#my answer was ''what the actual fuck are you talking about ren.'' if you were wondering my stance on this i guess
butchdykekondraki · 10 months
(rendog voice) "do you think they fucked on that long ass table after the last supper"
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lemonlover1110 · 10 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 16] Justifications
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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Mrs. Gojo’s first reaction to finding her son in the hospital room isn’t one of worry– Rather, she’s curious. She wonders if you told him; she doubts you’re dumb enough to actually tell him, but he got here somehow. Instead of wondering how he found out, she should worry about how she’ll explain everything to her son. She can’t just throw you under the bus… Well, she can but it wouldn’t be right for her to do so.
Satoru is sitting down, his hands on his knees as he looks around the room. He contemplates everything. He questions every single relationship that he has. Shoko knew, and his mother, but who else? How many people are betraying him? How many people know the fact that he has a son? 
The man is nauseous at the mere thought that they faced him as if they weren’t hiding something that could turn Satoru’s life upside down. He hears his mother’s heels as she walks towards him but he can’t bring himself to look up at her. He’s never had a close bond with his mother, and at times he’s hated her presence; but nothing compares to now. Satoru has never hated being her son until now. 
“Satoru.” She doesn’t try to soften her voice when she talks to him. She probably should. She feels the hatred that radiates off her son, and she knows that maybe she should console him. She’s mostly at fault for how things played out. “How did you end up here?”
“That’s what you say.” His voice breaks and he takes a deep breath to compose himself. He won’t start crying in front of his mother, she doesn’t have to know how heartbroken he is. She should have an idea though because it’s no easy feat. “You knew about my son, you hid him from me on purpose, you let me find out on my own and your response is that.”
She stays quiet. Satoru will continue speaking and she won’t interrupt until he lets it all out. “I always knew you weren’t a star mother, but this? You’re the worst mother I’ve come across. You hid my son from me, and for what? Because you didn’t want your ideal plans to go to the trash?”
“You’re almost twenty-seven and you act like a child. You wouldn’t have been able to step up to the role. I did what was best for you, and for Ren and his mother.” She argues and he feels his blood boil. He’s never been so mad in his life.
“I wouldn’t have been like you. I wouldn’t have thrown my son to the help and let them raise him. I’m nothing like you, I would’ve been able to step up to the role. Ren would’ve actually felt me being present, and I would’ve loved him as much as I possibly could.” Satoru’s nails dig into the fabric of his pants. “No one is ready to be a parent. You learn along the way. I would’ve and am going to try my best, the same way you should’ve.”
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have your precious job title, Satoru. Watch how you talk to me.” She warns him, ignoring the guilt that runs through her veins. She focuses more on the fact that her son gives her attitude. 
“This is what you wanted! You didn’t tell me because you knew I’d give up everything for him. I knew you were fucked up but to this extent? You’re a wretched woman, I’m ashamed to call you my mother.” Satoru raises his voice, and silence follows. She doesn’t know how to answer. Satoru clears his throat, “For how long have you known? For how long have you known I have a son?”
“Almost a year.” She confesses, and maybe Satoru would’ve easily let it slide if it was something more recent. Well, she hired you for a reason, she’s known for as long as you’ve been working with her. Satoru takes a deep breath, trying his best to hold back the tears that fill up his eyes. 
“Shoko knows. She told me. Who else knows?” He asks, speaking slowly to contain his feelings. She shrugs, she doesn’t know who else knows. 
“I have no idea. I didn’t know Shoko knew.” She responds, walking over to stand next to Satoru. He glares at her, standing up. He can’t stand to breathe the same air as her for another moment. She watches him walk away and she asks, “What are you doing? Now is not the time to throw a tantrum.”
“A tantrum?! You hid my son from me and you’re calling this a tantrum?!” He yells. “You’ve known about my son for a year, you asked for him to be kept from me, and you’re calling this a tantrum? You’re fucking unbelievable. This is all your fault. You’ve been set on making me miserable ever since I was born.”
“Calm down, Satoru.” She says, and Satoru has to take another deep breath. He doesn’t even know how to respond to her. How dare she even suggest that? She must be out of her damn mind– No, she’s evil. He’s convinced she’s fucking evil.
“I’ll never forgive you for this. This is so fucked up, even for you.” Satoru steps out of the room. He needs a breath of fresh air, and he needs to take it all in. Gather his thoughts. 
He’s a father. He’s been one for the past four years. How does he handle it all? His mother betrayed him in the worst possible way. You betrayed him the worst possible way. But Satoru can somewhat understand why you stayed quiet. Not her though. Both reasons are selfish, but her selfishness is pure evil. 
“Satoru.” He hears your mother, and he stops walking. The tears that he’s been holding back finally slip out, and he wipes them away as your mother walks to him. Her hand goes to his arm and she squeezes it as a form of reassurance. “Let’s go grab a coffee, there’s a coffee shop nearby that’s open.”
“Yeah.” He tries to talk normally, and she gently smiles at him. They walk outside and Satoru follows your mother’s lead to the coffee shop. They walk in silence, and when they get there, Satoru pays for coffee for the both of them.
Once the coffee is in their hands, they sit in silence at a table. They came here to talk, yet Satoru is not going to spark up the conversation– At least Satoru assumes that they came here to talk. Your mother clears her throat, “I hope you can forgive my daughter for this… At the very least see her point of view.”
“I’ll try at the very least… I just thought she would try to tell me. I’m disappointed… and feel betrayed.” Satoru confides. He’s always felt like he could talk to your mother, she’s always been someone he can trust. He never went to his own mother for help, instead he went to yours. “I would’ve done anything for Ren, she knows I’ve always wanted to have a kid.”
“I remember the day my little girl called crying, telling me she was pregnant. Her boyfriend just broke up with her and she didn’t know how to tell him. You were out of town, your mother fired me– I told my daughter I quit, but it wasn’t that. Your mother didn’t want me around, she started hating me the moment my daughter started to date you,” Your mother begins and Satoru listens attentively. 
“She tried to tell you, Satoru. You changed your number. You completely cut her off. She went to your house, and guess what your mother said to my pregnant daughter?”
“That I got married.” Satoru mutters, looking away since he’s too ashamed to look her in the eye. 
“And you know the damage that caused? She cried for weeks, but she managed to move on. She couldn’t dwell on you forever because she had a son to be responsible for. Maybe she should’ve told you when she saw you, but I understand she didn’t need you anymore.” 
“I didn’t get married because–” Satoru begins but your mother cuts him off. She doesn’t want to hear any justifications, she really doesn’t see any response that will make her feelings change.
“I don’t care why the hell you got married. I was rooting for you, Satoru. I was rooting for the two of you, but you showed me that you’re just like your selfish entitled family. You made me change my mind, you’re the last person I want near my daughter and my grandson.” Her words sting more than anyone’s because the woman that sits across from him practically raised him. “But I guess I have no other option. You are Ren’s father.”
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs, causing her brows to raise.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” She answers before standing up. Satoru watches as she walks away, biting his quivering bottom lip. He shuts his eyes, trying not to begin crying in front of everyone. 
He’s tired. He should probably go home and take a nap, but he promised his son he’d be there when he wakes up. So he won’t leave until Ren sees him. Satoru stands up and goes back to the hospital.
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You don’t talk to each other when you’re with Ren. Ren is filled with love, from both of his parents and grandmothers. He’s never been with them all at the same time, and he’s excited to be with them all even when he isn’t feeling too well. His father seems to have a lot of questions though, but Ren likes the attention.
Ren gets to talk about his birthday (which surprises Satoru since they have the same birthday), his favorite color, his favorite show, his favorite toys, what he does when mommy is not home, what he does when mommy is home; Satoru tries to get to know all about Ren in a couple hours to make up for the past four years of his life. Satoru is overwhelmed with sadness, yet he’s never felt so happy before as he sits on an armchair, next to his baby boy. Ren holds his father’s hand, smiling when he’s never felt worse before. He’s just happy to meet the man that he’s been asking about.
Satoru spends the entire afternoon there, listening to Ren’s every request. He expected to spend the first day with his son in the hospital but not under these conditions. Regardless, Ren could be a newborn or a four-year-old, Satoru loves him either way. 
Ren yawns, and Satoru sheepishly smiles. He kisses the top of his son’s head. “How about you go to bed, buddy? You’re tired.”
“I don’t want you to go.” Ren says, and Satoru squeezes his hand. You swear you hear your heart break as you hear Ren’s words. You definitely fucked up.
“I’m not leaving, Ren. I’ll be by your side when you wake up, I promise.” Satoru assures him, and the man stays by his side until Ren finally falls asleep. Satoru doesn’t let go of Ren’s hand. You sit in silence for a moment as you try to decide what you’ll do next. Should you speak? Maybe you should… But what should you say? Maybe you should apologize, but you don’t have the guts to do it. 
“Who else knows?” Satoru whispers, not wanting to wake Ren up. He doubts that Ren will be waking up any time soon though, no matter how loud he is.
“Shoko and Suguru. And everyone that works at your house.” You answer. “I asked them not to tell, and I lied to Suguru so don’t be mad at them.”
“Did you… At least try to argue with my mother about telling me?” He hopes that you’ll say yes, so at the very least he can feel like you care about his feelings. He wants to hear that you tried a bit more. He’s filled with disappointment when you shake your head. He looks away from you, and back at Ren.
“How are you going to tell your wife?” You ask, and Satoru shrugs. That isn’t his main problem right now. Sayo can wait.
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nieceeee · 1 year
smutty toxic baby daddy eren please !!!!!!!!!!!
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P/C: You and Eren aren’t together. You have the right to date other people. But what happens when you actually use that right….
WC: 5.6k
A/N: okay…this one got a liiiittle bit nasty but hopefully I did it justice. It took a minute to get in the zone.
Minors DNI, smut, daddy kink, praise kink, unprotected sex, spanking, oral sex (mrecieving) if I miss any lmk. Just some nasty stuff😂
Tag list: @iloveblogging2
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“Y/N!” You heard the familiar voice call behind you, sending a chill down your spine. Damn it you thought to yourself. How the hell did he even find you? You turned slowly to see your baby daddy storming up to you, nostrils flaring in anger. “Rennie.” you breath out trying to get his attention but his eyes are on the man standing next to you. His fists ball at his sides and you can see the clench in his jaw, the muscles working overtime. “Eren. Eren, you need to calm down.” you whisper, laying your hands against his hardened chest. You felt the racing of his heartbeat under the rapid rise and fall of his chest. “Looks like somebody can’t take what they dish out.” Jean’s voice teased from behind you. You roll your eyes and groan internally. Eren’s face shifted to calm as he cut his eyes down at you. “Let’s. Go.” he says, his voice coated in ice. You feel the shiver run through your veins as you give a quick nod and walk over to the bench and grab your things.
“So you just get to come and pull her away from her friends Ren?” Jean challenged. Eren stayed quiet, the muscles in his jaw clenching together. “I mean It isn’t like she is yours anyway.” Jean pushes as he shrugs his shoulders and receives a few chuckles from his friends. At that Eren’s eyes snap back to him, “What?” Eren says, eyes narrowing in and his brows furrowing together. You work quickly to stuff your things into your bag to get back over to them and control the situation. “Y/n, are you okay?” you hear your friend Mikasa call as you toss your phone and keys. You don’t answer, you heartbeat racing as you zip your bag and jog back to where the commotion was.
Anger had Eren in a vice grip, his pulse racing as he clenched and unclenched his fists. “You heard what I said.” Jean smirks at him. “I heard you. I just wanted to see if you were dumb enough to say that shit again.” Eren responds calmly. “Ren.” you say again, your voice begging him. “What did I say do, y/n?” he asks. His green eyes burned with authority. You know there is no stopping him so you silently step forward, pressing your chest into his. Jean scoffs in the background, “Awe, your girl gotta protect you Ren?” “Yeah, keep talking Jean. See what happens.” Eren says. He was trying to keep his composure but he couldn’t help it. He had found out. How? You had no clue but he definitely had found out, you could tell by the way he was reacting to you. “Eren.” you push into him again. He frowns, looking down at you. “Not here.” you say softly. People were starting to look over, whispering about the commotion.
Eren reeled his anger back in. “My car. Now.” He says to you. You intertwine your fingers with his, wrapping them tightly as you tug him towards the parking lot. One thing about Eren, was that he was protective. Especially about you. Anyone who knew him was aware of that. Jean was aware of that and unfortunately for him he didn't know when to shut the fuck up. You needed to get Eren away before any of that anger was unleashed. You pull him by his hand back towards your group of friends who were waiting near the parking lot. “Yeah that's what I thought. That's the reason she needed someone else anyway. Clearly you can't do shit for her.” Jean called out. Eren stilled completely. Fuck you thought to yourself. “Y/n.” He said. You sigh heavily as you loosen your grip on his hand. He turns, tossing his bag to Armin who had walked up to meet you. You watch as he walks forward to where Jean was standing with his friends, a dumb smirk plastered on his face. In a blink, Eren’s fist collided with Jean’s face. “Shit.” Connie and Armin said in unison as they raced across the court. Eren pushed forward, colliding his balled fist into Jean’s stomach. He slumped and hit the ground. Eren cocked back to swing again but his arm was caught. “Bro, come on. You made your point. We got to go!” His friends called out. soft sirens were wailing across town, no doubt headed this way.
