know.”
An arm met your waist, bringing you closer to Megumi. You could smell his musky cologne and the sweet wine on his breath. Your hands were on his shoulders and you had to take a good look at them; you had no idea how your body was moving without you doing anything. When was the last time you drank so much, anyway?
Feet stumbling against his made you realize you were practically a breath away. Was he really going to kiss you right now? Did he even know what he was doing? All those thoughts rushed through your head, but the immensely loud beating of your heart made your overthinking seize. The tip of his nose touched yours, and he was cupping your cheeks with a grin.
“I only kiss after the first date.” He mumbled against your lips. If you moved even one bit, you would be kissing him.
“Well,” you chuckled, “can this be considered a first date then?”
“Hm. Maybe I’ll make an exception. For you, love.”
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dragons-bones · 3 years
FFXIV Write Entry #1: Delayed Gratification
Prompt: foster || Master Post || On AO3
The Jewels and Java cafe is the brilliant brainchild of my friend @catpella and was used with permission. :3
“Again, I am so sorry,” Synnove hissed, mortified, as they walked down one of the many hallways of the Arcanists’ Guild.
“It’s perfectly all right, my love,” said Aymeric fondly, squeezing her hand. “If we miss the ferry, we can simply teleport.”
His lady sighed heavily and muttered, “But I like the ferry ride…”
He laughed and raised her hand to kiss her knuckles, and satisfaction purred in his chest at the way Synnove’s golden cheeks rosed with pleasure. Galette, in her usual position draped around her mama’s neck, didn’t bat an eye. Ivar, behind them, made a disgusted noise, followed soon after by Tyr’s annoyed elder brother huff; he ignored them, well used to Synnove’s sons’ idiosyncrasies.
It was not the first time one of their getaways had been temporarily delayed by a work-related emergency; their friends and colleagues were normally keen on ensuring the pair of them got to take vacations, but sometimes matters arose that absolutely could not be handled by anyone else. This one, thankfully, had occurred while they were still in the city and easy to reach. Very easy; they’d been merely around in the corner from Mealvann’s Gate in the Jewel and Java café, enjoying sweet treats before they planned to wander over to the ferry quay for the journey to Bloodshore and the cabin, when Thubyrgeim’s emerald carbuncle, Din, scurried in with a note from the Guildmistress.
“Oh, she’s playing dirty,” Synnove had muttered as she read the note. Din had twitched an ear in her direction, but he had clearly been in the midst of gossiping with Galette and Tyr, their noses and ears and tails moving in the way of creatures who didn’t need sound to communicate.
(Aymeric had, not for the first time, suspected that Synnove’s carbuncles’ aetheric harmonic matching capabilities were nowhere near as common as his lady implied they were. Certainly, he’d never ‘heard’ any other carbuncles speak, but he also knew Synnove’s quintet limited their direct communication to Synnove’s immediate social circle, and it would not be out of the realm of possibility that other carbuncles had similar preferences…)
Aymeric had peered over his shoulder, setting down his fork with its piece of rolanberry shortcake on his plate, and shook his head in amused exasperation at the sight of the Guildmistress’s shorthand, which was as atrocious as Synnove’s. “What seems to be the problem?”
“One of the fourth-years needs final approval for her thesis project’s spell changes,” she had said, refolding the paper, then pinching and dragging her nails along the crease to sharpen it. A chip of her bronze nail lacquer ended up left behind. “Yamomo—” the chair of the aetherophysics department, he had recognized the name immediately, “—had to ‘port out to the Range. It’s either an unscheduled detonation or one of the Squadrons fired on a part of the island they’re not supposed to, Thubyr’s writing got a bit sloppy there.”
A bit sloppy?
Pointedly ignoring his look, his lady had continued, “Solkthota’s presenting her thesis project at the next conference, and guess where that is?” Her voice had turned as dry as the Sagolii.
Aymeric had giggled even as he had fished Roksana out of her bowl of melting ice cream and absently began cleaning her face with a napkin as the white carbunclet had purred. “Does it start with ‘Radz’ and end with ‘Han,’ by chance?” he said.
“Oh, you’re good,” Synnove had said with a rueful laugh, and waved down one of the café’s waitresses to get their desserts packed to go.
Now, they approached one of the warded workrooms in the Guild’s north wing. As they did, Synnove carefully smoothed out her expression from huffy and annoyed to professional interest. For all that she did want to be vacation right now, enjoying the lazy trip around the southern coast of La Noscea to sightsee or nap or cuddle, she would never take out that frustration on one of her students.
She dropped his hand—reluctantly, though she quickly skimmed her thumb over his knuckles first—and opened the door to the workroom, stepping inside, with Aymeric following just at her heels.
The workroom was large and well-lit, the early afternoon sun streaming in through the many windows. The part they immediately walked into was a small observation area, with a setup of desks similar to a small amphitheater leading down to the main floor; this must be one of the practical demonstration workrooms, then. Two students were off to the side, a dark-skinned Highlander lad and a tiny grey elezen girl who had yet to hit her growth spurt and could have been anywhere between sixteen and twenty-one summers old. At the front of the workroom, pacing nervously, was a gangly Sea Wolf young woman, skin the color of storm clouds and hair such a shocking shade of daffodil yellow he would have thought it was dye if her eyebrows hadn’t been the same color.
All three students’ head whipped up and around when Synnove entered, and Aymeric saw the two sitting ones’ jaws drop as he took a seat at one of the other desks, Ivar and Tyr jumping into seats next to him as the twins tumbled down his arms to the desktop. The presumed Solkthota paled and stammered out, “Professor Greywolfe! You’re supposed to be on vacation—”
Synnove waved a hand and closed the short door on the partition between the observation area and the presentation area. (Briefly, as the latch on the door clicked into place, he felt the faint snap of a ward activating.) “Hadn’t left yet, Solk, and an emergency means Professor Yamo has to put the fear of the Twelve into someone,” she said absently. Her voice had gone from her usual faintly Ala Mhigan and Lominsan accented lilt into the crisp tones of a Gate arcanist on duty. “Remind me of what your thesis was covering? Professor Yamo hasn’t given me a copy yet.”
