#my apologies but we all have to know those 2 were the couple that borderline made out in the school hallways
Love that Terra clearly had the worst possible understanding of Eda and Raine (thinking they wouldn’t team up to fight her as kids, that Raine wasn’t smart enough to lie through their teeth until the Day of Unity, etc) but even SHE knows damn well those two are absolute fucking losers for each other. Can you imagine how insufferable they had to be off-screen for Terra to openly mock it with zero hesitation. What did she have to bear witness to
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oddvaarking · 2 years
All’s Fail That Ends Well: part of the Odd Squad: Forever fic series
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AN: Hello guys, so I’mma start writing fics circling my odd squad forever au! Odd Squad: Forever is basically Odd Squad but all the agents we know are adults now. I’ve started writing a script about it a long time ago, so now I’m writing fics. I apologize in advance because this fic might sound corny 🗿
Synopsis: Otis and Olympia’s takes a trip to the local diner, and Olympia reveals to Otis that her the past 2 weeks of work have been costing her.
“Coming through!” A voice echos across the maze of odd doors. Olympia ran through the hallway with a stack of letters in her hands. The letters she had were supposed to be mailed to clients, and she needed to mail them before the mailroom closed for the night. “Excuse me!” “Oh, sorry, my bad!” “Please forgive me, I’m in a rush!” Olympia exclaimed after she had bumped into a few people walking in the opposite direction. Her head turned down when she looked at her watch: 7:59. The mailroom closed at 8pm. If she didn’t make it to the mailroom in time, she would be considered “tardy”, and Olympia would have to write another “late statement” email to her boss.
“Almost there…”
When she finally had the mailroom door within eyesight, the mailroom worker was almost getting ready to lock the door.
“Hold it!”
Olympia yelled before she burst through the doorway, leaving various papers that were already in the mailroom go flying. She pulled down the small hatch and quickly stuffed the letters in before letting the hatch slam closed. “Trying to avoid sending that corny email, eh, partner?” A voice startled Olympia, and made her turn to her side. Otis was standing on the opposite side of the hatch door. His lips shaped into a slight smirk, before going back to his usual non-emotional look. “Oh, cut that out.” Olympia grumbled. She was a bit pissed off that Otis could find time to make a joke in such a close call. The red-haired gal put her hands on her knees, panting as a result of her running. “Why does the mailroom have to be so far? I feel like I’m burning calories every time I race down here.” Olympia whined. “Well, you only have to run down here every time you miss the mail cart…so…” Otis said, picking at his fingernails. “Hey-are you done? I have to close up shop you know. You two goons can finish your conversation out there.” The mailroom worker whined, his face having “frustration” written all over it. Olympia sighed and walked out of the mailroom, with Otis trailing behind. “I’m heading to the Confalones joint for dinner. You can join me if you’d like.” “Nah, I’m good. I’m tired, and I think I have the supplies for a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich at home.” Olympia said with a hint of exhaust in her reply. “Alright, suit yourself.”
⌦ .。.:*♡
When they got back to their desks, Olympia sat down at her computer, and Otis cleaned his desk up. The lights were halfway off around the building. They usually did that near closing, as an attempt to save energy. Otis grabbed his jacket that sat on the back of his chair and put it on. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed, but you’re kind of doing a shitty job with those return letters to our clients. You might wanna fix that. See you tomorrow, partner.” He said to Olympia before making his exit to the tube lobby. She sighed and clicked her pen anxiously while finishing up some paperwork. Otis was right—she was slacking. For the past 2 weeks almost all of her return letters have been borderline late, with a couple actually being late. She sighed and began filling in the blanks on her paperwork, leaving various comments in the sidelines of the paper. In the middle of her writing, her stomach growled quietly. She hasn’t ate since breakfast because she needed to finish up those letters. Maybe she should’ve said yes to Otis’ dinner invitation. Maybe yes was still an option, if he hasn’t gone off too far yet. It was then that Olympia stood up from her swivel chair and fast-walked to the tube lobby. “Has he left yet?” She asked O’Callaghan. O’Callaghan knew who she was talking about, because he glanced at Otis when he entered the lobby. “Just now left. You’re right behind him.”
“Oh, good.” Olympia sighed in relief, happy that her partner had not gone off far. “To the ground, please.”
“Sure thing.” O’Callaghan replied, letting Olympia step into the tube entrance before shouting “squishinating!” at the top of his lungs and pressing the big blue button at his side.
When Olympia made it out of the building, she spotted Otis, who had not walked too far from the entrance. “Otis!” She yelled. Otis, who was looking down at his phone, looked behind him to see his partner running to catch up to him. “Changed your mind, huh?” Olympia responded with a nod. “I was getting kinda hungry, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I think that peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich can wait, to be honest.” She said. “Cool. Are you okay? It’s cold out here and the only layer you have on is your work blazer.” Otis said. He didn’t hide his occasional worries about his partner. He wasn’t ashamed of it either. “No, I’m good, thank you though.” Olympia smiled at him, thanking him for the offer.
⌦ .。.:*♡
When they got to the diner, they stood in front of the building space for a while before entering. The bell that hung above the door rang when it was opened, alerting the waiter of the two’s presence. “Hi, just two? Well, follow my lead then.” The waiter said, grabbing two menus then leading the duo to their seats. He chose a booth that was one of the many booths sitting beside a large mural. Otis and Olympia sat down across from each other, and the waiter set their menus down in front of them. “I’ll be right back to take your drink order.” The brown haired waiter told them, before walking off to the kitchen. The duo went a while without saying anything to the other, and Olympia decided to break the silence. “Hey, thanks for allowing me to come with you. I appreciate it.”
Otis, who’s face was buried in the menu, only responded with an “mhm” followed by a nod. He was never the one to talk much, and was the polar opposite of his best friend and long time partner.
The waiter came back a little later. “Hello, I’m Nathan and I’ll be serving you. What would y’all like to drink tonight?” He said, with a notepad and pen in his hands. “Diet coke.” Otis responded. “I think a water would be fine for me.” Olympia followed. The waiter wrote down their drink orders, his pen making small scribbling noises as he wrote. “Are you ready to order?” Nathan asked the two. “Yeah, I’ll have the honey steak, medium rare. What’s the soup of the day for today?” Olympia asked. “The soup of the day is New England clam chowder.” Nathan replied. Olympia smiled in response. “I’ll have that as a side, then. Oh and as another side I’ll have carrots please.” “Alright, and for you, sir?” He turned to Otis. “I’ll take the shrimp and noodle salad, and I’ll have what she’s having when it comes to the soup side.” He said before sliding his menu to Nathan, who then took up both of the menus. “Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks!” He walked off with the menus the kitchen. He held the door open for an exiting waiter who had a couple of plates in his hands before walking into the kitchen himself.
⌦ .。.:*♡
Not too long later, Nathan came back with Olympia and Otis’ drink orders. He sat them down on the table in front of them, placing a straw beside each drink. “There you go.” He said. Olympia answered with a quick “Thanks” before he disappeared into the kitchen once again. Olympia looked at her partner, who was currently on his phone. His phone lit up his face, changing colors as he swiped through it. Olympia began bouncing her leg in anxiousness.
Otis looked up from his phone at his partner. One unique thing about Otis was that he could tell when something was wrong. “You okay?” He asked in concern. “You’re looking worried, also your leg is shaking the table.”
“Oh, sorry.” Olympia apologized. She had realized what she was doing and stopped. “It’s nothing.”
Otis saw straight through Olympia’s lie. “It’s not nothing, it’s something. Speak.”
“…okay…well…it’s just that work has been exhausting and stressful. For the past 2 weeks or so it’s been like this. At this point I don’t know if the cases have gotten more incomprehensible or I’m just getting dumber.” Olympia said, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.
“I certainly don’t think it’s the latter. Otis said. “Y’know you can ask me for help, right?”
“Yes but I don’t want you thinking I need your help every day. I’d rather try and do it on my own than to bother you.”
“Otis, I said I’m fine, I’ve got it.” Olympia said, smiling. “I’ve always got it.”
“Okay then…” Otis responded. The waiter’s timing was almost perfect, because a bit after Otis’ response, the waiter came back with their food.
After their dinner at the diner, Olympia and Otis decided to go ahead and part ways for the night. Otis went back to the headquarters’ parking garage to get his car and head home, while Olympia went back to headquarters to do some more work. O’Callaghan was reading a newspaper when she arrived, he was so focused that he almost didn’t see her. When Olympia got back to her desk, she scrambled some papers, resuming her unfinished work.
⌦ .。.:*♡
Otis has already been in bed when his clock read 1:21. For some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about Olympia and her work, so he got up, slid on his blazer over his pajamas, and drove to headquarters. When he arrived, O’Callaghan was asleep in his chair, newspaper on top of his head. Otis shook his head and chucked. As he walked into the main common area, he turned his phone’s flashlight on. Otis’ blue eyes widened at the scene in front of him: Olympia was sound asleep at her desk on top of her paperwork, her computer was in sleep mode, her hair was standing up like she rubbed a balloon with high static electricity on her head. Olympia had been overworking herself, and Otis could tell. He sighed before scooting Olympia and her chair to the side (being careful not to wake her), pulling his chair from his desk over, and doing the rest of her paperwork for her. She had skipped a lot of areas, even left some blank. He filled in those areas for her. Otis was done in no time, it was just about 2:45 am when he was finished. “Hey, Olympia, I’m finished.” He whispered, shaking his partner awake. She groaned and sat up, looking at Otis. “Otis? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“Yeah, but I was worried about you, so I came to see you. And I finished your work for you. To be honest, I hate seeing you stressed, and it was worrying for me.” Otis said to his half-asleep partner. “Y…you did? Thank you. I really appreciate it, and I appreciate you looking out for me.” Olympia said before yawning and falling back asleep on Otis’ shoulder.
At that point, Otis didn’t care that Olympia was currently using him as a pillow, because, honestly, he was just happy to help.
⌦ .。.:*♡
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Felt like crying, so I came to you, my friend! Mc and Mammon went out shopping, specifically to buy gifts for his brothers, as an apology. When they get back home they are met with hostility. They berate Mammon until Mc screams at them to shut up, then rips into each of them for their treatment of Mammon. Then finishes with "Don't expect Mammon to stay here when he can live with me in the humanworld. I'm done with you. Mammon, lets go, you deserve better, love" and leaves w/ Mammon. Thank you!
You came to me because you felt like crying and that gives me two (2) things to think about. 1.) I'm apparently someone who people see as a tissue? 2.) My angst is just THAT good. Also! Apparently today is rain on Mammon day and I'm here for it not me avoiding my exam to write these things
Warning: uh.... Angst?
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“You know, I’m proud of you for suggesting this.” Truly, you were. Mammon was your favorite and you felt for him, but you also completely understood where his brothers came from. At first, it honestly annoyed you as well; the constant stealing, the lying… You tried blaming it on his avatar, but even then it doesn’t explain the lying that comes with it. However, you do realize that it’s a habit and it’s a habit that is hard to fix, so instead of constantly getting onto him like the rest, you tried to understand him a bit more and give him some life advice. So far, you have managed to get Mammon to give back all the things he has recently taken from his brothers, and some of them even got an apology. You’ll be working on how to properly apologize, though, because oof, that was a mess. 
And now? Now you managed to take a small trip with him downtown to at least attempt to make things better. Mammon is now, or at least today, using his own money to buy some things that his brothers would be fond of: a new vinyl player for Lucifer (non-cursed), a new Ruri-chan t-shirt for Leviathan, a neck pillow for Satan because lord knows he has some cramps back there with the way he leans over and down to read his books. Then some perfume for Asmodeus that he had been swooning about, a gift card to Beel’s favorite restaurant for the glutton, and a heated blanket for Belphie. You were proud, truly, that Mammon wanted to do this. As a matter of fact, he was the one who suggested it. “Maybe… uh.. I could… ya know… buy somethin’ they like” is what he said. You were just excited and agreed to help. 
Now you were going back to the house with a few shopping bags and ice cream almost fully eaten. You paid for the ice cream, as a way to reward Mammon, and you’re sure he’s secretly thanking you for that because some of these items truly did burn a hole into his credit card, which is partially his fault. “Lucifer deserves more than some random vinyl player.” his words, not yours. Also “satan needs one of them neck pillows that massage it, too!” again, his words. So yeah, some money was definitely spent on these items, but… once again, you were proud. “I think they’ll love everything, Mam. They’d be fools if they didn’t.” Hearing you say that made Mammon feel a lot better, honestly, and a small rush of confidence came to the surface “Ya betcha they will! Nothin’ but the best from the Great Mammon!” You just laughed. 
However, upon arrival, it was a different sight. As a matter of fact, you barely made it through the door before Beel was grumbling something about Mammon eating his custard, which is true, but it’s just a custard? “MAAMMMOONNN!!” and then there was Lucifer who appeared so fast you wondered if he was even real. He went on a whole rant about how irresponsible Mammon is and how another bill came in the mail that talks about Mammon’s debt. Satan and Belphegor teamed up to show empty hands, which left both you and Mammon confused, but then “do you see anything here? No? That’s because you sold our belongings, Mammon!” Mammon can be lucky that Leviathan was still holed up in his room because he just remembered that he also, at some point in the past, sold one of Levi’s figures. Asmodeus came last and honestly he wasn’t mad, he was just annoyed. “I saw you go through my things, Mammon. Nothing was taken, but it was still so incredibly rude!” 
Next followed a screaming match which was basically just Mammon trying to defend himself, trying to show the bags and apologize, but none of them would have it. It irritated you. Yes, they had every right to be mad because personal belongings should stay with their owner(s), but at the same time, they didn’t even give Mammon a chance to explain, especially after he’s been holding the bags up and attempting to apologize. “You’re so stupid, Mammon” “StupidMammon” “so irresponsible. You know better than that. Do you need another time out session, Mammon?” “I can’t believe you’d go through my stuff again!” by now your eyes were twitching and the voices echoing off the walls surely didn’t help your case. One more word and you’d snap, surely, especially since Mammon’s hand is now shaking and you grabbing it did nothing at all. “We would be better off without you.”
Ah yes, there it is. The final straw. The amount of anger boiling inside you right now isn’t even manageable anymore and you’re surprised that Satan, as the Avatar of Wrath, has yet to notice it. “Shut up! Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! All of you!” You yanked Mammon behind you, almost protectively and Belphegor found the need to laugh at it. “Really? You’re going to protect him?” Oh, there. That’s your first victim. “Are you really that dense, Belphegor, or is sleep still clouding your brain cells? That is your brother you’re currently making fun of and I don’t know about you, but I was taught that family sticks together, blood related or by choice. So how about you get your head out of dreamland, take this stupid heated blanket that he bought for you, as an apology, and wake up for a second.” yes, you did throw the bag at him and then you pointed your finger at Beel. You’d regret later on that you’re tearing into him as well because Beel means well at the end of the day, but still, he was also part of this. 
“You’re my least worry, Beel. Honestly you’re too caught up in your burgers and brawns to care for a second that your brother tries very hard to be liked by all of you. Sad, really.” you threw the card at him too. As a matter of fact, you threw all of the bags right in front of them. “And then Asmo.. oh my God, first of all, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Shocker, I know. If you were half as empathetic toward your family as you are obsessed with yourself, maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to always go party and drink your life away. Oh, I’m sorry, did that hit just a little too hard? Can’t be harder than the hangovers you wake up with on a regular basis.” You glared at him before turning your attention to Satan. “Honestly, if you weren’t such a baby inside I may actually be scared of you. You always complain about how stupid he is, how he needs to just learn, but you? What do you do all day? You hole yourself up in your room and read about worlds that you wish you could enter. News flash: you’d die before you had the chance to say hello. People don’t like self-proclaimed assholes. Mammon IS smart. He’s very talented, too, but you’re too far up in Shakespeare’s ass that you fail to realize that everyone has knowledge in different fields of life. Give me a break.” 
Satan was about to retort but you already moved on to Levi. “and you! Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for you wallowing in self-pity and fake depression, you would have absolutely no personality traits. What are you again? The Avatar of Envy? How about instead of being envious of others’ accomplishments, you actually start working on yourself. It’s truly pathetic that a couple millenia old demon’s only purpose in life is ramen and self inflicted emotional pain. Seriously, what are you? A pitiful loner? I can’t even begin to empathize with you in any way, shape, or form.” Your blood was boiling right now and maybe if they hadn’t attacked Mammon like they did, you would’ve felt bad about Levi’s sad face right now, but there was still one person left to deal with.”
“And you… beautiful, responsible, way-too-good-for-you older brother, Lucifer.” He’s been glaring at you this whole time, arms crossed over his chest but you stood your ground. You’re not quite sure how you managed, but you did. “You call yourself the best, the most responsible. You constantly say this family would fall apart without you, but that’s not it, is it? I think you’re just lonely. You force these six to be by you, to respect you and borderline worship you. Not because you deserve it…” you chuckled, shaking your head, “no. You’re just so sad that Daddy and Michael left you, mocked you, that you turned your sadness into anger and took it out on these six, but especially Mammon. Why? Because you see yourself in him. You call him your favorite brother, but it’s not because he actually is… he just reminds you of everything you used to be: fun, reckless, and feeling. Now you’re just cold, mean, and bitter. Don’t bother calling yourself the mighty first because without him you would be neither. Maybe if you pulled that stick out of your arse and actually tried to get to know your brothers, maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely all the time. Family, right? That’s what you want. How about you start acting like one.” 
You shook your head after that, grabbing Mammon’s hand and kicking the bags in front of you before dragging Mammon back out the door. “Those are for you, by the way. Not that you deserve them, but they’re Mammon’s way of apologizing for all the things you accused him of the minute he set foot into the house. Have fun. We’re going to the castle and, if we’re lucky, to a real home.” 
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al-longbottom · 2 years
Rating Harry Potter Ships, Part One
I have decided to share my unwarranted opinion about Harry Potter ships. Feel free to suggest more ships for me to rate, ask me to elaborate on my opinion for a ship, or even debate me about my rating. Who knows, maybe you'll change my mind.
In this Part:
Draco/Harry, Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks, James/Lily, Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Tom, Hermione/Harry, and Fred/George
Draco x Harry:
Pre war would be enemies/rivals to lovers where they come across each other 'accidentally' in back hallways and empty classrooms and end up making out or hatefucking until someone comes a little too close to catching them and it freaks them out and Draco would say something like 'don't mention this to anyone' but Harry would still tease him and make innuendos around other people, confusing both their friends, until finally they get together and eventually come out to their friends.
Post War I feel like it would be one of those heat of the moment things, like we're really the only two who understand each other because we were in similar situations and now we're both depressed and craving comfort so let's meet up to have sex while barely talking to each other otherwise. Very toxic, Draco would probably be jealous and borderline emotionally abusive, and Harry would be depressed and emotionally fragile. Both those boys need at least a decade of therapy before he pursues a romantic relationship.
Sirius x Remus
... 6/10
Same as before. I was obsessed until a couple months ago but I've sort of grown out of them. I think of Sirius in the same light as Draco. Needs therapy and would be too toxic for the kind of relationship Remus deserves after everything he's been through but with the being said
Remus x Tonks
My reason for not shipping this isn't because I think Remus and Tonks are both queer (I do think Remus and Tonks are queer, that's just not why I don't like Remadora). It's because if Tonks was 2 years younger she would have been Remus' student which is all fine and dandy for fantasies or roleplaying but in all actuality Teacher/Student relationships cause a severe power imbalance and it would be incredibly ignorant on Remus' half to partake in such a relationship. Not to mention it just feels pedophilic, even if she's over 18.
James x Lily
Perfect, beautiful, couldn't ask for anything better, yes yes yes yes yes! This is my favorite canon ship and I believe the two of them are soulmates.
Hermione x Ron
Now I am on the fence about this ship. I used to think Ron was immature and childish, the kind of spouse that would want a traditional relationship from Hermione (you're the wife so you do the chores and raise the kids and I'll go to work) but after reading some Romione fanfic <3<3<3 Himbo simp supporting his genius wife. Love to see it.
Hermione x Draco
No. Worse than Drarry. I cannot stand Dramione. My biggest thing is he literally calls her a slur on multiple occasions, which is not husband material. Also, like with Drarry, he needs therapy not a significant other. Maybe they could be friends years down the road once Draco has grown and matured and finally apologizes for all the shit he did to her as kids.
Harry x Ginny
They're cute. They're alright. They're like Jily and I love them for that. But they're like... the Target version of Jily. Not quite the Walmart version but definitely not the original. I think they would be cute together though, and Harry would be the supportive husband Ginny deserves.
Harry x Tom
I thought this was a joke. This is a joke right? Why is the internet telling me this isn't a joke. No, that is weird, Tom is literally a ghost from like 50 something years ago manipulating an 11 year old into doing his evil bidding. Harry and Tom are a no from me.
Hermione x Harry
I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think they're the kind of people who would try dating each other because they're so close and then after like 3 weeks they break it off mutually and become lifelong bestfriends. With that being said, in a world where Ron and Ginny don't exist I could see Harry and Hermione getting married for the marriage benefits.
Fred x George
Disclaimer: this is just my opinion. If you ship something I gave a low rating, or hate a ship I gave a high rating, I'm not saying you're in the wrong or a bad person or anything. I'm just saying we have different likes and dislikes. Cool? Cool.
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
You know what since we’re still in quarantine and i have nothing else better to do, i need to obsess over ACOTAR. I don't like a court of frost and starlight. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't like it. I aggressively read the book in maybe a day and I closed it feeling frustrated and annoyed. My version had A Court of Silver Flames preview so that definitely contributed to my annoyance greatly.
It's because it felt too perfect. Everything that had happened -- after the entire war was fought and won, they just go back to their normal lives? Yes there were hiccups and yes there were still aspects that made every IC character feel like their problems aren’t solved yet...but it didnt feel right. yes i enjoyed the snowball fight between the bat boys, feyre + rhys sexy time, and those little comfort moments too, the slice of life type things and seeing feyre accomplishing her goals and how hopeful the future seems BUT its too fast. the good parts of the book did not offset the bad parts of it.
Feyre literally accomplished pretty much every single goal she made back in ACOMAF just like that?? within a span of what a few months? a year?? She really came back from an entire war -- probably the first war of many since she's immortal and just like that, after her 21st birthday: she gets a whole entire estate, wants to start poppin babies, opens her art studio and starts teaching kids and then acting like she can rule an entire court?? the timeline is sooo short esp since its been brought up over and over again how everyone is literally 500 years old and have a super “messy” history and their changes seems to come super dupe slowly. but feyre, who has only lived 0.000000002% of her fae life, is out here thriving just fine???
the war devastated thousands of illyrian soldiers where its changing the politics of the illyrains and the faes, all of whom feyre has responsibilities over too as high lady. the mortal queens are still at large who left the humans on prythian to die which is why feyre was willing to go to war in the first place! what about the rest of hybern and their land and residents?? they wanted to enslave humans for social and economical reasons! then what about integrating humans w deep hatred and fear with deeply prejudice fae??? there’s also spring and summer court who are literally in ruins. thats literally so much. so idk how feyre is just chillin???? she gonna let rhys do all the hard work???
like feyre sit down. u should not be having a baby. esp since it took u literally a 700 pages to heal from those 3 months UTM. ur telling me shes gonna whole heartedly bring in a newborn in a war devastated world, with civil unrest (illyrains, other courts), with the messiness of human and fae integration, with trauma u and rhys will have to continue to overcome esp after THIS war??? even helping ur sisters w their traumas??
