#must've been to feed the baby
satowooo · 3 months
Wherein Sukuna takes care of your cat for a day, despite his indifferences with it.
warning: animal cruelty
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Your boyfriend, Ryomen Sukuna, is obviously not very fond of cats. Or to any living and breathing creature at all. But most especially your cat.
Sukuna hates it. Despise it even. He wishes it to be gone with just one flick of his finger just so the silly furball wouldn't take his time away from you. He hopes it'll get tired of you and run away someday because why are you always up on its face?
But then, that would make you sad. So he won't actually do anything to harm it, as much as he can.
To Sukuna, your cat is the most unearthly being that has ever walked on earth. Always tailing you around like a constant shadow, a menacing shadow. He dislikes it so much that it gets more of your attention than his.
“So cute!”
Sukuna watches the way your eyes glint in delight, squealing and feet kicking in the air while you're turned to your stomach right by the floor, playing with the little kitten you adopted. You had the most beautiful and widest grin spread on your face, and all because of an animal.
You can't seriously be so happy over that?
It has been a month since that kitten entered your life, and you hadn't been the same since. Well, you are the same, it's just Sukuna being exaggerated.
Why wouldn't he? You barely even look at him anymore because you're too focused on doting and feeding that animal, to the point that he's already making it a silent competition between him and the kitten about who wins your affections. And the cat wins every time. Every fucking time.
You're so head over heels about the white-furred kitten and he will never understand why. It's just another responsibility for you, another creature that will just distract you from your daily living, the daily living in question being the time that you're supposed to be doing with him instead.
“Look, Kuna!” You cheered, holding the cat by its arms to show the kitten to him, the said animal wearing small little glasses that would fit its little face.
Sukuna could only sneer, a frown obviously etched in his lip. “He looks pathetic. Get him out.”
“That's mean. Don't listen to him.” You turned the cat to face you and covered its ears, as if it'll understand what Sukuna says. The cat in return hisses at Sukuna, which made him scoff in disbelief.
Why are you even treating the kitten like a real baby? It looks so ugly!
But despite his inner thoughts, he actually finds himself caring for the cat, begrudgingly.
It's a furry dirty cat. He would only bring chaos all around your shared apartment. It probably doesn't even know how to clean itself. Sukuna would always think.
But he never really had a choice whenever you're gone at home, and he's left tending to the cat’s crazy needs.
“Will you fucking stay still?” Sukuna holds the cat by its scruff, not too tight though, just enough to hold him up to meet his gaze. The white kitten was all wet after Sukuna just gave him a bath. It meowed at him helplessly, making him smirk to finally see it in distress. “You're a handful, kitten. Why does she like you so much?”
This must've been the longest day for him yet, with you leaving Sukuna with the task to shower the kitten in your place because you'll be out the whole day. Who's he to disobey you anyway?
He wrapped the kitten in a towel, then took him by the counter. He let it sit there for a moment while it was licking its paws, while he rummaged through the cabinets to look for the hair dryer that you always used for the cat. Once he had it in hand, he faced the kitten again, his eyes glaring at the small creature who's just looking at him curiously.
This? This is the cat that you fawn over? He looks even ugly when he's drenched.
He could only shake his head at the thought, before plugging in the hair dryer so he could do his work. The cat tried to run away when he pulled him close, the hair dryer making a loud blowing sound as he fanned it all over the cat's body. A smile would tug on Sukuna's lips, finding the cat's helpless state funny whenever it meows in discomfort at his presence.
Well, let's just say it wasn't a very pleasant experience for the poor animal. As much as it is for Sukuna.
“Yeah, you look horrible. I know.” He chuckled darkly, gazing at the now dried-and-furry-again cat, all thanks to him.
He carried the cat and put it down the floor, letting it run away. He sighs, brushing a tired hand on his nape before he goes over to slump on the couch, resting his eyes for a moment. He could hear the thumps of the kitten running around, stumbling over who knows what, but he couldn't care less. Right now, Sukuna needs to have a moment. It was surely a new experience for him, and something that he will never do again.
It didn't take long for the kitten to go back to him though. It easily jumped on the couch, climbing straight to his lap. He groaned, feeling the cat tapping its little paws on his skin, opening his eyes to see it looking at him, expecting, or perhaps, asking for something?
“What do you want now?”
The kitten meowed, before jumping off his lap and heading straight to a little cabinet by the wall, where his cat food was hidden.
Oh, it's smart. He'll give him that.
“You're hungry?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at it. “Go starve yourself.”
Which wouldn't happen really, because the kitten started meowing furiously at him, which jolted all his senses awake. He cursed underneath his breath, letting out a grunt, standing up so he could give whatever the thing that the creature needed.
It was a very long and tiring day for him indeed. But at the end of the day, he's got the cat settled right above his chest, and he's petting its head softly as it lets out a purr. The cat’s tail would brush across his wrist, a sign that the cat must've been pleased with the gesture.
“I'll let you live longer.” He frowned, a low huff escaping from his lips as the cat only looked at him. “Just remember your place in this house.” Flicking the cat’s forehead softly as a finality, before he pushes it off and lets it fall on the floor, the cat swiftly landing on its feet.
After all, his pleasure is not his top priority, but yours. So, if keeping you happy would mean having this little cat between the two of you, then he might just let it for a while. For a while. Maybe. Depends if the cat crosses a line.
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deartrent · 8 months
mum's emotions — taa
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summary: pent-up emotions and frustrations as a first-time mom finally surface when you find yourself in the familiar arms of trent
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x fem!reader
notes: my first ever post on here. didn't really come out the way i intended, idrk if i like it, but let me know what you guys think!!
what you felt was wrong. you knew it was wrong on so many levels. you couldn't help but feel the way you did though. seeing trent take care of your baby so naturally, as if he'd experienced being a father before, sparked something inside of you that you didn't know you were capable of feeling. you couldn't tell if it was anger, disappointment or jealousy. all you could think of was how come i carried that baby for 9 months, just to be the worst mother of all time?
trent noticed your frustrations. he could tell when he'd come home from training and you'd greet him coldly or shoot daggers when he'd steal the baby from you, the cries stopping as soon as he held her in his arms, so gently. you were never the type to verbalise your feelings and trent knew not to push you to that point either, but he also knew you were slowly reaching your limit. he wished he could stay home more often to help you out, to take some of the workload off of you, but his schedule didn't allow him to.
"look she smiled," trent turned your daughter to face you, unaware that you had been observing them for the past two minutes. their smiles resembled so much, something you had prayed for way before getting pregnant.
it took everything in you to fake a smile, masking the emptiness you felt inside. trent could sense your mind was racing, your silence speaking louder than words. his heart ached seeing you in this state, reminiscing on the bubbly version of you prior to giving birth.
"she can sense your emotions you know," trent spoke after getting no reaction from you, walking over to where you stood, with your daughter against his chest, "when mum's stressed, she will be too, i read it somewhere." you felt vulnerable as trent towered over you, trying his best to read your facial expressions. you hadn't been too verbal lately, with trent having to rely on body language. he had no clue the reason you hadn't been verbal was the inability to hold in tears whenever trent would try and have a conversation about anything baby related. instead of confiding in him, you chose to distance yourself.
you didn't know how much longer you could hold everything in though, and without a single warning, you felt your eyes well up, a burning sensation confirming that your tear-filled eyes had turned bloodshot red by now. trent was caught off guard, not knowing what to do next. this was the first time you'd shown a different emotion than anger and annoyance since the baby had arrived.
trent's first instinct was to put the baby down on the playmat, before engulfing you into an embrace you didn't realise you needed until your face sunk into trent's chest, the all too familiar scent and sense of warmth, comfort and security washing over you. you sobbed into his shirt, his large hands caressing your back as he tried soothing you.
"please talk to me babe, tell me what's on your mind," trent begged and for the first time since bringing your daughter home, you thought of trent, instead of yourself. you thought about how he must've felt, being a first time parent himself and having to deal with taking care of the baby on one hand, but on the other hand having to deal with an angry, irritated girlfriend, not knowing what exactly is going on because you simply did not communicate with him. you could only imagine how scary and lonely it must have been for him.
"i just need a break," you sobbed, barely audible but you knew if anyone would understand you, it would be trent. "i don't know what i'm doing, i don't know if i'm feeding her correctly, i don't know if i'm dressing her warm enough, all she does is cry and i have no idea what she wants. i'm just a shit mother, i wasn't made for this." you took the opportunity to dump all of your frustrations.
"stop, don't say that," trent pried you off of him to create a little distance as he held your face with both hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, "you're doing great, i promise. she's alive, she's healthy, that means you're doing a good job." trent tried reassuring you, your breath shaky from all the sobbing. "she's crying, because she senses your emotions," you melted into trent's hands, the eyes you were so in love with fixated on yours, making your surroundings disappear, "she just wants you to be happy, we both do." guilt was the next thing you felt.
you felt guilty because you'd left trent in the dark, taking your frustrations out on him, while all he wanted to do was help, "i'm so exhausted trent, i can't remember last time i slept a full night," you continued your rant, "i miss just cuddling with you and not be interrupted," you could see the corner of trent's lips turn upwards, igniting the same warm, fuzzy feeling you'd been feeling ever since the first day you'd met; the one thing that hadn't changed since the birth of your baby. trent placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, before placing your head on his chest once more, "you know, i have a day off tomorrow, i can ask my mum to babysit and we could just stay in bed all day," trent suggested, earning a chuckle from you.
you could feel trent's heart beat against your temple and as you further sunk into his arms, you realised just how blessed you really were. you couldn't imagine having a baby with anyone other than trent, the idea of building a family with him easing your mind. he was everything you wanted and from the moment you told him you were pregnant, you knew that you and your baby were in safe hands. and that was all that mattered.
"i would love that," you looked up, pressing your lips to his luscious ones in a kiss you didn't know you craved.
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You Started It pt. 2(Buggy The Clown x F!Reader)
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a/n: GMFU, that's all i have to say. this chapter was strongly inspired by the song Shikayat from the movie Gangubai Kathiawadi,
Warnings: General Asshole Behavior from The Man Of The Hour, Hostage Situation, Light Bondage (lmao), Some Good Old Smexual Tension.
Summary: The time for your great performance finally arrives, but the culmination will surprise both you and your captor.
Part 1.
You awake to the sound of music. Drums, trumpets and bells fill your ears, shaking you from some pleasant dream, where you could run free with your brother and his crew. Instead, your forehead aches from the way the bars of your prison dug into it, while you slept. Your legs are sore as well, dangling above the floor, wooden planks leaving marks on your thighs. Your joints crack, as you try to straighten yourself to the best of your capacity, an unpleasant shiver running up your back. Groggily, you wipe left-over tears from your eyes. The music wires itself into your brain, like a bug drilling inside your skull.
Then, someone yells. You know the voice all too well. The music stops immediately, and with a quickened pulse, you hear footsteps approaching the door to the backroom.
He waltzes in, a spring in his step betraying his barely contained excitement. It's been a week since your faithful conversation, and you haven't been moved from your spot above ground. Like a bird in a cage, he has kept you locked, visiting even more often than before. To feed you, give you some water, drink in the sight of you, pester you with questions you had no intention of answering. Truly, your purpose here must've shifted from solely being a Hostage, to providing Entertainment. Just like he's said when you first got here.
"Hostage!" he exclaims, as soon, as the door closes behind him.
"Captain" you answer, voice tired and still traced with the remnants of sleep. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
He's not bothered by your sarcasm. You're not sure if he even registered it, with his giddy state.
"Today's your big day!" he jumps a few steps in your direction, wobbling on the balls of his feet,
At your confused, if slightly annoyed expression, he raises his hands, and that's when you notice the elephant in the room. A costume, folded neatly in his arms, one, you're without a doubt expected to wear. It's pink, baby pink and frilly to say the least. You can see an ungodly amount of ruffles, and sequins, and small golden bells. It makes your face involuntarily scrunch up. Never in a million years you'd be caught wearing such a pink thing of your own accord. But, as much as you hate the sight before you, the show must go on. You know it, and he most definitely knows so, too.
You flinch, when the Clown throws the costume to the side, lets it collide onto the table, bells ringing loudly. Then, he produces a key from the pocket of his trousers
"Be good, or else" he warns, and you nod, because what else can you do.
The soft click of the lock is like music to your ears, and as soon as the man opens the door, you nearly moan at the feeling of your legs finally being able to stretch. He watches from the side, as you unfurl yourself from the cage, limb by limb. Oh, the feeling of solid ground under your feet is almost too much
"I really cooped you up in there…" he muses to himself, and you contain the venomous look you were about to throw him.
Instead, you opt for stretching out your sore muscles, rising your hands as far above your head as you possibly can, and try to ignore the spark in his eyes, as he watches your shirt ride up your stomach, Finally, he clears his throat, crosses the room to the table and gathers the costume back in his arms
"Don't take long" he winks and points his chin towards the dressing room screen, tucked away against one of the walls.
