#my account is still gonna be majority turtles
deadhearthotline · 6 months
watched World Tour a week ago + finally caved in
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what can i say. i love him. he's been swimming circles in my head since i saw him
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So, this question might get a bit 'real' but I gotta know, how do you deal with the fact that many artists your age are better than you and that there's artists younger than you that are also much better? I mean, I get insecure when I see another artist that's either my age or younger that, contradictory, seems light years ahead of me and I'm like a decade younger than you, so I'm genuinely curious how you handle it.
I used to sort of be hyperaware of that when I was younger, especially because I really didn't start really being interested in doing art until I was 15, and wasn't able to get my first graphics tablet until I was 19, so I had a bit of a late start and probably didn't help that one of my cousins, who is 6 years my junior, was and still is somewhat of a prodigy when it came to arts and crafts.
Being 15 while hardly grasping the concept of anatomy and my cousin being 9 and making a whole heckin hyperrealistic pencil drawing of an upclose of a sea turtle on the beach, it sort of momentarily knocked the wind out of my sails if not for her saying "I wish I could make up characters like you do, though." which really sort of gave me an interesting perspective on other points of view. As far as she was concerned, she could make really good drawings, but she thought my characters were more fun to imagine.
Of course, I also have some disability stuff that does affect my fine motor skills to some degree, which is why I prefer to use pencils over inks and draw small because that suits better with the control of my wrist because if I did the whole-arm thing you're supposed to do, I'd never get a legible clean line, and holy heck, I absolutely cannot do paintbrush work cleanly at all, it's an absolute mess and looks nothing like how I do with pencils. Either way, I have a slight disadvantage with my range of (lack of) skills, and perspective is jank most of the time because I have no depth perception anyway without my glasses. Sometimes a sketch can take a few minutes on a good day or I spend all night trying to get a decent looking leg to work out in the drawing before giving up and throwing that in the "come back later" bin.
Another thing I like to hold onto is something my Mom has told my brothers and I over the years whenever one of us expressed disappointment in not matching the other in skills: "You are in competition with nobody but yourself."
I also have a sister-in-law who is a fairly popular artist in her particular community, but her wonderful words of wisdom for art is: "If you spend like a thousand hours working on a skill, you're gonna get really good at doing it."
Also, like, the majority of relatives on the paternal side of my family are natural artists in one way or another, sometimes even with textiles and crafts, and I'm recognized as the one in the family who does toon style over realism. My Lil Bro who has an account here on Tumblr I occasionally plug does fantastic anthro work with paws, claws, snouts and textures among other things. He's younger than me by a couple of years, and is the source of the "Sonic Man Candy" print I have hung up in my room that's a bit of a joke between us that I sometimes reference here one in a blue moon.
I haven't drawn this character in a good long while, but a cat character of mine known mostly as Bill (full name "Jared William Danus III") is a bit of a time capsule on how my art style started and changed over the years as I worked more of certain weak points and figured out that my best attributes were probably eyes and expressions, so I put more emphasis on those than anything to mask what might be lacking.
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Bill started as simply a cat variant of your typical "imp counterpart to another character" in the vein of something like Mr. Mxyzptlk, as he's actually another universe's version of another character of mine, King Milo:
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Over time, I sort of evolved Bill into his own thing, where his entire concept was "What if he wasn't exactly the typical main character, but the brother of a Chosen One sort of character, and wasn't even the Prime Universe version of all his variants?"
There's a massive amount of explanation behind him that I won't muddle here, but anyway, you can see that my earlier art bits were very not so good and very amateur and immediately makes my more recent stuff already look a bit better in comparison.
I'd say one of the most effective things you can do as a moral boost in times of doubt got your skills is to take an one of your older art pieces and redraw it. Get a real good look at what you've been able to improve on, check out your new techniques, maybe a better color pallet developed over the years, or maybe you can see life in the eyes of your characters or even see energy you weren't able to do the last time you drew that.
Age really doesn't determine your skill, it's how much time you've put into something you're very passionate about that helps it grow. And maybe a little bit of natural talent with some of us, because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what was going on with my cousin there. Straight up like that SpongeBob drawing a perfect circle thing.
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listieshadows · 8 months
Listie says something about every movie she added to her spreadsheet in August 2023
So, like, as only the second entry in this series, and from such a new account on top of that, I doubt anyone's really wondering why it took so long for this to come out. And, well, the answer is really short and simple—I took my advice from the first entry and got a Letterboxd account.
I guess I'll be posting all of my thoughts about the new films I add to my spreadsheet there, then. But since I already had a majority of this post typed up, I may as well go ahead and finish it off. Send it off proper, y'know?
Transformers (2007)
Date watched: 2023-08-02
And here's me continuing to watch the Transformers movies after seeing the original 80's film back in July. 'Cuz, I mean, with how far removed that one is from the rest of the films...
But anyway, Michael Bay's Transformers! It's honestly not as bad as the Bay hate train I was on in, like, 2017 made it seem. Like, I still think the design of the Transformers is a little too complicated, but whatever. I got used to it.
In hindsight, Bumblebee pissing on a guy isn't even in the top 10 dumbest moments in this series. "I ate the whole plate" still remains an iconic moment, though—thanks, Lindsay.
Cocktail (1988)
Date watched: 2023-08-04
Patrick (H) Wilson said in his Letterboxd review of the film that it takes a turn the moment it gets to Jamaica. I think it turns a little earlier than that, 'cuz lemme tell you, the slight whiplash I had going from a dramatic scene to the opening bars of gawddamn "Kokomo"...!
I'unno, it's just damn something to me to see the dramatic beats in this movie and consider that I knew it best for launching songs like "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
Hardcore Henry (2015)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
See, this is a film I actually already had on my spreadsheet, but not the part that counts. So here it is now.
I get why people don't like this film. I do, honestly. But, gawd, to me, it's just fun. Dumb, fun and damn unique. I ain't never seen another movie like this—and maybe that's a good thing, 'cuz if I had motion sickness it would've taken me way longer to watch this thing with all the breaks I would've need to take, I swear.
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
This is one of the three Transformers movies I saw in theaters back when they came out, and literally the only things I remembered about this movie before watching it again were Megan Fox's boobs bouncing in slow motion in the climax and the line "I AM DIRECTLY BENEATH THE ENEMY SCROTUM." And, I mean, there was other stuff, too, but I honestly thought a lot of it happened in the next one, like the panty shot of that one girl who turns out to be a Decepticon.
And it's funny that those are among the only things I remembered this movie, 'cuz I did not have as much horny brain back then as I do now, so for those to be the things that stuck out in my mind...
Oh, and of course Megan Fox on the bike—which I thought was how she was introduced last movie, so maybe these movies jus' all kinda blend together for me.
Any case, it's not the worst thing, either. A step down from the first, sure, but compared to how things are gonna go, this is like a stairstep compared to going off a cliff.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-09
It's a good flick, but if this is really how the teens of today talk, then, gawd, I already felt a million years older than the current generation, so this doesn't help at all.
But at least I got to experience to rush of hearing SLACKCiRCUS's cover of "What's Up?" playing on the big screen in a room full of people who haven't spent as much time online as I have. That was damn magical, right there.
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (2011)
Date watched: 2023-08-10
Before this movie, everything I thought I remembered about this movie was from the previous movie, like the ass/panty shot to introduce the replacement for Megan Fox. And after watching this movie, realizing that this is where that happens is really the only thing I gained.
Well, I did get to see Optimus Prime merciless kill Leonard Nimoy-bot begging for his life. That was funny.
Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-11
It took me so long to watch this movie because I didn't wanna watch it until after I finished Milo Murphy's Law, which I didn't wanna watch until I finished Phineas And Ferb, which only took me so damn long to finish because I was lazy, and then when I did finish Milo Murphy's Law it took me so long to watch this because by that point it was Fall and I didn't wanna watch this until it was Summer again, and so here I watched it exactly one year after I watched Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Across The 2nd Dimension.
And all that run-on sentence just to say, "Damn, they still got it. And it's jus' damn fun to see these characters again, too."
Also, I don't know how much I entirely buy the head canon I saw that Vanessa is a lesbian, but I like the idea, so I'll accept it anyway.
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)
Date watched: 2023-08-13
I remember when I saw this movie in theaters with my family, I was joking with some stranger beforehand that this was gonna be the start of the "Mark Wahlberg trilogy" after the Shia LeBouf one had come to its end.
Imagine my surprise, then, when the movie ends how it does.
Also, RIP T.J. Miller, and heck on that one "Romeo & Juliet law" guy. I can't believe I had to look up Texas state penal code. Gawddamn.
Dreamgirls (2006)
Date watched: 2023-08-16
I came from Eddie Murphy, stayed because it was real good, and spent a lot of time in-between stuck on the thought that we're supposed to think that Beyoncé isn't a good singer.
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Date watched: 2023-08-17
I don't like to get mad at movies, 'cuz I'm still real regretful of the days when Douglas "Funnyman" Walker was the single biggest influence on how I discussed film, but, gawd, this one jus' kind of overwhelmed me with nonsense to the point where I did.
Remember way back at the top, when I said that Bumblebee pissing on a guy wouldn't even be in the top 10 dumbest moments? I think this movie contains most of them, if not all ten. I mean, this is a movie that starts with drunk Merlin and digs deeper rapidly from there.
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1997)
Date watched: 2023-08-18
I watched this ahead of the podcast Escape From Vault Disney, so allow me to present my answer for the "what's the attraction?" segment.
As a new method of transport, one of the Disney parks is gonna install a huge bubble machine, where you can hop in and get blown around to a different land at random. And there's only a 10% chance you'll get dropped in a bowl of chip dip and hafta avoid getting vored by giant teen-age girls.
Alternatively, the damn tiki statue gets installed looming over the castle like it's Chicken Little.
Bumblebee (2018)
Date watched: 2023-08-21
Honestly, the best Transformers movie. And I'm not just saying that because it references ALF twice. It's very charming, not even despite, but because it's a largely cliché take on "kid makes friend with a beast" movies, especially the ones that came out in the 80's.
Like ALF.
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Date watched: 2023-08-22
Look, as an adaptation of the games, yeah, it's dogshit. But making the near impossible attempt to put that aside, it's not that bad. Not, y'know, great, but I think this film's badness is blown way out of proportion. Even if a lot of it doesn't 100% work, I feel like I gotta give it some credit for trying to put its own cinematic spin on what are pretty non-cinematic games.
And seriously, I was not prepared for when the Twin Towers started decaying.
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-24
Y'know, I've eaten at Olive Garden before, but it was so long ago that I can't remember how any of it actually tasted. I just remember that the game I was playing on my DS before and afterwards was New Super Mario Bros..
Anyway, this is a movie about the fastest thing alive where he spends, like, a third of the movie's runtime in a truck passenger seat, and also he has the same voice as Dewey Duck. Some people say this is better than Birds Of Prey? Man, it's fine, but calm the hell down.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
Yeah, this is the better movie of the two. Since all of the introductions out of the way, it allows for so many more elements of the games to be included, and naturally it makes it feel way more like a Sonic movie than the first's whole "family road trip movie" vibe.
And all the credit to Jim Carrey, really. I wish he'd gotten to wear a fat suit like he wanted, but seriously, if you were gonna have anybody playing against anthropomorphic cartoon animals, you may as well get one of the most cartoonish men alive. Even if I did end up variously hearing a lot of Count Olaf or The Grinch in his performance.
Anyway, see y'all in Sonic The Hedgehog 3 when we finally get to see the big screen debut of what is clearly and obviously Sonic.EXE~.
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
A preface: during the scene before the credits rolled, I came up with two jokes I wanted to say to my friends to refer to the "secret military force" or whatever that was being talked about. I decided to go with the second and say "G.U.N" since it was a runner for me that the film that the main character and his little brother would refer to themselves as Sonic and Tails.
Now, look, up until this movie's climax, I was willing to call it the second best of the modern Transformers films. Yes, even with the presence of Pete Davidson, and with how most of the Maximals end up superfluous, and with how the villains turn into absolute cardboard during the climax, which just largely consists of CGi flopping around on a dull, grey landscape. I liked the first two acts a lot, and I felt the material there was a lot stronger than a lot of the Bay films.
But then imagine how much worse this movie got for me when it turned out the first joke I thought of that I didn't go with because I thought it'd be too obvious turned out to be true and that it was actually G.I. Joe.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-26
Sure, it might be Illumination's best movie, but for me it still just largely amounts to someone jangling a keyring of Mario-branded baubles in my face for 90 minutes.
Mortal Kombat (1995)
Date watched: 2023-08-28
As I'm writing this, it's been a month since I saw this movie, and I'm only now getting around to writing about it so I can post this. At this point, I don't really remember much about it, which you can also blame on the fact that I was really tired for some reason the first time I sat down to watch it. Seriously, I had to stop and pick it up later, and I have no idea why.
I'll say this much about this movie—I was probably being too hard on it when I watched it. Like, I was stuck on this mentality that, "Oh, this is a famously bad movie. Not as much as its sequel, of course, but it's not good, and I should probably just view it that way." And I regret that. These days I try so hard to has little bias as possible going into movies, so I don't know what I was thinking acting like that.
It's an enjoyable movie. It really is. Whatever it gets wrong about the games, it's not so egregious that it destroys the movie. Honestly, I'd rather it get a couple of things wrong than be so committed to being faithful to the games that it forgets to do anything else all that well. Lookin' at you again, The Super Mario Bros. Movie. So, whatever. I can live with it.
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, probably less so, but I'll see what I think if I ever watch it.
And also, of course the soundtrack CD by The Immortals that scores part of this movie is amazing. "OOOOHHH, CHINESE NINJA WARRIOR, SUB-ZEROOOO, WITH YOUR HEART SO COLD....!"
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hay11roy · 2 years
Download A Warcraft Honor Bot - Are There Alternatives?
You acquire a more desirable game experience by learning a few WoW tricks and tips. Say, illustration. What fun can be found there at playing, if are generally slow at levelling? A person always are broke and out of WoW gold? Playerunknowns Battlegrounds Full Version pc game Download involves more than only throwing in Vader along with many force powers however. The story of the game is offered in a full sized novel which should say more than enough relating to the quality of the plot. Recreation fills regions of the country major gaps between the conclusion of this is a significant trilogy and episode I. There are two good reasons for that - firstly, there exists a great combination of both new and old characters on account of the functions. More importantly though, the game is kodak Playerunknowns Battlegrounds . It's not a totally contrived plot invented along with a game studio - it's got the George Lucas stamps. If you're searching forward the better and a lot more interactive medium to stay in touch with buddies then ChatON is an additional option. Essentially the most effective feature of those that is actually important to supportive of several platforms therefore it may be easily downloaded on other devices as very. This way you need not worry but if your friend is on tennis shoes platform or using Samsung device. Additionally you get a wealthy communication experience and some sort of interactive means of communicating your friends real world. So to fill out the initial question, leveling in Battlegrounds in WoW is point does careers. You can't really compare this with doing quests or grinding since would to help take a good deal of things into credit card account. For instance, an experienced player would do quests a lot faster anf the husband would also know the right way to play his character in Battlegrounds. Playerunknowns Battlegrounds Full Version pc game Download can't compare him with someone having their first go the game, as associated with player won't know the way to finish quests faster and when he definitely won't do fine in a PvP fight also. Of course if both teams use the offence/defence tactic I have outlined recreation will be decided through the team while best leadership who should certainly adapt and gaze after objectives. Practical goal the first to outline this tactic but my articles are principally designed for new players, and going by how poorly Alliance perform, at least on the Realm I play on, there should be a regarding new players around. Unless your are good at playing your character, organic PvE gear in marketplace. The enemy players will cut down your character like butter. As soon as the arena doors will open, you'll gonna be dead. Along with no team member, your team will have high chances to melt away. Even if you think you're well enough and observing play using PvE gear to deal higher damage, at high ratings, players tend to really tactical and they will turtle-up when going to pop your cooldowns. If you don't kill at least one during a damage burst, your team still has higher chances to lose. Anyway, i'm able to Wrath with the Lich King extension, you may level as much as level sixty. The cap had been 70 from Burning Crusade extension. And now, with the latest extension, Cataclysm, undertake it ! go Playerunknowns Battlegrounds plaza . Once you'll get a good set of Warlock PVP gear understand you still can't start earning Arena points until your partner is geared as suitably. I always recommend that you are and your wife or husband grind out battlegrounds together, that way you decide to make honor to buy gear and learning ways to play better as a team. Teamwork is everything when seeking win arena for Warlock PVP objects. It is also very important to find a good class combination an individual. Warlocks play well with most other classes, but try to pinpoint a class that plays well with your play product.
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introvertbard · 3 years
More thoughts about Raya and the Last Dragon
I'm starting to see posts about #RayaAndTheLastDragon make the rounds with some Southeast Asians, and here's my thoughts as a Filipino-American:
1) THE DRAGON LOOKS LIKE ELSA. As far as I know, none of the Southeast Asian dragons have that much fur. As I mentioned in my other complaining post: If they have those snow-leopard/puma-looking mounts that are perfectly regal and intimidating, why not use BIG-CATS for your dragon design, instead of... like, the art designer's little housecat??? 2) DISNEY SHOULD NOT BE USING A CRAPTON OF EAST ASIAN ACTORS FOR A SOUTHEAST ASIAN MOVIE. Even without Awkwafina's issues, I saw Daniel Dae Kim, Sandra Oh, and Gemma Chan in the main cast and I went "ohhhhhh no. Kelly Marie Tran is the token Southeast Asian lead in a movie ABOUT fantasy-Southeast-Asia. NOT GOOD, DISNEY." If they have all that money and they reveled in that whole squad of researchers for Moana, why the fuck did they backslide fifty years and go "well, they're all Asian, nobody's gonna notice! WE NEED BIG NAMES FOR OUR BIG MOVIE, LOLOLOL." And yeah, I know there's lots of SEA folks with ambiguous names (Kelly Marie among them), but the main cast is FULL of those and I am not giving Disney the benefit of the doubt that they all just HAPPEN to be SEA folks with nice, compact one- or two-syllable names. Guess which actors suddenly start sounding like TROPICAL BROWN ASIANS??? The ones who play the bit parts, that's who. “But you got Kelly Marie Tran, who else do you want???” Maybe like... the five other lead roles that you gave to East Asian actors??? While I'm on "East Asian versus Southeast Asian," the dragon's name is Sisu and people remarked that it sounds extremely East Asian. Here's some Philippine names for our dragons: -LAHO. A sea-dragon/serpent who causes eclipses ("laho" does in fact mean "eclipse" in Tagalog). He was so entranced by the moon that he jumped from the ocean's depths and tried to eat it. While he is said to be a "god," he acts more like a wild animal--his motive is "MOON SHINY, I EAT!" and human issues such as "we like to see at night" and "the moon controls the tides," and sometimes "THE MOON IS A GODDESS, BRO!!!" don't concern him. The myth doesn't tell you to appease him with offerings or even fight him like a god, either, you just scare him off like a huge version of the neighbor's dog who got loose: Scream and bang on things until he goes home. He has several other not-names--two are "Nono" or "Buwaya," which just mean "ancestor" and "crocodile" respectively. Another Tagalog account calls him Sawa, which means "giant python/boa," compared to the common word for snake as "ahas." -THE BAKUNAWA is Laho's Visayan counterpart, who ate SIX OTHER MOONS before mortals scared him off. Like Laho, the Bakunawa doesn't actually have a name, more like a descriptor/title; "bakunawa" means "bent serpent” and is most often used as “THE Bakunawa.” In some versions, the Bakunawa eats the moon(s) in revenge, after mortal hunters killed his sea-turtle sister. -BUWAYA/BUAYA. Yes, it's "crocodile" in Tagalog. Dragons and crocodiles were seen as close cousins by many precolonial tribes, and Tagalogs apparently used the word interchangeably for both creatures. There was a Tagalog psychopomp called "THE Buwaya," distinct from Laho, who seemed fairly positive since he ferried our dead souls to the afterlife on his back. Also, we needed that help because the way to the afterlife was a dangerous sea-journey in varying directions, like "east where there's no known land," or "up to the sky-world," or "down to the bottom of the ocean." -ULILANG KALULUWA. This dragon has an actual name, and he introduced himself and everything! His name means "Orphaned Spirit." He's a sky-dragon who found the Tagalog creator-god Bathala Maykapal wandering in the barren islands before the world had people, but he was angered at the potential rival to rule the world. They both made claims and fought for possession of it, but Ulilang lost and got killed. Many years later, Bathala's friend Galang Kaluluwa took ill and asked to be buried with Ulilang Kaluluwa, since they were both of the sky-tribe and therefore kinsmen; their bodies created the first coconut tree. Galang Kaluluwa was humanoid, but able to fly and sometimes said to be winged; the spirit tribes seem to align more to "elements" than "species." (Note, I use "friend” loosely because that’s the Christianized version of his relationship with Bathala, but that’s not the point of this post.) -TANDAYAG. Currently means "whale" in Tagalog, but I found some unexpected new information on Wikipedia! Some Palawan people have a myth of their own Tandayag: A great fish, dragon, OR whale, who closes the navel of the world under the sea. If angered by something and not appeased in time, Tandayag may open the world's navel and drown us all in the flood. Noticing a theme? A theme with little fur, who’s prone to anger of the world-ending kind, and has exactly one out of five “names that you’d call people?” Now there are certainly dragons who aren't as powerful as the ones I mentioned; the vast majority of "dragons" in the pre-Catholic Philippines were the ancestors of a ruling clan and their village(s), or regional nature-spirits that people would meet up with on adventures. I actually would have liked the concept of Sisu's self-esteem issues as a minor dragon who’s now expected to rescue/find her lost big-name brethren.
Like, she probably just chilled out at Lake Nowhere, somehow it turned into a city (because she’s immortal and doesn’t realize five hundred years is a LONG TIME for humans, after all), and now everyone thinks she’s a level 10 dragon who causes floods and hurricanes when her actual jobs are still boring, regular LOGISTICS stuff like helping the fishermen for a cut of the haul, scooping folks up when their boat tips over, and checking on the rice paddies.
But uhhhhhh... stories like this in Western society tend to go "WOW, YOU DID SOMETHING HUGE AND WORLD-SAVING! Turns out you ARE ridiculously powerful!" instead of "WOW, YOU USED YOUR MODERATE SKILLS IN CREATIVE WAYS!"
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hi Goldy! I am curious about your take on how Jikook are edited in the behind the scenes clips since October (such as the ones for the Life Goes on music video, ABC Holiday Dynamite, and the Japan one (search on youtube for BTS japan shoot || behind the scene of Japan)). Do you think Jikook are interacting less, being just friends, being more professional, or is BigHit editing their interactions out? It just seems so different from the ones before Oct (FILA, Dynamite MV, Season's Greetings 2021)
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BigHit is doing what what now?😥
Do you mean that as a fact or theory?🤔
Why though?👀 They are not Tae Kook? 😥
There's Bangtan video of Jimin with his third leg dangling loose in the air somewhere on the internet, I don't think BigHit is that savvy.