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this is a personal opinion on this subject (and maybe my thoughts will change on this later on; opened to other thoughts) but when i read the part about how that weaver/seamstress artist who made that dark quilt that feyre loved talked about how her mate of 300 years didn’t come back from the war and her biggest regret was that she didnt have a kid to remember him by i just thought ur kid isn’t some sort of memorabilia. don’t have a kid to keep the memory of ur mate alive; have a kid cuz u want a kid purely for the sake of having a kid. ur memories and photos and shit will keep their memory alive but its not having a kid. some primitive need to keep the genes alive maybe?? but the way it was phrased and then in turn how feyre was like oh i need  a baby pronto cuz rhys might die in the next war and regret not having a kid with him didn’t sit right with me. also the other couple were together for +300 years and have a rich life together, while shes been with rhys for literally two years THATS NOTHING IN FAE YEARS. thats still the honeymoon phase and also ur problems arent even close to being over!!!
everyone was shitty to nesta. in ACOMAF, we saw how much the IC went through and still did all they could to help feyre. what made them not think nesta deserve the same welcome? nesta is mean as a defense but did no one try to figure out what would help (amren got close but shes so under developed)??? feyre knows nesta feels too much and yet she continued to be shitty. continued to flaunt her wealth, her status, her familiarity/borderline know-it-all attitude about fae/night court, her ~estate~. forcing nest to the solstice party when nesta was literally like i dont belong, im looking at everyone through a window type of thing; the fire cracking triggering her, etc. what kind of power play was that when she made nesta come to her estate, where nesta could SEE how ~homey~ and how suscessful feyre is and fully see all the lovely paintings of everyone feyre loves that explicitly exclude her to tell her to fuck off to a war camp?? bro???? cas was a dick too and elaine was rude. i think a lot of his actions were meant to make her angry since anger keeps u fighting (as was the method of rhys for feyre in ACOMAF) but what he said was stupidly shitty and i demand that he apologize properly. elaine could have done more to help her sister but whatever. mor was definitely an ass too (and im upset for how little her character growth is). 
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Lucein. that man can’t catch a break tbh. im happy that hes w the band of exiles cuz he is whole heartedly accepted there. feyre was definitely an asshole to him even tho he helped as much as he could throughout the books. he tries so hard w elaine as well and it did hit my heart a bit when she was like gloves to work in my garden?? no ?? i use my bare hands see oNly aZiReL sEeS mE fOr WhO i Am. and at the same feyre is like flaunting her mate status to lucein which is mean as shit. its like this man can’t find love in prythain. then tamlin sending him his box of his things??? thats for sure brutral. tam was literally his partner through it all; savior of sorts even. no love from IC, no love from elaine, no love from feyre, no love from tamlin, no love from autumn court rejected everywhere! also HIS TRUE FATHER?? HEllo??? 
then on tamlin. i pity the guy! was i suppose to feel that way??? it felt like he is allowed to get a redemption arc and maybe i’ll even root for a redemption arc??? i was absolutely excited for freysand in ACOMAF but after ACOFAS, im like tamlin is....not completely bad??? his relationship w feyre was bad and the controlling parts were very much a no-no. i dont truly understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship but i can understand that it can be insidious and its the little things that hurt the victim. and i felt  feyre through ACOMAF and rooted for her to escape her abuser! but then it felt like i dont think he was doing any of those things out of malice. ill say tamlin is a bad leader and doesn’t know how to run a court outside of what he sees his father do. his understanding on everything is based on the traditions of the past which i think fueled most of the things he did i.e. not telling feyre she was in danger since maybe his mom didn’t do those war planning things. ACOTAR showed how he truly cared/loved and took good care of feyre and her family. he even talked about how he didn’t believe in the enslavement of humans! i think that tam wanted to preserve what he thought was the good (aka feyre + her love of painting) and get back a sense of control that he and his entire court lost while chained to amarantha. but at the same time, i think he truly thought feyre wasn’t safe. he knows rhys can crush minds and knows feyre can’t read/write so when he got that letter telling him shes safe of course hes gonna flip shit and made a deal w the devil (although those temper outbursts were DEFINITIVELY not ok!!!). he also didn’t listen and has sense of he knows best when feyre was not the type of person. but feyre destroyed his entire court. he lost all his sentries who literally went out to die for him during amarantha’s reign. he lost lucien too; his trusted right hand man. his people were cursed for 50 years and then continued to suffer UTM and was in the process of rebuilding too!  but just seeing spring court, WHO BORDERS THE HUMANS, be in ruins where his subjects left him, his people left him and hes all alone in the manson?? that was sooo sad. so im like why does what feyre did not feel satisfactory????? im mad that it didn’t feel right??? maybe there wasn’t a point where feyre talked to tamlin -- like really talked to him esp w her new found voice and power, etc. anyways, i dont hate tamlin and was like oh shit i think feyre fucked up a bit there.
rhys is a dick to nesta. which made me think, if feyre wasn’t his mate would he extend the same love and care to her???  i loved how he tried so hard to make sure feyre was ok. made sure she wasn’t breaking! all of it! but for nesta, he had the audacity to use his high lord voice and be an ass overall. even tho he can see how cas is fucken in love??? even just how he talks to cass feels off too. 
i’ll even go as far as to say because of how terrible ACOFAS was, it created this intense divide within the fandom. i remember reading the first three books and was absolutely 1) rooting for freysand  2) curious about the sister relationship and how it will be mended 3) i definitely didn’t hate nesta nor did i hate elaine either -- but i was adament about them talking it out with feyre for those tough times 4) saw a more realistic and charming healing arc 5) was rooting for feyre to be a stronger voice and grow into herself 6) love the dynamic of the inner circle + feyre
but after ACOFAS, I have this intense need to defend nesta and was super mad at how she was treated after the war and in turn a deep dislike for elaine for both her lack of agency, lack of grit that made all the other characters interesting, and lack of care for her sisters (who showed how much they would risk for her). i dont hate rhys but i was extremely not happy with him and his attitude and behavior. feyre became more arrogant and was acting like how asshole rhysand would act. like her life is perfect now and i was not rooting for her anymore. freysand didn’t feel like they have complimenting qualities that made them interesting in the first place but rather they are merging to become the same person but in a bad way. that mind reading thing was cute in the beginning but it became insufferable since all thoughts were shared so seamlessly it made reading feel weird. 
anyways those are my thoughts on ACOFAS. it was a 1/5 stars for me and im mad those events transpired. reading the other books made me excited to know what was gonna happen and i was truly ready to accept the characters as flawed and nuanced as they are. im not mad about character not liking each other but i am mad that everything felt off. ACOFAS just felt regressive in some parts and forced in other parts. i know not everything ends in a nice tied up bow but this book single handily ruined what i thought about these characters in the worse way possible. this book wasn’t suppose to wrap up all the problems that exists in the other books but it didn’t feel hopeful like i thought it would. it didn’t feel wrapped up and didn’t feel like i should be excited about the next books. theres so many missing pieces i feel that i think need explaining and at the same time, i think it introduced too many problems at once which made it feel like its jumping around everywhere. although im still excited for ACOSF because i love nesta, and nesta deserves so much better and i want to have hope that this bad ending will either make sense later on or it was just a blimp.
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piratesfromspace · 3 years
Five Times Din and Cobb protected you - and one time they didn’t have to
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Cobb Vanth x Reader
Summary: The title says it all. Five Times Din and Cobb protected you, saved you, or just cared for you - and one time they didn’t have to. It's just self-indulgent fluff to make you feel safe and loved, enjoy!
Those small stories represent part 2 of my series “A Mandalorian, a Marshal, and some complicated feelings”. You can read part 1 here: “Two saviors and some hope”. I strongly advise you read it first!
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: canon-typical violence, alcohol, brief mention of past abuse, sexual harassment, depiction of PTSD
A/N: Neutral pronouns for reader. English is not my native language, please be kind. Fic also available on ao3.
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Part 1 ✧ ☽ Chapter 1: The Bruises ☽✧ 
The first time is the day after Din and Cobb saved you from the slaver in the market of Mos Pelgo. The Marshal had already noticed the bruises left on your upper arm by the mean grip of your captor’s hand. He too was a slave once, and he knows. Worse than the pain, is the actual humiliation of seeing on one’s own body the bruises and cuts inflicted by a tormentor. In the afternoon, he comes home with some sort of ointment he bought off of an old lady that is kind of a healer. He offers to apply it for you. The swelling wraps all around your arm, making it difficult for you to reach on your own. You agree.
He’s quick and focused on the task, and you guess it’s not the first time he has to do something like this. His gentleness is almost startling, such a contrast with the faceless authoritarian figure he was just the day before, when you first encountered him. When he’s done, you can already feel the balm starting to soothe the pain. Although you’re not so sure whether it’s thanks to the actual ointment or the calming warmth of his hands against your abused flesh.
He wants to give you the small bottle containing the medication, but you explain you don’t have any credit to pay him back, cheeks hot with shame. His smile is bright and honest, and he assures you you don’t owe him anything. You thank him in a whisper. And you thank the Maker as well for sending him on your path.
✧ ☽ Chapter 2: The Cantina ☽✧ 
The second time happened during a weekday night. The bartender of the local cantina had an errand to run and asked you to replace him. Him being a dear friend of Cobb, you have accepted. Being a barmaid is one of the many previous jobs you have already done, and it is actually a nice distraction. It also is a nice way to earn some credits, let’s be honest.
As the evening unrolls pretty peacefully, a group of very loud male Devaronians enter the cantina, and you can smell trouble as soon they step a foot inside. You’ve already seen them around town for the past couple days, they seem to be resting here for a while before travelling further into the desert. Although their stay is temporary, they’ve managed to make themselves known to the local population as pretty annoying, searching to start a scrap more often than not.
They settle at the bar, ordering a round of spotchka, before one of them starts speaking about you like you weren’t there. “Hey what a pretty human we have here… I’ve heard humans are all soft and light, ‘wonder what they could taste like!” He follows the declaration by an obscene sound of mouth and an exaggerated lick of his giant tongue on his lips. His friends let out silly sneers at the dirty joke. You roll your eyes, when another expands: “Ugh, I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat humans, you know, I’ve heard they’re all bones and no meat.” “No, not like this Kard’ye, Kriff, you’re so stupid.” The whole group laughs loudly, while the aforementioned Kard’ye struggles to understand the innuendo of his camrade. You don’t know if it’s the alcohol or a natural lack of intelligence, but they indeed all look pretty dumb.
Lucky for you, they let you out of their next conversations, and you tend to the rare other clients, praying for the Devaronians to leave soon. The night goes on, and you’re preparing to close the bar. All the patrons quickly leave, except for the bunch of Devaronians, of course. Just before you can tell them to go somewhere else, they order a whole round of the strongest - and most expensive - alcohol you have. You consider refusing, but you don’t want to be the one explaining to your employer why you let so many credits go away.
“This is your very last round, ok?” you finally say, not even trying to hide the exasperation in your voice.
As you’re serving them, you have a short moment of absence and the heavy bottle of alcohol escapes your hands. You try to catch it back with a gasp, but the brown thick drink ends up all over the counter and on the jacket of one of the Devaronians. “I’m so sorry! Let me cl…” you don’t have the time to end your apology that the thug grabs your faulty arm and pulls it toward him, your ribs hitting violently the countertop in the movement. You freeze, the memory of a similar situation suddenly invading your mind. The cruel hand of your captor. The burning sand beneath your feet. The feeling of despair. It’s all back at the front of your mind. The world is shutting down around you, it’s like you’re floating and being stuck at the same time.
“You stupid human, look at the mess you’ve made! You need a correction, maybe Kard’ye is right, I should actually take a bite, just to try…” the creature growls with a vicious smile, revealing two sets of sharp teeth. He tugs your hand closer, like he’s really gonna bite your fingers off. You can feel his lukewarm and disgusting breath on your skin but you’re incapable to move, completely frozen.
“Actually you shouldn’t” the familiar filtered voice takes you out of your paralysis. There is the sound of a blaster getting armed. “Or you won’t have any teeth left.” Din adds while pressing his blaster’s barrel up against the jaw of your aggressor.
There is a little bit of mayhem as the group of Devaronians pull out their own weapons, stepping back and shouting in surprise. Your attacker lets go of your arm, and turns slowly to face the Mandalorian. The threat of a fight is floating in the air as the orange-skinned alien is deciding whether to take offense or not.
His smile gets bigger and he raises both his hands in a mockery of surrender. “A Mandalorian, what a surprise! Are you a Marshal as well? Or maybe you just happen to share the same closet...” his drunk friends giggle at the implication.
“I’m no Marshal. And I make my own justice. Wanna try it?” He says, his blaster sinking a little deeper into the creature’s cheek. His voice is so steady and emotionless it’s borderline scary. “And if you think you’re insulting me by implying the actual Marshal of this town, the most brave man that I know, is my partner, then you’re even stupider than what I thought.”
The tension is thick as the smile on the Devaronian’s face disappears. He snorts loudly and spits on the floor, in a pathetic attempt to regain some stature.
“Well guys, let’s go out of this rat hole, the spotchka wasn’t even good anyway.” he says aloud for the whole group to hear. His companions grumble last threats while leaving the place.
Mando’s blaster is still aiming at their back as they walk out of the cantina, and as soon as the last one of them is in the street, he walks behind the counter and seals the door behind them with the push of a button. You watch him act, but you’re still stuck in the same position, your mind blank.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” you can hear the worry in his voice this time. You want to answer but you can’t, you open your mouth but you’re unable to produce a sound. You’re slowly coming back to your senses, tears of fear prickling in your eyes after the fact, like your emotions are just now catching up with what happened.
You’re desperately looking at Mando’s visor, searching for something, anything that would help you ease the wave of terror that’s preventing you from speaking. “Hey, you’re safe now, I’m here, they’re gone” he whispers, closing prudently the distance between you two, before pulling you gently in his embrace.
You wince when your injured ribs bump into the beskar of his breastplate, but at least the physical pain helps you get back to the here and now. He lets go immediately, startled, taking a step back.
“I… I’m gonna be fine.” you finally find the strength to speak to reassure him. “You’re a strong one, I’m sure you will.” There is no irony in his voice. His visor tips slightly down, toward your ribs. “Let’s go home and have Cobb take a look at this, okay?” You nod in agreement.
“I’ll come back and clean this mess.” he adds finally, while looking at the drink spilled all over the counter. Then his voice gets lower, laced with threat “And after that, I think I also have a few things to clean with some Devaronians.”
✧ ☽ Chapter 3: The Language ☽✧ 
The third time is all about a misunderstanding.
You go on your day, out in the streets of Mos Pelgo to buy some food. You still avoid the marketplace since it has a few brutal memories attached to it that are still too fresh, but it’s okay because you usually find what you want in the small shop next to the cantina.
As you make your way out, arms full of supplies, you miss a step and accidentally bump into a Tusken. Your groceries fell on the ground as you try to catch your footing, and you apologize while picking everything up, too embarrassed to look up at the stranger you just pushed. But the language barrier is not working in your favor, and the Tusken is quite upset. You know their tribe is not always welcome in town and the tensions were already pretty high long before you arrived.
You try desperately to remember the few gestures Din taught you, but you’re panicking and afraid to sign something wrong, making the situation even worse. The angry grunts of the Tusken are not stopping, and you try to apologize again, but to no avail. The loud quarrel doesn’t go unnoticed. More and more bystanders are stopping to look at the scene, and soon, there are quite a handful of villagers and Tusken around you both. Some of them start to take sides, humans insulting the Tusken, and Tuskens raising threatening fists at the town inhabitants.
It’s all going down pretty quickly, until you catch the shining glimpse of a beskar armor, and the rumble of a deep modulated voice. Mando parts the crowd, plants himself in front of the Tusken and signs in annoyed short gestures. He seems tired of this. Playing the peace keeper and the translator for two opposing sides was an honorable mission at first, but it begins to be more troublesome and repetitive those days. You can’t really blame Mando, when the townsfolk are not making the slightest efforts to include the Tusken tribe - and the desert warriors are not really helpful either. Nonetheless, you watch as Din tries his best to avoid a fight and calm the tensions. After a few back and forth, the offended Tusken finally shakes his head, weary, and signals to his group it’s time to leave. You’re relieved, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
The crowd is dispersed, and Din helps you pick up the last of the food supply still on the ground. After a while, Mando finally breaks the silence between you.
“I’m sorry.
He answers your surprised look with a heavy sigh.
“Sorry you had to end up in the middle of this nonsense while you had nothing to do with it in the first place.”
“I am sorry too, I mean, I failed you. You taught me how to sign their language and I couldn’t even remember how to say sorry. I’m a bad student... Or maybe you’re a bad teacher?” you let out a half-hearted giggle, in an attempt to lighten the mood. Din’s visor drops slightly and you swear you've heard a chuckle.
At least you still remember how to make him smile.
✧ ☽ Chapter 4: The Scar ☽✧ 
The fourth time is a night when the pain in your back wakes you up.
You know you need to find a competent medical droid to fix what has become a chronic pain, but it’s easier said than done when you live in a small town lost in the desert on Tatooine. You turn in your bed, trying to find a more comfortable position, but after a few minutes of unsuccessful attempts you give up. With an exasperated sigh, you get up. The call from the painkillers still stored in your roommate's bedroom and the promise of an oblivious sleep is too strong. With some luck, you might even be able to sneak under Cobb’s blanket (you know he sleeps alone tonight) and cuddle against his warm chest without waking him up.
With silent steps, you sneak into his room, and quickly find what you’re looking for. It would be way convenient to have the medication stored elsewhere, but you suspect he deliberately keeps it there, so he can keep a tab of your consumption. Was he afraid of you getting addicted to the drug? And wasn’t he right to be so?
A voice interrupts your train of thoughts before you can step outside of the room.
“Leave the pills. And come here.”
You feel like a kid caught with their hands in the sweet-sand cookie jar.
“Please, sweetheart. Don’t make me get up.” you guess a smile behind the voice hoarse with sleep.
But you’re annoyed, your back hurts and he has no rights giving you order, he’s definitely not your dad or anything.
“I’m hurting, Cobb, and I can’t sleep, let me have that.” your answer is more curt than you want to.
“I’ll rub your back.” he offers. “Come here”.
He’s being really patient with you, and it’s even more annoying because now you can’t say no.
You lay on your stomach next to him and he straddles you, one leg on each side of your body, resting ever so lightly on your hips. He asks if you’d prefer to remove your top, and you fumble to push it over your head. Big hands are splayed on your back and you suddenly feel so small under the giant Marshal. It’s like he could cover your entire back with just his two palms. He gently massages your shoulders before going lower, working the knots out of your contracted muscles. The slightly callused skin of his hands feels like heaven against yours. Until he touches your spine and pain courses through your nerves like a lightning bolt. You jerk and let out a repressed whimper.
“Sorry, dear.” he whispers, worried. “should I stop?”
“Don’t you dare.”
He starts again, careful, and despite some occasional - but weaker and weaker - surges of pain, you feel your entire body relax, and your eyelids getting heavier. The grounding feeling of Cobb’s body pressing against yours, the repetitive rhythm of his massage, the soft pillow under your cheek that smells like him: it doesn’t take long for your breath to get steadier as you slowly fall asleep. Before you’re totally gone, you feel Cobb’s lips leaving a gentle kiss on the scar on your back - the one you’re glad you kept as proof of the battles you’ve won.
✧ ☽ Chapter 5: The Desert ☽✧ 
The fifth time involves the desert and a storm.
In retrospect you really wonder what was going through your mind when you thought this was a good idea. Leaving the safety of the town to go out in the desert.
Just a couple hours before a sandstorm - a storm you knew where coming.
But after another sleepless night due to the pain, and somewhat of a fight with Din (for stupid reasons you can barely remember now), you were more than upset. On edge, even.  And a quick trip out in the open would clear your mind, you thought. You would totally have time to come back before the announced sandstorm.
Yeah sure .
Except you hadn’t planned for the nav computer of the speeder bike you stole in Cobb’s frontyard to break.
In the middle of nowhere.
Just dunes, and dunes, and more kriffing dunes all over.
The sky was cloudy, announcing the storm, so there was no way you could use the position of the two suns to help you figure out in which direction the town was. You tried to reboot the thing, even to disassemble it. Your attempts were useless. Fixing this computer was beyond your abilities.
And here you were, sitting on a speeder bike with no idea where to go. Which would be scary enough. If a sandstorm wasn’t coming.
You’re used to joke about your poor sense of direction, but right now you’re just angry at your inaptitude and your carelessness. There is very little you can do. As far as you see, there is just sand. Not even an isolated farm, or some sort of rocky valley where you could hide. Nothing, but sand. On your right, you can see the horizon slowly darkening, the sandstorm inexorably moving towards you.
So this is how I die , you think, on my own, in the desert of some forsaken planet, because of a kriffing nav computer. I’ve survived some of the worst things this galaxy can throw at you, and THIS is it?
You don’t know if you want to laugh or scream or cry, so you just walk around the speeder bike for a few minutes to try and calm yourself before sitting down in the sand, your back against the useless vehicle. Your only chance of survival would be someone travelling through the area. But with the storm, any reasonable beings - that excludes you - would stay in their village and not go out. Cobb is probably too busy preparing the town for the tempest to notice your absence. And Din, well, with your little quarrel, he surely isn’t gonna come check on you, not realizing you were gone either. Even if they eventually notice it, it’s probably too late.
You let your head fall back against the cold metal of the bike. The wind is getting clearly stronger by the minute, already picking up some dust. Soon it will become hard to keep your eyes open. Even hard to breathe.  You pull your scarf up on your mouth and nose. Silent tears briefly roll on your cheeks before getting trapped by the fabric. The last hope you had to cross someone’s path was dwindling with every second.  You look at the sky, swirls of brown dust staining the clear grey canvas above you. And then you notice a star, it’s weak at first, but it shines brighter and brighter. A deep tone, something too loud to be the sound of the wind, intensifies with it.
It’s coming towards you real quick and it’s not a star. It’s the flames of a jetpack. And attached to said jetpack is the Mandalorian. You get on your feet, your heart racing, and for a moment you wonder if you’re hallucinating. But he lands gracefully on the dune’s crest, muscular figure all clad in beskar, impressive as always. You run in his embrace, the earlier fight forgotten.
You want to explain, to apologize, to thank him, but there’s no time to lose.
“You need to keep this scarf on your face, to grab me and to hang on strong. Don’t let go whatever happens, got it?” You nod, tears of relief clouding your vision.  “It may be a bumpy ride.”
He takes you into his arms, clutching you against him with all his strength and you’re both going up in the sky. His jetpack is at full power, trying to outrun the sandstorm. You can feel him straining against the wind, trying to protect you as best as he can from the flying grains of sand scraping your exposed skin. Unlike him, you’re not wearing any gloves or helmet, there’s no beskar between you and the world.
Through squinting eyes, you can finally see Mos Pelgo in the distance, and as you approach the town, you’re joined by another jetpack wearer. You recognize the red and green of Cobb’s armor. They were both looking for you.
It’s a matter of minutes, seconds almost, but you all reach the safety of Cobb’s home before the sandstorm fully hits the streets of Mos Pelgo. The door is closed in a hurry, all three of you tumbling in the small hall. The Mandalorian finally let you go, and you can feel his arms slightly shaking, muscles spasming after the long and grueling effort. The heavy jetpack is discarded on the ground with little care. His chest is rising quickly, his ragged breath creating weird sounds through the modulator of his helmet, a hand on the wall for support.
You don’t really know what to say and you stand in the hallway, trying to catch your breath as well. You can hear Cobb fumbling to remove his armor and helmet, and as soon as he’s free, he hugs you, whispering reassuring words, although you’re not sure if he’s speaking to you or to himself. And when he lets go of his embrace, he turns to Din and hugs him as well, slightly lowering his head down and placing his forehead on his helmet, a sign you know of affection and love.
“Let’s get you out of your armor, cyar'ika” Cobb’s husky voice is warm but your heart stings at the word. It’s Mando’a and while you don’t know the exact translation, you’re sure it carries a lot of meaning with it. It dawns on you at that moment, your foolishness may have caused one of them to be injured or worse .
You try to hide your self-loathing behind a blank face, and you start helping Cobb. You work in silence, removing every piece of beskar armor from The Mandalorian’s body. When you’re done, Din heads toward the refresher without a word.  You want to cry, he’s obviously mad at you - if it isn’t for the trivial fight from earlier in the day, it’s obviously because you almost killed yourself and put his and Cobb’s lives at risk. You can’t hide your feelings anymore. An overwhelming wave of raw emotions hits you and you rush to your bedroom. Outside, the weather matches the storm inside your head.
A deep soothing voice shakes you out of your thoughts. You can’t really say how long you’ve stayed huddled on your bed. Maybe minutes, maybe hours.
“Hey, you know he’s not mad at you, right?”
Cobb is leaning against the doorframe of your room. He knows when to leave you space, but also when to check on you. You raise red eyes and a runny nose toward him.