Grabbing the amassing of fabric from his arms, and trying really hard not to touch him, you retreat to hide behind it. The screen is big enough to cover your body, but your head peeks above, and you shoot a cautious look towards the clown. To his credit, he hasn't moved any closer, rummaging through one of the chests at the end of the room. Your eyes catch a glimpse of something metallic and very sharp, disappearing into the inside pocket of his coat, and your heart jumps to your throat.
Your hands now shaking, you lay out the fabric, trying to get a good look at the costume, before you have to inevitably put it on your body. As you look at the full garb, it doesn't look as intimidating, as before. The ruffles, although pink and obnoxious, are flowing nicely with the entirety of the outfit. It is, however, much more revealing, than you've anticipated, and against your better judgement, you throw a single, judgy look towards the Clown, who immediately catches your eye at the other side of the screen
"Chop-chop, we haven't got all day" he smiles at you, full teeth on display.
Shaking your head, you begin to undress, movements slightly skittish, from the sudden anxiety running up your spine. The outfit slides against your body with ease, the fit being slightly too big on your figure. The expanse of your stomach lays bare, ruffles from the hem of the skimpy top tickling your ribs. Your legs are also, almost completely exposed, the lower half of the costume turning out to be a skirt with rather deep cutouts on the sides. It's a shame you don't have a mirror anywhere nearby, although perhaps it's for the best. You don't know if you could stomach to look at yourself in this ridiculous getup
"Ready, Hostage?" his voice startles you against your will, and after a couple of deep breaths, you step out from behind the screen.
His face remains blank, but his eyes feverishly run all across your body, taking in the image in utter silence. Again, anxiety rises in your gut, this time however, you begin to worry that somehow, this isn't enough. That this isn't the vision he has conjured up in his head, and anything deviating from his vision was sure to anger him beyond belief. You bite your lip in anticipation, as he slowly starts to walk towards you. Then, to your utter confusion, he kneels down just in front of you.
Silence envelops the two of you like a blanket made of tar. It pours into your lungs, making you unable to breathe. His hands are steady, as he reaches out and places them on one of your ankles. Your mismatched shoe slides off your foot under his gentle tug. Then, the other one. Your bare feet hit the floor and that's when you realize, you've begun to shiver
"The audience will love you" he breathes, voice quiet and reserved, almost unrecognizable from his regular, flashy persona.
Then, his hands retract to the inside of his coat. Your breath hitches, as he pulls out a golden cuff adorned with the same, small bells, which are currently attached to the rest of your outfit. Your brows furrow, and another, unexplainable feeling blossoms in your stomach, as you watch him lean down to clasp the cuff around your ankle, the second one following closely behind. His hands linger for a moment, and another surge of trembles runs through you. He's warm, and his fingers are calloused, but somehow, your skin doesn't seem to mind. If anything, you'd risk saying the way he softly slides his digits up your calf is enjoyable. Troubling and confusing, yes, but enjoyable nonetheless.
You sway in your place, as he rises from his knees
"Give me your hands, Hostage" since when has this nickname become so affectionate on his lips, you can't remember.
One part of your brain reasons, that it's a recent development, caused by the time you were forced to spend in his grasp. The other, more treacherous part supplies, that this strange intonation has been there from the very start. You were just too stubborn to notice it.
The tremors running through your hands, as you raise them to present to him, are honestly embarrassing. Your head hangs low, to shield your face from his gaze. It's no use, he can see right through you. The flush in your cheeks, your mouth falling slightly open, the shine in your eyes. He eats it up like a man starved. Reactions, that's what he's after, and with the way you've been acting, you've given him quite the show already.
It's quiet again, safe for the occasional jingle of the bells, as he gently locks two bracelets around your wrists, identical to the ones on your feet. His fingers toy with the golden clasp, brushing against your running pulse. Tension builds in your stomach, as his eyes finally look up to yours. You would've believed you were solitary in your confusing feelings, if his breath didn't come out in quick gasps through his painted lips. Lips, which in this quiet moment seem much too appetizing than they had any right to be.
"You look perfect" his breath brushes against your face, "There's just one little thing, that's missing, Hostage."
Your brows scrunch together, as you watch him reach into his pocket yet again. A beautiful silken scarf slides between his palms. It's pink as well, adorned with constellations stitched in with a shiny thread. Your confusion deepens, when he grabs your hand and turns your wrist up. Then, your heart drops.
Between the rows of small bells, you can see a golden loop attached to the cuff, identical looking back at you from your other wrist. You try to voice your protest, try to wring out your hand, but his grip on you tightens, and he tuts quietly under his breath.
"Can't have you flying away now, can I?" he weaves the scarf between the loops, and ties your hands together, leaving the fabric to drape in between
"How the hell do you expect me to perform with my hands tied?" your voice comes out much weaker than you've anticipated, betraying your growing fear.
To that, he looks up with a grin, yet his eyes remain cold, causing your whole body to shiver.
"You're a smart girl, you'll figure it out."
His finger detaches again, flying towards your nose and pushing it hard enough to make your entire face scrunch up. Then, he grabs a handful of the fabric, tugs on it to check the binds, and starts walking towards the door, not sparing you as much as a glance. And you follow, obediently, trying to make his head explode with your brain.
It's your fault, really, the feeling of disappointment and anger swirling around in your head. All this sudden quiet intimacy has clouded your judgement, and you've forgotten who you're truly dealing with. Oh, how you wish you could do anything to hurt him. How you wish, your brother would rescue you already, free you from this prison, not only physically, but mentally as well, so you won't have to think about this stupid, homicidal clown ever again.
If he senses you fuming behind him, he doesn't comment. And why would he? You're still following him, as he drags you through the stage, right to the middle of your future dance floor.
Your eyes dart around the place, trying to find anything, anyone, who could help you escape this predicament. To your surprise, and later, horror, the Circus is completely empty. Not a soul shares your fate. Not the public, not his Freaks, not even the Announcer. The silence makes goosebumps erupt all across your flesh, and words get stuck in your throat, as Buggy turns to face you with an unsettling grin plastered across his lips.
"I thought a private performance would be much more appropriate for you, my Hostage" his smile widens at your expression.
You want to scream at him, punch him in his stupid face, but all you can manage is glare daggers at his stupid face. Suddenly, the lights flicker on, startling you, as beams of light flow around you, only to fall right on the two of you. Buggy grabs your face, squishing your cheeks between his palms. His enthusiasm would be contagious, if you weren't scared shitless by this entire situation.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a one-of-a-kind performance" he whispers inches from your face, "My dearest Hostage will dance for her life… and for your entertainment."
He lets go of you, forcefully showing you away, and you take a step back to stabilize yourself. The lights focus solely on you, and in the brightness surrounding you, you realize, you can't see anything besides the middle of the dance floor. Cackling like a madman, the Clown steps back, his hands clasped in front of his chest. You almost call out for him, as he slides into the shadows, but any sound dies on your tongue.
You're alone, again. Your breath quickens, as your heart nearly jumps out of your chest. This is not at all how you've envisioned this performance to go. Well, above all things, you didn't expect it would happen at all. Your brother should have freed you by now, and while you had your utmost faith in him, you couldn't shake the feeling of deeply seated worry. Which is why, you had to endure this torture. So you can see your brother again, when he finally comes for you. With a determined expression, you nod your head at the darkness and raise your hands, getting into, what you hope would look, like a dancing stance.
He holds you in anticipation for a moment longer, as any great showman should. And then, music floods the stadium. Bells and violins, distorted slightly by what you assume is an old gramophone. You recognize the song, thankfully, your face falling slightly, as you remember the meaning. A love song, of course, about hatred and affection. Bitter-sweet. Your limbs feel heavy and awkward, but you start to move nonetheless.
He wants a private show? You'll give him one, he won't forget.
The rhythm picks up and so do the movements of your hips. Bells jingle all around you, as you slide from one place to another, clouds of dust flying around your feet. The scarf turns out to be a major distraction, as you're unused to being bound. It takes you a while to get the hang of it, but once you do, you make the fabric dance with you, flowing around your body with satisfying grace. The song becomes even faster, and you twist and turn, ruffles jumping, as you run, accompanied by the bells. Your feet start to hurt from the roughness of the floor, but you ignore it completely.
The song drops before the second verse, and you follow the rhythm to the floor. Using all the acrobatics you've picked up through the years, you begin to writhe in the sand, adding a clap and a stomp, bells jingling to the music. That's when you finally see him, crouched down right in front you, watching your dance with a tilt to his head and something terrifying swirling behind his eyes. It makes you falter in your choreography, makes your guts twist with a feeling too close to arousal.
Then, a glint of something silver catches your eye. It swishes through the air, and plants itself right between your legs. A knife. Sharp and polished to perfection, it embeds itself into the wooden floor, splinters flying from the impact. The scream you let out would make a Banshee cringe, as you push yourself as far as you can from the weapon
"Now, now" Buggy calls out across from you, his silhouette barely visible in the darkness" The show must go on, Hostage."
He sounds terrifying, like some demon from your darkest dreams. But the music still plays, and you'll be damned, if this is what takes you down. So, you wipe your forehead with the silk scarf, contort your body and stand up, straight as a chord. Now, it's no longer a simple performance. Your blood boils inside you, fear giving space to anger and, strangely, some sort of misplaced ambition. You want to impress him, you want to make him frustrated, angry. Dust flows around you, as you resume your dance, movements much more confident, violent even.
He stalks you from the shadows, producing another knife from his pocket. It shines, when he lets it fly in your direction, but you don't even flinch, when it swishes right by your ear. Then another, grazes your torso, as you bend backwards. This one nicks you right below your ribs. You can feel blood running down the length of your stomach. No matter. Your eyes still follow him, and he steps closer to the light. Another knife, inches from your left foot. And closer he stalks. You can see the tips of his shoes enter the spotlight.
That's all it takes for you to make a decision. You won't play this torturous game any longer, and as the music nears its climax, you close the remaining distance between the two of you, hands flying to the collar of his shirt, fisting it tightly.
You're panting, so is he, as you stare at each other, all innocence gone from your respective expressions. Fury, oh, fury, you're not sure if you want to kill him, or kiss him, and as he produces one last knife from his pocket, the sentiment seems to be mutual
"You started it" a growl frees itself from the depths of your chest, and under your tight grip on his shirt, he shudders violently.
There's heat pooling into those blue eyes irises of his, enveloping you completely in the moment. But then, his eyes follow your scowl down to your lips, and you realize, you've never tasted face paint. What an interesting experience it would be.
This moment of tension is broken almost immediately, as clouds of smoke fill the tent, seemingly out of nowhere. Suddenly, something yanks you backwards by your arm, something puts a knife in your hand and something yells for you to run. So you do, you turn from the Clown, his figure drowned in smoke, and you run as fast as you can, without looking back. He screams some words you're too scared to decipher, his voice breaking. A disembodied hand flies in your direction, but you dodge it expertly. One more tug from the hand gripping your arm, and you fall through a thick curtain.
The sun outside the Circus tent blinds you, nearly making you lose your footing, but a pair of strong arms hold you in place, and a familiar head of ginger hair turns around to face you
"Come on, the ship is not far" Nami yells, and you can't contain the smile blossoming on your lips.
The Hostage, freed at last… Or so she hopes
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quintinh43 · 7 months
Stressed Spelled Backward Is Desserts | Quinn Hughes
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Summary: Quinn comes home to his girlfriend stress baking.
Pairings: Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
Warnings: Food, Flirting, Fluff, use of terms like baby, honey, love.
Notes: Hi guys!! Holy moly, I did not expect my last post to have so many interactions!! I'm glad yall liked it. Anyways, here's another one! If there's anything else yall think should go in warnings, please let me know! Also, I'm thinking of making a part 2 to this one, so if yall are interested, please let me know! I hope yall enjoyyy. Love Soph.
Usually, the sound of the apartment door opening would be enough to draw your attention away from what you were doing and greet Quinn with a kiss at the door. Although with the music in the background, the consistent buzz of the stand mixer and the kitchen fan going, you didn't register it.
The first thing Quinn noticed was the smell. It smelt like sweet heaven. Cookies, maybe..? The second thing he noticed was all the different noises. The kitchen fan, the music, a weird buzzing, and what sounded like you mixing something in a metal bowl.
Quinn toed off his shoes, hung up his keys, and peaked into the kitchen cautiously. You were indeed mixing something in a metal bowl. That's when Quinn noticed the absolute massive amount of cookies spread out on the kitchen island. There must've been at least five different kinds.
He turned off the music, and as soon as he did, you whipped around and crashed into his chest, not expecting him to be so close. He grabbed your arms to stop you from stumbling backward.
"Hi," he smiles fondly, pecking you on the forehead.
"Hello," you grin, bumping your head against his chest in greeting.