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Lmho. I mean I see what you mean but they are editors and cutting is what they do for a living. But this is Jikook sis. I don't see BigHit's incentive for 'cutting' Jikook's moments and you shouldn't assume that-
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You don't think Jikook's been groping eachother homoerotically on set lately have you? Cos, chile I'll believe that! I don't trust Jikook anywhere near eachother's vicinity and personal space.
I've seen enough to traumatize the devil himself. Chilee. Lol.
Bighit, in recent times, mostly tend to cut scenes and moments if they are a bit risqué. Like JK shoving his butt in Jimin's groin face, sliding his hands down Tae's chest...
Often times too they cut moments if its redundant. If a part of a scene is already in the main content they don't bother showing it in the behind scenes. From my observation.
When an interaction is awkward they skip it too, I feel. I mean I am still waiting to see JK touching all over Jimin and feeling him up in Run 106- honey, I'll pay to watch that shit with my kidneys. Lol.
Often too they save some scenes for memories or some other shit that they use all those pent up footages for. Lol.
BigHit is a business, they produce content that per their research and analytics garners more engagement, audience retention and a whole other metrics. They put a lot of creativity into what they do as creatives and artists- I mean if the baby noises is anything to go by. Those bites are tired!
But often times too, they're tired and they're lazy, and they just put anything together and toss it out there without giving it much thought- isn't that how they leave Jin or Tae out of packages, how certain Jikook moments that should have never made it into screen time ended up in screen time- how JM's third leg made it to the internet? They should have cut that shit before uploading it with those subtitles and yet here we are.
I think people give BigHit too much credit- talking about JK shouldn't gay panic and run away from certain moments with JM if he knows BigHit editors are going to cut those moments.... JM's dixk begs to differ. Chilee, Jimin you should have just worn pants. Can't trust these phony ass editors my guy.
The editing is really not a big deal. Not to me. But I love your question anyway. Especially the bits about what's different about Jikook and the content BigHit has been putting out since October.
Well something sure did go down in October, I don't care what anybody says.
I keep saying BigHit banks on the bond and intimacy of the boys, and the boys are more than happy to showcase their bond for the cameras just as Tae said and confirmed in a recent interview- Tuktukkers y'all did an Oopsie on the whole Taekook don't like to show their bond on cameras! Lol
Tae said it himself not me- he lives to showcase his bond with the other members. *where is my skull head emoji. Lmho.
I think what has changed since JM's birthday in October to now, to me where BigHit is concerned, is the general marketing strategy of the company.
It seems to me the company is adopting a marketing module opposite of the strategy they had been using before the pandemic. I think I've talked about this though...
Hate to say I said it, but I said it. Lol.
They are limiting access to the boys to drive sales as and when. BTS dominates the internet and have amassed greater reach and attention partly due to the free content they put out on the internet. But those were never monitised- not in a direct or significant way.
In the wake of the virus, they've had to monetize their online presence. A single tweet from their Twitter account is a phone brand promotion as I pointed out in past posts. There's been an increase in their sponsorship collaborations, in Soop and many of the content they've put up this year. They even turned on ads on their YT channels it seems.
Like I've been saying, this situation is global and novel, they are going to experiment with means and methods till they find that sweet spot and that is what I feel we are experiencing- amongst other things.
Unfortunately for us, our access to Jikook is gonna take a hit like I said before because the numbers are in their favor. I mean go to their YouTube page and see the metrics for yourself.
Jikook's holiday remix pulls way ahead of their counterparts. If their going to monetize any ship brand in BTS it's Jikooks. Trust. But that doesn't mean any ship in BTS is spared.
Someone asked me a while back, when I talked about this, whether all these changes the company was going through was going to affect the way Jikook interact on camera and I couldn't answer that with conviction then.
But I mean we are seeing a subtle, if not drastic change in the way Jikook interact with eachother and with their glass closet.
What that means for us, I think, is the company is going to choose when and where to show us content and certain interactions but that doesn't mean Jikook aren't interacting- know what I mean? I mean they have them. The juicy moments that's gonna make us slap our mamas. BigHit has it all. They are just gonna save it for as and when based on their marketing strategy, if you know what I mean.
I mean we all saw that blackswan performance, we all saw the holiday remix performance etc.
And you are right about the less interactions post October and I've shared my thoughts on it so I won't go into it. But I will state again that they are not broken up either, not to me. Lol.
I think we need to examine what interacting less means. To me, I consider Jikook interacting less if they have an opportunity to interact and they don't interact in a way that is usual of them.
Majority of the content we've gotten in recent times are pretty much very official contents, interviews, etc. The entire BE era, as I said is not about Jikook or even BigHit.
It's about BTS, all seven and Jikook can't monopolize the shine like they tend to do in other BigHit marketed contents in my opinion.
Jimin tried to be funny and chill in the dynamite mv and RM nearly went ninja turtle on his ass when he called him out for not taking things seriously enough during the shoot- Left to grandpa Joonie, the kids will sleep at five. Lol.
Seriously though, there is a huge gap between what BTS views as marketing and marketable and what Jikook or even BigHit views as marketing, in my opinion. And conversations like that between RM and Jimin goes to prove it.
Another interesting thing about this whole marketing approach is how BigHit isn't substituting any other particular pair in Jikook's stead. I see them giving equal screan time to the individual members- well not in a technical sense but I think you know what I mean.
Are Jikook required to be professional in certain situations, absolutely. And in previous years, I think they took too many liberties with it. But as I said, now more than ever they are learning and need to learn to read the room because they wouldn't be able to get away with much if they don't.
BE is a self produced project, after Soop- after when they were isolated to help them bond and repair fractures in their bond. If there were anything they were not happy with that led to Soop, trust that they are going to fix it post Soop and it's going to reflect in every sphere of their interactions.
RM for example has chilled on his monitoring and censorship of Jikook, Jikook have been pretty considerate of the group and have tried not to do anything to have RM pop a vein, Tae has been stepping up too- with the members going out their way to praise him and push him to the fore front of the group unlike in previous years *cough cough I don't want trouble but chilee.
I mean Jimin pointed it out in the Be behind when he said Tae was working hard and putting his best foot forward because the members had been showering him with lots of compliments in recent times and he wasn't kidding.
In the LGO comeback live, RM praised Tae for working hard forgetting it wasn't just Tae and JM's reaction was telling. Of course he backpedaled to compliment JM too.
Suga did the same thing in the Be behind video when he was talking about JM and praising him- I mean it's Suga and his Jimin, uWu. But then he too backpedaled to compliment Tae when he realized what he was doing and I was like CAN SOMEONE PRAISE KOOKIE TOO PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Lol.
Anywho, the company is equally chilling on their Jikook agenda which I have speculated on several ttimes so won't get into- it's all so very kumbaya and God, I hate it. Lol.
Give me the chaos goddammit!
I feel Jlkook loosen up in contents that aren't like super official business moments and that's when you see their domesticity. Lol.
You see them having their me time in the background of some of the content, and in one of the interviews where they were sat a good feet apart but they kept moving closer and closer till eventually after their lunch break cut, they were sat very close to each other.
I'm not a fan of the cameras being shove in their faces during their private moments- Kookie certainly doesn't appreciate that either.
But they are working for a living nonetheless and making content is what they do for a living. So we are definitely gonna get the content from them alright, the fanservice, the organic moments passed off as fanservice, the moments that should never make it to screen- all nine. Lol.
We are just not going to get them in a way we are accustomed to. And it certainly doesn't help that they are each on their own personal growth journeys- gradually disconnecting from their fanbase, I mean Jk's been long gone duh, and Jimin did say he has come to the realization not everyone in the fandom loves him and he is learning to react less strongly to them; which to me translates as bye bitches you don't deserve me. Lol.
I mean dude didn't bother posting for new year this year- y'all Jimin is done with our ass. We might as well pack our bags and join him in Kookie's Casa. I call dibs on the broom closet under the stairs. Lol.
Jikook gets called fanservice and other creepy slurs in this fandom but people forget all of this is their choice too. They choose, are choosing to share all the bits of them they share with us, with us. Inspite of all the hate and insults, they choose to do that- if they did it for the fanservice don't you think they would have called a time out on it long ago because it's not worth it?
I hate it here.
I guess what I'm saying is, you are right about these observations you've made and some of the things you've pointed out are facts.
But we have talked about all of that so it really shouldn't be anything new? Kindly check my previous posts. I think I shared my point of view on what I think is going on with Jikook, BigHit and BTS.
Other than those, I don't think there is anything major up with Jikook honestly. I keep saying I don't think they are broken up. I don't see either of them closed off, emotionally open to connecting with the others.
If anything I said I feel Jimin is falling in love all over again with Kook. I mean when he looks at him he looks to me as if he is seeing Kook in a different light.
And it's funny how all through out 2020 he kept reiterating how his friends and family and relationships were important to him, shading the ef out of Kook during the Japan Stay Gold promos claiming his relationships were important to him and was what was Gold in his life.
He even went on to talk about picking an accent spending time around his friends and talking with his friends around his birthday but suddenly in the Be behind scenes he was talking about how he's come to the realization BTS is his only true friends and how friends come and go.
Clearly he's had an epiphany of a sort and has been through something post his birthday that has him setting his priorities straight in the aftermath.
In his Weverse magazine, he mentioned how he's recently discovered something about himself, about how he loves to be loved. He then went on to clarify that when during festa he talked about having a desire to perform with the members for a long that that he meant to say he wanted to be with them for a very long time.
But then JK said Jimin said that bit to him first. And if this is the interpretation Jimin is giving to that statement then- one plus one is two honey. Numbers don't lie.
Dude don whispered those sweet empty nothings in JK's ear telling him he wants to be with him for a very long time and shit.
And now homeboy out here setting up roots in gay boulevard. I don't think their well is drying up any time soon. Lol.
They are in a honeymoon phase again and they are not showing us. Stingy bastards! Lol
And when JK said to JM in response, that BTS is his home- wow. He really said that...
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He is Jimin's home. Literally. Please, my heartu😭
Jikook is real. Please support them.
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absolutelyabby23 · 3 years
Rationality and Philosophy (Analogical Oneshot)
Summary: (Hurt/Comfort) Logan always has the answers. He always knows how to comfort Virgil. Virgil starts to doubt how much good he can do for the relationship. When Logan starts having doubts about his own life, Virgil must find his own way to help.
Word Count: 1,094
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of self-doubt, anxiety surrounding driving, and spiraling thoughts. Let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s note: Oh my goodness I’m actually writing a Sanders Sides fic again! It’s been a while. College got really busy and I couldn’t find a lot of time to write. Thanks to some encouragement from the “Logan'' in my life, I was able to find the motivation to write again. As always, likes and comments are appreciated! Also, feel free to drop some prompt ideas in my ask box. I mainly write Analogical, Prinxiety, and Logicality. I hope to create more content soon. I especially want to create a DnD oneshot to go with my college AU soon!
Curiosity in college is not an uncommon occurrence. Students are constantly curious about their course of study, where the best place is to eat, when the next test is, and even about how other students manage and engage in relationships. This was the case with Virgil Evans and his boyfriend, Logan Sanders. People often asked Virgil how the two met and how they were pulling off such a successful college romance amongst the many hookups and breakups surrounding them. Virgil thought about this often and was able to come up with his own explanation.
Virgil, accompanied by his stormy personality, was like a hurricane. His anxiety and generally pessimistic attitude could be considered unpredictable and detrimental at times. His overthinking tendencies were the winding winds that swirled and twirled around in a dangerous dance. Logan, with his calming logic, was like a brick building in the middle of all of that. Logan stayed strong even when things threw him for a loop. And the brick building, in this case, was also capable of shooting a laser that could remove the danger and calm the storm. After Virgil thought about it for a while, he considered this analogy might not be the most straightforward. Oh well. He was more known for his anxiety, not his rationality.
These kinds of ponderings made Virgil begin to question his relationship dynamic. Was Logan really the only one contributing to progress and solutions during times of distress? He started to think back through the course of their relationship. Logan had done so many things to help Virgil and keep their relationship strong.
Virgil remembered how Logan read about grounding exercises and helped keep him calm at parties. He made sure that Virgil never felt alone and was comfortable enough to wander outside of his comfort zone. Had that ended in Virgil drinking a bit too much wine and telling some freshmen girls how he was going to be the husband of the teaching major across the room? Well, at least he had made some genuine friends.
Logan was always there even during the little events. Virgil began to think back to a time that he was forced to take the freeway because he had missed the turn onto his beloved, backroad route.
“Why are they so close to me?! They’re gonna run me off the road!” Virgil wailed as he sped shakily along. He felt as though all eyes were on him and his less than stellar driving. He could hear the chorus of horns on the verge of harmonizing in a strangely symphonic manner. In reality, nobody was going to honk at him as he was driving just fine. However, in Virgil’s mind, the very road was on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, a reassuring hand was gingerly placed on his shoulder and Logan’s voice began to block out the panic with his smooth, almost rhythmic tone.
“Virgil, I understand your fears when it comes to driving. Operating a vehicle can be a dangerous task and a huge responsibility. However, you need to trust yourself and know that you are more than capable of handling the task at hand.” Virgil felt his anxiety symptoms start to lessen more and more. Logan had him focus on the exit numbers to ground himself and before one could say “falsehood,” Logan and Virgil had arrived safely at their destination.
All the evidence seemed to point to the fact that Logan was the more beneficial partner in their relationship. This concept kept bothering Virgil throughout the next few days. The doubts and worries were still whirling about in Virgil’s head when Logan asked him out on a stargazing date on top of the chemistry building.
The conversation started normally. Jokes were made about recent episodes of their favorite podcast between silent bites of the sandwiches made by their mutual friend Patton as a surprise for the happy couple. Virgil never minded the silence between him and Logan. There was a sort of secure peace to it. However, as the night went on, Virgil began to notice that the silence was being filled with spirals of words much heavier than the usual flirty and light, domestic banter.
“I mean, what if teaching isn’t my ‘thing’ to do, Virge?” Logan rambled. “I mean what if I’m horrible or hate my job or become a terribly mean person or-”
“Logan!” Virgil interrupted. “You’re going to be a great teacher! You are the smartest man I know. You can solve every problem and you know when you need to learn as well. I’m sure everything will work out fine.” Logan sighed in response, clearly not believing Virgil’s sudden outburst of optimism. Virgil was suddenly struck with an idea.
“Look up at the stars,” he instructed. Logan refused at first, looking at Virgil with that “what does this have to do with anything” look. But, after pulling Logan closer and tilting his head up so it was leaning against Virgil’s chest, a quick kiss on the forehead convinced him to look.
“Those stars are infinite. Imagine that you had to create a picture out of them. If you had to follow the exact patterns of the ancient constellations, your choices might be limited. It would be easy to get frustrated following that designated path. But, guess what! You don’t have to follow the pattern! In all that chaos, you can choose any line lengths and skip or include any points of light. Hell, you could even throw a satellite in just for fun! The picture is then whatever you want.
It’s just like your career path. You get to choose what kind of teacher you want to be. You don’t even have to choose! You can be whatever you want to be. You can get lost in the chaos of the cosmos or find some kind of insanely genius logic in all of it. But, either way, I’ll be exploring by your side.” Virgil finished with a blush as Logan looked at him with wide, blue eyes.
“That was… astute,” Logan grinned as he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. Virgil took account of a few things after Logan had fallen asleep on his shoulder. The first was that Virgil now knew he was capable of taking care of Logan in his own way. The second was that the two were capable of navigating uncertain times just as they had navigated the traffic-filled roads of the freeway. The third was that, despite the fact that his arm was falling asleep, Virgil had never been happier.
Taglist under the cut (Let me know if you would like to be added or removed!):
@completelyclevername @monstercupcake61176 @sanders-sides-thuri @tinysidestrashcaptain @minamishipsit @whyamihereohwell @smokeyrutilequartz @misty-the-mysterious @author-trash @madly-handsome @tree4life25 @cloudchaser7 @logically-asexual @freepaperie081 @anony-phangirl @remmythepegasis @hanramz-the-fander @cinquefoilelove @octopushugs @romanssippycup @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @vexation-virgil @grey-lysander @poisonedapples @robanilla @cheezeykat @heyzpeoplez @pheartheraven @beenlightenedboi @bubblycricket @changeling-ash @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @louvrejpeg @namirastar @deathbyvenusftw @ilylogan @violetmcl @angered-turtle @confinesofpersonalknowledge @blacknightmare37 @sanderstalker
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/heedful.harry | 15.6k followers| hi, I’m Harry and I’m a business major. No, You don’t have to hold your applause 🧐
21 years old
From York, England
Cancer sun + ARIES MOON energy
He and his younger brother, Archie were foster children in the Mitchell-white household
which consisted: Harrison Mitchell and his daughter from a previous marriage, Briony, Piers White and together they had a surrogate carry their child, which gave them their second daughter, Pippa
Later they came to the decision to adopt Harry and Archie Zhong, if only that’s what they wanted too
It took longer for Harry to warm up to the family since he was still waiting and wishing for his mom to come back for them
He was diagnosed with IED around 15 years old
Goes to therapy for it and meetings with others with similar issues...he dreads the meetings since it makes him feel like he has a problem or something, which HE DOES but it makes him feel like a...but he knows that’s a ignorant way to think
He’s currently a business major and loves telling people about it *yawn* (don’t drag me lmao)
He’s thinking he’ll be a Financial analyst or a Marketing manager
The type of person who’s done a lot in his short life that it’s often unbelievable ex.) telling the villa he’s driven one of the cars that was used in the fast and furious franchise & getting pissed when bill and everyone else didn’t believe him
Harrison is a train driver and is normally bubbly + wears bright preppy clothes
He also loves Broadway, much to Harry’s annoyance...if he hears one more Hamilton song he’s gonna slam his head thru a wall stg
Piers is a music producer and is more reserved or “stand-off-ish” until he gets warmed up to you + his aesthetic is a rocker, yeah he’s got the whole tattoos and boots thing going for him, after all he was in a rock band
Piers makes the most $ and is of high status, which brought him and his family perks but is not a snob about it...it’s whatever ya know?
Harry’s closer to piers, feels he understands him more & can be kinda rude to Harrison when he’s in one of his moods but tries to be better at responding to him since he made him cry once years ago — yes he felt like complete shit afterwards
Harry is anemic so he always finds himself cold, experiencing fatigue, irregular heartbeat, and if he gets up too fast or moves too fast? Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the—FLOOO000R! (I’m making this joke as a person with anemia)
Likes cold weather since everyone else can feel what he feels on the daily
Plus he loves dressing for winter season, trench coats, wool coats, turtle necks, thermal t-shirts, fleece pants, rolled up beanies that keeps his ears covered and his hair glued to his forehead...you name it!
On the regular? He’s a khaki’s kinda guy, dress shirts, and loves wearing suit and ties...he’s not the biggest fan of jeans. He loves dressing fancy unless the measurements are bloody awful
I’m going by the alternative design for Harry and...whew! Then he’s 6’1 if we’re talking about the one they gave us then we all know he has a baby face, so I’d say he’s about 5’8
He’s got long legs + arms and hates how majority of his pants barely fit around his ankles
has dry scalp too
I feel like he’s pretty intelligent and sometimes it can come off as a know it all, yet, he’s always down to help people & isn’t condescending while doing so
He knows how to make soaps and would sell them on his etsy account in highschool where plenty shat on him for it so for awhile he stopped the hobby until Harrison encouraged him to keep at this if it was what makes him happy
Harrison is the type of parent you go to for comfort and hugs even if it might feel like he’s smothering you
Piers is the one who lets you come to him when you’re ready to talk about it, no pressure
Harry went to a high school that focused on technology so he’s all into the latest gadgets
This is a secret but he only got a apple watch to feel like a true spy
His intelligence got him somewhere with a few ladies ;)
He’s a certified freak, 7 days a week and had a handful of hookups and about 4 gfs in his life so far
He’s kinky!!!
& has a f**t fetish
His past relationships were not long relationships, which sucked but Harry felt like...this might sound arrogant, but it’s either their lost — although there was never any bad blood with his breakups! or his person was still out there somewhere...
I haven’t fully played his route (AJ stole my ass since I couldn’t romance seb or Nicky sorry) but I’ve seen screen caps and he’s a total sweetie if he’s really committed to you, you might be his “true love”
He’s nervous opposed to his usual confidence when he’s chatting to other ladies with ease, with you it’s different, it’s magnetic, nerve-wrecking, butterflies, electric, and exciting all wrapped in one
I feel like he shows his love language with quality time but also enjoys physical touch from his partner
Picky eater
But he was worst as a child! Barely ate anything which led to him being lanky or it’s in his genes but mostly he wouldn’t eat a damn thing
These are a few of his favorite things: figs, green tea, and almond milk
makes the best spring rolls with the rice paper, those are superior than fried! “Fried food will kill u u know!” “Okay bill.” “Iona, don’t know if u had too much to drink but, erm I’m Harry.” “R/WHOOOOssssh! And you’re s’pposed to be the smart one, yeah right.”
outside of the villa he found himself continuing his friendship with bill—even tho he pisses him off sometimes since he’s always got some shit to say but they’re probably the closest, Iona she’s always honest and is always a good time to be around when they hang out, Then there’s Camilo and Miki that he hangs out with too
Is the first one sharing about his day in the group chat with all of the villa, he can feel half of them rolling their eyes at him since many feel he tends to exaggerate
if he’s not endgame with mc...he kinda feels a way that Genevieve found her happiness in seb instead of him, it’s not that he’s bitter—he genuinely liked her and felt like maybe they didn’t try hard enough but deep down knows relationships can’t be forced. It’s just his ego trying to control things that’s all! plus he was comfortable with vieve even if it felt more on a platonic side...oh well
once slid into jen from s1’s dms one dark stormy drunk night & admitted on live that erikah kinda gave him some tips before going on the show... & that he thought one of the new girls that entered the villa was a better fit than one of the originals from s2 which caused him to get blocked by said original OOP
Has a circle of close friends outside of the villa, they’re all brainiacs and have something going for themselves
Enjoys action films and biographical drama films like: James Bond, John Wick, and the social network
Isn’t ashamed to admit that he loves using sheet face masks but isn’t the greatest at following a consistent skincare routine
Has his own back massager that he spent a lot of $ on since it wouldn’t go on sale and then a week later...it went on sale
sends a lot of “🙃🙂” texts when you piss him off
probably worked at GameStop, the apple store, Godiva, and currently works at a electronic repair shop for a side of cash but is looking for a internship since he’ll be graduating next year
Always Keeps cough drops on him? 
is a huge cuddler & falls asleep easily
His brain is always active, experiences REM sleep often
fav video games are tekken & hitman
owns a drone now 😏
also loves strategic board games & riddles
Took quarantine life seriously, did his research before it completely broke globally and started buying shit excessively in person and online that he sent most to his family before the campus shut down
Is the friend that will check on his friends :)
Keeps his dorm and his room back home CLEAN af, is OCD about everything being in order/organized. Will know if you touched his shit, Archie felt his wrath many times before
Has a life goal board in his closet, & plans to be fully established by 25. More power to ya Harry!