“Actually I think he’s mad at himself.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s mad because he upset you and you left, because you got lost and he almost failed to protect you.” He pauses, crosses his arms on his chest. “Actually I’m also mad at myself, for not fixing that damn speeder bike earlier.”
You gasp, you’ve almost forgotten that part. The stolen bike is likely buried in sand as you speak. And if it’s still in one piece at the end of the storm, it should not take long before some jawas find it.
“I’m so sorry about that, Cobb, I… I’ll pay you back, I promise.”
“It’s ok, it was a rusty scrap of metal anyway.”
Cobb lets out a chuckle, mischief back in his eyes.
“Although I may have to arrest you, you know, since I’m a Marshal and you’re a thief. Let me find my handcuffs!” he concludes with a wink, and you can’t help but smile at how corny he sometimes is.
“Now let’s see Din, he needs us I think.”
He grabs your hand to help you get up, and leads you to his room. The storm is still raging outside, and it’s dark, probably early in the night. He knocks on the door, opens it slowly, and in the very dim ray of light that flows into the room, you can guess Din’s back and a glimpse of his soft brown hair. He’s sitting on the bed, facing the opposite wall. Cobb shuts the door behind you both, casting the room into darkness.
“I’m sorry…”
“Please forgive me…”
Din and you both start speaking at the same time.  There is a second of silence, before he resumes.
“No need to apologize. I’m just glad you’re here and safe now.”
His voice is unusually soft, a little less deep than through the modulator, more vulnerable, more human . It’s always a bit weird to hear his real voice, but at the same time you’re grateful to be able to hear it in the first place.
You climb on the bed, and you carefully reach for him, hugging him from behind. He grabs your hands and brings them to his lips, leaving kisses on your scuffed knuckles. You melt into his touch, and you both stay silent, but there is no discomfort between you. The sound of the wind outside is strangely comforting, some sort of a peculiar lullaby. The whole pressure of the day is finally released, and the only thing left is your gratitude and love for the two warriors in your life.
✧ ☽ Chapter 6: The Chiss ☽✧ 
And then there is the time when you can save yourself.
As the weeks pass by, you spend your days taking care of Cobb’s home, or working odd jobs here and there in Mos Pelgo, helping townsfolk with their businesses, trying to make some credits. You don’t really have a plan for your professional future right now. But regarding your freetime, you do have a plan. You’ve asked Din to train you in close combat. At first, he was reluctant, but you convinced him it was about guaranteeing your own safety and not becoming a bounty hunter or some sort of hitman like him.
His lessons were not the easiest to follow. He was patient, but he treated you with no special privileges, barely restraining his force when throwing you on the ground if you failed to escape his attack. He saw no point in playing soft or fair since a real-life aggressor would not be. You learned how to dodge and duck, how to aim for the weakest points of your opponent, and how to use your speed and lightness as a strength against what would likely be a bigger and stronger enemy. It was not about defeating an attacker. The spirit of the lessons were more about how to escape, run and hide efficiently.
You dreaded his lessons as much as you waited impatiently for them. You were pretty sure Din voluntarily over-played his toughness for the first couples of training sessions in order to test your will to really learn those techniques. But you could almost hear the proudness in his voice after each particularly grueling practice. Of course, your body was not spared, and more often than not you ended up with bruises and scratches in unexpected places. You had to reassure him quite a handful of times you were okay with this, because his guilt and fear of really hurting you was ever so present. He always took a moment after your lessons to take care of you, applying soothing balm over your bruises or bacta on your cuts, and those rare instances made you feel like you virtually were his equal, a warrior as well, not afraid of getting hurt in a fight. Of course Cobb always looked at the both of you with concern and suspicion, because he knew too well he was the one who would end up going shopping for medication and handling your healing process in the long run.
But Cobb was also an integral part of your plan. You couldn’t live with one of the best gunslingers in the area and not ask him to teach you how to use a blaster. The lessons were definitely easier to follow, and way less demanding. Cobb was a fun teacher, and while he was serious when sharing his knowledge, he made sure your training stayed enjoyable. Cracking jokes and delivering corny punchlines, calling you all sorts of outdated cute nicknames and cheering on you when you would finally shoot in the middle of the makeshift target of the day. Besides teaching you how to aim, he also showed you how to pull your gun faster than an adversary, the key to winning any fight according to him. When he was too tired after a long day of work to take you out, he would stay home and show you basic blaster maintenance. You would watch, mesmerized as he methodically disassembled his own gun before cleaning it, and re-assembling it with a speed you would not believe possible. Din would usually scoff at his little manly and self-indulgent demonstration, but you bet he was also impressed because you could clearly see the way his visor kept focusing on Cobb’s large and skillful hands. With their guidance, it took only a handful of weeks for you to feel more confident about your chances of survival in a fight.
While you suspected Din and Cobb both knew what motivated you to ask for their training, they never pushed you for any answers. It was about claiming your independence back, claiming your body back, and also a little bit about being prepared in the eventuality you’ll cross paths again with a certain Chiss slaver.
And then, one day, this eventuality becomes reality.
Din, Cobb and you, as well as a couple of other villagers have made the trip to Mos Eisley for a few days, in order to gather needed rare supplies, from mechanical parts to special medicine or new droids.
It’s your first day in the big town when you catch a glimpse of him, in the market. A flash of bright-blue in your peripheral vision. At first, you dismiss the alarm signal your brain sends you. It’s not because the alien is a Chiss, that it was this Chiss. But when he turns his face ever so slightly, you recognize him with no room for doubt. You try to stay calm and act like it’s nothing even though your mind is on a code-red alert.
You spend the rest of the day on edge, and you’re pretty sure Din and Cobb have noticed. As you all three settle in the small room you’re renting for the time of your stay, your suspicion is confirmed when Mando finally let out the question that was on his mind all day long.
“About who we saw in the market today, what do you want us to do about it?”
The tone is severe, no emotion in it, like a soldier ready to take any order. You left a moment of silence.
“I want to handle this myself.” you answer with a surprisingly determined voice.
Cobb’s brows furrow, he runs a hand on his face, and lets himself fall on one of the small beds. He lets out a sigh before adding an ominous “That’s what I feared.”.
You cut short to the discussion, because even if a Marshal and a Mandalorian want to discourage you to go on with this idea for your own safety, you’re still your own person. It’s your choice to make. They don’t push it, and you go to sleep with a very clear objective in your mind.
The next day, you see him again. He’s still in the marketplace and he’s accompanied by a couple of twi’leks in chains he seems to be trying to sell. It’s easy to forget what’s going on outside of the safe haven of Mos Pelgo, but here in Mos Eisley slavery is still a thing and the Republic isn’t in any rush to make it stop. It disgusts you, and your resolution only strengthens. You don’t have any specific plan about how you want to do it but everything falls into place when you spot him in a Cantina later that day.
The suns are already setting when your little group decides to go grab a drink. The Cantina is crowded with travelers and local inhabitants, but the tall Chiss is hard to miss. Of course, you two bodyguards have noticed him as well. As the night goes on, your eyes never cease to dart out of your booth and you have trouble focusing on what your lovers are discussing. Cobb is sipping on his third beer, relaxed. Din is playfully grazing his hand on Cobb’s knees while speaking, getting drunk in his own way. You, you barely touch your drink, too focused on your target.
Then everything happens really fast. You see the Chiss getting up from his stool and leaving, but Cobb and Din are now sitting at the very back of your booth and can’t see what’s happening. You smile at them and say you just need to use the bathroom before slowly walking out of their visual field with a calculated casualness. As soon as you reach the other side of the cantina, you slip out of the place amongst a few other clients. The night is clear, and the freshness of the air is welcome after the moist and warm atmosphere of the cantina. Your heart beats so fast in your chest it’s the only thing you can hear. Adrenaline is flowing through your veins like the most powerful drug in the galaxy, and you feel invincible.
The Chiss is walking further in the main street, and you start following him, your hand resting on the blaster on your hip, hidden under your long jacket. He’s alone, and as you silently creep behind him while he turns into smaller and smaller streets, there is no one left around you.
Suddenly, he stops in the middle of the alley. Without even turning back, he starts speaking.
“How long are you gonna follow me like this? You missed me?” you can hear the smirk in his voice. You’re a bit taken aback.
“You know who I am?”
He finally turns to face you.
“I had a doubt when I saw you earlier but then, I recognized the Mandalorian sitting at the cantina. Quite hard to hide such shiny armor.” he seems very amused by the situation. “I hope you had fun removing that chip, can’t wait to put a new one in your brain. And maybe I should have you branded. So no one will steal my property this time. I have to warn you though, it might be a bit painful.” He’s obviously getting high on his own cruelty.
“Stop it.” you growl through gritted teeth, barely recognizing your own voice.
But he goes on.
“Don’t worry, my crew will also take care of your two boyfriends. I’m sure they will greatly enjoy the little noises you’ll make when I’ll carve my mark into your skin in front of them, and then...”  
“I said stop it .”
If there was any doubt left in you before this encounter, now it is clearer than ever: you need to end this. You need to end him .
Your hand reaches for your blaster but he’s quicker and he’s on you before you can do anything. He runs into you with all his strength, his right shoulder in your ribs, and you both fall on the ground. Your blood is already so full of adrenaline, the usual flashbacks don’t even have the chance to cloud your mind. The pain in your chest doesn’t register either. Your body reacts almost on its own, the long hours training with Din have you move on instinct. Your fist flies up into his nose which breaks into an awful noise, then to his eyes, while you try to kick him in the guts with your knee. He’s taken by surprise but not ressourceless and he has the time to hit your cheek before you manage to crawl from under him. He lets out a grunt of pain and tries to get back up on his feet, but it’s too late. The red lasers of the blaster blinds you. You fire once, twice, more times than you care to count. The Chiss in front of you falls flat on his face, finally silent.
You’re panting, on your knees, a steaming blaster in your hands. The cold air of the night useless to soothe your thrumming body, skin hot like flames were lapping at you, head spinning. The hurried footsteps suddenly stopping behind you take you out of your frenzy.
“Told you.” Cobb says with a shove into Mando’s side, before prudently crouching beside you, gently taking the blaster out of your hands.
“I’ve got you sweetheart.” he whispers softly while he helps you get fully up. “Are you hurt?” You shake your head, still high on adrenaline, not feeling the swelling of your cheek, your scratched palms and what is probably a cracked rib. Cobb is not convinced.
“Well, I doubt that, but we need to go now. Don’t want anyone to find us near this corpse.”
“No, wait!” you clear your throat and lower your voice “We need to take his access cylinder, and check out his ship, make sure there’s no one left chained in there.”
“Then we move now.” Din speaks at last, tone flat, and it’s hard for you to tell what he thinks of this whole mess. He sees you have a moment of hesitation, not really in a rush to search a dead body, and he spares you the gritty work, turning the corpse on his back and rummaging in the pockets and satchels of the dead Chiss to find what you’ll need.
You all leave the crime scene silently, running straight to the spaceport to find his ship. It’s empty, except for quite a few credits Din is happy to steal. The way back to your inn seems incredibly long, but you need the lengthy walk in the fresh air to let the pressure go down. You can hear Din and Cobb talk to each other behind you with low and concerned voices, but you don’t really care. Their conversation doesn’t last though, they catch up with your pace, and The Marshal slips a protective arm around your shoulder, which stays here for the rest of the way.
When you finally reach your room, dawn is only a couple of hours away, and exhaustion is hitting you like a wall. You crash on your bed, barely taking the time to kick off your shoes before rolling on your back and passing out, not even bothering to slip under the sheets.
The two suns are already pretty high in the sky when you wake up the next day. Most of your clothes are folded on the foot of your bed and there is a blanket drawn onto you. You guess Din and Cobb couldn’t let you sleep in your leather jacket and dusty cargo pants. Thinking of them , you don’t know where they are because the room is empty. You sit up, and you let out a groan of pain. Your ribs hurt like hell, your head aches from dehydration and overall you feel like you were hit by a running bantha. You manage to make it to the refresher, and you gulp long sips of water directly from the tap of the washbasin, consciously avoiding the reflection of your bruised cheek in the mirror. The water tastes like sand with an aftertaste of bleach but at least it’s potable - it is, right? You chose to believe it’s clean and settle under the thin water spray of the shower, trying to wash away the dirt of the past night.
With fresh clothes on and a clean face, you feel a little bit better, but there is still no trace of Mando and the Marshal. You don’t have to wonder where they are for very long though, because you soon hear their voices echoing in the hallway before the door slides open.
“Hello sunshine” Cobb’s grin could almost be enough to make you smile. “How are ya’ feeling? You must be hungry.” He gestures at Din and a little box full of steaming food is delivered on your knees.
The street food is not the most appetizing you ever saw, probably too greasy and too salty, but your belly rumbles in anticipation and you start eating without any further ado.
There is an awkward moment of silence between the three of you, no one really knows what to say regarding the fact you murdered someone for the first time of your life a few hours ago.
“He saw it coming and he deserved it.”
Din finally breaks the silence, voice steady through the modulator, and it’s like he’s reading your mind. Can Mandalorians even do that?
“You don’t have to feel guilty. Now the only thing that matters is you and your future.”
“And that broken rib we need to heal.” Cobb’s sounds amused “don’t try to fool me by saying you’re okay” he adds with a smirk, his own way of dealing with the situation.
You chuckle and you immediately regret it because it makes you wince.
“You got a point, Cobb.” you admit.
The couple next days are so uneventful, if it wasn’t for the pain still lingering in your chest, you could swear you dreamed what happened that egregious night. Nobody is really bothered by another random slaver missing after a party night at a cantina, especially not the local authorities. The streets are still full of busy travelers, the market full of loud merchants, the bars full of singing drunks. Mos Eisley is the same, even if you’re not anymore.
Nevertheless the trip back to Mos Pelgo still feels like relief.
You’re sitting between the Marshal and the Mandalorian in the transport, neatly tucked between a warm shoulder and cold beskar. Cobb’s fingers are absent-mindedly rubbing circles into your thigh, and you can hear the regular breathing of Din through his modulator. Combined with the soft buzzing of the ship, you feel like you could almost fall asleep.
You’re glad to be coming back to the small desert town. Glad to set foot on its dusty streets. Even glad to find again your tiny bedroom in Cobb’s house.
You realize the trip back to Mos Pelgo does not only feel like relief.
It feels like more than that.
It feels like finally coming home.
And no matter how many times the two warriors who crossed your path a few months ago had to save you, no matter how many more times they will have to, you now know you can also be your own savior.
You now know you can also be your own hope.
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Dating Percy Jackson would include...『 Percy Jackson x Hades! Reader 』
Request: "hi friend! i was wondering if you’d be able to do a percy jackson x daughter of hades headcanons where they’re dating :’) love ya" (Anon)
"hi love! if you’re still doing requests may i please ask for a percy jackson + daughter of hades type thing where it’s a “dating this person would include...��� thanks a bunch! hope that made sense :’)" (Anon)
A/N: I have come back from the dead, hurrah! I've disappeared again, as usual. I just lost all motivation and energy to write or do anything for a long time and I apologize for that, I should be more consistent and productive. I'll try harder this time!! ❤️💕
Anyway, I thought that these requests would be easy to finish but for some reason I struggled so much with coming up with good headcanons! I don't have any idea why but I still had a lot of fun making this. Also, I mention Nico a lot because he's my favorite character and I just couldn't help myself :'))
Warnings: None I think??
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First things first, ya'll are the ultimate power couple
Both of you are children of one of the big three gods, you guys are powerful af
One of you on your own is intimidating enough as it is but the two of you together can be borderline scary...at first
Those who really do know you two know that you guys aren't as intimidating as you may seem, in fact you guys can be the total opposite of intimidating
As a child of Hades, you were never a people person, not because you didn't like people, it was just that your heritage tended to make people hesitant to approach you
Percy would be lying if he said he wasn't one of the many people who were intimidated by you at first but that didn't stop him from befriending you
He was one that helped you come out of your shell and show people that you weren't just all death and darkness (ehem nico) like everyone thought
He honestly found himself surprised by how much he was drawn to you, he expected that you'd be all shadow and skulls but you definitely weren't just that stupid stereotype
It wasn't that long afterwards that he realized his growing feelings for you were most definitely not platonic at all
He was pretty worried about your very protective half-brother, Nico
He didn't know how Nico react but he reckoned he wouldn't be very happy with him
Regardless, he just liked you way too much and pursued you anyway
You two tried to keep your relationship a secret at first
Emphasis on tried
You guys were absolutely horrid at hiding the fact that you two were dating
Everyone already knew that Percy liked you (cause he'd never shut up about you) and after you two started spending much more time together it wasn't hard to put two and two together
You guys thought that Nico would flip out but he was surprisingly calm, his only reaction was telling you "You could do better but I guess he'll do." while Percy was still in the room, which you both knew was Nico's own way of giving his approval
After you two finally revealed your relationship to the rest of the camp, Percy couldn't help but keep showing you off to people
He's just so happy to be able to be your boyfriend, he's so whipped ugh
He'd always ask you to do weird stuff with your powers
"Can you make like tiny shadow marshmallow people run around the room?"
"Percy go to sleep"
Speaking of sleep, you always have sleepovers in his cabin
Mainly because you two can't do it in your cabin because of Nico but also because Percy cannot stand how cold it is in there, you've never really noticed it but Percy literally starts shivering when he's in there
Speaking of cold, you're always cold to the touch, you suppose it's a child of Hades thing
With that in mind, Percy has dubbed himself your personal heater and uses it as an excuse to always hug you to "transfer his warmth"
Late night talks is common for the two of you
Your talks would range to why pizza is the most superior food of them all to the existence of life itself
He can be a bit clingy at times, he always wants to have skin to skin contact, but not in a possesive way, he's just afraid that if he lets go he might not see you again
He knows it's dumb but it's always been a fear of his, especially since you two are demigods risking your lives every 2 minutes
Death is something you two talk about a lot, usually during your late night talks
With you being a child of Hades and having experienced loss too (bc demigod) Percy finds it easier to confide to you about the people he's lost over the years
You two just provide so much unconditional support for each other
If someone ever mistreats you for being a child of Hades (or for any reason actually) then get ready for Percy to be by your side in 0.2 seconds and fighting whoever dared mess with you
But Percy is still lowkey afraid of Nico, which only grew stronger when you started dating
Nico would always give Percy weird looks whenever you two were together, you knew it was just your brother messing with him but no matter how much you tried to convince Percy otherwise he still believed Nico disapproved of your relationship
"I'm telling you, he's going to go to my dorm one day and turn me into a skeleton or something!"
"Percy, I don't even think we can do that?!"
Forehead kisses are Percy's favorite thing in the world, get ready for a lot of them coming on your way
You two would always spar and practice your powers together, the other campers get scared whenever you do though because onlookers usually got full blast of Percy's water or your shadows
Chiron also swears never to put you two in the same team during capture the flag, you two were just too chaotic and powerful
The two of you always worry about each other whenever one of you is on a quest
"-don't die, always have a supply of clean water, don't die, make sure you always have ambrosia ready, don't die--"
"This isn't my first quest! I'm not twelve, calm down!"
In conclusion, you two are so frickin soft together, you will blow up camp one day and you love each other so goddamn much
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Just bcos u PERCEIVE SessRin as something that promotes pedophilia and grooming doesn't mean that's how the author portrayed it. It's disappointing to see that antis force such idea, as if they know what's inside Rumiko's mind. It is fine if u find sessrin cringey. Just don't force your idea of pedophilia and grooming as THE CORRECT PORTRAYAL OF SESSRIN.
Hello there, nonnie! You had quite the party in my ask box, I see. Breaking it up in parts may actually help me get to the point and address your concerns swiftly and accordingly. Here goes nothing. 😉
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This answer is for your first two asks by the way. Firstly, you're putting words in my mouth because I do not view Rumiko as an author who promotes pedophilia and child grooming and never have. She never once placed an ounce of romance into their scenes. Rin was essentially introduced to serve as a catalyst for Sesshomaru's character growth. That's major in and of itself, which is why I'm not sure why she needs to be the mom on top of all that she's already done for him. It was you, Sessrin shippers, who had to go and make it romantic, not us. It was you who took every innocent scene and turned it into a romantic one. You'll even use some of their scenes as proof they will end up together, then back-pedal later and say those very same scenes weren't romantic in order to protect the sanctity of your ship. I mean, which is it? It can't be both, it's either one or the other.
I repeat, NO we don’t actually think Rumiko wanted to portray this relationship with pedophillic or grooming tendencies. It's you shippers who insist there is no other way for their relationship to evolve, as if you speak on behalf of Rumiko. Your interpretation of Rumiko's work is what implies child grooming; she may not be condoning it but your perspective sure is. You talk down to antis who disagree, because in your opinion, your interpretation is not only superior but already canon in your eyes. You're doing a disservice to this fandom by spreading false information like that when you try to pass it off as official. So if it's anyone that assumes they know what goes on inside Rumiko's head, it's YOU. Somewhere down the road in the (un)foreseeable future, it's you who changes course since remember we were all in agreement at the beginning that their relationship wasn't romantic. So what did I miss? Please break it down for me and explain what exactly influenced you to change your mind, then describe in detail how again this transition in their relationship magically came to be. It's you who came to that decision on your own- nobody helped you get there, and certainly not Rumiko (as you said yourself). The user boycottyashahime put it better than I did, so here is the link to their post. I highly recommend you read it if you haven't already. I urge you to keep an open mind about it while reading, too. You may not like what they have to say, but there's no denying they make excellent points all the same.
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I'm pretty sure I catch your drift, but can you clarify if you're referring to historical context or cultural context? I suppose both can be applied here. haha Anyway, from what I gather, you believe that fans should be on board with the idea of Sessrin and at the very least tolerate the pairing. Whether they ship it or not, you believe this simply for the fact that the story takes place in the feudal era and couples with a similar relationship back then were more than acceptable. The thing is, we may be transported to Feudal Japan in this story but we're still taking our modern day morals with us for the trip. I have a whole ass blog dedicated to the significance of fiction in real life (convienently pinned on my page) if you wanna check it out. I also discuss what age-appropriate content is and isn't for Inuyasha viewers in this recent ask here that I find is also pretty relevant to the convo.
Alrighty, moving onto your next point. I can't stress enough to you guys that this isn't a mere Caucasian vs. Non-Caucasian dilemma. I'm a POC, so I ask that you please not presume to know things about me you couldn't possibly know unless we met or I shared it with you. In fact, many of the other antis I frequently chat with are POCs like myself. So for all that's good and holy, please stop ignoring us when we say: THERE ARE FANS IN JAPAN WHO HATE THIS SHIP TOO. THIS ISN'T A DIFFERENCE OF CULTURE, THIS IS A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION (& FACT). It may have not been called child grooming during that time, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't; it just went under a different name, that's literally it.
Let me give you another example. So if I'm watching a movie about WWII in Nazi Germany, am I supposed to sympathize with an SS officer if the story is being narrated from his point of view? Because in his mind and during that time period, his ideology is right. Like a lot of Germany during that war, I rally to support his leader for what is in my opinion a just cause. Tell me, how does context matter in this instance? Does it matter so much so that you would adopt the same ideals just because it was "historically accurate" and you don't see anything wrong with it when you put yourself in their shoes? Does the "it's just fiction" defense come into play here, too?
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The illustration I believe you are referring to is the calendar with that one official illustrator for Inuyasha, right? The thing is, an official illustrator doesn’t equal the creator of Inuyasha. They may support the Sessrin ship, but their work has no connection to the Inuyasha series in any way besides the name affiliation. I've heard that the illustrator also included Kagome x Koga art, so should we take that seriously then too? Rumiko never once alluded to a future romance between Sesshomaru and Rin, to which you even (kinda) agreed. She described their relationship as neither parental or romantic, and she added that she even contemplated making Rin a boy at first. Fun facts, y'all!
I've heard about those magazines but they sound fishy to me. Would you mind sending me a link to a reliable source that comes with an English translation? I'd like to emphasize again that illustrators or VAs can do and say as they please, but their opinions are still only opinions at the end of the day. Nothing is set in stone until Rumiko says it is.