They pulled him off of Jean and walked back towards you, your chest rising and falling rapidly. “Rennie.” You start. “Let’s go.” he cuts you off, throwing his arm around your shoulders and leading you to his car. “My car is over there.” you say to him. He walks around and opens the passenger side door, daring you to oppose him. “I hate it when you do this.” you roll your eyes but you get inside the car and click your seatbelt on. Eren slides in and starts the engine. The ride home was dangerously quiet, his anger still rolled off of him in waves. You look out the window, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth in nervousness. Eren was a different person when he was angry. You knew that bottled up aggression would eventually explode and you had a good feeling on what he was going to do to release it.
He pulled into the driveway of his apartment and got out, walking around to open your door. You step out on shaky legs and follow him inside. He hadn’t said anything since you both left the park. Once you stepped in the doorway, he was standing in front of you arms crossed. “Rennie…” you ask but he tilts his head towards the bedroom door. You get that familiar ball of energy in your stomach as you walk down the hall to his room. His presence behind you is like a shadow, fearful and anticipating. You quicken your pace slightly as a low chuckle follows behind you. Once inside the bedroom, you waste no time climbing in the middle of the King sized mattress, sitting crisscrossed and waiting for him to speak.
After a few heavy moments of silence he breaks it, “Is it true?” his voice carries over to you. You felt your chest drop to your stomach. “Eren.” you start. “Don't lie to me, y/n.” His anger palpable. “I- I’m not.” you whisper. “Did you or did you not fuck him?'' His voice was eerily steady. “Eren does it fucking matter? Seriously, I don't question you about the bitches you fuck when we arent talking or your girlfriend. Did you forget about her?” you say titled your head at him. “I don't understand why it's a fucking issue.” you groan. “First off, I’m not with her right now. We are…”’ he paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath. “We are on a break, okay.” he shrugged. “And for two, It's not about other people. It’s THAT one that I have a problem with.” he said, raising his voice again. “Eren. We are not together so I don't understand why you’re so pissed off about this.” you breath out. “Answer the question,” he demanded. “Yes, E. I fucked him okay. Yes, I used protection. Yes, it was one time.” you let out. Eren stilled in front of you again, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes narrowed at me. “E…” you start.
His eyes glossed over, thoughts going primal at the idea of another man pleasing you. At the image of his name falling from your lips as he worked his way inside of you. “Eren…” you say again. His eyes were staring directly into you and that familiar pulsing drummed between your legs. You shouldn’t feel like this at seeing him angry but it always did something to you. You opened your mouth to speak again but he cut your sentence off, “Don’t.” He demanded, walking closer to the bed. “Rules, Don’t speak until you’re spoken to.” He says as he slowly begins to undress. You feel your energy spiking as you watch his hands move the cotton fabric over his head. “Don’t address me by anything other than my title. Do you need a reminder of what those are?” He asked, his voice raspy and thick with lust. “N-no..” you reply breathless. “No?” He lifted his brow at me. “No sir.” He hummed his approval as he walked closer to the bed, tossing his shirt to the side. “Er- Sir?” You speak . “Yes babydoll.” The nickname rolled off his tongue. “I’m sorry.” You whimper softly. “No, you’re not. Not yet. But you will be in the next 15 minutes. Now…” he started standing up straight and raising his chin up. “On your knees.” You slide off the bed onto shaking legs, your toes press down into the soft carpet underneath you. You let out a slow breath and turn to him.
Eren watches as you lower yourself to your knees in front of him. Your heart is beating in your ears as his emerald irises stare down at you. “Last rule. The only words I want to hear from you other than you begging for mercy are fuck, shit, yes and more. If you speak out of turn then you deal with the consequences. Do I make myself clear?” He said. You tremble at the command in his voice and slowly nod your head. He smirked down at me, “Good girl. Now be a good little doll and open your mouth for me.” His voice wraps around your head and trails down your spine causing you to straighten up as you part your lips and wait for your next instruction. The air between the two of you is charged as you sit, your center pulsing gently as you anticipate what he is going to do with you.
As toxic as it may seem, you loved the way he used you when he was angry. The way he would torture your body with pleasure over and over again until you were a drooling mess. How sore you would be the next morning as you look over the gentle bruises against your soft skin from his tightened grip as you tried to escape the overstimulation. It has been so long since you got to experience this side of him, way before he had found out about the baby and before that day in the mall. Your mind tried to pull up those memories but you forced them away. Now wasn't the place for that. Now was simply about sex and the aching feeling that was growing between your legs as you stared at the crotch of his pants, the thick bulge straining against the fabric of his underwear. Your fingers itched to touch him but you knew what would happen if you disobeyed the rules. You wouldn't do it, not right now.
So you waited like the good girl you were until he made his next move. “You like what you see babydoll?” He asked, brow hitched and head tilted to the side in amusement. “Yes sir.” You squeak out. A chuckle comes from his chest. “Yeah, I know. You’ve been thinking about this dick huh?” He asks you. You take a small intake of breath at his words, the deep vibrato coated with his anger and arousal. “I know. My sweet little babydoll has been dreaming about how good this dick does her. I bet when you fucked him, you could only think about me. About the way you pussy squeezed my dick as I fucked you, right?” He teases you. “Y-yes sir.” You repeat, the need building in your body. Eren works his boxers down and you hiss as his glorious length springs out from underneath the fabric. Blood rushing down in his body has him standing at attention in front of you. You take it in. The creamy smooth skin with thick veins running in different patterns all the way up to the wide head that is swollen pink and oozing with beads of his precum. It was right at your lips. You could easily slip your tongue out and let the saltiness tease your buds. Your mouth started to water with anticipation at the familiarity of it all. Your resolve was wavering with each passing second.
“Damn babydoll you drooling already and we haven’t even started yet. You’re so fucking horny for me. I know if I reach down and touch that pussy, you’ll be dripping all down my fucking hand.” He growled down at you. “It’s okay. Daddy’s going to give you just what you want.” His hands come down to grip his dick as he strokes himself softly. More of his cum leaks out and your breath quickens as he brings his tip to your mouth, smearing his mess against your lips. You release a light moan as he pushes past your lips and into the warmth of your mouth. Eren takes a sharp intake of breath to keep his eyes from rolling to the back of his head. You weren’t the only one who missed this. He takes another second, stilling himself to gain control. He wouldn’t let you off the hook that easy.
You suckle on as much as he allows you, savoring in the flavor of him. “You want some more huh? You want more of daddy’s dick down your throat. Or you still thinking about him?” He grumbled. You plead against him, leaning forward to take more of his dick between your lips. Your pleas sound more like gurgling in the back of your throat. “Maybe I shouldn’t even let you taste this dick since you can't fucking seem to keep what’s belongs to me to me. You like giving away my things babydoll?” Eren asks, increasing the speed of his strokes. You give a gentle head shake as you look up at him, hoping your pleas show through your widened eyes and the way your tongue desperately swirls against his tip.
He starts slowing, inching himself further towards your throat and you gladly accept all of him. You won’t admit how much you’d been craving him. Since that night at your house, you both had been distant from each other. He rarely stared over longer than he should and you knew something was off but he wouldn’t speak on it. You both had given each other space but you still had needs. So the one night you got some free time while your son was with his dad, you decided to let loose as a mama. Your friends had you out and about and somehow by the end of the night, you ended up in the bed with Jean. You remember everything. The drinking, sloppy kisses, and pisspoor sex. It only made you irritated that you wasted your time as you made your way back to Eren to pick up your son that Sunday afternoon.
Eren knew something had happened. He knew you better than anyone. So when you kept avoiding his gaze and being short with him, he realized that something had happened. And when he found out he was pissed. Did he have the right to be? No, of course not. He had no claim over you. You were single and had every right to be with who you wanted. I mean, he had been with someone, emphasis on ‘had been’. But that night when he laid down and his mind was plagued with the thought of you calling another man's name. Another name pushing into your juicy walls and he massages the softness of your hips. He didn't sleep for a week because he was haunted by that image. And when he pulled up to the park and saw you standing next to him, all common sense flew out the damn window. All he could see were those images and red. His anger got the best of him as he stormed up to you both and it was his anger leading you both to this moment here.
Where he looks down at you on your knees, his dick halfway in your mouth. He watches as you suck on him, desperate to please him. He knows you didn't mean anything by fucking Jean but his anger didn't care. His fingers come up and rub into your scalp, causing you to release a moan against him. “Fuck y/n.” He lets out. Eren tries to think of a comeback but you slurp at him and cause his brain to blank for a moment. Your juicy lips wrap around his girth as you suck him deeper into your mouth. Your tongue slides against the bottom of his dick as you pull your head back before taking him in again. He feels himself wanting to give in to you. To take you and stroke you slow and whisper sweet nothings to you like he loves so much. But he can’t cater to you right now. Now, you need to remember exactly who you belong to.
Eren fucks your mouth, holding your head still as he pushes his dick to the back of your throat. You gag slightly but take a deep breath through your nose and focus on breathing as his thickness continues to push towards the back of your throat. Slob spills out the corners of your lips and your eyes water but you remain still, allowing him to abuse your face how he sees fit. Eren feels himself coming closer to an orgasm. He feels the way your throat contracts slightly against him but you won’t give up. You are his good girl for a reason. “Fuck, you’re doing so good babydoll.” He grunts, the head of his dick pushing deeper into the back of your throat. He knows he is supposed to be punishing you but he can't help but give you some praise. He wouldn't be him if he didn't. Beads of sweat drip down Eren’s forehead and he holds the sides of your face, his strokes getting sloppier and more aggressive. He is so fucking close and you both know it. His eyes screw shut as he pants above you. You wanted to see him, needed to see the way his eyes glossed over when he came. That familiar soft blinking as his lips part slightly, a small ‘o’ forming on his lips as his body convulses slightly when his nut spills down your throat.
Your nails dig into your legs as you resist the urge to reach out and pull him closer, forcing him to look you in your eyes. “Fuck babydoll ‘m gone…” he groans. Eren feels the tingle of his impending orgasm. You anticipate it, hoping to feel his cum drip down your throat and you get just what you want. He jerks slightly as a ‘fuck’ falls from his lips, he spurts into your mouth, the warm thick cream filling your jaw as his saltiness washes over your taste buds. He swiped his thumbs underneath your eyes, collecting the smeared makeup and running mascara against his fingertip. You look up at him still on your knees. Lips swollen and red, his cum still sitting in the curve of your tongue. “Swallow.” Eren demands. He watches the movement of your throat as you savor him. You still kneel in front of him, heart racing and the juices from your pussy running down your inner thighs from the excitement of pleasing him. You didn't have to look to know your panties were soaking wet.
Eren hitches his head, commanding you to stand. Your knees are slightly red and small indents are in the fluff of your carpet as you rise from the position you are in. He watches as you walk to the bed, assuming his favorite and familiar position. You climb towards the middle of your mattress and turn to face the headboard. Your cheek hits the pillow as you arch your ass up into the air and wait. You feel the weight shift in the bed as Eren’s warm body comes up next to you. “Now babydoll, you care to explain to me why I had to find out you were fucking that lame?’ He questions you. “Re-..” you start but are cut off by his thick hand coming down hard on your ass. The cool air brushes against the stinging sensation as you groan into the comforter. “Rule number one…” He brings his hand down again in the same spot but slightly harder. Your pussy clenches at the pain as you feel your juices leaking out. “Look at your pussy fucking dripping. You like this shit, huh? You like making daddy mad so I can teach you a lesson, right?” He asks, dragging his fingers from your clit and back around to your opening, smearing your wetness all over your pussy and your ass.
“Yes sir.” You breath out. “Yeah, I know you do. That’s why you did that bullshit.” He slightly pouts at you. You know that wasn't the reason. The night with Jean was honestly a random one and anyone who was there would’ve known that. But there was no way in hell you would say that right now. Not while he was like this. So you kept your mouth shut as Eren rubbed lazy circles on your pussy. “Yeah. You did that. But you’re about to wish you never let him touch you.” He says before removing his hand and moving around you. You feel one hand grip your side as the other runs over your spine, leaving a trail of chills in it's place. He doesn’t warn you. Eren slips his dick all the way inside of you, spreading your walls wide with his thickness. “Fuck.” You gasp softly and clench, unintentionally leaning forward at the feeling.
You had fucked him plenty of times before but it was never enough to get use to his size. Eren was long, yes but it was the girthiness of his dick that always had your toes curling and essentially what had you letting him nut inside of you before, hence the reason he was your baby daddy to begin with. “Damn, you running already. I haven’t even fucked you yet.” He laughed sadistically. He grips both your hips and slams you back against him until his dick was sheathed deep into your core. “FUCK” you cry out as your fingers grip the cover underneath you, your toes curling into tight balls. “Yeah, that’s more like it.”Eren grunts in your ear as he holds you in place. His dick pulses between your legs as your walls release and contract against him. “You like taking dick so much, let's see how well you do with this.”
Eren is pissed. You can tell in every action he takes. He has your hips in a vice grip as he rams into you, his tip hitting that overly sensitive spot in you that makes you shiver. He fucks every ounce of frustration he has into you. Your pussy swells at the roughness but you love the sensation. “That’s right. Take daddy’s dick like a good girl.” He grunts. He pounds into you without remorse, the thoughts of you crying out to another man like you were doing now only making him push harder. “Yes daddy, so good.” Your words slur together, as he fucks your senses from you, drool slightly dripping from your lips and your eyes roll back. You couldn’t think, you could only feel the sensation of him. Eren shifts your hips back slightly, arching you pass your limits and continues to pump into you. You feel his tip brush against your cervix and you let out a yelp and your hands shoot back to press against his chest. He slaps your wrists and continues to fuck you. You’re panting underneath him trying your best not to squirm but the intensity is getting stronger. You cry out Eren’s name and you cum all over his dick but he doesn’t stop.