The young Sea Wolf took a deep breath and launched into a technical diatribe that almost immediately had Aymeric’s eyes glazing over. He recognized a few words and phrases—Shotamian manifold, harmonic oscillation—and knew just enough from listening to Synnove’s explanations over the years that this project didn’t seem to be carbuncle focused, but otherwise it was all Allagan to him. Instead, he made sure Amandina and Roksana hadn’t taken a page out of Galette’s playbook and hadn’t gotten into the bag of treats sitting beneath the desk at his feet, and leaned back in his seat to observe. Faintly, he could hear the other two students murmuring to one another, but about what, he was too far away to tell.
(They weren’t looking at him as they did, at least, so if he was the subject of their conversation, they at least had better manners about it than most Ishgardian nobles.)
Solkthota finished quickly, nerves clear as day on her face, and Synnove nodded, reaching up to pet Galette’s tails. “All right, no time like the present to test this.” She gestured towards one of the person-shaped targets at the end of the room. “Let’s see what this modified Ruin can do.”
The student took another breath as she unhooked her grimoire from her belt, opening it and quickly turning pages to the correct one. Solkthota removed her channeling stylus from the strap on the grimoire’s back and held it up in the air, the tip pointed towards the target, and began to cast.
The bolt of power had barely left the stylus before Synnove was roaring “DOWN!” and tackling the Sea Wolf to the floor. Aymeric grabbed the twins just as the word began to leave Synnove’s lips, and was on the floor beneath the heavy ironwood desk, the shrieking carbunclets tucked close to his chest, just as the echo of it was overtaken by the roar of an explosion. Tyr was on top of him and his little sisters as a bright light blinded him, blocking it out, but having an enormous topaz carbuncle atop him did nothing to muffle the sound or the feel of the room trying to shake apart.
The silence in the aftermath was nearly as deafening as the explosion had been.
Tyr rolled off his head, shoving past Ivar, who hung from the desk, chittering in excitement because big boom and, of course, he had watched. Aymeric crawled out after Tyr, and as he stood, the girls immediately pulled themselves up onto his shoulders and tucked into his neck, shivering. He absently stroked first Roksana, then Amandina, and hurried to the other end of the observation area to where the other students had been. As he walked, he noted that the ward on the partition was flickering oddly, like cracked glass, but the spell still held—barely.
The Highlander boy had covered his elezen classmate’s head with his torso, and she was shoving at him now, her voice muffled by his bulk, saying, “Tyon, gerroff, you’re heavy!”
Aymeric bent over to help Tyon keep his balance as he pushed himself up and crawled out from the desk. “Are you all right, you two?” he said.
Tyon rubbed at one ear, and accepted his proffered hand to get to his feet. “Ears’re ringing,” he said while also blinking rapidly. His tiny classmate popped up next to him, patting her dark blue hair back into place and scowling faintly.
Synnove, meanwhile, was lowering her arm; the right one, upon which she wore the ring denoting her as a master arcanist. The glimmer of a shield fell away as she did, and then she was standing upright and helping Solkthota to her feet. Galette’s ears were pinned back and her nose was twitching, but otherwise she seemed utterly unperturbed.
“I am so, so sorry,” the Sea Wolf was saying, her whole body shaking and her eyes wide with mixed shock and horror. “I know I did the math right, I know I did—”
“Honey, take a deep breath,” Synnove interrupted, hands on Solkthota’s shoulders and her voice firm as she looked up at the young woman. “In for seven, and hold, hold, hold, little more, and now out for seven. That’s it. And again…”
As Synnove calmed her student, Aymeric and the other two began righting chairs and wiping plaster dust from the tops of the desk. Tyr came over to headbutt Tyon’s thigh, and the Highlander gave his head a firm rub; as he did, an emerald carbuncle that appeared more vulpine than the standard manifested, yipped what was likely a hello, and then went to sit on the elezen girl’s foot. She immediately bent down and scooped the creature into her arms, tickling under its chin.
Soon enough, Solkthota’s breathing was under control, and Synnove gave her a grin. “There we are. Now, what’s the first rule of science?”
Solkthota’s answering grin was shy and watery. “It’s not science until you write it down.”
“Very good,” said Synnove, her green eyes glittering. “So let’s do that first. Next, we’re going to go through your arrays page by page; your working theory is sound, but the math fell through at some point.” She suddenly pointed towards the young elezen, without looking. “And no helping her, Atreanne!”
“Oh, come on, Professor G!” Atreanne said in a high, nasally whine. Her carbuncle added its own whine as emphasis. “I’m the best at it!”
“And Solkthota will learn better if you don’t feed her the answers,” Synnove said, her voice wry in the way of someone who had. “But you and Tyon are welcome to stay and observe, both of your physics work could do with some polishing.”
Tyon and Atreanne exchanged looks, wide-eyed, and then bolted for the partition.
“I’m glad now it wasn’t Professor Y today,” Aymeric heard Atreanne whisper to Tyon. “Professor G’s way more patient with screw-ups.”
“Professor G likes screw-ups,” Tyon whispered back. “They’re more fun, she says.”
“They are more fun, now hop to it, kids!”
Solkthota was dragging over the desk that had been pushed up against a wall, and Tyon and Atreanne grabbed chairs from the observation to bring over and sit with their classmate and teacher. Synnove, meanwhile, looked at Aymeric as she walked backwards towards the slate chalkboard.