"Whats all this?" He asks as you wriggle out of his arms to go back to mixing what Quinn assumes is icing or filling of some kind.
"I was stressed," you shrug, as if that explained it.
Quinn looks at you with a raised brow. He sits on the bar stool, shrugging off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and undoing the top few buttons of his shirt "That doesn't explain why it looks like a bakery threw up in our kitchen." He says, plucking a cookie off the plate.
He bites into it and resists the urge to moan out loud. It was still warm from the oven, and the chocolate was warm and melty. On the second bite, he actually moaned out loud because holy shit, there was caramel in the middle.
"You like it?" You giggle
"Mhmm," Quinn mumbles around a mouthful of cookie. You watch him lick chocolate off his thumb, and he gives you a wink that has you blushing.
"You still never answered my question, Love," Quinn says, eyes roaming to the next cookie he wanted to try.
"You've never heard of stress baking?" You ask, holding out a spoon of what looks like raspberry mush for him to try. He leans over the counter and lets you feed him. He smacks his lips together, making a sour face, and you laugh.
"Never in my life, but I think I like the concept." He says, snatching what looks like a white macadamia nut cookie off a cooling rack. "But still, what are we gonna do with all of these? There's no way we can eat this much cookies between the two of us. There must be at least five dozen!"
"Probably closer to eight dozen," you say sheepishly. As if on cue, the oven timer beeps. You don the oven mitts and pull another tray of cookies out of the oven.
Quinns eyes widen, "That's like...ninety-six cookies"
"One hundred and four actually"
"What? No? Eight by twelve -"
"Thirteen," you interrupt
"Love, a dozen is twelve." Quinn says, watching as you mix the raspberry lemon jam thing into cookie, another batch of cookie dough.
"A bakers dozen is thirteen." Quinn's eyes go wide.
"Damn. I don't know if I should be concerned about what's causing you so much stress or if I should start stressing you out once in a while for the sake of some dessert." He jokes.
"Oh honey, you don't have to stress me out, to bake for you. I will bake you whatever you want whenever you want. All you gotta do is ask." You pause in thought for a moment "and maybe fuck me" you add with a mischievous grin.
Quinn grins leaning over the counter "baby i'll fuck you whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want, all you gotta do is ask."
You roll your eyes at him, unable to keep the smile off your face. "You wanna lick the spoon?" You ask, holding the jam spoon out to him.
"I wanna lick you," he grins, closing his lips over the spoon. A blush instantly rises to your cheeks, and you flick the end of the spoon that hangs out of his mouth. He groans as it clangs against his teeth, dropping it onto the counter as you laugh at him.
"Go change and come help me," you say, leaning over the counter to kiss him. He kisses you back happily "yes chef" he murmers against your lips.
He kisses you one more time before disappearing into the bedroom to change. He comes back out dressed in a black henly and grey sweats, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
If you hadn't just made over one hundred cookies, you'd be having Quinn as your snack because holy shit did he look fine. Damn you were lucky to have him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Quinn asks a little self conscious, as he dons the apron you hand him.
"I'm just thinking about how I'm so lucky to have you." You smile, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss to his lips. He wraps an arm around you, not letting you pull away. He tastes like raspberry. 
"I love you Y/n" he murmers against your lips with a grin.
"I love you too," you say, bumping your hip against his, "come on, these cookies aren't gonna shape themselves"
"So bossy." he chuckles, getting to work beside you. He stands close enough so that your hips and arms are brushing against each other as you work.
After a few hours, a flour fight, a couple dozen more cookies, a thorough scrubbing of the kitchen and a shower, you and Quinn lay on the couch with a half eaten plate of cookies infront of you.
"Y/n love, what are we gonna do with a hundred cookies?"
You sigh. That was a problem you'd been trying to solve for the past while. You couldn't very well throw them out. "Could we give them to the team?"
Quinn taps his chin in thought, "I don't want them to know how good of a baker my girl is, or they might try to steal you from me"
"Don't worry, they couldn't take me from you if they tried." You smile, pressing a kiss to chin,"but seriously, can we give them to the team?"
Quinn sighs dramatically. "Yes, I suppose we can. They are gonna have to do extra laps for them, though"
"Yay!" You jump up from the couch, dragging Quinn with you, to help box up all the cookies for him to take to practice later. After boxing up all the cookies and helping Quinn take them to his car, you kiss him goodbye and reluctantly go back to your studying.
As soon as you open your laptop, you sigh, remembering why you decided to bake a hundred cookies instead of work on this stupid shit. You text Quinn to have a good practice, and with that, you get back to work.
Wc: 1.2k
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kolyasangel · 4 months
oh baby!
synopsis: you have baby fever and nikolai is intrigued...
content: fem!reader, husband!nikolai, fluff, suggestive ending
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You don't even know how you got here. You were currently clothes shopping with Nikolai, but you somehow wandered into the baby's clothing section, looking at the small garments.
"There you are. I've been looking for you." Your husband's voice called for you. It didn't take long for him to find you, so he must've already been nearby. You saw he was holding some things, a few plain shirts and a jacket with a black and white checkered pattern draped over his arm. He noticed the jacket caught your eye, so he held it up for you to see and get your opinion on what you thought about it.
"Do you like it? I saw it and I thought it would suit me, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I do! You know, you really own black and white." You chuckled. Nikolai smiled contently and placed the jacket over his arm again before taking the shopping bags you were holding, wanting to hold them for you. His eyes shifted, suddenly aware of his surroundings.
"Sooo, what are you doing here? Do you have something to tell me?" He nudged your shoulder with his elbow.
"No! I'm just- just.. looking around.." You quickly responded, realizing what he meant by his question.
"Looking around? I don't think these clothes will fit you, dove." He playfully teased as he picked up a baby outfit before placing it back on the rack. You didn't miss the slight smile on his face while he looked at the tiny outfit.
As you two left the baby section, you continued to browse leisurely around different shops with Nikolai, hand holding onto his bicep. This surprised him because you usually didn't like showing such affection in public, but he didn't mind at all, of course. In fact, he loved it, but he couldn't help but notice you were being more clingy than usual.
You've already envisioned countless heartwarming scenarios of Nikolai embracing fatherhood. One in particular was your favorite to imagine, a disheveled and sleep-deprived Nikolai tenderly feeding his newborn from a bottle, the baby's tiny hand holding his finger. Others consisted of him buckling up the child in their car seat, dropping them off on the first day of school, making them laugh uncontrollably by smothering their little face in smooches, and many more. You imagined who your child would look like more, maybe Nikolai. The possibility of them inheriting his beautiful eyes filled your heart with immense happiness.
It's not like you didn't want to tell him, but the uncertainty of what he might say kept you on edge, even if you didn't know for sure. What if he doesn't even want kids? What if he says no? You knew you would have to tell him sooner or later though, since it wasn't like he could read your mind. The last time you even remembered Nikolai ever mentioning or interacting with kids was when he said babies look 'squishy' after an encounter in the grocery store where one kept staring and smiling at him in an aisle. You swore you felt the eggs shoot out of your ovaries as you watched that scene unfold. Something about him with a child just looked so right.
Nikolai wasn't clueless. He had already picked up the hints a while ago and realized that you might be contemplating starting a family, but he still wanted to hear the words directly from your mouth. The idea of starting a family excited him, yet it also made him nervous. While he would be more than happy to have children with you, doubts plagued his mind as he feared he wouldn't be a good enough father. Nevertheless, he would be lying if he said he'd never thought about it before. He would be lying if he said a warm feeling didn't grow in his chest whenever he heard you talk fondly about children.
Later that evening, Nikolai suggested he try some of the new clothing he bought in front of you. You agreed and lay on the bed, watching as he removed his shirt each time, leaving him shirtless and just in sweatpants for a short moment before he tried on the next one. You've seen him shirtless many times, but each time left you absolutely breathless.
He tried on the last shirt, and you gulped as it just had to do him so much justice. It was more form-fitting than the previous ones he tried on, his fingers running over the outline of his toned muscles visible through the fabric.
"I think I should only wear this one in front of you," he laughed as he winked at you flirtatiously before sliding the shirt off, leaving him shirtless once again. This time, it would stay that way. He then removed his hair tie and started to unbraid his hair, catching your gaze and offering a teasing smirk. It took everything in you to not push him down on the bed and-
"You like looking at me, don't you?" He raised his arms above his head, clearly wanting to show off his body for you. It almost seemed like he was doing it on purpose, ravishing your thirst for him.
"I'm sorry.." You don't know what you were apologizing for, your mind scrambled at this point.
"For what, dear? Don't be, you can stare all you want! It's all yours anyway." Nikolai seemed confused at your apology, so he swept some hair behind your ear to get a better look at you.
You stayed quiet, contemplating bringing up the topic now or later, now that you felt hot and bothered by his little show.
"What's wrong, dove? You seem to be lost in thought lately," he asked as he joined you in bed.
"I'm just.. thinking about something." You said.
He noticed your nervous demeanor and tilted your chin with his fingers to make you look at him. "Why've you been so shy with me, hm? You can tell me anything, you know I'll never get mad or judge you," he stroked your cheek gently before his hand trailed down to hold yours.
That's right. You always told Nikolai about anything and everything, so why was this any different? No matter what it was you talked to him about, he always made you feel heard. It was only a question after all, so you decided to just let it go and finally tell him.
"Kolya, what do you think about having kids?"
"Oh my! I knew it." He giggled before patting your cheek, amused at your question. You didn't know what kind of reaction you expected from him, but it certainly wasn't this.
"What do you mean?"
"You think I haven't caught onto your hints? You haven't been so discreet with your actions, sweetheart."
You felt a warm flush of embarrassment creeping up your face as you nervously fiddled with your fingers. It felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. He already knows.
"I know it's a major decision, but I feel ready.. and it's okay if you're not yet, I just thought I should let you know," you stammer.
He reached out and planted a soft kiss on your nose before speaking. "Well, I have thought about it before. Honestly, I don't know how great of a father I would be, but the thought of having a mini version of you running around the house sounds like a dream come true."
You felt a pang in your heart as you heard him speak ill of himself falling short of being a good father. The sad look on his face was discernable, it was the same one he had whenever he thought about the horrible actions committed in the past. It still made him shiver at times, regret consuming his mind whenever he sat on the thought for too long before you recognized his despair, rushing to comfort him.
"Nikolai, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You're not who you used to be."
It was only natural for him to have worries due to his past, but the mere fact that he cared how he may affect you and his future children indicated that he was a changed man, so you made that point very clear to him.
He smiled at your comment and you felt a surge of emotions as he continued, "When I was younger, I never imagined myself getting married, but now I can't imagine having a family unless it's with you."
"Kolya, that's so sweet. I know this is new for the both of us but we'll work through this together. You're already an amazing husband so I have no doubt that you'll be the best father!" You expressed, gently squeezing his hand. A faint rosy hue dusted his cheeks, flustered by your praise.
"Thank you, dove.. and you're going to be such a wonderful mommy." He sighed as he mused about you being a mother to his children. So gentle, so caring, you would just be perfect. He could already see himself peppering your belly with kisses, blabbering on and on to his unborn child about frivolous things. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't wait.
"What if I wake up in the middle of the night asking you for pickles and ice cream?"
Your adorable question caught him off guard, making him laugh. He imagined the scene happening in his head, and it was too cute for words.
Nikolai wakes up groggily as he feels you shaking his arm, wanting him to fulfill your request. "Kolyaaa.. I'm hungry and I need pickles with ice cream please.."
"Even if you do, I wouldn't mind at all, darling! If you want to eat ice cream with pickles or any other strange combination, then I'll gladly get it for you. I'll even try them with you."
Your eyes glimmered at his sweet response and trailed down to his chest, fingers running across his abs. You were overcome with so much love for him that you felt you couldn't wait any longer, and it seemed like Nikolai could tell.
"I want to make cute chubby babies with you." You pleaded with cute eyes.
"Yeah? Right now?" He asked as he pulled you closer to him, finger hooking onto the strap of your tank top, sliding it off slowly before placing soft kisses on your shoulder. "How many?"
"Mm, one? No, two.."
"How about ten?"
"N-No! Too many."
He snickered and pushed you down onto the bed, climbing on top of you.
"Well then, we better get started if we wanna make those cute babies~"
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percyluvr · 7 months
Hi love your writing. I was wondering if you can do a percy jackson x reader inspired by talk by hozier, basically just about what percy would do for the reader
percy jackson x reader summary: just some drabbles about little things percy does for you that show how much he cares about you wc: 745
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I. bringing you breakfast in bed
Today started off as it typically did, you and percy were already breaking camp rules by having you sleep in his cabin. Something was different today, though. you woke up to the feeling of emptiness beside you. Percy's side of the bed, or at least the part of the bed he was sleeping on before he got up, was still warm, meaning that he must've just gotten out of bed, maybe to go to the bathroom or something.