He continues to pump into you. The sounds of your wetness getting louder with every stroke he makes. Eren was going to fuck you until you couldn’t move. Because then you wouldn't be able to go to another man, let alone think about one. He was going to try and break you. Just the way you like him to and only him. That possessive thought puts a smile on his face and gives him another energy boost.
Once again your hands reach around and press against him to try and offer yourself some sort of relief. “Oh My God Rennie.” You call out, tears streaming down your face. “God can’t save you now princess. Now move your fucking hands and take this shit.” He growled. You feel him pushing harder as if he was trying to break through you, your walls squeeze around his dick. You can't help that you slide forward but Eren notices. “Oh you still running? Bet.” He takes both of your hands into one of his and locks them snug behind your back. Then he lifts one of his legs and presses it into the bed and fucks you into the mattress. “I bet he didn’t make you run like this. Nobody fucks this pussy like I do.” He mumbles with each stroke.
Your body starts to tremble and you feel your thighs giving out. You slide down onto the bed, your stomach dropping into the mattress but it doesn’t stop him. He lowers his leg and changes positions, slipping both of his legs between yours to spread your pussy as you rest in missionary position. He fucks you deep until you're creaming on his dick again. “Yeah, give me my shit.” He says as he drives into you. Your body loves the way he is treating you as you reach your second climax. You need to take a second to try and catch your breath but Eren doesn’t give you anytime to breath. He slips out for a moment and grips your leg, flipping you on your back. Eren grips your calves and presses your legs back, sliding his hand down to curve of your knees as he pushes them close to your ears. He slips his dick back into you with ease and begins to thrust his hips forward, fucking your walls as he spreads your thighs wider.
“Ren... I can’t please. Please, it's too much.” You scream out. “You don’t fucking say you can’t around me.” He says as he grips your throat and squeezes softly. The familiar butterflies form in your stomach. “You’re my good girl right? You don't give up on daddy, right?” He encourages you. Eren refuses to let up, his anger not being satiated. He needs more of you. All of you. And he wasn't stopping until he was for sure it was all his. “This is my pussy. Only mine. Do you understand me babydoll” his deep voice commands you. He releases your neck and spreads your legs wider “Yes.” You let out, your body starting to shake. “Yes who?” He asks. “Yes sir.” You cry literal tears. “Nah, I want you to tell me babydoll. Tell me it's mine.” he says, a light begging coating his words. He needed to hear you say it. Eren knows that although he was on top, you were the one who was controlling him. It was an irrational fear toying with his mind but still he couldn’t stop until he heard it fall from your lips. “It’s yours daddy. This pussy is yours. All yours.” you give him exactly what he wants, the truth. You both knew it. Eren lets a growl rip from him chest and he fucks you as deep as you can take it. Your thighs burn from being stretched back so far but you disregard it.
“Good fucking girl. Now show daddy how much you love this dick.” Eren says, his anger slowly starting to fade and that familiar longing in his chest taking it's place. Repositioning himself he grinds into your pussy slowing his speed but pushing deeper into your stomach. You feel yourself teetering over the edge again. You moan loudly. “Yeah that’s my girl. Talk to me babydoll.” He caresses, grabbing your chin and making you look him in the eyes. “Daddy, I’m going to cum please.” You call out. You feel the heavy wave of liquid rushing down to your core. You knew what was coming next. “Give it to me baby. Let me have it.” Eren takes his time with each stroke but makes sure that he pushes into the top of your pussy, right where that spot was. “Fuck!” You scream out over and over as your orgasm ripples through your body like a tidal wave, splashing against your thighs and Eren’s chest. Eren reaches down and rapidly rubs against your clit, making sure that you release everything and creating a bigger mess in the process. “That’s my girl, fuck I'm going to cum in you babydoll.” He groans as you feel the warmth of his nut coat your insides as you continue to squirt your wetness onto him.
Thankfully you got on birth control after your son was born…
You’re lightheaded and drunk on lust by the time you come down. His strokes slow to a halt. You both sit there for a moment. Eren’s dick still pulsing inside of you and he holds your trembling legs. He slips out of you, both of your juices spilling onto the mattress. Eren hovers over you, his breathing leveling out and his heart rate slows back down to it's regular pace. Your nerves start to get the best of you once your mind clears. You both stare at each other for a while, unsure of exactly where to go from here. “E-…” you start. “Don’t.” He interrupted. He sits back onto his knees in the bed. “Come here.” He says. You pause at first unsure of your next move. He waits patiently. “Please, y/n.” He says softly. You lift your body and slowly shuffle closer to him.
Eren pulls you into his arms by your waist. You allow him to wrap you up in his arms. He holds you close, dropping his head into your neck and inhaling your scent. You allow him the time he needs, feeding into his love language. You gently stroke your fingers from his soft hair and down his back, the tips of nails edging against his spine. He hums his thanks into your skin before planting soft kisses on you. Finally pulling back from you, he lets out a breath. “You okay now?” You ask him looking up into his eyes. He leans down and presses his lips against your temple. “I’m sorry.” He lets out. “Fuck, I- I overreacted. I just saw you standing there with him and I had just heard about you two. I-…” he fumbles over his words trying to explain himself. “Were you jealous Rennie?” You tease. “Fuck yes.” He growled at you, nipping at your bottom lip.
He knew he had no right to be. He knew he had no claim on you. But that didn't mean you weren’t his. He couldn’t help himself around you. You grab his face and turn his eyes to meet yours. “Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask softly. “I will be.” He responds. He takes the time to look over your body at the mess he made. The dried cum on your inner thigh to the bruises on your hips. His fingers slide over them gently. “Hurt?” He asks. “Not too bad.” You shrug. He nods slightly, his brows furrowing in confusion. “Rennie, you’re being a dad.” You fuss. “I am your daddy.” He smirks. “You know what I mean.” You roll your eyes and playfully smack his shoulder. “Speaking of being a dad. Is he okay?” He asks. “Yeah, he’s with my parents for the week. Being spoiled rotten.” You giggle. Eren smiles to himself. That warmth spreads through him again as he sits with you in his lap, watching the way your eyes light up when your talk about the child you share.
“Okay, well let's get you cleaned up and fed, yeah?” He says sweetly. You nod and allow him to cater to you. He wraps your legs around his waist and scoots off the bed. “Shoot let me text my mom too. Just to check in.” you say. He sits you down on your feet, making sure you are steady before going to the bathroom to run you some water. You search around for your phone and spot it on the bed tangled in the sheets. “Damn it, this isn't mine.” you say flipping the phone over and looking at the screen you smile to yourself as his lock screen comes into view. The picture of the three of you the day c/n was born pops up. You rub against the screen at the picture, but the phone opens up for you. “You still have my face in your pho-...” you start to tease but your words get caught in your throat. “You were saying something babydoll?” he asks as he walks out. You turn to Eren, your eyes wide with nerves and anxiety pulsing through your veins. “Rennie” you whisper softly. He hears the concern in your voice and comes to check on you, hands reaching out to your waist. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you too bad?” He questioned. You shake your head slightly. Your wrist turns and shows him the screen and his face pales slightly. “Fuck.” He whispers.
On the screen was an ongoing call. Your heartbeat out of your ears as you stared at her name. The phone timer is at 20 minutes and counting. Your hand shakes as you both stare down in silence before the call ends. Your eyes met his and an uneasy wave washed over you both. She heard everything…
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mosaickiwi · 1 month
Hi again! Hope you've been doing okay!
First off I just wanna say that you always deliver, I mean "Fall Unto Me"?? Four part+an epilogue of me being torn between wanting to baul my eyes out and wanting to melt into a puddle from the feels :')
But as for the request, could I ask for Angel and [REDACTED] redecorating his appartment? Getting rid of the gaudy furniture once and for all!
Don't forget to drink water and take breaks whenever you need to! My brain is also 105% filled with this skrunkly but the trick is to keep two neurons in a cell reserved for this >:] /silly
HEHE I’ve been ok! Hope you are too!! <3 thank u for appreciating my (deranged) brainrotting fic c: the suffering is my favorite part. I’m drinking lots of water cause summer hates my ass. 💖 Also sorry this is long I am clearly not winning at the "be normal" challenge.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
“This one?”
The dark haired man peered at the laptop in your hands for a long moment. “It's… nice.”
“Yes…? You called the last three couches nice, too. Any other thoughts?” You gently goaded your partner.
Choosing new furniture with [REDACTED] was supposed to be easy. You'd pick something, and he'd agree. Except you wanted it to feel like home for both of you. He didn't have to say the mushy, obvious line: as long as you were there, it was home. So progress was challenging with some things. You were sitting together on the current couch—the ugly, lifeless one that came with his apartment for some reason. 
His brow crinkled as he searched for different words. Those soft blue eyes went back and forth across the screen until he said, “It’s cozy yet functional.”
“Did you just summarize the description to me?”
He confessed to the crime with a sigh. “Angel, all I think when I look at it is you. And how cute you'd look sitting on it. Like y’do right now.”
“I'm always cute. Focus on the couch, please. Not me,” you insisted.
“No promises.”
“Let's see…” You had to find some way to get through to them. An idea came to mind that you knew he wouldn't like very much, but you had to try. “Pretend we're not dating. Or maybe I don't exist? You come home—don't make that face! I said pretend—so, you come home after a very terrible day and you see this couch. Is it nice then?”
[REDACTED] still made that face as he answered you. “Annoying as fuck to clean.”
It was progress. You didn't want to dwell on why that would be what they thought about after getting home. “Did the first one I showed you seem annoying to clean?”
“Mm... a bit.” They reached forward to change the webpage back for another look. “Y’never showed me these.” 
You leaned over to see what he was talking about. There were a few humongous bean bag chairs on the furniture wish list you’d made. “I just thought they looked fun to take a nap in. But I’m not sure we’d both fit, so it’d be silly," you explained and tapped the mouse to continue skimming through your other selections. “We can think about the couch later. I found some wall art that doesn’t look like it came from a dentist’s office.”
His eyes carefully followed the scrolling page until the bean bags disappeared at the bottom of the screen, but he didn’t protest.
The new furniture had arrived—and been efficiently assembled by your boyfriend, despite your protest—while you were at the library, so you were excited to get home. [REDACTED] held one hand over your eyes as he unlocked the apartment’s door.
“I already know what all the furniture looks like, Ren.” Even so, you didn’t wave their hand away.
You could hear the door click as he guided you into the foyer. “I may have added a few extra things,” he hummed while you blindly struggled and failed to take off your shoes. “Actually… close your eyes f’me.”
“O—kayy?!” Just as you closed your eyes the floor slipped away under you, replaced by familiar arms cradling you to their chest. His quiet footsteps barely echoed against the marble as you got your wits about you. The living room wasn’t that far, so you were certain where he took you without seeing anything. You just didn’t know where exactly in the room.
They turned and came to a stop, rooted in place for a moment as if thinking to themself. “Y’gonna scream if I drop you?” 
“...Yes. Maybe.”
Without another word he let go. There wasn’t enough time to scream as you immediately landed against plush fabric with the faint crinkle of something below it. The fabric crinkled some more as you felt your shoes being taken off.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked. You could already tell what one of the ‘extra things’ was. It felt like heaven.
“Sure, love.” Their voice was a little farther away than you expected. Probably from hurrying to put your shoes in the closet.
You found yourself nestled on one side of the room, with a perfect view of his handiwork.
A couch that was easy to clean, in a color you insisted he decide on, draped with a luxurious looking blanket that wasn’t in your list. A coffee table with rounded corners so they wouldn’t keep hitting their leg on it. Some wall art of Attack on Giants—with extra pieces from a show you sort of recognized, but definitely suited the man's tastes. A few shelves to show off merchandise from another of your favorites. And the enormous, navy blue bean bag he’d so rudely dropped you in moments ago.
Your darling hacker stepped in from the foyer and tossed their hoodie onto the new couch. “Everything good?” he asked, piercings pulling up in a smile.
“I think I love it.” Your eyes scanned the room again and eventually landed on the pictures. “And I love that you added your own stuff.” It didn’t seem to be a clone of your apartment that he just happened to live in, like you worried about. “What about you?”
“S’better than before. ‘Course, the best part is that I don’t have t’see some shitty couch when I open the door—I get to come home to you, trapped in a bean bag.” He stood up and walked over, eyeing you playfully from above. “Comfortable?”
You nodded, then immediately yelped when he fell forwards. Just before you were squished, he caught himself on tattooed arms, caging you in the crinkly, soft material. You only felt some of their weight on you like a heavy blanket. A soft laugh slipped past your lips as he got comfortable himself, clinging to you as best he could while you both sank further into the depths of the bean bag. It’d be impossible to get out.
You wiggled your legs, straining to even find the damn floor. No doubt a futile effort, you had to sigh, “At least we both fit on it."
[REDACTED] didn’t speak, already yawning from the exhaustion of setting everything up before meeting you at work. The walk to and from the library certainly didn’t do him any favors, either. In a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep in what surely felt akin to a nest, all four lanky limbs wrapped around you like a snake.
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howi99 · 6 months
Jaune: *drinking coffee from a thermos* God my head is killing me these days...
Ren: ...
Ruby: Well, if you didn't drink that much coffee and actually sleep, maybe you'd feel better?
Jaune: *eyes flickers* Mis- i mean Ruby, my consumption of coffee doesn't impair my faculty whatsoever. In fact, i can taste that someone switched my favorite brand with decaf. You wouldn't know anything about it would you?
Ruby: *gasp* Slanderous! I would never!
Nora: *smiling* She totally did.
Ruby: Traitor!
Ren: ... Hey Jaune? Can i talk to you for a minute?
Jaune: *eyes flickering back* Yeah sure, wassup?