“Can you get me some fresh chalk?” she said, a rueful grin on her face.
Aymeric laughed and gave her a sweeping bow, the twins peeping excitedly as they held on. He righted them as he straightened, and turned to head to where he knew one of the storage rooms were.
It was a good thing he had remembered to pack a few books to read.
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bokunosimpfiction · 3 years
Demon!Dimitrescux Reader
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Synopsis: Lady Dimitrescu reveals herself as a demon that has made it her personal mission to guard you after what you believe is the case of worst/best timing of your entire life. No trigger warnings. 1.6k words.
A/N: This took me less than two hours to write/publish this. I needed this out of my system ASAP
             The black Toyota Corolla had to look strangely familiar your first pass down the street. It reminded you of your boyfriend’s car, and you swore that the digits of the license plate must have been one or two off his, and the generic pine tree air freshener must have been a different color. Not to mention the woman in the backseat with a cocktail dress on.
             You chose not to think about it as you walked into the 7-11 in nothing but your pajamas and the pair of crocs you haven’t worn since being on the college swim team. It wasn’t hard to decide what to grab off the shelves. A bag of chips store brand sour patch kids and gummy worms, a two-liter of Pepsi, and a bottle of wine too big for one person. The cashier looked just as tired as you did, and you understood what it was like, barely, time is a social construct that distanced you deeply from the night shifts you pulled at this same store while in college. Nine to five shifts (Dolly Parton shifts, your coworker would call them with a smile) were only better because you could sit down and have a stable sleep schedule. It was the same grueling work, and in your case, you had to deal with the same shitty people that complained about things you can’t control.
             His droning voice pulled you out of your train of thoughts. “The total is forty-eight fifty-seven.” He was either crying in the backroom while you were picking out your chips or hit a massive dab, you weren’t sure, but his red eyes made either option feasible. You didn’t comment on it, only handing him two twenties and a ten and taking the change back before walking out the door. You didn’t say anything to him, and vice versa, which you appreciated because you didn’t have the energy to deal with a chatty Kathy right now. And as you pull yourself down the street, your bag of crap from 7-11 in your hand, you pass that same deja-vu-mobile and look at the stickers on the back.
             The same I love my dog and proud cat-dad stickers in the exact same place, the dent on the right side of the bumper, and the license plate that was in fact, one hundred percent his. Which begs the question, who was the girl in the cocktail dress, and what was she doing in the backseat? The question didn’t matter for long because the car promptly burst into flames. Oh well. Wait.
             It’s your boyfriend’s car.
             You wipe out your phone to call the fire department when you see the girl in the same cocktail dress crawl out of the car, dress pulled up to her waist, barefoot and mascara streaming down her face. She’s violently beating his clutch against the ground, desperate to put out the flames while your boyfriend slams the door open on the other side and throws himself out full force onto the asphalt of the busy street. He looks up and sees the anger in your eyes.
             “Hey, babe.”
             “I-I-can-” he stutters violently. His face was red in anger and blood dripping from his nose due to the face-first collision with the freshly paved street.
             “We’re over.”
             You do him the favor of calling the fire department for his car and walk off as soon as you hear the sirens of the firetruck. You didn’t have anything to do with it. No need to watch the fallout when you had nothing to do with the disaster. Besides, your soda’s getting cold, you wanted to drink that before it got Luke-warm. You ended up dropping off the crap and walking to the 24-7 grocery store a little farther in the other direction to get ice cream. Standing in the frozen aisle, in nothing but your pajamas, bright red crocs, and moist eyes, you try and decide between the weird, nuanced flavors that all taste like vanilla anyhow.
             You look up towards the top shelf when you notice the woman leaning over you. She’s deathly pale, skin as pale as paper and lipstick so red it glowed compared to everything else. Her huge hat would make a shadow on her face if it weren’t propped right above her hairline.
             “So, did you enjoy the show sweet-heart,” she whispers in your ear. You feel her breath on your neck and her gaze freezes your heart. “You didn’t think that his car catching on fire was a happy accident now did you?”
             You turn around, only not to see her behind you, but on the fogged-up glass doors on the other side of the aisle. “Did you really think that I’d be standing right behind you?” Her question is almost taunting.
             “Who are you?”
             She breathes into her elegant pipe only to blow out to re-fog the glass before staring dead into your eyes and saying the words that changed your life forever. “I’m your guardian demon.”
             You honestly thought you were losing your mind, seeing this woman in the glass, telling you she was a demon who set your ex’s car on fire. (It felt odd to call him that, you had been dating him for three years). Her elegant leg steps through the glass, her dress riding up to just below her knee before it hit the ground and the rest of her flowed into our realm as smoothly as her dress swayed when she walked over to you.
             She was almost twice your height, and the view from where she stood in front of you made her feel even more so tall. “So mortal, what do you have to say, knowing that you have a five-hundred-year-old all-powerful demon protecting you?”
             “What happened to my guardian angel?”
             She scoffs. “You never had one. Most people nowadays have guardian angels, in fact, I’ve only heard of one other mortal who hasn’t had one that’s alive right now.”
             “What do you mean?” You can’t help but ask. There’s an entire world of things you didn’t understand. Angels. Demons. Hell, even bigfoot could be real for all you know.
             “Well, darling, there is a very simple answer to that question: there are only so many angels for so many mortals, and so sometimes a few slip through the cracks of the system, and that’s where we step in.” She moves around to the refrigerator next to you and inspects the sorbets. “Despite what the church tells you, us demons love humans. They’re a claim to social status. You bring a human home, and you’re viewed as wealthy, famous even.”
             “So that’s what you get out of taking a person’s soul in a deal.”
             She turns to you. “When I what now?”