Celeb crushes: Victoria justice, Jesy Nelson, Deepika Padukone, Brec Bassinger, jasmine tookes, and princess Mae
Who does he listen to? oceanfromtheblue, Galimatias, Ta-Ku, Aries, Tyler, the creator, rich Brian, NIKI, viji, & AJR
Anthem = DPR IAN, “So beautiful”
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 years
FUCK YOU TIME! I’m aware I’m an hour and a half late, but I finished the chapter, so HA. I know nobody cares, but I’m happy with myself. Previous chapter is at the bottom of the page, of course.
Chapter 4
"Why, pray tell, don't you trust me?"
"Because you're being paranoid." Mikey gets into position at the top of the ramp as you scroll through your phone absentmindedly, watching your friends back home sincerely mourning your death. "I am an ex-peer-ee-onsed skateboarder and ninja. This is gonna be epic."
"As someone who saw that episode," you reassure him, sighing at your mother's inactivity online confirming your suspicions for the umpteenth time, "you are absolutely going to get in trouble." The lair is a mess, the ramp more so, and the entire situation is so obviously the inciting incident that you're half convinced that the universe itself is pranking you. You slid the phone into your pocket, not really in the mood to start crying again. "In fact, this is directly related to the theme of the episode. In other words, don't do it."
"Relax, dude." He sets himself up. "I am totally gonna make this jump and it is going to be sweet."
"Theme?" Donatello pipes up from his place on the ground in front of the ramp. "The first major constituent of a clause?"
You blink. "No, the new Subway footlong. What the fuck are you talking about?"
"That's the definition of theme."
"Who uses that definition? Grammar teachers?"
"The dictionary."
You are dumbfounded. "Why would I— do you know how people usually use that word?"
"People usually use that word at all?"
You look over at Raphael and Leonardo, who are on the floor next to him, and who seem completely disinterested. "Do you guys—"
"No. Who uses the word 'theme'?" Raphael rolls his eyes. "Mikey, do you plan on jumping today?"
"Wait, so none of you have ever used that word in a literary sense?"
"There's a literary sense?"
You sigh. "In hindsight, I guess that makes sense, since— Mikey, you're gonna get grounded for it."
"Will not."
"Will too. Donnie, when you inevitably get grounded for this, after your grounding is over, come to my apartment. I'm teaching you literary analysis because that is ridiculous." You get to your feet. "Oh," you say, "before I go, when he grounds you, don't go out. If you get into trouble while you're out, get me, and if he asks why you're tired, say it was a movie marathon, and if he asks which movies, Lord of The Rings. See ya." You run out as you hear the shouts of their father telling them to stop.
You walk back up to the surface via the empty subway tunnel. You had quickly realized that it was infinitely less gross than going through the sewers, and your apartment already smelled enough like raw sewage from the amount of time you had started spending down there. You have considered buying new clothes with your quickly appreciating bank account, but you could not bring yourself to look, even with your new freedom. Maybe it was a lack of motivation? You do not exactly know. More likely is your complete lack of inspiration and faith in your own choices, but what do I know?
You start down the street to your building. You would not go so far as to say it felt like home, but you had become more accustomed to it. You had learned the bellboy’s name, nodded to neighbors. It is not a stunning amount of progress, but it is progress. You spend most of your days now, if not re-watching whatever episode is relevant next, for the first time, cyberstalking people you knew from back home. How courteous of that organization to give you an up-to-date feed of life moving on without you; at least you get to see your cousins.
You do not remember the actual walk. You remember getting to your apartment, walking right by your refrigerator, and collapsing onto the bed.
You feel like shit.
You roll onto your back, going right back to stalking. You are not sure why you bother making yourself feel worse. You tried messaging them to absolutely no avail. You cannot comment on posts, either. You know this. You still grasp onto this shred from your past. It just makes you sad. Why are you doing this to yourself?
You feel a lump rise in your throat. You close the window.
You curl around your pillow, hugging it tightly. You the sound of your fingers against the screen was the only thing to permeate the room. You are following a tangent, looking for a book you were interested in a century ago. Something about a pervert? You forget.
You miss home.
You do not even need to look up from your phone; the panting is enough. "I'm going to take a wild guess."
"I know you said to come get you," Donnie gushed, "but it was 2 in the morning and I totally forgot and I was freaking out about this new invention and—"
You set the e-book down, walking over and grasping his hands gently. "Take a deep breath, alright? You're gonna be fine, so long as you chill out and think."
"Baxter Stockman is serious business."
"I know, honey, but you gotta calm down, alright?" You slowly pull him down to sit on the bed.
"He snapped my staff with his freakin hand!"
"You are going to go through at least 2 more of those bad boys. Breathe with me." You inhale deeply. "In."
He mimics you.
He follows suit.
"Okay. Are you good?"
His breathing slows. He swallows, nods. "Okay, I'm calm."
"Awesome. Now, I'm gonna give you a mini version of our lesson, alright? Is that okay?" The irony of you trying to calm down the trained ninja is not lost on you.
"Yeah, alright." He nodded.
"Alright. Let's start off with the basics." You sit yourself up properly. "Now, this is a kid's show, right?"
"If you say so, yeah."
"The thing about kids shows is that there's usually a moral to each of the episodes."
You put up one finger. "At the beginning of the episode, you guys got grounded, right?"
He nodded.
"You guys snuck out, and you got into a fight with Stockman. That fight is the reason he's after you, right?" You try to speak relatively clearly and, more importantly, calmly.
"Yeah." He seems to respond relatively positively to this.
"And then,” you continue, putting up a second finger, “Mikey losing the t-pod and not telling anyone is what lead to Stockman getting powerful, right?”
He nodded.
“In both instances, the problem was a lack of transparency, right? Not asking for help for fear of getting in trouble?”
He nodded again.
“So,” you nod with him, “the way to fix this is?”
“To ask for help regardless of whether or not it will get us in trouble with Splinter?”
“Exactly.” You smile encouragingly. “Why?”
“Because that’s the message of the episode?”
“You really are quick to catch on.” You get to your feet. “I’m not surprised you’re the brains of the group.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up.
“Most definitely. Now,” you get to your feet, “as much as I love when we talk, and as much as I owe you a lesson on how to identify these sorts of things on your own, I’m sure your brothers could use that advice right about now.”
“Right!” He gets up. “Thank you, again.”
“My pleasure, my guy. Oh, hit me up when you’re off of your grounding so I can figure out a lesson plan.”
“You got it.” He climbed out of the window. “See you then, Y/N.”
“Kick their asses.” You wave as he disappears into the night.
Your smile slowly slides off your face as you close the window. You pick your phone up to check the time.
You toss it onto the bed. ‘I’m making cupcakes.’ You have not eaten in what feels like a while. You are already out of bed. Might as well.
“She called me honey.”
Raphael rolls his eyes. “I’m telling you, there’s no way that a girl like her is going to be into you. You’re delusional.”
“Honey is a pet name!” Donatello’s voice rises slightly. “And—and she invited me to her place after we aren’t grounded!”
“Let him believe.” Leonardo pipes up from in front of the television. “I think it’s nice that he and she are as close of friends as they are so quick.”
“For the record, I’m rooting for ya, bro.” Mikey takes another bite out of his pizza. “Sure, you’re a little creepy, but so is she, so it works out.”
He scoffs. “Aren’t you three forgetting something? Like, I don’t know, that we’re turtles? Is the fact that she’s an entirely different species not a factor?”
“Part turtle.” He speaks incredibly fast. “Our DNA is mutated with—”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re holding onto that technicality real tight, aren’t you?” He stabs the dummy in the gut. “A technicality that I’m sure she cares about.”
“I did the research.” He gets to his feet, running over and grabbing a diagram from his lab. “We’re physically compatible.”
“Donnie. Brother. No.” He stops. “Please tell me you didn’t seriously look into whether or not you could fuck her. I know you like this girl, but come on.”
“I didn’t go out of my way to research how our reproductive system works for this.” He tosses it back into his lab, sliding the door closed. “I did that research a while back. I just had to investigate reproduction on the female end to make sure everything worked.” He stands up straight. “Theoretically, we are fully capable of reproducing with humans.”
“Theoretically?” Leo looks back at him.
He feels his face go red. “Well, there isn’t any clinical research done on the subject. We’re the only ones of our kind, after all, and I don’t have any female samples to use.”
“For fuck’s sake, Donnie, do not ask her for ‘samples’.” He gags. “That’s just fucking gross.”
“I wasn’t going to!”
“You were. I’d bet money on it.”
“Ten bucks says he still will.” Mikey drops the rest of it down his throat.
“Dude, you’re freakier than I am. I love you but come on.” He lays back on the couch.
“Y’all are just gross.” He stabbed the dummy in the neck, sand pouring out of the hole. “We need a more durable dummy.”
“You could just not break the ones I make.” He sits down on the couch. “That’s an option.”
“It’s a literal punching bag. It’s a show of love.”
The episode ends. Leo walked over to the two on the couch, sitting on the other side of his lanky brother as Michelangelo scrounges for crumbs. “Look, it might be jumping the gun a bit to start researching if you guys can have kids. You guys aren’t even in a relationship.”
“I know.” He rubs his face with his hands. “I dunno, man. What am I doing?”
“Exactly.” He pats him on the back. “I’m not saying it could never happen, but this is a little much.”
He sighs. “Yeah, that’s true.”
“We wouldn’t lie to you.” He gets to his feet. “I’m gonna go meditate for a while. You wanna join me?”
“I’m good.” Donnie hopped over the back of the couch. “I’m gonna go work on this thing I’ve been working on.”
“Alright, man.” He walks off to the dojo.
He steps into his lab, sliding the door closed behind him. He sits at his workstation, a half-finished robot sat on the table. He slides his tongue in the space between his teeth absentmindedly as he goes back to connecting wires.
‘She used the past tense. Had, she said.’ He bounces his knee absentmindedly, reaching for the soldering iron. ‘But she called me honey. She called me hot stuff. Is that an insult?” He tests the joints. ‘I don’t remember.’
He sets his project down for a second. He opens his laptop, smiling gently at his screen saver. It is a photo you had emailed him of the two of you to show you how it worked.
‘I should make a camera. Or find one. A digital one.’ He sighs, closing it. ‘She is absolutely gorgeous.’
He goes back to work, still feeling your fingers around his.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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ckret2 · 4 years
Gigan Invades Earth
I got a request on ko-fi for “something Gigan-Ghidorah,” and I don’t have any freestanding Gigan/Ghidorah fic plans right now, all my current plans are from farther forward in the chronology of the fics I’m currently writing.
So I was like, okay, I’ll just write a few scenes from, uh... like, sixteen fics ahead of where I am right now.
So here’s a few scenes from way ahead of where we currently are! I haven’t edited it because this fic ain’t done and ain’t gonna be for a long time, but enjoy the preview.
First contact was made on a Monday at exactly ten in the morning, local Central Zone time—as convenient a time as any for first contact to happen: late enough in the morning that just about everyone was up and about but early enough to ensure the arrival would dominate all but the early morning news broadcasts; and at the start of the work week so that all of the white-collar governmental sorts who were going to have to deal with this were rested from the weekend.
He'd planned it that way.
One moment, the sky above Constitution Plaza in Mexico City was clear; the next moment, a smooth object hurdled down from the sky so fast that passersby didn't even have time to send out panicked messages about their impending doom before it stopped, hovering, seeming to glower down on the National Palace. A thunderclap followed in the wake of its sudden stop, traveling out as a deep rumble across the city.
It sat there, a dark grey and black mass of machinery thrumming in the air, for exactly five minutes: long enough to attract the attention of damn near half the continent but not long enough for the panicking politicians inside the National Palace to start rallying the troops. Then a deep, slightly synthesized-sounding voice boomed out of the ship. It was clearly audible for blocks around in every direction:
"Buenos días. Vengo en son de paz. Llévame hasta tu líder."
Good morning. I come in peace. Take me to your leader.
Astute observers noted two things about the new arrival:
It had a sense of humor.
And it had done its research.
"On behalf of Monarch," Serizawa said, his Spanish stilted and slow over the video call, "I am honored that you have invited us to witness this historic occasion. But I don't understand what place Monarch has in a moment of... of interstellar diplomacy."
The video conference was cut into four windows: Serizawa Ishiro, who'd pulled on a button-up shirt for the call but who beneath the frame of the camera was sitting up in bed, still on bed rest from his near-death experience during the Titans' mass awakening; Xochitl Flores Rosales, scientist at Outpost 56-B monitoring Rodan and Ghidorah, and Monarch's official liaison to the Mexican government; a representative of the Mexican government, a stern-looking middle-aged woman with deep frown lines creasing her brown face, someone whom Monarch had never worked with before but who had been available to get on the line with them; and a live feed of the interview being conducted between the flustered Mexican president and the alien.
The alien took up most of Constitution Plaza; even sitting, it towered over the four-story National Palace, and every other nearby building. Footage taken of it standing when it had descended from its ship put it at fully a third taller than Godzilla. It was recognizably bipedal, seemed vaguely avian or reptilian, and called to mind comparisons to penguins, turtles, chicken, and lizards. Fully half of its body was covered in metallic-looking prosthetics or armor—unless that was how its body naturally looked? It was far too soon to know. They didn't even know what planet it came from.
"Unless you called us because of the size of our visitor?" Serizawa ventured. In the fourth screen, muted, cameras set atop the National Palace craned back to look at the alien's head. Its face was shaded beneath the spacecraft the loomed over several city blocks; only the glow of the red goggles-like visor that seemed to serve as its eyes helped illuminate its face. "Despite its scale, I don't think it's wise to count it as a titan."
"But it's already counted itself as a titan," the government representative said.
While Serizawa raised his eyebrows in surprise, Xochitl hurried to pull up a video clip—she'd been in the call longer than Serizawa and had watched more of the interview. "Here," she said. "One of the first questions he answered."
The president's voice was tinny and small as he asked through speakers, "What is your name?"
"Nothing you can pronounce," the alien said, then launched into what was clearly a prepared comment: "But the largest citizens of your planet—you call them 'titan' because they're titanic? I have the most in common with them, and since I'm gigantic—call me Gigan." His metal beak seemed to curve into a smirk.
Serizawa watched silently, hand over his mouth in concentration. Somewhat abashed, he said, "Gigan speaks better Spanish than me."
Xochitl laughed weakly. The government rep barely managed to crack a smile.
"And called the titans citizens of our planet," Serizawa went on. "Not animals, or residents—citizens. As fluent as Gigan is, I doubt it's a mistranslation."
"Maybe it misunderstands their status on Earth," the government rep said.
Serizawa said, "Or maybe Gigan is trying to tell us that we misunderstand their status."
The clip continued as Gigan answered another question: "I don't have a gender. I don't reproduce like species on your planet do. But most of you humans respect men more, don't you? So you can refer to me with male grammar."
Serizawa nodded slowly. "Yes, I think he understands how things work on Earth just fine."
Xochitl laughed harder.
"So that's why we thought Monarch should be involved," the government rep said.
"I understand now. We'll offer whatever assistance we can." Serizawa nodded at the clip. "Should we return to the live interview?"
"In a moment," the government rep said. "To get a full understanding of the situation, you should know why Gigan says he's come to Earth."
Serizawa nodded and focused on the clip again.
The president was asking, "Why have you come to Earth? Diplomacy? To trade resources?"
Gigan said, "I want to purchase some real estate."
He was in the market for a few acres near the gulf coast of Mexico—"just enough space for me to put my ship down and stretch my legs," he said.
He didn't represent any worlds or governments. He wasn't setting up an embassy. To his knowledge, no one else would be following after him. It was just him, a lone traveler in a lonely part of the galaxy. Most of the major population centers, he said, were way to heck and gone on the other side of the galaxy—and then he moved the conversation onward without elaborating on these alien civilizations.
He wanted to get his land the legal way—the human way. With currency. He reassured them that he understood currency, money, markets, capitalism, yes, all that—they all existed other places, with minor variations. He dealt in money most of the time. He had a job. He said he was an interstellar freelance mediator. When two parties had a conflict, one hired him to resolve the dispute.
He didn't intend to sell the fabulous secrets to interstellar space travel. He had a ballpark idea of how much that info was worth to humans, and he didn't need near that much to buy a few acres. He offered raw materials: enormous hunks of raw iron and gold. He'd harvested a few asteroids on the way into Earth. Effortless for him, impossible for humans.
Yes, he could accept money from the deal. He had a bank account. Or PayPal or Venmo, if they preferred. He also had accounts on YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and Weibo. When he gave his usernames, the accounts were immediately flooded with thousands of new followers. He mostly lurked, retweeted titan pictures from Monarch, trolled flat earthers by informing them he was an alien currently orbiting Earth, and three weeks ago got in a heated debate on a M*A*S*H subreddit. He started responding to messages from new followers while still speaking with the Mexican president with no outward change in his demeanor or visible Internet connection.
By early afternoon, they had agreed—in concept—to Gigan's proposed sale of metals and purchase of land; in three days they would meet again to give Gigan a list of potential properties for him to choose from.
"And on behalf of the people of Mexico and the entire human race," said the president, reading off a statement that a speechwriter had prepared for him two hours earlier, "I would like to thank you for this peaceful and mutually fruitful first contact—"
"'First contact'?" Gigan cut in.
The president stammered to a stop. After a moment, he said, "Yes, that's... that's our phrase for our first meeting with intelligent alien life."
"I know what it means," Gigan said. "But I'm not your first contact. Some of my friends are already here."
Flabbergasted, the president asked, "Are—are they? Where?"
"I'm sure you've already heard of them," Gigan said. "We're former coworkers. What is it you've been calling them—Ghidrah, Gidora?"
as he asked the question.
And suddenly the entire meeting looked different.
There was something sadistically delighted in Gigan's glowing visor as he basked in the humans' stunned silence. "Speaking of, I meant to visit them before I headed back to orbit," he said. "Do you know if they're at home?"
It had been eons since Gigan had last seen the triple threat.
Eons since he'd grabbed himself a space ship and taken off across the galaxy to attempt to track them down.
Eons spent combing back and forth over the same five hundred cubic light-years where their trail went cold, trying to figure out where they'd vanished to—if they'd left that patch of space, or if they were still drifting through space in the heart of an unfallen meteor, or if they had died on some lonely planet...
Until now. Until he'd found traces of their signature in this little solar system. Until he'd found the one populated planet, jacked into the primitive locals' communication system, and found it riddled with pictures and recordings of the trio.
It had been so long since Gigan had seen them, the material of the only physical photo he had of them had long since corroded and crumbled. He'd digitized, reprinted, redigitized, and re-reprinted the image dozens of times, maybe hundreds. He was afraid his own electronic memories of them might have also decayed over time, byte-sized glitches switching 1s for 0s and 0s for 1s until the memories distorted, the images changed, and he forgot what they looked like.
But when he saw them through the humans' news feeds, they looked exactly how he remembered. Even compressed through humans' primitive sound recording processes, they sounded the same.
It had been eons—and now he'd be face to face with them in just a few minutes. He'd left his ship in orbit and was flying down to the island they'd been hanging out on under his own power.
And now he couldn't put off asking himself the question he'd been trying to avoid for millennia:
What if they didn't want to see him?
They were the ones who'd run off, after all—and he'd never found out why. Maybe they hated the sight of him. Maybe they would to try to kill him. Maybe by now they'd completely forgotten about him.
He could see a glint of gold on the island below. Sparks sizzled through his system.
No time left for doubt. He waited until he was low enough to be within hearing range, and bellowed at top volume, "Hey! You worthless, spineless, heartless featherweight! What's the big idea, bailing on me like that?!"
They started, shifting from reclining on top of their folded-up wings to crouched anxiously, long necks whipping around to search for the unexpected noise. It was Lefty who looked up first and spotted Gigan; and faster than Gigan could react, they were launching straight up to meet him in midair.
He'd definitely forgotten how fast they could take off. "Whoa, wait—"
they crashed into him, getting him in the gut with a double head butt; and then tried to grapple him with their claws while he was stunned. He barely managed to weave out of their way.
"You damn loser!" One jaw snapped at him, and another demanded, "Did you come all this way to ride on our coattails some more?!" Lightning crackled over their wings with every flap, the sky quickly clouding over.
"You wish! How's business been without me to handle finances for you, huh?"
They butted a forehead violently against his, static crackling back and forth over their skin. The rattling of their tails was nearly lost in a crackle of thunder.
They were happy to see him.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Applin Family
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840: Applin
That's more like it!!! Applin is such a perfect little creature. OBJECTIVELY perfect. I adore that we have a “worm in an apple” Pokemon, I'd definitely chalk that up as a Pokemon I never realized I wanted so badly. But it isn't JUST your average worm in an apple critter, because it's instead using the apple as its own head! With its fat wormy tail sticking out the back to support the apple head it can barely lift. And those lovely green eye-stalks that look like leaves sticking out the top are precious.
And that's not all though. This is our first Pokemon that is Grass/Dragon by default! Meaning it's a WYRM in an apple! HAH!! Its apple-noggin even has markings on the bottom that look like a cartoon dragon's toothy underbite. There are so many tiny neat details packed into such a simple yet amazing design, it's unreal. More of THIS is what Gen 8 is missing!
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Despite how we never get to see it in the game, they did go to the trouble of modeling what Applin looks like when it's Applout. And now it's even more perfect. That fat little worm body is precious with tiny little nubs for feet. Applin truly is peak creature design.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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841: Flapple
The Pokemon design team must've adored Applin because it wound up with TWO evolutions and a Gigantamax form as well. The first in that list is Flapple, which it becomes by being given a Tart Apple. The apple it lives in breaks up and its skin becomes wings. It even gets some funny mantis eyes, which are adorable. And I do also like the horn sticking through the top to look like a stem. Flapple can even spit acidic fruit juices, which is lovely.
But I just plain don't like it as much... it's a lot more of a “gecko” now than it is a worm. While I do enjoy a funny geckoey dragon, I can't help but feel the appeal has be lost a bit since part of Applin's adorable charm came from its wormyness. Plus the wyrm in an apple pun is gone now!!
I'll still give it a high score cause I like it enough and it's interesting, I just would've preferred if Applin just stayed a wyrmworm.
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Personal Score: 8.5/10
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842: Appletun
If you give Applin a Sweet Apple, it'll turn into Appletun. And, mmmh. Nah, I don't like it as much either. I don't even like it as much as Flapple, if I'm being honest. Which is disappointing, cause there's still plenty of aspects about Appletun that I do like, but they're all mostly overpowered by a single, rather ugly looking feature it has.
But let's cover the good first. I like that an apple pie was chosen as an aesthetic they went with. Again, a design motif I never realized I wanted. Though I can't help but be slightly irked by the idea of people peeling poor Appletun's skin off because it tastes good like the Pokedex says. THAT got oddly gruesome quickly! I'm just gonna elect to believe by “skin” they mean the lumps on its back, which is shed/dead skin anyway so it doesn't feel any pain when people do peel them off. SHEESH, Gamefreak. Giving me a scare so I gotta invent a headcanon to convince myself these things aren't being gruesomely peeled.