Ren: Alone, if you don't mind.
Jaune: *shrug* Aight.
Ren: Jaune... You are acting weirdly lately.
Jaune: How so?
Ren: Jaune, for god sake you never drunk coffee before! You switch your attitude on a dime and yesterday when we fought grimm, you were acting like you were some sort of seasoned huntsman.
Jaune: ... Maybe Pyrrha's training is finally getting along?
Ren: Jaune, stop taking me for an idiot.
Jaune: *getting frustrated* I don't know Ren! I honestly don't fucking know, ok!? It's like... I am co-piloting my own body. Not all the time, but it happens a lot when I'm stressed or in danger.
Ren: *thinking* You think it could be your semblance?
Jaune: Maybe? *Sigh* Sometime, i feel like i have information i shouldn't have. I believe Ruby's uncle might know something but..
Ren: Yeah, he had to go see general Ironwood and was sent on a mission...
???: ...ry. ....so..y.
Jaune: ? (A voice?)
???: Ne... mo... Time.
Ren: Jaune? You there?
Jaune: Sorry, i was distracted... *Scratch the back of his head* I might not have an answer for what is happening yet, but Lionheart might know something?
Ren: Why would he?
Jaune: I mean, he is a headmaster, can't hurt to ask him? We are planning to ask him about Cinder anyway.
Ren: ... Fine. But don't strain yourself, ok?
Jaune: I won't. (I really need to ask someone about that voice... And why i find it familiar)
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r3starttt · 8 months
Hi Ren I absolutely luv luv your work!!!
I wanted to make a request on Ellie with a Mexican girlfriend yk ? Like a little blurb or head cannons or even a small one shot if possible 🥹🥹🥹 it would really make my day !!! It could be sfw or nsfw
Thank you very much!
Mwah besos !!! 🩷🧸
ellie x mexican r!
a/n: lysm!!! besos 🩷 I’ve been wanting to write something about this for soooo long so I really appreciated this request
Warnings: none
Tumblr media
Since she met you there was no day were she didn’t try to learn a new word in Spanish or ask you to teach her.
Her favorite words are the ones to curse of course.Those are also the ones she pronounces better.
She also shows a lot of interest in your culture. The food, the traditions, the clothes. She loves asking you about it because she knows you’re gonna tell her every detail.
And god, she absolutely adores the way your face lightens whenever you talk about Mexico. She looks at you with the must pretty puppy eyes ever.
“How do you say pretty in spanish?” “bonito” “You’re fucking boni-“ “Wait! Then it’s bonita, Im bonita” she nodded “extremely fucking Bonita” her pronunciation sucked so much but god, how bonita she was too.
She likes to celebrate all special dates in your way and learn about how is life like in Mexico. She’d always ask you to tell her about your experiences there when Ellie she can’t sleep.
“There’s no prom in Mexico?” she stopped the movie you two were watching, in complete shock. You shook your head “There’s something like that but it’s not really like prom”
She’s absolutely convinced Mexican food is the best food ever and gets confused at how the flavor changes even though it’s basically the same ingredients just in a different presentation.
“Aren’t tacos the same as these?” she pointed to the plate you’d just served her, they were enchiladas and it was the first time trying them “good point, I’ve never thought about it” you two stated at the plate, in silence “tacos have more verity though, and these have lots of sauce so, I guess they’re kinda similar but not really the same”
She just shrugged, already with food in her mouth. Once you took a bite too you could hear a hum, she had definitely liked them.
She can’t really choose what her favorite food is. However she really likes pozole and enchiladas of course, tacos too but she says it’s a basic answer. And even though most of the times food isn’t necessarily spicy she struggles sometimes because it’s too much for her.
She also finds it funny how your family calls her “güera” and insist that you teach her how to pronounce it properly.
At first she thought it was an insult and felt very awkward whenever she’d had to visit them but once she understood the meaning she found it cute.
“Babe, I’ve got a surprise for you” you murmur softly on her ear
You’ve been planning a trip to Mexico with your family since some months ago but didn’t want to tell her until if was official.
She groaned, still too sleepy to even understand what you were saying.
“Come on el, it’s also too late for you to keep sleeping” you rubbed her back, gently. Giving it some pats too.
She rubbed her eyes and sat on the bed. Half leaded eyes, plump lips, rosy cheeks and messy hair tied in a small ponytail. How pretty.
“We’re going to Mexico” her eyes sudden opened wide. She stared at you in pure confusion “Are you for real? When?” you nodded “Next month so… in two weeks or so. You excited?”
She didn’t respond. Instead she grabbed your face with her warm hands, pulling you closer to her and kissing every inch of your face. You giggled.
“I’m gonna eat like crazy” kiss “and I’m gonna spend all my money” kiss “and we’re going everywhere” kiss “and I’m gonna insult everybody” kiss
You slapped her shoulder softly, she let out a loud ‘owww’ and the kisses stopped
“Actually no, you cannot do that. Don’t even think about it” she rolled her eyes “I’m serious”
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life-winners-liveblog · 8 months
Watching Last Life- session 7
Part 1
Scott: Ok is everyone ready to start the session?
Grian: Yeah... I think so?
Pearl: Sure thing mate.
Martyn: I guess? Not anymore less ready then the previous times?
Scar: Absolutely my friend!
Scott: That's Good! Well then.
Grian: You know, blocking out traps until your allies know about them is smart.
Scar: It really is!
Scott: Oh thanks guys!
Martyn: Eugh.
Martyn: Ok idea, next time why don't you find the materials for the trap before trying to make it?
Pearl: Bold words for someone who doesn't know how to do math...or to count...
Martyn: What!? What are you talking about? I can-
Pearl: What's 13+27?
Martyn: That's easy It's 30!
Pearl: Easy...right, right...Are you sure of your answer mate?
Martyn: Wait... oh...no...It's 40 isn't it?...shit.
Scar: She got you there mr. littlewood!
Grian: Last Life Pearl needs powered rails to defend herself?
Pearl: Makes total sense to me G!
Grian: ...how do powered rails...help do that? After all she said that she didn't plan on making a trap...
Martyn: Did...did you get hit in the head recently Grian? She is clearly L Y I N G.
Scar: A lion!?
Martyn: What? ...No.
Grian: Oh you had the same problem I had.
Scott: That being?
Grian: Explosions not powerful enough...that always sucks.
Martyn: Biggest L ever.
Scar: Oh is it really the biggest? Well, you do know them so well.
Scott: And I oop-
Grian: Well that went ...well? Easier then I tought it was going to go.
Pearl: The moment Last Life Ren mentioned the IOU I started sweating a bit to be honest.
Martyn: They had an IOU...and they used it for... nether wart? Why?
Scar: They must really like their warts! Don't be judging people Martyn!
Martyn: They wasted an IOU on fucking nether wart?!
Grian: Nether wart can actually be really useful at this point in the game-
Martyn: Yeah! maybe. But Its not worth loosing an IOU!
Pearl: I mean, good for Scott I guess. The IOU didn't bite him in the back area as much as it could have.
Martyn: Who let those two do that?!? ...wait... Were they teamed up with anyone Scott?
Scott: They were...? Why do you want to know so much? Why did you take it so personally... It's litterally just nether wart... you know?
Martyn: Who is the dumbass who tought letting them go on their own was a good idea?!?
Pearl: I am bit curious as well Scott... Who is this mysterious secret third ally?
Scott: They were in an alliance...with...uhhhh... Last Life Martyn... I think? They definitely are allied later on in the game but I don't know for sure if that happened yet actually- Martyn?
Martyn: ...
Scott: Oh my gosh... Martyn? You there?
Scar: Wow! It seems you broke him, never tought I'd see the day! Congrats!
Previous session
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howlingday · 8 months
Weiss: By the way, here. (Tosses something)
Jaune: Huh? (Catches) A scroll? Wait! Is this my scroll?! I thought I lost this when I fell into the Ever After!
Weiss: You're not the only one with something to give a friend. Now that we're out, why not give your team a call? It's probably been a while for them.
Jaune: I... I don't know.
Weiss: Do or don't. I can't control you. But if I were you, I'd talk to them as soon as I could. (Leaves)
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Thinking) "Talk to them as soon as I could." How am I supposed to do that?! After the way I left, they probably think I abandoned them. How will everyone treat me now that they know I'm alive?.
Jaune: (Pling!) Huh? A notifica- (PLING! PLING! PLING! PLIPLIPLI-) FIVE HUNDRED NOTIFICATIONS?! Should... Should I even open one?.
You abandoned us! Bastard! I hate you! Just like Cinder... Should have been Pyrrha...
Jaune: I... I can't! I'm too scared!
Jaune: (RIIIIING!) ARGH! R-Ren?! Okay, okay... Just answer it. Three... Two... One... (Blick!) See? Easy as- I HUNG UP! ARGH! NOW THINGS ARE EVEN MORE AWKWARD!
Jaune: (RIIIIIING!) Now Nora's calling me?! Mm... (Gulps) Okay... (Plip!) H-Hey, Nora! Long time no-
Ren: (Via scroll) So you'll answer for Nora but completely ignore me?.
Jaune: Wait! Nononono! It wasn't like that! I just, uh-
Ren: Putting that aside, I would like to say...
Ren: YOU FUCKING IDIOT! What the hell were you thinking, dropping off the face of Remnant while we had to fight our way through a sandstorm and Grimm to reach Shade Academy! Even if you did have a reason to lose contact with us, you could have still found someone else's scroll and called us! Did you even try?!
Jaune: (Wincing)
Ren: Do you have any idea...
Jaune: (Looks at scroll)
Ren: (Crying) ...how much we were worried about you?
Jaune: Sorry, I was... I was going through a lot and... No, that's not right. To be perfectly honest, I was scared. Scared that you guys thought I was abandoning you as your leader and your friend. I thought you guys would be pissed off at me knowing that I'm alive and I left you guys alone.
Ren: That's-
Nora: Damn right, we are! Of course we're mad at you! I mean, do you have any idea what happened after we made it out?! And we didn't have you to lead us! So yeah, we were mad... but that doesn't mean we hate you.
Nora: And actually, now that I say that, I'm even more pissed that you think we'd hate you! Oh, when you get over here, I am so gonna-
Ren: (Takes scroll) And just so you know, it's not just us who feel this way. It's all of us, and that includes all of our friends waiting for you here.
Jaune: ...
Weiss: Hey, Jaune? Are you done yet? It's time for lunch, and Ruby wants us to be proud of her for it.
Jaune: ...
Weiss: Ja-
Jaune: They called me an idiot, Weiss. And they're right...
Emerald: Hey, u ok? Oscar: Please be safe Saphron: What happened?! Are you okay?! Ren: Come back soon Nora: OMG LOOK AT THESE CATS!
Jaune: (Turns, Sobbing) I'm such an idiot!
Weiss: (Smirks) Well, I already knew that.
Jaune: You think I'm an idiot, too?
Weiss: Nevermind that! Hurry up so we can all eat!
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Post-canon Kylux with sex worker Hux and his bodyguard Kylo, it came out quite sweet i would say, enjoy!
"I…ah, I actually find it a bit easier that way. Doing it for money, not for a career…"
"You… What did you just say? "
"You've heard"
" You… Done it for a career?"
"A few times."
" It never occurred to you that sucking my dick would help your career?"Hux laughed.
"Would you make me a Grand Marshall? Do not answer that. I only slept with people that I could kill later. Do you have a place to stay, Ren?" He leaned on a door frame. Kylo cleared his throat and shook his head. Hux rolled his eyes. "Of course. Come in then. Just do not destroy anything."
"Will you… "
"I highly advise you not to end that sentence. Unless you have two thousand credits lying around." Kylo frowned
" You are bluffing. I don't believe they are paying that much for a…" He froze, looking around the apartment. It was… Nice was an understatement.
"What were you saying?" Hux hummed.
"Never mind. Is that a rifle? "
"Sometimes it's handy. Not everyone understands simple words. They need a weapon pointed at them to take me seriously." Ren was looking at the gun.
"Do you need a bodyguard?" Kylo glanced at him. Hux raised his eyebrow.
"I don't know. Do you have any… references?" Kylo snorted and pulled out his sword, turning it on. "See… The problem is that if you cut my clients in half they are no use."
"I will behave."
"I don't have money to pay you." Said Hux fixing his silky robe. Kylo snorted. Like hell, he thought to himself.
" I just need a place to stay. You do have more than one room." Hux lit a cigarette—an expensive kind of one. Kylo observed. "And I believe some of your clients deserve to be cut in half. Right?" Hux smiled, amused.
"You can stay for a week, then we will see"
Kylo stayed for much longer. And quickly became very handy in some situations. And quickly became obsessed with watching Hux get dressed up. He became obsessed with Hux's eyes. With his hair, his smile, and his voice. And when Hux was talking, Kylo was even madder. Mad with want, mad with jealousy, mad with need.
And when his third client was found dead, Hux had his suspicions, when it was his fifth, he knew. He packed his things, transferred credits, took his rifle, and left sleeping Kylo in the apartment. In the morning, the knight found only a dog tag on the cabinet and a note.
"Flat is yours. Stay away."
He did stay away for a while. He transferred his credits, bought clothes, and introduced himself as Prince Amidala. It was just a matter of time. He knew that this was a game, in which Hux was not a prey. He was a hunter. So the knight became a good prize. Big money, bad reputation. After a few weeks, he invited Hux to his hotel room on Canto Bait.
"So you do have two thousand credits after all…"
"So it seems"
"Prince Amidala" Hux snorted, "You were never subtle"
"You knew?"
"Of course. I am not an idiot. I told you to stay away."