             “Ya’ know,” you say, “a person makes a deal with a demon in exchange for money or fame, and when they die their soul belongs to the demon and they’re doomed to eternal hell yada-yada-yada.”
             “Is that what they’re teaching you, now.”
             “At least that’s what my mother says. I didn’t really believe in any of this stuff till you stepped out of the door and said you set my ex’s car on fire.”
             “I would have done it sooner, but you looked so happy with him, it was difficult to pull that away from you,” she sighs before standing up to her full height, “that woman he was with was going to give you HPV and I’d prefer the human I fought tooth and nail over to not get an STD. I would never have let that stupid-man-thing touch you had I known he would cheat on you with a mortal so… infected.” What an interesting word to decide to land on.
             She turns and waltzes back across the aisle with a grace that has long been lost to time. “And besides, you’re better off without him, with him off your mind you’ll be able to take that new project on at work and get that raise you’ve been needing so badly.”
             You’re still trying to process this. “You mentioned that you only heard of one other mortal with a demon guardian. Who is he?”
             “His name doesn’t matter, all I really care about is that damn man-child, Heisenberg, is watching him, which means he won’t be alive much longer.”
             “Do you kill us?”
             She puts her hand to her chest and looks genuinely offended before her features soften when she realizes you had never met a demon in your entire life not to mention even believing in them. “We would never. Our humans are like our children, and while we may not be able to subtle pull strings to protect those that we watch over, we do have our more… direct ways of protecting them.”
             “Like setting his car on fire.”
             “I’ve done worse things to keep you safe.”
             Your face pales, but your curiosity brightens your eyes. “Like what?”
             “Your so demand, child, but remember when lightning struck the tree in your backyard, and it fell and landed on your neighbor fifteen or so years ago?”
             You can’t formulate words.
             “Or how your car broke down on the side of the road so you couldn’t reach the hotel you booked?”
             “You did that!”
             “They were going to steal your luggage!” She scoffs before taking a long drag from her pipe. “Anymore, questions?”
             “Is Jesus real?”
             “I wasn’t there for that, and if he was, he hasn’t left his fluffy little sky bed since being nailed to that goddamn cross.”
             “One more.”
             “It better not be stupid, darling.”
             “What ice cream should I get?”
             Her soft smile returns. “Get the java-chip, but the one right behind the front one, there’s a little extra than usual in that container.”
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floralbuckleys · 3 years
Falling For You | Buddie
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♡ Pairing: Buddie
♡ Genre: Fluff, First Kiss, Confession
♡ Word Count: 1k+
♡ Prompt Request: “I think I’m falling in love with you.” Buck x Eddie. P.S: Happy 300 followers!! 
♡ Warnings: Brief mention of the shooting/Eddie being injured
♡ Summary: Eddie overhears Buck’s confessions.
♡ Note: Thank you so much for the request, Emma (@lonely-writer​). I hope you like it. Not beta’d so excuse the mistakes that I am blind to
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A muted yawn leaves Buck as he makes his way through the Diaz house in the early hours of the morning. He keeps his steps and movements quiet, as Christopher is sleeping soundly, and there’s still about an hour before Buck needs to wake him for school.
Eddie should be up soon, as he’s quite the early riser, but since Buck’s been staying over, he’s made sure to wake up before him, so he can cook breakfast and do some morning chores. Least the still recovering firefighter try to do them himself, despite Buck insisting he not.
Flipping on the kitchen light switch, he enters the cozy space and heads over to the instant coffee machine to click it on. 
It’s become part of his morning routine now, though Buck’s not the biggest java drinker in the world, Eddie had mentioned once that he finds the smell of coffee in the morning relaxing, and thus he makes sure Eddie gets that.
Once that is brewing, he heads over to the laundry room to switch the towels he’d stuck in the washer before bed into the dryer and take out Christopher’s clothes from it as well. He hadn’t realized how much more laundry you do with a kid in the house. Not that he minds as he finds the task relaxing and likes knowing he’s helping.
He grabs one of the baskets they keep in the closet, placing it atop the dryer as he begins taking Christopher’s clothes out, neatly folding and sorting each one into the basket. 
When it comes to his own clothing, he’s hardly ever this precise, more of the stick it in a drawer and pull it out and go type, but this is for Christopher, so he’s always careful to take his time.
One shirt he takes out of the dryer, causes a soft smile to spread across his face as he sees the dolphin splayed across it. He actually bought it for Christopher.
He’d gotten it awhile back when the three of them visited the aquarium together. They’d had a blast that day and on the way out Christopher had seen the shirt and instantly wanted it.
Eddie was going to buy it, but Buck insisted on it, just to see the smile on the shining boy's face.  Folding it gently, he places it gently and the back and continues with the rest.
As he works his thoughts drift back to his current predicament—though not willingly—because if given the choice, he’d ignore the troublesome feelings that have been festering inside him for weeks now. 
Or maybe much longer than that, though he’s not exactly sure when he fell for his best friend. Maybe someday he could sit down and figure it out, that is if ever got the courage to actually admit how he felt to Eddie. 
Not too likely, considering he can still barely admit it to himself.
It’s scary, acknowledging that you’ve been pining, longing for someone so close to you, especially when you’re around them every single day. Even worse when you’ve experienced the earth shattering fear of losing them. It causes an urgent gnawing at your heart, and an urge to confess those feelings, even if it could mean ruining the dear friendship you’ve grown.
Because you’ve finally had to face the reality that you might not always have the option.
He’s been unsure what to do with the weight of the emotions, knowing he didn’t want to talk to anyone about it, and instead choosing to actually research various ways to confess on his own. 
One website he’d come across last night before falling asleep claimed he should practice how he would like the conversation to go aloud. Something about it helping your confidence and making the actual talk go smoother.