You decided to just go back to sleep and wait for him to come back to bed, but he never did. Instead, you awoke to him softly poking you awake, a tray of food in his hands.
"Hey baby, I woke up and you were still asleep, so I figured, why not get you breakfast and bring it to you?"
You rubbed your tired eyes, smiling at him. "Percy, thank you so much. You're way too good to me."
II. peeling your orange for you
You were sat at the Poseidon table at lunch, picking at your food as you waited for Percy. You watched as the other campers happily talked and ate their food, as you wondered where Percy was.
A few minutes passed, and you finally saw your boyfriend walking up to the table with an insane amount of food on his plate.
"Percy, babe, why do you have so much food? I get you're a growing boy, but damn, that could feed a family of 5," you joked.
"Oh, yeah! I wanted to share with you. I got a bunch of stuff you like, and I managed to get us extra desert," he replied happily.
"Aw, Percy, thank you so much," you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, which he frowned at and pointed to his lips, silently asking for a real kiss, to which you obliged.
Now that Percy was finally here, you could start eating. You started to peel your orange, but Percy snatched it out of your hand.
"I know you hate the smell of oranges on your hands, let me peel it," he told you when he saw the confused look on your face.
III. making you matching bracelets
Today you were supervising the bracelet making activities at camp, and Percy couldn't be happier. Even when you weren't the one leading the activity, it was still one of his favorites, but now he got to see you and make cute bracelets for you.
You went about leading the activity, showing everyone how to make a bracelet before sending everyone off to do their own thing. After teaching them, you began walking around, assisting those who were struggling. when you reached Percy, you knew you wouldn't have to help him because you knew how much fun he had during this activity. You knew because after every time he does it, he can't stop talking about how much fun it is and how cute his bracelet turned out. It always brought a smile to your face to see him having so much fun.
"Hey, Perce, whatcha making?" you ask, lovingly staring over his shoulder at the bracelet he was putting together.
"Just another bracelet for my mom, but look! I made one for you too, and it matches the one I made for myself last time," he says, grinning like a little kid that just got a new toy.
IIII. comforting you after a nightmare
As a demigod, it was normal for you to have insane nightmares, but this was different. It had nothing to do with prophecies, gods, or monsters. It had to do with Percy, or the lack of his presence. You found yourself searching the camp frantically, just for a camper to tell you that Percy had been dead for years, which prompted you to wake up in tears.
You tried to be as quiet as you could, but Percy still woke up. It was like he had a sixth sense for this type of stuff.
"Sugar, what's wrong?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing.
"I'm sorry for waking you, I just, I had a nightmare," you sobbed.
"Yeah? We don't have to talk about it, but whatever it was, it isn't real. Remember that, okay?" He pulled you close and kissed your forehead gently.
"I know, Perce, but you were dead," you sobbed into his chest.
"Hey hey, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, okay?" he comforted, rubbing your back soothingly.
a/n: i hope i did your request right, i wasn't exactly sure how to go about it but i hope i did it justice !
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
sephiroth poofs into a baby and now his terrible friends must raise him properly so that he doesn't one day wake up and slaughter a bunch of innocent randos
Things That Happen When Sephiroth Poofs Into A Baby
• Sephiroth wakes up as a 1-year-old baby (after the previous night helping Genesis experiment with some materia). Lazard notices when Sephiroth doesn't come in, as he had a mission scheduled for that day, so he asks Angeal about it.
• Angeal has no idea where he is, so he asks Genesis who immediately knows something happened due to the materia, but he thinks Sephiroth is hurt. The two of them rush back to Sephiroth's apartment to check on him.
• The door is locked, but they can hear the anguished cries of a baby coming from inside. Angeal doesn't think twice before kicking the door down.
• They run inside and find Sephiroth, scared and uncared for, having reverted back to his infant self without his memories. Sephiroth stopped crying immediately upon noticing them, his eyes wet from tears widening as his tiny body recoils in fear.
• It takes Genesis and Angeal 0.2 seconds to register what happened and wordlessly agree on the same thing. Angeal gently approaches Sephiroth and scoops him up, wiping his tears away and whispering to him softly. Sephiroth melts into Angeal's touch.
• Genesis explains that this is definitely not permanent. They both agree to keep this a secret and hide him until it wears off. From Sephiroth's reaction to them arriving alone, Genesis knows that Sephiroth must've been treated horribly when he had been that age. They cannot let Hojo find him like this. They'll do better. They'll protect him. At least temporarily, he's their baby—not Shinra's, not Hojo's.
• They take him back to Genesis' apartment (he has a bathtub) where they give him a bath. Genesis agrees to finish bathing him while Angeal tries to make something suitable for a baby to eat. Genesis is supposed to bathe him, but Sephiroth is sitting so still, it bothers him. Aren't babies supposed to be a handful? At least he used to splash around in the bath and make a mess, his mother had told him that much.
• So he has an idea. He picks Sephiroth up—still wet—wraps him in a towel, and runs into his room where he keeps figurines, trinkets and other things that could be used as toys.
• Angeal is halfway into cooking when he hears a noise from the bathroom. He drops the pot and runs, fearing the worst. But instead of harm, he finds Sephiroth, rosy-cheeked and laughing with a Stamp figuring in his hand. Genesis is splashing water at him and making a mess to encourage him to play.
• They're happy to find out baby Sephiroth has an appetite. Genesis has him in his lap while Angeal feeds him. He's initially startled by the airplane mimicked with a spoon. Angeal makes Genesis eat a bite so Sephiroth can see that it's okay to eat. This works, and when Sephiroth eats the spoonful, Genesis and Angeal erupt into gentle applause and praise.
• Angeal grabs the rest of the figurines and items from Genesis that could be fashioned into toys. They sprawl out on the living room floor with the trinkets surrounding them. Genesis doesn't care that Sephiroth is playing with one of his Loveless collectibles. If anything, he wished Sephiroth would be a bit more adventurous. He really is a quiet baby, as if he fears even the slightest wrong move will get him scolded.
• They need to make him laugh again. So Angeal puts Sephiroth on his back and starts crawling around, pretending to run away from the wretched fire breathing dragon that's after them (Genesis). This works, and Sephiroth is giggling again.
• Soon he grows tired, so Genesis picks him up and sets him on his lap. He's happy to have amassed a large collection of books over the years, and that includes an array of children's literature that worlds wonderfully. He's reading to him, using funny voices for each character that amuses Sephiroth greatly, and pointing at all the animals and encouraging Sephiroth to imitate the noise that animal makes.
• Sephiroth has been nonverbal this entire time, which lead Angeal and him to believe he had delayed speech. Imagine his shock when Sephiroth points at a chocobo cartoon and goes "Kwee!"
• Angeal and Genesis erupt into applause again, telling Sephiroth he did such a good job. They abandon the reading to teach Sephiroth more animal noises. But it only lasts so long before his eyes grow heavy and he falls asleep.
• Angeal picks him back up to give Genesis a break. They go into the bedroom where Angeal places Sephiroth on his chest so he can sleep. Angeal wraps his arms around him, nuzzling his nose into Sephiroth's head. "I promise I won't let go," he whispers softly.
• True to his word, he doesn't. Angeal wakes up a few hours later with his arms still wrapped around Sephiroth. Except Sephiroth has reverted back to normal.
• Sephiroth keeps himself very still in Angeal's arms, though his eyes are open.
"How long have you been back?" Angeal asks.
Sephiroth hesitates, burrowing himself deeper in the embrace. "A while."
Angeal hides his smile by pressing his lips against Sephiroth's head. Wrapping his arms tighter around him, he whispers: "I promise."
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pinkrelish · 1 year
this is so eddie and adrie coded
okay, but lets make it sad | wc: 555 | angst warning
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this is him while he's still living at steve's in a long effort to recover from the panic attack that led to his ultimate breakdown after trying to feed adrie with cold, shaky hands, so unsteady from sleep deprivation and trembling from constant spikes of fear, attempting to survive on his own and keep his newborn alive, but couldn't get her to take her bottle.
nancy took a lot of his stress on herself, but it only made him feel worse leaving his baby with another family to go into work every morning, and coming back to a house that wasn't his. guilt and shame ate away at him when he asked for updates he should've been there for, normal things he should've been able to do himself, but couldn't.
nancy and steve gave him room, gave him space, told him he's a good dad, suggested he try bonding with her.
eddie tried. he loved adrie with his whole heart—so much so it felt like he grew a second heart just for loving her, that must've been the constant pressure suffocating his chest—but he didn't feel the bond, the connection. he felt empty, he felt full. he felt nothing, he felt everything. he felt like a failure when his best friends did everything for him, including raise his baby alongside their own, taking on his burdens and giving him a place to stay, a place at their table, a place to sleep.
the first few bonding sessions were quiet, silent tears rolling streaks through the dirt on his cheeks. he laid next to his newborn on her tiny hand-me-down quilt and cried. this small, innocent person was his, and besides sharing a last name, she didn't feel like his. no, not her. she was so smiley for the man who had nothing, was nothing, was another face in the confusion of people who doted on her. someone who was nauseous with dread at the thought of her calling someone else daddy because he was bad at being one.
with time, eddie opened up to adrienne. he didn't just stare at her, he held her up to his shoulder while telling her about his day. he rocked her while talking through his thoughts about a truck that came into the shop. he muttered about life while she slept on his chest, ear to his hummingbird heart.
over months he learned to play with her. she was a little thing. dainty, fragile, giggly, ten teensy toes he liked to count and wiggle. he told jokes—bad ones, but when he smiled, she smiled even bigger. "yeah, you like that one?" he asked, and she babbled into a hiccup, then a laugh. he didn't know why, but that one got him, seeing her so overwhelmed with joy she had to laugh about it. a wet, raspy laugh. his breath emptied from his lungs in a stutter and water clung to his lashes. "yeah?" he asked again, throat closing tight. his voice pitched high, forcing out the question he never wanted to ask, afraid of the answer, "are you happy to see me?" she squeezed his finger with all her might and tugged on his hair even mightier, back to babbling smiley nonsense, drooling on the bib he dabbed at the corner of her mouth, so happy to see him.
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writingbynova · 2 months
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Nanami Kento
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⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Nanami x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI missionary, cowgirl & doggy style positions - [un]protected sex - overstimulation - phone sex (kinda)- rough/angry sex - multiple orgasms - established relationship - pet names - praise - exhausted nanami - dirty dream (might have forgotten some) (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
(this is my first post so if you have any suggestions I'm all ears)
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ᡣ𐭩 ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆^᪲᪲᪲𓍯₊˚⊹♡ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚₊˚⊹♡ᯓ
*:༒༆࿐ཽ༵. 💿 ・ ▶︎ *:༒༆࿐ཽ༵. 💿 ・
Your hand slipped away from your thighs, once again, you sighed, reaching for your phone and dialing the number. The phone rang a few times before the voice you were expecting finally answered, telling you that he'd be home in half an hour. It was Friday evening, you and Nanami always did something on Friday nights, whether It'd be going on a walk, to the gym, club, cinema, Netflix and chill, skincare, you both always spent time together on Fridays evenings even if it was just cuddling and falling asleep in each other's arms on the balcony.
However this Friday was different, a good amount of people at work had fallen sick this week and Nanami had to pick up the slack, he'd come home every evening drained, eye bags decorating his under eyes, headaches tormenting him, sometimes even starved from skipping lunch just to be able to come home to you without being 2 to 3 hours late. So you'd take care of him, feed him, wash him, cuddle and put him to sleep then make his lunch. He'd go back the next day, not especially enthusiastic but at least a bit more energetic that the previous evening, and each time he'd come back completely washed out. But this Friday, after a long week of putting your desires aside you needed to fill them so, it had already been more than an hour you were waiting for him, more than 30 min since the phone call, and an entire week that your body had been yearning for his touch. In normal circumstances if you were that horny you'd just do it alone and fall asleep right after but today you couldn't probably because you had been thinking of him all day.... You were laid out on the bed, lingerie on, but as half an hour passed and turned into more than an hour since the phonecall your frustration grew higher, you didn't want to disturb him, but you wanted to hear his voice desperately.
You got up, stumbled to his closet, and picked out his grey blazer, it smelled like him, it always did.
You rolled it into a shape similar to a pillow, removed the soaked panties and sat on the blazer, one hand dialed the number, the other held the blazer to the bed, while you rode it ecstatically.
"Hi baby" the butterflies in your stomach went crazy, his voice sounded husky and croaky.. almost like he knew. "I'm sorry it took more time than needed, I'm packing up right now I'll be home in ten minutes is that alright?" He might have expected an answer but you riding the blazer frantically did consume some energy "hello ?" He said
"Nanami" you managed to stroll out between two moans "baby what are you doing ?" He questioned
"Please keep talking Nanami, tell me about your day" I whined, losing my act, I moaned and whined into the phone, yearning to hear his voice.