"I can't. Hux… I can give you whatever you want."
"You can't. Things I wanted are long gone." Kylo sighed, "But… The deal we had was good. Until you started killing my clients." Kylo pressed his lips together.
"You don't actually need money. And if you do, I can give it to you."
Hux considered him with an amused smile.
"This is a generous offer, my Prince. The one I have to decline. I have no intentions of becoming a slave or someone's property, contrary to popular belief, I can't be bought."
"You fuck for credits, Hux" Ren hissed. " If this is not the definition of…"
"I have plenty of money, as you observed. I have a place to stay. I have a ship and connections. You are only mad because you can't possess me in a way that some people around here can. It makes you look like a fool, Kylo Ren. If you think that I care about or want any of them, you are mistaken. But it is indeed a profitable way of gaining not only credits but informations too." Hux sat down on the couch and stretched his legs. "I don't need your money; I don't need your protection; I don't need your dick. If that's everything you have to offer, I will have to decline." Ren was staring at him in silence.
"What do you care about, then?" He asked. Hux smiled.
"I enjoyed your company until you sliced Senator Raro in half. He was an important man, after all. And people saw me with you. It was only a matter of time until local authorities would connect the dots. And then they would run me through databases, and you know what would happen then, Ren? One lovely morning, I would be dragged out of bed by Renovated Republic Special Forces, cuffed, and put on trial for everything I did to them. What a bodyguard you are." Hux sighed. Kylo didn't think about it before, but now it made sense. Suddenly, he felt incredibly stupid.
"I… "
"Didn't think about it? I know. You never think. The second you are engaged with something, you see only yourself and your sword. Do not deny. You did not kill these people to protect me, you did it out of jealousy." Kylo closed his mouth. It was true. Hux sighed, massaging his temples. He stood up and went to the bedroom door. Kylo caught his wrist, stopping him. "What? Is that not a reason for your invite, Prince Amidala?" His smile was soft, and there was amusement in his eyes, but Ren saw mockery behind that carefully crafted mask.
"I know what will happen. You will give me what I want, I will fall asleep, and you will leave me. And this time, I won't be able to find you that easily." Softness disappeared from Hux's face and was replaced with an almost neutral look. Something between boredom and indifference.
"You did learn something after all." Hux glared at his wrist in Kylo's hand, and Ren let him go quickly. Hux looked at him for a while. "Can we… Lay down?" Ren blinked but nodded slowly. He followed Hux to the bedroom. Hux took off most of his clothes, leaving a black undershirt and underwear. Kylo smiled, amused, he didn't know he would see regulation FO sleepwear ever again. But here it was, on Hux who was now lying in his bed. Kylo followed his example and soon laid down next to him. He felt Hux's head on his shoulder. He expected… A few things, but Hux just fell asleep. Kylo went still and held his breath for a few seconds, and then laid there in silence until he drifted away. He woke up, panicked that Hux wouldn't be next to him anymore. But Hux was there. Awake, he was looking at the ceiling, and he glanced at Kylo.
"What about me…?" Kylo asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You don't need my money, protection, or dick, however, I would like to say that you would like the last one." Hux rolled his eyes," but I can offer you myself. With money, protection, and dick, or without it. This is yours to decide." Hux smiled
"You got yourself a deal." He laid on Kylo's chest and said, "I hope you do have a better self-restraint than in the past. You will need it, to keep that monstrosity in your pants. Because I am not interested in that kind of relationship with you." Hux quirked his head, observing him. Ren furrowed his brow, looking at him with a mix of confusion and reserve. He was silent for a long moment. And then he seemed to relax.
"Alright." He said simply. Hux watched him for a moment and then placed his head on Kylo's chest, closing his eyes.
"May I… may I kiss you, though?" Hux smiled, amused, and looked at him again.
"Yes." The kiss was slow and too tender for Hux's taste. But at the same time, there was something so honest and raw about it that he couldn't stop. He let Kylo pull him closer and moved back only after a long moment. " Seems like you need a cold shower, prince Amidala." He shot at Ren a mean grin. Kylo mumbled something back and hit him with a pillow, getting up. Hux smiled, holding a pillow, looking at how Ren disappeared behind a bathroom door.
He was dressed in a minute. And the next moment, he was at the door. And he hesitated. He placed his hand flat on the door, breathing slowly. Since Order was destroyed, his life has been a constant run. He was moving from place to place, changing names and faking documents. And here he had an opportunity. Opportunity to stay, to feel safe, and to rest. He looked back at the bedroom door and then leaned against the wall. He didn't know how much time he stood like that.
Certainly, more than enough for someone to take a shower. More than enough for someone to dress up and leave. And yet Ren wasn't done, and Hux was still here. Kylo went out of the bathroom and looked at him, almost surprised by his presence.
"You gave me time to leave." Hux realized. Kylo smiled.
"And you stayed." Hux looked lost for a moment, confused. This simple statement was so wrong, so against his nature, that it was almost unreal. And yet he stayed.
"I…" He breathed out. Kylo offered him his hand.
"Come back to bed? It's still late." He said with hope, "I get all the rules. You call the shots here. If you want to leave in the morning, you will. But come now." Hux accepted his hand slowly and let him lead himself to the bedroom again.
He knew that in the morning he would dress up again, and again he would approach the door with the same uncertain hesitation.
But this time, he will surely leave. There was no other possibility.
And then, when he was lying awake in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling, he realized the terrible truth.
He didn't want to leave.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Adventures in Grian-Napping
Yakety Sax plays overhead.
Limited Life Session 3 Urban Fantasy AU not-quite-crack but definitely not serious either
Thanks to @crabbbage and @possiblyawesometmblr for the inspiration!
1.9k words
On AO3
"Grian's in a coma!"
Scott almost dropped his coffee when Martyn came flying through the front door, grinning like a madman.
"You know when Pearl moved out," he started, carefully re-balancing his armload of coffee and paperwork. "She left her key. Because she doesn't live here anymore. Because she has somewhere else to live. Just something to consider."
Martyn just looked at him like he was stupid. "Pearl doesn't use the front door, she comes in the window. You complain about it every time." He reached for the coffee pot on the bar and Scott batted his hands away.
"It's rude." He said defensively, taking a sip of his coffee to avoid having to answer any further. Martyn didn't say anything, just watched.
"You also have somewhere else to live. Somewhere you lived before, even."
Martyn tried for the coffee pot again.
Scott dropped his bag to grab it first. "Oh my GOD! Would you stop that‽ I made it, you should know better."
Martyn slunk back a step with an overly dramatic sulk. "You let Cleo eat your food."
"Cleo is undead and therefore immune to faerie food." Scott dumped the contents of the pot down the sink. "You, however, are not. You'd think twice would be enough."
"What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment." Martyn hopped back towards him. "Anyway, that's not what I'm here for. Grian is in a coma."
Scott left the coffee pot in the sink and gathered back up his work things before making another try for the front door. "That's so sad, I'll send a card to the hospital."
"Oh no no no," Martyn shook his head. "Not that kind of coma, he's not in the hospital. He's on Joel and Timmy's sofa." He clearly thought this meant something, looking at Scott expectantly.
Scott just rolled his eyes up at the ceiling. "When will my husband return from the war and take you back off my hands?" He paused. "And by husband I mean Ren and by war I mean his communing with the moon and the wilderness werewolf thing."
"It's a two month retreat," Martyn said immediately. "He'll be gone for three more weeks."
A deep sigh and he looked back down. "Alright, I'll bite. What is going on with Grian and why do we care?"
"Wow, that's cold. Grian is in a coma because, according to Timmy," and Martyn made the most dramatic air quotes Scott had seen in awhile. "Grian said 'Oops, just a second, the gods are trying to take me back.' And then flopped over into his breakfast."
Scott mentally filed that away in his What the Actual Fuck is Up With Grian folder. "Okay, so again, why do we care?"
"We should steal him."
Scott should have kept the rest of the coffee, risk to Martyn be damned.
"We need to hurry though, Cleo, Scar, and Bdubs are already trying for it."
Of course they are.
It took them nearly half an hour to get to Joel and Jimmy's place because Martyn couldn't fly and Scott refused to carry him. No matter how many times he almost got run over jaywalking. Pearl was perched in the window by the door when they got there, her wings twitching behind her occasionally to balance. Scott stopped at the threshold and exchanged a look with her that only felt a little bit awkward. (They were doing better, even if they weren't quite back to the level of friendship they'd had before the soulmates debacle.)
"What's happened so far?"
Pearl grinned. "Scar has been baby-talking him, Cleo is hovering ominously, and-"
"-And Joel is working himself towards an aneurysm."
Scott peeked through the door that Martyn so thoughtfully left open. He couldn't quite see into the living room from there but he could see Bdubs standing in the hallway and Jimmy fluttering back and forth, wings fluffed up indignantly while he argued with someone out of sight.
Oh, he might just be distracted enough that...
"Hey, Jimmy? May I come in?"
Pearl stifled a giggle next to him, her antenna bobbing in front of her face.
"Huh, yeah? Wait, no-"
Too late.
Scott strolled across the threshold, hands shoved in his pockets and smirk firmly pasted on. Jimmy threw his hands up in the air and stomped away, further into the sitting room.
"He never learns."
"He let me and Scar in too," Bdubs confirmed as he walked up beside him, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Though I don't think he'd realized that was a bad idea yet."
Scott just hummed in amusement. Invitations at this house were good one-time only, courtesy of Lizzie and the copious amounts of wards she'd thrown at the house first when Joel and then later Jimmy moved in. And if he focused hard enough, Joel would be able to throw them out, invited or no. They'd just have to make sure he was too distracted then. 
Though Cleo and Scar and Martyn seemed to have that well in hand, circling like vampires at a seedy nightclub. Joel was standing in front of the sofa, his hands on his hips, staring Cleo down, which looked pretty comical from the height difference alone. Scar and Martyn were flanking, trying their best to get at Grian (wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the sofa, staring blankly into space) while Joel body-blocked them without breaking eye contact with Cleo, who looked more amused than anything else. Jimmy was hovering anxiously in the back.
"Awwwww, who's a widdle Gwian," Scar was cooing, practically radiating mildly malicious delight. "Lookit the widdle Gwian!" 
"Stop that!" Joel blindly flailed a hand in Scar's direction and managed to smack him across the face, more out of luck than intention. Scar wheeled backwards a bit but wasn't deterred for long, rolling right back up to the sofa, turning his chair so that it was partially shielding him.
"Does the widdle Gwian want to go for walkies?"
"NO!" That actually got Joel to look away from Cleo, clear alarm on his face. "NO HE DOES NOT!"
"Are you so sure," Martyn inched closer. "It's got to be a bit dull, just staring at the wall like that. What kind of friends would we be if we left him to suffer boredom while he does..." he waved a hand vaguely in the air. "whatever he's doing."
Jimmy's wings fluffed up further. Pearl appeared in the living room window with a bag of popcorn as if she'd always been there. 
"You're not stealing our Grian!" Joel insisted. It was a good thing there were privacy wards. Who knows what the neighbors would have done by now otherwise.
"Do you think if we threw him across your lap you'd be able to carry him out?" Cleo asked Scar directly, leaning in a bit closer to Joel in a way that would have intimidated probably anybody else, but Joel's sense of danger was skewed and he didn't even flinch.
Scar looked genuinely thoughtful, tapping one finger on his knee as he considered. "Maybe. We'd have to tuck the blanket in tightly to make sure it didn't get caught in my wheels and kept his wings folded up."
Joel looked about ready to explode and was sputtering incoherently. Jimmy was squawking like an offended chicken. Pearl absolutely had the right idea with the popcorn.  
"You could at least turn the television on for him," Scott decided to throw his two cents in. "He's already in here."
Everyone quieted for a moment and considered that.
"Mario Kart?" Pearl suggested through a mouthful of popcorn. Jimmy perked up at the suggestion and Martyn looked like it had genuinely distracted him.
"We should do that!"
Two hours later everyone was firmly focused on the television, controllers being passed around and insults even more so. Cleo and Martyn and Scar and Pearl were fighting their way through Bowser's Castle and Scott leaned back against the sofa, closed his eyes and took a soft, deep breath.
Jimmy was easy, Scott's magic familiar and nonthreatening to him. He slumped over almost immediately, sound asleep.
Joel was harder. He had an innate resistance to magic in general that was very annoying, and an extra buffer from Lizzie's claim, but he was fairly relaxed and unsuspecting and he wasn't that far behind Jimmy.  Scott stifled a yawn and sat back up. Sleep charms always made him sleepy too. 
None of the others except BDubs had even noticed, too focused on the game.
"If you still want to steal Grian," Scott said, right as Martyn crossed the finish line with a cheer and shouts of disgust from the others. "Now would be the time."
Bdubs hopped to his feet. "Right, c'mon, Mom!"
Cleo looked somehow both exhausted and entertained at the same time. "Don't call me mom." Regardless, they got to their feet and gave the room a quick look-around. "Right."
Without further ado, she strode over to the sofa, threw Grian, blanket burrito and all over her shoulder and looked back at the rest of them. "Are you coming or what?"
There was a mad scramble, full of giggling and loud shushing and one close call (Jimmy rolled over in his sleep and almost hit Scar with his wing) before they were all out in the hallway looking at each other.
"Where to?" Martyn poked the Grian burrito. No reaction.
Pearl looked up from her phone. "I texted BigB, he'll meet us at the corner with the car."
"We should take him to Dad," Bdubs said emphatically. 
Cleo sighed. "Fine, we'll go see Etho."
Scar and Bdubs cheered. Martyn hushed them and they cheered again, quieter this time.