He snorts at that.
As if him telling Eddie he was in love with him would go his way.
And yet, his cobalt eyes still flicker to the laundry room doorway, ears listening for sounds of any movement. As far as he could tell Eddie must still be sleeping, which meant there’s nobody around to hear him.
Biting his lip, he finishes folding the last of Christopher’s clothes and opens the washer to quickly move the towels over.
Once he’s all done he places both of his hands on the sleek metal dryer as the cycle begins and it starts rumbling on. 
Maybe, he could at least try.
His eyes close, and he inhales a sharp breath, and before he knows it his feelings are welling with him, and slipping past his lips as he imagines the way it would go. Him actually having the courage to tell Eddie his hidden truth.
“Eddie. Um, it’s Buck.”
Wait, why would I say that? I’d be standing in front of him.
Scratch that.
“Eddie, I have something I need to tell you.”
Eddie will of course give him that breathtaking smile, and his hazel eyes will look right through him as they always do.
Buck gulps as he imagines it, his shoulders tightening as he struggles with what to say next.
“Well, the truth is, I…” He trails off, biting down on his lower lip as he wills himself to just spit it out.
Eddie will be confused, and Buck will feel bad about hesitating so much. 
After all, why should he be so nervous in the first place? Even if Eddie doesn’t feel the same way--which Buck is sure he doesn’t--he wouldn’t be a jerk about it. He would let him off easy, be respectful about it. Buck trusted in that.
Exhaling softly, he let’s the words he’s never dared say, flow freely.
“I think I’m falling in love with you, Eddie. I have been for a long time, and I need you to know that, because…” Buck winces as the memory of Eddie, injured and bloodied laying on the ground flashes in his mind. “Because I would be a fool not to tell you that, and because I can’t stand the thought of losing you. Ever.”
Buck stands still for a moment, processing the feeling of finally voicing how he’s felt. It’s akin to stepping outside on a sunny day, and feeling the fresh air blowing against you.
But then, as quickly as that feeling comes, it’s gone, as Eddie-the real one--speaks up from behind him, “Evan.”
Buck’s eyes snap open as he whirls around in surprise, coming face to face with Eddie, whose eyebrows are knitted together, his lips in a tight line.
“Fuck. D-Did you hear me?” He blurts out, dread lacing every word as he internally panics.
A million questions cross Buck’s mind. How could he be so stupid? How could he forget to make sure nobody was coming? Eddie must have heard everything.
He’s not sure what Eddie see’s on his face, but before he knows it, the hazel eyed man steps closer to him and murmurs, “I did, but calm down, it’s okay.” He assures him.
“It’s okay? Okay? Do you even realize what you just heard? I-I you weren’t supposed too-”
Buck’s rambling is cut off by Eddie closing the distance between him as he brings his free, uninjured hand up and pulls Buck to him. 
It takes Buck a moment to process that they’re kissing, really and truly kissing. Eddie’s lips against his, sweet and chaste.
When he pulls away, Buck is still stunned, the amount of questions in his mind now multiplied, but Eddie speaks before he can.
“I didn’t expect to tell you this way, overhearing you say it to my laundry machines, but I don’t mind it. The truth is that… I’ve fallen in love with you too.”
The air seems to have left Buck’s lungs as he and Eddie lock gazes with Eddie, both their eyes smoldering with heavy emotion. They’re both leaning in for another kiss within the next second, and Buck doesn’t want it to end.
However, life has other ideas as Christopher’s gentle voice calls through the house, “Dad! Buck! Where are you?”
They pull away from each other immediately, both their faces burning, and smiling from ear to ear.
“We should talk about this after we take Chris to school, okay?” Eddie starts, the first one to break the silence.
Buck nods, liking the sound of that. “Yeah, that sounds good. You go check on him, I’ll get your coffee and start on breakfast.”
“What would I do without you?” Eddie laughs as he turns and walks off to get Christopher.
Buck freezes however, because despite hearing Eddie say that exact line several times, it now has a new meaning that leaves him breathless.
God, has he fallen for Eddie Diaz.
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tkc-info · 3 years
Meeting Esfandiyar
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Normally Yrah loathes to have their time with their boyfriend interrupted, but when if their best friend has begun dating someone...
@wagnerthedragon so sorry if this is horrible or unintelligible, I wrote it during my study breaks lol
The sharp point of the needle glinted moments before piercing the eye. It went through the sclera to go back to the surface, and back into the eye. It's bloodred string drawing ghastly shapes as it ravaged Clothilde de la Croix.
Yrah liked to name every one of their dolls, as well as give them a backstory (after all, one simply was not born with stitched eyes if one wasn't an imlium). Mademoiselle de la Croix, for instance, was the adoptive daughter of a merchant who'd then sold her virginity at an auction. To escape her fate, she had had to seek a demon's protection in exchange for her eyes. Such a backstory allowed Yrah freedom to get creative with their design.
"Do you think I should paint blood running down her cheeks?" Yrah asked their boyfriend.
Marcus had been laying on Yrah's bed --allegedly ogling the telescope they'd secretly bought for his seventeenth birthday-- but promptly hopped off the bed to Yrah's desk. Hands on his pockets, he rested his chin on Yrah's head and inspected Mademoiselle de la Croix.
"I think she looks perfect." Marcus murmured "Is it for Oscar?"
Oscar was Yrah's littlest brother. They loved to pamper him with the most delightfully dark dolls.
"Not this one," Yrah pressed a small button hidden on Mademoiselle's nape "Look."
The doll's hands moved to her eyes, and she fell to her knees. Yrah watched, delighted, at Mademoiselle de la Croix's silent weeping.
"This is going to my closet; she's also programmed to fetch my hats." Yrah stood up "Hello there."