He must've finally understood what was going on, because he didn't say anything for what felt like a good minute but he finally spoke, he was stern
"Stop right now, and I won't repeat myself, I know you're eager, but that's too bad, sit there like a good girl I'll be home in 5 minutes." He spat, before hanging up the phone.
You laid there removing the blazer from between your legs and putting it beside you, you sighed, Wondering if Nanami would be mad at you, he didn't sound like it but he rarely ever forecasts it.
He had been mad at you though, one time, during sex, you poked at him a lot that day, maybe too hard, maybe one time too much.
He took out his frustration and anger on you, your thoughts wandered to that time, you were laid out on the bed with both of your legs propped in the air, he was pounding into you relentlessly, groaning and whining at the contractions of your walls, manhandling you like a doll, he seemed to not care about your reaction, though you were desperately crying his name, abruptly he dropped your left leg from his shoulder, forcing you to face sideways, he held to the right one continued ramming into your walls, hitting new spots, you were a mess, you had both already came, but you were still going, you gripped the sheets and turned your face into them out of shame, which you'd soon realize he did not like "keep your leg here" he warned, his hand left your leg, grabbed your back and pulled it closed to him, making you face him "look at me while I fuck you" he spat.
You were basically split on his cock, your moans had intensified and the cries of his name had turned into absolute gibberish, his finger slid down to your clit and he latched onto it, rapidly pressing and rubbing small circles "look at you" he breathe "cumming, ken, cumming" you were able to make out, it felt different, it felt intense, too intense, your eyes closed shut, and your head flew back, his grip on your back softened as you withered at his touch
"look at the mess you're making" he whispered, you looked down to see you had squirted all over him, the edge of the bed was drenched as well as his lower body..
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, he was standing in front of the bed looking at you "is that my blazer?" He asked, your eyes rushed to him, you felt your face burning.
He smirked walking over to uncover the blanket from your body, his mouth slightly opened when he was met with the sight of a white laces bra, with its matching white laced pantie, his hands trailed to you caressing your shoulders
"you haven't come like I told you to right?" He asked
"I couldn't get to it without you" I shamefully muttered
"so that's why you called huh? Mhm" he teased
"Kento..." I Interrupted "Do you remember that time you were annoyed at me? I know you were just very tired and frustrated but, I liked how rough you were, Kento, take out your frustration on me, don't hold back, please don't" I shamelessly admittedly, my eyes frantically avoiding his.
He leaned into you and took you in for a kiss, he pulled back to take off his clothes, while you watched, his muscles flex, he was rock hard precum starting to leak from the tip, your mouth watered at the sight
"eyes up here darling, come sit on me" you complied and immediately straddled his thighs as soon as he laid down "I know you said you want me to be rough with you, but from what it seems like, you were already doing pretty good while I wasn't here" he said, turning to look at the wet, darker spot on the blazer, "but it's not like you, I want you" I protested desperation running over me.
"Exactly, you're a smart and good girl, but I can't spoil you, right ? Depending on your performance on riding me, I'll decide how rough I need to be with you okay ?" You nodded
"words? maybe, get a good head start" he suggested, almost mocking
"yes Kento" I immediately corrected, fellingy face warm up.
You held his shaft and guided it to your entrance, his eyes were locked on you, you had laid him down, and were leaned over him, pushing the panties to the side while pushing the tip in, Nanami was feeling your hot breath on his neck, humming in an approval tone to your whines, your eyes rolled back when his length came pushing against you wall, your legs were numbing and twitching already. It took all the strength in him to not grab your hips and impale your body on his cock.
"Already about to cum?" You lifted your body up from his chest, both hands holding onto his shoulders, then resting on his chest then on his biceps, you couldn't pick one. You tried moving your hips in circles but it ripped confused moans from you, your whines were pitiful, he looks at you with a smirk before saying "I think that's enough" he gripped your hips before lifting them up and dropping you, on him. Your mind went blank, your skin felt fuzzy, and your brain stupid, you just kept creaming and moaning uncontrollably on his cock, while he, just kept fucking you senseless, and he loved it, a wicked smile was spread across his face, he must have really been frustrated for a while, there was no way he could be like this on a daily bases.
You were whimpering his name over and over, the only thing you remembered, his name. When he pulled out, his dick was covered in a glossy white liquid, he laid you next to him, before turning you around, your back facing him, "all fours darling, and fast" he ordered and you immediately executed he dove right back in, making your lashes flutter "s too much, s too much" you whimpered continuously.
"it's not, because if it was you would have said or safe word, remember? Ocean" he murmured into your ear.
He was right it wasn't too much I was just terribly overwhelming, his moans became sweet music to your ears, although you struggled to hear them over yours. His hand came to grip your neck while the other trapped around your lower stomach and there you were, completely at his mercy, the squelching sound of him inside you was resonating through your brain and your pussy was far too new to being overstimulated this intensely, "Kento's cum" was all your mouth could make so you repeated again and again, he was amused by that, "oh yeah that's what you want ?" He moaned into your ear, he was out of breath you could hear it but also you could feel it, his grip around you was tightening, his thrusts were rougher, he was twitching, erratic, mumbling.
"Come on give me your cum kento~" you mewled as he finally let go into you, the liquid was running on your walls, you could feel it, still he kept you close, you both stood there for what felt like a minute before he pulled out, turned you around, and buried himself right back into you, a loud whine echoed from your mouth, "I know baby I know, you're overstimulated feels good right ? Daddy wants to fuck you stupid one more time and then he'll pamper the good girl you are okay ? Say yes daddy"
You repeated after him, and again when his length started rubbing back and forth over your length mewling "yes yes yes" when his finger came to rub on your sensitive bud, he wasn't thrusting too hard, but your body was overreacting, you raised your hands to put them on his back, nails digging and sliding across the flesh. He hissed "Good girl, you're such a good girl uh ? And good girls get fucked brainless, now be a good girl and come for me won't you ?"
You moaned his name loudly, legs twitching, toes curling, it only took a few more thrusts before he too finished, biting and leaving hickeys all over you.
He pulled out of you, eyes fixated on the substances seeping out of you.
You on the other hand was absolutely out of breath, confused, you only stretched your hands to him, it amused him, how you always craved his touch after sex, and he'd gladly give it to you, you rested your neck on his shoulder, his hand was running up and down your back, comforting you. "Shhh I know, I know, I'll go run us a bath okay, I'll be back right away" he laid you on the bed and covered you, before getting up and walking towards the bathroom attached to the bedroom, you nodded blissfully at his words your last sight behind the scratch marks all over his back before your eyes closed.
*:༒༆࿐ཽ༵. 💿 ・ ▶︎ *:༒༆࿐ཽ༵. 💿 ・ ▶︎*:༒༆ 𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚˚˖𓍢ִ໋✧˚.༘⋆⁺‧ ₊ 𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚˚˖𓍢ִ໋✧˚.༘⋆⁺‧𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚°❀⋆.ೃ࿔˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚°❀⋆.ೃ࿔˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚°❀⋆.ೃ࿔˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚°❀⋆.ೃ࿔˖𓍢ִ໋
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hrpayo01 · 8 months
Look, impending death and murder aside, Katniss must be so excited to be all lovey dovey with Peeta again in the Quarter Quell lol. She missed him after their first games, she didn't want to let go. She was confused while she was at home and Gale was also working in the mines full time by then, so she didn't even have the bestie who made her feel guilty to distract her. Mrs. Everdeen was a cockblock.
The kiss on tv was a good excuse. Peeta wanting to be friends broke the ice. The victory tour and QQ training surely brought them closer together. The rooftop picnic date and sleeping together in the train must've been a pressure cooker where, girling was lying on his lap, she allowed it, she slept through the night in his arms. The games being their last hurrah (and the baby) was Katniss' excuse to finally devour the poor guy lol.
That must have been the most free Katniss has ever been. She doesn't need to feed her family, she no longer worries about what Gale will feel, Snow already told her she failed...her only worry is that Peeta would sacrifice for her but she was honestly confident that she can take him (as in make him win lol).
Honestly girl, same. I get to freely love my crush AND I die in the end leaving this fucked up world behind?! Honey nut cheerio, mf 😂
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ytmanzwhore · 1 month
Chase It - 4
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summary: a visit to supalupa featuring some familiar faces
warning: talks of death and traumatic experiences :/ poor babies
an: I love this chap mwahahah
@stillhere197 @thespillingvoid
Nellie didn't even need to ask Kate where they were going, just turning on the radio and letting the girl stew as they drove South. Nellie found herself nodding off, waking up as they pulled into a familiar drive. The girls headed inside, going right for the water jug in the fridge. Though they tried to be quiet, they clearly didn't do well enough as they heard the floors creak.
"It's me mama," Kate called out as Kathy sighed in relief, coming through the door. 
"Kate? What happened?" she asked as she looked at the two girls in front of her. "Nel, yall ok?" Kathy pulled Kate into her arms, which was what the blonde needed as she sagged into her mothers grip.
"You're ok," Kathy soothed as she opened her other arm and accepted Nellie into her embrace. The three stood there for a bit before Kate pulled back with a sniffle. "Let's get yall into bed."
Kathy offered to clean out the guest room for Nellie, but the girls protested, saying they were fine sharing. And while Kate took a shower, Nellie quietly filled Kathy in on what had been going on. When Kate got out, Nellie left her and Kathy to talk while she showered too. By the time she was done, Kathy's door was shut and Kate was laying in her bed looking at the ceiling. 
Nellie laid next to her, the girls comfortable in the silence as they listened to the familiar song of the crickets and owls and cows outside. "Missed it here," Nellie whispered in the dark. 
"Me too," Kate confessed back. And with that, the two girls fell into a deep sleep on their first decent mattress in days. 
The next morning, Nellie woke up as she heard Kathy head out to feed the cows as the sun rose. She took her time getting out of bed, careful to keep from waking up Kate. She headed downstairs, grinning softly as she saw an extra cup of coffee sitting on the island, just like Kathy would leave it for the only other early riser in the house during her college visits. 
She crept out of the house, looking across the farm in the misty air as she took a seat in her favorite rocking chair. She relished in the silence for an hour before she heard the front door close, and saw Kate head over to the barn. With a sigh, Nellie pulled herself up and walked over to join her. 
"Brings back a lot of memories," Nellie said softly as she walked over to stand next to Kate. Kathy came in shortly after, as the girls were looking around. 
"How yall doing?" Kathy asked.
"Just the way we left it," Kate sighed.
"Didn't know what you wanted me to do with it," Kathy said mater of factedly.
"Just throw it out," Kate said quickly.
"You done?" Kathy asked with a frown. "It's funny. I keep seeing more and more tornadoes, and floods and droughts and the price of wheat and seed going up, and up, and up. But I'm still here."
"I'm sorry mom," Kate said, and suddenly Nellie felt like an intruder. "I haven't been good about calling." 
"Me either," Nellie said softly. "I should've come to check in on you."
"Naw, you get to fight with you aunt on that one," Kathy scoffed at Nellie as her phone rang."I gotta take this. Throw it away," she shook her head. "I'm still waiting on you to save the world."
Nellie and Kate puttered around for a bit, Nellie pulling out some of their old journals while Kate opened up her old project. The two of them were spooked by a voice cutting through their silence. "Build your own tornado," Tyler said as he looked at Kate's table, and at Nellie.
"Middle school science project," Kate said with a laugh. 
"Must've won," Tyler said with a nod as he came to stand by Nellie, looking at the journal she was flipping through. "You write?"
"Yeah," she smiled up at him. "I used to write about all of my chases. Put in photos that Kate or I would take. Haven't looked at them in a while."
"How'd you find us?" Kate asked. 
"Dexter pieced it together," Tyler admitted. "Remembered yalls name from the news a few years back. I'm sorry about your friends."
"Thank you," Nellie whispered as Kathy came in. 
"I'm fixing some food, y'all ok eating outside?" she asked abruptly. 
"Oh he's not-"
"I'm not-"
"Yes of course Kathy," Nellie smiled sweetly, cutting Tyler and Kate off. 
"Kate, why don't you set the table," Kathy asked (ordered), the blonde following after her mother with a huff. 
"So," Tyler sat down next to Nellie, spreading his legs so his knee bumped her thigh. "You're a legend huh?"
"No," she shook her head. "Not me."
"You're a Harding," Tyler scoffed. "I guarantee you were chasing when you were in diapers."
"Not quite," she laughed. "I had to wait till my brother was born."
"That must've been something," Tyler smiled. "Learning from them."
"It was," she smiled softly. "They didn't even have to teach it to me, I just had it. God I used to love riding with them."
"I met some of their old crew once," Tyler said. "Came and gave a talk at UofA. They were so cool. And I remember them talking about how chasing was changing, and the way social media was effecting the way people saw storms. And it's what made me think about starting a youtube channel."