"We should hurry, the sleep charm won't last much longer," Scott jumped a bit when Pearl linked her arm with his.
They were out the front door and on the sidewalk, BigB's sedan pulling into view before the jig was up.
Scott exchanged glances with Pearl and Martyn and as one the three of them bolted for the corner, giggling all the way, the others hot on their tail.
The trunk popped as they got close and Cleo yanked it open and tossed Grian inside without hesitation. Scar swung himself out of his chair and leaned up against Scott, who had to scramble a bit to catch him, scooting his chair at Cleo. They folded it up in record speed and shoved it in the trunk as well, right on top of Grian, before slamming the doorclosed and immediately pulling Bdubs out of the passenger seat so they could sit there themself.
Scott somehow ended up squished in one corner of the back, with Scar in the middle, Pearl on the other side with her knees pulled up, Martyn in his lap, and Bdubs squished down in the footwell in front of Pearl. Just in time too, as Joel came dashing down the sidewalk, Jimmy on his heels and fury on his face.
"GO! GO! GO!" At least three people screamed and BigB screamed wordlessly back as he peeled away from the curb. Scott managed to twist enough in his seat he could look out the back window. Joel was red in the face and looked genuinely distressed enough that he almost felt bad. Behind Joel, Jimmy took to the air.
"Jimmy's following," he informed the car at large. "He'll watch us from the air but he won't be too hard to lose."
Martyn leaned back, his elbow making forceful contact with Scott's diaphragm as he tried to look out the window. "He forgot to glamour before he took off, didn't he."
Scott wheezed, Pearl laughed, and Scar cackled like the madman he was.
"Etho is going to hate this," Bdubs announced from the floor. 
"Only one way to find out," Cleo said cheerfully and turned on the radio. "To Etho's house!"
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Going to the Ren Faire with Jason Grace
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Fandom: Heroes of Olympus
Mortal AU This does not have to be fem!Reader, there are male corsets, and they are sexy as fuck. Also if you have never worn a corset, I highly recommend. It is so much fun and not at all like movies portray.
This ended kind of weird but I'm feeling soft about Jason lately.
Dedicated to the only person who would answer my post and chose Jason! 😹
You were going to ren faires long before getting together with Jason, and other than possibly, possibly hearing the name in passing, he has no clue what it is.
You're talking with Piper about going and past faires and Jason's just sitting there completely lost, which isn't unusual with certain interests or media, but he has no clue what those words are.
After trying to explain a little he's even more confused at why a bunch of people would get together to dress up as peasants and medieval stuff, but nods along slowly.
Of course you want to take him with you.
You tell him it's fine if he doesn't dress up with you, plenty of people go 'naked'. And he is spluttering with your choice of words that he would never-!
You and Piper break down laughing before telling him it's just slang for normal clothes.
Now, Jason is a very respectful boyfriend and often doesn't get suggestive cues or attempts, but you were hoping to get a good reaction out of him seeing you in a corset for the first time.
Also because you were sure if you started changing in the parking lot he would be in conniptions trying to cover you up.
Hence getting changed at home before leaving.
Jason was ready bright and early, as requested. Sitting with his fingers threaded together in his lap just waiting for you to be ready to go, he kind of wondered if it was like an actual faire since you wanted to be there when it started.
While he did google 'ren faires' and look up the specific one you were going to, seeing the different full outfits people wore, he was still unprepared for you to come out, mostly dressed, with your loose corset.
"Alright strong boyfriend, time to use you for your muscles."
You tell him to stand behind you, and he does so apprehensively, hands hovering.
"Closer Jason, I need your help." You roll your eyes fondly and back up towards him.
You tug the centered loops enough for him to see.
"Alright my big strong man," His face heats up and you know it even without seeing. "take these, and YANK."
You take a breath and suck in preparing for a good tug only for Jason to carefully pull there's a bit of resistance.
"Is this okay?"
He's so worried he'll hurt you.
You just deadpan and shoulders sag. Sweet as he is, he has a job to do here.
"Jason baby, you're not going to hurt me. Now pull those until the center is flush and I feel sexy."
Still so worried but eventually you get him to tighten you up correctly, watching appreciatively in the mirror as his arms strain.
He keeps asking if you're okay and if you can breathe and you tell him that his period dramas are not accurate.
"It actually feels good when it's on right, and after a day of wearing one, feels even better coming off."
Confused puppy boyfriend and you're making it worse.
If you have a bag besides what you're wearing for purchases, he gladly offers to carry it for you, always a gentleman.
Looking everywhere when you arrive but stays right by your side.
A lot of boyfriends 'dragged along' will wander off and you tell him it's okay if he wants to, but he doesn't want to leave you :( or possibly lose you in the crowd to go sit somewhere and wait :(
Very curious about all the little things in the stalls, lots of homemade jewelry and clothing and trinkets he's never seen before.
You keep an eye on what he really looks at and buy him a little gift for later without him noticing.
He's just kind of glancing around one of the 'weapon's vendor' tents until he sees the swords and wishes so much he could buy one.
A couple guys walk past announcing the sword fighting is about to start and he really wants to go see that.
Enamored watching. You take a sneaky side profile of him watching starry eyed at the fight.
Hold's your hand as you go back to walking around and asks if you can go watch the show later too.
You convince him to go challenge the guy sword fighting the little kids to a duel, he's skeptical but finally goes along with it because he trusts you.
Pleasantly surprised when his wooden sword is almost knocked from his hand immediately but quickly finds his footing and puts up a good fight for a few minutes, you have a video of him laughing before eventually landing on his butt in the grass.
Comes back to you sweaty and grinning telling you how much fun that was.
"I wonder if there's anywhere to take sword fighting lessons...?"
Insists on paying for dinner when it starts getting later, and thanks you for bringing him along with you.
He had a lot of fun and secretly kind of wants to try dressing up with you next time, but doesn't say anything about it.
Falls asleep as you drive home, a little bag with a necklace he thought would be pretty on you still clutched in his hand.
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the-path-to-redemption · 10 months
My problem with rwby is that it was hard to hate people for doing evil when the heroes were no different.
For example cardin is a racist se we’re supposed to hate right? Racism bad? However we see yang using a laser pointer on Blake, manga Yang talking about faunas acting like actual animals? Strangely the show tries to treat it as a joke which is wrong on so many levels. (Those anon posts were spot on!)
Jacques is considered abusive because of the slap to weiss right? Then later Blake slapped sun and was considered “funny”…somehow. (Weiss even pointed a gun at her unarmed civilian brother…and the show was trying to consider that as heroic)
If there is no standards or decency within the heroes then why should I support them?
No anon you don't get it! A heinous action is only heinous if the bad guys do it, and RWBY aren't the bad guys! So don't question them when they are racist to their own friends, abuse their loved ones, and are allowed to get away scot-free!
If my sarcastic irritation at this narrative choice isn't clear yet...
Unfortunately, RT does not know how to create a morally complex narrative without being hypocritical as fuck, and I highly contribute this to the fact they do not have a solid idea of what constitutes as "bad" or "good" regardless of the good or bad being in-universe discrimination or showcases of abuse.
CRWBY established that comparing Faunus to animals is a racist thing in-universe, but its Faunus characters behave like animals and have animal attributes literally tattooed onto themselves (Sienna), and we are left to question what is and isn't racially discriminatory. News flash, people, if you don't put a clear and distinctive guideline of what racial ideas are in your made-up race but instead allegorize its issues with ANTI-BLACK RACISM, you fucked up. I have a few posts that go more in-depth about this here and here.
And with the abuse? Listen, RT has made it very clear that they do not believe that male victims of abuse exist. Whitley, Sun, Ren, Ozma, and Oscar all went through abuse of some kind, and their abusers (most were women) never got called out for it. You're shit outta luck if you're trying to find a modicum of respect that this kind of subject matter demands.
To answer your question, anon, is that you DON'T. You are valid in feeling frustrated about this, as do we, because the creators sure as shit won't care.
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honeymilkau · 2 years
Sweet Escape
Eddie Munson x Female Reader
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While hanging out with your best friends —Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington — during their shift at Family Video, you’re good friend and local drug dealer, Eddie Munson calls the video store trying to get a hold of you to try and new strain he was looking to sell. Intoxicated thoughts lead you to make a move on Eddie and cause you to panic, scared it’ll ruin the friendship forever.
genre - eddie x female reader / friends to lovers
word count - 4913
warnings - explicit language / smut (eventually) / high talks with eddie / use of marijuana/ Angsty eddie / SLIGHT STEVE ACTION
Part One
You were at the video store, hanging out with Robin and Steve as it was a quiet Sunday shift for the both of them. There was one other customer in the store, a girl around your age, just trying to pick a movie for the night but Steve was pestering her and trying to make a move.
"I would personally go with something romantic if you're going to have a movie night with your boyfriend." Steve suggested
"Oh I don't have a boyfriend."
Steve's eyebrows raised "Oh! I'm so sorry, I mean, I just kinda figured considering there's no way a girl as beautiful as you could be single."
You rolled your eyes, looking over at Robin "Yo, I'm not even gunna talk to you right now, I'm just going to look at you because I simply cannot watch this fucking train wreck anymore."
Robin laughed at you, "This is what I have to deal with daily."
"Like do any of these pick up lines actually work? Or is he just waisting his time and embarrassing himself?"
You looked over your shoulder to see Steve still blowing it with the cute girl as Robin answered. "You would think that rejection after rejection he would get the hint."
"It's girls night, we just don't know what to watch. We all like different genres."
You look back at Robin "You're an employee here, why don't you go over and save that poor girl."
She shrugged "Steve will kill me if I ever intervene. He thinks he has it all handled."
"I would recommend footloose." Steve showed the girl the VHS tape "It's romantic, and funny, entertaining."
"Yeah it's a great movie, we watched it last week." the girl kept trying to walk away from Steve but he kept on trying to recommend different movies while throwing in an occasional pick up line here and there.
You shook your head and walked up to the girl "Hi, I’m so sorry about my friend Steve, he's not the best at movie recommendations but if you ask me, I think you should go with Carrie. I mean it's the first weekend of October, it's getting colder outside and halloween is only a couple weeks away. It's a classic too." You picked it up and handed it to her.
"Hmm, yeah, I think this would be perfect. Thank you." She smiled kindly at you, making steve scoff.
"It's no worries."
The phone in the store started ringing and Robin answered as you continued chatting with the girl. "Again, I apologize about Steve. He's usually better at the whole flirting thing but to be honest with you, I think he got a little flustered because of how beautiful you are."
Her cheeks heated up as she looked over your shoulder at Steve "Really?"
"Yeah," you smiled softly "I'll tell you what, I’ll cover the movie rental in exchange for your number for dear old Steve here." You patted his shoulder "I mean cmon, he's a good looking dude! Just look at that hair."
She debated it for a while but decided to give in "Sure, why not. You got a pen and paper?"
You nodded with a wide smile "I'll be right back." You patted Steve on the back harshly "You're welcome, Harrington."
You walked over to the checkout and grabbed a pen "Eddie the freak is on the phone." Robin smiled "He's looking for you." she slid the phone towards you.
"Sup Ed's?"
"Nothing much rockstar, what's up with you?" he asked on the other end
"Helping Harrington out." You said, looking around for paper
"Ohhhh dude, is he blowing it with another chick?"
"Bombing it. So fucking hard. I have to pay for the chicks rental movie in exchange for her number. I couldn't bear to see Harrington get rejected by the fourth girl this week."
He laughed loudly on the other end. "Wouldn't expect anything less from him honestly, considering all the stories you've told me about him."
You found a piece of paper and rushed to the girl, smiling at her as she thanked you.
You started walking back towards the counter "Yeah well, he owes me if he gets laid." you said lowly "What's up though? Why'd you call me here out of all places?"
"Well, I called your place but your parents told me you were out and I just assumed you were over there. I wanna chill with you, it's been ages."
"Eddie it's been like, three days."
"Yeah, exactly. Ages."
You couldn't help but giggle like a school girl at him "Well, what would you wanna do tonight then?"
"Sesh at my place? I got new weed I think you'd enjoy. New and hot on the market."
"Sure, you need me to bring anything?"
You watched Steve and the girl say their goodbyes as she kissed him on the cheek before walking out of the store.
"Nah, just your pretty little self."
Your cheeks became rosy as you smiled "Yeah whatever Eddie, I’ll see you later alright?"
"Okay, bye rockstar."
"Bye." you hung up the phone and handed it to Robin.
"Don't even think about it, Y/n." Robin warned, grabbing the phone from you.
"What?" You questioned
"Don't even think about getting involved with that." she motioned to the phone "I like him and all but if you get involved with him, you'll be the laughing stock of the school and I personally don't care about all that popularity bull shit but I care about you, and if you start hooking up with him and people find out, you will be severely bullied and I can't just stand back and watch." she rambled on.
"Y/n, thank you so much." Steve walked up to you, giving you a fist bump.
"My pleasure my friend."
Robins eyes widened "Hey! If you wanna get laid so bad why don't you and Steve hook up?"
you both screeched in her face.
"Think about it. Steve is desperate as hell and you're hot sooooo, I don't really see the issue here."
Steve raised an eyebrow at you "I mean... she has a point."
"Ew! Steve- okay no! We're not doing this." you huffed at the both of them
Steve looked over at Robin "I'm confused, why are you trying to peer pressure us to have sex?"
"Because she's going to have sex with Eddie tonight."
Steves mouth hung open as Robin walked away from the counter to the front of the store to fix inventory. "NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU ACTUALLY GOING TO THE FREAKS TRAILER TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM."