Their face was very close to Marcus's; just like Yrah liked. He was gorgeous, their boyfriend. Marcus's blonde hair was long enough to wrung their slender fingers around. He was that tad taller than Yrah, so that they had to tilt their head up ever so slightly to kiss his smooth lips. And for some reason, Yrah liked that.
"Hi," Marcus whispered back. Then leaned closer.
Yrah clamped a hand on his mouth, a smile dancing on their lips. "Wait," they cleared their throat and called out "Oscar?" nothing, he must be having a nap "Mother? Father?"
Still nothing. Perfect.
"You're not checking if Sylvie's here?" Marcus asked.
Yrah rolled their eyes. "That's a waste of time. That monster is in Mirror Java with Nieves." they grinned "Let's not talk about Sylvie."
Marcus hummed at the same time as Yrah slid their palms up his arms, and dug their fingers in his blonde hair.
Their lips met with a softness which soon hardened into a slow kind of urgency. Yrah felt like there was a wildfire consuming their insides, for Marcus's arms were drawing them closer to himself, and now only their thin shirts served as a barrier between their bodies.
Expertly, they hooked and ankle behind Marcus's leg and pulled. The surprised oof that came out of their boyfriend was too amusing: Yrah grinned against his lips, and wickedly lowered themself to pepper kisses down the length of his throat.
Marcus's groans were barely audible, but they nevertheless made Yrah feel oddly hungry. His hands glided down their back --pressing lightly on their vertebrae and awakening trails of goosebumps there where he graced them with his touch-- until stopping on their upper thighs, which he stroked and grabbed with his rough hands.
Yrah's mouth reached Marcus's clavicle; the hands they'd abstained from using coming up to his collar. To unbutton his shirt and surmount that final wall between them.
"Yrah?" Marcus asked, and with that question, he told Yrah everything.
"It's been too long," Yrah grumbled as their hands popped off the last button.
Marcus's body was…
"Though I know I love you, I find it hard to see--"
Marcus cursed loudly; Yrah tensed. Their phone.
Yrah, not the least bit pleased, separated from their boyfriend and went to their desk. They wished they could dismiss the call as inconsequential, but it could be Sylvie calling to say she'd just arrived home. And that ungrateful, distasteful, sordid brat would not catch Yrah being intimate with Marcus.
Only that it wasn't Sylvie who had prevented Yrah from having Marcus, but Yitian, who could very much be dismissed.
Yrah put their phone on speaker. "I hate you." they told their best friend. That was the only greeting Yitian would get from them or Marcus, who looked awfully displeased.
So clearly unlike Yitian. "I interrupted your fun, didn't I?" his voice stunk of amusement.
"Yes." Marcus grumbled from the bed.
"That doesn't matter," Yitian cheerfully said "I have a boyfriend."
Yrah blinked. When exactly had Yitian met someone and why hadn't he told Yrah? "Name." they ordered, gesturing for Marcus to sit on their desk.
Marcus obliged like a good boy, and Yrah sat on his lap.
"Esfandiyar." Yitian announced.
"Esfandiyar?" Marcus asked, suddenly less grumpy and more attentive "Esfandiyar's great, how are you two dating?"
"Well, he says I am great,"
"Nah, the guy's just boy-crazy."
"My masculine beauty is definitely irresistible, but we wouldn't be dating just because I'm hot. You see, a few months ago I was taking Shu on a walk, and--"
Yrah was too bothered by who Esfandiyar was to pay attention to Yitian's story. They weren't surprised that Marcus knew him and they didn't, but still. Yrah had the impression they'd heard about Esfandiyar multiple times.
"Yitian," they began "What's your boyfriend's full name?"
Their best friend said Esfandiyar's surname quite like one might proclaim he'd won a prize. And perhaps he had.
So Yitian was dating Yrah's idol's son.
"Can I meet his mother?" they asked, not caring to hide their awe.
There was a weird shuffling on Yitian's end during which, allegedly, he and Esfandiyar had a brief conversation amongst a worrying ruckus.
Yrah quirked an eyebrow at Marcus, who only shrugged. 'This is normal', his eyes seemed to be saying.
"Really?" Yrah whispered.
"They are a family of sixteen."
Goodness gracious.
"Hi, uh," a mysterious boy eventually said. Esfandiyar --his low voice was very nice "I'm Esfandiyar. You can come, but my mother is with my uncle Charlie, and they're going out in around an hour," then, under his breath, he asked Yitian something about Yrah and the goddess that had birthed him Yrah wisely abstained from listening.
"We'll be there in fifteen minutes." Marcus told him "Dude, do you still have any of the puff-puff my mother brought yesterday?"
Esfandiyar snorted. "If you don't hurry up, Shiva will eat what little there's left."
Marcus sucked in a breath. As if this Shiva were his sworn enemy when it came to eating puff-puff. Like it was a personal offense that someone other than him would dare eat the snack his mother had gifted them.
"We'll be there in ten minutes," was the only thing Marcus said before hanging up.
Yrah stood up with a small smile: Marcus looked so enraged. Their code of conduct dictated they ought to peck him on the lips.
"There's a portal in my house that connects to Mirror Iran," Marcus said, interlacing their hands "Let's go."
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By the time they arrived at Esfandiyar's house, Marcus was a few seconds away from combusting from nerves.
"Are there any puff-puff left?" he asked the girl that opened the door for them.
Yrah had met Alice Khosravi-Proudhon only in passing, whenever she regaled their sister with her presence and Sylvie happened to be with her classmates. Alice was peculiar --in her irregularly-cropped, orange-dyed hair, and outlandish markings-- which Yrah could appreciate. It was a true pity that Sylvie was annoyingly heterosexual, because Alice and her would make a very aesthetically-pleasing couple.