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For one, I never said my interpretation was the only correct portrayal. That's you putting words in my mouth again. What I did say, however, was that my interpretation was more logical and reasonable than yours based on popular and widely-accepted story patterns found in real life and in fiction. Look this isn't about who's more "correct" or not. You can perceive Sesshomaru and Rin's relationship any damn way you want, BUT what you cannot do is dictate how we react to your depiction of this ship. You can't demand us to view your ship a certain way to fit your preferences. I'm sure all the hate on your ship can be unbearable at times, but that's just the cross you'll have to bear for supporting such a problematic couple. If a large part of any fandom is strongly against a pairing and what it represents, then there's usually a very legitimate reason for that. You may not want to hear this, but certainly you must realize there's some truth to it all. A couple of your fellow shippers have even admitted to me that Sessrin would be wrong IRL. You see what I mean? Even if we find the ship gross, antis don't care if you choose to ship Sessrin. All we care about is you acknowledging that, like IRL, Sessrin potentially poses a lot of problems for young viewers and how they come to make sense of and view similar situations that are borderline grooming or the very thing itself. Teens watching this show are more vulnerable and impressionable, which is why it's crucial to not show relationships like Sessrin in a favorable light. If they're ever put in a situation IRL that resembles Sessrin, they need to be aware and understand that it's not at all normal or healthy for that adult to make a move on them. Let's say Sessrin does go canon, then that would mean Rin had to get pregnant around 14 or 15. Sending that kind of message to an audience made up of mostly teenagers isn't exactly wise if you ask me. Please really think about that and sit with it if you need to.
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I'm positive I'm following the same story, thank you very much. Also, how can you be so confident making a statement like that when I have actual Sessrin shippers praising me for making valid points? Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think I'm as lost as you claim me to be or wish that I was.
That's a wrap, peeps!
Read over what I had to say again later and then get back to me if want, but only write me back if you plan to be respectful. Otherwise I will decline to answer. Just keep that in mind. And may I suggest only sending 1 or 2 asks at a time? Please and thank you!
I think I may know exactly who are, nonnie, but I can't say for sure. Besides, it doesn't really matter, as you have a right to stay anonymous if you so wish to. Listen, don't forget you are also more than welcome to interact (but appropriately) on my blogs/asks/etc. If you are who I think you are, then you recently did make a comment on one of them but didn't stick around when I replied back (and for good reason). Finally, if you hope to ever have a real discussion about this topic someday, first put your ego aside and refrain from throwing insults and then I'll hear you out. I have never once put you down in all of our interactions, so there's no need to show up here all riled up and aggravated in the first place. There's also no need to laugh at or mock other's opinions. Don't take jabs and assume I must not know something about Inuyasha just because I don't support your point of view. I may not agree with your opinion, but you don't see me having a condescending air about it.
Apologies if you're not the member I believe you to be, but no offense, you probably still needed to hear all of that too. It's not included here since I answered it immediately, but that final ask you sent me where you got angry and assumed I wasn't going to answer you was totally uncalled for. If you ever hope someday to participate in real discourse with me or any other antis, you should take my advice and seriously chill and learn how to be patient.
Hope this finds you well, nonnie!
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araeph · 5 years
Hi, I finished watching atla. It's a good show with interesting characters. But I wonder why Mai is hated. I mean, she saved zuko and co. at the boiling rocks. She believed in him. The brief eye lock they had after zuko locked Mai says so. I just want to know your opinion.
Why Mai Is Hated
(Disclaimer: This is not an even-handed analysis of Mai’scharacter because that was not the question asked. The question was, Why is Mai hated? The following essayattempts to answer this question, and only this question.)
We’re introduced to Mai as abored teenager who hates being uprooted to Omashu. So great is her indifferencethat when a plague has reportedly struck the city, she merely offers her dadfire flakes and looks bored. Her little brother is kidnapped soon after, andshe casts her mother a disdainful glance when the latter breaks down in tears. Maithen joins up with Azula willingly, again because she is bored, and the princesstries to exchange Mai’s brother for Bumi before reneging on the deal, which Maiagrees to without even a hint that she is worried for her brother during orafter the fact.
At this point, Azula tells Maiwhat she needs her and Ty Lee for: tracking, capturing, and imprisoning GeneralIroh and Zuko according to the Firelord’s wishes as expressed in “Siege of theNorth Part 2.” Per the wanted poster Azula brandishes at the royal guard in“The Avatar State,” Zuko is wanted deador alive. Despite being teased for her crush on him, Mai shows no signs of conflictat her mission or trepidation on Zuko’s behalf.
Azula: (to her men) My brother and my uncle have disgraced the Fire Lord and brought shame on all of us. You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the royal family; I understand. But I assure you, if you hesitate, I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed.
Along the way, Mai also helpsAzula hunt Team Avatar to exhaustion and capture the Kyoshi warriors so thetrio can infiltrate the Earth Kingdom. Unlike in Zuko’s character journey wherehe learns to understand and empathize with the Earth Kingdom denizens duringhis time with them, the most Mai ever says about the people she encounters isthat their bright colors make her nauseous and it’s amusing when one of the DaiLi almost wets his pants out of fear. Eventually, Mai and Ty Lee help Azula andZuko topple the last standing bastion against Fire Nation world dominationwhile Iroh is hauled off as a prisoner.
Azula, who wants to make sureZuko is kept under control, decides to set him up with Mai in order to keep aneye on him. The couple catch on at a suspiciously timed dinner and decide toescape for a fun evening out on the town. They run into Zuko’s ex-girlfriend,which annoys Mai even though she and Zuko are not dating and, as far as weknow, were never actually together. So she pretends to be a knife thrower froma circus and flings an ice dagger through an octopus atop the unwilling Zuko’shead. Mai then encourages Jin, a complete novice, to throw her own lethalprojectile at Zuko, causing him to land in the fountain and endure publichumiliation. This is supposedly revenge for when Zuko knocked Mai into thefountain … as a child … to save her from being burned at the hands of Azula. Iam not sure why this warrants a payback, but it makes sense to Mai. Oncethey’re alone, Zuko understandably shouts at Mai that she could have gotten himkilled. Mai laughs loudly at this and brushes it off.
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Once back in the Fire Nation, Maistarts dating Zuko officially. This mostly involves her ignoring or yawning atZuko’s inner turmoil and scoffing at the gifts he brings her, except for therare occasion when she tries to distract him from his problems by makingunreasonable demands on his servants.
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They quarrel constantly untilZuko leaves the Fire Nation and Mai meets him again at the Boiling Rock, whereshe lambastes Zuko for ripping out her heart even though he pretty obviouslykept her in the dark for her own protection. She then says that she doesn’tknow Zuko, which is true, as he locks her in a cell moments later so he cansave the people in his life he has a genuine connection to—and who, thoughformer enemies on the opposite side of the war, have thrown fewer things at hishead than Mai has.
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Suddenly Mai betrays Azula forZuko. Why? She loves him. Why does she love him? We never find out, since theonly things she ever says about his character are negative. Ty Lee saves Maifrom her impending execution and Mai later pulls some strings to get them bothout of prison. Once she makes her way to the capital, she announces withoutpreamble that she is Zuko’s girlfriend again, pokes him in the chest, and warnshim to never break up with her again.
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In the comics, we discover thatthe “don’t ever break up with me again” rule applies only to Zuko and not toMai, since she dumps him in the very first series. However, let us be fair toMai: Zuko did keep the truth from her, twice, and the first time she sought asolution to the problem by getting the Kyoshi warriors to be his bodyguards.But going behind her back to talk to his evil father is the last straw for Mai.It’s such a deal breaker that she leaves the palace when Zuko is facingmultiple assassination attempts and is borderline suicidal.
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Mai’s stalwart stance against notgoing behind your partner’s back to talk with an evil father will last untilher next comic series, when she goes behind Zuko’s back to talk with her evilfather. This and her refusal to turn her father in result in thenear-assassination of Zuko and his entire family, including his little sisterKiyi. Kiyi is later kidnapped because Mai’s father is still on the run and shehas refused to come clean. When Mai finally admits her aiding and abetting of amurderous traitor, she reacts to Zuko’s dismay by yelling at him and neglectingto apologize for endangering him and his loved ones.
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Pleasenote that Mai’s redemptive deed in the show was her saving Zuko’s life from amurderous tyrant and that her actions here completely cancel that out.
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Mai has meanwhile been dating KeiLo, a nice young man whose affections she uses in order to spy on her fatherfor Zuko. Why she used Kei Lo against her father for Zuko’s sake, only tobetray Zuko for her father’s sake, is never explained. The three of them andAang later wander the catacombs trying to find clues that may lead to Kiyi’smysterious kidnapper. But what isquite apparent is Mai’s utter contempt for Zuko during this journey. Shedeprecates Zuko’s dating style in front of her current boyfriend, insultsZuko’s ancestors, obliquely asks when Zuko will die by inquiring whether he’sreserved a grave for himself, and implies that Zuko has weird friends. Why shefeels entitled to remark on this, when she’s had a total of one real friend herentire life, is anyone’s guess. She caps it all off by saying that, thanks toZuko, she needs all future romantic relationships involving her to beemotionally imbalanced in her favor.
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In the end, they fight againstMai’s father, he is captured, and Mai praises him for his bravery … even thoughhis actions consisted of hiding in the shadows and kidnapping children, whichseems like the pinnacle of cowardice. The comic ends with Mai and Zuko smilingat each other, Zuko holding his little sister in his arms (whom Mai hadendangered), and Mai holding her little brother in her arms (whom Mai had alsoendangered). Isn’t family bonding time great?
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Where this intensely annoyinglove triangle is headed in the comics is uncertain, although to be honest, KeiLo/Zuko is the only healthy pairing that could result from those threecharacters. Certainly Mai and Zuko don’t resume a relationship after this, althoughthe fandom presumption is that, somewhere down the line, the pair willinexplicably marry.
Aside from Mai’s selfishness,hypocrisy, refusal to grow, and lack of compassion, the narrative around her isdisjointed and contradicts itself at several critical points. Mai is made outto be the goth girl who’s a wet blanket on her parents’ emotions, until “TheBeach,” where we are told that no actually, it was her parentsoppressing Mai’s emotions the whole time. Mai is willing to sacrifice everything in “The Boiling Rock” to save Zuko’s life, except that wait, she iswilling to throw that sacrifice away for her father in “Smoke and Shadow.” But holdon, isn’t that the father she implied was neglectful and oppressive in the first place? And wait, if it’s actually her brother growing up without a fatherthat she’s concerned about, why was she so blasé about her brother getting previously kidnapped in “Return to Omashu”? And which is supposed to be Mai’sredeeming character trait: that she stands up for love in spite of her better judgment (“The Boiling Rock”), or that she stands up for her better judgment in spite of love (“The Promise”)?
Mai’s motivations are muddled. Isher first loyalty to her father, her brother, Azula, or Zuko? The story givesus multiple answers, which it then doubles back on whenever convenient. Thisleaves herself as Mai’s only consistent priority, which is hardly a firmbedrock for constructing a heroine. Mai is not moving toward a fixed point indevelopment; the plot is dragging her along for the ride, while she exists asan afterthought. A plume, if you will, of smoke and shadow, that is fast losingwhat cohesion it possessed.
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How To Mend a Broken Spirit Pt. 2
Series Description: Sometimes it takes more than time to heal wounds.
Part Description: You talk to the others for the first time.
Pairing: Eventually OT7 BTS x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut (maybe I don’t know if I’ll do anything more than an allusion to the smutty parts when we get there). Poly and hybrid au. This part is pure fluff and some angst if you squint. No mention of abuse in this part.
Word Count: 1662
A/N: Here’s the next part. I hope you enjoy. I love this and I will keep adding to this series until I am sick of it really. I hope you enjoy it and I always love to hear from you guys. ~Bagel
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You meet the other hybrids over the first week in the new house. The first one you met was Jin, a grey wolf hybrid. He was the oldest and was the first hybrid that Hoseok and Yoongi adopted before they were a foster home for younger ones in the house. He was caring and a near parental figure for the other hybrids. That wasn’t surprising considering that most hybrids never knew their parents if they came from a breeding facility so looking to Jin as that parent was almost expected considering their young age. Especially since he was the perfect blend of friend and mentor for the younger ones. You come to find out later that he was the one to convince the couple to start fostering other hybrids. Next you met Namjoon an arctic fox. He was the calm force within the group and who you relied on after Jimin and the humans. He is easily the unofficial leader of the hybrids and would be the official leader if the humans weren’t the technical leaders of everyone. The last two hybrids you met at the same time. They were named Taehyung and Jungkook. A red panda and black-footed ferret hybrid respectively. Both were hyperactive and Jimin quickly fell into a friendship with them. The day you met them, they were rough housing and accidently bumped into you. Causing a cascade effect of you screaming out and jumping into Jimin’s arms. You buried your face into his chest and Jin shooed the two out of there to scold them a bit and let Jimin and Yoongi talk you down from your panic. Taking almost a full hour before you were remotely calm enough to let them back in and have them apologize to you.
The first month was really rough for you. The first week you had the incident with Jungkook and Taehyung and would do what you could to avoid them. Normally going to hide in your room or go to Yoongi if they went into the same room as you. It made things a bit awkward within the house and the two boys felt awful. Often doing little things to help you or giving you small gifts that you would find in your room whenever you were to go in it. Another thing that happened was during the first few weeks you wouldn't talk to anyone except Jimin. Even then it was barely a whisper. Whispering things in his ear when he was near if you needed to say something to the others. If you weren’t by Jimin it became a game of gesturing to try to explain what you wanted and hoping that they would understand. 
It was one of those times with Jimin off playing with the other younger hybrids and nowhere near you when you choose to talk to all of us. You became too frustrated when the others weren’t understanding what you were trying to tell them with your wild hand movements and gesturing so you just blurted it out. Hoseok was standing in the kitchen with Jin making dinner as you gruffly asked Yoongi when food was ready since you were getting hungry. You were frustrated and it came out. Your voice a bit rough since you would barely use it around the others, but the question was still loud and clear. 
Jin freezes in his spot as you speak and Hoseok almost drops the pan that’s in his hands. Quickly turning around and making his way towards you as Yoongi just gapes. Caught off guard by your voice and you speaking. Soon turning into a huge gummy smile as Hoseok brings you into a giant hug before he can think. Causing you to squeak and start trying to break from him. He immediately lets go of you and watches as you run off to your room. Hiding under the sheets and nearly shaking. 
Your ears catch a little bit of Yoongi chastising Hoseok about acting so careless. You pay no attention and just focus on calming down and telling yourself that he isn’t bad. Hoseok would never hurt you. He is just a touchy person and acted before thinking. 
You don’t know how long it is before you hear a knock on your door and a soft ‘it’s me’ that is clearly from Hoseok, but much sadder and tame than what you’re used to. 
“Come in.” You say softly. Hoping he can hear you for a bit before he enters with some food for you. Placing the small tray on the small desk before he sits on the edge of the bed. A soft smile coming to his face when all he can see is your ears and eyes.
“I want to apologize for earlier. I know you don’t like sudden contact. I acted carelessly when I heard you talk and wanted to show my excitement. I promise it won’t happen again until you give me permission. I overstepped my boundaries and I will never do that again.” He fidgets and you feel his nervous energy. Reaching out a hand, you gently place it on his. 
“It’s okay Hoseok. I trust you.” Your voice was barely a whisper and you felt your heart beginning to race as he looks at where your skin was touching. A small smile coming to his face. 
“Thank you. That means a lot to me. I brought you food if you want to stay up here. If not, you can join us downstairs.” He tells you. You nod and slowly crawl out of the bed. Hoseok walks towards the entrance and feels you shadowing him. He smiles to himself as he hears you grab the tray and walk after him. Helping you to place your plate in your normal spot by Jimin and soon beginning to eat. The night going well and quietly.
It’s a few days after your first words to the group when you get called to the backyard. It was dusk and you really just began to feel awake since you woke only a few hours before. You yawn as you are led out to the area and are surprised when you see the fairy lights strung between the trees and the smell of freshly grilled meat. The picnic table was set and there was a small banner up as well with a bunch of pictures that made you smile. The group has since found out about your lack of ability to read and have adapted until you decide to learn (Namjoon has already offered to teach you with enthusiastic support and adamant assurances from Jungkook and Jin to help). 
Jimin is the one to bound towards you as Yoongi follows behind him. Both sporting a smile as the come closer. Your tail flicking with excitement as you see the two approach you.
“We wanted to celebrate this huge step with you.” The younger tells you. His eyes disappearing in his happiness as he holds out his hands for you to hold them. Which you gladly take and start to swing.
“Thank you for trusting enough to speak with us.” The older says. He was clearly chosen since you were closest with him out of the seven besides the one you arrived with. You nod and look up to him.
“Thank you for being so patient.” You tell him. Returning his smile with your own. The soft words and your actions causing his heart to hurt with warmth and a need to always protect you. He just nods and gestures towards the others. 
“Do you want to play a bit as Hobi and I finish the meat?” The human asks. You nod and start to pull Jimin towards the other hybrids. Beginning to play with them as the food gets finished. 
It’s fully night by the time you all have your fill of the dinner that was prepared and even though you only woke up not too long ago, you feel the tug of sleep or at least a nap pull at your remaining senses. The meat sitting happily in your belly and the warmth from the summer night settling into your body.
You sit on the edge of the lawn near the sliding glass doors and watch as the younger hybrids roll around and continue to play with each other. The humans and the older hybrids lazily sitting around and talking at the picnic table and lawn chairs. Looking over to them, you decide quickly what you want to do. Maybe it was your slowly building trust and confidence with them or maybe it was the food and tiredness dictating your actions or maybe it was the small twinge of jealousy and curiosity as you watched Jin get pets from Hoseok or maybe some combination of the three, but you didn’t care too much as you begin to act.
You get up and make your way to Yoongi. Gently tapping his shoulder to gain his attention. Once his eyes move to yours and he says a soft yes, you quickly look down to your feet before asking your question. 
“C-can I get some pets?” 
His heart almost breaks at how soft and borderline scared you are as you ask him this. It’s like you’re almost afraid of his answer and bracing for his rejection. 
“Of course you can. Do you want to sit or lay?” He asks gently. You bite your lip as you think and soon sit beside him on the ground and rest your head against his thigh. He tentatively reaches down gently pets your head and scratches behind your ears. 
Once the initial tensing from the new contact wears off, you lean into his touch and fully relax. Feeling even more sleepy as he continues the careful touches. 
You feel the happiest you have been in your life as you receive the gentle touches and watch as your friends have fun. Feeling safe for the first time and content in your surroundings.
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orihime00sama · 4 years
Tobitate! Hanafuda - Fate/Prototype Route
This is a translation of the Prototype route of the Toraburu Hanafuda Travel Journal game included in the PS Vita version of Realta Nua, Team “Miss Ayaka and her Three Knights” AKA the Otome route.
This is my first time translating something like this and I’m far from being good at Japanese, so there’s a bunch of lines I’m not sure about. If you have any suggestion or correction, please let me know. I’ll also be linking the translations to the videos in case you want to check out the original (or just hear the voices).
Sajou Residence - Part 1
Ayaka: Hello, everyone. To those of you who are new, nice to meet you. I’m Ayaka Sajou. It’s a long story, but I’m a Master in the Holy Grail War. My Master’s Degree is the Seventh. It’s the lowest, the weakest. Honestly, I want to quit right now, but the circumstances won’t let me. By the way, I don’t have any relatives. I lost my Dad in the previous Holy Grail War, and my elder sister who was one of the previous Masters is… well.
Saber: Ayaka, you didn’t check the mailbox yet, right? I’ll go do it. After that, let’s have some tea.
Ayaka: This is Saber. The first Servant I summoned and made a contract with. He’s the ideal good young man any girl thinks of, in other words, someone like Prince Charming[1]. He’s so perfect that it makes me feel uncomfortable. Also, he’s a bit of an airhead.
Lancer: Osu, good morning~. Oh, the fridge’s got a lotta ham, ain’t it. And there’s sliced bread and eggs and… All that kinda stuff, huh.
Ayaka: That’s Lancer. In the past, he was our enemy but now he’s a barbarian who lodges in our house and raids our fridge without permission. He may be a borderline trespasser, but he’s helped us out many times, so I’ve got no choice but to let him do it. Give and take, give and take. Besides… if you ignore his crude side, he’s the easiest to understand.
Lancer: Oh, you’ve got a serious face early in the morning, Missy. Back to your usual criticisms? Keep your self-hatred in moderation, ‘kay?
Ayaka: I don’t want to hear that from someone who rummages through our fridge with no warnings. Leave me alone. Lancer, are you off today?
Lancer: Ah, I’ve got no plans for today. I’ll tend to the Missy’s garden, or maybe play with the dogs.
Saber: Unfortunately, tending to the garden is my job. It is not your turn to act. Why don’t you get back to your original sheath, Lancer?
Lancer: I’ve been free from the start. But since the Missy asked me to guard[2] her, I gotta do my job. There’s still some unscrupulous bunch left around. Like, for example, a wolf[3] in prince’s clothing.
Saber: Bold of you to say that. Now then, is it an honour or an insult to be treated as a wolf by a wild dog? What do you think, Ayaka?
Ayaka: I don’t know! More importantly, what’s that envelope? There’s two of them.
Saber: Ah, it looks like they were delivered this morning. Here you go.
Ayaka: Err, let me see… “Are you familiar with the hot spring that can make any wish come true? Here is the oldest and best hot spot in Fuyuki City -However, only the wishes of the first group will come true. Please be ready.” … So it says. What is this, are they joking?
Lancer: Incredible… Is it an invitation to a Holy Grail War from another place? What, Holy Grail Wars can happen anywhere?
Saber: Doesn’t it have different rules from ours? Here, Ayaka, another one.
Ayaka: … This is a memo and … a ticket for the bullet train? Let’s see… “I’ll be waiting for you at the Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Spring ♥" … They’re totally looking down on us.
Saber: So, the Fuyuki Holy Grail is actually a hot spring. Ours was a hellish cauldron, so I guess they’re not similar.
Lancer: A hot spring, huh, not bad at all. But well, this is up to you, Missy. What will you do? The other side even sent an invitation to make sure you’d go. Will you jump in?
Ayaka: … That… going by my life plans, I don’t want to go but… (Going by my feelings, it made me mad… Besides, if that hot spring that makes wishes come true is real, then…)
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Archer: I have heard the whole story!
Ayaka: Archer!? Where did you get in from?
Archer: Obviously, from the window! Don’t worry about the little details, Ayaka! Else your cheek lines, lovely and beautiful as a flamingo, will fall.
Lancer: Is that a compliment? That’s a compliment, right?
Saber: What have you come here for, Archer? As you can see, we’re in the middle of a morning reunion. If you’ve come here to settle things, come back through the front door one hour later.
Archer: Hah, you fools. Are you even Heroic Spirits, those proclaimed to have no match on the earth? From the very beginning, we are those who bloomed on the battlefield. We respond to challenges, trample down our enemies, and gather treasures.
Archer: I don’t know about a war someplace else, but if it is a Holy Grail War, then it’s a given that Heroic Spirits would assemble. How can I call myself the original Heroic Spirit, the Senpai of Holy Grail Wars, if I don’t respond to this challenge!?
Ayaka: ………………
Saber: Hmph. As usual, you are a very hot-blooded man. If you want to fight, feel free to do it on your own. I’m against exposing Ayaka to danger.
Lancer: But being overprotective is also something to think about. The Missy these days isn’t as frail as you think, Saber. Or what? Are you holing up at home so you can keep her to yourself?
Saber: Wha- I, I don’t have such impure thoughts often.
Ayaka: Let’s go! Saber, I’m going to this Holy Grail Hot Spring. Get prepared.
Saber: Ayaka!? Hah, it was already too late the moment you decided it. It can’t be helped, I’m not on board with this but I’ll accompany you.
Lancer: Missy, do you need your long weapon? If you need it, I’ll lend it to you.
Ayaka: Of course, come with us, Lancer. And you too, Archer. The four of us will conquer Fuyuki City.
Archer: Now you’re talking! As expected from my princess, you know the time to fight.
Ayaka: We’ll depart in 20 minutes. I have to go gather the bird feathers in the yard, so wait until then.
(She runs off)
Saber: Now you’ve done it, Archer. You’re always leading Ayaka down the bad path.
Archer: Good or bad is for Ayaka to judge. You cannot blame me. More importantly… Hey, lend me your ears. I have an idea.