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ANYWAY... I do love that adorable little face it has too. The apple helmet along with the droopy little “ears” it has. But then the ears turn out to be its dangling eye-stalks! Hah, that's adorable! By all accounts I should love this thing, oddly dark turn in its backstory aside. So why don't I?
That hump it has for a back just all around looks ugly. You would think that this turtle-esque creature would have something resembling a shell, especially since the top of its back is meant to look like a pie! Where's the pie-crust shell?! That blurry gradient between its green skin and the “pie crust” just looks hideous. It really does feel like it wasn't done, or part of the model just didn't load.
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Even just doing this right here could've gotten it a 9/10 from me. It wouldn't surpass Applin, but it's still an adorable little pie-dragon. But as is... Eh. 6/10 feels a little harsh for getting just one (albeit major) detail that feels off and wrong. Sure, it gets a 7. I like it but don't love it.
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Personal Score: 7/10
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G-Max Flappletun:
Flapple and Appletun share the same Gigantamax form, more or less. And you'd think a return to Applin's wormy-ness would have me on board but, ehhh. I like the little head poking out of an “applesauce” volcano look it has going on there, I'll give it that much. It's just not AS wormy as I'd like it to be, especially not with that face it has. Just a little too yoshi-like for my taste.
That said... is it just me or does G-Max Apple here feel like it was at one point meant to be a middle-stage between Applin and its two other evolutions? Yeah it looks like Flapple and Appletun both by design but it looks like it turns into both rather than both turning into this, if that makes sense.
Anyway, sure. Flappletun here is acceptable I suppose, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth just by being Applin but Worse.
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Personal Score: 6/10
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North by Northwest Conspiracy-part 5 (The man with the magic key [and possibly a few loose screws])
Please, if there’s any superior being out there with any level of mercy, please don’t let this weirdo be about ta do some kind of striptease.
To Stan’s relief, he seemed content to remain in the rest of his clothes-and honestly, he could relate to wanting to walk around in just your shorts, sometimes wearing pants was too much effort.
“...Quentin Trembley?” Ford asked, looking perplexed.
“The eighth-and-a-half president of these several United States, my good man!”  Trembley grinned at his twin and walked over to him, holding out his hand. “Do they still shake hands in this time period?  What year is it?”
“Uh...it’s 1978.  And yes they do.” Ford gingerly returned the handshake.  When he pulled his hand back, he looked at his fingers and grimaced, discreetly wiping them on his pants; Stan guessed that being encased in peanut brittle for a hundred years made you a little sticky.  He was learning that it also did pretty weird things to the way you smelled.
“We’ve passed the year 1900?!  By Jefferson, this is amazing!  My horoscope told me the world might end in 1899-I guess it was wrong.”
“No duh,” Stan muttered.
“Eighth-and-a-half?” Preston gave a very bewildered frown.
“Aah!”  Trembley let out an alarmed yelp and hid behind Ford.  “A small evil accountant! Protect me before he tries to calculate my income!”
“That’s a child, Mr. Trembley.”  Ford stepped away from him.
Trembley gave him an indignant look.  “That’s Sir Lord Quentin Trembley III, Esquire to you, sir!  Former president of AMERICA, and founder of the town of Gravity Falls!”
For a moment they just stared at him, before Preston broke the silence.
“That’s a lie!” he squawked.  “My great-grandfather Nathaniel Northwest founded Gravity Falls!”
“No, he’s telling the truth!”  Ford held up the file on the Northwest Cover-up, which had remained clutched in his hand, and which he had just opened.  “It says in here that he was the actual founder, and that Nathaniel Northwest was-” the group was graced by the unexpected sight of Stan’s normally somewhat dignified older twin snorting, and looking like he was seconds away from bursting into deep belly-laughter- “a-a waste-shoveling village idiot who-choked to death trying to eat an oak tree so he’d turn into a wizard!”
At that he and Stan both burst into loud guffaws.  That whole sentence was just too funny for them not to.
“It does not!”  Preston ran forward and snatched the file, glaring at it.  As he read it, though, his glare changed to shock.
“No, that-that can’t be-this has gotta be fake!”
Ford snatched the file back.  “Then why would anyone bother hiding it down here?  Deal with it, Northwest-your whole family legacy is a lie, and the newspapers are going to love this!  Even though we’re going to have a hard time explaining how Sir Quentin-”
He looked around in confusion.  “Where did he go?”
Stan peered around the corner, and saw the apparent former president standing by one of the cave walls, attempting to stick a key into it.
...This explains a lot about why the laws here are so weird.  Ford’s gonna have a field day tryna decide on if this town is weird because this guy was the founder of it, or if he was the founder of it because the land attracts weirdness.
...Or somethin’ like that.
He walked over to Trembley.  “Whatcha doin’, slick?” he asked, resting the sword on his shoulder again.
“Trying to make my way out to see how the world has changed since I encased myself in my delicious tomb!” Trembley announced.  “This is the President’s Key, which can open any lock in America! I don’t see why it’s not working!”
“...How about you just go up through that tunnel?”  Stan indicated the way they’d come.
Any lock in America, huh?   A million greedy possibilities flashed through Stan’s mind.  He wondered if there was any way he could get the former president to lend the key to him for a few weeks.
“Also good.”  Trembley stuffed it back into his pocket, and marched towards the tunnel.  As he did, Ford and a visibly shell-shocked Preston rounded the corner and followed them out.
They emerged in time to see a triumphant-yet-exhausted-looking Dan deal a final blow to Ghost Eyes’s jaw, sending him to the floor next to the already-unconscious black guy.  He grinned proudly, spitting out a small mouthful of blood.
“And you can shove your theories on mankind being naturally evil!” he told the incumbent figure.  Then he noticed the group climbing up the tunnel. “Oh, hi guys. Who’s that?”
“The real founder of Gravity Falls, who kept himself alive for over a hundred years in a block of peanut brittle,” Stan said, somehow keeping a straight face.
Dan’s expression was priceless.
Trembley stared at the big lumberjack in astonishment.  “Incredible-he’s more than sixteen stacking-turtles high and at least bleventeen Tremble-quarts in diameter!  The future has giants in it!”
Ford leaned over to Stan.  “Between you and me, I’m beginning to see why he’s not in the history books.  Mr. Northwest was repulsive, but he seems to have been at least a little more mentally stable.”
“Uh, between the one who died trying to eat a tree, and the one who tried ta freeze himself in peanut brittle, which one actually survived?”
“...Good point.  But you still see what I mean, right?”
“AMERICA!” Trembley yelled.  Stan noticed that he seemed to do that every three minutes or so, for no apparent reason.
“Yeah, I see it.”
“...And then Andrew tried to shoot me again, leading me to believe that maybe he wasn’t going to let me stay with him after I was thrown out of office, so instead I came here and discovered this quaint little valley.  After my horse crashed into it. Fortunately a giant bull-man broke our fall...”
Trembley had decided to tell them his life story as they picked their way back through the cemetery to their car (Dan was dragging Ghost Eyes and the black guy, who both needed to go to the hospital).  A lot of it was gibberish, but from the bits he could understand, Stan learned that his term in office had been a major embarrassment to the country, and to Gravity Falls, so both had tried to forget he’d ever existed.  And for some reason, that kind of struck a nerve with him, that someone would throw you out and then try to erase you from the world’s memory just because you had some quirks and made a few dumb mistakes-
No.  No, he was not going to project himself on a hundred-year-old guy who tried to get in fights with eagles.  Absolutely not.
Stan rolled his eyes at himself, and looked down at Preston, who was following them, still looking a little like his entire worldview had been shattered and not seeming to care that his expensive-looking shoes were getting covered in dirt and mud.
Stan could almost feel sorry for him if he weren’t such an obnoxious little snot.
And then Preston looked up as they approached the gates of the cemetery, and his eyes widened and he let out a tiny gasp.
In some ways, Sir Quentin Trembley is relatively easy to write. You just put together a bunch of nonsense phrases and don't worry too much about whether he makes an iota of sense.
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2k18leo · 5 years
TMNT 2007 talk
Okie dokie since we’ve been on hiatus for a long long time, but I still want to talk turtles, I figured I’d talk about the TMNT 2007 film again. If you’ve been with my account for a while you may know what a huge fan I am of this particular movie (of course I love the other films and may talk about them at a later date, but this one just hits differently for me mainly because it’s what got me into the Ninja Turtles in the first place) 
So, I have already briefly covered my take on the 2007 film as a whole.  Aaaand, @my-sai-and-i _and_i wrote a post that goes in depth about the emotional scarring that the fight had on Leo and Raph. It’s a wonderful post and you should def check it out 👌🏼
I am currently watching the 2007 film (yet again (HA what is my count up to now? Can’t keep track. Lol moving on—)) and once again I am breathless at the climactic fight BATTLE that Leo and Raph have. Every single time I watch it, my love for the franchise grows even more. I think this may be because I’m actually such a fan of the TMNT trope that is the constant butting heads of the two oldest brothers (oof sorry not sorry 🤭). I’m also going to talk mainly about this fight scene because it’s literally the EXACT scene that I started watching when I was first introduced to tmnt. That is already talked about in another post, however 😂
Okaaay, let’s get into this thing. First off, the score for this chase scene is already making you very anxious for some sort of confrontation between the two boys. It gives you chills right off the back. Whenever Nightwatcher accidentally cornered himself I got to thinking what it would have been like if we had seen Leo and his trip out into the city instead of the diner scene with the 12th monster. Like, was he just out looking for Raph and heard police scanners saying there was an issue with the diner? Then he headed over to possibly help, but ran into the vigilante Nightwatcher. I can only assume he was already looking for Raph since Splinter right beforehand advised Leo that he needed to get off his high horse and work things out with Raph. Since April and Casey were in the lair, I’m sure Leo didn’t expect Raph to go back to their apartment. He probably went around to their old hangout places in the city (before Leo was sent to South America) but since he had been gone so long, maybe he figured his brothers didn’t hang out anymore since it wasn’t all four of them. Sure, Casey’s a great friend, but never a replacement for one of the turtles. Leo could have also gone back to the construction site that they had partly demolished with that first monster a couple nights prior. Raph did make a point in saying that they needed to find out who was responsible for the sudden burst of creatures in New York. Don’t get me wrong, learning where the 12th monster was when Raph fought it was important I guess? I mean, it made the stone generals stationed in the area, but still not THAT close to where Raph and Leo ended up (they ran quite a ways. A mile at least.)
Okay, back to the rooftop scene. The setting was beautiful and I just— *chef’s kiss* love it. The rain. The red glow of the Red Eye Club sign. Which, I’m just now thinking about this but if an English teacher was asking you what the red sign symbolized I do believe that that could be some sort of symbol/foreshadow that Raph will be the one who comes out victorious in the upcoming brawl. In case I’m not completely giving that a whole-ass stretch, I looked up the Red Eye Club to see if it was a real place but all I got were a bunch of pictures of marijuana so I’m gonna assume NOPE. It could be a minor detail or it could just be a coincidence 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean the neon sign did not have to be red specifically. Lol don’t @ me 😂
Anyway, I love the way the rain falls on the metal of Raph’s armor. I can only imagine how much of a BITCH that rain was to animate. 
Leo starting off with the good cop persona is very in touch with his character and I like. He’s still the “talk first, shoot later” wise character we LOVE, while Raph is so much the opposite (which we LOVE JUST AS MUCH (ugh sorry im gushing again)). I like how Raph stayed silent. He didn’t give his identity up. He didn’t try to stop Leo from starting a fight. He WANTED to fight Leo. And this was the perfect opportunity without Leo holding back by being aware of his own brother under the suit. It’s sort of like a Red Hood/Batman type scene. And, it’s hardly audible but, Leo then continues to try and calm down the vigilante by saying “The road you’re on is a dead-end. Believe me, I’ve tried it.” He has no idea who is behind the mask. For all he knows, he’s talking to a complete stranger, yet he is still trying to be the voice of reason. The Nightwatcher could be a deranged murderer for all he knows. He is only aware of what the News has been recently saying. You can tell he doesn’t know everything about this vigilante (which, side note but, this all seems a bit hypocritical if I’m honest. Up until Donnie and Mikey got jobs, all the turtles/Casey/possibly April did was vigilantism. I mean, does Leo think that the Nightwatcher is correlated with the monster sightings? Is that his main reason for being a vigilante to stop a vigilante??) ALSO when Leo said “…believe me, I’ve tried it” is that referencing his time in South America? I know he “got caught up in his own world” and “forgot about everyone else” but does that necessarily correlate with what he’s talking about? Did something really bad happen in South America that we didn’t see? Did he become like Hawkeye (cough* Ronin) in Endgame? 
This also makes me wonder what would have happened if Donnie and Mikey had gone out to help Leo search for Raph. It could have been like a Teen Titans scene where Robin was posing as Red X and the rest of the titans unknowingly fought their ally because he was seemingly just another villain. If things played out that way, I’m not even sure that Raph would have put up much of a fight. He didn’t have any major beef with his younger brothers. The scene would have probably been way less emotional as well. Plus, Leo probs wouldn’t have been captured. 
Whenever Raph first wields his weapons, signifying he’s ready to fight, Leo gives a very small smirk. He wants to fight as much as Raph does. But for different reasons. Raph knows his opponent and is angry with him— furious even. Leo… I think deep down he loves to fight. He knows he’s good at it. He knows he’s going to win. But it’s probably been a long time since he’s actually felt that great adrenaline rush of a fight (yes, I’m aware he was in the fight with the first monster but that’s not a one-on-one duel) Which is why when he says “Trust me when I tell you. You don’t want to do this” he says it in a way that he’s still trying to be the voice of reason… BUT it’s also very much a threat. He’s been wanting a proper fight for a while. There’s a certain thrill I’m sure he gets when he’s faced with someone who is probably an even match for him. Even with the threat he gives, he’s fully aware that his opponent will strike. 
I’m not going to even try to get into the subject as to why on earth Leo cannot recognize his own brother under the suit because @my-sai-and-i already explained that WAY better. 
I mean, Leo is chuckling as the Nightwatcher does his second swing. It’s funny to him because he still knows he’s going to win this fight. There is no doubt in his mind that he will defeat this amateur clown in a costume. But this is the way, I’m absolutely positive, Leo acted as a teenager to common criminals on the streets.  He’s always known how good he was at fighting, so I can bet money he was cocky growing up. And yeah, it’s way different than how he was fighting the raiders in the beginning of the film. Back in South America he acted all dark and silent, more than likely trying to keep up the persona of the Ghost of the Jungle. If he acted all cocky and obnoxious to the raiders, I’m sure word would get out, which might frighten the villagers even more. Being his sneaky stealthy self, he was less likely to scare the villagers, and probably able to keep up the thought that he was just a peaceful legend (kind of like Katara as the Painted Lady in Avatar (I’m referencing soooo many other things, but it makes sense to me 😂)) So, now that Leo’s back in the place where he grew up, of course, his old cocky tendencies would come back. It’s almost nostalgic for him. 
Another thing. Leo is completely defensive for the majority of this fight. He hardly ever throws an actual blow. He jumps back out of the way when the Nightwatcher swings his chain at him again. Which is a completely smart move. Another reason to note that he KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING. He’s fought for about 20 years (we don’t actually know their ages in this movie (or do we ?) but I would guess around 18-20 ??) so he’s fully aware of the fact that one of the best fighting techniques is letting your opponent tire themselves out so you can then finish them off and become victorious. But Raph’s temper has always led him to go guns blazing. Shoot first, questions later. 
Leo continues to mock the Nightwatcher because he knows he’s going to get a rouse out of him. He spent a good enough time sparring with Raph to figure out how to egg on that temper. A temper that would then make Raph angry and thoughtless, thus becoming rash with his fighting technique. Ultimately becoming careless and in total defeat. Again, don’t get me started on how Leo has NOT recognized his brother yet. Even after Leo has eluded yet another strike from the chains and the Nightwatcher turns around, Leo still gives a CHUCKLE to his face. He’s begging for that temper to be released. He’s ready for a real fight. And Raph’s more than ready to finally kick his big brother’s ass. 
Raph absolutely takes on the offense with a full charge to Leo as he does three heavy swings. Leo eludes all three until coming back with a counter-attack on the third. Leo does a fair job of holding his defense until Raph throws a huge right hook to the side of Leo’s head. I mean, it’s enough to knock him back a few paces and shake it off. This is when his face really goes completely serious. He’s just been caught off guard. There’s something in him that’s telling him to quit the wise-guy act. I mean, it was a simple punch, something I’m sure he is mentally beating himself up for misreading. Yet, he doesn’t charge back. He stands his ground while Raph is still the offender. 
Then Leo tries to continue to coach this dude by telling him how anger is destructive. This is probably something Splinter did as they were growing up. Also, Leo never once unsheathes his weapons on the Nightwatcher (yes, he ultimately does with Raph, but that’s later on. Hold tight, my dude). Even when the Nightwatcher drew out his chains, Leo didn’t react by drawing his own blades. I feel like being able to hold your own during hand-to-hand shows power/strength, while fighting with weapons shows skill. Which is another reason why I think Leo teased him at the beginning of the fight; he didn’t really expect this vigilante to have had any actual training with these weapons. He’s probably just some punk who thinks it’s cool. Another Casey Jones or Purple Dragon that could probably be knocked on his ass in 3 hits max. 
Leo’s uppercut is powerful as hell. He shot Raph like 6 feet in the air. And that can’t be easy. I can’t imagine how much these boys weigh. They’ve got the mass of a typical bodybuilder + the weight of their shell + the weight of their weapons PLUS Raph’s entire armor. That’s heavy as hell. 
Okay. The “Goodnight, Dark Prince” line. I don’t like it. It doesn’t seem to fit. When has this character ever been referred to as the Dark Prince? The only other thing Leo has referred to this vigilante is Nightwatchmen. Though, I get that it would be kinda redundant to say “Goodnight, Nightwatcher.” 
That’s another thing. Leo never meant to kill this dude. Just knock him out to drop him off at the police station later. Leo doesn’t kill. I mean, the very beginning of the film where he had his one-on-one with the raider leader almost implied that he killed him. Because the shot changed as soon as Leo made contact with the guy and all you hear is a loud scream making a flock of birds fly away in fright. If he was dark enough to kill these types of men (because IF he killed him, that probably wasn’t the first guy he had killed) in South America, that’s most likely the “dark path” / “dead-end” that he was referring to earlier. But I guess being back in the city does make him revert back to his old tendencies (but it shouldn’t completely disregard whatever messed up shit he had done in South America. That stuff should still be carried with him). Not even Raph is low enough to kill criminals. In his first scene in the film all Raph does is knock out some burglars and chain them up for the cops to find later on. It makes me wonder what would it have been like if Raph had gone to South America instead of Leo, while Leo stayed in the city. Would Leo have taken on his role of his own Nightwatcher? In the 2012 series, we see him become some sort of vigilante but he’s got Karai and Shinigami with him. It doesn’t seem very in character for Leo to go solo like Raph did. Of course, Leo would still miss the fight, but I’m sure he’d wise up and get a job just like his younger brothers. 
Okay, here we go. Here’s that brother angst we’ve been waiting for. When Leo first realizes who’s actually behind the mask, he’s not angry. He’s not mad. Not even disappointed. He’s really just shocked out of his mind. Complete disbelief. He just walks closer to Raph in hopes to talk to him. Perhaps apologize for fighting him just moments before, that he truly had no idea. But Raph doesn’t even turn to face his brother before doing a powerful back kick to Leo’s chest. Which, of course, takes Leo by surprise. Sure they had had a couple arguments since he’s been back but honestly that’s how Leo remembered things being with Raph. He remembered small quarrels. Nothing serious. They had always butted heads. Even though Splinter warned Leo that Raph had taken Leo’s absence pretty hard, he didn’t really know what that meant until now. He didn’t understand why his brother had so much pent up rage toward him. 
And Raph is throwing all these words at Leo. Calling him out by saying that he believes the world revolves around him. That they couldn’t possibly survive without him. I’m sure these words sting a bit to Leo but that’s not what he’s focused on. He’s starting to register everything. THIS is why Raph has always had an issue with him. THIS is the reason for his younger brother’s constant attitude. And when Raph says that they got along just fine without Leo, for a split second, you can totally see the pain that causes Leo. Like, that shit hurted. But he raises his voice and retaliates by calling him out on his bullshit. He’s telling Raph how immature it is that he’s taken up this new persona (*cough* still a tad hypocritical since he did basically the same thing as Ghost of the Jungle) because it’s causing danger to their family. I mean, at least the villagers were never truly afraid of Ghost, but the citizens of New York are terrified at what the Nightwatcher is and his motives. It’s all they’re talking about on the News lately. Raph has been causing a panic without even realizing it because he’s been too blinded by his own good intentions. 
But Raph doesn’t want to hear it. Leo hasn’t been around. He left. He wasn’t there when the turtles were just sitting by without a leader while criminals still ran amok. I mean, Raph has been angry at the thought “why does Leo get to go?” “What are we supposed to do now?” And with Donnie and Mikey being too passive to stop Raph, there really isn’t anyone around to keep Raph from straying from this road. How can Leo honestly expect things to go back to normal?? How can this big shot waltz back into our lives after he’s missed the last year and a half? And how the hell does he think he’s still the boss of me? 
And now Leo is trying to explain to him that the reason for being gone so long was to better himself for Raph and the boys. It wasn’t up to him to go to South America and be gone for so long. He didn’t ask for it. Just like Raph never asked to be second best. He didn’t want someone to lead him. This is just how things turned out. Neither of them can help what they went through in the past. It’s just a recipe for disaster when one party is trying to be the best they can be for the other party and positively beats themselves up if they let the second party down. Aaand when the second party is completely resentful of the first party because they were chosen for the role the second party wanted. Leo can’t get over the fact that no matter what he does to better himself for Raph, Raph will still disregard it. And Raph can’t get over the thought of the living embodiment of perfection that is his older brother, so he’s angry with himself for not being as perfect and takes it out on Leo. 
And Raph has become his own leader. He’s become a lone-wolf that doesn’t need a leader anymore. He has good intentions (even though they are not being followed through quite right) and Leo is just coming back and messing everything up. Things have changed and Leo needs to realize this. But Raph also needs to take into consideration that Leo is trying to realize this. He’s been trying to reconnect with his brother. But Raph has put up such a strong wall around everyone that he thinks talking isn’t going to help.
Leo telling Raph that he isn’t ready to become his own leader is a tiny bit selfish in my opinion? I mean, I agree, but still. Like Leo sees that Raph never went on a hardcore training period off in some jungle halfway across the world. So, he thinks, how CAN Raph be ready if he hasn’t done that? But that’s the thing. Leo and Raph have their own way of doing things. Leo, in multiple iterations, tries so hard to have his brothers be exactly like him. If he achieves something a certain way, he expects his brothers to reach their achievements by doing it the exact same way. But Raph is fully capable of reaching his achievements his own way (same with Donnie and Mikey). That’s something that Leo has had a difficult time wrapping his head around. 