"Uh?" Alice asked in a raspy voice, not taking her eyes off her phone.
"Puff-puff. Is there some I can have?" Marcus pressed.
Alice typed something on her phone. Her lips twitched upwards as if she knew exactly what emotions she was eliciting in Marcus. "Unless Shiva has eaten them, I guess," she eventually said "Close the door and come inside, will you? You know my father hates to have outsiders snooping around."
Before Yrah could turn around in search of any onlookers, Alice kicked the door close herself. Then, without further ado, proceeded to leave Yrah and Marcus to their own devices.
"The kitchen," Marcus said, a man driven to action by his deepest passions.
Coincidentally, Yitian and his boyfriend were also in the kitchen. Yrah was so shocked, they had to pause on the threshold. Marcus was barely perturbed, but Yrah…
They'd never seen Esfandiyar; witnessing such a scene for the first time was nearly paralyzing. His sleeves were drawn all the way to his elbows, so Yrah was arrested by the sight of his arms.
"You know, staring's rude." Esfandiyar murmured self-consciously, pushing his sleeves down to his knuckles. From in front of him, Yitian shot Yrah a reproachful look.
Yrah rolled their eyes. "Don't blame an admirer of art for being captivated by beauty," they smiled and extended an arm towards Esfandiyar "Yrah Everitt-Melton."
Esfandiyar shook their hand and introduced himself in the same manner. "It's good to finally meet you."
There was a hint of something Yrah didn't entirely like in his voice, but they refused to acknowledge it.
"Esfandiyar, they want to meet your mother." Marcus commented from the countertop, where he'd sat to wolf down his mother's gifted puff-puff.
"I know, but she's in her studio," Esfandiyar shrugged "She's readying a client, but we could go down to see her?"
"There's no need to call her." Yrah hastened to say.
An omnipotent, all-consuming wave of nerves had taken ahold of them, manipulating them into yielding to a newfound fear. Yrah didn't think themself prepared to meet their idol. Absurd, they knew, for every moment in their life had been in preparation for today. And they were without fault, therefore had no reason to lower themself to worthless emotions.
Yitian quirked an eyebrow at Yrah, having sensed their nonsensical concern. "Let's go see your mother." he told Esfandiyar before leaning down (he was a whooping 1'9m) to kiss him. As if to show Yrah how he wasn't any nervous to see the woman that could become his mother-in-law.
Marcus finished the last puff-puff, hopped off the countertop, and put a strong arm around Yrah's waist. "Is she really working, though?" he asked as they made their way across Esfandiyar's house.
Yrah was horrified by the sheer number of children present in every room, that constant rumble of high-pitched prepubescent voices dressing the house like a straitjacket.
"Don't worry, Mama's not cutting any corpses," Esfandiyar said "Just putting makeup on a random man's face."
"Who?" Yrah asked.
They reached a staircase, which Esfandiyar descended unhesitatingly. They were getting closer to Her.
"One Serik Assylov," Yitian answered "That's the first thing she told me when I arrived because the man was trans like me. She was adorably excited."
Yrah thought Yitian should be the one excited, instead of looking so unnerved. If it had been a non-binary person like Yrah, then they would have felt honoured to be someone She was reminded off. To have one's lifeless, freezing body handled by such a goddes was an honour.
They could still remember when Papa --a few years ago, when Yrah was still a child-- had told them to write a letter with what they wanted for Alliance Day, as people Aboveground tended to do for Christmas. Yrah had written that their uppermost wish was to have their body readied for eternal rest by Her. Needless to say, they hadn't changed their mind.
"Here," Esfandiyar announced.
The door before them was of sturdy cherry wood; two voices --one feminine, another impossible to match to a gender-- coming from within.
In a sudden bout of cowardice, Yrah shot to clutch their boyfriend's hand. "Oh--" they cursed in Papa's language.
Marcus laughed and kissed their cheek. "She's great, don't worry."
Yrah wanted to tell him it was precisely Her greatness, perfection, awe-inspiring magnificence that had them so shaken up. But Esfandiyar chose that moment to open the door, and Yrah lost any and all ability to speak or think.
Their idol's study was perhaps the most well-lit room in the already well-lit house --the implicit message of this wasn't lost on Yrah. Dozens of candelabra sat on different corners, and a great lamp from the 19th century hung from the ceiling.
And then there She was.
"What are you doing here?" someone said. Not Yrah's idol, but the person She'd been talking with.
Charlie Khosravi-Proudhon was sitting on an armchair by a fireplace, his mane of red curls tied up in a man bun. Yrah wasn't all that close to any of Mama's former classmates, but they did know Charlie quite well. When they'd officially come out as non-binary, their parents had called Charlie so that Yrah would have a genderqueer adult in their life to ask for counsel they couldn't give their child.
Their gender expression was the least of Yrah's problems, but Charlie… he'd helped with the rest. Yrah liked him.
"We wanted to say hello before you two went out," Esfandiyar said; lying, as well he should. Then he turned to his mother "Mama, I don't think you've met Yrah Everitt-Melton. They're Marcus's partner."
"I have not," She said, stepping back from the corpse of Serik Assylov with a whisper of 'just a moment, Mr Assylov' to go to Yrah "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Yrah's legs were threatening to give out, but, somehow, they kept them standing. "The pleasure is mine, Ma'am."
She smiled slightly. Yrah didn't know whether it was rude to stare at Her face --at that-- so they looked at Her eyes, which twinkled with amusement for a moment.
"You have a beautiful name," She said.
Yrah could've died then and there. Their idol had complimented them. Their life purpose had been fulfilled.
"Thank you," they gulped down, squeezing Marcus's hand to ask for assistance.