"Honestly, I think the channel is great," Nellie admitted. "It's a great educational tool. So many people are blindsided by storms because they don't come from an area like here, that prepares them. And it can cost them."
"That's the thing," Tyler nodded. "As much as it might look like stunts and show boating from the outside, we want to help people. We want to help in the disaster zones. And the channel helps us do that."
"That's what matters," Nellie said, resting her hand on his leg. "Who cares what assholes like Scott think. What really matters is those people you help. The family whose dog you found, the woman and her daughter you helped save last night. Those are who are important."
"You're real insightful, you know that?" Tyler asked softly, leaning in.
"Thank you," Nellie whispered as she came to meet him in the middle. The two's lips were a hairsbreadth apart when the roar of an engine startled them. 
"Thats a huge rig," Tyler commented as he tried to get his heart back under control.
"Oh please," Nellie almost whimpered. "Please no."
"Nellie, you okay-"
Tyler was cut off by the barn door swinging open with a screech and two figures barreling in. "Nellie June Harding," an older woman yelled as she walked in with a man at her side. "I know you didn't let me find out you were chasing again from Kathy Cooper?"
"Aunt Jo," Nellie stood up, hands out in a surrendering position. "Come on-"
"No ma'am," Jo wagged her finger in the air, while Bill held back a laugh. "We barely hear from you, other than when you show up out of the blue. You turn off from chasing even when we beg, and now, we find out you been chasing with some boyo from ARKANS-"
"Honey," Bill finally stepped in, interrupting Jo's rant. "Why don't we take a breath and introduce ourselves before you keep on hollering."
Tyler stood up immediately, holding out his hand. "Tyler Owens ma'am, sir," Nellie knew her aunt was internally pleased as Tyler greeted Jo first and then Bill. "Real nice to meet ya."
"You that tornado wrangler?" Jo wrinkled her nose. 
"You know who I am?" Tyler asked in awe.
"Do I," Jo scoffed as Nellie interjected. 
"Oh, Kathy's calling for dinner, let's go," and Nellie dragged a protesting Tyler out of the barn to the back table where Kathy and Kate were sitting. Nellie shoved him in a seat between her and Kate, to protect him from her aunt. Jo gave the table 15 minutes of peace before she leapt back in. 
"You two back at it?" Jo asked as she chewed her sandwich, eyeing Kate and Nellie.
"No," Nellie denied. "We came out to help a friend. But things have gotten, tricky."
"Yeah, Kathy mentioned Storm Par," Bill sighed. "Wish yall would've called. We could've let you know about Riggs."
"I'm sorry," Nellie whispered. "I haven't been good to yall recently. It's just been-"
"Hard," Jo choked out, grabbing Bill's hand. "We miss them too honey. Every day."
"What's going on?" Kate asked the three Hardings. "Is everyone ok? Ethan and your parents?"
"There was a storm," Bill said gruffly as Nellie's eyes began to well. "Two years after your accident. You know my sister, she never did worry about storm prepping. So they were home, Ethan in town from school. EF4 came through. They never stood a chance."
"Nellie," Kate choked out as Kathy looked down at her own plate. "Why wouldn't you-"
"I'm gonna go grab more drinks," Nellie hopped up, rushing inside the house and leaving the tense air behind her. She practically dove into the bathroom, closing the door and sliding down agains the tub as she finally let her sobs out. Her own heartbeat was so loud in her ears she didn't even hear the door open, but she felt her aunt sit down next to her. 
"It's okay Nellie girl," Jo cooed as she wrapped her arms around the sobbing woman. "Let it out."
"I miss Ethan," Nellie sniffled after a minute. "I wish I got to see him graduate, and take him on that chase he was always begging us for."
"Me too honey," Jo smiled wetly. "Me too. But you know he's here with us. And he wouldn't want you to be doing what you're doing. He'd want you to keep chasing what makes you happy, what makes your heart hum. And baby, we all know you've just been going through the motions, okay? And you gotta come back to us."
"I know," she smiled through her own tears. "This week, the storms. I've felt it again. That feeling we always used to talk about. That buzz."
"Good honey," Jo pulled her into a hug again. "Now, whatdya say we go finish our dinner." The women walked outside, and the rest of the table was kind enough not to comment on the lack of fresh drinks and the ladies tear stained cheeks. Eventually the conversation was on happier topics, and of course moved onto to talking about chasing. 
"Everyone's gotta have it, that instinct," Tyler said with a laugh.
"Aw yeah, Kate's always had that," Kathy said. 
"Nellie too," Bill grinned. "One time she was sitting on her horse, doing barrels and she pulled up, turned the horse around and ran right outta the paddock. We were inside and at 10 years old she knew a storm was building and she just had to see it."
"Quit," Nellie whined as she hid her face in her hands. "Kathy tell the Kate bath tub story." As Kathy embarrassed Kate, Tyler laughed and leaned back in his seat, tossing his arm around Nellie's chair. 
"What about you Tyler?" Kathy asked. "How'd you come to do this work?"
"Well, when you love something you'll spend your whole life trying to understand it," Tyler said with a smile, his face turning pink as Nellie leaned into his arm.
"Kate was studying for her PhD," Kathy said proudly. "Keep telling her to go back and finish."
"Disrupting tornado dynamics," Jo shook her head. "the damndest thing." This time it was Kate who left the table, rather than be reminded of the theories that had led to that fateful chase. Nellie watched as Kate went inside with some plates, before turning to Jo and Bill.
"Where yall at this week?"
"Home," Jo smiled. "You come over to see us in a few days ok? I know you've got some things to finish up."
"I will," she said with a big smile, getting up and rounding the table to hug the two of them. "We can make some of Meg's food."
"Thank god," Bill groaned as he ruffled Nellie's hair. "Missed your cooking sweet pea."
And with that, Nellie and Tyler helped stack plates before Kathy asked Nellie to show the boy Kate's work in the barn. "She's gonna be upset," Nellie warned as Tyler flipped through her note book. 
"I mean, yall thought you could disrupt a tornado," Tyler said as Kate opened up the door. 
"Don't look at that," she protested. 
"You're the OG wrangler," Tyler sang, sliding away from Kate. He read some of the theories out loud, commenting on some of the work. 
"Modeling has gotten so much better," Tyler offered. "I could upload this, rerun it. I mean, how could yall not tell me about this-"
"Because I got it wrong!" Nellie watched as Kate got emotional. "In the field, when it mattered, I got it wrong. I pushed it too far, and for what? A dream to make a difference? It was never going to work. And I have to live with that forever."
"You know," Tyler said lowly. "EF1 or EF5 rating. It's not based on size or win speed. The power is based on damage. And it's only after the fact we can define it. What it destroys, what it takes. I'm sorry that it happened. But how much more will y'all let this thing take from y'all?"
"You should get some sleep," Kate said tightly. "Don't want to miss any storms tomorrow."
Tyler sighed and Nellie walked over to place a hand on his back, ushering him out as he put the notebook down. "I'm sorry," he apologized as they walked into the house. "I pushed too hard."
"You didn't," Nellie shook her head as she looked up at him in the light of the dim kitchen lamp. "You pushed just enough." And with that, Nellie left him with a sweet kiss on the cheek, and headed to bed. 
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part four
a/n: I’ve got too far and I’d like to keep going TYSM. Your IG feed during your pregnancy and a post paired with the cutest fluffiest little blurb where carmy reacts to one of your posts.
blurb word count: 531
part three | masterlist | part five
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"I can't believe you have this," Carmy chuckles, shaking his head at something on his phone.
"Hm?" you hum in response, as you lay propped up against the pillows and the headboard behind you.
"This photo of me," he answers, showing his phone to you. You place the book you’re reading down on your lap, narrowing your eyes as you peer over at the bright phone screen.
It's the photo you'd posted earlier that day. He must've just checked his instagram account. You giggle as you realize what photo he's talking about, a broad smile stretching across your face as you turn to him. Pictured is a much younger Carmy, standing over a bar in an open kitchen, his hair much shorter than now — just like when you’d met him.
"What a throwback, huh?" you shoot back.
You shift in bed just a little -- certainly not enough to disturb a perfectly curled up Aioli whose asleep at the foot of your bed.
" I-, I cut my hair... right when I moved to New York," he recalls with a shake of his head as he runs a tattooed hand through his curls. "Thought I'd like... cut off my hair and like... be a new person or whatever. It was stupid."
"Stupid? No. But I'm so glad you only kept it up for a little bit. I prefer your long hair," you add cheekily.
"Where did you get this?" he asks, still in disbelief as he looks down at the photo on the his phone screen.
"Well, I don't know about you, Carmy, but I do have access to the internet," you tease him, in reference to the fact that the photo had been taken to accompany an Eater article announcing his new position as CDC.
He rolls his eyes playfully, "I just mean-. I didn't even think you liked me back then."
"I didn't," you shrug, easily.
He scoffs, shaking his head once again as he looks away from you. You're a piece of work -- one of the many things he loves about you. This time, as he turns his whole body towards you, he moves further down so that he can talk to you and the baby. As he sets his phone down somewhere on the bed, you decide to take a more genuine approach this time as you answer his question.
"When we started getting to know each other... during quarantine," you begin to share. "I don't know. It must've been after one of our FaceTimes or something... I went back to the article and saved the photo."
He blushes, the softest smile appearing on his face as his blue eyes pierce right through your heart.
"There was something about it... that I liked. And I found it the other day when I was cleaning out my camera roll. Guess I've had it ever since."
"You liked me then?" he asks softly, as he looks up at you.
You nod.
"At least, enough to save this photo of you," you tease with a raise of an eyebrow.
He chuckles, leaning down to place the gentlest kiss to your round, extended tummy.
"And what about now?" he asks, coyly.
"Well, I like you enough to let you knock me up," you banter with him with a giggle.
He smirks, reaching over to put a hand on your belly, "Enough to let me do it again?"
You laugh incredulously as you say, "Let's just get through this first one, Berzatto."
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lxvvie · 9 months
A DITL with Alex Keller would consist of:
You enjoying one of the few days you can actually sleep in... until you hear a husky yelp, feel the other side of the bed jerk, and then "Wicky!" Oh... Brunswick must've bitten Alex's nose again. So much for sleeping in.
You two stumbling into the kitchen, Alex holding Brunswick like a baby in one arm, bed hair on 1000, scratching his chest with the other hand, and yawning. While he's busy feeding your devious furbaby, you... look in the fridge for something to eat.
"Frosted Flakes." "Alex, no." "Sure thing, Boss. Honey Nut Cheerios it is." "Alex, please—"
Settling for a HOT breakfast this time that Brunswick keeps trying to steal from Alex's plate.
While you're cleaning up from breakfast, Alex is busy preparing his world-famous chili for the crockpot so it'll slow cock throughout the day. Says the weather is perfect for chili... as you remind him that he wanted cereal for breakfast. ("Pfft—")
After you and Alex have gotten yourselves ready for the day, it's time to... give Brunswick a bath. Good luck with that, Alex.
While you're busy indulging yourself during a much-needed break, it's practically a warzone in the bathroom—"C'mon, buddy, you should already be used to—OW! Dammit—Wicky, no!" Alex is a mess when he emerges from the bathroom, and you fail to hold your laughter in.
Wicky deviously deciding to make Alex's day a living hell if his meowing and antics are any indication. "Wicky, can't a man use the bathroom in peace?" "Wicky, that's not a toy..." "The hell you keep nipping at me for?" "Wicky, I can't keep picking you up."
You and Alex finally getting around to watching that one show you've been planning to see together until he realizes—"When you'd start without me, Boss?" Cue you feigning innocence. Whatever are you talking about, Alex?
Also finding out that Brunswick will sometimes sit or, er, stand on his hind legs and watch TV. Wait a minute...
Binge-watching said show until dinnertime at which point you feed Brunswick after he's made enough biscuits on Alex's head and you two get to enjoy his world-famous chili.
In the meantime in-between time, Wicky ventures off to do whatever it is he does, you and Alex clean up and prepare for bed because your day starts early tomorrow.
...At which point Brunswick came back to express his love and gratitude by presenting you a gift. In bed. You and Alex have never jumped so high before in your lives. Dammit, Wicky.
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
Here to tell you I still very much love baby darling and would love to see how things are progressing with them or any tidbits you’d like to share
(I’m still shit at coming up with Drabble prompts 🫣🥺)
Thank you for not forgetting them (I love them)
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"I told you not to get me anything!" Jungkook laughs as you put the small wrapped up present on his lap where he's sitting on your couch.
"Its just something small..." you mumble, sitting down next to him while you watch him trace the spots where the tape holds the wrapping paper together. "Open it." You suggest, but he bites his lip.
"But it's packed so nicely. Did you wrap it yourself?" He asks, and you nod. "Fuck no, it's so pretty, I don't wanna ruin it!" He says, making you reach for it to open it- but he holds it away. "Hey, no! That's mine!" He snaps playfully.