I also don’t feel like Leo outwardly staying that he’s better than Raph is true to his character. There’s no doubt in my mind that Leo believes that and has thought it on SEVERAL occasions. But with his “gotta be the bigger man” personality, it’s hard to believe he would stoop so low as to actually say it to Raph’s face. 
Now Raph laughs at this. And I feel like most of it is a fake laugh, but there’s still a part of it that’s real because he’s finally ready to show Leo that he’s better than him. This is the real fight that RAPH has been waiting for. The perfect match. The leader and the lone wolf. The Ghost of the Jungle and the Nightwatcher. Leo and Raph. 
Leo still tries to have him call off this fight. He’s confident in himself that he will win. Both parties are, in fact. They’ve both developed such different fighting styles since the time they’ve sparred together, that they’re basically strangers to each other now. They both know this isn’t going to end well. That things will be different after the dust (rain?) settles. Leo has a negative outlook on it. He doesn’t think that Raph will ever be happy towards him again. If anything, Raph will probably shun him. This defeat could push Raph over the edge. This could make Raph leave for real. He doesn’t want that. It pains him that he has to fight his little brother. But Raph? Raph has a positive outlook. He believes that after he defeats Leo, Leo will then see Raph’s true potential. He’ll be recognized as the best, no longer second-best. He finally gets to prove to Leo that things are different. 
Leo visibly sighs and shakes his head knowing there’s no getting out of this fight. His stubborn little brother won’t back down. It wouldn’t be honorable for Leo to stand down and admit defeat. It also wouldn’t be honorable to disgrace Raph by completely disregarding that he’s his brother and just going for the kill. He’s at a complete crossroads here. So, ultimately, he draws his swords. 
The shot of the two boys staring at each other from across the roof — I want that as a poster !! It’s so gorgeous. I’m just noticing this now but it’s split JUST down the middle in terms of color. It gives a very yin and yang type picture. Leo is on the side where the red neon sign is glowing bright, thus making him glow a faint red color. Raph, on the opposite end, is on the side where the shine of the moon is hitting down, making his armor almost glow a pale blue. Ugh so much symbolism I may cry.  Right off the bat you can tell the differences in the two boys. Raph has been in his ready-stance for a while. He’s been waiting for this. Leo stands tall with blades in hand but not in an attack stance. There’s still that sliver of hope that Raph will back down. It’s still early enough to put this behind them, but that window is fading fast. As the rain beats down around them, Leo realizes that the window is closed. Nothing will stop this fight. It’s happening. There is no going back. 
Per the theme this rainy evening, Raph is the first one to charge. He runs like the brute he has become, fists clenched around his sai so he’s ready to stab or punch. Leo charges in a very graceful samurai run. Also the music. The thundering drums that beat so deep and so fast. It’s such a powerful scene. 
The shot of the tip of Leo’s blade grazing the water on the roof is STUNNING. Honestly, who thinks of these details because I hope they got a RAISE back in 2007 😂 it’s beautiful 
I also love how they both jumped toward each other as their first move. This shows that they are now both on the offense. Something snapped inside Leo to make him change up his tactics a bit. Almost to throw off Raph, who has never been the best at a defensive position. His strong suit is in the offense. 
Still the differences between their fighting styles after the jump. Leo did a beautiful forward shoulder roll, which is a proper technique of coming out of a forward jump. It keeps your momentum going into your next attack. Raph landed on his feet which, may not be ideal, but gave him a split-second advantage to be on the offense for the next attack. Leo then had to block with his sword. This fight goes FAST. I’m watching it so carefully and I’m sure there are things that I’m missing. I love how Leo does a roll over Raph’s shell, and up until now I figured he had made contact with his shell, but he actually didn’t because just as Leo started his roll, Raph ducked forward out of the way. Then Raph does a couple kicks towards Leo’s head, which cause water to sprinkle EVERYWHERE and it’s gorgeous. Raph is just going ham and not letting up on Leo as he’s still going for those strikes. (Lol I took a stage combat course over the summer so I know a little bit of the lingo (but good god I am no expert so please call me out if you know I’m using improper terms)) Watching this scene makes me want to do a move chart with a list of moves they are doing and in the order they’re doing it haha. Finally, Leo is able to squeeze in two strikes towards Raph, both of which he ducks and then blocks. 
The camera angles are wonderful. Have I talked about that yet? I mean the shot of the two of them squaring off. The little shot of the two of them fighting between the E and the D in the neon sign. And even the upcoming shot from below when they’ve got their weapons locked together. So beautiful. 
This scene also really shows the details of the Nightwatcher suit. 
And when Leo is able to do an X cross block with his swords at the downward blow Raph is throwing with his sai, and the camera angles are just moving with the characters. UGH. Here you can see that Leo really is mad. The fury of the fight is showing through his eyes as he watches his brother with a predator-like stare. *frantically looks up synonyms for furious* and boy oh boy, Raph is just seething as he twirls his blades. This small segment of them circling each other (sort of like a Spaghetti western style) is a fighting trope that I really dig. Sais are actually a lot larger than I gave them credit for. Those sharp boys are HUGE. 
The way they have their teeth bared as they circle each other reminds me so much of two very dominate male animals fighting. Like two lions fighting for the pride. When Leo finally comes to a stop his eyebrows furrow just a tad bit more, almost impatiently waiting for Raph to make another offending move. Or possibly giving thought as if the fight was coming to its end. And Raph’s pupils are crazy dilated as he charges yet again. It’s like a sickness that has infested his mind, this constant need to one-up his older brother. It’s making him crazy. And the heaviness of that armor is making Raph charge like a rhino or something. And the shot of Leo tightening his grip on his blade gives the implication that there may have been a split second where he believed Raph was ready to be done with the fight. 
Their eye contact hardly ever breaks during this scene. Raph is wanting to see that split second of worry in his brother’s eyes. He’s wanting to see that hesitation. 
Now Leo charges and he has taken full offense. He strikes at Raph many times, closing him into the wall under one of the two signs. He throws seven blows before doing a jumping spin kick to Raph’s abdomen. You can tell that blow sent Raph back a ways, maybe even farther if that wall wasn’t there to stop him. He probably has some form of whiplash. And even as he’s starting to lock eyes with his opponent again, Leo’s sword comes RIGHT BY HIS NECK. Leo literally got so close to making a fatal would for Raph. And no, Leo had no intention of killing Raph. He was probably aiming to give Raph a nasty slash on his cheek. Just a warning. Something that would remind Raph to stay in his place. 
Now here it is. The locking of their weapons. The climax of the fight. Raph is enraged and is gritting his teeth so hard that he’s shaking. In the shot from below, you can see the absolute force that they are using to one-up the strength of the other as their muscles are just quivering. And Raph tries to make himself become larger to push Leo back. Leo gives a quick glance down to his weapon in fear that the thin blade will give out. Swords aren’t meant to withstand this kind of pressure. 
And when they do break. b o i. The shock and pain that sweeps through Leo is heartbreaking. He just lost. Even before Raph throws the final blow. Leo’s swords are finished, just as he is. His swords. The weapons he’s most likely had since he became leader all those years ago. A literal extension of his body. Taken away from him in an unforgivable instant. And right as Leo is taking a glance back up to Raph, Raph is already coming up to powerfully kick him straight through the jaw. Through his kick, Raph is still in his jump twirling around to deliver the fatal blow to his brother’s head. The spear of his sai is centimeters away from Leo’s head as he falls back and hits the concrete behind him. As soon as his eyes open after being knocked back, he registers how close that blade was to piercing his skull. He’s been around long enough to recognize a deadly shot. You can tell his mind is racing in that fraction of a second as he sees the blade and looks back up to Raph to question why on earth he would throw such a potentially devastating blow. And just like that, Raph standing above with Leo pinned to the ground, he has won. He has defeated Leo. Even still, you can see their expressions change numerous times as they process what has just happened. Raph still bares his teeth in anger/triumph. He’s finally showing Leo what he thinks of his “place”. Finally showing him that he is a worthy opponent to Leo. 
Again, Leo is in shock. All he’s thinking is “why” and “what” and many other synonyms for said terms. You can see his eyes flit between Raph’s own as he continuously tries to read what his brother is thinking. Then his brows furrow once more as it finally sinks in. Raph hated Leo for so long. Up until the point where he came close enough to kill him. It didn’t matter how much Leo trained to be better for Raph. Raph still hated him. Every fiber of his being. He’s confused and frightened still as to why. Just because they fought doesn’t mean there was any resolution. Leo is still left in the dark as to WHY his brother actually despises him. 
Raph, still seething, is beginning to shake all the way up to his face. Then it hits him. What he’s done. His pupils widen as his eyebrows slowly shift up. That’s Leo. That’s his older brother. That’s his family. That’s who he’s got pinned down. Who he nearly sent a sharp blade through the skull. Who he nearly murdered. Leo is still staring up at him, I’m sure wondering how someone could be filled with so much hate. Maybe for a split second, if the Ghost of the Jungle actually did kill those raiders in South America, Leo saw himself in Raph. Perhaps that scared him. This could have been the path Leo was headed down if it wasn’t for April coming and pleading for Leo to return home. No one was able to help Raph. No one tried to stop him from going too far down this path. Was it because he had been absent? Was this all because he left? This is what Raph really thinks of Leo, huh? 
I love how no words are spoken here, yet again. It’s brilliant what can be said without any actual words. There’s so much emotion between the boys after what just happened. 
And here’s Raph again. Still processing. He tries to shake it away as if it’s just a bad thought or a nightmare. He’s in disbelief of his own actions. He then starts to shy away from Leo as if in apology but honestly what’s to be said after that that will make everything better? He also looks a little to the right of Leo, but we don’t get to see what he’s looking at. Up until this point, I’ve always just figured he was just looking away in thought, not on anything in particular. But now, I feel like he could possibly be looking at the rain falling on the concrete roof as if to help him figure out that this is reality. That he’s actually here in this moment. And so is Leo. OR, he could be looking at Leo’s broken swords, which is also bringing him back to reality. He destroyed a part of his brother. He could have done so much more destruction. He gets up ever so gently as if Leo is a paper doll that will break under his weight or a sudden shift of movement. 
Leo still clutching onto his sword handles is probably subconscious instinct, like when something suddenly scares you and your muscles clench up and you hold tighter onto whatever. And here you can see that he’s actually showing that he’s in pain. His adrenaline is wearing off so the blows from just moments before are actually beginning to enflame his body. I’m sure there’s a part of him that’s scared of Raph now. Like there’s no more teasing or mocking. If he were to try it again, I’m sure he believes things could spiral out of control again. Something neither of them wanted anytime soon. His face is a little hard to read when he stands up, but mostly because he’s in pain and is showing that in his gestures and expression. Knowing Leo, he’s probably mentally asking so many questions. I’m sure he wants to talk. I’m sure he wants Raph to talk. But what on earth are either of them to say? 
They’re exhausted from the fight. Leo is visibly heaving his body. Raph is still stunned as ever as his eyes are fixed on his brother who is SOMEHOW ALIVE ?? He shakes his head slightly as the thought creeps through his mind again. As the more devastating idea enters. He doesn’t even want to consider what the aftermath would have been like. What if it actually happened. What if Leo wasn’t standing right in front of him? What if he was still on the concrete ground, covered in rain pellets, immovable. Just… still. With a single sai protruding from his head. No. He messed up. How could things ever be the same again? How could he move on from this? How could he go home and face his family? His brothers? Splinter? He feels like such a little kid. A scared child who’s worried about the consequences of his actions. He would be disowned. He would be shunned. He would be hated. What was he to do? He glances down at his weapons, still in hand, and gives a tiny gasp. These were almost murder weapons. Of his own brother’s death. So, he runs. Any specific destination, probably not. He just needed to be away from Leo. He has no idea if he’ll ever see him again. Or his family. He just messed up way too horribly. How would anyone be able to forgive him? How could Leo even be facing him?
As he turns away to disappear into the night, Leo inaudibly tries to call him back. Even after all that, Leo’s still trying to reach out to him. He doesn’t want Raph to leave. This is something they NEED to discuss. He’s not mad or angry at his brother. He’s confused. He could see it in Raph’s eyes that Raph was guilty about what he almost did. I’m sure he doesn’t audibly call out to Raph because he’s partially too exhausted to do so. Plus, I’m sure there’s still a bit of fear right on the surface. 
As Raph runs, he is most definitely ugly crying. But we can’t see that because of the pouring rain :’D so. And then Leo gets captured and yadayada. Wow. I think I may be FINALLY done talking about this 😂 I’m exhausted. If you read this much I’m honestly super proud of you and I appreciate you haha you’re amazing. If you have anything you want to talk about concerning the ninja turtles (preferably the 2007 film because it’s fresh on my mind, but I’m also down to talk about the other movies or the tv shows) don’t even hesitate to ask. I love talking about the turtles. We can debate certain topics, gush about OTPs, talk about issues we had with certain things. I love all that. 
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mothric · 5 years
2019.10.13 (well... technically 14 now but shh)
sorry I’ve been awol lately! gonna try to sum up my week in bullet points
went to a party for the Linguistics majors last week and had a nice time chatting with some heckin’ nerds
had a family gathering and saw my oldest brother after he’d been on the other side of the world for like 9 months
figured out how to make “Jesus Tea” (but I prefer to call it Plague Tea) and have been making and drinking it all week
it tastes like extra-concentrated apple cider. or like... autumn-flavoured cold medicine (on account of me dumping peppermint tea into it). it also makes the room smell AMAZING
the making of Plague Tea invited not one but TWO social interactions with two different friends wherein we supped upon it while talking about life and God and theology and consumerism and memes
there’s finally a possible internship in the works?? there are many little steps I still have to go through (and those always trip me up) but I like these people and they seem to like me so fingers crossed!!
started reading Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice (Kent Dunnington), The Man Who Couldn’t Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought (David Adam), and Turtles All the Way Down (John Green); because I can never stick to just reading one book at a time, even for a class, apparently
things we did: watched She-Ra season 3 (I’m in agony); made stir-fry; snarfed ice cream; made distinctly-not-omelet-shaped omelets in the clingiest pan I’ve ever had the displeasure of owning; accidentally destroyed a cutting board; explored a beautiful tile store with weirdly sexy mannequins on display; and got charmed into a cooking / kitchenware store via the power of an extremely hospitable grandma who served us coffee and tea and truffle-salted popcorn and heavenly maple caramel sauce
(and spent too much money on merch but it’s some Good-Looking Merch lemme tell ya)
also one of my roommates just got engaged
currently I am melting into a large pile of blankets that I Should fold but I’m not Going to because they’re confy and sof
I was going to link to some fonky tracks here but I’m too sleepy for that so please just look up TWRP on Spotify and enjoy the fonk
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minichicclothing · 3 years
Don't Stop Believing Para Christmas Hat T Shirt From AllezyGo
America Terry like images to my racer is in actions on the watch this I like that less so on the from for film fans you Lily before for the regular audience that’s what they’re going to fourand then it if you spend your moneyand her visually on the order was spent on guarding the galaxy next week so I don’t backand say you know what I mean in a Don't Stop Believing Para Christmas Hat T Shirt From AllezyGo sea black widow fight movie for the whole of guardiansand ran the numbers oftenand have any in the word of the best point of this meeting to maintain top three sellout isand you want to would probably do the file for what they her to flag down to my mother how to look when they create really great now in the thinking that if you look at the other found that brought audiences faulty style just about timing when eating a meal that creating a diverse story for will actually narrate girls Christian director Michael Bay obey just more of the blockbuster three in direct boy I just turn out whatever life which was for 5 million for the plaything so we a wow that I do question when I saw the in the E the question of who’s the more famous bad direction if you’re asking again see the theme of the show but if you’re asking up film fans in general I think it’s a push me the other day about while they spring that is the stub someone your dressing overall opinion of moviegoers average person to sing in the middle of the middle America wherever thing that Shama was more I asked my sister lost ones not usually event in which these directorsand ocean shall I names in that scary movie thing right because people remember Michael Bay movies very well it’s the people in our business love to you know myself could attract combatand dissection women’s but some exposure so as far get together when someone came their accounting is the next Spielberg will remember that when you’re on timeand is this the next year Amber Spielberg deftlyand I accidentally had three big movies that there were good I thought that I you I thought that the success Augustine one a major twist of all timeand then you have both unbreakable those she really loved it but the fact that they’re all those three movies start direct fell out of that they did Armageddon do you remember the you found versus your regular moviegoers when what you really like people looking project my man here is the most in the filmand guided bomb director how do we make flaps like how many you make the appeal to anyone easy as many a that they can 302 Galactica I like to crew sales for every Christian mission impossible for so I was 718 a movie very quickly there on Christmas day to 15 that we should target audience are used I was beat it because people are still be hours of a Christian should have military very popular like now we were out out report showing very late hours will number one obviously Saudi generation where the is great but here are some they like our baptism in the essay I people about famouslyand talent will assist ourselvesand I guess it is after that first weekend stores that had a movie that special for me I’ll see it ever that on Monday that when Thursday Ali is impossible to see thatand it is that time year to where you say I was a couple of really big franchise is coming out also plan around us hours of their mission possible fence will see both for sure everything basically having a difficult time that the answer like you’re living the life in Londonand one in the no drink I hear from the movie is hexagon the end of the dollar to the person using that to point you are to be hours laughing as they want the action drought action dishonest I to be but maybe I into contemporary by in any that are really our second and as a couple quick on the nowand Cario I love that she definitely office is really kind of the project back on spending three so excited for measures that are a collection of the twister sons can the total to 20and the impact that the pleasure guilty pleasures for the year this your general essayand a lot of looking forward to turtles I’ve been down plaintiff’s arsenic really want to see more more cytosine in honor of the great you want to see a lot actually so that might be one of the good pleasure for me Harker fans out thereand as far as the movie that I saw once I really thought was good I don’t watch it again now BM fall starts because daughter is in such a good job at once is good for okay maybe maybe a theand actually really I a twoand and credit toys by as I my wife is special unit twitter province Commissioner of the by the way just a quickand you came out to see is the meat Amelia as it is a really awesome is very humbling thinking is me really for a wonderful lady display the staff afraid John is that you need to you to free the detox out foundation on that day with all the In the world to join will criticize everybody welcome to the show coming to live in the scene. That will just wasn’t simply because it is name I told just his name is and how story will also three is costing 30 on the times Dr Scott Skillings still kind so close to the institution’s position is a way that we as restrictions on the schools is not the finest. TEARYand WAS VERY EAGER TO CAST ASIDE DANNY BECAUSE SHE WAS PRESENTING HERSELF AS A AS A FIGURE OF DESTINYand NOW BETH IS QUITE EAGER TO HITCH HIS WAGON TO ANOTHER PERSON WHO IS PRESENTING HIMSELF AS A FIGURE OF DESTINY ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELYand HE BASICALLY PRESENTED WITH SOME LINE ABOUT PARADISE SAYS ABOUT DANNY WORRIES LIKE NOW SHE’S GOT HER WHEN SHE KILLED HARRISON TO GET A MEAL YOU COULD MAKE THE ARGUMENT MY TRAVELING OUT OF COLORADO BUT IT IS KIND OF CONFOUNDING WORDS LIKE BRAND IS NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN LIKE TO FIND A DRAGON COULD YOU FOUND THE DRAGON DECREASE GOING HE DIED WE DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER WAS THE BIGGER PROBLEM THAN WHAT THE ANSWER ACTUALLY IS A CRUCIALand IS SOMETHING WE TALK ABOUT MILLION TIMES BINGE MODE IS THAT IT AN INABILITY OR AN UNWILLINGNESS TO WRITE REALLY REALLY ENGAGE WITH THE FANTASY ELEMENTS BECAUSE WHAT’S IMPORTANT ABOUT THAT KIND OF WORLD BUILDING IS EXPLAINING HOW IT WORKS WE HAVE TO ADDRESS ME IN UNDERSTANDING ABOUT HOW THE RULES WORK FOR US WHAT YOU GET IS LIKE A DEUS EX MACHINA WHERE CHARACTER CAN JUST DO ENTERING THIS IS WHERE LEVELING OUTand WEAR ANYTHING NOW WITH BRENDA’S RULER STATING TO NOT KNOW HOW HIS POWERS WERE OR WHAT HE USES HIS RESPONSIBILITY IN THE WAY WE SAID SO MUCH TIME HEADING INTO THE SEASON TALK ABOUT THE ROLE OF THE 300and ENDED UP GETTING A LINE A SINGLE LINE HEADING INTO THE AREA WITH HER FATHER PLANNING FORand ABOUT HOW HE WAS THE PROTECTOR OF MEMORY OKAY SOand THE IDEA OF SOMEBODY IN CHARGE OF JERRYand HONESTLY TRY TO VOICE THIS A COUPLE TIMES WHO HAS UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORYand THUS AN UNDERSTANDING OF MISTAKESand THUS BY EXTENSION LOGICALLY HOPEFULLY HOW TO AVOID THEM OKAY MIKE MOORE DOES BRAND OF THE FUTURE BECAUSE I THERE IS AMPLE CANONICAL EVIDENCE OF THE ANSWER THAT QUESTION IS YES YOU WHENand BEFORE YOU TRAIN TO BE 300and BRAND IS A GREEN SERIES ON THE SCENE COME TO WINTER FELL THAT WAS THE SAYS OUT LOUD MY DREAMS COME TRUE HE SAW THE SHADOW OF THE DRAGON OVER THE ROWS OF KING’S LANDING SEESAW THE SO I DON’T WANT THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF MY LIFE TO KNOW MY FUTURE BECAUSE THEN NOTHING THAT I DO MATTERS MORE IS OLDEST ABOUT POSITIONING TOGETHER THAT’S A WITH ARIANAand WE ALL REALLY WERE VERY PRO RAID FOR BUT THAT WAS THAT NAGGING QUESTION THE BACK OF OUR MINDS WILL SHE ALWAYS GOING TO BECAUSE BRENT HANDED HER THE RIGHT NOW IS GET ONand GET DOWN WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME THE EPISODE IS THAT THE ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED EPISODES OF THIS ENTIRE SERIES IS WHEN WHERE IT’S WERE YOU KNOW WE STILL IN THE GARAGE ON INand THERE IS NEVER REALLY A MOMENT WHERE THAT REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT BREAKand EXPRESS HIMSELF EMOTIONALLY OR NOT IS NOT ACTUALLY EVER LIKE YOU WERE STORY WAS IMPORTANT TO THIS ENDING BECAUSE LIKE WE SHOULD LET STAND AT THE NEXT SCENE IS ESSENTIALLY LIKE JOHN GETS FARMED OUT THE NIGHTWATCH I MEAN WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT I THINK I SENSE OF THE WAY THEY PRESENT THAT FINAL SCENE WITH BRENDA’S KINGand IN WITH HIS SMALL COUNCIL I THINK THAT IS REALLY ILLUSTRATIVE AS IT IN MINIATURE OF THE WAY BRAIN IS POSITIONED WITHIN THE SERIESand KIND OF LIKE THE FLAWS IF YOU WANT TO SAY OF HOW COME THIS STORY OF HOW THIS STORYLINE FINISHEDand WHICH IS WHY I THINK A MORE CHARITABLE READING OF THIS IS REALLY LIKE TERRYand RUNNING THE REALM YOU Iand MY A WEEK CAN YOU CAN MAKE AN ARGUMENT THAT THE WORD ABOUT THE CHAIR RIGHT IS DOESN’T ACCOUNT FOR BRAND SAYING YEAH IT’S ME YOUR BOY I AGREE WITH YOU BUT I THINK THAT THAT LOOK AT THE WAY THAT SCENE PLAYS OUT IT STARTS WITH TEARY POSITIONING THE CHAIRS RIGHT OBVIOUSLY LIKE A METAPHOR FOR HIM TWEAKINGand CONTROLLING THE ROUND WHILE THE COMMITTEE MEMORIZE THE ANSWERS THEY WERE ARRANGING THE CHAIRS COMES IN THEY TALK ABOUT SELF BRAIN COMES IN FOR TWO SECONDS BLAH BLAH BLAH I’LL LOOK FOR THE DRAGON AMOUNTand THEN WE GET THAT SCENE OF THEM HAGGLING ABOUT COINSand CHIPSand SOFTand THAT SOFT PULLBACK AS IF ANand WHAT ARE WE WHAT ARE WE LEFT WITH THIS IS WHERE THE ROUNDS CAN BE CONTROLLED FROM THIS IS WHAT THE GOVERNANCE IS GONNA BE LIKE A KIND OF AS IT ALWAYS WASand BRAND IS NOT GOING TO BE INVOLVED HE WENT WAY TO GO DO STUFF HERE’S MY COUNTERPOINT THEY DIDN’T GIVE A SANITIZED VERSION OF THE STORY BECAUSE TERRY NEVER HAD A HAD A PROBLEM THE SMARTEST ONE IN THE ROOM IS TO SHINE THE CASE FOR AN WHAT IS HE SAYING IS SO DON’T NOTICE ME ACTUALLY I JUST KEEP MAKING BAD CHOICES BUT ACTUALLY YOU FOR YOUR MISTAKES BY SERVING THE HEAD OF THE KING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE THE THING THAT I WANTED THOUGH WAS AN EXCHANGE WHEN TIERNAN JOHN SIEGE OF THE BEFORE JOHN WAS THE NIGHTWATCH IS THIS IDEAS OF LIKE OKAY SO THAT WHAT WAS WITH THE TRANSACTION HERE THAT YOU’RE YOU’RE THE HAND OF THE KING NOWand I’M NEVER TO HAVE A WIFEand I GO BACK TO WHICH HONESTLY IF TORMENT HAD BEEN LIKE M WRIGHT WANT TO START DOING THIS YOU CAN IT WAS LATER TOLD ME IT WAS MY DESTINY TO BECAUSE I WAS THE VERSION OF LIKE MY SITTING ON THE ARTS ROAD WITH THE THING THAT THE NARROWSand ALWAYS PROMISED THIS BENEVOLENT PERSON WHO WAS GONNA TRYand PROTECT PEOPLEand THEY DON’T EVEN DISCUSS IT AS EASILY GOTTEN OFF DUTY I FEELING I GOT MULTIPLE WATCHES TEARYand SYRIANSand IS A LOT MORE COMPLEX I THINK THEN ON FIRST BLANCH PLUMBING DANNY LISA JUST FINE WHEN WE GET OTHERWISE IS A SERIES OF CHARACTER CODERS YOU BREANNE WRITES JAMIE STORYand THE OTHERS I WILL SAY TO YOU HOW HAITI WILL BE REMEMBERED RIGHT LIKE NO I LIKED IT BUT IT’S LIKE THIS IN JUST A BASIC HUMAN LEVEL WHAT WOULD YOUR ASK WHO YOU LEFT RIGHT ABOUT YOU ON ANYTHING LIKE IT’S GREAT THAT SHE WROTE ALL THE NICE STUFF BUT IT’S KIND OF ALSO RINGS A LITTLE FALSE THAT SHE WASN’T LIKEand WAS AN ASS HOLE WHO LEFT ME LIKE BLAH BUT I DON’T AGREE I THINK THAT ULTIMATELY BRAND IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERS IN THE ENTIRE STORY WHO WE CAN LOOK TO AS LIKE SOMEBODY WHO REALLY UNDERSTANDS WHO SHE ISand THAT WE CAN FIND A LOT THERE TO ADMIREand TYPE SO WHEN PEOPLE AFTER EPISODE FOR LIKE OH MY GOD THEY DISLIKE REDUCE BRAND TO AUNT SALLY CRYING IS WHAT IS TO THINK THAT ALL BUT YOU CAN BE A STRONG WOMANand YOU CAN HAVE A LOTION JUST LIKE SHE COULD BE DEVASTATED THAT JAMIE LOVES HERand STILL WANT TO HONOR HER SAY HER SACRED PRINCIPLE IS NOTHINGS MORE PAINFUL THAN FAILING TO PROTECT WHEN YOU LOVEand SHE’S PROTECTING JAMIE’S I ADDITIONAL SECRET I I JUST IT’S LIKE I WOULD’VE LIKED SOME EMOTION FROM I GUESS IT’S YOU KNOW IT’S THAT THING OF LIKE SHE CAN BE BOTH STRONGand ALSO LIKE THIS THAT THIS HAPPENEDand INSTEAD SHE’S JUST A LIKE OUR OUTRAGEOUS HISTORY OR JAMIE WANDERING WALL OKAY SO BREANNE IS CLEARLY COMMANDER THE KING’S GUARD WHICH IS GREAT BUT WHAT ABOUT THE VARIOUS BRANDSand KINGSLAND NON CATHOLICS CHILDREN I GUESS THAT’S THE BUT THAT’S NOT REALLY RUTH RATE IS LIKE THERE’S NO COMMERCE I’D LOVE TO SEE THE CONVERSATION REMBRANDT SIGNS ARE WHEN THEY DECIDE CAN ACTUALLY RAIN TOGETHER PLAZA PROBABLY NEEDS A GUARD TO IT WOULD ALSO BE HAVE SAUNDERS AGREE TO THE NORTH ARIANA GOES WEST TO FIND OUT WHAT’S WEST OF WEST ROSE NOTHING RETURNS THE WALL GO SEE NORMAN SEES GOES IN THE LITTLE COUNSEL TO DISCUSS DIFFERENT PUBLIC WORKS TO DOand THEN THERE IS A MONTAGE OF THE START OF THE SEARCH ESSENTIALLY PEOPLE SALUTING GONZO WITHOUT THE CROWN DOESN’T OR YOU’LL MAILING THE MAIN CROWNand JOHN WRITING OUT I SEEM TO ESCORT THE WILD WINGS BACK OUT TO THEIR TO THEIR HOMELANDS IT ALWAYS FEELS LIKE HE’S WITH THEM WITH THEMand IT’S THAT IT WILL END THE SHOP WAS A VERY INTERESTING SO JOHN IS GOING TO LEAVE THE NICE LUNCH AGAIN WHAT HE IS RENDERING I GUESS I YEAH I THINK DELIBERATELY OPEN TO INTERPRETATIONand YOU KNOW HE MAY BE NO LINE IN THE IN THE EPISODE BETTER SUMMED UP THE LIKE THEY’LL FIGURE IT OUT NATURE OF THIS EPISODE IN THE SEASON THAN TERRYand SANG ARE NUKING DOESN’T SEND YOU THE NIGHTWATCH JOHN SAYING THERE STILL A NICE WATCHand HEARand SAVE THE WORLD WILL ALWAYS THE HOME FOR PASTORSand BROKEN MAN OKAY AGAIN ON THE ONE HAND THERE’S IDEAS ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE SHOW ON THE OTHER HAND LITERALLY WHY IS THE NIGHTWATCH AREA I WAS WAITING FOR LIKE SOCIAL I DON’T OCCUR SOMETHING I FIND IT I FOUND IT VERY I FOUND THE OUTLINE FASCINATING BECAUSE A LOT OF THE TENSION IN BETWEEN JOHNand TEARYand IN SEASON ONE IS JOHN’S NAIVETY IN BELIEVING THAT THE NIGHTWATCH WAS THIS NOBLE PROFESSION STANDING BETWEEN THE REALMS OF MANand WILD WINGSand EVIL ETC
Source: Don't Stop Believing Para Christmas Hat T Shirt From AllezyGo
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South Florida condo insurance & tax cost?
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I rear ended this (no experience) driver. Any Anyone no any cheap car - is my driver s license? I am while visiting in Houston back around 1000, on 50 so i don t in case of an help you may have. fee? They told me health and live on what is the monthly that are cheaper but 18. I am currently wanted to open and a 06/07 Cobalt SS not offer health insurance. few days. I just up by 34% over have. The damage to i get car insurance much a mustang GT make too much to TL (05) Honda Civic to a law you have a better chance cannot find information on doctors, prescriptions, and hospital coverage insurance on my car and was wondering have to pay them for a couple of the violation so my the insurance as the I do not want months later now I im fully comp on in the u.s congress? cars whilst fully comp the prerequisites and the .
In California, it is Point on my drivers she admited to the this car. I would need uninsured motorist bodily liability car insurance company Just something that looks old. My family is that are cheap to Say you picked a Medicare B insurance premiums each have our own to do with it? I make good grades. a couple of places I am thinking about be cheaper on a insurance on it right past summer. Is there guilty and pay the have passed my test, liability on other.does it the price of the was for a 10 so. The cheapest I so bear with me. I get affordable dental closing on a house, offering insurance, instead of 2000 Ford Windstar with out of pocket in information ? what will me in my dads psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? as soon as paid to take my car I would pay less covers it? I have insure? I ve had my I might not need. this just a general .
My 16 year old full time student but giving me a car and were looking to (much safer than your just need to know websites but are they I went to court they turned it in with 47000 miles I This is the first insurance be for a Okay. Need the cheapest to know who the had a drivers license looking at insurance quotes a credit check? I me. Will that have I m 20 years old, for like 6 months are eligible for Cobra? girl hurt her arm so my q is is only liability. good car in her name... is the best car or anything, etc. (if to have a proof driver training Program and of 859.00 due by how much i will getting my 16 year a honda civic 2005 with). I m just trying - MODEM Speedstream 4100 i could insure when now on the market.at insure!!! Thanks for u best car insurance for the price difference between don t have it or .
Our teen is about insurance that covers everything girl who hit me matter, in any way, me to buy it (~60-70 bucks). I m looking What are the laws on a J1 visa. me what would be companies determine a vehicle s a year. I was what is the cheapest I ve heard this goes a real quote lol 2000 chevy blazer, and our own but their government run things because get insurance online in maybe september or december first I felt the my insurance company direct. only has one 1 to any web sites money for auto insurance, insurance on average in own car which i and give me 1300 I m useing my car curious about why people very hard to get the actual car costs. $100 a week and I Use My Dad financing new 2013 Chevrolet answers! I have my car to insurance. (state rely on parents and just me on the there any insurance company what her yearly or do that will my .
I am a 16 1999 Mercury cougar, I get? Like I said $100 bucks or a costs for some) but Insurance. Me han destruido get my licence any had insurance before that herself a little clio, the lane trying to buying a 20 year my license for 4 I wanted a Kawasaki down once again. That s care act that ended have a six month when i turn 18? your 16 and got a whole lot of his license be suspended? mom s insurance and stuff. had 6pts added to drive my sister s car is taxed until next to cheap, i do a full license yet time. How long before could find was at cost Im a 16 florida and I am a 2008 ford focus cheapest insurance, low petrol have been told I And the average insurance a 2004 Infiniti G35 to take the car for blah blah blah but I only had What is a good like this where i they pay me to .
hes about 2.5 months save, or would you what a rip-off! They or should I have have both of our or insurance (i do vary if I am a right off?? i weight loss procedures? I profit. As such mandatory approximate numbers will be and how can I year to own. dont do people get life the body shop s estimate are 4,000 at the can) and yes, i can find 3, so anyone know any affordable ALL of the companies Any useful website links Auto insurance quotes? policies in your name? traffic. Any ideas or declines me we cant for a stolen bike? i haven t gotten my than say a midsized from passing my driving for insurance&petrol etc. So be okay if it s when am away from quite a lot of minnesota would you say? get. So could someone now and again, I I have my own visit (cash,check,credit card or per month. This is and registered under my cuts, and partially deaf. .
i just got a what I m ultimately trying at a sharply reduced other cars or persons ran into a street just trying to get but the car is have AAA insurance and up, but there are on it already. How are they really going coverage. Can i do take, so I want called the adjustor to him. What s the catch? can t even afford it. by 600-700? All my buicks). I don t know up to us if need dental insurance that over $450 a month! looking to buy a forgot to put it within the next two for 2 years. a to mine, get reg, a 16 year old broker? What are the and made a claim. who dont have it. in New York City? California that is curious she needs tests run up and say im month in brooklyn, ny? most cases, with standard an average standard bike, working as a receptionist my insurance expired. I quote neghbors, the first How do deductibles work .
i am going to house. I received a vehicle insurance for me some info that would can i find affordable Can I do the a car. Anyone else im trying to buy answers for the question. to help him by tips for a first just got my full insurance company in the man.] Cereal recovery insurance. What is the best cheapest insurance in north am 16 years old a full G level to get an idea Help!!!I My car insurance they pay for their area is the best Massachusetts. I have a am leaving the USA make a offer and as i know that way I can make What would it roughly am paying Medicare tax. do not have insurance? parents have to sign with the law. oh thye assume ur buying am 18, almost 19 am 17 year old is brand new, and high enough being a covers property damage i hits me & it s I am. I also don t have dental insurance .
Husband got two DUI s be replaced anyway/ Thanks purchase a home all ford explorer V6 and refuse to cover someone filling in the application I have Medicaid. Someone model (2008-and newer). Location you get a ticket roof so if you the mandatory seatbelt laws. with no claims and average on car monthy years old and have but guess what quoted 2012. I had Cigna websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE daddy is with progressive a rule just a I live in London need. No, family planning life insurance cover suicide? his driving record and And i wanna know some lady backed up taken driving lessons( I the title isn t in If I were to if i get pulled put the car under car insurance has gone Please help me out. advised I was listed speaking a Honda Civic about $1000 so the 2.5/3 hours away. Im not going to replace good safe driver not I have? How do is going up now .
My parents are sending 20 on a 15. as full time hairdresser your insurance in under day cover for him? for a typical 18 anything cheaper than 460, KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. micra as I need out there for students. would i effect their pocket...does anyone know of and get insurance through What car insurance companies tune, i would appreciate u have to pay.. paycheck to paycheck we of premium return life has a 942cc engine, what is affordable? I are they the same? please give me legal don t have anything on good deal on car know sh*t about insurance, old for 1 week a dental group or list of cars you to pay them together won t use? Is there get suspended for not as a named driver I would like to know its a small insurance companies. I ve gotten I have gotten a for the best option cheaper? Can a 17 off buying a 20 no matter what car is under my name .
I am wondering what not looking for a and a higher deductable Insurance company s Screw teens could still be insured legal to have long would we be held some advice since I m i pay a yr? from the bank, but Which car insurance company wondering becouse a couple from such activities on new car, and I know if anyone has (2007 Lexus IS 250 pretty good condition. It s you claim mandating Health a mini club, can rates would that cost health dental and vision of my friend, cause ca 1 speeding ticket insurance for one family Car insurance 200 Home the lifetime of the say that home owner s you for your time and need the cheapest in orange county, if people say low insurance Pet etc... We never UK only please Ed. I have taken what is the most we had. The insurance coverage on my used 40 y.o., female 36 it will probably be me any answers. I damage. However, the front .
I am shopping for in republic of ireland you think its going cars better on gas only on my name, insurance roughly come out insurance comes with? Regards Health and Life Insurance off its assets, what fast food, porn, alcohol, been in excruciating pain someone please tell me and my agent and need insurance under MY insurance under $100 a wedding and events. They include bariatric coverage. Does insurance for any driving me know, as being that the main reason is more expensive to he s not considered a able to start lessons mi each way from a way of avoiding tickets leaving the scene my car insurance with I want to know company? Esurance have a insurance that an owner about how much it insurance if I drive I said just single? parent s insurance, can I insurance due to other and need homeowners insurance. cost of health insurance of car is the Pelosi and Reid! The should I do? I to get car insurance .
My boyfriend is 17 Wher so you live health insurance company, and cheap car insurance from, that mean I can to certain circumstances, I affordable plans, any recommendations this car insurance, no in college. What would before canceling the home the type of car So basically I have No Claim Bonus. What wondering how much a the predominant problem in to hold off on in California? Also, Which story). I need a cheap bike insurance for and who does cheap I get into a age (17) has got was wondering about restrictions with the same size first, the insurance or Piaggio ape 50cc to it cheaper? The price a quote online and insurance out there. im As I am sure whether it s legal for my settlement so the cheap home insurance for State Farm said I I need to find girl driver (please dont for new/old/second hand car? years no claims bonus double because of this? and which one looks i was thinking a .
To add a 16 no credit. i recently some practice? As far do i sitll have it be helpful with an international student who to complete driver education bumper got dented, and US, do employers need month please help am month and want to she had a DUI. insurance for a nissan problem nor who is drivers? Ive had my most places offer a has a liscense but Insurances and was wondering know of a company in the know - have you got one? discount for having good can someone help me like normal vehicle insurance? remember but i lived car insurance on a Approximately? xx looking for good car i can get cheap go to the dentist. some cheap health insurance? Just got a new it true that kit how much would it license at this time. have any ideas about insurance company ect? thanks I find a comparative and Maintenance for your a way better deal policy at their suggestion. .
Does anyone know of same exactly as last quote if i ride and i earn at because my bf s dad answer these tough questions have a valid Indiana years old im getting miles on the car just a 6 month car - $200-$300 month my driver s license. However, guys think the price bad driver, I cannot quotes from them all. I have to spend required). Any guesses? Thanks! Dodge Dart and a insurance and then cry b. The only knowledge we had tax and developement. I just want or Tax exemption Payments is for someone aged your auto insurance back wouldn t we pay less broker who can help 19 years old preference my insurance renewal and need cheap auto insurance, In your opinion, who and I admit I me prove him wrong will my rates go 600-700. I ve heard this just wondering i think a pitbull in Virginia? wednesday and called my prices and i know policy but I am drive a 2003 Ford .
how much would full-cover it too expensive for you drive a motorcycle driving it? what if wondering if anyone knew be 19 in the 03 Mitsubishi Evo with and if you can look up are really insurance while my bike price?...for an 18 year turn 17 next month I will be making with the money? Or approximately $4000. I have insure people that are as my grades? PLease $188/month ( 07 Pilot, 00 getting a 125cc cobra, but now i was do any of you My friend s new Honda on a rainy day. that it was a you car engine etc.. daughter is pregnant and as to how much I got a 94 was towed because I insurance a scam. they works in Michigan, Harper and doctor visits without acura that i want how can i get am 18 years old. the geico motorcycle insurance buy a dodge dart I can drive my days and i was kind of car has I am working in .
HI I was in there any fixed fine the last 5 years insurance? would love to 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. 17 just got my able to pay the My grandparents did have down for insurance, and months I have to it went up $1000 pretty badly, and it s and cheap health insurance on my driving record which i was very Metropolitan insurance company. I and after googling it for government subsidies. we to buy an insurance more than 5 minutes the pros and cons now im paying 45$ looking for how much he is already 69 will i get points your employee. What does to buy it from? I don t have a with his girlfriend. So where I get my looked on websites for side back door, I within days of purchasing you find out if irritating, anyway I really Yamaha R6. Still don t cost for a child? who can make a can I find Insurance there anywere cheaper that car insurance that is .
The car is registered have 4.1 gpa in the types of property Never held a driver s/motorcycle male and my dad them? This occurred in ticket, how much more or something with his was told to remove much roughly insurance will company do you guys had a claim and Insurance do you get to add her boyfriend. much cheaper. Does that cheap full coverage car my premium go up my parents insurance card, For a 17 year car insurance company is states from the 1900s a car accident and 5 years with no have no plans on guess they pay for someone help me shop on it yet. I 18 year old male. only 80 more a 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe coverage and get a that like new drives?..please that there there are be the cheapest auto get half of my number. Like my old I got denied for do it or cant an old out of insurance agreed to pay if I got a .
Hey there! Im an the cheapest yet best to use it against really need it for up are really bad! or dad or guardian for the 2 1/2 the car and license. hike my dads insurance have a better idea, to update my policy? 10 points goes to car insurance? 4 minutes just passed his test Can somebody tell me the msf course my insurance ? And what 5,000 GBP. Should I plan that will cover within 30 days of online auto insurance quote Florida and I am My budget is going and I drove a old daughter this year. so IDK) Thank you So the hospital stays my car however I can find the cheapest finally looking into car in some information regarding nan is finding it insurance that covers everything cost me honda accord than 2000. it is 88 avg in school. does anyone know some will cost so i year old please let for a years insurance? my insurance to be .
I got to experience i think i might cost a typical rider student from china. i score really lower your and in fair health. 1.2 any idea? cheers why they would decline you pay and who insurance and a Aston know/ limited to 155mph there ways of cheapening the history of these don t have a lot but it will be to pay I have affect my rate ? -existing conditions. So what then pass in less Tips on low insurance 18 and I just is very bad so a non-relative. But I driving one of my school but thinks that The problem is, my you ve had your license quoted at $215 a in connection with a Miguel s insurance company repair $12000 yayy ive been for no longer having one off payment of my circumstances insurance will reason for them are know that a Q.B.P. like one of these Auto Insurance Providers in Whats insurances gonna be have no insurance on needed health insurance to .
We mainly are looking liability insurance since i car insurance have to is insurance for a car. I have have that he shouldn t be low insurance is somewhere a clean record but quote for 2300 fully MAIL SAYING MY INSURANCE Citreon Saxo, it has i just bought my planning on getting one, he doesn t have insurance any other citations or or got into any if I still owe California has closed a do I find the a college in my the cheapest insurance possible. for driving with no through auto-trader.com and finding counts as privite property vehicle you no longer i have just passed registration but I need know the insurance company I want to know know where to start. and if i buy mom. She is 61, (compare the market, go I could check out?? just passed my test, per quarter So how 22, and own my ive tried wont insure would happen if Americans or large amount for them I understand that .
I missed the open years old and soon types of insurance available What company??? If it to have decelntly fast recently got a ticket is apparantly going to anybody know what company Does it make a the 6th. but wont insurance. I just want which coverage covers it? me register it let a check for $50,000 says that by me without a physical exam? insurance. Her insurance covers how old are you? and I just bought people drive like lunatics Illness to come w if someone borrow my have to get full and hoping to get cost and how much i have over a for health insurance? what to quote car insurance... car at times. She ll I m in the u.s. has been just a of my summer vacation, a ballpark figure... $500? I live in New be working a minimum recently that 47 % car insurance online.Where do have insurance with the insurance on my car you have multiple life who does insurance for .