Their boyfriend, Roxia bless him, obliged. Yrah was at awe at his ability to talk to Her with such ease. And then Esfandiyar added onto the conversation, and Yitian was softly pulling Yrah to a corner.
"You know, you're here to meet my boyfriend," he whispered.
"I never said that," Yrah protested "I specifically requested to meet your boyfriend's mother. Not your boyfriend himself."
Yitian snorted. "Don't be mean. I really like Esfandiyar."
Yrah searched his face for any trails of his jokester nature. They came up empty handed.
"He's a bit of a mystery," they eventually murmured "And he is pretty attractive."
Not more than Marcus, however.
"That's not everything," Yitian's eyes softened as they beheld his boyfriend "Esfandiyar's the best. He is mysterious, but can you blame him?"
Yrah could not. When you were different-- sometimes otherness could feel like a blessing, or just an integral part of yourself that was necessary to constitute who you were but wasn't something worth highlighting. However, otherness often felt oppressive. If Esfandiyar wanted to retreat to the sidelines because he didn't want too much focus on himself, who was Yrah to judge him? Their sister was like that as well, and Yrah loved Sylvie with every fiber of their being.
"It will be nice to unveil the secrets of who Esfandiyar is." Yrah ended up saying.
Yitian's smile lit up his whole face, and Yrah was reminded of how much they adored their best friend. Esfandiyar clearly made him unbelievably happy, and so Yrah had to do their best to have a perfect relationship with Esfandiyar.
Not only for Yitian's sake, even, they thought as their eyes fell on Marcus.
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deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Cross-platform vs Native Mobile Development
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In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the choice between cross-platform and native mobile development is a critical decision that enterprises must make when creating mobile applications. Both approaches have their own merits and drawbacks, catering to different needs and goals. This article delves into the differences, benefits, and considerations of each approach, helping enterprises make an informed decision that aligns with their requirements. The realm of mobile application development has expanded significantly, presenting enterprises with choices that can profoundly impact their mobile presence. One pivotal decision is whether to pursue cross-platform development or opt for a native approach. Each path carries distinct advantages and challenges, and understanding these intricacies is crucial for making the right choice. Understanding Cross-Platform Development Cross-platform development entails creating apps that can run on multiple operating systems using a single codebase. This approach leverages frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin to streamline development and maintenance across various platforms. By sharing code between iOS and Android versions, enterprises can save time and resources. Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Development Advantages of Cross-Platform Development Cross-platform development offers several compelling advantages. First, it accelerates the development process by allowing code reuse. This means quicker time-to-market and reduced development costs. Second, maintaining a single codebase simplifies updates and bug fixes, ensuring consistency across platforms. Lastly, it enables a broader audience reach, as the app caters to both iOS and Android users. Challenges of Cross-Platform Development However, challenges exist with cross-platform development. Achieving the same level of performance as native apps can be complex. Additionally, access to certain device-specific features might be limited. The dependence on third-party frameworks also introduces the risk of compatibility issues with future platform updates. Embracing Native Mobile Development Native mobile development involves crafting separate versions of an app for each platform, utilizing platform-specific languages and tools (Swift/Objective-C for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android). This approach maximizes performance and offers deep integration with the respective operating system. Pros and Cons of Native Mobile Development Advantages of Native Mobile Development Native development boasts unparalleled performance, providing a smooth and responsive user experience. It also grants full access to device features, allowing for innovative functionalities. Moreover, native apps tend to enjoy better security and stability due to their adherence to platform guidelines. Drawbacks of Native Mobile Development However, native development comes with drawbacks. It requires separate development efforts for each platform, leading to higher costs and longer development timelines. Maintenance also becomes more complex as updates must be implemented independently on both versions. Factors Influencing the Decision The choice between cross-platform and native development hinges on various factors: - App Complexity and Features: Simple apps with basic features might benefit from cross-platform development, whereas complex apps requiring high performance and custom features might lean towards native development. - Performance and User Experience: If performance is critical, native development is superior. Native apps can exploit platform-specific optimizations, leading to faster load times and smoother interactions. - Development Time and Cost: Cross-platform development is generally faster and more cost-effective due to code sharing. However, native development offers long-term savings by reducing maintenance efforts. - Long-Term Maintenance: Native apps often require more maintenance, as platform updates necessitate updates to both versions. Cross-platform apps have the advantage of simplified maintenance through shared code. Making the Right Choice for Your Enterprise Choosing between cross-platform and native development hinges on the specific needs and goals of your enterprise. While cross-platform development offers efficiency and wider reach, native development excels in performance and user experience. Assess your app's complexity, desired features, and long-term outlook to make an informed decision. Conclusion In the dynamic landscape of mobile app development, the decision between cross-platform and native development is pivotal. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, catering to different enterprise requirements. By understanding the nuances and considering factors like app complexity, performance, and cost, enterprises can confidently choose the development path that aligns with their goals. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What is cross-platform development? Cross-platform development involves creating mobile apps that can run on multiple operating systems, utilizing a single codebase. This approach simplifies development and maintenance across different platforms. 2. What are the primary advantages of native development? Native development offers unparalleled performance, access to device-specific features, and better security. It results in a seamless and high-quality user experience. 3. How does app complexity impact the choice between cross-platform and native development? For simple apps with basic features, cross-platform development might be more efficient. Complex apps requiring high performance and custom features often benefit from native development. 4. Can an app developed using cross-platform tools achieve the same performance as a native app? While cross-platform apps have made great strides in performance, native apps still hold the edge in terms of performance due to their ability to leverage platform-specific optimizations. 5. What factors should enterprises consider when making a decision between the two approaches? Enterprises should consider factors like app complexity, desired performance levels, development time and cost, and long-term maintenance efforts to make an informed decision between cross-platform and native development. Read the full article
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