"I'll take it back then-" you giggle, and he instead catches your lips for a quick kiss, successfully making you sit properly again.
"Hm, you're so easy to tame." He chuckles, before he sighs and moves to open it, fingers carefully ripping the paper. "What is it.?" He wonders, opening the simple cardboard box to find a selection of silver and anodized metal jewelry- the rainbow shine of those particular pieces catching his interest. But it's only when he inspects them further, noticing the weight and tiny imprint on them, that he realizes something. "Wait- that's actual titanium? Surgical steel? Silver?" He gasps, eyes wide as he unpacks a pair of rings. "Baby those must've been expensive-"
"But your lip got uhm.. it was all red and you mentioned it was because your skin.. reacts to cheap metals and stuff." You shrug. "So I got you some that won't hurt." You say, and he looks at you with wonder.
You listen. You remember.
You care.
He carefully puts the box on the table to fetch his backpack he brought since he's sleeping over, where he takes out a larger, way more chaotically wrapped item, bow somewhat holding its shape.
"Hey, you didn't stick to the agreement either!" You complain with laughter, when he urges you to open it with almost.. worried anticipation. And once you unwrap it, a soft, round and velvety snorlax plush sits in your lap, your hands holding its paws, felt claws triangle shaped.
"You.. I saw you looking at it last time we were out at the mall." He mumbles. "I'm not sure.. I hope you didn't buy it already, they didn't have the larger one anymore-"
You move to hug him, and that's answer enough for that second as his arms wrap around you.
"Thank you for feeding my plushy addiction." You say ibto his neck, and he laughs.
"Welll, to be fair, this dude could stay in bed while we fuck, since his eyes are close- ow!" He laughs when you use that mentioned snorlax to hit him, toy nowhere near hard enough to hurt.
And in that moment, he realizes he's found his place.
Right here, at your side.
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
I don’t know if you’re still taking asks for fluffy Friday but could you do a fic of the Hobie x reader twin AU, where the reader goes into labor and has the twins and their reactions during and after the twins are born!! Your recent one of them seeing the ultrasound was so cute!! But now I kinda wanna see the chaos and the cute that follows lol!! I feel like the doctors would low key be intimidated by Hobie cause he’d taking care of reader but also be staring them down 😂 to the point they’re ask him to leave but he doesn’t of course!! Sorry for the long ask!! Your last fic was just to AMAZING 🤩 !!
Ahhh another twin au request! Thank you for sending this one ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TW blood mention, Billie and Ramona AU, twin AU.
You were in an unimaginable pain, the kind you would never wish on anyone, your voice is hoarse from all the screaming and cussing out whoever was unfortunate enough to slightly annoy you. Too bad for Hobie, your annoyance and anger were mostly thrown at him. You had him in an iron grip, he's sure his hand would be aching for days to come. He's been a great help in alleviating the pain, patting your sweaty face dry, feeding you ice chips, whispering words of encouragement and the occasional glare at the doctor who arrived fashionably late to the party.
The epidural was your best friend that you've never thought you'd even befriend. You were sure that you wouldn't need it but after what must've been the umpteenth contraction, you were more than happy to accept its friendship.
After twenty hours of labor, all the literal blood, sweat and tears were all worth it. From the first cry of the older twin came a sudden elation, then the younger came only after five minutes apart from her sister with a loud energetic cry. You were in pain, now everything you're currently feeling is extreme happiness, and also fatigue you've never experienced before.
Following all the ‘good jobs’ from the hospital staff and numerous tearful kisses from Hobie, it's safe to say you're officially a parent to the most beautiful pair of twins. Your girls, the light of your life.
With both babies cleaned and you wiped from all the fluids, they're properly swaddled and checked by the doctor and nurses, you lay almost half asleep with your babies on your bare chest. Hands securing them atop their tiny torsos. They gurgle, making the cutest sound you've ever heard whilst Hobie takes hundreds of pictures with his digital camera. He still can't believe his eyes at the little family he now has.
“Hobie,” you say hoarsely, eyes watery from all the happy sobbing and tiredness. “I think you've got all their angles covered.”
He lifts the camera off his eye, greeting you with a genuine grin. “Alright, let me have a turn at them so you can sleep”
You scoot over, giving him space to sit right next to your hip. Hobie takes the oldest first in his arm with slight trepidation and oh so careful like he's handling the finest china.
“Hi, dad's got you” Hobie looks down at his daughter staring up at him with curious eyes, he doesn't miss the fact that she mirrors your own, almost a copy of yours. With a quick peck on top of her forehead, he moves to take the youngest and smallest from your arms. You help him by cradling the back of her head. “And I've got you too”
She answers with her lips wobbling, looking like she's about to cry her little heart out. Hobie bounces her lightly, making cooing sounds that he would always make when the twins were particularly rowdy in your belly. It works, she still frowns up at her dad but the tears don't fall.
“My brave girl, huh? Just like mum” he leans down slightly, juggling his girls whilst he lifts up the blanket to cover your bare chest. “You did amazingly, love” Hobie tells you for the tenth time just in case you forgot.
You hum in reply, heart tender at the sight in front of you. Hands cupping both his elbows, your way of helping him carry the bundles of joy.
“Did you at least make me look good in the photos?” You gesture to the digital camera on the side table. “I must look horrible in all of them after all that”
Hobie shakes his head, “you're as beautiful as the day I met you, and it's impossible for you to look horrible in pictures”
“Even after almost pooping while I was pushing them out?”
“Especially then” you laugh softly, winching at the soreness.
“You alright?” Hobie scooches closer to you, sharing his warmth, taking a quick glimpse at his girls already sleeping. He's not jealous at all.
“I'm okay, promise” you drop your hands from his elbows down to his thighs, too tired to lift them for a second more. “How are they?”
“Sleeping, you should be too” he observes you closely, your eyebrows slightly knitted, hands limp over his thighs.
“We haven't even decided names for them yet” you whisper.
“We've got plenty of time for that. Sleep, they'll be here when you wake up, yeah?”
“I don't think I want to, I just wanna stare at them forever” you fight an oncoming yawn.
“Sleep or I'll name them B one and B two” he jokes.
“You wouldn't” you do your best glare despite the sleep slowly enveloping you.
“You wanna bet? On second thought Bert and Ernie sounds better”
You surrender, “alright, alright, I'll sleep” your eyes threaten to close. “I really like the first one you suggested, it's Ramona, right?”
“Love” he says sternly with hints of fondness.
You giggle, “okay, love you. All three of you” giving them one last look over, you finally succumb to sleep.
“We love you too”
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inkmonster21 · 4 months
Sing for Me
13. You Know Me
Cooper Howard × Fem!Reader / The Ghoul × Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence.
From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
Tagged: @fallout-girl219 @harmfulb1tch @themadhattersqueen @one-of-thewalkingdead
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I was tracking that Doctor in the wasteland. He hasn’t left long ago, only a day ahead my me. The dog was now at my heels. He stops at the buried diner, where the bloody remains of Doctor Wilzig lay, now headless. Kneeling as a coughing fit captures me. I dig into my pocket retrieving the chem and my inhaler. The weakness being taken away, the hurt in my bones being lifted, and the sweet lull of her voice now present in my ears. I take another inhale, just for shits and giggles. Call me guilty, but I just want to see her again. The more I do the more I’m able to see sweet hallucinations of her. 
I look up seeing the ghostly figure of her waving through the sand. She stares at the body of the Doctor with wide eyes. "Well, he must've said something mean." I let the corner of my mouth tug in a grin. "Come on, let's go find the rest of him." I begin to walk again, watching the dream of her pacing around before my eyes. The dog in tow of my shadow.
The trail of footprints leads to a tiny pit stop. A small bar and a row of cabins across the way. In all my travels I hadn't seen this place before. Seems I missed some things when I was buried in a box for 30 years.
Fucking Dom Pedro, I'll be coming for that ass one day.
I walk into the bar, the crowd slim. The bartender wiping a glass looks at me with nervous eyes. The young kid couldn't have been but 17. I lean on the worn wooden top. "You see a girl come through here? Decapitated head with her?" He looks over his shoulder, gazing at a door before thinking twice. Bingo. He shakes his head, "No, no one passed through here. Just the regulars for Melody." "Well, can I speak to this, Melody?"
"She's not here." A ghoul spoke. "Yeah? She ain't back there hiding?" I point back towards the door. "Don't mind if I check do you?" I walk over to grasp the knob. As I do the fellow ghoul pulls his gun up, but I pull my trigger first blasting a hole into his abdomen. I turn around, addressing the whole establishment. "Now, if ya'll don't mind. I'll be taking a tour." Without any protest, I enter the room.
The small room is lit by several small lamps. A vanity mirror against the wall, and makeup littering the top. I walk along the empty room the space feeling relaxing. déjàvu at its finest. I could almost... smell her. I run a hand over a beaded outfit, a stage costume. I take the fabric off the floor and look at it at full length. I shutter an exhale dropping the dress to the floor.
I move to the wall across the way, my breath getting caught in my throat. Posters from the movies we had done. Her album covers line the walls. One individual catches my eye. The while smiles of two lovers on a Christmas evening. I run my finger over her face. Could it be? Could this Melody... be my (Y/n)? I take the photo tucking it into the inner rim of my hat.
I exit the building, more determined than ever to find the target. Where the head was, she was, and if it was really her... I don't know what I would do first. Question her of her every move, or instantly attack her with starving passion. A starving man who’s ached for her touch for over 200 years.
Lucy gasps as she stops. "Look!" She peeps in a hushed voice. A baby deer pokes its head from the grass near the water. I roll my eyes at her incompetence. Such a simple-minded motherfucker. I dig for a cracker in my bag and hand it to her. "Go and feed it if you want." Her eyes got even larger I was worried they'd pop from her head. She nears the animal with a smile, leaning down she feeds the baby the cracker. She smiles and looks back at me. I shake my head with my arms crossed. "She's like a toddler," Conor whispers from behind. "Yep."
Suddenly the deer was snatched into the water. A gulper lunges out of the water and snaps at Lucy. "Ah, shit!" I yell as I rush to her side, dragging her away. Conor shoots it in the side, but as we know these motherfuckers are tough. It snatches at her hands, getting hold of the head and retreating back underwater. Lucy stands as she chases the creature's current across the lake. "Wait, Lucy, wait!" I yell as I run after her.
Just as I come to see her, a figure looms over her hunched body, pointing his gun at Lucy. She exhales a small breath and smiles, "Hello again." I raise my gun in haste pointing it at the figure. He's yet to notice me behind him. I continue to creep silently behind his body.
"Where is it?" He kicks around her bag, "The head." He whips her across the face with the butt of his gun.
I press the barrel of my gun to his back. His entire body stills as I apply pressure."Is that how you treat a lady?" The Ghoul tips his head, his face hidden, "Well," I can hear the smirk in his voice, "You gonna pull that trigger darlin'?" I look him up and down, something strangely familiar about him. "I might. Haven't had had a thrill in a while." Conor comes out of the shrubs as well, weapon drawn. The Ghoul looks over the new arrival, his tongue darting out of his mouth. A dark fire in his expression as he glares at my backup. He draws faster than I had ever seen before shooting Conor dead on the spot. I scream in shock, no one in the 30 years had he ever been caught off guard.
I look up to see The Ghoul with his weapon now raised to me. "This ain't the greeting I'd had hoped, darlin'." I lunged at him, grabbing and clawing at his frame. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" He tosses me off and gets on top of me, straddling my body as I roll in the dirt. He grabs my hands forcefully and ties them tightly together. I glare at him as I smell the crimson blood flow from Conor's body. "Fuck you!" I scream at him. He glares at me, meeting my orbs. I suck in a breath, his glare making me cower, making me weak. "You upset I shot your little boyfriend, honey?" He laughs as he stands, dragging me beside Lucy. She cries for Conor, spewing apologies.
The Ghoul points his gun at Lucy questioning about the head once more. She shuddered, "I-I don't know where it is, okay? I lost it. I lost it." I watch him shake his head. He meets my eyes again. They soften slightly. I couldn't look away from him. I wanted to lean into the touch of his gloved hand. "Where'd it go, sweetheart? Huh?" The answer falls from my lips. "A Gulper got it." He smirks before tipping my chin, "Good girl."
I stare at Conor's body slowly coming to the realization. He was gone. My friend, my brother, now lay dead in the dirt. What the fuck was I going to do now? He was the one who knew all the code when an issue occurred, all the maintenance, all the parts, and the work it took to maintain my memory drive. If I didn’t have my drive reloaded onto the memory stick I would start shorting out.