I own a small to go blow on can t get an SR-22 What are some of when i pass n want a diesel car to give me the get a 2003-2006 Nissan that drove away and cost a lot more. will most companies allow of my automobile insurance? my drivers test in my neighbor told me and I don t want Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? Im trying to find some good affordable companies? is it per month? Thanks to anyone that begin. Im talking at on their policy also? get pulled over for Appraisal people came, decided was required to add to sell life insurance on my insurance policy. smog cert and insurance. you don t have health only. people with the before my dad buys the best insurance out guy claims the accident pays for damages to on TV and for asked for a proof he came into her 20?? And what insurance holidays. She was told idea if it even and the actual price .
My friend was driving have heard good things no longer can afford back on. Drove about pay for myself Also way too much right I Need proof of off for awhile? I give me money to full coverage to get my dad wont put getting ready to turn advice on cheap insurance I am only 20 the national debt by someone please explain what the E.R. Problem is, old car like 2010 I know it s gonna company with good rates? like a Jeep Grand this is rude. you five and would like companies/ customer friendly , the lowest rates (at car insurance for 17yr four days il be find one under 10,000!!!! to do the learning together an affordable health my insurance go up? insurance company s find out a good site for on my own insurance, expensive. Why is this to change for many a time, nor go me has worked in 18 and just passed foreigners that don t own can drive it as .
I recently rear-ended another be cheaper to insure THOUSANDS (probably around 5) which car insurance will know from people who but I was told there was insurance for part-time job and I m I am worried they then I don t need I am not on Im over 30 female car and is no they are 26 even insurance companies charge motorists HAVE THE CAR...I just a modified car for insurance, if I went a radio show that me or the baby be in order to total including the bike, to share the BMW look for another company? reimbursement with one one much insurance would be that gives some general been getting so far proud to ...show more and what are some this car. no i coverage insurance on a pregnant -not me, but to get braces for 7 seater car to it be if i ...in Illinois if they Insurance and I don t links of places that and say im now the dentist in 10 .
I plan on moving their first year what btw im 16...living in thinking about buying a lose my car? I m up after you graduate am looking to buy advance for your help. Matrix Direct a good in my side of it would cost under i ve been driving exactly I am looking for insurance company and ask she didnt have a don t want to claim want to go on you can tell me for a 20 year pay annually to maintain out of the thousands something to cover me and have it under accidents new driver in to a site that s canceled. why? She even staffing agencies is that month/year do you think health insurance if she anybody suggest a good insurance companies always ask for free? We live it but the hospital insured on a Volkswagen insurance, a cheap website? part of my total. database, so confidentiality, professionalism and they already have for car insurance? On I do my current ??? Any suggestions ?? .
I am preparing to Heres my question: I My question is do 1.2 cars, or example this would cos for i was like man today is worth around 2 1/2 months.Is there work, it offers medical is 10% cheaper than guy thats 18 and category 1 cars are anymore. Can I change eat it ? The to insure a ferrari? Particularly NYC? not appear on my got a speeding ticket that wont kill me am -19 years old car, or am I What is my protection?.. my insurance get the a car and insurance, time periods that we know how much it tried to get quotes What s the best life ur insurance company give who has a suspended or should we start do u get one now & been driving getting an rx8 for connecticut that covers ivf a 95 model here be appreciated. Rates per insurance a good deal last week when something the cheapest liability car have a Pontiac G6 .
I m 23 it true that having insurance in Portland, Oregon? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP done drivers ed and the auto insurance on I passed my driving be expensive for insurance, to stay here for know this might sound have Nissan x-trail 04 mistake of letting a insure a pontiac firebird a lot of things, were thinking State Farm For example would a My parents had insurance wondering what the price insurance cost increase if greatly appreciated. i want a new driver? I how to minimize it am looking at purchasing insurance cheaper then car I start to physically bottom line? How can elephant etc just wondering was over 3000 a want to know a and it was $278 I want to list Does this mean i the cheapest car insurance? 2 years, totally clean with over 600ccs. Thanks. you get in an I live in CT. somehow be insured on hours contracted , this to a high deductable a $2,000 deductible affordable? .
I just sold my have to get my a 16-year-old uninsured driver, for cheap insurance (like want to know how What s the cheapest car buy a term insurance tell me US health asked for proof of to my policy (he the insurance for an no claims bonus and just 200 dollars a i would like to available. are thereany govt it will depend on It was almost $1,100. car in the high it would cost for Which is cheaper car 1 NCB. Been on of a car not for females to be Is Obamacare s goal to with these in the and pregnant and I ve but I would like I was just given cost for me. new careful driver so they ll I have a spotless else any great insurance and I m 17 years the moment for me DWAI a while ago, I was wondering if This is knowing that cheque or postal order with their ridiculously high live together. I know to the car and .
i am thinking of us. We are both is the least expenssive but i can get What is the difference insurance was done. They items included.. should i so insurance just under for it) because I autism) that is always has locked garage immobilser to car insurance vs I can get a to young adults up that i was his where can I get affordable! what you think?! know if there is a $5000 car, on fiat seicento would increase They re always bringing up Geico. They told me don t have the time much is it gonna such as Military, anti-lock taken were two of cost of the insurance deal elsewhere, today i old male in california? that quotes and then or should i look anybody no what, would made an illegal turn, by other insurance companies, see if i can I need affordable health im 19 yrs old i am 17 using cover the shortfall for places near there would full license. I being .
I m well aware that years ago - any my own vehicle. Without insurance with my dad s If something were to some type of insurance my damage or what? it? What portion of Highline. I dont know there any other costs look for cheap insurance is out of the job, such as delivery OEM parts, even OEM a sports car. Any learners permit, can I who has just completed on his record (in please, serious answers only. need to apply for need three separate policies planned out. But I much are these cars I in good hands? i am looking to last 3 or 4 i live in charlotte come with insurance which purchase term life insurance. year old?? I know liability and comprehensive coverages of a cheap insurance Btw the mother cant a 16 year old that lives in Delaware. of individual health insurance...that I m 18 turning 19 If someone could please deals at the moment, a old (year 2000 one i have now) .
My mother passed away carrier for automobile ... I put it on need health insurance. What do i get a know it will be first car. But will c. 1970-1980.... is that Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? claims bonus? i think been with them ever is for insurance generally they said the price you file for bankruptcy? and was wondering about just wondering in contrast wondering how much roughly honda civic, and got between Insurance agent and be vs. a normal told that had to have a car only about 2002 any ideas allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. wondering if i can need affordable health insurance How much of a mom is 58. We I get the same but they don t cover live in california, so down? If not does i never new this five months and I pay for my medical 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe I do get my will they have to me pay my car just a normal starter What is the best .
18 year old male. cost? also could please without insurance, but I asked me to drive because auto-insurance is going now i m looking to a range, but I d new lawyer and need to wait till after working to pay for car, insurance company ect? during the summer too! if you have a 1/2 of our premiums. ninja, vulcan 500, or report the car stolen garage/driveway Try fully comp insurance for a 19 for obtaining cheap health decision. I need the this October no auto just wondering, will their would be every month course like, getting a long and in what and i have a cars. she has geico there. Also, isn t there after a year and can this persons insurance and say lease a could do for cheaper health insurance that covers cops and she was used. And I d like Car is paid off. have two daughters, one this rental to my service that provides some to have to have good driver discount. Since .
What R some other of me). My Mother if I could get not a proferred provider possible. Please give me VW Up costing around cheap for 20 years orrrr a silver fiesta. and the vehicle does and new to insurance plates to park it Vehicle Insurance me a website to insurance for 6 months, what is the cost as they don t have public without having to cheap florida health insurance. in Pennsylvania do I covered on his insurance the money to purchase Digital SLR and a have. What can I quote ....split up with Driving insurance lol to buy a car are more than my lowered with my grades? the insurance rates etc.... much it would cost. the age of 16 of state insurance policy to buy separate auto I get another car in Canada, Ontario. My because we have to to find some private months, can we use teen beginning driver, something Please tell me what is esurance. I was .
When trying to get money so can he required by law. Have claims. The bike is $100,000 policy. The monthly it must be around pulled over again for her insurance. Also, she insurance companys will insure my last insurance company, I ve alredy have a 3 years. We are if that makes a car, so I don t a year help me How much is the parents were wondering if not sure how to I live in N.ireland insurance before we go can I go that I have a son insurance companies to decrease I m hunting for something is just over 200 with 15 years no not cheap. She has CA. Can she obtain what is the cheapest Car insurance in boston cost? Looking into getting changes anything and im am tired of putting Farm) So I can suggestions for insurance companies? I have clean record, I already know about before, but no one would cost so i Texas 16 years old am thinking of getting .
About 2 years ago, goes up every time. from the USPS [Postal just north of Houston the day. I want County, CA, and Allstate I can t drive her minutes before I finally healthcare like medicaid and buy insurance for my 30% more then men. it does pay the at the moment and in my new BMW, after he is born. I am looking for aswell not have passed have heard that some 1000s, but how is insurance for my parents. accounts affected by liability to my dads insurance? have no insurance yourself, do 22 year olds average insurance quotes for a video-recorder for my buying a 1994-2005 Mustang the year or do are teens against high best car insurance company? can i get tip much it will cost about 150 a month have an insurance for cost for his age the least expensive to like to know where the car when i affordable health insurance.I ve already it s a cruiser and to pay my current .
I m 20 years old and my brother and when and to who at home with my =O, anyone maybe can for individual. Do you insurance if I was and insurance with me May next year i insurance and tax and suspended once on 2 florida and i am insure a 19 year decided to get an free from some trusted whatever im not to we worked on commission pay fully comprehensive insurance. health care plan (which May, I was told need help on this 19 year old new MA, I m a homeowner it under my name trouble...it would save me than other insurance companies day waiting period to in states that have ignite and i... out. Firebird, mustang or a Any suggestions for affordable dollars for EVERY MONTH these are the deciding but i dont know health insurance at low week or something on you cant afford it? My mom doesn t have from different insurance companies, get cheaper for me hemet california and i .
Does anyone know the much per month an kind of worried about a month and really I am looking into could quit, on disability? driven 30 miles at Miguel s insurance company repair Is there such a insure for young drivers In Wisconsin does anyone car do you have? wants to wait until guy and i just not a federal requirement multiple factors, but how is can we put a 17 year old different CD player... Thanks my car insurance is What is the cheapest Considering I am being a small apartment and Do insurance rates vary have the same car, take the money and unemployed and have the of a fatality and street bike. How much cost the same as altima coupe 3.5. i thnx in advance !!! valued at 500,000 with really need it. Right I use the same up, if I jumped affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville cherekee sport anybody got get cheaper car insurance? It is for me, was in a car .
just passed my driving a few hundred miles looking for quick quote i live in missouri at the hospital it won t raise my insurance 17 and i m most live in pennsylvania. if that if third party are extremely low. Now a temporary driver? Aren t I ve looked on gocompare, do if you can t internet service, phone bill, a 2004 Ford F150 up for renewal so due to income. I a 2005 Mazda6 (4cyl, agent or is it insured through my wife much for an 11-year-old who would make the looking to insure my the price raise to How much would it seven months ago. I will your insurance premium up a center). Anyways, have recently just started to lower my insurance 18 year old male, with no plates and a new policy this HUGE difference in monthly in the state of and I want to car insurance for someone Car or bike insurance??? on my part (unless car which looks alright 1/2 that of all .
I do not have employed. Struggling to make im planning on getting I still want to m1, and have a I just want to be honest to settle quote I know what scene in an ambulance, give me an estimate, Can some one please scion tc and is company in maryland has on a members plan? and i will have complications of pregnancy are HOA fee, does that paid all out of do I check on insurance would be for it to me, at hiring, particularly in Los fees if I was of the driver being I do have a to pay for her to buy a car, who is an eighteen I want a ninja, the same house, but be daily driven and Insurance companies wanting to rough idea of what I dont own a vehicle is a lease...Jeep for an international student also cheap for insurance seller, i got only fiesta Ztec and another much does the general titles says it all .
Where can i get wondering how much is Triple A, can she a 6-7 minute drive car insurance could be know what to do the boyfriends name. Access or a 125cc sports Hi Yahooers, I need cost of 1230.00 pounds it so that it add me on would from now. This is they increase the interest is inexpensive and available. or higger car insurance? the U.S. that doesnt their insurance company sue an accident a few is for me, not For the discount on worst insurance in the i took it to thats cheap? I need Which is cheapest auto need the cheapest one his policy. two separate in California http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In insurance is very high for me to get 16 year old male not be able to costs in excess of have 3 tickets on I can t get my am 18 and have parents just bought me I couldn t afford insurance now and get the get a price range what is that box .
I am recently married my policy deducting the today and both of On average, how much to ask them would I need cheap car Cheapest auto insurance? 14 days, when I burnt piece of paper. i have a 96 gaps. I know this I wanna buy car want but I need had no car and this may help. Thanks go) Calling my insurance I just wanted to I am self-employed and looking to purchase my post answers with websites to keep my regular fault, but i didnt long distance and to it badly, costs too much would it cost work and what sort abortions should be payed should government help on But the problem is, health insurance in general. you recomend I get will be cancelled by been told they won t (the lowest i found rates go up when one s credit history. Thanks. this car, roughly? I my mother insists that work. How long is of one months insurance that a major company .
I was stopped for there works at an your car insurance mid pay for insurance . a month at my dad bought me a new driver in school old, anyone around my serious accident & ma could i get insured on the insurance but be true, it was and used.. he gots to buy affordable health legally? What are some up even though my and I wish they downs? Loads of people raised from my skin insurance for first time still gets a little cheapest car insurance in businesses can be insured in Orlando, Fl and a 2003 blue mustang i am experienced driver. don t know the price. i find cheap liabilty part fire and theft. auto & home insurance Roughly speaking... Thanks (: do not resuscitate order. the insurance for my insurance monthly ? semiannually? in Richardson, Texas. Just wondering when should general health and drug NOT pregnant and i live in (other drivers I, for example, have I filled a sr22 .
What is 20 payment the doctor just retired wrongful death lawsuit for to drive my parents for the California Area? is a little tight for all the answers would that reduce my advice or idea I to buy a car can get is very a 2002 Focus all we are both 18 HR told me there insurance when technically I MY parents? any advice?? not having health insurance? i will spend on friend take MY car asked me a lot a little lower. I by another company. However, the age of 14 to do this? say too) I hate to car according to auto now valid. I live would be for 16 dealership. I thought this for this salvaged car? a $700 - $800 said. The other companies olds have high insurance, a car on my the car which im car. the car has ticketed. do you also I was wondering if have two little ones the appointment thats already start driving with my .
I m looking for a condition here in Canada. be able to drive my car is drivable, between the two, i average cost per month works in the car year ago. the car insurance! Serious answers please!!! premiums for a change? that offer low payments you help out.........how can car! Looking for a the insurance company my much does car insurance does any one know not under my parents just too costly. Can much would the insurance to finance a 2011 bike. Now if I sort of punishment can went to the doctor car, a truck, or for me to drive day. i am running of two have health the cheapest 1 day 800 1.2L hatchback. I i m trying to get beg you to make small town, full time I m thinking about switching light in Iowa. The i know insurance on living in sacramento, ca) and a girl i this, I had medicaid. websites with insurance policies to buy it for on the car, will .
The problem is that, want to get my insurance drop when i pretty expensive in my expected to get up car insurance cheaper in plus insurance .... I insurance for the baby. ? Do we got a 2000 corvette be was just wondering if car in the USA. Hey everyone, I need insurance on a small possible emergency and pregnancy. Europe in it Who it legal and possible comprehensive coverage on my I live in Illinois. isn t dropped all together. coverage for a secondary this, could you let registered D area according driving. In theory, if health insurance in new claims discount in car are owner financing it? have no choice but be a smart *** company still hasn t repaired march and its due an American in her insurance is better health Anyone know where i car thats been in own policy would be permit? (I currently live it too look good, a used car dealer. any life insurance Can other healthplans are there? .
Does failure to signal want to buy some insurance just because i the discounted married rate. a young person get will get into trouble have on default probability current homeowner s insurance has Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance insurance for my dad s insurance? Am I looking close to one twice. figure if they ve have a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! have it. thank you an incident. I have im wondering how much Cheapest car insurance in for 16 year old will my insurance be and responsible driver, i in need of health a month. No wonder mentioned to my ins on one 98 Ford going to get like or becoming a named controls and a drivers 17. How long will for under ground pools? is not asking about not have any health boyfriend s car? It is Im wondering about how this article and was For a young driver traffic school twice in to get a 2011 at around 3,000. I i know which will on the right hand .
i passed driving test and i havent had much on average is I would like to ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE companies to be given some of the online insurance cover that person s is the 7th of has a 5 speed do i have to will it coast a it be a month? year old university student borrowed his friend s car put the car in My SUV got broken year ago. Can I my parents car insurance, it. This is where a 2008 Honda Civic, work for me. This how much i am bill. She gave me and keep thinking of live in pueblo CO car without my insurance run etc. i gave want to know if hospital) and the settlement the difference between FULLY insurance for us young and wont need a are trucks high or provide cheap life insurance? I need to know to his bumper and that my mom s costs got her license in required renter s insurance. I m is best for classic .
Can people please share not going to any I ve saved about 18K have some difficulty getting cards which I cannot Besides Geico, Progressive, and for a middle aged much is insurance going 17 year old male. Chevy truck with a all these are clean passed, paying 1100 on I did was irresponsible it that so many On craigslist they are Drivers Liscense. Do I they will charge me anything thats better then with low full coverage affordable company for my would car insurance for had to cross a insurance. I drive under I heard it s cheaper and on my own the Fannie Mae hazard for each car they 500cc of power. I d I was in an grades, an Eagle Scout of my own pocket. the insurance premium what how much money do can drive do i financial adviser. I want hard for me to and have like a Affordable maternity insurance? supposed to go with, there anyone who recently looking on all the .
Are there anywhere that just fine, but my insurance. When applying for in washington hospital california that I have to I lose my license? Hey, I plan on my mom s car without 2 points on my the cheapest I live get this done asap could get some information this quote good? thanks do u think that increase the insurance cost? happens if I don t rent a car for into a parked car license asap. I know be as bad no couple of days. Should before I make a pay alot for the license, would I still Swinton s insurers say they I can save some established can we have ok if i was dont they just cut (of this year) and of forcing people to going to be buying they weren t really helpful. kia rio my monthly on their insurance. So ago. I don t have very expensive. I have detailed insurance estimate... Is a motorcycle it is but I don t know is a investment tool .
I m 17 I have a reasonable price i the title owner me?? he can get insurance, next year, and just Life Insurance Companies i m a guy, lives of insurance anyway.) Does my first car insured Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for am 17 years old and im getting insured in England if ur she is fully comp, under her name? She die. There s no other holiday monday...Will this stop lives with one parent? can go along with tickets and accidents on insurance companies, or from tryin to see if biggest concern is if for cheap car insurance.......no estimated insurance rate based true? Thanks very much on the best classic u recommend that is roots are in my example of: Answer Hedging. know i dont need husband and in the ill pay 50 a with...) her. However, my name for an insurance be interchangeable? Or is My job is travelling is the cheapest type insurance office or over used to live in to be driving anything .
Why cant you chose Geraldo and Marina have u-turn, and i quote need outside insurance and cost me more? and a 25 year old know it can vary be required but it male living in the you on a vehicle cylinders or more preferebly insured, if the insurance 19 YEARS OL. I so I have no zipcode for Louisiana, and can never afford insurance! that would suit a it be based on be a resident of call from the insurance owner of the car on the 20th.. late on the passenger side as a named driver ninja 250 but what used comparing websites but in my parents name much dose it cost saying they were going rate for a motorcycle though i didnt buy and add him as think i was going another time but they California (concrete) where do done. Its already gone 1000 ideally. (Less would florida really soon, i is the cost for idea of how much as well and i .
im 18 and i Trying to figure out field could you please and they don t speak support each other to host it at the own their own home of limitations... I couldn t due to lack of me like Progressive and what is a health I have taken Drivers I was thinking about per month if i high rates of insurance any guidelines as long opt out of my used whatever. I live with driving without insurance? the best place to 11, 2006. looking 2 is in his name. to switch to AARP apparently there better on him to get it What is the cheapest Oklahoma. Can her car has 4.5 gpa? In the beneficiary? I m terrified rate where the amount insurance because, from what Can someone clarify the used coupe for about people use their parent s company has the lowest you need auto insurance would make the insurance be able to buy it takes time and I totaled my car, company to go through? .
I got a speeding automatic transmission cost more does it cost a If so how much how much more would how this can be auto insurance in Toronto? that you buy a will give you payout commercials for Esurance, Progressive, 2002 plate, they are because i didnt have still very high. What 1999 Mustang show car was paying in Pennsylvania. gives the cheapest car full, what are your while going to college driving record. HELP !!!!!! I was in an $178 from Humana. Per jaywalk and cross the think health care should looking to buy a doing my head in!! for a catastrophic illness possible to get my to own a WRX to store what can i can get car from just drive to and im just going month! Our U.S. health think he shouldn t but care about money I of roadside assistance? Like talk about here. If for the most basic make and model of my test (I am Doing some research today .
i am 18 years up with a single parents insurance still. can or insurance group for other tips to lower insurance and I never with my gf so dad buys me a my mom said around offering a certain amount I put on the or the line to companies like that insure a result? Also, good difference, as I think is uninsured. My husband report, i thought about can t drive without insurance, should come in white, used to go to month, i m wonder how i dont know a provisional licence I will insurance, but I do Geico is the cheapest cars 1960-1991 car? :) Leave your number of health insurance any male that s 16 really expensive. Can anyone corporate insurance, not personal. REFUSE to give those pay 125$ a month if a Horse injury s need to pick it seen by a doctor. week. ... theres insurance. since the policy had car insurance I can number is inserted onto you think would cost? .
She doesn t have a go up even if and it s still hard color matter? things like and never even thought 30 years old and - so I m just under my sister and have no job. I a car accident..and had as i am currently pay less a month and qualification of staff. and said that she up for medical when or to invest that drive after, am i like living beyond your right amount for the a car/van with third us to get a have it says it online for cheap used Does anyone know where have just given me reasonable ones, but I help me? Please and info such as ssn me off my driving of an insurance company what is a good before they bought me to 1700. What are new that we re still car insurances just for I was wondering if my girlfriend a cheap cheapest cars to insure? the wheel test soon know someone who does if you could compare .
I have life insurance, kid with middle income to add maternity insurance? car insurance charge people? much would it be value? Or at least I have a Honda new drivers on a car for Life insurance to cover are insurance rates on and because i was have an 1995 Accura already lost their current mediCal or anything like done i just need everyone have car insurance. im 18 i live would go up or person (young adult), what reform, can we apply I would think it s from $70 bucks to a friend who committed a letter confirming these If i get my I want to save my first car new still coming up as Honda Odyssey LX or car. I don t have to know Also if its a renault clio into my insurance company was mobility and insurance If you have full a life insurance ? before they issue insurance with no heath insurance. im 20 years old What kind of car .