"Can you shut the fuck up!" you groaned, hitting his shoulder harshly "Honestly Steve, Im gunna knock you on your ass if you don't pipe the fuck down." You grabbed your keys from behind the desk, getting ready to leave "I'm not going over to fuck Eddie, even if i was, who cares?"
"y/n... he's a freak."
"He's sweet."
"He's weird."
"He's kind. Im not having this conversation with you anymore, Steve." you huffed.
"No cause now i'm offended. You're saying ew to having sex with me? What's wrong with me?" He asked, baffled at the fact you apparently didn't find him attractive.
"Nothings wrong with you, Steve, you're a good looking guy." you scoffed "Why are you acting as if you don't think you're the hottest guy in school?"
"Do you think I’m hot?"
Your cheeks heated up instantly, not knowing how to answer truthfully without flattering him too much.
He snickered and looked at Robin "She thinks I'm hot."
You rolled your eyes "Eddie is hot, I’ll admit that to you." you gave him a new topic to focus on.
His eyes widened as you started walking towards the door "So you do wanna fuck him?"
"Peace Robin." you gave her a peace sign "Fuck you, Steve." you used the same hand and flipped off Steve behind you.
You left "Family Video" and got into your car, seeing that the sun was already setting. You always kept your bong and all the smoking essentials in your car, hidden in the trunk so your parents didn't find it in your room while you weren't home.
You pulled into the trailer parked and parked right beside Eddie's van. You grabbed you backpack that had all of the stuff you needed and headed up to the door, knocking on it softly. The door opened and Eddie smiled at you "Hey sweetheart."
"Hi." you smiled softly, cheeks starting to get rosy from the chilly night air.
Eddie smiled at you shyly before opening the door further and stepping aside to let you in "M'lady," he ushered you in.
You walked in and you looked at him as he closed the door behind you. You took off your oversized leather jacket and pointed towards his room. He nodded and you walked to his room quickly. He followed behind you and closed his bedroom door and looked at you "Here, Ill take your jacket."
You passed it over to him as he hung it up in his closet. You sat on the edge of his bed as he went over to open his little window.
"How was your day?" he asked, grabbing his grinder and grinding up his new flower for you to try.
"It was good." you nodded, opening your bag and grabbing your bong and filling it up with water you brought.
"How's Harrington and that girl? Robin?" He asked, unsure if he got it right or not. You nodded with a small smile. He snapped his fingers and smiled back "Robin. Was it fun?"
"It was. She asked me if I wanted to have sex with Steve." The room went silent as you both packed your tokes. He tried to stifle a laugh but failed to do so when he busted out into laughter.
"Who said he's vanilla?" You asked as you bursted out into laughter as well
"He gives me the vibe, Y/n! I can just tell he only knows how to boring fuck."
"Hey," your laughter started to die down "I know I bully Harrington but it's all in good fun. He's one of my best friends, I feel like I’ve known him forever."
"I know, I know... but do you think he's kinky? Be honest."
You stared at Eddie, holding back your laughter "No. I don't."
"See!" he laughed more, causing you to burst into laughter with him. As soon as he heard your laugh, he laughed even harder. He found your laugh so contagious and he loved it.
He sat beside you on the bed, both of your laughter dying down as he passed you a lighter. You took it from him, your hands lingering more than needed. He looked down at them as you finally pulled the lighter out of his grasp. He grabbed his own lighter as he sparked it "Cheers."
You held up your lighter, only pressing down on the red button, avoiding the spark wheel. His lighter lit yours and you smoked your first bowl of the night together.
You both blew out the smoke as you coughed a little "Shit." you coughed into your elbow. Eddie rushed up to grab a glass of water from this tiny kitchen, bringing it to you once he finished grabbing water from the tap.
"Thank you." you said through tiny coughs, taking a sip of water. You already felt the high starting to hit. You relaxed your muscles as you looked down at your bong "Would it be crazy to ask you if you wanna rip another?"
He smirked at you, plopping back down on his bed, sitting beside you. "No, not crazy at all." he started packing his toke and you followed his lead, he pulled out his lighter and was about to take it when you stopped him.
"Wait, wait, wait." you rushed
he gave you a confused expression, wondering why you were stopping him. Your cheeks warmed up in embarrassment as you looked up at him and asked
"Can I light it for you?"
He felt himself get hard. So pathetic. You have literally never once gave him a signal that you liked him or wanted to fuck him or anything. He was just Eddie, your good friend Eddie. He was Eddie the freak, Eddie the drug dealer, Eddie the dude you sesh with, he wasn't anything special to you and he knew that but to be honest, he didn't even really care that much, as long as it kept you around.
"Of course you can light it for me."
You smiled wide and started lighting up his toke, he inhaled all the smoke as you pulled up the bowl piece slightly after he cleared it. He blew the smoke out of his mouth and smiled at you "I'm going to pack yours and light it if you don't mind."
He put down his bong and picked yours up instead.
You nodded as you watched him pack your bowl piece, he was packing it nice and tight. You loved smoking weed, it was no secret to the people around you. You never went to work or school high, you were more responsible then that, you only did it after school or on the weekends when you didn't work part time.
When you're alone, your head gets into a really dark place, where you can't stop thinking about your depression and anxiety, where you overthink every little thing that you did that day. Weed turned your brain into mush and you liked that, it refrained you from thinking too much, it made you laugh over the dumb shit in the world and most importantly, it made you eat and sleep.
"Eddie I can't smoke a bowl that big."
you saw him pack the bowl piece to the brim. Even though you loved weed, you couldn't smoke that much of it at once because you were scared of coughing and greening out. When a person greens out from a big toke like that, they become sick and throw up a lot. It happened to you before, you were trying to impress eddie the first time you smoked together and it back fired. You were throwing up in his toilet for a while, you were expecting him to just leave you alone to do your thing but he ran into the bathroom with you and held up your hair, rubbed your back and made sure you were.
"Yes you can, I know you can." he said softly, passing the bong over to you. "I know you can clear this, rockstar." he pulled out his lighter and grinned at you "Whenever your ready."
You inhaled and exhaled, clearing your lungs of any sort of air so you could inhale as much as possible. He started lighting it, watching the bowl piece starting to clear "Atta girl, keep going, you got this." he said lowly. You cleared it right after his reassuring words, he lifted the bowl piece as you blew out a cloud of smoke that was once in your lungs. You started coughing slightly, he took the bong from you and put it on the floor, rubbing your back.
“You killed that, I told you, you could do it.”
You looked over at him and he started busting out into fits of laugher "Whaaaaat?" you whined, hitting him "Shut up what's so funny?"
You were too stoned to even care, you started laughing with him, holding your stomachs as you laughed loudly. "Fuck." he wiped his tears away "Let's listen to some music." he walked over to his turntable, grabbing different records, "Any requests, M'lady?"
"Dynasty by Kiss." you answered.
When you said you wanted to listen to Kiss, he wanted to fuck you right then and there. How were you so perfect?
"I was made for lovin' you" starts playing from the speakers. He walked back to his bed to lay down, the song playing lowly in the background "Do you need to lay down?" He asked you as you were spaced out "Y/n?"
You didn't even blink when he was talking to you. "Y/n?" he shook you, causing your full attention to be back on him
"What? I'm so sorry I was just zoned the fuck out." you apologized
He laughed softly "It's okay, you were probably just daydreaming about Harrington."
"That's not true." you huffed, laying beside him in bed "Not true at all."
"Okay so you're saying you've never once thought about fucking Harrington?" he teased you "For some reason I think you're lying."
You stared at him and huffed "If I just admit it to you, will you leave me be?" You asked and he nodded "I thought about it a lot in freshman year, I mean, we've been friends for a long time, I always thought I was going to lose my virginity to him. I think I was just horny and hormonal because I would rather die then have sex with Steve."
"Who'd you lose it to?"
"You don't want to know."
His eyes lit up like a christmas tree "Ohhh its bad then if you wont tell me. Cmon, who'd you fuck?"
"It's really not important."
"Y/n I wont tell anyone, I'm just dying to know now."
You took a deep breath and looked over at him, ashamed to say the truth. "Jason Carver."
His eyes went so wide you thought they were going to pop out of his head "WHAT THE FUCK." he shot up and started pacing around the room "NO FUCKING WAY! Y/n you're straight up lying."
"I swear I’m not."
He rubbed his temples with a goofy smile on his face "I cannot believe this. So all of those rumours he started about you... you giving him head and fucking you in the movie theatre bathroom-"
"Bro, what the fuck."
You sighed and sat up, facing him "Yeah it was before he was a dickhead. It's not like anyone really believed him anyway, except for the cheerleaders and the rest of the basketball weirdos, which i'll take any day over the whole entire school thinking it's true."
"Was it bad?" he says next to you on the bed again
"Horrible. He said he was a pro and honestly I believed it because of how many chicks he slept with before Chrissy. But oh my god Eddie it was terrible, he didn't know the spots, he didn't know where the clit was for fuck sake and he later about 3 minutes tops."
"My mind is fucking blown." he said, chuckling to himself. The two of you sat in silence for a minute before you spoke up.
"Are you going to look at me differently now because you know the truth?"
You sounded so scared, and upset, like you were about to burst into tears "The only people that know the truth are Chrissy and Robin. That's why Chrissy broke up with him. Please don't tell a soul Eddie, I mean it."
"I promise I won't tell anyone, Y/n." he said sadly, wrapping his arm around you and moving closer. You laid your head on his shoulder, his arm moved down from around your shoulder to down to your waist, bringing your body closer to his.
"I know I’m only in high school, but, there's not one person in this shitty town that could make me happy in a relationship with them. It's not like I'm in any rush to be dating someone but, no one gives me a second glance."
"Y/n that's fucking bull shit. Do you know how many guys I know who would jump off the face of the earth just to kiss you?" You sat back up straight, looking into his big brown eyes.
"Really?" You asked
"Yeah..." he whispered, noticing how close you were. He looked down at your lips for a second just to look back into your glossy eyes. "I mean cmon, rockstar. You know you're hot as fuck." he kept his arm around your waist, wanting to bring your body even closer to his. He saw your cheeks become red, along with your ears heating up in embarrassment. "Y/n, look at yourself. You're so fucking perfect it drives me fucking insane, it drives everyone insane. Not only are you attractive you're just so sweet, and fucking funny, and so selfless. How could anyone not look at you?"
You didn't know why you did it... maybe it was his sweet words or that you were too intoxicated to think, but you pressed his lips onto his, cupping his face to deepen the kiss. He brought both of his hands to your waist, pulling you even closer to him, to the point where you were basically straddling him.
You quickly pulled away before the kiss got more intense. "I-I... fuck sake." you mumbled and got up, grabbing your things quickly, not bothering to poor your bong either, you were too scared that eddie would hate you for what you just did that you didn't care that the neighbours would see. "I'm sorry, Eddie."
You say as you rushed out of the trailer. He sat on his bed, absolutely dumbfounded at the fact that a) you kissed him, b) you just straight up left his place and c) that he didn't run after you until he realized you were long gone.
"Holy shit."
You sat in the cafeteria during lunch with Robin, avoiding Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire Club like the plague. "I still can't believe that happened last night and I still can't believe you walked from his trailer to my house." Robin spoke up
"I was way too high to drive so it's either walk or car accident."
The rest of the Hellfire Club already sat at their usual table, Eddie joining them with his lunch. They boys were wondering why you weren't at the lunch table with them today, pressing Eddie with a bunch of questions.
"I don't know." Eddie shrugged, the truth is, he knew why but didn't at the same time. Yes you kissed him but why were you avoiding him?
"Well you two hung out yesterday, was she acting weird at all?" Gareth asked
Eddie stayed quiet as the boys all stared at him "What the fuck happened between the two of you?" Gareth cracked a smile.
"Nothing happened." Eddie said, opening a bag of chips.
Gareth scoffed, "Nothing happened? Okay, go walk up to her and Robin and see what she says."
Eddie rolled his eyes and stood up "Fine, I will."
Robin looked up from her lunch to see Eddie walking over to your table "Well he's coming over so you better think of what to say to him and not make it awkward for me because you know how i am when..."
Robin started rambling as you looked back to see if what she said was true, and when you saw Eddie walking towards your table, you didn't know what else to do so you grabbed all of your things and quickly stood up to leave. You walked out of the cafeteria doors leaving Robin staring at Eddie, in shock of what you just did.
Eddie looked over at robin who slowly started to get up and back away "Yeah- I um, I'm heading out too." she said slowly, becoming more uncomfortable by the millisecond. As soon as Robin walked out of the cafeteria, the Hellfire Club started laughing in unison.
"Dude," Dustin said in between laughs "What the shit did or didn't you do?"
Its been two weeks since you kissed Eddie, two weeks since you've hung out with him, two weeks since you have even spoken to him. You've been hanging around Steve more often, he'd drive you and Robin home from school everyday. You two caught up on all the shit you missed out on and you told him how you felt about Eddie.
He made fun of you for it at first, but when he saw your eyes fill up with tears he took you more seriously and tried to take your mind off of it.
You were taking a late night walk down to the corner store to get yourself a cherry slushy, when you saw Eddie in the alleyway beside the corner store with a cheerleader from Hawkins High. He had her pinned against the brick wall, his hands gripping her waist as he kissed her, moaning against her lips as she begged for him to take her home.
"You're so hot." he moaned against her "Ill take you home if you promise not to tell anyone, sweetheart."
"I promise." she whimpered
You ran all the way home to call Steve in tears, begging him to go on a drive with you. Within a matter of minutes, he was at your place, picking you up and driving you around.