Saber: ?
Lancer: Hn?
Archer: Hot springs are this land’s highest form of leisure. I’ve heard that they are summer resorts where lovers and married couples stay in. How about it? The one who does best in this expedition will get to be in the same room as Ayaka.
Archer: If it is a reward for the battle, even Ayaka who always has her guard up cannot oppose to it. And after your minds and bodies relax in a famous hot spring, the flower of romance will bloom.
Saber: …
Lancer: Incredible… Wait, this is all in your head, right? Didn’t you fail with terrible women?
Archer: It is unavoidable. To debauch is a king’s duty. I have the obligation of consuming fruit and flesh.
Archer: However, what I truly cherish is the one single flower. I’ve gotten tired of rotten meat and juice. Now, what will you do, Saber, Lancer? Will you take a knight’s oath?
Lancer: No, so we’re keeping it a secret from the Missy?
Saber: Okay, I will take it. The one who does best will share a room with Ayaka, right?
Lancer: You’re on board with this!?
Saber: Archer’s proposal makes sense. This is something I never imagined even in my dreams, but now I’ll work together with this man.
Lancer: Good grief… It can’t be helped, I’m on board. It’s a principle to have the feast in front of you, after all.
Archer: HAHAHAHA, how bold, wild dog! Now then, let us duel fair and square, with sharing Ayaka’s room as stake!
Ayaka: Sorry to keep you waiting. What are you four doing? Did you always get along like this?
Saber: N-no, we were just discussing something. Don’t worry about. Once the battle is over, I’ll tell you everything.
Ayaka: In that case, it’s fine, I guess… Well then, let’s go. I don’t know about the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, but let’s show them a difference in history!
(Stage 1 – Vs Team Tokiomi)
Victory Quote:
Archer (Prototype): You fools! You mediocre Heroic Spirits shouldn’t stand before me! Especially you, that golden one over there. Wearing a full body golden armour, there are limits to how inelegant you can be! In that case, I shall take it.
[1] Prince on a white horse
[2] Likely referring to how Lancer becomes her Servant after she lost Saber (and he lost Misaya)
[3] the actual word used was “Okuriōkami” (送り狼) which apparently is a term for “a ‘gentleman’ who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her”.
Fuyuki – Emiya Residence - Part 2
Saber: Ayaka, how about we have lunch here? This mansion is well-maintained, and perfect for resting. Besides, I feel a strange affinity to it. Especially to that storehouse. It must be a renown work of architecture, there’s no mistaking it.
Lancer: I’m more interested on the inside of the house. Like, a surprise attack from the ceiling of the living room. I wonder why Japanese-style houses are so full of openings.
Archer: I am interested in that wall. It may be inferior to skyscrapers, but it has quite the charm to it. Well now, let’s go climb it.
Ayaka: It’s embarrassing, so please don’t wander around too much. What are you, middle schoolers on a field trip!?
Saber: My apologies, that was rude. Indeed, it’s as you say. Even if they are our enemies, we should act in moderation. It’s unfortunate but let’s refrain from lunching. But you’re not taking a break, right? Are you tired, Ayaka?
Ayaka: U-Uh-huh. I’m getting used to the Hanafuda duels but… Isn’t this city weird? Everyone walking around has empty eyes like a dead fish. Could it be a characteristic of this provincial city? Look, there’s a harbour nearby, right? Like an octopus monster came from the sea and turned all humans into its familiars.
Saber: That’s “something like a summon “. You still have that hobby of reading gloomy books like always, Ayaka. Haha.
Ayaka: Don’t call them gloomy! Who cares about my hobbies? We are talking about the dead fish eyes! Look, right there!
Kiritsugu: *chewing*
Saber: …. T-that… His eyes really are empty…
Ayaka: Looks like he didn’t notice us… He’s just been there in a hiding spot, eating from a plastic piece.
Kiritsugu: *chewing* … This is Iri’s homemade cooking. I can eat it. Of course I’ll eat it. Even if it’s onigiri that changed like depleted uranium. *chewing* Ah, I’m happy… Shit, I’m so happy that I even started crying.
Ayaka: It’s better if we leave him alone. He’s gross.
Saber, I know you made this lunch, but let’s leave. I’m sorry, but let’s have it later… Saber!?
Artoria: *chewing* It has a nostalgic, wild taste from somewhere but it’s not bad. Ah, could you give me some tea, lady over there? I’m holding the turkey with both hands, so my hands are busy.
Ayaka: S-S-Saber turned into a girl!? W-what’s going on!?
Saber: Ouch… To suddenly strike my head from behind, that’s unbecoming of the chivalry code… Wait, who are you!?
Artoria: Hmph, from what I see, you are a naïve man, Pendragon. While you collapsed, I took your delicious lunch!
Ayaka: Even if you play it cool, you already ruined it! Saber, who is this? Could she be your younger sister?
Saber: That’s what I want to know! Who on earth are you!? If you are a knight even in the slightest, then name yourself!
Artoria: Hmph, you say “even in the slightest” after I got you, you make me laugh. I am both your shadow and a possibility of your future. *chewing* Draw your sword, Holy Sword Wielder. Show me how much power the original wields.
Saber: … I wonder what’s this feeling of disappointment I never felt before… However, as you can see, we are both of the Saber Class. As an opponent, there is nothing lacking about you. Lancer, Archer, don’t interfe—re!?
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Lancer: Oouaahh, what’s up with this hawk!? Don’t pull my feather accessory! It’s not from your nest!
Archer: Aaargh, step back, Animose! Why are there gorillas around the wall!? And you, Roland, don’t swing me around!  Don’t swing me around!  
Irisviel: Ufufufufu, go get them, wire animals! Flying Guillotine (Hawk’s Name) on the tights-less Lancer! Gattling Brothers (Gorillas’ Name) on the nudist Archer!
Irisviel: If you’re going to make them, gorillas really are the way to go! Primitive power is really different!
Kiritsugu: Iri… What on earth happened? … No, I have to observe this place. I’ve got to find out the reason why the two of us were in a hole!
Irisviel: Ufufu, hahahahaha! Anyone who invades my Sweet Home with Kiritsugu won’t be forgiven! Prepare yourselves, I’ll whip you to the skin of the butt and then throw you out penniless!
Ayaka: And over here, an incredible beauty is getting drunk! What on earth is going on in this city!?
(Stage 2 – Vs Team Kiritsugu)
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: We went a bit overboard… but no matter how you put it, those guys were weird… What’s going on with this city’s Holy Grail?
Part 3
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Fuyuki/Prototype Grail Pit - Part 3
Ayaka: Is this… Fuyuki’s Holy Grail Hot Springs? Rather than a hot spring, this…
Lancer: It looks exactly like our Greater Grail. Did we get tricked?
Archer: No, we probably just took the wrong path. My intuition tells me that if we had gone up on that last crossroad, we’d get to the hot spring.
Ayaka: Is that so? Archer’s got an amazing nose for money and treasures, so I think it might be true… but the ticket says that it should be around here.
Archer: Let me see that… Hoh, I see, so that’s what’s going on. The way is indeed correct. However, it is not meant for us! Saber, this concerns only you!
Saber: What? Why only me?
Archer: FUHAHAHAHA, you still don’t understand, you oaf? This ticket wasn’t sent to Ayaka! It is a love letter overflowing with love that pinpointed you!
Saber: Wha-what!? Don’t tell me… Then, the one waiting for me here is…!
Manaka: SABER!! You’ve finally arrived!  
Saber: !!!
Manaka: Jeez, your face turned so pale. You’re so happy that your face went stiff…Saber really is my prince! I love you! I love you so much to the point I’d sacrifice every life in this planet, Saber!
Lancer: Well, we’re off then. Hang in there, ladykiller.
Archer: Fu, so you’re dropping out alone. Time to pay the piper[1], Saber.
Ayaka: ………
Manaka Sajou. My sister, six years my elder. She’s Saber’s former Master who, in the previous Holy Grail War, advanced through almost invincible. I don’t like to talk about her so I’ll spare you the details, but if I had to describe her, I’d say she’s a super devilish genius who wouldn’t die even if you killed her.
Manaka: Now, come over here, Saber. I prepared a special bath just for you. Oh, unless you’d rather have dinner first? Or just like last time in front of the Holy Grail, YOU’LL • HAVE • ME?
Ayaka: Huh, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, Saber. So something happened between you and my Big Sister. In front of the Greater Grail, too?
Saber: T-this is a misunderstanding! What happened was that I impaled (with the Holy Sword) a mad Manaka from behind with a thud!
Ayaka: From behind… with a thud… for real!?                                            
Manaka: Uh-huh, that’s right♥!  That passionate way, it felt like the world froze for a moment… That’s why… I’ll do the same to you, Saber. Goes without saying, I’ll do it from behind. Leaving no gaps, every nook and cranny of your body. Just like a large-flowered flower. No, like the stars of the shinning sky. Receive my tentacles until you’re all shiny and slippery♥!
Saber: That’s no good, Manaka. It’s true that I betrayed you twice. The first time when I backstabbed you. The second time when I made a contract with Ayaka. So, I’m prepared to have you seek revenge.
Ayaka: Saber…
Saber: But, now let’s remember words of love that are more heroine-like. A girl your age shouldn’t say things like “receive my tentacles"⋆.
Lancer & Ayaka: Urk…!
Manaka: Saber…! Yes, from now on I’ll be more careful! How about the lovely “Manaka Slaughter Whips”?
Ayaka: I’ve been thinking about it since back then, but could it be that you actually are a perfect match for Big Sister, Saber?
Lancer: Well, they’re both airheads, after all. Maybe they could work out as lovebirds[2].
Manaka: That’s right, you people I don’t know. Saber and I are fated lovers. I won’t forgive you if you get in our way. Or rather, I don’t need you. I’ll burn you all on the Greater Grail later.
Ayaka: ….! Don’t tell me, the townspeople looking dead inside was your doing, Big Sister?
Manaka: Yes. Since I had spare time waiting for Saber to come, I went and took over Fuyuki City. After all, in a wedding ceremony, the more the merrier, right? Of course, right after that, I’ll turn everyone into zombies.
Ayaka: … I really can’t let her do as she pleases… I feel bad for her, but just by being here she’s evil. Saber, Lancer, Archer, let’s go! This time for sure, I’ll seal my relative’s disgrace!
Manaka: Fufufu, very well. Welcome, Miss Obstruction. I’ll play with you to kill my bore— Eh? Relative? You? Such a plain character?
Ayaka: Oh geez, you really couldn’t tell…! Just how self-centered are you, Big Sister?
(Stage 3 – Vs Manaka)
Defeat Quote:
Manaka: Ahh, you finally came back to my hands, Saber! First, let’s have some tea, then an afternoon nap. I have so much I want to talk about with you!
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: Thanks for helping me, everyone. I couldn’t have won alon— eh? The Hot Spring as the reward? Right after this? Well, it can’t be helped if it’s a reward but… I have a bad feeling about this…
[1] Just adding this here because this was actually my first time hearing this idiom:
to pay expenses for something, and thus be in a position to be in control;
to pay a monetary or other debt or experience unfavourable consequences, especially when the payment or consequences are inevitable or a result of something one has enjoyed.
[2] Baka couple
Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Springs -  Part 4 - Ending
Ayaka: And so, after we safely defeated Big Sister, put her to sleep with a sleeping pill, coffin-packed and delivered her to the Church… we finally arrived at the Hot Spring, but…
Ayaka: No way, mixed bathing!?
Lancer: Oh, this is something you don’t see often these days. The guy who made this was really smart.
Saber: Yes, this is what they call gender equality. By the way, Lancer, how about taking at least a towel? It’s minimal manners to wrap it around your waist.
Lancer: My bad. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten. What about you, swimsuits are forbidden, y’know? We’re both men, so there’s nothing to hide, right?
Saber: Of course, I didn’t bring such a boorish thing. Having a swimsuit is desecrating the hot springs. Isn’t that right, Ayaka?
Ayaka:  Argh, you guys— No, Lancer is one thing, but Saber! This is a mixed bath, are you okay with this!? Could it be you don’t understand the meaning of mixed bath?
Saber: I do. It’s a public bath without a men’s bath and a women’s bath. I’ve heard that this culture has been familiar to Japan since the Edo period.
Lancer: Yeah. Well then, I’m going ahead to the dressing room. You should hurry too, Missy. You promised that the reward would be the hot springs. Don’t tell me you’re going to take that back?
Ayaka: I-it’s true that I said that, but…
Saber: Ayaka, a lord must always go through with their servants’ rewards. It goes without saying, but that’s a condition to becoming a first-rate Master.
Ayaka: Wha-wha-wha—
Saber: Well, it’s my turn. Come, let us take off our clothes and enter the hot spring.
Ayaka: Guh, Saber you idiot———! I can’t believe that only at times like this you guys get along…! (But this is bad, this development is bad…! Think, me! I can’t avoid the mixed bathing no matter what… In that case… That’s right!)
Ayaka: Wait, you two. A little timeout! I’m going in first, so until then, don’t go in!
Lancer: Uh? Well, I don’t mind.
Saber: Neither do I. Both getting in first or getting in later are good.
Ayaka: Geez, those animals! Heh, but that became fatal. Just you watch, this is my counterattack.
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(That huge wall behind her is the result)
Saber & Lancer: Y-you had that move!?
Ayaka: Uff, I’m saved… “Make a wall to separate the genders in the hot spring.” I ended up using it for such a stupid wish but it’s a story that sprang up from the start. I guess a wish like this is something within my means.
Lancer: How could this be? The Missy’s Eleventh-Hour strength is the real deal… What will we do, Mr. Knight? Even though the treasure is right in front of us, we’ve been left in limbo.
Saber: …. Lancer, no matter how you put it, we are weapons of mass destruction. The Noble Phantasms we wield are not for saving people.
Lancer: Right. Fine, let’s destroy it.
Saber: Yes, let’s destroy it.
Ayaka: Wh— I can hear you clearly from here! What are those two thinking!?
Saber: Let’s do it on 3. Even if it’s a wall created by the Holy Grail, if it gets hit by a direct hit of our Noble Phantasms—
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Archer: Hold it! And you still call yourselves renowned Heroic Spirits? How can you not understand a bashful girl’s feelings!?
Archer: You fools! Cool down your heads and reflect on your actions! If you fool around in the bedroom, that’s your secret, but this is a hot spring! A place for decent relationships!
Lancer: What…
Saber: … on earth?
Archer: In the first place, seeing the bride’s nakedness is only after marrying properly! I, the King of Heroes, will not allow you to destroy this wall without Ayaka’s permission! Now, correct yourselves, you idiots! Listen well! I won’t let you disgrace Ayaka’s purity while I’m alive!
Saber: S-such seriousness! I can’t believe it, are you Ayaka’s mother?
Archer: At least call me her Big Brother! I have the “reliable university student senpai” position, after all!
Lancer: Oh, in that case, I’m the unpopular host of the neighbourhood. I’m one of the Missy’s senpai in senior high school.
Saber: Wha… Then, what about me? Rider is the classmate, so what other positions are there?
Archer: Hm… How about the blond exchange student who homestays at the Sajou house?
Lancer: Oh, that sounds nice. How about one who speaks Japanese in a funny way but is actually the prince of a certain country? It’s a pretty fitting role, right?
Saber: Guh… It’s frustrating but I can’t deny it.
Saber: It looks fun, so let’s think about the setting a little more. In the meantime, what does Ayaka do in the first place?
Ayaka: Like I said, I can hear you clearly. They’re getting all excited… Don’t they actually get along really well? Geez, and I’m the only one here… Oh well, I don’t mind. It’s a nice bath, and it’s a refreshing travel mood. I’m glad I came.
Ayaka: In reality, these are just alternate versions of ourselves, but doing something like this once in a while isn’t bad. Right, Dad?
Saber: By the way, Ayaka. Why did you, who hates fighting, decide to do it this time? Were you attracted by the hot spring?
Ayaka: Hn? It’s not that I hate fighting, it’s just that I don’t like going through scary experiences.
Saber: What?
Ayaka: This time it was full of opponents we’d obviously beat. It’s just like Archer said, we’re their senpais. That’s why I didn’t think we’d lose to anyone except Big Sister. After all, they were all within our range, right?
Lancer: …
Archer: …
Saber: I understand what you want to say. Yes. It’s hard to explain but the one I fear the most is Ayaka.
Random Duel Quotes:
“All right, all right♪!”
“Uwaah… What a careless mistake…”
“Too bad for you!”
“I won’t give you any openings.”
“I’ll be taking that.”
“You shouldn’t look somewhere else.”
“Guess this is what they call ‘killing two birds with one stone’.”
“I’m not done going wild yet.”
“Praise this unfaltering procedure!”
“Something like this isn’t enough!”
Ayaka & Saber
A: “Please, come to me! Saber!”
S: Yes, here I go, Ayaka!“
S: "You’re doing well, Ayaka.”
A: “T-thanks… This is just the usual, though.”
S: “What, this is just a scratch.”
A: “Are you alright, Saber?”
Ayaka & Lancer
L: “Let’s start, Missy?”
A: “Right, this time it’s a speed match, Lancer!”
A: “Good job, Lancer.”
L: “Not yet, there’s still more to come, Missy.”
L: “Ouch…!”
A: “Lancer, here, have some ointment!”
Ayaka & Archer
A: “Are you alright, Ayaka?”
A: “Y-yes, thank you very much.”
Tokiomi & Kotomine
T: “Impossible! I refuse to accept such an ending!”
K: “Hoh? Are you that frustrated, my teacher?”
“Rather than the nonsense of victory or defeat, what truly is an eyesore is that conceited, prideful face of yours! Let us continue. I won’t allow you to refuse!”
Artoria & Iri:
A: “I’ll stave them off here. You have to retreat!”
I: “It’s alright, Saber! Believe in your Master!”
“Hanafuda duels sure are fun, Saber!”
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“If you still will not give me your name, then stand up and come at me!”
Kerry & Iri:
K: “It’s enough, Iri. We have to retreat for now.”
I: “Y-yes… I’m sorry, dear.”
“For a mere toy to try to defy me.”
“Come forth, city of decadence. The night is long, sweet and cruel.”
“You do really cruel things to a lady.”
“Save me, Saber!"  
—————— Character art
Ending CG in high quality
My Final Thoughts
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oceanivoxjoquainx · 5 years
If you haven't watched Sex Education yet... what is you doing?
Its a Netflix Original that came out on Jan 11th 2019 and its just absolutely amazing. I loved it and all the characters. Theyre not all cardboard cut out good people. They all have their ups and downs like real people do. Heres just some of my favorite things in this show (Spoilers. Duh):
Eric's dad being genuinely caring about his sons safety and not hating him for being the way he is. Just worried about what could happen to him like when he got punched in the face by those homophobes. I could feel the worry coming off of his dad when his boy walked in the door with tears in this eyes and everything on him messed up.
While on the topic of Erics dad I also wanna talk about his family. Like when he was going to the party and showed his outfit to the fam all his sisters wigs were snatched and even though his mom looked surprised she still seemed to accept it? Like a big worry throughout the show was what would his mother do if she saw him like that and it made me think she was homophobic. She might be and it just wasnt shown to us but still. Cute moment. Awesome family.
Eric in general. Gonna have to make a whole other post about him.
Maeve is such a strong compelling character regardless of how bad life had her she still manged to brush it off and be the feminist icon we all needed. Shes a hot mess most of the time but always comes and drops that sweet knowledge and those brilliant ideas at any given moment. Shes caring and sensitive which is rare when theres a "bad ass female who doesn't care" character in a show. I feel bad that she finally went to go confess to Otis AFTER he moved on but that's life aint it?
Adam was a cute ass jerk who is a true disaster bi but ill talk about him when I talk about Eric.
That whole popular crew were trashy but even they had their good parts. Olivia standing up for Ruby even when it was her that did the damage was touching to watch especially after everyone else joined it and it was funny watching Groffs mental pain. Anwar isssss eh and imma leave it at that. Theyre all still not good people tho.
Aimee is the only popular one I think we all actually liked because she was adorable and sweet and even tho she his that her and Maeve were friends they still supported each other when they needed it and Aimee even left her toxic crew to be with Maeve 100%.
All the mums in the show were great from Jean straight down to Adams mum (who probably should get out of that borderline abusive relationship with Groff but ah well). Was proper shook when we were shown that Jackson had two mums and I love that its so normal now that it wasn't made out to be some big thing or secret that Jackson had two mums. The uptight one could use a chill pill but she just wants the best for her boy. But really tho she needs to chill. Jean too. Even when Otis complained about her overstepping boundaries it seems that she disregarded his thoughts and even tho she apologized I still feel like she didn't really get it. Thats just me tho. Loved all of her grace and elegance tho.
Otis Otis Otis. The hot mess of the month. His sex repulsion made me believe he was asexual at first and was from then on iffy on if Otis actually wanted a relationship and sex or if he was doing what peopel thought he should be doing. When it was relevaed his repulsiveness actually came from his father cheating and his mother having multiple issues I still felt that him being ace shouldve been adressed. At least by his sexologist mother who knew he was fake masturbating and not into sex in the slightest. Was great how he counciled and helped all the people he did tho and it was nice seeing the reality of teens having sex and having issues with sex being talked about.
Alrighty so onto a few minor complaints about the show. They weren't deal breakers for me liking the show at all and are just some minor nitpicks I have.
I wish they talked about Erics attack more instead of just showing us Otis making it about him and turning it into a Otis and Eric argument arc. Would've been a great opportunity for Otis to grow as a person and realizing that he was brushing Eric off way too often. I also would've liked to see Eric actually come to grips that he was attacked as its not shown if he actually dealt with that experience internally.
I also feel like many side characters were often dropped into obscurity until the show needed them back again. Like Adam who was pretty important in the first few episodes but then trickled out until the last episode. And Ruthie and Tanya whos relationship status is still in the air (even tho it can be infered that Ruthie broke up with Tanya).
Back onto Otis possibly being ace I feel disappointed they didnt go down that path as being ace always seems to be a character flaw that people must somehow overcome. I'm glad he got his erections and managed to bust one at the end of it all but it still felt like Otis has finally battled those ace demons and overcame those unnatural unwanted "I don't want sex" thoughts.
Jeans issues are never actually dealt with either. She just goes from "scared of commitment because of cheating ex husband" to "I'm in love with my plumber". She never confronted her demons and just moved along.
The show is still incredible overall and brushes on important issues when it comes to sex like how feelings affect sex, consent, sex positivity, rejection, if or if not someone's ready for sex, and body issues and positivity. Its a heartwarming story with many complex characters who are all not all good or all bad. They're human and they all make mistakes and they learn and grow into better people because of it. Didn't know Sex Education existed until a couple days ago and I just finished watching it a couple minutes ago but it has very quickly become one of my favorite shows and I can't for it to get a season 2.
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daymeetsnight · 5 years
More thoughts on Harad, specifically culture bits and the Black Numenorians.
I’m referencing a lot here from Tolkien: The Illustrated Encyclopædia by David Day. Not sure how “official” it is, but it’s the best I have right now. (Thank you again @starofradiance for the book as you can see it’s gettin plenty of use. ♡)
So we know for a fact there were Numenorian colonies around Umbar, which would help explain why the southern half of the continent is so familiar with Sindarin and probably by extension the ainur as well. But other than the cultists and mentions of northern Haradrim wearing red, gold, and some kind of warpaint, we have very little on actual cultures and customs. We don’t even get a sizeable paragraph in the illustrated encyclopedia (though we do get a mention of what happened to the Druedain* of all things).
We... do get a couple maps, but by the Fourth Age they assume continents kept moving until we had modern Earth, a concept that if I recall wasn’t official in all versions? I tried to scan the Third Age map from my phone so apologies for the quality: 
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Right where the glare is, is where the Straight Road leads to the Undying Lands. Kinda fitting amirite. So I was right in my earlier assumption that one could in fact sail around the bottom of Harad instead of crossing the desert to get from one coast to the other, which probably helps a lot with shipping huge things, and given that there are several major ports other than Umbar listed on the LOTRO map we can probably safely assume trade is Kind Of A Big Deal. (Especially where pirates are concerned. There’s no better target for pirates than a big juicy merchant ship filled with goodies.) We can probably also assume traders going straight through the desert as well. There’s more risk of bandits, but less of a risk from whatever seamonsters exist in Arda besides Osse and getting too close to the Dark Lands.