I look at the blades of grass stained with my friend's blood. This Ghoul stings Lucy up to a pull system rig. "Stop, please! My dad, he's an Overseer. He-he got taken by raiders, and I need that head to get him back. If you help me find him, he'll do whatever you want." Lucy begs as she cries out. He drops her into the water, calmly turning to me watching as the worry grows. "You're going to kill her!" "Oh please," He brings Lucy back up, and she struggles to catch her breath. "Stop. Stop! Torture is wrong," Lucy coughs. The Ghoul leans on the post. "You know, they used to do these things called "studies." Why, you couldn't open a newspaper without reading about one study or another. Anyway, this one particular study came out, and it said that torturing a person doesn't do shit." He drops her back down into the water. I look at him curiously. Those were prewar references. Studies in the newspaper.
I remember Cooper making the same complaint. “Can’t turn a page without one popping out at you.” He’d roll his eyes as he turned the page. The memory pushed a ghostly smile on my lips.
He brings her up again. Lucy cries loudly, "Sir, please, I need the head. It's the only way I can get my father back." He ignores her, "My point is... if you ask me, them studies, they were right. Torturing a person don't do shit." Lucy shakes her head in confusion, "Then why... why are you doing this?" I huff, struggling against my binds. "He's using you as fucking bait, Lucy!" The Ghoul drops her down once more. I slip from the rope and go to tackle the Ghoul. I punch and roll him away, getting to my feet and raising Lucy just in time for the Gulper to jump from the water. It attaches to her feet as I pull her back. Lucy tosses anything she can at the Gulper, including the stranger's bag. I light a flare and throw it into the Gulper's mouth. It shrieks before releasing Lucy's leg and retreating into the water.
The Ghoul stands with fury in his eyes. He points the gun at us with a firm hand. He makes eye contact with me and huffs lowering the weapon. He reaches inside his bag, pulling out a small case, upon opening shards of glass fall out. His breath becomes even more rigid. The anger unleashed, “FUCK!” He screamed out.
I push a laugh and sneer at him, “serves you right.” He glares at me while pointing a gloved finger at my chest, “Shut your fuckin’ mouth.” He grabs hold of my throat, “or I’m gonna have to shut it for you.” He tosses me aside.
Lucy gathers herself on her knees, "You can't treat people like this!" The Ghoul looks over the water. "Yeah? Why's that?" "Because of the golden rule." I roll my eyes at her, "It's not the fucking time, Lucy." She shakes her head and continues, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." The Ghoul ignores her, muttering under his own breath. "Those Gulpers digest real slow. You got time." He turns on his heel. He kneels to Lucy on the ground binding her hands together. He turns to me, "You." He places the loop end of his lasso around my neck and tightens it. He glares into my eyes as he tugs it, "Come on."
He tugs me behind him, Lucy following as well. "Where are we going? What about the head? I need the head to get my dad back." The Ghoul continues walking, "Yeah, well, the Wasteland's got its own golden rule." "Oh? What's that?"
I say without thought, "Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." The Ghoul looks back at me as we track through the greenery. He stares into my eyes, his lips drawing into a smirk.
We walk through the noon wasteland heat, the sun hitting high in the sky beating down. Lucy gasps in small breaths. Her steps closer together as she staffers, her exhaustion battling. "Do you plan on stopping for a break? Or are you going to drag my ass through this hellhole?" The Ghoul looks to his side catching my features. I was in perfect condition. I could travel for miles unfazed, but Lucy looked like she was about to fall over. If I was to get anywhere near Hank MacLean, I needed his daughter alive. "Ain't stopping for shit." I watch his features contort. He's in pain. I lean into his space, our arms brushing. "I have a vial in my bag." I offer him. "If you allow us to stop, even for just an hour, I'll give it to you." The Ghoul stares at me, the ache in his bones growing. He didn’t have much of an option. If he had any brains left at all he’d take the deal.
"Fine." He huffs as he spins me around and digs into my bag. "Side pocket." He dips his hand down, skimming my side through the thick fabric of the bag, still a shiver runs up my spine. A long-forgotten feeling I didn’t want resurfacing.
I grit my teeth, "Watch it, cowboy." He smirks, showing his teeth, and biting his lip slowly. I take in every movement, my body unable to stop this natural attraction. Such a familiar urge pulling in my core. The familiarity in his eyes fights the harsh demeanor confusing me even more.
He grabs the glass vile, applying pressure to my side as he pulls his hand out. "Sorry, darlin'." He steps closer, running his fingers on the skin of my neck, I close my eyes as I get drunk on his touch. He loosens the rope on my neck, taking it over my head. "Go on, then. Rest.”
I turn to tend to Lucy. Allowing her to sip the little water we had left. “Thank you.” She croaks. “Don’t thank me yet, Lucy.” I look behind me seeing the Ghoul watching with his hat tipped ever so slightly. He watches with a smirk, staring directly at my frame. I feel that same shiver in my spine and I take a breath. Beyond him was a large building, halfway buried in the sand. The land resembles the once-thriving town. The current building was the movie theater, next to that was the restaurant, and down the way was a candy shop.
I grab Lucy’s arm pulling her with me to the building to take advantage of the shade. “Stay here.” I pass her the canister of water and silently move my way toward the entrance of the abandoned building.
I wander deep into the halls, most of the rooms torn apart with little to salvage. I see a poster crumpled under my shoes. I move the rubble to get a better look. I laugh lightly, bending down to retrieve it. A movie poster. One of his favorites actually. The special movie he was able to make with Rosevelt. I pick it up with a small grin.
“Anything in here worth a shit?”
I turned to see the Ghoul as he silently leaned against the doorway. I folded the worn faded poster quickly, stuffing it into my bag before shaking my head. “Nope. Just some junk.” His eyes shifted to my bag quickly. I push past him in search of caps, food, anything to distract me from dipping into forbidden waters.
“Then what’s that?” He grabs my bag tugging it down my arm. “Hey!” I fight for it back but he pulls the crumpled post out. Barely recognizable, but I knew what it was, who it was. “Give that back, fucking asshole.”  
The Ghoul laughs as he holds the poster out for his viewing eyes. He reads off the words, his southern drawl thick in his words, “Cooper Howard staring in A Man and His Dog.” He looks down at me. He raises a hairless brow, “this your type of thing?” I snatch the poster from his gloved hand. “It’s a good movie.” “Cute dog.” I stuff the worn paper down into my bag. “Best fucking dog around.”
I venture to the next room. The projection booth remained pretty untouched. Being tucked away from most wanderers. I look over my shoulder seeing the Ghoul leaning against the door frame with a shameless smirk. “Why are you following me around? She'll make a break for it if you’re not around.”
“Nah, I doubt she’ll be able to run.” He lifts himself from the door, his boots scuffling the floor with each step. I look between each case, and box, only finding a handful of caps. “I’m more concerned bout you, darlin’.” I turn around, having to back up into the shelves. His face is at a perfect angle. I can truly see him.
He takes one step closer, pinning me to the bookcase. My breath shutters as I inhale, soaking him in. He bores into my eyes silently. Words are not spoken but a conversation is taking place. One I am unable to hear. A private conversation between souls. I crave him, this stranger with the familiar glow. He runs a finger over my bottom lip. I turn my head away, but he readjusts it to meet his gaze. He dips his head lower, our faces inches from each other. "What are you doing?" The Ghoul's smirk rises again. "Just takin a look." He pulls a case from the shelve. "Ain't this you?" The film being a musical I starred in. I look at him curiously. "You know me, cowboy?" He shrugs, his hat shielding his features once more, "Well, that depends." He raises his head, allowing his orbs to pop through. "You know me?"
I stare at him, the missing pieces of a puzzle I didn't know needed solving. He felt so familiar. He knew of a life before the bombs, maybe that's why the connection was there.
A loud scream breaks me from my trance. I push past him and race outside. Lucy tied to a wooden beam in the front kicks at a rad roach with a panicking whine. I shoot the bugs with an annoyed expression. "Calm down would you?" She shakes, her eyes wide, "Those things were about to eat my toes!" She panics as she pulls against her binds.
We continue on walking through the wasteland to some unknown destination. The Ghoul walks behind Lucy and me; making sure we advance on his path. He stares at me with each step. His eyes glassed over slightly. The one vial only would hold his pain over for so long.
Lucy pants in the sun her legs threatening to fail her. "Melody. Do... Do you have any more water?" I shaky my head at her with a sympathetic look. She turns to look at the Ghoul. "Sir. Sir, please. I need water. Please." He goes and pulls out his canteen, opens the lid, drinks the remaining water, and even dumps out the last drops onto the sand. I shake my head at him. Such a petty man. Lucy's pants of dehydration make him smirk. He looks me up and down. "How come you're all dandy? Hadn't seen you want for nothing." "I don't need water." "Everyone needs water." I shake my head, "Not me." The Ghoul challenges again, "Well why the fuck not?" I sneer at him with a smirk, "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out." He smirks, his teasing behavior continuing, building the tension between us. "Shit, darlin', I like surprises."
I could feel his wandering eyes rake over my body. The burning gaze made my hair stand and my stomach turn. Passing a building, a groan and a shout ring out. "Roger! My name is Roger!" The Ghoul makes Lucy enter first. He places a hand on my lower back, "Come on, darlin'." I fight the urge to lean into his touch, in hopes he would use both his hands.
Upon entering we see a man sitting and thrashing on the sand. "Roger. My name is Roger." He's going down and fast. I press my lips together watching the stranger twist in pain. "Roger. Roger. My name... is Roger!" He screams out again. The Ghoul leans down in front of the turning Ghoul.
"Hey, Rog." He focused his gaze, a small smile coming up at the sight. "Hey. Hey. Fancy seeing you out here. You out for that bounty, too, huh?" He nods, "Yep." Roger unwillingly snarls and wails. The Ghoul looks towards his acquaintance. "How you feeling?"
Roger chuckles after a harsh exhale. "Oh... You know... it's hard out here. Dang smoothies can be so unkind." Roger turns to look toward Lucy and I. He points at me with a chuckle. "Hey! I saw you not too long ago. Sang that one song, real pretty but real sad, about going to your grave." I push a smile, "Yeah, I wrote that a while back. Glad you enjoyed it." Roger huffs looking towards the Ghoul. "Got yourself a nice-looking smoothie. Sings like an angel." He snarls loudly making Lucy jump.
"You're turning." Roger grunts, "Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Hey, you-you don't happen to have any vials, do you? Just one little puff and I'll be back on my feet. You know I'm good for it." The Ghoul shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Roger. I'm all out." Roger holds his hands up, "That's okay. That's okay. Though, um, you and your smooth-faced friends, you, um... might want to clear out... before things get ugly." He snarls loudly. I kneel, smiling at Roger. I began to sing the lyrics he spoke of.
It's sooner than later that I'm six feet under
It's sooner than later that you'll be alone
So who will you turn to tomorrow, I wonder?
For when the bombs drop, lover, you're on your own
Roger smiles at me as the words echo in the beaten-up building. His eyes glossing over, he's almost completely gone.
I am the one who you let see you weeping
I know the soul that you struggled to save
Too bad I'm the bet that you lost in the reaping
Now what will you do when I go to my grave?
His eyes close as he sways. As the last word leaves my mouth a shot rings out, splattering Roger's brain on the back wall. Lucy covers her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Wh... why?" I look back at her. "You're going to have to toughen up, kid. It was for the better." The Ghoul spends no time putting his gun back in his holster and flipping Roger over. I scoff as he cuts into his flesh, skinning him in strips.
The Ghoul brings a slice up to his lips taking a large bite. Lucy gags and protests, "Stop. Stop, stop. Please, I... No, I know it's hard up here, but you don't... you don't have... you don't have to resort to... to..." The Ghoul looks up from his work with a question. "What'd you say your name was?" "Lucy MacLean." The Ghoul stills, he turns to face us, an unreadable expression as he speaks, "MacLean? Huh." He begins his work again, "Well, Lucy MacLean, it ain't all canned peaches and marmalade left up here, sweetheart. Sometimes a fella's got to eat a fella." Lucy pushes her point even further. "You know, my vault has endured hardship, too. In the Great Plague of '77, everyone had to quarantine, they couldn't work the farms together. People starved. My mother included. My dad dropped to 128 pounds, and he still refused to do anything like this." I laugh at her words. She looks at me with wonder, "What? What's so funny?" I shake my head at her, distracting myself with the broken plates on the floor. "No, no, nothing. I feel for him. Must've been so hard." My sarcastic tone is thick in my words. The Ghoul chuckles, "There's what people say they did and what they really did. I'll bet your daddy was first in line at the cookout. I bet he had a bib with a drawing of his neighbor's ass on there." I laugh at his words. "That's funny."
Lucy looks at me in disbelief. "How do you live like this? Why keep going?" The Ghoul turns to her, a glare in his eyes. He stands and stalks towards her, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, one good question deserves another." He turns the handle of the knife to Lucy, "Why the fսck am I doing all the work? Now come on, Vaultie. Ass jerky don't make itself."
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