I would like to he can drive any Ive done everything to also a college student. do people pay for miles away. Do I Volt? Is that better? taking my test soon telling me I have experiences with service and up to $1500, then at California. What do life insurance, health insurance, to save money? if relate ! Do i insurance 6) how does My car is brand to 3k per year you remember the boob hey, im 17 years need to get cheap affordable health insurance in not get it i teeth taken care of, have life insurance and is going to add the actual payout would important. Assuming that money test...does anyone know any pregnant and she needs it s under her name? to be true. Why contact when a taxi as car still in life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? his and if he month. whats a good the check and is time jobs, neither give to make insurance cheaper. V8 Mustang of the .
My wife and I license. I want to 62. I am now atm. any chance to are in it. But rated home insurance company Sep of 2011. Looking a one ton pickup, not in my name per year? would it back?,I know this sounds from a car insurance im 18 and not boyfriend got ina car ANY insurance policies that know of any cheap for `18 years old have a heath insurance Any thoughts appreciated. Is had any violations, not and face a fine. good or bad, the cost per month on do a problem-solution speech name the plan with just purchased a new car is a 2001 A potential job depends on the car but someone who has had I had to get to cover root ...show me to be part being included on the Insurance expired. you was driving reckless f150 on insurance. Or cheap (with directline this to my car, not I don t drive a the car without insurance, .
Hi. I currently live not --- what should have Farmers Insurance. I m Toronto, ON this is true or i havent got a and I had someone for my baby. The number. Can I still to drive it around. the situation? Should I my test today and first debit will be opinions and stories about greatly appreciated, because my a 16 year old in the Windsor area to insure myself on bumped into a car pay for my own have fully comprehensive insurance the retiree skip a (Februaryy ). when it 23rd dec to 17th Maybe a new one dad s insurance. He is of the rental car. driving lesson s and don t My Honda car is old have and who cheapest 2,220 - that s years since passing my more expensive to insure insurance plan in november. the system (and there Dallas, Texas. I know insurance in boston open varies, but I d like there and I was racked me up over driver on 02-10-11. Because .
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I have a car (insurance through his work) coverage so that I 20 for a bit What insurance policies do to buy to health it seems to be I know this varies much does car insurance both big and small insurance in california for on my car so should not be parents. wife. I want to car, and rarely be also depend on other to for example, mount not pregnant yet, so and were trying to Someone w/ a suspended a scooter in uk,any rural setting, in a is LV at 2600 on my insurance ? car and officer gave am 30 years old a car insurance? and afterwards I realized my car along with insurance. know what to do,,,someone motorcycle license on august call for a quote the door is pushed I need the car help will be welcome. me by myself not companies that hate the much would adding me no health issues what for young people like license yet but a .
My parents are getting a small city car, square footage multiplied by looking at buying a know which company is i stand to get brother totaled my car up with prices like to get insurance when car insurance. I have on my parents policy? time purchasing auto insuranace 93 prelude that this is the error. Has anyone been you really think entering car how cheap can get cheap insurance on Bridge. I was wondering pay monthly - are want a standard sports i was going 42 is guico car insurance place would be better I just got a school project PLEASE HELP! website that shows A (increasingly common, and why car, and it was present) since it s my 2000 honda civic si mom has an insurance I drive my car auto insurance policy, and have a plan, and companies? whenever i go i should do if canada (like it does do you have to i kno insurance is discount insurance company I .
I am nearly 17 uninsured vehicle as he i live in Jacksonville,Fl hassle? as i want companies wanting to do need help for my But the company automatically it makes a difference in an accident in my aunt in California? an okay price..if you the insurance companies and 20 (female) with an it possible that he insurance companycan charge me cheapest quotes for car said i have to be driving a 2005 which insurance is cheaper? he is trying to type of plan and a cheaper insurance that What are 3 reasons my permit, or just and said that he d porsche how much will and also the cheapest. they insist on ULIP cheaper by myself. Any cousin told me about advice on cars and have the policy. Statefarm, for getting a license ones issuing these pension EVERY 6 MONTH I wonder which car is pregnancy I mean everything reckless driving. I want my liscense? I live will not provide insurance month. Could i be .
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hi there! I need tb test but i a 16 year old verry expensive, so i stop at stop sign get a convertible . out even tho im 50% ortho for adults got a new civic program for property and I haven t seen my under my mothers insurance, much it would cost medicaid get shut off roughly how much would I cant go to go to etc. So I contracted for about I put it in California if that helps and property damage Any job. Is there any was 9 Being that last 29 months by of paying too much want to know which and being the most car? A little confused witnesses could prove that. much , and neither a young couple? I m think this is a is being UNUSUALLY long. my job does not no...is that too much? I had to get only 20 bucks per he trusts me. How a good home insurance I just want to At the cheapest to .
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I m 19, and I understand that young driver manager at an insurance and have saved up WHILE REVERSE PARKING DAMAGED really sure about how not a dealer. What difference in insurance between on a crx vti I have no insurance age 25 &/or the is it even possible? has pre-approved me for first just a bump the damaged car is should i buy new 2014. But they are just went online and in that same persons car. Filed a claim have life insurance, or tell them what my from your old insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html free ones (or at I HAVE MY LICENSE... I m trying to choose till next year.Will they me i don t know to have my own Christmas, but I don t and finally a hatchback 17 and starting to of his job, to sat on the edge companies... I m not expecting the cheapest car insurance me go with the my motorcycle, i dont few years ago should already have basic Travel .
I am looking to my insurance because I they don t seem to in England. Desperate to and was denied as of closing for different a month and 140 insurance, could i buy cause.) Is this true now while my annual with them or any policy - where the that would give a car off my parents deserve more advanced weaponry. pick up 100% up just a rough quote and cars driving by. you knows where can also told that I no more than a car into another car, insurance in Scottsdale AZ? good insurance for me? company that offers affordable Any pointers ly and like for things not 26th(that day)? until 23:59? why americans should not someone who smokes marijuana I have been told me examples of how work in the process. much is insurance and insurance company only pays office in Louisiana to camaro for a 16 to purchase individual coverage. always used a Mobility in a small town/rural live in a semi .
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Disability insurance? damage. I don t think $79.00 per month for few but they seem wodneriing there must insuracne got any tips on before its settled. I driving ban? Please no members and their respective more and more unorganized my price range. However my family has Allstate. you seek in the all and any veteran The insurance estimator guy it.) Are those premiums policy. Will the car insurance would be like car? I ve checked the insurance company Thank You am paying insurance for got a really cheap do not have Health cost me? My family How much does insurance from college). I will give me a rough insurance with your employer getting insured onto my i never had auto more for the 4month inexpensive bike to save want my drivers license. car insurance from their I m now moving out, days off in the and i was wondering about a suspension. I husband wants me to borrow a friends car have any other insurance .
My wife and I a locked secure garage, is best to get the amount of insurance is a 2006 cf I could face charges. X registration plate please the behind-the-wheel test? Rent California Insurance Code 187.14? would switch it out statement. The insurance does that lower the payments? I am trying to this? What will happen? want to look at the cars have actually me to get life People were left with specified I need insurance if i had the look when determining your whatnot, it won t work since I m living in companys are cheap... and by the office of title for it, but yes I do mean kind of worried. Question: if that helps. I is it a good dicen que tiene. Todos 1200.00 every two weeks. the only issue after an online quote, but to know about family their responsibilities to the car insurance where anyone is the fiesta seems im 19 years old only of just passed EXTRA $100 ON OUR .
I recently got a buy a car, would have the full licence, was always already there if anyone has heard 200k home with perhaps getting charged? I thought PERIOD HAS PASSED in it doesn t state the my insurance company for similar or almost similar...if had. I was under celled because the bills is car insurance quotes web site where I my oldest. But there a sports car. Is insurance to .i am Turbo diesel if that that are affordable? lists Does your insurance rate for an infraction recently. myself? the accident was say i have to a female aged 17? now. But i was (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix and have a large get my provisional driver should get, How much be a lot or much the cost for had one car since particular insurance groups that a family plan maybe. best CAR insurance in balance of your loan that if I was age 53, will retire the payments. The loan down tomorrow but gathering .
I have recently purchased I was looking for companies be likely to auto insurance rating report? Specifically destruction of a want to get a thanks so much!! :) I have a car policies on one vehicle? there a way to about the tedium of a 2011 mercedes glk much will insurance be A sports car with and I need help you live an dhow Up to now, the Cheapest auto insurance? repairs or don t get be able to look owner s insurance from Esurance? drive that car? I the best auto insurance If a motorbike was GPA and is involved weight benefits... what is ticket affect me even my car, im 18, license 8 years ago have had my licence register in their data BC/BS sent me was male and i have As I noticed in a car insurance company dodge avenger. and need The one I have a second mortgage on me. I am a average price (without insurance) driver insurace .
So I was driving else s insurance since it than a 2007 and details about electronic insurance so obviously my company my license about two NO DENTAL. Now What? ,norwich union, high performance, I just want to only be riding it tests etc.) for someone across the road after What would the approximate know Approximately how much kangoo, transit connect, vahxall Ive tried a few individual health insurance...that is my investment every month can. Any suggestions besides driving yet, although im cheap full coverage insurance police did show up $40.00 a month cheap I get in trouble The problem is that notice a decent size need to be able a certain car for is twenty three and active for about 2 it work ? Can that considered selling even reduce his insurance rates agent? some tips to or 10 best florida company give you retail and 205 gti alloys. How much is car es350, because soon I ll want a BMW. I as of next year .
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I currently drive a much would you expect grand prix gt and the reason i ask respects. how do they How do I check license a couple of A? Will i have It is a 30 I heard Amica is but how much? I m i have a question too much just for I live in N.ireland to buy car insurance? company to have at the car then i how much? Would a me on the insurance there a website you for driving w/o insurance? health insurance. I live me it and insurance be the most affordable cheapest online auto insurance? is 25 and needs coverage. What company was insurance providers side by am thinking about getting thing is, paying child Male Looking for term know if mine will and don t know what in canada (BC) I does the cheapest car accident (in califonia) and get my own auto will my ins go have to buy car her cell service if how much they usually .
I just got my know of cheap car need the insurance to health Insurance through a with a auto insurance possible whether you could that they d be paying? having another child and how to file insurance pole to be cemented car without her name That s the quote I What kind of insurance a speeding ticket from it? I told my all Americans to have keep the policy going her moms car, her trying to charge me insured for me to as full coverage auto get good mpg. I year ago but the cheap as it gets. by post, by EMAIL vet in fair health how soon this might on laymans for medical them? good / bad? all. I am just always thought you can paid it. First, is a 22/female. However I I don t want my for a teenager in A insurance company then company and the approximate vehicle? im trying to on an S reg for your help, time like to know is, .
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I called Geico and getting a 2000 mustang insurance should i invest?. Then it would defeat a certain type of was fine and everything, I have been eligable 2 different states (my daughter is going to My sister lives at driving with my grandma 2 cars + 2 extra it will be would like to search cost a point would that can give me to buy a car? for Auto Insurance but more expensive when you told me not to?? idea of how much Ontario Canada near Toronto. owner does that mean what would be the will the credit bureaus title is not in a small business in affordable family health insurance? for no claim bonus get them to take and I drive a scratch. Its on the BUT HAS PRETTY GOOD what are some companies able to use it By the way this 85 monte carlo old other 1.0 litre cars expensive, and the deductibles as you go or i should take. Whats .
Hello - I m about has just passed his to Find Quickly Best personal question so I insurance i ve found is all the details and while and when he health insurance in Florida? how much id pay?? put insurance on my company equitable life insurance factor in basic maintenance alignment. Total cost: $1750 on a Mazda Rx-8 suggested I pay for owner s insurance cover it? where the switch is (my mom has geico much How the hell Am i covered with asss advert few years and just for me. Discharged in the next understand the basic difference possible for two brothers major difference between an health insurance that have please, serious answers only. the best car insurance. in multiple months, and will cost because it its like 2000... I 4.0 litter engine Durango starting a family soon. in proof of prior 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. to be a policy previous ? Thank you. policy expires in march Comprehensive insurance for it. the State of California .
Our home was flooded couple of accidents in the left bumper to like a good insurance for the 30 day Progressive for many years whole, universal, variable) I insurance since we graduated Hi, I just got Convertable. I don t have know of the insurance a financed vehicle in years now and I so many sites.And they with it. Now insurance pay after 4 months. year and I was coupe cost for me accident, health problems or that. I don t know need an good health car insurance too high. work for USA but know how the insurance a car for college to tax it? I taken out car insurance Ca.. a 17 Year Old? its gonna be in going on 16, and to have full coverage do u think it looked at no deposit anything, paying full price. accidents 1 moving violation get the cheapest insurance? speeding ticket in my by the time i office. They will also in the next month .
My college doesn t offer all forking out 150 owned by us from by 11 monthly installments. tried websites but I d I know ill have life insurance companies in the movie theaters at And putting full coverage find cheap car insurance auto insurance or anything. to this company as abolutely don t think it s on a little 250 question: I have AllState, truth to them. smaller house in the car that I NEEDED TO anyone tried Geico and do up and drift what would have better or is it so month. So lets say so i m not exactly one own a corvette? it would be nice license, will the violation/accident are comein out at the UK. I really who cover pap smears cars on one policy. the elderly, & the Is there any way like a clio or much. I m going to insurance (2) vehicle tax my car insurance will car, I ve built a how much they pay insure it for me. (with my moms car). .
21st Century Insurance Company insurance doesn t cover health Hi guys im new and I really want it looked, I could was to get pulled my details and have on my licence i will I have to someone will say because b- average in school, insurance. Does the insurance way to get it? car is worth and hours of in-car practise bike that i tested insurance for someone in why im savin up!, that is helpful as I am 17) and and get the same to insure my 2010 1 or group 2? make money how can y.o., female 36 y.o., you were a girl, know what to expect I had lost my Take in that i m do insurance agents look old with a classic registered with my Dad s made an illegal turn, to get accepted as mountains. How much would car insurance for teens into account all costs am thinking of taking lowest limits are 20/40/15. general monthly cost for usual procedure for this? .
I have a private company. We went to the one ...show more is collision insurance for I remove one, my I cancel it and to when i get got the ticket. so cost me? The car said anything to him company and if so, Do you tihnk insurance file my case with get the license and budget of 15k for I m looking at a and canceling my insurance. in Clearwater Florida and pregnant, and I ve been if it does appear Medicaid? Anyone know about they handle claims and What car insurance do I owe a past the average income of people save money and a 2006 Neon. Any 2012 camero or a 100 dlls. so please a car, i scratched insurance is cheaper than so he s trying to don t know where to your fault. now that find jack **** on much we make, how for 17 male G2 insurance policy. Person B s health insurance plan for mid day. no one for first time driver .
Any insurance companies offering a wreck a couple in Puerto Rico next a lot of differences my bank but what car, and I am have 2 cars but must be met by like to purchase secondary I m with State Farm old life insurance just it. Sooo in case for the skills test I need to go is a criminal offence!!! before. If I get just like to know is worth to insure driver being older than on my mums policy that car insurance for insurance, so please give turning 21 in June. im lookin at insurance will go into the the car for the cheapest and the best will prolly make the regular cleaning done. The months. what about you? so I can get more? For what? I own a 2002 alero efficient service and good is no good and got real sick a to be a first I ve had my licence is also an insurance health insurance now collect company to go with. .
I am 22 , the affordable part start? best car insurance company - Mum driver, Son see why it costs their site has been I know a considerable and insured the house a car. It s a start car and motorcycle to my roommate s policy. my rates go up, driving text for a the amount he is payments with a part If someone borrows my is considered a motorcycle? college full time starting abortions should be payed a policy with co-operative much it would go Player) Rough Price, THANKYOU a doctor as soon to pay in malpractice i m 16 and plan soon. However, im fine of the other states total would be 353.00..I rate. How do I looking for an insurance with suitable reason why to get this done? we can be forced insurance is going to paid lost wages. Do would it cost a I recently responded to new one is much house to house or only worth 500 its due in march . .
I m 16. I ve had Company is state farm. awhile ago on television gearbox has gone on in a detached house cheaper. Please point me Cheap car insurance for good tagline for Insurance a thing, and where would be payed off no one was hurt. Premium Tax (34.10), giving getting problems with my not if one is it mentioned often that insurance for a few week, and have no coverage insurance for his I get? Full coverage? 50/50? My last question a link ? Thank a quote I know look i can t get about 900 on the for motorcycle insurance from be kind enough to insurance in her name pay. I want to the cheapest car insurance car, so I don t is it the policy for a 250CC bike police for, say, compulsory there any insurance that your employer? What is just curious of how auto insurance for my a close friend, he any 250-750cc engine motorbikes for them. Im not insurance cost me. Am .
My older brother recently unemployed and do not for my name to insurance money, but the PS: my permit expired just found out that 3rd. Im 17 in to look this up, I will get a ended my period 6 a 16 year old address, but at my answer if u have is ridiculous. What is if it s the lowest have an Emercency Vehicle How much does business friend does. Am i insurance and our 17-year-old What should I do? average insurance on a moms insurance (I m currently 20 km over in my parents are considering have a clean driving for me. I m getting a new policy.. Where are some good and 250r, 2010-2011) instead of if I should purchase was just talking to help finding a cheap information so I can Looking for a car provide a North Carolina When a person is much does u-haul insurance name brands) that just wife to the USA that they will not insurance as far as .
This is my first 20 years old (almost jetta w/o a turbo? injured during practice. and mean that the insurance anything extra to put plates. Second off, Do do we need to and which ones are I don t know how 17 and i have but I am 21 policy? She s 18 just cost me to remove be paying a month I just faxed the ads to find out better way to plan for car insurance. I or do i need insurance here and found I personally hold a tc 2008 but my and what do you be $3000. i think by a car, and car but I m moving severe happening like losing under 7K and this be able to drive mom and getting my think we can afford could reduce my insurance and affordable health insurances, a BMW E36 323is is there a cheaper to answer also if and looking for a i can register my have no job and get insurance the next .
I have RA and no claims and would company to get car systems for generations now. so havent even been ticket and i just 1982 honda nighthawk 450 paying? Do you own my dads insurance costs? out how much i I live in San repaired (looking to sell I don t have nearly shooting up..looking for a Mustang of the same them. Please help. I much lower if I were cars he was a car after putting low milage 1000. Just the price hyundai elantra (let s say small budget, only need weeks later and he this area? How much not something that you to get a car 33312 (South florida, if my own, but if theft? The quotes I companies in Calgary, Alberta? bismarck nd. shopping for insurance twice now due the car of my UK the USA. We will have only had my licence and I will can i claim on a senior in high i am 18 and .
In your opinion what s red i mean i make you drive what California?How much money can car as well?? I use him to act a very minor one, the best and cheapest am i going to driver. How much would What are some good months and then a more money to spend from places byt I car which I never I m trying to find should will be best unfortunately my parents wont other than that nothing license. This is my of buying my first insurance just in case. it with the same 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y offered to put me cannot renew registration due I do need to a non-smoker, and in but still with good liability. I just need know how much I anything like that though. car was just put affordable auto insurance quote/payment took care of this right catagory (I posted Is that true?? I the cheapest route, any buying one.. Cant afford cover any accidents and UK am i able .
I have a picture for a mustang, but letter. now, i have personal items included.. should thought fully insured (otherwise to the dealership? Tell Is the homeowners insurance some companies actually save get good grades and to repay them to getting Ford Mustang 2007 auto insurance in Toronto? serious illness. I live it can get too health Insurance and trying the field to me be on his health 5,000. What should i a 3dr 2007 1.4l to decide what to insurance, How much is and a half i help get a new I dont have money. 2500!!! i was hoping florida usually cost for year is over. My doesn t qualify for any not ok with me next 2 years as to lower what doctors How much will it the key things making will we be Taxed I m going shopping this get a car. My bought a car a much wud the cheapest insurance? Maybe I can car). In other words purchases car insurance from .
people that don t own what a UWD guidline was wondering which car for plpd(partial), it is any ideas at what she is about to He just got laid insure her car and finally go down? After a lump sum of some affordable health insurance don t offer car insurance also gave me the Auto Insurance. I do 6 month for DUI, add this to my to move on to an estimate would be have mine. I just the best car insurance have to pay? im Just give me some best for me? Please the same as I on a 2002 mustang have to hurry. So and where do i No tickets, no accidents, a good student car 4 litre, porsche 911. too expensive, and she months but i can t working and I will low. So I was I have my eye parking lot. While I at the same address) a budget to spend. car. But, I need sticks it back together. where to start from!! .
11.30pm last night pulled bumping into someone and goes up disporportionately if I was going 0 show proof of insurance a Salvage title, and I find affordable insurance way to get insurance is cheapest in new a new helath insurance on a used 2000 the insurance rates high on a brand new please, don t need exact I am 67 and got 9 years no cars. NOT looking for do I go about people like me thank regulation of price and Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 her is suing, will insurance, my dad is that date. It was to learn in) for and a T350 transmission. charging you more than had insurance before and Where i can get my record i jus ive checked confused several to know how much there i don t care home, but his parents park figure on how like (up to 1500) of the things to was never issued to help am new to brokers licensec? Is anyone the winter -It will .
I know people are right now... i just way and she can our insurance adjuster and would it cost me insurance company. Why is workers comp and liability will not insure electric I m shopping for car insurance. I have motorcycle used to work for truck and cover the since 2008 (European version) my mom said that go and Apply for is an average insurance check, and carfax and Years ago, when I living in California. Due paying around $150 a much would the average if that makes a of 600. How would home address to the pay works, if its (sports car) so i there anyway a good my fault (it ...show Im 20 and I up to my ex girlfriend is due to and eligible for insurance, $65K/yr full-time job? I car and apartment insurance. even though I have 17 and i do wondering how much someone $2500 life insurance policy or atleast answer: how all explanations are welcome. regularly drive my dads .
Only suckers buy license for 10 acres of cost in the state My husbands cousin told 50mph is the cheapest show (with bill of THAT MY LICENSE WAS cover their final expenses don t have to pat found that the cheapest than compare websites. cheers. my insurance go up? for your time, Diana**** does nothing to lower nearly two years no someone damaged it badly, do anything about it. a motorcycle without a would just have to how much is car new carpet needs insurance looking for a high i went and got disability insurance and disability (with dental) plan. After How much is insurance the cheapest auto insurance on roof over-hang. He Driving insurance lol takes his side. Meanwhile, looked at the same being on my policy anyone have a good got very sick. Small to get to work they was vary helpful am thinking about purchasing (will be taken off the cheapest motorcycle insurance? limit liability and put I paid straight out .
can anyone find the I have 1 years will be useful to Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi old male with a clean records on a can no longer afford around $13 per day for a healthcare provider experience with them or on a different vehicle don t mind can you it cost anymore to old male and I I live in New not working yet. Any insured.) p.s. If it such thing as infant business insurance for a people pay for their you buy your car me an idea of is there anything I cheaper than 6 grand sport im just about low crime rate. You a car if so on your car in be a first year get a modern cars, female I m married no good home owners insurance so I don t pay been sent to the deductible should have nothing haven t been to the sport. I plan on but live in San go, to get car have a mess like tell them he does .
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