Back to the cultists though, other than Umbar, and lands directly bordering Gondor like Khand, we only have a mention of a potential mystery people way the hell down south for groups allied with Sauron. It is suggested that most of the south allied with Mordor, but 1. only a few are listed by name when there’s an entire continent that isn’t really touched upon, and 2. after Aragorn upgraded to King Elessar a lot of the subgroups surrendered suspiciously easily. Now you could easily argue that after Mordor kind of literally blew up and all the orcs went nuts that the southrons knew they were screwed and panicked to save their own skins, and this probably is the case for the princes and generals. But I also want to consider the cult aspect.
See in every religion there’s a spectrum of believers, from fanatic to borderline impassive on the whole issue. There’s no clear line between Us and Thems when you can have people sort of worshiping and people who are actually pretending. You saw this in Numenor when people flat out fled when Sauron started murdertime- even though beforehand a good chunk of them were in his hand still. You also saw this with Elendil and the faithful who are the reason the white tree species seen in Gondor’s heraldry survived Numenor going for a swim. So why assume an entire continent is following Sauron’s every whim when not even his own cult island did?
I like to think the Haradrim nations have their own cultures not revolving around Black Numenorians and getting back at Gondor for Sauron’s sake. I like to think there are southern wars between independent peoples that the north Just Doesn’t Know About. I like to think there are rival cults who are trying to keep Old Numenor practices alive even if they no longer remember all the reasoning behind them. But mostly I like to think about southron peoples existing as people.** Diverse. Colorful. Ingenious in their own fashions.
...I’m also still thinking about those southern hobbits.
*Quoted right from the encyclopedia: During the time of the War of the Ring, there was an ancient forest some thirty miles north-west of the White Tower of Gondor that was inhabited by a strange tribe [of people] called the Woses. This woodland was called the Druadan Forest. By the Third Age, Druadan had come to mean “wildman”, but it was a corruption of Druedain, the Elvish name for the Woses during the First Age of the Sun when they were allied with the Edain. Apparently they allied themselves again with Aragorn to fend off the rest of Sauron’s forces post-WotR so he basically decreed their woods a small nation of its own complete with respected borders. My copy of the Silm said they basically vanished after Haleth’s people fell but I guess they went into hiding hobbit style? Mystery solved guys we can all go home.
**There are so many mentions of everyone in the south being primitive savages like professor Jirt can you not.
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lightsandlostbells · 5 years
Skam France season 3, episode 5 reaction
The opening clip gave me flashbacks to this SNL Totino’s commercial, another classic of gay cinema, so I FULLY expect to see some hot pizza roll action later this season. 
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Still no yellow curtains???
Dramatic music. Lucas and Eliott are passionately kissing. The camera swoops over parts of their bodies. Eliott is smiley, Lucas gets in a kiss to Eliott’s nose. The level of intimacy is very strong, that shot of their legs tangled together is nice. I think it’s great that they didn’t back down from the kissing and physical contact in this scene; it’s not that it needs to be very explicit, just respectful and on par to what they’d give for a het couple, and they filmed Lucas and Eliott about the same as they did Charles and Manon last season. Skam was so good in how it depicted intimacy between Isak and Even; I consider it one of the defining features of S3, setting it above other gay romances in media for its lack of skittishness and double standards, and it’s been a consistent concern of mine that the remakes will be a step back in that regard. This clip was definitely reassuring. 
Eliott asks Lucas if he’s his first guy, and Lucas just snorts so Eliott takes that as a yes. Lucas asks the same question and Eliott replies with this Even-worthy eyebrow raise, so Lucas is like, oh, I see! They laugh. So I that wasn’t an actual answer, lol? But I took it as Eliott having some experience with dudes. Could be a variety of things from kissing a boy to hooking up with one to a full-fledged relationship with a guy. Or the Mikael incident, if they include that in S4. They’ve apparently changed a huge amount, but that’s actually one detail that doesn’t need to be changed the way the bus storyline has to be, for instance.
We get some whispery voiceover as Eliott asks Lucas what he thought of him when he saw him the first time in the common room. We cut to them lying shirtless, so this is later in the day, after things got more heated. The lighting is very warm and golden, it’s a very romantic staging. Like there might as well be white curtains billowing in the breeze. (The curtains are white, but not billowy.)
Eliott volunteers that the first time he saw Lucas wasn’t in the common room, but on his first day in the corridor. Basically he describes the trailer to Lucas. Lucas didn’t see him but he was all Eliott saw. So that revelation happened fast. Not a surprise to anyone who saw the trailer (or you know, saw OG Skam) but it cuts out some of the mystery for Lucas - like Isak was doubting Even’s interest through much of the season, especially in this episode and afterwards, and when Sonja said the relationship was fake. Isak was so taken aback by Even revealing it in the last episode in part because he (and the audience) had doubted it so often. But Lucas has this reassurance from Eliott right from the beginning. Lucas just has so much more to go off from Eliott at this point: Eliott is more upfront telling Lucas how great he is, Eliott has said he wants to break up with Lucille and have a relationship with someone else who’s not necessarily a girl, Eliott didn’t choose plans with Lucille over a day with Lucas, Eliott told Lucas he wanted the double date to be just the two of them. Even when Eliott disappeared for a few days, he followed it up by apologizing to Lucas and saying he was sick. And that’s nice for Lucas, that he’s not doubting himself as much, but I have to wonder how this will affect the story? Or their relationship trajectory? When Eliott cuts off their relationship, it will come out of nowhere even more than in Skam. 
Lucas whispers about what Eliott would have done if he didn’t go to the common room, or Lucas came to the bus earlier or later, as they lay there in their underwear with Eliott on his back, in between lots of kissing. The camera keeps cutting back and forth between kissing and talking, different angles, lots of pans, etc.
Eliott saying that he imagines two paths when he has a choice to make, but it drives him mad when he doesn’t know the outcome of the one he doesn’t take. So Lucas brings up parallel universes. (Piano music starts playing at this point, which seems to happen at significant Lucas/Eliott turning points, like the first time Lucas saw Eliott, or when Lucas played piano for Eliott. Like in OG, this conversation might have a huge effect on Eliott and how he sees himself and their relationship.) When Lucas makes a choice, there are all these other Lucases making other choices, like he’s surfing in Bali or in he’s in a NYC skyscraper signing a deal. I don’t know if these are things Lucas actually would like to experience in his life, or of they’re just examples of things that are so far and distant from his present reality, fun fantasies. 
Eliott asks if maybe New York businessman Lucas didn’t jump off the building because he burned out. Lucas says that’s awful, Eliott asks if he’s ever thought about it? That’s good foreshadowing, a good hint as to Eliott’s state of mind.
Eliott says he doesn’t believe in parallel universes, though he doesn’t explain why (like Even say it made him feel lonely). Lucas says there are Lucases and Eliotts in other universes who are together right now. Lucille calls and Eliott groans, then says Eliott #425 can go talk to her, heh. Lucas #1 is very happy with that decision. They lie on each other and it blurs as the clip ends, as they fall asleep.
This is one of those clips that I completely get why people would love it, it’s very apparent, and I don’t think it’s bad, not at all, but at the same time it’s just personally not my thing. I’m sorry! Again, I understand why this clip blew up. It’s just ... similar to how I feel about cupcakes. People love cupcakes. I love some cupcakes! But I don’t care for a lot of cupcakes, like the really fancy ones with tons of frosting, because most frosting is too sugary for me. Do I get why people like the cupcakes with mountains of frosting, though? Or why people prefer the frosting to the cake itself? Absolutely. 
Most of my issue is with the editing. There had so many cuts and jumps and I don’t think it served the mood or purpose of this clip. Actually, I found it really distracting. I could never just relax into the moment because of how the camera was spinning and panning and cutting between different points in time, something that has been done in various scenes in Skam and the remakes, but not usually with weighty dialogue happening at the same time? I found it hard to focus on what they were saying. 
On that note, I don’t think the way it was shot was the best way to demonstrate to their chemistry. I think they have quite good chemistry! But there was so much moving around and cutting between moments that it began to feel like a series of poses rather than two actors working off each other, if that makes sense. 
It just felt a bit too much like this clip was a perfume ad, lol. It’s very heavy and sensual and romantic, and it’s beautiful, but it’s not what I prefer from the Skam universe. It takes away some of the rawness and vulnerability of this kid’s coming out story - something that they’re still integrating into the show by keeping many of Isak’s struggles in Lucas - and makes it more full throttle OTT mature romance. Like - this feels like a romance between adults, not teenagers, and I don’t mean because of the level of intimacy/shirtlessness, more like the level of confidence, the way it doesn’t feel like they’re figuring things out, but that this is familiar territory (and for Lucas at least, it is not). And well, another some of that is because the actors are adults, too. 
There’s some more stuff I can say but again, it’s just not my style for this material. In other contexts I would eat up this hardcore French romanticism, lol.
Clip 2 - Guess Who(’s not staying for dinner)
Lucas wakes up alone at 14:34 on Saturday. It’s later that day, so what’s his excuse for missing Basile’s party? Eliott is not actually there to keep him occupied. Is he just going to lay in bed and smell Eliott’s pillow or something? I realize he’s distracted but isn’t he going to be receiving texts from the guys?
Eliott left him a note on the pillow. It’s a hedgehog in bed, but when you open the note it’s a raccoon and a hedgehog in bed together with a little heart. AWWWW. That’s so cute. It’s so cute I won’t make any interspecies erotica jokes. The note says “Eliott number 3546 is a lucky guy” and that Lucas is handsome when he’s sleeping. Lucas looks bummed, though. I mean, I would be if I went to bed sleeping beside someone who looked like that and I woke up alone.
Lucas goes into the kitchen where everyone else is. Manon has been up early cooking, because she slept on the couch and got woken up by the neighbors. Lucas is like, oh sorry, forgot I’m not in my room anymore. WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING, IT’S YOUR ROOM. SHE HAS NEVER LIVED IN IT. (Also, I don’t think she meant anything by it, but her mentioning that she woke up early hearing the noise from the couch comes across as oddly passive-aggressive.)
But Manon is OK with it, because Lucas needed his room more! Eliott seemed super cool! UMMMM this is kinda weird. I know Eskild said the same thing but the situation seemed less pointed, like Manon’s borderline suggesting I know you needed the bed more than I did, Lucas, because of all the gay sex you were having last night.
The roommates all met Eliott when he left and Lucas covers by saying he’s a good friend who got too drunk so Lucas offered him a place to sleep. Manon is all “OK!” in a way that is too casual to be truly casual, if you know what I mean. Lucas gets on the defensive and says what, we can’t bring friends over here now? Now Manon is all, “OK...” in a way that says calm down, dude.
Mika eyes Lucas as he leaves. I don’t think they’ve really built that relationship in a substantial way, but at least they added that brief glimpse to show that Mika has Lucas on his mind?
Clip 3 - Cake!
Lucas and Manon walk into school, Lucas carrying baked goods made by Manon. Manon gets a call from Charles and ignores it. There needs to be a substantial Lucas and Manon heart-to-heart at some point. They’ve set up too much between them - I feel like their dynamic is more developed than Lucas and Mika, or Lucas and Yann this season.
The girl squad + Lucas sit around and eat cake. Well, the girls eat cake, Lucas is sitting back in his seat with his arms crossed. I know you are thinking about Eliott, dude, but there’s this thing people do called “eating our feelings” that works ... not very well in the long-term, but provides short-lived distraction and satisfaction. I recommend it!
There’s a mattress in the common room now and Manon asks, “Don’t you stop napping after kindergarten?” and I like Manon fine but she must have put some crack in that cake. Lmao, what human being is going to be like NAPS??? AN ABSURD TRADITION MEANT FOR TODDLERS. Like when you’re a little kid, you don’t want to nap, you want to run around and keep being an asshole; it’s when you grow up and become miserable that you start to appreciate the art of shutting your eyes in the middle of the day. Anyway, Daphne said the headmaster gave the students the right to nap in the common room. You know, that is a legit quality use for the common room, tbh. Everyone would use the nap room.
The downside is, as Lucas accurately points out, people are going to bang on that mattress. Well, I guess they could like … require the door to the room to be open at all time or something. Or put up a giant sign saying THERE ARE SECURITY CAMERAS IN THIS ROOM AT ALL TIMES. They don’t need to install security cameras for real, just use the sign to dissuade people. (Who am I kidding, none of that will stop the students from banging on that mattress.) Daphne is incensed at the notion, but Imane’s like, hookup-land is what’s gonna bring people here. LMAO. Again, not wrong.
They talk about the ugly mural some more (God I still do not get why everyone treats that mural like it’s a nude painting of one of the orcs from Lord of the Rings, it’s just a somewhat outdated mural, my eyes would glaze right over it). Lucas says he’s waiting for Eliott about the mural and Manon does a little “mhm” so he hurriedly changes the subject (good subtle detail). 
They discuss getting WiFi in the room and one of the nerd dudes who showed up to the first meeting, who has been sitting in the corner, starts talking about how they can get set up WiFi. The nerd dudes have the password. Everyone is happy! But nerd dude says he would like compensation. Daphne assumes they are talking about her breasts as she is showing ample cleavage. Nerd dude says no, they were talking about the cakes. LMAO. I like this guy. Manon hands over a cake, the other girls are sad at the loss of cake. Understandable, but it seems like a fair trade to me. Also, there are multiple cakes and baked goods on that table, just scarf it down before the nerds come back for more.
Manon signs off with, “Bye, bitches!” The others talk about how weird she’s being. Well, yeah, but I’m wondering how her Charles-related sadness translates into her saying, “Bye, bitches!” Trying to put on a super happy and lighthearted facade? Would go along with all the baking.
This scene is cute and all, and I assume there will be relevance to something in the plot later on but ... what does it have to do with Lucas’ story or his POV? Other than a brief look at his closed-off body language (which didn’t last long since he was very engaged in the conversation) and a brief mention of Eliott and the mural, something that has happened before? There just didn’t feel like a point to his story in this clip, whereas every scene in Skam S3 felt like it had a point to Isak’s POV and advanced his storyline, telling us something about his mental and emotional state. I know that the other seasons of Skam didn’t have such a narrow focus, but usually there was some tie-in to what the protagonist was feeling. IDK, is this to foreshadow him and Eliott fucking on the couch? More hinting at Manon being off her game and having Charles problems? My guess is that they felt like they needed a girl squad scene sometime this week. If they had unlimited time for these episodes, I wouldn’t care if they had clips like this, but they do have a time limit, and so I think it’s fair to question if they’re making the best use of it.
Daphne is by no means required to have a boyfriend, I still root for lesbian Daphne at the end of the day, but that nerd dude who asked for cake instead of cleavage is already a better option than Basile.
Clip 4 - Lucas out of the loop
Lucas waits for Eliott outside of class, but instead it’s his bro Raptor Alex who exits. Lucas asks if the guy in his class is there. You know, the guy. Clearly the only guy who matters in Alex’s class.
Alex says Eliott isn’t there much, he freaked out in class the other day and doesn’t go anymore. Oh no :( I wonder what he means by “freaked out” though, like hopefully people weren’t gossiping about whatever happened? It didn’t make its way to Lucas, in that case.
The boy squad comes around the corner. Lucas completely phones it in when he apologizes to Basile. Not that I care about hurting Basile’s feelings, as my opinion of him is well-documented, but Lucas does, and he’s not even trying to sound sorry. And the family excuse is lazy and not believable at all, like with Isak it was also predictable but he put a smidge of effort into it. Lucas says the excuse like he’s on auto-pilot. The boys just let the excuse roll by, uninterested.
Lucas asks what happened at the party and Arthur says Basile went into the bathroom with Daphne and he won’t tell them what happened. Basile say she stayed on her knees in front of him for a long time. Which I take to mean she was barfing and Basile was holding her hair back. Also her hair smelled good according to him. SIGH. I’m sure this is the start of Basile/Daphne or whatever, but you know, it would be easier for me to buy that Basile is really a good guy if he did not describe Daphne in such an objectifying way. If you’re a fucking gentleman, why are you making it sound like she sucked your dick? I know toxic masculinity, ~it’s realistic, blah blah. They could’ve had Yann and Arthur make the crude jokes and Basile get serious and tell them not to talk about Daphne that way, it would’ve been character development. (Actually, now I’m wondering if there will be a moment like that later in the season. I can’t support Basile/Daphne at all at this point, but I feel like if they want to make him worthy of her in the slightest, he’s going to have to renounce his sleazy, perverted shtick very clearly.)
Lucas looks back after the boys as they leave him behind, not interested in telling him more, barely caring about his absence. He’s just not part of the gang right now. IDK, I think they should’ve directed Axel to play this more remorsefully - not his fault, I feel like they rushed this scene for time reasons? For instance when he sees the boys and apologizes to Basile, there wasn’t time for anything to land, like he didn’t care much, not even that he was disappointed in himself for forgetting. Just this look from Lucas at the end signals what he might be feeling.
Also, very weird choice to put this clip on Tuesday and the one with the girls on Monday? It makes way more sense to switch the two, because basically Lucas must not have interacted with his friends at all yesterday. Even though we’ve seen he has a class with Arthur and we’ve gotten a clip of that class on a Monday (although I don’t know how French class schedules work). 
Clip 5 - Argh
When I started to watch this clip, I noticed it was 2 minutes and 43 seconds long and was like … are you kidding me? If this is the scene, we’re going to just fly through it? What in the fresh hell?
For comparison, the OG clip was 4 minutes and 36 seconds. And it didn’t have the end credits as this scene does, and it didn’t have this opening part with Lucas and Imane (or Isak and Sana).
Without the credits, this clip goes to 2:22. Eliott and Lucas meet outside starting at :55. Meaning there was about a minute and a half for the conversation that defines that second half of the season. Yikes.
Lucas and Imane are in class, I think they’re taking a test. She helps him out when he forgets something. There’s a lot on his mind and he’s not doing the best he can, I guess. Anyway, thoughtful of Imane to help him cheat (if this is a test)? 
He gets a text from Eliott - is this a test or not? It’s not terribly important but LMAO at this teacher who (correctly) notices two of her students passing drugs under the table before class, but fails to notice the same two talking during an exam and one of them whipping out his phone during a silent class period. Cheating must not be a main concern of hers. Eliott is waiting outside the room, grinning at him through the window. So we have students talking to each other, looking at their phones, and non-verbally communicating with other students through the window. Now I’m really surprised that the teacher noticed the weed.
Lucas gets up to meet Eliott outside. Lol, really, dude? He’s going to get a bad grade just because he can’t wait a few minutes. I mean, the desperation is funny, but Lucas is not the brightest here.
Although I laughed a lot when Imane said he wasn’t done and Lucas was like, “Minimalism, Imane. Minimalism.” That might be the best line he’s had on this show.
Imane seems concerned but I’m not sure if she suspects anything’s up with him or if she’s just like how did I get partnered with such a dumbass.
So this clip was ... not good. Bad. It was bad.
This is the kind of content I feared we would be getting from Skam France based on the first two seasons. Luckily it’s been better than this on average, I really do think the show has improved! But not here. It’s such an important scene that I’m disappointed this is the one they bungled. There are multiple things that are ill-advised or underwhelming about it.
I’m aware that I can be harsh/nitpicky/critical about these remakes, but I really don’t intend to come from a place of default negativity, or like, FUCK THIS SHOW FOR EXISTING. And I don’t want to crush people’s buzz if they enjoy something! The reason I get so nitpicky is because I feel like it helps me better understand film-making overall. If a clip just doesn’t feel right, then I want to try to parse out why it didn’t work for me. 
For starters, choosing to place this extremely intimate, private, honest, confessional scene outside. And not in some isolated space, but where tons of people are. You can fucking see students walking around behind Eliott when he’s glancing in the window at Lucas. As Lucas exits the classroom, you can see a girl headed in the same direction as him. I mean … what?? They are not remotely alone? Not only does it ruin the atmosphere of the scene, it tanks the plausibility of it.
Because Eliott’s waiting for him outside, and holy shit, gives Lucas a kiss on the mouth. Dude! People will definitely see you. He knows that he’s Lucas’ first boy(friend) per their conversation in bed, so what is he doing? I guess it’s cute but also, not a great idea to out Lucas like that Lucas hasn’t been with a guy before, Lucas has been deliberating no-homo-ing their interactions in front of his friends, Lucas has been trying to play up his relationship with Chloe (for instance slinging that arm around her when Eliott came to talk last episode, not to mention, you know, dating her while flirting with Eliott) so it’s a completely reasonable and likely assumption that Lucas is closeted and doesn’t want people to know he likes guys. I don’t think Eliott is a bad person for doing this, but it seems weirdly insensitive of him. (Even tried to kiss Isak in public in episode 8, but it was while he was manic, and I don’t want to make that same assumption of Eliott here.) 
Eliott wants Lucas to leave with him but Lucas says he can’t ditch classes. Eliott says he’s told Lucille. He’s really brimming with confidence here, like he just swoops in for the kiss, he brings up Lucille without hesitation, he seems completely sure of himself. Lucas looks a little uncomfortable, though. Eliott is like, doesn’t that make you happy? Lucas says it does, although he doesn’t look that happy. 
Lucas: “I just don’t want you to be sad if it’s my fault.” No offense because this is a tiny thing but this is one of Skam France’s typical flaws from S1 and S2, which they have largely improved on in S3, but here it creeps up again: adapting something from OG without retaining the context that makes it effective.
That’s a line from Isak, and it made sense in context for him, because Even was looking and acting very, very vulnerable when he said that he had told Sonja about Isak. Nervous eyes, hesitant voice. Holding back on his normally demonstrative body language - Even is very tactile but you can tell he’s very restrained at the start of that conversation. He speaks slowly and is very focused on Isak’s reaction, because he really didn’t seem to be sure what Isak would say. It was when Isak said, “Cool,” that Even started to relax, his eyes start to light up, because Isak responded positively. And when Isak said, “I hope you’re not sad,” it was to fish out what Even was feeling, because he needed that confirmation of how Even felt. Isak wanted to know Even wasn’t sad as a way to determine that Even really truly wanted to be with Isak. It’s a nice, subtle bit of dialogue.
Which makes zero sense here because Eliott is radiating happiness. He kissed Lucas on the mouth as soon as Lucas came outside! He’s smiling, his eyes are shining! It’s not subtle! LMAO WHAT. I guess you can take this as Lucas being insecure, but it just feels so bizarre and dense for a character to project joy as strongly as Eliott does and to ask whether he’s sad. However, maybe we’ll assume that Lucas really is just fishing for confirmation. The thing is, Lucas also has little reason to think that breaking up with Lucille would make Eliott sad. Eliott hasn’t said anything about not being able to break up with Lucille; he has made it clear that he would like to move on and have a relationship with someone else, not necessarily a girl. (Compare to: Even talking about how he felt like he was growing apart from Sonja, but saying he could not dump her, as well as not hinting nearly so heavily that he wanted to get into an actual relationship with Isak.) Eliott didn’t choose Lucille over Lucas the other Saturday when Lucas wanted to hang out, he was just busy, not necessarily with Lucille. (Compare to: Even saying he had plans with Sonja, essentially choosing her over Isak that day.) Eliott straight up told Lucas that he hoped their double date was just the two of them, that was his plan. (Compare to: Even feeling basically the same way, but not telling Isak outright in words.) 
And throughout the season, Lucas has been even bolder in some ways than Isak was. He’s done more to go up to Eliott and try to chase him, he’s stolen a class register to find him. On Saturday he felt very confident about making out with Eliott and taking their shirts off. So you could take this as Lucas being insecure, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense even with Eliott ghosting the past few days. I don’t think it matches with the characterization. I think it’s just lazy writing, sorry, especially since much of the other dialogue in this scene is copy+pasted from OG. Or maybe more vulnerability and uncertainty was meant to come through at the beginning of the scene, but the directing and acting didn’t match up with that intention. Whatever happened, this is just an example of why this scene wasn’t very well-adapted. (Also, if Lucas is so insecure he can’t notice that Eliott is smiling happily and kissing him, then how did he get so confident within like 30 seconds to move in for a kiss in public? Overcoming both his internalized homophobia and his doubts to that degree in that short of a time?)