"I shouldn't have just walked away when I did that. He was kissing me back! I'm so stupid." you huffed "But just because he kissed me back doesn't mean anything like, he's going out with that cheerleader it's clear he doesn't like me like that, what if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" you ranted as he pulled into the movie theatre parking lot
"What if every time he tried to talk to me, he wanted to end our friendship? I don't think I could handle that Steve."
He turned off his car and looked over at you "Y/n, you're being a Robin, you're rambling. Calm down." he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair "Y/n, listen, I don't know what the fuck is going on with Eddie but I really think he likes you... I mean, I’m not an expert in the Eddie department but he calls you up all the time, is constantly giving you free weed, always drives you home, is always by your side and sticks up for you whenever someone tries to give you a hard time."
"Thanks Steve," you grabbed his hand to hold it "But I really don't think so, I just- God I just need to get over it. I need to just have meaningless sex, you know what I mean?"
"Yeah, I went through that phase after Nancy." he laughed at you.
"Yes! So you know what I mean! Just sex with someone I trust, someone i'm close with, someone who I find attractive, someone i consider a friend..." you trailed off as you looked down at your intertwined fingers and slowly looked up at Steve with a smirk.
"Y/n, no." he pulled his hand away from yours
You huffed and crossed your arms "Y/n I’m sorry. I want you, I really, really want you. I had a crush on you when we were younger and I can admit that I’ve thought about it but, I don't want this to change anything between us."
"It won't. I promise." you said softly, inching closer to him
"Steve..." you whispered, your lips almost touching his. He scoffed as he blushed.
"Fine. One time thing." he gave in, sticking out his pinky "Promise me."
"Fine, one time thing." you smirked, intertwining your pinky with his. You leaned in and kissed him softly, pulling him in closer to you. His hands started roam your body, going up your shirt and he unclips your bra.
Oh shit okay
"Get in the back seat, now." He instructed.
You nodded quickly and got into the back, starting to undress yourself as he joined you.
At the same time, Gareth and Jeff were walking out of their late night movie together, walking down the parking lot to walk home together. "No man I’m telling you, I think he's finally getting over her, he was telling me about this cheerleader he's hooking up with tonight." Gareth was updating Jeff about all the drama that was going on lately
"Fuck man, work has been ruining my life. I had no idea any of this shit was going on."
They continued walking down the parking lot when they slowly approached Steve's car rocking back and forth. "Oh shit, that's Harringtons car." Jeff pointed out as they started walking past it.
"Imagine if Y/n was the one in the car." Gareth laughed, as he was laughing to himself, he looked into the car from the windshield and saw you on top of Steve. He gasped and started hitting Jeff "That IS Y/n!”
"Oh fuck." Jeff's eyes went wide "Well I guess she's moving on from Eddie too."
"Eddie cannot fucking find out about this" Gareth rushed, pushing Jeff away from the car to continue to walk home "Yeah he's fucking that cheerleader but if he finds out about this, his entire world will come crashing down."
You had no idea that Gareth and Jeff saw you, you were enjoying your time with Steve too much to notice anyone seeing you, and you were too hurt from Eddie to even care.
The only thing you cared about in that moment was you and Steve in your own little world, about to be woken up by reality in the week to come.
To be continued…
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OUGHHH sorry to be on anon, I need to make a proper tumblr to talk to people in hermitblr but currently I only have a sideblog and am not gonna expose my ten year old main aklsdjhfdklas, but I am the author of the romeo and juliet au tysm you made my heart grow warm and fuzzy and then explode I've never seen my fic mentioned out in te wild before <33333
to fuel ur theatre au brainworms, in the romeo and juliet au: mercutio is bdubs + benvolio is cleo, and jimmy and joel are sampson and gregory (two capulets from the start of the play they're such dumbasses my absolute beloveds), so we've got the design philosophy of the montagues and the capulets mirroring the aesthetics of the family and the bad boysss. (I never came up with a design for bad boy!Ren when he steps in as Tybalt instead of Grian during show week but I feel it's not too hard to imagine hehe)
but also (separately from that au, because I saw other talk of the life series and theatre and plays on ur blog) I constantly think about the life series as a greek tragedy, specifically in relation to the purpose of the series' inevitable tragedy being catharsis for the watchers (with the watchers also being literally the viewers). we love to see them suffer!!! but there's also a bunch of politics surrounding greek tragedies that Plato and Aristotle had discourse about that you can rope into it and tldr; my understanding is catharsis was Aristotle's answer to Plato's concern that tragedies' emotive affect could encourage rebellion against the state, with Aristotle saying that instead the cycle of pity and fear and eventual catharsis felt by the audience has a "purifying" effect that's like an emotional release from those emotions instead. Then with the extra layer of lore the fandom has surrounding Grian running away from the watchers, if Grian designs the life games, to the end of sating the watchers' need to emotionally feed (thank you Martyn for that piece of lore I'm stealing it jkfhdsk), the purpose of the games could be the cleansing of the watchers' discomfort with him running away and being a player and maintaining the status quo where Grian is actually the one in control !!!! even if he makes himself suffer. also different characters "curses" as their harmatia!! And, if we interpret the watchers as a fictional force AND the viewers simultaneously, then the chorus could absolutely be watchers who are vocal in the fandom - removed from the "players" (and OH how I love the dual meaning of minecraft players and players as in actors) but providing additional commentary and insight into what's happening that further feeds the emotional experience of the audience !!
alsooooo if you don't know the show "& Juliet" scar and grian are ALSO romeo and juliet in that to me, it's their last life/early double life era </3
theatre theatre theatre theatre theatre theatre theatre theatre
YOOOOOOOOO HELLO OP YOUR FIC IS AMAZING AND IM GLAD I COULD REC IT BC IT DESERVES RECOGNIZED!!!!! Also all of this is AMAZING im so obsessed with bdubs being mercutio and cleo being benvolio. Thats incredible like HELLO????? based choices tbh thats so fun
Also super obsessed with the meta of plays feeding into the watcher canon (and im STILL not over martyn somehow accidentally canonizing a key element of my au, this is insane, i came up with the idea for watchers feeding on player emotions in SEPTEMBER OF LAST YEAR), thats so fucking neat, i love a good tragedy OUGHHHHH its so compelling.
Also no worries about being on anon!!!! I did that too before i finally cleaned up my main blog so all the posts were privated, and then changed my url to match this one so ppl would recognize me WHEEEEEZE. Smth that helped me was tagging my own sideblog in anon asks i sent, so ppl would know it was me, and i'd get the notif when it got answered. Ofc you might not be comfortable linking your sideblog, but if you ever made one you wanted to sign off with, thats the option i used for a while before using mass post editor to private my entire main blog!!!!
theatre theatre theatre!!! Your ideas are SO pog and cool my dude feel free to ramble to me any time :]
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adventuringblind · 1 month
hi!! i just want to know who hurt you /j how did you get the idea to write 'Drowning beneath your weight'
Okay, so, due to the nature of dbyw I'm adding a a cut.
Buckle up! This is a long one. Also known as Ren trauma dumping on main again....
Warnings for below the cut: p*dophilia, drugs, alcohol, religious trauma, r*pe, SA, grooming, and probably others....
DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE!! I am not responsible for making you feel comfortable and my inbox is not a place to make it known you ignored the warnings.
So, the initial idea actually stemmed from my mom. We were watching DTS (sue me) and my mom saw Zak and Lando on screen together and lost her shit.
(Please keep in mind that my mom IS a victim of grooming, molestation, rape, and pedophilia. She has also worked with kids and youth who had been through some hard situations.)
She can't stand Zak Brown, and every time she sees him, he will pray on his downfall. Specifically because of how his relationship to Lando looks in her eyes.
Neither I nor my mom know these people personally. I can't say that's accurate or not because truthfully, I don't know.
The idea originally was also not meant to have any kind of twincest, forced or otherwise. It just wasn't there. Lexi wasn't even a thing until I was planning (plotting, more like) with my beta reader. Lexi was originally supposed to he younger than Lando by a couple of years, and when Lando is later asked about I her age, he panics and lies, saying they are born on the same day. As in, he claims them twins when they aren't. I then ran with the idea of what if they WERE actually twins. Then I had to re write the entire damn thing because I wasn't going to actually put the twins in a scenario where they are romantically involved.
Ironically, I think that dbyw has a lot less to do with my own trauma. From a personal standpoint, I've been sexually assaulted and raped, but not in that kind of context. It's all (as far as I know) always been people my own age.
The bdsm au was an excuse for me to write in collars and throw in some fun extra ways of interacting. It's also my own way of creating what would be a traditional way of looking at things. I have been in an environment, specifically religious, where it's easy to get preyed upon and groomed because someone is in a position of authority. It's why Norris family, in this scenario, has a traditional view of things. They are more concerned about whether their kids are successful and making them look good, then if they are safe. Which is, unfortunately, how I was raised to act. How my family was being perceived was more important than me getting the mental health treatment I needed and what got us into some really fucked up situations including my mom being raped by one of those authority church members and for image sakes calling it an affair. An abusive dad that never got talked to about his actions despite everyone seeing it because they needed him to lead, and him being hailed a hero for taking my mom back.
I couldn't really fit that kind of power dynamic in through religion because of how the story is laid out. The AU works so much better and gets across that point still.
Lexi is actually based on my younger sister. NO, WE'VE NOT EVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT! I just mean personality wise. She's an artist like Lexi and communicates a lot through her creativity. Also, like Lexi, she has been through a sexual experience where she purposefully got herself drunk and did drugs to help make her look like she was enjoying it. She was about 14/15 when this happened.
In dbyw it's Zak doing it to Lando and Lexi, but the initial idea stemmed from that situation.
So yeah... the idea stemmed from a lot of different things. I'm planning on writing the original version of the story where Lando and the OC are not twins just to share with yall how far it spiraled.
Hope that answered your question!!
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melonba11s · 10 months
Normal Morning (Strade/Melly fanfic)
Just a little piece I worked when I woke up!
Features: Character with amputated leg, very mild body horror, non-human MC, Strade
Melly awoke with an arm around her stomach. That was pretty normal these days. Strade liked having her close by, watching her leg every day. Her leg that no longer existed. 
Her stomach turned less than it should have. Maybe if this had been two weeks ago she’d have vomited at the thought. But several days in a basement having your nails pulled off and your throat fucked like a fleshlight tended to steel you to such things. 
She sighed heavily. She didn’t usually think so negatively. 
She feared she was becoming jaded. 
“Awake?” Strades' sleep fogged voice danced across her ears. Hot disgusting morning breath made her wrinkle her nose. 
“As awake as I can be.” She replied. And here came the other reason that Strade liked having her close by. 
“... Why does a plant need to sleep?” The questions. None of them were mean spirited. He was just curious. Really curious. A curiosity he wanted sated about her so badly that it ended up with her having a metal collar around her throat. 
She supposed the fact she could grow parts back didn’t hurt either. She gave a yawn, her tongue stretching out past her lips. Green. Everything inside her was green. 
Without sunlight her skin was taking on a greenish tone too. She glanced down at her leg. A weird thick fleshy tendril was extending out of the stump. It had no resemblance to a working leg. 
She hoped that was normal. She supposed she should answer Strades' question. 
“I actually looked that up. I thought maybe I could stay up infinitely watching anime or playing video games. Then I passed out at work, fell over and made everyone scared that I was narcoleptic. So when I was home I went onto google and it turns out plants do kinda sleep. They have a circadian rhythm they follow and are less active during the night.” 
She recanted the bare bones research back with a casual flatness to her voice. A “Matter o’ fact” tone that led people to think she knew what she was talking about. 
She didn’t know if that was true even. But she liked sleeping and apparently needed it so it would do. 
“... Narcolepsy. Did they make you see a doctor before you could return to work?” Strade asked. Melly groaned, remembering how she had awoken the moment her skull hit the thinly carpeted floor.  A hand flew to her head and she scrambled up to her knees, crawled then up to her feet and ran to the bathroom. Because there was no way she could explain green blood to people. 
No bleeding though, just a bump that would bruise. And a greenish bruise was explainable. 
“No, I came out and uh. Told them that I hadn’t slept in two days because I was watching anime. So they all just laughed and one person said she was glad she wouldn’t have to cover my shifts. “Haha classic Melly”. You know?” She began to stretch, trying to wriggle out from Strades casual hold on her. 
His grip stayed firm. 
“... Have you ever been to a doctor?” he asked. 
“If I had been I’d probably be in a lab somewhere and not here. Starting to think maybe I’d prefer the lab.” Strade gave out several bouts of huffy laughter. 
“A lab wouldn’t be as kind to you, Pflanze. No comfortable bed, no TV, no snacks. You’d grow thin and wither away.” Strade’s grip tightened now, pulling her back against him. Melly thought about it. She did need her snacks. 
“... Can I get up? I want coffee.” She reached forward, groping for the crutch Strade had graciously made for her. She uttered a cuss as her fingers bumped it and it fell forward, hitting the floor with a loud clatter. 
If Ren hadn’t been awake before he was now. 
“You know caffeine will stunt your growth.” Strade said, getting up. So he was going to free her. That was nice. 
“Yeah yeah I’ve heard that one before. But I told you I just. Came out like this. Fully grown. I have no room to grow.” 
“No No I looked it up. Caffeine stunts root production in plants. Your leg will probably grow back slower.” Strade walked around to the other side of the bed and picked up her crutch, handing it to her. 
Melly tested out the crutch, then her good leg before standing up, leaning on the polished wood. 
Normally she’d want her leg to grow back quickly. She missed being able to stretch it and walk on it and kick with it. But the faster it grew back, the more likely Strade would take it off again. 
“Load me up then.” she finally said, making her way past him. “Let this shit take an eon to come back.” 
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