I do want to acknowledge that in Julie’s original script, the scene played out more like the one here, with Even kissing Isak at the very start and having his happiness and desire for Isak more visible. But in Julie’s notes, she also acknowledged that it was a hard scene to figure out and that the changes from script to shooting benefited the scene. Ultimately, this line felt right and fitting to the tone of the OG scene as it was filmed, but here it felt off. I didn’t get why Lucas was asking except because it was in the original show.
We get Eliott asking if Lucas would tell his parents, and at this point I was flabbergasted that they really were going to rush this hugely important, amazing scene to this degree. No room for buildup or mood, just cranking out the dialogue as if it’s obligatory. We get this conversation similar to OG where Lucas explains his dad feels guilty for leaving so he’s not going to say anything, and his mom is crazy so he doesn’t care. There is one nice moment where Lucas tells Eliott not to worry and Eliott says he’s not worried, but immediately asks why Lucas doesn’t talk to her. So you know, he is worried. That was a good, subtle moment. Eliott has a clear sad reaction to Lucas saying he doesn’t need crazy people in his life, and IMO it’s pretty obvious to viewers (though not to Lucas) but I still think Maxence did a decent job here.
Lucas is pulls out the drawing made for him, but Eliott just says Lucas is going to be late for class, all his warmth gone. When Lucas goes in for a kiss, Eliott ruffles Lucas’ hair instead. LMAO. Well, it’s not really funny at all in context of Eliott’s feelings, but it’s also just such a clear shutdown that I can’t help but find it amusing. Lucas does not find it amusing, stands there in surprise and confusion, looking down at his drawing. 
Also, Eliott ruffled Lucas’ hair in episode 2, at the end of their lovely evening together, with a lot of sexual tension between them, so this is an unpleasant reversal. That moment felt like a “hello, I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” This moment is a goodbye.
Anyway, this scene was a mess!
Was there a reason why they were outside? Did someone see them? Is there going to be gossip? Why did Eliott kiss Lucas outside when he knows Lucas is closeted? Why did Lucas go in for a kiss at the end (more on that in a minute)? If there is a bullying/rumors storyline as people suspect, that could just as efficiently be done with, for instance, having them meet in an empty classroom and someone walks in on them or spies on them, or secretly takes a picture of them looking close. Maybe they don’t even see the person in the clip themselves, or they hear a noise but by the time they turn around, the person is gone. That way it would be more believable that they would kiss when they think they’re in total privacy, but could also lead to a storyline where the rumors get out. Or, you know ... there were rumors in OG because of Emma, so just have that escalate with Chloe. She fucking yells that Lucas is gay at the end of the episode. There’s just no need for this scene to be outside, it defies logic, and it kills the mood of the clip. It destroys the feeling of Lucas and Eliott having a secret relationship, it ruins the intimacy of making their feelings so clear to each other and of Lucas’ confession about his mom. It’s a really big deal for Lucas to tell someone about his mom! Overall the setting should reflect the content of the scene and this was just strange. Lmao, they didn’t even seem to go very far, weren’t they talking right outside the classroom? Is Imane going to look up and be like, hmm, there’s Lucas and Eliott having a conversation through the window?
I saw people be happy that Lucas moved in for the kiss at the end, and I mean, I get it, that’s the ideal outcome, for Lucas to be out and proud and comfortable with himself. I’m not going to rag on people for being happy about that. But I don’t buy it. He’s startled Eliott kisses him at the beginning of the clip. Then 60 seconds later he’s moving in to initiate a kiss. In public. Like … what is that doing for Lucas’ character arc? Is the only reason he didn’t want to kiss at the beginning of the clip because he didn’t know what Eliott had been doing, and not because of his internalized homophobia? How did he become okay with kissing him outside where people could see in just a minute? It just seems terribly weak for his characterization, and unrealistic that someone who’s so deep in the closet that he goes around flinging homophobic slurs and romancing girls can undo part of that in such a short time. (Especially combined with the Pride clip the next day.)
On that note, Lucas did not ask Eliott where he had been the past few days, there was no acknowledgment of all that Eliott had been gone, so if that was a problem for Lucas, it got swept away. Not as big of an issue as others, but it seemed odd that it went unmentioned when Lucas spent time looking for Eliott and trying to talk to him.
Why was this scene so short? I know there are time restrictions for the episodes, but why in the world was the cake clip necessary over more time allotted to this incredibly important clip? Just because they’re required to include the girl squad? Does the entire squad have to be in every episode, and was there no better way to include them? For example, instead of this clip, what if we opened with the girls eating cake and talking about the common room, but Lucas gets a text from Eliott and excuses himself, then meets and talks with Eliott? If there was anything relevant about the cake clip for future episodes, start with the girls talking about that, then Lucas gets the text and leaves. Seems like a way better use of time.
I don’t mind Eliott being frostier with Lucas at the end, turning away from the kiss, but he does such a complete mood change in such a short time span that it feels a little ridiculous that Lucas didn’t notice. Eliott up until he asked about Lucas’ parents: smiling his ass off. Elliot when Lucas said that thing about his dad: still a tiny smile, receptive to what Lucas is saying. Eliott when Lucas goes in for a kiss: not having it. There is one thing that they talked about in between Eliott’s mood change (or two, I guess, with Lucas mentioning hedgehogs). The mystery element is made less, well, mysterious and more obvious for both viewers and Lucas. Even still gave Isak a goodbye kiss, a parting affection, meaning that it’d be harder for Isak to immediately trace the source of the breakup to that conversation; Eliott is done with Lucas right that fucking second. I get that Lucas isn’t the brightest, but I’m also like … he’s really not going to connect the dots even a little? Even if he doesn’t understand the whole scenario, doesn’t that stick out to him? (Even when Raptor Alex said something like Eliott freaked out the other day?)
Eliott asking about Lucas’ parents was such a jarring transition, and it’s because of pacing. Even just asks it of Isak, too, in a way that could be jarring, but because of the slower pace, the more vulnerable atmosphere, the acting, it doesn’t feel like a 180-degree scene change, it feels more like a natural direction for their conversation to take. The boys tentatively began the scene and were somewhat walking on eggshells toward each other; Even’s question therefore has a kind of fragility that’s in line with the atmosphere, he’s testing out whether Isak will be OK if they date. There’s a lack of vulnerability in this scene, at least up until that point: Eliott is perfectly fine and dandy, Lucas is apparently conflicted but it doesn’t really land. So the transition of topic just feels sudden rather than fitting the mood. It’s just a hugely weird execution.
Stuff I feel bad about saying but I’m going to say it in the interest of honesty: I think Axel has improved a huge amount from earlier seasons and has done good work in other scenes this season. But it felt like Lucas was bored during this scene. I got zero sense of say, wistfulness from him talking about his mom. He didn’t even seem that happy once Eliott told him things were off and they were bumping foreheads? It could have been a much more layered performance. Like … I just don’t feel happiness for Lucas once Eliott tells him it’s off with Lucille, because Lucas himself doesn’t seem to care. I think his parting look of confusion was good, but during the conversation itself, it was lacking. Is it just because Lucas is putting up a front and not trying to show how much he cares? Then how does that work with him trying to go in for a kiss at the end? Like with the previous clip with the boy squad, I blame this a lot on the clip being rushed and not having time to really sink into Lucas’ emotions. But it was just unfortunate because the material in this scene is so complex. 
Another thing I feel bad about saying but have to admit: Their chemistry has been good so far, but in this scene, it felt off. Like when Eliott went in to bump foreheads? Super awkward. He’s beaming and Lucas is not into it. And you can say that’s because he’s still not sure what’s going on, sure, but there’s no sense of like … wanting to lean in to the touch but feeling conflicted, or the gesture calming him or convincing him, it’s like Eliott is on a completely different plane than Lucas, and that doesn’t really make sense before Lucas drops the bomb about his mom. You can’t avoid that this scene between Isak and Even made such an impact because the actors were so in sync with each other. That scene felt overwhelmingly intimate, like we were spying on them in a private moment (which it was). The lack of intimacy here in what’s essentially a soul-baring moment is disappointing.
Just. Not good.
Clip 6 - Pride
Lucas is lying on the couch, his new home. Mika plops down and talks about how awesome the couch is, especially if someone like Eliott sleeps over again. Again, it feels jarring because there is zero buildup to this conversation, Mika says it right away, no easing into the conversation (and again, I know that there are time restrictions with the episode, and I’m sympathetic but that doesn’t make it feel less weird - not to mention I have quibbles with how they’re allotting their time). However, Lucas is like “seriously?” and Mika does seem to reconsider, saying that he’s there if Lucas wants to talk and getting up to leave. It works in the sense that Mika’s not been portrayed as sensitive to Lucas as Eskild was to Isak, so I can buy him being inelegant with bringing it up, but still, feels more like a necessity of them having to cram in this scene rather than a conscious character choice.
Lucas does decide to tell Mika about Eliott, and Mika seems pleased. Lucas wants to keep it under wraps, though, saying he doesn’t want to scream that he’s with Eliott or walk hand in hand with him. Which feels off considering he was ready to kiss Eliott on the mouth in public yesterday, which would scream he was with Eliott to anyone watching - again, why I feel that moment was inconsistent. Mika compares it to when Lucas was with Sarah, and Lucas says it was fake with Sarah. I like this bit comparing the two relationships. Mika is chill and happy for Lucas. Despite their relationship not being depicted in the strongest way IMO, it’s a nice moment.
Lucas says this doesn’t mean he’s gay, it’s fine to be proud of being gay, but he’s not gay as in camp. When Mika asks what he means, Lucas says he’s not going to tell people how many dicks he sucked over the weekend, or dance to pop music, or post naked pics on Grindr (especially damning since we saw Mika do just that a few weeks ago). Mika of course connects it to himself. Lucas tries to backtrack but puts his foot in his mouth further, saying he’s never going to Gay Pride and throw dick-shaped glitter on people just because he liked a guy. Mika gets pissed and the scene happens much like the OG Pride clip, talking about how the guys Lucas is talking about are suffering for just trying to be themselves. Mika gets pissed and walks off.
I’m fine with Mika’s reaction being more focused on anger whereas Eskild seemed more hurt and betrayed. Eskild and Isak were closer so that made sense. Mika seems more distant from Lucas so it works that the focus is more on his anger, less than someone he considers part of the family is degrading him.
This scene is so important in all contexts, all cultures, that I am really glad it’s here. Of all the things I hope that the remakes do include, the Pride clip is one of them - even if it’s not the exact same speech or dialogue, then a similar sentiment or lesson is really needed.
That being said, I do think they could have done this scene better from a storytelling standpoint, just by building up Mika and Lucas’ relationship and by not rushing the conversation. There are some nuances in the OG that did not come across here - like I think part of the reason that Isak started running his mouth about not being gay was that he noted that Eskild didn’t seem surprised, and Eskild didn’t deny it, saying he met Isak at a gay bar, and Isak was feeling some insecurity over being so transparent. That’s just my interpretation, though. However, Lucas also has not been dealing with the issue of stereotypes and generalizations to this point? His “gay test” was over something else, he didn’t call out the dance teacher for being too gay, etc. so this is like the first time he’s brought up this topic. I know we had the issue of generalizations mentioned by Alex and Imane but Lucas barely seemed affected by that incident. They could have built that up more, or preferably, re-wrote this scene to be more about Lucas’ behavior in past episodes, like him throwing around homophobic slurs just to distance himself from being gay. Have Mika call him out on that (like instead of focusing on stereotypes, Lucas says, “I’m not a [slur] just because I like a guy” and that’s why Mika gets pissed).
Side note, but it occurs to me that I don’t think we’ve heard about Mika and Lucas’ backstory at all? Like how Mika came to let Lucas hide in the basement before Manon invited him to take her room. I hope we hear about it in a future episode, because even if their relationship isn’t as important, it’s still something of an unresolved plot issue how Lucas came to live in the cellar last season.
Also, not to make light of this, but kind of awkward now because Lucas is living on the couch and can’t hide out in his room from Mika after this conversation.
Lucas texts Eliott that he told his roommate. I wonder what he was expecting from Eliott - probably support? Happiness? Eliott wanted to know how Lucas’ parents would react, and Mika’s not a parent but he’s someone in Lucas’ life, who lives with him, so it would be important. Instead, Eliott texts back, “That’s cool, I’m happy for you” which is frankly rather cold and detached, especially considering he follows up with the spiel about needing more time and them going too fast. This makes Lucas angry and he smacks the cushions. I think this is a good reaction, different from Isak who seemed just in disbelief that Even could be calling it off after asking to be his boyfriend the previous day. It fits with Lucas being more hot-headed and feeling out of control. He texts the guys about their plans for tomorrow, then throws his phone aside and sits back. Again, more like he’s pissed rather than stunned.
Clip 7 - Really bad night
The other three boys are playing a video game (not FIFA!) and Lucas is sitting there dejected, staring at Eliott’s last text message. The sound goes from happy fun-time boy party to sad droning despair when we cut from the others to Lucas, like he’s so checked out he doesn’t hear his friends, or the game, or anything, he’s just so focused on that one awful text message.
Yann, bless him, notices Lucas is in a bad mood, and has him get up and go to the kitchen with him. Lmao but also OUCH at Lucas wearing a hoodie that says “romance” at the worst possible time.
Lucas is super snotty about Yann not being able to find one of the many beers in the fridge, but of course Yann just wants to talk about what’s clearly bothering Lucas and why he’s avoiding them. Lucas denies there’s a problem, but Yann wants to know whether they’re friends or pretending? Lucas keeps denying and says if there was a problem, he’d tell Yann, and he just wants to enjoy the night. Curious way of showing that, sitting there completely checked out from everyone else and snapping at them.
I’m so, so glad they had this scene, because I think they’ve done Yann a disservice this season. They’ve cut out some Jonas moments, such as Jonas calling out Isak for his comments on the dance teacher (the French boys didn’t call out Lucas to nearly the same degree, nor single out his bad mood of late) and the scene where Jonas talks to Isak at his locker in episode 4 was not there. Basically, other than the scene in episode 3, there haven’t been many clips to this point that indicate Yann has been watching Lucas and growing concerned like Jonas was for Isak. This part is a great addition and I’m happy they had a moment to build up this relationship.
Arthur and Basile run in and say they got a text about a party at Chloe’s tonight, Basile thinks it’s his night to hook up with Daphne. GOD WHY. SHE SAID NO TO YOU. WHY MUST THIS TORTURE PERSIST.
They want Lucas to get them into the party, Lucas says Chloe is mad at him, Arthur says she’s not and it’s all in his head. How would he even know? They haven’t even been talking to Lucas lately. They just want to go to the party. Yann seems to be realizing that the situation is not good, but Basile says Lucas can’t do that to him, Lucas missed his birthday
Lucas agrees to go with zero enthusiasm, Basile wants a high five but everyone ignores him, thank God. Yann seemed happy when Lucas agreed to go, so I guess he thought Lucas was trying to have a good time instead of moping all evening, but Lucas was so blatantly not into it and peer pressured into going that IDK how you can think Lucas is anything but miserable.
The boys show up to Chloe’s house and Basile is already screaming and being obnoxious with people staring at him, but there’s a guy at the door who shoves Basile back and won’t let them in. In Skam, that guy at the door seemed like a total tool, but this guy? This guy is my hero.
Daphne comes down the stairs and Basile yells at her to tell the guy to let them in. Maria sees him and is all, hey, you were the guy who held my hair at the last party! Daphne is like, oh, so you hold any girl’s hair? And she walks off. Oh, fuck you, Skam France. Of course they’re going with Basile and Daphne. Lol at them trying to pretend Basile is a totally new character and not French Magnus when we get this subplot.
Basile is dismayed. Arthur says jealousy is a good sign. GODDAMMIT. This pairing is fucked up, I don’t care if I sound like a humorless uptight meanie SJW. It’s full of sexist tropes. Basile does not take no for a fucking answer, he’s disgusted and bothered Daphne over and over again, but she’s going to fall for him because he held her hair back one time. We’re just going to reward creepy male behavior because the creep didn’t actually rape her, I guess.
Lucas sees Eliott inside the house and shoves his way inside past the bouncer dude. No convincing the guy like Isak did, just shoving, which goes with his larger temper and sourer attitude. He sees Eliott talking to Lucille. But before he can get any farther, Chloe comes up and says he has no right to be here. Lucas starts to apologize for last time, and Chloe says she’s not mad about that, she’s mad that Lucas used her and treated her like a fool when he’s gay.
She outright yells, “You’re gay, Lucas!” in the middle of a crowded room so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone heard. JFC, Chloe. She is understandably pissed considering the way Lucas has played with her, but it is not okay to out someone like that. She’s being extremely careless. He seems like he’s not even totally present or hearing what she’s saying, like he seems in disbelief that she’s saying what she is. It’s a good reaction, like he’s overwhelmed by everything, and numb that she’s calling him out on what he’s denied to himself and others.
I actually could not tell if Eliott and Lucille disappeared, or if Lucas noticed that they were gone before he left the house. The way it’s filmed makes it seem like he was so rattled by Chloe that he just decided to leave. Eliott was already with Lucille so Lucas didn’t seem about to confront him (compared to Even who was not with Sonja until right as she showed up and kissed him).
So Lucas walks out and shoves Yann out of the doorway. Then shoves Basile. Then Arthur drops a comment about Lucas having a family issue, which seems … out of character, kinda. Mahdi and Isak had more of an established friction than Arthur and Lucas, AND Arthur was very supportive when Lucas first told them about his mom in episode 3. Basile was the one throwing a fit that Lucas canceled the party with the girls. I’m pretty sure that’s why people were speculating(/hoping) that Basile would be the one to get punched, because it was Basile with the prior issue. (But honestly, I feel like Arthur hasn’t been given a ton of characterization in the gang, and his primary role has been to egg on Basile’s pursuit of various women. For all people say Mahdi is underdeveloped? We still knew more about him at this point than Arthur, actually. We had more of a sense of his role in the group, and it didn’t seem out of nowhere that Mahdi would say that thing about Isak’s family.)
Lucas shoves Arthur against the side of the house. Yann jumps in, Arthur manages to hit Lucas in the head, which is shitty but tbh, I can’t get too mad at him since Lucas came out shoving everyone for seemingly no reason. Obviously Lucas is going through tons of shit but the boys don’t know the context, only that he’s lashing out at all of them. 
And as a final blow, as Lucas walks away from the house, he sees Eliott and Lucille kissing against the side of it. Eliott seems happy and initiating the kissing with Lucille, unlike Even who seemed to only respond and get into the kiss after Sonja initiated (and IMO, had a twinge of sadness in his reaction). So Eliott seems way more suddenly OK with Lucille and satisfied with choosing her. Which is kind of interesting because Even was the one giving more mixed signals to Isak, while Eliott seemed so much more sure he was done with Lucille and ready to move on with Lucas.
Meanwhile, Arthur is yelling about how he wants to slap Lucas and how he’s been acting like an asshole for several weeks. Would’ve been good if we got some clearer signs that Arthur was upset about it? Not super obvious, but IDK, more focus on Arthur’s reactions, or being more passive-aggressive. Obviously he could have been bottling up his resentment toward Lucas, but from a narrative perspective, it feels like there should have been more of an indication. (There is some passive-aggressiveness from him in the SM content but I didn’t feel like it really carried into the clips themselves.)
Lucas storms home alone, then starts punching a door and yelling before clutching his fist and sliding to the ground, crying. His fist is bleeding. Again, way more rage, and it seems like the full extent of all that’s happened sinks in only at the end.
Social Media/General Comments
Eliott posts a drawing of rain on his secret IG with the caption “not scared” on it. No prize for guessing what that’s about, but still, very sweet! Not just in a romantic way but a nice moment for himself, not being afraid to take his life in a new direction.
Also, Lucas posts that he’s listening to a song called “Over There, It’s Raining” which is touchingly sentimental, heh.
Chloe is PISSED and is mad about being stood up alone with a crying Lucille and says she’s not going to forget it this time, he’s taking her for a fool. Which is ominous as hell and makes it seem like her outing him is going to be more deliberate, tbh.
Basile’s party was a busy night.
The boys ask “Where’s Lucas?” on IG and document their booze/grocery shopping trip, noting from time to time that Lucas isn’t there. Dude, why isn’t Lucas there? Eliott left in the late afternoon. Anyway, Yann in particular seemed annoyed about it since he seemed to bring it up. Although they were ready to buy Lucas ice cream.
I mentioned this in the last reaction post, but I have ZERO idea why the girl squad showed up to Basile’s party when Basile has been actively creepy to Daphne and when the boy squad was just shitting on the girls a few days ago when ranking them on IG. Not just being gross and sexist in general, but shitting on Alex and Daphne and Manon in particular. I’m serious, why would you even bother with these dickheads?
Sure enough, Basile tries to get a kiss from Daphne in an IG story and she goes for Alexia instead. Why. Why. (Not her giving Alex a kiss, that’s great. Why must I watch this other nightmare of a pairing happen.)
Basile said his hot cousin was supposed to be there, but it looks like just the boy and girl squads showed up, lmao.
The absence of Lucas is so well-documented in the IG stories from this party that it goes from passive-aggressive to just plain aggressive.
NO, do NOT let Basile and Daphne leave together. Daphne is really really fucking drunk. They’ve been gone for like 30 minutes…. Daphne’s friends just let her wander off with Basile when she’s super drunk and has made it clear she doesn’t want him? JFC.
I did not worry that Basile was actually going to rape Daphne or something, because that would be way too extreme for this show in this season. I did worry that we would maybe get more “comic relief” sexual harassment that the SkamFr crew doesn’t seem to realize is harassment. Plus, in-universe we have had Basile touching girls while drunk, we’ve had him being creepy. So while my knowledge of genre/TV prevented me from thinking he’d assault her, there are completely valid reasons to be concerned for Daphne in this moment. 
The Skam France must have seen people’s horrified reactions to the Basile and Daphne content, because they broke Lucas’ POV to have a text message between the two of them. Daphne says “thanks for your help last night, you’re not so dumb (don’t tell anyone I said that)” and Basile is like, you’re welcome, hope you’re feeling better! And like … I’m relieved that this was all it was between them, but I’m still pissed this is where they’re going with it. I hate that Basile “not being so dumb” after all is going to be his redemption or whatever. This dude has been gross enough that it’s a meager consolation. It’s as if I kicked you in the face and knocked you down and then helped you stand up. One nice deed doesn’t make up for everything else.
Not to make generalizations, but: I have lots of problems with Noorhelm/William, in terms of sexist tropes, but there’s something about that storyline and his character that feels specifically like a female fantasy. I can tell a woman wrote it. Taking the bare bones of that romance: handsome rich bad boy falls for strong independent girl and changes his womanizing ways? Classic romantic trope. At its core, it’s not so different from something like Twilight, the “dangerous” guy and the one girl who’s special enough to break through his walls. It’s something that is appealing to women (not all women, obviously, but it’s disingenuous to pretend this isn’t a popular romantic dynamic.) It is appealing to women because the love interest is someone desirable.
The Basile/Daphne thing, though? Male fantasy. I can tell men were behind the camera (even if those dudes are not straight). Because I don’t think women particularly enjoy this dynamic. A gross dude who pursues a girl despite her being uninterested? Not really a fantasy that women have, that their nasty classmate or co-worker will keep trying to romance them until they’re worn down. In fact, many women have to live through this so-called fantasy and know it’s not pleasant. Basile is not portrayed as romantically desirable, and that’s not a value judgment on his attractiveness or anything, just a fact about his characterization. What I feel is that we’re supposed to align our empathy with Basile more than Daphne: the poor unlucky awkward loser who has a good heart, really, he’s just not the most skilled with girls. And that’s why it seems like it’s a male fantasy. The unlucky-in-love guy is the one who will get the girl at the end of the day. It’s funny and relatable to the male writer/director/crew because, no offense, perhaps they don’t get the girl’s perspective. The societal pressure and media characterization is not the same with the genders reversed. Men are socialized not to take no for an answer, to think that they are entitled to women’s affection.
Anyway, I really don’t think they expected some of the backlash to Basile and to Basile/Daphne, they probably figured it would be funny, like Magnus/Vilde, ignoring that Magnus/Vilde did not have the same consent issues and harassment. So in S4 it’s likely we’ll get more wacky Basile/Daphne antics and TMI, since they don’t have time to take the viewer feedback into account before they film the season.
Lucas trying to get Eliott’s attention by sending him a picture of a baby hedgehog is really cute. He also embraces that hedgehog motif by posting a pic of one on IG. I find that really endearing, like he’s latching onto something Eliott said about it, he’s making it meaningful. It reminds me a lot of Even latching onto every single thing Isak did and making it a Thing between them.
Meanwhile, Eliott had a shit time - he didn’t reply to Lucas at all, it seems, although Even replied briefly to Isak after he left, even though he didn’t give clear answers to why he’d gone. Eliott is instead posting pics of My Own Private Idaho alluding to his rough situation, saying everything will be all right, and then showing his raccoon fursona behind a brick wall after Lucas tells him that crap about not wanting mentally ill people in his life. Which is way too sad than anything involving a cute cartoon raccoon has the right to be.
There’s an IG story of Mika and Manon book shopping, referring to their “common passion” and mentioning a gay author, which makes me think they went shopping for LGBT-related books in relation to what’s happening with Lucas. I mean I guess their common passion could just be books in general, but I like the idea of them trying to find ways to help Lucas.
Mika also makes an IG post after the Pride clip about respecting “queens” and LGBT elders for their sacrifices and all the shit they’ve had to go through. It’s a more structured way of what he was expressing to Lucas in the clip and would have made for a great speech, although I think it makes sense for him to be angrier in the heat of the moment, and then this is him gathering his thoughts afterward, when he has more time to think about what to say. Great post, though.
After the end of the episode, Eliott posts some sketches of his raccoon and Lucille the cat being all cuddly, which I think were deleted later because I can no longer see them? But I think they’re the same sketches he had done earlier in the season, pre-Lucas, so it’s like him going back to the status quo, same as before, by getting back with Lucille.
Yann posted a pic where Basile and Arthur are happy and Lucas is so blatantly miserable that it feels like a parody, why the fuck would Yann even post that if he’s concerned about Lucas’ well-being. 
I’m not French so please feel free to clarify or correct me if I missed something.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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deejadabbles · 5 years
Not Quite Unrequited Yami x Reader Chapter 2
Two: Closer Still
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven
Summary: Yami would do whatever it took to keep his friendship with you intact, even if it meant putting on a smile and pushing his love for you aside. You knew Yugi loved Anzu, but getting over your feelings for him was hard, especially when time made feelings for another best friend arise.
AU where Duel Monsters is just a (vastly popular) card game and Yami and Yugi are twins. This is a fic I’ve already posted this on my AO3 but I wanted to spread the Yu-gi-oh x Reader love here on tumblr.
A.N: I can't help but to think that Yami would be on the student council in a "regular" modern AU, maybe it's the leader/Pharaoh in him haha. Anyway this chapter doesn't have anything too amazing in it, just kind of a filler chapter to show your growth with both Yugi and Yami, hope you guys still like it though~
Months passed and eventually the pain inside you started to fade. The ache in your chest was duller now when you saw Yugi glancing longingly at Anzu’s turned back. The urge to reach out for him on the walks to school lessened with every day. Whenever Yugi was low on confidence you could give a simple, platonic insistence that he was more amazing than he knew alongside Jonouchi. Things were getting better.
Yami was different however, not in a major way, not even something permanent, but you just knew something had been bothering him recently. Whenever you asked him if something was wrong he would always just smile and say he was fine. You knew he was lying. You even started to become horribly paranoid that it was because of you, that coming to him about Yugi had crossed a line. It bothered you, this sudden and subtle change in the friend you held so dear.
Dreading the notion that it was your doing, you pulled him aside one day after class and asked him simple and clean if you had been in the wrong to go to him that day; already pleading a heartfelt apology if that was the case. His answer had been a hurried, emphatic no. So emphatic that it had startled you a little, so unlike it of Yami to borderline panic with words, even for a moment. He had recovered himself quickly with a deep breath, before repeating, more calm this time around, that you had not crossed a line. He had looked you in the eyes with that intense, yet almost serene, contained passion of his when he insisted that you could always come to him, no matter what. A profound relief had flooded you in an instant.
It was almost funny how, even before that particular conversation, the process of getting over Yugi had brought you closer to Yami. You started going out of your way to talk to just him more often, you sent him messages more frequently, you even found yourself thinking about him more. Yami had always been your friend in his own right, never just an extension of your closeness to Yugi, but Yami’s guarded nature had always made it hard to get close to him. Perhaps it was his slightly off behavior lately, maybe you had an innate need to make an even more personal effort with him in order to figure out or help him through whatever was bothering him, even if he didn’t tell you what it was. Yami did not seem to mind your increase in attention; he reciprocated and held your conversations, answered your messages and even started sending his own to you more frequently.
Actually, you started to wonder if this increase in your one-on-one time with Yami had been subconsciously influenced by Yugi’s sudden tendency to mention him when you two were alone. You had pulled away from Yugi just a bit as you got over your wounded heart, but you two still talked often, as it had always been between you two. You hadn’t even noticed this odd new reoccurrence at first. After all, it was not unlike Yugi to talk about Yami, the two were closer than close, but every time the older brother wasn’t around Yugi seemed to work him into the conversation somehow. You finally actively took notice to this when it hit you that he only spoke like this to you. He didn’t bring up Yami at every opportunity when talking to Jonouchi or Honda or Anzu, just you.
One of these conversations came about when you, Anzu, Jonouchi and of course, Yugi, were sitting together during your free period to play a hand of Duel Monsters. Yami was absent due to student council business, being the class rep and having more responsibilities to attend to.
While playing a Duel with Jonouchi, Yugi had once again brought the conversation around to his brother. “I keep telling him he needs to take on less when it comes to the student council, I’m worried that he’s been taking on more than he can handle.”
You almost failed to notice him glance at you from the corner of his eye, as if to gauge your reaction, almost. Never actually minding his turns in conversation you replied with a thoughtful sigh. “I can see why you’d worry, he can be a bit reluctant to rely on others even when he should. But it’s Yami we’re talking about, he could have the whole world on his shoulders and just say it was nothing so long as we were with him- all while giving us a thumbs up and a wink. I’m sure he’ll be okay, Yugi, if it starts to be too much, we’ll notice.”
The boy nodded his head, simultaneously claiming a small victory as his card sent one of Jonouchi’s monsters to the graveyard. He took on a bit of a smile as he added “You’re right. I’ve also been trying to hint that maybe he needs to make sure he puts aside time for other things besides friends and school.”
“Like what, Yug?” Jonouchi asked as he drew two cards to his hand.
“Well, you know, maybe to date?”
You and Jonouchi shared a bit of a questioning look, both of you thinking this was a bit out of the blue, at least in your eyes. Yami was always encouraging when it came to the romantic endeavors of his friends. Giving a thumbs up as Honda mustered up the courage to say hi to his blue-haired crush after class. Giving his blunt but somehow still heartfelt opinion on the obvious “more than just rivalry” tension between Jonouchi and a certain rich boy in their class. But he himself pursuing anything along those lines? He had never expressed any interest in dating or romance, at least not in your presence.
“Has he said anything about wanting to date?” you asked.
Yugi shrugged “A bit. I mean, he’s not the type to be interested in or even flirt with just anyone, but I don’t know, with someone special I think he’d want to.”
“Hm, I could see it” Anzu chimed it, chin resting on her hand as she looked at Yugi with a thoughtful expression. “Now the real question is: what type of person do you think he’d be interested in?”
“Well, they’d have to be someone kind and loyal. He can get a bit shy with himself when it comes to something as personal as romance would be, they’d have to be patient with him at first so probably someone he already trusts, someone he’s already friends with. I think someone funny or a bit quirky would be perfect for him, you know, kinda balance him out.”
Anzu gave a little giggle and glanced in your direction “You know, the more you talk the more it sounds like you’re describing a certain someone right here” she ended with a wink wholly aimed at you.
Heat flooded up from your chest as both Yugi and Jonouchi turned considering gazes on you. “Oh- oh come on! Yami would never go for someone like me.”
“Hey don’t sell yourself short!” Yugi was quick to counter “You’re amazing, you two could make a great couple!”
“He isn’t wrong, I could totally see it” Anzu agreed.
You crossed your arms and prayed the blush on your face wasn’t as bright as it felt- wait, you were blushing? Why were you blushing!? With an eye roll that would- with any hope, shake off their comments you replied “So what’s up with this sudden talk about Yami dating anyway, Yugi? Not like this is a topic we’ve talked about before.”
Suddenly looking more than a little flustered, like a kid who had been caught in a questionable shenanigan, he scratched the back of his head. “Oh! Well- you know…You just start thinking about these things sometimes- I mean… uh…”
Anzu reached out and laid a hand over Yugi’s, looking at him with a fond smile that calmed him instantly. “I think Yugi’s just got romance on the brain, because…well…We’ve been trying to find the best way to bring it up, but I think we should just come out and tell you guys that, Yugi and I are dating now!”
You and Jonouchi gave a variety of shocked reactions, the blonde opting for garbled shouts of “wha- how- when did- WHAT?!” and you going with a more classic gasp and hand-over-mouth combo.
Yugi gave a small shrug “It happened over the weekend, we just told each other how we really felt and…” he didn’t need to finish the explanation with words as he turned his amethyst irises on Anzu with nothing but pure love written in them. “Sorry we didn’t tell you guys right away, it’s just kinda hard to bring up with mutual friends, you know?”
“Nah, don’t sweat it, I’m just glad you told us now” Jonouchi assured, “It’s about time too, I was starting to worry you two would never get your heads straight and get together.”
They shared a laugh at the thought that he had been waiting for his friends to just ‘shut and kiss already’ for a while now. Then Yugi and Anzu looked to you, as you had yet to make an actual comment.
You gave them a smile, one that reached your eyes and came from the heart “Agreed, it’s about time you both admitted it! But honestly, I’m really happy for you two. You’re perfect for each other.”
The best part about that statement was not only that you wholeheartedly meant it, but that it finally did not hurt to think about a future with them together.
After class Yugi and Anzu announced that they were heading off together, their wording making you and Jou realize that they wanted some alone time. “It’s gonna be like this more and more now, isn’t it?” Jou had whispered to you as the new couple walked a few steps ahead on the way to the front gates. And yes, you suspected that this would be a common occurrence as time went by, but that was okay, you knew they would never shove their friends out completely.
“Oh, where did Yami run off to? He left before the bell even rang” you asked as you noticed he had yet to return, and would have to walk home alone at this rate.
“More student council business. He said it wouldn’t take him long but still didn’t want to keep us waiting” Yugi answered.
You paused in your steps, just short of halfway down the stairs to the ground floor. “Actually, I think I’ll go ahead and wait for him anyway. He’s had to walk home alone a lot lately and I don’t have any plans today.”
Jonouchi just gave a shrug to your words, but you did not miss the way Yugi and Anzu looked at each other hopefully before Anzu gave you yet another wink “Okie dokie! Make sure to text him that you’re waiting, k?”
And just like that, they were off, leaving you to sigh in exasperation before turning on your heel and walking back up the stairs. You found the student council room’s door agar when you came to it, and a peek inside said that they were just filing things away post meeting and that Yami was not there.
You gave a gentle knock on the open door, “Excuse me, do any of you know where Yami Motou is?”
“He said he had other business to attend to” the boy at the filing cabinet gave a dreamy sigh “He’s so responsible and cool, always going above and beyond.”
Ah, so the council assistant was one of Yami’s many ‘admirers’. You stifled a giggle as another assistant walked up to the boy, shaking her head and slamming the drawer in front of him shut.
“Quit daydreaming about your senpai and get back to work” she snapped.
Hiro, a particularly popular third-year boy who was his own class’s president, gave you a warm smile, ignoring his companions “To be more specific, I think he said he was going to the library.”
“Thank you!” you offered a quick bow before heading in that direction.
You passed no students in the hallway and it wasn’t a surprise when you got to the library and found it empty save for the familiar figure in the biology section, sliding books back into their rightful places. He caught you out of the corner of his eye and looked pretty surprised -though not unhappy- to see you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Figured I’d wait for you so you wouldn’t have to walk home alone again” oddly enough, you thought you saw a hint of pink cross his cheeks when you ended on a warm smile.
“I’ll be here awhile, I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting.”
Giving him a shrug you closed the distance between you two and took half of the tall stack of books in his hands. “Then I’ll help so you get done quicker!”
He answered the kind gesture with a smile of his own. That was another noteworthy observation; lately he had been giving you actual smiles more and more, not just cocky and playful smirks, but genuine sweet smiles.
With that smile he gave a little bow of his head, “You’re too sweet, thank you.”
“So,” you began, working on your stack of books, “why are you here anyway? Didn’t think the library was on your list of school activities.”
“You know Miho from our class?”
“Honda’s crush from back in first year? Yes.”
“She’s the assistant librarian but she wasn’t feeling well today, so I offered to finish her duties so she could go home early.”
You let out an appreciative hum “Yami, I demand you retract your previous statement. You are the only one here who is too sweet!”
That deep, practically trademarked chuckle rose from his throat “How about we agree that both of us are worthy of the title?”
“I suppose I can consent to that” you had to walk past him to put away your next book, so as you said your last word you gave him a playful shoulder bump.
His typical smirk was back in place as he looked at you over his shoulder, watching you disappear with a wide grin behind the bookshelves. With you out of sight he finally let out the shaky breath he had been holding. Your grin, your laughter, your words, all of it sent him spinning. Pressing his forehead to the bookshelf he tried to calm his racing heart, though hearing you hum to yourself just kept the cute image of your smile fresh in his mind.
If you only knew what you did to him.
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Slovenia to Eurovision with a dreamy couple
Oh boi, now here comes another NF I wasn’t interested in. I don’t hate EMA as a thing, it’s just that it’s infamous for not listening to what people want most of the time, often axing their faves (BQL, Raiven, Nika Zorjan, even going as far back as Saša Lendero and Nina Pušlar...). This year it seemed like Raiven finally had what it takes with her post-dubstep-era dubstep tune, “Kaos”. BUT did she go? Oh nope
Instead we got possibly the best thing that ever happened to Slovenia. That thing is this one entry sung by a cute crossover of Lorde and that trombone fetus thing from Courage the Cowardly Dog (well, at least she looks better than him, hence why ‘cute’), Zala Kralj, and she has her 2-year-long partner Gašper Šantl by her side too, to make up the musical part for the couple’s Eurovision 2019 entry for Slovenia, “Sebi”.
Let’s start reviewing this by complimenting its atmosphere. It’s cosmic. It’s pure. It’s pleasant. I feel like I’m floating among the stars... in the same way as if someone is projecting a star backdrop on a wall and I’m just against the projection, dancing silly. I feel like I’m covered in stardust. This is achieved by the composition of the song, which is very melodic, although a bit background-music-like. It incorporates a lot of those softened hi-hats, soaring synth waves and harmonious additional backing vocals (I think I heard those? whatever that was that adds more depth and gorgeousness to the song...). The lyrics are also cute, the poetry here is pretty fascinating, and I love the hints of intimacy and nature. The chorus reminds me that you have to stay true to what you are and who you stand for, and you don’t need to apologize for being different. Something along the lines of this. And Zala sounds like a person that could do a vocal ASMR therapy - and I imagine that as something that gives tingles to my neck everytime I hear it. You just need to strip the melody away and let me listen to more of those silent, soft-spoken, eerie whispers, and usually I feel creeped out and want it to stop, but at the same time it’s seducing and oddly enough I want some more.
This song has its faults though - it’s supposedly the song being repetitive (look at that chorus’ lyrics, just repeating 3 lines during it doesn’t really suffice, especially with the song being composed like THAT), Zala’s vocals being so hauntingly chill they even sound too calming or too monotonous, and this song is a simple electronic track with it just flowing all so well? Like, it’s something you’d find more on an unknown project’s Bandcamp page and that project usually has 1500 views or so on their videos. It’s a soothing ocean, it’s a galaxy, but sometimes the silence overwhelms you too much you just want to fucking scream... or fall asleep and miss the beauty of it all.
So as a whole it’s a stellar ride through galaxies and supernovas: the song. Great production, slight lo-fi vibe (idk how to explain it but everything here feels so... hmm... soft tune and quiet vocals make it to be something of the more indie-er side of a lower-cost production I suppose?) and sparks of pure bliss raining down on me whenever I remember or hear it. Truly, truly some indie goodness.
The most interesting part? The guys seem too overwhelmed about their Eurovision experience! Sure, Eurovision doesn’t require a too-laidback approach from the participants, but there always are Eurovision non-enthusiasts (seriously, don’t yell at Eurovision participants on Youtube comments when they fail to recognize a language of a song’s from a previous year! Just because they didn’t hear it and/or forgot the language, doesn’t mean they need to be put at stake), or those who just didn’t expect to win their NFs and then are like “shit um now I need to do something about that Eurovision thing I guess”. Salvador never really watched it before, AWS didn’t really hope to participate in Eurovision at the early stages of their NF, now we don’t really hear much Eurovision news and shit from these two Slovenians... well except of them releasing a shortened version of their song so it could comply to Eurovision’s lenght rules (giving it an apt sub title - “Dare to Dream Version”), declaring that one line of the song’s will be sung in English so that everyone not speaking in Slovenian could understand it better (just like Lea sang the end of “Hvala, ne!” in Portuguese because... well we all understand either of them, do we? lol) and that their staging will be similar to the one they had in EMA, and that their stage clothes won’t be the same but of a similar light color. They do have Eurovision in mind, but not quite as much as some other participants, and that’s perfectly fine. As long as they do their job right, that matters.
Approval factor: I may let you in on a little secret here - this is, in fact, my absolute favourite Slovenian entry this decade, if not overall. I have a hard time approving Slovenian entries because they end up lacking something at the end. This one... kinda fits in well with me, so Zala and Gašper did enough of THAT to warrant a big fat thumbs up for me.
Follow-up factor: Wasn't a big fan of Lea's song, BUT I can confirm that she started something good for Slovenia in Eurovision, especially after qualifying. And the couple certainly continued it, so it moves on well! ^^
Qualification factor: Now that's an interesting question... I might be wrong but a part of me fears for them to become the fan favourite duo/couple with a really pretty song that doesn’t qualify, like it already happened to Norma John and ZiBBZ before. They even have been drawn to semifinal 1, ffs. But maybe there’s still a spark of hope somewhere for the two, and I’d be inclined to believe that there is. I don’t wanna see sLOVEnia flop on the year I like their song, ffs. So I’m seeing a borderline result for thee, you the nation of usually fairly-underrated songs. Maybe this cosmic sea beauty will be in them finals.
So, EMA 2019, eh? I guess that was a thing that happened. I at least admire the fact that they used dancing robots for their “not-so-postcards-but-postcards” that played before each performance (I mean, you’d get camera shots of the stage being set up for the act to perform next with their info graphic in the NF’s LED background and next to it there was a re-creation of The Creation of Adam with the other hand being one of a robot’s <3, then cut to EMA’s visual design of the year and the dancing robot person, another shot to the performing act, and then lights out). They had a good time there. And there was a duet singing Salvador Sobral’s ESC winning song, one of them performed by a person who had to be Salvador for a TV show. Ah, fun. I wasn’t all in up for the she-bang (instead I watched A Dal Semi 2 and Supernoval final on that night), but I got some other goodies that I noticed that people noticed before me, for y’all to reminisce. Here are some moments and some songs that lost to this lovely pair:
• So what’s the deal with Raiven, anyway? She’s on the show for her third time, and has already firmly grasped onto the iconic NF partaker’s status, together with.. well... other NF 3-timers (that are mostly from Sweden). This time she went all her way out to prove y’all that “dubstep’s not dead in 2019!!!1″ with her song, “Cows” “Kaos”, and a rather interesting effect show taking place on her face. I don’t know why but Raiven’s and Aly Ryan’s from Germany stagings remind me of each other, maybe because of them being so interesting? Anyway, like as usually, this multicolored songstress failed to grasp the victory of her country’s national final, and honestly, good for that to happen because in my irrelevant opinion, the dubstep in “Kaos” is ridiculously unnecessary and it doesn’t make the song flow very well. Just rework the chorus to make it more suited to the song and maybe it could have worked, as the last 30 seconds and the verses actually rock! I love me some songs that make me feel like I’m listening to sunset transcribed to actual melodies and sounds.
• The 2015 entrant couple, Raay and Marjetka, are incredibly restless for some reason, and it’s that because they have co-written quite a few songs over the past few years even since their eventual victory as themselves in 2015. Maybe they’re the Slovenian Stig Rästa, probably as in “we loved the Eurovision green room experience so we always want some more!” kind of way. This year they did 2 songs: an electro-swing inspired number about Fridays and “spending some quality time with one’s girls” for the Slovene JESC debutee Ula Ložar and a radio-pop-esque track for a lady named Kim (not Verson). The one that I gravitated towards more will have its video down below and it is probably obvious a bit now. And if it was my will, I’d’ve replaced Raiven with the below lady in the superfinal because... frankly, yet again, I’ll restate that imo it wasn’t Raiven’s year even without the eventual winners having participated...
• For a country of whose NF’s I didn’t seem to care about, they indeed had quite a few nice numbers. I already shed my thoughts on 2 of them, now here’s another one. Somehow, most countries out there shied away from having rock songs (well except Hungary because I don’t really see any other NF with more than 3 of those clearly audible rock/metal tracks, maybe has to do with the fact they already sent one last year), and as a result, none of the actually submitted ones won because things didn’t really go well with even the slightest rock-sounding songs last year (except one of them almost got into top 10). So one of the rock gems we happened to lose came from Slovenia. INMATE brought the 00s American alt-rock sound that was popular with uncomfortable teens that acted outrageous with their song “Atma” (which somehow means “soul”??). And man they were banging.
• There’s not much I want to say about the rest of the NF’s gems that you missed. Well, there was one song about horses that is considerably well-received by the fandom, perhaps because of the slow and relaxing ballad sound that surrounds it (but they don’t know the lyrics enough to start hating it). And a song co-written by last year’s Svenskfloppen winner that, as he was destined to, flopped in Melodifestivalen as well. And a decent club track that was actually one of my other favourites, together with “Atma”. And some 00s teen sitcom theme song performed by a completely-careless-about-their-image-band (they call themselves Lumberjack but they dress nothing like ‘em, I assure you) with chill-surfer-attitude-bearing, long-haired lead singer. They brought in a nice vibe at least with their color-splashing LED images and slightly energetic performance. And like I said about how the lead singer looked... well just look at him and try to not see him as a troublemaker teen archetype from a high school rom com or at least irl that can’t score a date:
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Damn, Manel Navarro really let himself go.
• Lea Sirk, besides performing the ESC winning song from two years ago in a duet with someone, and obviously re-appearing to be a honourable guest after having won EMA last year after like 4-5 tries, also served her part as a jury member. Y’know, one of those people that maybe visibly or not visibly tried to push Raiven to her eventual EMA win after her 3 tries so that she wouldn’t become an annoying NF hogger for years on end. Well that didn’t happen because the televoters went for the Zalšper couple! You gotta love it when the teleaudience picks that song for Eurovision that is performed by those that didn’t specifically submit it because they wanted Eurovision, right? Well apparently, Lea took the loss of Raiven as a small stab to her heart and was heard complaining about the unexpected outcome (simply not being able to believe Raiven lost), out loud, to the viewing audiences at home and in front of computer screens. Yep, THAT happened... And I couldn’t be bothered to find a clip of it anymore, so instead I’ll post some pictures of a visibly shook Lea with her new hairdye on fleek (I guess that was to reflect Raiven’s love for hair dye?):
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noooo why do I have to give a trophy to those whom I did not support to win... well fine I will
With all that out of the way, I just really hope for this lovey-dovey duo all the best possible with having to carry the responsibility of representing a country in a very big European music competition on their shoulders. They aren’t seemingly stressed out themselves from the looks of it (if they were in a Brantsteele’s Hunger Games simulation, they’d be those people who’d pick flowers all the time), but you know what happens when you’re given such a big honour but you let what the honour stands for down, upsetting the others who look up to the honour somehow. Terrible, terrible things. Hope the haters don’t grind these two down if anything happens. Srečno!
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